Pretty Okay Company (Reboot; interest and signups)

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Pretty Okay Company (Reboot; interest and signups)

Postby Ayreonia » Sat Mar 14, 2015 4:46 pm

An Ayreonia Roleplay, rebooted for your pleasure
In-Character Thread OLD | Worldbuilding Thread

Welcome to the front, soldier!

Whether by the guidance of Fate's gentle hand, or by choosing of your own, you're here: the Fourth Armored Division of the Royal Antediluvian Army. In either case, congratulations are in order. You've probably read all the official documents that the postman tried to drown you in. Confusing, weren't they? That's why we, actual soldiers of the 4th, have lovingly prepared this small primer for you. We hope it will answer any and all questions you have. If not, don't be afraid to ask your new brothers in arms. We don't bite. Just steer clear of Major Edrich, he's a jackass.

Let's start by telling you that this introduction will be honest. We won't try to make ourselves look better than we are (you'd find out the truth for yourself anyway, then be angry at us for lying). We're grunts. That's our job. If you joined us for fame or glory, you'd better look elsewhere, and turn back now.

Just kidding! Once you sign up, there's no escape. If you're fond of having a head on your shoulders, that is. And if you want to die, be a sport and do so while catching a bullet for another Fourther, will you?

There, we said it. We're not 1st Para, nor Air Cavalry, nor UNMETA commandos. We're 4th Armored. The Fucking Fourth, they call us, and it's a name we carry with pride. The story behind it has nothing to do with fornication, sadly: legend has it that when our division was first formed as the Royal 4th Infantry, it was thrown into combat without proper training or supplies in an attempt to slow down a major Precambrian assault. When they against all odds not only succeeded, but actually beat the aggressors back, word was sent to HQ, where General Sensus belched out his now-famous line:

"The fucking Fourth!? Those people couldn't hold off my grandma's rotting corpse, may she rest in peace."

Just so. We do have a reputation for doing shitjobs. If it's boring, dirty or just plain suicidal, our motto comes to life: Bring Forth The Fourth! And the Fourth bitches and moans, curses its superiors to nine hells and back, then gathers its crap and does it.

We do these things because that's who we are.

We might complain, but when the sky splits, when the Soil erupts in flames, and when mammoth shit hits the proverbial fan, it's the Fucking Fourth who stand and fight. We might whine about our officers, but we'd follow them to the end of the world and back. We do these things because we understand that glory isn't a title, or a rank, or a medal. Glory isn't prestige or perfect conduct or empty words. In the end, none of that matters. What matters is that one does their job and survives to reap the results. The optimal result would, of course, be victory for Antediluvia, but we'll make do with securing our country for the next generation or so. We're not that ambitious.

So without further ado... welcome to the front, soldier. Welcome home.

Feel your blood rise? Your stomach tingling with excitement? Do you want to sing the Anthem, cry out patriotic slogans or shoot a Precambrian right now? If yes, that was enough pathos, if not, you're a lost case. Either way, on to practical matters.

You probably know these from basic training, but let's go over them anyway. Wouldn't want to misidentify an officer and do pushups until the stupid goes away, would you?
Levy -- drafted with no or minimal training. Only deployed in emergencies. If this is you, you're fucked, sorry.
Recruit -- a soldier in service for six months or less. Pretty rare on the front, but we see them from time to time.
Private -- the most common enlisted rank. You're probably this. If not, congratulations or condolences.
Lance Corporal -- granted to long-serving enlisted personnel, often held by vehicle crews and other specialists. Only good for bragging rights, to be honest.

Non-commissioned officers:
Corporal -- lowest NCO rank, usually junior squad leaders and decorated non-commanding enlisted.
Sergeant -- promoted squad leaders, vehicle tactical commanders and the like.
Staff Sergeant -- Holy shit, who brought the Drill Instructor to the front? Well, this is your chance to see if they're as tough as they appeared in Basic. For realsies, a SSgt is probably a Platoon sergeant.
Master Sergeant Shooter Sergeant Person -- Seriously, there's like a dozen senior enlisted ranks with "sergeant" in them, and even the Ssgt. is old as fuck. If you see one of these, call a geriatrician. In all seriousness, they're badasses who've seen it all, but rare out here.

Commissioned officers:
Lieutenant -- most junior officer rank. If you're a Knight in civilian life, you're this. Lieutenants usually command platoons.
Senior Lieutenant -- if a Ltn does well, they might get field promoted to SLtn. Like Lance Corporal, it's mostly an honorific.
Captain -- company commanders, mostly. Most Captains are Barons in real life.
Major -- executive officers at battalion level. Mostly seen as a springboard to battalion command.
Lieutenant Colonel -- usually battalion commanders. Viscounts and Counts.
Colonel -- commanders of brigades. Counts and Margraves.
General officers -- hold commands of divisions and higher. We won't make fun of these, because we don't dare. Might even be Dukes.

Model 174 assault rifle
-- An idiot-proof 7.62mm assault rifle issued to troops fighting in the Great Forest. Good penetration, almost never jams, easy to clean and fix (if you manage to break it in the first place). Also highly modular. Downsides include weight and overall size. It does have a folding stock, though -- which just happens to be its only part that doesn't really work. Not to be used as a crutch or a spade.

Can be fired in full automatic mode, but is the most efficient with well-placed semi-auto fire.
Six (6) magazines -- Thirty bullets each. Don't squander them. Return empty magazines to your logistics officer for refill. Don't lose empty magazines.
Rifle cleaning and maintenance set -- A small waterproof plastic pouch with all the tools you need to keep your rifle working! Includes cleaning rod, sight adjusting tool, small oil bottle (don't loan this to your friends, you'll regret it) and cloth. Comes with a paper tag to write your name and rifle S/N on, which is pretty neat.
Model 166 knife/bayonet -- Used mostly as a general purpose cutting tool. Great for carving one's initials into trees. Can also be used to stab enemies, but you should probably not let them that close.
Model 166 fragmentation grenades -- The amount issued varies, usually from zero to two. The classic device every recruit shat their pants practicing with.

Composite helmet -- Standard protective headwear. Stops most shrapnel and the odd bits of wood and rock flying about. Will not stop bullets. Comes with a net that lets you attach a small bush's worth of vegetation to it.
Ballistic combat vest -- For too many years, soldiers had to wear both a ballistic and a combat vest. No longer! The M188 BCV will stop most shrapnel while having those PALS links for attaching pouches and the like. The flap at the bottom is not for protecting your genitals, but the veins down there.
Knee/elbow pads -- Hard plastic pads to protect your joints. While they do look like the pads your mom made you wear when you practiced skateboarding, don't be ashamed to wear them.
Standard woodland camo coat and pants -- Great for making one blend into the surroundings and slightly worse at keeping water out. Still, fairly comfortable and breathe well and have a ton of pockets to stow your crap in.
Combat boots -- Black leather. Durable and comfortable even on long marches. Treat them well, and they'll thank you by keeping mud and water away from your socks.
Raincoat -- If it pours like hell, this knee-long hooded raincoat will keep even the worst monsoon out. Kind of hot when it doesn't, so wearing it all the time is not recommended.
Field cap -- A sturdy cotton cap with a longish visor in front and a swallowtail in the back. Protects reasonably against the elements, but not a valid substitute for a helmet in combat.
Gloves -- Waterproof!
Underwear, socks, t-shirts, etc. -- Assorted pieces of fashionable military clothing. Comes in various sizes and colors like green and darker green.

Canteen -- A handy one-liter plastic bottle. You don't want to get dehydrated, so keep it filled at all times.
Field tin -- For carrying and eating food.
Spork -- Is it a spoon? Is it a fork? It's both! Eating has never been easier.
Entrenching tool -- Basically a small foldable spade, carried in a pouch attached to the tactical vest. Can also be used to hit people.

Assault pack -- A small backpack for storing the most important items. Left in the IFV when dismounted for combat.
Rucksack -- Sleeping bags, spare clothes and other camping gear goes here. Usually rides in a truck behind the main force. Remember to put a name tag on it, lest someone else take it.

Specialist Gear

Vehicle crewmen:
Model 180 Pistol -- A 9 millimeter pistol issued to mounted troops, worn on a thigh holster. Good for self-defense if dismounted, since it can be a hassle to get your rifle out of storage while being shot at.
Pistol magazines -- Six spares.
Intercom headset -- To be attached to the regular helmet.
Tanker boots -- Just like the regular combat boots, but fastened with leather straps instead of laces. Offer less support but improved blood circulation. Also have less dangly bits that get stuck in machinery and make your limbs tear off, which is nice.

IFV and tank crews wear the same ballistic/tactical vest, but stripped of most pouches, since the vehicle can be a bit cramped.

Portable radio -- For keeping in touch with other squads and vehicles.
Model 181 'Slammer' light recoilless gun -- Anti-tank weapon. Lightweight and easy to use, usually carried in pairs by AT troops. Very effective against Precambrian light vehicles, and can even disable infantry fighting vehicles and tanks with a well-placed shot.
Model 174/s light machine gun -- a belt-fed, faster-firing variant of the M174 rifle issued to support gunners. Weighs a ton. You regret wanting to be the machine gunner now, don't you?
Model 174/m marksman rifle -- a long-ranged, 7,62x51mm, semi-automatic battle rifle variant. Wielded by marksmen.
In the military, you've got to do something. The Second Mechanized Company, of which you're a part of, has been founded with an experimental roster emphasizing light supply elements, high mobility and independence, with jobs that emphasize this. Here's a handy list detailing available roles, sorted by rank.

Rifleman -- In the end, every soldier is a rifleman, but while their skill set is a common one, it's very diverse. Designated riflemen hold ground, assault, provide direct fire support and other missions that are too many to list here. A rifleman is characterized by their flexibility and ability to adapt to any and all combat situations. Their lighter load means that they can pick up and utilize discarded specialist gear without much hassle.
AT gunner --Soldiers carrying two Slammer recoilless guns. They work closely with riflemen to hunt down enemy vehicles. Usually fight in pairs.
Support gunner -- A formidable fighter armed with the M174/s machine gun. The support gunner's job is to suppress enemy troops and positions, allowing friendlies to maneuver freely.
Medic -- While actual medical personnel serve in their own units, there's a handful of troops in each company who have had more advanced training in first aid. They won't perform miracles, but can give you those precious minutes that can mean the difference between life and death.
Marksman -- Fancy yourself a crack shot? Sign up for designated marksman duty and start disrupting the foe with your M174/m. These guys are the reason why you don't salute in the field.
Driver -- No matter how elite, a unit without drivers won't go anywhere. They operate all manners of vehicles, from humble jeeps to the mighty main battle tank. Sounds easy, but not for the faint of heart. If applying, remember to specify the kind of ride you want, or you'll be assigned to whatever's free.
Vehicle gunner -- The dealers of the company's main punch. If you think an assault rifle is a cute BB gun, this might be the job for you. From twenty to one hundred and twenty millimeters, the selection is huge.
Loader -- A tank's cannon won't load itself, and a skilled and strong loader plays a huge role in maintaining a steady rate of fire. They also act as assistant commanders of their vehicles. Just a hint: a pretty good position for quick promotion.
Mortar operator -- Hardly heavy artillery, but even light mortars provide essential indirect fire support for a company. They swear there's nothing more satisfying than the thunk of an outgoing shell.

Squad leader -- These troops lead their fellow squadmates into battle. Their position is backed by combat experience and/or prior leadership training.
Mortar squad leader -- Same as above, but for mortar teams.
Fire controller -- Since mortar crews can't see their targets, they need someone to designate it for them. Fire controllers fight as riflemen, but are burdened by the responsibility to direct fire support. Most say the feeling that comes from bringing death from the skies makes it well worth the extra studying.
Vehicle commander -- Spotter, rearview mirror, boss. An experienced tanker who's been given the duty to direct a mean machine of death. Driving might be more fun, but these guys are in charge.
Platoon sergeant -- A senior NCO and the platoon leader's right hand man. A link between the boss and his men. An experienced warrior and people person who both advises and commands. It might sound like a rank, but it's not.
Company sergeant major -- Holy shit, how do they do it? The CSM does everything: getting food and water, taking care of salaries, bolstering morale and spirit, refilling ammo, organizing leave, etcetera. Usually an older NCO who's too ancient to fight, but uses their considerable experience to make the company's bureaucracy as smooth as possible. A good CSM is worth their weight in gold and is highly respected by both grunt and brass.

Platoon leader -- Leads a platoon. Did you really need an explanation?
Executive officer -- The CO's best buddy. Their word is the commander's word, which makes it law. The prince to the CO's king.
Company commander -- Squad and platoon leaders may have their turf, but in the end, it's the company commander who runs the place. They're the one who makes the big tactical decisions, and answers directly to battalion level. At the moment of writing this, all positions for company commander (one) are filled. If you want to become one, become an XO and hope for an accident!
14T 'Crawler' armored personnel carrier

As unlikely it sounds now, the Crawler started its journey as a humble off-road truck, designed for increased mobility over broken terrain. A wheeled, a half-tracked and a fully tracked variant later, the 14T was fielded in its modern incarnation, a tracked multipurpose APC that can cross any terrain safely and quickly. It's fully amphibious and its light armor can withstand infantry weapons up to a machine gun, but any larger and it's toast - then again, it's not meant to be a frontline combat vehicle.

The Crawler is crewed by two soldiers, a commander and a driver, although both are cross-trained to take over the other's duties if need be. It can carry up to eight passengers, but usually transports three to six plus specialist equipment. In mechanized units, it's usually attached to mortar sections (it can easily hold two teams) and that's exactly what it does in Werebear company. The mortars themselves are easily towed in a wagon - the Crawler can pull a six-ton load with zero difficulty.

The commander's cupola carries a 14,5mm M174/h_14.5 machine gun, the vehicle's only piece of armament. The troop compartment has firing ports beside every seat and in the back hatch. Although these are measures meant for self-defense, the Crawler has been used in foolhardy attacks, so-called "Crawler rushes," where a large number of these vehicles surprise the enemy with their speed and quite formidable machine guns, then dismount their troops right on top of the stunned enemy. Needless to say, these attacks are highly discouraged.

TLT-15 light tank

The LT-15 was designed originally to be a light assault vehicle made to carry out raids on enemy supply lines. But due to failing design options and a lack of significant power plan to make it fast enough to keep up with a mission. Due to the medium depth of the armor it was resigned to an infantry support role, it was essentially used to run alongside infantry and keep enemy infantry from overrunning certain positions.

At 15 tons, 7.7m hull and a 5.5m long 50mm gun; it is mainly stocked with high explosive ammunition but has a very low amount of armor piercing. Using the LT-15 to counter anything other than IFVs is discouraged if not plain stupid. It is crewed by a loader who doubles as the gunner, a driver, and a commander. Their is a coaxial 7.62mm gun, and in the commanders cupola mounts the M175/H the heavy barreled version of the M174/s, it is adapted to fire from a box.

The Commanders cupola sits high up in the turret where his hatch has small observation slits armored with high density glass. Lower and to the left the loader sits where he can reach shells from the magazine to the rear of the crew compartment. This area is not armored well, so avoid getting hit in the rear middle. A fast and capable tank, avoid getting hit at all, there is no emergency hatch all crew have to scramble out the top hatch or driver door. The compartment is fairly small as well, large tankers not recommended.

1. You are a conscript, but be proud of your service. It is a right.
2. Obey your superiors, respect your peers, counsel your subordinates. Work towards an accepting and warm atmosphere.
3. You're not only allowed, but encouraged to have more than one character. We have no idea what this means, but we were told to put this here.
4. If you have a wish to be assigned to a particular squad and/or platoon, it will be taken into consideration. Please note that it is not always possible to realize this wish.
5. Non-standard issue weapons and gear are allowed, but discouraged. Under no circumstances are you allowed to discard standard issue equipment.
Some people made IC apps the last time, and those were a lot of fun. This time, that'll be the official way.

Code: Select all
[b]At ease. Sit down. What's your name?[/b]
        [b]How old are you, <name>?[/b]

        [b]What rank do you hold in His Majesty's army?[/b]
        [b]How long have you been serving, <rank>?[/b]
        [b]What is your civilian occupation?[/b]
        [b]Do you or members of your family hold nobility, titles or land?[/b]

        [b]Thank you. Now, if you have wishes pertaining to your role, please list three in order of preference. What job you want, is what I'm asking.[/b]
        [b]Right. Would you prefer serving in a certain platoon/squad?[/b]

        [b]Thank you, <rank, name>. Drop that medical record by the nurse's office, and we'll call you when your unit is formed. Welcome to 4th Armored, soldier.[/b]

        The medical record is just a bullshit excuse for asking about the following:
        [b]Personality & traits and habits:[/b]
Alright, pilgrim. We all know you're no wizard. If you were, you'd either wouldn't be serving, or you'd be UNMETA... sorry, just repeating nasty, baseless rumors. Bottom line is, we don't like magic users here. The brass say the Precambrians don't have them, either, but sometimes you see things here in the Forest that make you wonder. If you encounter them, the higher-ups will dismiss it as PTSD, shellshock, or just plain old crazy talk. We've compiled a list of these things, just in case. Oh, and if anybody asks, Sergeant Helenski, Corporal Dupont and Private Arts know nothing of this pamphlet. Arts has tin foil.


Imagine you're on patrol, sentry duty or any such situation. Boring, right? Well, imagine your teammate getting silent all of a sudden, their movements jerky and awkward, then shooting you. Or the other way around. Or maybe your totally happy and well-adjusted squaddie goes into the woods to take a leak and is found an hour later with a smashed-in face and a bloody shovel in his hand. Weird, right? Some people can really spin a scary tale!


One recurring story among Great Forest deployees is about the so-called lag, proven to be a particular symptom of combat fatigue. The ones who experience it and survive always tell the same tale, with minor variations: they're in a firefight, when suddenly they experience a strange sense of tiredness, like they can't move their bodies. They look around, only to see their nearby squadmates moving at a crawl, while the rest of the world is completely normal. If they get a glimpse of enemy soldiers in this state, they seem to be moving much faster than what should be possible.

"Spontaneous combustion"

The Precambrians seem to have fielded some sort of incendiary weapon that can set people and objects on fire without any sort of contact. Troops with an unhealthy interest in old legends claim that Antediluvian mages of old could do that with their minds.


Enemies appearing from thin air. Is it just us, or is this the oldest excuse of a sentry who's fallen asleep, like, ever?

"Super armor"

This is probably a quality control problem with our mass-produced weapons, or a case of bad marksmanship. Enemy tanks have been reported to sustain hits from anti-tank weaponry without even a scratch. These kinds of stories are usually dismissed as crazy talk, but there was one case with several eyewitnesses. A Precambrian Triarius main battle tank had been flanked and fired upon with several confirmed hits... but no damage, no explosions and no sound from the impacts. It had taken a dozen hits from AT weapons of various calibers before the thing finally burned out. The best part? The four-man crew was taken alive and unharmed. During interrogation, the loader burst into flame and burned to death.
Some backstory

The nations of Antediluvia and Precambria had been at each other's throats for as long as anybody could remember. What had started the conflict, nobody knew or really cared. It was almost like an annual sports event. The winters on the continent of Supercentennaria were brutally cold and long, which forced all military operations to halt. It was an unwritten rule that nobody fought in the winter. There were tales of a Precambrian general who had ordered his division to attack after the snows fell, and as a result he was murdered by his own men. True or not, it wasn't far-fetched. But as soon as the snows melted and you could take a piss outside without your dick freezing off, the Antediluvians hopped onto their IFVs and half-tracks, and the Precambrians rode out on theirs to meet them. The frontlines had not changed significantly for thirty years.

You are a soldier of the Antediluvian Armed Forces, Central Army Group, 2nd Army, 4th "the fucking Fourth" Armored Division, 1st Brigade, Mechanized Battalion, 2nd Mech. Infantry Company, callsign "Werebear". You were conscripted one to four years ago, some of your unit you know from wintertime (during which you have a regular civilian job. Or not. Depends on you), while others are new faces. You might have seen some combat, but the Fucking Fourth aren't yet considered to be a crack unit.

The 4th Armored in its current state has been deployed for seven months now, which is an unusually long time. Autumn is in full swing, which in the Great Forest means lots of rain, warm and humid days and freezing nights. There has been talk of the division spending the winter on the front or even advancing, since they have made an unusually successful push deep into Precambrian territory. This has resulted in mixed feelings from the troops: some are upset that they won't be pulled back and will freeze to death in the woods, while some are hopeful that their success means that Antediluvia is winning the war.
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Postby Ayreonia » Sat Mar 14, 2015 4:46 pm

Personnel of 2nd Mechanized Infantry Company "Werebear"

HQ -- Werebear
Company commander: Captain Ean Elever (Ayreonia)
Executive officer: Open
Company sergeant major: Staff Sergeant Renard Haienn (Lunas Legion)

1st Platoon -- Werebear One Actual
Platon leader: Lieutenant Kaede Fairbanks-Shinden (Agritum)
Platoon sergeant: Staff Sergeant Edward Hull (Wolfenium)

First squad -- Werebear One Altaflor
Leader: Corporal Seath Stamens (Ayreonia)
Rifleman 1: Levy Emily Falfin (Otulia)
Rifleman 2: Private Uwe von Kalbmann (Cenning)
AT gunner 1: Corporal Lukas Baer (The United Remnants of America)
AT gunner 2: Private Ayden Armstrong (Aquesta)
Marksman: Recruit Artyon Barrisivo (Pan Asian Amercian Coalition)
Support gunner: Private Lilian Skarbeck (The Carlisle)
Medic: Lance Corporal Evardin Drael (Reverend Norv)

Infantry fighting vehicle #1 -- Werebear One Eleanor (attached to Altaflor squad)
Commander: Sergeant Deryn Price (Rupudska)
Driver: Private Alessia Ricce (Ayreonia)
Gunner: Open

Second Squad -- Werebear One Boy
Leader: Sergeant Constand Mulder (Cylarn)
Rifleman 1: Levy Mal Arkey (Oceans Haven)
Rifleman 2: Lance Corporal Michael Carpenter (Fascist Republic of Bermuda)
AT gunner 1: Lance Corporal Jim Jorenus (Zeinbrad)
AT gunner 2: Open
Marksman: Lance Corporal Geert Jelinek (Jeremy Beaver)
Support gunner: Lance Corporal Nikolai Hanson (Altito Asmoro)
Medic: Private Jennifer Anderson (Castle Crashers)

Infantry fighting vehicle #2 -- Werebear One Flower (attached to Boy squad)
Commander: Lieutenant Reginald Cairns (Vancon)
Driver: Levy Ronald Dole (Wolfenium)
Gunner: Open

Third squad -- Werebear One Cravis
Leader: Sergeant Maximilien Julian Von Oorburg (The Carlisle)
Rifleman 1: Private Alrick zu Heltzer (Mincaldenteans)
Rifleman 2: Corporal Fredrick Freers (Romic)
AT gunner 1: Open
AT gunner 2: Open
Marksman: Private Samuel Patrick (The GAmetopians)
Support gunner: Private Chizuru Kazama (TriStates)
Medic: Corporal Ryuu Yamagoto (TriStates)

Infantry fighting vehicle #3 -- Werebear One Godfrey (attached to Cravis squad)
Commander: Open
Driver: Open
Gunner: Open

Mortar section -- Werebear One Duke
Mortar operator: Private Amalia Smed (The Carlisle)

Mortar section carrier -- Werebear One Honora (attached to Duke squad)
Driver: Private Wymond Dalca (Nature-Spirits)
Last edited by Ayreonia on Mon Mar 23, 2015 3:53 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Postby Ayreonia » Sat Mar 14, 2015 4:46 pm

See above.
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Postby Ayreonia » Sat Mar 14, 2015 4:47 pm

The shit has been reserved out of this post.
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Postby Rupudska » Sat Mar 14, 2015 4:56 pm

The time has come, and so have I.
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On Karlsland Witch Doctrine:
Hladgos wrote:Scantly clad women, more like tanks
seem to be blowing up everyones banks
with airstrikes from girls with wings to their knees
which show a bit more than just their panties

Questers wrote:
Rupudska wrote:So do you fight with AK-47s or something even more primitive? Since I doubt any economy could reasonably sustain itself that way.
Presumably they use advanced technology like STRIKE WITCHES

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Postby Zeinbrad » Sat Mar 14, 2015 4:58 pm

Rupudska wrote:The time has come, and so have I.

“There are three ways to ultimate success:
The first way is to be kind.
The second way is to be kind.
The third way is to be kind.”
― Fred Rogers
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Postby Nature-Spirits » Sat Mar 14, 2015 4:58 pm

Hell yeah!
I wear teal, blue & pink for Swith.
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Nightkill the Emperor
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Postby Nightkill the Emperor » Sat Mar 14, 2015 5:01 pm

Rupudska wrote:The time has come, and so have I.

Clean up after yourself.
Hi! I'm Khan, your local misanthropic Indian.
I wear teal, blue & pink for Swith.
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If you want a good rp, read this shit.
Tiami is cool.
Nat: Night's always in some bizarre state somewhere between "intoxicated enough to kill a hair metal lead singer" and "annoying Mormon missionary sober".

Swith: It's because you're so awesome. God himself refreshes the screen before he types just to see if Nightkill has written anything while he was off somewhere else.

Monfrox wrote:
The balkens wrote:
# went there....

It's Nightkill. He's been there so long he rents out rooms to other people at a flat rate, but demands cash up front.

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Postby Zeinbrad » Sat Mar 14, 2015 5:08 pm

" During interrogation, the loader burst into flame and burned to death."

I want to know why only the loader died a horrible death and the three others and why the enemy would make him go out in such a metal way and not just blowing his brains out with magic or crushing his neck with magic?

But most importantly. Why only the loader?
“There are three ways to ultimate success:
The first way is to be kind.
The second way is to be kind.
The third way is to be kind.”
― Fred Rogers
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Postby Vancon » Sat Mar 14, 2015 5:12 pm

Colour me interested.
Mike the Progressive wrote:You know I don't say this often, but this guy... he gets it. Like everything. As in he gets life.

Imperializt Russia wrote:
The balkens wrote:Please tell me that condoms and Hazelnut spread are NOT on the same table.

Well what the fuck do you use for lube?

Krazakistan wrote:How have you not died after being exposed to that much shit on a monthly basis?
Rupudska wrote:I avoid NSG like one would avoid ISIS-occupied Syria.
Alimeria- wrote:I'll go to sleep when I want to, not when some cheese-eating surrender monkey tells me to.

Which just so happens to be within the next half-hour

Shyluz wrote:Van, Sci-fi Generallisimo

U18 2nd Cutest NS'er 2015
Best Role Play - Science Fiction 2015: Athena Program

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Pan Asian Amercian Coalition
Posts: 1209
Founded: Jun 01, 2013

Postby Pan Asian Amercian Coalition » Sat Mar 14, 2015 5:52 pm

I was wondering when this was going to come back. Consider me on board.
"Scientia viam libertatis "...................................................................................... ///I take my realism with cream and sugar///
MT/Near Future. Mechs, Railguns, Jet VTOLs, Etc.
Factbook under construction. Nat'l Anthem
Humanist Demi-Socialist Technocractic Militant Democracy. Quite a mouthfull, ain't it?
The End of Oil.------Tank otaku. Panzer is my passion!
XCOM Alphabet
Rupudska wrote:
Pan Asian Amercian Coalition wrote:Nice to see that this is back.

You are impressively slow.

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Posts: 6157
Founded: Jan 21, 2010

Postby Ayreonia » Sat Mar 14, 2015 5:53 pm

Zeinbrad wrote:" During interrogation, the loader burst into flame and burned to death."

I want to know why only the loader died a horrible death and the three others and why the enemy would make him go out in such a metal way and not just blowing his brains out with magic or crushing his neck with magic?

But most importantly. Why only the loader?

Not all questions were made to be answered.
Images likely to cause widespread offense, such as the swastika, are not permitted as national flags. Please see the One-Stop Rules Shop ("Acceptable Flag Policy").

Photoshopped birds flipping the bird not acceptable.

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Postmaster of the Fleet
Posts: 22161
Founded: May 09, 2011

Postby Agritum » Sat Mar 14, 2015 6:16 pm

At ease. Sit down. What's your name? Kaede Fairbanks-Shinden.
How old are you, <name>? 24.

What rank do you hold in His Majesty's army? Lieutenant.
How long have you been serving, <rank>? Eight months, after five years of Military Academy.
What is your civilian occupation? I'm a military academy graduate, and professional soldier.
Do you or members of your family hold nobility, titles or land? I'm the holder of a Knighthood, like the rest of my family. We own an adequate amount of land.

Thank you. Now, if you have wishes pertaining to your role, please list three in order of preference. What job you want, is what I'm asking. Platoon Leader. I'm open to taking up other field leadership roles as needed.
Right. Would you prefer serving in a certain platoon/squad? No, thank you. I prefer to let my superiors decide.

Thank you, <rank, name>. Drop that medical record by the nurse's office, and we'll call you when your unit is formed. Welcome to 4th Armored, soldier.

The medical record is just a bullshit excuse for asking about the following:
Personality & traits and habits: After examinations and tests, Lt. Fairbanks-Shinden exhibited a stable psychological and physical profile. Academic records describe her as a good student and particularly willful junior officer, with a particular interest in CQC tactics and active field leadership. During war games, she was noted as being particularly adept at planning infantry charges and offensive manuevers.

During an interview, Shinden described herself as a staunch supporter of the monarchy and the armed forces, but expressed firm apoliticism when it came to other political and governmental matters. The Lieutenant expressed a strong belief in loyalty to superiors and sworn lords, honourable conduct on the battlefield and "lead by example" style of leadership.

On a more personal note, Shinden affirmed a particular love for collecting antique weapons and assorted militaria, and bringing some of them on the battlefield as "morale boosters". The Lieutenant admitted to a particular interest in bladed weapons, and an habit to bring her ceremonial parade sword on the field.

Shinden is clearly a fairly sociable albeit quiet minded person. Regardless, she doesn't appear particularly challenged by verbal exchanges with superiors and other commanding officers. Shinden appears to be fundamentally aromantical to a degree.

Will add bio tomorrow, because yes. I must also explain her...heritage.

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The Enclave Government
Posts: 4522
Founded: Jan 24, 2014

Postby The Enclave Government » Sat Mar 14, 2015 6:28 pm

At ease. Sit down. What's your name? Ryan R Revan
How old are you, 43

What rank do you hold in His Majesty's army? Seargent.
How long have you been serving, Seargent? 13 Years /b]
[b]What is your civilian occupation? Intelligence Agent.

Do you or members of your family hold nobility, titles or land? Revan is formally known as Lord Revan, he is a member of a off-shoot branch of His Majesty.

Thank you. Now, if you have wishes pertaining to your role, please list three in order of preference. What job you want, is what I'm asking. Company Officer, Executive Officer, Platoon Leader.
Right. Would you prefer serving in a certain platoon/squad?Not particularly.

Thank you, Seargent Revan. Drop that medical record by the nurse's office, and we'll call you when your unit is formed. Welcome to 4th Armored, soldier.

The medical record is just a bullshit excuse for asking about the following:
Personality & traits and habits:Revan is aloof, quiet, smart, persuasive, basically the CO troops really want but never get.

(right now he's a seargent but wants to get a rankup)
Last edited by The Enclave Government on Sat Mar 14, 2015 6:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Ifreann wrote:Natural law is what people call it when they want to believe that their personal views are actually the deep truth of the universe.

Resident of South Carolina. Apparently I'm a democratic socialist. Social liberal, fiscal liberal, foreign policy neocon. Pro America / Europe / Western Civilization / Secular Government / Regulated Capitalism. Neutral with regards to Russia / Communism. Anti China / Unrestricted Capitalism / Isolationism.

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Posts: 340
Founded: Dec 08, 2014

Postby Otulia » Sat Mar 14, 2015 6:40 pm

At ease. Sit down. What's your name? Um... Emily Falfin
How old are you, <name>? 16? I'm not sure, we don't celebrate it...

What rank do you hold in His Majesty's army? I was told I was a Levy, sir...
How long have you been serving, <rank>? They pulled me from school this afternoon and put me on a bus here, so a few hours, maybe?
What is your civilian occupation? Student? I worked a part time shift at the local grocery store, though I'm not sure that counts.
Do you or members of your family hold nobility, titles or land? Hah! If we did, do you think they would've dragged me out of here?

Thank you. Now, if you have wishes pertaining to your role, please list three in order of preference. What job you want, is what I'm asking. I don't really know. Infantryperson, perhaps?
Right. Would you prefer serving in a certain platoon/squad? I don't know any, so it doesn't matter to me.

Thank you, <rank, name>. Drop that medical record by the nurse's office, and we'll call you when your unit is formed. Welcome to 4th Armored, soldier.

The medical record is just a bullshit excuse for asking about the following:
Sex/Gender: Female
Appearance: Very short, slim frame, blond hair, green eyes, and reasonably well-shaped
Personality & traits and habits: Insecure, anxious, sarcastic, tends to have nightmares and scream

"If you're going through hell, keep going." -Winston Churchill
Basically, a medium-sized country of 81 million with dozens of different sapient beings trying to figure out how to live with each other, including dragons, ponies, humans, and changelings. Also, very liberal, laid-back, and mildly militarist in terms of foreign military intervention.

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The Tophat Empire
Posts: 4825
Founded: Sep 26, 2014

Postby The Tophat Empire » Sat Mar 14, 2015 6:54 pm

At ease. Sit down. What's your name? Wiking Björsson
How old are you, Wiking? 32

What rank do you hold in His Majesty's army? Captain
How long have you been serving, Captain ? 3 years in active service
What is your civilian occupation? Reserve trooper(i suppose that it is called the national guard in the US?) Baron(taking care of the land, houses and whatever else)
Do you or members of your family hold nobility, titles or land? I am a Baron, and the current heir to the lands, titles and others that my father control/have

Thank you. Now, if you have wishes pertaining to your role, please list three in order of preference. What job you want, is what I'm asking. Executive officer, Vehicle commander or Platoon sergeant
Right. Would you prefer serving in a certain platoon/squad? negative

Thank you, Captain , Wiking. Drop that medical record by the nurse's office, and we'll call you when your unit is formed. Welcome to 4th Armored, soldier.

The medical record is just a bullshit excuse for asking about the following:
Sex/Gender: Male
Appearance: there we go
Personality & traits and habits:

"A stable, cold, calculated mind" those are the words that the psychological report for Wiking starts with, He showed a good leadership role during training, able to act with a cool head head at all times, and when the situation dictated, act on his own accord. This do not mean that he dislikes to socialize with his men, quiet the contrary, by interacting with his men he hopes to gain there trust, more then just as there Co. As he in realty do care quiet allot for the men and women under his command, he just rarly show it. Something he will not accept however is Disloyalty, and failure to comply with orders. He rarely shows emotions, this has lead to several incidents with other cadets during training. He also enjoys Fencing, books and Tea(Earl Grey being the favorite)

If you want more text, just say the word =)
Last edited by The Tophat Empire on Sat Mar 14, 2015 7:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.
FT, but roam where i please
It does not reflect my real life world political views, which are considerably less authoritarian and more moderate
Refer to my factbook for canon, it´s however out of date, and badly written. So take it with a grain of salt

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Postmaster of the Fleet
Posts: 29535
Founded: Jun 04, 2012

Postby Zeinbrad » Sat Mar 14, 2015 6:56 pm

At ease. Sit down. What's your name? Jim Jorenus, Bastard Son of Jill and James of The Gentlemen's Brothel on Downing Street,Oorburg. Also known as that fucking bastard with the miner tattoo.
How old are you, Jorenus?

What rank do you hold in His Majesty's army? Lance Corporal Bloody honored, no really, I am,swear on me mum.
How long have you been serving,Lance Corporal? Five years by my count.
What is your civilian occupation?Miner and handsome bastard.
Do you or members of your family hold nobility, titles or land? Not that I know of, mind checking for me laddie?

Thank you. Now, if you have wishes pertaining to your role, please list three in order of preference. What job you want, is what I'm asking. AT Gunner, blowing things up is my specialty. In more ways then one, lass.
Right. Would you prefer serving in a certain platoon/squad? The one were I get to shot stuff.

Thank you, <rank, name>. Drop that medical record by the nurse's office, and we'll call you when your unit is formed. Welcome to 4th Armored, soldier.

The medical record is just a bullshit excuse for asking about the following:
Sex/Gender: Looking down and with my bachelors degree in bullshity and masters in not dying, I can say with professional certainty I am in fact male.
Appearance: Jim is a bull of man who is muscle and more muscle due to working in the mines of Oorburg, through do make the mistake of underestimating his intelligence. Jim has spent years on the streets of Oorburg well below the poverty level with no father and a mother under the leash of her 'boss' (Note-Jim has called this man many things, including-sicko, sadist, bimbo maker 9000, money grubbing pig eating slob on downing streets and other not so nice words.). Jim also has a miner tattoo giving to him in his miners days as a sign that he belonged to a clan of miners most of them having the same story has him.
Personality & traits and habits: Jim in his own words is a drunk bastard with a hatred for nobility and love for striking stuff with the end of his fist. He likes drinking and because he grew up in the slums of Oorburg, knows how to handle himself in a fight of varying capacity. Through he has sworn he has never done any drugs but did admit he does have a minor criminal record. It is hard to tell once you are considered a friend of Jim, as he is a known liar and cheat and comes from a background of backstabbing. This leads to Jim often faking a smile or faking to be distracted which has led to making broken noses by people trying to prank him.

Jim can be found at his quarters drinking if allowed or playing cards with his mates. He also likes knife throwing and carving.

Question-Is the Slammer rockets like a LAW or something like the AT4?
“There are three ways to ultimate success:
The first way is to be kind.
The second way is to be kind.
The third way is to be kind.”
― Fred Rogers
Currently looking for an artist for a Star Wars fan comic I want to make.

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Castle Crashers
Post Marshal
Posts: 15420
Founded: Jan 08, 2015

Postby Castle Crashers » Sat Mar 14, 2015 10:28 pm

Equalsun Empire is my spirit animal.
Feel free to follow my Tumblr to view my art!! ^^ SwankyPankeroni
Trace and Charli are my besties! ^-^
Personal Navigator of Tracian Empire!
*throws in cool nicknames for other NSers* (/ouo)/*.*.*

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The Tophat Empire
Posts: 4825
Founded: Sep 26, 2014

Postby The Tophat Empire » Sun Mar 15, 2015 1:26 am

Castle Crashers wrote:Tagged.

well, well, well, hello there CC :p
Last edited by The Tophat Empire on Sun Mar 15, 2015 1:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
FT, but roam where i please
It does not reflect my real life world political views, which are considerably less authoritarian and more moderate
Refer to my factbook for canon, it´s however out of date, and badly written. So take it with a grain of salt

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Postmaster of the Fleet
Posts: 20698
Founded: Sep 16, 2010
Scandinavian Liberal Paradise

Postby Rupudska » Sun Mar 15, 2015 3:25 am

At ease. Sit down. What's your name? Deryn Price.
How old are you, Miss Price? Twenty-six years old.

What rank do you hold in His Majesty's army? Sergeant.
How long have you been serving, sergeant? Eight years,
What is your civilian occupation? I'm a bodyguard-for-hire for various nobles back home in Blackroke.
Do you or members of your family hold nobility, titles or land? *self-depreciating laughter*

Thank you. Now, if you have wishes pertaining to your role, please list three in order of preference. What job you want, is what I'm asking. Tank commander
would be the best for me. Or mobile artillery. Or a fire controller, if you can't find a tank to put me in.
Right. Would you prefer serving in a certain platoon/squad? Isn't that your job?

Thank you, Sergeant Price. Drop that medical record by the nurse's office, and we'll call you when your unit is formed. Welcome to 4th Armored, soldier.

The medical record is just a bullshit excuse for asking about the following:
Sex/Gender: Female
Appearance: link
Personality & traits and habits: "Miss Price comes off immediately as sarcastic. Incredibly so, with an incredibly dry sense of humour that on occasion dips into
black (or gallows) humour. However, she seems amiable enough, though I shudder to imagine her behaviour around someone who she wouldn't like. Of extra note is
her rather *ahem* colourful choice of language.
The Holy Roman Empire of Karlsland (MT/FanT & FT/FanT)
THE Strike Witches NationState | Retired King of P2TM
Best thread ever.
MT Factbook/FT Factbook|Embassy|Q&A
On Karlsland Witch Doctrine:
Hladgos wrote:Scantly clad women, more like tanks
seem to be blowing up everyones banks
with airstrikes from girls with wings to their knees
which show a bit more than just their panties

Questers wrote:
Rupudska wrote:So do you fight with AK-47s or something even more primitive? Since I doubt any economy could reasonably sustain itself that way.
Presumably they use advanced technology like STRIKE WITCHES

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Reverend Norv
Posts: 3843
Founded: Jun 20, 2014
New York Times Democracy

Postby Reverend Norv » Sun Mar 15, 2015 5:06 am

Are there any objections to my just bringing Evardin back? He was a very interesting character with whom I did not get to do nearly enough.
For really, I think that the poorest he that is in England hath a life to live as the greatest he. And therefore truly, Sir, I think it's clear that every man that is to live under a Government ought first by his own consent to put himself under that Government. And I do think that the poorest man in England is not at all bound in a strict sense to that Government that he hath not had a voice to put himself under.
Col. Thomas Rainsborough, Putney Debates, 1647

A God who let us prove His existence would be an idol.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

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Altito Asmoro
Post Czar
Posts: 33371
Founded: May 18, 2012

Postby Altito Asmoro » Sun Mar 15, 2015 5:25 am

At ease. Sit down. What's your name? Nikolai Hanson, sir.
How old are you, <Mr. Hanson>? 28, sir.

What rank do you hold in His Majesty's army? Lance Corporal.
How long have you been serving, <Lance Corporal Hanson>? 8 years, sir. It was a hard 8 years.
What is your civilian occupation? Bouncer, although it's more of an armed guard and less of an unarmed bouncer, at that expensive restaurant. The one where Nobles usually come to, the King's, that's the name of the restaurant. At the capital, sir. You might had heard about it.
Do you or members of your family hold nobility, titles or land? It's said that my ancestors were, before given all of its when they died and have no sons to success them, only daughters. Now? Nothing.

Thank you. Now, if you have wishes pertaining to your role, please list three in order of preference. What job you want, is what I'm asking. Support gunner, I spent 4 years of my life as soldier as support gunner, although for the first 4 years I was a driver. So it can be as Support Gunner, or a Driver.
Right. Would you prefer serving in a certain platoon/squad? Nah, sir. As long as I serve my country well, any platoon/squad is enough. Just not the one with losers in it.

Thank you, <Lance Corporal, Nikolai Hanson>. Drop that medical record by the nurse's office, and we'll call you when your unit is formed. Welcome to 4th Armored, soldier.

The medical record is just a bullshit excuse for asking about the following:
Sex/Gender: Male
Appearance: My photo
Personality & traits and habits: He's cynical, sarcastic, and a loner. A moody as well, but very hard-working person. He has the hobbies of being nice with other people, but he's kind of an introvert man, so he never really have a large circle of friends, so to speak. He's very loyal to the nation and it's implied that he has the loyalty to the nation and its cause, but not to the armed forces, causing a bit of conflicts with other cadets during training, but as of now, it's more or less not very frequent conflicts. He's good at supporting friends, but not at leading them.
Last edited by Altito Asmoro on Mon Mar 16, 2015 7:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Stormwrath wrote:
Altito Asmoro wrote:You people can call me...AA. Or Alt.
Or Tito.

I'm calling you "non-aligned comrade."

A proud Nationalist
Winner for Best War RP of 2016

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Posts: 6157
Founded: Jan 21, 2010

Postby Ayreonia » Sun Mar 15, 2015 5:29 am

Reverend Norv wrote:Are there any objections to my just bringing Evardin back? He was a very interesting character with whom I did not get to do nearly enough.

I liked him myself. Go right ahead.
Images likely to cause widespread offense, such as the swastika, are not permitted as national flags. Please see the One-Stop Rules Shop ("Acceptable Flag Policy").

Photoshopped birds flipping the bird not acceptable.

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Altito Asmoro
Post Czar
Posts: 33371
Founded: May 18, 2012

Postby Altito Asmoro » Sun Mar 15, 2015 5:31 am

Ayreonia wrote:
Reverend Norv wrote:Are there any objections to my just bringing Evardin back? He was a very interesting character with whom I did not get to do nearly enough.

I liked him myself. Go right ahead.

Are we actually allowed to bring our old characters back?
Stormwrath wrote:
Altito Asmoro wrote:You people can call me...AA. Or Alt.
Or Tito.

I'm calling you "non-aligned comrade."

A proud Nationalist
Winner for Best War RP of 2016

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Posts: 6157
Founded: Jan 21, 2010

Postby Ayreonia » Sun Mar 15, 2015 5:33 am

Altito Asmoro wrote:
Ayreonia wrote:I liked him myself. Go right ahead.

Are we actually allowed to bring our old characters back?

Of course. This is a reboot, so the first try at this never happened, so to speak.
Images likely to cause widespread offense, such as the swastika, are not permitted as national flags. Please see the One-Stop Rules Shop ("Acceptable Flag Policy").

Photoshopped birds flipping the bird not acceptable.



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