Therefore, the Republic's aim is to have as many regions join the NS Republic as possible to become as powerful as possible. The West Pacific is the 2nd most populous region in the game, i have the 3rd most endorsements in the game, and Alsted, I'm coming for you! I wish to see that power leveraged with smaller regions to build a Republic that will have a power unmatched by any single region.
What do I mean by power? Power to influence World Assembly votes. Power to defend allies. Power to crush enemies. Power to change the game.
If you want a quasi real world analogy, think the Star Wars Republic, but without the cool Jedi Knights.
What will be great about the NS Republic is that regions will be able to keep their identity. If they wish to remain a small region that focuses internally, they can. But by being a member of the Republic they will have the weight of the Republic behind them, safety from attack, and ability to have an idea and get it to many regions quickly. The larger regions can have far greater influence on the game at large than they have today by joining forces with as large or larger regions harnessing the collective power of "the many".
Many of you may recall the Alliance Defense Network which at one time was the most influential multi-regional alliance. The NS Republic seeks to go beyond the ADN and instead of only focusing on defense, focusing on building strong relationships between regions and influencing the entire game not only the defender/raider portion.
This will not happen over night. This will take time, but I post this here for you ambitious and adventurous regions looking to be a part of something great. You have the chance to get in on the ground floor of something that could mark a new era in NationStates (or be another flash in the pan idea).
Here is the Constitution:
If you are interested in joining the Republic or learning more about it you can telegram myself or Enlightened Defender. However, the best way to get all of your questions answered would be to visit our forum
Punk Daddy