Sciarviat Syndicate: Resource Register · [FT] [CLOSED]

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Sciarviat Syndicate
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Founded: Feb 11, 2013

Sciarviat Syndicate: Resource Register · [FT] [CLOSED]

Postby Sciarviat Syndicate » Wed Apr 03, 2013 12:30 pm


The very emphasis of the Commandment: "Thou shalt not kill," makes it certain that we are descended from an
endlessly long chain of generations of murderers, whose love of murder was in their blood as it is perhaps also in ours.

[ Sigmund Freud · Thoughts for the Times on War and Death ]


The Sciarviat Syndicate, the Sciarviat Svyazeva, the Honor Bond of Little Boots.

A collection of personal, familial, and entrepreneurial connections, bore from demand, fostered by supply, and confined by countless centuries of tradition, honor, and social morality. In the eyes of some, it is simply the natural consequence of a world of wanderers and nomads, running from star to star, planet to planet, seeking first survival, then life, then fame and fortune; to others, it is a blight, an element of social squalor, a failed, silent state drifting between the well-traveled paths and routes of cultural and commercial migration, skirting the civilized swathes of space as if they were merely hazards meant to be avoided.

Even so, a select few, a small sect of those knowing, look on and smile, for they know the truth, and laugh at the ignorance of those who are beyond that privilege. As the Sciar are want to say: “Cannot have one without the other.

Glitter, glammer...

Wealth unimaginable; breadth of power to challenge the crown of the stars. An endless parade of gems and shining trinkets which twinkle like eyes on the quilt of the heavens; sycophants and bowing courtesans to tend and sway to the tune of a young man made tyrant. A life spent juggling the demands of one's personal responsibilities and the infamous reward for succeeding in such an eternal act of balancing and weighing; day-in, day-out spent spun around the arms of beautiful women and discussing the fortunes to be made in steel-lined, smoke-filled chambers and bulkheads. Fine glamor and luxury mitigated by reckless and wanton disregard for the wants and desires of those which squabble at one's heels; a life of debauchery and desire, tempered by the limitless opportunities and the equally-unbounded opportunism which makes such glory possible.

No species, no nationality, no religion, creed, or philosophy is turned away; all are welcomed to the Bond – all asked to serve so that they may reap the benefits, the rewards, of their service. Ask not what you can do for the Bond, ask what the Bond can do for you. A simple act, the casting aside of prior allegiances and the forsaking of the simple and mundane luxuries of territorial space – a simple price to pay for the unbridled freedom brought to one's table upon acceptance. Is it not the desire of every man to see the stars, to travel far and wide, and to taste of the delicacies of foreign and alien worlds?

All it takes is time; all it takes is patience. All it takes is a favor for a friend - a little whisper to the maître d', a little grease to loosen a palm. Call it “vice”, but what is the price to do as one wills without regard to the consequences? What is an appropriate, negotiable price to pay to be free of restraint, free of law, free of order, and free of the morality of a distant and forgotten center of power that cares only for the numbers, not the names?

A family, a unit, an organization of trust, honor, and merit - to benefit those who love and those who share, those who build and those who create. A tradition built on the backs of men who toiled, sweated, and bled for their place and station in life; a world built on the foundation of sacrifice and sanctity,
erected as a burning beacon against the individual despots and backward conventions of imperial and colonial power-brokers. There is no concern for a misstep, no worry on the utterances of the tongue, no criticism too harsh nor an opinion too profound; it is equality, and it is eternal.

...grit, and grime.

Endless torment; means which always justify the ends, profits that tower to blaspheme all things just and sacred. A perpetual, criminal enterprise, a masquerade lead from one star to the next, holding forward in charade slavery and servitude as liberty and love. Ruthless and cruel masters, kings, and gods-amongst-men to whom life is meaningless and its sanctity a comical conclusion; an entrenched boot digging into the jaw of the oppressed merely to exploit, bottle, and sell the tears which flow from one's own. Hour-upon-hour spent in flight, one's own person declared non grata and fugitive, one hand clutching the grip of a pistol, the other merely a single grasp from the gnarled cuffs of the law. A life spent in eternal strife; a continual vying for power and the avoidance of predation, even as that very predatory nature benefits the success one's own and the victory of all others in periphery.

No law, no taboo, no social more, ethical creed, or expense is acknowledged; all are broken for the sake of the almighty credit and the eternal appropriation of capital. No rest, no reprieve, and a lifetime spent on the edges of civilized space, worrying if the next day might be the last, or if the next call of a friend might be a death knell rung in the stillness of the night. Day-after-day spent in servitude, questioning one's own existence as each and every knock upon the wall equals in sum the quivering of the spirit and the soul. An act of apostasy, treason, and terrorism, never so simple to cast aside one's family, brothers, and children; yet made in jest and harlotry, like water drips from a faucet and the pools of scarlet life eventually cool and congeal.

All it takes is a single life; all it takes is damnation. All it takes is a favor for a friend – a few cards of Synth smuggled, a few women ripped from life and shoved into the depraved dens of perverse and lecherous dogs. Call it “virtue”, but what is the cost of a life spent wronging those with so litte without regard for their own needs and well-being? How can the murder of a child, the auctioning of arms, or the death of innocence be labeled the “cost of business”? How can one be free when held beneath the yoke of merciless men who care not of the names, but only for the accumulation of numbers?

A syndicate, a gang, an organization of crime, deceit, and bloodshed – to benefit those who steal, those who in depravity destroy and in malignancy massacre. A tradition built on the backs of the repressed and exploited; a world built upon beds of bone and ash, standing as a monolith to the lengths to which men will go to accrue power and fortune – regardless of the costs. There is no concern for whom the blade falls upon, no tears shed for the families shattered and the lives upturned in wakes of devastation and assault, no critic left alive and no voice left loud; it is evil, and it is eternal.

Greed, guns, and guts.

Not a lie told, not an omission left to be discovered. Perhaps truth is purely in the eye of the beholder, and to the eyes of criminals, the Bond is a sacred order arising from the ancient past, leading a trail of liberation and enlightenment into the future. To the governments, both domestic and foreign, the Honor Bond is little more than another mass of criminals working to wrong the rights of civilization and unwind the countless scrolls of law and order written by men in order to safeguard life, love, and liberty against the bastardized frontier and all assault made for profit and power.

In the eyes of the Sciar, the discourse of opinions matters very little. Truth is merely the lowest price for any given cost – the least effort required for the greatest possible value. Vice is virtue; virtue is vice. All that rings true eternally, all that cannot be negotiated, delegated, or bargained, is that power grants perception, perception creates profit, and profit generates power...

The study of crime begins with the knowledge of oneself. All that you despise, all that you loathe,
all that you
reject, all that you condemn and seek to convert by punishment springs from you.
[ Henry Miller · ”The Soul of Anaesthesia,” The Air-Conditioned Nightmare ]
Last edited by Sciarviat Syndicate on Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:24 am, edited 5 times in total.

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Sciarviat Syndicate
Posts: 23
Founded: Feb 11, 2013

Postby Sciarviat Syndicate » Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:20 am


Tainted by memory and obscured by myth, the rich and extensive history of the Sciarviat Syndicate is one of the many colorful and dynamic tales that fill the Galaxy, bustling and broiling between the stars, strained beneath the weight of honor and treachery, and marred by mistakes made in time immemorial. Even more so than others, the tenured epochs of the growth, expansion, and appearance of the Syndicate are but an obfuscated reckoning, rife with speculation and rumor, tossed into a narrative of best-made-assumptions and calculations made by those whom, in truth, know very little of the supposed fact upon which they base their stories.

In preface, what is known cannot be fully quantified; what is presumed cannot be fully qualified. The ancient past is a hidden memory, a discarded myth, and even the most open of societies are want for their own secrets and lineages. In the instance of the Syndicate, the past is both a thing of ignorance, cast-aside and shunned, scorned as a time which ought not be bothered, better left to stew and soak in its own filth, rotting within the caverns of time or lost amidst the abysmal heavens; even so, like so many burdens, that very collection of legends and tale, passed along by oral traditions and encoded amidst a thieves' ethics which predate even some of the most entrenched of stellar civilizations, the past cannot ever be erased and the weight of such tribulations might never be raised from the backs of those who harken in allegiance its name.

As with any a people, the present must be demarcated from the past; history, while heavy upon the contemporary and the modern, exists as a transient, fleeting recollection, recalled by one soul to another or, perhaps, in the codices of a people so farseeing as to remember the consciousnesses of their own selves. Likewise, what would become known as the "Sciarviat Syndicate" was not always a society of many tones and shapes; the proto-society - the very pre-history - of that network of crooks, thieves, and harriers of the brilliant dark did not begin as such. Yet, in the glaring light of total and complete transparency and truth, what can be said of what-was-to-be is sparse, short, and greatly dispersed amongst the constellations of pockets of those whom still trace their kin to the annals of a time when survival carried itself in equal uncertainty as to the methods and modes of a world lost and forgone.

Even so, what can be said is the proof of efforts made to decode, decipher, and decrypt the very linguistic and anthropological lattices which give support to a contemporary civilization that not only prides itself upon its secrecy and insulation, but demands it upon the penalty of life lost and desires corrupted from pleasure and peace to pain and despair. Therefore, it is in review that wariness might be accepted and discretion held paramount.

» So Long, Sweet Lodestar
The ancient past of those come to be known as "Little Boots" or "Sciarviat", though "Sciar" is common in their tongue, is a picture painted neither easily nor readily. No known records - be they of light, scratch, or scrawl - exist or have, to knowledge, been uncovered as to detail the veracity of claims made by those released from the Syndicate's timeless bond, and such claims exist almost entirely in the vacuum of best-made-estimations and speculation. Yet, even in such a vacuous abyss, such claims persist nonetheless and, in the discarding of qualification, are capable of - if but only fairly - divining the portrait of an eldritch past that set-to-motion eons of development. Development based, almost exclusively, on persecution, profit, and power.

Long before the first utterances of the phrase "Honor Bond" or the word "Sciar" were ever made, a civilization existed upon a solitary, terrestrial platform - a sphere, neither uncommon nor spectacular. Upon this rock - a rock whose true name has long-since been obliterated in the passage of time, though it is known by the select by the word "Ayrva'axli" or "Smoldering Stone" - a people had been birthed, grown, matured, and developed into a civilization not unlike many across the spiraling and shimmering whirlwind of the Galaxy. These people, many as there were, were known by many names - even amidst their own past; in later years, more titles and pervasive pejoratives would be appended to their presence, each nuanced with their own meaning, intent, and flavor. Yet, in the tongues of their own, they were called simply: "Dzravi".

Though beyond the establishment of the Syndicate, the demographic mosaic of the Sciarviat would grow to encompass and envelope many species and kin, long before such an intrepid foundation, the ancestors of the Sciar existed as a homogenous species of humanoids - of homines - demarcated amidst themselves only by a loose affiliation of races or lineages - speculated to be a network of extended familial kindred - known as "rshak" or "ties". Though little - even amongst the highly-muddied mill of rumors and whispers - exists to grant further insight into such bonds, what is known is that, despite the hardships of times to come, the rshak still exist, at least in some form, within the confines of the Syndicate.

The Dzravi, though disparaged by some to be little more than a rudimentary, near-tribal civilization, were neither an inelegant nor unintelligent species and far more enterprising than the "simplistic" societal infrastructure presumed to have existed would seemingly allow. Aside from disenfranchised assumptions in regard to anthropological, social, political, and economic spheres, the Dzravi - even well into the contemporary age, at least amongst those whom both know-of and see the civilization as worthy of dissertation - are often discounted, even prejudicially-questioned, in regard to the level and nature of their technological advancement. While it is true - or, in the least, strongly suspected - that few, if any, of the technology dating from the time of Ayrva'axli has remained extant and intact through the eons, such a question often arises due to the nature of the means of survival to which the Dzravi were forced to subsume.

Though the precise chronology of such events which would come to consume the Dzravi, founders of the Sciarviat Syndicate, are entirely unknown, what is known is that, some time long-beyond the point of global, planetary expansion and the unification of an equally global and consummate, planetary culture, calamity befell the people of the planet whispered-to-be Ayrva'axli. Contemporary speculation and theoretical models indicate the possibility of a highly-energetic, stellar nova occurring within the heart of the inhabited system that functioned as the ancestral and proto-social home of the Dzravi; other, equally possible theories account for the presumption of stellar-based hyper-expansion of the core star around which Ayrva'axli orbited. Astrometric and astronomical evidence which might prove either hypothesis has yet to be discovered, despite the contemporary age; the issue of discerning the actual fate of the planetary origin of what would become the Syndicate is, as well, further compounded by the discrete necessity for secrecy which serves as a primary - if not the primary - pillar of Sciarviat society.

Despite the tribulations and calamity of whatever catastrophe - stellar-and-resultant or otherwise - befell the ancient ancestors of the modern society of the Syndicate, it is apparent - both due to the very presence of the Honor Bond and its witnessed, if but in limitation, heritage as well as accounts of some veracity - that despite speculated limitations in regards to the technological advancement of the Dzravi made in ignorance of the apparent, they were capable of executing a feasible and noted escape both from the forgotten home of Ayrva'axli and, cumulatively, the devastated system it called home. Even so, what followed the collapse of the proverbial lodestar of the Dzravi civilization was a collection of epochs of enforced nomadic wandering and forced impermanence in territory, ultimately resulting in the ingraining of a social and societal distrust of planetary civilizations as well as a contempt for the governing bodies which sought to control them, ending in the paramount hierarchy of a society that lacked both the patience and desire to consort and break-bread with the kin of either.

» Impermanence in the House of the Heavens
Ayrva'axli was lost, and with it, the dreams of a people fell still, silent, and into the slumbering wastes of deep torpor. Though extant indications are quiet as to the methods behind such, following the great, smoldering eschaton, the Dzravi were forced upward, into the yawning empyrean to seek refuge from the burning calamity which had so effortlessly vaulted them into a life of cosmic endangerment. Such a tumultuous event as it was, the social impetus instigated by the destruction of the proverbial "compass" of the Dzravi left little room for the simplicity and urbane pleasure of dreams and hopes, obliterating the rustic and the quaint, and paving a path of persecution to the inevitability of the present configuration of the Syndicate.

With home and hearth - at least in presumption - little more than a smoldering stone slowly drifting to the bottom of the endless, cosmic abyss, much of the technology, history, culture, and ethos of the Dzravi too fell into darkness. To the present epoch, those few who deign to speculate on the existence of ancient paleo-technology or ancient manuscripts saved and carried abroad by what became a migrant fleet of refugees and a diaspora of the stars - as if trying to save some vestige of their former selves - are often faced with ridicule and scorn for the mere implication of such a presumptive absurdity. Thus, it is in virtual consensus of academia that, following the calamity of the Dzravi homeworld, those familial kindred and socio-ethnological groups which survived were forced to fend for themselves - often violently - within the harsh, stellar terrain of a world scant in compassion and in deficit of altruistic concern.

In the diminishing shadow of Ayrva'axli, the Dzravi spread to the stellar winds; though speculation dictates that the wandering founders of the Sciarviat Syndicate were cognizant of the dangerous of deep space travel and often remained in large, closely-knit migratory fleets in their nomadicism, whether through error or overt malfeasance, their numbers dwindled in the earliest of years of the growth of their nomadic diaspora. Life spent never upon sturdy ground, but within the turmoil of stellar craft - as much as to be believed the often haphazard and emergency construction of such craft - hardens a society greatly, and it is ever want to the creation of factional sectarianism. Yet, even amidst such hardships, the greatest of crimes, those injustices which helped to bring near total extinction to the Dzravi, came not from within, but without, and in the desire for home and the humble request for security and peace.

For generations, the migrant fleet of the people of Ayrva'axli sought refuge and solace in the small territories within the fringes of regulated space. For generations, vessels sought settlement and quarter amongst people and kin presumed to be of like-minded status and similar station. For countless centuries, lost and eroded beneath the sands of time ephemeral, the Dzravi continued to seek safety amidst the boundaries of what even their shattered society might have determined to be justice and fairness in the face of oblivion. Though speculation is rife amidst the dealings of the Sciarviat, and eternally ever more within the study of their forebears, one certainty is absolute: regardless of the world, of the system, be it regulated or naught but of outlawry, huddled on the verge of territorial space, the diaspora only found admonishment, injustice, persecution, torment, and the willingness of life to not merely refuse assistance to those whom beckon in ignorance, but the willingness to seek the total obliteration of that ignorant and often naive party.

In a march of children across the stars, the offspring of the sons and daughters of Ayrva'axli learned the painful lessons that the cosmos is often too willing to readily issue. Unlike their own forefathers, however, a combination of both historical analysis and predictive histography seems to indicate the subsequent generations of the Dzravi - those whom were children amidst the times of greatest desperation - grew both arrogantly itinerant and began to develop a defensive antagonism to not merely the social stratification and cultural ethnography of the worlds that refused their kin quarter, but to the very social pressure and even the concept of sedentism that planetary civilization seemed to behold in sanctity. Yet, even so, the hardships of perpetual spacial migratory life would not permit, without adaptation, a rich and nubile culture to develop; it was with this notion in mind that the subsequent generations of the Dzravi - many of whom knew of their homeworld only from the oral myth and legend that such a nomadic life seems of fertile ground to produce - chose rather than to submit to the pressures of their prejudice and the weight of their own burdens, to evolve and pursue a new, uncharted course.

» Honor Amongst the Vale
Despite the desperation of the earlier days of the wayward fleet of Dzravi and the nearly insurmountable pressure to either conform to pre-established cultural norms or wander nigh-helplessly into oblivion, the shattered status of life after the demise of their homeworld instigated a degree of natural sectarianism into the cumulative subconscious of Dzravi society. Though contemporary evidence points to such factionalism arising early in the migrant stage of the Syndicate, given impetus mostly by the territorial nature of families and the often extensive network of kin and kin-kind within original Dzravi society, often resulting in the entirety of nomadic craft being ran and administered by one father, brother, or son - though it was not unheard to have larger vessels be under the executive mandate of several familial groups - it was in the wake of generations of persecution and diasporic flight that the sectarian qualities of the children of Ayrva'axli grew to crescendo.

With the probability - even possibility, speculation often cites - of discovering a world to be made anew and in the image of a civilization long-gone, much less a suitable planet - vacant or otherwise - which might accept the generations of perpetual nomads dwindling, the a generation of Dzravi, knowing only in whispers of their ancestral homeland, began to congregate and convene, if but marginally. In the earliest days of their new period of adaption and evolution, both anthropological evidence and contemporary testimony from at least one source with a degree of insight into the secretive and clandestine society of the Sciarviat suggests that familial networks grew to form more established bonds; instigated initially through complex marital alliances and ententes, the migrants established extended sub-societies - some even speculation suggests even then such were founded in secret and behind a veil of ritualized obscurity - known as "tsekhatelai" or "tsekhatels". Though a precise translation of such nomenclature in the contemporary age is currently unavailable, much rumor notes its usage to indicate a meaning similar to that of "close family" or "close kin".

Though often only administering, either overtly or covertly, a singular vessel, an individual tsekhatel would often reign control of its "territory" through the control of necessary infrastructure, supplies, or - in later years - labor. Over time, however, with rapidly diminishing capacity within the nomadic fleets of the Dzravi, tsekhatels from various craft were increasingly forced to cooperate, initially through trade, but eventually through equal degrees of entente and allegiance as their foundational sub-groups were once forced to accomplish. As evident by the eventual expansion and birth of the Honor Bond itself, individual tsekhatels unified - or otherwise seized control - and eventually grew to encompass hundreds of craft and - in the wake of the prosperity either through trade with what external societies permitted such or, as was often the case, through limited violent incursions - even began constructing new, extraneous and tertiary vessels to which they wholly and overtly governed.

Such a psuedo-cooperative competition, despite being beneficial for both security and the eventual blooming of the Dzravi back from the brink of extinction, sectarianism did not die with the birth of a sudden degree of luxury and a buffer to the hardships of their all-too-evident plight. In actuality, such luxury gave way only to further sectarianism, with conflict arising not between individual vessels or groups of craft, but between whole fleets - though often small - and raiding parties acting upon the behest of one tsekhatel against another. Even so, since their initial foundation, it is believed by many - even those speculative as to the advancement of the Dzravi - that the tsekhatels, even individually, were governed by an extensive and often complex litany of codes, rules, and moral ethos founded mostly in the oral traditions dating back to a time before the loss of Ayvra'axli. In much the same, conflict between the extended networks of their kin were, too, governed by obtuse and verbose complexities and sub-cultural lore, often limiting combat, but to the minimal safety of those caught in combat itself.

It was not until well beyond the foundational decades of the tsekhatels, however, that a convolution of social mores and a new pressure to the nomadic wanderers arrived that the complexity of such inter-connected networks reached a pinnacle of adaptive fervor. Whether it was the increasing desire for resources - both for survival and continued construction, both allowing for either trade or banditry - or a social awareness as to the inevitable end continued internal factionalism deigned to approach is unknown; yet, the contemporary knowledge or ignorance of the cause reproaches neither the effects of the day nor the effects of the modern. Regardless, in the wake of such impetus, some great convocation was evidenced as to have occurred; speculated to be what is known as a "kale" - a type of communal convention with ancestry both profound and ancient - between the leading kin and kindred of the tsekhatels convened.

Though both the content and precise confluence of such a kale remains shrouded in the mysteries of the Syndicate, what remains evidential is that such a singular event lead to the truncation of overt and intensely coercive violence within the migratory diaspora of the Dzravi. Further, in all speculation, in all evidence - both circumstantial and concrete, and in every occurrence of rumor and myth, the truncation of sectarianism amongst the children of Ayvra'axli brought forth a name: Sciarviat Svyaveza, or the Honor Bond of Little Boots - what would become known as the Sciarviat Syndicate.

» So Many of the Treasures, Treats, and Trinkets
With the cessation of overt hostilities between the competing forces within Dzravi society and the birth of a new social order, a new identity slowly began to form within the diaspora. Throughout the eons spent in eternal transit and with the growth of an itinerant image itself, both trade and banditry - initially minimal at first - began to bring new, secondary caricatures into the fold of the Dzravi and, eventually, into the Honor Bond itself. Though once a singular and homogenous identity, even through contact with substantially hostile civilizations, new lifeblood attached itself to the fleets - whether through love and matrimony, patrimony and servitude, or even the very attraction of some to the itinerant and anti-sedentary lifestyle such a wayward civilization fostered.

Over time, with the growth of ethnic miscegenation between Dzravi and tertiary ethnic groups brought into contact with the nomadic society, new familial kindred were formed and, with them, new tsekhatels. With the foundation of the Honor Bond and the diminished focus placed on the nature of kin, but on the actions and behaviors of kindred and kin-kind connectivity, subsequent generations - each sequentially ever-distant from the ancient past and the distant memory of Ayvra'axli - of once-Dzravi began to identify less with the nomenclature of "Dzravi" itself, and more with the culture birthed from its identity: the Honor Bond. As contemporary analysis suggests, many within the Bond - both generationally-pure Dzravi and more diluted kin-kind - frequently began to self-identify less as "Dzravi" and more as "Sciar" - a word found in the very name of the Sciarviat Syndicate meaning, loosely, "boots" or "boot", and derived from ancient Dzravi myth and psuedo-religious legend.

Though many Dzravi held fast to their cultural heritage, with increased contact with external forces through trade and, ever-increasingly, through conflict, banditry, and "vahizrat" - a form of enterprise, often conflated to mean "piracy", "racketeering", or general "criminal business" or "craft at expense" - and a continued trend of miscegenation, appropriation of diasporic culture into a new, social identity continued. Though circumstances indicate such cultural appropriation and the growth of the Bond was due, in part, to such simple ethnic miscegenation, the nature of the tsekhatels and the Syndicate itself are believed to have played a much more pivotal role. Based upon contemporary study, the Syndicate attracted individuals often believed to be of spurious social worth to their progenitor societies and civilizations; the libertarian and free-roaming lifestyle of the nomadic and, as often perceived, wholly self-serving Sciarviat attracted and beckoned individuals and families who preferred to either live beyond the realm of restrictive governance or to escape the very restrictions they often had previously forgone entirely.

Individuals and groups who came into contact with the Syndicate are often cited in noting both the seemingly dissonant willingness of the Sciar to cross, violate, and even criminally terminate individuals whom either crossed their kin-kind or, in some manner, prohibited the fulfillment of their goals, and their unwillingness - even blatant refusal - to cross their kin, kin-kind, and even associates. This "craft at the expense" of others - or vahizrat - became not only a staple of the Syndicate, but one of - if not the - most attractive qualities that beckoned to those of similar persuasion. This social attitude coupled with a generationally deep-seeded distrust, contempt, even prejudicial hatred of sedentary and planetary cultures, initially fostered by years of prejudice and violence initiated by those very same cultures, lead not merely to a blooming of the Syndicate's ranks, but the very transformation of the Honor Bond itself.

It was this transformation, ultimately, that ensured the continued survival of Dzravi culture. Even so, that survival, with each subsequent generation, became based ever more upon a willingness not merely to trespass upon the societal norms of contacted civilizations, but a willingness - even a determination - to see them succumb to ruin. In such, it is speculated that in the latter years before the eventual disappearance of the Dzravi as a singular, homogenous ethnic identity, the Honor Bond shifted from merely a compact for the sake of survival, to what many - if not most - civilizations have since seen fit to identify as an organized, criminal syndicate.

» Let the Winds Erase
Though many, either in ignorance or prejudice, cite the ultimate turning-point of the Honor Bond in its subsequent transformation from merely a cultural necessity to an often criminal endeavor, analysis seems to suggest otherwise. Criminality, in one form or another, had been prevalent within the culture of the Dzravi from the very moment the status of a refugee not merely without a home, but without the possibility of a home within hundreds of subsequent generations, came into place; many civilizations of whom came into contact with the Dzravi, both within historical and contemporary contexts, identified the migrant fleets as illegal, even as hostile fleets of war, from the initial moments of recognition and communication. The very assumed criminality of the initially nigh-helpless diaspora, according to some sources, condemned not merely the children of Ayvra'axli, but all subsequent generations of people whom came and and continue to contact the Syndicate to a life of outlawry and brigandage.

The pivot of Sciarviat society came several generations following the seemingly necessitated metamorphosis into a codified, criminal enterprise, though careful study indicates not predicated on the codification itself. For generations, since the first moments of contact with external cultures and societies, ethnic Dzravi - for many reasons - departed from the migratory fleets of their kindred. Such a slow and discrete trend continued well into the more criminal period of the Bond, when not merely cultural solidarity, loyalty, and - eventually - secrecy was necessitated by familial impetus and associated societal pressures, but the accumulation of profit for both the individual and the kindred-in-kind was, as well, a social requisite. In this slow dispersion of individuals and familial networks which, despite distance, often retained either a figurative or even literal connection to their ancestral heritage, the Syndicate as a social and organic entity first felt the pull of increasingly-necessary anchorage.

Some singular years before what is believed to be the ultimate disappearance of the Dzravi as a homogenous, ethnic culture, in what speculation tells to be a kale, the migratory fleets of the Syndicate - the very basis of Dzravi society for countless, untold eons - were ultimately dissolved.

To date, in the absence of both quantitative and qualitative certainty, there remains no absolute evidence beyond that of the circumstantial to account for the true location or conclusion of the many families and familial networks of the Sciarviat. Though contemporary evidence proves that many Sciar found themselves vaulted across space and imbedded in foreign civilizations and societies, only circumstantial evidence points to what became of the extended families themselves. Sciarviat culture, even from the time of the generationally-pure kindred, has stood extant as a patriarchal culture, with female kindred and kin-kind often left beyond the scope of governance and political and cultural activity; yet, due to the seemingly dissonant emphasis upon family within both progenitor Dzravi and, later, Sciar cultures, histographic and anthropological evidence indicates mere abandonment during the dissolution of the diasporic fleets improbable.

Through contemporary sources, primarily drafted in hearsay, academics and analysts have determined that, long before dissolution - perhaps even from the initially-speculated kale - the Syndicate contrived not to find a new homeland, but to construct and craft a settlement befitting of the ancient heritage of the children of Ayvra'axli. Similar sources indicate the likely presence of a megalithic structure, likely surrounding a gas giant or other large, planetary body, and constructed of many of the primordial edifices of migratory craft long-since left still and quiet. Even still, further speculation states a high probability of, due to increasing miscegenation and the eventual disappearance of homogeneity within Dzravi society, a simple obscurity as to the certain identification of a Sciar from an individual beyond the Bond. Evidential knowledge in the modern era has concluded that, though once only accepting of homine and abhomine kin-kind, the Syndicate has since expanded to accept many individuals of various species and ethnicity, further diluting - in collusion with the social impetus for secrecy - even circumstantial evidence as to the location of large Dzravi-descendant and early Sciar-descendant populations.

Into the contemporary century, conclusive evidence as to the location of substantial pockets of Sciarviat families have not been identified; speculation points to rumors of large space habitats and hidden arcologies capable of superluminal travel as to keep alive the ancestral itinerant culture of the Dzravi and the early Honor Bond, but as evidential claims of such are often met with skepticism - if not outright dismissal - no further information as to the estimated substantial population of the descendents of the children of Ayvra'axli exists.

» Too Much, Too Many, and Too Little Time
Despite the seeming disappearance of not only the ethnic Dzravi, but many of the polities of Sciar familial networks, the presence of the Sciarviat Syndicate itself has not vanished, nor diminished, since the dissolution of the original migratory fleets generations before the present age. Institutionalized knowledge of both the Syndicate itself and its activities are found in many civilizations across the quadrants of the Galaxy; even more so, it is believed that in ignorance, many criminal enterprises seemingly independent of Sciarviat influence are connected, either directly or indirectly, to the Honor Bond through patronage, cronyism, or blatant executive control conspiracies.

With the dissolution of the once potentially readily-recognizable, wayward fleets of the ancient Dzravi, the Syndicate and its activities have been able to, in many cases, discretely intrude and expand into territories of the Galaxy once believed to be free not merely of criminal activity, but of highly-organized racketeering endeavors. Evidence points to a highly-stratified, hierarchical social structure within the Syndicate - seemingly contrary to speculation and myth regarding its Dzravi roots. This organizational structure, more akin to an interstellar corporate guild than a modern criminal gang, is believed to help mask Sciarviat activities. Even so, evidence does exist, though its qualitative worth cannot be substantiated in the present age or, as both criminal analysts and predictive histographers believe, in the immediate future.

The apprehension of criminals - some confirmed associates with the Honor Bond - has proven itself to be only minimally effective in penetrating the shroud of secrecy which envelopes Sciarviat society. Captures of pirate brigands and interstellar, criminal salvage groups in the Delta Quadrant seem to indicate a heightened presence of Syndicate activities in the quadrant; simultaneously the interception and decoding of decrypted messages from the Gamma Quadrant further indicate a seemingly inordinate amount of Bond cooperation with outer fringe narcotics cartels. Even still, evidence exists - gathered through the apprehension and detention of corporate saboteurs - to indicate substantial criminal rackets under construction and active in and around Alpha Centauri. Each apprehension of a criminal seemingly associated with the Honor Bond of Little Boots seems to accurately indicate in complete reticle evidence in contrary to evidence gathered elsewhere, confounding not merely independent bondsmen but institutional law enforcement organizations in regulated space.

In conclusion, the Sciarviat Syndicate exists; qualitative and quantitative evidence apprehension endeavors seem to unilaterally indicate as much. Yet, in the same strain, the discrete and efficient organizational structure, cultural and societal impetus for secrecy, and blatant disinformation serve to ever confound and complicate attempts to locate, categorize, or otherwise classify the Honor Bond concretely or otherwise catalog the total sum of its activities and the complete breadth of its transient touch.

Last edited by Sciarviat Syndicate on Tue Sep 17, 2013 2:17 am, edited 15 times in total.

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Sciarviat Syndicate
Posts: 23
Founded: Feb 11, 2013

Postby Sciarviat Syndicate » Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:20 am


Under construction...

» The D'zval: Five-Faced Tongue
Under construction...

» The Otkale: Many-Eyed Ribbon
Under construction...

» The Sciar: Soft-Stepping Boots
Under construction...

» Associations: Voghi and Tsvim'na
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Last edited by Sciarviat Syndicate on Thu Sep 19, 2013 12:24 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Sciarviat Syndicate
Posts: 23
Founded: Feb 11, 2013

Postby Sciarviat Syndicate » Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:21 am


Under construction...

» Association
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» Initiation
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» Honor Bondage
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» Enduring Traverse
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» Mice and Men
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» Hushed Whispers
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Last edited by Sciarviat Syndicate on Fri Aug 30, 2013 9:08 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Sciarviat Syndicate
Posts: 23
Founded: Feb 11, 2013

Postby Sciarviat Syndicate » Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:21 am


Under construction...

» Atok: The Renegade Rogue
Atok — Primary Locus of the Syndicate

Classified as a Rogue Planet
Planetary Classification of Gas Super-Giant
Orbital Focus of Sagittarius A* (G-Core)
Located in the Outer Fringe Qδ (Presumptive)
Population Center at the Atok Orbisprawl
Population of 3,018,288,000 (Estimated)
Rotation Period of 08:54:26 ± 00:01:12
Axial Tilt of 4.81° ± 0.24°
Mean Radius of 74,229 ± 5 km
Equatorial Radius of 76,877 ± 6 km
Polar Radius of 71,581 ± 11 km
Mass of 1.518 × 10 to the 28th kg
Security Rating of 00.00 (Unregulated)
Existential Status of Deduced

Under construction...

Last edited by Sciarviat Syndicate on Mon Dec 02, 2013 6:52 pm, edited 9 times in total.

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Sciarviat Syndicate
Posts: 23
Founded: Feb 11, 2013

Postby Sciarviat Syndicate » Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:22 am


Under construction...

» Arms and Weapons
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» Commodities and Materials
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» Drugs and Psychoactives
Under construction...

» Finance and Commerce
Under construction...

» Piracy and Raiding
Under construction...

» Racketeering
Under construction...

» Slavery, Trafficking, and Smuggling
Under construction...

» Special Considerations
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» Violence, Assault, and Disposal
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Last edited by Sciarviat Syndicate on Fri Aug 30, 2013 1:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Sciarviat Syndicate
Posts: 23
Founded: Feb 11, 2013

Postby Sciarviat Syndicate » Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:22 am


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Sciarviat Syndicate
Posts: 23
Founded: Feb 11, 2013

Postby Sciarviat Syndicate » Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:23 am


Under construction...

» Aurothesia Institute
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» Hearth Cartel
Under construction...

» Syr-Roat Chemicals
Under construction...

» Zenith Corporation
Under construction...

Last edited by Sciarviat Syndicate on Mon Nov 18, 2013 6:36 pm, edited 5 times in total.


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