Point of Divergence V 4.0 : European Boogaloo (OOC / OPEN)

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The Imperial Warglorian Empire
Posts: 8104
Founded: Oct 10, 2015

Postby The Imperial Warglorian Empire » Sat Dec 19, 2020 3:56 am

Remnants of Exilvania wrote:
Full Nation Name : The Kingdom of Skyrim
Short Nation Name : Skyrim
Flag / National Symbols: Eastmarch can into rule Skyrim

Government Type : Federal Kingdom
Official Political Ideology : Vaguely federal absolute monarchy?
Head of State : High King Ulfric Stormcloak
Head of Government : Jorleif Snowman
Government Description : The respective Jarldoms of Skyrim are all ruled absolutistically, the Jarls wielding ultimate power, making law, commanding their local armies and passing judging on criminals. They have appointed stewards to aid them in those task and take care of the more mundane matters of rulership.

The High King of Skyrim is generally appointed by the Jarls on a Moot. This is accomplished by majority vote. The High King's power is generally fairly limited, his primary power lying within his status as a symbol for the other Jarl's to rally behind as well as being the representative of Skyrim in foreign matters. For any matters concerning Skyrim as a whole, the High King must convene a new Moot and sway a majority of the Jarls to his side before being able to commit the entirety of Skyrim to a thing

Territory : Le blue stuff in Northern Germany
Territorial Ambitions : TAMRIEL! Nah...some more nice farmland and hunting grounds would be kinda rad tho
Capital City : Windhelm (Anklam)
Population :
  • 1,1 million citizens of Skyrim as per the last Imperial Census, before the Great War.
  • Around 5 million (un)dead, regardless if mummified, spectral, skeletized, ashen or deceptively human
  • 6 million Falmer
  • 2 million Dwemer automatons of all shapes
  • Don't make me start going into Dragons 'n shiet.

Majority/Official Culture : Nord, Reachmen, Falmer, Dwemer.
Majority/State Religion : Cult of 9 Divines

Major Industries / Economic sectors: ...logging and mining I guess?
Amount of Industrialization : Not
Economic Description : [list][*]Falkreath: Logging, hunting, fishing, Iron Mining, Orichalcum Mining, Corundum Mining
[*]The Rift: Mead production, fishing, hunting, farming, Ebony Mining, mining, horsebreeding
[*]Whiterun: Farming, hunting, Iron mining, logging, horsebreeding
[*]Eastmarch: Farming, hunting, Corundum mining, Ebony mining, horsebreeding
[*]Winterhold: Iron mining
[*]The Pale: Iron mining, Quicksilver mining, farming, hunting, fishing, logging
[*]Hjaalmarch: Iron mining, logging, fishing
[*]The Reach: Moonstone mining, Gold mining, Orichalcum Mining, Silver Mining, Iron Mining, farming, horsebreeding
[*]Haafingar: Farming, fishing, shipbuilding, horsebreeding, Orichalcum Mining,

Technological Level : Medieval...ish (cough Dwarven automatons cough)
Magic and other shenanigans? (If any exists) : Yes. Dragonborn, mages, Magitech machines, relics, supernatural creatures, living dead etc.

Military Description

Army: The Holds of Skyrim maintain small militias at all times, designed to keep the peace and uphold the law in their respective Holds.These are however really, truly small, their numbers ranging in the hundreds per Hold. In times of war however, the Holds are able to rally many more Men to their banners, calling for Musterings and generally capable of creating armies up untill 10% of the Hold has been called into military service/perished.

At the same time much of Skyrim is still garrisoned by the Stormcloak Army, freshly emerging as victors from the Civil War. They form a standing army loyal only to the High King and garrison forts and fortresses all across Skyrim, keeping newly established Jarls supported in their new Holds and holding key strategic locations. Many of the Stormcloaks have been demobilized and returned to their respective holds but a solid core of 10.000 remains.

There are also other forces at work within the boundaries of Skyrim. The Dwemer Automatons, albeit with only about 11% of them created specifically for martial purposes, are all capable and very much willing to attack. The 11% number refers to Dwemer Spheres, Centurions and Ballistae.

Then there are the Undead of which there are plenty roaming Skyrim. Restless souls and spirits, they are generally all hostile and all capable of fighting, having been buried with their weapons so they may enter Sovngarde with their arms by their side or serve their Dragon masters in reclaiming the world.

Deep below Skyrim scurry blind, pale creatures. The Falmer are a simple people, growing mushrooms, cultivating Chaurus populations, squatting in ancient Dwemer ruins and building their entire lives around the Chaurus and the things it produces. They are an immensely simple society and the simpler the society, the more people of it can and will turn around to become warriors at a moment's notice though they will lack the ability to do more than form simplistic warbands and cannot really sustain campaigns away from their home...unless of course they are straight up migrating, sustaining themselves on the way and setting up shop elsewhere. Something that is certainly possible with your entire lifestyle centered around an animal.

Navy: There's a couple of cogs, primarily merchant vessels.

Air Force: Uhm...there's still a bunch of Dragons flying around. And a few more are still buried, waiting to be resurrected.

National Goals : Relcaim the Dragonborn, returning a true, Dragonborn ruler to the Empire, re-establish the true, Tamrielic Empire and achieve Godhood as a second Tiber Septim.

History : Following the end of the Great War and the signing of the White Gold Concordat, many of Skyrim's troops and legionnaires returned to their homes in Skyrim...or not. The war had been hard fought and many men had been scarred, deserting instead and preferring easy lives as brigands in the wilderness instead of good and honest trades in the Holds.

One such man who returned, shaken by the war, was the heir to the throne of Windhelm, Ulfric Stormcloak. He had been but a young man who had also spent much of his life away from mortal troubles, up on the Throat of the World in High Hrothgar, learning the Way of the Voice from the Greybeards, when he had been thrown into one of the most bloody conflicts of the current era. And then had been left in the loving care of the Thalmor to be tortured and broken.

Was it such a surprise then that upon returning to Skyrim, this man, who had lost everything, his honour, his pride, his friends to a bunch of filthy Elves just for it all to be for nothing, just for more Mer faces to greet him in his own city, just for the smug face of the Thalmor Ambassadors shaking their achievement before him, started to crack?

Ulfric still believed in the Empire. In it being a treaty merely forced upon them to give them but a moment's respite. He did not think for even just a single second that the Empire would truly forbid worship of the God Emperor. And so he set about raising a militia and heroically defeating the Reachmen Uprising in Markarth...and then put most Reachmen and alleged collaborators to the blade and re-established Talos worship in cooperation with the Imperial authorities.

Ulfric thought this would be the beginning of the Empire's retribution, the destruction of the dreadful White Gold Concordat and the beginning of perhaps the next war. Instead Imperial Authorities caved to the Thalmor and Ulfric was betrayed, arrested and thrown into prison for many years. It shattered his world, moreso than his breaking at the hands of the Thalmor. Yet stubborn Nord that he was, he wiped the shards of his world together and set about trying to create a new one, a world to his liking.

Upon release from prison due to strong pressure from the Jarls, Ulfric was quick to cut ties to his former Thalmor handlers, becoming uncooperative as well as beginning to rally his own militia once again, now propagating independence from the Empire. He had ample supporters for this cause all across Skyrim yet High King Torygg was not budging...yet, showing to Ulfric that he was but another weakling cowing to the Empire and its Thalmor masters. Hearing that he was even visiting parties in the Thalmor Embassy then finally sent Ulfric over the edge.

He rode to Solitude with a small company of guards and demanded an audience with the High King which he was of course granted immediately. Yet instead of doing whateveryone expected him to do, the seething Ulfric challenged Torygg to a duel, a duel Torygg had to accept or have his honour forever besmirched and all popular support in Skyrim lost. Torygg lost the duel very quickly Ulfric being both a season warrior and a Tongue, a user of the Voice.

Following this example and his successful escape, Ulfric was officially on the Empire's hitlist...yet his pursuers were thwarted at the border of Eastmarch by his militia and the eastern Holds rose up in his support, necessitating the deployment of a Legion to Skyrim and marking the beginning of the Skyrim Civil War. An initial type of Phoney War was waged, the lack of results forcing the Emperor to send General Tullius to Skyrim as a Military Governour.

Tullius quickly expanded the Legion in Skyrim and ambushed Ulfric at Darkwater Crossing, successfully capturing the rebellious Jarl and having him transported to nearby loyal Helgen to put an end to the rebellion. He also captured someone he better shouldn't have captured, one who was fated to decide the fate of Skyrim, one way or another.

Alduin the World Eater made his presence known at Helgen, leading to the escape of Ulfric and the prisoners, destroying an important imperial town and prolonging the civil war.

The following year showed the rise of the Dragonborn, a hero of legend, or in this case heroine, who combatted the Dragon threat as well as travelled the Holds, solving many issues. Eventually the World Eater lay defeated and the Dragonborn had claimed his soul and could finally turn her attention to worldly matters...that being the independence of Skyrim. With the aid of the Dragonborn, the Stormcloak army managed to lead a quick campaign through Skyrim, finally ousting the Imperial Legion, cutting back Thalmor influence and killing Governour General Tullius.

After this Ulfric concentrated himself on rebuilding the land while the Dragonborn kept rushing off to save Tamriel from yet another threat. There were enough of them there anyway. They had become close friends during the campaign and if Ulfric had been willing could have even become lovers yet his torment at the hands of the Thalmor had traumatized him in that regard and he pushed the Dragonborn away. In hindsight perhaps not something he should have done.

The Dragonborn travelled to Solstheim...yet returned later, clearly shaken about what she had encountered there. Refusing to tell Ulfric and instead just muttering about having to gain more power, she went off to investigate the growing Vampire menace, joining the Dawnguard in the process.

Ulfric did not know what happened but the Dragonborn, emotionally isolated and vulnerable and with the pressure of saving the world upon her yet again, cracked under the smooth promises of power by the Vampire Lord Harkon, accepting it from him. The next time she and Ulfric met, she still had enough shame/not enough trust in her power to keep her new state hidden from him yet he could already tell that something was wrong. Though he did not prod.

Harkon was brought down and his plans to end the Tyranny of the Sun foiled, perhaps one of the last truly good acts of the Dragonborn. Miraak then followed, the Dragonborn removing competition and a thorn in her side. And with the end of that last threat to herself and Skyrim, the Dragonborn's transformation was complete. There was no more responsibility truly tying her down, no more attachments and so much power at her fingertips. All across Skyrim she had "friends" that she could make dance on her strings. A new vision was quickly born, one of rulership not unlike the one Harkon had had. The Dragonborn would claim the Ruby Throne and restore the Tamrielic Empire of Tiber Septim...just that it wouldn't be known as Septim's Empire anymore but as hers and hers alone. An Empire she would rule for eternity untill she would finally ascend to godhood just like Tiber Septim had.

Why, hello there neighbour

You'll definitely be an interesting one to interact with

What's your policy on non-humans then? Considering the Stormcloaks are now in power.
Last edited by The Imperial Warglorian Empire on Sat Dec 19, 2020 3:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
Call me Warg or Antic
Yeah, u do that and I’m gonna have to force u to pull a France, and then a Vichy-Wargloria, after one of his allies proposed pulling an Italy


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Mirial System
Posts: 27
Founded: Aug 07, 2020

Postby Mirial System » Sat Dec 19, 2020 4:44 am

The Imperial Warglorian Empire wrote:
Mirial System wrote:

I fear

Three Kotatsus for the Founding Families seeking the Root,
Seven for the Heroic Spirits in their fields of battle,
Nine for Lesser Grails doomed to die,
One for the Greater Grail in her dark chalice.

In the Land of Fuyuki where Angra Mainyu lie.
One Kotatsu to rule them all, One Kotatsu to find them,
One Kotatsu to bring them all, and in the comfy bind them,
In the Land of Fuyuki where Angra Mainyu lie.
Last edited by Mirial System on Sat Dec 19, 2020 4:45 am, edited 2 times in total.

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The Imperial Warglorian Empire
Posts: 8104
Founded: Oct 10, 2015

Postby The Imperial Warglorian Empire » Sat Dec 19, 2020 4:46 am

Mirial System wrote:
The Imperial Warglorian Empire wrote:.....
I fear

Three Kotatsus for the Founding Families seeking the Root,
Seven for the Heroic Spirits in their halls of battle,
Nine for Lesser Grails doomed to die,
One for the Greater Grail in her dark chalice.

In the Land of Fuyuki where Angra Mainyu lie.
One Kotatsu to rule them all, One Kotatsu to find them,
One Kotatsu to bring them all, and in the ritual bind them,
In the Land of Fuyuki where Angra Mainyu lie.

I'm sure if I understood the lore, then I'd be absolutely horrified and humourised.

At the moment though? I'm just absolutely horrified. And somewhat humourised.

Welp, can't wait to see a thousand chibi Nobunagas try and cross no man's land only to get cut down in droves by MG3s.
Call me Warg or Antic
Yeah, u do that and I’m gonna have to force u to pull a France, and then a Vichy-Wargloria, after one of his allies proposed pulling an Italy


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Mirial System
Posts: 27
Founded: Aug 07, 2020

Postby Mirial System » Sat Dec 19, 2020 4:49 am

The Imperial Warglorian Empire wrote:
Mirial System wrote:
<Poetry Shenanigans>

I'm sure if I understood the lore, then I'd be absolutely horrified and humourised.

At the moment though? I'm just absolutely horrified. And somewhat humourised.

Welp, can't wait to see a thousand chibi Nobunagas try and cross no man's land only to get cut down in droves by MG3s.

Whelp, found the Angra Mainyu alt.

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The Imperial Warglorian Empire
Posts: 8104
Founded: Oct 10, 2015

Postby The Imperial Warglorian Empire » Sat Dec 19, 2020 4:52 am

Mirial System wrote:
The Imperial Warglorian Empire wrote:I'm sure if I understood the lore, then I'd be absolutely horrified and humourised.

At the moment though? I'm just absolutely horrified. And somewhat humourised.

Welp, can't wait to see a thousand chibi Nobunagas try and cross no man's land only to get cut down in droves by MG3s.

Whelp, found the Angra Mainyu alt.

I don't get it
Call me Warg or Antic
Yeah, u do that and I’m gonna have to force u to pull a France, and then a Vichy-Wargloria, after one of his allies proposed pulling an Italy


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Mirial System
Posts: 27
Founded: Aug 07, 2020

Postby Mirial System » Sat Dec 19, 2020 5:05 am

The Imperial Warglorian Empire wrote:
Mirial System wrote:
Whelp, found the Angra Mainyu alt.

I don't get it

Wikipedia is your friend~

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Remnants of Exilvania
Posts: 11220
Founded: Mar 29, 2015
Iron Fist Consumerists

Postby Remnants of Exilvania » Sat Dec 19, 2020 5:09 am

The Imperial Warglorian Empire wrote:
Remnants of Exilvania wrote:
Full Nation Name : The Kingdom of Skyrim
Short Nation Name : Skyrim
Flag / National Symbols: Eastmarch can into rule Skyrim

Government Type : Federal Kingdom
Official Political Ideology : Vaguely federal absolute monarchy?
Head of State : High King Ulfric Stormcloak
Head of Government : Jorleif Snowman
Government Description : The respective Jarldoms of Skyrim are all ruled absolutistically, the Jarls wielding ultimate power, making law, commanding their local armies and passing judging on criminals. They have appointed stewards to aid them in those task and take care of the more mundane matters of rulership.

The High King of Skyrim is generally appointed by the Jarls on a Moot. This is accomplished by majority vote. The High King's power is generally fairly limited, his primary power lying within his status as a symbol for the other Jarl's to rally behind as well as being the representative of Skyrim in foreign matters. For any matters concerning Skyrim as a whole, the High King must convene a new Moot and sway a majority of the Jarls to his side before being able to commit the entirety of Skyrim to a thing

Territory : Le blue stuff in Northern Germany
Territorial Ambitions : TAMRIEL! Nah...some more nice farmland and hunting grounds would be kinda rad tho
Capital City : Windhelm (Anklam)
Population :
  • 1,1 million citizens of Skyrim as per the last Imperial Census, before the Great War.
  • Around 5 million (un)dead, regardless if mummified, spectral, skeletized, ashen or deceptively human
  • 6 million Falmer
  • 2 million Dwemer automatons of all shapes
  • Don't make me start going into Dragons 'n shiet.

Majority/Official Culture : Nord, Reachmen, Falmer, Dwemer.
Majority/State Religion : Cult of 9 Divines

Major Industries / Economic sectors: ...logging and mining I guess?
Amount of Industrialization : Not
Economic Description : [list][*]Falkreath: Logging, hunting, fishing, Iron Mining, Orichalcum Mining, Corundum Mining
[*]The Rift: Mead production, fishing, hunting, farming, Ebony Mining, mining, horsebreeding
[*]Whiterun: Farming, hunting, Iron mining, logging, horsebreeding
[*]Eastmarch: Farming, hunting, Corundum mining, Ebony mining, horsebreeding
[*]Winterhold: Iron mining
[*]The Pale: Iron mining, Quicksilver mining, farming, hunting, fishing, logging
[*]Hjaalmarch: Iron mining, logging, fishing
[*]The Reach: Moonstone mining, Gold mining, Orichalcum Mining, Silver Mining, Iron Mining, farming, horsebreeding
[*]Haafingar: Farming, fishing, shipbuilding, horsebreeding, Orichalcum Mining,

Technological Level : Medieval...ish (cough Dwarven automatons cough)
Magic and other shenanigans? (If any exists) : Yes. Dragonborn, mages, Magitech machines, relics, supernatural creatures, living dead etc.

Military Description

Army: The Holds of Skyrim maintain small militias at all times, designed to keep the peace and uphold the law in their respective Holds.These are however really, truly small, their numbers ranging in the hundreds per Hold. In times of war however, the Holds are able to rally many more Men to their banners, calling for Musterings and generally capable of creating armies up untill 10% of the Hold has been called into military service/perished.

At the same time much of Skyrim is still garrisoned by the Stormcloak Army, freshly emerging as victors from the Civil War. They form a standing army loyal only to the High King and garrison forts and fortresses all across Skyrim, keeping newly established Jarls supported in their new Holds and holding key strategic locations. Many of the Stormcloaks have been demobilized and returned to their respective holds but a solid core of 10.000 remains.

There are also other forces at work within the boundaries of Skyrim. The Dwemer Automatons, albeit with only about 11% of them created specifically for martial purposes, are all capable and very much willing to attack. The 11% number refers to Dwemer Spheres, Centurions and Ballistae.

Then there are the Undead of which there are plenty roaming Skyrim. Restless souls and spirits, they are generally all hostile and all capable of fighting, having been buried with their weapons so they may enter Sovngarde with their arms by their side or serve their Dragon masters in reclaiming the world.

Deep below Skyrim scurry blind, pale creatures. The Falmer are a simple people, growing mushrooms, cultivating Chaurus populations, squatting in ancient Dwemer ruins and building their entire lives around the Chaurus and the things it produces. They are an immensely simple society and the simpler the society, the more people of it can and will turn around to become warriors at a moment's notice though they will lack the ability to do more than form simplistic warbands and cannot really sustain campaigns away from their home...unless of course they are straight up migrating, sustaining themselves on the way and setting up shop elsewhere. Something that is certainly possible with your entire lifestyle centered around an animal.

Navy: There's a couple of cogs, primarily merchant vessels.

Air Force: Uhm...there's still a bunch of Dragons flying around. And a few more are still buried, waiting to be resurrected.

National Goals : Relcaim the Dragonborn, returning a true, Dragonborn ruler to the Empire, re-establish the true, Tamrielic Empire and achieve Godhood as a second Tiber Septim.

History : Following the end of the Great War and the signing of the White Gold Concordat, many of Skyrim's troops and legionnaires returned to their homes in Skyrim...or not. The war had been hard fought and many men had been scarred, deserting instead and preferring easy lives as brigands in the wilderness instead of good and honest trades in the Holds.

One such man who returned, shaken by the war, was the heir to the throne of Windhelm, Ulfric Stormcloak. He had been but a young man who had also spent much of his life away from mortal troubles, up on the Throat of the World in High Hrothgar, learning the Way of the Voice from the Greybeards, when he had been thrown into one of the most bloody conflicts of the current era. And then had been left in the loving care of the Thalmor to be tortured and broken.

Was it such a surprise then that upon returning to Skyrim, this man, who had lost everything, his honour, his pride, his friends to a bunch of filthy Elves just for it all to be for nothing, just for more Mer faces to greet him in his own city, just for the smug face of the Thalmor Ambassadors shaking their achievement before him, started to crack?

Ulfric still believed in the Empire. In it being a treaty merely forced upon them to give them but a moment's respite. He did not think for even just a single second that the Empire would truly forbid worship of the God Emperor. And so he set about raising a militia and heroically defeating the Reachmen Uprising in Markarth...and then put most Reachmen and alleged collaborators to the blade and re-established Talos worship in cooperation with the Imperial authorities.

Ulfric thought this would be the beginning of the Empire's retribution, the destruction of the dreadful White Gold Concordat and the beginning of perhaps the next war. Instead Imperial Authorities caved to the Thalmor and Ulfric was betrayed, arrested and thrown into prison for many years. It shattered his world, moreso than his breaking at the hands of the Thalmor. Yet stubborn Nord that he was, he wiped the shards of his world together and set about trying to create a new one, a world to his liking.

Upon release from prison due to strong pressure from the Jarls, Ulfric was quick to cut ties to his former Thalmor handlers, becoming uncooperative as well as beginning to rally his own militia once again, now propagating independence from the Empire. He had ample supporters for this cause all across Skyrim yet High King Torygg was not budging...yet, showing to Ulfric that he was but another weakling cowing to the Empire and its Thalmor masters. Hearing that he was even visiting parties in the Thalmor Embassy then finally sent Ulfric over the edge.

He rode to Solitude with a small company of guards and demanded an audience with the High King which he was of course granted immediately. Yet instead of doing whateveryone expected him to do, the seething Ulfric challenged Torygg to a duel, a duel Torygg had to accept or have his honour forever besmirched and all popular support in Skyrim lost. Torygg lost the duel very quickly Ulfric being both a season warrior and a Tongue, a user of the Voice.

Following this example and his successful escape, Ulfric was officially on the Empire's hitlist...yet his pursuers were thwarted at the border of Eastmarch by his militia and the eastern Holds rose up in his support, necessitating the deployment of a Legion to Skyrim and marking the beginning of the Skyrim Civil War. An initial type of Phoney War was waged, the lack of results forcing the Emperor to send General Tullius to Skyrim as a Military Governour.

Tullius quickly expanded the Legion in Skyrim and ambushed Ulfric at Darkwater Crossing, successfully capturing the rebellious Jarl and having him transported to nearby loyal Helgen to put an end to the rebellion. He also captured someone he better shouldn't have captured, one who was fated to decide the fate of Skyrim, one way or another.

Alduin the World Eater made his presence known at Helgen, leading to the escape of Ulfric and the prisoners, destroying an important imperial town and prolonging the civil war.

The following year showed the rise of the Dragonborn, a hero of legend, or in this case heroine, who combatted the Dragon threat as well as travelled the Holds, solving many issues. Eventually the World Eater lay defeated and the Dragonborn had claimed his soul and could finally turn her attention to worldly matters...that being the independence of Skyrim. With the aid of the Dragonborn, the Stormcloak army managed to lead a quick campaign through Skyrim, finally ousting the Imperial Legion, cutting back Thalmor influence and killing Governour General Tullius.

After this Ulfric concentrated himself on rebuilding the land while the Dragonborn kept rushing off to save Tamriel from yet another threat. There were enough of them there anyway. They had become close friends during the campaign and if Ulfric had been willing could have even become lovers yet his torment at the hands of the Thalmor had traumatized him in that regard and he pushed the Dragonborn away. In hindsight perhaps not something he should have done.

The Dragonborn travelled to Solstheim...yet returned later, clearly shaken about what she had encountered there. Refusing to tell Ulfric and instead just muttering about having to gain more power, she went off to investigate the growing Vampire menace, joining the Dawnguard in the process.

Ulfric did not know what happened but the Dragonborn, emotionally isolated and vulnerable and with the pressure of saving the world upon her yet again, cracked under the smooth promises of power by the Vampire Lord Harkon, accepting it from him. The next time she and Ulfric met, she still had enough shame/not enough trust in her power to keep her new state hidden from him yet he could already tell that something was wrong. Though he did not prod.

Harkon was brought down and his plans to end the Tyranny of the Sun foiled, perhaps one of the last truly good acts of the Dragonborn. Miraak then followed, the Dragonborn removing competition and a thorn in her side. And with the end of that last threat to herself and Skyrim, the Dragonborn's transformation was complete. There was no more responsibility truly tying her down, no more attachments and so much power at her fingertips. All across Skyrim she had "friends" that she could make dance on her strings. A new vision was quickly born, one of rulership not unlike the one Harkon had had. The Dragonborn would claim the Ruby Throne and restore the Tamrielic Empire of Tiber Septim...just that it wouldn't be known as Septim's Empire anymore but as hers and hers alone. An Empire she would rule for eternity untill she would finally ascend to godhood just like Tiber Septim had.

Why, hello there neighbour

You'll definitely be an interesting one to interact with

What's your policy on non-humans then? Considering the Stormcloaks are now in power.

You've played Skyrim, right?

Ya damn well know what the policy is gonna be!
Ex-NE Panzerwaffe Hauptmann; War Merit Cross & Knights Cross of the Iron Cross
Ex Woodhouse Loyalist & Ex Inactive BLITZKRIEG Foreign Relations Minister
Furchtlos und Treu dem Hause Württemberg für alle Ewigkeit!

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The Imperial Warglorian Empire
Posts: 8104
Founded: Oct 10, 2015

Postby The Imperial Warglorian Empire » Sat Dec 19, 2020 5:22 am

Remnants of Exilvania wrote:
The Imperial Warglorian Empire wrote:Why, hello there neighbour

You'll definitely be an interesting one to interact with

What's your policy on non-humans then? Considering the Stormcloaks are now in power.

You've played Skyrim, right?

Ya damn well know what the policy is gonna be!

Only the Imperials, and about the first quarter.

All I know is that they’re racist.
Call me Warg or Antic
Yeah, u do that and I’m gonna have to force u to pull a France, and then a Vichy-Wargloria, after one of his allies proposed pulling an Italy


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The Imperial Warglorian Empire
Posts: 8104
Founded: Oct 10, 2015

Postby The Imperial Warglorian Empire » Sat Dec 19, 2020 5:23 am

Mirial System wrote:
The Imperial Warglorian Empire wrote:I don't get it

Wikipedia is your friend~

Nice, I’m the devil or something.
Call me Warg or Antic
Yeah, u do that and I’m gonna have to force u to pull a France, and then a Vichy-Wargloria, after one of his allies proposed pulling an Italy


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Posts: 53
Founded: Dec 11, 2019

Postby Baharuthia » Sat Dec 19, 2020 5:59 am

Name of country reserved:Axis Federation
Territory: Galicia-Lodomeria with Carpathian Ruthenia(a map is preferable)

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Democratic East-Asia
Posts: 6068
Founded: Aug 30, 2016
Democratic Socialists

Postby Democratic East-Asia » Sat Dec 19, 2020 7:17 am

Since I exist... the first round of applications is accepted (everyone who has posted so far). I shall update the player list later.

All reservations have been noted.
Revolutionary Communist State set in Asia. PMT.
NS stats are not used.
Actively funding left-wing "terrorist" organizations since its founding.

Pan Asia Broadcasting Channel: "We will achieve communism in 20 years." - Chairman Wei Yenwu, Central Government | Automation of industries threatens millions of jobs, says economic advisors

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Chargé d'Affaires
Posts: 392
Founded: Nov 04, 2015

Postby Regria » Sat Dec 19, 2020 1:33 pm

Full Nation Name : United Soviet Federation
Short Nation Name : Russia
Flag / National Symbols: Technocrats of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your limiting bureaucratic apparatuses!

Government Type : One party Libertarian Socialist State
Official Political Ideology : Ultravisionary Socialism (Libertarian)
Head of State and Government : Nikolai Kardashev
Government Description : Ultravisionary Socialism (Libertarian) is a libertarian left and technocratic ideology that seeks to create a socialist society of science, technology and a Soviet Federation between the stars, whilst also crafting a post-scarcity society.

Territory : Rhineland
Territorial Ambitions : The Solar System, Brandenburg
Capital City : Rykov
Population : 2,602,480

Majority/Official Culture : Russian

Majority/State Religion : None. We only need believe in science!

Major Industries / Economic sectors:
Amount of Industrialization : Very industrialized, with limited robotic assistance in mundane industries.
Economic Description : Heavily centered around producing advanced (for the time) military hardware, space launch services, and cheaper general goods due to limited automation. However, there is a notable lack of plentiful agriculture for now, though the fertile European land will change that.

Technological Level : Ultravisionary Cold War
Magic and other shenanigans?: No(t currently)

Military Description

320,000 total troops (210,000 Military Personnel, 110,000 Auxiliaries and Specialized Infantry), 1,100 ‘Ultramodern’ Tanks, 1,500 ‘Older Tanks’, 308 Laser SPAA

Navy: N/A

Air Force:
-390x Fighters (40x ‘Ultramodern’ Jets, 200x Modern Jets, 100x Older Jets, 50x WWII Props)
-500x CAS (150x Modern, 350x WWII)
-20x Heavy Bombers (15x ‘Ultramodern’, 5x Modern)
-5x Ekranoplan (2x Anti-Vehicle, 3x Transport)
-40x Attack Helicopters
-300x Utility Helicopters
-5x ICBMs
-13x MRBMs
-30x SRBMs

Aether Force:
-2x Primitive Space Fighter [Experimental, Combat testing]
-10x Anti-Satellite Missiles

National Goals:
-Advancement of all sciences, and discovery of new fields
-Futurizing the Military
-Creation of a Soviet Superculture
-Cracking Nuclear Fusion
-Colonizing the Moon into a fully operational Helium-3 extraction site
-Colonizing Mars
-Construction of an orbital Skyhook system
-Eventually industrializing the solar system
-Creating a post-scarcity society (within reason)

History : When the German bombs no longer reaped death across the Russian wastelands, the entirety of its’ people stood in disbelief or jubilantly celebrated with whatever luxuries they had. However, that much could not be said for the Komi Republic and its’ unusual political situation. As others gathered their strength, the relatively powerful warlord state found its’ democratic system challenged with the rising influence of its’ red shadow-supporters, and a cycle of military coups by the militant political parties all wanting to take control of the state for themselves. However, leadership was eventually secured by a certain Andrei Zhdanov, a perpetuator of science and progress.

However, his view of ‘science’ was one none could have predicted. Announcing that the future had come, he declared himself ‘Paramount Leader’, and quickly moved to conquer West Russia, whilst instituting vast social, industrial, and technological reforms. Many of these for the time were very controversial, oftentimes throwing out morality, traditions, and the self-proclaimed goals of the socialist revolution. Zhdanov didn’t care, though. To him, no sacrifice was too great for his vision of ‘Ultravisionary Socialism’, where humanity might be propelled to be an interstellar species, to become the galaxy-spanning hegemon he believed it was destined to become.

As he expanded westwards into the former territory of Omsk, the Paramount Leader found himself presented with a myriad of cutting-edge and intriguing military and societal research projects. Enthusiastic as ever, he threw his full support behind every single one. The sane might have condemned this as an unnecessary financial drain, and a potential long-term cause of a national financial collapse, but Zhdanov refused to listen even when some of the stranger societal experiments ended in failure. Curiously enough, the projects which showed most promise were that of military hardware programs-- where all of them showed fruitful results.

The Paramount Leader’s health declined as he moved to conquer that of the former warlord Tomsk, rapidly mechanizing every aspect of the ‘Soviet Superculture’ after a breakthrough in ‘cybernetics’. Though some industries vastly benefited from the limited roboticization, many only existed for prestige and only made those ventures less productive without as much human labor. It was here when he started seeking out the ‘Worker’s Bomb’, and the dawn of the Soviet Cosmonaut Program.

Uniting Russia after triumphing over the Magadan fascists, a massive celebration was held in Rykov-- where Zhdanov announced the ‘United Soviet Federation’ and its’ dreams of interstellar liberation. Whilst sci-fi enthusiasts the world over marveled at the Federation, most in the international community viewed this odd state as a curiosity, if not condemning it for some of its’ more questionable practices for the sake of scientific advancement. From here, the state went silent however, bereft from its’ usual hammy speeches regarding the advancement of science and the ‘Soviet Superculture’.

The Paramount leader was dying, and he knew a successor had to be chosen. Between them were scientists Vladimir Chelomei and Nikolai Kardashev, on a race to convince the massive bureaucratic apparatus of their superiority over the other. In a narrow upset victory, the likes of Kardashev won out over the hardliner Chelomei-- much to the relief of the more sane elements of the government.

Immediately, the new Paramount Leader moved to rationalizing the state of the Federation, de-mechanizing industry which was unprofitable, cancelling projects dealing with the pseudosciences which had run into massive cost overruns, and scaling back production of the more expensive military hardware like the Ekranoplans and the Laser SPAA in wide circulation with armored units. However, given his own ambitions, the new Paramount Leader announced in a speech with more than a little stuttering-- yet with quite some charm, that the focus of the Federation should shift from galactic hegemony, to a more reasonable yet still ambitious goal of turning Russia into a post-scarcity society using resources eventually harvested from a fully industrialized solar system, assisted heavily by the advent of Nuclear Fusion technology.

With this, massive amounts of capital were poured into the now-ballooning space program, at times personally led by Kardashev himself. Within four years the Soviets had created an unmanned craft that made it one-way to the Moon, becoming the second nation in history to land on its’ surface. And as plans to reclaim Moscow from the fascist were finalized…

It happened.

A recent experiment which had been approved by a drunken Kardashev had gone awry-- that of trying to discover a way of FTL travel to make distances between planets measurable within days or hours. The method chosen was that of spatial displacement-- or as many would say, teleportation. The teleportation of a grain of sand, to be precise. Such an effort required high amounts of energy, but newly constructed nuclear plants met their demands rather easily.

Too easily.

As the facility fired at the grain of sand, multiple bolts of lighting hit a small portion of exposed wire leading into the facility. With such an overload of energy, the system which would have merely moved a grain of sand five feet had vaporized Rykov. Or so, that’s what one might say if they lived in the Federation.

In reality, Rykov and all of its’ inhabitants, political heads, military personnel and Kardashev himself had been the byproduct of a technically successful experiment. With the machine exploding the moment it had done its’ due diligence, Rykov had been transported to what seemed like a completely different world, as all radio contact with any other part of the Federation had vanished, and commuters on the edge of the city reported seeing the roads behind them vanish-- to be replaced by trees and lush forests that were thought only to be seen in Moscow. As the scientists behind the project, and a drunken Kardashev all looked amongst one another, a realization had dawned on them.

The sea of time and space had brought them to a new world, and they were wholly unprepared for it.

This nation doesn't use NS stats. Who does, anyways?

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Posts: 5060
Founded: Nov 16, 2012

Postby Nazeroth » Sat Dec 19, 2020 4:28 pm

spoiler=Nation App]

Full Nation Name : Black Land of Mordor/ Realm of Shadow
Short Nation Name : Mordor
Flag / National Symbols: The Red Eye of Sauron

Government Type : absolute despotism
Official Political Ideology : Sauronism, essentially total despotism towards Saruon.
Head of State : Sauron
Head of Government : Sauron
Government Description : Absolute Despotism

Territory : Bulgaria
Territorial Ambitions : (Territory you seek to gain. OPTIONAL)
Capital City : Baradur
Population : 12 Million

Majority/Official Culture : Mordorian(A mixture of Orcish, Black Numereran etc)

Majority/State Religion : Worship of the Great Eye, Sauron

Major Industries / Economic sectors: Iron and Steel Works, Slave Labor, Coal
Amount of Industrialization : Little, though what exists is more significant for a Low-Tech nation, able to mass produce medeval weaponary in forges and primitive explosives.
Economic Description : Essentially a despotic monarchy

Technological Level : Fantasy-Medieval
Magic and other shenanigans? (If any exists) : Limited Magic

Military Description The Armies of Mordor are vastly focused on Ground Warefare with a focus on massed infantry hordes with beast support. Limited Air power in the form of Drakes riden by Orcs and Naval forces include Corsairs and Orc transports.

Army: Orcs and Black Uruks numbers in the tens of thousands, while other beasts such as Trolls bred for war number in the thousands. Some Cavalary in the form of Caragor riders.

Navy: A few small fleets of Corsairs, and a significant amount of Orc ferrys.

Air Force: Limited to pockets of Drake riding Orcs or corrupted men.

National Goals : Expand borders and bring the others into the fold of Sauron's grip.

History : When the One Ring was dropped into Mount doom Sauron was finally obliterated and cast into the void, but a strange event occured, his furious soul screeching into infinity until it tore it's way into the current world. Bara-Dur then became transported to this Earth in Bulgaria near the eastern shore. The fortress itself and the local army with it. Drastically weakened the great eye scans the horizon in search of knowledge of this new world and how to conquer it, it was no longer the middle earth the dark lord knew, but it would be conquered regardless.

(Remove all parenthesis when done)
#POD 3 (don't remove this!)
Last edited by Nazeroth on Sat Dec 19, 2020 8:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Comically Evil Member of the Anti-Democracy League
Government: Tyrannical Feudal Despotism
"Crush your enemies, see them driven before you..."
"The meek will inherit nothing..."
"Behold and despair fools"
"We will sail to a billion worlds...we will sail until every light has been extinguished"

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Union Princes
Posts: 3988
Founded: Nov 02, 2017
Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby Union Princes » Sat Dec 19, 2020 5:16 pm

Full Nation Name : The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Short Nation Name : The USSR, Soviet Union
Flag / National Symbols:

Government Type : Federal single-party soviet socialist republic
Official Political Ideology : Authoritarian Socialism
Head of State : Grand Marshal Georgy Zhukov
Head of Government : Sergey Akhromeyev

Government Description : A military stratocracy although Zhukov is planning on transitioning the USSR into a socialist democracy. In order to ensure that the Soviet Union maintains a stable republic, however, the neutralization of Nazism and the liberation of Western Russia must be accomplished first before the Grand Marshal can conduct the first federal election. As such, the government is still following the policy of War Communism in order to maintain a powerful military.

Territory : Czechia
Territorial Ambitions : Hungary, Austria, Germany
Capital City : Arkhangelsk (Where Prague is)
Population : 2.5 million

Majority/Official Culture : Soviet Russian

Majority/State Religion : Orthodox Christian

Major Industries / Economic sectors: Government jobs, mining, heavy manufacturing, the arms industry, research, and education
Amount of Industrialization : Late industrial
Economic Description : Under War Communism, everything is focused on building up war material for the Soviet Army to use to unify Russia and liberate Moscow from Nazism. Everything is nationalized and all foreign trade is a state monopoly.

Technological Level : Late-Industrial
Magic and other shenanigans?:N/A

Military Description
Army: The Guards divisions of the Grand Marshal are made up of the Soviet Union’s finest soldiers, forged in the fires of war, iron will, and steeled muscle. Over three decades of constant warfare, attrition, and training have made the Soviet Guards one of the most elite armies in the entire world, backed up by experience and grim determination. They don’t know fear and after the unification of Russia, know no retreat for they will fight to preserve the Motherland.
600,000 armed personnel
10 MBT divisions
Air Force:
2,000 airforce members
300 Jet fighters
100 Jet CAS
National Goals : Returning to their own timeline to finish the fight against Nazi Germany.

History : The bloody wars of the Russian unification have ended, and it is the grizzled veterans who first defended the nation from Nazi Germany that are its victors. The West Revolutionary Front, formed by remnants of the old Red Army, has officially declared the unification of Russia under the red banner. The decades not only saw the Front continually fight Nazi Germany but the warlords who had dominated the countryside after the Soviet collapse.

The WRRF’s leader, Grand Marshal Georgy Zhukov, is not only praised as a strategic genius but also as the champion of the common people and continues his support of the lower class of the Soviet Union. Unfortunately, Fate had a nasty sense of humor as Zhukov went to bed in Rykov and woke up in Arkhangelsk, only this time there was no Arctic Ocean on the horizon.

(Remove all parenthesis when done)
#POD 3 (don't remove this!)
Last edited by Union Princes on Sat Dec 19, 2020 5:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
There is no such thing as peace, only truce between wars

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The Imperial Warglorian Empire
Posts: 8104
Founded: Oct 10, 2015

Postby The Imperial Warglorian Empire » Sat Dec 19, 2020 8:09 pm

Nazeroth wrote:spoiler=Nation App]

Full Nation Name : Black Land of Mordor/ Realm of Shadow
Short Nation Name : Mordor
Flag / National Symbols: The Red Eye of Sauron

Government Type : (Republic, Direct Democracy, etc)
Official Political Ideology : Sauronism, essentially total despotism towards Saruon.
Head of State : Sauron
Head of Government : Sauron
Government Description : Absolute Despotism

Territory : Bulgaria
Territorial Ambitions : (Territory you seek to gain. OPTIONAL)
Capital City : Baradur
Population : 12 Million

Majority/Official Culture : Mordorian(A mixture of Orcish, Black Numereran etc)

Majority/State Religion : Worship of the Great Eye, Sauron

Major Industries / Economic sectors: Iron and Steel Works, Slave Labor, Coal
Amount of Industrialization : Little, though what exists is more significant for a Low-Tech nation, able to mass produce medeval weaponary in forges and primitive explosives.
Economic Description : Essentially a despotic monarchy

Technological Level : Fantasy-Medieval
Magic and other shenanigans? (If any exists) : Limited Magic

Military Description The Armies of Mordor are vastly focused on Ground Warefare with a focus on massed infantry hordes with beast support. Limited Air power in the form of Drakes riden by Orcs and Naval forces include Corsairs and Orc transports.

Army: Orcs and Black Uruks numbers in the tens of thousands, while other beasts such as Trolls bred for war number in the thousands. Some Cavalary in the form of Caragor riders.

Navy: A few small fleets of Corsairs, and a significant amount of Orc ferrys.

Air Force: Limited to pockets of Drake riding Orcs or corrupted men.

National Goals : Expand borders and bring the others into the fold of Sauron's grip.

History : When the One Ring was dropped into Mount doom Sauron was finally obliterated and cast into the void, but a strange event occured, his furious soul screeching into infinity until it tore it's way into the current world. Bara-Dur then became transported to this Earth in Bulgaria near the eastern shore. The fortress itself and the local army with it. Drastically weakened the great eye scans the horizon in search of knowledge of this new world and how to conquer it, it was no longer the middle earth the dark lord knew, but it would be conquered regardless.

(Remove all parenthesis when done)
#POD 3 (don't remove this!)

Call me Warg or Antic
Yeah, u do that and I’m gonna have to force u to pull a France, and then a Vichy-Wargloria, after one of his allies proposed pulling an Italy


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The Imperial Warglorian Empire
Posts: 8104
Founded: Oct 10, 2015

Postby The Imperial Warglorian Empire » Sat Dec 19, 2020 8:13 pm

Regria wrote:Full Nation Name : United Soviet Federation

Union Princes wrote:Full Nation Name : The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

National Goals : Returning to their own timeline to finish the fight against Nazi Germany.

I have an even worse feeling about these.

I'm screwed, aren't I?

Time to go into

Call me Warg or Antic
Yeah, u do that and I’m gonna have to force u to pull a France, and then a Vichy-Wargloria, after one of his allies proposed pulling an Italy


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The Imperial Warglorian Empire
Posts: 8104
Founded: Oct 10, 2015

Postby The Imperial Warglorian Empire » Sat Dec 19, 2020 8:13 pm

So, to you Russias, how do you feel about SS Germany and Imperial Japan?
Call me Warg or Antic
Yeah, u do that and I’m gonna have to force u to pull a France, and then a Vichy-Wargloria, after one of his allies proposed pulling an Italy


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Wasi State
Posts: 843
Founded: Mar 25, 2019
Moralistic Democracy

Postby Wasi State » Sat Dec 19, 2020 8:14 pm

The Imperial Warglorian Empire wrote:So, to you Russias, how do you feel about SS Germany and Imperial Japan?

I think you probably know the answer to this, but I'm gonna pretend ya don't.
Chedastan Puppet

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Union Princes
Posts: 3988
Founded: Nov 02, 2017
Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby Union Princes » Sat Dec 19, 2020 8:16 pm

The Imperial Warglorian Empire wrote:So, to you Russias, how do you feel about SS Germany and Imperial Japan?

Zhukov is more personally driven to liberate Moscow from the Nazis, but since he is in a different world, he'll either try to contain Germany long enough for the Soviets to go home or wipe out the Nazis to prevent another Russian genocide. He really doesn't care about Imperial Japan unless they decide to ally with the Nazis again.
There is no such thing as peace, only truce between wars

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The Imperial Warglorian Empire
Posts: 8104
Founded: Oct 10, 2015

Postby The Imperial Warglorian Empire » Sat Dec 19, 2020 8:20 pm

Union Princes wrote:
The Imperial Warglorian Empire wrote:So, to you Russias, how do you feel about SS Germany and Imperial Japan?

Zhukov is more personally driven to liberate Moscow from the Nazis, but since he is in a different world, he'll either try to contain Germany long enough for the Soviets to go home or wipe out the Nazis to prevent another Russian genocide. He really doesn't care about Imperial Japan unless they decide to ally with the Nazis again.

Pretty sure the USSR would be highly opposed to Imperial Japan existing.
Call me Warg or Antic
Yeah, u do that and I’m gonna have to force u to pull a France, and then a Vichy-Wargloria, after one of his allies proposed pulling an Italy


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Union Princes
Posts: 3988
Founded: Nov 02, 2017
Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby Union Princes » Sat Dec 19, 2020 8:26 pm

They would be but the Nazis are the biggest priority
There is no such thing as peace, only truce between wars

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The Imperial Warglorian Empire
Posts: 8104
Founded: Oct 10, 2015

Postby The Imperial Warglorian Empire » Sat Dec 19, 2020 8:32 pm

Union Princes wrote:They would be but the Nazis are the biggest priority

Again, time for STRENG GEHEIM
Call me Warg or Antic
Yeah, u do that and I’m gonna have to force u to pull a France, and then a Vichy-Wargloria, after one of his allies proposed pulling an Italy


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Posts: 1854
Founded: Jun 26, 2019

Postby Sarderia » Sun Dec 20, 2020 12:43 pm

Full Nation Name : Greater Japanese Empire - Dai Nippon Teikoku (大日本帝国)
Short Nation Name : Japan/Nippon
Flag / National Symbols:
Standard of His Imperial Majesty

Hinomaru - the Rising Sun

Government Type : Absolute Monarchy under a Military Junta
Official Political Ideology : Japanese Nationalism
Head of State : HIM Shōwa Emperor (Hirohito - 裕仁)
Head of Government : Takeshi Kido, Prime Minister
Government Description : Japan is nominally an Absolute Monarchy with the Emperor acting as the Head of Government and Head of State of the Empire. However longstanding tradition (yet to be codified) delegates the Emperor's power to the Prime Minister and the Cabinet, which is currently taken by members of the Imperial Japanese Military. Political parties are banned. There exists Co-Prosperity states (Japanese vassal states, that got blipped with Japan from the TMITHC universe); however in this world, the Co-Prosperity states are essentially integrated with Japan. Japan proper is divided into 43 prefectures (42 Japanese Prefectures + Korean Autonomous Prefecture), and 3 Co-Prosperity States )(Empire of Manchuria, Japanese Pacific States, Union Government of Indonesia and Australia)

Territory : Japan
Territorial Ambitions : None as of now; the Empire seeks to maintain peace, and the Empire saw itself as being on the "top" of all countries in the Continent
Capital City : EDO, Imperial City (江戸) - Tokyo Metropolis (東京都, Tōkyō-to)
Population : 3 million
Majority/Official Culture : Japanese

Majority/State Religion : State Shinto

Major Industries / Economic sectors: Industry (manufactured goods, steel, machinery, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, etc.); Agriculture (wheat, barley, rice, dairy products, etc.); Forestry (timber); Mineral and Hydrocarbons (oil, coal, steel, etc.); Services (retail, healthcare, etc.)
Amount of Industrialization : Very industrialized. Japan's factories and other manufacturing centers are mysteriously transported to the Niedersachsen region; the Co-Prosperity States' primary industrial centers "arrived" in Netherlands and Schelswig-Holstein.
Economic Description : Japan, in its original timeline, is the second largest economy of the world - behind Nazi Germany. The Japanese Empire spans from Siberia and Alaske to Australia and Chile, making it one of the world's major producer of natural resources. As such, the Japanese Empire - most importantly the Japanese Islands, are very developed and possess a significant level of industrialization. After being transported, Japan is still one of the most industrialized nations - also affirming its position as one of the continent's major economies.

Primary sectors of the economy included industry - the manufacturing of various ready and prepared goods. With its large population and industrial capacity Japan can be considered as one of the continent's primary suppliers of finished materials. Services, or tertiary sector ranks second, dominated by the retail and healthcare businesses. Third comes agriculture and forestry; the relatively flat, and fertile terrain of Japan's current location allows for mass cultivation of wheat, barley, and other cereals; rice, the Japanese's staple food, as well as cattle farming on an industrial scale. The mineral and hydrocarbon sector, which generates pretty much a similar percentage of the GDP compared to agriculture, consists of petroleum and gas extraction from fields in the North Sea, as well as coal and other mining activities.

Technological Level : 1940s (aesthetics), 1960s (Atomic energy, machinery, electronics, trains, etc.)
Magic and other shenanigans?: None, though actively researching

Military Description



Air Force:

National Goals :

History : (At least 1 solid paragraph)

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#POD 3 (don't remove this!)
Last edited by Sarderia on Sun Dec 20, 2020 1:35 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Takkan Melayu Hilang Di Dunia

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Democratic East-Asia
Posts: 6068
Founded: Aug 30, 2016
Democratic Socialists

Postby Democratic East-Asia » Sun Dec 20, 2020 1:56 pm

Map updated. I shall compile a list of nations later.
Revolutionary Communist State set in Asia. PMT.
NS stats are not used.
Actively funding left-wing "terrorist" organizations since its founding.

Pan Asia Broadcasting Channel: "We will achieve communism in 20 years." - Chairman Wei Yenwu, Central Government | Automation of industries threatens millions of jobs, says economic advisors

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Wasi State
Posts: 843
Founded: Mar 25, 2019
Moralistic Democracy

Postby Wasi State » Sun Dec 20, 2020 5:12 pm

Democratic East-Asia wrote:Map updated. I shall compile a list of nations later.

*whips* You best be getting to it! :p
Chedastan Puppet



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