Inbreeding for the sake of the human race.

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Technocratic Uganda
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Founded: Jun 02, 2017

Inbreeding for the sake of the human race.

Postby Technocratic Uganda » Wed Nov 14, 2018 4:48 am

Is having children with your cousin a good thing? Yes, without a doubt, if you value you and your descendants being what is currently considered to be in line with the definiton of "alive", and if you value as many of your descendants being able to experience being alive as possible. In an initially small but still very real way, all instances of inbreeding are basically tiny acts of heroism that promote the survival of the human race by way of increasing its longevity as a species. For too long, parochial westerners obsessed with unobjective at best and suicidal at worst forms of monodirectional social and technological "progress" have chastised various groups of people with a higher incidence of cousin (and other forms of inter-relative) marriage than their own. This includes religious, ethnic and socioeconomic groups which are all more likely to inbreed, and which are all attacked for it by the modern enlightened-with-a-capital E western metropolitan area-dwelling bugman.

Because it's needed for the argument in this post to work, something needs to be gotten out of the way - the industrial revolution and its consequences have been disaster for the human race. If one is too intellectually timid to accept this, all they need to do is sit and wait; if you are capable of any sort of individual thought at all, you will eventually realise that history has vindicated Ted Kaczynski and will continue to do so as time goes by. You are currently a slave to technology, even if you do not realise it. Maybe you do but can't do anything about, and the thought of it makes your skinnyfat, devoid of muscle tone body writhe like a worm in your computer chair because of how painful it is. You are on this website, you either accept this is you or deny it is you, because it is you. Keep focusing your beady eyes on your screen at my post, unable to do anything to stop it even though this is a massively addictive time sink, the use of which is in all likelihood promoted by economic and political elites to keep you complacent and unlikely to do anything. Even flipping out kills tax paypigs, which is why modern industrial societies that cause mental illness on a massive scale have been forced to integrate behavioural psychology services into the welfare state through the bloated, very ineffective institution of psychiatry. Then again, proper understanding of how the human brain works on a level that is achievable within the space of this century would give those in politics, advertising and law enforcement such a foolproof ability to control human behaviour that maybe SSRIs and cat lady therapists sitting you down on leather chairs to nod at your problems are a good thing)

Whether or not you take your digital opiate, your life is shit and it will continue to get shittier. If you're anywhere close to the conventional person, you are alive because you are contributing in some small way to the government through taxes and to the major corporations that influence it by working for them. Even if you are useless and work in a busywork field like HR, your busywork still allows your higher-ups to launder money from the system at large and your existence as purpose. As the automation of both physical and mental labour progresses, the average person will become less wanted and less needed. In a hypothetical future in which the average, 100 IQ Joe "average schmuck" Blough person's abilities and talents are not needed in the slightest to have an efficient and productive, it costs the welfare state or whoever is feeding him a certain amount of money each week, day and hour just to keep him alive. Do not kid yourselves, a UBI quasi-utopia will not happen and any state using a universal income will have incentives against things being that way forever. Nobody gives a shit about the average person in an increasingly cutthroat, competitive world where they are less valuable than ever before and need to put in even more effort than before simply to stay afloat.

You die in a cubicle sized apartment at age 90, your heart giving way as you hold a bag of sun chips in your hand and wear an oculus rift over your eyes. Your advanced age and modest life savings, the latter having been accumulated after passing through a variety of career fields before you were inevitably cast out of them by automation, have warranted you a personal carer (herself trying to stay afloat in a dwindling service sector so she does not become a useless eater), but she was not home. You die completely alone. You have no family, there is no need to have one in an advanced industrial society and the television spent 90 years telling you not to have one anyway. You have not spoken to anyone apart from your carer in a month, people instead prefer digital forms of entertainment specially-engineered to enthrall the primitive human brain. Runaway capitalism, given a boost by the accelerator effect of digital technology, has turned all interaction between human beings into some form of transaction anyway. As you die you realise you haven't really made any important decisions in your entire life, your entire existence was spent being a cog in a machine which you require for food and rent, but which does not require you to exist. All the major human events, the stock market crashes and company mergers, which have affected your life have been decided by a relatively small group of people at the top of society. Maybe if you lived in a small agrarian village in a pre-industrial society you would have control over the human affairs over your own life more than you did as a cog in a giant industrial-technological machine. Sure crop failures could kill you, but in the place of modern first-world security of living standards you could have had autonomy over yourself and, ultimately, dignity. Maybe you could have died with dignity as well.

Strong AI is never happening in all likelihood, but the ability of weak AI to understand a multitude of small processes and piece it all together means that even creative pursuits like writing, poetry and music can be done by machines just as well as humans (google David Cope Emmy Vivaldi to see how much of a joke futurist techies talking about a future creative gift economy where everyone designs an app is). As humans become less wanted, less needed, and are inevitably pushed to the sidelines for the sake of self-prop systems becoming increasingly efficient to outcompete their rivals, the running of the system becomes much less human than it was before. What is medicine when your GP's office is full of computers staffed by technicians? What is economics and financial planning when human beings need calculators to deal with large amounts of money efficiently? The vast majority of humanity are, in the long term, useless eaters. In the longer long term, all of us are. Who's to say that a system can't run itself using entirely or almost entirely weak AI with no human beings involved? Silicon and metal cockroaches, crawling around in a very complicated way and replicating for the sake of replicating. Are humans needed for that in the long run? If you are a humanist and value human dignity and quality of life, does it bother you that in the extreme long term we will be replaced by things with nothing even resembling individuality, spirituality, camaraderie, appreciation of aesthetics or love?

If you believe in any political cause because you want yourself and others to live under a government with a certain policy, surely you believe in the success of that political cause as soon as possible? You want yourself and as many people as possible, in the present and in the future, to live in a world with that goal achieved. Especially if you are a leftist who believes in some sort of utopian cause (by neoliberal standards) like socialism, don't you think the moral imperative to have the entire world under a crimson flag, as many people as possible, means that for the sake of the extremely old socialism should be introduced as soon as possible so they can benefit from it in what remains of their lifetimes? If the future is uncertain (which it is) and you are not sure when your political cause will succeed, don't you want it to succeed as soon as possible even if that occurs after your lifetime? Some things to consider, if you believe something is either moral or it benefits you and your progeny you should want it to be instated as soon as possible.

I believe in the continued existence of the human race. I am not saying the world is at all perfect for the 7 billion people living in it, but there is something nice about being able to sit there and realise that you are alive and conscious. It's seems really weird and kind of absurd when you really think about the fact you're alive and experiencing everything, but it's pretty neat at the same time and if somebody offered to shoot me in the head I don't think I'd say yes for that reason alone. I personally would like this for myself and for my progeny, for as long as possible, and while it isn't rational you can suck my balls because there's no truly rational objectively justified reason for doing anything. Why do you need food? Why do you need to be alive? Haters can fuck off lmao if you want something go for it, if you don't like it I'm going to do it just to spite you.

Dunno about you guys but I reckon a lot of folks on this navel-gazing forum will agree. People dying is bad. People being alive is good. Kids and future descendants of people being alive is good. People and their descendants should keep the whole being alive thing going for as long as possible.

What does this have to do with inbreeding? How does inbreeding keep the human race alive for longer than it otherwise would be kept alive, so the maximum amount of people possible can sit in a bathtub and think about the fact they're alive and conscious?

If we believe in the piece of text right above the above one, starting with the word "dunno", surely we should all be able to agree that the industrial-technological system will bring about the extinction of the human species (and of all biological life which is able to be sentient and conscious in the way we are) eventually for the sake of efficiency. We invented agriculture 10,000 years ago and a century ago we didn't even have computers, whereas the human species evolved twenty times longer ago than we developed agriculture, so it's pretty hard to deny that technological progress is accelerating as time goes by (and with it the march towards total human obsolescence, which will end every single one of our bloodlines and prevent any more of our descendants from being alive, which most people believe to be fundamentally moral). Therefore, the industrial-technological system, if it continues to exist, will have massively pushed forward the date of human extinction and is immoral. We should therefore advocate a revolution against the industrial system, and beyond that we should make sure no similar system arises ever again following that. The stars can touch themselves if it means the preservation of humanity.

Reading Industrial Society and its Future and the first half of Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How, it is hard not to feel fatalistic about the inevitability of the industrial-technological system. In the former piece of text Ted is extremely vague about how revolutionaries would hypothetically keep the industrial revolution from happening again, and in Ted's writings on self-prop systems he points out that a more technologically advanced group of people will always outmuscle a less technologically advanced group of people, replacing them in the process. History is a testament to this, as are our bloodlines (if you are of European descent, a large portion of your ancestry comes from Near-Eastern Neolithic farmers who displaced indigenous European hunter-gatherers with their superior numbers, even though skeletons show that the nutrition of these farmers was much poorer and genetic studies show that one man for every several women was reproducing, probably due to accumulation of land, warfare and increased competition that made life a living hell for reproductively-unsuccessful gents at the time)

Although it's dubious as to whether or not it's a good way of looking at history, an interesting way of looking at how history went is through allohistorical what-ifs that compare what did happen with what could have happened. A good site for this is There are several threads on, in particular on its ASB ("alien space bats", a slang term for unrealistic scenarios, don't ask me how it became a thing) subforum, giving a what-if on a world without coal. I read through a few of these threads and saw people talking about industrialisation eventually occurring on a limited scale using hydroelectricity. This would in turn have an accelerator effect on technological development even with the difficulties of a no-coal world and, unless it collapsed, lead to total human obsolescence at some point or another.

Quite depressing stuff. However, there are other arguments which suggest that an industrial revolution might not have been so inevitable if history had gone differently. This article, by economics professor J. Bradford Delong, argues that it is perfectly possible industrial civilisation could have failed to take off after getting stuck in an equilibrium trap, and that early modern-style "gunpowder empires" could have potentially been the peak of human development. He argues that if the industrial revolution was such a logical progression and so easy to achieve, why did a multitude of historical Empires with a high degree of prosperity for their time and non-outrageous private property norms fail to industrialise? Perhaps the industrial revolution would not be so inevitable a second time if we were to tear this shitshow down.

Because securing the existence of the human race for as long as possible is our moral imperative, how do we hold back the twilight of the human species that is industrialisation should we fight back this era of it and be faced with the task of preventing it from happening again? Biology has an answer.

You may have seen an article a few years ago, posted on a number of news and pop-science websites in roughly the same format, talking about the fact that human evolution has not slowed down but in fact sped up over the past ten thousand years. Lactose tolerance, blue eyes, a bunch of new selective pressures from a changing environment producing other changes which are either harder to spot or cannot be named off the top of this OP's head - all have occurred in an era of human evolution speeding up since the rise of agriculture. Although some would like to deny it, human evolution does not stop when you get up to the neck.

Enter the Hajnal Line.

The most significant dividing line in Europe, as William Wallace has suggested, may well be the eastern boundary of Western Christianity in the year 1500. This line runs along what are now the boundaries between Finland and Russia and between the Baltic states and Russia, cuts through Belarus and Ukraine separating the more Catholic western Ukraine from Orthodox eastern Ukraine, swings westward separating Transylvania from the rest of Romania, and then goes through Yugoslavia almost exactly along the line now separating Croatia and Slovenia from the rest of Yugoslavia. In the Balkans this line, of course, coincides with the historic boundary between the Hapsburg and Ottoman empires. The peoples to the north and west of this line are Protestant or Catholic; they shared the common experiences of European history — feudalism, the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Enlightenment, the French Revolution, the Industrial Revolution; they are generally economically better off than the peoples to the east; and they may now look forward to increasing involvement in a common European economy and to the consolidation of democratic political systems. The peoples to the east and south of this line are Orthodox or Muslim; they historically belonged to the Ottoman or Tsarist empires and were only lightly touched by the shaping events in the rest of Europe; they are generally less advanced economically; they seem much less likely to develop stable democratic political systems.

What does the Hajnal Line have to do with genetics? The Hajnal Line marks the outline of Catholic and Protestant Europe, the homeland of Western civilisation in other words. As the homeland of a society distinct from other societies, people live a certain way and social organisation is done a certain way. The way society was organised in the West, from the time of the Frankish kingdoms to the abolition of serfdom in early modernity, involved a great deal of manorialism. Manorialism does two things to fertility - it makes reproductive success dependent on the ability to hold land and prosper, and it gives the upper classes a higher fertility rate than the lower classes because they are able to prosper more. For more than a thousand years in Medieval Europe, especially during early modernity, the upper classes' higher fertility than the poor meant that rich people came spilling out of the upper class into lower tiers of society, displacing the poor genetically several times before the French Revolution and the Industrial Revolutions even happened. This is no bullshit, you can read about this population replacement here, the guy that wrote it was a white nationalist but recently stopped being one purely because he realised white people are not a genetically-homogeneous group, not at all a prejudiced bloke given he's willing to look at data and base conclusions on it. Also, both articles I have posted will mention a gradual reduction in the homicide rate throughout Northwestern Europe due to a steady execution of a large number of criminals each generation. Think genetics having an influence on people's social attitudes and behaviour is bullshit? Legitimate academics would disagree with you.

Because higher-class people are more likely to have a higher IQ and also for genetic reasons (social class in a society which requires mental ability to function in does not crystalise upon nothing, after all, although /pol/yp troglodytes will quote the bell curve exclusively for talking about race a lot more of the book is dedicated to differences in IQ along socioeconomic lines for genetic reasons) along with environmental ones, flushing out your lower class genetically several times over the course of a thousand years is going to make your population more intelligent on average. Intelligence is heritable and determined at least in part by genetic traits, if people who are more likely to have "smart genes" are breeding the population will get smarter over time, it's not rocket science. Other regions of the world which experienced manorialism such as Northeast Asia also have people who score better on IQ tests than surrounding groups of people, just like Northwest Europeans. IQ is a legitimate means of measuring intelligence, it predicts success in academic pursuits, career pursuits and in life outcomes. The fact IQ is so old and continues to be used is the case for a reason, anyone denying these facts is a lunatic. I am not a white supremacist or even a white nationalist, Albanians have the same average IQ as people from Sierra Leone for a reason and the Irish have an average IQ in the low 90s BECAUSE they did not experience manorialism on the same level as the rest of Northwestern Europe.

Look at the traits, which can be said to be AT THE VERY LEAST partly determined by genetics, which Northwest Europeans in particular have. Individualism, high-trust societies with low homicide rates, and high IQ are the killers. These people are built to make prosperous societies with a high degree of innovation and private property norms conductive to industrialisation. What if part of the reason Europe industrialised in the early modern era, along with economic conditions at the time and the agricultural revolution, was genetics? It's not outlandish to suggest that, especially seeing as the scientific community is now starting to tell us that human behaviour and cognitive ability is largely heritable, and that human evolution (which DOES NOT stop above the neck) has been speeding up since agriculture was first developed.

Another trait of societies inside the Hajnal line has been plenty of outbreeding, with a low rate of inbreeding. Inbreeding has been shown to reduce IQ over generations, although an article from Nature tells us that effects start to level off when you live in a society with insane amounts of inbreeding such as the Middle East. Speaking of the Middle East, did you know that less than 1% of scientists worldwide are Muslim. This isn't a coincidence, sure a lot of the reasons are cultural, economic and historical, but the way we reproduce and therefore our genes is heavily involved with how we organise our societies. If, during the early modern era, the entirety of the world's population was replaced by a Middle Eastern stock, the Industrial Revolution absolutely wouldn't have happened. That would be in no small part due to inbreeding and other arguably "dysgenic" (subjective term) breeding patterns in Muslim societies.

Just a heads up, inbreeding in the Muslim world really is that insane. In Pakistan, more than half of marriages are between people at least as close as second cousins, with countries like Syria, Egypt, Iran, Afghanistan, Jordan and Saudi Arabia not far behind.

If we have a moral imperative to prevent the industrial revolution from happening again should the industrial-technological system today collapse, it would be handy if we could establish a society with a high degree of inbreeding. This would lower the intelligence of the population to such a degree that they would have a noticeably more difficult time developing a European-style Enlightenment and industrial revolution. Remember that modern capitalism was in a large part developed by the dutch, parliamentary democratic government by the English. The heart of the Hajnal line was where things were popping most of all, do you think Waleed Abu-Bakr Mohammedi and his legion of cousin brides would be able to accomplish anything like that? Potentially, yes, but don't count on it as much as you would with early modern Europe.

I might sound kind of demeaning towards cultures with a high rate of inbreeding myself here, but trust me, I'm just messing around. There is nothing wrong with inbreeding unless it ends your family line like it did with the Spanish Habsburgs. Societies with normalised cousin-marriage, although they have a higher rate of birth defects and a lower average IQ, are doing nothing wrong. In fact, by contributing less to the development of technology because of inbreeding, they are actually prolonging the survival of the human species and holding back human obsolescence. If NW European-style breeding was brought to the Middle East during the middle ages, can you imagine the difference in technology we could potentially have now from Pakistani and Arab scientists? It would absolutely be noticeable, maybe for the sake of the human race it is best we didn't do that. Hold back the darkest night of all, the night in which the human race goes to sleep and never wakes up, even if it means impregnating your cousin. It is your moral imperative unless you are a massively fucked up person.

Furthermore, along with producing less people able to continue the suicidal march of technological progress, inbreeding in the here-and-now produces more disfigured and mentally-retarded people who place a greater strain on the industrial-technological system than would exist otherwise. These people too are holding back human obsolescence, and if the industrial-technological system of today ever collapses in the future, sparing the human species, they will have contributed a small but undeniable bit to helping it collapse by being a burden on it. Even if they die in the collapse, they died for their family and friends of their family who live on.

Furthermore, is inbreeding an effective strategy to fight technology? It's not the end all be all, but if you can normalise it or at least get a significant portion of your gene pool doing it you are making change with every birth. Because of how many branches family trees have, regions of the world are less people branching off from each other and more a churning pot of people. The average Englishman is descended from about 80% of the English population that was alive in the year 1000, I can't find the link on where I read this autiste-tier little fact but it is quite reasonable (ancestors double with each generation you go back) and should effectively drive home how much damage we can do to the industrial-technological system just by dedicating our lives to inbreeding.

It is absolutely moral because it secures the survival of the human species for as long as possible, it is quite effective because it damages the gene pool for everyone after a dozen generations, societies which are inbred and pre-industrial in development will almost never have industrial revolutions in part for genetic reasons, and most of all even a seedy relationship with your second-cousin is more laden with human love and affection than machines replicating for the sake of replicating and expanding out into the void like giant metal cockroaches once the human race has died with a whimper. Next time you meet your cousin, tell her she's looking good.
Last edited by Technocratic Uganda on Wed Nov 14, 2018 5:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
21, unsure about my gender, born male but might be trans, love hiking and nature, love gaming especially csgo and osu!

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Chan Island
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Postby Chan Island » Wed Nov 14, 2018 5:21 am

Alright Mr Hapsburg, let me first TLDR this monster.

TLDR: The Unabomber was right, the bots are going to replace you, we should undo the Industrial Revolution to preserve the human species, the Hajnal line is significant because religion (even though his own source contradicts him here but whatever), muh bell curve, let's bring back classism, let's inbreed to deliberately make ourselves stupid so that we can't do a second industrial revolution, and holding back technological progress is the only way to make humans survive.

Now that that is out of the way, let's unpack only one central problem with the argument here.

Even in your model utopia mate, the Earth is going to be destroyed in a few billion years. A long time, to be sure, but do you know how we could really, really extend that time? Go into space. If we are on a million planets and a billion asteroids, then the human species I assure you will never become extinct. Not at least until the end of the universe and even then, there are some technological solutions theoretically possible to deal with that.
Conserative Morality wrote:"It's not time yet" is a tactic used by reactionaries in every era. "It's not time for democracy, it's not time for capitalism, it's not time for emancipation." Of course it's not time. It's never time, not on its own. You make it time. If you're under fire in the no-man's land of WW1, you start digging a foxhole even if the ideal time would be when you *aren't* being bombarded, because once you wait for it to be 'time', other situations will need your attention, assuming you survive that long. If the fields aren't furrowed, plow them. If the iron is not hot, make it so. If society is not ready, change it.

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Postby -Ocelot- » Wed Nov 14, 2018 5:34 am

NSG reaches a new low. Just when I was getting used to the far-right posts, this thing hits the board.
Last edited by -Ocelot- on Wed Nov 14, 2018 6:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Deutschess Kaiserreich
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Postby Deutschess Kaiserreich » Wed Nov 14, 2018 5:36 am

WTF is this!
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Socialist Minecraft Server wrote:Im thinking about what im thinking about what im thinking
Ethnic Female German living in [REDACTED] (Not comfortable with revealing my identity).

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Technocratic Uganda
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Postby Technocratic Uganda » Wed Nov 14, 2018 5:40 am

Chan Island wrote:Alright Mr Hapsburg, let me first TLDR this monster.

You've put some words in my mouth here, gotta fix this.

Chan Island wrote:The Unabomber was right


Chan Island wrote:we should undo the Industrial Revolution to preserve the human species


Chan Island wrote: the Hajnal line is significant because religion (even though his own source contradicts him here but whatever)

please don't put words in my mouth bro, the Hajnal Line and Europe's religions both look the same on a map was what I said, and this is because the social organisation of Northwest Europe (manorialism and subsequent outbreeding/higher upper-class fertility) depended on the Catholic Church, which was the primary culprit for upholding manorialism behind the Hajnal Line for a thousand years as the West's social structure was hinged on it, but by no means is the reason the Hajnal Line is significant. The style of human reproduction caused by social organisation that altered a population's genetics was the point here, genetics is king in this post.

Chan Island wrote:muh bell curve

Why is this wrong? Prove me wrong. Not an argument bucko.

Chan Island wrote:let's bring back classism

Classism never died, look at your country's wealth distribution for goodness sake. I'm just saying people with genetic traits that cause higher intelligence tend to wind up in the upper class more, and over time this crystalises into an IQ gap between the classes. It's well documented, look it up, not just environmental.

Chan Island wrote:let's inbreed to deliberately make ourselves stupid so that we can't do a second industrial revolution


Chan Island wrote:holding back technological progress is the only way to make humans survive.


Chan Island wrote:
Now that that is out of the way, let's unpack only one central problem with the argument here.

Even in your model utopia mate, the Earth is going to be destroyed in a few billion years. A long time, to be sure, but do you know how we could really, really extend that time? Go into space. If we are on a million planets and a billion asteroids, then the human species I assure you will never become extinct. Not at least until the end of the universe and even then, there are some technological solutions theoretically possible to deal with that.

At least the human race gets to die with dignity instead of in a glorified retirement home (or in worse conditions, depending on how inhuman the system has become at the point it disposes of its last useless eaters). I seriously doubt humanity would not get replaced by non-biological life if it went to the stars, being monkey living in a spinning tin can only be so practical. You are hilariously naive if you think that humanity will exist even a million years from now if the industrial-technological system continues to exist, and you are even more hilariously naive to think that our replacements wouldn't be soulless metal insects focused on efficiency above all else (read Ted K talk about self-prop systems)

Hope you're prepared for the shaft of artificial intelligence that's going to enter your anus in both of our lifetimes buddy boyo. No amount of lube can save you from getting fucked over into obsolescence and never coming back.
21, unsure about my gender, born male but might be trans, love hiking and nature, love gaming especially csgo and osu!

kawaii :3

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Khan of Spam
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Postby Vassenor » Wed Nov 14, 2018 5:41 am

Last time I checked, NSG was not your blog or your soapbox.

Also just for giggles, can someone check if this is a copypasta?
Last edited by Vassenor on Wed Nov 14, 2018 5:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
Jenny / Sailor Astraea

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Technocratic Uganda
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Postby Technocratic Uganda » Wed Nov 14, 2018 5:43 am

Vassenor wrote:Last time I checked, NSG was not your blog or your soapbox.

Also just for giggles, can someone check if this is a copypasta?

How is this a blog? I am describing an issue and providing my opinion on the issue in doing so, as is expected of a standard NSG political post.

Also no, this isn't pasta.
Last edited by Technocratic Uganda on Wed Nov 14, 2018 5:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
21, unsure about my gender, born male but might be trans, love hiking and nature, love gaming especially csgo and osu!

kawaii :3

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Postby Caracasus » Wed Nov 14, 2018 5:45 am

Well, that's quarter of an hour of my life I ain't getting back. What a sack of cherrypicking nonsense.
As an editor I seam to spend an awful lot of thyme going threw issues and checking that they're no oblivious errars. Its a tough job but someone's got too do it!

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Khan of Spam
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Postby Vassenor » Wed Nov 14, 2018 5:45 am

Technocratic Uganda wrote:
Vassenor wrote:Last time I checked, NSG was not your blog or your soapbox.

Also just for giggles, can someone check if this is a copypasta?

How is this a blog? I am describing an issue and providing my opinion on the issue in doing so, as is expected of a standard NSG political post.

Also no, this isn't pasta.

Just because you dumped seven pages worth of text into the OP doesn't make it a meaningful attempt to start discussion.
Jenny / Sailor Astraea

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Postby Frievolk » Wed Nov 14, 2018 5:46 am

Wow, I thought these types of threads were unique only to the Summer.
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Postby The Huskar Social Union » Wed Nov 14, 2018 5:46 am

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Postby Albennia » Wed Nov 14, 2018 5:46 am


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Unstoppable Empire of Doom
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Postby Unstoppable Empire of Doom » Wed Nov 14, 2018 5:47 am

Read the first bit about inbreeding but realized it was a rant and stopped. Anyone who reads the entirety of this mess care to summarize?
Whoever said "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink" has clearly never drown a horse.

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Valentine Z
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Postby Valentine Z » Wed Nov 14, 2018 5:48 am

That is quite a doom and gloom projection on the human race. Granted, most of us are going to be doing office or cubicle work, but we have weekends and day-offs for ourselves!

Well, back to the topic at hand... just looking at the title actually. It has to be a last, desperate attempt if we are going to repopulate. Otherwise, inbreeding will simply bring up and amplify the chances of genetic diseases, and it's not going to get any nicer from there.
Last edited by Valentine Z on Wed Nov 14, 2018 6:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Caracasus » Wed Nov 14, 2018 5:49 am

Unstoppable Empire of Doom wrote:Read the first bit about inbreeding but realized it was a rant and stopped. Anyone who reads the entirety of this mess care to summarize?

OP valliantly jousts against established anthropological, biological, historical, political, economic and sociological consensus atop a 70000000 word essay.

Goes about as well as expected.
As an editor I seam to spend an awful lot of thyme going threw issues and checking that they're no oblivious errars. Its a tough job but someone's got too do it!

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Postby Dreshand » Wed Nov 14, 2018 5:52 am

Vassenor wrote:Last time I checked, NSG was not your blog or your soapbox.

Also just for giggles, can someone check if this is a copypasta?

Doesnt seem to be, I ran it through half a dozen plagiarism checkers.

Anyways parts of this make sense, but i have this nagging feeling that something is logically wrong about this argument, might just be my human brain not wanting to accept this, might be something else. Idk
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Polish Prussian Commonwealth
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Postby Polish Prussian Commonwealth » Wed Nov 14, 2018 5:58 am

this isn't ck2 kid
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A traumatized, but recovering, MT-Early PMT/FanT constitutional monarchy consisting of a personal and constitutional union of two Realms. Features: near-universal gun ownership, governmental dysfunction, terrified Christinaslander Air National Guard personnel counting down the days until they rotate back home, and an eternal standoff with the last of it's former oppressors.

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Technocratic Uganda
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Postby Technocratic Uganda » Wed Nov 14, 2018 5:58 am

Caracasus wrote:
Unstoppable Empire of Doom wrote:Read the first bit about inbreeding but realized it was a rant and stopped. Anyone who reads the entirety of this mess care to summarize?

OP valliantly jousts against established anthropological, biological, historical, political, economic and sociological consensus atop a 70000000 word essay.

Goes about as well as expected.

Political consensus? I can get anthropological, biological and historical (elab on that if you feel like it please, I'd like to see what you have to say about HBD only being real below the neck) but what is "political consensus" and what does it have to do with a valid argument against this post? Is political consensus disagreeing with people? There isn't anything wrong with that.
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Valentine Z
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Postby Valentine Z » Wed Nov 14, 2018 5:59 am

Para by Para, please correct me if I am wrong. This is the BEST TL;DR I can come up with for each paragraph.

Note that none of these are my inputs or thoughts. I just paraphrased or summarised the points.

- Thesis statement about why inbreeding is a good thing.

- The adverse effects of the industrial revolution, on how it is a disaster because of all the work, and in the way, somehow telling the audience that they can't stop reading all thanks to this fangled IT stuff.

- How on our life is shit and it will get crappier. The description of the corporate workforce/hierarchy. No one gives a damn about the average person.

- More rant about office work. Just doom and gloom about how you will work to death.

- Artificial Intelligence. How the AI will take over while the humans will waste away.

- If you want your political ideas to dominate in the future, you want you and other like-minded people to live.

- The cool aspects of the existence of humans, and how we are actually conscious. Some jabs towards the reader if one doesn't agree with him.

- Dying is bad. Living is good.

- Linking statement back to inbreeding.

- Technology will make humans obsolete faster, comparing with agriculture.

- Industrial Society and its Future and the first half of Anti-Tech Revolution. Basically more history on anti-tech.

- A reference to Alternate, and the theories that resides there.

- If history went through differently, industrial revolution might not be that bad.

- Biology... linking back to inbreeding?

- Something about human evolution not slowing down, but speeding up.

- Hajnal Line... whatever that is. Something about going back to Year 1500 about Western Christianity, from William Wallace.

- Relationship between this Hajnal Line and genetics.

- Higher class people = Higher IQ.

- Individualism, high-trust societies with low homicide rates, and high IQ are the killers.

- Another trait of societies inside the Hajnal line has been plenty of outbreeding, with a low rate of inbreeding.

- Inbreeding in the Muslim world.

- Prevent Industrial Revolution from happening again.

- Nothing wrong with inbreeding.

- More technophobia. Also on "more disfigured and mentally-retarded people who place a greater strain".

- Evaluation about inbreeding being effective, or not, to fight tech?

- It is moral. Concluded.

TL;DR of TL;DR ? Technology and Industrial Revolution is harmful, and inbreeding is good if we are to stay relevant.
Last edited by Valentine Z on Wed Nov 14, 2018 6:03 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Uinted Communist of Africa
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Postby Uinted Communist of Africa » Wed Nov 14, 2018 6:02 am

Why is this a thing?..... :eyebrow:
[_★_] copy and paste. Join the revolution!!!! Stats are for the mentally advanced...change my mind.
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The South Falls
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Postby The South Falls » Wed Nov 14, 2018 6:02 am

This is the longest, most useless OP I've ever read. Explains why essay writers say "you can fill up a page with a whole lot of nothing".

But, no, I don't need to inbreed because of technology and some Y2K bull.
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Postby The South Falls » Wed Nov 14, 2018 6:03 am

Uinted Communist of Africa wrote:Why is this a thing?..... :eyebrow:

NSG winter break.
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Postby Ithreland » Wed Nov 14, 2018 6:03 am

@op, You do realize that people with mental handicaps can exist outside inbreeding, range from "super talented through 'Savant Syndrome'" to "literally caps out at intelligence of a baby", and there's no way to predict what you'll get?

You'd have to narrow down who produces "just the right amount of stupid" kids and then reproduce (pun intended) the results, and then also kill everyone else off or suspend their right to breed unless they can have kids just the way you want them to?
Last edited by Ithreland on Wed Nov 14, 2018 6:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
The government is elected from pools of experts in whichever fields are necessary, with polarizing issues having a minimum quotient for political balance (like abortion rights would be decided by a mix of pro-choice/pro-life expert advocates, for example).

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Gospel Power
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Postby Gospel Power » Wed Nov 14, 2018 6:03 am

That is the longest post I've ever seen?
Is having children with your cousin a good thing? No, it creates birth defects.

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Postby Dreshand » Wed Nov 14, 2018 6:05 am

Gospel Power wrote:That is the longest post I've ever seen?
Is having children with your cousin a good thing? No, it creates birth defects.

And genetic monopoly, thats never a good thing
Last edited by Dreshand on Wed Nov 14, 2018 6:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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