Arcanum Sign Ups and OOC Thread (V2)

A staging-point for declarations of war and other major diplomatic events. [In character]
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Arcanum Sign Ups and OOC Thread (V2)

Postby OMGeverynameistaken » Tue May 03, 2011 12:33 pm

Central IC Thread Here - viewtopic.php?f=5&t=110642&p=5543031

I've been considering an Arcanum-esque Rp for a while now, with a fantasy world of orcs and dwarves thrust into the Victorian ages of machinery, but was stalled for a while as I was too lazy to make a map. Instead I thought why not use the good old earth map with it's pleasant land distribution.

However with earth, it naturally occurred where certain races should originate, and things devolved from there

The Ethnic background of the World in 1850AG ... apFant.png
Red: Humans
Brown: Dwarfs
Dark Green: Orcs
Light Green: Goblins/Kobolds
Yellow: High Elves
Dark Orange: Steppe Elves
Light Orange: Forest Elves
Dark Grey: Dark Elves
Pale Green: Trolls
Peach: Anthrohumanoids

A Map of Suggested Subspecies as Suggested by Danbershan ... Races1.png

Approx. 250,000 BC - Divergence of the Homo Sapiens Vitalis from Homo Sapiens Sapiens ('Scientific' theory)

~14,000 BC - Awakening of the Elves (Actual Occurence)

~13,000 BC - First Elvish city founded in unknown location

~10,800 BC - Awakening of Men (estimated)

~10,000 BC - Believed first contact between Elves and Men

8300 BC - First substantiated contact between men and elves, trade occurs.

7710 BC - The First War, rogue human shamas employ newly discovered magics to create the Beast Races. These quickly go out of control and kill their creators before spreading into the wild and across the world. Many are quickly subsumed into the control of the Elvish kingdom in the East.

6800 BC - Founding of the Turinasta Minnónar, or the Kingdom of the Firstborn. First Aran Ilye Eldar, King of All Elves, more commonly rendered as 'High King', crowned in the city of Alta Arta.

~6650 BC - First contact between Fu Lei, then called the 'Ramanyaro' or 'winged rats', a peaceful forest living tribe, and the High Elves.

6500 BC - The Great Exploration begins, Elvish settlers travel far and wide across the Steppes of the North, to Europe, to Africa and even America, founding colonies and trade posts. Sometime in this era, Bar min Duinath is founded as a trade outpost.

6350 BC - Fu Lei pay tribute to the High King of the Elves.

6000 BC - The Great Kinslaying. Prince Moriquare seeks to take control of the Kingdom in a bloody civil war, after which the defeated Moriquare is exiled to the far South, allegedly becoming the ancestor of all Dark Elves. This was the first recorded slaying of Elf by Elf. Distant portions of the Kingdom break away and the empire enters its first slump.

5920 BC - The War of the North, the first recorded incidence of a magic user raising armies of undead. First recorded appearance of Orcs.

5810 BC - End of the War of the North, Northern Orcs scattered and exterminated in Siberia. Many move south to Africa. Beast Races distributed throughout the world or subsumed to Elvish domination.

5800 BC - The Second War of the North, a lieutenant of the previous sorcerer who survived the previous encounter with the Elvish kingdom regains his master's powers and attacks the kingdom.

4532 BC - The Sundering of the Kingdom. Having grown far larger than can be easily managed, the Turinasta Minnonar is divided into three separate realms. These almost immediately begin bickering with each other, although outright war never develops. The three states are:
The Northern Kingdom: Occupying the area between Kamchatka and Poland.
The Middle Kingdom: Occupying China, the Middle East, Anatolia, parts of Greece and Africa.
The Southern Kingdom: Occupying Oceania, South Asia, India.
At their greatest extent these kingdoms occupied vast swaths of land, although they gradually deteriorated over time, whether through external wars or simply being unwilling or unable to hold onto their outer territories for various reasons.

4477 BC - First Elvish contact with 'civilized' human states.

4450 BC - First Elvish-Human war, for unrecorded reasons between the Western Elvish Kingdom and a now extinct North African state. Elvish veterans of the war maintain that humans taking Elvish captives in an attempt to gain their immortality by drinking their blood was the cause of the war.

4429 BC - Elvish armies destroy said unknown kingdom and annihilate all traces of it. The only known remains are rough blocks which can sometimes be found by themselves in the desert with the Old Elvish phrase "sië ana cotumolva" or 'thus to our enemy' carved on them.

4120 BC - Divergence of the Southern Kingdom's population, first recorded appearance of 'Dark Elves'.

3948 BC - The oldest known maps of the Americas date from this era.

2610 BC - The Goblin War, joint Southern and Middle Kingdom armies venture into Central Asia to deal with the threat of the Goblin tribes. The war is extremely bloody on both sides, but ultimately inconclusive.

2357 BC - The Great Barrier arises between the Old World and the New. Contact is lost with Elven traders, who are presumably eaten by trolls.

2200 BC - Birth of Prince Gelluion, later to become High King Himthond.

1251 BC - Lacking any willing enemies, the Elvish Kingdom begins a slow military decline. The so called 'Seve Marda' or 'Peace of the World' begins. Philosophy and science flourish in the Elvish Kingdom.

1022 BC - Fu Lei philosopher K'ung-tzu is born.

950 BC - K'ung-tzu dies. The Fu Lei now begin to build their own civilization, moving out of their ancient caves and building new towns.

910 BC - First breach of the 'peace' when Goblin tribes, organized under Orcish leaders, emerge from Persia and attack the western border of the Elvish states. Loss of territory is coupled with significant social unrest in the Elvish kingdoms.

855 BC - Western War, the Middle Kingdom is driven from Anatolia and the Near East by various Goblin tribes. Contact is lost with Greece and the former colonials in that area integrate with the Human population or move to the Northern Kingdom.

567 BC - Fu Lei, break off from the Turinasta Minnonar. King Shimin introduces new title of Huangdi or 'Emperor', establishing the Fu Lei Empire.

4 BC - Jesus the Conqueror is born to a Gnomish family in Gnazareth.

20 AD - Jesus slays Lucifer, Champion of the Rohman Empire and with a vanguard of twelve apolistles brings down the Rohman Empire in the East.

22-34 AD - The Glorious March, Jesus, his apostles and an army of the faithful take Egypt and the Holy Land by storm. Hundreds of thousands are killed.

34 AD - Jesus the Conqueror is betrayed by one of his apostles and nailed to a tree by a bunch of Goblins for not being as good at conquering as they were.

42 AD - First records of Christian religion. Many Rhoman Christians take refuge in the Elven Kingdom, one of the few places that doesn't persecute them. Elves employ them in keeping the Goblins in order.

45 AD - Christianity becomes enormously popular amoung Goblin tribes after they learn how awesome Jesus was at kicking ass.

85-100 AD - Rhoman Empire gradually reconquers parts of the Near East.

305AD - Emperor Constantine of the Rohman Empire sees Jesus's fist in the sky and makes Christianity the official religion of Europe.

488 AD - Battle of Alta Arta, fall of High King Velicalaco at the Gate of Rivers. Beginning of a mass exodus of Elves from the former Elven Kingdom. Velicalaco's stand at the gate becomes the subject of legends and songs throughout the civilized world.
-Fu Lei seize Elven capital and rename it 'Beijing', establishing it as the new Imperial capital.
-Period of insurrection and strife in the Eastern world lasting until 704AD.

600 AD - End of the Rohman Empire

488-690 AD - Known as the 'Terhat uin Adrhon' or 'Breaking of the World', this era saw the gradual collapse of the major Elvish states. The Steppe Elves adopted their nomadic lifestyle and the Southern Elvish Kingdom was divided into numerous warring states. The High Elves fled to the West and established their new homeland in the Middle East.
It is a particularly traumatic time in history for all Elves, particularly those who witnessed it and survived. Vast numbers of Elves were killed fleeing, in civil wars, or by various aggressors, and many great works of Elvish civilization were destroyed.
Contact with the Human kingdoms of the West is lost for Elves outside of the Near East. The Northern Kingdom quickly devolved into squabbling princedoms under pressure from invaders in the South and due to a massive cold front which killed much of the population, the Western portions of that kingdom are overtaken by human settlers.
The elves of the Islands of the Sun (Japan) become isolated, cut off from outside influences. They gradually become a seperate people from the High Elves of the mainland.

771 AD - The son of Velicalaco takes the name 'Himthond' or 'Steadfast root' and declares the founding of a new Elvish kingdom in the West. The Aranie Dunedhil is born.

704 AD - Last of the High Elf nobility exterminated within the borders of the Fu Lei Empire. Emperor Shang initiates construction of the Great Wall by repairing and linking old High Elf defences.

900 AD - The Aranie Dunedhil loses its coastal territories to Goblin and Orcish tribes, as well as various traders who settle there and overtake the Elven population.

1115 AD - First trade re-established between the Elvish Kingdom and the Human states. Indirect contact between Humans and Eastern Elves.

1290 AD - Elvish Kingdom begins systematic subjugation of the Goblin tribes to the East. This is complete by 1451 AD.

1309 AD - The last S'ung Emperor dies without an heir and leaves his empire to General Liu Shen, who establishes the Fang dynasty.

1341 AD - The Western Trade Corridor to Erin Aeanor is established. Erin Aeanor passes into the cultural sphere of the Elvish kingdom.

1368 AD - Emperor Qian of Fang destroys the capital of the Great Khanate, ending the Orcish occupation of Cathay. Fang dynasty embark upon a programme of extermination to rid the Empire of Orc and Goblin barbarians.

1410 AD - First use of Goblin auxiliaries in battle by the Elvish Kingdom. They prove quite successful against Orcs, since the taller brutes can't quite seem to figure out why their ankles are gone until their throats have been cut.

1700 AD - Human and Orc cities join together as the United Cities

1816 AD - Birth of Prince Yuan of Fang, future Emperor of the Fu Le Empire.

1820 AD - Emperor Hong dies. Prince Yuan is named Emperor and adopts the era name Daoqing. Empress Dowager Chou becomes regent.

1836 AD - Empress Dowager Chou relinquishes power to her son, Emperor Daoqing of Fang. The Emperor changes his era name to Tianlong to mark the event. Year 1 of the Tianlong Era.

1850 - Present Day

If you wish to have something added to the timeline, please ask.

The year is 1850, but keep in mind as this is not Earth technology may have advanced further (within reason) and most of the world is very much behind. Europe is the bastion of the latest technologies, with technology dwindling as it approaches Eastern Europe and Russia. Asia is scientifically advanced but is behind in technological matters, with reforms being fetted by tradition. The Americas and Southern Africa remain out of the loop and lack gunpowder. Technological era is up to you, but keep it reasonable for your location or your application will be rejected.

Magic exists and serves as the counter to European nations with advanced technology. Unfortunately magic is limited to a select minority of the populace. All Types of magic are open, but be aware blatant powerwanking will result in it being ignored.

Here are some suggestions for the style of nation you will be building, the following are simple suggestions are you are free to otherwise make your own.

Colonial Power: A small European state with an expanding merchant navy, eager to settle and trade across the seas. While small in population it's technological advances have allowed the state a powerful military and unmatched industrial production.

Backwater Kingdom: A large state in Eastern Europe that is a century or two behind the times. While industrialism slowly makes it's ways to towns Serfdom and Agriculture continue to make up the regions economic backbone. While backwards a large population affords it wealth, and even with tradition miring the progress of the state, reforms are slowly being pushed through.

Ancient Empire: An ancient Empire of the Orient or elsewhere, standing for centuries and even millenia with stability. A massive population and claim of land however is slowly being chipped away at the borders and internal discontent erodes the country from within. Adopting the ways of the foreigners would be unthinkable to solve these petty ailments, but perhaps a change from the current regime may be in order to keep the Empire intact.

Warring Clan: A minor retainer of a greater Lord has decided to strive for ambition and seize possession and power. While small, a devoted military muscle and a pragmatic willingness to adopt weapons of the foreigners may very well lead to an established position as a modern and powerful nationstate.

Rising Warlord: A charismatic and militant warlord in the Americas and Africas have subjugated nearby tribes and forged a Kingdom, isolated from the world but fierce and savage. The land itself holds exotic goods that may convince foreigners to exchange their weapons for.

Current World Map Here: ... rldmap.png
Pink: Nøsmen (Nicksyllvania)
Icy Blue: Odenia (Carpe Chaos)
Teutonic Grey: Teutland (Neo-Prutenia)
Magenta: Northlands (Demophor)
Horizon Blue: Galla (-Galla)
Tealish Purple: Ultric (Ekilion)
Steel Bleu: Midi (Imeriata)
Bleu: Francia (Jbeil)
Olive Green: Rytíři (Oterro)
Cossack Green: Sibir (The Western Russians)
Uranium Green: Rindomen (Tristaniano)
Turk Purple: Ferrum (Ciloniae)
Sandy Yellow: Caspian Federation (Thraciiaa)
Peach: Brizan (Nightkill the Emperor)
Glowing Orange: Trondheim (Asitekera)
Midnight Blue: Nova-Arcadia (Nova-Arcadia)
Dark Green: United Cities (Goldsaver)
Pale Red: Monte Cristo (Voltronica)
Pale Orange: Prizma Beta (Zerg Expanse)
Stalin Red: Republiki Związek Parowy (Soviet Steam)
Proletariat Red: Maleficarumland (Maleficarumland)
Fox Orange: Third Sun (Kenvat)
Yellow: Fu Lei (Old Tyrannia)
Pale Green: Bar min Duinath (OMGeverynameistaken)
Turquoise: Qrthaal-khoz (Solyni)
Deep Purple: Sajedek (Radictistan)
Old School Blue: Shys Aedi (Cennairceach)
Blackish Grey: Regina Finium (Finium)
Hideous Purple: Shadowfell (Vortiaganica)
Pale Purple: Mazar (Undead Supremacy)
Peat-Green: Ivory Empire (Lord Sithan)
Jungle Green: Zaq'Cha (Amn Voss)
Not-Really-Brown Brown: Alpha-darjeeling (Danbershan)
Incan Gold: Firehelm (Firehelm)
Turd Brown: The Swamp (Vostria)
Unseen Green: Cahoka (Saurisia)
Cobalt Blue: Kanuna Kibune (Transelvia)
Quebecois Blue: Lycarnia (The FTR)
Just Brown: Prinnia (The Knights of Kings)

Application form:
Name of Country:
Government Type:
Main Racial Makeup:
Secondary Races (you can choose more then one):
Technological Era Equivalent:
Magical Prowess:
Requested Colour:

Waiting to be Accepted? Why not plan out your Nation in detail!
Summary of Nation:
Summary of Government:
Summary of Military:
Military Size and Recruitment:
Status of Technology and Magic:
Current Racial Tensions:

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Last edited by OMGeverynameistaken on Wed May 04, 2011 12:18 pm, edited 12 times in total.

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The knights of kings
Posts: 2362
Founded: Aug 19, 2009

Postby The knights of kings » Tue May 03, 2011 12:50 pm

Name of Country: Prinnia
Government Type: Absolute monarchy
Main Racial Makeup: 92%-Human
Secondary Races (you can choose more then one): 8%-Dwarfs
Technological Era Equivalent:1861
Magical Prowess: Dwarfs-master metal works & Humans-none
Population: 9,995,840
Landclaim: The gap between northern France and northern Germany.
Requested Colour: any is fine.

Summary of Nation:

Though small in most respects, the nation of Prinnia is acclaimed for its advanced technology in both metal works and weapons production. Yet this seems to be hampered, as the people of Prinnia are self-centered and often to be put lightly "discontented" with how the rest of the world seems to portray itself. This may prove to be the reason why Prinnia secludes itself and even in times of crisis around the world, ignores the pleas of help. Having no taste for any outside works unless they improve current weaponry seems to be a trend for this nation, as it has been seen that even though trade with humans and elves has picked up the Prinnians held their noses high in distaste.

Yet even in the presence of bias for outsiders, Prinnia works itself continually on improving its economy. However, the lack of trade from outsiders seems to be counter-productive. Even so the economy which is based primarily in arms production and mining sustains itself but without outside trade continues to stay in a stagnate form unless a war occurs. Having said this the nations peoples seem to smile at the name of "Ash forests" which makes a mockery reference to the nation’s major metal works where hundreds of smoke stacks flood the sky with clouds of soot from the large machinery inside. Most likely, another reason why the peoples of Prinnia seem estranged from many elf like beings. Seeing as many think the smoke is nothing but a nuisance while Prinnians see it as a sign of progress and wealth. Though thoughts seem to diverge farther down between what Prinnians think and what the civilized world thinks.

Though the "ash forests" are intriguing to the unaccustomed eye what brings greater attention are the mines. Most mines are under the joint control of the dwarfs and humans, as dwarfs are seen to be the only non-human race of equal statues to humans, and are a remarkable sight. Great care has been taken to use the best and latest technology to extract the metals and coals from the earth, giving rise to large mechanization. Though manual labor is still necessary it has been made easier as a result an example of which is the comprehensive railway system that ties the mines to factories.

Prinnia is also acclaimed for its civil rights and the percentage of people that are educated. The fact that Prinnia has laws for education keep its citizens well informed as well as give children the proper ideology. Critics often scold the Prinnians education system for its bias against anything not Prinnian some even going to the length of plain racism, especially against elves, yet change has yet to be seen.

The nation of Prinnia is well advanced and tightly net as this document shows. Though it has a number of well renowned aspects, it is denounced for its lack of compassion for others. With no official stance for many issues outside its region of influence. This educated society finds little hope for the outside world and many again criticize its "Lack of connection with the Earth" as Prinnians people prefer science to magic. Magic is official looked down upon and many claim it to be a sin.

Summary of Government:

Current Monarch: Graham Cray

The Government is socially progressive as it often gives rights to the common person. Being an absolute monarchy though leaves very little room for discussion, yet issues may be brought up through councils. Councils are a number of prominent citizens from different cities who bring up current problems or situations and ask the king for his response to the matter. Often though military governors appointed by the king act in his interest.

In times of crisis military governors have the ability to make decisions they consider necessary for the defense of the nation. The people are to take their decisions as if it where the kings orders unless an official order is given not to do so.

Still, there have arisen rumors that the monarchy isnt all that it looks like. Many deny this but still several persistant figures continue to search claiming that the nation is run by an organization rather then the Monarchs. Again no proof has ever arisen to make this stance credible.

Summary of Military:
The Prinnian military is renowned for its updated tactics as well as its weaponry supplied to the common personal. Armed with standard rifles, as a consequence the plate armor was totality forsaken for its lack of protection against such weapons. The replacement was uniforms made of cotton or wool and with bright colors, primarily red, to distinguish friend from foe on the battle field. However, the down side is the soldier’s inability to hide or protect against smaller arms such as arrows or swords. Still the military department felt it balanced out as rifles had range over hand-to-hand combat, though troops are also equipped with socket bayonets if the fighting draws too close.

The most common formation for Prinnian troops is the firing ranks to increase the firepower of numbers rather then lone sharp shooters. Though Calvary has smaller carbines, the main weapon is the saber, which is also adorned by field commissioned officers. The dwarfs form their own military regiments to fight along side human infantry even with the same uniforms. Dwarfs are accepted members of society but still they are reluctant to give weaponry to humans. The dwarfs carry their own rifles into battle, which are superior to that of the regular human infantry.

Military Size and Recruitment:
The main military during times of peace is kept at a steady 200,000-man strong force (Dwarfs included). Recruitment is a volunteer force and is trained rigoursly to make up for the lack of large military forces. Dwarfs train in the same ways as human forces but in segregated camps so that differences in weaponry do not interfere.

Though there is conscription, it was decided several decades ago that it was only needed in extraordinary circumstances. Volunteers seemed much more likely to stand their ground rather then flee as a conscripted army might. Therefore, it was that the entire army was assembled from the best of the volunteers. Never in Prinnians recorded history has conscription been actually used.

Status of Technology and Magic:
Technology is advanced, but magic appears to be a taboo. Though the Government has no official stance on Magic it seems that it is looked down upon. Most magic users have already been expelled and in its place more scientific reasoning. As the people look down on magic as well as the government, many who practice it are severely punished and often disappear. The people disdain it so much so that it is practically a sin against God to even attempt it. The works of scientists in workshops is elevated in magic’s place and all who think otherwise are also looked down upon.

Current Racial Tensions:
Both Humans and dwarfs in Prinnia seem to have an irreversible hatred towards elves’ populations. For reasons rather unexplainable, it seems that children are indoctrinated to hate them and look at them with distrust. Yet it has been left to speculation whether or not the distrust in elves’ people is merely a fad or if there is an actual reason to why. The only known physical reason is that while elves tend to enjoy airy space in their cities as well as a clean natural surrondings. Prinnians tend to enjoy being with large complex machinery that emits a sense of power and enjoy a sepration from nature.
Last edited by The knights of kings on Wed May 04, 2011 4:21 am, edited 6 times in total.

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Postby Jbeil » Tue May 03, 2011 12:53 pm

The knights of kings wrote:Name of Country: Prinnia
Government Type: Absolute monarchy
Main Racial Makeup: 92%-Human
Secondary Races (you can choose more then one): 8%-Dwarfs
Technological Era Equivalent:1861
Magical Prowess: Dwarfs-master metal works & Humans-none
Population: 41,915,040
Landclaim: The gap between northern France and northern Germany.
Requested Colour: any is fine.

will add info.

That area is already being invaded...Good luck. :p
La République Jbeili

DEFCON: 1; 2; 3; 4; [5]
I RP with a population of 4,000,000,000.
In a Union with the Principality of Menaton and the Theocracy of -Albi.
Establish an embassy:
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Ordo Drakul
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Postby Ordo Drakul » Tue May 03, 2011 1:01 pm

Name of Country:Khemu
Government Type:bureaucracy
Main Racial Makeup:Orcs
Secondary Races (you can choose more then one):goblins, trolls, hobgoblins, some undead
Technological Era Equivalent:Backwater Kingdom
Magical Prowess:society very heavy in priests, actual specialties differ by region and dominant temple-depending on where a god falls in the hierarchy, the god's granted abilities differ
Population:5-6 million in urban areas, perhaps twice that in nomads and rural dwellers
Landclaim:orthern Africa, centered in Egypt
Requested Colour: red
Summary of Nation: Khemu is actually an ancient empire, with a system of bureaucracies running various regions centered out of the various cities along the banks of the Nile. Supreme Executive Power lies in the Living Osiris, currently the Pharaoh Nephren-Ka, of whom more will be said later. The armies of Khemu all answer to the Living Osiris, who is worshiped as a god by his people. Although they say Khemu is a nation of priests, the Khemu Orcs would be confounded by that, as they have no concept of priesthood, merely a relationship with the Divine that allows miracles. The Khemu Orcs are fiercely patriotic and territorial, but haven't reached beyond their borders since the reign of Ramses II.
Summary of Government:The temples control large tracts of land, with the position of high priest rotating through the populace on a monthly basis. The High Priest then appoints lesser priests who oversee various aspects of the Temple's interests. Generally, the same men control the priestly offices when the High Priest is wise, but nepotism is not unheard of.
Summary of Military:The armies of Khemu are controlled by a noble class whose holdings rival those of the Temples, but simpler administration. Nobles maintain their offices by supporting the military, and the armies are all fiercely loyal to the Living Osiris first, and the regional god second. The Living Osiris affirms the titles and lands of the nobles in exchange for troops he then assigns to various regions as he determines necessary. Any major campaign will be approved by the Living Osiris first, and his staff is constantly receiving letters requesting permission to attack this disloyal lord or another.
Military Size and Recruitment:The armies hold perhaps 5% of the population, and are volunteer forces. The warlike nature of orcs keeps enlistment high, as does looting being considered part of a soldier's pay.
Status of Technology and Magic: Technologically, the orcs are perhaps at 1700s-level-muskets, repeating rifles, and sail powered vessels, though the steam engine is known to them, largely for amusement purposes.
Current Racial Tensions:Orcs rule, hobgoblins are okay, and goblins are weaklings but better than the other things on the world. Undead are revered almost as god-kings and give great latitude in their activities, many being nobles or installed in temples as gods.

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Postby OMGeverynameistaken » Tue May 03, 2011 1:07 pm

In regards to Transelvia's application (TG'd to me):
I don't really see Dark Elves living under Koboldian domination or lordship. They might not be quite as arrogant as High Elves, but they're still a proud bunch. And your kingdom seems really disjointed. You've got Kobolds, Dwarves and Dark Elves all living in seperate areas...what keeps them together?
Lastly, I don't think there are any Dark Elves in the Near East.

Centralize it to a Kobold Kingdom centered in Persia. Drop the Dwarves and Dark Elves. Keep the Goblins.

@Knights of Kings
As noted, that area's about to becoming a stomping ground for armies, but if you're alright with having a war right from the get-go that will work.

@Ordo Drakul
That region is already claimed.

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The knights of kings
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Postby The knights of kings » Tue May 03, 2011 1:09 pm

Yes a war is what I aimed for, of course a good story comes first.

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Ordo Drakul
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Postby Ordo Drakul » Tue May 03, 2011 1:11 pm

Given how absolutely confusing this whole thing is, I shall be withdrawing-Greenland is no longer occupied. Happy gaming to you all.

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Postby OMGeverynameistaken » Tue May 03, 2011 1:17 pm

The knights of kings wrote:Yes a war is what I aimed for, of course a good story comes first.

Also, as I probably should have noted, 42 million is a bit high. About ten million will do.

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Postby Jbeil » Tue May 03, 2011 1:18 pm

OMGeverynameistaken wrote:
The knights of kings wrote:Yes a war is what I aimed for, of course a good story comes first.

Also, as I probably should have noted, 42 million is a bit high. About ten million will do.

Also, the tech, it's 1861, far from the Humans of the time, and equal to the Dwarfs'.
La République Jbeili

DEFCON: 1; 2; 3; 4; [5]
I RP with a population of 4,000,000,000.
In a Union with the Principality of Menaton and the Theocracy of -Albi.
Establish an embassy:
Join the Jbeili Francophonie:
Join the Jbeili Foreign Legion:

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Postby OMGeverynameistaken » Tue May 03, 2011 1:20 pm

Jbeil wrote:
OMGeverynameistaken wrote:Also, as I probably should have noted, 42 million is a bit high. About ten million will do.

Also, the tech, it's 1861, far from the Humans of the time, and equal to the Dwarfs'.

He has Dorfs in his population, though. As long as he limits the distribution of the fancy tech based on how much the Dorfs are willing to part with, I would say 1861 is acceptable.

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The knights of kings
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Postby The knights of kings » Tue May 03, 2011 1:23 pm

Im good with ten million, also if my tec is too high I will arrange it to acceptable range.
Last edited by The knights of kings on Tue May 03, 2011 1:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby OMGeverynameistaken » Tue May 03, 2011 1:24 pm

The knights of kings wrote:Im good with ten thousand, also if my tec is too high I will arrange it to acceptable range.

Ten thousand is rather low. Like I said, 10,000,000-ish will be fine. And LIMITED use of 1861 tech is good, since you have Dwarvish populations. Just keep it in check and don't go overboard.

If that's all good, consider yourself approved.

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The knights of kings
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Postby The knights of kings » Tue May 03, 2011 1:27 pm

Alright, Ill get working on national info. Yet may I ask who is attacking? A little summary would help me get up to speed.

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Postby OMGeverynameistaken » Tue May 03, 2011 1:29 pm

The knights of kings wrote:Alright, Ill get working on national info. Yet may I ask who is attacking? A little summary would help me get up to speed.

The war is, I believe, between the big grey blob and the little blue blob and its allies.

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Postby Jbeil » Tue May 03, 2011 1:30 pm

The knights of kings wrote:Alright, Ill get working on national info. Yet may I ask who is attacking? A little summary would help me get up to speed.

Me from the West and Neo-Prutenia from the East...Also, if the war lasts longer than expected, then the two countries south of me will also become involved, but in limited amounts.
La République Jbeili

DEFCON: 1; 2; 3; 4; [5]
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Postby Jbeil » Tue May 03, 2011 1:31 pm

OMGeverynameistaken wrote:
The knights of kings wrote:Alright, Ill get working on national info. Yet may I ask who is attacking? A little summary would help me get up to speed.

The war is, I believe, between the big grey blob and the little blue blob and its allies.

Thank you... *Sobs* :(
La République Jbeili

DEFCON: 1; 2; 3; 4; [5]
I RP with a population of 4,000,000,000.
In a Union with the Principality of Menaton and the Theocracy of -Albi.
Establish an embassy:
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Postby Transelvia » Tue May 03, 2011 1:42 pm

OMGeverynameistaken wrote:In regards to Transelvia's application (TG'd to me):
I don't really see Dark Elves living under Koboldian domination or lordship. They might not be quite as arrogant as High Elves, but they're still a proud bunch. And your kingdom seems really disjointed. You've got Kobolds, Dwarves and Dark Elves all living in seperate areas...what keeps them together?
Lastly, I don't think there are any Dark Elves in the Near East.

Centralize it to a Kobold Kingdom centered in Persia. Drop the Dwarves and Dark Elves. Keep the Goblins.

Ah, yes. The dwarfs and elves were from when I had it closer to the indian subcontinent.


Name of Country: Kanuna Kibune
Government Type: Officialy monarchic, but realistically the place is ruled by the warlord who is able to marry a female cousin to the king. (a bit like the shogunate in Japan).
Main Racial Makeup: Kobolds
Secondary Races (you can choose more then one): Goblins in the northeastern part.
Technological Era Equivalent: The equivalent of early 16-hundreds european tech.
Magical Prowess: Great, they are able to manipulate the weather and the land around them.
Population: 36 million Indus kobolds, 5 million goblins
Landclaim: Southeastern Persia
Requested Colour: Dark Grey.

Summary of Nation: The cities tend to be "iceberg"-like, as in, the majority of each city is underground, with the lower levels being where the higher-ups live. Most of the agricultural areas are devoted to cereals, but they also produce large amounts of saffron as well as cotton, sugar beets and pistachio. In the manufacture sector, carpets are the most important in international trade.
Also among Kibunes raw materials is stone oil, but that is not important since it's only use as of now is for smelly lamps.
Summary of Government: The Head of State is the king, he only serves in symbolic functions. The head of government is a warlord, in this case Rakir Hami'ka of the Hami noble clan, and the priesthood serves in most of the roles of government. All nobles are technically subservient to the king and all land is technically owned by him.
Summary of Military: Mostly consisting of bow-armed infantry, it relies on traps and terrain manipulation in its tactics. In addition to the archers there are about 5400 "companion cavalry" riding utahraptors and armed with lances. In addition they also have units of mages consisting of one fully trained mage and 100 of his less magically developed apprentices who aid him as in rituals/serve as meatshields. The most important people (the king, the warlords and other senior leaders) ride in howdahs on creatures called "Dragon-spawn"(huge reptilians the size of indian elephants) and cast magic.
Most armour is composed of many layers of locally produced cotton, although elite units wear layered silk, with a few of the wealthiest generals being decked out in segmented steel armour.
Military Size and Recruitment: The military has a manpower of 54,000 kobolds available for combat duty as well as 1,414 geourges available. Recruitment is based on a system where each kobold youngling is picked out for a specific role at the age of 7 by the priesthood and promptly recieves training towards that goal.
The Kanuna Ki Bhumi also has a navy of some thirty-six latin-rigged ships with ouranourges who can use their magic to give the sails more wind, make the enemy sailships be caught in a calm and throw lightning at enemy ships.
National Religion: The Cult of the Celestial Bureacracy, they believe everything is overseen by a spirit, including people, and all those spirits are overseen by the dragon Garaja. They believe that Garaja taught their people magic, and therefore they sacrifice emerals to the dragon at an annual ceremony each new year.
Status of Technology and Magic: The most advanced weapons are matchlocks, although they are still not widespread in use. The military operates a few siege cannons.
Current Racial Tensions: There is some grumbling from the goblins along the eastern border due to only kobolds being able to join the military or have positions within the priesthood.
Last edited by Transelvia on Wed May 04, 2011 12:35 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby The FTR » Tue May 03, 2011 1:51 pm

I've been waiting for this kind of thing.
Name of Country: Lycarnia.
Government Type: Marxist Oligarchy.
Main Racial Makeup: Gnolls*.
Secondary Races (you can choose more then one): Anthromorphic Wolves, Anthromorphic Jackals, Anthromorphic Coyotes.
Technological Era Equivalent: Early 1800's.
Magical Prowess: Low, with the magic itself being fledgling spells.
Population: 23,651.
Requested Colour: Any shade of blue.
*: Anthromorphic Hyenas.
Last edited by The FTR on Tue May 03, 2011 2:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
I'll respond to a lot of titles, but I preferred to go by Forest.

Unless stated otherwise, I have disowned all of the posts, both in and out of character, that I made years ago. I would like to think that both my real, out-of-character behavior and my in-character role-playing skills have matured.

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Old Tyrannia
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Postby Old Tyrannia » Tue May 03, 2011 1:55 pm


Fu Lei Factfile

Name of Country: Empire of the Fu Lei
Government Type: Imperial Monarchy
Main Racial Makeup: 'High' Elves
Secondary Races: Forest Elves, bat-people (Fu lei), fox-people (kitsune), orcs
Technological Era Equivalent: 16th century China
Magical Prowess: Little magic
Population: 80 million
Landclaim: Northern China, south of the Undead hordes
Colour on Map: Yellow

Summary of Nation:
The Fu lei were originally a peaceful people from western Cathay, the modern area of Shaanxi. They were subject to the rule of the High Elf Kingdom of Turinasta Minnonar, known in the West as Cathay and by the Fu Lei as Qin, to their east, but were largely independant. Cathay was ruled for centuries by the High Elf race, an ancient and wise people possessed of great power and longevity. The Elvish Phoenix Kings ruled from the city of Istar on the east coast, and built the famous Great Wall of Cathay in the north to keep the foreign barbarians at bay. This state of affairs last for millenia, but as mankind and other races began to build civilizations of their own in the west, the High Elves gradually became increasingly decadent and began to neglect their realm.

The once wise and powerful High Elves were now a shadow of their former selves. Meanwhile, the Fu lei became increasingly independant, setting up their first kingdom of Wu to the east. The Fu lei spoke Mandarin, not Elven, and formed their own religion based on the worship of the divine force, or Tao. In 567 BC, Shimin, eighth wang or 'sovereign' of Wu, created the new title Huangdi, meaning 'Emperor'. Thus was founded the Fu Lei Empire. Later, the Fu lei invaded the weakened High Elf kingdom, and the last Phoenix King died defending his great capital, which is now known as Beijing. Some High Elves fled the country and settled in the west, where the kingdom of Bar min Duinath was founded. However, most came under the rule of the Fu lei.

The Empire now spent the next centuries banishing the orcs and goblins back to the steppes. The Elves, no longer to be called 'High', suffered greatly under the bat-folk. They were not permitted to read and write, they lost all knowledge of magic as the Fu lei destroyed all Elven books of magic and lore, and their leaders were exterminated. Humans were regarded scarcely better. However, the Fu lei did offer more respect to other non-humanoid beings such as dragons, kitsune and other nthrohumanoids. The Fu lei, however, were believed to be the supreme race, destined to rule the world.

The Fu lei even today believe that all 'foreign barbarians' are inferior to the bat-folk, and are increasingly isolationist. The Great Wall has been repaired in order to keep the vast undead hordes of Mazaar to the north out of the Celestial Empire. In response to growing Western greed and antagonism, the Empire has grown weary and now embarks on a great programme of modernization to ensure the Fu lei remain the dominant race.

Summary of Government:
The Empire is an absolute monarchy ruled with an iron fist by Emperor Yuan, era name Tianlong, of the Great Fang Dynasty. Top administrative positions are all occupied by Fu lei, although the majority of the Empire's population are Elves. The Fu lei outlaw the term 'High Elf' as they believe that this term might install new confidence in the broken race. The Emperor is considered to be the Son of Heaven, just one step away from being a god. The Empire's national philosophy is based on the writings of famed Fu lei philosopher K'ung Tze.

Below the Emperor is the Grand Secretariat, a six-strong organ that oversees all government branches. Below the Secretariat are the Six Ministries: the Ministry of Personnel, the Ministry of Revenue, the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Works. The Fu lei fail to recognise the existence of other sovereign states and do not have an official diplomatic corps; other nations are organized into tributaries and barbarian states, all of which are considered to be under the ultimate rule of the Emperor.

Summary of Military:
Most of the Fu lei military is made up of reluctant Elvish conscripts. They are lightly armoured, if they are lucky enough to have any armour at all, and carry stone, bronze or iron swords, shields and helmets. Professional Elvish mercenaries do exist and wear superior leather armour, often making up the elite cavalry of the Fu lei army. The Fu lei themselves form a ruthless and terrifying airforce which can decimate units with their sudden and stealthy raids. Armoured bats swooping down from the dark night sky, shrieking and carrying off men, is often enough to frighten the enemy into retreat. Archers and 'fire-lancers' (gunmen) also exist and the Fu lei military makes use of rockets, land mines and other innovations.

The navy is the weakest link in the Fu lei military. Made up of once huge junks that now pale by comparison to Western fleets, it mainly relies on closing with the enemy and boarding. Use of cannons by Western navies now render the large Fu lei fleet largely obsolete. Now ironclad warships are being developed, just as the Fu lei begin building junks with Western-style cannons. The navy is principally tasked with guarding Fu lei trade in the China Seas, with the Forest Elves of the East and the new Western powers as well as traditional trading partners in India and Indonesia.

Military Size and Recruitment:
The standing army of the Fu lei Imperial Army is around 50,000 Elves, including around 5-10,000 professional soldiers, plus 5,000 or so Fu lei. Orcs and goblins are often hired to fight as mercenaries, as are humans. Most of the army, however, is made up of poorly-trained conscripts drafted into the military in times of war. All young male Elves are elligible for service. The navy functions in much the same way. 'Press-gangs' are sent out in order to find new recruits and force them to join. The officer class consists mainly of professional Elvish soldiers who answer to Fu lei commanders.

Status of Technology and Magic:
The High Elves of Cathay were great sorcerors and magicians but magic has been eliminated from the Elvish race by centuries of Fu lei oppression. The Fu lei themselves have very little in the way of magical talent and tend to distrust magic. The bulk of magic users in the Empire are magical creatures like the kitsune who, due to a perceived relation between bats (the 'flying foxes') and foxes, hold high status in the Empire. For centuries the Empire and Cathay before it were the most technologically advanced nations on Earth, but that time is passed and now Imperial technology is becoming rapidly outdated.

Current Racial Tensions:
There is little tension at present as the Fu lei have succesfully stamped out any resistance from the Elves. Despite this, fringe groups still exist that resent Fu lei oppression of the Elves. Groups like orcs and goblins within the Empire frequently find themselves at odds with the Chiropterocentric Fu lei regime, which regards them as barbarians and is incredibly hostile to them. The newly arisen Undead threat in the north has led to a ruthless campaign against vampires, necromancers and their ilk.

Approx. 250,000 BC - Divergence of the Homo Sapiens Vitalis from Homo Sapiens Sapiens ('Scientific' theory)

~20,000 BC - The Jade Emperor creates the Fu Lei and gives them supremacy over all other species (Actual Occurence)

~14,000 BC - Awakening of the Elves in Elvish mythology

~13,000 BC - First Elvish city founded in unknown location

~10,800 BC - Believed first contact between men and elves

8300 BC - First substantiated contact between men and elves, trade occurs.

6800 BC - Founding of the Turinasta Minnónar, or the Kingdom of the Firstborn. First Aran Ilye Eldar, King of All Elves, more commonly rendered as 'High King', crowned in the city of Alta Arta.

~6650 BC - First contact between Fu Lei, then a peaceful forest living tribe, and the High Elves.

6500 BC - The Great Exploration begins, Elvish settlers travel far and wide across the Steppes of the North, to Europe, to Africa and even America, founding colonies and trade posts. Sometime in this era, Bar min Duinath is founded as a trade outpost.

6350 BC - Fu Lei pay tribute to the High King of the Elves.

6000 BC - The Great Kinslaying. Prince Moriquare seeks to take control of the Kingdom in a bloody civil war. The first recorded slaying of Elf by Elf. Distant portions of the Kingdom break away and the empire enters its first slump.

5920 BC - The War of the North, the first recorded incidence of a magic user raising armies of undead. First recorded appearance of Orcs.

5810 BC - End of the War of the North, Northern Orcs scattered and exterminated in Siberia. Many move south to Africa.

5800 BC - The Second War of the North, a lieutenant of the previous sorcerer who survived the previous encounter with the Elvish kingdom regains his master's powers and attacks the kingdom.

4532 BC - The Sundering of the Kingdom. Having grown far larger than can be easily managed, the Turinasta Minnonar is divided into three separate realms. These almost immediately begin bickering with each other, although outright war never develops. The three states are:
The Northern Kingdom: Occupying the area between Kamchatka and Poland.
The Middle Kingdom: Occupying China, the Middle East, Anatolia, parts of Greece and Africa.
The Southern Kingdom: Occupying Oceania, South Asia, India.
At their greatest extent these kingdoms occupied vast swaths of land, although they gradually deteriorated over time, whether through external wars or simply being unwilling or unable to hold onto their outer territories for various reasons.

4477 BC - First Elvish contact with 'civilized' human states.

4450 BC - First Elvish-Human war, for unrecorded reasons between the Western Elvish Kingdom and a now extinct North African state. Elvish veterans of the war maintain that humans taking Elvish captives in an attempt to gain their immortality by drinking their blood was the cause of the war.

4429 BC - Elvish armies destroy said unknown kingdom and annihilate all traces of it. The only known remains are rough blocks which can sometimes be found by themselves in the desert with the Old Elvish phrase "sië ana cotumolva" or 'thus to our enemy' carved on them.

4120 BC - Divergence of the Southern Kingdom's population, first recorded appearance of 'Dark Elves'.

3948 BC - The oldest known maps of the Americas date from this era.

2610 BC - The Goblin War, joint Southern and Middle Kingdom armies venture into Central Asia to deal with the threat of the Goblin tribes. The war is extremely bloody on both sides, but ultimately inconclusive.

2357 BC - The Great Barrier arises between the Old World and the New. Contact is lost with Elven traders, who are presumably eaten by trolls.

1251 BC - Lacking any willing enemies, the Elvish Kingdom begins a slow military decline. The so called 'Seve Marda' or 'Peace of the World' begins. Philosophy and science flourish in the Elvish Kingdom.

1022 BC - Fu Lei philosopher K'ung-tzu is born.

950 BC - K'ung-tzu dies. The Fu Lei now begin to build their own civilization, moving out of their ancient caves and building new towns.

910 BC - First breach of the 'peace' when Goblin tribes, organized under Orcish leaders, emerge from Persia and attack the western border of the Elvish states. Loss of territory is coupled with significant social unrest in the Elvish kingdoms.

890 BC - Goblin tribes attack Fu Lei towns in Mongolia. Fu Lei requests for Elvish aid are ignored by the High King and the Fu Lei cease to pay tribute. The first Fu Lei wang or sovereign is crowned, establishing the kingdom of Wu.

855 BC - Western War, the Middle Kingdom is driven from Anatolia and the Near East by various Goblin tribes. Contact is lost with Greece and the former colonials in that area integrate with the Human population or move to the Northern Kingdom.

567 BC - Fu Lei, then called the 'Ramanyaro' or 'winged rats', break off from the Turinasta Minnonar. King Shimin introduces new title of Huangdi or 'Emperor', establishing the Fu Lei Empire.

34 AD - Some silly human gets himself nailed to a tree by a bunch of Goblins for being a hippie.

488 AD - Battle of Alta Arta, fall of High King Velicalaco at the Gate of Rivers. Beginning of a mass exodus of Elves from the former Elven Kingdom. Fu Lei seize Elven capital and rename it 'Beijing', establishing it as the new Imperial capital.

488-690 AD - Known as the 'Terhat uin Adrhon' or 'Breaking of the World', this era saw the gradual collapse of the major Elvish states. The Steppe Elves adopted their nomadic lifestyle and the Southern Elvish Kingdom was divided into numerous warring states. The High Elves fled to the West and established their new homeland in the Middle East.
It is a particularly traumatic time in history for all Elves, particularly those who survived it. Vast numbers of Elves were killed fleeing, in civil wars, or by various aggressors, and many great works of Elvish civilization were destroyed.
Contact with the Human kingdoms of the West is lost for Elves outside of the Near East. The Northern Kingdom quickly devolves into squabbling princedoms, the Western portions of which are overtaken by human settlers.

704 AD - Last of the High Elf nobility exterminated within the borders of the Fu Lei Empire. Emperor Shang initiates construction of the Great Wall by repairing and linking old High Elf defences.

771 AD - The son of Velicalaco takes the name 'Himthond' or 'Steadfast root' and declares the founding of a new Elvish kingdom in the West. The Aranie Dunedhil is born.

900 AD - The Aranie Dunedhil loses its coastal territories to Goblin and Orcish tribes.

907 AD - End of the first Fu Lei dynasty, the Wu. Beginning of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period (AD 907–960). The Empire is divided for the first time since the fall of High King Velicalaco.

960 AD - Establishment of the S'ung dynasty. The Empire is reunited under Emperor Che. During the time of the S'ung, Fu Lei technology is the most advanced in the world.

1115 AD - First trade re-established between the Elvish Kingdom and the Human states. Indirect contact between Humans and Eastern Elves.

1271 AD - Orc barbarians cross the Great Wall and subjugate much of the Fu Lei Empire, establishing the Great Khanate.

1290 AD - Elvish Kingdom begins systematic subjugation of the Goblin tribes to the East. This is complete by 1451 AD.

1341 AD - The Western Trade Corridor to Erin Aeanor is established. Erin Aeanor passes into the cultural sphere of the Elvish kingdom.

1309 AD - The last S'ung Emperor dies without an heir and leaves his empire to General Liu Shen, who establishes the Fang dynasty.

1368 AD - Emperor Qian of Fang destroys the capital of the Great Khanate, ending the Orcish occupation of Cathay. Fang dynasty embark upon a programme of extermination to rid the Empire of Orc and Goblin barbarians.

1410 AD - First use of Goblin auxiliaries in battle by the Elvish Kingdom. They prove quite successful against Orcs, since the taller brutes can't quite seem to figure out why their ankles are gone until their throats have been cut.

1816 AD - Birth of Prince Yuan of Fang, future Emperor of the Fu Le Empire.

1820 AD - Emperor Hong dies. Prince Yuan is named Emperor and adopts the era name Daoqing. Empress Dowager Chou becomes regent.

1836 AD - Empress Dowager Chou relinquishes power to her son, Emperor Daoqing of Fang. The Emperor changes his era name to Tianlong to mark the event. Year 1 of the Tianlong Era.

1850 - Present Day. Year 14 of the Tianlong Era.
Last edited by Old Tyrannia on Wed May 04, 2011 9:20 am, edited 2 times in total.
"Classicist in literature, royalist in politics, and Anglo-Catholic in religion" (T.S. Eliot). Still, unaccountably, a NationStates Moderator.
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Postby Goldsaver » Tue May 03, 2011 2:01 pm

Name of Country: The United Cities of Scholars And Warriors
Government Type: Constitutional Elective Monarchy*
Main Racial Makeup: Humans
Secondary Races (you can choose more then one): Orcs
Technological Era Equivalent: The Orcs live in more primitive conditions, at about 14 century level, but the Humans think of technology and science highly, and are about at the 1600s.
Magical Prowess: The Orcs consider it evil and execute anyone found pratcining it within their area; The Humans has a very small, powerful group of magic casters who usually practice Elemental Magic.
Population:2,000,000 (600,000 Humans, 1,400,000 Orcs)
Landclaim: Sicily, Sardina, small bit of Tunisa
Requested Colour: Dark Green
Last edited by Goldsaver on Tue May 03, 2011 2:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.
The Free Federation of the Golden Lands
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Postby Kukris » Tue May 03, 2011 2:08 pm

Name of Country: Arcadia
Government Type: Federal
Main Racial Makeup: 90% Dark Elves
Secondary Races (you can choose more then one): 5% Human, 3% Anthromorphic Wolves, 2% Goblins
Technological Era Equivalent: Early 1800's
Magical Prowess: Camo or Invisblity, Death, Speed which is natural as well as the strength, ageless body; the human are normal besides their energy; the wolves are big, fearless, immortal, ageless body; trolls have super strength Population: 130,000 for now but will grow
Landclaim: We Claim the Island of New Caledonia and Vanuatu
Requested Colour: Silver and Red

I do the other things later mostly based on Sangheili and Jirhalnae from Halo.

Summary of Nation:
Summary of Government:

Summary of Military: Every Human must have several years of military service and enter at the age of 13 where they are trained in the ways of assassins. They are harden and put to the test if they fail they are punish severly. The Elves devote thierselves to warfare and everyone has experience in warfare. They are trained in every weather and are punish for any mistake. They must show no emotions. The trolls are forbidden from military service but they fight for th humans while the wolves are in a regiment known as the shades. They have no bounds, know no mercy, and have a endless bloodthirst.

Military Size and Recruitment: Currently 25% of the human population serve in the military while 5% serve in the human protection force. The population of Arcadia is mainly 65% military.

Status of Technology and Magic: Technology is the main concern in which most of the humans work on it to stay ahead and help in defending thierselves. The Elves have master teleporting and stopping death to a certain extent.

Current Racial Tensions: The dark elves and the humans have several fights over land and property. There has been one civil war between them in which both sinds began to grow tird and came to terms. These terms were both dissapproved of by later generations on both sides and fueds still continue. The wolves have become loyal servants for the Elves and have helped in terrorizing the humans while the trolls have helped in building fortifcations for the humans to help in protecting them.
Last edited by Kukris on Sat May 07, 2011 1:05 pm, edited 9 times in total.

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Postby FS_America » Tue May 03, 2011 2:22 pm

@OMG : (

Also are humans allowed in this?
Last edited by FS_America on Tue May 03, 2011 2:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby The FTR » Tue May 03, 2011 2:49 pm

I'll respond to a lot of titles, but I preferred to go by Forest.

Unless stated otherwise, I have disowned all of the posts, both in and out of character, that I made years ago. I would like to think that both my real, out-of-character behavior and my in-character role-playing skills have matured.

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Postby OMGeverynameistaken » Tue May 03, 2011 3:27 pm

People who already have states do not need to reapply.

This thread is identical to the previous ones in all senses except that I am the OP. Nick is still in charge and this is still the same RP. All this is is a change of venue.

Mostly good, although there are a few minor things.

1. Again, with the separation. As far as I know, kobolds are not a species known for their nautical skills, and the Persian Gulf is dominated by the Elvish navy. How do those bits of your kingdom stay in contact?

2. Armor made of layered silk would be enormously expensive, especially since silk production is probably still centered in the far east. Your proposal would be like equipping every soldier with full plate armor.

@The FTR
That is a rather bloody enormous land claim, especially for such a tiny population. You wouldn't be able to hold onto an area that size with only 23,000 people. Stick to either Canada or the US an increase your population to, say, 5 million.

Also, I'll need to get an opinion from Nick on Marxism in the Americas before European contact.

Define 'post-modern' technology.

No. That is why most of Europe is composed of humans.

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Postby The FTR » Tue May 03, 2011 3:31 pm

I've been waiting for this kind of thing.
Name of Country: Lycarnia.
Government Type: Marxist Oligarchy.
Main Racial Makeup: Gnolls*.
Secondary Races (you can choose more then one): Anthromorphic Wolves, Anthromorphic Jackals, Anthromorphic Coyotes.
Technological Era Equivalent: Early 1800's.
Magical Prowess: Low, with the magic itself being fledgling spells.
Population: 5,051,762.
Landclaim: ... 8/East.png
Requested Colour: Any shade of blue.
*: Anthromorphic Hyenas.

Edited. I made it about the Northern China Claim's size.
I'll respond to a lot of titles, but I preferred to go by Forest.

Unless stated otherwise, I have disowned all of the posts, both in and out of character, that I made years ago. I would like to think that both my real, out-of-character behavior and my in-character role-playing skills have matured.



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