Copa Rushmori 44 - Everything Thread

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Copa Rushmori 44 - Everything Thread

Postby Naixi » Thu Aug 31, 2023 7:22 am





Sign-Ups - Bid - CR43


The signup period for this region-specific football/soccer tournament is over. Do not post in this thread unless you can find yourself in the list below. If you are on the list below, you should also have received an invite by TG from the host, Naixi. If you are listed below and have received a TG invite, please feel free to begin placing in-character posts in this thread. I will post announcements, stadium assignment info, and match results and tables here. You may post a roster, a match report, the transcript of a radio interview, a drawing that a 4-year-old child did about a completely unrelated subject... as long as it is in-character, anything goes. Please contact me by TG if you have any questions... this thread is an in-character thread and it is not an appropriate place for OOC chatter.

This has already been sorted out, but note that participants are limited to a single, declared puppet. I have liaised with The Mod; as host, it was my responsibility to enforce this. As a present and future reminder, always report your puppets on the NS Sports forum.

Isle Noire
República Guanacasteca
Rea San Vegas
Eastfield Lodge
Polar Islandstates
Cabo Azure
Southwest Eastnorth
Nyowani Kitara
The Kytler Peninsulae
Schutzenphalia and West Ruhntuhnkuhnland
Oberour Ar Moro
The Askari Union
Gatchingerrak Union
Captina Island
San Isidro Labrador
Stvoto Latoli


The following rankings will be used to create pots for the tournament draw, to be found below. Please remember that these rankings exist separately from the KPB rankings used for the NationStates World Cup, though they do partially draw upon the KPBs to generate ranks. As always, please remember as well that these rankings are only part of what affects results. Your roster post, as well as any supplemental roleplay posts, will juice this rating substantially, and if someone below you in the rankings roleplays more than you, or better than you, you might find that rank doesn't determine everything!

Thanks as always to the tireless ESF for her hard work maintaining these rankings.

Post CR43 Rankings


Your roster and roleplays will be graded by me, the host. I cannot and will not provide you any "hacks" that will guarantee I grade your post highly; there is no set rubric. However, I will offer the following advice. Character count in your roleplays is not terribly important to me. Whether or not your roleplays are "on-topic" is not terribly important to me. If you make me laugh or shed a tear, I'll be impressed. If you demonstrate complex world-building skills, or have really fascinating characters, I'll be impressed. If your roleplays are incomprehensible and weird, but go above and beyond with originality, I'll be impressed.

Participants are reminded that your roster will be worth three times that of a roleplay. As such, it is very much worth your while to post a roster, even if you feel you are unable to participate meaningfully in roleplaying the tournament. Furthermore, it's a respectful thing to do for your tournament co-participants, who have a right to know something - anything - about your nation so that they can write their own roleplays.


Do not harass other participants or otherwise cause an atmosphere of discomfort. Do not intentionally misgender any other participant. Do not attempt to doxx anyone. TLDR: just try to not be a dick. It's not that hard.

Do not create single-word posts such as "placeholder," "tag," or "bump" in this thread. It annoys the shit out of me and I will 100% take disciplinary action, such as resetting your roleplay bonus or placing a cap on the size of any future roleplay bonuses.

Participants are reminded that they must place a citation at the beginning or the end of any post that contains AI-generated imagery. While AI-produced imagery is now common on NS Sports, I do still ask that participating nations be straightforward about their usage. AI-generated text, by contrast, will not be tolerated at all. Any discovered use of AI-generated text will be treated as indistinguishable from plagiarism and will cause me to reset your roleplay bonus and place a cap on the size of any future roleplay bonuses.

Your roster post must include the following text box, with responses to all the questions. Please place the box within /box or /pre tags.

If my opponent role-plays first they may:
Choose my goalscorers: Y/N
Godmod scoring events: Y/N
RP injuries to my players: Y/N
Godmod injuries to my players: Y/N
Hand out yellow cards to my players: Y/N
Hand out red cards to my players: Y/N
Godmod other events: Y/N

Style modifier: -5 to +5

If you respond "N" to the top question, I will expect you to provide a persuasive IC reason why. Should you fail to provide one, I will permit your opponents to freely choose your goalscorers. You might have plans for this player or that, but this is a multiplayer game. You're expected to play well with others - end of discussion. Also, note that you are encouraged to list a style modifier for your team. A negative style modifier will cause your team to play more defensively, whereas a positive style modifier will take you in the other, more attacking direction. You may omit this, if you like, in which case I will assign you a style modifier of 0.


The Celestial Empire of Naixi is one of Rushmore's most conservative nations. Many economic rights and most civil rights are significantly curtailed or banned. Visitors from your nations will likely not be held to a different standard than Naixese citizens. Your coaches and team administrators should warn your players and fans to avoid the following activities:

1) Do not attempt to drink, distill, or distribute alcoholic beverages in Naixi. Alcohol consumption is prohibited.
2) Do not seek out a divorce in Naixi. Divorce is prohibited.
3) Do not attempt to publish or disseminate written or printed materials in Naixi. Rights of free speech and association are limited, and all press organizations are owned by the Naixese government. Foreign journalists must be accompanied by a government official.
4) Do not attempt to get or administer a tattoo or piercing in Naixi. Body modification is prohibited.
5) Do not attempt to biologically reproduce in Naixi. Sexual activity is relatively unregulated, but pregnancies are not permitted. (The government feels that all new children must have their genetic makeup created and controlled by the state, and all babies are now grown in vats administered by the powerful Naixese Genome Project.)

There are dozens of other restrictive laws your characters may run afoul of. If you're curious whether such-and-such activity is allowed or not, feel free to TG me. Rest assured that I treat these things more like an RP opportunity rather than a hindrance to entry for any rebellious, freedom-loving character. Am I actually going to be disciplining anybody for not obeying these laws? No, of course not. You're free to RP your characters violating as many of the above-listed laws as you like. The only consequence you'll face is perhaps me RPing back at you that the quasi-fascist national police, or some reactionary triad group, are working to arrest or otherwise bother your characters.

One thing you'll be relieved to hear is this: cannabis is totally legal in Naixi. That's right, weed/pot/marijuana is totally legal here, and your fans, coaches, and players are welcome to purchase and use the drug recreationally anywhere they like. (Under normal circumstances, many business prohibit smoking weed in their establishment, but the Naixese state has agitated for business owners to loosen their requirements for visitors' sake.) The CR44 hosting committee have even issued a celebratory octopus-shaped green glass cannabis pipe, modeled after the tournament's mascot, Squelchy, which can be purchased (and used at) any of the nation's venues, fan zones, or hotels.


Reposted from the bid:

I know that people have strong opinions about scorinators, and have in the past devoted A LOT of time to arguing about which one is best. I genuinely just do not care. In the interest of cowardly avoiding any potential disagreements, and in the same spirit as my annoying Discord shitposts in which I select a Brazilian football team to be a fan of, I have flipped a coin to decide whether to use the NSFS or SQIS formula in the latest version of xkoranate. That coin flip determined I should use the NSFS formula. (You can't get mad at me - you can only get mad at Margaret.) I will be applying a -5 to +5 additive style modifiers for each team and will be open to changing style modifier during the tournament provided the request is roleplayed. Third-party scorination of my matches will be requested at all times for any matches involving the Naixi or Stvoto Latoli national teams.


Reposted from the bid:

Once again, I cannot be bothered to care about tiebreakers, but I know other people have strong opinions. In the interest of avoiding the debate, because I absolutely will not be drawn into it, I have thrown "goal difference/goals for," "head-to-head results," and "wins" into a hat and drawn them at random to determine the order. That draw has resulted in the following set of tiebreakers (with "points" obviously coming first):

1) Points
2) Wins
3) Head-to-head results
4) Goal difference
5) Goals for
6) Fair play points (an entirely IC tiebreaker - the OOC tiebreaker will be a match scorinated between tied teams using only accumulated RP and roster bonus)


I will announce RP cutoffs every 48 hours at 9:30 PM US Central Daylight Time. That's 2:30 AM UTC and 10:30 AM Singapore time. I will not be offering extensions under any circumstances. Sorry. (Nothing against extensions philosophically, but I'm an RL dad. My availability is limited.) Results should follow approximately an hour after cutoff.

As explained below, there will be four groups of ten to start the tournament off, playing single round-robin. (For stadium assignments, please see the post below this one that provides IC information.) That means that every group will be running through the following fixture list.

RL Date: Monday, 4 September (the morning of Tuesday, 5 September for those in the "Old World")
MD 1: 1 v 10, 2 v 9, 3 v 8, 4 v 7, 5 v 6
MD 2: 10 v 6, 7 v 5, 8 v 4, 9 v 3, 1 v 2

RL Date: Wednesday, 6 September (the morning of Thursday, 7 September for those in the "Old World")
MD 3: 2 v 10, 3 v 1, 4 v 9, 5 v 8, 6 v 7
MD 4: 10 v 7, 8 v 6, 9 v 5, 1 v 4, 2 v 3

RL Date: Friday, 8 September (the morning of Saturday, 9 September for those in the "Old World")
MD 5: 3 v 10, 4 v 2, 5 v 1, 6 v 9, 7 v 8
MD 6: 10 v 8, 9 v 7, 1 v 6, 2 v 5, 3 v 4

RL Date: Sunday, 10 September (the morning of Monday, 11 September for those in the "Old World")
MD 7: 4 v 10, 5 v 3, 6 v 2, 7 v 1, 8 v 9
MD 8: 10 v 9, 1 v 8, 2 v 7, 3 v 6, 4 v 5

RL Date: Tuesday, 12 September (the morning of Wednesday, 13 September for those in the "Old World")
MD 9: 5 v 10, 6 v 4, 7 v 3, 8 v 2, 9 v 1

RL Date: Thursday, 14 September (the morning of Friday, 15 September for those in the "Old World")
Octofinals (1st v 4th, 2nd v 3rd, seedings based on group stage performance)

RL Date: Saturday, 16 September (the morning of Sunday, 17 September for those in the "Old World")
Quarterfinals (fixtures random but 1v4 winners must play 2v3 winners)

RL Date: Monday, 18 September (the morning of Tuesday, 19 September for those in the "Old World")
Semifinals (fixtures random)

RL Date: Wednesday, 20 September (the morning of Thursday, 21 September for those in the "Old World")


I will be holding a live draw on the NS Sports Discord at 3:00 PM US Central Daylight time (that's 8 PM UTC and 4 AM tomorrow in Singapore) on August 31st. Note that this time is different from the cutoff time! This is a one-off event at this time. I'm switching the time in this case because I don't want to completely cut European-time-zone-havers out of the live draw. Apologies to those in the Asia/Pacific region who I've screwed. (It's a live draw hosted by me, it's not going to be that fun. Or, rather, it'll be fun but only because of how bad a job I do.)

The following pots will be used in the draw, with the only caveat being that the hosts, Naixi, will be drawn into Group 1.

Pot A
(H) Naixi
(1) Græntfjall
(2) Cassadaigua
(3) Cabo Azure

Pot B
(4) Nephara
(5) Sargossa
(6) Eura
(7) Nyowani Kitara

Pot C
(8) Tikariot
(9) Gnejs
(10) Mytanija
(12) Oberour Ar Moro

Pot D
(13) Yuezhou
(14) San Isidro Labrador
(15) Pasarga
(16) Astograth

Pot E
(17) Southwest Eastnorth
(19) Norrhem
(20) Darmen
(21) Elmyia

Pot F
(23) República Guanacasteca
(24) Valladares
(25) Schutzenphalia and West Ruhntuhnkuhnland
(26) Pridnestrovia

Pot G
(27) Eastfield Lodge
(28) Captina Island
(29) Savojarna
(30) Gatchingerrak Union

Pot H
(31) The Askari Union
(31) Rea San Vegas
(34) Polar Islandstates
(37) Olastor

Pot I *
(38) Aerágny
(43) Ketiou
(45) Isle Noire
(UR) Thibaea

* = Thibaea placed in Pot I rather than Pot J following random draw

Pot J
(UR) Glazgo
(UR) Stvoto Latoli
(UR) The Kytler Peninsulae
(UR) Zenic

Here are the results of the draw, held on 31 August 2023. The groups below have been scrambled, so you may begin calculating your teams' schedules for the upcoming group stage of the tournament. Precise stadium assignments can be found in the 'IC' post below.









Group 1
Eastfield Lodge
San Isidro Labrador
República Guanacasteca
Rea San Vegas
The Kytler Peninsulae

Group 2
Southwest Eastnorth
Isle Noire
Nyowani Kitara
Gatchingerrak Union
Polar Islandstates

Group 3
Cabo Azure
Stvoto Latoli
Schutzenphalia and West Ruhntuhnkuhnland
Captina Island

Group 4
Oberour Ar Moro
The Askari Union


Octofinal 1: Græntfjall v San Isidro Labrador (@ Sha Dadao in Qiawutian)
Octofinal 2: Eura v Gnejs (@ Paodao Shuibian in Qiawutian)
Octofinal 3: Naixi v Stvoto Latoli (@ Sha Dadao in Qiawutian)
Octofinal 4: Tikariot v Oberour Ar Moro (@ Paodao Shuibian in Qiawutian)
Octofinal 5: Cassadaigua v Nyowani Kitara (@ Huangse Migong in Chumeichang)
Octofinal 6: Sargossa v Nephara (@ Xuanwuyan Zhu in Chumeichang)
Octofinal 7: Cabo Azure v Yuezhou (@ Huangse Migong in Chumeichang)
Octofinal 8: Mytanija v Glazgo (@ Xuanwuyan Zhu in Chumeichang)

Quarterfinal 1: Winner Octofinal 1 v Winner Octofinal 2 (@ Sha Dadao in Qiawutian)
Quarterfinal 2: Winner Octofinal 3 v Winner Octofinal 4 (@ Sha Dadao in Qiawutian)
Quarterfinal 3: Winner Octofinal 5 v Winner Octofinal 6 (@ Huangse Migong in Chumeichang)
Quarterfinal 4: Winner Octofinal 7 v Winner Octofinal 8 (@ Huangse Migong in Chumeichang)

Semifinal 1: Winner Quarterfinal 1 v Winner Quarterfinal 2 (@ Sha Dadao in Qiawutian)
Semifinal 2: Winner Quarterfinal 3 v Winner Quarterfinal 4 (@ Huangse Migong in Chumeichang)

3PPO: Loser Semifinal 1 v Loser Semifinal 2 (@ Huangse Migong in Chumeichang)
Final: Winner Semifinal 1 v Winner Semifinal 2 (@ Sha Dadao in Qiawutian)
Last edited by Naixi on Wed Sep 20, 2023 8:03 pm, edited 17 times in total.

User avatar
Posts: 272
Founded: Dec 31, 2022

Postby Naixi » Thu Aug 31, 2023 7:22 am



The Celestial Empire of Naixi (pronounced NYE-shee) is a coastal country right here in Rushmore. It possesses a pleasant, warm-summer Mediterranean climate and largely flat and passable terrain. These factors led to a famous rail line being built in the country, which required the labor of many thousands of Chinese indentured servants. The railroad eventually made Naixi a hub for industry such as mining and manufacturing, but social tensions between the ruling elite and the historically underserved descendants of the rail workers - who were never more than 40 percent of the country's population - led to a brief but bloody social conflict that began about twelve years ago. The unrest began as street protests, but eventually armed conflict swept the region, particularly the east of the country. Cease fires and conditional independence treaties were signed three years ago, and almost all of the once-dominant Golden People (as the Naixese call their former superiors) have been expelled. Peace has endured so far, but militarization remains high and a policy requiring two years of compulsory military service from all citizens remains in place.

Zhong Xian Xu, a resistance leader during the independence conflict and self-declared general, very briefly became head of state when Naixi's sovereignty was initially declared. He fell ill within a week of accepting the position, however, and his hastily-planned succession plans distributed his administrative and political authority to eight children and grandchildren. Xu selected the number eight in a deliberate reference to the Eight Banners of the Qing Dynasty and declared his successors to be a Celestial Council, then passed away. The Celestial Council attempts to carry on his revolutionary legacy by representing the Naixese state and the racial category of Naixese people more broadly, but it does not have any meaningful powers anymore. Those powers have been redistributed to the 953-seat Parliament of Naixi. However, in that legislative body, a recent general election has thrust the N4N-Monarchists Party into power. Their main campaign promise was to restore significant authority to the Celestial Council, and their supporters have been pleased to see that agenda being slowly implemented.

Though the WA rates the democratic structures enjoyed by Naixese citizens very highly and the general political culture of the country has traditionally been mostly liberal, the government has been growing increasingly authoritarian. General elections must occur at least once every 36 months, but a law working its way through the legislative branch may extend that to 48 or 60. Most forms of speech and art - including politically themed speech and art - are protected rights, but wide suspicion is growing among libertarian activists that they are de jure rights only. The nation's young judicial system has built a substantive track record of striking down legislation curtailing freedom of expression, but the N4N-Monarchists are attempting to weaken the courts. Print and television media plays a critical role in many Naixese persons' lives - so critical in fact that it helps many form a personal sense of identity - but all of it has recently been nationalized and is under the control of the state. All of this is to say that Naixi's very conservative electorate seems to have shown a preference for parties who promise to curtail broad civil and political rights, and one such party is using its mandate as it sees fit. While citizens can say what they want and vote how they like (for now), the winds of change seem to be blowing.

Crime is quite low by international standards, but by Rushmori standards it is somewhat high. The Ministry of Law and Order, which controls the National Police and the Department of Corrections, is powerful and well-funded, but divides opinions among the populace. Some view the Ministry as protecting the Naixese national social character, while others view it - in particular the National Police - as an abusive paramilitary organization. An unarmed 15-year-old Rokikoliji boy was shot and killed by a police unit, and none of the officers involved faced prosecution. The Naixese left characterizes the incident as an atrocity (though the Naixese left is incredibly weak). Furthermore, the Ministry has attracted vociferous international criticism for its approach to national cyber security, which has recently been made intentionally laisses faire in a fruitless attempt to mollify technology firms.

These firms, which once were the driver of economic growth in Naixi, have been leaving the country in droves for the last two calendar years. This is a result of three major things. First, an unweighted lottery system granting public infrastructure contracts, second, protectionist laws designed to shelter so-called "old media" such as radio and television from the disruptions of the tech industry (followed promptly by an aggressive nationalization), and third, the mostly-unwarranted perception that the government is in bed with organized labor. No metrics measuring the economic health of the country are headed in the right direction, and recent strikes by retail and service workers have forced the passage of guaranteed workers' benefits rules and restrictions on hours of operation, cutting into the once-stupendous profits of restaurant chains and retail giants. Some recovery has occurred in the last twelve months, but this is largely due to the growth of the arms manufacturing and biomedical research industries, and not so much to the return of the tech firms.

The area that is now known as Naixi also has a long history of being used for metals mining and industrial fishing, and both industries have had negative consequences on ecology. Broadly poor agricultural practices, the prevalence of single-use plastics, lack of regulation around carbon emissions, rudimentary national waste disposal services, and an offshore oil rig accident six months ago are all factors in the nation's infamously bad environmental practices. Air and water pollution are very serious problems nationwide. Funds were recently made available for hydroelectric and solar energy, but these projects are in their infancy and are being resisted by Naixi's captains of industry.

Numerous currents of social conservatism - some nationalist and some religious - are prevalent, and the current government has shown strong sympathy with them. Immigration to Naixi is incredibly tightly restricted, divorce, body modification, and alcohol consumption have been banned, all to public applause. Biological sexual reproduction is now prohibited, as well, as the Naixese Genome Project is now formally responsible for the creation of all new Naixese infants, and the NGP rigorously controls and manipulates the genetic code of these children to meet an arbitrary national standard for "genetic purity." Small businesses, meanwhile, have broad authority to deny service to members of the LGBTQ community, and racism and xenophobia are extremely commonplace. Even public laughter has been deemed unrelated to speech (which, as mentioned above, is protected) and now requires a permit (which is somewhat-easily obtained but puts you on a government list of "non-religious persons").

The one area as yet untouched by conservative culture war is drug law, which is extremely relaxed. Cannabis is totally deregulated and decriminalized. Growing, possessing, and consuming the plant are all totally legal. Other drugs, too, are very easy to acquire. Pain medications, including opiates, can be obtained with a prescription, and not only can any doctor get you one, any person with a medical degree of any kind can get you one. Only hallucinogens require special effort to find, and that has less to do with state policy and more to do with lack of demand.

The art and culture of the country is often presented in a register consistent with these libertine attitudes around drugs, with the low brow held in higher regard than the high. Classic literature receives the same reverence as rock and hip hop music, and you can study street fashion in local universities but probably have to go abroad to study abstract art. As a consequence of all this, international observers are often quite critical of the country's cultural development. Naixese cuisine in particular is notoriously bad. Pizza is very popular in Naixi - so much so that the Pizza Delivery sector is a major driver of the nation's (lagging) GDP - however, the pies themselves are often made with cheap ingredients. Crusts are frequently paper thin and flavorless, and the tomato-heavy sauce is often overly salted and overly sweet, with not nearly enough cheese. Global food critics are unashamed to use the word "repellent" to describe it.

The capacity of the nation's armed forces expands more and more with every passing month, and the nascent arms manufacturing industry grows with it. As an abstraction, the notion of defending Naixese racial sovereignty is very popular within the polity, and the military has been able to successfully establish buy-in amongst the citizenry by pitching itself as a guardian of society. The mandatory period of military service is helpful, as well, as it leads all adult citizens to believe the armed forces are a communitarian project governed by social contract. It is not, of course - the army, navy, and air forces are as hierarchical as any military's - but the mythology of democratic governance persists nonetheless.



The far northwest, or, as locals refer to it, simply "the West," is the most industrially developed, the most populated, the wealthiest, and has the best weather when compared to the Celestial Empire's other regions. Though the erudite capital Chumeichang might be king in terms of administrative prestige (and, arguably, football culture), Qiawutian is generally the favored city for visitors to the country. The nation's largest (and most westernmost) city is vibrant, culturally diverse, densely-packed, and generally safe... as long as you stay out of the Seaport District. (The southernmost part of town, bordering the left bank of the Chengse River, is overrun with triads and dangerous gangs.) Elsewhere in town, there's the beautiful Marina area, with incredible cliffside ocean views, Hai's Ferry, where pleasing warm mists descend the slopes of the Leng Mountains and the riverbank is covered in a wide park, the thriving Quarry area downtown, where the Sha Dadao is squeezed in between art galleries and skyscrapers, and the posh Terrace Heights neighborhood, home to many of Naixi's rich and famous and a suspiciously high number of chintzy Irish pubs (that, of course, cannot serve alcohol).

If a museum-goers paradise is more to your taste, perhaps you'd prefer Chumeichang. The city is home to the both the University of Naixi and the University of Chumeichang, two enormous private universities. The former tends to have a focus on science, technology, and engineering, whereas the latter is known for producing compelling liberal arts intellectuals. Chumeichang is also known - despite the rest of the country's rapid lurch to the political right - for its vibrant downtown LGBTQ community, which soldiers on through the nation's conservative political climate. In the Huangse Migong district, where many former mansions built by the Golden People still stand, an eponymous stadium, home to the invincible Chongjibo and a number of other prominent Naixese clubs, rises like a big blue X into the sky. Out in the northern suburbs, where the football club Nongmin is popular and attitudes trend toward the reactionary, a morass of farmers who have been forced to give up their trade due to the country's deteriorating environment live in a huge shanty town.

For nearly a century, the Golden People who formerly ruled over a restive population of laboring Naixese selected the northwestern city now known as Wanqianganga to build that which was intended to provoke envy and fear amongst their global neighbors: a vast fleet of military aircraft. Or, rather, they tried to. For decade after decade, plane designs were shown to have major internal flaws halfway through construction, helicopters crashed into air traffic control towers, and bombers had their cargo "go off" a bit too early in their hangars. The quietly delighted Naixese began to call the city where all this occurred "Wanqianganga," or "Thousands of Embarrassments," a rude inside joke that forever remained a mystery to those Golden People who declined to learn Naixese Mandarin (nearly all of them). Today, the Naixese armed forces have taken charge of the aircraft-building industry in this medium-sized city, and with military spending ballooning, Wanqianganga is booming.

The city of Yafei was once Naixi's "third city," back when the Golden People ran the show. (Now Wanqianganga claims that title without much debate.) A large city with the public infrastructure of a tiny village, Yafei was the epicentre of a huge swath of timber plantations. (The city is named after one of the owners of one.) After the rebellion against the Golden People ten years ago, the owners of those plantations dismissed their many thousands of laborers, locked all the gates, and left the country in a massive (and still ongoing) capital strike. As a result, Yafei has been overtaken by Wanqianganga for the right to be called Naixi's third city... in fact, it's barely more than a ghost town. However, the city's desperately poor (but fiercely nationalistic) population is still large enough to support a moderately successful football club, the Mosquitoes of Wenzi.

The largest city in Naixi’s southeast, Futengma is a foul place. Its name, which is rumored to mean “do you have a stomachache?” in an old dialect of Naixese Mandarin, is an apt way to describe both the muddy streets and the atrocious food of this poor town. In the Ruan Tu (“Soft Soil”) district, a (cheaply built) eponymous stadium resides next to an awful old smelting plant. Its segmented layout allows for fans to unfurl somewhat impressive tifos and banners in the "kop" end stands where ultras have set up shop, and it does have a roof to protect spectators from Futengma’s famously rainy skies, but a design error means fumes and smoke from the smelting pant waft into the stadium through the gaps between the roof and the concourse. It does have a large and very nice (and legal) cannabis shop in the basement level, which is frequented at all hours by locals - even those not interested in taking in a Xue match. The shop’s owner is a huge fan of the local club, though, and is often invited to appear in team branding videos.

The city did not exist even thirty years ago, but the strategic position of Bao - on the river that forms a natural barrier between Naixi and the hated Golden People - brought a settlement into being out of nothing during the conflict for Naixese independence. On one specific segment of Zidan Jie (literally, "Bullet Street"), several lots for parking tanks and humvees fill a side of the lane. On the other side, on top of a hill, is the eclectic little stadium named after the avenue it sits on. Painted a controversial shade of yellow, the hexagonal little park is surprisingly nice. One portion of the stands was intentionally left empty to provide a pleasant view over the river valley, but it means that every once in a while, a wayward shot will sail over the hoardings and roll down the hill towards the border. The pitch is noticeably smaller than any other in Naixi.

In the north-central part of Naixi, the nation's overwhelmingly Mediterranean climate briefly gives way to an altitudinous stretch of escarpments, hills, and even mountaints. In some places, snow accumulates for brief periods during the winter; the ski resort of Bijiben is one such place. Skiing isn't the only sport that's popular... ice hockey is also a big hit, at least during the cold months. During the summer it gets too warm, of course: the snow and ice melt. The area is a bit more racially diverse than the rest of the Celestial Empire, also: these are the Rokikoliji's ancestral homelands, and one or two pockets of naturalized Golden People have been given tentative permission to take up residence.

Barely anything more than a backpackers' village on the eastern border, Fuzaidai is a town on the frontier. Its citizens, overwhelmingly young and nature-obsessed, have little relationship with the outside world, least of all the Naixese state. (Some might say that's quite a good thing.) Those unlucky teams with fixtures out here can at least go for excursions in the nearby Piaobai De Cao and Eyes of Doom National Parks (located northwest and south of the town respectively), where there's ample hiking and climbing to do. There is a football pitch here, and it's in adequate condition, but as its built onto an equestrian riding field expropriated by a bunch of local hippies, it's not quite fit for purpose.


All stadia below have been thoroughly cleaned following their *very* heavy use during the prior three years of the League of the Two Sapphires, and ought to be so free of garbage and pollutants that you could eat a Naixese pizza off the floor in the concourse! And, as the hosting committee, we encourage you to do so! The very sharpest-eyed among you might also notice that many of the following grounds have been expanded since we last read of them in national communiques.

Is digging through the stadiums below to find out where the hell your team plays next getting too difficult? Losing your patience because there's nothing around to take the edge off? First of all, take a hint from all the green promotional materials (it's not that hard to find some P.O.T. around here) and then click this link: ... sp=sharing

Group 1
Eastfield Lodge
San Isidro Labrador
República Guanacasteca
Rea San Vegas
The Kytler Peninsulae

Group 2
Southwest Eastnorth
Isle Noire
Nyowani Kitara
Gatchingerrak Union
Polar Islandstates

Group 3
Cabo Azure
Stvoto Latoli
Schutzenphalia and West Ruhntuhnkuhnland
Captina Island

Group 4
Oberour Ar Moro
The Askari Union

Name: Sha Dadao

City: Qiawutian
Notable Club Tenant(s): Aierlanren, Baomao, Fuchou, Sheshou
Capacity: 40,453

Games Held Here
MD1: 3 v 8 (Group 2), 5 v 6 (Group 4)
MD2: 7 v 5 (Group 1), 8 v 4 (Group 3)
MD3: 5 v 8 (Group 1), 6 v 7 (Group 4)
MD4: 2 v 3 (Group 1), 2 v 3 (Group 3)
MD5: 5 v 1 (Group 2), 4 v 2 (Group 4)
MD6: 10 v 8 (Group 1), 2 v 5 (Group 3)
MD7: 7 v 1 (Group 1), 4 v 10 (Group 4)
MD8: 4 v 5 (Group 2), 3 v 6 (Group 3)
MD9: 8 v 2 (Group 2), 5 v 10 (Group 3)
Octofinals: Octofinal 1, Octofinal 3
Quarterfinals: Quarterfinal 1, Quarterfinal 2
Semifinals: Semifinal 1
Finals: Final

Name: Paodao Shuibian

City: Qiawutian
Notable Club Tenant(s): Zhayao
Capacity: 30,320

Games Held Here
MD1: 5 v 6 (Group 1), 3 v 8 (Group 3)
MD2: 10 v 6 (Group 1), 9 v 3 (Group 4)
MD3: 4 v 9 (Group 2), 3 v 1 (Group 4)
MD4: 1 v 4 (Group 2), 1 v 4 (Group 3)
MD5: 7 v 8 (Group 2), 4 v 2 (Group 3)
MD6: 1 v 6 (Group 1), 3 v 4 (Group 3)
MD7: 8 v 9 (Group 2), 5 v 3 (Group 4)
MD8: 3 v 6 (Group 1), 4 v 5 (Group 4)
MD9: 9 v 1 (Group 2), 8 v 2 (Group 4)
Octofinals: Octofinal 2, Octofinal 4

Name: Huangse Migong

City: Chumeichang
Notable Club Tenant(s): Chongjibo, Qiji, Shenmi, Shuqin, Xiniu, Yinying
Capacity: 40,117

Games Held Here
MD1: 2 v 9 (Group 2), 2 v 9 (Group 4)
MD2: 8 v 4 (Group 1), 10 v 6 (Group 4)
MD3: 5 v 8 (Group 2), 3 v 1 (Group 3)
MD4: 10 v 7 (Group 1), 2 v 3 (Group 4)
MD5: 3 v 10 (Group 1), 7 v 8 (Group 3)
MD6: 2 v 5 (Group 2), 9 v 7 (Group 3)
MD7: 4 v 10 (Group 2), 8 v 9 (Group 4)
MD8: 1 v 8 (Group 1), 2 v 7 (Group 4)
MD9: 9 v 1 (Group 1), 6 v 4 (Group 3)
Octofinals: Octofinal 5, Octofinal 7
Quarterfinals: Quarterfinal 3, Quarterfinal 4
Semifinals: Semifinal 2
Finals: Third Place Playoff

Name: Xuanwuyan Zhu

City: Chumeichang
Notable Club Tenant(s): Nongmin
Capacity: 39,603

Games Held Here
MD1: 3 v 8 (Group 1), 4 v 7 (Group 3)
MD2: 8 v 4 (Group 2), 1 v 2 (Group 4)
MD3: 6 v 7 (Group 2), 5 v 8 (Group 3)
MD4: 10 v 7 (Group 2), 8 v 6 (Group 3)
MD5: 6 v 9 (Group 2), 3 v 10 (Group 4)
MD6: 9 v 7 (Group 2), 1 v 6 (Group 4)
MD7: 5 v 3 (Group 1), 6 v 2 (Group 4)
MD8: 1 v 8 (Group 2), 1 v 8 (Group 4)
MD9: 7 v 3 (Group 2), 6 v 4 (Group 4)
Octofinals: Octofinal 6, Octofinal 8

Name: Huangtong Ta

City: Wanqianganga
Notable Club Tenant(s): Qi'e
Capacity: 27,982

Games Held Here
MD1: 4 v 7 (Group 2), 1 v 10 (Group 3)
MD2: 10 v 6 (Group 2), 8 v 4 (Group 4)
MD3: 4 v 9 (Group 1), 6 v 7 (Group 3)
MD4: 8 v 6 (Group 2), 1 v 4 (Group 4)
MD5: 7 v 8 (Group 1), 5 v 1 (Group 3)
MD6: 2 v 5 (Group 1), 10 v 8 (Group 3)
MD7: 6 v 2 (Group 1), 8 v 9 (Group 3)
MD8: 2 v 7 (Group 2), 1 v 8 (Group 3)
MD9: 7 v 3 (Group 1), 9 v 1 (Group 3)

Name: Anjing Di Haitan

City: Yafei
Notable Club Tenant(s): Wenzi
Capacity: 21,453

Games Held Here
MD1: 2 v 9 (Group 1), 3 v 8 (Group 4)
MD2: 9 v 3 (Group 2), 7 v 5 (Group 3)
MD3: 2 v 10 (Group 1), 4 v 9 (Group 3)
MD4: 9 v 5 (Group 1), 9 v 5 (Group 4)
MD5: 3 v 10 (Group 2), 3 v 10 (Group 3)
MD6: 3 v 4 (Group 2), 3 v 4 (Group 4)
MD7: 8 v 9 (Group 1), 4 v 10 (Group 3)
MD8: 3 v 6 (Group 2), 4 v 5 (Group 3)
MD9: 8 v 2 (Group 1), 9 v 1 (Group 4)

Name: Ruan Tu

City: Futengma
Notable Club Tenant(s): Xue
Capacity: 32,692

Games Held Here
MD1: 1 v 10 (Group 2), 1 v 10 (Group 4)
MD2: 9 v 3 (Group 1), 10 v 6 (Group 3)
MD3: 3 v 1 (Group 1), 4 v 9 (Group 4)
MD4: 9 v 5 (Group 2), 8 v 6 (Group 4)
MD5: 4 v 2 (Group 1), 7 v 8 (Group 4)
MD6: 3 v 4 (Group 1), 2 v 5 (Group 4)
MD7: 6 v 2 (Group 2), 5 v 3 (Group 3)
MD8: 2 v 7 (Group 1), 3 v 6 (Group 4)
MD9: 5 v 10 (Group 2), 5 v 10 (Group 4)

Name: Zidan Jie

City: Bao
Notable Club Tenant(s): Yanjiang
Capacity: 26,090

Games Held Here
MD1: 4 v 7 (Group 1), 5 v 6 (Group 3)
MD2: 1 v 2 (Group 2), 1 v 2 (Group 3)
MD3: 2 v 10 (Group 2), 2 v 10 (Group 3)
MD4: 2 v 3 (Group 2), 10 v 7 (Group 4)
MD5: 6 v 9 (Group 1), 5 v 1 (Group 4)
MD6: 9 v 7 (Group 1), 9 v 7 (Group 4)
MD7: 5 v 3 (Group 2), 7 v 1 (Group 3)
MD8: 10 v 9 (Group 1), 10 v 9 (Group 4)
MD9: 6 v 4 (Group 1), 8 v 2 (Group 3)

Name: Lomiji De Xiedu

City: Bijiben
Notable Club Tenant(s): -
Capacity: 15,426

Games Held Here
MD1: 5 v 6 (Group 2), 2 v 9 (Group 3)
MD2: 1 v 2 (Group 1), 9 v 3 (Group 3)
MD3: 6 v 7 (Group 1), 2 v 10 (Group 4)
MD4: 1 v 4 (Group 1), 10 v 7 (Group 3)
MD5: 4 v 2 (Group 2), 6 v 9 (Group 4)
MD6: 10 v 8 (Group 2), 10 v 8 (Group 4)
MD7: 7 v 1 (Group 2), 7 v 1 (Group 4)
MD8: 10 v 9 (Group 2), 2 v 7 (Group 3)
MD9: 6 v 4 (Group 2), 7 v 3 (Group 4)

Name: Gongren Jinku

City: Fuzaidai
Notable Club Tenant(s): -
Capacity: 11,439

Games Held Here
MD1: 1 v 10 (Group 1), 4 v 7 (Group 4)
MD2: 7 v 5 (Group 2), 7 v 5 (Group 4)
MD3: 3 v 1 (Group 2), 5 v 8 (Group 4)
MD4: 8 v 6 (Group 1), 9 v 5 (Group 3)
MD5: 5 v 1 (Group 1), 6 v 9 (Group 3)
MD6: 1 v 6 (Group 2), 1 v 6 (Group 3)
MD7: 4 v 10 (Group 1), 6 v 2 (Group 3)
MD8: 4 v 5 (Group 1), 10 v 9 (Group 3)
MD9: 5 v 10 (Group 1), 7 v 3 (Group 3)
Last edited by Naixi on Fri Sep 01, 2023 8:16 pm, edited 13 times in total.

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Cabo Azure
Posts: 240
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Right-wing Utopia

Postby Cabo Azure » Thu Aug 31, 2023 12:33 pm

Cabo Azure National Football Team "Las Maçaricas"
GK Ambrosio Gomez     26 y/o Olympic (MYT)
LB Heitor Soares 27 y/o Jolbonopolis United (QUE)
CB Tobias M'Bah-Pinho 22 y/o St. John's Athletic (QUE)
CB Adalberto Furtado 22 y/o Pesfield Trees (SYL)
RB Amilcar Branco 28 y/o Vna-Chuhul Ravens FC (TKT)
CB/DM Miguel Gontijo 21 y/o Kingston FC (QUE)
CM Emmanuel Bastos 24 y/o Honeybadgers (EUR)
AM Vasco Cardoso 26 y/o Mountainside (EUR)
RW Vasco Gouveia 27 y/o Khalgarh Valley FC (TKT)
CF Pio Mendonca 22 y/o CSKA Quebec (QUE)
LW Cleto Silveira (C) 30 y/o Eivora Athletic FC (TKT)

GK Vicente Leitao 27 y/o Port Tacassam FC (TKT)
GK Zeze Sapeteiro 23 y/o Eivora Athletic (TKT)
CB Tomás Delgado 20 y/o FC Deskala (AHR)
FB Marcelinho Costa 30 y/o Regium Immortal (OAR)
FB Lo Ferraz 21 y/o Eivora Athletic (TKT)
DM Telmo Andrade 23 y/o Küsbon Town (CAD)
MF Seth Rathbone 26 y/o Portelo
MF Salvador D'Cruz 21 y/o Vantanoch FC (TKT)
MF Rolando Florencio 27 y/o Felswyr (CHR)
FW Felipe Magalhaes 20 y/o Vantanoch FC (TKT)
FW Tiago Ventura 20 y/o Sielhafen 1.FC (CNR)
FW Anselmo Santos 26 y/o KT Moreazura (AUD)
On paper, this is the best Macaricas team since Paulinho died and quite possibly the best ever, with every single member of the starting XI playing near the pinnacle of domestic football, and a number of up-and-coming options behind them. This is in many ways the team that was promised when Paulinho stood up the national team almost a decade ago, and it is contingent on national team manager AJ Zanetti and football commissioner Sonia Vargas to either build up the domestic leagues to a higher standard or continue to send Azurean talent abroad to develop and recruit dual-nationals.

Speaking of Zanetti, the CSKA manager enters his second World Cup cycle doing double duty for the Macaricas and CSKA Quebec. Fortunately both teams are planets revolving around the same star, three-time Q-League Golden Boot winner Pio Mendonca, but there are still some who doubt the gaffer's ability to commit to both teams. The usual rumor mill sources indicate that former national team player Ademar Carrico is shouldering ever more of the day-to-day burden of managing the national team, but whether that is prudent delegation or shirking of responsibility on Zanetti's part is open to interpretation. For their part, Vargas and the national team front office seem to be in rebuilding mode after failing to capitalize on the momentum from the shock World Cup 93 qualification, but as a failed prime ministerial candidate-turned-football executive, Sonia is no stranger to bootstrapping.

Ambrosio Gomez asserts himself as the starting goalkeeper after a brief flirtation with split starts. A pair of deft TPL-based backups in Vicente Leitao and Zeze Sapeteiro will patiently wait their turn behind the Mytanija-based giant. Quebec-born Jolbonopolis United man Tobias M'bah-Pinho appears to be the locked-in starter at centerback alongside Adalberto Furtado, who becomes the first Esportiva-based player to start for the Macaricas (citation needed). Put bluntly, depth is an issue at centerback; with Deodato Medeiro on the outs and Adao Moniz's retirement from the national team, Zanetti will be forced to rely on the athletic but unproven Tomás Delgado or else on Miguel Gontijo, whose natural position is defensive mid.

At fullback, the stalwart Amilcar Branco appears to have found a home with Vna-Chuhul Ravens in the TPL, while his new counterpart on the left Heitor "Bandicoot" Soares moved continents to Quebec, but has made a substantial impact at Jolbonopolis United. Marcelinho Costa, fresh off a resurgent season in Oberour Ar Moro, will provide cover as he has for the past three or four cycles, while young Lo Ferraz is almost certain to get looks as a late-game sub when new energy is required to seal a win or prevent catastrophe.

The midfield reflects the greatest rotation since last year's Cup of Harmony, with the aforementioned Gontijo joining two Eura-based brawlers, SIlver League POTY Emmanuel Bastos and Mountainside man Vasco Cardoso. That two out of three starting midfielders also play elsewhere on the pitch doesn't exactly inspire confidence, but at the same time any configuration that allows Os Dos Vascos on the field at the same time is probably worth a sniff. Expect Telmo Andrade and Salvador d'Cruz to see the field regularly, especially if Gontijo gets pressed into service as a centerback. Gontijo should be expected to anchor the midfield to allow Cardoso to get forward and provide ball service to the embarassment of riches the Macaricas have at striker.

Which brings us to the strikers, and Jesus Cristo there's a lot of them. Little can be said of Pio Mendonca that hasn't been already; three consecutive Golden Boots in the highly-competitive Q-League already puts him solidly in the lead for Greatest of All Time, and he's not yet twenty-three. Compared to him, team captain Cleto Silveira might look like a slouch, but compared to most strikers in the multiverse, 18 goals in 28 games in the TPL is an enviable stat. Rounding out the three-headed monster is the always-controversial poacher Vasco Gouveia, recently returned from injury. Perhaps even more interesting than the evergreen strikers is the bench; Tumbran-based Anselmo Santos and youngsters Magalhaes and Ventura, any one of whom could have a breakout this Copa.

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Last edited by Cabo Azure on Thu Aug 31, 2023 12:44 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby Darmen » Fri Sep 01, 2023 8:18 am

National Football Team of Darmen
presented by the
Darmeni Football Association

Record (Modern-era only, since Copa Rushmori 24): 541 matches, 250 wins, 105 draws, 186 losses, 1086 GF, 936 GA, .527 Win %
1 Hyman Campo 284
2 Silver Abbey 267
3 Craig Blackwood 255
4 Víedharr Svendsen 215
5 Riley Mac Pharlain 212
6 Alberich Goldschmidt 204
7 Aurelio Di Stefano 169
Feliciano Espinosa 169
9 Juanito Stafford 165
10 Bill St. John 164

1 Craig Blackwood 168
2 Felix Lucanus 80
3 Skylar Hurst 49
4 Víedharr Svendsen 48
5 Darnell Halle 42

6 Kennard Hale 40
Daniel Norton 38
8 James January 33
Riley Mac Pharlain 33
10 Brian Firmin 30

Coaching Staff
Position          Name            Age
Manager Denis Foss 48
Assistant Manager Grahame Vangson 31
Goalkeeping Coach Piers Fulton 41
Psychologist Aron Simonson 33

26 Player Roster
#  Pos Name                   Age Club                  Caps Goals
1 GK Simon Toro 34 MTK Kingsville 52 0
2 LB Philip O'Hara 29 Olympique Chuckio 73 3
3 LCB Kerr Snyder 33 IFK Liverpool United 48 0
4 RCB Cináed Böhm 33 Scott City FC 71 0
5 RB Vinnie Ó Madaidhín 33 Aminey CS (KOR) 66 1
6 LM Kerr Park 32 Johnho United 65 8
7 CM Parthalán Wolfe 34 Scott City FC 115 20
8 RM Kayden Aleshire 29 Olympique Chuckio 44 4
9 LF James January 27 Scott City FC 62 33
10 CF Marianne Lee* 26 Tanques AOE (KOR) 36 10
11 RF Kennard Hale 33 Scott City FC 100 40

12 GK Ori Poirier 33 Scott City FC 42 0
13 LB Cándido Adler 26 Romanopolis United 13 1
14 LCB Sadiq Lucas 33 Atlético Augusta 66 1
15 RCB Corentin Melsbach 26 Chuckio FC 5 0
16 RB Markus Thomasson 23 Tempala United Saints 12 0
17 LM Fabricio Tobias 29 Scott City FC 42 4
18 CM Dwayne Loritz 22 Tempala United Saints 11 1
19 RM Kara Falkner* 21 MTK Kingsville 10 0
20 LF Idonea Santiago* 22 Rogerton Valladar CF 5 2
21 CF Bryce Ó Caiside 30 Rogerton Whitecaps 18 3
22 RF Torger Woodward 22 Sportklub Palerma 2 0

23 GK Ildefonso Daube 27 Romanopolis United 3 0
24 RCB Ferdinand Kruse 30 MTK Kingsville 81 2
25 CM Lennart van der Vennen 33 MTK Kingsville 74 7
26 LF Dorian Kinnaird 30 MTK Kingsville 52 22

Formation: 4-3-3
Style Mod: +2.5
In attack, Darmen will employ one of two tactics: the first involves the team playing down the flanks while the second is a possession oriented short-range passing style that closely resembles tiki-taka. The later tactic is normally only employed against weaker opponents or when Darmen has a multi-goal lead and involves connecting many passes together to slowly advance the ball towards the opponents 18-yard box. It is not uncommon for 30+ passes to be completed in the sequence, especially against weaker opponents.

Darmen's primary tactic however is a heavy emphasis on flank play, with the wide midfielders (also referred to as flankers in Darmen) being the linchpin of Darmen's attack. Upon gaining possession, Darmen will look to distribute the ball to one of the two wide midfielders as quickly as possible. After receiving the ball, the wide midfielders will look to advance the ball as far down the flanks as quickly as possible. Meanwhile, the forwards and the central midfielders will crash the box, hoping to be on the receiving end of the wide midfielder's cross. The wide midfielder (or sometimes even the fullback) on the opposite flank will linger behind waiting to collect the cross should it overshoot the box. While scoring via headers is the primary goal, a player may also look to score by volleying or half-volleying the ball if they're in open space. Should the first attempt at goal not be collected by the goalkeeper, Darmenis are more than willing to take advantage of the ensuing chaos in the box and poach a goal as well. If the wide midfielder's path forward down the flank is blocked, they are not averse to cutting inside and taking a shot on goal themselves.

Defensively, the defenders have one job... to defend. They rarely venture out of their own half, but if they do it will only be one of the fullbacks (see above). Darmen will employ zonal marking when facing the counter-attack and man marking in all other situations.

Team Roles
Captain: Parthalán Wolfe
Vice-Captain: Kennard Hale
Left Corner: Parthalán Wolfe
Right Corner: Kerr Park
Penalties: Kennard Hale
Free-kicks: Parthalán Wolfe

Team Personality
The Darmeni team will never argue with the referee. Indeed, if anything needs to be brought to the attention of the referee it will be done by either the Captain or Vice-Captain in a respectful manner (or to the fourth-official by the Manager). With regards to foul/dirty play, the Darmeni team will not provoke, or retaliate against any opposition player. Darmeni's expect each team to keep to itself and deal with its own trouble makers; any opposition player who attempts to prevent a conflict by pushing or pulling a Darmeni away from the scene will be promptly told off, as that is the duty of the Darmeni Captain.

Nonetheless, Darmen will play in a relatively aggressive manner. Tackles will be conducted in a way which ensures the opponent ends up on the ground, but causing injury will be avoided as much as possible. On set pieces, Darmenis will stand their ground and will not be easily pushed around. However, they will not engage in hugging. In fact, if any opposing player tries to push past them, it is not uncommon for the Darmeni player to feign resistance before simply stepping aside and watching as the opposing player stumbles past on their way to ground. This occasionally backfires however, as the referee may mistake the incidence as having been a foul in the box.

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Give Red Cards to my players: YES, no more than one per match. If you have anything major planned, give me a heads up.
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Style Modifier: +2.5

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The Republic of Darmen
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Third: CR 20, T20C 10, RLWC 20, RLWC 22, R7WC 4, WBC 21, BC 6 Host: CR 9, RWC 18, RWC 26, RWC 35, RLWC 12, RLWC 18, RLWC 22, BC 6, BC 10, WVE 4

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Postby Pasarga » Fri Sep 01, 2023 10:29 am

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Pasarga Roster
Nickname: Wanderers
Most Caps: Mór Császár (196)
Most Goals: Ingþór Auðbjörnsson (124)

Image Image Image

Home Away Third
Modifier: +3

Manager: Image Zachary Orengo, age 47
Assistant: Jürgen Eisenhower, age 48

GK: Lukáš Hanzelka, age 28, Duke of the North
GK: Tomáš Přibyl, age 31, Royal Jam FC Image
GK: Olivér Szatmári, age 29, Sardin United

The keeper position is one that always brings a lot of discussions about it, yet for this cycle there can be no denying Tomáš Přibyl as the best that Pasarga has and he has been teetering on the side of elite for a few years now, having broken through at Royal Jam at an early age and has completely dominated the position there. Clean sheets at the domestic level are routine, he need only do that more often with the national team to truly cement his legacy. There is no denying his shot stopped abilities and if goals are conceded, it is most likely a defensive break down in front of him that is the cause. Hanzelka and Szatmári both have been able to put up stellar domestic campaigns and get looks in the Copa, with Hanzelka more likely to get the nod if a second choice keeper is needed for the tournament.

LW/LB: Rudy Yáñez, age 32, CA Paulinthal
LB: Abdul-Rashid Abadi, age 26, Stein-los Turkish
CB: Frančiška Marija Žužinjak, age 30, Stilinkeep FC (F)
CB: Nadica Jović, age 28, CA Paulinthal (F)
CB: Sebestyen Sebök, age 28, Galatica
CB: Vidor Kovách, age 31, Duke of the North
CB: Markus Vida, age 31, CA Paulinthal
RB: Veronika Fábián, age 29, Marque Image (F)
RB: Dagmar Valešová, age 27, Duke of the North (F)

The defense in theory should be quite good with a fine selection of players across the entire backline, but the finished product just never really comes together when it matters the most. The left side is going to be the strongest part, with Yáñez being still quite pacy despite their age and good going forward as well as tracking back. The middle of the defense has a bit of a shake up with Jović and Sebök chosen as the starting pair, perhaps in an attempt to reduce the age of the squad a bit by Orengo. Both are fairly good defenders with the latter being the taller, stronger sort whose good in the air while the forming lacks a bit of height but marks with the best of them. The right side brings a bit of a question mark with Hrvatin not being included in the pool, which means that Fábián gets the nod, likely due to the experience with Marque and playing in the Champions League.


RW: Katinka Pálffy, age 31, Tanrısal (F)
RW: Kat Földessi, age 27, CA Paulinthal (F)
AMC: Ilona Kárpáty, age 30, CA Paulinthal (F)
CB/MC: Sarika Weöres, age 22, Olympique de Rimouski Image (F)
MC: Moore Lafontaine, age 28, Stein-los Turkish
D/MC: Csongor Sebeôk, age 31, Hellinic Rouge
MC: Lara Pranjić, age 26, Hornchurch Image (F)
MC: Muhib Bandar Ba, age 31, Stein-los Turkish
A/ML: Gillen Madrigal López, age 31, Raynor City United Image (F)
LW: Asztrik Biró, age 26, Mâ Âlâmëómë Image

Perhaps it is not surprise that the team is suffering with a midfield projected to have a completely domestic starting selection while at the same time that the SuperLiga has taken a bit of hit in its actual and perceived quality. By no means is the SuperLiga suddenly a bad league, but it is not up there among the elite like it was for a few seasons. With the talisman of Vojmil Topić having been dropped from the squad, competition is fierce on the left hand side, and it is Asztrik Biró who looks to have emerged as the victorious one given his completely outstanding performance with Mâ Âlâmëómë, edging out López from United. The switch in tactics makes the need for several midfielders in the center, with an emphasis on a defensive mid to play both as destroyer and the fulcrum to the defense, a role that suits Sebeôk quite well. Ba has maintained a great showing domestically for seasons so he gets the nod along with Kárpáty as the advanced player role in the middle. On the right is an intense battle between CAP and Tani and it is the younger Hurricane winger with her deadly crossing who wins the day, at least for this cycle.


LW/ST: Elek Salai, age 31, Hellinic Rouge
ST: Eustacio Corral Magana, age 31, CA Paulinthal
ST: Neci Lôrinc, age 26, Galatica
ST: Nikolett Horváth, age 26, Marketville Image (F)

It is a strange thing that the Wanderers have strikers who are absolutely lethal and consistent with their domestic clubs but lack that same sort of clinical finishing and consistency in form when with the national team. On his day, Elek Salai is among the best strikers in the worth, not too tall but not too big either, just a good and balanced striker who has enough pace about them to get past average defenders individually. He likes to play a slightly withdrawn to latch onto through balls or collect headers from his striking partner and run at defenses. Magana is a slightly taller Pasargan, not really a target forward per se but can play the role if needed. Moreover, he is a clinical finisher at club level but has thus far not had that same bite at the internationally level, which is why Horváth is unlikely to get a good look in despite her great output in Eura. Lôrinc finally gets their opportunity with a third straight stellar domestic campaign and the benefit of the veterans aging out.


Zachary Orengo has come into the manager position and thrown the traditional Pasargan 4-4-2 and possession based attack out of the window. Orengo has brought in the press to the Wanderers, sacrificing one of the strikers for a stronger presence in the midfield to keep the middle from getting overrun when the press can not turn the defense over. In possession the formation turns into a 3-5-2 with one of the wingbacks moving forward to fill in the channel and produce a passing triangle while the other stays back as cover. The tactics have seen mixed results but the team as well as the fans are slowly starting to come to terms with the change in style brought in by the man from Banija.


Captain: Rudy Yáñez
Corner Taker: Asztrik Biró
Set Pieces: Ilona Kárpáty
Penalties: Elek Salai

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Left-wing Utopia

Postby Gnejs » Fri Sep 01, 2023 12:23 pm


Copa squad


Style Modifier:

The Dandelions

Uniforms (Supplied by Siru) - Home/Away


Guided by Deltic coach Enda Clentin and a brand new philosophy, The Dandelions sport a 4-3-3 formation with a relatively high defensive line combined with high pressing by the forwards (known as Stoic Press). It’s not all-out attack, but it sure is different from what we’ve seen before. The Dandelions recently showed the world they could master the Stoic Press by qualifying for their first ever World Cup.

Team Roster (domestic team and age):
GK: #1 Samuel Wijk (Briskeby BK, 32)
RD: #2 Stefan Grålum (Briskeby BK, 35)
F: #3 Phaedo Svensson (Briskeby BK, 31)
CD: #4 Hibiskus Andersson (Lokomotiv Esaias, 22)
LCM: #5 Niels Strand (IFK Segeltorp, 27)
RD: #6 Lennart Svensson-Andersson (IFK Segeltorp, 30)
RCM: #7 Nicomachus Hansson (IFK Hagen, 22)
LCD: #8 August Bjørneboe (Fort Viljan Northern FC, 27)
RCD: #9 Simon Naess (Lokomotiv Esaias, 33)
RD: #10 Daniel Jones (Allmänna Gränd IF, 28)
LD: #11 Lennart Horndal (Allmänna Gränd IF, 26)
LM: #12 Didrik Nes (Kejm BK, 28)
CD: #14 Karl-Johan Kärv (Vasakamraterna, 25)
LD: #15 Carl-Johan Hansson (Grünerhagen VF, 24)
RM: #16 Nicolai Enger (BK Rösunda, 29)
LD: #17 Carl Benedictsen (Fort Viljan Northern FC, 24)
RM: #18 Cratylus Hansen (Fort Viljan Northern FC, 28)
CM: #19 Menexenus Nilsen (Space Coast Rockets, 35)
LM: #20 Edward Drange (Briskeby BK, 28)
F: #22 Vasco Clavell (Kejm BK, 27)
F: #23 Cornelis Ceder (Fort Viljan Northern FC, 31)
RM: #24 Samuel Falkmar** (Port Rhovanyon AFC, 26)
M: #25 Sigurd Åboo (Vasakamraterna, 29)
F: #26 Georg Bardo (Dalströmma BK, 26)
GK: #27 Aristocles Svendsen (IFK Segeltorp, 21)
M: #28 Lukas Fager (Storängens IF, 23)
F: #29 Nikolaj Fjällstrand (Storängens IF, 20)

** Samuel Falkmar has dual Gnejs/Tikariot citizenship and has elected to represent the Prosaic Union.

Enda Clentin (Delte)
Assistant Coach:
Timotej Hansson (PUG)

My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
Choose my scorers: Y
Give yellow cards to my players: Y
Give red cards to my players: Y
RP injuries to my players: Y
Godmod scoring events: Y
Godmod injuries to my players: Y
Godmod other events: Y.
Style mod: +3

About the Prosaic Union
The Prosaic Union of Gnejs – commonly abbreviated PUG, colloquially called 'The Union', often nicknamed 'The Rock' – is a country located in the far north-east of Rushmore. A constant source of bewilderment for many, the name Gnejs comes from the native word for the type of metamorphic rock called gneiss in English and German. The root of the word is believed to derive from the High German gneist, meaning roughly 'spark', the link being that the rock glitters. Gneiss is a common rock type across the territory making up the modern-day nation and has historically been a readily used building material component.

A vast and sparsely populated land, The Union covers about 1 220 000 square kilometres and has a population of just under 16 million. It is divided into four big regions – Berg (north), Birka (east), Ängby (west) and Vika (south) – which in turn are divided into counties and municipalities. The Interior compromises an immense area of more or less untouched wilderness at the heart of the country's inland and covers parts of all four regions. The capital city is called Port Kejm and is located on the coast in the region of Birka.

People in general are quiet and reserved. While idle small talk without purpose amongst strangers might be considered appropriate and expected some places, in The Union it is usually frowned upon and considered bothersome. The native tongue is called 'Gnejsian' (native: gnejsiska) and has a long and rich history. There's an abundance of regional dialects, some so distinct from others that many have suggested they really constitute different – albeit strongly related – languages. It is common to divide the many dialects into three different 'families', north-eastern (OOC: Norwegian), western (OOC: Swedish) and southron (OOC: Danish). Children learn English (known in The Union as 'the common tongue') from the age of five, and the population at large is generally considered to be fluent.
Last edited by Gnejs on Fri Sep 01, 2023 12:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Isle Noire
Posts: 25
Founded: Jun 23, 2021
New York Times Democracy

Postby Isle Noire » Fri Sep 01, 2023 1:12 pm

My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
Choose my goalscorers: Yes
Godmod Scoring Events: No
RP injuries to my players: Yes
Godmod injuries to my players: No
Hand out Yellow cards to my players: Yes
Hand out Red cards to my players: No
Godmod Other Events: No

Isle Noire National Football Team

The Sentinels

Manager: Lars Merrington (56)
Formation: 4-4-2
Style Mod: +0.5

GK Kenzi Issington (29), FC Masaka
RB Jans Illan (21), Ngoyo Menke
CB Rea Gomm (30), Pennington Gyora
CB Atwater Lynne (28), Masaka City
LB Taria Moss (24), Pennington Gyora
RM Ysba Magari (29), FC Masaka
CM Daar Fhoven (26), Masaka Dyta
CM Baia Kane (27), Katahari
LM Mynt Toscek (27), Cyda Mountain
ST Malda Jusovin (28), Katahari CAPTAIN
ST Suvi Ansetta (22), Katahari

GK Ellara Boheim (28), Masaka City
GK Rhia Lott (27), Century Boita
RB Lyg Erae (23), Katahari
CB Yanta Plott (25), Cyda Mountain
CB Nisette Gyodori (27), Rhada Gyora
LB Arla Pixel (30), Cyda Mountain
CM Annette Goer (28), FC Masaka
CM Mon Ghan (21), Ngoyo Menke
LM Imogen Kilimanjaro (29), Masaka Dyta
ST Kea Garricka (23), Cyda Mountain
ST Anse Arrickan (25), FC Masaka

The Sentinels have yet to go far in the Copa Rushmori, but are happy to continue to send teams - to build exposure, build experience, and enjoy the world with color. Kenzi Issington is the lynchpin on defense, though she usually has to do all of the work, with a very unexperienced back line; Jan Illan steps in at Right Back, while Taria Moss is more of a wingback that's moonlighting at left back. The strength of this team is the tandem of Bala Kane, Malda Jusovin, and Suvin Ansetta. The three players from Katahari, the best offensive team in the Noirean league, are what makes the team tick; Ysba Magari is more of a crosser, Daar Fhoven the defensive midfielder, and Mynt Toscek a speed demon.

They'll need to rely on the fact that they're an unknown to shock their foes. Otherwise, they don't really have a chance.
The black-and-white (literally) Rushmori puppet of Chromatika

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Posts: 798
Founded: Jul 20, 2018
Left-wing Utopia

Postby Mytanija » Fri Sep 01, 2023 1:19 pm

If my opponent role-plays first they may:

Choose my goalscorers: Y
Godmod scoring events: Y
RP injuries to my players: Y, you may comment on severity although I shall have final say
Godmod injuries to my players: N
Hand out yellow cards to my players: Y, Mytanars are notoriously passionate and prone to gamesmanship so may accumulate these at an extremely high rate
Hand out red cards to my players: Y, see above, although no more than two in one game please unless in the knockout stages of a tournament in which case this could increase
Godmod other events: Y

Style modifier: −0.25



##  Pos.     Name                     Age  Caps/Goals  Club                         
01 GK Semir Besak 30 124/0 Mipojoseon (QUE)
02 DL Idris Beganovic 24 0/0 1923 Esca
03 DCL Bosko Pestotnik 25 47/2 Mipojoseon (QUE)
04 DC Bigger Mbala-Ekakia 32 121/11 Atletik Težia
05 DCR/DR Nnamdi Lusamba 23 9/1 Wirr Tsi (CMT)
06 DR Matija Gvardjancic 23 18/2 Crossroads (CMT)
07 MC Nurija Papez 24 48/4 Lakewood United (TMB)
08 MCL Jasno Skenderovic 27 18/1 Alnio (CMT)
09 ST Drazen Skara 25 72/45 Sabrefell Athletic (NPH)
10 MCR Denis Ovsyannikov 23 48/27 Atletik Težia
11 ST Damien Gannot 32 108/40 Sabrefell Athletic (NPH)

12 GK Janez Anzlovar 23 1/0 Ararat Severyan
13 DL Asmir Milosevic 29 38/1 1896 Ebor
14 DCL Elmedin Suljic 26 14/0 Atletik Težia
15 DC Foma Koshkin 25 17/1 Myana (CMT)
16 DCR Filip Mlinarevic 23 8/1 Liria Prizren
17 DR/L Nemanja Ovcina 26 42/1 Eivora Athletic (TKT)
18 MC Gavril Atsev 31 77/23 Atletik Težia
19 MCL Ismet Zmiric 27 28/1 Aries Chariots (NPH)
20 MCR/AMC Muharem Hajdarpasic 23 23/3 West Couno United (TMB)
21 ST Stipe Mlinarevic 23 0/0 Liria Prizren
22 ST Fran Prpic-Bosanac 29 55/22 Bastion (EUR)
23 GK Robert Laure-Suprinovic 23 3/0 Lok. Cassia
24 DC Alen Miokovic-Cica 23 16/1 Mar Sara (VAL)
25 MC/AMC Jana Anusic 28 16/3 Myana (CMT)
26 ST Rafko Jelenc 24 0/0 Goodfeather (NPH)

01. GK: Semir Besak, 30, Mipojoseon (Quebec and Shingoryeo)
124 caps
Very few would question the claim that Semir Besak has been the best goalkeeper in club football in the last few years, Mipojoseon's IFCF Champions League triumph last season the cherry on the top of a particularly impressive resume in that regard. Unfortunately that level of play hasn't been reflected at international level, perhaps because Mytanija as a team have not played at the level which Mipojoseon have been able to reach. Besak is just as talented for country as he is for his club, but if the system in front of him isn't as strong then there's only so many times he can bail his team out. He'll be hoping for a bit more help at the Copa Rushmori.

02. DL: Idris Beganovic, 24, 1923 Esca (Mytanija)
The Mytanar-Licentian left-back had a very impressive season with 1923 Esca, forming part of an excellent defensive unit alongside Nicolas Riesgo, Elorijan Mopiraja and Gonzalo Varela. There had been questions about which country Beganovic would eventually represent, with the FSM particularly worried that the fact that he grew up in the Licentian Isles might work against their overtures. They needn't have worried, Beganovic accepted Misel Ravnjak's call-up almost instantly, referencing his family's Thessian heritage as something which they are particularly proud of. Likely to be used as a real attacking option to utilise his crossing ability here, though he is also comfortable moving into midfield positions as an inverted wing-back / full-back too.

03. DCL: Bosko Pestotnik, 25, Mipojoseon (Quebec and Shingoryeo)
47 caps, 2 goals
Pestotnik is another Champions League winner with Mipojoseon, the rangy central defender has really begun to come into his own, filling out his frame in the same way which Grigorij Savicevic eventually did too. Pestotnik appears to be on the right track to have a similar sort of career to Savicevic too, particularly at club level, though he will want to try to add an international honour to his palmares if possible - something Savicevic never could achieve. Pestotnik's tall, good in the air and quick to cover ground, combine that with solid anticipation and you have a really difficult central defender to beat. Not quite as good as some of his colleagues when in possession.

04. DC: Bigger Mbala-Ekakia, 32, Atletik Težia (Mytanija)
121 caps, 11 goals
Mbala-Ekakia appears to be ageing like a fine wine, getting better with the extra years. He might be a yard or two slower than he was a few years ago, but with the experience he has in the bank now he has other ways to stop opponents, mainly through his top-class reading of the game and use of his physicality to 'persuade' players away from the ball with deft nudges and touches which are just about within the rules. Another who has won practically everything there is to win at club level, a major honour with the national team could catapult Mbala-Ekakia above the likes of even Narek Berozhserkovsky and Martin Latka in terms of a Greatest Mytanar Central Defenders Ever list. Mbala-Ekakia is better than either of those two ever were with the ball at his feet, too, and continues to be a threat with his passing ability and penchant for dribbling out of defence like an old-fashioned libero.

05. DCR/DR: Nnamdi Lusamba, 23, Wirr Tsi (Chromatika)
9 caps, 1 goal
Some wondered what Mytanija might do when Bigger Mbala-Ekakia retired, but then, right on cue, CDSA's famous academy system produced another talented Mytanar-Ketioulais central defender in Nnamdi Lusamba. The comparison between the two has been branded lazy in some quarters, with some definitely seeing skin colour and making the comparison based on that, but there are undoubted similarities in the pair's playing styles, comfort with the ball at their feet and their versatility. Lusamba can play anywhere across a three-man central defence; as a right-back in a back four; and even as a defensive midfielder in a pinch. Sounds vaguely Mbala-Ekakiaesque, right? Lusamba recently earned a move to Chromatika too, following in Mbala-Ekakia's footsteps to move to Wirr Tsi and he'll be hoping for similar success there.

06. DR: Matija Gvardjancic, 23, Crossroads (Chromatika)
18 caps, 2 goals
Gvardjancic is an attacking wing-back who has found a real home in Ravnjak's system, with the high wing-back positioning suiting Gvardjancic's game down to a tee. It allows him to get into the final third whenever Mytanija have the ball and he's benefited from that in his 18 appearances for the national team so far, scoring only two goals but also providing a number of assists from those wide areas. He's struck up a particularly good on-field relationship with both of Mytanija's starting forwards, Drazen Skara and Damien Gannot, which always helps. He's also another based in Chromatika, demonstrating both the high standard of the Red League and its financial power at present.

07. MC: Nurija Papez, 24, Lakewood United (Tumbra)
48 caps, 4 goals
Papez plays the regista role for both club and country, essentially directing games from a deep-lying midfield position with short, metronomic passing and well-timed driving runs to break through the opposition's pressing structure / defensive lines. He is also proficient in passing longer, particularly when switching the play from one flank to the other, allowing his team to force the opposition to keep shifting across the pitch, tiring them out. He's never going to trouble the goals or assists charts from open play, though his dead ball ability means he can pop up with the spectacular every so often, but the way he directs matches from the base of midfield is invaluable at the highest level. Recently moved to Tumbran side Lakewood United after a successful spell at 1923 Esca.

08. MCL: Jasno Skenderovic, 27, Alnio (Chromatika)
18 caps, 1 goal
Skenderovic is likely to be given the nod ahead of Ismet Zmiric in the starting line-up for the Copa Rushmori. Skenderovic had the better season for his club side, but the pair are very similar in terms of quality, both are likely to see opportunities in this extended group stage format. Skenderovic is a taller, more physical option than Zmiric - probably the only obvious difference between the two - something which makes him a pivotal factor in both boxes, when defending and attacking set-pieces. That aside he's a combative box-to-box midfielder who will get stuck into tackles, aim to break-up the opposition's play and then try to join attacks and affect the game in the opposition half of the pitch.

09. ST: Drazen Skara, 25, Sabrefell Athletic (Nephara)
72 caps, 45 goals
One of the finest goal scorers in the sport at the moment. Skara's record in front of goal for both Mytanija and for Sabrefell Athletic and 1923 Esca before that speaks for itself, he's physically quick enough to get away from defenders, strong enough to hold them off. He has excellent movement and seems to have that innate sense of knowing where the ball will end up in the penalty area and perhaps most importantly has excellent technical ability when striking the ball to ensure that he can stick it right in the net, the most difficult skill of all to master. Skara will want to be the man to end Mytanija's international trophy drought, something which even the greatest Mytanar striker Jezdimir Ocokoljic could not do in his 195 appearances for the national team.

10. MCR: Denis Ovsyannikov, 23, Atletik Težia (Mytanija)
48 caps, 27 goals
Ovsi, as he has been christened, is one of the most exciting talents in football at the moment. A tall, physical playmaker who is graced with balletic grace and balance, he has a unique combination of attributes which make him a really dangerous threat in the opposition's half of the pitch. His 187 centimetre frame makes him a useful weapon to have at set-pieces, too, and Ovsyannikov loves to get himself on the end of such situations. His scoring record of 27 goals in 48 appearances is something a striker would be proud of and the scary thing is that he probably has four or five years of development still ahead of him. Last season he won the Player of the Season award as Atletik won the league in convincing fashion with Ovsyannikov right at the heart of everything. Voters ruled him out of doubling-up with the Under-23 award because he had already won it two years in a row!

11. ST: Damien Gannot, 32, Sabrefell Athletic (Nephara)
108 caps, 40 goals
An experienced striker who started his career out as a false nine who liked to drop deep off the forward line to link play with his midfield, then turned into more of a complete (or traditional, dependent on who you're asking!) striker as his career went on and now he's back at being more of a link player dropping off the forward line. That's perhaps due to the striker he finds himself playing alongside, with Skara wanting to play on the last man and in those 'classic' striking positions. This makes Gannot more useful in connecting with the likes of Ovsyannikov, Skenderovic / Zmiric and with the attacking wing-backs. Gannot will want to make an impact here, with this perhaps being his last Copa Rushmori as a starter, he'll be into his mid-thirties by the time the next one comes around.

12. GK: Janez Anzlovar, 23, Ararat Severyan (On loan from Atletik Težia) (Mytanija)
1 cap
Anzlovar has impressed whilst out on loan at hometown club Arka Snezhnaya for the last three years. Atletik bought the young goalkeeper from Arka with Yueren international Deliang Zhao still in between the sticks, so chances have been hard to come by with his parent club. Anzlovar has now agreed another two-year loan to Ararat Severyan, after which it is expected that Atletik will finally make a decision as to whether he will take over or be sold. Anzlovar for his part has not complained, getting on with his loan spells and impressing enough to ascend into the back-up goalkeeping spot with the national team. He's a modern goalkeeper, able to pass out from the back, though perhaps lacking some of the panache of the real best in the game at this.

13. DL: Asmir Milosevic, 29, 1896 Ebor (Mytanija)
38 caps, 1 goal
Experienced full-back who played under Misel Ravnjak at Ararat Severyan early in his career and has a lot of trust from the national team coach as a result. Milosevic will perhaps count himself unlucky to have lost his starting position to Idris Beganovic, though there's little to choose between the two other than slightly better form for the 1923 Esca man. There is an expectation that both will get opportunities during the longer group stage at this Copa Rushmori.

14. DCL: Elmedin Suljic, 26, Atletik Težia (Mytanija)
14 caps
Overseas commentators have wondered why Suljic hasn't got more caps than he has at the age of 26 and the man himself might say the same given that he has always impressed at Atletik and partnered Mbala-Ekakia for a few seasons too, with that on-field relationship being invaluable in itself. Perhaps unlucky in that he's never really pinned down a definite position with the national team, usually playing on the right of central defence with his club side and getting shunted around the back three with the national team. Mbala-Ekakia and Pestotnik are ahead of him, but if Lusamba shows any signs of inexperience it is fairly easy to imagine Suljic slotting in in his stead.

15. DC: Foma Koshkin, 25, Myana (Chromatika)
17 caps, 1 goal
Koshkin has done well over in Chromatika, earning a move to giants Myana after some impressive performances in an average Lhor team. Koshkin is slightly smaller than many of his colleagues with the national team, Mytanija rather blessed with a lot of taller than average athletes, but he is very quick and he is also very intelligent. His positioning is up there with the very best and he's good at organising a defence around him, allowing the unit as a whole to be more solid. Will sometimes get beaten for size and strength and has shown the occasional error at international level, perhaps someone who allows nerves to affect their game on the biggest stage, but Koshkin has developed well over the years and could eventually put that sort of thing behind him.

16. DCR: Filip Mlinarevic, 23, Liria Prizren (Mytanija)
8 caps, 1 goal
Filip has been - along with his twin brother Stipe - the jewel in the crown of Liria's youth academy in recent years, being the foremost example of a *insert-your-preferred-high-performance-automobile* of a central defender. Physically in top condition, tall, quick and strong and always looking to find a way to create an edge with consistent gym work. Mentally resilient and clever positionally. Mlinarevic is the prime example of a modern Mytanar central defender who wants to break the lines with progressive passes and can also take the ball forward himself, dribbling through the opposition lines to try and advance the ball up the pitch for his team and create favourable overloads in dangerous areas. The biggest compliment that can be paid to Mlinarevic is that coaches such as Lev Repin and Edis Znidarsic would probably love to have him in their teams because of the tactical possibilities he can open up with his ability in possession, Ravnjak might not be renowned for his tactical creativity like those two are but if he can find a way to utilise Mlinarevic like they might do then Mytanija could be onto a winner.

17. DR/DL: Nemanja Ovcina, 26, Eivora Athletic (Tikariot)
42 caps, 1 goal
Ovcina has amassed a decent number of caps whilst never quite replicating his club form for the national team. Nevertheless he's been a mainstay of squads under different coaches and his versatility will always make him an attractive option in tournament squads, when options are at a premium. He can play on both sides, is comfortable in Ravnjak's system and can contribute some dangerous crosses from wide areas, that's pretty much what he's required to do here - Ravnjak would love it if he could chip in with some goals like he often does in Tikariot.

18. MC: Gavril Atsev, 31, Atletik Težia (Mytanija)
77 caps, 23 goals
Atsev has had a real renaissance in the last year after being tasked with redeveloping his skills as a regista at the base of Atletik's midfield under Edis Znidarsic. That's where Ravnjak wants to play him, but his experience playing further forward will make him invaluable cover for either of the more advanced midfield positions too. Atsev is a good dribbler and this is perfect for the regista role, as he can bring Mytanija up the pitch whether playing against a high-press or a deeper block, he's also comfortable receiving the ball under pressure and has that cross-field switch of play in the locker to shift the opposition across the pitch until they're worn out. Exciting to see him back in the national team set-up.

19. MCL: Ismet Zmiric, 27, Aries Chariots (Nephara)
28 caps, 1 goal
Very similar to Jasno Skenderovic, Ismet Zmiric had an excellent season with Aries Chariots the season before last, so the most recent campaign was always likely to be one where they came back down to earth a little bit. Zmiric is perhaps a little defter with the ball at his feet than Skenderovic is, less of a pure battering ram / powerful thoroughbred horse and more of a midfield artisan. Zmiric still has that energy to get box-to-box, but he's not quite as imposing, a bit more of a dribbler and able to pop-up around the penalty area with one-two passes and little sets for his teammates. A good rotation option to have in this prolonged group stage format.

20. MCR/AMC: Muharem Hajdarpasic, 23, West Couno United (Tumbra)
23 caps, 3 goals
Hajdarpasic had an excellent campaign with West Couno United last season. Not quite a 'breakout' campaign, given that he's already had that at hometown club Tekstil Ibon, but perhaps the campaign where he announced himself as a player that can impact matches against even the toughest opponents. We could get to a stage in a few years where Hajdarpasic is regarded as someone who was rather unlucky to exist in an era where Denis Ovsyannikov was the immovable incumbent. The 23-year-old is a more old-fashioned number ten, he won't get too involved in the dirty work, but give him the ball and he can make things happen, either with a slaloming dribble or a decisive pass or cross into a dangerous area. Renowned for off-field issues in Mytanija, he has seemingly put that behind him since moving to Tumbra.

21. ST: Stipe Mlinarevic, 23, Liria Prizren (Mytanija)
The first of two uncapped strikers in Mytanija's Copa Rushmori squad, Stipe - the twin brother of Filip - won the Mytanar 1. Prvenstvo Golden Boot award with 19 goals in 25 games last season. Stipe is a tall striker, similar to Zlatan Andrijasevic or Laze v Tuhinju in stature, but that doesn't mean that he should be pigeonholed as a targetman. Neither of those two were, both refusing to be defined by their size, strength or aerial ability. They were good in all three areas, but they had skills with the ball at their feet which made sure they would never just be targetmen. Stipe Mlinarevic would do well to aim for that too and he has shown that he can do a bit of everything last year, the next challenge is to demonstrate that that wasn't just a one-off. Particularly enjoyed using his turn of pace (those long limbs allow him to cover ground quickly!), to get away from defenders in behind opposition defences in the league.

22. ST: Fran Prpic-Bosanac, 29, Bastion (Eura)
55 caps, 22 goals
It appears that Misel Ravnjak views Fran Prpic-Bosanac as the direct Damien Gannot replacement. Prpic-Bosanac has consistently occupied that role in Ravnjak's squads and reprises the role once again here. He's good at dropping between the lines and providing another player in the centre of the pitch, contributing to both the defensive effort when Mytanija are out of possession by clogging up the middle for the opposition; and adding another body for Mytanija to try to play through the middle with quick passing. Might be slightly frustrated that he hasn't been able to fight his way into a regular starting role at this point in his career, though with the amount of international matches that are played in the modern game he has still amassed a very impressive 55 caps over the course of his career.

23. GK: Robert Laure-Suprinovic, 23, Lok. Cassia (Mytanija)
3 caps
Laure-Suprinovic drops down to third-string goalkeeper, although that isn't an indictment on his ability, it's more that Anzlovar has been impressive in an average-to-poor team over recent years. Laure-Suprinovic is half-Chromatik and Mytanija have taken advantage of the fact that the national team Lev Repin manages are so well-endowed in that position by persuading Laure-Suprinovic to pull on Mytanar colours rather than those of the country of his birth. He's recently made the move to the 1. Prvenstvo too, part of Dusko Konecni's summer revolution at Lok. Cassia.

24. DC: Alen Miokovic-Cica, 23, Mar Sara (Valanora)
16 caps, 1 goal
Another fine young defender who will play a back-up role at this Copa Rushmori, Miokovic-Cica has impressed in the early stages of his career at Litala 93 and most recently in Valanora at Mar Sara (one of only a handful of Mytanars who have played in the elven league). He's a modern defender who's skilled in passing both short and long and has solid anticipation.

25. MC/AMC: Jana Anusic, 28, Myana (Chromatika)
16 caps, 3 goals
The first woman to play for Mytanija, Jana Anusic is trying to break down barriers for women in Mytanija's most popular sport, though it remains slow progress despite her best efforts. She has proven herself time and time again and is perhaps more highly regarded in Chromatika, where she has led an itinerant lifestyle, hopping between clubs as she looks to fulfil her ambitions of playing at the very highest level. Now, finally, she is there after a summer move to Myana. A goal scoring midfielder at club level, Anusic has been employed both as a number ten and in a deeper number eight position for Mytanija and that versatility will be useful in the extended group stage at this Copa Rushmori. Enjoys the physical battle in the middle.

26. ST: Rafko Jelenc, 24, Goodfeather (Nephara)
There's always one unexpected call-up in Copa Rushmori squads, or so it seems, and this time around it is Mytanar-Nepharan forward Rafko Jelenc who that award goes to. Some readers, both Mytanar and from overseas, might well ask 'who?' but Jelenc has put together an impressive early career in Nephara's lower leagues and then got a move to Zenith side Goodfeather where he has shown sparks of real potential as a barrel-chested forward who likes to put himself about but also shows a delicate touch when required. Ravnjak will enjoy having an option which is a little more unrefined, one which hasn't come up through the pristine conditions of some of the finest youth academies in football and Jelenc is certainly that, having played on the rougher pitches of Nephara's lower tiers and fought his way to the highest level. This Copa Rushmori squad position is a chance for Jelenc to make the final step in what isn't quite a park to superstardom career but is perhaps the closest thing to it you will get in the modern game.

OUT OF POSSESSION (5-3-2): Out of possession Mytanija will be playing a fairly standard 5-3-2. The three central defenders will roughly occupy the width of the six-yard box across the middle of the penalty area, whilst the two wing-backs will be tasked with pressing up against the opposing team's widest players (whether that be wingers, central midfielders drifting wide, wing-backs or full-backs). If the opposition try to play centrally then the wing-backs will tuck in and the Mytanar defence will form a back-five across the width of the penalty area. The wing-backs are key in Mytanija's press, they are asked to push up against the opposition's wide players to prevent the opposition from being able to switch the play across the pitch and drag Mytanar players out of shape (failure to do this will provide the opponent with space down the flanks and then potentially create space centrally as players have to compensate for the Mytanar wing-backs' failure to do so).

The midfield three will be asked to shield their three central defenders behind them, occupying the space in the middle of the pitch and making it difficult for the opposition to play in these areas. They will not be asked to go out and cover the opposition's wide players, that is the job of the Mytanar wing-backs and if the midfielders have to go out and press the opposition's wide players then something has gone wrong in the system. Ravnjak essentially wants to create a 6-man 'box' in the space in front of his team's goal to make it difficult for the opponent to play here and prevent them from creating shooting opportunities. Mytanija's two forwards will press the opponent's defenders when they are in possession in the initial phase, but when the ball passes them one will drop in to assist the midfield, often only leaving one striker up on the halfway line as the other takes part in the defensive phase of the game.

IN POSSESSION (3-2-5): When Mytanija regain possession both wing-backs will be asked to be very adventurous and advance very high up the pitch to join a five-man attacking line alongside the two Mytanar strikers and most attacking midfielder or 'number ten'. The wing-backs will provide all of the team's width in attack. They will remain out on the touchlines and it will be the job of the striker on their side of the pitch and the 'number ten' or attacking midfielder (Denis Ovsyannikov, Muharem Hajdarpasic, Jana Anusic) to make underlapping runs inside them to provide a passing option or create space for a cross into the penalty area. Ravnjak makes great use of back-post runs, which can create opportunities for wing-backs to get on the scoresheet or to provide knock-backs across the box for assists.

The Mytanar regista (Nurija Papez or Gavril Atsev) and a slightly more box-to-box midfielder (Jasno Skenderovic or Ismet Zmiric) will remain lying a bit deeper. The regista will look to recycle possession centrally and spray accurate passes out to the wing-backs to keep the opposition defence stretched. The more box-to-box midfielder will both need to remain vigilant to win the ball back quickly in the event of lost possession and make opportune late runs towards the edge of the box to create shooting opportunities. Both are important in maintaining Mytanar possession and preventing counter-attacks in Ravnjak's system.

The back three are fairly self-explanatory. The three central defenders will remain on the halfway line, pushing up high so the opposition are forced back into their own half (though they will drop back should Mytanija lose possession, in Ravnjak's system it is all about protecting the penalty area when you lose the ball), and will look to keep them there by reading the game well to stop counter-attacks and by using their physicality to bully opposition forwards. They will not usually be asked to do too much in helping build attacks, that wasn't the case at club level for Ravnjak, but with the higher quality available to him here he is likely to ask those more comfortable with the ball to perhaps play line-breaking passes into the forward line if the opportunity presents itself to them (the likes of Bigger Mbala-Ekakia, Foma Koshkin, Filip Mlinarevic, Nnamdi Lusamba et al are comfortable doing this sort of thing).

Captaincy: 1. Bigger Mbala-Ekakia; 2. Semir Besak; 3. Damien Gannot; 4. Denis Ovsyannikov; 5. Drazen Skara
Penalties: 1. Drazen Skara; 2. Denis Ovsyannikov; 3. Bigger Mbala-Ekakia; 4. Nurija Papez; 5. Gavril Atsev
Corners: 1. Nurija Papez; 2. Matija Gvardjancic; 3. Idris Beganovic; 4. Gavril Atsev; 5. Muharem Hajdarpasic
Short free kicks: 1. Denis Ovsyannikov; 2. Nurija Papez; 3. Drazen Skara; 4. Bigger Mbala-Ekakia; 5. Gavril Atsev
Long free kicks: Usually one of the wing-backs to put it into the penalty area and take advantage of Mytanija's relatively tall team


Brought to you by Kirola, the official Sportswear Apparel Partner for Mytanija

• Misel Ravnjak (aged 65)
has had a storied career as manager of Mytanar club Ararat Severyan, lifting two league titles as well as leading the team to its infamous National Cup and Rushmore Copa de Campeones double-winning campaign - considered by some to be the greatest single achievement by a Mytanar club side given the odds Ararat had to overcome to achieve such a feat. The Rauchik club had to overcome the horrors of the Mytanar Conflict, the ethnic cleansing and ghettoization of their people, deal with the long shadow of the conflict in the intervening years and Ararat acted as a constant for them - allowing them to dream once again. For many this essentially lionised Ravnjak, made him into the leader of a people, as well as a football club and his spirited, bordering on abrasive, personality allowed him to instil something of a siege mentality in his players. He always argued that he and his sides never got enough credit from the media for the manner in which they won games, arguing they played better football than the picture painted by the media (and they often did, with Copa Rushmori stars like Nephara's Lindse Kvasina and Mytanija's Omer Kuhar-Arh not renowned for their lack of inspiration or creativity) and that perhaps the media didn't want to give a provincial club the credit it deserved.

He also said that if he managed a more 'fashionable' side, he may have been in the picture for the Mytanija national team coaching job more often. The FSM always cited his direct media style as more of an issue than anything else, but they have finally turned to Ravnjak following Dzvezdan Kitanchev's disappointing spell in the hotseat. What can be said for Ravnjak is that his players have always loved him and he's always had unity in his teams, that might be what the FSM is wanting from him at this point in time. Ravnjak turned to some familiar faces at the Copa Rushmori, promoting Bosko Pestonik to a starting role, retaining Asmir Milosevic in the starting line-up, handing Neo Susec his first cap. He's a very loyal man and rewards those who are loyal to him, the Ararat connection might well run deep through his Hoops reign, whether it helps or hinders him remains to be seen. He went away from that a little for World Cup qualifying, refreshing the squad significantly and moving to the 5-3-2 formation which he used most recently at club level. This led to successful qualification for World Cup 94, albeit with a very disappointing group stage exit the end result of the campaign.

• Mytanija has qualified to 16 World Cups, most recently World Cup 94, the country's biggest achievement in that competition is reaching the quarter finals in World Cup 68. Mytanija has won the Copa Rushmori once (XVII), to go with two victories in the Cup of Harmony (56 and 59); and a Di Bradini Cup win (DBC40). Some of these achievements were made under the names Mytannion/the Mytanar Region, Mytanija is ICly the exact same place.

• Mytanars are renowned for being passionate and therefore will not be afraid of confrontation if they feel they're on the end of a particularly rough tackle. At the same time Mytanars are not afraid of gamesmanship and may perform some questionable tackles of their own, along with tactical fouls to prevent the opponent from gaining momentum. Furthermore, diving, crowding referees and even intentional handballs (OOC: so Maradona's Hand of God and Suarez for Uruguay versus Ghana, that sort of stuff), to influence the game are not beyond Mytanar players. They will argue that winning is the most important thing and will do anything they can to achieve victory. Some might call it dirty, Mytanars don't, that won't stop them complaining when things go against them naturally.

• Mytanar fans are well-known for being hooligans, causing problems wherever they go and being prone to violence. They also make outstanding choreographies for their domestic sides and occasionally the national team (if they aren't fighting each other), so pyrotechnics, flags and lots of noise and alcohol are common place. Corteos (organised marches from a specific place to the stadium), are also common, these can lead to areas being shutdown as the sheer numbers of fans walking along roads block traffic and can lead to issues as police attempt to marshal supporters too. Given the ongoing political situation in Mytanija, whether ultra groups are able to put aside differences regarding politics, ethnicity etc for the national side is a pertinent question and the answer to it may change even from game to game.
Federal Republic of Mytannion

Capital: Esca
Population: c. 49,600,000
Demonym: Mytanar

Interested in Mytanar sport? Visit the Mytanski sportski mediji web page

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Postby Ketiou » Fri Sep 01, 2023 1:24 pm

If my opponent role-plays first they may:

Choose my goalscorers: Y
Godmod scoring events: Y
RP injuries to my players: Y, you may comment on severity although I shall have final say
Godmod injuries to my players: N
Hand out yellow cards to my players: Y
Hand out red cards to my players: Y, see above, although no more than two in one game please
Godmod other events: Y

Ketiou is a young nation located in south-west Rushmore on the Goose Coast, next to Djocoranga and Mwembamba. The Ketioulais were colonised by Prahecq centuries ago and are still recovering from the scars of colonialism, a bloody revolution managed to push the Prahecqois out and the key dates of 1093 and the whole month of August – regarded as a revolutionary month – are venerated across the country. Ketiou’s relationship to the colonial metropole can be seen in the make-up of their national team, with 18 of their 26-man squad playing in the Prahecqois Championnat, most of these players being born in Prahecq to Ketioulais parents. Only six players play for domestic sides, with the other two – Antoine Mushiya and Damilola Camara – plying their trade in Mytanija’s lower leagues.

Ketiou is currently run as a federal Utilist-Tolikist one-party socialist republic, with political dissidence harshly punished. The lack of political freedom has been somewhat mitigated by the country’s economic and social development under this system. Revolutionary President Amidou Kassambara’s ambitious policy programme has seen the country nationalise all land and mineral wealth; launch a nationwide literacy campaign; redistribute land to peasants; large-scale road and rail construction; and a drive for agrarian self-sufficiency. Public health has also been an important area, with enormous vaccination programmes; newly-built medical dispensaries in every city, town and village; and the outlawing of female genital mutilation. Kassambara has pursued an anti-imperialist foreign policy, shunning foreign aid, pushing for debt reduction and regularly criticising Prahecq for their colonial terror.

The best players in the squad are towering Étoile Rouge centre-half Maxi Dumont and tricky Douanes’ winger Manu Bethuna. There is a wealth of promising young talent sprinkled throughout the squad, particularly midfield creator Ghislain Nana and young strikers Connaissance Mambeka and Kanga Mbo Mbo.

##  Pos.    Name                  Age  Club                         
01 GK Émeric Dubuisson 32 1093 AS Sankara
02 DL Francois Sardou 23 Stade Yvelines (PRH)
03 DC Maxi Dumont 24 Étoile Rouge (PRH)
04 DC Didier Lanoie 32 Marianne (PRH)
05 DR Tanzetanau Modibo 29 Étoile Noire
06 DMC Sennet Béland 29 Perros-Guirec (PRH)
07 MC Jean-Marie Corné (c) 34 Che Che
08 MC Jean Michel Prophète 24 Bassé Santa Su
09 ST Damilola Camara 33 SK Port Jarko (MYT)
10 AML/R Manu Bethuna 29 Douanes (PRH)
11 AMR Antoine Mushiya 34 NK Thessia (MYT)

12 GK Formose Sene 19 Champex du Lac (PRH)
13 DL Youssef Hamou 31 Clichy-sous-Bois (PRH)
14 DC Franck Bonnel 26 Champex du Lac (PRH)
15 DC Cheikh Diédhou 20 Clichy-sous-Bois (PRH)
16 DR Mamadou Guèye 18 Douanes (PRH)
17 DMC Ilyassa Bina 26 1093 AS Sankara
18 MC Zoumana Kaboré 23 Che Che
19 MC/AMC Ghislain Nana 22 Epinal (PRH)
20 AML Jean-Eudes Lindor 20 SS Plumelec (PRH)
21 AMR Gabriel Huot-Bonnet 33 Espérance (PRH)
22 ST Connaissance Mambeka 20 Douanes (PRH)
23 GK Abdou Karim Benga 18 Douanes (PRH)
24 MC Aly Ba 19 Union (PRH)
25 ST Kanga Mbo Mbo 20 Marianne (PRH)
26 ST António Lutonda 19 Étoile Rouge (PRH)

Head coach: Anatole Bandza - 48

Captain: Jean-Marie Corné
Vice-captain: Didier Lanoie
Penalties: Damilola Camara
Free-kicks: Manu Bethuna
Corners: Manu Bethuna

Style modifier: +1.0
Last edited by Ketiou on Fri Sep 01, 2023 1:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Posts: 44
Founded: Jun 20, 2020

Postby Glazgo » Fri Sep 01, 2023 5:07 pm


Manager: Glenn Tamnavulin, 56
Assistant manager: Kenn Tamnavulin, 70
Vadim Bauer, 38 (General)
Ivan Gunn, 46 (Goalkeeping)
Kiefer Glenfiddich, 57 (Fitness)
Physio: Paul Mallochmore, 56
Scout: Jon Craigellachie, 61

The core of the original coaching staff remain - manager Glenn Tamnavulin is revered throughout the country despite only ever managing the national team for a brief period. During Glazgo's time away, he and older brother/assistant maanager Kenn spent a lot of time working with the GFA drawing up plans for the return of the international sides and played a big part in developing the leagues further to meet the standard to return to IFCF competition. Original coaches Johan Knockando and Ivor Gunn have moved on, the former settling into club management with Drumchapel United and the latter retiring. Finally. They've been replaced respectively by former national team captain Vadim Bauer, and former #1 goalkeeper Ivan Gunn - who is you guessed it, is Ivor's son. The rest of the backroom staff stay the same - Glendfiddich, Mallochmore and Craigellachie are known pretty much for their long surnames. But they've done (and did, once upon a time) a good enough job to be retained.

#1 - GK - Anders Khamidouline - Age 30 - Heart of Clyde - Uncapped
#12 - GK - Russell Wik - Age 29 - Kelvindale Town - Uncapped
#13 - GK - Enrik Hale - Age 30 - Drumchapel United - Uncapped

This selection of goalkeepers have all performed consistently in the Premier Division over the past ten years. Heart of Clyde's Khamidouline receives the #1 jersey after a string of admirably commanding displays earned him a place in the league's Team of the Season four years in a row, despite the side never really finishing in the upper echelons of the division. Deputies Wik and Hale are both capable and competent shot-stoppers in their own right and were members of the inaugural Glazgo U20 squad that won the SFA International U20 Cup ten years ago. In all honesty, it was a tough selection for Glenn Tamnavulin to decide who would be deemed first choice, and many have speculated he will use the group stage matches to pick who will be his main custodian going forward, with there being ample game time for the three of him to prove their worth.

#2 - DR - Mika Lybeck - Age 30 - Red Star Parkhead - Uncapped
#3 - DL - Dario Cardwell - Age 31 - Kelvindale Town - Uncapped
#4 - DC - Sol de Marko - Age 30 - Drumchapel United - Uncapped
#5 - DC - Geir Blazevic - Age 32 - Carntyne Wanderers - Uncapped

#17 - DC - Patrick Baraban - Age 33 - Kelvindale Town - Uncapped
#19 - DR - Nino Kerla - Age 23 - Carntyne Wanderers - Uncapped
#21 - DL - Radek Sando - Age 30 - Coatbridge Town - Uncapped
#22 - DC - Patrick Radosavljević - Age 23 - Charing Cross - Uncapped
#24 - DC - Martijn Shubukin - Age 30 - Carntyne Wanderers - Uncapped

The majority of the defence could be perceived as being on the wrong side of thirty, but have shown they've still got a lot to offer after their displays in the league. Both sets of full-backs offer a threat going forward. Cardwell and Lybeck offer more composure on the ball as opposed to the raw pace of deputies Sando and Kerla, whilst in the middle Blazevic and de Marko have the winning combination of "ball-playing" and "no-nonsense" that's required in a modern day centre-back. Glenn Tamnavulin has named three deputy centre-backs should he wish to revert to a 5-man defence, with the experienced veteran Baraban ably asissted by Shubukin and promising youngster Radosavljević, who has caught the eye of Glazgo's bigger clubs.

#6 - DMC - Gunnar Strathness (c) - Age 30 - Drumchapel United - Uncapped
#7 - AMR - Bakir Hadžiadmirović - Age 21 - North Drumgelloch Athletic - Uncapped
#8 - MC - Merlin Slatkin (vc) - Age 30 - Kelvindale Town - Uncapped
#10 - AMC - Joakim Srna - Age 29 - Kelvindale Town - Uncapped
#11 - AML - Zahir Mulahalilović - Age 21 - North Drumgelloch Athletic - Uncapped

#14 - MC - Ricky Overtime - Age 19 - Possilpark Celtic - Uncapped
#15 - AMC - Makhan Panesar - Age 18 - Drumchapel United - Uncapped
#23 - DMC - Hadžo Medunjanin - Age 16 - Drumchapel United - Uncapped
#25 - DMC/MC/AMC - Pavel Hesso - Age 31 - Possilpark Celtic - Uncapped
#26 - W/AM - Izmal Barbarez - Age 19 - Firhill AFC - Uncapped

Strathness and Srna were also members of that U20 winning team some years back, and have been two of the league's best players ever since. Slatkin is an excellent link between the two and is renowned for his passing range and composure in the centre of the park. Young wingers Mulahalilović and Hadžiadmirović are eagerly tipped to be integral parts of the future core of the national team, and offer a threat both out wide or drifting into the middle, depending what the game situation requires. On the bench, Tamnavulin has turned to youth, in majority, bar Hesso who is comfortable playing in any of the midfield positions. The coveted Medunjanin of Drumchapel United makes the senior squad at the tender age of just 16 - quite a shock given his only senior involvements have been a couple of cameos off the bench last season and an albeit very impressive pre-season, and whilst he may have fleeting playing time, there's a feeling he'll be a staple of the team for years to come. Club teammate Panesar has been a key starlet from Drumchapel also, whilst the excellently named Overtime has lived up to his name in terms of his playing style. Barbarez is capable of playing on either flank but is most effective through the middle, with his close dribbling skills and low centre of gravity earning him rave reviews and plenty of attention in the league last season.

#9 - ST - Didrik Karzharenko - Age 29 - Drumchapel United - Uncapped
#16 - ST - Sergei Sorensen - Age 31 - Coatbridge Town - Uncapped
#18 - ST - Konstantin Michelsen - Age 30 - Carntyne Wanderers - Uncapped
#20 - ST - Evander Slowenski - Age 33 - Possilpark Celtic - Uncapped

Karzharenko is most likely to lead the line and has been one of the top scorers in the league every season for the past ten years or so now, and Sorensen is a powerfully built forward who is most used to playing in a two-man strike force - so he could either be paired with the poacher Michelsen or veteran Slowenski, both of whom were plucked from the lower leagues by their respective clubs before enjoying successful careers in the top division. All of the quartet are expected to be rotated to ensure they gain valuable game time as the nation looks towards the future, with the prospect of World Cup qualifiers on the horizon also. Looking long-term though, some of them are past their peak whilst others are fast approaching the end of it. This could be their one and only chance to cement themselves in the future plans of Tamnavulin's team selection.

Starting XI (4-3-3 L-R): Khamidouline; Cardwell, Blazevic, de Marko, Lybeck; Strathness; Slatkin, Srna; Mulahalilović, Karzharenko, Hadžiadmirović.
Alternate XI (3-5-2 L-R): Wik/Hale; Baraban, Radosavljević, Shubukin; Sando, Hesso/Panesar, Medunjanin, Overtime/Barbarez, Kerla; Sorensen, Michelsen/Slowenski.
Glenn Tamnavulin and his staff are most likely to employ the 4-3-3-based formation they utilised last time Glazgo were involved in international competition. Whilst Khamidouline is the likely choice between the sticks, it is more than likely that Tamnavulin will rotate that duty equally between Khamidouline, Wik and Hale throughout the course of the group stage. Cardwell and Lybeck are set to be the starting full-backs with Blazevic and de Marko at the heart of the defence. The midfield is the most intriguing part - Strathness will operate as the defensive midfielder, protecting the defence in a role best described as a ball-winning midfielder, whilst Srna will act as the key creative point in midfield, the focal spark that will be the most advanced of the midfield triumvirate and best linked into the attack. In between the pair will be Slatkin, the proverbial glue that unites defence and attack and ports between the two whenver required. Slatkin, who could easily fill in either role if required, will undoubtedly be the unsung hero of the team and easily has the best passing range of the squad and offers both creativity going forward and grit protecting the defence. Wingers Mulahalilović and Hadžiadmirović as mentioned previously can operate as attacking midfielders as well if needed, and depending on the situation of the game they may drift inside and operate just behind Karzharenko rather than out wide. Similar to the goalkeeper position, it's expected Tamnavulin will provide at least one starting opportunity to each striker but may make his choice after all have had a run out with who he wishes to lead the line - most likely Karzharenko.

In reserve, it is likely all members of the squad will get at least one start during the group stage. Tamnavulin has always been the type of manager to give everyone a fair chance, and it's fortunate those deputising to the #1-#11 jerseys are capable enough replacements - for Glazgo's calibre anyway. Again, the choice of goalkeeper could be any of the three - so moving past there and into defence, we noticed Tamnavulin's alternate formation from before was similar to a 3-5-2. The three man defence could comprise of Baraban on the left of centre and Shubukin on the right - both players who are comfortable at either side or through the middle. It's a rarity to have players comfortable with both feet at centre-back - especially in Glazgo, so either will be able to fill in at either side. Sandwiched between the two will be the tallest in Radosavljević, who is the most likely to "play out of the back" of the trio. Sando and Kerla are much more suited to the wing-back roles rather than the full-back and will act as the main attacking threat down the wings, whilst the very young but most certainly talented Medunjanin will act as the defensive midfielder. Medunjanin boasts an excellent passing range and from the little we've seen of him, he seems to play with such confidence that only a seasoned professional may have - whilst he's impressed in the league, is it too soon for the international stage? His midfield partners could be two of either Hesso, Overtime, Panesar or Barbarez. The former two are the more "neutral" options so to speak, though Hesso can easily fill in any midfield role and Overtime is an all-action player who could probably do a job as a #6 or maybe even as a #10 if things got dire. Panesar and Barbarez offer more attacking flair, and Barbarez may also be used in a wider position should the defence end up reverting to a back four - Sando could potentially fill in further forward at left-wing, with Baraban perhaps taking his place at left-back, though they may not be as effective there as their natural positions. Again, the strikers could be any of the four, but with it being a two-man partnership it will likely be any of Sorensen, Michelsen or Slowenski.

In terms of set pieces - penalties are most likely to be taken by Slatkin, if not Karzharenko - or if in the alternate formation, most likely Hesso, Barbarez or Michelsen. Free kicks again are most likely to be taken by Slatkin or Hesso, with corners to be taken by either one of the corresponding wingers/wing-backs. For substitutions, Barbarez will hope to be seen as more than an "impact sub" but is the most likely to be able to change the game in latter stage should that be the situation. Any of the strikers could also fall into that category, whilst Hesso could replace anyone in midfield if he was not starting and experience was required. Again, opportunities for game time will be provided to all members of the squad throughout the tournament, so everyone should attain at least one start throughout the group stage, and most outfield players will get a chance to be brought on at some point.

If my opponent role-plays first they may:
Choose my goalscorers: Y
Godmod scoring events: Y
RP injuries to my players: Y - but I reserve the right to change the severity!
Godmod injuries to my players: Y - as above.
Hand out yellow cards to my players: Y
Hand out red cards to my players: Y - no more than two per game though please!
Godmod other events: Y, but please msg me first just in case!

Style modifier: +1.5

Note: All ages, clubs, stats etc. are correct as of the beginning of the 2023/24 season (the most recent season submitted to IFCF competition).
Last edited by Glazgo on Wed Sep 06, 2023 1:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Republic of Glazgo
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Conservative Democracy

Postby Elmyia » Sat Sep 02, 2023 3:46 am

The Beaucester Gazette
Options Shuffled As Porras Prepares For Marathon In Naixi
All 23 players will be needed for 'killer' group stage

Pau Porras exuded the confidence of someone who has already won the room. Having secured Elmyia qualification to World Cup 94, and then having delivered 2 very creditable draws, Elmyian journalists eat out of the man's hand. As he announced the Copa Rushmori squad he explained that rotation is going to be key for Elmyia, as they face an 8 game slog of a group stage in Naixi (where the tournament is being held, controversially).

There were few big surprises in the squad announcement. Garavakos continues to be favoured in goal, with Silver and Knight the backups. Increasingly loud calls for Enrico Girello to be called up to the big time have been put aside. The 16 year old will continue his development in the age group sides, despite an impressive stretch in the first team for Chromatik side Wirr Tsi. It's thought that Porras will consider bringing him into the squad for World Cup qualifying, but he'll be given the chance to show what he can do in goal for the under-18s instead. Further forward and Freschi is given his swansong, although he's likely to only come off the bench. In midfield Sam Depel is dropped for Marakakis and Elisa Gabbiadini comes into the squad ahead of George Byng and Mia Benoit after her form for Chamberley City.

Porras has emphasised that he needs to rotate his options this time, and is also thought to have an eye on trying to blood more fringe players. Both come as a result of his criticism of the tournament format, decrying a 'murderous group stage'. With 8 games this adds to the increased fixture congestion his players face. Porras further stated that 'some players now, you have qualifying, a tournament like this. You have IFCF, Super Cup, Trophy, League. My Italia players might have over 90 games this season. We must expect injuries.'

Elmyia have been lucky with injuries so far, the one to Mario Freschi at the previous Copa being the sole exception. Given Elmyia's dependence on Simmons, Froggatt and Whittingham to make the side function, bedding in some decent alternatives appears to be a priority. Three players look to gain from the desire to share minutes, Jane Albrook, Aaron McLoughlin and Vesper Benedetti. All three come off strong seasons at club level. McLoughlin appears the most unfortunate as far as the national team goes. Kit Simmons is likely the best Elmyian footballer of his generation, and Porras will never decide to field two defensively minded midfielders. Hence, the talented midfielder remains on the bench, despite two very strong seasons at Fallwich United.

Benedetti and Whittingham are likely to share minutes, with it altering how Elmyia are likely to play. Benedetti's tendency to drop back into midfield will allow the wingers to get closer to goal, with Beaugemont now fielded ahead of Rossi. Beaugemont's tendency is to attack in the box and score, Rossi would offer more all-round but with Benedetti in the team there's no need to have two players performing this function.

The lengthy group stage isn't the only controversial point about this tournament in Naixi. A highly authoritarian nation, fans and players alike will have to put up with various restrictions on their liberties. Besides the moral implications of this, players will also be completely banned from drinking, a habit that is still prevalent among the side despite attempts to restrict it. Porras joked that having 'the law force [his] hand' would come in handy as he tries to keep his charges on the straight and narrow.

#  Pos.	Name			Age	Caps	Goals	Assists		Club
Normal Starting XI
1 GK Ian Garavakos 22 24 0 0 Italia Mosfleet Image

13 LB Jane Albrook 22 14 2 5 Hellenic SC Image
3 CB Maria Grosso 30 80 4 0 Hellenic SC Image
14 CB Nancy Savalas 21 59 4 1 Vilitian Club Image
5 RB Jane Beresford 24 49 4 20 Italia Mosfleet Image

6 CDM Kit Simmons 21 52 3 3 Kingston FC Image
19 CM Valentina Galli 23 66 12 11 Litala 93 Image
10 AM Anya Marakakis 22 16 3 5 Tihon United Image

11 LW Jackie Froggatt 29 70 33 14 Chatswood Image
9 CF Vesper Benedetti 20 72 21 17 Eyrods Image
22 RW Lara Beaugemont 24 17 4 1 Ridgewell Rovers Image

12 GK Andrea Silver 30 8 0 0 Italia Mosfleet Image
17 RB Anastasia Kastrinakis 23 3 0 0 Pesfield Tree Image
15 CB Antonio Silva 20 8 0 0 Ridgewell Rovers Image
25 CDM Aaron McLoughlin 24 16 0 0 Fallwich United Image
2 LW/B Sofia Katsouranis 28 64 10 18 Urrhed FC Image
7 RW Kostas Rossi 25 58 17 14 Chamberley City Image
20 CF Gina Whittingham 24 50 22 8 Zenit Attawapiskat Image

4 CB Mario Freschi 35 68 2 0 Italia Mosfleet Image
8 CM Vita Speight 23 61 5 5 Italia Mosfleet Image
16 CM Anathasios Marinos 18 5 1 2 Mosfleet Albion Image
18 FW Elisa Gabbiadini 21 10 2 0 Chamberley City Image
23 GK Eirini Knight 22 0 0 0 AS Samita Image

My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
Choose my Scorers: Yes
Choose Scoring Events: Yes
Godmod Scoring Events: Yes
RP Injuries to my Players: Yes
Godmod Injuries to my Players: Yes
Assign Penalties to my Players: Yes
Godmod Other Events: Yes

Style Modifier: +5
DBC 54 Champions

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Yue Zhou
Posts: 291
Founded: Jun 06, 2017
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Yue Zhou » Sat Sep 02, 2023 12:49 pm

COPA RUSHMORI [number omitted due to superstition] ROSTER

月州联合共和国 - 国际足球队
Badge and kits designed by Txakhaxi's Tahuatxi Storefront.

It's a new dawn in Yue football! But, like, actually this time. While the YFA's decision to boot Chen Huikang to the curb (where he brought Cassadaigua back to the World Cup two years after doing the same for Yuezhou) was widely panned at the time, Elaine Ashdown has turned out to be an excellent NT manager in her own right. Under the Nepharan legend, the Dragons scored three signature victories over Pemecutan and The Holy Empire, narrowly finishing second before winning a one-game playoff to qualify. They then managed to go unbeaten against Valanora, Brookstation, and Tumbra before bowing out to Pemecutan in a Round of 16 rematch. It's looking like rumors of the Yue NT's demise have been significantly exaggerated despite the recent retirement of the "Golden Generation" - but can they take the next step and truly establish themselves as regional contenders?

Home, Away, and GK kits designed by Tahautxi. See the video reveal here.


Nickname: The Dragons
Manager: Elaine Ashdown (NPH)
Captain: Yuan Mingrong
Vice Captains: Zhao Deliang, Kara Mingsdottír Zhang
Penalty Takers: Jiang Jieren -> Luo Nanwei -> Liang Wei -> Kara Mingsdottír Zhang -> Yuan Mingrong
First-choice Starting Lineup: Zhao; Huang, Deng, Yuan, Dong; Zhaxi, Guo; Jiang, Mingsdottír Zhang, Luo; Liang
Formation: 4-2-3-1
Surnames: Generally written before given names except for certain dual nationals; e.g. Wan Sheping's surname is "Wan" and his given name is "Sheping". The Chinese characters are also listed for starters' names.
Style Modifier: +1.25

RP Permissions:
Preferred Goalscorers: None preferred, feel free to consult the below guide for help
Godmod scoring events: TG/DM before doing so
RP injuries to my players: Yes (I determine severity)
Godmod injuries to my players: TG/DM before doing so
Hand out yellow cards to my players: Yes
Hand out red cards to my players: Yes, TG/DM if more than one
Godmod other events: TG/DM before doing so
Other: If you plan to RP the match extensively, please mention by players by name (as opposed to “the Yue striker…” or similar). Please consult me before using images meant to represent my players.

Score a Goal - Jiang Jieren, Liang Wei, Luo Nanwei
Score from Distance - Kara Mingsdottír Zhang, Luo Nanwei, Jiang Jieren
Assist a Goal - Luo Nanwei, Dong Xiaowang, Kara Mingsdottír Zhang
Score off a Header - Yuan Mingrong, Jiang Jieren, Guo Hong
Win a Free Kick/Penalty - Jiang Jieren, Luo Nanwei, Kara Mingsdottír Zhang
Get Sent Off - Zhaxi Jianzan, Luo Nanwei, Dong Xiaowang
Get a Yellow Card - Zhaxi Jianzan, Guo Hong, Deng Daiyu
Come Through in the Clutch - Yuan Mingrong, Jiang Jieren, Kara Mingsdottír Zhang


Manager: Elaine ASHDOWN, 59 (NPH)
As a player, Elaine Ashdown was the midfielder of her generation, and one of the finest in Nephara's long lineage of star CMs. As a manager, results had been more mixed before her hiring by Yuezhou, but things have really worked out here after she at least held her own at Brinemouth and Gaelic Club. She favors a more patient style than Chen Huikang's, emphasizing structure and workrate in midfield. However, far from a traditional defensive disciplinarian, she also likes giving talented, creative wing players room to operate, often using individual creativity to cover for her tactical setups. While soft-spoken, she knows what it takes to win, and will do whatever it takes to get her players to learn the same.

Assistant Manager: Corinne MERSIADES, 50 (NPH)
Last seen with North Laithland, Mersiades has had a number of stints managing Nepharan clubs. But despite her clear tactical prowess, she's never quite been able to put it all together in her club career. Still, her skillset makes her well-suited to inform Ashdown's strategy and help Yuezhou perform better against stronger teams - something they've historically struggled with.

Assistant Manager: LIANG Bo, 55
Best known domestically for his time at the helm of the Yincheng Capitals, a dynasty strongly associated with the former socialist government. Probably not especially known internationally after unsuccessful stints in Abanhfleft and Brenecia. Although he's a bit of a passion merchant as a manager, Liang will help Ashdown better connect with players, and will be glad to finally escape from the B-League.

Goalkeeping Coach: LU Qiang, 41
A former national team goalkeeper who plied her trade with Audioslavia's Guerrilla Cathair, Lu has limited coaching experience but was known as a leader in her day, and she hopes to join Ruo Xiaolan in the Yue NT keepers-turned-successful managers club.


#01 - GK - ZHAO Deliang (赵德亮) - 28 - Atletik Thessia (MYT)
A goalkeeping phenom who won a historic Golden Ball (both in terms of position and age) en route to Jiangdong's first league title in years before becoming even more successful abroad. A cool, confident, and physically imposing general on the pitch, albeit a bit traditionalist in playstyle.

#12 - GK - Elaine XU (f) - 23 - West Couno United (TMB)
Known for her distribution as well as her heroics outside of the penalty box, Xu's family escaped to Tumbra at the outbreak of the Yue Civil War, but the young, flashy goalkeeper is now back and readying a long-term challenge to Zhao Deliang's starting spot.
#23 - GK - JIAWEI Lau - 29 - Northern Stallions (BRE)
Decades of Yue coaching dogma that the goalkeeper's only job should be keeping the ball out of the net have culminated in Jiawei Lau, an acrobatic shot-stopper who just punts the ball whenever he makes a save. Has really come into his own with Northern Stallions after a rocky start to his career.


#05 - RCB - YUAN Mingrong (袁明荣) (C) - 34 - Ararat (MYT)
An intelligent, cultured center-back who's grown into an absolute rock at the back. Has proven himself in Mytanija as one of the best defenders in the league, and has rapidly developed into a strong all-around center-back who the Top League's player of the season in his prime. This is probably his final tournament in a Dragons kit, and will leave a monumental gap in the defense when he goes.

#15 - CB - DENG Daiyu (邓黛玉) (f) - 28 - Newark Argyle (TMB)
A physical, aggressive defender who's also weirdly good at line-breaking passes. Captained Jiangdong Tycoons at a very young age before their relegation, earning a transfer to a much higher-quality league and becoming one of the better defenders in the T-League.

#03 - LCB - LI Jianguo - 31 - Tihon (CMT)
Li is the best of the team's center-backs with the ball at his feet, making him best-suited for a three-man defense where he can make surging runs and spray accurate long-range passes with either foot. The physicality has never quite caught up to the ball-playing ability, as he's very prone to be pushed around by bigger strikers, leaving him somewhat vulnerable in a four-at-the-back system. He's probably the second-best defender on this team after Yuan, but because of this has never quite broken in as a consistent starter.

#06 - CB - HU Jiewen - 31 - Corinthians No Longer (NPH)
Known for his composure, leadership, and surefootedness, Hu is a strong, quick center-back with a high ceiling - although some inconsistency has kept him from fully reaching it. Still, his well-roundedness and ability to drive forward with the ball make him an excellent fit for the Dragons' system.

#26 - RCB - Garrett SHANGYUAN - 27 - Chatswood (NPH)
Quick and physically imposing, the dual national Shangyuan is known for his flashy blocks and his lumbering runs upfield, as well as his almost magnetic attraction to being booked.


#14 - LB/LWB - HUANG Han (黃翰) - 25 - Aries Chariots (NPH)
An energetic, pacy wingback who thrived as a crosser in Olympic Nangang's three-at-the-back system, before excelling both as a winger and as a fullback in the proving grounds of Kelssek, where he earned consideration for Young Player of the Year with Torbay Thunder. Now in the Zenith and reinstated as a starter, the only remaining questions around his game are whether or not he actually wants to be a defender.

#25 - RB - DONG Xiaowang (董小王) - 30 - Megabrantid (SRS)
A pacy, strong fullback well-suited to the modern game. Could be creatively deployed as a winger in a pinch, and will provide much of the width in this setup.

#24 - LB - LU Lanying (f) - 30 - Capitol City FC (BNJ)
A quick, athletic left-back, Lu is strong when driving forwards and tracking back but could work on her crossing. In Ashdown's setup, she'll be pushed up more than she was at Rutland Dockside pre-transfer, but will still be relied upon to shore up the flanks.

#28 - RB - PU Zhongtai - 24 - Northandryun Rovers (QUE)
A Quebecois dual national better known as Park Jeong-Tae, Pu is a tall, lanky fullback known for his athleticism and skill on the ball.


#17 - CM - GUO Hong (郭弘) - 31 - 1896 Ebor (MYT)
A quick, diminutive water-carrier who excels at breaking up attacks and has grown into a key role for 1896 Ebor. Has a tendency to pick up cards.

#29 - CDM/CM - ZHAXI Jianzan (扎喜坚赞) - 24 - Chardonnay Rangers (NPH)
A hard-nosed defensive midfielder who will do anything on the field to win - and who has the athletic ability and field vision, if not a full suite of on-ball tools yet, to make it happen. Not related to Zhaxi Nanlei.

#80 - CM - Brynjólfur Zhenyasson ZHANG - 21 - Crossroads (CMT)
Born and raised in Græntfjall, but the son of Yuezhou NT midfielder Zhang Zhenya, it was anyone's guess who Zhang was going to declare for. Just like Kara Mingsdottír Zhang (no relation), though, he opted for the side with a paucity of talented young midfielders. After returning to Yuezhou at his father's urging and surprising everyone by becoming the linchpin of Royals' attack at a young age, he headed to the Red League to further prove himself. A dynamic 8/10 hybrid who moves quickly with and without the ball, and who offers relentless energy on the defensive end.

#18 - CM - PAN Xilei (f) - 30 - La Querida (FFD)
After a hapless agent torpedoed her NT chances and left her an international hostage at La Querida, culminating in her being sent to the warfront in Farfadillis, things are finally looking up for Pan Xilei, who won the SFPL on loan, is seeing her club receive an investment boost, and has finally found her way back to the national team. On the pitch, she's an intelligent player whose greatest strengths are her workrate and physicality.

#37 - CM - FANG Yuhui (f) - 30 - North Granby (CDG)
Not the most physically imposing, but her seemingly endless stamina and excellent positioning empower her to show up almost everywhere on the pitch when needed to make a tackle. Not great offensively, but improving.


#77 - LAM/RAM - JIANG Jieren (江杰任) - 32 - Osarese Marcadia (AUD)
An incredibly quick winger, albeit one slightly out of place on the left, Jiang’s ball-retention skills need to work and he tends to play with too much ambition. Still, he’s absolutely electric when on, with a combination of scoring and playmaking on the counterattack that really make an impact.

#08 - CM/CAM - Kara Mingsdottír ZHANG (f) (张白兰) - 24 - Liria Prizren (MYT)
The YFA spent a lot of time and effort convincing Karolíná Mingsdottír to declare for Yuezhou's national team instead of Græntfjall's, but it's become apparent that the young midfielder was worth the trouble. A well-rounded midfield prospect whose speed and technique makes her devastating on the counterattack, and who has a propensity for scoring wondergoals.

#11 - RAM/RW - LUO Nanwei (罗南伟) - 29 - La Querida (FFD)
An extraordinarily athletic player who worked his way onto Guodui's senior team as a teenager; despite some injuries during his youth career, his pace and dynamic creativity make him a terror with the ball, although he can be erratic and inconsistent. Impressed in the Zenith despite suffering relegation with Gaelic Club - enough to make him the starting right-winger after Huang Shedong's ACL tear. Now, he's been made an eight-million-dollar man, and impressed in his first few seasons with Nantwich. Has taken a bit of a selfish turn as of late, demanding a move out of Nantwich despite IFCC qualification to go to...La Querida!?

#20 - LW/RW - DAI Qiu - 32 - Nangang Royals
A lithe, two-footed winger who compensates for a relative lack of pace with an all-around skill on the ball. Fierce Nanhai separatist who returned home after a stint in Græntfjall fizzled out and immediately became one of the best players in the Yue league.

#34 - LW/ST - LIN Qingling (f) - 26 - Sporting Noordende (CNR)
An versatile attacker most skilled at setting up others, Lin isn't the most athletic but has a lot of tricks in her bag to compensate.

#30 - SS/CAM - LUO Chuan (f) - 31 - Spenson Suburbia (ZWZ)
An agile, technically adept attacking midfielder at her best when distributing to others, but who tends to get bullied off the ball.

#22 - RW - FU Xiaoxi - 27 - Eyrods (CMT)
A smooth and skilled winger, if perhaps overly deferential on the attack.


#09 - ST - LIANG Wei (梁伟) - 29 - Chardonnay Rangers (NPH)
A tall, imposing target man who finally escaped the yo-yo life in Kelssek by...moving to a promotion favorite in Nephara's First Division. Can be a little immature at times, but absolutely lit up the second tier to the tune of thirty-six goals last season, earning himself the #9 before underwhelming at the Copa Rushmori.

#21 - JI Weibo - 33 - Brantisvogan (SRS)
While selfish to a fault and not the easiest personality to work with, Ji Weibo laid waste to South Newlandia to the tune of 17 goals in 22 matches as a teenager and has only continued to develop as a goalscorer. A nightmare of a poacher who’s posed an increased long-range threat lately, Ji isn’t much of a team player but had a renaissance year with Brantisvogan and temporarily seized the starting spot (before losing it again due to his Antics).
Last edited by Yue Zhou on Fri Sep 08, 2023 8:38 pm, edited 5 times in total.
The United Republics of Yuezhou (月州联合共和国)
Leader: President Zhuang Weilun
Capital: Nangang • Population: ~35,000,000

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Democratic Socialists

The Empire of Zenic CR XLIV Roster

Postby Zenic » Sun Sep 03, 2023 1:35 am

The Empire of Zenic National Team

Nickname: The Survivors
Formation: 3-5-2
Style Modifier: +2

Federation President / Minister of Sports: Alaia Dimi (52 years old)
Deputy Minister of Sports: Heung Soo-min (45 years old)
Manager: Geraldo Zys (40 years old)
Asst. Manager: Mara Tapi (29 years old)
GK coach: Toms Elwin (32 years old)
Doctor: Dr. Dina Mihail (61 years old)

Starting XI:
GK - Saúl Mosley (#1, 24 years old)
RCB - Thuan Byford (#4, 25 years old)
CB - Kian Hodge (#3, 23 years old)
LCB - Burley Trac (#2, 25 years old)
RWB - Undeio Dettmann (#7, 20 years old, Collegiate)
RCM - Nelson Seamons (#6, 23 years old)
CM - Faulkner Dejulio (#8, 22 years old)
LCM - Hank Devor (#5, 21 years old)
LWB - Nakazawa Shuji (#11, 19 years old, Collegiate)
RF - Giuseppe Allegri Gentile (#9, 23 years old)
LF - Cecil Maruscak (#10, 24 years old)


GK - Landon Hope (#12, 20 years old, Collegiate)
CB - Floryan Dubravko (#15, 19 years old, Collegiate)
CB - Ohara Satoshi (#14, 23 years old)
CB - Gopal Pekko (#13, 18 years old, Collegiate)
RWB - Maximon Nance (#18, 22 years old)
CM - Abdullah Vasil (#17, 24 years old)
CM - Wanyonyi Lawal (#19, 20 years old, Collegiate)
CM - Lew Anton (#16, 24 years old)
LWB - Altwidus Aeneas (#22, 21 years old)
RF - Sumida Nori (#20, 22 years old)
LF - Pilypas Aldhard (#21, 19 years old, Collegiate)

Kick Takers:
Left corner - Undeio Dettmann
Right corner - Nakazawa Shuji
Free Kick - Faulkner Dejulio
Penalty - Giuseppe Allegri Gentile

Kit (Provided by Barrengeka)

Newly hired manager Geraldo Rys and his assistant Mara Tapi have decided to implement a slightly aggressive 3-5-2 formation in Zenic's first tournament in decades. This formation is intended to maximize the wingbacks' strengths without neutralizing the rest of team's impact. The young wingbacks' stamina allows them to go forward and cautiously assist in attack to create goal-scoring chances while still being able to get back and provide numbers to stop opposition scoring opportunities. Meanwhile, the Centerbacks, Central Midfielders and Forwards create a solid pillar through the heart of the pitch that is intended to both be an alternative route to goal scoring and a multi layered obstruction to the opponents.

My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:

Choose my goalscorers Y
Godmod scoring events Y
RP injuries to my players N
Godmod injuries to my players N
Hand out yellow cards to my players Y (within reason)
Hand out red cards to my players Y (within reason)
Godmod other events (TG me first)

Home Stadium:
Philosophia Colosseum
Location: Manacus
Capacity: 106,255


For the first time in decades, the Emperor of Zenic feels that the empire is safe enough to resume certain high-profile national activities, such as national team sports. Currently in the tail end of a civil war with the insurrectionist group known as ZSF (Zenic Sans Frontiers), the Empire, thanks to Emperor Santiago Cuauhtémoc, has been able to diminish the ZSF's presence in the last decade to the point where the ZSF has resorted to guerilla warfare in a last gasp attempt to continue the conflict. The masses have cautiously begun to slowly go about their routines year after year with less and less fear.

In order to field Zenic's first men's Futbol national team in ages, Minister of Sports Dimi has worked with manager Geraldo Zys to select the 22 best young players in the Empire, including some collegiate players in the process. Their plan is to build a team via "trial by fire" in one of the most well known regional championships to either get these players ready for the World Cup or see what positions need to be replaced. They currently train at one of the few stadiums still standing, or not under reconstruction, in the Empire: Philosophia Colosseum. Many Zenicians don't expect much from the team in this tournament but are just happy to see their nation participate in the prestigious Copa Rushmori once again.
Member of Rushmore
List of Factbooks
Zenic Ministry of Sports Archive
Association Football
KPB Ranking: 18.43 (37th, Post-WC96)
Rushmore Ranking: 19379 (8th, Post-CR45)
IFCF Coefficient: 0.00 (UR)
Ice Hockey
WCoH Ranking: 13.80 (11th, Post-WCoH 50)
45th Copa Rushmori (Futbol)
55th Baptism of Fire (Futbol)
7th U15 World Cup (Futbol)
6th Runner Cup (Futbol)
WCoH 28 (Ice Hockey)
Third Place:
Copa Rushmori XIX (Futbol)
4th Runner Cup(Futbol)

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Left-wing Utopia

Postby Gnejs » Sun Sep 03, 2023 6:21 am

A Cup Runneth Over

As Nicomachus Hansson awoke one morning from uneasy dreams, he found his favorite cup filled to the brim with piss.

It felt like everybody knew. He could feel their eyes upon him as he walked up to the breakfast buffet in the players hotel. The paranoia was intense, the weight of suspicion crippling. Who had done this deed. What shadowy figure, lurking in corners, ready to refill any of his drink containers with a new load of tinkle. Every face in the squad seemed like a potential culprit.

He took precautions. Never left his water or energy drink bottles out of sight. Walking meandering routes to the assigned training grounds and back. Keeping it fresh, doubling back, never being predictable. The shadow would not catch him off-guard again. He didn’t see anyone, but he was convinced he was being followed.

He kept his distance from the others. He had never been much of a squad party starter, but whatever social circle he had maintained now dwindled to almost nothing. He kept his distance. After all, any one of them might be that wee shadow trickster, any one of the others an informant or drudge, sent to do the bidding of the dark lord of piss. Forsakenness his only companion, he yearned for the days when trust was not a depleted resource; days when he could walk without constantly looking over his shoulder and obsessively sniff his water bottle.

And then came the night. In his small, gloomily lit hotel room, Nicomachus had devised an intricate system of alarms and trip-wires. He would not sleep. He would catch his tormentor in the act, and stare into the abyss without fear or regret. Every clatter outside his window, every rumble from the corridors outside his door, all sent chills down his spine, making him sweat and shiver. He clutched his makeshift last line of defense, a sharpened toothbrush, and stared intensely at the door.

He was a man hunted, the pray of a wizzing shadow of death, trapped somewhere between the wraiths of an uncertain future and the ghouls of a haunted past. Or something like that presumably.

- - -

Starting lineup MD1 and MD2

GK #27 Svendsen

RD #6 Svensson-Andersson
RCD #9 Naess
LCD #8 Bjørneboe
LD #11 Horndal

RM #18 Hansen
M #19 Nilsen
LM #20 Drange

RF #26 Bardo
F #23 Ceder
LF #3 Svensson

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Posts: 5256
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Capitalist Paradise

Postby Cassadaigua » Sun Sep 03, 2023 8:57 am

Team Cassadaigua- Copa Rushmori 44

Coach- Chen Huikang (58)

For Copa Rushmori 44, Team Cassadaigua has seen many players opt out of the Copa Rushmori. Therefore, Chen Huikang is taking the opportunity to see how some different faces can handle international pressure. (OOC: The real reason for this is that I am not likely to RP much, if at all, but want to at least provide a roster. My general NS motivation/interest is close to zero atm).

Assistant- Brooke Sutter (48)

The manager of Starksville Coastal will get her first international opportunity. She is a former World Cup defender, and captain of the team.

Starters in Green
Subs in Blue
Reserves in Red

#30- Erica Knapp (24) (Concord Heights City)- Reserve WC 93 & 94, CR 43
#54- Adrienne Perlini (22) (Brattleboro Westside)- International Debut
#55- Livia Richardson (33) (Victoriaville South End)- International Debut

#4- Tiffany Brown (25) (Starksville Coastal)- Starter WC 94, CR 43, Sub WC 93 & CR 42
#3- Alyssa Marlin (25) (Winchester City)- Starter WC 93 & 94 &CR 43, Sub CR 42
#46- Ashley Crossman (29) (Concord Heights City)- International Debut
#47- Meghan Soucy (25) (Victoriaville City)- International Debut

#48- Chrissy Larmer (26) (Starksville United)- International Debut
#49- Kirsten Hughes (26) (Brattleboro FC)- International Debut

#50- Crystal Boyd (26) (White Mountain)- International Debut
#51- Jessica Archer (27) (Concord Heights Suburban)- International Debut

#23- Kaitlin Millikan (25) (Concord Heights City)- Starter WC 94, CR 43, Sub CR 42 & WC 93, Reserve WC 92
#24- Lauren Engle (20) (Montreal Koreana, Quebec)- Starter WC 94, Sub CR 43, Starter RTC 18
#25- Chrissy Engle (20) (Shirley Metros Ladies FC, Baker Park)- Sub WC 94, CR 43, Starter RTC 18
#28- Rachel Wyman (20) (Montreal City, Quebec)- Reserve WC 94, Sub CR 43, Starter RTC 18

#35- Marquis Miles (26) (Victoriaville City)- Sub WC 92, 94 & CR 42, Reserve CR 41 & WC 93
#56- Cassandra Houck (28) (Grande Mountain)- International Debut

#57- Emma McHugh (25) (Brattleboro Westside)- International Debut
#58- Taylor Gooden (23) (Starksville Coastal)- International Debut

#12- Carly Patterson (29) (Grande Mountain)- Starter WC 93, CR 42, & DBC 52, Sub WC 92, Reserve WC 91 & 94, CR 41
#27- Allyson Perry (28) (Winchester City)- Sub WC 92, CR 41, Starter DBC 52, Reserve WC 91, 93, 94 & CR 42, 43

#44- Danielle Watson (25) (Brattleboro Westside)- International Debut
#45- Taylor Westfall (28) (Victoriaville South End)- International Debut

#52- Rachel Duback (21) (Concord Heights City)- International Debut
#59- Alicia Donato (26) (Starksville Coastal)- International Debut

Team Info:
Formation: 4-4-2
People from Cassadaigua are referred to as Cassadagans.
Team nickname: Fillies. Also, we are commonly referred to as the Dagans

RP Permissions:
My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
Choose Goalscorers: Yes
Godmod scoring events: Yes
RP injuries to my players: Yes (only say they are hurt, please)
Godmod injuries to my players: No
Hand out yellow cards to my players: Yes
Give red cards to my players: Yes (No more than one more than you give yourself)
Godmod other events: No

Style Modifier: + 4

(Pink= home, White= away, Black= keeper or third. Thanks Donnacona!)
If there is a conflict with the white kit, the team will wear pink.
If there is a conflict with the pink kit, we will first compliment the other team on their choice of uniform color. We should probably get to know one another better. Then, wear white.

Retired Kit Numbers:
#1 is retired in honor of Allison Salamida
#5 is retired in honor of Michelle Fuller
#7 is retired in honor of Shannon Myers
#10 is retired in honor of Brittany Lawton
#11 is retired in honor of Courtney Ferguson
#13 is retired in honor of Meaghan Bateman
#14 is retired in honor of Stacie Kerrigan-Fraser
#15 is retired in honor of Erica Lambert
#17 is retired in honor of Jessica Schanke
#18 is retired in honor of Taylor Connolly
#22 is retired in honor of Lupe Enriquez
#33 is retired in honor of Hannah Ranucci
NS Sports’ only World Cup, World Bowl, World Cup of Hockey, World Baseball Classic and International Basketball Championships winner!

(Motorsports, college basketball, and volleyball, too)

Specific Titles: World Cup 50, 51; WBC 14, 16, 19, 50 & 58; WB 8, 22, & 40; WCOH 11 & 39; IBC 13.
Also: CR 40 & 43; CoH 39; Swamp Soccer 4, RTC WC 18 & 19; WVE 6; NSCAA 3, 5 & 9; NSSCRA 7
Runner Up: CoH 40, CR 37, 38 & 41; WB 21, WcoH 8, IBC 12, WBC 13, 15, 47 & 48, DBC 21.
WC Qualified for: 45, 46, 49-61, 67, 79 (DNP WC 69-77), 81-90, 92.
XIII Summer Olympiad: 2nd Most Medals
Hosted: WC 54, 67, 84 & 88; CoH 57 & 73, BoF 47, CR 30, WB 16, WBC 18, 26, 40, 45 & 50, NSCAA, NSCH 1; WLC 7, 30 & 33.

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The Kytler Peninsulae
Posts: 1212
Founded: Jul 26, 2011
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby The Kytler Peninsulae » Sun Sep 03, 2023 9:08 am

Manager: Jannik PÉTURSSON
Assistant manager: Alex ELLINGTON

Kit: all Margaret green with yellow trim
Second kit: all yellow with dark blue wavy stripes on shirt and Margaret green trim
Third kit: all white with Margaret green trim
NOTE: "Margaret green" is rgb(10,90,3) (#0A5A03)

No  Name (SHIRT NAME)       Age  Club                    Position
01 Jonathan MURPHY-COATES 30 FC Alaer GK
02 Zachary ELLIS-JOHN* 25 Capitolians LB/RB
03 George McINTYRE* 30 Capitolians CB/RB
04 Alexander BATLEY* 29 Bravin Rangers CDM/CB
05 Wecoisus GACKBANG 25 FC Alaer RB/CB
06 Kevin MATHISON* 32 Cornham Town CM/CDM
07 Josip ACEBES Rodriguez 23 Real Santa Mordana LM/LW
08 Clituleng TAKLIK 29 Capitolians CM/CAM
09 Marwin MIKKELSEN* 24 Roddens City RM/RW
10 Pétur INGÓLFSSON* 26 Bay City United ST/LW
11 Galo FÉLIX ORTIZ 26 Real Santa Mordana ST
12 Thorbjørn LAURIDSEN 29 Capitolians GK
13 Diederick VAN HEEL* 33 Capitolians CDM/CB
14 Walter OTTOSEN 30 Bay City United CB/LB
15 Frepresis WHOOTUNG* 23 Ranford & Willsbrook RWB/RB/RM
16 Bruno JUGOVAC 22 Borlfield Town LB/LWB
17 Úlfur PÉTURSSON 24 Roddens City CDM/CM
18 Jacob ALBERTSEN 31 Bay City United CM/RM
19 Jan-Felim McDONALD* 22 Donningwood Rovers LM/CM
20 Barry WILLIAMSON* 29 Magstone ST
21 Thierry LAGRANGE 26 Cluitt SC ST/RW
22 Clive HERBERT-SHARPE* 31 Norriswood Town CB
23 Jonathan CADBURY 23 Cluitt SC GK

NOTE: Players marked with an asterisk* are considered the more aggressive on the team. They are more likely to pick up yellow cards, and are the only players who should pick up red cards.

Likely starting XI (4-4-beeping-2): Murphy-Coates; Gackbang, McIntyre, Batley, Ellis-John; Mikkelsen, Mathison, Taklik, Rodriguez; Félix Ortiz, Ingólfsson. This could be subject to significant change; this is one half of a split squad with the Brevity Challenge Cup team, as the two are deemed to be simultaneous ICly in the Kytlerian timeline as well as OOCly in the RL one, and both this team and the BCC one - not to mention the Di Bradini Cup team - are considered pretty explicitly experimental, a bid to find the components of the "real" Kytlerian team for the next WC qualifying cycle.

If my opponent RPs our match first, I give them permission to:
Choose my goalscorers: Yes
Godmod scoring events: No
RP Injuries to my players: Yes, but tread carefully and perhaps TG/DM first.
Godmod injuries to my players: No
Hand out yellow cards to my players: Yes, but mostly to the players marked.
Hand out red cards to my players: Yes, but only to the players marked.
Godmod other events: No

Style modifier: -1.337
Last edited by The Kytler Peninsulae on Sat Sep 09, 2023 11:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
Out of international isolation and... winning things? Huh?

Host: World Lacrosse Championship 13, Baptism of Iron X, 7th World Championships of Babbage Rules Football, and Games of the IX Olympiad.

Won: World Lacrosse Championship 13, Elephant Chess Cup 7, and Memorial Cup. Also top of the medals table at the Games of the IX Olympiad (24 gold, 63 total medals).
World Lacrosse Championship 12 and World Bowl 47 quarter-finalists, World Bowl XV and World Baseball Classic 20 octo-finalists
28 medals, 10 gold, at Games of the VI Olympiad (13th in medal table)
7 medals, 5 gold, at VII Olympic Winter Games (7th in medal table)
26 medals, 10 gold, at Games of the VIII Olympiad (9th in medal table)

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Posts: 272
Founded: Dec 31, 2022

Postby Naixi » Sun Sep 03, 2023 9:57 am




Somehow both an adherent to the aesthetically pleasing possession-based philosophies that have always been in the ascendancy at Chongjibo, and also an innovative free spirit, self-trained in what some would call the dark arts of defensive football, Gui Fan Ren is in many ways the country's first "systems" manager at any level. A loyal disciple of the tactically erudite elder stateswoman of Naixese football - former Shockwaves boss Xiao Cheng Li, who is now in the dugout for the Astograthian national team - Ren led the Shockwaves through the brief crisis created by Li's shocking and sudden departure at the conclusion of Season 1 and took them to impossibly new heights. He fused together the innate footballing DNA of Naixi and the philosophies of his mentor and predecessor by entrusting his goalkeeper and defenders to lock down encroaching opposition strikers while continuing the Pink and Black's tradition of dominating possession. By the end of Season 2, Ren's outfit was crowned champion of the League of the Two Sapphires, and his back line conceded just 14 times in 27 matches, or 0.52 per game.

But the question asks itself: if Ren's Chongjibo were so good, why did he leave the club after just a single year in charge? Because yet another abrupt retirement put the Naixi national team in a bind - the Blues had to appoint a new manager for the third time in a twelve month span after Run Ming Kwan's unceremonious self-withdrawal. Ren was a relatively clear choice for the post... he knew the personalities and skills of many of Naixi's best players by heart (Lu Fang Huang, Kian Zhi Yuan, and even Jen Ta Jin, thanks to the latter's single year in pink while Ren was an assistant manager). The Shockwaves were also briefly in a bit of a bind, of course, but then they persuaded Dragomir Lazic and Leontiy Korchagin to ink mega-million NSD contracts.

As for tactics, Ren has never deviated from his hybrid style of possession and defense. His Naixi are a side that looks to win the ball back and keep it at all costs - even shooting at an open goal can viewed by the Blues' boss as a philosophically unsound action. When his players possess the necessary self-belief to do it, this Naixi team is incredibly difficult to score against. Discipline, as was the case under Gan Liang, plays a major role on the training pitch and in the dressing room. The players, for example, have been stripped of their right to select their own squad number... instead, lotteries are held every time a new selection is announced. The only stipulations is that goalkeepers receive the numbers 1, 12, and 23.

So is the revolving door crisis over for the Blues? Naixi seemed for a time to be in an unfortunate cycle of managers assuming the mantle of national team power only to abruptly retire, and at 66 years old Ren could easily be mulling over the chance to hang up his boots, too. But his clear vision for the future of not just the national team, but the sport in the country, seems to drive him onward unrelentingly.

Ren's pronouns are he/him.



The national colors of Naixi are sea blue, olive green, and plum, as seen on Naixi's flag. The uniforms of the national team follow this color scheme, as one would expect. The primary shirt, shorts, and socks are all in the classic shade of sea blue, with olive green and plum trim, whereas the change strip features shirt, shorts, and socks of olive green, with sea blue and plum trim.


Note: Though Chinese naming customs almost always see the surname preceding the given name, in Naixi it has become commonplace for the given name to precede the surname. This is a result of being culturally dominated over for so many decades. Efforts are being made to revert to the traditional method, but new habits die as hard as old.



Race: Naixese - Hometown: Chumeichang - Pronouns: She/Her

Pulled back into the Blues' setup before her club side Yinying were promoted back to the top flight, in some ways Ren saw Deng's resurgence coming before anyone else did. This 33-year-old has been loyal to her embattled club for years, and it seems to be paying off at last. Her skill with the ball at her feet is notable, but it's her experience and wisdom that make her priceless.


Race: Naixese - Hometown: Qiawutian - Pronouns: He/Him

Even Chongjibo supporters have been awed by how much the emergence of this 22-year-old has forever elevated the standard of goalkeeping in Naixi. Despite his tender age, Huang is unquestionably an elite goalkeeper and is the prime reason the Shockwaves are such a domestic juggernaut. He has outstanding distribution, incredible positional sense, and mousetrap-fast reflexes.


Race: Naixese - Hometown: Qiawutian - Pronouns: He/Him

The Q-League has mostly been a welcome home for Ning during his first two seasons in Quebec and Shingoryeo, but Lian Wei Chew's arrival has not come a moment too soon for this ambitious 20-year-old penalty save specialist. The Trees, while sporting an incredible defense, seem stuck in mid-table. Will a climb into the IFCF spots push Ning ahead of Huang in the Blues' team sheet?

Center Backs


Race: Naixese - Hometown: Bao - Pronouns: He/Him

Ming began his career known for his off the field antics (his trollish social media presence made him a huge hit with Baomao fans), but his Season 3 performances on the field for the Black Cats have made him a hot property. The 25-year-old is a great defender - he's strong, brave, and possesses uncanny anticipation - but it's his dangerous heading ability on set pieces that sets him apart.


Race: Naixese - Hometown: Qiawutian - Pronouns: She/Her

The Farmers have built a stacked super-roster in recent years, and this tall 31-year-old is the core at the heart of it. Splendid in the air and a ruthless tackler, Fu is, like Dong, a product of the Aierlanren youth academy. She is tough and utterly uncompromising; very much a center back of yesteryear in that she prioritizes being in the right position to deliver a well-timed challenge.


Race: Naixese - Hometown: Chumeichang - Pronouns: He/Him

A strong passer who is good in the air, this 21-year-old utility defender is highly useful for the fact that he can play anywhere along the back line. His career has really taken off with Audioslavian powerhouse Cazadores Cathair; the domestic giants came within a controversial offside flag of winning the National League, and Salvador Monterroso used Tsung liberally during the campaign.


Race: Naixese - Hometown: Qiawutian - Pronouns: He/Him

As a recent graduate of the Qiji youth academy, Tan is no stranger to passing-driven tactical schemes. His technique is basically flawless, his decision-making is very good, and he can do a job in the libero role should Xiao Niao Dong be unable to play. Elements of the Wizards' fan base remain wary of the 19-year-old's defensive skills, but his passing is so strong that they stay mostly silent.


Race: Naixese - Hometown: Qiawutian - Pronouns: She/Her

Buoyant and joyous, the fun-loving Shao insists on being taken seriously on the pitch in spite of her "class clown" personality. She was splendid last year for the otherwise-poor Miners, with her outstanding teamwork, leadership skills, and cultured passing from the rear. However, this 28-year-old is a newcomer to the Blues' setup, and as a result she's likely to mostly stay on the bench.


Race: Naixese - Hometown: Qiawutian - Pronouns: She/Her

She had a terrible first year in Mytanija, but this 22-year-old's second season in 1. Prvenstvo was orders of magnitude better. Under new boss Josip Radonic, Dong blossomed into a strong defender with license to help out in midfield while 93 were in possession. She's an aggressive tackler and has good concentration, and her ability to play as a libero makes her tactically indispensable.

Full Backs


Race: Naixese - Hometown: Qiawutian - Pronouns: He/Him

He's full of pace and a specialist in stretching play, but is also unlikely to be caught out by opposing wingers as his defensive awareness is strong. But whether or not Tian's crossing is up to snuff is a topic of debate, and at Tumbran powerhouse Lakewood City, he's struggled to break into the first team. It's hard to imagine this 22-year-old losing his place, but Hsieh is in better form.


Race: Naixese - Hometown: Chumeichang - Pronouns: He/Him

With Ju Yi Pao having had yet another poor year at Veriasod Wolves, this 26-year-old has crept into the national team setup. Flourishing under the management of former Cassadagan World Cup starter Caitlyn Kaleta (who you'll recall was a full back herself), Xiang drew attention for his vision and crossing. Though Kaleta has since taken the Fuchou job, Xiang is still vital for the Marksmen.


Race: Naixese - Hometown: Wanqianganga - Pronouns: He/Him

Rowdy and unruly, Hsieh's reputation as a party animal may be a vexation to Dragomir Lazic and Gui Fan Ren, but after the Season 3 this 26-year-old had with the Shockwaves, he might even beat out Tian for the starting spot. He's something of an old-school full back, known for his aggressive approach and close marking, but has that next-level technique you expect from Chongjibo players.


Race: Naixese - Hometown: Qiawutian - Pronouns: He/Him

Ever since the 80th Baptism of Fire, Yep has been battling to win back the right back spot he's always thought of as his. After the Season 3 he just had for the Wizards, he's won that war at last. With heavenly passing attributes and a sharp footballing brain, this 27-year-old is renowned for his splendid weak foot, which makes him a tremendous problem to deal with for opposition defenders.

Central Midfielders


Race: Naixese - Hometown: Wanqianganga - Pronouns: He/Him

It'll be a long road back to glory for Yassaca, but the Tigers, who bet the house on Mok with a three-and-a-half million NSD transfer during the last window, are clawing their way forward. This shrewd 25-year-old possesses stupendous concentration and entertaining aggressiveness, and his infamous intelligence causes opponents problems on the counter when Naixi are trying to park the bus.


Race: Naixese - Hometown: Fuzaidai - Pronouns: She/Her

Casual and good-natured, this 25-year-old from the sparse Naixese northeast would have been teaching yoga in another life, but under the tutelage of defensive mastermind Lian Wei Chew, she became a defensive midfield stalwart for Fuchou. Chew got the sack, sadly, so Wei asked to be transfer listed, and now the anchor woman has a promising career ahead of her with the Jungle Cats.


Race: Naixese - Hometown: Fuzaidai - Pronouns: She/Her

Xun's transfer back to Baomao created a small void for Nongmin, who began Season 3 in need of a good free kick taker. Up to the plate stepped Fa, whose accuracy from dead balls was a major reason Hai Ying Fu got on the scoresheet so often. In terms of playing style, though, Fa is quite different from Xun. The 20-year-old is mobile and known for covering lots of ground, in possession and out.


Race: Naixese - Hometown: Qiawutian - Pronouns: She/Her

"Don't stand so close to me," this 27-year-old might as well say to opposition markers. She can't police what they decide to do, but with an electric first touch that's given her a reputation for bypassing midfield traffic in an instant, Chang is an increasingly dangerous part of the attack. She's not the best team player and has mediocre stamina, but her finishing from distance is stunning.


Race: Naixese - Hometown: Chumeichang - Pronouns: He/Him

Jen Ta Jin's departure from the Pink and Black felt like a huge betrayal, but this? This is something wholly different. The Naixi and Chongjibo captain shocked the world by accepting a mega-million deal with cross-town archrivals Nongmin, and now the 30-year-old technician plays in silver. Yuan suffered an injury in his early 20s that dampened his mobility, but he's so good it barely matters.



Race: Naixese - Hometown: Bijiben - Pronouns: He/Him

The scorer of the decisive penalty that sent Wenzi up in the Promotion Playoff final last season, and by some distance the second tier's best player, Zhu is a somewhat-odd but nonetheless still compelling backup option. His finishing often leaves much to be desired, but this short and skinny 26-year-old's technique and agility are worthy of praise. He can play on the left or the right wing.


Race: Naixese - Hometown: Qiawutian - Pronouns: She/Her

At Aierlanren, players in every position are expected to have superlative defensive attributes. Yap may be a right-sided wide advanced playmaker, but she's still a great presser and tenacious tackler. With good agility and balance, and with remarkable decision-making and vision on the ball, this 27-year-old can create chances for the striker with her left foot and score some herself.


Race: Naixese - Hometown: Qiawutian - Pronouns: He/Him

They grow up so fast. Jen Ta Jin used to be barely old enough to drive, palling around with people twice his age in the Naixi setup. Now a fixture for the Blues in his own right, the 20-year-old is a lethal threat on the left flank, finding pockets of space and cutting inside to create chances for himself and others. He can be streaky at times, but at his best he's absolutely Naixi's best attacker.



Race: Naixese - Hometown: Qiawutian - Pronouns: He/Him

Season 3 with Nongmin started well, but this 24-year-old definitely petered out during the later months of the campaign, and the characteristically unforgiving Farmers' fan base demanded an inquest. So why not a reunion with his younger brother Jen Ta at Fuchou? Generally a second striker rather than a lone front man, Tak Hing Jin will appear as a sub when Ren needs a second forward.


Race: Naixese - Hometown: Chumeichang - Pronouns: She/Her

Ling is well past her prime, but with Ren requiring such a specific type of player as a spearhead, she's kept her place as the Blues' number nine. Still the fastest player in the squad, the 33-year-old is an eternally patient poacher, accustomed to long stretches of matches where she doesn't get a touch. It suits her; if her only touch is the one that puts in the winning goal, she's perfectly happy.


(12) Huang

(2) Ming (22) Dong (9) Tsung
(20) Yep (7) Tian

(18) Chang (21) Yuan
(13) Yap (15) J.T. Jin

(14) Ling

So what does this team's shape look like? On the surface, it would seem to be a straightforward wide 5-4-1. But don't judge a book by its cover. Yes, Huang will be an ordinary goalkeeper with minimal license to march ahead off his line, and Yep and Tian will be ordinary fullbacks, though they'll operate with a degree of permission to bomb forward while the Blues are in possession (or, in the case of Yep, even cut inside). Orthodox, too, will be the outside center halves Ming and Tsung, though it will fall within the pair's remit to play out from the back rather than get it launched to the center forward. The role played by Dong (the central defender), will be quite irregular. She'll withdraw behind Ming and Tsung while Naixi are out of possession, acting as the literal last line of defence, but in attack, she will drift forward into midfield and operate as a tempo-setter in the passing game. (Avid football tactics heads will recognize this as a libero role.) Up in midfield, fans of Chongjibo will have to hold back tears. Though the long-standing partnership between the roaming playmaker Chang and the holding midfielder Yuan has been broken up on the domestic front thanks to Yuan's unbelievable transfer to Nongmin, for the national team, the alliance persists. Chang will continue to use her first touch as a primary weapon in transition, and Yuan will continue to be her less mobile counterpart. Slightly ahead of the midfield duo and out by the touchlines will be the two wingers Yap and Jin. As is popular these days, they'll be inverted wingers, but the expectation will not be for them to go direct when on the ball... on the contrary, they will be called upon to look to recycle possession back to Dong, Chang, or Yuan. Circumstantially, Yap and Jin may look to zip through balls ahead for the striker, which qualifies them for the unusual descriptor of "wide advanced playmaker," but generally their job will be to play less risky balls back into midfield and recycle possession. The Blues will, therefore, have five players packed into the middle of the park while in possession. Ren has referred to this conglomerate as a "Midfield Pentagram," and with Dong at the base point, Chang and Yuan using the space created by the attacking full backs to move slightly wide, and Yap and Jin pushing together in the front, it will indeed resemble an upside-down pentagram. Finally, at center forward, we come to the great Chen Ling. She's a simple and obvious fit for Ren's version of the striker... that is to say that her primary attributes are patience and pace. Her job will be to wait. Then wait some more. Then wait some more. Then (you're not gonna believe this) wait some more. When this system works, though, eventually frustrated defenders inevitably overcommit, and Ling is utterly deadly when she gets in behind. Once she has a one-on-one with a goalkeeper, it's an automatic goal.

As elegant as this tactic is, though, lots can still go wrong. Huang's talents are flagrantly wasted in a system where he's told to sit back. Dong, too, has sometimes struggled in her position; she's been used as a libero at Litala 93, and it didn't always look the best there (though in fairness to her, she's looked more composed in recent months). Yep and Tian, as always, will need to cross the halfway line and stretch play while Naixi are on the ball, so that the "Midfield Pentagram" has space to work in, but that could leave the remaining two defenders vulnerable if possession is suddenly lost. Another potential danger could be a lack of bodies in the center of the park when Naixi are defending. Chang and Yuan will have a plethora of passing options when the Blues have the ball, but when defending, Dong, Yap, and Jin will all snap back to their positions as seen on the diagram above. Versus an opponent that intentionally packs the midfield, the lonely pair of Chang and Yuan might be in jeopardy, and neither are really known for their defending. Finally, as is the case in many defensive formations with a single striker, Ling has an awful lot to do completely on her own. Sage opposition center backs who stay back and refuse to take the bait should be able to contain her, her superlative form notwithstanding.

Naixi's style modifier will be -5.

My opponent, if they RP first, may do the following:
Choose my goalscorers: Yes
Godmod scoring events: Please TG me first, but Yes
RP injuries to my players: Yes
Godmod injuries to my players: Please TG me first, but Yes
Hand out yellow cards to my players: Yes
Hand out red cards to my players: Yes
Godmod other events: Yes

OOC Note: Player portraits generated by WOMBO Dream AI art generator.

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Isle Noire
Posts: 25
Founded: Jun 23, 2021
New York Times Democracy

Postby Isle Noire » Sun Sep 03, 2023 12:25 pm

Secure Lab
Bleak Point, Isle Noire

In the pitch black of the night surrounding Bleak Point, Special Forces Soldier Mauri Isablanka scurried along the back alleyway to the most secure lab in Isle Noire, making a point to not be noticed by the populace nor the security detail. Needing to stick to the shadows, avoid the cameras, and just be inconspicuous, she relied on her training from the days back in the Shadow Forces to make her way to the back entrance often utilized by those that would have clandestine meetings.

There was no better place for such a meeting than the Secure Lab; there was an unspoken rule in the Isle Noire community around Bleak Point that if you could manage to make it in without being noticed, your secret was worth being kept. Having been summoned by her mentor, Dr. Alicia Braketenberg, there was no way that Mauri was going to blow the opportunity.

Passing through the final checkpoint, she slipped in between the rotating guard shifts to the Lab simply known as Secure Lab, the staging ground for Dr. Braketenberg's experiments. As one of the foremost leading researchers in the country, Dr. Braketenberg was allowed a measure of security, safety, and privacy not provided to many within the country. The fact that such a being was calling for Mauri was telling in itself, and Mauri's heartbeat quickened as she wondered what Dr. Braketenberg could possibly want from her.

There stood one of the most important women in Isle Noire - all six feet, four inches of her, looking immaculate in a white lab coat, her bleach-blonde hair falling to her shoulders, her crystal-blue, piercing blue eyes looking as engaged as ever, her sharp, intimidating demeanor grabbing all of Mauri's attention. Dr. Braketenberg could make Mauri feel small in an instant, and the weirdest part was that Mauri couldn't help but like feeling insignificant in her presence. Every fiber of her being loved being under Alicia Braketenberg's thumb, and the Doctor knew it as well.

Not three years ago, she had pledged her undying love and duty to the Doctor; the Doctor had, in return, asked for Mauri to continue her work and to wait. To wait for that time when she would summon Mauri to her presence, to do something that only Mauri could do. So, even though it was one of the hardest things she had ever done, Mauri had stayed away - and now, she was finally in the presence of her Mistress once more.

"Welcome, Mauri," stated the Doctor in a candid tone, and Mauri bowed, her eyes barley meeting the Doctor's. "Thank you for your patience these past three years. You've done well in distinguishing yourself in the Armed Forces, especially given your area of espionage and intelligence services. Are you sure that nobody had any idea about your true allegiances?"

"I've shown no inclination of any kind, Doctor," Mauri answered, "They have no idea that above all else, I serve you."

"Perfect," the Doctor responded, her enunciation of the word sending a shiver down Mauri's spine. Mauri Isablanka had been a surprise asset that she had acquired all that time ago, someone who was just naturally inclined to fall under her sway given the combination of conditioning, timing, and bioengineering that the Doctor utilized. Mauri hadn't been the last, but it had been her acquisition that had proven to the Doctor that she was, indeed, compatible with the idea of obtaining agents in the Noirean government that would be solely loyal to the Doctor and nobody else. Now, her network numbered in the hundreds, but Mauri had a pecial place in the Doctor's plans because she had been the first.

"You must be wondering why I finally summoned you," the Doctor continued, and Mauri nodded meekly. The Doctor reached out a hand to lift Mauri's chin so that the soldier's brown eyes would be met by her own. Though she struggled to meet it, she didn't look away, and the Doctor smiled in appreciation.

"I am in need of your special services, you see," the Doctor explained, "It has come to light to me - and this remains one of my foremost secrets - that the predicament that we find ourselves in in this island is not one of natural phenomenon but an artificially engineered one."

"You mean that we aren't stuck in this black-and-white plane by choice?" blurted out Mauri, incredulous, "And that would mean... That the Dichotomous Order is a false church?"

"Yes, we've been all played for fools," answered the Doctor, breaking eye contact, "There is someone who engineered all this, and that someone has helpers of their own to keep this island in this pocket plane instead of letting it join the world of color. We need to find out who this Grand Architect is, why they want us here instead of in the Coloured World, and how we can get ourselves out of it. However, the initial investigation and the acquisition of proof has to be done before the majority of the government and the people at large can be faced with the truth. I need you to dig into your resources and figure out what you can about what has been figured out by the government so far. I will continue to use my channels to monitor any communication traffic about this issue. Do you understand?"

Perhaps it wasn't needed, but the Doctor reinforced the decree by taking Mauri's hand and blowing on it. The reintroduction of pheromones from the Doctor into a willing recipient's body was almost too much, and Mauri had to steady herself to make sure that she wasn't going to faint on the spot.

The Doctor smiled and waited patiently for Mauri to regain her senses. A hard-lined look fell on the soldier's face as she responded, "And discretion is of the foremost importance, right?"

Alicia thought for a moment, understanding the depth of Mauri's inquiry, before replying, "If you can cover your tracks, you can do whatever you need to. Time is of the essence. However, yes, otherwise, be discreet."

"Your will be done," Mauri stated flatly. Then, without a word, the soldier was gone, ready to go about the mission.

Taking out a printed list, the Doctor crossed off another name. She was about halfway through reactivating all the sleep agents that she had planted through the last decade. When she was done, she would've fully inserted herself back into the game - and with enough force that nobody would be able to ignore her presence.

For the sake of the truth, for the sake of the Island, and for the sake of her role in it.
The black-and-white (literally) Rushmori puppet of Chromatika

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Rea San Vegas
Posts: 50
Founded: May 25, 2020
Capitalist Paradise

Postby Rea San Vegas » Sun Sep 03, 2023 1:13 pm



Rea San Vegas Football Federation

Home and Away Kit

Head coach: Jevon Moulden
Nationality: Image Cassadaigua

Assistant head coach: Ubertino 'The Snake' Heacock
Nationality: Rea San Vegas

Assistant coach: Dan Cole
Nationality: Image Cassadaigua

Goalkeeper coach:Jamal Offbeck
Nationality: Image Astograth

Fitness coach: Earl Blackton
Nationality: Rea San Vegas

Doctor: Ståle Ruen
Nationality: Image Graintfjall

Formation: 3–5–2
Nickname: The Golden Knight's
Captain: Romeo 'The Bull' Rado
Vice captain: Gaëtan Malicki
Free Kick Taker: Evandro 'Muscles' Edgecombe
Penalty Kick Taker: Gaëtan Malicki

#1 Xander 'The Cat' Menicucci
GK - Age: 22
Club - (Petagonia Raiders) Petagonia, Rea San Vegas

#12 Fidenzio 'The Grin' Bommarito
GK - Age: 27
Club - (Blackton Knights) Blackton, Rea San Vegas

#23 Shea 'Buck' Goldtue
GK - Age: 18
Club - (Lacerda Dragons) Petagonia, Rea San Vegas

#2 Giustiniano 'The Hump' Trivett
RB - Age: 27
Club - (Bayer Peranza) Las Peranza, Rea San Vegas

#3 Romeo 'The Bull' Rado (Captain)
CB - RB - Age: 36
Club - (Petagonia Raiders) Petagonia, Rea San Vegas

#4 Zechariah 'The Bat' Greaver
LB - Age: 28
Club - (Blackton Knights) Blackton , Rea San Vegas

#13 Vespasiano 'Flowers' Trupiano
RB - Age: 27
Club - (Celta Toga) Toga Bay, Rea San Vegas

#14 Metello 'The Humpback' Grieve
CB - Age: 24
Club:(Rayo Delgada) Delgada, Rea San Vegas

#15 Vito 'Mad Eyed' Lampley
LB - Age: 37
Club - (FC St. Eraspo 1906) San Eraspo, Rea San Vegas

#5 Hassan 'The Wild' Panetta
MC - Age: 21
Club - (FC Legion 04) Blackton, Rea San Vegas

#6 Everardo 'Venom' Emma
MC - Age: 18
Club - (Petagonia Raiders) Rea San Vegas

#7 Ulderico 'Pink Panther' Fucile
AMR - Age: 28
Club - (Petagonia Raiders) Petagonia, Rea San Vegas

#8 Arrigo 'Mad Hatter' Pico
AML - Age: 32
Club - (Blackton Knights) Blackton, Rea San Vegas

#16 Peleo 'Cheater' Tryon
MC - Age: 30
Club - (Panguecillo City FC) Panguecillo, Rea San Vegas

#17 Gaëtan Malicki (Vice Captain)
MC - Age: 24
Club - (Petagonia Raiders) Petagonia, Rea San Vegas

#18 Roberto 'Moneybags' Ketchem
AMR - Age: 35
Club - (FC Legion 04) Blackton, Rea San Vegas

#19 Evandro 'Muscles' Edgecombe
AML - Age: 18
Club - (Bayer Peranza) Las Peranza, Rea San Vegas

#9 Vitalico 'Mad Bomber' Spendlove
FW - Age: 28
Club - (FC Legion 04) Rea San Vegas

#10 Zenobio 'Old Guy' Panelli
FW - Age: 23
Club - (Bayern Murcula) Port Mucula, Rea San Vegas

#11 Empirio 'Tommy Gun' Morganelli
FW - Age: 23
Club - (Blackton Knights) Rea San Vegas

#20 Minervino 'The Nose' Tilly
FW - Age: 27
Club - (Athletic Petagonia) Petagonia, Rea San Vegas

#21 Ariel 'Danger' Sartain
FW - Age: 20
Club - (Muzira Jokers) San Muzira, Rea San Vegas

#22 Dylon 'Mumbler' Scarlata
FW - Age: 26
Club - (Ponta Staniayol) Ponta Staniard, Rea San Vegas

If my opponent RP's first they can:
Choose my goalscorers: Please do
Godmod Scoring Events: Yes
RP injuries to my players: Yes (within reason)
Godmod injuries to my players: No
Hand out Yellow cards to my players: Yes
Hand out Red cards to my players: Yes
Godmod Other Events: Yes. Just no killing anyone.
Last edited by Rea San Vegas on Sun Sep 10, 2023 6:36 am, edited 19 times in total.

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Posts: 1364
Founded: Mar 08, 2009
Compulsory Consumerist State

Postby Sargossa » Sun Sep 03, 2023 1:33 pm

Copa Rushmori 44

Sargossa - 'The Corsairs'

Head Coach

Slavko Jelic (Mytanija)

Something of a left field choice as national coach, but he certainly ticked a lot of boxes. A manager with vast experience who spent more than a decade at CDSA in his homeland, creating teams that consistently punched above their weight. Recommended for the role by Mytanar legend Lev Repin. His tenure in charge has been a frustrating case of the wheels coming off when success seems so close. Two years ago the Corsairs led their qualification group at the halfway point, before collapsing to fifth by the end. Jelic has also masterminded successive Copa Rushmori semi-final appearances.

After another World Cup qualification failure, rumour has it that a disappointing Copa campaign could see the veteran Mytanar removed from his duties. The side have recorded just one loss in the last fifteen fixtures. But a meagre five victories in that same run has fuelled plenty of frustration.

Backroom Staff

Assistant Head Coach: Momchil Klemetic (Mytanija)
Assistant Head Coach: Eduardo Larrea
Defensive Coach: Luis Sánchez
Attacking Coach: Joaquín Gutiérrez
Set Pieces Coach: Manuel Semprún
Goalkeeping Coach: Dario Almirón
Fitness Coach: Luis Miguel Sacristán
Team Doctor: Dr Carla Segura


GK: 1. Antonio Reyes (26) – Sportivo Soluca
GK: 13. Imanol Sánchez (29) – Alianza Jucaro
GK: 25. Jacobo Robles (29) – El Nacional

It seems a long-term replacement may have been found for the evergreen Alejandro Martínez. Antonio Reyes arrived from Mytanar football to replace Martínez at Sportivo and, after a domestic title, has been handed the national side’s number one jersey too. Jacobo Robles and Imanol Sánchez remain steady, if chronically underused, understudies.

DR: 2. Adrian Soriano (28) – Ciudad Soluca
DC: 5. Miguel Alonso (32) – Ciudad Soluca
DC: 6. Nicolás Riesgo (22) – 1923 Esca (Mytanija)
DL: 3. Antonio Benito (25) – Sportivo Soluca
DRC: 12. Santiago Álvarez (25) – S.C. Goza
DC: 14. Gerard Rodríguez (32) – El Nacional
DL: 19. Milagros Fernán (24) – Lok. Cassia (Mytanija)
DC: 21: Joaquín Sanz (25) – El Nacional

It felt like a coup, when Jelic tempted Nicolás Riesgo away from the country of his birth to that of his parents. It feels like even more of a coup now, with the centreback the foundation around which the rest of the national team will be built. He’s set to be partnered with the experienced duo of Miguel Alonso and the returning Gerard Rodríguez. Adrian Soriano has made the right wingback berth his own but the left continues to be a source of some issue. Could Antonio Benito, fresh from a spectacular debut season in the Sargossan capital, prove to be the answer? Santiago Álvarez and Joaquín Sanz are tried and tested backups in the middle, while Milagros Fernán provides a more circumspective option on the left.

DMC: 4. Marcos Águila (31) – El Nacional
AMRLC: 7. Moisés Garrido (26) – Ciudad Soluca
MC: 8. Enrique González (32) – Ciudad Soluca
AMLC: 11. Dani Azuaga (28) – Dínamo Maturín
AMRC: 15. Gonzalo Navarro (28) – Ciudad Soluca
MC: 16. Juan Esteban Collazo (23) – CDSA (Mytanija)
DMC: 18. Fernando Moruga (25) – Energija-Nuklearna (Mytanija)
MC: 22. Elías Pozo (22) – Sportivo Soluca
AMLC: 24. Martín de la Cavallería (25) – Dínamo Maturín

The coach’s contacts in his homeland have been paying off massively in the midfield, with Fernando Moruga coming in to join Juan Esteban Collazo for the last campaign. And he seems to have pulled another rabbit from his hat, with Elías Pozo named in the squad for the first time for the qualifiers and dovetailing well with his fellow diaspora members. Although the national side having an entirely Mytanar based midfield trio came to an end with Pozo's move to Sportivo, where he had a highly productive season. Although Sargossan top flight stalwarts Enrique González, Gonzalo Navarro and Marcos Águila will still be expecting plenty of game time. Moisés Garrido and Martín de la Cavallería will likely fill the roles of impact subs. Although the Dínamo man may be distracted by a reported imminent move to Tikariot.

FC: 9. Adrian Rodríguez (20) – Sportivo Soluca
FRLC: 10. Pablo Alarcón (30) – El Nacional
FC: 17. Lucas Recoba (26) – El Nacional
FLC: 20. Jesús Blaya (27) – Sportivo Soluca
FC: 23. Gustavo Alcocer (22) – Atletik Thessia (Mytanija)

On paper there is an embarrassment of riches up front. Which has made a consistent inability to kill sides off a strong source of frustration. But there is a new sharpshooter in town. To say Adrian Rodríguez’s debut Liga-S was spectacular still wouldn’t entirely do it justice. Thirty-seven starts yielded thirty-seven goals as he fired Sportivo to the title. Strong, quick, agile, fearless, he really is the total package. Sixteen goals behind him in the scorer’s charts sat Lucas Recoba, who may chaff at no longer being the top dog. Who partners Rodríguez will be the big question, with Alarcón a more subtle forward than club teammate Recoba. Jesús Blaya had an excellent domestic season alongside Rodríguez, but the coach may be loath to start with a strike force of two international novices. While Alcocer’s proficiency from the bench will likely keep him there.


In Sargossa the three at the back is king so, for a coach who is no stranger to three centrebacks, Jelic should have little impediment in implementing his favoured tactical plans. He’s been trying a 3-4-2-1 system, with limited success. Traditionally Jelic’s sides have always been strong defensively so he’s expected to utilise a 5-3-2 to create a greater foundation on which to soak up the pressure before launching that all important counter attack. Set pieces will likely play a key role too. Specialised set piece coaches are much in vogue domestically and Manuel Semprún has been poached from domestic giants Ciudad Soluca to fill the role for the national side.

The Sargossan domestic league is quite a physical league so challenges can often be described as 'uncompromising' and cards are pretty common. Gamesmanship, while not encouraged, is not entirely uncommon. But diving is considered particularly stigmatic so Sargossan players are unlikely to be found doing it.

Style Modifier = (-1.5)


Courtesy of ediraf

Image ImageImage

If my opponent RP's first they can:
Choose my goalscorers: Please do
Godmod Scoring Events: Yes
RP injuries to my players: Yes (within reason)
Godmod injuries to my players: No
Hand out Yellow cards to my players: Yes
Hand out Red cards to my players: Yes
Godmod Other Events: Yes. Just no killing anyone.
Champions: Cup of Harmony 41 / Di Bradini Cup 13 / Copa Rushmori V / Copa Rushmori XIV / Copa Rushmori XX / Copa Rushmori XXXVIII / Copa Rushmori XXXIX
Sargossa at the Olympics

" . . . those dictatorship-loving thundertwats . . ."

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Stvoto Latoli
Posts: 317
Founded: Dec 14, 2011

Postby Stvoto Latoli » Sun Sep 03, 2023 6:33 pm


After 42 Years, Stvoto Latoli Returns

The continentals thought we had sunk beneath the surf of the Southern Oceans, purged from Rushmore at last, no more a bane on their existence. They were wrong. We have returned, and though our vassals and possessions - Muzira'a Ba'aydah and the Pazhujeb Islands - have been lost in the ether, we have survived. On our ever-changing, ever-sailing, ever-mighty raft city upon the waves, the golden pearl known as Tobyumosyu, we search out new lands to pillage and burn. Perhaps your nation will be next? All we need is time to replenish our coffers and rebuild our fleet. We, the Stvoto Latolisis, are back.

"Who the hell are the 'Stvoto Latolisis,'" a shaky and pathetic voice - your voice - mewls. "I've never heard of them! They sound scawy. They sound scawy to me because I'm a scawed stupid baby!" Well, stupid baby, we have an answer for you. An answer that in no way has been pulled verbatim from a post someone did on the internet seven or eight RL years ago.

The barbaric Stvoto Latolisi people are aggressive scavengers living at sea. Likely East Asian in terms of ethnic ancestry, they typically have straight, shiny black hair. Their faces are almost always concealed by traditional makeup patterns: men wear a pattern of diagonally alternating white and metallic gold, women a pattern of diagonally alternating navy and blue. Their language is notoriously difficult to learn, while it only contains twenty-some basic sounds, all words are formed from abstract relative concepts explained in hieroglyphic form. Rather than letters representing vowels or consonants, letters represent words or phrases. For the purposes of intelligibility, dispatches released for the international public's consumption will adopt an Anglicization policy for Stvoto Latolisi words.

Stvoto Latoli's background is mired in murky prehistory. The legend goes that in an ancient land, a specific group of humans, united by some unknown faith, gradually became greatly feared for their brutality, greed, and mercilessness, until some political event occurred that resulted in the religious practitioners' expulsion out to sea. These people evidently could never find a new place to live, as word of their terrible nature had spread worldwide, and no other nation allowed them to land. So the early Stvoto Latolisis simply accepted their reality, and began to construct massive wooden rafts upon which they could build a large city in which to live. A less ambitious, less devout, less fervent people might have failed in this seemingly impossible task, but they succeeded, and the maritime city-state of Stvoto Latoli was born.

Since, the ruthless people descended from that original group have become less devout; in fact, the religion they followed has been completely forgotten. But their merciless nature has not changed. Once the economy and society of this new country stabilized, the Stvoto Latolisis united to make their floating raft city more flexible and mobile, and eventually it became possible to fragment districts of the city into separate "islands" and direct the superstructure across the oceans to whatever location they preferred. They then began the process of plundering as many vulnerable peoples as they could find. A famous legend explains that the Kagdaz witch Baba Yaga witnessed one of these such pillagings. According to the story, she visited Stvoto Latoli during a time when they were conquering and destroying a race of merpeople below the sea.

We are running short on vulnerable peoples, or at least we are too small for any of our neighbors to meet the definition of "vulnerable," for now that is. But our return to the international "community," or whatever vulgar word you disgusting people elect to use, is nigh, and we can think of no more effective way of signaling than to play in a regional football tournament.


Zyutrershiheishei Ler - 34 Years Old - Gerthamasa Boyseh (CAPTAIN)
Mr. Ler will be wearing number one, has Stvoto Latolisi ethnicity, and has Stvoto Latolisi nationality.
Ertri Deidalyutyuda - 26 Years Old - Goytowlishemei
Mr. Deidalyutyuda will be wearing number sixteen, has Stvoto Latolisi ethnicity, and has Stvoto Latolisi nationality.
Boy Shuhi - 32 Years Old - Lobyuseistvooshu
Mr. Shuhi will be wearing number twenty-three, has Stvoto Latolisi ethnicity, and has Stvoto Latolisi nationality.


Zertrashowlubeh Doy - 33 Years Old - Hozastvu
Mr. Doy will be wearing number two, has Stvoto Latolisi ethnicity, and has Stvoto Latolisi nationality.
Trergow Lizo - 31 Years Old - Bei'thatho
Mr. Lizo will be wearing number three, has Stvoto Latolisi ethnicity, and has Stvoto Latolisi nationality.
Stvuhegutrei Geilolatooto - 28 Years Old - Goytowlishemei
Mr. Geilolatooto will be wearing number five, has Stvoto Latolisi ethnicity, and has Stvoto Latolisi nationality.
Mobezhowtuthoy Meibyu - 29 Years Old - Bei'thatho
Mr. Meibyu will be wearing number six, has Stvoto Latolisi ethnicity, and has Stvoto Latolisi nationality.
Zho Yusherzi - 22 Years Old - Bei'thatho
Mr. Yusherzi will be wearing number twelve, has Stvoto Latolisi ethnicity, and has Stvoto Latolisi nationality.
Treithogoy Tuboothow - 27 Years Old - Lobyuseistvooshu
Mr. Tuboothow will be wearing number thirteen, has Stvoto Latolisi ethnicity, and has Stvoto Latolisi nationality.
Zoysowzhi Stvowbootyuder - 32 Years Old - Hozastvu
Mr. Stvowbootyuder will be wearing number fourteen, has Stvoto Latolisi ethnicity, and has Stvoto Latolisi nationality.
Ter Boodo - 19 Years Old - Lobyuseistvooshu
Mr. Boodo will be wearing number fifteen, has Stvoto Latolisi ethnicity, and has Stvoto Latolisi nationality.


Yuthoy Zishowmesooser - 30 Years Old - Stvozhaboythumow
Mr. Zishowmesooser will be wearing number four, has Stvoto Latolisi ethnicity, and has Stvoto Latolisi nationality.
Troosozow Tru - 32 Years Old - Sheizheidoo
Mr. Tru will be wearing number eight, has Stvoto Latolisi ethnicity, and has Stvoto Latolisi nationality.
Eisertoy Tathyuti - 18 Years Old - Gerthamasa Boyseh
Mr. Tathyuti will be wearing number seventeen, has Stvoto Latolisi ethnicity, and has Stvoto Latolisi nationality.
Zhi Thow - 34 Years Old - Stvozhaboythumow
Mr. Thow will be wearing number eighteen, has Stvoto Latolisi ethnicity, and has Stvoto Latolisi nationality.


Zezhostvitrerboo Emozherdeh - 27 Years Old - Lobyuseistvooshu
Mr. Emozherdeh will be wearing number seven, has Stvoto Latolisi ethnicity, and has Stvoto Latolisi nationality.
Soo Erzhootaheh - 32 Years Old - Bei'thatho
Mr. Erzhootaheh will be wearing number nine, has Stvoto Latolisi ethnicity, and has Stvoto Latolisi nationality.
Lyusowsha Thazhowlo - 34 Years Old - Sheizheidoo
Mr. Thazhowlo will be wearing number ten, has Stvoto Latolisi ethnicity, and has Stvoto Latolisi nationality.
Lootreserhaseh Ugeishyu - 23 Years Old - Hozastvu
Mr. Ugeishyu will be wearing number eleven, has Stvoto Latolisi ethnicity, and has Stvoto Latolisi nationality.
Myugoostvertoosei Agizhi - 28 Years Old - Hozastvu
Mr. Agizhi will be wearing number nineteen, has Stvoto Latolisi ethnicity, and has Stvoto Latolisi nationality.
Shotratoodoytroy Zeh - 17 Years Old - Sheizheidoo
Mr. Zeh will be wearing number twenty, has Stvoto Latolisi ethnicity, and has Stvoto Latolisi nationality.
Zoothyuzowzher Mei - 24 Years Old - Stvozhaboythumow
Mr. Mei will be wearing number twenty-one, has Stvoto Latolisi ethnicity, and has Stvoto Latolisi nationality.
Boodoodow Du - 32 Years Old - Goytowlishemei
Mr. Du will be wearing number twenty-two, has Stvoto Latolisi ethnicity, and has Stvoto Latolisi nationality.


Atu Hyumowthagoo - 62 Years Old
Mr. Hyumowthagoo has Stvoto Latolisi ethnicity, and has Stvoto Latolisi nationality.

Many, many years ago, Hyumowthagoo was a star right back for Stvoto Latoli. Those were the days when playing in Gu Zhahogowdoo, and making a big enough splash, could earn you an international contract to play in New Gelderland or something. It seems very long ago to Mr. Hyumowthagoo. He's under no delusion that the Golden Crows can ever really rebuild, but he is driven by a sense of national pride, and a desire to stick it to the continentals, particularly these miserable upstart Copa hosts, the Naixese.

Hyumowthagoo plans to utilize a 4-2-4 formation at the Copa Rushmori.



These are the kits used by Stvoto Latoli, provided by Audioslavian sportswear manufacturer Kirola. The metallic gold and white strip is used for all home matches and occasional away matches, whereas the all-dark-blue change strip is used for most away matches but never at home. An unpaid intern in a dingy back office will toss a coin to decide which uniform will be worn in the case of neutral venue matches such as those of the Copa Rushmori, Cup of Harmony, or World Cup finals.


1. Ler

2. Doy 5. Geilolatooto 6. Meibyu 3. Lizo

4. Zishowmesooser 8. Tru

7. Emozherdeh 9. Erzhootaheh 10. Thazhowlo 11. Ugeishyu

Style Modifier


Information for the Foreign Reader

Please see this post if you need any supplemental information this nation (and don't mind it being nearly a decade old).

But he was wrong. It was he who was the traitor, he the dictator, he the true tyrant. I returned to above the waves and presented the location of the merpeople's treasure to the dictator of Stvoto Latoli, who greedily took the coordinates without thanking me. As I leapt atop my broom, I could already hear the wailing of the merpeople from the depths; their last shred of dignity, the last remnant of their kingdom, their last symbol of hope; raped by the tyrannical humans.

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Posts: 1621
Founded: Feb 04, 2011
Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby Astograth » Sun Sep 03, 2023 6:48 pm

The Astograthian National Football Team

All white away, all olive green home, all blue third

Style: +2
Formation: 4–4–2 diamond
Nickname: Olibondeka (The Olives)
Captain: Baraxil Muhaburu
Vicecaptain: Hurko Germain
Free Kick Taker: Baraxil Muhaburu
Penalty Kick Taker: Yokin Erdokiain

ManagerImage Xiao Cheng Li – Age 75

The last five years have been a nightmare for Astograthian football on the international stage. Poor results at IFCF and national team level have led to fans and the media calling for blood over and over again, laying waste to a new target at every turn. The FAF, players, clubs, club owners, hooligans, the referees’ union, Cultural Krugerism, every youth coach in Astograth, Nafuna Akongo. Whoever’s to blame for the dire standing of Astograthian sport in the world, the public have curiously decided it is not national team manager Xiao Cheng Li. Despite the team’s poor results in World Cup qualifying, the Naixese legend has won over the hearts of the Astograthian people with her calm and ultra-professional demeanour. Even in her 70s, Li stretches her press conferences into multi-hour affairs in order to explain in detail her reasoning and analysis of matches, opponents, and squad selections. The respect and admiration her dedication to the job has earned her has been dubbed ‘Xiao Cheng Mania’ by the Astograthian press. The mania reached its highest point yet during World Cup qualifying, when the FAF’s decision to sack her leaked on twii.tur and provoked such fury as to force a reversal. It may yet climb higher in his highly-anticipated Copa Rushmori, held in Li’s own country – a widely anticipated homecoming across the two nations.

The other side of the coin is that Astograthian players are under more scrutiny than ever, widely criticised for not matching their manager’s talent and commitment. Part of the frustration is despair over the lack of young Astograthians finding success abroad – the vestiges of the last great generation that triumphed in Farfadillis, Audioslavia, Eura, and latterly Mytanija, are still what sustains this national team. Some newer blood has steadily made onto the squad – notably Nikita Apostolov, Ermie Izpura, and especially Dulanto Bermichea – but this remains a team anchored in a Mytanar-based defence, the midfield rage and beauty that is Baraxil Muhaburu, and the accomplished strike pair of Nahia Legarra and Yokin Erdokiain. This squad’s most surprising inclusion was volatile striker Tomofumi Ishimoda, who at 35 years old is coming off an astonishing 30-goal season for Gortz United and his second Player of the Season award. Ishimoda burned the bridge and retired from the national team when Li informed him he would not be among her first choice forwards. Yet time and, reportedly, his children’s wishes, has mellowed him enough to reach out again. Astograthian press have obnoxiously subtitled this Copa Rushmori ‘The Last Dance’, assuming it will be the last of both him and Muhaburu – which is news to Muhaburu.

Starting XI:
#1 - GK - Unax Goyenola (he/him) - Age 29 - Image Darmen City United (Darmen)
#17 - LB - Zeruko Eztanga (he/him) - Age 24 - Image Blue Mountain Range
#5 - CB - Uhin Elizabe (he/him) - Age 27 - Image 1896 Ebor (Mytanija)
#4 - CB - Hurko Germain (VC) (he/him) - Age 30 - Image Liria Prizren (Mytanija)
#2 - RB - Oxarra Peira (he/him) - Age 32 - Image Lajuno (Eura)
#14 - DM - Inoki Legisamon (he/him) - Age 30 - Image Iturributa United
#15 - CM - Lore Kartery (he/him) - Age 25 - Image Romanopolis United (Darmen)
#8 - CM - Baraxil Muhaburu (C) (he/him) - Age 35 - Image Rülândéá Kôstä (Farfadillis)
#20 - AM - Garbie Inorreta (she/her) - Age 27 - Image Urbizania Wanderers
#10 - CF - Nahia Legarra (he/him) - Age 30 - Image Ararat (Mytanija)
#9 - CF - Yokin Erdokiain (he/him) - Age 32 - Image AC Izotz Zubia (Audioslavia)

#13 - GK - Echepare Rospide (he/him) - Age 34 - Image KT Itzalovalle (Audioslavia)
#23 - GK - Edur Yraola (he/him) - Age 25 - Image Bakartirla Buccaneers
#3 - LB - Bakar Gerrikabeitia (he/him) - Age 31 - Image Pretia Prizren (Mytanija)
#12 - CB - Azeari Iturria (he/him) - Age 29 - Image Blue Mountain Range
#6 - CB - Irakusne Hecharri (she/her) - Age 30 - Image Sporting Iturributa
#25 - CB - Dulanto Bermichea (she/her) - Age 21 - Image Blue Mountain Range
#21 - RB - Ekaitz Pana (he/him) - Age 27 - Image Iturributa United
#19 - DM - Argider Eges (he/him) - Age 33 - Image Urbizania Wanderers
#16 - DM - Xuban Sarasketa (he/him) - Age 29 - Image Kingsgrove (Brenecia)
#26 - CM - Yaunzuria Urgoiti (she/her) - Age 27 - Image Rülândéá Kôstä (Farfadillis)
#11 - LM - Ermie Izpura (he/him) - Age 24 - Image Sporting Iturributa
#7 - RM - Soter Duraniona (he/him) - Age 30 - Image Club Atlético Bexar (Valanora)
#24 - AM - Abarrotz Zumalakarregi (he/him) - Age 32 - Image Sporting Iturributa
#18 - CF - Tomofumi Ishimoda (he/him) - Age 35 - Image Gortz United
#22 - CF - Nikita Apostolov (he/him) - Age 24 - Image Iturributa United

RP Permissions are yes to everything that isn't career–ending. I encourage TGs for questions or collaborative RP.
Last edited by Astograth on Fri Sep 08, 2023 8:20 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Chargé d'Affaires
Posts: 380
Founded: Aug 25, 2013
Democratic Socialists

Postby Zenic » Sun Sep 03, 2023 8:41 pm

"The whole country is rooting for this squad, Geraldo: win or lose. Just make sure the kids have SOME fun out there, will ya?"

"Thank you and good luck. We'll be watching." As the handset clicked into place, Emperor Santiago Cuauhtémoc gently stood up from his seat before walking over to the bar cart in his day to day office in New Citium and serving two glasses of the finest imported Rushmori wine. Of course, even if he wanted to, he couldn't have any Zenician wine as the few wineries in the Empire had either been razed to the ground by the ZSF or taken over by the Empire to use as farmland to ensure every loyal citizen was fed. The best they could do was hope that this year's or next year's batches are plentiful, else find a new purpose for that land.

Just as Cuauhtémoc lifted the glasses, his right hand man entered into the Emperor's office. "Ah, Consul Cefiro. Just in time as always." The Emperor handed his Consul the second glass of wine he had poured and made his way to one of the large bulletproof windows in his office. "Status report on the "weed whacking?"

"So far, the ZSF seem to be hiding in plain site in smaller than standard splinter cells. The few documents, maps, and hard drives we recovered from the latest raid shows only military sites as potential targets. They seem to be sticking to their manifesto and not targeting civilians intentionally, " reported Consul Samet Cefiro, former head of SOMIG (Strategic Office for Military Intelligence Gathering).

"I guess 'No good deed goes unpunished' cuts both ways, doesn't it, Samet?" Both men took a sip for wine before Cefiro continued.

"Indeed, Emperor. These insurrectionists took advantage of our military assistance to fellow Rushmori nations to throw our glorious empire into decades of chaos only to then have their unwillingness to attack sites that might harm civilians allow those same civilians to rat these bastards out and end their terror," replied before taking another sip of wine.

"Their numbers at best are steady and at worse declining slowly. They don't seem to be able to convince or brainwash as many as they did at the start of this conflict." A slight and unusual sigh escape from the Consul. "We are SO close that it's frustrating."

The Emperor places his feet hand gently on Cefiro's right shoulder. "All in due time, comrade. In the meantime, we will fight them on a different battlefield: the zeitgeist of our current Empire."

"The zeitgeist?"

"Correct. A concept I became familiar with during my time as a Ministry of Defense liaison in the Ministry of Domestic Affairs. The less important and ingrained the ZSF are into the current minds and hearts of our citizens, the more likely they are to just collapse on their own as the last bit of support and aid dry up. And that endgame starts with two goals: re-establish export specialty and competitiveness on the international sporting stage. If our plan succeeds, the ZSF will be a thing of the past," proclaimed the Emperor before finishing his wine.

"Now, come along. We have much work to do with the rest of the Magistrate before the public watch party for the start of the Copa Rushmori."
Member of Rushmore
List of Factbooks
Zenic Ministry of Sports Archive
Association Football
KPB Ranking: 18.43 (37th, Post-WC96)
Rushmore Ranking: 19379 (8th, Post-CR45)
IFCF Coefficient: 0.00 (UR)
Ice Hockey
WCoH Ranking: 13.80 (11th, Post-WCoH 50)
45th Copa Rushmori (Futbol)
55th Baptism of Fire (Futbol)
7th U15 World Cup (Futbol)
6th Runner Cup (Futbol)
WCoH 28 (Ice Hockey)
Third Place:
Copa Rushmori XIX (Futbol)
4th Runner Cup(Futbol)

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Captina Island
Posts: 84
Founded: Jan 19, 2022
Father Knows Best State

Postby Captina Island » Sun Sep 03, 2023 11:42 pm

The Captina Company Football Agency


The Captina Company Football Agency (TCCFA) controls all levels of football in the nation, issuing licenses to groups wishing to form teams. The Captina Company Super League consists of 14 teams playing every opponent once between April & June then following a 2 month break, play every opponent again between September & November.
Tactics: 4-3-3 the classic Italian system underwent a major reconstruction project with Yarborough in charge during World Cup 94 qualifying. He promised TCCFA that there would be increased goal scoring and he delivered, now the mixed gender squad will look to improve upon their record on the CR.

Manager-- Jonas Yarborough
Coaches—Pietro Sacchetti, Rueben Fiorentino, Calvin Redfern

Bernardo Rossi GK 29 Calcio Captina
Stefania Recchio GK 26 Big Flint Ladies
Donatella Jaconelli GK 24 Geneva United Ladies

Emilio Coppola LB 28 TCC Geneva
Alfonso Vastano L/CB 27 Punto Nord AC
Emerson Coverdale CB 28 SEC Fairmont
Isaia Caruso R/CB 28 Club Rosso Oro Nero
Tonio Harold Owenby LB/RB 27 Brandstadter Clarksburg
Fiorella Nightshade CB 28 North Point Ladies
Natalie Colucci RB 25 Clarksburg City Ladies
Tonia Sue Ellington LB 22 Port Genoa Ladies
Patrizia Vastano CB 26 South Fairmont Ladies

Emilio Rizzuto L/CM 26 Brandstadter Clarksburg
Emanuele Valentini R/CM 28 AC Geneva City
Charleston DiCanio W/RM 25 TBG Big Flint
Barnabas Morningstar DM/W 24 SEC Fairmont
Nicola Tardelli LCM 25 Geneva United Ladies
Maribella Perrone RW 26 Big Flint Ladies
Marcella Lillywhite LW 25 Port Genoa Ladies
Silvia Riviello W/CM 27 South Fairmont Ladies
Edith Ann DiStefano W/CM 24 Clarksburg City Ladies

Alesandro Mercardi CF 27 Flint AC
Guiseppi Overstreet ST 25 Fairmont City SC
Vincenzo Villa WF 28 TCC Geneva
Giorgio Fontana ST 27 IMA Port Genoa
Carla Negroni CF 26 North Point Ladies
Constance Mazzola CF 27 Clarksburg City Ladies
Patience Wedgewood ST 25 Geneva United Ladies


The Captina Company Sports Ground in Geneva City hosts all Captina Island National Team Fixtures

In the event my opponent RPs first, they may...
Choose my goalscorers: YES
Godmod scoring events: YES
RP injuries to my players: YES, but those that would be for just the duration of the match (TG in advance would be appreciated as well)
Godmod injuries to my players: See Above
Hand out yellow cards to my players: YES
Hand out red cards to my players: YES, but again, a heads up in advance is appreciated, as I would do for you.
Godmod other events: TG what you have in mind, I'm easy to come to an understanding with
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Posts: 1871
Founded: Jun 06, 2014

Postby Nephara » Mon Sep 04, 2023 5:04 am


World Ranking:
11th, ish
Preferred Formation: 4-2-3-1
Secondary Formation: 4-4-2
Style Modifier: 0
Home Stadium: The Farham Arena in Sabrefell is reserved for the biggest games, but Nephara is a large enough country that it spreads its matches across the nation.
Kit Supplier: Kirola
Nickname: The Cormorants

Nephara are Chugging Along. They're doing about as well as is their ridiculously demanding concept of a par. People hoped for better with Cantor, but her tenure thus far has just been frustratingly stable... even if the 4-4-2 does at last appear to be sticking.

Overall Record
693 wins - 142 draws - 169 losses
2321 scored - 1195 conceded

Baptism of Fire 51
Cup of Harmony 61
World Cups 74 and 87
Eagle's Cup 5
4 Cope Rushmori - 30, 35, 36, 37
5 Campionati Esportiva - 6, 8, 10, 15 and 18
Only the second nation in history to achieve the 'Triple Crown' of WCC titles - represented by three stars on the crest.
The most major silverware of any nation in history.
Second in footballing ability only to 6PupperFunnerRunnies.

Most Caps
172 - Hadrian Belfast
162 - Rowena Strongbow
155 - Elaine Ashdown
153 - Chimera Moxham
150 - Estrella Hawke
149 - Roxelana Thorn
143 - Dieter Konoval, Aranea Provost
141 - Tosca Marlowe
139 - Reniira Clevinger
137 - Cathy Stokes
136 - Tanith Rainsford
134 - Michael Brandon
129 - Adnan Szalai
128 - Tawny Shone
126 - Anna Shrike, Malachite Scharner, Rovena Stride
125 - Radeka Lind
120 - Kurtis Bastable
116 - Penumbra Amokachi, Dale Brightley, Diandra Ballard, Sasha Christener
114 - Monako Saroszi
112 - Konrad Gosforth
111 - Calliope Katskalidis
108 - Gerhard Thunder
107 - Marcin Close
106 - Hesterine Mercator
104 - Rook Cathar, Lothaire Cromwell
103 - Keith Rowland, Sieglinde Lohengrin, Ilyana Brosch
101 - Konrad Lovelace
100 - Leona Rafford

Most Goals
91 - Estrella Hawke
68 - Kurtis Bastable
65 - Penumbra Amokachi
63 - Chimera Moxham
57 - Gerhard Thunder
55 - Rook Cathar, Rowena Strongbow
52 - Latona Basilisk
51 - Konrad Lovelace
50 - Elaine Ashdown

Most Clean Sheets
65 - Aranea Provost
44 - Diandra Ballard
33 - Hesterine Mercator
30 - Apostolos Tsattalios
28 - Portia Thrift, Kieron Riordan

I Give My Opponent Permission To:
Choose My Goalscorers: Y*
Godmod Goalscoring Events: N
Injure Players: Y**
Godmod Injury Events: N
Red Card Players: Y***
Yellow Card Players: Y
Godmod Other Events: N

* Sebold and Loeher take most set pieces; Vetiver takes penalties.
** I'll have the final say on how long the player will be out, but feel free to make them look severe as you want.
*** One per match.

Nepharan football is based around playing hard, pressing aggressively, playing for keeps. Occasionally this leaves gaps behind the high defensive line, though most Nepharan goalkeepers are in the sweeping mould these days to compensate. Marchers are, by and large, a physically imposing folk, and eager to throw their size around. The footballing culture is intensely competitive, and those that survive to make their way to the top are hellbent on winning at any cost. Elbows to the face. Subtle digs in the ribs. Diving is dishonest when opponents do it but streetwise when Nepharim do it. In short, Nephara are the bully from two years above who picked you, specifically, out as a natural target.

That is often the foreign perspective, but it overlooks a key fact; Nepharan football can honestly be beautiful to watch. Generations of players brought up on dry plains or asphalt play the ball quickly and fearlessly along the ground, never sideways when there's a forward option open, always looking to stretch and probe and stay one really good pass away from a goal. Nepharim are undoubtedly physical, even cynical, but their success has been built off the backs of ruthless, fast-paced passing football.

Their formation is fairly rigid and disciplined, with plenty of strength all across the pitch, particularly in the forms of Constantine and Sebold ahead of Scales and Roback in the heart of defence. Madita Brewer plays a floating role as a creative playmaker off the right, with Loeher a more traditional winger.

Common Substitutes
If their attacking approach isn't working, then the most clear switches of approach are to take off Kulesza for either the silky playmaker Kvasina, the more subtle Berenguer or, as a 'break glass in case of emergencies' option, pure goalscorer Bravura Harper to partner Vetiver up front. Vetiver will never be taken off the field if Nephara need a goal.
Gale will frequently be replaced in midfield, either by the brawler Rosziter (if protecting a lead) or for the more experienced Constantine.
Anhope will replace Sebold if the Cormorants are sitting on a lead; otherwise, Fang generally comes on.
The fullbacks have to do a lot of work, and Cantor will frequently substitute on Swain or Mueller just as a fresh set of legs late in the game.

The Godhead
For home matches, and during international tournaments, Nephara wheels out the 'Godhead', a giant boulder with an eerie resemblance to Gethin Ramsey, first manager of the Cormorants in the modern era and by now long dead. Nepharim have a superstitious streak, and while nobody's saying it is, in fact, the mystic reincarnation of their most iconic leader, nobody's quite not saying it, either. The Godhead is traditionally 'walked' to the stadium by Nepharan ultras using an intricate series of ropes, and often a flare is wedged into its 'mouth' to simulate a smoking cigar.

Manager - Igrene Cantor - Age 55
Assistant Manager - Valery Cain - Age 59
One of the few people to have won the World Cup as both a player and a manager, Igrene Cantor excels at building chemistry and a true, tight-knit unit, squeezing the absolute most out of the parts available to her. An absolute dream to a Nephara side that can often be less than the sum of its parts. Cantor thinks of each player in terms of what they bring to the complete picture, not just as a rating out of a hundred; she won't just pick the best eleven players, but a coherent, fully functioning squad that would die for each other on the pitch. Cain is an odd choice of assistant manager, a journeyman manager across Nephara's pyramid, yet somehow Cantor clearly sees a kindred spirit.

1 - GK - Medusa Strand (Image Chromatik) - Age 31 - 74 caps, 32 clean sheets
A steady, focused personality, or perhaps no personality at all. Strand is a superb shot-stopper who did not let a few errors early in her career get her down, and the dividends have paid off. Her decisiveness coming off her line, command of her area and ability to sweep behind the defensive line have made her Cantor's preferred goalkeeper... though shaky form through WC94 put that in doubt.

12 - GK - Toxothea Sebring (Image Crisisbless) - Age 30 - 14 caps, 5 clean sheets
A tall, graceful goalkeeper, with a slightly ungainly look disguising remarkable agility between the sticks. Has an oddly prowling gait. Has never quite convinced at international level, but she's not about to let that get her down; her club form has been excellent for years, and in the event of disaster she'll confidently step up to the task. In theory.

20 - GK - Chary Longstreet (Image CA Paulinthal) - Age 26 - 8 caps, 4 clean sheets
An oasis of calm in goal, Longstreet moves with an effortless grace and commands her area with quiet authority. That sense of reliability is invaluable on the national stage, and it appears the laconic Barossian is set to get her chance.

2 - RB - Tiamat Holden (Image AFC Treason) - Age 25 - 24 caps, 2 goals
Rightback is traditionally a problem position for Nephara, but the air of absolute reliability Holden exudes has elevated her above more mercurial peers. She's not the most dynamic presence going forward, preferring to keep in position to link with midfield, and ready to spring into defensive action at a moment's notice..

3 - LB - Tanith Xu (Image Myana) - Age 26 - 56 caps, 5 goals
Seen as Nephara's best up-and-coming defender, hatchet-faced Xu's severe affect and features lend her an aura of authority well beyond her years. She's a jack of all trades, able to drop into midfield, bolt on the overlap and properly defend equally well, and her razor-sharp intelligence means she can make the most of that versatility.

5 - CB - Vetta Roback (Image Sabrefell Athletic) - Age 28 - 39 caps, 2 goals
It took some time for Roback to establish herself at club level, but once done, she never looked back. A Champions League winner with an all-encompassing sense of calm in the box; no matter how dire things get, or how close the opposition come, there's always the sense that Roback will, somehow, bail the Cormorants out.

6 - CB - Anaximander Scales (Image Brinemouth) - Age 30 - 109 caps, 5 goals
An absolutely massive, bruising defender, Scales' ability to bulldoze and bully forwards without ever quite fouling them is genuinely remarkable. He's not going to set any records for pace - most likely, he'd struggle to catch up to your average pitch invader - but with his effortless calm, maturity and gift for correct anticipation, he's a worthy captain taking over from Radeka Lind.

17 - RB - Astrid Swain (Image Anomalies) - Age 24 - 14 caps, 1 goal
Tall and slender, Swain can look fragile, and her coast-town upbringing makes her seem relaxed in interviews. Don't let that fool you, though, Swain's got some of the most intense white-line fever of anyone in the squad. A fearless attacking fullback with a remarkable eye for a diagonal cross.

18 - CB - Sven Copperhead (Image Crisisbless) - Age 31 - 10 caps, 1 goal
An earnest bruiser, Copperhead's massive but deceptively fast. He loves defending, getting stuck in and smashing people; a little impetuous for international level, perhaps, but if you need a man to stick his head in front of a shot, he's there.

22 - CB - Tamiika Vine (Image Starling) - Age 26 - 16 caps
The Reniira Clevinger comparisons started early; yes, she's a half-satyr centre-half, marked out by her pale blue skin, remarkable height and vestigial horns. But unlike the blood-and-thunder Clevinger, Vine's far more a gentle giant... though she's uncompromising when and where she has to be.

25 - LB - Catheline Mueller (Image Ulsa) - Age 26 - 20 caps
A quiet and uneffacing defender who emerged from precisely nowhere to become one of Nephara's most effortlessly reliable players. Often goes underappreciated, but it's only due to her misfortune - with Xu being a generational talent - that keeps her from being a lock. She won't kick up a fuss, though; she's a model professional who knows her place.

4 - HM - Seona Gale (Image Mâ Âlâméómë) - Age 23 - 2 caps
After a string of merely excellent holding midfielders, Gale arrives and has spurred hopes that she might be The One. An effortless commander of her domain, Gale has pace, peerless passing range and a gift for dictating the tempo. And there can be no doubt, either, that she's hard enough; who else but a madman voluntarily moves to modern Farfadillis?

7 - RM - Tabithe Drake (Image AFC Treason) - Age 24 - 22 caps, 3 goals
A bold, thrilling winger, excelling at taking fullbacks on; she's revealed in interviews it feels like a personal challenge and "look, I just fucking hate defenders, right?" Has a peach of a right boot which can put a ball wherever she wills it, and seems in all things the natural evolution of an orthodox winger.

8 - CM - Petra Anhope (Image La Nueva Avenida) - Age 25 - 26 caps, 5 goals
Anhope backed herself to get first-team football abroad rather than wait patiently for a breakthrough at Treason; her career since has thoroughly vindicated that decision. Her rock-solid west Nepharan redoubtability has been supplemented by just a bit of flair in Farfadillis, turning her into a brilliantly well-rounded midfielder.

11 - LM - Arachne Loeher (Image Wirr Tsi) - Age 26 - 68 caps, 14 goals
Loeher's what's known in Nephara as an 'asphalt footballer'. Quick on her feet, but more nimble in the tight spaces than pacy on an open stretch of plain. She likes sending others to the cold, hard ground, but has got an inhuman reflex at skipping over challenges that would send her tumbling and skin her knees. Streetwise and creative, with an affinity for scoring screamers, she electrifies Nephara's attack.

13 - RM / AM - Madita Brewer (Image Bastion) - Age 26 - 71 caps, 18 goals
Brewer's origins are curious; she's from an off-the-grid community in the Laith, but fortunately was able to step out into the world of running water and wi-fi connections long enough for her brilliance to get noted and picked up by a club. Originally developed as a pure playmaker, Brewer's bright and coachable, picked up new positions eagerly, and can play across most midfield roles or up front. That versatility helps her no matter where she's positioned, and she can be dangerous from anywhere on the pitch.

15 - HM - Demeter Constantine (Image Crisisbless) - Age 30 - 75 caps
Cool, composed, and with a resting bitch face the envy of a monitor lizard; Constantine's precisely the kind of measured, precise holding midfielder that any elite-level side wanting to retain the ball willl dream of. She isn't a dynamic player, and surface-level watchers will often overlook her. Any deeper look, though, spots that she's integral to the way the Cormorants want to play. She's been in and out of the squad over recent years, but right now is a lock, perhaps because alongside Sebold she can recreate her club partnership.

16 - LM - Tryna Drnaso (Image 1923 Esca) - Age 24 - 15 caps, 5 goals
While raw-boned and somewhat fragile, Drnaso's markedly tougher than she appears, and her combination of raw pace and sheer determination to chase lost causes means she'll find plenty of the ball. With a thunderous left boot, she's blossomed into a lethal winger.

19 - HM - Chandra Rosziter (Image Dynamo Sjoedrhavn) - Age 26 - 36 caps
Tall and powerful, Rosziter locks down the centre of the pitch with wandering elbows, a commandable aggression out of possession and an underrated passing range with the ball. Some defensive midfielders go unnoticed, even when they're doing a good job. Not Rosziter, whose approach demands a warning klaxon.

24 - CM - Bellona Sebold (Image Crisisbless) - Age 26 - 47 caps, 8 goals
A clean-heeled technician with a silky touch. Everything Sebold does - passes, shots, tackles, even tactical fouls - is just tidy. Not the kind of figure who changes a game by chugging about butchering people, but rather a figure who excels at being the ultimate cog in a clicking machine. Of late, she's started to resemble a (raven-haired and somewhat curvier) Elaine Ashdown, and increasingly captured the national imagination.

26 - CM/AM - Catheline Fang (Image Sabrefell Moths) - Age 22 - 2 caps, 1 goal
Fang was seen as one to watch from an early age, with the NFA going out of their way to make her feel wanted (and stop her declaring for Yuezhou). Extremely quick with a tireless engine, Fang excels at close control in tight spaces, ghosting between the lines and infiltrating in a way that a more bustling box-to-box figure could not. Rest assured, though, despite her slight frame she has a vicious tackle on her. Wants the ball at her feet, wants to make things happen.

9 - ST - Ravil Kulesza (Image Maethoru SC) - Age 24 - 23 caps, 9 goals
Tall, athletic, handsome and well-rounded, Kulesza is a proper number 9. Not a particularly swaggering personality, but that doesn't mean he's a shrinking violet on the pitch. He's capable enough with his back to goal, but in truth, Kulesza thrives on chaos, attacking the ball and stomping over any opponent in his way to get to it.

10 - ST - Bravura Harper (Image Ulsa) - Age 31 - 81 caps, 40 goals
A brash, swaggering striker, Harper loves taking on first-time shots, and her hammer of a left boot ensures that isn't a waste of a chance. Backs herself to get on the scoresheet, sets herself high expectations, and reliably meets them. She's relentlessly single-minded in pursuit of perfection, and doesn't really have any interests outside football. But evaluated as a footballer, not a dinner companion, you won't find fault.

14 - ST - Leandra Berenguer (Image Anomalies) - Age 25 - 10 caps, 6 goals
An incisive, sharp and intelligent forward of Astograthian extraction. A well-rounded centre-forward, she was content to leave Brinemouth for first-team football, and is content to leave the box to show for the ball. By no means the most dangerous goal threat out there, but she helps make everyone around her that bit more lethal, to say nothing of her frankly unnerving ability to press down defenders.

21 - ST - Felixe Vetiver (Image Spartangrad) - Age 25 - 77 caps, 51 goals
Vetiver is lightning-fast, entirely two-footed, ruthless in front of goal and absolutely fearless. She's got a fine first touch and links up play well, with intelligent, mature movement. She's stronger than she looks, though no powerhouse. Strong mentality, no serious issues off the pitch apart from a generally taciturn, cynical nature. And after scoring six goals in four World Cup games, at nineteen... it's safe to say Vetiver's a generational talent. Nepharim look at her and lick their lips, thinking of World Cups. Teenagers don't tend to break through in Nephara, getting eased into the team picture. Vetiver disagreed, and has reliably swept awards in the National League since her arrival at Cathair. Now, entering her prime years, she has a credible eye on Hawke's tally of 91 Cormorants goals and a credible claim on being the best player in the world, and she has just done what all the best Nepharan strikers seem destined to do; take her talents to Eura.

23 - ST - Lamia Tjaden (Image Ausharmuj Marusi) - Age 23 - 2 caps, 1 goal
A born scrapper who fought her way out of the lower divisions and into Farfadillis. A rough, abrasive diamond from the Corvistone outskirts, from a family pushed out due to the aggressive sprawl of the city; she carries a near-permanent chip on her shoulder. But her football can do all the talking she needs. A ruthless, instinctive player, though not the most technical footballer.
WCC Grand Slam champion.
Accidental Gridiron Championship Silver Belt holders for six cycles??

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