International Freedom Index
Greetings to all nations of the world. The Drongonian Government, partnered with several NGOs and private research institutes, has compiled a questionnaire which seeks to establish the amount of development within any given country. We invite all heads of state (or their representatives) to take part in the survey and provide both us and the rest of the world with valuable feedback regarding who we should trade, ally and have diplomatic relations with. The International Freedom Index (IFI) is designed to be the ultimate freedom assessment tool, addressing shortcomings of other indices developed in the past, as well as being the most thorough to date. We appreciate that other nations and organisations may have created freedom-measuring indeces in the past, but we truly do believe this one to be superior.
The questions in this survey are best suited for nations with a "Modern Technology" standard. We classify this standard by any nation having their current timeline as between 2000 - 2030, with technology levels advanced up to 25 years above the current real-world standards. If your nation falls outside of these bounds, you are more than welcome to participate - however, your results may be inaccurate.
Index Outline
The questions nations are asked to answer are listed in the codebox below. Please note, you are free to refrain from answering as many questions as you'd like, but each question you answer reduces the likelihood of an accurate score being given to your nation. If you do not wish to answer a question, simply leave it blank.
Index Scoring System
Nations are given a freedom score which ranges from 0 - 100, with zero being least free and 100 being a perfect score, indicating the highest possible levels of freedom accounted for. Please note that the scale below is wide and variable. For example, a nation which scores 69.9 is far more free than a nation with a score of 50, but they share a bracket and therefore a classification.
Free (90 - 100)
Real world examples: Norway, Finland, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Scotland, Canada, Japan
Nations scoring in this range are very highly developed and free nations in which their citizens enjoy the world's highest tier of freedom. This includes fundamental freedom of expression, association, identity and freedom of movement. The press is also totally free to conduct investigations and report on Government and civilian matters as they see fit. Economic freedom is also outstanding, and these are generally good places to do business.
Mostly Free (75 - 89.9)
Real world examples: United States, United Kingdom, Spain
Nations scoring in this range can be considered mostly free and overall good places to live, although they may not feature all of the freedoms found in the above category. Common examples of this may be restrictions on the freedom of press, or restrictions on certain areas of free speech and economic activity.
Somewhat Free (55 - 74.9)
Real world examples: Cuba, Seychelles, Egypt, Bolivia
Nations scoring in this range can be considered free to a point. The populace can generally get through their day without much trouble, but members of the press and businesses will likely have to watch their steps.
Not Free (25 - 54.9)
Real world examples: Pakistan, China
Nations scoring in this range are simply not free. Citizens are generally expected to follow a fairly strict set of rules, or risk the consequences. The Government is likely not democratic, and the press parrots the Government's talking points, as do businesses.
Oppressed (0 - 24.9)
Real world examples: North Korea
Nations scoring in this range are entirely oppressive. Individuals in these nations are likely not afforded freedoms of any sort and are expected to abide by a strict set of rules, lest they face prison time. Free companies and press are non-existant or merely exist to provide services the Government is unable to. The nation's leadership is dictatorial.
The Questionnaire
Please fill out the questions below and return them via a reply. Thank you in advance to all nations deciding to participate.
- Code: Select all
[spoiler=International Freedom Index]
[b]Your nation's full name (including pretitle)[/b]
[b]Your nation's current year[/b]
[b]Your nation's current IC tech level (This index is optimised for MT/PMT nations)[/b]
[b]Your nation's IC population[/b]
[b]Would you like to receive a TG updating you when your nation has been scored?[/b]
[u]Section One - Freedom of Speech:[/u]
[size=75][i]Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.[/i][/size]
1/ [b]Are your nation's citizens afforded the basic right to freedom of expression?[/b]
2/ [b]If yes, how is this right protected by law?[/b]
3/ [b]Are your nation's citizens bound by hate speech laws?[/b]
4/ [b]Does your nation allow social media companies to regulate their platforms without intervention?[/b]
5/ [b](If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to social media?[/b]
6/ [b](If applicable) Do free speech rights in your nation extend to physical speech (ie, standing on the street corner)?[/b]
7/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to speak online via encrypted applications?[/b]
8/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to swear or curse in public?[/b]
9/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear attire or apparel displaying anti-Government messages?[/b]
10/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to listen to or create music, films or other art containing anti-Government sentiments?[/b]
[u]Section Two - Economic Freedoms:[/u]
[size=75][i]Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.[/i][/size]
1/ [b]What is the average income tax rate in your nation? (%)[/b]
2/ [b]Are your nation's citizens free to set up a business?[/b]
3/ [b]Are your nation's businesses/citizens permitted to trade with and/or import products from firms in other nations?[/b]
4/ [b]Are your nation's citizens free to choose their own employment? If so, are they free to unionise?[/b]
5/ [b]Is private business permitted within your nation's economy? If so, are they beholden to antitrust regulations?[/b]
6/ [b]Does the Government limit the maximum amount of yearly income an individual is allowed to earn?[/b]
7/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to buy and sell goods and services via the Internet?[/b]
8/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to open a bank account without Government approval?[/b]
9/ [b]At what age are your nation's citizens entitled to open a personal bank account?[/b]
10/ [b]Are your nation's (adult) citizens restricted from owning land, property, businesses and commodities for any reason?[/b]
[u]Section Three - Personal Freedoms:[/u]
[size=75][i]Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.[/i][/size]
1/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear whatever style of clothes they wish?[/b]
2/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to alter their legal names?[/b]
3/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to go out whenever they like?[/b]
4/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to participate in miscegenation?[/b]
5/ [b]Are your nation's citizens prohibited from working on the basis of their gender?[/b]
6/ [b]Are your nation's female citizens permitted to obtain abortions? Please give details if required.[/b]
7/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to affiliate with genuine political movements without interference?[/b]
8/ [b]At what age are your nation's citizens permitted to work?[/b]
9/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to communicate in and produce literature in foreign languages?[/b]
10/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to possess soft drugs such as marijuana for personal use?[/b]
[u]Section Four - Freedom of Information:[/u]
[size=75][i]Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.[/i][/size]
1/ [b]Does your nation require ISPs to block websites? If so, which ones?[/b]
2/ [b]Does your Government directly (overriding ISPs) censor webpages or websites? If so, which ones?[/b]
3/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to access international media?[/b]
4/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to access dissenting opinions from other nations?[/b]
5/ [b]Does your Government allow for an unrestricted flow of information on social media?[/b]
6/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to send photos and videos to people in other places?[/b]
7/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to send international packages and letters?[/b]
8/ [b]Are your nation's citizens' packages, parcels or physical/electronic mail opened and checked?[/b]
9/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to share information about Governmental shortcomings?[/b]
10/ [b]Is outbound mail (physical/electronic) scanned/intercepted for certain information?[/b]
[u]Section Five - Freedom of Movement:[/u]
[size=75][i]Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.[/i][/size]
1/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel throughout the country?[/b]
2/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to travel internationally?[/b]
3/ [b]Are your nation's students permitted to travel internationally for exchange/study initiatives?[/b]
4/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to permanently migrate to another country?[/b]
5/ [b]If yes to the previous question, are they permitted to return at any time?[/b]
6/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to move house at any time?[/b]
7/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to change jobs at any time?[/b]
8/ [b]What restrictions are there on your citizens' ability to buy and drive a personal motor vehicle?[/b]
9/ [b]Are your nation's citizens required to log movements with a Government body of any kind?[/b]
10/ [b]Is your nation open to holidaymakers from abroad?[/b]
[u]Section Six - Freedom of Religion:[/u]
[size=75][i]Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.[/i][/size]
1/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in private?[/b]
2/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in their workplaces?[/b]
3/ [b]Are parents permitted to remove their child from school subjects running contrary to their religious (or non-religious) beliefs?[/b]
4/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to practice their religion in worshiping facilities like churches and mosques?[/b]
5/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to withhold goods or services due to religious objections?[/b]
6/ [b]Does your nation ban certain religions from being practiced or promoted?[/b]
7/ [b]Does your nation restrict travel by anyone belonging to any particular religion?[/b]
8/ [b]Does your nation permit the sale and/or distribution of religious materials such as holy books?[/b]
9/ [b]Does your nation treat members of all religions (and those who do not practice religion) equally before the law?[/b]
10/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to wear symbols of their faith, or religious attire - at home and at work?[/b]
[u]Section Seven - Freedom of the Press:[/u]
[size=75][i]Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.[/i][/size]
1/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to form their own media company to report on national news events?[/b]
2/ [b]Are your nation's media companies permitted to operate independently of the Government?[/b]
3/ [b]Are your nation's media companies expected to cut/edit stories which criticise the Government?[/b]
4/ [b]Is your nation's state-owned broadcaster permitted to operate freely and independently? (Leave blank if no state broadcaster exists)[/b]
5/ [b]Do your nation's citizens have multiple sources to choose from in regards to journalism?[/b]
6/ [b]Are elements of private or state-run media censored or cut during live airing?[/b]
7/ [b]Are international media companies permitted to open operating arms within your nation?[/b]
8/ [b]Are international media companies permitted to freely report on goings-on within your nation?[/b]
9/ [b]Are your nation's media companies and journalists generally considered honest and unbiased in their reporting?[/b]
10/ [b]Are members of the press permitted to directly interview and ask questions of Government officials?[/b]
[u]Section Eight - Governmental and Electoral Freedoms:[/u]
[size=75][i]Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.[/i][/size]
1/ [b]Is your nation's Government elected via a democratic election? (If not, please elaborate)[/b]
2/ [b]If yes to the previous question, are these elections observed and/or scrutinised by an independent body?[/b]
3/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to petition the Government? If so, are they entitled to a response?[/b]
4/ [b]Does an equivalent to a FOIA or OIA system exist for citizens/media to request Governmental information?[/b]
5/ [b]What conditions must be met to qualify for running for office?[/b]
6/ [b]Are Members of Parliament (or your equivalent) free to criticise the ruling Government/party?[/b]
7/ [b]Are members of the public free to criticise the ruling Government/party?[/b]
8/ [b]Are laws debated in Parliament (or your equivalent) before being bought into force?[/b]
9/ [b]Are laws put through a public consultation process before being debated in Parliament (or your equivalent)?[/b]
10/ [b]Are members of the public permitted to directly contact Government officials such as local politicians?[/b]
[u]Section Nine - Criminal Rights and Due Process:[/u]
[size=75][i]Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.[/i][/size]
1/ [b]Does your nation follow the basic principle of "innocent until proven guilty" in relation to criminal suspects?[/b]
2/ [b]Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted access to legal assistance?[/b]
3/ [b]Are people suspected of committing a crime permitted to give no comment during an investigation?[/b]
4/ [b]Does your nation use jury trials (excluding in niche examples such as complex financial or cybercrime)?[/b]
5/ [b]If yes to the previous question, can trials in your nation be generally considered fair?[/b]
6/ [b]Do people found guilty of a crime have the right to appeal a court's ruling/sentence?[/b]
7/ [b]Are imprisoned people permitted to contact their family and friends?[/b]
8/ [b]Do your nation's prisons conform to basic human rights standards?[/b]
9/ [b]Is a rehabilitation programme available to imprisoned people prior to their release?[/b]
10/ [b]Does your nation take special care and consideration towards children suspected of committing crime?[/b]
[u]Section Ten - Minority Rights and Equality:[/u]
[size=75][i]Expanding on answers past "yes/no" is appreciated where possible/applicable.[/i][/size]
1/ [b]Are all citizens of your nation granted equal access to healthcare, education and police/emergency services?[/b]
2/ [b]Is same-sex marriage legal/performed in your nation? If not, does your nation recognise SSMs performed abroad?[/b]
3/ [b]Are your nation's citizens permitted to be in a same-sex relationship?[/b]
4/ [b]Are trans people in your nation permitted to self-identify with a different gender/sex?[/b]
5/ [b]If yes to the previous question, are trans people given access to mental and physical healthcare?[/b]
6/ [b]If yes to the previous question, are trans people permitted to legally alter their registered sex/gender?[/b]
7/ [b]Are racial and sexual minorities granted the same legal rights as the rest of the population?[/b]
8/ [b]When dealing with the Government, do non-native language speakers have the right to access an interpreter?[/b]
9/ [b]Are LGBT+ individuals permitted to broadcast their opinions via TV, radio, print and/or the Internet?[/b]
10/ [b]Does your nation practice segregation of any kind?[/b]
[u](OPTIONAL) - More information[/u]
[size=75]We would appreciate filling in as much of this information as possible. However, this is not required to receive a complete score, and filling this information out will not change your score in any way.[/size]
[b]What is the approximate ethnic makeup of your nation? (in percentages)[/b]
[b]How many official languages are there in your nation? What are these?[/b]
[b]What is the political position of your nation's ruling Government?[/b]
[b]What type of Government does your country have?[/b]
[b]How many members of your nation's national assembly/legislature are there?[/b]
[b](OOC) Which real life nation would you describe yours as being most similar to?[/b]
[b]Are you satisfied with this index?[/b]
[b]Any suggestions or comments on how to improve?[/b]