In Seach of a Phoenix [Closed/MT/IC Thread]

A staging-point for declarations of war and other major diplomatic events. [In character]
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In Seach of a Phoenix [Closed/MT/IC Thread]

Postby Ysterfontein » Wed May 05, 2021 4:01 am

See OOC Thread for more info.]

The Royal Temple;
City of Arendnes;
Sector AA;
West Ysterfontein Island.

"Your Holiness…" Jakobus, the Queen's first advisor started speaking, ensuring that his gaze remained firmly fixed at the Queen's feet, as her face was too holy to look upon. His voice was trembling; his knees were trembling; his very heart was trembling. He had feared this day. The day on which he must speak bluntly and honestly with his Queen. The day that the beloved island tropical paradise he knew as home, was about to be flooded in blood. The prophesied end-times had finally arrived.

"I fear for the future…"

Jakobus was answered only with silence.

"I fear that your All Mighty, All Holy Crown, can no longer maintain unity within the nation alone…"

Again, silence.

"Not only has the Equinian vermin taken complete control over the entire city of Pilgrimsrust, and its surroundings, our own subjects have forgotten their faith in Your Absoluteness, and have amassed their own armies, threatening war and violence…"


"My Queen; My Hope; My Dreams… The Crown needs help. Foreign Help."


"I am aware that the Port Emberians have started establishing themselves here in order to help, but could the Queen not ask for more? Ask to crush our foes, in your name?"


"... And I know the Queen does not want to hear this… But the Queen needs a husband... A Heir.. We appear so weak.. So unst.."

"SILENCE!", The Queen erupted, her rare voice being both a blessing and a terrible threat to demonstrating Her terrible wrath. "You have corrupted me for far too long Jakobus! You are the reason for my Crown's downfall! You…"

Jakobus fell down onto the floor, wrought with every emotion possible, his Queen's wrath tearing his very being apart. He realised that she now had become completely delusional, completely.. insane? Furthermore, he knew that the Queen would have him beheaded by the end of this conversation. At least death would spare him from his Queen's further wrath, and from further witnessing the utter destruction of his nation, his people.

However, the Queen was not afforded the opportunity to finalise her sentence of wrath and anger, as a violent blast erupted, tearing every occupant within the Holy Throne Room apart into a mere splatter of organic material.

Minutes later, after the thick, nearly poisonous cloud of disintegrated concrete settled somewhat, a few stragglers of the remaining Royal Guard climbed over the rubble, dodging the raging fires as they did so, attempting to hold their breath as the combined smoke and concrete dust had the potential to tear lungs apart. Once inside, the few Guards observed a orgy of blood splatter and pools, torn off limbs and the stench of death. It was immediately clear to them that their Immortal Queen was Immortal no more.

Minutes later, one of the Royal Guards stood upon the top porch of the Royal Temple steps, his face, clothes and body badly burned from the blast and the consequent raging fire. He fell to his knees, and despite his very soul being crushed, he shouted as loud as he possibly could, the words which no one ever thought would be mouthed,

"The Queen is Dead! The Queen is Dead!"

3 Days After the Queen's Death.
HeadQuarters of the Ysterfontein Socialist Movement;
City of Eensaamfontein;
Sector CA;
East Ysterfontein Island.

Pieter Draad, the elected leader of the Ysterfontein Socialist Movement, sat within a building just opposite the Movement's designated HeadQuarters, slowly nursing a warm beer. This building was a large, single room building constructed from tin plates, and it was extremely hot and humid inside, despite the fact that the sun was slowly setting upon the horizon. The room's only lightsource came from a few old light bulbs which were duct taped against the walls, complemented with a few strings of decorative christmas lights, as there were no windows.

Despite the poverty stricken atmosphere, the room's mood was jolly, as a small battery operated radio blared a random collection of foreign 90's rock from an old worn cassette. The people inside the darkened room were sitting at old round wooden tables, in various states of damage and rot, seated upon wooden bar stools, which were in a sorry state themselves. These groups were all drinking beer, whilst playing poker, or chatting about everything and nothing, whilst a separate group were throwing knives into the sink wall, against a bullseye roughly painted against the rusted wall segment. The various small streams of sunlight flooding through this area was testament that this was a regular activity.

This was the best local pub that the city of Eensaamfontein had to offer.

But today, the pub was not open to the public, and filled instead with the leader group of the Ysterfontein Socialist Movement. The Leadership were gathered here today, awaiting the arrival of their foreigner friends of the ISVC, to whom they had pleaded for help in their noble fight to bring forth peace, stability, and equality to their nation.

Pieter's comrades were very cautious about asking foreigners for assistance, as the nation of Ysterfontein has always been abused by foreigner scum, time and time again. But Pieter knew that they could not possibly succeed in their aims alone, especially in the face of their brothers who have formed their own movement known as the Ysterfontein Nationalist Front - who everyone knew were just brainwashed puppets of the Queen - as dead as she might be, the Equinian miner scum, and now the evil Port Emberians, who were sin incarnate. Pieter knew that they needed help, and fast.

Luckily for Pieter, he was born with the talent of convincing others to see things his way, and thus, here he was, waiting for his saviours.

Sholana had definitely toned down her look to blend in with the locals, at first passive glance, from her usual attire. She had worn the most basic, nondescript clothing on the plane ride over, using a Kenegan passport and name. When checking in at the hostel, she had changed into even more worn, working class attire from her small carry on duffel that held everything she would need that could pass through a screen. She had retained work boots, slid on some cargo shorts and ditched the mini skirt; thrown on a faded tank top that could be tan, cream, or beige, depending on how the light hit it, and a khaki, button down shirt over that which was stained and worn.

Much as she hated to, she had cut down her magnificent afro into a very short, manageable style for this mission. No jewelry, and little makeup. There were times when she wanted to make an impression, but this was not one of them. Quite the opposite. It worked very much in her favor that the local Ysterfonteinians had a cocoa tint to their skin, much like Cardwithians, and Wishtonians in general.

She walked into the pub, ignoring some stares, and marveled at the poor design for such tropical heat. A Cardwithian joint of similar nature would be much more open, ventilated and of more breathable materials. It spoke to the fact that these people might make things much harder for themselves then they needed to. On the other hand, this might just be all the building material they could afford and spare. That definitely spoke to another message.

She motioned to the barkeep, and when she had his attention, simply said,
Code for I’ll take whatever the local swill is that you pass off as a brewed, malted ale or lager and is popular here.

The barkeep focused hard to identify all the facial features of the lass standing in front of his counter, and frowned deeply when he realised that she was definitely a new addition to the patrons. The man glanced over to the establishment's front - and only - door, and realised that the Door Keeper was missing again. His gaze returned to the lass at the bar, and replied in a soft manner, "Lass, tonight we are not open to the public…"

Sholana smiled at the barkeep, realizing his trepidation at the lax security. She gave a quick shifting glance around. Then spoke softly.
"It's fine. Relax. I'm here to see Pieter. He's expecting me. Jasmine is my name. Now beer me, please." She pointed down at the pitted, heavily scratched bar top to where the beer bottle should be. In front of her.

The barman paused for a few moments, clearly hesitant at first, but gave in after getting the feeling down his spine that everything was okay. He grabbed a beer bottle from below the counter and placed it atop the counter, in front of the lass. The bottle was of the brown tinted type, and contained no label. It was hard to see due to the brown tint, but the contents were a soft, clear yellow. Pineapple beer - the staple choice of any quality homebrewer from around these parts. Once the bottle was placed down, the barman quickly went to work at opening the metal cap, using a long hunters knife for the task. The cap made a refreshing pop sound once it was separated from the bottle. The barman responded finally,
"That's $5 - NSD. Pieter is seated there..", he pointed to a man seated alone at the one poker table, situated within one of the corners.

Jasmine aka Sholana, dug into a cargo pocket, and pulled out a small wad of mixed local currency and NSD. Knowing how much things were going to hell here, she had been sure to stock up mostly on the latter. The local currency would only be good to pay out official capacity functions, and that didn't include police and political bribes.

She slapped what might have been 7 or 8 NSD on the bar, grabbed up the bottle and sidled gracefully over to the table indicated. She took a sip of the beer on the journey over, and immediately worked on keeping her face from wincing. She had not expected the sweet, acidic taste of pineapple.

She managed to keep it steely as she sat down once more. She looked her contact in the face.
"I'm here about a boat."

Pieter placed his own beer down upon the table, startled by the sudden arrival and voice of another person at his table. When he focused his gaze upon her, and processed the words emanating from her mouth, he smiled broadly.
"I can show you the way to the nearest boat, yet I can tell you that a boat is only fun to own if you can share it with your friends."

He paused a few moments, making sure that the girl could process his words, as this was their prearranged code phrases, which was to ensure that the pair knew that they were indeed who they said they were. He continued,
Mrs Jasmine, it is an absolute pleasure to be graced by your presence."

Sholana made another attempt at the beer as Pieter was talking. If she was going to be here for a bit, she needed to get used to their beverages of choice. As she was prepared for the taste now, it really wasn't so bad on the second sip.
"Thank you so much for that. Actually, it's Miss Jasmine. No ring for me. It's been an interesting trip so far."

"Ah yes, of course, my apologies Miss Jasmine. I have no doubt of that, as I am well aware that our seemingly paradisiacal country is in fact, where the devil roams."

Pieter's smile widened before he continued, "Welcome to the Jungle Jasmine."

Sholana's eyebrows converged together just a bit.
"I've walked many similar paths through many similar jungles, Mr. Draad. That's why I'm here, after all. Maybe you should get into what you're expecting from my people?"

"Of course… Allow me to be quite blunt with you, and tell you that we have not the means to wage our revolution. Our nation rots around us, and we need to rip it from the clutches of those vile traitors who have doomed us. Unfortunately, we are simple men and women. We are miners, hunters, fishermen, herbalists, prostitutes… We are not trained warriors. We need to learn the way of the rifle. We need to be armed. I know we bring almost nothing to the table, nothing but the most stubborn resolve imaginable. I have a feeling that even you will consider us a lost cause… But I had to ask. The very ideal of a free, equal society depends on it."

Sholana sighed. She took a big swig of the pineapple beer.
"Mearrgghh! That really is an acquired taste. Karl's beard!" She slammed the bottle down and it started to fizz over.

"Okay... Listen, Pieter...
It's obvious that you aren't immediately prepared for this struggle. It could literally drag on for years and be very costly. You all need to be ready for that. But there's no way to really emotionally prepare. Somehow, your people need to tap into that stubborn resolve you mentioned... And be smart, because careless mistakes will destroy you, no matter how stubborn your resolve.

What's not smart? This bush league security...I had all your lookouts pegged the moment I walked into town. Your buddy tending bar seemed pretty shocked to see me." She pointed to the bar keeper, then focused back on him.

"You are a prime target, Pieter. So are your lieutenants. Everything changed once Her Highness got offed. I don't know if your people did it... Don't care. Congrats on shedding another useless, predatory monarch, in any case.
Point is that you are at a new level, and still acting like this is a child's birthday party. You have to be more on guard.

It's a fight for your lives. Someone took that fight to the imperialists, now someone needs to keep up that fight, and bring it to the fascists, too. Not sit around and wait for them to come back at you! And they will...Believe me, they will, and it won't be pretty. Heads will roll. Just make sure it's their heads that do the rolling. You need to be ready for all that, then... Yes, we can help."

To punctuate that she was done speaking for the moment, she again forced herself to drink, glutton for punishment that she was. The bottle was slippery from being coated by its contents and she almost dropped it, losing the tough effect of her mini lecture.

Pieter nodded slowly as he too took a deep sip from his warm beer, pausing before his response, as he slowly processed what his new friend was telling him. What she had said made total sense, and she highlighted points which were obvious in retrospect, yet it did not occur naturally to him before. He was no soldier after all, and this was made painfully clear. Perhaps he was in over his head, perhaps he was doomed to failure and misery. Yet, despite this all, he knew he could not back down now. His nation needed him. His people needed him.

He finally regained his composure as he replied,
"Thank you for your tough wisdom. I will take it to heart, I will. And I am forever indebted to you for your acceptance of my plea. May I ask, how exactly will you provide help?"

Sholana shrugged.
"You can ask, but let’s get some things straight if we're going to make this work at all. I will need some things from you, Pieter. First...
I need a guy, who you trust, that can get me things fast. If he can't get me something, he knows another guy that can. Again, someone you know and trust. This is super important.

Second, we need to know the location of every arsenal on the three islands. Whether they're still in governmental control, or taken by one of the militias, we need to know where they are and who might have control over them.

Lastly, and this is also very important...We will have a neutral flagged cargo boat here soon, like in a couple days. It will have an airtight manifest. The rest of my people are on it, along with supplies we will need, and you will need. We need a dock that your people control. We will need trucks, drivers, and lots of strong hands at the ready for when it arrives. A lot of trucks. There at the ready, and ready to take off fast loaded with our people and supplies. We need warehouses, depots, caves...someplace safe for my teams and their gear. Can you do this for me, Pieter?"

Pieter's smile returned as he nodded enthusiastically, seeing an opportunity to redeem himself, to prove to himself to any possible observer, that he was the right man to lead his nation into a bright future.
"Firstly, I have just the guy for you. I will introduce you soon.

Secondly, we have the locations mapped for the arsenal's on Central Island and East Island. I don't have the answer for West Island yet, but I will put some people to task immediately.

Lastly, I can help you with all your listed requirements there. The Movement has ample safe locations on both Central Island, and especially here on East Island. Since we control the entire East Island, the docks here in the city would be ideal for landing I presume. As for hands, we have tons. As for trucks - also not a problem. We captured an abandoned coal mine just outside the city, who left behind many, many trucks."

Pieter took yet another sip from his beer, nearly finishing it. "Comrade, I feel that I must warn you however… Whilst the Equinians are the main thorne in our sides, and the Nationalists the most prone to violence, there is one threat it seems some wish to ignore… The Port Emberians. They are announcing publicly that they are here only to help end the violence and misery - yet I know them. And I know of their utmost hate for the noble tenants of communism and socialism. They have killed thousands in their quest to stamp out these ideals, all across the world. And they have a very powerful navy, with control over Ysterfonteinian waters. I admit to you - I fear what they might do to us, and to your people if their navy catches them."

Jasmine smiled.
“Yeah, we know all about the Port Emberians. They’ve been making a lot of noise. You have to realize, Pieter, we have eyes and ears all over the world. Many nations and parties are a part of the Congress. Many more contribute all kinds of skilled personnel to our forces. It’s why we don’t lose…” But they also had to pick their battles carefully..

“As for them stopping our boat, sure...anything’s possible. That’s why I mentioned the airtight manifest. They would need to make an international incident out of stopping our vessel and digging through our cargo other than a cursory search. It’s our assessment that the Port Emberians are not ready to do that and provoke an outcry. But again...they are the progeny of pirates. They ultimately want to plunder as pirates do, so...we can’t rule it out. We put political pressure on them to release the boat and crew, and in the meantime, we have another on the way, or aircraft...We won’t give up that easily. It will set us back, but no revolution is ever so smooth.

Also, that’s why we need to move fast when the boat…if the boat is able to dock. Satellites and drones are a big concern. We want as few eyes on our unloading operation as possible, and the more time spent dallying around the docks, the greater the chance of discovery by air, or sea, or land, for that matter if they have spies on your island. We’ll stick with East Island for now, as you have a tight lock here. We can spread our operation later, once we have more of your people trained up and more of ours in the area.”

She finished her beer too, almost immune to the pungent pineapple now.

“This is what we do, Pieter. We take that seed of revolution, and we grow it. Steadily - with care...dirt and water...cadre and arms. Your plant grows and takes all the sun with the highest branches, and dominates with the strongest roots that suck up the water; the others wither and die, choked off and malnourished. It’s time to pour the water on there…”

Pieter nodded, impressed with the radiated strength and confidence of the woman seated at his table, and thus slightly impressed with himself for choosing to reach out to this organisation for help.

"Of course Jasmine, I meant no disrespect or doubt of your organisation's abilities, I share only the potential threats which I observe. Then, I will ensure that everything you have requested will be in place when the time comes."

“No, no...You were right to tell me. That’s some very good threat assessment on your part.” She tapped her finger to her temple. “I would be mad if you withheld such things from me, more than telling me what we already know. We have to trust each other, Pieter, in order to make this work. We’re the outsiders. You’re the insider with a lot of the info that we need in order to help you succeed. Ultimately, we need to put you in your proper place from which to lead your people....all the Ysterfonteinians. ”

A soft glint formed within Pieter's eyes as the images of a united, equal Ysterfontein flashed through his mind. "Well then Comrade Jasmine - that is something which I can drink to."

Pieter gestured towards the barkeep that it was time to break open the casks.

[RP Credit: This segment was Co-RP'd with The Cardwith Islands.]

3 Days After the Queen's Death.
HeadQuarters of the Ysterfontein Nationalist Front;
City of Crow's Peak;
Sector AF;
West Ysterfontein Island.

Jaco Retief, the leader of the Ysterfontein Nationalist Front, was seated on a color faded, half broken chair, with a piece of sharp plastic shard gently stabbing into his leg. Jaco however, was way too distracted to feel the pain, or even notice the feeling of a small trickle of blood flowing down his leg on the inside of his camouflage cargo pants.

He was seated underneath a large tree, which generated a shadow that granted some welcome reprieve against the relentless tropical sun, although it did not provide any sanctuary against the unforgiving humidity. Jaco was surrounded by a group of twelve men, all dressed the same as their leader, but seated with their buttocks on the bright green grass patch, as there were simply not enough chairs to go by for all.

The building to the group's left, which acted as the Front's HeadQuarters, was bustling with activity, with men and women entering and leaving constantly, all hurried, and all carrying expressions of stress and worry upon their tired faces. This myriad of moving humans were all silent however, as they knew that their leader and his leader group were conducting a Krygsraad - A war conference - only 20 meters away, and that was not to be disturbed by distracting noises.

"So, Gentleman… The Queen is dead." These words physically hurt Jaco as he said it, still reeling from this torturing truth. The response coming from the men seated around him was predictable - some shed tears, some cursed under their breaths, some remained silent and just shook their heads in disbelief. They all knew of this fact beforehand, yet the pain was still very real and very physical.

"Do we disband now, Jaco? Do we go home now?", one of the seated men asked, effectively breaking the morbid, semi-silence. The man looked straight towards Jaco's eyes, yet all the man saw was a reflection of himself in Jaco's sunglasses.

"Excuse me?", came the response, spoken in an icy monotone.

"Well…" The man's tone sounded a lot more reserved, obviously fearing the potential wrath of Jaco, as he took the hint of the icy tone, "The Queen - May the Spirits Guide Her Evermore - is no longer here to guide us in her physical form. Yes, I know we formed this Front to combat the poor influence of her corrupt lackeys, but we all agreed that we do so in Her Holy Name. We wish to reform these great people, under a proud, united and strong Front, free from corruption, and free from those vile foreign scum. But we were to do it in the name of the Holy Queen. For the Holy Queen. How can we continue now without Her rallying cry?"

The remainder of the group nodded and agreed in silence, as they turned to Jaco for his reply.

Jaso sighed softly as he continued to light up a cigarette, keeping the tension in the air high, and maintaining all stares from the group upon him, making it clear that he was in control, and that everyone could wait for him. Period.

After an uncomfortable silence, Jaco finally responded, "Is our nation still overrun by foreign vermin?"

No one responded verbally, but all nodded in agreement.

"Is our nation still divided, with brother and sisters killing one another?"

Another wave of nods followed.

"Are our people still dying from hunger, poverty, disease and crime?"

This round of nods were augmented with soft murmurs of agreement.

"Are our people still living and dying at the behest of foreigners, who have deemed us as lesser beings?"

The reserved nods and murmurs have given way to loud, angry shouts.

Jason held out his palms towards his gathering, which instantly calmed them down, and allowed silence to befall the group once more,
"We are all religious men here. We all know what Mana is, do we not? We all know that every living thing possesses Mana, and we all know that even upon death Mana remains. We all know the importance of remembering and honouring the Mana of our ancestors, and they will provide guidance in return. So, you ask a rotten question, brother!" Jaco looked straight at the man who had posed the question, "Such a question could easily be considered to be Vullis (sinful, unholy, forbidden)! The Holy Mother might be gone in Her physical form yes, but Her Mana remains! And since that fact is still true, and since our jungles are still covered by foreign filth, we cannot, will not and shall not 'go home'. Our sacred task of ridding the unbalance is not yet complete brothers. We cannot 'go home', whilst we have no home to go home to!"

The group sprang to their feet, cheering loudly, freshly motivated, freshly enraged.

They all knew that the path ahead would be difficult, but they also knew that it was their sacred duty.

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Port Ember
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Founded: Dec 06, 2017
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Postby Port Ember » Wed May 05, 2021 4:12 am

3 Days After the Queen's Death.
Pearly Beach Hotel (PESF HQ)
City of Arendnes;
Sector AA;
West Ysterfontein Island.

Captain Declan Fiera hopped out of the Albatross Mk II Helicopter the moment it touched base upon the helipad, which was conveniently located opposite the street of the Pearly Beach Hotel, which acted as the temporary Port Emberian Security Forces Operations HeadQuarters within the capital city of Ysterfontein - the city of Arendnes.

Four other uniform clad warriors hopped out of the helicopter, directly following Captain Fiera, and like him, were all carrying their personal weapons and kit over their shoulders and upon their backs, whilst ensuring to keep their heads down, safe from the spinning helicopter rotors above.

Once the five soldiers crossed the pothole-filled road, a very clean and neat looking Private approached the team, offering a crisp and well executed salute to the approaching squad. Captain Fiera did not return the salute, instead offering a quick "Fuckoff!" in response. The Private's face formed an expression of shock and took a step backwards.

Captain Fiera sighed loudly before he spoke again, this time with a calmer tone, "First time on Ops Private?"

"Aye Sir, finished Basics two weeks back." came the reply.

Fiera nodded, "Of course, poor sod. Firstly, we are operational now mate - you salute me - you put me in the sights of hostile snipers and intelligence operatives. Got it?"

"Aye Sir," the Private replied, with a quizzical look, "But Sir, what do you mean 'Hostile'? Are we not here for Peacekeeping Operations and Humanitarian Aid?"

The combined team chuckled along softly, "Mate, the second that you leave the wonderful sandy beaches, clear skies, blue oceans and gorgeous taverns of the Republic, the world wants ya dead. Simple fact. Learn it. Live it."

The Private nodded, in slow understanding, "T..Thank You Sir."

Captain Fiera wiped the sweat from his brow, "Also mate, did you notice that not I nor any member of my team is wearing any rank insignia, nametags, or unit insignia? There's a reason for that, so never fuck with our lives again. Now, fuckface, why do you know me?"

The Private looked downwards, now attempting to avoid the gaze of this man who, in his opinion, was being quite unreasonable, "I was tasked by the RSM to induct you and your team Sir…"

The team chuckled again, before Fiera replied again, "Oh really now? Let me spare you the effort. I ask - you answer. I notice that this area is barbed-fence off, so this is our base obviously. How far does the base reach?"

"One street block Sir."

"Gotcha. Is the civilian humanitarians set up inside our base as well?"

"No Sir, they are holed up in a separate base, two blocks down the streets."

"Gotcha. So this hotel, is this the barracks for the whole Battalion plus the HQ?"

"Negative Sir. Only HQ and Charlie Company are holed up here. Alpha and Bravo Companies are holed up deeper inside the city."

"Gotcha. Lastly, where does my team eat, shit and sleep?"

The Private continued to escort the team into the Hotel, where they were quickly handed access cards, as the guards within the lobby clearly expected the team's arrival. The team was then shown the Dining Hall on the ground floor, before they headed upstairs, notably not using the elevator, which seemed to be out of order. They exited the stairs system onto the fifth floor, where the Private led them down a narrow corridor, with most room doors being open, with lounging soldiers glancing towards the new arrivals. Captain Fiera quickly realised that this was the 'Officer's accomodation floor'.

The Private finally showed the team to a large empty room before he disappeared down the hall, informing the Captain that he needed to attend a briefing on the 6th floor in exactly two and a half hours as he did so. Fiera noticed that their room was quite spacious, yet devoid of any sort of anything, and the condition of the floor, walls and ceiling were what one could compare to a third world crackhouse. At least it's windows were intact, and it contained its own full bathroom.

Captain Declan Fiera
Warrant Officer Benji Brava
Sargent Dan Mitchells
Sargent Coral Tondra
Sargent Tianna Derricks

The five soldiers immediately went to work with setting up their stretchers and establishing their own little corners of personal space in their new hellhole. Once it appeared that everyone was satisfied with the area where their heads would come to rest, Fiera barked a few quick commands. "Mitchells, you're on Room Maintenance duty. Tondra, you're on shopping duty. Derricks, you're on munch duty. Warrant Brava, extra supplies. Meet back in two hours."

Captain Fiera left the room, confident in the fact that his orders would be carried out, the team were the cream of the crop afterall.

Over the next two hours Fiera explored the hotel and the base area outside, making mental notes of what and who was located where, including possible directions of attack, possible weak spots in the base's defences and all the possible escape routes. His last stop was the roof of the hotel, although he was quickly stopped and removed from the area, as it was actively in use by a team of snipers and observers.

Once the two hour deadline, which he set had been reached, he returned to the team's room, where he found the place looking vastly different from the last time he had seen it. Firstly, the door now had a working lock, which by itself increased their living conditions by years. Secondly, the room was furnished in a manner which could make living here actually bearable. Besides their personal stretchers, there was now an old couch, a round wooden poker table with five chairs, a separate office desk and desk chair. A small portable radio was also set up atop the poker table. The windows have been covered up with linen, which acted as curtains. The bathroom was also serviceable, with running plumbing and a shower, and even a mirror. The 'organised' furniture was certainly ugly, old and derelict to an extent, but it was in a 'could be used' condition. Overall, the room would not make it onto a lifestyle magazine cover - but it was comfortable at least.

Another important new feature of the room was nestled within one corner, where Warrant Officer Benji Brava managed to secure a cache of extra ammunition and explosives. Sure this was not strictly allowed by doctrine, but hey, you do what needs to be done.

Lastly, the newly acquired poker table was filled with all manners of food and drink, also freshly acquired.

Fiera peeked through the window, and saw that their room had an ocean view, and a perfect birds-eye view of the close-by Port, which was filled to the brim with bustling Port Emberian Navy Vessels, both civilian types and warships. It was a beautiful view.

After a few more minutes of banter, the team locked up their room and moved in unison to the floor above, where they entered a room which was used as a ballroom in ages past, but was now outfitted into a conference room. In stark contrast to the spartan nature of all other rooms which they saw, the conference room was outfitted with brand new and luxurious furniture and technology, clearly straight from the logistics warehouse in Port Ember Megalopolis. One could be forgiven if you, for a brief moment, thought that you were back home. But then the horrid state of the walls, floor and roof would quickly force you back to reality.

Captain Fiera took a seat at the large conference table within the center of the room, whilst the remainder of the team took up seats upon the plush couches which were nestled up against the walls.

The room started filling up very quickly with all civilian and military sorts alike, who greeted one another in a warm tone. One could easily forget that you were within a broken nation for a few moments due to the jolly nature of the occupants.

A few moments later a tall and strong man, sporting a magnificent red moustache, entered the room, and immediately asked for silence. The room complied, and Fiera concluded that he was probably the Regimental Sergeant Major (RSM) of the contingent. The RSM then barked the command "Stand up!", to which all did, and consequently stood to attention, not moving a muscle. Even the civilians present were looking nearly disciplined enough for this purpose. Immediately following this display, a man entered, Brigadier General Adam Tás, the Contingent Commander. He was flanked by an unknown man, dressed in a very fine tailored suit, and he appeared to be extremely well groomed. His short, dark brown hair was combed professionally, and did not carry any hint of being dry or oily. He was also perfectly shaved, with not a single facial hair in sight. His sparkling blue eyes sported a pair of small, good quality glasses. The duo took up their seats at the head of the table, after which the remainder of the room received the command to be seated and be at ease.

Once the noise of the people being seated dissipated, the General cleared his throat politely, and started addressing the room, remaining seated throughout.

"Ladies & Gentleman, good evening. Apologies for calling you all in for an eve conference, as I know you are all exhausted from a busy day at grind. Unfortunately, due to certain developments, this meeting could not wait for our weekly sitting.

As you are most certainly all aware, the situation within Ysterfontein has changed dramatically, permanently. Three days ago, the Queen was assassinated within her Temple, by means of a terror attack. Tragic as this might be, this ordeal does not simply mean the death of one person, albeit one important person, nay. It literally means that the entire ruling government has collapsed. Due to the fact that Ysterfontein did not maintain any sort of constitution, and no line of succession has been appointed, everything has gone with her. Even the mayors and minor government officials are considered to be vacated, due to the customs of the land.

Ysterfontein is in utter chaos.

Thus, due to these reasons, the Port Emberian Government had to take a long, hard look at our next moves, and at our role as the PESF currently deployed here. The decision which was taken, was a tough one, and one not taken lightly, I assure you. The official decision which was made, was for Port Ember to assume control over this nation in a temporary, provisional manner. The simple mission of the PESF of Peacekeeping and Humanitarian Aid has now officially changed, to that of Peacekeeping; Humanitarian Aid & Establishment of a stable & free democracy within Ysterfontein.

Ladies & Gentleman, I have no need to tell you that this is not going to be an easy task. This will probably be the hardest thing you have ever done in your lives. But it needs to be done, and it will be done. To that end, I wish to introduce Governor Cole Adorinda, who is now the civilian, and thus overall commander of this mission. I will remain under his command, in the capacity of Military Attachment Commander."

The General glanced over to the Governor, who was now, according to the Republic of Port Ember, technically the acting President of this foreign nation. "Sir?"

The Governor glanced back towards the General, and merely shook his head politely as reply.

The General nodded and turned his gaze back towards the room,
"Well, now that is out of the way, I want every Commander to present a status report to the Governor, just like you always do during our weekly status update meetings. Let's not waste time colleagues, the day has been long."

The first person to present was Colonel Steven Sprita, the head of the Port Ember Security Forces Medical Health Services attachment of this operation. The Colonel rose from his seat and walked towards the front of the room, just next to the screen, where he came to a halt and offered a salute, asking the General for permission to continue as he did so. After receiving a nod from the General, the Colonel continued.

"The Medical Health Services has been tasked with the titanic and all-consuming task of establishing a public health network in a nation which has almost no record of any effective health systems in history.

The first steps which we have taken, was the establishment of basic and medium level emergency health services, from onboard the hospital ship in port, the PES Sister Charlene. This ship is currently geared to solve serious and life threatening injuries and diseases, and is catering to both the local populace and the PESF Forces.

Furthermore, the Health Services has established over one hundred temporary clinics across the city of Arendnes, operating from within pitched medical tents. These so-called clinics are currently providing general medical services and medication to the city's inhabitants, on a very impressive and efficient scale. The constant Log Runs from the supply ships, is keeping us well stocked and in business.

The greatest news however, is the fact that the construction of the very first, international quality hospital will be completed by the end of the week, here in the Port District. This hospital will be staffed by Port Emberian volunteers and promising natives within shadowing roles. This hospital will be equipped to deal with a massive range of medical services and emergencies, on nearly the same level as a hospital back home.

The current challenge at this moment is the fact that fourteen more hospitals need to be built and established, before we can even consider spreading out towards the other sectors and cities within the nation. Like I have said before, this is a titanic task, but one which we are winning slowly, day by day.

The General thanked the Colonel and allowed him to be seated, after a crisp salute requested such.

The next person to present was Colonel Leonard Anĉjo, the Commander of the Port Ember Security Forces Engineering Services attachment of this operation, who marched towards the allocated presentation area, coming to a halt and offered a salute, asking the General for permission to continue as he did so. After receiving a nod from the General, the Colonel continued.

"The Engineering Services is currently underway with a myriad of different projects, within several different scopes. Before I report on these various projects, allow me to remind the Conference, and thus inform the Governor, that the infrastructure within the nation is quite wretched. Whilst we will be able to solve large problems for the city, it will take years for it to look like a first world city.

Right, so the first project I wish to discuss, is our project to restore Basic Water & Sanitation services to the city. Luckily, the areas located within and around the city centre have a high quality of water & sanitation infrastructure. This infrastructure is certainly old and in a state of neglect, but our engineers are currently actively repairing and servicing these systems. This task is being rolled out rapidly, and with a high level of success.

Now, unfortunately, many of the residential neighbourhoods on the outskirts are true shanty towns, and for the most part, lack access to these basic services. Therefore, we have rolled out mobile water bunkers, thus providing all residents effectively with at least a basic level of clean water supply. Furthermore, we have deployed mobile toilets and shower units within these neighbourhoods, providing a basic level of sanitation infrastructure to the entire city. This is obviously not good enough, despite the fact that this is the best level of infrastructure that these neighbourhoods ever had. Therefore, larger and more first world types of infrastructure is currently being planned and is close to implementation.

Now, for the Power Infrastructure. My engineers have determined that the two large coal power plants in existence is indeed sufficient to run the power grid for the city, although both are currently out of service. My engineers have begun repairing and servicing these plants, and the city will be powered once more by the end of the week.

Lastly, my engineers have managed to repair the numerous cell towers within the city, and have upgraded it to 4G technology. These will go online in conjunction with the power grid.

That is all I have to report for now Governor, General."

The General thanked the Colonel and allowed him to be seated, after a crisp salute requested such.

The next person to present was Colonel Karlene Nikolao, the Port Ember Security Forces Intelligence Officer of this operation, who marched towards the allocated presentation area, coming to a halt and offered a salute, asking the General for permission to continue as she did so. After receiving a nod from the General, the Colonel continued.

"Governor, General, Ladies & Gentleman… The nation of Ysterfontein is a chaotic tinderbox, on the absolute brink of civil war.

Reports suggest that over a hundred thousand Equilian foreigners have flooded the islands over the last year, drawn to the diamond fields, on the border of the city of Pilgrimsrust. This has led to serious animosity, and constant violent clashes between the illegal foreigners and the natives, to the point where the foreigners felt the need to establish a Militia for safety. Unfortunately, this Militia has managed to consolidate power and capture the entire city and the diamond fields, which they continue to mine. My threat assessment indicates that these illegals are the primary cause for unrest within the nation at the moment.

Secondly, the Ysterfontein Nationalist Front, YNF for short, is one of two local factions which have sprung up in recent times. This party is extremely nationalalistic in nature, and despises all foreigners. They have claimed loyalty to the Queen, before her demise, despite the fact that they were branded as an unlawful terror group by the government. They control the Sectors AE and AF.

Thirdly, the Ysterfontein Socialist Movement (YSM), is the last of the local factions, and is firm believers in socialist and communist ideals. They have always despised the Queen and seek to establish a Communist state. They control the Sectors BC and CA.

Lastly, the government of Ysterfontein, or rather the former government, as the General had explained. Simply put, this government no longer exists in any shape or form. Therefore from henceforth, when I speak of the Government, I will be referring to this contingent under the leadership of our Governor, until an effective native government has been seated.

As for our standing, we effectively only control Sector AA, which contains this capital city of Arendnes. We do however, have complete control over the oceans and the sky.

At this current moment, it is extremely difficult to provide a solid, stable intelligence overview of the nation at large, as everything has gone to hell with the assination of the Queen. I will be the first to admit that things were already in chaos before this act, but it has intensified tenfold now. At the moment, the various sectors remain under the same factional control as before the assination, as no faction has attempted to launch any sort of offensive in order to make use of the chaos. But it has only been three days, and that could change rapidly, without warning. The most vulnerable areas are currently the sectors which are technically under government control, as the local government structures have collapsed completely, making it ripe for the taking by one of the other factions.

Last, but not least, our investigators are still attempting to uncover the identity of the Queen's assassin, yet with no leads at this moment in time."

Once Colonel Karlene Nikolao retook her seat, Governor Cole Adorinda started speaking,
"Ladies & Gentleman, I am not going to say much at this moment, as I know it is late, and I need to still gather myself properly. What I can say is that it would appear that you all have been doing a proper job here, for the last two months. This is commendable, yet we cannot start taking it easy now. In fact, life is about to get a lot harder, a lot busier, and at a rapid pace. For now, continue rolling out the plans which you have laid out. I will introduce supplementary orders for each individual soon as we update the big picture with the new goals, as our overall objectives have changed slightly. I also need you all to understand that a lot of extra roleplayers will be flown into the islands very soon, who will work on establishing new governmental functions. They will need your expertise and your familiarity with the nation. For now, that is all. I thank you."
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Postby Radictistan » Thu May 06, 2021 11:33 pm

Sector AE
West Ysterfontein Island

The trampling of dense foliage and the sharp retort of machete touching branch barely made an impression over the ambient noise of the tropical jungle. Eight white persons and two native porters pushed and when necessarily cut through what had probably been a decent enough dirt road a decade earlier. The whites were surveyors employed by Seeger Minerals, a mining company headquartered in the Grand Duchy of Radictistan.

The islands of Ysterfontein had huge untapped reserves of iron ore, and probably bauxite as well. The diamond fields were solidly in Equinian hands but if the Radictistanis worked quickly, and if the right palms could be economically greased, then Seeger Minerals would be in a good position to outflank them in the marketplace.

Seeger had a reputation for going where most other mining companies wouldn’t. Today the survey team was heading to a clearing in the jungle the Radictistanis called Site Dora. They were to do the final field survey before boreholes could be drilled. It meant a long day of schlepping big, heavy, fragile, and expensive pieces of equipment through the jungle.

The sole woman in the party was Ilse Wachtmann. Her father, Seeger’s head of international operations, had been unhappy about her joining the Ysterfontein expedition but eventually relented. She now partially regretted her earlier enthusiasm. For one thing, she hadn’t been dry since arriving in-country. Nothing in Radictistan could prepare one for the tropical humidity. Ilse could at least be thankful she wore contacts and not glasses as she wiped a tidal wave of sweat from her brow.

Accompanying the survey team were five men from a Radictistani private military company. All had served in the Royal Radictistan Army past the minimum requirement of their compulsory service. Four had been infantry, one an MP. Their leader, Pavel Nagorny, had seen combat against Communist insurgents in Norcustsur. Two men walked at the head of the column, two more at its center, and one protecting the rear.

They had travelled about seven kilometers when all hell broke loose. For those at the center of the party, the ambush could be heard before it was seen. It started with an ascending roar of gunfire followed by the cry of pain from one of the point men. The second front man was hit mere moments later.

Ilse choked on a mouthful for of dirt when she dropped to the ground. She lay there, stunned, for what must have been at least twenty seconds. The noise of gunfire and screams was nearly defining. When she risked sticking her head up the first thing to attract her focus was the head of her team leader which now resembled a dropped egg.

Ilse finally remembered that she had a pistol in her raincoat. She had just the weapon from its pocket when a hard pain to the back of her head plunged the world into darkness.

When she came to she was sitting against a tree. The pain in her head was nearly unbearable. Attempting to move it made things even worse. A dark face suddenly appeared in front of her, causing her to scream. The noise was rewarded with a hard slap.

Questions came, delivered quickly and harshly. Where were the rest of the foreigners? How many were there? Were they in league with the Equinians? The Communists? Why had they trespassed on Ysterfontein’s sacred soil? Why had they disturbed the balaans?

Ilse’s answers were unsatisfying and more blows came her way. Eventually even that level of suffering became insufficient to satisfy their anger. Ilse briefly allowed her spirits to rise when her interrogator was handed an old army telephone. They would call her father, he would pay a ransom, and she would be free. This hope was shattered when the interrogator advanced on her with a bare of bare wires.

When her body was found two days later the quickened decomposition from the jungle environment failed to cover up the signs of torture and rape.

It’s funny the way politics works sometimes. The largest shareholder of Seeger Minerals is Rainald Seeger, son of the company’s founder Sir Renard Seeger. Now it so happened that Rainald’s sister was married to Viscount Tischendorf who was a regular dinner guest of the Lord Chancellor. The Chancellor, in turn, brought Seeger’s plight to the attention of the Grand Duke. Tischendorf was a Peer, and with only forty Peers in the upper house each one had to be placated from time to time.

Xenocimedes was reluctant to use military force in aid of “some damn fool prospectors.” The memories of the Indran quagmire were fresh in his mind, the Cabinet’s, and that of the public. The Grand Duke was similarly disinclined to do anything that might encourage his subjects to think a rescue party is coming for them when they do something stupid abroad.

Unfortunately, the bereaved father of one Ilse Wachtmann was creating a stir in the private media. The RBS was immune to “missing white female” stories but the populist rags needed to sell subscriptions and attract eyeballs.

It was likely that Ms. Wachtmann would not be the last Radictistani victim of regional instability. In the absence of a functioning government the territorial waters had become a free-for-all. Fishing vessels from all countries realized they could empty the local fisheries without regard to any legal limits. Historically this usually produced piracy. A pirate was a threat to all, but especially to Radictistan. Even if no Radictistani ships were seized it was inevitable that Radictistani seafarers would come into harm’s way. Radictistanis working on foreign ships were an important source of foreign exchange via remittances. It would be another nail in the economic coffin if those sailors stopped working.

On the other hand, this was a once-in-a-generation opportunity to build a foreign state practically from the ground up. Radictistan could always use more iron ore and the geography of the jungle nation suggested bauxite as well. A memo from the economics desk at SDHN raised the possibility that the hereto unexploited Ysterfonteinian jungle might prove a lucrative source of pharmaceutical discoveries.

362 Airborne Brigade was ordered to ready for a possible overseas deployment. It would have to be seen how large a force the regional powers would tolerate. A jungle that size really needed a full division to effectively police. The reports of naval combat between Port Ember and Equinia further complicated any deployment even if it was to occur mostly by air. Fortunately there was a nuclear-powered attack submarine, the SSN-5, within a week’s travel from the region. It would scope out the naval situation with greater precision than could Radictistan’s small fleet of radar satellites.

Diplomatic notes would be sent to Port Ember. These would express the Grand Duke’s concern regarding the rapid destabilization of Ysterfontein, a land which should, on account of its vast natural wealth, ought to enjoy the blessings of prosperity. His Royal Highness’ Government would announce its intention to join a stabilization force so that order may be restored, the lives and property of foreign nationals safeguarded, and an environment created to for economic reconstruction.
Last edited by Radictistan on Mon May 10, 2021 11:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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The Cardwith Islands
Posts: 540
Founded: Nov 05, 2012
Father Knows Best State

Postby The Cardwith Islands » Mon May 10, 2021 10:11 am

Sector AA
City of Arendnes
West Ysterfontein Island

While Sholana had flown ahead, then traveled on to Eensaamfontein, 4 other CAIF operatives had completed their journey direct to the capital of the chaotic islands, in order to exploit the chaos and obtain as much useful information as possible.

They had arrived separately, under different covers - A blonde, very Nordic looking man. A shorter, boxier Cardwithian of Micronesian ethnicity like Sholana, and a man and woman of similar Africanesque heritage who worked together as a team.

Their arrivals were staggered by days, and no one who observed them or took stock of their identity papers and routine would ever figure they had any connection to each other. The Nordic man, who went by Vale, got a hotel room near the airport. Rather than try to make feeble attempts at hiding his foreignness, he would play it up with his cover as a Glisandian journalist covering the turmoil in the nation following the sudden regicide, although some might refer to it as a tyrannicide.

The Cardwithian, posing as a Hutanjian, blended in much better with the local population, but still wouldn’t hold up to a lot of scrutiny. He was able to make contact with YSM agents who sent him to the outskirts of the capital, in what would be called the ‘slums’ in most nations. They directed him to locals who were willing to look the other way and accommodate his needs.

He was able to pay cash, off the books, for an abandoned, crumbling warehouse to call home base, that would also serve as the temporary CAIF staging base for operations in Arendnes. It had been used as a dwelling quite recently from certain obvious indications, and Adder would continue to put it also to that dual use. Apparently, that wasn’t that odd in this part of town, if there had been tenants previous to him.

The last two operatives of the cell, Ninki and Gabar, the Mubatan brother and sister team, had spent the better part of a day searching for a place to encamp and surveil near their first target, while also watching each other’s backtrail for any sign of enemy surveillance. It involved quite a bit of twisting and crossing of routes throughout the capital, relying on their studies of the local terrain aerial photos and urban maps before they had arrived in-country.

Eventually, they would also join Adder in the warehouse, but they had to make sure they were clean and settled into the landscape first, which would take at least a couple days.
They also needed the perfect place to observe their targets, or all the effort would be for naught.

Ninki came across a junkyard, with an old, broken down bus in one of the far corners that overlooked a good section of the City, including their target. There was a bit of rodent infestation issue, but Gabar solved that with some improvised poison with which he filled a can pump, both salvaged from around the yard. There was definitely a nest under the chassis somewhere. Any time a rat popped up, he gave it a little spritz with the deadly cocktail. They would then run back to their nest, where they would spread the toxic molecules to the rest of their kin.

It would be easier to bathe the whole writhing nest in the mix, but that would also render the bus uninhabitable with the noxious chemical fumes overtaking them. Gabar had suggested torching them, as he could make a nasty improvised napalm, but Ninki pointed out the obvious drawbacks of the risk of igniting the shelter they were trying so hard to make livable, or having to deal with the constant smell of burnt rat, quickly putting that notion to bed.

This way would take longer, but still, within hours, the rats were twitching from exposure to the highly potent impromptu chemical brew. In the meantime, Ninki and Gabar took turns keeping watch while the other stabbed and stomped the angry rats that sought retribution in their last death throes. Eventually, the stink of exterminated rodents would overtake the bus, but they hoped to be safely ensconced in the warehouse Adder had acquired by then, and have most of their observation of their target completed, at least from this vantage.

Once they fell back to regroup at the warehouse, it was likely that they would again need to go through this effort to find another similar vantage point that overlooked their target, but from the other side of the City. The effort was worth it when one realized that their target was in the Pearly Beach Hotel, the center of the HQ of the Port Ember Security Force in Ysterfontein.

The whole CAIF black ops cell were used to methodically working to independently establish themselves in a new operating environment before coordinating missions together. The more time taken to cover their tracks meant a less hasty, and more organized departure from the AO once operations ended.

The first planned mission of the 4 person CAIF cell was as audacious as almost any in the history of insurgency black ops, maybe second only to blowing up a queen:
Eliminate the top officer of the Port Ember Security Forces peacekeeping force in Ysterfontein: Brigadier General Joseph "Red" Petroska, which should announce in the boldest terms that they weren’t there to play games, nor fall back on half measures. It should also dramatically setback their most formidable future foe in Ysterfontein for the crucial time the ISVC and YSM needed to gain the upper hand.

SS Beauchamp
En Route to Ysterfontein

He leaned on the rail, craning out to look upon the water. There were clumps of seaweed that passed, telling him that they were getting much closer to their port, if he didn’t feel like bothering to ask the boat’s captain. He had chatted with him quite enough today, via one of the team's translators, to plan their entry into the harbor. The international boat crew were used to these types of insertions, having done dozens. They were all loyal socialists to the cause, even if they weren’t highly trained specialists like the CAIF Team. They did their part and they did it well, under the guise of a neutral flagged cargo barge.

He hated this part, and being the man in charge, even if temporarily, was not where he liked to be. Not that he was some kind of lone wolf type, because he loved working with the teams, especially since moving from the PAST cells to CAIF teams. Yet, leadership, while not difficult for him, wasn’t a mantle he wore easily. Now, with Shohana out ahead, scouting the AO, and Vale and Adder, her favorite spooks, also in the process of infiltrating into the chaotic islands, it was left to him to get this ragtag band ashore.
Still needs must.

“Comrade Truxton. Here you are.”

He turned to face Chike, his Mubatan comrade, from the MFM Oryx Brigade.
“Here I am. Yes, Comrade Chike.”

“Davu was going to do one last marksmanship drill with our shooters, off the portside, if you wanted to join us?” Those that were militarily trained and wanted to keep their aim sharp, often threw flotsam into the water, off the stern or side, and took turns peppering them with bullets. The snipers getting the final shots in as the floating junk crept closer to the horizon in their wake.

Truxton rose up off the rail, suddenly alarmed.
“No, you need to stop that...Stop him. It’s too late for more marksmanship training. We’re close in enough to shore now that it would risk fishing boats hearing us. Might even be a patrol boat nearby.” Last word was that waterborne security wasn’t all that tight, but they still couldn’t take a chance. “That will give us away.”

Chike was one of the many who shared doubts that they should bother with OPSEC, considering the chaotic situation and the reported ineffectiveness of the local military and coastal defense. He attempted to express it once again,
“Are you sh…?”

“Now! Go! Stop him now, Chike!”

“Yes, comrade Truxton! Alright then.”
Chike bristled a bit at the rebuke, but hurried off to stop them before any of the rifles, or heavier ordnance, were fired.

Truxton thought about it even further, then quickly decided to follow Chike. Those rifles needed to be stowed away now, along with the other contraband arms cargo, and re-hidden. There really was a bit more than a zero possibility that they could be stopped and boarded as they got within sight of shore, either by remnants of the Yster coastal patrols, or by the white knight do-gooders from the Port Ember Security Forces, no matter how minimal. So...why risk it?

“Morning exercise, Nadi?”, asked Erse.

Nadejda Martinková paused for a second and smiled at Erse. “You know it, milý”, she replied. She had chosen to do it on the ship’s deck to take advantage of the fine weather and in the hopes the fresh air might at least provide a more pleasant atmosphere than a stifling gym. “You want to join in?”, she joked, poking Erse’s arm. “You could use a bit of help.”

Erse laughed a bit nervously. “That’s very kind of you, Nadi. Maybe we can do it after the mission?”

Nadia grinned and pointed at Erse, replying, “Don’t you try to defect to escape gym class now, ya hear?”, she joked.

They both shared a good laugh. Erse certainly admired the way Nadejda took care of herself - if one was asked to make a mental portrait of a burly, muscular, no-nonsense syndicalist, it would very likely resemble her. Erse did take a moment to ponder his own scrawny arms as he wandered off to handle other business.

Sure seems like it’s full of soldiers, this boat..., he thought.

Kerttu Helminen didn't pay much attention to the commotion coming from the upper decks. After all, everyone has their own way of dealing with stress before an operation. She preferred to isolate herself to relax before having to face the imperatives of the mission. This not only allowed her to calm down but also to focus on the task at hand.
She had found a place on the lower deck, towards the back of the ship.

She felt a presence behind her. "No way I can be quiet for five minutes on this nutshell!" she thought. The sound of a hand tapping on an iron bulkhead made her turn around. Magnar Stoa, the second member of the team to come from the Soviet Union was standing some feet away from her. While Nanban-Ha was not a direct contributor to the International Socialist Volunteer Corps, her country had not hesitated to provide a few specialists to join the CAIF Teams of the ISVC. In fact, there were many volunteers, but only herself and Magnar were immediately assigned to the team sent to Ysterfontein.

Magnar stood back, as if he had sensed the tension within her. Kerttu focused on herself again. He could not ignore that she had settled there because she wanted to isolate herself from the others.

"I do not disturb you, I hope" he asked after a silence.

"Always so polite?" she answered, trying to hide her frustration. "I'm almost done, give me five more minutes."

He nodded without leaving her eyes. Then, as she resumed her movements, he leaned on the railing of the ship, his glance lost towards the horizon.

After having finished her stretching, she quickly folded up the small carpet on which she had just done her exercises. She readjusted her fatigues, buckled her belt and the holster of her handgun on her left thigh.

She came to sit right next to him. Seeing her settle on the floor, he did the same, leaning his back against the railing of the ship. "Are you worried?" she asked after another silence. "Is something bothering you?"

He shook his head. "No, no," he replied quickly. "I just wanted to talk a little. This is our first mission together." He turned his gaze to the ocean. "Your thoughts on Ysterfontein?"

She smiled as her left hand came to rest on the sleeve of her fatigues, which she pulled to cover the scars on her forearm. "You read the reports. According to Truxton, our people are already on site to make initial contact with the Ysterfonstein Socialist Movement. After that, we'll see on the spot. Isn't that, after all, the main reason for our presence, to assess the situation and act accordingly?"

Magnar made a quick gesture with his hand, in a sign of agreement. "Certainly. The movement around Draad seems interesting and promising. However, I am a little concerned about the nature of the terrain. The jungle is not really my field of expertise. You, as a Ranger, should be able to find qui some happiness roaming around. It would be a shame should our first mission end up with the Nanban-Ha contingent getting knocked out or killed because of some jungle fever. At the very least, I hope I can find some time to appreciate the local architecture".

Kerttu started to laugh. "An architect and an archaeologist. I'm sure nothing prepared our enemies to face a team as expert as us." Her face became more serious again. "Don't worry about the jungle. It's not that hard to adapt. After a few weeks, you should feel like a fish in water. And after all, I am a ranger and you have been through the hands of the KSU (Kommittén för Statligsäkerhet och Underrättelsetjänst, secret police of the Sovjetunionen of Nanban-Ha) trainers. I doubt that you are as unprepared as you imply”.

“We will see then…” answered Magnar.

The Commonwealther contingent of the CAIF team had largely segregated themselves into a smaller part of the CAIF base of operations; being, first and foremost, a pack of cyberwarfare techs, with a lot of sensitive and classified equipment made matters more isolating. The commander, an older Castizo gentleman with thinning black hair slicked back, and a comparatively small build for a soldier; and the name Veracruz emblazoned on his name tag, had retrieved some coffee from the impromptu galley and passed it around to his two compatriots, a pair of somewhat younger people, a man and a woman who both appeared in their late 20s, and were quite busy setting up electronic equipment with the limited access to electrical outlets in the deteriorating facility.

“Que tal friends. Necesitan más café”, Veracruz said, announcing his return. The woman, of medium build, and with perpetually messy brown hair, only barely within the uniform code, and clean, but ruffled uniform bearing the name Alexander; was first to reply as she wrangled a tangled mass of extension cords into something vaguely usable.

“Da me”. She took a deep sip from the coffee, it was thin; more like coffee themed water than proper coffee, but it would have to suffice. The younger man; a rather large blonde, seemingly better suited to humping a stovepipe than doing tech support, and with the name Etranger was furiously tip tapping away at the durable looking laptops that they had been assigned for the task group; “Thanks skip, what’s the plan”?

“First? Tenemos que obtener logins for la sistema y antes de? I dunno. I don’t have ordenes”.

“None? Mierde. At least espero para new equipo.”, Etranger said, sarcastically. Veracruz laughed and shook his head.

“Es posible we’ll get a better facilidad.” he said “Pero equip, I don’t think so”. Etranger laughed along with Veracruz on that one. Despite the Commonwealth being, in all likelihood, the most technologically advanced state in the ISC, laws concerning development had stymied the efforts of Archange to obtain modern hardware in all by the direst of circumstances, and so the trio of cyberwarfare specs would, upon docking, spend much of the next few hours untangling wires; setting up outdated, for the Commonwealth at least, laptops and making do in a decaying industrial facility that the YSM controlled.

Unconcerned with the activities of the other groups aboard, the Vionna-Frankenlischian contingent sat around a table within the bowels of the vessel. Winston Walton, the aged schoolmaster, Lauren Ashot, the young tomboy, and Andrew Wilson, the pipe-smoking union clerk, played cards cheerfully. Rachael Smith, formerly a Worker’s Socialist Party politician, reclined in her chair and read aloud passages from a weathered copy of The State and Revolution. Occasionally, one of the players nodded or passed some small comment on Smith’s quotations but they were clearly more interested in their game of pontoon.

“Twenty-one!” Lauren declared triumphantly and drained her glass. Wilson scowled into his drink and Walton chuckled to himself. The teenager sighed and put her hands behind her head in a show of mock confidence. “Reckon I’ve got you on the ropes, old man,” she bragged.

Winston Walton dealt and shook his head. “I’m not cleared out yet, you little bastard.” He retorted, spinning a couple of bent old coins into the center of the table. “I’d never played this before today, we used to play whist.”

“It’s a child’s game…” Wilson muttered, puffing vigorously on his pipe. He flicked ash out of his dark beard and counted out half a shilling in his palm. “Would explain why the young lady is doing so well.”

Lauren rolled up the sleeves on her leather jacked and frowned as they rolled straight back down her thin arms. “The young lady could spin your jaw,” she threatened and frowned again as Andrew Wilson merely laughed. “Wouldn’t be worth it though…” Lauren resigned and poured another glass of the cheap cider they shared.

“I hope this won’t become a habit,” Rachael Smith suddenly piped up, glaring at Lauren and Andrew through thick-rimmed glasses. “Bickering is funny enough here but it could be fatal later on,” she lectured sternly. Winston Walton nodded his agreement but the two on the receiving end of the political officer’s interrogation merely eyed each other awkwardly.

“There isn’t a problem… We’re just having a laugh.” Lauren replied, reservedly.

“Aye,” Wilson agreed, “just a bit of gentle ribbing among friends... “ They clinked glasses and Rachael nodded and sighed. “Try to relax a little, Comrade Political Officer,” Wilson suggested, “you can always try to dethrone the little madam…” He gestured towards the cards.

Smith rolled her eyes. “Pour me one of those,” she pointed at the jug of cider. The drink was placed before her and she fished a bundle of coins from her field jacket. “You’re on, comrades.”

Just like some of the other groups, the Great Viet PUR squad gathered around themselves for a quick brief before their landing.
“Alright people, let us make the last brief.” Captain Hùng, the leader of the team muttered with his comrades, while putting several papers relating to the coming mission on the table: “Let us see, is everyone here yet? Where’s Tân and Lợi?”

“They should come back soon, Comrade.” Lieutenant Dũng responded, while cleaning his polished rifle: “I heard they wanted a little more training with Chike.”

“We’re back comrade.” Tân appeared along with Lợi just before the captain spoke again.

“Good. Here’s what we’re doing. Make a short brief about our incoming missions, then double check our equipment before taking a short rest. Is that clear?”

“Yes comrade.”

At the end of the brief, operator Cường pulled out his small guitar and began to play patriotic and revolutionary songs which his comrades sung along enthusiastically.

As the shore actually appeared on the horizon, Truxton and Chike made sure that the arms up on deck were being stowed away. They were able to stop Davu in time before any of the small arms had discharged rounds. Truxton hid his irritation, instead calmly explaining that it was time for operational silence. They were about to cross that imaginary line into the home Ysterfonteinian waters.

Next would be ensuring those weapons that were out down below decks also were back in their hides. And probably continuing to enforce more operational silence. He could hear the various contingents of the CAIF team making a bit of noise. Alone, any group wouldn’t be much of an issue, even the singers he could hear, but together, the din that all the little sub-teams were making caused him and those above deck some alarm.

He repeatedly scanned the waters around them. There were a handful of sailing vessels, likely for fishing rather than leisure, which these people shouldn’t have much time for, if the pre-mission briefs were to be believed. None seemed to be moving fast to get to shore at the sight of the Beauchamp, so that was positive. No military or other commercial vessel was in sight...So far.

The captain of the Beauchamp, an older white haired, withered Asian man, approached Truxton. He pointed down, then lifted up his hands in confusion, as if to say, “What to do?” He spoke neither Common (English), nor Wishtonian patois, the home dialect of the Cardwiths, but they had been able to still communicate on a rudimentary level this way when the Team’s one translator who spoke the Captain’s lingua wasn’t around.

Truxton nodded vigorously at him, holding up a placating hand.
“I know. I know. I’m going to take care of it now.”

He turned to the remaining CAIF team members who had re-gathered around him. Davu and Chike, along with a handful of others representing a few of the contingents.
“Get down there and tell everyone to clamp down on the noise. We are going into full operational mode starting now. If we do, Karl [Marx] forbid, get boarded, we will have a tough time explaining why this boat’s crew is nine times larger than necessary...and armed. If you haven't before, make sure the arms and any incriminating equipment are stowed back in the false bottoms and walls.”

The CAIF Team for Ysterfontein was 92 personnel. 97 if you counted Sholana, Vale, Adder, Ninki, and Gabar, who had all flown in ahead. A sizable group that would disperse into the isles in quick time, to coordinate surveillance, cadre training, and sabotage/black operations against the opposing factions. Sholana, who had been with their YSM allies a few days now, would give them their final marching orders before they scampered like insects to all corners of this archipelago.

Last edited by The Cardwith Islands on Tue May 11, 2021 2:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Port Ember
Posts: 1394
Founded: Dec 06, 2017
Left-Leaning College State

Postby Port Ember » Sat Jul 10, 2021 10:56 am

Fort Pearl Airbase
Greenfields Borough
Port Ember Megalopolis

Immediately following the landing of the aircraft from the Grand Duchy of Radictistan, the delegation and security detail were herded into the awaiting vehicular convoy, a number of locally produced Reaver Automotive SUV's, which was purpose built for the diplomatic use of the Republic and their visitors.

The vehicles were all painted in a beautiful matt black colour, coupled with night-black tinted windows. Not only beautiful, these vehicles were each equipped with special defensive measures, for example, ballistic glass; bullet-proof bodywork; a foam filled gas tank; run flat tires; an additional battery pack; a radio system; front and rear reinforced bumpers and a fire extinguisher.

An additional feature which would be a comforting factor to the occupants of these vehicles, were the fact that they have proven their worth, reliability, usefulness and safety in actual combat and war zones, numerous times. The Port Ember Security Forces, Port Ember Secret Service and various private security companies all depended and trusted upon these modern engineering marvels.

The Convoy, consisting out of a numerous amount of the 'special SUV's', twelve motorcycles and one helicopter hovering lazily above, was manned by members of the elite - and world renowned - Port Emberian Police Special Task Force, under the direct command of Lieutenant Gordon Hillbert, the Task Force Commander.

When the convoy reached the main gate of the base which they were exiting, an honor guard saluted it as they drove through the lavishly ornate gate, where a large sign board proudly and loudly read, "You are now exiting Fort Pearl - Home of Task Force 79 - Death before Dishonor!"

The convoy moved through several twisting and winding paths, which led them over a large hill, known by the locals as "The Hill of Pearls." Once atop the hill, if one were to look backwards from hence they came (or north to those geographically inclined), one could clearly see a massive and shining lake, with the military installation, from where they just departed, Fort Pearl, was nestled peacefully upon its southern banks. The reputation of this Military Base was well known across the globe, as it was the home of the elite special forces of the Port Ember Security Forces - Task Force 79, and was one of the most secure places upon the Ember Archipelago.

North of the idyllic lake, known as "Pearl Lake", lay the ever-present and vast tropical jungle, stretching as far as the eye could see, into almost every direction, standing tall and proud, like an imposing, bright green, natural wall. If one would look forward when atop the hill (or southwards), one could see the ever present and vast urban jungle known as Port Ember Megalopolis, stretching as far as the eye could see, into every direction. Steel, concrete and glass dominated an observer's every sense, proudly consisting of an uncountable amount of buildings. To the Radictistanis it looked like their own capital, just cleaner and richer.

Once the convoy left the hill, they took the onramp onto the Port Ember Megalopolis Freeway - a modern marvel in transportation engineering. The raised highway system contained a whopping 16 lanes, with no speed limit restrictions, allowing the convoy to pick up speed, without being hassled by traffic gridlock. Once the freeway system passed into the central heart of the super city - the Lilly Black Borough - one could easily determine that this area was indeed the 'Capital within the Capital', as one could see a legion of public parks, statues, monuments, embassies and impressive public administrative buildings dotting the landscape, with the area emphasising open spaces, displays of nature and heritage - in stark contrast to the rest of the city, which was cramped, overcrowded and obsessed with being - and looking - productive.

Once the offramp was taken which led into the Borough, it was a short drive to one of the most history laden building complexes upon the entire archipelago - the Presidential office & residence - the Captain's Cabin.

The convoy came to a halt at the front doors, where a detachment of neatly suit-clad Secret Service Agents were awaiting their arrival.

The first Radictistani to exit their vehicle was the military attache, Oberstleutnant Harald Brown. An artilleryman by trade, he had most recently been the Operations Officer for a rocket artillery battalion. At almost the exact same time came the lead negotiator, Sir Jacob Hallendorf. The Knight Commander of the Most Noble Order of the Scroll had twenty-nine years of Foreign Service experience behind his graying hairs. His peers and subordinates found him to have that special combination of optimism and cynicism that got things done even when the going was tough. On his team were two other seasoned diplomats: Margarethe Sandmann and Piet Traeger. Half a dozen aides and the three-man security detail rounded out the delegation.

Once the delegation exited the vehicles, a neat, suit clad man approached the group. The man was cleanly and precisely shaven, and his green eyes carried a glimmer, while his black hair was cut short and combed perfectly. The black suit which he wore was clearly tailor made and of exquisite style and quality. The white shirt underneath his suit's jacket was crisp, and complemented with a bright blue tie.
"Friends! Greetings, and welcome to the Republic. I am Winston Rogers, the Chief of Staff to the President. You must be…Sir Jacob Hallendorf, Oberstleutnant Harald Brown, Margarethe Sandmann and Piet Traeger." He looked at each individual as he mentioned them by name. As Winston could not bother to remember the names of the junior aides or those of the security element, he simply added , "and friends."

Flashing a large smile, he continued, "Friends, if you would be so kind to follow me inside, the President is waiting for you within the Boardroom."

As was often the case when dealing with foreigners, the Radictistanis were bemused by the level of familiarity. They were well practiced at hiding their reaction. Sir Jacob greeted the Chief of Staff respectfully before proceeding on.

Winston led the delegation up the porch and into the building itself, turning down the left hallway once they exited the foyer. The walls were well equipped with famous and priceless artworks from Port Emberian artists, dating from the early 1600's up to the modern day. The dead spaces of the ancient halls were filled with statues and displays of other physical pieces of art, including vases and other pieces of pottery and things. Every inch of these halls radiated untold stories and history.

It was immediately apparent how richer Port Ember was in its history. There were few decorations at Nuxenstat City Palace, or any of the other royal residences to which Sir Jacob was privy, which could compare. The paintings Xenocimedes had always seemed like they had been put up because it was what people expected, not out of any actual desire to look upon them or acknowledge their existence.

Sir Jacob mentally reviewed his official instructions while walking. The official Radictistani motivation for intervening in Ysterfontein was weak and it would be difficult to sell it to the Emberians with a convincing affect of sincerity. The seasoned diplomat suspected that the offer of military assistance was mostly about trying to wipe away the stain of Indras. He also suspected that he had not been made privy to all true considerations. He accepted that without question; sometimes it was better that a negotiator not know such things lest they slip past his mask.

The delegation were escorted down the halls whilst they were all reflecting and observing, eventually stopping at a set of double doors, crafted from darkly stained, heavy ebony wood, each engraved, yet uncoloured with the Port Emberian Coat of Arms. The delegation were led inside the room once both doors were opened, where a group of formal men and women awaited them. The room was large, the size of two normal dining halls, and its floors were covered with large square marble tiles. The walls were painted in a Royal Blue colour, complimented by several large bay windows, which were accessorised with dark blue curtains, made of silk and emblazoned again by the Port Emberian Coat of Arms, this time in full colour. Furthermore, the walls were covered with a few pieces of antique paintings. The central feature of the room however, was the massive dark ebony conference table, accompanied by a total of 20 luxurious black leather chairs. The wall mounted air conditioner systems were blasting cool air into the room, which was a welcome reprieve when compared to the hot, humid climate outside. The table was also already set with large ice water pitchers and empty glasses, to quench the ever present tropical thirst. Once everyone from Radicistan were inside, minus the security detail, Winston spoke again.

"Dignitaries, allow me to introduce Minister Jan Breytenbach - Minister of Defence; Minister Claire Swindon - Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Presidential Advisor of Cultural Affairs, Mrs Holly Berky."

“Your Excellency,” Sir Jacob addressed Foreign Minister Swindon, “On behalf of His Royal Highness Grand Duke Xenocimedes and Prime Minister Zahir Radicleb, I wish to present my credentials.” He gestured to one of his aides, a rather fetching blonde, who stepped forward to hand over the sealed document. The lead negotiator then introduced his colleagues.

After every individual from both camps had been introduced properly, the delegation were allocated to their respective assigned seats around the large table. The Port Emberian delegation were seated at the right, with the Radicistanians to the left. The head of the table were left vacant for the time being, as it were reserved for the Port Emberian President, and the seats to its flank were allocated to Minister Claire Swindon and Sir Jacob respectively.

Mere moments after everyone was seated comfortably at their assigned positions, the doors swung upon once more, and in stepped a gentleman in his late 30's, a handsome and very luxuriously dressed man. The Port Emberian delegation all rose from their seats as Minister Swindon announced, "Dignitaries, I present President Edward Flint."

Well-trained diplomats simply do not complain of being roused from their seats immediately after taking them.

President Flint smiled softly as he walked towards the table confidently,
"Greetings Dignitaries, and welcome to Port Ember. I trust you have been received well?"

Edward extended his hand to Sir Jacob Hallendorf before turning towards the room, "Please be seated all. So, Sir Hallendorf, should we start?"

“Yes, Your Excellency.” Hallendorf arranged his papers. “His Royal Highness and his Government are gravely concerned regarding the collapse of the Government of Ysterfontein and the cascading destabilization of the country. If left unchecked this process could create instability throughout the region and beyond, adversely affecting foreign security interests including those of Radictistan.”

He produced a series of photographs from a folder. The first two depicted an overgrown road in the jungle. That there had been a fight was immediately apparent. Spent casings and little bits of shrapnel littered the ground. A few pools of blood were visible here and there. The next two photographs were closeups of a young woman, dead. Injuries not attributable to gunshots covered much of her body including breasts and genitalia. The final photograph was a panorama of corpses.

“These photographs were taken in Sector AE at %TIME on %DATE after a Radictistani mineral exploration team was ambushed with no survivors.”

President Flint looked closely at the presented photographs, and sighed deeply as he listened to Sir Hallendorf.

"I am terribly sorry for your nation's loss Sir Hallendorf. Unfortunately, and please do not take this as an insult, but this is what happens when one prods around in a foreign warzone. Because, let us face facts, that is what Ysterfontein has become. A chaotic, bloody warzone."

“Unfortunately,” Hallendorf said, “it is not always possible to restrain the more exuberant of one’s citizens.”

Edward nodded, "Indeed. In fact, I govern a nation which was built on the backs of pirates, smugglers, rebels and explorers ages past, so I know first hand the impossibility of keeping everyone safe. Now, Sir Hallendorf, I know you did not travel all the way here, over this great distance just to inform me about this morbid, unfortunate affair. You obviously require something from the Republic. Let me guess, you want the perpetrators found and brought to justice?"

“The punishment of a few murderers is less important than ensuring this instability does not deepen or expand outward. Now, Ysterfontein lies on a major shipping line. Dozens of ships are passing through every day, many of them with Radictistani crewmembers.” He paused for a few moments.

“Failed states usually end up generating piracy. It is one of Radictistan’s core economic interests that shipping in the region not be disrupted.” Translation: We need the foreign exchange those sailors wire home. “Furthermore, there remain Radictistani citizens in Ysterfontein “History shows that pirates are defeated when their land bases are taken out.” Now he came to the crux of the argument.

“It is the intent of His Royal Highness’ Government to deploy a stabilization force to Ysterfontein. This force will undertake the evacuation of remaining Radictistani nationals and protect critical infrastructure so that economic reconstruction can occur. Only a prosperous Ysterfontein can avoid becoming a source of instability. We can have an airborne brigade with attachments in-country within ten days.” Hallendorf took a sip of water. “Naturally we wish to work in conjunction with the Port Ember Security Forces.”

Edward nodded slowly as he let out a discreet sigh. He slowly straightened his back completely upright before he responded.

"You do make extremely valid points Sir Hallendorf. However, there are minute political details to consider. My government has concluded the same arguments, as you have tabled now, and has already dedicated vast amounts of economic liquidity, and manpower, in line with this challenge. As you are aware, the Ysterfontein archipelago lies quite central to our own archipelagos and area of influence, and thus has a direct influence on our daily global activities. Furthermore, the Republic was forced to take over temporary custodianship of Ysterfontein, and are now representing its governance, until stability is achieved. Please pardon my bluntness, Sir, but your insistence to support our interests, provides appearances of your government not trusting our ability to solve matters on our own doorstep. I truly hope that this is not the case?"

“There has never been a counterinsurgency operation,” Hallendorf said dryly, “with as many soldiers as were needed. That said, as a traditionally non-aligned power Radictistan can maintain an aura of impartiality which, If you will forgive me, Port Ember cannot. While you are, no doubt, seeking only to protect Ysterfontein from Equinian exploitation, the locals may not be easily convinced. Twice bitten, thrice shy.”

Before the President could respond, the Minister of Defence, Jan Breytenbach leaned forward towards his side, and whispered into his ear. President Flint nodded as the Minister returned to his previous position.

Edward continued, "Well, the situation is a lot more complex than what you are conveying Sir. There has been no need for a counter insurgency campaign as of yet, despite the need for it etching closer, admittedly. Furthermore, I doubt that your presence will be considered impartial, and you would need to answer to the local government once deployed - who is under Port Emberian custody, as you are aware. However, I am not wholly opposed to your assistance, as this can be just the path to take in which our two nations may build better relations. If we allow you to intervene in Ysterfontein, would your country be open to further unilateral trade talks?"

“Yes,” Hallendorf replied, a little too quickly to maintain his bargaining position. His mind raced through the possibilities, and pitfalls, of such a deal.

Edward smiled, realising that the delegation had played their hand - they are desperate to get into Ysterfontein - and Port Ember will make sure to profit from this desire.

"Very well." Edward continued, "I can push my parliament to sign off on your involvement before the end of tomorrow. However… There will be a few conditions. One. As the Ysterfontein islands are under the custodianship of Port Ember, your forces will have to report directly to our Governor on all matters. We will not interfere with tactical command, yet strategic command will rest upon my Governor. Two. As we wish to portray an image of national rebuilding, there will be certain limits to what units and equipment you may deploy." Edward turned to face his Minister of Defence, Jan Breytenbach. "Jan?"

The middle aged gentleman nodded before speaking, "Our main military objectives within the nation is currently to enforce stability, by preventing the large scale riots and looting, whilst rebuilding the native military. As for non-state actors, the biggest threat to the peace is the Equinian miners, yet we have a plan in place to deal with them, and very soon. I figure that by the time your forces enter the islands, the miners will be long gone.

As for the local militias of the Nationalists and the Communists - they have not yet demonstrated any serious concern or threat to national security, and we might be able to get them to stand down by diplomatic means. Thus, in the spirit of a peacekeeping mission, we need to restrict certain military equipment. For example, no tanks. And no more than five thousand troops, including support elements. Also, the forces need to be completely self-sustained by means of imports. We cannot supply ourselves from the native stores."

Edward nodded again. "Is that all acceptable Sir?"
Hallendorf and his military attaché exchanged stony looks. The chief envoy nodded. Oberstleutnant Brown then spoke for the first time.
“That’s a no-go on the troop ceiling. It’s not enough to accommodate key enablers from higher echelons. We need helicopters, RPVs, civil affairs, EOD. We’re going to have to build all the infrastructure we use. For that we need more construction engineers. The country hasn’t even had a decent survey in decades.”
“With all due respect, your Excellency, Radictistani troops have deployed to the jungle before. They know firsthand the challenges of maintaining order in such an environment. And the consequences of being undermanned.” The Indras experience still cast a shadow over the Royal Radictistan Army. “We need 5,500. No less.
“Furthermore,” Hallendorf spoke again, “while Radictistani forces will act under the strategic direction of the provisional authority, the force commander will do nothing to jeopardize either force protection measures or core Radictistani national security interests.”
Edward nodded, "Five hundred extra men is acceptable, I suppose. And of course, we won't expect you to jeopardize your safety. The measure of requiring you to follow our strategic command is to simply ensure that a coordinated effort is exerted whilst rebuilding the country. We all want a safe, prospering, democratic Ysterfontein in the end."
Edward rose from his seat. "Well if that concludes our business - we should go and feast!"

[OOC: This segment was co written with Radictistan]

Pearly Beach Hotel (PESF HQ)
City of Arendnes;
Sector AA;
West Ysterfontein Island.

Upon the eighth and top floor of the Pearly Beach Hotel - the interim headquarters of the Port Emberian Security Forces in Ysterfontein, Governor Cole Adorinda established a temporary office in one of the rooms which still held a semblance of being reasonably well maintained. As Governor Adorinda was considered to be the interim leader of the Ysterfonteinian government, after the assassination of the Queen and the collapse of the ruling government, this temporary office was also now considered the 'Head of State' office and residence. Since the building functioned as the peacekeeping headquarters, barracks and now governmental office, it was getting crowded quickly, and the staffers were urgently looking for alternate options.

Within his newly established office, the Governor sat down with Brigadier General Joseph "Red" Petroska, the Military Commander of the deployed elements of the Port Ember Security Forces.

"General, before we commence this conversation, I need to ask you humbly for but one thing. A simple, yet unpolite request: Never bullshit me. We are not in the confines of our beautiful home, but in the midst of hell. When you speak to me, speak not with your career in mind, nor your manners. Speak to me as if all our lives depend on it. Because they do, General."

A warm smile formed on the aged lips of the General, as he gathered hope for this mission. The words emanating from the Governor's lips were promising, and indicative of true wisdom. He had worked with many politicians in the past, and they all worried more about manners and political correctness, instead of focusing solely on the actual facts, which was the real decider in a conflict. If the General could focus on his job, and only his job, success was basically guaranteed.

"It would be my pleasure, Governor.", came the response.

The Governor nodded as he replied, "Now, where do we stand from a military perspective?"

"Well, it's a complicated question, loaded with a complicated answer, Sir. The Capital is secure for one, and we can hold it until we are told not to. From what little intelligence was gathered so far, we are not anticipating any conventional threat to our positions, for the moment at least. Thus, we are continuously preparing our positions for any possible unconventional and terror attacks. We know from the Queen's assassination that there are capable terrorists in-country, yet we know not who they are, and who they consider to be the enemy.

A second challenge is the widespread riots, looting and crime sprees which have erupted as a result of the Queen's death, and our soldiers are bogged down with playing policemen, instead of being able to focus solely on securing the city's defences. This is also removing the possibility for our forces to exit the city and patrol any other sector on the archipelago, which in turn corrodes our image of being here to help, and the perception of our ability to keep the wider populace safe. At the moment both our security and civil initiatives are only being rolled out to the Capital, with the rest of the nation being left to fend for themselves. Governor, we simply cannot secure the island with a single Battalion."

A soft sigh escaped the lips of the Governor as he replied, "Very well… I will look into that. Now how big of a threat are the Non State Actors?"

"Well, another complicated question Sir… We are currently suffering from an intense outbreak of a disease known as 'Lack of Intelligence'... But we do know that the Nationalists are quite busy, actively patrolling their sectors, seeking out foreigners and whomsoever they consider to be their enemies, and they are acting quite violently. Despite this, they have not made any attempt to expand their area of influence, and we think that they might fear a Port Emberian retaliation, despite the reality that we cannot respond to any activity beyond the Capital at the moment, a reality they might not realise at the moment.

The local communists seem to be a bit tamer in comparison, as we have had no reports of them actively doing patrol or engaging in any violent actions. It would appear that they might be settling into their claimed territories and hoping for a diplomatic solution to the crises. This is good news.

As for the Equinian Militia, they seem to be following the same trend of holding onto their claimed territory, without ambition for more. It would be worthy of a reminder that the local political movements and their armed wings were born directly as a result of their existence. They are mining unlawfully with impunity, getting filthy rich whilst the locals are growing angrier by the day."

The Governor nodded,
"Thank you General. So, how do you propose we deal with these organisations?"

"Well, in my short time of working here, Sir, one thing became abundantly clear to me, and that is the fact that the Ysterfonteinians are stubborn bastards. They have made up their minds concerning the foreign miners, and that is that they should leave, or die. We simply cannot claim to be friends of these people, and even worse - claim to run a government on their behalf, whilst allowing the Equinian problem to remain."

The Governor sighed softly whilst nodding,
"I find myself like minded in their opinions regarding the Equinians. They have been an enemy of Port Ember for centuries, and they will remain so. In fact, General, I have petitioned Port Ember Megalopolis to assist us with these vultures, in a very serious manner - and it was approved. The President has informed me that he has authorised the deployment of a Port Emberian Naval Battle Group, who will commence a blockading operation on the city of Pilgrimsrust, thus starving these bastards from fresh supplies, reinforcements, and stopping the diamonds which they are mining from ever leaving these shores. I know for a fact that there is not enough food available locally for these leeches, and that they have no buyers for their goods in-country. I suspect that they will realise that they are no longer able to steal wealth with impunity within days, and thus flee home like the rodents they are."

"That is a bold yet brilliant action, Governor. But what if they feel forced to utilise their militias to sweep southwards, to the local villages, in search of food? I remind you, Sir, we are in no position to venture out of the Capital."

"Thank you General, I take note of your advice, which is a valid point. I will reach out to the President with urgency, and sell the idea that we need to drastically ramp up our personnel and resources flowing into the area, if we wish to succeed here. Thank you, General."


Official Correspondence From The Republic of Port Ember


Governor Cole Adorinda:
Appointed Port Emberian Caretaker of The Republic of Ysterfontein.


Mister Kyak Gurlen;
The Equinian Militia


Official Declaration



Mister Kyak Gurlen

I greet you.

I write to you today in a formal manner, in my own capacity, and with the authority of the democratically elected President of the Republic of Port Ember, President Edward Flint.

I hereby wish to inform you that with the assassination of the late sovereign leader of the Queendom of Ysterfontein Islands - Her Majesty Queen Linda of the House Earl, three weeks ago, the local government had collapsed, and have thrown the archipelago into a perpetual state of chaos and anarchy.

As a direct consequence of this hideous crime and its effects, the Republic has named me, Sir Cole Adorinda, temporary Governor over the entire Ysterfonteinian Archipelago and her populace, until such time that a local government can be re-established and also become functional. Thus, I am acting on behalf of, and as the head of, the sovereign nation of Ysterfontein.

Therefore, as the Governor of Ysterfontein, I hereby wish to inform you that the Government and peoples of Ysterfontein consider the presence of all Equinian nationals upon the archipelago to be unlawful.

Not only are you and your brethren upon sovereign soil illegally, you have also taken up arms to combat the lawful citizens of this nation; whilst mining and selling its natural resources unlawfully; and have claimed territory of a sovereign nation under the ruse of self defence.

Therefore, the nation of Ysterfontein hereby orders you to leave it's soil for your home nation, without possible exception to be granted to any individual, and without fail.

Failure to comply within exactly fourteen days will result in the nation of Ysterfontein, and it's overseer nation of the Republic of Port Ember, to declare your presence as a status of foreign invasion, and will consider all Equinian nationals upon the archipelago to be enemy combatants, and will be forced to act accordingly, without fear or fervour.

To your Health & Wealth!!!

Sir Cole Adorinda
The Republic of Ysterfontein

Garrison Alpha
City of Arendnes;
Sector AA;
West Ysterfontein Island.

Team Victor: Port Ember Security Forces; Task Force 79; Luptaćmento Unit.

Captain Brantley Amika stood under a large hog plum tree as he fiddled absentmindedly inside the many pockets of his uniform, until he finally managed to discover the metal lighter he was looking for, which brought a soft smile to his lips. He flipped it open and struck the rolling flint in one smooth motion, causing the resultant flame to dance violently at first, and quickly settling into a calm rhythm. He brought the device closer to his face, and used it to set alight the fat hand rolled cigar which lingered in his mouth. A few quick drags later resulted in large black smoke to fill the air. It held a sweet, rumlike aroma.

Despite the strong aroma of the emanating smoke clouds, Brantley's senses were quickly conquered by the naturally sweet smell of the plum tree which towered above him once more. Brantley's soft smile widened faintly as his thoughts took him on a journey through all his past adventures. He had been to nations dominated by deserts, tundra, swamps, mountains, savannahs, and rolling grass hills, yet none of that geography spoke to him the way tropical jungles did.

He was obviously biased, as he was born and raised on the outskirts of the great Emberian Rainforest, and thus its way of life was ingrained upon him. Yet, this bias was based upon fact - almost nowhere else in the world, except for jungle nations, did food grow wild, free and unclaimed by some or other owner. In his own opinion, people who were blessed by the universe to be placed in a tropical nation by birth, were some of the luckiest - and wealthiest people alive. Wealthy, not in terms of human generated currency, but wealthy in terms of natural currency. Food, water, shelter and natural resources, it was all around you, every step you took was filled with yet another gift from nature. Sadly, despite this natural wealth, here he was, deployed in the hopes of preventing crippling poverty from driving men to further murder and bloodlust.

Absolute madness.

Brantley was shaken from his thoughts and brought back to present reality by the shrill of a whistle sounding off nearby. Brantley looked over to the source of the sound, and observed his team herding together a mass of uniformed soldiers onto the parade ground.

What Brantley saw unfolding before him was a familiar sight, yet so unique at the same time. Before him stood a group of what could only be described as 'old new soldiers'. As one of the first decrees of the new Governor, was the order that the Ysterfonteinian Military should be established anew, trained and equipped by the Port Ember Security Forces. This was the right move in Brantley's eyes of course, as it provided the nation with plenty of opportunities. Firstly, it placed the responsibility - and ability of defending themselves, against foreign leeches, and troubling elements of their own making, into their own hands, whilst also allowing over a thousand families to directly benefit from their salaries.

This was an absolute must do situation, as the old Ysterfonteinian military had utterly collapsed. In recent years, the organisation was taken over by corrupt criminal cadres, or deserted completely due to no regular salary, and those few remaining abandoned their posts once the news broke that the Queen was dead.

Once it was decided by Port Ember that they were taking over temporary command of the government, the Port Ember Security Forces sprang into action and tracked down the ex-soldiers who appeared to be morally just, and recruited them into the shiny new Ysterfontein Security Forces (YSF). Surprising to all, despite fears that Port Ember lacked sufficient popular local support, a great number of ex-soldiers jumped at the opportunity. Over a thousand troops, non commissioned officers, and commissioned officers reported for duty.

Unfortunately, the massive decline of the old guard had meant that the qualified soldiers of the previous Ysterfonteinian army were not exactly world class soldiers. Most of them possessed poor training standards, deficient equipment, and weapons. Their standards were basically equivalent to a civilian militia at best. Still, it was easier to work with at least a basic standard level, instead of starting completely anew, especially when time constraints played such a large role. Future projects would see the recruiting and training of fresh troops of course, but the nation needed a hardened, well trained force available, right now, and this force would have to be it.

Over the course of the next few weeks, Brantley and his team would be retraining these men. First they would remake and refresh the basic concept of what it was to be professional soldiers. This would be followed with more advanced training, in an attempt to forge them into the nation's first ever commando unit. The plan for this unit was to transform them into an elite Air Cavalry force, Helicopter Soldiers if you may, specialising in counter-insurgency warfare.

A vehicle's horn blared twice in short succession behind the Captain, and as he turned around to the direction of the noise, he observed a large convoy of trucks approaching. His smile widened knowing that a bunch of ordered 'goodies' had arrived. Enough Port Emberian made small arms, and military equipment with which to equip the new unit up to international standards.

As he was still observing the incoming convoy, a voice interrupted his thoughts from behind,
"I must admit Captain, I did not expect our shipment to arrive this quickly. It would appear that you still possess that famous Gold Coast charm."

As Brantley turned once more, he saw that the voice emanated from his trusty Team Sergeant-Major, Warrant Officer Ulric Valora. Brantley responded,
"Either that or my gorgeous blue eyes, brother!"

Both men chuckled softly, and greeted one another in a warm handshake-hug fashion.

Ulric spoke as they broke physical contact, "Welcome to Garrison Alpha, Captain. Our new home away from home."

Brantley replied, "Thanks for overseeing the setup before my arrival. The builders did not disappoint! I met with the Governor when I landed in country, and I must admit that the Old Man is quite a serious player, and he has placed our little project quite high on his priority list. I have a feeling that we will be able to get our hands on any resources we might need. Or want. This convoy full of goodies is proof of that." Brantley flashed a broad smile for emphasis.

Ulric nodded in response,
"Yeah, I had the same experience. The support we received to set up the Garrison is almost unprecedented. Can I give you a quick run through?"

"Make it quick, I need you to take inventory of the incoming supplies."

"Aye. The contractors rigged up a surrounding double barbed patrol fence, four meters tall, electrified, with spotlights at every three meter intervals. The single gate, that you saw when you entered, is barricaded with concrete blocks, and sandbags. This is temporary, as they are starting construction on a concrete wall next week."

Brantley nodded before Ulric continued,
"Accommodation for the soldiers has been solved by means of portable weather havens and port-a-potties. Neutech Cement structures will gradually replace these once the walls are up. They already put up HQ; warehouse stores; dining hall and Transport Park with Neutech Cement. The Helipads are operational now, but we still need the hangers to be completed, which is in progress. Oh, and the Garrison bar will be up soon, as well…" Ulric flashed a wide grin.

"Good." Brantley replied with an equally wide smile. "Sounds like we are ready to shape the future, brother."

Equinian Militia Territory
Sector AC;
West Ysterfontein Island.

Team Hotel; Bishop Scout Unit; Task Force 79; Port Ember Security Forces

Team Hotel, Bishop Scout Unit, a squad of Task Force 79, under command of Captain Declan Fiera, moved through the dense jungle with ease, and despite being directly in the center of enemy territory their spirits were at ease. It was akin to being on a mere training exercise back home. The jungle they found themselves within now was nearly identical to the one where the team practically grew up - Where they explored and played as kids, hunted their first wild boar, got drunk for the first time, kissed their first loves, lost their innocence… And trained. Hundreds, if not thousands, of hours spent training. And operated of course. Where they hunted the prey of man, and even became prey at times. Despite not being in Port Ember, this jungle smelled the same, sounded the same, bore the same fruits, was home to similar animals, and held the same atmosphere.

Just like home.

The team was inserted into the sector by catching a lift from one of the Port Emberian warships which sailed up and down the coast on patrol duties, and once they were off the coast of Sector AC, they were inserted by a Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat (RHIB), which were specifically designed for special operations. They had a tiny silhouette. They were faster and quieter than others in use by the Navy. Once the team had landed, the boat returned to the mothership, thus leaving no trace of the team's arrival.

The team of five splintered into two groups, in order to minimise their chances of being discovered by enemy patrols, whilst also covering a larger radius on their patrols.

The team only travelled at night, as the jungle posed unique opportunities for men to remain undetected. Firstly, the majority of the natives and even rival militia were extremely hesitant to travel at night within the jungle, out of fear for the jungle's nightlife - panthers, tigers, snakes, and spiders were but a few of the natural threats. Furthermore, the jungle truly came alive at dark, and the night ambiance was near deafening, a hundred times louder than during the day. This masked the sound of men travelling quite perfectly.

Besides their times of operation, it was clear that these operators were no stranger to moving clandestinely behind enemy lines, employing various other techniques to ensure their secrecy. For example, they were experts at counter-tracking methods. They wore locally produced boots which they acquired from a local street vendor in Arendnes, thus if their tracks were to be discovered, it would appear like the tracks of natives. They also moved on well traversed native tracks, thus making it impossible to know that trained soldiers were in the area.

The team concealed themselves perfectly once daybreak neared, in an off trail, non conspicuous spot, becoming one with their surroundings. They remained like this, completely static, until darkness fell upon the jungle once more.

The food they ate was all pre-prepared, and stored in a special purpose linen bag, which made no noise when handled. This removed the need to create noise, light in terms of fire, and smells - all which could mean the difference between remaining undetected, and possible death. Each individual also made a concentrated effort of not leaving anything behind before they started moving again. Not a single piece of paper, food crumbs, or even their own excrement. Nothing stayed behind.

As the team moved ever deeper within enemy territory, they found perfect locations from where they could establish observation posts or OP's, from whence they observed everything around them, and noted it down in small pocket books. Details of enemy patrols, observation posts, routes travelled, supply lines, hidden supply caches, troop numbers, status of weapons and supplies, troop behavior, and even morale. Every single shred of detail which could be observed was noted down, as this could make a world of difference once the mission was to expand into combat operations. Know thine enemy better than thyself - and the battle has been won before the opening rounds.

An Equinian Militia patrol trudged along deep within the great jungle, speaking loudly with one another, erupting into laughter every so often, with no care in the world. They had patrolled this route before, many times, countless times, all without incident. After the Equinian Militia was formed and Statkus Province declared as their own territory, the pesky fools of the Ysterfontein Nationalist Front ceased their raids on the miners. For the most part. There had been clashes, yes, but mostly to the east, where the Militia's territory bordered the Nationalists’ territory. Nothing serious, but frequent enough to remind them all that trouble was never too far off.

But here, to the south of the city of Pilgrimsrust, not a single incident had occurred since the Militia's formation. Even the local civilians kept a wide berth of the patrols, with only one recorded incident where a patrol discovered a group of hunters, and both parties went their merry way without drama.

It was due to this consistent lack of activity in the south, that tremendous boredom set in on this very patrol. Since they had no perceived threat to focus on, they had ample time to focus on their environment, and just how exactly it made them miserable. The Equinians hated the jungle and they hated their improvised role as militiamen. They had entered this godforsaken hellhole with one intent - mine diamonds, get rich, go home. Now they were forced to patrol a place teeming with spiders, mosquitoes, snakes, scorpions, worms, and all other sorts of deadly, poisonous creepy crawlies, alongside deadly predators like wild boars, panthers and tigers.

And the heat! And the humidity! The feeling of being constantly hot, wet and tired was simply soul crushing. And to top everything off - whilst they were out here, suffering like martyrs, the miners back in camp were busy mining, busy getting filthy rich. Actually doing what they came here for.

The three men continued to stumble through the jungle, paying more attention to their complaining than to their surroundings. Suddenly, a deafening crack erupted from somewhere within the thick foliage on the jungle floor, just off the trail they were patrolling. Unfortunately for them, the noise was not the only thing which the crack brought, as one man's head exploded, splattering blood and grey matter all over the tree behind him, and the ground beneath him. The man fell to the jungle floor instantly, in a lifeless heap of flesh.

Before the two survivors could even properly process what had just happened, three figures which looked like walking jungle foliage, surrounded them, shouting at them to drop their weapons, and fall to the jungle floor. The metallic silhouette of their rifles, pointing directly at the militiamens’ heads, were clearly visible in between their walking jungle adornments.

One of the survivors complied immediately, his body reacting, despite his mind being frozen completely, his rifle fell to the ground, his body following, arms and legs outstretched in a gesture of complete surrender.

The second militiaman lifted his rifle towards his shoulder without thought or hesitation. Bullets riddled his face in reply, before his finger could even reach the rifle's trigger. His lifeless body embraced the jungle foliage below also, much like his recently deceased comrade before him.

Before Khan's mind could truly process the events which had just unfolded, he found himself walking off the trail, reacting to instruction, into the thick jungle landscape, his arms raised high above his head. His body continued to work, yet his mind was still frozen, completely blank. Suddenly, a deeply hushed voice sternly instructed him to drop down to his knees, which he did, his body still acting on autopilot.

Khan was on his knees, his hands placed firmly on the back of his head, when he suddenly felt a small stone sticking into the bone of his left knee from the floor below. This sensation finally broke his mind-freeze status. Slowly but surely, Khan was hit with the reality of the situation he found himself in. Remaining in the same position, he looked around carefully, making sure that his head made no sudden or noticeable movements. He saw the lifeless bodies of his friends lying in a heap to his left, and deduced that the assailants probably carried their bodies from where they were killed to here. He also noticed that 'here' was quite a distance off the trail which they had patrolled, and was now in the middle of a patch of overgrown jungle, as he could barely see two meters in front of him in any direction, without his view being blocked by dark green natural overgrowth.

He also observed the three assailants who were responsible for his current situation. Three men who were perfectly camouflaged, and it appeared as if they wore the surrounding jungle. If they paused their physical movements for just a few seconds, they appeared perfectly invisible, even when standing upright. Monsters. Demons. Kalac-Cha - the mythological hunter creatures which stalked the inner jungle, according to the Ysterfonteinian folklore which Khan had heard about in passing while drinking in the local taverns.

One of the men dropped to his haunches before Khan, speaking to him in English, yet with a quite distinct accent. Khan could identify the accent at any time, under any circumstance. These men were Port Emberians.

"Who are you, Cupcake?"

Khan did not respond.

"I suggest we do not go down this road, Cupcake. You already know that we have no qualms with killing your kind. We also know that your patrol is the only one in this area, with the closest patrol being about ten clicks away. No one can help you now."

Khan's life flashed before his eyes, picturing his wife and three children back home in Equinia. The very reason why he came to this hellhole was in order to provide for them. They meant everything to him. Without him, they would wither into absolute poverty. He did not want to die. He told the Port Emberians as much. "Please, I don't want to die."

The squatting jungle demon flashed a smile, showing off perfectly white teeth below his mud covered face. "You know, you actually do not need to die today. But that would be your choice, Cupcake. Entirely up to you. Name?"

Khan's body surrendered, and started to shiver uncontrollably in fear, his voice quivering when he spoke again, "Khan. Khan Horxha. I am an Equinian national, who came here to mine in the diamond fields. I was forced to be in this silly Militia. I only want to provide for my family. Please, I beg you, let me go."

The second jungle-covered man, who turned out to be a woman on closer inspection, produced a device, which appeared to be an electronic tablet of some sorts. She tapped upon it rapidly, as the first man spoke again,
"What reason, in your opinion, would cause me to let you go?"

Turning his head back to the squatting jungle man, Khan replied,
"I don't know… I honestly only want to go. I want to live."

The creature smiled once more,
"Look at that." He pointed over to where the bodies of Khan's friends lay. "We killed your colleagues, and we did not even break a sweat. We did not even try hard."

Khan bowed his head in despair as the reality dawned upon him. He was out of his depth here, and he was going to die today. Khan Horxha would become feed for jungle animals and maggots. He had never felt this scared, this helpless, ever before in his life.

The man continued,
"You are all a bunch of miners. Miners. Running around looking for a fight, without ever truly learning how to fight. Running around with antiquated hunting rifles and scrap assault rifles bought at junkyards. Playing soldier. Making a mockery out of my noble profession. Do you honestly think you and your band could possibly face up to the might of the Port Emberian military? Do you understand that each and every one of our soldiers have undergone a training process which would kill lesser men? Do you understand that we are equipped with the best weapons and equipment which money can possibly buy? Do you understand that we have warships, helicopters, jet fighters, satellites, drones? And you have hunting rifles and shovels. Do you think that you will live long against such an adversary?"

Khan shook his head desperately, violently almost.
"We never wanted to cross Port Ember! We are not idiots, and neither do we have a deathwish! The Militia was established to defend ourselves against the natives who ambushed, robbed and murdered us when we were alone. We never wanted to go to war against anyone. Hell, I did not even know we pissed you guys off. Honestly Sir, I am but a humble miner. I was forced into this militia bullshit. I want to live and want to eek out a living for myself. Please Sir…"

"I can understand the need to protect yourselves, I truly can. But you went to capture and oppress an entire city, and entire region. That does not sound like self defence."

"It's the Militia Chiefs who went batshit crazy after we established the Militia. They made the call - not me. We are all just doing their idiotic bidding. Most of us don't want to do this bullshit. We want to make money and go home. Please Sir, I want to live! I need to live!"

The man rolled his lips into his mouth, releasing it with a soft plopping sound, as he tried to wet his coarse lips. A smile appeared again,
"So you want to live and make money. That's it? That's the sum of your desires?"

"Sir please…"

"I can work with that, Cupcake."

Khan looked at the jungle creature quizzically, his heart still racing.

"What if I told you that I am willing to make you an offer? I could either kill you here, right now, and spare you the sorrow of seeing all your friends die. OR, I can allow you the opportunity to live - and to make some proper money at the same time. What say you?"

"It's obvious, Sir. What do you need from me?"

"Well, firstly, I am going to ask you a ton of questions. You are going to answer them all truthfully. If you lie, you die. Then, I'm going to give you a cellphone. You will use this cell phone to message me, updating me on each and every little change within the Militia. Every time someone goes on patrol. Every time you folk do something, anything, you will tell me. You will also make sure that you inform me every time your radio frequency changes, so I can listen to your silly gossip. That's all. Very simple is it not?"

"I.. I can do that, Sir. I don't want to die. Anything, Sir."

The female jungle creature handed the man her tablet, and he smiled as he scrolled through it in silence for a few minutes, with only the jungle's ambience being audible.

"Well now, Mister Khan, I believe it's my responsibility to inform you that should you cross me, there will be consequences. You see, I forwarded your name to the Port Emberian Foreign Intelligence Services, and they have provided me with very interesting literature. For example, I know exactly where your wife, Mrs. Charice Horxha, and your three little mongrels reside, back home in Equinia. And your mother… And your cousins.. Uncles.. Aunts.. You get the gist…" He waved the tablet at Khan's direction, and he observed a long list of names - familiar names - names of his entire family, with their addresses back home, on the screen. His heart sunk straight down into his boots.

The man continued,
"You see, if you tell anyone in the world about this little meeting, or if you fail to provide me with the info which I seek in a timely manner, or if you ever lie to me… I have friends in Equinia, who would love to visit these beautiful people.. But, play my game and adhere to my rules, and nothing will happen to them, or to you, and I will pay you handsomely for the effort. It truly is a win-win situation."

"I will do anything Sir.. Anything." Khan's desperation and feeling of helplessness increased with every passing second. He had to do whatever he needed to do, but he needed to keep himself alive, he needed to keep his family safe.

Captain Declan Fiera continued to milk Khan for information about the Militia for the next two hours, asking hundreds of questions, about every possible minute detail which he could think of. No detail was too small. He needed to learn everything which he possibly could from this source.

Once the conversation had halted, Captain Fiera called Sargents Coral Tondra & Tianna Derricks aside, and they spoke softly in a tightly formed circle. Khan sat on a fallen trunk as he observed the trio, still admiring their perfect camouflage techniques. His heart rate had slowed to near normal levels, and whilst he was still feeling extremely desperate and scared, he had regained most of his composure. He noticed that the trio had their backs facing him, not paying attention to him at all. This is when a metallic object caught the corner of his eye. Not two meters away from him, rest a Port Emberian rifle against a nearby tree. The female soldier forgot it there when she was summoned for the group huddle.. It was within his reach.. A possible solution to all his problems?

The trio, still deep in conversation, was interrupted by Khan's voice,
"Excuse me..?"

The trio turned around slowly, noticing Khan held the Port Emberian rifle in his hands. Neither Captain Fiera, nor Sargent Tondra, was in the position of bringing their weapons to bear in time. If Khan was to..

"Miss, apologies, you forgot your rifle here." Khan walked closer to Tianna, and handed her the rifle, smiling weakly as he did.

After a few more minutes, Khan was free to go. He was thoroughly instructed on what to tell his superiors to explain the disappearance of his two fellow soldiers, and the procedure of how and what information to feed the team.

When Khan had disappeared from view, Tianna sat down with her rifle, smiling softly as she replaced the blank ammunition within the magazine with live rounds.

A successful Taming was always a pleasant experience.

Last edited by Port Ember on Mon Jul 12, 2021 12:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Radictistan » Sun Aug 01, 2021 9:50 pm

“Contact, Surface, bearing 230.”

“Designate Fritz-7.” Captain Second Rank Ernst Bellmann gave his tactical display another glance. There were now seven targets of which he had good tracks on four. So far it was all civilian traffic moving in a hurry. If there were naval assets out there they were hell hidden.

The Archer-class submarine SSN-5 had been diverted to the region following a naval clash between the navy of Port Ember and its regional archrival, Equinia. Bellmann’s orders were to determine the size, composition, and identity of all foreign naval forces operating to the north of West Ysterfontein Island where any deployment of Radictistani ground forces to the region would occur. Any foreign ships present there could potentially interfere with a smooth deployment. Elsewhere in the control room petty officer studied waterfall displays intently, determined to find within the endless noise the tell-tale signs of a cruising ship or prowling submarine. The slightest detail could represent the presence of a target or help identify it.

This is was to be, at all costs, a no-contact mission, which was why SSN-5 was currently hugging the seafloor at a sedate eight knots. It would stay on station for another three hours, then creep back to the safety of deeper waters to deploy a COMSAT buoy with the daily SITREP. It would return soon to take another look. If the situation permitted then Bellmann would risk a brief exposure of his ESM mast.
Last edited by Radictistan on Thu Sep 02, 2021 10:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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The Cardwith Islands
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Founded: Nov 05, 2012
Father Knows Best State

Postby The Cardwith Islands » Tue Aug 03, 2021 3:17 pm

SS Beauchamp
Docking near Eensaamfontein, Ysterfontein

Sholana stood a ways up from the docks in a shack passing as a boathouse, under cover from aerial observation, but also taking advantage of the shade it offered from the baking sun. Pieter Draad was next to her. They were dressed for work, with the thirty-something Cardwithian woman wearing her typical khaki adventurer cargo shorts and shirt over a once white crewneck T-shirt, well scuffed work boots with breathable cotton socks on her feet. Draad wore similar attire.

They both watched as the SS Beauchamp rolled into the harbor and slowed speed. This was a big moment and she could tell the local YSM people were anxious, excited, and maybe even a little fearful to meet their counterparts from the ISVC.

They had learned a little bit more about them over the last few days as Jasmine (Sholana) had casually leaked more general details (no names) about her team to Draad, who then disseminated that to his people. For instance, they were aware that some of the ISVC people had more tame, specialized skills, while others were hardened covert operatives, saboteurs, and even outright brawlers.

She was pleased to see that between her and Draad, they had instilled in the YSM sympathizers here how crucial it would be to be ready, have the trucks prepped to go, and load up the cargo as quickly as possible. ‘All hands on deck‘, as the nautical expression said. Again, discovery was slim, and while she had taken a whole day to specially train a few of Draad’s people in how to spot spies around the harbor and deal with them, they still had drones, satellites and high altitude aerial surveillance to worry about. Hell, even low altitude aerial surveillance could be a problem until they landed and unpacked the MANPADS systems.

Pieter Draad, the leader of the Ysterfontein Socialist Movement, wiped a few drops of sweat from his brow as he dropped to his haunches, eyes fixated on the approaching vessel. For the first time in recent history, the charismatic man was at a loss of words, mainly due to the overabundance of emotions that rushed through his system.

When he formed the Movement a few months back, it was done on a whim, in the heat of the moment, with the ideology of socialism, the need for a united front against foreigner exploitation, and quite frankly due to rash decisions made during an argument with the Ysterfonteinian nationalists as motivation.

The monumental weight of his decision to establish The Movement was only recently dawning upon him, especially when Jasmine lectured him, repeatedly, of the life threatening dangers he and his followers now faced in pursuit of the Revolution. The reality that his decisions would directly lead to the deaths of his fellow Ysterfonteinians has taken firm roots on his psyche, and it made him sick to his core, quite literally leading him to vomit a few times when he was trying to sleep.

For better or worse however, it was too late to turn back now, as the existence of his very nation depended on his success. If anything, Jasmine had instilled in him, in the short time she’d been with them, a renewed dedication to the cause. While she had expressed the challenges and dangers ahead, she’d also balanced that out with the reinforcement that there had to be sacrifices in blood for their cause to succeed.
“Every effort to propel the Revolution has demanded such sacrifice.” She had said.

On the positive side, as if a switch was flipped, both he and his comrades had changed their attitudes and behaviour, from being quite directionless and arrogant, to humble and eagle-eye focused. The coordinated planning and response to the receiving of the incoming ship was proof of that. With a little bit of foreign expert guidance, the nation of Ysterfontein might even stand a chance in the future. Yet before that could happen, a lot of enemies stood in their way.

Pieter looked up at Jasmine, who stood beside his hunched position, and finally broke the long silence,
"Comrade Jasmine, did you hear that the Port Emberians have declared themselves to be the official custodians of these lands now? The De Facto government as they have coined it."

She smiled, was even tempted to wink, but held back.
“They are arrogant, aren’t they? While I hadn’t heard the official declaration, I have gotten the feeling that they have conducted themselves in such a manner for a little while now. The strong white men are here now to save you all from your own folly, while they help themselves to your resources in reparation. It’s a typical story that repeats around the globe, Comrade Pieter.” She faced him fully, peeling her eyes away from the ship for a few moments.
“I have plans to deal with them. Some that have been in motion from the moment I set foot here in your Islands. I need you to keep that between you and me...Don’t even tell your top lieutenants…” She made a motion of sealing her lips.

“...I tell you this in the strictest confidence, because I don’t want you to think we weren’t prepared to deal with them, or any other power that challenges your revolution, Pieter. We are dedicated to your people now, just as you are dedicated to the cause of world socialism that we all fight for...Shall we head out? They’re hitching to the docks now.”

Pieter rose to his feet and looked Jasmine in the eyes, flashing a smile,
"Comrade Jasmine, I wish that one day I will possess the same level of confidence as you. I have always been prepared to call the Equinian miners and the Nationalists my enemy, but I will not lie to you, I fear the might of the Port Emberians. My culture has always likened them to the ancient fire breathing dragons of legend. Yet, you spit on their very image. You have the spirit of a true warrior, Comrade. And yes, let us go and welcome our Comrades and the hope they bring."

On board the boat, Truxton had gotten everybody below decks aside from the bare minimum crew to dock, but definitely all the CAIF team. Were there a trap to spring, while everyone was huddled on deck awaiting to jump ashore would be a perfect time to let loose with a fusilade into the group, smashed in like sardines as they might have been.

It had happened before, and many of the veteran PAST operatives, like Truxton and Sholana, had seen it and survived it. Many harsh lessons had been learned when they fought the determined, clever Hutanjians and their capitalist allies for independence. Lessons were still being learned everywhere that the ISVC was in action. Sometimes, no matter your precautions and preparation, your ticket was up and the other side would have the upper hand. Truxton’s job these last few days was to minimize those chances as much as possible. He didn’t have quite the confidence that Sholana did.

He had run through the next steps as they docked, several times with the leaders of the various factions that made up the CAIF team. They needed to do it at a fast, but safe pace. No need to lose essential personnel now to a dumb accident.

Below decks, Chike and Davu got their section together of veteran MFM operatives. They all had boxes and small crates ready to go, their first steps ashore would be bundling vital ISVC supplies for their new allies, and dropping them into waiting arms. Grenades, bullets, communications gear, explosives and detonators, among many other items, would be the first unloaded. Then native porters would help haul off the heavier crates bearing HMGs, mortars, RPGs, MANPADS, and even portable rockets and missiles to be mounted to racks on technicals.

"Presumably acquired under the table," Abrar Tawfiq quipped as he observed the ordnance being readied for offloading.

"I would kill to have this amount of resources in a simulator," one of the handful of the Shadow Turma tied to CAIF Team Phoenix with Abrar replied. "This is a low-risk, high-reward activity, and can be attempted by newbies. Finally we are able to do something useful after a while..."

"Given what we know of the situation, I'll take this threat seriously. Also, you should set a good example to our YSM comrades. They're valuable allies. Do you understand?"

"Heh, you should lighten up some, Abrar."

"Whatever. At least, like what you said, we're doing something useful for once."

"I heard some of the Turma in Jaragupta have been killed in action and some have been taken prisoner."

"The dead will be missed," Abrar said reverently. "They gave their lives to a worthy cause."

His companion lifted one of the heavier crates. "I would like to ask you one final question. Do you know anything about the leader of the opposing side?"

"The Queen? The beast may be gone, but whoever takes her place shouldn't be trifled with," is all he answered before he took a crate of his own. As much as it's a war of arms, it is also a war of minds.

The other Turma operative was not sure if she heard ‘beast’ or ‘bitch’.

The line of volunteers from the Ysterfontein Socialist Movement (YSM) unloading the various sized crates from the SS Beauchamp were moving in a somewhat orderly chaos that was fascinating to watch. After gathering them in a more or less stable pile, a second chain of volunteers would hoist them up in a rapid movement, loading them into the trucks gathered on the pier.

This agitation captured all the attention of Kerttu Helimnen. As she tried to help, several local men made a point of unloading her of any bulky objects. Angry and amused at the same time, she finally let herself fall on a chair, enthroned in the middle of the comings and goings. No one seemed to be paying any attention to her.

"Revenge is a dish best served cold," Helminen said aloud. She would have plenty of time to make them pay for this condescending attitude in the days to come. No doubt her talents would be put to use in training the volunteers.

In order not to be idle while everyone was busy, she had taken a set of walkie-talkies and carefully adjusted the frequency. Once her task was completed, she would go among the CAIF Team members to distribute them. At the same time, she took care to note on a piece of paper the different frequencies, especially those intended for emergency communications.

Applying the code used by the International Socialist Volunteer Corps (ISVC) was not very difficult. It just required a little bit of concentration. During their training sessions with the ISVC, she had no trouble learning the multiple codes and means of communication, especially useful for CAIF Teams.

She smiled whenever she saw Magnar walking by, carrying crates that seemed to be heavier and heavier by the minute. He almost knocked over a crate of explosives or grenades, which made her laugh, as well as the other locals acting as stevedores.

She wondered if he was regretting being a man right now. No doubt he would express his fearless criticism to her for being so quick to shirk her "revolutionary duties". When he was exhausted, he was more than happy to lecture everyone. As always, she would simply raise her eyes to the sky before reminding him with a toothy grin that, as his superior, he had to set an example. There was no risk of anyone from the YSM or CAIF Team taking his admonitions the wrong way. As usual, he would do it in Scanian, with that way of talking to himself, in a loud voice, that made him so sympathetic.

She finished without hurrying to adjust the talkies. Then she leaned back in her makeshift chair. "Where will we be deployed?" Stoa was more of a "city mouse" type. No doubt he would ask to be sent to one of the urban centers under YSM control. Geheimsrust or Eensaamfontein maybe? If she could choose for herself, she would ask to be sent away from the concrete jungles. But she would most certainly be deployed where groups of volunteers would need to be trained and supervised. After all, physical preparation and conditioning were among her specialties.

She looked more closely at the local YSM rebels. It was a mix of natives and descendants of settlers. Some of them definitely seemed physically ready for the task at hand. Others, much less so. Too frail or too used to tasting the delights of life. "It will be up to us to forge from this shapeless mass, soldiers for the Revolution" she said to herself. She laughed at the thought of all the physical strain and exercise she might soon be able to impose on all these future volunteers. "Sed sicut sine misericordia" she said in a loud voice, remembering the latin motto from her promotion in the rangers. "Without pity but just" she said, pronouncing these words as if in a sigh.

“You little bugger!” Rachael Smith declared in incredulity, skimming her losing hand across the table and pushing black strands of hair from her face. “How are you so bloody good at this?”

Lauren Ashot pocketed her winnings with a shit-eating grin. “All the luck and cockiness of youth…” Winston Walton mused, shaking his head with the faintest hint of a smile on his weathered face.

“Reckon I had you beat the second you sat down, teach.” Lauren boasted, though in truth she could not really explain her luck. She had always had a certain knack for card games and enough banked luck to save her when skill failed. Not that she was unbeaten, of course, that would point to something untoward. “You’ll let me know when your wallet needs lightening again.” She counted out nineteen pence in her palm and wrapped them up in a couple of single Lucan notes. “If we can find a decent put when we land, maybe I’ll treat you.”

There came the sudden tramp of footsteps, Andrew Wilson had returned from his walk. Having lost a good ten shillings, the union clerk had left the table and gone to stretch his legs. “Noise down,” he greeted his comrades, “they’re unloading, and we’re to follow them soon. So pull your gear together and try not to get in anybody’s way.” ‘Smoky’ Wilson was not really in any position of authority, at least amongst the Vionnan Red Army group, but he was respected and his advice, even if it took the impudent form of an order, was heeded.

Lauren collected the cards and slipped them back into their case. She shrugged on her backpack and took her greatcoat around her, wearing it almost as a cape. She took great pride in the antique Red Army insignia it bore, though she was certainly not entitled to the shoulder boards of a Junior Sergeant. The others slipped unloaded handguns into their clothes and Lauren scowled at her own lack of armament, but let the matter drop unchallenged. She pulled her chestnut hair back into a messy ponytail and moved to join the others.

After performing a little maintenance on his pipe, Andrew Wilson gathered his own possessions. The pipe went into a small case, which went itself into a messenger bag. The bag was draped about him. He buttoned up his grey woolen waistcoat and made sure the miniature pistol he kept within it was clear. Well-assured that his weapon was safe and his gear all with him (with a quick dab of cologne and beard oil for the journey) Wilson nodded to Rachael Smith.

Smith, a political officer, was not expected to be as active as Wilson or even the old Winnie Walton. However, she had to keep her own gear too. She wore a khaki gymnastiorka and breeches tucked into black jackboots, her official party uniform. In her bag, however, was a set of sports clothes so she could keep in shape, and a rather trim black suit in case she were required to take up more public duties. Besides a similar pistol to Wilson’s, Rachael Smith was not really required to carry much, the WSP’s involvement in the operation being much more of a flag-showing than anyone cared to admit.

Finally there was the former schoolmaster, Winston Walton. Now seventy-five, he was getting on even by VRA standards. However, a veteran of the original Civil War of 1966, and of the Gallandic Civil War, his experience was incredibly valuable and he was addressed formally using his old rank of Colonel. His uniform was similar to Smith’s, though it bore the insignia of his rank and the prestigious St Stannislav’s Cross at its breast. Proud to be a member of the Gestoria Socialist Veterans Society he, like many of his comrades, was quite happy to spend the last of his days helping the younger generations to the revolutionary future he never truly got to see. Instead of a pocket handgun, he pushed a weighty revolver into his belt and shrugged his shoulders at the tutting of the others.

“Shall we be on our way?” He asked, innocently, as he gestured to the stairs.

Some of the first to hit the dock running were some of the Yellowsian and Cardwithian members of the electronics counter-surveillance team. They set up a device, or series of devices rather, developed in the YSR that would focus up and interfere with satellite and high aerial optical observation. The extensions were put up on stands around the area. They looked like fire blankets with their reflective material, or more accurately like the light reflection boxes used in photo shoots, with wires fed from them to the main control box. Other devices were light beam emitters, wired up to the same system.

When activated, they would emit patterns to disturb the light waves, which would cause a lot of shimmering on any high-borne optical device trying to focus in, far beyond their initial glittering reflection. They would also utilize the clouds to further refract emitted random light patterns. The team had to employ what they could to mask their operation. This system couldn’t jam radars, but they had other equipment for that.

Normally, the Yellowsian, or Yelskja, RLO engineers would also use lasers guided by satellite trajectory to put a blinding, disabling beam on unwanted cameras, but in this case, that would cause a red flag and bring more attention and foreign assumption of their activity than it would deflect. The shimmer box and light wave jamming, however, could be excused away as random sun flares that are naturally occurring. They had based the technology from stolen plans provided by a mole within Schwyz Defense Systems of Neu Engollon. The mole had long since been compromised, along with his handler, but he had been immensely helpful for a time in the YSR rebuilding their military and intelligence capabilities.

Aside from the Ysterfonteinian government, they were very aware that the Port Emberians would want to know what they were up to, or even just be alerted to their presence. Really, there were a number of powers that would be happy to provide the government and it’s PESF allies such intel. The Gauls and Hutanjians came to mind, at least to Truxton and Sholana’s minds. Really any number of imperialist nations that hated the existence of the ISVC and it’s governing Congress.

The only spying they could not deflect at this point was HUMINT. She trusted that Pieter would have vetted his people, but there was always still the chance of a mole or multiple in the YSM ranks. If there were one or more moles, all this subterfuge was for naught, anyway. The gig would have been up a long time ago, as this would be reported, directly or indirectly, to one of their enemies.

In addition to surveillance defeating gear, ISVC teams spread out armed with RPGs and mobile missile launchers, in case they were surprised by lower flying aircraft or unexpected patrol boats. The rest pitched in to load up the trucks.

Jasmine (Sholana) walked by Kerttu as she greeted her team onto the docks, and put them to work assisting the local rebels and activating gear.
“Thank you, Kerttu, for your assistance with the radios. We still need more help, though. If you could continue to grab what you can, maybe setting up some more of the electronic gear, like the sensors?”

The chair sitting by her CAIF teammate was a bit of an annoyance to Sholana. Hell, she wasn’t even aware of where a chair would come from around here in the middle of a high trafficked dock gangway. It was setting a poor example to their new local allies.
She spoke louder to all the team,
“We have a very small time window before observation from the powers that don’t want us here, which are quite a few.” Insert any Marxist despising nation. She looked at her watch.
“Let’s try to get this done in 20 minutes, people.”
That last part she turned, saying the last word straight into Pieter Draad’s face.

Pieter nodded at Jasmine's order, or suggestion as Pieter explained it to himself, and for the first time since Jasmine had met him, he raised his voice, shouting with a deep and commanding tone in his native Ysterfonteinian language, at the men and women under his command. One could see nods all around as the work tempo picked up immediately. It could easily be said, and was regularly in fact, that the Ysterfonteinians were a poor and primitive people, although no one could ever say that they were not a strong and hardworking bunch.

In Arendnes, after three days, the brother and sister duo Ninki and Gabar, had returned from their hunter’s hide in the broken down bus in the junkyard that overlooked the PESF compound, to the warehouse that Adder had acquired in the industrial section of Arendnes.

The Cardwithian watched as the Mubatans slipped in under cover of dusk. If you weren’t trained and you weren’t expecting it, you would never be aware until they were right beside you. He put down the silenced pistol he had grabbed at the first sign of trouble.
He spoke in a soft voice, even though, in theory, they had the whole warehouse to themselves, one could never be too careful.
“How did it go?”

Ninki shook her head,
“The surveillance went fine, other than being overrun by rats and crawlers.”

Gabar retorted angrily,
“I told you we should have burned them out.”

“That was still a bad idea.” She turned back to Adder, “Instead,he doused the rats with chemicals. They died and brought more vermin to feast on the carcasses, who in turned died, but brought in spiders who wanted to feast on them, then die, etcetera. It was a neverending torture chamber of dead vermin smell, toxic chemicals, and constantly pulling poisonous insects and arachnids off ourselves. That bus is death.”

“I’m sorry for your troubles, but again how did the surveillance go?”

Ninki shrugged.
“The General doesn’t seem to have a regular pattern. There’s no regular meeting spot every day where we can target a window or put explosives in a corner of a building. The main hotel they’re using is fortified. We can’t get in close to the perimeter.”

Gabar agreed.
“We’ll have to wait for a random chance to get him in the open.”

“...Or if he convoys somewhere, but we’ll need reinforcements, in either case. We need the ordnance that Sholana was going to send.”
Vale added out of the blue.

They all startled reaching for their weapons for a split second, not expecting him to turn up. For such a pale, Nordic man who should practically glow in the dark, he was just as stealthy as the Mubatan twins.
He smiled at their mild shock.
“Relax, comrades. Haven’t we been working together long enough now? I have skills.”

Adder had worked with Vale for years, but was still impressed.
“Comrade, what do you think we should do? Act soon? We are risking discovery every day.”

Vale sighed.
“We will need to wait for the promised supply run, and see if we get reinforcements, but keep up surveillance. I think there has to be a pattern somewhere, but I haven’t seen it yet, either.”

Adder agreed.
“In any case, were we to see the perfect opportunity, we don’t have the backup and the supplies to make it happen. Unless he will fall down at the sight of finger guns…”
The Cardwithian held up his thumb and forefinger to reinforce the joke.

On the other side of the islands, Sholana was in the process of trying to solve that issue…

The trucks were loaded up and ready to go. Jasmine nodded to several of the CAIF team to dismiss them, signalling they should board some of the trucks. As the last of the supplies were loaded up on the few remaining trucks, and the security measures were dismantled, she signaled to a select few to follow her back into the boathouse where Pieter Draad and herself had originally awaited the landing. One last truck idled at the start of the forest in a ways from the docks, having pulled forward after the last YSM workers loaded it up under direction. The supplies on it were anything but random.

She scanned their faces as they gathered inside the boathouse: Bùi Trọng Dũng, the Great Viet PUR XO; Lauren Ashot, the young Vionnan Provo VRA star; Sterling, Cardwithian PAST cell operator and boat pilot; Magnar Stoa, the mysterious Nanban operator; and Sylvie Klíma, a last minute add on from the Shadow Turma of Diarcesia.

“You…” She caressed the cheek of Lauren as she got very close to them, “...are my clinch crew to resupply the assassin team in the capital. You are getting on that last truck, to join a couple of Pieter’s best people...On the truck with you will be the supplies you take to the capital district to enable the hit team to get their job done. You will be inserting on the coast in a boat provided by our friends, then trucking it in the rest of the way. It’s going to be dangerous, but I have trust in you that you can get the job done. Don’t let us down. The Revolution depends on your success. Get the cargo to Arendnes.”

Sterling shook his head.
“I don’t understand, Sholana. Why didn’t we just leave this cargo on the Beauchamp, and take that around to Arendnes? Much easier.”

She walked up to Sterling and tugged firmly on his lapels which seemed to be flying away a bit.
“You’re ruining my big speech, big boy.” She gave him a light slap, then circled the group again.
“Two reasons. The Beauchamp is foreign flagged. And it is too big and slow. One valid reason for why it would be stopped and boarded, and another for why it would not be able to avoid being boarded. The Port Emberians are beginning to put a screen up around Arendsvlei and that whole island. They don’t have enough ships to catch everything, but they can catch that old rusty bucket.” She pointed out the window towards the old cargo boat.
“You’re my special trained boat pilot, Sterling. I thought you would be excited to take a fast boat and outrun the government patrols?”

“Oh, I am. It makes more sense now. Sorry, go on…”

“Too late. You stole my thunder, but...I need to say this. Sterling, even though he's an ass, is in charge. Until you hook up with Vale and Adder at the rendezvous, then they take charge. They will want you to work on an exfiltration route. Most of the equipment you bring in will need to be destroyed before you leave - down to every shell casing. No evidence left behind. Vale will guide you in that. Any questions?...No?
She pointed to the door.
"Leave my sight.”

Sterling smiled.
“To the Revolution?!”

“Get the fuck out!” Her tone didn't quite match her angry words. She couldn’t help but smirk. It was a momentous day.

[RP CREDIT: RP also provided by Ysterfontein, Mubata, Yellow Star Republic, Diarcesia, Nanban-ha, and Vionna-Frankenlisch]
Last edited by The Cardwith Islands on Sat Oct 02, 2021 8:25 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Founded: Nov 21, 2008
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Radictistan » Sun Aug 15, 2021 7:26 pm

Fort Hamden in the County of Norcustsur hosted the headquarters of the second brigade of the 36th Airborne Division, Radictistan’s sole airborne unit of that scale. The three Airborne Brigades shared the role of strategic quick reaction force with 2 Naval Brigade, the four brigades rotating in and out of 72-hour alert status.

It was because of this alert status that Major Henri Bokum was sleeping on post rather than at home with his family. It was also the alert status which had him woken up two hours before dawn and told to report to the brigade commander. A little while later he was in a briefing room with about thirty all officers, each holding a key staff position somewhere within the brigade.

“The incident occurred here in the northeastern corner of the western island.” The satellite image projected onto a hanging screen zoomed in to show an expanse of jungle. Symbols were overlaid onto various points of interest. At this time it is unknown whether the attackers belonged to one of the active insurgent groups or were merely bandits.” The officers assembled in the lecture hall scribbled notes.

“The country is mostly jungle or swampland. About a third of the population lives in the capital city Arendnes located here.” The pointer moved to the southwestern corner of the western island.

“Our area of operations is centered here,” the map pointer moved once more, “in the Skatkus province. This area is currently host to a large number of illegal diamond miners from Equinia. Our first task will be convincing them to leave before the locals kill them.” That garnered a few chuckles.

“Infrastructure on the island is pretty much nonexistent. As far as we can gather there are no paved roads outside of major cities. Corps engineers are going through satellite images to determine which airports can safely accommodate our aircraft. This country has not had a proper survey in decades so use your maps but don’t rely on them.”

Major Bokum left the briefing an hour later with some internal strife. There was neither a concrete purpose for the proposed mission, nor was there anything resembling an exit strategy. He kept looking for a difference between Ysterfontein and the Indras quagmire the Brigadiers went through. He was yet to find one. He didn’t look forward to telling Elizabeth and the kids that he would be gone for at least several months.

He quickly snapped out of it and turned his mind towards practical difficulties. It was one thing to plan for a short notice deployment. It was another thing to actually do it.

The operations officer knew he would get very little sleep over the next two days. He’d have more than the logistics people, but still very little. But, after all, it was nothing he had not signed up for.

At two airbases in Norcustsur a pageantry of controlled chaos was in full swing. Thousands of infantrymen laid out their packs for final inspection before joining long ant lines to board the waiting Il-76 transport planes. The Ilyushins were ideal for the poorly maintained runway the Radictistanis would encounter at Pilgrimsrust. Heavy equipment was pushed or manhandled into place – mortars, communications shelters, generators, etc. Of the brigade’s organic units, only the air defense regiment would stay behind, save for a single surveillance radar and its crew.

Of course, no expeditionary force was ever complete without the usual collection of odds and ends. Two engineer companies loaded their earthmovers and supply trucks. A reinforced aviation company – fifteen Mi-17s at over seven tonnes each – were carefully disassembled before loading. Twelve Ka-52 attack helicopters awaited the same fate. A reconnaissance company, Ranger company, and teams of topographic engineers boarded their own transports.

It would be an arduous flight with multiple mid-air refuelings. There would be a final fuel stop in [ketchup stain] before flying the last leg. The reconnaissance company, Ranger company, and a handful of air controllers would make a combat drop – the first in Radictistan’s history. The first landings were scheduled for two hours later starting with the remainder of 364 Light Battalion. There would be time while on the ground in [ketchup stain] to modify the entry plan if necessary.

Meanwhile the navy’s contribution was already on its way by sea. Task Group 29.3 comprised the Udaloy-class destroyer Savage, the Talwar-class frigate Longbow, and the Berezina-class support ship Ivan Kadansky. The Savage had recently completed a mid-life update. The obsolete anti-submarine missiles were replaced with new Yakhont anti-ship missiles and most sensors either upgraded or replaced. In addition to their sea surveillance tasking, the ships would help monitor airspace violations over Ysterfontein.

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Founded: Nov 21, 2008
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Radictistan » Thu Sep 02, 2021 10:36 pm

The lunch rush was ending at a nondescript sandwich shop in Nuxenstat when Karel Jonkers’ life changed drastically for the second time.

The first time had been when he arrived on Radictistani shores as a young child. His parents had wanted to raise their children in a place with running water and where a pocket calculator was not an act of sorcery. In other words, not in Ysterfontein. The move to Radictistan was followed by poverty and hard work, but compared to the land of his birth it was paradise.

He was bussing a table when the shift manager, Herg[1] Mansen, stuck his balding head out of the kitchen.

“Hey Yonkers. Phone’s for you. It’s the Army.”

Surprised, Karel walked over to where Mansen held the phone. What could the Army possibly want with him? Yes, he had served a term to expedite his citizenship, but that had been years ago. His reserve obligation was limited to a few days a year, mostly to check that his uniform still fit and that he remembered which end of the bayonet to use. Surely he would know by now if the country was being invaded, he reasoned as placed the handset against his right ear.

Kapral Jonkers,” a woman’s voice intoned, “this is Kapitan Venters from First Corps G-1. By order of the Commanding General, you are to report to Nuxenstat Central Airbase at 0900 tomorrow. Bring all articles necessary for deployment.”

His blood went cold. Deployment? That was impossible. “Ma’am, I’m a reservist. I can’t-“

“This is a direct order from on high, Kapral,” the now exasperated voice told him. “You will be briefed tomorrow after you arrive.”


“I think I’m going to get deployed,” Karel answered honestly. Thankfully the ensuing rant was directed mostly at the government rather than him.

Karel took the tram home that evening as he always did. After dinner he took his wife aside and they had a hushed conversation away from the children.

“There’s nothing we can do,” she told him with a sigh. “We’re the little people.”

“But it’s not legal!” he had protested. “Even the Army has to obey the law!”

“You have any idea how many lawyers the Army’s got? If they want it to be legal, they’ll make it legal.”

It was logic he could not dispute so the following morning he made his way to the airbase north of home. It was an annex of Nuxenstat’s main airport and so was well-served by public transportation. This was a good thing as Karel didn’t own a car and had no idea when he might be able to afford one.

He took a shuttle bus from one of the passenger terminals to the front gate of the base then walked the last fifty meters, duffel in tow. The sentry had been expecting him and gave back written orders along with his military ID.

“Report to Building 17,” Karel was now told. The paper he was given said the exact thing. After asking for directions, Karol began walking through the airbase. He passed offices and hangars. He heard a helicopter but could not see it. Building 17 turned out to be a check-in building for military flights. Inside, it was essentially a civilian air terminal in miniature. Six uniformed men, all Army, sat in the waiting area. The sole officer among them rose to greet Karel, who came to attention.

“At ease, Kapral,” the officer said. “I’m Kapitan Lisle. Civil Affairs. Until further notice you’ll be working for me.”

“Sir, with all due respect I’m-“

Kapral Karel Jonkers, 159th Replacement Battalion. Inactive Reserve.[2] Yes, yes, I know.” He held up a piece of paper with a fancy seal pressed near its bottom.

“This is an Order-in-Council authorizing your transfer from the Inactive Reserve to Active Duty on attachment with 658 Civil Affairs Company.”

"Sir, I drove a grader." Karel now found himself barely able to keep from shaking. "What does Civil Affairs want me to do?"

Lisle raised an eyebrow. “You mean no one told you? You’re headed back to the old country, Jonkers. The Paras are going to Ysterfontein and you’re going to be a translator.”

And so it came to pass that Karel was placed first on a small aircraft, then on a large jet filled with dozens of scary men fully kitted out for war. It was a good thing he had brought the duffle.

[2]Akin to the U.S. Individual Ready Reserve. Legally, IR personnel are only supposed to be activated during a general mobilization.
Last edited by Radictistan on Thu Sep 02, 2021 10:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Posts: 11
Founded: Mar 26, 2021

Postby Ysterfontein » Mon Sep 06, 2021 10:32 pm

City of Pilgrumsrust
Sector AC
Equinian Militia controlled area
West Ysterfontein Island

Kyak Gurlen, the leader of the Equinian Militia of Ysterfontein, had found himself in a peculiar situation, one which left him feeling absolutely clueless. The ‘Appointed Port Emberian Caretaker of the Republic of Ysterfontein’ – one ‘Governor Cole Adorinda’, had send forth a communique to Kyak, which outright warned him that the Port Emberian government had decided to declare the presence of the roughly one hundred thousand miners upon these islands unlawful. And not just unlawful, but their presence was considered to be a military invasion upon sovereign soil, and thus the Port Emberians would treat them as such. The so-called Governor used diplomatic and hidden phrases of course, but ultimately the message was as undiplomatic as can be, a direct and clear threat: Leave. Or die.

The real challenge however, was the fact that the young lad which served as the Equinian Militia ‘Fax Operator’, had decided to make copies of this dreaded correspondence before handing it over to Kyak, and has started distributing it to any and every Equinian which he could lay eyes upon.

The result of this message spreading around the city was quite predictable, as it spread panic faster than any plague could. People were scared, angry and just outright confused. Almost immediately the miners ceased their militia duties, refusing to stand guard when and where they should have, patrols ceased going out, and the united front which was so difficult to form once, had collapsed near instantaneously, as every man and woman adopted the feared ‘Every man for himself’ mentality.

This was a massive problem of course, as one had to remember why the militia was established within the first place. When the rich diamond fields were discovered just outside of the city of Pilgrumsrust, little over a year ago, the news reached the Equinian shores quite quickly, which led to thousands upon thousands of miners, both professionals and hopefuls, to jump upon the first available ship to commence their journey of potential fortunes.

Once they arrived upon the islands, it was clear that this nation was nearly lawless – as the existing government was near collapse, and had no interest in conducting any sort of governmental duties. This led to the fact that no border control could stop the massive influx of foreign miners, as there was no border control in place. This also meant that no governmental office could control how many miners could mine the fields at a time, nor assign prospecting areas.

This quickly led to certain folk arming themselves, and simply taking the spoils of the native miners or their areas – with threats of force, as no police were around to stop this. Predictably, this led to even more Equinians flooding towards the area, as this was the easiest way to make some quick, easy money.

The natives were quickly growing tired of being outmuscled, and thus they formed organizations which opposed the foreigners – which quickly led to violence. Equinians were assaulted, robbed and killed in the streets, again, unopposed due to the lack of a police force.

Thus, the Equinians formed a Militia – The Equinian Militia, in order to stand united against those who threatened them with force. Granted, this Militia was armed only with hunting rifles which they had brought from home, or a few antiquated assault rifles which they could buy or find on shore, and they lacked any sort of military training, structures or support – but the natives faced the exact same challenges.

Add that element of chaos to the fact that the Ysterfonteinian locals quickly started to fight amongst themselves, and one can easily explain how the Militia managed to garner much more power and success than they originally intended for – and how they, almost by accident, captured an entire province, including the city of Pilgrumsrust and the entire diamond fields just outside the city’s limits.. This success allowed the miners to continue mining in peace, without fear of violence, and without the need to share potential profit with the locals, leading to even more Equinians coming ashore.

This success naturally garnered its own forms of problems, as the diamond fields were quickly becoming overpopulated, regularly leading to fighting amongst the Equinians. Furthermore the very fact that they now controlled territory in a foreign nation, meant that they were forced to establish permanent guarding stations, which would have to force their own kin to police themselves, and patrols to defend themselves from the increasingly violent and more organized locals, who have established semi professional paramilitary organizations by now. This of course meant that certain folk were forced to work in dangerous and miserable situations, whilst others could continue mining unabated. This fostered even more conflict amongst the ranks.

Furthermore, the large masses of the Militia became hard to control, and they started to prey upon the natives who lived within their territory, abusing them for fun, stealing their food, raping their woman and even enslaving individuals on occasion. This led to an angry, rebellious populace, and even more internal conflict.

Adding to these problems were the ever increasing loss of life on the side of the Equinian Militia, as their patrols kept taking casualties. The worst part of this was the fact that no one knew how. Patrols were sent out into the vast jungles, simply to never return, without a single trace of evidence or clue as to what might have happened. At first it was believed that the patrolmen simply abandoned their duties, as a result of being unsatisfied with the new military styled lifestyle they were forced into. This explanation made sense, as these were miners forced into dangerous new jobs which they wanted no part of, whilst their compatriots left behind within the diamond fields maintained their possible fortune making activities.

As an attempt to solve this challenge, the patrol sizes increased, from an average of four men, to ten. The Equinian Militia Command firmly believed that there was no way that such a large team would disband, without at least one or two loyalists remaining in order to return with news of the traitors.

They were wrong.

The size of the patrols did not change the outcome – as entire patrols kept vanishing within the thick jungle. The most damaging aspect to the morale of the Militia was not the disappearing patrols, strangely enough, but the rumors which these events had generated. The men on the ground started believing that the locals were laying ambushes for the patrols, or worse – the Port Emberian military was killing them off with drone strikes. Others were saying that a “herd” of jaguars had garnered a taste for man flesh, whilst the Ysterfonteinian locals firmly believed that the ‘Kalach-Cha” had returned. The Kalach-Cha was some or other mythical beast which the Ysterfonteinians believed in, which was a horrible demonic spirit creature, which feasted on the flesh and souls of its victims, those which it deemed a threat to its sacred jungle. With the sheer amount of disappearing men, even the miners started to believe in this folklore.

All of these chaotic and deadly elements made for a rather unpleasant stay upon the islands, and thus, maybe, just maybe, the Port Emberian threat was a good thing, as Kyak was now placed within a situation where he could cut his losses and run, whilst maintaining face. Maybe.

Despite all the uncertainty about what awaited everyone in the near future, one thing was as clear as day: The Equinian Militia of Ysterfontein was no more.

[OOC: This segment was authored as my puppet - Equinia]

North Ysterfontein Sea
Off the coast of the City of Pilgrumsrust
Sector AC
Equinian Militia controlled area
West Ysterfontein Island

The sun slowly exposed its head lazily upon the horizon, casting its bright red and orange hues upon the North Ysterfontein Sea, with the light particles dancing joyfully upon the aquatic surface and the calm rolling foam of the soft waves entangling one another. The tranquil liquid motion generated by the surface created calm, rhythmic audio, complimented by the occasional cry of a few hungry seagulls.

The deeper stretches of the surface took the form of a relatively smooth surface – taking the appearance of a vast light blue, living table, reflecting some or other sort of brilliant, yet humble light show.

This tranquil water table was instantly torn apart as the PES Sharon - a Orca Class Frigate, and the PES Edward - a Crusuo Class Corvette cut through the smooth surface like a hot knife through butter as they steamed hard for the coast of Pilgrumsrust.

The two vessels formed part of Naval Group Rapier - the Naval Group which was attached to Task Force Rose - the military attachment for the Port Emberian intervention within Ysterfontein.

The two vessels had set sail a day ago from their new temporary home port to the south, within the Ysterfontein capital city of Arendnes, and the coast of Pilgrumsrust to the north was their destination, which they closed in upon rapidly.

Mere minutes after the sun had appeared in full sight above the North Ysterfontein Sea, the two vessels of war were in place - anchored a few hundred meters away from the Pilgrumsrust port, and in perfect viewing distance of the city. The vessels have managed to arrive in position early enough to ensure that the majority of the people within the city would observe the vessels for the first time before they have properly awoken, before they had the opportunity to grab their first cup of coffee. Shock to the psyche is more effective when done on an empty stomach and a half slumbering mind after all.

The two vessels had clear and precise orders: Establish and maintain a blockade on the northern tip of the western island - specifically within the region of Pilgrumsrust, and allow no vessel to proceed - whether that was to or fro, without their explicit authority, and subject to a full (and harassing) boarding search.

The true aim of the vessels were three fold - back the intimidation tactic of the Governor to force the unlawful Equinian Militia to disband, and to ensure these miners were indeed leaving the islands - with no unlawfully gained possessions, and finally to ensure that the desperate miners received no support whatsoever, in an attempt to strengthen the desperate nature of their withdrawal, whilst ensuring that they received no support, in the unlikely scenario where they would consider putting up a fight instead.

No matter what their exact intentions were, the sight of two of the most modern and feared warships, flying the flag of one of the most potent navies around today, was a considerably formidable sight.

North Ysterfontein Sea
Off the coast of the City of Pilgrumsrust
Sector AC
Equinian Militia controlled area
West Ysterfontein Island

Onboard the PES Sharon

"Captain, passive scan complete, empty screen on blue certified, bar for Sister 1, stern, 200. Green screen, legions activity." The Navigations Officer, Lieutenant Charlotte Binnings, barely broke eye contact with the radar screen as she reported her findings.

Lt Commander Gerald Hunthea, Captain of the PES Sharon lowered the binoculars which were glued to his eyes as he scanned the city landscape. The dotted landscape gave off a stunning visual as the orange hues of the rising morning sun danced off the concrete and timber buildings, contrasted with the bright green jungle features.

Before the Captain could respond, Lieutenant Steven Hubreo, the Weapons Officer, chimed in, "Requesting authorisation for UAV launch for plotting sorty Captain"

Gerald nodded softly without a verbal reply at first, pausing whilst in thought. After but a moment, he replied,
"Permission granted Lieutenant. Launch the drone."

"Roger, launching drone for mapping sorty", came the reply.

Gerald issued another command, leaving Lieutenant Hubreo in peace to execute her order. The Weapons Officer continued to order his Weapons Deck Team to launch the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, a scout drone, which would fly out to the skies above the city of Pilgrumsrust, and the team would identify and map out the obvious points of interest and assign code names to reference points, whilst also taking digital photographs of all visible activity within the city. This would be used together to paint a broad intelligence picture for the entire PESF contingent, whilst also locking in predetermined targets, should the ship be required to fire upon targets. This would assist the ship to do so in rapid fashion.

The Captain continued to spit orders,
"Helmsman, lay engines to rest, cast anchor."

The Helmsman, Petty Officer Joshua Grunthea, responded,
"Aye Captain, engines to rest, casting anchor."

The soft rumble of the ship's engines calmly died down, until it could no longer be felt or heard, which was immediately followed with the sound of a metal anchor dropping down to the ocean floor.

Once Gerald heard the rustling chains of the anchor come to rest, he turned his attention back to the young Navigations Officer. "Lieutenant Binnings, drop sonar buoy and activate passive air radar. We are going loud."

Without hesitation, Charlotte Binnings responded, "Aye Captain, activating sonar, going passive with all radars, full power."

The PES Sharon continued to drop their dipping sonar buoy into the ocean, whilst powering up the vessel's radar systems to full, active power. This had its drawbacks, as for example, it made the vessel very easy to be detected by any other warship potentially in the area, as its electronics were blasting full steam ahead, so to speak, making it quite easy for a potentially opposing vessel to detect it. However, this did allow the PES Sharlene to conduct radar searches much further and more effectively, both underneath, on top and above the surface of the ocean, and the nearby land mass. Furthermore, the vessel wanted their presence known - as this was an open blockade after all.

The smaller vessel, the PES Edward - a Crusuo Class Corvette, followed the same procedures as their Big Sister, and the two vessels pooled their radar searches together via their onboard data links, increasing their combined effective search radius and efficiency tremendously.

The blockade of Pilgrumsrust had officially begun.

[20 Minutes Later]

"Port Emberian Ship Gudfrey, this is Port Emberian Ship Sharlene hailing you on Secure Net 147."

"Carry on Port Emberian Ship Sharlene. You have the ears of Commander Scott Miela."

"Commander, Blockade established."

"Very well. Continue executing Directive 72."

"Roger. Requesting execution of Phase 2. Skies are clear Commander."

"With absolute pleasure. Executing Phase 2 now. Enjoy the show. PES Gudfrey out."

The inhabitants of Pilgrumsrust were in a state of disarray ever since the two vessels of war were spotted just off the coast, as they knew that war was upon them, whether they wanted it or not.

Before any attempt could be made to calm the situation and calm the minds of the concerned Equinian Militia, they were greeted by two X-16 Fighter Jets flying very low above the skyline of Pilgrumsrust, tearing both the sound barrier and the hope for a peaceful solution apart. The two aircraft did not engage any targets, but their constant flybys which lasted for a little over an half hour, did as much psychological damage as could be expected.

The effects of the combined Port Emberian pressure and intimidation was tremendous, which led to the streets of Pilgrunsrust erupting into chaos, as the Militia seemed to disband on the spot, fleeing their posts at roadblocks and patrols. Wide scale riots and looting erupted as the atmosphere of armageddon had taken root in the city.

Chaos reigned.

[OOC: This segment was authored as my main - Port Ember]

City of Eensaamfontein
Aleenstaan Province
East Ysterfontein Island
Capital of the Ysterfontein Socialist Movement

A light blue Scavenger came to a screeching halt in front of the wooden hut, which spat gravel and small rocks into every direction, simultaneously creating a small dust cloud in the humid air.

When the old rust bucket's engine was killed, no other vehicle could be heard in the distance, despite the proximity of the hut in question to the city's center.

A Ysterfonteinian man in his mid 30's climbed out of the vehicle at a hastened pace, his forehead covered in thick drops of sweat, which he wiped off with the old, faded baseball cap which he was wearing.

The man paced towards the front door, with his arm outstretched long before he was in range. Johannes, the personal aide to Comrade Jasmine, whom Pieter Draad personally appointed, knocked frantically on the wooden door of the house which was allocated as Jasmine's personal residence. "Comrade Jasmine, 'tis Johannes! Open, please! Fastly!"

It took a few moments, but Jasmine was finally at the door.
“What, Johannes? What is it?”
She looked tired at this hour, but also alert and ready for much worse than a YSM rebel at the door. She looked beyond him, and peered down the street. First one way, then the other. Then back at Johannes.
“You have my attention.”

"Comrade Pieter is begging for your presence. He says the news is very big." He pointed towards the Scavenger vehicle impatiently.

She looked at him, then paused a heartbeat, trying to weigh out if the ‘big news’ was good or bad, but deciding in the end that she should just hear it in person, no matter what.
“Fine. Give me two minutes.” She had on a tank top and her hair was a mess. She ran a pick through her hair and threw on one of her khaki button down shirts. She also stooped down to make sure her boots were properly and tightly laced. Then, she hesitated, as she withdrew the pistol from her waistband that she had pocketed upon the hammering on the door. She tucked it back inside. Then, opening a drawer in a shoddy nightstand that was part of the borrowed abode, she fished out a lock blade folding knife. She was back at the door at the promised mark, actually seconds to spare.

“Alright. Let’s go.”
She followed Johannes and clambered into the Scavenger.

The old rusty steed sprang to life without struggle once the occupants had taken their positions within, and as it sped off, it continued to spring up dust clouds once more, which followed the vehicle as far as it went.

The Scavenger came to a halt in the city center, in front of the old city bank. A trained eye could spot the numerous armed guards placed in several positions within the street, inside and on top of the bank. After Pieter was scolded by Jasmine concerning the informal security measures of the Movement, he saw to it immediately to change his headquarters to a better defended and secured location.

As Johannes escorted Jasmine inside the bank, the two guards on the inside near the door nodded once they saw Jasmine, greeting with warm smiles, and a quick word of "Vegter" followed as acknowledgement.

Jasmine was reminded of how much she appreciated the new digs of the YSM HQ, and that she was respected enough by Pieter for him to follow her advice so accurately. While it was not the most discreet of locations, it was, along with the whole town as a perimeter, a fortress ready to repel any attacks from rival militias, and even possibly an established governmental special ops team. It wouldn’t withstand a concerted attack from conventional military forces, but what socialist rebel compound could in any point in history? That was a pipedream.

Once the duo entered the room which once served as the bank manager's office, Pieter Draad, the leader of the Ysterfontein Socialist Movement, who was waiting inside, greeted them warmly. "Johannes. Jasmine. Thank you for coming, and I apologise for disturbing your rest, but it could not wait."

Pieter continued to point towards the large wooden desk which stood in one corner. Upon the table rested several grainy photographs and a single creased letter.

The photographs depicted scenes of abandoned guard posts and roadblocks, looted buildings in an abandoned street, a series of pictures of two unidentified fighter jets flying low over a city and lastly, a series of pictures of what would appear to be two warships close to the coast.

The single creased letter was obviously a copy, produced by a machine with fading ink. If one was to examine its contents:


Official Correspondence From The Republic of Port Ember


Governor Cole Adorinda:
Appointed Port Emberian Caretaker of The Republic of Ysterfontein.


Mister Kyak Gurlen;
The Equinian Militia


Official Declaration



Mister Kyak Gurlen

I greet you.

I write to you today in a formal manner, in my own capacity, and with the authority of the democratically elected President of the Republic of Port Ember, President Edward Flint.

I hereby wish to inform you that with the assassination of the late sovereign leader of the Queendom of Ysterfontein Islands - Her Majesty Queen Linda of the House Earl, three weeks ago, the local government had collapsed, and have thrown the archipelago into a perpetual state of chaos and anarchy.

As a direct consequence of this hideous crime and its effects, the Republic has named me, Sir Cole Adorinda, temporary Governor over the entire Ysterfonteinian Archipelago and her populace, until such time that a local government can be re-established and also become functional. Thus, I am acting on behalf of, and as the head of, the sovereign nation of Ysterfontein.

Therefore, as the Governor of Ysterfontein, I hereby wish to inform you that the Government and peoples of Ysterfontein consider the presence of all Equinian nationals upon the archipelago to be unlawful.

Not only are you and your brethren upon sovereign soil illegally, you have also taken up arms to combat the lawful citizens of this nation; whilst mining and selling its natural resources unlawfully; and have claimed territory of a sovereign nation under the ruse of self defence.

Therefore, the nation of Ysterfontein hereby orders you to leave it's soil for your home nation, without possible exception to be granted to any individual, and without fail.

Failure to comply within exactly fourteen days will result in the nation of Ysterfontein, and it's overseer nation of the Republic of Port Ember, to declare your presence as a status of foreign invasion, and will consider all Equinian nationals upon the archipelago to be enemy combatants, and will be forced to act accordingly, without fear or fervour.

To your Health & Wealth!!!

Sir Cole Adorinda
The Republic of Ysterfontein

Whilst Jasmine was absorbing the visual information on display, Pieter continued,
"The Port Emberians actually did it. They have scared off the Equinians. My contact in Pilgrumsrust tells me that the city and the militia as a whole is in complete panic mode, and they are nearly killing each other for a chance to jump on the next outgoing ship. By the end of next week, the islands will be free of these specific parasites." Pieter could not hide his massive smile, even if he wanted to.

Jasmine nodded as she attempted to process all the information. It was a lot.
“That is good news that we won’t have to deal with that factor, although we lost a potential temporary ally to grind down the fascists without risking too much of our own manpower, but...there are many other ways to take the fascist/nationalists off the board.” She was literally looking at it as shifting game pieces on a board, the easiest way to process the big picture right now. Another thought struck her. She referred to a map on the wall, as she continued,
“Pieter, what are the chances that Equinia will react to this persecution of their citizens and push back or even attack Port Ember? Didn’t they already have a naval skirmish?”

Pieter's smile faded as it was replaced with a soft frown, accompanied with a subconscious small tug of his hair as he was lost in thought for a few moments. He finally responded when he gathered his thoughts,

"Well, I cannot claim to really know the intentions of either nation, Comrade, but it is obviously a possibility. Especially since there are over a hundred thousand Equinian cockroaches upon our islands. And since we cannot accurately predict the future between these two foreign nations, how do we go about preparing for this craziness?"

Pieter gestured towards a small table in the corner of the room, which had two accompanying seats, which was in full view of the mounted wall map. Pieter figured that this could easily turn into a lengthy conversation, taking one of the seats for himself.

Jasmine made her way to one of the seats as she continued to ponder the new strategic situation.
“So...Here’s the thing...Another foreign power getting involved in your little internal conflict is not ideal, in the long run, obviously, but in the short term, it muddies the waters and takes the focus off small militias and movements like ou...ahem, yours. Port Ember’s focus moves onto Equinia, and away from reining in the YSM, or the nationalists, but that’s alright...With the PESF out of the way, we can deal with the fascists just fine.

In other words, it buys us time to expand our operations, seize more territory and win over more of the Ysterfonteinian people if Port Ember and Equinia are busy dicking around with each other. Now, I’m sure that Equinia isn’t the only other power waiting in the wings, but they are the ones with the most justification right now to oppose the Port Emberians in sinking their teeth into your islands.

I hope that this upcoming operation succeeds, and in turn, with the timing of this, that Port Ember turns their wrath on Equinia, thinking it was their retaliatory operation.”

Pieter's wide smile returned instantly once Jasmine finished speaking, feeling inspired and motivated once more.
"Comrade, you truly are wise beyond your years. If this plan of yours succeeds, it will probably be the greatest example of perfectly seizing an opportunity for your own gain."

Pieter rose from his seat and continued to grab two pineapple beers from the nearby bar fridge, which he both opened by using the ragged edges of the table to pop open the sealed tops, before passing one to Jasmine, whilst keeping the other for himself. Once he returned to his seat, he continued,
"However, realistically speaking, what would happen should one of the comrades be captured during the mission? Ancestors forbid of course!" Pieter lowered his voice throughout this conversation, whilst ensuring no other person were in earshot, owing to the sensitive nature of the topic.

Jasmine had gotten used to the taste of the pineapple brew...barely. She took a sip and kept her face neutral.
“One of my people? They are trained not to be captured...if you know what I mean. Eventually, for future missions we will need to train your people in similar fashion. Part of that is picking the right people to train to begin with.
Aaaand...Some just aren’t going to have the fortitude to sacrifice for the greater good. Doesn’t mean they are not useful, just that you can’t send them on the most sensitive, behind the lines missions, of course...”

Pieter nodded slowly in response, before taking another sip of his brew. The reality, the grave seriousness of this conflict, his revolution, was slowly but ever increasingly dawning upon his psyche. If someone told him a mere year ago that people would be willing to lay down their lives for an ideology which Pieter had advocated for, he would laugh in their faces. He was but a simple mechanic and hunter, not a person who can claim to be owed the blood of hundreds, if not thousands.

"Understood Comrade Jasmine. I must thank you and your people again for all which you have already done, and are still to do. Before you have arrived, we were but a small tug without sail, caught in open oceans. With you, we have hope. And hope… Is a powerful weapon."

[OOC: This segment was co-authored with The Cardwidth Islands]

Above the skies of the East Ysterfontein Sea

Captain Asmait Hulyan was woken from his slumber by a voice shouting from near the cabin entrance, "Arvan minutyn ankhaaruulga!" (Ten Minute Warning!). He opened his eyes and shot a nod into the general direction of the Payload Master who shouted the command, indicating the 'Noted' part of the conversation. As Captain Hulyan's eyes started to slowly adjust to the dim light, his senses were overcome once more by the terrible and deafening roar of the four engines of the C-130 cargo plane in which he had found himself. Luckily, both his eyes and ears wasted no time in readjusting to their situation, and found himself feeling normal and at ease within mere moments.

Hulyan sat forward and straightened his posture, feeling the cargo nets, which he had leaned into, disappear from touch. He slowly scanned the innards of the belly of the metal beast, and saw that his four compatriots had also been woken by the Payload Master's warning.

He looked at each one, and his lips formed into a warm, subconscious smile. He first looked at the Team Sergeant-Major, Warrant Officer Baq Sarran, who also happened to be a lifelong friend, the silent but ever trustworthy Sergeant Doqa Qild, the always angry Corporal Liwas Arbas and the spiritual Corporal Sahill Ruwaid. These men were his team mates, colleagues, friends and soldiers under his command. Together, they formed the team codenamed 'Viper Team' of the Special Tasks Division, of the Vastatia National Defence Force (VNDF).

'Viper Team' was currently travelling in an unmarked VNDF cargo plane, en route to the Ysterfontein archipelago, as the Vastatian government had decided that the VNDF should support the rebellious Ysterfontein Nationalist Front (YNF), by means of supplying them with arms and armaments, and providing their militias with professional military training. To the end of supplying the militias with arms and armaments, the aircraft they were travelling within, was fully laden with surplus soviet era small arms and ammunition, with another aircraft which was following behind a few hundred kilometres, loaded in the same manner. This would not be the final shipments either - as the VNDF has a lot of surplus which it needs to rid itself from.

A third, trailing aircraft was loaded with forty additional soldiers, albeit regular infanteers of the VNDF, who would be commanded by Viper Team, in the assigned training duties of the militias.

Hulyan sighed softly as his mind ran through the action plans for the coming months, knowing full well that despite only playing the role of an advisor, trainer and logistics coordinator, that it will be a dangerous game to play, in a very dangerous place, against very dangerous players.

He felt quite nervous, although he would never show it or admit it, though nervous nonetheless.

Despite the obvious reasons for his nervousness, the real reason was a bit more hidden within secrecy. The current hidden mentality of his government was the true reason for his nervousness. The Vastatian government had the policy of throwing a lot of weight behind a certain group once they decided to support them via proxy, by openly supplying tons upon tons of material, and thousands of men to the cause.


This time however, their mission was completely and utterly conducted in secret, with false identity documents issued and having all VNDF identification symbols and tags scrubbed from everything.

The amount of armaments and soldiers supplied to the cause were also considerably less than normally, to ensure that it all remained below the radar. Hulyan knew what this all really meant - that if things went south, they would stand alone, with no possible help from the mainland.

Despite it sucking badly, Hulyan could understand the reasons behind this cloak and dagger approach, although no one would ever openly admit it - the Vastatian government feared a Port Emberian response.

The nations of Vastatia and Port Ember have held a very long history of open conflict, which have lasted on and off for the past seventy years, and the last time that they bumped heads - Vastatia was left with a very bloodied nose, so to speak, and proved beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the tropical islanders 'had the desert nation's number'. Thus, it was obvious that the Vastatian government could not allow an opportunity to pass where they could establish influence in a nation so close to their arch enemies, yet it had to be done in a manner which did not provoke outright open conflict.

The time for fear and doubt had passed however, as the time to act like true professionals had dawned.

Captain Hulyan subconsciously tightened his grip on his rifle's pistol grip when he looked out of the small round circle of the aircraft, and spotted the lush green valleys of the islands below.

[OOC: This segment was authored as my puppet Vastatia]

Last edited by Ysterfontein on Tue Sep 07, 2021 1:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Radictistan » Sat Oct 02, 2021 11:02 pm

Roughly 240 parachutists were divided between five aircraft. Two of those carried the Pathfinder Company[i] and the Rangers filled the other three. A platoon of combat engineers was divided between the two companies in addition to the combat controllers. Those onboard the lead aircraft began to wake from their flight-induced lethargy and ready themselves for combat.

The Rangers and Pathfinders were to perform a freefall jump. Their aircraft would pass over the drop zones at a high enough altitude to stay out of range of any medium AAA but still low enough to avoid the need for supplemental oxygen. The aircrew flew toward the east and the drops were timed to coincide with the astronomical dawn. The Pathfinder Company would jump first, targeting a drop zone about two klicks to the southwest of the objective. The Rangers would then insert to the north. The two groups would meet in the center, the pathfinders having cleared the passenger terminal and the Rangers the facilities on the opposite side of the runway.

As the first of the lumbering transports neared the initial point, the radar warning display in the cockpit lit up with search and acquisition radars from two warships lying outside the harbor. Tonight’s drop would be done in full view of the Port Ember military.

With six minutes to go came the lead jumpmaster’s cry “Outboard…Stand Up!” The command was repeated and passed down toward the front. The two rows of men with their backs to the hull of the aircraft stood. The command and response was then repeated for the rows of men at the center of the cabin.

“Check Equipment!” Activity rustled through the cabin as men began patting down equipment on their own harnesses to confirm there was not a single magazine, ration, or battery even slightly loose. Each man also checked his neighbors so that nothing could remain amiss.

One minute to go. A red warning light appeared at the back of the aircraft as the massive rear cargo door began to open.

“Stand…Door!” The company commander, Captain Hondros, moved aft until he stood as close to the open as was possible without being swept away by the howling air. The light turned green and the Captain became the first to cross over the threshold. Four streams of men followed him to disappear into the night.

Once on the ground the two parachute companies reformed using infrared strobe lights tuned to various frequencies. The Pathfinders began to move quietly through the tall grass, a single scout team pulling ahead of the main body. The paratroopers were going in heavy. Each squad and scout team had an extra grenade launcher attached to the underside of a rifle’s barrel. Every soldier carried extra rounds filled with CS gas.

[1] I goofed. It's called a Reconnaissance Company but the foot mobile elements are actually called Pathfinder Companies.

There will be a Part Two with a few loose-ends to tie up.
Last edited by Radictistan on Mon Nov 22, 2021 9:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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The Cardwith Islands
Posts: 540
Founded: Nov 05, 2012
Father Knows Best State

Postby The Cardwith Islands » Sat Oct 09, 2021 12:42 pm

Setting out from Eensaamfontein

The crew heading to Arendnes had begun to pack and prepare for the journey, and the mission there. More of it was equipping themselves with gear to make the mission succeed than making sure they had the right personal items along. Most of them had brought few truth be told. That was by design as they were properly trained CAIF Team members that knew how to pack minimally for a mission.

In addition, Sholana had added 3 more members solely for muscle, and one of the YSM people who they discovered had spent considerable time in the area they were going. They could also act as a translator and liaison with the local cells friendly to the YSM.

As they were packing, Sterling was going over the boat they had been loaned by one of the locals sympathetic to the cause, or rather the guy who bought it was sympathetic, and the original boat owner was neutral at best. For reasons no one could fathom, some of the YSM guards had decided that the original boat owner was part of the mission and it would be fine for him to lurk around right before the very secret mission took off.
The old native man followed Sterling around as he did his checks, admonishing him on how to properly run such a boat.

The native didn’t know one bit about Sterling, the Cardwithian PAST operative. He didn’t know that he had grown up on the coast, in a fishing village as many Cardwithians did in a family that practically lived on boats. He didn’t know the countless types of boats that Sterling had steered during his time in the Independence War, running Hutanjian blockades and destroying enemy patrol boats.

Those who did know Sterling knew when he had hit his limit, and it was obvious to everyone but that old man. As he again got heated, tapping on one of the gauges in the dashboard on the bridge, Sterling got a look in his eye that would frighten most any gang leader or secret police torturer.
“Oh, I see. That number there, that’s the one I should stop at?”


“This one here?” Sterling coaxed the man closer. Until he was leaning right over a grip bar.

“Yeah. What-”

Suddenly, Sterling had a grip on the back of the old man’s head and he shoved it forward, slamming it onto the bar above the dials. The man stumbled back and away, stunned. There was a large split on the skin of his forehead. Then the blood began to cascade down his face and front.
He fell back, landing hard on his rear.
Sterling stood over him.
“How about now? Should I stop there now, you old fuck!? No one fucking told you to help us, so fuck off with ya!”

It only took Jasmine a couple minutes to come up running, as she had been consulting with Pieter about something nearby to the docks.
She pulled up short, seeing the old Ysterfonteinian bathed in his own blood.
“For fucks sake, Sterling, what did you do?!”

“’s just a scratch over the eyes. Few stitches and he’ll be fine.”

“Look at his age. He could go into shock. You could have triggered something else!”

“What was he even doing around here? We have a priority mission to do and some fideh fuck sends this bossy fucker in here to get in my way? We’re not taking him along.”

Jasmine had calmed down as she climbed into the boat and reached for the old man who was mumbling to himself in fear.
“Well, not now, we’re not.”
She turned to him, lightening her voice.
“Can you stand up? That’s it. We need to get you out of here and patched up. It will be okay.”

Pieter had run up a few beats later. Jasmine fixed her eyes on him, then glanced back at the old man, then at the blood slick on the deck.
“I’m going to have one of my people take a look at him.”
The person she had in mind was not one of the medics of the team. Sterling was right. He had no business being around here, but now that he had they would have to solve this issue. He would have to be dispatched away. Then they would need to concoct a story and shut everyone up.
She handed him up to one of the other ISVC people who had walked up.
“Get a bandage on him, then get him to Leopold.” Leopold was one of the extra shooters she had assigned to the mission.
She turned to some of the others.
“Get me a bucket of water with cleaning solution and rags. Now!”

Pieter looked upon the old bloodied Ysterfonteinian with a glint of shock and anger within his hazel eyes, and felt his hands ball into fists involuntarily. He turned to Jasmine,

"Comrade Jasmine, have you ever heard of the concept of Balaans? It is a core principle of every Ysterfinteinian, past, present and future. It is more than a mere cultural principle - it is spiritual, and an unbending guiding ethic of our people. It is the concept of balance, in every sense of the word. More specifically, as it relates to events here, it is about paying debts. When one provides an action of goodwill, a Ysterfinteinian owes the originator a good deed. The very same concept applies when a Ysterfonteinian has been wronged…"

She had been very indulgent towards Draad and his group’s amateurish tendencies. She had been very patient with the steep learning curve of turning these yokel miners and fisherman into rebels...but this was about the limit for her too.
“Listen Comrade Pieter...I don’t have time for your folksy fucking wisdom right now. Your people let the old codger in here. They are responsible, so take it up with them. We have an important mission that needed to leave…yesterday! Sterling is a professional that doesn’t need some little mascot under foot. He’s one of my top people. If anything happens to your people’s hands that is…”
There was certainly a chance Sterling might not survive the mission, but that was a separate issue.
“ and I are going to need to have a long talk. It’s time to get real now, Draad. We’re not fucking around here. You hearing me?”

One of her people handed her the requested bucket with rags hanging off the handle.

Pieter's eyes darkened and he seemed to forget for a moment the tremendous respect he held for Jasmine and her people, and the absolute necessity of their assistance.

"I certainly will take it up with my people, and they will answer for this. And, be careful Comrade, your disregard to my people's very core, is dangerously close to placing you in the same league as the other foreigners who only pretend to care, but in secret, spit on our identity. And very well - I look forward to this long conversation, because I will personally collect on the old man's debt."

Sterling was still prepping the boat, but he had been shooting death glares at Draad. Now he clenched up, ready to launch up onto the dock and take out the YSM leader. Jasmine, noticing his stance, gave an imperceptible but urgent shake of her head.

“Are you threatening me, Pieter?” She took a couple breaths to get back under control. This would take all of the diplomatic skill she possessed as an advisor. She began to scrub the deck, acting as if she had almost forgotten his presence. Pieter leaned over the dock. She had his full focus. It took her a minute to speak as she was well into her task.

“Listen, I respect your people’s beliefs. I do. I think that I haven’t been very forthwith with how deeply rooted my people are to the Earth and how rich our culture is, Cardwithians that is...I can’t speak for the other ISVC operatives, but they do come from similar cultures...
But with missions like this, all that is not a priority. In this instance, relying on your beliefs and morals is wrong. This is about practicality and expediency. It’s about getting the job done by any means necessary. My fellow comrades on the C…” She stopped. The term CAIF itself was highly classified. “On this team, are well selected and trained to operate in the shadows and that means that we have to do things sometimes that clash with our moral beliefs.
Someone, somewhere, screwed up, and we will have to deal with that, but right now…” She held up the bloody rag in her hand, waving it at him.
“Right now, we have to clean up this mess...expediently.”

She bent back to her work, speaking over her shoulder.
“Comrade Pieter, I’m sorry for that old man. It’s a tragedy, really. He should not have been here, but now that he was...He cannot exist outside of here. Do you understand what I’m saying, Comrade? The greater good of the cause demands that you do.”

Pieter remained silent whilst Jasmine spoke, despite his desire to interrupt her. He did not know what exactly he wanted to say, but his emotions were slowly attempting to assume full control over his existence. He was angry, shocked, scared and hateful, yet he remained silent. Even after Jasmine had finished and posed her question, Pieter remained silent, staring into her very soul, whilst he contemplated every spoken word, every possible reply, every possible consequence.

He wanted to tell her that she was a liar - that she had lost every ounce of connection to Gaia, to the spirits. He wanted to tell her that she has lost her way, her very morality. He wanted to tell her that the dark spirits would soon mark her as their property.

He did not.

"Again, you are sounding a lot like the foreigners who have corrupted these sacred lands in the first place. We are not fighting just to win, girl, we are fighting to save our people. We need to be better than those tainted-ones before us. We have to be better.

Don't get me wrong, I understand fully the seriousness of this mission, and all surrounding aspects. I will ensure that the same mistakes are not made again, that I can assure you. But, you also need to see things from my perspective. There are ways to deal with people - our people - ways which do not lead to further death and misery. Now, I will go and personally erase the 'mistake'. Your people will not be allowed to corrupt an innocent soul any further."

Pieter's hand subconsciously reached for the handle of his machete which was fastened to his belt, and his hand came to rest upon the rough surface as he turned to throw a menacing stare towards Sterling.
"The spirits of these lands know your name now, Comrade.

Jasmine threw the rag down. While she had been scrubbing, she had also had her peripheral vision on Draad. She didn't miss his hand going towards his machete.
She had meant to clean up to show that it was work that was not beneath her, but she had more immediate work to tend to now, that included none of them killing the YSM leader in front of his people.

She casually rested her hand behind her, where her lock blade was tucked into her back pocket. She climbed out of the boat, but a bit of distance away on the dock away from Draad.
Some of the ISVC people, those trained in close quarters combat, had approached at some of the commotion and raised voices. She waved them off. She could handle him on her own.
“Pieter, follow me. We need to chat in private.”
She jerked her head slightly back to the village.

She pointed to one of her people. “Help Sterling clean the rest of that up.”
She began to walk up the dock towards firm land, her ears very in tune to what noises were going on behind her, along with the faces that were following the verbal ruckus, from both sides.
She hoped Pieter was following her. If he wasn’t, she would have to put Plan B for the YSM leadership into action a lot sooner.

Without a word being said in reply, Pieter nodded softly and followed Jasmine off the dock. A group of Pieter's personal bodyguards, who remained on watch on the edge of the dock, tensed slightly due to the developing situation, despite not knowing what exactly was unfolding. Their grips tightened on their rifles, but ensured that they made no sudden movements, as not to escalate an already tense situation.

Jasmine paused, seeing Lauren Ashot, from the VRA, and a member of the mission support crew. She stood perplexed at all the tenseness and commotion. Jasmine spoke quietly into her ear:
“No matter what happens here, make sure that you all take off on time. I want everything loaded up and you all gone by H-Hour. No. matter. What. Let Sterling know. Tell him ‘Abamete’. He’ll understand.”

Jasmine continued on, finally stopping at one of the storage sheds. A YSM man stood nearby.
She angrily waved her thumb back towards the town,
“Clear out! This is private.”
When he reluctantly headed away, she stepped inside, leaving the door open for Draad, and immediately spun around in the corner, planting her feet in a ready stance.

The moment Pieter entered the shed behind Jasmine, he immediately identified her stance as an aggressive fight-ready one. His brow formed a deep frown,
"You wish to fight? I agreed to solve this shitshow, to which we both own ownership in fault, for the sake of the mission. Where it matters, I will always heed your advice. But I am not your puppet - if I have a differing opinion, I will voice it. You will not silence me. I expect you to respect me enough to give me that freedom, in the exact manner in which I respect you."

She raised up a bit, her chin angled directly at Draad, but still clenched and very angry.
“You respect me?! You fucking talk to me like you did in front of everyone and you think you’re respecting me? You called me ‘girl’.” She spit it out like it was something foul on her tongue. She debated smacking him hard with an open hand, but decided that would likely be counterproductive and his reaction would probably cause her to make the decision she was leaning towards. He needed an out, but he still needed to learn his place in the greater order.

“Don’t you ever fucking call me that word again...or I will gut you where you stand so fast you won’t know what hit you. You think you know about respect and what it means to do right, but you have a lot to learn about respect, Pieter Draad. I own NO ownership in your shitshow. I only claim to be the janitor to it.” She sighed.
“We have done a lot these few days to try and bring the YSM up to the class of Marxist revolutions that have been glorified in the media, and on the many lips of the proletariat around the world, and we can do a lot more, but it’s not been anything close to easy. Now you are actively countermanding my authority and making our operations that much more difficult? You call yourself a true, dedicated socialist?”

Pieter's muscles tensed, almost bracing for impact. This woman had just dared to threaten him with his life. Pieter knew that he was not a professional fighter, but he was strong and hard - a testament to his rough upbringing, and he did not fear death. If this was the way he should go, then so be it.

His hand failed to reach for his trusty machete.

He knew however, that more than just his life was at stake. The entire future of his country and his people depended upon his success, and his success in turn, depended on the cooperation of this new viper.

What truly worried Pieter immediately, was the fact that Jasmine's pure life threatening anger originated from him calling her a 'girl'. The fact that they were about to commit murder upon an innocent, the reason for the name calling in the first place, had no bearing on her conscious.

What the hell did he get himself into!?

Taking a deep, calming breath, Pieter steadied himself, knowing that it was his duty to calm the situation, despite his urge of exposing herself to her viper within.

"Comrade, you are correct, I was wrong in resorting to name calling, which was done in a heated moment of insult and anger. I apologise for that, the spirits be my witness.

And I do respect you, I have treated you with the utmost respect and admiration from the moment you have set foot here. But, I also have self respect. You insulted my entire people, after making the murder of an innocent unavoidable. You have challenged my own authority as well.

But… I know trading arguments will not solve this matter, as you will remain steadfast in your actions. It is clear to me that you do not respect me, and in a manner I can understand that. I have not earned it, and thus I have no right to claim it. Very well, I will deserve it in time, I swear it. As for this… situation, I am willing to claim full ownership, and offer you a sincere apology."

Pieter's body relaxed from his previous tenseness, as he extended his hand towards Jasmine.

Jasmine stood still as a stone statue. Her face even more stony if it was possible. She was not still in a fighting stance, but mentally, she could snap into it in a nanosecond. She didn’t fully trust him now to not try to get her when her guard was down, and wouldn’t fully go down.
She held up a hand, but not to shake, but to pause the Ysterfonteinian. Non-verbally telling him to wait. She would not shake to finalize his version of events.

“Three things you need to be corrected on, and I don’t care if you agree or not. You need to hear it and come to acceptance for us to continue working. One, and I don’t want to have to explain this again...I didn’t do a damn thing to create this situation, I’m only reacting to it...and really, even Sterling reacted as only he would, because he’s a trained, cold killer to the depths of his black heart. In my line of work, you have to keep those people around you, and hope they don’t turn on you. He didn’t even kill the old man, but...let’s get back to that later…Point is, a mistake was made by someone, and pointing fingers won’t help clean up the mess. You have to get down in the mess and do what is expedient for us to move forward.

Two. I do respect you. You see things as black and white, and that is going to be a hindrance to you moving forward. It becomes more evident with every interaction we have. You need to retrain your brain to think on more levels. There are many levels of respect. I respect what you did to gain the trust and loyalty of your people here. You are a natural leader in many respects, but not in the way you need to be to lead a socialist Revolution in the face of adversity. You have to be more willing to crack some eggs. We’re going into some dark, dark…” Her face seemed to mirror that darkness she was describing, as if to punctuate her point.
“...pitch black territory here, and you have to forget some of what you believe as right and wrong in order to achieve the ultimate goal...The goal being you in power, over a socialist republic here in Ysterfontein.” Or anyone willing to work with the ISC on our terms, she thought to herself.

“You think you hate me now, just wait, Comrade. We haven’t even begun to get our hands dirty. I have lived most of my life on that dark path of survival, Pieter. You’ve just gotten a taste now. This is the other, unpleasant side of leadership in a land under siege. You’re not running for town secretary here, Comrade. Politics is a dirty, bloody game, even when you don’t have to kill to get to the top. But guess what? You do. You think that’s black, but it’s not, Comrade. It is a gray fact, because ultimately, you’re working for a brighter future for your people. You just have to get your hands dirty to do it.

I’ve said it before, and I will say it again. Sacrifices will have to be made, and I don’t mean enemy sacrifices...
My people going on that boat to Arendnes? Likely they won’t be coming back. So your little revenge plot there against Sterling will come to naught because I expect the Port Emberians will do your dirty work for you. This team has like a less than ten percent chance of making it through once that hammer drops on the fat target and the true shit storm begins. They know it, I know it, and now you know it. That, Comrade, is sacrifice for the mission.”

She had become less stony and more expressive as she wound into her diatribe. Still, she was well prepared to snatch out her lock blade knife in an instant.

“Three. The old man you want to take care of yourself out of some sense of duty and traditional honor? Well, I’m sorry to say that as we have been speaking, that has already been taken care of by my people. The orders went through and my people follow them. Maybe I should have allowed you to do it, as it's one of your people, but again, I had to do what was right and expedient and get him out of sight. Not make a big fucking show of it and trumpeting about your code of ethics.
This is part of cleaning up messes before they get out of control. What you do need to do is clamp a lid down from here on out. Your people don’t speak of this, and no more of them get in my team’s way before they head out of here...which is any minute now. That goes for future missions I might send them on, as well.”

There was more she wanted to say, about how he was very replaceable, and they would find another group if they had to in order to accomplish their goal of another base inside fascist and royalist territory to continue to spread the Revolution. The ISVC was now committed to this theater of operations, and it would take a very scathing and dire report from Sholana before they would pull out. That didn’t include reporting a non-cooperative socialist rebel group, because in ISVC command eyes, a revisionist group was just an obstacle to overcome. More personnel would be sent in to do the job the YSM might not do. In any case, that was a bit too much for him to process now. She could tell how overwhelmed he was already. Although he did need to hear the things she had said.
“Do you understand where it is that I am coming from?”

Pieter lowered his extended hand when he realised that Jasmine had made peace with going to war with him. He offered the white flag, she burned it. He accepted this reality.

The more Jasmine spoke, the more he realised that he had hopped into a bed filled with vipers, and any sudden move would have him filled with betrayal and venom.

He did this. In an attempt to rid his world of exploitative and vile foreigners, he had invited the most vile foreigners into his very home. The future has been sullied. In a mere second, Pieter started to fear for his life.

Every single last word which was now spat was evidence to this fact in Pieter’s eyes, and he knew that he had to play his part, just like attending a masquerade ball, in order to save himself, his people and his country.

The final straw came in the form of the announcement that Jasmine had the old man killed by her own men, something which he explicitly forbade, wishing to solve the problem himself instead. The foreigners would kill the man in a vile, unceremonious manner, which would turn his remains into a dark spirit, filled for eternity with a thirst for vengeance and misery. Pieter alone knew how to stop this, and they robbed him of it. Jasmine proved without a doubt that she was not here to help Pieter, but to assume control herself of his nation.

Pieter's body flinched involuntarily from the spiritual blow inflicted, but he remained silent, thinking things through carefully. Every word had to be chosen carefully if he was to correct his mistake.

Finally, Pieter nodded softly as he replied,
"I understand."

“Fine. Now...Now we clasp hands, Comrade Draad.” She held hers out, finally.

Pieter reached for Jasmine's extended hand, forcing a weak smile as they shook.

"I must be going now, I fear. I shall depart to take care of business. Ysterfontein will enter a new era of progress."

"Tell me, mistress, will you come back right after you take care of… whatever needs taking care of?" Sylvie Klima’s apprentice knows that when she leaves without him, it’s usually on an assassination job. Beyond that, he had no idea who the target was or what she had to do.

"Yes, of course.”

“Good. I will make sure none of your stuff will be touched while you’re gone.”

Sylvie smiled at her apprentice's initiative, knowing exactly what to do while she herself was away performing her supporting role in the mission. She collected her rucksack of gear, including components for various types of disguises, and marched to the rendezvous spot where the other members of her team would be present. She was a last-minute inclusion in the departing party and had to prepare with haste. She resolved to speak with Abrar soon about the possible lapse in communications.

As she arrived, she noticed three other people already there, one of them told her she was late. She ignored what was said and walked straight to the boat.

Magnar looked at the tension ongoing near the boat from afar. He was still packing his equipment. For a moment, he could see the situation escalating. Sterling waved around an old man like a bag of potatoes. The YSM people got a bit agitated. Their leader rushed to the scene, as fast as he could. Jasmine was there too. "Would she be able to handle the situation ?" asked Magnar in head. "Yes, most certainly she could. Easily. She most certainly had seen it all."
He felt unsure of all the YSM people that glared at the situation. Some were handling their weaponry with a bit too much agitation. For a moment, one of his hand kept coming and going between the inside of a weapon box and his bag while he kept his other one on the handle of a gun in his leg holster.
Without really looking around, except by brief moments in the direction of the pier, he acted as if he was totally absorbed by the box of weapons that he was half looking into. He was trying to hide the best he could, the tension emanating from his entire body. The clipping of the magazines he was preparing was largely covered by the general noise. But to a trained ear, it was clear that he was getting ready for an unwanted outcome. From time to time, while he was getting back on her feet, he continued to glance briefly at the situation on the pier. He could see some of the ISVC members rallying around, without most of the YSM volunteers noticing the net closing in on them.

For a moment, he searched for Kerttu. She was ready for anything, walking at a regular pace on the pier. Like she was just passing by, carrying some equipment. Her obvious target was the group of bodyguards that were surrounding Pieter Draad, the leader of the YSM. In case things were about to go south, they could be a direct threat to all ISVC members, especially to the ones that were standing on or next to the boat. He could guess that her eyes were constantly on Jasmine, looking for any signal, any order to proceed or to step back.
Magnar could also see that most of his "colleagues" had noticed that the situation could lead to a confrontation with the YSM. All had, one way or another, grab a weapon, or put themselves close to cover. "It seems to be a hell of a start" he told himself. It was the first mission of nanbans among the CAIF teams of the ISVC. "It would be a shame if it would go this way" he thought. Kerttu would probably have answered that "Circumstances sometimes impose themselves on you. You have to go forward, no matter what."

As fast as the situation had become tense, as fast as the things settled. Not that there was anyway it would go back to normal. More than everything came to a stand still. Jasmine made a clear gesture, that most certainly only ISVC members perceived, to stand down. She proceeded to walk away, closely followed by Draad. Kerttu had stepped back, pushing herself away from the people walking off the pier, to finally join him. She sat down on a wooden box, turning her back to him.

They talked about the "new mission". She had proposed to take his place, because "she was more experienced in this". Magnar had laughed at her antics. He too was a killer. He couldn't tell her the gist of it, but he too had had his share of operations where he had had to use his weapons. Death was certainly not as familiar to him as to her. He had simply answered her with the classic "orders are orders". In order not to offend her, he had added that after all, his talent for building caches, managing communications and the logistics of a combat group behind enemy lines would also be very useful for this operation. Most of all, he had enjoyed reminding her that she should stay behind to train the "YSM brothers and sisters." She had simply sighed before turning away, whispering to him without turning around, loud enough for him to hear, "Try not to die, old man".

After weighing down his bag, he stationed himself behind her.

"Will you help me carry the crate you are sitting on to our boat?"

She stood up without a word. She bent down to pick up one side of the crate. He did the same after putting the bag on his back.

They carried the heavy crate, trying to avoid the swarm of YSM and ISVC volunteers milling about. Several times she swore in her native language at those, whoever they were, who didn't bother to move away fast enough.

Arriving near the boat, they set the crate down on the dock. Other ISVC members slid it toward them before carrying it into the bowels of the ship.

"Try not to die. I don't want to have to face your family and say useless words to them," Kerttu said suddenly.

"I will do my best," replied Magnar. "The mission is dangerous. We know what is at stake. But nothing is decided. It is not said that we will pay for our daring with our lives."

"Är du redo att välja hur du ska dö?" she asked him after a silence.

The sentence was a clear reference to one of the motto of the Forest Rangers, the unit in which she served before joining the ISVC. He could roughly be translated into "Are you ready to choose your way to die?"

"Not really", he answered.

Before he could add anything, she turned to him with a face that scared him for a moment.

"You should think about it. Its always easier to choose your way to die. Not only because there is no shame in doing so. Especially for yourself. You have to be ready."

"I will be", he answered, trying to stay calm in front of her.

"Stay scared, that's what will keep you alive. Don't trust anyone. And remember, Me tulemme ottamaan ruumiisi heidän paholaisen käsistään."

He paused and looked at her. "What's the last one, äiti ?"

She chuckled. "Äiti" is a finnskanian word that is used by kids all over Scanianska to say "mother". She resumed her cold and threatening look. "It means that we will come back and take your body from their devil's hands. Whatever happens, you will come back to us."

"Vapauden tietä tasoittavat marttyyrien uhraukset", he said. She smiled again. It was another motto, from the beginning of the Soviet Union while the nation had to fight so many enemies, at home or abroad. A darker one. "The way of Freedom is paved by the sacrifice of martyrs'.'

"Marttyyrit eivät koskaan kuole, he elävät taistelujemme kautta", she whispered.

"Martyrs never die, they live through our struggle" he said out loud. "I'm ok with that."

They hugged.

He took a step aside, jumped on the deck of the boat and shouted "If I die, avenge me, sister."

"I will," she replied as she walked away. After a few steps, she added, murmuring to herself "We will bring them suffering, death and desolation, my brother."

Lauren Ashot had steadily become aware of quite how in over her head she was. When the news had arrived that she was to join the mission, Andrew Wilson had argued vehemently against it. Of course, this had just made her want to go more but she had quickly lost track of quite what was going on. She just helped with the loading as best she could and kept an eye out for Sterling.

When the man appeared, Lauren approached him with a timidity which would have shocked those who knew her well. She had noticed the commotion and it had not left her with an overly positive opinion of Sterling. This was especially the case as she still bore a long, unpleasant scar across her forehead - the ever-present reminder of the time a policeman had slammed her head against the roof of his car during a protest, an attack uncomfortably similar to what Sterling had done to the old native.

“Comrade…” Lauren greeted Sterling nervously, though she did well to keep it from her voice. She had left her khaki VRA greatcoat in the care of Rachel Smith, the political officer who was officially responsible for the Vionna-Frankenlischian quartet. Instead she wore a rough khaki shirt over a black thermal vest and combat trousers. Her hair was dark auburn and came down to her shoulders when it wasn’t tied back. “I’m to tell you: ‘Abamete’.” She tried to pronounce the word as Jasmine had.

Sterling looked her over, as if they had never been introduced. He grunted in reply, then decided to add to that.
“You did well enough. It’s a code, but also a town on North Cardwith. Has to do with something that happened during the War. She wants us to head out as soon as possible. Probably because of what I just did.”
He continued to look the very young woman over once more. She was pretty...for a white girl. But that wasn’t his main focus. Why had Sholana picked her for this mission? She was too innocent and likely inexperienced. He was a bit perplexed at how he was supposed to utilize her skills. A matter to ponder for the journey.
“Get your stuff stowed away.”

Lauren nodded and dutifully replied, “Yes, comrade.” She did not have much to be stowed, only some basic personal equipment. Those possessions that she had brought with her had been left with the other Vionna-Frankenlischians for safe-keeping. She was proud to have been picked to come along, though she couldn’t quite guess why. A test, perhaps? “No Saturday job, that’s for sure…” She muttered aloud.

Sterling only grunted again in reply.

Jasmine and Pieter left the shed with a better understanding and some sort of an agreement on where they stood with each other. As they got to a junction in the trail back towards the docks, she startled as she saw the old boat owner, very much alive, being propped up by Chike, a Mubatan on the Team, and a YSM woman, heading away towards a larger shack to get out of the sun.

Leopold was walking in her direction, then nodded as he spotted her and continued towards her.
She stopped, very eager to hear how this situation had turned to its current state.
Before he could say a word, she spoke first.
“What the fuck happened? I thought you were going to take care of him and clean up.”
She pointed up towards the old man and those assisting him.

Leopold glanced back over his shoulder.
“Oh, yeah. Oh! Yeah, so...I thought they made a mistake bringing him to me. I sent him over to Joselin to get patched up.” Joselin Naruntga was one of the team medics, a nurse by trade.
“She put some stitches in him; we washed him up; sending him on his way. He’s not babbling incoherently or anything. Big headache and still a little dazed. He’ll pull through all right. Tough old mariner.”

She stared daggers into him.

Leopold looked worried, peeking over at Pieter. He tilted his head over in the opposite direction, off the trail, and began shuffling that direction. Sholana followed.
He looked again to make sure that Draad hadn’t followed and then lowered his voice.
“Look. Two of Draad’s goons were sticking close by. We couldn’t shoo them off without making a bigger scene. I couldn’t do my shit. We had to play along. I can take care of him later when this blows over and they stop following me and him around.”

Sholana/Jasmine raised her hand up, ready to squeeze her temple, but at the last minute just ran her hand through her scraggly hair in frustration.
“Fuck! Fuck me...fuck shit balls all to fuckin’ hell and back! There is no later, Leo. You’re leaving on the boat, remember?” She let out in an angry whisper.
The irony had hit her quick that had this all happened earlier, she wouldn’t have even needed to have that confrontation with Pieter in the shed. This gaslighting man who threatened her then took umbrage when she reacted to his threats, now had more leverage over her and had ultimately gotten his way while she had to contend with everything she had to do in order to get him to accept the situation of her people killing one of his...all for naught. It was maddening.

Leo shrugged.
“Well, then, of the others takes him down. Don’t really matter…”

She snapped out of her racing thoughts.
“No! Leo. Don’t let the old man leave. He needs to go on immediate lockdown. He talks to no one, but now he needs to stay alive. Nobody says a fuckin’ word about this. Now!”

Leo didn’t bother to speak. He nodded as he began to sprint up the trail towards where they had taken the wounded old man.
Jasmine turned back to Pieter.
“So...circumstances have changed. Your man lives. You want to prove yourself to me? You keep him locked away and he talks to none of your people but you until we hear what happens in Arendnes. Agreed?”

"Yes", came Pieter's response. "I have a 'secret' prison of sorts available."

Without a further word, Pieter broke off as he walked towards the old man. With his back turned, Jasmine could not see the massive smug smile which found home upon his face.

“ Bye.”
Jasmine watched for a moment as he walked away. She would still need to work on Plan B, as everything from today was far from settled and she would never have Draad’s full cooperation going forward. She was certain now that he had been determined to absorb very little of what she had said in that shed. She went to find Winnie. They had to plan for a world without Draad.

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Port Ember
Posts: 1394
Founded: Dec 06, 2017
Left-Leaning College State

Postby Port Ember » Mon Nov 01, 2021 10:19 am

North Ysterfontein Sea
Off the coast of the City of Pilgrumsrust
Sector AC
Equinian Militia controlled area
West Ysterfontein Island

Onboard the PES Sharon

Able Seaman Helion Dinghof let out a mighty yawn just before sipping on his mug of strong coffee, with one eye constantly lingering lazily upon the radar screen, which has not changed status for the entirety of his watch. However, Helion closed both of his eyes temporarily as he rubbed them, which has turned heavy and itchy from staring at the dimly lit screen for such an extended period.

Helion loved his job, for a variety of reasons. One reason, which was a bit too vain to openly admit to anyone, was the fact that the general society back home placed much honor and prestige upon any person serving within the Navy. The Port Ember Security Forces Navy has always been considered the pride of the nation, and it's members, consequently, badass heros. Thus, besides garnering some form of respect and honor to the members and their families, it had a secondary, slightly more important consequence, at least in Helion's eyes - chicks loved them a navy lad. Helion was still young and 'untaken', so having this small unspoken advantage when trawling the pubs back home, was a very nice advantage card to hold on to.

In fact, the Navy was so steeped in tradition, history, glory and honor, that in most circles the only occupation considered to be more prestigious than serving within it, was being a bootstrap millionaire.

Despite all of these benefits, some days were harder than others, with today being no exception. Especially when your job is a radar operator like Helion's. Sitting glued behind a radar screen for four hours in the middle of the night, between the hours of 0000B - 0400B, might not sound like a very difficult task, but it was soul crushing and mind numbingly boring. Tonight however, there was a slight difference, as the Captain, Lt Commander Gerald Hunthea, was on the bridge, which was a strange hour for him to be present, not normally being on deck during these quiet, boring times. Unless he was expecting something which he had not shared with anyone…

As if on cue, the radar bleeped gently as target dots lit up on the green screen. Peter nearly choked on his coffee as he tried swallowing and speaking at the same time.

"Captain, Radar Contact."

Lt Commander Gerald Hunthea puffed out a cloud of smoke from the cigar before he responded in his habitual calm tone,
"Aye, Radar Contact. Radar Report?"

Peter remained staring at the screen as he started giving his verbal report to the Captain, word for word in sequence according to the drills which he has practiced, and executed countless times before, as this very vessel was a veteran one,
"Aerial Targets detected, moving from East to West; Grid 1275; Altitude 23 000 feet; Speed 500. No transponder active. Requesting permission to attempt radio contact."

Gerald nodded as he listened to the report, glancing at his wrist watch, forming a soft smile on his lips. The incoming aircraft was at the precise position at the precise time which he expected them to be. Gerald was informed of an incoming air convoy tonight, and was given the details of when and where they will be, as well as where they would be going. This was top secret intel, so he did not distribute it to the crew, instead remaining on watch himself, to ensure that his ship let them through, without attempting radio contact, which could give away their positions, or in the worst case scenario, be shot down by his crew. He was glad that the Radictistanian air convoy was professional enough to ensure they maintained their planned schedule, thus making it obvious to Gerald who these blips are on his radar screen. If they were early, late or off course, he would have been forced to jeopardise their mission.

"Negative, maintain radio silence with targets. I am aware of their presence. Friendlies in our AO. Stand down but continue to monitor."

"Aye Captain", came Helion's response, doing exactly that.

After making radio communication with the other vessel part of the blockade, the PES Edward, relaying the same command, Gerald made communication with the Capital ship of Naval Group Rapier, the aircraft carrier PES Gudfrey, which was docked all the way down south in the port of Arendnes city.

"PES Sharlene hailing PES Gudfrey on Secure Net 147."

"Go for the Gudfrey. You have the ear of Commander Scott Miela."

The fact the Commander of the Naval Group held the bridge at this ungodly hour meant that the entire naval group considered this mission as vital as Gerald did.

"Be advised, Operation Western Lights is a go, according to schedule."

"Roger that Gerald. Continue monitoring."

Commander Scott Miela turned to his Communications Operator once he set the radio down into position,
"Let the boots know that their mission is a go."

Few Kilometers South East from City Limits
Sector AC
Equinian Militia controlled area
West Ysterfontein Island

Team Hotel: Port Ember Security Forces; Task Force 79; Bishop Scout Unit

Captain Declan Fiera's radio suddenly let out two very short, very subtle squelch blops into his left ear via the earphone lodged into his ear. This was the code phrase sent from the PES Gudfrey, informing the team that the Radictistanian parabat insertion team was approaching their drop zone according to the plan which they had shared with the Port Emberians beforehand. This small, nigh impossible to detect radio communication method was short, simple and effective, and clear to understand.

Captain Fiera's squad has been tasked to provide overwatch for the incoming Radictistanian parabats, ordered to ensure that they did not walk into an ambush between their dropzone and the airport on the city's outskirts, which was the main objective of their allies. Their allies were not aware of their presence or their orders, making them the unseen guardian angels, so to speak.

The team was situated on a nearby jungle covered hill, which had a perfect observation point of both the planned dropzone, and the airport. They had entered their hide the previous evening and have blended into their surroundings perfectly, becoming one with nature.

Fiera and his squad could not wait for this mission to end, as they had finally received word that they were allowed to withdraw back to Arendnes upon its conclusion, for a breather, having been in the Area of Operations for weeks, and a lot longer than they were supposed to be.

For weeks they have patrolled the jungles on the outskirts of Pilgrumsrust, ambushing and silently killing off the Equinian Militia's patrols, ending up with a kill rate of over a hundred unlucky souls. Despite their massive success rate, the team were slowly starting to lose morale, as it has been an arduous mission. The team only moved at night, spending every humid minute of sunshine undercover, not allowed to move a single muscle, no matter how painful and strenuous it had become. At night they shifted their position, never remaining in one location for longer than a day. They had to execute constant anti tracking and anti observation techniques, which served their personal security well, but it was exhausting when doing this all every day for weeks on end. Furthermore, as they have been in the area for longer than they should have, their rations have long run out, forcing them to live off the land. Luckily, this jungle was nearly identical to the one in which they grew up and conducted all of their training, so they knew everything which they needed to know. They knew what to eat, what not to eat, where to find what they needed, knew how to create some natural remedies to repel or cure the bites from the various cursed creeping crawlies surrounding them. Also, the team had managed to make friends with a native hunter who owned a remote hunting cabin, where they could unwind safely for a day every so often, finally being able to actually cook their food and smoke a cigarette. It was the small, simple things which one had to abstain from during operations which got to you.

But with the allied aircraft killing distance high above the jungle canopy, their period of reprieve was in sight. Once they got back to the capital, no one would bother the Jungle Eaters, no military, law enforcement or civilian entity would dare to expect them to abide by the standard base routine, leaving them to sleep, drink, party, explore or whatever other shenanigans they would like to execute. Afterall, who would bloody well dare get in the way of the single squad who has breathed life into the ancient folklore of the Kalach-Cha?

♤ And my proudest work - Hydra Industries - I created all my own military equipment.
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Posts: 3065
Founded: Nov 21, 2008
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Radictistan » Sun Dec 12, 2021 4:31 am

At the first checkpoint one Ranger squad broke off and began moving east. Their job would be to watch the road leading into Pilgrumsrust and ambush any reinforcements which might come from that direction. Both forces reached their final rally points and deployed into line.

By tradition airports are built in relatively flat areas. This naturally made it hard to place the objective under direct observation. The only great location for an OP was just a bit too far out of the way to stealthily occupy within the tight attack schedule. The Pathfinders had miniature unmanned aircraft as part of their standard TOE loadout and one of these was duly readied for flight.

A strong arm sent the micro aircraft into the humid air. The RPA was a day-only asset but this close to dawn and with some of the airport lights turned on this was not predicted to be a major handicap.

There were about ten aircraft parked on the apron which ranged in size from 19-seat single props to midsize private jets. Six appeared to be possibly airworthy. One of the jets was being fueled.

Dozens of people milled about, some of them armed. It was impossible to tell if these were organized militia or just desperate people trying to protect their stuff. As far as heavy weapons went only a few GPMGs could be made out, not all of them manned, and one twin anti-aircraft mount.

In the north two of the Ranger rifle platoons would form the assault force. The last rifle platoon would be held in reserve and the weapons platoon kept together to form a fire support group. The company commander huddled with his platoon leaders. Mortars were assigned sectors of fire well away from the large airport fuel tanks and the parked aircraft.

Now came the moment of truth when the Radictistanis revealed their presence. Two of the engineers had assembled a loudspeaker which, connected to a field telephone, now shattered the comparative quiet of the night.

Was the message understood? Was it believed? There was no time to consider these questions. Every passing second was another second in which the attack could be preempted with a barrage of fire.

The Rangers began moving. They would not shoot until someone forced their hand. The result was an eerie display of all the elements of a semi-deliberate attack in progress - except for the shooting.

A few shots rang out. The Rangers hit the ground and searched for the threat. Soon the crackle of AG1 rifles was added to the noise cocktail. The machine guns spat several bursts at a high angle before settling in to the task of suppressing the most potentially dangerous targets. The mortar teams worked their pieces as fast as they could, one round beginning its trip down the barrel almost as soon as the last completed its own journey up. The anti-aircraft gun was quickly engulfed by small clouds of shrapnel. The mortars ceased fire.

The Rangers bounded by squad. Before them was pandemonium. Noncombatants ran in all directions, sometimes overturning cooking stoves or other potentially hazardous materials. Others, gun in hand, recovered from their temporary paralysis and either attempted to flee or began shooting back with varying degrees of effectiveness.

The number of bullets in the air ebbed and flowed. Whenever someone decided it was worth dying for their county the noise level increased. When the locals decided it was better to drop their weapon and go prone the noise level decreased. In any event most of the fire was coming from the Radictistani side. The real danger would come when the Rangers reached the somewhat manicured grass inside the perimeter fence. In that case even an ill-equipped, untrained, and panicked enemy could draw blood.

That they managed to do. Private First Class Hamid Keif was hit by multiple gunshots while crossing between two storage sheds. One round went into his neck to make him the first Radictistani to die in Ysterfontein.

Four or five of the Ysters eventually managed to form something resembling an organized resistance. They took cover behind a twin prop and engaged the Radictistanis with a modicum of discipline, knowing at least to stagger their fire. They were able to briefly halt the advance of 1st Platoon. Not knowing the fuel state of the parked aircraft, the Radictistanis held fire except when certain of a hit.

The Lieutenant commanding shouted into his radio and after a short delay one of the company sniper teams engaged the threat. Two of the shooters under cover were quickly dropped by single shots. A fireteam flanked the aircraft and neutralized the threat, but not before two more Radictstanis were wounded by their fire.

The engagement did not end so much as it fizzled out. Eventually the Rangers ran out of targets. The people remaining outside the passenger terminal were either not resisting or dead. There was no attempt to catch those who fled; the objective here was capturing an airhead, not destroying an enemy.

The Rangers halted just south of the runway and went to ground. With the Pathfinders sweeping through the terminal it was unsafe to continue engaging in that direction. Instead the Rangers consolidated. Those who had fired on Radictistani forces were placed under guard.

The Rangers had suffered one fatality with six others wounded. It would take time to determine how many of the local people lying on grass or pavement were noncombatants. For now all that could be said was that the blood of dozens of dark-skinned bodies now soaked the tropical soil.

They would be joined by others, for the fight continued elsewhere.

The Pathfinders had a more protected route than their SOCOM counterparts. They bounded between overgrown shrubbery, parking booths, and drainage ditches.

The passenger terminal was a single level structure of glass and concrete which lay perpendicular to the runway. Like everything else it had seen better days. A critical number of windows were smashed or entirely missing. The inside had probably been looted weeks or months ago.

The platoon of Senior Lieutenant Jakob Freyer was selected to storm the terminal. With only twenty-three men split between three teams and a headquarters section it was quite small for the job even after being reinforced with an additional team. With this he was responsible for the most dicey part of the mission. The ROE made normal force protection measures nearly impossible. There would be no torrent of gunfire to suppress the defenders. Neither would the Pathfinders take the safest means of entry - blowing a hole in the building’s side.

Well, Radictistani officers weren’t paid to complain about the mission. They did it or died trying. While the rest of the company shifted east to take up support-by-fire positions, Freyer led his men through the preparations for the attack. Every grenade launcher in the platoon was double-checked to ensure each one was loaded with the right non-lethal round. Each man removed his gas mask from its canister and secured it over his face.

"Gas on my mark!” he shouted over the din. Three seconds later he commanded "Mark!" A solid volley of 30mm grenades arced through missing and shattered windows. The Radictistanis moved into position to the sound of panic as the terminal began filling with noxious gas.

They assaulted the building. The relatively open entry and arrivals hall were swept quickly. Most of the squatters were unarmed or dropped their weapon upon seeing the large, organized force against them. From time a burst of fire rang out to mark the wrong response to a demand for cooperation.

The task became slower and a lot more dangerous when the Radictistanis reached the myriad of smaller room on either side of the hall: restrooms, lounges, shops. Every corner and doorway threatened instant death.

The Pathfinders split into half-teams of three. A similar process now repeated itself. While a third man pulled security, two others swept the room. Most of the time things went well; the only result were a few frightened squatters.

But not all the time. Sometimes, mistakes were made. A broom held at an inopportune angle led Corporal Jozef Baloch to implant, with two small movements of a finger, memories which would haunt him for the rest of his life. Private First Class Winstrup was shot in the thigh while moving to enter a room. He was pulled back before his partner lobbed a grenade inside to end the fight.

Despite their myriad handicaps, the Radictistanis could not be stopped. Room-by-room, they methodically reduced the opposition to nothing. With the terminal secure, Lieutenant Freyer activated a smoke marker and tossed it through what used to be a window. Bright green smoke rose into the air, announcing that the Pathfinders had taken their objective. It had been costly for the platoon. Corporal Poliakov was dead, having received several shots to the chest at near fisticuffs range. Nine others were wounded.

It was now time to take stock of the new digs. Those who had resisted before surrendering were corralled into a employee breakroom inside the terminal. The other refugees were allowed to go about their business so long as they stayed out of the soldiers’ way. The Rangers and Pathfinders didn’t have the time or manpower for crowd control.

The infantry created a hasty defensive perimeter around the secured airport. A modest amount of digging would harden the airport against any plausible counterattack until reinforcements arrived.

Air controllers climbed the control tower to inspect the systems inside while combat engineers examined the condition of the apron and runway. The Ilyushins were tough and could tolerate a lot of rough handling but a major hole in the concrete would still cause a crash – with potentially disastrous consequences for the two companies trapped in the theater without hope of resupply.

The findings were mixed. The instrument landing system was clearly inoperable. The local non-directional beacon was still transmitting – with the help of some very scary repairs. The Radictistani transport aircraft would have to fly a non-precision approach using the NDB. The rising sun made this possible, but still dangerous. The men on the ground couldn’t dwell on this, however. There was too much to do and not nearly enough time.

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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Radictistan » Sat Jan 15, 2022 8:04 pm

Two hundred nautical miles behind the lead echelon, another Ilyushin was preparing for a special mission. The Ilyushin’s ability to carry a small payload of bombs was put to good use with repurposed cluster munitions now holding paper leaflets. Corporal Jonkers’ first official task had been to translate the text from Radictistani into the local language. There was just one problem. While he had primarily spoken his native tongue at home with his parents for years after emigrating, he had left the old country too young to have learned to write it with fluency.

Elements of the Armed Forces of the Grand Duchy of Radictistan have entered Skatkus Province in order to safeguard the lives and property of the people of Ysterfontein. Radictistani forces will take responsibility for the airport and other vital buildings in Pilgrimsrust. Radictistan has no territorial designs on Ysterfontein. Radictistan invites the cooperation of all parties interested in peace and the shared prosperity of all of Ysterfontein’s inhabitants. Please do not interfere in Radictistani operations as lethal force will be used in self-defense.[1]

The pamphlet bomber dropped its payload over the city in two salvoes for maximum coverage. It remained on station to act as a radio relay.

The first landing echelon brought in the maneuver companies and staff of 364 Light Battalion. The lead battalion was to immediately move into the city to introduce themselves to the locals and establish order. In the long run the Radictistanis would be scattered throughout the operations area in mostly company-sized garrisons. For now the focus was on establishing a secure presence in Pilgrumsrust. Therefore, unlike the rest of the brigade, the men of the battalion were landing fully kitted out and task organized for combat.

There was a hush of anticipation as the first transported entered its short final. The flare maneuver rose heartbeats along with the aircraft’s nose. Calm was only after restored after the aircraft had fully touched down and was through the majority of its landing roll. Another aircraft touched down every three to four minutes.

The first order of business was to make contact with whatever passed for civil authority in the city and secure the essential infrastructure – power, water, communications. The battalion formed into two columns with the north column consisting of B Company, the RSTA platoon, and elements of the Heavy Weapons Company. The south column had A Company, C Company minus one platoon, battalion headquarters, and the rest of the heavy weapons. Enough vehicles had been flown in to mount the 1st Platoon of C Company which was to follow the south column as a mobile quick reaction force.

The south column’s ultimate objectives were the municipal government building and police headquarters with the water treatment plant as a waypoint along the way. The north column would proceed to the telephone exchange and the government radio station.[2]

Karol Jonkers found himself zeroing the sights on an AG1 under the close supervision of a lantern-jawed company armorer. As senior translator he had been placed with the 2nd Platoon of A Company now acting as advanced guard for the south column.

The march into Pilgrimsrust was unsettling. The Radictistanis had purposely renounced the element of surprise. Every literate person in the city (how many were there?) knew the Radictistanis were coming and, more or less, what they were up to. The western boroughs were a maze of corrugated tin shacks, cinderblock walls, and streets doused liberally with refuse. It was a familiar sight for those who had fought in the Norcustsur blutstats. Those had been full of perfect places for an ambush. This was too.

The so-called streets were lined with people. They stared at the foreigners through empty window holes and from behind flimsy market stalls. The soldiers warily looked back. Any one of these people could suddenly pull out a weapon or set off a suicide bomb.

It was surreal to be here. The people looked like him and spoke a language he could mostly understand. But they were as alien to him as he was to them. As much as he might look and talk otherwise, he would always be a foreigner here. There would be no joyous homecoming. He gripped his rifle a little tighter as dark thoughts turned back to the thought of his future survival.

Out the corner of one eye he thought he saw…

[1] I have no clue what the proper syntax would be so I can't deliberately butcher it.
[2] I assume they have radios in Ysterfontein.

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The Cardwith Islands
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Postby The Cardwith Islands » Fri Jan 28, 2022 9:24 pm

Eensaamfontein, Aleenstaan Province

Sholana (Jasmine) had sought out one of, if not most senior on the CAIF team, one of the wisest of them for sure. She had sounded him out on other matters prior to this mission and found him a willing ear and astute colleague.

It didn’t take too long before she found Winston ‘Winnie’ Walton. He was set up in one of their dilapidated shacks, instructing a group of young Ysterfonteinians. The oldest could not have been older than their early 20’s. He had a bamboo board propped on an easel that he was writing some basic socialist-Marxist concepts on. It was more pictures and diagrams than words, which was probably smart to bridge the language gap even though most of these people spoke basic English.

From everything that Sholana had seen, these people needed to be schooled in back to basics ideology of what they were actually fighting for. Their leader didn’t even seem to grasp the intensity of the struggle.

Winnie looked up at her, dropping his hand that had been in process of pointing at the board.
She put on a sheepish look, which she felt anything but,
“I hate to interrupt, but I need to borrow the Comrade Colonel and bend his ear.”

“Of course,” Winston Walton smiled and shakily buttoned up his tunic, a weathered museum piece which still bore its original insignia - in particular a colonel’s tabs and boards, the emblem of the 54th Infantry Regiment, and the impressive gleaming metal of St Stannislav’s Cross at his breast. A leather holster at his left hip carried a heavy revolver and its dark metal had been polished to a dull gleam.

The man himself was unassuming. Spectacles aided bright green eyes and his hair, though grey, was still shaggy and showed little threat of thinning. He was rarely found without a thin-lipped smile, though those who knew him were well aware of how serious he could be when the situation demanded it. At seventy-three, Winston was about as old as the Worker’s Socialist Party was willing to risk, but he had begged for the opportunity to serve one last time and the Party could hardly refuse him where others had been accepted. So he was here in Ysterfontein, not regretting his choice at all.

“To what do I owe the pleasure, comrade?” He asked Sholana once they were away from the classroom.

She sat down on a tree stump, it was large enough to fit both of them and she motioned to the other side.
“I’m worried about Pieter Draad. I feel that I may have chosen wrong. Or rather, that the YSM chose wrong in a leader. He doesn’t have the steel...the darker needs to lead a revolution like this. We’re about to get in the thick of it and I’m very concerned he’s going to balk, or compromise us, just like he was ready to compromise a mission for some cultural honor. His dedication to the cause is...superficial at best. He’s more a general populist than he is a true Red socialist...

Related to that, I want to know if you have come across any suitable stand-ins among their group that might be a better fit? Perhaps someone who’s well respected in this younger generation?”
She pointed back from where they had walked, where the youth were self-teaching, awaiting the return of their cadre instructor.

Walton stroked his chin as he listened. “Draad… Draad…” He muttered, thinking the man over. He cleared his throat and removed his glasses, he polished them as he spoke, “I don’t know the man well enough to judge his dedication.” He admitted, “and I’m not sure any of my little-uns,” he referred kindly, if slightly patronisingly, to his students, “are capable of taking up the reins.” He looked at Sholana and decided she could scarcely be much older than his students, he recalled himself at that age and smiled sadly.

“I will select some of my little-uns who might be suitable for some kind of leadership, there are a few who stand out. But as for Pieter Draad… Well, this is his country. What tells you that he doesn’t have the- ’steel’, was it?” The old man wondered.

“Draad’s timid nature is what tells me. His lack of grasping practicalities. Time may tell, but they haven’t been battle tested yet. They haven’t really been pushed by the nationalists, and the other factions. They seriously won’t be ready for when the Port Emberians come crashing down on them. Partly, that’s on us. But they just aren’t going to come out very well after their first big clash. Not if things keep on as they have. There’s rote learning, and there’s being mentally prepared...

You say it’s his country, but he doesn’t seem to be very prepared to do what it takes to keep it his country...and if he decides he can’t listen to us, then he’ll never get there.

I’d like an ace in the hole. Some insurance we have someone we can work with here. The ISVC isn’t going to just give up here if we have a faction leader who won’t work well with us, which is why we may need to tap someone else.
Maybe there’s someone a little, um...older than your ‘little-uns’ that you have taken note of around the town? Somebody they mention besides Draad?”

Winston Walton shook his head slowly as he pondered. “Well everyone has their heroes of course. There are always a few names on lips but, personally, I don’t believe half of them truly exist.” He mused. “Draad has a daughter, of course. Sone.” He added, speaking as if merely in passing. “They don’t get on, the girl isn’t exactly old guard after all. But in so far as I can tell she has a good head on her shoulders. It’d hardly be good form though, to replace the father with the daughter.” His head shaking increased in speed as he contemplated the possibility.

Jasmine chuckled at the joke, then her face became serious.
“Wait...Seriously?! Like ‘they don’t get on’ how? You mean they’re estranged? I mean...that might really be perfect, if I could mold her to be…hmmm…Yes. I met the girl only once, and I’ve spent countless hours with Draad, so that right there tells you something. This could work. This could really work. Winnie, I’m glad we talked. You’re a genius, but I think we already knew that…Prof. I will be back later. Don’t keep your students waiting.”

Arendnes, Arendsvlei Province

The hit team bided their time as they watched the main target, General Joseph ‘Red’ Petroska, Commander of all Port Emberian land forces in Ysterfontein, settle in more comfortably into his HQ. They were getting out of their safe window, and they still didn’t have everything they needed yet. Their support team was overdue. The more time stretched, the more at risk they were at of being discovered, and of General Petroska’s security increasing to the point where he would become untouchable.

They didn’t have any way to access outside reports easily. Every communication with Sholana was a huge risk, so they stayed mostly radio silent. Figuratively, as communication would come through a satellite phone or text from a burner cell. That being said, it didn’t take even the simplest of people to not realize that the Port Emberian commitment to Ysterfontein was increasing by the day. More personnel, vehicles and supplies arrived as the imperialists stepped up their presence in order to firm up their hold on poor, chaotic Ysterfontein. All in the name of peacemaking.

Ninki and Gabar stood close by each other, like bookends with their arms crossed facing outward and backs nearly touching.
Adder glanced over them from the other side of the table, really just a corkboard over a barrel, that held the map of the downtown area of Arendnes spread over it.

He wondered about the odd relationship of the two Mubatan siblings, as they seemed almost closer than brother and sister. He’d never been that close with his siblings. The best they did was to not take a swing at each other during holidays. Maybe it was a cultural difference between Cardwithians and Mubatans. He wouldn’t strain himself thinking about it much.
He pointed down.
“This is getting tougher every day. We obviously can’t infiltrate their compound. Not on the fly like this with no time to get together disguises and grab a contractor vehicle. And we have mere moments when the General is leaving the HQ and hopping into a vehicle…”

“It’s a very tough shot. Really we just get the one shot there.” Gabar nodded.

“Right…So, that leaves a convoy ambush once they leave the compound.”

Vale, the Yellowsian pursed his lips.
“Which we’ll have to wait to execute for when the rocket launchers and explosives from the support team arrive in order to knock that plan out.”

Ninki snorted.
“I think that’s going to be a suicide mission…”

It was Vale’s turn to chuckle as he raised his voice slightly.
“This…” He thought better of saying out loud that it was all one big suicide mission. There were no good options for them surviving, let alone getting out of the city in one piece.
“...Never mind.”

Ninki scowled and continued,
“We only have the one sniper rifle and it’s not a good one. Not good enough to make that shot into the compound from that distance anyway…No matter whose hands it is in.” She glanced at her brother.

The whole hit team had done their part to smuggle in various parts for the sniper rifle, to be assembled once they got in place. The only things they hadn’t brought were a stock, which Vale had made from some scrap wood and plastic once they arrived, and a scope, which also would have been too suspicious in their luggage. Adder had recently acquired the scope from local contacts.

Vale had been the one to do the final assembly and machining, and even with his expertise, a turd of a rifle was still just a turd.
“Agreed that we need to wait for a better rifle. That Frankenstein piece is adequate enough for a short distance, but it and precision have never been in the same circle.”

Gabar shrugged.
“Why is this man our target, anyway? There has to be easier ways to throw the Port Emberians into disarray.”

Adder frowned.
“Yours is not to question, only to do.”

Gabar retorted quickly,
“Spoken like a true fash…er, I mean…socialist.” Everyone knew what he really meant. “Follow orders to your death.”

Adder’s face now took on a peculiar look of amusedly provoked as he centered on the Mubatan.
“Yes, Gabar, that’s how this works. We don’t get to sit down and vote on everything. This isn’t a fucking Soviet committee. It’s a team on a mission. Our orders were set from the start.”

Ninki came to her brother’s defense.
“Yes, but the current orders are unobtainable for this mission now that the situation keeps evolving, Adder. Some prerogative of the mission team should be assumed in order to salvage what is left.”

Vale was technically the CAIF member somewhat in charge of this team, although he deferred to Adder in many matters. Throughout the last few minutes he had decided to keep quiet. The tanned, blonde haired man had kept his face unreadable as the other members of the team bickered. Finally, he broke his silence,
“I think we can all agree that we can’t move forward until the support team arrives with the supplies we need. Until then, we keep on recon and bide our time.”

Adder sighed.
“Every wasted hour more that we wait is discovery and mission death. One curious street-wise juvenile or lonely old woman spying on us…One contact pinched in an unrelated police raid. Then we’re toast.”

Ninki added,
“And what if the support team never arrives?”

Vale waved a hand out in futility.
“Then we move forward with what we have and hope our sacrifice can propel the Revolution forward.”

Yster Kanaal (The Iron Channel)

While there had been some nervous conversation as they started out on the boat journey, with the hours waning on, most of the support team had retreated into their own thoughts.

Sterling and Leo chattered on, to the annoyance of some who were hoping for the peace of the whispering waves. Most of what they were saying was unintelligible to the non-Cardwithians, spoken in their thick Wishtonian patois. Even if translated into Common, none of it would be of much consequence to the rest.

Sterling yawned and stretched. They were on a straight stretch of deep water, finally leaving the Eastern island behind as they crossed the gulf to the Main island of Ysterfontein. They would need to refuel soon, and there was a spot picked out where YSM sympathizers on the third peninsula of Swartvlei Province were ready to assist them in that. It was their current destination, but it was almost an hour away still.

He waved over one of the Yellowsian shooters, who went by Kristján.Sterling knew Kristján had a basic knowledge of boats from a previous conversation. He pointed to the wheel and the Nordic man nodded, taking over. Sterling needed a well earned break.

He walked over to one of the coolers and fished out one of the local pineapple brews. Then he sat on the cooler as he itched under his raggedy, hole dotted T-shirt and eyed the Vionnan, Lauren, with something more than a casual stare. It was enough to make all the women on board uncomfortable.

He smirked as he pointed to her.
“Why the fideh dey pick ya, school girl? What possible special skill could ya have for dis mission, eh?”

Sterling’s buddy Leo wandered over as well, smiling. He wanted to be entertained.

Karel Pieterse, the native guide chosen for this mission, looked up at the sudden activities, which were developing in close proximity from where he was seated. Whilst he could barely understand what Sterling had just said to the dame, due to the man's slang and thick accent, he could sense trouble lurking. He did have a basic grasp of the 'common language', and a strong grasp of body language after all. He reached for his tobacco sachet, brushing against his knife and rifle whilst doing so, subconsciously reassuring himself that he could act in self defense should the moment deem it appropriate. He continued to remove the contents of his sachet and commenced stuffing his smoking pipe, keeping one eye fixed on the situation, whilst keeping his face turned away slightly, in order to not attract attention.

Lauren looked up with a half-smirk, though in truth she was terrified. A crumpled mess of a cigarette hung from her mouth and she wondered for a moment if she was really supposed to reply. Her mind whirred for an appropriate response but in the moment she picked the first one that came up. “How do you know it wasn’t for my ravishing good looks?” She lit the cigarette with a match, shielding it from the breeze with her coat. Her first instinct was to come across as cool but Lauren tried not to betray how she really felt, pathetic. Sterling was right, she was just a schoolgirl in over her head. But she’d be damned if she’d give him the satisfaction of knowing how she really felt.

Sterling had reached for a steel lighter to light the younger woman’s cigarette, but she beat him to the punch by expertly shielding her match. With the increased amount of breeze hitting the boat due to their current clip, it was quite a feat to use a match to light up.
He leaned back on the cooler, smiling as took out his own smoke and lit it with the beat up metal lighter. It was a Ruita, a Cardwithian brand. Within hours he would have to toss what was left of the pack and switch to locals so as not to stand out too much.
“Hehe…I don’t know, girl. Ya got me der. Ya are a looker. But tell me what do ya do? What is…your thing? Why Jasmine send you with us?”

Shifting uncomfortably in her seat, Lauren gave the other women on the boat a stern look - a silent chastisement perhaps, for failing to come to her aid. “Uh, I’m fast,” she started to think of potential reasons. “I’m pretty small, I can use a gun.”

Leo smiled wider.
“Pew pew.” He pointed his finger, thumb cocked back, at Lauren, then glanced over looking for approval from his comrade, Sterling, who smirked a little at the joke.

Sterling looked at everyone, then back at Lauren.
“Fast, eh? Sure. I get dat…Why’a look around before ya talk to me, Girlie?” He leaned closer, lowering his voice, “Someone gonna help ya from big bad me? Noooo…No. Ya Gonna be helpin’ us. Dat why ya here, Girlie. Ol Sterlin’ jes tryna figure out how ya help us.”
He stood up from the cooler seat.
“Well…We figure it out. We a team. Good trainin’.”
He walked past Karel as he went to flip the hatch where the motor well was.
“Well…Except for de fucks like dis, Gods know.” He thumbed at Karel when he was turned away.
He flipped the hatch and looked down at the motor in the well, satisfied that it was running smoothly, no off smells or vapors rising from it.
He looked at the Yellowsian woman who went by Sigrún, one of the shooters sent along for muscle. She scowled at him, obviously displeased at his hazing of Lauren.
“Leave her alone.”

“I’m jes playin.”

“She’s not in on the game, Sterling. She will be able to help us, but you getting up in her business won’t give us any better play.”

“Jes back off, Sigrún. Ya not in charge!”

“Neither are you.”

Sterling watched as some of the other support team members were tensing up.
“Be cool. We’re almost at the refuel. Then we at Arendnes.”

Aleenstaan Province

They made it to the refueling spot and most of the team disembarked in order to take rest stops. Sterling waited for Leo to come back, then he left to take care of his own business. He simply didn’t trust anyone else. Not after all that had happened back in Eensaamfontein, and then all the warm feelies he’d gotten on the boat ride here.

The last leg to Arendnes was fairly non-eventful. They blended in with the civilian and fishing traffic as they docked at a remote area a ways from the city center. They couldn’t exactly go into the main docks with the heightened alertness of the Port Emberians. Even the locals here were somewhat competent, unlike most of the rest of the country.

Adder met them as they made their way towards the parking lot of the marina. He wasn’t about to walk out to meet them on the open dock if they were being observed. He had a wide brimmed hat low on his head and was wearing sunglasses. Beyond that, he hadn’t even worried about using prosthetic face adjusters or a cream to change his skin tone to match the locals.

If anyone was paying close attention, they would already spot the polyglot multi-ethnic group that was heading to the truck he sat in and know that this group of foreigners were not your typical fishing crew, but possibly dealing in cargo, legit or not. They were certainly lugging enough cargo to solidify that hypothesis.

Vale sat in another truck parked a few spots away.

Sterling went up by the driver’s side door of the first truck. He looked at Adder and giggled.
“Aw fideh. Wot ya…never mind. Wot we do?”

Adder scowled.
“Shut de fuck up. Half in dis truck. Otha half in Vale’s. Same wit de stuff.”

Sterling nodded, becoming serious again. He understood. Putting all the stuff in one truck and all of them riding in the other truck would bring more attention.
“Fine. Ya got smokes, mon? I had ta throw mine out.”

“Stop fuckin’ around. We bin waitin’ for days for ya fucks! Don got time for smoke breaks…not here. Not now.”

Sterling held up his hand.
“Shit ya. Be cool, mon.”

Within minutes they were loaded up and on their way to the warehouse.

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Founded: Mar 26, 2021

Postby Ysterfontein » Wed Feb 16, 2022 8:08 am

City of Pilgrimsrust
Sector AC
West Ysterfontein Island

Since the very dawn of recorded time, life upon the Ysterfonteinian archipelago has always been a difficult one, for man and beast alike. And for spirits too, should one listen to the tales of the gray and wrinkled elders who claims to be some or other sage-like authority on spiritual matters. Crippling poverty was the personal companion for nearly every citizen, robbers plotting their next ambushes from within every second blind corner, neighbors cocking their hunting rifles in reply to some or other slight, family members sharpening their pangas in response to an unforgivable spiritual offence, men armed with shovel to defend his blood against an starving cousin, a community armed with stone and whip staring at a non-caring police force, children suffocating upon lead and blood as a result of a monarch’s bad mood, witchdoctors plying their demonic cursing trade… And then one did not even yet venture out into the dark, mysterious, ever present jungle just outside the walls.

No, life in Ysterfontein was not easy.

For the people trapped within the city of Pilgrumsrust, native and foreigner alike, this mantra now rang more true than ever before. The roughly 200 000 native inhabitants of the city have been living in constant fear, as prisoners in everything but name for the last 22 months, under their foreigner overlords – Equinian miners who have overtaken the city, the province and the rich diamond fields by force, running it as if everything within the geographical area had belonged to them by right of birth, and they – the natives – were nothing more than an obstacle, a nuisance, or a possible resource, or at times – a form of entertainment. There was some immediate kickback of course, with the fed up and stubborn nature of the Ysterfonteinians making for easy recruitment, scores of men banding together overnight, applying pressure and force upon the invaders. Unfortunately, these brave souls had access mostly only to their personal hunting rifles, whilst never receiving any form of military training. Furthermore, ideological, political and spiritual differences between key figures in the resistance led to a splintering in their united front, in turn spilling into open armed conflict amongst one another. This made for easy pickings by the united Equinian Militia.

Furthermore, except for the minority of brave resistance warriors, the majority of the city’s inhabitants felt that they were hunters of four legged beasts, with no stomach to spill blood of two legged beasts. More importantly however, they had no hope. Their government – their Queen, has not made a single aggressive step towards their liberation – and thus they feared that should they unite against the Militia, and should lose, the foreign scum would retaliate against their innocents and defenseless, with no reply from their Holy Queen. Thus, they kept their heads down, remained humble, and allowed the sporadic slights and bouts of violence, robbery, rape and slavery to go unpunished. This was the Ysterfonteinian way after all; they have suffered from foreign oppression for most of their history. Besides, their Holy Revered Queen was now dead. What point was there in life now?

However, a scent of change was hanging in the air, mixing slowly with the clouds of tropical humidity, being carried on the soft breeze atop the tree tops, rustling within the evergreen leaves. A new group of foreigners had arrived upon the islands, promising change, peace and prosperity, much like all the vile traitorous foreigners from before. However, the Ysterfonteinians had known these folk a tad more than the others, as they were geographical neighbors so to speak, their archipelago nestled a few hundred kilometers to the south. The natives knew them as the Dragon Folk, whilst the world knew them as Port Emberians. Within a few months of settling into the capital city of Arendnes, rumors had spread that they were indeed helping the downtrodden Ysterfonteinian people, slowly creating economic opportunities, repairing dilapidated infrastructure, bringing forth electricity and fresh water to the city, curing the sick. And a few days ago, the Dragon Folk had finally allowed the influence of their claws to reach their very city – apparently cursing such a great threat with words, flybys with jet craft, and blockading the ports with massive warships, that even the fearless demons known as the Equinian Militia were left with no choice but to tremble.

In a mere instant, without firing a single shot, the 100 000 strong army of miners and oppressors were defeated, splintered from a single entity into a mass of frightened goats, whipped into a frenzy in their attempts to escape the island and in turn – the Dragon’s wrath. The natives boarded their doors and windows, taking refuge deep within their small homes as the city turned to chaos around them. The Militia abandoned their posts and duties, turning to mass lootings and attempts to escape by any available ship or plane.

Then, suddenly and without warning, unknown men from the sky landed upon the Pilgrimsrust Airport, unleashing a terrible thunderstorm of gunfire and explosives, which echoed over the plains of the city below the hill. No one knew what was going on, except for the fact that people were busy slaying people in a grand spectacle. The natives stowed their beloveds underneath or behind any piece of furniture which could provide shelter, whilst praying for deliverance. The city was scared, more than usual. When the morning sun settled just over the horizon, more aircraft appeared above the sky, this time not dropping men, but letters. Thousands upon thousands of papers littered the already littered streets.

Elements of the Armed Forces of the Grand Duchy of Radictistan have entered Skatkus Province in order to safeguard the lives and property of the people of Ysterfontein. Radictistani forces will take responsibility for the airport and other vital buildings in Pilgrimsrust. Radictistan has no territorial designs on Ysterfontein. Radictistan invites the cooperation of all parties interested in peace and the shared prosperity of all of Ysterfontein’s inhabitants. Please do not interfere in Radictistani operations as lethal force will be used in self-defense.

This gave a name to the new foreigners upon their islands, within the city. Radctistanians. The locals immediately dubbed them ‘The Rats’, due to the way the name was pronounced in Common with an Ysterfonteinian accent. Whether this newly given title was a form of endearment or disgust, remained to be seen.

As the Rats moved their military patrols within the City, a mass of locals lined the dusted, potholed streets to observe these new players. There was no emotion involved. No anger or hostility. No warm smiles or welcomes, as no foreigner could be trusted at this point no more.

City of Pilgrimsrust
Sector AC
West Ysterfontein Island

Captain Sarel Jonkers
Ysterfontein Nationalist Front

The night of the Assault on the Airport

Moments after the massive firefight broke out at the Pilgrimsrust Airport, a young Ysterfonteinian lad burst into the home of Captain Sarel Jonkers. The jong lad, Jakobus, nicknamed ‘Jakkie’ amongst friends, had barely seen 17 miserable years upon these realms, and whilst his mind was still young, those seventeen hard years had sculpted a strong, muscular physique. Out of breath, Jakkie blabbed, “Airport is under siege, New fuckers. Radictistan.”

Sarel’s light brown leathery forehead formed into deep frown lines, which have formed naturally over the long years of frequent practice. Intelligence reports had indicated that a new player was about to set foot on their doorstep, but no one expected it to happen this quickly, and at least, not so brazenly. “Very well brother, call the chiefs to the Hole, and do so urgently.”

Sarel grabbed for his utility belt which rested on the shoddy coffee table in the lounge, which contained an old 9mm pistol originating from the soviet era, and his trusted panga. A panga was basically a localized version of a machete. This one was once handcrafted by his father ages past, the thick and sturdy handle crafted from wood, the blade made from steel, thick and roughly 40cm in length. It was a working class item, with nearly every respectable Ysterfonteinian man owning one. It doubled as a tool and a weapon, used to clear paths through the thick jungle foliage, harvest edibles from the land, and severs the heads of one’s enemies, whether they be two or four legged. Sarel took a last look at the interior of his home before closing the door, and a soft smile formed on his time weathered face. For a foreigner used to a stable society, what he saw would be considered shameful, but for a Ysterfonteinian, the radio, crumpled leather sofa set and neat dining table were the hallmarks of a king in all but name.

It was not always like this for Sarel. A year ago he was but another dirt poor scavenger of sorts. Like many others, he had hunted his own food from the jungle, supplying himself with decent food, whilst selling off the rest of the meat and skin which he could not use before being claimed by rot. At other times, when opportunity arose, he would freelance as a tracker for strange foreigners who visited these parts in an attempt to brave the dangerous jungle and take home a trophy, to show off their bravado to their friends back home.

Then one day, he had stumbled upon a large gathering, where folk listened to a man speaking loudly and angrily, igniting passion, pride and anger. Sarel knew the speaker well, a man who he had grown up with, a man who had hunted with before ample times. The words of his friend and compatriot were tugging on his heart strings, and just like that, Sarel was loyal to Jaco Retief and the ideals of the Ysterfontein Nationalist Front (YNF).

Jaco promoted Sarel to the rank of Captain, not due to any level of competence, but due to his personal loyalty and zeal towards the cause. Furthermore, this rank had meant nothing to anyone outside of the YNF of course, as they were but a kindling resistance group, but he took his rank and status seriously none the less. This rank came with a title, Commander of Operations: Skatkus Province.

Since his appointment, the Equinian Militia had maintained firm control over the area, and the YNF did not yet have enough power to engage them in a open fight, and the HQ had decided that they should not yet commence a guerilla campaign. Instead, Sarel was tasked to form several hidden cells within the city, all led by pre-approved Cell Leaders, who recruited their own cell members themselves, and continued to conduct surveillance operations within their area, at all hours of any given day. These reports were then passed on to Sarel via the Cell Leaders, and he passed it on to HQ in turn.

This suited Sarel tremendously of course, as his only job was to meet with his Cell Leaders once a week, pass on the information, and spend the rest of his time relaxing and enjoying the benefits of a steady salary, making more money than he could shake a stick at. All at the cost of almost no risk or hard work. Dream job to say the least.

This had changed recently, with the arrival of a covert special operations squad hailing from the sympathetic nation of Vastatia, who had come with weapons, equipment and knowledge. Sarel were part of one of the first to receive training in covert operations, and he applied his new found skills vigorously. Despite feeling professional and competent at times, he felt content in slacking off most of the time, allowing the money, and improved quality of life, to simply roll in. The Cell Leaders under his command had a busier time than him of course, as they received training not only in covert operations, but also a crash course in guerilla warfare, specifically ambushes, sabotage and improvised explosive device construction & utilization. These Cell Leaders had to train their men as well, naturally. Jonkers on the other hand had to focus on meeting with his inferiors once a week, pass on their surveillance reports to HQ, and live like a king. This was not his fault entirely of course, as HQ’s orders were clear – let the cells train and surveil their areas of responsibility. No direct action, not yet.

And as always, things changed dramatically once more in a heartbeat. The arrival of the Radicstanians meant that everything was about to change should no action be taken, especially since the Port Emberians had recently caused the Militia to rupture into an unorganized shitstorm. The YNF felt that they should bide their time, allow for the Militia to withdraw completely, and quickly grab power within the region, thus capturing an entire province without bloodshed. The arrival of these new players however, comprised their plans, and jeopardized the larger picture of their campaign to grab ultimate power within their nation. This could not be allowed to pass unchallenged.

Sarel made his way through the dark streets, finding many folk to be standing outside of their homes, half hunched, listening to the firefight occurring at the airport on the city’s outskirts, as if listening to the sounds so far away would inform them what exactly was going on. Due to there being no street lights, and only a few homes in sporadic order containing interior lights burning from either candle light, or the ever rare personal generator, splashing dimly into the streets, Sarel could not avoid stepping into a water puddle regularly, compliments from the afternoon showers. Although this could not be avoided, it did not bother him, as the leather boots he was wearing was doing a good job in keeping his feet inside dry. Many of the few people he observed outside of their homes, either standing and listening within the streets, or were stumbling home from a drinking, gambling or prostitution den, were armed with either hunting rifles, pistols or pangas, which came natural when living in a lawless city, and thus not a single soul glanced twice at Sarel for being armed or active at this time.

After walking for roughly fifteen minutes, making countless left and right turn offs, Sarel entered a large log cabin, deep within the maze known as the city’s western borough. A large neon signboard was announcing the establishment as the “Hole” to the world, a popular and quite profitable prostitution den. Unbeknown to the world however, was the fact that the place was owned and run secretly by the YSN, and served as a source of income, intelligence, meeting hall for operatives, and a safehouse for the organization. The YSF had set about establishing, or procuring, many such public establishments for the same reasons, all across the archipelago.

Sarel entered a “employee only” room through a door behind the bar, and took a seat at one of the old round poker tables, cracking open a trusty pineapple beer as he did so, which he grabbed when moving through the bar area.

It did not take long for the 8 Cell Leaders to arrive within the room, all armed much in the same fashion as Sarel, except for two lads armed with hunting rifles instead of a pistol. Each one of them was also armed with a pineapple beer.

Without wasting time on introductions, Sarel commenced their meeting. “A new foe had arrived upon our shores, and they are actively engaging at the airport. Intelligence reports that it’s folk from Radictistan.”

“Rats?” came the reply from one of the lads armed with a rifle.

“Aye, Rats.”

“Wasint that lass a Rat? You know, that one whom one of our boys murdered a while back?”

Another replied, “Aye sure was. Part of that prospecting fuckers?”

Sarel interdicted, “That does not matter now, and it won’t matter ever again. As I instructed you before, that incident never occurred. Never. If I hear one more tongue confessing its knowledge, I will personally separate that tongue from its traitorous mouth.” Sarel glanced over the room, to be met with silence and hasty nods.

“Now…” Sarel continued, “Back to the real matter at hand. The Rats are capturing the airport as we speak, thus cutting off a vital escape route for the fleeing Equinian Militia. The only other route now left is across the ocean, which is blockaded by the Port Emberians. As far as I know, the Port Emberians are allowing the Equinians to leave the country at will, but only after a thorough search and seizure, and possible arrests of persons of interests. This is making them nervous, and made air travel a better bet. The Rats have killed that option, so we must assume that some of these scumbags will feel forced to stay around and blend in, instead of risking it against those warships. We are now facing a very real threat of having these shits bunkering down and claiming refugee status or some other political lie. This cannot happen. We need to make sure that the Equinians rubs the Rats the wrong way, and quickly. We need them to stoop into open warfare. This is the only way we survive.”

The next hour was utilized to discuss action plans, orders, contingency plans, logistics and operational security measures.

After all this time, finally, Sarel will start earning his salary for real.

City of Pilgrimsrust
Sector AC
West Ysterfontein Island

Andrè Swartz
Ysterfontein Nationalist Front

The morning following the Assault on the Airport

Andrè Swartz was the cell leader of one of the unnamed YNF covert cells operating within the city of Pilgrimsrust, in command of thirteen footmen – covert operatives of the Front. However, Andrè knew that calling these lads operatives were a bit of a stretch – or rather a form of wishful thinking, as these men were all basic, run of the mill citizens. Bakers, butchers, hunters, trackers, mechanics, lumberjacks, gamblers and the like. Add the fact that they have received industry related training for a maximum period of three months – and then you would have an idea of how unready these folk really were for playing the game. The plus side however was that the Front’s main enemies – the Ysterfontein Socialist Movement and the Equinian Militia, were just as undertrained and armed. The Port Emberians and now the forces of Radictistan were on another level, but things would have to sort themselves out in time.

Despite all the negative factors playing against them, these guys did have the opportunity to get into the right mindsets at least. Over the past few months each bloke were operating in such a manner of thinking, that every living thing in the city wanted to kill them. This allowed them to practice their newly gained skills, day in and day out, all while slowly building intelligence networks and mapping out a broad intelligence picture.

Now however, things were about to get a lot more serious, as Andrè’s Cell was given the order to make the first open move against the newly arrived Rats. The plan seemed simple, in principle at least. There would surely be a patrol moving through the city at first light, after their surprise arrival, assault and victory at the airport last night and it is then that they needed to walk into an ambush. The aim of the ambush was quite simple, there was no need to eradicate them, as chances were that they would most probably survive and kill off the entire cell, as they were obviously trained and experienced like bloody bosses, and the YSF would then gain nothing. Instead, a quick and violent dose of good news could possibly mean the death of one or two Rats, with the YSF lads disappearing into the city’s underbelly, and wait for the orders of round two. Again, the aim was not to defeat them militarily, yet, but rather show them that the city was hostile. After they had gotten this idea firmly ingrained in their heads, the YSF would make them believe that it’s the remnants of the Equinian Militia dishing out the good news, and this in turn, will force the Rats to start hunting down the Equinians, who in turn would start repaying the good vibes, and before you know it – pure chaos and bloodshed. Simple stuff.

Spotters in the streets and on roofs had taken up position all across the western borough of the city at the crack of dawn, and like the good little puppets they were, the Rats patrol entered the city, with the spotters relaying this information with large smiles.

‘Spike’, one of the footmen within Andrè’s Cell was manning a flimsy market stall on the side of the road, stocked with pirated music albums and movie DVD’s. He was informed via two way radio by one of his spotters about the incoming patrol, and he was sweating profusely, in part due to the early morning humidity, and in part due to insane stress caused by the knowledge of what he was about to do. His stall was situated on a corner of a long street, and a short narrow street, which dragged on for about 15 meters, where it connected to a parallel long street. This was a perfect spot for what he was planning, as he had an unobstructed view of his street, both northwards and southwards, whilst also having an unobstructed view of the side connecting road, which was flanked by a mash up of corrugated tin shacks, complete with old cinderblock walls. At the end of this side road, he could see a clear glimpse of the north/south parallel road.

In a clear sign to Spike that the Spirits were sponsoring his mission, the Rats patrol was moving through the city, on the north/south street parallel to his stall. He was flapping for a moment, knowing that if they chose his street to move through, that his plan would have to be abandoned. As Spike was staring down the narrow side street, he saw the first uniformed soldier appearing through the opening on the parallel street, and despite it being too far way to be absolutely certain, he surely had the look of a native Ysterfonteinian lad – not at all like the other paleskin rats.

There was no time to think it through as Spike sprang to action, ducking down to one knee, grabbing the loaded RPG-7 stashed in the crates below his market table. He assumed firing position using the table as a dead rest, looked through the old soviet styled flip up sight, placed it in the general direction down range, where more Rats have now appeared, and squeezed the trigger.

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Postby Radictistan » Tue Mar 08, 2022 9:18 pm

Nothing. It was nothing. Jonkers continued in pace with Second Platoon until something small whizzed by and a shop stall to his right exploded. He felt something slash across his face, like a metal rake swinging toward him at high speed. His right hand flew to his face of its own accord and the motion sent him tumbling to his knees then his belly. The hand was bloody when he put eyes on it next.

The Paras kicked down doors and other obstacles to get out of the line of fire and into the surrounding jungle of tin and cinderblock. A soldier grabbed Jonkers by the shoulder and pointed him towards cover. He ran to a nearby shack with sections made from tin panels and cinderblock. It took only moments to get through the door behind a soldier with an LMG. Inside were a prematurely aged couple and three grimy children. They cowered in a far corner.

“Watch them,” the machine gunner said brusquely as he stuck the barrel of his weapon, a heavy-barrel variant of the standard AG1 rifle, through a gap in the wall.

Jonkers made momentary eye contact with one of the children, a boy perhaps eight or ten years of age, maybe younger but stunted. The child’s dark pupils quivered along with his lip.

Only minutes before he could never have imagined becoming an object of fear. Was it simply the uniform and the way he had entered their home? Or did his darker skin bring back memories of atrocities committed before by people he had considered neighbors?

The front of the column’s main body was only 250 meters behind and would surely have heard the blast. The Lieutenant commanding Second Platoon still sent in a contact report as per the SOP. He began moving his fireteams forward by bounds. The momentum of the advance had to be kept up. With no further shots coming in the Radictistanis were still operating under a tight ROE. There would be no application of firepower without a clear, hostile target.

A fireteam[1] from Third Squad had been deployed to guard the left flank. They moved as quickly as was prudent toward the sounds of action. They caught a brief glimpse of a figure running with what appeared to be an RPG before he vanished into the warrens.

[1] Six men. One LMG, rest rifles.

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Posts: 11
Founded: Mar 26, 2021

Postby Ysterfontein » Sat Apr 09, 2022 6:06 am

City of Pilgrimsrust
Sector AC
West Ysterfontein Island
Andrè Swartz
Ysterfontein Nationalist Front

André was running like his life depended upon it - which factually - it did. He had just fired a RPG round into a Radicstistani patrol, and they were understandably quite upset at this notion. He had not paused to confirm whether his potshot had claimed any casualties, and the thought was immediately shelved to ponder at a later time - It did not matter at this moment. What mattered was that he disappear before being killed, or even worse - caught.

The surge of adrenaline rushing through his veins caused him to experience a focus like he had never experienced before. His vision had entered a sort of tunnel vision. He could physically feel his heart beating and feel his leg muscles working overtime. He could hear his lungs fighting for breath. However, he no longer felt emotion, nor the weight of the RPG launcher slung across his back.

The world around him had entered a sort of slow motion, nearly paused in order to give him plenty of opportunities to plan his next few seconds, despite the fact that he was really moving as fast as a rabid dog on the hunt. He had jumped over market stalls; leapt over tin walls; burst through homes filled with the screams of terror and shock of their occupants; and finally, merged into a crowd a few blocks west of the contact zone.

He forced himself to calm down, slow his breathing, stash the RPG in an abandoned market stall, and pay attention to his surroundings. He knew that even if the Rats did follow him this far somehow, he would be safely hidden within the early morning crowd, combined with the fact that a spotter location was covering the sector just opposite the street from his location.

City of Pilgrimsrust
Sector AC
West Ysterfontein Island
Johan Retief
Ysterfontein Nationalist Front

Back at the contact zone, the citizens on the street during the ambush had made sure to flee into every imaginable direction, not wanting to get caught by any stray round, or by the anger of the Rats. Although the street itself was now nearly abandoned, the ambient noise of a waking slum city could be heard from just the next few streets over. Proof of a hard life. Explosions and death were no excuse for life to come to a pause.

A mere five meters northward from where the RPG round had hit moments before, a rusted carcass of an unidentified car stood wheel less on the side of the road, halfway on the street, and halfway on the sidewalk. It was a fairly typical sight within this borough.

Johan Retief squinted his eyes as he tried to view the scenes of chaos down the street from his broken window vantage point, inside a rusted street-adjacent shack. André, his brother in arms, had done a good job in stirring the pot of chaos, and now it was his turn. He immediately realized that he had chosen a terrible outpost location. He could barely see the patrol outside, let alone if they were close to the broken down car or not. It was too late to change positions now, and he could not risk going outside and getting spotted. So he simply had to have a little faith. The car was very near the RPG contact zone, so it was possible that the Rats were still close enough to the car, after all. He knew he could not hesitate, and thus he pressed the dial button on his old mobile.

A single breath later, Johan was deafened by the explosion ripping through the air, originating from the car a hundred meters down street.
Last edited by Ysterfontein on Fri Apr 15, 2022 1:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Port Ember
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Postby Port Ember » Sun Apr 24, 2022 7:10 am

Pearly Beach Hotel (PESF HQ)
City of Arendnes;
Sector AA;
West Ysterfontein Island.

Brigadier General Joseph Petroska & Colonel Karlene Nikolao

Colonel Karlene Nikolao, the Port Ember Security Forces Intelligence Officer for the mission in Ysterfontein, was seated within the office of Brigadier General Joseph Petroska, the military commander of the mission, and she did not look pleased. Her tanned cheeks displayed spots of red blushing, but not caused by shyness or embarrassment.

She and her intelligence team had been working their asses off ever since they arrived within the mission area, in order to conceive a plan to rid the nation of the Equinian Militia. All the hard work had paid off when it had worked perfectly, until it didn't. In her mind, her boss, the General, was to blame.

"General, I am going to be straight up with you. I honestly believe that we have fucked the donkey on this one."

General Petroska did not reply verbally, instead cocking a brow in response. Taking the silence as a queue to continue, Karlene spoke again, "I have had my best people on the job, Sir. We collected all the intel which we possibly could with the resources and time available, and it was ample. We had the best analysts, strategists, policymakers, and psychologists on the case. The warning lights I gave were bold and bright."

The General offered a gruff murmur as reply. Karlene pressed the issue some more, attempting to make it clear without any possible doubt that she was pissed. "General, seriously, the Equinians were hastily leaving the island. The scare mongering was working. The foreigners were falling head over heels in a desperate attempt to escape. It would have taken two weeks max for them to leave on their own accord, and victory could be claimed without firing a single shot. The hearts & minds points gained would have been invaluable. Invaluable…

And now, instead of waiting for a measly two weeks, the Radictistanis get the green light to deploy? It is still too early to provide accurate reports, but common sense and experience tells me that the city is now a red hot fuckzone. This type of action is exactly what the Equinians need to regroup and prolong the fight for months, if not years. I find it laughable that the Radictistanis did not realize this before deploying. I find it even more ridiculous that we allowed it to happen, despite us knowing better…

With this idiotic mistake creating a clusterfuck, it casts some serious questions about the competency of our new allies, General, which could lead to centuries more drama if they fuck up any more than they did today."

Karlene was done ranting, and she slumped back into the leather seat, feeling relieved to have been able to vent, yet still angry at the entire situation. She had nothing more to say and waited for a reply from the General. It would not come quickly, as the old man sighed deeply at first, and then continued to fiddle around whilst preparing and finally lighting a thick rum infused Port Emberian cigar.

The few moments of uncomfortable silence which passed had felt like ages, with the Colonel starting to flap internally. Although she had had a strong and cordial relationship with the General for years, she was well aware of what he could do when sufficiently pushed to anger.

"Yes, yes, Karlene, I have taken note of your displeasure. Your reports have been forwarded up the necessary channels, thus any potential backlash will not be directed at you or your office."

"My displeasure is not originating from whether my reputation will be tarnished, Sir. While it is true that Mudeaters do love to blame the Foxes in general for any possible problem in the field, that is not my concern. My concern is the efficiency of this mission."

"Yes, Karlene, I am aware of that, also. Well it is what it is. You just continue doing what you need to, and stop worrying about decisions which are made well above your paygrade. Simple."

"With all due respect, General, you can't just tell me to mind my business and do my job. The fact is, the decisions you make are my job. It influences my job directly. It is my job to advise you not to make such idiotic decisions. My job is being rendered useless."

Joseph let out a burst of laughter. "Look at the size of the balls on you, lass. I have always respected your direct no-nonsense approach when dealing with me. So allow me to return the favor. If it were up to me, If it were my call, the Radicstistanis would not be allowed to land when they did.
Hell, I would not allow it at all if it were my decision. Unfortunately, this is not just a primarily military operation, and thus I do not have the final say. I can advise till my eyes change color, but I can't force anything. And this is what happened. Fact is, our Republic is not experienced in these sorts of operations, and the politicians in charge wanted to learn by trial and fire, just as we soldiers have done over the decades.

Those are the unfortunate facts. So again, Karlene, mind your business and do your bloody job."

Pearly Beach Hotel (PESF HQ)
City of Arendnes;
Sector AA;
West Ysterfontein Island.

Colonel Karlene Nikolao

After her conversation with Brigadier General Petroska, Colonel Karlene Nikolao exited the office and took the lift one floor down, to where her office was situated. She walked the corridors of the old hotel building and decided to enter the Medical Attachment Office, eager to get clarity on some administrative issues.

Upon entering the office, the on-duty clerk jumped from her chair to a standing salute position. Karlene could not help but smile as she returned the salute. She had noticed that most of the lower ranked soldiers on this deployment were mostly fresh, inexperienced soldiers, and they were taking the ceremonial aspects much too seriously. This was not all bad however, as the energy and passion of the youth could be harnessed into a powerful tool.

"Good morning, Corporal. I am here to see Colonel Sprita." Colonel Steven Sprita was the head of the Port Ember Security Forces Medical Health Services attachment for the mission. He was also a man who Karlene did not have too many favorable opinions about. In her opinion, he was a good man, but a bad soldier.

"The Colonel is currently on the phone with the Republic, Colonel-Ma'am. He surely won't be too long." came the response from Corporal Denghá, as her name tag indicated.

"Very well. I can wait a moment." Karlene turned her back on the clerk as she moved towards the room's corner, where a stack of chairs and a coffee table rested.

Moments after taking a seat, a piece of paper caught her eye among the stack of magazines upon the coffee table. It took just a quick scan for her to discover that the paper in question was the schedule for General Petroska's planned inspection dates and times to the Field Clinics within the city.

Clinching the paper, she walked towards Corporal Denghá's desk, her face overcome with anger. "What is this?" Asked in a cold tone, sounding more like a statement than a question.

Corporal Denghá forced a smile on her smooth, young face. The same face which had spared her a lot of drama in the past. She did not know why this badass-by-reputation lady seemed so angry, but she knew she would need a shield against what was coming.

"I believe it is the General's inspection program, Ma'am. Drafted up by Colonel Sprita."

"Yes, Corporal, that is exactly what it is. The General's inspection program. Detailing exactly where and when the man will be."

"Yes, Ma'am, that is correct." Denghá's shakey uptick in tone had made it sound almost like a question.

"And why is this laying on a fucking coffee table in the middle of…everywhere!?"

Denghá's face had turned quizzical, not understanding why the Colonel’s voice was raised to shouting. She did not respond.

"There is not even a fucking security classification on this document. Have you no idea on handling classified documentation!?"

"But Ma'am, that is not a classified document? Colonel Sprita made me distribute it to every field clinic, all staff officers, and the Communications Section."

"Comms!? So this shit is going to be leaked to the public!? Are you fucking fucking me!?"

The internal adjacent office door tore open, with Colonel Sprita appearing in the frame. He looked over to Corporal Denghá, who he noticed was moments away from crying, and then over to Colonel Nikolao. "Colonel, is there anything I can help you with?"

Karlene turned to face Sprita when she replied in an icey tone, "Aye Colonel, do you mind telling me why you are a complete incompetent fool and a waste of state funds?"

Steven was well aware of Karlene's temper and decided not to engage her, not like this, despite being insulted in full view of his subordinate.

"Follow me please, Colonel." Steven stepped backwards into his office, gesturing that she should follow.

Once Karlene entered and the door closed behind them, a shouting match ensued between the two, where tempers and insults were plenty and colorful.

Colonel Sprita had distributed the General's inspection plan far and wide, in an attempt to ensure that the Field Clinics under his command prepared thoroughly for the inspection. Also, it was an attempt to garner positive publicity, showing to the native population that the highest ranking of Port Emberian cadres themselves were motivated to help the downtrodden. Colonel Nikolao, on the other hand, felt that it was the biggest threat to the mission imaginable, as any would-be assailant would be handed a road and time map for a very juicy, easy target.

With no compromise being made, Colonel Nikolao slammed the door behind her as forcefully as she could muster, as she stormed off to the General's office. The General refused to buy into the idea of cancelling or modifying the inspection, although he did agree that it was an idiotic mistake, he also realised that he could not lose face with the natives. He also refused a larger than planned escort, as he refused to portray fearfulness and weaken their power standing with the local population.

The inspection would continue as planned.

Garrison Alpha;
City of Arendnes;
Sector AA;
West Ysterfontein Island.

Captain Declan Fiera

A few moments after the break of dawn, a []Hydra Albatross Mk2[/url] helicopter approached the city of Arendnes, flying just above the tall evergreen canopy of the great jungle, with the bright, blinding orange hues of the rising sun hiding the metallic bird in plain sight. The bird came to a rest upon one of the newly constructed helipads contained within the perimeter of Garrison Alpha.

The complex known as Garrison Alpha was a newly constructed base. So new that its construction was still an ongoing process. Not only was it a practical base of operations and training, it was also a powerful symbol of hope and of the future, in a nation where neither were given much shrift.

This base had become the home of 1 Commando Regiment, the first, and so far only, military unit of the newly established Ysterfontein Security Forces (YSF), being trained and equipped by the Port Emberian Special Forces, officially known as Task Force 79. This had also turned this installation into the home base of all Task Force 79 units currently in-country, including both training, and operational forces.

This is why the team disembarking from the Albatross helicopter were the Bishop's Scouts Unit - Team Hotel, just returning from operations in Sector AC where they had given hell to the Equinian Militia, killing so many, and so effectively that the folklore legend known as the Kalac Cha, the mysterious jungle guardian/vengeful spirit, had come to life due to nervous rumor and tavern talk.

The team had just returned from operations. They had now relocated from their previous location at the docks where the PESF HQ was at the Pearly Beach Hotel, to their current location. This was a blessing, as they were now far separated from the Governor and the General, and all the senior diplomatic and military staff officers that went with them, allowing them much more freedom of movement and true relaxation in between operations out in the jungle.

After overseeing the settling in of his team into one of the newly constructed neutech bungalows, Captain Declan Fiera felt very content with their new lodgings. The bungalows were constructed to house 10 soldiers in an open format, with one separate room, designed to house the Section Leader, which was instead converted into the teams lounge; an in-house bathroom; and a secured room to be used as an armory. The floors were tiled and the buildings contained a working air conditioner. It was decent enough for the Port Emberians, but surely a luxurious estate for the Ysterfonteinians.

Declan continued to meet up with Captain Brantley Amika, the team leader of the Task Force 79 Luptaćmento Unit, Team Victor, the officer in charge of training up the Ysterfonteinian lads, and the current Commandant of the Garrison after settling in.

The men embraced in a handshake-hug, being genuinely pleased to see one another, not having seen each other since they left Port Ember months ago.

"Brantley, before we commence the customary busting of nuts, I do want to thank you for your hospitality. The team is very impressed with the standards of our accommodation. It's leaps and bounds ahead of our previous rotten hotel room at Pearly Beach."

"I am pleased to hear that, Mate. I have been getting tremendous support from the Governor in setting up the base, as he has basically supplied me with everything I have asked for, or at least placed it high on the priority list for items not found in-country."

"That's some refreshing news, Mate. Besides all the actual real world benefits for this country, I'm just here to enjoy the solitude away from all the pencil pushers and enjoy the benefits which come with a base being run by a mate who I know has great taste."

Brantley let out a small laugh before replying, "Aye, you bastards are only after the possible open kegs."

A broad smile appeared on Declan's face, "Well that, obviously, and the ice cream I heard, which was just delivered."

Captain Brantley continued to take Captain Fiera on a quick tour of the garrison, showing off lines of neutech bungalows, including the open spaces demarcated for more to follow: Headquarters - complete with signs of the start of a rose garden; three large warehouses which were utilized for the Garrison’s QuarterMaster; a large combined Mess (dining hall), complete with three rank level bars and a Transport Park.

Of particular interest were the security facilities of the garrison, namely the numerous guard towers, and the fence. The perimeter fence was a double barbed patrol fence, four meters tall, electrified, with spotlights at every three meter intervals. The single entrance gate was barricaded with concrete blocks, and sandbags. A large and thick concrete wall was planned to replace the fence in the near future.

At last, the two Captains came to a pause in front of the Helipads - 6 open air pads, with three large hangars behind them. One of the hangar doors stood open, and Captain Fiera's jaw nearly dropped to the floor when he caught a glimpse of what was inside.

"Mate, Holy fuck, is that what I think it is!?"

Captain Brantley did not reply verbally, instead smiling broadly while passionately nodding his head. It indeed was exactly what Captain Fiera thought it was.

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Postby Radictistan » Sat Apr 30, 2022 1:01 pm

The Radictistanis as a whole were fortunate that only one fireteam was out of cover within a lethal radius of the blast. The men of that fireteam were singularly unlucky. Corporal Stuban Vronski, 22 and Private First Class Otto Limner, 19 were killed instantly. Corporal James Parsons, 21 and Private First Class Werner Kulikov, 20 were critically wounded. Six others received lighter wounds including Lieutenant Voss. The flimsy construction of the slum provided limited protection from shrapnel but it could turn a life-threatening injury into something less critical.

Again, the paratroopers went to ground. By now the rest of A Company had nearly caught up. After a brief consultation between the still lucid Voss and the company commander, 1st and 3rd Platoons fanned out across the axis of advance. With all the flank protection one could ask for, A Company could now pick up the pace.

With the MEDEVAC helicopters and other heavy equipment still to arrive in the theater, there was no way to quickly remove the wounded except by the QRF with their barely armored vehicles. The call went out and the Dingos began moving as quickly as they could through the narrow streets.

So far the north column was having a far easier day. A platoon peeled off to occupy the city’s telephone exchange. They didn’t even need to go inside to realize they shouldn’t have bothered. The building was entirely gutted. Everything with scrap value had been ripped out and everything else destroyed by the elements. The Radicitistanis would have to build a new exchange from scratch. They left without even bothering to evict the squatters.

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The Cardwith Islands
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Postby The Cardwith Islands » Sat Apr 30, 2022 2:15 pm

Arendnes, Arendsvlei Province

With the support team’s arrival on scene, things had kicked into high gear. While they took their standing orders from Jasmine (Sholana), Adder was the effective senior Team Leader on the ground. That was causing friction with Sterling, who had been in ad hoc command of the Support Team, and then assumed he would take over the whole mission upon arrival. Fact of it was that he wouldn’t even be considered for second in command, with that falling to Vale, the Yellowsian former RLO operative.

They sat in the second warehouse that Adder had secured, having just settled in. The first one they had vacated hadn’t been compromised, but they had been there too long to feel confident that they hadn’t raised suspicions. The senior most members of the team were gathered on part of the main floor, sitting on crates, benches, or folding chairs.

Sterling was wrapping up another rant.
“We need to move quick…”

“Obviously. Now that you’re here we can do so.” Adder rubbed at his chin. Just because Sterling was a fellow Cardwithian didn’t mean he had more than the basic respect for him. He was competent at the job and downright vicious when needed on mission, but he was a super jag-off otherwise. Sholana knew how to use him effectively, due to all these factors. Sterling and crew, for the most part, had only served as the vehicle for the hit team’s tools.

“Right. I think I made da point earlier. Now, if we jes hold it on de sniping…” He looked at the Mubatan brother and sister duo, Ninki and Gabar, “...which we never get a good chance at with dem Port Emberians being so entrenched nah. We got de rocket launchers…We need ta use em. Convoy ambush.”

Adder shook his head.
“That was always a backup plan. It’s very risky. We will lose a lot of people in the aftermath.”

“But it gets de job done. Fideh! Also, didn’t somebody jes do that to the Rats I heard? RPG attack? Dat our YSM buddies?”

“No, pretty sure it wasn’t. We would have heard.”

Vale interjected.
“Well, that’s assuming Jasmine hasn’t gotten them properly sorted out with cell security. The YSM now is different than when we first arrived here. It’s distinctly a possibility with the new YSM. Just look at their support network here in the capital. Much more organized than I would have guessed.”

Lauren had ghosted in, as she was apt to do, Vale was quickly realizing. He’d had his doubts about this young white woman barely out of her teens that Sholana had sent along, but he was realizing her merits. She slipped a piece of paper into his hands without a word.

Vale looked down at it. His eyes widened.
“I think we have a game changer here. Courtesy of our young Vionnan Red Army recruit here.”
He walked it over to Adder, avoiding Sterling’s reaching hand.

Adder also had the same reaction as he took a hold of it and rapidly scanned it.

“There’s our sniping opportunity. General Petroska’s full itinerary to visit all the field clinics in the greater capital district.”

“I don’t trust it.”

Vale fully faced Adder. The Cardwithian and Yellowsian had worked together for a long time and were usually on the same page about most matters.
“What? Well...alright, I know why, but…”

Adder nodded
“It’s a trap. This is planted. It has to be. They are using this to draw us out.”

Vale shook his head.
“That’s assuming that they are even aware we are out here as a threat. Honestly, the General’s security has been lousy, to be kind. We just haven’t had the tools or info to exploit it fully…And, our security is tight.”

Adder pointed.
“Every day we have waited is another day that one of our YSM contacts was captured and turned. Please, let’s not be amateurish about this. I leave that up to Master Blaster here…” He pointed at Sterling.

Sterling rose up from his perch.
“Fideh! Fuck ya, Pono!”

Adder dismissed Sterling’s challenge with a wave of his hand. He had no time for stupid macho bullshit right now. He focused on Lauren instead.
“Where exactly did you get this? How? I mean…why? Just how?!”

“I just grabbed it?” Lauren replied quizzically, as if it were common knowledge. “They just leave this shit lying around. I could only get this one but I saw more at the other clinics.” She explained, looking sheepishly back at the confused looks. “Go and check for yourself!” She insisted, in case they didn’t believe her, pointing in the direction of the clinics.

Vale looked at the young Frankenlischian woman again. She had the remnants of coal dust still rubbed on her face and hands to mix in with the darker complected populace. He internally was very approving. While it wouldn’t survive close inspection, such camouflage would aid her in blending in. It was shocking what worked in the world of disguise. When people were looking for quick affirmation to confirm the norms, they would accept a lot that wouldn’t pass closer muster. This Lauren knew that. She was a natural. His esteem for her kept rising.
I believe her. Their people are sloppy. They are under the assumption that the locals are so enamored with them that they will throw themselves at the Port Emberians in gratitude. I am not aware that they have done an abundance of peacekeeping missions to grasp the true realities of how most nations like this view interlopers, well intentioned or not…”

Adder eyed his very pale Nordic, blonde haired partner of many years. By appearances, they were yin and yang of each other. Adder was as Cardwithian as his kind could be, and the most dark complected of Melanesians. Vale was very Yellowsian/Eastern Tavlyrian when it came to most things, although with more deployments to third world hot spots via the ISVC, he had tended to shift his thinking over time. By mental temperament, they were like twins in experienced skill.

They didn’t often disagree, but Adder still had this nagging feeling in his gut he couldn’t shake and he was anxious that Vale wasn’t picking up on it.
“Fine, then…How about this? We prepare to hit him tomorrow at the next clinic, but we make a backup plan for trouble. Maybe it will be Sterling’s ‘just blast him’ and run scenario, but we need contingencies, in any case, no matter what form they take. I still can't believe something like this is legit. There's a catch somewhere...”

Sterling grumbled.
“There ya go, fuckah!”
He would take it as a win.

Vale grunted. He scanned the faces of all the other ISVC team members who had gathered, drawn by the argument, lingering once again on Lauren Ashot, before refocusing on Adder.
“Of course…Only natural that we set up contingencies, as long as we have the personnel to man every one of them. I defer to your judgment.”

Ninka nodded.
“I am not sure why we’re even arguing about this. Even if it is a trap set by the Port Emberians, we have to take the chance. We have to go in knowing that it is likely a trap and flip the tables on them. That’s how we’ll make it happen.”

Gabar agreed.
“Yes. All of that. And I’m done with this rotten, putrid city.”
Gabar knew that if they were able to accomplish their mission, it wouldn’t be an automatic ticket home, but it could mean a shift in their workload. He kind of looked forward to lounging about back in the backwater province of the YSM, in comparison to lying in recce with vermin crawling all over him, even if the respite was brief.

Adder smiled as the others of the team chimed in. He beckoned to his old friend Vale to join in on fixing up a mock up of their hit. Any disagreement vanished as they set about to work on the plan to take out the top Port Emberian leader in Ysterfontein and if all went right, bring a world of hurt down on the YNF, the YSM’s biggest rival, to winning over the people and ejecting all foreigners from the isles - Equinian, Port Emberian or Radictistani; along with the added benefit of bringing them firmly into the ISC sphere.

[RP CREDIT also to Vionna-Frankenlisch, Yellow Star Republic, and Mubata]
Last edited by The Cardwith Islands on Sun May 01, 2022 5:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Posts: 11
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Postby Ysterfontein » Tue May 10, 2022 12:54 pm

West Ysterfontein Island
Captain Sarel Jonkers - Commander of Operations: Skatkus Province
Ysterfontein Nationalist Front

Sarel walked as fast as he possibly could without breaking into a run, making a conscious decision not to draw attention from the morning public traversing the streets and informal markets. When one does not want to be noticed, it always feels like the entire world is watching you, even when they are not. This in turn makes you feel paranoid, and you start acting suspicious, and this does draw attention. Sarel was astounded with all the skills which he had learned from their Vastatian allies - many tradecraft skills are actually extremely obvious, should you just pay a little attention.

Once he was satisfied that no one paid any particular attention to him, and certain that he was not being followed, he turned his attention to the everyday hustle and bustle of the city around him. Despite life continuing mostly as per usual, there was a definite tension in the air - an aura of certain doom. The locals knew that the Rats were spreading out within the city, taking control, block by block, and many have heard sounds of battle erupting, indicators of yet more death and destruction. The uncertainty of what the Equinians were planning in response, specifically whether they would accept this conquest with grace, was yet another factor adding to the public's overall stress levels.

Sarel finally reached his destination, an abandoned and decrepit police station which had served as one of several field headquarters for the Equinian Militia over the last year. He could see from the outside that the curtains were drawn shut and no signs of life were visible from outside.

He found that the rusty old steel door was unlocked as turned the knob, opening into a dimly lit room, despite the bright external tropical ambience, compliments of all the drawn curtains and shut doors. Upon entry, the metallic tang smell of blood was unmistakable and overwhelming, and the very first thing he noticed. His eyes then caught a glimpse of human bodies - three - perhaps more, he knew that he would not be certain until his eyes had adjusted fully to the dark room. Even in the semi dark, the massive pools of dark blood surrounding the bodies were unmissable.

Before his mind could soak up more detail, a figure appeared from a doorway to his left, armed with a balaclava and what appeared to be a soviet era sub-machine gun. Sarel had to fight the urge to reach for his holstered sidearm. It's not as if it would do him any good, it was clearly too late.

The figure closed the distance between himself and Sarel quickly as three more figures appeared out of the same doorway. After a moment's pause, the lead figure nodded his head deeply, before he spoke in a hushed tone, speaking in the Ysterfonteinian tongue,
"Captain. It's done Sir. A total of seven dead Moles, with no casualties. Caught them completely off guard."

Sarel's lips formed a soft smile as he replied, also speaking Ysterfonteinian,
"Very good job gents. Now, disappear and lay low until I call for you again. I will make sure that we feed our Equinian Militia contact with the story. A shame really, that the Radicstani patrols indiscriminately gunned down these unarmed and surrendering Militia members." The small smile on Sarel's lips instantly grew larger, much larger. Although Sarel could not see the facial features below the balaclava, he had a feeling that a large smile was hidden underneath as well.

As Sarel and his hitsquad sneaked away from the crime scene he could not help but feel proud of himself and his lads. They all might be complete newcomers to the game of intrigue and war, but they seemed to be doing very well for their first day. Sarel had received word that André's Cell whom he had tasked to hit the Rats patrol were very successful, pulling off an RPG ambush and a car bomb, leading to Radicstani casualties, with none of their own being killed, wounded or captured. Now, despite taking casualties, the Rats were not slowing down their rate of conquering the city, but that was not Sarel's aim, for the time being anyway. He wanted to apply pressure - and that was clearly achieved. What made his day even brighter than it already was, was the fact that he still had a lot of tricks up his sleeve which were to unfold soon.

The Rats were in for a world of pain.

West Ysterfontein Island
Andrè Swartz - Cell Leader
Ysterfontein Nationalist Front

André made his way through the narrow side streets with haste, nearly hugging the corrugated shacks in an attempt to make himself as small a visual target as possible. His fast moving pace would not draw any attention at this time, as the populace of the entire borough were moving rapidly to get off the streets, in an attempt to flee the Radicstani advance, and the firefights which seemed to be following them.

He finally reached his destination, a house on the outskirts of the borough, which were a little more luxurious than the shacks found in the inner blocks of the borough. Although this house in question was also made from tin, it was much larger than its inner borough counterparts, and possessed a tall surrounding concrete wall and a decently sized yard.

All perfect for what was planned next.

No one was sure who the real owners of this house were, but an operative of André's Cell had discovered it to be abandoned for quite some time, and had thus claimed it as a safehouse for their use. André had made the decision that the property would be abandoned upon the conclusion of their next actions, which was a shame, as he enjoyed the soft luxury which it had brought. Such were the demands of sacrifice for a righteous war however.

André found Spike, Johan Retief and four other Cell members in the yard, surrounding two 60mm mortar pipes, accompanied by a couple of prepared mortar bombs resting on the grass next to the pipes. André warmly congratulated Spike for his brave RPG ambush earlier and Johan for the masterful execution of his car bomb. They are officially heroes now.

Without wasting any further time, André phoned one of his operatives still in the boroughs down south, where the Radictstani's were rapidly gaining ground. His operative were hiding in a nondescript shack, keeping tabs on the Rats patrols. Once he received the call from André, the operative passed through the coordinates of the patrol on the ground, feeding André with fire control orders.

The lads sprang to life once André provided the fire orders, throwing two bombs per pipe in rapid succession, the bombs screaming the 2 km southwards towards their target.

The second the last of the four bombs exploded from the pipes, the team worked as fast as possible to pack up the weapons and equipment, in order to disperse and escape the area, as there were no way that the noise and flashes from the mortars went unnoticed.

A sickening feeling of guilt washed over André for a brief moment, as he knew that the bombs which they had just fired will, without a doubt, lead to the deaths of felow Ysterfonteinians, probably inclusive of innocent woman and children. André shrugged off the feeling of guilt instantly, knowing that it was a necessary sacrifice, which would lead to eternal glory. Besides, the public would be led to believe that it was the Equinians who carried out the attack, and one day in the far future when his nation is free, maybe, just maybe, André would come to believe his own lies.

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Postby Radictistan » Sun Jun 05, 2022 8:34 pm

City of Pilgrimsrust
West Ysterfontein Island

The Radictistanis were loading their wounded into the Dingos when the mortar bombs arrived. Their fortunes were improved by an interesting property of external ballistics. When a series of projectiles without terminal guidance are fired at a single point, the actual points of impact will form a pattern in the shape of an ellipse. In other words there is more dispersion in range than azimuth. The mortar bombs traveled south, perpendicular to the road, and the fortunate consequence of all this was that none of the four rounds landed directly on the street. Instead the flank platoons finally got their chance to enjoy some of the local hospitality.

The four rounds detonated inside the dirty warrens and makeshift dwellings on either side of the road. The extremely compartmentalized nature of the urban landscape isolated the destructive power of the small warheads. One private took a wood splinter into his upper arm. The wound was minor enough to be treated then and there. The QRF moved off down the road towards the airport.

While this was going on the north column continued its movement across the city. They found the radio station to be in somewhat better shape than the phone system. Little equipment was salvageable but at least a good percentage of the windows were intact and there was less human waste on the floor. A rifle platoon reinforced with a pair of heavy machine guns took up position inside the compound and surrounding buildings.

The south column finally reached its first objective, the water treatment plant. Third Platoon entered the complex while the rest of A Company formed a security cordon. After a sweep through the facility they waited for battalion medical personnel to arrive and inspect the equipment.

The rest of the column continued on. They passed through slightly nicer and more permanent areas before arriving at the municipal building and police headquarters. The two structures were separated by about four hundred meters and the Radictistanis entered both with the same protocol: a lot of shouting and a little shoving to move squatters out followed by more delicate inquiries as to the whereabouts of the buildings’ former tenants.

Pilgrimsrust Airport
West Ysterfontein Island

One of the first arrivals after the lead battalion was a Wellemacht LHF-1 precision approach radar. Once fully assembled and powered up its twin orange peel antennae tracked each incoming aircraft and, in the absence of a working ILS, provided guidance for safe, all-weather landing.

Along with the second battalion came a forward party from the brigade headquarters. Brigade-General Erwin Moritz stepped off the loading ramp and returned salutes from the senior officers already present. Moritz had a more stereotypically “badass” appearance than most Radictistani generals, being broad-shouldered and lantern-jawed. He had some experience of a counterinsurgency fight from hunting communists in Norcustsur but he knew things would be different in a foreign land with insurgents blending into a foreign culture. With this in mind be began an impromptu inspection of the new base.

The passenger terminal was an almost total loss. The Radictistanis were now using it for a medical aid station and to store items which were not happy about getting wet. The Air Force techs were in the process of getting the control tower fully operational again. Other maintenance activities were in progress as allowed by the available manpower and equipment.

Back at the command post – for now a small cluster of tents and light vehicles – Moritz and his staff planned the deployment of the remaining Radictistani forces.

General Moritz opted to divide the region into three areas each under the control of a reinforced battalion. Pilgrimsrust would be its own sector occupied by 364 Light Battalion. One rifle company would hold down the airport while the remainder of the battalion policed the city as best it could.

The rural parts of the province would be divided roughly evenly between 365 and 366 Battalions. The clearest part of the fuzzy Radictistani mission was economic rehabilitation so 365 would cover the diamond fields. Satellite imagery revealed two abandoned mines large enough to be commercially viable if the proper investments were made. One of these would be used as the main forward operating base for the battalion.

The problem was how to get the troops there. Paved roads were almost nonexistent and the jungle was mostly impassable except by small bodies of men. Moritz had twelve helicopters at his disposal not including dedicated MEDEVAC birds – completely inadequate to move personnel, let along engineering equipment.

Not for the first time, the Radictistanis decided to evade the troop limit imposed by Port Ember. A call was put out, quietly, for contract pilots and aircraft back in Radictistan. For now the handful of military aircraft would take advance parties and survey teams out into the unknown. The engineers would be hard at work soon turning jungle paths into something usable.

Karol Jonkers had a busy couple of days. He facilitated the hiring of laborers to widen some of the local roads. He questioned prisoners concerning the whereabouts of local authority figures, both formal and informal. He translated missives which would go over the radio station the civil affairs team were rigging up and made signs which would go up at Radictistani checkpoints. He hoped enough of the locals could read.

The Paras and Rangers worked hard to create solid fighting positions around the perimeter of the airport plus gun pits for the 105mm howitzers and the 81mm mortars. The larger and more elaborate positions would be connected by a network of communications trenches. Barbed wire and gabions, when finished, would complete the ensemble. If whoever had tried to sabotage the mission today were to hit the base, the Radictistanis would be ready for them.
Last edited by Radictistan on Sun Jun 05, 2022 8:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Port Ember
Posts: 1394
Founded: Dec 06, 2017
Left-Leaning College State

Postby Port Ember » Tue Aug 16, 2022 4:15 am

Pearly Beach Hotel (PESF HQ)
City of Arendnes;
Sector AA;
West Ysterfontein Island.
Colonel Karlene Nikolao - PESF Intelligence Officer

Colonel Karlene Nikolao took a massive drag on a Gold Leaf cigarette, a Port Emberian brand which the military had imported as part of its highly popular "Private Victualling System", or PVS for short. The PVS was a military-run system which saw private goods not part of the military logistics system imported into deployment zones. These items ranged from anything to everything between cigarettes, alcohol, literature, games, softdrinks, sweets, snacks and other necessities and wants. These items were sold to the deployed forces at cost price, or even lower, as profit was not the name of the game in this very specific case.

She had to actively fight off the urge to cough as the smoke singed her lungs, a feeling she was not yet used to. For her entire life she staved off the temptation of being seduced by these cancer-sticks which was such a popular hobby amongst the soldiers surrounding her, and yet now, she herself was partaking in this filthy habit. She hated smoking in fact, as she considered it to be a sign of weakness, yet she could no longer deal with the stress which the job in Ysterfontein had brought upon her - so here she was - huffing and puffing like a weakling. Furthermore, smoking inside buildings was actually forbidden according to the Port Emberian Military Disciplinary Code, but standard rules seemed to be enforced a lot more liberally here in Ysterfontein.

She extinguished the smokestick into a glass ashtray resting atop the long conference table as the last awaiting member entered the room. As soon as everyone was seated comfortably, she opened the meeting.

"Ladies & Gentleman, good evening. I thank you all for joining me on such short notice, and I will try to keep it as brief as possible. I am aware that this week will be a busy one, so we all need to steal as many moments for resting as possible. Anyway...

As many of you already know, tomorrow is the day that the military head of this operation, Brigadier General Joseph Petroska, commences his inspection tour to every single field clinic in the capital, a program which will last for the entire week. More troublesome than this however, is the fact that the itinerary for his inspection tour has been made public knowledge, shared to basically anyone who breathes within this city. This has been done recently, without my office being advised on the matter and without being informed of it until just a few short hours ago. As you are all competent soldiers, there is no need to tell you that this is… troublesome."

Karlene paused, reflecting on what she had just said. She was being as diplomatic as possible, as in fact, these actions were not merely 'troublesome', but signs of gross incompetence, idiocy and even traitorous, and would surely be the origin of a stress ulcer for her in the near future. Unfortunately, she could not say it outright, as it was still an offense against the MDC (Military Discipline Code) to speak ill of a senior officer in front of juniors. Well fuck Colonel Sprita anyway - the bastard who was at fault, it was no offence to think it, at least.

She continued after taking a deep breath, "Unfortunately, the General had decided that he will not abide by my advice to cancel, or at least alter the itinerary of the inspection, and he has also refused to enforce his security detail. Forbade it, in his words.

So in spite of the potential threats, he will continue as planned, and we need to do what we can to ensure the General's plans are executed successfully and safely, all without disobeying his direct orders…

Therefore, I have the following contingency orders for you all:

Colonel Juvela, as the head of the Cyber Branch, I need you to ensure live satellite coverage over the area for the duration of the inspection. Thus tomorrow starting at 0500B, until Friday 1700B."

Colonel Glen Juvela nodded his head calmly before replying, "Aye ma'am, no worries." Although Colonel Nikolao held the same rank as himself, certain operations meant that he had to submit to the authority of another, no matter the rank. This was such a scenario and he did so without hesitation, as they all served the same goal after all.

Karlene nodded in reply, shifting her focus to the next person on her task list,
"Colonel Katida, I believe that you have already placed a platoon on Quick Reaction Force duties, so this is just a reminder that we will need your lads to remain on stage 1 stand-by within the base, ready to react in under 60 seconds should something go wrong. Monday to Friday obviously."

Colonel Alexander Katida, the Officer Commanding of 13 Airborne Regiment replied, "Aye ma'am, as you say, this has been planned. My lads will be seated within their vehicles in-base, comm lines open. However, due to the potential additional security threat posed to the General, I will now increase the Reaction Force size, from a Platoon, to a full Company, minus the HQ Guard Detail, of course."

Karlene nodded softly before responding, "Very well Sir, gratitude." She shifted her gaze across the table towards Captain Declan Fiera, the Team Lead of Team Hotel, a Task Force 79 Bishop's Scout unit.
"Captain Fiera, as lead of Team Hotel, you are in charge of arguably the best fighters currently in-country. Now, I am aware that you and your team have just returned from a long operation in the wilds and are currently on rest, but I truly need you to be on standby. We won't call upon you unless it truly is required, but if we do call - please react. I am aware of the new air assets assigned to you…"

Captain Fiera nodded in response, "Colonel." This was not the time for many words.

Karlene nodded contendly before closing the brief, "Very well brothers and sisters. Let's get some rest so that we can earn our salaries honestly. Dismissed."

01 Hour Later

Garrison Alpha
City of Arendnes;
Sector AA;
West Ysterfontein Island.
Captain Declan Fiera - PESF TF79 - Team Hotel - Team Leader

Captain Declan Fiera returned to Garrison Alpha after the briefing at the PESF HQ. The garrison served as the dual home of the Port Ember Security Forces Task Force 79 elements whilst in country, and the permanent home of the newly formed 1 Commando Regiment of the Ysterfontein Security Forces, a force of just over a thousand men, still in training under the anvils of the PESF TF79 lads. Some of the locals have already dubbed the camp under a new nickname - Fort Hope - due to its symbolic significance.

After signing into the base, Declan parked his allocated Mahingra Shakqum MUV at the base's Transport Park, making sure that it was locked by pulling twice on the door handle in rapid succession. Satisfied that the vehicle was indeed locked, he stashed the keys into his left camouflage pants pocket, before throwing the rifle sling over his right shoulder, allowing his CSR-21 rifle to dangle comfortably underneath his armpit, barrel facing downwards. The rifle was not loaded, although a full magazine was docked into the weapon.

As he shortened the distance between himself and the Garrison's newly erected bar, he observed the many Ysterfonteinian troops in the base, mostly being either just outside of their living quarters - which were neutech cement bungalows, which had by now completely replaced the temporary weatherhavens, busy smoking and having conversations in small groups, or inside the aforementioned bungalows, cleaning the interior. Such was the life for soldiers under training - if you were not actively busy with training, you were busy cleaning your accommodation in preparation for the next inspection. It never mattered how clean your accommodations were, it would never be clean enough, as Port Emberian instructors were proud of their infamous reputation when it came to being strict disciplinarians.

Declan finally entered the bar, which was also a neutech cement structure, and the newness of the place could be smelled immediately. The smell of brand new furniture had always presented Declan with a weird and unexplainable, smoothing feeling. Light blueish fairy lights adorned the ceiling, complimenting the soft glow of the crisp white LED ceiling lights, which provided the room with a soothing atmosphere as it bounced off the marble flooring.

The spacious room was filled with long black wooden tables and their accompanying black bar stools. There were also two pool tables in the far end of the room. The opposite corner held a mounted flatscreen tv and leather sofa set. The bar counter itself was constructed from darkened oak and marble. The wall behind the bar held the necessary booze fridges and mounted hanging hard liquor bottles. Normally, a wall like this in a military bar would be overloaded in all sort of memorabilia which held significance to the Unit's history, but as these lads were fresh virgins of war, the only items mounted were three A4 paper sized photo frames containing miniature flags of Ysterfontein, Port Ember and the newly designed Unit Colors of 1 Commando Regiment (YSF). A good start.

Declan made all the right noises as the occupants were greeted - all TF79 members plus a few off-duty PESF airborne lads who were attached to the Garrison for guard duty. It was a bit humorous to be in a YSF Bar, but not seeing one YSF member within their bar, but it was to be expected - the strenuous training program did not allow too many minutes of freedom.

He continued to occupy a seat right at the bar, next to his good friend, Captain Brantley Amika, team leader of Team Victor, a Task Force 79 Luptaćmento Unit squad, and effectively the temporary commander of the Garrison, as he was in charge of training up the YSF lads, and overseeing the construction of the Garrison in the same breath.

Declan ordered a Rose Lager from the barman - a Corporal from the Port Emberian guard company. The Rose Lager was an interesting beer to say the least, and happened to be one of the loudest and proudest symbols of Port Emberian culture. It was an expertly brewed lager, instilled with actual roses, the Lillith Rose to be specific - the national flower of Port Ember. Declan was impressed with the fact that the Private Victualling System managed to obtain these beauties, as the beer itself was quite new and still establishing itself within the greater region. Well not too surprisingly in fact, as the company was recently sold to the Neu Engollon based Terembev Beverage Conglomerate, making distribution to all corners of the world possible. Not that Declan knew that yet however.

Once the first sip was taken, conversation was struck in earnest.

"Must have been serious if they managed to muster the balls to summon you to a Brief, during your R&R (Rest & Recuperation period)."

Declan shrugged softly before responding verbally, "Maybe. Got placed on last-line standby for the General's clinics inspection road trip this week. Apparently some fuckwad leaked the itinerary for the roadshow."

Brantley let out a short and soft laugh, "No shit? And now, lemme guess, the Old Man was advised to cancel his trip, and his response was to gently fuck off, yeah?"

This time it was Declan's turn to laugh. "Not that gently though. So yeah Colonel Nikolao is throwing a temper tantrum slash stress fit, and thus the standby."

"Gotcha. Well not that I'm wishing ill on the Old Man obviously, but it would be metal for you to use your new toys in action yeah?"

Declan nodded enthusiastically, "Fuck yeah it will! Both the international media and HQ had been promising that the new birds basically shits gold and diamonds, and I obviously need to test it to its limits and prove 'em wrong, so that I can have a new topic to bitch about."

Brentley nearly choked on his own drink due to a fresh bout of laughter, originating from deep within his belly. "Small pleasures hey? Though in all seriousness, I have a mate who worked on the testing cycle of your new birds, and he gave a true glowing recommendation about the entire BASD range. Supposed to be the next big thing in modern warfare. Im jealous AF that you get to be the first fucker to use them in combat."

"And I marvel at your
jealousy brother!"

The two men laughed together again as they clinked their beers in cheer.

Pearly Beach Hotel (PESF HQ)
City of Arendnes;
Sector AA;
West Ysterfontein Island.
Colonel Karlene Nikolao - PESF Intelligence Officer

The Next Morning

Colonel Karlene Nikolao has been up since before the break of dawn, not that she had managed to get a lot of sleep anyway, and has since made her way to the Operational Command Room, located within the basement of the old hotel, which was now serving as the PESF HQ for the Ysterfontein mission.

She was seated at a lone table tucked away in the far corner of the dark room, nursing a strong cup of coffee, of which the aroma filled the entire room in its uniquely rich and creamy manner, making every one of the tired night Ops Room duty personnel crave the treasures of caffeine all over again.

Besides for smoking, biting her nails has become yet another new nervous habit which she had taken to during her time within Ysterfontein, a habit which she forced herself to a halt everytime her conscious mind reminded her that she was doing it. This time she let out a mumbled curse under her breath at the anger of catching herself in the act once more.

She rubbed her eyes before staring at the massive digital screen which was mounted in the center of the front wall, which displayed the national map of Ysterfontein, loaded in a myriad of color coded areas, symbols and insignias. She stared specifically at Sector AC which was the area where their allies, the Grand Duchy of Radictistan, were busy exerting their control. The numerous symbols resting upon the Pilgrumsrust city area, caused a serious concern for her however. Symbols indicating ambushes, IED's and mortar attacks on friendly forces. This was the very first time that such organized and violent attacks have been executed since their occupation, which was worrisome. She suspected that these attacks were organized by the Equillian Militia - which then proved her point that the Radictstani allies mobilized too quickly. If they only waited for the Militia to finish their withdrawal from the islands, which they were busy with, then conflict could be avoided. This would surely only serve to escalate tensions, and violence, across the entire sector, and might even spill into the neighboring sectors.

Karlene was brought back to reality when the map on the screen disappeared, changing to a live stream satellite image of the hotel which she was within. This had meant that Brigadier General Joseph Petroska was about to start his planned (and a fucking terrible idea), city wide clinic inspection.
Last edited by Port Ember on Thu Aug 18, 2022 9:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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