FLAMES OF LIBERTY (1960 Alt-History American Political RP)

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Cybernetic Socialist Republics
Posts: 2275
Founded: May 17, 2019
New York Times Democracy

Postby Cybernetic Socialist Republics » Tue Feb 21, 2023 7:56 pm

Rebooting an old idea, maybe against better judgement, instead of going to Tennesse. We've got plenty of democrats as is, I guess.



Character Application and Information Sheet

NS Nation Name: Cybernetic Socialist Republics
Character Name: Robert Nelson
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 42
Character Date of Birth: January 9th, 1917
Character Position/Role/Job:
    Junior Executive at U.S. Steel (1937-1942)
    Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs (1940-1942)

    U.S. Naval Reserve (1942-)
    • Lieutenant Junior Grade (1942-43)
    • Lieutenant (1943-45)
    • Lieutenant Commander (1945-53)
    • Commander (1953-)
    Senior Executive at Ford Motor Company (1946-1952)
    Class 1 Senator from New York (1953-1959)
    Governor of New York (1959-)
Character Country/State of Birth: United States, Pennsylvania
Character State of Residence: New York
Character Party Affiliation: Republican (1952-)
Faceclaim: Eugene McCarthy
Main Strengths:

Anti-Fascist Cold Warrior -

Took the job to become Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs after seeing the tentacles of Nazism and fascism spread into Latin America and signed up to fight for his country through the U.S. Naval Reserve when Pearl Harbor was attacked. At the conclusion of WW2, he joined the Ford Motor Company to fight Fascism on the economic front and in congress he stood in staunch opposition to the spread of Nazi tyranny and backed both foreign aid and military interventions

Progressive Hamiltonian -

Believes in a strong federal government capable of guiding economic development through supporting the growth of big business and industry, with any efforts to prevent abuses being about providing cushioning for the "little guy" through social programs rather than restricting the expansion and power of business. Also supports aggressive federal civil rights regulation as well and is generally unopposed to expansion of executive power that occurred under FDR. Supported by Liberals and progressives in both parties and respected by moderates.

Charismatic Communicator -

From Academics, to Business to Politics, Robert Nelson has always been an effective and charismatic communicator, capable of arousing appropriate emotions within a variety of settings and knowing how to reach people. Has a knack for changing his vocabulary depending on the audience. Is also more than capable of allowing listeners to come to the conclusions that he wants without having to be explicit about what he supports. Is also very adept at avoiding gasps and talking around issues he rather not address.

Main Weaknesses:

Despised by Dixecrats -

Is utterly despised by dixecrats to the point that they regularly insist that he is a closet communist. While most treat these conspiracies' as ridiculous, there is a growing number of those on the far-right who treat these accusations as legitimate.

Paranoid -

His great ambition to eventually rise to the presidency has lead him to see conspiracies against him all around him, some true and others merely exaggerated by his assuming negative intentions targeted at him where they don't exist. While his charisma has earned him a net positive relationship with the national press, he has an intense antipathy towards state and local press. In private he often calls these people the "Federation of Mediocre Men". He tends to include small business owners, craft union bosses and old money that complain about his policies in this "FoMM"

Privately Non Confrontational -

Despite the fact that he is more than capable of being publicly and effectively confrontational, in private settiings he defaults to a people pleasing attitude that can sometimes severely contrast with his public action in a way that can seem two-faced.


Born January 9th, 1917 in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania to a "Lower Upper Class” family, Rober Nelson has always lived a privileged life that has give him enough to never feel any insecurity, but allowed him to build a resentment of those above him and a sympathy for those below him. In general, his sympathy for the lower classes comes not from noblesse oblige, or any type of marxist-like perception of class, but from a realization that they must feel about the wealthy the same way he feels about old money and in intense desire to cycle out old money in favor of those meritorious members of the lower classes. After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Economics at the top of his class in Harvard, he moved back to Pittsburg and secured a job as a junior executive at U.S. Steel, slightly ironically, partially due to his father's connections. There he proved himself over the next few years, particularly in managing exports to Latin America, using the Spanish he learned in childhood from a tutor. After a few years in latin america, he was struck by the rising influence of fascism and nazism in the region and was able to convince U.S. Steel to help him land a parallel position as Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs under the Roosevelt administration.

At this point, Robert was not particularly committed to either party, though his ideological leanings were clear to him and he found dixiecrats to be archetypal examples of members of the "Federation of Mediocre Men" in addition to being a fascist fifth column within the United States. When Pearl Harbour was bombed, he could not stomach remaining so far away from the frontlines in corporate boardrooms as an abled bodied man in his 20s, so he soon signed up for the Naval Reserves, working in logistics and earning himself 5 medals. After the end of his active duty in 1946, he took up a job as a Senior Executive at the Ford Motor Company, where he participated in a post-war retooling of the company alongside the "Whiz Kids". There he established a variety of connections with both corporate and labor figures that'd allow him to run a successful campaign for Senate in 1952 for the Republican Party. While In the Senate, he worked with progressives, liberals and moderates across party lines on a variety of domestic policies, while allying with more or less anyone on issues of foreign policy, be it foreign aid or military intervention.

As the conclusion of his senate term came along, Robert first decided to ran for the Governor of New York. He won by a 10 point margin, defeating the incumbent democratic governor. His eyes remaining on the Presidency, his intention was to use the office the the New York Governorship as a base to showcase his policy and bipartisan acumen and win the favor of the New York based national media. To start with, he'd engage in a technocratic plan to remake new york's public services. He'd propose consolidating New York's mix of welfare programs and tax credits into an administratively simple minimum income program that sent direct payments. He'd augment it to support families with a separate system to provide benefits per child. He'd shift money from agricultural subsidies towards an expanded food stamp system. To name only a view of a variety of public service reforms, which, naturally all came with anti-racist policies. The liberal leanings within both the democratic and republican parties of New York meant that his agenda would come out mostly intact from what he proposed. The legislative session would come to a close at the end of march. It was at that point he would start hinting to the press that he was considering running for the Presidency to succeed Jackson.

To begin with, he was going to use the reforms that he had recently passed as governor to set the tone for what his platform would look like heading into the presidential campaign. Put in simple terms, the idea was that he was introducing the power of the market to the goals of the new deal, cutting red tape, but expanding benefits. Making the government's bureaucratic footprint smaller, but more active in improving lives through careful market based interventions. He would try to appeal to liberals and progressives with greater commitments to providing public goods, while satisfying conservatives and libertarians with the promises of deregulation and restrictions on new regulation. As for social and foreign policy, they would be intertwined. He would campaign as an unflinching anti-fascist cold warrior. He would deride dixiecrat politics as a fascist fifth column within the United states and commit strongly to federally enforced civil and voting rights. On the question of the war in Africa, he would avoid undermining the President, but make it clear that a Nelson administration’s position on Africa would call on France to commit to unified self government for Africa, with the aim of incorporating bordering regions up for decolonization.

With that general platform decided upon, Neslon would have to develop a strategy for the primary itself. Where would be the focus, what would be the large game plan. Who he would start contacting for potential endorsements. That, of course, started with Iowa and their senators.He was already on good terms with both having voted with him on the 1957 Civil rights act and would go on to vote for the 1960 as well. It was much the same with New Hampshire's Senators, though they were overtly liberal rather than conservative-moderates willing to allow some progress on civil rights. South Carolina, of course, is where things got more complex. The Republicans hadn't even run a candidate for federal elections in South Carolina since 1956, the Democrats sent a full delegation from south carolina unopposed.

Put simply, the Republican infrastructure and base of support in the state was incredibly weak, which itself presented its own opportunity. It would mean that investments in the states could be potentially very efficient, as fewer people would need to be mobilized for the same number of delegates, provided the winner-take-all state could be won. It also meant that establishing connections with local civil rights campaigners and black churches, to get them to register republican in preparation for the primary, could potentially be effect. Nevermind the loyalty that could potentially be gained for being willing to show up in a state that had largely been abandoned by the National Republican party.

That'd be worth something for campaigning in the rest of the south, even if South Carolina wasn't won, making it a worthwhile investment in any case. Nevada, however, was a less attractive prize. Like South Carolina, Republican representation on the national level was weak, though the republicans were still considerably more competitive. Nevermind the fact that as a proportional state, the reward for winning would mostly be headlines and the previous three states would be useful for that in any case.

Among the states slayed to go for March 1st, the priority was attempting to make use of connections to the African American community to win Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee. Of the other states, Texas, being the largest prize and winner take most would get the most priority. The other states would see visits and speeches, but were lower priority. March 5th states would, similarly get visits, but being only 4 days after the March 1st states, the assumption was that the start of the week would do most of the heavy lifting, especially since all but maine were proportional. Rather, more effort would be spent on Michigan, responsible for the vast majority of delegates up for March 8 and a winner-take-most state.

But perhaps the most critical step of the campaign would take place two weeks after the first super tuesday. All but North Carolina were slated to be the winner-take-all states, with Illinois and Ohio being by far the biggest prize. Illinois was seen as particularly promising, as its sole republican senator was particularly liberal and well placed in the party, but Ohio would be more of a question mark, its most recent republican senators were conservative, they also both lost their most recent senate elections.

After that would come Wisconsin, a winner take all status. it'd been the only state within a span of almost a month that would need any particular focus. New York, on the 19th of april, would have diminishing returns on investment, as big as it was, given that he was the state's governor and the next set of states would be on the 26th. As such, beyond its solid return on delegates and its winner take all status, Wisconsin was the only truly net positive headline to win over the course of that stretch of the campaign.

As for the 26th itself, Pennsylvania had more delegates than all the other states that would be voting at the time combined, nevermind the fact that it was a winner take-all-states. Winning it would be the utmost importance. It would help that he was born in the state, but no effort could be spared. It would also be an efficient investment, as it was right next to New Jersey and New York, though there'd also be investment in west and central pennsylvania.

Indiana, as a stand alone state, on May 3rd, would be worth investing in, but like Ohio, there existed a significant Consevative-Moderate bend to the local republican party. At that point in the race, that could even be an asset depending on who's left, but it also made it somewhat of a question mark. Its delegate hall wouldn't break the bank either and its importance in headlines is not that clear since it'd at most have about a week to itself.

Of the May 10 states, as per usual, the focus would be on Nebraska as the winner-take-all states. The state had a solidly socially liberal dual republican senate delegation, which would obviously fit well for his success at this point of the campaign, provided that he was still in the race. Oregon and Washington would be worth visiting, if for no other reason than to not snub the west coast in a way that could harm efforts in California, but with smaller delegate hauls to start with and also being proportional, return on campaign infrastructure investment wouldn't be great.

As for the last day of voting, the focus would be, of course, California. It was another case of one state delivering more delegates than all the rest combined and was likely New Jersey would have already had significant run off energy from Pennsylvania and New York. He figured tht if the primary really did come down to these last few states, losing California would almost certainly mean losing the primary.

Though he planned to visit all 50 states at least once, It would be those target states that Nelson would focus on. Come the end of that year's college and university terms in May, he would announce that he was running for president, to get a first swing at that years vacationing students and graduates, to pull them in for volunteering and campaign staff employment.

Other Info:


Patricia (Born in 1947)
James (Born in 1947)
Sandra (Born in 1949)
David (Born in 1951)

Presidential Campaign Platform:

Nelson's New Construction for a New Decade!

"At many stages in the advance of humanity, this conflict between the men who possess more than they have earned and the men who have earned more than they possess is the central condition of progress. In our day it appears as the struggle of freemen to gain and hold the right of self-government as against the special interests, who twist the methods of free government into machinery for defeating the popular will. At every stage, and under all circumstances, the essence of the struggle is to equalize opportunity, destroy privilege, and give to the life and citizenship of every individual the highest possible value both to himself and to the commonwealth."


~Theodore Roosevelt Jr., 33rd Governor of the State of New York, 26th President of the United States

"What President Teddy Roosevelt spoke of decades ago, despite strides since made, largely by his inspiration, remains true to this day. There's a conflict, between those who possess, through special privilege, won in government bureaucracy, more, than they've earned on one side, with those who've earned more than they've been allowed to posses, due to unjust sanction, on the other. This is a national proble and it requires a federal solution. Yet at once, we must recognize many a large bureaucracy and regulation, has been constructed and implemented under the guise of addressing these problem, only for them to reinforce injustices. We don't require hapzard tweaking tin fundemental unsound institutions, we require New Constructions.

For that purpose, I and my presidential campaign officially put forth this New Construction platform, with the Five Constructions that form its pillars."


~ Robert Nelson, 49th Governor of the State of New York, Republican Presidential Candidate

The Five Constructions

Elimination of Poverty

A Nelson Administration,will commit to reforming public welfare to ensure that all those who work or educate themselves for work, will take home a large enough income to support themselves, trough a reformulation of our system of tax credits, subsidies and federal aid, rather than imposing wage controls and creating wasteful bureacracies that destroy jobs and are disproportionately paid for by small business owners, the average consumer and rural Americans, while making our government a burden on our civil society rather than a complement. The Food Stamp program will be expanded by merging it with agricultural grants and subsidies where feasibly, to sure federal aid translates into fed Americans and rewards our dutiful farmers who know how to meet consumer demand with good product rather than rewarding those who know best how to maneuver through federal bureaucracy. Further more, housing will be addressed to a Federal Housing Initiative that will rectify disastrous inequities created by policies of the Democrat's now defunct Home Owners' Loan Corporation.

Promotion of Entrepreneurship

A Nelson Administration will promote entrepreneurship by investing in infrastructure while cutting burdensome regulations. We will put the factories of the midwest and beyond to work, creating the building blocks, both literal and metaphorical to facilitate the large scale modernization of agricultural, energy and industrial methods across the united states, from South to North, from West to Easts. States will be encouraged to remove sales taxes where they negative effect american Finances. The Farmers Home Administration and Federal Crop Insurance Corporation will be merged into a general purpose Agricultural Bank that trust farmers to make their own investment decisions rather than be forced to mach lockstep to the orders of some distant bureacrat. A Nelson administation will Reviewi of the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act to provide more freedom for the creation of payrolls that align with market forces rather than state direction. We wll modernize railway regulations to ensure that we have the most well developed railway system in the world for transportation of both goods and people. Additionally, major Investment in nuclear and hydro power will be pursued, alongside the expansion of the use electric rail, with the long term aim of reserving gas and oil usage for heating homes, air travel, personal vehicles and our armed forces. We will furthermore build and maintain in the aerospace sector by raising locking in NASA to 5% of the Federal budget.

Broadening of Public Services

A Nelson Administration will commit to a bold yet responsible reformation of our public services, ensuring every program functions as a direct benefit to the economic and military strength of the nation. This includes child care for women in the workplace to ensuring that women can be mobilized power our nation's industrial capacity as men fight abroad for a world free of fascism. A Nelson Administration supports the creation of a National Benefits Intitive, intended to ensure that small businesses do not fall behind the big businesses competitive in hiring employees when they'd otherwise fall short due to being unable to provide comparable benefits programs, also freeing workers and employers to focus on negotiating wages. By having this work alongside a commitment to an expansion of healthcare for the eldery, we can save administrative and procurement costs on both efforts simultanouesly.

Strengthening of Public Finances

A Nelson Administration will launch a tax reform effort to make the tax code more efficient and ensure that tax revenue increases with economic growth rather than holds economic growth down, in addition to ensuring that the United States has the capacity to uphold it's spending commitments to our citizenry, defending programs like Social Security. To this end, corporate taxes, which are imposed on businesses regardless of size, are to be replaced with a share levy on all publicly traded corporations, with an equivalent tax on private businesses of comparable size, significantly lowering the burden of taxation on small businesses and their owners/ Nelson administration will back a constitutional amendment on equity taxation that would coincide with general income tax relief. Current Social Security payments will be, at minimum, locked in to rise with inflation moving forward. FICA and SECA contribution caps will be removed to ensure fair funding for Social Security. A Federal Permanent Fund will be created, to which FICA and SECA contributions will be paid into for the purpose of ensuring social security savings benefit directly from economic growth, with revenue above that which is required for Social Security working to bolster the federal budget.

Unification of the American People

A Nelson Administration will work to unify the american people by addressing the mistreatment of fellow Americans in the past that reverberates to and continues in the present, using the full enforcement of the constitution as its guideline. The 14th and 15th Amendment will also be respected and enforced, ensuring that the justice system judges individuals by what they do rather than who they are, alongside passing laws to ensure that the way that all the ways in which governments spend within the private sector is consistent with the 14th amendment. The right to vote will be secured for all those that the constitution promises, it regardless of income, race, color or creed. Organized racialist violence will be aggressively fought, through both legal force and community centered programs. Furthermore, Nelson administration will aggressively pursue corruption in the ranks of our trade unions, that harms the interests of workers, managers and consumers alike

Governor Nelson's commitments to these proposals and to his presidential campaign being a movement for change rather than simply a campaign for an office means that he will actively work to see the implementation of as many of these proposals as is feasible as the presidential campaign continues, so that a Nelson Administration will be able to leap to action with a running start.

I have read and accepted the rules of the roleplay: Cybernetic Socialist Republics

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Character Application and Information Sheet

NS Nation Name: Cybernetic Socialist Republics
Character Name: Emily Nelson (nee Whelan)
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 39
Character Date of Birth: February 2nd, 1920
Character Position/Role/Job:
    New York State Representative (1945-1951)
    Representative for New York's 12th District (1955-1959)
    Class 1 Senator for New York (1959-)
Character Country/State of Birth: United States, Pennsylvania
Character State of Residence: New York
Character Party Affiliation:
    Democratic (1938-1950)
    Republican (1950-)
Faceclaim: Maureen O'Hara

Main Strengths:

Feminine Guile:

Has a way with asserting her in intelligence and being convincing without coming across as either conscending. Generally taken seriously when she speaks and has a sort of charisma that makes it suc that she isn't unpleasent to watch or listen to, as long as one dioesn't deeply disagree with what she has to say.

[i]Authentically Town and Country -

Growing up in rural pennsylvania and living most of her life now in cities has made her very capable of appearing authentic to city dwellers and rural americans alike.

Vigorously Moderate Feminist -[/i]

Emily is, unapologetically, a woman in politics with opinions, the desire and the ability to make them heard. While she by no means publicly professes radical views on womanhood and feminism (How could she, to win political office?) She proudly supports those that exist within respected political dialogue.

Main Weaknesses:

Still Female -

Despite her intelligence and appeal, at the end of the day, she's still a woman, and that carries a certain weight on her political career and leads some to make the mistake of assuming that she is where she is thanks to her being the wife of Robert Nelson.

Vengeful -

A Negative aspect of her personality that has followed her since her childhood, helping and sometimes handicaping her, is taste for vengence. She is certainly not one to destroy herself in pursuit of revenge against those she beleives have wronged her, but she will at sometimes forgo the full extent off her own benefit to 'get even.' This

Career Politician -

The last time she ever thought about doing or prepared for work outside of politicias was when she was child. She is a career politician in the purest sense of the word, always looking to hold office and take the next step up in office. Those who put a premium on those who private sector experience can find this aspect at her to be off putting


Born on February 2nd, 1920, Emily Nelson (nee Whelan), was born in rural Pennsylvania on a small farm. From birth, her parents wanted her to pursue a higher education and get a profession, they nonetheless ensured that no matter how much ‘intellectual’ work she did, she’d build character from helping with farm work so that she wouldn’t forget her roots. To the benefit of everyone involved, she was inclined towards both physical and intellectual activity.

This went as far as her schooling, where she’d always chafed against limited opportunities for girl’s sports. Indeed, she’d build up her electioneer and politicking skills by running for student council and class president elections, finding all sorts of ways to rally students towards her goals, by convincing other people that her goals aligned with theirs. She would pursue an education in economics, knowing that she was already intending on pursuing a career in politics and wanting to make sure that she had some relevant expertise to be able to point toward.

She still remained active in sports and in some cases got to participate in intercollegiate activities. It was during an event in Massachusetts during her senior year, which she met Robert Nelson had happened to be a spectator at during a trip in which he was visiting the state for a Harvard Alumni event. They would get to know each other and exchange letters, before marrying each other after the end of the pacific war.

But Emily’s career didn’t stop while she waited. Knowing that her soon to be husband lived in New York, she’d start there, finding her way into the office of a democratic New York State Assemblyman. For the 3 years she worked there, she’d work hard establishing connections and when he retired in 1944, she managed to slip through the middle in a primary to become the district candidate. She’d serve there for 3 terms, being highly effective at bringing liberal and moderate democrats and republicans together across party lines, while also throwing herself into state party politics, even as she’d give birth to twins in 1947. In 1950 she expected to get an opportunity to move up into an open state senate seat, only for machine politics to take that opportunity away, stitching up the nomination process against her before it even started.

So she decided to leave the Democratic Party, which she had voted for since she could first vote. Stubbornly, she insisted on running in the general election for the same open senate seat as a Republican, but would go on to lose. She’d spend the next few years embedding herself into the state republican party, while still outside of elected office. While she was happy to see her husband become New York’s Class 1 Senator, she still wanted to continue her career in elected office and she specifically wanted revenge. So she’d wait. In 1954, it appeared that the opportunity had come. She wanted to run for New York’s 10th district for the house of representatives. Her husband insisted that it’d make more sense to run for the 12th. Reluctantly, she agreed.

In her two terms in the house, she’d mostly focus on being a team player, not making a stink of the committees she’d serve on and generally voting the party line. This was all, more or less, to relieve the friction that’d almost inevitably result from her sliding into the Senate spot upon her husband leaving it. Though that was largely eased by the fact that New York Republican party considered him an effective standard bearer for the ‘eastern establishment’ against fusionism.
Having been elected to the senate by a very narrow margin, it was obvious to here now that she appeared to many as the recipient of a sinecure, only in office out of nepotism and machine politics, an ironic fate given now she began the decade. She’s determined now to make it clear that she’s worthy of public office in her own right. She’d won her first election before her husband was even a registered republican, after all.

In that mission, she’d consistently put her self forward to defend and advance civil rights, particularly those of women, even as she makes regular appearances across the country in an effort to increase her husband’s appeal among female republicans.

Other Info:

I have read and accepted the rules of the roleplay: Cybernetic Socialist Republics

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Last edited by Cybernetic Socialist Republics on Sun Feb 26, 2023 1:24 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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The Rio Grande River Basin
Posts: 4265
Founded: Sep 14, 2022

Postby The Rio Grande River Basin » Tue Feb 21, 2023 11:50 pm

Sao Nova Europa wrote:
The Rio Grande River Basin wrote:NS Nation Name: The Rio Grande River Basin
Character Name: George Graythorpe

A minor issue is about implementing universal healthcare on the state level. This seems like something too radical and should be removed. You can still have your character advocate for it though.

Another issue, which is more important and I should have clarified it before (apologies for this), is that this character is too far left to be Republican. Yes, the GOP at the time had moderate and even liberal Republicans but not so much to the left. I would suggest either:

A) moderating the character somewhat, so that he is still liberal but not a left-wing populist (either on social or economic issues): you can take ideas from Nelson Rockefeller
B) change the character into a Democrat

In the second case, it should be important to note that for reasons of fairness, your character should not outright endorse the Long character unless it would make sense to do so IC. Also you cannot have them both running for the presidential primaries. Perhaps you can focus more on Governorship (which is important work) or running for the Senate or campaigning on specific policy issues? Not every politician needs to be running for President to be influential and I do expect people to also app as characters who will not enter the primaries.

Ah, alright. I'll create a Rockefeller Republican expy later.
FT Canon is most developed, therefore for F7
This Index says I am 0.364
Battle of Mar’Sa’Nakar ends in Pyrrhic victory as the Galactic Federation suffers losses, in defending the critical sector. GFS Andromeda severely damaged, GFS Comet destroyed. Mass evacuation of outer sector worlds beginning.
Something of a McGovernite, have some sympathy for Huey Long. Political Compass: Economic Left/Right: -9.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.59
Friend of Kraven, 2005-2023
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The Rio Grande River Basin
Posts: 4265
Founded: Sep 14, 2022

Postby The Rio Grande River Basin » Tue Feb 21, 2023 11:58 pm

Union Princes wrote:
The Rio Grande River Basin wrote:Well. Kinda. He’ll never say his ideology (ie. Fascism, etc.), but when he speaks to different groups, he’s similar to a Huey Long/LBJ in that he’ll say what people want to hear, without anyone actually being able to accuse him of flip-flopping, ie. “I would end segregation”, whilst in the South, “I am opposed to busing, etc., something something state’s rights”
He’s a populist, he says what you want to hear, in a way that charms a snake.

A sound strategy but that unfortunately only works once. If he wins the white house but doesn't go through with maintaining segregation and other campaign promises, it will drive away some of his former supporters. By appealing to everything, he might just end up appealing to no one.

Northern Voters would pay attention to his messages and vice versa with the Southern voters

Well, of course. But he fully intends to keep his promises on economics, and end segregation, and not introduce busing. And when he passes a civil rights act, he also fully intends for the North to see him as a hero, whilst he plays up the law and order aspect as just "placating those other people" in the South.

What I mean is that nothing he says is a lie. It's just how people interpret it. No one can accuse him of lying. His economics and war aims are all going to be virtually universally accepted, and he's like Trump in his brand of populism; except he actually does what he says, and he has a plan.

Sure it only works once, but by the time his four years are up, he'll have made the American people see the changes he's making, and he'll make 'em like it. By the 8 years, they'll be scrambling to repeal the 22nd amendment...unless he fucks things up. And even if he loses the solid south (except Louisiana) in 1964, unless the Republicans tack to the left hard, he still likely takes the North + Cali.
Last edited by The Rio Grande River Basin on Wed Feb 22, 2023 1:00 am, edited 4 times in total.
FT Canon is most developed, therefore for F7
This Index says I am 0.364
Battle of Mar’Sa’Nakar ends in Pyrrhic victory as the Galactic Federation suffers losses, in defending the critical sector. GFS Andromeda severely damaged, GFS Comet destroyed. Mass evacuation of outer sector worlds beginning.
Something of a McGovernite, have some sympathy for Huey Long. Political Compass: Economic Left/Right: -9.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.59
Friend of Kraven, 2005-2023
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The Rio Grande River Basin
Posts: 4265
Founded: Sep 14, 2022

Postby The Rio Grande River Basin » Wed Feb 22, 2023 12:32 am

I think later I'll make two characters. Ex-Governor of New
York, and the Republican representative of NYC, and make Graythorpe a Democrat in Minnesota.

I think my plan is for the Republican to stand, and if he loses, and a conservative wins, he'll probably endorse whoever the the fuck the Democrat is, and if they're also conservative, then run as a third party/endorse someone's third party.

And Graythorpe will be the crucial key to winning the Trade Union states, ie. Illinois, Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio, etc. and winning the endorsements of unions. He'll probably endorse whoever toadys the best to the unions, and the most progressive one out of those.
Last edited by The Rio Grande River Basin on Wed Feb 22, 2023 12:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
FT Canon is most developed, therefore for F7
This Index says I am 0.364
Battle of Mar’Sa’Nakar ends in Pyrrhic victory as the Galactic Federation suffers losses, in defending the critical sector. GFS Andromeda severely damaged, GFS Comet destroyed. Mass evacuation of outer sector worlds beginning.
Something of a McGovernite, have some sympathy for Huey Long. Political Compass: Economic Left/Right: -9.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.59
Friend of Kraven, 2005-2023
18 years of stories deleted
Kraven Prevails!

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Laka Strolistandiler
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Democratic Socialists

Postby Laka Strolistandiler » Wed Feb 22, 2023 1:23 am

I’m working on a character- basically a LeMay stand-in (who is far less political than IRL), replacing the previous Westmoreland stand-in as the new commander of US forces in Africa. Would it work? IMHO Westmoreland played a major role in shaping the US perception of Vietnam IRL
I am not a Russian but a Cameroonian born in this POS.
An autocratic semi feudal monarchy with elements of aristocracy. Society absurdly hierarchical, cosplaying Edwardian Britain. A British-ish colonial empire incorporating some partially democratic nations who just want some WMD’s
Pronouns up to your choice I can be a girl if I want to so refer to me as she/her.
I reserve the right to /stillme any one-liners if my post is at least two lines long

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Left-wing Utopia

Postby Turkducken » Wed Feb 22, 2023 1:42 am

Laka Strolistandiler wrote:I’m working on a character- basically a LeMay stand-in (who is far less political than IRL), replacing the previous Westmoreland stand-in as the new commander of US forces in Africa. Would it work? IMHO Westmoreland played a major role in shaping the US perception of Vietnam IRL


Glad to have you ma'am
Discord: Turkducken#3718

That's a She/Her from me Boss


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Laka Strolistandiler
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Democratic Socialists

Postby Laka Strolistandiler » Wed Feb 22, 2023 4:47 am



Character Application and Information Sheet

NS Nation Name: Laka Strolistandiler
Character Name: General Chris Albert Vonner
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 56 years
Character Date of Birth: 15 Nov. 1904
Character Position/Role/Job: Commander, Military Assistance Command, Africa (MACA)
Commander of the Strategic Air Command (SAC)
Deputy Chief of Air Staff for Research & Development
XX Bomber Command
305th Bombardment Group
34th Bombardment Group
2nd Bombardment Group
27th Pursuit Squadron
Character Country/State of Birth: US
Character State of Residence: Officially US, technically Free France
Character Party Affiliation: None (for obvious reasons)
Faceclaim: Curtis LeMay
Main Strengths:

“I know this place in and bloody out!”
Vonner is not merely a high-ranking officer in the Air Force- he is one of the people who technically created it. Being in command of the SAC ever since it’s creation and until very recently, he knows nearly everything about his service, ranging from an average airman’s salary per rank to the capabilities of the monstrous aircraft under his command. Furthermore, his field of expertise goes above and beyond Air Force, knowing much about the other services- he’d often have to cooperate with them after all.

“Our guy in the Brass”
Vonner is extremely popular and well-known within both the Air Force and the other services, known for often prioritizing the safety of the men under his command and “caring for the little guy”. Furthermore, his often harsh but often honest demeanor is also popular with personnel, who at very least know that their command will not lie to them. He is also known to take the blame when responsible, almost never resorting to using lower ranking officers and enlisted as “fall guys”

“Let’s take a closer look…”
Vonner possesses a relatively analytical mind, usually resorting to breaking down a problem into several smaller ones and then inspecting each of them individually. He not only knows how to do it, but also enjoys it, from time to time solving purely theoretical questions “just for the fun of it”

Main Weaknesses:

“And what exactly does Speaker of the House Speak about?”
Vonner, as informed as he is on the military matters, is extremely poorly informed on the functions and procedures of the US Government (his knowledge on the matter is similar to that of a below-average middle schooler), which severely hampers his abilities in political maneuvering. The problem is not that he cannot understand the complexities of politics, it’s just that he doesn’t bother to do! Some even consider that he’d doing that on purpose, so that his decisions would not be influenced by the politicians, but this is highly unlikely…

“To tell the truth…”
He almost always tells the truth, hence already being the cause of multiple political scandals. He is more familiar with the military way of presenting things- upfront and without the necessary “tweaking”, after all- and despite everything, this is unlikely to change. Yet again this is a result of him devoting the majority of his life to the military and inability (or unwillingness) to change for the civilians, leading to expectable consequences.

“Every necessary measure…”
Vonner may have been distinguished for his military service during the War in the Pacific, but the measures used by him have been considered by some to be extremely cruel, and even outright brutal and inhumane by modern standards. If a tactic will prevent Americans or their allies from taking unnecessary losses, he will use it. He was the main advocate for and the main planner of both the firebombings of the Japanese cities and the two nuclear attacks. Wether he will use similarly brutal methods in Africa or if he will approach the situation more politically correctly, is a question which remains unanswered…

Biography: Chris Albert Vonner was borne 15 November 1904 to a (relatively) loving family of William Peter Vonner- a retired Cavalry officer and Mary Lee-Vonner a daughter of a high-ranking local railway official, and would go on to spend his early years just as many boys of his age would do- playing around in the beautiful meadows of Vermont, getting into fights over the usual things from time to time and dreaming of one day achieving fame, glory and unlimited candy supply. William was a strict but loving father, doing (what he thought) was best for his son- something Chris is forever grateful to him for this day. Of course, as any upper-middle class child would do, he would attend a boarding school, where he’d do slightly above average- a result his family would find satisfactory. Partially because of his own dreams of “surpassing his own father” and partially because of the many tales that he’d tell him of his service, it was no wonder that he’d try to lie to the recruiters and enlist during the First World War, which usually resulted in laughs and him being told to “come back a couple of years later”.

He was an avid member of the local Boy Scouts Troop, truly enjoying the semi-militaristic atmosphere of the organization as well as learning many skills, some of which he still values today. Even today he sometimes participates in BSA activities, believing that this organization is a sure place for any self-respecting young American.

Eagerly watching the war and consuming every bit of information he could find about it, he became deeply interested in the Air War, going so far as buying the first English edition of Von Richthofen’s book just to get a perspective from the other side. Needless to say, one of the many things he lamented that time was that the minimal age of enlistment into the Aviation Cadet Training Program was 19. He joined the University of Vermont, studying mechanical engineering (Aviation Cadet Training Program required 3 years of scientific or technical engineering), and joined the aforementioned program after finishing his 3rd year of university studies. He was commissioned as a 2nd Lt in the Air Corps Reserve in October 1925, receiving a regular commission in the USAAC in April of the next year and thus began serving as a pursuit pilot with the 27th Pursuit Squadron, but after serving in various assignments with various squadrons, was transferred to bomber aircraft in 1934. Serving at a variety of stations, he was amongst the first members of the Air Corps to receive advanced training in navigations, even helping to develop some of the visual and astronomical navigational techniques still in use. Since 1935 he heavily participated in the development of the B-17, being amongst the first pilots to take her to the air and “defending” the type from budget cuts. On several occasions, he demonstrated her combat viability, severely distinguishing himself and helping him advance up the ranks.

By 1940, he was the operations officer of the 34th Bombardment Group, hellbent on pushing the men (un)lucky to serve under him to their limits through rigorous training and frequent exercises. He also watched the war in Europe with great interest, keeping himself and his men informed on the recent developments in air warfare. By the outbreak of the War in the Pacific, he was already a major in the USAAF, commanding the recently created B-17 flying unit, the 305th.

During the war, he earned the respect and the trust of the men under his command, almost always leading them into combat, while always keeping an eye out for any new tactics and weapons which could increase the chance of “his boys” coming home. To an extent, he treated every pilot, bombardier, gunner, navigator, mechanic, even storage room clerk as a member of his family, and they answered him in character. Because of this, he steadily climbed up through the ranks, by 1944 ending as being essentially in command of all long-range operations in the pacific. Although he, to this day is often criticized for prolonging the introduction of B-29’s into service before all mechanical problems were “ironed out”, he considered it necessary not to force the airmen to pilot “flying coffins”, further earning their respect. From 1944-1945 he has planned and executed a large amount of air raids targeting Japanese “Civilian targets of high military importance”, essentially leveling and/or burning the majority of large Japanese cities. Furthermore, he has personally overseen the two nuclear attacks at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and was heavily involved in At the time, such attacks were considered justified, but mere months after the end of the war, some started to wonder if it was truly necessary…

Post-war, he was briefly put in a position of Deputy Chief of Air Staff for Research & Development, but after serving mere months in this position, was swiftly promoted to General and placed in command of the newly formed Strategic Air Command, ironing it into a perfectly functioning death machine it is today. The SAC is essentially a demonstration of an idea he believes will serve the best to for the Air Force, military by large and even, perhaps the United States- an extremely highly qualified, trained and equipped organization, severely prioritizing quality over quantity. He was also amongst the most vocal voices advocating against the deployment of US forces in support of the Free France, instead pushing for a far more limited amount of support, believing the prevention of further Chinese expansion into Australia, Korea and Japan to be more important than Africa.

Other Info: Has wife and two sons, who are largely kept out of the public image, but they’re both scouts so there’s that.

I have read and accepted the rules of the roleplay: Laka Strolistandiler

Do Not Remove: COLDWAR

OOC note: took the liberty to replace the seal with SAC emblem will change if if you’d like me to
I am not a Russian but a Cameroonian born in this POS.
An autocratic semi feudal monarchy with elements of aristocracy. Society absurdly hierarchical, cosplaying Edwardian Britain. A British-ish colonial empire incorporating some partially democratic nations who just want some WMD’s
Pronouns up to your choice I can be a girl if I want to so refer to me as she/her.
I reserve the right to /stillme any one-liners if my post is at least two lines long

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Postby Azekopolaltion » Wed Feb 22, 2023 7:58 am

Can I reserve the current Republican VP
Ro Khanna/AOC 2024

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The Rio Grande River Basin
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Postby The Rio Grande River Basin » Wed Feb 22, 2023 8:44 am

Damn. I wanted VP too. I wanted to make an ex New York Governor... Oh well!
FT Canon is most developed, therefore for F7
This Index says I am 0.364
Battle of Mar’Sa’Nakar ends in Pyrrhic victory as the Galactic Federation suffers losses, in defending the critical sector. GFS Andromeda severely damaged, GFS Comet destroyed. Mass evacuation of outer sector worlds beginning.
Something of a McGovernite, have some sympathy for Huey Long. Political Compass: Economic Left/Right: -9.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.59
Friend of Kraven, 2005-2023
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Postby Azekopolaltion » Wed Feb 22, 2023 9:55 am



Character Application and Information Sheet

NS Nation Name: Azek
Character Name: Paul Hargreaves
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 58
Character Date of Birth: March 18, 1901
Character Position/Role/Job: 36th Vice President of the United States of America (1953-), Governor of Oregon (1943-1951), Representative for Oregon's 1st Congressional District (1936-1943), Mayor of Salem (1934-1936)
Character Country/State of Birth: California
Character State of Residence: Oregon
Character Party Affiliation: Republican
Faceclaim: Henry Kissinger
Main Strengths:

"That's Jonny's Job!" Vice President Hargreaves often manages to dodge scrutiny over the Jackson Administration's policy in Free France by deferring responsibility on foreign affairs entirely to the president. Though Hargreaves is very knowledgeable about global politics and well aware of the consequences of the administration's decisions, he often pleads ignorance about international affairs in favor of focusing on domestic issues—and the ploy is often successful, with President Jackson and his Secretary of State bearing the brunt of the public's anger about the war.

America's Governor: Hargreaves is as technocratic as the next Washington policy wonk, but he's able to break things down and focus on the kitchen table issues that matter to Americans. He spectacularly walks the line between knowledgeable legislative nerd and comprehensible warrior for "Normal Americans." Given his deep political experience at every level of government—first as a mayor of a big city during the Depression, then as a federal legislator in Washington for three and a half terms, followed by a successful two-term stint as governor of Oregon with a strong popular mandate, and finally as Vice President, he has had the platform to speak at length about his desire to empower ordinary people through job creation, reducing crime, and building infrastructure. Particularly in a time of such social and political upheaval, appealing to that "normal majority" is a special strength of his, and it allows him to claim credit for many of the Jackson administration's successes on domestic policy.

Washington is a Friendly Place: Vice President Hargreaves is one of President Jackson's main men when it comes to maintaining relationships on Capitol Hill. Given that the president is somewhat of an outsider with his military background, it has been Hargreaves' job to draw on his three terms in the House and his long experience in politics to act as a liaison between the White House and the legislature.

Main Weaknesses:

Jonathan's Laundry Boy: Though he speaks to voters in relatable, moderate terms, Hargreaves does not have the inspiring personality of President Jackson. He can be a bit of a bore, and is often seen as someone who merely does the president's bidding while Jackson is the person who strongly addresses the masses.

Didn't Serve: Hargreaves' childhood condition of epilepsy meant that he was able to avoid the World War I draft. It creates a perception of mildness or insufficient vigor, when so many other men in Washington have had some level of military service; this perceived lack of courage has been a problem that the Vice President has struggled to overcome.

Messy Divorce: Hargreaves' childhood condition of epilepsy meant that he was able to avoid the World War I draft. It creates a perception of mildness or insufficient vigor, when so many other men in Washington have had some level of military service; this perceived lack of courage has been a problem that the Vice President has struggled to overcome.

Biography: (Minimum 2-3 paragraphs)

Paul Hargreaves has identified with the “ordinary American man” his entire life. He was born into a family that wasn’t rich but wasn’t poor, and he had parents who weren’t liberal but weren’t very conservative either. In truth the entire Hargreaves family disliked the populist bluster of the major political parties at the time: at the time of his birth, Paul’s father used to complain about both Democrat nominee William Jennings Bryan as well as Vice President Theodore Roosevelt (the main spokesperson of President McKinley’s re-election campaign). Over the next few years this generally translated into the Hargreaves becoming a family of reliable Republican voters, though the only Republican candidate whom his father refused to ever vote for was Teddy Roosevelt. His family’s pro-establishment streak shaped Paul’s outlook for the rest of his life.

He grew up in a very middle class, down-to-earth household in Anaheim, California. His father worked for the local paper, giving Paul great exposure to current events even in childhood. He attended public school and was one of the most successful members of his school debate team. Paul was afflicted by frequent epileptic seizures in his early years—which came in handy when he could use the condition to receive an exemption from the World War I draft. Excelling in his school academics, he enrolled in Stanford University in 1919. While at Stanford, Paul became deeply invested in national politics; he was especially enthusiastic about supporting Warren G. Harding in the 1920 presidential election. Harding’s landslide victory remains a model for Paul in his own political career, especially due to the candidate’s famous campaign slogan: “A return to normalcy.”

President Harding's various corruption scandals eventually removed him from young Paul's pedestal, but he managed to replace him with a new idol: the quiet, straight-talking Vice President Calvin Coolidge, who would later replace Harding as President (the first-ever ballot Paul cast in a presidential election was for Coolidge). "Silent Cal's" understated style would serve as a political model for Paul throughout the rest of his career, even though he didn't remain a full supporter of the limited-government conservatism endorsed by Coolidge. Beyond his engagement in electoral politics, Paul's time at Stanford was also defined by a high level of involvement in policy discourse with other bright students. The most major example of this was his establishment of the student political group "Stanford Students Against A Fascist Society," known better as SSAAF, which he started in 1921. The group quickly grew in size the following year as students became increasingly alarmed about the direction of Europe in the post-WW1 years; the ascension of Benito Mussolini to the position of Italian Prime Minister in 1922 only intensified SSAAF's activities, which largely consisted of student conferences and educating others on the dangers of fascism. Paul gained something of a notoriety in West Coast academic and political circles for his anti-fascist activities, and SSAAF soon grew to become a truly important organization in endorsing political candidates in California and neighboring states.

Paul also started an undergraduate journal on politics called Conflux, in which he published several notable articles that contradict his image today as a largely domestic-focused politician clueless about international affairs. One such article was called The Paradox of Revolution, in which he laid out a scathing critique of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and compared the rise of authoritarian Marxism to fascist regimes. A more prominent article of his was A Message to the American Negro, one of his rare writings on race in America where he cautiously endorsed racial equality (in a similar vein to his political hero, Calvin Coolidge), but largely focused on promoting economic development for African Americans by invoking the views of Booker T. Washington. Race never became a particularly important issue for Paul, but he continued emphasizing the importance of extending the American Dream to black people—not through government programs or even Civil Rights legislation necessarily, but through businesses and capitalism.

He graduated from Stanford in 1923 with a BA in economics, and promptly was accepted to a master's program at UC Berkeley which he completed in 1925. While at Berkeley he married Doris Fried, an undergraduate student pursuing a music degree there. After this he took up a teaching job at the University of Oregon, where he also pursued a PhD in economics. Paul's academic specialization directed his political interests into focusing on the growth of the American economy. Though he was an admirer of Coolidge's character, Paul began to become disillusioned with the administration's economic policy, which he felt was not sufficiently tapping into the immense prosperity of the "Roaring Twenties" to promote more equitable, sustainable growth across the board. Living on the West Coast, Paul was particularly close to the effects of the Coolidge Administration's opposition to farm subsidies, which caused significant pain for Californian and Oregonian farmers suffering from falling crop prices. Paul completed his PhD in 1931. It was a tumultuous time to be an economist; the nation was two years into the Great Depression due to the much-derided leadership of President Herbert Hoover. Paul could not bring himself to vote for Hoover in the 1932 election; instead he cast his ballot for the charismatic Franklin Delano Roosevelt, whom he saw as a bright man willing to bring business interests and government officials together to combat the economic crisis.

Paul declined a full time position as a member of the faculty at the University of Oregon, instead moving to the state capital of Salem in 1932 to take a job as an economic advisor to the incumbent Republican mayor. As the city became steeped in deeper and deeper fiscal troubles, public sentiment turned against city officials, and within a year the mayor decided not to run for reelection. Paul stepped into this opening as a self-proclaimed political outsider with deep knowledge on economic policy, and announced his candidacy for mayor—an election he won by only 97 votes. As Mayor of Salem, Paul got his first opportunity to demonstrate his strong governance chops. He managed to steer the city through its financial crisis, opening stronger dialogue with local businesses and attracting some investment back to Salem. He used funds from President Roosevelt's Public Works Administration to update Salem Municipal Airport and rebuild the city's roads, and the city was on the path to financial recovery by the middle of 1935.

He left his mayoral post when there was an opening for a Congressional seat, and he won that election handily. From 1936 onwards, he served four terms in the House of Representatives, becoming well-known on Capitol Hill as an independent-minded Republican who avoided nasty political spats and flashy speeches in favor of common-sense, bipartisan legislative work. Despite being a freshman legislator, Paul played an active role in writing economic bills: he made important contributions to the Revenue Act of 1936, which established an undistributed profits tax to raise revenue for New Deal programs and encourage corporations to distribute earnings into wages, thus stimulating the economy. Though Representative Hargreaves was opposed to the UP tax, he decided to engage in negotiations to water down the bill instead of outright rejecting it; in the end, its provisions were significantly reduced to limit its impact on small businesses.

With the "Roosevelt recession" of 1937, Hargreaves felt that he had gained the space to become a more outspoken opponent of the New Deal—despite having benefited from FDR's government spending while mayor of Salem. He began to more openly make the case that Roosevelt's hodgepodge of spending programs were creating an uncontrollable federal bureaucracy that was wasting funds. Hargreaves was not opposed to federal spending per se; he was just against expenditure on wasteful government bureaucracy when it could go into more expansive infrastructure programs. In fact, Rep. Hargreaves authored one of the early drafts of legislation promoting the construction of an Interstate Highway System, which would later be realized during his time in the Jackson Administration. His time in Congress was also marked by a vociferous opposition to National Socialism and imperial Japan: he was one of the few members of the House who openly called for American involvement in Europe and Asia to beat back the rising tide of fascism, harking back to his days as a young anti-fascist organizer at Stanford. The rest of the country seemed to come around to his position after the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941.

Hargreaves gained a large enough public profile to launch his candidacy for Oregon governor in 1942. With a breadth of experience to demonstrate his governing ability, this election was the one where he solidified his political style and message, declaring: “We can beat the fascists at home and the fascists abroad by making sure that America has the best bridges, the best roads, the best schools, and the best jobs in the world.” The day-to-day lives of the ordinary American was his primary concern, which he linked to the broader ideological battle against fascism and anti-American forms of government. In this respect, Hargreaves cast himself as a firm Cold Warrior who sees domestic American exceptionalism as the path to victory. Despite a few scandals related to his marital life, his political message resonated with Oregon voters and he won the gubernatorial election in the greatest landslide in the state's history, winning over 75% of the vote. His tenure as governor was defined by practical, but very effective, measures to expand the state economy, develop the state's infrastructure, and support World War II veterans from Oregon. He provided expanded leases for timber companies to fell trees in old-growth forests, which earned him the ire of some conservationist—but he managed to keep the focus on the many jobs created by the growth of the timber industry in Oregon. He issued nearly $80 million in state bonds and signed legislation that used 95% of the Oregon Liquor Control Commission's profits to fund a dramatic expansion of Oregon's highway system. He soon earned the nickname "Highway Hargreaves" for his big infrastructure projects, and the name stuck even when he returned to Washington. Other initiatives he implemented as governor included increased benefits for veterans (such as real estate loan privileges, education subsidies, and vocational training), elimination and/or consolidation of wasteful state agencies (like the Milk Control Board, State Banking Board, and Oregon Corporation Department), and the establishment of a state old-age assistance fund to supplement the new federal Social Security program and bring average payments to about $45 per Oregon senior.

By the end of his second term in 1951, Governor Hargreaves was one of the most prominent politicians in America, renowned for his capable leadership during such troublesome times—especially since the Republican Party had been otherwise such a mess during the New Deal era. He began to reach out again to his allies in Washington, hoping to lay the groundwork for a 1954 Senate campaign if the seat became available. However, much to his surprise, Republican nominee and war hero Jonathan Jackson offered him the position of his running mate. Though the two men were not personal friends, Hargreaves’ youth in contrast to Jackson’s seniority, coupled with the younger man’s extensive political experience compared to Jackson’s outsider mentality, made them almost a perfect match for the Republican ticket. Jackson handily won the 1952 election, and Paul Hargreaves was inaugurated as the 36th Vice President of the U.S.A.

As Vice President, Hargreaves has taken an active and very visible role in guiding administration policy. His pet issue of infrastructure development resulted in him making a very public push for Congress to pass legislation to begin construction on an Interstate Highway System. He was instrumental in negotiations between House Democrats and the White House in finalizing the legislation; because the opposition party was against using bind financing to fund the big infrastructure project, Hargreaves managed to broker a deal where a gasoline tax would fund the Highway Trust Fund, with the federal government accounting for 90 percent of all spending on the project. The legislation was finally passed and signed by President Jackson in 1956, with Vice President Hargreaves standing proudly next to him.

The war in Free France has been a delicate issue for Hargreaves. He sees the economic and political benefits of funding the war machine for combat abroad, and also sees the geopolitical benefits of contributing to support France given the need for an ally in increasingly fascist Europe. However, he was also acutely aware of how toxic the issue could become with the American public before the war was truly controversial, and privately advised the president to exercise caution in the region. He was mostly dismissed by Jackson on such matters, with the former general feeling that foreign policy was firmly in his domain of expertise. Hargreaves was happy enough to let the President go it alone on his foreign interventions; he proceeded to get quieter and quieter at meetings with Pentagon and national security leaders, allowing the President to dictate course on the war. But as Jackson’s actions abroad become more and more unpopular, it has become especially difficult for “America’s Governor,” the once and future “Highway Hargreaves,” to fully separate himself from the administration’s decisions. As he mulls whether to officially throw his hat in the ring to succeed his friend Jonathan, Paul will have to see whether his long reputation as a highly effective implementer can push him to the top—or whether his association with Jackson’s war and his wishy-washy positions on foreign policy will cost him.

Other Info: His first wife, Doris, divorced him in 1942, in a very messy and public scandal where she was revealed to be having a lesbian affair with a friend from her college days. The custody battle for their three children undermined Paul's image as a clean, model American family man. He married Lydia G. Swearingen, the 27-year-old daughter of a powerful Hollywood family, in 1945. They have one daughter, born in 1947.

I have read and accepted the rules of the roleplay: (Your Nation's Name Here)

Do Not Remove: COLDWAR
Last edited by Azekopolaltion on Wed Feb 22, 2023 10:59 pm, edited 7 times in total.
Ro Khanna/AOC 2024

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The Rio Grande River Basin
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Founded: Sep 14, 2022

Postby The Rio Grande River Basin » Wed Feb 22, 2023 10:43 am

I’ll reserve New York governor, or Republican Cali senator, if possible.
Last edited by The Rio Grande River Basin on Wed Feb 22, 2023 10:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
FT Canon is most developed, therefore for F7
This Index says I am 0.364
Battle of Mar’Sa’Nakar ends in Pyrrhic victory as the Galactic Federation suffers losses, in defending the critical sector. GFS Andromeda severely damaged, GFS Comet destroyed. Mass evacuation of outer sector worlds beginning.
Something of a McGovernite, have some sympathy for Huey Long. Political Compass: Economic Left/Right: -9.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.59
Friend of Kraven, 2005-2023
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Postby Bogmia » Wed Feb 22, 2023 10:49 am

i want to make an application, but i don't now anything about american politics of the 1960

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Sao Nova Europa
Posts: 3447
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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Sao Nova Europa » Wed Feb 22, 2023 10:59 am

Azekopolaltion wrote:Can I reserve the current Republican VP

Sure. :)

"I’ve just bitten a snake. Never mind me, I’ve got business to look after."
- Guo Jing ‘The Brave Archer’.

“In war, to keep the upper hand, you have to think two or three moves ahead of the enemy.”
- Char Aznable

"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat."
- Sun Tzu

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The Rio Grande River Basin
Posts: 4265
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Postby The Rio Grande River Basin » Wed Feb 22, 2023 11:01 am

Sao Nova Europa wrote:
Azekopolaltion wrote:Can I reserve the current Republican VP

Sure. :)

I think I’ll make a mishmash of various Liberal Republicans, can I reserve Cali senator or NY governor?
Last edited by The Rio Grande River Basin on Wed Feb 22, 2023 11:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
FT Canon is most developed, therefore for F7
This Index says I am 0.364
Battle of Mar’Sa’Nakar ends in Pyrrhic victory as the Galactic Federation suffers losses, in defending the critical sector. GFS Andromeda severely damaged, GFS Comet destroyed. Mass evacuation of outer sector worlds beginning.
Something of a McGovernite, have some sympathy for Huey Long. Political Compass: Economic Left/Right: -9.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.59
Friend of Kraven, 2005-2023
18 years of stories deleted
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Sao Nova Europa
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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Sao Nova Europa » Wed Feb 22, 2023 11:05 am

Laka Strolistandiler wrote:NS Nation Name: Laka Strolistandiler
Character Name: General Chris Albert Vonner


Great to see a military app. Should be interesting. :)

"I’ve just bitten a snake. Never mind me, I’ve got business to look after."
- Guo Jing ‘The Brave Archer’.

“In war, to keep the upper hand, you have to think two or three moves ahead of the enemy.”
- Char Aznable

"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat."
- Sun Tzu

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Sao Nova Europa
Posts: 3447
Founded: Apr 20, 2019
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Sao Nova Europa » Wed Feb 22, 2023 11:05 am

The Rio Grande River Basin wrote:
Sao Nova Europa wrote:
Sure. :)

I think I’ll make a mishmash of various Liberal Republicans, can I reserve Cali senator or NY governor?

NY Gov is reserved by CSR. You can be a California Senator though. :)

"I’ve just bitten a snake. Never mind me, I’ve got business to look after."
- Guo Jing ‘The Brave Archer’.

“In war, to keep the upper hand, you have to think two or three moves ahead of the enemy.”
- Char Aznable

"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat."
- Sun Tzu

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The Rio Grande River Basin
Posts: 4265
Founded: Sep 14, 2022

Postby The Rio Grande River Basin » Wed Feb 22, 2023 11:07 am

Sao Nova Europa wrote:
The Rio Grande River Basin wrote:I think I’ll make a mishmash of various Liberal Republicans, can I reserve Cali senator or NY governor?

NY Gov is reserved by CSR. You can be a California Senator though. :)

Okey dokey! On second thoughts, anyhow, there’s already a Liberal NY Republican. Perhaps a Cali senator would make more sense.
FT Canon is most developed, therefore for F7
This Index says I am 0.364
Battle of Mar’Sa’Nakar ends in Pyrrhic victory as the Galactic Federation suffers losses, in defending the critical sector. GFS Andromeda severely damaged, GFS Comet destroyed. Mass evacuation of outer sector worlds beginning.
Something of a McGovernite, have some sympathy for Huey Long. Political Compass: Economic Left/Right: -9.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.59
Friend of Kraven, 2005-2023
18 years of stories deleted
Kraven Prevails!

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Sao Nova Europa
Posts: 3447
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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Sao Nova Europa » Wed Feb 22, 2023 11:11 am

Cybernetic Socialist Republics wrote:Rebooting an old idea, maybe against better judgement, instead of going to Tennesse. We've got plenty of democrats as is, I guess.


"I’ve just bitten a snake. Never mind me, I’ve got business to look after."
- Guo Jing ‘The Brave Archer’.

“In war, to keep the upper hand, you have to think two or three moves ahead of the enemy.”
- Char Aznable

"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat."
- Sun Tzu

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Sao Nova Europa
Posts: 3447
Founded: Apr 20, 2019
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Sao Nova Europa » Wed Feb 22, 2023 11:13 am

Bogmia wrote:i want to make an application, but i don't now anything about american politics of the 1960

Hi. You can

A) read the Factbook (second post): it provides information on both the world and 1960s America.
B) read Wikipedia

After doing the above, you could app for a low-ranking character. Perhaps a first-time mayor of a small town? Or a state representative (instead of US one)? Or even an activist of some sort who does not hold political office.

"I’ve just bitten a snake. Never mind me, I’ve got business to look after."
- Guo Jing ‘The Brave Archer’.

“In war, to keep the upper hand, you have to think two or three moves ahead of the enemy.”
- Char Aznable

"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat."
- Sun Tzu

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Postby Catalaonia » Wed Feb 22, 2023 11:17 am

Not pushing you, but when should we expect the IC to be up?

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Sao Nova Europa
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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Sao Nova Europa » Wed Feb 22, 2023 11:23 am

Catalaonia wrote:Not pushing you, but when should we expect the IC to be up?

Probably in two days, to give people some more time to complete their apps.

"I’ve just bitten a snake. Never mind me, I’ve got business to look after."
- Guo Jing ‘The Brave Archer’.

“In war, to keep the upper hand, you have to think two or three moves ahead of the enemy.”
- Char Aznable

"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat."
- Sun Tzu

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The Rio Grande River Basin
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Postby The Rio Grande River Basin » Wed Feb 22, 2023 12:09 pm



Character Application and Information Sheet

NS Nation Name: The Rio Grande River Basin
Character Name: George Graythorpe
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 40, soon to be 41
Character Date of Birth: 1919
Character Position/Role/Job:

USAAF Lieutenant, Bomber Pilot (1940-1946)
US representative for the 4th District of Minnesota (1948-1956)
Governor of Minnesota (1956-present)

Character Country/State of Birth: Illinois
Character State of Residence: Illinois
Character Party Affiliation: Democrat
Faceclaim: JFK and George McGovern, combined with Mike Gravel
Main Strengths:

Hellraiser. Known for fiery anti-establishment speeches, hammering home his points on inequality. Prides himself on ethics, but if a scandal strikes his opponent, he’ll let ‘em have it with both barrels.

War Hero. Flew B-25s, and won’t hesitate to tell you about it, and his Purple Heart. Was injured on a bombing run over Okinawa, and daringly escaped during the night.

Charismatic populist. Popular amongst the left, detested by the right. He’ll tell people what they want to hear, and he’ll tell it in a way to charm a snake.

Main Weaknesses:

Establishment? What establishment?. Burned all those bridges long ago.

Screw the rules, I have ethics!. Follows through on what he thinks, sometimes a little too hard.

Unstoppable force, meet, immovable object. Very used to getting his way, and won’t hesitate to try and ram through powerful people.

Biography: Born in 1919 to a greengrocer, and a local entrepreneur, both staunch reformist democrats, George Graythorpe showed promise from a young age. Intellectually gifted, and top grades in school, he became a school president, and debate team captain, as well as learning how to fly in an Aeronca aircraft, receiving a license through the “Civilian Pilot Training Program”. At 21, after abruptly finishing his degrees, he headed off to war. He became a bomber pilot, who earned a medal for escaping a Japanese POW camp, whilst wounded, winning the Purple Heart medal for his efforts.

Upon return, he almost immediately began a political career, raising hell against the establishment, and easily taking an upset victory in the primary, facing State Senator Harold O. Lowe, despite running a low budget campaign, he appealed to the voters, going door to door, as many suffered from Jackson’s union policies. As it appears he was winning, spurious allegations of being a fascist sympathiser were thrown at him, for having supported Henry A. Wallace. Entering congress, he became a member of the House Committee on Labour Relations, as a rabidly pro-union member. In his 2nd re-election, he once again faced a challenge against WW2 Medal of Honor Recipient Joan Fuss, who was seen as the inevitable winner, but after showcasing his firm beliefs, once again won a dark horse victory.

After 8 long years, he turned his eyes to the governorship, held by a retiring Republican. Despite his easy victory in the primaries, his opponent seemed insurmountable, leading him by 20 points, but with vigorous campaigning, and his opponent’s inaction, he seized victory by a mere few hundred votes. His first action was to audit the states expenditures, then immediately beginning a slim down of the civil service, whilst increasing taxes, and introducing a massive welfare increase, Social Security, a mass expansion of healthcare, and a resolution to the slight budget deficit. He also organised a conference on Union issues with the governors of Minnesota, Michigan and Ohio. By his second election, he had the backing of the Democrats.
Now, he stands as the youngest governor, and a damn effective one at that. He has no ties with the establishment, or business, but he holds immense sway over the unions, and the union states. His endorsement would be key to winning the vast electoral prizes of the Midwest and significant swathes of the Northeast. If all goes well, then he’ll have another job in 4 or 8 years.

Other Info: (I will submit my app for a Rockefeller/Hiram Johnson expy soon)

I have read and accepted the rules of the roleplay: The Rio Grande River Basin

Do Not Remove: COLDWAR
Last edited by The Rio Grande River Basin on Wed Feb 22, 2023 12:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby The Rio Grande River Basin » Wed Feb 22, 2023 12:38 pm



Character Application and Information Sheet

NS Nation Name: The Rio Grande River Basin
Character Name: Nigel Gary
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 58
Character Date of Birth: 1902, February 23rd
Character Position/Role/Job:

Senate Minority Leader (1958-present)
Senator from California (1947-present)
Governor of California (1943-1947)
Chairman of the Board of Honest Media Inc.

Character Country/State of Birth: California
Character State of Residence: California
Character Party Affiliation: Republican
Faceclaim: Younger Nelson Rockefeller
Main Strengths:

Chessmaster: Oddly manipulative, considering his seemingly friendly persona. Has outright ruined people’s careers “for the greater good”.

Your local friendly millionaire!: Close to the people, and seen as relatable, despite his enormous wealth and influence,

Scandal-less: Has no actual real scandals, though if you really want to push it, his lobbying of state representatives can be very forcedly seen as bribery.
Main Weaknesses:

Establishment figure: Pretty friendly to the establishment, and despite his attempts to change this, he is a prime target for the populists on both sides.

Silver Spoon: Hasn’t had his own travel upwards and though he mostly gained power and influence on his own, he looks like an inherited power.

Too nice: Sure, he’ll trick and force his enemies, but he’ll do it whilst speaking softly to them. And when you’re talking to someone disliked… not good. He also tries to not go personal with attacks.

Biography: Gary was born on February 23, 1902, at 12:06 pm, in San Francisco. Named Nigel Henson Gary after his maternal grandfather Nigel Henson Tyrene, he was the second son and third child of financier and philanthropist James Blume Gary and philanthropist and socialite Harriet Esther Tyrene. He had two older siblings—Jane and James II—as well as three younger brothers: Cory, Harry and William. Their father, James, was the only son of U.S Steel co-founder Elbert Gary and schoolteacher Julia Emily Graves. Their mother, Harriet, was a daughter of a financier, Nigel Henson Tyrene and Betty Esther.

Gary grew up in his family's homes in San Francisco, a country home in San Clemente, California and a summer home in Avalon, California. The family also travelled widely. He received his elementary, middle, and high school education at the Roosevelt School in California, an experimental school funded by the Garys. Nigel was known to disappear on the way to school, and was once found exploring the city's sewer system.

In 1943, Gary won the gubernatorial election as a member of the Roosevelt League, a Progressive Republican movement, running on a platform opposed to the new “Conservative Republicans”. During his campaign, he toured the state in an open automobile, covering thousands of miles and visiting small communities throughout California that were inaccessible by rail. Gary helped establish rules that made voting and the political process easier. For example, he established rules to facilitate recalls.

In office, Gary was a progressive who promoted a number of Civil Rights bills, whilst campaigning for the lowering of income tax, the introduction of a higher consumption tax, and a new subsidised healthcare system. He campaigned on a pro-worker, yet still pro-business, platform, two seemingly irreconcilable concepts that he successfully united. After one highly successful term, he passed the role down to the Lieutenant Governor, easily winning the Senate Election after the previous Republican retired. In an electoral wipeout, he used his connections, and massive reserves, to seize victory with an over 40% margin of victory.

In the senate, he rapidly rose through the ranks, using news connections, his own media empire, and large amount of lobbying power, forced himself into his preferred committees, and became the Chief Whip. In 1958, after issues with the previous Minority Leader’s personal life came out (a scandal that involved a prostitute, a camera and the “Red Bull Inn”). With him as the obvious heir apparent, he seized power, and worked with Liberal Democrats to push through more and more civil rights legislation, and an increased federal consumption tax, and a reduced income tax, and attempting to create a federal healthcare and housing fund.

Other Info:

I have read and accepted the rules of the roleplay: (Your Nation's Name Here)

Do Not Remove: COLDWAR
Last edited by The Rio Grande River Basin on Sat Feb 25, 2023 7:40 am, edited 4 times in total.
FT Canon is most developed, therefore for F7
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Battle of Mar’Sa’Nakar ends in Pyrrhic victory as the Galactic Federation suffers losses, in defending the critical sector. GFS Andromeda severely damaged, GFS Comet destroyed. Mass evacuation of outer sector worlds beginning.
Something of a McGovernite, have some sympathy for Huey Long. Political Compass: Economic Left/Right: -9.88
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Postby Turkducken » Wed Feb 22, 2023 12:39 pm


So as Governor of Minnesota, he created some kind of universal healthcare program?

How’d he manage that if he’s an absolute outsider?

Also I’m pretty sure you can just be a Rockefeller, there’s no need to change that.

But I will say that it seems pretty poor taste to copy paste Wikipedia summaries instead of using creative writing.
Last edited by Turkducken on Wed Feb 22, 2023 12:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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The Rio Grande River Basin
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Postby The Rio Grande River Basin » Wed Feb 22, 2023 12:40 pm

Turkducken wrote:Wait…

So as Governor of Minnesota, he created some kind of universal healthcare program?

How’d he manage that if he’s an absolute outsider?

Well, Minnesota is and was very left-leaning, and dominated by unions. And just cuz he is, doesn’t mean the people around him are…
I’m working on my Rockefeller/Hiram Johnson expy.
Last edited by The Rio Grande River Basin on Wed Feb 22, 2023 12:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
FT Canon is most developed, therefore for F7
This Index says I am 0.364
Battle of Mar’Sa’Nakar ends in Pyrrhic victory as the Galactic Federation suffers losses, in defending the critical sector. GFS Andromeda severely damaged, GFS Comet destroyed. Mass evacuation of outer sector worlds beginning.
Something of a McGovernite, have some sympathy for Huey Long. Political Compass: Economic Left/Right: -9.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.59
Friend of Kraven, 2005-2023
18 years of stories deleted
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