The Grey Wardens : Holiday Roast

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Postby Tim » Sat Jun 25, 2022 9:16 pm

Wayneactia wrote:
Trivene wrote:Hmm, I'm not sure this counts as the witty comeback you're thinking it counts as....

I never said it was a witty come back. I don't tag, so I honestly don't know. I just go by what I read on the forums...

If you actually read what you claim you do, you’d know Luca isn’t the author of any Chasing Scripts :)

I realize it’d hard to expect people to know what they’re talking about, though, so you can go read and then try again ;)
Want to actually win this game? Join The Grey Wardens - Help Us Save Nationstates
You can trust me, I was voted Most Influential and Gameplayer of The Year in 2021.

Author of SC#74, SC #203, SC #222, and SC #238 | Co-Author of SC#191
Founder of Spiritus | Three-Time Delegate of Osiris | Pharaoh of the Islamic Republics of Iran | Hero of Greece
<Koth - 06/30/2020> I mean as far as GPers go, Tim is one of the most iconic

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Postby WayNeacTia » Sat Jun 25, 2022 10:10 pm

Tim wrote:
Wayneactia wrote:I never said it was a witty come back. I don't tag, so I honestly don't know. I just go by what I read on the forums...

If you actually read what you claim you do, you’d know Luca isn’t the author of any Chasing Scripts :)

I realize it’d hard to expect people to know what they’re talking about, though, so you can go read and then try again ;)

It's a lot funner to talk shit here instead. Nice seein' ya Tim....
Last edited by WayNeacTia on Sat Jun 25, 2022 10:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sarcasm dispensed moderately.
RiderSyl wrote:You'd really think that defenders would communicate with each other about this. I know they're not a hivemind, but at least some level of PR skill would keep Quebecshire and Quebecshire from publically contradicting eac


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Postby Tim » Sat Jun 25, 2022 11:26 pm

Wayneactia wrote:
Tim wrote:If you actually read what you claim you do, you’d know Luca isn’t the author of any Chasing Scripts :)

I realize it’d hard to expect people to know what they’re talking about, though, so you can go read and then try again ;)

It's a lot funner to talk shit here instead. Nice seein' ya Tim....

It’s not my fault you’re bad at talking shit.
Want to actually win this game? Join The Grey Wardens - Help Us Save Nationstates
You can trust me, I was voted Most Influential and Gameplayer of The Year in 2021.

Author of SC#74, SC #203, SC #222, and SC #238 | Co-Author of SC#191
Founder of Spiritus | Three-Time Delegate of Osiris | Pharaoh of the Islamic Republics of Iran | Hero of Greece
<Koth - 06/30/2020> I mean as far as GPers go, Tim is one of the most iconic

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Varax Zwei
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Postby Varax Zwei » Sun Jun 26, 2022 12:18 pm

6/26/2022 Minor - Saving Christmas (yet again)

Christmas in June? Whatever floats your boat.

The denizens of Christmas town sure do like to make Christmas all year round even in June. Well a pack of wolves just wasn't having that, so they tried to cancel Christmas (yet again, to the surprise of absolutely no one). We here in the Grey Wardens believe Christmas town should remain open all year round, regardless of the perennial scrooges in LWU's constant efforts. On this night in Christmas it turns out something was definitely stirring...

...and boy did they ever!

The sheer number of awakened sleepers then chased the small pack of wolves clear out of town.

Not to be outdone, this day saw a guest appearance by Lily! Our team of adept Warden update navigators proceeded to mount their griffins to take flight against the veteran Lily squadrons. They led our team on yet another flight pattern around the world as the Warden griffin riders managed to chase the Lily squadrons out of a number of regions.

After a long hard fought day, in Christmas they sung a new carol: "On the 26th day of June my good defenders gave to me, one liberation, 65 defenses and a detag in a pear tree!"

Warden Squadron Present:

High Constable Sir Merlin
Chamberlain Luca
Warden Commander Haku
Warden Constable Nakari
Warden Lieutenant Merni
Warden Lieutenant Quebecshire
Warden Lieutenant Sulenia
Warden Alfonzo
Warden Eshialand
Warden Fauxia
Warden Varax
Warden Vis

Allied Forces:

[LDF] Terranihil
[PAL] Haganham
[RRA] Altasund
[RRA] Salem
[SPSF/FNDA] Warrior
[SPSF] Gordon Freeman
[SPSF] Not an austrian
[SPSF] Purple Hyacinth
[v] Sedge



65 Defenses:

Union Of Ever Socialist Republics
Uralic Republic
The Geofs Region
Second World Order
Eglintonian Test Region
New World Roman Empire
The Empire Of Oppression
Nuclear Power
Persatuan Sayap Militer Pnsk
Greater Middle Earth
Duck Pond
The Poopy Empire
Those Weird Countries In A Corner
Driving Around Nyc At 4 Am Numb To Life
Danganronpa Talent Sector
Empire Of Rohan
Pink Pandas
Russian Empire L
Hippes New Founder Editoin
Emu Federation
The Royal States Of The Prospila Union
Mountain Of Stability
South Germany
The Consumable Sustenance Coalition
Tierras Unidas
United Islamic Association
Region X
Southern Atlantic States
The Sovietunion
Fuerdo Has Children
Juan Cena Jr
United Free Territories
Organization Of Central Indiana Counties
The King Isle
Indo Pacific Treaty Organization
The Dragon Alliance
Indian Mars
Colonial Governments In Exile
Regions Of Democracy
The Free Alliance Of Aldorria
The Unity
Orlando Florida
The Tavern
Caucasus Region
Brend Alliance

1 Detag:

Second World Order
High Constable of The Order of the Grey Wardens

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The Orwell Society
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Founded: Apr 16, 2022

Postby The Orwell Society » Sun Jun 26, 2022 1:49 pm

Impressive to say the least. How would you guys like to be commended? It's an idea that's been bouncing around in my head for a while, and I've already drafted a couple of WA proposals, so I think I'd like to try my hand at the SC. All I need is y'all's approval and a whole lot of research.
The Orwell Society
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Postby Alfonzo » Sun Jun 26, 2022 6:13 pm

The Orwell Society wrote:Impressive to say the least. How would you guys like to be commended? It's an idea that's been bouncing around in my head for a while, and I've already drafted a couple of WA proposals, so I think I'd like to try my hand at the SC. All I need is y'all's approval and a whole lot of research.

We are looking for a commendation indeed, we’re also looking for new people interested in R/D who are willing to be conscripted. :)
✯ ✯ ✯ In War, Victory. In Peace, Vigilance. In Death, Sacrifice: TGW ✯ ✯ ✯
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Lord Dominator
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Postby Lord Dominator » Sun Jun 26, 2022 9:23 pm

Alfonzo wrote:who are willing to be conscripted. :)

Ignoring the rest deliberately, but aren’t “willing” and “conscripted” usually opposites, lol?
Last edited by Lord Dominator on Sun Jun 26, 2022 9:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Roylaii » Sun Jun 26, 2022 9:36 pm

The Orwell Society wrote:Impressive to say the least. How would you guys like to be commended? It's an idea that's been bouncing around in my head for a while, and I've already drafted a couple of WA proposals, so I think I'd like to try my hand at the SC. All I need is y'all's approval and a whole lot of research.

The Grey Wardens are definitely commendable! In fact if I'm not mistake, another one of their members is on track to be commended in the SC right now.

Alfonzo wrote: We are looking for a commendation indeed, we’re also looking for new people interested in R/D who are willing to be conscripted. :)

Its a shame i need my WA on this nation at all times, otherwise i would certainly volunteer to be conscripted by you wonderful defenders
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Founded: Jan 19, 2022

Postby Saksoni » Sun Jun 26, 2022 9:43 pm

Cool, then why you only mention around 10 when anybody from the region is asked about em? Also, could i get Layem and make it a meritocracy, same as my current region? Its my home region and i got the original recruitement telegram with the flag, and im propably the only one wishing to do so. I would also free 7 of your people.
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Postby Saksoni » Sun Jun 26, 2022 9:46 pm

Roylaii wrote:
The Orwell Society wrote:Impressive to say the least. How would you guys like to be commended? It's an idea that's been bouncing around in my head for a while, and I've already drafted a couple of WA proposals, so I think I'd like to try my hand at the SC. All I need is y'all's approval and a whole lot of research.

The Grey Wardens are definitely commendable! In fact if I'm not mistake, another one of their members is on track to be commended in the SC right now.

Alfonzo wrote: We are looking for a commendation indeed, we’re also looking for new people interested in R/D who are willing to be conscripted. :)

Its a shame i need my WA on this nation at all times, otherwise i would certainly volunteer to be conscripted by you wonderful defenders

Wonderfull? Sorry, not now. I woken up one morning and noticed im in RR. Why? Because a moderator named Tim banned me. For what? Well, he doesnt respond even to his own members, even to the office of them! And nobody wants to unban me, because they are all lazy bums that follow Malice and Suspicious, as they found out that they are virtually the same!
If steal, only millions. If give, only best.

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Postby Saksoni » Sun Jun 26, 2022 9:49 pm

The Orwell Society wrote:Impressive to say the least. How would you guys like to be commended? It's an idea that's been bouncing around in my head for a while, and I've already drafted a couple of WA proposals, so I think I'd like to try my hand at the SC. All I need is y'all's approval and a whole lot of research.

First, somebody is working on that. Second, i would propably help with any repeal there is as they dont deserve a commend for just following the raiders and raiding with them, telling they are actually rigth this time every time raiders raid while talking about some ways and then kickin you out of the region with an soon destroyed account and nobody wanting to even look why or just plain ignoring their bud they talked 4 hours earlier with.
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Refuge Isle
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Postby Refuge Isle » Sun Jun 26, 2022 10:00 pm

Saksoni wrote:Also, could i get Layem and make it a meritocracy, same as my current region? Its my home region and i got the original recruitement telegram with the flag

Saksoni wrote:I woken up one morning and noticed im in RR. Why? Because a moderator named Tim banned me.

Have you considered that these might be related
Last edited by Refuge Isle on Sun Jun 26, 2022 10:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Reploid Productions
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Postby Reploid Productions » Sun Jun 26, 2022 10:14 pm

Saksoni wrote:Because a moderator named Tim banned me.

FYI, Tim isn't a moderator. Did you mean regional officer?
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[violet] wrote:Maybe we could power our new search engine from the sexual tension between you two.
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Postby WayNeacTia » Sun Jun 26, 2022 10:34 pm

Refuge Isle wrote:
Saksoni wrote:Also, could i get Layem and make it a meritocracy, same as my current region? Its my home region and i got the original recruitement telegram with the flag

Saksoni wrote:I woken up one morning and noticed im in RR. Why? Because a moderator named Tim banned me.

Have you considered that these might be related

I'm sure it was just Tim being a big meanie....
Sarcasm dispensed moderately.
RiderSyl wrote:You'd really think that defenders would communicate with each other about this. I know they're not a hivemind, but at least some level of PR skill would keep Quebecshire and Quebecshire from publically contradicting eac


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The Orwell Society
Posts: 2239
Founded: Apr 16, 2022

Postby The Orwell Society » Mon Jun 27, 2022 6:52 am

Alfonzo wrote:
The Orwell Society wrote:Impressive to say the least. How would you guys like to be commended? It's an idea that's been bouncing around in my head for a while, and I've already drafted a couple of WA proposals, so I think I'd like to try my hand at the SC. All I need is y'all's approval and a whole lot of research.

We are looking for a commendation indeed, we’re also looking for new people interested in R/D who are willing to be conscripted. :)

I will start on it shortly, and I just might join up with you once I start R/D again.
The Orwell Society
Straight Male | Political Alignment: Centrist leaning conservative | NSGP Alignment: Independent | Proud Wellspringer, join The Wellspring today!

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Postby Alfonzo » Mon Jun 27, 2022 1:06 pm

Lord Dominator wrote:
Alfonzo wrote:who are willing to be conscripted. :)

Ignoring the rest deliberately, but aren’t “willing” and “conscripted” usually opposites, lol?

Indeed! it is awfully nice or seriously funny I would say such a thing. i may clearly confuse but I promise you will be heedlessly aware of this piece of English “grammer”
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Postby Pterodaxtyl » Mon Jun 27, 2022 2:24 pm

Varax Zwei wrote:[snip]

Seems like an impressive update.
And its awesome to see you back in gp, Varax, the Wardens are lucky to have you!
Dax Lacerta-Vytherov
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Warden Roavin
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Postby Warden Roavin » Tue Jun 28, 2022 12:39 pm


this minor update had some major turnout.

there were three peeps from the league, who used to play in the minor leagues but now play major league even at minor updates, playing a major part in our success. The rra, hailing from trr and one of the major defender orgs, also brought their minor gang and even though their total contribution in terms of numbers was minor, they were one of the major contributors to shitposting in #liberation, including by frattastan (a minor gameplay celebrity). There were also some south pacificans, who you might remember from that major milograd minnow malady from 2013, also bringing two, including Moon who is a major stalwart of moonor updates. There were some miscellaneous other people too, like dimitrinor, marinor, kurninginor, nijinor, mendor, and waste. It was a bit weird for me because I'm 35 and it felt like a majority of these minor updaters are minors.

Oh of course there were a major amount of wardens too. specifically, we had quebec (the minor tim you could say), tim (the major quebec you could say and the last legitimate pharaoh of osighris, a former major gameplay region), fauxia who had a major lack of faux to give, grea kriopia who is kinda the major girlboss right now, luca who is kinda the other major girlboss, paul haku who is also a minor celebrity and currently being commended, nakari who is a major fren and a minor guinea pic enthusiast, sulenia whose major name shall not be sullied, eshia who majors in tetris openers, merlin who is offensively finnish in a major way, merni whose name is almost an anagram of minor, and me, a major celebrity whose favorite chord is A# minor 9#11.

unfortunately the raiders had a minor number of hits because they tried some minor annoyance tactics against the major doomstack of the minor crew chasers going majorly hard. but despite all that, the majority of the raider's targets were either defended or missed, and we chased after every one no matter how minor the target was. therefore we had a majority of wins on this minor update with a minor amount of total wins (compared to the major chase records). because as it turns out, getting major wins even on minor updates is in our DNA, encoded into the very aminor acids within us.

oh by the way, i am very much aware that this report is majorly dumb. i didn't bother proofreading, so i apologize for minor formatting or spelling errors throughout.

First Warden Grea Kriopia
Chamberlain Luca
Commander Paul Hanku
Commander Roavin
Commander Sir Merlin
Commander Tim
Constable Moon
Constable Nakari
Lieutenant Merni
Lieutenant Quebecshire
Lieutenant Sulenia
Warden Eshialand
Warden Fauxia


Defenses (12):
Last edited by Warden Roavin on Tue Jun 28, 2022 12:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Proud member of The Order of the Grey Wardens

Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the opinions expressed in the above post are my own and not representative of any region I'm a part of.

The player of this nation primarily plays as Roavin.

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Grea Kriopia
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Postby Grea Kriopia » Tue Jun 28, 2022 2:11 pm

Leave it to Roavin to put an ungodly amount of bad puns into one report
President of Europeia (she/her)
Defender Family Tree
Secretary of Getting Bob in Thaecord, Thaecia
First Warden, The Order of the Grey Wardens
Warden-Commander, The Order of the Grey Wardens
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The Noble Thatcherites
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Postby The Noble Thatcherites » Tue Jun 28, 2022 5:46 pm

One of the funniest update updates I’ve read in a long time. Well done!
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Onionist Randosia
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Postby Onionist Randosia » Tue Jun 28, 2022 10:21 pm

Is Roavin planning on starting a ‘how many puns can you fit in one R/D update report’ competition?
The People's Onionist Republic of Onionist Randosia
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Free Algerstonia
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Postby Free Algerstonia » Tue Jun 28, 2022 10:26 pm


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Postby Dacay » Wed Jun 29, 2022 12:01 am

bless you Roavin

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Postby Fauxia » Wed Jun 29, 2022 7:08 am

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Reploid Productions wrote:Unfortunately, Max still won't buy the mods elite ninja assassin squads to use, so... no such luck.
Sandaoguo wrote:GP is a den of cynics and nihilists
My opinions do not represent any NS governments I may happen to be in (yeah right), any RL governments I may happen to be in (yeah right), the CIA, the NSA, the FBI. the Freemasons, the Illuminati, Opus Dei, the Knights Templar, the Freemasons, the Organization for the Advancement of Cultural Marxism, the Freemasons or any other organization. Unless I say they do, I suppose.

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The Orwell Society
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Postby The Orwell Society » Wed Jun 29, 2022 7:23 am

Interesting report. Great job!
The Orwell Society
Straight Male | Political Alignment: Centrist leaning conservative | NSGP Alignment: Independent | Proud Wellspringer, join The Wellspring today!

A vision without action is just a daydream



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