"Infinitus Dominium" FT Group, Interest/Application

A staging-point for declarations of war and other major diplomatic events. [In character]
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Founded: Oct 09, 2009

"Infinitus Dominium" FT Group, Interest/Application

Postby Kyuria » Wed Sep 25, 2013 3:52 pm

Et loquerentur ita angelus Zarathustra.

Greetings one and all, to a grand new adventure,...

Welcome dearest friends, colleges, and comrades of penmanship. I bid thee the finest of tidings and good will, and in a gesture of my love of this great site we are all gathered here upon, allow me to be the first to say that I wish you would join us in the one thing we all came here for: The great task of creation, of a story that we would all be proud to collectively call our own.
~Not to be a total dick face, but for the time being, this is all there is, sadly. What this thread will be about is the task of actually getting things sorted out so that we have something to work with before we start trying to create an ass ton of apps and posts all the while not knowing what we're even trying to ultimately accomplish. That said, any and all ideas are greatly appreciated! There isn't anything you could say that would be taken negatively unless you specifically intended for it to be that way, so come on and give your two cents. Maybe a buck fifty and a half? Who cars! We want it all! Heck, you don't even have to join, let alone care about the thread. It's NS after all, we do what we do because we're just that awesome.

Major Disclaimer: By the very nature of this RP,... we'll be dabbling in very philosophical concepts. If you're quite squeamish about these things, even in the context of a good story, then this is not for you. Let it be known that I in no way claim any more right to say these things than any one else, and that my beliefs are my own as yours are your own. In no way do I mean to insult or debase another, and as such, I would love to be able to move past such petty foolishness. The world is the world, the world exists, we are here, and this is what we are doing. Let it be that way and left at that.
On to the beauty of art then,...

The story thus far,...


Skipped, for now. The actual back story and plot will be hammered out through extensive review and feedback, plus suggestions.
Base Line:
The Universe is big. But finite. Someone may very well have been around at the beginning, but not in the traditional sense that we might consider it. Nay,... But what happens when there are two such someones? And what happens when they have a falling out?
More importantly,... what happens to us?


Rules, regulations, and your rights as players.

Here comes the Administrative part.
Now, while many rules might seem "draconian" or oppressive, they're there for your benefit. And when you follow them as you would the guard line of a rope bridge, believe me,... believe Us, when we say everyone will benefit.

That would be me. Now, most of you,... of us are familiar with the idea that the OP's word is word of god, and thus, must be unshakable law. This concept is not only flawed but simply wrong. You think I run the RP, but I don't. The reality of the matter is, I'm just a false moderator who only has jurisdiction within the group. My power is only what power I am entrusted with by the rules of the forum and by the good will of those Players who wish to join under my guidance. Notice, I did not use the word "leadership." This is one of the biggest mistakes so called "leaders" make.

A follower may be obligated to obey a leader, but ultimately it is a leader who not only must guide his followers, but is responsible for them, must obey them, protect and serve, and ultimately answers only to these people they are controlled by.
That is a leader.
An OP is a leader.
My job, is to serve and obey you.

And I may be wrong. I may be a fool. I will be the first person to say I am not perfect, the first one to say that I am not even all that good of a person to begin with. But let me tell you what,... Everyone seems to disagree with me. Sure, they acknowledge that I can be a bit of a douche, but a lovable one, one who they praise and see as someone ideal for the job. Why? Honestly, I don't believe that crap for a minute. So, if I royally screw up, call me out on it! Heck, if I can I'll find a way to reward ya for it too!

This should go without saying. We all want to have fun, we all want to write something great. But we can't do that while being petty, and narcissistic, can't do it if our egos are so inflated we think the world must bow to us. Because then we'd be damned fools just asking to get taken down a peg,... to be put in out place.
Respect each other, help and support one another, or else everything will be for naught. Just like it takes a team to reach the very top of mount Everest alive, to launch a shuttle into the stars, to change the world, so to does it take a team to do even something so mundane as write a book. And that's what we're all here for,... that story we all want to write. So let's make it good shall we?

Everyone should know the Rule of Cool by now. If you don't you're gonna learn it now. Basically, you can do pretty much whatever you want so long as it's done well, and doesn't sound like some crap made up on the playground during recess. Seriously. No one will ever accept something absolutely ridiculous like a helicopter car that has 50 miniguns that shot smaller miniguns that shoot a million exploding bullets per minute. You will be ridiculed.
Also, doing things that make absolutely no sense what-so-ever are also out. Indeed, only a fool would do something as stupid as walk up to a nations leader, insult them, and then expect the battalion of guards nearby not to gun them gown on the spot. If its not something you'd do in real life, think long and hard before you try and pull it off here, since it only makes life difficult for others and ruins the quality of the group. Please and thank you very much for your cooperation.

Now, even as all this is said, there are times where something ridiculous can just be so awesome at the same time it doesn't matter. Like space steam ships running off of space coal propelled by space propellers. Or a giant handgun that shoots golden scale models of the Vatican city filled with zombies and a zombie pope.

Speaking of quality as it was previously mentioned, it should be said that everyone has standards. For what they like, or hate, or what they think something should be like. For writers and the NS community, one of our biggest standards is quality.
Most of those who are respected or regarded as great are the people who tend to go above and beyond merely writing a few words. They make detailed events, plot out stories full of intrigue, or embark upon epic quests. But they don't spend only about a dozen words trying to describe the world. In the world of literature, you can hardly get away with less is more. Sure, a few can pull it off, but likely you're not one of them, especially if your posts are only a fraction of the length of this rule. Not to be mean, but you simply must put some effort into it! If you have someone, say, throwing a baseball, tell us about it. Don't just say "he throu the basbal at you." Elaborate! Tell us how the guy threw the baseball,... is he left handed or right? Did he glare at the batter? Maybe gave a slight nod and signaled the catcher? Maybe it was a curve ball, even.
Heck, you could write about a lot of other unrelated things too. Maybe mention something about the long silence as the pitcher and batter stared down at each other, glaring daggers in a showdown straight out of a western film! Is it sunny, is the light shinning brightly down? Maybe his visor is casting a deep shadow over the pitcher's eyes as he considers his options,... or maybe there's sweltering 98' degree heat outside, causing everyone else except for the batter to sweat, a look of utter calm written on his face as he waits.

It only takes a little effort to think of these kinds of things, and detail can be important. If you're talking about something in your post, describe the way it looks, how it functions, what id does, who made it, what condition it's in, etc.
One liners are hated. It's not about posting speed or quantity, but about how well you do it.

Ever hear the phrase communication is key? Well, it is especially so when you're trying to work with groups of 5 to 12 people to achieve the same goal. If everyone decides to contribute the same thing to the over all goal, then in reality, little to nothing gets done. Likewise, a group can't function if it isn't a cohesive unit,... if it isn't an actual group. Everyone has to actually work together in the first place.
It's said that Nation States is really a giant cooperative writing group, and many do agree with this idea.

As such, communication truly is key. Talk things out with other players, discuss what your plans are for your next post with the people it directly affects. Work out details for future relations, discuss tactics, and generally make sure that by the time you write an In Character post and actually post it, you should already have a good idea what the response will be, and there should be no confusion what so ever.
Likewise, if something isn't going right, don't try to simply power through it. Express your,... displeasure with the way things are going, instead of getting angry. Make sure you can work things out before things devolve into a complete and utter mess. Once you've backed yourself into a corner and reached an impasse, a stalemate, there is no getting back out of it without extensive rewriting. And that is a task at least multiple times as difficult to pull off as the actual writing process.

Other forms of communication are key too. Are you going to be busy? Or maybe you'll be away for a while? Come on, don't leave us hanging. Especially if you're highly active, and all of a sudden stop completely without warning. People might think you're dead! Just shoot someone at least a quick private message so they can spread the word, or better yet just post it! No one cares, we'll just be patiently sitting around, doing what we do, while still eagerly awaiting your return. We're a community, and every member is valued.

Applications are,... well,... they're a thing.
They're difficult to write effectively, take up huge amounts of time, and still may be incorrectly filled out. Most people understand this, and are willing to work with ya. Those who aren't, aren't typically successful. I just happen to be one of those who are! Some come on, all you've got to do is follow any guidelines I've laid out, and at least put some effort into it!If it looks like you just slapped some stuff together and entered just any old thing into the fields, what do you think I'm gonna do? What do you think everyone else is going to think about you? So if you want to write something, make it good and we'll go from there.
Heck, you don't even have to complete the entire thing, just the majority of it. Or even the most important few details. If even that much is done, we can always work from there. Heck, you can even go ahead and start posting. But an incomplete app is like having an infected cut. It's best not the leave it there, all festering and rotten. Worry not though, just do a little at a time, and it's all good.

Also, as a general suggestion, those who have been accepted, and even those who have yet to be can make my job easier by providing peer review. If you see someone submit an app that has an error in it, speak up! Let them no so that they can fix it, and I can accept them right away. This also applies to posts in the IC, so we don't have to waste time telling people they can do this or that or have made a mistake or are crossing some line and stepping on someone's toes.

No one's going to stop you if you want to expand your nation In Character. In fact, it is suggested that you start out small and actually visibly work your way up, instead of barging in all cocky with a big ego. But don't you ever think that you can just go and conquer someone's nation. Especially without their permission, because that will just get you kicked out like to fool you are. And even with their permission, you still are not allowed to control their nation. See where I'm going? Someone's intellectual creation is theirs and theirs alone.

But as far as NPCs are concerned? Yeah, go ahead! Have a field day. Just don't get too carried away on your shopping spree. But hey, you could always do it the more sensible way. Also called the hard or slow way, you could just "work." Colonize, or claim new turf, heck, even annex a few places, no one's really going to care all that much.

You know, if we're creating collaborative stories, there are going to be lots of words. It's not like we can record our voices, or use telepathy. And I'm pretty sure everyone here is at least literate enough to have gotten here in the first place. So no "1337" speak, no text speak, and use at least civilized diction. Look, I understand that we can't all be Linguistics and English majors, or famous writers, or employees of Mirriam Webster.

At the very least though, don't use grammar so poor your post is literally just a bunch of letters. Proof read it, spell check, and keep a dictionary and a thesaurus next to you is you need to. Plus, you've got internet. Use it! Don't just wallow in self pity and give us some crap that actually causes physical pain. And no, I'm not even joking, that is possible.


Do you know how big do you think that number really is? Now, take you answer, and multiply it by fifteen hundred.You're still nowhere near close. Using numbers is a good way to give people ideas of scale without having to go into absurd detail. Impossible, even. Anything above about 10 billion is currently beyond true human comprehension. Why do you ask? You think you're special you say, that you know what that number means? No, you don't, because you'd have to be a genius and/or a mathematician to even begin to grasp the implications of such a concept. Less than 7 billion is the current total human population of the entire world.
Similarly, there has never been a building 500 floors tall, or there has never been a ship over a kilometer long, or a Pterra Watt of power generated,...
When you go around tossing out obscene numbers like your nation having a billion tanks, and nine hundred thousand nukes, no one is going to even pay you any attention. And if they did, they will promptly ignore you. No one wants to be associated with "wankers," the term we use to describe people who don't know a lick about the virtue of modesty.

I'm saying this because, please, you need to stop and really consider just how big your numbers really are.

Now, nobody is perfect, and nobody doesn't have a life (hopefully) so this puts us in a precarious situation when the stars misalign in a negative direction. I'm probably a pretty unreliable individual for the task of ultimate authority. So, I've come up with a better solution than the simple OP/Co-OP system. Really, it is more of an expansion. So, we keep the OP, and have as many Co-OPs as needed (a ratio to the total population) and introduce two new sets of managers, the Assistants and the Advisers. While it does seem like an over complication of the hierarchy, would you please kindly bear with me a moment? What I mean is that, those who take on the positions previously acknowledged should have the right to take on assistants, those who they know and trust, and would whole heartedly help to the best of their abilities. They would, in effect, be OPs and Co-OPs in their own way, and in the event that those they were working with were not present, they could be entrusted with the same power and authority to make rulings to resolve conflicts.
At the same time, there would be a limitless number f advisers, for everyone should at least feel invested enough to have the loyalty to want to see the group flourish if only for a fleeting moment. Their task would be simple: to do whatever they could do to the best of their own abilities. Though with out authority, their word still carries clout, for they at the very least should know what they are talking about, and have earned the right to give advice about what is right and what is false.
In short, I want to minimize the number of people who sit around, unattached and uncaring. These two positions are, in effect, my own little way of trying to bring a small function of the RP Mentors group here (do they still exist?) to ensure things run smoothly. I've learned that idleness breeds laziness, and lack of attachment only serves to erode unity. I didn't set this up to fail, and while the burden ultimately rests upon my shoulders, I want everyone to feel like they matter, because they do matter.

As in life, sometimes things just don't go right. And sometimes, something goes horribly wrong. In the bodies of some creatures, all the way up to the individuals of populations, evolution has seen fit to grant their most basic components an understanding of a poignant but never-the-less all important fact: the whole trumps the individual. Many cells have the ability to "self destruct" when they reach the end of their life cycle, their usefulness. They release toxic chemicals that not only kill them, but begin to break them down from the inside out. The failure of this sacrifice is part of what causes cancer, the cells who's DNA is too scared for them to even function do not remove themselves, and slowly but surely smother those healthy ones around them. In populations, we can see those people who seem all too willing to give up their lives for someone else, always at the ready to die, even if only for one person.

What I'm getting at is,... be ready to take one for everyone else.

I had this idea when I was under a lot of stress once, and both to busy and unable to allow myself to be bogged down in dead end situations. You might better know this feeling as the military stand off, that happens so often in role playing. In effect, my solution was deceptively simple: Since I was so busy, anyone who sought to interact with me automatically had to wave any right they had to deny my encroachment upon their intellectual sovereignty. Meaning that, if they harassed my character, I held any and all right to either ditch them or god mod and stab them in the gut. For the sake of keeping the plot moving, of course. When things slow down slower even than molasses, the point where every post has to be a "one liner," then there is a real problem.
So this rule is essentially a way of ensuring that the RP never slows down enough to stall like an aircraft dropping below minimum airspeed and crashing and burning.When someone is either too busy or unable to deal with another In Character, they should hold every right to remove themselves from the situation by any means necessary, but within reason. And sometimes, it would be for their own benefit,... what would happen if a player suddenly had to leave for an extended period? It would completely throw off the flow of the story. Ultimately, the halted plot lines would begin to poison the RP by dragging down other plot lines.
But it can also be used as a more,... how should I say it? As a tool for pruning that which you can't stand. Some people like to keep their hedges trimmed low, other might like them in neat shapes, and some go for full blown artworks. If a player finds that someone is hindering their work, the story they want to tell, then they should have every right to do something about it. If OOC talks don't suffice, and there is sufficient reasoning to do so, go ahead and cap them in the forehead, no one else is going to complain. It'd be kind of lulzy in fact. The rule is heavily context sensitive, making it difficult to simply exploit with impunity in the first place, but at the same time OOC reasoning always trumps IC situations. And the stigma players would find so repulsive that they would place upon any such violators should still serve as a sufficient deterrent to such abuse.


The RP will mostly be about story, not combat. As such, while the armed forces may very well play a significant part, I will be restricting their usage. What does this mean? Well, use your imagination, because the only directive will be "Force within reason." Something the vast majority of players on NS forget is that the military is nothing like it is depicted in Hollywood blockbusters. You think you can just send giant doom fleets just anywhere, or bomb planets to ashes, all without so much as a care in the world? Feh. Think again. You're going to have to think about the consequences of your actions. For instance, if all you do is go around starting fights, or threatening other Players' nations and characters, prepare to be persecuted with the utmost extreme prejudice. Both In Character and Out of Character.

Welcome to our humble little Galaxy!

And so, we have our glorious maps, created by a most skilled individual, and provided by Caecuser.
For the purposes of this RP, we'll eschew from the norm. While yes, we're still using the good old milky way galaxy as our baseline. Because good pictures of galaxies to use in making maps are hard to find. Especially for what we're going for,... In any case, the galaxy is divided into seven sections, each one being characterized for a different overall civil status. These differences in effect are summaries of what you can expect to find, as in, how the general environment can be expected to feel. Players are encouraged to select the sector that best fits their preferred role playing style. Do you like politics? Or maybe you've got a supper weapon you're just itching to try out? Perhaps you're into exploring "unique" situations, or are just here for the ride. Or, maybe, you'd like to get involved in a massive and convoluted plot stretching beyond any and all recorded history, eons in the making. Or perhaps, you might be interested in pursuing the more fantastical potential that technology may offer us, or, not at all, maybe the metaphysical is what calls to you? Maybe in the end you want a classic space opera?
Or, perhaps, you'd like me to shut up and get on with it?

Welcome to our little corner of the universe. Well, I shouldn't say "corner," no,.. we're at the core of it all, the ultimate focal point. It was here the big bang started, and here is where our story takes place, a grand epic situated in a curious ball of stars. Aptly named "Origin," the galaxy is a super massive spiral, much like our own milky way, but much larger. At its heart, one key difference is that the arms are separated by a large gap of completely empty space, separating them from the core by a vast expanse of pure void. To one side of the great disk, the arms distort and stretch and pull away, caught in the tug of war between Origin and a smaller galaxy as the two are bound in a circular dance that will end ultimately in their collision. Ironically, another even smaller ball still, a micro galaxy, happily orbits its parent like an energetic puppy. And one final most curious feature is the absolutely massive ring that encircles the entire galaxy, a ring of stars and dust of truly immense size, tilted at an angle of 76 degrees. At one point along its circumference, there is a massive globular bulge, a region that orbits Origin as a micro galaxy in its own right.

Known as the Pax Politica, it is a peacful place, characterized largely by its near complete lack of conflict, with the various nations located there seeming to perfer peaceful diplomatic solutions to their problems,... or through the glorious usage of espionage and political maneuvering.

Known as the Feudal Expanse,the eternally bloody battleground of the galaxy. It's a generally terrible place to be if you aren't a hardened killer, or happen to have a personal fleet that doesn't mind getting into massive battles on a regular basis. But for the skilled warlord, it is heaven, and as such it seems to have pulled nearly all of the more violent peoples in its general direction.

Known as the Great Unknown, "the Strange Place." Very weird things seem to happen here quite frequently. Much of this section of the galaxy is filled to the brim with all things beyond our understanding, and those things that defy the universe and logic.

The impacting galaxy is a place for true Space Opera. Screw logic and reason, anything goes for the sake of story! Want to have fleets of millions of ships battling each other in the equivalent of dramatic trench warfare through vast fields of asteroids, all to defend their king's honor from a charlatan temptress sent from the furthest reaches just for spite? There are few limits to what you may conceptualize. It is here where the main IC starts, but no one is mandated to even consider placing holdings in the area to participate.

The orbital will be a generic sandbox. You could call it space for an over flow, or for where people just want to be alone.

The ring and jewel circling Origin, known as the Flux Mythos, will be where the more "fantastic" elements of the group would be centered.

A note on maps and locations:
No one can claim the center of the galaxy. Why? Because there's a giant Black Hole there, that's why. Swear to it.
Alright, fine, if you need more reason, let's just say there a giant space dragon there named Karma that pops out and eats naughty little star empires whole. Happy? No? Good, now shut up. If you want, you may make a note about the third dimension,... the Z coordinate,... height, if you will. While the map is only a simple 2D representation of the galaxy, real life is 3D. As such, it is possible for your turf to be either higher or lower. So just remember to state that, okay? Thanks a bunch!
And as far as the galactic rim is concerned, well,... there is almost nothing out there. And if two nations are on opposite sides of the galaxy,... there is pretty much no realistic chance that they'll ever know the other exists, since they will be separated by a few billion light years or so.

Nothing against the people who find they prefer these locations, but it is something that definitely needs to be said. Far too many people claim the edge of the galaxy, but pretend that they would be in an active area, and get in everyone's business. Those places will never be caught in between two others. And for those who decide to claim the center, those are the kinds of people who just like the idea of being in the middle, and have no legit reason to be there
I'm not saying there aren't people with legit motivations, but for the most part very few actually thoroughly consider the implications of their position, the pros and cons.

The application, and expressions of interest, and other such proper procedures.

Ah, the app,...
The app is,... a thing,... I'll say.
Yep,... a thing, to say the least.

Now, the app is quite absurdly long and detailed, but while it may be a chore to complete I only mean for it to be this way for your own benefit. It is designed to make you think in depth about your nation when applying, make you consider details you probably never thought were important, or thought about at all. Its purpose is to make things clearer by presenting a wide variety of information in as clear and organized a format as possible.

I'm also keeping the species and nation sections of the application separate, that way, if one somehow defies logic by being irreparably flawed, just that one can be repealed and fixed without wasting an applicant's time and hard work. Also, while I'm stressing this, I should say the the app is meant to be modular (how effective that is is an entirely different story) so as to streamline the editing of individual apps without having to fill in a bunch of needless fields. Hopefully that should smooth out the issue of trying to complete and overly detailed application.

Please though, remember to remove the information in parenthesis. It'd be much appreciated.
Code: Select all
[spoiler=Nation App]

(Insert Nation Flag/Insignia here)
[b]Civilization Name:[/b]
[b]Civilization Age:[/b]

[b]Government Type:[/b] (Essentially, these describe in a word (or several) how your nation operates, the general government process, how nation wide administration is carried out, and how information is disseminated to the military and out into the population, as well as how the government treats the military and population.)
[b]Government Information:[/b] (Anything else worth knowing, like important leaders and any houses, senates, courts, parliaments, etc. and how they work,... you could even talk about political parties.)
[b]Government Status:[/b] (Can encompass anything from civil war to elections.)
[b]Population:[/b] (No minimum or maximum, but absurdly large numbers will be looked at with scrutiny.)

[b]Home World/Capitol:[/b] (Can be done in the format: "Home System: Home World: Capital City")
[b]Capital Status:[/b] (How is the place faring? Good economy, horrendous traffic, flourishing tourism sector, overcrowding,... blah blah blah, anything you want to point out really.
[b]Notable locations and such:[/b]
[b]Founding Species:[/b] (if you have multiple species, which one(s) were the most advanced, or the largest, or brought the rest under their heel.)
[b]Other Species:[/b] (Sentient/Sapient only, though, others that are still important enough may be noted here too, and while there is no limit, you should denote the difference between them so that the App can be more easily reviewed.)
[b]Society and Cultural information:[/b]
[b]Society Status[/b]
[b]Economy:[/b] (Can be a description, or a simply 0-10 scale, 0 being utterly imploded and 10 being all consuming and utterly monstrous beyond comprehension. For reference, most of THE BEST sci-fi economies are only an 8.)

[b]Soopah Powah:[/b] (Exactly what it says on the tin, essentially, one thing your nation is insanely good at. For instance, are you a military super power, with huge fleets of powerful ships, and intelligence super power who knows all kinds of dirty little secrets, a technological super power with amazing machines,... really the list goes on. It can be anything you wish, like population, culture,religion, or even something negative, like pollution! These will require extra review by the powers that be, and for the most part, are merely ceremonial tittles, and may influence they way others interact with your nation. They can be rejected separately from the app, so even if you don't get what you want, it will not affect the rest of the app.)

[b]Specialties/Advanced Sciences:[/b]
[b]Map Claim Size:[/b] (Scale 1-10 1 being small 10 being huge)
[b]Grid Coordinates:[/b] (See the star map, these are the coordinates on the galaxy grid of each square of turf you own. Can only claim the number of squares specified in claim size. It may be possible to share spaces, but you must consult the ones you intend to share with first for their permission. Also, don't piss off the map maker.)
[b]Map Claim Color:[/b]


[b]Colonization/expansion:[/b](Essentially, how it works. Don't just say all you do is send a colony ship and supplies, because the story of Christopher Columbus you learned in elementary school was ridiculously inaccurate. Tell us how your nation goes about the process, as  in, what are the political and economic motivation, public opinion, and generally tell us about those who are willing to settle. Also tell us about how you military goes about expanding your borders, because this is a good benchmark for how first contacts can go. Do they send giant fleets here and there, are the border patrol, is there FTLi, or are the fringe colonies just on their own? The only time this is required is if you do plan on expanding In Character over the course of the RP.)
[b]Foreign policy:[/b] (How you view and treat other nations.)
[b]Diplomacy:[/b] (Got friends? Tell us who you're on good terms with. While it is highly likely you don't have any yet, don't be discouraged! Also, if you have an Embassy or treaty with a nation, technically it would be noted in here.)

[b]Technological Age:[/b] (Rough estimate,  feel free to use terms if you like, but not to limit options, it can be based loosely on Earth years, or at least a relative benchmark or comparison)
[b]FTL Capabilities:[/b] (Nothing over powered or completely absurd. Unless it's awesomely absurd, like space steam ships.)
[b]Inter Planetary Travel[/b]
[b]Military Information:[/b] (You may use Factbook, but give us a general idea. If you don't have a military, just make a note of it here, and leave the rest out.)
[b]Doctrine:[/b] (Basically how the military works, from rank organization to combat tactics and beyond. Things like important personnel officials and can go here.)

[b]Army:[/b] (Important tech, frequently used units, important people, tactics, jobs/classes, heroes, etc.)

[b]Navy:[/b] (Important tech, frequently used units, important people, tactics, jobs/classes, heroes, etc.)

[b]NS activity:[/b]
[b]Technological Bases:[/b]
[b]Prior RP links:[/b][/spoiler]

Code: Select all
[spoiler=Species App]

[b]Species Name:[/b]
[b]Appearance:[/b] (Image if there is one, alternately, you can just type "See: Anatomy" if you have a text description.)
[b]Biology and anatomy:[/b](Essentially, this space can be used to describe the bodies of the species. Now, we don't exactly need you to go and give us all the nasty and squishy details, like lung structure, stomach capacity, or skeletal organization, but some people might think it's cool.)
[b]Relative survivability:[/b]

[b]Natural Defenses/Abilities:[/b] (Self explanatory, special abilities also count.)
[b]Unnatural abilities:[/b]

[b]Respiratory Gas: [/b]
[b]Base composite Element:[/b] (Kind of like carbon for humans, this is the main building block of their bodies.)

[b]Base Form and Ethnic Variations:[/b]
[b]Life Span:[/b]
[b]Intelligence Level:[/b]

[b]Type:[/b] (Insect, Mammal, Avian, sentient floating squid like bladder, etc.)
[b]Aggression:[/b] (-10 to 0 to 10, with 10 being automatically attempting to commit genocide, 0 being utterly neutral, and -10 being ridiculously benevolent and giving planets away or something)

[b]Society and Cultural information:[/b]

[b]Important Characters:[/b] (only names are needed, and perhaps a short blurb about them.)[/spoiler]


For those of you who are more interested in playing as characters, rather than as nations and entire species, there WILL be a character sheet coming soon. All I ask is for your patience!


A note on applicationss:
First, tell me how you'll be RPing.

I'm very good at reading into things and extrapolating information, and it's not hard to read between the lines for me either. Heck, I once turned someone's 5 line disclaimer into a 3 paragraph summary of their nation's government. I shouldn't have any problem reviewing you app if it's unfinished or not nearly as detailed as others but,... by the same token, if I can't, that just means the app is terrible.

Crazy all consuming monstrosities like the Borg, Zerg, Flood, and Tyrannids are some of the most difficult to pull off, because there is no simple degree for quality: either you do it well, or you don't. That's it, one or the other. I would recommend thinking long and hard before trying to play one, so if you still want to try, all I can tell you is be modest. Also, at this point, I can safely say we've got more than enough of these. If you would wish to create something of this level, you'll have to be one really epic RPer, and your application will have to blow me clean out of the water. And even then it will still require a good deal of consideration.
However, as of this moment, we have more than enough of such. Thus, I will be cutting this off as of now. So, no more of these please.

As for joke applications,... these are nations who aren't serious, and are often themed around ridiculous or nonsensical ideas. Like Santa Clause, stinky and disgusting things, or Sentient Nachos,....
There comes a point where I can't abide the ridiculousness anymore. When there come three of them in a freaking row it kinda burns off my patience. As such, these types of applications will not even be even so much as glanced at, and result in automatic rejection. Continuing to press the matter will only further harm you case, so if you are thinking of trolling my group, you had better turn your tail around and go somewhere else. And it will be very obvious if you've ignored this directive,...

Meet the players!

Accepted Nation Apps:
The Oogish Hegemony By Oogium
The Galaclanian Dominion By Lolder
The Daskoxyan Republic By Daskoxian
The Korosian Robotic Empire By Veroxia
The Natr'aliit Ital (G.S.: Hive of the Khepri) By Premislyd
The Nungiir Ancestry By Caecuser
The Corpus Umbrae By Viraliz
The Tyllic Remnant Worlds By Kistan
The People By Nyte
The Most Concrete Republic of Dopi (Sals) By Taeji
The Polity of Denengrad By Denengrad
The Vorkon Empire By Orson
The Queendom of Hyracor By Hyracor
The Engi Confederation By United Soviet Jason Republic
The Republic of Inesean Commonwealths By The Holy Dominion of Inesea
The Pavlostani Supremacy By Pavlostani
The Artificials By Yortini Systems
The Independent Systems Republic By Old Sarthal
The Cybernetic Empire of Nezon By Nezon
The Imperial Rithian Republic By Zeinbrad
Halacia By Halacia
The Transfederal Union of Kaderan By Kershya
The Principality of Entaurii By Entaurii
The House of Augury By Yalos
The Paena National Order By Finium
The Equalsun Empire By Equalsun Empire

Accepted Species Apps:
The Oog By Oogium
The Galaclanians By Lolder
The Khepri
The Tyllics (formerly Xillics) By Kistan
The Vorkon By Orson
The Engi Erectus By United Soviet Jason Republic
The Sal By Taeji
The Colours-of-Midnight By The Nuclear Fist
The Ascended By G-Tech Corporation
The Blastocladiales Fungshromuales By Tribea
The Artificials By Yortini Systems
The People By Nyte
The Arelion By Entaurii
The Eldar By Equalsun Empire

Accepted Character Apps:

Thanks a bunch for the read. These aren't nearly all of the rules you need to follow, as there are a lot of unstated ones the community has written and agreed upon over the years. I'll have to get around to adding those as I get the time and I actually figure out what they are. Sadly, some people just don't seem to ever really "get it" no matter how simplistically it is explained. But these are just some of the biggest ones I see that need addressing. If you can just follow these "commandments" of common sense (which, as my AP chemistry instructor always said, "Ain't so common.") I think you'll do really well, and will only get better and better as time goes on.

~sincerely, with genuine hope, love, and good will,...... Some Douche Bag
Last edited by Kyuria on Sun Oct 06, 2013 5:41 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Why must I be the only one who can be reasonable in the face of chaos?

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Postby Daskoxian » Wed Sep 25, 2013 5:21 pm

Holey App
Civilization Name: The Daskoxyan Republic
Civilization Age: At least 110,000; perhaps 150,000 or even more- history gets foggy beyond that.
Government Type: Federal Constitutional Republic: [excerpt from Factbook:] The government is composed of a Primary Council of 129 representatives from each planet in the republic. The 129th member is the tiebreaker and figurehead of Daskoxyan, known as the Figurehead Councillor. The Figurehead is directly elected by the Daskoxyani citizens. [end excerpt]
Government Information: Not much to see, other than how violent radicals/reactionaries are sent off to certain planets to run their own extreme societies with basic technology.
Government Status: Running smoothly, except in Akarydos where there is civil war.
Population: 92.1 billion
Home World/Capitol: In ascending order (city, province, planet- no name for the system yet) Kyyoraka, Arasz, Komatar
Capital Status: Located over a waterfall that drains a mountain lake into the ocean, Kyyoraka is centered on two grounded cityships but spreads out a fair bit beyond them.
Notable locations and such:
-Rakoshys, a tourist city located in a very hostile environment
-The Ring of Kyryka, an inhabited construct that surrounds the planet in a ring formation
-The creatively named Fuuzas Tower, a tower in Fuuzas the tallest building in Daskoxyan
-Sartodalyn, which sprawls over a massive coastal plain in Dondekathyyos
-The deadly equatorial deserts of Komatar
Founding Species: Humans
Other Species: San 'Shyuum, Dragons (if I were to put an Azzamfi name to them, perhaps "Takara")
Society and Cultural information: Dominated by the uplifting of intelligence and art, not to mention hoverracing.
Society Status: Stable, except for the Akarydos situation.
Languages: Azzamfi
Economy: 4, mostly internal trade
Industry: Music, Architecture.
In terms of industrial capacity, it's rather sizable at full capacity but it's usually not nearly that high in peacetime.
Production/Construction: Daskoxyani constructions are incredibly durable.
Soopah Powah: Techno-intel combo. What else to do with millenia of peacetime?
Specialties/Advanced Sciences: Dimensional research.
Strengths: Technological advancements.
Weaknesses: Small for its technological level.
Map Claim Size: 1
Grid Coordinates: Alpha S,K
Map Claim Color: A deep dark blue.
Holdings/Territory: 18 systems.
Colonization/expansion: Expansion is a relatively slow process: pre-Contact the slipspace bubble expanded a bit for each system, post-Contact the bubble ceased to exist. Usually a military presence is established before the civilian. Daskoxyan is not very expansionist at all so little information is known about their colonization strategies.
Foreign policy: Isolationist. Daskoxyan does not discriminate much in regards to government structure and philosophy, though it certainly takes a more negative stance toward those that condone (and especially commit) massacres of innocents or mass extinctions of wildlife.
Diplomacy: Saurisia is the only nation Daskoxyan has an embassy or any kind of truly formal relationship with.
Technological Age: Well it is difficult to quantify, but see nation age for a rough estimate.
FTL Capabilities: Approaching a near-perfect grasp of slipspace.
Inter Planetary Travel: For now I'll say ion drives, instead of maybe space catapults or something random like that.
Military Information: It is primarily defense-oriented. Other informationz
Doctrine: Do what is needed, not what is wanted.
Army: Not very experienced. I haven't really refined how my military works, it's not a central point of my nation.
Navy: Better than Army.
Strengths: Space conflicts
Weaknesses: Ground conflicts
NS activity: Higher in the summer, can mysteriously go missing in winter/spring
Technological Bases: My strange mind and Halo, also a bit of Ancient Aliens, Darkness series
Prior RP links:
search.php?keywords=daskoxyan&t=260391&sf=msgonly The Last Stand
viewtopic.php?f=4&t=259083 An Accidental Discovery
viewtopic.php?f=5&t=203191 A Fracture in Time
viewtopic.php?f=5&t=191842 Alone in the Darkness
Last edited by Daskoxian on Wed Sep 25, 2013 7:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Equalsun Empire
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Founded: Feb 18, 2013

Postby Equalsun Empire » Wed Sep 25, 2013 6:49 pm

Civilization Name: Equalsun Empire
Civilization Age: 2,398,463

Government Type: The Equalsun Empire is a Psionic semi-collective, ruled by a single leader. They may communicate with each other at any time through telepathy.
Government Information: The ruler of the Equalsun Empire, and it's founder, is Equalsun himself.
Government Status: The government runs like clockwork, due to the fact that the absolute ruling of a very powerful being discourages and nullifies unrest.
Population: 100 million colonists, plus military forces.

Home World/Capitol: No home system, the Eldenian homeworld, capitol is the colony Hope, recently reawoken.
Capital Status: The Capital is an ancient Outpost, though it has been in stasis until now. It's a giant space station.
Notable locations and such: Hope: New capitol, Eldenian Homeworld: pretty much heaven(where we go when we 'die')
Founding Species: Eldar
Other Species: None
Society and Cultural information: The Equalsun Empire is a semi-collective, ruled by Equalsun. They may communicate with each other at all times.
Society Status A super-advanced, complex society. Still working on this, though it is based of the Arts and Sciences.
Languages High Eldenian
Economy: 5/10
Industry: Immense industrial capacity, despite the fact we only have one planet.
Production/Construction: Very fast, as we use Matter Fabricators and giant shipyards for our needs.

Soopah Powah: Technological superpower, gots all the techs 8)

Specialties/Advanced Sciences: Matter creation, manipulation of gravity, teleportation, cloaking.
Strengths: Production, mobility
Weaknesses: Small, pacifist, isolationist
Map Claim Size: 1/10, one artificial planet
Grid Coordinates: As far bottom-left as you can possibly go.
Map Claim Color: Teal


Colonization/expansion: First, an Ingress Constructor is sent through the Infinity Nexus, the immensely expensive technology that allows teleportation to anywhere in the galaxy. Once there, it begins construction of a Maintenance Ingress, a small, cloaked ingress for ferrying supplies to and from a planet. Once that is finished, a larger Infinity Ingress is built, allowing fleets of ships to pass through and start colonization of the planet.
Foreign policy: Very isolationist, but goes for shock-and-awe when they meet another nation.
Diplomacy: No friends :(

Technological Age: Many millennia advanced, though that doesn't really impact our military capabilities, sadly.
FTL Capabilities: Teleportation between Ingresses, Teleportation depleting all power cells in the ship to another solar system, Teleportation between planets, teleportation for short distances, light speed all other times.
Inter Planetary Travel Teleportation
Military Information: Very advanced, though not that powerful. ... egory1=107
Doctrine: In the factbook.

Army: The army uses mainly specialist units, and are always deployed from ships. They use Psionic weapons, and usually lose.

Navy: The Navy, on the other hand, usually wins. They use Gravity and Psionic weapons, have a huge array of tech at there disposal, and are quite large. However, they are dependent on the crew; if there are no Terracom forces on the ships when boarded, they fall quickly.

Strengths: Navy, Specialists
Weaknesses: Large-scale land engagements, attacking in general
NS activity: Infrequent bursts
Technological Bases: I make most of this up myself
Prior RP links: viewtopic.php?f=31&t=246666

Species Name: Eldar
Appearance:See: Eldar(factbook). They are always encased in suits of heavy armor, however.
Biology and anatomy:They are balls of Psionic energy of great power. Not much else to say, really...
Height: N/A
Weight: None
Relative survivability: They die instantly if their Psionic field is ruptured in the slightest. Their survivability depends on their armor.

Natural Defenses/Abilities: Psionics
Unnatural abilities: None

Respiratory Gas: None
Base composite Element: None

Base Form and Ethnic Variations:?
Life Span: Infinite until Banished
Reproduction: Near none
Intelligence Level: 10/10
Traits/Behavior/Disposition: Very Isolationist. However, when they interact with other races they are very arrogant.

Type: Floating ball of energy
Aggression: -5, very isolationist and pacifist until pride comes into the equation.

Society and Cultural information: The Eldar form a massive semi-collective, with their individual consciousness's interacting with one another constantly. Each Eldar can function any role in society, as they can switch positions whenever they wish, as long as the Aristocracy approves it.

Important Characters: Equalsun- Ruler of all Eldar in this universe
Eldenor- Commander of the EOEN
Eliana- Captain of the Exile(first contact here)
Last edited by Equalsun Empire on Wed Sep 25, 2013 6:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Spirit Animal of Castle Crashers

Quick link to my horrifically messy factbook.
Awarded the Honourable Epicness Award for Persuasive Nuclear Weapon Placement 2015

Dogs of War wrote:While the motto of the British SAS is "Who dares wins" the motto of Equalsun's SAS is "Who cares who wins?"

The Great and Kawaii™ Ella wrote:As much as I love Stellaris, video games are a magnet for powerwankers, and when the AI beats them too hard, they come over to II and P2TM and take their anger out on us.

So I got into am currently in a name-calling contest in a flag rating thread...

Student, Canadian, ENFP

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Posts: 1520
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Liberal Democratic Socialists

Postby Lolder » Wed Sep 25, 2013 7:31 pm

No changes, really:

Species Name: Galaclanians
Appearance: See: Anatomy
Biology and anatomy: Humanoid, would look malnourished to other species but in fact that skinniness gives the Galac speed and agility, and they posses considerable muscle mass in their fore arms, forelegs and neck. They have 335 bones, on average, and double-jointed knees to increase fall resistance.
Height: 2.5 meters
Weight: 220 lbs.
Relative survivability: Durable under moderate circumstances, but without armour they're considerably fragile.

Natural Defenses/Abilities: Psionic race, able to shoot concussive slugs and create storms of raw psionic energy. These psionic abilities can only be achieved by extensive mental training, and therefore only the dedicated ever master the full potential of their psionic gifts. The most common, easiest-to-use ability is to create a psionic barrier, durable and dome shaped. They are also notably swift, due to their long legs and special skeletal structure, reminiscent of a bird.
Unnatural abilities: Armour systems allow access to the Net, which connects all Galac suits able to access the Holy Vaults. Also increases, speed, strength, durability, and a host of other improvements.

Respiratory Gas: Oxygen primarily, but can also survive in nitrogen rich environments at the cost of being sluggish and disoriented.
Base composite Element: Carbon

Base Form and Ethnic Variations: The only major intra-species biological difference is skin tone, which changes radically from diet and temperature.
Life Span: 200 years.
Reproduction: Sexual
Intelligence Level: 8.5
Traits/Behavior/Disposition: Generally kind and pro-life, but the military is rougher, and the Composers tend to be mute for about 3/4 of their lives. They usually have nothing to talk about.

Type: Humanoid
Aggression: 4

Society and Cultural information: See nation app. "Galaclanian Dominion"

Important Characters: Rae' Dun, Veteran Fleetmaster, Cid' Thom, experienced Security Captain, Tal' Jami, elite shipmaster.

Civilization Name: Galaclanian dominion
Civilization Age: 70 000 years

Government Type: [b]11 Galaclanian oligarchy, known as the Council, who are often overly bureaucratic and paranoid.
Government Information: The council is replaced every 20 years. New candidates are picked from those with merit and experience. As such, many council members serve several consecutive terms.
Government Status: Overly cautious, bureaucratic, yet stable and unchallenged. New elections coming in 3 years.
Population: 23 000 000 000 (Twenty-three billion)
Home World/Capitol: Home System: Delius. Home World: Gire Capital City: Cornichon.

Capital Status: An overcrowded metropolis, with buildings stretching deep underground, due to running out of surface space. Covers all of Gire. Notable locations include the Council Hall, holding the rulers of the Dominion, and the Citadel, housing the Data archives known as "Holy Vaults" and their preservers, the "Composers."
Notable locations and such: See above.
Founding Species: Galaclanians.
Other Species: The Yuroks, enormous beasts that live underground during the day to wreak havoc with their massive size at night in the massive Gire cityscape, and posses a fur-covered hide which can release pheromones that paralyze any Galaclanian who breaths it in at it.
Society and Cultural information: Gathering knowledge on other species and cultures is a top mission for the Dominion's countless expeditionary fleets. Expanding the Holy Vaults databanks is a Galac tradition. This practice dates back to the beginning of Galaclanian space-faring capability, gathering data on extra-terrestrial "Class 1-4" life forms. Class five signatures were not discovered until many cycles later. The Galac species ranking system works as:
Class 1: Single cell organisms.
Class 2: Multi-cell organisms.
Class 3: Sentient species (like a dog, or a fish)
Class 4: Intelligent species (Neanderthals)
Class 5: True species (Space-faring species)

Society Status: Generally unified, working for a common goal. The biggest splinter faction is a fanatical sect who wishes to reap information for the Holy Vaults through means of violence. They are known as the Ref'Dui.
Languages: Opakfur (common language) , Ulinionm (Secret language of the Composers.)
Economy: 9/10, production based, mass auto-factories designed for a prolonged war of attrition.
Industry: Making up roughly half of the upper crust of Gire and other holdings of Dominion, incredible, expansive, automated factories lie mostly dormant, activating when they're most needed, such as in wartime. Most metals are a material known as Durandium. It is as cheap as steel, tougher than titanium, and as dense as depleted uranium.
Production/Construction: Fully automated, designed to be capable of cheap, effective mass production.

Soopah Powah: Understanding of alien cultures, the Xeon biologists of the group.

Specialties/Advanced Sciences: Mass production, superheated plasma for ammunition, nanobot repair crews famous for speedy repairs of both biological and mechanical nature.
Strengths: Head on combat, wars of attrition, diplomacy
Weaknesses: Multi-front wars, physical confrontation.
Map Claim Size: 4
Area: Mid rim, Alpha sector.
Map Claim Color: Grey/Teal

Holdings/Territory: Gire, Ryun, Hlua, Ilods, Nvaz, and Cithss are planets of the Dominion

Colonization/expansion: Planet colonization commonly occurs due to overpopulation, resource shortage, or the Galaclanian hunger for knowledge. Suitable habitats are selected for their rich oxygen, stable environment, suitable terrain, and for being unclaimed. It is no easy feat to wrench a colony from another's hold. For most colonization missions, a fleet is assembled and composed of 4 Colonizer-Class Vessels, filled with terraforming equipment, medical centers, and pre-fabricated buildings to house the highly trained civilian crew, as well as their accompanying military escort, usually 2-4 capital ships and 6-10 smaller vessels. Finally, a dedicated office is constructed for the use of the diplomatic party. First contact is never out of the question in colonization. Once colonized, the planet is guarded by its founding escort, and may be re-enforced due to circumstance.
Foreign policy: Other aliens are generally viewed as equals or superiors (The Galac will swallow their pride if you can travel between universes, or the like) depending on technology level, except for biological infectious races. The Galac hold a special loathing for their kind, due to less-than-peaceful encounters with their type. If contact is established, the Galac will study the new species, and attempt to form bonds of trust and other alliances.

Diplomacy: The mighty Equalsun Empire is one whom we've forged an alliance with. However, due to their isolationism, communication is quite harder than normal.

Technological Age: Put us slightly ahead of the Covenant from Halo.
FTL Capabilities: Capital ships can traverse 34 light years in a day, although it stains their astoundingly expensive anti-matter core drives. Most ships can go 2-3 light-years an hour, but only when used in short bursts, and only when immediate action is required. A few light years an day is considered cruising speed.
Inter Planetary Travel: Spacecraft.
Military Information:

Doctrine: The military is controlled by the Council, but more specifically by Omni-Com, the board responsible for thinking on tactical and occasionally strategic levels.
Tactics usually include an overwhelming rush assault that allows the Galac to utilize their ability to replace and repair ships mid-battle. Often, the fleet simply line up in rows and snipe off enemy forces with hardware like thermal beams, Ion Pulse Cannons (Twin, Quad and Oct) and raids by the nimble and swift Mark XXXVII Devastator. On Omni-Com are the Fleetmasters, equivalent to Generals/Admirals, and controlling smaller groups are the Field Marshalls, who often control fleets in the stead of a Fleetmaster, followed by the Captains who control mini-fleets, and finally the Troopers, who fight on the ground and man the ships, making up the baulk of the Dominion forces.

Army: There are several specialties among the Trooper class. The majority of troopers specialize in light warfare: they're versatile and well-rounded. More specialized units are field medics, combat engineers, pilots, space-specialized, and etcetera.
The armies primary weapon is the Plas-enrgy gun-blade. It is holstered as a small box in the back of the armour. When given a psionic signal, the box floats out of its indent and re-arranges its components along the users arm in either blade form or gun form. Gun form requires magazines of ammunition, cylindrical clips that are placed within a housing between four pieces at the back of the weapon that open up to receive it. Each clip can power the weapon for roughly 200 superheated plasma shots, but once it overheats it must be brought to a recycling plant. A spent anti-matter micro-reactor is not good for any environment. In blade form, the box forms into two identical gauntlets over the users hands and sprout leaf shaped blades that encase the forearm of the holder. Troopers are often rapidly deployed by dropships, or by an "express" method of dropping in a pod to the surface. The usual armour systems contain a dedicated generator to power a kinetic dispersal barrier (shield), Durandium armour, and Nano-bot repair crews to repair bodily harm.

Navy: The IPC is the main gun for Galac combat ships, and increases in power the higher its number. Twin-Ions are outdated, and the Quad and Oct-Ion class are taking over. These can cause massive damage, and are WMDs in their own right. Another weapon are twin swiveling guns that fire beams of superheated plasma, known as "thermic lances." The following list shows combat value for Galac ships, weakest first: Interceptor drone, Devastator fighters, gunships, cruisers, carriers, battleships, flagships. A fleet has 12 ships in it, with the exception of 13 elite ships in their own unit (Gemeni Fleet) 12 fleets, or 144 ships, compose an Armada. A ship is commanded by a Shipmaster/Commander (Tal' (name)) and a fleet by a Fleetmaster (Rae' (name))
Strengths: Concentrated attacks with resources and numbers to keep the pressure on.
Weaknesses: Being spread thin, engaged in up close and personal combat, having reinforcement waves cut off.
NS activity: Regular, occasionally interrupted for up to a week.
Technological Bases: SC2, Halo, Mass Effect, and some original ideas.
Prior RP links: viewtopic.php?f=31&t=260970
Last edited by Lolder on Tue Nov 26, 2013 2:41 pm, edited 7 times in total.

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G-Tech Corporation
Khan of Spam
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Postby G-Tech Corporation » Wed Sep 25, 2013 7:46 pm

I suppose I should keep an eye on this.
Quite the unofficial fellow. Former P2TM Mentor specializing in faction and nation RPs, as well as RPGs. Always happy to help.

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Posts: 1327
Founded: Dec 01, 2012

Postby Oogium » Wed Sep 25, 2013 9:04 pm

Current Flag:
Civilization Name: The Oogish Hegemony
Civilization Age: The Oog began tool use and agriculture approximately 6,000 years ago.

Government Type: Semi-democratic corporate-feudal dictatorship
Government Information: the Oogish government is well-funded and streamlined, especially in the central, more developed areas of the Hegemony. However, in the outer worlds, the rule of the law is weak, and officials tend to be corrupt. Those who are not often are forced to rely on corporate resources to administer their areas. The government is headed by the Hegemon and the Federal Council. The Federal Council is formed of one representative elected by every authorized, non-vassal, government-ruled planet, and they form the legislative branch of the Hegemony. However, they are often overshadowed by the power of the Hegemon, who controls the military in addition to a number of other things. The Judicial Branch, too, is often in the Hegemon's pocket, meaning that the executive branch nearly always has total control over the Hegemony. Since the Hegemony's formation from the various nations of Oogworld was not so long ago, there are still sectarian divisions between nations and religions, both in the Federal Council and all over the Hegemony.
Government Status: The Oogish government is strong, fair, and streamlined in the Inner Planets, but in the Outer Regions of the Hegemony, the government is weak, corrupt, and poorly structred, often relying on extortion, blackmail, illegal activities, or corporate aid to fund their salaries.
Population: 234,759,357,000

Home World/Capitol: Oogworld
Capital Status: Oogworld possessed ice caps at one point, but the Oog's heavy use of fossil fuels has long since melted these, dramatically raising sea levels, air temperature, and generally savaging the environment. Oogish tampering with the environment, and the introduction of bioengineered species and robots with Darwinware have also contributed to Oogworld's serious environmental damage. Many cities are either shielded by enormous dikes, floated on massive platforms, or simply flooded.
Notable locations and such: Gamma Quadrant
Founding Species: Oog
Other Species: Rutgyur, Shcmalic, Ku'y, various other minor species
Society and Cultural information: Oogish society is a society in turmoil. The Hegemony's rapid formation and expansion has stressed many parts of it, splitting people into the haves and the have-nots. Acquisition and material gain is seen as critically important, and religion has fallen out of favor, though many retain some faith, especially vassal species. The effects of this economic boom have hit the Oog themselves the hardest- unsurprising, as they are the most numerous and most powerful species in the Hegemony. Many cults and sects have sprung up demanding a return to the old ideals of Oogish society: simplicity, harmony with nature, and subtle use of power. Many of these sects have been brutally crushed by Hegemony Police, along with a number of protest/revolutionary groups. Towards the outer rims of the empire,mthough, these groups are far less well policed. This societal inertia is certain to have fascinating effects on the next generation.
Society Status: For the past 75 years, the Oog have been tirelessly expanding into the stars, taking advantage of the fact that their technology is immensely superior to that of their immediate neighbors, despite the fact they discovered interstellar travel later. The massive population explosion and unification/expansion of the Hegemony has put a huge amount of stress on Oogish society and government, and the results on the next generation will be interesting, to say the least.
Languages: Oogish Common, Rutgyur Common, various Shcmalic languages, various Ku'y languages, other minor languages
Economy: the Oogish economy is largely centered on construction, manufacturing, and resource extraction, often strip-mining entire planets with massive mining fleets, which are typically armed in case any natives put up a fight. Corporations and big businesses have tremendous power, and often have private fleets and armies. Factory worlds and the more industrialized planets tend to be the planets the Oog have owned for longer, which have higher populations, larger cities, and better infrastructure. Resources from strip-mined planets are sent to these factories and shipyards, but some stay at their planetary source and are used in the construction of new cities. Strip-mined planets often become more agricultural in their economies, cultivating grains and algae for uses as food and fuel.
Most Oogish electricity is generated, sadly, by either cheap fission reactors or even cheaper fossil fuel plants, driven by biofuels or, in many unfortunate cases, petrol and coal stripped from conquered planets. All of these practices are unsafe, inefficient, and environmentally damaging compared to the massive orbital solar arrays and fusion reactors that power many of the Inner Worlds. The government has recently begun a massive campaign to improve the environments of dozens of polluted worlds or worlds that are relatively unsullied but are being contaminated, tearing down cheap prefab buildings and replacing them with nicer, more efficient buildings, and razing fission or fossil plants to build orbital solar or fusion reactors.
Industry: Oogish inner worlds are heavily industrialized, and often have mild to serious ecological damage from their heavy industrialization. They have massive shipyards and factories, and significant orbital developments as well. Outer planets are more focused on agriculture and fuel production.
Production/Construction: The Oog have mastered the assembly line and the use of replaceable parts, allowing them to mass produce everything from bioplastic trinket souvenirs to ships and skyscrapers. Robots are used heavily in many factories, but in less wealthy establishments masses of the poor are hired and stuffed into crowded buildings reminiscent of the Industrial Revolution.

Soopah Powah: The Oog are immensely skilled at creating artificial intelligences and automata of both mechanical and biological natures. Not only can they code immensely powerful AIs (often called djinns) with just a few sentences of binary, they can also fabricate the most bizarre life-forms the mind can think of, from tiny bacterial bioweapons that are released in versions every few months to living computers to whales half a kilometer in length that have small bubbles in their sides intended for habitation. Their robots are equally fantastic and varied, from scimitar-wielding, gun-carrying combat androids to massive factory worker bots with eight arms like some strange Oogish god, or Von Neumann probes and other self-replicating machines. All of these constructs are masterpieces of artificial intelligence, regulating their internal systems and behavior and conducting whatever mission is given them. They fulfill a myriad of uses that greatly increases Oogish productivity, happiness, and military strength.

Specialties/Advanced Sciences: The Oog are immensely skilled roboticists and are also very skilled at bioengineering. Their architecture, physics and engineering are also extremely high-quality. These are perhaps their most advanced fields, and they are capable of complex and massive undertakings in all these fields.
However, their most interesting field is their relatively advanced knowledge of gravity manipulation,which they use to drive their ships, fly some of their aircraft, and also use it in a variety of industrial purposes. The secrets of gravity manipulation were first learned from the Rutgyur, when they sent an invasion fleet to attack Oogworld. They attacked, however, with black powder muskets and bombs, and were thus easily defeated by Oog armed with automatic weapons and guided missiles. The Oog captured several of their ships, destroyed the survivors with an orbital nuclear strike. They quickly began refining the primtiive gravity manipulators they found on board, which allowed them to begin building their first larger spacecraft and begin their expansion into the stars.
Strengths: The Oogish economy is a powerhouse, and as a result scientific, military, and cultural development have begun to race forward at rates that can astound non-Oog.
Weaknesses: The Oogish government, due to the rapid nature of the Oogish expansion into the stars, has less authority than it needs to successfully administer such a fast-growing swath of space and skyrocketing population, and often hires corporate mercenaries or creates a semi-feudal arrangement with new colonies. These tactics do work, but it results in decentralization, lack of regulation, and corruption.
Map Claim Size: 187 systems
Grid Coordinates: L, P
Map Claim Color: any color you like

Holdings/Territory: 6 heavily populated systems (Oogworld, Ye'lin, Ha'jin, Chen'she, Sahn'tang, and Li'zhen) , 181 less-populous systems

Colonization/expansion: The Oog are decent at rapid terraformation, using massive mirror arrays of disposable silicon mirrors a few feet in area to both heat and cool planets to the right temperature. Planets with insufficient water are either bombarded with water-rich asteroids or ships simply fire ice meteors to their surface, and various "primer" algaes are used to make things ready for crops and such. Even prior to these steps, however, bubble habitats and similar structures are used heavily.
The Oog are expanding rapidly through their sector of space. Colonization expeditions are frequently armed and escorted, but they tend to fall into three categories. The first is a voluntary, government- or corporate-sponsored expedition. These tend to be well equipped, with plenty of educated people and equipment to create a thriving colony. The second is a forced government-sponsored expedition. These tend to be just as well-equipped, but often have fewer educated and wealthy members, consisting instead of masses of poor and homeless simply snatched off the street. Often a few volunteers do show up for these expeditions, so they usually succeed.
The third kind is the worst kind and the one with the highest mortality rate. Often a large group of unemployed, unhappy poorer people come together and buy a rather old, rickety ship, pick a system (often by hacking government or corporate databases), and try and colonize it. These expeditions are typically poorly financed, led, and equipped, and usually end in failure, often including the deaths of all or at least some of those who undertook it. The government does not approve of these things, as they tend to (when they do succeed) fail to pay taxes and generally ignore the government, and any ships found to be attempting this are either seized or destroyed.

The sector of space in which the Oog originate possesses a fairly large amount of intelligent life. However, all of it arose a bit later or took a different technological path that allows the Oog to absolutely dominate all species in their area. Because native life is often discovered, sometimes with relatively advanced societies, most colony expeditions are at least lightly armed and have at least one escort ship designed solely for combat, and nearly all also have a complement of soldiers for once the colonists land.

All in all, Oogish expansion is rapid, continuing, and very messy.
Foreign policy: The Oog have never come across a species that is their technlogical equal or superior, and generally automatically prepare an invasion plan and a fleet. Species that are deemed populous enough are absorbed into the Hegemony, while the less populous are swiftly destroyed using genespliced pathogens coded to their DNA or, if their world is going to be strip-mined, orbital bombardment. Orbital bombardment results in a few survivors, but airstrikes from the mining ships descending into the atmosphere quickly eliminate these.
However, there are contingency plans if another race with comparable technology is met. Extreme caution is to be used, as a war would be far more dangerous than a war with one of the Oog's primitive neighbours, and an alliance or at least a peace treaty is to be formed if possible.
Diplomacy: the Oog, despite their warlike tendencies, are skilled diplomats. The fact that the Hegemony is rapidly expanding and many planets can turn rebellious forces the Hegemony to maintain a large diplomatic corps to negotiate with disgruntled governors, rebel leaders, and other suck folk. However, due to the nature of the negotiations they perform, the diplomatic corps also cooperates heavily with the intelligence service and its superb units of assassins and spies.

Technological Age: ~6,000 YA
FTL Capabilities: Oogish wave-drives use gravity manipulation to warp space-time, literally melting the quantum foam that holds reality together and moving it in a wave to transport it to its destination. The "wave" it rides, however, must crest and break, so travel is not instantaneous, taking on average about 10 lightyears per hour.
Interplanetary Travel: the Oog generally use ripple-drives to travel inside a system. Ripple drives create "ripples" of gravity which emanate from the thrusters. Catchment fields in the engines channel these gravitic waves to push the ship forward at high velocities.
Military Information: The Oog use a great deal of technology similar to ours, though slightly more advanced. Their ships are powered by fusion reactors and armed with powerful laser batteries, as well as missiles for close-range fighting. On the ground, they use cruise missiles and airstrikes to surgically remove enemy strongpoints before rapid, overwhelming attacks designed to overawe and utterly smash the enemy.

On ships, the Oog themselves are the primary crew, as they are generally smarter and have faster reflexes than their subject races, which is always neccesary on Oogish ships, and they often heavily aided by computers.
In the Army, Oogish subject races form a much greater part, as they are larger and generally bigger and stronger. They also use expendable humanoid robots as infantry troops in large numbers, but sometimes fight themselves, often as pilots or special shock troopers.
Doctrine: On the ground, the Oog mix shock and awe, blitzkrieg, and human wave assaults in massive, devastating assaults intended to crush, overwhelm, and demoralize their enemies.

In space, however, the Oog use fast-moving, heavily armed ships to outmaneuver and smash the enemy, powerful computers helping extremely competent officers to perform dazzling maneuvers and cut enemy formations to bits. Oogish space tactics are far more similar to air combat than sea combat, and the Hegemony's fleet typically engages in short, rapid engagements fought at very high speeds at ranges that can vary from half a light minute to a few hundred meters.
Army: The Oogish Army is primarily comprised of robots and subject races, but Oogs, along with some of their more advanced and powerful robots and biological constructs, comprise elite units.

Navy: The Oogish Navy is much smaller numerically than the Army, as computers automate a great many functions that its troops now no longer need do. It is mainly comprised of very fast, maneuverable, heavily armed cruisers, which can strike viciously and fade away before the enemy can reply. Navy ships are typically armed with powerful lasers and secondary missile batteries in case their lasers are damaged. They can use gravitic manipulation on a small scale to deflect and evade a wide variety of weaponry from lasers to railgun slugs, but this shielding has limits. A laser or two, or perhaps some missiles, can be easily knocked aside, but higher-energy weapons such as large railgun rounds of the type used in surface-to-orbit weapons systems are nigh on impossible to turn aside. Oogish ships rely as much on their sophisticated sensors and extreme maneuverability as they do on their shields.

Strengths: Oogish ships are fast and armed to the teeth. They have a high-probability of a first shot kill and can outmaneuver almost any ship their size. Their speed also allows them to flee from any enemy they deem too strong- though usually not before they can inflict savage wounds. Their maneuverability and high-quality sensors also give them the ability to evade most everything the enemy can throw at them.
The Oogish Army is large, well-equipped, and drilled to the point of perfection. The Army will follow any order, and will never return an inch to the enemy unless they either are ordered to or until every last soldier falls. It is extremely impressive, and equally functional.
Weaknesses: As it uses large numbers of robots and computers, the military is vulnerable to EMP weapons and computer viruses. They have taken extreme precautions for this, but if anyone were to breach Oogish systems, it would lead to a crushing defeat. Additionally, Oogish ships are often lightly armored, meaning that if their shielding and evasive maneuvers fail to work, they often sustain heavy damage from a hit that wouldn't be especially significant to a larger, better-armored ship.
NS activity: High, unless I'm traveling, which I will inform y'all of, since it tends to result in zero activity.
Technological Bases: Present-day technology, Ender's Game, Halo
Prior RP links:I'll get some in the morning, since I'm going to bed right now.

Species Name: Oog
Appearance: The Oog stand about 4 feet tall. They have pale, whitish skin, four long fingers on each hand (of which there are two), and five stumpy, short legs arrayed beneath them, which lack toes. Their heads extend into a bulbous, backwards-facing "hump" behind them, which contains a portion of their large brains.
Biology and anatomy: Carbon-based lifeforms, the Oog have very strong immune systems to protect them from their homeworld's myriad pathogens. They lack bones as we know them, rather having carbon-based structures similar to cartilage in humans, which are both tough and flexible. These "bones" also possess an unusual amount of sliding joints similar to vertebrae, meaning each "bone" is actually a series of carbon-cartilage sections. This structure gives the Oog tremendous flexibility and means they are very good at yoga. Oogworld has approximately 2.1 times Earth gravity, with the result that Oogish bones and muscles are denser than one would expect, lending them surprising weight and strength.
Height: Avg. Height is 4' 4"
Weight: Avg. Weight is 80 lbs.
Relative survivability: The Oog are extremely intelligent, and have a very tough internal structure. However, they cannot run particularly fast, and the rear portion of their head is often vulnerable and creates a blindspot, which is exacerbated by running. They are also poor swimmers, as they tend to sink, but they can walk on the bottom and see underwater, and their ability to hold their breath for an average of 30 minutes makes up for this. All in all, they have medium survivability.

Natural Defenses/Abilities:
Unnatural abilities: The Oog can, at ranges of 5 meters or less, and with extreme concentration, project their bioelectric field and amplify it towards a target. In most cases this causes severe nausea, mild to moderate pain, especially in the head, extreme dizziness, loss of concentration, and irregular heartbeat for their target. In cases where the Oog in question is more experienced, this can cause excruciating pain, loss of consciousness, mild to moderate burns, hallucinations, and seizures. With the aid of mechanical and biological implants, skilled projectionists can create powerful electric arcs that can cause severe burns and electrocution. It is obvious when an Oog is performing bioelectric projection, as sparks will appear along their tear ducts and their face will turn slightly blue. Armor made of metal or tough composites can interfere with this ability. However, this ability, called "witting", can also fry computers and circuitry, or in cases of more skilled wits, electrical devices can be used to create a far more powerful shock.

Respiratory Gas: Oxygen.
Base composite Element: Carbon.

Base Form and Ethnic Variations: The Oog have no concept or physical manifestation of race, and cannot really understand it.
Life Span: Modern average lifespans tend to be around 120.
Reproduction: sexual, a sort of mix of mammalian and cephalopodic sex
Intelligence Level: rather high.
Traits/Behavior/Disposition: The Oog have little to no knowledge about any other civilizations that have equalled or exceeded their rapidly advancing technological prowess, and thus consider themselves to have divine right to rule the Galaxy. They consider other races useful but inferior. They also happen to love citrus fruits and sour food.

Type: semi-cephalopod.
Aggression: 7.

Society and Cultural information: See nation app.

Important Characters:
Hegemon Xa'n Xiaol'ei
Vice-Hegemon Sy'dar Liu'cha
Admiral Ch'en Yankai
and various others I'm sure I'll have to use in an RP.
Last edited by Oogium on Sat Sep 28, 2013 2:21 pm, edited 3 times in total.
My entire nation is being revamped, which gives me more room for

The Nuclear Fist wrote:
Oogium wrote:I don't know who I should send as a diplomat. The Oog are better at fighting than diplomacy, and they're not very good at fighting, either.

Just try and find a seat without getting your bollocks stuck in a light socket.

Transoxthraxia wrote:
Mom! I found a space krill! Can we keep it? Pleeeaaase?

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Postby Arkotania » Wed Sep 25, 2013 9:16 pm

Ugh. Will take longer than I thought. Seems like the completed app I did on word was not saved properly and is now lost. I've got start over. :(
Last edited by Arkotania on Sat Sep 28, 2013 8:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Mostly back from a long hiatus from the forums
Arkania 5 wrote:
Arkotania wrote:Matt Ward



Gauthier wrote:
Arkotania wrote:
Then your testicles become strange tentacles.

And then you make films in Japan.

Ovisterra wrote:
Oceanic people wrote:where lives are at steak

I try not to point out people's spelling errors all the time, but this one was brilliant.

Nationstatelandsville wrote:
Arkotania wrote:Or maybe NS is also a degraded society.

This. Definitely this.

Neo Arcad wrote:
Qatarab(Arkotania Puppet) wrote:Where's my torch? Time to burn some courts down.

Oh, you crazy Muslim you!

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Postby Kyuria » Fri Sep 27, 2013 3:42 pm

@ Dakoxian; Looks good in every fields so far as I can tell, so, I say approved of course, but if you can you might want to flesh out a few fields a little more, but as it stands it holds water well.

@ Lolder; Looks good as well. I do have a few questions, however, they do not effect your app negatively, just a couple things what weren't entirely clear. These psionic powers, if you would be so kind, could you elaborate in your app to give us a slightly better grasp of their average capabilities? I think it would also be something a lot of people would be interested in if you ever thought to elaborate more on your people's affinity for collecting knowledge. With those two points out of the way, I'm happy to inform you that you have been approved with gusto!

@ Oogium; Another fine and well done app! I'm impressed once more, and apologies for some of the fields having been unclear.
Society status- Basically, how is the society doing? It is a snapshot of what's going on, the most recent happenings. Like civil wars or revivals, or even a revolutionary renaissance!
Anyway, from what I gather from a swift dissection it is rather well balanced (even if a few portions may not appear that way at first, but critical thinking is a massive boon) and gives a very detailed analysis. I also rather like some of the concepts propsed, so I have to say without further ado that it is accepted!
Why must I be the only one who can be reasonable in the face of chaos?

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Postby Caecuser » Sat Sep 28, 2013 12:01 pm

Civilization Name: Nungiir Ancestry
Civilization Age: ~3 104 000

Government Type: Theocratic/Technocratic Multiplicity
Government Information: A joint bureaucracy composed of religiously-operating Nungiir-Oracles and an expansive network of both physical and virtual artificial lifeforms cooperatively monitor and maintain the superstructure of the divine Ringworld and its multitudinous population of Nungiir sub-species, the system is highly effective through a combination of chemically-induced commands to biologically inferior citizens and the indoctrinated upbringing of religious authority and adulterated education effectively both suppressing and wielding the entire population to ensure unification across such a huge volume of space within the Capital System.
Government Status: Total control and efficiency has been the previous standard of government influence across Doth Major and its five daughter-systems but under recent centuries rebellious Nungiir-herds have formed in limited sections of the Ringworld with a growing influence that defies the current system of rule - the general population is still subservient though and loyal for the most part, unaware of the climactic wars taking place along the edges of their Capital.
Population: ~1 103 450 000 000

Home World/Capitol: Capital System; Doth Major, Capital World; "The Ringworld"
Capital Status: The Ringworld is one the largest and most populous artificial settlements in the entire Galaxy and therefore one of the Official Seven Wonders of the Galaxy -
Notable Locations and Such: N/A
Founding Species: Nungiir; an ancient and revered meta-species covering numerous physically and mentally altered sub-species fulfilling unique roles within the Ancestry applied either within the modern day set-up of the futurist society or historical remnants from previous eras carried forward not through necessity.
Other Species: Artificial Lifeforms / Intelligences

Society and Cultural Information: N/A
Society Status: A dual-hierarchy exists for the two mutually-inhabiting species of the Ringworld - one is the biologically-based Nungiir system with the highly-intelligent and dominant species receiving the greatest wealth and social status within the population; Breeders and Oracles are amongst the highest-ranking of the subspecies. The biomechanical hierarchy is far more complex though with massive varieties existing between both the complexity and magnitude of their artificial designs and rapid, fluid nature as opposed to relatively stable organic life.
Languages: Nungish; a relatively stable language spread throughout the Ringworld and the five other systems of the Ancestry, developed however into hundreds of local dialects and accents which differ across the Ringworld making communication technically feasible but difficult for different
Economy: ~7.8
Industry: ~ 8
Production/Construction: ~ 10

Soopah Powah: Mega-Structure Construction / Production; ever heard of the phrase "Robots building robots"? Well, the Ancestry is so industrially focused that they have factories producing factories - they have manufactories, monofactories, nano- / micro-factories and meta-factories, for the most part on automated construction rates and all assisting each other across the Ringworld in construction of vehicles, tools, starships, warships, satellites, stations, buildings and parts and pieces for other factories to utilize.

Specialties/Advanced Sciences: Materials Sciences and Nanomachinery, Picotechnology + Bio/Mechanical Interfaces
Strengths: Large population / military + Production and Logistics to support it. Reasonably high miltech / tech.
Weaknesses: Few territorial locations, volume of Capital means it is highly indefensible, poor treatment of civilians / bad interstellar image.

Map Claim Size: 1
Grid Coordinates: WIP
Map Claim Color: Gold

Holdings/Territory: One Capital System + Five Daughter-Systems

Colonization/Expansion: The Nungiir Ancestry in non-expansionary due to the vast resource-gathering machines loosed in it's five daughter-systems and the practically unlimited territory within their own Capital System in the form of the Ringworld. If ever a seventh system was to be taken then it would be in the form of an enormous cargo-freighter patrolling the targeted system and completing a total scan of the local volume over a period of decades in order to be thorough. A hyperspace-lane would be stabilized and marked and ensure a steady stream of people and equipment to the target system in exchange of harvested resources and power.

Foreign Policy: The Nungiir are not a benevolent people and ordinarily would consider their own personal safeties and profits before others - applying this to an interstellar scale and you'll find that the Ancestry almost never sends foreign aid, makes trade routes at extortionate rates and is both rash and apathetic to its general decisions regarding other species and systems that it comes across. They are more likely to plunder a floundered vessel than help it and are quick to retaliate with direct action if threatened.
Diplomacy: N/A

Technological Age: N/A
FTL Capabilities: Hyperspace Lanes; maintainable for temporary periods of time due to energistic input from starships through a fourth-spacial dimension these lanes connect to different locations in the third-spacial dimension allowing for travel speed relating to the amount of energy pumped through and the distance in hyperspace ranging from slower-than-light to instantaneously. These can be permanently maintained between systems and as such only a few of these exist in the Nungiir Ancestry.
Inter-Planetary Travel A rarity but accessible amongst the five daughter-systems due to only a single world and occasional asteroid being inhabited there; Doth Major however has no planetary bodies and very few asteroids within the system so all inter-planetary travel is confined to traveling from one side of the Ringworld to the other or between stations and satellites.

Military Information: The military is of course divided into two equal parts of the Army and the Naval Warfleets and a few subspecies of Nungiir fall into both as will be explained later. The Nungiir have been militarized since their species conception millions of years ago and though they have known long moments of peace both on their original planetary stage and the later galactic stage they've never demilitarized their people entirely and have always maintained an armed force. The militarism was strong enough to affect their evolutionary history by incorporating Hunter-species and later Soldier-species into their long list of various sub-species. Mechanoids, bio-mechs, drones and other artificial creations are used to enhance the capabilities of the military and provide direction and systemic control of individual ships and battlefields though organic Nungiir are always kept in the loop and maintain absolute control.
Doctrine: The basic strategy of the Nungiir is containment and overwhelming force - they possess large numbers of infantry and supporting vehicles that they can field but the top desire is to contain the target planet of section of planet with an orbital force and maintain supremacy through bombardment and threats.

Army: Nungiirtok is the basic title afforded to those of the Soldier-class and they will be detailed upon later in the species app, needless to say they form the bulk of the ground troops and anti-boarding troops aboard stations and starships. They form militias to defend towns and cities along the Ringworld and are amongst the most loyal of the sub-species to the Breeders and Oracles. The Hunter-species originally gathered meat for the carnivore sub-species and now serve the role as scouts, assassins and assistants to both Soldiers and Engineers. Exact numbers are unknown for both sub-species but they form a solid block of roughly five percent of the species at a minimum.

Navy: The Naval Warfleets of the Ancestry are as standardized as the Army with perhaps ten classes of starships total covering both civilian and military applications of space travel. Roughly two hundred ships of varying classes defend the five daughter-systems each with roughly five thousands defending the Capital System. Will be detailed upon later.

Strengths: High standardization of weaponry and vehicles lessens training requirements, large population to draw new legions from, refinement of weaponry design and production, etc.
Weaknesses: Lack of efficient control / relations between the upper military leading groups and the general army of Nungiirtok Soldiers. Nungiirtok are generally not very well trained and can only use rudimentary tactics, surprising maneuvers by the enemy will catch them off guard often.

NS Activity: Daily.
Technological Bases: N/A
Prior RP links: N/A

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The Nuclear Fist
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Postby The Nuclear Fist » Sat Sep 28, 2013 12:11 pm

Symbol of Damballah
Civilization Name: The Great Swarm of Damballah
Civilization Age: This is tricky to understand. The origin species, those who created the Colours-of-Midnight and form the core of their consciousness, date back so many thousands of years. Damballah itself is older than the universe. The Swarm proper, in its current form, has existed a few thousand, however.

Government Type: The best description would be a semi-confederation of semi-nomadic theocracies all under dominion of an interdimensional eldritch abomination.
Government Information: The Great Swarm is divided into many individual swarm-fleets known as 'Rainbows-at-Dusk'. Each Rainbow-at-Dusk occupies a certain pathway through space, although it is not uncommon for two Rainbows to come into contact. Every Rainbow-at-Dusk owes allegiance to the Rainbow known as the 'Phantom-of-Midnight', made entirely of purestrains and easily the largest. Each Rainbow maintains a localized part of the God-Consciousness, with individual Rainbows connected by the powerful psionic leaders known as 'Prophets'. The Phantom Prophet is the paramount leader of the Swarm, so far as an individual can be said to exist in Damballah's domain.
Government Status: Stable, unchanging.
Population: Roughly 250 billion purestrains, though this number can fluctuate rapidly based on resources available at hand. The Drone population fluctuates so constantly as to be available as the plot requires.

Home World/Capitol: Womb-Ship, Phantom-of-Midnight.
Capital Status: The Phantom-of-Midnight is doing just fine.
Notable locations and such: N/A, as there is no set geography.
Founding Species: Colours-of-Midnight.
Other Species: N/A, all species are absorbed and become one with the Swarm.
Society and Cultural information: Though individuals of a sort do exist, their lives are largely built around worship of Damballah and working towards the ultimate goal of bringing about his entrance upon this realm.
Society Status: Doing just fine.
Languages: Colour.
Economy: An absolute command economy, with resources produced and allocated based on an individual Rainbow's need.
Industry: See above.
Production/Construction: See above.

Soopah Powah: Due to their biology, their primary strength can be described as 'Infiltration, subversion, espionage, and adaption'. Colours can covertly take hosts with extreme secrecy, quietly infiltrating an area and working to weaken and subvert it, or using their infiltration to spy and gather information. And due to their biomechanical nature and the way they use resources and think, the Swarm can rapidly adapt themselves to new situations.

Specialties/Advanced Sciences: Stellar lifting, biomechanics, medical science, guided evolution, etc.
Strengths: Adaption, infiltration, sabotage, espionage, and numbers.
Weaknesses: They have a weakness towards biological weapons in the short run, and anything they produce will be weaker and shorter lived than the equivalent someone else produces.
Map Claim Size: TBD
Grid Coordinates: TBD
Map Claim Color: Lavender.


Colonization/expansion: This depends on whether or not the planet is habited. If not, a Rainbow merely sweeps over the planet, breaking it down into its most basic elements and repurposing those elements as building blocks for more pieces of the Swarm, or holds them in reserve until such a point as they become necessary. If the planet is habited, purestrain spores are covertly rained down over a period of weeks via meteorites. The spores take root in hosts and slowly spread to major population centres, until they make up a sizable (but hidden) population. At which point they begin creating chaos and disorganization, allowing the Swarm to rapidly move in and absorb the living as quickly as possible. Once all life has been absorbed, the planet is consumed.
Foreign policy: The Great Swarm is typically friendly, taking a long term view of things. It is often considered better for the spreading of Damballah's grace to trade and act diplomatically, though the Swarm is known to randomly succumn to more beastial urges (no doubt caused by their god's prodding) and will be drawn towards a particularly massive source of life, viciously consuming it. This has not happened for many thousands of years, however.
Diplomacy: TBD

Technological Age: Several thousand years.
FTL Capabilities: Though Swarm ships are capable of moving faster than light, they primarily use wormhole technology to get from place to place.
Inter Planetary Travel: Vaguely the same thing.
Military Information: No organized force. Units are created and deployed based on necessity, though a focus remains on heavy bombardment, rapid movement, and numerical superiority.
Doctrine: Not entirely sure what to put here, aside from drones are typically produced based on need at hand. Typically armed with some sort of energy weapon.

Army: See above.

Navy: Weaker, heavily armed ships fire thousands of units of ordnance (typically solid or anti-matter shells) in order to cause as much damage as possible in as little amount of time as possible. At which point, under cover of protective fire, primarily mechanical ships that are heavier and better armoured swoop in to deliver a crushing blow, with the weaker ships swooping in to rout and surround the enemy, crushing them. Cavalry tactics, basically.

Strengths: Numerical superiority, theoretically limitless pool from which to draw forces, rapid adaption, maneuverability.
Weaknesses: Individually weaker than equivalent enemy units.
NS activity: On most days.
Technological Bases: 40k, various others.
Prior RP links: TBD
[23:24] <Marquesan> I have the feeling that all the porn videos you watch are like...set to Primus' music, Ulysses.
Farnhamia wrote:You're getting a little too fond of the jerkoff motions.
And you touch the distant beaches with tales of brave Ulysses. . .

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Posts: 129
Founded: Apr 27, 2013

Postby Karlink » Sat Sep 28, 2013 1:41 pm

Well, well, well. Interesting. Methinks I'll join. *nods*
Also, these apps are WIPs. Willing to take advise here!

My current insignia and flag.
Civilization Name: The Dictatorial Imperium of Karlink
Civilization Age: No more than twenty millennia (20,000) years.

Government Type: Complete and Utter Dictatorship. Self explanatory, however, I am willing to expand on this IF needed.
Government Information: There are three important families in Karlink, which in some ways form separate "nations" within our borders;
- The House of Folter, Where our current Emperor, Autarch and Dictator lives.
- The House of Johnson, where the Heir resides.
- The House of Arya, which are the Nazi/Karlinkian Supremacists.
Government Status: There are elections into the Parliament, but that is pretty much the most democratic thing in Karlink. And you must select a representative from one of the three Houses.
Population: 5 Billion.

Home World/Capitol: Uron System, Torra, Koream.
Capital Status: Lots of Tourism, however the city of Koream is open to all. It really is sort of average economically. The tallest buildings known to Karlinkians are found inside of Koream as well.
Notable locations and such:
- Koream, our capital.
- Norezu, our version of NYC.
- Torra, our home planet.
Founding Species: The Karlinkians.
Other Species:
Society and Cultural information: The Karlinkian Society: Accepting of all races and colors, and we generally welcome everyone onto our humble planet. The Karlinkians are nice and usually are pacifist, however, it depends on which House influence they live under. The Arya House peoples tend to be very anti-everything, and want to kill newcomers on the spot. The Johnson/Folter Houses tend to be the more pacifist ones. As for culture, we have a very Christian Culture.

Society Status: Due to recently low economy and high unemployment, crime has risen as well as unemployment. The Government struggles to fix this, and so, they've gotten to a point a type of economy where they are near collapse.
Languages: English and German.
Economy: 5. We haven't been doing well in our mining industry lately.
Industry: Mining and Weapons Manufacturing. However, both are declining due to our pacifism.
Production/Construction: It generally takes fifteen to twenty days to build an entire building, depending on size. We don't like to rush things, and have very weak means of travelling. Our production levels are normally off the charts, but as I said earlier, our economy is starting to fail.

Soopah Powah: Diplomatic Power- The Karlinkian diplomats are very good at making peace and trade offers.

Specialties/Advanced Sciences: Unfortunately, we're just barely building a colony on our moon. We don't have much advanced things.
Strengths: We have rail guns and the like, but thats about the strongest our land weapons get. In terms of space ships, we only have two classes: normal and elite. Normal is about half the size of all of your warships, most likely. Elite Warships are more likely to actually be the same size of some of your ships.
Weaknesses: The fact we've barely begun inventing space travel and only control our single planet and moon.
Map Claim Size: 1. Since we only own a planet.
Grid Coordinates: Gamma Sector - P, O.
Map Claim Color: Green. Or brown.

Holdings/Territory: Our home planet and moon.

Colonization/expansion: We're just building a colony on our moon. We haven't thought of expanding to another planet as of yet.
Foreign policy: As said earlier onward, we love being friendly and welcome people with open arms.
Diplomacy: I don't know anyone here, but I'm sure we can work something out. Possibly.
Technological Age: Just beginning FT, so I'm going to say very high MT or very low FT.
FTL Capabilities: None, as of yet. We can pretty much only sit and fight wherever we reside.
Inter Planetary Travel We have Lunar-capable travel, as well as orbital travel invented. However, we have yet to build a ship capable of reaching another planet.
Military Information: We are very pacifist, so our military generally is not all that strong. We do have powerful weapons, however.
Doctrine: We mainly fight using the skies, seeing as we have wings and can fly. Our tails are our "swords", being able to generally stab through weak biological armor. We can also carry guns. Our war cries tend to sound like shrieks of murderous beasts, and we attack from the clouds at the stroke of midnight when we are hostile.
Army: Rail guns and cavalry. That's all we really have. Our navy is rarely put to use.

Navy: Space navy-wise, not really all that powerful. Planetary navy wise, we could possibly punch a large hole in a space warship. This is because we have weaponry similar to an Ion Cannon built on our planetary navy.

Strengths: Our military is capable of rail gun technology and the like, as well as having the weapons needed to punch a hole in a space warship. How we do that is explained in 'navy'.
Weaknesses: We're incapable of shields. So...Yeah...
NS activity: Damn, only Average.
Technological Bases: We aren't really based off of anything.
Prior RP links: Due to not having any, I shall give you an example like this;
The sun rose at dawn, the wind blowing and trees falling. It was getting colder, and this was for sure. The harsh cold would be coming in to kill off the comfortable warmth, and all Karlinkians knew it as well. This year was going to have the worst 'Harsh Cold', as the people called it. It was to bring up to three feet of snow, unheard of to all Karlinkians. This being because it almost never snowed, and when it did during the winter or harsh cold, it was only two inches at most. People were worried about freezing to death and the planet turning into an ice cube in their span of existence...

Species Name: Karlinkian
Appearance: Here we go.
Biology and anatomy: We have wings and tails, as well as strong dragonoid claws. Not much else to describe besides the fact we appear human in every other respect, including organ-wise.
Height: Avg. Height = 6-7 feet.
Weight: Avg. Weight = 150-250 lbs.
Relative survivability: We have some natural armor infused into our skin, mainly around or in areas where our dragon-parts meet our humanoid-parts. So, we have natural chest armor that can seemingly "morph away" whenever we please, as well as lower pant-long armor. This is very fortunate, especially for our women. We don't need "clothes".

Natural Defenses/Abilities: Our claws and tails can be used as weapons.
Unnatural abilities: None really. Does being able to fly with our wings count?

Respiratory Gas: Oxygen.
Base composite Element: Carbon.
Base Form and Ethnic Variations: All the different colors humans are, as well as different wing sizes and colors.
Our basic form and ethnic variation, however, are white skinned muscular large winged long tailed Karlinkians.
Life Span: 70-120 years.
Reproduction: Average, but some years high. There's a two-month span per year where we're more sexual than usual, for some reason.
Intelligence Level: Slightly above average. Pretty much as close to being average we can get, but we're smarter than humans.
Traits/Behavior/Disposition: Karlinkians are very attractive in some respects. They tend to not care how hostile a race is, they want to be friends. So, we're easy targets for any of you money-greedy imperialists.

Type: Avian, I guess? With a mix of reptilian and humanoid...?
Aggression: -3.

Society and Cultural information: Stated in nation app.

Important Characters:
- Emperor, Autarch and Dictator Skril Von Folter
- Empress, Second Autarch and Dictatoress Natalie Von Folter
- Prince, Heir to Autarchracy, and General Xavier Von Folter
Last edited by Karlink on Mon Sep 30, 2013 12:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.
~Emperor, Autarch and Dictator Skril Von Folter~

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Postby Yalos » Sat Sep 28, 2013 2:10 pm

The House of Augury

The standard of the House and its citizens

Civilization Name:The House of Augury
Civilization Age: 540 years
Government Type: The House of Augury is a hereditary, constitutional monarchy with a parliament of around 100 members, one for each system under the House authority. The Parliament, however, is very weak, riddled with corruption and bribery, resulting in an untrusting, suspicious populace.
Government Information: The House, ruled by the family of Augury, attempts to be a moderate, sensible government, while the corruption in parliament allows for the rise of multi system corporations and unchecked military aggression against peaceful xenon races. Meanwhile, Augury’s elitism, especially by members of the Royal family, results in lots of family based alliances and positions.
Government Status: A small militant factor of minority races threatens to end the peace, and plunge the nation into civil war. The House is currently on its guard. Furthermore, numerous fringe world conflicts have resulted in high military spending, but these are not military actions, merely police actions against unruly mobs.
Population: 300 systems, with a total of 1.4 trillion citizens, 30% of which are slaves.
Home World/Capitol: System Arch, Titus, Port Silver.
Capital Status: The capital is situated on a massive oceanic world with islands scattered about, resulting in a large mix of aquatic species making their homes in and around the capital. The sleek, ocean based capital city is completely based on struts high above the water, with over 40 million people living in a single massive city, while aquatic species maintain the city’s mechanics below the surface.
Notable locations and such: The Capital building itself encompasses an entire city block, and its around 40 stories high. The military, parliament and most other governmental functions centralize here, while the palace is situated just a few blocks away. The palace, home to the royal family, is the symbol of Elitist control over the House and its possessions, a beautiful work of architectural artistry.
Founding Species: The Humans are obviously in control, as the House monarchs are human themselves, but many species play a prominent role in the running and operation of the house, the parliament being comprised of only 95% humans, and many planetary governors being of non human descent. However, it must be realized that humans simply have a social advantage, especially as the House family is human, and holds dominance over the rest of the Empire.

Other Species: (You know what, since I’m considering making this empire as culturally diverse as possible, I’ll just brainstorm some now, and add a bunch more later. Is that fine?)
Society and Cultural information: The House, as diverse as it is, has a strict caste system, in which the members of the House form an elite class, alongside the wealthy and influential. this caste system uses its power to maintain absolutist control over the citizens, who feel oppressed, though most don’t feel angered enough to challenge the system. After all, they are fed, paid and have some kinds of homes, and a revolution might do nothing but jeopardize all of that. Many minority races feel oppressed, and threaten to take up arms against the House, a threat that sadly is often seen through by bloody wars that can only end in a House victory. Thus, the House is a nation of Elitist control over a subjugated working class, where crime is often the only path into success.
Society Status Very powerful ruling class leads to an extremely disproportionate balance of power.
Languages Over 11,000, mostly English or a dialect thereof.
Economy:6. The economy is good, flourishing on most planets, but there is enough poverty in some of the fringe or crime worlds that the economy cannot be fairly represented as anything more than just fine. While the economy is good, the almost 45% of all wealth is in the hands of the Elite, a mere 1% of the entire population.
Industry: 8 Very good, with entire planets devoted to production of weapons, ships and droids. Of course, this is a result of a parliament that caters to the desires of the corporate masters and crime lords, and the rule of Corporate lords.
Production/Construction:7. The House of Silver loves to build, and no matter where it is, the family often funds the creation of libraries, public shelters and palaces, just if to be patrons of the architectural arts. Thus, the entire House is blessed with a large number of government funded, lovingly crafted soup kitchens and junk yards.
Soopah Powah: The Royal Navy is a massive force with over fifty million enlisted in either active or reserve roles, maintaining a fleet of carriers and frigates, with around 7,500 vessels total.
Specialties/Advanced Sciences: Absolutely none. Augury relies on brute manpower and crime rings to ensure success in both foreign and domestic policy.
Strengths: Augury has a massive navy with which it dominates overs its minority groups. Its crime rings are able to bring in steady profits, though at the cost of the government’s funding, much of which is consumed by the Family itself. The taxes that are left are almost entirely left to salaries, military funding and propaganda campaigns.
Weaknesses:Lots of internal dissent, hard to control fringe and crime worlds, too many varied opinions for parliament to be effective, and lots of room for corruption. Sometimes, the Family will have internal fighting, resulting in massive mercenary and bounty hunter wars with the assistance of militia groups and the Royal navy.
Map Claim Size: 6 or 7, as I do have a sizeable nation
Grid Coordinates: I really don’t give a damm either way. I can add in coordinates later if I’m accepted.
Map Claim Color:Please, Purple.

Holdings/Territory: 100 systems, with at least 4 in open rebellion at any give time.

Colonization/expansion:The House itself doesn’t go about trying to expand. Rather, independent systems (or individuals), if wealthy enough, can opt to send expeditions where they can petition for a house charter. If granted, the system gets to maintain an economic colony for around 100 years, but after that time, the colony is independent, and allowed to maintain itself, usually with support of the navy. Sometimes, these power transfers turn bloody, with systems refusing to give up their colonies, but overall, the system has worked pretty well.
Foreign policy: The House is a military brute, with the dreams of expanding to create more profits.
Diplomacy: None.

Technological Age:Maybe…400 years after earth? Not super advanced, but enough so that overall living quality tends to be relatively high, and most people can have enough to eat.
FTL Capabilities: Decent
Inter Planetary TravelSuperb.
Military Information: The entire core of the military forces of the House is the Navy, all hands down. With massive super fleet carriers, the House’s carriers are unstoppable, massive behemoths of war and power, with gold plating on some of the more prominent vessels.

Doctrine: Massive carriers travel in groups of 4 carriers, each group usually strong enough to wrestle a system down to the ground with massive nuclear warheads, destruction beams and lots of firepower, as well as having a large escort of fighters and frigates in its many docking bays in addition to several divisions of mechanized infantry units.

Army: The little army that is there is reservist and parliamentary forces with simple blasters, speeders, some light walkers and artillery. The House doesn’t count on ground forces being deployed, though some corporations, hopeful for contracts, have millions of cyborgs, automated tanks and other droid weaponry stored away in case of a large scale war.

Navy: The navy is based off carriers with frigate escorts, resulting in most firepower projected by smaller vessels such as starfighters and frigate fire. Planetary bombardment is difficult, but still efficient, and antimatter bombs have began usage for quelling resistance forces. The Augurian navy is hereditary, with the highest positions in the hands of family members. However, in the lower ranks, up to Frigate captain, most positions are based on merit, resulting in brilliant individual crew commanders and skilled fighter pilots led by mostly inept and useless aristocrats.
Strengths: Powerful ships, skilled pilots and navigators.
Weaknesses: Potential for members of military to desert to rebellious factions, and certain units can't cooperate due to language or cultural barriers.
NS activity: Daily.
Technological Bases:Star wars, war hammer 40k, the works.
Prior RP links:

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Democratic Socialists

Postby Nyte » Sun Sep 29, 2013 1:30 am

Karlink wrote:Well, well, well. Interesting. Methinks I'll join. *nods*
Also, these apps are WIPs. Willing to take advise here!

My current insignia and flag.
Civilization Name: The Dictatorial Imperium of Karlink
Civilization Age: No more than twenty millennia (20,000) years.

Government Type: Complete and Utter Dictatorship. Self explanatory, however, I am willing to expand on this IF needed.
Government Information: There are three important families in Karlink, which in some ways form separate "nations" within our borders;
- The House of Folter, Where our current Emperor, Autarch and Dictator lives.
- The House of Johnson, where the Heir resides.
- The House of Arya, which are the Nazi/Karlinkian Supremacists.
Government Status: There are elections into the Parliament, but that is pretty much the most democratic thing in Karlink. And you must select a representative from one of the three Houses.
Population: 1 Billion.

Home World/Capitol: Uron System, Torra, Koream.
Capital Status: Lots of Tourism, however the city of Koream is open to all. It really is sort of average economically. The tallest buildings known to Karlinkians are found inside of Koream as well.
Notable locations and such:
- Koream, our capital.
- Norezu, our version of NYC.
- Torra, our home planet.
Founding Species: The Karlinkians.
Other Species:

- Noryn Bugs: Basically, hive minded bugs that we use as cavalry on the ground. They are of average human intelligence.
Society and Cultural information: The Karlinkian Society: Accepting of all races and colors, and we generally welcome everyone onto our humble planet. The Karlinkians are nice and usually are pacifist, however, it depends on which House influence they live under. The Arya House peoples tend to be very anti-everything, and want to kill newcomers on the spot. The Johnson/Folter Houses tend to be the more pacifist ones. As for culture, we have a very Christian Culture.

Society Status: I am not sure how to fill this in, so, mind helping?
Languages: English and German.
Economy: 5. We haven't been doing well in our mining industry lately.
Industry: Mining and Weapons Manufacturing. However, both are declining due to our pacifism.
Production/Construction: It generally takes fifteen to twenty days to build an entire building, depending on size. We don't like to rush things, and have very weak means of travelling. Our production levels are normally off the charts, but as I said earlier, our economy is starting to fail.

Soopah Powah: Peaceful Power - We have the power to influence peaceand are very good at making diplomatic solutions. We almost never go to war unless absolutely necessary.

Specialties/Advanced Sciences: Unfortunately, we're just barely building a colony on our moon. We don't have much advanced things.
Strengths: We have rail guns and the like, but thats about the strongest our land weapons get. In terms of space ships, we only have two classes: normal and elite. Normal is about half the size of all of your warships, most likely. Elite Warships are more likely to actually be the same size of some of your ships.
Weaknesses: The fact we've barely begun inventing space travel and only control our single planet and moon.
Map Claim Size: 1. Since we only own a planet.
Grid Coordinates: Gamma Sector - P, O.
Map Claim Color: Green. Or brown.

Holdings/Territory: Our home planet and moon.

Colonization/expansion: We're just building a colony on our moon. We haven't thought of expanding to another planet as of yet.
Foreign policy: As said earlier onward, we love being friendly and welcome people with open arms.
Diplomacy: I don't know anyone here, but I'm sure we can work something out. Possibly.
Technological Age: Just beginning FT, so I'm going to say very high MT or very low FT.
FTL Capabilities: None, as of yet.
Inter Planetary Travel None, as of yet.
Military Information: We are very pacifist, so our military generally is not all that strong. We do have powerful weapons, however.
Doctrine: Pretty much this. Scroll down a bit for ranks.
Army: Rail guns and cavalry. That's all we really have. Our navy is rarely put to use.

Navy: Space navy-wise, not really all that powerful. Planetary navy wise, we could possibly punch a large hole in a space warship.

Strengths: Our military is capable of rail gun technology and the like, as well as having the weapons needed to punch a hole in a space warship.
Weaknesses: We're incapable of shields. So...Yeah...
NS activity: Damn, only Average.
Technological Bases: What does this mean?
Prior RP links: Not sure what to fill this with. I have never actually participated in an RP as of yet.

Species Name: Karlinkian
Appearance: Here we go.
Biology and anatomy: We have wings and tails, as well as strong dragonoid claws. Not much else to describe besides the fact we appear human in every other respect, including organ-wise.
Height: Avg. Height = 6-7 feet.
Weight: Avg. Weight = 150-250 lbs.
Relative survivability: We can survive decently long, actually. As long as we aren't invaded by superior technological nations.

Natural Defenses/Abilities: Our claws and tails can be used as weapons.
Unnatural abilities: None really. Does being able to fly with our wings count?

Respiratory Gas: Oxygen.
Base composite Element: Carbon.
Base Form and Ethnic Variations: All the different colors humans are, as well as different wing sizes and colors.
Our basic form and ethnic variation, however, are white skinned muscular large winged long tailed Karlinkians.
Life Span: 70-120 years.
Reproduction: High. We're very...sexual.
Intelligence Level: Slightly above average. Pretty much as close to being average we can get, but we're smarter than humans.
Traits/Behavior/Disposition: Karlinkians are very attractive in some respects. They tend to not care how hostile a race is, they want to be friends. So, we're easy targets for any of you money-greedy imperialists.

Type: Avian, I guess? With a mix of reptilian and humanoid...?
Aggression: -3.

Society and Cultural information: Stated in nation app.

Important Characters:
- Emperor, Autarch and Dictator Skril Von Folter
- Empress, Second Autarch and Dictatoress Natalie Von Folter
- Prince, Heir to Autarchracy, and General Xavier Von Folter

Let’s get to it… Looking at this again now that I’ve had the time I’ve noticed several other issues that I didn't notice when I first read it.
I’ll do this in descending order. Each point has also been highlighted red for convenience…

1. Your population is really low… While it’s not necessarily a problem, this does go against your high reproduction rate… With a high reproduction your population should be a minimum of several billion (at least equal to Earths population if not greater) unless something has recently occurred that would explain this. Perhaps you’ve just had a very violent world war, or some super illness swept through your population and killed a large number of them before a cure could be created. Either way, you really should think of changing this although if you really want it that low you should either find a reason for it to be that low, or change your reproduction rate to reflect on a low population.
2. Your Noryn Bugs… The idea seems strange to me in general. While I don’t have a problem with the idea I am curious to know why they do not use some type of vehicle or mecha instead as the logistical issues of feeding, cleaning up after, and sheltering a cavalry animal seems somewhat wasteful (the food costs alone!)… Not to mention the fact that said animal will also need to sleep, and will get tired after prolonged use. It also seems even more wasteful if you also use vehicles of some sort in your army as properly maintaining both would be a waste of resources.
3. Society Status is basically the condition of your people at this time. For example, you say your economy is not doing all that well… So going with that bit of info, you could say that there are higher than average levels of unemployment at this time. Along with such a thing, your crime levels also probably have begun to rise a bit, and the people are likely to be a bit more upset with the government because of this. Perhaps they’ve staged riots recently and your dictator had to put his foot down and throw them into his gulag after killing several ____ (insert large number here) of them. You’d also likely have an increased number of poverty level people as well as homeless/vagrants that are probably beginning to crowd up your city streets begging for loose change…
4. Your ‘super power’ seems odd to me… The way you currently describe it seems like you have some weird power to manipulate other races into not slaughtering your people like animals and bathing in their gore… :twisted: :p I’d like you to expand on this further so I can get a better idea of what exactly you mean by this ‘super power’ and how exactly it functions.
5. Interplanetary Travel doesn’t just involve travel to worlds outside your home system… It’s also used to describe your sub-light engines. Basically, are you using rocket engines? Or perhaps you have some other fancier type of engine that doesn’t require burning a liquid fuel to go from point A to point B. Basically, if your people travel to their moon, how do they get there?
6. Your military doctrine is pretty much MIA. That link leads to US Military ranks and insignia. Military doctrine is basically how you fight. For example, you could focus on fighting in open, fairly flat areas to make the best use of your cavalry forces while focusing on outflanking slower enemies and running them down from ‘Norynback.’ Also, you would likely have some type of warfare you’re not so good at because you’re either missing the right piece of equipment for it, or never developed a need for such. For example, cavalry forces are likely far less effective in dense wooded terrain and cramped urban environments where warfare becomes more vertical in nature.
7. Exactly what weapons do you use to “punch a hole in a space warship?” You mention this in your strengths in your nation app., but it’s separate from the railguns that you’ve mentioned.
8. Technology Bases: Basically this question concerns where you got your nations technology from/what if anything influenced your nation’s technology. For example, perhaps you read about some fancy weapon in a book and decided to use it… You would mention that book as one of your tech bases. Another example might be if you use a large amount of technology/ships/etc. from a certain TV show or anime. You would list said TV show or anime here. This can help give others who may also be familiar with this TV show or anime an idea of what it is you’re using, and people who are unfamiliar with it could easily look it up if they wanted to know more.
9. Concerning prior RP links… If you don’t have any to provide, you could provide a small sample post instead. If you do this (which I recommend that you do) it should be about three paragraphs long and in a similar style/format as you intend to use when you join an in character RP. Doing this should give everyone an idea of what you are typically likely to post during the course of an RP you take part in.
10. Relative Survivability in the species app. concerns how “squishy” your race is. Think of this as a scale with a human being as the scales mid-point. Is your race “squishier” than a human being? If so, why? Is your race a veritable tank in comparison to a human being? If so, why are they so durable and what is their limit/what makes them so?
11. Reproduction… I’ve only included this here because it contradicts with your low population numbers. Having both a low population and a high reproduction rate just doesn’t make much sense to me…
Self censored due to concerns of Moderation Abuse and ambiguous rules enforcement.

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Posts: 129
Founded: Apr 27, 2013

Postby Karlink » Sun Sep 29, 2013 5:48 am

Nyte wrote:
Karlink wrote:Well, well, well. Interesting. Methinks I'll join. *nods*
Also, these apps are WIPs. Willing to take advise here!

My current insignia and flag.
Civilization Name: The Dictatorial Imperium of Karlink
Civilization Age: No more than twenty millennia (20,000) years.

Government Type: Complete and Utter Dictatorship. Self explanatory, however, I am willing to expand on this IF needed.
Government Information: There are three important families in Karlink, which in some ways form separate "nations" within our borders;
- The House of Folter, Where our current Emperor, Autarch and Dictator lives.
- The House of Johnson, where the Heir resides.
- The House of Arya, which are the Nazi/Karlinkian Supremacists.
Government Status: There are elections into the Parliament, but that is pretty much the most democratic thing in Karlink. And you must select a representative from one of the three Houses.
Population: 1 Billion.

Home World/Capitol: Uron System, Torra, Koream.
Capital Status: Lots of Tourism, however the city of Koream is open to all. It really is sort of average economically. The tallest buildings known to Karlinkians are found inside of Koream as well.
Notable locations and such:
- Koream, our capital.
- Norezu, our version of NYC.
- Torra, our home planet.
Founding Species: The Karlinkians.
Other Species:

- Noryn Bugs: Basically, hive minded bugs that we use as cavalry on the ground. They are of average human intelligence.
Society and Cultural information: The Karlinkian Society: Accepting of all races and colors, and we generally welcome everyone onto our humble planet. The Karlinkians are nice and usually are pacifist, however, it depends on which House influence they live under. The Arya House peoples tend to be very anti-everything, and want to kill newcomers on the spot. The Johnson/Folter Houses tend to be the more pacifist ones. As for culture, we have a very Christian Culture.

Society Status: I am not sure how to fill this in, so, mind helping?
Languages: English and German.
Economy: 5. We haven't been doing well in our mining industry lately.
Industry: Mining and Weapons Manufacturing. However, both are declining due to our pacifism.
Production/Construction: It generally takes fifteen to twenty days to build an entire building, depending on size. We don't like to rush things, and have very weak means of travelling. Our production levels are normally off the charts, but as I said earlier, our economy is starting to fail.

Soopah Powah: Peaceful Power - We have the power to influence peaceand are very good at making diplomatic solutions. We almost never go to war unless absolutely necessary.

Specialties/Advanced Sciences: Unfortunately, we're just barely building a colony on our moon. We don't have much advanced things.
Strengths: We have rail guns and the like, but thats about the strongest our land weapons get. In terms of space ships, we only have two classes: normal and elite. Normal is about half the size of all of your warships, most likely. Elite Warships are more likely to actually be the same size of some of your ships.
Weaknesses: The fact we've barely begun inventing space travel and only control our single planet and moon.
Map Claim Size: 1. Since we only own a planet.
Grid Coordinates: Gamma Sector - P, O.
Map Claim Color: Green. Or brown.

Holdings/Territory: Our home planet and moon.

Colonization/expansion: We're just building a colony on our moon. We haven't thought of expanding to another planet as of yet.
Foreign policy: As said earlier onward, we love being friendly and welcome people with open arms.
Diplomacy: I don't know anyone here, but I'm sure we can work something out. Possibly.
Technological Age: Just beginning FT, so I'm going to say very high MT or very low FT.
FTL Capabilities: None, as of yet.
Inter Planetary Travel None, as of yet.
Military Information: We are very pacifist, so our military generally is not all that strong. We do have powerful weapons, however.
Doctrine: Pretty much this. Scroll down a bit for ranks.
Army: Rail guns and cavalry. That's all we really have. Our navy is rarely put to use.

Navy: Space navy-wise, not really all that powerful. Planetary navy wise, we could possibly punch a large hole in a space warship.

Strengths: Our military is capable of rail gun technology and the like, as well as having the weapons needed to punch a hole in a space warship.
Weaknesses: We're incapable of shields. So...Yeah...
NS activity: Damn, only Average.
Technological Bases: What does this mean?
Prior RP links: Not sure what to fill this with. I have never actually participated in an RP as of yet.

Species Name: Karlinkian
Appearance: Here we go.
Biology and anatomy: We have wings and tails, as well as strong dragonoid claws. Not much else to describe besides the fact we appear human in every other respect, including organ-wise.
Height: Avg. Height = 6-7 feet.
Weight: Avg. Weight = 150-250 lbs.
Relative survivability: We can survive decently long, actually. As long as we aren't invaded by superior technological nations.

Natural Defenses/Abilities: Our claws and tails can be used as weapons.
Unnatural abilities: None really. Does being able to fly with our wings count?

Respiratory Gas: Oxygen.
Base composite Element: Carbon.
Base Form and Ethnic Variations: All the different colors humans are, as well as different wing sizes and colors.
Our basic form and ethnic variation, however, are white skinned muscular large winged long tailed Karlinkians.
Life Span: 70-120 years.
Reproduction: High. We're very...sexual.
Intelligence Level: Slightly above average. Pretty much as close to being average we can get, but we're smarter than humans.
Traits/Behavior/Disposition: Karlinkians are very attractive in some respects. They tend to not care how hostile a race is, they want to be friends. So, we're easy targets for any of you money-greedy imperialists.

Type: Avian, I guess? With a mix of reptilian and humanoid...?
Aggression: -3.

Society and Cultural information: Stated in nation app.

Important Characters:
- Emperor, Autarch and Dictator Skril Von Folter
- Empress, Second Autarch and Dictatoress Natalie Von Folter
- Prince, Heir to Autarchracy, and General Xavier Von Folter

Let’s get to it… Looking at this again now that I’ve had the time I’ve noticed several other issues that I didn't notice when I first read it.
I’ll do this in descending order. Each point has also been highlighted red for convenience…

1. Your population is really low… While it’s not necessarily a problem, this does go against your high reproduction rate… With a high reproduction your population should be a minimum of several billion (at least equal to Earths population if not greater) unless something has recently occurred that would explain this. Perhaps you’ve just had a very violent world war, or some super illness swept through your population and killed a large number of them before a cure could be created. Either way, you really should think of changing this although if you really want it that low you should either find a reason for it to be that low, or change your reproduction rate to reflect on a low population.
2. Your Noryn Bugs… The idea seems strange to me in general. While I don’t have a problem with the idea I am curious to know why they do not use some type of vehicle or mecha instead as the logistical issues of feeding, cleaning up after, and sheltering a cavalry animal seems somewhat wasteful (the food costs alone!)… Not to mention the fact that said animal will also need to sleep, and will get tired after prolonged use. It also seems even more wasteful if you also use vehicles of some sort in your army as properly maintaining both would be a waste of resources.
3. Society Status is basically the condition of your people at this time. For example, you say your economy is not doing all that well… So going with that bit of info, you could say that there are higher than average levels of unemployment at this time. Along with such a thing, your crime levels also probably have begun to rise a bit, and the people are likely to be a bit more upset with the government because of this. Perhaps they’ve staged riots recently and your dictator had to put his foot down and throw them into his gulag after killing several ____ (insert large number here) of them. You’d also likely have an increased number of poverty level people as well as homeless/vagrants that are probably beginning to crowd up your city streets begging for loose change…
4. Your ‘super power’ seems odd to me… The way you currently describe it seems like you have some weird power to manipulate other races into not slaughtering your people like animals and bathing in their gore… :twisted: :p I’d like you to expand on this further so I can get a better idea of what exactly you mean by this ‘super power’ and how exactly it functions.
5. Interplanetary Travel doesn’t just involve travel to worlds outside your home system… It’s also used to describe your sub-light engines. Basically, are you using rocket engines? Or perhaps you have some other fancier type of engine that doesn’t require burning a liquid fuel to go from point A to point B. Basically, if your people travel to their moon, how do they get there?
6. Your military doctrine is pretty much MIA. That link leads to US Military ranks and insignia. Military doctrine is basically how you fight. For example, you could focus on fighting in open, fairly flat areas to make the best use of your cavalry forces while focusing on outflanking slower enemies and running them down from ‘Norynback.’ Also, you would likely have some type of warfare you’re not so good at because you’re either missing the right piece of equipment for it, or never developed a need for such. For example, cavalry forces are likely far less effective in dense wooded terrain and cramped urban environments where warfare becomes more vertical in nature.
7. Exactly what weapons do you use to “punch a hole in a space warship?” You mention this in your strengths in your nation app., but it’s separate from the railguns that you’ve mentioned.
8. Technology Bases: Basically this question concerns where you got your nations technology from/what if anything influenced your nation’s technology. For example, perhaps you read about some fancy weapon in a book and decided to use it… You would mention that book as one of your tech bases. Another example might be if you use a large amount of technology/ships/etc. from a certain TV show or anime. You would list said TV show or anime here. This can help give others who may also be familiar with this TV show or anime an idea of what it is you’re using, and people who are unfamiliar with it could easily look it up if they wanted to know more.
9. Concerning prior RP links… If you don’t have any to provide, you could provide a small sample post instead. If you do this (which I recommend that you do) it should be about three paragraphs long and in a similar style/format as you intend to use when you join an in character RP. Doing this should give everyone an idea of what you are typically likely to post during the course of an RP you take part in.
10. Relative Survivability in the species app. concerns how “squishy” your race is. Think of this as a scale with a human being as the scales mid-point. Is your race “squishier” than a human being? If so, why? Is your race a veritable tank in comparison to a human being? If so, why are they so durable and what is their limit/what makes them so?
11. Reproduction… I’ve only included this here because it contradicts with your low population numbers. Having both a low population and a high reproduction rate just doesn’t make much sense to me…

Thanks! I'll get to fixing it now.
~Emperor, Autarch and Dictator Skril Von Folter~

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Postby Karlink » Sun Sep 29, 2013 6:04 am

Karlink wrote:
Nyte wrote:
Let’s get to it… Looking at this again now that I’ve had the time I’ve noticed several other issues that I didn't notice when I first read it.
I’ll do this in descending order. Each point has also been highlighted red for convenience…

1. Your population is really low… While it’s not necessarily a problem, this does go against your high reproduction rate… With a high reproduction your population should be a minimum of several billion (at least equal to Earths population if not greater) unless something has recently occurred that would explain this. Perhaps you’ve just had a very violent world war, or some super illness swept through your population and killed a large number of them before a cure could be created. Either way, you really should think of changing this although if you really want it that low you should either find a reason for it to be that low, or change your reproduction rate to reflect on a low population.
2. Your Noryn Bugs… The idea seems strange to me in general. While I don’t have a problem with the idea I am curious to know why they do not use some type of vehicle or mecha instead as the logistical issues of feeding, cleaning up after, and sheltering a cavalry animal seems somewhat wasteful (the food costs alone!)… Not to mention the fact that said animal will also need to sleep, and will get tired after prolonged use. It also seems even more wasteful if you also use vehicles of some sort in your army as properly maintaining both would be a waste of resources.
3. Society Status is basically the condition of your people at this time. For example, you say your economy is not doing all that well… So going with that bit of info, you could say that there are higher than average levels of unemployment at this time. Along with such a thing, your crime levels also probably have begun to rise a bit, and the people are likely to be a bit more upset with the government because of this. Perhaps they’ve staged riots recently and your dictator had to put his foot down and throw them into his gulag after killing several ____ (insert large number here) of them. You’d also likely have an increased number of poverty level people as well as homeless/vagrants that are probably beginning to crowd up your city streets begging for loose change…
4. Your ‘super power’ seems odd to me… The way you currently describe it seems like you have some weird power to manipulate other races into not slaughtering your people like animals and bathing in their gore… :twisted: :p I’d like you to expand on this further so I can get a better idea of what exactly you mean by this ‘super power’ and how exactly it functions.
5. Interplanetary Travel doesn’t just involve travel to worlds outside your home system… It’s also used to describe your sub-light engines. Basically, are you using rocket engines? Or perhaps you have some other fancier type of engine that doesn’t require burning a liquid fuel to go from point A to point B. Basically, if your people travel to their moon, how do they get there?
6. Your military doctrine is pretty much MIA. That link leads to US Military ranks and insignia. Military doctrine is basically how you fight. For example, you could focus on fighting in open, fairly flat areas to make the best use of your cavalry forces while focusing on outflanking slower enemies and running them down from ‘Norynback.’ Also, you would likely have some type of warfare you’re not so good at because you’re either missing the right piece of equipment for it, or never developed a need for such. For example, cavalry forces are likely far less effective in dense wooded terrain and cramped urban environments where warfare becomes more vertical in nature.
7. Exactly what weapons do you use to “punch a hole in a space warship?” You mention this in your strengths in your nation app., but it’s separate from the railguns that you’ve mentioned.
8. Technology Bases: Basically this question concerns where you got your nations technology from/what if anything influenced your nation’s technology. For example, perhaps you read about some fancy weapon in a book and decided to use it… You would mention that book as one of your tech bases. Another example might be if you use a large amount of technology/ships/etc. from a certain TV show or anime. You would list said TV show or anime here. This can help give others who may also be familiar with this TV show or anime an idea of what it is you’re using, and people who are unfamiliar with it could easily look it up if they wanted to know more.
9. Concerning prior RP links… If you don’t have any to provide, you could provide a small sample post instead. If you do this (which I recommend that you do) it should be about three paragraphs long and in a similar style/format as you intend to use when you join an in character RP. Doing this should give everyone an idea of what you are typically likely to post during the course of an RP you take part in.
10. Relative Survivability in the species app. concerns how “squishy” your race is. Think of this as a scale with a human being as the scales mid-point. Is your race “squishier” than a human being? If so, why? Is your race a veritable tank in comparison to a human being? If so, why are they so durable and what is their limit/what makes them so?
11. Reproduction… I’ve only included this here because it contradicts with your low population numbers. Having both a low population and a high reproduction rate just doesn’t make much sense to me…

Thanks! I'll get to fixing it now.

I am done fixing it. Tell me what you think, and if I missed anything.
~Emperor, Autarch and Dictator Skril Von Folter~

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Postby Lolder » Sun Sep 29, 2013 7:07 am

OK, Kyuria. Made those improvements. Sorry I didn't see your notification sooner.

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The Holy Dominion of Inesea
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Postby The Holy Dominion of Inesea » Sun Sep 29, 2013 8:07 am

Reposting app here for storage.

The Holy Dominion of Inesea wrote:
*My NS Flag*
Civilization Name: The Republic of Inesean Commonwealths
Civilization Age: As a Unified Government, 3,072 years. As a spacefaring(Extra-Solar) Government, 2,805 Years

Government Type: The Republic of Inesean Commonwealths is a union of of Coomonwealths that retain limited Social and Political control and have delegated Military and Economical control to the Republican Senate. Each Commonwealth is composed of a single populated system and usually administers to several other uninhabited systems. The governing body is the Republican Senate, which is based on the Capitol planet of Aryaal. The President of the Republican Senate is the Elector Maximus and the Head of State is the Governor of the Aryaalic Commonwealth. The Governor is a titular position, as the Elector Maximus and Republican Senate retains most of the powers.
Government Information: The current Elector Maximus is Hark Romanov. His House the Romanovs, are an old powerful House. The Republican Senate consists of 5 senators from each Commonwealth, of whom three are elected and three appointed. The individual Commonwealths are led by a President/Governor/Prefect who is the head of the local Commonwealth Congress. These pass laws concerning social and political issues inside the system, as well as enact laws to accommodate and enforce Senatorial Edicts.
Government Status: Currently following a controversial bill passage that granted the Republican Senate the ability to regulate all forms of commerce in all regions.
Population: 47 Inhabited Systems with a sum total of 450 billion citizens.

Home World/Capitol: Nahuatl Center, Aryaal, Arya System, Aryaalic Commonwealth
Capital Status: The local economy is largely devoted to supporting the government on planet and the construction of space vessels in orbit. There is some early signs of overcrowding in cities brought on by the Housing Bubble Collapse in rural communities several years past.
Notable locations and such:Aryaal, The Great Divide(Super Dense Gas Cloud), The Brothers(Binary System), Popocatepetl Orbital Yards
Founding Species: Humans of the Inesean Race.
Other Species: None
Society and Cultural information: The Ineseans possess a deep sense of Morality, and often seek internal spiritual guidance when debating questions. However, tolerance is another high virtue, with no Inesean being discriminated. However, this rarely extends to non-Ineseans, and contact outside of the Republic is quite low, but there.
Society StatusContent
Languages Inesean (Russian and Spanish mix)
Economy: 6 as recovery is slow from a series of Housing Bubble bursts across most Commonwealths
Industry: 6, Ineseans tend to try to make things efficient and economical. Starships, for example, rarely exceed 400 meters. This ancient mindset has made the Industrial Base small, however high efficient and economical.
Production/Construction:8 The Inesean ability to construct and produce thing that are efficient and effective is quite exceptional.

Soopah Powah: The Celestial Forge, a shipyard in artificial orbit of Aryaal’s sun that draws power straight from it to break down asteroids that are tugged to it and then assemble ships for the Commonwealth Navy
Specialties/Advanced Sciences: Rapid and Efficient Recyclers that allow all waste to be put to use, advanced medical technologies, such as biotech
Strengths: Efficient, Stable, Strong National Identity
Weaknesses: Ineseans tend to be complacent when it comes to innovationg. They will improve and advance a technology to its zenith, but will rarely develop new ones.
Map Claim Size: 6
Grid Coordinates:In (X,Y) format. (V,Y)(V,X)(V,W)(W,Y)(W,X)(W,W)
Map Claim Color: orange

Holdings/Territory: 47 inhabited systems, hundred claimed yet unihabited

Colonization/expansion: There is no organized central colonization. A survivable planet will be discovered and citizens from nearby Commonwealths, or the Commonwealth it is in will slowly go there, lured by potential prospects. After the planet or planetoid obtains 1 million citizens, the planet will move from the regional Commonwealth or Colonial Governor’s rule to that of a Select Congress decided by the senate. After 5 years, it either becomes it’s own Commonwealth, or a Client State to another.

Foreign policy: The sparse interactions are purely economical and quick. Ineseans tend to distrust non Ineseans
Diplomacy: Pavlostani?
Technological Age:New Republic Era
FTL Capabilities: Phase Space Generators allow for FTL. Phase Cannons around key planets can propel ships much faster, but are expensive. The cannons are instantaneous if the jump is to another phase cannon, or phase anchor. Otherwise, ship based and cannon based jumps can take a few days to several years.
Inter Planetary TravelVia shuttle(in System) or Phase Jump.
Military Information: The Commonwealth each possess their own Commonwealth Defense Forces which operate under the President/Prefect/Governor and are placed under the control of the Republican Exploration and Defense Forces in times of need. The Republican Army and Navy are roughly equal in size to the combined Commonwealth Defense Forces.
Doctrine: The Elector Bellicus presides over the military, under him are Regional Admirals and Generals. All Inesean Forces are known for their quick, preemptive deadly attack style.

Army: Hovercraft and pinpoint artillery are the most commonly used units. The highest ranking Officer is Marshall Yuri.
Navy: The Navy is composed of many ships between 200 and 800 meters that form the roles of cruiser, frigates and destroyers. They are the backbone of the fleet and carry a few fighters. The few carriers are 1000 meters long and carry many craft. Small Fast and Strong is the unofficial creed. Weapons are plasma based, with the occasional heavy rail gun or missile launcher.
Strengths: Capable of Force Appropriate Responses almost anywhere
Weaknesses: The on average small size of an Inesean ship of war makes it incredibly vulnerable to slugmatches.
NS activity:Daily
Technological Bases: Star Wars and Sins of a Solar Empire
Prior RP links: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=199717
I'm really tired

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Postby Entaurii » Sun Sep 29, 2013 8:16 am


Civilization Name: The Principality of Entaurii
Civilization Age: Principality: 248 ASY. Arelion Race: 6,800 ASY (Arelion standard years. 1 ASY = 1.84 Earth years.)
Government Type: Monarchical democracy. There are several Departments, and Offices that report directly to the Prince. These houses take their orders from the Prince and have a limited amount of freedom to hash out the details. The majority of the time, this works out fine as the Prince doesn't have to deal with the petty squabbles of the masses and his orders still get carried out. From those, there are leaderships in place on the planetary and local scales to ensure that orders get carried out and problems get resolved with a decent degree of autonomy.
Government Information: Many details are still being worked on.
Government Status: Recovering from several multi-generational civil wars, yet surprisingly stable.
Population: ~18 Billion

Home World/Capitol: Newhall System, Planet Arelia, Highgate
Capital Status: Arelia has a biosphere much like that of Earth's, which includes large oceans, low plains, high mountains, arid deserts and forests of all kinds. Much of this has been left in-tact despite the Arelion history of war, with much of the fighting confined to the area's in and around the planet's seven mega-cities. Much care is taken to keep the biosphere of the planet largely intact.
Notable locations and such: The Great Arch of Lacertae, Mountain of Eternal Tears
Founding Species: Arelion
Other Species: None
Society and Cultural information: The cultures of the Principality have many variances, much like that of Earth. Overall, while some are fiercely independent (leading to long civil wars) the Arelion people are not nearly as greedy and self-centered as humans, despite their more aggressive nature. It is this aggressive nature that has lead to gladiatorial games being one of the most widely spread forms of entertainment.
Society Status: Iffy. It's been about a decade since the last civil war- one of the longest stretches in history- and as such, one is expected to erupt at any moment. These civil wars are not the result of poor and unfair treatment by the Prince and other government officials, but simply the fierce independence of several of the smaller population centers. These wars have a tendency to be long and brutal, filled with large scale battles and countless small skirmishes. Casualties, however remain limited at least on the Principalities side due to their technology focus.
Languages: Entaurii
Economy: 6: Despite constant wars, the drive for economic expansion has never been greater. War is profit after all.
Industry: 6: A large portion of the Principalities industrial base revolves around military hardware though basic and luxury goods are readily available.
Production/Construction: 5: Production rates for civilian goods are very high. Military hardware tends to have slower production times due to focus on quality.

Soopah Powah: Defensive technology and tactics. Principality warships, while only slightly above average in firepower (only as a reaction to how tough warships are), are tough nuts to crack. This is largely thanks to the method of propulsion used. Warships are designed to take large amounts of battle damage and then still withstand the immense gravity that their engines put out.

Specialties/Advanced Sciences: Power generation and defense technology. Gravitic manipulation for use in mega-city construction and starships (Artificial gravity and propulsion)
Strengths: Stable and efficient political base.
Weaknesses: Several sects of people refuse to band together and continuously cause conflict.
Map Claim Size: 1
Grid Coordinates:
Map Claim Color: Maroon

Holdings/Territory: Three core planets, three well-established colonies and roughly seven more colonies started, spread between eleven systems.
Newhall System
-Arelia (Capital)
Aventus System
-Cape Hope (Core)
-Pelorium (Established)
Sihnon System
-Cumae (Core)
-Rauani (Established)
Noctae System
-Lacertae (Established)

Colonization/expansion: Exploration teams can be either civilian or military, and colonization is different depending on the nature of the target planet's discovery. Civilian colonization usually has a long period of fund raising and planning. Corporate and private sponsors help fund the necessary ships to start the colony-- which then get cannibalized in the process as civilian colonies tend to have the need to fend for themselves until communications and supply networks are set up. During the fund raising process, certain companies that specialize in exploration and surveying potential colonial planets conducts operations on-location. Through this method, it could be anywhere from 1 to 7 years before a colony is actually established.

Military colonization happens first through scout ships. Upon locating a potential colonial target, a small transport is dispatched that drops off a prefab military base on the planet along with it's garrison. While that is set up, the military selects the appropriate starting population and begins the process of relocation. Unlike civilian colonies, military colonies receive constant shipments of supplies.
Foreign policy: Generally passive. The Principality is likely to initiate a conflict if it senses a sufficient threat.
Diplomacy: Rare, but it can happen. It's likely that it will be simply a peace treaty or a trade agreement if the other nation needs something from the Principality, as they are entirely self-sufficient and tend to be very stubborn about such things.

Technological Age: Hard to tell. Some areas are extremely advanced (e.g. Gravity manipulation, Zero-Point Energy Reactors) while others tend to only be a few hundreds of years more advanced than technology of Modern Earth
FTL Capabilities: Generally fast. The nature of Metaspace and Principality propulsion methods allows for both decently long and safe FTL travel, or extremely fast but significantly more dangerous travel.
Inter Planetary Travel The Impeller drive is the mainstay engine within the Principality and allows for both sub-light and FTL travel through gravitic manipulation. This method of propulsion, as stated previously, contributes to a large portion of the Principality's warships being so damage resistant.
Military Information: The Navy focuses on capital ships and blow-for-blow fights. Fighters are non-existent in space. That isn't to say that there hasn't been fighters before; the waste of resources and personnel on such insignificant craft has been outweighed by current CIWS technology. Instead, the Navy largely focuses on missile broadsides for long-range engagements and massive mass drivers for closer-range or stationary targets. The Army utilizes combined arms strikes, most of which rely on orbital superiority. Special forces units do exist with a highly experimental semi-black ops division known as the Bound Souls.

Doctrine: Most tactics in the Principality revolve around brute force and the general survivability of military assets in prolonged frontal engagements. It is possible, however, for the Principalities military to accomplish 'Shock and Awe' campaigns, even if they are carried out just a bit slower due to the focus on heavy weapons.

Army: The Entaurii Army is a powerhouse of heavy weapons. By far the largest branch, this is only because of the Principalities experience with planetary invasions throughout the course of their history. Naval superiority can easily be achieved, but ground wars drag on for years or even decades. Infantry units use hand-held rail-assault rifles, while heavier units carry a mixture between kinetic and heat (commonly referred to as energy) weapons.

Navy: Headed by High Admiral William Knight, the Entaurii Royal Navy- while the smallest branch- is arguably the most prideful and full of rich traditions. Any aspiring officer's goal is the command of a ship, and as such is marked as a milestone in any career. The majority of firepower from 'Ships of the Line' (Most cruisers and larger ships) comes from their broadsides and these ships act much like an anvil, where 'Ships of the Lance' (Small, fast, and maneuverable ships- Corvette, Frigate, Destroyers, some Cruisers) act as the hammer.

Strengths: Space: Shields and armor, reactors, engine efficiency. Ground: Elite, highly trained and already battle-hardened soldiers.
Weaknesses: Small numbers, lack of lighter units, longer and longer production and training times due to advanced technology and focus on quality. Shields, reactors, and engines devastating if they malfunction.
NS activity: Medium
Technological Bases: Re-imagined BSG, Star Wars, Stargate, Honorverse (Chronicles of Man), and plenty of others.
Prior RP links:

Species Name: Arelion
Appearance: (Image if there is one, alternately, you can just type "See: Anatomy" if you have a text description.)
Biology and anatomy: While they appear similar to humans, the Arelion species has a wider variety of eye colors (all the human norms plus white, black, gold, violet and red) and only a few hair colors (white, black, brown). Arelions have slightly more sharp teeth from their more carnivorous nature. Metabolism is much faster then that of an average human. Internally, the Arelions possess two separate hearts and their skeletal system has evolved with a naturally occurring carbon fiber reinforcement. The hearts need to be perfectly in sync or the results are fatal. Due to this need, Arelions are all highly physically fit.
Height: 1.6 - 2.2 meters. Avg: 1.8
Weight: 68 - 113 kg. Avg: 73 kg
Relative survivability: The Arelion are extremely resilient people, however like humans, they are very susceptible to certain forms of injury.

Natural Defenses/Abilities: Carbon Fiber-reinforced skeleton, very high pain tolerance, required to maintain supreme physical condition. The Arelion do not possess the human fight or flight defense response. Instead, there is simply only a 'fight' instinct. Surprisingly, this does not lead to a very high murder rate within the Principality, simply because of the Arelion's code of honor. That's not to say there is no murder, however.
Unnatural abilities:

Respiratory Gas: Nitrogen/Oxygen mix.
Base composite Element: Carbon

Base Form and Ethnic Variations: There is very little in the way of ethnic variations. The most visible is skin tone, with Caucasian being dominant and a pale gray being the minority.
Life Span: 90-120 ASY (165-221 Earth Years)
Reproduction: Slightly slower than human baseline.
Intelligence Level: 7.5/10
Traits/Behavior/Disposition: Honorable, stubborn and prideful. While a few have tendencies to be secretive and backstabbing, the majority of the Arelion people are straightforward and honest.

Type: Mammal
Aggression: 6

Society and Cultural information: There is no singular culture with the Arelion species. Instead, there's about 7 base cultures-- one for each megacity on Arelia-- with any number of sub-cultures within those. As a whole, the Arelion value honor and honesty, rarely going behind someone's back. Militarily, this is a different story, though.

Important Characters:
-Prince Thoth Bathory
-Princess Isabelle Bathory
-Mathias Bathory
-General Alexander Steele
-Commander Ezekiel Ahi
-Rear Admiral Eltich Ahi

Repost plus some edits to reflect more recent developments of my nation.

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Posts: 9976
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Postby Raktio » Sun Sep 29, 2013 8:24 pm

I'll get a app in once I finish it (in this post).
Broadside dead ahead!

No, this comment is not meant to be sarcastic.

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Posts: 2270
Founded: Dec 06, 2012
Democratic Socialists

Postby Nyte » Mon Sep 30, 2013 11:33 am

Karlink wrote:Well, well, well. Interesting. Methinks I'll join. *nods*
Also, these apps are WIPs. Willing to take advise here!

My current insignia and flag.
Civilization Name: The Dictatorial Imperium of Karlink
Civilization Age: No more than twenty millennia (20,000) years.

Government Type: Complete and Utter Dictatorship. Self explanatory, however, I am willing to expand on this IF needed.
Government Information: There are three important families in Karlink, which in some ways form separate "nations" within our borders;
- The House of Folter, Where our current Emperor, Autarch and Dictator lives.
- The House of Johnson, where the Heir resides.
- The House of Arya, which are the Nazi/Karlinkian Supremacists.
Government Status: There are elections into the Parliament, but that is pretty much the most democratic thing in Karlink. And you must select a representative from one of the three Houses.
Population: 5 Billion.

Home World/Capitol: Uron System, Torra, Koream.
Capital Status: Lots of Tourism, however the city of Koream is open to all. It really is sort of average economically. The tallest buildings known to Karlinkians are found inside of Koream as well.
Notable locations and such:
- Koream, our capital.
- Norezu, our version of NYC.
- Torra, our home planet.
Founding Species: The Karlinkians.
Other Species:
Society and Cultural information: The Karlinkian Society: Accepting of all races and colors, and we generally welcome everyone onto our humble planet. The Karlinkians are nice and usually are pacifist, however, it depends on which House influence they live under. The Arya House peoples tend to be very anti-everything, and want to kill newcomers on the spot. The Johnson/Folter Houses tend to be the more pacifist ones. As for culture, we have a very Christian Culture.

Society Status: Due to recently low economy and high unemployment, crime has risen as well as unemployment. The Government struggles to fix this, and so, they've gotten to a point a type of economy where they are near collapse.
Languages: English and German.
Economy: 5. We haven't been doing well in our mining industry lately.
Industry: Mining and Weapons Manufacturing. However, both are declining due to our pacifism.
Production/Construction: It generally takes fifteen to twenty days to build an entire building, depending on size. We don't like to rush things, and have very weak means of travelling. Our production levels are normally off the charts, but as I said earlier, our economy is starting to fail.

Soopah Powah: Peaceful Power - We have the power to influence peace and are very good at making diplomatic solutions. We almost never go to war unless absolutely necessary. The reason is that we have learned how to be very manipulative of each other and so, depending on the race, we could easily manipulate our sort of trade deals and such into their minds. However, if we're caught trying to manipulate, most times it ends in slight conflict.

Specialties/Advanced Sciences: Unfortunately, we're just barely building a colony on our moon. We don't have much advanced things.
Strengths: We have rail guns and the like, but thats about the strongest our land weapons get. In terms of space ships, we only have two classes: normal and elite. Normal is about half the size of all of your warships, most likely. Elite Warships are more likely to actually be the same size of some of your ships.
Weaknesses: The fact we've barely begun inventing space travel and only control our single planet and moon.
Map Claim Size: 1. Since we only own a planet.
Grid Coordinates: Gamma Sector - P, O.
Map Claim Color: Green. Or brown.

Holdings/Territory: Our home planet and moon.

Colonization/expansion: We're just building a colony on our moon. We haven't thought of expanding to another planet as of yet.
Foreign policy: As said earlier onward, we love being friendly and welcome people with open arms.
Diplomacy: I don't know anyone here, but I'm sure we can work something out. Possibly.
Technological Age: Just beginning FT, so I'm going to say very high MT or very low FT.
FTL Capabilities: None, as of yet. We can pretty much only sit and fight wherever we reside.
Inter Planetary Travel We have Lunar-capable travel, as well as orbital travel invented. However, we have yet to build a ship capable of reaching another planet.
Military Information: We are very pacifist, so our military generally is not all that strong. We do have powerful weapons, however.
Doctrine: We mainly fight using the skies, seeing as we have wings and can fly. Our tails are our "swords", being able to generally stab through weak biological armor. We can also carry guns. Our war cries tend to sound like shrieks of murderous beasts, and we attack from the clouds at the stroke of midnight when we are hostile.
Army: Rail guns and cavalry. That's all we really have. Our navy is rarely put to use.

Navy: Space navy-wise, not really all that powerful. Planetary navy wise, we could possibly punch a large hole in a space warship. This is because we have weaponry similar to an Ion Cannon built on our planetary navy.

Strengths: Our military is capable of rail gun technology and the like, as well as having the weapons needed to punch a hole in a space warship. How we do that is explained in 'navy'.
Weaknesses: We're incapable of shields. So...Yeah...
NS activity: Damn, only Average.
Technological Bases: We aren't really based off of anything.
Prior RP links: Due to not having any, I shall give you an example like this;
The sun rose at dawn, the wind blowing and trees falling. It was getting colder, and this was for sure. The harsh cold would be coming in to kill off the comfortable warmth, and all Karlinkians knew it as well. This year was going to have the worst 'Harsh Cold', as the people called it. It was to bring up to three feet of snow, unheard of to all Karlinkians. This being because it almost never snowed, and when it did during the winter or harsh cold, it was only two inches at most. People were worried about freezing to death and the planet turning into an ice cube in their span of existence...

Species Name: Karlinkian
Appearance: Here we go.
Biology and anatomy: We have wings and tails, as well as strong dragonoid claws. Not much else to describe besides the fact we appear human in every other respect, including organ-wise.
Height: Avg. Height = 6-7 feet.
Weight: Avg. Weight = 150-250 lbs.
Relative survivability: We have some natural armor infused into our skin, mainly around or in areas where our dragon-parts meet our humanoid-parts. So, we have natural chest armor that can seemingly "morph away" whenever we please, as well as lower pant-long armor. This is very fortunate, especially for our women. We don't need "clothes".

Natural Defenses/Abilities: Our claws and tails can be used as weapons.
Unnatural abilities: None really. Does being able to fly with our wings count?

Respiratory Gas: Oxygen.
Base composite Element: Carbon.
Base Form and Ethnic Variations: All the different colors humans are, as well as different wing sizes and colors.
Our basic form and ethnic variation, however, are white skinned muscular large winged long tailed Karlinkians.
Life Span: 70-120 years.
Reproduction: Average, but some years high. There's a two-month span per year where we're more sexual than usual, for some reason.
Intelligence Level: Slightly above average. Pretty much as close to being average we can get, but we're smarter than humans.
Traits/Behavior/Disposition: Karlinkians are very attractive in some respects. They tend to not care how hostile a race is, they want to be friends. So, we're easy targets for any of you money-greedy imperialists.

Type: Avian, I guess? With a mix of reptilian and humanoid...?
Aggression: -3.

Society and Cultural information: Stated in nation app.

Important Characters:
- Emperor, Autarch and Dictator Skril Von Folter
- Empress, Second Autarch and Dictatoress Natalie Von Folter
- Prince, Heir to Autarchracy, and General Xavier Von Folter

It does look a lot better... However, where did your cavalry go? It seems to have been removed from the app.?

Also, there is still one problem with it. See below:

Soopah Powah: Peaceful Power - We have the power to influence peace and are very good at making diplomatic solutions. We almost never go to war unless absolutely necessary. The reason is that we have learned how to be very manipulative of each other and so, depending on the race, we could easily manipulate our sort of trade deals and such into their minds. However, if we're caught trying to manipulate, most times it ends in slight conflict.

Claiming any kind of influence on other nations and/or their characters is a big no-no and is most definitely a form of godmod. I'd recommend rewording this to reflect on such. Also, if you get involved in an IC where this "power" could be involved, I'd expect you to inform the person(s) involved so you could acquire their approval first. As this Soopah Powah stands now, I cannot except it do to it being a godmod risk. Please feel free to rework it for later approval, or even choose a different one if this proves to be too problematic.
Self censored due to concerns of Moderation Abuse and ambiguous rules enforcement.

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The Nuclear Fist
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Postby The Nuclear Fist » Mon Sep 30, 2013 11:38 am

To add onto what Nyte said, I'd suggest simply stating that your people, Karlink, have exceptional diplomatic skills. Perhaps their training program is unparalleled? This allows for the spirit of what you want to remain intact without resorting to godmodding.
[23:24] <Marquesan> I have the feeling that all the porn videos you watch are like...set to Primus' music, Ulysses.
Farnhamia wrote:You're getting a little too fond of the jerkoff motions.
And you touch the distant beaches with tales of brave Ulysses. . .

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Postby Karlink » Mon Sep 30, 2013 12:48 pm

The Nuclear Fist wrote:To add onto what Nyte said, I'd suggest simply stating that your people, Karlink, have exceptional diplomatic skills. Perhaps their training program is unparalleled? This allows for the spirit of what you want to remain intact without resorting to godmodding.

Thanks Nyte, and TNF.
I like this, I think I'll go with this. Seems simpler and, will be less problematic. Best of both worlds.

EDIT: And, le fix.
Last edited by Karlink on Mon Sep 30, 2013 12:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
~Emperor, Autarch and Dictator Skril Von Folter~

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Postby Tribea » Mon Sep 30, 2013 6:35 pm

Civilization Name: The Confederated Sludge Colonies of the Fungi Nation
Civilization Age: Total, id say about 987,628,721 years

Government Type: The best description is a confederation of nutrient-based communism called nutrientism
Government Information: The fungus nation, which os named Tribea by the fungi, is divided among sub-nebulae, which split into gas orbs, which split into rift planes, which split into star systems, which split into sections, which split into planets, which split into tribes, which split into sludge pits. The highest administrative section except for the total nation is the rift plane. The government is a direct democracy until the planet, when it becomes a delegative democracy, then selectfungi at rift plane and above.
Government Status: Stable, mostly.
Population: The population of fungi that really matter is 3 trillion, about.

Home World/Capitol: Axinobadel as the sludge pit, Fungopeda for planet.
Capital Status: The sludge in Axinobadel is thinning out gradually, causing problems which inhabitants.
Notable locations and such: The fifth subnebula, The entire Jelotoa string of rift planes.
Founding Species: Blastocladiales Fungshromuales
Other Species: Animalia, for the most part except some reptiles and amphibians, are heavily restricted or otherwise banned. All fungi, however, are welcome with open arms.
Society and Cultural information: The society is very community based, however it is focused mainly on protection of the thickness of the sludge and nutrient stores.
Society Status: Has mostly recovered from the xenoxmorph war.
Languages: A language based around the sounds of fungi and spores.
Economy: 7/10
Industry: The top dogs are ship construction, AI, weapons, nutrient retrieval systems, and gaming
Production/Construction: See above.

Soopah Powah: Their remarkable versatility as a confederation is extreme, weathering through the toughest times.

Specialties/Advanced Sciences: Mycology, rifting, bioengineering, rest in industry
Strengths: Adaptation, numbers, versatility, ground fighting, and low orbit combat
Weaknesses: Mismatched, idiots say their just mushroom walkers, high orbit combat, space combat, fighting in thin land
Map Claim Size: 4 spaces
Grid Coordinates: Delta, in that spot i remember..
Map Claim Color: Purple

Holdings/Territory: A nebula

Colonization/expansion: Send down spores via meteors if inhabited, if not then fleet colonization!!!
Foreign policy: Mostly suspicious because in the protogalaxy that merged with this one, multiple nations attacked them. Will steer towards non aggressive nations mainly
Diplomacy: No current allies really.

Technological Age: 31,000
FTL Capabilities: Zap through rift planes
Inter Planetary Travel: ^^^
Military Information: Militia based.
Doctrine: Cant lose a war

Army: The best branch, the troops are armed with leviathen battle suits(LBS) that have a large steel-cobalt-rhodium alloy as base metal.

Navy: Based mainly on low orbit fighters and frigates that can blast quickly and have fun bombarding higher orbit ships.

Strengths: Numerical superiority, fungi, ground, low orbit
Weaknesses: High orbit, deep space, chemical attacks
NS activity: On all days
Technological Bases: Me
Prior RP links: TBA
Sediczja wrote:Sediczjan infantryman drops fro the ceiling, entrenching tool in hand. Extremist shits pants, followed by death. Great success.
Fantasy RP:

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Democratic Socialists

Postby Nyte » Thu Oct 03, 2013 4:12 am

The following is a MAJOR WIP... Please keep this in mind. Thank you.

Civilization Name: The People
Civilization Age: Unknown... In their current form, they have existed for approximately 550,000 years; although most of that time was spent in a state where they were incapable of anything beyond merely existing/surviving (this is explained further in Society and Cultural Information).

Government Type: N/A… The People have no centralised government at this time although there have been several attempts to change this state of affairs; as of yet, these attempts have proven to be unsuccessful. However, it should be noted that there are a few amongst the people who are regarded highly enough that they are usually given a leadership role during emergencies and other unpleasant situations when they arise.
Government Information: Currently the people function either individually or in small groups, and each functions independently of each other. These groups primarily focus on whatever it is that has currently caught their attention (something that can vary greatly depending on the individual or group).
Government Status: Non-existent… Currently, the majority of the people actually do not even see the need for a centralised governing body.
Population: Approximately 5 billion…

Home World/Capitol: Home System: Kari’Vasa. Home World: Shumballah. Capital City: Xie’Corax.
Capital Status: The People’s capitol is like all of their worlds, a “Shrineworld.” As such, it is mostly an abandoned ruin that has been largely reclaimed by nature, and left to stand as a monument to the people’s hubris. While there is a miniscule population present, this population is only there to maintain the defences active upon the planet’s surface and functions primarily as a custodial force.
Notable locations and such: Any of The People’s “Shrineworlds” could be considered to be a notable location… In particular their capitol planet Shumballah. Halcon Airbase on Shumballah is also considered to be a notable location; primarily due to the fact that it is the only remaining fully functioning and active military facility on Shumballah.
Founding Species: The People.
Other Species: N/A
Society and Cultural information:
-The People:
Once, millions of years ago the people possessed a galaxy spanning empire with several million inhabited worlds. Along with their vast empire they possessed uncountable wealth and thousands upon thousands of wonders; both natural and artificial. Having developed technologically at a higher rate they at first spent their time colonizing the stars and exploring the unknown in the pursuit of knowledge, resources, and wealth. In time however, they began to meddle with the “lesser” races they came across; manipulating their development and using them for their own myriad purposes.

Eventually, a number of these younger races came to see the people as gods and began to worship them accordingly. This state of affairs would continue for several thousand years and as time passed, the people became more corrupt and prideful of their status as gods to these younger races. It would be their belief in their supposed godhood that would eventually lead to their downfall and the destruction of nearly their entire race.

With their growing faith in their own divinity, the people began “Project Ascension” with the ultimate goal of breaching the border of their current plane of existence and entering a higher realm where they would shed their mortal form and obtain immortality and further godly powers… Fast forward another thousand years and “Project Ascension” would bare its deadly fruit. Sadly for the people, what they found upon entry into this other plane of existence was anything and everything but what they were expecting, and the locals were not inclined to sharing as it were.

And so began an era that would be termed “The Age of Strife” by the people. This five thousand year period would see the destruction of approximately 95% of all life in the galaxy and in the end, the astronomical levels of destruction inflicted would be the death knell of the people’s empire. The few battered survivors were forced to flee; taking a few of their less damaged worlds with them, they shifted the paltry remains of their civilization to an entirely new galaxy after sealing the gateway to the other realm behind them… Hopefully forever…

In one way however, as twisted as it may seem, this final endeavor would ultimately grant them a pale shadow of their original desire as the process of fleeing their old galaxy, as well as the interaction with a number of the exotic energies of that other plane that had bled into their reality succeeded in stripping them of their mortal flesh and blood bodies, and along with their bodies so too went their mortality. Unfortunately, while the idea of immortality seems great, it is a far more unpleasant prospect when you lack any real way to interact with reality. Without their physical forms, they had lost any and all ways of interacting with even the simplest of things; including each other.

Again, we fast forward, this time though it is several tens of thousands of years. It would be at this time that one of the people would learn of a way to change their broken state of existence. Samain Omeddan; who had once been a respected and highly revered military figure to the people would learn unintentionally of one skill their new esoteric forms did possess that would change them all forever. In a fit of pique, Omeddan ran berserk through the damaged remains of a number of the peoples old war automata. When he finally came to a stop, he was still inside the last of them, and with a strange jolt, and the first physical sensation he’d experienced in thousands of years he found that he had some limited control over it. Several centuries of trial and error later, Omeddan took his discovery to what remained of his people.

With “new” bodies, the people began to slowly rebuild. It would take several millennia of additional trial and error, and refinements to the process but eventually the people rebuilt enough of an infrastructure that they could experiment with, and refine the process even further. Eventually, the people developed the process to a high enough level that they have once more stepped out amongst the stars.

In present times, the people are still a broken, fractured race. They have no central government to speak of and for the vast majority of the people; well they can barely stand the sight of others of their own race let alone stand to work with them… As such, the people can usually be found only in small numbers; usually singly, as family groups, or slightly larger groups that have united for a shared purpose. It is only rarely, and almost always in the defence of their few remaining “Shrineworlds” that the people unite en-masse at all, and while they have lost much over the intervening millennia, the amount of power they can bring to bear on a foe is still shockingly high.

The vast majority of the people are most assuredly insane although most manage to conceal this fact surprisingly well. In present times, most of the people can be found in pursuit of whatever “thing” has currently caught their fancy… Music, art, random acts of violence… Generally whatever facet of their former lives that they’ve managed to cling too throughout the millennia. These pursuits are used by the people to pass the time; the one thing they have an over-abundance of.

-Simulacra -um (See also – Flesh Puppets, Meat-bags, Flesh-bags, Flesh-dolls…)
Simulacra are a form of artificial body that the people possess in order to allow them to fully interact with not only each other, but also with other races, and the environment as well. These bodies come in many different shapes and sizes as they are generally tailored to the preferences of individual members of the people. Also, military grade simulacra do exist and are noted as being far more durable than the standard run of the mill simulacra intended for day to day use. Further information concerning military grade simulacra can be found with the rest of the people’s military information.

Simulacra themselves are an odd mixture of biological and mechanical components that have been specially engineered by the people so as to be easier to possess (think of this as a process somewhat similar to demonic possession). Basically however, they are an empty, lifeless shell incapable of any type of independent action without the influence of one of the people upon their bio-circuitry. It should be noted that the vast majority of simulacra; both military and standard are not designed to emulate a true living body in any way beyond their outermost appearance. These simulacra do not breathe, they do not eat or drink, they do not bleed when you cut them, and they do not age. There is however, a more refined class of simulacra that are intended to at least mimic the biological functions of a living creature to the fullest effect. These simulacra are capable of doing everything a living, biological organism can with only one major exception… They, like all simulacra are sterile. As such, while they are capable of performing the act (sexual intercourse), they are incapable of creating or carrying offspring although the people have spent the last several millennia attempting to change this in a vain hope of somehow stopping the slow extinction of their race. At this time however, no such simulacra has proven to be even partly successful in this matter.

The possession of a simulacrum is in many ways similar to the idea of “demonic possession” in that the body itself is possessed and worked in a way similar to a puppet with the possessor being the one pulling the strings. Such a possession takes a fair amount of practice, concentration, and sheer willpower. It has been noted that after enough practice, the act of taking possession of a simulacrum becomes faster and somewhat easier; if no less painful. Attempts have been made to expand on the process by select members of the people with mixed results. It has been noted that in most cases of attempting to possess random machineries from simple robots to full size starships that such an attempt can be successful about 70% of the time. This rate drops rapidly as the size and complexity of the target increases and the presence of advanced computer technology and/or semi-sentient/sentient A.I.’s drops this even lower to about 5%-15%.

It is perhaps unsurprisingly when an attempt is made at possessing a living organism with a sufficient level of intelligence is made that the most shocking and unpleasant results are achieved. Only two dozen of such attempts have ever been made, and despite a number of differences of race, sex, and biological makeup, every one of these attempts have ended with a debilitating level of pain followed by psychosis, dementia, and a variety of other unpleasant and destabilizing mental conditions for both parties involved. All subjects of these tests were later put down via “mercy killing” and further attempts are generally considered to be banned; although there is no real enforcement of this policy due to a lack of a central government. However, the widely circulated effects and the brutal end of said experiments has thus far proven more than sufficient in dissuading further attempts by the people in this vein of experimentation.

To date, even after several thousand years of refinement the process of actually possessing ones simulacra is still a time intensive process usually taking several hours (depending on the simulacrum). While this process can be rushed to a period of only several seconds doing so leads to a number of complications and a hefty increase in the amount of pain involved in the process. The brave few of the people to attempt such a thing repeatedly in the name of science have described the sensation as feeling as though they were being flayed alive with a dull knife or a cheese grater while liberal amounts of salt were applied to the wounds. The aforementioned complications may include some or all of the following as well:
-uncontrollable full body tremors
-temporary blindness
-temporary deafness
-temporary damage to the simulacrums bio-circuitry
-permanent damage to the simulacrums bio-circuitry
-total failure of the simulacrum in its entirety
Society Status: The People are currently a fractured race with little in the way of unity or common cause shared amongst them. They rarely unite under a common purpose; in most cases, such unity only comes in the defence of one of their “Shrineworlds.”
Languages: While the vast majority of the people are multi-lingual, many of the languages they know are dead languages from their original galaxy. Sar'Anon is the language of The People and it is considered to be quite melodious and rhythmic; more like singing than speaking. In it's written form Sar'Anon is quite fanciful and somewhat runic. The following are several samples of The Peoples written language.
Economy: 02/10. The People don’t have much of an economy to speak of; this is mainly due to their lack of a need for most of the things other civilizations would consider essential to living a comfortable life. Admittedly however, they do maintain a certain number of good’s, and in some cases certain technologies that they have available for trade purposes with other civilizations. The people however actually lack any type of currency or a central banking system… Instead, they rely on a barter system which focuses on trading for what one wants or needs.
Industry: In the fields that they actually bother with… 8/10. Their industrial capabilities are extremely focused on a narrow number of fields however.
Production/Construction: The People focus primarily on the manufacture of advanced automated defences, spaceship construction, simulacra production, simulacra related weaponry and equipment, and advanced A.I. development.

Soopah Powah: Survivability… The People are shockingly durable and hard to kill when in their natural form (sans simulacra) as most weapons will simply pass right through their ghostly forms without causing any noticeable harm. This durability is countered somewhat by the fact that in their natural form they have little real power to actually defend themselves with or to actively attack would-be aggressors. For a more detailed explanation on this matter, please refer to the section on simulacra under Society and Cultural Information.

Specialties/Advanced Sciences: Advanced automata, A.I., cloning/genetic engineering technologies, medicine(s), gravitics, semi-organic and crystalline technologies and armor materials, simulacra related technologies and weaponry.
Strengths: Versatility, adaptability, mobility, simulacra, advanced energy weapony, advanced armor materials, automated defences.
Weaknesses: Few in numbers in most cases, no central government or chain of command to speak of, no real unity or common cause in most cases, detrimental mental conditions, a finite population (they have NO reproduction whatsoever).
Map Claim Size: 3
Grid Coordinates: Gamma… QX, QW, RW (the first letter is ‘over’ and the second is ‘up’). This is the same as my current nation as I intend to replace that nation with this one. Sorry if this causes any inconvenience.
Map Claim Color: Amber or Tan.


Colonization/expansion: N/A. Not only do The People have no desire to expand, they also lack the need or even the ability to do so.
Foreign policy: This varies quite a bit by the individual and/or group. While some are friendly, curious, and relatively accepting of other cultures there are some that are the total opposite. Some of the more mentally damaged of The People have been known to spend their free time (of which they have an abundance) indiscriminately slaughtering anything and everything they come across simply because they can.
Diplomacy: N/A… For now.

Technological Age: (As a rough estimate) Several hundred thousand years beyond real life Earth. Although some aspects of their technology are far less advanced than others and some are simply non-existent entirely.
FTL Capabilities: The People use Fold Drives (this is basically the same type of drive used in Robotech/Macross) These drives function faster when making a series of smaller jumps in comparison to making a single, longer distance jump. These drives have no known maximum range and few limitations in their use. However, care should be taken with every jump; in particular with any jump taking place within a planet’s atmosphere as the chance of a miss-fold increases dramatically.
Inter Planetary Travel: For sub-light drives, The People use a hybrid Gravitic/Inertia-less Drive that provides excellent speed and maneuverability.
Military Information:
The following is a list of the weaponry used by The People:
Installation/Ship Weapons:
Makral-Mossil Type 709 Combination Cannon
-This weapon combines three separate weapon systems into a single Phased Array for use on large starships. It includes a variable frequency laser and a particle beam cannon in a single, shared mount so that the discharge medium can be chosen as optimum for not only the local target(s), but for environmental conditions as well. While both weapons have the same yield at the “muzzle,” the laser can also be fired in a reduced power mode directly before the particle beam; this setting is typically used to burn a vacuum path for the particle beam when firing in(to) an atmosphere. The third weapon is actually a specialized emitter designed to send an extremely powerful electrical current down either the laser or particle beam and effectively turning them into either an electro-laser, or an electro-particle cannon. Such a weapon is commonly referred to as a lightening gun, and functions by using the conducting track of ionized plasma from the laser or particle beam to deliver an effect ranging from an extremely long ranged taser or stun gun to a relatively small, localized lightening storm on a target.
-Due to the use of a Phased Array instead of a more traditional turret assembly, the maximum range of this weapon can suffer when fired at an extreme angle (the angle the beam forms in relation to the surface of the Phased Array). The more severe the angle, the greater the decrease in the maximum range of the beam. This can be limited, and even neutralized when combined with the use of the advanced gravitic fields employed by The People on their ships as these fields can be used in conjunction with the Phased Arrays to literally bend the beams around a ship.

Makral-Mossil Type 705 Plasma Burst Cannon
-This is a ship-mounted forward-facing array of heavy plasma cannons consisting of three to seven triple-barreled cannons designed to ripple fire in three to six round bursts once every five seconds. This weapon fires plasma toroids at a significant percentage of the speed of light. Each individual barrel also contains a low powered laser designed to burn a path for the plasma toroid when the weapon is fired in(to) an atmosphere to generate a tunneling effect that allows the toroid to reach its target without being stopped by atmospheric resistance and becoming little more than a glorified blowtorch.

Makral-Mossil Electro-Shield System
-This is more of a defensive measure rather than a truly offensive weapon system. The system itself consists of several dozen(s) of small automata that can be rapidly launched from specialized ports built into the ship’s hull. Once launched, these automata can form either a partial or full sphere around their mother ship; at which point they vent a field of conductive ionized plasma similar to the blooming effect found in both lasers and particle beams. Once this field is built up to a sufficient level, the drones trigger a powerful electrical current into this field effectively creating a localized electro-laser or electro-particle cannon that functions similarly to a shield (sadly the creation of this field also results in the destruction of the automata that created it). The primary uses of this system are anti-missile and anti-fighter defense although the system has been found to be somewhat effective against other types of KEW’s to varying degrees as well.

Vehicle/Fighter/Shuttlecraft Weaponry:
Makral-Mossil Type 209 Combination Cannon
-This weapon is a scaled down version of the Type 709 commonly found on large ships and defensive installations. Due to its smaller size this weapon is both shorter ranged, and far less powerful overall. However, it is still more than sufficient enough to deal with ground based armored units, enemy fighter craft, shuttles, landing ships, and other relatively small craft.

Makral-Mossil Type 205 Plasma Burst Cannon
-A scaled down fighter based variant of the Type 705. This weapon consists of a single triple-barreled cannon that maintains the ripple fire capability of its much larger cousin, but suffers from a decrease in its overall rate of fire. Also unlike its much larger cousin, this weapon IS specifically intended for use against enemy ships and is intended to give the average fighter simulacra a larger punch that would otherwise be possible with such a small craft.

Infantry Weapons:
Heavy Weapons
Makral-Mossil Type 99 Particle Cannon
-This weapon comes in two variants; the first is a standard hand-held version for use with standard simulacra types, and the second is an arm mounted variant intended for use with the “Angelus” pattern of simulacra. This weapon can fire a stream of either charged or neutral particles at speeds up to a significant fraction of the speed of light and is capable of functioning either within an atmosphere (endo-atmospheric) or in the vacuum of space (exo-atmospheric). This type of particle cannon fires single, long duration streams of particles designed to literally bore through a target and is incapable of rapid fire. It’s ROF is one round every five seconds.

Makral-Mossil Type 55 Plasma Cannon
-This weapon comes in two variants; the first is a standard hand-held version for use with standard simulacra types, and the second is an arm mounted variant intended for use with the “Angelus” pattern of simulacra. Both variants are designed with single fire and burst fire modes as standard and are intended for use against heavier, well armored targets with functionality similar to the other plasma weapons used by The People.

Makral-Mossil Type 666 Sonic Lance
-The Type 666 is a variable intensity extra-aural (unrelated to hearing) sonic weapon that uses cavitation to effect damage on living/organic tissue. Depending on the intensity this type of weapon can inflict increasingly high levels of damage to a number of internal organs and tissue such as the heart, lungs, the intestinal tract, and the brain as well as the targets central nervous system, and effects can range from merely disabling a target, to violently pulverizing a targets internal organs which almost always results in the targets death.

Makral-Mossil Type 333 Electro-Laser/Particle Cannon
-Much like the much larger, and vastly more powerful ship and vehicle mounted variants of this weapon, the Type 333 is a lightening gun designed for use either within an atmosphere (endo-atmospheric) or in a vacuum (exo-atmospheric). This weapon is intended for use against groups of infantry where its effects can be utilized to either stun, disable, or outright kill numerous enemies at a time. This weapon has also proven to be highly effective against power armored enemies as it is more than sufficiently powerful to fry electronics/control systems and has even been known to melt armor plating and damage servos that are commonly used in the motive systems of such armor. It its highest power setting this weapon is more than capable of electrocuting enemies to death and in several cases it has even caused enemies to simply burst into flame.

Medium Weapons
Makral-Mossil Type 10 Laser Rifle
-This is a standard hand-held variable frequency laser based weapon system that comes with multiple fire modes and a number of situation specific attachments and modifications. The Type 10 has numerous variations thanks to the designs modularity that allow it to function as everything from a single shot rifle, to a sub-machinegun, to a sniper rifle. This weapon is intended to link directly to the simulacra and provides a detailed HUD with advanced targeting information overlaid directly onto the simulacra’s visual systems.

Makral-Mossil Type 05 Plasma Rifle
-For all intents and purposes this weapon is simply a scaled down version of the Type 55 and is intended for hand-held use only.

Makral-Mossil Type 66 Sonic Rifle
-For all intents and purposes this weapon is simply a scaled down version of the Type 666 and is intended for hand-held use only.

Melee Weapons
Marral-Mossil Type 00 Repulse Blade System
-This weapon system comes in numerous varieties; the most common being either sword’s, spears/lances, and claw attachments. This weapon system is designed to give a simulacra an extremely potent melee combat ability and is characterized by being in many ways overly-violent and gratuitously messy when used effectively. These weapons consist of a powered blade(s) with a built in high frequency sonic weapon that is intended to be triggered while within a target (usually after having impaled, stabbed, hacked, sliced, etc). The result of this on a target is usually considered to be “explosive” as most targets simply rupture from the inside out while squishier targets have been known to virtually explode and paste a wide area with their internals.

Makral-Mossil Type 15 Plasma Grenade
-The Type 15 is a fairly new weapon by the standards of The People. The weapon itself contains a highly volatile and condensed toroid of plasma. When triggered, the plasma spreads outward rapidly and has an effective area of approximately four meters. While this weapon is designed to be thrown by hand, recent additions and improvements such as proximity detection, and the addition of a timer function allows this weapon to fill several additional uses besides that of a simple hand-thrown explosive.

Makral-Mossil Type 111 Sonic Electronic Ballbreaker(s)
-The Type 111 is a prototype weapon originally intended for non-lethal use. The “Ballbreaker” functions similarly to a combination of the Electro-Shield System found commonly on The Peoples ships and installations, and an electro-laser/electro-particle cannon. The “Ballbreaker” can be thrown, triggered remotely, or activated by proximity to a target, and once activated the device springs up to just below waist height (on a human sized humanoid) via a small scale anti-gravity device built into the grenade. The resultant electrical storm unleashed by this grenade has an effective range of four to six meters, and the lethality of this device CAN be set before use; ranging from non-lethal to overkill.
Doctrine: What military the people possess is primarily defense oriented and is used in their rigorous protection of their territory. The People rely heavily on a huge number of advanced automated defense systems, and massed fire with a variety of DEW's. Offensively, The People make use of their speed, maneuverability, and weapon versatility to launch repeated hit and fade attacks from unexpected angles before moving in for the kill. It should be noted that certain of the people also take great amounts of pleasure engaging enemies in brutal, and bloody melee combat as well whenever the opportunity arises.

Ground Units
Angelus Pattern Simulacra
-The Angelus Pattern Simulacra was designed by Zherrun Shen; a gifted, if slightly insane scientist. Shen spent several centuries studying various ground attack aircraft used by numerous other races throughout the galaxy, as well as numerous winged predatory animals while designing the Angelus. The result of his work is a heavy simulacra with an advanced anti-gravity system integrated into it's wings. The Angelus comes standard with an interchangeable arm mounted heavy weapon as it's right arm, and is usually equipped with a lighter hand-held weapon in it's left hand as well. Surprisingly agile and graceful, the Angelus provides pinpoint accurate weapons fire while remaining a relatively small and hard to hit target.

-Makral-Mossil Type 99 Particle Cannon
-Makral-Mossil Type 55 Plasma Cannon
-Makral-Mossil Type 666 Sonic Lance
-Makral-Mossil Type 333 Electro-Laser/Particle Cannon
-Makral-Mossil Type 10 Laser Rifle
-Makral-Mossil Type 05 Plasma Rifle
-Marral-Mossil Type 00 Repulse Blade System
-Makral-Mossil Type 15 Plasma Grenade
-Makral-Mossil Type 111 Sonic Electronic Ballbreaker(s)

Additional Notes

Brawler Pattern Simulacra
-The Brawler was The Peoples first successful attempt at making a heavy simulacra intended to provide better protection against heavier weaponry. The Brawler was designed by over two dozen separate scientists and engineers over a period of six hundred years and features heavier armor than the standard Reaper Pattern Simulacra as well as a more advanced and robust targeting system for increased accuracy at longer range. While the Brawler is surprisingly durable even in comparison to the standard simulacra, this durability comes with a decrease to the Brawlers agility and overall movement speed. As such, the Brawler typically functions as a mixture of long range sniper and anti-armor unit.

-Makral-Mossil Type 99 Particle Cannon
-Makral-Mossil Type 55 Plasma Cannon
-Makral-Mossil Type 666 Sonic Lance
-Makral-Mossil Type 333 Electro-Laser/Particle Cannon
-Makral-Mossil Type 10 Laser Rifle
-Makral-Mossil Type 05 Plasma Rifle
-Makral-Mossil Type 66 Sonic Rifle
-Makral-Mossil Type 00 Repulse Blade System
-Makral-Mossil Type 15 Plasma Grenade
-Makral-Mossil Type 111 Sonic Electronic Ballbreaker(s)

Additional Notes
-The "fins" on the Brawlers back are not for looks... Each one is a micronized power plant designed to be used in conjunction with heavy weaponry. As such, The power and overall range of the Brawlers weaponry is usually vastly superior to the power and maximum range of the same weapon when used by other simulacra.

Reaper Pattern Simulacra
-The Reaper is the oldest type of military purposed simulacra still in use, and while the design is old, and in some opinions outdated, the Reaper is still the most versatile type of simulacra in use. From the start, the Reaper was designed to provide the perfect blend of agility, mobility, and durability, and numerous enhancements to the design have been added on over the last several millennia to keep it that way.

-Makral-Mossil Type 99 Particle Cannon
-Makral-Mossil Type 55 Plasma Cannon
-Makral-Mossil Type 666 Sonic Lance
-Makral-Mossil Type 333 Electro-Laser/Particle Cannon
-Makral-Mossil Type 10 Laser Rifle
-Makral-Mossil Type 05 Plasma Rifle
-Makral-Mossil Type 66 Sonic Rifle
-Makral-Mossil Type 00 Repulse Blade System
-Makral-Mossil Type 15 Plasma Grenade
-Makral-Mossil Type 111 Sonic Electronic Ballbreaker(s)

Additional Notes
-The Reaper usually mounts a small anti-gravity device in two parts; one mounted on the upper part of each leg that provide the Reaper with enhanced mobility. While incapable of true flight like the Angelus, the Reaper has an impressive ability to jump over obstructions and can survive falls from extreme heights with effective use of this system.
-When not equipped with numerous ranged weapons, the Reaper makes an extremely effective melee combatant with a mixture of power, agility, and speed. The majority of The People who prefer melee combat generally make use of the Reaper; which incidentally is where this simulacra's name actually originated.

Centurion Class Automata
-The Centurion is an advanced automata designed by Makral-Mossil primarily for military use. Operated by advanced AI these units were created as an attempted counter to The Peoples small numbers and general disregard/distaste for other members of their own race. Centurions are primarily found on Shrineworlds where they perform maintenance on the numerous automated defenses as well as forming a part of the very defensive network they work to maintain. Centurions can also be found in smaller numbers working with some of the more individualistic members of The People as well where they do everything from ship maintenance, to full combat duty. While they are AI operated, each has a personality of it's own, and many Centurions end up sharing many of the tastes of the members of The People they work with.

-Makral-Mossil Type 99 Particle Cannon
-Makral-Mossil Type 55 Plasma Cannon
-Makral-Mossil Type 666 Sonic Lance
-Makral-Mossil Type 333 Electro-Laser/Particle Cannon
-Makral-Mossil Type 10 Laser Rifle
-Makral-Mossil Type 05 Plasma Rifle
-Makral-Mossil Type 66 Sonic Rifle
-Makral-Mossil Type 00 Repulse Blade System
-Makral-Mossil Type 15 Plasma Grenade
-Makral-Mossil Type 111 Sonic Electronic Ballbreaker(s)

Additional Notes

Decimator Class Simulacra (Hover Tank)
-Under Construction-

Makral-Mossil Type 209 Combination Cannon: 2
Makral-Mossil Type 205 Plasma Burst Cannon: 2

Crew: 1

Additional Notes

Asteroid Facilities
-The People have made a habit of re-purposing mined asteroids for a number of different uses. These asteroids are generally strip-mined, and then towed by ship to the desired location where construction can begin; in many cases, the mined materials are used in the construction of these facilities making them a cost effective (in material) choice over the construction of a similarly sizes space station designed for the same purpose. Such asteroids fulfill many different purposes from shipyards and construction facilities, to defensive weapons platforms, to mobile science laboratories and so on. A number of these facilities are fully mobile and function as a fairly stealthy mode of transportation for those of The People who like to observe the greater part of the galaxy with minimal disturbances.

Length: 100+ meters
Width: 100+ meters
Height: 100+ meters

Crew: Varies

Weapon Systems
Makral-Mossil Type 709 Combination Cannon: Varies
Makral-Mossil Type 705 Plasma Burst Cannon: Varies
Makral-Mossil Electro-Shield System: Varies

Sylph Class Corvettes: Varies
Predator Pattern Fighter Simulacra: Varies

Ground Compliment
Reaper Pattern Simulacra: Varies
Brawler Pattern Simulacra: Varies
Angelus Pattern Simulacra: Varies
Centurion Class Automata: Varies
Decimator Class Simulacra: Varies

Additional Notes

Terminus Automated Weapons Array
-Under Construction-

Length: 1,500 meters
Width: 500 meters
Height: 55 meters

Crew: N/A (AI controlled)

Weapon Systems
Makral-Mossil Type 709 Combination Cannon: 150
Makral-Mossil Type 705 Plasma Burst Cannon: 4
Makral-Mossil Electro-Shield System: 400 (drone count)

Sylph Class Corvettes: N/A
Predator Pattern Fighter Simulacra: N/A

Ground Compliment
Reaper Pattern Simulacra: N/A
Brawler Pattern Simulacra: N/A
Angelus Pattern Simulacra: N/A
Centurion Class Automata: N/A
Decimator Class Simulacra: N/A

Additional Notes

Purgation Class Escort Battle-Carrier
-The Purgation Class is currently the only remaining real military vessel The People still employ. These ships were originally used for border patrol and light escort duty; usually of civilian cargo craft, and were employed extensively in anti-piracy operations as well. Having undergone extensive refit and reconstruction, these ships now function with a minimal crew, and rely heavily on automation and advanced AI to keep them functioning properly.

Length: 429 meters
Width: 318 meters
Height: 199 meters

Crew: Varies

Weapon Systems
Makral-Mossil Type 709 Combination Cannon: 41
Makral-Mossil Type 705 Plasma Burst Cannon: 3
Makral-Mossil Electro-Shield System: 120 (drone count)

Sylph Class Corvettes: N/A
Predator Pattern Fighter Simulacra: 36

Ground Compliment
Reaper Pattern Simulacra: 600
Brawler Pattern Simulacra: 200
Angelus Pattern Simulacra: 200
Centurion Class Automata: Varies
Decimator Class Simulacra: 36

Additional Notes
-The number of craft/simulacra listed for this class reflects the maximum number that is usually carried. However, these ships commonly run with crews that are FAR to small to operate the full compliment of craft/simulacra available. As such, most are kept as spares and/or used in rotation to prevent general wear and tear; a practice that extends their service life extensively.
-The most interesting design feature of this class is it's ability to separate into two separate, and fully functional craft. The bottom section of this class is designed to separate from it's mother ship; a process that takes about fifteen seconds to complete. This secondary ship was designed to fulfill several different roles; from that of a landing craft used to deploy large numbers of ground troops to a planets surface while functioning as a strongpoint/forward operating base, to that of a life boat in the event of an evacuation of the ship.

Type III Transport
-A standard transport ship used for ferrying bulk cargo and/or passengers. The Type III was never given more than a numeric designation in The People's old empire; it being the third type of civilian/merchant craft produced for general use. These vessels are fairly rugged and durable considering their small size, and carry an armament that is more than sufficient to ward off would be pirates and freebooters. These craft also sometimes functioned as a military transport for ground troops; although they were not originally intended to be used as such.

Length: 295 meters
Width: 154 meters
Height: 89 meters

Crew: Varies

Weapon Systems
Makral-Mossil Type 709 Combination Cannon: 9
Makral-Mossil Type 705 Plasma Burst Cannon: N/A
Makral-Mossil Electro-Shield System: 48 (drone count)

Sylph Class Corvettes: N/A
Predator Pattern Fighter Simulacra: 6 (transport only; these ships are incapable of launching fighter craft)

Ground Compliment
Reaper Pattern Simulacra: 600
Brawler Pattern Simulacra: 200
Angelus Pattern Simulacra: 200
Centurion Class Automata: Varies
Decimator Class Simulacra: 12

Additional Notes
-The number of craft/simulacra listed reflects the number this type of ship can carry when functioning as a military transport. Otherwise, these ships generally only carry a token presence based on it's crew size and/or current purpose.
-The Type III can be used as a military transport as well as it's main purpose of civilian/merchant vessel. When used for military purposes, these ships were usually used as a "Trojan Horse" to secretly deploy troops on the ground, and were commonly employed in numerous surprise attacks that were intended for use against enemy infrastructure and shipping while it was still on the ground or in the process of being loaded. Less scrupulous commanders would intentionally target foreign craft and their crews with this tactic to sow confusion and mistrust between races.

Sylph Class Corvette
The Sylph Class Corvette is the only new class of ship to be designed by The People since they regained access to a physical form. Small, fast, agile, and heavily armed for it's size the Sylph is the most common type of ship employed by The People today, and it's design makes extensive use of simulacra based technologies, as well as advanced automation and AI related technologies throughout.

Length: 88 meters
Width: 57 meters
Height: 16 meters

Crew: Varies

Weapon Systems
Makral-Mossil Type 709 Combination Cannon: 5
Makral-Mossil Type 705 Plasma Burst Cannon: 1
Makral-Mossil Electro-Shield System: 12 (drone count)


Ground Compliment
Reaper Pattern Simulacra: 4
Brawler Pattern Simulacra: 4
Angelus Pattern Simulacra: 4
Centurion Class Automata: Varies
Decimator Class Simulacra: N/A

Additional Notes
-The "bridge" of the Sylph is actually a small empty room in the heart of the ship that can employ advanced holographic technology to display the area surrounding the ship with crystal clarity. However, this "bridge" is also totally empty of any recognizable type of interface or control scheme as the Sylph uses a process similar to the possession of a normal simulacra in order to function. As such, the pilot of the ship quite literally becomes the ship, and the above mentioned fancy holographic system is usually only employed when other members of the crew (if there are any) are also on the bridge.
-Large facilities sometimes employ entire squadrons of these craft as over-sized fighter craft... Usually with shockingly violent results.

Predator Pattern Fighter Simulacra
(Above: A pair of Predators approaching Halcon Airbase on Shumballah)
-The Predator is an advanced fighter-form simulacra usually found stationed on asteroid bases, and the few remaining ground based installations still functioning on The Peoples various Shrineworlds. However, unlike the standard simulacra employed by The People these craft are also capable of being employed in a limited fashion under AI control without one of The People possessing it; this process however has been proven to be somewhat damaging to the Predator's internal systems however, and as such doing so is generally reserved for emergencies only.

Length: 10.5 meters
Width: 9.5 meters
Height: 5.25 meters

Crew: 1 (the Predator also possesses an advanced onboard AI as well)

Weapon Systems
Makral-Mossil Type 209 Combination Cannon: 2
Makral-Mossil Type 205 Plasma Burst Cannon: 2

Additional Notes
-The Predator is the smallest craft in service with The People that possesses a functioning Fold Drive for FTL travel; although it is rarely ever used.

Strengths: Advanced and versatile weaponry, high durability, simulacra, high mobility, a distinct non-reliance on supply lines.
Weaknesses: Few in number, no central chain of command or command structure to speak of.
NS activity: Frequent. I'm usually on everyday even if it's only to check on things.
Technological Bases: My sick and twisted imagination… The FTL is from Robotech/Macross however…
Prior RP links:

Species Name: The People

Biology and anatomy: N/A…
Height: On average males are approximately 6’0” and females are approximately 5’ 4”. This is for their base form, not their simulacra.
Weight: N/A. This is also for their base form.
Relative survivability: 9.75/10 for their base form. There are few things that can truly kill them. Their simulacra average around a 7.5/10.

Natural Defenses/Abilities: Possession, the lack of a “physical” body to actually damage. They can also phase through solid objects like walls and machinery, and bullets and such…
Unnatural abilities: Possession (primarily of simulacra).

Respiratory Gas: N/A. However, their simulacra can mimic breathing in a variety of atmospheres.
Base composite Element: N/A… We are but daemonic energy. Their simulacra however are Carbon based.

Base Form and Ethnic Variations: See appearance…
Life Span: Unknown, in their current form none have yet to die of old age. As such, they believe themselves to be effectively immortal… They are however able to be killed although it isn’t easy.
Reproduction: N/A. The People are incapable of reproduction.
Intelligence Level: 9.5/10
Traits/Behavior/Disposition: This varies quite a bit by the individual and/or group. While some are friendly, curious, and relatively accepting of other cultures there are some that are the total opposite. Some of the more mentally damaged of The People have been known to spend their free time (of which they have an abundance) indiscriminately slaughtering anything and everything they come across simply because they can.

Type: Daemon/Energy
Aggression: -10 to 0 to 10… There are either individuals or groups of The People that could fit into all parts of the aforementioned scale.

Society and Cultural information: Please see the Nation App. For this information at it is included in full there.

Important Characters: Samain Omeddan, WIP
Last edited by Nyte on Thu Dec 05, 2013 1:53 pm, edited 11 times in total.
Self censored due to concerns of Moderation Abuse and ambiguous rules enforcement.

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Posts: 1327
Founded: Dec 01, 2012

Postby Oogium » Thu Oct 03, 2013 8:43 pm

Civilization Name: the Kassquit Sovereignty
Civilization Age: ~250,000 years

Government Type: Single-party pseudo-communist dictatorship
Government Information: The Sovereignty uses a vast and complex bureaucracy to administer its massive population, utilizing the ability of the higher castes to chemically induce lesser castes to carry out their desire, as well as the massive size and strength of the Kassquit military, to govern and guide its trillions of citizens in their daily lives.
Government Status: The Kassquit government is extremely powerful, ruling with an unchallenged authority and keeping a firm grip on the reins of power.
Population: ~3,000,000,000,000

Home World/Capitol: Home System: Qaas'qit System, Home Planet/Structure: The Bubble of the Sovereign
Capital Status: The Kassquit Bubble (often called the Bubble of the Sovereign), a stable, artificial Dyson Sphere, is one of the largest structures in the Galaxy, and is home to nearly three trillion Kassquit. It is completely stable and surrounds a small, stable yellow star. Despite the fact that the Bubble houses this mind-boggling population, each individual Kassquit, if they were to live alone and have an equal amount of land to every other Kassquit in the Bubble, would have over five thousand square miles to him or herself. The Bubble has numerous docking tunnels, which allow ships to pass in and out of it, and is connected by gigantic rail networks, which operate by essentially loading passengers into a huge railgun projectile with gravity compensators, and firing them at immense velocities along the tracks (usually about 1/3 c). At the destination, a second railgun emits another magnetic field to decelerate the "train". The passengers get off, new passengers get on, and the second railgun fires it to whatever its next destination is.
Notable Locations and Such: The Bubble of the Sovereign
Founding Species: Kassquit
Other Species: Various Kassquit subspecies and bioconstructs, as well as a few xeno slave species

Society and Cultural Information: Kassquit society is divided by a rigid caste system defined by the size of one's arm frills and the color of one's scales. Each color has a specific place in the Kassquit hierarchy, and those with larger arm frills have higher places within their caste. Castes do not generally interbreed, but merely follow orders from their superiors. All eggs are held in massive repositories, and each has a meticulously compiled record about its genes, predicted caste, and parents. On the rare occasion a baby is not of the caste it was born to, it is given to whatever caste it appears to be and raised by them.
Society Status: Kassquit society is rigidly stratified in its castes, but in every case, xenos are below even the lowest miner-drudge. High-ranking ones may not be treated as such, but this is simply because the Kassquit know they cannot afford to antagonize them. Xenos are little better than animals, the lowest slaves. However, low-caste Kassquit miner-drudges or slaves are scarcely higher than this.
The highest-ranking Kassquit are almost like gods to the lower castes, models of perfection and beauty and rulers to be trusted and followed. Castes rarely intermingle, and when they do, results are usually unhappy for all parties involved.
Languages: Kassquit, the only language used by the Kassquit, is spoken by every member of society who possess tongues.
Economy: The Kassquit economy depends upon a steady supply of expendable slaves, both biological and mechanical in nature, to work their enormous farms and mining fleets. Without slavery, the Sovereignty would likely collapse, with no slaves to work its immense farms or work their fingers to the bone in mineshafts on distant worlds.
Industry: Most industry is located inside the Bubble, for the simple reason that the Kassquit don't trust their slaves at all. They are given the minimum amount of industry necessary for their system's goods to be taken and shipped by Kassquit troops and merchants.
Production/Construction: Almost every Kassquit factory is located inside the Bubble, making it an absolutely massive industrial base. Not only does it have a constant stream of resources coming in from the vassal systems, it also possesses enormous natural resources itself, which are quite readily available. Nearly every Kassquit shipyard, factory, or other industrial production facility is located here.
In terms of actual building, however, the Kassquit often use prefabrication techniques and replaceable parts in assembly-line production systems to crank out enormous numbers of whatever product they are building, and allow easy repair of these products. As Kassquit buildings and architecture are somewhat different from that of other races, prefabrication has little role in constructing a Hive. Rather, enormous tunneling machines are used to dig a Hive's main tunnels, and smaller machines used for secondary tunnels. Tertiary tunnels and small passageways are hewn by hand or with small mechanical devices. The slag is removed and carried to the area above the Hive, where it is piled in an enormous mound, which also is tunneled through using plasma projectors to vaporize and fuse the rock.

Soopah Powah:

Specialties/Advanced Sciences: The Kassquit are brilliant engineers, architects, and physicists, and are experts at biochemical manipulation of other beings, using thousands of different combinations of pheromones to induce specific behaviors. They are also cutthroat capitalists and deadly economists.
Strengths: The Kassquit (especially the higher castes) are very good at taking advantage or commanding others, whether ordering labor units around with pheromone spays or decimating other companies on the market. They have the advantage of a quarter million years of writing about almost every field of science and other fields of life as well, and are constantly hungry for more knowledge and power, making them ambitious and motivated. The lower castes are especially skilled at cooperation, working together on everything from making dinner to constructing a new Hive, and are incredibly loyal to their superiors.
Weaknesses: The Kassquit upper castes can sometimes be too ambitious, and too willing to betray another for their own gain, as well as arrogant and overconfident.
When the higher castes behave in such a manner, the problem increases exponentially when they lead the lower castes. Here, the almost fanatical loyalty that the lower castes give to the upper castes can be a fault: they are too willing to do whatever ordered, even if it is a very bad idea that will lead them to ruin.

Map Claim Size:
Grid Coordinates:
Map Claim Color:

Holdings/Territory: One inhabited system, thirty-seven vassal-systems occupied by slave races and a few billion Kassquit.

Colonization/Expansion: The Kassquit themselves only live in the Qaas'qit System (except for a few minor exceptions), with only a few billion living in small hives in each of the vassal-systems. However, the Kass'quit have subjugated several lesser races and sent robotic probes to other systems, which now send nearly all their food and resources to the Qaas'qit System to help feed and fuel the Bubble and its teeming trillions.

Foreign Policy: Any civilizations that rise or colonize their "Sphere of Influence" (which they define as anything eight parsecs of any vassal systems or the Qaas'qit System itself), are subject to immediate attack without warning from the Kassquit military. For instance, several pre-industrial civilizations have had the misfortune to have risen in this area, and they were essentially wiped from the stars by Kassquit ships and soldiers. Those very few who survived the Kassquit invasion were taken back to the Bubble, and bred on a huge scale to serve as slaves. Their genes were also harvested for construction of new slaves, and when these slaves proved superior, the conquered aliens were culled, and their ashes used to fertilize Kassquit farms. So far no galactic civilizations have been idiotic enough to try to colonize anything in this area, but given the number of appealing planets in the area, it seems unlikely they will be able to resist for long. The Kassquit have prepared extensive military plans for contingencies such as this.
However, those do not colonize in this zone or have the misfortune to begin in it are generally left alone, though the Kassquit are more than willing to trade. They also prefer to seek treaties with their neighbors to ensure their back is covered if war seems likely with someone.
Diplomacy: The Kassquit are arrogant and proud, but they recognize that they have to work at least a little bit with the other races of the Galaxy. As such, they exert their power to the degree they wish, often making frustrating demands or imposing absurd taxes on foreign goods, but they never take it so far that relations are irreparably damaged, and they continue to work with whatever nation they are antagonizing on subjects that they happen to care about, especially trade, as the Kassquit have an unusual love of wealth, especially gold. They are, needless to say, extremely frustrating to work with.

Technological Age: ~250,000 years
FTL Capabilities: The Kassquit use Agador Pulse Drives for FTL travel. These drives use cores of exotic matter to create pulses of dark energy, the force that is pushing the universe apart at faster-than-light speeds. The dark energy pulse repels the ship towards its destination at speeds many times that of light, and to slow down and stop the ship merely sends out a second pulse in front of it. These drives are simple and allow the Kassquit FTL speeds of up to 108 light-years per day in their fastest ships, with slower craft traveling at speeds closer to 60-75 light-years per day.
Inter-Planetary Travel: The Kassquit use the same propulsion system for interplanetary travel in their vassal systems, simply using smaller pulses. In the Bubble, though, massive rail-guns drive trains at speeds that can approach a third of lightspeed along massive spaceborne tracks to send travelers from one point to another.

Military Information:
Doctrine: The Kassquit possess massive reserves of troops and a huge resource base to replace any material they lose. As such, their strategies disregard the lives of individual troops, using human wave assaults and overwhelming numbers to simply engulf the enemy and crush them. Kassquit commanders generally only order their troops to cease attacking if casualty rates break 40% dead and wounded, as that almost always constitutes millions upon millions of soldiers. Kassquit ships tend to be small, fast, and heavily armed, but their capital ships are heavily armored, lumbering monstrosities that can smash through the heaviest of enemy ships. Kassquit troops are lightly equipped with a simple pulse rifle, a carbon-fiber knife that can double as a bayonet, and silicon-carbon composite armor. They also have small neural implants that allow uplink to command for orders and, in cases of emergency, they can use these neural implants to commit suicide.

Army: The Kassquit Army is a very large force that relies primarily on infantry tactics rather than armored strikes. They use human wave attacks and, rather than use airstrikes, prefer to use orbital bombardment or strikes from their large and extremely well-equipped artillery corps. Their artillery corps are also capable of defending a planet even when orbital supremacy is lost, firing railgun projectiles or powerful lasers at targets in space.

Navy: The Kassquit Navy is automated to a degree many Army J'avs and officers find almost incomprehensible. It has many fewer soldiers than does the Army, but still mans hundreds of ships. Kassquit naval tactics are typically more like air combat than sea combat, using a number of fast-moving, hard-hitting ships to launch crippling strikes and then dance away from the enemy before they can respond. Kassquit shipboard computers are also quite powerful, capable of calculating where and when enemy weapons will hit, guiding the ship's weapons, avoiding enemy fire, and doing most of the steering, while assisting the officers and pilots at the same time.
The Kassquit Navy also uses a small number of extremely large capital ships for major engagements. These ships are huge and lumbering, with thick hides and powerful weaponry. They are quite dangerous, but almost exponentially less maneuverable than normal Kassquit craft, and are thus employed in a far different manner.

Strengths: Kassquit officers, especially Naval officers, are extremely well-trained professional soldiers who can use competently innovative and effective tactics on short notice with inadequate forces. Kassquit soldiers are also excellent at cooperating with one another in any situation, often instinctively sensing what the others want to happen and working to make it so, and often employing tactics of their own, making large groups of even common soldiers quite dangerous. They also rely a great deal on their comrades for support and encouragement, meaning larger forces are happier and much more motivated, giving Kassquit officers an incentive to have large forces.
Kassquit ships are also suited to a variety of roles, from fighting in major engagements to commerce interdiction, and are very well armed. Kassquit naval forces in general tend to be very well trained with extremely competent commanders.

All in all, the Kassquit have excellent commanders, good individual tactical sense and group cooperation, and superb naval forces. Their morale is also generally good, and even better in larger forces.
Weaknesses: Small groups of Kassquit tend to be easily demoralized and destroyed, meaning small groups, while they can be dangerous if they have an officer, are easily mopped up and are little more than nuisances at the worst. Additionally, the rank-and-file common soldiers tend to have poor personal equipment, even if they have decent training. This is especially true of the Army. Army commanders especially also have a tendency to be willing to sacrific large amounts of soldiers to achieve their objective (40% casualty rates tend to be the upper limit of their definition of "acceptable losses).
The Navy sometimes has trouble, however, with extremely large concentrations of ships, when many hundreds of craft converge in a single battle. Squadrons will simply be forgotten about and left to evade enemy fire and take what potshots they can while admirals launch their attacks. The problem is that such forces are almost never neccesary, and so the extra ships simply mill around, often drawing enemy fire or, if an enemy commander decides to go for an easy target, taking disproportionate losses for their place.

Overall, while Kassquit command is good, it can become too focused on one thing, forgetting about large bodies of troops, and it also has little regard for casualties, spending the lives of many soldiers to achieve a relatively simple objective. The equipment of an individual soldier is also rather poor, meaning that in a one-on-one fight against other soldiers from around the galaxy, a Kassquit J'avs would likely lose every fight.

NS Activity: High.
Technological Bases: Small bits from many sources, none in particular
Prior RP links: I'll find some eventually, but I've been quite busy both in RL and NS, so it may be a while.

Species App is a WIP.
Biology and anatomy:
Relative survivability:

Natural Defenses/Abilities:

Respiratory Gas: .
Base composite Element:
Base Form and Ethnic Variations:
Life Span:
Intelligence Level:


Society and Cultural information:
Important Characters:
Last edited by Oogium on Fri Oct 04, 2013 12:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.
My entire nation is being revamped, which gives me more room for

The Nuclear Fist wrote:
Oogium wrote:I don't know who I should send as a diplomat. The Oog are better at fighting than diplomacy, and they're not very good at fighting, either.

Just try and find a seat without getting your bollocks stuck in a light socket.

Transoxthraxia wrote:
Mom! I found a space krill! Can we keep it? Pleeeaaase?



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