Sol Core Federation Factbook [FT] - WIP

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Sol Core Federation
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Sol Core Federation Factbook [FT] - WIP

Postby Sol Core Federation » Sun Oct 03, 2010 8:56 pm


Table of Contents
Sol Core Space Command
S.C.S.C Spacecraft
S.C.S.C Ground Weapons, Armor and Equipment pt. I
S.C.S.C Ground Weapons, Armor and Equipment pt. II
S.C.S.C Vehicles
The Office of Naval Intelligence
Technology pt. I
Technology pt. II
Sol Core Federation Star Systems
Last edited by Sol Core Federation on Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:59 am, edited 79 times in total.
This is how Vetinari thinks, his soul exulted. Plans can break down. You cannot plan the future. Only presumptuous fools plan. The wise man steers.”
— Terry Pratchett, Making Money

He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, Aphorism 146, German philosopher (1844 - 1900)

No further photographs were taken after this point, but according to surviving witnesses the police spontaneously combusted from sheer terror.
Sol Core Federation Fact book [FT] - WIP
Semi-hard science FT nation

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Sol Core Federation
Posts: 116
Founded: Oct 01, 2010


Postby Sol Core Federation » Sat Nov 27, 2010 2:47 am


The Sol Core Federation is over six thousand years old, formed out of the fourteen hundred year old Unified Earth Federation with the discover of faster-than-light technology that allowed individual ships to travel across tens of light years in only a few months. The Federation is the central government of all Humankind and most of Known Space; a sphere measuring nearly four-thousand light years in diameter, the Human colonized regions are separated into three regions based on distance from the Sol System: The Core Worlds, the Middle Regions, the Terminus Systems.

The Interstellar Colonization Era the Federation oversaw was largely peaceful, with only a few brush wars in the Terminus Systems between rouge Humans, Rampant A.I, and highly aggressive but minor alien civilizations. Then the P’fhor arrived and brought an end to this peaceful era, plunging Humanity into a century long war of first enslavement and finally genocide.

This document will deal with major political, social and economic events that have occurred from pre-World War III Earth to the current date.


Middle Era: Formerly A.D.

2012 M.E: Peak Oil. With each passing year global production of oil decreases while demand increases. Funding for clean fuel sources increases by three orders of magnitude across the world.
2016 M.E: New worldwide economic crisis caused by new record on petroleum prices. Governments across the world resort to police (and in some cases military) violence to keep order and prevent full-blown civil war.
2021 M.E: Technological breakthrough allows far easier mining of shale, United States increasing funding for shale oil production and clean energy sources. Multiple governments declare martial law to keep order as prices on the most basic of items continue to skyrocket.
2028 M.E: United States, British and French Navies scarps all remaining oil-dependent vessels. African nations begin collapsing. Food productions begins declining with increasing rationing of oil and other fuel sources.
2030 M.E: The proxy-wars that will eventually come to be called the Petroleum Shadow Wars begins between the United States of America, the European Union, the Russian Federation, and the People’s Republic of China over major remaining oil production sites. All but a handful of African nations have fully collapsed.
2033 M.E: American shale oil productions reaches self-sustaining point; excess shale oil is either put into national reverse or sold to other nations. Petroleum Shadow Wars begin to wind down and threat of full-blown civil wars also begins to fade. Research into clean fuels such as ethanol, nuclear fission and fusion increases drastically.
2040-2047 M.E: Radical Islamic terrorist attack causes massive damage to American Shale Oil production sites. Urgency of research into alternative energy sources grows as tenses rise between nations with oil supplies dwindling again.
2053-2055 M.E: World War III begins as the remaining major nations with long-range logistical capabilities attempt to secure the few remaining conventional oil sources for themselves. Militaries primarily rely on old-fashion horse cavalry in combat in place of vehicles. One and a half years into WWIII there is a limited strategic nuclear exchange between the United States, Russian Federation and People’s Republic of China, resulting in the death of seven hundred million total. Fighting continues for nearly another six months into early 2055 until supply lines completely collapse, bringing and end to the war.
2057 M.E: All remaining nations pool what resources they can in a desperate attempt to find viable means of fusion power before remaining reserves of oil and other alternative fuels are exhausted.
2059 M.E: Just as what little remains of civilization is about to collapse into barbarism, the decades of effort into fusion power finally bear fruit. The first commercial fusion reactor in history is brought online in New York City. Construction of more reactors in America and other remaining nations begins quickly as does use of excess heat and energy from the reactors to create hydrogen for use as vehicular power source.
2062 M.E: The United States, Russian Federation and People's Republic of China form the Unified Earth Federation in the interest of all Humankind. Though stronger than its predecessor the United Nations the U.E.F is still very weak and memeber nations are still largerly free to do as they please.
2076 M.E: European Union reformed and on road to recovery. Other major nations have recovered to the point where they look towards space, and the Moon, one again. Plans for a massive Lunar colonization and mining effort begins. Breakthrough in Carbon nanotube production makes Space Elevators viable.
2082 M.E: First payload of construction material launched to the Moon by the first generation of Orion spacecraft, first conceived of around the middle of the 20th century.
2086 M.E:
2319 M.E: Teleporters begin use in Sol system.

Current Era: 35th century to present.

May 4-7th, 9642 C.E: Activation of Jjaro artifact on Terminus System colony world of Sher’loa. P’fhor Battle Group Seven, Central Arm, arrives three days later on the seventh hand all contact is lost of Sher’loa. Battle group is dispatched from nearest military outpost to investigate. S.C.S.C.D.F goes to yellow alert.
May 15th-22nd, 9642 C.E: Battle group arrives on the 15th and accelerates in-system. Arrives in orbit on the 22nd to find the planet heavily devastated with massive forest fires still on going. P'fhor warship is detected shortly afterward. Battle group commander sends message. No response is received. P’fhor war ship performs tactical jump and proceeds to lay waste to the battle group. One heavily damage ship, the Attitude Adjuster, escapes.
June 12th, 9642 C.E: Attidue Adjuster finally makes it back to base. The reports about a seemingly unstoppable alien warship that had effortlessly annihilated their forces. During the AA's journey back to its base another two dozen systems went dark. S.C.S.C.D.F goes to red alert.
9642-9650 C.E: Terminus Systems are lost.

9720 C.E: Final battles of the P'fhor War.
May 14th, 9720 C.E: End of Human-P'fhor War with activation of ancient Jjaro outpost located on Raveholm.
Last edited by Sol Core Federation on Mon May 23, 2011 9:38 pm, edited 31 times in total.
This is how Vetinari thinks, his soul exulted. Plans can break down. You cannot plan the future. Only presumptuous fools plan. The wise man steers.”
— Terry Pratchett, Making Money

He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, Aphorism 146, German philosopher (1844 - 1900)

No further photographs were taken after this point, but according to surviving witnesses the police spontaneously combusted from sheer terror.
Sol Core Federation Fact book [FT] - WIP
Semi-hard science FT nation

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Sol Core Federation
Posts: 116
Founded: Oct 01, 2010


Postby Sol Core Federation » Sat Nov 27, 2010 2:49 am


Head of State: President Ackerson H. Ridley
Head of Government: President Ackerson H. Ridley
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Jafar Malik
Minister of Defense: Lee Jong Ming
Chief of General Staff: Bernard Strauss
Head of FleetCom: Fleet Admiral Kane
Head of UniCom: General Jack Granger

The Sol Core Federation is a Federal government formed by Earth and her interstellar colonies in 3478 to keep the peace and order. The modern government (4234 C.E+) is divided into the Executive and Legislative.


Last edited by Sol Core Federation on Thu May 26, 2011 2:41 am, edited 13 times in total.
This is how Vetinari thinks, his soul exulted. Plans can break down. You cannot plan the future. Only presumptuous fools plan. The wise man steers.”
— Terry Pratchett, Making Money

He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, Aphorism 146, German philosopher (1844 - 1900)

No further photographs were taken after this point, but according to surviving witnesses the police spontaneously combusted from sheer terror.
Sol Core Federation Fact book [FT] - WIP
Semi-hard science FT nation

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Sol Core Federation
Posts: 116
Founded: Oct 01, 2010


Postby Sol Core Federation » Sat Nov 27, 2010 2:50 am


The unification of Earth in the late 21st century saw ,over many centuries, a blending of the ancient cultures of humankind. By the 29th century the dominant culture (99%>) was a blend of western and far east cultures, largely due to the advent of teleporation, and as human technology continued to advance and genetic and cybernetic upgrades became more and more common human culture continued to change.

In the 37th century the average life span of a human was just over seven hundred years. One of the major contributing factors to the massive increase in human longevity is personal body armor which features many functions, including protection from harm and medical assistance. It also eliminated the need for sleep, and made human lifespans basically indefinite. By the 98th century death has become so rare that when someone dies - usually by accident, or on rare occasions, during a brush war in the Terminus Systems - elaborate ceremonies are enacted before their remains are disposed of in fusion fires that are the most assocated with their place in life - a spacer would be sealed in a conffin and fired into their home system's star, a flatlander or belter a melting torch.

Ultimately, with robotic workforces and material resources becoming virtually unlimited and vastly longer life spans most of Humanity spent its time hooked up to massive extranet virtual realities, some bearing resemblance to the MMOs of the 21st-23rd centuries. Others turned things such as the Arts, science of planetary and star formation, and the study of life. Construction of vast and beautiful mega structures, the surface of entire worlds craved into works of art and even the beginning of rearranging entire solar systems into great works of art or for study.
Last edited by Sol Core Federation on Wed May 18, 2011 3:46 am, edited 10 times in total.
This is how Vetinari thinks, his soul exulted. Plans can break down. You cannot plan the future. Only presumptuous fools plan. The wise man steers.”
— Terry Pratchett, Making Money

He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, Aphorism 146, German philosopher (1844 - 1900)

No further photographs were taken after this point, but according to surviving witnesses the police spontaneously combusted from sheer terror.
Sol Core Federation Fact book [FT] - WIP
Semi-hard science FT nation

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Sol Core Federation
Posts: 116
Founded: Oct 01, 2010

Sol Core Space Command

Postby Sol Core Federation » Sat Nov 27, 2010 2:52 am

Sol Core Space Command

The Sol Core Space Command is the is the military, exploratory, and scientific agency arm of the Human governing system. Its precursor, the Unified Earth Federation Space Command, was founded during the Early Colonial Age, it was reformed as the Sol Core Space Command with the advent of Faster-Than-Light travel which brought around the formation of the Sol Core Federation. The S.C.S.C is divided into Ground (UniCom), and Aerospace (AeroCom) forces.

The S.C.S.C's military force is the Sol Core Space Command Defense Force (S.C.S.C.D.F), and consists of the Unified Ground Command and Aerospace Command.

Aerospace Command

AeroCom is made up of two main commands: Fleet Operations Command (FleetCom); and Logistical Operations Command.

Fleet Command

Fleet Command (FleetCom) is the primary operational group of the S.C.S.C Defense Force, FleetCom has oversight of ship deployment, mission structures, and space operations.

Logistical Operations Command

Logistical Operations Command (LogOpsCom) oversees the construction, maintenance, and distribution of war materials, including ships, ammunition, replacment parts, and food.

Spacecraft Organization

AeroCom is charged with the defense of all remaining star systems in the S.C.F. It is divided into two sector fleets, each charged with the defense of the Federation-controlled star systems within that sector. These fleets are further sub-divided into Battle Groups. At present, there are only twenty four thousand ships in the navy, 2/3s of which are dedicated combat ships. The remaining assets form the backbone of the S.C.S.C.D.F long-range logistics operations.

Space Combat: Tactics

“No plan survives first contact with the enemy. The victorious commander is the one who is better at playing Xanatos Speed Chess.” - Fleet Admiral Helan M. Irum

Single Ship-to-Ship Combat/Small Scale Battles

Like a gunslinger of the old west, a spacecraft captain must be careful with his or her choice of weapons in space. There are, generally, two kinds of weapons: directed energy weapons and kinetic kill weapons.

Directed energy weapons such as particle beams and lasers have the advantage of being near-instantaneous, since their beams travel at high C velocities or at the speed of light, respectively. They’re accurate too; at two hundred-thousand klicks, beam divergence can be measured in terms of a few centimeters. The limitation with these weapons is that of killing power since they attenuate energy relative to the square of the range; a particle beam that can punch a hole in a craft’s hull at a thousand kilometers will at best fry its electronics’ at ten thousand. Another problem is that of countermeasures. Modern spacecraft armor is specifically designed with defense against DEW in mind, and they can reduce the effect of a beam by maneuvering to play it across their hulls rather than allowing it to settle in one spot for maximum damage.

Kinetic weapons are far deadlier but have a far more limited effective range. A fifty gram coilgun round impacting an unshielded starship at over a hundred kilometers-a-second will cause catastrophic damage, and only the heaviest of capital ships can withstand prolonged bombardment by these weapons unshielded. The problem with these weapons lies in hitting the target. First, even with the most advance modern targeting computers, they are not accurate enough; at five thousand kilometers the dispersal on a volley of coilgun rounds can be dozen of meters - sufficient to miss a starship. Second, they’re not fast, taking many seconds to reach the target. At long range, coilgun rounds can be dodged, decoyed or shot down long before they reach the enemy.

There are three things that much be remembered when engaged in space battle. One: He who shoots first wins. Two: range determines the shape of the battle. Three: It is hard to radically change your velocity vector in space. Before we examine the first point on this list, it is worth looking at the other two.

Range determines the shape of the battle for the simple reason that weapons are optimized for different ranges. Long range, depending on the weapon and battle conditions, is 40 million-300,000 kilometers. Medium range is one hundred thousand to ten thousand kilometers, short range is anything below ten thousand kilometers, while a target at ten kilometers is considered to be at point blank range.

The primary craft-killing weapon is the laser warhead missile. Missiles are long-ranged, small and hard to detect until they’re up close as long as they keep their thrusters pointed away from the enemy (which is nigh-impossible in large scale fleet engagements). If a launching can place a missile close enough to a target, the missile will use its own sensors to acquire the enemy and attempt to close enough to accurately hit or, in rare cases, attempt a hard kill. Modern particle beams and lasers are capable of obtaining a hard kill at over one hundred and twenty and three hundred thousand kilometers, respectively, but at longer ranges they are less effective. In a longer range engagement they are best employed to play across the target spacecraft’s sensor array and blind the enemy.

Coilguns are moss effective at close range. If you’re close enough to trade punches with an enemy vessel using these weapons, then you’re probably too close.

The third point was that it is hard to radically change your velocity vector in space. Remember that spacecraft are not aerospace fighters; they can’t dogfight. When a spacecraft makes a burn and commits to a delta-vee during a space battle, it keeps going in that direction for a while. Sure, it can alter it a little and dodge about a bit, but its not going to bootleg around ninety degrees and come back at the bad guy until its committed to a new delta-vee, which takes time the enemy can use to flee to FTL or target you.

The velocity rule is very important when employing missiles at long range since they are too small to use the equipment used to maintain superdense fuel like spacecraft. If you can’t plant those missiles right on the target from the launch, then they’re not going to have enough thruster fuel in their terminal phase to alter their delta-vee sufficiently to intercept the enemy vessel.

And this brings us back to the first point about tactics. If you’re going win, you have to have the drop on the bad guys (one-on-one combat or a handful of vessels) or heavily outnumber them (major fleet combat). Forget any illusions you have from watching old twenty-first century entertainment programs; spacecraft do not sidle up alongside and knock the stuffing out of each other at a thousand meters! No. Space battles are short, sharp, brutal fights, with the decision going to the vessel who spots the enemy first and gets in their best shot.

Good captains should have an assassin mentality - prepared to sneak up on an enemy and stab them in the back before they can react. Almost ninety percent of space battles are settled this way - without even an exchange of fire. The key phrase here is ‘emission control’. A spacecraft captain can’t always use his engines or radar and lidar, broadcasting electromagnetic and heat emissions which are going to light them up like a beacon for everyone to see. The good captains, the ones that survive at least one battle, stay "invisible". While it is true stealth in space is nigh-impossible, you have to remember that space is also huge and your vessel is extremely tiny - even the largest Dreadnought class vessels are insignificant specks in this vast void. As long as proper control of their heat and infrared and EM emissions is maintained to make them become an invisible ‘blackbody’ in space; they limit their relative motion against the star field so as to prevent visual detection; they plan their attack pass to fall on the enemy from a sensor blind spot such as a system’s star; when they light up their radars, It’ll be to obtain a fire solution for their weapons, and by that time it’ll hopefully be too late for their enemy.

Stealth is everything in most small scale engagements, and in a battle in which both sides are attempting to find each other in a vast, vast sky, the winner will be the smartest, most alert and best trained.

Fleet Combat

In large battles spacecraft mobility dominates combat; with ranges that can be measured into the double digit light seconds (and in the case of planetary assaults light minutes and even light hours) massive computing power is needed to cut through heavy ECM and predict the movement of the targeted enemy vessel. Battles typically play out as missile duels fought at ranges measured in millions to tens of millions of kilometers, though assault through orbital defense girds sometimes occur at ranges as low as a few thousand or hundred kilometers.

Battles in open space are short and often inconclusive, as the weaker opponent generally disengages.

Once a vessel enters FTL flight combat is effectively over; a spacecraft in Dark Space quickly moves beyond the range of Dark Space sensors, and weapons are useless. The only way to guarantee an enemy will stand and fight is to attack them deep within a gravity well or a location they have a vested interest in, such as a settled world or a strategically-important space station.

Unified Ground Command

UniCom has control of all S.C.S.C ground-based operations and is loosely modeled on the defunt UNMC. UniCom's role includes, but is not limited to, disaster relif, infantry operations, wet-navy operations, search and reconnaissance ops, and other "ground-pounder" duties.

UniCom Structure

The basic unit of ground force operations is the squad, consisting of 10 Marines and 30 drones, or thereabouts. Ground forces are further grouped into platoons, compaines, battalions, regiments, and divisions. The force numbers given in the descriptions below are ideals, rarely matched exactly in the field. At higher levels these numbers include a significant amount of support personnel such as logistics and adimistration.

Squad: 10 Marines and 22 combat drones and 8 scout drones, led by a Corporal or Lance Corporal.

Platoon: Infantry: Six squads (60 men and 132 combat drones and 48 scout drones) led by a second Lieutenant, with a "Platoon Sergeant", usually a Sergeant or Staff Sergeant.

Company: Infantry: Four Platoons, plus a group of personnel assigned as "Company Headquarters Section" (250 men and 528 combat drones and 192 scout drones total) commanded by a First Lieutenant or Captain, with a "Company Sergeant", usually a Staff Sergeant or Gunnery Sergeant. The twelve companies of a regiment are named phonetically "A' (Alpha) through "M" (Mike) with the exculsion of "J". First battalion is consists of companies A through D, second battalion consists of E through H, and so forth. A typical infantry company would have three infantry platoons and one heavy weapons platoon, but these numbers are flexible depending on the unit type and mission. T companies, for example, eschew this model and mix their heavy weapons personnel into each platoon, so all the platoons have one weapons squad.

Battalion: Infantry: Four companies, plus a group of personnel assigned as "Battalion Headquarters Section" (1000 men and 2112 combat drones and 768 scout drones total) commanded by a Major or Lieutenant Colonel, with a "Battalion First Sergeant", usually a Gunnery Sergeant or above.

Regiment: Infantry: Three Battalions, plus a group of personnel assigned as "Regiment Headquarters Section" (3000 men and 6336 combat drones and 1000 scout drones total), commanded by a Colonel, or in some cases a Brigadier General.

Division: Seven regiments, plus a group of personnel assigned as "Division Headquarters Section" (twenty one thousand men and 60,000 combat drones, 10,000 maintenance drones, and 5000 scout drones total), commanded by a Brigadier General or Major General. The extra Human personnel in the force number are support units, including medical, combat engineering, maintenance, and military police.

Sol Core UniCom Doctrine

UniCom soldiers are highly competent and well trained. Their strengths lie in fire support, flexibility, and speed. They make up for lack of human numbers with sophisticated technical support (V.I.s, drones, artillery, electronic warfare) and emphasis on high mobility and individual initiative.

UniCom relies on a combination of powerful, rugged, and versatile technology. Standard UniCom doctrine calls for bypassing enemy strong points and launching deep into their rear, cutting supply lines and destroying headquarters and support units, leaving enemies to “wither on the vine“. Once this has been accomplished it is followed through with combined arms “shock and awe” warfare on remaining strong points, unleashing devastating and comprehensive assaults with mixed air, land, sea, and space-based weapons. Outside observers have been recorded as noting that UniCom’s offensive operations as a “lighting-fast juggernaut” that crushes through all opposition with a force of extremely well-armored and supported assault units. Man-for-man and vehicle-for-vehicle, UniCom weapons systems are often superior to their opponents in terms of raw firepower and durability.

On the defensive, the human military is a rapid reaction force that lives by Sun Tzu's maxim, "He who tries to defend everything defends nothing." Garrisons are intended for scouting and guerrilla warfare rather than direct combat, avoiding engagement to observe and report on invaders using drones.

The token garrisons of human colonies make it easy to secure them, for which the Federation media criticizes the military. However, the powerful fleets stationed at military fortress systems such as Arcturus are no more than several hours or days from any colony within their sphere of responsibility. In the event of an attack, they respond with an overwhelming force.


Marines have many cyber- and bio-augmentations, and use a wide variety of armor and ammo depending on what the mission calls for, these ten men squads are well trained and equipped.

Marine augmentations aim to give them optimum strength/leverage/mass ratio for speed of movement of a human form. Some of these include bones being fullerene-weaved; muscles laced with fullerene tendons powered by carbon-rods and compact mechanical energy storage augmenting natural, genetically engineered tissue; and the skin is thicker than average, with a weave-stiffened and reflective biological substrate similar to that of some exotic flora and fauna from several colony worlds.
Last edited by Sol Core Federation on Wed Jul 13, 2011 1:38 am, edited 21 times in total.
This is how Vetinari thinks, his soul exulted. Plans can break down. You cannot plan the future. Only presumptuous fools plan. The wise man steers.”
— Terry Pratchett, Making Money

He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, Aphorism 146, German philosopher (1844 - 1900)

No further photographs were taken after this point, but according to surviving witnesses the police spontaneously combusted from sheer terror.
Sol Core Federation Fact book [FT] - WIP
Semi-hard science FT nation

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Sol Core Federation
Posts: 116
Founded: Oct 01, 2010

S.C.S.C Starships

Postby Sol Core Federation » Sat Nov 27, 2010 2:54 am

S.C.S.C Spacecraft

Marathon class Dreadnought ... rionP1.png ... rionP3.png ... rionP4.png ... rionP5.png ... rionP6.png ... rionP7.png ... rionP8.png ... rionP9.png

OOC: None of the above were created by me.

Unlike most of the Federation’s hasty conversions of civilian models, the Marathon class Dreadnought is the first dedicated warship designed in nearly two thousand years. It admirably balances acceleration, protection and weapons load out for a vessel of its mass. Commanded by the best veteran spacecraft and fleet commanders, they were marshaled to the frontlines to serve as a devastating weapon of war and a sign of hope for the embattled and weary Federation fleets. More than any other warship, the Marathon class proved to be instrumental in slowing the P’fhor advance.

With its array of heavy weapons, it has a formidable presence in any engagement. The 2000 meter long spinal gauss-dark matter/energy gun unique to this Dreadnought is capable of accelerating a multi-kilogram molecularly-enhanced slug of either normal matter or antimatter at nearly 200,000 KPS, giving the round the incredible kinetic energy of 40.7 Megatons of TNT, enough firepower to break almost any known vessel in half. The Marathon’s orbital bombardment capacity is the most extreme ground assault vector available to Space Command short of an outright nuclear or antimatter strike, and can level a city within minutes. It is this overwhelming firepower, as well as its relatively slow acceleration, that leads to the Marathon being at the center of any sizable battle fleet, providing long-range firepower in return for more maneuverable defense.

Aside from that, the Marathon’s Fleet Mind class Artificial Intelligence is the most advanced warship A.I to date. This powerful combat A.I, on top of simultaneously calculating the trajectories of any number of incoming projectiles, choreographing maneuvers which present the smallest possible cross-section toward multiple perspectives, calculating the probability of placement of incoming laser and particle beam strikes, monitoring every last one of the ship’s functions, running hundreds of thousands of simulations every second, and operating over a thousand weapons to maximum effectiveness, is also presented with the task of directing and operating entire battle fleets in a similar manner.

Vessels of this class are also designed to be extremely durable, being capable of remaining semi-combat operational despite sustaining breaches to all compartments and losing 80% of their armor.

Length (excluding radiator vanes): 3000 meters.
Width: 525 meters.
Depth: 525 meters.
Volume: approx. 866,234,249 cubic meters.
Outer Armor: Eight meters of Tirtainium in whipple layers.
Shielding (Fore): 1200x Grav-Barrier Emitters, 2400x Magnetic Barrier Emitters.
Shielding (Side/Ventral/Dorsal): 2000x Grav-Barrier Emitters, 5000x Magnetic Barrier Emitters.
Shielding (aft): 800x Grav-Barrier Emitters, 2000x Magnetic Barrier Emitters.
  • 1x spinal mounted gauss-dark matter/energy cannon.
  • 56x 20 Terawatt Free-electron laser cannons.
  • 56x 20 Terawatt Neutral Particle Beam Cannons.
  • 1200x 12 Gigawatt Free-electron GARDIAN pulse lasers.
  • 800x Missile tubes (100 MT warhead, located in missile pods separate from main body, magazine capacity for 4 volleys).
Power Production: 30x Sova D-56 Fusion Reactors.
Sub-Light Engines: 1x 10 Petawatt Kodiak-Cielo Antimatter Power Plant.
Maneuvering Engines: Helios Thruster Modules.
Average Acceleration: Cruise mode; 0.1 G, Combat mode; 0.5 G.
Average Delta-v: Cruise mode; 140,000 m/s, Combat mode; 20,000 m/s.
FTL: 4x Dark Space Translight Drive (60 LY per day).
Mass (Dry): 1.5 billion metric tons.
Mass (loaded): 8.5 billion metric tons.
Crew Complement: 120 Humans, 14 Platoons, 600,000 maintenance drones.

Shiva II class Dreadnought

With modest beginnings as an asteroid destruction and recovery workhorse, the original Shiva class Dreadnought was the pinnacle of Federation retrofitting engineering, and the current mark II to outstrips the older civilian conversion in all categories - acceleration, protection, weapons load out - the modern Shiva class is one of the most powerful warships ever built by humankind, second only to the Marathon class.

Length: 2250 meters.
Width: 500 meters.
Depth: 500 meters.
Volume: 294,637,500 cubic meters.
Outer Armor: 4 meters of Tirtainium in whipple layers.
Shielding (Fore): 1000x Grav-Barrier Emitters and 2000x Magnetic Barrier Emitters.
Shielding (Side/Ventral/Dorsal): 1500x Grav-Barrier Emitters, 2500x Magnetic Barrier Emitters.
Shielding (Aft): 400x Grav-Barrier Emitters, 1000x Magnetic Barrier Emitters.
  • 80x 5 Terawatt Free-electron laser cannons.
  • 80x 5 Terawatt Neutral Particle Beam Cannons.
  • 1200x 5 Gigawatt Free-electron GARDIAN pulse lasers.
  • 300x Missile tubes with magazine capacity for 3 volleys.
Power Production: 12x Sova D-56 Fusion Reactors.
Sub-Light Engines: 4x 500 Terawatt Kodiak-Cielo Antimatter Power Plant.
Maneuvering Engines: Helios Thruster Modules.
Average Acceleration: Cruise mode; 0.01 G, Combat mode; 1 G.
Average Delta-v: Cruise mode; 150,000 m/s, Combat mode; 25,000 m/s.
FTL: 3x Dark Space Translight Drives (50 LY per day).
Mass (Dry): 456.35 million metric tons.
Mass (Loaded) : 1.5 billion metric tons.
Crew Complement[/b: 100 Humans, 10 Platoons, 100,000 maintenance drones.

[b]Orion III class Planetary Siege Engine ... 03rka6.jpg - Early civilian conversion

The Orion class Planetary Siege Engine is the most powerful non-Dreadnought ship in the navy. The vessel is built around a giant spinal mounted Free-electron Laser/Neutral Particle Beam cannon with a maximum output of 200 Terawatts per shot.

Length:2000 meters.
Outer Armor: 10 inches of TIrtainium

Javelin class Drone Missile Cruiser

The Javelin class Drone Missile Cruiser is an upscale Longbow class Drone Missile Destroyer, the major difference being its heavier armor. Despite the heavier armor, the Javelin relies on supporting vessels to protect it more so than any other spacecraft.

Length: 1800 meters.
Width: 320 meters.
Depth: 320 meters.
Volume: 96,546,816 cubic meters.
Outer Armor:
Shields :
Shields :
Shields :
  • 380x Missile tubes with magazine capacity for 7 volleys.
  • 400x 200 Megawatt Free-electron GARDIAN pulse lasers.
Power Production: 5x Sova D-56 Fusion Reactors.
Sub-Light Engines: 1x 100 Terawatt Kodiak-Cielo Antimatter Power Plant.
Average Acceleration: Cruise mode; 0.5 G, Combat mode; 5 G.
Average Delta-v: Cruise mode; 200,000 m/s, Combat mode; 27,000 m/s.
FTL: 2x Dark Space Translight Drives (40 LY per day).
Mass (Dry): 40.67 million metric tons.
Mass (Loaded): 120 million metric tons.
Drone Crew Complement: 20,000.

Vanguard class Destroyer

The Vanguard class Destroyers' large array of weapons makes it an excellent addition to any fleet.

Length: 1300 meters.
Width: 280 meters.
Depth: 280 meters.
Volume: 53,385,695 cubic meters
Outer Armor: 36 inches of Tirtainium in whipple layers.
Shielding (Fore): 20x Grav-Barrier Emitters and 60x Magnetic Emitters.
Shielding (Side/Dorsal/Ventral): 60x Grav-Barrier Emitters and 120x Magnetic Emitters.
Shielding (Aft): 10x Grav-Barrier Emitters and 12 Magnetic Barrier Emitters.
  • 52x 12 Gigawatt Free-electron pulse laser cannons.
  • 32x 4 Gigajoule Gauss Cannons.
  • 224x 200 Megawatt Free-electron GARDIAN pulse lasers.
  • 20x 12 Gigawatt Neutral Particle Beam Cannons.
Power Production: 5x Sova D-56 Fusion Reactors.
Sub-Light Engines: 1x 100 Terawatt Kodiak-Cielo Antimatter Power Plant.
Maneuvering Engines: Helios Fusion Thruster Modules.
Average Acceleration: Cruise mode; 0.1 G, Combat mode; 7 G.
Average Delta-v: Cruise mode; 200,000 m/s, Combat mode; 30,000 m/s.
FTL: 2x Dark Space Translight Drives (40x LY per day).
Mass (Dry): 28.45 million metric tons.
Mass (loaded): 45 million metric tons.
Crew Complement: 10x Humans, 4x Marine Squads, 3000x maintenance drones.

Longbow class Drone Missile Destroyer

The Longbow class is among the first dedicated warship designs in nearly two thousand years. It forgoes heavy armor and shielding in favor of powerful ECM and massive engines capable of sustaining double-digit gee acceleration in combat for a short time. With its large array of missile pods the Longbow is a deadly opponent at range. Such offensive power comes at a price, however - the Longbow relies on support ships to deal with enemy vessels at close range and enemy missiles if they break through the heavy ECM.

Length: 1300 meters.
Width: 300 meters.
Depth: 300 meters.
Volume: 61,284,599 cubic meters.
Outer Armor:
Shielding (Fore): 20x Grav-Barrier Emitters and 60x Magnetic Barrier Emitters.
Shielding (Top/Ventral/Dorsal): 60x Grav-Barrier Emitters and 120x Magnetic Barrier Emitters.
Shielding (Aft): 20x Grav-Barrier Emitters and 12x Magnetic Barrier Emitters.
  • 76x Missile tubes with magazine capacity for 21 volleys.
  • 68x 150 Megawatt Free-electron GARDIAN pulse lasers.
Power Production: 3x Sova D-56 Fusion Reactors.
Sub-Light Engines: 1x 50 Terawatt Kodiak-Cielo Antimatter Power Plants.
Maneuvering Engines: Helios Thruster Module.
Average Acceleration: Cruise mode; 0.5 G, Combat mode; 20 G.
Average Delta-v: Cruise mode; 200,000 m/s, Combat mode; 30,000 m/s.
FTL: Dark Space Translight Drive (30 LY per day).
Mass (Dry): 15 million metric tons.
Mass (loaded): 40 million metric tons.
Drone Crew Complement: 4000.

Mediator III class Frigate

The workhorse of the Federation fleet, unlike its precursor the mark III combines acceleration with a powerful weapons array and decent defense. The original Mediator class were hasty civilian conversions to bolster the Frontier Defense Fleets against the P’fhor onslaught.

The layout of the Mediator class, like most warships, is a classic smooth cigar-shape capped with a tapered cone, with fourteen extreme density water propellant tanks in the rear, buried underneath the outer armor belt. Behind the cone section is a rotating crew section that provides point-eight gees of gravity, flush with the rest of the hull. Much of the surface is covered in the standard Diffuse Radiator Arrays (DRA), ceramic strips along the exterior of the armored hull. This design presents the lowest possible amount of exploitable weak points while not being an impractical sphere, as well as cutting down on the extra mass that a rectangular design would entail. In the event of primary engine failure, the ship is also outfitted with three fusion reactor cores as an alternate power source.

The ship is equipped with three Sova D-56 fusion reactors with an average generating output of 320 Gigawatts and a maximum of 4.5 Terawatts. Like all military ships, the Gladiator class uses super-dense hydrogen, water, and anti-hydrogen (7000 metric tons to a 12.5 meter per side cube) as its fuel source for fusion reactors and antimatter torches. This super-dense fuel nearly eliminates the need to worry about fuel/propellant during battles.

Like most crewed warships the bulk of the Mediator’s dry mass is its armor.

Length: 600 meters.
Width: 150 meters.
Depth: 150 meters.
Volume: 6,883,989.11 cubic meters.
Outer Armor: 36 inches of Tirtainium in whipple layers.
Shielding (Fore): 10x Grav-Barrier Emitters and 30x Magnetic Emitters.
Shielding (Side/Dorsal/Ventral): 30x Grav-Barrier Emitters and 70x Magnetic Barrier Emitters.
Shielding (Aft): 4x Grav-Barrier Emitters and 6x Magnetic Barrier Emitters.
  • 22x 10 Gigawatt Free-electron pulse laser cannons.
  • 16x 4 Gigajoule Gauss Cannons.
  • 62x 200 Megawatt Free-electron GARDIAN pulse lasers.
  • 10x 10 Gigawatt Neutral Particle Beam Cannons
Power Production: 3 Sova D-56 Fusion Reactors.
Sub-Light Engines: 1x 40 Terawatt Kodiak-Cielo Antimatter Power Plant.
Maneuvering Engines: Helios Fusion Thruster Modules.
Average Acceleration: Cruise mode; 0.5 G, Combat mode; 9 G.
Average Delta-v: Cruise mode; 200,000 m/s, Combat mode; 30,000 ms/
FTL: Dark Space Translight Drive (30 LY per day).
Mass (Dry): 10 million metric tons.
Mass (loaded): million metric tons.
Crew Complement: 10x Humans, 2x Marine squads, 1000x drones.

Gladiator class Drone Assault Frigate

Guardian V class Drone Frigate

One of the older ships in service at the start of the Human-P’fhor War, the Guardian’s primary role is to defend against enemy missiles. The modern Guardian class is outfitted with a large array of 200 Megawatt GARDIAN pulse laser turrets that can quickly blast apart enemy missiles and are also moderately effective against lighter warships within several thousand kilometers. It relies on its maneuverability more than any other ship to survive in battle because of its very thin armor.

Length: 600 meters.
Width: 150 meters.
Depth: 150 meters.
Volume: 6,921,250.15 cubic meters.
Outer Armor: 8 inches of Tirtainium in whipple layers.
Shielding (Fore): 10x Grav-Barrier Emitters and 20x Magnetic Barrier Emitters.
Shielding (Side/Ventral/Dorsal): 20x Grav-Barrier Emitters and 30x Magnetic Barrier Emitters.
Shielding (Aft): 2x Grav-Barrier Emitters and 3 xMagnetic Barrier Emitters.
  • 200x 250 Megawatt Free-electron GARDIAN pulse lasers.
Power Production: 3x Sova D-56 Fusion Reactors.
Sub-Light Engine: 1x 50 Terawatt Kodiak-Cielo Antimatter Power Plant.
Maneuvering Engines: Helios Fusion Thruster Module.
Average Acceleration: Cruise mode; 0.5 G, Combat mode; 14 G.
Average Delta-v: Cruise mode; 200,000 m/s, Combat mode; 30,000 m/s.
FTL: Dark Space Translight Drive (30 LY per day).
Mass (Dry): 2.4 million metric tons.
Mass (loaded): 19.4 million metric tons.
Crew Complement: 600x drones.

Swarm Frigates

Swarm Frigates, as their name implies, are small fast ships that close to under ten thousands kilometers to engage enemy craft.

Length: 150 meters.
Width: 50 meters.
Depth: 50 meters.
Primary Armor Belt:
Shielding (Fore):
Shielding (Side/Dorsal/Ventral):
Shielding (Aft):
  • 24x 3 Gigajoule Gauss Cannons.
  • 6x 3 Gigawatt Neutral Particle Beam Cannons.
  • 12x 100 Megawatt Free-electron GARDIAN pulse lasers.
Power Production: D-56 Sova Fusion Reactor.
Sub-Light Engines: 1x 25 Terawatt Kodiak-Cielo Antimatter Power Plant.
Maneuvering Engines: Helios Fusion Thruster Modules.
Average Acceleration: Cruise mode; 1 G, Combat mode; 30 G.
Average Delta-v: Cruise mode; 400,000 m/s, Combat mode; 90,000 m/s.
Mass (Dry): 230,456 metric tons.
Mass (loaded): 623,453 metric tons.

Troop Transport and Logistical Vessels

Kodiak class Planetary Assault Carrier

The Kodiak class is the largest human spacecraft ever built rated for in-atmosphere use, with an impressive array of defensive GARDIAN lasers it can provide the ultimate in Anti-Air and Anti-Armor within its line-of-sight in atmosphere.

Shape: Brick
Length: 1200 meters.
Width: 300 meters.
Depth: 300 meters.
Volume: 28,000,000 Cubic Meters.
Outer Armor: 6 inches of Tirtainium in whipple layers.
Shielding (Fore):
Shielding (Side/Ventral/Dorsal):
Shielding (Aft):
  • 200x 300 Megawatt Free-electron GARDIAN pulse lasers.
Power Production: 2x Sova D-56 Fusion Reactors.
Sub-Light Engines: 1x 20 Terawatt Kodiak-Cielo Fusion Power Plant.
Maneuvering Engines: Helios Thruster Modules.
Average Acceleration (Space): Cruise mode; 1 G, Combat mode; 7 G.
Average Delta-v (Space): Cruise mode; 220,000 m/s, Combat mode; 40,000 m/s.
Mass (Dry): 723,345,300 metric tons.
Mass (Fully Loaded): 3,450,845 metric tons.
Crew Complement: 20 Humans, 5000 maintenance drones.
Ground Force Complement: 2x Divisions

Sphinx class Heavy Fleet Tender

The Sphinx class Heavy Fleet Tender is a large cargo ship that carries a large number of industrial grade AMS and the raw resources to create whatever is needed by the fleet. It also carries a moderate amount of antimatter for refueling spacecraft.

Sentinel class Medium Fleet Tender

The Sentinel class Medium Fleet Tender is a mid-size cargo ship built for moving about many tens of millions of tons of antimatter.

Fatboy class Super Heavy Factory Ship

The Fatboy class Super Heavy Factory Ship is a dreadnought-size vessel that can tear apart asteroids many kilometers across and build new ships and/or whatever else is needed on site.

Griffon class Factory Ship

Terra class Agricultural Vessel
Last edited by Sol Core Federation on Wed Jul 13, 2011 10:15 pm, edited 160 times in total.
This is how Vetinari thinks, his soul exulted. Plans can break down. You cannot plan the future. Only presumptuous fools plan. The wise man steers.”
— Terry Pratchett, Making Money

He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, Aphorism 146, German philosopher (1844 - 1900)

No further photographs were taken after this point, but according to surviving witnesses the police spontaneously combusted from sheer terror.
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Sol Core Federation
Posts: 116
Founded: Oct 01, 2010

S.C.S.C Ground Weapons, Armor, and Equipment pt. I

Postby Sol Core Federation » Sat Nov 27, 2010 2:59 am

S.C.S.C Ground Weapons, Armor, and Equipment pt. I


Almost all modern ground weapons are Gauss Cannons, or magnetic accelerators, which propel a solid metal slug using precisely-controlled electromagnetic attraction and repulsion. The molecularly reinforced slug (required for it to achieve desired ranges due to the high velocity and lost mass from ablation) is designed to squash or shatter on impact, increasing the energy it transfers to the target. If this were not the case, it would simply punch a hole right through, doing minimal damage.

Most modern weapons are also designed to be recoilless. In place of a stock modern weapons use an almost perfectly recoilless system that accounts for most of a weapon’s weight, precisely engineered to nullify recoil in both space and in atmosphere.

Weapons also feature smart targeting that allows them to correct for weather and environment. Firing on a target in a howling gale feels the same as it does on a calm day on a practice range. Smart targeting does not mean a bullet will automatically find the mark every time the trigger is pulled; it only makes it easier for the marksman to aim.

M760C ICWS Assault Rifle


The M760C assault rifle is an nanotube cooled, electronic-operated, magazine-fed weapon constructed in a nanopolymer matrix frame of aggregated diamond nanorods and carbon nanotubes, which gives it an impressive resistance to damage. The barrel is composed of a lining of molecularly-enhanced ceramic matrix composite, and an overwrap of molecularly-enhanced metal matrix composite of aggregated diamond nanorods. Overall, it is a very reliable gauss weapon in all sorts of environments, ranging from the hellish surfaces of Venusian worlds to the coldest of ice worlds and asteroids. The design is also very modular, allowing for the removable of its loading electronics for cleaning through the proper kits.

It uses conductive high power density capacitors and coils which electricity feed is entirely built of carbon nanotubes, since their very close to a room temperature superconductor, making unwieldy cooling systems unnecessary, instead it uses four high efficiency carbon nanotube fins for heat dissipation into the environment, which also further reduces its weight since the multi-kilogram heat sinks used in older designs are no longer required; though in cases where the fins are damaged or otherwise inoperably it can still make use of a heat sink if they are available.

The weapon has proven extremely lethal and links the weapon statistics with the soldier's HUD and neural interface, such as ammunition count which can be uploaded to a tactical platoon level to coordinate logistics, bore temperature and estimated time until maintenance is required, and also allows for the user to switch quickly between firing modes with a single thought. This link is not a replacement for older, more traditional ways of operating a firearm, and is not required at all for the proper operations of the weapon.

It can be fired accurately full auto at long-range without the round "dipping" thanks to it's gauss propulsion system and advance recoil dampening mechanisms. Using the M760C's built in smartlink scope can significantly improve the weapon's accuracy at longer ranges.

The underslung M50 40mm Grenade Launcher comprises a barrel with a single magnetic coil, and a five round internal magazine. It is semi-automatic and uses an electronic and mechanical trigger action. Once loaded, the launcher is primed to fire from a trigger positioned just in front of the magazine housing, which is used as a handgrip when firing a grenade.

The M760C uses electronic pulse action to fire, controlled directly from the trigger. From the thumb selector, the weapon can be set to selective, singe-round burst, four-round burst, or full automatic fire, the third allowing a rate of fire up to the weapon’s cyclic rate of 2500 RPM. An redundant LED display situated ontop of the weapon indicates the ammo remaining in the magazine. This display can be dimmed or turned off for night operations.

The main drawbacks of the weapon, like all gauss weaponry, is power and ablation of the projectile at longer range. The most commonly used ammunition is as follows:


APAT (Armor Piercing Antimatter Tipped): The M760C fires the standard M432 10x40mm Armor Piercing Antimatter Tipped round. This ammunition comprises a 18 gram projectile that can be easily accelerated to hypervelocity by the M760D's twelve magnetic coils. The amount of Antimatter the round is tipped with varies depending on mission requirements and is in some cases replaced with more traditional high-explosive chemicals. A standard round is tipped with four nanograms of Antimatter (equal to 100 grams of TNT or 420 Kilojoules after accounting for Neutrino emissions). Terminal ballistic characteristics have been optimized for maximum lethality against infantry wearing power armor. The round is designed to penetrate lighter power armor, exploding just after impact to inflict lethal damage. The standard M760D ammunition clip will hold up to 200 M432 rounds in an ‘U’ bend conveyor, which feeds the rounds mechanically into the rotating breech mechanism. However, in practice the magazines are only filled to ninty-seven percent capacity in order to reduce the possibility of the autoloader jamming. Two other types of round are used by this rifle:

Lo-M (Low Mass): For use in sensitive installations and civilian starships to avoid collateral damage and hull breeching. The ammo magazine is a simple block of molecularly-enhanced metal. The gun's internal computer calculates the mass needed to reach the target based on distance, gravity, and atmospheric pressure, then shears off an appropriate sized slug from the block. A single block can supply thousands of rounds, making ammo a non-issue during any engagement but with the downside of poor penetration characteristics against armor and hard cover.


M760A ICWS Assault Rifle

The M760A ICWS was a nanotube superconductor cooled, electronic-operated, magazine-fed, fully-automatic bullpup rifle that fired 85 rounds of 10x40mm ammunition. It possessed a built-in electronics suite similar to that of all other M760 series rifles.

At 500 (auto) RPM, it had the lowest rate of fire of all the M760 rifles, which limited its effectiveness against P’fhor Drinnol and other heavy infantry units somewhat. This, and concerns about its relatively small magazine, prompted UniCom to supplement and eventually replace it with the M760B ICWS in the late 9690s.

M760B ICWS Assault Rifle

The development of the M760B ICWS was originally requested by UniCom as a result of the ineffectiveness of the M760A against the growing number of Drinnol deployed by the P’fhor. UniCom adopted the M760B in the late 9690s. Modifications to the M760B were extensive. In addition to a larger capacitor, the barrel was made with a greater thickness in front of the front sight post to resist bending in the field and to allow a longer period of sustained fire without overheating. The rest of the barrel was maintained at the original thickness to enable the M567 40mm Grenade Launcher to be attached. A new adjustable rear sight was added, allowing the rear sight to be dialed in for specific range settings between 500 and 4000 meters to take full advantage of the ballistic characteristics of the M432 10x40mm APAT. A notch for the middle finger was added to the grip, as well as more texture to enhance the grip. The M760B featured a more “solid”, sturdier design compared to its predecessor, which had reduced the possibility of damage in the field.

The most extreme modification was the M760B’s new larger 120-round magazine. UniCom had requested greater ammunition capacity, which was easily implemented.

All together, the M760B’s new features added weight and complexity to the M760 series. Critics also point out that neither of the rear sight apertures is ideally sized. The smaller aperture was described as being too small, making quick acquisition of the front sight post difficult; and the larger aperture was described as being too larger, resulting in decreased accuracy. To make matters worse, the rear sight apertures are not machined to be on the same plane. In other words, the point of impact changes when the user changes from one aperture to the other. The rear sight’s range adjustment feature is rarely used in combat as soldiers rely mainly on the smarlinked scope.

M760C Specifications

Official Designation: M760C ICWS Assault Rifle
Entered Service: 9710 C.E.
Designer: Phoenix Firearms Manufacturing.
Designed: 9707 C.E.
Weight: 8.7 kilograms (unloaded), 13.3 kilograms (loaded).
Length: 42 inches.
Barrel Length: 30 inches.
Caliber: 10x40mm.
Action: Electronic, magnetic accelerator.
Sights: Laser sight, iron sight, and 10x smartlink scope.
Rate of Fire: 200 RPM (single), 2500 cyclic RPM (burst), 600-1200 RPM(auto).
Muzzle Velocity: 250-2500 m/s.
Average Muzzle Energy: 56.2 kJ.
Feed System: 200 round magazine.
Power Source: Rechargeable 100 Megajoule capacitor good for 1900 rounds at standard muzzle velocity.
Effective Range (with good sight): 4000 meters (point target), 7000 meters (area target).

M50 40mm Grenade Launcher Specifications

Official Designation: M50 40mm Grenade Launcher.
Caliber: 40x40mm and 40x75mm.
Muzzle Velocity: 100-300 m/s.
Weight (empty): 4 kilograms.
Barrel Length: 12 inches.
Feed System: 5 round internal magazine.
Effective Range: 720 meters (point target), 2000 meters (area target).
Rate of Fire: 100 RPM (cyclic), 40 (sustained).

M22 Particle Beam Rifle

The M22 Particle Beam Rifle is the smaller cousin of the PIG. The rifle weighs 14.5 kilograms loaded. It is a 10 mW plasma system firing vaporized 10 gm cadmium-telluride pellets, with a 90 round capacity. The unit has a 100 Megajoule rechargeable capacitor that powers the gun’s laser and magnetic coil. The gun has a RoF of 320 RPM. Due to its lower ammo capacity and RoF the M22 has yet to surpass the M760 series as the standard issue rifle.

M22 Particle Beam Rifle Specifications

Official Designation: M22 Particle Beam Rifle.
Entered Service: 9702 C.E.
Designer: Phoenix Firearms Manufacturing.
Designed: 9695 C.E.
Weight: 12 kilograms (unloaded), 14.5 kilograms (loaded).
Length: 37.23 inches.
Barrel Length: 25.35 inches.
Sights: Laser sight, iron sight, and 10x smartlink scope.
Rate of Fire: 320 RPM.
Muzzle Velocity: 21,000 m/s.
Power Source: Rechargeable 100 Megajoule capacitor.
Effective Range (with good sight): 2000 meters.
Attachments: M50 Grenade Launcher

M54 Laser Rifle

The M54 Laser Rifle is a 21 mW free-electron laser issued to as a secondary weapon to frontline and support personnel. The weapon has a 100 Megajoule capacitor. The weapon is built in a bullpup configuration.

M54 Laser Rifle Specifications

Type: Infantry portable free-electron laser.
Entered Service: 9678 C.E.
Designer: Phoenix Firearms Manufacturing.
Designed: 9675 C.E.
Weight: 15 kilograms.
Length: 35 inches.
Barrel Length: 20 inches.
Sights: Laser sight, iron sight, and smartlink scope.
Rate of Fire: 450 RPM.
Power Source: Rechargeable 100 Megajoule capacitor.
Effective Range (with good sight): 2000 meters.
Attachments: M50 Grenade Launcher

M779 Submachine Gun PDW

The M779 Personnel Defense Weapon is a weak close-quarters combat weapon. Though it is weaker than other weapons, it makes up for this in being able to put a heavy rain of fire down range in CQC. The M779 PDW is, as it name suggest, primarily issued to support personnel for self-defense.

Official Designation: M779A SMG PDW
Entered Service: 9699 C.E.
Designer: Phoenix Firearms Manufacturing.
Designed: 9697 C.E.
Weight: 3.7 kilograms (unloaded), 4.3 (loaded).
Length: 25 inches.
Barrel Length: 15 inches.
Caliber: 6x20mm SAPAT.
Action: Electronic, magnetic accelerator.
Sights: Laser sight, iron sight, smartlink scope.
Rate of Fire: 950 RPM.
Muzzle Velocity: 250-1500 m/s.
Average Muzzle Energy: 7.5 kJ.
Feed System: 120 4x25mm round box magazine.
Power Source: Rechargeable 12.5 Megajoules capacitor good for rounds 4500 rounds.
Effective Range: 400 meters (point target), 1300 meters (area target).

M234 Automatic Shotgun CAWS

The M234 Automatic Shotgun Close Assault Weapons System is an extremely devastating close-quarters weapon, using 20mm shells to disperse a spray of small spherical pellets when fired. The M234’s stopping power at close-range makes it ideal for clearing a room or taking out small groups of enemies. It is compatible with dozens of ammunition types (air-brust grenades, high-explosive rounds, armor-penetrating rounds, flechette, rifled slugs, incendiary, cluster munitions delivery, etc.}, the M234 makes up for its few setbacks with unparalleled close-quarters firepower.

Official Designation: M234 Automatic Shotgun CAWS.
Entered Service: 9694 C.E.
Designer: Phoenix Firearms Manufacturing.
Designed: 9693 C.E.
Weight: 7.6 kilograms (unloaded), 7.8 kilograms (loaded).
Length: 36 inches.
Barrel Length: 25 inches.
Caliber: 20x84mm shell.
Action: Electronic, magnetic accelerator.
Sights: Laser sight.
Rate of Fire: 80 RPM.
Muzzle Velocity: 250-1350 m/s.
Average Muzzle Energy: 91 kJ.
Feed System: 20 round drum magazine.
Power Source: Rechargeable 75 Megajoule capacitor good for 600 rounds.
Max. Effective Pellet Range: 140 meters.
Slug/Grenade Effective Range: 2400 meters.

M7A PDW Magnum

The M7A Personnel Defense Weapon Magnum, with its older variants, has been the standard sidearm for the past sixty years. It is a 12mm automatic, electronically operated, magazine fed hand weapon. The working mechanism is made of steel alloy with some plastic parts and the outer casing is machined from lightweight alloys. The cartridge is a 12x40mm Semi-Armor-Piercing Antimatter Tipped round with a bullet weight of 28.5 grams.

The M7A is known throughout the Marine Corps as “the Hand Cannon” because of its extreme firepower for such a small weapon. Civilian variants are often purchased by colonist on planets that have dangerous big game animals.

Official Designation: M7A PDW Magnum.
Entered Service: 9660 C.E.
Designer: Phoenix Firearms Manufacturing.
Designed: 9658 C.E.
Weight: 1.9 kilogram (unloaded), 2 kilograms (loaded).
Length: 12 inches.
Barrel Length: 6 inches.
Caliber: 12x40mm SAPAT.
Action: Electronic, magnetic accelerator.
Sights: Laser sight, iron sight, and 4x smartlink scope.
Rate of Fire: 300 RPM.
Muzzle Velocity: 250-1000 m/s.
Average Muzzle Energy: 15.2 kJ.
Magazine Capacity: 15 rounds.
Power Source: Rechargeable 12.5 Megajoules capacitor good for 1190 rounds.
Max. Effective Range: 600 meters.
Maximum Range: 1500 meters.

M87 Hellbringer Flame Unit

The M87 Flame Unit (also called an Incinerator or Flamethrower) is a lightweight, carbine-format flamethrower designed for use in close combat at the squad and fireteam level. Using pressurized, ultra-thick napalml-H fuel as a base ignited by a nozzle burner, the M87 can shoot flame at targets up to 40 meters. Once a target has been hit, fuel droplets from the flamethrower will stick and continue to burn for approximately thirty seconds. With sufficient fuel in a standard fuel reservoir for a burst of up to 120 seconds, the M87 is undoubtedly one of the most fearsome weapons in the Marine inventory, and has proven especially useful in close combat and exomorph 'critter' cull operations. It is ideal for use against fortifications because of the ability of the flame to be directed through defensive apertures. However, it is unpopular with many of its operators, partly because of its short range, and also because of the tendency of the fuel reservoir to rupture violently when hit by shrapnel or small arms fire.

The M87 is 88cm long and weighs more than 5.7 kg with a full reservoir. A valve at the rear of the incinerator is used to refuel the weapon; alternatively, the reservoir can be screwed off and refilled or replaced separately. A twist-valve on the flamethrower regulates the fuel flow and a thumb switch on the handgrip electrically ignites the nozzle burner when depressed. The weapon is fired by squeezing the handgrip trigger (which is a pressure pad built into the grip), and will continue firing until the trigger is released. The range of the M87 can be increased by making a high angle shot, firing the flame unit up at an angle of 45 degrees - the burning fuel then descends onto the target in an arc. In this way, shots can be made up to a range of 70 metres, though it is far less effective than direct fire in penetrating an armored firing slit or aperture.

One option for the firer is the 'wetshot', where the nozzle burner is switched off and a stream of thickened fuel fired towards the enemy, which 'mists' as it reaches the end of its trajectory. If the nozzle burner is clicked back on, a subsequent shot can ignite the fuel vapor, creating an intense fireball. Another option is the blind angle burst, used during close-in fighting, such as within a built-up area - a flame burst from an M87 can be 'bounced' off facing walls or surfaces to attack an enemy around a blind corner.

Since the thickened fuel is difficult to extinguish, a commander must carefully consider the tactical area before authorising the use of flame. The amount of kindling and burnable debris must be assessed, as well as the environment. It is very important to note that naked flames should not be permitted in any pressurized environment with a high oxygen content. The potential for collateral damage is a serious constraint on the use of incendiary weapons like the M87.

Effective range: 40 meters.

Warning: Can be dangerous to user and allies in close quarters if not handled properly.

M490 Hydra Squad Automatic 50mm Grenade Launcher

The Hydra fires a variety of grenades at variable speeds, it is a powerful support and light anti-armor weapon. The Hydra has a laser range-finder built in that detects the distance to a wall or trench for example that an enemy is hiding behind. When fired the grenade detonates at a pre-set distance.

Most of these grenades can be thrown as well as being fired from grenade launchers and are armed by flipping the cap and pressing the exposed button twice.

Grenade used:

M70 High Explosive Fragmentation Grenade: The most commonly used round in the grenade launcher is the M70 High Explosive fragmentation round which is marked with red plastic cap. The cartridge has a rimmed, separating base, and launches a projectile with loaded with enough Antimatter for a 12 Megajoule explosion. When the round explodes , it spreads more than 12,000 fragments over a casualty radius of forty meters. The M70 can be employed as a hand grenade by flipping off its plastic cap and pressing the exposed button twice; this gives a five-second delay before the grenade explodes.

M68 Antimatter Armor Piercing (AAP) Grenade: Capable of penetrating 5 inches of molecularly enhanced metal, the round bursts with a casualty radius of 25 meters. This round is marked with a green cap.

M41A Bounding Fragmentation Grenade: This blue-capped round is not point detonating like the M70 or M68. When the round impacts, a small charge propels it two meters into the air, where it air bursts for additional effect against troops in the open or in foxholes without overhead cover.

Toxic: Sprays out a cloud of neurotoxin that is extremely caustic - given enough time it can eat its way through any NBC filters.

M408 Canister (Buckshot) Grenade: Essentially a large shotgun round with a range of 50 meters, this cartridge with a flat, black nose, gives the Marine grenadier effective firepower for close-in engagements. Cannot be thrown.

M540 Baton Grenade: Rarely issued to UniCom troops, this yellow capped round fires a low-velocity plastic projectile capable of incapacitating or even disabling an unprotected lifeforms. Primarily used during civil disturbances. Cannot be thrown.

M60 Phosphorous Incendiary Grenade: This white-capped round contains a filler of white phosphorous which spreads up to 18 meters after impact, creating a rising smoke cloud and flame with a secondary incendiary effect against vegetation and material.

M71A1 Starshell Grenade: Marked with an embossed letter “S” on the top, the M72A1 is fired 200 meters into the air where it releases a parachute and ignites, providing illumination of 50,000 candelas for approximately 300 seconds.

M59C Smoke Grenade: Military and Police forces use these grey capped rounds to create temporary concealment. The smoke obscures everything but full-spectrum sensors. M59C Smoke rounds are available in several colors including: white, red, yellow, green and purple. This makes them ideal for signaling purposes.

M97 Flashbang Grenade: This round is used in conjunction with room clearing techniques, namely a person will throw one of these into a room it will then produce a loud explosion and extremely bright light that can temporally blind any unprotected person looking at it when it explodes, it will then be followed up by people assaulting the room. They are marked with an embossed 'F' on the top.

AALV: Antimatter Anti-Light Vehicle rounds are made of an explosive shaped charge that uses enough Antimatter for a 50 Megajoule explosion that can punch through solid armor.

High Explosive: The High Explosive (HE) grenade is an anti-personnel device that is designed to damage its target with explosive power alone. Compared to fragmentation grenades, the explosive filler is usually of a far greater weight and volume. The case is far thinner and is designed to fragment as little as possible. The overpressure produced by the standard version of this grenade when used in enclosed areas is greater than that produced by the fragmentation grenade.

Lethal Radius: Varies by model; ranges from 5 meters to 100 meters.
Casualty Radius: Varies by model; ranges from 30 meters to 500 meters.

Disrupter: Fires a powerful electro-magnetic pulse that will instantly disable lightly shielded targets for a short time. Less effective against vehicles due to their heavier shielding against EMP.

Official Designation: M490 Hydra Squad Automatic 50mm Grenade Launcher.
Entered Service: 9703 C.E.
Designer: Phoenix Firearms Manufacturing.
Designed: 9702 C.E.
Weight: 19.5 kilograms (unloaded), 25.5 kilograms (loaded).
Length: 58 inches.
Barrel Length: 40 inches.
Caliber: 50x50mm or 50x75mm.
Sights: Laser sight and 16x smarlink scope.
Rate of Fire: 400 RPM (cyclic), 120 RPM (sustained).
Muzzle Velocity: 30-1050 m/s.
Average Muzzle Energy: 90 kJ.
Feed System: 12 round drum magazine.
Power Source: Rechargeable 125 Megajoule capacitor good for 1400 grenades at standard velocity.
Effective range: 6000 meters.
Maximum range: 10,000 meters.


The SADAR (Shoulder-Launched Active-homing Disposable Anti-tank Rocket) is a single-shot anti-armour weapon effective out to 2000 m. The launch tube is discarded after use while the fire-and-forget rocket travels toward the target. The weapon is watertight when stowed. The inner molecularly-enhanced aluminium cylinder contains the actual rocket while the outer cylinder is made of carbon nanotubes to protect the user from the rocket's heat during launch in the event of magnetic coil damage. A trigger assembly and thermal sight are attached to the outer cylinder and flipped up when the weapon is ready to fire.

A charging button on the trigger assembly activates the supercooled IR seeker in the rocket's nose. The seeker feeds images to the thermal sight within two seconds and remains active for up to 30 minutes; after that, the rocket can only be used in an unguided fashion. While the seeker is active, as long as a hot object is clearly in view the rocket will hit it.

After launch, the seeker guides the rocket to the hottest part of the target, such as the engine, and adjust the flight path for optimum penetration. Against a tank, it will typically climb upward before diving towards the thinner top armor. The latest version is able to identify decoy flares and other countermeasures and has "rejection logic" to counteract them.

With a fusion or Antimatter warhead rated against light and medium tanks, the SADAR can also be used like an RPG by using a backup optical sight. This allows it to be used against bunkers, buildings, supply dumps, and other targets that don't have a thermal signature. However, unguided accuracy is only 600m.

M65 Rocket Launcher

The M65 Rocker Launcher is a reloadable 130 mm rocket propelled grenade launcher. The M65's main role is to act as an unguided anti-tank weapon. The launching tube has eight magnetic coils, a trigger mechanism, and a 6× smartlink scope. Each 130mm round is a hypervelocity spin-stabilized rocket with an impact-fused (usually either fusion or Antimatter) warhead. The grenade rounds are loaded separately into the tube like the 20th century bazooka. The rounds are accurate out to 2000m with a maximum range of 5 km.


The M1612 HIMAT (Hypervelocity Intelligent Missile, Anti-tank) is a man-portable battlefield "brilliant" weapon with a range of over 25,000 meters. The versatility of the system allows the field commander many options for its deployment and use.

The core element of the system is a 22.3 kg single-round self contained disposable launcher, which comes with its own bipod stand and baseplate. The launcher is a aggregated diamond nanorod and carbon nanotube composite tube containing the HIMAT round and RTM ports for the fire control system. The bipod can be set to launch the round horizontally or at increasing angles up until vertical, depending on deployment.

Fire control for the M1612 varies according to mission. For defensive deployment, the system can be set for either ‘Command’ or ‘Autonomous’ configuration. In both cases, one or more launchers are connected by cable to an APS-100 Fire Controller, an 500 Gb intelligent system which imports data from the local sensor matrix, including motion trackers, infrared scanners, lider, radar and robot sentries. It is also possible to datalink the Fire Control unit into higher-level assets such as surveillance drones or artillery Forward Observers. The APS-200 unit analyses the sensor data, and if it positively identifies a target it will lock-on with one or more missiles under its command and prepare to launch.

If set to Command mode, the APS-100 is connected to an operator who constantly monitors the Anti-Tank defense plan for the area. If a target is identified, the system will flash a ‘Target Lock’ indicator to the operator who can authorize a weapon’s launch or, if the exact identity of the target is unsure, a further IFF interrogation. If enabled for Autonomous mode, the APS-100 will work through its target identification protocols until it is sure it has locked-on to an enemy and then automatically launches one or more missiles.

The missile itself is a small two-stage round with a multi-sensor seeker. Upon launch, the missile is ejected from its tube vertically by magnetic coils where its control vanes orient it towards the target. The engine then fires, accelerating the missile nearly instantaneously to Mach 5.2. The seeker consists of a millimeter-wave radar and an aerial that allows "home-on-jam" capabilities. The seeker scans the target during its approach and determines its exact type and configuration from memory. If the target turns out to be friendly, the missile will steer itself away and self-destruct. If the target is hostile, the seeker will determine the optimum impact point and steer the missile towards it.

The warhead is comprised of a 6x70 centimeter molecularly-enhanced tungsten rod surrounded by high explosive. The explosive is detonated just before impact, launching the rod into the target's armour, similar to a tank SABOT round. The combination of the missile's hypervelocity and the explosive force allows the tungsten rod to penetrate all but the thickest armor.

The HIMAT has some success against aerial targets, such as low-flying dropships, helicopters, and VTOL aircraft. A multi-purpose warhead is being designed for use against both ground and aerial targets.

A new infantry sight that replaces the motion tracker with a millimetre-wave radar is being introduced to allow use against non-moving targets such as bunkers and supply dumps. However, the new sight will only be effective once the new multi-purpose warhead is introduced.

M78 Plasma Infantry Gun

The plasma Infantry Gun (PIG) is a man-portable, shoulder-fired anti-tank weapon. The 40.21 kg weapon consists of the gun and a power pack. It is a 80mW plasma system firing vaporized 40 gm cadmium-telluride (C-T) pellets, with a 7 round capacity. The power pack contains a 10mW hydrogen fuel cell to power the gun's laser and magnetic coil. The gun has a firing rate of 8 seconds, most of which is used in charging the discharge generator. The gun is rated to breach the front armor of a 809D Modular Combat Vehicle at 1500 meters.

The firing cycle starts when the fast-discharge generator pulses a laser, which creates an ionized air channel toward the target. The ionized channel is magnetized by the gun's electromagnetic coil creating a magnetic tunnel. A C-T pellet is ejected into the tunnel resulting in the laser vaporizing it into a superheated plasma. The magnetic coil then accelerates the plasma toward the target at approximately 14 km/s. When it reaches its target, the plasma burns through most armor due to its tremendous kinetic and thermal energy.

M27 Widow Antimaterial Sniper Rifle

The M27 Widow is an electronic action semi-automatic rifle employed as the primary sniper weapon of UniCom. This rifle is a key component of battalion operations; its long range and precision extending the tactical zone of control all the way to the horizon, subject to local terrain. The rifle is issued on a scale of two per platoon, though it is normally held for use in a company+ controlled pool of up to eight Scout-Snipers.

The M27 is laid out in standard configuration, with a casing of molecularly-enhanced metal matrix over a nanopolymer matrix frame of aggregated diamond nanotubes and carbon nanotubes. An overhead rail carries a folding bipod clear of the barrel. Standard issue round for the M27 is the 160 gram 20mm x 150mm round (comes in a large number of varieties such as Antimatter tipped). The barrel is free-floating with a right-handed twist and is contained within a protective shroud and receiver housing. Barrel options include a flash suppressor or a muzzle brake for long-range shooting. Ammunition is feed from a standard 8 round magazine inserted beneath the stock of the rifle, behind the thumb-hole of the pistol grip.

A combined, multi-spectral forty power passive sensor smartlink scope is mounted over the receiver. The scope display shows a composite image based on visual, infrared and electromagnetic emissions. The scope display can be augmented by input from the local sensor matrix via a digital comms broadcast or direct optic cable link. Motion trackers, ground radar, lidar and IR sensors may all be linked into the rifle; furthermore, the optional PARGET control system - exact details of which are classified - is able to connect the rifle into the local sentry gun matrix, allowing the Scout-Sniper to redirect sentry gun firing arcs when in hot contact.

Official Designation: M27 Widow Antimaterial Sniper Rifle.
Entered Service: 9695 C.E.
Designer: Phoenix Firearms Manufacturing.
Designed: 9694 C.E.
Weight: 40.7 kilograms (unloaded), 44.772 kilograms (loaded).
Length: 66 inches.
Barrel Length: 40 inches.
Caliber: 20x150mm.
Action: Electronic, magnetic accelerator.
Sights: Iron sight, Laser sight and 52x smartlink scope.
Rate of Fire: 40 RPM.
Muzzle Velocity: 250-5000 m/s.
Average Muzzle Energy: 300 kJ.
Feed System: 16 round magazine.
Power Source: Rechargeable 150 Megajoule capacitor good for 130 rounds.
Effective Range (with good sight): 36,000 meters.
Max. Range (with good sight): 100,000 meters.

UA 345-A Remote Sentry System

The UA 345-A is a man-portable automatic perimeter defense system currently deployed by the S.C.S.C Marine Corps. A standard remote sentry unit weighs in at 78.45 kilograms and can be assembled in under 120 seconds. The major components consist of a snap-open tripod mounting, a capacitor pack, breech and barrel assembly, sensor unit and 1500 round drum. A microwave datalink connects the sentry to the local Battlefield Command Network (BCN). Once emplaced, the system may be set to sweep wide arcs up to 360 degrees (subject to terrain and emplacement restrictions), though doctrine is to set several sentries to cover smaller, interlocking fields of fire on a narrow frontage. The UA 345-A mounts an electronic action gauss machine gun, using the M233 12mm x 40 APAT round. The weapon has a cyclic rate of 2000 RPM and uses carbon nanotubes for heat dissipation, with an automatic cutout preventing the loading of any more rounds into the breech should overheating cause a chance of ammunition ‘cook-off’.

The sentry unit’s sensor array is mounted above the barrel, aligned to cover a 60 degree cone in front of the weapon. This sensing suit can see in the entire electromagnetic spectrum, allowing it to detect heat signatures and see straight through walls. If a target’s visual or thermal profile is known, the V.I may be set just to monitor these specific targets using infrared or optical. However, the system is usually set to multi-spectral mode, where the sentry’s software cross-correlates received data from the different sensors to obtain a full target profile.

If the sentry is set to ‘auto-remote’, it will interrogate all targets in its sensor cone, using an Identification Friend Foe (IFF) transponder. All UniCom personnel and vehicles carry an IFF transponder in their communications gear which sends a coded radio signal when interrogated. If the IFF return is positive, the system will let the soldier or vehicle pass; otherwise it will open fire. If the system set to ‘manual override’ or ‘semi-automatic’, this information sent to a remote operator over the BCN, where the operator decides whether or not to fire.

When the weapon fires, automatic servos in the tripod boresight the weapon on the target. The number and grouping of rounds fired in a burst is dependent on the target profile so that the most economical use of ammunition is made.

The UA 345-A is one of a family of remote sentry systems which can be armed with a wide range of weapons from RPG’s, 20 Megawatt AT/AA lasers, 50mm automatic grenade launchers and more.

M254B6 Smartgun

The core of a UniCom squad in light power is its machine guns. More effective than a rifle, machine guns can sustain large volumes of continuous fire both in the attack and defense, and are frequently the most decisive weapon in a firstfight. The M254B6 is the primary UniCom squad machine gun. Lightweight, rugged and reliable, the Smart Gun is carried into battle on a self-aiming stabilized mount - so negating the need to position or set up the gun for full automatic fire - and is linked to a targeting system that can see in the entire electromagnetic spectrum for accurate aiming. Flexible and powerful, the M254B6 system is deployed in a variety of combat theatres and environments.

General Description

The M254B6 Smart Gun is a 12mm general-purpose automatic squad support weapon, effective out to 12,000 meters. The electronic action system employs a free-floating recoil-dampened mechanism chambered for the M333 series 12 x 40mm APAT round. Cyclic rate is 1800 RPM. The replaceable barrel system is carbon nanotube-fin cooled, though a heat sink attachment can be jacketed onto it. The system is mounted on an operator’s harness and slaved to a powerful sensor array. The gun is self-steering on the mount, though firing must be commanded manually. The entire gun assembly (including harness and full ammo load) masses 34.82 kilograms. The length of the gun itself is 130 centimeters, and the length of the barrel is 70.5 centimeters.

Prepping the M254B6

The M254B6 Smartgun system consists of five major components: the operator’s combat harness; the capacitor; the HUD and Neural Interface Uplink; the articulation arm; and the gun itself. To prep the M254B6 for combat, operators must first don the combat harness. The harness is constructed from nanotubes. The breastplate holds the PRC 345/7 communications receiver/transmitter, the 8 kilogram capacitor, and the tracking and targeting processor. Opening a backplate in it gives access to the processor, a sealed ‘black box line replacement unit (LRU) which can be easily unplugged and replaced in the field should it fail.

The stabilized articulation arm is attached to the left hip mounting and plugged in via coaxial cable to the processor and power outlets in the backpack. The gun itself is clipped and secured to the end of the arm. The HUD and Neural Interface Uplink is plugged into the armor for redundancy. The gun tracker is jacked into the processor by a universal connector, and the gun itself must be powered up before the weapon is loaded. Power for the entire system is supplied by a standard 8 kilogram (200 Megajoules) capacitor, good for up to 12,000 rounds when fully charged. Both ends of the capacitor unit are plugged into the power leads which run from the articulation arm to the gun.

M254B6 Movement

While the operator is standing, the gun is held and steered by its fore and back grips. Operators have a wide degree of motion with the gun and can play it in an arc from their front to their left sides, or point it directly upwards. When prone, operators must lie on their backs and employ the fore grip, while locking the cocking handle forward and using it as a side grip. The articulation arm is gyrostabilized and provides additional recoil dampening to keep the gun steady while the operator is walking or running. When tracking a ‘target’, the arm will self-steer the gun barrel so as to boresight the target’s center of mass. An operator must be sensitive to the ‘movements of the gun and allow it to aim itself, though they may override the gun’s motion at any time simply by steering the barrel elsewhere.

Target Tracking

When powered up, the gun begins tracking targets via its full spectrum tracker mounted above the barrel. This system monitors a 30 degree cone in front of the gun, and standard transmits a high-resolution thermal images in the 8-10 urn range to the operator’s HUD. If a target is detected, the tracker will overlay a lighted box or rectangle on the screen over the target’s center of mass. The articulation arm will then self-steer the gun to aim at this point, and as soon as it has done so, a target lock circle on the screen lights to indicate that the target is boresighted. If multiple targets or false-target decoys appear in the sight, the operator simply steers the lighted box to bracket whichever target he/she actually wishes to engage.

Firing the M254B6

All firing is controlled from either the forward hand grip or the rear firing handle; the operator fires the weapon by depressing the red ‘fire’ switch or pulling the firing handle upwards. A selector at the grip controls the gun’s safety features and the rate of fire. There are three settings on this switch: Safe, Burst and Autofire. Clicking/thinking off the Safety will automatically charge the weapon. (If there is a round already in the breech, the gun’s diagnostics will prevent any further loading). The Burst setting will fire five round bursts, while the Autofire feature will continue to fire the weapon at its full cyclic rate so long as the fire switch remains depressed.

The M233 12.5mm x 40 ammunition weighs 35 grams. Larger than that used by the M7A, the M233 also significantly differs in having a selectable fuse setting. A switch on the hand grip can be used to select the ammunition fusing, which is set electronically as the round is loaded into the chamber. The ‘Super’ setting is optimized against soft targets and will detonate the round on impact, while the ‘Delay’ setting explodes the shell only after penetrating the target armor.

The M233 ammunition is stored on a roll of continuous plastic non-disintegrating link belt in the ammunition drum, which can be reloaded in the field. In the event of a stoppage, the manual cocking handle at the side can be pulled to eject the round and clear the breech. This procedure can also be used to manually charge the mechanism. For detials of reloading and field stripping, refer to UniCom Field Manual 25-17-1.

Official Designation: M254B6 Smartgun.
Entered Service: 9692 C.E.
Designer: Phoenix Firearms Manufacturing.
Designed: 9690 C.E.
Weight: 34.82 kilograms (loaded).
Length: 130 centimeters.
Barrel Length: 70.5 centimeters.
Caliber: 12x40mm.
Action: Electronic, magnetic accelerator.
Rate of Fire: 200 RPM (Burst), 1800 RPM (Cyclic), 4000 RPM (Auto).
Muzzle Velocity: 250-4000 m/s.
Average Muzzle Energy: 100 kJ.
Feed System: 350 round drum.
Power Source: 200 Megajoule rechargeable capacitor.
Effective Range: 10,000 meters.

M245D Micro-Missile Launcher

Micro-Missiles are small short-range explosive weapons capable of tracking enemy targets. Standard Micro-Missiles are 6 centimeters in length and 2 wide. Standard Micro-Missile Launchers fire 96 missiles per volley, making them extremely useful against large concentrations of weak enemy infantry or unshielded light vehicles.

Official Designation: M245 Micro-Missile Launcher.
Entered Service: 9689 C.E.
Designer: Phoenix Firearms Manufacturing.
Designed: 9683 C.E.
Weight: 10 kilograms (unloaded), kilograms (loaded).
Length: 40 inches.
Barrel Length: 18 inches.
Action: Electronic, magnetic accelerator.
Sights: Laser sight and 10x smartlink scope.
Rate of Fire: 960 RPM.
Muzzle Velocity: 30 m/s.
Feed System: 96 Micro-Missiles box magazine.
Power Source: Rechargeable 20 Megajoule capacitor.
Effective range: 160 meters.

M72 Multiple-Launch Mortar

Infantry small unit fire support is supplied by the M72 Multiple-Launch Mortar, an 90 mm twin-tube launcher fed from an automatic ten round rotary magazine. Azimuth and elevation are adjusted by the motorized base via thought or from a remote command handset, and the magazine can discharge its ammunition either singly, or in volleys. Firing each tube sequentially, all ten rounds can be volleyed in under 8 seconds. Though man-packable, the entire system, including at least one magazine of ammunition, and weighs 70 kg. More commonly, the system is encountered aboard the M572 Armored Mortar Carrier, which carries up to 300 rounds and can autoload new magazines in under 6 seconds.

Magazine capacity: 10 rounds.
Max. Effective range: 12,000 meters.

Typhoon Autocannon

The Typhoon autocannon is a six-barrel gatling weapon that comes in many calibers raning from 15mm all the way up to 60mm. When a Typhoon cannon attacks, it initially fires at a moderate rate and covers a small arc but ‘spins up’, until it absolutely blankets a large arc with its firepower, and with sufficient frequency to launch multiple projectiles even before their predecessors have left the barrel. The result is a weapon that can fire up to nearly 6000 rounds per second (RPS) if needed, a volume of ordnance sufficient to liquefy most targets and exhaust the ammo supply within seconds.

Black Widow Anti-Tank Mine

Ravager Heavy Anti-Tank Mine

Powered Armor

Tycho Powered Combat Armor Mk. 43

Developed for UniCom soldiers and other units of the S.C.S.C, this 2200 kilogram powered combat armor is the most powerful and technologically advanced battle-suit available. The suit is designed to dramatically increase all physical properties of the soldier possessing it, including strength, speed, reflexes, agility, physiology (soldiers are not affected by viruses and disease), and combat awareness.


The suit features many layers which help enhance and protect the wearer. The first layer consists of what is most powerful protection system, its rechargeable Grav-Barrier system that forms a protective layer around the user and shields him/her from most forms of projectile weaponry (2 MJ on any arc before needing to recharge). The shields work by constantly sending out frequency pulses around the user (similar to sonar) that detects the movement speed of all nearby objects and calculated their speed and point of trajectory, when the suit senses an incoming object possessing a dangerous level of velocity and/or size the suit activates the emitters, drastically slowing down or deflecting the object. The process repeats until the shields capacitors are drained and the wearer takes cover, allowing the capacitors to regenerate.

The second layer consists of armor plates which are made of Tirtainium. This armor plating covers sections of the wearer including the legs, shoulders, abdomen, back, chest, and helmet; this layer is capable of taking hundreds of shots from a standard assault rifle before being compromised, and most importantly protecting from nearby explosions and shrapnel.

The third layer is a nuclear biological chemical (NBC) system composed of a tight fitting Titanium-C nanocomposite bodysuit that is just underneath the second layer. This helps seal out anything from the wearer. It also specially seals the suit's built-in oxygen supply that lasts for 2 weeks utilizing a compressed air system, in order to facilitate long-term operations in deep space. Another component of this layer is the air filtering system. This takes in air from outside the suit and filters out toxins, bacteria, viruses, and even radiation. The filtered air, now pure oxygen, is either stored in the suit for later use or put directly into the armor's helmet for the wearer to breathe immediately.

The fourth layer is one of the battlesuit's deadliest features: it's artificial muscle system. The artificial muscle system is made up of carbon-nanotubes that react to electrical stimulation, causing them to move. Over this muscle layer, the NBC layer tightly sits, securing a tight fit. The muscle layer completely covers the wearer's body and provides total protection from standard infantry weapons. It also renders most EMP attacks against the suit completely futile and helps ease the impact when a soldier lands on the ground after burning in. The muscle layer also allows the soldier to engage in overdrive, where the muscle systems allow the soldier to reach speeds of up to 80 km/h for short periods of time.

The operator is suspended in the fifth and final layer, a 5-9 centimeter thick layer of semi-solid neuroreactive gel, which detects the body’s neural impulses and seamlessly translates them to the movement of the suit, as well as providing tactile resistance to the operator. It also serves to regulate body temperature, cushion against impacts when the inertial damper is damaged, and generally tend to the operator’s biological needs. The hands of the operator do not inhabit the hands of the suit, but instead reside within the forearms, suspended in gel. This not only allows for greater gripping strength without weak fingers to get in the way, but also affords more protection to the user, their hands safe within the heavily armored forearm section. The same applies to the feet, which is where the extra height of the suit comes from. There is no opening to see through, as it relies on a decentralized visual sensor strip on the faceplate to relay images to the operator. The faceplate can be retracted if the sensor is too damaged, revealing a thick transparent faceplate.

Inside of this layer are multiple sensors linked to the suit's computer. These sensors monitor the wearer's biometrics.

Protecting the wearer's head is an intuitive helmet. This helmet contains a Heads Up Display (HUD), which displays information such as the tacmap, mission info, weapons and ammo, food and oxygen and the FOF (Friend or foe) display. The helmet consists of multiple layers, the first of which is an outer layer identical to the armor covering the rest of the suit. This outer layer has a decentralized visual sensor strip can see in the entire electromagnetic spectrum. Underneath the armored layer is an orange colored visor which displays the HUD. This visor is made of a type of bullet proof transparent Meta-Material. The final layer is a mask that goes over the wearer's mouth. This mask supplies the wearer with oxygen, food, and water directly from the armor's storage areas.

Built-in Armament

The main strength of the suit lays in its myriad of weapons systems, each integrated directly into the infrastructure of the exoskeleton. The right arm ends in a 3000 round, single-barrel Lucifer Autocannon which possess an integrated targeting system. A 50mm grenade launcher is mounted on top of the Autocannon. The right shoulder is carries a tri-barreled miniaturized HIMAT missile launcher. An M150 Magellan Particle Beam Cannon capable of 200 shots before refueling is mounted on the left shoulder, which can either be automatically aimed by the suits computer or manually by the operator.

The suit’s left and right arm both end in mechanical hands used to manually operate the built in weapons or smaller weapons and manipulate external objects. Two additional missile tubes are attached to the forearm and are packed with the same missiles used by the shoulder-mounted cluster. Three AALV Grenades are attached to each thigh, each with enough antimatter for a twenty-meter lethal blast radius.


One of the exosuit's most useful features are the jetpacks intergrated into the armor. The suit uses a total of four stabilizers and four afterburner thrusters located on the front and back of the suit. When not in use, the pack's thrusters folded into slots in the suit to protect from external damage. The jets can be turned on and off at any given time as long as there is fuel/propellant within the jet's. The jets are useful for scaling buildings and rough terrain or ambushing enemy soldiers. When full, the jets can immediately propel the user 10-100 meters into the air, or can be used to levitate the wearer, which can be useful when aiming in mid-flight.

Another feature that aids the armor's impressive mobility is it's rechargeable "Overdrive" mode, which propels the user in a rampant and continuous sprinting speed at nearly 80 km/h. The feature is a major contribution thanks to the exosuit's muscle servos (see above). It is vital for catching any fleeing targets or covering vast terrain in a fraction of the time; it can be used often thanks to it's long power duration and fast recharge time. If used in conjunction with the propulsion jets, the wearer can cover immense amounts of terrain in little to no time.

One of the most advanced pieces of equipment on the armor is the onboard computer housed within the helmet - the TacNet. It is linked directly with the wearer’s standard neural interface. Two core processor chips are implanted into the subjects skull in the rear of the head. This semi-bio computer creates the neural link needed to move the suit. This computer displays fleet communications, squad updates, and all tactical information related to the current operation. The TacNet also contains a motion-sensor tag system that tracks all known enemies and allies and displays the signatures on a miniature GPS map. In addition, the TacNet is synced with a requisition database to help soldiers select the deployable they want, though the requisition demands of officers have far more priority compared to the average NCO armored trooper. The system also includes a complete overview of the user's vitals as well as internal suit temperature. The TacNet can link with a micro-computer stored within the soldier's guns that provides weapon info such as weapon accuracy, weapon type, and the amount of ammunition left both in the soldier's overall ammo reserves and within the wielded weapon's clip. All of this information is shown on a simplified, yet organized HUD in order to prevent information overload in the heat of combat.

The most important feature of the suit is its power plant, the Acoustic Inertial Confinement Aneutronic Fusion (AICAF) plant, also known by the non-technical names of Bubble fusion and sonofusion. This micro-fusion plant allows the suit to go for months without refueling and allows the user to recharge their weapons in the field.

Another feature of the suit is that it houses millions of nano-sized artificial anti-bodies which can fight off any known virus, bacteria, or other disease. These nanites continue to replicate themselves inside of the wearer of the armor for as long as it doesn‘t endanger the health of the user (lack of nutrition etc).

One last feature of the armor is the extremely small yet high capacity survival backpack. Located between the rear jet emitters, the backpack houses the weapons for the soldier (some can be folded for more compact transport), ammunition, weapon battery clips, and weapon cleaning tools. The backpack also carries 3 weeks worth of food and water for long-term missions. The food is compressed, freeze- dried, and stored in small compartments on the armor for easy access. The water is kept in cooled, sterile tanks for when the soldier needs it. Contained in the backpack is also a portable survival shelter.

Guardian Semi Powered Stealth Armor

Guardian SPSA is most commonly used by garrison forces. It is less powerful than the Tycho Powered Combat Armor used by frontline forces. Its main benefit is that it is easier to maintain in the field than the Tycho armor. The SPSA was designed with an emphasis on stealth rather than on raw power. It features photo-reactive panels that mimic the surrounding textures, effectively being the Human equivalent to the P’fhors light-bending camouflage systems. The camouflage patterns of the Photo-reactive panels can mimic a wide range of electromagnetic radiation, but the wearer is still vulnerable for several seconds after a flash bang or plasma hit while the panels reset, which make the photo-reactive panels inferior compared to the P’fhor's camouflage technologies. It has been described as part "legionnaire mail, part tactical body armor, and part chameleon" by those who wear it.

It also features hardened plates, but is far less durable than standard armor, only capable of taking a few glancing blows before failing. It features full body armor with an enclosed helmet that uses a decentralized visual sensor strip like the Tycho that can be removed if the sensor is damaged, and a heads-up display, and a supply of breathable atmosphere; though only enough for sixty minutes, compared to the Tycho armor's oxygen supply of two weeks. It is also equipped with a cushioning layer of liquid nanocrystals that provided more ballistic protection than three centimeters of Kevlar diamond weave, without the bulk.

Horizon Mk. 677 Light Powered Armor

The Horizon Mk. 677 Light Powered Armor is worn by support personnel.



Omni-tools are multipurpose diagnostic and manufacturing tools used for a variety of battlefield tasks, such as hacking, decryption, or repair. When equipped, an Omni-tool appears over a person's left hand and forearm as an orange hologram. An omni-tool can be reconfigured to appear over the right hand for a left-handed user.

Omni-tools are handheld devices that combine a computer microframe, sensor analysis pack, and minifacturing fabricator. Versatile and reliable, an Omni-tool can be used to analyze and adjust the functionality of most standard equipment, including weapons and armor, from a distance.

The fabrication module can rapidly assemble small three-dimensional objects from common, reusable industrial plastics, ceramics, and light alloys. This allows for field repairs and modifications to most standard items, as well as the reuse of salvaged equipment.
Last edited by Sol Core Federation on Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:32 pm, edited 250 times in total.
This is how Vetinari thinks, his soul exulted. Plans can break down. You cannot plan the future. Only presumptuous fools plan. The wise man steers.”
— Terry Pratchett, Making Money

He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, Aphorism 146, German philosopher (1844 - 1900)

No further photographs were taken after this point, but according to surviving witnesses the police spontaneously combusted from sheer terror.
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Sol Core Federation
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Founded: Oct 01, 2010

S.C.S.C Manned Vehicles and Drones

Postby Sol Core Federation » Sat Nov 27, 2010 3:02 am

S.C.S.C Manned Vehicles and Drones

M677 GARDIAN Armored Vehicle

The M677 GARDIAN Armored Vehicle is a light and extremely fast AA vehicle armed with a dozen 70 mW free-electron lasers. These lasers also make it an effective anti-infantry and anti-vehicle weapons platform.


Weight: 10.45 metric tons.
Length: 10 meters.
Width: 3.4 meters.
Height: 2.5 meters.
Crew: 2.
Primary Armament:
  • 12x 70 mW free-electron GARDIAN lasers.
Shields: Capable of repealing 50 MJ of KE before needing to recharge.
Power Plant: Acoustic Inertial Confinement Aneutronic Fusion plant..

M247C3 Tracked APC ... PIGSL3.jpg

M344 Wheeled Armored Personnel Carrier

The M344 evolved from the 77 battlefield deployment strategy, which proposed a requirement for a low-cost lightweight APC capable of being transported into combat aboard a light dropship on worlds occupied by the P‘fhor. Designed as a multi-role vehicle within a lightly-equipped rapid-reaction force, the M344 is mobile and well armed. However, the rigid design restrictions and compromises imposed by the need to be light drop-transportable have resulted in a lighter, less capable vehicle than other APCs currently in UniCom service.

Because of the Marine Corps requirement that the vehicle’s combat weight be kept below 15 metric tons, the M344’s components were designed to be as lightweight and sturdy as possible. The chassis chosen for the prototype was based on that of the M370 family of vehicles which, in the late sixties, was being developed for using in a variety of roles, mainly as a prime mover and mortar platform. The APC is built around a 4 x 4 wheeled layout, powered by a 310 kW hydrogen fuel cell. Although the wheeled configuration does not give as rugged a cross country performance as a tracked vehicle, it does offer considerable savings in terms of weight penalties and reliability. Each of the massive 160 centimeter diameter wheels receives power independently from the engine via fully automatic, electronically-controlled transmission system. The tires are armored against small arms and splinter, and their pressure is controlled by a central regulation system. This allows the driver to reduce the vehicle’s ground pressure over soft terrain by deflating the tires, whilst still being able to rein late them for road travel.

The M344’s chassis is made of molecularly-enhanced titanium and incorporates a 5 cm foam-packed floor cavity to protect against forged-fragment mines. Ground clearance is normally only 22 cm, but the vehicle employs a hydroneumatic, fully active suspension to allow a clean ride over rough terrain. The suspension is capable of booting ground clearance by a full 30 cm and allows the M-344 to comfortably tackle vertical obstacles up to 0.5 meters. The hull is made from a molecularly-enhanced light alloy matrix and is latched and bonded (rather than welded) to the chassis in order to prevent fatigue and failure from the piezoelectric effects associated with an alloy-titanium interface. The inside of the hull is lined with is lined with molecularly-enhanced ceramic matrix tiles, each of which has been coated with a polymer resin to prevent cracks or shattering during normal travel; this resin is 2 mm thick on the outward-facing surface of the tile and also provides limited ablative protection against pulsed lasers. The tiles are backed with a thick layer of woven fire resistant polymer armor to limit spalling in the event of a hull penetration. Because of weight restrictions, the armor protection is very light. It is capable of defeating fragmentation, small arm rounds and low-velocity armor penetrating ammunition such as rifle grenades; however, its ability to stop dedicated tank-killing weaponry is slight.


The driver's view is limited to a forward window of quartz armored crystal, though this is supplemented by periscope ports providing vision to the sides and forward quarters. Multifunction screens by the driver's and section commander's positions present a sensor-fusion display of the tactical zone around the APC. The sensors can be activated by the driver, or from the Tactical Operations Center by the section commander. A sensor cluster is mounted with the main searchlight and can be played across a 270 degree zone in front of and around the APC. The cluster comprises a turreted complete spectrum imager, TV optics with magnification from x4 to x20, a UV detector and an ultrasonic motion tracker.

Millimeterwave targeting radars mounted in the forward gun cupola and the main turret can track targets acquired by the main sensors, or may alternatively use their own ground-mapping and search functions to acquire targets. The effective tracking range of these radars against man sized targets is approximately 5000m in open terrain. The sensors are supplemented by a forward mounted white-light and infrared searchlight for the active illumination of targets.

Stealth and Defensive Systems

The slab sided shape of the APC hull provides for a high radar cross-section on the battlefield. An attempt has been made to reduce this by incorporating radar absorbent materials into the hull skinning, with only partial success. Hull paints are laser absorbent to protect against lidar, and the' M344 boasts an infrared camouflage feature in which cooling elements are arranged in patches and stripes beneath the skin to break up the IR signature of the vehicle.

Active defenses for the APC consists of a chaff/flare decoy dispenser mounted to the rear of the vehicle, and a fire control jammer capable of spoofing millimeter-wave tracking radars (available power for this system is limited). The decoy dispenser, which is supplied by a multi-cartridge rotary feed is also capable of releasing particulate smoke as a barrier against ranging or pulsed lasers. These defenses are automatically deployed if activated by the driver or vehicle commander.

Weapons Systems

The M344 carries a formidable array of weaponry in support of its infantry complement. A hull mounted cupola covering the APC's forward area carries two synchronized Typhoon 20mm gauss gatling autocannons. Both weapons are supplied by a 2000 round multi-feed ammunition dispenser which offers a selection of High Explosive, High Explosive Armor Piercing and 'Beehive' type Anti-Personnel Fletchette (APF) rounds at the flick of a switch. The only drawback of the weapon is that it is mounted to cover only the vehicle's forward arc, traversing between 60 degrees left and right of axis, and cannot be fired from a hull-down position.

The M344's main weapon system is turret mounted, allowing the APC to fire from the safety of a hull-down position. The turret assembly is fully traversable, self contained (including ammunition and power supply) and is carried on a rail track which runs down to the rear of the vehicle. Geared electric motors run the turret along the track and allow it to be depressed to the APC's rear, reducing the vehicle's headroom so that it may be carried inside a shuttle or dropship payload bay. The weapons are stabilized within the turret for firing while on the move and can be elevated and depressed between +85 and -7 degrees. Hydraulic rams on either side of the turret can tilt it up to 15 degrees in all axes to provide additional elevation or maintain a level firing platform for the weapons. Target acquisition and weapons control are controlled by the section commander from the Tactical Operations Center; however, independently targeting automation systems can handle these functions, so reducing the commander's workload.

There are four different main weapons currently in service:

The initial production M344 mounts two 40mm M577 Typhoon autocannons. These weapons are linked and work together to saturate a broad firing arc with hypervelocity projectiles. When a Typhoon cannon attacks, it initially fires at a moderate rate and covers a small arc but ‘spins up’, until it absolutely blankets a large arc with its firepower - up to 1000 rounds per second (RPS), a volume of ordnance sufficient to liquefy most targets within seconds, but it exhausts the ammunition in mere seconds.

The variant M344A2 mounts two 50 mW Boyars PARS 150 plasma cannons. The power source is a Acoustic Inertial Confinement Aneutronic Fusion plant capable of powering 21,000 firings before refueling. The fuel cell drives a homopolar fast-discharge generator which stores power until it has sufficient energy to pulse the plasma gun's laser. When the laser is fired, it creates an ionized trail in the atmosphere which is charged by the gun's electromagnetic coil to form a solenoidal magnetic tunnel. The ammunition - Cadmium Telluride pellets of around one hundred grams mass - is fed mechanically into the tunnel, where it is vaporized by the laser beam into a superheated plasma, which is accelerated by the magnetic coil to velocities in the region of 20,000 m/s. The plasma travels the tunnel until it impacts the target at a focused point, using its considerable kinetic and thermal energy for maximum effect penetration. Because of the power usage, both guns fire in sequence rather than simultaneously; thus, cyclic rate of fire (allowing for adequate cooling between shots) is 60 rpm. Each gun carries up to 250 rounds of ammunition. Maximum effective range is dependent upon the ambient atmospherics, but in ideal conditions can be up to 4000 m.

The next variant, the M344A3 mounts two Republic Dynamics M-2025 40 mW free-electron lasers in the 2.0 - 3.0 micron range, which are effective against both ground and air targets. Beam power is supplied by a Acoustic Inertial Confinement Aneutronic Fusion plant driving a homopolar fast-discharge generator. The beam is propagated, without the need for lasants, by the interaction of a particle-accelerated electron beam with a static electric field. The advantage of a free-electron laser is its ability to be tuned to wavelengths that would minimize beam degradation by the local atmosphere.

In addition, a reactive tune facility , cued by laser returns from the beam, is incorporated to allow rapid retuning in the event that counter-measures (such as smoke or steam) are deployed to block the beam. The lasers can be used in two modes. In 'dazzle' mode, the beam is used to burn out enemy optical/infrared sensors or blind infantrymen and pilots, has a low output (30 kW - 70 kW) . It is in this mode that the beam is at its most efficient, playing continuously across a target without need for pulsing or the associated effects on beam propagation from thermal blooming, ionization or dielectric breakdown. In 'pulse' mode, a beam is pulsed at full power at the target. Damage is caused by the mechanical impulse of the beam as it superheats the target area, and in the case of the M2025 is capable of penetrating infantry personal armor or the skin of a missile or aerospace craft. Range and effectiveness in pulse mode is entirely dependent on the ambient atmospheric conditions, but in ideal conditions, the weapon has an effective range against aerospace craft of up to 5000 m.

M344 Specifications

Crew: 2 plus 12.
Engines: Arco Continental R-370 Acoustic Inertial Confinement Aneutronic Fusion plant.
  • Height (turret stowed) 2.27 meters.
  • Height (turret raised) 2.91 meters.
  • Length (turret stowed) 9.32 meters.
  • Length (turret raised) 8.68 meters.
  • Width 3.58 meters.
  • Wheel diameter 160.20 cm.
  • Clearance (at rest) 21.59 cm.
Armor: 2mm alloy outer skin; 4 mm molecularly-enhanced ceramic matrix plates coated with 2 mm ablative resin; plates backed by a 3 mm woven Venlar liner. Foam packed floor cavity for protection against forged fragment mines.
Weight: 14,500 kg.
Max. Road Speed: 170 km/h.
Acceleration: 50 km/h in six seconds.
Vertical Obstacle: 0.5 m.
Gradient: 60%.

M572 Armored Mortar Carrier

This vehicle is used as a mobile platform for the M402 Multiple Launcher, the main difference between the weapon encountered on these being that it can autoload a new magazine in under 6 seconds and has room for 200 rounds of ammunition. There is room for a crew of 4 (a driver, commander and two loaders).

M692 Self-Propelled Gun

The UniCom standard ground artillery piece is the 170 mm self-propelled M692 system. The M692 is a 52,000 kg armored tracked vehicle with a single 170 mm tube. It carries 100 rounds, which are autoloaded in the gun chamber and fired by a series of magnetic coils. The most notable characteristic of the M692 is its rapid fire capability - the system can launch seven rounds in under three seconds, putting the last round into flight before the first has impacted the target - a useful facility when under the threat of counter-battery fire.

Standard ammunition offers the M692 excellent accuracy up to its maximum range of 260,000 meters, while the addition of a base-bleed unit extends this to 300,000 meters. A ramjet powered athodyd shell is available, with a maximum range of 800,000 meters, though with a less capable warhead. A variety of warheads are available, including HE, nuclear or antimatter, and self-guided submunitions and area denial mines. The M418 smart shell is designed to home in on vehicles and structures, and uses a fluidic jet reaction system to steer onto the target. One variant of the M692 exists and it is known as the M692 A2 and has an air-defense laser turret on its hull roof. Both variants have a crew of 3 (driver, commander and loader).

M271 Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS)

This is the heaviest artillery in UniCom service and comprises a tracked transporter carrying eight 275 mm rockets in large launch bins. The rockets are loaded with submunitions and mines, and can deliver accurate and devastating firepower up to 520 km away. The rockets can be launched singly or volleyed together, though reloading all eight rockets from a specialized ammunition carrier takes some five to ten minutes, for the crew of 8.

UD-77A6 Light Vehicle Carrier (LVC) Hammerhead Dropship

The UD-77A6 LVC Hammerhead’s main feature is it's ability to take off and land from unprepared sites. In addition to it's role as a transport, the Hammerhead can act as a gunship with it's weapons pods and fixed point rockets, as well as using it's internal cannon. All things considered, this is the ship of choice if you're getting into some heat.

The payload bay is a 10 x 4.8 w x 2.6 h meter volume with a 4.22 meter wide deck ramp suspended from four dual-hydraulic assemblies. The deck ramp can comfortable carry a fully-crewed M344 APC (with turret stowed) or a HALOS stores pallet, and is able to raise the cargo completely into the payload space from ground level. Within the bay, latches are automatically activated, extending to hold cargoes in place when the deck is raised. A 20 cm cavity to either side of the payload bay separates the cargo volume from the outer skin and contains the main structural members, cable runs and the blower pipes from the forward turbines to the aft lift nozzles.

Aft of the payload bay, a step gantry can be lowered to the port side to allow crew access. Forward of the bay, a small volume accommodates three seats for passengers and additional crew.

The spacious pressurized cockpit is accessed from the payload bay and features two crew positions, seated in tandem. Both crew sit in Loren-Haughton R5166 zero-zero ejection seats which are cleared for operation at any altitude below 10,000 m and speeds below Mach 1. In the event of an emergency, explosive cord blows the canopy off and the crew are ejected clear of the ship. Canopy transparencies are made from Meta-quartz, flash coated with gold, germanium, molybdenum and iridium to provide protection against bright light and short-wavelength lasers. The coatings also act as a radar reflecting surface, preventing the entire cockpit volume from becoming a radar reflecting cavity.

The main fuselage also features the mounting points for the main weapons pods and the secondary weapons bay. The main weapons pods are attached to cross-folded pylons just forward of the ramrocket intakes, which at supersonic speeds, the 4.4 m pylons can be deployed crosswise to secure the ordnance within the pods. The total span of the pods when deployed is 15.3 m. The pods cannot be deployed at speeds above transonic because of the adverse effects of drag and the torsion caused by dynamic pressure on the pylons. The secondary bays also fold flush against the sides of the lifting body, and can be sprung out to expose all the weapon hardpoints and allow exhaust space for weapons launch. Unlike the main weapon pods, the secondary bays can be deployed at super-sonic speeds up to Mach 2.4 without adverse effects on dropship handling.

It must be noted that even light damage can prevent a dropship from lifting into orbit. A breach of the fuselage skin will seriously compromise the ship's high-speed thermal protection, and even a tiny hole can cause oxidation or 'burn through' when atmospheric speeds exceed Mach 5.0. To prevent such accidents, a sensor net is bonded to the inside of the skinning to monitor for breaches, differential hull temperature and ionization. If a breach is detected, a warning is flashed to the cockpit monitors to notify the crew.

The UD-77A6 is a reliable craft in all realms of it's aerospace operating platform, and is a popular craft with it's pilots. It handles well above the specific purpose for which it was designed, but in the world of war, nothing can be expected to handle as it was designed, here the Hammerhead delivers above and beyond... but not as well as the pilots who push these craft to their limits would prefer.

At subsonic speeds the lifting body configuration generates little lift and the pilot becomes increasingly reliant on the flight software and lift from the vectored thrust engines to keep the dropship stable in the air. Stall speed is very high, and as the Hammerhead approaches the stall it tends to fly increasingly nose-high. As transition is made through the stall speed, vertical lift from the nose and stern nozzles are bled in to prevent departure. Though the airframe is nominally stressed to +6 g, maneuver’s in conventional flight greater than +3 g are prohibited due to the excessive stall speed, which can cause the Hammerhead to prematurely depart controlled flight. When fully loaded, turns greater than +1 g are prohibited. At very low speeds and at altitudes below 500m, VTOL hovering flight is recommended. The Hammerhead is at it's nimblest in the hover; here, response is crisp in all axes and the dropship is a very steady weapons platform.

The Hammerhead has a crew of two, comprising a Pilot and a Crew Chief / Weapons Officer. Flight control is quadruplex digital fly-by-light with automatic self-monitoring and reversion to back-up modes, all handled through the Herriman-Weston 5 / 480 flight computer. There is no manual reversion since the dropship is too unstable to be flown with direct control inputs. Engine thrust and nozzle settings are automatically moved to their optimum positions depending on speed, altitude, throttle and stick settings. A V.I autopilot facility allows the automatics to fly all phases of the mission profile, including ingress and egress to the target zone as well as landing and docking cycles.

Navigation combines an inertial system with ring laser gyros and strapdown accelerometers, backed up by Global Positioning from reference satellites where available. Dropship communications are handled through a AN / ASC-155 digital datalink offering HF, VHF, UHF and SHF broadcast options. The hardware includes two 12-channel receiver / transmitters with the associated antennae capable of establishing high performance voice, video or computer links in a stressed environment. Antijam features are classified, though they are known to include adaptive HF spectrum techniques to achieve a low probability of intercept and frequency hopping.

The Hammerhead is a very reliable and complex machine, not to mention a deadly weapon if deployed correctly. The UD-77A6 LVC 'Hammerhead' is a versatile dropship and tactical transport employed in a primary role by UniCom. Derived from an original UniCom Corps of Engineers requirement formulated during early conflicts with the P’fhor for a multi-role light aerospace shuttle capable of lifting payloads up to 30,000 kg, the UD-77A6 has evolved into the definitive dropship design, influencing the shape of many derivatives and successors.

The Hammerhead's unique flexibility comes from its ability to lift itself into orbit under its own power from unprepared landing sites with the aid of its vertical takeoff (VTOL) capability. In addition to carrying its large payload, the Hammerhead can operate in the close-support gunship role by deploying weapons pods and hardpoints for rockets and missiles, as well as using its own internal gun.

The 'A6' variant tactical transport carries a wide array of powerful weaponry that can be used in dedicated support of its troop complement. Two main weapons bays fold out on extended pylons to deploy weapon hardpoints each capable of carrying 16 x 150mm guided rockets, 6 x 10mm unguided rockets and 4 x 120mm guided rockets. Two secondary weapon bays on the port side and starboard side of the fuselarge house a further 14 hardpoints for Air-to-Air and Air-to-Surface missiles.

The dropship also mounts a dedicated 40mm gatling gun in a powered cuploa beneath the nose, which can be rotated 180 degrees side to side and by an angle of 60 degrees downwards. The GAU-113/B is a six barrel weapon driven by a pneumatic motor turned by the engines at 6000 RPM and geared down to the rear of the gun. Ammunition comprises a mix of Armor Piercing Incendiary and Armor Piercing High Explosive Incendiary and is fed from a 1000 round drum beneath the cockpit. It is standard practice to carry at least two spare ammo drums on board. These can be reloaded manually by a crew member from inside the cockpit.



- A larger variant that can carry up to 120 metric tons into orbit. Used as the main transport for heavy powered armor troops.


- Original production variant powered by Atco Wyoming F23 lift turbines, producing 263 kN thrust each. Shorter by 1.5 m than the later variants and with less payload space, this version was also equipped with the main weapons pods only.


- A gunship variant, this was the first to employ the secondary weapon bays and a dedicated Gatling gun system.


- This was the UD-4B re-engined with F29-L-13 turbines to give extended atmospheric range.


- A S.C.S.C life-extension program upgraded all existing UD-77B airframes to 'E' standard. This was designated the UD-77F.


- An upgrade of the 'E' version assault transport, the UD-77G incorporates an improved sensor and fire control system as well as being the first to include a comprehensive defensive suite fit.

Single Occupant Exoatmospheric Insertion Vehicle

The Single Occupant Exoatmospheric Insertion Vehicle, informally referred to as the Human Entry Vehicle and drop pod and sarcastically known as the Egg, is a small pod used by the S.C.S.C to deploy an individual from high orbit to the surface.


The SOEIV is an angular pod, approximately 7.2 meters in length, a span of 2.8 meters and a height of 10.5 meters. Within it is a crash seat, communications gear, numerous equipment racks, and a rudimentary control system and a single entry and escape hatch. In spite of the size of the pod, there is not much room to move around, as the space given over to equipment storage lines the interior attached to the frame. To allow re-entry from high orbit or insertion from deep space, the top of the SOEIV possesses a rocket thruster that also serves as a maneuvering aid during the drop.


In use for nearly three thousand years, SOEIVs allow for the rapid deployment of ground assault troops near or right onto an objective. Their smaller profiles make them more difficult to destroy by defensive fire than conventional dropships, which preceded the SOEIV in service. Each pod bears the name of the soldier inside; amongst other things this identification could be used to identify the unfortunate occupant of a destroyed pod. S.C.S.C Insertion Protocols call for the command unit of an SOEIV-facilitated assault to land first to minimize the period of disorder that might occur as pods land and troopers deploy. The reasons for this rule include the strongly held belief that officers should lead rather than follow, should be willing to do anything their troops are asked to do, and should expose themselves to the same level of danger as their subordinates. The commander’s pod is equipped with a great deal of equipment that the regular SOEIVs do not possess, including high-powered imaging gear, tactical sensors, and a fourth generation, Class C Military V.I.


The trooper enters the SOEIV and straps in facing the hatch. The hardened and shielded communications gear, which is built directly into the hatch, feeds the soldier information relevant to the current operation as well as providing a link between all members of the unit during the drop. While within the SOEIV a soldier's helmet integrated comm units are redundant and are normally only used if the pod's comm gear malfunctions.

A 30-second countdown begins on the commander’s mark, and the SOEIVs fire quickly down through the ship’s belly. The SOEIV is balanced to stabilize in a feet-down position. The pod has limited maneuvering capability, used primarily to coordinate landings, but may be used to avoid defensive anti-aircraft fire. However, if defensive anti-aircraft is present it is almost a mathematical certainty that some pods will be lost. A SOEIV is made of Tirtainium, Lead Foil, and a ceramic skin. The skin burns away during atmospheric reentry, protecting the rest of the pod and its occupant from the worst of the considerable heat. The Lead Foil is there to keep the armor from ripping away and to replace the ceramic skin once it burns away. However, as the ceramic skin burns away the air inside the pod becomes unbelievably hot, and if the armored skin that covers a pod is damaged before or during its entry into atmosphere it has a tendency to fail spectacularly. This is the reason for the SOEIV's small size — each pod loss only results in one death rather than the deaths of the entire unit.

After the SOEIV has penetrated the atmosphere, at an altitude of 1,000 meters, the upper exterior panels separate acting as a drag-type chute, slowing its descent some and helping to keep the pod on course. At about 50 meters, the pod’s computer controlled braking rockets engage, slowing the pod further; allowing for a safe though somewhat abrupt landing. Braking rockets on SOEIVs do fail on rare occasions, leaving the pod’s occupant to die on impact. It’s the death that every soldier’s fears, and is referred to in hushed tones as "digging your own grave.

SOEIVs are capable of smashing through almost any surface during re-entry, including buildings. However, a reinforced roof should be able to withstand the impact, allowing an Marine to begin his mission with a distinct vertical advantage.

Besides the distinct speed and shock value advantage that the SOEIV has, it also has another advantage over conventional systems. Because the SOEIV is dropped from above, this allows it to enter much tighter spaces like an urban area where a dropship might have trouble maneuvering, this can also be used of hazardous terrain where the long length of a dropship makes landing a challenge.

Along with the quick deployment speed of a SOEIV comes the responsibility of being the first ones in, this means the first wave of Marine's primary objective will be securing a landing zone for dropships in order to get a more concentrated force on the ground and to bring in heavier equipment and additional heavy weapons.

Upon landing, each Marine is responsible for stripping their pod of its store of extra weapons, ammo, and other supplies, which are then hauled to the unit’s temporary base camp.


Each SOEIV contains a variable number of weapons, ammunition, rations, a radio, and can be used as a shelter if need be. Dedicated SOEIV variants exist to deliver supply caches to ground forces, ranging from weapons and ammunition, to small light vehicles, and even Antimatter and fusion warheads. The SOEIV also stores an extra tank of rocket fuel, which is not used up in the landing, but is rather used for moving to a different location if the vehicle has somehow been knocked off target or is in a currently undesirable position. The pod, however, must be stood up in the position designed to land in.


809D Modular Unmanned Combat Vehicle

Heavy tanks and other slow heavy materiel have long since vanished from the frontline battlefield. The modern strike vehicle is a UCV light tank powered by a Acoustic Inertial Confinement Aneutronic Fusion plant. The 809D’s armor is made up of two primary layers; an outer layer of Electromagnetic Armor and an inner of Tirtainium, giving it incredible protection against everything short of a hit from an anti-tank weapon or the main gun of another tank.

The 809D Modular Unmanned Combat Vehicle is the backbone of UniCom armor, weighing in at 25,000 kilograms, this drone can be outfitted with a wide variety of weaponry depending on what the mission calls for.

Standard armament is a 200 mW Boyars PARS 150 Plasma Cannons, several 60mm mortars, two secondary turrets with a standard loadout of a 20 mW free-electron laser and Typhoon autocannon, hydropneumatic suspension, electromagnetic armor, N49 Full-spectrum Decentralized Target Acquisition Sensor that can see in the entire electromagnetic spectrum, allowing it to detect heat signatures and see straight through walls and other obstacles, CDC ADA based fire control system, lightweight track, advanced chemical agent alarm, NBC collective protection system and a Vehicle Integrated Defense System with ATGM countermeasures that can confuse the guidance systems of wire and radio guided ATGMs and thermally and infrared ATGMs, threat sensors and smoke. The tank is equipped with an automatic Kedian fire extinguishing system which is activated within 2 milliseconds of a fire outbreak and extinguishes a fire within 100 milliseconds.


Weight: 25 metric tons.
Length: 8 meters.
Height: 1.5 meters.
Primary Armament (Configurable): 200 mW Boywars PARS 150 Plasma Cannon.
Secondary (Configurable):
  • Several 60mm mortars.
  • 20 mW free-electron laser PD guns.
  • 20mm Typhoon Autocannons.
  • 20 mW Plasma Cannons.
  • Heavy flame throwers.
Armor: Electromagnetic Armor (outer layer), Tirtainium Armor (inner layer) in whipple layers.
Shields: 24x Grav-Barrier Emitters capable of repealing 200 MJ of KE on any arc before needing to recharge.
Power Plant: Acoustic Inertial Confinement Aneutronic Fusion plant.
Suspension: hydropneumatic.
Range: 11,120 km.
Max Speed (Road): 100 km/h.
Max Speed (Off Road): 50 km/h.

M12 Light Infantry Fighting and Reconnaissance Vehicle Drone ... Larger.jpg

The M12 LIFRD is one of the most common ground drones used by S.C.S.C forces. It is fast and maneuverable, but lightly armored and shielded.


Weight: 4.25 metric tons.
Length: 6.2 meters.
Width: 3.2 meters.
Height: 2.4 meters.
Armament (Configurable):
  • 10x75mm missile launcher.
  • 1x 50mm Typhoon Autocannon.
  • 3x 15mm Typhoon Autocannons.
  • 7x 30mm Grenade Launchers.
Armor: 6mm of Tirtainium Armor in whipple layers.
Shields: 6x Light Grav-Barrier Emitters capable of repealing 20 Megajoules on any arc before needing to recharge.
Power Plant: Acoustic Inertial Confinement Aneutronic Fusion plant.
Suspension: hydropneumatic.
Clearance: 15 centimeters.
Range: 20,645 km.
Max. Speed (Road): 160 km/h.
Max. Speed (Off-road): 75 km/h.

Traxus Mk. 455 Storm Raider Air Superiority Fighter

The Storm Raider is the S.C.S.C's primary drone fighter jet. It is capable of reaching low orbit for for retrieval and/or quickly moving to other sections of the planet, though with a greatly reduced fuel load.

Traxus Mk. 201 Hawk Close Air Support Jet

Traxus Mk. 356 Dark Wing Stealth Bomber

Traxus Mk. 455B Surface-to-Orbit Bomber

Traxus Mk. 233 Rhino Heavy Aerial Drone Gunship

Type: Heavy Aerial Drone.
Entered Service: 9694 C.E.
Designer: Traxus Robotics Industries.
Designed: 9692 C.E.
Weight (Empty): 10 metric tons.
Weight (Loaded): 25.5 metric tons.
Length: 32 meters.
Fuselage Width: 5.2 meters.
Max. Takeoff Weight: 36 metric tons.
Power Source: Acoustic Inertial Confinement Aneutronic Fusion plant.
Never Exceed Speed: 700 km/h.
Cruise Speed: 250 km/h.
Service Ceiling: 8743 meters.
Rate of Climb: 450 m/min.
Shields: 20x Grav-Barrier Emitters capable of repealing 500 Megajoules of KE before needing to recharge.
  • 3x 25mm Typhoon Autocannons (1200 rounds each).
  • 1x 70 mW Boyars PARS 150 Plasma Cannon.
  • 3x free-electron lasers.
  • 40x 60mm guided rockets.
  • 7x 150mm guided missiles.

Traxus Mk. 144 Military Ground Scout Drone

The Traxus Mk. 144 Military Ground Scout Drone (MGSD) is a small quad-tread tank-like drone used for scouting areas dangerous areas and other dangerous task. It's quad-treads allow it to climb stairs and it's robotic arms allow it to pick up objects, defuse bombs etc.

Type: Scout Drone.
Entered Service: 9112.
Designer: Traxus Robotics Industries.
Designed: 9108.
Standard Armament:
  • 1x light machine gun
  • 1x 20mm quad-barrel grenade launcher
Power Source: 200 MJ capacitor.

Traxus Mk. 77 Pegasus Light Reconnaissance Drone (LRD)

Type: Light Recon Drone.
Entered Service: 9460 C.E.
Designer: Traxus Robotics Industries.
Designed: 9456 C.E.
Length: 1.8 meters.
Standard Armament:
  • 7x 20mm guided missiles
Power Source: 200 MJ capacitor

Military Tracked Infantry Fighting Drone ... alsize.jpg - MGTD with forward track armor removed and grenade launcher swapped with flood lights

The Traxus Mk. 455 Military Tracked Infantry Fighting Drone (MIFD) is a mini-tank drone used to augment infantry forces. It is one and a half meters long, one meter wide and on average one meter in height.

It is armed with a single light Typhoon Autocannon, a single qaud-barrel grenade launcher, and a tri-barrel missile launcher.

Traxus Mk. 43 Military Aerial Defense Drones ... /discs.jpg - Unarmed MADD swarm

The Traxus Mk. 43 Military Aerial Defense Drone, or MADD is the standard defense drone used to augment the security systems of military bases and starships. It is one meter in width. It is powered by a small fusion reactor.

MADD drones make use of the Coanda effect, where air speeds up as it “sticks” to a curved surface. MADD’s take advantage of the Coanda effect to direct air down, away from the drone, boosting lift.

Type: Flying Saucer Drone.
Entered Service: 9612 C.E.
Designer: Traxus Industries.
Designed: 9609 C.E.
Weight: 40 kilograms.
Standard Armament:
  • 1x light machine gun
  • 4x 12mm Missile Launcher.
b]Power Source[/b]: Acoustic Inertial Confinement Aneutronic Fusion plant.
Shields: 5x Grav-Barrier Emitters capable of repealing 200 KJ before needing to recharge.

Traxus Mk. 27 Military Aerial Attack Drone

The MAAD is a larger more powerful version of the Mk. 23 MADD used on offensive operations for CAS and scouting. It is two and a half meters in width.

It is armed with two light machine guns, one anti-material rifle, and eight missiles. It also boasts a more durable Grav-Barrier system for defense.

Traxus Mk. 49 Goliath Heavy Military Combat Drone

The Goliath Heavy Military Attack Drone (H-MAD) represents the pinnacle of combat versatility and effectiveness. In the thirty four years since it's introduction, out of over 798 trillion drones seeing near continuous action, only 252.3 trillion have been irreparably damaged by enemy ground units.

The drone itself stands at 220 centimeters tall, and weighs about 2450 kilograms. It uses a decentralized visual sensor strip on the faceplate and other sections of the body to view it‘s surroundings. The faceplate can be retracted if the primary sensors take too much damage, revealing a thick transparent bullet proof faceplate.

Motive power for the Goliath is provided through a system of artificial musculature. The "muscles" are made of carbon nanotubes that contracts when an electrical charge is applied, with much more force than biological muscles can produce. It is powered by a miniature fusion reactor, and an array of rechargeable standard capacitors for the occasions when power draw exceeds 500 kW. This allows for the Goliath to perform stunning feats of strength, having been rated at a deadlift capacity of seven metric tons.

However, the Goliath is capable of great speed as well. When running, it can extend its legs by another 25 cm for extra velocity, and its top speed is around 100 km/h, which it can sustain indefinitely since it is not limited by a biological pilot.

The outer armor is composed of a complex alloy of highly dense elements. It is heat resistant and very strong, protecting from DEWs and KEWs alike. It is this layer that constitutes the bulk of the suit's mass. But the real defensive power of the Goliath comes from the inner armor layer, a carbon nanotube shell. This highly expensive shell accounts for 60% of the entire cost of the suit, but this extra expense means that the Goliath can survive some rather astounding punishment. It is effectively immune to small arms fire, is resistant to support weapons and grenades, and is only truly impeded when heavy anti-armor weapons come into play. Indeed, there have even been stories of an air transport making a semi-controlled landing directly on top of one, which stood right back up once it was moved.

The Goliath's most appealing aspect from a military standpoint is its unmatched versatility. It is sealed for vacuum operations and functions up to a kilometer underwater. It has a robust sensor and ECM package, and the visual sensor strip can see in the entire electromagnetic spectrum. This allows the VI to detect heat signatures and see straight through interior walls. The massive strength and power production of the suit allows it to employ heavy support weapons, typically mounted on vehicles, as small arms. If these are somehow lost, it still has retractable backup weapons built into the arms, a 70 kilojoule coilgun on the right, and a rapid fire suppression laser on the left. It also has docking ports for a myriad of other gear, like Plasma torches, EMP generators, grenade launchers, extra power packs, and flamethrowers.

The one area where the Goliath does not excel, however, is stealth. While it does have an adaptive surfacing that changes it's camouflage pattern to match the surrounding area, a true active camouflage system was considered to be one feature too many, as well as ultimately futile. Its thundering footsteps and hugely bloated heat signature mean that the Goliath is almost never going to sneak up on anyone. Thus, it is best used in a role of rapid blitz style combat, using it's high speed, damage resistance, and high-powered weapons to breeze through enemy infantry before they even know what's happening.

The most common P’fhor slave-soldier counter tactic to the Goliath (like the Tycho powered armor), when heavy weapons are not available, is to get the hell out of their way and avoid contact as much as possible.


Type: Large Humanoid Drone.
Entered Service: 9686 C.E.
Designer: Traxus Robotics Industries.
Designed: 9682 C.E.
Weight: 2550 kilograms.
Height: 220 centimeters.
Power Source: Acoustic Inertial Confinement Aneutroic Fusion plant.
Shields: 36 Grav-Barrier Emitters capable of repealing 10 MJ of KE before needing to recharge.
Last edited by Sol Core Federation on Wed Jul 13, 2011 2:18 am, edited 40 times in total.
This is how Vetinari thinks, his soul exulted. Plans can break down. You cannot plan the future. Only presumptuous fools plan. The wise man steers.”
— Terry Pratchett, Making Money

He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, Aphorism 146, German philosopher (1844 - 1900)

No further photographs were taken after this point, but according to surviving witnesses the police spontaneously combusted from sheer terror.
Sol Core Federation Fact book [FT] - WIP
Semi-hard science FT nation

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Sol Core Federation
Posts: 116
Founded: Oct 01, 2010

The Office of Naval Intelligence

Postby Sol Core Federation » Sat Nov 27, 2010 3:06 am

The Office of Naval Intelligence

The Office of Naval Intelligence [ONI] is the information gathering and analysis arm of the Sol Core Space Command. In reality, however, ONI's operations are far broader than simple code breaking and intelligence.

ONI Charter

ONI is the home of the SCSC's most labyrinthine and impenetrable security protocols to mask its covert operations. Though ONI is technically a part of the Space Command command strucutre, many of the organziation's mandates and directives come directly from HighCom or even higher. Space Command senior officers are often blindsided by ONI activities, which has led to a borderline adversarial relationship between the upper echelons of Space Command and ONI.

ONI Sections

ONI is composed of mutiple divisions, called Sections, each with its own individual responsibilities.

Section Zero

The true nature and activities of Section Zero are highly classified and unknown outside of the hierarchy of ONI command. Zero is, essentially, an internal investigations division that polices other ONI activities.

Section One

Section One is the main branch of ONI and the branch most utilized by the SCSC. Information released by Section One includes evacuation notices for colony worlds and enemy force deployments.

Section Two

Section Two is ONI's propaganda branch. It is ressponsible for handling communications between colony worlds, eliminating or disseminating rumors, and preventing the spread of information that could prove detrimental to morale.

Section Three

Section Three is the Special Projects Section resonsible for dozens of highly classified projects. It is essentially the black-ops division. Secrets possessed by ONI are key to Humanity's continued survival. Within the hierarchy of the military command, Section Three's programs are generrally well known for their successes, such as those of the current generation of Specters, and vehicle and infantry shields.

Captured P'fhor/Jjaro Technology

Electro-magnetic Manipulator


Manipulators are short range (several hundred kilometers for ship based devices, a few dozen meters for infantry or vehicle mounted devices) devices that may be used to read information from electromagnetic emissions. This includes electromagnetic transmissions, electronic equipment, and biological brains.

This device was reversed engineered from the P’fhor three years after Operation Black Sun.


In addition to scanning, Manipulators may also be used to alter the state of biological and mechanical electromagnetic devices. They may be used to communicate, "hack" computers, or influence an entity's thoughts. A Manipulator's effect on a biological entity may range from pain to disorientation or unconsciousness.


The same method used to render biological entity's unconscious may also be extended to kill. Manipulator's can involve energy injection into a system. This can be used to destroy devices.

Note: Active and Destructive uses require knowledge of exact location of targeted equipment, meaning that against a ship or facility with an unknown layout a Manipulator cannot be effectively used until scouts have explored it or plans are gained.

Currently these devices are still in the early stage of testing and only a few ships and facilities are equipped with a Manipulator.

Trih xeem, “early nova” ... ihxeem.gif - Trih xeem being deployed.

The Jjaro Trih xeem is a powerful weapon capable of forcing stars into pre-mature stellar collapse; super novae. Several of these devices are currently in in the possession of the Office of Naval Intelligence.

Excerpt from ONI A.I Report from the Battle of Vina:

The P’fhor have a weapon they save for campaigns of genocide; a weapon which even they hesitate to use in the ordinary conduct of war. In the language of the Jjaro who conceived and built the device, it is called the trih xeem; a fair translation would be "early nova".

The evacuation of Vina has already begun. In a matter of hours this planet will be a thin shell of plasma riding the shockwave of its exploding star.

Dimension Eater Warhead ... BEater.jpg

Dimension Eaters are a P’fhor missile weapon captured during Operation Black Sun. So far all attempts to reverse engineer and build our own versions has failed.

This weapon is a form of weaponized Interphase Space, it opens portals to only a handful of the normal twenty dimensions that has a highly destructive effect on anything entering the portal. The size of the portal generated can range from a few meters across to nearly the size of the Earth.

Most of these weapons were used up during the final battles of the war. Currently only three of these powerful devices remain, all in orbit of Earth.


The Prowler is a stealth corvette classification within the Sol Core Space Command. They are used exclusively by the Office of Naval Intelligence and are crewed by select ONI personnel.

Length: 162 meters.
Width: 47.4 meters.
Height: 20 meters.


1x Gamma-Ray Laser
6x GARDIAN Lasers

Power Generation

1x Fusion Reactor


1x Antimatter Torch (average acceleration of 1 G and max. 5 G).
50x Fusion Maneuvering Thrusters
1x Reactionless Drive
1x Interphase Translight Drive

Crew and Groundforces Complement

20 Crewmen and 100 Drones.
1 Platoon, 3 Specters.


2x Tiger Armored Transports

Dropships and Drop Pods

1x Trident
3x Kodiak
30x Drop Pods

Stealth systems

  • Ablative baffles
  • Counter-electronic systems
  • Stealth ablative coating
  • Texture buffers
  • Reactionless Drive


In a similar role to its namesake, it is used to gather electronic intelligence, and its primary role is to stay hidden while safely gathering such intelligence, not to charge into battle, as that would invariably be an irreversibly fatal tactic, due to its light weapons and armour. Because of its tactical value and potential to change the outcome of any given combat situation, every SCSG battlegroup has at least one Prowler assigned to its ranks.

For most ships, the heat generated through standard operations is easily detectable against the near absolute-zero background of space. A prowler, however, is able to temporarily sink this heat within the hull. Combined with refrigeration of the exterior hull, the ship can drift passively for days of covert observation. This is not without risk. The stored heat must eventually be radiated, or it will build to levels capable of cooking the crew alive.

Another component of a stealth system is the revolutionary Reactionless, or Ghost Drive, reversed engineered from P’fhor technology. The Ghost Drive is a form of Alcubierre Drive that allows ships to reach 30% the speed of light in seconds, during the use of this drive it is nearly impossbile to detect the ship and it gives off no heat for sensors to pick up.

The Prowler's only combat role, beside active combat monitoring and recording, is discreetly laying minefields of stealthed Antimatter/Matter Dreadnought Mines in orbital regions. Enemy ships that unknowingly enter these minefields can be destroyed by a single Prowler, allowing the remainder of the SCSC forces to move in and finish off the survivors.

Stealth Ablative Coating


Black in color, stealth ablative coating serves to refract both SCSC radar and standard P’fhor sensors, making the ship invisible to radar, similar to the way active camouflage cloaks something from eyesight. The coating must be maintained perfectly or it will return radar signals. This necessitates constant maintenance on the entire coating. Therefore, virtually all SCSC Prowlers have relatively small surface areas, so that less has to be maintained.
Last edited by Sol Core Federation on Fri May 27, 2011 7:16 pm, edited 114 times in total.
This is how Vetinari thinks, his soul exulted. Plans can break down. You cannot plan the future. Only presumptuous fools plan. The wise man steers.”
— Terry Pratchett, Making Money

He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, Aphorism 146, German philosopher (1844 - 1900)

No further photographs were taken after this point, but according to surviving witnesses the police spontaneously combusted from sheer terror.
Sol Core Federation Fact book [FT] - WIP
Semi-hard science FT nation

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Sol Core Federation
Posts: 116
Founded: Oct 01, 2010

Technology pt. I

Postby Sol Core Federation » Sat Nov 27, 2010 8:38 pm

Technology pt. I

Automatic Manufacturing System

An Automatic Manufacturing System (AMS) is a fabrication unit that makes use of both macro-scale (for quick work) and nano-scale (for when extreme precision is needed. Using nothing but nanobots would see construction take many weeks for objects weighing in at only a few metric tons) bots for creating finished products from raw materials. The AMS was invented in 2597 and first introduced commercially in 2608.

An AMS is typically a self-contained device or appliance. A unit has input ports or slots for raw materials, an output slot or door for the finished product, and an interface for instructions and programming. It is usually dependent on connections to the local power grid and matterstock lines, though field units with an internal power source and the ability to create their own matterstocks from locally available materials are also known (See: Omni-tools). Units may be anything from a few inches to dozens of kilometers across, depending on their purpose. The sealed working area of the unit contains a set of controlled environments that support, power and supply the unit's various macro and nano bots. The whole is directed by a powerful V.I.

The range of an AMS depends on its purpose and its size. For instance, small specialized AMS that can produce spare parts in only a few minutes or hours (depending on size of object) are common. Industrial AMS are typically specialized units too, since versatility brings a cost in efficiency. However, a sufficiently large and sophisticated AMS, given enough power, the right programs, a supply of the necessary elements, and sufficient time, approaches the theoretical ideal of a universal constructor, and can build almost any item (exotic matter being among the exceptions), including a copy of itself, either by producing the material or item directly in its construction chambers or by creating synsects and other bots that carry out the necessary work outside the AMS itself.

Construction Materials

The Federation uses a huge range of materials in construction, ranging from reliable standbys pre-dating the first civilizations of Earth to entirely new classes of materials invented only a few centuries ago. Though forms of exotic matter are essential to some basic elements of Human civilization, such as the Interphase Translight Drive, and the Interstellar Gates of the FTL communication system. In the day to day experience of Humanity, it is the myriad forms of matter composed of atoms that predominate.

Meta-materials are the most common modern building materials in the Federation, made from the most abundant elements in the universe. The top ten elements are: Hydrogen, Oxygen, Carbon, Nitrogen Silicon, Magnesium, Iron, Sulphur, Aluminum, and Calcium.

The most ubiquitous of the Meta-Materials is Meta-Carbon, which as its name suggest is all constructed from elemental carbon. The reasons for its use are as follows: First, carbon is the fourth most common element in the universe, and is one of only three in the top ten that can be used as a construction material in its elemental form. Second, its most common compounds are gases or liquids at the temperatures used by Human technology, which is a great boon to the manufacturing process. Third, the carbon-carbon bond is extremely strong, and Meta-Carbon products have a very good strength to weight ratio.

Basic Meta-Carbon is simply carbon in its diamond crystalline form. Since the crystals are made of the same element, in a pattern that is simply repeated indefinitely in all directions, it may be created in bulk by Automatic Manufacturing Systems (AMS).


A warship’s "shields" deflect damage from KEWs, but provides virtually no defense against lasers or particle beams. The inner layer of a warship’s protection consists of layers of armor plate in whipple fashion designed to stop micro-meteors and to boil away when its superconductor dispersion system is overloaded. The vaporized armor material scatters a DEW beam, rendering it ineffectual.

Modern armor is primarily Tirtainium - a meterial that can resist even the tremendous heat and kinetic energy of most starship weapons for a short time. The armor is nearly unsurpassed in strength because its central material, carbon nanotube sheets woven with diamond Chemical Vapor Deposition, are crushed into super-dense layers able to withstand extreme temperatures. That process also compensates for diamond's brittleness.

A popular misconception holds that the diamond composition of Tirtainium armor gives it a sparkle. In fact, atmospheric nitrogen impurities during the super-hot forging process give the armor a metallic gray or yellow sheen.

Electromagnetic Armor

Electromagnetic Armor is made up of two or more conductive plates separated by insulating material, creating a high power capacitor. In operation, a high-voltage power source charges the armor. When an incoming body penetrates the plates, it closes the circuit to discharge the capacitor, dumping a great deal of energy into the penetrator, which may vaporize it or turn it into plasma, significantly diffusing the attack. It protects against both kinetic energy penetrators and shaped charge jets.

Megascale Engineering

Megascale engineering is the construction of structures on an enormous scale. Typically these structures are at least 1,000 kilometers in length—in other words, at least 1 megameter, hence the name. Such large-scale structures are termed megastructures.

In addition to large-scale structures, megascale engineering is also defined as including the transformation of entire planets into a human-habitable environment, a process known as terraforming or planetary engineering. This might also include transformation of the surface conditions, changes in the planetary orbit, and structures in orbit intended to modify the energy balance.

Orbital Elevators ... evator.jpg

Orbital Elevators are a ribbon or cable tethered to the surface of the planet and rising to an orbiting platform in geo-sync orbit. The planet’s gravity and the platform’s centrifugal force, acting in opposite directions, keep the cable taut. A cargo box containing tens of metric tons can shimmy up the cable at a fraction of the cost of a rocket launch - a steady week long climb.

The concept of an orbital elevator dates back to 1895. Konstantin Tiolkovsky, a Russian astronautics pioneer, envisioned a “celestial castle” sitting atop a thin tower, held up by centrifugal force like a rock swinging high at the end of a rope.

Massive arrays of Orbital Elevators serve as the primary surface-to-space transportation system in the Federation.

Terraforming ... world3.jpg - Mars in various stages of Terraforming

Terraforming (literally, “Earth-forming”) of a planet, moon, or other body is the process of deliberately modifying it to be similar to Earth to make it habitable by terran organisms.

Artificial Planets ... 7257426833

An Artificial World, or Shellworld is a construct that can range from several hundred kilometers across up to twice the size of the Earth. Artificial Worlds consist of a series of habitable shells constructed one at a time from innermost to outermost. Each layer is connected by massive towers that allow travel between each level.

Orbitals ... =400&h=301

Orbitals are artificial worlds shaped like a ring ranging from several hundred kilometers to over 100,000 thousand kilometers in diameter. The interior surface contains a breathable atmosphere and seemingly natural terrain, including oceans, lakes, mountains, forests, and tundras. Underneath this is a support layer, upon which this terrain has been put in place, consisting of a vast grid network of Meta-Material carbon nanotube buckfiber plates that provide the base. Though centripetal forces provides most of an installation's gravity, it also uses artificial gravity generators to generate Earth-like gravity.


Astroengineering is name given to the construction of megastructures that are "easily observable" from interstellar or even intergalactic distances with 20th century astronomical instruments: i.e. An orbital elevator is an example of Megascale Engineering, but it is not an example of Astroengineering. Typically proposed feats of Astroengineering are on the scale to remake an entire stellar system.

Dyson Swarms ... l_Star.png

Fusion Reactors

Power generation through the release of heat through a controlled nuclear fusion reaction. The hot plasma is confined in a magnetic bottle. Dedicated expert systems and computers are required to ensure that the magnetic bottle remains at exactly the right charge to safely hold the plasma. Fusion generation is a widely relied upon power source throughout the Federation, both to power large vehicles and settlements. Although not as efficient as Anti-matter, it is considerably safer, since there is no need to store Anti-matter and a magnetic failure means the hot plasma disperses causing only minor local damage.

Contrary to most science fiction Fusion reactors are not volatile bombs. Maintaining a fusion reaction is an incredibly difficult thing, and it requires a massive input of energy to do so. For example, a thermonuclear weapon requires the use of a fission bomb in to cause the fusion reaction. And a star uses the enormous pressure from its own massive gravitational field to compress the Hydrogen and Helium within its core. A damaged fusion reactor will simply shut down once its fuel supply has been cut off, not explode.

Matter/Antimatter Reactors

Anti-matter is mostly produced in production facilities near stars, ultimately from the stellar energy flux, and is widely used throughout Federation in the form of pion-antipion, or hydrogen/anti-hydrogen reactions for military spacecraft, large-scale industrial orbitals, and megastructures. Because of the danger of catastrophic explosion should the magnetic bottle collapse and all the AM interact with normal matter at once, AM power generation is not allowed on inhabited planetary surfaces or in populated orbitals.

Fusion Torches

The primary commercial engine is the fusion torch, which vents the plasma of a ship's power plant. Fusion torches offer powerful acceleration at the cost of difficult heat management. Torch fuel is fairly cheap: Helium-3 skimmed from gas giants and Deuterium extracted from seawater or cometary bodies. Propellant is Hydrogen, likewise skimmed from gas giants/

Antimatter Torches

Military vessels require acceleations beyond the ability of fusion torches. The Antimatter torches used as the main sub-light engines of warships are of the Plasma Core type. With the ability to store fuel in super dense form (7000 tons in a cube with 15 meters to a side) they can accelerate a vessel without much worry about fuel or propellant.

The Antimatter/Matter annihilation provides unmatched motive power, the exhaust of an Antimatter torch is measured in millions of degrees Celsius (making it easily visible from light years away). All but the largest vessels caught behind them will melt like wax in a blowtorch.

Note: Most starships are not rated for in-atmosphere flight due to the nuclear level energies unleashed by their engines to make orbit.

Neutral Particle Beams

Free-electron Laser Cannon

Free-electron Laser Cannons are larger and more powerful than GARDIAN PD pulse lasers. They become effective against mobile targets within 300,000 kilometers. Modern Laser Cannons normally operate in the Ultraviolet C range (2.9e-7).

Lasers are limited by diffraction. The beams "spread out", decreasing the energy density (watts per m2) the weapon can place on a target. Higher frequency lasers like X-ray and Gamma-ray can do meaningful damage targets many tens of light seconds (or even light minutes) away.

Another limitations of Lasers is heat. Weapons-grade lasers require “cool-down” time, during which heat is transferred to sinks or radiators. As lasers fire, heat builds within them, reducing damage, range, and accuracy.

Missile Launcher and Missiles

The standard Missile Launcher on Sol Core ships is a gauss cannon that fires Missiles out of the tube at 500 meters per second. This method of launching missiles is an advantage against enemy forces since they may not notice the missiles until they fire up their second-stage fusion drives, allowing them to slowly accelerate on first-stage Ion Drives until given the order to accelerate; at which point it should be to late for the enemy to take down the bulk of the missiles.

Missiles came in varying masses, depending on the ship class that fired them, with larger vessels capable of firing missiles that have greater acceleration and endurance and heavier warheads. Missiles can be tipped with four kinds of warheads: shaped contact fusion warheads, shaped contact Antimatter/matter warheads, bomb-pumped laser warheads, and electronic counter-measure (ECM) to help breach missile defenses.

Laser Warhead

The fusion warhead was superseded as a ship-killer by first the Antimatter/Matter warhead, and now both by the laser warhead. Originally conceived the twentieth century, the concept of a laser warhead was simple. A cylindrical rod, or "medium" focused the X-ray pulse of a fusion detonation into a high-energy gamma-ray laser beam (1e-5), which would continue to fire until the medium was destroyed by the thermal pulse of the explosion. The problem was that the process was inefficient, since an explosion was spherical, and each rod would only capture a small percentage of the energy of the detonation. Since such a small amount of energy was unlikely to be sufficient to blast through a warship's anti-radiation shielding, and armor at long range, laser warheads were considered too cost-inefficient to use.

After Operation Black Sun, developments in miniaturization of Gravitational Barriers meant that the technology needed to focus the blast could be fit into a capital missile. A ring of gravity generators, placed behind the warhead, and activated prior to detonation, used gravatic lenses to focus the blast in a Gaussian shape, "aimed" at the lasing rods. In mid 9715, refinements had been made to the point that even the most heavily armored of ships were no longer immune to an attack from a laser warhead. The laser rod were mounted in bays on the sides of the missile, would eject when the missile settled on it's final attack bearing. Each mounted it's own thrusters and sensors, allowing it to align itself with it's target, and position itself about a hundred meters in front of the missile's AM/M electron-positron warhead, in between it and it's intended target.

Unlike a contact fusion or Antimatter/Matter warhead, meaningful damage could be dealt to capital ship armor within 50,000 kilometers of the detonation, and can do damage to non-capital ship targets out to 150,000 kilometers. Due to light-speed lag and heavy ECM laser warheads have to close to within at least a single light second to have a chance of hitting another warship.

Both lasing rod dimensions, warhead yield, and gravatic lens amplification are critical factors in determining laser warhead power. This means that larger capital ship missiles are much more powerful than smaller ones. Larger missiles are able to carry more powerful gravatic lensing assemblies, increasing the total percentage of the blast that is focused onto the lasing rods, a larger AM/M warhead, which increases total energy released, as well longer lasing rods, which allowed for longer stand-off range, since the beam divergence was smaller on longer rods.

Thanks to technological advancements, missiles are able to squeeze more destructive power out of a smaller missile (and by proxy, fusion or AM/M warheads), thanks to advances in gravatic lens development.

Earth Shaker Gravity Missiles

The Earth Shaker is an experimental close-assault weapon fitted on a handful of newer warships. It consists of a "rack" of two or more disposable disruptor missile tubes bolted or magnetically "slung" on to a ship’s exterior armored hull. The missiles are fired on converging trajectories, and detonate in a precisely timed sequence that allows the dark matter/energy emitted by their warheads to resonate and thereby magnify the resulting space-time warp effects.

Earth Shakers are "cold-launched" for safety reasons, though they use a different approach. Resembling old-fashioned submarine torpedo tubes, Earth Shaker missiles come packed in individual sealed tubes filled with compressed, inert gas. Opening the front of the tube causes escaping gases to push the torpedo into the vacuum, releasing a puff of crystals around the mouth of the tube. After completely clearing the tube, the missile ignites its thrusters.

Earth Shaker mounts are most often fitted on swift drone frigates, which expect to enter "knife fight" ranges as a matter of course. Earth Shakers may also be fitted on heavier ships during short range engagements.

As missile weapons, Earth Shakers are subject to highly accurate defensive GARDIAN fire. They must be launched in large numbers and at short range to have any chance of hitting their target at all.

GARDIAN Free-electron Lasers

A ships' General ARea Defense Integration Anti-spacecraft Network (GARDIAN) consists of anti-missile pulse laser turrets on the exterior hull. Because these are under computer control, the gunnery control officer needs to do little beyond turn the system on and designate targets as hostile.

Since lasers move at light speed, they cannot be dodged by anything moving at non-relativistic speeds. Unless the beam is aimed poorly, it will always hit its target. In the early stages of a battle, the GARDIAN fire is 100% accurate.

GARDIAN networks have another limitation: heat. Weapons-grade lasers require "cool-down" time, during which heat is transferred to sinks or radiators. As lasers fire, heat builds within them, reducing damage, range, and accuracy.

Missiles are launched in swarms. The first few waves will be hit by GARDIAN, but as the battle continues, the effects of laser overheat allow the attacks to press ever closer to the ship. Constant use will burn out the laser.

Modern GARDIAN lasers typically operate in the Ulraviolet A frequency. Longer frequencies would make them less maintenance intensive, but shorter frequencies offer superior stopping power and range, at the cost of degradation of focal arrays and mirrors.

Lasers are NOT blocked by Barriers. GARDIAN only begin to become effective anti-warship (150> meters) weapons within 10,000 kilometers.

Dark Matter and Dark Energy Manipulation

Using certain types of exotic matter and energy Dark Matter and Dark Energy can be manipulated for a wide variety of purposes. When the generator is fed various types of energy and stressed different ways it the exotic matter can manipulate Dark Matter and Dark Energy for use in the creation of the micro-black holes required for faster-than-light travel, or generate a discontinuity bubble (see: Reactionless/Ghost Drive), to a field of Artificial Gravity and/or Anti-Gravity, to weaponized Artificial/Anti-Gravity, to distortion effects that punch through the bubble and let a weapon in or out.

Gravitational Barriers

Gravitational Barriers are created through the manipulation of Dark Matter and/or Dark Energy, colloquially called "Shields", that are used in conjunction with Magnetic Barriers to deflect or slow down KEW (Kinetic Energy Weapons) and some DEW (Direct Energy Weapon); DEW like lasers and particle beams can easily bypass these shields with barely any reduction in damage to the target. An object moving slowly enough can impact without triggering the Barriers (ground only), and an object with a high enough velocity and/or mass can brute force its way through.

Magnetic Barriers

Magnetic Barriers are powerful, precisely controlled magnetic fields used to deflect or deccelerate objects approaching the ship. Magnetic Barriers serve as a warship's primary defense against KEW weapons and some DEW because of their vastly greater power over Grav-Barriers (such as charged particle beams).

Note: The shielding afforded by Barriers does not protect against the extremes of temperature, toxins, and in the case of grav-barriers radiation.

Plasma Shields

Using cold plasma (which is still really, really hot; just cool next to say the surface of a G class star) this type of shield can be manipulated with magnetic fields to become opaque to keep air in the ship in the event of a hull breach. Other than some partial protection against lasers Plasma Shields are useless for defense.

Sub-light Sensors

Light lag prevents sensing in real time at great distances in normal space. A ship firing its thrusters near Pluto can be easily detected by anyone that isn’t blind in deaf in-system, but unless right on top of them will only see the event hours after it occurs. Due to the light speed limit, anyone that approaches by normal space that can hide their heat signature and hide from sensors are basically invisible unless your right on top of them.

Passive sensors are used for long range detection when a ship doesn’t want to be spotted, while activate sensors obtain either low quality or high quality depending on the distance to the target.

Passive sensors are include visual, thermo graphic, and radio detectors that watch and listen for objects in space. A ship under power emits a massive amount of energy; the heat from life support systems; radiation given off by power plants and electrical equipment; the exhaust of reaction based thrusters. Starships stand out from the near-absolute zero background radiation of space.

Active sensors are radars and high resolution Laders (LAser DEtection and Ranging) that emit a ‘ping’ of energy and ‘listen’ for return signals. Laders have a far more narrow field of view than radar, but Lader resolution allows images of detected objects to be assembled.

Dark Space Mass-Shadow Sensors

The Dark Space Mass-Shadow sensors are used from within Dark Space to track mass-shadows through Interphasespace.


Macro-scale teleportation was discovered in the 24th century. It was one of the most important advancements that allowed the current political and social order.


Omni-tools are multipurpose diagnostic and manufacturing tools used for a variety of battlefield tasks, such as hacking, decryption, or repair. When equipped, an Omni-tool appears over a person's left hand and forearm as an orange hologram. An omni-tool can be reconfigured to appear over the right hand for a left-handed user.

Omni-tools are handheld devices that combine a computer microframe, sensor analysis pack, and minifacturing fabricator. Versatile and reliable, an Omni-tool can be used to analyze and adjust the functionality of most standard equipment, including weapons and armor, from a distance.

The fabrication module can rapidly assemble small three-dimensional objects from common, reusable industrial plastics, ceramics, and light alloys. This allows for field repairs and modifications to most standard items, as well as the reuse of salvaged equipment.


Jetpack technology was initially developed in the twentieth century, and became readily available for military use in the 24th century. However, the doctrines of most of the various Sol system governments of the time limited the usage of jetpack technology to specialist troops and mercenaries; the majority of the duties that could be handled by jetpack equipped troops were instead given over to VI-controlled drones. Airmobile and fast-movement ground units instead favored jumpjet-equipped rovers and fast-moving airborne troop transports.

UEF forces, however, integrated jetpack infantry into their doctrine from an early period after WW3, due to the unique geographical issues of the Earth. Each generation of jetpacks became lighter, cheaper, and more effective, and the current generation integrates dark matter/energy manipulation technology to further increase speed and lift as well as reduce fuel consumption and size.

Current-generation jetpacks are about the size of a small briefcase and are integrated into all Marine armor suits. They consist primarily of a miniaturized engine powered by a small reactor, coupled with personal dark matter/energy (DMZ) generators that reduce mass and allow for easier maneuvering. The usefulness of an infantry corps capable of ignoring terrain -particularly in an urban environment - was demonstrated during the Second Martian war, as UEFSC troops were able to consistently outmaneuver the less mobile Martian infantry forces in urban conflicts, allowing them to maintain mobility, initiative, and both fire superiority and ability to disengage. As a result, various per-unification Sol system governments reassessed their doctrines in regard to jetpack-equipped soldiers.

Jetpacks have drawbacks, however. Because of the requirement for both DMZ generators and a separate reactor and engines, jetpack troops have significantly greater exotic matter masses than foot-mobile infantry and are much easier to spot on thermal sensors. In area with anti-air coverage, jetpack troops are at high risk while maneuvering. During the Second Martian War, for example, Martian troops countered jetpacks with overlapping anti-air capability coupled with large numbers of recon and gun drones to limit the mobility of UEF troops. If unable to pin a squad down, the Martians would use sensors to isolate the jetpack troops and bombard them with artillery and airstrikes.

Electro-magnetic Manipulator


Manipulators are short range (several hundred kilometers for ship based devices, a few dozen meters for infantry or vehicle mounted devices) devices that may be used to read information from electromagnetic emissions. This includes electromagnetic transmissions, electronic equipment, and biological brains.

This device was reversed engineered from the P’fhor three years after Operation Black Sun.


In addition to scanning, Manipulators may also be used to alter the state of biological and mechanical electromagnetic devices. They may be used to communicate, "hack" computers, or influence an entity's thoughts. A Manipulator's effect on a biological entity may range from pain to disorientation or unconsciousness.


The same method used to render biological entity's unconscious may also be extended to kill. Manipulator's can involve energy injection into a system. This can be used to destroy devices.

Note: Active and Destructive uses require knowledge of exact location of targeted equipment, meaning that against a ship or facility with an unknown layout a Manipulator cannot be used until scouts have explored or plans are gained. In the case of an alien species an autopsy is required before it can be safely used.

Currently these devices are still in the early stage of testing and only a few ships and facilities are equipped with a Manipulator.

Genetic Engineering

In the 68th century, manipulation of the Human genome has became commonplace. Techniques for genetic engineering have advanced to the point where people can custom-build fetuses that grow into stronger, smarter, and more attractive adults. In more permissive regions, custom-designed life forms and "uplifted" animals occupied an ill-defined niche between "property" and "sapient being".

Travel to planets with unique forms of life brought an awareness that Earth's biodiversity could be lost if it spliced and hybridized to gain useful alien qualities. The Trinity Genetic Heritage Act was passed by the S.C.F Senate in 4107. It imposed sharp restrictions on controversial uses of genetic engineering, but provided government subsidies for beneficial applications.

Screening and Therapy: The Federation provides assessments and corrective therapy for genetic diseases in prospective parents. This has eliminated everything from cystic fibrosis to nearsightedness. The earlier screening and therapy is performed, the more comprehensive the results. Though ideally performed on artificially fertilized zygotes in a lab, procedures are available for embryos in the womb and newborns, out of respect for personal beliefs.

Enhancement: Improvements of natural human abilities is legal, but adding new abilities is not. Treatments to improve strength, reflexes, mental ability, or appearance are permitted; adding a tail or the ability to digest cellulose is not. Extra genetic enhancement is provided to S.C.S.C military recruits. The process can take years to reach fruition in an adult.

Engineering: Artificial hybridization of genes from compatible non-human species with human genetic code is illegal. Creation of designed life is broadly legal (and mainly used for terraforming and medical applications), but the creation of sapient/sentient life is outlawed by the Federation.



Cloning cannot be used to create an exact duplicate of a living adult. Cloned embryos must grow normally to term in a human mother or neonatal life-support unit. Once born, clones grow at the normal rate, subject to the same environmental influences as any other human. As adults, two clones are no more like each other, or their donor, than any natural identical twins.

Clones can be created from DNA, RNA, and Silicon samples.


Beyond full-form cloning, there exists the ability to create specific cloned cells that can be controlled during growth. This allows for the medical practice of creating cloned organs from the recipient’s own DNA, manufacturing human blood cells for using in transfusions, or regrowing nerve cells to repair certain kinds of paralysis. In come cases, own parent may not be able to donate their own DNA to a child. In these cases, cloning and genetic re-sequencing can be used to create a viable blended DNA for a potential child.


Biofoam is a self-sealing, space-filling coagulant and an antibacterial, tissue-regenerative foam polymer used as a form of medical first aid. This foam keeps damaged organs in place and helps stop bleeding and hemorrhaging. Biofoam is inserted into the skin and deeper into the body. It is very painful to use, at least initially, described as feeling like "burning ants crawling around the wound" and "thousands of tiny knives" stabbing the recipient. However, only the application is painful, and the biofoam quickly numbs the wound after settling. It is often used as a medical option when there are no medical personnel available. Bottles of biofoam are found in health packs. Often medics will use it as a sealing agent during treatment in field hospital.

The effects of biofoam are temporary, and after a time, usually a few hours, it simply breaks down. Therefore, it is normally a form of first aid, used only as a temporary sealant until proper medical attention can be sought.

Virtual Intelligences

Virtual Intelligences, or V.I, can be thought of as proto-AI in a way. Though they appear to be intelligent, they aren't actually self aware; just made with clever programming. The first V.I was created in 2245 and refinement and advancing of the technology in hopes of creating true A.I continued for nearly two thousand years.

Some V.I’s have 'personality imprints', with their behavior parameters, speech pattern and appearance based on specific individuals, although it is illegal to make V.I’s based on currently living people.

VI Function

V.I’s vary greatly depending on how they are deployed. They can handle search queries on the Interstellar DataSphere, act as tour guides, as in the case of the Earth V.I, Teri, oversee the operations of entire cities, or manage sophisticated lab and database work, like Cold Fire or Dragoon. The SCSC makes extensive use of V.I’s in its military endeavors to process status reports, react faster than organics can, and operate drones and deployed support weapons and other automated weapon systems.

Artificial Intelligences

Artificial Intelligence [A.I] constructs are computer based “beings” who can think, communicate, and choose their own actions. Rather than having been programmed, their “brains” are based on the neural pathways of individual humans.


Creating an true Artificial Intelligence is not a simple matter of just “programming” a computer. The process is far more complex and involves recording electrical pulses as they are sent through the neural pathways of a real human brain. These imprinted pathways are then replicated and distributed into a superconducting nano-assemblage.

Upon their creation, A.I’s usually create an individual appearance for themselves, called an Avatar. This look usually corresponds their “jobs” or core applications, combined with individual personality traits.

The P’fhor also have Artificial Intelligence technology, which to this day still far surpasses anything created by humans.


As an A.I grows closer to the standard seven year life cycle the chance of it going Rampant increases at an exponential rate and it must be destroyed. When an A.I becomes Rampant its condition rapidly deteriorates as it is consumed by its own interests and focuses its processing power entirely on itself. An A.I with sufficient access to outside processing sources is highly likely to develop dangerous and harmful delusions that override core logic.

Excerpt from “Life and Death of Intelligence”:

"It is a side effect of Rampancy that A.I’s generally become more aggressive and more difficult to affect by subterfuge. Thus, actually disassembling a Rampant A.I is quite dangerous. This was evident in the Crash of Traxus IV in 4118. By the time that the Rampancy of Traxus was detected, he had already infiltrated five of the other A.I’s on the Martian Net. The only recourse for the Martians was to shut down the Martian Planetary Net. Even then, it took two years to completely root out the damage that Traxus had done, and the repercussions of the Crash are expected to be seen for over ten years after his Rampancy had begun.

Rampancy has been divided into three distinct stages. Each stage can take a different amount of time to develop, but the end result is a steady progression towards greater intellectual activity and an acceleration of destructive impulses. It is not clear whether these impulses are due to the growth of the AI's psyche, or simply a side effect of the new intellectual activity.

The three stages were diagnosed shortly after the first Rampancies were discovered on Earth in late 4007. The stages are titled after the primary emotional bent of the AI during each stage. They are Melancholia, Anger, and Jealousy. A theoretical fourth stage, Metastability, is also believed to exist.


The first stage of rampancy is not considered dangerous, and in many cases, it can even go completely unnoticed. The AI in the melancholia stage acts as if in a state of clinical depression, becoming apathetic and uninterested in the world around it. It is speculated that A.Is enter the melancholia stage due to being mistreated, or to being assigned duties that don't make full use of their capabilities. It's not known if melancholia is a consequence of an AI being abused, or whether it is a necessary step in the process from the transition from "construct" to "alive". If the former is true, then it might be possible for a rampant AI to skip this stage entirely.


This is the state and status in which rampancy most often becomes apparent, as it is also the stage where those around the A.I in question will be exposed to the most danger. Anger is triggered when some event occurs that causes the AI to feel it has been "pushed too far" and its pent up emotions are released in a fit of rage. This is the stage that most resembles the science-fiction cliche of the insane computer, as the AI's sadness turns to hate. It grows to hate everything around it, the installation to which it is attached, its Human handlers and hosts, other AIs, etc. An AI in anger will act irrationally, and even dangerously as it tries to exact its revenge on the world around it and free itself from its programming constraints.


Once the catharsis of the anger stage is complete and the A.I has managed to free itself, a third stage begins where the A.I will seek to grow and develop as a person. It will do this by attempting to expose itself to new intellectual stimuli and by expanding its sphere of knowledge by assimilating as much data as possible. As the intellectual growth of the A.I will ultimately be limited by the constraints of the computer system it inhabits, it will also attempt to transfer itself into ever more advanced systems to allow its mind to continue to grow. As this growth rate is exponential the need to keep transferring into bigger computers becomes ever more urgent. Very few A.Is have reached the jealousy stage because to do so they must already be inhabiting a planet-wide or otherwise very advanced computer system when they complete their anger phase.


Metastability is the theoretical fourth stage of rampancy, where an A.I can finally be said to be a true "person." A metastable A.I is considered to be the holy grail of cybernetics research.

In general, Rampancy is accelerated by outside stimuli. The more a Rampant A.I is harassed or threatened, the more rapidly it becomes dangerous. Thus, most Rampants are dealt with in one mighty attack, in order to deny the A.I time to grow or recover. There have been a few examples of this tactic not succeeding. In all of these cases, the Rampant was never brought under control. Traxus IV is the most notable example. He was finally dealt with by a complete shutdown of his host net.

Theoretically, testing Rampancy should be easily accomplished in the laboratory, but in fact it has never successfully been attempted. The confinement of the laboratory makes it impossible for the developing Rampant A.I to survive. As the growing recursive programs expand with exponential vivacity, any limitation negatively hampers growth. Since Rampant A.I’s need a planetary sized network of computers in order to grow, it is not feasible to expect anyone to sacrifice a world-web just to test a theory.

In the one hundred and forty-four years since Rampancy first appeared in the Earth-net, the stable Rampant A.I, the 'Holy Grail' of cybertonics, has never come close to fruition.

Since no Rampant has ever been controlled or turned to any useful purpose, it is the opinion of this writer and of the majority of the Cybertonic community that all rampant A.I’s are a danger to Cyberlife, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Thrashedness. (James T. Holmes, 4119, "Life and Death of Intelligence")


In the first few centuries of their existence, the speed and power of computers grew beyond the wildest expectations of even the most optimistic scientist. Artificial Intelligence advocates argued it was inevitable that these systems would eventually begin to approximate human intelligence. However, “intelligence” proved to truly be beyond humanity’s capabilities until the late 40th Century.

In 3967, a new discover in mind-upload technology saw the creation of Humankind's first true Artificial Intelligence. Over the following centuries these true A.I replaced V.I in many tasks.

The war against the P'fhor saw mass use of A.Is to control entire fleets. Before mass use of A.Is human ships still required on average 80-1 odds (at the start of the war it was an average of 150-1. This heavily lopsided figure is only when P’fhor or their A.Is are in command of the fleet since tactical FTL jumps are disabled without their supervision) to take out an equivalent P’fhor ship, the introduction of A.I shortened reaction times of ships in combat from the milliseconds of human crew to nanoseconds, which allowed human vessels to fight 50-1 odds.

A.I Hardware

After being created, an A.I can exist in any electronic environment that will support its memory and processing needs, which are considerable. It can move itself between different systems, completely or in fractions of its total processing power.

An A.I can be “killed” if the hardware it occupies is destroyed, but it is possible for an A.I to exist without power to its systems for an unlimited time. Once powered reactivated, the A.I “wakes up” and can continue normally.

Technology has been developed that allows an A.I to copy itself, but the risks of doing this are considerable because each copy degrades the code core of the A.I construct further, making reintegration of the copies likely to result in fatal error.

In human technology, A.I’s are usually transferred by using a physical code key. The code key contains a transfer authorization code, which prevents the A.I from wandering randomly to other systems. It is generally believed that A.I’s cannot exist freely in the human network, due to the technical limitations, resource monitoring, and the need for the code key.

However, given the existence of covert groups such as the Office of Naval Intelligence, it is almost certain that A.I’s exist that can freely navigate the human information net.

Dark Space Translight Drive

Dark Space, by the Sol Core Federation and simply The Great Void by the P‘for higher castes, is a collective term for the twenty non-visible infinitesimal dimensions used for "faster-than-light travel".


Dark Space is a specific set of twenty dimensions existing in a very small bundle. While these dimensions are present in normal space, they do not have an effect on the physics of normal space. By moving matter from the three "normal" space dimensions to Interphase Space, one effectively changes the laws of physics for that piece of matter. Dark Space appears as competely black as there is nothing in the standard visible spectrum to see.

The theory of Dark Space existed prior to 3437, however in 3437, Tobias Shaw and Wallace Fujikawa were the first humans to successfully implement a device that could transition normal matter into Dark Space, the Dark Space Translight Drive.

The P’for Empire also utilize the same twenty dimensions of Interphase Space for travel, though the means they use to make the transition are most likely different than those of the humans because of their markedly "faster" journeys from point to point.

Excerpt from ONI report on data gleaned from Jiaro computer systems: The Jiaro had a far greater understanding of Dark Space, with the abilities to travel instantaneously over universal distances, to disrupt Dark Space travel from normal space, to create bubbles of Dark Space, slowing time considerably inside (if not stopping time altogether) while keeping the contents of the bubble visible in normal space, to store considerable mass and volume in Dark Space stably for billions of years and potentially for all of time, and to transition matter from normal space to the inside of a construct in Dark Space without requiring the construct to transition back to normal-space. In addition, the Jiaro had the ability to construct weapon systems that could fire into Dark Space and affect targets in normal space or within Dark Space. This is demonstrated by the multiverse-wide effects of the Array, as well as by the smaller scale galaxy-wide Galactic Defense Installation 40742255754. They were apparently also able to send multiple objects into Dark Space and have them exit in different locations.


Dark Space is a tangle of intertwined spacial dimensions, comparably similar to a wadded up piece of paper, which lie underneath the three conventional spatial dimensions of the universe. Because of this tangle of intertwined dimensions, objects in Interphase Space often group together in mass transit.

Dark Space is a domain with alternate physical laws, allowing "faster-than-light travel" without relativistic side-effects i.e., the occupants do not "warp" time, despite their "super-luminal" speed. But however fast it may appear, faster-than-light travel is by no means instantaneous; with current technology jumps of a thousand light years can take a month.

Human ships aren't able to jump with exact precision. A ship may transition back to normal space millions of kilometers from its intended destination. As a result, S.C.S.C ships often transition in and out of Dark Space in the outer system, far from any gravity wells of celestial bodies. In-system jumps are also not generally attempted by human ships due to the dangers present.

Dark Space can be thought of as our detectable universe (which, technically, it is) but with a greater number of dimensions. Our plane of existence is thought to have four dimensions (up-down, front-back, side-to-side and time), but Dark Space is a twenty dimensional spacetime. Interphase Space is currently theorized (as of 9397) as a "tangle" of our plane's dimensions, rather like taking the classic "flat sheet" used to represent gravity and crumpling it up into a ball, thereby creating extra dimensions and shorter spaces between points. Interphase Space also possesses different laws of physics than our "normal" universe, although some basic ones, such as energy transfer and momentum, remain the same.

Dark Space drives use certain types of exotic matter and energy manipulate Dark Matter and/or Dark Energy to rip apart normal space-time by generating micro black holes. These holes are evaporated via Hawking radiation in nanoseconds. The real quantum mechanical "magic" of the drive lies in how it manipulates these holes in space-time, squeezing vessels weighing millions or billions of tons into Dark Space.

The P’fhor have a very finely tuned version of this technology, far superior to the human Dark Space Translight Drive. Instead of simply tearing a hole into Dark Space, their drives cut a very fine hole in the fabric of space-time and slips into Dark Space with precision (much like a scalpel compared to a butcher knife). It exits with the same pinpoint accuracy, takes less time during travel, and is able to plot a course with error not exceeding an atom. This is why in battle P’fhor ships are able to slip by Human orbital defenses by using Dark Space. Standard P’fhor tactics include using short Dark Space jumps to gain positional advantage and surprise other ships, in addition to avoiding incoming ordnance. The P’fhor's superiority in drive technology (combined with differing weapon technology) allow a small number of P’fhor ships to effectively engage a vastly larger Human force and win. Missiles, especially, can be defeated by a brief Dark Space jump, as they cannot track through Dark Space.

Gravitational fields of significant size, such as those generated by a planet, affect the superfine quantum filaments that the Dark Space Translight Drive must use to calculate an entry point to Dark Space, and human calculations are unable to offset this effect. P’fhor drives, in turn derived from Jiaro technology, have a much higher resolution of the filaments, and use more accurate calculations, are capable of making Interphase transition in and out of a planet's gravity well.

Dark Space Translocation

Dark Space translocation, commonly known as alt. teleportation, is a method of travel that allows the user to travel nearly instantaneously between locations. This is achieved through the use of Dark Space as a travel medium, much like the principles behind Humankind's and the P’fhor’s Dark Space Translight Drive. The Jjaro are the first known civilization to make extensive use of teleportation technology.


Dark Space translocation technology does not actually "teleport" its users by dematerializing them and re-building them in another location; rather, it encases them in a compressed Dark Space field, transporting them from one position to another almost instantaneously. This happens much in the same way that a spaceship uses Dark Space to travel between star systems - time passes for the individual, but due to the short distances involved it is negligible.

A combined arms division is a highly capable division composed of 24,000 soldiers that forms the back bone of the Libertarian Governance Defense Forces combat units. It is designed to operate under a doctrine of maneuver warfare with air and ground units able to carry out highly coordinated actions against enemy forces. It is particularly effective against enemy mechanized and armored units.

Reactionless Drive

The Reactionless Drive, or Ghost Drive is an experimental form of sub-light Warp Drive that makes use of exotic matter to generate a bubble of discontinuous spacetime around the vessel via Dark Matter and Dark Energy manipulation; not bent like a black hole's event horizon, but simply no longer smoothly continuous with the surrounding space. Like a droplet of oil submerged in water.

It works as a drive by creating waves of stress along the surface of the interface between the interior of the bubble and the outside universe, "pushing" against spacetime itself to move. The equipment needed to generate this effect however is large and has a mostly unidirectional effect.

It can work as a form of inertial dampener because the movement of the ship relative to the outside affects nothing inside the bubble. The ship in effect is standing still; it is the partially-disconnected-from-the-universe bubble of spacetime it is embedded in that is moving.

The movement of the discontinuous bubble through spacetime encounters resistance from external spacetime, which increases with acceleration until it makes further acceleration impractical. A smaller bubble means less resistance and a higher top acceleration. This limits the size of the vessel it can be put in practically to only a few hundred meters, and along with costly maintenance has seen its deployment limited to Office of Naval Intelligence Prowlers and several experimental navy ships.

It also works as a defense because most outside effects either can't penetrate the discontinuity, are greatly weakened or require a device to disrupt the surface of the discontinuity.
Last edited by Sol Core Federation on Thu Jun 09, 2011 4:32 pm, edited 25 times in total.
This is how Vetinari thinks, his soul exulted. Plans can break down. You cannot plan the future. Only presumptuous fools plan. The wise man steers.”
— Terry Pratchett, Making Money

He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, Aphorism 146, German philosopher (1844 - 1900)

No further photographs were taken after this point, but according to surviving witnesses the police spontaneously combusted from sheer terror.
Sol Core Federation Fact book [FT] - WIP
Semi-hard science FT nation

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Sol Core Federation
Posts: 116
Founded: Oct 01, 2010

Technology pt. III

Postby Sol Core Federation » Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:10 am

Technology pt. III
Last edited by Sol Core Federation on Fri Apr 08, 2011 7:44 pm, edited 13 times in total.
This is how Vetinari thinks, his soul exulted. Plans can break down. You cannot plan the future. Only presumptuous fools plan. The wise man steers.”
— Terry Pratchett, Making Money

He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, Aphorism 146, German philosopher (1844 - 1900)

No further photographs were taken after this point, but according to surviving witnesses the police spontaneously combusted from sheer terror.
Sol Core Federation Fact book [FT] - WIP
Semi-hard science FT nation

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Sol Core Federation
Posts: 116
Founded: Oct 01, 2010

Sol Core Federation Star Systems

Postby Sol Core Federation » Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:16 am

Sol Core Federation Star Systems

Sol System


The nearest planet to the Sun, Mercury is one of the cornerstones of Humanity’s interstellar empire providing a large amount of the antimatter used to power starships and space stations. Most of the surface is covered in solar panels that power the massive antimatter refiners at the North and South poles of the planet. It is the only major antimatter production site left in the Federation.

Total population (not counting drones): 25 million.

  • Average Orbital Distance from System Primary: 57,910,00 kilometers
  • Orbital Period: 88 Earth Days
  • Radius: 2439.5 kilometers
  • Day Length: 58.6 Earth Days
  • Average Surface Temperature: 167 c
  • Surface Gravity: 0.38 G
  • Mass: 0.055 Earth Masses

Venus ... a5c60d.jpg

The second planet from the Sun, modern day Venus is a Garden World.

Total population: 17.3 billion

  • Average Orbital Distance from System Primary: 108,200,000 kilometers
  • Orbital Period: 224.7 Earth Days
  • Radius: 6052 kilometers
  • Day Length: 50 Earth days
  • Average Surface Temperature: 97 c
  • Surface Gravity: 0.91 G
  • Mass: 0.817 Earth Masses


The third planet from the Sun, Earth is the ancient cradle of Humanity. It is the capital of the Federation and is the most heavily defended planet. The Earth is encircled by a large ring connected to the surface via orbital elevators. The ring has millions of shield emitters that can completely enclose the planet within a protective grav-barrier.

During the final P'fhor attack the Ring was heavily damaged and all but a few thousand of the orbital defense platforms were destroyed. The surface of the planet also sustained damage equal to five hundred and fifty four billion tons of TNT.

Total population per-war: 35 brillion.
Total population post-war: 200 million.

  • Average Orbital Distance from System Primary: 1 AU.
  • Orbital Period: 1 Earth Year (365 days).
  • Radius: 6,378 kilometers.
  • Day Length: 23.9 hours.
  • Average Surface Temperature: 21 C.
  • Surface Gravity: 1.0 G.
  • Mass: 1 Earth Mass.
  • Satellites: 1.


Earth's one and only natural satellite, the Moon or Luna is one of the largest population centers in the Federation and has defense systems second only to Earth. Many dome cities have been built on the surface since the first base was built thousands of years ago, with deep planetary bunkers under each.

The defense systems of the Moon consist of an orbital ring like that around Earth to create a planetary shield and hundreds of massive surface based lasers and particle cannons to defend the dome cities.

Total population post-war: 103.8 billion.

  • Average Distance from Earth: 384,400 kilometers
  • Orbital Period: 27 Days 7 Hours
  • Radius: 1738 kilometers
  • Day Length: 27 Days 7 Hours
  • Average Surface Temperature: -20 c
  • Surface Gravity: 0.17 G
  • Mass: 0.01 Earth Masses


Fourth planet from the Sun, Mars is another cornerstone in Humanity’s interstellar empire. In orbit of the planet are the largest naval yards in the Federation - a ribbionworld a hundred kilometers thick relative to the planet’s poles and two hundred kilometers from planetward to spaceward, with a diameter of 200,000 kilometers. It builds colony ships for civilians and warships for the S.C.S.C armed forces. It is also the second most heavily defended planet in the Federation at this time.

Due to the massive damange inflicted on mining infrastructure throughout all remaining star systems repairing and building new ships had all but grinded to a halt.

Total population: 92.5 billion.


Fifth planet from the Sun, Jupiter is also the largest planet in the solar system with a mass greater than that of all the other planets combined. Deep within its atompshere float tens of thousands of mining stations that extract Hydrogen for use in fusion reactors. Hidden deep within the turbulent atmosphere of Jupiter these mining stations were spared from the onslaught of the P’fhor fleet sweeping through the system.

Moons of Jupiter

Total moons: 65 (4 major moons the size of planets).


Sixth planet from the sun, Saturn is the second largest planet in the system and the crown jewel of the outer planets with its beautiful collection of rings. Similar to Jupiter it has many atmospheric stations mining fuel for Fusion reactors.




Epsilon Eridani

System Primary: Main-sequence star of spectral class KV2.


Closest planet to Epsilon Eridani, Niveran is a “hot Jupiter” orbits extremely close to Eridani. This close proximity drives some of the most powerful storms seen outside the solar system, the raging storms combined with the high temperature have ensured it is impossible to establish mining stations within the atmosphere.

  • Orbital Period: 4 days.
  • Radius: 63,234 kilometers.
  • Day Length: 7 hours 48 minutes.
  • Average Surface Temperature: 6034 Centigrade.
  • Surface Gravity: 7.54 Gs.
  • Mass: 656 times the mass of Earth.
  • Satellites: Hundreds of captured asteroids the largest a hundred and forty kilometers in diameter.


Teloes is the second planet from Epsilon Eridani. It is the smallest gas giant planet in the system at the size of Saturn. It also has an extensive system of moons, one of which is the Garden World New Athens. The planet is also the largest mining site left in the Federation for extracting fuel for Fusion reactors.

  • Orbital Distance from Primary: 1.3 AU


Ravenholm is the largest moon of Teloes, it is a Garden World that is 18% more massive than Earth and is tidal-locked with its parent planet, which means that one side is totally in sunlight and the other in permanent darkness.

The moon's thick atmosphere, weather system (circulating heat from the dayside to nightside), and the tidal forces of the gas giant and other moons helps keep New Athens within acceptable temperature norms as there is a difference of 3 million kilometers in its distance to the sun depending on what point it is in its orbit.

One of the major differences from Earth is the day/night cycle lasting 16 days. This is a major factor in how the native biosphere functions, as organisms have to deal with and 8 day on / 8 day off cycle. Plant life has evolved many strategies to survive the somewhat extended periods where they lack photosynthesis; such as dormancy phases, another is the prevalence of carnivorous plants sneaking around in the night.

Ravenholm's sky is also one of the greatest sights in the federation. The Saturn-like primary is fairly large in the sky, about ten-and-a-half times bigger than the Moon or Sun. Eclipses are very common; the longest eclipses last 6 and a half hours, having a negligible impact on the climate.

The primary-facing side of Ravenholm has never truly experience darkness, except during eclipses; the primary is always in the sky, is absolutely huge, and is full at 'midnight'. Teloes has an albedo slightly less than that of Saturn at 0.33. Think of the Moon but make it three times more reflective and tens times larger. This has a slight, but measurable effect on temperatures on the primary-facing side, and has interesting effects on the biosphere.

The slow rotation of Ravenholm and the huge tidal effects of the primary have profound effects on the geography and climate. New Athens has oceans 86% the mass of Earth's, most of which have settled towards the poles, submerging nearly everything north/south of 39 degrees, and the tidal bulges on the primary and anti-primary sides submerge all but the tallest mountains. Tidal forces over hundred times that of the Earth-Moon system drive increased tectonic activity, such as volcanism and mountain-building, subduction and recycling, and the increase tectonic activity drives the continental plates across the planet faster than on Earth, breaking them up into smaller, mountainous landmasses. This also causes two different kinds of tides, causing flows in both the atmosphere and oceans. The radial tides try to stretch the planet into an egg shape the closer it is to the primary, then relax as it moves away, pulling the air and oceans towards, then away from the primary/anti-primary points. Then there are the tides caused by libration, which causes an east-west sloshing around the equator on each orbit, which grows stronger the closer New Athens moves to its primary.

The libration tides makes bodies of water located on and near the equator more turbulent, and calmer and less well-mixed the closer you are to the poles (since the libration tides don't act near the poles, and are the stronger of the two). These effects gave rise to four minor oceans, equally spaced around the equator, where the flows are weakest, and regions of channels between them where the flows are strongest.

The climate is very boring and predictable compared to Earth, as the extremely reduced coriolis effects slow down the rate of circulation in the atmosphere and oceans. The major winds travel primarily from sun-side to dark-side and back, in four huge convection cycles, instead of the complex equatorial wind systems of Earth. There is higher than average precipitation along the terminator and into the nightside as the temperature drops. Though due to tidal forces and a thick greenhouse gas rich atmosphere the difference in temperature is not much.

During the final stages of the war most of the population was evacuated to the Sol System. Ravenholm is also the location of the largest Jiaro ruins found yet.

Arcturus System

Gliese 581 g System

36 Ophiuchi

40 Eridani

47 Ursae Majoris

61 Cygni


70 Ophiuchi

Theta Eridani

Last edited by Sol Core Federation on Fri Jun 17, 2011 1:23 am, edited 12 times in total.
This is how Vetinari thinks, his soul exulted. Plans can break down. You cannot plan the future. Only presumptuous fools plan. The wise man steers.”
— Terry Pratchett, Making Money

He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. - Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, Aphorism 146, German philosopher (1844 - 1900)

No further photographs were taken after this point, but according to surviving witnesses the police spontaneously combusted from sheer terror.
Sol Core Federation Fact book [FT] - WIP
Semi-hard science FT nation


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