Kylaris Recruitment Thread (ARCHIVED)

A place to put national factbooks, embassy exchanges, and other information regarding the nations of the world. [In character]


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Posts: 60
Founded: Jul 07, 2017

Postby Hergemoth » Sun Jul 15, 2018 4:48 am

National information
Official Name: Royal Confederation of Keldava
Shortened Name: Keldava
Requested Location: The location requested for my previous application, the area next to Marirana and the islands immediately east.
RP Population: 48,824,292
Culture: A fundamental mix of Ruttish and Swedish, as well as a large native group.
  • Ethnicity: Ruttish 30%
    !notSwedish 15%
    Neinxl (Mayan) 40%
    Black 15%
  • Religion: Catholic Christianity, Neinxl religions (Sun Worship)
  • Languages: The primary and only official national language is Ruttish. Among other baltapas languages is not!Swedish, and a small percentage of Weranians. The largest spalvosi language is Neinxl
Government Type: Federal constitutional monarchy

The Government of Keldava functions unlike other constitutional monarchies, in that the head of government also is the upper branch of the bicameral legislature, a group of 10 officials that make up the National Council. This council is led by the Chairman, who is elected by the people every four years, who then duly appoints the Council, usually out of their own party shadow ministers, or out of previous ministers. The head of state of Keldava is the monarch, the Karlius, a position which is mainly hedietary, although the monarch can be voted out if the Chairman of the Council triggers and emergency vote, with 2/3 or more consent by the Chamber of Deputies, and then the Council will vote by majority to remove or replace the monarch. The Chairman of the National Council can be removed by the Council, if any member of the Council calls a vote with must have 2/3 consent or more by the Chamber of Deputies. In times of war the Monarch is given executive authority and may dissolve either legislative body without consent, but if the Monarch wishes to dissolve either in peace, they must seek majority consent from the other legislative branch. The Monarch cannot dissolve both at times of peace. The Chamber of Deputies is elected by the people every 4 years, however they are elected based on racial groups. It serves as the lower house of legislature. The nation operates on a federal system, and is divided into 8 staats, as well as 3 spallands, territories for spalvosi only.
Head of State: King Azoulas V
Head of Government: National Council (led by Chairman Matis Gorviniv)
National Overview: The society of the Confederation of Keldava is a peculiar and controversial one. Known for being a socially conservative, and fiscially right-wing country, the Confederation of Keldava is open to economic and technological modernization but generally disapproves of social liberalism and modern rights views. The nation is rooted in historical struggle and hardship, but also pioneering of colonials that has led to modern society looking back on the proud history and making moves to reincarnate it into modern culture in Keldava. Another figure of this is Keldava's racial laws. Keldava has a large population of native Neinxl people, who have inhabited the nation for thousands of years. Due to the fact that they made intelligent deals with colonials in the early Euclean days, they have not been exterminated and the old racial policies have conserved a large majority of natives. Black slaves from Asteria also began arriving in the late 18th century leading to a large modern population of Kelo-Blacks. The racial laws were modernized in 1932, creating a policy of separation into baltapas (whites), spalvosi (colored; includes natives), and Juodasi, blacks. These groups vote separately, they are not allowed to marry a person of another group, they live, pay and work separately, among other elements of society shaped by race. The Keldavan National Christian People's Party (KNKLP), which continues to lead Keldavan politics, proceeds to sponsor these laws, along with the Monarchy.

Social views:
  • General population's view on gay rights/gay people: Homosexuality is outlawed in most forms. Although punishments aren't major, re-habillitation camps have been established on the matter, though the use of them is declining and a legally better view is being taken towards gays.
  • General population's view on religions other than the primary one: No, since there are two major religions, plus many more minor ones.
  • General population's view on atheism: Frowned upon socially, especially by native religions.
  • General population's view on abortion: Illegal except in extreme cases, and socially frowned upon. Charged as murder of a non-citizen
  • View on other races/ethnic groups other than the primary one(s): No, because there are three major ethnicities and the racial laws prevent much physical prejudice internally
  • Any big prejudices in your nation Not really. Some native religions or folks might have certain unofficial laws that may be prejudice, but nothing national.
  • View on immigration into country: Generally frowned upon, especially if categorization of immigrants is difficult. Most immigrants will not gain citizenship, and will not be allowed to marry in most cases, seeming that nobody else in the world is a native Keldavan, that being the majority ethnicity.
  • Women's Rights: Women are generally given the same rights as men, but on the paygap the government's stance is "women's rights yes, but business' rights too"
  • Views on tobacco/alcohol/pot/other drugs:Tobacco is discouraged by most, although widely used in pipes. Alcohol is sold commonly, with Keldavan vodka being the finest around. Marijuana is illegal, although in special cases can be used medicinally.

  • Factbook: I'm working on an iiwiki.
  • RP Preferences: I like some military and some character driven but I'm really fine with anything
  • RP Samples: See forum posts of Hergemoth and Rouesia.
  • Primary/Other NS Nations: Hergemoth, Tudorlandia, Rouesia
  • Any troubles with moderation? (If so, a link, please.): No
  • Anything else?:

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Posts: 60
Founded: Jul 07, 2017

Postby Hergemoth » Mon Jul 16, 2018 3:09 am

National information
Official Name: The United Republic of Kelania
Shortened Name: Kelania (sometimes called Dictatorial Kelania)
Requested bigthing The area east of Satucin, though not the entire thing. You may select the amount of land in that area, anywhere, I will not mind, although make it a medium claim about half the size of neighbour Satucin.
RP Population: 52,000,000
Culture: The culture is mainly Floren, along with a mix of native and foreign cultures like Weranian and Etrurian, in some places.
  • Ethnicity: The main ethnic group is Floren, wit 72% of population
    Etrurian, 14%
    Weranian 9%
    Native/Other 5%
  • Religion: Catholic Christianity
  • Languages: There is only one official language, that is Floren. Other languages include Etrurian, Weranic, and native languages like Neinxl.
Government Type: The government is, in essence, fascist. Although the original military junta of 1982 is no longer in existence, effectively, the single-party government under the Partit Falangista Nacional de Kelania has dominated a growingly democratic and freer state ever since Regent, Caudillo and Minister Josayan Maritin in 2003, the nation has been making strides towards freedom and democracy. The government is led by the Regent-Caudillo (simply Caudillo), who is head of state, while the head of government is a Prime Minister, appointed by the Caudillo, who is elected upon the death, resignation, or removal of the previous Caudillo, by the unicameral Congres Nacional, who are elected by the people with the exception of 7 Ministeros, permenant members appointed by the Prime Minister. The Congres will make laws with the approval of the Caudillo, Prime Minister, and Speaker, who is elected by majority from the Ministeros. At least two of these must approve for any laws passed by the Congres with a majority. The Ministeros sit in Congres but do not vote on law. The Congres can be dismissed by the Prime Minister or Speaker with the consent of the Caudillo, the Prime Minister may dismiss the Ministeros, or individual ones with the consent of the Caudillo, and the Caudillo may dismiss the Prime Minister, or Speaker with the consent of the Congres, and dismiss Congres with the consent of the Ministeros. If a state of emergency is declared, with a Congres 2/3 and Ministeros majority, the Caudillo has supreme power and may dismiss any body or person at will.
Head of State: Regent-Caudillo Josyan Maritin
Head of Government: Prime Minister Emmanuel Gausrina
National Overview: Dictatorial Kelania is a nation which at first faced controversey, exercising policies for 20 years of oppression, genocide, and exploitation. Although the planned racial segregations by the government failed to gain traction, and after the Unity Act of 2005, were cancelled and races were united. Although a growing social democrat and small communist element is growing in the more liberal political envrionment in Kelania, a slim majority of the population accept the popularity of the "benevolent dictatorship" operated. Political division will rise in the next few years as democraticization is being conducted. However, army stalwarts are doubting of this, and this further fuels the growingly divided Kelanian society.

Social views:
  • General population's view on gay rights/gay people: All acts are officially illegal but are not always enforced.
  • General population's view on religions other than the primary one: Indifferent, but the government mandates "societal suspicion" of foreign religions.
  • General population's view on atheism: Discouraged, but is not illegal. The Church is very discouraging of atheist or antitheist views.
  • General population's view on abortion: Illegal in most cases
  • View on other races/ethnic groups other than the primary one(s): Relatively indifferent. There are some racistical factions within the PFNK as well as racist groups in the country, there is no major societal discrimination against any certain race.
  • Any big prejudices in your nation No.
  • View on immigration into country: Major immigration is illegal and only a select few gain full citizenship and access.
  • Women's Rights: Women are given equal rights as men but business may pay what they like.
  • Views on tobacco/alcohol/pot/other drugs:All is legal except for pot, cocaine, and other class a

  • Factbook: I will create an iiwiki
  • RP Preferences: I'm open minded, and enjoy everything
  • RP Samples: see Hergemoth and Rouesia forum posts
  • Primary/Other NS Nations: Hergemoth, Tudorlandia, Rouesia, Colerva, Nova B
  • Any troubles with moderation? (If so, a link, please.): No
  • Anything else?:

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Posts: 60
Founded: Jul 07, 2017

Postby Hergemoth » Thu Jul 19, 2018 5:06 pm

National information
Official Name: The Combined Nationalist Syndicates of The Kelanies
Shortened Name: The Kelanies
Requested Location: That large archipelago off Alagarve, all of them.
RP Population: 11,500,000
Culture: The culture is primarily Floren (or Lusitian if that's canon). Natives are rare and are usually not pure, being classified as colored ethnicity, but their culture is mainly incorporated to Floren-Lusitian culture
  • Ethnicity: Floren 97% (or Lusitian is that's canon)
    Other 3%
  • Religion: Protestantism, Catholicism
  • Languages: Floren/Lusitian
Government Type: National confederal syndicalist state

The nation's executive is the Premier. The positions of Head of state and head of government are ignored in Kelanie politics. The Premier presides over the decisions that would normally be made by a head of state, while the First Citizen presides over the government and whole legislature, the Generalitat Populare. Within the Generalitat, there is the Chamber of Syndicates and the House of Signators. The Chamber has the Speaker, while the House of Signators has the President of the House. It serves as the upper section of legislature. With the approval of the First Citizen, the Generalitat can dismiss the Premier. The Chamber is made up of 250 delegates from the largest 250 syndicates of the country. The House, is made up of 50 persons elected by area, the 50 electorates of the nation plus the capital of Porto Santiago Del Matra, which is the seat of the President of the House.
Head of State: Premier Joao Perro
Head of Government: First Citizen Chuck Morales
National Overview: In the many islands that make up the Kelanies, society is run by the popular syndicalist idea. There are thousands of syndicates for different areas of work, but only a few hundered are very influential. Different areas are controlled by their local most powerful syndicate. The nation is thereforth made up of hundreds of municipalities controlled by syndicates, that regulate laws and customs in their municipalities. The nation's confederalism has weakened the central government's control over anything, with only the Constitution and some other confederal laws being passed as regulation by the central government. This has lead to societal instability. Most syndicates say that those who aren't registered memebers of the union have less rights than those who are, which causes migrations between areas. Municipalities do not have their own politics, although there is a large opposition movement to the one-party syndicalist governance, (Union Party). There isn't any racial segregation, because the nation is hyper-confederal.

Social views:
  • General population's view on gay rights/gay people: Depends on municipality. Most have partial laws on the matter.
  • General population's view on religions other than the primary one: Most municipalities uphold official Protestentism. A few uphold Catholicism, they are minor. Other religions are generally indifferent.
  • General population's view on atheism: Constitution mandates that "freedom of religion does not mean freedom not to practice religion"
  • General population's view on abortion: Constitution formerly mandated no abortion, however that has been removed and replaced with a central law that municipalities may not fully legalize abortion but it can be conducted in extreme cases.
  • View on other races/ethnic groups other than the primary one(s): Indifferent.
  • Any big prejudices in your nation No.
  • View on immigration into country: Municipalities mandate their immigration laws, including migration from other municipalities.
  • Women's Rights: Constitution mandates that women that work have the same rights as men, if they are part of a syndicate/union.
  • Views on tobacco/alcohol/pot/other drugs:Municipal, although alcohol is centrally legal.

  • Factbook: I'll make an iiwiki.
  • RP Preferences: Anything
  • RP Samples: (See Hergemoth's forum posts.
  • Primary/Other NS Nations: Hergemoth, Rouesia, Colerva, Tudorlandia
  • Any troubles with moderation? (If so, a link, please.): No
  • Anything else?:

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Posts: 240
Founded: Jan 03, 2015

Postby Platerdam » Sat Aug 04, 2018 4:12 pm

National information
Official Name: The Federal States of Platerdam
Shortened Name: Platerdam
Requested Location: Wherever is available on Euclea.
RP Population: 12,967,508
Culture: Heavily inspired by Great Britain and Italy, with a touch of Venezuela and Germany. Platerdam's culture is Mediterranean with a bit of London, while having the Latino flavor and the German discipline. You can enjoy a refreshing drink of Cocuy, our national drink, while playing some soccer. Or you can enjoy some good Orkney hamburgers while visiting our beautiful beaches.
  • Ethnicity: Caucasian ethnicity is the most common among Platerdammers with a 48%. Followed closely by Hispanic. African, Mongoloid and Arabic ethnicity are present on Platerdam. For more details, visit the following link.
  • Religion: 42% percent of the population is Christian, primarily Protestant (29%), and the remaining 13% percent Catholic, primarily Roman. Judaism is the second most practised religion. Islam and Buddhism are present as well. Atheism represents a 19% of the population. For more details,please visit the following link.
  • Languages: English and Italian are the official languages of Platerdam. There are tons of unrecognised languages being spoken on the streets of Platerdam right now, we don't have exact data.
Government Type: Socio-Democratic Federal Republic
Head of State: David Clark, Federal President of the States.
Head of Government: David Clark, Federal President of the States.
National Overview: Platerdam is a federal presidential republic. The chief executive is the President of Platerdam who is both head of state and head of government. Executive power is exercised by the President. Legislative power is vested in the National Representative Chamber, the National Deputies and the Senate. The President is both the head of state and government, as well as the military commander-in-chief and chief diplomat. The President, according to the Constitution, must "take care that the laws be faithfully executed", and "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution".

The National Representative Chamber is the legislative branch of the federal government. It is bicameral, comprising the Chamber of Representatives and the Senate. For more details, please visit the following link.

The territory now known as Platerdam was colonized by United Kingdom in 1722 amid resistance from indigenous peoples. In 1802, it became one of the last British territories to declare independence which was not securely established until 1804, when Platerdam had the People's Revolution. Since 1957, the country has had a series of democratic governments. Economic shocks in the 1980s and 1990s led to several political crises, including the deadly riots of 1989 and two attempted coups in 1992. In 1999, a resurrection came and Platerdam slowly risen again to the top.

In the 21st century, Platerdam is a great power with a strong economy; a developed country with a very high standard of living, it upholds a social security and universal health care system, environmental protection, and a tuition-free university education.

Social views:
  • General population's view on gay rights/gay people: Homosexual marriage is legal in all 8 states.
  • General population's view on religions other than the primary one: It's a civil duty to respect other religions, views and opinions. Derogatory acts in public are illegal and can be punished by either a 500 eagles fine or 5 months of jail.
  • General population's view on atheism: Atheism is considered a belief. It's a civil duty to respect other religions, views and opinions.
  • General population's view on abortion: Abortion is legal, there are specialised abortion centres around Platerdam.
  • View on other races/ethnic groups other than the primary one(s): Racism is illegal. Derogatory acts or comments about race in public can be punished by either a 750 eagles fine or 6 months in jail.
  • Any big prejudices in your nation: Communism as a whole.
  • View on immigration into country: Immigration is accepted and Immigrants from all around the universe are welcome.
  • Women's Rights: Women are treated as equal. Gender Violence and Rape cases are taken seriously for both genders.
  • Views on tobacco/alcohol/pot/other drugs:
Tobacco, Alcohol and Cannabis are legal. Other drugs are illegal and the punishment may vary depending the situation.

  • Factbook: ... /id=953532
  • RP Preferences: Diplomatic, sometimes Military. Character-driven are saved for unique occasions.
  • RP Samples: Small extract from a private regional RP: ''Air Defence Forces Headquarters - 05:58 - Monday, March 26
    In two minutes, Operation Prodigy will be initiated

    -A**hole commies, thinking they can attack peace and freedom, I'm going to enjoy so much when those bombs hit.- said Capt. McCourtney, while he observed the preparation of the H-77C missile.

    The missile was reserved years ago for a moment like this, since the Accitanian war. With the Spainard/Germania conflict solved, the national defence forces could finally focus on Asturiosia. Platerdam has warned countries to prepare their armies, just in case Asturiosia decided to bring their tyranny internationally. But, this isn't a ''I told you so'' moment... is more like an: ''Holy crap, we were right''.

    -What do you think, Sergeant?- asked McCourtney, to Sgt- Harris, a national war hero that fought in many recent conflicts. It was clear they needed his aid in the Operation Prodigy.

    -Commies gettin' what they deserve. I think it's a marvel.- said the Sergeant, while a few chuckles from him and from the people in the room were heard due to the smug commentary.

    The chuckles were stopped due to the imminent launch alert. Ten Mississippi, Nine Mississippi, Eight Mississippi, the countdown started, the screen displayed the countdown, it was a classified issue, so, no National Broadcastings yet. Three Mississippi, Two Mississippi, One Mississippi.

    Zero Mississippi.

    The moment has come; It's 06:00 am, most platerdammers are waking up, the national flag is risen in the parliament. And as soon, as the national anthem started to sound in the national radio, the missile was launched. Platerdam saw the H-77C missile fly through the air, while hearing the notes of their beautiful anthem.

    Platerdam's participation in the Asturiosian conflict has begun.''
  • Primary/Other NS Nations:
  • Any troubles with moderation? (If so, a link, please.):
  • Anything else?:

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Imperium Centralium
Posts: 253
Founded: Nov 20, 2016

Postby Imperium Centralium » Sun Aug 05, 2018 12:05 am

National information
Official Name: Pure Republic of Estivan
Shortened Name: Estivan
Requested Location: purple
RP Population: 13,100,000
  • Ethnicity: A heavily mixed population of Farsi, Vespasians, Novalians and !Pashto speakers, plus possible immigrant communities. Generally just referred to as Estivanians.
  • Religion: A disorganized syncretism of Sotirianity, Tamazik Salam, Mazdaism and !Mithraism known only as 'the faith', and externally by scholars as the 'Estivanian syncretic complex'.
  • Languages: Solarian is official, promoted and often learned, but possesses no relevancy outside of being used for cool names. Farsi and Vespasian are the two most commonly used everyday languages, each having large amounts of loanwords from each other; the population is mostly bilingual.
Government Type: Unitary presidential republic
Head of State: President Perus Bali
Head of Government: Prime Minister Anton Filevi
National Overview: Estivan historically was first a colony of the Ardashid empire before becoming a Solarian province, then becoming an independent kingdom ('Stephania'). A largely impoverished backwater by the 2nd millennium AD, it was conquered by a minor rogue Tamazik noble house who established strong Salamic influences over its modern religious mixture. Conquest by the Kingdom of Novalia and later autonomous rule by a Vespasian noble house reinforced Sotirianity in the region. It declared independence in the 16th century and has remained so since, standing out for its religious composition. In the Enlightenment and Industrial era it rejected the reformist and liberal currents while carefully and conservatively adopted ideals of a republic which has served to make the nation stand out more.

An extremely bizarre and varied mixture of cultures and creeds, Estivan has been held together by precisely its diversity - which has blended into a homogenous identity - and how its constituents have adapted to it. The devaluation of ethnic identity has led to ideology becoming a greater source for affiliation, in particular adherence to a set of rather conservative social values and virtues, although this has not resulted in lack of political plurality, though ideas more contrary to these principles are of course less than popular. This strongly reinforced shame society however is constantly challenged by a broad group of movements influenced by the philosophies of the Euclean Community's more liberal states, which despite their minority status and constant attacks by the dominant political forces have been able to drive recent social conflicts. Although seemingly any conservative politician or reactionary idealist's dream of a collectively virtuous and self-monitoring populace, there are much stronger challenges to this order.

Politically Estivan is a dime a dozen presidential republic, with the usual political parties and the other characteristics of liberal democracies. The majority of contesting movements are establishment, conservative, and tight adherents to the social-glue philosophy mentioned previously. They generally maintain a political oligopoly, and the country can be described as rather authoritarian due to the great challenges ideological opposition face. Diplomatically, Estivan tends to pretend it is more relevant and powerful than it actually is, using sabre-rattling and external demonization to delegitimize domestic opposition and transfer away attention from internal issues. While principally anti-Functionalist it maintains close relations with functionalist states being the few alternatives to the Euclean Community, and would have grown closer with Etruria recently.

Another highlight is the strong resurrection and nostalgia of Solarian themes in Estivan, serving as another sort of national glue and source of identity. This is mainly aesthetic in effect, such as using Solarian as an official language, and actively replicating Solarian themes in the arts.

Social views:
  • General population's view on gay rights/gay people: Very negative.
  • General population's view on religions other than the primary one: Most religions are respected, though preference is given to Adamic and Mazdaic ones.
  • General population's view on atheism: Neutral to negative.
  • General population's view on abortion: Negative.
  • View on other races/ethnic groups other than the primary one(s): Ambivalent.
  • Any big prejudices in your nation Disdain of modern liberal culture of many developed nations.
  • View on immigration into country: Positive towards high-skill immigration and ability to integrate, negative on otherwise.
  • Women's Rights: Fully granted by law, but are expected to hold different responsibilities, and there's somewhat of a glass ceiling.
  • Views on tobacco/alcohol/pot/other drugs: Negative

  • Factbook: not yet
  • RP Preferences: Military, character-driven
  • RP Samples: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=403594
  • Primary/Other NS Nations: Too many
  • Any troubles with moderation? (If so, a link, please.): nope
  • Anything else?: nah
Last edited by Imperium Centralium on Mon Aug 20, 2018 10:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Insert quote by some pretentious 19th century philosopher here

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Posts: 2248
Founded: May 06, 2012
Iron Fist Consumerists

Postby Krugmar » Sun Aug 05, 2018 2:22 pm

Platerdam wrote:
National information
Official Name: The Federal States of Platerdam
Shortened Name: Platerdam
Requested Location: Wherever is available on Euclea.
RP Population: 12,967,508
Culture: Heavily inspired by Great Britain and Italy, with a touch of Venezuela and Germany. Platerdam's culture is Mediterranean with a bit of London, while having the Latino flavor and the German discipline. You can enjoy a refreshing drink of Cocuy, our national drink, while playing some soccer. Or you can enjoy some good Orkney hamburgers while visiting our beautiful beaches.
  • Ethnicity: Caucasian ethnicity is the most common among Platerdammers with a 48%. Followed closely by Hispanic. African, Mongoloid and Arabic ethnicity are present on Platerdam. For more details, visit the following link.
  • Religion: 42% percent of the population is Christian, primarily Protestant (29%), and the remaining 13% percent Catholic, primarily Roman. Judaism is the second most practised religion. Islam and Buddhism are present as well. Atheism represents a 19% of the population. For more details,please visit the following link.
  • Languages: English and Italian are the official languages of Platerdam. There are tons of unrecognised languages being spoken on the streets of Platerdam right now, we don't have exact data.
Government Type: Socio-Democratic Federal Republic
Head of State: David Clark, Federal President of the States.
Head of Government: David Clark, Federal President of the States.
National Overview: Platerdam is a federal presidential republic. The chief executive is the President of Platerdam who is both head of state and head of government. Executive power is exercised by the President. Legislative power is vested in the National Representative Chamber, the National Deputies and the Senate. The President is both the head of state and government, as well as the military commander-in-chief and chief diplomat. The President, according to the Constitution, must "take care that the laws be faithfully executed", and "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution".

The National Representative Chamber is the legislative branch of the federal government. It is bicameral, comprising the Chamber of Representatives and the Senate. For more details, please visit the following link.

The territory now known as Platerdam was colonized by United Kingdom in 1722 amid resistance from indigenous peoples. In 1802, it became one of the last British territories to declare independence which was not securely established until 1804, when Platerdam had the People's Revolution. Since 1957, the country has had a series of democratic governments. Economic shocks in the 1980s and 1990s led to several political crises, including the deadly riots of 1989 and two attempted coups in 1992. In 1999, a resurrection came and Platerdam slowly risen again to the top.

In the 21st century, Platerdam is a great power with a strong economy; a developed country with a very high standard of living, it upholds a social security and universal health care system, environmental protection, and a tuition-free university education.

Social views:
  • General population's view on gay rights/gay people: Homosexual marriage is legal in all 8 states.
  • General population's view on religions other than the primary one: It's a civil duty to respect other religions, views and opinions. Derogatory acts in public are illegal and can be punished by either a 500 eagles fine or 5 months of jail.
  • General population's view on atheism: Atheism is considered a belief. It's a civil duty to respect other religions, views and opinions.
  • General population's view on abortion: Abortion is legal, there are specialised abortion centres around Platerdam.
  • View on other races/ethnic groups other than the primary one(s): Racism is illegal. Derogatory acts or comments about race in public can be punished by either a 750 eagles fine or 6 months in jail.
  • Any big prejudices in your nation: Communism as a whole.
  • View on immigration into country: Immigration is accepted and Immigrants from all around the universe are welcome.
  • Women's Rights: Women are treated as equal. Gender Violence and Rape cases are taken seriously for both genders.
  • Views on tobacco/alcohol/pot/other drugs:
Tobacco, Alcohol and Cannabis are legal. Other drugs are illegal and the punishment may vary depending the situation.

  • Factbook: ... /id=953532
  • RP Preferences: Diplomatic, sometimes Military. Character-driven are saved for unique occasions.
  • RP Samples: Small extract from a private regional RP: ''Air Defence Forces Headquarters - 05:58 - Monday, March 26
    In two minutes, Operation Prodigy will be initiated

    -A**hole commies, thinking they can attack peace and freedom, I'm going to enjoy so much when those bombs hit.- said Capt. McCourtney, while he observed the preparation of the H-77C missile.

    The missile was reserved years ago for a moment like this, since the Accitanian war. With the Spainard/Germania conflict solved, the national defence forces could finally focus on Asturiosia. Platerdam has warned countries to prepare their armies, just in case Asturiosia decided to bring their tyranny internationally. But, this isn't a ''I told you so'' moment... is more like an: ''Holy crap, we were right''.

    -What do you think, Sergeant?- asked McCourtney, to Sgt- Harris, a national war hero that fought in many recent conflicts. It was clear they needed his aid in the Operation Prodigy.

    -Commies gettin' what they deserve. I think it's a marvel.- said the Sergeant, while a few chuckles from him and from the people in the room were heard due to the smug commentary.

    The chuckles were stopped due to the imminent launch alert. Ten Mississippi, Nine Mississippi, Eight Mississippi, the countdown started, the screen displayed the countdown, it was a classified issue, so, no National Broadcastings yet. Three Mississippi, Two Mississippi, One Mississippi.

    Zero Mississippi.

    The moment has come; It's 06:00 am, most platerdammers are waking up, the national flag is risen in the parliament. And as soon, as the national anthem started to sound in the national radio, the missile was launched. Platerdam saw the H-77C missile fly through the air, while hearing the notes of their beautiful anthem.

    Platerdam's participation in the Asturiosian conflict has begun.''
  • Primary/Other NS Nations:
  • Any troubles with moderation? (If so, a link, please.):
  • Anything else?:

An interesting app, do you have Discord? It's where we conduct most of our chatting and planning, and if you joined it'd help speed up the process of getting you into Kylaris. Here's the link to join. If not we can chat in this thread, or through Telegrams if you'd prefer. Thanks.
Liec made me tell you to consider Kylaris

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Posts: 60
Founded: Jul 07, 2017

Postby Hergemoth » Wed Aug 08, 2018 1:55 am

National information
Official Name: United Republic of Luminika
Shortened Name: Luminika
Requested Location: The three islands in the Alexandrian Gulf and possibly some land on the coast east of Satucin, you choose.
RP Population: 23,368,483 (higher if I get a maindland bit)
Culture: Culture is mainly Weranian or Artisian, while Baihanisch (blacks from Bahai) and some Etrurians, Gaullicans, and Nordayans are present but do not hold much cultural significance.
  • Ethnicity: Weranian (44%), Artisian (12%), Baihanisch (23%), Etrurians (6%), Other (5%)
  • Religion: Amendism is the only official religion. Baihan Alewak Salam and Solarian Catholicism are recognized.
  • Languages: Weranal (Low Saxon) Regular Weranic and Plattlander (Limburgish) are all official languages under Weranian.Etrurian is also recognized.
Government Type: unitary dominant party semi- presidential republic, under a civilian dictatorship
Head of State: Chairman of the Presidency Joachim Bismacken Korze
Head of Government: First Minister Jorge Albert Prinz
National Overview: Luminika is a collection of three islands (and possibly a mainland plot) in the Alexandrian Gulf. The nation is shaped by the conservative civilian dictatorship, led since 2004 by Joachim Korze and his United Front . Liberal centrists like the New Democrats and socialists are divided between a flimsy political battle, or insurgent fighting. The nations traditions are shaped by abundant colonial history. Capitalism is prominent, shaping general society along with things like religion and activism. Groups and communities make up a societal trend, with areas highly localized, although dictatorship policy is always upheld and respected (by most). Moderate crime rates and pro-business low taxation is an interesting factor

Social views:
  • General population's view on gay rights/gay people: Not illegal, but localized religion discourages.
  • General population's view on religions other than the primary one: Indifferent
  • General population's view on atheism: By both blacks and colonials, Atheism is relatively frowned upon
  • General population's view on abortion: Illegal except in extreme cases.
  • View on other races/ethnic groups other than the primary one(s): Racism was prominent in the past but nowadays, most xenophobia has worn off.
  • Any big prejudices in your nation Not really.
  • View on immigration into country: Immigration is frowned upon, because the government usually wants to a) keep the racial status quo and b) doesn't like any signs of poverty or having to spend too much on people that they can turn down entry.
  • Women's Rights: Women are relatively equal, but businesses are too respected in their right to pay anybody anything above the minimum wage.
  • Views on tobacco/alcohol/pot/other drugs:Tobacco and alcohol are legal but pot is very much illicit. This has created a moderate drug business..

  • Factbook: I'll make an iiwiki
  • RP Preferences: Wolrdbuilding and roleplaying
  • RP Samples: See Hergemoth's forum posts.
  • Primary/Other NS Nations: Hergemoth, Tudorlandia
  • Any troubles with moderation? (If so, a link, please.): No
  • Anything else?:
Last edited by Hergemoth on Tue Aug 14, 2018 3:33 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Postby Platerdam » Thu Aug 09, 2018 9:50 am

National information
Official Name: The Federal States of Platerdam.
Shortened Name: Platerdam.
Requested Location: Wherever is available on Asteria. Depending on the location, political and economical data will be updated.
RP Population: 12,907,508
Culture: A former Hennish province taken away by Estmerish forces. Platerdam's culture has mixed traditions, mainly from Guallica and Estmere.
  • Ethnicity: The Platterdamer ethnicity is mostly !Caucasian. Minorities in Platerdam are divided on !Hispanic and !Asian.
  • Religion: While Amendist churches exist all around Platerdam, Solarian Catholicism is the most common between Platerdammers. We have a few local religions.
  • Languages: Platerdam's official language is the Castalenan. A local language based on Estmerish and Etrurian. Gaullican is taught on schools among Platerdam.
Government Type: Socio-Democratic Federal Republic
Head of State: David Clark, Federal President of the States.
Head of Government: David Clark, Federal President of the States.
National Overview:

The territory now known as Platerdam was colonized by Hennish forces in 1722 amid resistance from indigenous peoples. In 1802, Estmerish forces took Platerdam away from the Hennish. Independence was not granted until 1856. Almost a hundred years later, in 1957, the country fell into a military dictatorship, economic shocks in the 1980s and 1990s led to several political crises, including the deadly riots of 1989 and two attempted coups in 1992. In 1999, power was taken away from the military and a flawed democratic system has been implemented. Platerdam is slowly developing.

Social views:
  • General population's view on gay rights/gay people: Despite the opposition from some local religions, homosexual marriage is legal in all 8 states of Platerdam.
  • General population's view on religions other than the primary one: It's a civil duty to respect other religions, views and opinions. Some local religions oppose to the Solarian religion.
  • General population's view on atheism: Atheism is a pretty minor belief on Platerdam, but, recently, more and more young people among the nation are identifying with Atheism.
  • General population's view on abortion: Despite the opposition from the Solarian church and some local religions, abortion is legal. This legislation has the country divided, while some believe abortion is a horrible practice and should be punished, others believe is sometimes the best choice and that people should decide what they do with their bodies.
  • View on other races/ethnic groups other than the primary one(s): Racism is scarce around Platerdam.
  • Any big prejudices in your nation: Not right now.
  • View on immigration into country: Immigration is accepted and Immigrants from all around the universe are welcome.
  • Women's Rights: Women are treated as equal. Gender Violence and Rape cases are taken seriously for both genders.
  • Views on tobacco/alcohol/pot/other drugs: Tobacco, Alcohol and Cannabis are legal. Other drugs are illegal and the punishment may vary depending the situation.

Last edited by Platerdam on Thu Aug 09, 2018 11:27 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Norday » Tue Aug 14, 2018 12:18 am

National information
Official Name: Hesamid Empire
Shortened Name: Sarenia
Requested Location: In the purple that, on second, thought looks suspiciously close to Travelia’s
RP Population: 175,000,000
Culture: Indo-Persian
  • Ethnicity: 72% Indo-Aryan, 18% Farsi, 7% Dravidian, 3% Other (I imagine these would be Tungusic/Mongolian peoples spoken in the grey space between Sarenia and Song as well as small enclaves of Koreans from Cheonhae.)
  • Religion: Salam is followed by a majority of Hesamids, encompassing roughly 64% of Sarenia’s religious population. Dharmic religions are the second largest, practiced by 25% of the population. However, Salam is endorsed by the government and is considered the state religion. The remaining 11% is split between Jainism, Sotirianity, Sikhism, and Dharsalam — a syncretic religion of [Buddhism] and Salam viewing Muhammad as the Second Buddha. Dharsalam is currently heavily suppressed by the Hesamid government, which views it as apostasy.
  • Languages: Farsi (Note: my Farsi bias could be showing and Urdu probably makes more sense, I’ll leave it to the LA to decide) is the official language and lingua franca. Aside from Farsi, Indo-Aryan languages (Marathi, Punjabi, Bengali,Hindi, etc.) and Dravidian languages (notably Kannada) are spoken to varying degrees. French, English, and Italian, relics of Sarenia’s exploitation by the Euclean powers, can occasionally be found in the old treaty ports across the Mazdan Sea. In the south, Korean, Mongolian, and Manchu are spoken.
Government Type: Unitary Islamic absolute monarchy with elements of theocracy.

Sarenia’s government has all executive and legislative power vested in the Padshah, who functions as Prime Minister in the legislative and President in the executive. The Padshah’s power is limited by Sharia and the Quran. Both the Quran and the Sunnah are considered to be Sarenia’s governing constitution. Alongside the padshah and the Imperial family is the Throne Guardianship Council. The TGC is both an electoral committee that selects the next Hasemid padshah but also one of several consultative bodies for the padshah. The other two bodies are the Idabat Khana, consisting of the nation’s top Islamic scholars and jurists (led by the Grand Mufti of Bishapur) — which ensures the padshah follows sharia and the quran — and the Imperial Diwan, consisting of advisers and ministers and functionally similar to an executive cabinet. A legislature exists in the form of the Grand Assembly made up of 250 members, all of which are appointed by the padshah. The Grand Assembly can propose laws to the padshah and any of his consultative bodies, but has no power to pass laws on its own.

Head of State: Padshah Alamgir VII
Head of Government: Grand Vizier Khayrabadi Ishrat ke-Hajazi Beg

Major Power Status:
  • Predominant Ideology of the Power: Sarenia’s ideology would be broadly described as Islamist and anti-Euclean/Imperialist.
  • “Bloc Name”: N/A, though if there’s ever a sudden influx of permanent Salamic nations then something like the OIC can be formed.
  • Foreign Policy Ambitions of the Power: Sarenia views itself as the (self-proclaimed) “Guardian of Salam” and de facto leader of the Salamic world. As such, Sarenia supports many of the Salamic regimes and movements throughout Coius, either overtly through military training and investments, or covertly through funding, volunteers, and military advisers. Sarenia feels threatened not only by the EC, but also by the Fed and Songguo, and will do everything within their power to undermine them.
  • GDP Per Capita: $11,900 (nominal; $2.08 tn GDP); $26,545 (PPP; $4.65 tn GDP)
  • Percentage of GDP spent on Military: 2.2%
  • Capability to Project Power: Sarenia possesses a rapidly expanding green water navy, with plans to make it a blue water navy by 2025. Its land forces are primarily geared for a potential war with Songguo. Earthquakes reported in the Muraseh region could reasonably interpreted by foreign intelligence apparatuses as a fledgling nuclear programme, however Sorenia lacks the means to deploy such weapons on a large scale. Culturally, the nation holds sway over the Salamic world. (Once accepted, it will be supporting the Islamists in Tirona as well).

History Post the Great War and a Summary of Previous Events:

In 1587, Susa prince Shahzada Mirza Majid al-Din Ali Hesami would invade the Khori Principalities in eastern Sarenia, quickly conquering the states. Wanting to carve a legacy for himself, Shahzada Majid would declare himself padshah in 1603. Beginning in 1605, Majid, now Padshah Alamgir I, would expand his rule across western Coius, reaching the Lumine Ocean in 1622. Following his death in 1630, Alamgir I was succeeded by his first son, Jahangir, who inherited the eastern portion of Alamgir’s conquest, while his second son, Bahadur inherited the west. A brief war would ensue as Bahadur attempted to conquer eastern Sorenia. With the assistance of the Susa, Jahangir was able to repel and ultimately take over Bahadur’s territory. Farsi culture began to be imported by Jahangir, fostering the start of modern day Hesamid culture.

(Pre-Hesamid history will obviously be worked out once accepted.Regarding Euclean Imperialism, I was thinking towards legation cities rather than outright colonisation, presumably, by Estmere. I think legation cities as well as possible grants of Euclean companies to operate unabated in certain regions is a bit more interesting than straight up copying India. I’m not entirely sure which side the Hesamids would fight on with regards to the Great War.)

Post-Great War history
-1939: Creation of the Throne Guardianship Council following the death of the childless Padshah Aurangzeb IX. Throne Guardianship Council elects the puritanical Azim-us-Shan. Through this, the TGC succeeds in allowing only a strict interpretation of Salam to exist within Sarenia.
-1940s: Fought in the Solarian War against Etruria, who attempted to re-establish Etrurian legations along the Mazdan coast. The Hesamid victory is heralded domestically as Coian superiority over Euclean Imperialism.
-1956: Border war with Mathrabumi. Publicised in the media as Marathi aggression, the war was in reality probes testing the readiness and capabilities of the Marathi military in preparation for a Hesamid invasion.
1972-73: Protests lead to brief democratisation, ultimately ending with the creation of the Grand Assembly. Protests continued until military crackdown on protesters in February, 1973.
-1987: Padshah Babur II is overthrown in a military coup due to further attempts at democratisation and economics reforms. Replaced by his younger brother, Khurshid, who reverses all of Babur’s reforms.
-1989: Khurshid III creates the Idabat Khanad, a council of the top Mumin jurists within the Hesamid Empire. The Idabat Khanad is given numerous powers that nearly make it equal to the padshah.

"Social views:
  • General population's view on gay rights/gay people: Under Sharia, homosexuality is criminalised as sodomy and punishable by death. LBGT+ people regularly face violence and discrimination from the population at large.
  • General population's view on religions other than the primary one: The Dharmic religions are generally tolerated although unofficial discrimination against Hindus does exist. The government has taken steps to reduce this with varying degrees of success. Relations between the two are generally peaceful, but violence occasionally breaks out between Mumins and Hindus/Buddhists. Sotirianity has recently started to face unofficial discrimination due to its association with Euclea.
  • General population's view on atheism: Not tolerated. Atheism is treated as apostasy under Sharia, punishable by death.
  • General population's view on abortion: Banned.
  • View on other races/ethnic groups other than the primary one(s): Unofficial discrimination exists against Dravidians and Song. Ironically, despite being anti-Imperialist officially, the Hesamid government tries to encourage Euclean tourism to the nation and takes steps to ensure they’re experience is smooth.
  • Any big prejudices in your nation TBD
  • View on immigration into country: Immigration quotas are in place to ensure proper assimilation to Hesamid society (whether or not these quotas are even met is another thing).
  • Women's Rights: Unofficial discrimination is commonplace. The concept of harem (that is, the separation of women and men living quarters) is practiced by the Mumin nobility and wealthy elite.
  • Views on tobacco/alcohol/pot/other drugs: Tobacco is commonplace. Alcohol and other drugs are banned.

  • Factbook: IIwiki will be made. I kind of wanted to get the general gist down via the app prior to making it. A quick sandbox can be done to expand on the ideas and concepts expressed within the app if necessary.
  • RP Preferences: Diplomatic and military. Character-driven I prefer to do in short stories self-contained with in Sarenia, and either pertaining to dynastic or internal politics.
  • RP Samples: As Estovnia
  • Primary/Other NS Nations: -Alemannia- is my primary account and will more than likely be used to post for this nation.
  • Any troubles with moderation? (If so, a link, please.): Nope
  • Anything else?: It's 3:15am at the time of posting this so sorry for typos. Also this isn't intended to be a replacement for Norday.
Weeaboo Gassing Land wrote:Also, rev up the gas chambers.

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Postby Linalja » Sat Aug 18, 2018 12:20 pm

National information
Official Name: Republic of Linallia (Republika Linalja)
Shortened Name: Linallia
Requested Location: Between Amathia and Etruria
RP Population: about 45 million
Culture: It is a mix between south slav + romance/latin people.
  • Ethnicity: Linish people followed by most likely Amathians and Etrurians, and those serbs from the north (which i forgot the name)
  • Religion: Majority is Epismialist, but there are minorities of Solarian as well as other religions from Couis and Badawiya
  • Languages: The language spoken is Linish, the south slav romance conlang im working on. Minority languages such as Amathian and Etrurian are recognized as national languages.
Government Type: It's a federal presidential republic
Head of State: Cornél Marandiçi, the President
Head of Government: Also the president
National Overview: The territory of Linallia was first taken by the Solarian Empire on its early years of Empire. Considered a gateway from east Euclea to west Euclea, the Linallian lands were envisoned as an important merchant route. However, Marolevs coming from the north slowly started to aggregate and take Solarian Linallian lands. As well as its neighbor, Amathia, Linallia was deeply influenced by the Marolev presence, influencing culture, language, religion, and many other factors. As Linallia was one of the first Solarian regions to fall, the area became independente and splitted itself in several smaller countries (still thinking about how many lil' countries), who governed themselves. However, invasions and internal issues within the countries obligated them to unite for the sake of survival, unifying then in the year of 656 CE. Linallia also was aligned to Amathia and the Entente during the GW. (Linallia's history will for sure sounds better and more interesting as i get more involved in the region.)

Social views:
  • General population's view on gay rights/gay people: For being a majoritarian ortodox country, homosexuality pretty much a taboo, specially among the older generations. Gay marrige is legal, so is gay couple adoption; both rights are recent.
  • General population's view on religions other than the primary one: Even though Linallia is an ortodox country, the people learned to coexist among other religions. Freedom of religion is a basic right in Linallia, but that doesnt mean older and more conservative people act against other religions (or the lack of it).
  • General population's view on atheism: On the contrary of having another religion, lacking one is often seen as not nice among Linallians. Anyhow, this concept is slowly changing, but is surely a big taboo in the country.
  • General population's view on abortion: As an ortodox nation, abortion is probably the biggest taboo among the people. There are no laws allowing abortion (except for 2 specifc cases). It's currently one of the most discussed topics in politics.
  • View on other races/ethnic groups other than the primary one(s): Linallians are very open and friendly, specially due to their multi-racial roots.
  • Any big prejudices in your nation Not really
  • View on immigration into country: Linallians are very open to new people moving to Linallia. Even though, most old generations don't really enjoy some liberal ideas that flow into the country as people from other culture go to Linallia.
  • Women's Rights: All women's rights are granted by the constitution of Linallia. Women are seen as a very important pilar in the society (even though abortion is still a taboo).
  • Views on tobacco/alcohol/pot/other drugs:
Other then tobacco and alcohol, any other drug is illegal by law.


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Postby Alleniana » Thu Sep 06, 2018 8:44 pm

I'd like to drop Rhakhataa and take this as primary.

National information
Official Name: Estmerish: Principality of Kesselbourg Gaullican: principauté de Kesselbourg Kesselbourgish (if Kesselbourgish is Luxembourgish): Fürstentum Kesselbuerg Kesselbourgish (if Kesselbourgish is Frisian): Foarstendom Kesselburch
Shortened Name: Kesselbourg in Estmerish and Gaullican (so for the vast majority of people); Kesselbuerg or Kesselburch depending on the above for some locals
Requested Location: Already on map
RP Population: estimate 2,949,000 as of beginning 2018
Culture: Traditional culture is probably comparable to IRL Luxembourg, but increasingly irrelevant in favour of a cosmopolitan, liberal identity, influenced by being a kind of international capital, intermixture with other populations and other economic stuff. On cool end of cool-warm.
  • Ethnicity: Mix of Tenic and Weranic for a millennium or two (so general-Euclean), with recent distinctive immigrant communities (smaller, mind, like a few %), mostly from Coius or far-Euclea
  • Religion: 28% Sotirian Catholicism, 35% various Amendism, 27% irreligion, 10% other (e.g. Epsimialism, Ibadi, whatever Songguo has, parody religions) Traditionally Catholic until the Reformation, then coreligious, but irreligion is growing steadily in the modern day.
  • GDP Per Capita: $100,010 (similar nominal and PPP, I guess)
  • Languages: Official languages are Gaullican and Kesselbourgish, but Kesselbourgish is in decline in favour of Gaullican and Estmerish; districts have their own distinctive languages, and as such the diplomatic areas have Estmerish as a district language, "Negaratown" (so to speak) has Negaran, etc.
Government Type: Ceremonial constitutional monarchy; in practice, parliamentary democracy
Head of State: Prince William II of Klopp (Prënz Wëllem II vu Klopp in Luxembourgish, idk frisian)
Head of Government: Emmanuel Schmit, Prime Minister
National Overview: For history, see IIWiki. General concept; rich city-state with international money flowing in, conservative domestic politics as so not to upset this. Politics; dominant, ruling party is Liberal Party, which is a broad church of all sorts of nonsense, from social reformers to the political wings of big corporations; broad policy is basically social liberalism though. It gets voted for by the middle and upper class, which is almost everyone. Main opposition party is Party of Labour, which basically promotes increased welfarism, and marginally more progressivism; it gets voted for by lower classes, of which there are few. Rapidly growing third party is Green Party, which is middle class but much more progressive than Liberals; focuses on environmental issues. Symbols; lions, red, white see IIWiki (again, if Frisian, Oan de Blydskip). Oh also EC member obviously.

Social views:
  • General population's view on gay rights/gay people: no problem really, today; followed the traditional Eastern trajectory of conservative/Church discrimination until the movement came along in the 70s. that said, there are still objecting conservatives.
  • General population's view on religions other than the primary one: also not a big deal, but one may imagine remnant discrimination
  • General population's view on atheism: ditto
  • General population's view on abortion: ditto (fully legal)
  • View on other races/ethnic groups other than the primary one(s): no big deal, remnant discrimination
  • Any big prejudices in your nation: probably against poor people? not like people would go and beat up poor people for fun, but there isn't much sympathy compared to other Eastern countries
  • View on immigration into country: fine, so long as it's the "good" kind (*cough cough rich and educated*)
  • Women's Rights: legally entrenched, in practice nearish to parity
  • Views on tobacco/alcohol/pot/other drugs: acceptable in small amounts, broadly, but to excess no; unremarkable in this field

  • Factbook: already wrote most of this but further editing
  • RP Preferences: oh yknow same old
  • RP Samples: dito
  • Primary/Other NS Nations: none worth mentioning
  • Any troubles with moderation?: dangt
  • Anything else?: I know Kesselbourg is meant to be neutral and stuff, so I will keep that in mind in working with it but I do think it would benefit from activity even with neutrality in mind. If the app is rejected for this reason though I'll probably go for some other small rich-ish urban-ish country elsewhere. I put both Luxembourgish and Frisian because I don't recall which we were using now? Or was it even Flemish? If I got to choose that'd be nice but I'm happy to accomodate.
Last edited by Alleniana on Thu Sep 06, 2018 8:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Alleniana » Wed Sep 12, 2018 1:02 am

National information
Official Name: Estmerish: Republic of the Pelangi Archipelago; Pelangi: Republik Kepulauan Pelangi [lit: republic archipelago rainbow]
Shortened Name: Pelangi (also demonym in Estmerish and Lidah Berkabut, e.g. "makanan Pelangi", "Pelangi cuisine")
Requested Location: thanks calt
RP Population: 17mil
Culture: most important analogue is malays; i'll probably build on this as i go along, i guess. one idea is a maintained level of local syncretism, so that people of all religions may prefer to pray at smaller, private shrines in nature (esp. seaside) rather than at big established churches. traditional dress will probably also be a bit diffreent, perhaps a tad modernist. just a bit. the modern stuff is fairly Easternised, though; not wholly, but imagine HK or something
  • Ethnicity: Indigenous people are known as "orang Kesatutanah" (lit. first land), and they compose about half of the population, or just less. of the remainder, you have bahians (mostly refugees or businesspeople), eucleans (primarily floren, but also other missionary-descendants and stuff), songhua (imported in colonial era as labour, or chain-migrated later), and random others (negaran migrants, asterian businesspeople, random !polynesians, so forth)
    tl;dr multiethnic
  • Religion: at least a few ibadatis from negara (depends on npc lore, eh); plenty of catholics, irreligious, minorities of others (bahian pagans? mumins? epsimialists?) tentatively, i would say about 20% ibadati, 30% catholic, 35% irreligious, 15% other, for now, depending on working out history and what exactly ibadati is
  • GDP Per Capita: 50k ppp, marginally higher for nominal i guess
  • Languages: historically, Floren was the public language, but since decolonisation it has shifted to Lidah Berkabut, which was legally recognised in like, 198something. however, floren continues to be taught widely, and has made somewhat of a comeback in recent times; the dialect officially used is Perangi Floren. regionally recognised languages are Lidah Berkabut, Floren, (some kind of songhua?), (some language from whoever's near in bahia), (some smaller irrelevant conlang, maybe, spoken by non-Berkabut Kesatutanah), bahasa negara (which is recognised as a separate language), maybe something else if i can be assed; these regionally recognised languages don't have enormous recognition, it's just like street signs and having access to legal documents in them
Government Type: Constitutional democratic liberal democracy
Head of State: there is actually no single head of the executive, because the executive is fractured into various agencies. figurehead is President of the Legislative Assembly.
Head of Government: technically directorial, entire Legislative Assembly.
National Overview: long time ago, ocean village people n stuff. made some little republics n kingdoms n stuff. conquered by florena; much development took place under colonialism. they went syndie, released independence. i suppose history can link the origin of negaran civilisation with something something seafaring, also explaining linguistic links?

elections are every 5 years on a fixed schedule, with 5-member constituencies. unicameral. LA has 180 members, hence 36 electorates with about 95,000 people per member, or 475,000 per electorate

Democratic Alliance for Pelangi
- civic nationalist
- safety net welfare
- generally pro-feminism & LGBTQ+
- mild climate change action
- mildly interventionist
- status quo internet rights

- civic nationalist
- cradle-to-grave welfare
- mostly pro-feminism & LGBTQ+
- moderate climate change action
- mildly anti-interventionist
- mildly pro-internet rights

Kesatutanah Party
- ethnic Kesatutanah nationalist
- status quo welfare
- mostly anti-feminism & LGBTQ+
- status quo climate change action
- mildly anti-interventionist
- mildly anti-internet rights

Party of Protest
- civic nationalist/internationalist
- cradle-to-grave welfare
- mostly pro-feminism & LGBTQ+
- strong climate change action
- strongly anti-interventionist
- strongly pro-internet rights

Songhua Minority Interests Party
- ethnic Songhua regionalist
- reduced welfare
- mostly anti-feminism & LGBTQ+
- mild climate change action
- mildly anti-interventionist
- status quo internet rights

- civic nationalist/internationalist
- safety net welfare
- generally pro-feminism & LGBTQ+
- moderate climate change action
- strongly anti-interventionist
- mildly anti-internet rights

Social views:
  • General population's view on gay rights/gay people: conservatives conservative, liberals liberal
  • General population's view on religions other than the primary one: there isn't a primary religion; coreligious society is a necessity, and one that's been achieved; most people aren't devout much
  • General population's view on atheism: as above
  • General population's view on abortion: the conservative view is that abortion is immoral unless there's a defect with the baby, and this extends to a little while after birth. however the liberal view is dominant, which is that abortion is fine, baby-killing is, uh, not. it's not a key issue in politics though.
  • View on other races/ethnic groups other than the primary one(s): see religion
  • Any big prejudices in your nation: nothing out of the usual for your typical liberal country; basically out of the range of familiar Eastern social issues, it's feminism/LGBTQ+ stuff that gets the most airtime. liberals have international support, especially Euclea etc. which is useful cos they have visibility and importance in international institutions, and liberals also tend to draw support from the constitution (which was drafted by international-euclean minded types); conservatives have traditionalism; liberals are dominant, generally
  • View on immigration into country: some support, some oppose, broadly on economic and demographic grounds though (growth vs overpopulation); xenophobia is not writ as large (since most migration is from countries with already quite large nativised contingents of immigrants' descendants in Perangi)
  • Women's Rights: decent, but conservatives are conservative as before
  • Views on tobacco/alcohol/pot/other drugs: Alcohol is disapproved of broadly, because of its social effects; tobacco was popular but has massively declined since it became understood it was unhealthy, and is thus similarly disapproved of; marijuana is actually legal and has never been much of an issue (but never a big thing in the culture either); other "harder" drugs are illegal, as far as I can think of for now

  • Factbook: gonna iiwiki
  • RP Preferences: yeet
  • RP Samples: on
  • Primary/Other NS Nations: my
  • Any troubles with moderation?: meet
  • Anything else?: kinda depends a lot on negara; might have to slightly impose on the npc in parts?
Last edited by Alleniana on Wed Sep 12, 2018 1:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Sjalhaven » Wed Sep 12, 2018 4:19 am

National information
Official Name: Caraic State
Shortened Name: Caraical
Requested Location: That lime-coloured island in former Hyndana
RP Population: 30 million
Culture: The main analogues would be the Southern Indian states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala, although they're by no means the sole and absolute inspirations and it'd be an exercise in pointlessness to list them all.
  • Ethnicity: Dravidian peoples are, by large, the majority of the population. The Tamils are the dominant ethnic group, with a sizeable Malayali minority in the North. There are also Indo-Aryan peoples in the shape of the Sinhalese and Maldivians, respectively inhabiting the southern coast and the minor islands of the channel.
  • Religion: The dominant religion is Zoroastrianism, imported by traders around the beginning of the first millennium, being the faith of a majority of the population and of the monarchy. Saint Thomas Christians are a thriving historic community in the North, and Solarian Catholicism also gained a few converts as a legacy of colonial rule. Salam can be principally be found on the eastern coast. Hinduism is not quite extinct (and indeed can still be found in the tribal centre of the island), but has provided the substrata for others religions to syncretise with and therefore still has a major presence within the culture.
  • Languages: Tamil (written in Gujarati script for reasons that boils down to looking cooler) is the official language of the country, as well as its lingua franca. Malayalam is spoken on the northern coast, Sinhalese and Maldivians are spoken on the southern one. All of those have a recognised regional status. Minor Dravidian languages and others are also spoken in the tribal areas.
  • GDP Per Capita: PPP $26,163, nominal $9,829.
Government Type: Unitary dominant-party parliamentary constitutional monarchy
Head of State: Rajatiraja Verricinkam Zarathustra IX
Head of Government: Prime Minister C.A. Shoshamma
National Overview: I'm going to pitch my iiwiki sandbox, since it has all the information asked here with Wikipedia redirects that may improve comprehension.

Social views: Hardly starting as the most traditionally conservative country to begin with, a general pushback against "colonial values" in favour of the more liberal traditional values of island, coupled with a monarchy-backed program of "modernisation" based on idealised "West Euclean ideals", would lead to a noticeably liberal country today, especially compared to its neighbours.
  • General population's view on gay rights/gay people: Generally accepted, with same-sex marriage legalised.
  • General population's view on religions other than the primary one: Religious pluralism and tolerance are long-established concepts in the country.
  • General population's view on atheism: Religions being an important element of Caraic society, atheists are generally viewed with some suspicion. Nonetheless, it is often argued atheism is a belief native to the island, and they enjoy no legal discrimination.
  • General population's view on abortion: Abortion is legal up to four months. It remains a contentious issue, although it mostly revolves around restriction than outright outlawing.
  • View on other races/ethnic groups other than the primary one(s): While others Dravidian and Indo-Aryan people suffer no discrimination, occasional racist incidents have been known to happen against other groups, especially Bahians.
  • Any big prejudices in your nation: Just don't be too reactionary and start questioning the principles of the modern Caraic state or you'll soon have a plethora of problems.
  • View on immigration into country: Generally neutral, as long as it helps making the Caraic moral high ground even higher.
  • Women's Rights: Generally imperfect gender equality, somewhat interesting because matriarchal traditions conflict with patriarchal religions.
  • Views on tobacco/alcohol/pot/other drugs: Tobacco, alcohol, and most drugs are legal, but are regulated and subject to high taxes.

  • Factbook: Here
  • RP Preferences: Character-driven and diplomatic mostly
  • RP Samples: uh look for the ones under Trevelia in this thread if you need them
  • Primary/Other NS Nations: At this point Trevelia is my primary
  • Any troubles with moderation? (If so, a link, please.): Negative
  • Anything else?: This is not a replacement for Trevelia, I'd just like a secondary (yet still quite minor) nation to be able to explore different concepts and other things.
Insurrectionary whateverist

<QianRuri> Sjal for god emperor of mankind
<Zieg> I'm pretty sure you're Dugin
<Koyro> Sjalhaven is actually Lex Luthor only French
<Gibbs> sjal is your real name khan noonien singh
<Koyro> Sjal for Master of Mankind

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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Valentir » Mon Sep 24, 2018 5:36 am

National information
Official Name: People's Republic of Kwiambana | Jamhuriyar Jama'ar Kwiambana | République populaire de Kwiambana
Shortened Name: Kwiambana
Requested Location: Claim just above Negara
RP Population: 79,158,076 (Former: 131,015,484)
Culture: Draws heavily from Nigerian culture, specifically the Hausa and Fulani. While Nigeria serves as a base there is also significant inspiration from Ethiopia, the Swahili Coast, the Congo and of course France via Gaullican colonisation. More than likely there is probably a wide-range of Indonesian influences, mainly in the south, due to its proximity to Negara.
  • Ethnicity: Ethnic groups in Kwiambana. There are nearly 500 different ethnic groups with Kwiambana. It is viewed as a multinational state.
  • Religion: Religious groups in Kwiambana. Traditional local religions are still quite prevalent. Salamism and Sotirian Catholicism are significant but do form a majority in their own right. Hundreds of various local pantheons are found throughout the entire country. Kwiambana is officially a secular nation though religion plays an important role politically and culturally.
  • Languages: Hausa and Gaullican serve as the official languages of Kwiambana. Other major languages include Igbo, Yoruba, Swahili and Lingala. Overall nearly 250 different languages are spoken and identified with by a wide variety of cultures.
Government Type: Unitary presidential constitutional republic
Head of State and Government: President Gahiji Hasana
National Overview:
- Ancient and Medieval history, lots of wars, religious conflicts, etc.
- Kwiambana's modern origins can be found during the Scramble for Bahia and subsequent Gaullican colonisation. The largest and most influential state in the region, the X Empire, became a Gaullican protectorate.
- Becomes mandate after the Great War. Eventually achieves independence during the 40's/50's.
- A series of famines and economic turmoil result in the deposition of the monarchy.
- Leftist party holds onto power through the late 50's and early 60's. Conservative elements in the military attempt to stage a coup.
- Civil war between lefties and military begins in 1966.
- Party for Justice and Peace takes power in 1974 with military support. Leftist militias suffer devastating defeats and dissipate. Civil is formally ended in 1975.
- PJP becomes dominate political force. Next four decades see rampant corruption, gerrymandering, electoral fraud and intimidation of political opponents.
- Kwiambanian National Congress (KNC) briefly becomes majority party from 1988 to 1992.

Social views:
  • General population's view on gay rights/gay people: Same-sex intercourse and marriage are illegal. The penalty is 14 years in prison. Discrimination is widespread and there are several laws restricting LGBT expression and associations.
  • General population's view on religions other than the primary one: Kwiambana is officially a secular state. Religion holds immense sway among the populace, however. It plays a significant part in the political and cultural dynamics of the hundreds of ethnic groups in the country.
  • General population's view on atheism: Looked down upon by the general populace. There are no laws that officially legalise discrimination but it is a common occurrence nonetheless.
  • General population's view on abortion: Illegal.
  • View on other races/ethnic groups other than the primary one(s): Ethnic based discrimination is illegal. Enforcement of discrimination laws is incredibly lax, however. Gaullicans, Negarans and Galambi face extensive economic and political discrimination. Smaller ethnic groups often experience violence. A prominent example is the Jahunawa Prison Camps.
  • Any big prejudices in your nation There is a significant negative stigma towards Eucleans, who are stereotyped as imperialists and amoral. Negarans are viewed in a negative light as well.
  • View on immigration into country: Kwiambana is infamous for having harsh immigration laws. This is also coupled with convoluted schemes and extensive red-tape to limit emigration as well.
  • Women's Rights: Women face extensive discrimination throughout the country. A lack of social mobility and economic opportunity enforces their role as homemakers. Women are few and far between in any major profession.
  • Views on tobacco/alcohol/pot/other drugs:
Tobacco and alcohol consumption is legal and actively encouraged by the government. All drugs are illegal and harsh penalties accompany individuals caught breaking the law.

  • Factbook: Temporary page
  • RP Preferences: Most RP
  • RP Samples: Will deliver if necessary
  • Primary/Other NS Nations: Valentir
  • Any troubles with moderation? (If so, a link, please.): A one day ban a long time ago
  • Anything else?: Make Valentir Great Again
Last edited by Valentir on Wed Sep 26, 2018 1:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Founded: Sep 30, 2018

Postby Larzhalam » Mon Oct 01, 2018 7:30 pm

National information
Official Name: The Republic of Larzhalam
Shortened Name: Larzhalam
Requested Location: (Please provide a map of your desired claims.)
RP Population: 8,092,120
Culture: Caucasian, primarily Chechen and Georgian but with others present as well
  • Ethnicity: As above
  • Religion: The religious situation in Larzhalam is highly diverse. The majority religion is Salam, but there are also sizable Sotirianist and Mazdaist minorities present.
  • GDP Per Capita: $10,698 (PPP), $4,398 (Nominal)
  • Languages: Chechen and Georgian are recognised as official national languages, with many other languages receiving limited recognition as regional languages
Government Type: Anocratic Federal Republic
Head of State: President Boysaghar Dratchev
Head of Government: Ramaz Vardanidze
National Overview: Larzhalam (Chechen for "Black Mountain"), officially the Republic of Larzhalam (Chechen: ფაჩჰალქჰ ლარჟალამან Georgian: ლარჟალამოს რესპუბლიკა), is a nation in Eastern Badawiya bordered by a couple of undecided nations like Denikert. Its population of 8,092,120 are concentrated in the central plateau and the capital city of Purisadgili, which is also the largest city in the country. Larzhalam is a federal republic, divided into nine Mkhare and two autonomous municipalities.

Larzhalam has been home to the Udgojmag (caucasian) peoples for millennia, with historical relics hinting at their presence in the region since antiquity. Though it was united under the Lobiodze Empire from 900-1237, the region has always been highly divided. It was split between feuding states for centuries before its conquest by INSERT in the 19th century, as evidenced by the ancient fortified towers that still litter the countryside. With a common enemy finally found, the Dratchev clan, who had through intermarriage and blood oaths secured themselves as the dominant clan of the Khalkar (Chechen) led an uprising in 1919 against their rulers. They attracted support from many other clans and peoples from their message of republicanism, unity and conservatism which appealed to the people after such long division. Following key victories at Puri, Khallar and Dzul the revolutionaries established the Republic of Larzhalam which has continued to this day. Despite promises of democracy, the nation quickly drifted into autocracy as Ramzan Dratchev, leader of the Dratchev clan, used his traditional and unofficial power to silence dissent. Since 1920 the Unity Party has ruled the nation, with the Dratchev clan firmly in place as the leaders.

In the modern era, Larzhalam is something of a backwater. Endemic corruption, banditry and a lack of international investment have led to economic stagnation and a lack of development outside of the major cities, while politically the nation is under a kleptocratic dictatorship. While press freedom is not restricted as much as in other autocratic states and there are quasi-open elections, laws are strict and the police routinely target opposition politicians. Conservative social mores still reign supreme, with homosexuals facing legal discrimination and violence.

Social views:
  • General population's view on gay rights/gay people: Not very supportive at all, especially outside urban areas
  • General population's view on religions other than the primary one: Surprisingly tolerant, as there is a sense of mutual respect
  • General population's view on atheism: Detested by all religions
  • General population's view on abortion: Sinful, it is completely illegal unless the mother's life is endangered
  • View on other races/ethnic groups other than the primary one(s): While racial tensions do exist, the main tension comes on a clan on clan level instead of based entirely on race.
  • Any big prejudices in your nation The clanless, people who have been disowned by their families, are seen as worse than animals. So is not following traditions. Tourists are welcome, as long as they try to be respectful.
  • View on immigration into country: Generally frowned upon, as they would not belong to a clan, but as long as they are respectful of tradition and live in the cties the problems will be limited.
  • Women's Rights: Repressive, with bride kidnapping common. They have suffrage, but lack abortion rights and rape is prevalent.
  • Views on tobacco/alcohol/pot/other drugs:
Tobacco is widely consumed. Alcohol depends on the religion, while drugs are illegal and frowned upon.


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Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby Senkaku » Wed Oct 10, 2018 7:13 pm

This is just me feeling out if I actually want to do this or not, I'll dleet it if I decide I'm not feeling it (obv WP)

Update 10/15: nvm miss me w this shit (for now anyways)
National information
Official Name: Democratic Republic of tbd
Shortened Name: tbd
Requested Location: somewhere in Bahia, not sure yet
RP Population: as high as will be permitted
Culture: Probably gonna be like Swahili/East African-ish (kinda Kenya/Tanzania inspired? I don't know), but w some elements more like the Congo basin countries I guess, might even toss in some West African stuff (I feel kinda bad for just like throwing lots of diverse cultures into a mix but w/e it's supposed to be a diverse country)
  • Ethnicity: there's gonna be like a zillion, but a couple big groups will probs be !Kikuyu and !Kongo I think and possibly also !Akan
  • Religion: Mumins and native animist form a minority, Sotirian Catholics are the majority
  • Languages: language of whoever colonized will be main one, followed by Kikuyu and Kikongo and then some other ones probably I guess
Government Type: Military junta
Head of State and Government: President whoever, Prime Minister so and so
National Overview:
- Ancient history- !Bantu expansions or whatevs
- Medieval- possibly some major local kingdoms/empires (I kinda want to have them do pyramids)
- Modern- get fucked up by some Euclean power that takes over, one ethnic group that lives near the coast gets disproportionately involved in military and govt positions
- Shit goes down in the GW probably (smthn like the Brazzaville Conference would be v cool!), independence comes very shortly afterwards (probs w Negaran help)
- Charismatic leader (like sorta !Nkrumah-ish maybe??) from the ethnic group that got the good shit during colonization presides over period of rapid development, !Grand Inga gets built
-Rapid development is combined w increasing inequality
- Leader gets more erratic as economy slows down, less well off big ethnic groups increasingly excluded, corruption increases as leader does a shittier job of oversight and makes some bad calls in appointing minions to stuff like the police
- attempted coup by some senior political leaders from ethnic minorities leads to crackdown by leader
- big famine due to like a drought or whatever leads to outbreaks of rebellion, leader in poor health and some military officers take over and form a !Derg type dealio
-!Derg fights various ethnic groups, situation gradually stabilizes somewhat as they win some victories and rebels fracture
-present day: military junta and its cronies/associated warlords tenuously control key cities and stuff, guerrilla groups wander around in the desert/jungle and make nuisances of themselves, government and rebel groups both make a shit ton off selling natural resources to foreigners but tend to just use the money in v corrupt ways that aren't very useful

Social views:
  • General population's view on gay rights/gay people: Gay sex and some sort of limited civil partnership thingy are legal but looked down on/kinda scandalous (pretty much a holdover from the old leader being like a revolutionary type), gay marriage is pretty much out of the question, and being gay is quite looked down on (not really any laws protecting against discrimination)
  • General population's view on religions other than the primary one: Officially secular, and the elite tend to be pretty uninterested in religion, but the people are pretty into it (though not into ones that aren't theirs- distrust between various religions is quite high)
  • General population's view on atheism: Elites don't really give a shit but the people are kinda iffy about it.
  • General population's view on abortion: Legally you can get one till like 20 weeks, but in general it's very frowned upon
  • View on other races/ethnic groups other than the primary one(s): High degree of ethnic tension- military and bureaucracy still dominated by one group, others generally aren't happy about the situation
  • Any big prejudices in your nation: Inter-ethnic distrust, some homophobia, fairly stark class divide
  • View on immigration into country: Not a lot of views, since the borders are pretty porous and the state is pretty permissive of expats and immigrants
  • Women's Rights: Not awesome. Rape is used as a weapon by both rebel groups and security forces in the countryside, and in most regions strong patriarchal cultures keep women in a pretty bad situation. However, some more matrilineal/matriarchal groups have offered a sort of cultural counteraction- situation tends to be better near the coast and in cities (esp the capital).
  • Views on tobacco/alcohol/pot/other drugs: Coca and marijuana are both big cash crops for some impoverished areas of the countryside, pot tobacco and alcohol are legal, everything else is illegal

  • Factbook: no
  • RP Preferences: political and espionage stuff
  • RP Samples: lol
  • Primary/Other NS Nations: sneka
  • Any troubles with moderation? (If so, a link, please.): like two things over like a billion years
  • Anything else?: LAMP
Last edited by Senkaku on Mon Oct 15, 2018 2:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Biden-Santos Thought cadre

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Left-Leaning College State

Postby -AlEmAnNiA- » Thu Nov 15, 2018 4:59 pm

Note this will be replacing both Norday and Sarenia

National information
Official Name: Estlandic Republic
Shortened Name: Estland
Requested Location: ... _claim.png
RP Population: Something in the range of 5 million
Culture: Estland’s culture, as one would expect, has its roots in the Old Norse culture brought to the islands by Weranic peoples. Estlandic culture is traditional, albeit with social liberal tendencies evident with the native population prior to Christianisation.
  • Ethnicity: Icelanders are the predominant ethnic group, encompassing over 95% of the population.
  • Religion: Catharism is the majority religion. Other Sotirianity sects exist as minorities.
  • GDP Per Capita: ~$18,000
  • Languages: Icelandic is the official language
Government Type: Semi-presidential republic
Head of State: Premier Eyðfríð Lyngbye
Head of Government: Lawspeaker Sigfrýður Wágadal
National Overview: Overall very similar to Norday’s history, the major and only divergence from current Norday canon is the monarchy did not get restored post-GW.
Social views:
  • General population's view on gay rights/gay people: Generally accepting of same-sex couples and same-sex marriage. Some discrimination is present in rural areas.
  • General population's view on religions other than the primary one: Generally indifferent
  • General population's view on atheism: Generally indifferent
  • General population's view on abortion: Generally abortion is acceptable regardless of the circumstances. Naturally, there are some groups that would be opposed to it.
  • View on other races/ethnic groups other than the primary one(s): Negative views don’t extend beyond generalised xenophobia towards non-Estlanders
  • Any big prejudices in your nation N/A
  • View on immigration into country: Immigration is okay so long as immigrants integrate into Estlandic society.
  • Women's Rights: Egalitarian due in part to pre-Christian Nordanian society.
  • Views on tobacco/alcohol/pot/other drugs: Soft drugs are legal, while hard drugs have mostly been decriminialised. The nation’s mandatory drug rehabilitory “prisons” could be criticised as overly harsh as community work is often listed as part of the regimen. This community work takes the form of farming.

  • Factbook:
  • RP Preferences: I don’t really have any preferences, but I prefer worldbuilding
  • RP Samples: One can be given if asked for
  • Primary/Other NS Nations: Norday
  • Any troubles with moderation? (If so, a link, please.): N/A
  • Anything else?: N/A

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Postby Sveltlana » Wed Jan 02, 2019 1:42 pm

National information
Official Name: The United Republics of Sveltlana
Shortened Name: Sveltlana; Sväldlän in Sväld; romantically, Sväld (i.e. Cambria for Wales)
Requested Location: My former territories, hopefully also the isles of Raglan and Dalandt, as they are necessary for my lore.
RP Population: 44,502,280
Culture: Scandinavians, largely more reactionary than our real-life counterparts. The country is an amalgamation of these various Nordic cultures. Time has guided these into the nine constituent republics of Sveltlana.
  • Ethnicity: Svelts (Fancy Swedes), Viics (a Finno-Sámi endeavor), Wolsians (Proto-present-Norwegian), Vastrians (Proto-present-Icelandic)
  • Religion: Fornsen (modern adaptation of traditional nordic religions), various Christian sects.
  • GDP Per Capita: NS$49,700
  • Languages: Sväld, usually Sveltlanan to English speakers,
Government Type: Constitutional Presidential Federation
Head of State: Eva Reinfeldt, Chancellor (will resign soon)
Head of Government: Torvill Reitan, President of the Störthinget/Storþinget (NOT of the entire country).
National Overview: History: Will of course be edited. Recently, a reactionary adminitration has assumed power over the country (see original news thread), for which reason the country is becoming more and more :fascist:.

Social views:
  • General population's view on gay rights/gay people: Indifferent
  • General population's view on religions other than the primary one: Disapproval and rising hostility toward "foreign" faiths.
  • General population's view on atheism: Indifferent
  • General population's view on abortion: Universal disapproval of abortion itself, but the majority approve of the right of a child bearer to decide.
  • View on other races/ethnic groups other than the primary one(s): Svelts claim to be the primary group, as reflected in the controversial name of the country.
  • Any big prejudices in your nation: Not at the moment (check back in a year or two)
  • View on immigration into country: Generally discouraged.
  • Women's Rights: Egalitarian.
  • Views on tobacco/alcohol/pot/other drugs: All narcotics legal but heavily regulated, dispensed only at government-operated or sanctioned enterprises.

  • Factbook: Sveltlana in iiwiki.
  • RP Preferences: Any and all.
  • RP Samples: yeh sure
  • RP Intentions: SVT will gradually become more and more reactionary until it reaches a breaking point (president resigns, all that smooth political crisis). Several political wings (all from the right) attempt to assume control over the country, with starkly different interpretations on what it means to be a good person. Lots of internal turmoil, the non-Svelt ethnic groups possibly form self-defence forces and factions, Euclea probably intervenes, resulting in a huge and disgusting Pariah. Capital is bombed, civilians killed, fun all around, great for the economy.
  • Primary/Other NS Nations:
  • Any troubles with moderation? (If so, a link, please.): FREEEE FALLINNN
  • Anything else?: no

Now, mortal, you have made the mistake of opening Pandora's Box. What evils have you unleashed upon the Earth?

Me, Svet lol good one svet
Me, Svet
: ikr svet it was pretty good

-- Politics --
Fuck that.

Senka: [about me] "You are a deplorable reactionary fascist cockroach with no hope of redemption who should be condemned to burn with the rest of the plutocratic imperialist stooges in the cleansing atomic fire of the righteous."

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Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby Kylaris » Fri Jan 04, 2019 2:59 pm

This thread is now CLOSED. We have moved to a new sign-up thread.



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