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Posts: 1172
Founded: Jun 07, 2006

Postby Cafundeu » Tue May 24, 2011 3:25 pm


The Twenty-Eighth Globe Cup
The First Stages

Playoff Access Stage:

First leg:

(MNG)                      Bluepool     1-2     Decraa United                 (MYT)
(CHT) PSV Stavropol 1-1 Napoliroma Legion (TAR)
(EFL) Jununope AC 3-2 East Franz Athletic (PIS)
(LEN) Talbott 0-1 Natestadt Nationalisten (COM)
(TYZ) FC Edo 0-3 Olympique de Fontvielle (VLD)
(MOS) Sydney Rovers 2-1 Van Sahar (UNI)
(ALB) FC Hollandstile 2-2 Hastmead Diamante (OSR)
(NCH) Star Point 1-1 Bayern-Algaer (TAE)
(CLP) Cosmopolitan 1-0 Vulkan (KPZ)
(QPM) Valengren Rovers 3-1 Ituraitz FC (ASG)
(SCY) Indica United 2-3 First Creek Falls (ERR)
(WRL) FC Atlantis 2-1 12 de noviembre (AGU)
(SRZ) Portland Timbers 0-0 Tingley All Stars (ERP)
(SEL) San Isidro Club 0-2 Knights (ZRB)
(LEN) Bede City 4-3 Club Stein-los (PAS)
(SSO) Revolutionaries 2-0 Vincanto (ERA)
(TBI) Dover City 3-1 ABC (KOR)
(SNO) Corcaigh 4-1 Thundercougarfalconbirds (VRB)
(KUL) Kuilliakillastromata BR 0-1 Klyde (COS)
(WZI) Houghton Kestrels 3-1 Rochester Rogues (SRZ)

2nd leg:

(MYT)                 Decraa United (4) 2-1 (2) Bluepool                      (MNG)
(TAR) Napoliroma Legion (5) 4-0 (1) PSV Stavropol (CHT)
(PIS) East Franz Athletic (4) 2-1 (4) Jununope AC (EFL)
Away goals: 2-1
(COM) Natestadt Nationalisten (4) 3-1 (1) Talbott (LEN)
(VLD) Olympique de Fontvielle (5) 2-0 (0) FC Edo (TYZ)
(UNI) Van Sahar (1) 0-0 (2) Sydney Rovers (MOS)
(OSR) Hastmead Diamante (4) 2-3 (5) FC Hollandstile (ALB)
(TAE) Bayern-Algaer (4) 3-1 (2) Star Point (NCH)
(KPZ) Vulkan (5) 5-4 (5) Cosmopolitan (CLP)
Away goals: 0-4
(ASG) Ituraitz FC (1) 0-1 (4) Valengren Rovers (QPM)
(ERR) First Creek Falls (5) 2-0 (2) Indica United (SCY)
(AGU) 12 de Noviembre (5) 4-2 (4) FC Atlantis (WRL)
(ERP) Tingley All Stars (0) 0-2 (2) Portland Timbers (SRZ)
(ZRB) Knights (5) 3-0 (0) San Isidro Club (SEL)
(PAS) Club Stein-los (5) 2-2 (6) Bede City (LEN)
(ERA) Vincanto (1) 1-0 (2) Revolutionaries (SSO)
(KOR) ABC (3) 2-0 (3) Dover City (TBI)
Away goals: 1-0
(VRB) Thundercougarfalconbirds (1) 0-3 (7) Corcaigh (SNO)
(COS) Klyde (3) 2-4 (4) Kuilliakillastromata BR (KUL)
(SRZ) Rochester Rogues (3) 2-2 (5) Houghton Kestrels (WZI)

Selective Stage:

First leg:

(ZRB)                       Knights     3-0     Red Star Kemenovsk            (CHT)
(VLD) Olympique de Fontvielle 2-1 Illinopolis FC (ALB)
(ERR) First Creek Falls 1-1 Sporting Iturributa (ASG)
(TAE) Bayern-Algaer 2-3 Eastburg United (WRL)
(QPM) Valengren Rovers 1-0 West End Athletic (SSO)
(MYT) Decraa United 3-0 Gilgonare FC (EFL)
(SSO) Revolutionaries 1-0 San'airando (TYZ)
(PIS) East Franz Athletic 0-0 AFC Tranzversa (SWR)
(SRZ) Portland Timbers 3-1 Resolute Storm 1913 FC (PIS)
(SNO) Corcaigh 4-4 Eastweald (COS)
(LEN) Bede City 1-2 Skyline City (MNG)
(ALB) FC Hollandstile 0-2 Grasshoppers Turic (OSR)
(COM) Natestadt Nationalisten 4-1 Tacoma Tigers (SRZ)
(KUL) Kuilliakillastromata BR 1-3 Kitsilano Konquerors (COM)
(TAR) Napoliroma Legion 1-1 Viktoria Baden (TBI)
(CLP) Cosmopolitan 2-1 Alqonda United (KOR)
(WZI) Houghton Kestrels 5-2 Lake Empress Brewsers (TAR)
(KOR) ABC 2-2 Port Milne (SCY)
(MOS) Sydney Rovers 2-3 Juvillian Martinax (ERA)
(AGU) 12 de noviembre 2-0 Bonang City (ERR)
(VRB) Silver Coast 4-2 Transversa Borda (KUL)
(VAL) Hondo FC 6-0 Obstericians (EIT)
(MYT) Dukla Nastalich FK 1-2 Ousevale Borough (KRY)
(DEL) Parakeet FC 0-0 Racing Club de La Plata (SEL)
(QPM) Almondvale 3-2 Foxchester Raiders (STB)
(CAF) Atlético Jutense 4-0 Perth City (MOS)
(WZI) Stanley United 3-0 Go Sushi Apo'olo (ERP)
(NCH) Borussia Victoria 0-1 Shadows (KPZ)
(TAE) X Island Marauders 1-0 Mountain FC (LEN)
(UNI) Gratizoli 2-2 Worcester Hearts (CLP)

2nd leg:

(CHT)            Red Star Kemenovsk (1) 1-2 (5) Knights                       (ZRB)
(ALB) Illinopolis FC (3) 2-2 (4) Olympique de Fontvielle (VLD)
(ASG) Sporting Iturributa (3) 2-1 (2) First Creek Falls (ERR)
(WRL) Eastburg United (6) 3-1 (3) Bayern-Algaer (TAE)
(SSO) West End Athletic (0) 0-1 (2) Valengren Rovers (QPM)
(EFL) Gilgonare FC (2) 2-4 (7) Decraa United (MYT)
(TYZ) San'airando (1) 1-1 (2) Revolutionaries (SSO)
(SWR) AFC Tranzversa (2) 2-0 (0) East Franz Athletic (PIS)
(PIS) Resolute Storm 1913 FC (3) 2-3 (6) Portland Timbers (SRZ)
(COS) Eastweald (4) 0-2 (6) Corcaigh (SNO)
(MNG) Skyline City (3) 1-2 (3) Bede City (LEN)
Extra time: (3) 1-2 (3)
Penalties: 5-6

(OSR) Grasshoppers Turic (3) 1-0 (0) FC Hollandstile (ALB)
(SRZ) Tacoma Tigers (3) 2-2 (6) Natestadt Nationalisten (COM)
(COM) Kitsilano Konquerors (8) 5-0 (1) Kuilliakillastromata BR (KUL)
(TBI) Viktoria Baden (4) 3-1 (2) Napoliroma Legion (TAR)
(KOR) Alqonda United (1) 0-2 (4) Cosmopolitan (CLP)
(TAR) Lake Empress Brewsers (5) 3-2 (7) Houghton Kestrels (WZI)
(SCY) Port Milne (3) 1-2 (4) ABC (KOR)
(ERA) Juvillian Martinax (3) 0-0 (2) Sydney Rovers (MOS)
(ERR) Bonang City (1) 1-3 (5) 12 de noviembre (AGU)
(KUL) Transversa Borda (3) 1-0 (4) Silver Coast (VRB)
(EIT) Obstericians (1) 1-2 (8) Hondo FC (VAL)
(KRY) Ousevale Borough (7) 5-1 (2) Dukla Nastalich FK (MYT)
(SEL) Racing Club de La Plata (2) 2-0 (0) Parakeet FC (DEL)
(STB) Foxchester Raiders (3) 1-0 (3) Almondvale (QPM)
Away goals: 2-0
(MOS) Perth City (0) 0-3 (7) Atlético Jutense (CAF)
(ERP) Go Sushi Apo'olo (1) 1-1 (4) Stanley United (WZI)
(KPZ) Shadows (2) 1-1 (1) Borussia Victoria (NCH)
(LEN) Mountain FC (3) 3-1 (2) X Island Marauders (TAE)
(CLP) Worcester Hearts (3) 1-2 (4) Gratizoli (UNI)

Preliminary Stage:

First leg:

(PON)                   Bayreuth FC     0-1     Iturributa United             (ASG)
(ERA) Juvillian Martinax 4-1 CD San Martin de La Plata (SEL)
(MYT) Decraa United 2-0 Portland Timbers (SRZ)
(EIT) Plastical Surgeons 3-1 Real Chinchinhua (TAE)
(KPZ) Shadows 1-1 Natestadt Nationalisten (COM)
(KUL) Der Kapital 2-4 Eastburg United (WRL)
(CLP) Cosmopolitan 3-3 Casuals Osteria (KRY)
(WZI) Stanley United 3-1 Olympique de Fontvielle (VLD)
(SEL) Racing Club de La Plata 1-2 Alianza Ciruelas (AGU)
(VAL) Wexax United 3-0 Bastion (SSO)
(AGU) 12 de noviembre 1-0 Keto Lodĭlunajĭ (JSY)
(COM) Kitsilano Konquerors 5-1 ABC (KOR)
(UNI) Gratizoli 0-2 SC Troubalose (PAS)
(CAF) Clube Comercial 3-0 As'ilten (CVC)
(COM) Black Oasis Athletic 2-1 Knights (ZRB)
(OSR) Grasshoppers Turic 3-4 Mountain FC (LEN)
(SNO) Corcaigh 2-0 Silver Coast (VRB)
(TYZ) Fuji Hōrō-sha 0-0 Revolutionaries (SSO)
(VLD) Fontvielle Impact 1-1 Vaastranda FC (SWR)
(ASG) Sporting Iturributa 0-3 Castrograd SC (SNO)
(ZRB) Battle 6-1 CA Seleucius Juniors (SEL)
(STB) Foxchester Raiders 2-1 Ousevale Borough (KRY)
(VAL) Hondo FC 5-0 Directus (SSO)
(TBI) Viktoria Baden 0-0 Bede City (LEN)
(MNG) Soccoroo 1-3 Atlético Jutense (CAF)
(ERR) Bola Mine 1-0 AFC Rhohdah (SCY)
(SWR) AFC Tranzversa 1-1 Houghton Kestrels (WZI)
(CVC) Mais 3-1 CFR Dynamo Vilychek (CHT)
(ADN) Oldbridge City 4-0 Valengren Rovers (QPM)
(PON) 1890 Hof 2-0 Derastüun Citą (KUL)

2nd leg:

(ASG)             Iturributa United (3) 2-0 (0) Bayreuth FC                   (PON)
(SEL) CD San Martin de La Plata (2) 1-1 (5) Juvillian Martinax (ERA)
(SRZ) Portland Timbers (1) 1-1 (3) Decraa United (MYT)
(TAE) Real Chinchinhua (3) 2-3 (6) Plastical Surgeons (EIT)
(COM) Natestadt Nationalisten (4) 3-0 (1) Shadows (KPZ)
(WRL) Eastburg United (5) 1-0 (2) Der Kapital (KUL)
(KRY) Casuals Osteria (6) 3-1 (4) Cosmopolitan (CLP)
(VLD) Olympique de Fontvielle (5) 4-2 (5) Stanley United (WZI)
Away goals: 1-2
(AGU) Alianza Ciruelas (7) 5-0 (1) Racing Club de La Plata (SEL)
(SSO) Bastion (0) 0-2 (5) Wexax United (VAL)
(JSY) Keto Lodĭlunajĭ (1) 1-0 (1) 12 de noviembre (AGU)
Extra time: (1) 1-0 (1)
Penalties: 3-2

(KOR) ABC (3) 2-3 (8) Kitsilano Konquerors (COM)
(PAS) SC Troubalose (3) 1-1 (1) Gratizoli (UNI)
(CVC) As'ilten (1) 1-4 (7) Clube Comercial (CAF)
(ZRB) Knights (1) 0-0 (2) Black Oasis Athletic (COM)
(LEN) Mountain FC (6) 2-1 (4) Grasshoppers Turic (OSR)
(VRB) Silver Coast (1) 1-3 (5) Corcaigh (SNO)
(SSO) Revolutionaries (1) 1-0 (0) Fuji Hōrō-sha (TYZ)
(SWR) Vaastranda FC (2) 1-2 (3) Fontvielle Impact (VLD)
(SNO) Castrograd SC (5) 2-1 (1) Sporting Iturributa (ASG)
(SEL) CA Seleucius Juniors (1) 0-2 (8) Battle (ZRB)
(KRY) Ousevale Borough (2) 1-1 (3) Foxchester Raiders (STB)
(SSO) Directus (1) 1-2 (7) Hondo FC (VAL)
(LEN) Bede City (2) 2-2 (2) Viktoria Baden (TBI)
Away goals: 0-2
(CAF) Atlético Jutense (6) 3-0 (1) Soccoroo (MNG)
(SCY) AFC Rhohdah (4) 4-3 (4) Bola Mine (ERR)
Away goals: 0-3
(WZI) Houghton Kestrels (6) 5-3 (4) AFC Tranzversa (SWR)
(CHT) CFR Dynamo Vilychek (3) 2-1 (4) Mais (CVC)
(QPM) Valengren Rovers (1) 1-3 (7) Oldbridge City (ADN)
(KUL) Derastüun Citą (0) 0-0 (2) 1890 Hof (PON)

Eliminatory Stage - the draw:

Foxchester Raiders (STB) x Riesberg City (ALB)
Chicago Nuevo SC (ALB) x Melbourne South (MOS)
Cordian City Rovers (KAZ) x Mais (CVC)
Mountain FC (LEN) x Battle (ZRB)
Alianza Ciruelas (AGU) x Iturributa United (ASG)
New Dublin Dragons (UNI) x FC Mildrid (ERA)
SC Troubalose (PAS) x Natestadt Nationalisten (COM)
Steckholl United (DEL) x Charzzan (ERA)
Hondo FC (VAL) x Revolutionaries (SSO)
Houghton Kestrels (WZI) x RGS Athletic (EFL)
Decraa United (MYT) x Astur City (NCH)
Kepayan (JES) x Stanley United (WZI)
Cannes Town (MOS) x Castrograd SC (SNO)
Rhodes (DEL) x Sembulan (JES)
Clube Comercial (CAF) x Juvillian Martinax (ERA)
Bola Mine (ERR) x Wolfenstein SA (ERP)
Eastburg United (WRL) x Wexax United (VAL)
Bally Hooley (ERR) x Kitsilano Konquerors (COM)
Oldbridge City (ADN) x Ko-oren Capital FC (KOR)
Laufston Town (VRB) x Plastical Surgeons (EIT)
Kaldukosk FC (COS) x Greeningham City (OSR)
Viktoria Baden (TBI) x Zamba Torpedoes (UNI)
Black Oasis Athletic (COM) x 1890 Hof (PON)
Casuals Osteria (KRY) x Royal Rumiatzi (ASG)
Fontvielle Impact (VLD) x Catherina FC (DEL)
Orleans Chiefs (NCH) x Atlético Jutense (CAF)
VLC FC (EFL) x Sunnydale Athletic (ERP)
Corcaigh (SNO) x Keto Lodĭlunajĭ (JSY)
Ciudad Soluca (SRG) x Katashi Desert Eagles (KOR)
SK Franz Josef City (PIS) x Tout-Puissant Outremont (CLP)
Monopolists' Sport Achievements:
World Cup Committee President (WCs 55-57)
Cup of Harmony 27 and 48 Champions; World Cup 44 runner-ups

AOCAF 33, DBC 15/17/18 Champions; BoF 19(WC32) runner-ups; Oxen Cup 1/8 Champions; WGPC9 Champions
DBC 16; OFC6; AOCAF27/30 runner-ups; Q-Cup 2 and Women's World Cup 11 Champions

Olympics: Host of V Winter Olympics and VI Summer Olympics - III Summer Olympics: best overall performance
Hosted: WWC8; BoF21 (WC34); BoF30 (WC43); BoF37 (WC50); CoH31; CoH36

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Fellow Citizens
Posts: 177
Founded: Jul 06, 2009

Postby Fellow Citizens » Tue May 24, 2011 6:18 pm

2020-2021 FCFF League Tables

Fellosi Bundesliga Standings
Team                         P   W   D   L For  Ag  +/- Pts
1 PSPP Porong Putra 30 17 5 8 31 17 +14 56 C/TQCC
2 Burem United 30 15 7 8 47 38 +9 52 GC
3 Sporting Gutsson 30 14 7 9 29 25 +4 49 GC
4 AFC Pele 30 14 6 10 41 34 +7 48 GC

5 Frokkoer FC 30 13 6 11 40 36 +4 45
6 Hyuji Rovers 30 12 6 12 24 18 +6 42
7 Ngangqang Wolves 30 12 4 14 40 41 -1 40
8 Ucut Golker FC 30 12 4 14 39 35 +4 40
9 Port Freakson FC 30 10 10 10 30 28 +2 40
10 Werder Stanivicus 30 10 10 10 33 38 -5 40
11 PSV Unhoffen 30 11 6 13 27 29 -2 39
12 Xternal FC 30 11 6 13 35 38 -3 39
13 Koja Blue Union 30 10 8 12 22 31 -9 38
14 W'Dalimatan FC 30 9 11 10 19 22 -3 38 R
15 Ossenberg FC 30 10 4 16 23 32 -9 34 R
16 Munfredster United 30 3 14 13 22 40 -18 23 R

Divizjoni Principali Standings
Team                          P   W   D   L For  Ag  +/- Pts
1 Borussia Trosera 30 18 4 8 53 40 +13 58 P/SBCC
2 Borussia Ezriel 30 15 9 6 32 19 +13 54 P/SBCC
3 Stonemoss FC 30 13 11 6 30 19 +11 50 P/SBCC

4 Opeloki Kuwi 30 14 6 10 45 41 +4 48 SBCC
5 Nganchuk FC 30 12 8 10 35 32 +3 44
6 Unyunyu FC 30 11 8 11 36 34 +2 41
7 Easthall FC 30 11 8 11 20 24 -4 41
8 Hilzrim 1892 SV 30 11 8 11 42 41 +1 41
9 Riistjarnan City 30 9 12 9 33 33 +0 39
10 Yizdrian Hotspurs 30 9 11 10 25 27 -2 38
11 Revenged Elevenfold 30 9 10 11 26 26 +0 37
12 Al-Ghaffara 30 9 8 13 37 40 -3 35
13 TP Verdembe 30 8 10 12 17 24 -7 34
14 Tyokko N-69 30 9 5 16 17 25 -8 32
15 Jack's Rangers 30 5 14 11 19 28 -9 29
16 Botavini 1923 30 5 12 13 16 30 -14 27

PS : the Fellow Citizens football trigramme is FLW :D
Last edited by Fellow Citizens on Tue May 24, 2011 6:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Pro : Liberty, Equal Human Rights, Progressive, Islam, Nusantara religions
Neutral : Democracy, Communism, Nazism, Socialism, Anarchism, Agnosticism, Atheism
Con : LGBT, Religio-Fascism, Authoritarian, ISIS/IS/Daesh
Political Compass
Economic : -2.00
Social : -2.56
BoF 41 Quarter-Final
Knockout Round in 2nd International Open
Handball World Cup 13 Contestant
World Cup 54 Contestant
Warkus Cup II Contestant
1st Internationale Cup Contestant
3rd Place on Soccer for Hope
The United Republic of Fellow Citizens

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Fellow Citizens
Posts: 177
Founded: Jul 06, 2009

Postby Fellow Citizens » Tue May 24, 2011 6:50 pm

2021-2022 FCFF League Tables

Fellosi Bundesliga Standings

Team                        P   W   D   L For  Ag  +/- Pts
1 Burem United 30 15 9 6 48 39 +9 54 C/TQCC
2 Xternal FC 30 16 5 9 36 24 +12 53 GC
3 Sporting Gutsson 30 14 6 10 29 22 +7 48 GC
4 Borussia Trosera 30 14 6 10 52 36 +16 48 GC

5 Hyuji Rovers 30 14 5 11 22 19 +3 47
6 Frokkoer FC 30 11 11 8 26 24 +2 44
7 PSPP Porong Putra 30 12 8 10 28 25 +3 44
8 Ucut Golker FC 30 11 7 12 48 55 -7 40
9 Werder Stanivicus 30 11 6 13 43 39 +4 39
10 Stonemoss FC 30 9 8 13 26 34 -8 35
11 AFC Pele 30 8 11 11 36 34 +2 35
12 Ngangqang Wolves 30 10 5 15 27 31 -4 35
13 PSV Unhoffen 30 9 7 14 29 45 -16 34
14 Borussia Ezriel 30 9 7 14 31 37 -6 34 R
15 Port Freakson FC 30 8 10 12 22 34 -12 34 R
16 Koja Blue Union 30 7 13 10 22 27 -5 34 R

Divizjoni Principali Standings

Team                          P   W   D   L For  A g  +/- Pts
1 Unyunyu FC 30 14 8 8 41 30 +11 50 P/SBCC
2 Hilzrim 1892 SV 30 13 9 8 48 34 +14 48 P/SBCC
3 Al-Ghaffara 30 13 9 8 26 21 +5 48 P/SBCC

4 W'Dalimatan FC 30 12 10 8 30 22 +8 46 SBCC
5 Opeloki Kuwi 30 11 11 8 46 38 +8 44
6 Ossenberg FC 30 12 8 10 36 36 +0 44
7 Riistjarnan City 30 12 7 11 28 26 +2 43
8 Yizdrian Hotspurs 30 10 11 9 28 21 +7 41
9 Tyokko N-69 30 10 11 9 21 19 +2 41
10 TP Verdembe 30 10 10 10 19 21 -2 40
11 Jack's Rangers 30 8 10 12 17 24 -7 34
12 Munfredster United 30 7 13 10 24 29 -5 34
13 Revenged Elevenfold 30 7 13 10 14 22 -8 34
14 Nganchuk FC 30 10 3 17 35 47 -12 33 R
15 Botavini 1923 30 8 7 15 20 36 -16 31 R
16 Easthall FC 30 5 16 9 15 22 -7 31 R

Liga Tarkameia Standings

Team                           P   W   D   L For  Ag  +/- Pts
1 Catchester United 30 14 7 9 50 46 +4 49 P
2 Moperette FC 30 13 9 8 53 39 +14 48 P
3 Vindra Commerce Bank 30 15 3 12 51 48 +3 48 P

4 Persipura Hamapura 30 14 6 10 43 36 +7 48
5 Freedee 30 12 10 8 36 30 +6 46
6 AFC Fakfak 30 12 8 10 63 53 +10 44
7 Newerre City 30 11 11 8 36 28 +8 44
8 Greenline Academic 30 12 7 11 28 23 +5 43
9 TSG 1897 Griffinheim 30 11 9 10 28 30 -2 42
10 N'Gangsburg State 30 12 4 14 34 33 +1 40
11 CVB 1923 30 10 10 10 31 29 +2 40
12 Tresserre 30 10 8 12 26 26 +0 38
13 Suabey District 30 10 6 14 40 62 -22 36
14 AFC Vike's 30 9 8 13 24 27 -3 35
15 Wotto Angelcats 30 7 9 14 28 43 -15 30
16 Minoster State 30 6 9 15 18 36 -18 27
Last edited by Fellow Citizens on Wed May 25, 2011 5:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Pro : Liberty, Equal Human Rights, Progressive, Islam, Nusantara religions
Neutral : Democracy, Communism, Nazism, Socialism, Anarchism, Agnosticism, Atheism
Con : LGBT, Religio-Fascism, Authoritarian, ISIS/IS/Daesh
Political Compass
Economic : -2.00
Social : -2.56
BoF 41 Quarter-Final
Knockout Round in 2nd International Open
Handball World Cup 13 Contestant
World Cup 54 Contestant
Warkus Cup II Contestant
1st Internationale Cup Contestant
3rd Place on Soccer for Hope
The United Republic of Fellow Citizens

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Commerce Heights
Posts: 2050
Founded: Antiquity

Postby Commerce Heights » Wed May 25, 2011 12:29 pm

Thirty-First TakilQuip Champions’ Cup—Playoff Round

(LEN) Dover City 4–5 Montréal (CLP) 2–4 2–1
(MYT) Atletik Thessia 3–4 Walli Walli FC (TAR) 2–1 1–3 (aet)
(WZI) Mort Park 6–1 Skyline United (MNG) 5–1 1–0
(QPM) Royal Khaldoon 6–2 Mallox (COS) 2–2 4–0
(OSR) Firewood City 2–3 CF Aéropag (ACF) 2–1 0–2
(VLD) Metropolis Alligators 7–4 Real Marentian (TAR) 4–1 3–3
(AGU) Unión de Ciudagua 1–2 Navel FC (WRL) 0–1 1–1
(VAL) Ibini FC 2–2 p 1896 Ebor (MYT) 1–1 1–1 (0–3 pen)
(WZI) Bradley Hornets a 5–5 Good Liz Walsh (DEL) 1–3 4–2 (aet)
(KRY) Emberton Reds 1–5 Polar Zenith (ZRB) 1–1 0–4

Group stage draw
Group A
Neurologists (EIT)
Sokojiwa Dosi CK (COM)
Billiard (ZRB)
Zarahemla All-Sport (TBI)

Group B
Cafundó do Juta (CAF)
Hatton Town (ADN)
Mort Park (WZI)
Walli Walli FC (TAR)

Group C
Yuba United (COM)
Club ESF (VAL)
Santos Luega (PAS)
1896 Ebor (MYT)

Group D
Raynor City United (VAL)
Mapabore Juventud (AGU)
Carter FC (JSY)
Polar Zenith (ZRB)

Group E
Ranca Toco (CAF)
Metropolis Alligators (VLD)
Royal Khaldoon (QPM)
Navel FC (WRL)

Group F
Petardos S/A (CAF)
Mar Sara FC (VAL)
CF Aéropag (ACF)
Montréal (CLP)

Group G
Psychiatrists (EIT)
Avidia United (KRY)
New Haverford Albion (JSY)
Bradley Hornets (WZI)

Group H
Royal Emberton (KRY)
Sonoma Center Panthers (COM)
AS Bezieres (VLD)
East Reading (SNO)

Twenty-Eighth Chronowire Series B Champions’ Cup—Playoff Round

(WRL)                  Union FC    3–2    Olympik of Stratenberg    (MYT)   2–1   1–1
(STB) Hallad Reavers 4–2 Didi Fishermen (TAR) 1–0 3–2
(QPM) Garrincha FC 2–7 AC Tallin (VLD) 1–3 1–4
(VRB) Eastview Current 3–5 New Ireland (SNO) 3–3 0–2
(CAF) Pernetas EC 5–1 New Hampton Terrapins (JSY) 4–1 1–0
(CLP) Charlevoix 1–4 FK Kabe (TBI) 1–3 0–1
(KRY) Kallia United 5–2 Southern (TAR) 4–1 1–1
(ADN) Ad’ihan Military Forces 3–5 Stanton Town (KRY) 1–4 2–1
(SNO) Workers United 2–1 CF Clan Tropa (AGU) 1–0 1–1
(COM) San Solari FC 3–0 FC Mostov 1896 (UNI) 2–0 1–0
(PAS) SC Filwarfin 6–3 Koppen Rig Force (PIS) 5–1 1–2
(COM) Seansburgh Cougars 4–3 East Railway (ASG) 2–1 2–2 (aet)
(WRL) Portland Greencaps 6–2 Zakhoro Aces (COS) 2–1 4–1
(ERR) Kanooka Creek 2–1 Port Elizabeth (NCH) 0–0 2–1
(JES) Tuaran 4–5 West Scoville Athletic (TBI) 3–2 1–3
(CAF) São Longuinho 6–2 Norton (KRY) 2–2 4–0
(JES) Inanam 1–6 Racing de Terranova (WRL) 1–2 0–4
(EIT) Camisa Dez 5–1 Vesriaville (COS) 2–0 3–1
(JSY) West Bend Wildcats 0–2 Edmonton United (VLD) 0–1 0–1
(EIT) For Urizen 4–2 Jonloli Gyulhabdwen (COM) 2–0 2–2
(ADN) Airport City 1–1 p Moorcroft City (WZI) 1–0 0–1 (4–5 pen)
(EFL) Yiftred Light Workers FC 3–1 Evenfar FC (PAS) 2–1 1–0
(CLP) Saint-Richard 4–1 Galitz FCA (TAR) 2–1 2–0
(STB) Cedrus Soundgardia 7–3 Stade Ouverjavaa (MYT) 5–2 2–1
(WZI) Wacker Neustadt 1–3 Naquada Falls Demons (JSY) 0–2 1–1
(CAF) Central United 2–2 a Windlesham Town (SNO) 2–2 0–0
(AGU) Universidad de Dénprade 9–1 Herogeos (MNG) 4–1 5–0
(ZRB) Coconut Trees 3–1 Lisda Lokado Goji Salamjĭ (JSY) 1–0 2–1
(TBI) Real Valencia 4–3 Tulduroc United (PAS) 2–2 2–1
(EIT) Canfudea Factory 5–3 AFC Stanton (WZI) 1–2 4–1
(EIT) Red Command 1–3 South Barrier United (ADN) 0–2 1–1
(LEN) Boister 1–4 South Point FC (ADN) 1–2 0–2

Group stage draw
Group A
Yiftred Light Workers FC (EFL)
Moorcroft City (WZI)
Camisa Dez (EIT)
Windlesham Town (SNO)

Group B
Seansburgh Cougars (COM)
FK Kabe (TBI)
SC Filwarfin (PAS)
Canfudea Factory (EIT)

Group C
Saint-Richard (CLP)
Racing de Terranova (WRL)
Coconut Trees (ZRB)
New Ireland (SNO)

Group D
West Scoville Athletic (TBI)
Hallad Reavers (STB)
San Solari FC (COM)
AC Tallin (VLD)

Group E
Pernetas EC (CAF)
Workers United (SNO)
Cedrus Soundgardia (STB)
South Point FC (ADN)

Group F
Naquada Falls Demons (JSY)
Portland Greencaps (WRL)
Universidad de Dénprade (AGU)
For Urizen (EIT)

Group G
Edmonton United (VLD)
Stanton Town (KRY)
Real Valencia (TBI)
South Barrier United (ADN)

Group H
Kanooka Creek (ERR)
São Longuinho (CAF)
Kallia United (KRY)
Union FC (WRL)

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Fellow Citizens
Posts: 177
Founded: Jul 06, 2009

Postby Fellow Citizens » Wed May 25, 2011 5:36 pm

2022-2023 FCFF League Tables

Fellosi Bundesliga Standings
Team                       P   W   D   L For  Ag  +/- Pts
1 AFC Pele 30 17 3 10 42 35 +7 54 C/TQCC
2 PSPP Porong Putra 30 15 8 7 31 21 +10 53 GC
3 Werder Stanivicus 30 14 9 7 35 31 +4 51 GC
4 Hilzrim 1892 SV 30 14 8 8 48 38 +10 50 GC

5 Al-Ghaffara 30 13 7 10 39 35 +4 46
6 Hyuji Rovers 30 12 9 9 26 20 +6 45
7 Burem United 30 12 8 10 48 44 +4 44
8 Ngangqang Wolves 30 11 10 9 40 35 +5 43
9 Xternal FC 30 11 7 12 36 34 +2 40
10 Borussia Trosera 30 11 6 13 45 49 -4 39
11 Ucut Golker FC 30 10 7 13 38 37 +1 37
12 Frokkoer FC 30 9 9 12 32 32 +0 36
13 Sporting Gutsson 30 7 14 9 29 30 -1 35
14 Unyunyu FC 30 10 5 15 30 43 -13 35 R
15 Stonemoss FC 30 9 5 16 23 35 -12 32 R
16 PSV Unhoffen 30 5 5 20 21 44 -23 20 R

Diviżjoni Prinċipali Standings

Team                          P   W   D   L For  Ag  +/- Pts
1 Opeloki Kuwi 30 16 7 7 44 22 +22 55 C/P/SBCC
2 W'Dalimatan FC 30 15 6 9 35 25 +10 51 P/SBCC
3 Catchester United 30 15 5 10 36 29 +7 50 P/SBCC

4 Munfredster United 30 14 6 10 29 24 +5 48 SBCC
5 Yizdrian Hotspurs 30 13 7 10 24 26 -2 46
6 Jack's Rangers 30 12 9 9 27 22 +5 45
7 Vindra Commerce Bank 30 13 5 12 52 45 +7 44
8 Revenged Elevenfold 30 12 7 11 23 20 +3 43
9 Ossenberg FC 30 12 7 11 26 28 -2 43
10 Moperette FC 30 10 10 10 22 22 +0 40
11 Riistjarnan City 30 9 8 13 26 34 -8 35
12 Port Freakson FC 30 8 8 14 21 40 -19 32
13 TP Verdembe 30 6 13 11 15 21 -6 31
14 Koja Blue Union 30 8 7 15 21 32 -11 31 R
15 Borussia Ezriel 30 6 13 11 26 31 -5 31 R
16 Tyokko N-69 30 6 12 12 18 24 -6 30 R

Liga Tarkameia Standings

Team                          P   W  D   L For  Ag  +/- Pts
1 Freedee 30 17 4 9 36 25 +11 55 C/P
2 TSG 1897 Griffinheim 30 15 6 9 46 38 +8 51 P
3 AFC Fakfak 30 14 9 7 28 19 +9 51 P

4 N'Gangsburg State 30 14 6 10 37 29 +8 48
5 CVB 1923 30 14 5 11 41 37 +4 47
6 Newerre City 30 12 8 10 41 33 +8 44
7 Nganchuk FC 30 12 6 12 44 40 +4 42
8 Tresserre 30 11 8 11 29 28 +1 41
9 Persipura Hamapura 30 11 7 12 39 38 +1 40
10 Wotto Angelcats 30 10 8 12 23 29 -6 38
11 Suabey District 30 11 5 14 36 40 -4 38
12 Botavini 1923 30 11 4 15 22 32 -10 37
13 Easthall FC 30 10 5 15 19 25 -6 35
14 Minoster State 30 8 10 12 24 34 -10 34
15 Greenline Academic 30 8 9 13 31 37 -6 33
16 AFC Vike's 30 7 10 13 17 29 -12 31
Pro : Liberty, Equal Human Rights, Progressive, Islam, Nusantara religions
Neutral : Democracy, Communism, Nazism, Socialism, Anarchism, Agnosticism, Atheism
Con : LGBT, Religio-Fascism, Authoritarian, ISIS/IS/Daesh
Political Compass
Economic : -2.00
Social : -2.56
BoF 41 Quarter-Final
Knockout Round in 2nd International Open
Handball World Cup 13 Contestant
World Cup 54 Contestant
Warkus Cup II Contestant
1st Internationale Cup Contestant
3rd Place on Soccer for Hope
The United Republic of Fellow Citizens

Factbook | Military* | Geography*

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Posts: 1172
Founded: Jun 07, 2006

Postby Cafundeu » Wed May 25, 2011 6:11 pm


The Twenty-Eighth Globe Cup
Eliminatory and Qualifying Stage

Eliminatory Stage:

First leg:

(STB)            Foxchester Raiders     3-1     Riesberg City                 (ALB)
(ALB) Chicago Nuevo SC 2-1 Melbourne South (MOS)
(KAZ) Cordian City Rovers 4-1 Mais (CVC)
(LEN) Mountain FC 0-2 Battle (ZRB)
(AGU) Alianza Ciruelas 5-2 Iturributa United (ASG)
(UNI) New Dublin Dragons 1-1 FC Mildrid (ERA)
(PAS) SC Troubalose 1-2 Natestadt Nationalisten (COM)
(DEL) Steckholl United 3-1 Charzzan (ERA)
(VAL) Hondo FC 3-0 Revolutionaries (SSO)
(WZI) Houghton Kestrels 2-0 RGS Athletic (EFL)
(MYT) Decraa United 3-1 Astur City (NCH)
(JES) Kepayan 0-0 Stanley United (WZI)
(MOS) Cannes Town 0-1 Castrograd SC (SNO)
(DEL) Rhodes 1-0 Sembulan (JES)
(CAF) Clube Comercial 4-2 Juvillian Martinax (ERA)
(ERR) Bola Mine 2-2 Wolfenstein SA (ERP)
(WRL) Eastburg United 3-2 Wexax United (VAL)
(ERR) Bally Hooley 0-2 Kitsilano Konquerors (COM)
(ADN) Oldbridge City 4-0 Ko-oren Capital FC (KOR)
(VRB) Laufston Town 1-1 Plastical Surgeons (EIT)
(COS) Kaldukosk FC 2-1 Greeningham City (OSR)
(TBI) Viktoria Baden 0-1 Zamba Torpedoes (UNI)
(COM) Black Oasis Athletic 7-0 1890 Hof (PON)
(KRY) Casuals Osteria 3-0 Royal Rumiatzi (ASG)
(VLD) Fontvielle Impact 2-1 Catherina FC (DEL)
(NCH) Orleans Chiefs 2-6 Atlético Jutense (CAF)
(EFL) VLC FC 2-1 Sunnydale Athletic (ERP)
(SNO) Corcaigh 0-0 Keto Lodĭlunajĭ (JSY)
(SRG) Ciudad Soluca 3-2 Katashi Desert Eagles (KOR)
(PIS) SK Franz Josef City 1-1 Tout-Puissant Outremont (CLP)

2nd leg:

(ALB)                 Riesberg City (2) 1-2 (5) Foxchester Raiders            (STB)
(MOS) Melbourne South (5) 4-3 (5) Chicago Nuevo SC (ALB)
Away goals: 1-3
(CVC) Mais (2) 1-0 (4) Cordian City Rovers (KAZ)
(ZRB) Battle (3) 1-1 (1) Mountain FC (LEN)
(ASG) Iturributa United (3) 1-3 (8) Alianza Ciruelas (AGU)
(ERA) FC Mildrid (2) 1-0 (1) New Dublin Dragons (UNI)
(COM) Natestadt Nationalisten (4) 2-0 (1) SC Troubalose (PAS)
(ERA) Charzzan (4) 3-3 (6) Steckholl United (DEL)
(SSO) Revolutionaries (2) 2-4 (7) Hondo FC (VAL)
(EFL) RGS Athletic (1) 1-2 (4) Houghton Kestrels (WZI)
(NCH) Astur City (1) 0-0 (3) Decraa United (MYT)
(WZI) Stanley United (2) 2-2 (2) Kepayan (JES)
Away goals: 0-2
(SNO) Castrograd SC (5) 4-0 (0) Cannes Town (MOS)
(JES) Sembulan (3) 3-1 (2) Rhodes (DEL)
(ERA) Juvillian Martinax (3) 1-1 (5) Clube Comercial (CAF)
(ERP) Wolfenstein SA (3) 1-0 (2) Bola Mine (ERR)
(VAL) Wexax United (4) 2-1 (4) Eastburg United (WRL)
Away goals: 2-1
(COM) Kitsilano Konquerors (4) 2-0 (0) Bally Hooley (ERR)
(KOR) Ko-oren Capital FC (0) 0-3 (7) Oldbridge City (ADN)
(EIT) Plastical Surgeons (4) 3-2 (3) Laufston Town (VRB)
(OSR) Greeningham City (3) 2-1 (3) Kaldukosk FC (COS)
Extra time: (4) 3-1 (3)
(UNI) Zamba Torpedoes (2) 1-4 (4) Viktoria Baden (TBI)
(PON) 1890 Hof (0) 0-3 (10)Black Oasis Athletic (COM)
(ASG) Royal Rumiatzi (1) 1-2 (5) Casuals Osteria (KRY)
(DEL) Catherina FC (2) 1-1 (3) Fontvielle Impact (VLD)
(CAF) Atlético Jutense (8) 2-0 (2) Orleans Chiefs (NCH)
(ERP) Sunnydale Athletic (1) 0-0 (2) VLC FC (EFL)
(JSY) Keto Lodĭlunajĭ (1) 1-1 (1) Corcaigh (SNO)
Away goals: 0-1
(KOR) Katashi Desert Eagles (2) 0-1 (4) Ciudad Soluca (SRG)
(CLP) Tout-Puissant Outremont (6) 5-2 (3) SK Franz Josef City (PIS)

Qualifying Stage:

First leg:

(TBI)                    Belgium FC     3-0     Hecia                         (STB)
(JES) Kepayan 2-0 FC Tavernia (EFL)
(WZI) Banks 2-2 Qidade Savana (JSY)
(UNI) Athletic Stanza 0-2 Battle (ZRB)
(EIT) Plastical Surgeons 1-1 Krozuy Academics (TAR)
(WRL) Lagoon Red Diamonds 1-4 Soldarian FC (VAL)
(SRZ) Carthage Cannons 0-3 Hondo FC (VAL)
(SRG) Ciudad Soluca 0-1 Navel Sharks (WRL)
(VAL) Wexax United 3-1 Sembulan (JES)
(AGU) Blén CA 2-1 Tannenberg FC (VLD)
(QPM) Pythons 4-1 Lilter United (SCY)
(STB) Iskara Daii 0-1 Oldbridge City (ADN)
(KAZ) Cordian City Rovers 0-0 Decraa United (MYT)
(CAF) SC Lasft 3-0 VLC FC (EFL)
(SNO) Castrograd SC 2-1 Zhevassi (KPZ)
(OSR) Burningham City 2-1 Heidelstadt Falken (JSY)
(PAS) CA Paulinthal 0-0 Wolfenstein SA (ERP)
(DEL) Steckholl United 3-3 Foxchester Raiders (STB)
(KPZ) Juvapanam 2-3 Fontvielle Impact (VLD)
(SNO) Sparrowbottom Athletic 0-2 Black Oasis Athletic (COM)
(MYT) Parr City 1-2 Stein-los Turkish (PAS)
(OSR) Greeningham City 1-0 Houghton Kestrels (WZI)
(SRG) Deportivo Cordova 2-1 Pulmonologists (EIT)
(CAF) Dunboor FC 6-0 Abbotsford Bears (VRB)
(AGU) Alianza Ciruelas 3-0 Portsmouth Pirates (SRZ)
(ADN) Mountbatten Junction 4-0 Bloomfield National (TBI)
(COM) Natestadt Nationalisten 3-1 Jan Mayen Islanders (PIS)
(TAR) Atlantea Hurricanes 1-0 Chicago Nuevo SC (ALB)
(CAF) Atlético Jutense 3-4 Tallyn Rovers (ADN)
(KRY) Casuals Osteria 1-1 Kitsilano Konquerors (COM)
(KRY) RCSC Northwood 2-0 Orean United (LEN)
(CLP) Tout-Puissant Outremont 1-3 Kinney Road (ADN)
(QPM) Ajax Khaldoon II 0-1 Corcaigh (SNO)
(CAF) Clube Comercial 5-3 Urajbina (KPZ)
(SNO) Beningrad 2-0 Viktoria Baden (TBI)
(TYZ) Montoriōruekusupozu 1-3 FC Mildrid (ERA)
(ZRB) Pyramid AC 0-1 Cardiologists (EIT)
(CHT) CSKA Tsaritin Saints 1-5 San Diego Iguanas (COM)

2nd leg:

(STB)                         Hecia (0) 0-1 (4) Belgium FC                    (TBI)
(EFL) FC Tavernia (2) 2-1 (3) Kepayan (JES)
(JSY) Qidade Savana (6) 4-0 (2) Banks (WZI)
(ZRB) Battle (5) 3-1 (1) Athletic Stanza (UNI)
(TAR) Krozuy Academics (3) 2-1 (2) Plastical Surgeons (EIT)
(VAL) Soldarian FC (7) 3-0 (1) Lagoon Red Diamonds (WRL)
(VAL) Hondo FC (6) 3-1 (1) Carthage Cannons (SRZ)
(WRL) Navel Sharks (4) 3-0 (0) Ciudad Soluca (SRG)
(JES) Sembulan (3) 2-2 (5) Wexax United (VAL)
(VLD) Tannenberg FC (2) 1-2 (4) Blén CA (AGU)
(SCY) Lilter United (1) 0-2 (6) Pythons (QPM)
(ADN) Oldbridge City (5) 4-3 (3) Iskara Daii (STB)
(MYT) Decraa United (0) 0-0 (0) Cordian City Rovers (KAZ)
Extra time: (0) 0-0 (0)
Penalties: 4-2

(EFL) VLC FC (0) 0-3 (6) SC Lasft (CAF)
(KPZ) Zhevassi (2) 1-0 (2) Castrograd SC (SNO)
Away goals: 1-0
(JSY) Heidelstadt Falken (3) 2-2 (4) Burningham City (OSR)
(ERP) Wolfenstein SA (0) 0-2 (2) CA Paulinthal (PAS)
(STB) Foxchester Raiders (6) 3-2 (5) Steckholl United (DEL)
(VLD) Fontvielle Impact (4) 1-0 (2) Juvapanam (KPZ)
(COM) Black Oasis Athletic (7) 5-2 (2) Sparrowbottom Athletic (SNO)
(PAS) Stein-los Turkish (5) 3-1 (2) Parr City (MYT)
(WZI) Houghton Kestrels (2) 2-0 (1) Greeningham City (OSR)
(EIT) Pulmonologists (4) 3-0 (2) Deportivo Cordova (SRG)
(VRB) Abbotsford Bears (1) 1-4 (10)Dunboor FC (CAF)
(SRZ) Portsmouth Pirates (3) 3-2 (5) Alianza Ciruelas (AGU)
(TBI) Bloomfield National (0) 0-0 (4) Mountbatten Junction (ADN)
(PIS) Jan Mayen Islanders (1) 0-2 (5) Natestadt Nationalisten (COM)
(ALB) Chicago Nuevo SC (1) 1-0 (1) Atlantea Hurricanes (TAE)
Extra time: (1) 1-0 (1)
Penalties: 2-0

(ADN) Tallyn Rovers (5) 1-3 (6) Atlético Jutense (CAF)
(COM) Kitsilano Konquerors (1) 0-2 (3) Casuals Osteria (KRY)
(LEN) Orean United (6) 6-3 (5) RCSC Northwood (KRY)
(ADN) Kinney Road (5) 2-1 (2) Tout-Puissant Outremont (CLP)
(SNO) Corcaigh (3) 2-3 (3) Ajax Khaldoon II (QPM)
Away goals: 1-3
(KPZ) Urajbina (3) 0-2 (7) Clube Comercial (CAF)
(TBI) Viktoria Baden (2) 2-2 (4) Beningrad (SNO)
(ERA) FC Mildrid (4) 1-0 (1) Montoriōruekusupozu (TYZ)
(EIT) Cardiologists (2) 1-1 (1) Pyramid AC (ZRB)
(COM) San Diego Iguanas (9) 4-1 (2) CSKA Tsaritin Saints (CHT)

Group Stage - the draw:

- the 10 eliminated teams in the playoff stage of the TQCC enter here
- teams from the same country cannot be put in the same group
- groups cannot have more than 2 teams coming from the TQCC (teams coming from GC qualifying are counted as GC-teams)

Group A
SC Lasft (CAF)
Kepayan (JES)
Wexax United (VAL)
Foxchester Raiders (STB)

Group B
Oldbridge City (ADN)
Atlético Jutense (CAF)
Zhevassi (KPZ)
Burningham City (OSR)

Group C
Stein-los Turkish (PAS)
Qidade Savana (JSY)
Mountbatten Junction (ADN)
Skyline United (MNG)

Group D
Beningrad (SNO)
Krozuy Academics (TAR)
San Diego Iguanas (COM)
Belgium FC (TBI)

Group E
Emberton Reds (KRY)
Alianza Ciruelas (AGU)
Ibini FC (VAL)
FC Mildrid (ERA)

Group F
Cardiologists (EIT)
Navel Sharks (WRL)
Blén CA (AGU)
Casuals Osteria (KRY)

Group G
Hondo FC (VAL)
Dover City (LEN)
Fontvielle Impact (VLD)
Kinney Road (ADN)

Group H
Pulmonologists (EIT)
Houghton Kestrels (WZI)
Black Oasis Athletic (COM)
Mallox (COS)

Group I
Natestadt Nationalisten (COM)
Real Marentian (TAR)
Ajax Khaldoon II (QPM)
Orean United (LEN)

Group J
Decraa United (MYT)
Unión de Ciudagua (AGU)
Chicago Nuevo SC (ALB)
Battle (ZRB)

Group K
Good Liz Walsh (DEL)
Pythons (QPM)
Dunboor FC (CAF)
CA Paulinthal (PAS)

Group L
Soldarian FC (VAL)
Atletik Thessia (MYT)
Firewood City (OSR)
Clube Comercial (CAF)
Monopolists' Sport Achievements:
World Cup Committee President (WCs 55-57)
Cup of Harmony 27 and 48 Champions; World Cup 44 runner-ups

AOCAF 33, DBC 15/17/18 Champions; BoF 19(WC32) runner-ups; Oxen Cup 1/8 Champions; WGPC9 Champions
DBC 16; OFC6; AOCAF27/30 runner-ups; Q-Cup 2 and Women's World Cup 11 Champions

Olympics: Host of V Winter Olympics and VI Summer Olympics - III Summer Olympics: best overall performance
Hosted: WWC8; BoF21 (WC34); BoF30 (WC43); BoF37 (WC50); CoH31; CoH36

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West Zirconia
Posts: 301
Founded: Jun 04, 2008

Postby West Zirconia » Thu May 26, 2011 6:56 am

The West Zirconian Football Association has announced the formation of a third tier for the National League. Whether it can be called a National League when this Third Division is in fact regionalised is open to debate.

The teams that will contest the inaugural Third Division are:

Third Division North:

Calland and Smallshaw
Culshaw Town
Elwell Harriers
FC Boston
Flockton Flavell
Halliwell Wanderers
Kershaw Athletic
Kingsley Town
Knifton Town
KVV Koehorst
Oglesby United
Parkfield Rangers
Rothwell Temperance Society
Sephton RMI
Skelton Town

Third Division South:

Ainsworth and Wells
Buckby Town
Corpus Christi
Dutton United
Eardley Town
Eastham Panthers
Grimshaw Town
Heppenstall Town
Hilton Athletic
Houghton Eagles
Longshaw Town
McLaughlin Islands
New Scilly
Newby Town
St. Martin City
Shrigley Town
Somerville Thistle
Stanton Vale

Three teams will be relegated from the Second Division. The two Third Division champions will be promoted, while the two second-placed teams will playoff for the third promotion place, with teams then being moved between the North and South leagues if necessary. Following the success of Wacker Neustadt, it remains to be seen whether the other former Non-League teams can follow in their footsteps.

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Commerce Heights
Posts: 2050
Founded: Antiquity

Postby Commerce Heights » Thu May 26, 2011 10:48 am

Thirty-First TakilQuip Champions’ Cup—Group Stage

Group winners and runners-up qualified for TakilQuip Champions’ Cup first knockout round
Third-placed teams qualified for Globe Cup first knockout round

⁠  Group A                           P    W   D   L   GF  GA   GD  Pts   Neu  SwD  Bil  ZAS
1 Neurologists EIT 6 3 2 1 10 8 +2 11 — 2–1 2–2 2–1
2 Sokojiwa Dosi CK COM 6 3 1 2 11 6 +5 10 1–1 — 2–1 3–0

3 Billiard ZRB 6 2 2 2 8 9 −1 8 1–0 2–1 — 0–2
4 Zarahemla All-Sport TBI 6 1 1 4 7 13 −6 4 2–3 0–3 2–2 —

⁠  Group B                           P    W   D   L   GF  GA   GD  Pts   Hat  CJu  MPk  Wal
1 Hatton Town ADN 6 4 0 2 9 3 +6 12 — 2–0 3–0 1–0
2 Cafundó do Juta CAF 6 3 1 2 9 8 +1 10 2–1 — 2–0 2–0

3 Mort Park WZI 6 3 0 3 7 10 −3 9 0–2 3–1 — 2–1
4 Walli Walli FC TAR 6 1 1 4 5 9 −4 4 1–0 2–2 1–2 —

⁠  Group C                           P    W   D   L   GF  GA   GD  Pts   ESF  Yub  SLu  Ebo
1 Club ESF VAL 6 3 3 0 12 6 +6 12 — 3–0 2–2 1–0
2 Yuba United COM 6 3 1 2 11 10 +1 10 2–4 — 2–0 1–1

3 Santos Luega PAS 6 0 4 2 7 11 −4 4* 1–1 1–3 — 1–1
4 1896 Ebor MYT 6 0 4 2 6 9 −3 4* 1–1 1–3 2–2 —
* Santos Luega ahead of 1896 Ebor on head-to-head away goals

⁠  Group D                           P    W   D   L   GF  GA   GD  Pts   MaJ  PZe  Car  RCU
1 Mapabore Juventud AGU 6 4 1 1 12 5 +7 13 — 2–1 1–1 3–0
2 Polar Zenith ZRB 6 3 1 2 7 5 +2 10 0–1 — 3–1 0–0

3 Carter FC JSY 6 1 2 3 6 11 −5 5* 1–4 1–2 — 1–1
4 Raynor City United VAL 6 1 2 3 3 7 −4 5* 2–1 0–1 0–1 —
* Carter FC ahead of Raynor City United on head-to-head points

⁠  Group E                           P    W   D   L   GF  GA   GD  Pts   RcT  RKh  MAl  Nav
1 Ranca Toco CAF 6 4 0 2 12 5 +7 12 — 2–1 2–0 3–0
2 Royal Khaldoon QPM 6 2 2 2 5 4 +1 8 2–1 — 0–1 0–0

3 Metropolis Alligators VLD 6 2 1 3 4 7 −3 7 1–0 0–2 — 1–1
4 Navel FC WRL 6 1 3 2 4 9 −5 6 1–4 0–0 2–1 —

⁠  Group F                           P    W   D   L   GF  GA   GD  Pts   PSA  MSa  Mon  Aér
1 Petardos S/A CAF 6 5 0 1 9 5 +4 15* — 0–1 1–0 3–2
2 Mar Sara FC VAL 6 5 0 1 14 6 +8 15* 1–2 — 3–2 3–1

3 Montréal CLP 6 1 1 4 3 9 −6 4 0–1 0–4 — 0–0
4 CF Aéropag ACF 6 0 1 5 5 11 −6 1 1–2 1–2 0–1 —
* Petardos S/A ahead of Mar Sara FC on head-to-head away goals

⁠  Group G                           P    W   D   L   GF  GA   GD  Pts   Psy  BrH  AvU  NHA
1 Psychiatrists EIT 6 3 2 1 9 4 +5 11 — 1–0 1–2 1–1
2 Bradley Hornets WZI 6 3 1 2 10 5 +5 10 0–2 — 2–0 5–0

3 Avidia United KRY 6 2 1 3 7 6 +1 7 0–0 1–2 — 4–0
4 New Haverford Albion JSY 6 1 2 3 4 15 −11 5 1–4 1–1 1–0 —

⁠  Group H                           P    W   D   L   GF  GA   GD  Pts   Bez  ERe  REm  SCP
1 AS Bezieres VLD 6 4 1 1 13 14 −1 13 — 2–1 4–4 3–2
2 East Reading SNO 6 2 2 2 13 7 +6 8 5–0 — 5–0 1–1

3 Royal Emberton KRY 6 1 3 2 10 15 −5 6 1–2 1–1 — 1–0
4 Sonoma Center Panthers COM 6 1 2 3 10 10 0 5 1–2 3–0 3–3 —

First knockout round draw
Polar Zenith (ZRB)–Club ESF (VAL)
Royal Khaldoon (QPM)–Mapabore Juventud (AGU)
Bradley Hornets (WZI)–Neurologists (EIT)
Sokojiwa Dosi CK (COM)–Ranca Toco (CAF)
Yuba United (COM)–Psychiatrists (EIT)
Cafundó do Juta (CAF)–AS Bezieres (VLD)
East Reading (SNO)–Petardos S/A (CAF)
Mar Sara FC (VAL)–Hatton Town (ADN)

Quarterfinal draw
Yuba United (COM) or Psychiatrists (EIT)–Royal Khaldoon (QPM) or Mapabore Juventud (AGU)
Mar Sara FC (VAL) or Hatton Town (ADN)–Bradley Hornets (WZI) or Neurologists (EIT)
Cafundó do Juta (CAF) or AS Bezieres (VLD)–East Reading (SNO) or Petardos S/A (CAF)
Polar Zenith (ZRB) or Club ESF (VAL)–Sokojiwa Dosi CK (COM) or Ranca Toco (CAF)

Semifinal draw
winner QF2–winner QF4
winner QF1–winner QF3

Final draw
winner SF2–winner SF1 (@ Jewel in the Desert, Monolithia, Queer Poco el Mono Ara)

Twenty-Eighth Chronowire Series B Champions’ Cup—Group Stage

Group winners and runners-up advance to first knockout round

⁠  Group A                           P    W   D   L   GF  GA   GD  Pts   Cam  Mor  Win  YLW
1 Camisa Dez EIT 6 3 2 1 6 4 +2 11 — 2–1 1–0 1–0
2 Moorcroft City WZI 6 2 3 1 8 7 +1 9 1–1 — 2–1 1–0

3 Windlesham Town SNO 6 2 2 2 10 7 +3 8 0–0 2–2 — 4–2
4 Yiftred Light Workers FC EFL 6 1 1 4 5 11 −6 4 2–1 1–1 0–3 —

⁠  Group B                           P    W   D   L   GF  GA   GD  Pts   Sea  Kab  Can  Fil
1 Seansburgh Cougars COM 6 4 1 1 11 4 +7 13 — 3–0 1–1 3–1
2 FK Kabe TBI 6 3 0 3 8 9 −1 9 1–2 — 2–1 3–1

3 Canfudea Factory EIT 6 2 1 3 6 6 0 7 1–0 1–2 — 2–0
4 SC Filwarfin PAS 6 2 0 4 4 10 −6 6 0–2 1–0 1–0 —

Group C                           P    W   D   L   GF  GA   GD  Pts   NIr  RTe  SRi  Coc
1 New Ireland SNO 6 2 4 0 8 6 +2 10 — 1–0 3–2 1–1
2 Racing de Terranova WRL 6 2 3 1 4 2 +2 9 1–1 — 2–0 0–0

3 Saint-Richard CLP 6 1 2 3 7 10 −3 5* 1–1 0–1 — 2–1
4 Coconut Trees ZRB 6 0 5 1 5 6 −1 5* 1–1 0–0 2–2 —
* Saint-Richard ahead of Coconut Trees on wins

⁠  Group D                           P    W   D   L   GF  GA   GD  Pts   SSo  Tal  HaR  WSA
1 San Solari FC COM 6 5 0 1 13 6 +7 15 — 1–0 3–1 4–1
2 AC Tallin VLD 6 2 1 3 7 8 −1 7* 0–1 — 3–2 2–0

3 Hallad Reavers STB 6 2 1 3 11 12 −1 7* 1–2 2–2 — 2–1
4 West Scoville Athletic TBI 6 2 0 4 8 13 −5 6 3–2 2–0 1–3 —
* AC Tallin ahead of Hallad Reavers on head-to-head points

⁠  Group E                           P    W   D   L   GF  GA   GD  Pts   WoU  CSo  SPo  Per
1 Workers United SNO 6 4 2 0 8 2 +6 14 — 0–0 1–0 2–1
2 Cedrus Soundgardia STB 6 2 1 3 7 7 0 7* 1–2 — 1–0 2–0

3 South Point FC ADN 6 2 1 3 5 7 −2 7* 0–0 2–1 — 2–0
4 Pernetas EC CAF 6 2 0 4 8 12 −4 6 0–3 3–2 4–1 —
* Cedrus Soundgardia ahead of South Point FC on head-to-head away goals

⁠  Group F                           P    W   D   L   GF  GA   GD  Pts   FUr  UDe  NFD  PoG
1 For Urizen EIT 6 4 1 1 13 5 +8 13 — 1–0 8–1 1–1
2 Universidad de Dénprade AGU 6 3 2 1 13 6 +7 11 3–0 — 1–1 4–1

3 Naquada Falls Demons JSY 6 1 3 2 7 14 −7 6 0–1 3–3 — 1–1
4 Portland Greencaps WRL 6 0 2 4 3 11 −8 2 0–2 0–2 0–1 —

⁠  Group G                           P    W   D   L   GF  GA   GD  Pts   SBU  Edm  Sta  RVa
1 South Barrier United ADN 6 6 0 0 15 7 +8 18 — 1–0 1–0 4–2
2 Edmonton United VLD 6 4 0 2 9 7 +2 12 1–3 — 1–0 2–1

3 Stanton Town KRY 6 2 0 4 10 11 −1 6 2–3 2–4 — 3–0
4 Real Valencia TBI 6 0 0 6 7 16 −9 0 2–3 0–1 2–3 —

Group H                           P    W   D   L   GF  GA   GD  Pts   SLo  Uni  Kal  Kan
1 São Longuinho CAF 6 5 1 0 21 6 +15 16 — 3–0 4–1 5–0
2 Union FC WRL 6 2 2 2 7 9 −2 8 2–2 — 2–1 1–0

3 Kallia United KRY 6 2 1 3 10 13 −3 7 3–5 1–1 — 2–1
4 Kanooka Creek ERR 6 1 0 5 3 13 −10 3 0–2 2–1 0–2 —

First knockout round draw
Cedrus Soundgardia (STB)–South Barrier United (ADN)
Union FC (WRL)–New Ireland (SNO)
Edmonton United (VLD)–Workers United (SNO)
Racing de Terranova (WRL)–For Urizen (EIT)
FK Kabe (WZI)–São Longuinho (CAF)
Universidad de Dénprade (AGU)–San Solari FC (COM)
Moorcroft City (WZI)–Seansburgh Cougars (COM)
AC Tallin (VLD)–Camisa Dez (EIT)

Quarterfinal draw
Union FC (WRL) or New Ireland (SNO)–AC Tallin (VLD) or Camisa Dez (EIT)
Cedrus Soundgardia (STB) or South Barrier United (ADN)–Moorcroft City (WZI) or Seansburgh Cougars (COM)
Racing de Terranova (WRL) or For Urizen (EIT)–Universidad de Dénprade (AGU) or San Solari FC (COM)
FK Kabe (WZI) or São Longuinho (CAF)–Edmonton United (VLD) or Workers United (SNO)

Semifinal draw
winner QF1–winner QF3
winner QF2–winner QF4

Final draw
winner SF1–winner SF2 (@ Academics Stadium, Krozuy, Tarrentum)

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Posts: 1172
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Postby Cafundeu » Fri May 27, 2011 6:22 am


The Twenty-Eighth Globe Cup
Group Stage Results

Group A

Group A                           P    W   D   L   GF  GA    GD  Pts    SCL  FRA  WEX  KEP
1 SC Lasft CAF 6 3 2 1 8 7 +1 11 - 1-1 1-0 2-1
2 Foxchester Raiders STB 6 2 2 2 10 7 +3 8 0-1 - 1-2 3-0

3 Wexax United VAL 6 2 2 2 6 5 +1 8 3-1 1-1 - 0-0
4 Kepayan JES 6 1 2 3 6 11 −5 5 2-2 2-4 1-0 -

* Foxchester Raiders in front of Wexax United due to goal difference

Group B

Group B                           P    W   D   L   GF  GA    GD  Pts    OLD  AJU  ZHE  BUR
1 Oldbridge City ADN 6 4 0 2 14 7 +7 12 - 3-0 2-0 3-4
2 Atlético Jutense CAF 6 3 0 3 11 11 0 9 0-2 - 3-1 1-0

3 Zhevassi KPZ 6 2 1 3 9 12 −3 7 2-1 3-2 - 1-2
4 Burningham City OSR 6 2 1 3 11 15 −4 7 1-3 2-5 2-2 -

* Zhevassi in front of Burningham City due to goal difference

Group C

Group C                           P    W   D   L   GF  GA    GD  Pts    QIS  MJU  SLT  SKU
1 Qidade Savana JSY 6 5 1 0 17 4 +13 16 - 4-1 2-0 3-0
2 Mountbatten Junction ADN 6 3 2 1 13 8 +5 11 1-1 - 2-1 6-0

3 Stein-los Turkish PAS 6 1 1 4 7 11 −4 4 2-3 1-2 - 1-0
4 Skyline United MNG 6 0 2 4 3 17 −14 2 0-4 1-1 2-2 -

Group D

Group D                           P    W   D   L   GF  GA    GD  Pts    BEN  SDI  BEL  KRA
1 Beningrad SNO 6 4 0 2 9 6 +3 12 - 1-0 1-0 3-0
2 San Diego Iguanas COM 6 3 1 2 9 6 +3 10 3-1 - 2-0 2-2

3 Belgium FC TBI 6 2 1 3 6 7 −1 7 2-0 2-1 - 0-0
4 Krozuy Academics TAR 6 1 2 3 6 11 −5 5 1-3 0-1 3-2 -

Group E

Group E                           P    W   D   L   GF  GA    GD  Pts    EMR  IBI  MIL  ACI
1 Emberton Reds KRY 6 3 2 1 11 7 +4 11 - 1-1 4-1 2-1
2 Ibini FC VAL 6 3 1 2 12 8 +4 10 1-2 - 6-2 2-0

3 FC Mildrid ERA 6 2 1 3 8 13 −5 7 0-0 2-0 - 1-0
4 Alianza Ciruelas AGU 6 2 0 4 8 11 −3 6 3-2 1-2 3-2 -

Group F

Group F                           P    W   D   L   GF  GA    GD  Pts    CAR  CAO  BLE  NSH
1 Cardiologists EIT 6 3 1 2 9 9 0 10 - 3-0 1-0 1-1
2 Casuals Osteria KRY 6 3 0 3 10 11 −1 9 2-1 - 3-1 2-4

3 Blén CA AGU 6 3 0 3 7 9 −2 9 1-3 2-1 - 2-1
4 Navel Sharks WRL 6 2 1 3 11 8 +3 7 5-0 0-2 0-1 -

* Casuals Osteria in front of Blén CA due to goal difference

Group G

Group G                           P    W   D   L   GF  GA    GD  Pts    HON  FIM  KIR  DOV
1 Hondo FC VAL 6 4 1 1 12 7 +5 13 - 2-2 3-1 3-0
2 Fontvielle Impact VLD 6 3 2 1 11 6 +5 11 1-2 - 2-0 2-1

3 Kinney Road ADN 6 1 3 2 10 11 −1 6 3-0 1-1 - 4-4
4 Dover City LEN 6 0 2 4 6 15 −9 2 0-2 0-3 1-1 -

Group H

Group H                           P    W   D   L   GF  GA    GD  Pts    BOA  MAL  HKE  PUL
1 Black Oasis Athletic COM 6 4 2 0 9 2 +7 14 - 3-0 1-1 1-0
2 Mallox COS 6 2 2 2 6 8 −2 8 0-1 - 3-2 1-0

3 Houghton Kestrels WZI 6 1 3 2 9 11 −2 6 0-0 2-2 - 1-3
4 Pulmonologists EIT 6 1 1 4 6 9 −3 4 1-3 0-0 2-3 -

Group I

Group I                           P    W   D   L   GF  GA    GD  Pts    AKH  NAN  ORE  RMA
1 Ajax Khaldoon II QPM 6 3 2 1 10 4 +6 11 - 0-0 0-0 0-1
2 Natestadt Nationalisten COM 6 3 2 1 9 5 +4 11 2-3 - 2-1 2-0

3 Orean United LEN 6 2 2 2 8 9 −1 8 1-3 1-1 - 3-2
4 Real Marentian TAR 6 1 0 5 4 13 −9 3 0-4 0-2 1-2 -

* Ajax Khaldoon II in front of Natestadt Nationalisten due to goal difference

Group J

Group J                           P    W   D   L   GF  GA    GD  Pts    UCI  BAT  CHN  DEC
1 Unión de Ciudagua AGU 6 3 2 1 12 8 +4 11 - 2-1 2-2 3-0
2 Battle ZRB 6 3 1 2 13 9 +4 10 3-2 - 5-1 2-2

3 Chicago Nuevo SC ALB 6 2 1 3 10 12 −2 7 1-2 2-0 - 2-0
4 Decraa United MYT 6 1 2 3 6 12 −6 5 1-1 0-2 3-2 -

Group K

Group K                           P    W   D   L   GF  GA    GD  Pts    DUB  CAP  GLW  PYT
1 Dunboor FC CAF 6 4 1 1 14 5 +9 13 - 2-0 3-0 3-1
2 CA Paulinthal PAS 6 4 0 2 10 8 +2 12 2-1 - 3-1 2-3

3 Good Liz Walsh DEL 6 2 0 4 4 10 −6 6 0-3 0-1 - 2-0
4 Pythons QPM 6 1 1 4 7 12 −5 4 2-2 1-2 0-1 -

Group L

Group L                           P    W   D   L   GF  GA    GD  Pts    SOL  CCO  ATH  FIR
1 Soldarian FC VAL 6 6 0 0 19 2 +17 18 - 3-0 5-0 5-1
2 Clube Comercial CAF 6 4 0 2 10 7 +3 12 0-1 - 4-1 2-1

3 Atletik Thessia MYT 6 1 1 4 7 18 −11 4 1-3 0-2 - 3-2
4 Firewood City OSR 6 0 1 5 7 16 −9 1 0-2 1-2 2-2 -

Round of 32 - the draw:

- a team cannot face another team that has qualified from the same group
- pot 1 teams will play the first game away
- 3rd placed teams from the group stage of the TQCC enter in this stage
- the four best of them (TQCC teams - criteria is TQCC group stage performance) go to pot 1
- the four worst of them (TQCC teams) go to pot 2

Pot 1: SC Lasft (CAF); Oldbridge City (ADN); Qidade Savana (JSY); Beningrad (SNO); Emberton Reds (KRY); Cardiologists (EIT); Hondo FC (VAL); Black Oasis Athletic (COM); Ajax Khaldoon II (QPM); Unión de Ciudagua (AGU); Dunboor FC (CAF); Soldarian FC (VAL); Mort Park (WZI); Billiard (ZRB); Avidia United (KRY); Metropolis Alligators (VLD).

Pot 2: Foxchester Raiders (STB); Atlético Jutense (CAF); Mountbatten Junction (ADN); San Diego Iguanas (COM); Ibini FC (VAL); Casuals Osteria (KRY); Fontvielle Impact (VLD); Mallox (COS); Natestadt Nationalisten (COM); Battle (ZRB); CA Paulinthal (PAS); Clube Comercial (CAF); Royal Emberton (KRY); Carter FC (JSY); Santos Luega (PAS); Montréal (CLP).

The games (Round of 32 - Dezesseis-avos de Final):

D1- Mountbatten Junction (ADN) x Metropolis Alligators (VLD)
D2- Montréal (CLP) x Soldarian FC (VAL)
D3- Casuals Osteria (KRY) x Billiard (ZRB)
D4- Atlético Jutense (CAF) x Avidia United (KRY)
D5- Natestadt Nationalisten (COM) x Hondo FC (VAL)
D6- San Diego Iguanas (COM) x Dunboor FC (CAF)
D7- Royal Emberton (KRY) x Black Oasis Athletic (COM)
D8- Mallox (COS) x Unión de Ciudagua (AGU)
D9- Santos Luega (PAS) x Qidade Savana (JSY)
D10- Battle (ZRB) x Oldbridge City (ADN)
D11- Clube Comercial (CAF) x Mort Park (WZI)
D12- Foxchester Raiders (STB) x Cardiologists (EIT)
D13- CA Paulinthal (PAS) x Beningrad (SNO)
D14- Ibini FC (VAL) x SC Lasft (CAF)
D15- Carter FC (JSY) x Emberton Reds (KRY)
D16- Fontvielle Impact (VLD) x Ajax Khaldoon II (QPM)

Oitavas-de-final draw:

D1 x D2 - OF1
D3 x D4 - OF2
D5 x D6 - OF3
D7 x D8 - OF4
D9 x D10 - OF5
D11 x D12 - OF6
D13 x D14 - OF7
D15 x D16 - OF8


OF2 x OF1 - QF1
OF4 x OF3 - QF2
OF6 x OF5 - QF3
OF8 x OF7 - QF4


QF2 x QF1 - SF1
QF4 x QF3 - SF2


SF1 x SF2 - single game, to be played in the Stadium of the Moon, in Lunas (Pasarga)
Monopolists' Sport Achievements:
World Cup Committee President (WCs 55-57)
Cup of Harmony 27 and 48 Champions; World Cup 44 runner-ups

AOCAF 33, DBC 15/17/18 Champions; BoF 19(WC32) runner-ups; Oxen Cup 1/8 Champions; WGPC9 Champions
DBC 16; OFC6; AOCAF27/30 runner-ups; Q-Cup 2 and Women's World Cup 11 Champions

Olympics: Host of V Winter Olympics and VI Summer Olympics - III Summer Olympics: best overall performance
Hosted: WWC8; BoF21 (WC34); BoF30 (WC43); BoF37 (WC50); CoH31; CoH36

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Commerce Heights
Posts: 2050
Founded: Antiquity

Postby Commerce Heights » Fri May 27, 2011 6:45 pm

Thirty-First TakilQuip Champions’ Cup—Knockout Phase

First knockout round
(ZRB)              Polar Zenith    6–4    Club ESF                  (VAL)   3–1   3–3
(QPM) Royal Khaldoon 4–4 a Mapabore Juventud (AGU) 3–2 1–2
(WZI) Bradley Hornets 3–6 Neurologists (EIT) 2–2 1–4
(COM) Sokojiwa Dosi CK 0–2 Ranca Toco (CAF) 0–2 0–0
(COM) Yuba United 3–1 Psychiatrists (EIT) 1–1 2–0
(CAF) Cafundó do Juta 3–6 AS Bezieres (VLD) 1–2 2–4
(SNO) East Reading 3–5 Petardos S/A (CAF) 0–3 3–2
(VAL) Mar Sara FC 3–4 Hatton Town (ADN) 2–2 1–2

(COM)               Yuba United    3–2    Mapabore Juventud         (AGU)   1–2   2–0
(ADN) Hatton Town 2–4 Neurologists (EIT) 1–2 1–2
(VLD) AS Bezieres 2–4 Petardos S/A (CAF) 1–4 1–0
(ZRB) Polar Zenith 4–1 Ranca Toco (CAF) 3–1 1–0

(EIT)              Neurologists    6–4    Polar Zenith              (ZRB)   4–1   2–3
(COM) Yuba United a 3–3 Petardos S/A (CAF) 1–0 2–3

An arguably-inequitable semifinal draw gave Petardos S/A a chance to visit their old rivals’ new ground Alesanka Park for the first time, with os Bilionários seeking to prevent Yuba United from reaching its eighth final. The two titans of the Champions’ Cup were evenly matched as always, but a sturdy defense in northern Bedistan, and two goals in defeat at the Obelisco Monumental, gave the Silver–Blues a cup final to add to their bicentennary festivities. Their adversary in Monolithia will be Neurologists, who defeated surprise semifinalists Polar Zenith to become the first club from the Landau Institute to reach club football’s championship match. If Yuba United wins that encounter, it will be the first team to win five Champions’ Cup titles, and will receive permanent possession of the World Champion Clubs’ Cup and an undisclosed special mark of recognition.

Twenty-Eighth Chronowire Series B Champions’ Cup—Knockout Phase

First knockout round
(STB)        Cedrus Soundgardia    2–4    South Barrier United      (ADN)   2–2   0–2
(WRL) Union FC 3–4 New Ireland (SNO) 3–3 0–1
(VLD) Edmonton United 2–1 Workers United (SNO) 1–1 1–0
(WRL) Racing de Terranova 1–2 For Urizen (EIT) 1–1 0–1
(TBI) FK Kabe 2–2 a São Longuinho (CAF) 2–1 0–1
(AGU) Universidad de Dénprade 2–4 San Solari FC (COM) 2–2 0–2
(WZI) Moorcroft City 1–2 Seansburgh Cougars (COM) 1–1 0–1
(VLD) AC Tallin 10–1 Camisa Dez (EIT) 8–0 2–1

(SNO)               New Ireland    5–3    AC Tallin                 (VLD)   3–1   2–2
(ADN) South Barrier United a 1–1 Seansburgh Cougars (COM) 0–0 1–1
(EIT) For Urizen 1–2 San Solari FC (COM) 1–0 0–2
(CAF) São Longuinho 4–4 a Edmonton United (VLD) 2–3 2–1

(SNO)               New Ireland    2–8    San Solari FC             (COM)   0–4   2–4
(ADN) South Barrier United 6–2 Edmonton United (VLD) 5–0 1–2

(COM)             San Solari FC    3–1    South Barrier United      (ADN)

San Solari FC of Capitalizt SLANI, once a Champions’ Cup finalist, wins the Chronowire Series B Champions’ Cup and qualifies for the VI Super Cup.


UICA announces that it has reached an agreement with AalborgPettersen from Polar Islandstates for title sponsorship of Series B Champions’ Cups 29–36.

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Posts: 1172
Founded: Jun 07, 2006

Postby Cafundeu » Sat May 28, 2011 9:46 pm


The Twenty-Eighth Globe Cup
Knockout Rounds Results

Round of 32
First leg:

(ADN)          Mountbatten Junction     0-0     Metropolis Alligators         (VLD)
(CLP) Montréal 1-3 Soldarian FC (VAL)
(KRY) Casuals Osteria 2-0 Billiard (ZRB)
(CAF) Atlético Jutense 0-0 Avidia United (KRY)
(COM) Natestadt Nationalisten 2-1 Hondo FC (VAL)
(COM) San Diego Iguanas 1-3 Dunboor FC (CAF)
(KRY) Royal Emberton 4-3 Black Oasis Athletic (COM)
(COS) Mallox 0-2 Unión de Ciudagua (AGU)
(PAS) Santos Luega 2-4 Qidade Savana (JSY)
(ZRB) Battle 3-2 Oldbridge City (ADN)
(CAF) Clube Comercial 0-1 Mort Park (WZI)
(STB) Foxchester Raiders 1-1 Cardiologists (EIT)
(PAS) CA Paulinthal 2-2 Beningrad (SNO)
(VAL) Ibini FC 1-2 SC Lasft (CAF)
(JSY) Carter FC 2-0 Emberton Reds (KRY)
(VLD) Fontvielle Impact 3-1 Ajax Khaldoon II (QPM)

Second leg:

(VLD)         Metropolis Alligators (1) 1-0 (0) Mountbatten Junction          (ADN)
(VAL) Soldarian FC (8) 5-1 (2) Montréal (CLP)
(ZRB) Billiard (0) 0-1 (3) Casuals Osteria (KRY)
(KRY) Avidia United (2) 2-1 (1) Atlético Jutense (CAF)
(VAL) Hondo FC (4) 3-0 (2) Natestadt Nationalisten (COM)
(CAF) Dunboor FC (6) 3-0 (1) San Diego Iguanas (COM)
(COM) Black Oasis Athletic (5) 2-1 (5) Royal Emberton (KRY)
Away goals: 3-1
(AGU) Unión de Ciudagua (6) 4-1 (1) Mallox (COS)
(JSY) Qidade Savana (7) 3-2 (4) Santos Luega (PAS)
(ADN) Oldbridge City (3) 1-0 (3) Battle (ZRB)
Away goals: 2-0
(WZI) Mort Park (1) 0-2 (2) Clube Comercial (CAF)
(EIT) Cardiologists (2) 1-2 (3) Foxchester Raiders (STB)
(SNO) Beningrad (2) 0-0 (2) CA Paulinthal (PAS)
Away goals: 2-0
(CAF) SC Lasft (3) 1-1 (2) Ibini FC (VAL)
(KRY) Emberton Reds (0) 0-0 (2) Carter FC (JSY)
(QPM) Ajax Khaldoon II (3) 2-1 (4) Fontvielle Impact (VLD)

Oitavas-de-final (Round of 16)
First leg:

(VLD)         Metropolis Alligators     1-1     Soldarian FC                  (VAL)
(KRY) Casuals Osteria 1-1 Avidia United (KRY)
(VAL) Hondo FC 3-2 Dunboor FC (CAF)
(COM) Black Oasis Athletic 1-2 Unión de Ciudagua (AGU)
(JSY) Qidade Savana 4-0 Oldbridge City (ADN)
(CAF) Clube Comercial 3-1 Foxchester Raiders (STB)
(SNO) Beningrad 6-2 SC Lasft (CAF)
(JSY) Carter FC 2-2 Fontvielle Impact (VLD)

Second leg:

(VAL)                  Soldarian FC (4) 3-0 (1) Metropolis Alligators         (VLD)
(KRY) Avidia United (2) 1-1 (2) Casuals Osteria (KRY)
Extra time: (2) 1-1 (2)
Penalties: 3-4

(CAF) Dunboor FC (2) 0-1 (4) Hondo FC (VAL)
(AGU) Unión de Ciudagua (3) 1-3 (4) Black Oasis Athletic (COM)
(ADN) Oldbridge City (0) 0-0 (4) Qidade Savana (JSY)
(STB) Foxchester Raiders (2) 1-2 (5) Clube Comercial (CAF)
(CAF) SC Lasft (4) 2-0 (6) Beningrad (SNO)
(VLD) Fontvielle Impact (3) 1-0 (2) Carter FC (JSY)

First leg:

(KRY)               Casuals Osteria     1-0     Soldarian FC                  (VAL)
(COM) Black Oasis Athletic 2-3 Hondo FC (VAL)
(CAF) Clube Comercial 2-2 Qidade Savana (JSY)
(VLD) Fontvielle Impact 2-1 Beningrad (SNO)

Second leg:

(VAL)                  Soldarian FC (2) 2-1 (2) Casuals Osteria               (KRY)
Away goals: 0-1
(VAL) Hondo FC (3) 0-0 (2) Black Oasis Athletic (COM)
(JSY) Qidade Savana (6) 4-2 (4) Clube Comercial (CAF)
(SNO) Beningrad (3) 2-0 (2) Fontvielle Impact (VLD)

First leg:

(VAL)                      Hondo FC     3-0     Casuals Osteria               (KRY)
(SNO) Beningrad 1-2 Qidade Savana (JSY)

Second leg:

(KRY)               Casuals Osteria (1) 1-2 (5) Hondo FC                      (VAL)
(JSY) Qidade Savana (4) 2-0 (1) Beningrad (SNO)

played in the Stadium of the Moon, Lunas (Pasarga)

(VAL)                      Hondo FC     1-2     Qidade Savana                 (JSY)

Qidade Savana wins the Globe Cup!

Hondo FC in second; Beningrad in third.
Monopolists' Sport Achievements:
World Cup Committee President (WCs 55-57)
Cup of Harmony 27 and 48 Champions; World Cup 44 runner-ups

AOCAF 33, DBC 15/17/18 Champions; BoF 19(WC32) runner-ups; Oxen Cup 1/8 Champions; WGPC9 Champions
DBC 16; OFC6; AOCAF27/30 runner-ups; Q-Cup 2 and Women's World Cup 11 Champions

Olympics: Host of V Winter Olympics and VI Summer Olympics - III Summer Olympics: best overall performance
Hosted: WWC8; BoF21 (WC34); BoF30 (WC43); BoF37 (WC50); CoH31; CoH36

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Commerce Heights
Posts: 2050
Founded: Antiquity

Postby Commerce Heights » Sat May 28, 2011 10:36 pm

Thirty-First TakilQuip Champions’ Cup Final
@ Jewel in the Desert, Monolithia, Queer Poco el Mono Ara

(COM)               Yuba United    1–0    Neurologists              (EIT)

(scorinated by Ad’ihan/Liventia)

Yuba United of Capitalizt SLANI has its name engraved for the fifth and final time on the trophy it was the first to lift sixty years ago at Holmes Stadium; a copy will be commissioned for use from next season onward. The Silver–Blues are the first club to be awarded the UICA Star, the special mark of recognition for multiple winners (three consecutive titles or five overall) of each UICA competition. Champions’ Cup winners have the option to display this decoration either as a sleeve patch in Champions’ Cup colors to be worn in Champions’ Cup matches, or as a permanent part of the club crest in colors of the club’s choice; Yuba United has elected to take the latter route. (Winners of the UICA Star in the other three competitions may only use the sleeve patch.) Additionally, their victory has set up the second edition of the Super Cup to be contested by three Élite League clubs, the first being Super Cup 8, which was won by Yuba United.

Yuba United
World Champion Clubs’ Cup holder
Fifth title

Twenty-Eighth VI Super Cup

(JSY)             Qidade Savana    2–0    San Solari FC             (COM)
(COM) San Solari FC 0–2 Yuba United (COM)
(COM) Yuba United 2–2 Qidade Savana (JSY)

⁠ P W D L GF GA GD Pts
1 Qidade Savana JSY 2 1 1 0 4 2 +2 4*
2 Yuba United COM 2 1 1 0 4 2 +2 4*
3 San Solari FC COM 2 0 0 2 0 4 −4 0
* kicks from the penalty mark (@ Alesanka Park, Yuba)
Qidade Savana 4–3 Yuba United

On kicks from the mark, Qidade Savana of Jasĭyun wins its first Super Cup title, completing their undefeated run in UICA competition this season (14–5–0). This marks the first time that Yuba United has failed to win the competition in its four attempts.

Updated coëfficients are now available.

The entry limits for the next season of UICA competition will be as follows:
TakilQuip Champions’ Cup 32: The number of teams allowed is determined according to league coefficients, with the following distribution:
  • Associations ranked 1–3 (Cafundéu, Valanora, and Capitalizt SLANI) are allowed to enter four teams.
  • Associations ranked 4–6 (Jasĭyun, Estresse Intenso, and Krytenia) are allowed to enter three teams.
  • Associations ranked 7–29 (Aguazul, Zarbli, Ad’ihan, Sorthern Northland, Valladares, Pasarga, West Zirconia, The Babbage Islands, Queer Poco el Mono Ara, Starblaydia, Kagdazka and Pazhujebu, Whirl Islands, Tarrentum, Mytannion, Liventia, Osarius, Sarzonia, Albundania, Delaclava, Unitopolis, Eastfield Lodge, and Cotdelapoms), excluding those that are third-ranked associations from multiassociational leagues (Jesselton), are allowed to enter two teams.
  • Associations ranked 30 and below, and unranked associations, are allowed to enter one team.
  • Special considerations:
    • Yuba United is assured a place as the title-holder. If it fails to qualify for one of the Élite League’s seven places, it will replace one of those teams.
    • Élite League: Has seven places. Capitalizt SLANI must enter at least three teams, and Jasĭyun at least two.
    • Liga Calania: Has five places. Krytenia must enter at least two teams, and one other association must enter at least one team.
    • Joint Unified System Tournament: Has four places. Ad’ihan and one other association must each enter at least one team.
    • Cyanea Joint League: Has four places, which must be filled by teams from two separate associations.
    • Unity League: Has two places, which must be filled by teams from two separate associations.
Globe Cup 29: Every association is allowed to enter three teams. Multiassociational leagues may enter six teams, of which no more than four may be from the same association.
AalborgPettersen Series B Champions’ Cup 29: Every association is allowed to enter four teams. Multiassociational leagues may enter eight teams, of which no more than six may be from the same association.

The deadline for entry to TakilQuip Champions’ Cup 32 and AalborgPettersen Series B Champions’ Cup 29 is very tentatively set for Sunday, 2011-06-26. The deadline will be confirmed or altered closer to that date.
Last edited by Commerce Heights on Sat May 28, 2011 11:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Matting » Sun May 29, 2011 4:18 am

I'm an unranked nation. So does this mean I can enter 1 team in the TakilQuip Champions’ Cup 32? 3 teams in the Globe Cup 29? And four teams in the AalborgPettersen Series B Champions’ Cup 29? If so how do I enter them?

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Polar Islandstates
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Postby Polar Islandstates » Sun May 29, 2011 5:01 am

That would be correct. To enter them you simply post the summary of your league results in this thread, listing the entrants for each competition.
The True Valhallan Federation of Polar Islandstates - Pop. 51,500,000
Capital: Franz Josef City - Demonym: Valhallan (Polarian) - Trigramme: PIS - Ides of March Cup
Champions: WC67, CR XIX, CR XVIII, CR XV, CR X, CR VIII, DBC56, DBC20, RLWC11, RLWC10 Runners-Up: WC66, WC65, CR VI, DBC29, DBC55, WCoH18
Third: WC70, WC68, WC57, CR XII, DBC27 Fourth: WC56, CR XXII, RLWC13, RLWC9, WCoH17
“Aut Pax Aut Bellum” - A formerly closed nation that definitely isn't fascist now. The strongest and one true constituent member of The Valhallan Union

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Eastfield Lodge
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Postby Eastfield Lodge » Sun May 29, 2011 8:41 am

Matting wrote:I'm an unranked nation. So does this mean I can enter 1 team in the TakilQuip Champions’ Cup 32? 3 teams in the Globe Cup 29? And four teams in the AalborgPettersen Series B Champions’ Cup 29? If so how do I enter them?

Although as you have a separate thread, all you have to do is link to the relevant result tables when posting UICA qualifiers.
Economic Left/Right: -5.01 (formerly -5.88)
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.31 (formerly 2.36)
ISideWith UK
My motto translates to: "All Eat Fish and Chips!"
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Postby Matting » Sun May 29, 2011 8:51 am

I'm going to start using this thread for my football league when the current season has finished. Makes it easier when my teams enter the tournaments on this thread.

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Queer Poco el Mono Ara
Posts: 833
Founded: Apr 15, 2009

Postby Queer Poco el Mono Ara » Sun May 29, 2011 9:35 am


With 3736 teams entered, Copa de Campeones is the largest in its short history, so we're gonna do this in two parts.

Access List
ALB  Albundania              PAS  Pasarga
CVC Civil Citizenry PDH Pays de Horreur
CLP Cotdelapoms PIS Polar Islandstates
CDP Cote de Platine PON Pontinur
ERA Erathore QPM Queer Poco el Mono Ara
KAZ Kazzoria SRG Sargossa
LUA Lua Vamoa SWR Swartaz
MWE Mwembaba VRB Virabia
MYT Mytannion WZI West Zirconia
NOV Nova Cambria et PBI WRL Whirl Islands
PAR Palacios and Rodallega TYZ The Yorozuya

Qualifying Stage 1
(CVC)          Mais 3-1 Zebaki           (MWE) 1-1 2-0

(PON) 1890 Hof 4-3 Cambridge Druids (NOV) 3-0 1-3

(CDP) Port Central 1-3 Cordian Rovers (KAZ) 0-1 1-2

(SWR) Vaastranda FC 2-5 Fuji Horo-sha (TYZ) 1-4 1-1

Qualifying Stage 2
(TYZ)            Fuji Horo-sha 3-2 Mbuzis               (MWE) 2-0 1-2 

(VRB) Laufston Town 6-1 Cordian Rovers (KAZ) 3-0 3-1

(PON) 1890 Hof 0-7 SK Franz Josef (PIS) 0-3 0-4

(ERA) Internazcionale Eliodoro 0-6 Go Sushi Apo'olo (LUA) 0-3 0-3

(CVC) Mais 2-3 Montorioruekuosupozu (TYZ) 2-0 0-3

(CVC) As'ilten 1-2 Stephen of August (NOV) 0-0 1-2

Qualifying Stage 3
(ERA)          FC Mildrid a2-2 Abbotsford Bears  (VRB) 1-0 1-2

(PIS) SK Franz Josef 4-1 Stephen of August (NOV) 1-0 3-1

(ALB) Chicago Nuevo SC 4-1 Fuji Horo-sha (TYZ) 2-1 2-0

(CLP) Cosmopolitan 3-0 Pythons (QPM) 1-0 2-0

(VRB) Laufston Town 4-2 Go Sushi Apo'olo (LUA) 1-2 3-0

(SRG) Deportivo Cordova 3-7 Riesberg City (ALB) 2-2 1-5

(PAR) Tingley All Stars 1-10 CA Paulinthal (PAS) 1-6 0-4

(PIS) Jan Mayen Islanders 2-4 Bradley Hornets (WZI) 1-2 1-2

(SRG) Ciudad Soluca 2-1 1896 Ebor (MYT) 2-0 0-1

(TYZ) Montorioruekuosupozu 0-4 Montreal (CLP) 0-3 0-1

Qualified for Group Stage

(ERA) FC Mildrid
(PIS) Polar Island States
(ALB) Chicago Nuevo
(CLP) Cosmopolitan
(VRB) Laufston Town
(ALB) Riesberg City
(PAS) CA Paulinthal
(WZI) Bradley Hornets
(SRG) Ciudad Soluca
(CLP) Montreal
(PAS) Santos Luega
(QPM) Royal Khaldoon
(WRL) Navel Sharks
(PDH) Sunnydale Athletic
(MYT) Atletik Thessia
(WZI) Mort Park
Last edited by Queer Poco el Mono Ara on Mon May 30, 2011 12:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
Hosts of one World Cup
A Mike Sarzo Memorial Trophy and the 16th Di Bradini Championship to name but all of our accomplishments The Pocoan League

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Queer Poco el Mono Ara
Posts: 833
Founded: Apr 15, 2009

Postby Queer Poco el Mono Ara » Sun May 29, 2011 1:40 pm


Part 2, all in the same day? We really are spoiling you.

Group A
Pos Team                        P  W D  L For  Ag  +/- Pts Roy SKF Sun Chi
1 Royal Khaldoon (QPM) 6 6 0 0 20 2 +18 18 x 3-0 4-0 3-0
2 SK Franz Josef City* (PIS) 6 2 0 4 8 12 -4 6 1-4 x 5-2 0-1

3 Sunnydale Athletic^ (PDH) 6 2 0 4 8 15 -7 6 1-3 2-1 x 0-2
4 Chicago Nuevo SC (ALB) 6 2 0 4 3 10 -7 6 0-3 0-1 0-3 x
*ahead on goal difference
^ahead on goals scored

Group B
Pos Team                        P  W  D  L For  Ag  +/- Pts CAP NaS Mon Ciu
1 CA Paulinthal (PAS) 6 6 0 0 19 4 +15 18 x 3-1 2-0 1-0
2 Navel Sharks (WRL) 6 3 1 2 11 10 +1 10 1-3 x 2-0 2-1

3 Montreal (CLP) 6 1 2 3 8 13 -5 5 2-4 3-3 x 2-2
4 Ciudad Soluca (SRG) 6 0 1 5 3 14 -11 1 0-6 0-2 0-1 x

Group C
Pos Team                        P  W  D  L For  Ag +/- Pts Bra San FCM Rie
1 Bradley Hornets (WZI) 6 3 3 0 9 4 +5 12 x 2-0 4-2 0-0
2 Santos Luega (PAS) 6 3 2 1 11 6 +5 11 1-1 x 1-1 2-0

3 FC Mildrid (ERA) 6 1 2 3 8 13 -5 5 0-0 2-6 x 1-2
4 Riesberg City (ALB) 6 1 1 4 3 8 -5 4 1-2 0-1 0-2 x

Group D
Pos Team                        P  W D  L For Ag  +/- Pts Atl MoP Cos Lau
1 Atletik Thessia (MYT) 6 4 1 1 14 3 +11 13 x 3-0 2-0 3-0
2 Mort Park (WZI) 6 3 1 2 7 5 +2 10 1-1 x 2-0 0-2

3 Cosmopolitan (CLP) 6 2 0 4 3 10 -7 6 0-4 0-2 x 2-0
4 Laufston Town (VRB) 6 2 0 4 3 9 -6 6 2-1 0-2 0-1 x

Quarter Finals
(QPM)  Royal Khaldoon 6-1 Mort Park           (WZI) 2-1 4-0

(PAS) CA Paulinthal 7-1 SK Franz Josef City (PIS) 4-1 3-0

(WZI) Bradley Hornets 1-7 Navel Sharks (WRL) 1-4 0-3

(MYT) Atletik Thessia 5-1 Santos Luega (PAS) 3-0 2-1

(QPM) Royal Khaldoon 0-0 CA Paulinthal    (PAS) 0-0 0-0
0-0 AET
3-1 PKs

(WRL) Navel Sharks 2-2 Atletik Thessia (MYT) 1-1 1-1
2-2 AET
1-3 PKS

(MYT) Atletik Thessia 0-0 Royal Khaldoon (QPM)
1-0 AET

Congratulations to Atletik Thessia of Mytannion on lifting the 7th Copa de Campeones!
Hosts of one World Cup
A Mike Sarzo Memorial Trophy and the 16th Di Bradini Championship to name but all of our accomplishments The Pocoan League

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Posts: 2181
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Postby Virabia » Sun May 29, 2011 9:25 pm

First, let me preface these results by saying that for the most part what I had posted earlier was wrong. I had not really gone through the numbers thus there are numerous changes to the format. Some championships are bigger, some smaller and some I was able to keep to the dictated format but not many. On the bright side, most teams have been redistributed and there are a couple of new ones both in Brantaland as well as the Vonghurst, Erathore and Whirl Islands Championshps. For the most part, the teams added to exile championships performed on the poor side but, Fuzzy Navel who acquired a few big named players such as Derek Kurtz ex-Laufston Town middie Jack White, Jó Martino as well as keeper Ricky Kukoc. They become the first "foreign" team to play in v.league as their base of operations is Navel Island City instead of a location on the mainland. As with mainland teams, teams of refugees that are based elsewhere are subject to the same regulations as their domestic counterparts. Thus they are unable to field non-domestic players. Not that any Virabi team would want to. Support of the domestic-only rule is still quite high and it doesn't look as if it will be overturned soon. That doesn't mean that Virabis can't take their talents abroad. While few do and most remain in their state, Johnny America, a seventeen year old wonder kid from the Vonghurst Capitols was loaned out to Erathi side FC Mildrid for a £700,000 fee. The deal will land him on the team for six years and at the end of it both he and the club have the option to extend. His loan could also be sold (with permission of the Capitols) to another club.


Vonghurst City Championship AY18

Team P W D L For Ag +/- Pts
1 Thundercougarfalconbirds 40 20 8 12 55 34 +21 68
2 The Mets 40 19 11 10 39 26 +13 68
3 Vonghurst Reds 40 19 10 11 45 35 +10 67
4 CD Vonghurst 40 16 15 9 56 51 +5 63

5 Atlético Espérenza 40 17 11 12 50 45 +5 62
6 Budwurst 40 15 15 10 34 29 +5 60
7 Insanity FC 40 14 16 10 44 36 +8 58
8 Arvil 40 16 9 15 53 52 +1 57
9 Elmhood 40 14 14 12 36 32 +4 56
10 Red Martini 40 14 13 13 33 29 +4 55
11 Seaside Sharks 40 15 10 15 36 37 -1 55
12 South Vonghurst Tigerlillys 40 16 6 18 38 44 -6 54
13 Joe's Team 40 13 12 15 45 46 -1 51
14 Gilsban FC 40 12 14 14 47 50 -3 50
15 FK Little Baltica 40 13 11 16 23 30 -7 50
16 Vonghurst Capitols 40 10 18 12 31 34 -3 48
17 Noobe FC 40 9 18 13 26 31 -5 45
18 Revs 40 12 9 19 47 57 -10 45
19 A Little Ole FC 40 11 12 17 34 45 -11 45
20 Sons of the Confederacy 40 8 15 17 22 37 -15 39
21 Hinkleton 40 7 13 20 30 44 -14 34

Vonghurst Exile Championship AY18

Team P W D L For Ag +/- Pts
1 CF Bombarderos (TRO) 40 20 10 10 64 42 +22 70
2 Atlético Knoxham (TRO) 40 18 13 9 69 54 +15 67
3 Beaverbury Beavers (ERO) 40 17 14 9 36 30 +6 65

4 FC Negroe Pride (TRO) 40 18 9 13 66 56 +10 63
5 Charleston Artillery (ANG) 40 18 9 13 64 61 +3 63
6 Refogeé 40 15 14 11 57 47 +10 59
7 South Hill (TRO) 40 17 8 15 41 34 +7 59
8 East Hill (TRO) 40 16 11 13 68 63 +5 59
9 Blick Mountaineers (TRO) 40 15 12 13 37 36 +1 57
10 Plumesboro Hashish (ANG) 40 15 10 15 39 41 -2 55
11 Ciudad Vonghurst 40 15 9 16 41 44 -3 54
12 United Football Club of the South 40 12 18 10 39 45 -6 54
13 Southham United (TRO) 40 14 11 15 58 56 +2 53
14 Weston Robots (TRO) 40 14 9 17 31 38 -7 51
15 Ithaca Big Red (TRO) 40 11 17 12 36 36 +0 50
16 Mount Charlie (ERO) 40 12 13 15 36 35 +1 49
17 Charlie Valley (ERO) 40 13 10 17 40 49 -9 49
18 North Hill (TRO) 40 11 11 18 41 46 -5 44
19 Quantum Oxham (ALB) 40 11 11 18 54 71 -17 44
20 Ellis (TRO) 40 10 9 21 24 41 -17 39
21 Leningrad Cowboys (TRO) 40 8 12 20 55 71 -16 36

Erathore Exile Championship AY18

Team P W D L For Ag +/- Pts
1 Abbotsford Bears (ERO) 42 23 8 11 78 40 +38 77
2 Espilon Psychic (ANG) 42 23 6 13 46 28 +18 75
3 Knoxham Gold Rush (TRO) 42 21 11 10 41 26 +15 74
4 North Counties FC (TRO) 42 20 11 11 38 24 +14 71
5 Damst Hill Ducks (ERO) 42 19 13 10 44 29 +15 70
6 Déportivo Exilio Mildrid 42 18 10 14 43 31 +12 64
7 EFC Drogba 42 17 13 12 55 50 +5 64
8 Oscar Town (ANG) 42 17 12 13 47 32 +15 63
9 Albon Side (ALB) 42 15 17 10 38 32 +6 62
10 Southshore FC (TRO) 42 16 9 17 59 59 +0 57
11 Anglaia Side (ANG) 42 13 12 17 31 38 -7 51
12 Mukakke FC (ALB) 42 13 12 17 38 45 -7 51
13 Ethas Mustangs (ALB) 42 11 11 20 38 41 -3 44
14 Ironwillow Sloars (ANG) 42 8 13 21 49 84 -35 37
15 Laketown Clippers (TRO) 42 1 2 39 3 89 -86 5

Whirl Islands Exile Championship AY18

Team P W D L For Ag +/- Pts
1 Fuzzy Navel 42 22 10 10 52 34 +18 76
2 South Arch FC (TRO) 42 20 10 12 67 45 +22 70
3 East Mountain Bucks (ERO) 42 19 13 10 41 27 +14 70

4 Charleston Rivermen (ANG) 42 17 12 13 44 37 +7 63
5 Landholme United (ANG) 42 16 14 12 39 32 +7 62
6 Ploughsholme United (ALB) 42 17 10 15 59 50 +9 61
7 West Mountain Bongabillys (ANG) 42 17 10 15 60 57 +3 61
8 Ironwillow Town (ANG) 42 18 7 17 54 55 -1 61
9 South Bay Eels (ALB) 42 16 11 15 40 34 +6 59
10 Espilon Vision (ANG) 42 16 9 17 53 60 -7 57
11 Ritespelm FC (TRO) 42 14 12 16 33 42 -9 54
12 EFC Port-Vieux 42 14 10 18 47 52 -5 52
13 Eastburg Open 42 11 11 20 34 49 -15 44
14 Falholme Town (TRO) 42 10 10 22 29 49 -20 40
15 Reistburg Village (TRO) 42 9 9 24 40 69 -29 36

Brantaland State Championship AY18

Team P W D L For Ag +/- Pts
1 Freeville Pioneers 44 20 12 12 43 29 +14 72
2 Cayuga Shoremen 44 19 13 12 50 43 +7 70
3 FC Auroura 44 16 18 10 45 31 +14 66
4 Freeville Lakers 44 16 18 10 38 25 +13 66
5 SC Exile Portsham 44 16 15 13 35 28 +7 63
6 Dryden Town 44 16 14 14 34 32 +2 62
7 Yosamite Village 44 16 12 16 39 40 -1 60
8 Seneca 44 13 15 16 44 49 -5 54
9 Dryden Tigers 44 14 11 19 31 45 -14 53
10 Treman Village 44 12 16 16 27 34 -7 52
11 Auroura Boarealis 44 11 12 21 34 49 -15 45
12 Rayton Village 44 10 14 20 24 39 -15 44

Brantaland Exile Championship AY18

Team P W D L For Ag +/- Pts
1 Atalanta BC (ANL) 45 21 13 11 77 59 +18 76
2 Hanstholme Town (ITA) 45 21 12 12 49 32 +17 75
3 West Atalanta Seals (ANL) 45 19 17 9 38 23 +15 74
4 Greenwich Fishermen (ITA) 45 19 14 12 40 32 +8 71

5 Bergamo Town (ANL) 45 20 7 18 64 59 +5 67
6 Two Island Blizzard (TOM) 45 17 15 13 42 34 +8 66
7 Brent (ITA) 45 18 10 17 45 47 -2 64
8 El Uno (TOM) 45 16 13 16 51 50 +1 61
9 Platsholme Huskers (ITA) 45 16 12 17 57 57 +0 60
10 Astlon Elk (SGY) 45 14 14 17 38 37 +1 56
11 Tredginghamshire FC (TOM) 45 14 14 17 28 34 -6 56
12 Mortingham City (TOM) 45 15 11 19 52 60 -8 56
13 Erk City (TOM) 45 14 11 20 40 55 -15 53
14 North Slope Avalanche (TOM) 45 14 11 20 62 80 -18 53
15 Mortingham Zombies (TOM) 45 13 12 20 38 44 -6 51
16 Gatsburg Village (ITA) 45 12 8 25 29 47 -18 44

Sargossa Exile Championship AY18

Team P W D L For Ag +/- Pts
1 Laufston Town (SGY) 50 24 11 15 72 52 +20 83
2 North Bay Dolphins (SGY) 50 22 16 12 53 44 +9 82
3 Breckridge Nuggets (MTG) 50 22 14 14 62 51 +11 80
4 -blank- (ANL) 50 23 10 17 67 53 +14 79
5 Portsham City (ITA) 50 22 11 17 76 66 +10 77

6 FC Mekke (SGY) 50 20 17 13 44 35 +9 77
7 No Name (ANL) 50 17 21 12 39 33 +6 72
8 Dillingham Creek (ITA) 50 19 15 16 44 42 +2 72
9 CD Atalanta (ANL) 50 19 15 16 62 65 -3 72
10 Silver Coast (SGY) 50 19 14 17 38 36 +2 71
11 FK Mortingham (TOM) 50 17 19 14 37 35 +2 70
12 FC Baxton (ITA) 50 18 15 17 63 57 +6 69
13 South Plain Bison (MTG) 50 19 12 19 50 55 -5 69
14 Prentsholme Town (TOM) 50 18 14 18 43 36 +7 68
15 Ironclad Portsham (ITA) 50 17 17 16 37 34 +3 68
16 Hartburgh Battery (ANL) 50 17 17 16 30 28 +2 68
17 Breckridge Mountain Goats (MTG) 50 16 19 15 36 37 -1 67
18 FC Vale (MTG) 50 15 20 15 50 52 -2 65
19 Eastview Current (SGY) 50 17 13 20 43 49 -6 64
20 Yodel Town (MTG) 50 14 17 19 34 41 -7 59
21 Beaverbury AFC (ANL) 50 12 23 15 34 41 -7 59
22 Rollo Village (ITA) 50 16 10 24 53 56 -3 58
23 North Arch AFC (ANL) 50 14 14 22 27 44 -17 56
24 Olympia FC (TOM) 50 14 12 24 51 62 -11 54
25 T'hamshire Steelers (TOM) 50 13 15 22 40 55 -15 54
26 Tillingham Village (SGY) 50 11 9 30 27 53 -26 42

So, the next Virabi delegation to Unity League will be:
Abbotsford Bears
Laufston Town

(D.North and D.South info to come tomorrow...
Economic Left/Right: -9.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -9.00

I have made the following progression in my beliefs
American Liberal -> Social Democrat -> Right Libertarian -> Democratic Socialist -> Trotskyist -> Eco-Socialist -> Eco-Communist -> Cooperativist

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Eastfield Lodge
Posts: 10030
Founded: May 23, 2008
Democratic Socialists

Postby Eastfield Lodge » Mon May 30, 2011 3:48 am

Note: These are the results for the league and cup of the previous cycle.

Premier Division Standings

Team P W D L For Ag +/- Pts
1 RGS Athletic 78 46 16 16 131 74 +57 154 C/TQCC
2 FC Tavernia 78 40 17 21 96 57 +39 137 GC
3 Gilgonare FC 78 38 20 20 91 69 +22 134 GC

4 Port Lodgertia 78 38 15 25 114 90 +24 129
5 VLC FC 78 36 20 22 116 79 +37 128
6 Royal Dillvill 78 34 21 23 94 68 +26 123
7 UR Town 78 35 18 25 85 81 +4 123
8 Royal Dillvill II 78 34 19 25 80 70 +10 121
9 St. Bartholomews Wanderers 78 33 21 24 91 65 +26 120
10 NT United 78 32 24 22 74 52 +22 120
11 Seaton Town 78 31 27 20 76 61 +15 120
12 Norrion Rovers 78 32 23 23 99 84 +15 119
13 FM Town 78 34 14 30 89 80 +9 116
14 Monksville United 78 31 21 26 85 76 +9 114
15 Yillog City 78 28 28 22 86 73 +13 112
16 WB Albion 78 31 19 28 69 58 +11 112
17 Royal Jam FC 78 27 25 26 64 68 -4 106
18 Coiners FC 78 27 23 28 67 74 -7 104
19 Tuntingone FC 78 25 27 26 75 75 +0 102
20 RGS Athletic 'B' 78 28 18 32 80 89 -9 102
21 Huntingville FC 78 26 22 30 69 77 -8 100
22 Lodgertia City 78 25 25 28 67 79 -12 100
23 Indionion Athletic 78 22 33 23 79 77 +2 99
24 Port Ricton FC 78 26 21 31 89 91 -2 99
25 Monksville FC 78 26 21 31 67 78 -11 99
26 Olympia FC 78 23 29 26 66 67 -1 98
27 Secret Services 78 26 20 32 70 86 -16 98
28 Nile Bridge 78 27 17 34 94 124 -30 98
29 Mount Salt FC 78 25 21 32 89 99 -10 96
30 SS City 78 25 20 33 71 77 -6 95
31 Empire End FC 78 25 18 35 67 78 -11 93
32 Seniors FC 78 21 28 29 67 84 -17 91
33 Toclofania FC 78 23 21 34 70 86 -16 90
34 Koluity City 78 23 20 35 79 102 -23 89
35 Lamarckists 78 21 24 33 71 83 -12 87
36 White Star United 78 21 24 33 61 82 -21 87
37 Lodgertia United 78 19 30 29 83 110 -27 87
38 Cillin Valley 78 23 16 39 75 109 -34 85 R
39 VLC FC 'B' 78 21 19 38 57 95 -38 82 R
40 Pontifucia United 78 17 25 36 53 79 -26 76 R

Second Division Standings

Team P W D L For Ag +/- Pts
1 Liginara FC 78 36 24 18 96 67 +29 132 C/P/SBCC
2 Yiftred Light Workers FC 78 35 26 17 77 53 +24 131 P/SBCC
3 Farond United 78 31 34 13 110 78 +32 127 P/SBCC

4 Caldarin FC 78 36 18 24 109 91 +18 126 SBCC
5 Polkation FC 78 31 31 16 104 71 +33 124
6 Quinica Town 78 35 19 24 120 89 +31 124
7 Micronopia United 78 29 30 19 70 60 +10 117
8 Old Bridge South 78 31 23 24 80 65 +15 116
9 Losing The Game FC 78 32 18 28 86 72 +14 114
10 Xilon OC 78 30 24 24 80 72 +8 114
11 Benopia AC 78 31 20 27 84 71 +13 113
12 Forest Rangers 78 29 26 23 72 65 +7 113
13 United United 78 30 22 26 75 69 +6 112
14 Cliffside FC 78 29 25 24 65 62 +3 112
15 Klosertun Town 78 29 25 24 87 91 -4 112
16 Half Boy FC 78 31 18 29 97 94 +3 111
17 Golden Acres 78 30 19 29 73 75 -2 109
18 Bronze Acres 78 29 22 27 78 85 -7 109
19 Jununope AC 78 29 21 28 75 73 +2 108
20 Bluin Athletic 78 29 21 28 79 84 -5 108
21 Stock Exchange United 78 28 22 28 105 108 -3 106
22 Pindale RC 78 26 26 26 83 88 -5 104
23 Copper Communists SC 78 26 25 27 90 87 +3 103
24 Harmonial CC 78 27 22 29 72 82 -10 103
25 Mineville FC 78 24 30 24 72 64 +8 102
26 Thawmont Rovers 78 26 22 30 82 75 +7 100
27 Revisionists 78 26 21 31 81 81 +0 99
28 Sunburbia FC 78 25 23 30 71 70 +1 98
29 Trurinar FC 78 26 19 33 79 95 -16 97
30 Silver Acres 78 22 30 26 68 72 -4 96
31 Seaton Athletic 78 25 21 32 86 96 -10 96
32 Chemical Resources WFC 78 21 31 26 66 73 -7 94
33 Klinhielm Valley 78 24 22 32 65 83 -18 94
34 Macaronia FC 78 25 18 35 89 102 -13 93
35 West Monurtag 78 23 23 32 54 71 -17 92
36 Bliketia FC 78 21 23 34 68 91 -23 86
37 Innocence FC 78 20 24 34 57 86 -29 84
38 Old Bridge North 78 22 18 38 64 96 -32 84 R
39 Lake Inkhold WSC 78 19 23 36 62 91 -29 80 R
40 Ye Olde Medieval Bridge 78 15 25 38 55 88 -33 70 R

Third Division Standings

Team P W D L For Ag +/- Pts
1 Ex-Criminals FC 30 18 6 6 32 10 +22 60 C/P
2 East Monurtag 30 14 8 8 34 28 +6 50 P
3 Viruntia Town 30 13 7 10 30 29 +1 46 P

4 Low Lyn FC 30 12 8 10 34 28 +6 44
5 Mount Farond FC 30 11 10 9 30 29 +1 43
6 Farond FC 30 12 7 11 30 29 +1 43
7 Pasturia FC 30 11 9 10 26 22 +4 42
8 Thatchers Union United 30 11 9 10 36 36 +0 42
9 Nuclear FC 30 11 8 11 25 26 -1 41
10 Lonbunia Athletic 30 10 8 12 32 30 +2 38
11 New Point Park 1902 30 9 11 10 25 24 +1 38
12 High Lyn FC 30 10 8 12 22 26 -4 38
13 Mineville United 30 9 9 12 25 32 -7 36
14 Bundlehead United 30 8 9 13 23 31 -8 33 R
15 Pontoon FC 30 7 9 14 22 36 -14 30 R
16 SL Wierdos FC 30 7 8 15 24 34 -10 29 R

Fourth Division Standings

Team P W D L For Ag +/- Pts
1 Paddockia FC 30 15 9 6 40 21 +19 54 C/P
2 Honsadin FC 30 15 9 6 34 28 +6 54 P
3 Mount Salt Climbers FC 30 15 6 9 29 27 +2 51 P

4 Twilight Heaven FC 30 14 6 10 32 31 +1 48
5 Quacker's Duck Lovers 30 13 7 10 41 32 +9 46
6 Steel Valley Explorers 30 12 6 12 29 31 -2 42
7 Klosertun FC 30 11 8 11 25 22 +3 41
8 Tavernia City 30 11 5 14 29 29 +0 38
9 Dinamo Dillvill 30 10 8 12 29 32 -3 38
10 Dillvill Wanderers 30 11 5 14 21 27 -6 38
11 Jam Athletic 30 10 7 13 29 29 +0 37
12 Garanite FC 30 10 7 13 25 25 +0 37
13 Lodger City Athletic 30 10 7 13 28 29 -1 37
14 Plozica FC 30 9 9 12 25 31 -6 36 R
15 Ghoul Bay FC 30 11 3 16 28 37 -9 36 R
16 Civil War Memorial FC 30 7 10 13 29 42 -13 31 R

Fifth Division Standings

Team P W D L For Ag +/- Pts
1 Fracitz AC 30 17 9 4 34 19 +15 60 C/P
2 Life's Implosion 30 16 7 7 36 21 +15 55 P
3 SE Wierdos FC 30 13 8 9 43 40 +3 47 P

4 Dillvill Ocean 30 12 10 8 30 25 +5 46
5 Revisionists Athletic 30 12 7 11 40 27 +13 43
6 Iratuen Loft FC 30 11 9 10 28 27 +1 42
7 Trinardin SC 30 12 6 12 24 25 -1 42
8 Jam Mountain Island 30 12 6 12 31 36 -5 42
9 Approciation FC 30 10 9 11 31 29 +2 39
10 Northern Wind Athletic 30 10 9 11 28 27 +1 39
11 Athletic Caldarin 30 11 6 13 30 35 -5 39
12 Leintalp FC 30 9 11 10 23 27 -4 38
13 Basalata FC 30 10 6 14 22 30 -8 36
14 Giafando FC 30 10 5 15 34 40 -6 35
15 Kinaltin FC 30 9 7 14 17 27 -10 34
16 Dillvill Ocean United 30 5 7 18 21 37 -16 22

First Round

Olympia FC 2-2 RGS Athletic (2-2 agg)
RGS Athletic 1-0 Olympia FC (3-2 agg)

Yiftred Light Workers FC 3-0 Ex-Criminals FC (3-0 agg)
Ex-Criminals FC 1-1 Yiftred Light Workers FC (1-4 agg)

Lodgertia United 1-0 FC Tavernia (1-0 agg)
FC Tavernia 1-0 Lodgertia United (2-0 AET, 2-1 agg)

Basalata FC 1-4 Forest Rangers (1-4 agg)
Forest Rangers 2-0 Basalata FC (6-1 agg)

Chemical Resources WFC 0-1 Nile Bridge (0-1 agg)
Nile Bridge 0-4 Chemical Resources WFC (1-4 agg)

Half Boy FC 0-0 White Star United (0-0 agg)
White Star United 2-0 Half Boy FC (2-0 agg)

Silver Acres 0-1 SE Wierdos FC (0-1 agg)
SE Wierdos FC 0-1 Silver Acres (0-1 AET, 1-1 agg, 2-3 PKs)

Trurinar FC 2-0 Low Lyn FC (2-0 agg)
Low Lyn FC 1-3 Trurinar FC (1-5 agg)

Port Ricton FC 1-0 Klosertun FC (1-0 agg)
Klosertun FC 1-0 Port Ricton FC (1-0 AET, 1-1 agg, 1-2 PKs)

High Lyn FC 0-1 Viruntia Town (0-1 agg)
Viruntia Town 7-1 High Lyn FC (8-1 agg)

Losing The Game FC 3-1 Ghoul Bay FC (3-1 agg)
Ghoul Bay FC 0-2 Losing The Game FC (1-5 agg)

Cillin Valley 1-0 Revisionists (1-0 agg)
Revisionists 2-0 Cillin Valley (2-1 agg)

Lodger City Athletic 0-2 Coiners FC (0-2 agg)
Coiners FC 2-0 Lodger City Athletic (4-0 agg)

New Point Park 1902 0-0 Life's Implosion (0-0 agg)
Life's Implosion 1-2 New Point Park 1902 (1-2 agg)

Royal Jam FC 1-0 Thatchers Union United (1-0 agg)
Thatchers Union United 1-1 Royal Jam FC (1-2 agg)

Stock Exchange United 1-3 Port Lodgertia (1-3 agg)
Port Lodgertia 5-0 Stock Exchange United (8-1 agg)

Old Bridge North 3-1 Mount Salt FC (3-1 agg)
Mount Salt FC 2-1 Old Bridge North (3-4 agg)

Indionion Athletic 1-0 Mount Farond FC (1-0 agg)
Mount Farond FC 0-5 Indionion Athletic (0-6 agg)

East Monurtag 1-4 Macaronia FC (1-4 agg)
Macaronia FC 2-0 East Monurtag (6-1 agg)

Pasturia FC 0-1 Quinica Town (0-1 agg)
Quinica Town 1-0 Pasturia FC (2-0 agg)

Toclofania FC 0-1 Seaton Athletic (0-1 agg)
Seaton Athletic 1-0 Toclofania FC (2-0 agg)

Jam Mountain Island 1-0 Approciation FC (1-0 agg)
Approciation FC 2-2 Jam Mountain Island (2-3 agg)

Kinaltin FC 1-0 Dillvill Wanderers (1-0 agg)
Dillvill Wanderers 1-0 Kinaltin FC (2-0 AET, 2-1 agg)

Copper Communists SC 5-1 Koluity City (5-1 agg)
Koluity City 2-4 Copper Communists SC (3-9 agg)

Civil War Memorial FC 0-0 Royal Dillvill II (0-0 agg)
Royal Dillvill II 2-0 Civil War Memorial FC (2-0 agg)

Steel Valley Explorers 1-0 Thawmont Rovers (1-0 agg)
Thawmont Rovers 4-1 Steel Valley Explorers (4-2 agg)

UR Town 2-1 Pindale RC (2-1 agg)
Pindale RC 4-4 UR Town (5-6 agg)

Lonbunia Athletic 2-2 Twilight Heaven FC (2-2 agg)
Twilight Heaven FC 2-0 Lonbunia Athletic (4-2 agg)

Dillvill Ocean United 0-2 SS City (0-2 agg)
SS City 0-0 Dillvill Ocean United (2-0 agg)

Sunburbia FC 1-2 Monksville United (1-2 agg)
Monksville United 0-1 Sunburbia FC (2-2 agg) (Monksville United wins on away goals rule)

Huntingville FC 1-1 Old Bridge South (1-1 agg)
Old Bridge South 1-0 Huntingville FC (2-1 agg)

Paddockia FC 0-2 Seniors FC (0-2 agg)
Seniors FC 3-0 Paddockia FC (5-0 agg)

Liginara FC 0-1 Xilon OC (0-1 agg)
Xilon OC 1-3 Liginara FC (2-3 agg)

Revisionists Athletic 1-0 Plozica FC (1-0 agg)
Plozica FC 1-1 Revisionists Athletic (1-2 agg)

Athletic Caldarin 0-4 Bluin Athletic (0-4 agg)
Bluin Athletic 1-0 Athletic Caldarin (5-0 agg)

VLC FC 2-2 Gilgonare FC (2-2 agg)
Gilgonare FC 0-1 VLC FC (2-3 agg)

Yillog City 1-3 Norrion Rovers (1-3 agg)
Norrion Rovers 1-0 Yillog City (4-1 agg)

West Monurtag 0-0 United United (0-0 agg)
United United 0-0 West Monurtag (0-0 AET, 0-0 agg, 3-2 PKs)

Secret Services 1-0 Dillvill Ocean (1-0 agg)
Dillvill Ocean 0-2 Secret Services (0-3 agg)

Trinardin SC 0-2 Jununope AC (0-2 agg)
Jununope AC 1-0 Trinardin SC (3-0 agg)

Mineville FC 1-4 Caldarin FC (1-4 agg)
Caldarin FC 3-0 Mineville FC (7-1 agg)

Pontifucia United 3-0 Fracitz AC (3-0 agg)
Fracitz AC 2-3 Pontifucia United (2-6 agg)

Lamarckists 1-0 Farond FC (1-0 agg)
Farond FC 0-1 Lamarckists (0-2 agg)

VLC FC 'B' 2-0 Dinamo Dillvill (2-0 agg)
Dinamo Dillvill 0-0 VLC FC 'B' (0-2 agg)

Pontoon FC 1-0 Tuntingone FC (1-0 agg)
Tuntingone FC 1-0 Pontoon FC (1-0 AET, 1-1 agg, 2-1 PKs)

Jam Athletic 0-3 Klosertun Town (0-3 agg)
Klosertun Town 1-2 Jam Athletic (4-2 agg)

Lodgertia City 1-1 Northern Wind Athletic (1-1 agg)
Northern Wind Athletic 1-2 Lodgertia City (2-3 agg)

Ye Olde Medieval Bridge 1-1 Polkation FC (1-1 agg)
Polkation FC 2-0 Ye Olde Medieval Bridge (3-1 agg)

Honsadin FC 2-1 St. Bartholomews Wanderers (2-1 agg)
St. Bartholomews Wanderers 0-0 Honsadin FC (1-2 agg)

Garanite FC 1-3 Bundlehead United (1-3 agg)
Bundlehead United 2-0 Garanite FC (5-1 agg)

Tavernia City 0-4 Klinhielm Valley (0-4 agg)
Klinhielm Valley 1-0 Tavernia City (5-0 agg)

Seaton Town 1-1 Lake Inkhold WSC (1-1 agg)
Lake Inkhold WSC 1-0 Seaton Town (2-1 agg)

Quacker's Duck Lovers 1-0 WB Albion (1-0 agg)
WB Albion 2-0 Quacker's Duck Lovers (2-1 agg)

Giafando FC 0-2 Royal Dillvill (0-2 agg)
Royal Dillvill 2-0 Giafando FC (4-0 agg)

Benopia AC 1-0 RGS Athletic 'B' (1-0 agg)
RGS Athletic 'B' 0-1 Benopia AC (0-2 agg)

Bronze Acres 2-0 Mineville United (2-0 agg)
Mineville United 2-0 Bronze Acres (3-1 AET, 3-3 agg) (Bronze Acres wins on away goals rule)

Monksville FC 1-1 Micronopia United (1-1 agg)
Micronopia United 1-0 Monksville FC (2-1 agg)

NT United 1-1 Golden Acres (1-1 agg)
Golden Acres 0-1 NT United (1-2 agg)

Leintalp FC 2-2 Empire End FC (2-2 agg)
Empire End FC 2-0 Leintalp FC (4-2 agg)

Cliffside FC 1-0 SL Wierdos FC (1-0 agg)
SL Wierdos FC 0-1 Cliffside FC (0-2 agg)

Farond United 1-1 Nuclear FC (1-1 agg)
Nuclear FC 2-3 Farond United (3-4 agg)

FM Town 2-0 Iratuen Loft FC (2-0 agg)
Iratuen Loft FC 0-2 FM Town (0-4 agg)

Harmonial CC 1-1 Innocence FC (1-1 agg)
Innocence FC 2-1 Harmonial CC (3-2 agg)

Mount Salt Climbers FC 0-0 Bliketia FC (0-0 agg)
Bliketia FC 2-0 Mount Salt Climbers FC (2-0 agg)

Second Round

Port Lodgertia 0-1 Trurinar FC (0-1 agg)
Trurinar FC 1-2 Port Lodgertia (2-2 agg) (Port Lodgertia wins on away goals rule)

Klosertun Town 0-1 Royal Jam FC (0-1 agg)
Royal Jam FC 0-2 Klosertun Town (1-2 agg)

Thawmont Rovers 2-0 Twilight Heaven FC (2-0 agg)
Twilight Heaven FC 1-0 Thawmont Rovers (1-2 agg)

Liginara FC 0-3 Honsadin FC (0-3 agg)
Honsadin FC 1-2 Liginara FC (4-2 agg)

Chemical Resources WFC 5-0 Macaronia FC (5-0 agg)
Macaronia FC 3-1 Chemical Resources WFC (3-6 agg)

Jam Mountain Island 0-1 Copper Communists SC (0-1 agg)
Copper Communists SC 2-1 Jam Mountain Island (3-1 agg)

Lamarckists 2-0 New Point Park 1902 (2-0 agg)
New Point Park 1902 0-1 Lamarckists (0-3 agg)

Jununope AC 2-0 SS City (2-0 agg)
SS City 1-1 Jununope AC (1-3 agg)

WB Albion 1-1 Farond United (1-1 agg)
Farond United 1-0 WB Albion (2-1 agg)

Coiners FC 1-1 Viruntia Town (1-1 agg)
Viruntia Town 2-2 Coiners FC (3-3 agg) (Coiners FC wins on away goals rule)

Micronopia United 2-1 Bluin Athletic (2-1 agg)
Bluin Athletic 0-1 Micronopia United (1-3 agg)

Empire End FC 1-1 Revisionists (1-1 agg)
Revisionists 0-1 Empire End FC (1-2 agg)

RGS Athletic 2-1 Klinhielm Valley (2-1 agg)
Klinhielm Valley 0-1 RGS Athletic (1-3 agg)

Innocence FC 0-2 NT United (0-2 agg)
NT United 2-0 Innocence FC (4-0 agg)

Monksville United 0-1 Polkation FC (0-1 agg)
Polkation FC 1-0 Monksville United (2-0 agg)

VLC FC 'B' 0-1 Seniors FC (0-1 agg)
Seniors FC 0-1 VLC FC 'B' (0-1 AET, 1-1 agg, 1-2 PKs)

Port Ricton FC 2-0 Lodgertia City (2-0 agg)
Lodgertia City 0-1 Port Ricton FC (0-3 agg)

Quinica Town 0-1 Cliffside FC (0-1 agg)
Cliffside FC 1-1 Quinica Town (2-1 agg)

FM Town 2-0 Old Bridge South (2-0 agg)
Old Bridge South 0-2 FM Town (0-4 agg)

UR Town 2-1 Indionion Athletic (2-1 agg)
Indionion Athletic 1-2 UR Town (2-4 agg)

Bliketia FC 2-0 Yiftred Light Workers FC (2-0 agg)
Yiftred Light Workers FC 1-1 Bliketia FC (1-3 agg)

Silver Acres 2-0 Revisionists Athletic (2-0 agg)
Revisionists Athletic 0-2 Silver Acres (0-4 agg)

Lake Inkhold WSC 2-0 FC Tavernia (2-0 agg)
FC Tavernia 0-1 Lake Inkhold WSC (0-3 agg)

White Star United 0-1 Benopia AC (0-1 agg)
Benopia AC 2-2 White Star United (3-2 agg)

Losing The Game FC 1-2 Seaton Athletic (1-2 agg)
Seaton Athletic 2-1 Losing The Game FC (4-2 agg)

Norrion Rovers 3-0 Bundlehead United (3-0 agg)
Bundlehead United 2-1 Norrion Rovers (2-4 agg)

Forest Rangers 0-2 Old Bridge North (0-2 agg)
Old Bridge North 1-1 Forest Rangers (3-1 agg)

Caldarin FC 1-0 Royal Dillvill (1-0 agg)
Royal Dillvill 2-0 Caldarin FC (2-1 agg)

Secret Services 1-0 Tuntingone FC (1-0 agg)
Tuntingone FC 0-1 Secret Services (0-2 agg)

United United 6-0 Dillvill Wanderers (6-0 agg)
Dillvill Wanderers 0-1 United United (0-7 agg)

VLC FC 1-0 Bronze Acres (1-0 agg)
Bronze Acres 2-1 VLC FC (2-2 agg) (VLC FC wins on away goals rule)

Royal Dillvill II 0-2 Pontifucia United (0-2 agg)
Pontifucia United 1-2 Royal Dillvill II (3-2 agg)

Third Round

Lamarckists 2-1 Old Bridge North (2-1 agg)
Old Bridge North 1-0 Lamarckists (2-2 agg) (Old Bridge North wins on away goals rule)

Coiners FC 1-0 Port Lodgertia (1-0 agg)
Port Lodgertia 3-2 Coiners FC (3-3 agg) (Coiners FC wins on away goals rule)

Secret Services 1-1 Polkation FC (1-1 agg)
Polkation FC 2-0 Secret Services (3-1 agg)

Klosertun Town 1-0 Honsadin FC (1-0 agg)
Honsadin FC 1-0 Klosertun Town (1-1 AET, 1-2 agg)

VLC FC 'B' 0-1 Norrion Rovers (0-1 agg)
Norrion Rovers 3-1 VLC FC 'B' (4-1 agg)

Lake Inkhold WSC 2-0 UR Town (2-0 agg)
UR Town 1-1 Lake Inkhold WSC (1-3 agg)

Bliketia FC 0-0 United United (0-0 agg)
United United 0-1 Bliketia FC (0-1 agg)

Farond United 0-2 VLC FC (0-2 agg)
VLC FC 2-3 Farond United (4-3 agg)

Micronopia United 0-2 Jununope AC (0-2 agg)
Jununope AC 1-0 Micronopia United (3-0 agg)

NT United 1-0 Seaton Athletic (1-0 agg)
Seaton Athletic 0-0 NT United (0-1 agg)

Silver Acres 0-1 RGS Athletic (0-1 agg)
RGS Athletic 1-2 Silver Acres (2-2 agg) (Silver Acres wins on away goals rule)

Thawmont Rovers 1-3 Benopia AC (1-3 agg)
Benopia AC 6-1 Thawmont Rovers (9-2 agg)

Cliffside FC 1-2 Royal Dillvill (1-2 agg)
Royal Dillvill 1-2 Cliffside FC (2-2 AET, 4-3 agg)

Port Ricton FC 3-2 FM Town (3-2 agg)
FM Town 0-0 Port Ricton FC (2-3 agg)

Pontifucia United 2-0 Copper Communists SC (2-0 agg)
Copper Communists SC 1-3 Pontifucia United (1-5 agg)

Chemical Resources WFC 2-0 Empire End FC (2-0 agg)
Empire End FC 0-0 Chemical Resources WFC (0-2 agg)

Fourth Round

NT United 2-0 Silver Acres (2-0 agg)
Silver Acres 0-1 NT United (0-3 agg)

VLC FC 2-0 Chemical Resources WFC (2-0 agg)
Chemical Resources WFC 0-2 VLC FC (0-4 agg)

Polkation FC 1-0 Royal Dillvill (1-0 agg)
Royal Dillvill 2-0 Polkation FC (2-1 agg)

Port Ricton FC 0-1 Coiners FC (0-1 agg)
Coiners FC 0-0 Port Ricton FC (1-0 agg)

Bliketia FC 1-1 Klosertun Town (1-1 agg)
Klosertun Town 1-0 Bliketia FC (2-1 agg)

Norrion Rovers 2-1 Pontifucia United (2-1 agg)
Pontifucia United 2-1 Norrion Rovers (2-1 AET, 3-3 agg, 3-0 PKs)

Benopia AC 0-0 Jununope AC (0-0 agg)
Jununope AC 2-1 Benopia AC (2-1 agg)

Old Bridge North 0-1 Lake Inkhold WSC (0-1 agg)
Lake Inkhold WSC 1-0 Old Bridge North (2-0 agg)


Coiners FC 0-1 Jununope AC (0-1 agg)
Jununope AC 0-0 Coiners FC (1-0 agg)

Klosertun Town 4-1 NT United (4-1 agg)
NT United 2-0 Klosertun Town (3-4 agg)

Royal Dillvill 0-6 VLC FC (0-6 agg)
VLC FC 4-2 Royal Dillvill (10-2 agg)

Pontifucia United 0-0 Lake Inkhold WSC (0-0 agg)
Lake Inkhold WSC 0-0 Pontifucia United (0-0 AET, 0-0 agg, 0-2 PKs)


Jununope AC 1-2 Pontifucia United (1-2 agg)
Pontifucia United 0-2 Jununope AC (2-3 agg)

Klosertun Town 0-1 VLC FC (0-1 agg)
VLC FC 2-0 Klosertun Town (3-0 agg)


VLC FC 2-0 Jununope AC (2-0 agg)
Last edited by Eastfield Lodge on Mon May 30, 2011 3:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Krytenia » Mon May 30, 2011 7:13 am

Key to abbreviations

ASG Astograth OSR Osarius
CAF Cafundéu PIS Polar Islandstates
CDP Cotdelapoms QPM Queer Poco el Mono Ara
CHT Chetkosk SNO Sorthern Northland
CPV Capviara Group SSO Socialist States Owen
EFL Eastfield Lodge STB Starblaydia
EIT Estresse Intenso TYZ The Yorozuya
ERA Erathore UNI Unitopolis
JSY Jasĭyun/Jasuyeon VAL Valanora
KPZ Kagdazka and Pazhujebu VLD Vallazares
MNG Mangolana VRB Virabia
MYT Mytannion WZI West Zirconia
NCH North Chicanan ZRB Zarbli

Cygnus Cup VI

The sixth Cygnus Cup welcomes a record twenty-seven teams from twenty-six associations; for the second time, a quilifying round will be played, with only Hondo FC and the cup winners from Valanora, Cafundéu, the Landau Institute (representing Estresse Intenso) and Jasuyeon (representing the Paripanan associations) gaining automatic passage to the First Round.

With unexpected teams representing Paripana and Cafundéu, the Vanorian teams look the favourites; remember, though, this is a competition that has twice gone to sides from Sorthern Northland, so take the formbook with a pinch of salt.

The seedings in full:

Seeded in First Round (with bye):
Hondo FC (VAL)
Raynor City United (VAL)
Central United (CAF)
Altera Griffins (JSY)
Psychiatrists (EIT)

Seeded in Qualifying Round:
Pyramid AC (ZRB)
Sparrowbottom Athletic (SNO)
Marinos Metropolis (VLD)
Bradley Hornets (WZI)
Pythons (QPM)
Hecia (STB)
Juvapanam (KPZ)
Parr City (MYT)
Grasshoppers Turic (OSR)
Univerbardé (UNT)

Unseeded in Qualifying Round:
Tout-Puissant Outremont (CDP)
FC Mildrid (ERA)
Thundercougarfalconbirds (VRB)
Cebola Mol (CPV)
Orleans Chiefs (NCH)
FC1. Surtsey Island Gulls (PIS)
Sporting Iturributa (ASG)
Soccoroo (MNG)
Nōsuu Esuto Edo (TYZ)
New Harkdown (SSO)
PSV Stavropol (CHT)

And the Qualifying Round draw:
Juvapanam (KPZ) v Cebola Mol (CPV)
Grasshoppers Turic (OSR) v Thundercougarfalconbirds (VRB)
Univerbardé (UNT) v Orleans Chiefs (NCH)
Pyramid AC (ZRB) v Tout-Puissant Outremont (CDP)
Sparrowbottom Athletic (SNO) v PSV Stavropol (CHT)
Bradley Hornets (WZI) v New Harkdown (SSO)
Parr City (MYT) v Sporting Iturributa (ASG)
Hecia (STB) v Soccoroo (MNG)
Marinos Metropolis (VLD) v FC Mildrid (ERA)
VLC FC (EFL) v Nōsuu Esuto Edo (TYZ)
Pythons (QPM) v FC1. Surtsey Island Gulls (PIS)
"I revel in the nonsense; it's why I'm in Anaia."
Capital: Emberton ⍟ RP Population: ~180,000,000 ⍟ Trigram: KRY ⍟ iTLD: .kt ⍟ Demonym: Krytenian, Krytie (inf.)
Languages: English (de jure), Spanish, French, Welsh (regional)

Hosts: Cup of Harmony 7, AOCAF 1, Cup of Harmony 15, World Cup 24, AOCAF 13, World Cup 29, AOCAF 17, AOCAF 23, World Cup 40, Cup of Harmony 32, Baptism of Fire 32, AOCAF 27, Baptism of Fire 36, World Cup 50, Baptism of Fire 40, Cup of Harmony 64, AOCAF 48, World Cup 75, AOCAF 40, Cup of Harmony 80, CAFA 2
Champions: AOCAF 52, Cup of Harmony 78, CAFA 6
Runner-Up: AOCAF 7, World Cup 58, Cup of Harmony 80, CAFA 1
Creator, AOCAF & Cygnus Cup - Host, VI Winter Olympics (Ashton) & VII Summer Olympics (Emberton)

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Polar Islandstates
Posts: 3545
Founded: Jan 17, 2011
Psychotic Dictatorship

Postby Polar Islandstates » Mon May 30, 2011 7:34 pm

Rushmore Copa de los Princípes

Nation codes as CdC...

With 34 teams taking part, a preliminary round was entered into for the 3 lower teams from the unranked nations entering 2 teams, and 1 unlucky representative from one of the unranked teams entering 1 team.
Preliminary Round
FC Edo (TYZ) 1-0 Victoria Leos (NOV) (1-0 agg)
Victoria Leos (NOV) 0-0 FC Edo (TYZ) (0-1 agg)

Nguvu (MWE) 1-0 Bayreuth FC (PON) (1-0 agg)
Bayreuth FC (PON) 0-2 Nguvu (MWE) (0-3 agg)

With that leaving 32 teams, the teams were split by nation rank into two pots, seeded and unseeded, and drawn randomly to get the first round fixtures.
First Round
Isambard Celtic (LUA) 2-2 Parr City (MYT) (2-2 agg)
Parr City (MYT) 0-1 Isambard Celtic (LUA) (2-3 agg)

San'airando (TYZ) 1-1 West Rodallega Centurions (PAR) (1-1 agg)
West Rodallega Centurions (PAR) 0-1 San'airando (TYZ) (1-2 agg)

Cape Juan (PAR) 0-1 Worcester Hearts (CLP) (0-1 agg)
Worcester Hearts (CLP) 2-1 Cape Juan (PAR) (3-1 agg)

FC1. Surtsey Island Gulls (PIS) 1-3 Stein-los Turkish (PAS) (1-3 agg)
Stein-los Turkish (PAS) 4-1 FC1. Surtsey Island Gulls (PIS) (7-2 agg)

Dranka United (KAZ) 0-4 Navel FC (WRL) (0-4 agg)
Navel FC (WRL) 2-0 Dranka United (KAZ) (6-0 agg)

Manomo Football Club (LUA) 1-1 Ambrose County (PDH) (1-1 agg)
Ambrose County (PDH) 1-0 Manomo Football Club (LUA) (2-1 agg)

Silver Coast (VRB) 1-4 Almondvale (QPM) (1-4 agg)
Almondvale (QPM) 4-2 Silver Coast (VRB) (8-3 agg)

Nguvu (MWE) 0-2 Valengren Kickers (QPM) (0-2 agg)
Valengren Kickers (QPM) 2-1 Nguvu (MWE) (4-1 agg)

Astria Yaburi (ERA) 0-2 El Nacional (SRG) (0-2 agg)
El Nacional (SRG) 1-2 Astria Yaburi (ERA) (3-2 agg)

Resolute Storm 1913 FC (PIS) 1-1 Wolfenstein Sports Academy (PDH) (1-1 agg)
Wolfenstein Sports Academy (PDH) 0-0 Resolute Storm 1913 FC (PIS) (0-1 AET, 1-2 agg)

PBI Pirates (NOV) 1-1 Lagoon Red Diamonds (WRL) (1-1 agg)
Lagoon Red Diamonds (WRL) 2-0 PBI Pirates (NOV) (3-1 agg)

Nyota (MWE) 1-3 Tanrısal (PAS) (1-3 agg)
Tanrısal (PAS) 3-0 Nyota (MWE) (6-1 agg)

Onulei (CVC) 2-1 Dukla Nastalich FK (MYT) (2-1 agg)
Dukla Nastalich FK (MYT) 0-1 Onulei (CVC) (1-3 agg)

AF Mildrid (ERA) 0-2 Ajax Khaldoon II (QPM) (0-2 agg)
Ajax Khaldoon II (QPM) 1-0 AF Mildrid (ERA) (3-0 agg)

FC Edo (TYZ) 0-2 Decraa United (MYT) (0-2 agg)
Decraa United (MYT) 4-1 FC Edo (TYZ) (6-1 agg)

AFC Tranzversa (SWR) 0-1 Tout-Puissant Outremonts (CLP) (0-1 agg)
Tout-Puissant Outremonts (CLP) 2-0 AFC Tranzversa (SWR) (3-0 agg)

From there on in teams were drawn randomly to get their next fixtures, in an exciting straight knockout to the final!
Second Round
San'airando (TYZ) 0-1 Decraa United (MYT) (0-1 agg)
Decraa United (MYT) 1-0 San'airando (TYZ) (2-0 agg)

Tanrısal (PAS) 2-0 Ambrose County (PDH) (2-0 agg)
Ambrose County (PDH) 2-5 Tanrısal (PAS) (2-7 agg)

Valengren Kickers (QPM) 4-3 Isambard Celtic (LUA) (4-3 agg)
Isambard Celtic (LUA) 0-4 Valengren Kickers (QPM) (3-8 agg)

Lagoon Red Diamonds (WRL) 2-1 Tout-Puissant Outremonts (CLP) (2-1 agg)
Tout-Puissant Outremonts (CLP) 1-1 Lagoon Red Diamonds (WRL) (2-3 agg)

Ajax Khaldoon II (QPM) 4-0 Onulei (CVC) (4-0 agg)
Onulei (CVC) 0-3 Ajax Khaldoon II (QPM) (0-7 agg)

El Nacional (SRG) 0-2 Resolute Storm 1913 FC (PIS) (0-2 agg)
Resolute Storm 1913 FC (PIS) 2-1 El Nacional (SRG) (4-1 agg)

Navel FC (WRL) 3-1 Worcester Hearts (CLP) (3-1 agg)
Worcester Hearts (CLP) 2-0 Navel FC (WRL) (2-0 AET, 3-3 agg, 2-3 PKs)

Almondvale (QPM) 3-3 Stein-los Turkish (PAS) (3-3 agg)
Stein-los Turkish (PAS) 2-0 Almondvale (QPM) (5-3 agg)

Quarter Finals
Lagoon Red Diamonds (WRL) 1-1 Ajax Khaldoon II (QPM) (1-1 agg)
Ajax Khaldoon II (QPM) 2-1 Lagoon Red Diamonds (WRL) (3-2 agg)

Resolute Storm 1913 FC (PIS) 1-0 Decraa United (MYT) (1-0 agg)
Decraa United (MYT) 0-0 Resolute Storm 1913 FC (PIS) (0-1 agg)

Valengren Kickers (QPM) 1-1 Navel FC (WRL) (1-1 agg)
Navel FC (WRL) 2-2 Valengren Kickers (QPM) (2-2 AET, 3-3 agg, 1-2 PKs)

Stein-los Turkish (PAS) 1-0 Tanrısal (PAS) (1-0 agg)
Tanrısal (PAS) 1-1 Stein-los Turkish (PAS) (1-2 agg)

Semi Finals
Resolute Storm 1913 FC (PIS) 0-3 Ajax Khaldoon II (QPM) (0-3 agg)
Ajax Khaldoon II (QPM) 2-0 Resolute Storm 1913 FC (PIS) (5-0 agg)

Valengren Kickers (QPM) 1-0 Stein-los Turkish (PAS) (1-0 agg)
Stein-los Turkish (PAS) 1-2 Valengren Kickers (QPM) (1-3 agg)

FINAL (for argument's sake, at Nasjonale Stadion, Franz Josef City, PIS)

Ajax Khaldoon II (QPM) 2-0 Valengren Kickers (QPM)

So, congratulations to Ajax Khaldoon for lifting the CdlP trophy!

And yes, that is how I'll be running the CdlP for now I think, straight knockout where possible. I don't know how or why some nations were allowed to enter three teams this time, but please from now on, if you're a Rushmori nation, please list only TWO teams to enter into the CdlP per nation, including nations in mixed associational leagues. I'll chase up any discrepancies by TG like I tried to this time around, and I'll pick a stadium final host bid at random, the default being Nasjonale Stadion if nobody bids. Ta.
Last edited by Polar Islandstates on Mon May 30, 2011 7:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The True Valhallan Federation of Polar Islandstates - Pop. 51,500,000
Capital: Franz Josef City - Demonym: Valhallan (Polarian) - Trigramme: PIS - Ides of March Cup
Champions: WC67, CR XIX, CR XVIII, CR XV, CR X, CR VIII, DBC56, DBC20, RLWC11, RLWC10 Runners-Up: WC66, WC65, CR VI, DBC29, DBC55, WCoH18
Third: WC70, WC68, WC57, CR XII, DBC27 Fourth: WC56, CR XXII, RLWC13, RLWC9, WCoH17
“Aut Pax Aut Bellum” - A formerly closed nation that definitely isn't fascist now. The strongest and one true constituent member of The Valhallan Union

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Posts: 4551
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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Krytenia » Tue May 31, 2011 6:02 am

Cygnus Cup VI

Juvapanam (KPZ) 2-3 Cebola Mol (CPV)
Cebola Mol (CPV) 2-1 Juvapanam (KPZ)
Cebola Mol win 5-3 on aggregate

Grasshoppers Turic (OSR) 0-1 Thundercougarfalconbirds (VRB)
Thundercougarfalconbirds (VRB) 1-3 Grasshoppers Turic (OSR)
Grasshoppers Turic win 3-2 on aggregate

Univerbardé (UNT) 2-0 Orleans Chiefs (NCH)
Orleans Chiefs (NCH) 0-3 Univerbardé (UNT)
Univerbardé win 5-0 on aggregate

Pyramid AC (ZRB) 0-0 Tout-Puissant Outremont (CDP)
Tout-Puissant Outremont (CDP) 3-0 Pyramid AC (ZRB)
Tout-Puissant Outremont win 3-0 on aggregate

Sparrowbottom Athletic (SNO) 1-2 PSV Stavropol (CHT)
PSV Stavropol (CHT) 1-3 Sparrowbottom Athletic (SNO)
Sparrowbottom Athletic win 4-3 on aggregate

Bradley Hornets (WZI) 1-2 New Harkdown (SSO)
New Harkdown (SSO) 0-3 Bradley Hornets (WZI)
Bradley Hornets win 4-2 on aggregate

Parr City (MYT) 1-2 Sporting Iturributa (ASG)
Sporting Iturributa (ASG) 3-1 Parr City (MYT)
Sporting Iturributa win 5-2 on aggregate

Hecia (STB) 6-1 Soccoroo (MNG)
Soccoroo (MNG) 1-4 Hecia (STB)
Hecia win 10-2 on aggregate

Marinos Metropolis (VLD) 0-0 FC Mildrid (ERA)
FC Mildrid (ERA) 0-1 Marinos Metropolis (VLD)
Marinos Metropolis win 1-0 on aggregate

VLC FC (EFL) 2-2 Nōsuu Esuto Edo (TYZ)
Nōsuu Esuto Edo (TYZ) 0-1 VLC FC (EFL)
VLC FC win 3-2 on aggregate

Pythons (QPM) 1-2 FC1. Surtsey Island Gulls (PIS)
FC1. Surtsey Island Gulls (PIS) 6-1 Pythons (QPM)
FC1. Surtsey Island Gulls win 8-2 on aggregate

First Round Draw
VLC FC (EFL) v Sporting Iturributa (ASG)
Sparrowbottom Athletic (SNO) v Psychiatrists (EIT)
Marinos Metropolis (VLD) v Hondo FC (VAL)
Univerbardé (UNT) v Bradley Hornets (WZI)
Cebola Mol (CPV) v FC1. Surtsey Island Gulls (PIS)
Tout-Puissant Outremont (CDP) v Central United (CAF)
Hecia (STB) v Raynor City United (VAL)
Grasshoppers Turic (OSR) v Altera Griffins (JSY)

VLC FC (EFL)/Sporting Iturributa (ASG) v Sparrowbottom Athletic (SNO)/Psychiatrists (EIT)
Marinos Metropolis (VLD)/Hondo FC (VAL) v Univerbardé (UNT)/Bradley Hornets (WZI)
Cebola Mol (CPV)/FC1. Surtsey Island Gulls (PIS) v Tout-Puissant Outremont (CDP)/Central United (CAF)
Hecia (STB)/Raynor City United (VAL) v Grasshoppers Turic (OSR)/Altera Griffins (JSY)

winner QF1–winner QF3
winner QF2–winner QF4

winner SF1–winner SF2 (@ Cygnus Stadium, Bromham, Krytenia)
"I revel in the nonsense; it's why I'm in Anaia."
Capital: Emberton ⍟ RP Population: ~180,000,000 ⍟ Trigram: KRY ⍟ iTLD: .kt ⍟ Demonym: Krytenian, Krytie (inf.)
Languages: English (de jure), Spanish, French, Welsh (regional)

Hosts: Cup of Harmony 7, AOCAF 1, Cup of Harmony 15, World Cup 24, AOCAF 13, World Cup 29, AOCAF 17, AOCAF 23, World Cup 40, Cup of Harmony 32, Baptism of Fire 32, AOCAF 27, Baptism of Fire 36, World Cup 50, Baptism of Fire 40, Cup of Harmony 64, AOCAF 48, World Cup 75, AOCAF 40, Cup of Harmony 80, CAFA 2
Champions: AOCAF 52, Cup of Harmony 78, CAFA 6
Runner-Up: AOCAF 7, World Cup 58, Cup of Harmony 80, CAFA 1
Creator, AOCAF & Cygnus Cup - Host, VI Winter Olympics (Ashton) & VII Summer Olympics (Emberton)

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Posts: 4551
Founded: Apr 22, 2004
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Krytenia » Tue May 31, 2011 4:39 pm

Cygnus Cup VI

First Round
VLC FC (EFL) 0-0 Sporting Iturributa (ASG)
Sporting Iturributa (ASG) 1-1 VLC FC (EFL)
Aggregate score 1-1; VLC FC win 1-0 on away goals

Sparrowbottom Athletic (SNO) 0-1 Psychiatrists (EIT)
Psychiatrists (EIT) 1-2 Sparrowbottom Athletic (SNO)
Aggregate score 2-2; Sparrowbottom Athletic win 2-1 on away goals

Marinos Metropolis (VLD) 0-3 Hondo FC (VAL)
Hondo FC (VAL) 2-2 Marinos Metropolis (VLD)
Hondo FC win 5-2 on aggregate

Univerbardé (UNT) 0-1 Bradley Hornets (WZI)
Bradley Hornets (WZI) 3-1 Univerbardé (UNT)
Bradley Hornets win 4-1 on aggregate

Cebola Mol (CPV) 0-0 FC1. Surtsey Island Gulls (PIS)
FC1. Surtsey Island Gulls (PIS) 2-1 Cebola Mol (CPV)
FC1. Surtsey Island Gulls win 2-1 on aggregate

Tout-Puissant Outremont (CDP) 0-0 Central United (CAF)
Central United (CAF) 2-3 Tout-Puissant Outremont (CDP)
Tout-Puissant Outremont win 3-2 on aggregate

Hecia (STB) 0-0 Raynor City United (VAL)
Raynor City United (VAL) 0-1 Hecia (STB)
Hecia win 1-0 on aggregate

Grasshoppers Turic (OSR) 0-2 Altera Griffins (JSY)
Altera Griffins (JSY) 0-3 Grasshoppers Turic (OSR) (aet; FT 0-2)
Grasshoppers Turic win 3-2 on aggregate, after extra time

VLC FC (EFL) 2-5 Sparrowbottom Athletic (SNO)
Sparrowbottom Athletic (SNO) 2-0 VLC FC (EFL)
Sparrowbottom Athletic win 7-2 on aggregate

Hondo FC (VAL) 1-0 Bradley Hornets (WZI)
Bradley Hornets (WZI) 0-9 Hondo FC (VAL)
Hondo FC win 10-0 on aggregate

FC1. Surtsey Island Gulls (PIS) 0-2 Tout-Puissant Outremont (CDP)
Tout-Puissant Outremont (CDP) 4-2 FC1. Surtsey Island Gulls (PIS)
Tout-Puissant Outremont win 6-2 on aggregate

Hecia (STB) 0-0 Grasshoppers Turic (OSR)
Grasshoppers Turic (OSR) 3-3 Hecia (STB)
Aggregate score 3-3; Hecia win 3-0 on away goals

Sparrowbottom Athletic (SNO) 1–1 Tout-Puissant Outremont (CDP)
Tout-Puissant Outremont (CDP) 2-0 Sparrowbottom Athletic (SNO)
Tout-Puissant Outremont win 3-1 on aggregate

Hondo FC (VAL) 1-1 Hecia (STB)
Hecia (STB) 0-0 Hondo FC (VAL)
Aggregate score 1-1; Hecia win 1-0 on away goals

Tout-Puissant Outremont (CDP) 2–3 Hecia (STB) (@ Cygnus Stadium, Bromham, Krytenia)

Congratulations to Hecia, who win the sixth Cygnus Cup and with it an automatic place in Cygnus Cup VII, for which entries are now open.
"I revel in the nonsense; it's why I'm in Anaia."
Capital: Emberton ⍟ RP Population: ~180,000,000 ⍟ Trigram: KRY ⍟ iTLD: .kt ⍟ Demonym: Krytenian, Krytie (inf.)
Languages: English (de jure), Spanish, French, Welsh (regional)

Hosts: Cup of Harmony 7, AOCAF 1, Cup of Harmony 15, World Cup 24, AOCAF 13, World Cup 29, AOCAF 17, AOCAF 23, World Cup 40, Cup of Harmony 32, Baptism of Fire 32, AOCAF 27, Baptism of Fire 36, World Cup 50, Baptism of Fire 40, Cup of Harmony 64, AOCAF 48, World Cup 75, AOCAF 40, Cup of Harmony 80, CAFA 2
Champions: AOCAF 52, Cup of Harmony 78, CAFA 6
Runner-Up: AOCAF 7, World Cup 58, Cup of Harmony 80, CAFA 1
Creator, AOCAF & Cygnus Cup - Host, VI Winter Olympics (Ashton) & VII Summer Olympics (Emberton)

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Eastfield Lodge
Posts: 10030
Founded: May 23, 2008
Democratic Socialists

Postby Eastfield Lodge » Wed Jun 01, 2011 4:34 am

Given the relative discrepancy between the top two divisions and the three beneath them, the ELFA have decided to create an entirely new system from the existing 128 teams. Now, there are four leagues of 32, with each league split into two subdivisions of 16 each. Every team in the league plays each other twice, amassing a total of 62 games. Promotion and relegation is relatively complicated, where subdivision with the team that has the least points overall relegates two teams while the other subdivision relegates one. Promotion is similar, with the subdivision of the top team promoting two and the other promoting one. The changed teams are then randomly distributed to make the divisions equal again.

As for UICA qualification, the top two in each subdivision of League Two qualify for the SBCC, with seeding order coming from point totals. For the TQCC and the GC, the winner of the subdivisions have a playoff. The winner of that playoff is through to the TQCC, and plays against the KCC winner to determine seeding order. The loser of the league playoff plays against the KCC runner-up to determine seeding order for the first two GC spots. The third spot is contested by the second placed teams of each subdivision. However, should one of the four league teams also be in the KCC final, then the case will be determined on a separate basis.

To determine which team goes where, a whole league season has been played with updated promotion and relegation. The even numbered teams of of the top 32 went to Premier League SA, while the odd numbered teams went to Premier League SB. The same happened for each set of thirty-two, overlapping leagues and annoying several teams. The results of that league are as follows (surprisingly, Seaton Athletic finally managed to break RGS Athletic's hold on the trophy):

Premier Division Standings

Team P W D L For Ag +/- Pts
1 Seaton Town 78 42 25 11 95 55 +40 151 (Champions) 1A
2 RGS Athletic 78 36 25 17 115 71 +44 133 1B
3 VLC FC 78 38 19 21 100 69 +31 133 1A
4 Royal Dillvill 78 41 10 27 92 66 +26 133 1B
5 Secret Services 78 38 18 22 87 58 +29 132 1A
6 Lodgertia United 78 32 28 18 96 72 +24 124 1B
7 UR Town 78 33 24 21 94 72 +22 123 1A
8 Monksville FC 78 31 29 18 75 52 +23 122 1B
9 Norrion Rovers 78 35 17 26 91 74 +17 122 1A
10 RGS Athletic 'B' 78 31 26 21 85 69 +16 119 1B
11 Indionion Athletic 78 32 21 25 80 61 +19 117 1A
12 Port Ricton FC 78 32 19 27 107 84 +23 115 1B
13 Lamarckists 78 32 19 27 79 66 +13 115 1A
14 St. Bartholomews Wanderers 78 33 14 31 79 69 +10 113 1B
15 NT United 78 30 23 25 79 77 +2 113 1A
16 Monksville United 78 27 26 25 77 73 +4 107 1B
17 FC Tavernia 78 28 21 29 66 70 -4 105 1A
18 Empire End FC 78 26 27 25 75 81 -6 105 1B
19 Toclofania FC 78 26 26 26 68 70 -2 104 1A
20 Royal Jam FC 78 26 25 27 72 69 +3 103 1B
21 FM Town 78 27 22 29 81 82 -1 103 1A
22 Huntingville FC 78 27 22 29 63 65 -2 103 1B
23 Gilgonare FC 78 25 27 26 79 73 +6 102 1A
24 Koluity City 78 27 20 31 94 95 -1 101 1B
25 Yillog City 78 23 32 23 64 73 -9 101 1A
26 Port Lodgertia 78 23 30 25 83 96 -13 99 1B
27 White Star United 78 25 22 31 56 67 -11 97 1A
28 Seniors FC 78 25 21 32 56 74 -18 96 1B
29 Yiftred Light Workers FC 78 25 20 33 64 82 -18 95 1A
30 WB Albion 78 23 25 30 63 78 -15 94 1B
31 Mount Salt FC 78 22 28 28 88 107 -19 94 1A
32 Royal Dillvill II 78 25 17 36 71 87 -16 92 1B

33 Nile Bridge 78 24 20 34 76 109 -33 92 2A
34 SS City 78 22 25 31 65 86 -21 91 2B
35 Liginara FC 78 22 21 35 74 100 -26 87 2A
36 Coiners FC 78 23 16 39 63 86 -23 85 2B
37 Farond United 78 23 16 39 85 118 -33 85 2A
38 Lodgertia City 78 25 8 45 51 81 -30 83 2B
39 Olympia FC 78 17 24 37 76 95 -19 75 2A
40 Tuntingone FC 78 16 26 36 54 86 -32 74 2B

Second Division Standings

Team P W D L For Ag +/- Pts
1 Xilon OC 78 38 19 21 99 74 +25 133 2A
2 Quinica Town 78 36 22 20 119 88 +31 130 2B
3 Macaronia FC 78 36 22 20 112 83 +29 130 2A
4 Ex-Criminals FC 78 37 18 23 83 55 +28 129 2B
5 Caldarin FC 78 34 25 19 106 73 +33 127 2A
6 Old Bridge South 78 35 20 23 80 68 +12 125 2B
7 Polkation FC 78 34 22 22 93 72 +21 124 2A
8 Seaton Athletic 78 35 18 25 92 76 +16 123 2B
9 Cliffside FC 78 31 27 20 89 72 +17 120 2A
10 Micronopia United 78 30 30 18 78 62 +16 120 2B
11 Harmonial CC 78 32 24 22 77 63 +14 120 2A
12 Losing The Game FC 78 34 18 26 85 74 +11 120 2B
13 West Monurtag 78 31 25 22 84 75 +9 118 2A
14 Innocence FC 78 32 20 26 70 66 +4 116 2B
15 Forest Rangers 78 29 26 23 83 72 +11 113 2A
16 United United 78 28 28 22 78 76 +2 112 2B
17 VLC FC 'B' 78 29 23 26 69 68 +1 110 2A
18 Mineville FC 78 27 28 23 73 68 +5 109 2B
19 Klosertun Town 78 26 30 22 89 88 +1 108 2A
20 Stock Exchange United 78 30 16 32 90 83 +7 106 2B
21 Sunburbia FC 78 25 31 22 72 65 +7 106 2A
22 Bluin Athletic 78 28 21 29 85 91 -6 105 2B
23 Half Boy FC 78 29 18 31 87 95 -8 105 2A
24 Pontifucia United 78 28 20 30 72 74 -2 104 2B

25 Copper Communists SC 78 27 22 29 93 96 -3 103 3A
26 Revisionists 78 25 27 26 83 79 +4 102 3B
27 East Monurtag 78 26 22 30 94 94 +0 100 3A
28 Golden Acres 78 23 29 26 70 75 -5 98 3B
29 Silver Acres 78 24 23 31 67 79 -12 95 3A
30 Chemical Resources WFC 78 23 22 33 64 85 -21 91 3B
31 Bronze Acres 78 24 18 36 59 75 -16 90 3A
32 Pindale RC 78 23 21 34 75 92 -17 90 3B
33 Klinhielm Valley 78 21 27 30 56 76 -20 90 3A
34 Cillin Valley 78 22 21 35 101 116 -15 87 3B
35 Benopia AC 78 22 20 36 75 100 -25 86 3A
36 Thawmont Rovers 78 20 25 33 66 80 -14 85 3B
37 Bliketia FC 78 21 19 38 56 83 -27 82 3A
38 Trurinar FC 78 20 18 40 59 98 -39 78 3B
39 Viruntia Town 78 17 20 41 82 119 -37 71 3A
40 Jununope AC 78 15 21 42 49 86 -37 66 3B

Third Division Standings

Team P W D L For Ag +/- Pts
1 Old Bridge North 30 15 5 10 27 24 +3 50 3A
2 Honsadin FC 30 12 12 6 36 29 +7 48 3B
3 Lake Inkhold WSC 30 13 9 8 35 30 +5 48 3A
4 Pasturia FC 30 12 10 8 31 25 +6 46 3B
5 Thatchers Union United 30 12 9 9 34 30 +4 45 3A
6 New Point Park 1902 30 11 11 8 26 20 +6 44 3B
7 Mineville United 30 10 11 9 32 33 -1 41 3A
8 Low Lyn FC 30 12 4 14 29 31 -2 40 3B
9 Lonbunia Athletic 30 10 9 11 26 25 +1 39 3A
10 Mount Salt Climbers FC 30 11 6 13 25 26 -1 39 3B
11 Ye Olde Medieval Bridge 30 11 6 13 32 34 -2 39 3A
12 High Lyn FC 30 10 9 11 32 35 -3 39 3B
13 Paddockia FC 30 7 14 9 25 26 -1 35 3A
14 Nuclear FC 30 8 10 12 25 31 -6 34 3B
15 Mount Farond FC 30 7 12 11 34 37 -3 33 3A
16 Farond FC 30 6 9 15 16 29 -13 27 3B

Fourth Division Standings

Team P W D L For Ag +/- Pts
1 Quacker's Duck Lovers 30 17 5 8 54 31 +23 56 4A
2 Klosertun FC 30 15 5 10 37 25 +12 50 4B
3 Jam Athletic 30 11 12 7 28 25 +3 45 4A
4 Life's Implosion 30 12 8 10 38 32 +6 44 4B
5 Bundlehead United 30 11 9 10 35 32 +3 42 4A
6 Fracitz AC 30 11 9 10 33 32 +1 42 4B
7 Dinamo Dillvill 30 13 3 14 31 30 +1 42 4A
8 Tavernia City 30 12 6 12 29 33 -4 42 4B
9 Dillvill Wanderers 30 11 7 12 26 27 -1 40 4A
10 SL Wierdos FC 30 10 10 10 27 32 -5 40 4B
11 Pontoon FC 30 10 9 11 35 30 +5 39 4A
12 Twilight Heaven FC 30 10 8 12 39 46 -7 38 4B
13 SE Wierdos FC 30 10 8 12 30 38 -8 38 4A
14 Garanite FC 30 9 8 13 27 31 -4 35 4B
15 Lodger City Athletic 30 7 12 11 24 35 -11 33 4A
16 Steel Valley Explorers 30 5 13 12 21 35 -14 28 4B

Fifth Division Standings

Team P W D L For Ag +/- Pts
1 Plozica FC 30 15 8 7 37 22 +15 53 4A
2 Iratuen Loft FC 30 14 9 7 33 22 +11 51 4B
3 Approciation FC 30 14 8 8 44 29 +15 50 4A
4 Revisionists Athletic 30 13 9 8 23 22 +1 48 4B
5 Athletic Caldarin 30 12 10 8 27 28 -1 46 4A
6 Dillvill Ocean United 30 13 5 12 26 24 +2 44 4B
7 Jam Mountain Island 30 11 7 12 32 34 -2 40 4A
8 Civil War Memorial FC 30 9 13 8 29 31 -2 40 4B
9 Leintalp FC 30 10 10 10 25 31 -6 40 4A
10 Giafando FC 30 11 6 13 47 45 +2 39 4B
11 Kinaltin FC 30 10 9 11 26 25 +1 39 4A
12 Basalata FC 30 11 5 14 33 31 +2 38 4B
13 Trinardin SC 30 10 8 12 26 35 -9 38 4A
14 Ghoul Bay FC 30 9 10 11 32 28 +4 37 4B
15 Dillvill Ocean 30 4 12 14 19 33 -14 24 4A
16 Northern Wind Athletic 30 4 11 15 21 40 -19 23 4B
Economic Left/Right: -5.01 (formerly -5.88)
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.31 (formerly 2.36)
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