Endalaus Andlát - Fortifications for the World

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Santa Agua
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Founded: May 29, 2014

Endalaus Andlát - Fortifications for the World

Postby Santa Agua » Mon Aug 18, 2014 1:01 pm

Endalaus Andlát
Endalaus Andlát Vopnabúnað Framleiðslu Fyrirtæki
Endless Death Armaments Manufacturing Corporation

The Endalaus Andlát family
The Endalaus Andlát family, fully known as Endalaus Andlát Vopnabúnað Framleiðslu Fyrirtæki, has existed since 1880, when it was founded as the Endalaus Andlát Vopn Þróun Rannsóknarstofu or Endless Death Weapons Development Laboratory. When the countless foreign scientists had to leave due to an rise of domestic empowerment, also known as the Isolation, Endalaus Andlát transformed into the Endalaus Andlát Vopnabúnað Framleiðslu Fyrirtæki, allowing all other parts of the Endalaus Andlát family to continue operating ever since. With our client-centric mindset, Endalaus Andlát has always aimed at operating next-gen weapon systems, as can be seen in our current line of systems.

By allowing ourselves to constantly think outside of the box, we have been able to provide a constant win-win situation for our clients. This 'think outside the box' mentality that Endalaus Andlát constantly uses has allowed us to see a niche market. In a world where innovation is king and the cloud is everywhere, Endalaus Andlát sees and acknowledges the needs of locations that would be deemed lacking in building capabilities or monetary assets. In order to pinpoint the demand, Endalaus Andlát offers various lines of fortifications, ranging from tried-and-tested to cutting-edge.

Our clients
Endalaus Andlát is currently aimed at nations, warlords, revolutionary movements, freedom fighters and everyone with enough monetary assets. Thanks to our tried-and-tested methods, our products are available for procurement by almost any party. This works with our corporate ideology, that states that every person should have the right to defend and/or attack and/or oppress others. Since 1880, Endalaus Andlát has always aimed to fulfill this ideology and as such, we are able to provide our prices at cutthroat levels. So low that you'll think we're lying! We're not!

Our Partners
Endalaus Andlát seeks to use currently existing stocks of hardware, as this allows for a streamlining of production and lowering of production costs on our side. Should our current existing stocks of hardware be numerical inadequate or outside of the client's wishes, we shall seek to provide arms from the quality producer Padarm, also known as the Padnaki National Armament Company. We feel completely at ease knowing that you and your monetary assets will be protected by their quality-oriented firearms. Should our current existing stocks of turrets and/or other larger hardware be numerical inadequate or outside of the client's wishes, we shall seek to provide military hardware closest to the wishes of the client however, we keep the right to ask for minimal acquisition leverage, provided in the form of monetary assets or resources.

Our accepted payment methods
Endalaus Andlát seeks to provide services to as many possible customers, as per our corporate ideology. As such, we currently universally accept payment in NationStates Dollar, gold, diamonds, silver and platinum. For any universally accepted payment outside of the NationStates Dollar, we ask for an amount that is increased with 2%. In case transportation is arranged for these resources at no cost to Endalaus Andlát, this amount is lowered to a mere 1% increase. Other payment methods such as military hardware or raw resources may be accepted on a base-to-base basis. For these payments, we ask for an amount that is increased by 10%. In case transportation is arranged for these resources at no cost to Endalaus Andlát, this amount is lowered to a mere 5% increase. We keep the right to lower or remove the increases on a base-to-base basis. Payment, when moved by any other entity except Endalaus Andlát or Endalaus Andlát-related entities, will only transfer to Endalaus Andlát's ownership after it physically arrives within the, by Endalaus Andlát selected, selected area.

Not enough fortifications for you?
Endalaus Andlát also accepts fortification orders on demand. Need your very own Maginot Line? We can help! Need to oppress your people? We can help! While we currently only provide fortifications to the world, we can provide our self-produced vehicles to large enough orders, allowing for a terrific mix between fluid and static defence. All orders on demand must include:

  • Total Budget
  • A map of the area where the fortifications on demand shall be placed
  • Preferred defensive lines (if applicable)
  • Cost of hiring a general-purpose construction worker per hour in your nation
  • Main language in your nation

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Santa Agua
Posts: 216
Founded: May 29, 2014

Postby Santa Agua » Mon Aug 18, 2014 1:01 pm

Fortification Products

Our Prototype SB-B's are standing strong!
We are offering the tried-and-tested Squad Bunker line for purchase to all takers. First imagined by a foreign scientist in the 1930's, the cooperation between Endalaus Andlát and the Council of d'Unga in the 1950's allowed for the resources to pioneer these terrific Bunkers. In every militia and army of the Federation, manpower has always been an important factor and the Council of d'Unga found them useful to increase the survivability of their militia members.

When the Squad Bunker-Basic was introduced, they were imagined to allow complete transportation of both bunker and crew to a better suited location. After several injuries during testing, the prototypes were made more efficient and smaller, to allow more defences to be manned by the same amount of formations without the in-battle transportation possibilities but with terrific protection. The dome shape allows the Squad Bunker-Basic to take shots and bullets far better than other bunkers of it's size, perfect for low to medium intensity zones or even high-intensity zones within low-tech areas. Your men will be practically indestructible!

Due to a changing military doctrine, we currently have a large number of Squad Bunker-Basic's for sale! All the discount SB-B's are still in workable condition and are available for transportation right away! Exact specifications can be asked.

  • $2500 - Discount-version
  • $5000 - Newly Fabricated

Possible extra's:
  • $250 - Low-Intensity Anti-Infantry Package (RP-46 LMG + mount)
  • $670 - Medium-Intensity Anti-Infantry Package (Padnaki ARKP-45 + mount)
  • $1250 - High-Intensity Anti-Infantry Package (Padnaki PADK-20 Light + mount)

  • $250 - Low-Intensity High-Range Package (OTs-48 + mount)
  • $1000 - Medium-Intensity High-Range Package (Padnaki Poz-10 + mount)

  • $500 - Concrete link between two SB-type bunkers (unified entry point included; further linking available at $400 per extra bunker)

We are offering the tried-and-tested Squad Bunker line for purchase to all takers. First imagined by a foreign scientist in the 1930's, the cooperation between Endalaus Andlát and the Council of d'Unga in the 1950's allowed for the resources to pioneer these terrific Bunkers. In every militia and army of the Federation, manpower has always been an important factor and the Council of d'Unga found them useful to increase the survivability of their militia members.

The Squad Bunker-Supply Version was introduced to increase the time during which personnel can be combat-effective without limiting combat efficiency. Meant to be used in combination with Squad Bunker-Basic's, in a two-one or three-one formation or by itself as an emergency supply storage in low to medium intensity areas. Usage of the Squad Bunker-Supply Version in a one-one or four-one formation is not recommended, both granting no significant improvement. The Squad Bunker-Supply Version differs from the Basic version by completely closing the dome, denying enemy entities sight into the bunker while also preventing them from using the Supply Version for anything except it's intended use, and slightly thinning the layers of concrete, allowing for an increase in storage while keeping protection levels on an acceptable level.

Due to a changing military doctrine, we currently have a large number of Squad Bunker-Supply Version's for sale! All the discount SB-SV's are still in workable condition and are available for transportation right away! Exact specifications can be asked.

  • $2250 - Discount-version
  • $4500 - Newly Fabricated

Possible extra's:
  • $250 - Concrete link between two SB-type bunkers (unified entry point included; further linking available at $200 per extra bunker)

This could be your fortification!
We are offering this Do It Yourself Trench Pack for purchase to all takers. While trenches and sandbags only provide limited hardware protection to infantry, trenches and sandbags provide perfect short-term small arms protection to your infantry. Looking to provide them with the essentials in protection while lacking the monetary assets, time or skilled workers to build any of our other fortifications in workable numbers? Try this Do It Yourself Trench Pack, it's so simple that even a monkey* could do it! *Endalaus Andlát gives no guarantees towards this prediction. Any and all warranties given on any and all products will be deemed null and void if such a feat is attempted.

Each of our Do It Yourself Trench Packs contain two-hundred-and-fifty shovels and one-thousand empty sandbags! This allows you and/or your troops to dig in while the sandbags provide an above-the-ground layer of protection. It provides enough shovels for a full combat engineering squadron. This might not be high-tech and pretty labor intensive but when push comes to shove, you will be glad that you have our Do It Yourself Trench Pack! And with our terrific extra's, you can shorten the set-up time, increase protection or even improve your firepower! All our sandbags are made from polypropylene with production methods at or near military standards.

  • $4000 - One Pack
  • $11500 - Three Pack Discount Price

Possible extra's:
  • $20000 - Full Sandbags instead of empty ones
  • $50000 - Full Sandbag Three Pack Discount

  • $500 - Barbed Wire (100 meters)
  • $600 - Floor Boards (100 pieces)

  • $200 - Small Morale Improvement Pack (10 bottles of Federal Rum)
  • $1950 - Medium Morale Improvement Pack (100 bottles of Federal Rum)
  • $19250 - Large Morale Improvement Pack (1000 bottles of Federal Rum)

Our Prototype, still standing strong after 50 years!
We are offering the tried-and-tested Section Bunker line for purchase to all takers. Designed by Luigi Barathon de Lucarda, the Section Bunker-Supply is, when seen from a simplistic level, a larger version of the Squad Bunker-Supply Version.

Looking at the, already existing, SB-SV, Luigi made designs for a larger, thicker armored supply bunker, to allow for longer operations and long-time partisan duties. While the bunker counts five meters in size, studies have shown that, with proper camouflage, the bunker has an acceptable spotting-chance in regards to long-time partisan duties. While it could feature as a temporary shelter for partisans, soldiers or civilians, Endalaus Andlát does not advise this to happen, due to the lack of sanitation within the fortification.

When coupled with smaller Squad Bunkers, the Section Bunker-Supply can be best used in a one-on-five formation. When coupled with larger Section Bunkers, this number shall shrink to one-on-three, one-on-two or even one-on-one, depending on the version of Section Bunker and it's usage. Exact specifications can be asked.

  • $50000 - Newly Fabricated

We are offering the tried-and-tested Section Bunker line for purchase to all takers. Designed by Luigi Barathon de Lucarda, the Section Bunker-Barracks is a unique opportunity for any and all partisan groups, nations and freedom fighters.

The Section Bunker-Barracks offers room to twenty soldiers, spread over ten bunk beds. The usual problem in fully enclosed bunkers, a lack of required lighting, has been removed by providing low-intensity crank-powered lighting, able to allow the soldiers enough light while keeping visibility, in cases where the bunker door is either removed or cannot be closed due to sound issues, and power usage at an all-time low. By removing the bunker from the grid, we ensure that the bunker is ready for partisan action without any extra actions. Heating within the bunker is not available, we recommend granting inhabitants thick blankets and proper clothing when operating such a bunker in a low-temperature area. Sanitation facilities such as sinks and/or toilets and/or showers are not available within the bunker, requiring purchase of Section Bunker-Sanitation, should you seek protected sanitation for the inhabitants. Storage space is located behind and in front of the bunks, allowing for easy and painless storage.

The Section Bunker-Barracks comes fully equipped with beds and lighting, allowing for rapid deployment with ease. Exact specifications can be asked.

  • $62500 - Newly Fabricated

We are offering the tried-and-tested Section Bunker line for purchase to all takers. Designed by Luigi Barathon de Lucarda, the Section Bunker-Sanitation is the natural addition to Section Bunker-Barracks for any and all partisan groups, nations and freedom fighters that seek to provide their troops with a safe place to freshen up and take a dump.

The Section Bunker-Sanitation bunker comes complete with low-intensity crank-powered lighting, as with the Section Bunker-Barracks, and enough facilities to comfortably serve two Section Bunker-Barracks. Should only acceptable sanitation be required, three or four Section Bunker-Barracks can be serviced, although this requires inhabitants to use the facilities in shifts. Waste disposal in regards to the toilet facilities is fulfilled by usage of a septic tank, perfectly suited for remote detonation, should someone seek to surprise invading enemies with a disgusting booby trap. Shower and sink water disposal is fulfilled by a underground or above ground tank, which filters the water until the person-in-charge finds it too disgusting to shower and wash in, after which an easy-to-operate system dumps the water through the exit pipe to the accepted exit location. This tank is also perfectly suited for remote detonation.

The Section Bunker-Sanitation comes fully equipped, allowing for rapid deployment with ease. Exact specifications can be asked.

  • $175000 - Newly Fabricated
Last edited by Santa Agua on Wed Sep 03, 2014 10:17 am, edited 10 times in total.

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Santa Agua
Posts: 216
Founded: May 29, 2014

Postby Santa Agua » Mon Aug 18, 2014 1:01 pm


  • Added the SB-SV, Squad Bunker-Supply Version

  • Added the DIY Trench Pack

  • Added the Section Bunker-Supply
  • Added the Section Bunker-Barracks
  • Added the Section Bunker-Sanitation
Last edited by Santa Agua on Tue Sep 02, 2014 10:25 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Santa Agua
Posts: 216
Founded: May 29, 2014

Postby Santa Agua » Wed Aug 20, 2014 12:46 pm


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Posts: 57
Founded: Apr 03, 2014
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Uchub » Wed Aug 20, 2014 7:44 pm

Can we modify the sb-b for urban areas

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Santa Agua
Posts: 216
Founded: May 29, 2014

Postby Santa Agua » Thu Aug 21, 2014 6:55 am

Uchub wrote:Can we modify the sb-b for urban areas

An official message from Endalaus Andlát
To: Whomever it may concern
From: Ólafur Björnsson d'Unga, Sales Department Clerk
Our Squad Bunker-Basic is capable in every area, as long as there is enough ground depth to provide for the set-up. For urban areas and most areas in general, we do suggest the set-up of our Squad Bunker-Basic in a circular or semi-circular fashion, to decrease the chance of enemy entities 'sneaking up' on the bunkers while increasing the unified kill-zone of the products. Further upgrades such as one of our weapon packages, the inclusion of a SB-SV or linking the bunkers together will further increase the survivability and lethality of the troops stationed within our products. Combining our SB-B's with our SB-SV's and DIY Trench Packs will provide even better results, although this will fall more into our Fortifications On Demand service. While our current lineup of products is limited, we are soon releasing new products such as the larger Section Bunker line, which allow for the installation of various hardware, and some of our lighter Coastal Defence Guns and Coastal Defence Entities, be on the lookout for their inclusion within our line of products. Please note however that any modifications to Endalaus Andlát products that are not done by Endalaus Andlát or Endalaus Andlát affiliated entities are not allowed however, we do offer on-demand modification services for a small fee.

We hope that this fulfills your informational needs. In the event that more questions pop up, feel free to ask.

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Posts: 57
Founded: Apr 03, 2014
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Uchub » Fri Aug 22, 2014 12:14 pm

From the desk of Lord President Karsen

We in uchub would like to contract your company to rework our Entire fortification system we are willing to pay 5.5 billion NS$

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Santa Agua
Posts: 216
Founded: May 29, 2014

Postby Santa Agua » Fri Aug 29, 2014 10:20 am

OOC: Sorry for the extremely slow response!

An official message from Endalaus Andlát
To: Whomever it may concern
From: Ólafur Björnsson d'Unga, Sales Department Clerk
Endalaus Andlát will gladly rework the entire fortification system currently in place within the nation of Uchub while staying within the budget of 5,500,000,000 NSD. For our works to begin, however, we will require some information. This information currently consists of:

  • A map consisting of Uchub territory where the fortifications are wanted. We prefer a map consisting of ONLY the territory where the fortifications are wanted which also contains an overview of the terrain. However, we understand that providing such a map might be difficult. As such, our lowest demands are to provide a map which contains the territory where the fortifications are wanted and an overview of the terrain.
  • The hourly cost of hiring a general-purpose construction worker within your nation. Endalaus Andlát seeks to work with domestic workers whenever economically possible. We would further encourage you to sign our 'Waiver of Labor Laws', which allows us to build at a faster speed than otherwise possible.
  • The main language in your nation. This is required to factor-in costs such as translations and slower work speed due to language incompatibility.

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The Recon Empire
Posts: 1877
Founded: Jan 12, 2013

Postby The Recon Empire » Tue Sep 02, 2014 2:33 am

To Endalaus Andlat:

Greetings! On behalf of the Legion Corporation, we are writing to you today regarding our interest in investing into your company! We foresee great potential by Endalaus into developing as one of the leading defense companies in the industry, and we'd like to interest you with a purchasing deal.

We hope to purchase 9.5% of your company at the price of $1.12 billion. This large sum of capital injection, we believe will assist your company's progress substantially. We are highly open for negotiations, but do note that our money is finite, as we do have a proper sinking fund with updates from our own regional businesses. Hence, we hope that through the negotiation we can obtain a reasonable deal that can benefit both parties in this case.

We sincerely hope to hear from you! Thank you!

For your references to our corporate storefront:

Sincerely yours,

Mr Benjamin Cawford
Director of Acquisitions
The Legion Corporation

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Santa Agua
Posts: 216
Founded: May 29, 2014

Postby Santa Agua » Tue Sep 02, 2014 4:36 am

An official message from Endalaus Andlát
To: Benjamin Cawford, Director
From: Dr. Jón Björgsdottír d'Unga, Economic Director and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Unified Council of d'Unga

My company, Endalaus Andlát Vopnabúnað Framleiðslu Fyrirtæki or better known as Endalaus Andlát, has asked me to handle negotiations towards your entity in regards to the business transaction that you are seeking. As you may or may not know, Endalaus Andlát is one of only two armament manufacturers within the Federation, providing any investor with a prime opportunity in regards to armaments manufacturing within the Federation and beyond.

Endalaus Andlát current encompasses much more than visible to the foreign eye, this visible part merely being Endalaus Andlát Víggirðingar Fyrirtæki or the Endless Death Fortification Corporation. Other parts of Endalaus Andlát include but are not limited to the defunct but still property-bearing Endalaus Andlát Vopn Þróun Rannsóknarstofu ( Endless Death Weapons Development Laboratory) and Endalaus Andlát Ökutæki Viðgerð Fyrirtæki (Endless Death Vehicle Repair Corporation), which provides any and all vehicle repairs that are deemed too major or time-consuming for the Federal military to perform. Due to our unique position within the Federal and regional marketplace, we deem your current offer to be slightly smaller than what we would accept.

Our current offer is:

  • A separate 7.5% ownership of Endalaus Andlát Víggirðingar Fyrirtæki
  • 2,5% ownership in the other parts of Endalaus Andlát Vopnabúnað Framleiðslu Fyrirtæki except Endalaus Andlát Vopn Þróun Rannsóknarstofu, which stays under full ownership of the Unified Council of d'Unga

In return, we ask:

  • A cash sum of $1.5 billion dollars, to be transferred within 24 hours of the business transaction
  • A contractual promise from King Lee Hong Xuan to sign our 'Waiver of Labor Laws' whenever Endalaus Andlát provides services within his sovereign territories

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The Recon Empire
Posts: 1877
Founded: Jan 12, 2013

Postby The Recon Empire » Tue Sep 02, 2014 6:12 am

Santa Agua wrote:An official message from Endalaus Andlát
To: Benjamin Cawford, Director
From: Dr. Jón Björgsdottír d'Unga, Economic Director and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Unified Council of d'Unga

My company, Endalaus Andlát Vopnabúnað Framleiðslu Fyrirtæki or better known as Endalaus Andlát, has asked me to handle negotiations towards your entity in regards to the business transaction that you are seeking. As you may or may not know, Endalaus Andlát is one of only two armament manufacturers within the Federation, providing any investor with a prime opportunity in regards to armaments manufacturing within the Federation and beyond.

Endalaus Andlát current encompasses much more than visible to the foreign eye, this visible part merely being Endalaus Andlát Víggirðingar Fyrirtæki or the Endless Death Fortification Corporation. Other parts of Endalaus Andlát include but are not limited to the defunct but still property-bearing Endalaus Andlát Vopn Þróun Rannsóknarstofu ( Endless Death Weapons Development Laboratory) and Endalaus Andlát Ökutæki Viðgerð Fyrirtæki (Endless Death Vehicle Repair Corporation), which provides any and all vehicle repairs that are deemed too major or time-consuming for the Federal military to perform. Due to our unique position within the Federal and regional marketplace, we deem your current offer to be slightly smaller than what we would accept.

Our current offer is:

  • A separate 7.5% ownership of Endalaus Andlát Víggirðingar Fyrirtæki
  • 2,5% ownership in the other parts of Endalaus Andlát Vopnabúnað Framleiðslu Fyrirtæki except Endalaus Andlát Vopn Þróun Rannsóknarstofu, which stays under full ownership of the Unified Council of d'Unga

In return, we ask:

  • A cash sum of $1.5 billion dollars, to be transferred within 24 hours of the business transaction
  • A contractual promise from King Lee Hong Xuan to sign our 'Waiver of Labor Laws' whenever Endalaus Andlát provides services within his sovereign territories

To Dr Jón Björgsdottír d'Unga, Economic Director and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Unified Council of d'Unga:

We are extremely happy to hear back from you! The Legion Corporation is happy to pay the desired fee but there are some clarifications we require before engaging in the payment.

We would require both storefronts for the two seperate entities you are selling us, both URL is required for this transaction to go on any further, and if not we can revert back to negotiating on the main company.

Next, we request to know of the details of the Waiver of Labor Laws, and if agreeable upon, we will direct this request through the Crown Corporation and not to the King himself directly. As we are doing this deal as a private company, King Lee is serving as the CEO of the company, and hence he cannot be approached directly to execute matters as the sovereign monarch. We hope you understand our procedures, and if we are agreeable on the contract, an appropriate government official will be delegated to be the signatory.

Also to note, we will be submitting your request up from the position of a private company, and not as a government company, hence there is still a possibility that the contract may not pass, although unlikely.

Lastly, we are extremely glad to advance our negotiations to this stage, and we hope to hear from you soon!

Thank you!


Mr Benjamin Cawford
Director of Acquisitions
The Legion Corporation

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Santa Agua
Posts: 216
Founded: May 29, 2014

Postby Santa Agua » Tue Sep 02, 2014 6:53 am

An official message from Endalaus Andlát
To: Benjamin Cawford, Director
From: Dr. Jón Björgsdottír d'Unga, Economic Director and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Unified Council of d'Unga

The 'main' companies that provides Endalaus Andlát services is currently not working on an active international stage and as such, do not have storefronts. Should this be a unsurpassed obstruction, we are willing to offer you an increased offer in regards to Endalaus Andlát Víggirðingar Fyrirtæki, the current part of Endalaus Andlát that is operating an active international storefront. This offer would be 10% ownership in return for $1.5 billion and, preferably, the contractual promise.

The Waiver of Labor Laws allows Endalaus Andlát and Endalaus Andlát-aligned entities to temporarily use the, often preferable, Federal labor laws in regards to worker safety and other surrounding areas. Any domestic workers will still receive payment at or above minimum wage level as dictated by the laws in place within your nation. The contractual promise states that the King, in his official position as CEO and King, will grant us the waiver whenever possible without repercussions towards Endalaus Andlát and the King himself. As you can see, the contractual promise is nothing more than a promise among business partners to help each other when possible, without breaking any ethical or economic rules, forcing the King to position himself in a compromise position or placing penalties and forcing actions. Within the Federation, such contractual promises are quite normal between businesses, as it allows partners to better each others position within a reasonable frame and mindset, without costing either side anything. However, as previously mentioned, this is not required, only appreciated.

Should this information and offer be deemed acceptable, I can ensure that lawyers from both Endalaus Andlát and the Unified Council will be ready to sign and ready the necessary paperwork from our side.

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The Recon Empire
Posts: 1877
Founded: Jan 12, 2013

Postby The Recon Empire » Tue Sep 02, 2014 7:13 am

Santa Agua wrote:An official message from Endalaus Andlát
To: Benjamin Cawford, Director
From: Dr. Jón Björgsdottír d'Unga, Economic Director and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Unified Council of d'Unga

The 'main' companies that provides Endalaus Andlát services is currently not working on an active international stage and as such, do not have storefronts. Should this be a unsurpassed obstruction, we are willing to offer you an increased offer in regards to Endalaus Andlát Víggirðingar Fyrirtæki, the current part of Endalaus Andlát that is operating an active international storefront. This offer would be 10% ownership in return for $1.5 billion and, preferably, the contractual promise.

The Waiver of Labor Laws allows Endalaus Andlát and Endalaus Andlát-aligned entities to temporarily use the, often preferable, Federal labor laws in regards to worker safety and other surrounding areas. Any domestic workers will still receive payment at or above minimum wage level as dictated by the laws in place within your nation. The contractual promise states that the King, in his official position as CEO and King, will grant us the waiver whenever possible without repercussions towards Endalaus Andlát and the King himself. As you can see, the contractual promise is nothing more than a promise among business partners to help each other when possible, without breaking any ethical or economic rules, forcing the King to position himself in a compromise position or placing penalties and forcing actions. Within the Federation, such contractual promises are quite normal between businesses, as it allows partners to better each others position within a reasonable frame and mindset, without costing either side anything. However, as previously mentioned, this is not required, only appreciated.

Should this information and offer be deemed acceptable, I can ensure that lawyers from both Endalaus Andlát and the Unified Council will be ready to sign and ready the necessary paperwork from our side.

To Dr. Jón Björgsdottír d'Unga, Economic Director and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Unified Council of d'Unga:

After surveying your requests, we have decided to approve of your Waiver of Labour Laws, and we are eager to sign all necessary contracts regarding the purchase of Endalaus Andlát Víggirðingar Fyrirtæki (Endless Death Fortification Corporation). As the Emperor-King holds absolute power, his requests can be made urgent, and hence this proposal has been brought up to the Grand Advisory Council, and has been approved. However, we'd like to discuss a secondary criteria that would be highly beneficial to your company. As the King of the Recon Empire concurrently holds the position of the Sovereign Emperor of The Crown Federation of Recon, we'd like to offer a signatory on behalf of all the nations of the region, over 100 active monarchs, to be signed to your Waiver, in exchange for an increase purchase to 25% of your company at the same price. This is an excellent deal as you are able to expand your business much further.

Of course, this is just an option, and not a requirement, hence if you'd like to have our single signatory along with 10% of the purchase, we are also open. We will be able to do execute our transaction at any point in time. Do let us know.

Thank you!


HRH Crown Prince Thomas of Pryston
Grand Consul
The Imperial Office of the King
The Crown Kingdoms of The Recon Empire


Sir Eugene Hennings
Lord of the Federation
The Imperial Office of the Emperor
The Crown Federation of Recon


Mr Stewart Stern
Chief Financial Officer
The Legion Corporation


Mr Benson Onewa
Director of Corporate Relations
The Legion Corporation

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Santa Agua
Posts: 216
Founded: May 29, 2014

Postby Santa Agua » Tue Sep 02, 2014 7:52 am

An official message from Endalaus Andlát
To: The Signatory Members
From: Dr. Jón Björgsdottír d'Unga, Dr. Arnáld Björnsson d'Unga, Páll Björgsdottír d'Unga; Representing the Unified Council, Federal Government and the Director's Council

As our advisors deem the business possibilities within your region to expand only slightly from signing the Waiver, we will have to decline your generous offer and stick to the 10% for 1,5 billion, with the included Waiver of Labor Laws. Should business from the region expand in such a way that a unified Waiver would be deemed an advantage towards our business efficiency, new negotiations for such an Waiver are within the options.

Our lawyers are readying the necessary paperwork from our side, to ensure rapid and acceptable movement within this deal.

As written and accepted by,

Dr. Jón Björgsdottír d'Unga; Economic Director and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Unified Council of d'Unga
Dr. Arnáld Björnsson d'Unga; Operational Director and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Lögreglan
Páll Björgsdottír d'Unga; Cultural Director and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Federal Government

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The Recon Empire
Posts: 1877
Founded: Jan 12, 2013

Postby The Recon Empire » Tue Sep 02, 2014 8:06 am

Santa Agua wrote:An official message from Endalaus Andlát
To: The Signatory Members
From: Dr. Jón Björgsdottír d'Unga, Dr. Arnáld Björnsson d'Unga, Páll Björgsdottír d'Unga; Representing the Unified Council, Federal Government and the Director's Council

As our advisors deem the business possibilities within your region to expand only slightly from signing the Waiver, we will have to decline your generous offer and stick to the 10% for 1,5 billion, with the included Waiver of Labor Laws. Should business from the region expand in such a way that a unified Waiver would be deemed an advantage towards our business efficiency, new negotiations for such an Waiver are within the options.

Our lawyers are readying the necessary paperwork from our side, to ensure rapid and acceptable movement within this deal.

As written and accepted by,

Dr. Jón Björgsdottír d'Unga; Economic Director and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Unified Council of d'Unga
Dr. Arnáld Björnsson d'Unga; Operational Director and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Lögreglan
Páll Björgsdottír d'Unga; Cultural Director and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Federal Government

We are happy to make the deal. Your company has been added to our portfolio, and our financial transaction should be sent across now. We hope to engage your company for future partnerships soon! Thank you very much!


Mr Benjamin Cawford
Director of Acquisitions
The Legion Corporation

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Postby Opplandia » Wed Sep 03, 2014 3:49 am

To: whomever it might concern

From: Janice M. Roberts, Minister of Defence

Dear Sirs and Mams, after examining your current productlines, we might be interested in purchasing some of them.
however, before we make any definite decision, we would like to have a few questions answered. if possible, for both product-lines:

- what is the average wall-thickness?
- what is the foundations thickness?
- what is the weight per unit?
- which sorts of steel and concrete are usually used?
- how many embrasures does a unit have (if any)?
- how big is the max shooting/aiming angle on each embrasure?

We hope that you will provide us with the requested informations as soon as you are able to.

with best regards,
J. Roberts, MoD
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Santa Agua
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Postby Santa Agua » Wed Sep 03, 2014 10:50 am

An official message from Endalaus Andlát
To: Janice Roberts, Minister
From: Ólafur Björnsson d'Unga, Sales Department Clerk
In order to properly answer your questions, I have placed them in a list for reading and answering ease. Please view the specifications below.

What is the average wall-thickness?
    Both our current lines of bunkers are prefabricated. This means that sections are made on-site, in case of a safe area, or within our cutting-edge facility. This is one of the reasons why we can assure top quality against almost-negligible prices, especially when looking at the added value that our products give. This also ensures that our bunkers have standard measurements on all units.

  • Squad Bunker-Basic: 30 centimeters (actual protection thickness varies upwards due to the dome shape)
  • Squad Bunker-Supply Version: 20 centimeters (actual protection thickness varies upwards due to the dome shape)
  • Section Bunker line: 100 centimeters/1 meter (actual protection thickness varies upwards due to the dome shape)

What is the foundation thickness?
    Our Squad Bunker line features a foundation that is both attached and separated from the rest of the bunker, as it includes a second wall, located sixty centimeters in front of the actual wall. This second wall is dug in, however, and will preferably be near-invisible to both sides, allowing for a second line of defence before reaching the actual wall. The Section Bunker line has a standard foundation, as seen on the photo of the prototype. Should the bunker be used in a partisan-fashion, the foundation that sticks out can be covered in dirt with ease.

  • Squad Bunker-Basic: 30 centimeters
  • Squad Bunker-Supply Version: 20 centimeters
  • Section Bunker line: 30 centimeters

What is the weight per unit?
    Due to wear-and-tear on discount items, the weight on the Squad Bunker line bunkers that are sold at a discount may vary. Please note, however, that any modifications or movement of the items that are done by third-parties are not allowed, only modifications and movements that are done by Endalaus Andlát and Endalaus Andlát-affiliated entities are allowed.

  • Squad Bunker-Basic: 30 tons
  • Squad Bunker-Supply Version: 20 tons
  • Section Bunker line: 400 tons

Which sorts of steel and concrete are usually used?
    Endalaus Andlát is one of the few businesses in the Federation that has all the Federal certificates in production of concrete, allowing us to manufacture military-grade concrete in any and all possible variations. We generally do not use stainless steel as we have found that regular steel serves the purpose just as well while keeping costs reasonably low.

How many embrasures does a unit have?
    Currently, only the Squad Bunker-Basic features embrasures, two of them. Other than that, all bunkers feature an opening from which a gun can be fired. Properly positioned, inhabitants of a Section Bunker-Barracks can provide deadly fire from their door opening, although Endalaus Andlát holds no responsibilities towards this claim. Squad Bunker line bunkers do not feature a door.

How big is the maximum shooting/aiming angle on each embrasure?
    Endalaus Andlát does not keep information on each embrasure, however, the embrasures technically allow for a 180 degree shooting and aiming angle. However, it is deemed that a maximum angle of 135 degrees is the maximum possible when wishing to fire effectively. When also taking the openings in account, this allows for a 360 degree defence.

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Postby Opplandia » Wed Sep 03, 2014 12:49 pm

To: Ólafur Björnsson d´Unga, Sales Department

From: Janice M. Roberts, Minister of Defence

Dear Mr. Björnsson, thanks that you have provided us with the requested informations this soon, we appreciate your good customer support. However, we will now take some time to analyse given data; as well as evaluating if there is any company which´s offer would be able to compete with yours. as soon as we have come to a decision wether or not we purchase from you, we will contact you again.

Thanks again for answering our questions.

best regards,

J. Roberts, MoD
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Postby Opplandia » Sun Sep 07, 2014 6:42 am

To: Ólafur Björnsson d´Unga, Sales Department

From: Janice M. Roberts, Minister of Defence

Dear Mr. Unga, the analysis of the data you have provided to us earlier, we came to the realization that the products of your company would definitley fit to our purposes. Evaluations in Opplandian construction-companies have shown that none of our companies would be able to produce fortifications with equal quality to a comparable or lower price, so we would like to entrust your company with the following order:

50x Squad Bunker- Basic;
10x Section Bunker- Supply;
15x Section Bunker- Barracks;
8x Section Bunker- Sanitation

We would appreciate it much if you could provide it with fully pre-produced bunkers, to allow us to install them as quick as possible. If that addition requires funding above the listed prices, we can ensure you that we were willing to pay those prices as well.

We´re looking forward to a quick and uncomplicated transaction.

best regards,
J. Roberts
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Santa Agua
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Founded: May 29, 2014

Postby Santa Agua » Sun Sep 07, 2014 7:13 am

An official message from Endalaus Andlát
To: Janice Roberts, Minister
From: Ólafur Björnsson d'Unga, Sales Department Clerk
It is good to hear that our company is the only one offering Endalaus Andlát-quality at an Endalaus Andlát-price. We are proud of our position as one of the best and cheapest fortification corporations, as this is a small but important market to all nations that seek to defend themselves. Thanks to our products, Opplandia will be able to protect itself better and easier than before!

We can assure you that our products are fully pre-fabricated, the only thing that will have to be done is the preparing of the building area and the putting together of the products itself, this is something that we cannot do due to the size, weight and construction methods of our products. Should you seek an extra boost to construction speed, we can offer the services of one or more of our Senior Engineers for $25,000 per person, the duration of the construction does not matter in this case as it is a fixed rate. Should you seek a cheaper and smaller boost, we can send over one of our Junior Engineers for $10,000 per person, fixed rate. Both types of Engineers have a deeper understanding of the designs that allow for a faster and better construction. For this construction, we would advise the usage of five but preferably six Engineers.

The order, currently without the hiring of Engineers comes to:
  • Fifty - Squad Bunker-Basic (Newly Fabricated) - $250,000
  • Ten - Section Bunker-Supply - $500,000
  • Fifteen - Section Bunker-Barracks - $937,500
  • Eight - Section Bunker-Sanitation - $1,400,000

The order comes to a total of $3,087,500, to be paid in NationStates Dollar, gold, diamonds, silver and platinum. Please note that any payment outside of the NationStates Dollar will incur either an increase of 1 or 2%, depending on the transportation of the payment.

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Postby Opplandia » Sun Sep 07, 2014 2:01 pm

To: Ólafur Björnsson d'Unga, Sales Department

From: Janice Roberts, MoD

Dear Mr. Björnsson, the conditions of our deal are acceptable, it can be sealed like this. We will also take you up on your offer to send a few of your engineers, to instruct our construction-workers while setting up the bunkers. We would prefer if you could send us 5 of your Senior Engineers for a fixed Price of 25.000$ per Person, adding another 125.000$ to our bill.
As for the funding, we would like to pay you in 1-Kg Gold-bars, each of them 400 troy ounces and a value of approximatley 37.000 NS-$. If you are willing to accept this, we would send the bars via aircraf, covering all arising costs of this transport by ourselves.
Furthermore do we suggest hat you send us the buildings via ship, since we cant assure that the streets or rails in our neighbouring countries are fit to carry the massive weight of the load.

In hope of a smooth deal,
Janice Roberts.
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Santa Agua
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Postby Santa Agua » Wed Sep 10, 2014 12:42 pm

An official message from Endalaus Andlát
To: Janice Roberts, Minister
From: Ólafur Björnsson d'Unga, Sales Department Clerk
The five Senior Engineers shall be sent with the products, this makes the order to total 3,212,500 NSD. With the 1% increase of payment that we require for any universally accepted payment options outside of the NationStates Dollar, the total costs come to 3,244,625 NSD in gold bars which translates into eighty-eight bars, rounded up.

All buildings are generally sent by ship, due to the fact that the Federation consists solely out of islands. The location for delivery will be selected by a distinctive selection system, the final location will be given between 48 and 72 hours before delivery to ensure enough time to arrange proper arrangements.

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Postby Opplandia » Wed Sep 10, 2014 1:38 pm

To: Ólafur Björnsson d'Unga, Sales Department

From: Janice Roberts, Minister of Defence

your calculation of 88 bars matches our own calculation, you can concider the deal sealed. to counteract a possible attack on the transport, we will be sending them to an undefined date within the net 3 weeks with a highly secured C-17.

As for the Destination of your sea-transport, we have to inform you that we actually have only 1 port with the necessary capabilities, namely Port Williams.

Thank you for the smooth and uncomplicated Transaction. For the case that we decide in the future to purchase more fortifications/bunkers, we will most probably chose Endalaus Andlát again.

with best regards,
J. Roberts, MoD
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Santa Agua
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Postby Santa Agua » Tue Sep 16, 2014 7:18 am


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Postby Mengrath » Sun Sep 21, 2014 8:04 am

To: Ólafur Björnsson d'Unga, Sales Department Clerk

From: Wolfgang Fenrir, Royal Mengrathonian bureau of National Defence

Dear Mr. d´Unga, in order to enhace the defences around our capital city, we would like to order the following products from your assortment:

300x Squad Bunker- Basic;
60x Section Bunker- Supply;
90x Section Bunker- Barracks;
48x Section Bunker- Sanitary

in hope of a quick and unbureaucratic deal,

W. Fenrir, Secretary of Defence



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