The Conglomerate [MT ; PMT]

A staging-point for declarations of war and other major diplomatic events. [In character]
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The Conglomerate [MT ; PMT]

Postby Jenrak » Thu Oct 08, 2009 8:03 pm



"The existence of such a thing is out of the interest to exist. That is why the interest can so easily be put together with others."

    [+] The First Rule of the Conglomerate: It is a reality that the only logical goal of an entity of power is its Self-Preservation.

    • Said Concept is not to violate the Concept of another member, whether directly or indirectly
    • A Defensive and Peaceful Policy with example of Diplomatic approaches to enemy hostilities must be presented for the activation of the Conglomerate
    • Actions deemed as Imperialistic by the base definition:

        The Exertion of Force from a Sovereign entity to another Sovereign entity,
      will be monitored and appropriate actions will be determined by the collective opinions of unoffended members of the Conglomerate

    [+] The Second Rule of the Conglomerate: A Member's value is only as equal as the value said Member projects into the Conglomerate. A Member without value does not belong within the Conglomerate.

    • An inactive member is defined as a member that has not replied to a call to duty or action within the Conglomerate after an undefined period of time
    • Inactivity within the Conglomerate will be met with talks from active members, upon which the consequence may result in temporary suspension to the permanent expulsion of the member from the Conglomerate
    • If the inactive member has been active within the past, and has shown record bookkeeping of activity, leeway may be provided based on majority opinion
    • The Conglomerate holds rights to inquire reimbursement based on exact consequences of an inactive member's membership

    [+] The Third Rule of the Conglomerate: The Conglomerate is not an alliance. It is an entity, insofar that it is a state, a nation state and complex organisation in its own right, insofar that must be cared for and nourished with the loyalty of its members. The Conglomerate, therefore, must take top priority of all members within it before all other nations. It's reserves the ability to supersede the opinions of all members in the interest of The First Rule.

    • Superseding will be committed with offer of talks in regards to circumstances, up to the maximum of three offers or until member replies, whichever is shorter
    • If no conclusion or reply is reached, the Conglomerate holds rights to proper disciplinary action based on a majority opinion
    • The Conglomerate reserves the right to lawfully punish a member for failing to comply to the act of superseding
    • Superseding the decisions of a member must require the majority vote of the remaining members

    [+] The Fourth Rule of the Conglomerate: Each member designates itself as a [value A] or [value b]. This designation denotes the position a member takes when following standard Protocol 01 to in the wake of a hostile opponent. As of this writing, members designated as [value A] belong to The Voice. Members designated as [value B] belong to The Hand.

    • Designation is determined by each respective nation
    • A Member may re-designate as many often as it wishes
    • Re-designation within a time of Conglomerate mobilisation in a response to crisis is not allowed by a respective nation, but will be allowed only under the majority vote of all other members

    Protocol 01
      Stage 1 - Members of the [value A]: Diplomacy, soft-power and talks. If unsuccessful, proceed to Stage 2.
      Stage 2 - Members of the [value B]: Talks, soft-power, small displays of mobilization. If unsuccessful, proceed to Stage 3.
      Stage 3 - Decision: If a decision to go to war has been approved by the majority of the members and by all Members of the [value A], then proceed to Stage 4A. If declaration unsuccessful, proceed to Stage 4B.

      Stage 4A - Members of the [value B]: Military muscle is used, Proceed to Stage 5A
      Stage 5A - Members of the [value A]: Military muscle is used

      Stage 4B - Repeat Stage 1, Stage 2, and Stage 3

    [+] The Fifth Rule of the Conglomerate: Each member of the Conglomerate will denote a head tax proportionate to the number of battlefield soldiers deployed to reimburse all participating members of the classification 'The Hand', for any casualties in initial strikes as well as loss of money in Stage 2 mobilisations. This amount is to the note of One Standard International Dollar per head, or to outweight the equivalent hour-pay rate of each member, whichever is smaller. Census in regards to troops deployed must be cataloged and kept in records by both the Voice and the Hand.

    • Census will be maintained by both members of The Voice and The Hand included in the situation
    • All members of the Conglomerate are responsible for maintaining accurate and recent records of their military as well as bookkeeping of their military deployments
    • For the purpose of accurate bookkeeping, all deployed units must be a public knowledge available to all Conglomerate Representatives

    [+] The Sixth Rule of the Conglomerate: Each member will adopt a Free Trade policy, as long as the production of said nations do not eliminate the market comparative advantage of another member, or places the economic sector of the nation affected into the area that may violate the First Rule and its tenets.

    [+] The Seventh Rule of the Conglomerate: The union of organisations, whether national or not, must carry a particular value within the value of gold, with a commanding currency equitable in the international market.

    [+] The Eighth Rule of the Conglomerate: A member, at all times, must be defined as a Sovereign Entity, by determination of the Conglomerate. Such a definition is as follows:

      A Sovereign Entity, as accordance to the Conglomerate, is a state that carries an unchallenged method of decision making within a perceivable time frame, whereas a state is defined as an organisation that maintains a monopoly of violence within a directed territory of an unchallenged will and application, with a legal territorial claim per dictated by international regulatory law

    [+] The Ninth Rule of the Conglomerate: Member entities are ultimately their own first line of internal interest and thus masters of their own self-existence.

    • In outside affairs affecting singular or groups of member entities, said states may opt out of Conglomerate assistance in matters should
      they prefer independent action over group displays of power
    • This process and decision is simply an opt-in availability - and Conglomerate law shall supersede it at all times except the instances
      where states request Conglomerate-wide action on their behalf halted

    [+] The Tenth Rule of the Conglomerate: The amendment, introduction or deletion of any particular Rule may be challenged openly without question at any point in time by any member.
Last edited by Jenrak on Thu Jan 13, 2011 8:53 pm, edited 22 times in total.

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Postby Jenrak » Thu Oct 08, 2009 8:03 pm


      Solarva Satellite and Tactical Visual Support and Logistics Support
      [IA] Malikov Naval Superiority

      The Parthians Heavy Frontliners
      Ralkovia Armored Warfare
      Milograd Urban Combat and Special Operations

      Allied Governments Shock Troopers, Frontline Espionage and Assassination
      [IA] Storm Gard Frontliners

      Abruzi Guerrilla or Insurgent Warfare
      Brewdomia Naval and Airforce Superiority, Orbital Bombardment
      Ostronopolis Airforce and Naval Superiority
      The Master M Power Projection, Naval Combat and Aggressive Assault
      Grosshreinland Reich Covert, Aerial and Guerrilla Warfare

      Jagada Heavy Frontliners
      Prevania Frontliners
      [IA] Vetok Amphibious Assaults and Naval Superiority
      The Scandinvans Frontliners and Shock Troopers
      Tergnitz Air and Naval Supremacy

Last edited by Jenrak on Sun Mar 06, 2011 5:32 pm, edited 104 times in total.

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Postby Jenrak » Thu Oct 08, 2009 8:03 pm

Application Information

The Conglomerate accepts members by an invitation and votership system. Members that are interested in application select to apply to the Sovereign Network to acclimate themselves into an egalitarian membership and democratic system.
Last edited by Jenrak on Tue Jan 18, 2011 5:09 pm, edited 8 times in total.

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Postby Jenrak » Thu Oct 08, 2009 8:19 pm

    Issues, comments or concerns must be brought to Jenrak, the Conglomerate representative. Problems with other members must also be brought to Jenrak, at the very least. Other members may be consulted. Please keep your own bookkeeping of events.

Conglomerate Legislation and Referendum Processing

    [+] Proposal of referendum and legislation to modify or exert action outside or inside the Conglomerate, involving Conglomerate members, or affecting Conglomerate members, with or without violation of policies, in any way, shape or form, must be proposed with validation from one of the Conglomerate founders.

    [+] Validation may be negated by a negative vote from another founder.

      If validation is negated in a neutral stance (validation of founders equal to negative endorsement of other founders), then the default of the referendum is negative.

    [+] Referendums may be proposed as often as needed by any member, regardless of status.

    [+] Founders may veto the proposal of a referendum. However, by doing so said founder will invalidate his ability to validate or veto another referendum until member majority has allowed it. Re-evaluation must require a formal appeal.

Conglomerate Information Keeping and Privacy Policy

    [+] The Conglomerate will respect the Privacy of each individual member insofar as the information is applicable and categorized properly. Such Privacy is given to the membership status, and is inalienable as a member right.

    [+] The grouping of information in regards to each individual member is split into four categories: Internal Conglomerate Activities, External Conglomerate Activities, Welfare Activities, and State-Wide Activities.

      Internal Conglomerate Activities are defined as
        The exertion of influence or matters of a particular member towards another with respects to Conglomerate activity without knowledge of the Conglomerate. Internal Conglomerate Activity, whereas a positive activity will result in inactivity from discipline, a negative activity may result in disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion.

      External Conglomerate Activities are defined as
        The exertion of influence or matters of a particular member towards another nation, international, or cohesive rational organisation without knowledge of the Conglomerate. Investigation of External Conglomerate Activity will only commence upon a negative activity, where disciplinary action may result up to and including expulsion.

      Welfare Activities are defined as
        The management of social, political and economic infrastructure within each member of the Conglomerate, and study of the effects of Conglomerate policies. Information, spread insofar between members, require the knowledge and acknowledge of both members. Investigation is not warranted. Disciplinary action will revolve with open debate.

      State-Wide Activities are defined as
        Deviant state nature uncharacteristic to a particular state. Violations of consensus rights such as genocide, mass murder and nuclear proliferation are not insofar part of Conglomerate investigation. Activities resulting in a negative activity will result in disciplinary action, however, up to and including expulsion.

    [+] Information requested from a Member will require the written and photocopied approval of a representative of the nation in question. If such a representative has not yet

        been assigned
        committed service
        been able to deliver approval

      Then consensus will be given through acknowledgement of the member's head of state through a written and photocopied approval.

    [+] All information regarding the Conglomerate and its actions are considered public knowledge, unless otherwise specified.

    [+] All information regarding the Conglomerate and its actions otherwise specified are considered private knowledge. All private knowledge may be retained by a majority vote or consensus decision.

    [+] A consensus decision is defined as

        An overwhelming agreement between existing active Conglomerate states, whereupon the legitimacy of the consensus may be challenged at any moment.

      Consensus decisions require no paperwork, though bookkeeping may occur.

    [+] A majority vote is defined as

        An agreement through spoken or written ballot of a particular referendum or the inclusion of an issue or enactment through voting of current members. An agreement enacted by majority vote is permanent, unless an agreement to eliminate such an agreement is placed forth and agreed upon.

      Majority votes require paperwork, and bookkeeping will occur.

    [+] The Conglomerate will respect the ethnic disciplines and economic differences between member states.

        Should the inability to work between members are determined, examination will commence by any available member of the 'Voice'. A report upon said member will then become deliberation. Disciplinary action between member states will be reached by a Consensus decision.

      They require paperwork. Bookkeeping will occur.

    [+] Disrespect amongst members are not tolerated, though opinions, unless within discussions considered as 'open discussion', of negativity are illegal. The illegality of the discussion is only defined when negative discussion to visible to 4 or more Conglomerate members upon another member. An Open Discussion is defined as

        a discussion upon which more than 6 members of the Conglomerate are present, or non-Conglomerate members may be privy to discussion.

      Bookkeeping, when discussing, is not required.

Conglomerate Economic and Trade Policy

    [+] The Conglomerate will respect the economic makeup of each member insofar as the economic makeup does not violate external and internal negative activity clauses within the Conglomerate. For explanation regarding the nature of Conglomerate activities, influence and privacy, please consult the Conglomerate Information Keeping and Privacy Policy.

    [+] The Conglomerate will defend trade routes, insofar as government allocated budget for defending routes do not exceed individual government budget. Therefore, the defense of trade routes are a responsibility of each individual members, and assistance is voluntary within a state of low recession warfare.

    [+] Determinant of wartime activity revolving on inwards and outwards imperialism outside deliberation of Protocol 01 relies on boundary (whether legal, territorial or influential) under time of application and inception. All states of war apply for each stage of recession.

      Low Recession War is defined as
        The effect of war upon an economy in a positive, or minimal nature, with little barrier to trade. Defense of trade routes are generally not necessary save occasional escort groups to defend against international piracy due to reallocated individual sovereign navies.


      High Recession War is defined as
        The effect of war upon an economy in a negative nature, with many barriers to trade. Output of military hardware will regularly equal or exceed local industrial commodities and services. Defense of existing minimal fungible production and goods are to be managed and protected. Defense of trade routes fall upon the joint effort of the Conglomerate and Sovereign member navies.

    [+] The status of a relationship between two or more Conglomerate members are categorized into five groups: wartime appropriate, wartime inappropriate, peacetime appropriate, peacetime inappropriate, and complacent.

    Wartime Appropriate is defined as
      The economic and trade relationship between two nations in a state of openly declared warfare with a workable and reliant economic relationship. Relationship of economic dependence of varying degrees (insofar as noticeable) may be addressed with Conglomerate consultation of management of funds, relations and trade routes.

        The Conglomerate will maintain a level of inactivity in regards to enforcing the cohesion of trade routes between wartime appropriate members insofar as the status stays within a state of Low Recession. For an explanation of Low Recession, please see the 2nd [+] above.

        In a state of High Recession War, the Conglomerate will initiate Protocol 02A.

      Wartime Inappropriate is defined as
        The economic and trade relationship between two nations in a state of openly declared warfare with an unworkable and fragile economic relationship. Relationship of economic dependence is difficult to discern, if very much nonexistent, and will require significant Conglomerate consultation of management of funds, relations and trade routes (if applicable).

        All activities between inappropriate states will require informal but recorded management of trade and exports. First Rule of the Conglomerate may overrule economic makeup for the sake of self-preservation of each individual member.

      Peacetime Appropriate is defined as
        The economic and trade relationship between two nations in a state of unofficial warfare, guerrilla warfare or peacetime with a workable and reliant economic relationship. Relationship of economic dependence of varying degrees will require no consultation on part of the Conglomerate, unless Protocol 02B is filed.

      Peacetime Inappropriate is defined as
        The economic and trade relationship between two nations in a state of unofficial warfare, guerrilla warfare or peacetime with an unworkable and fragile economic relationship. Relationship of economic dependence of varying degrees will require no consultation on part of the Conglomerate, unless Protocol 02C is filed.

    Complacent is defined as
      The economic and trade relationship between two nations in a state of any defined warfare or peacetime without any perceivable relationship, though bearing economic potential. Relationship of economic dependence must be initiated before a Complacent-category relationship can be moved to Wartime Appropriate, Wartime Inappropriate, Peacetime Appropriate, and Peacetime Inappropriate. Please see Protocol 03 for further instructions and details.

    [+] Economic Imperialism and Monopolies between members are not allowed.

    [+] For the sake of investor confidence, all information filed under Conglomerate activities are public knowledge.

    [+] The Conglomerate will not impede on the creation of an economic relationship between two member nations as far as it does not violate the First Rule.

    Protocol 02A is to be carried out in
      a situation of High Recession War.

      Protocol 02A can be initiated at anytime within a state of Wartime Appropriate, Wartime Inappropriate, or Complacent. Initiation must be between a majority vote of Conglomerate members or by acceptance of all involved parties of the Protocol. Funds will be allocated partly to maintaining a joint naval force to manage trade barriers.

      Funds will be determined as 1% of naval budget of each individual member state, and 3% of each appropriate party. When Protocol 02A is lifted, all resources under the category will be reallocated based upon a combination of lost resources, units and expenditure.

    Protocol 02B is to be carried out in
      a situation of Low Recession War, or in a state of Peacetime Appropriate relations.

      All trade is to be managed individually by each relevant party. Conglomerate activity is minimal, unless this Protocol is initiated. Initiation may be done through the acceptance of all relevant parties or through a majority vote within the Conglomerate.

      WARNING: This Protocol will enact the Third Rule of the Conglomerate, and may affect economic relationships or makeup of particular parties based upon collective Conglomerate decisions. This will give the Conglomerate overriding rule over internal and domestic politics of each relevant party - initiate with caution.

    Protocol 02C is to be carried out in
      a situation of Peacetime Inappropriate Economic makeup.

      All trade is to be managed individually by each relevant party. Conglomerate activity is minimal, unless this Protocol is initiated. Initiation may be done through the acceptance of all relevant parties or through a majority vote within the Conglomerate.

      Forcible opening of trade barriers may result in changing or managing political makeup of each relevant party. Bookkeeping and recording will occur. If there is no discernible difference in openness and cooperation in Economic Makeup within a span up to and including 365 days, then Protocol 02C will be considered null.

      Military capacity may be imposed based on the severity of Protocol 02C.

      WARNING: This Protocol will enact the Third Rule of the Conglomerate, and may affect economic relationships or makeup of particular parties based upon collective Conglomerate decisions. This will give the Conglomerate overriding rule over internal and domestic politics of each relevant party - initiate with caution.

    Protocol 03 is to be carried out in
      a situation of Complacent economic makeup.

      All trade is to be managed individually by each relevant party. Conglomerate activity is minimal, unless this Protocol is initiated. Initiation may be done through the acceptance of all relevant parties or through a majority vote within the Conglomerate.

      Protocol 03 will address fundamental academic and industrial trade relations. The Conglomerate will minimize inciting activities between relevant parties. Trade is open, but the Conglomerate will reserve its right to book keep to prevent the development of alien monopolies or any harm of the cohesion of any member. Activities between nations will be watched from a third party view, and all irrelevant members of Protocol 03 may record and provide assistance without formal application insofar as it does not violate the First Rule.

      If a question of whether it has such is initiated, deliberations will be held, with majority votes cast to determine the legitimacy of the claim, or acknowledgment of all relevant parties. The Third Rule will not be initiated.

      If the Third Rule is agreed to be required by majority vote or all relevant parties, please see Protocol 02B.

    [+] The Conglomerate will respect the economic makeup of each member, insofar as it does not extend influence to another member. If such influence is seen as destructive or damaging, disciplinary action may be required.

    [+] The Conglomerate will not address the makeups of any Radical Left-Wing policies, slavery, or internal Monopolies or other organizations* insofar as it does not violate the Main Rules.

      *Other Organizations include unions, free trade-centric organizations, free trade-centric agreements, solidarity-centric organizations, non-profit organizations, insurance organizations, arms manufacturing or arms-trade agreements and organizations, information management and information technology organizations, and equality-address organizations.

    [+] The Conglomerate will maintain an open and public optioned poverty and education base. Each member will choose to be within the Conglomerate member base and pay a variant budget allocated fee, no less than .05% and no more than 2% of each member's government budget.

      Such an organization will address
        Universal education to all citizens to each member involved in the organization, managed by each individual member. Only funding and management of funds are Conglomerate based.

        Providing a universal and world-class skill-set to those at or above the Conglomerate age of adult. Age of adult is 17 years, with variance between member states, whichever is higher.

        Any poverty that may exist within nations involuntarily that can be addressed based on budget.

        Opening travel and places of refuge between all member states of such an organization.

External Organization Activities

    This Document is for Archival purposes only. Situation is null until both organisations are considered as legitimate entities.

    Herein details the relationship insofar as described to circumstance, to planning, and to intent, between The Conglomerate and NATO.

    The purpose of the document is to describe the conditions of consideration. Consideration defined as the placement of fungible qualities in relation to each organisation.

    The quality placed by the Conglomerate is non-aggression towards NATO, insofar to include third party attacks, to prevent proxy wars, to prevent imperialist doctrines and influences, to prevent regional aggression, to prevent social aggression, to prevent economic aggression, to prevent military aggression, and to prevent the negative impact of Conglomerate activity insofar towards NATO in any measurable way by any third party member.

    The quality placed by NATO is non-aggression towards the Conglomerate, insofar to include third party attacks, to prevent proxy wars, to prevent imperialist doctrines and influences, to prevent regional aggression, to prevent social aggression, to prevent economic aggression, to prevent military aggression, and to prevent the negative impact of NATO activity insofar towards the Conglomerate in any measurable way by any third party member.

    This document herein forbids the escalation of conflict, wittingly or unwittingly, by either the Conglomerate or NATO.

    This document herein solidifies the statement of the acknowledgment of both parties (Conglomerate and NATO) in their respect of the territorial, political, social and economic autonomy and sovereignhty of each member of each organisation.

    This document DOES NOT limit the activity of actions between third party actions, insofar as it does not lead, by circumstance, by planning, and by intent, to conflict between forces of both organisations.

    This document states that both parties will observe with neutrality of all conflicts that may relate by circumstance, by planning, or by intent.

    This document may be ratified by either member of either organisation, with acknowledgment of both representatives of the treaty to each party.

    If either member of either organisation violates a term or terms of this treaty, disciplinary action is required to be determined by two determined parties: the affected party and the lead party. The affected party is defined as the party harmed by the violation, whether social, political, economic, or military. The lead party is defined as the party that manages the inclusion of said member.

    Alliances outside of the parties defined in Consideration are variable, and are to be discussed with representatives.

    This Document is for Archival purposes only. Situation is null until the document between both organisations is considered as legitimate entities.

    Herein details the relationship insofar as described to circumstance, to planning, and to intent, between The Conglomerate and ODECON.

    The purpose of the document is to describe the conditions of consideration. Consideration defined as the placement of fungible qualities in relation to each organisation.

    The quality placed by the Conglomerate is non-aggression towards ODECON, insofar to include third party attacks, to prevent proxy wars, to prevent imperialist doctrines and influences, to prevent regional aggression, to prevent social aggression, to prevent economic aggression, to prevent military aggression, and to prevent the negative impact of Conglomerate activity insofar towards ODECON in any measurable way by any third party member.

    The quality placed by ODECON is non-aggression towards the Conglomerate, insofar to include third party attacks, to prevent proxy wars, to prevent imperialist doctrines and influences, to prevent regional aggression, to prevent social aggression, to prevent economic aggression, to prevent military aggression, and to prevent the negative impact of ODECON activity insofar towards the Conglomerate in any measurable way by any third party member.

    This document herein forbids the escalation of conflict, wittingly or unwittingly, by either the Conglomerate or ODECON.

    This document herein solidifies the statement of the acknowledgment of both parties (Conglomerate and ODECON) in their respect of the territorial, political, social and economic autonomy and sovereignhty of each member of each organisation.

    This document DOES NOT limit the activity of actions between third party actions, insofar as it does not lead, by circumstance, by planning, and by intent, to conflict between forces of both organisations.

    This document states that both parties will observe with neutrality of all conflicts that may relate by circumstance, by planning, or by intent.

    This document may be ratified by either member of either organisation, with acknowledgment of both representatives of the treaty to each party.

    If either member of either organisation violates a term or terms of this treaty, disciplinary action is required to be determined by two determined parties: the affected party and the lead party. The affected party is defined as the party harmed by the violation, whether social, political, economic, or military. The lead party is defined as the party that manages the inclusion of said member.

    Alliances outside of the parties defined in Consideration are variable, and are to be discussed with representatives.
Last edited by Jenrak on Wed Apr 14, 2010 8:21 pm, edited 12 times in total.

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Amn Voss
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Founded: Jul 31, 2008

Postby Amn Voss » Thu Oct 08, 2009 8:50 pm

Nation Name: The Corporate Republic of Amn'Voss
Leader: Head Chancellor, Sebastian Thierry & Chairman of the Board, Leo Bronson
Type of Government: Bicameral Corporate Republic: Basically it means that it has a Parliament and the Executive Board (made up of the fifteen most powerful corporations) together they form a bicameral legislative system. While Parliament is the only entity that can push for the creation of bills, the Executive Board can decide to instate the bill against parliament's will (in which case the Head Chancellor can veto it). On the other hand, if Parliament decides to pass a bill, without the Executive Boards permission, both the Head Chancellor and Chairman of the Board can veto it. Yet on the other hand, if both Parliament and the Executive pass a bill then only the Chairman of the Board may veto it. It's all very confusing yet, strangely enough, effective.

Number of Civil Wars within the Past Three Decades: One. It was the transition from a Fascist state to the Corporate Republic. It occured in 1984 (the current year is 2037). The stability in Amn'Voss is very, well, stable.
Military Activities: The only one I can list is the Cabickstani Civil War (which I am not really committed too much to).
Strata of Command: Well, if either the Head Chancellor or Chairman of the Board is killed then, temporarily, the survivor takes his place. If both are killed, then one of the three chosen Chancellors takes up a temporary position as Head of Amn'Voss until elections can be held. If all three Chancellors die, then the one of the Councilors takes charge. It keeps on going down the line until the last Representative of Parliament is killed, in which case a state of complete martial law is declared and the corporations take complete control of the country until elections can be held.
Military Focus: We believe in a small (in regards to population), technologically superior, completely voluntary, military force with a strong emphasis on stopping wars before they begin. While we believe in exhausting every diplomatic channel before declaring war, we have no qualms about preemptively attacking a nation if we feel we have enough intelligence gathered on them to effectively cripple their military and infrastructure in less than 96 hours.

When an invasion does occur there is an attempted 'shock and awe' factor taken into the equation. In hopes of demoralizing the enemy there are always 'larger-than-life' forces present during an assault and the utilization of violent music helps. The goal is to basically kill the opponents will to fight by any means necessary while crippling their means to resist.

In regards to PMC forces, they are almost identical to national Amn'Voss forces. Currently only ArmTech and Atlas Technologies provide PMC forces for military operations (some condoned by the government, some done in the name of corporate interests), and they are completely on par, in regards to training and technology, with the national military.

Economic Situation: Our economy (listed as 'frightening' on the WA scale) is top-notch. Completely capitalistic, little to no regulations, etc. We pride ourselves on our economic development and advancement which, in turn, contributes to our respectable Civil and Political rights.
Currency Rate, per International Dollar: Well, one credit is equal to almost two USD (1 Credit = $1.9669 to be exact).

Representative: Mr. Gideon Bell, Ph.D
Medical Issues, Record of Violence, Miscellaneous: Throughout his life he has been in ship-shape health wise, no broken bones, no chronic illnesses, nothing. He has no 'moral record' (as the marines like to call it). He attended the Ivy League University of Pittsburgh (yes, it's Ivy League in my nation) and double majored in sociology (which he managed to get a Ph.D in) and political science (which he has a masters in). Upon graduation he joined the Atlas Technologies PMC force for the mandatory six years as an intelligence officer. He worked closely with the Amn'Voss Intelligence Agency and caught the eye of the 'higher ups' in the government. Once his six years in Atlas Technologies was up he was contacted by Chancellor Trevor Light with a job offer as a political liaison for Amn'Voss to, well, wherever. He accepted and has been doing his job for nearly four years.

Additional Notes: We do not see ourselves conflicting with any of the rules or regulations set forth in the Conglomerate Charter.

By entering and signing upon the line, you have given the Conglomerate permission to file away the entry for bookkeeping. The entry, as per Conglomerate minor Law, will under no circumstances, save for written, spoken and signed permission of the ruling Head of State of said nation (with said nation representing the representing state of the signatory), divulge information to any other members of the Conglomerate or third Party States or organizations. Further details on the Conglomerate's Privacy Policy will be explained in further detail at later documentation as provided.

X. [ Gideon Bell By Signatory, of Representative Gideon Bell of Member State The Corporate Republic of Amn'Voss
Last edited by Amn Voss on Thu Oct 08, 2009 9:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"So, Lone Star, now you see that evil will always triumph, because good is dumb."
E L/R: 8.25 | S L/A: -2.10
MC: 40.3,-34 (New Progressive)

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Posts: 557
Founded: Oct 31, 2008

Postby Tiurabo » Fri Oct 09, 2009 6:08 am

Nation Name: The Independent Dominion of Tiurabo.
Leader: Cain Tiurabo, soon to be succeeded by General Robert MacNeill.
Type of Government: A military dictatorship with a small, civilian section, which has liberal social, and conservative fiscal policies. The two sections are largely, though not entirely, seperated. One the military side, as one rises in rank, one gains prestige, wealth, and troops, and by extension political power. One the civilian side, it is much the same as many civil governments, with politicians being elected for set terms, with the absence of any life-long terms except, formerly, leadership of the country. The latter part of the Articles of Domination was amended recently with General Tiurabo's decision to step down.

Number of Civil Wars within the Past Three Decades: None, unless you include a small private war having nothing to do with the government except that a private citizen who happened to be a politician was involved.
Military Activities: No military activities are currently under way. At least two police actions have been undertaken in the last year, neither of which resulted in any casualties on either side.
Strata of Command: The leading General has total power over all things within the Dominion, but is restricted by the Council of Twelve, a shadow cabinet of the highest ranking members of certain societies, whether military, political or otherwise, and also by the Articles of Domination and other documents. If the General is assassinated, the orchestrator will come forward and claim his office. However, such impatient usurpers will have no love from the populace, and the Dominion's military structure means that positions of power for unpopular people, in effect, untenable, since they will very quickly be killed or forced out and replaced.
Military Focus: The military is broken down into what are, in essence, a large number of privately owned armies called Fighting Companies. Each one has it's own self designed command structure, (though most follow a template similar to the United States military), and is responsible for it's own equipment, training, and personnel.

Each has it's own focus, with the general trend running towards Line, or regular or heavily infantry, Strike, or mobile infantry/modern cavalry, and Guard, specially armored units designed mainly for taking and holding ground without having to do a whole lot of walking, due to the fact that their unusually heavy armor means that their range is limited, whether they are infantry or cavalry.

Tithes of wealth to the treasury, troops to the General's selected units, and service to the people (Not necessarily the government or general) are all expected, and failure to provide these are met with harsh punishments. Companies stripped of their rights will find wargear suppliers closed to their quartermasters, barracks unwilling to house their troops, and the general populace pretty much giving them the cold shoulder. This is to be expected, since a Company would have to do something moderately heinous to suffer such a fate.

Economic Situation: While to economy is actually in a downswing at this point, it is actually doing quite well, and expecting an increase in revenues when trade picks up. The market is entirely free and as capitalist as can be expected from a libertarian country.
Currency Rate, per International Dollar: At 1.9790 Tiuraboan Dollars on the $1.00, not too shabby.

Representative: General Cain Tiurabo, currently the overall military leader of the Dominion. Soon, his duties as Representative will be his only work.
Medical Issues, Record of Violence, Miscellaneous: Some years ago, Cain was known to be something of a hothead, with a preference for settling matters in a duel rather than more diplomatically. Now, as he grows in age, being nearly seventy six, he has calmed a great deal, both from that and his duties as a leader.
Additional Notes: None at this time.

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X. [ Cain Tiurabo_____________________ By Signatory, of Representative General Cain Tiurabo of Member State, the Independent Dominion of Tiurabo.

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Postby Solarva » Fri Oct 09, 2009 12:25 pm

I'm fine with both. No problems here.
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Postby LOVE DOG » Fri Oct 09, 2009 1:11 pm

Solarva wrote:I'm fine with both. No problems here.

The United Dominion agrees with our Solarvan brothers, the two nation have our votes of yes.

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Postby Revolvisia » Fri Oct 09, 2009 2:23 pm

Nation Name: The Grand Lucidarchy of Revolvisia and Salene
Leader: Johannson Ignaseous
Type of Government: An absolute and scientifically-based dictatorship, mixed in with a police state.

Number of Civil Wars within the Past Three Decades: None
Military Activities: A war against terrorism in the region. (No help will be required for this issue.)
Strata of Command: The chain of command runs down Johannson's family tree. First it passes to his siblings, then his children, then his cousins, followed by his nieces and nephews. If no relatives remain beyond this command passes to Johannson's personal servant.
Military Focus: The focus of the military is to protect Revolvisia rather than to attack other nations. If Revolvisia is forced into a war the military will usually leave open warfare to allies and resort to subtle tactics.

The majority of the military is stationed throughout Revolvisia in several divisions and Johannson's Personal Detachment is dissolved into the populace until their services are required.

Economic Situation: Normally quite good, though doing badly due to current events.
Currency Rate, per International Dollar: 1.4173 Posts to the Dollar.

Representative: Paras-Nena Spectner
Medical Issues, Record of Violence, Miscellaneous: No medical issues or record of violence.
Additional Notes: N/A

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X. [ P.N.Spectner________________________________ By Signatory, of Representative Paras-Nena Spectner of Member State The Grand Lucidarchy of Revolvisia and Salene
Current Events

Military Status
Full Scale War War Prepared For War [ Present ] Dissolved

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The Wolf Hold
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Postby The Wolf Hold » Fri Oct 09, 2009 2:48 pm

Nation Name: The Military Federation of The Wolf Hold
Leader: 1st Wolf's Marshall Marcus Fell
Type of Government: Liberal Military Dictatorship

Number of Civil Wars within the Past Three Decades: The rise of the Marshalls happened in 2003 with the Military leading a coup against the corrupt and ineffective democracy holding power at the time, then in 2009 Marshall Cain was removed with a surgical strike by the then Wolf's General Fell to ensure the safety of the homeland and to stop a war with the alliance of ODECON. However recently within the last few days, several democratic uprisings have been suppressed by Federal Military.
Military Activities: Recently the Federal Armed Forces have been involved in the intervention of Simallia, colony acquisition in the region of Tyrrhenia, security exercise with ISTO forces, United Dominion action in Hsac, Gothic invasion of Tyrrhenia, Darfolk Crisis supporting ISTO ally Oseato against ODECON and most notably launching the first strike as part of a ODECON-ISTO led coalition in the nuclear annihilation of the nation of Greater Americana.
Strata of Command: Overall executive responsibility lies with the council of Marshalls (the group of four individuals, the 1st, Vice, 3rd and 4th Wolf Marshalls, each Marshall able to take up the role of their superior) The next universal authority is Federal Military High Command, comprised of the head of the Armed forces and each service branch head and deputy. Throughout the whole governmental system a military command structure exists with subordinates able to take over their superiors tasks for an undeterminable amount of time.
Military Focus: A high focus on a large, highly-equipped, highly trained military. A slight bias towards the army with the navy next and the air force last. Military doctrine focuses on brining large and excessive amounts of firepower to bear in a small amount of time. Put simply a combination of blitzkrieg and shock and awe.

So far military doctrine has proven effective in most situations but in conflicts of an asymmetric type there have been severe short comings. This however is seen as only a minor weakness and no move is being made to reform the military as it believed that the greatest threat at the moment comes from nation states rather than insurgencies and terrorists.

PMCs also play a role in military policy and planning with the two major companies Wolverine Defence Corp and Jagerwulf Armed Solutions having a close working partnership with the Federal Military, with them assisting, taking over from or preceding federal deployments in a lot of cases. A recent example would be the deployment to Hsac.
Economic Situation: Economically the Military Federation is doing rather well, a large arms manufacture industry leads the way, making The Wolf Hold a large exporter of common arms to the world. The second largest industry is surprisingly Tourism, the Military Federations being the largest clubbing destination in the region and a world destination for teenagers and young adults.
Currency Rate, per International Dollar: 1.0511 Volk = $1

Representative: Major General Nathaniel Castle

Medical Issues, Record of Violence, Miscellaneous: None

Additional Notes: We believe their will be no conflicts with the conglomerate charter

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X. [ MajGen Nathaniel Castle By Signatory, of Representative Major General Nathaniel Castle, Diplomatic Command of Member State The Military Federation of The Wolf Hold
The Federal Republic of Nidia

Note: Nation name changed to Nidia

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Postby Saurea » Fri Oct 09, 2009 4:28 pm

You have my vote of confidence on Amn Voss, Tiurabo, and especially my neighbor to the south Revolvisia.

The Wolf Hold, however, I'll need time to think about. I'm fairly certain I saw a proposal to condemn your nation floating around earlier, so I'm going to hold off on giving any kind of verdict until I find that proposal and see on what grounds it was based, or indeed find a proposal dealing with a country with a similar name that led to any confusion.
"Faith is Our Shield"
We are currently re-building this nation's history and canon. Please stand by.
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L3 Communications
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Postby L3 Communications » Fri Oct 09, 2009 8:08 pm

I'm going to say yes Amn'Voss and Tiurabo. I haven't seen enough of Revolvisia's or Wolf Hold's RPs to vote for them however, so I guess I'll abstain for now. =\
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New Nicksyllvania wrote:WA is jew infested tyranny that does not understand freedom and 0% taxation

Lyras wrote:Thirdly, the inclusion of multiple penetration aids (such as flares, chaff, false-target balloons and lubricant)...

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Postby Solarva » Sat Oct 10, 2009 2:18 am

L3 Communications wrote:I'm going to say yes Amn'Voss and Tiurabo. I haven't seen enough of Revolvisia's or Wolf Hold's RPs to vote for them however, so I guess I'll abstain for now. =\

Agrees with L3. Never seen Rev or Wolf's Rp either.

Vote Count
Amn'Voss - 4 yes
Tiurabo - 4 yes
Revolvisia - 1 yes, 2 unsure
Wolf Hold - 3 unsure
Last edited by Solarva on Sat Oct 10, 2009 2:23 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Jenrak » Sat Oct 10, 2009 4:43 am

My votes for Amn'Voss and Tiurabo are yes, so that puts us at majority.
I will abstain from voting on Revolvisia until I get a confirmation on his RPing, which will be later tonight.

Wolf Hold, I will vote unsure, but that's because I cannot seem to find that condemnation Saurea mentioned, if it existed, and what nature it was about. I will more than likely get a confirmed status on both Revolvisia and Wolf Hold tonight.

Amn'Voss and Tiurabo, by voting of majority favour you are members of the Conglomerate. Check your TG's. You now have a say in the political structure and makeup of the organisation. Additional rules, ideas or changes can be met within the forums, if you have not signed up already.

At time of application, roster count is at nine. Therefore, Revolvisia and Wolf Hold need to get a support number of 5 to be accepted. Voting will continue.

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The Wolf Hold
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Postby The Wolf Hold » Sat Oct 10, 2009 5:02 am


If it helps here are some of my more recent RPs

Sweet Sorrow in Tarquinia: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=13599
Operation Fallen Leaves (only an OP in this as Nooridene thew a fit after he realised what his actions caused): viewtopic.php?f=5&t=17289
Boot Prints, Blood and Wolves (Fluid timed Coup thread): viewtopic.php?f=5&t=14811

If you need anymore just TG me and if you want some of my very first ones I belive they are still up on jolt.
The Federal Republic of Nidia

Note: Nation name changed to Nidia

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Postby Saurea » Sat Oct 10, 2009 8:08 am

Jenrak wrote:Wolf Hold, I will vote unsure, but that's because I cannot seem to find that condemnation Saurea mentioned, if it existed, and what nature it was about.

False alarm, false alarm! The Condemn notice was on Lone Wolves United and, oddly enough, was a proposal back from September that someone decided to necro. I only saw the name if it briefly so when I saw another name with the word "Wolf" prominent in the name it raised a red flag.

Still not sure about Wolf Hold, though. I need to see some of his work first.

As far as Revolvisia goes I can point you to some of his RP-ing in a couple of our inter-region RP's, Monarchy Restored and Democracy By Any Means as well as his own factbook. For the time being, though, I may want to withdraw that vote of confidence due to a region-wide war that is going to erupt in our home region in the coming weeks. I honestly don't know what Saurea's stance in that war will be yet and I don't want to be hampered and forced into a situation I don't want to be in because Revolvisia suddenly has immunity from any kind of action on my part because he's a Conglomerate member.
"Faith is Our Shield"
We are currently re-building this nation's history and canon. Please stand by.
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Postby LOVE DOG » Sat Oct 10, 2009 9:49 am

Aye for Revolvisia. The Wolf Hold is also a yes as the United Dominion invited them to join our ranks and we hope that they will be part of the Conglomerate. ~ Warren Lobo, the United Dominion Voice of the Conglomerate

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Postby Jenrak » Sun Oct 11, 2009 12:54 pm

My vote for The Wolf Hold is at a 'yes', now, given that little thing is cleared up. Hold's Rping ability is certainly very nice.

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Postby Solarva » Sun Oct 11, 2009 5:00 pm

I'll change me unsure to a yes for Wolf Hold. Read a couple, seems pretty good.
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Postby L3 Communications » Sun Oct 11, 2009 5:05 pm

I'll vote yes for TWH.
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New Nicksyllvania wrote:WA is jew infested tyranny that does not understand freedom and 0% taxation

Lyras wrote:Thirdly, the inclusion of multiple penetration aids (such as flares, chaff, false-target balloons and lubricant)...

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Allied Governments
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Postby Allied Governments » Sun Oct 11, 2009 5:11 pm

I vote yea for all of them, they don't seem too bad, although we need to maybe run a simulation where we pit them against each other, since an alliance's efficiency and effectiveness diminishes the larger it gets.
Last edited by Allied Governments on Sun Oct 11, 2009 5:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
[SHOCKING] Woman dragged by coffee cup into the MANDRILL MAZE!

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Postby LOVE DOG » Sun Oct 11, 2009 5:27 pm

[OOC: Jenrak, can you change my name on the roster from 'Love Dog' to 'The United Dominion'? Don't really want people to call this nation as Love Dog. Thanks!]

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Allied Governments
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Postby Allied Governments » Sun Oct 11, 2009 5:29 pm

Love Dog wrote:[OOC: Jenrak, can you change my name on the roster from 'Love Dog' to 'The United Dominion'? Don't really want people to call this nation as Love Dog. Thanks!]

Why not, Love Dog?
[SHOCKING] Woman dragged by coffee cup into the MANDRILL MAZE!

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Postby LOVE DOG » Sun Oct 11, 2009 5:38 pm

Allied Governments wrote:Why not, Love Dog?

[OOC:Because that isn't what my nation is called...Love Dog was something I thought up to be my link to NS when I left and now it is good nation. So I didn't want to restart with a low pop and etc.]

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Postby Jenrak » Sun Oct 11, 2009 7:51 pm

LD, it has been changed.

The Wolf Hold has received 5 votes, hitting the minimum. Wolf Hold, please check your TG's.

Revolvisia's voting will continue.

In regards to AG's worry, I believe that could be better addressed in the forums, and whatever issues that may arise can be talked about there or in the other OOC thread. I want to keep this primarily on the subject of dealing and voting on applicants and getting newer members more accustomed with everything.



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