A Lost Age [PT/FanT World] (Open)

A staging-point for declarations of war and other major diplomatic events. [In character]
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Lost Age
Posts: 83
Founded: Sep 17, 2012

A Lost Age [PT/FanT World] (Open)

Postby Lost Age » Mon Sep 17, 2012 12:23 pm


Lost Age News:

We are back and better than ever, with updated rules for more freedom and easier game play.- 2/24/13


Lost Age is a Medieval Fantasy RP World/Community that functions just like any other RP on NS. It has few rules so that players can have an easy enjoyable time during the RP. Its a small community that lives on a map that has claimable fertile land where their Kingdom's or Realms may rise.


If I Haven't lost you're attention yet then I must have sparked an interest in you. Let me give you the back round of A Lost Age and why I created it. I have a very big interest in the PT scene. I love books like Lord of the Rings, Song of Ice and Fire, and many other stories of the sort, and I as a frequent RPer wanted to participate in a community that would let me RP these fantasy dreams. Alas there are no communities of the sort so therefor I decided that it would fall upon me to create one. And thus I am creating A Lost Age.

Vision: A Lost Age is a community made to give PT players a place to create their ideal PT civilization and then interact with other players without binding rules that cause their RPs to become un-fun.

With this vision in mind I want to extend a welcome hand to you and hope that you will come an contribute to our community.


While there are not many rules there are a few basic ones to follow to make this a friendly environment:

Section 1: Community Guidelines:

1. Please respect all mods and admin staff, their rule is final and should be listened to.

2. Treat all other players with that same respect as well. You will be treated with respect in return.

3. Only control you're realm and characters, IE: No god modding.

4. Strive to make you're posts and writing better so that other players can easily understand it.

5. Notify the staff when you will be absent for an extended period.

Section 2: Game play Guidelines:

1. Population is a realistic part of a Lost Age. Each player can start with up to 20,000,000 population, any addition in population must be approved by mods after that. Armies should be realistic to the nations population size.

2. When you apply to be a member of Lost Age you will give examples of your previous activity on nationstates. From there the moderates will group you into one of fourcategories which determines how many provinces (subdivisions on the map) you may claim:

    Category 1 (Low Activity, or New Player): Can claim ten provinces.
    Category 2 (Moderate Activity, or Some Experience): Can claim fifteen provinces.
    Category 3 (High Active, Some Experience): Can claim twenty provinces.
    Category 4 (High Activity, Very Experienced): Can claim thirty provinces.
3. Technology in Lost Age is of the Medieval Era technology along with magic and magical creatures. The extent of this is up to the players but the mods reserve the right to control this extent. There is however a list of a few things that are not allowed:

    -No Gunpowder or weapons that use gunpowder.
    -No airships
    -No giant rock monsters the size of Russia.
    -No all consuming magic that can destroy everything unless the players in the RP agree.
    -List subject to expand.

4. You may claim land after you have already become established and made and initial claim but it must be RPed for and a good IC story for it must be made.

5. Players need to submit history entries for their nations in [Day, Month, Year] Format on the regular to build Lost Age history.

Section 3: Role Playing Guidelines:

1. Please be clear as to the actions you are taking when role playing with another player to avoid confusion and help the flow of the RP.

2. All troop movements must be made realistically. Men and horses can only move so far or fast a day and you must keep in mind any defenses or blocks that players have set up in the area or in their realm as to give the RP's more depth and strategy.

3. Be creative on how you're troops move and fight, give flair to you're actions and movements to provide for a deep story.

4. When troops die keep account of that so you do not reuse already dead troops.

5. Admit loses fairly and don't be afraid to lose sometimes.

6. Please include the [Lost Age] tag in all threads pertaining to Lost Age.

7. If there is a dispute within an RP please request a moderator or an admin to come and make a decision on the outcome.

8. All forces must be declared in the force declaration thread or they do not exist, their location must also be given and updated as they move.

Section 4: Initial Application:

1. Please me detailed in the application so that the staff and other players can get a clear view of how you're realm operates.

2. You can join under three categories: Realm, Group, or Character. Only as a member joining as a realm may you claim land.

3. When submitting a claim on the map please claim land that is not already claimed by other players.

4. Players are required to submit a factbook that gives information on their nation (Use the application as a base and expand on those parts and give detail. They are also required to declare their military forces on the military declaration page.

5. It is advisable in your factbook to mark off where major cities or fortresses are so that other players can reference.

-For applying to "A Lost Age" please follow this application format:

    Name of Realm:
    Description of Realm (Paragraph):
    Head of State:
    Seat of Power:
    RL Fluency in English:
    Example of previous RP (For use by mods to determine category):
    Provinces Claiming:
    Why you wish to join:

Recent Updates:

New Rules and revision has been made, Lost Age is back in business.


-Achesia, Chief Admin, Creator- On Leave
-The Nuclear Fist, Admin
-Dbrought, Moderator- Acting Admin
-Redemption-America, Moderator- Acting Admin
-Itailian Maifias, Moderator- On Leave
-SquareDisc City, Mapmaker
-Tuthina, Utility Worker
Last edited by Lost Age on Tue Dec 31, 2013 4:07 pm, edited 38 times in total.

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Lost Age
Posts: 83
Founded: Sep 17, 2012

Postby Lost Age » Mon Sep 17, 2012 12:23 pm


Status Summary:
Active: 10 Realms, 1 Character
On Leave (Pre-informed Inactivity):


Kingdom of Antium, NPC #1
Kingdom of Kalrush, NPC #2
Domain of Faerisereg, NPC #3


The Empire of Man
Player: Achesia

The Pylae Empire

The Numerian Empire
Player: Numer

The Covenant of Zelbae




Kingdom of Avalon
Player: Italian Mafias

United Warlords of Arkenland

Lost Kingdom of Azad







Last edited by Lost Age on Thu May 30, 2013 12:01 pm, edited 57 times in total.

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Lost Age
Posts: 83
Founded: Sep 17, 2012

Postby Lost Age » Mon Sep 17, 2012 12:24 pm

History of Lost Earth

The 12 months of Lost Earth: Lanuarius, Februarius, März, Aprilis, Mai, Lunius, Quintilis, Sextilis, Septus, Octus, Novus, Decus.

1-20: The Age of Peace
The various nations of the earth came into contact, spreading ideas and goods in harmony. However, slight competition began to grow...

20-41: The Slavers' War
Slaving trading lugals from Raegal, Numer, came into conflict with their Sabyeman merchant counterparts- and while neither countries' governments officially declared war- tensions remained high in the region for the next 20 years as caravans are frequently raided by each party. In addition, Numer, Farisel, and Sabyema all had to face with each other's pirating activities, causing many diplomatic crisis and small-scale conflicts.

42-51: The League of Sams
After the powerful Achesian kingdom began to conquer local city-states (in the region of Sams) surrounding its heartlands, a group of of these cities organized to repel them. Other peoples, including the Fariselian elves, the Numerian lugals, and the well-known Dwarves, secretly funded the league's armies in hope of blugeoning a growing Achesian empire- but the Achesians still won out. The surrounding nations grew worried.

55-67: The Conquest of Numer
After several diplomatic crisis and religious conflicts between Achesia and Numer (mostly from the two nations completely opposite cultures), Achesia called for a Crusade on Numer. Raegal's House Ra, jumping at the opportunity, immediately defected to the Achesians to stay in power. The Numerians managed to hold up in their cities for years, but one by one they began to fall, beginning with Apesh in
58. When the Achesians finally entered Sepris, the jewel of the Numerian Empire, they sacked, looted, burned, and pillaged the city of all its wealth. The Ensi had seen his empire rise and fall within his lifetime, but he was not without hope. The Isis Karetsut and her son, Vasseram, the heir and last member to House Uran, managed to escape in the chaos to the Dwarven lands of Silf, where they survived in hiding to eventually regain power again (see below). The destruction of the city was so great the Numerians refer to it as Farsheem, "The Night of Weeping", and remember it to this day in a solemn holiday where female citizens dress in black and red and male citizens stay in the house, representing their slaughter and absence. The Achesians set up a provincial government with House Ra in charge, paying tribute, taxes, and loyalty to the Achesian throne. Nonetheless, the Numerians swore vengeance, and continued their strict religious and cultural practices and customs. The fertile deltas' grains shipments cause the Achesian population to explode. Today a famous Achesian epic poem (equivalent to the real-world Iliad) tells of the Fall of Sepris.

70-83: The Desert War
Without the now massive and powerful Achesian Empire in need of more land and gold to support their population, they set their sights on Sabyema, looking for new trade routes to the south. The Sabyemans put up a great fight, however, as their knowledge of the desert and guerilla tactics managed to hold off the Achesians for a long time. Worried about its largest rival, Farisel encouraged adventurous groups and privateers to aid Sabyema, hoping to wear down "the Achesian Beast", a derogatory term first reported by an elven historian. Nonetheless, the Achesians begin to take control of the oasis through brutal sieges- crucifixions, water poisoning, and other techniques wear down the Sabyeman resistance. The High Priestess finally agreed to submit and have Sabyema become a province, but her charisma makes sure her people are treated well and not harmed by Achesian soldiers.

83: The Great Exodus
Not all were please with the High Priestess' decision. A surprisingly large number of Sabyeman clans decided to leave their precious homeland, vowing never to be ruled over by a foreign lord. The mass movement of these Sabyemans has come to be known as the Great Exodus. They traveled all the way to the eastern coast above Numer, setting sail for new lands, as a new people. Calling themselves the Migser, they were never heard from again on Casibica. More recent tales have spread of a new, desert-filled continent of sand.

84-98: The Stain War
This conflict is known as one of the bloodiest in all of history. It is known as the "Stain War" from the elven Queen of Farisel's famous speech to the Dwarven King and Council, in which she said "Our people tire of war, bloody war with the Great Beast of Achesia. Our children weep, wandering the streets in search of rice and family. Our soil lay bare, our ships rotten. Our soldiers' armor are stained, stained with the blood of comrades, handed down from brothers, sisters, fathers, and mothers who have already perished..." Tensions between the Achesian and Fariselian Empires were enormous- both had multiple provinces and colonial possessions, and both man and elf despised the other. After a small conflict in a remote Lunai island over tariffs, both great nations entered into war. Battles upon battles were fought, each more brutal than the last, as Achesian steel clashed with Fariselian magic. The stalemate was broken after a series of naval defeats (the elves held naval superiority) and the Achesian military decided to forget the sea and invade the Elven homeland. The Elves held the line for many years, but waves upon waves of all the Empire's forces- Numerian War Elephants and Seraphim, Sabyeman Riders and Priestesses, Koud and Daevus knights- the defense of the heartland was broken. The Elves managed to convince the Dwarves to join the war on their side, but by that time it was too late. Farisel had fallen, and it became an Achesian province. However, although the Achesians controlled the land, they had a hard time dealing with the Queen's clever court intrigue and she was able to retain much of her former power. The Achesians and Fariselians to this day both sing songs of the Stain War, with various views from each side. The Dwarven military was unfortunately exhausted, and they retreated to their lands.

99: The Dwarven Occupation
With their military defeated and facing immediate destruction, the Dwarves fled to the innermost caverns and caves of their mountains, setting brilliant mechanized defenses and traps that the Achesians could not dream of disabling. However the Achesians quickly took control of the above-ground cities (however few there were) and created another provincial government, despite the the Dwarves still independent underground, leading to one of the most ongoing wars in the history of Casibica...

99-334: Issakaz Mornat Kurnmorn or The Cold Tomb War
The beginning of this age was marked with the defeat of the Dwarven Armies in the Stain War after the battle of Bar Issit (Red Snow) in 98. After the defeat it is well known that the dwarven army suffered tremendously at the hands of the Achesians as they were pursued relentlessly into the supposed dwarven homeland. Any dwarven structure above the earth was quickly abandoned by the dwarves for fear of more human atrocities. Several of those abandoned fortresses and outposts were crucial in controlling the dwarven mountain passes and so the humans in their arrogance and greed set up their homes under the dwarven stone. In the beginning of this human occupation there were several attempts made by man to try and assert his domination fully upon the dwarven people. Such campaigns into the bowels of the earth were deemed to be needed to ensure that the dwarves would never try and rise again to challenge Achesian sovereignty. Thus the beginning of the Cold Tomb War began and would continue throughout the centuries. A time in which every dwarf was born with a hatred in his heart and a desire for vengeance burning deep within his soul. Any man who dared to dig deep into the earth was to be considered a foolish man and those that tried to take the treasures of the dwarves by force or thievery were little more than dead men. Three Kings ruled through this period of dwarven history. The first was King Durin the X, who was to be the last of that name. Who decided that after his defeats upon the battlefield against Achesia he would step down as the King of the Dwarves and seek the path of the Lonely Road. He was never to be seen or heard from since that time though many have sworn to find his body and return it to its proper burial place. The next ruler was that of Ishtar the Indomitable, who ruled from 99-275 and was responsible for funding some of the most ingenious and inhumane defenses known to the dwarves against the forces of Man. In addition he would begin the forging of the Sacred Gates which were to be the last and final defense if all else failed the dwarves. This project would require vast amounts of mithril and were responsible for depleting most if not all mithril veins. The last King of this period was Rizwarz the Forge Master who ruled from 275-327. One of the youngest Kings to take up the mantle he would rule his land for many years and would see the completion of the Sacred Gates and their installment in the great cities of Durazk Duraz, Silfdor Nad, Brizagid Unaun, and Kurj Maur. His tragic death at the hands of a foul goblin raiding band would cut his reign short. In 328 the crowning of King Aald Khuzi would occur and with his newly found power vengeance would be had at all those who remained in his land both above ground and below.

100-356: The Pax Achari
This period was perhaps the most glorious period of Casibica history. The Achesian Empire along with its provinces entered a Golden Age of scholarship, culture, and wealth. Each province managed to hold onto its culture while being a proud part of Achesia. Great advancements in medicine, science, mathematics, architecture, art, literature, alchemy, and magic were achieved by scholars of every race. Notable achievements include the expansion of the elven Wizardry School (called the "Clergy School" in Achesia) across the Empire, the massive tome On Engineering by a famed Dwarven scientist (it is still in use today) and the formation of the powerful Valni Merchant Company by Numerian traders, bringing exotic goods to every land. Achesia itself experienced a cultural enlightenment never before seen, with philosophers and artists regularly congregating in Fawnnorth. Population levels rose greatly, the Empire able to provide meat and bread to even the poorest citizen. This period of stability and general happiness was experienced by all the nearly races of Casibica. But in its later years, a series of poor Achesian kings, renewed conflict between the Kouds and Daevus families, and a steady flow of natural disasters brought renewed bloodshed and destruction with the arrival of the Eroni peoples...

356-454: The Age of Chaos
The Eroni, still the object of fascination by modern historians, were a horde of nomadic horse lord peoples who invaded the Achesian Empire starting with the Sack of Bisonmane in 356. By then, Achesia had already been suffering from many problems. The Koud and Daevus Clans began internal fighting with Achesia starting in the 340s, and the Achesian king did nothing, focused on quelling provincial rebellions. The provinces were rebelling from the results a series of natural disasters: sandstorms had ravaged Sabyema, an eruption of Mt.Yresh left the Numerian city of Raegal nearly obliterated, and a tsunami destroyed the Fariselian merchant fleet as well as some Lunai settlements. Famines and Droughts occurred often, and piracy and banditry were at their worst. The Eroni invasion proved to kill off the crippled Empire. Their horseman, shooting with composite bows and moving at great speeds, could match any Sabyeman rider, and they came in greater numbers than could be tolerated. They used a scorched earth policy in Achesia and cut it off from Numer, feeding themselves off raids, magic (their tribal magic was a complex and sacrificial one which supported their warlike ways- elven wizards of the School still do not know of its mysteries), and their horses' meat and milk. Seizing the opportunity, Numer was the first to gain independence when an invigorated and replenished House Uran (which was down to one child some centuries ago) held a coup and regained the position of Ensi in the year 367. A grand, joyous feast was held, as the "Return of the Uran Dynasty" had become an important tenant of the Numerian religion. The Ensi managed to have the Eroni leave Numer alone after submitting a large tribute and having his sister marry the Eroni High Kermon (Chief). The Eroni managed to reach Sabyema as well due to the similar nomadic nature of the Eroni. Although they retreated two years later, the occupation during the period crippled the Sabyemans as a civilisation, as major settlements are pillaged, a lot of the more influential clans completely killed off, and the trade network between nomadic clans crumbled due to the constant raids against the oases. The Eroni did not even bother with the Dwarves (who had now emerged from their deep vaults with a new King and a thirst for revenge) or Elves. The Eroni attempted to invade the dwarven lands in 331 but were easily repulsed as they rode their horses into the waiting arms of dwarven steel and stone.

After the aborted siege of the twin fortresses of Felekburk Rast in 334 the Eroni departed the dwarven lands and the dwarves began to once again inhabit their above ground shelters though hesitantly. After the many years of below ground living, many dwarves were unaccustomed to the harsh light above making any sort of above ground work impossible. Thus the dwarves would finally be the uncontested rulers of their lands both above the earth and below ending the ongoing Cold Tomb War. The Elven lands of Farisel proved too far away and well prepared as well. The entire Horde fell upon Achesia. The brutality conducted on the civilized people of Achesia was enormous; anarchy reigned as the Eroni sacked and "salted the earth" of Achesia. Most of the surviving population retreated to Fawnnorth, where the last stand of the Achesians would be held. Troop morale was extremely low, and the other civilizations of Casibica had abandoned them. Nonetheless, they defeated and routed the Eroni on the plains outside of Fawnnorth. However, they were forced to recuperate within the city, and supplies were running incredibly low. A blessing and a curse arrived with the Eroni Plague.

Known for its first victims, the Eroni plague wiped out most of the horde as they fled to their steppe homeland, where they died off and disbanded, leaving only the ruin of their only permanent city, Razmonmi. However, the disease spread across Casibica, wiping out an approximate 50% of the overall population, equally distributed amongst the different nations. The Eroni Plague was featured in most of the art and literature of the time, showing it had an immense impact on the cultural outlook of the peoples of Casibica. The Age of Chaos was not done yet however. While the living nations of the continent struggled to regain stability in the turmoil, the undead nations, which had been allied and preparing to invade the lands of the living for centuries, struck.

416-454: The Death Wars
The undead and vampiric nations of Palamecia and its allies invaded the countries of the former Achesian empire in 416. These wars are technically considered part of the Age of Chaos, but their sheer size and viciousness must be recorded separately. The living nation banded together and pooled their resources, but things looked bleak. Achesia had been reduced to a mere city-state in Fawnnorth, and the other events of the Age of Chaos left the other nations exhausted and confused. The undead hordes, swept across the land, sieging the once-great cities of the living peoples, and committing great atrocities and nightmarish acts. However, they did not realize the strength of pure will, the will to live. Epic battles, now known far and wide and told in stories to youths of every culture, songs of every bard, told the course of the war.

The Undead managed to sack and even zombify multiple cities and forts, completely conquered and depopulated Sabyema in 432. The living nations counteracted with all of their remaining strength at the Battle of the Dead Plains. The Numerian forces under the wise Ensi Xarshalbin Uran, the Fariselian Elves under their beloved Queen (who has seen so much in her long life), the Achesians, Daevus and Koud alike, under their heroic King, the Dwarves under their brave King and intelligent Council, as well as numerous peoples and kingdoms who had emerged across the continent (such as the Luna Elves of Agrini, for once abandoning their usual isolation) all charged into the fray with glory. The famous epic poem The Stand at the Dead Plains and countless other works tell of the bravery and wondrous deeds at that battle. The undead were completely routed, retreating to their homelands in 454.

454-502: The Second Age of Peace
The many nations of Casibica were able to recuperate and live in harmony, much like the years of their first interactions. Their lands stood revived, centuries of cultures sustained and embraced, flourishing through all the turbulence of the last 500 years. But many threats still remained. The Undead and Vampiric Lands grew stronger as well, preparing for the day when they could try their malevolent schemes again. Centuries old grudges remained alive, between all the races. Nonetheless, no one on the continent would expect the sudden changes that would occur in the next era. During this time, the elves of Farisel retreated and encroached into their island strongholds, refusing further contact with other races.

502-520: The Rifting

The Rifting refers to a time of great change in Casibica, though this change was mostly through internal conflicts, and nothing as wide-scale and devastating as the Age of Chaos. The first of the "Rifts" was the return of the Dragons, the great winged beasts who struck terror from above. During this period they first emerged from all over the globe, both attacking and helping the different peoples of Casibica. Next, in the unknown lands above Achesia, a new House came to power. This obscure Emperor suddenly conquered his surrounding lands and then even made the King of Achesia a vassal in his new "Empire of Man", echoing the old Achesians' rise so many years ago. Finally, explorers came back with tales of foreign lands and continents, including the mysterious Sharzarid Suzerainty, and even the Migsers, who are said to be the descendants of the now-extinct Sabyemans due to the similar culture and language. Many say that the elves of Farisel had something to do with the global resurgence of the dragons, or at least welcomed them with open arms as they tore the land, although they remained isolated and retired from the business of other races.

The New Age

1: The Forgotten of Galdeon come into conflict with the Lord of the Swordgrove in the Empire of Man.
Last edited by Lost Age on Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:58 am, edited 7 times in total.

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Lost Age
Posts: 83
Founded: Sep 17, 2012

Postby Lost Age » Mon Sep 17, 2012 12:24 pm

Thread History

Old Role Playing Threads:

Current Role Playing Threads:

Information and OOC Threads:

Last edited by Lost Age on Tue May 21, 2013 9:44 pm, edited 25 times in total.

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Lost Age
Posts: 83
Founded: Sep 17, 2012

Postby Lost Age » Mon Sep 17, 2012 12:25 pm


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Itailian Maifias
Posts: 10240
Founded: Mar 15, 2010
Left-Leaning College State

Postby Itailian Maifias » Mon Sep 17, 2012 1:14 pm

Name of Realm: Kingdom of Avalon
Description of Realm (Paragraph): The Kingdom of Avalon is a small to medium sized kingdom located in the northern lands of the region of Casibica. It was formerly a larger kingdom, consisting of many lands and men, however it was decimated in the war and as a result, withdraw from the world and is now mostly a land of myth and legend as well as mystery.
Demonym: Avalonian
Race: Humans [Majority], Satyr [Second Majority], Centaurs [Minority], Elves [Very Small Minority]
Languages: Rhudonian
Religion: Pagan
Head of State: King Arach
Seat of Power: Pelesar
Population: 10 Million [? Where Should this be ballpark wise]
RL Fluency in English: Very, first language
Example of previous RP: See my Ceaden threads
RL Age: 30
Where you wish to place your land plot: You want me to mark it off in Paint?
Why you wish to join: I enjoyed Ceaden's concept, but not all the rules and since that is what Lost Age is lacking in, I am extremely excited. That, and GOT has built up an unhealthy obsession for swords and crossbows within me :P
The Kingdom of Hibernia [FT]| The Empire of Britain [E2] | The Kappan Dominion [SWG]
Your Local Peculiarity in the Southern Beta Quadrant
" You hypocritical Venetian bastard "
" Intentions pave a certain road, outcomes are what matter."
For Minnysota
Come here ya' Frenchie. The only Viking fan I ever liked.
For Reformed Britannia
Remember, remember the Plight of Sir Roberts
For Gibet
Vorwärts Für Immer

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The knights of kings
Posts: 2362
Founded: Aug 19, 2009

Postby The knights of kings » Mon Sep 17, 2012 2:38 pm

Name of Realm: Agrini
Description of Realm (Paragraph): The nation is a place of myth, without massive cities or ports to pronounce its name throughout the world it is a mostly forgotten one. Once home to what appeared to have been an elven culture is now only a tumbled ruin. The tall white structures are now strewn across the fields covered in thick vines which seem to harbor ghostly memories of better days. The beautiful gardens left untended now ravage the very places that gave them life; the flowers grow thorns and grow towards the sky. Yet the sparkling lakes and the monuments built around them seem to have been built only a few days earlier. Strange yet beautiful songs spread throughout the ruins and caves of the old world. The music is slow and saddening as if mourning the loss of a great civilization, a beautiful world.
Demonym: Agrinian
Race:Fairies [Majority] Elves [Minority]
Languages: Hyadin
Religion: Pagan
Head of State: Queen Lilya
Seat of Power: Archeia
Population: 4 million
RL Fluency in English: Native
Example of previous RP: Ceaden and no anesthesia
RL Age: 18
Where you wish to place your land plot: Large island above the whirl pool on the casibica map.
Why you wish to join: Loved Ceaden
Last edited by The knights of kings on Mon Sep 17, 2012 2:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Marzarbul » Mon Sep 17, 2012 2:57 pm

Name of Realm: Dornot de Rar Silf
Description of Realm (Paragraph):
The Kingdom of Eternal Silver or Dornot de Rar Silf, is one of ancient traditions following the edicts set by their great ancestors since the dawn of their birth. The Kingdom is hide bound in honoring all oaths and pledges of fealty and consider all forms of lying/oath breaking to be the gravest sin imaginable. Thus any dwarf that lies is considered by many dwarves to not be a dwarf at all and these dwarves that exhibit this trait are usually banished to live on the surface in perpetuity. In addition to these outcasts there are those that take the Lonely Road deep into the bowels of the earth as a form of penitence with only an axe and a suit of armor.

Those who reside on the surface permanently are viewed as being not of the dwarvish race and are thereby outsiders. All those races that are not of the dwarven clan are dealt with sparingly and only with sanction from the King himself or one of the various guild masters. Formerly such trade with outsiders was prohibited but after the Great Expanse the dwarven population exploded and they needed the various food imports needed to sustain their population. In order to pay for such imports the Kingdom uses its vast mineral resources and its various skilled artisans to produce various high quality goods. The huge underground cities of the Kingdom are treasures in their own right and since the Great Betrayal they have not fallen to any outsider.

Partial Factbook for the Kingdom: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=161635&p=8278391#p8278391
Demonym: Khazad/Dwarves
Race: Dwarves
Languages: Khuzdul
Religion: Maukk de Kar
Head of State: King Ferzul Grimmaz Taurag
Seat of Power: Durak Duraz
Population: 35 Million
RL Fluency in English: Native
Example of previous RP: Ceaden Member
RL Age: 21
Where you wish to place your land plot: ... tled-2.png
Four Point Star= City
Circle= Village
Square= Outpost
Why you wish to join: Former Ceaden Member

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Posts: 4948
Founded: Jun 14, 2011

Postby Tuthina » Mon Sep 17, 2012 3:55 pm

Name of Realm: Gserma Rigskhag
Description of Realm (Paragraph):
The Gserma Rigskhag encompasses the entire Gsergling desert, or the "golden land" of Casibica, along with the plains between the desert and the Empire of Man. It is an alliance of clans of human, and other humanoid races within the desert, which have since grown to encompass all clans of the Gserma people, as well as turning lesser states by the edge of the desert to become its vessels to provide both food and other products the desert is short of - including slaves.

The most unique characteristics of the Gserma people is that they are a semi-nomadic people: the ever-changing nature of the desert means that the people have to migrate constantly from oases to oases once the original one disappeared in sandstorm. While most clans still travel by foot or on their camel mounts, some clans have developed the technology and accumulate enough wealth to construct gigantic "landships". Enough to host more than a hundred people and powered by the magic from the maskya priestess to float and move between sands - and seas, if powered by specialised priestesses, these ships of enchanted sandstones and quartz have since become the political centres and symbol of authority of the Gserma people, for they both process fire-power of themselves, as well as home to the dreaded riders of the sands, who lays fury of the ruling priestesses to those who oppose their rule.

Demonym: Gserma
Race: Human, Lamia, Ogre
Languages: Gsermaskad (Tibetan)
Religion: Maskya Faith
Head of State: High Priestess Khamsma Chodenbu Amrita
Seat of Power: Glingka
Population: 6 million
RL Fluency in English: Moderate
Example of previous RP: Ceaden (Sabyema)
RL Age: 22
Where you wish to place your land plot:
Why you wish to join: To continue my RP from Ceaden.
Last edited by Tuthina on Mon Sep 17, 2012 7:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Call me Reno.
14:54:02 <Lykens> Explain your definition of Reno.

11:47 <Swilatia> Good god, copy+paste is no way to build a country!

03:08 <Democratic Koyro> NSG senate is a glaring example of why no one in NSG should ever have a position of authority
Rated as Class A: Environmental Utopia by Namor People's Rating Department
Rated as Human Rights Haven (7/10) by Namor People's Rating Department
Rated as Partially Free (4/10) by Namor People's Rating Department
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Lost Age
Posts: 83
Founded: Sep 17, 2012

Postby Lost Age » Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:32 pm

Itailian Maifias wrote:Name of Realm: Kingdom of Avalon
Description of Realm (Paragraph): The Kingdom of Avalon is a small to medium sized kingdom located in the northern lands of the region of Casibica. It was formerly a larger kingdom, consisting of many lands and men, however it was decimated in the war and as a result, withdraw from the world and is now mostly a land of myth and legend as well as mystery.
Demonym: Avalonian
Race: Humans [Majority], Satyr [Second Majority], Centaurs [Minority], Elves [Very Small Minority]
Languages: Rhudonian
Religion: Pagan
Head of State: King Arach
Seat of Power: Pelesar
Population: 10 Million [? Where Should this be ballpark wise]
RL Fluency in English: Very, first language
Example of previous RP: See my Ceaden threads
RL Age: 30
Where you wish to place your land plot: You want me to mark it off in Paint?
Why you wish to join: I enjoyed Ceaden's concept, but not all the rules and since that is what Lost Age is lacking in, I am extremely excited. That, and GOT has built up an unhealthy obsession for swords and crossbows within me :P

Welcome back Itailian Maifias!

-For population I looked up articles on medieval demography. Europe was about 20 million in the 15th Century, now keep in mind the scale of the map, my nation Empire of man is about near the size of mainland europe, also the demography may be alittle bit different as magic may change medicine, and agriculture so therefor population may be higher. Therefor I chose 50 million but keep in mind I am RPing a very large nation that is made up of smaller states. So id say around there if a larger nation or smaller.

-Paint is fine for land plot.

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Lost Age
Posts: 83
Founded: Sep 17, 2012

Postby Lost Age » Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:33 pm

The knights of kings wrote:Name of Realm: Agrini
Description of Realm (Paragraph): The nation is a place of myth, without massive cities or ports to pronounce its name throughout the world it is a mostly forgotten one. Once home to what appeared to have been an elven culture is now only a tumbled ruin. The tall white structures are now strewn across the fields covered in thick vines which seem to harbor ghostly memories of better days. The beautiful gardens left untended now ravage the very places that gave them life; the flowers grow thorns and grow towards the sky. Yet the sparkling lakes and the monuments built around them seem to have been built only a few days earlier. Strange yet beautiful songs spread throughout the ruins and caves of the old world. The music is slow and saddening as if mourning the loss of a great civilization, a beautiful world.
Demonym: Agrinian
Race:Fairies [Majority] Elves [Minority]
Languages: Hyadin
Religion: Pagan
Head of State: Queen Lilya
Seat of Power: Archeia
Population: 4 million
RL Fluency in English: Native
Example of previous RP: Ceaden and no anesthesia
RL Age: 18
Where you wish to place your land plot: Large island above the whirl pool on the casibica map.
Why you wish to join: Loved Ceaden

Welcome back The knights of kings!

-Do you want the whole island?

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Itailian Maifias
Posts: 10240
Founded: Mar 15, 2010
Left-Leaning College State

Postby Itailian Maifias » Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:33 pm

Lost Age wrote:
Itailian Maifias wrote:Name of Realm: Kingdom of Avalon
Description of Realm (Paragraph): The Kingdom of Avalon is a small to medium sized kingdom located in the northern lands of the region of Casibica. It was formerly a larger kingdom, consisting of many lands and men, however it was decimated in the war and as a result, withdraw from the world and is now mostly a land of myth and legend as well as mystery.
Demonym: Avalonian
Race: Humans [Majority], Satyr [Second Majority], Centaurs [Minority], Elves [Very Small Minority]
Languages: Rhudonian
Religion: Pagan
Head of State: King Arach
Seat of Power: Pelesar
Population: 10 Million [? Where Should this be ballpark wise]
RL Fluency in English: Very, first language
Example of previous RP: See my Ceaden threads
RL Age: 30
Where you wish to place your land plot: You want me to mark it off in Paint?
Why you wish to join: I enjoyed Ceaden's concept, but not all the rules and since that is what Lost Age is lacking in, I am extremely excited. That, and GOT has built up an unhealthy obsession for swords and crossbows within me :P

Welcome back Itailian Maifias!

-For population I looked up articles on medieval demography. Europe was about 20 million in the 15th Century, now keep in mind the scale of the map, my nation Empire of man is about near the size of mainland europe, also the demography may be alittle bit different as magic may change medicine, and agriculture so therefor population may be higher. Therefor I chose 50 million but keep in mind I am RPing a very large nation that is made up of smaller states. So id say around there if a larger nation or smaller.

-Paint is fine for land plot.

Ok cool. I'll fix the population to about one million then, and roughly I want that northern most penisula on the same landmass as your Empire. I'll get it marked off for ya after dinner.
The Kingdom of Hibernia [FT]| The Empire of Britain [E2] | The Kappan Dominion [SWG]
Your Local Peculiarity in the Southern Beta Quadrant
" You hypocritical Venetian bastard "
" Intentions pave a certain road, outcomes are what matter."
For Minnysota
Come here ya' Frenchie. The only Viking fan I ever liked.
For Reformed Britannia
Remember, remember the Plight of Sir Roberts
For Gibet
Vorwärts Für Immer

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Lost Age
Posts: 83
Founded: Sep 17, 2012

Postby Lost Age » Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:36 pm

Marzarbul wrote:Name of Realm: Dornot de Rar Silf
Description of Realm (Paragraph):
The Kingdom of Eternal Silver or Dornot de Rar Silf, is one of ancient traditions following the edicts set by their great ancestors since the dawn of their birth. The Kingdom is hide bound in honoring all oaths and pledges of fealty and consider all forms of lying/oath breaking to be the gravest sin imaginable. Thus any dwarf that lies is considered by many dwarves to not be a dwarf at all and these dwarves that exhibit this trait are usually banished to live on the surface in perpetuity. In addition to these outcasts there are those that take the Lonely Road deep into the bowels of the earth as a form of penitence with only an axe and a suit of armor.

Those who reside on the surface permanently are viewed as being not of the dwarvish race and are thereby outsiders. All those races that are not of the dwarven clan are dealt with sparingly and only with sanction from the King himself or one of the various guild masters. Formerly such trade with outsiders was prohibited but after the Great Expanse the dwarven population exploded and they needed the various food imports needed to sustain their population. In order to pay for such imports the Kingdom uses its vast mineral resources and its various skilled artisans to produce various high quality goods. The huge underground cities of the Kingdom are treasures in their own right and since the Great Betrayal they have not fallen to any outsider.

Partial Factbook for the Kingdom: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=161635&p=8278391#p8278391
Demonym: Khazad/Dwarves
Race: Dwarves
Languages: Khuzdul
Religion: Maukk de Kar
Head of State: King Ferzul Grimmaz Taurag
Seat of Power: Durak Duraz
Population: 35 Million
RL Fluency in English: Native
Example of previous RP: Ceaden Member
RL Age: 21
Where you wish to place your land plot: ... tled-2.png
Four Point Star= City
Circle= Village
Square= Outpost
Why you wish to join: Former Ceaden Member

Marzarbul Welcome back!

Ill get you're claim going now.

-Are all you''re cities and fortresses underground?

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Lost Age
Posts: 83
Founded: Sep 17, 2012

Postby Lost Age » Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:37 pm

Tuthina wrote:
Name of Realm: Gserma Rigskhag
Description of Realm (Paragraph):
The Gserma Rigskhag encompasses the entire Gsergling desert, or the "golden land" of Casibica, along with the plains between the desert and the Empire of Man. It is an alliance of clans of human, and other humanoid races within the desert, which have since grown to encompass all clans of the Gserma people, as well as turning lesser states by the edge of the desert to become its vessels to provide both food and other products the desert is short of - including slaves.

The most unique characteristics of the Gserma people is that they are a semi-nomadic people: the ever-changing nature of the desert means that the people have to migrate constantly from oases to oases once the original one disappeared in sandstorm. While most clans still travel by foot or on their camel mounts, some clans have developed the technology and accumulate enough wealth to construct gigantic "landships". Enough to host more than a hundred people and powered by the magic from the maskya priestess to float and move between sands, these ships of enchanted sandstones and quartz have since become the political centres and symbol of authority of the Gserma people, for they both process fire-power of themselves, as well as home to the dreaded riders of the sands, who lays fury of the ruling priestesses to those who oppose their rule.

Demonym: Gserma
Race: Human, Lamia, Ogre
Languages: Gsermaskad (Tibetan)
Religion: Maskya Faith
Head of State: High Priestess Khamsma Chodenbu Amrita
Seat of Power: Glingka
Population: 6 million
RL Fluency in English: Moderate
Example of previous RP: Ceaden (Sabyema)
RL Age: 22
Where you wish to place your land plot:
Why you wish to join: To continue my RP from Ceaden.

Welcome back Tuthina!

-Just a note that tan mass to the south of me isnt a desert its supposed to be plains, the desert is going to be in a region to the east of this region. Do you still want that plot?

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Lost Age
Posts: 83
Founded: Sep 17, 2012

Postby Lost Age » Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:38 pm

Itailian Maifias wrote:
Lost Age wrote:

Welcome back Itailian Maifias!

-For population I looked up articles on medieval demography. Europe was about 20 million in the 15th Century, now keep in mind the scale of the map, my nation Empire of man is about near the size of mainland europe, also the demography may be alittle bit different as magic may change medicine, and agriculture so therefor population may be higher. Therefor I chose 50 million but keep in mind I am RPing a very large nation that is made up of smaller states. So id say around there if a larger nation or smaller.

-Paint is fine for land plot.

Ok cool. I'll fix the population to about one million then, and roughly I want that northern most penisula on the same landmass as your Empire. I'll get it marked off for ya after dinner.

Just the penn not the island?

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The knights of kings
Posts: 2362
Founded: Aug 19, 2009

Postby The knights of kings » Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:40 pm

Yes the whole island would be nice thanks!

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Lost Age
Posts: 83
Founded: Sep 17, 2012

Postby Lost Age » Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:42 pm

The knights of kings wrote:Yes the whole island would be nice thanks!

No prob!

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Lost Age
Posts: 83
Founded: Sep 17, 2012

Postby Lost Age » Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:48 pm

The knights of kings wrote:Yes the whole island would be nice thanks!

Also I need a location of you're settlements and fortresses.

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Lost Age
Posts: 83
Founded: Sep 17, 2012

Postby Lost Age » Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:48 pm

Tuthina wrote:
Name of Realm: Gserma Rigskhag
Description of Realm (Paragraph):
The Gserma Rigskhag encompasses the entire Gsergling desert, or the "golden land" of Casibica, along with the plains between the desert and the Empire of Man. It is an alliance of clans of human, and other humanoid races within the desert, which have since grown to encompass all clans of the Gserma people, as well as turning lesser states by the edge of the desert to become its vessels to provide both food and other products the desert is short of - including slaves.

The most unique characteristics of the Gserma people is that they are a semi-nomadic people: the ever-changing nature of the desert means that the people have to migrate constantly from oases to oases once the original one disappeared in sandstorm. While most clans still travel by foot or on their camel mounts, some clans have developed the technology and accumulate enough wealth to construct gigantic "landships". Enough to host more than a hundred people and powered by the magic from the maskya priestess to float and move between sands, these ships of enchanted sandstones and quartz have since become the political centres and symbol of authority of the Gserma people, for they both process fire-power of themselves, as well as home to the dreaded riders of the sands, who lays fury of the ruling priestesses to those who oppose their rule.

Demonym: Gserma
Race: Human, Lamia, Ogre
Languages: Gsermaskad (Tibetan)
Religion: Maskya Faith
Head of State: High Priestess Khamsma Chodenbu Amrita
Seat of Power: Glingka
Population: 6 million
RL Fluency in English: Moderate
Example of previous RP: Ceaden (Sabyema)
RL Age: 22
Where you wish to place your land plot:
Why you wish to join: To continue my RP from Ceaden.

Need location of you're settlements and fortresses

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The knights of kings
Posts: 2362
Founded: Aug 19, 2009

Postby The knights of kings » Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:58 pm


The circles represent ruined cities which are scattered about the island. There are still inhabitants and the star is the largest ruin that the queen lives in.

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Posts: 953
Founded: Oct 30, 2011

Postby Numer » Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:07 pm

Name of Realm: The Empire of Numer/ The Numerian Empire

Description of Realm (Paragraph):
Numer, known as "the Land of the Sacred Rivers", is a land of lush deltas and roaring rapids, of high volcanoes and dense jungle, of immense luxury and wealth and crippling poverty and sin. The Numerians have a distinct culture and religion which has lasted for centuries, and are governed in each city of the empire by merchant-nobles known as lugals, led by a lugalesh, who answers to the Ensi, the divine emperor and merchant at the head of the social pyramid. The Numerians are known for their wealth, odd social structure (also based on wealth) and their devotion to their religion. I'll link the original Ceaden Factbook for more info.

Demonym: Numerian

Race: Human

Languages: Numerian

Religion: The Numerian Pantheon

Head of State: Ensi Vashim

Seat of Power: Sepris

Population: 55 million (Although it seems like a lot, the river's agriculture can support it; and a crapload of those people are slaves and lower class anyway :twisted: )

RL Fluency in English: native-speaker

Example of previous RP: Ceaden
RL Age: 16
Where you wish to place your land plot:

The double-squares are cities, the one with the circle is the capital.


Why you wish to join: Ceaden Member
Last edited by Numer on Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:27 pm, edited 4 times in total.
My FanT Factbook

"Life is short. Drive fast and leave a sexy corpse."
"Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company."

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Posts: 932
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Postby Andonam » Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:22 pm


I would like to see the remaining two maps before I establish my claim. This early on, I feel a character would be somewhat uncalled for, so I would like to establish a realm, preferably something of a more Greecian or Arabic influence.
Last edited by Andonam on Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

I do not personally share the veiws expressed by my nation. In reality, I am a Masculinsit, not a Chauvist. Andonam is created to act as a satire of modern feminist "theory". If you slap me, I maintain the right to slap you back;deal with it.

Masulinist, Atheist, Pro-Government.

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Posts: 6440
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Postby Achesia » Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:26 pm

The knights of kings wrote:(Image)

The circles represent ruined cities which are scattered about the island. There are still inhabitants and the star is the largest ruin that the queen lives in.

Roger that.

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Posts: 6440
Founded: Sep 26, 2009

Postby Achesia » Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:28 pm

Andonam wrote:Tagging*

I would like to see the remaining two maps before I establish my claim. This early on, I feel a character would be somewhat uncalled for, so I would like to establish a realm, preferably something of a more Greecian or Arabic influence.

Well I can give you a hint as to what the other regions will be. The eastern will be mainly desert with one larger continent. And the north will be a winter wonderland of ice and snow. To the west will most likly be another temperate archipelago.

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Posts: 6440
Founded: Sep 26, 2009

Postby Achesia » Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:32 pm

Numer wrote:Name of Realm: The Empire of Numer/ The Numerian Empire

Description of Realm (Paragraph):
Numer, known as "the Land of the Sacred Rivers", is a land of lush deltas and roaring rapids, of high volcanoes and dense jungle, of immense luxury and wealth and crippling poverty and sin. The Numerians have a distinct culture and religion which has lasted for centuries, and are governed in each city of the empire by merchant-nobles known as lugals, led by a lugalesh, who answers to the Ensi, the divine emperor and merchant at the head of the social pyramid. The Numerians are known for their wealth, odd social structure (also based on wealth) and their devotion to their religion. I'll link the original Ceaden Factbook for more info.

Demonym: Numerian

Race: Human

Languages: Numerian

Religion: The Numerian Pantheon

Head of State: Ensi Vashim

Seat of Power: Sepris

Population: 55 million (Although it seems like a lot, the river's agriculture can support it; and a crapload of those people are slaves and lower class anyway :twisted: )

RL Fluency in English: native-speaker

Example of previous RP: Ceaden
RL Age: 16
Where you wish to place your land plot:

The double-squares are cities, the one with the circle is the capital.


Why you wish to join: Ceaden Member

Welcome back Numer!



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