Gratitude Paid Through Crusade [IC-Semi-OPEN/KY-MT]

A staging-point for declarations of war and other major diplomatic events. [In character]
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Common Territories
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Founded: Nov 08, 2011
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Gratitude Paid Through Crusade [IC-Semi-OPEN/KY-MT]

Postby Common Territories » Tue Dec 19, 2023 1:08 am

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." - Ephesians 6:12

[OOC Thread]

For centuries the Crusade has rested - licking its wounds inflicted upon it half a millennia ago. Only in modern times has the Holy Duchy of Luttenried, a Stem Duchy of The Empire of Common Territories, remembered its true calling. Crusade. Bathed in the blood of pagan heretics, the Luttenried Order once thrived on battlefields against the enemies of God & Empire. Even as the Order was handed the reigns over a foreign land, Crusade had not vanished from the Order's modus operandi. But in their greedy haste, failure upended their grand aspirations. Those wounds left scars, scars that told many horrific stories and taught lessons learned first-hand on the battlefields against the Musgorocia Coalition and United-Islands Mujahideen Front. Lessons learned would be put to the test half a millennia later in the Bourgougian Blitz where Luttenried put theory into practice. Rebirthing the Holy Marquess of Klingewalde was proof Luttenried had not forgotten nor truly let go of its aspirations of reclaiming what had once been theirs. Luttenried had not truly forgotten the Crusade.

Luttenried presently found itself in a cauldron ready to boil over. For more than a decade Luttenried, and the Empire by extension, warmed up to its chief ally in the Kali Yuga region, the Holy Empire of Nifon. Not only were they members of the same international organizations, Luttenried and Nifon separately held close military, political, and economic ties. It was no understatement to say that in the other's eyes, their neighbor across the Southern Furukuran Sea was their closest ally. Even so, the two, especially Luttenried, viewed the other as an adversary requiring close attention and stiff competition. Nifon spent every opportunity to expand its influence across the globe with Luttenried/Imperial support every step of the way, even as their actions began to encroach on Luttenried interests. Meanwhile Luttenried slumbered, waiting for perfect opportunities to strike certain success. First of their many perceived offenses towards the Holy Duchy, Nifon considered the island nations to its south and Luttenried's west part of Nifon's sphere of influence. Nifonese SOI is guarded fiercely, even in the face of an ally like Luttenried. Equally so within the Empire too, with Luttenried and the Empire at whole defending its territory with fierce bravado. To prevent future hostilities the two sides agreed to divide their influence along a parallel splitting the islands metaphorically in half lengthwise; while the Nifonese controlled what was north of these islands, the Luttens would hold the same authority south of them. Soon the islands themselves became a de-facto buffer zone, even as joint patrols in the other's waters became a norm under mutual defense agreements. Nifon's second offense violated this agreement by establishing a naval base in Potomiak, an ancient muslim enemy to the Luttens during the Crusade located within the island chain. Potomial wasn't the end of Nifon's activities south of the parallel neither. Their continued crossing of the boundary in the far-west saw no end, hopscotching from influencing Potomiak politics, controlling Palmyrion affairs, and even as far west as Rookanse where Nifonese military bases can be found. In recent affairs, the Eulabian-Angeland joint naval exercises initially drew Luttenried and Nifon closer due to an encroaching invader, but suddenly this affair resulted in a complete reversal that put the two nation's alliance to its greatest test since their alliance was formally signed nearly a decade ago. In the end the exercises were moved away from the two allies, but as part of the deal Nifon clearly leapfrogged over its ally in order to score significant profit from its ally's distress. Unlike their ally, Luttenried walked away with assurances and safeguarded future relationship with EAN. Nifon on the other hand gained a new economic partner, military guarantees, and a political marriage destined to throw the alliance between the two into total disarray. To Nifon the marriage secured an interest in EAN politics along with assurances for future cooperation. In the eyes of many Luttens, including the Holy Duke, Nifon just secured a puppet state flanking the Holy Duchy's southeast, totally ignoring previous agreements and now surrounding the Holy Duchy on all sides. To resolve these differences, a meeting must take place as soon as possible, or the damage will grow so large that the two may never be truly friends again. Luttenried has shown its loyalty to its ally more times than it can count. It is time to repay that loyalty, or to walk away for good...

Meanwhile, across the Luttenried-Bourgougia Straight lay one of Luttenried's most despised enemies in this world. It was not muslims like those to the west, nor the degenerate demons Palmyrion & Kesselerstaadt even further west. Not even the old Musgorocia Coalition members were this loathed, Bourgougia included. Free Thouthen is the name of the state those whom conquered it now call the nation they occupy. A Failed State doesn't even begin to describe the horrors of this nation is going through. A once proud people conquered by the forces of Satan himself - the antithesis of the Holy Duchy of Luttenried. Demons walk the land proclaiming diversity and inclusion, social justice and anti-bigotry, moral depravity and selfish desire at its purest. Once a welcoming left leaning democracy, Thouthen fell many years ago into authoritarian dictatorship led by the various peoples they welcomed into its borders. Its regime, backed by the former nation's assets internationally and rouge gangs domestically, is lead by an increasingly racist, homicidal, ethno-racial ilk hellbent on "diversifying" the country by any means necessary. "Social Justice" will be achieved no matter what, or so they say. With vast debt accumulating and more debt ceilings broken yearly, Free Thouthen's economy is in total free-fall year-round. The regime is forced to take more radical action day-by-day in order to maintain both its political agendas and retain its firm grip on power. Thouthen's former white majority, now a minority in their own homeland, have been persecuted every step of the way to make this nightmare on Earth possible. To the regime, white people are the devil. Humanity's source of evil is born in white DNA they claim. However, these social justice policies are beginning to wane on the nation, distracting less and less people by the day. Free Thouthen's wealth is running dangerously low and its people restless for what is to come. Rumor has it that as usual the powers that be will blame the native white population once more for their government's many failures, using their suffering to reinforce their grip on power for another year. But how far are they willing to go before enough is enough? What next does the regime in control of Free Thouthen have planned for its white population and the country as a whole?

Holy March of Hachborn, Holy Dukedom of Luttenried

Hachborn was a relatively quiet yet tense region of the Holy Duchy. Once a mixture of Furukuran and Muslim cultures, the islands were conquered by Luttenried in 1513 during the Luttenried Crusade from Muslim rulers in the region whom relied heavily on their larger western counterparts for help. Although not part of any specific state, the kingdoms of Damar and Alor were essentially their caretakers, whom in return used the islands as a makeshift buffer zone between northern and eastern cultures looking to island hop. After their fall to Crusader forces and the eventual invasion of the Muslim kingdoms the following year, Rupert Utz Hachborn, one of Günther Von Grimmelshausen lieutenants, was promoted to Marquess by recommendation and given the island chain to govern militarily for the time being. Given the task to cleanse the islands of heretic remnants and build support networks, Rupert was also tasked with developing the islands militarily as a major logistics hub for Crusader forces in the west; almost every trade or supply vessel heading to or from Luttenried passed through Hachborn's March. By 1530 the Crusade in the west was essentially lost, leaving only Hachborn's March as the sole barrier between the bloodthirsty Muslim Jihad and Luttenried itself. Stories of Rupert's desperate yet brave defense of his islands are still told to this day - to modern Luttens the name Hachborn is recognized as one of Luttenried's greatest Crusader heroes. Of the many naval skirmishes surrounding the islands, most ended in Jihadist victory considering both Imperial and Holy Duchy naval forces in Kali Yuga had been decimated by this point during the Luttenried Crusade(s). Several landings were conducted but no matter who won the results were always horrific. Each attempt to raid the islands ended with heavy bloodshed, with islands lost and retaken within days of each other. The greatest battle ever fought in the March happened on Hachborn Island itself. In a desperate attempt to break the stalwart defense thus far, the United Islands Mujahideen Front launched a vicious siege of Hachborn Island, surrounding even the capital city by land and sea at certain points. Although the ships could not approach the city too closely for fear of cannon fire, their workaround was landing troops away from the city's reach and attacking any vessel daring to break the blockade. What proceeded was a month-long battle that saw Rupert himself lead a daring night raid against the Muslim army's camp, annihilating nearly twenty thousand Jihadists by morning. Although its founding was indeed bloody, the Hachborn Marquess' defense of its islands allowed for the continuation of its story.

Following the Crusade, Hachborn continued to sporadically experience battles on-and-off until the Muslim states eventually gave up on retaking the islands for the time being. That said, the pirates that infest the region never tired of trying to capture Luttenried/Imperial shipping, and their dream of raiding the islands themselves is a constant fear all Luttens on the island share. Of course this fear meant the Marquess needed a strong military to defend itself even when the Holy Duchy or Empire were less than a day's trip away. To that end Marquess Rupert invested his land's wealth in continuing the development of logistics hubs and port facilities on every island. By the time of his death, the Hachborn Marquess had the most capable navy among the Marquess' and it had become a valuable commerce hub for traders traveling through the Holy Duchy. It was this commerce focus that brought vast wealth to the Hachborn Marquess as well as the Holy Duchy. That and killing muslim pirates which earned the Marquess a sizeable bounty each time for doing so - the tables had drastically turned against the muslims when it came to daring raids. In today's economy the Hachborn Marquess plays an important role for the Holy Duchy, acting as the intermediary between Luttenried and its northern ally Nifon. As the border between the Holy Duchy/Empire and the Muslim States to the west, Hachborn plays an important role as vigilant defender of the naval borders between the two. Although serious skirmishes haven't occurred in recent years, the risks of them happening aren't improbable as piracy in the region continues to spiral out of control. As the site of major military bases too, Hachborn plays a vital role in logistics for both the Holy Duchy and the Empire.

It was these quaint and serene islands that were chosen to be the meeting place for one of Kali Yuga's most secretive yet important talks in recent history. The Holy Duke had just conducted an official visit of the islands the week prior alongside some of his staff and the Holy Duchy's Viceroy. There they inspected the domestic and security situation of the islands, touring the communities and military bases to show both support and investigate any shortcomings that could be fixed. It was a nice PR event and inspection of the territory according to the Holy Duke himself whom returned to regular duties in the capital Wilhelmshaven after the week long scheduled visit. Except one thing of course. The Holy Duke had not actually left the Hachborn March nor had some of his staff. Although he was viewed leaving in his personal plane, he left in disguise promptly before the jet took off. As for the interview, it was filmed all within a closed off room so no one could make assumptions of his actual location. Why the secrecy? Because the tour wasn't actually the main purpose of the visit.

Weeks prior to the present situation, officials (including the Holy Duke) were alarmed - or better described as upset - by the news of a Nifonese political marriage between the Queen of Angeland and Nifon's next Shogun, Shogun Kojiro's heir. Even before the news went public, officials within the Holy Duchy were lamenting the decision for its stark consequences. While some didn't care for the obvious political nature of the news, others within the Holy Duchy's leadership did. The less worried (or those in denial) were claiming the marriage was merely a show to tie the two sides together - a propped-up wedding used for deescalation. Only Queens of Angeland held authority after all. EAN still remained as the nation's overlord too, so there's no room for Nifon to climb the pyramid they're surely constructing. Surely the two have an agreement on which child could or could not succeed their parents, right? Well many within Luttenried's leadership were less enthusiastic about these prospects, or were downright furious with the marriage altogether. To all those whom were meek about the marriage, the reply was simple: "What happens in fifty years from now?" A simple question that in this context became drastic. "Fifty years from now Nifon's new Shogun supports his sister's rejection of EAN authority over her domain, instead opting to become an official satellite of Nifon." That reality is not only probable but likely the plan knowing how Nifon's ruling aristocracy is like. Why does that matter? In fact, why did any of this matter? A series of deals between Nifon and Luttenried were agreed upon in order to refrain from encroaching on the other's sphere of influence - agreements that prevented future wars. One of these deals was splitting the hemisphere in half, dictating whom can actively flex their influence on entities within. Nifon was promised north of the Muslim states and the mainland itself while Luttenried promised the south along with Musgorocia. Although both were welcomed into the other's domain, such as during joint patrols and commerce, those activities had to be approved by both sides in order to happen. This is where the conflict of the marriage comes into focus. While Nifon may not see the marriage in the same light as Luttenried, those within the Holy Duchy see this as a gross overstep to agreed upon terms of the Nifonese by acquiring a vassal just off the Holy Duchy's south-east. Nifon was a rival even though it was an ally on paper. Suddenly gaining a new vassal off their coast, well beyond their boundaries, was essentially parking an entire army on the continent's south-eastern flank.

Holy Duke Friedhelm von Luttenried was probably the first person to be enraged by the news. Although word is hush, rumors among even the highest nobleman say his office required redecoration after he lost control of his burning rage. Such rumors are often made up by political enemies since the Holy Duke is known to be very calm and thus most dismiss such rumors, but if even the higher ranked nobles believe it, it's impossible to not believe some merits to this rumor. Higher ranking nobles among the Holy Duke's personal council are split on the marriage, as are the nobles of the lower realms and the Luttenried Diet. While some will argue this event changes nothing, others on the contrary believe Nifon has crossed a red line this time. What was once a mere political wedding designed for deescalation with EAN was now the cause of escalation within the Holy Duchy. Many of Nifon's actions in the past that angered the Holy Duchy had little merit to cause an uproar, but this was the last straw. The most conservative of the voices in power call for war preparations. "Angeland must not fall to the Nifonese no matter what happens - the agreement made with EAN be damned! EAN along with Nifon violated the agreement first!" Meanwhile the most radical and pro-war factions in positions of power call outright for war, even if it means fighting the Nifonese and enraging the Empire as a result. "EAN violated their agreement by selling their dominion to Nifon, thereby aiding in the Nifonese in violating their commitments to recognizing our sphere of influence. It was not us whom created this tension, it was them. If it was war they're preparing for, then we should bring it to them as the good neighbors that we are."

In the wake of the marriage announcement, Luttenried's Armed Forces Ministry announced it would begin shifting forces to its south-eastern flank in response to "advances made by international bodies rivaling Luttenried on her doorstep." It was reported to the press days later that by order of the Holy Duke himself, the Luttenried Maritime Forces would begin development projects for two naval bases within the vicinity of Kulmain using pre-existing naval stations previously used by Maritime Coast Guard units. According to Ministry staff, the stations will be greatly expanded with more coastal and inland facilities in order to compliment additional large warships along with air and marine units. The Holy Duchy Air Force is also slated to expand one of its air bases near the city of Waldsteig in order to station additional air assets. News of these development projects were allowed to air with the subsequent press release from the Armed Forces Ministry that Luttenried would be stationing for the foreseeable future at least one Battlecruiser Group along with two combat aircraft wings from the Maritime Forces and Air Force to the southeastern coast of the Holy Duchy. Although not specified entirely, the Holy Duchy Maritime Forces stated that marine units would be stationed in the new naval bases along with increasing the number of coast guard units to the theater. Luttenried's Air Force declined to comment on the exact number of aircraft moving to its new base, but stated it would include a mixture of strategic bombers, fighter aircraft, drones, and multiple supporting non-combat aircraft types. If it was not before, the leadership of Angeland were more than likely feeling nervous with such moves being made let alone allowed to be openly reported on by news organizations. As if doing so was meant to be a warning not through words but action. One would call it an open breach of the agreement made with their overlord weeks prior but Luttenried would beg to differ, saying it makes the two now even.

Flash back to the present, cooler heads were finally prevailing with this latest attempt at diplomacy. While most in leadership at the time only saw red, now that the initial anger subsided it was time to allow the diplomats to solve the crisis before their own rage erupted in an unparalleled military conflict with its chief ally while also simultaneously pissing off their own overlord back home. Although the grudge was now seeping into public view intentionally, it wasn't evident that the two sides were actually mad at each other strategically speaking. Rather than making a big show of it, the Holy Duke had the idea of settling the matter quietly once and for all. Thus the order was given to use the back-channel method the two utilized in the past to discreetly contact the other party if the situation was both urgent and needed to be hushed. It was a simple message along with instructions set for the Shogun himself. The personal letter addressed to the Shogun covered in frank terms what the Luttenried stance was on recent events. How for years now the Luttens have been scratching Nifonese backs from recent political conflicts with ICON to the broader economic partnership that favored the Nifonese. A promise, not a threat, was included in the letter: "No more." No more support, no more backing, no more compromises, not until Luttenried received what it had expected to be a fair return for its investment into the relationship. The time had finally come that many within Luttenried's highest authorities looked forward to for years: Collection Day. Simply put, the letter included some... ideas you could say for what Luttenried wanted in return for allowing Nifonese free reign up until now. Territory, better trade deals, rights to resources, a number of options were presented to give the Shogun food for thought while he followed the instructions presented with the personal letter. It was nothing complicated to say the least. The Shogun was requested to meet the Holy Duke face to face on a specified date on the island of Kesfeld within the Hachborn March. An address was listed that would bring him to the Kesfeld Logistics Company's harbor, specifically their main office within the harbor's property. Accompanying the instructions were the code words "Yellow Sun." This code would not only grant the Shogun's transportation entry into country (giving that phrase to traffic handlers and assigning it his plane's callsign allowed him to enter swiftly), they would be treated generously and avoid all possible stops once within Hachborn. Waiting for him there would be the Holy Duke along with certain aids whom could be trusted to not leak anything spoken. All the Shogun had to do was arrive at the designated time and place - simple enough.
Holy March of Hachborn, Holy Dukedom of Luttenried
Kesfeld Logistics Company, Kesfeld Harbor, Kesfeld Islands (Kesfeld Burgravate)

Kesfeld was a well known name in both Luttenried and Nifon due to its significance in the two's relationship. The original Kesfeld was a baron whom served the Holy Duke until he was transferred to the command of Rupert Hachborn during the Luttenried Crusade. Serving as the commanding officer of the northern-most set of islands, Koloman Kesfeld played an important role in defending the islands and using them as a major logistics hub for the Holy Duchy and Empire. After the Crusade, Koloman spent much of his time developing the six islands given to him by investing in major infrastructure projects and building additional port facilities. Although the Kesfeld Islands would see the most development, by time Koloman passed away, all six islands would have major port towns bustling with activity thanks to the increased trade through the region. Today all six islands are major port cities that hold significant value as trade hubs. Why you may ask? Kesfeld are the northern most islands of the Holy Duchy. In fact, Kiefer Island (Luttenried's north-western most island) is roughly the same distance away from Nifonese islands as it is the Kesfeld Islands. Kesfeld is Luttenried's maritime border with Nifon and thus a lot of shipping/air traffic pass through the islands daily just between the two countries alone. Many shipping companies throughout Kali Yuga make pit stops at the islands for fuel and supplies as the islands act as a gateway between Luttenried's sphere of influence and other landmasses on the Holy Duchy's flanks. Five of the islands economically thrive on the logistics/transportation industry while the sixth island (Kiefer Island) is a military island home to only the Maritime Forces and their families. Aside from trade, the people of Kesfeld are sea-faring folk, focusing their energy domestically on fishing, tourism, and other services.

On the southern-most Kesfeld Island lays the Kesfeld Logistics Company, one of Luttenried's largest trading conglomerates that facilitates almost all trade between Luttenried and Nifon. As a company dedicated to logistics, many of the businesses under its control include transportation companies, storage companies, and companies specializing in food and oil logistics/transportation (Nifon's main Luttenried imports). Almost every harbor within the realm was owned by the Kesfeld Brand and obviously the owners of this company were the Kesfeld Family themselves. The collections alone have made their bank accounts swell over the centuries, but the kickbacks and incentives from both the Holy Duchy and Empire leave no doubt in how well-off the Kesfelds are. While the rest of the Kesfeld Islands were dominated by industry parks and port facilities, the southern-most island was home to a larger city and more luxuries given its population size and the fact it was home to many vacation homes of the Luttenried elite. Rather than many busy ports there are large numbers of private docks along with well preserved beaches. Where downtown storage and goods transferring businesses typically sat were hospitality stores and conglomerate headquarter business parks. One could say the island was a tourist magnet while the other islands were industrial hubs. Kesfeld Logistics' own business park served as both a business center and a small port where sensitive materials could be docked under the watchful eyes of the company's security apparatus. It was here that prying eyes were not allowed and anyone dumb enough to violate their non-disclosure agreements found themselves paying off their debt in a penal monastery in the mainland for the rest of their adult lives. Things like uranium, special weapons, technology secrets, and warships sold to overseas buyers would float here for a few days before setting out. Between Kesfeld Security, March Maritime Forces, and Holy Duchy Maritime Forces, the entire property was locked down tighter than the gates of Heaven itself.

The main building of the park was elegant. A combination of western themes along with a gothic church architecture made the building a work of art. Inside one would find the business infrastructure one would expect when visiting a multi-billion Imperial Dollar business. Offices, small warehouses, IT facilities, and much more. Outside was a perimeter filled with a garden interrupted by the employee facility along the way. The main employee facility was where day-to-day staff worked from along with enjoying the perks of their employment. Next to it were the main warehouses, the actual connecting port facility, and of course a luxurious accommodations facility for staff to live, eat, and sleep if they chose to reside in what many called "The Barracks." Kefeld Business Park was described as a mixture of natural beauty and mighty business appeal by many magazines, and with the amount of money spent on the property one would see why. This day-to-day peace was disturbed one day with the arrival of a certain helicopter...

KBP has two helicopter pads, one for business use and the other for the elite officers to quickly travel to and from the property with; since the islands were close, helicopters and planes weren't uncommon to use for wealthy individuals/companies to travel; boats were common too but weren't nearly as quick as a private helicopter. A helicopter suddenly arrived to the complex, taking its time to rotate and land on the executive landing pad attached to the main building. Although many workers would notice this helicopter looked unfamiliar (company helicopters were all the same make and model), it was best not to stare too long and even wiser not to ask questions. Before anyone would even catch a glimpse at the occupants, they were ushered inside to escape prying eyes and howling ocean winds. Although the guides were from Kesfeld Logistics, one could not help but notice the Luttenried Knights escorting the group of men while wearing clandestine clothing to their destination. Security was so tight that not even those whom worked normally in the building were allowed on this floor of the building this day. Eventually the group arrived to a set of doors marked with a plaque indicating it was the meeting room for the chief executives of the company, beside each door was another set of Luttenried Knights armed and standing ready - their outfits left no mistake of whom they were. As the doors swung open with the assistance of the men stationed at the doors, the group took a moment to admire the room before walking in. While large the room felt cozy as well. Facing the exterior of the building, the wall was all glass that revealed the beautiful ocean-side view; one could note the presence of not only security boats bellow, but for some reason Luttenried warships from both the March and Holy Duchy were present too. Dominating the room was an old oak table that had been fashioned with a number of modern conveniences like charging stations and individual work stations. At the table's center floated four screens on the ceiling for sharing items with attendees. The remaining portion of the room was devoted to a rest area where breaks were held. A small kitchen, tables with chairs and couches, and a small fireplace section allowed the executives to enjoy comforts while being locked in the room for much of the day. For those nights where leaving wasn't an option (preference or not), luxury rooms were a doorway nearby for daily use.

In a seat facing the doors to the room sat a man familiar to most within Luttenried. His attire radiated wealth and power, his face might and determination. While dressed in a formal military suit befitting a noble, the presence of religious garbs over it signified religious authority. A dazzling green and gold theme, the outfit was also adorned with medals, ribbons, and decorations befitting someone of high status. Before one could notice his long beard and well cut hair they'd notice his piercing gaze. His green eyes were that of not a man but a calculating beast. It was as if a lion had adorned royal garb and proclaimed himself king. So while the man's attire exuded higher authority, the man himself radiated willpower through his presence alone. This man was Friedhelm von Luttenried, aka the "Lionheart of Luttenried," Holy Duke of the Luttenried Holy Dukedom.

Left of the Holy Duke was Markus Löwe, Viceroy of Luttenried. While technically not above the Holy Duke, his position as chief representative of the Emperor made him a force to be respected even for the Holy Duke. Dressed in a basic (if not wealthy) black suit, the man had little presence. Not of any noble birth, his appearance was also basic. Brown hair, blue eyes, clean shaven, there was hardly anything memorable about the man. Nonetheless, a powerful aura surrounded the man. It was as if you didn't want to be on his bad side but didn't care to get close either - a force of nature one must avoid. Understandable considering his position as a chief representative of the Empire that held regular meetings with the Emperor himself. Crossing him meant more than merely upsetting Luttenried - it meant offending the Empire itself.

To the Holy Duke's right was Kunibert Wörner, Luttenried's Reichskanzler. As the head of his government, the Holy Duke's chancellor had a lot of authority depending on the duties assigned to him. Kunibert was the Holy Duke's chief aid one some regard, but in other capacities he served as the Holy Duke's chief enforcer. If the Holy Duke wanted something done, Kunibert handled it. A noble acting up and needs punishing? Kunibert dealt with them. An issue with the Luttenried Diet needs addressing in person? Kunibert would make an appearance. Someone threatening the stability of the Holy Duke's reign? Kunibert made that threat go away. In practice Kunibert was not only the government's chief officer, but was also the Holy Duke's closest subordinate outside those in his own family.

With all three men assembled, they greeted their guests. The man standing before them was one of superior age. Wise beyond his years, that intellect was honed by years of experience. So too was his body honed, clearly a man of focused martial arts training no less. Luttens respected the man as a potent warrior of God, but more so for his cunning abilities with both a sword and pen. It was none other than Maki Kojiro, Shogun of the Holy Empire of Nifon. With him his entourage entered the room, the doors promptly shut behind them as if airlock tightening its hold. The typical pleasantries were exchanged, offering of seats and numerous amenities were given. As tradition often dictates, Holy Duke Friedhelm lead the room in prayer, not just for everyone's health and wellbeing, but for a successful exchange between the two parties. With that out of the way, Holy Duke Friedhelm cut straight to business. Beating around the bush was no longer an option.

"Shogun Kojiro, allow me to skip straight to the heart of this quagmire we find ourselves in. No filler, no additional baggage, no further delay." The Holy Duke cleared his throat, preparing himself for a long winded speech. "Luttenried has been more than a cooperative ally to Nifon all these years now. Under my reign I continued my father's practice of preferential treatment our northern partners of Faith because I know outside of our bonded Faith in the Lord, Nifon, similar to the Empire, rewards loyalty with loyalty. I dare say we're Nifon's closest friend in this chaotic region bar some of your... vassals." The Holy Duke looked out to the sea, gazing at the ships below in the distance. "I've raised this relationship like it were my own child you see. I watched it closely, nurtured it with care, and as the decades passed by I watched as the relationship morphed step-by-step. There are many men I've met along the way who fear not only Nifon itself but you personally Kojiro. They ask me how do I stand next to someone with death emanating from their eyes, and all I ever tell them is that 'lions feel no fear of death.' Of course when people call me the Lion its both humbling and awkward nonetheless, but they don't understand everything about that line of wording. Im sure you do, but that's besides the point right now." Friedhelm paused again, returning his gaze back to the Shogun. "With all due respect Kojiro, I have of late grown weary of the relationship between Luttenried and Nifon. I have answered every call from yours truly and favored Nifon's benefit over my own on a number of occasions. Military, economic, even political requests have been met with little question from myself. Not because a favor is owed but because friendships are built on building the other side up. As of late, in our eyes Nifon has not been fruitful with returning those favors. This is not only the opinion of my highest confidants but is an opinion I share with them. Unwritten it may have been, but our standing agreement concerning sphere territory seems to have been put into question again as of late. First Nifon dabbles with the Muslim States fencing us apart, going as far as to establish military bases in an area we consider within our Sphere. But more recently, Nifon has stepped over a red line we cannot ignore anymore. Angeland is a flashpoint we are not prepared to ignore. A country so close to our flanks falling into others hands is one thing, but for Nifon to do it in complete disregard to our parallel agreement is an insult to the partnership we hold so dear. I could not take it as anything other than an offensive maneuver on our exposed southeastern flank. Yes Angeland is still not Nifonese on paper, yet, but you and I are well versed in history to know how this story plays out fifty years from now. So for this insult and for our many favors to Nifon, I am requesting favors in return. Loyalty must be paid with loyalty, and today is the day we come together to establish what that loyalty has earned us. It is my firm belief that we're owed a debt for our loyalty as allies." The Holy Duke stared into aging Nifonese eyes of the Shogun. He may not have been far from age, but Kojiro felt older. One would often mistake this as the appearance of being a wise elder, but the Holy Duke wasn't fooled by such wise talk. Yes he's a wise elder but that aura wasn't some manifestation of wisdom. No, it was experience. Experience gained under strenuous conditions throughout one's life. The reason a lion lacks fears of death isn't because it isn't wise enough to, it is because experience has taught it that fearing death is the same as fearing one's life. Fearing death ends with an early life full of mistakes, and lions don't live like that. The Holy Duke not only saw his reflection literally but figuratively in his Nifonese counterpart. Luttenried's Lion could only gaze at Nifon's Tiger and wonder what could possibly be flowing through that vast bank of knowledge and experience. "Im sure you can see that from our standpoint, things cannot remain the same as before."

"My greetings once more to you Shogun Kojiro." Viceroy Löwe spoke up now, as if to calm the situation down a notch. "My role here today is to not only represent His Majesty the Emperor in these proceedings, but to also mediate so that both sides leave the table satisfied with any agreements made. Obviously the Empire suffers when its chief ally in Kali Yuga is at odds with one of its Duchies, thus solving this dispute promptly is His Majesty's utmost desire. I am sure both Luttenried and Nifon can walk away from these proceedings satisfied with what they take away, and what they gave away in return. And even more obvious by the level of secrecy we've all gone through today, these proceedings are between us and the appropriate staff at home only. There is no need to hold back today, speak freely so that understanding one another solves our differences. Before any specific requests or demands are presented, I would like to hear from Shogun Kojiro now that these talks have been formally opened."

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New Aeyariss
Posts: 8177
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Iron Fist Consumerists

Postby New Aeyariss » Mon Dec 25, 2023 2:27 am

The Shogun looked as the Kesfeld islands appeared in the windows of his plane. He could see their outlines in the distance - the lush tropical sea, as transparrent as high quality goass. The yellow colored sands and bronze of the rocks emerged out of them, and then were the lush green forrests made of wide-leaved plams. It reminded him of Dainam in the begone days, when he hid in jungles not dissimilar to those; stalking communist patrols and sliding their throats with his trusted knife in order to capture prisoners to interrogate for intellligence. But those days were long gone; there was a duty he had to do.

The recent incident reminded the "Kubo-sama" that he was not invincible. He threw the notions of his invincibility long ago, having experienced the difficulties of the game many times. Yet the letter surprised him to the core. He had assumed that Luttenreid would not complain due to their own treaty with EaN; and yet they felt threatened by the deal.

Before the incident, he gave the situation a lot of thought, wondering how much Luttenreid was really worth, and how much he could give. After analysing many options, he concluded that Nifon needed Luttenreid. Not only Luttenreid was a crucial security partner; it also offered a new way onto the resources market, and a safeguard in case Inyursta decided to turn on Nifon. While the interests of RNI and the HNE were at this moment aligned, Kojiro had no doubts that there were also differences between the hot-blooded Latino state and his own; and that it would be good to have a backup to relay on in a case of crisis.

The helicopter has landed and he was led into the meeting place. The Nifonese Shogun led his eyes around the faces of those gathered. Some of them he was familiar with; the rest of them he learned about from files Gunpeitai has provided. First, there was the Holy Duke himself. If the Shogun of Nifon was to give his opinion, he did not think much of the Holy Duke, though he did not let it be known. The man was too idealistic for him. Whie Maki shared his devotion to the Chirstian faith, his own devotion was cooled down by cold reason and pragmatism; Friedhelm had no such restraint. This made him blind to the long term outcomes of his deeds. But at the same time, the Shogun definently admired the Duke's dedication to Christianity, however corrupt form of it it might be; certainly, this would allow them to find a common language.

Then there was Markus Lowe, the Imperial Viceroy. Kojiro did not have knowledge of the man in person; but his psychological profile market him as unpredictable and dangerous, only with concern for the Empire's interest replacing that of the Church.

The final delegate was the Reichkanzler. Gunpeitai marked this man as the brains behind the Luttenreid, and the Duke's right hand man. The Shogun marked him as the most rational of the group; and likely, he would be the prime candidate he would need to convince for any of his proposals. After all, likely he could convince the Duke in ways he could not.

He followed the men in prayer for success in the negotiations. As he prayed, he could see the gazes fixed on him; it was evidend that the men held him in high respect, which was indeed humbling. He did not expect this level of recognition.

And thus, Maki begun formulating his strategy. With his cards prepared, the game has begun.

"Shogun Kojiro, allow me to skip straight to the heart of this quagmire we find ourselves in. No filler, no additional baggage, no further delay." The Holy Duke cleared his throat, preparing himself for a long winded speech. "Luttenried has been more than a cooperative ally to Nifon all these years now. Under my reign I continued my father's practice of preferential treatment our northern partners of Faith because I know outside of our bonded Faith in the Lord, Nifon, similar to the Empire, rewards loyalty with loyalty. I dare say we're Nifon's closest friend in this chaotic region bar some of your... vassals." The Holy Duke looked out to the sea, gazing at the ships below in the distance. "I've raised this relationship like it were my own child you see. I watched it closely, nurtured it with care, and as the decades passed by I watched as the relationship morphed step-by-step. There are many men I've met along the way who fear not only Nifon itself but you personally Kojiro. They ask me how do I stand next to someone with death emanating from their eyes, and all I ever tell them is that 'lions feel no fear of death.' Of course when people call me the Lion its both humbling and awkward nonetheless, but they don't understand everything about that line of wording. Im sure you do, but that's besides the point right now." Friedhelm paused again, returning his gaze back to the Shogun. "With all due respect Kojiro, I have of late grown weary of the relationship between Luttenried and Nifon. I have answered every call from yours truly and favored Nifon's benefit over my own on a number of occasions. Military, economic, even political requests have been met with little question from myself. Not because a favor is owed but because friendships are built on building the other side up. As of late, in our eyes Nifon has not been fruitful with returning those favors. This is not only the opinion of my highest confidants but is an opinion I share with them. Unwritten it may have been, but our standing agreement concerning sphere territory seems to have been put into question again as of late. First Nifon dabbles with the Muslim States fencing us apart, going as far as to establish military bases in an area we consider within our Sphere. But more recently, Nifon has stepped over a red line we cannot ignore anymore. Angeland is a flashpoint we are not prepared to ignore. A country so close to our flanks falling into others hands is one thing, but for Nifon to do it in complete disregard to our parallel agreement is an insult to the partnership we hold so dear. I could not take it as anything other than an offensive maneuver on our exposed southeastern flank. Yes Angeland is still not Nifonese on paper, yet, but you and I are well versed in history to know how this story plays out fifty years from now. So for this insult and for our many favors to Nifon, I am requesting favors in return. Loyalty must be paid with loyalty, and today is the day we come together to establish what that loyalty has earned us. It is my firm belief that we're owed a debt for our loyalty as allies." The Holy Duke stared into aging Nifonese eyes of the Shogun. He may not have been far from age, but Kojiro felt older. One would often mistake this as the appearance of being a wise elder, but the Holy Duke wasn't fooled by such wise talk. Yes he's a wise elder but that aura wasn't some manifestation of wisdom. No, it was experience. Experience gained under strenuous conditions throughout one's life. The reason a lion lacks fears of death isn't because it isn't wise enough to, it is because experience has taught it that fearing death is the same as fearing one's life. Fearing death ends with an early life full of mistakes, and lions don't live like that. The Holy Duke not only saw his reflection literally but figuratively in his Nifonese counterpart. Luttenried's Lion could only gaze at Nifon's Tiger and wonder what could possibly be flowing through that vast bank of knowledge and experience. "Im sure you can see that from our standpoint, things cannot remain the same as before."

"My greetings once more to you Shogun Kojiro." Viceroy Löwe spoke up now, as if to calm the situation down a notch. "My role here today is to not only represent His Majesty the Emperor in these proceedings, but to also mediate so that both sides leave the table satisfied with any agreements made. Obviously the Empire suffers when its chief ally in Kali Yuga is at odds with one of its Duchies, thus solving this dispute promptly is His Majesty's utmost desire. I am sure both Luttenried and Nifon can walk away from these proceedings satisfied with what they take away, and what they gave away in return. And even more obvious by the level of secrecy we've all gone through today, these proceedings are between us and the appropriate staff at home only. There is no need to hold back today, speak freely so that understanding one another solves our differences. Before any specific requests or demands are presented, I would like to hear from Shogun Kojiro now that these talks have been formally opened."

"Your majesties, excellencies, thank you for coming here and agreeing to meet with me to resolve this crisis." the Shogun bowed and begun "First, let me assure you of two things. First, the Holy Nifonese Empire is thankful to the Holy Duchy over the support that has been recently provided. Second, on behalf of the Holy Nifonese Empire, I acknowledge the issues that the Luttenreider Party has laid forward, and I will work best to resolve them."

It was in the Nifonese interests, after all. Luttenreid was just too resource rich to float away; and if not brought into the fold, could pose a serious threat to the Nifonese interests in the region; not to mention the potential to throw a wrench in the Nifonese relations with the Commoner Empire, which formed a key part of the National Security System he was building.

"First, on behalf of the Holy Nifonese Empire, allow me to assure your excellencies that the marriage between my heir and Sarah-Heika is not a threat to the Luttenreider state."
he spoke in a calm, official and formal manner "The Marriage Contract pohibits us from the same person inheriting both titles, and my heir is not the head of State of Angeleland. I have to inform Your Majesty that the decision to permit the marriage was made with the assumption that the Luttenreider side would not find it objectionable due to treaty it has with the Eulabians. I have misjudged the situation, and thus on behalf of the Holy Nifonese Empire I have to take the responsibility and work to repair our ties."

He paused for greater effect:

"I will begin by sharing information regarind the circustances that sparked the decision While the Nifonese side has informed the Luttenreider side that negotiations are ongoing, the Nifonese side had ommitted certain details of those negotiations. What we called negotiations was in fact a complex intelligence operation aimed at recruiting people from the top social circles in EaN and having them use their influence to make Mosley-san withdraw his fleets and acknowledge our claim to this part of the world. The operation has been conducted in secrecy even from my own Party Standing Committee members in order to prevent EaN intelligence from learning of and foiling it. I think your excellencies can understand secrecy in situations like that."

Luttenredeirs might have been fanaticial, but they were not dumb. After all, his own intelligence and theirs cooperated at time; and the Shogun had a good grasp of the fact that Luttenreider intellitence had considerably developed capabilities and networks spanning the region. The Holy Duke certainly understood that operations like that carried a big risk.

"The request for a dynastic marriage has been made by a prominent member of the EaN buisness elite who managed to see that her leader was setting her country on a wrong path. Citing urgency, we had no choice but to accept. However, I wish to state that it worked out in the long run in the interests of Luttenreid. We managed to prevent Mosley from escalating tensions in our part of the world and contained EaN for good - without loss of a single soldier. We also gained friendly parties in EaN government, access to which I will glady share with Luttenreid as long as operational security is not compromised. "

Certainly, the Luttenreiders could see benefits of having friends in the Eulabian government. After all, EaN did possess significant military presence in the region. While the treaty regulated the relations, potential for future escalations always existed.

"But I understand that your excellencies do not wish to believe me on my word. Trust is after all not given, but earned. Which is why I would like to put those words on paper. For too long, our agreements have been informal. I wish to begin with stating the fact that I consent to signing an agreement that will state that the Holy Nifonese Empire will NOT seek to place Angeleland in it's SOI; now or ever. I will swear this agreement on the Allmighty God, and I will make my heir follow my lead, as will all the Shoguns after him. If my successors break this vow, then we all know that Jotei no Mikoto is more than capable of punishing the violator."

It was always good to appeal to religious conscience of the fanatics. After all, they all held God in high regard. At the same time, the Shogun knew that making such an oath bound him legally. For all his pragmatism, God's honor was not something he wanted to violate.

"Furthermore, if the Luttenreider side is concerned about the marriage we have made, then I wish to point out that akin union can be arranged for any heir of my heir. I can not speak for Angelelandian side, but I offer the hand of my heir's firstborn male to whatever woman Your Majesty chooses for them. I can also bring this offer to Angelelandian side, but I am in no position to arrange marriage contracts without their consent."

Furthering the dynastic ties was always a good choice. While the last Luttenreider candidate to marry a member of the Nifonese royalty has been rejected due to a promising Hakuryuan option, a new match could always be arranged. In that manner, Luttenreid, Nifon and Angeleland would all be bound by equal ties.

The Shogun stopped at this point. He was about to unleash his trump card in the negotiations. After pausing, he pulled a CD player from his uniform's pocket.

"Then there is a matter of grave importance. Your excellencies and majesty wished to know what benefits the Empire and the Holy Duchy derrive from alliance with the Holy Nfonese Empire. One of them, your excellencies and majesty, is information. The Holy Nifonese Empire posesses one of most advanced intelligence services in the world. This intelligence has recently obtained information that may be of grave importance. If your majesty and excellencies allow, I will now play a recording that my agents have obtained of a session of the Standing Commitee of Thouthen Democratic Party."

Code: Select all
Issaac Lugtenbeld: You sure that there is no chance for us to obtain additional money?

Ineke Werkmann: I did all I could. We are loosing the trust after our last escapade. The foreign banks no longer wish to grant us large lonas, fearing that we will no longer pay them.

Jan-Joost Koops: But we have to pay it! If we do not....

Daniel Khassai Siyoum: Can we cut the military budget?

Issaac Lugtenbeld: No, we can't do that. Not with the threat of Burgogia nearby...

Daniel Khassai Siyoum: What about the social programs then?

Ineke Werkmann:  Oh great equaliser, you know that the entire nation lives from those programs. If we cut those programs then...

Daniel Khassai Siyoum: We have no choice. To avoid bailing out, we will cut our various programs by 50%.

Jan-Joost Koops: Oh great equaliser, but that will...

Daniel Khassai Siyoum: Lead to riots? Yes. This is why we will begin the project final solution. It is about time anyway.


Jan-Joost Koops: F-f-final solution? My equaliser is this not to early for this yet?

Daniel Khassai Siyoum: No. The time is nigh. We have to divert attention from the situation, least we ourselves fall.

Issaac Lugtenbeld: I will order classification of all extended families of party officials as LGBT. That way, our key supporters will not complain.

Daniel Khassai Siyoum: Do so as quick as possible. We shall begin in a month. Now, back to the spending..

Maki smiled inside. As always in the world of international relations, information was the advantage. Who correctly guessed and adapted to the enemy's plans always had the edge. He also guessed that bringing a valuable information to Luttenreider's attention would certainly improve the way in which they viewed Nifon.

The Shogun paused the recording.

"As you can see, an once in the century opportunity is presenting itself. Should the Holy Duchy decide to act upon this issue, the Holy Nifonese Empire will provide all the requested aid. I will also handle the negotiations with Carl Tobon, but I doubt that Carolosians would not want to see the biggest stain on the region eliminated from existence. Neither will they mind - and neither will I mind - if using the justification of higher necessity and restoring order, Luttenreid annexes all oversea territories that on paper belong to the government of Burgogia."

He despised those states. No part of him would shed a tear if Luttenreid destroyed them utterly. In fact, destruction of Thouthen was long overdue. He wondered if what was going here was an act of God, sending a nation incapable of feeling mercy against the wicked to force them to repent.

But if Nifon could gain something on this, all the better.
Rping in MT (2023) and PT/FanT (1564)

Inyourfaceistan wrote:You didn't know that Cusc is actually a 4-armed cyborg genius commander and skillful warrior created in secret by a cabal of rich capitalist financiers built to lead and army of drones and other renegades against and overbearing socialist regime?
Psalms 144:1 wrote:Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight.
Also known as El Cuscatlan, Jesus will offer you eternal life if you believe in him!

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Common Territories
Posts: 4746
Founded: Nov 08, 2011
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Common Territories » Mon Feb 05, 2024 7:08 am

Holy March of Hachborn, Holy Dukedom of Luttenried
Kesfeld Logistics Company, Kesfeld Harbor, Kesfeld Islands (Kesfeld Burgravate)

The three men before the Shogun eyed the man top to bottom, going as far as to steal glances during prayer. Each saw the Nifonese leader in different light due to their limited (or extensive) histories with the man. Some of those opinions were of good standing and others... not so great. Even then it was unmistakable how highly respected Shogun Maki was in this part of the world, even in Luttenried. There were plenty of Luttens who saw Maki in the same light as their own leader, the Holy Duke. A powerful, dutiful leader of not only the people but of strong Christian faith. The Nifonese immigrants within the Holy Duchy were especially giddy for Maki, temporary migrants or not. These migrants were watched closely knowing Nifon's strategies involving their diaspora, and their unsavory second-talk when they thought no body could hear them. Nonetheless their voices were always heard at the mere mention of Nifon's prized leader. Some of those voices cheered in glorification while other out of fear of retribution if they were seen as unsupportive of their leader. Even as the few servants and guards made their rounds, they paid their respect in their own special ways. Of course these men and women paid little heed to what was said and to whom they were in the presence of; among the most trusted within the Holy Duchy, they've learned secrets are better kept when you're not taking notes in the first place. They were often too silent and indirect with their actions as to avoid causing irritation - similar to their behavior with their own lord.

Speaking of which, the Holy Duke's current analysis of the Shogun was a storm of both positive and negative opinions. The two have met plenty of times in the past but rarely shared such private moments such as these. Friedhelm too respected the man similar to his people, but not in the same light as they did. Rather than admiration, Friedhelm viewed the man sitting before him not as a divine leader but an equally sized beast. Maki was the spitting image of a wild tiger in his eyes. Slim but built with muscle where it counts. Armed with retracted claws and cunning only nature and a lifetime of experience could cultivate. The intelligence sheet concerning him within the Holy Duchy was longer than the Empire's own version, and it held plenty of reasons why Maki wasn't to be underestimated. Just like a tiger, Maki refrains from simply striking out, but rather waits patiently for the best opportunity to strike. But that's why Friedhelm both respected the man and disliked him. As a man considered a lion himself he saw the Shogun as a rival, a shrewd one to boot. An ally on paper is fine and dandy, but he never once sensed the mutual feeling of respect he gave off returned to him. Call it a wild instinctual hunch, but Friedhelm was convinced the Shogun only saw a tool ready to be used at his leisure when he looked upon the Holy Duke. A useful tool that allowed him better mediation and correspondence with the Empire - possibly no better than a fool. The idea gnawed at the Holy Duke internally for a while now, and this marriage ordeal was the red line. To him the Shogun is an equal yet deep down he knew the both sides would never see eye-to-eye on that. The Empire may treat him nicely and direct Luttenried to do the same, but there is no getting past the self-righteous ego of an Imperial Duke, one of the few remaining of his special kind. To ask him to raise a foreign leader over himself or his Emperor could only be treated as a suggestion. Thus the solution was simple: Play by the same rules. Maki wasn't a fool himself and wanted to keep cordial, profitable relations with Luttenried even if that meant pleasing the Empire. Turning away such a relationship was unwise as well as delusional for a country looking to increase its profits with its second highest trading partner. Friedhelm's father once told him that the Nifonese were a shifty people, that they will offer you a gold bar in one hand while hiding a dagger with the other behind their back. Granted he was a less cultured racist, but the former Holy Duke held wisdom beyond his years when it came to regional politics. The trick to dealing with them he said was in dealing with not the dagger but the hand holding it. Wise words for a politician to defeat another of his kind. If the Shogun wanted to play with fire, the Holy Duke would simply need to invest in a flamethrower.

Kunibert on the other hand actually didn't see the Nifonese in the same light as the Holy Duke. As Reichskanzler of Luttenried, interacting with their ally's leadership was fairly common. Though he met with the Shogun far less frequently, the few times they did meet with Shogun Maki told him all he needed to know. Getting to know his government's staff was more telling as well. While Friedhelm looked from top-down, Kunibert favored looking from bottom-top. "A structure is defined by its supports" or so his childhood tutor often said while speaking about history or politics; the man was an engineer before being an educator so he loved to use engineering metaphors often. To Kunibert, Maki wasn't so far off from being a beast, but he would be more inclined to describe him as a politician at heart. Many politicians are just as cruel and unforgiving after all. If you took a tiger out of the jungle and gave him a suit, not much changed in Kunibert's mind. His own research into the man showed Kunibert that Maki's cunning intellect isn't used just for brute force. Maki's playbook in his later years delved more into political weapons rather than physical, and when he did bare his physical weapons he did so to display them like a tiger often does while roaring. Unlike the Holy Duchy, Nifon was suddenly becoming more interested in making friends wherever possible - even if those friends were enemies the day before. It was obvious to everyone what Nifon was up to, but Kunibert believed it went even deeper than that often times; Maki would make a deal with Satan himself if he found a way to make Nifon profit from it in the end. So to say Maki was merely a beast was underestimating his intellect and willingness to go beyond what was expected of him. Of course the Holy Duke wasn't wrong in Kunibert's eyes either, but him being a man of instinct while Kunibert a man of rationale made the two of them a formidable political duo. So even with his superior seemingly relaxed and waited to strike, the cautious Kunibert was there watching, learning. Maki had a plan walking in and likely backup ideas too. Today would be about not only discerning them but finding a way to counter them if they went against Luttenried's interests too sharply. Maki wants to make a deal no matter what here and now. Only time could tell if the terms of such a deal would truly profit Luttenried in the end or not.

Meanwhile Markus Löwe's expression gave off zero hint of stress or worry given the situation he found himself in. There simply was no read on what the man thought given that he was essentially a biased mediator. You'd think as the Viceroy to Luttenried you'd be interested in their wellbeing during this proceeding somewhat right? If not, then the Empire's, right? Well whether it was a brilliant poker face or his inability to feel anxious, Markus was easily the most relaxed in the room between the three. The reason was simple really: His success was guaranteed before he even sat down at the table. As Viceroy and mediator, Markus had nothing to lose in these proceedings. His Majesty already instilled a few directives that Markus was to abide by, and those were all aimed at making sure no one left shafted. Luttenried had to leave with something, Nifon had to regain Luttenried trust, and the Empire's interests within both parties mustnt suffer. In reality the only serious task he had today was to make sure the Empire's interests were protected at all cost, even if Luttenried had to be knocked down a peg. How easy of a task this was you may ask? Well Markus could merely sit there and smile the entire meeting and he would have earned his salary. Luttenried will walk away with something given Nifon's behavior as of late in bribing its allies (and anyone else really wanting a stake), Nifon itself will regain Luttenried trust to a certain degree depending on what they give up in doing so, and Imperial interests wont be in any danger given the nature of the two sides. The Empire at heart wanted its vassal state more powerful since it directly affected the Mainland's strength, and it was important for the Empire's chief ally in Kali Yuga to remain on a strong footing too. That said, Markus' interest in the discussion wasn't going to be nil given what he could gain from it as well. If Luttenried could gain more than what the lowest expectations were going in, there's room for his own prestige with His Majesty to raise higher. Kickbacks from both Luttenried and the Empire would increase the better off the Holy Duchy is performing overall. A richer, more prestigious position with the Emperor wasn't anything to spit at, and all he had to do to get it was to ensure his charge was well taken care of. Given time, maybe he will be sitting on his own throne as a duke within his lifetime. Shogun Maki wasn't going to weasel his way out of this spat by displaying nice words. As one sneaky fox to another, every bit of bullshit would be seen a mile away given the extensive knowledge and intelligence the Empire had on him. Knowing him from the times he's met the Shogun, Markus was all too sure that the Shogun has a few nice words in his pocket, some deals in mind, and he thinks he walks away a winner. Well that's not going to happen this time around Markus thought to himself. His smile was beaming not because he was trying to disarm his Nifonese counterpart, but because Markus could already see the possibilities a deal could profit the Empire. But he truly didn't have to worry about getting results. After all, he wasn't the only one hunting for a better deal.

As the Shogun began to speak, it became clear his intentions were to dissuade Luttenried from having concerns over the marriage entirely. Granted his words played well in their ears, the three men weren't convinced the matter was settled, however. When the Holy Duke questioned what Angeland would look like in fifty years, he was serious. Given fifty years a country can change greatly. Angeland could be ruled by a Nifonese woman who decides to turn on her overlord and join Nifon formally in some capacity, with or without the Shogun's approval. Even if it's against that Shogun's wishes, who's to say the Empress (or whomever takes the title next) doesn't somehow take the reigns fully away from the Shogun on such matters? A promise here means nothing if it's not backed by action. Words were one thing, but treaty obligations and blood oaths were another. Pledging to abide by an agreement using the Lord's title is a good start, but at the end of the day there would be procedures in place to make this oath a proper covenant. Any heretic can say "I swear to God!" If you cannot dare to promise on his name, how can Luttenried or the Lord trust your word?

"You are correct in your observation regarding our informal agreements." The Holy Duke nodded, brushing past the Shogun's marriage talk. "Our prior informal proceedings may have been a sign of our deep friendship, but we must not forget we are more than just mere men - our will represents our nation's destinies. Men make mistakes and eventually those mistakes become wrongs that lead to mistrust. Our Lord may have made us in his image, but we are not blessed with his flawless psyche. It is indeed time to make these informal agreements formal so that we can right these wrongs once and for all. A treaty must be signed. No... Instead I propose we form a Covenant. As a show of serious commitment wet offer to one another, I will personally ensure a cow, sheep, pig, birds of the Lord, and the largest tuna our fisheries can provide are available for the ceremony. It will be at this ceremony where we will sign our treaty, formalizing our covenant, and swear on the Lord's name that it will be abided."

"Yes I believe that's a splendid idea Your Highness." The Reichkanzler nodded in agreement. "Two holy states signing a covenant will cement not only our governments trust in each other but the peoples as well. Though I believe Nifon should offer some of the animals to make the meaning behind it all truer. I think our duty today then is to make this covenant a lasting friendship. We must craft the provisions of our treaty carefully and diligently. Here and now we can begin the framework of such a treaty."

The Viceroy didn't speak, but simply nodded along. It was indeed a smart idea for a covenant to be formed since the two were holy states, but the Viceroy was impressed by the genius of the idea itself. Treaties are as strong as the parties who signed them, if one is too weak the other is more likely to ignore it and eventually abandon it. Holding that barbaric biblical ceremony and swearing on God's literal name is as close to cement agreements can get in Christianity. If God himself walked the path for Abraham, then surely these two can do the same for their nations, or so the idea goes. A trap designed to play at the religious nature of the two by making whatever treaty they agree to as enforceable as possible, making it nearly impossible (if at all) to violate it without "divine" retribution aspect. Even the hint of weaseling out could spell disaster for whomever violated the treaty. Both nations are heavily religious after all. Violating the covenant would be next level domestic discontent. Nifon could refuse and opt for a normal ceremony, but doing so may lose trust in the process. A simple plot overall but the implications behind the idea are devious. If either side breaks the covenant they will suffer untold amounts of trouble, and if they refuse to even sign it shows the other how untrustworthy they are. Now all that's left is to see what's in such a treaty to have it so hyped up before any demands are listed on the table. Of course he knows Luttenried's hand in all this, but what would Nifon bring to the table in response he wondered. He wasn't sure how the dynastic offers would hold up considering Luttens only cared about their own titles more than others, but branching out mite be an interesting way to improve their standing too...

Then the Shogun introduced the recording. It took a mere moment to recognize the voices on full display. Thouthen... Many of the voices heard were ones intelligence from both the Empire and Luttenried had recorded in the past. Each voice was someone prominent in that country's upper echelon. At its head, and the most recognized voice of them all, Daniel Khassai Siyoum, aka the "Equalizer," stood out the most. Luttenried-Thouthen relations were never special up until this man took control of the country; the raids in the 1520s and subsequent back-and-forth were the only eventful history the two shared. Overnight he turned the peaceful nation upside down - it became Hell on Earth. Aside from its totally leftist-communist shift, even history's original communist scum couldn't dream of the nightmares their ilk birthed a hundred years later. There were too many evils in Thouthen to name, and that's why Luttenried despised the country and its people with such great intensity. Evil may have been invited onto Earth by man, but it was the Devil who delivered it. It was no mistake then that in the eyes of Luttenried, Thouthen was a bastion - a fortress of solitude - for the Devil himself. There were many enemies of the Holy Duchy, some political while others cultural. The Muslims islanders to the west, Palmyron further west, and Musgorocians to the east of all shapes and sizes all had the honor to be labeled enemies of the Crusade. Among them all Thouthen was at the highest point of that list for both political and cultural reasons. Luttenried fails every time to get close to each man in the recording for one simple reason: Secrecy. Luttenried was successful in the past in sending terrorists of their own ilk to rock their capital - toppling Babble literally. It had failed in each other attempt to kill or topple the Equalizer and his regime because each attempt was done so in secret. Secrecy requires trust, to which both Luttenried and Thouthen had not. If this were militarily handled it would take days, maybe hours. But others would not sit by if Luttenried took such action again. Carloso intervened the last time Luttenried took the initiative against its enemies to the east, saving their mortal enemy to halt the Holy Crusade's advance. There's no telling if they would do the same again, ally or not. Luttenried is not afraid of Carloso or its allies, but it knows war all too well. Fighting uphill is great for training your muscles, but not climbing that hill.

Luttenried intelligence was inferior to almost none in Kali Yuga, but when it came to human intelligence Luttenried lagged behind because of one crucial flaw. Its enemies were on the lookout for their touch. Even with Imperial assistance Luttenried suffered setback after setback where it truly wanted to make gains merely because its assets were caught. Its own spies were never clandestine enough to blend in among watchful eyes and any asset bought or bribed would reveal their hand enough to be spotted quickly. In countries with moderate resistance like in Eulabia there was hardly concern. But in those where the Holy Duchy wished harm... Lets just say the decades of watchful untrusting eyes have paid off in their favor. Nifon was invaluable in such times because no one could out-bribe a shifty Nifonese billionaire, at least in Kali Yuga. Few were willing to turn down such bribes or even repel them like Luttenried has up until now.

The trio listened to the tape extensively, believing for the moment that it was authentic. What now? Thouthen was about to default on its debts and in response was about to take out more debt. Luttenried was behind some of that debt being stolen but even they couldn't have imagined how deep a hole they dug themselves into. Final Solution was one topic Luttenried did have intel on from past interactions. How they planned on implementing it wasn't known, but the gist of what it meant was easy to guess: Genocide. Thouthen has survived by empowering a minority to take over the majority and in doing so began to chip away at the majority year after year through leftist means. As the years went by the white Christian population continued to dwindle until where it is today. It didn't take a genius to know the Final Solution was the murder of all whites in the country that weren't in their sphere of control. Thouthen's radical leftist regime was likely about to wipe out its entire white Christian population as a means to rob them before they default in a month's time. The move wont go well for sure and wouldn't sustain the government's budget for long either, but it was likely a delaying tactic given their own base could riot soon enough due to their debts. These people don't think in the long term after all. If they were a doctor they'd be healing everyone by applying bandaids - they'd fix roads with dirt and clay too. This transcript provided a lot of information, including their current situation and when their final act upon their population will commence.

What the Shogun said next left the room speechless. Even the Viceroy stared wide-eyed at what was just put on the negotiating table. Luttenried was given the opportunity to not only end Thouthen's reign of evil, but also cleanse it? Even that was one hell of an offer, but to offer up Burgogia on a silver platter as well was insane by their logic. To convince the Carlosians to boot would be a miracle. It was as if the Devil was invited to this meeting to offer his greatest temptations.

"These terms are... interesting to say the least Shogun Kojiro..." the Holy Duke was still caught off guard by such an upfront offer. It was as if Santa had delivered every item on his wishlist and then some. But he knew instantly when the pot was too sweet, it's laced with poison. Nifon is offering up terms before the negotiations could even begin, and to boot they were things the Holy Duchy desired most since he was a toddler. With Nifon there's a catch - there always is. They want something in return even if they're the ones in the red favor-wise. The question was simple really. "I'll bite. What does Nifon want in exchange for such a generous offer? Im all ears..."

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New Aeyariss
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Postby New Aeyariss » Wed Feb 07, 2024 8:40 am

The Shogun pondered for a while, deep in thought.

He remembered the words of the Holy Sutras, and the command not to swear an oath. Yet the situation here simply required it. If he walked out of this, Luttenreiders would never trust him again; and the relations between two countries would swim down the drain, never to recover.

The concept of covenant was not unknown to the Nifonese people, being practiced rather often; especially among the yakuza. However the form in which the Holy Duke proposed the covenant was... strange. Weren't the crusaders aware that according to the Christian theology, Iesu no Mikoto had fulfilled sacrafices when he performed his great misogi by his death on the cross? He was no theologian - being far too busy ruling Nifon. But on another hand, Apostle Paul performed sacrafices too...

He pondered this to a while. He had doubts about the whole issue... wondering if he would not be offending the honor of God. After all, the Honor of Jotei no Mikoto was above any petty interest, national or not.

However... there was no going back now.

He prayed in silence, inside his mind. Once again he had to make a controversial choice. But was this not why he has become a politician? To bear the swamp of this world on his shoulders - so others would not have to do so?

He sighed.

"Very well, your majesty. I agree to make the covenant" he replied to the proposal of the Holy Duke "I will however request that my spiritual advisor officiates the sacrafice. He is a professor of divinity at the Minamitsuri Central School of Theology; I can vouch for him posessing knowledge necessary for such a task."

It had to be done. There was no other way.

He watched as the Luttenreider analysed his data. The ruler of Nifon could see surprise painting itself in their eyes, like shining plate of the moon emerging from behind the crystal-clean waters of the gulf of Ishikawa. Then, a question was addressed to him - a question about his desires.

"It is simple, your majesty." the Shogun said in the reply "What I wish for is for Luttenreid to recognise the Nifonese sphere of influence as what it currently is - and I need to add that Angeleland is not a part of it. I do admit that the Holy Nifonese Empire also has interest in the Luttenreider copper exports."

This was one step forward towards his dream. A world divided into spheres of influence, with Nifonese SOI being recognised. He was no vain tyrant, who dreamt of unifying the world under a single Empire; and while the Holy Nifonese Empire did need to defend their interests globally, he knew from experience that the more an Empire extended itself, the quicker it fell. No - the Holy Nifonese Empire was satisfied with a regional hegemony. The rest of the world could burn as long as Nifon had free accesst to the foreign markets.

"Besides, your majesty." he looked into the Duke's eyes "I would also like to retain the partnership with the Holy Duchy on the level of what it currently is.The Holy Nifonese Empire derrives considerable practical benefits from the partnership; and I understand that a partnership must be beneficial for both parties to work. If I betray a long term partner like this, all the other partners will think of me as a liar and will refuse to heed my proposals. And your majesty's nation is a potential source of fossil fuels should ties with Inyursta ever shatter."

It was true. The partnership between the Holy Nifonese Empire and Inyursta was one of convinence, rather than of brotherhood. Both nations had many interests that they have shared, but there was also a matter that seemed to be driving a deeper and deeper wedge between the two states - the matter of tolls in the sea of Juarez.

Right now the matter was seen as insignificant enough for the Shogun; but he was deeply afraid that other nations would soon attempt to emulate Inyursta. Such a situation would be a disaster to Nifon, economy of which relied heavily on maritime trade. Maki Kojiro had no idea of allowing other nations to hamper the Nifon's chance at growth by denying it free acess to the sea.

Luckily, the Inyurstans have at this point relaxed their stance; thus the alliance was far more advantageous than disadvantageous. Inyursta was, after all a worthwhile partner and a key SACTO member; one should not ditch long term partners without a good reason.

The man whom so many dubbed the "Yellow Menace" also hoped that the Duke would appreciate his honesty. As much as he was capable of lying, he had no desire to do so without a good reason. No matter how objectionable his goals were to many audiences, he did not hide them under petty words - unless the situation necessiated it, that is. There were few things that were forbidden to him when Nifon's good was concerned.
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Inyourfaceistan wrote:You didn't know that Cusc is actually a 4-armed cyborg genius commander and skillful warrior created in secret by a cabal of rich capitalist financiers built to lead and army of drones and other renegades against and overbearing socialist regime?
Psalms 144:1 wrote:Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight.
Also known as El Cuscatlan, Jesus will offer you eternal life if you believe in him!

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Greater Carloso
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Postby Greater Carloso » Sun Mar 03, 2024 10:52 pm

Department of Defence
Madrigal, Carloso

The events of recent months had thrown Carloso's entire foreign policy into disarray. First the naval exercises held by Eulabia in the Musgorocian Ocean had challenged Carlosian and Nifonese supremacy in the region, only for the Nifonese themselves to announce that the situation had been deescalated with a diplomatic marraige between Shogun Maki Kojiro's nephew, Maki Hisoka, and the Queen of Angeland, Sara III. Coupled with the events of the Congress of Ishikawa, which had come be dominated by an antics of a petulant Eulabian delegation led by President Mosley, seeds of doubt had been sowed in the minds of many Carlosian politics as to the trustworthiness of the Nifonese as an ally. Fast forward a few months, and from these seeds had sprouted trees. While some dismissed the recent affair as the product of a senile Maki Kojiro, having recently entered his 79th year on the planet, those who knew him, including President Cárlos Tobón, knew that this was far from the case. Shogun Kojiro, unfettered by temporaneous concerns of winning the next election, was a generational thinker, who thought and planned on a timescale few in the liberal democracies of the world could comprehend. What most did agree on, however, was that Kojiro’s decision to draw closer to Eulabia, of which Angeland was a dominion, had upended the gentleman’s agreement between Nifon and Carloso that effectively drew a line down the middle of the Musgorocian Ocean, with everything west being under Nifon’s sphere of influence, while everything east would, broadly speaking, remain under Carloso’s.

And so, it was no surprise that meetings of the Security Council of Carloso had become a regular occurrence, taking place either at the Presidential Palace or in the depths of the Eritas Palace, headquarters of Carloso’s Department of Defence. Today, the meeting was taking place in the latter. Emerging from a side door, the attendees rose as President Tobón entered the room and took his seat at the top of the lengthy table. Looming behind him was a huge equestrian portrait of Baltasár Escarcega, the first President of Carloso, who had served under Emperor Cárlos I. Though Carloso was now a republic, the legacy of these men endured as saviours of the Carlosian people and symbols of the country’s unwavering independence. Tobón glanced at his Deputy President, Estebán Santander, before sitting down. While it was true that the situation with Nifon and Eulabia had been the dominant topic at these meetings in recent times, today that would have to give way to a far graver situation that was developing in Thouthen.

“Alright gentlemen, you can take your seats.” Tobón said, adjusting his tie, “Now, as you’re all aware by now, and in light of the situation in Thouthen, I will be making state visits in the next few weeks to Agostinia, Victory, Côte d'Émeraude and Cispania. Delgado has made the necessary preparations.” His gaze steered towards Absalón Urdiales, the Director of External Intelligence. “Urdiales, do you have any update on Thouthen?”

Despite what the Thouthenese had boasted publicly, the OEI had assessed that Thouthen would default on its national debt soon, almost certainly within the next month. Despite the sanctions most Musgorocian countries had placed on them, Thouthen has still managed to illicitly access credit from Bourgougian financial institutions, as well as from Kesslerstaadter and some Eulabian banks. The cost of servicing the debt exceeded their income from the beginning of the year, and they quickly ate through whatever little foreign reserves of currency they had through January and February. The OEI’s station in Victory that recently reported that, based on contacts with certain dissidents in Thouthen, it was unlikely hardliners within the ruling Thouthen Social Democratic Party (TSDP) would tolerate austerity measures to save the country from economic collapse, either by cutting down the enormous welfare state or reducing their significant military spending.

Urdiales cleared his throat before beginning to speak. He was a veteran of his profession, having begun his military career working as a SIGINT officer during the Bourgougian Blitz. “As we’ve already assessed, its increasingly like that Thouthen will disintegrate from within in the short-term. The resulting civil war will likely result in the targeting of the vanishingly small but very wealthy and industrious Christian minority, either as a product of a last-ditch attempt by the government to keep the country afloat by seizing and liquidating their assets, or by roaming mobs and ethnic criminal gangs. As well as that, the fallout from the chaos is likely to spill into Bourgougia, Côte d'Émeraude and, most concerningly, Victory. A scenario where there is massive population displacement and, there, a refugee crisis is almost certain.” Urdiales explained.

Tobón thought for a moment, “Much of Thouthen’s debt is owed to Bourgougian banks. What are the chances of the Bourgougian government ordering an invasion of Thouthen if they default?”

Advocates for ‘Grande Bourgougia’ viewed Thouthen as historically part of Bourgougia, as it was briefly part of Côte d'Émeraude. Though President Aubin Vachon of Bourgougia was himself not an adherent to this ideology, Tobón could not forget that the powerful, charismatic Marius Lemaigre was the head of the Bourgougian Army, and he shared the same dreams of a greater Bourgougia as his father. “It isn’t certain. The relationship between Antilet and Hammsterdam is amicable by Bourgougian standards, but it is largely superficial. As is widely known, Bourgougia is fragile, but they may assess it is worth occupying Thouthen instead of allowing the conflict to spill chaotically into their own borders. Of course, we must also consider Lemaigre’s intentions in the matter. That said, I don’t think he is the person we should be most concerned about.” Urdiales said.

Tobón raised an eyebrow, “Who else is there?”

“We have been made aware that many of the financial institutions to which Thouthen owes money, including Banque des Arceneaux, Banque Métropole and Banque Agricole du Vignoble, are all ultimately linked to a one man through a circuitous network of shell companies. He is none other than Arsène Eluard, the leader of Satanazes.” Urdiales stated candidly, pausing for a moment, “And to add to this, satellite imagery of Cispania has shown that several brigades of Santanazes best mercenaries have been rotated out of the country and replaced with more inexperienced unmechanised units.”

Santanazes, a ruthless private military company based in Bourgougia, was infamous the world over for the sadistic, cruel reputation of its mercenaries. Many of them were ex-convicts who were unable to find work with more ‘reputable’ private security firms. Everywhere they went, widespread allegations of rape, murder, torture and looting followed them. It had been founded in 2014, suspiciously at the same time as Deputy President Santander’s Conquistador Security Consulting had been formed, through the merger of several smaller Bourgougian private military companies. At its head was one of Bourgougia’s wealthiest and most powerful men, Arsène Eluard, a retired military officer and veteran of the Bourgougian Blitz who maintained a burning hatred for Carloso, who he blamed for plunging the country into nearly two decades of civil war.

Sitting closer to Tobón was his long-time confidante and Chairman of High Command, General Régulo Moran, who had his own assessment of the matter. "Besides Eluard, history had shown that whenever there is chaos in south-western Musgorocia, the Luttenrieders take the chance to reclaim the land they lost during the Crisade. When we defeated Bourgougia during the Blitz, Duke Hildebert didn’t hesitate to issue the order for Luttenried to invade Bourgougia and annex the Îles Perlegrise. It was only our intervention that prevented them from marching all the way Antilet." Moran added, “I can almost guarantee that they are assessing the feasibility of an assault as we speak. Before we know it, it’ll be 1987 all over again but far, far worse.”

Tobón remained silent for a moment. Like a mountain, he sat completely still, before finally beginning to speak. “We can only speculate about the intentions of the Luttenrieders, but I agree. It is not unlikely that they will take advantage of the chaos. It needn’t be said that such a situation would complicate things even further with our allies in SACTO, at which stage we would have two of our most powerful allies encroaching upon our sphere of influence. There is no scenario where having two hostile great powers in the Musgorocian Ocean would benefit us.” Tobón continued, “Thus it is necessary for use to prepare for the worst, and not be caught out as we were during the Blitz. General Cárdenas?”

A middle-aged man with black hair and a toothbrush moustache turned his attention to Tobón. This was General Odón Cárdenas, the military governor of the Sanander Islands, Carloso’s closest overseas territory. Consisting of over a hundred islands and islets, they were de jure uninhabited, but were in fact a heavily defended archipelago of airfields, bunkers, missile defences and anti-ship batteries, manned by a force of approximately 50,000 serving members of the Carlosian Armed Forces. Additionally, there were many coves perfect for hiding submarines or small warships. Due to their importance, they were governed directly by the military. While they had taken on a more important role in Carloso’s defence since the Bourgougian Blitz, their position right in the middle of the Musgorocian Ocean had accentuated their importance in the context of the recent crisis with Eulabia. As such, Carlosian military engineers had begun the process of expanding fortifications even further. “Work on the missile bunkers on Gran Sanander and Altasor is on schedule. All going well, two batteries of S372 Alusión missiles will be operational within the next two months, on top of our forces already present. The 7th and 16th Marine Infantry Brigades are due to be deployed to the islands within the next week.”

Tobón nodded, “As for Eluard and his Satanazes mercenaries, I will raise the matter with President Caron when I visit Valgrand. In the meantime, we will maintain constant surveillance of the Thouthen area, as well as any changes in the deployment of Bourgougian or Satanazes forces in Cispania or on the Thouthenese border. I want High Command to review the plans we have in place regarding the collapse of Thouthen and the military action what may be needed. Dismissed!”


The Honourable Maki Kojiro, Shogun of the Holy Nifonese Empire
Akagi Castle
Ishikawa, Nifon

Your Excellency,
In the spirit of the continued brotherhood between our two nations, exemplified by the unprecedented degree of co-operation between our respective governments in recent years, and at the direction of the Department of External Affairs of the Federal Republic of Carloso, I have been requested to arrange a meeting with you regarding the current state of bilateral relations. I refer specifically to the matter that is the engagement of your nephew Maki Hisoka, Marquess of Sarushima, Rensho and Tokuso, with Sara III, Queen of Angeland. We understand that this was intended to defuse the situation regarding the demonstration of military aggression by Eulabian forces in the Musgorocian Ocean, and for this, you and your government have our appreciation.

That being said, it is the view of the Carlosian government that this is a clear sign that Nifon seeks to improve relations with the Commonwealth of Eulabia and the regime of Oswald Mosley. It is the view of the Carlosian government that any deepening of relations between a SACTO member state and Eulabia threatens to undermine the cohesiveness of our alliance, noting the current state of affairs between our allies in Aeyariss and Brigantia, a country aspiring for membership of the ETO. Furthermore, it is our view that this will only serve to delay the provocations of the Eulabians, who will ultimately try to launch another incursion in the future, regardless of the agreements signed by Nifon or Luttenried.

The matriarchal nature of the Angelish monarchy notwithstanding, we have questions regarding the implications of a Nifonese prince-consort in Angeland, and whether this risks undermining the gentleman’s agreement between our two nations regarding spheres of influence in the Musgorocian Ocean. To this end, I invite you to clarify whether the Nifonese military has plans in the future to deploy to Angeland. Additionally, while we view the marriage of Her Augustness Empress Hinata as a matter internal to Nifon, we nonetheless seek to discuss the implications for this in relation to the security of northern Musgorocia, especially in the context of Nifon’s improved relations with Hakuryou.

Carloso remains committed to strengthening its ties, both multilaterally through SACTO, and bilaterally with Nifon and the Nifonese people, whom the Carlosian government and people continue to consider to be allies.

Yours sincerely,
Efrain Yeray
Ambassador to Nifon
Last edited by Greater Carloso on Sat May 18, 2024 7:02 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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New Aeyariss
Posts: 8177
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Postby New Aeyariss » Sun Mar 10, 2024 3:05 pm




ATTN: Efrain Yeray, Honorable Ambassador of the Republic of Carloso to the Holy Nifonese Empire
SUBJECT: Request for a meeting

Your Excellency:

The government of the Empire of Greater Nifon wishes to communicate the following to the Carlosian Embassy; that the Holy Nifonese Empire understands the concerns of our Carlosian partners, though our government does believe our behaviour does not pose a problem for the Carlosian side.

To demonstrate the commitment to the partnership, the government of the Holy Nifonese Empire will now share sensitive information with the Carlosian government:

Recently, the intelligence of the Holy Nifonese Empire discovered that EaN is a country split between two factions. One of the factions - a fact unknown to the larger public - is a shadowy cabal of buisnessmen known as the "Leviathan". Kubo-sama, upon closer study, concluded that there exists a chance that the cabal could be gained to work for the Holy Nifonese Empire. The operation was successful; a representative was sent to the cabal and managed to bribe them into pressuring Oswald Mosley to withdraw by a high bribe and a diplomatic agreement, in which EaN ceded whole of Hasua to Nifon. Another intelligence operation is currently underway to undermine the militant pro-war elements in EaN, however the details of this operation, for security reason, can not be divulged now.

To further demonstrate our commitment, the Holy Nifonese Empire offers our Carlosian partners access to our intelligence channels. We could introduce our Carlosian partners to the Leviathan. It is Kubo-sama's belief that the best strategy to contain EaN is through this cabal; after all, the operation has managed to throw EaN out of Hasua without a single shot being fired.

In any case, the Holy Nifonese Empire wishes to extend an official apology to the Carlosian government for the situation, but the cabal has requested the marriage to seal our partnership; and there was no chance of the deal being accepted without it. There was no time to consult our allies; the Holy Nifonese Empire had to act.

I am awaiting for your excellency at the Nifonese Ministry of External Affairs tomorrow to discuss further details.

Arigatou Gozaimasu!

- Tokugawa Asuka, Minister of External Affairs of the Empire of Greater Nifon.
Rping in MT (2023) and PT/FanT (1564)

Inyourfaceistan wrote:You didn't know that Cusc is actually a 4-armed cyborg genius commander and skillful warrior created in secret by a cabal of rich capitalist financiers built to lead and army of drones and other renegades against and overbearing socialist regime?
Psalms 144:1 wrote:Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight.
Also known as El Cuscatlan, Jesus will offer you eternal life if you believe in him!

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Common Territories
Posts: 4746
Founded: Nov 08, 2011
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Common Territories » Wed Mar 13, 2024 3:12 am

Holy March of Hachborn, Holy Dukedom of Luttenried
Kesfeld Logistics Company, Kesfeld Harbor, Kesfeld Islands (Kesfeld Burgravate)

The air felt thicker than usual, as if weighed down by the immense scale their discussion shifted to. While the Shogun deliberated the requests made by the Holy Duke, clearly seeking a critical yet consequential response suited for this situation, that patience and cautiousness itself revealed clues that each of the three Luttenried leaders comprehended in differing ways. Reichskanzler Kunibert weighed the the odds of the Nifonese leader accepting the proposal as given. In his mind there were zero chances of this happening. That is, without conditions like the Holy Duke inquired upon at least. Deals are never standalone for a reason. Just as labor requires reimbursement, someone looking to strike a deal needs to pay a price to achieve said deal. Luttenried may feel its owed obligations that outweigh significant costs, but that political wordplay stood no ground in a courtroom let alone the Diet's Chamber; no bank would agree to a loan under such terms and no company worth its stock would accept such a contract. Another government accepting such "debt" would be a longshot to say the least when those favors amounted to little lost on the Luttenried side. All that was left was to see how much the Nifonese wanted in return, and of course how much these obligations paid for themselves. Strategically Nifon has all the money it wants but not the resources it needs that its population has come to rely on. There was little doubt that the Shogun would ask for compensation paid via resources in exchange for terms Luttenried demanded. Of course such a trade was expected from the very beginning and even desired given Luttenried's shift towards regional trade to build greater wealth. If the Empire didn't need all the extra resources they produced, Luttenried needed to find partners outside the Empire to trade with. Only question left was what did Nifon want? How much of it do they require? And most importantly, how much are they willing to pay for it financially speaking. But it wouldn't be that easy neither Kunibert thought. There were surely other... less savory demands the Nifonese thought to ask of the Luttens...

Viceroy Markus on the other hand was still beaming due to the blank check offered from the Shogun, his grin visibly more alive than before. While interested in what response the Shogun would offer for the Holy Duke's request, he knew better than to guess wildly nor did he really need to. A politician at heart, Markus already knew a deal was on the table and the Nifonese were more hungry for it than he had expected coming into this meeting. In truth Markus was caught off guard by the Shogun. He expected some hesitation, some deliberation and delay. Heck, he didn't expect a deal to be made today but would be made eventually given the two parties earnest desire to settle this score. But Kojiro, just as always, never fails to live up to his reputation as a deal maker. Kojiro was clearly aware of Luttenried aspirations within the Empire and he decided the best way to satiate the Luttens was its mortal enemy - pun intended. Offering up territory for the Luttens to take of course improved the Holy Duchy's core strength, but it also helped Luttenried inch closer to achieving their longstanding goal as an Imperial vassal: Becoming a kingdom. But of course something was amiss. Offering up an enemy the two shared and help going forward in dealing with them, with nothing in return would be laughable - nay, impossible. Although Markus had found deeper interest in this meeting going forward, the puck was in Nifon's corner. Would they demand something too obnoxious? Regardless this meeting has already ended as a complete and total victory for him. History has shown however that such a sweet deal will always have sour ingredients baked inside.

Meanwhile the Holy Duke stared forward, deep in thought analyzing his Nifonese counterpart. He may be perceived as the least intelligent of the three but decades of education and practical experience have taught him instincts were just as great as book smarts. Already aware of Nifonese cultural differences, making such an offer would bring doubt to the Shogun's mind and that of his people for sure. But that test, if passed, proved how willing they would be to make concessions they normally wouldn't under such conditions. He too never thought in his wildest dreams Kojiro would just offer an enemy on a platter, but that too seemed fishy with how much Nifon was willing to offer aid on. Same as Markus, the Holy Duke smelled something obnoxious in the works knowing the Nifonese deal maker; Kojiro clearly knew of his ambitions and was playing at them with no hesitation on his part. But similar to Kunibert, the Holy Duke could see the Shogun make demands in response to this deal, and some of them being resource driven. Of course it was his belief that most demands from Nifon will be unsavory. If Nifon wanted more resources from Luttenried then they could have came asking a long time ago; the presence of older trade partners (with political strings attached) and the proverbial political football bouncing back-and-forth across Kali Yuga were the biggest reasons trade wasn't already greater with Nifon. Even if tariffs were maxed out by Imperion Decree, Nifon would rather save money on picking partners that would tariff less or not at all - closer that nation was the better. Unlike many other nations, Luttenried's economic health largely survives off trade given its tax and trade policies. Even if maxed out, such a close well-developed trade relationship in Nifon would bring huge profits home if the amount of trade increased even a little. Nifon was so rich and close that the only expense, supplies and fuel, was almost never a factor given the available resources and developed trade route the two shared. The island the men stood on at this very moment was developed for this very reason. Every pallet of rice, sheet of plastic, and kilogram of minerals mattered when sold abroad in Nifon. The only question was how much Nifon was willing to buy and what of the unsavory conditions they would apply in return.

With the Shogun's response still fresh in his mind, the Holy Duke pondered for a moment before answering. "Very well. As noted I believe it better to share the responsibilities for this to truly be a successful arrangement." Success! The Shogun had agreed to the covenant, though clearly conflicted with his decision to agree. His effort to have someone from Nifon perform the ritual must be his only available option to restrain any objections from home. "It will be a fair trade in fact! Luttenried will deliver the animals needed while Nifon officiates." As the Nifonese leader continued on, all three men saw not only their predictions shatter, but also come true at the same time...
The Secret Treaty
One Day Later...

Yesterday had been a long night for the Holy Duke and his entourage. Holy Duke Friedhelm, Viceroy Markus Löwe, and Reichskanzler Kunibert Wörner had began the highly secretive meeting twenty-four hours prior between themselves and the Yellow Menace himself, Shogun Maki Kojiro of Nifon. Once the initial back-and-forth came to an end and the two sides agreed to a secret treaty, the four men spent much of the night negotiating terms for their future agreement. Of course the finer details would be hammered out in future meetings between each nation's ministers, but the secret treaty would be signed and ritually bound by covenant rules in the coming weeks. As the three men were now on their way home to the capital in order to delegate orders to their subordinates with great urgency, they reflected on the accomplishments they achieved for their nation. Since this had been a secret meeting, even the three most powerful men in the Holy Dukedom had to return discretely aboard the same Holy Luttenried Air Force SA-95 transport they had arrived on. On paper and to the vast intelligence minded folks this was merely a transport that had delivered its cargo to Hachborn and was returning to the mainland the next day; although not as accommodating as their private jets, the luxuries provided would have to do in the seating cabin. All three men were silent, tired from the late night negotiations and preparations being made before they arrived home. Yet in his workaholic rage, the Holy Duke continued to review the roughly two dozen terms both sides had agreed to at the negotiating table. Rather than excited he was frustratingly upset by the events that played out...

During the meeting, he and his three subordinates negotiated hard with the expectation that the Shogun would push back, offering counter-terms or even dismissing them outright in some cases. Nifon's Shogun was a well known debater and deal maker, one who would leave with preferable terms or made you regret not offering a better deal. It was a traditional method for Imperials to start large and negotiate lower. "Aim high, strike farther." Or so said some Imperial diplomat who loved archery long ago. Shogun Kojiro's message of just wanting the current partnership to persist was taken as pleasantry at first - both sides wanted that naturally after all. There was no way the bait he offered would be free, right? What all three men didn't expect was how serious Shogun Kojiro actually was in his statements. In a feat of pure amazement, as if defying not only science by God himself, Shogun Kojiro green lit one demand after the other with almost zero objections or negotiations. Luttenried entered that meeting with at least ten goals wishing to be met. Conservative guesses to how many would be accepted would be two or maybe four optimistically. Shogun Kojiro simply nodded, thought on the matter for a brief moment, and accepted the terms, no strings attached. So Friedhelm pushed further by demanding items that had not even been considered prior to the meeting. Shogun Kojiro smiled and green lit them all. He was prepared to meet a tough negotiator ready to strike down outlandish demands so that the actual goals could be reached in settlement, but Friedhelm never experienced push back even once... The idea of it all going so smoothly irritated him. His Viceroy was so happy you could feel the rays of sunshine beaming even from his lower cheeks. Kunibert, his head of government, was equally confused how this could have proceeded so straightforwardly. But instead of frustration he was in work mode - he wanted to capitalize on the deal before Nifon had a chance to think twice. It was only the Holy Duke who, while left stunned, had his instincts screaming at him that something was afoot. "That damn Yellow Menace... What exactly are you up to?" He softly muttered to himself. Friedhelm was convinced this was too easy to be legitimate. Of course it was easy to say yes, but actually enacting the contents were another thing. But only time will tell if Nifon kept to its word and remained loyal to the treaty.

So what were the terms both side agreed to during the day long meeting? The two parties agreed to a secret treaty that would be henceforth referred to as the "170th° Meridian Treaty", or "170MT" for short. First, as offered by Nifon during the opening hour of the meeting, Thouthen was offered on a silver platter to Luttenried. Shogun Kojiro even went as far as promising full support if Luttenried wished to take action on the intelligence Nifon offered. As such, both agreed that Thouthen needed to fall, and that Luttenried would take everything the far-left dystopia had to offer with the full military, economic, and political backing from Nifon in doing so. In the same breath, Luttenried was promised the same terms concerning all of Bourgougia's overseas territories, most notably the islands Luttenried was forced to spare during the Blitz decades prior. Although Luttenried wanted the entire country and Nifon tactfully kept the idea open, doing so was clearly an overreach even for Luttenried. Even with full Imperial support, taking the entire nation over, subjugating it, and converting it to the proper faith would not be a feat accomplishable overnight. At the same time however, Luttenried secured similar assurances from Nifon concerning the island nations of Vaotua and South Oceanica. Although it didn't have immediate plans for the latter, the former has been on Luttenried's radar ever since it broke away at the end of the Crusade with Carloso assistance. Vaotua was left alone for so long due to Carloso's presence in the region, even today its militarized islands being so close that a decision to intervene again could easily disrupt the annexation of the island once more. The deal itself was left vague after that concerning territories to the east, away from Nifon's own claims, and for good reason. While Luttenried agreed to let go of its long-held aspirations of eliminating the muslim kingdoms from its western shores, Nifon promised to help curb the rouge pirates in the region and essentially nudged the Holy Dukedom to look eastward instead.

Economically speaking, Luttenried left the meeting much, much richer than it had entered. One of its most vital demands going into the meeting, Luttenried sought to increase trade significantly with Nifon or increase the substantially low tariffs in applicable places where possible. To do so the Luttenried-Nifonese Trade Agreement needed to be amended, something that Nifon has vetoed in the past. Luttenried miraculously secured both demands during the negotiations. Nifon agreed to not only increase the importation of Luttenried food, energy, manufacturing, and mineral products, but agreed to accept raised tariffs on their own exports to the maximum amount allowable by Imperion Decree. Imperion's Trade Agency (ITA) had enacted regulations concerning trade after its members voted in support of fair trade measures. The "Fair Trade Act," long story short, enacts basic protections against piracy, fraudulent actions, and unfair tariffs targeting Coalition members exports. As a defacto member of the Coalition, Luttenried can only tax its imports from Coalition allies at the maximum allowable twenty percent. This means if Luttenried, a nation heavily invested in its foreign trade, wanted to earn more money trading with Coalition allies, it needed to trade more rather than simply raising tariffs. Doing so means Luttenried will not only collect more tax revenue from its exports, it will be able to collect additional revenue from current and future Nifon exports. Best part, both sides will see only marginal domestic price hikes from these new trade policies thanks to increased supply meeting current demands. In return, Nifon requested Luttenried export some of its extensive copper supply to Nifon, something Luttenried was more than happy to do at fair price rates. Nifon's electronics industry surely needed the highly sought after conductive material and Luttenried companies were more than happy to sell its supply to foreign customers given how little the Empire will buy. Finally, within the next month or so, an economic conference organized by the two nations would introduce to each other companies in order to facilitate the new provisions in their trade agreement.

Number one on the agenda for the secret meeting was for both sides to hammer out where their spheres border the other. For too long both sides merely estimated where their spheres stretched and the other's began. It was arguably the largest reason why relations had deteriorated to this point and why the four men had gathered in the first place. While Luttenried originally intended to secure its sphere of influence with Nifon by means of a physical border using the island nations that stretched from Damar to Jakarnapura, it became evidently clear that Nifon was unwilling to cede influence in the muslim islands. Luttenried's goal was to secure the sphere then later militarily seize the islands, accomplishing the erasure of one of its chief enemies and erecting a proper border with Nifon while retaining access to lands/waters towards the Holy Duchy's far-west - two birds, one stone as they say. Shogun Kojiro's first real 'foot in the sand' moment during the entire meeting, he made explicitly clear that Nifon refuses to cede any influence in the islands, and for good reasons too. The islands had been home to Nifon's collaborators for decades now, supplying Nifon with resources and other riches in order to fuel the lifestyles Nifonese back home had come to enjoy. Giving the islands away was out of the question both politically and economically speaking. Even if Luttenried would continue the resource trade, that (corrupt) political control is gone the moment Luttenried seizes control and the trade itself no longer free of strict financial costs. Shogun Kojiro made Nifon's position very clear, that its only truly selfish demand was the outline of its sphere of influence and that Luttenried (and by extension the Empire) respect its sphere. While Luttenried did eye the east, it did more so the west seeing as island nations are easier to tame than entire continents; the muslim enemy to the west was an easier military target when compared to the Musgorocia threat northeast of Luttenried. But under the conditions presently before them, it would be foolish and far too greedy to argue down the Shogun's only serious set of demands. In exchange for recognizing the island nations as part of Nifon's sphere of influence, Nifon promised to support the formerly mentioned territorial aspirations Luttenried had eastward; in essence, if Luttenried agreed to shift its focus entirely eastward, Nifon would overtly support it in doing so. With the spheres defined and respected, both sides formally agreed to an influence border stretching along the 170th Meridian Line (hence the treaty's name). This border begins at Nifon's northern most islands, meets at the Yongzheng Isles in the center, and goes as far south as the island nation of Alor. West of this border is Nifonese sphere of influence, or at least most of it is as far as Luttenried was concerned. East of it is recognized roughly as Luttenried sphere of influence. "Roughly" is used because this treaty ignores Carloso and its own sphere, which the treaty wasn't inherently designed to abide to. A drama filled bridge both parties must cross once that time arrives...

Militarily speaking, the secret treaty between the two nations altered almost nothing when it came to military and intelligence affairs between the two. Both nations had already signed agreements with the other that established their military relationship even outside of their current treaty obligations found in SACTO, Imperion, and the treaties signed between the Empire and Nifon. Given their close proximity and similar cultures, in modern times the two found each other as natural allies. Given their shared international enemies, namely communism, the far-left, and heretics, the two nations stood only to gain more ground by cooperating. Nifon's only set of demands outside of its sphere being respected is that the close relationship the two nations shared not be diminished in any way. Luttenried had no desire to lose its northern ally and diminishing their current profitable relationship would only hurt them. As such, Luttenried was more than happy to reinvigorate the alliance the two had. The only demand Luttenried presented in relation to the alliance was the addition of permanent annual military exercises between the two nations to be discussed at a later time.

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Greater Carloso
Posts: 885
Founded: Dec 24, 2015
Moralistic Democracy

Postby Greater Carloso » Mon Apr 29, 2024 6:40 pm

OOC: Major credit to New Aeyariss (Cusc) for contributing to the dialogue between Yeray and Asuka.

Presidential Palace
Madrigal, Carloso

Tobón blinked as he read the printout of the communiqué from Tokugawa Asuka that had been forwarded to him by the Carlosian Ambassador to Nifon, Efrain Yeray, perhaps for the tenth time this morning. Intelligence regarding who really pulled the strings in Eulabia had been a bit of a blind spot for Carlosian agencies, but this was certainly something nobody had expected. While the existence of an organisation like Leviathan had been subject to conspiracy theories and some fringe political analysis, it had been largely dismissed as fiction. If the Nifonese were to be believed, it seemed that these conspiracy theorists had been correct all along. That the government of a major world power like the Commonwealth of Eulabia was beholden to such a shadowy cabal was concerning, to say the least. What was more extraordinary is that Kojiro had apparently managed to twist their arm and convince Mosley to withdraw from Hasua, Nifon’s sphere of influence. The reaction of Aitor Coscarón, Director of the National Intelligence Directorate (NID), was similar to Tobón, though he had perhaps more seriously entertained the possibility. Since the affair in Altaia and the discovery of C13’s global operations, now anything was possible regarding secretive international organisations. Undoubtedly there was going to be serious ramifications for Carlosian national security, presuming what the Nifonese had revealed was accurate. On foot of this, Tobón had assembled a meeting of security officials in one of the many rooms of the Presidential Palace, including Coscarón, as well as Deputy President Estebán Santander and General Régulo Moran, Chairman of High Command. Besides Yeray, these were the only Carlosians presently aware of the revelation by the Nifonese.

The Ambassador himself had just joined the meeting via a secure video link. In many ways, he was a typical career diplomat, having taken up multiple postings throughout Musgorocia and Hasua over the years, having done his period of national service immediately after the Bourgougian Blitz, escaping the harrowing experience of war and the fallen nature of man which had forged everyone else in the meeting. Being Ambassador to Nifon was by far his most demanding posting, being Carloso’s most important ally. Recent years had seen a massive surge in the amount of business and tourism between the two countries, inevitably meaning more and more Nifonese were seeking visas to move to Carloso, while the demand for ambassadorial services from Carlosian expats in Nifon had also increased. Before this, his most senior diplomatic posting was being Ambassador to Côte d'Émeraude, and before that, to Vaotua. Nevertheless, he had proven himself to be an extremely capable emissary in representing Carlosian interests abroad. Perhaps most impressively, he had managed to secure the release of ten Carlosian aid workers who had been taken hostage by communist guerrillas in north-east Côte d'Émeraude in a prisoner exchange, allowing the country’s air force to promptly obliterate the guerrillas and the freed prisoners mere minutes late.

“Ambassador Yeray, good to see that you could join us.” Tobón began, “You have our thanks for forwarding Minister Tokugawa’s communiqué. While we are still evaluating the veracity of her claims, if they are true, it certainly sheds light on the vulnerabilities of Mosley and his regime in Eulabia. Do you think we can trust her?”

Yeray cleared his throat as he began to speak. “Thank you, sir. I’ve met with Miss Tokugawa many times before, and I have no reason to doubt that she is telling the truth.” Yeray stated confidently, “As Foreign Minister, I suspect she was deeply involved with the negotiations around this deal.”

“I would take whatever the Nifonese saying with a grain of salt.” Moran said prudently, “Can we count on this intelligence really being accurate? That Kojiro managed to convince Mosley to pull back from Hasua and Musgorocia like this is beyond unlikely.”

“Unless, of course, he is telling the truth. To a republican, the idea of a marriage being a prerequisite in sealing a partnership seems ridiculous, especially when it’s in an isolated backwater like Angeland. This ‘Leviathan’ organisation seems to hold immense power in Eulabia. For all we know, it may have been responsible in triggering the downfall of the Eulabian Union and the rise of Mosley.” Santander suggested, “And if memory serves me correctly, Nifon provided arms to both sides in that war.”

“That is Kojiro’s nature. Nifonese companies stood to profit hugely from arms sales. We were too occupied with the clown show that was Irisar and Galcerán to get in on the bonanza.” Moran replied. There was a chuckle from everyone in the room, remembering the events which had triggered Tobón ascendancy, well over a decade ago now. “One would have thought that the Nifonese would have told us about this organisation sooner, though then again it wasn’t until we came face to face with C13 ourselves that we were aware of their existence. Maybe the threat of losing their most powerful ally in Musgorocia has made it politically expedient for them to cooperate with us.” Moran continued. He turned towards Tobón, “I don’t like what the Nifonese are playing at, sir. It seems too good to be true.”

Tobón reflected for a moment, calculating how he would proceed. “I don’t doubt that the Nifonese are telling the truth, considering their offer to arrange a meeting with the members of this organisation. Access to their intelligence channels will be invaluable and we could do a lot with men inside Mosley’s regime.” Tobón uttered, “But I have my doubts. For all we know, the Kojiro is being played for a fool by this organisation.”

Coscarón nodded, having remained silent up to this point, “One take on the conspiracy theory is that Leviathan is part of a broader pan-Eulabian conspiracy to secure their hegemony internationally. If what they say is true, agreeing to the Nifonese demands would have been entirely incompatible with that goal. Our intelligence assessment that Mosley’s efforts to make an incursion into the Musgorocian Ocean have merely been delayed in the medium-term remains our view on the matter.”

“All we can do for now is speculate.” Tobón observed, “Yeray, I want you to go ahead with your meeting with Miss Tokugawa. Tell her that we accept her apology on behalf of the Nifonese government and are ready to cooperate with Nifon regarding access to Leviathan and the sharing of intelligence. However, do not agree to anything else without referring back to me.” he ordered, craning his neck towards the screen.
“Yes, of course, sir.” Yeray replied.

“In the meantime, I want a concerted effort to find out more about this ‘Leviathan’ and who they are, what they are. We cannot rely merely on the Nifonese to assess what threat they pose to our national security. Their tendrils may have already worked their way into our industry, and maybe even our government. We need to know if they have control of any private security forces. Get Section 9 involved if we must and see if our ‘guest’ in Memis has anything to say.” Tobón continued, looking at Coscarón, “Dismissed!”

As everyone got up and left the room, Moran turned around to say something to Tobón. “Kojiro doesn’t give things away for free, sir. I don’t want to know what he wants from us in return.”

Ministry of External Affairs
Ishikawa, Nifon

Several hours later, Yeray was sitting in the back of a black Arteta Muntera. Its sleek liftback configuration drew quick glances from passersby. His driver navigated the morning traffic of the bustling Nifonese capital, a unit of the Ishikawa Police riding motorbikes clearing the way as they got closer to the Ministry of External Affairs. As they progressed, Yeray reflected on his time so far in Nifon, having took up the position approximately two years ago. It helped that he was a natural polyglot, being fluent not just his native tongues of English and Carlosian, but also French, the language of many of Carloso’s neighbours, and Portuguese, the language of Agostinia. Nifonese, expectedly, had proven challenging, but he had managed to acquire a certain degree of professional proficiency during this time here. While he liked to practice it as much as possible, for fear of being misunderstood, he usually spoke English, and left the Nifonese to a translator. It helped that the vast majority of Nifon’s diplomatic corps, and indeed many politicians and businessmen, were fluent or nearly fluent in English. While he had meetings with Tokugawa before concerning sensitive matters regarding relations between Nifon and Carloso, nothing had come close to the high-stakes matter that he was about to discuss with her.

Before he knew it, they had already arrived at the Ministry. Some electric gates opened to let the car in, which came to a stop outside the main entrance. As a figure opened the door for him, a stone-faced Yeray emerged from the car, unsure of what lied ahead. The Ministry of External Affairs of the Holy Nifonese Empire differed from the sea of traditional Nifonese architecture surrounding it. It was a massive modernist building, built almost entirely of steel and glass. Inside, Yeray could see Western-style rooms and halls.

The room to which he was led was evidently built to suit the modern tastes. It was an almost entirely white modern meeting room, with a long table inside it. In front of that table sat a woman in her forties, with an oval face and raven-like dark hair.

“Good morning, Your Excellency.” she said in a manner that seemed almost artificial, honouring even the smallest part of the etiquette “Please, sit. Would you like some tea?”

Ambassador Yeray seemed to glance around the room as he walked towards Miss Tokugawa, as if he was expecting the Nifonese to ambush him. He looked towards the Minister and smiled slightly. “Thank you for agreeing to this meeting, Miss Tokugawa. Yes I will. Any variety will do, I’m not picky.” he said. Since being posted in Nifon, he had grown accustomed to the great number of teas available here. Back home, like almost everyone else, Yeray drank traditional Carlosian breakfast tea, a trait the country had inherited from its Anglophone colonisers. While he had grown to tolerate it, and to some extent pretend to enjoy it, he certainly wasn’t a devotee of Nifonese green tea.

“I am glad that Your Excellency is enjoying our tea.” Tokugawa smiled.

“On behalf of Kubo-sama I wish to apologise for the situation; but as it has been relayed in the communication, our government did not really have a chance to consult our allies about this situation. The parties in the Leviathan we were in contact with requested the dynastic arrangement as part of the deal; and defusing the situation was seen as important eough by Kubo-sama to warrant an action without consultation of our partners.”

Asuka forwarded a bunch of files towards the ambassador.

“In those files is everything we have managed to learn about the organisation. The group, aside from the notorious Redshield family, consists also of Karlsson and Krupp families, with Jeanne Krupp playing an important role. It is more interesting when one acknowledges the fact that Karlson is the family of the current prime minister of EaN.”

She paused, “Oswald Mosley however does not seem to be part of that group. On the contrary, the man seems to be driven purely by his own megalomania. With the backing of the EaN military, he seems to form a counterweight to the Leviathan... strong enough to warrant the group to work with us.”

Yeray took a few moments to flick through the files in front of him, which consisted of hundreds of pages and dozens of photographs and diagrams linking certain individuals together within the society and government of the Eulabian Commonwealth. He was well aware of the Redshields already, an extraordinarily wealthy family of enigmatic individuals who, when not plotting to kill each other, were busy attempting to undermine social cohesion around the world through their various front organisations. Its last head, James Redshield, had publicly died suddenly of an illness, though in reality had been obliterated in a drone strike ordered by Maki Kojiro. He recognised the Karlsson name, associated with the powerful MK Industries conglomerate which held massive sway in almost every sector of the Eulabian economy, including defence, biotechnology and finance. Other names mentioned seemed less familiar to Yeray. After a while, he looked up at the Minister sitting across from him and gave a wry smile.

“These revelations regarding ‘Leviathan’ have caused a bit of a stir back home, but nevertheless we see it as a positive expression by your government that you value continued cooperation between our two countries.” Yeray uttered, “We accept that there was, perhaps, a misinterpretation of Nifon’s motives on our part, given the expeditious way in which your government was forced to act, but we are willing to put that aside. Our intelligence services stand ready to assist Nifon in establishing the extent of Leviathan’s influence in Musgorocia, and exploiting it if need be.”

“Your Excellency, I would like to know what the Carlosian government intends to do about the issue of Thouthen.” Asuka asked “Recently we have been contacted by the Luttenreider party, which has informed us that they are interested in taking action. However, I am aware of the history between your two countries.”

She paused once more, “Of course, Your Excellency, I need to inform you that the Holy Nifonese Empire does not have any intent to project power on the Musgorican continent; however, both Luttenreid and Carloso are SACTO members. I do personally believe that a potential conflict of interest between Luttenreid and Carloso would undermine SACTO at a time when the Eulabians are making bolder and bolder moves. Therefore, the Holy Nifonese Empire sees it as extremely beneficial to our national interest that the two parties remain at cordial relations.”

It was indeed true. With Relikai and Eulabia, SACTO could not afford to be divided. Not at this point.

“I would like to point out that the Holy Nifonese Empire would like to offer our assistance in resolving any potential disputes.”

Yeray paused for a point, raising an eyebrow at what the Minister had just said. She seemed to be implying that Luttenried was looking to involve itself in the situation in Thouthen, which going by recent history only meant one thing - an invasion. Luttenrieden revanchism was famously nipped in the bud in 1987 when they annexed the Îles Perlegrise from Bourgougia, Carlosian President Adrian Miotasis threatening all-out war against Luttenried if it were to advance any further in the wake of the collapse of Bourgougia following the Blitz. In recent years, most Carlosian officials had discounted Luttenried as a threat, both countries being members of SACTO. If what Asuka was saying was what Yeray thought she was saying, it seemed that the events of 1987 had merely delayed the inevitable confrontation between the two supposed allies. Yeray recomposed himself, opting to remain tight-lipped on what the Carlosians knew, at least for now.

“We are aware of the situation in Thouthen. As you may well have concluded yourselves, the country’s economic collapse is nearly imminent, which is of course a matter of serious concern for us Musgorocians, especially our allies in Victory and Côte D'Émeraude. Obviously, there are the concerns about what the effect will be on Bourgougia, which is still in a fragile state, and it appears much of the debt owed by Thouthen is to Bourgougian banks.” Yeray replied, “While the inevitable downfall of the ‘equalist’ regime is welcome, we are concerned about the welfare of the Christian minority and the inevitability of violent reprisals against them. We consider their security vital for the formation of a future government that is loyal to the Carlosian-led order in Musgorocia, though we are still considering the right course of action.” he continued, “Though regarding Luttenried, if I can be frank, you have caught me unawares. Are the Luttenriedens intending to intervene in Thouthen?”

“Your Excellency,” Asuka replied, “How much are you aware of how the Commoner Empire works?”

“The Holy Duke has an ambition to be raised to the status of a king. However he at this point has insufficient amount of land for the Emperor to recognise his status. He sees this as an opportunity to expand.” Asuka continued, taking a sip of her tea.

“Now, to us this may lead to a potential confrontation between the two SACTO powers, which I think would be disastrous for not only SACTO, but the regional geopolitics as well. Such a confrontation would open the region to EaN influence, after all. Thus, we, as the Holy Nifonese Empire, have every reason to see it within our interests to prevent it.

That said, Your Excellency, according to our analysts, Carloso and Luttenreid do not need to be enemies in this case. An eventual expansion of Luttenreid would after all weaken Bourgougia, which Carloso sees as its primary rival. And I take that Carloso would certainly prefer to deal with a fellow conservative, Catholic nation than with the socialist morasses that the region is full of today. After all, if Barssois could have been won over, why not Luttenreid?”

“Now, I will be blunt. It is a key interest of ours to prevent confrontation between our allies. If the Carlosian government would be willing to reach an agreement with the Luttenrieders, the Holy Nifonese Empire would give Carloso the Choyr coal deposit. Two billion tons of coal, to go directly wherever the Carlosian state wants it to go." Asuka iterated, “I can assure Your Excellency that Kubo-sama knows the Holy Duke quite well and could persuade him to agree to whatever terms Carlosian state requests. If that happens, the Carlosian state gains a valuable partner in the south - and it does not need to fear Angeland, citing that it would be effectively contained.”

It appeared Asuka had revealed Nifon’s cards to Yeray. As he had suspected, Luttenried had designs on mainland Musgorocia, and were seeking to take advantage of the imminent chaos in Thouthen to fulfil their imperial ambitions. He couldn’t help but wonder if this had all been sparked with the situation in Angeland. Perhaps Nifon had given the green light to Luttenried to attack Thouthen in return for the perceived betrayal by Kojiro in making a deal with the Eulabian Commonwealth, thereby encroaching on Luttenried’s own perceived sphere of influence. Reading between the lines of what Asuka had just said, it seemed that the Bourgougian islands that the Luttenrieders hadn’t conquered in 1987 were also on offer. To him, it felt like Kojiro was frantically looking around trying desperately to plug an ever increasing number of ‘leaks’ that were appearing across the region as a result of his foreign policy.

Yeray wasn’t much impressed by Asuka’s appeals to Catholicism, unsure whether it was a result of her unfamiliarity with Western Christianity as a Protestant Kogyokist. The Commoner Emperor’s Kirche der Königlich (KdK), while certainly based on the structure of the Roman Catholic Church, and not necessarily Protestant, was the exclusive confessional church of the Commoner Empire, led by its ‘Papst’, rather than the Catholic Pope, successor of Saint Peter. The legacy of the destructive Luttenrieder Crusades, now over half a millennium ago but still heavily discussed in the country’s history textbooks, led directly to the birth of Carloso’s national identity and eventual independence. This left a sour aftertaste as far as Luttenried’s reputation in Carloso was concerned, as well as that of its ‘church’. Indeed, Carloso’s entire modern history seemed to be dominated by struggles against strands of ‘Christianity’ that weren't Catholic, including its multi-generational feud with majority Huegenout Bourgougia.

“Miss Asuka, as you are aware, there would be nothing more pleasing for us then to topple the regime currently ‘governing’ Thouthen. I will admit it was a failure on my own country’s part not to have given them the same treatment as we did to Bourgougia during the Blitz and in Acrary when the Reds attacked Zaralt. Perhaps we would not be in the situation we are now.” Yeray said, “Nevertheless, I am sure you understand the delicate nature of the situation in Musgorocia at present. Our history with Luttenried is… complicated, and goes back to the very foundation of my country. I certainly hope we do not have to turn them into another Bourgougia.” he continued, a hint of forewarning in his voice.

He paused for a moment before he went further. “Miss Asuka, I hope you understand that I will have to consult Madrigal about this. Your offer of Altai's coal deposits is certainly substantial, but I must make it clear that this will not go down well back home.” Yeray stressed.

“By all means,” she said “and I would like to point out that in the name of Kubo-sama, the Holy Nifonese Empire will not allow Luttenreid to attack Carloso proper. This is an official guarantee.”

Yeray nodded and stood up as the meeting concluded, bowing slightly towards Asuka before he moved to leave. “Thank you, Miss Asuka. We expect nothing less from our esteemed allies in this situation.” he finished. With that, Yeray departed the room and left for the car awaiting him outside.
Last edited by Greater Carloso on Sat May 18, 2024 5:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Father Knows Best State

Postby Thouthen » Sat May 11, 2024 5:45 pm

Palace of Equality
Toleranzestaadt, Thouthen

Ineke Werkmann, People's Commissar for Finance, was a rare voice of reason within the equalist regime. He had been counting down the days until Thouthen ran out of money, its foreign reserves rapidly dwindling as it splurged billions on social welfare programmes and a massive military budget. He didn’t dare question the directives of Daniel Khassai Siyoum, knowing the fate that had befallen the last finance minister to do the leader’s bidding. Werkmann knew the days of this regime were limited. If the Bourgougians weren’t going to pour in from the north to recoup the massive sum of money Thouthen owed to its banks, someone else would take advantage of the country’s predicament. He had made his own arrangements to slip out of the country with a few other more level-headed officials once the violence started, having arranged his escape through the porous border with Côte d'Émeraude, complete with a fake passport acquired from a Nifonese yakuza outfit in Victory. Dominated by imposing laurel forests, it was rarely patrolled by either country, who, despite the poor bilateral relations, operated under the assumption that few would attempt to cross the treacherous terrain. Knowing the extent of Gunpeitai’s operations, being one of the most feared and omnipresent intelligence agencies in the world, including within the Nifonese criminal gangs which stalked many metropolises across Hasua and Musgorocia, he was under the assumption that they were already well aware of his intentions, and the imminent implosion of Thouthen.

Now, as the clock ticked down to default, the Supreme Equaliser’s grand plan, the ‘final solution’ for the wealthy, Caucasian and largely Christian minority in the country, was about to be initiated. He had summoned several dozen high ranking party officials, including Werkmann, to the Palace of Equality, an opulent monument to Siyoum’s rule, located in the centre of the country’s capital of Toleranzestaadt. Once upon a time, before it was renamed from Benkenstein following the Equalist Revolution, this city had been considered one of the most beautiful in Musgorocia, with grand boulevards and canals. Much of the city was demolished in the mid-2000s after seized control from the country’s previous government and redesigned to centre around what was to soon become a monolithic epitaph to Siyoum and his regime. Werkmann took his seat in the grand assembly hall, flanked on one side by People's Commissar for Internal Affairs Isaac Lugtenbeld, and on the other by People's Commissar for Defence Jan-Joost Koops. Unlike Werkmann, Lugtenbald was one of many within the Thouthen Democratic Socialist Party (TDSP) who had fallen completely and utterly under Great Equaliser Siyoum’s spell, being a fanatic adherent to the official ideology of Liberal Progressive Equalism as detailed in the infamous Little Pink Book, authored by Siyoum himself. Lugtenbald, since his appointment at the beginning of the regime in 2001, gleefully persecuted the Christians mercilessly, demolishing 90% of the country’s churches and converting those that remained into temples dedicated to the Gaia Hypothesis, the country’s state religion. Combined with the massive levels of immigration to Thouthen, mainly from Afruika and Hasua, which had inflated the country’s population from a little over 5 million in 2001 to over 11 million now, these original Thouthenese people had quickly become a minority in their own country, their power having been swept away overnight in the bloody revolution that had been precipitated, at least publicly by the fallout of the final arc of the Bourgougian Civil War and unrest and civil unrest in Côte d'Émeraude, though in reality orchestrated by a banking elite to seize control of the state in its entirety, taking advantage of the divisions that had already existed within Thouthenese society up to that point.

Werkmann grimaced as Siyoum eventually appeared on the stage, the whole hall immediately erupting in applause as all stood up to greet the Great Equaliser. Only the Standing Committee had been made aware of what he had been about to announce, almost all of the party membership being ignorant of the dire state the country’s finances were in, fully expecting the incredibly levels of spending on welfare and defence to go on indefinitely. Siyoum waved at the party officials as he approached the lectern, a giant portrait of his likeness looming overhead. He was the ‘overman’, so it was thought, that would ultimately lead the liberal progressive equalist forces to victory against the Apollonians, who dared to resist the tidal wave that was this unstoppable movement. Of course, in reality he was merely a puppet, installed by the same shadowy force that had brought about the equalist regime in Thouthen in the first place, though Werkmann couldn’t help but wonder if this marionette had somehow managed to escape the confines of its strings. The cascade of noise eventually died down after a minute or two, an eery silence looming over the venue as Siyoum finally began to speak.

“My dear colleagues, as some of you may be aware, our state has arrived at a crossroads. For too long the racist white settlers have egregiously hoarded their wealth and have refused to surrender it to us in the name of equitable redistribution. They have surrendered utterly to their Apollonian instincts and are therefore beyond redemption. I am also afraid to say that I have seen evidence that they have conspired with our foreign enemies, including forces in Carloso, the fascist state of Nifon and Bourgougia to deny us access to credit, in an effort to undermine and overthrow the people’s revolution!” Siyoum began, “After much deliberation, I have decided that we must act now and destroy our enemies before they destroy us and the paradise we have created. Thus, I am announcing that, effective immediately, Operation Just Reparations is in effect, and have ordered the liquidation of all cisgender whites in Free Thouthen.” There were several audible gasps from the assembled crowd as people looked at each other, unsure how to react. Even by Siyoum’s standards, this was extreme, and ‘cisgender whites’ included many in the party hierarchy. Siyoum, the hypnotic master of the great masses that he was, sensed the tone in the room shift.

“To those in the party membership who are concerned about your safety, do not fret, for I have directed our People's Commissar for Internal Affairs, comrade Isaac Lugtenbeld, to classify you and your families as members of a sexual minority group, and you will therefore be protected. All hail the people, all hail equality!”

As Siyoum concluded his speech, the whole party membership erupted once more into a flurry of applause and cheers, Werkmann reluctantly joining them in pseudo-adulation of their leader. There were loud cries of “All hail the Supreme Equaliser! Equality is the beginning! Equality is the end!”, as some in the audience broke down in tears as they became overwhelmed with the feelings of love and devotion they had towards their leader. As soon as Siyoum would disappear from that stage, he would sign an order to eviscerate the country’s social welfare schemes to prevent the country’s bankruptcy, hoping nobody would notice amidst the orgy of violence that was about to ensue. In his own mind, Werkmann knew this was the beginning of the end for Thouthen.

Dijkzicht, Thouthen

The morning birds and crickets chirped as the sun beat down on the town of Dijkzicht, a town in western Thouthen not too far from the border with Bourgougia and within visual distance of the fortified metropolis that was Victory. As was typical for this time of year in southern Musgorocia, the weather was warm and unpleasantly humid. On a clear day, one could see the massive Carlosian warships and various cargo vessels entering and leaving the port, one of the most important on the continent. Suddenly, the sound of diesel engines pierced the forenoon tranquillity as a convoy of military vehicles of the Thouthenese People’s Defence Forces (TPDF) approached Dijkzicht. The vehicles came down the road from the hills to the east of the town, crossing a bridge that spanned a small river. At the head of the column were a pair of Bourgougian-manufactured Arseneault V93 armoured cars, followed by six Fuselier V71 armoured personnel carriers. All bore the markings of the 1st Multicultural Assault Brigade, one of the premier fighting units of the Army. Eventually, they came to a stop in the town square and fanned out in all directions, the townspeople, who were overwhelmingly Caucasian, peeking out the windows to see what all the commotion was about. After a few tense seconds, the hatch atop the turret of the lead V71 opened, and a military officer of Afruikan heritage, donning fatigues, and a dark red beret, emerged with a megaphone in hand. Just as he began to speak, the doors of the APCs swung open and dozens of heavily armed soldiers began spilling out and taking positions around the town centre.

“Residents of Dijkzicht, I am Major Kwame Eregbu, commander of A Company, 3rd Battalion of the 1st Multicultural Assault Brigade. By order of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs, all white, heterosexual males from the ages of 16 up are ordered to assemble in the former religious building once referred to as ‘Sint-Bartholomeuskerk’ at the centre of this town at exactly 12 noon, for a mandatory Apollonian expungement exercise. All who fail to attend will be severely punished. Entry into the building prior to this time will not be permitted!”

As he finished speaking, Eregbu gave the order to his men to move into the church, who forced open the lock on the long-closed front door with the butt of a rifle. Having been abandoned for nearly two decades now, the interior was in a relatively poor state, though most of the pews were completely intact. A few birds had made a home for themselves in the vault of the church, flying in and out through a gap in a fractured stain glass window. Once the soldiers entered, they ascended a flight to stairs to the gallery overlooking the ground floor and immediately set about rigging the columns supporting the buildings with discreetly placed explosive charges, which, when triggered, would compromise the stability of the entire building, and send tonnes of masonry cascading down onto anybody below. Eregbu had even ordered his men to set up a sound system where the altar of the church was so he could taunt his victims from the safety of the outside throughout the ordeal. He, along with a few other especially sadistic officers within the 1st Multicultural Assault Brigade, had set about challenging each other to kill the greatest number of people in the most creative way possible, in fulfilment of Siyoum’s order to begin Operation Just Reparations. Major Eregbu’s particular plan was inspired by a certain notoriously devious communist terrorist attack in a far-off land that targeted a packed church during a funeral nearly a century ago, fully intending to maximise the number of casualties inflicted by collapsing the roof in on the congregation. In truth, Eregbu’s plan was perhaps one of the vanilla ones compared to what his colleagues had in store for Thouthen’s Christian population.

When the appointed time came, a long line of men and teenagers were led into the church, the diverse grouping of soldiers brandishing their rifles. A head count put the total number of people inside the church at 508. Egregbu, knowing there were at least a few people missing if the last census was anything to go by, didn’t seem to care too much, and would have to satisfy himself with the achievement of obliterating the town’s male population. “Close the doors. This is when the fun begins.” He said gleefully, taking a microphone in his hand as his men sealed the doors shut.

“Men and boys of Dijkzicht, as promised, I have assembled you all in this fine building for what I am referring to as an ‘Apollonian expungement exercise’. Unfortunately, I have come to the conclusion, and indeed on reflecting on the teachings of the Great Equaliser in The Little Pink Book, that you are all completely irredeemable! You are the epitome of animalistic, Apollonian impulses. Therefore, it has been decided that Thouthen does not need you anymore and you are an unacceptably dangerous risk to the safety of the people. We will make sure to take good care of your women. Goodbye!” Eregbu finished, anticipating greatly what he was about to do.

Almost immediately he could hear the sound of banging on the door. No doubt they would foolishly try to use one of the pews as a battering ram, he thought. The few soldiers near the building began to step back a bit as Eregbu prepared to give the order. With a thumbs up to the demolitions operator and a few seconds delay, a series of explosions rocked the church, destroying the upper section of the columns holding up the roof and belfry, causing it to collapse in on everyone inside, quickly killing hundreds under a hail of rubble. As the dust settled, Eregbu’s soldiers moved in to 'deal with' any survivors. Almost immediately, the looting began as Ergebu and his men broke into houses and shops almost completely unopposed and doing all the obscene things associated with a marauding, pillaging army, robbed anything that wasn’t nailed to the floor. The sound of gun shots filled the streets, while the armoured vehicles hunted down anyone who tried to flee. By the evening, many of the buildings in the town had been reduced to nothing but burnt husks and an eery silence filled the streets as the soldiers departed with truckloads of booty from their conquest, leaving dozens of dead in the streets. Scenes like this were being simultaneously repeated across Thouthen.
Last edited by Thouthen on Sun May 12, 2024 3:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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