Vedrenheim National Factbook

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Vedrenheim National Factbook

Postby Vedrenheim » Tue Dec 15, 2009 10:08 pm

The Armed Republic of Vedrenheim
Vedrenheim Government
Government Information

Government Type : Stratocracy

Government Flag :


Government Branches
: Judiciary, Executive, Legislative, Military

Government Motto : "Hail to the Hammer."

Government Founding Date : 200 years ago, by Chieftain Hal Skjalding of the Skjaldbarad Clan

Government National Leader
: Överbefälhavare (Supreme Commander) Gunnar Advolskanson

Government Buildings
: The Skaalthing, a 160 year old wooden building located in the capital city of Caldara mainly used for stratocracy meetings. The Hall of Thanes, a ten-mile long memorial building also located in Caldara dedicated to fallen soldiers, The Fortress of Harrengaard, Vedrenheim's oldest fortress has become The Pentagon of Vedrenheim, this is where all military leaders meet to discuss their war strategies.

Government Documents : The Constitution of Vedrenheim (the country's constitution can be amended, though it takes an approval from the Supreme Commander himself), The Honor Pact of Vedrenheim (a cultural document that is the de facto social gospel for every civillian in Vedrenheim, it emphasizes multiple codes of honor and disciplines predominant in Vedrenheim everyday life).

Government History :

Overview : The Vedrenheim government has existed for 200 years as a stratocracy, founded by Chieftain Hal Skjalding of the Skjalbarad Clan, Vedrenheim's government follows the Honor Pact of Vedrenheim, using the pact's core ideals of Honor, Strength, and Discipline as a guidance when it makes most of its laws. Though one would normally assume that the stratocracy is a dictatorship, this is, in fact, untrue. The stratocracy is highly democratic, and since military service is mandatory for all able-bodied citizens 18 years of age, everyone has a chance to rise up in government once they complete their mandatory 2 years of service by going to the Vedrenheim Academy of Officers, which has multiple campuses for the multiple branches it has all over Vedrenheim. Vedrenheim's Supreme Commander is determined by a vote of a council of several Marshals, who act as governors for the districts of Vedrenheim, once the Supreme Commander is voted in, he serves a minimum term of 5 years, afterwards, the council will vote on whether or not the current marshal should stay in power. Of course, the Supreme Commander can easily be impeached by the same council of marshals before his 5 year minimum term is up.

Founding of the Vedrenheim Government (the first 50 years) : The Vedrenheim Government was founded on the site of the Skaalthing by Hal Skjalding. After meeting with an assembly of other proto-Vedrenheimer chieftains and clans, Hal was proclaimed leader of the new country that became known as Vedrenheim, and served as the first Supreme Commander in the Armed Republic's history, leading them to victory over multiple threats, including a huge slaver incursion during the closing years of his leadership. After Hal died of old age, a huge power vacuum was left, and the Vedrenheimers did not know how to proceed without their beloved leader. For a time, things descended into civil war. One side supporting the stratocracy, and another supporting a return to the tribal anarchy that existed beforehand.

The First Civil War and subsequent years (the next 100 years) : The First Civil War was relatively short, and lasted only one year. It was also very bloody, and very one-sided, for the stratocracy seemed to be better armed, better equipped, and better-led then the rebels who defied them. After the stratocracy brought the rebel territories back in line, they beheaded the leaders of the rebel clans and stuck them on pikes throughout the former rebel capitals. This broke the will of any would-be rebels from that day forward, and the war's swift victory also solidified the stratocracy's place as a firm, efficient government. This paved the way for a modernization of Vedrenheim, and brought it into the modern age of industrialization. Vedrenheim would become very involved in the gun-making industry, as well as the woodcutting and farming industries. This gave Vedrenheim an economical prosperity that lasted for the next hundred years.

The Second Civil War and the threat of Communism in Vedrenheim (30 years) : Though prosperity in Vedrenheim was now rampant, there was a small group of people in the Armed Republic that thought differently then the stratocracy. These were the Anarcho-Communists that had taken their inspiration from the dead rebels in the First Civil War. Emphasizing a secession from the government, the group, (called "The Martyr Party") succeeded in arming a small rebel army and going to war with the stratocracy. But this civil war would not be like the last. These Anarcho-Communists were funded by Communists abroad, mostly from the Communist empire that was now sprawling throughout Vedrenheim's region, and they even got so far as to send in aircraft to the TMP. This aircraft was used to destroy two cities in Vedrenheim with populations of over 10,000. But this only turned the public against the Anarcho-Communists, who fought using guerrilla urban warfare, spurring the Vedrenheim government to form 'Home Defense Militias'. These Home Defense Militias were particularly useful in searching and rooting out guerrilla cells, often foiling plots before they even had got off the ground.

With the assistance of the Home Defense Militias, the guerrillas were pushed out of the cities and into the forests, where they were victims to Vedrenheim's finest special operations forces, the Sterling Regiment. They were hunted down and killed cell by cell, their leaders jailed, and their aircraft and support systematically destroyed. The end of the civil war culminated with the death of Vyacheslav Grinko, the foreign infiltrator in command of the TMP, after their original leader was beaten and stabbed to death by one of the HMDs during a failed assassination plot. The Communist empire vowed revenge, and the Armed Republic answered by heightening its defcon level, but there was no response. At the end of the day, Vedrenheim had survived its own 'Cold War'.

Modern Times : The government in Vedrenheim today plays a very active part in its citizen's lives. It provides a free healthcare option for low-income citizens, collects taxes, and is even in charge of the prison system, where it has legalized the use of the death sentence by firing squad and decapitation. It is also in charge of the military and police departments, which is the pride of the nation. Gay Marriage is legal, and Gay Rights and Gender Equality are at an all-time high in the history of the country. Freedom of Speech, Seperation of Church and State, and Freedom of Religion is valued, though Asatru and other forms of Germanic Neopaganism are the dominant forms of religion.

Vedrenheim Military
Military Information

Military Focus : Military with a focus on its Army, as they receive the most funding and government attention. It also has more prestige then the Navy or Air Force, though the Navy has existed as long as the Army has. The Army's pride and joy are their armored regiments, with a specialization in artillery. Vedrenheim is, in fact, known for the cunning and boldness of their use of artillery and other mechanized units, and they have been used in every major engagement since their success in the Battle of Colshaac Mountain during the Second Civil War, where TMP members (in their T-21s) faced off against a small Vedrenheim scouting regiment. The battle was thought to be lost, until Colonel Norsk Bjornheim won the day single-handedly when he lured the TMP-controlled T-21s into two intersecting artillery lines of fire. The T-21s were obliterated, and the artillery batteries (situated on Colshaac Mountain itself) as well as Norsk Bjornheim were all given military commendations. Norsk Bjornheim was given the Eye of Odin medal, which is the highest honor a Vedrenheimer can be awarded, and a position teaching at the Gudrun Officer Academy.

Since that day, the Officer Academy of Gudrun has always produced excellent indirect fire specialists, who have become the pride of the Army, and indeed, the whole nation.

Military Branches : Army, Air Force, Navy, TACCOM (Tactical Command)

Vedrenheim Military Special Forces :

Project LOKI is

Military Leader(s)
: Overall commander, Överbefälhavare Huri Svensson. The Military is then ruled by the Council of Marshals, who give orders either handed down from the Supreme Commander or from the council itself to the Generals and Admirals.

Total Military Number of personnel : 70,000

Military Flags : Navy Jack


Military Forces : The Vedrenheimer military is divided into three branches, and from there, divided into different sections which handle different jobs/territories.

--Army (total personnel 30,000)

---Vedrenheimer 1st Army (total personnel 10,000)
------40th Argholm Infantry (total personnel 4,000)
------7st Yurinag Armored (total personnel 2,000)
------2nd Orfaust Armored (total personnel 1,000)
------201st Alfhart Artillery (total personnel 3,000)

---Vedrenheimer 2nd Army (total personnel 10,000)
------27th Orfaust Infantry (total personnel 1,000)
------6th Embersmarkt Armored (total personnel 5,000)
------83rd Argholm Armored (total personnel 2,000)
------9th Holmstartt Artillery (total personnel 2,000)

---Vedrenheimer 3rd Army (total personnel 10,000)
-----1st Gaath Artillery (total personnel 1,000)
-----60th Caldara Infantry (total personnel 2,000)
-----53rd Caldara Armored (total personnel 5,000)
-----10th Caldara Armored (total personnel 2,000)

--Navy (total personnel 21,000)

6 Submarines
6x Silent Knife SSN
2 light carriers
2x Adamantine Class: $1.74billion
1 assault ship
1x Highlander class LHA: $1.5billion
12 escorts (4 destroyers and 8 frigates)
4x Gertrude class Destroyer: $2.6billion
8x Bernadine Class Frigate: $2.96billion
8 Mine warfare vessels
8x Gwendolyn class Mine Counter Measures Vessels: $2.28billion
14 patrol vessels
4x Eva class off shore patrol vessel: $1.06billion
4x Jessica class Off-Shore Patrol Vessel $0.54billion
6x Erica class patrol vessel: $0.51billion
2 replenishment ships
2x Duenna Class Fast Supply Vessel: $5.4billion
5 Sealift/ LPDs
3 small/fast tankers
60x CFN-16B Terrier multi role naval SVTOL fighter
20x CFHQN-35A Kite Naval Rotodyne UAV
8x CFHN-23E Super Gannet Naval Rotodyne AWACS
12x CFHN-23E Super Gannet Naval Rotodyne ASW
40x CFHN-27C Sea Starling Light Naval Rotodyne
8x CFH-31A Condor Assault transport

--Air Force (19,000)

30 CAS/strike aircraft
30x EFA- 23 Ravager Affordable CAS fighter: $0.27billion
130 multi role fighters
130x CFFN-25A Astrapi Fighter (including 40 twin seat versions)
60 fast jet trainers
60x CFT-14B Matrix Lead-In Fighter Trainer
40 primary trainers
40x CFT-21A Robin Primary trainer
10 multi engine/navigation trainers
10x CFU-11 Fast Wing light multi role aircraft
25 tactical transports
5x CFU-21 Clydesdale Strategic Airlifter
10x CFU-19 Provisioner Light Tactical Transport
10x CFU-12 Argo Tactical Transport
14 MRTTs
14x CFUK-17B Sky Rider MRTT (Multi Role Tanker Transport)
50 transport helicopters
20x CFH-18A Ultra Roc Super heavy lift Rotodyne
20x CFH-31A Condor Assault transport
10x CFH-24E Kestrel Medium Utility Rotodyne
20 training/rescue helicopters
10x CFH-27 Starling Light Utility Rotodyne
10x CFH-24E Kestrel Medium Utility Rotodyne
4x CFE-17C AWACs:
20 recon platforms (16 UAV and 4 manned)
16x CFQ-31 Greybolt Multi role UAV/UCAV
4x CFR-2R Iris High Altitude Reconnaissance Aircraft
8 maritime patrol aircraft
8x CFNR-9H2 Long eyes

Vedrenheimer Culture
The Vedrenheimer People

The Vedrenheim are a blue-eyed, brown-haired Nordic people that live in a cold-climate environment. They only recently emerged out of their nomadic, tribal roots, and usually stand over six feet tall. Vedrenheimer culture is highly focused on the concept of honor, victory, and glory, and has been that way since the conception of their culture at the dawn of time, but this works very well for the Vedrenheimers, and as a result, they have grown quite fond and conservative of their own culture. Though they are welcoming towards foreigners and even excited by new experiences, the Vedrenheimers are a mostly isolationist people, but they are united firmly behind their stratocratic government.

Vedrenheimer Food

Vedrenheimer food is usually associated with meat in some way, and is usually accompanied with bread. In fact, Vedrenheim has a very low percentage rate of vegetarians, and those who are vegetarians usually have to order food outside of the country, such is the unwillingness of Vedrenheimer chefs and cooks to make such a contradiction to their culture. Vedrenheimers eat about 3 square meals a day, with breakfast being notoriously light, lunch being exceedingly more extravagant, and dinner being the most lavish of all the three square meals. Often, mead is served with the food, and this tradition is one of the many that was carried down from the days when Vedrenheim was not an Armed Republic. There is no legal drinking age in Vedrenheim, and as a result the Vedrenheimer youths learn to 'hold their beer' at an early age. However, DUI laws are harsh. Sometimes resulting in a mandatory minmum-of-10-years-sentence for DUI offenders who have killed someone while driving under the influence.

Vedrenheimer Law

The law of the Vedrenheim state government is heavily based off of The Honor Pact of Vedrenheim, which emphasizes the following three principles:

I. Honor
-Respect others, honor your oaths and promises to their fullest extent, and above all, defend your family and clan valor.
II. Discipline
-Do not go overboard on anything, and know when to stop. Think and meditate often, and act in a controlled manner.
III. Conquest
-Strive to achieve a glorious victory in all things. The deeds you commit today are the deeds you will be remembered for in Valhalla.

As a result, common sense is in effect when it comes to lawmaking. People are not allowed to steal or tresspass on private property, hurt others (unless it collides with the Honor Pact), or or be dishonorable in any way, shape, or form. Though lying is against the code, it is not enforced by the law, unless it goes into the higher echelons (adultery, embezzlement, etc.) of law.

Politics of Vedrenheim

The politics of Vedrenheim are as intricate and interwoven as any other nation. However, in Vedrenheim, the focus is not on what the government should and should not do, rather, it is what the MILITARY should and should not do. Vedrenheim is surrounded by many lower-tech and sub-par economic neighbors ripe for the conquering, but they have remained mostly to themselves and not bothered in Vedrenheim in any way, shape, or form, as Vedrenheim has returned to them. The Honor Pact of Vedrenheim states that you should strive for victory, but at the same time, repsect Honor and Discipline. This is what the hotbutton is in Vedrenheim's politics.

Though Vedrenheim is a stratocracy, it still has some democratic elements to it. One of these are the political parties that populate the Skaalthing, below are some examples of the political parties you will find throughout the stratocracy:

Political Parties
-The Armsticer Party (Center-Left Party) : The Armsticer Party is focused on the idea of establishing diplomatic relations with the surrounding nations of Vedrenheim, and eventually bringing them into line as allies and brethren in a great union of nations run like a democratic council. This council will be in charge of the region, and be made up of delegates from every country. They also want immigration to be unlimited and uncontrolled.

-The Vedrenheim Home Guard Party (Pure Centrist Party) : The VHGP was formed out of the militias that fought the Anarcho-Communists in the Second Civil War, a highly civically nationalist party, they want immigration to be controlled and limited, and for Vedrenheim to keep to itself and not bother any of the surrounding nations in any way, shape, or form.

-The Ultranationalist Alliance Party (Far-Right Party) : The UAP is focused on the idea that Vedrenheim is the supreme nation and all surrounding nations are inferior and should be conquered. As a result, they support taking over and enslaving the surrounding nations, and making the Armed Republic an official empire.

The Geography of Vedrenheim
Vedrenheim's neighbors and states

Vedrenheim is the smallest country in its region. But it is also the most abundant in natural resources, the most stable in government, the greatest economy and the most powerful in military, yet surprisingly, it has retained a strictly isolationist policy the entire time. The Armed Republic of Vedrenheim is composed of multiple states, and each of them is ruled over by a Marshal, who acts as the state's governor and serves on the council that elects the Supreme Commander. The council, known as the Assembly of the Skaalthing (referred to as Skaalthing, for short) acts as the stratocracy's official congress, and it is key in passing laws as well as directing the Armed Republic's military forces.

Vedrenheim and its surrounding countries:


Vedrenheim and its multiple states:


Vedrenheim and its multiple cities, including the major Maskaal nature reserve:


Information on the surrounding countries of Vedrenheim

The State of Noth

Noth began as a small string of fishing communities on what is today its northern shore. But after a terrible typhoon season wiped years and years of fishing tradition out, and killed a good number of the fishermen in these fishing communities, they were overtaken by the hunter-gatherer tribes who lived in the inner part of what would become Noth at the time. The coastal tribes then blended with the hunter tribes, and the basis of Nothian society was founded. The fishermen, damaged as they were, were able to provide the basic ideas of ship-making and a trade economy to the more isolationist hunters-gatherers, who provided a basic knowledge of early militias, as well as the class structure for a society.

Years went on, and the various tribes of Noth slowly began to assimilate with one another until eventually most of the population was concentrated in a single city at its center, called "Goff" or "Home" in the Nothian tongue. Around the time of Vedrenheim's unification, Noth's borders were drawn by the inhabitants of Goff and the nation was then changed from a de-facto one into a fully qualified state, but things were not so easy for this fledgling nation.

Early on in its history, Noth was competing with Vedrenheim for fishing waters. In fact, the only area that was not being fought over with the Vedrenheimers in Noth was the large coast to the west of the country, but most of this was composed of rocky cliffs with many rapids and other rock formations in them, which rendered fishing nearly impossible there save for all of the most skilled of Nothian fishermen, who had earned a reputation at that time for being the best.

Despite their superiority in the art of fishing, however, the Nothians could never best the Vedrenheimers in war. Eventually, the Vedrenheimers would raid the Nothians' fishing villages and burn them to the ground in response to the constant debates over whether the strait between Vedrenheim and Noth was Vedrenheim's or Noth's. These raids were not very well-publicized, but they are examples of Vedrenheim's rare interactions with the outside world.

After the burning of the coastal villages, most of the population moved in to the center of Noth. Some fishermen stayed behind still, but these were not very successful as a whole, and only the most dedicated of fishermen and anglers stayed behind.

As time went on, Noth, cut off from one primary method of trade and industry, became poorer and poorer, eventually by the time of Vedrenheim's industrial revolution, most of Noth was still a poor country now living in separate, dispersed hovel-communities where crime was rampant. Prostitution was commonplace everywhere in Noth, and murder rates were at an all time high. Something needed to be done, but alas, it wasn't. Noth was too caught up in trying to make a living illegally, and the government was powerless to stop it, cursed with an incompetent line of impotent rulers, eventually they died off due to a lack of sterility and a lack of ambition to marry. Thus, Noth descended into Anarchy for the next 40 years.

After that 40 years, Noth soon attracted the attention of a group of Communists in Gor, who took great attention to Noth. Though these communists were Gorian, their own country was too opposed to them. And so they started their 'revolution' elsewhere in more fertile grounds.

To the disheartened and apathetic Nothian hearts, the Gorian communists were something of a revelation to them. Spewing promises of a state of law and a state of morality from their lips, the Gorian communists, led by Salazar Grov, attracted a small army of followers from all over Noth. And so began the rise of communism in Noth.

At first, the communists began to attack town after town after town in a single-minded way. Claiming each one for the 'glorious' revolution and taking volunteers and supplies from wherever they pleased. The various pro-Anarchists and criminals that enjoyed the Anarchy's prosperous fruits attempted to resist the communists through guerrilla tactics and other methods, but they were eventually slaughtered in droves. As the communists' territory expanded, they had to take a more strategic way of conquering Noth, and so they established fortresses, bunkers, fortified towns, etc. Until eventually by the time that Noth was conquered border to border by the people's revolution, it was littered in a series of fortresses and bunkers that stand there even today.

Noth soon became the jewel in the communist empire in the region, Salazar's own seat of power was situated there, and the Nothian People's Navy was founded. Which avoided Vedrenheim territorial waters at first, but then had to proceed across them as Asagarad fell to their own revolution, uniting the two countries in glorious communism. Vedrenheim allowed this, as well as the ships to refuel at their ports, but only on the account that the Communists would leave Vedrenheim alone. Of course, this was accepted by the Communists, but secretly, they would leave Communist propaganda, weaponry, and other useful things for TMP operatives in the ports for assistance in the Second Civil War.

Soon enough, Salazar died, and with him the dream of communism. His new successor, a Nothian-born man called Yuri Ilu, strove for Nothian independence and emancipated Noth from the communist organization, which then disbanded after similar situations occurred in Asagarad and Gor.

Although Noth's fishing industry is re-established, the country is still relatively poor. An inexperienced army cannot keep Gorian slave traders from invading its borders and taking Nothians elsewhere, and a drought has recently caused Noth's non-fishing economy to plummet into the ground. Some say if it weren't for Yuri Ilu being such an upstart man, that Noth would plunge into the same anarchy that plagued them not so long ago.

The Border Baronies of Asagarad

Before there was Vedrenheim, Noth, or even Gor, there was the ancient land of Asagarad. Mostly plainsland, Asagarad has experienced a well-off abundance in soil fertility, and its agricultural industry has become legend. Producing most of the region's crops, which includes corn, green beans, apples, grain, and other commodities. Because of its high quality of goods and wealth in foodstuffs, Asagarad unified itself very early on in its period. Some 500 or 400 years before Vedrenheim's own unification. When it came together for the first time, it was under the rule of a rather powerful lord who had gained control over much of the farms, providing him with amazing economic power that he used to crush his enemies and unify the land. In fact, his wealth was said to be so great that he could fund an army of well-over a thousand soldiers and arm each and every one of them as if they were a warrior from an ancient legend.

His dominion stretched from Asagarad and beyond, for his trading fleet had great power amongst the barbarians of pre-Vedrenheim and pre-Noth. Indeed, even among the stoic Gorians, he had influence. But with all of this power and political strength, there came a horrid price of political intrigue. His enemies were legion, and were constantly plotting to overthrow him and take his seat as ruler of the most powerful kingdom in the region at the time. Eventually, this caught up with him after many failed assassination attempts. Finally, the day came when a knife was planted in his back.

And yet, none stepped forward to take the throne. It was strange, and a mystery to all of the king's kin. Indeed, even the conspirators were stunned by it, for the assassin did not even seem to come within their numerous ranks. Of course, after a time, some fool took the throne of Asagarad. But he was weak, and did not survive the next winter. For soon he had gained just as many enemies as the king before him, and they came upon him in the night, just as the unnamed assassin had done to the first king.

Before anyone even knew what had happened, there was another pretender to the throne. And then another. And then another. Indeed, it is said that the only reason Asagarad was not able to conquer the rest of the region militarily was due to the constant secessions the country had during this period, but after many long years of bloody civil war and coup successes and coup attempts, people stopped owning up the title of their original king (whos name had been forgotten in the chaos that ensued, effectively destroying most evidence of his name), and the land was simply seperated and divided by numerous 'barons', powerful Asagaradian lords who ruled numerous farms with their own private armies and holdings. And so, the Border Baronies of Asagarad was forged.

The Border Baronies, while divided, did still make an amazing economic power. But with the rise of Communism, Asagarad would be changed. Farm workers who were previously unaware of the ideology of 'fair trade' or 'unions' were enlightened when they learned how laissez-faire their lords had been with them previously, and they rose in a bloody rebellion that crushed all of the divided baronies with absolute brutality. Barons, lords and ladies were all hung on trees, decapitated, burned alive, raped brutally, shot in the head, maimed, flogged to death, or assassinated with various farm utilities. When all was said and done, however, 10% of Asagarad's farmland had been destroyed, severely crippling Asagarad's economy. And so it was forced to reach out to countries like Noth and Gor to form a communist alliance for survival.

Asagarad's communist days, however, would come to an end when Noth, considered to be the 'crown jewel' in the Communist empire in the region, fell to anarchy once more. During this period, the farm workers who had been the oppressed proletariat had taken up the mantle of lords and barons, effectively restoring the Border Baronies, albeit with more civil rights, so as to prevent another revolution.

In the present day, Asagarad's farmland has mostly recovered and it is once again becoming isolationist, like Vedrenheim. However, there are rumors that certain barons would be willing to kill other barons in exchange for land, power, and maybe a spot in a more...unified...form of government.

Kingdom of Gor

The Kingdom of Gor was, at one point, nothing more then a land of roving barbarian hordes fighting for dominance and supremacy over eachother, much like the rest of the land.

Climate of Vedrenheim
Vedrenheim has a very cold climate all year long, ranging from 50 F in the Summer as the record high, and -20 F in the Winter as the record low. Part of Vedrenheim's cold climate is due to its elevation, as the entire country is mountainous. Even the coastal regions are mostly cliffs and plateaus that overlook the North Sea.
Last edited by Vedrenheim on Fri Mar 12, 2010 8:25 pm, edited 70 times in total.
Vedrenheim National Factbook
"Hail to the Hammer."

"So if I played as the female character, and got my rocks with another female, and then had male children, I could theoretically produce male lesbians?"
-North Suran on Tax Evasion

I consider it a failure at life, a helpless troll, and the worst experiment to ever happen.
-North Wiedna on North Korea

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Chargé d'Affaires
Posts: 491
Founded: Dec 15, 2009

Postby Vedrenheim » Sun Dec 20, 2009 2:14 pm

The Vedrenheim Nat. Factbook is open for commentary. I have a few things to add to my military and geography section, but other then that, I think my factbook is otherwise finished.
Vedrenheim National Factbook
"Hail to the Hammer."

"So if I played as the female character, and got my rocks with another female, and then had male children, I could theoretically produce male lesbians?"
-North Suran on Tax Evasion

I consider it a failure at life, a helpless troll, and the worst experiment to ever happen.
-North Wiedna on North Korea

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The Araucania
Posts: 694
Founded: Dec 07, 2009

Postby The Araucania » Sun Dec 20, 2009 4:10 pm

nice work.
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Chargé d'Affaires
Posts: 491
Founded: Dec 15, 2009

Postby Vedrenheim » Sun Dec 20, 2009 11:44 pm

The Araucania wrote:nice work.

Thank you.
Vedrenheim National Factbook
"Hail to the Hammer."

"So if I played as the female character, and got my rocks with another female, and then had male children, I could theoretically produce male lesbians?"
-North Suran on Tax Evasion

I consider it a failure at life, a helpless troll, and the worst experiment to ever happen.
-North Wiedna on North Korea

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Chargé d'Affaires
Posts: 491
Founded: Dec 15, 2009

Postby Vedrenheim » Sat Mar 06, 2010 1:08 am

Updated some things. Should be easily noticeable, especially the maps. Note that the history of Noth hasn't really been checked for grammar or spelling yet. Expect the other country information paragraphs to come soon.
Vedrenheim National Factbook
"Hail to the Hammer."

"So if I played as the female character, and got my rocks with another female, and then had male children, I could theoretically produce male lesbians?"
-North Suran on Tax Evasion

I consider it a failure at life, a helpless troll, and the worst experiment to ever happen.
-North Wiedna on North Korea

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