International Freedom Index

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Posts: 2843
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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

International Freedom Index

Postby Drongonia » Wed Mar 10, 2021 1:29 am


International Freedom Index
Greetings to all nations of the world. The Drongonian Government, partnered with several NGOs and private research institutes, has compiled a questionnaire which seeks to establish the amount of development within any given country. We invite all heads of state (or their representatives) to take part in the survey and provide both us and the rest of the world with valuable feedback regarding who we should trade, ally and have diplomatic relations with. The International Freedom Index (IFI) is designed to be the ultimate freedom assessment tool, addressing shortcomings of other indices developed in the past, as well as being the most thorough to date. We appreciate that other nations and organisations may have created freedom-measuring indeces in the past, but we truly do believe this one to be superior.

The questions in this survey are best suited for nations with a "Modern Technology" standard. We classify this standard by any nation having their current timeline as between 2000 - 2030, with technology levels advanced up to 25 years above the current real-world standards. If your nation falls outside of these bounds, you are more than welcome to participate - however, your results may be inaccurate.


Index Outline
The questions nations are asked to answer are listed in the codebox below. Please note, you are free to refrain from answering as many questions as you'd like, but each question you answer reduces the likelihood of an accurate score being given to your nation. If you do not wish to answer a question, simply leave it blank.

Index Scoring System
Nations are given a freedom score which ranges from 0 - 100, with zero being least free and 100 being a perfect score, indicating the highest possible levels of freedom accounted for. Please note that the scale below is wide and variable. For example, a nation which scores 69.9 is far more free than a nation with a score of 50, but they share a bracket and therefore a classification.

Free (90 - 100)
Real world examples: Norway, Finland, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Scotland, Canada, Japan
Nations scoring in this range are very highly developed and free nations in which their citizens enjoy the world's highest tier of freedom. This includes fundamental freedom of expression, association, identity and freedom of movement. The press is also totally free to conduct investigations and report on Government and civilian matters as they see fit. Economic freedom is also outstanding, and these are generally good places to do business.

Mostly Free (75 - 89.9)
Real world examples: United States, United Kingdom, Spain
Nations scoring in this range can be considered mostly free and overall good places to live, although they may not feature all of the freedoms found in the above category. Common examples of this may be restrictions on the freedom of press, or restrictions on certain areas of free speech and economic activity.

Somewhat Free (55 - 74.9)
Real world examples: Cuba, Seychelles, Egypt, Bolivia
Nations scoring in this range can be considered free to a point. The populace can generally get through their day without much trouble, but members of the press and businesses will likely have to watch their steps.

Not Free (25 - 54.9)
Real world examples: Pakistan, China
Nations scoring in this range are simply not free. Citizens are generally expected to follow a fairly strict set of rules, or risk the consequences. The Government is likely not democratic, and the press parrots the Government's talking points, as do businesses.

Oppressed (0 - 24.9)
Real world examples: North Korea
Nations scoring in this range are entirely oppressive. Individuals in these nations are likely not afforded freedoms of any sort and are expected to abide by a strict set of rules, lest they face prison time. Free companies and press are non-existant or merely exist to provide services the Government is unable to. The nation's leadership is dictatorial.

The Questionnaire
Please fill out the questions below and return them via a reply. Thank you in advance to all nations deciding to participate.

Code: Select all
[spoiler=International Freedom Index]
[b]Your nation's full name (including pretitle)[/b]
[b]Your nation's current year[/b]
[b]Your nation's current IC tech level (This index is optimised for MT/PMT nations)[/b]
[b]Your nation's IC population[/b]
[b]Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored?[/b]

[u]Section One - Freedom of Speech:[/u]
[size=75][i]Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.[/i][/size]
1/ [b]Are your nation's citizens afforded the basic right to freedom of expression?[/b]
2/ [b]If yes, how is this right protected by law?[/b]
3/ [b]Are your nation's citizens bound by hate speech laws?[/b]
4/ [b]Does your nation allow social media companies to regulate their platforms without intervention?[/b]
5/ [b](If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to social media?[/b]
6/ [b](If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to physical speech (ie, standing on the street corner)?[/b]
7/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to speak online via encrypted applications?[/b]
8/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to swear or curse in public?[/b]
9/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear attire or apparel displaying anti-Government messages?[/b]
10/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to listen to or create music, films or other art containing anti-Government sentiments?[/b]

[u]Section Two - Economic Freedoms:[/u]
[size=75][i]Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.[/i][/size]
1/ [b]What is the average income tax rate in your nation? (%)[/b]
2/ [b]Are your nation's citizens free to set up a business?[/b]
3/ [b]Are your nation's businesses/citizens permitted to trade with and/or import products from firms in other nations?[/b]
4/ [b]Are your nation's citizens free to choose their own employment? If so, are they free to unionise?[/b]
5/ [b]Is private business permitted within your nation's economy? If so, are they beholden to antitrust regulations?[/b]
6/ [b]Does the Government limit the maximum amount of yearly income an individual is allowed to earn?[/b]
7/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to buy and sell goods and services via the Internet?[/b]
8/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to open a bank account without Government approval?[/b]
9/ [b]At what age are your nation's citizens entitled to open a personal bank account?[/b]
10/ [b]Are your nation's (adult) citizens restricted from owning land, property, businesses and commodities for any reason?[/b]

[u]Section Three - Personal Freedoms:[/u]
[size=75][i]Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.[/i][/size]
1/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear whatever style of clothes they wish?[/b]
2/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to alter their legal names?[/b]
3/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to go out whenever they like?[/b]
4/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to participate in miscegenation?[/b]
5/ [b]Are your nation's citizens prohibited from working on the basis of their gender?[/b]
6/ [b]Are your nation's female citizens permitted to obtain abortions? Please give details if required.[/b]
7/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to affiliate with genuine political movements without interference?[/b]
8/ [b]At what age are your nation's citizens permitted to work?[/b]
9/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to communicate in and produce literature in foreign languages?[/b]
10/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to possess soft drugs such as marijuana for personal use?[/b]

[u]Section Four - Freedom of Information:[/u]
[size=75][i]Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.[/i][/size]
1/ [b]Does your nation require ISPs to block websites? If so, which ones?[/b]
2/ [b]Does your Government directly (overriding ISPs) censor webpages or websites? If so, which ones?[/b]
3/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to access international media?[/b]
4/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to access dissenting opinions from other nations?[/b]
5/ [b]Does your Government allow for an unrestricted flow of information on social media?[/b]
6/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to send photos and videos to people in other places?[/b]
7/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to send international packages and letters?[/b]
8/ [b]Are your nation's citizens' packages, parcels or physical/electronic mail opened and checked?[/b]
9/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to share information about Governmental shortcomings?[/b]
10/ [b]Is outbound mail (physical/electronic) scanned/intercepted for certain information?[/b]

[u]Section Five - Freedom of Movement:[/u]
[size=75][i]Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.[/i][/size]
1/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel throughout the country?[/b]
2/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel internationally?[/b]
3/ [b]Are your nation's students permitted to travel internationally for exchange/study initiatives?[/b]
4/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to permanently migrate to another country?[/b]
5/ [b]If yes to the previous question, are they permitted to return at any time?[/b]
6/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to move house at any time?[/b]
7/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to change jobs at any time?[/b]
8/ [b]What restrictions are there on your citizens' ability to buy and drive a personal motor vehicle?[/b]
9/ [b]Are your nation's citizens required to log movements with a Government body of any kind?[/b]
10/ [b]Is your nation open to holidaymakers from abroad?[/b]

[u]Section Six - Freedom of Religion:[/u]
[size=75][i]Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.[/i][/size]
1/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in private?[/b]
2/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in their workplaces?[/b]
3/ [b]Are parents permitted to remove their child from school subjects running contrary to their religious (or non-religious) beliefs?[/b]
4/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in worshiping facilities like churches and mosques?[/b]
5/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to withhold goods or services due to religious objections?[/b]
6/ [b]Does your nation ban certain religions from being practiced or promoted?[/b]
7/ [b]Does your nation restrict travel by anyone belonging to any particular religion?[/b]
8/ [b]Does your nation permit the sale and/or distribution of religious materials such as holy books?[/b]
9/ [b]Does your nation treat members of all religions (and those who do not practice religion) equally before the law?[/b]
10/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear symbols of their faith, or religious attire - at home and at work?[/b]

[u]Section Seven - Freedom of the Press:[/u]
[size=75][i]Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.[/i][/size]
1/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to form their own media company to report on national news events?[/b]
2/ [b]Are your nation's media companies permitted to operate independently of the Government?[/b]
3/ [b]Are your nation's media companies expected to cut/edit stories which criticise the Government?[/b]
4/ [b]Is your nation's state-owned broadcaster permitted to operate freely and independently? (Leave blank if no state broadcaster exists)[/b]
5/ [b]Do your nation's citizens have multiple sources to choose from in regards to journalism?[/b]
6/ [b]Are elements of private or state-run media censored or cut during live airing?[/b]
7/ [b]Are international media companies permitted to open operating arms within your nation?[/b]
8/ [b]Are international media companies permitted to freely report on goings-on within your nation?[/b]
9/ [b]Are your nation's media companies and journalists generally considered honest and unbiased in their reporting?[/b]
10/ [b]Are members of the press permitted to directly interview and ask questions of Government officials?[/b]

[u]Section Eight - Governmental and Electoral Freedoms:[/u]
[size=75][i]Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.[/i][/size]
1/ [b]Is your nation's Government elected via a democratic election? (If not, please elaborate)[/b]
2/ [b]If yes to the previous question, are these elections observed and/or scrutinised by an independent body?[/b]
3/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to petition the Government? If so, are they entitled to a response?[/b]
4/ [b]Does an equivalent to a FOIA or OIA system exist for citizens/media to request Governmental information?[/b]
5/ [b]What conditions must be met to qualify for running for office?[/b]
6/ [b]Are Members of Parliament (or your equivalent) free to criticise the ruling Government/party?[/b]
7/ [b]Are members of the public free to criticise the ruling Government/party?[/b]
8/ [b]Are laws debated in Parliament (or your equivalent) before being bought into force?[/b]
9/ [b]Are laws put through a public consultation process before being debated in Parliament (or your equivalent)?[/b]
10/ [b]Are members of the public permitted to directly contact Government officials such as local politicians?[/b]

[u]Section Nine - Criminal Rights and Due Process:[/u]
[size=75][i]Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.[/i][/size]
1/ [b]Does your nation follow the basic principle of "innocent until proven guilty" in relation to criminal suspects?[/b]
2/ [b]Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted access to legal assistance?[/b]
3/ [b]Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted to give no comment during an investigation?[/b]
4/ [b]Does your nation use jury trials (excluding in niche examples such as complex financial or cybercrime)?[/b]
5/ [b]If yes to the previous question, can trials in your nation be generally considered fair?[/b]
6/ [b]Do people found guilty of a crime have the right to appeal a court's ruling/sentence?[/b]
7/ [b]Are imprisoned people permitted to contact their family and friends?[/b]
8/ [b]Do your nation's prisons conform to basic human rights standards?[/b]
9/ [b]Is a rehabilitation programme available to imprisoned people prior to their release?[/b]
10/ [b]Does your nation take special care and consideration towards children suspected of committing crime?[/b]

[u]Section Ten - Minority Rights and Equality:[/u]
[size=75][i]Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.[/i][/size]
1/ [b]Are all citizens of your nation granted equal access to healthcare, education and police/emergency services?[/b]
2/ [b]Is same-sex marriage legal/performed in your nation? If not, does your nation recognise SSMs performed abroad?[/b]
3/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to be in a same-sex relationship?[/b]
4/ [b]Are trans people in your nation permitted to self-identify with a different gender/sex?[/b]
5/ [b]If yes to the previous question, are trans people given access to mental and physical healthcare?[/b]
6/ [b]If yes to the previous question, are trans people permitted to legally alter their registered sex/gender?[/b]
7/ [b]Are racial and sexual minorities granted the same legal rights as the rest of the population?[/b]
8/ [b]When dealing with the Government, do non-native language speakers have the right to access an interpreter?[/b]
9/ [b]Are LGBT+ individuals permitted to broadcast their opinions via TV, radio, print and/or the Internet?[/b]
10/ [b]Does your nation practice segregation of any kind?[/b]

[u](OPTIONAL) - More information[/u]
[size=75]We would appreciate filling in as much of this information as possible. However, this is not required to receive a complete score, and filling this information out will not change your score in any way.[/size]
[b]What is the approximate ethnic makeup of your nation? (in percentages)[/b]
[b]How many official languages are there in your nation? What are these?[/b]
[b]What is the political position of your nation's ruling Government?[/b]
[b]What type of Government does your country have?[/b]
[b]How many members of your nation's national assembly/legislature are there?[/b]
[b](OOC) Which real life nation would you describe yours as being most similar to?[/b]

[b]Are you satisfied with this index?[/b]
[b]Any suggestions or comments on how to improve?[/b]
Last edited by Drongonia on Mon Jul 03, 2023 10:38 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Posts: 2843
Founded: Feb 11, 2019
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Drongonia » Wed Mar 10, 2021 1:29 am

Scores for participating nations
Nations will be ranked in regards to their 0 - 100 score.

Free (90 - 100)
99.7 Istastioner
99.6 Amaurita
99.6 New Ethyrea
99.5 Nova Tero
99.4 Tummylandia and Susistan
99.3 The Socialist World Republic of Cats, Humans and Aliens
99.2 Beefalo Bill
99.1 New Jeromia
99.0 The Allied Tribe
99.0 Kordanai
99.0 Zohiania
99.0 Camp Hebron
99.0 Great Ignesia
98.9 Mologiland
98.9 Golyna
98.7 Scytharum
98.6 Guadalupador
98.5 New North Republic
98.5 Allinburg
98.5 West Andes
98.4 Fluvannia
98.4 The German Republic (Republik Weimar)
98.3 Samanohuwa
98.3 Rivière Renard
98.3 Blattusordia
98.3 Asucki
98.3 Tirint
98.2 Ru
98.2 Synne Industries
98.1 Nyvunnland
98.1 Soldat Communes
97.9 Quebec Republic
97.9 The Astral Mandate
97.9 Frisemark
97.8 Wizlandia
97.8 Nova Scioscia
97.7 Drongonia
97.7 Coconut Palm Island
97.7 Ankuran
97.7 Svobodala
97.6 Marlducro
97.6 Sky Reavers
97.5 Swedish-Norwegian Kingdoms
97.5 Life Empire
97.5 Ealdracaland
97.5 Southern Liberstania
97.5 Apis Elit
97.5 Federal Republic of Cascadia
97.5 Merulla
97.4 South Americanastan
97.4 Trenaka
97.4 República Federal de Catalunya
97.3 Allanea
97.3 Countesia
97.3 Waisnor
97.3 Oskenia
97.2 New Hocksmith
97.1 Nantu
97.1 Catarra
97.0 Chemgota
97.0 Oronia
97.0 Corporoat
96.9 North American Union
96.9 Gandoor
96.9 Corea
96.9 Canvalland
96.9 America and Oceania
96.9 Saint Monkey
96.8 Nova Xeneia
96.8 Kuoyama
96.8 Ostaja
96.7 Meretica
96.7 Altmelia
96.7 Glowing Diamonds
96.7 Cascadian Union
96.6 Basanreseri
96.6 Meadowfields
96.6 Redershein
96.6 Grand Meridian
96.6 Stroulia
96.6 Bakivaland
96.6 The United American Empire
96.5 Roegerland
96.5 Heradorian Commonwealth
96.4 Awesome Imperium
96.4 Chiho
96.3 Syndic Australia
96.3 Jinkara
96.3 Baizou
96.3 Lamrac
96.3 Eotaland
96.3 Apexiala
96.2 Difinbelk
96.2 Azulozemes (West Bromwich Holme)
96.1 Tumbra
96.1 Dexterra
96.1 Turth
96.1 New Odrana
96.1 Southland
96.0 Obets
96.0 Comicsland
95.9 Madrinpoor
95.9 Raditia
95.9 HarYan
95.9 Aegeonia
95.8 Alinghi
95.8 Caliland
95.8 Pleskavia
95.8 Tricklandia
95.6 First American Empire
95.6 Indian Empire
95.6 Juansonia
95.6 Kandorith
95.6 Unintra
95.5 Russkaya Svoboda
95.5 New Bradenia
95.5 Greater Fennoskandia
95.4 Whitanchir
95.3 Nacrad
95.3 Arcturus and Lophos
95.3 North Sea Federation (Greater Eireann)
95.3 Northern Dosletofe
95.3 Partolian
95.2 Fatiman Federation (Indo States)
95.2 Aikoland
95.2 Voipel
95.1 China Asterguin
95.0 Selkie
95.0 Keflistan
95.0 Rhodevus
95.0 Viscland
94.9 Cartoonia
94.8 Azinora
94.8 Sophya
94.7 Istantine
94.7 Coliantia
94.7 Great Meridian
94.7 Larefo
94.6 American Empire (Continental Free States)
94.6 Katokis
94.6 Starrden
94.5 Oktotheio
94.5 Atrito
94.5 Neovilla
94.5 The Onigiri Enclave
94.5 Louisiene
94.4 Katzen
94.4 Greater Cosmicium
94.4 Melondonia
94.2 Nessin
94.2 Drehda
94.0 Eritei
94.0 Arbaro
93.9 Sherechia
93.9 Adia
93.8 Erynia and Draconia
93.8 Furballland
93.7 Polata City
93.7 New Volica
93.7 Israel and East Jordan
93.7 Lemsrow
93.7 Torisakia
93.7 Li Kingdom of Denver
93.6 Clton
93.6 The Steam Gardens
93.5 Alaska Hawaii and the Aleutes
93.5 The Spanish Republic (Espanya Republicana)
93.5 Democratic Martian States
93.4 Nahelia
93.4 Korwin
93.3 Thermodolia
93.3 Jestar Falls
93.3 Magnolis
93.3 Hlyomahi
93.3 Independent Republic of Boldonia
93.3 Rosefall
93.2 Graag Brom
93.2 Karbalia
93.2 Kingdom of the Three Isles
93.2 Aquaria
93.2 Piscatania
93.1 Escalia
93.1 Sounkaopia
93.0 Imperial American Patriots
93.0 Socialist Federation of North America
93.0 South Vernia
93.0 United Cacti of Estaban
93.0 New Stonen
92.9 Marian Papua
92.9 Sadakoyama
92.8 Ezmwalia
92.8 European Federation Reunified
92.8 Pikachu Peoples
92.6 New Jacobland
92.5 Victores
92.5 Point Blob
92.4 The Near Islands
92.4 Adbbasia
92.4 Telbnis
92.3 Krakoyea
92.1 Demosthenes and Burke
92.1 Ascvalion
91.9 Northern Batea
91.8 Carthatska
91.8 Estrago
91.8 Inner Albania
91.8 United Nations of el Reino
91.7 Vologda State
91.6 Sandgard
91.5 Destyntine
91.5 Aumbura
91.4 Spib
91.3 Settentrionalia
91.2 Anatoliyanskiy
91.1 Tangatarehua
91.1 Breheim
90.6 Fauzjhia
90.6 Andronya
90.6 Socialist Confederation of America
90.4 Dowaesk
90.3 Aidira
90.2 Palmyrion
90.0 Volksrepublik Germany

Mostly Free (75 - 89.9)
89.7 The Malkite Deliberative
89.6 Agausia
89.4 Caleon
89.4 Saralonia
89.4 Microjapan
89.3 Kingdoms of Prussia and Poland
89.2 Equai
89.1 Greater Vvarden
89.1 Imperial Federation of Brazil
88.9 Archalit
88.7 Verdant Haven
88.6 Naval Monte
88.6 Brittany-Normandy-Aquitaine
88.3 Hussija
88.0 Kazumaria
87.9 Florenville
87.8 Andocara
87.8 Ozeanreisende
87.5 Jolantia
87.2 Junatia
87.1 Great Pacific Switzerland
87.1 Leasi
87.1 Guild Commonwealth
87.1 Rybzierzyn
86.7 PhilTech
86.7 Bistritza
86.7 Empire of Avalon
86.5 Zarnicovia Nova
86.4 Reorganized Portugal
86.2 Amenria
86.0 The Three Suns Initiative
85.9 Terra da Cinza
85.0 Salvaroja
84.8 Dionysian Archipelago
84.8 Nomayuki
84.7 The Omahan States
84.6 Undemocracy
84.6 Politonicana
84.5 Spanish Empire (Hispania Major)
84.3 Utopian States of America
83.9 Faragaia (S10 was not completed)
83.8 Kimlik
83.6 Exarkyon
83.2 Celestial American Republic
83.1 Bayi
82.6 Nioya
82.3 La Xinga
82.2 Confederate American States and Syndicates
81.8 Hyidai
81.8 Guairia
81.7 Orientia
81.7 Johill
81.5 Sklobovia
81.1 Noxoje
80.6 Rho Ophiuchi
80.2 Ardchu
80.0 Naui Tu
79.7 Alzatia
79.4 Sacrisia
79.4 Louisiana and Arkansas
79.0 Christian India
78.8 Frostland
78.4 Malpelo
78.3 Airceltria
77.9 Olwe
77.4 Deseret
77.0 Kardsin
76.8 Mensun
76.4 Crap Britain and Southern Ireland
75.2 Cavirfi

Somewhat Free (55 - 74.9)
74.8 Fel Dara
74.6 Ascion
74.5 Kotok
74.4 Rapaldegia Bagazis
74.3 The Rätebund
73.8 Vikanias
73.8 AKnesia
73.4 Shieldstan
73.2 Thexaelen
72.8 Zoigai
72.7 Illiryja
71.0 National Stational Nation
70.8 Laka Strolistandiler
70.5 Lanfang
70.4 Hahqsthqstan
69.3 Bigpipstan
69.2 Veraguas
68.5 Lochelm
66.6 Free Stalliongrad
66.5 Kergstan
64.7 Chadtonia
64.6 Kuble
64.3 Jioanxi-Fujian Soviet
64.3 People's Democratic Republic of the Philippines
64.2 Polish People's Republic
64.0 Qostan
63.9 Demeljuat
63.1 Sabiduria-Sophiania
62.8 Lesbias
62.7 Vegaslovakia
62.7 Iskanistan
61.9 The Serketist Federation (S8, 9 and 10 were not completed)
61.2 The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Spaciet Union)
60.3 New Agraya
60.3 Kirmizistan
59.0 Deacarsia
58.3 Caucafrica
57.9 Janggale
57.7 Bovad (S9 and 10 were not completed)
56.2 Welate Roje
55.9 Conservative Christian American States

Not Free (25 - 54.9)
53.6 Itielia
52.4 Apropin Che
52.3 Darlingtown
52.0 New Imperial Britannia
51.4 Romanian Archdiocese
51.2 Gopnikea
51.0 Eshgidur
49.9 The Chosen Peoples
49.5 ミク初音二形人共和国
48.0 Lechia
47.8 Holy Catholic State of Portugal
47.8 Pinochetist Shark Hunters
46.6 Karazicu
46.6 Sagrea
45.4 Upper Nan
45.0 Great Algerstonia
44.8 Yehuda
44.5 Spratly Islands
44.4 Slaver Pirates of Vaas (Averaged between all classes)
42.5 Fennobaltia
40.4 Rick Perry
40.3 Mystery Realms
40.3 East Lukalkus
39.9 Yerbanistan
39.8 Gerburtsurg
39.7 The Disorder (Score for non-slaves is estimated at 85)
39.2 Sigmale
37.7 Durekistan
37.5 Union of Socialist Soviet Republics
36.1 Crossoveria
35.5 Qassadia
35.3 Neo-Western East-Korea
34.6 Atano
34.1 Lingang
33.5 The Infernum
30.6 Populizm i Socjalizm
29.4 Cierrida
28.1 StaCol
27.2 Mindhar
26.9 The North American State
26.4 Isla de Flores
26.3 United Eastern Vodia
26.2 Makko Oko

Oppressed (0 - 24.9)
24.4 Ardernland
23.0 Arklatravar-Istertia
23.0 Cohiene Council States
21.9 National Capitalist United States
20.9 South Yardlin
20.7 Cremorne and Farney
19.9 Padrog-Vol (S9 and 10 were not completed)
19.3 Qassemist Soviet Iraq
18.9 Lullerania
18.8 The Orwell Society
16.6 Kaywell
15.5 Adnonia
15.4 Shinken Tekina
14.4 Vesteysia
14.3 Razmistan
13.1 Mainistan
12.6 Gothian Crimea
12.5 Idoho
9.4 Aryax
8.9 Captala
8.7 Miragua
7.2 New Mordka
6.7 Kyoto Noku
5.3 Reich of the New World Order
5.0 Marnady
2.3 Orcuo
1.0 Apiary One
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Posts: 64
Founded: Mar 01, 2021

Postby Ezmwalia » Wed Mar 10, 2021 2:30 am

Your nation's full name (including pretitle) The Democratic States of Ezmwalia
Your nation's current year 2021
Your nation's current IC tech level (This index is optimised for MT/PMT nations) MT
Your nation's IC population 138,688,918
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? Yes please

Section One - Freedom of Speech:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens afforded the basic right to freedom of expression?
The Ezmwalian Government guarantees the right to freedom of expression in both federal law (F4-1974[2010]) and within the Declaration of Rights of the Constitution (Cns.III-1966). It subdivides these categories as 'freedom of religious belief', 'freedom of thought and ideal' and 'freedom of emotion'. In the 2010 amendment to the federal law, freedom of expression was expanded to include 'freedom of bodily exhibition' and 'freedom of identity', guaranteeing and confirming that, unless at risk of harming others or otherwise indecently exposing oneself, one is free to dress as they wish and identify how they wish.

2/ If yes, how is this right protected by law?
Constitutional, national and civil courts deliver judicial decisions on matters where freedom of expression is seen to be violated, either by the state or by other individuals within the state. The ease of achieving these judgements tends to go up as the severity of the infraction goes up, with minor infractions upon freedom of expression not seen as particularly relevant to most courts.

3/ Are your nation's citizens bound by hate speech laws?
Federal law (F4-1974[1985]) defined hate speech as speech which has the propensity to cause harm to, call others to cause harm to individuals, or disrupt the order, within the Democratic States of Ezmwalia. The 2010 amendment to the federal law code (F4-1974[2010]) removed the clause about disrupting order, but also widened the scope of hate speech to include harming individuals outside of the Democratic States of Ezmwalia.

4/ Does your nation allow social media companies to regulate their platforms without intervention?
Social media companies are free to set their own standards of engagement upon their services. However, the Democratic States of Ezmwalia, as per the Social Media and Technologies Law (F48-2017) reserves the right to prosecute social media platforms which explicitly encourage citizens of Ezmwalia to commit crimes, or which commit Ezmwalian crimes on their own, and social media platforms in which regular Ezmwalian crimes or incitements to commit Ezmwalian crimes occur without intervention by the operators of the platform itself are liable to similar (though less severe) prosecution. Prosecution of a social media platform in this case often means simply restricting the sites in question.

5/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to social media?
Free speech, as long as it does not constitute hate speech under the federal law (F4-1974[2010], F48-2017) is protected on social media.

6/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to physical speech (ie, standing on the street corner)?
Free speech, as long as it does not constitute hate speech under the federal law (F4-1974[2010]) is protected for physical speech.

7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to speak online via encrypted applications?
Ezmwalia currently has no special law concerning encrypted applications. In cases where encrypted messages are shown to relevant authorities, they are researched thoroughly, as with all other messages, and subject to the Social Media and Technologies Law (F48-2017).

8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to swear or curse in public?
Swearing and cursing is allowed within Ezmwalia. There are no laws specifically regarding the use of swear words or curse words in Ezmwalian federal law. Instances where swearing is included within the committing of other crimes are tried according to the severity of those crimes, not according to the vocabulary used unless it in itself constitutes hate speech under the federal law (F4-1974[2010]).

9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear attire or apparel displaying anti-Government messages?
Federal law (F4-1974[2010]) protects 'freedom of bodily exhibition', guaranteeing that, unless at risk of harming others or otherwise indecently exposing oneself, one is free to dress as they wish. Messaging on apparel is subject to hate speech laws, but as long as it does not constitute hate speech under the federal law (F4-1974[2010]), messaging on apparel is protected as free speech.

10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to listen to or create music, films or other art containing anti-Government sentiments?
Art containing anti-Government sentiments, as long as it does not constitute hate speech under the federal law (F4-1974[2010]) is protected for physical speech. Hate speech for anti-Government sentiments, for example, would include calling for the lynching of government officials, committing hate speech regarding a government official's race, ethnicity, language, gender, sexuality etc., or which otherwise has the propensity to cause harm to, or call others to cause harm to individuals within the Democratic States of Ezmwalia.

Section Two - Economic Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ What is the average income tax rate in your nation? (%)
The average tax rate is approximately 40%, lower for those in low income brackets and higher for those in high income brackets.

2/ Are your nation's citizens free to set up a business?
Small businesses, such as restaurants, shops and small farms, are able to be set up by citizens (E6-1983[2009]). However, once they start to gain large earnings, they are taxed at increasing levels by the government (EG15-1999). The Minister for Business and Trade states, 'We do not punish success. We legislate against those who gain success at the expense of their peers, and aim for an equal society in as many ways possible'. Citizens setting up public ventures with government subsidies have a much lower tax rate levied on them (EG2-1974[2009]).

3/ Are your nation's businesses/citizens permitted to trade with and/or import products from firms in other nations?
Import of products at the expense of the citizenry is permitted. However, due to Ezmwalia's somewhat protectionist stance on much trade, and imposition of tarriffs on locally-produced goods coming from overseas (EG4a-1977[2015]), many countries have increased the cost of shipping to Ezmwalia. For certain goods with tarriffs imposed, the Government offers to pay the amount equal to the tarriff on behalf of the citizen so that the cost lies squarely on the shoulders of the exporting nation (EG19-2005[2006b]). This may be done by filing an Importer Tarriff Waiver Application from a local Ministry of Business and Trade office. Official trade is required to go through government channels (EG4b-1977[2011]).

4/ Are your nation's citizens free to choose their own employment? If so, are they free to unionise?
Individuals are permitted to move and attain jobs through government channels. The government will offer subsidies for those looking for careers elsewhere in the country (EG10a-1985[2017]). They are given choice in career and employment, and are encouraged to unionise by the government (EG3-1976[2016]).

5/ Is private business permitted within your nation's economy? If so, are they beholden to antitrust regulations?
Private businesses are permitted, but strictly legislated, including by antitrust regulations (E6-1983[2009], EG15-1999)

6/ Does the Government limit the maximum amount of yearly income an individual is allowed to earn?
Individuals who earn more than Ꞥ30,000,000 (NS$ 1,045,186.91) are taxed at 100% for every Nthwava above that mark that they earn in a year (TL27-2020). It is possible to ask for an exemption from this maximum limit, usually agreed to if one donates a large portion of their wealth to charities, or is proved to have low savings despite their large incomes, or has otherwise invested heavily into facilitating local economic growth (T14-2012[2020]).

7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to buy and sell goods and services via the Internet?
Citizens are permitted to buy and sell items personally over the internet (F41-2011[2019]). However, instances of extortion in price are keenly monitored by the government.

8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to open a bank account without Government approval?
There is one central bank, which is controlled by the government (EG8a-1982[2013]). Opening up offshore banks is illegal (EG14-1997[2016]).

9/ At what age are your nation's citizens entitled to open a personal bank account?
All citizens are provided with a bank account from the day they are born, into which subsidies for higher education, job qualifications and other matters are placed (EG8b-1982[2018]). Citizens gain access to this bank account in a limited capacity by the age of 8 (being prohibited from spending subsidy funds and with specific spending closely monitored), with full access being given at the age of 16 (EG8b-1982[2018]).

10/ Are your nation's (adult) citizens restricted from owning land, property, businesses and commodities for any reason?
Citizens have the same rights of property by default. This was confirmed by federal law in regards to women (F4-1974[2010]) and a number of other demographics in different federal laws.

Section Three - Personal Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear whatever style of clothes they wish?
Federal law (F4-1974[2010]) protects 'freedom of bodily exhibition', guaranteeing that, unless at risk of harming others or otherwise indecently exposing oneself, one is free to dress as they wish. Messaging on apparel is subject to hate speech laws, but as long as it does not constitute hate speech under the federal law (F4-1974[2010]), messaging on apparel is protected as free speech.

2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to alter their legal names?
Federal law (F4-1974[2010]) protects 'freedom of identity', guaranteeing that one is free to identify as they wish. This includes the right to a legal name change, which was also de facto accepted prior to the 2010 amendment.

3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to go out whenever they like?
The Ezmwalian Government guarantees the right to freedom of assembly in both federal law (F4-1974[2010]) and within the Declaration of Rights of the Constitution (Cns.III-1966).

4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to participate in miscegenation?
The Ezmwalian Government has no law regarding miscegenation. Portions of other laws, such as the Declaration of Rights of the Constitution (Cns.III-1966), may be interpreted as support for miscegenation. It is de facto accepted within Ezmwalia, and while not very common due to the large degree of racial homogeneity, there are no government impositions placed on miscegenation.

5/ Are your nation's citizens prohibited from working on the basis of their gender?
No citizens are prohibited from worming on the basis of their gender, and in regards to women (F18-1989[2017], F35-2007[2017]) and transgender individuals (F4-1974[2010]), are given government assistance with any hardships they find in the workplace.

6/ Are your nation's female citizens permitted to obtain abortions? Please give details if required.
Abortion is legal in all cases where the mother's life is at risk, in cases of rape or in cases of foetal impairment (F16-1986[2013]). Abortion is legal upon request up to the end of the second trimester (F16-1986[2013]), although this segment of the law is currently in the process of being amended to remove the trimester limit. There are laws in place against using force or coercion to deny a pregnant woman the chance to have an abortion (F16-1986[2013]).

7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to affiliate with genuine political movements without interference?
The Ezmwalian government prohibits any interference with genuine political movements, as long as membership with them does not constitute a hate act (F4-1974[2010]).

8/ At what age are your nation's citizens permitted to work?
The minimum legal age for work is 16 years (E8-1985[2010]).

9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to communicate in and produce literature in foreign languages?
There are no laws on what languages Ezmwalian citizens are permitted to communicate in or produce literature in. De facto, all linguistic activities are accepted within Ezmwalia. The Ezmwalian Government offers subsidies for the learning of certain languages (ED17-1992), though that is based on availability of reputable tutors and learning resources.

10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to possess soft drugs such as marijuana for personal use?
Drug possession is not a crime within Ezmwalia (DA12a-1993[2018]). Providing drugs to a minor is an offence under federal law (DA12b-1993[2016]). Drug dealing is decriminalised within Ezmwalia (DA12c-1993[2011]), however it is subject to the same anti-extortion and private venture laws as the sale and receipt of other products. There is a government-run helpline and shelter system for those struggling with addiction, extortion by drug dealers and abuse by individuals suffering these issues (DA11-1991[2018]).

Section Four - Freedom of Information:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation require ISPs to block websites? If so, which ones?
The Democratic States of Ezmwalia, as per the Social Media and Technologies Law (F48-2017), reserves the right to prosecute social media platforms and websites which explicitly encourage citizens of Ezmwalia to commit crimes, or which commit Ezmwalian crimes on their own, and social media platforms in which regular Ezmwalian crimes or incitements to commit Ezmwalian crimes occur without intervention by the operators of the platform itself are liable to similar (though less severe) prosecution. Prosecution of a social media platform in this case often means simply restricting the sites in question. ISPs are therefore required to block these websites in Ezmwalia.

2/ Does your Government directly (overriding ISPs) censor webpages or websites? If so, which ones?
All ISPs are run by the Ezmwalian Government.

3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access international media?
Ezmwalian citizens are permitted to access all international media save for that which explicitly encourage citizens of Ezmwalia to commit crimes, or which commit Ezmwalian crimes on their own (F13-1985[2017]).

4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access dissenting opinions from other nations?
Ezmwalian citizens are permitted to access all international media save for that which explicitly encourage citizens of Ezmwalia to commit crimes, or which commit Ezmwalian crimes on their own (F13-1985[2017]).

5/ Does your Government allow for an unrestricted flow of information on social media?
Social media companies are free to set their own standards of engagement upon their services. However, the Democratic States of Ezmwalia, as per the Social Media and Technologies Law (F48-2017) reserves the right to prosecute social media platforms which explicitly encourage citizens of Ezmwalia to commit crimes, or which commit Ezmwalian crimes on their own, and social media platforms in which regular Ezmwalian crimes or incitements to commit Ezmwalian crimes occur without intervention by the operators of the platform itself are liable to similar (though less severe) prosecution. Prosecution of a social media platform in this case often means simply restricting the sites in question.

6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send photos and videos to people in other places?
This subject is not covered by law, and is de facto accepted. However, in cases where photos or images may be used as evidence in criminal proceedings, it will be used as such (C45-2001).

7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send international packages and letters?
This subject is not covered by law, and is de facto accepted. However, in cases where packages and letters may be used as evidence in criminal proceedings, it will be used as such (C13-1971[2001], C45-2001).

8/ Are your nation's citizens' packages, parcels or physical/electronic mail opened and checked?
Packages, parcels and mail are not opened by government agencies, except for instances where suspicious activity is suspected and a warrant is attained (C12-1971[2017]). Packages may be withheld for a maximum of 48hrs to allow for the collection of a warrant. After that time, the package must be released.

9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to share information about Governmental shortcomings?
This subject is not covered by law, and is de facto accepted.

10/ Is outbound mail (physical/electronic) scanned/intercepted for certain information?
Physical mail is sent through scanning to check for anomalies, incongruencies and dangerous items. Further investigation may only be done with a warrant, however. (C12-1971[2017])

Section Five - Freedom of Movement:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
If your nation is currently under COVID lockdown, please answer using normal laws.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel throughout the country?
The Ezmwalian Government defines this as a matter of freedom of assembly. The Ezmwalian Government guarantees the right to freedom of assembly in both federal law (F4-1974[2010]) and within the Declaration of Rights of the Constitution (Cns.III-1966).

2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel internationally?
This subject is not covered by law, and is de facto accepted. The only individuals excepted by law from international travel are those charged with certain federal crimes (C17-1982[2020]). These crimes are usually violent in nature.

3/ Are your nation's students permitted to travel internationally for exchange/study initiatives?
Foreign exchange programmes are supported by the national university system, and paid for by the Government (ED11-1985[1997]). To apply for a foreign exchange, one must have had to study at least one year of a subject within Ezmwalia and (dependent on the university and course) attained a certain legislated grade in their coursework. Studying abroad (i.e: not within the foreign exchange system) is also legal, though is not subsidised by the government in the way that foreign exchanges are (ED11-1985[1997]).

4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to permanently migrate to another country?
Emmigration is legal and the processes are defined in government documentation (IE1-1966[2020]). Some of their fiscal social benefits may be used elsewhere for the period they are out of the country.

5/ If yes to the previous question, are they permitted to return at any time?
Immigration is legal and the processes are defined in government documentation (IE1-1966[2020]). In instances where an individual is granted permanent sui generis citizenship, such as those born within Ezmwalia, the pathways for immigration are incredibly simple. In instances where an individual has lived in the country prior, but is not granted permanent sui generis citizenship, the pathways are also fairly simple, but are made more simple if a member of one's immediate family has permanent sui generis citizenship. In instances where an individual has never lived in the country, the pathways involve a lot of paperwork and bureaucracy (IE1-1966[2020]).

6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to move house at any time?
Individuals are permitted to move house through government channels. The government will offer subsidies for those looking for housing elsewhere (EG10a-1985[2017]).

7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to change jobs at any time?
Individuals are permitted to move jobs through government channels. The government will offer subsidies for those looking for careers elsewhere in the country (EG10a-1985[2017]).

8/ What restrictions are there on your citizens' ability to buy and drive a personal motor vehicle?
Ezmwalia has a support scheme for those who require personal motor vehicles (i.e: who live in the country or who require automobiles for travel to school or work) (EG10b-1985[2011]). Other individuals are not prohibited from purchasing motor vehicles, but not offered assistance either. Many roads within some of Ezmwalia's cities are bike- or pedestrian-only, and others are bus routes. Thus, it is much easier within Ezmwalian cities to use public transport.

9/ Are your nation's citizens required to log movements with a Government body of any kind?
This is only required for individuals required to remain in one place for criminal reasons (C15-1980). In other instances, the government will only take an interest if an individual has not shown up to work or otherwise not been seen in a while (this differs from state to state).

10/ Is your nation open to holidaymakers from abroad?
Ezmwalia is open to holidaymakers from abroad.

Section Six - Freedom of Religion:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in private?
Ezmwalians are guaranteed freedom of religion. The Ezmwalian Government sees this as a part of Freedom of Expression. The Ezmwalian Government guarantees the right to freedom of expression in both federal law (F4-1974[2010]) and within the Declaration of Rights of the Constitution (Cns.III-1966).

2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in their workplaces?
Ezmwalians are permitted to practice religion publicly (F15a-1985), as long as it does not constitute a hate act under the federal law.

3/ Are parents permitted to remove their child from school subjects running contrary to their religious (or non-religious) beliefs?
Ezmwalians are permitted to have their child removed from classes which run counter to their religious beliefs (F15b-1985[2010]).

4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in worshiping facilities like churches and mosques?
Ezmwalians are permitted to practice religion publicly (F15a-1985), as long as it does not constitute a hate act under the federal law.

5/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to withhold goods or services due to religious objections?
Ezmwalians are prohibited from withholding goods and services to others for their own religious convictions (F15c-1985[2011]).

6/ Does your nation ban certain religions from being practiced or promoted?
Ezmwalians are permitted to practice or promote any religion publicly (F15a-1985), as long as it does not constitute a hate act under the federal law.

7/ Does your nation restrict travel by anyone belonging to any particular religion?
Ezmwalian law does not discriminate freedom of movement based on religion.

8/ Does your nation permit the sale and/or distribution of religious materials such as holy books?
Ezmwalians are permitted to practice or promote any religion publicly (F15a-1985), as long as it does not constitute a hate act under the federal law.

9/ Does your nation treat members of all religions (and those who do not practice religion) equally before the law?
Ezmwalian law does not discriminate based on religion, as long as that religion does not constitute a hateful act or hate speech under the federal law (F15a-1985).

10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear symbols of their faith, or religious attire - at home and at work?
Ezmwalians are permitted to practice or promote any religion publicly (F15a-1985), as long as it does not constitute a hate act under the federal law.

Section Seven - Freedom of the Press:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to form their own media company to report on national news events?
Private media is permitted as long as it does not use extortion by federal law to raise funds (F41-2011[2019]), or which explicitly encourage citizens of Ezmwalia to commit crimes, or which commit Ezmwalian crimes on its own (F13-1985[2017]).

2/ Are your nation's media companies permitted to operate independently of the Government?
Private media is permitted as long as it does not constitute extortion by federal law to raise funds (F41-2011[2019]), or which explicitly encourage citizens of Ezmwalia to commit crimes, or which commit Ezmwalian crimes on its own (F13-1985[2017]). There are also state-owned broadcasting companies in free competition with private media. Private media is taxed as any private company is.

3/ Are your nation's media companies expected to cut/edit stories which criticise the Government?
Private media is permitted to run any story they wish (F41-2011[2019]).

4/ Is your nation's state-owned broadcaster permitted to operate freely and independently? (Leave blank if no state broadcaster exists)
Ezmwalia's state-owned broadcasting companies are allowed to operate freely and independently.

5/ Do your nation's citizens have multiple sources to choose from in regards to journalism?
Ezmwalia offers a number of sources for journalism, on a local, state and federal level, and in print, online and on television.

6/ Are elements of private or state-run media censored or cut during live airing?
Ezmwalia's private media operates itself by its own codes of conduct. It will only be cut if it uses extortion by federal law to raise funds (F41-2011[2019]), or explicitly encourage citizens of Ezmwalia to commit crimes, or which commit Ezmwalian crimes on its own (F13-1985[2017]). State-owned media is more likely to be cut, though even then it is unlikely. Due to laws regarding advertising, if the state-owned media is found to be advertising at all, it will be cut (F14-1985[2019]).

7/ Are international media companies permitted to open operating arms within your nation?
International media is free to act in the same manner as private media (F13-1985[2017]).

8/ Are international media companies permitted to freely report on goings-on within your nation?
Private media is permitted to run any story they wish (F41-2011[2019]).

9/ Are your nation's media companies and journalists generally considered honest and unbiased in their reporting?
Ezmwalian reporting is usually considered to be of a high standard of accuracy and professionalism, though Ezmwalian journalism is somewhat eclectic, being mostly in Common-Ezmwalian or other Ezmwalian languages, with only one State-owned media company operating in English and a few smaller private-run English-language media companies.

10/ Are members of the press permitted to directly interview and ask questions of Government officials?
Press interviewing of government officials is freely allowed (F41-2011[2019]).

Section Eight - Governmental and Electoral Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Is your nation's Government elected via a democratic election? (If not, please elaborate)
Ezmwalia has a number of different forms of electoral politics, for the position of President, for the election of Parliament and for the election of the Senate (detailed here).

2/ If yes to the previous question, are these elections observed and/or scrutinised by an independent body?
Ezmwalian elections are not overseen by an independent body. However, independent polling revealed that 76% of Ezmwalians were content or higher with the level of honesty within government, and 73% did not feel that any independent overseeing of elections was required.

3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to petition the Government? If so, are they entitled to a response?
Ezmwalians are encouraged to become involved in all levels of government, and to petition the government for a response to their concerns. While not explicitly guaranteed a response, they are guaranteed 'action to reasonable limits', meaning that they will be given what does not constitute 'need to know' information. This is not, however, enshrined in law.

4/ Does an equivalent to a FOIA or OIA system exist for citizens/media to request Governmental information?
The government's commitment to 'action to reasonable limits' is all which exists to this regard. This is not enshrined in law.

5/ What conditions must be met to qualify for running for office?
Conditions differ per state, but generally the only conditions are age-related (those being that running for office requires an age of at least 20 years, in most states).

6/ Are Members of Parliament (or your equivalent) free to criticise the ruling Government/party?
The Ezmwalian Government guarantees the right to freedom of expression in both federal law (F4-1974[2010]) and within the Declaration of Rights of the Constitution (Cns.III-1966). Ezmwalian law does not define members of government or the legislature in any different manner for freedom of expression.

7/ Are members of the public free to criticise the ruling Government/party?
The Ezmwalian Government guarantees the right to freedom of expression in both federal law (F4-1974[2010]) and within the Declaration of Rights of the Constitution (Cns.III-1966). This includes freedom to criticise the ruling government.

8/ Are laws debated in Parliament (or your equivalent) before being bought into force?
Laws are drafted and debated by the Parliament of Ezmwalia, and debated and approved by the Senate of Ezmwalia.

9/ Are laws put through a public consultation process before being debated in Parliament (or your equivalent)?
This is not a requirement of Ezmwalian legislation. However, some groups, including the ruling PFSoc (Socialist Popular Front) do tend to do this, more as an act of courtesy than as a requirement.

10/ Are members of the public permitted to directly contact Government officials such as local politicians?
Ezmwalians are encouraged to become involved in all levels of government, and to petition the government for a response to their concerns. This includes direct contact with government officials, local, state and federal.

Section Nine - Criminal Rights and Due Process:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation follow the basic principle of "innocent until proven guilty" in relation to criminal suspects?
'Innocent until proven guilty' is a concept enshrined in federal law (F4-1974[2010]) and within the Declaration of Rights of the Constitution (Cns.III-1966)

2/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted access to legal assistance?
People suspected of committing a crime are given access to public defenders (C7-1968[2020]).

3/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted to give no comment during an investigation?
People suspected of committing a crime are permitted to give no comment at any stage in investigation or around one (C8-1968[1975]).

4/ Does your nation use jury trials (excluding in niche examples such as complex financial or cybercrime)?
Ezmwalian law guarantees the right of an individual to be tried by a jury of their peers (C6-1967).

5/ If yes to the previous question, can trials in your nation be generally considered fair?
Ezmwalian trials are considered fair.

6/ Do people found guilty of a crime have the right to appeal a court's ruling/sentence?
Ezmwalian law guarantees those found guilty of a crime to appeal any ruling a maximum of three times, as well as to appeal against the current public defender assigned to them (C7-1968[2020]).

7/ Are imprisoned people permitted to contact their family and friends?
Ezmwalian law guarantees imprisoned individuals regular contact to family (C16-1980[2019]). While not enshrined in law, contact with friends in lieu of, or in addition to, family is de facto accepted.

8/ Do your nation's prisons conform to basic human rights standards?
Ezmwalian prisons are considered to be isolated from society, but in no way cruel. Ezmwalian law guarantees imprisoned individuals a modified set of rights according to their crime, but one which aims to give as close to equal rights as possible (C16-1980[2019]). The main exception to this is high security prisons, which are sometimes criticised for dehumanising the inhabitants.

9/ Is a rehabilitation programme available to imprisoned people prior to their release?
A rehabilitation scheme is available for most criminals not held in highest security prisons (C16-1980[2019]).

10/ Does your nation take special care and consideration towards children suspected of committing crime?
Ezmwalia takes special care in dealing with chidren suspected of a crime.

Section Ten - Minority Rights and Equality:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are all citizens of your nation granted equal access to healthcare, education and police/emergency services?
All basic public services within Ezmwalia are guaranteed to all citizens, with advanced services offered upon request.

2/ Is same-sex marriage legal/performed in your nation? If not, does your nation recognise SSMs performed abroad?
Same sex marriage is legal and performed in Ezmwalia (F49-2017).

3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to be in a same-sex relationship?
Ezmwalian citizens are permitted to be in same-sex relationships (F6-1976[2017]).

4/ Are trans people in your nation permitted to self-identify with a different gender/sex?
Transgender people are recognised within Ezmwalia, and given freedom of expression and identity (F4-1974[2010]).

5/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people given access to mental and physical healthcare?
Transgender people are offered government subsidy to assist in quality of life improvements.

6/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people permitted to legally alter their registered sex/gender?
Yes (F6-1976[2017]).

7/ Are racial and sexual minorities granted the same legal rights as the rest of the population?
Racial and sexual minorities are guaranteed the same rights by the government, and hate speech against them is a serious crime (F4-1974[2010]).

8/ When dealing with the Government, do non-native language speakers have the right to access an interpreter?
Non-native language speakers are provided with an interpreter as conditions allow. If situations deem that no interpreter can be found quickly enough, then individuals will be delivered to the nearest embassy of their home country if there is one within Ezmwalia, or detained if this is impossible.

9/ Are LGBT+ individuals permitted to broadcast their opinions via TV, radio, print and/or the Internet?
LGBT+ individuals have no barriers to broadcasting their opinions beyond what non-LGBT+ individuals have.

10/ Does your nation practice segregation of any kind?

(OPTIONAL) - More information
We would appreciate filling in as much of this information as possible. However, this is not required to receive a complete score, and filling this information out will not change your score in any way.
What is the approximate ethnic makeup of your nation? (in percentages)
  • Byopolo: 21.80%
  • Nthwassala: 15.67%
  • Lossolo: 14.95%
  • Ntyangala: 14.68%
  • Thwajala: 13.99%
  • Kwessele: 10.07%
  • Non'goni: 6.23%
  • Phossolo: 2.52%
How many official languages are there in your nation? What are these?
The national languages generally follow the ethnolinguistic groupings shown above. However, there are two additional languages - Standard Ezmwalian, which is an attempt to unify all of the ethnolangs above into a unified language for ease of communication, and English, which is the main language of international communication.

What is the political position of your nation's ruling Government?
Left to far left.

What type of Government does your country have?
Federal semi-presidential republic.

How many members of your nation's national assembly/legislature are there?
Parliament of Ezmwalia: 470 members.
Senate of Ezmwalia: 200 members.

(OOC) Which real life nation would you describe yours as being most similar to?
Somewhere between the Republic of the Congo, Botswana, Cuba and Angola.

Are you satisfied with this index? Mostly, yes.
Any suggestions or comments on how to improve?I'm not sure what to say other than what has already been said.
Last edited by Ezmwalia on Wed Mar 10, 2021 2:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

User avatar
Posts: 1450
Founded: Jan 16, 2020
Left-Leaning College State

Postby Nacrad » Wed Mar 10, 2021 2:36 am

Your nation's full name (including pretitle) Federal Republic of Nacrad
Your nation's current year 2021
Your nation's current IC tech level (This index is optimised for MT/PMT nations) MT
Your nation's IC population 172,210,000 (metropolitan), 215,020,000 (including territories)
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? yes

Section One - Freedom of Speech:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens afforded the basic right to freedom of expression? Yes
2/ If yes, how is this right protected by law? It is granted in the Constitution
3/ Are your nation's citizens bound by hate speech laws? No
4/ Does your nation allow social media companies to regulate their platforms without intervention? Yes, to an extent. If criminal activity is reported and proven on these networks, the companies in question may be demanded to remove the offending messages.
5/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to social media? Yes
6/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to physical speech (ie, standing on the street corner)? Yes
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to speak online via encrypted applications? Yes
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to swear or curse in public? Yes, though it is frowned upon in public.
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear attire or apparel displaying anti-Government messages? Yes
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to listen to or create music, films or other art containing anti-Government sentiments? Yes.

Section Two - Economic Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ What is the average income tax rate in your nation? (%) 21.5%
2/ Are your nation's citizens free to set up a business? Yes. It is only necessary to register, and for some businesses (like restaurants, bakeries, etc), relevant permits must be obtained and renewed.
3/ Are your nation's businesses/citizens permitted to trade with and/or import products from firms in other nations? Yes
4/ Are your nation's citizens free to choose their own employment? If so, are they free to unionise? Yes. Unionisation is discouraged heavily in publicly owned companies, though.
5/ Is private business permitted within your nation's economy? If so, are they beholden to antitrust regulations? Yes to both questions.
6/ Does the Government limit the maximum amount of yearly income an individual is allowed to earn? No, but high taxes may be payable at extreme income levels.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to buy and sell goods and services via the Internet? Yes
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to open a bank account without Government approval? Yes. However, official trackable documents (ID cards, or passports) must be used in the opening of accounts.
9/ At what age are your nation's citizens entitled to open a personal bank account? For most banks, 15 with parental consent and 18 with no need for such consent. Some banks use a flat age of 16.
10/ Are your nation's (adult) citizens restricted from owning land, property, businesses and commodities for any reason? Yes. According to the Housing Resources Regulation Act, each adult citizen is entitled to hold one piece of residential property without additional fees or taxes, but must pay a tax equal to 15% of the property value before Stamp Duty to the government for each additional piece of residential property purchased, and are liable to remit 2% of the estimated property value to the government annually for every year and part thereof after the 2nd year of ordinary vacancy.

Section Three - Personal Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear whatever style of clothes they wish? Yes, as long as it provides adequate cover of genitals.
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to alter their legal names? Yes.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to go out whenever they like? Yes. It is however worth noting that curfews may be declared.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to participate in miscegenation? Yes
5/ Are your nation's citizens prohibited from working on the basis of their gender? No.
6/ Are your nation's female citizens permitted to obtain abortions? Please give details if required. Yes. Apart from the Overseas Territory of North Africa and the Territory of Kongsi, where female citizens may only obtain abortions if it is a result of rape, the citizen in question is below 16 years of age (the age of consent), the baby is diagnosed of a severe congenital condition that renders it at least 20% disable or is on the List of Severe Congenital Conditions, or is so proscribed by a registered doctor. In other states and territories, female citizens below 18 may obtain abortions with parental consent, court order (in case of rape) or doctor's order, and those above 18 may obtain abortions for any reason.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to affiliate with genuine political movements without interference? Yes
8/ At what age are your nation's citizens permitted to work? 15 for part-time (less than 20 hours per week, and less than 2 hours on days where there are classes, 4 on days without), 18 for full-time.
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to communicate in and produce literature in foreign languages? Yes.
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to possess soft drugs such as marijuana for personal use? Yes.

Section Four - Freedom of Information:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation require ISPs to block websites? If so, which ones? No. However, the Department of Communication reserves powers to order such blockage.
2/ Does your Government directly (overriding ISPs) censor webpages or websites? If so, which ones? See above.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access international media? Yes
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access dissenting opinions from other nations? Yes
5/ Does your Government allow for an unrestricted flow of information on social media? Yes. However, restrictions may be put in place "under exceptional conditions where it is deemed expeditious to halt transfer of misinformation for public benefit".
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send photos and videos to people in other places? Yes
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send international packages and letters? Yes
8/ Are your nation's citizens' packages, parcels or physical/electronic mail opened and checked? Apart from incarcerated persons and some under house arrest, no.
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to share information about Governmental shortcomings? Yes
10/ Is outbound mail (physical/electronic) scanned/intercepted for certain information? Apart from those addressed to incarcerated persons, no.

Section Five - Freedom of Movement:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
If your nation is currently under COVID lockdown, please answer using normal laws.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel throughout the country? Yes
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel internationally? Yes
3/ Are your nation's students permitted to travel internationally for exchange/study initiatives? Yes
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to permanently migrate to another country? Yes
5/ If yes to the previous question, are they permitted to return at any time? Yes
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to move house at any time? Yes
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to change jobs at any time? Yes
8/ What restrictions are there on your citizens' ability to buy and drive a personal motor vehicle?Several.
  • The citizen in question must be aged 18 or above.
  • The citizen must possess a Certificate of Ownership, which is at a price premium, or is commissioned by one owning this certificate to purchase on their behalf that has a matching type of vehicle (e.g. buying a sedan with a CO that allows buying a sedan) (only enforced in parts of the country)
  • The citizen must possess, or is commissioned by someone who has a driving permit.
9/ Are your nation's citizens required to log movements with a Government body of any kind? No, unless so directed by court order
10/ Is your nation open to holidaymakers from abroad? Yes

Section Six - Freedom of Religion:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in private? Yes
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in their workplaces? Depends on exact policy. Government workplaces designate parts of the premises for this purpose, but it is known that some more conservative companies do not allow religious practice.
3/ Are parents permitted to remove their child from school subjects running contrary to their religious (or non-religious) beliefs? No, unless parents withdraw their kids from the offending school. However, the core subjects in senior secondary school do not have any religious beliefs in them, and students may simply choose to refrain from having religious subjects as their electives.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in worshiping facilities like churches and mosques? Yes, naturally.
5/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to withhold goods or services due to religious objections? If it is already so declared (e.g. a Halal restaurant stating that they don't sell pork), yes. However, it may be fraud if an agreement has been reached, and payment made, and only after that is it revealed that the agreement violates the provider's religious beliefs and must be withheld.
6/ Does your nation ban certain religions from being practiced or promoted? No.
7/ Does your nation restrict travel by anyone belonging to any particular religion? No
8/ Does your nation permit the sale and/or distribution of religious materials such as holy books? Yes
9/ Does your nation treat members of all religions (and those who do not practice religion) equally before the law? Yes
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear symbols of their faith, or religious attire - at home and at work? At home, yes. There are no laws pertaining to attire in private places.
At work, some companies and some governmental workplaces enforce dress codes, and will not allow religious attire that violate these codes, or even issue uniforms. However, there are no official laws pertaining to attire at work except for the military, where a uniform is proscribed.
Generally speaking, small ornaments like necklaces will rarely invite any attention, but waters may get murky with burqas or large headwear, as they are more prone to violating dress codes.

Section Seven - Freedom of the Press:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to form their own media company to report on national news events? Yes. It is worth noting that a permit and an allocated frequency must be given for media companies to broadcast over radio or television, and needs to register with the Department of Communication to open websites, along with a permit for publishing newspapers.
2/ Are your nation's media companies permitted to operate independently of the Government? Yes
3/ Are your nation's media companies expected to cut/edit stories which criticise the Government? Yes
4/ Is your nation's state-owned broadcaster permitted to operate freely and independently? (Leave blank if no state broadcaster exists) Yes, and is guaranteed by the RTBN Charter
5/ Do your nation's citizens have multiple sources to choose from in regards to journalism? Yes
6/ Are elements of private or state-run media censored or cut during live airing? Some private media may engage in self-censorship. However, this is not required for any media.
7/ Are international media companies permitted to open operating arms within your nation? Yes
8/ Are international media companies permitted to freely report on goings-on within your nation? Yes
9/ Are your nation's media companies and journalists generally considered honest and unbiased in their reporting? Mostly yes. However, some news outlets like Flux News are criticised to be "right-wing propaganda".
10/ Are members of the press permitted to directly interview and ask questions of Government officials? Yes, provided that they make an appointment in advance, or is at a press meeting. Otherwise, it is considered rude, though not illegal.

Section Eight - Governmental and Electoral Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Is your nation's Government elected via a democratic election? (If not, please elaborate) Yes.
2/ If yes to the previous question, are these elections observed and/or scrutinised by an independent body? Yes. The Electoral Commission is made up of Members and ex-Members of Parliament, along with NGOs and some individual citizens.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to petition the Government? If so, are they entitled to a response? Yes. The Federal Government and some state governments have petitioning websites, much like of the US. Petitioners are entitled to a response if petitions on these sites receive anywhere between 10,000 and 50,000 signatures, or are submitted either in person or through e-mail.
4/ Does an equivalent to a FOIA or OIA system exist for citizens/media to request Governmental information? Yes. It can also be done online.
5/ What conditions must be met to qualify for running for office?Several.
  • The citizen in question must be aged above 18 (House of Representatives, Senate, local leadership positions and most state legislatures)/21(Athery Senate)/35(President)
  • The citizen must be a Nacradian citizen for at least 1 year (local leadership positions)/5 years (Parliament and state legislatures)/10 years (President)
  • The citizen must be ordinarily resident in Nacrad for the past 1 year.
  • The citizen must have no prior criminal records
6/ Are Members of Parliament (or your equivalent) free to criticise the ruling Government/party? Yes
7/ Are members of the public free to criticise the ruling Government/party? Yes
8/ Are laws debated in Parliament (or your equivalent) before being bought into force? Yes, unless declared under executive order, martial law or state of emergency.
9/ Are laws put through a public consultation process before being debated in Parliament (or your equivalent)? See above.
10/ Are members of the public permitted to directly contact Government officials such as local politicians? Yes, usually after passing CAPTCHA tests.

Section Nine - Criminal Rights and Due Process:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation follow the basic principle of "innocent until proven guilty" in relation to criminal suspects? Yes
2/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted access to legal assistance? Yes
3/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted to give no comment during an investigation? Yes. Also given the Miranda Warning in English, and in other languages if the suspect so requests.
4/ Does your nation use jury trials (excluding in niche examples such as complex financial or cybercrime)? Yes
5/ If yes to the previous question, can trials in your nation be generally considered fair? Yes
6/ Do people found guilty of a crime have the right to appeal a court's ruling/sentence? Yes, until it is put before the Court of Final Appeals, which is at the same level as the Supreme Court.
7/ Are imprisoned people permitted to contact their family and friends? Yes.
8/ Do your nation's prisons conform to basic human rights standards? Yes, except in certain parts of the country.
9/ Is a rehabilitation programme available to imprisoned people prior to their release? Yes
10/ Does your nation take special care and consideration towards children suspected of committing crime? Yes. They are given lighter sentences, and are incarcerated in separate facilities.

Section Ten - Minority Rights and Equality:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are all citizens of your nation granted equal access to healthcare, education and police/emergency services? Yes
2/ Is same-sex marriage legal/performed in your nation? If not, does your nation recognise SSMs performed abroad? Yes.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to be in a same-sex relationship? Yes.
4/ Are trans people in your nation permitted to self-identify with a different gender/sex? Yes, and their genders (if incongruent with their biological sex) will be noted on their ID cards (for example, a MtF person is noted as "Sex: M, Gender: F"). Those identifying not along the gender binary will only be noted as "non-binary".
5/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people given access to mental and physical healthcare? Yes
6/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people permitted to legally alter their registered sex/gender? Yes after 18, or after 16 with parental consent
7/ Are racial and sexual minorities granted the same legal rights as the rest of the population? Yes
8/ When dealing with the Government, do non-native language speakers have the right to access an interpreter? Yes, and if interrogated by the police, may not be interrogated until an interpreter, and a lawyer if so requested, arrives.
9/ Are LGBT+ individuals permitted to broadcast their opinions via TV, radio, print and/or the Internet? Yes.
10/ Does your nation practice segregation of any kind? Yes. There are still refugees in the country that are in refugee camps.

(OPTIONAL) - More information
We would appreciate filling in as much of this information as possible. However, this is not required to receive a complete score, and filling this information out will not change your score in any way.
What is the approximate ethnic makeup of your nation? (in percentages)
How many official languages are there in your nation? What are these?
What is the political position of your nation's ruling Government?
What type of Government does your country have?
How many members of your nation's national assembly/legislature are there?
(OOC) Which real life nation would you describe yours as being most similar to?

Are you satisfied with this index? Yes
Any suggestions or comments on how to improve?
Last edited by Nacrad on Wed Mar 10, 2021 6:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
OOC - HRT 19.07.2023
Call me Hannah
Pronouns: She/They

Basically the result of Anglo-Dutch quarrels on who can profit more from Mingsplosion, coming to a retcon near you!

International News: HUNGARY IS OUT: Hungary quits the Warsaw Pact | Greece legalises same-sex marriage
Domestic News: 16 FEB 2024 (FRI) | Year of the Dragon: 10% birth rate boost expected, says Dept. of Health | CSG Resolute departs for ally visit | Highways & Transport Dept. revives M17 Motorway project between Namchon, KX and Samming, LK
Weather: Riverfort 23/27°C | Amoy 19/21°C | Taipei 23/25°C | Namchon 13/26°C

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Alaska Hawaii and the Aleutes
Posts: 349
Founded: Dec 06, 2020

Postby Alaska Hawaii and the Aleutes » Wed Mar 10, 2021 3:09 am

Your nation's full name (including pretitle) The Federal Qha Republic of Alaska Hawaii and the Aleutes
Your nation's current year 2021 (January, no COVID19 present)
Your nation's current IC tech level (This index is optimised for MT/PMT nations) MT, soon PMT.
Your nation's IC population 21 060 732
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? Yes, please

Section One - Freedom of Speech:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens afforded the basic right to freedom of expression? Yes
2/ If yes, how is this right protected by law? There is a class in every school teaching the nation's laws and freedoms. Censorship is only allowed in rare cases (terrorist propaganda, rape propaganda, etc.).
3/ Are your nation's citizens bound by hate speech laws? Kind of, but more no. If somebody directly insulted another person because of his nationality, gender, etc., there can be a small fine.
4/ Does your nation allow social media companies to regulate their platforms without intervention? Yes, mostly.
5/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to social media? Yes
6/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to physical speech (ie, standing on the street corner)? Yes
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to speak online via encrypted applications? Yes, the government doesn't need to interfere too much.
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to swear or curse in public? By insulting somebody because of nationality, gender, etc., no, there are rare exceptions though
Cursing or swearing without clearly insulting somebody, yes.
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear attire or apparel displaying anti-Government messages? Yes, even encouraged. If you know what to criticize, the government would love to hear what they could do better.
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to listen to or create music, films or other art containing anti-Government sentiments? Yes, that's not a problem.

Section Two - Economic Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ What is the average income tax rate in your nation? (%) 71,3%
2/ Are your nation's citizens free to set up a business? Yes
3/ Are your nation's businesses/citizens permitted to trade with and/or import products from firms in other nations? It's allowed, but it's encouraged to get the products from Alaska.
4/ Are your nation's citizens free to choose their own employment? If so, are they free to unionise? Yes.
5/ Is private business permitted within your nation's economy? If so, are they beholden to antitrust regulations? It's allowed, but regulated.
6/ Does the Government limit the maximum amount of yearly income an individual is allowed to earn? No, but the income tax rises.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to buy and sell goods and services via the Internet? Yes.
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to open a bank account without Government approval? Yes.
9/ At what age are your nation's citizens entitled to open a personal bank account? No age restriction.
10/ Are your nation's (adult) citizens restricted from owning land, property, businesses and commodities for any reason?
No, except they have done crime and were not in rehabilitation centres yet.

Section Three - Personal Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear whatever style of clothes they wish? Yes, even none.
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to alter their legal names? Yes, but only when they turn 21.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to go out whenever they like? Yes, there are only restrictions during pandemics.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to participate in miscegenation? Yes
5/ Are your nation's citizens prohibited from working on the basis of their gender? No, but the businesses can usually decide that.
6/ Are your nation's female citizens permitted to obtain abortions? Please give details if required. Yes, in all cases.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to affiliate with genuine political movements without interference? Yes.
8/ At what age are your nation's citizens permitted to work? 15 (part-time), 19 (full time)
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to communicate in and produce literature in foreign languages? Yes.
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to possess soft drugs such as marijuana for personal use? Yes, it has a similar status as in Canada.

Section Four - Freedom of Information:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation require ISPs to block websites? If so, which ones? Yes, blocks rape propaganda and terrorist propaganda.
2/ Does your Government directly (overriding ISPs) censor webpages or websites? If so, which ones? No.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access international media? Yes
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access dissenting opinions from other nations? Yes
5/ Does your Government allow for an unrestricted flow of information on social media? Yes, but if the information isn't certain or false, it has to be noted so.
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send photos and videos to people in other places? Yes
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send international packages and letters? Yes
8/ Are your nation's citizens' packages, parcels or physical/electronic mail opened and checked? Not usually.
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to share information about Governmental shortcomings? No.
10/ Is outbound mail (physical/electronic) scanned/intercepted for certain information? Only when there was a serious crime.

Section Five - Freedom of Movement:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
If your nation is currently under COVID lockdown, please answer using normal laws.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel throughout the country? Yes
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel internationally? Yes
3/ Are your nation's students permitted to travel internationally for exchange/study initiatives? Yes
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to permanently migrate to another country? Yes, but they will loose citizenship.
5/ If yes to the previous question, are they permitted to return at any time? Yes and they'll get citizenship back.
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to move house at any time? Yes.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to change jobs at any time? Yes, but that's unusual.
8/ What restrictions are there on your citizens' ability to buy and drive a personal motor vehicle? Driving License, 21 years old.
9/ Are your nation's citizens required to log movements with a Government body of any kind? No.
10/ Is your nation open to holidaymakers from abroad? Yes, but there is a restriction of how many people can travel to Alaska.

Section Six - Freedom of Religion:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in private? Yes, always
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in their workplaces? Not usually.
3/ Are parents permitted to remove their child from school subjects running contrary to their religious (or non-religious) beliefs? No.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in worshiping facilities like churches and mosques? Yes.
5/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to withhold goods or services due to religious objections? Yes
6/ Does your nation ban certain religions from being practiced or promoted? Yes, mass murderers.
7/ Does your nation restrict travel by anyone belonging to any particular religion? No.
8/ Does your nation permit the sale and/or distribution of religious materials such as holy books? Yes.
9/ Does your nation treat members of all religions (and those who do not practice religion) equally before the law? Yes.
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear symbols of their faith, or religious attire - at home and at work? Yes, both places.

Section Seven - Freedom of the Press:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to form their own media company to report on national news events? Yes, usually.
2/ Are your nation's media companies permitted to operate independently of the Government? Yes
3/ Are your nation's media companies expected to cut/edit stories which criticise the Government? No
4/ Is your nation's state-owned broadcaster permitted to operate freely and independently? (Leave blank if no state broadcaster exists) Yes.
5/ Do your nation's citizens have multiple sources to choose from in regards to journalism? Yes.
6/ Are elements of private or state-run media censored or cut during live airing? No.
7/ Are international media companies permitted to open operating arms within your nation? Yes.
8/ Are international media companies permitted to freely report on goings-on within your nation? Yes.
9/ Are your nation's media companies and journalists generally considered honest and unbiased in their reporting? Honest, yes. Unbiased, not always.
10/ Are members of the press permitted to directly interview and ask questions of Government officials? Yes.

Section Eight - Governmental and Electoral Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Is your nation's Government elected via a democratic election? (If not, please elaborate) Yes!
2/ If yes to the previous question, are these elections observed and/or scrutinised by an independent body? Yes
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to petition the Government? If so, are they entitled to a response? Yes and yes
4/ Does an equivalent to a FOIA or OIA system exist for citizens/media to request Governmental information? Yes
5/ What conditions must be met to qualify for running for office? Only citizenship, which is why there are many joke parties.
6/ Are Members of Parliament (or your equivalent) free to criticise the ruling Government/party? Yes
7/ Are members of the public free to criticise the ruling Government/party? Yes
8/ Are laws debated in Parliament (or your equivalent) before being bought into force? Yes
9/ Are laws put through a public consultation process before being debated in Parliament (or your equivalent)? Yes
10/ Are members of the public permitted to directly contact Government officials such as local politicians? Yes

Section Nine - Criminal Rights and Due Process:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation follow the basic principle of "innocent until proven guilty" in relation to criminal suspects? Yes
2/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted access to legal assistance? Yes
3/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted to give no comment during an investigation? Yes
4/ Does your nation use jury trials (excluding in niche examples such as complex financial or cybercrime)? Yes, but the city decision is more popular with serious crimes then all people from the city can decide what to do with that person.
5/ If yes to the previous question, can trials in your nation be generally considered fair? Yes
6/ Do people found guilty of a crime have the right to appeal a court's ruling/sentence? Yes
7/ Are imprisoned people permitted to contact their family and friends? There are no prisons, there is capital punishment and rehabilitation centres, most are rehabilitated though.
8/ Do your nation's prisons conform to basic human rights standards? No prisons.
9/ Is a rehabilitation programme available to imprisoned people prior to their release? No prisons.
10/ Does your nation take special care and consideration towards children suspected of committing crime? Yes till they're 14.

Section Ten - Minority Rights and Equality:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are all citizens of your nation granted equal access to healthcare, education and police/emergency services? Yes
2/ Is same-sex marriage legal/performed in your nation? If not, does your nation recognise SSMs performed abroad? It is legal.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to be in a same-sex relationship? Yes
4/ Are trans people in your nation permitted to self-identify with a different gender/sex? Self-identify, yes, but their biological sex always has to mentioned.
5/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people given access to mental and physical healthcare? Yes
6/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people permitted to legally alter their registered sex/gender? They can change their pronouns, but never their biological sex on paper.
7/ Are racial and sexual minorities granted the same legal rights as the rest of the population? Yes
8/ When dealing with the Government, do non-native language speakers have the right to access an interpreter? Yes
9/ Are LGBT+ individuals permitted to broadcast their opinions via TV, radio, print and/or the Internet? Yes
10/ Does your nation practice segregation of any kind? No

(OPTIONAL) - More information
We would appreciate filling in as much of this information as possible. However, this is not required to receive a complete score, and filling this information out will not change your score in any way.
What is the approximate ethnic makeup of your nation? (in percentages) 54% Canadians, 26% Ethnic Qha, 5% Polynesians, 3% Melanesians, 2% Micronesians, 10% other (Asians, other Europeans, Americans, etc.).
How many official languages are there in your nation? What are these? 3 official, Qha, English, Russian
Many semi-official.
What is the political position of your nation's ruling Government? Environmentalist, Progressive, Centre-left, Social
What type of Government does your country have? Parliament, we have a parliament
How many members of your nation's national assembly/legislature are there? 224 seats in the Untriti
(OOC) Which real life nation would you describe yours as being most similar to? Canada and Germany.
Are you satisfied with this index?
Any suggestions or comments on how to improve?
OOC: Please note that all following factbooks are not fitted for dark mode or mobile!

The Federal Technocracy of
Alaska Hawaii and the Aleutes
Homepage | Overview | ASEA

AFC News : |International| The Japano-Taiwanese Confederation's president and the Alaskan chancellor will meet in Saipan to discuss the disputed territory of the Iwo Islands | Britannican-Alaskan dispute over the Indian Ocean Territory purchase |National| New Law preventing political monopolies in the provinces | Remembrance of the Untriti massacre a year ago | Man in banana costume tried to rob bank in Aleneva

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Posts: 29
Founded: Mar 29, 2018

Postby Vesteysia » Wed Mar 10, 2021 3:34 am

Your nation's full name (including pretitle) Imperium of Vesteysia
Your nation's current year 9981
Your nation's current IC tech level (This index is optimised for MT/PMT nations) FT
Your nation's IC population 227.5 Quadrillion
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? Yes.

Section One - Freedom of Speech:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens afforded the basic right to freedom of expression?
Citizens are not allowed the right of freedom of expression, with any anti-state speech being met with hostility by local surveillance forces. Speech criticising state officials or any member of the royal family is also banned, though most hostile speech is banned, hate speech against ethnic minorities and foreigners is allowed.
2/ If yes, how is this right protected by law? N/A
3/ Are your nation's citizens bound by hate speech laws?
Yes, though this only applies to state officials, the royal family and military officials. With hate speech against ethnic minorities, religious citizens and foreigners being fully allowed.
4/ Does your nation allow social media companies to regulate their platforms without intervention?
Social media regulation is heavily watched over by the secret service, to make sure that social media companies do not remove pro-state speech and remove all anti-state speech.
5/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to social media?
The lack of free speech rights extends to social media.
6/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to physical speech (ie, standing on the street corner)?
The lack of free speech extends to physical speech, with anything deemed disrupting being punishable.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to speak online via encrypted applications?
No, the use of non-government approved encrypted applications is deemed as treason and espionage.
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to swear or curse in public?
Yes, citizens are permitted to swear and curse in public, though may not swear or curse in an offensive way against the state, a state official, or the royal family.
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear attire or apparel displaying anti-Government messages?
No, in extension to this buying or selling attire or apparel displaying anti-Government messages is deemed Treason and is punishable by hard labour and/or death.
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to listen to or create music, films or other art containing anti-Government sentiments?
No, citizens listening or creating anti-Government music, films or art are deemed traitors and are punished by hard labour and/or death.

Section Two - Economic Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ What is the average income tax rate in your nation? (%)
The average income tax rate is 40%, decreasing the more you earn.
2/ Are your nation's citizens free to set up a business?
Citizens are permitted to set up a business if they are among the Upper Class or higher and the business does not promote anti-state propaganda or messages.
3/ Are your nation's businesses/citizens permitted to trade with and/or import products from firms in other nations?
Vesteysian businesses/citizens are permitted to trade with and/or import products from firms in other nations provided the other nation is a Vesteysian ally and the imported/traded products are inspected upon arrival.
4/ Are your nation's citizens free to choose their own employment? If so, are they free to unionise?
Vesteysian citizens are not allowed to choose their own employment unless they are among the Upper or Elite classes. With the poorest being sent to hard labour jobs such as mining, manufacturing and farming, while the middle class is mostly dedicated to the armed forces and potentially low positions in the police force and large companies.
5/ Is private business permitted within your nation's economy? If so, are they beholden to antitrust regulations?
Fully privatised businesses are not permitted, with the state required to own at least 25% of the business. There are no anti-monopoly or antitrust regulations among semi-private businesses.
6/ Does the Government limit the maximum amount of yearly income an individual is allowed to earn?
The Government does limit the maximum amount of yearly income for an individual, with hard labourers being paid a maximum of $10,000, most middle-class jobs being capped at $75,000-$125,000 and Upper Class not being limited.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to buy and sell goods and services via the Internet?
Citizens are permitted to buy and sell goods and services over the internet provided they are not anti-Government and are checked before arrival.
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to open a bank account without Government approval?
No, almost all citizens require Government approval with the exception of citizens in the Elite Class.
9/ At what age are your nation's citizens entitled to open a personal bank account?
Citizens are entitled to open a personal bank account at the age of 14 provided they are not in the Lower Class.
10/ Are your nation's (adult) citizens restricted from owning land, property, businesses and commodities for any reason?
Citizens are restricted from owning land, property, businesses and commodities if they are in the Lower Class, with Middle-Class citizens being allowed to own commodities and property and Upper-Class citizens being able to own land, property, businesses and commodities provided they have Government approval.

Section Three - Personal Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear whatever style of clothes they wish?
Citizens are not permitted to wear whatever style of clothes they wish, with all LGBTQ and Religious clothing banned as well anything anti-government and full black clothing isn't permitted.
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to alter their legal names?
Citizens may not alter their legal names unless in the Elite Class, this is due to the complexity of changing all the personal records.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to go out whenever they like?
Citizens are not permitted to go out whenever they like, with 21:00-5:00 being lockdown with the exception of people working and the Elite Class.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to participate in miscegenation?
Citizens are not permitted to participate in miscegenation, with it being illegal and punishable by forced hard labour.
5/ Are your nation's citizens prohibited from working on the basis of their gender?
Citizens are not prohibited from working on the basis of their gender provided they can prove their ability to work in the designated job.
6/ Are your nation's female citizens permitted to obtain abortions? Please give details if required.
Female citizens must have an abortion if they have 0-1 children provided the Government has deemed population controls in effect, otherwise abortion is illegal in all cases.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to affiliate with genuine political movements without interference?
Citizens are permitted to affiliate with genuine political movements provided they are not for the abolition of the monarchy or lessening of state powers. Though interference may always happen by state officials.
8/ At what age are your nation's citizens permitted to work?
Citizens are permitted to work at the age of 10, with no exceptions.
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to communicate in and produce literature in foreign languages?
Citizens may communicate in any Government approved language, which are main languages from allied nations, though all literature must be produced in Vesteysian.
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to possess soft drugs such as marijuana for personal use?
Citizens may not possess any soft drugs including marijuana for personal use, the only exception is for Elite Class citizens.

Section Four - Freedom of Information:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation require ISPs to block websites? If so, which ones?
Yes, all anti-Government and anti-state websites are blocked and the location of who made them is gotten. The creators of these websites will be charged with treason and/or espionage.
2/ Does your Government directly (overriding ISPs) censor webpages or websites? If so, which ones?
If an ISP does not or can not censor a webpage or website the Government will directly take it down. This applies to all anti-Government webpages and websites.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access international media?
Citizens are only permitted to access national media and pro-Vesteysian media from allied nations. Accessing other international media is considered treason.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access dissenting opinions from other nations?
Citizens are not permitted to access dissenting opinions from other nations and will be punished by accessing or spreading the dissenting opinions.
5/ Does your Government allow for an unrestricted flow of information on social media?
No, all information is checked by the Government and removed if it is deemed anti-Government.
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send photos and videos to people in other places?
Citizens are permitted to send photos and videos to other people in other places provided they have been checked and are clear of anti-Government propaganda, and the other people are in allied nations or Vesteysia.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send international packages and letters?
Citizens are permitted to send international packages and letters provided they are sent to allied nations and are checked by officials.
8/ Are your nation's citizens' packages, parcels or physical/electronic mail opened and checked?
Yes, if anything deemed anti-Government is found the package/parcel/mail will be destroyed and the sender will be sent to hard labour and the receiver will be investigated
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to share information about Governmental shortcomings?
No, this is restricted and can be punishable by hard labour.
10/ Is outbound mail (physical/electronic) scanned/intercepted for certain information?
Yes, all mail is scanned/intercepted for any information that could hint at espionage or anti-Government messages, if this is found they will be sentenced to hard labour or death.

Section Five - Freedom of Movement:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
If your nation is currently under COVID lockdown, please answer using normal laws.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel throughout the country?
Yes, as long as they are a member of the Upper or Elite class or are travelling for work.
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel internationally?
In some cases, citizens are allowed to travel internationally if they are diplomats or in the Elite Class, though all movement will be tracked and anything suspicious will be investigated.
3/ Are your nation's students permitted to travel internationally for exchange/study initiatives?
Yes, if the exchange/study initiative takes place in an allied nation and the student is in the Upper Class or Elite Class.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to permanently migrate to another country?
No, there are no exceptions to this.
5/ If yes to the previous question, are they permitted to return at any time? N/A
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to move house at any time?
Citizens are permitted to move house provided their house is theirs and they are in the Upper or Elite Class. House movement must also be permitted by the Government.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to change jobs at any time?
Citizens may change jobs if, they are in the Elite Class, everyone below can not leave their dedicated job and if incapable of working will be sentenced to hard labour or death.
8/ What restrictions are there on your citizens' ability to buy and drive a personal motor vehicle?
There are no restrictions on a citizens ability to buy and drive a personal motor vehicle, though they must have a drivers license issued by a Government employee and the car must be environmentally friendly if on an at-risk planet.
9/ Are your nation's citizens required to log movements with a Government body of any kind?
Citizens are not required to log their movements, an already implanted chip will do this for them and report back to the Government, if it is taken out the person will be charged with treason and sentenced to death.
10/ Is your nation open to holidaymakers from abroad?
No, unless from an allied nation and complies with all restrictions.

Section Six - Freedom of Religion:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in private?
No, all religion is banned and anyone that does do this will be sent to work hard labour.
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in their workplaces?
No, all religion is banned and anyone that does do this will be sent to work hard labour.
3/ Are parents permitted to remove their child from school subjects running contrary to their religious (or non-religious) beliefs?
No, all schools do not run any pro-religious programs and if the parents or child are religious they will be sent to work hard labour.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in worshiping facilities like churches and mosques?
No, there are no churches or mosques making this impossible and the construction of these facilities is banned, with anyone attempting to being sent to work hard labour.
5/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to withhold goods or services due to religious objections?
No, unless the person that is requesting the goods or services is religious, in which case they will be sent to work hard labour.
6/ Does your nation ban certain religions from being practiced or promoted?
Yes, all religions are banned from being practiced and/or promoted.
7/ Does your nation restrict travel by anyone belonging to any particular religion?
Yes, religious individuals may not travel to Vesteysia and anyone religious in Vesteysia will be sent to work hard labour.
8/ Does your nation permit the sale and/or distribution of religious materials such as holy books?
No, this is punishable by hard labour and the book is removed and any profits are given straight to the Government.
9/ Does your nation treat members of all religions (and those who do not practice religion) equally before the law?
Yes, because according to the law all religions are banned meaning practicing a religion is illegal.
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear symbols of their faith, or religious attire - at home and at work?
No, all religion is banned and anyone that does do this will be sent to work hard labour.

Section Seven - Freedom of the Press:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to form their own media company to report on national news events?
No, the only exception is for Elite Class individuals that are promoting pro-Government ideals.
2/ Are your nation's media companies permitted to operate independently of the Government?
3/ Are your nation's media companies expected to cut/edit stories which criticise the Government?
Yes, and if they do not the peoples that are responsible for the story will be sentenced to death and the story will be removed from records.
4/ Is your nation's state-owned broadcaster permitted to operate freely and independently? (Leave blank if no state broadcaster exists)
No, they must broadcast pro-Government stories and restrict anything that criticises the Government or Monarchy.
5/ Do your nation's citizens have multiple sources to choose from in regards to journalism?
Yes, though all sources are basically the same, broadcasting pro-Government messages and stories.
6/ Are elements of private or state-run media censored or cut during live airing?
Anything anti-Government is cut out during live airing and the person who said the anti-Government message will be removed and sent to work hard labour.
7/ Are international media companies permitted to open operating arms within your nation?
Yes, as long as they broadcast pro-Government messages and stories and do not criticise any of the Governments actions.
8/ Are international media companies permitted to freely report on goings-on within your nation?
No, all reports must be biased in favour of the state and anything anti-state will be removed along with the report creator being sentenced to death for treason.
9/ Are your nation's media companies and journalists generally considered honest and unbiased in their reporting?
No, it is widely known in and out of Vesteysia that most things are hidden and the news sources are incredibly biased.
10/ Are members of the press permitted to directly interview and ask questions of Government officials?
No, Government officials may only be interviewed if the official requests an interview and the interview may only contain questions that will support the official and the Government.

Section Eight - Governmental and Electoral Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Is your nation's Government elected via a democratic election? (If not, please elaborate)
Yes, but due to the sheer size of the nation, it is easily rigged to come out in the preferred parties favour. The country is a Representative Democracy with people electing an official per planet, who then vote in groups of around 10,000 and the preferred party wins the division.
2/ If yes to the previous question, are these elections observed and/or scrutinised by an independent body?
The elections are observed by a branch of the Intelligence Agency, which assures that the preferred party to the monarchy will win and less-favourable parties will lose.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to petition the Government? If so, are they entitled to a response?
Citizens are permitted to petition the Government as long as it is productive and not anti-Government, they are not entitled to a response though.
4/ Does an equivalent to a FOIA or OIA system exist for citizens/media to request Governmental information?
5/ What conditions must be met to qualify for running for office?
You must be over the age of 20, a member of the Elite or High Upper Class, a member of one of the 7 state-approved parties and be chosen by the party officials.
6/ Are Members of Parliament (or your equivalent) free to criticise the ruling Government/party?
No, criticising the ruling Government/party will result in removal from Parliament and death.
7/ Are members of the public free to criticise the ruling Government/party?
No, criticising the ruling Government/party will result in forced hard labour and in some cases death.
8/ Are laws debated in Parliament (or your equivalent) before being bought into force?
Yes, though debates are usually very one-sided due to mostly rigged elections.
9/ Are laws put through a public consultation process before being debated in Parliament (or your equivalent)?
10/ Are members of the public permitted to directly contact Government officials such as local politicians?
Members of the public may contact their local politician, as long as they are not contacting them with anything anti-Government and it must be useful.

Section Nine - Criminal Rights and Due Process:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation follow the basic principle of "innocent until proven guilty" in relation to criminal suspects?
No, the nation follows guilty until proven innocent, though minor cases do not get a trial and punishment is controlled directly by the officer.
2/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted access to legal assistance?
No, they must represent themselves in court.
3/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted to give no comment during an investigation?
No, if no comment is given they are not allowed a trial and are given the punishment.
4/ Does your nation use jury trials (excluding in niche examples such as complex financial or cybercrime)?
Jury Trials are used in major trials though the defendant may not deny any of them. Trials are not used in all minor cases.
5/ If yes to the previous question, can trials in your nation be generally considered fair?
Trials are not considered fair, with the judge and jury being chosen beforehand by the government to make sure they have pro-Government ideals in favour of the prosecutor or defendant depending on the case.
6/ Do people found guilty of a crime have the right to appeal a court's ruling/sentence?
7/ Are imprisoned people permitted to contact their family and friends?
No, any attempt to do this will result in extreme punishment.
8/ Do your nation's prisons conform to basic human rights standards?
9/ Is a rehabilitation programme available to imprisoned people prior to their release?
No, all punishments are permanent unless directly pardoned by the Government or monarchy.
10/ Does your nation take special care and consideration towards children suspected of committing crime?
No, children are treated equally to adults if they are suspected of having committed a crime.

Section Ten - Minority Rights and Equality:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are all citizens of your nation granted equal access to healthcare, education and police/emergency services?
No, ethnic minorities are given substantially less access to healthcare, education and police/emergency services with them even being denied most of the time.
2/ Is same-sex marriage legal/performed in your nation? If not, does your nation recognise SSMs performed abroad?
Same-sex marriage is not legal and if performed will result in the death penalty for both parties. SSMs performed abroad are also not recognised.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to be in a same-sex relationship?
No, same-sex relationships are also not legal and is punishable by the death penalty.
4/ Are trans people in your nation permitted to self-identify with a different gender/sex?
No, if a person identifies as another gender when they are clearly a different one they are sentenced to death and/or hard labour.
5/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people given access to mental and physical healthcare? N/A
6/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people permitted to legally alter their registered sex/gender? N/A
7/ Are racial and sexual minorities granted the same legal rights as the rest of the population?
No, racial and sexual minorities are not granted the same rights and are given substantially worse treatment.
8/ When dealing with the Government, do non-native language speakers have the right to access an interpreter?
No, if a non-native language speaker can not speak Vesteysian they are sentenced without trial.
9/ Are LGBT+ individuals permitted to broadcast their opinions via TV, radio, print and/or the Internet?
10/ Does your nation practice segregation of any kind?
Yes, segregation is practised against LGBTQ, ethnic and racial minorities and anyone with afflicting views.

(OPTIONAL) - More information
We would appreciate filling in as much of this information as possible. However, this is not required to receive a complete score, and filling this information out will not change your score in any way.
What is the approximate ethnic makeup of your nation? (in percentages)
93% Vesteysian, 5% Ertoni, 1% Andromedan, 0.7% Other Terrans, 0.3% Others
How many official languages are there in your nation? What are these?
There is 1 official language being German, though there are 2 other accepted languages being Ertoni and Andromedan.
What is the political position of your nation's ruling Government?
The current ruling Government is right extremist and authoritarian.
What type of Government does your country have?
The Government is a Semi-Constitutional Representative Democracy.
How many members of your nation's national assembly/legislature are there?
(OOC) Which real life nation would you describe yours as being most similar to?
Third German Reich, though also different.

Are you satisfied with this index?
Any suggestions or comments on how to improve?
Last edited by Vesteysia on Wed Mar 10, 2021 3:35 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Posts: 189
Founded: Feb 16, 2021
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Airceltria » Wed Mar 10, 2021 4:20 am

Your nation's full name (including pretitle) Sacerdotal Kingdom of Airceltria
Your nation's current year 2021 by it's calendar, 2100 in reality
Your nation's current IC tech level (This index is optimised for MT/PMT nations) MT, FanT, and PMT
Your nation's IC population 10,000
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? Any can go

Section One - Freedom of Speech:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens afforded the basic right to freedom of expression? Yes
2/ If yes, how is this right protected by law? There are no written laws protecting it as more of custom enforced by previous Auraroes
3/ Are your nation's citizens bound by hate speech laws? No
4/ Does your nation allow social media companies to regulate their platforms without intervention? No, Airceltria can intervene if they feel social media companies are acting out in ways that brings social disorder. Plus most of them are state own.
5/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to social media? Yes, to an extent (not every region in Airceltria has internet access).
6/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to physical speech (ie, standing on the street corner)? Yes as many philosopher, theologians, and mystics can be found spreading their ideals out on the streets.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to speak online via encrypted applications? Yes
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to swear or curse in public? Yes
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear attire or apparel displaying anti-Government messages? So long as they aren't against the Auraroe they can criticize the other members of the state
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to listen to or create music, films or other art containing anti-Government sentiments? Same as above. Though the current one is more lenient on that and even works that feature her that are pornographic in nature, something past Auraroe's would never allow.

Section Two - Economic Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ What is the average income tax rate in your nation? (%) 53.9%, and even higher for the wealthy.
2/ Are your nation's citizens free to set up a business? Yes
3/ Are your nation's businesses/citizens permitted to trade with and/or import products from firms in other nations? While import laws are strict in Airceltria so long as the state isn't against the state in questions or items being imported than trade can go without interference.
4/ Are your nation's citizens free to choose their own employment? If so, are they free to unionise? The Airceltrian Model pretty much grants greater worker rights to the point they can form worker councils
5/ Is private business permitted within your nation's economy? If so, are they beholden to antitrust regulations? Yes, the model used is made to spread out industry as wide as possible but is strict when it comes to monopolies.
6/ Does the Government limit the maximum amount of yearly income an individual is allowed to earn? No
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to buy and sell goods and services via the Internet? So long as those goods are not restricted or illegal they can.
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to open a bank account without Government approval? Yes
9/ At what age are your nation's citizens entitled to open a personal bank account? 16 or 18
10/ Are your nation's (adult) citizens restricted from owning land, property, businesses and commodities for any reason? No.

Section Three - Personal Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear whatever style of clothes they wish? There are no laws forbidding foreign wear but wearing traditional clothing in government and ecclesiastical business is required.
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to alter their legal names? With nobles this is almost a tradition when they marry into a new family. But otherwise any can change their names.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to go out whenever they like? De jure yes, de facto is that everyone sticks to a schedule or retinue that dictates when they can leave. This is a part of our culture.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to participate in miscegenation? Only with people who are seen as Airceltria's allies or who have willingly gone through the nationalization process to become an Airceltrian citizen.
5/ Are your nation's citizens prohibited from working on the basis of their gender? No
6/ Are your nation's female citizens permitted to obtain abortions? Please give details if required. Abortion is general taboo in Airceltria and has been illegal for many reigns of past Auraroes. However the current one has allowed exceptions for abortion for cases of illness, complications, and the offspring being made as a result of rape, the latter being where the mother has the choice to terminate the fetus.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to affiliate with genuine political movements without interference? There aren't many political parties in Airceltria.
8/ At what age are your nation's citizens permitted to work? In rural areas kids are allowed to work with their parents if they are not at school. But otherwise the age for work is 16 under an apprenticeship system in a vocational school and 18 when they are finished with school.
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to communicate in and produce literature in foreign languages? Yes
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to possess soft drugs such as marijuana for personal use? Yes, though cigarettes and cigars are banned.

Section Four - Freedom of Information:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation require ISPs to block websites? If so, which ones? Yes, Chinese websites are banned due to how hostile relationship with them.
2/ Does your Government directly (overriding ISPs) censor webpages or websites? If so, which ones? Yes, Chinese websites or sites believed to have been funded and made by the CCP as well as website made by religious groups hostile towards us or whose sites have magical memetic hazards
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access international media? To an extend yes, but only to websites aligned to nations who we have a good relations with
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access dissenting opinions from other nations? No, because we can't be sure if they are genuine or Chinese propaganda
5/ Does your Government allow for an unrestricted flow of information on social media? No, some information is contained encase of them being linked to hostile cults or nations trying to spread a virus.
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send photos and videos to people in other places? Same as the international media question
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send international packages and letters? Same as above question
8/ Are your nation's citizens' packages, parcels or physical/electronic mail opened and checked? We don't need to open them but we do check them yes.
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to share information about Governmental shortcomings? Only to ally states
10/ Is outbound mail (physical/electronic) scanned/intercepted for certain information? Yes

Section Five - Freedom of Movement:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
If your nation is currently under COVID lockdown, please answer using normal laws.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel throughout the country? If they can travel around they are allowed to do so.
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel internationally? international travel is still restricted due to our isolationist policy still being in force.
3/ Are your nation's students permitted to travel internationally for exchange/study initiatives? Yes, a loophole in our isolationist policy
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to permanently migrate to another country? If they do so they will lose their access to Airceltrian citizenship.
5/ If yes to the previous question, are they permitted to return at any time? They can regain their citizenship if they wish to return and stay in the country.
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to move house at any time? Not really because finding good space to make a house is rather limited
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to change jobs at any time? This one they can do but most rarely leave their jobs.
8/ What restrictions are there on your citizens' ability to buy and drive a personal motor vehicle? The only limit is cost affordability and the distance to a place to get more fuel.
9/ Are your nation's citizens required to log movements with a Government body of any kind? If they are planning on moving yes. But just visiting or travel no.
10/ Is your nation open to holidaymakers from abroad? Other than rare occasions no.

Section Six - Freedom of Religion:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in private? Yes
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in their workplaces? Only Maleficism
3/ Are parents permitted to remove their child from school subjects running contrary to their religious (or non-religious) beliefs? There is a clear divide between secular and spiritual schools to prevent such incidents but otherwise parents can remove children from schools if they feel they are teaching subjects that run contrary to their beliefs.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in worshiping facilities like churches and mosques? This is more of tradition than a law but some practice in temples and others do it wherever they feel best fits as their site of worship.
5/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to withhold goods or services due to religious objections? No, goods and services is by law meant to be served regardless of faith
6/ Does your nation ban certain religions from being practiced or promoted? By law no but in some parts of the country the people there may not take kindly to foreign faiths
7/ Does your nation restrict travel by anyone belonging to any particular religion? By law no but some neighborhood and regions who are more traditionalist minded may not want people of foreign faiths around.
8/ Does your nation permit the sale and/or distribution of religious materials such as holy books? Only Malefic items, other items not so much.
9/ Does your nation treat members of all religions (and those who do not practice religion) equally before the law? Yes, but some regions don't respect that law, usual the more rural and conservative areas.
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear symbols of their faith, or religious attire - at home and at work? This is more of tradition than law but yes most wear clothing and items related to Maleficism in work and home.

Section Seven - Freedom of the Press:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to form their own media company to report on national news events? They can form a sub branch to the media company but otherwise they have to report to the main branch
2/ Are your nation's media companies permitted to operate independently of the Government? No, the main media company in Airceltria is state own.
3/ Are your nation's media companies expected to cut/edit stories which criticize the Government? By default yes but some reigning Auraroas like the current one is more tolerant of such criticism
4/ Is your nation's state-owned broadcaster permitted to operate freely and independently? (Leave blank if no state broadcaster exists) They are allowed to broadcast with minimum interference save for specific cases.
5/ Do your nation's citizens have multiple sources to choose from in regards to journalism? Independent journalists are allowed as well as state run agencies
6/ Are elements of private or state-run media censored or cut during live airing? For the most part no save for the faces of the dead for respect and the living if they wish not to have their faces shown.
7/ Are international media companies permitted to open operating arms within your nation? No, the Airceltrian Model is rather strict on limiting or banning things like Foreign Ownership or Foreign Companies entering the nation.
8/ Are international media companies permitted to freely report on goings-on within your nation? Only companies from ally states can do so.
9/ Are your nation's media companies and journalists generally considered honest and unbiased in their reporting? Mixed. Some journalists are honest but some try to paint a nationalist picture.
10/ Are members of the press permitted to directly interview and ask questions of Government officials? Yes.

Section Eight - Governmental and Electoral Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Is your nation's Government elected via a democratic election? (If not, please elaborate) Kinda. The People's Council's elects their representatives and members of the Council of Elders elect who joins in their ranks. But the Council of Lords is appointed by the Grand Vizier who in turn is appointed by the Aurara who in turn is also appointed by the Council of Elders.
2/ If yes to the previous question, are these elections observed and/or scrutinized by an independent body? They are not. These elections are overseen by members in the councils in which elections occur.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to petition the Government? If so, are they entitled to a response? Yes
4/ Does an equivalent to a FOIA or OIA system exist for citizens/media to request Governmental information? Yes but the government can refuse such order if the information was deem to great of a national security threat.
5/ What conditions must be met to qualify for running for office? For most they must be of sound mind and body. But for Auraro and Elders they must be Maleficists and the Auraroe must past both a series of examinations and be of the right age before being appointed.
6/ Are Members of Parliament (or your equivalent) free to criticize the ruling Government/party? There is no government party but they can criticize certain members
7/ Are members of the public free to criticize the ruling Government/party? There is no political party but yes.
8/ Are laws debated in Parliament (or your equivalent) before being bought into force? Yes, all laws are debated before they are finally brought into force or rejected.
9/ Are laws put through a public consultation process before being debated in Parliament (or your equivalent)? They are by the Councils of the People.
10/ Are members of the public permitted to directly contact Government officials such as local politicians? Yes

Section Nine - Criminal Rights and Due Process:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation follow the basic principle of "innocent until proven guilty" in relation to criminal suspects? Yes
2/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted access to legal assistance? Yes
3/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted to give no comment during an investigation? Yes
4/ Does your nation use jury trials (excluding in niche examples such as complex financial or cybercrime)? Yes
5/ If yes to the previous question, can trials in your nation be generally considered fair? They are though the use of some magics being involved as cause some outsider observers to say they violate certain rules of court.
6/ Do people found guilty of a crime have the right to appeal a court's ruling/sentence? Yes
7/ Are imprisoned people permitted to contact their family and friends? Yes
8/ Do your nation's prisons conform to basic human rights standards? Yes, for humans. Non humans tend to varies.
9/ Is a rehabilitation programme available to imprisoned people prior to their release? We prefer to rehabilitate our criminals than imprisoning them, so our judicial system is made towards rehabilitating criminals and reintegrating them back to society than punishing them and locking them for life.
10/ Does your nation take special care and consideration towards children suspected of committing crime? Very much so yes.

Section Ten - Minority Rights and Equality:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are all citizens of your nation granted equal access to healthcare, education and police/emergency services? Yes
2/ Is same-sex marriage legal/performed in your nation? If not, does your nation recognise SSMs performed abroad? We allow people of the same sex to marry legally.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to be in a same-sex relationship? We have no laws forbidden such relationships
4/ Are trans people in your nation permitted to self-identify with a different gender/sex? Yes
5/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people given access to mental and physical healthcare? Yes, they even have magic access so they can go through their sex change much faster and with better results.
6/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people permitted to legally alter their registered sex/gender? Yes, specifically if they use magic to change their gender
7/ Are racial and sexual minorities granted the same legal rights as the rest of the population? Yes
8/ When dealing with the Government, do non-native language speakers have the right to access an interpreter? Yes even though that situation is rare. But we do have them for tourists.
9/ Are LGBT+ individuals permitted to broadcast their opinions via TV, radio, print and/or the Internet? Yes
10/ Does your nation practice segregation of any kind? No, if you don't count certain monstrous creatures.

(OPTIONAL) - More information
We would appreciate filling in as much of this information as possible. However, this is not required to receive a complete score, and filling this information out will not change your score in any way.
What is the approximate ethnic makeup of your nation? (in percentages) Multiracial.
How many official languages are there in your nation? What are these? Old Airceltrian, Airceltrian Latin, and English
What is the political position of your nation's ruling Government? Progressive Conservatism
What type of Government does your country have? Unitary Malefic Theocratic Semi-Constitutional Monarchy
How many members of your nation's national assembly/legislature are there? 3; Council of Lords, Council of Elders, and Council of the People
(OOC) Which real life nation would you describe yours as being most similar to? Tibet before Chinese occupation and Bhutan.

Are you satisfied with this index? Yes
Any suggestions or comments on how to improve? None
Last edited by Airceltria on Wed Mar 10, 2021 4:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

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New Jacobland
Posts: 521
Founded: Oct 01, 2019

Postby New Jacobland » Wed Mar 10, 2021 5:19 am

Your nation's full name (including pretitle): Democratic Republic of New Jacobland
Your nation's current year: 2021
Your nation's current IC tech level (This index is optimised for MT/PMT nations): MT/current tech
Your nation's IC population: 25,000,000
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored?: Yes please

Section One - Freedom of Speech:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens afforded the basic right to freedom of expression?: Constitutionally mandated, as long as it does not cross into hate speech.
2/ If yes, how is this right protected by law? see above
3/ Are your nation's citizens bound by hate speech laws?: Yes, if your expression is understandably offensive by most people it is illegal. You can appeal this in front of a random jury if you choose.
4/ Does your nation allow social media companies to regulate their platforms without intervention? Yes
5/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to social media? The owner of the social media has full rights to decide what is allowed on their platform.
6/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to physical speech (ie, standing on the street corner)? Yes.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to speak online via encrypted applications? Yes.
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to swear or curse in public? Yes, but if it is noisy and distracting it could come under public nuisance or hate speech.
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear attire or apparel displaying anti-Government messages? Certainly.
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to listen to or create music, films or other art containing anti-Government sentiments? Yes, under hate speech rules.

Section Two - Economic Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ What is the average income tax rate in your nation? (%) 50%
2/ Are your nation's citizens free to set up a business? Yes.
3/ Are your nation's businesses/citizens permitted to trade with and/or import products from firms in other nations? Yes, but the government can issue quotas, limits or embargos if needed. These can always be appealed in front of a random jury.
4/ Are your nation's citizens free to choose their own employment? If so, are they free to unionise? Yes and yes. Unions are a key part of worker's rights.
5/ Is private business permitted within your nation's economy? If so, are they beholden to antitrust regulations? Yes, antitrust is regulated by the government.
6/ Does the Government limit the maximum amount of yearly income an individual is allowed to earn? No, but income tax gets higher the more you earn so it is difficult to stay super-rich.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to buy and sell goods and services via the Internet? Yes.
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to open a bank account without Government approval? Yes.
9/ At what age are your nation's citizens entitled to open a personal bank account? 16
10/ Are your nation's (adult) citizens restricted from owning land, property, businesses and commodities for any reason? No.

Section Three - Personal Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear whatever style of clothes they wish? Yes.
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to alter their legal names? As long as they are not offensive. (Again, they can appeal)
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to go out whenever they like? Yes unless it is a Restricted Zone.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to participate in miscegenation?
5/ Are your nation's citizens prohibited from working on the basis of their gender? No
6/ Are your nation's female citizens permitted to obtain abortions? Please give details if required. Yes, but they must have medical reasons to do so.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to affiliate with genuine political movements without interference? Yes
8/ At what age are your nation's citizens permitted to work? 10 for low-intensity jobs (think paper-boy), 16 for a full non-manual labour job, 18 for a job involving stringent manual labour (such as factory or construction worker). A job cannot interfere with the compulsory Year 1 - Year 10 education.
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to communicate in and produce literature in foreign languages? Yes.
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to possess soft drugs such as marijuana for personal use? Yes

Section Four - Freedom of Information:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation require ISPs to block websites? If so, which ones? Yes, if they are repeat violators of hate-speech laws.
2/ Does your Government directly (overriding ISPs) censor webpages or websites? If so, which ones? No
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access international media? Yes
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access dissenting opinions from other nations? Yes
5/ Does your Government allow for an unrestricted flow of information on social media? Again, the owner of the company decides what goes on the platform. It may be blocked under the above censorship law.
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send photos and videos to people in other places? Yes
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send international packages and letters? Yes
8/ Are your nation's citizens' packages, parcels or physical/electronic mail opened and checked? Inbound parcels are checked for illegal items and outbound packages are only checked if they are going to nations which require these checks.
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to share information about Governmental shortcomings? Yes
10/ Is outbound mail (physical/electronic) scanned/intercepted for certain information? No

Section Five - Freedom of Movement:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
If your nation is currently under COVID lockdown, please answer using normal laws.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel throughout the country? Yes
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel internationally? Yes
3/ Are your nation's students permitted to travel internationally for exchange/study initiatives? Yes
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to permanently migrate to another country? Yes
5/ If yes to the previous question, are they permitted to return at any time? Yes, but if they have been overseas for over a decade they may have to reapply for residency.
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to move house at any time? Yes
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to change jobs at any time? Yes, unless they are bound by a contract.
8/ What restrictions are there on your citizens' ability to buy and drive a personal motor vehicle? A license is required for all types of motor vehicle. A car license won't let you drive a motorbike, you need to get a new license for each type.
9/ Are your nation's citizens required to log movements with a Government body of any kind? No
10/ Is your nation open to holidaymakers from abroad? Yes, bu they must apply for a Holiday visa up to 30 days.

Section Six - Freedom of Religion:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
Note: Religion must comply with hate speech law
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in private? Yes
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in their workplaces? This is up to the company to decide, but if they say yes it is allowed.
3/ Are parents permitted to remove their child from school subjects running contrary to their religious (or non-religious) beliefs? No, not where it is mandatory.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in worshiping facilities like churches and mosques? Yes
5/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to withhold goods or services due to religious objections? OOC: Idk what you mean by this.
6/ Does your nation ban certain religions from being practiced or promoted? No
7/ Does your nation restrict travel by anyone belonging to any particular religion? No
8/ Does your nation permit the sale and/or distribution of religious materials such as holy books? Yes
9/ Does your nation treat members of all religions (and those who do not practice religion) equally before the law? Yes
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear symbols of their faith, or religious attire - at home and at work? At home yes, at work it is the company's decision.

Section Seven - Freedom of the Press:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to form their own media company to report on national news events? Yes
2/ Are your nation's media companies permitted to operate independently of the Government? Yes
3/ Are your nation's media companies expected to cut/edit stories which criticise the Government? No
4/ Is your nation's state-owned broadcaster permitted to operate freely and independently? (Leave blank if no state broadcaster exists) The state-funded broadcaster is free and independent.
5/ Do your nation's citizens have multiple sources to choose from in regards to journalism? Yes
6/ Are elements of private or state-run media censored or cut during live airing? No
7/ Are international media companies permitted to open operating arms within your nation? Yes
8/ Are international media companies permitted to freely report on goings-on within your nation? Yes
9/ Are your nation's media companies and journalists generally considered honest and unbiased in their reporting? Most are, although there is a fair bit of corruption in the media.
10/ Are members of the press permitted to directly interview and ask questions of Government officials? Yes, although interviews may be declined by the official.

Section Eight - Governmental and Electoral Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Is your nation's Government elected via a democratic election? (If not, please elaborate) Yes
2/ If yes to the previous question, are these elections observed and/or scrutinised by an independent body? The NJEC indepently counts and runs elections.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to petition the Government? If so, are they entitled to a response? Yes, bu they are not entitled a response.
4/ Does an equivalent to a FOIA or OIA system exist for citizens/media to request Governmental information? Yes
5/ What conditions must be met to qualify for running for office? 18 years of age, not been in jail for over a year at once, be New Jacoblandian citizen, not be judged mentally ill.
6/ Are Members of Parliament (or your equivalent) free to criticise the ruling Government/party? Yes
7/ Are members of the public free to criticise the ruling Government/party? Yes
8/ Are laws debated in Parliament (or your equivalent) before being bought into force? Multiple times
9/ Are laws put through a public consultation process before being debated in Parliament (or your equivalent)? No
10/ Are members of the public permitted to directly contact Government officials such as local politicians? Yes

Section Nine - Criminal Rights and Due Process:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation follow the basic principle of "innocent until proven guilty" in relation to criminal suspects? Yes
2/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted access to legal assistance? If they cannot afford a lawyer, they can apply for Government Legal Assistance, who will give a free lawyer if the application is accepted.
3/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted to give no comment during an investigation? Yes
4/ Does your nation use jury trials (excluding in niche examples such as complex financial or cybercrime)? Yes, random juries.
5/ If yes to the previous question, can trials in your nation be generally considered fair? Mostly, but there is a small amount of corruption.
6/ Do people found guilty of a crime have the right to appeal a court's ruling/sentence? Yes, once every 1/4 of their sentence as well as once before their sentence begins.
7/ Are imprisoned people permitted to contact their family and friends? Yes
8/ Do your nation's prisons conform to basic human rights standards? Yes
9/ Is a rehabilitation programme available to imprisoned people prior to their release? No
10/ Does your nation take special care and consideration towards children suspected of committing crime? Judges are expected to send minors to Juvenile Detention Facilities, but they aren't obliged to. JDF is the same as jail in sentences. Minors recieve the same sentence an adult in their place would if they are over the age of criminal responsibility (10).

Section Ten - Minority Rights and Equality:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are all citizens of your nation granted equal access to healthcare, education and police/emergency services? Yes
2/ Is same-sex marriage legal/performed in your nation? If not, does your nation recognise SSMs performed abroad? Yes
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to be in a same-sex relationship? Yes
4/ Are trans people in your nation permitted to self-identify with a different gender/sex? Yes, but institutions and companies are not required to recognise this.
5/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people given access to mental and physical healthcare? Yes
6/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people permitted to legally alter their registered sex/gender? They can add a 'identifies as' part to their legal profile, but not their biological sex.
7/ Are racial and sexual minorities granted the same legal rights as the rest of the population? Yes
8/ When dealing with the Government, do non-native language speakers have the right to access an interpreter? Yes
9/ Are LGBT+ individuals permitted to broadcast their opinions via TV, radio, print and/or the Internet? Yes
10/ Does your nation practice segregation of any kind? No

(OPTIONAL) - More information
We would appreciate filling in as much of this information as possible. However, this is not required to receive a complete score, and filling this information out will not change your score in any way.
What is the approximate ethnic makeup of your nation? (in percentages) 75% Caucasian 20% native New Jacoblandian 5% Other
How many official languages are there in your nation? What are these? 2: English and Paloai (the tribal language)
What is the political position of your nation's ruling Government?
What type of Government does your country have? Parliamentary Republic
How many members of your nation's national assembly/legislature are there?
(OOC) Which real life nation would you describe yours as being most similar to? A small US maybe...or Canada.

Are you satisfied with this index?
Any suggestions or comments on how to improve?
Last edited by New Jacobland on Wed Mar 10, 2021 5:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Indo States
Posts: 3512
Founded: Jan 05, 2018
Democratic Socialists

Postby Indo States » Wed Mar 10, 2021 5:42 am

Your nation's full name (including pretitle) Fatiman Federation
Your nation's current year 2021
Your nation's current IC tech level (This index is optimised for MT/PMT nations) MT
Your nation's IC population 2 Billion Fatimanians
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? Yes (Even if there is an Problem with my Application)

Section One - Freedom of Speech:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens afforded the basic right to freedom of expression? Yes
2/ If yes, how is this right protected by law? The Fatimanian Constitution of 2020 has Ensure to Protect the Basic Freedom of Speech Laws which Fatimanians may have their own Personal Rights like Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Identity. Alongside with the Constitution, Several Laws (like the Freedom of Speech Act of 1979) has been Applied to Improve and Enhance the Freedom of Speech.
3/ Are your nation's citizens bound by hate speech laws? Yes (The Anti-Discrimination Act of 1956 and the Code on the Prevention of Racist Attacks of 1968)
4/ Does your nation allow social media companies to regulate their platforms without intervention? Yes.
5/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to social media? Yes (Except for Alt-Right Groups)
6/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to physical speech (ie, standing on the street corner)? Yes
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to speak online via encrypted applications? Yes
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to swear or curse in public? Yes (Except in Schools, Government Offices, Protests, Museums and Libraries)
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear attire or apparel displaying anti-Government messages? Yes (per 2020 Constitution)
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to listen to or create music, films or other art containing anti-Government sentiments? Yes (per 2020 Constitution)

Section Two - Economic Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ What is the average income tax rate in your nation? (%) 82.1%
2/ Are your nation's citizens free to set up a business? Yes
3/ Are your nation's businesses/citizens permitted to trade with and/or import products from firms in other nations? Yes
4/ Are your nation's citizens free to choose their own employment? If so, are they free to unionise? Yes, They are Free to Create an Labour Union in the Fatiman Federation.
5/ Is private business permitted within your nation's economy? If so, are they beholden to antitrust regulations? Yes, Private Companies are Sanctioned with Anti-Trust Regulations and Consumer Protection Laws
6/ Does the Government limit the maximum amount of yearly income an individual is allowed to earn? No
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to buy and sell goods and services via the Internet? Yes (Except Drugs, Guns and Explosives)
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to open a bank account without Government approval? Yes
9/ At what age are your nation's citizens entitled to open a personal bank account? People 14 and Above can have their own Personal Bank Account, however, 13 and Below requires Parental Supervision.
10/ Are your nation's (adult) citizens restricted from owning land, property, businesses and commodities for any reason? Only Foreigners (Foreign Companies should use their Local Subsidiary to Buy and Own Properties)

Section Three - Personal Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear whatever style of clothes they wish? Yes
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to alter their legal names? Yes, When they Reach the Age of 14.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to go out whenever they like? Yes
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to participate in miscegenation? Yes
5/ Are your nation's citizens prohibited from working on the basis of their gender? No
6/ Are your nation's female citizens permitted to obtain abortions? Please give details if required. Yes, if they Requested whatever they are too Young to be Pregnant, Raped or Other Medical Conditions to the Fetus or the Mother.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to affiliate with genuine political movements without interference? Yes.
8/ At what age are your nation's citizens permitted to work? Minimum 15 (If Self-Employed or Having their Own Business), Maximum 18 to Join any Corporate Companies.
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to communicate in and produce literature in foreign languages? Yes, but Translation in Fatimanian or English Required.
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to possess soft drugs such as marijuana for personal use? Yes

Section Four - Freedom of Information:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation require ISPs to block websites? If so, which ones? No, It is Depending on ISPs (Unless it is Ordered by the Fatimanian Supreme Court)
2/ Does your Government directly (overriding ISPs) censor webpages or websites? If so, which ones? Yes, Only in Gay Pornography and Nothing Else.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access international media? Yes.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access dissenting opinions from other nations? Yes.
5/ Does your Government allow for an unrestricted flow of information on social media? Yes.
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send photos and videos to people in other places? Yes.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send international packages and letters? Ues.
8/ Are your nation's citizens' packages, parcels or physical/electronic mail opened and checked? No, Unless it is for Security Reasons
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to share information about Governmental shortcomings? In Some Circumstances
10/ Is outbound mail (physical/electronic) scanned/intercepted for certain information? Only Physical Postal Parcels will be Scanned, but Physical and Electronic Mail will not be Scanned and it is Depending on Email Provider.

Section Five - Freedom of Movement:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
If your nation is currently under COVID lockdown, please answer using normal laws.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel throughout the country? Yes..
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel internationally? In Some Countries like Singapore, United States, Austria, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Belgium, Netherlands and France with Strict Quarantine Policies.
3/ Are your nation's students permitted to travel internationally for exchange/study initiatives? Depending if the Country has Closed their Schools
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to permanently migrate to another country? Yes
5/ If yes to the previous question, are they permitted to return at any time? Yes, but they need to be Isolated for 14 Days (during the pandemic), They are Free to Return in the Past.
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to move house at any time? Yes
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to change jobs at any time? Yes
8/ What restrictions are there on your citizens' ability to buy and drive a personal motor vehicle? No Restrictions but the Driving Age in the Fatiman Federation was 15.
9/ Are your nation's citizens required to log movements with a Government body of any kind? No.
10/ Is your nation open to holidaymakers from abroad? Partially, Since the Country allows only Tourists who was Vaccinated against COVID-19.

Section Six - Freedom of Religion:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in private? Yes
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in their workplaces? Depending on the Company where they are Working in.
3/ Are parents permitted to remove their child from school subjects running contrary to their religious (or non-religious) beliefs? No.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in worshiping facilities like churches and mosques? Yes, Always.
5/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to withhold goods or services due to religious objections? Yes
6/ Does your nation ban certain religions from being practiced or promoted? None except for Cults that was not so Religious and Linked to any Religion.
7/ Does your nation restrict travel by anyone belonging to any particular religion? No.
8/ Does your nation permit the sale and/or distribution of religious materials such as holy books? No, Except Non-Religious Bookshops should not Sold the Holy Bible or the Qur'an
9/ Does your nation treat members of all religions (and those who do not practice religion) equally before the law? Yes.
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear symbols of their faith, or religious attire - at home and at work? Yes.

Section Seven - Freedom of the Press:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to form their own media company to report on national news events? Yes, But they need a Permit from the National Press Council (NPC).
2/ Are your nation's media companies permitted to operate independently of the Government? Yes.
3/ Are your nation's media companies expected to cut/edit stories which criticise the Government? No.
4/ Is your nation's state-owned broadcaster permitted to operate freely and independently? (Leave blank if no state broadcaster exists) Yes, The Radio Television Fatima are Permitted to be Operated Freely and Independently.
5/ Do your nation's citizens have multiple sources to choose from in regards to journalism? Yes
6/ Are elements of private or state-run media censored or cut during live airing? No.
7/ Are international media companies permitted to open operating arms within your nation? Yes.
8/ Are international media companies permitted to freely report on goings-on within your nation? Yes.
9/ Are your nation's media companies and journalists generally considered honest and unbiased in their reporting? Yes.
10/ Are members of the press permitted to directly interview and ask questions of Government officials? Yes.

Section Eight - Governmental and Electoral Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Is your nation's Government elected via a democratic election? (If not, please elaborate) Yes.
2/ If yes to the previous question, are these elections observed and/or scrutinised by an independent body? Yes, the Federal Elections Commission are Observed Elections in the Fatiman Federation.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to petition the Government? If so, are they entitled to a response? Yes, The Fatimanian Supreme Court Allows it.
4/ Does an equivalent to a FOIA or OIA system exist for citizens/media to request Governmental information? Yes, via the Supreme Court.
5/ What conditions must be met to qualify for running for office? See Dispatch. (Paragraph 3, The Legal Age for Running in a Election)
6/ Are Members of Parliament (or your equivalent) free to criticise the ruling Government/party? Yes.
7/ Are members of the public free to criticise the ruling Government/party? Yes.
8/ Are laws debated in Parliament (or your equivalent) before being bought into force? Yes.
9/ Are laws put through a public consultation process before being debated in Parliament (or your equivalent)? Yes, via the Poll.
10/ Are members of the public permitted to directly contact Government officials such as local politicians? Yes.

Section Nine - Criminal Rights and Due Process:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation follow the basic principle of "innocent until proven guilty" in relation to criminal suspects? Yes.
2/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted access to legal assistance? Yes, the Fatimanian People's Attorney Office (PAtO) are Welcomed to Assist Suspects.
3/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted to give no comment during an investigation? Yes.
4/ Does your nation use jury trials (excluding in niche examples such as complex financial or cybercrime)? Yes, if the Crime is Related to Financial (e.g. Corruption or Bribery), Human Rights Crimes (like Torture) and Cybercrime (Except for Scamming and Cybercrime Related to the Sex and the Law like Sextortion or Child Pornography).
5/ If yes to the previous question, can trials in your nation be generally considered fair? Yes.
6/ Do people found guilty of a crime have the right to appeal a court's ruling/sentence? Yes.
7/ Are imprisoned people permitted to contact their family and friends? Yes, Fatimanian Prions has a Visitor's Center Built-in to Talk with their Family or Friends, as well to Use an Computer to talk Online via Video Chat with Permission.
8/ Do your nation's prisons conform to basic human rights standards? Yes, Inspired from Sweden and Norway's Prison System.
9/ Is a rehabilitation programme available to imprisoned people prior to their release? Yes, Only Available for Prisoners with Disorders like Depression or Pedophilia, and Drug Addiction.
10/ Does your nation take special care and consideration towards children suspected of committing crime? Yes, Fatimania has a Juvenile Detention Centers in Every City and Provinces per Region (Notably the HOPE Center in Tipas). The Minimum Age for Criminal Responsibility is 18 in the Fatiman Federation.

Section Ten - Minority Rights and Equality:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are all citizens of your nation granted equal access to healthcare, education and police/emergency services? Yes.
2/ Is same-sex marriage legal/performed in your nation? If not, does your nation recognise SSMs performed abroad? Yes.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to be in a same-sex relationship? Yes, Depending on their Parent's Opinions (if Required).
4/ Are trans people in your nation permitted to self-identify with a different gender/sex? Yes.
5/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people given access to mental and physical healthcare? Yes, Even Free Gender-Switching or Gender Confirmation Sugeries are also Offered to LGBT People.
6/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people permitted to legally alter their registered sex/gender? Yes.
7/ Are racial and sexual minorities granted the same legal rights as the rest of the population? Yes.
8/ When dealing with the Government, do non-native language speakers have the right to access an interpreter? Yes, but the Government Prefers non-native language speakers to pick their interpreter in a Privileged Schools or Universities (like the University of Royal Fatimania, Miriam College and Ateneo de Indosejiku University).
9/ Are LGBT+ individuals permitted to broadcast their opinions via TV, radio, print and/or the Internet? Yes.
10/ Does your nation practice segregation of any kind? None.

(OPTIONAL) - More information
We would appreciate filling in as much of this information as possible. However, this is not required to receive a complete score, and filling this information out will not change your score in any way.
What is the approximate ethnic makeup of your nation? (in percentages) 95% Fatimanians, 87% Indoeshes, 76% Rasmussenians, 68% Ramseyians, 55% Paulinians, 53% Povedans, 51% Kolechians, 50% Republians, 45% Gaugauzhians and 41% Luisitians.
How many official languages are there in your nation? What are these? 2 Official, Fatimanian and Indoesh (9 Total Other Languages)
What is the political position of your nation's ruling Government? Social Democracy, Democratic Socialism, Democratic Capitalism, Left-Wing Nationalism and Feminism
What type of Government does your country have? Federal Parliamental (Tri-Cameral) Semi-Constitutional Republic
How many members of your nation's national assembly/legislature are there? 24 in the Senate, 87 in the Congress and 15 I the Secretariat
(OOC) Which real life nation would you describe yours as being most similar to? Geographically Kamchatka in Russia, but the Feel is Similar to Sweden, France and Philippines.

Are you satisfied with this index? Yes
Any suggestions or comments on how to improve? Yes, My Suggestion is to Create the International Education Index.
Fédération Fatimanienné - Fatiman Federation
Country of Freedom and Education


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Posts: 193
Founded: Jan 04, 2021
Civil Rights Lovefest

Postby Obets » Wed Mar 10, 2021 6:23 am

Your nation's full name (including pretitle) Federal Republic of Obets
Your nation's current year 2021
Your nation's current IC tech level (This index is optimised for MT/PMT nations) Post-Modern Tech
Your nation's IC population 277 million
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? Yes

Section One - Freedom of Speech:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens afforded the basic right to freedom of expression? Yes. The constitution guarantees it.
2/ If yes, how is this right protected by law? Yes. The constitution guarantees it.
3/ Are your nation's citizens bound by hate speech laws? People can say whatever they want as long as it does not incite violence
4/ Does your nation allow social media companies to regulate their platforms without intervention? Yes. Social media can do whatever they want.
5/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to social media? Yes
6/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to physical speech (ie, standing on the street corner)? Yes, but causing or inciting violence does not count
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to speak online via encrypted applications? Yes
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to swear or curse in public? Yes, but it can't be heavily insulting to someone else. (Like, calling someone a m*********** is fineable)
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear attire or apparel displaying anti-Government messages? Yes
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to listen to or create music, films or other art containing anti-Government sentiments? Yes

Section Two - Economic Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ What is the average income tax rate in your nation? (%) It is a progressive tax rate:
Bottom 95%: 2% Bottom 90%: 3% Bottom 80%: 4.5% Bottom 70%: 7% Bottom 60%: 10% Average 50%: 15% Top 40: 22.5% Top 30%: 34% Top 20%: 40% Top 10%: 48% Top 5%: 55% Top 1%: 64%
2/ Are your nation's citizens free to set up a business? Yes, and no one can stop them
3/ Are your nation's businesses/citizens permitted to trade with and/or import products from firms in other nations? Yes, and no one cans top them
4/ Are your nation's citizens free to choose their own employment? If so, are they free to unionise? Yes to both.
5/ Is private business permitted within your nation's economy? If so, are they beholden to antitrust regulations? They are permitted, and they are held to antitrust.
6/ Does the Government limit the maximum amount of yearly income an individual is allowed to earn? No. However, if you make millions of dollars we tax you a lot. Income is not regulated however spending power per capita is kept roughly equal.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to buy and sell goods and services via the Internet? Yes. In fact, the majority of what is bought and sold is via the internet.
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to open a bank account without Government approval? Yes
9/ At what age are your nation's citizens entitled to open a personal bank account? Any age.
10/ Are your nation's (adult) citizens restricted from owning land, property, businesses and commodities for any reason? No.

Section Three - Personal Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear whatever style of clothes they wish? Yes. In fact, nudity is legal
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to alter their legal names? Yes
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to go out whenever they like? Yes. However, in high crime areas it is suggested not to go out a night. But, nobody is stopping you
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to participate in miscegenation? Yes
5/ Are your nation's citizens prohibited from working on the basis of their gender? No. Discriminating on basis of gender is illegal.
6/ Are your nation's female citizens permitted to obtain abortions? Please give details if required. Yes, and same with contraception.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to affiliate with genuine political movements without interference? Yes, but not with things that promote violence
8/ At what age are your nation's citizens permitted to work? Teenager and up, however most kids finish school first.

Section Four - Freedom of Information:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation require ISPs to block websites? If so, which ones? No. ISPs do their own thing
2/ Does your Government directly (overriding ISPs) censor webpages or websites? If so, which ones? No.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access international media? Yes
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access dissenting opinions from other nations? Yes, however nothing that incites mass violence
5/ Does your Government allow for an unrestricted flow of information on social media? Yes.
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send photos and videos to people in other places? Yes
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send international packages and letters? Yes
8/ Are your nation's citizens' packages, parcels or physical/electronic mail opened and checked? No. Searching through mail is an offense
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to share information about Governmental shortcomings? Yes
10/ Is outbound mail (physical/electronic) scanned/intercepted for certain information? No

Section Five - Freedom of Movement:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
If your nation is currently under COVID lockdown, please answer using normal laws.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel throughout the country? Yes, and nothing can stop them
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel internationally? Yes, and nothing can stop them
3/ Are your nation's students permitted to travel internationally for exchange/study initiatives? Yes. In fact it is very common and many schools mandate exchange initiatives.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to permanently migrate to another country? Yes, and nothing can stop them
5/ If yes to the previous question, are they permitted to return at any time? Of course
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to move house at any time? Yes, and nothing can stop them
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to change jobs at any time? Yes, and nothing can stop them
8/ What restrictions are there on your citizens' ability to buy and drive a personal motor vehicle? You need to have a license obtained through a test, but anyone, even kids, can drive (if they have a license)
9/ Are your nation's citizens required to log movements with a Government body of any kind? No
10/ Is your nation open to holidaymakers from abroad? Yes

Section Six - Freedom of Religion:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in private? Yes
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in their workplaces? Yes, and nothing can stop them
3/ Are parents permitted to remove their child from school subjects running contrary to their religious (or non-religious) beliefs? Yes
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in worshiping facilities like churches and mosques? Yes, and nothing can stop them
5/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to withhold goods or services due to religious objections? No. While freedom of religion is guaranteed everyone must supply goods to everyone no matter what.
6/ Does your nation ban certain religions from being practiced or promoted? No, except if it's a cult that promotes violence
7/ Does your nation restrict travel by anyone belonging to any particular religion? No
8/ Does your nation permit the sale and/or distribution of religious materials such as holy books? Yes
9/ Does your nation treat members of all religions (and those who do not practice religion) equally before the law? Yes
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear symbols of their faith, or religious attire - at home and at work? Yes, and nothing can stop them

Section Seven - Freedom of the Press:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to form their own media company to report on national news events? Yes
2/ Are your nation's media companies permitted to operate independently of the Government? Yes
3/ Are your nation's media companies expected to cut/edit stories which criticise the Government? No
4/ Is your nation's state-owned broadcaster permitted to operate freely and independently? (Leave blank if no state broadcaster exists) The Obets Federal News is owned by the government but operates completely independently
5/ Do your nation's citizens have multiple sources to choose from in regards to journalism? Yes
6/ Are elements of private or state-run media censored or cut during live airing? No
7/ Are international media companies permitted to open operating arms within your nation? Yes
8/ Are international media companies permitted to freely report on goings-on within your nation? Yes
9/ Are your nation's media companies and journalists generally considered honest and unbiased in their reporting? Yes, but there are media hubs made specifically for Left-Wing and Right-Wing groups
10/ Are members of the press permitted to directly interview and ask questions of Government officials? Yes

Section Eight - Governmental and Electoral Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Is your nation's Government elected via a democratic election? (If not, please elaborate) Yes
2/ If yes to the previous question, are these elections observed and/or scrutinised by an independent body? Yes. The OUR Federal Elections Committee based in Vast Mesa oversees elections
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to petition the Government? If so, are they entitled to a response? Yes, and they are
4/ Does an equivalent to a FOIA or OIA system exist for citizens/media to request Governmental information? Yes
5/ What conditions must be met to qualify for running for office? You need to pass a course on government and politics
6/ Are Members of Parliament (or your equivalent) free to criticise the ruling Government/party? Yes
7/ Are members of the public free to criticise the ruling Government/party? Yes
8/ Are laws debated in Parliament (or your equivalent) before being bought into force? Yes
9/ Are laws put through a public consultation process before being debated in Parliament (or your equivalent)? It depends on the law. Major laws concerning the whole nation are put through public consultation, but minor laws are not
10/ Are members of the public permitted to directly contact Government officials such as local politicians? Yes

Section Nine - Criminal Rights and Due Process:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation follow the basic principle of "innocent until proven guilty" in relation to criminal suspects? Yes
2/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted access to legal assistance? Yes, it is guaranteed
3/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted to give no comment during an investigation? Yes
4/ Does your nation use jury trials (excluding in niche examples such as complex financial or cybercrime)? Yes
5/ If yes to the previous question, can trials in your nation be generally considered fair? Yes
6/ Do people found guilty of a crime have the right to appeal a court's ruling/sentence? Yes
7/ Are imprisoned people permitted to contact their family and friends? Yes
8/ Do your nation's prisons conform to basic human rights standards? Yes
9/ Is a rehabilitation programme available to imprisoned people prior to their release? Yes
10/ Does your nation take special care and consideration towards children suspected of committing crime? Yes

Section Ten - Minority Rights and Equality:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are all citizens of your nation granted equal access to healthcare, education and police/emergency services? Yes
2/ Is same-sex marriage legal/performed in your nation? If not, does your nation recognise SSMs performed abroad? Yes
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to be in a same-sex relationship? Yes
4/ Are trans people in your nation permitted to self-identify with a different gender/sex? Yes
5/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people given access to mental and physical healthcare? Yes
6/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people permitted to legally alter their registered sex/gender? Yes
7/ Are racial and sexual minorities granted the same legal rights as the rest of the population? Yes
8/ When dealing with the Government, do non-native language speakers have the right to access an interpreter? Yes
9/ Are LGBT+ individuals permitted to broadcast their opinions via TV, radio, print and/or the Internet? Yes
10/ Does your nation practice segregation of any kind? No, the constitution forbids segregation and discrimination

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Syndic Australia
Posts: 336
Founded: Sep 12, 2020
Left-wing Utopia

Postby Syndic Australia » Wed Mar 10, 2021 6:59 am

Your nation's full name (including pretitle) The Commonwealth of Syndic Australia
Your nation's current year 2024
Your nation's current IC tech level (This index is optimised for MT/PMT nations) MT-equivalent
Your nation's IC population 35.91 million
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? Yes please!

Section One - Freedom of Speech:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.

1/ Are your nation's citizens afforded the basic right to freedom of expression? Yes

2/ If yes, how is this right protected by law? The right to freedom of expression is one enshrined within our nation's constitution, along with a myriad of other rights. One has the freedom to express their opinions and beliefs, and to respond to someone's expression in kind, to the extent that it does not impinge on any more fundamental rights or on the rights of society.

3/ Are your nation's citizens bound by hate speech laws? Hate speech is one of the instances, mentioned above, that are considered impingements on a more fundamental right (the right to freedom of expression versus several rights, including to freedom from discrimination, right to safety, etc...) Actual hate-speech laws are few, but our culture is one with few echo chambers, raised to deliberate and discuss, in which those who express such anti-social views are either socially stigmatised or otherwise are countered. One can only really be legally held liable if their speech calls for dangerous action against a certain group.

4/ Does your nation allow social media companies to regulate their platforms without intervention? Not only do we not have social media in the modern sense, we don't have private companies. Non-governmental chat rooms and forums are allowed to moderate themselves without fear of government surveillance or intervention under privacy laws, but should they be revealed to be enabling crime such protections are forfeited.

5/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to social media? Yes, all forms of communication are covered by them.

6/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to physical speech (ie, standing on the street corner)? Yes, though local governments can reserve the right to move someone along if they are disturbing the peace as they hold the mandate of the community, though this would be to a designated place of protests (typically a forum right outside the local government centre).

7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to speak online via encrypted applications? Yes.

8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to swear or curse in public? Yes, very much so.

9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear attire or apparel displaying anti-Government messages? Yes. One's attire, provided it does not indecently expose or incite hate, is entirely one's choice, but one must personally accept the social consequences if it upsets or angers others.

10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to listen to or create music, films or other art containing anti-Government sentiments? Yes. The freedom of the press is extensive in Australia, with only some media subject to bans or censorship:
  • Media showing real, non-consensual acts against of any kind against persons is illegal to publish, especially that which shows death or grievous injury for the purpose of entertainment (i.e. snuff films).
  • Media showing the real willful harming or killing of animals with malicious intent (i.e. for entertainment) is illegal to publish.
  • Media produced through illegal surveillance (surveillance from within someone's personal domain, including wiretapping, bugging, etc...) is itself illegal to publish unless such surveillance reveals the breaching of a more supreme right (i.e. a crime). As such, whistleblowing is a protected form of media. Moreso, any media produced in public, such as filming a politician on the street or through a window from the street, is public domain and cannot be claimed to be illegal surveilance.
Note that the press can use, but not produce, media showing non-consensual acts against persons or animals, but must censor any explicit or infringing depictions (i.e. blur gore, blur faces, etc...)

Section Two - Economic Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.

1/ What is the average income tax rate in your nation? (%) High, though in return ostensibly all services are free.

2/ Are your nation's citizens free to set up a business? To an extent. A person is free to establish themselves as an independent contractor, provided they register as an associate with their local syndicate. A person may also operate a family business from a single location, provided they do the same. Any other businesses are mandated by constitutional law to be operated as workers collectives.

3/ Are your nation's businesses/citizens permitted to trade with and/or import products from firms in other nations? Provided the supply chain of the products and nation in question have been certified to meet our nation's standards for labor rights (i.e. non-exploitation, union rights, worker's rights, etc...), imports can be made freely. Depending on the aforementioned certification, and other conditions, a tariff may be applied - generally, the less a nation or supply chain adheres to our standards, the higher the tariff.

4/ Are your nation's citizens free to choose their own employment? If so, are they free to unionise? A citizen (and residency confers citizenship) is free to choose their own employment. As a syndicalist state, all workers are automatic members of their relevant syndicate, as all workplaces (apart from the exceptions mentioned above) are collectivised. Our executive branch of government is comprised of these syndicates - the workers regulate themselves, under the supervision of our parliament. Also, see section 5, question 7.

5/ Is private business permitted within your nation's economy? If so, are they beholden to antitrust regulations? No private business, except for the two aforementioned provisions, is allowed. This includes foreign business - all foreign businesses must create a domestic branch that is run by Australic citizens (or dual citizens).

6/ Does the Government limit the maximum amount of yearly income an individual is allowed to earn? Technically speaking, there is a soft cap. Our currency is tied to a labor standard, which is the value of an hour's labor relevant to our nation's standard of living, so that the average workweek is enough to afford this standard with a percentage left over for savings. To this end, more intensive jobs offer higher wages and lower hours, and vice versa, and occupations will have self-prescribed limits on the maximum work hours in a week, thus technical annual income limits.

7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to buy and sell goods and services via the Internet? It's not that it's not permitted, the functionality just isn't there for much more than a craigslist analog yet (and those are permitted). Were it as functional as ours is, it would be permitted as well.

8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to open a bank account without Government approval? Everyone has a bank account in their state/territory bank by default. These banks are not speculatory and invest in the community and state. Commercial banking, stock markets, and other such capitalist inventions are absent in our society.

9/ At what age are your nation's citizens entitled to open a personal bank account? They are granted one by the age of 5.

10/ Are your nation's (adult) citizens restricted from owning land, property, businesses and commodities for any reason? A person may only hold ownership of one residential property, either by themselves or cooperatively with a household. Landlordship is a feudalistic holdover and is expressly illegal in Australia. No Australian may own any land overseas, nor may a foreigner own land in Australia, with some exceptions for dual-citizens. Commercial property, barring the two common exceptions, is collectively owned. Other forms of land property (i.e. farmland) is typically also collectively owned, though one may have farmland within their residential property. Outside of land ownership, there are no restrictions on the ownership of personal property (excepting the obvious like illegal weapons, stolen property, etc...)

Section Three - Personal Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.

1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear whatever style of clothes they wish? Yes, provided such clothes do not indecently expose or incite hate (and there are places where nudism is permitted).

2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to alter their legal names? Yes. To do so is a simple procedure; a person need only fill out a form and present it in person to their commune's clerk office.

3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to go out whenever they like? Yes. There are no restrictions on the people's freedom of movement, nor any curfews.

4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to participate in miscegenation? Yes. Our nation is very multiethnic/multicultural and we possess no laws that seek to enforce any form of racial segregation.

5/ Are your nation's citizens prohibited from working on the basis of their gender? No. All are free to pursue work based on their passions and are afforded advancement based on their capability.

6/ Are your nation's female citizens permitted to obtain abortions? Please give details if required. Yes. Abortions may be performed under any circumstance up until the foetus could survive unaided (i.e. be born prematurely) and survive, and can be done later if allowing the birth would risk the mother's life. Birth-defect screening is commonplace and encouraged, and foetuses with serious defects (i.e. down syndrome and other irreparable life-limiting conditions) are almost always aborted.

7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to affiliate with genuine political movements without interference? Yes. The only requirement for the formation of a political party is a quorum of signatories, and there are no restrictions on non-parliamentary groups (i.e. protest groups).

8/ At what age are your nation's citizens permitted to work? Apprenticeships are offered at age 16, with full employment available at age 18 (after the completion of secondary school). Some children can be authorised to work earlier for a family business.

9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to communicate in and produce literature in foreign languages? Yes, and this is very common as most Australics are multilingual.

10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to possess soft drugs such as marijuana for personal use? All drugs that do not cause immediate irreparable harm are legal but highly regulated (i.e. 'soft drugs', some psychedelics). One must obtain a certification from a doctor and/or psychologist that they are fit to use a certain amount, and rehabilitative services are available and free.

Section Four - Freedom of Information:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.

1/ Does your nation require ISPs to block websites? If so, which ones? There is only one ISP; see below.

2/ Does your Government directly (overriding ISPs) censor webpages or websites? If so, which ones? Our intranet has few connections to other nations (though they do exist), but we have no ability to censor the global network even if we wished to. Within our own intranet, only websites being used for criminal purposes are censored/blocked.

3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access international media? Yes. Foreign newspapers are commonplace, as is entertainment media. Foreign news radio and television is available from some other nations, and none are explicitly prohibited (some just don't relay here).

4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access dissenting opinions from other nations? Yes.

5/ Does your Government allow for an unrestricted flow of information on social media? Yes.

6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send photos and videos to people in other places? Yes, though our intranet does not presently have the technological capacity for pictures or video - such would have to be sent in the mail.

7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send international packages and letters? Yes, and we have a very robust postage system.

8/ Are your nation's citizens' packages, parcels or physical/electronic mail opened and checked? No.

9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to share information about Governmental shortcomings? Yes.

10/ Is outbound mail (physical/electronic) scanned/intercepted for certain information? No, barring passage through an x-ray or similar machine to screen for weapons, explosives, native animals, etc...

Section Five - Freedom of Movement:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
If your nation is currently under COVID lockdown, please answer using normal laws.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel throughout the country? Yes. Freedom of movement is a fundamental right and is not restricted.

2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel internationally? Yes, see above.

3/ Are your nation's students permitted to travel internationally for exchange/study initiatives? Not only is this permitted, but it is encouraged in order to allow students to experience other world-views.

4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to permanently migrate to another country? Yes, though they will automatically renounce their citizenship if they engage in certain practices (i.e. capitalistic property/business ownership).

5/ If yes to the previous question, are they permitted to return at any time? Yes. Those who return after losing citizenship will regain it, provided they no longer possess the offending assets.

6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to move house at any time? Yes, they just need to remember to update their details so the mail goes to the right home (unless they use a postal box, which is uncommon but growing in popularity).

7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to change jobs at any time? Yes. All citizens are guaranteed employment (with the unemployed offered training, education, and local work akin to FDR's Civil Works Administration) and may elect to pursue another occupation at any time, provided they can find an opening. In Australia, the threat of unemployment, underemployment, or homelessness is not used to cow the worker into accepting exploitative wage-slavery. A person can also choose to be unemployed or retired, excepting during the period of civil service (18-20). Do note that, whilst this does include basic firearms and military training, the bulk of civil service is done...civilly. It is a time where those Australics who didn't begin apprenticeships in secondary school can have preliminary experience in their chosen field (few actually chose the military) whilst receiving basic training in civil defence (including service in their local militia - like a neighborhood watch gendarmerie).

8/ What restrictions are there on your citizens' ability to buy and drive a personal motor vehicle? Personal motor vehicles are uncommon as our transport infrastructure is built around the use of pedestrian and public transport for transit, and road transport for freight. Personal vehicles are generally only owned by enthusiasts, but legally there are few restrictions beyond the need for a license.

9/ Are your nation's citizens required to log movements with a Government body of any kind? No, though a record of international arrivals/departures is kept in case of an emergency requiring repatriation (war, pandemic, global natural disaster, etc...)

10/ Is your nation open to holidaymakers from abroad? Yes, tourism is a major industry for Australia.

Section Six - Freedom of Religion:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.

1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in private? Yes.

2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in their workplaces? Yes. If a workplace is not within walking distance of a place of worship or community prayer hall, it would likely have its own space for such.

3/ Are parents permitted to remove their child from school subjects running contrary to their religious (or non-religious) beliefs? Absolutely not, this runs counter to one of the fundamental objectives of education, which is to provide a child with as much information on and interaction with as many world-views as possible to allow them to develop into well-adjusted, cooperative, and conscious adults. Those who seek to restrict a child's frame of reference restrict their ability to function in a global and multicultural society. Gender and Ideological segregation in education is still segregation, and as such should be abolished.

4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in worshiping facilities like churches and mosques? Yes. If a commune has no specific facility (unlikely for larger religions) communal facilities should be available.

5/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to withhold goods or services due to religious objections? Yes. If they are a family business-owner or independent contractor they can refuse business altogether. if they are a collective worker they can defer these services to another co-worker. Conscientious objection is a recognised right.

6/ Does your nation ban certain religions from being practiced or promoted? No. Freedom of religion is a fundamental right.

7/ Does your nation restrict travel by anyone belonging to any particular religion? No. Noone is restricted from travel.

8/ Does your nation permit the sale and/or distribution of religious materials such as holy books? Holy books are available for free in our public libraries and places of worship, and there are no restrictions on the personal ownership of these books.

9/ Does your nation treat members of all religions (and those who do not practice religion) equally before the law? Yes.

10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear symbols of their faith, or religious attire - at home and at work? Yes.

Section Seven - Freedom of the Press:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.

1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to form their own media company to report on national news events? Yes, this would be termed as a media collective.

2/ Are your nation's media companies permitted to operate independently of the Government? Yes. We (mostly) have a separation of powers.

3/ Are your nation's media companies expected to cut/edit stories which criticise the Government? No.

4/ Is your nation's state-owned broadcaster permitted to operate freely and independently? (Leave blank if no state broadcaster exists) The various local, state, and federal broadcasters, as collectives within the Consolidated Syndicates for Academics, operate independently insofar as the Syndicates operate independently.

5/ Do your nation's citizens have multiple sources to choose from in regards to journalism? Yes. Each commune will typically have its own journal, then there are generally state-level options, and then more niche options (i.e. hobby magazines, region or topic-focused news, foreign language news, etc...)

6/ Are elements of private or state-run media censored or cut during live airing? No.

7/ Are international media companies permitted to open operating arms within your nation? Provided such an arm is staffed with Australic citizens or dual citizens, who are collectivised and renumerated according to our laws and regulations, then yes.

8/ Are international media companies permitted to freely report on goings-on within your nation? Yes.

9/ Are your nation's media companies and journalists generally considered honest and unbiased in their reporting? Those that aren't are typically named and shamed by the Syndicate Assemblies, as they act not only as regulatory bodies but bodies of peer-review.

10/ Are members of the press permitted to directly interview and ask questions of Government officials? Yes, time is generally allotted in the usual Parliamentary and Syndicate schedules for such things.

Section Eight - Governmental and Electoral Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.

For this section, and the next on Criminal Rights, a reading of our factbook on Government & Politics would provide useful context.

1/ Is your nation's Government elected via a democratic election? (If not, please elaborate) All members of the Legislature and Executive (Syndicates) are elected democratically, though different procedures are used for each branch.

2/ If yes to the previous question, are these elections observed and/or scrutinised by an independent body? Yes, the Australic Electoral Institute.

3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to petition the Government? If so, are they entitled to a response? Yes, and yes. The right to petition is a fundamental political right.

4/ Does an equivalent to a FOIA or OIA system exist for citizens/media to request Governmental information? Yes, as above.

5/ What conditions must be met to qualify for running for office? One must be a citizen (as almost all residents are, see the section on citizenship in the above-provided link), of at least 18 years of age. and mentally capable.

6/ Are Members of Parliament (or your equivalent) free to criticise the ruling Government/party? Yes. Our system is not one of party lines and whips, members serve their constituents first.

7/ Are members of the public free to criticise the ruling Government/party? Yes.

8/ Are laws debated in Parliament (or your equivalent) before being bought into force? Yes. This occurs in both houses. Prior to this, the Cabinet would typically also debate laws, as well as any drafting committee involved.

9/ Are laws put through a public consultation process before being debated in Parliament (or your equivalent)? As mentioned in the factbook, most laws to be proposed are advertised before an election as part of the party/coalition's agenda - as such a victory is seen as a legislative mandate and a form of public consultation. Of course, actual consultation is undertaken by committees and the like. Referendums are popular, especially at the local level - sometimes more local legislation is done via direct democracy than representative democracy.

10/ Are members of the public permitted to directly contact Government officials such as local politicians? Yes, these politicians are but their representatives and peers, after all.

Section Nine - Criminal Rights and Due Process:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation follow the basic principle of "innocent until proven guilty" in relation to criminal suspects? Yes. In fact, we have three verdicts; guilty, not guilty, and not proven. A similar real-world example of a similar set-up would be Scotland.

2/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted access to legal assistance? Yes. By right, all are afforded legal assistance and representation.

3/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted to give no comment during an investigation? Yes, the right to silence is also one afforded.

4/ Does your nation use jury trials (excluding in niche examples such as complex financial or cybercrime)? All trials, excepting those in the high court, are required constitutionally to utilise juries. The right to be judged by one's peers is held sacrosanct, and the jury has the right to give a perverse verdict - to declare a defendant not guilty (or give an otherwise illogical verdict in a civil case) as a protest to an unjust law. As the jury is intended to represent society at large, and laws are supposed to represent the values of society at large, such an act is considered to be in the interest of a just society.

5/ If yes to the previous question, can trials in your nation be generally considered fair? Yes.

6/ Do people found guilty of a crime have the right to appeal a court's ruling/sentence? Yes, the right to appeal is a fundamental legal right.

7/ Are imprisoned people permitted to contact their family and friends? Yes. Our system is one that focuses on rehabilitation, rather than incarceration.

8/ Do your nation's prisons conform to basic human rights standards? Yes.

9/ Is a rehabilitation programme available to imprisoned people prior to their release? It is not just available, it is the norm. All prisoners are afforded the ability to seek rehabilitation, including education and employment, within prison facilities. Rehabilitation is the primary aim of incarceration and through rehabilitation, one can repay their societal debt.

10/ Does your nation take special care and consideration towards children suspected of committing crime? Yes.

Section Ten - Minority Rights and Equality:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.

1/ Are all citizens of your nation granted equal access to healthcare, education and police/emergency services? Yes. All equal, all free, all local, according to their need.

2/ Is same-sex marriage legal/performed in your nation? If not, does your nation recognise SSMs performed abroad? Same sex marriages/civil unions (all 'marriages are civil unions here, the term marriage is purely traditional and all unions of all sexualities can use the term) are fully legal and performed. In fact, reciprocal/closed-circuit polygamy is also legal (groups of more than 2 people where all members are married to all other members).

3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to be in a same-sex relationship? Yes.

4/ Are trans people in your nation permitted to self-identify with a different gender/sex? Yes.

5/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people given access to mental and physical healthcare? Yes, freely.

6/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people permitted to legally alter their registered sex/gender? Yes, though for medical reasons their birth sex will be kept a record of in the medical system.

7/ Are racial and sexual minorities granted the same legal rights as the rest of the population? Yes.

8/ When dealing with the Government, do non-native language speakers have the right to access an interpreter? Yes, and being a multilingual nation we, thankfully, have no shortage.

9/ Are LGBT+ individuals permitted to broadcast their opinions via TV, radio, print and/or the Internet? Yes.

10/ Does your nation practice segregation of any kind? No.

(OPTIONAL) - More information
We would appreciate filling in as much of this information as possible. However, this is not required to receive a complete score, and filling this information out will not change your score in any way.

What is the approximate ethnic makeup of your nation? (in percentages) Here is our nation's 2023 census.

How many official languages are there in your nation? What are these? Austro-Anglic is the official language, other languages that are spoken at home by at least 1% of the population include Mandarin, Hindi, Arabic, Turkic, Italic, Germanic, Hollandic, Hellenic, Austro-Gaelic, and Cantonese. Indigenous languages are often given co-official status in their local areas.

What is the political position of your nation's ruling Government? Our ruling government is a coalition of the Industrial Socialist Party and the Christian Social Democrats. All our political parties, and their ideologies, can be found listed within our factbook on political parties here.

What type of Government does your country have? Australia is a Federal Parliamentary Syndicalist Republic.

How many members of your nation's national assembly/legislature are there? At present, 158 senators (12 for each state, 4 for each territory, and 2 for New Guinea as it is a disputed territory) and 316 Members of Parliament. This may increase in the near future, however, as preliminary motions are underway to possibly grant statehood to our Pacific Territories.

(OOC) Which real life nation would you describe yours as being most similar to? Australia and New Zealand (of course), with some aspects from Scotland and Switzerland.

Are you satisfied with this index? Yes
Any suggestions or comments on how to improve? No more at present :)
January 27° - The 2025 Federal Election season has begun! Initial three-party preferred polls put the I.S.P. ahead at 37%, followed by the Country Party at 34%, then Labor at 29%.

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Posts: 62
Founded: Oct 16, 2019

Postby Aryax » Wed Mar 10, 2021 7:31 am

Your nation's full name (including pretitle) (the) People's Republic of Aryax
Your nation's current year 2021
Your nation's current IC tech level (This index is optimised for MT/PMT nations) MT
Your nation's IC population 7,542,891
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? If possible

Section One - Freedom of Speech:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens afforded the basic right to freedom of expression? Freedom of expression does not exist. Vague and overlapping laws set harsh punishments for any open expression of dissent, either in public or in private. The state operates an enormous surveillance apparatus that includes monitoring of all electronic communications, a huge number of informants, and the tagging of the population with unique ID chips. As a result, a climate of fear pervades much of daily life. Any suspicion of disloyalty can lead to forced disappearence, harsh sentencing in a closed trial, death, or forced internment in a psychiatric institution or an underground labor camp.
2/ If yes, how is this right protected by law? The law does not protect freedom of expression, and in fact severely limits it. Article 23 of the Constitution demands ideological loyalty from citizens as a fundamental duty. Vague and overlapping offenses such as "anticonstitutional activities" criminalize an enormous range of activities and can stack harsh penalties for even the most innocuous expression of dissent.
3/ Are your nation's citizens bound by hate speech laws? Citizens are bound by a variety of hate speech laws that are enforced arbitrarily as a weapon against political opposition. For example, "racism" and "gender supremacism" are criminal offenses, and the latter is often used to crush feminist expression.
4/ Does your nation allow social media companies to regulate their platforms without intervention? Social media as commonly understood does not exist in Aryax. All foreign social media is blocked.
5/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to social media? Freedom of speech and social media do not exist.
6/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to physical speech (ie, standing on the street corner)? Absolutely not. Any citizen attempting to express unauthorized thoughts via physical speech will be invariably abducted and forcibly disappeared by the Ministry of State Security (MGB).
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to speak online via encrypted applications? All domestic communications are strictly separated from global networks and thoroughly monitored. Dissent online is punished just as harshly as offline.
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to swear or curse in public? Swearing is mostly tolerated in private conversations, but doing so in public (especially if done loudly) can be grounds for arrest and prosecution on "public disorder" charges.
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear attire or apparel displaying anti-Government messages? Wearing, producing or writing any anti-government message will be met with politicized legal reprisals under Aryax's numerous draconian laws.
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to listen to or create music, films or other art containing anti-Government sentiments? According to article 32 of the Constitution, "artistic creation is free in the manner set by law". In practice, citizens are denied artistic freedom via heavy state censorship that affects both domestic and foreign art. In addition, the government has legal ownership of all artistic works. Consumption of foreign media or music can result in serious consequences.

Section Two - Economic Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ What is the average income tax rate in your nation? (%) There is no need for an effective taxation system in Aryax as the government is in full control of all economic activity at all levels.
2/ Are your nation's citizens free to set up a business? Aryax operates under a fully state-planned command economy where private enterprise is illegal. Any new businesses are set up by the government or by the ruling party and are fully state-owned.
3/ Are your nation's businesses/citizens permitted to trade with and/or import products from firms in other nations? The government controls all trade both domestic and with foreign countries, by ordering businesses what and what amount to export and import.
4/ Are your nation's citizens free to choose their own employment? If so, are they free to unionise? Citizens are assigned an employment by the state based on the education they chose. Changing it requires prior approval. A citizen's Social Credit score (more below) will affect the quality of the assigned employment and the ability to change it.
5/ Is private business permitted within your nation's economy? If so, are they beholden to antitrust regulations? The only way a private business can operate in Aryax is if it based abroad and it is awarded a public contract, which rarely happens.
6/ Does the Government limit the maximum amount of yearly income an individual is allowed to earn? The government sets all wages in all industries.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to buy and sell goods and services via the Internet? Citizens can not legally sell goods by themselves, either offline or online. Only state businesses are allowed to, and only in the manner set by the government. Citizens can buy online goods given these restrictions (and considering internet censorship as well).
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to open a bank account without Government approval? Only one bank operates in Aryax: the Aryax State Bank, which is fully government controlled. Hence, in practice, government approval is always required to open a bank account.
9/ At what age are your nation's citizens entitled to open a personal bank account? 18 (age of majority).
10/ Are your nation's (adult) citizens restricted from owning land, property, businesses and commodities for any reason? All land, all businesses and almost all property are legally state-owned. There are only very limited rights to non-economically productive property, and in practice this is a privilege that can be withdrawn at any time for any reason.

Section Three - Personal Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear whatever style of clothes they wish? Due to the state's control over the entire economy, available clothes in shops are effectively pre-approved by the government, which also enforces dress codes that are directed mostly towards women.
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to alter their legal names? Technically, yes, but it requires government approval through a lengthy bureaucratic process.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to go out whenever they like? Citizens require a special permit to leave home at night, to have guests at home overnight, and to leave their municipality.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to participate in miscegenation? Marriage to a foreign citizen requires state approval. Otherwise, miscegenation is unrestricted, but highly unlikely given Aryax's ethnic uniformity and tight freedom of movement controls.
5/ Are your nation's citizens prohibited from working on the basis of their gender? Women are banned from a list of over 100 jobs, ostensibly to protect their health.
6/ Are your nation's female citizens permitted to obtain abortions? Please give details if required. Abortions are permitted on request during the first 3 months of pregnancy.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to affiliate with genuine political movements without interference? Aryax is a one-party state where the ruling People's Revolutionary Movement (PRM) holds a legal and practical monopoly on political power and does not tolerate any opposition or deviation from the official line.
8/ At what age are your nation's citizens permitted to work? 16 (article 29 of the Constitution).
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to communicate in and produce literature in foreign languages? Technically, yes, but they are still subject to all freedom of expression controls and censorship that applies to any communication in the Aryaxian language.
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to possess soft drugs such as marijuana for personal use? Possession, sale, purchase or use of any recreational drugs can result in execution.

Section Four - Freedom of Information:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation require ISPs to block websites? If so, which ones? Access to the international web is filtered through a whitelist, instead of a blacklist. Only informative webpages presenting objective information or those towing to the government line are allowed.
2/ Does your Government directly (overriding ISPs) censor webpages or websites? If so, which ones? There is only one ISP operating in Aryax: the Aryax State Telecommunications Company, which is fully state-owned. As a result, there is no difference between direct government blocking and ISP blocking.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access international media? Nearly all international media is blocked or jammed, and consumption is equated with disloyalty and treason.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access dissenting opinions from other nations? Such opinions are censored and access is considered treason.
5/ Does your Government allow for an unrestricted flow of information on social media? There is no social media and the government tightly controls all flow of information.
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send photos and videos to people in other places? Photos or videos of most public buildings, utilities and facilities are illegal. Sending photos or videos abroad is extremely difficult given the restricted flows of information in and out of Aryax. Within Aryax, they can be sent but they will be inspected by the government and can be censored for any reason.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send international packages and letters? Yes, but they are inspected to make sure they don't contain any anti-government message.
8/ Are your nation's citizens' packages, parcels or physical/electronic mail opened and checked? Yes, always.
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to share information about Governmental shortcomings? Citizens may submit complains to a special government portal. Excessive criticism of the government can be deemed suspicious and met with punishment. Sharing government shortcomings anywhere but in this special government portal is effectively illegal.
10/ Is outbound mail (physical/electronic) scanned/intercepted for certain information? All physical and electronic communication is surveilled and censored. Any serious criticism of the government over mail will result in prosecution.

Section Five - Freedom of Movement:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
If your nation is currently under COVID lockdown, please answer using normal laws.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel throughout the country? Leaving the municipality of residence requires prior government approval, which can depend on a citizen's Social Credit score.
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel internationally? Leaving the country requires an exit visa, which is often denied.
3/ Are your nation's students permitted to travel internationally for exchange/study initiatives? Aryax does not participate in student exchange programs, though foreign students can be enrolled in Aryaxian educational institutions.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to permanently migrate to another country? Legal permanent emigration is very rarely granted. Illegal emigration is considered treason.
5/ If yes to the previous question, are they permitted to return at any time? Any citizen that leaves Aryax is expected to return. If the emigration was illegal, going back to Aryax will result in prosecution and harsh penalties.
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to move house at any time? Only with government approval, which largely depends on a citizen's Social Credit score.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to change jobs at any time? As explained in Section Two, the state chooses a citizen's employment and changing it requires approval, which depends on Social Credit score.
8/ What restrictions are there on your citizens' ability to buy and drive a personal motor vehicle? Citizens are not allowed to own personal motor vehicles, which only exist as public transport.
9/ Are your nation's citizens required to log movements with a Government body of any kind? Citizens are tagged at birth with unique ID chips that record their movements, which are actively monitored by the government to control movement patterns and detect unauthorized gatherings.
10/ Is your nation open to holidaymakers from abroad? Yes, but only in guided tours. Tourists must be accompanied by a government agent at all times.

Section Six - Freedom of Religion:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in private? Any unauthorized religious activity is illegal. No faiths are tolerated in practice. Religion is subject to some of the harshest persecution one can suffer inside of Aryax, with religious believers systematically abducted and deported to underground concentration camps.
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in their workplaces? See above.
3/ Are parents permitted to remove their child from school subjects running contrary to their religious (or non-religious) beliefs? Intense state indoctrination precludes freedom of religion. Parents are not allowed to remove their children from any school subjects. Organized religion is regularly demonized in the classroom, and strict atheism is enforced in all educational institutions as is elsewhere in the country.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in worshiping facilities like churches and mosques? All worshiping facilities have been destroyed, with the single exception of one multi-faith centre in the capital Arkanoviverna which is exclusively reserved for foreign diplomats.
5/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to withhold goods or services due to religious objections? All economic activity is controlled by the state, and citizens can not disobey state orders for any reason. The government actively forces citizens to perform actions that are disapproved of in major religions (e.g. abortions, eating pork) and effectively enslaves those who object.
6/ Does your nation ban certain religions from being practiced or promoted? In theory, any religious activity needs prior government approval, but in practice any religious activity whatsoever is completely banned.
7/ Does your nation restrict travel by anyone belonging to any particular religion? While the state maintains very strict travel controls, religion is not an enforced criteria. However, visitors must not practice their religion inside Aryax, and any religious material (e.g. Bibles) is seized and destroyed at the border.
8/ Does your nation permit the sale and/or distribution of religious materials such as holy books? Only the state may distribute religious materials, but in practice it distributes none. Instead, citizens are exposed to rampant anti-religious propaganda. Sale, purchase or possession of holy books is grounds for immediate deportation to a concentration camp.
9/ Does your nation treat members of all religions (and those who do not practice religion) equally before the law? The state actively attempts to exterminate religious believers within its borders, and privileges atheists at all levels.
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear symbols of their faith, or religious attire - at home and at work? Any display of religiousness is actively suppressed and subject to extremely severe persecution.

Section Seven - Freedom of the Press:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to form their own media company to report on national news events? Just as all businesses, all media is owned by the government. Citizens can not create their media companies on their own initiative.
2/ Are your nation's media companies permitted to operate independently of the Government? No independent media organizations are allowed to operate in Aryax. The government has a monopoly on all products, including the supply of paper, ink, computers and other key material, and can withhold them from media companies at will. In addition, there are the usual limitations on freedom of expression as well as heavy, PRM-directed censorship.
3/ Are your nation's media companies expected to cut/edit stories which criticise the Government? Censorship and the use of media for propaganda are rampant. Most news stories are directly written by PRM members.
4/ Is your nation's state-owned broadcaster permitted to operate freely and independently? (Leave blank if no state broadcaster exists) Just as all media in the country, the state broadcaster is tightly controlled by the government and serves a mixed informative-propagandistic function.
5/ Do your nation's citizens have multiple sources to choose from in regards to journalism? Technically speaking, there are several different local newspapers operating in Aryax. However, all are owned by the government and used for propaganda purposes.
6/ Are elements of private or state-run media censored or cut during live airing? Connection can be cut at will by the government. This is often not necessary though, given prior censorship and the fact that most of the population is reluctant to challenge the government.
7/ Are international media companies permitted to open operating arms within your nation? Yes, though very few companies are allowed to and their reporting is tightly controlled. If they oppose or criticize the government at any point, they are closed and its foreign staff is deported.
8/ Are international media companies permitted to freely report on goings-on within your nation? Not from within Aryax. Most media are banned from accessing altogether, but the few that are allowed to visit the country have their routes pre-planned and supervised by government agents.
9/ Are your nation's media companies and journalists generally considered honest and unbiased in their reporting? All media invariably exhibit a borderline-propaganda progovernment bias. Journalists self-censor and are subject to external censorship as well.
10/ Are members of the press permitted to directly interview and ask questions of Government officials? Only domestic media is allowed to interview officials in practice, and never live, so that the footage can be carefully edited and censored before broadcast.

Section Eight - Governmental and Electoral Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Is your nation's Government elected via a democratic election? (If not, please elaborate) Aryax holds elections every five years, but only the PRM is allowed to participate. All candidates are preselected in intraparty congresses and run unopposed. All citizens aged 18 or more can vote; voting is mandatory. Rejection of the preselected PRM candidates is interpreted as treason.
2/ If yes to the previous question, are these elections observed and/or scrutinised by an independent body? While there is a clear electoral framework, it is carefully tailored to deny any genuine alternative to the PRM. There are no independent commissions at all in Aryax, let alone electoral ones.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to petition the Government? If so, are they entitled to a response? Citizens can petition the government and have a right to response (article 20 of the Constitution). This is done exclusively through a government complains portal. Overly direct or excessive criticism through this portal still results in persecution. Most citizen petitions are rejected.
4/ Does an equivalent to a FOIA or OIA system exist for citizens/media to request Governmental information? There is no right to access of information. Even basic information about institutional operations is treated as a state secret. Official figures are known to be distorted to match the regime's ideological goals.
5/ What conditions must be met to qualify for running for office? Formally: be aged 18 or more, be an Aryaxian citizen, be a member of the PRM. In practice, all candidates are preselected by the PRM in advance. Subnational delegates and councils are appointed vertically by the national government; similarly, mayors and municipal councils are appointed by the respective provincial council.
6/ Are Members of Parliament (or your equivalent) free to criticise the ruling Government/party? All members of parliament are members of the ruling party. The People's Assembly is, in practice, reduced to rubber-stamp approval of decisions made backstage by PRM elites.
7/ Are members of the public free to criticise the ruling Government/party? Absolutely not. Restrictions on freedom of expression have been widely commented elsewhere in the survey.
8/ Are laws debated in Parliament (or your equivalent) before being bought into force? All decisions are made backstage by the PRM then rushed through formal government channels to get rubber-stamp approval.
9/ Are laws put through a public consultation process before being debated in Parliament (or your equivalent)? See above.
10/ Are members of the public permitted to directly contact Government officials such as local politicians? Only through the usual government complains online portal.

Section Nine - Criminal Rights and Due Process:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation follow the basic principle of "innocent until proven guilty" in relation to criminal suspects? No. Court proceedings can be such a farce that sometimes punishments are applied before the sentence, because the veredict is already pre-made.
2/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted access to legal assistance? Yes, if they request so.
3/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted to give no comment during an investigation? Detainees have no right to silence. Withholding information can result in the use of torture to extract it, even though torture is explicitly banned under Aryaxian law.
4/ Does your nation use jury trials (excluding in niche examples such as complex financial or cybercrime)? Never.
5/ If yes to the previous question, can trials in your nation be generally considered fair? Trials in Aryaxian can not be considered fair. The judiciary is under government control both in law and in practice. Laws are often vague and arbitrarily enforced to the benefit of PRM elites.
6/ Do people found guilty of a crime have the right to appeal a court's ruling/sentence? Yes, up to the Supreme Court.
7/ Are imprisoned people permitted to contact their family and friends? Visits are limited to once per month in the regular prison system. For detainees in labor camps, family or friend contact is impossible.
8/ Do your nation's prisons conform to basic human rights standards? State actors commit atrocities with absolute impunity. Torture, forced labor, starvation and other gruesome abuses are routine in labor camps.
9/ Is a rehabilitation programme available to imprisoned people prior to their release? No. In the regular prison system, inmates are "rehabilitated" through political indoctrination programs.
10/ Does your nation take special care and consideration towards children suspected of committing crime? Young detainees under the age of majority can not be sent to prison, and instead expected to attend political indoctrination classes.

Section Ten - Minority Rights and Equality:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are all citizens of your nation granted equal access to healthcare, education and police/emergency services? Harsh discrimination is prevalent throughout daily life, and it is mainly based on political reliability and ideological conformity. Citizens are classified according to their behavior through a Social Credit System, which affects their ability to choose place of residence, education, access to medial facilities and stores, and others. The LGBT collective is criminalized, deeply affecting their ability to obtain government services.
2/ Is same-sex marriage legal/performed in your nation? If not, does your nation recognise SSMs performed abroad? Aryax does not recognize any same-sex marriage, no matter where it is performed.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to be in a same-sex relationship? Same-sex sexual activity is a crime, and being openly or suspectedly LGBT can result in deportation to a concentration camp.
4/ Are trans people in your nation permitted to self-identify with a different gender/sex? Aryax only recognizes biological sex. Cross-dressing is banned under the nationwide dress codes.
5/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people given access to mental and physical healthcare? Trans people are often forced into psychiatric institutions against their will.
6/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people permitted to legally alter their registered sex/gender? No.
7/ Are racial and sexual minorities granted the same legal rights as the rest of the population? Racial minorities formally have the same rights as ethnic Aryaxians, though they experience societal discrimination, partly as a result of pervasive hyperpatriotic propaganda. The LGBT collective is criminalized and faces very harsh treatment by the government. Women do not enjoy legal equality and face widespread discrimination: article 14 of the Constitution calls for gender equality only "within the limits of basic biology", and laws banning "gender supremacism", "false reporting of a crime" and "anticonstitutional activities" compound the problem; objectification and sexual harassment of women are rife.
8/ When dealing with the Government, do non-native language speakers have the right to access an interpreter? Yes, if they request so.
9/ Are LGBT+ individuals permitted to broadcast their opinions via TV, radio, print and/or the Internet? Being openly LGBT can result in deportation to a concentration camp, besides, all the usual freedom of expression restrictions apply.
10/ Does your nation practice segregation of any kind? Unless the systematic elimination of the LGBT and religious population counts, no.

(OPTIONAL) - More information
We would appreciate filling in as much of this information as possible. However, this is not required to receive a complete score, and filling this information out will not change your score in any way.
What is the approximate ethnic makeup of your nation? (in percentages) >99% Aryaxian, <1% other (including ~1000 refugees)
How many official languages are there in your nation? What are these? One (Aryaxian)
What is the political position of your nation's ruling Government? Nominally far-left. In practice: economically far-left, socially far-right.
What type of Government does your country have? Totalitarian one-party socialist dictatorship.
How many members of your nation's national assembly/legislature are there? 229
(OOC) Which real life nation would you describe yours as being most similar to? Wealthier North Korea with a dash of mainland China

Are you satisfied with this index? Yes. It took two and a half hours to complete so that the most accurate and detailed answers could be offered. Note that discrimination against women has been included in question 10.7, as it seemed the most appropiate.
Any suggestions or comments on how to improve? Already submitted them in the consultation phase. Maybe darken the yellow in "Somewhat Free" and remove the black background.
People's Republic of Aryax
Ⰰⱃⱑⰽⱄⰰⱑ Ⱀⰰⱃⱁⰴⱀⰰⱑ Ⱃⰵⱄⱂⱆⰱⰾⰹⰽⰰ
Arjaksaja Narodnaja Rjespublika
Read first | Overview | Constitution | Leader
Pogaria wrote:Wow, I've never seen a nation that was this restrictive. I can see why you're #1 for "Most Extreme".

Trotterdam wrote:The really weird thing is that Aryax still manages to score highly on a number of scales such as Average Income of Poor, Cheerfulness, Lifespan, Human Development Index, and Intelligence. Apparently, this is a totalitarian dictatorship that works.
Vivolkha's main stat-playing puppet. WARNING: All factbooks need a revamp. This nation does not represent my views.

User avatar
Posts: 64
Founded: Mar 22, 2020

Postby Jinkara » Wed Mar 10, 2021 8:12 am

[spoiler=International Freedom Index]
Your nation's full name (including pretitle) The Theocracy of Jinkara
Your nation's current year 2051
Your nation's current IC tech level (This index is optimised for MT/PMT nations) IDK
Your nation's IC population IDK
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? Yes

Section One - Freedom of Speech:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens afforded the basic right to freedom of expression? Yes
2/ If yes, how is this right protected by law? Through the constitution and government protections
3/ Are your nation's citizens bound by hate speech laws?No
4/ Does your nation allow social media companies to regulate their platforms without intervention?Yes
5/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to social media?Yes
6/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to physical speech (ie, standing on the street corner)?Yes
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to speak online via encrypted applications?Yes
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to swear or curse in public?Yes
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear attire or apparel displaying anti-Government messages?Yes
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to listen to or create music, films or other art containing anti-Government sentiments?Yes

Section Two - Economic Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ What is the average income tax rate in your nation? (%) 65.1%
2/ Are your nation's citizens free to set up a business?Yes
3/ Are your nation's businesses/citizens permitted to trade with and/or import products from firms in other nations?Yes
4/ Are your nation's citizens free to choose their own employment? If so, are they free to unionise?Yes, yes
5/ Is private business permitted within your nation's economy? If so, are they beholden to antitrust regulations?Yes,no
6/ Does the Government limit the maximum amount of yearly income an individual is allowed to earn?No
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to buy and sell goods and services via the Internet?Yes
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to open a bank account without Government approval?Yes
9/ At what age are your nation's citizens entitled to open a personal bank account?0, (there is no minimum age to create a bank account).
10/ Are your nation's (adult) citizens restricted from owning land, property, businesses and commodities for any reason?No

Section Three - Personal Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear whatever style of clothes they wish?Yes
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to alter their legal names?Yes
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to go out whenever they like?Yes
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to participate in miscegenation?Yes
5/ Are your nation's citizens prohibited from working on the basis of their gender?No
6/ Are your nation's female citizens permitted to obtain abortions? Please give details if required.Yes
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to affiliate with genuine political movements without interference?Yes
8/ At what age are your nation's citizens permitted to work?0, (no minimum age)
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to communicate in and produce literature in foreign languages?Yes
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to possess soft drugs such as marijuana for personal use?Yes

Section Four - Freedom of Information:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation require ISPs to block websites? If so, which ones?No
2/ Does your Government directly (overriding ISPs) censor webpages or websites? If so, which ones?No
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access international media?Yes
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access dissenting opinions from other nations?Yes
5/ Does your Government allow for an unrestricted flow of information on social media?Yes
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send photos and videos to people in other places?Yes
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send international packages and letters?Yes
8/ Are your nation's citizens' packages, parcels or physical/electronic mail opened and checked?No
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to share information about Governmental shortcomings?Yes
10/ Is outbound mail (physical/electronic) scanned/intercepted for certain information?No

Section Five - Freedom of Movement:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
If your nation is currently under COVID lockdown, please answer using normal laws.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel throughout the country?Yes
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel internationally?Yes
3/ Are your nation's students permitted to travel internationally for exchange/study initiatives?Yes
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to permanently migrate to another country?Yes
5/ If yes to the previous question, are they permitted to return at any time?Yes
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to move house at any time?Yes
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to change jobs at any time?Yes
8/ What restrictions are there on your citizens' ability to buy and drive a personal motor vehicle?None
9/ Are your nation's citizens required to log movements with a Government body of any kind?No
10/ Is your nation open to holidaymakers from abroad?Yes

Section Six - Freedom of Religion:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in private?Yes
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in their workplaces?Yes
3/ Are parents permitted to remove their child from school subjects running contrary to their religious (or non-religious) beliefs?Yes
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in worshiping facilities like churches and mosques?Yes
5/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to withhold goods or services due to religious objections?Yes
6/ Does your nation ban certain religions from being practiced or promoted?Any acts that would violate normal Jinkaran laws is not allowed to be permitted by religions
7/ Does your nation restrict travel by anyone belonging to any particular religion?No
8/ Does your nation permit the sale and/or distribution of religious materials such as holy books?Yes
9/ Does your nation treat members of all religions (and those who do not practice religion) equally before the law?Yes
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear symbols of their faith, or religious attire - at home and at work?Yes

Section Seven - Freedom of the Press:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to form their own media company to report on national news events?Yes
2/ Are your nation's media companies permitted to operate independently of the Government?Yes
3/ Are your nation's media companies expected to cut/edit stories which criticise the Government?No
4/ Is your nation's state-owned broadcaster permitted to operate freely and independently? (Leave blank if no state broadcaster exists)Yes
5/ Do your nation's citizens have multiple sources to choose from in regards to journalism?Yes
6/ Are elements of private or state-run media censored or cut during live airing?No
7/ Are international media companies permitted to open operating arms within your nation?Yes
8/ Are international media companies permitted to freely report on goings-on within your nation?Yes
9/ Are your nation's media companies and journalists generally considered honest and unbiased in their reporting?Yes
10/ Are members of the press permitted to directly interview and ask questions of Government officials?Yes

Section Eight - Governmental and Electoral Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Is your nation's Government elected via a democratic election? (If not, please elaborate)Yes, with the exception of the Royal family
2/ If yes to the previous question, are these elections observed and/or scrutinised by an independent body?Yes
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to petition the Government? If so, are they entitled to a response?Yes, yes
4/ Does an equivalent to a FOIA or OIA system exist for citizens/media to request Governmental information?Yes
5/ What conditions must be met to qualify for running for office? Be a citizen, have permission from the monarch, and follow the Sikh religion
6/ Are Members of Parliament (or your equivalent) free to criticise the ruling Government/party?Yes
7/ Are members of the public free to criticise the ruling Government/party?Yes
8/ Are laws debated in Parliament (or your equivalent) before being bought into force?Yes
9/ Are laws put through a public consultation process before being debated in Parliament (or your equivalent)?Yes
10/ Are members of the public permitted to directly contact Government officials such as local politicians?Yes

Section Nine - Criminal Rights and Due Process:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation follow the basic principle of "innocent until proven guilty" in relation to criminal suspects?Yes
2/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted access to legal assistance?Yes
3/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted to give no comment during an investigation?Yes
4/ Does your nation use jury trials (excluding in niche examples such as complex financial or cybercrime)?Yess
5/ If yes to the previous question, can trials in your nation be generally considered fair?Yes
6/ Do people found guilty of a crime have the right to appeal a court's ruling/sentence?Yes
7/ Are imprisoned people permitted to contact their family and friends?We don't have prisons
8/ Do your nation's prisons conform to basic human rights standards?We don't have prisons
9/ Is a rehabilitation programme available to imprisoned people prior to their release?We don't have prisons
10/ Does your nation take special care and consideration towards children suspected of committing crime?No, children are tried as adults

Section Ten - Minority Rights and Equality:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are all citizens of your nation granted equal access to healthcare, education and police/emergency services?Yes
2/ Is same-sex marriage legal/performed in your nation? If not, does your nation recognise SSMs performed abroad?Yes
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to be in a same-sex relationship?Yes
4/ Are trans people in your nation permitted to self-identify with a different gender/sex?Yes
5/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people given access to mental and physical healthcare?Yes
6/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people permitted to legally alter their registered sex/gender?Yes
7/ Are racial and sexual minorities granted the same legal rights as the rest of the population?Yes
8/ When dealing with the Government, do non-native language speakers have the right to access an interpreter?No, with the exception of sign language and braille
9/ Are LGBT+ individuals permitted to broadcast their opinions via TV, radio, print and/or the Internet?Yes
10/ Does your nation practice segregation of any kind?No

(OPTIONAL) - More information
We would appreciate filling in as much of this information as possible. However, this is not required to receive a complete score, and filling this information out will not change your score in any way.
What is the approximate ethnic makeup of your nation? (in percentages)40% Punjabi, 20% Pashto, 15% Rajput, 25% Everything else
How many official languages are there in your nation? What are these?4, Punjabi, English, French, Pashto
What is the political position of your nation's ruling Government?Libertarianisque
What type of Government does your country have?Theocratic system
How many members of your nation's national assembly/legislature are there?300
(OOC) Which real life nation would you describe yours as being most similar to?Singapore-U.S.A

Are you satisfied with this index?Yes
Any suggestions or comments on how to improve?No
Last edited by Jinkara on Wed Mar 10, 2021 8:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

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National Capitalist United States
Posts: 584
Founded: Dec 07, 2020

Postby National Capitalist United States » Wed Mar 10, 2021 3:29 pm

Your nation's full name (including pretitle) The Entrepreneurial Freedom Zone of National Capitalist United States
Your nation's current year 2021
Your nation's current IC tech level (This index is optimised for MT/PMT nations) MT
Your nation's IC population 291 million
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? Yes

Section One - Freedom of Speech:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens afforded the basic right to freedom of expression? No. Freedom of speech is rooted in liberalism
2/ If yes, how is this right protected by law?
3/ Are your nation's citizens bound by hate speech laws? Only if against straights, whites or males.
4/ Does your nation allow social media companies to regulate their platforms without intervention? No
5/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to social media? No
6/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to physical speech (ie, standing on the street corner)? No
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to speak online via encrypted applications? no.
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to swear or curse in public? Yes, but it's seen bad by society
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear attire or apparel displaying anti-Government messages? If you want to get hanged for treason, yes.
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to listen to or create music, films or other art containing anti-Government sentiments? See above.

Section Two - Economic Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ What is the average income tax rate in your nation? (%) 25,4%
2/ Are your nation's citizens free to set up a business? Yes
3/ Are your nation's businesses/citizens permitted to trade with and/or import products from firms in other nations? Nope.
4/ Are your nation's citizens free to choose their own employment? If so, are they free to unionise? Yes, but labor unions are socialist BS
5/ Is private business permitted within your nation's economy? If so, are they beholden to antitrust regulations? Yes. No, Anti-trust is code for anti-capitalist
6/ Does the Government limit the maximum amount of yearly income an individual is allowed to earn? Nope
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to buy and sell goods and services via the Internet? Yes
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to open a bank account without Government approval? Yes, but the banks are owned by friends of the goverment.
9/ At what age are your nation's citizens entitled to open a personal bank account? 14
10/ Are your nation's (adult) citizens restricted from owning land, property, businesses and commodities for any reason? Only if they aren't nordic in race, male, straight or christian. They may be restricted if they commit a crime

Section Three - Personal Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear whatever style of clothes they wish? No, otherwise the western civilisation would fall!
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to alter their legal names? No.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to go out whenever they like? Curfew's at ten.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to participate in miscegenation? Race-mixing is communism
5/ Are your nation's citizens prohibited from working on the basis of their gender? Women must stay at home!
6/ Are your nation's female citizens permitted to obtain abortions? Please give details if required. n o
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to affiliate with genuine political movements without interference? no.
8/ At what age are your nation's citizens permitted to work? 6
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to communicate in and produce literature in foreign languages? Only if the languages are allowed by the goverment
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to possess soft drugs such as marijuana for personal use? Drugs were invented by the devil to turn kids away from Christ!

Section Four - Freedom of Information:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation require ISPs to block websites? If so, which ones? Yes. Anything that isn't run from the country
2/ Does your Government directly (overriding ISPs) censor webpages or websites? If so, which ones? Yes. Anything that disagrees with the goverment.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access international media? No
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access dissenting opinions from other nations? No
5/ Does your Government allow for an unrestricted flow of information on social media? No
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send photos and videos to people in other places? No
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send international packages and letters? No
8/ Are your nation's citizens' packages, parcels or physical/electronic mail opened and checked? Yes
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to share information about Governmental shortcomings? Any so-called "Govermental shortcomings" are FAKE NEWS!
10/ Is outbound mail (physical/electronic) scanned/intercepted for certain information? Yes

Section Five - Freedom of Movement:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
If your nation is currently under COVID lockdown, please answer using normal laws.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel throughout the country? Yes, if they have the money of course
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel internationally? Only to northern Europe
3/ Are your nation's students permitted to travel internationally for exchange/study initiatives? See above.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to permanently migrate to another country? That would mean that they fell for the Marxists koolaid, so no.
5/ If yes to the previous question, are they permitted to return at any time?
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to move house at any time? Of course, if they can pay for it
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to change jobs at any time? Yes, as long there's a job available
8/ What restrictions are there on your citizens' ability to buy and drive a personal motor vehicle? They need to get a license
9/ Are your nation's citizens required to log movements with a Government body of any kind?Yes. They must enter either the church, the military, or the McParty.
10/ Is your nation open to holidaymakers from abroad? No. Only OUR culture is allowed

Section Six - Freedom of Religion:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in private? Only if christianity
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in their workplaces? See above
3/ Are parents permitted to remove their child from school subjects running contrary to their religious (or non-religious) beliefs? That's treason against the church, which is technically a part of the goverment
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in worshiping facilities like churches and mosques? Only churches
5/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to withhold goods or services due to religious objections? Yes.
6/ Does your nation ban certain religions from being practiced or promoted? Anything that isn't a form of christianity.
7/ Does your nation restrict travel by anyone belonging to any particular religion? Anyone that isn't Christian
8/ Does your nation permit the sale and/or distribution of religious materials such as holy books? Yes (but see 6/)
9/ Does your nation treat members of all religions (and those who do not practice religion) equally before the law? Nope. According to the goverment, Christianity is superior to all other religions
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear symbols of their faith, or religious attire - at home and at work? See 6/

Section Seven - Freedom of the Press:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to form their own media company to report on national news events? Yes.
2/ Are your nation's media companies permitted to operate independently of the Government?Yes, but all the content is reviewed before publication
3/ Are your nation's media companies expected to cut/edit stories which criticise the Government? Yes. Otherwise your life might end shortly because you were found guilty of treason
4/ Is your nation's state-owned broadcaster permitted to operate freely and independently? (Leave blank if no state broadcaster exists) No
5/ Do your nation's citizens have multiple sources to choose from in regards to journalism? As long as it supports the goverment.
6/ Are elements of private or state-run media censored or cut during live airing? Yes. Anything that goes against the goverment is cut.
7/ Are international media companies permitted to open operating arms within your nation? No. They might be liberals in disguise
8/ Are international media companies permitted to freely report on goings-on within your nation? See above
9/ Are your nation's media companies and journalists generally considered honest and unbiased in their reporting? Yes. Anything saying the contrary is FAKE NEWS!
10/ Are members of the press permitted to directly interview and ask questions of Government officials? Yes

Section Eight - Governmental and Electoral Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Is your nation's Government elected via a democratic election? (If not, please elaborate) Nope. Donald Trump III, was declared president for life by the fortuna 500 companies.
2/ If yes to the previous question, are these elections observed and/or scrutinised by an independent body? lmao no.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to petition the Government? If so, are they entitled to a response? Not at all. They might even get executed for treason
4/ Does an equivalent to a FOIA or OIA system exist for citizens/media to request Governmental information?No.
5/ What conditions must be met to qualify for running for office? You must be part of the Trump bloodline
6/ Are Members of Parliament (or your equivalent) free to criticise the ruling Government/party? There's no parliament. Only Trump III
7/ Are members of the public free to criticise the ruling Government/party? If they want to get hanged, yes.
8/ Are laws debated in Parliament (or your equivalent) before being bought into force? See 6/
9/ Are laws put through a public consultation process before being debated in Parliament (or your equivalent)?See above
10/ Are members of the public permitted to directly contact Government officials such as local politicians? Yes, but they might end up getting hanged for treason

Section Nine - Criminal Rights and Due Process:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation follow the basic principle of "innocent until proven guilty" in relation to criminal suspects? That's socialist BS
2/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted access to legal assistance? Nope. He must pay for of get sent to slavery
3/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted to give no comment during an investigation? Nope. That's considered perjury.
4/ Does your nation use jury trials (excluding in niche examples such as complex financial or cybercrime)? There are no courts, only choices are becoming a gladiator or a slave.
5/ If yes to the previous question, can trials in your nation be generally considered fair?See above
6/ Do people found guilty of a crime have the right to appeal a court's ruling/sentence?See above
7/ Are imprisoned people permitted to contact their family and friends?Yes.
8/ Do your nation's prisons conform to basic human rights standards?No prisons.
9/ Is a rehabilitation programme available to imprisoned people prior to their release? That would cost Patriotic American Capitalist too much
10/ Does your nation take special care and consideration towards children suspected of committing crime? no.

Section Ten - Minority Rights and Equality:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are all citizens of your nation granted equal access to healthcare, education and police/emergency services?They might get refused if they're not nordic or christian.
2/ Is same-sex marriage legal/performed in your nation? If not, does your nation recognise SSMs performed abroad? That would literally be the fall of the western civilisation! The alphabet people are prohibited from visiting our great nation.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to be in a same-sex relationship? If they want to end up as a slave for the Southern Cotton Company, yes, as our great scientist have determined homosexuality is a choice
4/ Are trans people in your nation permitted to self-identify with a different gender/sex?Lmao. See above
5/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people given access to mental and physical healthcare?
6/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people permitted to legally alter their registered sex/gender?
7/ Are racial and sexual minorities granted the same legal rights as the rest of the population? Nope.
8/ When dealing with the Government, do non-native language speakers have the right to access an interpreter? Yes, but they must pay for it
9/ Are LGBT+ individuals permitted to broadcast their opinions via TV, radio, print and/or the Internet? They would indoctrinate our children into their satanic propaganda, so no.
10/ Does your nation practice segregation of any kind? All races must be segregated.

(OPTIONAL) - More information
We would appreciate filling in as much of this information as possible. However, this is not required to receive a complete score, and filling this information out will not change your score in any way.
What is the approximate ethnic makeup of your nation? (in percentages)65% Nordic, 15% mediterrenian, 7% Mestizo, 5% Mongolian, 5% Slavic, 1% Jewish, 1% Indochinese, 1% other
How many official languages are there in your nation? What are these? 1: English
What is the political position of your nation's ruling Government? National Capitalism
What type of Government does your country have? Corporatocracy
How many members of your nation's national assembly/legislature are there? none.
(OOC) Which real life nation would you describe yours as being most similar to? Nazi Germany, but without the welfare and extermination of jewish people

Are you satisfied with this index? Yes
Any suggestions or comments on how to improve?
Last edited by National Capitalist United States on Wed Mar 10, 2021 3:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Entrepreneurial Freedom Zone

─╤══̵̵͇̿̿̿̿╦︻ Put this in your sig if you are a war profiteer ︻╦̵̵͇̿̿̿̿══╤─

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South Americanastan
Posts: 2336
Founded: Jun 26, 2019

Postby South Americanastan » Wed Mar 10, 2021 3:49 pm

Your nation's full name (including pretitle) The Federation of South Americanastan
Your nation's current year 2020
Your nation's current IC tech level (This index is optimised for MT/PMT nations) MT/ very early PMT
Your nation's IC population 45 Million
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? Yes

Section One - Freedom of Speech:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens afforded the basic right to freedom of expression? Yes
2/ If yes, how is this right protected by law? It's in the constitution
3/ Are your nation's citizens bound by hate speech laws? No, any and all speech is allowed
4/ Does your nation allow social media companies to regulate their platforms without intervention? No
5/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to social media? Yes
6/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to physical speech (ie, standing on the street corner)? Yes
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to speak online via encrypted applications? Yes
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to swear or curse in public? Fuck Yeah
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear attire or apparel displaying anti-Government messages? Yes
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to listen to or create music, films or other art containing anti-Government sentiments? Yes

Section Two - Economic Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ What is the average income tax rate in your nation? (%) 12.5% (Flat Tax)
2/ Are your nation's citizens free to set up a business? Yes
3/ Are your nation's businesses/citizens permitted to trade with and/or import products from firms in other nations? Yes, assuming said nation does not have sanctions placed on it
4/ Are your nation's citizens free to choose their own employment? If so, are they free to unionise? Yes, and they are free to unionise
5/ Is private business permitted within your nation's economy? If so, are they beholden to antitrust regulations? Yes, and they are beholden to antitrust regulations. (A monopoly is considered 90% control of the market, in which case, the company is broken up into smaller companies)
6/ Does the Government limit the maximum amount of yearly income an individual is allowed to earn? No
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to buy and sell goods and services via the Internet? Yes
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to open a bank account without Government approval? Yes
9/ At what age are your nation's citizens entitled to open a personal bank account? 16
10/ Are your nation's (adult) citizens restricted from owning land, property, businesses and commodities for any reason? No

Section Three - Personal Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear whatever style of clothes they wish? Yes
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to alter their legal names? Yes
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to go out whenever they like? Yes
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to participate in miscegenation? Yes
5/ Are your nation's citizens prohibited from working on the basis of their gender? No
6/ Are your nation's female citizens permitted to obtain abortions? Please give details if required. Yes, but only in the first trimester
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to affiliate with genuine political movements without interference? Yes
8/ At what age are your nation's citizens permitted to work? 16
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to communicate in and produce literature in foreign languages? Yes
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to possess soft drugs such as marijuana for personal use? Yes

Section Four - Freedom of Information:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation require ISPs to block websites? If so, which ones? No
2/ Does your Government directly (overriding ISPs) censor webpages or websites? If so, which ones? No
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access international media? Yes
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access dissenting opinions from other nations? Yes
5/ Does your Government allow for an unrestricted flow of information on social media? Yes
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send photos and videos to people in other places? Yes
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send international packages and letters? Yes
8/ Are your nation's citizens' packages, parcels or physical/electronic mail opened and checked? No, except for extreme situations, such as suspected terrorism
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to share information about Governmental shortcomings? Yes
10/ Is outbound mail (physical/electronic) scanned/intercepted for certain information? No

Section Five - Freedom of Movement:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
If your nation is currently under COVID lockdown, please answer using normal laws.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel throughout the country? Yes
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel internationally? Yes
3/ Are your nation's students permitted to travel internationally for exchange/study initiatives? Yes
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to permanently migrate to another country? Yes
5/ If yes to the previous question, are they permitted to return at any time? Yes
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to move house at any time? Yes
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to change jobs at any time? Yes
8/ What restrictions are there on your citizens' ability to buy and drive a personal motor vehicle? Driver's licenses are required
9/ Are your nation's citizens required to log movements with a Government body of any kind? No
10/ Is your nation open to holidaymakers from abroad? Yes

Section Six - Freedom of Religion:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in private? Yes
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in their workplaces? Yes, as long as it is in a sensible way (i.e don't sacrifice a goat during work hours because "It's your religion")
3/ Are parents permitted to remove their child from school subjects running contrary to their religious (or non-religious) beliefs? Yes
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in worshiping facilities like churches and mosques? Yes
5/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to withhold goods or services due to religious objections? No
6/ Does your nation ban certain religions from being practiced or promoted? No
7/ Does your nation restrict travel by anyone belonging to any particular religion? No
8/ Does your nation permit the sale and/or distribution of religious materials such as holy books? Yes
9/ Does your nation treat members of all religions (and those who do not practice religion) equally before the law? Yes
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear symbols of their faith, or religious attire - at home and at work? Yes

Section Seven - Freedom of the Press:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to form their own media company to report on national news events? Yes
2/ Are your nation's media companies permitted to operate independently of the Government? Independently
3/ Are your nation's media companies expected to cut/edit stories which criticise the Government? No
4/ Is your nation's state-owned broadcaster permitted to operate freely and independently? (Leave blank if no state broadcaster exists)
5/ Do your nation's citizens have multiple sources to choose from in regards to journalism? Yes
6/ Are elements of private or state-run media censored or cut during live airing? No
7/ Are international media companies permitted to open operating arms within your nation? Yes
8/ Are international media companies permitted to freely report on goings-on within your nation? Yes
9/ Are your nation's media companies and journalists generally considered honest and unbiased in their reporting? Yes
10/ Are members of the press permitted to directly interview and ask questions of Government officials? Yes

Section Eight - Governmental and Electoral Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Is your nation's Government elected via a democratic election? (If not, please elaborate) Yes
2/ If yes to the previous question, are these elections observed and/or scrutinised by an independent body? Yes
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to petition the Government? If so, are they entitled to a response? Yes, they are netitled to a response once the petition reaches 50,000 signatures, or less if they are petitioning a local government
4/ Does an equivalent to a FOIA or OIA system exist for citizens/media to request Governmental information? Yes
5/ What conditions must be met to qualify for running for office? Over 30 and citizen of our country
6/ Are Members of Parliament (or your equivalent) free to criticise the ruling Government/party? Yes
7/ Are members of the public free to criticise the ruling Government/party? Yes
8/ Are laws debated in Parliament (or your equivalent) before being bought into force? Yes
9/ Are laws put through a public consultation process before being debated in Parliament (or your equivalent)? Yes
10/ Are members of the public permitted to directly contact Government officials such as local politicians? Yes

Section Nine - Criminal Rights and Due Process:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation follow the basic principle of "innocent until proven guilty" in relation to criminal suspects? Yes
2/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted access to legal assistance? Yes
3/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted to give no comment during an investigation? Yes
4/ Does your nation use jury trials (excluding in niche examples such as complex financial or cybercrime)? Yes
5/ If yes to the previous question, can trials in your nation be generally considered fair? Yes
6/ Do people found guilty of a crime have the right to appeal a court's ruling/sentence? Yess
7/ Are imprisoned people permitted to contact their family and friends? Yes, though calls are monitored
8/ Do your nation's prisons conform to basic human rights standards? Yes
9/ Is a rehabilitation programme available to imprisoned people prior to their release? Yes
10/ Does your nation take special care and consideration towards children suspected of committing crime? Yes

Section Ten - Minority Rights and Equality:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are all citizens of your nation granted equal access to healthcare, education and police/emergency services? Yes
2/ Is same-sex marriage legal/performed in your nation? If not, does your nation recognise SSMs performed abroad? Yes
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to be in a same-sex relationship? Yes
4/ Are trans people in your nation permitted to self-identify with a different gender/sex? Yes
5/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people given access to mental and physical healthcare? Yes
6/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people permitted to legally alter their registered sex/gender? No
7/ Are racial and sexual minorities granted the same legal rights as the rest of the population? Yes
8/ When dealing with the Government, do non-native language speakers have the right to access an interpreter? Yes
9/ Are LGBT+ individuals permitted to broadcast their opinions via TV, radio, print and/or the Internet? Yes
10/ Does your nation practice segregation of any kind? No

(OPTIONAL) - More information
We would appreciate filling in as much of this information as possible. However, this is not required to receive a complete score, and filling this information out will not change your score in any way.
What is the approximate ethnic makeup of your nation? (in percentages)
How many official languages are there in your nation? What are these?
What is the political position of your nation's ruling Government?
What type of Government does your country have?
How many members of your nation's national assembly/legislature are there?
(OOC) Which real life nation would you describe yours as being most similar to?

Are you satisfied with this index? Yes
Any suggestions or comments on how to improve? No
Last edited by South Americanastan on Wed Mar 10, 2021 4:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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First American Empire
Posts: 816
Founded: Mar 12, 2019

Postby First American Empire » Wed Mar 10, 2021 4:15 pm

Your nation's full name (including pretitle) Empire of the United States of America (Use “First American Empire” in the rankings since I think someone else has the same full name.)
Your nation's current year 2021
Your nation's current IC tech level (This index is optimised for MT/PMT nations) PMT
Your nation's IC population 500,000,000
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? Yes.

Section One - Freedom of Speech:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens afforded the basic right to freedom of expression? Yes. Despite the transition to a Monarchy in the 19th century, Imperial Proclamation #000015 retains the First Amendment’s protections for freedom of speech and freedom of expression. The sole exceptions to IP #000015 are a pair of other Imperial Edicts, one prohibiting hate speech, and the other prohibiting the use of the word “Frisco”. (The latter is punished only by a trivial fine of $25.)
2/ If yes, how is this right protected by law? If governmental officials attempt to pass laws that violate Imperial free speech protections, the courts or the Emperor can strike down the restriction and arrest the officials responsible.
3/ Are your nation's citizens bound by hate speech laws? Yes. Hate speech is prohibited by Imperial Proclamation #139972, and the use of symbols associated with hatred such as the Confederate flag is regulated in a similar manner to present-day OTL Germany.
4/ Does your nation allow social media companies to regulate their platforms without intervention? Social media companies are required to obey anti-discrimination laws, but can otherwise regulate their platforms freely.
5/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to social media? Yes. Social media speech is legally treated the same as physical speech.
6/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to physical speech (ie, standing on the street corner)? Yes, they do.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to speak online via encrypted applications? Yes.
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to swear or curse in public? Yes.
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear attire or apparel displaying anti-Government messages? Yes, so long as the messages don’t involve hate speech.
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to listen to or create music, films or other art containing anti-Government sentiments? Yes, so long as the art doesn’t involve hate speech.

Section Two - Economic Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ What is the average income tax rate in your nation? (%) 20.9%
2/ Are your nation's citizens free to set up a business? Yes, in all states except Wisconsin.
3/ Are your nation's businesses/citizens permitted to trade with and/or import products from firms in other nations? Yes, and we don’t have any tariffs on most foreign goods.
4/ Are your nation's citizens free to choose their own employment? If so, are they free to unionise? Yes for both. Protections on unionization vary, but even in states such as Florida and Arkansas, the state government doesn’t outright prohibit workers from unionizing.
5/ Is private business permitted within your nation's economy? If so, are they beholden to antitrust regulations? Private business is allowed everywhere except the state of Wisconsin, whose state government has prohibited it and operates a planned economy. Private businesses that do business across state borders are beholden to Imperial antitrust regulations, and other businesses are usually required to follow their state’s antitrust laws, if the state has any. (Most do.)
6/ Does the Government limit the maximum amount of yearly income an individual is allowed to earn? No, but some state governments do.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to buy and sell goods and services via the Internet? Yes, in all states.
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to open a bank account without Government approval? Yes, in all states.
9/ At what age are your nation's citizens entitled to open a personal bank account? Citizens can open a bank account at any age.
10/ Are your nation's (adult) citizens restricted from owning land, property, businesses and commodities for any reason? The state government of Wisconsin has elected to operate a planned economy in which citizens are not allowed to own private businesses, but the other 50 states allow equal access to ownership of land, property, businesses, and commodities.

Section Three - Personal Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear whatever style of clothes they wish? Yes.
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to alter their legal names? Yes.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to go out whenever they like? Yes.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to participate in miscegenation? Yes. Our Emperor himself is in a mixed-race relationship.
5/ Are your nation's citizens prohibited from working on the basis of their gender? No, and all employers are prohibited from discriminating on the basis of gender.
6/ Are your nation's female citizens permitted to obtain abortions? Please give details if required. Yes, and abortions are free and accessible for our entire population.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to affiliate with genuine political movements without interference? Yes, so long as the movement doesn’t advocate far-right social policies.
8/ At what age are your nation's citizens permitted to work? Sixteen to eighteen, depending on the state.
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to communicate in and produce literature in foreign languages? Yes, of course.
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to possess soft drugs such as marijuana for personal use? Yes, but distributing them is a crime in some states.

Section Four - Freedom of Information:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation require ISPs to block websites? If so, which ones? Yes. Websites that contain child pornography are blocked, as well as websites operated by hate groups or used for the purpose of criminal activity.
2/ Does your Government directly (overriding ISPs) censor webpages or websites? If so, which ones? The government runs its own ISP in parts of the country, and blocks the same websites that other ISPs are required to block.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access international media? Yes.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access dissenting opinions from other nations? Yes, so long as the opinions aren’t hate speech.
5/ Does your Government allow for an unrestricted flow of information on social media? Hate speech is prohibited, but all other information is allowed.
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send photos and videos to people in other places? Yes, so long as the pictures are otherwise legal. (i.e. not classified information and not child porn)
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send international packages and letters? Yes.
8/ Are your nation's citizens' packages, parcels or physical/electronic mail opened and checked? Only if a judge issues a warrant specifically allowing it.
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to share information about Governmental shortcomings? Yes.
10/ Is outbound mail (physical/electronic) scanned/intercepted for certain information? Only if a judge issues a warrant specifically allowing it.

Section Five - Freedom of Movement:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
If your nation is currently under COVID lockdown, please answer using normal laws.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel throughout the country? Yes. There are no restrictions at all on freedom of movement. (No laws were changed regarding freedom of movement despite the COVID-19 pandemic.)
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel internationally? Yes.
3/ Are your nation's students permitted to travel internationally for exchange/study initiatives? Yes.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to permanently migrate to another country? Yes.
5/ If yes to the previous question, are they permitted to return at any time? Yes.
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to move house at any time? Yes.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to change jobs at any time? Yes.
8/ What restrictions are there on your citizens' ability to buy and drive a personal motor vehicle? Drivers must pass a standardized driving test to obtain a free drivers license.
9/ Are your nation's citizens required to log movements with a Government body of any kind? No.
10/ Is your nation open to holidaymakers from abroad? Yes. There are no restrictions on tourism or even on immigration. However, if they stay here longer than six months, they automatically become Imperial citizens and have to start paying us income taxes.

Section Six - Freedom of Religion:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in private? Yes.
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in their workplaces? Yes.
3/ Are parents permitted to remove their child from school subjects running contrary to their religious (or non-religious) beliefs? No. However, the children themselves can request an opt-out of those subjects.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in worshiping facilities like churches and mosques? Yes.
5/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to withhold goods or services due to religious objections? Yes, though it cannot be used as an excuse to discriminate against a protected class such as race or gender, and is not allowed at all in emergency services such as healthcare.
6/ Does your nation ban certain religions from being practiced or promoted? No.
7/ Does your nation restrict travel by anyone belonging to any particular religion? No. There are no travel restrictions whatsoever.
8/ Does your nation permit the sale and/or distribution of religious materials such as holy books? Yes.
9/ Does your nation treat members of all religions (and those who do not practice religion) equally before the law? Yes.
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear symbols of their faith, or religious attire - at home and at work? Yes.

Section Seven - Freedom of the Press:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to form their own media company to report on national news events? Yes.
2/ Are your nation's media companies permitted to operate independently of the Government? Yes.
3/ Are your nation's media companies expected to cut/edit stories which criticise the Government? No, though a few pro-government private media companies do it anyway. They are in the minority, however.
4/ Is your nation's state-owned broadcaster permitted to operate freely and independently? (Leave blank if no state broadcaster exists) We have multiple state-owned broadcasters and our primary news broadcaster operates freely and independently. Other broadcasters are focused on specific categories of news and are less independent.
5/ Do your nation's citizens have multiple sources to choose from in regards to journalism? Yes, and antitrust laws prevent any one company from dominating journalism.
6/ Are elements of private or state-run media censored or cut during live airing? State-run media censors nudity, graphic violence, and swearing during live coverage, but private media companies can leave live airings uncensored or increase censorship at their discretion. Most choose to censor only nudity and graphic violence.
7/ Are international media companies permitted to open operating arms within your nation? Yes. International media companies make up roughly a third of all media viewership in our nation.
8/ Are international media companies permitted to freely report on goings-on within your nation? Yes.
9/ Are your nation's media companies and journalists generally considered honest and unbiased in their reporting? Somewhat. A lot of media companies are biased, but those biases aren’t uniform. Many media companies attempt to court viewers from certain segments of the political spectrum, and emphasize news that attracts those viewers.
10/ Are members of the press permitted to directly interview and ask questions of Government officials? Yes, assuming the officials aren’t busy at the moment.

Section Eight - Governmental and Electoral Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Is your nation's Government elected via a democratic election? (If not, please elaborate) No, we are an absolute monarchy. However, most state governments are elected via democratic election.
2/ If yes to the previous question, are these elections observed and/or scrutinised by an independent body? N/A. State governmental elections are observed by international observers, but there is no Imperial-level organization to conduct or observe elections.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to petition the Government? If so, are they entitled to a response? Citizens have the right to petition the Imperial government. They are not legally entitled to a response, however the Emperor traditionally responds to any petition with at least 100,000 signatures.
4/ Does an equivalent to a FOIA or OIA system exist for citizens/media to request Governmental information? Yes.
5/ What conditions must be met to qualify for running for office? Must be a resident of the state where the candidate runs for office, must not be pursuing policies that discriminate against a protected class such as race, gender, or religion, and must not be a convicted felon unless they are pardoned or the law they violated is repealed.
6/ Are Members of Parliament (or your equivalent) free to criticise the ruling Government/party? We don’t have a parliament. However, all government officials are permitted to criticize our leaders.
7/ Are members of the public free to criticise the ruling Government/party? Yes.
8/ Are laws debated in Parliament (or your equivalent) before being bought into force? No, as we don’t have a parliament.
9/ Are laws put through a public consultation process before being debated in Parliament (or your equivalent)? Imperial Proclamations and other laws are traditionally presented to the public for comment one month before being brought into force. The Emperor may sidestep this period, but only does so in the event of an emergency.
10/ Are members of the public permitted to directly contact Government officials such as local politicians? Yes, though some politicians are too busy to listen to or respond to every question.

Section Nine - Criminal Rights and Due Process:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation follow the basic principle of "innocent until proven guilty" in relation to criminal suspects? The basic principle is “not guilty unless proven guilty.” The difference is that if an investigation does not prove a suspect innocent or guilty, the suspect may be called back to trial if new evidence is discovered. Suspects still face no punishment if not proven guilty, however.
2/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted access to legal assistance? Yes, all parties in all legal cases are given access to legal assistance.
3/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted to give no comment during an investigation? Yes.
4/ Does your nation use jury trials (excluding in niche examples such as complex financial or cybercrime)? The defendant chooses whether or not to use a jury trial or a panel of judges.
5/ If yes to the previous question, can trials in your nation be generally considered fair? Yes.
6/ Do people found guilty of a crime have the right to appeal a court's ruling/sentence? Yes, but prosecutors may also appeal a ruling. The bar for such an appeal being accepted is much higher, however.
7/ Are imprisoned people permitted to contact their family and friends? Yes.
8/ Do your nation's prisons conform to basic human rights standards? Yes. Prisoners are treated very well.
9/ Is a rehabilitation programme available to imprisoned people prior to their release? Yes, for all prisoners except those convicted of life imprisonment without parole.
10/ Does your nation take special care and consideration towards children suspected of committing crime? Yes.

Section Ten - Minority Rights and Equality:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are all citizens of your nation granted equal access to healthcare, education and police/emergency services? Yes.
2/ Is same-sex marriage legal/performed in your nation? If not, does your nation recognise SSMs performed abroad? Yes, as has been the case since 1959.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to be in a same-sex relationship? Yes, as has been the case since 1959.
4/ Are trans people in your nation permitted to self-identify with a different gender/sex? Yes.
5/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people given access to mental and physical healthcare? Yes, and it’s free.
6/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people permitted to legally alter their registered sex/gender? N/A. The government does not record or register citizens’ gender in the first place, so there’s nothing to change.
7/ Are racial and sexual minorities granted the same legal rights as the rest of the population? Yes.
8/ When dealing with the Government, do non-native language speakers have the right to access an interpreter? Yes, if one is available. Interpreters may be difficult to find for obscure languages.
9/ Are LGBT+ individuals permitted to broadcast their opinions via TV, radio, print and/or the Internet? Yes.
10/ Does your nation practice segregation of any kind? No.

(OPTIONAL) - More information
We would appreciate filling in as much of this information as possible. However, this is not required to receive a complete score, and filling this information out will not change your score in any way.
What is the approximate ethnic makeup of your nation? (in percentages) Not sure, I need to recalculate it. No ethnicity has anything close to a majority though.
How many official languages are there in your nation? What are these? There are no official languages, but English and Spanish serve as de facto official languages in states where they are the majority language.
What is the political position of your nation's ruling Government? Liberal Autocracy.
What type of Government does your country have? Absolute Monarchy.
How many members of your nation's national assembly/legislature are there? We don’t have a national assembly or legislature. Laws are passed by the Emperor or members of his cabinet.
(OOC) Which real life nation would you describe yours as being most similar to? Uhhhh... the closest thing I can think of is... Liechtenstein? Liberal autocracies are really rare in real life.

Are you satisfied with this index? Yes.
Any suggestions or comments on how to improve? No, it’s perfect!
The American Empire is a socially progressive absolute monarchy run by the heirs of Emperor Norton. It started off at MT but has rapidly advanced to PMT through interdimensional travel. All NSstats are used, except for tax rate and population. Factbooks are currently under reconstruction.

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New Hocksmith
Posts: 107
Founded: Oct 04, 2012

Postby New Hocksmith » Wed Mar 10, 2021 5:05 pm

We normally wait until we start seeing some other nation's results posted, but OP's pretty good at keeping up with these so...

[spoiler=International Freedom Index]
Your nation's full name (including pretitle) Republic of New Hocksmith
Your nation's current year 2021
Your nation's current IC tech level (This index is optimised for MT/PMT nations) Modern
Your nation's IC population 310 million
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? Yes

Section One - Freedom of Speech:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens afforded the basic right to freedom of expression? Yes
2/ If yes, how is this right protected by law? Normal law stuff
3/ Are your nation's citizens bound by hate speech laws? Depends, it usually has to be linked to some sort of incitement
4/ Does your nation allow social media companies to regulate their platforms without intervention? Yes
5/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to social media? Yes
6/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to physical speech (ie, standing on the street corner)? As long as you're not blocking anything, yes
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to speak online via encrypted applications? Yes
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to swear or curse in public? Yes
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear attire or apparel displaying anti-Government messages? Yes
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to listen to or create music, films or other art containing anti-Government sentiments? Yes

Section Two - Economic Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ What is the average income tax rate in your nation? (%) 18%
2/ Are your nation's citizens free to set up a business? Yes
3/ Are your nation's businesses/citizens permitted to trade with and/or import products from firms in other nations? Yes
4/ Are your nation's citizens free to choose their own employment? If so, are they free to unionise? Yes
5/ Is private business permitted within your nation's economy? If so, are they beholden to antitrust regulations? Yes, yes
6/ Does the Government limit the maximum amount of yearly income an individual is allowed to earn? No
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to buy and sell goods and services via the Internet? Yes
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to open a bank account without Government approval? Yes
9/ At what age are your nation's citizens entitled to open a personal bank account? 16, younger with a parent
10/ Are your nation's (adult) citizens restricted from owning land, property, businesses and commodities for any reason? No

Section Three - Personal Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear whatever style of clothes they wish? Yes
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to alter their legal names? Yes
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to go out whenever they like? Yes
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to participate in miscegenation? Yes
5/ Are your nation's citizens prohibited from working on the basis of their gender? No
6/ Are your nation's female citizens permitted to obtain abortions? Please give details if required. Yes, up to 20 weeks (later in certain circumstances)
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to affiliate with genuine political movements without interference? Yes
8/ At what age are your nation's citizens permitted to work? 16
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to communicate in and produce literature in foreign languages? Yes
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to possess soft drugs such as marijuana for personal use? Yes

Section Four - Freedom of Information:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation require ISPs to block websites? If so, which ones? No
2/ Does your Government directly (overriding ISPs) censor webpages or websites? If so, which ones? Yes for the next 6 questions (including this one)
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access international media?
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access dissenting opinions from other nations?
5/ Does your Government allow for an unrestricted flow of information on social media?
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send photos and videos to people in other places?
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send international packages and letters?
8/ Are your nation's citizens' packages, parcels or physical/electronic mail opened and checked? No
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to share information about Governmental shortcomings? Yes
10/ Is outbound mail (physical/electronic) scanned/intercepted for certain information? No

Section Five - Freedom of Movement:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
If your nation is currently under COVID lockdown, please answer using normal laws.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel throughout the country? Yes
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel internationally? Yes
3/ Are your nation's students permitted to travel internationally for exchange/study initiatives? Yes
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to permanently migrate to another country? Yes
5/ If yes to the previous question, are they permitted to return at any time? Yes
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to move house at any time? Yes
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to change jobs at any time? Yes
8/ What restrictions are there on your citizens' ability to buy and drive a personal motor vehicle? 16 Years, insurance
9/ Are your nation's citizens required to log movements with a Government body of any kind? No
10/ Is your nation open to holidaymakers from abroad? Yes

Section Six - Freedom of Religion:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in private? Yes
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in their workplaces? Depends on various factors
3/ Are parents permitted to remove their child from school subjects running contrary to their religious (or non-religious) beliefs? Yes
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in worshiping facilities like churches and mosques? Yes
5/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to withhold goods or services due to religious objections? Depends on how specified the service. You can't refuse to bake a cake for a certain person, but you can refuse to bake a cake that actually displays something you don't like.
6/ Does your nation ban certain religions from being practiced or promoted? No
7/ Does your nation restrict travel by anyone belonging to any particular religion? No
8/ Does your nation permit the sale and/or distribution of religious materials such as holy books? Yes
9/ Does your nation treat members of all religions (and those who do not practice religion) equally before the law? Yes
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear symbols of their faith, or religious attire - at home and at work? Home yes, work maybe

Section Seven - Freedom of the Press:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to form their own media company to report on national news events? Yes
2/ Are your nation's media companies permitted to operate independently of the Government? Yes
3/ Are your nation's media companies expected to cut/edit stories which criticise the Government? No
4/ Is your nation's state-owned broadcaster permitted to operate freely and independently? (Leave blank if no state broadcaster exists)
5/ Do your nation's citizens have multiple sources to choose from in regards to journalism? Yes
6/ Are elements of private or state-run media censored or cut during live airing? Well private media reserves the right to edit
7/ Are international media companies permitted to open operating arms within your nation? Yes
8/ Are international media companies permitted to freely report on goings-on within your nation? Yes
9/ Are your nation's media companies and journalists generally considered honest and unbiased in their reporting? Depends on who you ask, but generally yes
10/ Are members of the press permitted to directly interview and ask questions of Government officials? Yes

Section Eight - Governmental and Electoral Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Is your nation's Government elected via a democratic election? (If not, please elaborate) Yes
2/ If yes to the previous question, are these elections observed and/or scrutinised by an independent body? Yes
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to petition the Government? If so, are they entitled to a response? Yes and idieally yes
4/ Does an equivalent to a FOIA or OIA system exist for citizens/media to request Governmental information? Yes
5/ What conditions must be met to qualify for running for office? Depends on the office. Mostly just age and citizenship
6/ Are Members of Parliament (or your equivalent) free to criticise the ruling Government/party? Yes
7/ Are members of the public free to criticise the ruling Government/party? Yes
8/ Are laws debated in Parliament (or your equivalent) before being bought into force? No
9/ Are laws put through a public consultation process before being debated in Parliament (or your equivalent)? Yes
10/ Are members of the public permitted to directly contact Government officials such as local politicians? Yes

Section Nine - Criminal Rights and Due Process:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation follow the basic principle of "innocent until proven guilty" in relation to criminal suspects? Yes
2/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted access to legal assistance? Yes
3/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted to give no comment during an investigation? Yes
4/ Does your nation use jury trials (excluding in niche examples such as complex financial or cybercrime)? Yes
5/ If yes to the previous question, can trials in your nation be generally considered fair? Yes
6/ Do people found guilty of a crime have the right to appeal a court's ruling/sentence? Yes
7/ Are imprisoned people permitted to contact their family and friends? Yes
8/ Do your nation's prisons conform to basic human rights standards? Yes
9/ Is a rehabilitation programme available to imprisoned people prior to their release? Yes
10/ Does your nation take special care and consideration towards children suspected of committing crime? Yes

Section Ten - Minority Rights and Equality:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are all citizens of your nation granted equal access to healthcare, education and police/emergency services? Yes
2/ Is same-sex marriage legal/performed in your nation? If not, does your nation recognise SSMs performed abroad? Yes
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to be in a same-sex relationship? Yes
4/ Are trans people in your nation permitted to self-identify with a different gender/sex? Yes
5/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people given access to mental and physical healthcare? Yes
6/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people permitted to legally alter their registered sex/gender? Yes
7/ Are racial and sexual minorities granted the same legal rights as the rest of the population? Yes
8/ When dealing with the Government, do non-native language speakers have the right to access an interpreter? Yes
9/ Are LGBT+ individuals permitted to broadcast their opinions via TV, radio, print and/or the Internet? Yes
10/ Does your nation practice segregation of any kind? No

(OPTIONAL) - More information
We would appreciate filling in as much of this information as possible. However, this is not required to receive a complete score, and filling this information out will not change your score in any way.
What is the approximate ethnic makeup of your nation? (in percentages)
How many official languages are there in your nation? What are these?
What is the political position of your nation's ruling Government?
What type of Government does your country have?
How many members of your nation's national assembly/legislature are there?
(OOC) Which real life nation would you describe yours as being most similar to?

Are you satisfied with this index? Yes
Any suggestions or comments on how to improve? Perhaps trim it down a bit?
Last edited by New Hocksmith on Wed Mar 10, 2021 5:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Posts: 79235
Founded: Oct 07, 2011
Civil Rights Lovefest

Postby Thermodolia » Wed Mar 10, 2021 5:45 pm

Your nation's full name (including pretitle) The National Republic of Thermodolia
Your nation's current year 2021
Your nation's current IC tech level (This index is optimised for MT/PMT nations) MT
Your nation's IC population ~5 Billion
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? Yes

Section One - Freedom of Speech:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens afforded the basic right to freedom of expression? Yes, though persons and groups which shall abuse this right to harm Thermodolia and/or its people shall not be afforded this right.
2/ If yes, how is this right protected by law? Yes, Section 1 of Article 11 of the Constitution
3/ Are your nation's citizens bound by hate speech laws? Yes. The current hate speech laws only cover religion, gender identity, sexuality, nationality, and veteran status and can only be applied when a violent crime has been perpetrated against the victim.
4/ Does your nation allow social media companies to regulate their platforms without intervention? Yes, though there are considerations to make social media a public utility
5/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to social media? Yes
6/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to physical speech (ie, standing on the street corner)? Yes, Section 2 of Article 11 protects this right
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to speak online via encrypted applications? Yes, though the federal government may look at these if a warrant is obtained
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to swear or curse in public? Yes
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear attire or apparel displaying anti-Government messages? Yes
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to listen to or create music, films or other art containing anti-Government sentiments? Yes, though they might be monitored by the state intelligence services

Section Two - Economic Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ What is the average income tax rate in your nation? (%) 25%
2/ Are your nation's citizens free to set up a business? Yes
3/ Are your nation's businesses/citizens permitted to trade with and/or import products from firms in other nations? Depends on the nation, currently there area ban on products made in China and North Korea from entering Thermodolia.
4/ Are your nation's citizens free to choose their own employment? If so, are they free to unionise? Yes to both.
5/ Is private business permitted within your nation's economy? If so, are they beholden to antitrust regulations? Yea to both.
6/ Does the Government limit the maximum amount of yearly income an individual is allowed to earn? No
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to buy and sell goods and services via the Internet? Yes
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to open a bank account without Government approval? Yes
9/ At what age are your nation's citizens entitled to open a personal bank account? 18, 16-17 with parental permission
10/ Are your nation's (adult) citizens restricted from owning land, property, businesses and commodities for any reason? No, unless they are charged with belonging to a cult at which point they are restricted from owning any land larger than .5 Hectares.

Section Three - Personal Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear whatever style of clothes they wish? Yes
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to alter their legal names? Yes, though they must show a reason for the name change.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to go out whenever they like? Yes
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to participate in miscegenation? Yes
5/ Are your nation's citizens prohibited from working on the basis of their gender? No
6/ Are your nation's female citizens permitted to obtain abortions? Please give details if required. Yes, all abortions up until 27 weeks are legal
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to affiliate with genuine political movements without interference? Yes, though some movements may be monitored
8/ At what age are your nation's citizens permitted to work? 15-17 depending on the province.
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to communicate in and produce literature in foreign languages? Citizens may not produce any radio content that is in a foreign language or produce any art, television show or any other forms of production in foreign language without a Thermodolian translation.

Communication in a foreign language is permitted however federal law requires that those who are seeking to become Thermodolian citizens limit the use of all foreign languages to private use in the home.
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to possess soft drugs such as marijuana for personal use? Yes, though only the federal government is allowed to dispense such products.

Section Four - Freedom of Information:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation require ISPs to block websites? If so, which ones? Yes, any site which promotes, child abuse, child sexual acts, terrorism, domestic violence, animal cruelty, denialism, and general harm.
2/ Does your Government directly (overriding ISPs) censor webpages or websites? If so, which ones? Yes, see above.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access international media? Yes
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access dissenting opinions from other nations? Yes
5/ Does your Government allow for an unrestricted flow of information on social media? Yes, unless they fall afoul of the things in question 1
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send photos and videos to people in other places? Yes
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send international packages and letters? Yes, though depending on the destination they may be investigated
8/ Are your nation's citizens' packages, parcels or physical/electronic mail opened and checked? It depends on the destination and weather or not a warrant is had, if so then yes otherwise no.
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to share information about Governmental shortcomings? Yes, though it’s preferred that these shortcomings are sent to the TED. If these short comings are classified information than no, they are not allowed to share such information.
10/ Is outbound mail (physical/electronic) scanned/intercepted for certain information? See question 8

Section Five - Freedom of Movement:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
If your nation is currently under COVID lockdown, please answer using normal laws.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel throughout the country? Yes, Section 3 of Article 11 protects this. Though certain persons are barred from traveling freely
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel internationally? See Above
3/ Are your nation's students permitted to travel internationally for exchange/study initiatives? Yes
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to permanently migrate to another country? Yes, see question 1
5/ If yes to the previous question, are they permitted to return at any time? Yes, though if they renounced their citizenship they will have to obtain it back by going through the citizenship process like any immigrant
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to move house at any time? Yes
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to change jobs at any time? Yes
8/ What restrictions are there on your citizens' ability to buy and drive a personal motor vehicle? Requirements vary from province to province but most require that Thermodolians be at least 16 years of age and have been licensed by their respective province
9/ Are your nation's citizens required to log movements with a Government body of any kind? No, Federal law prohibits any such requirements
10/ Is your nation open to holidaymakers from abroad? Yes

Section Six - Freedom of Religion:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in private? Yes, Article 12 of the constitution protects this
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in their workplaces? Depends, if they are a government employee or contractor than no, otherwise depends on the job and company
3/ Are parents permitted to remove their child from school subjects running contrary to their religious (or non-religious) beliefs? No, removal of children from an educational environment due to religious grounds is not allowed.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in worshiping facilities like churches and mosques? Yes
5/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to withhold goods or services due to religious objections? No, federal law prohibits such actions
6/ Does your nation ban certain religions from being practiced or promoted? Yes, several religions are determined to be cults and as such are prohibited from being practiced in Thermodolia. Examples of such cults are: Scientology, Mormonism, Wahhabism, Jehovah Witness, and others
7/ Does your nation restrict travel by anyone belonging to any particular religion? Yes, those religions which are determined to be cults are heavily restricted by the government
8/ Does your nation permit the sale and/or distribution of religious materials such as holy books? Yes, but they can not be sold on public transport or at any facility which accepts government funding.
9/ Does your nation treat members of all religions (and those who do not practice religion) equally before the law? Yes, unless they are a member of a cult at which point no.
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear symbols of their faith, or religious attire - at home and at work? No, the wear of religious articles of clothing is banned while in public

Section Seven - Freedom of the Press:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to form their own media company to report on national news events? Yes
2/ Are your nation's media companies permitted to operate independently of the Government? Yes
3/ Are your nation's media companies expected to cut/edit stories which criticise the Government? No
4/ Is your nation's state-owned broadcaster permitted to operate freely and independently? (Leave blank if no state broadcaster exists) Yes, all state owned media companies are required by law to operate freely and independently
5/ Do your nation's citizens have multiple sources to choose from in regards to journalism? Yes
6/ Are elements of private or state-run media censored or cut during live airing? Only if graphic violence or sexual acts are shown live or are apart of the story.
7/ Are international media companies permitted to open operating arms within your nation? Yes
8/ Are international media companies permitted to freely report on goings-on within your nation? Yes
9/ Are your nation's media companies and journalists generally considered honest and unbiased in their reporting? Yes
10/ Are members of the press permitted to directly interview and ask questions of Government officials? Yes

Section Eight - Governmental and Electoral Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Is your nation's Government elected via a democratic election? (If not, please elaborate) Yes, the last election took place on 20 July, 2020
2/ If yes to the previous question, are these elections observed and/or scrutinised by an independent body? Yes, the Federal Electoral Commission oversees all elections
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to petition the Government? If so, are they entitled to a response? Yes, all citizens are permitted to petition the government per Section 3 of Article 14. The government is not required to issue a response but may choose to do so at its own pace.
4/ Does an equivalent to a FOIA or OIA system exist for citizens/media to request Governmental information? Yes
5/ What conditions must be met to qualify for running for office? All persons wishing to run for office must be a Thermodolian citizen, not in jail, and at least 18 years of age.
6/ Are Members of Parliament (or your equivalent) free to criticise the ruling Government/party? Yes
7/ Are members of the public free to criticise the ruling Government/party? Yes
8/ Are laws debated in Parliament (or your equivalent) before being bought into force? Yes, all bills must go through several committees and debates before being passed into law.
9/ Are laws put through a public consultation process before being debated in Parliament (or your equivalent)? While bills are in committee the members of the public may show up at the hearings to redress their grievances.
10/ Are members of the public permitted to directly contact Government officials such as local politicians? Yes

Section Nine - Criminal Rights and Due Process:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation follow the basic principle of "innocent until proven guilty" in relation to criminal suspects? Yes as mandated by the constitution in Section 1 of Article 14
2/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted access to legal assistance? Yes, Section 2 of Article 14 mandates such.
3/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted to give no comment during an investigation? Yes, Article 17 allows Thermodolian citizens and other persons in Thermodolia the right to remain silent in all affairs.
4/ Does your nation use jury trials (excluding in niche examples such as complex financial or cybercrime)? Yes
5/ If yes to the previous question, can trials in your nation be generally considered fair? Yes, extremely so
6/ Do people found guilty of a crime have the right to appeal a court's ruling/sentence? Yes
7/ Are imprisoned people permitted to contact their family and friends? Yes
8/ Do your nation's prisons conform to basic human rights standards? Yes, above and beyond
9/ Is a rehabilitation programme available to imprisoned people prior to their release? Yes, those who where charged with drug offenses are allowed into a rehabilitation program
10/ Does your nation take special care and consideration towards children suspected of committing crime? Yes as long as they are below the age of 16-17

Section Ten - Minority Rights and Equality:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are all citizens of your nation granted equal access to healthcare, education and police/emergency services? Yes, per the Federal Equality Act of 1997
2/ Is same-sex marriage legal/performed in your nation? If not, does your nation recognise SSMs performed abroad? Yes, same sex marriage is legal in Thermodolia
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to be in a same-sex relationship? Yes
4/ Are trans people in your nation permitted to self-identify with a different gender/sex? Yes, but only after receiving a diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria.
5/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people given access to mental and physical healthcare? Yes, though government funding of trans specific medical treatments are paused while a comprehensive investigation is underway
6/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people permitted to legally alter their registered sex/gender? Yes, but only if they have a current diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria.
7/ Are racial and sexual minorities granted the same legal rights as the rest of the population? Yes, though Thermodolia does not recognize race as a thing and instead uses ethnicity.
8/ When dealing with the Government, do non-native language speakers have the right to access an interpreter? Not at the federal level. Provinces may offer such assistance
9/ Are LGBT+ individuals permitted to broadcast their opinions via TV, radio, print and/or the Internet? Yes
10/ Does your nation practice segregation of any kind? Legally no but many citizens will not allow or will segregate themselves from members of the T+ Community.

(OPTIONAL) - More information
We would appreciate filling in as much of this information as possible. However, this is not required to receive a complete score, and filling this information out will not change your score in any way.
What is the approximate ethnic makeup of your nation? (in percentages)
Thermodolian: 74.5%
East Asian: 9.6%
Southeast Asian: 4.7%
Sorracan: 2%
Polatan: 1.8%
African: 1.5%
Krâthí: 1%
Arab: 0.4%
Jûnstani: 0.3%
Hispanic: 0.02%
How many official languages are there in your nation? What are these?
Only one, Thermodolian
What is the political position of your nation's ruling Government?
Liberal Nationalist
What type of Government does your country have?
Federal Semi-Presidential Democratic Republic
How many members of your nation's national assembly/legislature are there?
Currently there are 626 members, 74 in the Federal Senate and 552 in the National Assembly. Though this number will be expanded to 1,494; 494 in the Federal Senate and 1,000 in the National Assembly by 2021
(OOC) Which real life nation would you describe yours as being most similar to? France, Russia, and the USA

Are you satisfied with this index? Yes
Any suggestions or comments on how to improve?Looks like ya forgot the spoiler tag at the end.
Last edited by Thermodolia on Wed Mar 10, 2021 5:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Male, Jewish, lives somewhere in AZ, Disabled US Military Veteran, Oorah!, I'm GAY!
I'm agent #69 in the Gaystapo!
>The Sons of Adam: I'd crown myself monarch... cuz why not?
>>Dumb Ideologies: Why not turn yourself into a penguin and build an igloo at the centre of the Earth?
Click for Da Funies


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Posts: 2843
Founded: Feb 11, 2019
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Drongonia » Wed Mar 10, 2021 5:57 pm

Thank you to everyone who has completed the index so far. I will begin grading shortly, and I have fixed the issue with the spoiler tag.
Last edited by Drongonia on Wed Mar 10, 2021 5:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Posts: 63
Founded: Apr 21, 2019

Postby Kakistopia » Wed Mar 10, 2021 5:59 pm

Your nation's full name (including pretitle) Kakistopia
Your nation's current year 20 N.S.E.
Your nation's current IC tech level (This index is optimised for MT/PMT nations) MT/FanT
Your nation's IC population 1.776 Billion
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? No.

Section One - Freedom of Speech:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens afforded the basic right to freedom of expression? No, and the government frequently massacres protesters.
2/ If yes, how is this right protected by law? N/A
3/ Are your nation's citizens bound by hate speech laws? Yes. Hate speech is mandatory.
4/ Does your nation allow social media companies to regulate their platforms without intervention? No. Social media is banned and anyone working for social media companies is executed.
5/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to social media? No. Anyone who uses social media is executed.
6/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to physical speech (ie, standing on the street corner)? No, and criticizing the government in any way is punishable by death. Standing on the street corner is also punishable by death.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to speak online via encrypted applications? No. Using encrypted applications is punishable by death.
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to swear or curse in public? No. Swearing is punishable by death.
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear attire or apparel displaying anti-Government messages? No. Wearing attire is punishable by death.
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to listen to or create music, films or other art containing anti-Government sentiments? No. Creating, listening to, or watching music, films, or other art are all punishable by death.

Section Two - Economic Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ What is the average income tax rate in your nation? (%) 150%
2/ Are your nation's citizens free to set up a business? Setting up a business is punishable by death.
3/ Are your nation's businesses/citizens permitted to trade with and/or import products from firms in other nations? Trade with other nations is punishable by death.
4/ Are your nation's citizens free to choose their own employment? If so, are they free to unionise? Trying to choose ones own employment or unionize is punishable by death.
5/ Is private business permitted within your nation's economy? If so, are they beholden to antitrust regulations? Owning a private business is punishable by death.
6/ Does the Government limit the maximum amount of yearly income an individual is allowed to earn? Yes, to 12,000 NSD. Earning more is punishable by death.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to buy and sell goods and services via the Internet? No. Using the internet is punishable by death.
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to open a bank account without Government approval? Opening a bank account is punishable by death.
9/ At what age are your nation's citizens entitled to open a personal bank account? Never, as doing so is punishable by death.
10/ Are your nation's (adult) citizens restricted from owning land, property, businesses and commodities for any reason? All of them are prohibited from owning land, property, businesses, and commodities, as everyone is a slave of our ruler. Owning property is punishable by death.

Section Three - Personal Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear whatever style of clothes they wish? Wearing clothes is punishable by death.
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to alter their legal names? Citizens are assigned numbers to replace their names, and changing them is punishable by death.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to go out whenever they like? No, there are numerous restrictions and violating them is punishable by death.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to participate in miscegenation? No. All sexual activity is punishable by death.
5/ Are your nation's citizens prohibited from working on the basis of their gender? Many citizens are executed before they can be sent into forced labor on the basis of their gender. Which gender is executed depends on the region.
6/ Are your nation's female citizens permitted to obtain abortions? Please give details if required. No, as any pregnant citizens are executed before they can obtain an abortion.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to affiliate with genuine political movements without interference? No. Joining a political movement is punishable by death.
8/ At what age are your nation's citizens permitted to work? They are forced to work at age zero. Anyone who doesn't work is executed.
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to communicate in and produce literature in foreign languages? Communicating in a foreign language and producing or owning literature are both punishable by death.
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to possess soft drugs such as marijuana for personal use? Possession of any drug is punishable by death.

Section Four - Freedom of Information:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation require ISPs to block websites? If so, which ones? All of them.
2/ Does your Government directly (overriding ISPs) censor webpages or websites? If so, which ones? All of them.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access international media? No, and accessing international media is punishable by death.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access dissenting opinions from other nations? No, and accessing dissenting opinions os punishable by death.
5/ Does your Government allow for an unrestricted flow of information on social media? No, and using social media is punishable by death.
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send photos and videos to people in other places? No, and possessing or distributing photos or videos is punishable by death.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send international packages and letters? No, and sending any package or letter is punishable by death.
8/ Are your nation's citizens' packages, parcels or physical/electronic mail opened and checked? Yes, and anyone who sends one is tracked down and executed.
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to share information about Governmental shortcomings? No, and doing so is punishable by death.
10/ Is outbound mail (physical/electronic) scanned/intercepted for certain information? Yes, and the information is used to execute anyone who sends mail.

Section Five - Freedom of Movement:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
If your nation is currently under COVID lockdown, please answer using normal laws.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel throughout the country? No, all travel is punishable by death.
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel internationally? No, all travel is punishable by death.
3/ Are your nation's students permitted to travel internationally for exchange/study initiatives? No, all travel is punishable by death.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to permanently migrate to another country? No, all travel is punishable by death.
5/ If yes to the previous question, are they permitted to return at any time? No, all travel is punishable by death.
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to move house at any time? No, all travel is punishable by death.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to change jobs at any time? No, attempting to leave one's job is punishable by death.
8/ What restrictions are there on your citizens' ability to buy and drive a personal motor vehicle? Anyone who is caught buying, owning, or driving a motor vehicle is executed.
9/ Are your nation's citizens required to log movements with a Government body of any kind? Yes, down to the minute. Anyone who fails to log their movements is executed.
10/ Is your nation open to holidaymakers from abroad? The government invites tourists to visit and executes any of them stupid enough to actually come here.

Section Six - Freedom of Religion:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in private? Practicing a non-state religion is punishable by death.
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in their workplaces? Practicing a non-state religion is punishable by death.
3/ Are parents permitted to remove their child from school subjects running contrary to their religious (or non-religious) beliefs? No, and doing so is punishable by the death of both the parents and the child.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in worshiping facilities like churches and mosques? No. Practicing a non-state religion is punishable by death.
5/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to withhold goods or services due to religious objections? No. Doing so is punishable by death.
6/ Does your nation ban certain religions from being practiced or promoted? Yes. Practicing a non-state religion is punishable by death.
7/ Does your nation restrict travel by anyone belonging to any particular religion? Yes. It restricts the travel of every religion to a totalitarian level.
8/ Does your nation permit the sale and/or distribution of religious materials such as holy books? No. Owning a holy book is punishable by death.
9/ Does your nation treat members of all religions (and those who do not practice religion) equally before the law? No. Members of non-state religions are executed on sight.
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear symbols of their faith, or religious attire - at home and at work? No. The state religion has no wearable symbols or attire, so wearing religious symbols is punishable by death.

Section Seven - Freedom of the Press:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to form their own media company to report on national news events? No. Forming a company is punishable by death.
2/ Are your nation's media companies permitted to operate independently of the Government? No. The government operates total control over the Silent Scream, Kakistopia's sole media outlet.
3/ Are your nation's media companies expected to cut/edit stories which criticise the Government? Yes. Not doing so is punishable by death.
4/ Is your nation's state-owned broadcaster permitted to operate freely and independently? (Leave blank if no state broadcaster exists) No. The government operates total control over the Silent Scream, Kakistopia's sole media outlet.
5/ Do your nation's citizens have multiple sources to choose from in regards to journalism? No, and creating one is punishable by death.
6/ Are elements of private or state-run media censored or cut during live airing? Yes. Anything that would make the people's lives better is censored.
7/ Are international media companies permitted to open operating arms within your nation? No. Doing so is punishable by death.
8/ Are international media companies permitted to freely report on goings-on within your nation? No. Doing so is punishable by death.
9/ Are your nation's media companies and journalists generally considered honest and unbiased in their reporting? No. The head of the media is literally named "The Lord of Lies".
10/ Are members of the press permitted to directly interview and ask questions of Government officials? No. Any member of the press who asks an official a question is executed.

Section Eight - Governmental and Electoral Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Is your nation's Government elected via a democratic election? (If not, please elaborate) No. She came to power through a genocidal coup.
2/ If yes to the previous question, are these elections observed and/or scrutinised by an independent body? N/A.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to petition the Government? If so, are they entitled to a response? No. Citizens who petition the government are "entitled to a response" of machine gun fire, carpet bombing, and in extreme circumstances, tactical nuclear strikes.
4/ Does an equivalent to a FOIA or OIA system exist for citizens/media to request Governmental information? No. Asking for transparency is punishable by death.
5/ What conditions must be met to qualify for running for office? Appointment by the God-Empress, hasn't been executed yet, must be a mass murderer.
6/ Are Members of Parliament (or your equivalent) free to criticise the ruling Government/party? No, as doing so is punishable by death and there is no parliament in the first place.
7/ Are members of the public free to criticise the ruling Government/party? No. It's punishable by death.
8/ Are laws debated in Parliament (or your equivalent) before being bought into force? No. There is no government.
9/ Are laws put through a public consultation process before being debated in Parliament (or your equivalent)? No. Anyone who complains about a law is executed.
10/ Are members of the public permitted to directly contact Government officials such as local politicians? No. Contacting a government official is punishable by death.

Section Nine - Criminal Rights and Due Process:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation follow the basic principle of "innocent until proven guilty" in relation to criminal suspects? No. We follow the principle of "always guilty, even if proven innocent".
2/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted access to legal assistance? No. Anyone who tries to provide them with legal assistance is executed.
3/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted to give no comment during an investigation? No. Anyone who tries to remain silent will be tortured until they confess.
4/ Does your nation use jury trials (excluding in niche examples such as complex financial or cybercrime)? No.
5/ If yes to the previous question, can trials in your nation be generally considered fair? No. Nobody has ever been found innocent of a crime at a trial.
6/ Do people found guilty of a crime have the right to appeal a court's ruling/sentence? No. They have no recourse to stop their executions.
7/ Are imprisoned people permitted to contact their family and friends? No, and their family and friends are executed if they try and contact them.
8/ Do your nation's prisons conform to basic human rights standards? No. No effort is made to keep prisoners alive or even to feed them, and they face 24/7 torture until their trial.
9/ Is a rehabilitation programme available to imprisoned people prior to their release? No. They are all executed anyway so our government doesn't care.
10/ Does your nation take special care and consideration towards children suspected of committing crime? No. They are executed just like adults.

Section Ten - Minority Rights and Equality:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are all citizens of your nation granted equal access to healthcare, education and police/emergency services? No. Police shoot several minorities on sight.
2/ Is same-sex marriage legal/performed in your nation? If not, does your nation recognise SSMs performed abroad? No. Same-sex marriage is punishable by death.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to be in a same-sex relationship? All relationships are punishable by death, not just same-sex relationships.
4/ Are trans people in your nation permitted to self-identify with a different gender/sex? Trans people are prohibited from self-identifying with a different gender, or they will be executed. This is in contrast to cis people, who are required to identify with a different gender, or be executed.
5/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people given access to mental and physical healthcare? No. Nobody is given any healthcare at all.
6/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people permitted to legally alter their registered sex/gender? No. Everyone has their sex recorded as the opposite of their gender identity, and any attempt to change it is punishable by death.
7/ Are racial and sexual minorities granted the same legal rights as the rest of the population? No. In particular, any sexual orientations other than asexuality are illegal.
8/ When dealing with the Government, do non-native language speakers have the right to access an interpreter? No. Anyone who speaks a non-native language is executed.
9/ Are LGBT+ individuals permitted to broadcast their opinions via TV, radio, print and/or the Internet? No. Broadcasting one's opinions is punishable by death.
10/ Does your nation practice segregation of any kind? Yes. People are segregated by nation of origin, and violating the segregation laws is punishable by death.

(OPTIONAL) - More information
We would appreciate filling in as much of this information as possible. However, this is not required to receive a complete score, and filling this information out will not change your score in any way.
What is the approximate ethnic makeup of your nation? (in percentages) Changes too frequently to count because of all the genocide.
How many official languages are there in your nation? What are these? Only one, Kakistopian.
What is the political position of your nation's ruling Government? Omnimalevolence.
What type of Government does your country have? Absolute Theocracy
How many members of your nation's national assembly/legislature are there? N/A
(OOC) Which real life nation would you describe yours as being most similar to? Khmer Rouge Cambodia.

Are you satisfied with this index? Yes.
Any suggestions or comments on how to improve?No.

User avatar
Posts: 29
Founded: Aug 25, 2019

Postby Nantu » Wed Mar 10, 2021 6:19 pm

Your nation's full name (including pretitle) Commonwealth of Nantu
Your nation's current year 2021
Your nation's current IC tech level (This index is optimised for MT/PMT nations) Modern
Your nation's IC population 53 million
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? yes

Section One - Freedom of Speech:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens afforded the basic right to freedom of expression? Yes
2/ If yes, how is this right protected by law? it is codified in the constitution and upheld by the courts (supreme, federal and crown courts)
3/ Are your nation's citizens bound by hate speech laws? No hate speech laws per se, however extreme hate speech can be codified under the criminal code as disturbing the peace or harassment in some cases
4/ Does your nation allow social media companies to regulate their platforms without intervention? yes as long as social media companies pay the appropriate tax under Nantu tax law
5/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to social media? yes in accordance with social media companies policy
6/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to physical speech (ie, standing on the street corner)? yes
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to speak online via encrypted applications? yes
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to swear or curse in public? not illegal but generally frowned upon
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear attire or apparel displaying anti-Government messages? yes -> political discourse is encouraged
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to listen to or create music, films or other art containing anti-Government sentiments? yes

Section Two - Economic Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ What is the average income tax rate in your nation? (%) 24%
2/ Are your nation's citizens free to set up a business? yes -> encouraged and supported by the federal and regional governments
3/ Are your nation's businesses/citizens permitted to trade with and/or import products from firms in other nations? yes, free trade is a pillar of the Nantu economy
4/ Are your nation's citizens free to choose their own employment? If so, are they free to unionise? yes, unions are encouraged and respected
5/ Is private business permitted within your nation's economy? If so, are they beholden to antitrust regulations? yes ->
Nantu Competition Bureau (NCB)
The NCB is a law enforcement agency that ensures that markets operate in a competitive, innovative manner. The Bureau is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the Competition Act, the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act, the Textile Labelling Act and the Precious Metals Marking Act. The NCB can launch inquiries, challenge civil and merger matters before the Competition Tribunal, make recommendations on criminal matters to the Public Prosecution Service of Nantu, and intervene as a competition advocate before federal and provincial bodies. The NCB participates in international forums such as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the International Competition Network (ICN), to develop and promote coordinated competition laws and policies in an increasingly globalized marketplace. The agency is headed by a Commissioner, currently Mathew Boswell.
6/ Does the Government limit the maximum amount of yearly income an individual is allowed to earn? no -> free enterprise is encouraged
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to buy and sell goods and services via the Internet? yes
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to open a bank account without Government approval? yes -> no time in history where gov approval needed
9/ At what age are your nation's citizens entitled to open a personal bank account? age of twelve years
10/ Are your nation's (adult) citizens restricted from owning land, property, businesses and commodities for any reason? never

Section Three - Personal Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear whatever style of clothes they wish? yes -> children attending public schools are required to wear school provided uniforms -> a referendum is put forward every three years by school districts regarding the uniform policy (support remains at 62%)
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to alter their legal names? yes -> two step process -> change name on gov issued documents through gov service centres, appear before a justice of the peace in crown court to swear approval
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to go out whenever they like? yes -> constitution codifies a citizens right to inter district travel and the right to leave and enter Nantu without restrictions
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to participate in miscegenation? yes -> Nantu encourages immigration and supports the integration of newcomers into Nantu
5/ Are your nation's citizens prohibited from working on the basis of their gender? never -> woman Gainesvilles the right to vote in 1919 and strict anti-gender discrimination law was passed in 1932
6/ Are your nation's female citizens permitted to obtain abortions? Please give details if required. no -> abortion has been illegal on the grounds protecting unborn life since Nantu's founding in 1919 -> woman are not prosecuted and protected under the law -> doctors are prosecuted for manslaughter (minimum sentence of 15 years)
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to affiliate with genuine political movements without interference? yes -> political movements have never been regulated (communist party of Nantu won two seats in the 1932 federal elections)
8/ At what age are your nation's citizens permitted to work? citizens may work at age 14 with parental approval and some restrictions until the age of 16
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to communicate in and produce literature in foreign languages? yes -> as a multi-ethinc nation, Nantu promotes a variety of foreign languages
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to possess soft drugs such as marijuana for personal use? no -> possession for personal use is punished through civil fines, dealers of narcotics are prosecuted under the criminal code, medical marijuana is permitted under strict regulatory approval

Section Four - Freedom of Information:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation require ISPs to block websites? If so, which ones? no -> exception of child abuse (porn) websites
2/ Does your Government directly (overriding ISPs) censor webpages or websites? If so, which ones? no
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access international media? always
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access dissenting opinions from other nations? always
5/ Does your Government allow for an unrestricted flow of information on social media? always
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send photos and videos to people in other places? always
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send international packages and letters? always
8/ Are your nation's citizens' packages, parcels or physical/electronic mail opened and checked? never -> only when physical items are transiting through customs into Nantu for inspection
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to share information about Governmental shortcomings? yes and encouraged to provide ideas and suggestions to gov officials
10/ Is outbound mail (physical/electronic) scanned/intercepted for certain information? no -> law enforcement agencies may apply to the courts to intercept communications in accordance with an approved investigation (ie. terrorism or national security)

Section Five - Freedom of Movement:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
If your nation is currently under COVID lockdown, please answer using normal laws.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel throughout the country? yes -> encoded in constitution
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel internationally? yes -> encoded in constitution
3/ Are your nation's students permitted to travel internationally for exchange/study initiatives? yes and supported by federal government through loans program
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to permanently migrate to another country? yes and maintain dual citizenship
5/ If yes to the previous question, are they permitted to return at any time? yes -> encoded in constitution the unrestricted right to leave and enter Nantu
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to move house at any time? yes
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to change jobs at any time? yes
8/ What restrictions are there on your citizens' ability to buy and drive a personal motor vehicle? no restrictions on purchasing a motor vehicle
The government operates a graduated licensing program -> age 16: leaners license for two years under supervision -> age 18: novice license under some restrictions for one year -> age 19: full license
Persons convicted under the criminal code for impaired driving and certain traffic violations (causing bodily harm/death, extreme speeding) can be restricted from driving for a period of 10 years
9/ Are your nation's citizens required to log movements with a Government body of any kind? no -> commercial vehicle operators must maintain a log book regarding duty time and rest time that can be inspected by safety inspectors
10/ Is your nation open to holidaymakers from abroad? yes and tourism is encouraged

Section Six - Freedom of Religion:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in private? yes
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in their workplaces? yes within reason -> cannot interfere majorly with duties at work
3/ Are parents permitted to remove their child from school subjects running contrary to their religious (or non-religious) beliefs? yes and religious schools are encouraged and moderately supported by the government
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in worshiping facilities like churches and mosques? yes
5/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to withhold goods or services due to religious objections? yes within reason and may be appealed to the courts
6/ Does your nation ban certain religions from being practiced or promoted? no -> religious extremists may be on law enforcement surveillance but are not banned or restricted in any way
7/ Does your nation restrict travel by anyone belonging to any particular religion? never
8/ Does your nation permit the sale and/or distribution of religious materials such as holy books? never
9/ Does your nation treat members of all religions (and those who do not practice religion) equally before the law? always
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear symbols of their faith, or religious attire - at home and at work? always

Section Seven - Freedom of the Press:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to form their own media company to report on national news events? yes and encouraged by the government
2/ Are your nation's media companies permitted to operate independently of the Government? yes -> the government legally cannot finance or operate or influence media in any way
3/ Are your nation's media companies expected to cut/edit stories which criticise the Government? no and encouraged to publish opposing views by the government
4/ Is your nation's state-owned broadcaster permitted to operate freely and independently? (Leave blank if no state broadcaster exists)
5/ Do your nation's citizens have multiple sources to choose from in regards to journalism? yes:
Bell Media operates Nantu TV and 93 newspapers
Shaw Media operates Commonwealth Broadcasting and 60 newspapers
Rogers operates Global Nantu and 89 newspapers
Globe and Mail operates Sky One and 51 newspapers
Chek News operates Chek TV and 44 newspapers
Apollo Broadcasting operates Apollo 311 and 52 newspapers
6/ Are elements of private or state-run media censored or cut during live airing? never
7/ Are international media companies permitted to open operating arms within your nation? yes and encouraged to do so by the Prime Minster's Press Office
8/ Are international media companies permitted to freely report on goings-on within your nation? yes
9/ Are your nation's media companies and journalists generally considered honest and unbiased in their reporting? generally yes -> most newspapers employ columnists who reflect their general political leanings but most reporters are fair and impartial
10/ Are members of the press permitted to directly interview and ask questions of Government officials? yes -> government ministers are required to give a weekly interview through a public list of rotating media outlets

Section Eight - Governmental and Electoral Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Is your nation's Government elected via a democratic election? (If not, please elaborate) yes -> federally: each of the 12 regional district divided into twenty five ridings (300 total members) elected under first pasta the post system every four years
district: commissioner elected every three years by first past the post system
municipalities: divided into wards and elected under first past the post system
2/ If yes to the previous question, are these elections observed and/or scrutinised by an independent body? yes -> Her Majesty's Election Commission (independent of government -> responsible to Nantu Parliament and the Monarch)
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to petition the Government? If so, are they entitled to a response? yes -> petitions that gain 55,000 signatures require debate within the federal parliament
4/ Does an equivalent to a FOIA or OIA system exist for citizens/media to request Governmental information? yes -> the Royal Information Sharing Service (RISS) overseen by the Privacy Commissioner and Nantu Parliament
5/ What conditions must be met to qualify for running for office? be age of majority (21), no criminal convictions
6/ Are Members of Parliament (or your equivalent) free to criticise the ruling Government/party? always
7/ Are members of the public free to criticise the ruling Government/party? always -> no law against
8/ Are laws debated in Parliament (or your equivalent) before being bought into force? always (required)
9/ Are laws put through a public consultation process before being debated in Parliament (or your equivalent)? each bill is displayed and open for consultation on the parliamentary website and members of parliament may be contacted for consultation
10/ Are members of the public permitted to directly contact Government officials such as local politicians? yes and encouraged to do so

Section Nine - Criminal Rights and Due Process:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation follow the basic principle of "innocent until proven guilty" in relation to criminal suspects? always
2/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted access to legal assistance? yes -> the government finances the Public Counsel Office for those who cannot afford counsel
3/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted to give no comment during an investigation? yes under the Criminal Investigation Act, 1955
4/ Does your nation use jury trials (excluding in niche examples such as complex financial or cybercrime)? yes -> must be requested by the accused unless it is a serious crime (homicide, terrorism, sexual assault, etc)
5/ If yes to the previous question, can trials in your nation be generally considered fair? yes
6/ Do people found guilty of a crime have the right to appeal a court's ruling/sentence? yes to the crown appeals court, then federal appeals court then Supreme Court
7/ Are imprisoned people permitted to contact their family and friends? yes -> allowed four visits a month and 15 phone calls a month
8/ Do your nation's prisons conform to basic human rights standards? yes and under the supervision of the Prison Ombudsman and the M Ministry of Justice Inspector General
9/ Is a rehabilitation programme available to imprisoned people prior to their release? yes and is encouraged
10/ Does your nation take special care and consideration towards children suspected of committing crime? yes -> juvenile detention centres are a last resort -> group homes and moderate work camps are encouraged

Section Ten - Minority Rights and Equality:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are all citizens of your nation granted equal access to healthcare, education and police/emergency services? yes
2/ Is same-sex marriage legal/performed in your nation? If not, does your nation recognise SSMs performed abroad? SSM are not recognized in Nantu, no prosecution for same sex couples and the government recognizes common law spouses after a period of three years
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to be in a same-sex relationship? yes
4/ Are trans people in your nation permitted to self-identify with a different gender/sex? yes
5/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people given access to mental and physical healthcare?. all persons have access to universal medicare under the constitution regardless of gender/religion/ethnicity/etc.
6/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people permitted to legally alter their registered sex/gender? yes but not covered under universal pharmacare
7/ Are racial and sexual minorities granted the same legal rights as the rest of the population? yes
8/ When dealing with the Government, do non-native language speakers have the right to access an interpreter? yes but most provide their own
9/ Are LGBT+ individuals permitted to broadcast their opinions via TV, radio, print and/or the Internet? yes
10/ Does your nation practice segregation of any kind? no -> never legal since the founding in 1919,

(OPTIONAL) - More information
We would appreciate filling in as much of this information as possible. However, this is not required to receive a complete score, and filling this information out will not change your score in any way.
What is the approximate ethnic makeup of your nation? (in percentages)
How many official languages are there in your nation? What are these? one -> English
What is the political position of your nation's ruling Government? Centre-Centre Right
What type of Government does your country have? constitutional monarchy under the Westminster system
How many members of your nation's national assembly/legislature are there? 300 House of Commons, 120 house of lords
(OOC) Which real life nation would you describe yours as being most similar to? UK, Canada, New Zealand

Are you satisfied with this index? yes
Any suggestions or comments on how to improve?
Last edited by Nantu on Thu Mar 11, 2021 5:52 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Posts: 1982
Founded: Aug 18, 2020

Postby Trenaka » Wed Mar 10, 2021 6:26 pm

Your nation's full name (including pretitle) The Federal Republic of Trenaka
Your nation's current year 2020
Your nation's current IC tech level (This index is optimised for MT/PMT nations) MT
Your nation's IC population 33 million
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? yes

Section One - Freedom of Speech:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens afforded the basic right to freedom of expression? Yes.
2/ If yes, how is this right protected by law? Article II of the Constitution protects the right to freedom of expression, among other rights.
3/ Are your nation's citizens bound by hate speech laws? The Constitution prohibits hate speech against certain protected groups, like gender, age, sexual orientation, and race.
4/ Does your nation allow social media companies to regulate their platforms without intervention? Yes.
5/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to social media? Yes.
6/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to physical speech (ie, standing on the street corner)? Yes.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to speak online via encrypted applications? Yes.
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to swear or curse in public? Yes.
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear attire or apparel displaying anti-Government messages? Yes.
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to listen to or create music, films or other art containing anti-Government sentiments? Yes.

Section Two - Economic Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ What is the average income tax rate in your nation? (%) 10%
2/ Are your nation's citizens free to set up a business? Yes
3/ Are your nation's businesses/citizens permitted to trade with and/or import products from firms in other nations? Yes, unless said nation has sanctions placed on it by the Congress and approved by the President.
4/ Are your nation's citizens free to choose their own employment? If so, are they free to unionise? Yes, unions are allowed in all forms of employment.
5/ Is private business permitted within your nation's economy? If so, are they beholden to antitrust regulations? Yes, the Anti-trust Act of 1948 allows the government to break up companies with too much power on the economy.
6/ Does the Government limit the maximum amount of yearly income an individual is allowed to earn? No.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to buy and sell goods and services via the Internet? Yes.
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to open a bank account without Government approval? Yes.
9/ At what age are your nation's citizens entitled to open a personal bank account? 16
10/ Are your nation's (adult) citizens restricted from owning land, property, businesses and commodities for any reason? No.

Section Three - Personal Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear whatever style of clothes they wish? Yes.
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to alter their legal names? Yes, to alter their name they must go to a branch of their Regional Statistics Office.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to go out whenever they like? Yes, unless such an activity is determined to be, according to the Constitution, "dangerous to public health, safety, or security."
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to participate in miscegenation? Yes.
5/ Are your nation's citizens prohibited from working on the basis of their gender? No.
6/ Are your nation's female citizens permitted to obtain abortions? Please give details if required. Yes, they are permitted to if requested, and is usually conducted by Trenaka's public healthcare service.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to affiliate with genuine political movements without interference? Yes.
8/ At what age are your nation's citizens permitted to work? 16, although there is restrictions on working hours until you reach 18.
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to communicate in and produce literature in foreign languages? Yes.
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to possess soft drugs such as marijuana for personal use? Yes.

Section Four - Freedom of Information:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation require ISPs to block websites? If so, which ones? Some websites on the Dark Web that help criminal activity may be required to be censored.
2/ Does your Government directly (overriding ISPs) censor webpages or websites? If so, which ones? None.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access international media? Yes.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access dissenting opinions from other nations? Yes.
5/ Does your Government allow for an unrestricted flow of information on social media? Yes.
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send photos and videos to people in other places? Yes.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send international packages and letters? Yes.
8/ Are your nation's citizens' packages, parcels or physical/electronic mail opened and checked? No.
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to share information about Governmental shortcomings? Yes.
10/ Is outbound mail (physical/electronic) scanned/intercepted for certain information? No.

Section Five - Freedom of Movement:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
If your nation is currently under COVID lockdown, please answer using normal laws.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel throughout the country? Yes.
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel internationally? Yes.
3/ Are your nation's students permitted to travel internationally for exchange/study initiatives? Yes.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to permanently migrate to another country? Yes.
5/ If yes to the previous question, are they permitted to return at any time? Yes, Trenaka offers dual citizenship.
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to move house at any time? Yes.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to change jobs at any time? Yes.
8/ What restrictions are there on your citizens' ability to buy and drive a personal motor vehicle? You must be at the age of 16 to legally own and operate a motor vehicle.
9/ Are your nation's citizens required to log movements with a Government body of any kind? Not usually, although if they are on criminal probation they may have to inform their probation officer of their movements.
10/ Is your nation open to holidaymakers from abroad? Yes.

Section Six - Freedom of Religion:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in private? Yes.
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in their workplaces? Yes.
3/ Are parents permitted to remove their child from school subjects running contrary to their religious (or non-religious) beliefs? Yes, although it is mostly frowned upon by society.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in worshiping facilities like churches and mosques? Yes.
5/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to withhold goods or services due to religious objections? No.
6/ Does your nation ban certain religions from being practiced or promoted? No.
7/ Does your nation restrict travel by anyone belonging to any particular religion? No.
8/ Does your nation permit the sale and/or distribution of religious materials such as holy books? Yes.
9/ Does your nation treat members of all religions (and those who do not practice religion) equally before the law? Yes.
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear symbols of their faith, or religious attire - at home and at work? Yes.

Section Seven - Freedom of the Press:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to form their own media company to report on national news events? Yes.
2/ Are your nation's media companies permitted to operate independently of the Government? Yes.
3/ Are your nation's media companies expected to cut/edit stories which criticise the Government? No.
4/ Is your nation's state-owned broadcaster permitted to operate freely and independently? (Leave blank if no state broadcaster exists) Yes, but it must tell the truth during broadcasts, or visibly mark it as opinion or satire.
5/ Do your nation's citizens have multiple sources to choose from in regards to journalism? Yes.
6/ Are elements of private or state-run media censored or cut during live airing? No.
7/ Are international media companies permitted to open operating arms within your nation? Yes.
8/ Are international media companies permitted to freely report on goings-on within your nation? Yes.
9/ Are your nation's media companies and journalists generally considered honest and unbiased in their reporting? Most are. Some private news stations are highly partisan however, and usually focus on things that are good for their favored political party.
10/ Are members of the press permitted to directly interview and ask questions of Government officials? Yes.

Section Eight - Governmental and Electoral Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Is your nation's Government elected via a democratic election? (If not, please elaborate) Yes. Every two years, there i an election of the entire government, to ensure that the voices of the people are accurately represented.
2/ If yes to the previous question, are these elections observed and/or scrutinised by an independent body? Yes, many watchdog organizations are allowed to monitor for voter fraud.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to petition the Government? If so, are they entitled to a response? Yes. If a petition receives a certain amount of signatures, the policy is put to both a national referendum and regional referendums, so that if a majority of the nation supports it, it is national law, but if only a few regions support it, it becomes regional law.
4/ Does an equivalent to a FOIA or OIA system exist for citizens/media to request Governmental information? Yes, although if it relates to ongoing criminal investigations or military actions it may be redacted.
5/ What conditions must be met to qualify for running for office? You must be over the age of 20, and be a citizen of Trenaka.
6/ Are Members of Parliament (or your equivalent) free to criticise the ruling Government/party? Yes.
7/ Are members of the public free to criticise the ruling Government/party? Yes.
8/ Are laws debated in Parliament (or your equivalent) before being bought into force? Yes.
9/ Are laws put through a public consultation process before being debated in Parliament (or your equivalent)? No.
10/ Are members of the public permitted to directly contact Government officials such as local politicians? Yes.

Section Nine - Criminal Rights and Due Process:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation follow the basic principle of "innocent until proven guilty" in relation to criminal suspects? Yes.
2/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted access to legal assistance? Yes.
3/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted to give no comment during an investigation? Yes.
4/ Does your nation use jury trials (excluding in niche examples such as complex financial or cybercrime)? Yes.
5/ If yes to the previous question, can trials in your nation be generally considered fair? Yes.
6/ Do people found guilty of a crime have the right to appeal a court's ruling/sentence? Yes, until it reaches the Superior Court, which is the highest court.
7/ Are imprisoned people permitted to contact their family and friends? Yes.
8/ Do your nation's prisons conform to basic human rights standards? Yes. If they are found to not be of standard, the warden of the prison is usually fired and replaced.
9/ Is a rehabilitation programme available to imprisoned people prior to their release? Yes.
10/ Does your nation take special care and consideration towards children suspected of committing crime? Yes. Children suspected of committing crime must have their names censored in media.

Section Ten - Minority Rights and Equality:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are all citizens of your nation granted equal access to healthcare, education and police/emergency services? Yes.
2/ Is same-sex marriage legal/performed in your nation? If not, does your nation recognise SSMs performed abroad? Yes, same-sex marriage is legal.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to be in a same-sex relationship? Yes.
4/ Are trans people in your nation permitted to self-identify with a different gender/sex? Yes.
5/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people given access to mental and physical healthcare? Yes, and it is usually provided by the public healthcare system.
6/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people permitted to legally alter their registered sex/gender? Yes.
7/ Are racial and sexual minorities granted the same legal rights as the rest of the population? Yes.
8/ When dealing with the Government, do non-native language speakers have the right to access an interpreter? Yes.
9/ Are LGBT+ individuals permitted to broadcast their opinions via TV, radio, print and/or the Internet? Yes.
10/ Does your nation practice segregation of any kind? No.

(OPTIONAL) - More information
We would appreciate filling in as much of this information as possible. However, this is not required to receive a complete score, and filling this information out will not change your score in any way.
What is the approximate ethnic makeup of your nation? (in percentages)
How many official languages are there in your nation? What are these? English and German
What is the political position of your nation's ruling Government? Social Democracy
What type of Government does your country have? Federal Republic
How many members of your nation's national assembly/legislature are there? 400, 300 in the Reprasentantenhaus (Representative House), and 100 in the Senatsrat (Senatorial Council)
(OOC) Which real life nation would you describe yours as being most similar to? Sweden or Denmark.

Are you satisfied with this index? Yes.
Any suggestions or comments on how to improve? No.
The Kingdom of Trenaka
Königreich Trenaka

A unitary constitutional monarchy in Central Europe.
Trenakan National News: Trenaka withdraws from the GENA, joins the IFC -:- King Frederick II dissolves Parliament, calls new election on Chancellor Friedel’s request.

Bisexual atheist and social democrat.

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Arcturus Novus
Posts: 6808
Founded: Dec 03, 2011
Left-wing Utopia

Postby Arcturus Novus » Wed Mar 10, 2021 6:56 pm

Your nation's full name (including pretitle) The Union of Arcturus and Lophos
Your nation's current year CE 2021
Your nation's current IC tech level (This index is optimised for MT/PMT nations) MT
Your nation's IC population 23,701,854 [2019 estimate]
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? yes.

Section One - Freedom of Speech:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens afforded the basic right to freedom of expression? yes.
2/ If yes, how is this right protected by law? rights to free speech and expression are enshrined in the Constitution of the Arcturan Union.
3/ Are your nation's citizens bound by hate speech laws? yes; hate speech against protected categories, as well as speech that would incite significant public harm, is prohibited.
4/ Does your nation allow social media companies to regulate their platforms without intervention? yes.
5/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to social media? yes, though hate speech laws apply to Arcturan users of social media and to Arcturan-hosted social media sites.
6/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to physical speech (ie, standing on the street corner)? yes; freedom of assembly and protest are also guaranteed by the Constitution.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to speak online via encrypted applications? yes.
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to swear or curse in public? yes.
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear attire or apparel displaying anti-Government messages? yes.
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to listen to or create music, films or other art containing anti-Government sentiments? yes.

Section Two - Economic Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ What is the average income tax rate in your nation? (%) 53.5% as of 2020
2/ Are your nation's citizens free to set up a business? yes.
3/ Are your nation's businesses/citizens permitted to trade with and/or import products from firms in other nations? yes.
4/ Are your nation's citizens free to choose their own employment? If so, are they free to unionise? workers are entitled to work wherever they choose and to join and form labor unions.
5/ Is private business permitted within your nation's economy? If so, are they beholden to antitrust regulations? private enterprise is permitted but highly regulated; antitrust laws are diligently enforced. Most private businesses are small enterprises; larger companies are usually either state-owned or are in private-public partnerships with the federal or local governments.
6/ Does the Government limit the maximum amount of yearly income an individual is allowed to earn? income is capped at A150,000.00/yr (USD 268,500.00/yr), or 5x the Arcturan minimum wage.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to buy and sell goods and services via the Internet? yes.
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to open a bank account without Government approval? technically no, the Union Central Bank is the sole banking organization in Arcturus Novus and is government-run.
9/ At what age are your nation's citizens entitled to open a personal bank account? 16
10/ Are your nation's (adult) citizens restricted from owning land, property, businesses and commodities for any reason? ownership of property or land for the purpose of home rental, or the development thereof, is strictly prohibited.

Section Three - Personal Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear whatever style of clothes they wish? yes.
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to alter their legal names? yes.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to go out whenever they like? yes.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to participate in miscegenation? yes.
5/ Are your nation's citizens prohibited from working on the basis of their gender? no.
6/ Are your nation's female citizens permitted to obtain abortions? Please give details if required. yes; hospitals in every major and moderate population center in the Arcturan Union have appropriate personnel and equipment for such procedures.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to affiliate with genuine political movements without interference? yes; regarding hate speech laws, political groups whose ideologies or mission statements commit hate speech are considered illegitimate organizations and as such, are not legally recognized by the Arcturan government.
8/ At what age are your nation's citizens permitted to work? 16
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to communicate in and produce literature in foreign languages? yes.
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to possess soft drugs such as marijuana for personal use? yes; the possession and recreational use of all drugs is decriminalized.

Section Four - Freedom of Information:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation require ISPs to block websites? If so, which ones?n/a as private ISPs do not exist. Internet is a publicly-operated utility in the Arcturan Union, operated by the Arcturan Internet Commission.
2/ Does your Government directly (overriding ISPs) censor webpages or websites? If so, which ones? the AIC blocks access to any sites hosting or linking to child pornography, as well as sites (or sub-sites/accounts within larger social media) with known or reasonably-suspected ties to terrorist organizations.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access international media? yes.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access dissenting opinions from other nations? yes.
5/ Does your Government allow for an unrestricted flow of information on social media? yes; see above for restrictions on known/suspected terrorist content.
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send photos and videos to people in other places? yes.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send international packages and letters? yes.
8/ Are your nation's citizens' packages, parcels or physical/electronic mail opened and checked? only in cases where such mail is reasonably suspected to be an element of violent crime.
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to share information about Governmental shortcomings? yes.
10/ Is outbound mail (physical/electronic) scanned/intercepted for certain information? see question 8.

Section Five - Freedom of Movement:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
If your nation is currently under COVID lockdown, please answer using normal laws.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel throughout the country? yes.
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel internationally? yes.
3/ Are your nation's students permitted to travel internationally for exchange/study initiatives? yes.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to permanently migrate to another country? yes.
5/ If yes to the previous question, are they permitted to return at any time? yes.
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to move house at any time? yes.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to change jobs at any time? yes.
8/ What restrictions are there on your citizens' ability to buy and drive a personal motor vehicle? drivers must be 16 years of age and in possession of a personal driving license.
9/ Are your nation's citizens required to log movements with a Government body of any kind? no.
10/ Is your nation open to holidaymakers from abroad? yes; tourism is a major sector of the Arcturan economy, particularly beachgoers in the summer and skiers in the winter.

Section Six - Freedom of Religion:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in private? yes.
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in their workplaces? yes.
3/ Are parents permitted to remove their child from school subjects running contrary to their religious (or non-religious) beliefs? yes; homeschooling is permitted but private religious schools do not exist in the Union.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in worshiping facilities like churches and mosques? yes.
5/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to withhold goods or services due to religious objections? no.
6/ Does your nation ban certain religions from being practiced or promoted? no.
7/ Does your nation restrict travel by anyone belonging to any particular religion? no.
8/ Does your nation permit the sale and/or distribution of religious materials such as holy books? yes.
9/ Does your nation treat members of all religions (and those who do not practice religion) equally before the law? yes.
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear symbols of their faith, or religious attire - at home and at work? yes.

Section Seven - Freedom of the Press:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to form their own media company to report on national news events? yes, though in order to be officially identified as a "media corporation" they must register with the Arcturan government.
2/ Are your nation's media companies permitted to operate independently of the Government? yes, though in times of national emergency their signals may be co-opted to boost Arcturan Broadcasting Station (ABS) broadcasts.
3/ Are your nation's media companies expected to cut/edit stories which criticise the Government? no.
4/ Is your nation's state-owned broadcaster permitted to operate freely and independently? (Leave blank if no state broadcaster exists) technically yes; while the ABS is technically state-run, they enjoy rather little direct oversight.
5/ Do your nation's citizens have multiple sources to choose from in regards to journalism? yes, from national and international sources.
6/ Are elements of private or state-run media censored or cut during live airing? explicit language, as well as depictions of graphic violence and (when shown) sexuality, are censored or cut on an as-needed basis.
7/ Are international media companies permitted to open operating arms within your nation? yes.
8/ Are international media companies permitted to freely report on goings-on within your nation? yes.
9/ Are your nation's media companies and journalists generally considered honest and unbiased in their reporting? yes.
10/ Are members of the press permitted to directly interview and ask questions of Government officials? yes.

Section Eight - Governmental and Electoral Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Is your nation's Government elected via a democratic election? (If not, please elaborate) yes; both the legislature and the president are popularly elected.
2/ If yes to the previous question, are these elections observed and/or scrutinised by an independent body? yes; elections are overseen by an intra-regional anti-corruption group within the Communist Bloc.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to petition the Government? If so, are they entitled to a response? yes and yes.
4/ Does an equivalent to a FOIA or OIA system exist for citizens/media to request Governmental information? yes.
5/ What conditions must be met to qualify for running for office? any citizen of the Union over 18 years of age and not actively serving a felony sentence is eligible to run for office.
6/ Are Members of Parliament (or your equivalent) free to criticise the ruling Government/party? yes.
7/ Are members of the public free to criticise the ruling Government/party? yes.
8/ Are laws debated in Parliament (or your equivalent) before being bought into force? yes.
9/ Are laws put through a public consultation process before being debated in Parliament (or your equivalent)? yes; non-binding public opinion polls are conducted before formal debate.
10/ Are members of the public permitted to directly contact Government officials such as local politicians? yes; addresses and contact information of local and national government offices are publicly-kept information.

Section Nine - Criminal Rights and Due Process:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation follow the basic principle of "innocent until proven guilty" in relation to criminal suspects? yes.
2/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted access to legal assistance? yes.
3/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted to give no comment during an investigation? yes.
4/ Does your nation use jury trials (excluding in niche examples such as complex financial or cybercrime)? yes.
5/ If yes to the previous question, can trials in your nation be generally considered fair? yes.
6/ Do people found guilty of a crime have the right to appeal a court's ruling/sentence? yes.
7/ Are imprisoned people permitted to contact their family and friends? yes.
8/ Do your nation's prisons conform to basic human rights standards? yes.
9/ Is a rehabilitation programme available to imprisoned people prior to their release? yes.
10/ Does your nation take special care and consideration towards children suspected of committing crime? individuals under 16 years of age cannot be tried as adults in the Arcturan Union; sentences are conducted in juvenile rehabilitation centers and transferred to appropriate facilities upon convicted parties turning 16 years of age.

Section Ten - Minority Rights and Equality:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are all citizens of your nation granted equal access to healthcare, education and police/emergency services? yes.
2/ Is same-sex marriage legal/performed in your nation? If not, does your nation recognise SSMs performed abroad? yes.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to be in a same-sex relationship? yes.
4/ Are trans people in your nation permitted to self-identify with a different gender/sex? yes.
5/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people given access to mental and physical healthcare? medical and psychological care is provided freely to trans/nonbinary residents of the Arcturan Union.
6/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people permitted to legally alter their registered sex/gender? yes.
7/ Are racial and sexual minorities granted the same legal rights as the rest of the population? yes.
8/ When dealing with the Government, do non-native language speakers have the right to access an interpreter? yes.
9/ Are LGBT+ individuals permitted to broadcast their opinions via TV, radio, print and/or the Internet? yes.
10/ Does your nation practice segregation of any kind? no.

(OPTIONAL) - More information
We would appreciate filling in as much of this information as possible. However, this is not required to receive a complete score, and filling this information out will not change your score in any way.
What is the approximate ethnic makeup of your nation? (in percentages) TBD
How many official languages are there in your nation? What are these? 2; Greek and Arcturan Latin
What is the political position of your nation's ruling Government? de jure Marxism-Leninism, de facto eurocommunism
What type of Government does your country have? unitary presidential constitutional republic.
How many members of your nation's national assembly/legislature are there? 474
(OOC) Which real life nation would you describe yours as being most similar to? a Scandinavian country with Soviet aesthetics. Maybe Finland?

Are you satisfied with this index?
Any suggestions or comments on how to improve?
Last edited by Arcturus Novus on Fri Mar 12, 2021 10:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
Arcy/Marcy (she/it/pup), NS People’s Commissariat for Puppygirls
In my fem dyke fiancée arc!!
From the river to the sea. It didn't start on 10/7.
OG political compass 8values leftvalues 9axes ideosorter
HISPIDA wrote:authoritarianism is when you have to obey the law and the more laws you have to obey the more authoritarian it is and when you're punished for breaking the law that's totalitarianism

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The Allied Tribe
Chargé d'Affaires
Posts: 477
Founded: Apr 04, 2019

Postby The Allied Tribe » Wed Mar 10, 2021 7:25 pm

Your nation's full name (including pretitle) Vegetarian Democratic States of The Allied Tribe
Your nation's current year
Your nation's current IC tech level (This index is optimised for MT/PMT nations) MT
Your nation's IC population Around 1,000,000
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored? Yes.

Section One - Freedom of Speech:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens afforded the basic right to freedom of expression? Yes.
2/ If yes, how is this right protected by law? Protected in constitution.
3/ Are your nation's citizens bound by hate speech laws? No, but it is discouraged to use hate speech.
4/ Does your nation allow social media companies to regulate their platforms without intervention? Yes.
5/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to social media? Free speech can be restricted by social media, or remain unrestricted.
6/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to physical speech (ie, standing on the street corner)? Yes.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to speak online via encrypted applications? Yes.
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to swear or curse in public? Yes.
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear attire or apparel displaying anti-Government messages? Yes.
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to listen to or create music, films or other art containing anti-Government sentiments? Yes.

Section Two - Economic Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ What is the average income tax rate in your nation? (%) 25%
2/ Are your nation's citizens free to set up a business? Yes.
3/ Are your nation's businesses/citizens permitted to trade with and/or import products from firms in other nations? Yes.
4/ Are your nation's citizens free to choose their own employment? If so, are they free to unionise? Yes and yes.
5/ Is private business permitted within your nation's economy? If so, are they beholden to antitrust regulations? Yes and yes.
6/ Does the Government limit the maximum amount of yearly income an individual is allowed to earn? No, but earning 300000 USD or more is generally discouraged.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to buy and sell goods and services via the Internet? Yes.
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to open a bank account without Government approval? Yes.
9/ At what age are your nation's citizens entitled to open a personal bank account? 18, but you can open a joint account with a parent/guardian as a minor.
10/ Are your nation's (adult) citizens restricted from owning land, property, businesses and commodities for any reason? No.

Section Three - Personal Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear whatever style of clothes they wish? Yes.
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to alter their legal names? Yes.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to go out whenever they like? Yes.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to participate in miscegenation? Yes.
5/ Are your nation's citizens prohibited from working on the basis of their gender? No.
6/ Are your nation's female citizens permitted to obtain abortions? Please give details if required. Yes.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to affiliate with genuine political movements without interference? Yes.
8/ At what age are your nation's citizens permitted to work? People may start working at the age of 17.
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to communicate in and produce literature in foreign languages? Yes.
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to possess soft drugs such as marijuana for personal use? Yes.

Section Four - Freedom of Information:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation require ISPs to block websites? If so, which ones? No.
2/ Does your Government directly (overriding ISPs) censor webpages or websites? If so, which ones? No.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access international media? Yes.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access dissenting opinions from other nations? Yes.
5/ Does your Government allow for an unrestricted flow of information on social media? Yes.
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send photos and videos to people in other places? Yes.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send international packages and letters? Yes.
8/ Are your nation's citizens' packages, parcels or physical/electronic mail opened and checked? No.
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to share information about Governmental shortcomings? Yes.
10/ Is outbound mail (physical/electronic) scanned/intercepted for certain information? No.

Section Five - Freedom of Movement:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
If your nation is currently under COVID lockdown, please answer using normal laws.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel throughout the country? Yes.
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel internationally? Yes.
3/ Are your nation's students permitted to travel internationally for exchange/study initiatives? Yes.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to permanently migrate to another country? Yes.
5/ If yes to the previous question, are they permitted to return at any time? Yes.
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to move house at any time? Yes.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to change jobs at any time? Yes.
8/ What restrictions are there on your citizens' ability to buy and drive a personal motor vehicle? They must complete a driving test first.
9/ Are your nation's citizens required to log movements with a Government body of any kind? No.
10/ Is your nation open to holidaymakers from abroad? Yes.

Section Six - Freedom of Religion:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in private? Yes.
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in their workplaces? Yes.
3/ Are parents permitted to remove their child from school subjects running contrary to their religious (or non-religious) beliefs? Yes.
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in worshiping facilities like churches and mosques? Yes.
5/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to withhold goods or services due to religious objections? Yes.
6/ Does your nation ban certain religions from being practiced or promoted? Religions that require people to kill people of other religions are banned.
7/ Does your nation restrict travel by anyone belonging to any particular religion? If the religion is not banned, no.
8/ Does your nation permit the sale and/or distribution of religious materials such as holy books? Yes.
9/ Does your nation treat members of all religions (and those who do not practice religion) equally before the law? Yes.
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear symbols of their faith, or religious attire - at home and at work? Yes.

Section Seven - Freedom of the Press:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to form their own media company to report on national news events? Yes.
2/ Are your nation's media companies permitted to operate independently of the Government? Yes.
3/ Are your nation's media companies expected to cut/edit stories which criticise the Government? No.
4/ Is your nation's state-owned broadcaster permitted to operate freely and independently? (Leave blank if no state broadcaster exists)
5/ Do your nation's citizens have multiple sources to choose from in regards to journalism? Yes.
6/ Are elements of private or state-run media censored or cut during live airing? No.
7/ Are international media companies permitted to open operating arms within your nation? Yes.
8/ Are international media companies permitted to freely report on goings-on within your nation? Yes.
9/ Are your nation's media companies and journalists generally considered honest and unbiased in their reporting? Yes. While biased reporting isn't banned, it is generally encouraged to be unbiased in reporting.
10/ Are members of the press permitted to directly interview and ask questions of Government officials? Yes.

Section Eight - Governmental and Electoral Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Is your nation's Government elected via a democratic election? (If not, please elaborate) Yes.
2/ If yes to the previous question, are these elections observed and/or scrutinised by an independent body? Yes.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to petition the Government? If so, are they entitled to a response? Yes and yes.
4/ Does an equivalent to a FOIA or OIA system exist for citizens/media to request Governmental information? All government information is documented and released.
5/ What conditions must be met to qualify for running for office? Must be at least 30 years old and must have lived for at least 10 years in The Allied Tribe.
6/ Are Members of Parliament (or your equivalent) free to criticise the ruling Government/party? Yes.
7/ Are members of the public free to criticise the ruling Government/party? Yes.
8/ Are laws debated in Parliament (or your equivalent) before being bought into force? Citizens debate laws, so yes?
9/ Are laws put through a public consultation process before being debated in Parliament (or your equivalent)? Yes. (read above)
10/ Are members of the public permitted to directly contact Government officials such as local politicians? Yes.

Section Nine - Criminal Rights and Due Process:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation follow the basic principle of "innocent until proven guilty" in relation to criminal suspects? Yes.
2/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted access to legal assistance? Yes.
3/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted to give no comment during an investigation? Yes.
4/ Does your nation use jury trials (excluding in niche examples such as complex financial or cybercrime)? Yes.
5/ If yes to the previous question, can trials in your nation be generally considered fair? Yes.
6/ Do people found guilty of a crime have the right to appeal a court's ruling/sentence? Yes.
7/ Are imprisoned people permitted to contact their family and friends? Yes.
8/ Do your nation's prisons conform to basic human rights standards? Yes.
9/ Is a rehabilitation programme available to imprisoned people prior to their release? Yes.
10/ Does your nation take special care and consideration towards children suspected of committing crime? Yes.

Section Ten - Minority Rights and Equality:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are all citizens of your nation granted equal access to healthcare, education and police/emergency services? Yes.
2/ Is same-sex marriage legal/performed in your nation? If not, does your nation recognise SSMs performed abroad? Yes.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to be in a same-sex relationship? Yes.
4/ Are trans people in your nation permitted to self-identify with a different gender/sex? Yes.
5/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people given access to mental and physical healthcare? Yes.
6/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people permitted to legally alter their registered sex/gender? Yes.
7/ Are racial and sexual minorities granted the same legal rights as the rest of the population? Yes.
8/ When dealing with the Government, do non-native language speakers have the right to access an interpreter? Yes.
9/ Are LGBT+ individuals permitted to broadcast their opinions via TV, radio, print and/or the Internet? Yes.
10/ Does your nation practice segregation of any kind? No.

(OPTIONAL) - More information
We would appreciate filling in as much of this information as possible. However, this is not required to receive a complete score, and filling this information out will not change your score in any way.
What is the approximate ethnic makeup of your nation? (in percentages)
How many official languages are there in your nation? What are these? None, but the most common languages spoken are Deetilan and Deluaiian.
What is the political position of your nation's ruling Government? Centrist.
What type of Government does your country have? Federal semi-direct democracy, also a crowned republic
How many members of your nation's national assembly/legislature are there?
(OOC) Which real life nation would you describe yours as being most similar to?

Are you satisfied with this index? Yes.
Any suggestions or comments on how to improve? Maybe add a question on transparency?
Currently retired. This nation (my first on this website) will be put to rest after 4 years on April 22.
A pacifist union located on the utopian planet Delotheaa. Nothing notable other than its longevity (as the nation has existed for over 10,000 years) and its unusual ability to repel invasions.
We are also called Deetileaa-Deluaiia.
2nd Allied Tribe War is over, The Allied Tribe repels an invasion by ATFF | The Allied Tribe officially bans Child Labor, Compulsory Organ Harvesting | The Allied Tribe states that force must be used strictly defensively, begins armed neutrality and cuts aggressive military ties with all nations

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Posts: 50
Founded: Feb 20, 2021

Postby Istantine » Wed Mar 10, 2021 8:15 pm

Your nation's full name (including pretitle)The Holy Empire of Istantine
Your nation's current year2021
Your nation's current IC tech level (This index is optimised for MT/PMT nations)Modern
Your nation's IC population88.3 Million
Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored?Yes.

Section One - Freedom of Speech:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens afforded the basic right to freedom of expression? Yes. But some exceptions is that the mocking of religious beliefs is a crime.
2/ If yes, how is this right protected by law? That you cannot SEVERELY harass others just because of their beliefs
3/ Are your nation's citizens bound by hate speech laws?Definetely not. We have a saying that everyone has a right to their own opinion, it's just that we don't want them forcing others to share their beliefs though.
4/ Does your nation allow social media companies to regulate their platforms without intervention?Yes, but when there is a severe backlash by the consumers, we will intervene.
5/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to social media?Yes.
6/ (If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to physical speech (ie, standing on the street corner)?Absolutely, this is our number one priority when it comes to free speech. Psychical harm can be devastating, so we focus on this area.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to speak online via encrypted applications? Yes.
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to swear or curse in public? Yes.
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear attire or apparel displaying anti-Government messages?Yes.
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to listen to or create music, films or other art containing anti-Government sentiments? Yes.

Section Two - Economic Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ What is the average income tax rate in your nation? (%)A progressive tax which has a average of 27.1%
2/ Are your nation's citizens free to set up a business?Absolutely
3/ Are your nation's businesses/citizens permitted to trade with and/or import products from firms in other nations?Absolutely
4/ Are your nation's citizens free to choose their own employment? If so, are they free to unionise?Absolutely
5/ Is private business permitted within your nation's economy? If so, are they beholden to antitrust regulations? Yes. They are beholden by those laws
6/ Does the Government limit the maximum amount of yearly income an individual is allowed to earn?No.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to buy and sell goods and services via the Internet?Yes.
8/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to open a bank account without Government approval?Sometimes. (look below)
9/ At what age are your nation's citizens entitled to open a personal bank account?16 but must be government approved, 18 is allowed without approval.
10/ Are your nation's (adult) citizens restricted from owning land, property, businesses and commodities for any reason?No.

Section Three - Personal Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear whatever style of clothes they wish?Absolutely
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to alter their legal names?Yes, but it must not be offensive.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to go out whenever they like?Yes, but no in some scenarios (pandemic go brrrr)
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to participate in miscegenation?Absolutely, we believe that it will stop racism
5/ Are your nation's citizens prohibited from working on the basis of their gender?No
6/ Are your nation's female citizens permitted to obtain abortions? Please give details if required.Yes.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to affiliate with genuine political movements without interference?
8/ At what age are your nation's citizens permitted to work?13 for very soft labor, 16 for non-manual labor, 18 for all types of work
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to communicate in and produce literature in foreign languages?Yes.
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to possess soft drugs such as marijuana for personal use?Yes. It even is in my policies

Section Four - Freedom of Information:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation require ISPs to block websites? If so, which ones?No.
2/ Does your Government directly (overriding ISPs) censor webpages or websites? If so, which ones?Yes, VERY confidential ones that is atleast 50 years old.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access international media?ABSOLUTELY
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to access dissenting opinions from other nations?Absolutely
5/ Does your Government allow for an unrestricted flow of information on social media?Yes.
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send photos and videos to people in other places?Yes.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to send international packages and letters?Yes.
8/ Are your nation's citizens' packages, parcels or physical/electronic mail opened and checked?No.
9/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to share information about Governmental shortcomings?Yes.
10/ Is outbound mail (physical/electronic) scanned/intercepted for certain information?No, but in certain scenarios (like fear of terrorist attack) Yes

Section Five - Freedom of Movement:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
If your nation is currently under COVID lockdown, please answer using normal laws.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel throughout the country?Yes but they must be scanned for disease
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel internationally?yes but must be scanned for disease
3/ Are your nation's students permitted to travel internationally for exchange/study initiatives?Yes
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to permanently migrate to another country?
5/ If yes to the previous question, are they permitted to return at any time?Yes, but they must go through
7 day quaratine when they enter.
6/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to move house at any time?Yes.
7/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to change jobs at any time?Yes.
8/ What restrictions are there on your citizens' ability to buy and drive a personal motor vehicle?Must have a driver's license in which can be acquired anytime. People who drive illegally get warned and get put on a private watch list. If he/she breaks the law of driving for the 3rd time, he/she gets fined 1/12 of his/her money.
9/ Are your nation's citizens required to log movements with a Government body of any kind?No.
10/ Is your nation open to holidaymakers from abroad?Yes, but must be scanned ofc

Section Six - Freedom of Religion:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in private?Absolutely
2/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in their workplaces?No.
3/ Are parents permitted to remove their child from school subjects running contrary to their religious (or non-religious) beliefs?Yes, but only in high elementary (grade 4-5[depending on the province] and above)
4/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in worshiping facilities like churches and mosques?ABSOLUTELY
5/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to withhold goods or services due to religious objections?Yes.
6/ Does your nation ban certain religions from being practiced or promoted?No.
7/ Does your nation restrict travel by anyone belonging to any particular religion?No.
8/ Does your nation permit the sale and/or distribution of religious materials such as holy books?Yes.
9/ Does your nation treat members of all religions (and those who do not practice religion) equally before the law?Yes.
10/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear symbols of their faith, or religious attire - at home and at work?Yes.

Section Seven - Freedom of the Press:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to form their own media company to report on national news events?Yes.
2/ Are your nation's media companies permitted to operate independently of the Government?Yes, but if they release something VERY confidential, they get fined
3/ Are your nation's media companies expected to cut/edit stories which criticise the Government?No.
4/ Is your nation's state-owned broadcaster permitted to operate freely and independently? (Leave blank if no state broadcaster exists) we have no state broadcaster as we may be seen as somehow lieing
5/ Do your nation's citizens have multiple sources to choose from in regards to journalism?Yes.
6/ Are elements of private or state-run media censored or cut during live airing?No.
7/ Are international media companies permitted to open operating arms within your nation?Yes.
8/ Are international media companies permitted to freely report on goings-on within your nation? Yes.
9/ Are your nation's media companies and journalists generally considered honest and unbiased in their reporting?Yes.
10/ Are members of the press permitted to directly interview and ask questions of Government officials?Absolutely.

Section Eight - Governmental and Electoral Freedoms:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Is your nation's Government elected via a democratic election? (If not, please elaborate) The Head of State is elected, but there is a royal family who is the head of government (we call in a democratic monarchy)
2/ If yes to the previous question, are these elections observed and/or scrutinised by an independent body?No.
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to petition the Government? If so, are they entitled to a response?ABSOLUTELY
4/ Does an equivalent to a FOIA or OIA system exist for citizens/media to request Governmental information?Yes. We want our citizens to have free will to request info
5/ What conditions must be met to qualify for running for office?Must be 25 or higher, must have experience in a government position, local or national.
6/ Are Members of Parliament (or your equivalent) free to criticise the ruling Government/party?Yes.
7/ Are members of the public free to criticise the ruling Government/party?Yes.
8/ Are laws debated in Parliament (or your equivalent) before being bought into force?Absolutely
9/ Are laws put through a public consultation process before being debated in Parliament (or your equivalent)?Yes, we want to see if the public approves.
10/ Are members of the public permitted to directly contact Government officials such as local politicians?Yes.

Section Nine - Criminal Rights and Due Process:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Does your nation follow the basic principle of "innocent until proven guilty" in relation to criminal suspects?Yes.
2/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted access to legal assistance?Yes.
3/ Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted to give no comment during an investigation?Yes.
4/ Does your nation use jury trials (excluding in niche examples such as complex financial or cybercrime)?Absolutely
5/ If yes to the previous question, can trials in your nation be generally considered fair?Witness cannot be a person who knows who the suspect is before the crime so yes.
6/ Do people found guilty of a crime have the right to appeal a court's ruling/sentence?Yes.
7/ Are imprisoned people permitted to contact their family and friends?Absolutely, we will let them call them anytime, but they must be checked if they are actually family members.
8/ Do your nation's prisons conform to basic human rights standards?Absolutely
9/ Is a rehabilitation programme available to imprisoned people prior to their release?Yes.
10/ Does your nation take special care and consideration towards children suspected of committing crime?Yes.

Section Ten - Minority Rights and Equality:
Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.
1/ Are all citizens of your nation granted equal access to healthcare, education and police/emergency services?Absolutely
2/ Is same-sex marriage legal/performed in your nation? If not, does your nation recognise SSMs performed abroad?Yes, but I don't have it yet on my policies :(
3/ Are your nation's citizens permitted to be in a same-sex relationship?Yes.
4/ Are trans people in your nation permitted to self-identify with a different gender/sex?Ofcourse
5/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people given access to mental and physical healthcare?Absolutely
6/ If yes to the previous question, are trans people permitted to legally alter their registered sex/gender?Absolutely
7/ Are racial and sexual minorities granted the same legal rights as the rest of the population?Yes.
8/ When dealing with the Government, do non-native language speakers have the right to access an interpreter?Absolutely
9/ Are LGBT+ individuals permitted to broadcast their opinions via TV, radio, print and/or the Internet? Yes.
10/ Does your nation practice segregation of any kind?No.

(OPTIONAL) - More information
We would appreciate filling in as much of this information as possible. However, this is not required to receive a complete score, and filling this information out will not change your score in any way.
What is the approximate ethnic makeup of your nation? (in percentages)
How many official languages are there in your nation? What are these?N/A
What is the political position of your nation's ruling Government?
What type of Government does your country have?Democracy and Monarchy
How many members of your nation's national assembly/legislature are there?
(OOC) Which real life nation would you describe yours as being most similar to?Singapore, or even Switzerland or Sweden

Are you satisfied with this index?Yes.

Any suggestions or comments on how to improve?
Last edited by Istantine on Wed Mar 10, 2021 8:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.



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