The Final Reformation [Closed] [Mature]

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North Defese
Posts: 2498
Founded: Jun 21, 2008

The Final Reformation [Closed] [Mature]

Postby North Defese » Sat Feb 25, 2012 6:09 pm

”And when the Gods looked down upon what they had created, they saw Man, and they saw the wickedness of Man. They saw brothers take arms against one another, they saw the elite few make themselves thrones out of the carcasses of their kin and palaces out of sin. And when the Gods asked ‘Why‘? Man looked up and said ‘We don’t need you anymore.’ And thus Man struck down the Gods themselves.”

0713 hours

Radoslav Alexey pulled back the faded olive drab curtain and gazed at the metropolis outside his apartment. The rising sun cast a harsh glare on his pale face, but Radoslav could still see that District 1A was bustling with early morning activity. Civilian bureaucrats made up the bulk of this residential District with the majority working somewhere within District 1. Radoslav himself was a low level accountant for The Hub as a Data Analysist. The thought made him slide the curtain back into place with a weary sigh. District 1 was depressing enough as is without the prospect of hours of pure drudgery to look forward to.

Pulling himself away from the window, Radoslav strode across his apartment; not for the first time realizing how bare it was. A single hole riddled couch squatted in the center facing a single analog TV provided by the government were all he had. And at least the couch wasn’t always spewing some form of propaganda or public broadcast. But Radoslav’s job only earned him enough credits to barely afford his monthly rent and rations, so there was no improving the place for quite some time. His bedroom was notably better, his bed had a clean mattress and sheets along with a simple wooden dresser tucked against the wall. He went to the latter, fishing out his work clothes. He spent a few minutes getting dressed and ready then gave himself a once over in his bathroom mirror. His short black hair was neatly combed to the side in the latest muted fad that had crawled through the Districts, and his nondescript dark gray suit covering his 6’9” thin frame made him conform neatly with State dress regulations.

Finally satisfied that he was as ready as he could be, Radoslav snatched his Personal Identification Card and stepped out to the hallway. He navigated the dingy, dimly lit hallways and the mossy staircase, hurrying down three flights until he was at the ground floor. He uncharacteristically lingered for a moment near the front door of the apartment complex. It felt as if his body were willing him to go back as if it sensed some primal danger; some deep, instinctive drive stirred within him uneasily. He soon shook his head quickly and felt his cheeks become hot as shame washed over him. Here he was, standing at the front door with his arm limply holding the door handle. Jerking his head around to make sure no one had seen his little episode he pushed open the door and stepped outside.

The cold air nipped against his skin, and ice crystals blew past his lips with every breath. With a shiver he broke into a brisk walk down the icy sidewalk, cursing every God he wasn’t supposed to believe in for bringing such a horrible winter to The Metropolis. He walked past several people as he worked his way down the winding city streets, all of whom looked as miserable and determined as himself. His walk took him past the towering cement wall that encircled District 1, and it only took several minutes of jostling by intimidating, stern-faced I.C.D.F. officers and random patrols on the streets before he finally arrived in front of The Hub.

He gazed upwards at his workplace and the nerve center of the entire Empire and Dominion. It was a massive building in scale but not height, standing at what Radoslav guessed was ten stories tall. It was shaped as a cube, devoid of any windows or variations of color. When Radoslav looked at the building his eyes simply slid across the bare walls. Mentally resigning himself he walked up the staircase along with a small crowd of his work-mates, all of whom dressed in the same dark gray attire. He spotted Tomiko Ina just a few feet ahead of his on the set of stairs, and discreetly fell into step behind her until they were both nearing the sets of glass doors leading into the building. He picked up the pace as the cool recycled air swept over him to replace the freezing and polluted air of the outside to walk beside her.

“Good morning Tomiko,” he offered as they past the receptionists desk.

“It is, isn‘t it?” She responded dryly while giving him with an unapproving glance. Radoslav felt a pang of embarrassment but tried to press on.

“Did you hear about the trial of Numaukr Stanislav Sevastyan? The Court found him and a few Senators guilty of - treason I think it was.”

“Sedition.” She responded flatly while her pace increased a fraction. Radoslav didn’t notice this, and kept trying to press the conversation.

“That‘s what it was, thank you Sergeiveich. It was a little worrying for a moment, no? That someone like him would plot against his countrymen - and women” he added hurriedly.

Tomiko finally leveled her gaze at him without breaking step, a curious skill that Radoslav found unnerving.

“I don‘t feel like talking about politics during work hours, Sergeiveich. Speaking of, I have to go now. Have a nice day.”

Without waiting for a response so abruptly turned and briskly strolled down the hallway opposite of Radoslav. He watched her go for a moment, his gaze lingering on her hips and long dark brown hair before he wrenched his eyes away and sulked towards his part of the building. Eventually he found the Data Acquisition Office, a massive room with an ocean of cubicles and bodies that occupied them. He gave himself a moment to get lost in the familiar buzz of activity. The hurried but muted conversations, the sporadic ringing of the phones, rhythmic tapping of a hundred fingers against a hundred keyboards. Then he neatly tucked away the last of his individuality, went to his cubicle, and got to work.


Seven hours later Radoslav sat back in his chair and rubbed his eyes tiredly. The clock on his computer said 1430, but it felt even later. He had been starting at the computer screen for seven hours, watching data scroll along his screen as he sorted everything out and sent them to their proper places. His eyeballs ached, his wrist ached, his back ached, even his head ached. He scooted back in his seat and stood up despite his protesting back. Walking out of the cubicle he stared at his feet and headed down the memorized path to the break room. Normally he would grab a piece of bread and some coffee before getting right back to work, but something perked up his attention. Looking up from the stained white carpeting he noticed Tomiko standing near the food table chatting with a man Radoslav didn’t recognize. She was laughing gleefully, obviously eating up the attention from this new guy. Radoslav felt a pang of jealously, and decided to step outside for some fresh air.

When he pushed open the door and stepped back outside, the familiar cold air nipping at his skin seemed to clear his head, so he lingered at the top of the steps. He looked around, noticing small details that he hadn’t noticed about this place before, when he simply sulked inside with his eyes locked on the path in front of him. The skyline of the Metropolis for example, had a particular glimmer that he had never seen before. It’s somber ambience playfully contested with the lackluster dullness of the buildings for attention.

”Maybe this place isn‘t so bad,” Radoslav muttered softly as his eyes lowered to watch the hustle and bustle of the streets below.

With a heavy sigh he turned his back on the scene and started to head back into the building. It was right before he got into the door that a searing heat suddenly exploded all along his back, and his entire vision was consumed by a white flash. His nervous system was too slow to even send the signal of what was happening to his brain before it was violently ripped apart at an atomic level. If he had lingered for only a moment more, he might have been able to see, but not comprehend, the second sun that had suddenly blossomed a few miles away before his body was disintegrated.

Tuttslay Mountain Complex

“Hmm, that‘s odd.”

Stanislav Orvar stopped leaning back in his seat and stared at his computer screen. The room he was in was as large as a theater, with large monitors taking up the front wall and rows upon rows of computers lining the room in symmetrical columns, all facing the large screens. Stanislav was near the back, and sat between two other men who he didn’t know and never spoke to. He was a low level Communications Coordinator, and it was his job to keep track of how much telephones and other tools of communication were sapping the national power grid. It wasn’t that exciting, since barely anyone had a computer and most people preferred face-to-face communication anyway, which left Stanislav to sit there for 8 hours staring at a few digits and useless projections that his computer would helpfully spit up.

But the latest model his computer had suddenly put up made no sense. All communications had suddenly ceased in a 3 mile radius in District 1. What made it deserve attention was that the Hub went dark too. After double-checking to make sure it wasn’t a glitch, he snatched up a red telephone sitting on his desk. All around him the quiet murmurs had grown louder, several phones had started ringing, and the general atmosphere was slowly transforming. But Stanislav had gotten through without much waiting.

”This is Nikifor Nestor, what‘s the problem?” A gruff voice filled Stanislav’s ear.

“Yes Sergeiveich Overseer, I think I have a small problem with my computer. It‘s telling me that the Hub just went offline, we aren‘t getting any incoming or outgoing calls from it.”

“We have heard such complaints from other sources, please remain at your station and continue to monitor the situation.”

There was a click and Stanislav was left staring at the phone.

“The fuck was that?” he muttered softly, dumping it back in its cradle just as the lights started to flicker. Just as he looked upwards, they all shut off and plunged the room into total darkness. There were startled cries and angry shouts, but moments after the emergency lights activated and washed the facility in a dim red light while a loud whirring indicated all the computers were rebooting.

“Did we just lose power?”

“We never lose power. We‘re connected directly to the main power grid.”

“What do you think just happened, then?”

The controlled and orderly chaos of before was growing in intensity, and Stanislav could feel the anxiety in the air like an electrical buzz. The lighting got marginally better as the main display screens flashed on, but this time they were at their default setting; various maps of the Empire. All of them had one thing in common: There was a massive 3 mile hole missing in what was essentially the nervous system of the entire country.

“Jesus Christ!”

“Someone get Andreas Maragos on the line now!

Stanislav felt a hand grasp his shoulder and almost jumped out of his skin. He turned in his seat and looked up at Numaukr Samuil Gunnar, the head of the facility and Conventional Command, making him the 5th most powerful man in the entire Defesian military. His black uniform looked even darker in the dim lighting, and it made his pale features looked almost ghostly in contrast.

“Sergeiveich Minister of Defense is in District 67, but power is down in most of that sector and the airways are flooded with traffic, even the dedicated lines. Do you have a way to clear them up?”

“Erm,” Stanislav stammered, “I‘d need authorization to shut down the dedicated lines and encrypt them again -”

“Do it. We only need one.”

“Yes, Sergeiveich.”

His fingers flew across the keyboard, and within mere moments what little panicked traffic there was on-screen in most of District 67 had disappeared, with only a single one popping back up after a brief period of encryption.

“I wired it to this phone for you, Sergeiveich Numaukr,” he gestured at the red telephone on his desk that he had used earlier, “just dial this number on the screen here and it should patch you in to his office.”

“Thank you.”

Samuil picked up the telephone and dialed the number as told, and waited as it rang in his ear a few times. After the fourth ring, the voice of Minister of Defense Andreas Maragos could not only be heard in the ear of Samuil, but Stanislavs as well, although neither could know that.

“Sergeiveich Defense Minister, this is Numaukr Samuil Gunnar of the Tuttslay Mountain Complex. This is a secure line.”

“Thank the Emperor!” Andreas exclaimed loudly over a lot of shouting voices in the background, “what the hell is going on!? I just had soldiers burst into my home and dragged me out of bed to take me to a ‘secure location‘! Are we under attack!?”

“We‘re not sure, Sergeiveich. We just lost all contact with District 1 and the Hub, and the entire power grid just tripped over itself.”

“That sounds like an attack, general -- Sorry, Numaukr. Tell me you haven‘t been sitting on your ass waiting for instructions!”

“No sir, we‘re getting reports of mobilizations in every District, and Strategic Command is on high alert but has not gotten any launch detections --- excuse me.”

He lowered the phone from his mouth and reached out with his other hand to take a paper offered by a stone-faced Nestanato, who gave a crisp salute after the paper was taken from him and skimmed by Samuil. Stanislav noted that the usually somber face of the general suddenly turned paler than usual, and he took a second to recover before speaking again to the Minister.

“I-It‘s been confirmed. There was a nuclear detonation within District 1, it‘s estimated that the total area affected is a radius of 3 miles, but the radiation and fires are obviously going to spread much further.”

There was silence on the other end of the line, so Samuil continued after obvious hesitation.

“Sergeiveich. We cannot raise any other Ministers at the moment, and the Emperor’s whereabouts are unknown at this time. And we don’t have much of that left. You must give authorization to mobilize our strategic reserves --”

“I don‘t have that sort of authority.”

“-- and be prepared to retaliate swiftly to this threat. We can have planes in the air and on their way within a moments notice, I just need your authorization, Sergeiveich.”

“You realize I will commit treason by ordering you to do this?”

“I don‘t think we have the luxury of following the rules right now.”


“Very well. As the Minister of Defense, authentication code XT7-2102, I am authorizing the mobilization of the entire Strategic arsenal of the Empire to be used at your discretion: launch authorization YJ3-9820” a pause, “what do we do now?”

“Since you have given me total control of Strategic Command, we‘re going to go under the assumption that we‘re under an all out coordinated attack by the Imperial Republic of Cyrupe, The Empire of Restored Belka, and the government of Vortiaganica as outlined in the Firestorm Protocol.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?!” Andreas screamed, his voice crackling from the poor reception, “we don‘t even know who fucking did this you ignorant fool! You will end us all!”

“Thank you for your consideration Sergeiveich,” Samuil droned on, “but as you have already given me authorization to implement what protocols I deem fit, your objections can only be noted.”

“You will burn for this --”

Samuil terminated the call by putting the phone back into its cradle. Stanislav was visibly shocked by what had just happened, but he hid it by keeping his back to the Numaukr and staring at his screen. It was a great relief when Samuil had walked away, but it was short lived as he came onto the intercom shortly afterwards.

“Attention all personnel,” his voice boomed over the chaos erupting in the entire facility, “we are under attack and executing the Firestorm Protocol. The mountain is being sealed, and all personnel are hereby ordered to immediately man their stations. This is not a drill, we are under attack.”

His announcement was followed by the blaring of klaxons, and the massive display screens on the wall transformed into a strategic map of Adrastos, with various assets of its nuclear arsenal marked with their predetermined trajectories outlined with projected damage assements at their impact points, which covered most of Cyrupe and the other targeted nations. Stanislav didn’t know the details of the classified “Firestorm Protocol”, but he did have eyes and ears and access to secure lines of communication. But for now he simply sat as his station in shock as the prologue sounds of war built up around him.

“All stations this is Nest, authorize YJ3-9820 launch Firestorm Protocol.”

”Nest this is District 74 Airbase M4, is this a exercise?”

”District 74 Airbase M4 this is not a exercise.”

The same tune was repeated over and over as the fractured forces of the Empire all stared in disbelief at the orders they were currently getting, which all amounted to the same thing: They’d been attacked, and now they would be wiping out as many ABM systems as possible in an initial, pre-emptive attack before the entire thermonuclear arsenol of the Empire was launched at various 'enemies' throughout Adrastos.

500 kilometers from the Cyrupean border

The B-1b Lancer settled in at an altitude of 14,000 meters along with several more and their compliment of escorts not far behind, and a High Altitude Observation Craft scanning the skies around and ground below with video-feeds and other electronic eyes, along with the Defesian and Cyrupean military frequencies. They were heading towards what many considered the most heavily militarized border in the region of Adrastos, if not the entire planet of Eleftheria.

A formation like this one had not been in the air since the First War of the Coalition in the 60’s, when the Supreme Chancellor had played the ultimate nuclear bluff and watched as city-state after city-state fell to his feet, begging for mercy instead of death by a nuclear firestorm. And this formation was only a single one amongst hundreds that were being flushed, not to mention the submarines sure to be silently preparing near the coast of the once mighty Imperial Republic, ever the most loved ally and most hated enemy of the Empire.

The Captain - Venyagunnar in Defesian - onboard the lead B1 tried to keep his mind off of the fact that he was about to slaughter millions of people by thinking back to his wife and son back in District 46. But it didn’t work, as after the happy thoughts of reuniting with them filled his chest with a muted joy, reality came crashing down along with the realization that he would never see them again.

“Venyagunnar,” one of his pilots remarked, “we are now 20 minutes from target. HAOC reports heavy activity on the ground, there‘s been a lot of skrimishes between border patrols and the Cyrupeans are buzzing like a hive of angry hornets. Communications have been sketchy, but apparently the Cyrupeans have already launched interceptors and they‘ll meet us right on the border if we keep our current speed.”

“Maintain heading and speed,” the Venyagunnar responded, “we‘ll continue on target. We’ve been ordered to wipe out the Cyrupean positions on the border as a prologue to a full retaliatory conventional strike, Command isn‘t clear on how many ABM systems they have deployed on it so we have to hurry; they‘re launching in thirty minutes whether or not our mission is completed so the best we can do is hurt those murdering pigs more than they have us.”

A pause.

“I have a family, Sergeiveich.”

The Venyagunnar turned away to hide the fact he had tears in his eyes now.

“As do I, comrade. As do I.”

“Are we doing the right thing?”

“It doesn’t matter. We have our orders.”

Tuttslay Mountain Complex

“As the acting Numaukr of this facility and your superior officer I am ordering you to stand down.”

The entire control room seemed to be in a state of suspended animation, every screen was running their never-ceasing calculations and spitting up results, with information down to the combat effectiveness of every active brigade in the Shikovundr being listed on the main projection with estimated casualty listings as the skirmishes on the Cyrupean-Defesian border heating up, but all those manning the stations were riveted by the drama playing out in front of their own eyes.

Samuil was standing at the top of the concrete steps to the platform that overlooked the entire control room. Flanking him on either side were 3 security officers in their gray uniforms and weapons raised and leveled at another group in front of them, which was Vaslin - or Colonel - Bedelia Lynnette with several other officers, all of their weapons aimed at Samuil and his retinue. Bedelia had a graceful deadliness to her beauty, with long black hair that fell back over her shoulders just below the acceptable length for an officer of her rank, and even her voice sounded like it could slice through flesh as soon as she had started this confrontation.

“You are grossly overstepping your rank and have committed an act of treason against the Emperor and Senate of the Empire. Under Section IV Article II -”

“DON‘T FUCKING QUOTE THE RULEBOOK AT ME,” Samuil suddenly snarled viciously, startling Bedelia into silence, “we are at war! We don‘t have the luxury of following the Gods damned rulebook anymore! I am going to tell you one last time, lower your weapons or I will kill EVERY LAST FUCKING ONE OF YOU!”

Bedelia could see the barrels of the raised weapons to her sides waver from the corner of her eye, and without time to even blink she had her own 9mm service pistol upholstered and in her hand, raised at Samuils forehead. The speed startled everyone, and let Bedelia respond to the threat of her superior with burning rage in her voice.

“No, Sergeiveich. We will not be the ones that die here today if you do not stand down right now.”

Samuil let out another snarl and took a step forward as if to slap the gun out of Bedelia’s hand and strangle her.

“Listen here you stupid bitch,” he started before the gun went off and a hole the size of a dime appeared in his forehead, with brain tissue and fragments of skull exploding from the back of his head as it snapped back and he crumpled to the floor.

The guards who had been around Samuil were too startled to respond, and they stared in horror with the rest of the audience at the scene that had just unfolded before them. Bedelia coolly holstered her pistol and addressed them.

“It appears that Numaukr Samuil Gunnar is now unable to continue his duties. As the 2nd in command of this facility, I will be giving the orders around here. And my first order is for you to lower your weapons and return to your posts. You can kill me if you want, but that would solve nothing and only make our end inevitable. You will save our race if you choose to stand down, and doom it to destruction if you do not. This is your choice now, my Brothers of the Steppe.”

The guards visibly hesitated a moment, and a flutter of fear shot down Bedelia’s spine, followed by a flood of relief as they lowered their weapons.

“Thank you.”

She hurried down the steps to one of the computer stations, and ordered the man stationed on it to patch her through to Strategic Command. He was still visibly shaken, and almost thought about refusing before the cold stare of the now Numaukr Bedelia convinced him otherwise. She picked up the phone and waited for the encryption to finish, the static clearing up soon and a confused voice demanding to know who was calling.

“This is Numaukr Bedelia Lynnette of the Tuttslay Mountain Complex and all acting Shikovundr under the Articles of Military Conduct. I am ordering a total stand-down of all Strategic forces, and a recall of all deployed assets.”

“Who gave you that authority? What‘s your authentication code?”

Bedelia avoided the question.

“The launch order you received was illegal, and so if you do not obey my command to recall all forces armed with weapons of mass destruction along with every officer of Strategic Command I will have you executed and all conventional forces diverted to shooting every last one of your planes out of the sky and sinking every last submarine we can find. Do you understand me?”

There was silence on the other end of the line, with only the faint crackling of static from the shoddy connection and encryption. Bedelia felt a growing sense of dread that she would have to go forward with her bluff, and idly wondered how many Defesians would willingly open fire on their comrades at the order of a superior. Obedience to authority was burned into every Defesian at a very young age; it was practically in their genes. But the drama that had unfolded in the last hour had undone everything Bedelia had known; the execution of her superior officer was evidence enough.

The sudden voice coming out of the phone startled her back to reality, and she listened very closely. Most everyone in the control room had returned to their station, but without exception all of them gave Bedelia a degree of attention. The tension as the person on the other end of the telephone gave his response - unheard by them - was almost too much to bear.

Bedelia’s posture slumped, and without comment she hung up the phone. Everyone was now fully focused on her as she slowly walked down the aisle towards another telephone, this one marked “CNV CMD DST 6”. She picked it up, and with a voice of ashes she gave the order that would undo a civilization as old as humanity itself.

“This is Numaukr Bedelia Lynnette to all stations, authentication code 5RC-8193. I hereby give the order for the destruction of all deployed assets of Strategic Command. You are to use all available means at your disposal. Eliminate with extreme prejudice and leave no survivors.”

She didn’t wait for a response. Putting the phone back into its cradle gently, she stood where she was, lost in her own world. An audible increase in activity buzzed through headsets and on the main projectors, as first one by one then by multiple counts the icons representing the bombers and active missile silos of Strategic Command turned red and faded away. Confused shouting could be heard as the pilots of the planes who had been told nothing were suddenly engaged by the pilots who had sworn to protect them, and they in turn by those who had refused the order given by Bedelia and fought their comrades-in-arms to continue their mission.

The cries of mercy and confusion and rage could not be turned off, and all of it was channeled to the Control Room, where Bedelia could hear all that she had caused. The horrified gasps and the wide-eyed stars of the men and women who could now do nothing but watch burned on her skin. Her face was as white as snow, and her voice shook as she slowly unholstered her pistol and held it against the side of her head.

“I did my duty for the Empire.” she whispered before pulling the trigger.
Last edited by North Defese on Tue May 22, 2012 7:47 pm, edited 7 times in total.
"One minute Defesian logic is all happy and joyish with some seriousness involved. Then suddenly you look into the context and notice a brutal, bloody wording.
And you're like 'Holy shit, Defese is terrifying.'" - Restored Belka
The Defesian National Anthem
Pro: good things :)
Con: bad things >:(

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Posts: 1342
Founded: May 22, 2010

Postby Cyrupe » Mon Mar 05, 2012 7:33 pm

Spring Carnival
Kaltz, Cyrupe

Spring Carnival was in full force. Celebrated a week before the official start of the season it was named for, it was a popular event throughout the Imperial Republic. Many cities hosted their own versions of the Carnival, but none surpassed the one in its birthplace: Kaltz. Music was heard faintly in the distance, but the drone of jet engines high above drowned it out. To any attendee of Carnival this marked a beginning of the most anticipated event of the first day. The air parade.

On the ground by a cotton candy stand, a young blond-haired child sat on the shoulders of her father. She gazed up into the sky as her father did something she was not paying attention to. She pointed up to the planes above and spoke. "Daddy, daddy! Look up."

Breaking his attention from the transaction with the cotton candy stand, he saw six planes in a triangle formation above. "Are those the planes?" She asked with an excited tone of voice.

"I think they are!" He chuckled and smiled before returning to finishing the transaction quickly. Cotton candy in hand, he took several steps back and turned so he and his daughter could see the planes better. They were expecting daring maneuvers and colorful smoke in the empty afternoon sky. The planes did none of that, instead they just continued on their westward bound path at high speed. They, amongst many others who soon gathered near them, watched as the planes spread out significantly into a line shape and soon disappeared into the distance. The only reminder they had been there being the faint echo of engines and a slight contrail that had formed from their exhaust.

A blanket of silence came over the group for a minute before they once more heard the boom of jet engines. Unlike the planes, which came from the east, which were painted in the traditional military light gray, the planes that came from the north were painted in colorful variations of blues and red. Almost immediately they began aligning themselves into formations and doing simple aerial tricks such as rolls and twists and more complex ones such as two planes above one another, with one flying upside down. Also unlike their counterparts that had rapidly disappeared, they occasionally released colorful smoke. While some in the crowd loudly speculated what the first set of planes were doing, most were too busy to care while looking at the tricks above them and hearing the music around them.

Little did the crowd know or care that the Republic's war machine was coming alive towards a threat in the west. A threat directed not only towards the Imperial Republic, but quite possibly all of Eleftheria.

Interceptor Group 6B3Z

The planes that flew over Spring Carnival were clearly not for entertainment. They were MiG-31 interceptors, and were heading towards the Cyrupean-Defesian border towards a looming Defesian threat. The land below them was almost a blur with the aircraft traveling at Mach 1.3. They were launched to meet Defesian bombers carrying what was assumed a nuclear load before they had a chance to strike. It was the first real Cyrupean-Defesian conflict in several hundred years and, if not handled carefully, could possibly result in the end of the region as it was known.

The pilots of the aircraft were silent mostly, with the exception of a few uttered words involving direction, with all of them making the peace needed to know that they had a fair chance of not returning to their homes at the end of the day. The tensions rose as they came closer and closer to the borders, ready to strike down anything in their paths yet faced with the difficult realization of a possible war with the harbinger of death itself: Defese.

100 kilometers from the border

The non-mandated radio silence the pilots of the interceptors had was suddenly broken from home command.

"Little Bird report in, this is home command."

"Little Bird-1 in." The line of reporting in continued until the last one. "Little Bird-6 in." A moment of silence was taken by home command before their response.

"Little Bird, redirect to Airbase Zulu-Alpha. Maintain on ready alert to launch again. Radar reports are showing hostile bombers being shot down by their escorts. Radio intercepts showing likelihood of bombers being rogue planes."

"Roger that. Little Bird redirecting to Airbase Zulu-Alpha."

The interceptors reduced their airspeed and began to turn away from the border, their pilots surprised at the outcome of the event. After a mere 10 minutes of flight, they approached Airbase Zulu-Alpha, also known as Thunder Path AFB, and one by one landed and taxied off its runways. They were parked closely together and a small horde of workers came out to place ladders on the sides of the cockpits for the pilots to exit. The planes' cockpits opened with a slight hiss and hinged almost all the way to the side. Once they were out of their aircraft, they were directed to the mess hall and the workers began maintenance on the aircraft almost immediately. Glass was cleaned, fuel was pumped, and parts were checked for wear. Within minutes, the aircraft were ready to go once more upon receiving the order to launch.

The six pilots, upon making their way to the mess hall, sat down near a window with their food trays and looked outside. Squadrons of FP-19 fighters were being scrambled, though their configuration looked to be that of a bomber rather than a fighter. Perhaps retaliation? On the other hand, more likely defense if the Defesians were assaulting the border. They took off one by one and quickly turned to the direction of the border before they were out of eyesight.

"That was fairly anti-climactic," Major Andrew Ellwood stated. "Not that I'm disappointed or anything," he corrected himself, "Last thing I want is a war against our friends out there." He rubbed his slightly wrinkled forehead and partially unzipped his flight suit, revealing a plain black t-shirt and lightly tanned skin.

"While we would probably have a slight advantage in combat, it's a war Adrastos as a whole simply does not need. Two titans clashing in everyone's backyard while we are having enough struggles in our homelands is something I'd rather pass on." Captain Allyson Vivanco chuckled before taking a large drink off of her glass of water. "What we do need is to be put off the active intercept roster so we can 'celebrate' our glorious 'victory' over our 'barbaric' neighbors."

The others laughed and quickly wolfed down their meals, waiting for any order to get back into their aircraft and head back towards the border once more.

"I almost feel sorry for the Defesians." First Lieutenant Mathew Hosack chimed in, breaking silent contemplation. "Not their leaders. No, their leaders are only responsible for bloodshed. I feel sorry for their people. They have no choice in these matters. They are dragged into skirmishes, wars, and those god-awful 'reformations' and at the end of the day, they are lied to. Told the outside world only wishes to kill them, to rape their women and burn their children by their hypocritical leaders who do exactly that."

"Isn't the world hypocritical, Mathew?" Ellwood responded. "Certainly the Defesians are a prime offender in Adrastos, but not even our homeland is free from such twisted little lies here and there. All while condemning others for it just the same. Be it in Adrastos or throughout all of Eleftheria, our world is a hypocritical one." He looked out the window and watched yet more planes took off in similar configuration to the first ones.

"But enough of that. We're military men, after all." Ellwood adjusted his seating to be slightly closer to Captain Vivanco, who quickly pushed him back to his original spot. "The big bad bitches. We are not supposed to be part of a damn debate club here, we are the air force. And let's be frank here, our government pays us to blow shit up, not talk about the ethics of doing it."

Cyrupean-Defesian border Sector C8N1

Skirmishes on the border had been going on for several hours. Rumors were spreading that the clashes were little more than rogue units out of the control of the Defesian government. Unlike the Cyrupean units stationed at the border, the units they had clashed with were not trained to the same standards, and quickly retreated whenever they realized they were not going to break through the line. Dead were scattered lightly throughout the area, some Cyrupean and some Defesian. The roar of jet engines was heard overhead as yet another Defesian skirmish was about to begin. Flying mere hundreds of meters off the ground, the FP-19s released portions of their payloads at the aggressors firing off in the distance. Shots ceased as screams of agony were heard and the fireball rose high into the sky behind the wake of the aircraft.

Napalm. Eternal flame. Destroyer of all that was in its way and one of the most feared psychological weapons in the Cyrupean arsenal. Only chemicals such as Comanche were more feared, and unlike napalm were significantly restricted in their use due to their nature. "How many more lives must they destroy to realize we won't fall?" Jamie Kirklin, a medic operating near the front lines muttered to himself. He keeled down next to a wounded soldier, dressing the wounds as best he could before sending the man back behind the lines to a nearby medic station.

Silence once more fell as the echoes of the napalm's effects disappearing much like its smoke. Burnt ground remaining as the only sign it was there. Another cruelty of war, if the skirmishes along the border could even could even be called war.

While skirmishes were few in number, the fact the combat had been going on for several hours was starting to show in morale. They were tired, and while waiting for additional support there were few options to sleep or rest before one had to return to the fight. All along the border soldiers buzzed like angry Hornets, defending the homeland from assault by Defesians.

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Postby Vortiaganica » Tue Mar 06, 2012 12:46 am

Havenport Suburbia (Illyria Hills)

The sun was glowing, much like a pregnant woman. It glowed rarely, especially nowadays. The smog of the new, huge factories sprouting up with the Fatherland's flag atop their state-mandated flagpoles meant that the slums looked every bit as rough as they were. Indeed, the government fostered the dystopian societies and gangs forming the order of the slums - some would say as a cost-cutting measure for the betterment of the nation, some say a foray into a contained anarchic community within an authoritarian state, and even others claim it a sick game by the Emperor, a breeding group for escapism and a perfect cradle for propaganda to convince the outside world that control and law really needs to be enforced with an iron fist and a leather wallet.

Today, the sun clipped the tops of the roofs - rare, as the Fatherland was even on the best of days rather foggy, particularly near the coastal Havenport. Granted, Illyria Hills had always been relatively clean and tidy, compared to most other parts of the slum. Illyria Hills was ruled by one group, much like the rest of 'suburbia'. The Illyrian Bullwhistles were originally a pagan group, unique even in the Fatherland. At first, they were a highly spiritualistic group worshiping masculinity, and bulls. Now, they were a criminal gang - still as sexist as always, but with less of a sacrificial modus operandi and more of a financial one. As all gangs, they only stayed in power as long as the Men-at-Arms did not foray into their side of town. The Men-at-Arms is a cute name, no? They are also known as the gendarmerie, the secret police, the Emperor's Knife. A violent group, they are the law of the law - when the uniformed services require policing, the Men-at-Arms are there to perform it. They also served to put down, with force, any subversive activities by the many criminal gangs in the Fatherland.

The Illyrian Bullwhistles were one of many gangs who owed much of their financial safety to the Men-at-Arms. Their cash and assets were registered with the Men-at-Arms - if they fail to keep order, and the favor of the Crown falls on a competitor, one day they may just wake up and find themselves without affiliations. As long as they keep the Crown at their backs, the lucrative protection rackets and prostitution rings popular with the poor were theirs to monopolize in the Illyrian Hills. Part of the job they serve to the government? Control of arms.

They were just one of the groups of militants who the government could depend upon to repel a faceless enemy - they may be criminals, but they know as well as any citizen what happens if they turn their back to a Defesian and run to a Uniformed - the reward of fighting for the Crown is as much a performance enhancer as the threat of death. Entire blocks of slum dwellings have been torched and their inhabitants gunned down before - gangs who do not pay their dues are forced to pay in blood.

The Illyrian Bullwhistles were led, of course, by a gangleader. Former circus-clown. Tall, lightly tanned with dark-skin to begin with, and a shaved head. Years of work in the underworld have left him with a couple of scars and a toned body. His forte was the protection racket - a gang promises to protect a shopkeeper's stores in return for a cut of the profit, and sometimes to keep competition out. The shopkeeper agrees because otherwise, he is competition, and because money to a friendly gang is more valuable than money to a neighbour - patriotism is important in the underworld. Even in the poor slums, criminals find a way. Drugs are common in the denser areas, in exchange for tight personnel contracts and steep prices - in some cases, slave-agreements so vile that they are illegal even here in the Fatherland.

It was people like this who really served as the backbone of the Fatherland military. People like this who knew what was really going on with the government. It was people like this who knew about the Defesian mobilization before, unbeknownst to them, some of the slower Defesians did. Fear was the Emperor's greatest weapon.

Terror is as much a tool as loyalty.

It was at this moment that the Illyrian Bullwhistles were the first gang to take control of their sector - families were holed up, children forced off the street and every able man was warned to keep their weapons at hand. By a quarter to three, much of the nation was either living in fear or living off adrenaline.

Except of course for the Men-at-Arms. They are, some say, required to control their adrenaline so they can think coolly until they rip a civvy's head off. That's an exaggeration, for adrenaline is a favored drink of those in law enforcement around here. When every day is lived in the shadow of an empire as large and even more ancient than yours, adrenaline is not an addiction but a necessity in the armed forces. That is what the Father's police force amounts to.
The Grim Reaper in Disguise

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Postby Lamoni » Wed Mar 07, 2012 4:14 am

Mulifanua, Fenestra

Things had started quietly enough in this part of the newest colony in the Lamonian Colonial Holdings. The Lamonian backed Colonial Unification Government was operating as efficiently as it ever did, and the Lamonian military was maintaining order until a local police force could be established, their members trained by special detachments of the Lamonian National Police. The people were going about their business, with a surprising fraction of them working to construct buildings for all the new Lamonian businesses that were coming to the colony, lured by the promise of expanding their economic reach. That they were improving the economy of Fenestra was something winked at by the business owners, even if it did happen by the simple expedient that these companies were setting up shop in Fenestra in the first place.

Since the local clans here had tired of warring amongst themselves, none of them had felt that any of the powers in the region of Adrastos would help them without totally dominating their lives. However, they didn't want to give any one nation total control over their territory. So it was that the local clans had made appeals to Lamoni and Yohannes, both of which were known to have excellent economies, as well as their own colonies, which had been doing well for themselves under the tutelage of their parent nations. Lamoni had been granted an area with a large coastline, which was fine when it came to fishing and trade, but provided more of a challenge for defense, this far from the Lamonian homeland. This was part of the reason why the Lamonians were training their Fenestran colonists to use second-line military equipment, which they would pay to equip themselves with. This would reduce the need for more costly units of the Lamonian Military to defend the colony, while at the same time allowing the Lamonians to concentrate their time and efforts on improving the economy of Fenestra. In one example, the Lamonians had provided the Fenestrans with Type 12 Patrol Craft (http://z4.invisionfree.invalid/NSDraftroom/index.php?showtopic=3187), which were strong enough to be able to provide surface protection for Fenestra's coastline, while the Fenestrans served under Lamonian officers.

At the same time, Lamonian officers were also instructing Fenestran crews on the use of Divinus class diesel-electric submarines (http://z4.invisionfree.invalid/NSDraftroom/index.php?showtopic=10805). It was one of these submarines that had first detected multiple unknown contacts heading toward Fenestra. The FRLS Fenestra was located twenty-four kilometers from Lamonian territorial waters, but the only contacts that should be out this way so far would be Lamonian or Yohannesian ships. Even then, Yohannesian ships would not be on course toward Lamonian territorial waters like these contacts were. For now, the Captain of the Fenestra decided that he would keep watch on these contacts, and see what they did. If they were to pose a threat to his command or to Fenestra, then he would blow them to hell.
National Anthem
Resides in Greater Dienstad. (Former) Mayor of Equilism.
I'm a Senior N&I RP Mentor. Questions? TG me!
Licana on the M-21A2 MBT: "Well, it is one of the most badass tanks on NS."

Vortiaganica: Lamoni I understand fully, of course. The two (Lamoni & Lyras) are more inseparable than the Clinton family and politics.

Triplebaconation: Lamoni commands a quiet respect that carries its own authority. He is the Mandela of NS.

Part of the Meow family in Gameplay, and a GORRAM GAME MOD! My TGs are NOT for Mod Stuff.

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North Defese
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Postby North Defese » Thu Mar 15, 2012 3:40 pm

I apologize for the delay, but RL has gotten really busy. I will resume posting within this week.
"One minute Defesian logic is all happy and joyish with some seriousness involved. Then suddenly you look into the context and notice a brutal, bloody wording.
And you're like 'Holy shit, Defese is terrifying.'" - Restored Belka
The Defesian National Anthem
Pro: good things :)
Con: bad things >:(

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North Defese
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Postby North Defese » Tue Mar 20, 2012 10:06 pm

District 67

The sun was just beginning its lazy crawl back down towards the horizon, slightly obscured by the sinister columns of black smoke being belched into the sky towards the west. The streets were usually packed with people by this time; the District was a prime commercial hub. But the Inner City Defense Force had blocked access to the avenue slicing down the District and connecting streets for a government motorcade. The white BTR’s blocking the roads had sirens mounted on the top of them, with an added yellow stripe running horizontally around the entire vehicle as the final feature distinguishing it as a tool of the civilian police force.

The motorcade consisted of 3 black SUV’s, with tinted windows that kept anyone from looking inside and seeing the men within. Andreas Maragos was safely seated in the middle SUV, surrounded by two bodyguards on his side and two officials seated opposite of him. One was an older looking Vaslin, with hair that was just beginning to gray and a uniform that he obviously had rushed to put on last minute, as the creases and his messy hair would have resulted in a good flogging under other circumstances. The other one was a young, flustered looking woman named Earlene who had been elected into the Senate only a year ago. Under ideal circumstances it would have been the President of the Senate who accompanied Andreas, who at the moment held power over most of the civilian government, which is exactly the reason that the female senator was so flustered.

“You cannot simply do whatever you want, Sergeiveich Maragos!” she cried, “there are steps that need to be taken, this isn’t in the Constitution!”

“You mean the one we never finished or formalized, Sergeiveich Earlene?” Andreas shot back.

“It’s a living document, one that we adapt to fit different circumstances!”

“So you’re saying what I’m doing can be seen as constitutional?”

It was all Earlene could do to not punch Andreas in his smug face. But unable to form a verbal equivalent, she switched topics.

“Then what about the Shikovundr? How in the Emperors name do you plan on cleaning up that mess?! You subverted proper procedure, gave yourself dictatorship-like power with no legal basis! We don’t even know how many officers have been executed by their own men, and the entire situation is escalating!

She felt herself get caught up in the moment, rhetoric and ideologies consuming her and amplifying her rage beyond what she had first intended. But before she could take a breath and continue her rant, Andreas shot forward and grabbed her neck with both hands. The sentence that she was about to shout instead came out as a terrified, gurgled squeak as the steel grip painfully squeezed tightly around her exposed neck while her own helplessly tried to pry them off.

"Listen here you ignorant bitch" he seethed, staring into her wide, terrified eyes, "the Emperor is dead. Everyone above me in the civilian government is dead. Our capital is fucking gone. Wiped off the face of Eleftheria and thrusting us into the middle of a war."

He released her and sat back while she gasped and gulped for air.

“The outbreak of insurrection is the result of foreign sabotage. The Shikovundr can’t have mass mutiny. Don’t be absurd.” They are unquestionably loyal to the State – which is me, in this case. Watch.”

He turned his gaze to the Vaslin sitting next to Earlene.

“Sergeiveich Vaslin,” he snapped, “unholster your firearm.”

The older Vaslin blinked, but did as he asked while the two bodyguards next to Andreas shared a quick glance.

“Point it at Sergeiveich Earlene here and shoot her.”

Earlene released a bloodcurdling scream and scrambled back against the door as the Vaslin brought the gun to bear. She begged for her life as tears streamed down her face. The end of the gun wavered slightly as the Vaslin hesitated, all while Andrea calmly watched the ordeal.

“I have a family please no -”

“Don’t lie to get sympathy now, Sergeiveich.”

“Please I don’t want to die!”

“What happened to the brave, defiant Senator from earlier? Shoot her.”

The Vaslin pulled the trigger without further hesitation. The shot was unbearably loud in the confines of the SUV, and everyone but Andreas winced as their ears began to ring. There was a sudden squawking on the radios as the other cars in the convoy wondered what the hell just happened. It only took a few minutes to explain the situation and dump the body off the side of the road.

200 kilometers inside Cyrupean territory

Alexander Marek sat on the edge of the BTR, his LAN-47 assault rifle sling over his back and his dark gray camouflage uniform almost blending in with the same design on the BTR he – along with a handful of other men not wanting to walk in the convoy- was wearing. His uniform, while rather bulky, could not hide that Alexander had a very bulky frame. He was 6’9”, tall even for Defesian standards. He had broad shoulders, with heavyset arms that hid muscle without looking like enlarged melons. His dark gray military cut hair was hidden beneath his arm helmet. He turned his head from the conversation he was having to watch the convoy pass a few Prokhor marching down the avenue on the edge of the road. They were only a small part of the larger battalion channeling through this Cyrupean village. While the entire battalion couldn’t ride atop the BTR’s, Alexander’s rank of Odintyr meant he had slightly more privileges than the Prokhor forced to walk alongside the behemoth. The other men on the BTR were part of his fire team along with some other men Alexander didn’t know. They were all being taxied towards the front, where a Cyrupean brigade had formed a hasty defense to keep the Defesian forces from overrunning a military installation almost 2 kilometers behind their lines. Alexander didn’t get here in time – almost an hour prior – to witness the brief but fierce battle between an advance Defesian company and a Cyrupean platoon entrenched in the town.

The resulting battle between them and the rest of the battalion had leveled half the town. The occupying Defesians then leveled the rest. Looking around, Alexander saw nothing but hallowed husks of buildings that had been put to the torch. The occasional scream pierced the otherwise somber atmosphere and rogue Defesian soldiers claimed another Cyrupean woman as a prize. Alexander felt a pang of hatred with each fresh cry; discipline was pathetic with the Prokhor. He watched as more and more houses in varying degrees of ruin passed by. But then he saw something. A small doll laying on the sidewalk beside the road, forgotten by its owner. The home behind it looked untouched by the surrounding devastation that had befallen the town. The lawn was well cut and only added to the pleasant atmosphere of the home. It spoke murmured whispers of a forgotten time. A time before devastation. Before war. Before suffering. A time where a mother could sit out on the porch and watch as her child rode his bike around the street, or just sit in her arms while they both watched the sun as it slipped below the horizon. Alexander could almost hear the voices of the children who used to live in the home, asking when the bad men would go away. He felt a weight drop in his stomach as he realized that he was one of the bad men.

It broke him. Knowing that the little girl the doll belonged to was dead and it was his fault for blindly following orders, it broke him more completely than anything his instructors had ever done before. His countrymen were killing men and women who had lived normal lives before they were dragged into the horrors of a war they didn’t understand. Everything Alexander had known; the lies, and the propaganda, were stripped away. A lifetime of being told that these people – these foreigners – were doing everything in their power to exterminate everything he had known and loved, al of the things he had sworn to defend to his dying breath… All of it was torn from his eyes with that single discarded doll. He saw the truth now. He saw what he was left with.


“Sergeiveich Odintyr Alexander?” Jacob Grovski, one of Alexander's Prokhor, spoke up curiously, “why are you staring at that house?”

“Better than staring into the sun.” Alexander responded numbly.

“Whatever, man. Hey, do you think we’ll get to kill any Cyrupean assholes? I feel like giving them some overdue justice; more than their bitches are already getting, ha!”

Alexander blinked. He brought his gun up and squared it level at Jacobs chest.

“Do not ever joke about that ever again.”

“What the fuck are you –“

Before the scene could escalate, they were interrupted by a plane screaming across the sky. It looked Defesian by the unique markings on the bottom of the wings. It passed the town within seconds, racing towards the Cyrupean line. Suddenly it looked like everything the Cyrupeans had were being thrown up at the plane, which rose sharply as the tracers sliced up the air around it. A single missile shot out from the bottom of the plane just before it broke off, retreating back towards the Defesian lines. The lone missile shot towards the earth, and Alexander tracked its trajectory. It looked like it was going to hit somewhere behind the li --

Searing pain. Blindness. He registered falling forward off the side of the BTR and slamming into the ground on his side before immediately falling unconscious. The same happened to anyone who saw the tactical nuke detonate behind Cyrupean lines. It, along with several more just now blossoming on Cyrupean soil near the border, were the first stage in an overall attack plan that would never be concluded. The planes that had survived the attacks by fellow Defesian planes, or even those out of radio contact with the rest of the Shikovundr, had continued on with their missions, wiping out military bases and major ABM systems in Soviet Martilla and The Imperial Republic of Cyrupe. More were still on their way towards The Fatherland and the islands of Lamatica.

District 9

Screams. That’s the first thing Julius Lubomir heard when officers burst into his barracks. He had bolted out of bed along with everyone else, struggling to put on their uniforms and equipment under the abuse of their officers, screaming at them to hurry up. They were loud enough to drown out the sirens blaring outside throughout the District. When he had finally got his uniform on and had his equipment all prepared with the rest of his platoon, they were marched outside haphazardly.

Gunfire. Julius had heard it before, obviously. But never like this. It never ceased, and seemed to come from all around. Darting his eyes around, he almost stopped in horror as he realized what the noise was. The gun towers mounted above the cement walls of the military base were firing indiscriminately, mowing down civilians just outside the walls. That’s what he had heard earlier. There was a massacre going on all around him. How did they sleep through that?
Their officers brought them before the head of the military base, a mean looking female Askarkdim, the Defesian equivalent of “Lieutenant Colonel”. Her fierce gaze was matched by the graceful curves of her body, and it brought to Julius’ mine of an eloquently forged blade ready to strike.

“Men!” She snapped at them ferociously, “we are under attack! Do you hear that? A horde of vermin and scum are trying to break down our walls! To throw their weak and sick children at our feet and beg for help while they loot our stores! Already reports have come that the same has happened in two other sites, with refugees overwhelming the garrisons! These are no longer your countrymen, but the enemy! You are hereby ordered to mow down these pathetic worms, lest they rob us of the very things we need to fight back the foreign aggressors we now find breaking down our gates!”

And that was it. That was all they got. The officers, the Nestanatos and Nestkilms, all shouted and blustered and got them sorted in three ranks in front of the steel gates of the building. Sandbags were being placed before they were hustled outside, and the makeshift fortifications were already halfway completed. He didn’t really think about what was happening or what he was about to do. Julius just stood where he was, in the first rank, in a formation that wouldn’t have been uncommon centuries ago in the Old Empire.

“You are to shoot as soon as they step inside!” he heard a voice, probably the Askarkdim’s, shout at them again, “let none of them in! The rest will falter and rout when they see the hopelessness of breaking inside!”

A klaxon blared. The machineguns stopped, and swiveled towards the front gate. The thick steel walls began parting. Julius locked eyes with the first civilian as she – it was a woman – wrenched through the opening just as it started parting. Her shirt was drenched with blood, and she held a bundle of blankets in her arms clutched to her chest.

“Ready weapons!”

They hoisted their assault rifles. The woman slipped through and ran at them, begging in a local dialect they couldn’t understand as more and more people, some wounded from the chaotic anarchy of the city or the complexes defenses, were being held up, carried, or even dragged through the entrance. The woman was closer now. Her eyes were puffy and red, and her steps quick and frantic.

”A doctor, I need a doctor please” she was shouting at them, holding out the bundle of blankets to them, ”my child they hurt my child-”


Nothing happened. Most of the mob swarmed around the men, who stood rigid and firm like a single stone in the middle of a stream. The refugees raced towards the supply depot or the medical building, sobbing and crying and begging for help from someone – anyone. Julius turned around, and pointed his gun at the female officer, who was screaming at them in incoherent rage. She was threatening them with floggings, with torture, with decimation. That all stopped when a quarter sized hole appeared in her forehead and her brains splattered on the wall behind her. She was dead before she hit the ground.

Similar stories played out across the entire Empire. Panicked mobs of civilians, impressed from birth that the calm, loving embrace of the State would protect them, swarmed military bases. They had no power, there was anarchy in the streets, and a mushroom cloud was rising over the cultural and political center of their country. They had nowhere else to go. So the Shikovundr were ordered to turn their guns on the men and women they had taken an oath to protect. In some cases the imprinted demand for loyalty won out, and the death toll rose a bit higher. But more turned their guns around on their officers and allowed the People safe entry, swearing never to obey anyone but those they were now safeguarding from the tyranny that they had just realized existed.

The final pieces had fallen into place. It wasn’t a mutiny. It wasn’t a coup. It wasn’t a civil war. It was revolution. The Final Reformation had begun.

If I didn't respond to your post, I apologize. I just found it difficult to write a response for if it was mostly an internal mobilization thing or the reaction of your government with no external action going on. Plus I had to get all the major internal plot points finished before I devoted more of the 'rogue soldiers in X attack Y' bits that should draw you all in this conflict a bit more.

After this post all the 'rogue' elements of the Shikovundr will start having a merry time around Adrastos. Using this map as a quick reference:
Last edited by North Defese on Tue May 15, 2012 11:45 pm, edited 3 times in total.
"One minute Defesian logic is all happy and joyish with some seriousness involved. Then suddenly you look into the context and notice a brutal, bloody wording.
And you're like 'Holy shit, Defese is terrifying.'" - Restored Belka
The Defesian National Anthem
Pro: good things :)
Con: bad things >:(

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Postby Lamoni » Fri Mar 30, 2012 5:49 am

By this point, the FRLS Fenestra had been joined by three other Divinus class SSKs, who had been tasked with the mission of keeping an eye on the suspicious ships, and to fire upon them only if they themselves were fired upon. So far, each of the SSKs were twelve kilometers from each of the others, their passive sonars listening in on whatever sounds that their suspicious sonar contacts made, trying to determine who they were, in comparison to stored sonar records of ships which had been found previously.

At least one ship had been identified as belonging to North Defese, but as they were still in international waters, there wasn't much that could be done about them as yet. Thus, the captains of these diesel-electric submarines waited and watched as the foreign ships did whatever it was that they were doing.
National Anthem
Resides in Greater Dienstad. (Former) Mayor of Equilism.
I'm a Senior N&I RP Mentor. Questions? TG me!
Licana on the M-21A2 MBT: "Well, it is one of the most badass tanks on NS."

Vortiaganica: Lamoni I understand fully, of course. The two (Lamoni & Lyras) are more inseparable than the Clinton family and politics.

Triplebaconation: Lamoni commands a quiet respect that carries its own authority. He is the Mandela of NS.

Part of the Meow family in Gameplay, and a GORRAM GAME MOD! My TGs are NOT for Mod Stuff.

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Founded: May 22, 2010

Postby Cyrupe » Tue Apr 03, 2012 10:00 am

Cyrupean Capitol Hall

Clatter of plates was heard in the distance, interrupting the otherwise quiet talking amongst guests of the Cyrupean Capitol Hall. All guests of President Harden in what amounted to little more than a desperate attempt to buy her already swaying campaign donators. The dining room of the Capitol building was grand at the very least. Royal blue carpeting, long mahogany tables, silk table sheets, and even gold plates adorned the room. Hanging high off the ceiling sat two large crystal chandeliers which bathed the entire room in a gentle yet bright light. Guests of seemingly all political walks of life and ages sat up and down the table, chatting at one another quietly in their expensive suits and dresses while waiting for Harden herself to begin her speech. It seemed for just a moment those in the room had forgotten about the war that raged thousands of kilometers away at the Cyrupean-Defesian border. If it was even a war at all.

Eventually Harden appeared from behind double doors at one end of the room. All eyes were upon her and only her. A waiter quickly scuttled back into the kitchen after depositing a basket of fresh bread in the center of the table but looked through the window of the kitchen door towards the podium where Harden was to speak. She walked down the left side of the table and quickly climbed up the short steps to where a mobile podium had been placed, an area typically reserved for musical instruments but rarely used for it's upcoming purpose.

Harden broke the silence with an unfeminine sneeze, resulting in muffled chuckles and the occasional eye roll from the stuffier of the crowd. "Excuse me," she muttered into the microphone before adjusting her pose slightly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I thank you all for being here tonight. Further, I thank you for any contributions you may decide to make towards my reelection campaign." Harden droned on needlessly in her typically self-centered fashion over politics for a minute or two before a security agent approached her to the side and whispered into her ear. At first her face was expressionless, although that quickly changed to a mixed expression of concern and fear as the agent had informed her of the situation. After a tense moment of the crowd looking at the whispering discussion taking place, Harden resumed her speech and the agent left the stage to stand by the door.

"I hope you all have a wonderful night tonight, and have a safe trip home when you do depart. Enjoy your meals!" Departing from the same side of the stage she had entered it on, Harden quickly b-lined towards the agent she had spoken to who quickly opened the door for her and closed it behind him as he left as well. He put his hand to his mouth and coughed out of reaction to Harden's perfume, though he did his best to attempt to end it as quickly as possible.

"Has anyone else been informed?" Harden asked as they duo hurried down the otherwise empty hall towards the back of the complex.

"Yes ma'am." The agent replied hurriedly. "Your cabinet has been informed of the situation and are currently en route to the same secure location as you." Eventually the two exited the building and into a small courtyard with identical sedans idling, waiting only for Harden before departing on their short trip. Harden entered the back seat of the rear sedan, her temporary bodyguard entering mere moments later from the opposite side. A last gust of the early spring air came through the vehicle before the doors were closed, soon overwhelmed by the vehicle's heating system.

"You didn't do a very good job of explaining the situation to me agent. . ." she trailed off, waiting for the man to state his name to her.

"Saulter, Mrs. President. It was imperative to begin evacuating you quickly, I intended to brief you fully on the situation on our way to your location." The agent pulled a seat belt across his chest and locked it in. Harden did the same shortly after the convoy began exiting the courtyard.

"Well then," Harden snapped, "Go on with it."

"Yes ma'am." The agent stated before continuing. "As you were informed earlier today our interceptors had met Defesian bombers -- likely ones carrying nuclear payloads. Radar reports showed that the bombers were being shot down, but not by our own aircraft. Defesian escort aircraft had shot down their bombers heading towards our borders."

The vehicle jostled for a moment, hitting a pothole in a back road that the convoy was taking to avoid attention and interrupting the briefing.

"It was very likely the aircraft were not controlled by the Defesian government. It's more than likely a coup d'état, or very possibly a reformation with blame of recent nuclear strikes within their own borders against us. Over all, it is likely their former government is not in control anymore, and whatever remains seems to be lashing out towards whatever it can."

"Has there been any further nuclear activity from the Defesians, Agent Saulter?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact. The Defesians have made several tactical strikes near the border. Namely ABM systems, and a small military outpost about 200 kilometers into the border. They also have troops within our borders, roughly the same distance inwards from the outpost, and have leveled a small town of maybe 15,000 after the unit stationed nearby was wiped out. A handful of people who've managed to escape deeper into the country have reported what is typical of the Defesians. Their discipline is horrid at best, and the vast majority apparently have their minds turned more to quote 'prizes' end-quote if the survivors are to be believed."

There was a moment of silence as the convoy pulled up into a small fenced off area. They exited the vehicles and walked down a gravel path towards a small set of blast doors that sat open. Through the doors they could see a long ramp dug down into the earth and another set of blast doors protecting the interior of the facility from the remainder of the outside world. A handful of soldiers stood at attention, guns swung over their shoulders in preparation to fire at any unwelcome entities should any arrive.

"I'm assuming the media knows?"

"Almost would have to -- the Defesians aren't known for the subtlety in their invasions, and only a fool wouldn't see the infamous mushroom cloud faintly on the horizon."

"A fool, or one with a pocket full of cash, Agent Saulter." Harden smirked.

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Posts: 115
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Postby Lamatica » Thu Apr 12, 2012 4:53 pm

The press room was packed with reporters and onlookers, all chattering amongst themselves or looking out the large glass windows that gave a pleasant view towards the beach only a few minutes walk away. Spring was coming to the Isles and as a result tourists were flocking to Stillbeach, but most of them were hiding away inside their hotels, for fear of the harsh heat wave that had rolled over Lamatica like a fat, lazy cat.

A few officials dressed in typical formal attire strode onto the stage and stood on either side of the podium while one of them quickly addressed the gathered reporters, letting them know that the Prime Minister would be out shortly. All of the reporters hushed and faced the stage, waiting for the Edwin Fitz to give his address. And within half a minute, he did. Edwin looked less formal that one would think a Prime Minister; he was wearing a simple light blue button-up shirt with white dress pants, with his light brown hair neatly brushed over. He stood behind the podium after thanking his assistant and cleared his throat.

“Ladies and gentlemen -- thank you for coming here today. As you know, we’re here to discuss the recent passing of HB 0850, which will increase the budget of the Navy by 3.2% every year for the next 5 years -- it’s one of the most controversial to date, and I hope this will alleviate some of the publics concerns.”

Hands shot up immediately, and Edwin picked one in the front; a young, attractive blonde.

“Lucy Bica, Lettican News,” she addressed herself as she rose, “Mr. Prime Minister, how does the House expect to pay for this increase when there are also proposals to increase spending on healthcare or education? Are we expecting cuts anywhere else to cover this?”

“It is my firm belief that bake sales will make up most of the cost.” Edwin responded, deadpan. It got a laugh from the crowd, which he ate up before continuing his response, “but seriously Ms. Bica, the cost is well within acceptable levels. The Lamatican economy is predicted by almost everyone with sense to expand rapidly in the coming years: our trade deficit is already beginning to decline and we may well approach a surplus before the year 2015, while the rest is expected to be covered by a simple .9% increase in the general tax rate. Next question.”

“Gary Love, News Now. Why does the current administration seek to bolster the size of the Navy and Royal Marines? And have you discussed this with the Cyrupean ambassador?”

Edwin was a skilled diplomat and veteran politician, so he didn’t let his annoyance at the reporter show.

“This is a domestic matter. It is of no concern to Cyrupe or any other member of the Dominion and we won‘t specifically seek them out to make them aware of domestic policies. If they or the Empire don’t feel comfortable with our efforts to protect ourselves from the growing pirate threat in the straits, they can raise the issue at the next Dominion session -- Excuse me.”

He leaned away from the microphone as an agent of L.O.S.A. strode towards Edwin and whispered something into his ear. Everyone watched as the Prime Minister suddenly turned a shade paler.

“L-ladies and gentlemen,” he stammered quickly, “this session is over. Please - return to your families.”

The agent put a firm grip on Edwin’s arm and led him off stage, to the bewilderment of everyone left behind. When the two entered the hallway leading towards the back of the building, they were swarmed by several more men dressed in black kelvar riot gear armed with submachine guns. One of them, an middle aged, grizzly man with an assault rifle slung over his shoulder, approached Edwin.

“It‘s real bad, Sir,” he spoke, gesturing the Prime Minister to walk with him, “our agents have reported a massive incident going on within The Empire, and the Cloverfield carrier in the northern strait reported almost a dozen contacts popping up on radar. They were preparing to launch strike teams before we lost contact.”

“By Hilfiger… Who?”

“It‘s the Defesians, sir.”

A chill went up Edwin’s spine. The Defesians: They had conquered the islands centuries ago, forcefully prying the Lamatican and Hoation peoples out of isolationism. Almost three hundred years of raping and exploitation which ended when the Aeynerilis Empire collapsed and the local Defesian inhabitants decimated. But they had come back only a few years ago. This time they were polite as cats, with words dipped in honey and subtle threats that could be lightly waved away as a ‘misunderstanding’ if called out on. No matter what anyone had to say about the Defesians, they all agreed on one thing: They were shrewd and brutally effective diplomats. A Defesian never left the negotiating table without something he wanted.

“What is the response from the Fatherland, our pirate friends down south?”

“We don’t know.”

“What about the Cyrupeans?”

“We don’t know.”

“What do we know?” Edwin asked, exasperated.

They had exited the building and quickly got inside a black, unmarked sedan along with the officer and several bodyguards.

“The contacts engaged one another shortly before entering our airspace. We have two Squadrons of FP-19‘s en route to intercept the stragglers who came out unscathed and are still approaching our air space. They‘ll be in range in…” he checked his watch, “two minutes.”
I roleplay Lamatica as having a population of 340,000,000.
Map of Lamatica:

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North Defese
Posts: 2498
Founded: Jun 21, 2008

Postby North Defese » Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:01 pm

District 67

Andreas Maragos stepped out of the car and was immediately besieged by several of his bodyguards. The surrounding street was blocked off with sandbags, barbed wire, BTR’s, and even a T-90 was wedged between two mountains of sandbags. ICDF and Shikovundr swarmed over the makeshift parameter, and Andreas could see several sharpshooters in the windows of the apartments across the street. All of them were ensuring that the mobs of civilians besieging the barricades couldn’t get through and ransack the Main Operating Base: an apartment building renovated into the main Headquarters of the remaining Loyalist forces throughout the Empire.

As he walked inside, escorted by his heavily armed bodyguards, Andreas noted that he had yet to see any Guardsmen. To him, it would make sense if the most feared, twisted monsters of the Empire were stationed here. But he cast the thought aside as he stepped inside the humid air of the HQ. The old furniture of the lobby had been shoved against the walls or in the corners. There were radios and men manning them lined against the other wall, feeding and receiving constant updates and orders to the loyalist forces in Defese.

In the center a large wooden table with a map of Defese was surrounded by various high ranking officials, with multicolored thumbtacks scattered across it. Andreas had been briefed beforehand of the colors meaning: Red represented Loyalist forces, green represented the rebels, and various other miscellaneous things. To Andreas’ alarm, the majority of the tacks were green; even at the Cyrupean-Defesian border there was an assortment of colors.

“First Minister!” someone called out, prompting everyone in the room to turn and give him a crisp salute.

“Thank you, gentlemen.” Andreas returned the salute enjoying his new title. Since he was the highest ranking government official still alive, the military had been quick to give him a new title. The Shikovundr had to have a civilian government giving the orders after all, otherwise the Rebels would only have one more excuse to continue their struggle. The new leader of the Empire walked over to the table where his last remaining Numaukr stood, and rested his hands on the edge of the table as his body leaned forward intently.

“What‘s the situation, currently? I see a lot of colors that shouldn‘t be here.”

“We apologize for this low-tech accommodations,” one of the older Numaukr said, “but we‘ve lost the Tuttslay Mountain Complex to the traitors, and this is only temporary after all--”

“I didn‘t ask for excuses,” Andreas growled, “I asked for the situation to be explained to me.”

The officer nodded.

“Very well. I am Numaukr Vanya Timofei. This is Numaukr Rodya Boleslav, and Askark Vargolomei Iosif. We’ve been debating ever since you received the new title, and we have come to the decision that you shall be made aware of the Contingencies.”

“The what?”

“Back in the days of Chancellor Nathaniel, the administration spent several years working on several protocols to follow in the event of a ‘Clear and present danger to the continued existence of the Defesian State’. The list currently has 17 Contingencies, ranked by the severity of the response. Since they’re creation, only one of them have been used, and that was Contingency 16. Contingency 16 was put into effect by Chancellor Nathaniel, but most people know it now as the First Reformation.

We’ve gone over the list almost a dozen times. We’ve narrowed it down to Contingency 7.”

Vanya wiped a nervous bead of sweat from his forehead, and turned to Vargolomei. The Askark hesitated, clutching the manila folder to his chest. He almost looked to refuse the unspoken order, but thrust the folder into Vanya’s hand. The young Askark was shaking hard; his hands slick with sweat. Opening the folder, Vanya handed it to Andreas. The First Minister snatched it from him and started skimming through the document. Before he had gotten halfway done, a shiver went up his spine at one of the paragraphs.

“-- wipe out major population centers that have seceded from the Empire with tactical thermonuclear weapons and authorizes the use of biological and biochemical agents on all military forces involved in the insurrection, and also authorizes their use on the civilian population within Districts known or suspected of aiding or harboring rebellious forces to the Empire. In the event of a foreign invasion during the enactment of this contingency all reserve and active regiments of Guardsmen are to be deployed to aid in --”

Andreas hurled the document in Vanyas face. Caught by surprise, the Numaukr threw his hands up to protect his face.

“Are you kidding me!?” the First Minister shouted at them, startling everyone in the room to silence, “we‘re not going to nuke ourselves! Are you insane!? Do you know what happened to the last officer I allowed do something along those lines? He started this ENTIRE mess! You’re not going to make me a scapegoat so you can fulfill your disgusting End Game fantasies!”

Vanya slowly lowered his arms as the papers fluttered to the floor. The eyes of Vargolomei were wide and staring at Vanya, along with the eyes of everyone else in the room. The Numaukr was old, with his black hair covered in gray and his face wrinkled and lean. But he moved forward swiftly, and without hesitation grabbed Andreas’ wrist. Using his other hand, the Numakr grabbed a finger and effortlessly yanked it back, snapping the finger out of place.

Andreas had no air in his lungs, and the pained cry turned into a raspy, silent scream as he stared at the finger. Grabbing him by his shirt, Vanya slammed his First Minister against the wall and put his face right up against Andreas’. His teeth were bared, and his words were filled with ice.

“I highly encourage you to give me the order to execute Contingency 7. We really need your official stamp on this.”


Andreas was hurled to the ground, and hit his head against the cement floor. Groaning with pain, he tried to curl up to fend off the blows he knew were coming. But Vanya calmly unsheathed his combat knife, and shouted an order to his men. Several of them stepped forward and him pinned Andreas to the ground by his legs and arms, firmly holding the writhing man in place.

“I‘m going to ask you again. If you refuse, I‘ll cut off one of your fingers. Then I‘ll ask again. If you refuse, I‘ll cut off another one. If I run out of fingers, I‘ll cut out your eyes and feed them to you.”

Andreas moaned incoherently, and a wet stain ran down his legs.

“First Minister Andreas Maragos, do you give me permission to execute Contingency 7?”

“Fuck you.” Andreas whispered.

“Very well. Let’s begin.”

Vanya pressed his knee into Andreas’ wrist, and got to work.

District 9

Julius Lubomir looked up at the flag waving over the barracks. The flag - the new flag, hung limply in the dead air over the refugee camp. Half of the flag had been hastily painted over with the base hue of red, and a white slash ran down the center with an X running through it. It matched the New Republic well: A hastily, haphazardly pieced together mess.

Refugees had been streaming into the camp since the moment the old officer had been executed, but they hadn’t planned anything beyond what happened next. The following hours had been a mess, and Julius had spent the entire time struggling to keep a full blown riot from erupting before a beat up convoy rolled in waving the new flags. Julius was glad to relinquish his authority, he was never cut out to be an officer. Things were still messy, but to a much lesser extent.

He worked his way through the throngs of people wandering around the parade grounds back towards the mess hall. He stepped inside the busy room and took a seat next to one of the radios placed around the camp. It gave nothing but propaganda for the New Republic and static, but it was better than nothing.

“Imperial forces of The Remnants have been utterly crushed along the Cyrupean border,” a smooth male voice informed him, ”And more and more Districts have cast aside the shackles of oppression to join their Brothers in the fight for freedom. Soon all Districts will join the fight, and together we shall drive our slavers into the sea. Once our homeland is liberated, we will march on every outpost the Remnants have throughout the region, and liberate all brothers who cry out for freedom and equality! The New Republic can only do this with strong, able-bodied men and women joining the fight, so take up arms and ---”

There was a sudden, loud burst of static that cut off the reporter. It cleared up after a few moments, and to Julius’ surprise the authoritative voice of Numaukr Vanya came on the air. A sudden hush came over the mess hall as his voice filled the room, and everyone listened intently.

“This is Numaukr Vanya Timofei. Contingency 7 is now in effect. Rebelling Districts and military forces are hereby ordered to surrender immediately. Failure to comply within 30 seconds after this broadcast is ended will result in your complete and utter annihilation.”

The response was a chorus of laughter; if the Imperialist dogs hadn’t been able to suppress the growing insurrection before, what could they possibly do about it now? The message repeated itself two more times, but each one after that was drowned out by cat-calls and jeers. Julius winced at the noise, but didn’t join them. Once the announcement ended, everything went back to normal and the noise calmed down. He could finally hear the chatter of gunfire in the distance and the sounds of planes streaking through the sky. It seemed a bit quieter than usual; almost like it was dying down as he listened.

Suspicious, he got up and walked outside. He lifted his hand up to shield his eyes and shielded them from the sun as he gazed towards the city. The skyline looked sick, with a mix of smoke and dust covering the skeletal remains of the sky-scrapers that once jutted up into the skies. But from his vantage point, it looked like the fighting was dying down, and that mental guess was confirmed by officers darting around him suddenly chattering about a “full Remnant retreat”.

The news made Julius’ heart almost skip a beat, and he was about to sprint back into the mess to break the news when there was a sudden shriek from above. On instinct he dove for the nearest cover, wedging between two wooden crates and holding his arms over the back of his head. A split-second later there were loud detonations above him and a shock-wave slammed into his body, feeling like the air itself had punched him with a mighty fist. Coughing a bit, he stood up and dusted off the front of his uniform, looking around. Aside from several flustered looking men emerging from their own cover, nothing looked damage.

“The Gods was that?” He grunted, looking up.

Then it happened. It was faint at first, with the invisible gas trickling down and spreading out across the camp. Everyone who inhaled it only faintly tasted bitter almonds, and their eyes began to burn. Most rubbed at their eyes irritably as they watered up but went on, while those more sensitive began dropping almost immediately. The first man to fall was an elderly civilian who had to use a cane to support himself. Two medics rushed to his aid, but recoiled in horror when they rolled the man over and saw blood seeping out of his eyes, mouth, and nose. Then more people succumbed, dropping to the ground like flies.

Comache: The most deadly and feared chemical weapon in the Defesian arsenal. It was created and produced by the Cyrupeans, and illegal to export. But the Harden administration had no qualms about letting their Defesian ‘allies’ had a few deals under the table, especially when those deals nicely fattened the bank accounts of many Cyrupean officials within Hardens office.

And now every ounce of it was being deployed over the metropolises of the Defesian empire. Every District under the control of The New Republic were besieged by a sudden blitzkrieg, with mass shelling and air-strikes releasing the Comache. It swept through the streets, homes, businesses, apartments, and everywhere else. People began dropping en masse, clutching their eyes and screaming gurgled cries as blood filled their lungs and poured out of every orifice. The Defesian military did not discriminate or hold back. The wall of death covered army bases, refugee camps, hospitals and schools. The cries of the damned and dying were almost deafening to anyone left alive to hear it.

District 67

“This is Deployment team 17, payload delivered and mission accomplished.”

“Team 47, reporting payload delivered and mission accomplished.”

More and more reports came in to the base, and a very satisfied Vanya Timofei checked every instance on the large map.

“That‘s the majority of the rebel concentrations,” he announced, “and the death toll should remain in the estimated count of 550,000,000 for the initial delivery. Tell all units to remain out of the affected areas until,” he glanced at his digital watch, which told him it was 1900, “1940 hours.”

Vanya turned around to a lone man sitting alone on a chair against the wall.

“Thank you for your assistance, Sergeiveich Head Minister.”

He reached out to shake Andrei’s hand, but then stopped and chuckled to himself.

“Oh, that’s right. My apologies, Sergeiveich.”

Vanya turned back around and gave all his attention back to the map on the table. Andrea remained seated. His hands were bandaged and bloody stumps that rested at his sides, and wrapped around his head was a white bandage that covered his eyes. The spots where his eyes should have been were covered in blood.

Cyrupean-Defesian Border
San Leanna

Guardsman 0997 raised his rifle and fired a single burst. Across the street, a Cyrupean soldier fell. Jerking the muzzle a fraction to the right, it spit out another burst of lead, dropping another Cyrupean. Three more jumped up from cover to return fire, and from positions beside 0997 three shots went off. Almost simultaneously they were knocked back, dropping back behind the rubble they were hiding behind. 0997 shot a hand out and gestured at the house closest to them. Without any response his fire team advanced on it.

They were spread out and approaching like predators, with their bodies crouched slightly and weapons trained on the windows, doors, and corners. Halting a few paces from the house, one of them pitched a grenade through the window, shattering it and landing inside. A woman’s voice shrieked moments before it went off, obliterating the window and sending shards flying. The Guardsmen burst inside right after, and stormed through the house. Two shots later, the people inside were dead. 0997 looked down at the corpse of the woman who had died from the grenade. Her clothes were torn and ragged, and the body was shredded and bleeding profusely. Clutched protectively underneath it was a bundle of blankets.

They left out the back door and effortlessly scaled the brick privacy fence into the neighbors yard. There they found another Cyrupean family holed up in the bathroom, who had locked the door to prevent them from getting inside. A few seconds of cold calculations shot between them, and they decided to not waste what ammo they had. 0997 rummaged in the kitchen with one of his team members, 0995. They found a match and a jug of gasoline in the shed the neighbors had in the back. Spilling it on the door and floor, they pulled back from the house as 0997 remained inside. He lit the match and tossed it on the puddle of gas, immediately making it burst into flame and engulf the door. Ignoring the screams from inside, 0997 jogged out front to join up with the rest of his squad.

A sudden squawking in his hear informed him that his squad was to continue advancing against the entrenched Cyrupeans in the center of town to support the rest of the regiment. Giving a one word affirmative, 0997 was about to call for a BTR pick-up when he felt a sudden punch in the gut. His squad was quick to react, viciously emptying their clips in turn and advancing on another Cyrupean fire team who had bunkered down in a crater further down the road. The squad split up on either side of the street, steadily advancing and taking turns covering the other. When they had almost reached distance to throw a grenade, the windows on either side of them spit out fire. Two Guardsmen fell wordlessly as the bullets slammed into their skulls or tore up tendons in their legs.

Each time broke the advance to dive for cover from the ambush, returning fire. 0997 himself had felt a wet punch to his gut. Surgical destruction of the thalamus of Guardsmen kept them from feeling any form of pain; that allowed 0997 to calculate based on the wounds location where the shot had come from, swing his LAN-47 towards it, and squeeze off a burst. The head of the ambusher exploded and sprayed blood and bits of brain on the wall behind him. More muted, wet punches hit his stomach and torso. Beginning to struggle to keep up with the speed of the attack, he managed to down two more attackers before a bullet tore his throat open.

His powerful legs wobbled, and he took a few steps forward as the edges of his vision started to turn black. Dropping his rifle, he upholstered his pistol and raised it up, firing at the Cyrupean marines shooting down at him from the house. When the clip clicked empty, he dropped it too and advanced on them with his combat dagger. He gurgled with every pitiful inhale as blood seeped down his uniform. He managed to get close enough to see the whites of their eyes before a final shot slammed into his skull and ended the life of a man who never really had one.

Island Aquadis - Defesian Colony
The White Sea

Daylight had yet to arrive for Port Lamson, or the rest of the island nation considered an official Defesian colony. Regardless, it as buzzing with controlled chaos like a wasp of hornets. The 34th Ahtakaskr Colonials had been deployed the day before when communications with the mainland had suddenly and unexpectedly cut off. At the same time, the Lamoni colony several kilometers north had shown a sudden increase in activity. Putting two and two together, the Ahtakaskr Colonial Numaukr had decided the encroaching foreigners had launched an attack on the mainland. Now it was time for the Glorious counter-attack that would wipe the scum free from what they called ‘Defesian Adrastos.’

Military vehicles and men clad in the standard gray and black military camouflage swarmed into the city by way of the single highway slicing across the countryside. 45,000 combat men were crammed inside an almost endless convoy of armoured transport vehicles, military trucks, and even sitting sprawled on top of tanks. Most of them watched with amusement at the civilians who had been forced off the side of the road to let the convoy pass.

Once they worked their way through the city itself and got to the massive dockyards, the men and machines were crammed inside massive transport vessels, which were hurried out of the harbor and sent out to the rendezvous point in the Avatist Sea to wait for the Emperors 7th, 8th, and 10th fleets. The 8th boasted a Nimitz-class carrier named “Yakim Gradysk”, and a Shikovundr Lokev battleship named Motya Tobias. Both of them were named for past Defesian Emperors, which was not the case for the several ships supporting them. Eight Ticonderoga-class cruisers were in the fleet, along with twelve Arleigh Burke-class destroyers and several attack submarines. When the mobilization had finished, the ranks of the fleet swelled with the supply and transport ships, many of them packed with Shikovundr Maritime and the supplies needed to keep the men and machines running at top capacity.

At the end of the second day, with the sun slipping below the distant horizon of the sea, the fleet departed the island, slicing through the cold waters to the direction of the Yahonnes and Lamoni colonies. Several squadrons of Su-33’s flew patrols around the outskirts of the fleets main RADAR range, and the single AWAC that flew in the sky gave that initial range a big boost of several hundred kilometers. If anything was going to try and intercept the Defesian armada, they would easily be spotted before getting close. Even if they attempted to wreck havoc with an undersea assault, the multiple submarines that lurked below the waves made that threat minimal.

Admiral Modest Pyotr wanted all of his bases covered. He was a cautious man, which many attributed to his Gillitsh upbringing. He stood in the bridge of theMotya Tobias battleship, staring out towards the sea. The muted hustle of the many officers assigned to their stations went unnoticed by him, since he was used to it by then. He watched the sun as it slowly started to finish its lazy descent behind the horizon, and he smiled, knowing that when it rose, it would be greeted by death.

Turning away from the window, he saluted a collection of officers that had gathered to give him their situational report.

“Sergeiviech Admiral,” one of them spoke, “the 48th Maritime Airborne Battalion are currently en-route and should be dropped over Paducah within the next few hours. The transport planes shouldn‘t be harassed too heavily, but intelligence on the exact defense the enemy has is minimal.”

“The planes are escorted, yes?”

“Correct, by two squadrons of Su-33’s.”

“Have the fleets been spotted?” The Admiral asked, glancing at a map of the theater, with the national waters of Fenestra only a thousand kilometers away and closing.

“We’re not sure. There was a faint contact on SONAR a few minutes ago, but it dropped off. We’re guessing it’s just a whale, The White Sea has a large concentration of those…”

“Alright. Maintain course and keep me updated.”
Last edited by North Defese on Fri Apr 20, 2012 2:46 pm, edited 4 times in total.
"One minute Defesian logic is all happy and joyish with some seriousness involved. Then suddenly you look into the context and notice a brutal, bloody wording.
And you're like 'Holy shit, Defese is terrifying.'" - Restored Belka
The Defesian National Anthem
Pro: good things :)
Con: bad things >:(

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Posts: 1342
Founded: May 22, 2010

Postby Cyrupe » Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:22 pm

There was little noise in the situation room of the remote bunker Kimberly Harden and her core cabinet cowered in while the Cyrupean military did everything in its power to fend back a confused yet still large horde of Defesians at their border. The large, wall-mounted monitors displayed various information which did little more than bathe the room in a gentle blue hue. Harden herself slowly paced back and forth across the blue carpeting of the room before sitting down in one of the seats of a large conference table in the center of the room; joined shortly after by the majority of her cabinet. While practically all of them were different in terms of race and gender, they were all bound in the same group by knowing something about Harden that the leader of the Imperial Republic would have preferred to keep quiet.

Lance Pietz, a fat, balding man wearing an expensive black suit in compensation for his looks, or rather lack there of, was the last to sit down at the table. No one, perhaps with the exception of Pietz himself, was sure why he was in the cabinet of Kimberly Harden. His official title was simply 'Aide to the Foreign Minister', but aides were not traditionally named members of the cabinet. A foreshadowing sign of the corruption experienced in the Harden administration -- one that had done far more damage to the country than it had ever dreamed of helping. He let out a large, clearly over exaggerated sigh before shifting his weight backwards in the chair.

"So." Pietz let out a wheezing sound as he spoke, shuffling through his suit pocket before pulling out an inhaler from within the depths of the large sheet of canvas he amusingly called a suit. He inhaled several times before continuing his discussion, all other eyes on the table on him.

"What's this about the Defesians reportedly using Comanche?" He tapped his fingers against the table momentarily, watching Harden shift uncomfortably. "Thought that was illegal for us to sell to other nations, wasn't it, Harden?"

"It is." Clinton Spraggins, the Minister of Defense interrupted before making a signal with his hand in the air. Several people approached the table, placing cups and pouring tea in a rapid, almost mechanical fashion. Except for Harden, who was served her tea from a different kettle. It was, for anyone who had a remote trace of intelligence, obvious what was about to take place.

"It's not like you didn't benefit from it either, Pietz. All of you benefited. Don't pretend your bonuses were from anything but exactly that." Harden spoke in an angry, yet perhaps slightly sad tone of voice.

"We're not, Harden. But we all agree it's wrong what happened. You and you alone had the power to say yes or no. And by saying yes you've condemned millions, if not billions of lives to Herfiligr. And why? To fill your pockets like a greedy whore." Pietz pushed his cup of tea forward in an act of disinterest and stood up from his seat.

"Now, you're left with two options, my dear former leader. You can drink your cup of tea, or we can play the hard game. None of us want to play that game, right?" He stared at Harden momentarily before shifting gaze to the cup of tea and finally off to something Harden could not see in the back of the room. "Well?"

Harden hissed a response while pushing the cup forwards, "Go fuck yourself, Pietz."

"Now now," Pietz responded in between further wheezing. "That's not in the cards love."

A man approached Pietz's side holding a square-shaped object in a cloth, obscuring it from Harden's vision. Pietz grabbed the cloth and gave a quick nod to the man, who quickly went back out of sight. Carefully unwrapping the cloth, it was soon unveiled that the mysterious object was a pistol. Pietz placed it on the table next to his now cold cup of tea and sat back down. "You have your options, Kimberly." He once more glanced at her cup of tea. "Just like you made your decision about selling Comanche, and just like you made your decision about 'retaliating' against Defese, which most certainly won't be happening, you now have your decision in front of you."

Harden paused for a moment, giving her former cabinet members a defeated sigh, "Just let me call my family one last time."

She looked around as the others glanced at one another momentarily before Pietz spoke. "Sure. Make it quick." Harden pulled out a cellphone and hastily dialed a number. A singular, loud beep was heard before muffled sounds could be heard through the speaker. Harden quickly began rattling off numbers into the telephone.

Pietz said nothing, merely grabbing the pistol off the table and pulling the trigger. Mere moments after the bang and flash of light, Harden's lifeless body flew backwards, chair falling to the floor and blood splattering against the plain white wall. There was nothing but silence for several moments, feeling like an entire lifetime compressed into the span of less than fifteen seconds. Pietz moved far quicker than a man of his girth should have been capable of, running towards the phone and quickly grabbing it from the rapidly building puddle of Harden's blood. He put the phone to his ear and demanded any launches authorized to be cancelled.

"Sorry, sir, you do not have authorization to cancel or initiate launches." The voice on the other end replied coldly.

Pietz hung up the phone and threw it across the room, denting the same area of the wall Harden's blood had began forming streaks and patterns as it congealed.

"Now not only do we have Guardsmen running around our borders, killing our own soldiers, we have nukes we didn't authorize heading towards Defese. We may very well have a nuclear winter on our hands because of this traitor." Pietz spat in the general direction of Harden's corpse. "I suppose we should inform the vice president that he is now the leader of us all."
Last edited by Cyrupe on Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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North Defese
Posts: 2498
Founded: Jun 21, 2008

Postby North Defese » Wed May 02, 2012 2:00 pm

Since the very dawn of mankind, the Steppe has been the breadbasket of mankind. Since the iron age, when the rest of the world was hiding in their caves the Aeynerilis Empire was in its infancy. For almost two millenniums, a united Defesian state spread its power and influence across the continent and across the region. They spread learning, religion, and enlightenment in all the places they went. In their homeland, they built great cities and impressive architecture that was marveled by all, even in the 21st century. While other empires rose and fell with the tides of time, the Defesian people remained strong.

This is the power of man. It has the capacity to create, to destroy, to sing; write epic sagas that awe and inspire generations.

But even the power of mankind pales in comparison to the power of the atom. It cannot create empires, it cannot make music or science. It only destroys.

It is the most feared weapon in mankind’s arsenal.

In normal times, Cyrupes launch would have caused an immediate and merciless response. The damage would be great, and the sheer loss of human life would be unfathomable. But where Defese was once a great, terrifying bear with the power to swipe half the world off the map, it was now rotted and dying. What stations and forces that detected the launches either had no way to report it, or no one left alive to report to. They sat helpless at their stations, staring at the screens and notifications while desperately waiting for the confirmation that would never come.

The first target to be hit was a missile base in District 42 still in Imperial hands, where Askark Mathew Radislav had left the safety of the underground station and was standing in the small building above ground. His wife and daughter were there with him, along with several other refugees and officers who hadn’t tried to leave or even continue the fight.

“How much time do we have?” his wife asked him. He could see the fear in her eyes, and in the way she clutched their daughter Kaylen.

“30 minutes from launch, but we only just saw them. We‘ve got 5 minutes.”

She closed her eyes and shook her head furiously, and a deep sob erupted from her chest. Kaylen looked up at her mother with her bright, deep hazel eyes and pouted softly.

“Don’t be sad mom, daddy will protect us, it’s his job.”

Mathew wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his service uniform, and bent down to wrap his daughter in a tight bear hug. The child giggled, briefly forgetting her discomfort now that she was in the arms of her father.

“I love you both very much,” Mathew told them, his voice shaking. The end of it was punctuated by the wailing of the sirens, which slowly rose to a great cry, as if begging everyone to find safety.

“Mathew!” His wife sobbed, slinging her arms around them both in an embrace. All around them, other people were doing the same. Mothers embraced sons and daughters, strangers embraced one another just so that they wouldn’t be alone in their few moments left.

Kaylen looked up at his father, with bright and curious eyes that held a hint of sadness in them.

“Is it going to hurt, daddy?”

Mathew swallowed down the rising lump in his throat, and shook his head.

“No, my sweetheart. You won’t feel a thing.”

“Okay, I love you.”

In the distance, there was a great flash of blinding light, and everything swept away.

More fell, relentlessly. The crippling devastation was not enough; the slate would be wiped clean. Stanko, renamed District 36, was the next to go. A streak of fire fell over the ruined cityscape, a white arrow descending from the smoke filled sky. Suddenly, a second sun appeared over the city. For several seconds, the world was silent, almost peaceful. But then, the sheer destructive force of the nuclear blast was unleashed. Homes, makeshift military fortifications, landmarks and town centers which had stood since the dawn of Mankind itself were wiped from the planet in seconds, the violence of the weapon eliminating years of progress and human ingenuity. Helicopters and aircraft out of range that weren’t disintegrated plummeted from the sky, their engines fried by the electromagnetic pulse of the nuke.

More fell. Their blossoming shapes rose into the sky to mix with the ashes of all that had once been. Only now had Defese been roused to responding, only after being pummeled by sheer and utter destruction. Calls began to go out, calls for orders, calls for help, calls for salvation. Begging and pleading, and even prayer.

It was the awful sound a country made when it began to fall apart. And within minutes, they went silent. One by one, and by groups as the men and women broadcasting were blinded and disintegrated in hellish fireballs that consumed everything in their path. Millions of people perished within minutes, with the death toll soon becoming uncountable as the rain of Wrath fell upon the Steppe.

The last target, on the farthest western coast, lay Antun. In the center of the city was a great library, built in 1134 by the first King-Born of the Empire; Yakin Gradysk. Inside the walls, protected in environmentally sealed rooms, was the entire written history of the past three thousand years from past and present scholars. The original 'Sindri Proposals', the book written in 627BCE that forever changed warfare. Cultural treasures like the 'Play of Gods' and the ’The Odesk Trials‘ and countless others. It was the only institute of learning to survive the barbarian invasions, the collapse of the Empire, the purges of the 60's, and both Reformations.

And within seconds, it was gone. Just like everything else.

The apocalyptic fire had finished, after almost an hour. The mushroom clouds from the nuclear explosions drifted hundreds of kilometers across the ruined remains of what was once civilization. It blackens the sky, and the vaporized soil and ashes fell to the ground in a thick, black rain. Downwind, those who were far enough to be spared from death but clutched in unending agony of their bodies being nothing but burnt, charred flesh found more agony as the poison rain fell on their helpless bodies, burning what was left of their skin immediately after contact while fires around them raged uncontrollably.

The fires were everywhere. Most of Defese was burning, dying. Survivors had no way of finding medical help. For the Empire as a whole, beds in remaining hospitals totaled only a few thousand, while the number of people who needed them rose into the hundreds of millions. Only a handful of places even had power, due to the EMP attack. And with only the prospect of dying alone, in the dark, charred remains of their homes, they fled. A great exodus of people swarmed from the cities to the surrounding, less developed Districts looking for help. This exposed only more people to fallout and radiation, and still the casualty count rose.

But no one was around to count the dead. The government itself was essentially gone. Surviving Shikovundr and rebel units simply rose a white flag of defeat, for the most part too busy dealing with Death Incarnate and radiation sickness to fight one another.

Those forces near and within Cyrupe had stopped, save for the Guardsmen regiments. Without exception, every last one of them threw down their arms and surrendered, while more than a third of them chose to kill themselves with whatever they had on hand.

In the end, the Revolution had finally ended. Peace, technically, had returned to Defese.

But just look at the cost.
"One minute Defesian logic is all happy and joyish with some seriousness involved. Then suddenly you look into the context and notice a brutal, bloody wording.
And you're like 'Holy shit, Defese is terrifying.'" - Restored Belka
The Defesian National Anthem
Pro: good things :)
Con: bad things >:(

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Posts: 1342
Founded: May 22, 2010

Postby Cyrupe » Thu May 03, 2012 10:20 am

A cold wind blew across the nearly devoid of life field, a gray overcast hanging above everyone present. In the span of mere weeks the Defesian empire had gone from the regional power to merely irradiated ash. Thousands of years of history and countless human lives wiped in an instant all because of one woman. It was out of sheer luck that the Defesians didn't retaliate in equal force, and that at least one of the two countries could continue on. A military truck drove slowly next to a group of soldiers somberly picking up bodies and loading them into the vehicle. The otherwise silent battlefield only brought to life by the dull idle sound of the truck's engine.

"Some are saying this will be the last time." A soldier said quietly as he scanned over the field, seeing many bodies from both sides of the conflict. Brothers of the same continent, yet from completely different ideologies. "Thanks to our nuclear strikes and all."

"You believe that?" The soldier chuckled through his respirator. "Maybe this field, maybe this day. But it will never be the last time. We're just lucky enough that the Defesians didn't retaliate, man."

The truck left, its cargo nothing but the dead. Small groups of soldiers scattered far and wide across the field were doing similar things. In death the sides didn't matter, nor did it matter who had won the conflict. And all the living could do was clean up the destruction they had made days before. The terrain was scarred with countless dents; wounds of artillery and bombs launched from both sides. War in itself was painful on a nation's own soil, but there was something especially sobering knowing that war had wiped out practically an entire race that had existed from the dawn of civilization.

A few miles north the Defesians that had surrendered were put into makeshift camps that seemed to go on endlessly. They were too tired to fight any more. The vast majority no longer even had a home to call their own. Countless rows of tents and sleeping bags were all that was available, at least until the Cyrupean government could find something better to place the countless surrendered men in. A bell rang out: it was noon. The sun barely managed to break through the thick overcast as the solders that oversaw the camp operation waited for more refugees to come. There was little chance for order, at least initially. Hungry, cold, tired and scared did little in the way of trying to enforce order in either side's troops. All that could be done was to point them in the direction of a hot meal and let them find an empty hole amongst their brothers to sleep. They had been taught their entire lives that their neighbors would destroy everything of theirs and would stop only at their death.

Yet their only savior was indeed the ones that destroyed their home. The flag that flew over the lands they sheltered in was not Defesian but Cyrupean. It was not red and white, but rather blue, white, and green. Herfiligr would have too many souls to count from both sides, and those that remained would never forget the atrocities committed. Choices were made from both sides that cost them, and the end result was the unfathomable destruction of the oldest empire Adrastos had seen. And now all there was truly left was to rebuild. To destroy it all again another year was inevitable, but for a short period it was hoped there would be peace once more.

The war, while it had ended, was hardly over. A flood of people over the Defesian border was nearly expected. Thousands, if not millions flooding over into what they will believe is safe territory for them. Such things would leave a lasting mark for decades and will strain the Imperial Republic to its very core while handling it.

The cost was great, especially in human life. More lives were estimated to have perished in the Cyrupean launch against Defese than in all of its previous conflicts combined. Nearly 1,600 years of conflict together caused nowhere near the loss of human life as a single day against what was hoped to be the final war against Defese. The Final Reformation.

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Founded: Feb 08, 2011

Postby Lamatica » Wed May 09, 2012 10:39 am

"- While the Defesian planes were shot down and it was revealed that the Reformed Empire was suffering from internal conflict, the Imperial Republic of Cyrupe launched a large-scale nuclear attack on Defesian soil. We have not received word of casualties, nor has the Cyrupean government issued a statement.

Kingborn Hector Frask is reported to have suffered from cardiac arrest after receiving the news --"

Edwin flipped off the television, and turned back in his chair. He was sitting at the head of a large, polished wooden table with several other members of Cabinet, excluding Deputy Prime Minister Earl Nathaniel. They all had solemn expressions, and their eyes held a hint of sadness. Edwin rose up calmly, and when he spoke, he sounded deflated.

"We've always wished for this. Maybe we didn't admit it, but we as a people have always wished that the Defesians would suffer the same pain and injustice that we did under them so many centuries ago.

Well, our wish has been granted. We should be ashamed of ourselves. What just happened is not justice, or some sort of karmic payback. We have just witnessed the most horrific act of genocide in this planets history. By our ally. How do we respond to this, gentlemen?"


Edwin sighed.

"Hector is in stable condition. He went into cardiac arrest after being given the news of the Cyrupean launch. I've known that man since he was simply a Congressman for the Bussundian Republic, and I know for a fact he will never, ever forgive them for this."

"What do we do now?" A voice spoke up.

"We wait. The end of the Defesian Empire has left an enormous power vacuum, and has left the region at a crossroads. We can do nothing but watch, and wait. May our children forgive our idleness, but we can do nothing else."
I roleplay Lamatica as having a population of 340,000,000.
Map of Lamatica:


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