The Grey Wardens : Holiday Roast

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Posts: 148
Founded: Oct 02, 2020
Democratic Socialists

Postby Lucklife » Fri Mar 18, 2022 2:53 am

Congratulations Luca!
suisui wrote:"I have an idea"
Mikochi wrote:"No violence"
suisui wrote:"I no longer have an idea"

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Dawn Denac
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Postby Dawn Denac » Fri Mar 18, 2022 10:04 am

Congrats on the promotion, Luca!
Senior Assassin Hunter Killer


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New King Isles
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Postby New King Isles » Fri Mar 18, 2022 11:15 am

Congratulations Luca!

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Refuge Isle
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Left-wing Utopia

Postby Refuge Isle » Sat Mar 19, 2022 2:52 pm

Thanks for the kind words everyone.

TGW has been a great choice for me, and I've deeply appreciated the time that I've spent here and everyone that I've worked with and the trust, confidence, and kindness that they've all shown in me. It's what has driven me to push so hard to grow the region, fix up the areas we've been falling behind or lacking in, and keep pushing for new innovation. I'm absolutely looking forward to carrying on in defending and keeping up our good work for as long as is feasible.

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The First Warden
Posts: 31
Founded: Mar 04, 2017
Right-wing Utopia

Postby The First Warden » Sat Mar 19, 2022 3:02 pm


Weisshaupt Fortress, Southern Anderfels.
19th of Nubulis.

The rider tore through the harsh landscape of the Southern Anderfels with its jagged rocks and solemn stone monoliths watching over, cursing as more sand whipped into his face as he pushed near to Weisshaupt. His hand slid down frantically to check the letter from The Republic of The League tucked against his side for the dozenth time along his journey and then he urged his mount faster at the thought of the rest that they both would find in the fortress of the Wardens.

Weisshaupt Fortress rose up before the rider settled with age against the rocky landscape and still as proud as it had been constructed all those centuries ago. Its gates opened to him without ceremony as if expected, and he ushered within grateful to put the eerie wastes behind him. High Constable Sir Merlin met him with an outstretched hand as he dismounted in the fortress courtyard, and the rider shook his head, "I'll be court-martialed in the Republic if this goes to anyone else."

"In that case, you had better follow me." Merlin responded gruffly and set off into the fortress's many corridors and walkways without waiting for the rider. He scrambled after and attempted to dust off the grit clung to his coat from the long journey as the pair made their way higher into Weisshaupt. They reached a partially open door bearing the First Warden's insignia on which Merlin knocked briefly before opening it and gesturing he enter. The rider stepped into the office and wordlessly handed the precious letter from his journey to First Warden Grea Kriopia who appeared to have been waiting for its arrival.

She opened it immediately and her brow scrunched slightly as she read the lengthy response from the Consulate on a matter in which The League and The Order of the Grey Wardens had been corresponding for some weeks. Communication between Weisshaupt and Ampëz, one of the Republic's central cities, had been frequent and amicable over the last year which is what made this letter all the more important. A smile spread across the First Warden's face as she reached the end of the letter and she looked past the rider to call out from her office, "Merlin, tell the Chamberlain we'll need to dust off the Treaties section in the Library this afternoon."

Joint Statement

The Republic of The League and The Order of the Grey Wardens are delighted to announce the ratification of the Ampëz–Weisshaupt Compact by both regions after over a year of friendly diplomatic and military collaboration. This agreement codifies the close relationship held between TL and TGW including provisions of mutual defense, cultural commitments, and longstanding military cooperation with an eye to the future of the Frontiers/Stronghold update. Formalizing the long-held goodwill between our two regions was a most welcome decision on all sides and can only mean a brighter, stronger future ahead.

Ampëz–Weisshaupt Compact
The League – The Order of the Grey Wardens

Section I: Preamble

  • Noting the regular and fruitful cooperation between the Republic of The League (henceforth The League) and The Order of the Grey Wardens (henceforth the Grey Wardens) throughout the last year, largely in the form of military collaboration,
  • Affirming the dedication of both The League and the Grey Wardens to the prosperity and growth of each other’s regional communities,
  • Seeking to continue growing the relationship between The League and the Grey Wardens in both matters of interregional warfare and diplomatic unity,
  • Pursuant to the above, The League and the Grey Wardens hereby agree to the following provisions:

Section II: Mutual Recognition

  • The Grey Wardens will solely recognize the government of The League as established by the Constitution of the Republic and headed by the Consulate, and shall recognize no other government of The League and its associated territories and properties.
  • The League will solely recognize the government of the Grey Wardens as established by The Maker and headed by the First Warden, and shall recognize no other government of The Order of the Grey Wardens and its associated territories and properties.
  • In the event of a change in government in either signatory, this agreement may be applied to the legitimate successor institutions through a memorandum of understanding published by both parties.

Section III: Military Commitments

  • The signatories shall maintain non-aggression against the home region or any territories of the other and will endeavor to resolve any disputes in a diplomatic and peaceful manner.
  • The signatories will refrain from conspiring, either directly or through a third party, to destabilize or overthrow the legitimate government of either signatory.
  • The signatories will refrain from conducting clandestine operations, espionage, or other forms of spying against either signatory.
  • The signatories will, in good faith, report any known threat or concern related to the other signatory's security, to the corresponding security organs.
  • The signatories will adhere to mutual defense obligations extending to both their home regions and any duly declared territories and will provide military assistance in case of a military attack against the aforementioned of the other signatory. For the purposes of this agreement, a territory must be expressly declared as one by one government to the other to qualify for mutual defense obligations. Extant territories will be communicated upon the ratification of this treaty.
  • The signatories agree to aid each other against attempts to illegally overthrow the in-game World Assembly Delegate of their respective home regions and any territories. When feasible, signatories will also aid in Delegacy transitions upon request.
  • The signatories reiterate their commitment to cooperating on various types of defensive military operations as well as offensive operations against invaders and invader territories when possible.

Section IV: Further Undertakings

  • The regions of The League and The Order of the Grey Wardens will maintain an on-site embassy between their two home regions as both a symbol of the alliance between the two communities and as a cross-region communication nexus.
  • The signatories will not conduct deliberate recruitment against the home regions or duly declared territories of the other signatory and will exclude the other signatory from recruitment programs of that nature whenever possible.
  • The signatories will hold cultural festivities on an annual basis which will include but are not necessarily limited to wargames and training exercises between militaries, as well as games and social events.

Section V: Ratification and Amendment Process

  • This document will go into effect upon the agreement of the governments of both signatories as defined by their internal processes.
  • Similarly, this document may be amended with the consent of both signatories’ governments as defined by their internal processes.

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Matthew the Man
Posts: 147
Founded: Nov 09, 2018
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Matthew the Man » Sat Mar 19, 2022 4:08 pm

Very excited over this, I love the write up too. :)
✯ ✯ ✯ Libcord: For Your Protection ✯ ✯ ✯
“Only 'onest money in this world is fenda money.”
Warden-Constable of The Order of the Grey Wardens
Benevolent Thomas wrote:It is fun for me to see invaders lose at something they won at for so long.

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Postby Apatosaurus » Sat Mar 19, 2022 4:54 pm

This signature stands with Palestine.

End the continued practice of bombing houses, museums, refugee camps, ambulances, and churches.

WA Ambassador: Ambrose Scott; further detail on WA delegation in factbooks. Nation overview.

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Posts: 110
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Postby Mauroa » Sat Mar 19, 2022 4:59 pm

Haha! This is awesome! OFO Delenda Est!!
Proud Catholic and Founder of Layem
Layem go Brách

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Posts: 223
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Postby Alfonzo » Sun Mar 20, 2022 8:03 am

Mauroa wrote:-snip

Please do not start in this thread as well.

Anyways this is very exciting!
✯ ✯ ✯ In War, Victory. In Peace, Vigilance. In Death, Sacrifice: TGW ✯ ✯ ✯
Made ya look!

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Posts: 2230
Founded: Mar 17, 2017
Democratic Socialists

Postby Quebecshire » Sun Mar 20, 2022 5:53 pm

Bit late to the public party but congrats Luca, nobody is more deserving of such a promotion than you.

Also, great seeing this treaty getting out there! :)
2,490 Days
Defender Moralist | 22x Honors in the LDF | Warden-Lieutenant Emeritus | Commended
Benevolent Thomas wrote:I founded a defender organization out of my dislike of invaders, what invading represents, and my desire to see them suffer.
Pergamon wrote:I must say, you are truly what they deserve.

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Posts: 71
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Compulsory Consumerist State

Postby Tim » Wed Mar 23, 2022 6:58 pm

Forgot to say publicly just how excited I am to see us entering this compact with our staunch allies The League <3
Want to actually win this game? Join The Grey Wardens - Help Us Save Nationstates
You can trust me, I was voted Most Influential and Gameplayer of The Year in 2021.

Author of SC#74, SC #203, SC #222, and SC #238 | Co-Author of SC#191
Founder of Spiritus | Three-Time Delegate of Osiris | Pharaoh of the Islamic Republics of Iran | Hero of Greece
<Koth - 06/30/2020> I mean as far as GPers go, Tim is one of the most iconic

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Grea Kriopia
Posts: 278
Founded: Jan 18, 2020
Liberal Democratic Socialists

Postby Grea Kriopia » Thu Mar 24, 2022 11:42 pm

Libcord shutting out Raider Unity for the night

Libcord: For Your Protection went 3 for 3 against Raider Unity tonight in a tragically predictable and underwhelming series of raid attempts. The Suspicious meter was looking unusually high for update, so defenders swung into a flurry of activity after seeing the prep in Suspicious with raiders of all shapes and sizes gathering. Easily put together a group of 20+ defenders on short notice and set out on a raider stomping quest for the night that proved to be the top-notch standard we strive to deliver. Raiders swung for The Cuckoos Egg in a flashy gambit but an 11s trigger was just far too wide with defenders tight on the heel, and it was the same for Connecticut even while some defenders muttered about the uselessness of the state. And finally EmbassyRegionia in a flex of Libcord's predictive powers was no contest when defenders premoved the obvious target almost a minute beforehand and enjoyed the beautiful sight of raiders following behind only to hit a wall of defender endorsements on the native delegate.

Not bad for one update's work, and shoutout to LDF for yanking 10 people in such short notice before update. Everyone was on top of their game tonight and wins show it

First Warden Grea Kriopia
Warden-Commander Luca
Warden-Commander Sir Merlin
Warden-Lieutenant Quebecshire
Warden Ikania
Warden Sulenia
Guardian Sandwichs

[LDF/WZSB] Raziel
[LDF] Arihant
[LDF] Dolayasia
[LDF] East Yourtanad
[LDF] Karimun
[LDF] New Makasta
[LDF] The Switz
[LDF] Zloveshchiy
[PAL] Bastiat
[RRA] Salem
[SPSF] Pronoun

Defenses: 3
The Cuckoos Egg

Last edited by Grea Kriopia on Fri Mar 25, 2022 2:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
President of Europeia (she/her)
Defender Family Tree
Secretary of Getting Bob in Thaecord, Thaecia
First Warden, The Order of the Grey Wardens
Warden-Commander, The Order of the Grey Wardens
Officer of Culture, The Rejected Realms
FA Advisor, The Rejected Realms
TITO Tactical Officer, 10000 Islands
Minister of Education, 10000 Islands
Culture Officer, 10000 Islands
Senator for Blue Canaria North, 10000 Islands

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Posts: 2230
Founded: Mar 17, 2017
Democratic Socialists

Postby Quebecshire » Thu Mar 24, 2022 11:59 pm

Great night of defending tonight. For such short notice we really kicked ass, everyone from command to the less experienced updaters were operating in perfect sync tonight and raiders honestly stood no chance.
2,490 Days
Defender Moralist | 22x Honors in the LDF | Warden-Lieutenant Emeritus | Commended
Benevolent Thomas wrote:I founded a defender organization out of my dislike of invaders, what invading represents, and my desire to see them suffer.
Pergamon wrote:I must say, you are truly what they deserve.

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Posts: 349
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Democratic Socialists

Postby MadJack » Fri Mar 25, 2022 1:41 am

Excellent work, really impressive showing.
Definitely not The Notorious Mad Jack, despite being almost as smart and handsome as I am.

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Compulsory Consumerist State

Postby Venico » Fri Mar 25, 2022 5:56 am

Good showing out their lads, look forward to the next time we meet out there :)
Priest of Raider Unity

Raider Unity, Maintain a Founder, Sign a Treaty

Malice Never Dies...

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The Universe World
Posts: 541
Founded: Nov 09, 2016
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby The Universe World » Fri Mar 25, 2022 7:23 am

The Great Universe also participated and was apart of the initial planning, along with The Galactic Union of Nations. We were the first to go in and notify other defenders. This shows that the partnership between our two regions will provide invaluable help to other defenders. I will be writing my own forum post once the threat has passed.
Last edited by The Universe World on Fri Mar 25, 2022 7:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
WayNeacTia wrote:Why admit to to something, when you can just deny it and release a word salad composed solely of bullshit?

God bless you all, may the Lord be with you all, and let the Lord be with you all.

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Malphe II
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Left-wing Utopia

Postby Malphe II » Fri Mar 25, 2022 8:17 am

The Universe World wrote:The Great Universe also participated and was apart of the initial planning, along with The Galactic Union of Nations. We were the first to go in and notify other defenders. This shows that the partnership between our two regions will provide invaluable help to other defenders. I will be writing my own forum post once the threat has passed.

! Good to see some grassroots support, highkey my fav element of defenderdom.
malphe vytherov
i'm always ooc unless it's a formal statement

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The Galactic Federation of Avalon
Posts: 95
Founded: Mar 08, 2022

Postby The Galactic Federation of Avalon » Fri Mar 25, 2022 8:29 am

Yes, for reference, here are the two regional defense armies who triggered the defense and notified the Grey Wardens:
Proud founder and Executive Minister of The Galactic Union of Nations!

Amateur Defender, Leader of the Galactic Union if Nations Defense Forces. Identifies as independent in the political scheme of things.

Please consider joining my region. We're not even a month old and we have a organised regional government and President, as well as a constitution!

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Posts: 43
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Iron Fist Consumerists

Postby Dakota » Fri Mar 25, 2022 8:44 am

Grea Kriopia wrote:it was the same for Connecticut even while some defenders muttered about the uselessness of the state.

Connecticut is a failed state.

Great report, GK!
Salem || Former Delegate of The Rejected Realms || Commander of the Rejected Realms Army

Frattastan — never change. never stop being problematic.
Karp — dak got fired from the council for leaking me classified discussions about boobs
Guy — Yeah makes sense. Just go to Koth. Fuck you’re a weird unit sometimes. But yeah shit in peace.

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Chargé d'Affaires
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Libertarian Police State

Postby Vando0sa » Fri Mar 25, 2022 2:08 pm

Really wish we got Connecticut.. it really needs to be refounded anyways..
Kevät itkee talven töitä Käy hyinen tuulen henki Kevät itkee talven töitä Virta kantaa luita rantaan

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Posts: 4330
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Postby WayNeacTia » Fri Mar 25, 2022 3:02 pm

Vando0sa wrote:Really wish we got Connecticut.. it really needs to be refounded anyways..

Seeing as how there has been zero activity in well over a year, you guys could have prevented it from collapsing in on itself like a black hole. Leave it to defenders to doom the Universe yet again.....
Sarcasm dispensed moderately.
RiderSyl wrote:You'd really think that defenders would communicate with each other about this. I know they're not a hivemind, but at least some level of PR skill would keep Quebecshire and Quebecshire from publically contradicting eac


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Posts: 3695
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Democratic Socialists

Postby Ikania » Fri Mar 25, 2022 3:03 pm

Wayneactia wrote:
Vando0sa wrote:Really wish we got Connecticut.. it really needs to be refounded anyways..

Seeing as how there has been zero activity in well over a year, you guys could have prevented it from collapsing in on itself like a black hole. Leave it to defenders to doom the Universe yet again.....

Every post you make in our threads to denigrate our victories only motivates us more to make you seethe.
Ike Speardane
"The most shameless conflict hound in Gameplay" -- Koth

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Postby WayNeacTia » Fri Mar 25, 2022 3:08 pm

Ikania wrote:
Wayneactia wrote:Seeing as how there has been zero activity in well over a year, you guys could have prevented it from collapsing in on itself like a black hole. Leave it to defenders to doom the Universe yet again.....

Every post you make in our threads to denigrate our victories only motivates us more to make you seethe.

Yay! Goals....
Sarcasm dispensed moderately.
RiderSyl wrote:You'd really think that defenders would communicate with each other about this. I know they're not a hivemind, but at least some level of PR skill would keep Quebecshire and Quebecshire from publically contradicting eac


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Technical Moderator
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Corporate Police State

Postby Haku » Thu Mar 31, 2022 7:08 pm

Grea Kriopia wrote:[snip]

Somehow I completely missed this update and didn't see this report, shame I couldn't be there for these amazing wins.

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Grea Kriopia
Posts: 278
Founded: Jan 18, 2020
Liberal Democratic Socialists

Postby Grea Kriopia » Sat Apr 16, 2022 10:44 pm


Detag Master 4000™ / Warden-Lieutenant Merni Unlocked

I'm happy to announce as First Warden the immediate promotion of Merni to Warden-Lieutenant!

Coming from a background as a small UCR player from The Labyrinth, Merni has served as a Warden for over a year now and is an absolute model for dedication and consistency within The Order. Oftentimes R/D promotions can feel rapid-fire and flashy but it's important to recognize those who show up and do the most nearly every day and act as the steady hand that holds an organization together. Merni has filled that role for almost his entire time with us as one of our primary updaters and has an unmatched positive attitude going into every update. Over the last few months, he has demonstrated a willingness to step into leadership, driving hundreds-if not thousands-of detags in Libcord as our resident detag machine.

Deciding this promotion then was a no-brainer for Command after watching Merni grow into an excellent defender with an aptitude for problem-solving and a genuine care for The Order's community. I'm excited to offer Merni this new position and see how his drive and upbeat attitude bring a fresh perspective as a seasoned player to our team!

Congrats Merni!

Also, we thought Merni was so cool that we also did a whole Featured Warden edition on him to celebrate his promotion. Enjoy!

Featured Warden April 2022 - Merni

Hailing primarily from The Labyrinth, Merni is a dedicated Warden with a reputation of competence across NationStates. He has served as a Warden for a bit over one year and is often recognized for his unique train-based flags on his updating nations. With a particular passion for detagging, Merni has always been a reliable and steadfast contributor to the Order and the faction overall, making us proud to announce him as this month's Featured Warden.

President of Europeia (she/her)
Defender Family Tree
Secretary of Getting Bob in Thaecord, Thaecia
First Warden, The Order of the Grey Wardens
Warden-Commander, The Order of the Grey Wardens
Officer of Culture, The Rejected Realms
FA Advisor, The Rejected Realms
TITO Tactical Officer, 10000 Islands
Minister of Education, 10000 Islands
Culture Officer, 10000 Islands
Senator for Blue Canaria North, 10000 Islands



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