The Grey Wardens : Holiday Roast

Talk about regional management and politics, raider/defender gameplay, and other game-related matters.
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Postby Bendicion » Thu Jun 16, 2022 12:46 am

Damn. That is freaking impressive. :bow:

Author of ‘Ben was here o/‘
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♖ Sic Parvis Magna ♖
From Small Beginnings, Great Things


NS Issues Work Bench
I like quiet | I hate insensitivity | Perseverance is my drug
Chaotic Sparkles,c.2023 wrote:this was just one hamster that took on the world and that hamster has now been maintained as governor.
The Sapientia, c.2014 wrote:”You'll be back. Once you start , you can never stop”
A Bloodred Moon wrote: It's why, [Defenders] when not farming badges through LibJuncts or repealing condemns, spend their time...with...mediocrity.
Westinor wrote:Ben scarred me ;-;

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Postby Lucklife » Thu Jun 16, 2022 5:29 am

Refuge Isle wrote:He was unable to make contact with the grass. "Nani??" he exclaimed aloud.


Touching grass is impossible
suisui wrote:"I have an idea"
Mikochi wrote:"No violence"
suisui wrote:"I no longer have an idea"

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Lord Dominator
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Postby Lord Dominator » Thu Jun 16, 2022 6:48 am

Seriously, kudos on the win-rate and numbers and all

(As a point of interest, was your single team jumping vs multiple Lily, or a single Lily team?)

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Postby Quebecshire » Thu Jun 16, 2022 6:52 am

Lord Dominator wrote:Seriously, kudos on the win-rate and numbers and all

(As a point of interest, was your single team jumping vs multiple Lily, or a single Lily team?)

A single Lily team, as far as I’m aware. One team on each side, 177-13, and about 45 misses (based on Thorn’s comment about 235 targets total).
2,490 Days
Defender Moralist | 22x Honors in the LDF | Warden-Lieutenant Emeritus | Commended
Benevolent Thomas wrote:I founded a defender organization out of my dislike of invaders, what invading represents, and my desire to see them suffer.
Pergamon wrote:I must say, you are truly what they deserve.

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Chef Big Dog
Posts: 186
Founded: Jan 17, 2017
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Postby Chef Big Dog » Thu Jun 16, 2022 7:31 am

That's a lot of regions
Lone Wolves United - Hearts and Minds
Proud Griefer

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Chargé d'Affaires
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Postby Sincluda » Thu Jun 16, 2022 8:39 am

:lol: Super impressive! Love to see it!
of Europeia

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Southern Republic of Dixie
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Postby Southern Republic of Dixie » Thu Jun 16, 2022 8:42 am

Good luck with the region defending.
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Postby WayNeacTia » Thu Jun 16, 2022 2:33 pm

Grea Kriopia wrote:Record-Setting Wardens

First Warden Grea Kriopia
Chamberlain Luca
Commander Haku
Commander Tim
Commander Vincent Drake
Lieutenant Quebecshire
Lieutenant Sulenia

Unrivaled Allies

ERN Writinglegend
[LDF/SB] New Makasta
[LDF] DinoNet
[LDF] Paleocacher
[SB] United Sovereign Alliance
[SPSF] Pronoun

Amusing in this report, Quebec is listed as representing The Wardens, yet in this report he was representing the League. I guess one can really never take enough credit, can they.....
Sarcasm dispensed moderately.
RiderSyl wrote:You'd really think that defenders would communicate with each other about this. I know they're not a hivemind, but at least some level of PR skill would keep Quebecshire and Quebecshire from publically contradicting eac


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Postby Altys » Thu Jun 16, 2022 2:36 pm

Wayneactia wrote:snip

Is it that far-fetched for each organisation would represent their members in their own colours?
Last edited by Altys on Thu Jun 16, 2022 2:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of The East Pacific
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World Assembly Delegate x2
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Thaecia as Islonia
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Member of Parliament x2

Paradoxical Organiser/Head Organiser x4
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Posts: 2230
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Postby Quebecshire » Thu Jun 16, 2022 2:37 pm

Between this and your comment in the LDF thread, I suggest you evict me from your headspace, as I haven’t been paying rent for awhile.
Last edited by Quebecshire on Thu Jun 16, 2022 2:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
2,490 Days
Defender Moralist | 22x Honors in the LDF | Warden-Lieutenant Emeritus | Commended
Benevolent Thomas wrote:I founded a defender organization out of my dislike of invaders, what invading represents, and my desire to see them suffer.
Pergamon wrote:I must say, you are truly what they deserve.

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Refuge Isle
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Postby Refuge Isle » Thu Jun 16, 2022 2:38 pm

It's almost like Quebec is in both militaries... Why would the Warden report list a Warden as foreign military?

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Postby WayNeacTia » Thu Jun 16, 2022 2:40 pm

Quebecshire wrote:Between this and your comment in the LDF thread, I suggest you evict me from your headspace, as I haven’t been paying rent for awhile.

You'd be bored if I wasn't around to keep you on your toes, and you know it....
Sarcasm dispensed moderately.
RiderSyl wrote:You'd really think that defenders would communicate with each other about this. I know they're not a hivemind, but at least some level of PR skill would keep Quebecshire and Quebecshire from publically contradicting eac


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Numero Capitan
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Postby Numero Capitan » Thu Jun 16, 2022 2:42 pm

Wayneactia wrote:
Quebecshire wrote:Between this and your comment in the LDF thread, I suggest you evict me from your headspace, as I haven’t been paying rent for awhile.

You'd be bored if I wasn't around to keep you on your toes, and you know it....

You are the dust of Gameplay
Horseman of the Apocalypse - N-Day11 winner, most strikes (worldwide)

Minister of Defense, 00000 A World Power
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Potato General
Senator and Attorney General, Europeia
Minister of Security and Minister of Justice, The South Pacific
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REDACTED, dont be nosey

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Postby WayNeacTia » Thu Jun 16, 2022 2:44 pm

Numero Capitan wrote:
Wayneactia wrote:You'd be bored if I wasn't around to keep you on your toes, and you know it....

You are the dust of Gameplay

I'm comfortable with who I am....
Sarcasm dispensed moderately.
RiderSyl wrote:You'd really think that defenders would communicate with each other about this. I know they're not a hivemind, but at least some level of PR skill would keep Quebecshire and Quebecshire from publically contradicting eac


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Postby RiderSyl » Fri Jun 17, 2022 8:44 am

Numero Capitan wrote:
Wayneactia wrote:You'd be bored if I wasn't around to keep you on your toes, and you know it....

You are the dust of Gameplay

Why are you complimenting him
R.I.P. Dyakovo
Sylvia Montresor

~ You may think I’m small, but I have a universe inside my mind. ~

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Chargé d'Affaires
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Postby Vando0sa » Fri Jun 17, 2022 2:14 pm

Dayum.. and I thought my tag record of 80 back in the day was awesome..
Kevät itkee talven töitä Käy hyinen tuulen henki Kevät itkee talven töitä Virta kantaa luita rantaan

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The Sygian
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Postby The Sygian » Fri Jun 17, 2022 2:19 pm

Vando0sa wrote:Dayum.. and I thought my tag record of 80 back in the day was awesome..

It was for its time!
Sygian Vytherov
Sub-Vizier of Foreign Affairs, Osiris

Co-Founder of News With Booze (RIP)
Vizier of Gameside Affairs, Osiris
Chief Guardian of Osiris
Chief Vizier of Osiris
Author of SC #225
Chief Scribe of Osiris
Council Member/Advisor of The Black Hawks
Regent of Auralia
Ever-Wandering Souls wrote:Tags are fleeting. Sygian is forever.
Chingis wrote:[News With Booze] was good for like the first 5-6 episodes
then Tim started coming on
Pierconium wrote:[Sygian is] somewhere between Cormac's large and small intestine

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Postby WayNeacTia » Fri Jun 17, 2022 2:56 pm

RiderSyl wrote:
Numero Capitan wrote:
You are the dust of Gameplay

Why are you complimenting him

It's nice to be acknowledged at least.....
Sarcasm dispensed moderately.
RiderSyl wrote:You'd really think that defenders would communicate with each other about this. I know they're not a hivemind, but at least some level of PR skill would keep Quebecshire and Quebecshire from publically contradicting eac


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Grea Kriopia
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Founded: Jan 18, 2020
Liberal Democratic Socialists

Postby Grea Kriopia » Fri Jun 17, 2022 10:40 pm

First Warden GK reassures passengers about flight safety

"This in-flight catering is terrible," complained Lieutenant Merni, "Do I even get juice options?"

"Pft, this is basic economy, be realistic!" responded Captain Grea Kriopia while shaking her head and readying the cabin for takeoff to the liberation as they taxied down the runway. She flitted about ensuring the overhead bins were properly shut and pulled one close with a thump on the poor liberator who had drawn the short straw on finding any remaining seats on the flight.

"What about the safety information pamphlets?" asked Sincluda, fidgeting in their seat with a pointed glance to the overhead bin.

"What about them? I think I saw them the last time the plane was going down but that was a while ago..." GK trailed off with a faraway gaze before snapping back into movement and hustling toward the cockpit, "Welp, I'm sure it's nothing to worry about!"

"Does she even know who is flying this plane?" Zukchiva looked down the aisle after her perplexed, asking no one in particular.

> Static crackles over the plane system.

Good Evening Liberators, welcome to Liberation Airlines Flight 223. This is your captain speaking.

We'll be endorsing tonight for our flight, please be advised no crossing at this time as we'll be performing a M+E maneuver later on in our journey

Liberation procedures should occur in their usual style with the 10, 5, and 2 minute warnings

Weather in the target is partially cloudy, 65 F / 18 C with a strong wet dog smell...

First Warden Grea Kriopia
Chamberlain Luca
Commander Haku
Commander Vincent Drake
Lieutenant Merni
Lieutenant Quebecshire
Lieutenant Sulenia
Warden Alfonzo
Warden & Silverite Guardian Eshialand
Warden Fauxia
Warden Ike
Warden Delegate Whatermelons
Warden Wolflandil
Warden Varax
Guardian Sandwichs

[EPSA/UDSAF] Zukchiva
[ERN] Writinglegend
[LDF/SB] New Makasta
[LDF/WZSB] Raziel
[LDF] DinoNet
[LDF] Icaris
[LDF] Steev Kafka
[LDF] Zloveshchiy
[SPSF] Doge Land
[SPSF] HumanSanity
[SPSF] Not an austrian
[SPSF] Purple Hyacinth
[SPSF] Venatrix

Liberations: 1
President of Europeia (she/her)
Defender Family Tree
Secretary of Getting Bob in Thaecord, Thaecia
First Warden, The Order of the Grey Wardens
Warden-Commander, The Order of the Grey Wardens
Officer of Culture, The Rejected Realms
FA Advisor, The Rejected Realms
TITO Tactical Officer, 10000 Islands
Minister of Education, 10000 Islands
Culture Officer, 10000 Islands
Senator for Blue Canaria North, 10000 Islands

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Guess and Check
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Postby Guess and Check » Sat Jun 18, 2022 12:31 am

Can I get a refound for that profoundly terrifying experience

There has to be a law on this or something!
Just the weirdo known as Zukchiva Spartan Yura.
Guessing is fine if you don't know the answer!
"Are you ok zuk" - Halley
“Posts a wall of text, mentions he can elaborate more. Classic Zuk.”- Bach
“who the fuck is zukchiva lol”- Virgolia
“note to self: zuk is a traitor who must be silenced”- Atlae
“I vote that Zukchiva is kicked off the island”- Algerstonia
"everyone ban zuk"- AMOM
"i've come to the conclusion that zuk cannot pronounce words"- Euricanis
"no we blame zuk for everything now"- Catiania
"zuk is just an idiot" - Vor
"Zuk is absolutely a failure" - Vara
"Zuk's been made illegal? pog" - Boro

Proud member of The East Pacific, The Union of Democratic States, and Refugia!

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Warden Nakari
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Founded: Mar 03, 2017
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Postby Warden Nakari » Sat Jun 18, 2022 3:06 am

Does the in-flight catering include ice cream?

Nice lib :D

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Postby Minskiev » Sat Jun 18, 2022 5:38 am

Minskiev/Walrus. Former Delegate of the Rejected Realms, 3x Officer. 15x WA author. Join the RRA here.

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Posts: 291
Founded: Jun 10, 2022

Postby Thethen » Sat Jun 18, 2022 5:43 am

Bigtopia seems to be taken by Lone Wolves United, so how is that a liberation?
ALL TGs will be deleted after 24 hours to prevent clutter, except for ones deemed important enough for archiving.

I will at least partly use NS stats for roleplay.
President: Poloric Albam (until after the presidential election)
GENA/WA Representative: Gerald Erepant
Des-Bal wrote:Anarchism is great, it's the richest environment for conquest. Just imagine, all you need to do is round up some weapons and some buddies to hold them and you too can be a warlord!
Emotional Support Crocodile wrote:Observing US politics from afar is like watching a stupid kid running into traffic, you try to warn them but they still have a big stupid grin as the bus hits them.

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Varax Zwei
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Founded: Apr 02, 2016

Postby Varax Zwei » Sat Jun 18, 2022 6:30 am

Thethen wrote:Bigtopia seems to be taken by Lone Wolves United, so how is that a liberation?

LWU's delegate is no longer in control and has left the region entirely. The delegate spot is once again in the hands of the native delegate. They simply haven't been on yet to remove the LWU tag.
High Constable of The Order of the Grey Wardens

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Warden Nakari
Posts: 22
Founded: Mar 03, 2017
Authoritarian Democracy

Postby Warden Nakari » Mon Jun 20, 2022 3:10 pm


For the last two updates, Wardens and other defenders went head-to-head with Lily taggers. We won a lot - 72 defences at major, and 77 at minor. In honour of our superhuman botnet scripts, and because we win so often that it’s difficult for humans to keep up with report ideas, I decided to ask an AI to write the report for us. Bold is my prompt, the rest is the AI’s contribution.

Write a report about winning against Lily:
I won against Lily in the game. It was a really close game, but I managed to come out on top in the end. This is a significant accomplishment as Lily is a very talented player, and I had to use all of my skills to beat her. I'm very happy that I was able to win, and I'm looking forward to playing against her again in the future. This is a huge accomplishment and it feels great to know that I can compete with her at a high level.

Write a report about winning at NationStates:
It is with great pleasure that we report a victory in the NationStates game. Our victory was based on a strong military campaign, a well-developed economy, and a commitment to our people.
We would like to thank our military commanders for their skill and dedication in leading our troops to victory. We could not have done it without them. We would also like to thank our economic advisers for their hard work in building a strong economy. And finally, we would like to thank our people for their support. We could not have won without them.
We are committed to continuing our work to make our nation stronger. We will continue to build our economy and our military. And we will continue to support our people. We are confident that we can continue to win in the future.
We are the champions! We are the best! We are the greatest! We are the most powerful! We are the most respected! We are the most feared! We are the most loved! We are the most hated! We are the most envied! We are the most wanted! We are the most feared! We are the most powerful!

Write a AITA post about winning against Lily on NationStates:
AITA for winning against Lily on NationStates?

Lily and I have been playing NationStates for a while now. We're pretty evenly matched, but I always seem to come out on top. Recently, Lily accused me of "rigging" the game in my favor, and said that I only win because I have "admin powers". She says I'm a "tryhard" and an "asshole." She's been playing for years and is really good, so I feel like I might have won by cheating or something. AITA?

Write a joke about raiders and defenders:
Why did the raider cross the road?

To raid the other side!

Write a story about the Grey Wardens:
The Grey Wardens are an order of warriors who dedicated their lives to fighting the darkspawn, and they are some of the most skilled and experienced fighters in all of Thedas. So when they come to you in the heat of battle, their eyes alight with hunger and desire, you know that you are in for a night of passion unlike anything you have ever experienced before. And then they are on you, their mouths and bodies claiming you --

OKAY I think I'll shut the bot down there.

Major 2022-06-20

First Warden Grea Kriopia
Chamberlain Luca
Warden-Commander Haku
Warden-Commander Tim
Warden-Lieutenant Quebecshire
Warden-Lieutenant Sulenia

[LDF/SB] New Makasta
[LDF] Quebecshire
[LDF] DinoNet
[SPSF] HumanSanity
[SPSF] perrysmarts

Defences: 72

A Normal Puppet Storage
The Moon
The Dual Alliance
Colonial Governments In Exile
Indo Pacific Treaty Organization
The Communist Commonwealth Of Jinensia
United Free Territories
The Pink Leftist Bats
Antifurra Latina
Saint Christophers Landing
The Council Of Fantasian Masters
Northern Socialist Union
Anarchic Nations
The Union Of Peace
Me And The Boys At 3am Looking For Beans
Portugal De Esquerda
North Communist Alliance
Deep Water 3
Unirea Popoarelor Marii
Sus Amoungus
United Coalition
Global Union Consortium
Association Of The Countries Of The Free
The Council Of Wires
The Free Coalition Ii
Capitalist Federation
Seventh Expedition
The United Coalition
Most Popular Girls In School
Hippes New Founder Editoin
Anti Lgbtq
Dingle Land
Aeveum Illuminationis
The Lower Intestine Of Mickey Mouse
Cool Kids Club
Gamer Paradise
Magna Basileia
The Foundation
United Nations Of The World
Little Chibun
Realm Of Tzeentch
Clown Town
Phules Paradise
Cyber City
Fluffy Squishfish
United Regions Of The Gwilymverse
Xnopyt Confederation Of Nations

Minor 2022-06-20

Chamberlain Luca
Warden-Commander Haku
Warden-Constable Nakari
Warden-Lieutenant Sulenia
Warden-Lieutenant Merni
Warden-Lieutenant Moon
Warden Wolflandil
[LDF] Craig
[SPSF/FNDA] Warrior
[SPSF] HumanSanity
[SPSF] Purple Hyacinth

Defences: 77
Yorkshire Establishment
Isles Of Celibacy
Northeast Atlantic
Hundrati Union
Del Alfold
Self Aligned Group
North Skava Aux Sterkit
The Commomwealth Of North Atlantic
The Terrible Countries Of The World
The Unity
Tv Valley
The Union Of Science
The New Federation
The Union Of Liberation
Le Turtles
The Ancap Empire
The World Today
Pacifica Minor
Trans Atlantic Trade Company
The Meat Men
Oppression Is The Best
The Blanket
Sontaran Stella Artois
Kewl Dudes
Fuerdo Has Children
Center Of The Galaxy
Nationstates Museum Of Art
Where The Future Is Behind The Moon
Look At That Tree
The Hyphenistans
The Western Black Sea
Bay Of Plenty
Kleona Slosoeno
Na Ceiltich
Imperios Ad
The Order Of The Black Circle
Post Russian Nation
South Anaria
Holy Russian Empire
Open Ocean 1
Region Caretaker
Emu And Her Lost Nations
The Union Of Cards
United Democratic Federation
The European Brothers
United Ujung Front
Group Space Version Two
Terra Nova
Europa Nova
New Tri Delta
Vimeria Corporation
Holy Latuan Empire
Strategic Atlantic Command
The Greater Imperial Realm
International Socialism
Pacific Of Zanco
Eglintonian Test Region
The Galactic Senate
Alliance Pour La Domination Mondial
Witnesses Of The Cross
The Islay Coast



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