#MeToo Becomes #LeaveMeAlone

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Posts: 1515
Founded: Nov 01, 2018

Postby Byzconia » Thu Dec 06, 2018 12:21 am

Ostroeuropa wrote:All? No. Some? Yes.

Which I've already said happens, so this comment is pointless.

Plenty of things, but lashing out to feel powerful by harming others is not necessarily about "gaining" anything other than a buzz from your predatory behavior.

You're the second person now to claim they gain "lots/plenty of things" without actually specifying what exactly they're gaining. Well, admittedly, you did mention a general hypothesis that could literally apply to any situation anywhere. Good job?

Prejudice and bias isn't a conspiracy. Racism isn't a conspiracy. Sexism isn't a conspiracy. Feminist misandry isn't a conspiracy.

This is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever seen. Comparing "feminist misandry" (something that only exists in the minds of whiny, entitled little shits who are mad that women don't act like blow-up dolls for them) to racism. Holy fuck are you delusional. Come back to me when you get thrown into a concentration camp for being a man. I'll fucking wait.

And by "sexism" I assume you mean "misogyny," otherwise you're just being redundant. Misogyny and misandry are at least comparable, but yeah, sorry, misogyny is still the greater issue. Almost universally across the world, women are treated worse than men. One-third of women in the entire world have been abused.

Now, is female-on-male violence a taboo topic? Definitely, but I have some bad news for you: that's not feminism's fault. That's older than feminism, because men decided that men shouldn't talk about their feelings, and that if a woman beats you up, it means you're "weak" and "not a real man." This is part of what the feminists call "toxic masculinity"--which refers to ideas of "masculinity" that harmful to both women and men. But, of course, nuance like that gets completely lost in all of the false dichotomies and zero-sum game bullshit about how feminism is responsible for all of men's problems.

If you think people accusing feminists of sexism are necessarily accusing them of conscious and deliberate malice then that speaks volumes about you and why you're probably someone who thinks in a sexist way, you've never bothered to consider feminist bias and prejudice as possible and reflexively dismiss criticism of feminists as accusations of conspiracy, thus never self-reflecting.

Dude. Stop. Are some feminists assholes? Yep. Does that mean feminism is wrong? No. And this notion that "feminists are sexist." No, they're not. For the 50th fucking time: "FEMINISTS DON'T HATE MEN." There is no "battle of the sexes." No one's out to get you. Your entire comment is literally useless because it has nothing to do with anything I've said. "You've never bothered to consider feminist bias and prejudice as possible." Yes, I have. Of course I fucking have. The problem is that you've never bothered to consider that maybe feminists aren't a goddamned hivemind. Feminists aren't perfect. No one ever claimed they were. I'm an atheist. I don't agree with everything other atheists say/do. Does that mean I should stop being an atheist? That'd be stupid. You're literally just making ad hominem appeals. Ideals aren't correct/incorrect based on the people supporting them. Every single feminist could be a serial murderer, still wouldn't make feminism bad.

Oh look, it's a trite, flippant and vitriolic attack on men voicing their concerns about feminism and the way its harming them, driving them out of the conversation with abusive rhetoric and making it clear there's no point engaging with you because you'll come out with these kind of nonsense attacks.

"And the way it's harming them." I wasn't aware feminism was harming me. Oh, wait, it's not, you're just appealing to your battle of the sexes bullshit about how everytime women do anything, it's bad for men everywhere. Feminism isn't harming me, and it's not harming you either, you've just decided that the CEOs in the OP are your buds because they also happen to have penises. You're not the spokesperson of men (and thank god for that).

(Like, say, the CEOs who have decided to just withdraw rather than engage because you've made it clear you're not interested in conversation, only assertion of abusive dogma.).

Dude, I'm a socialist, try as hard as you want, I'm not gonna feel sympathy for CEOs. Even without #MeToo, I'd still say they belong in prison for being CEOs.

Know who else is afraid?
Plenty of normal men who've seen the way false accusations ruin lives.

Like who?

How about minority men? Feminist campus witch hunts disproportionately impact minorities, you know. Not that white men don't also have cause for concern.


Maybe if women were held accountable for rape more often they'd start being afraid of false accusations too, you ever think of that?

What? Are you referring to female-on-male rape or suggesting that women are responsible for male-on-female rape (I legitimately can't tell from your wording)? And, if they were held accountable they'd be afraid of false accusations? What? Those two things literally don't correlate. False accusations, by-definition, have nothing to do with accountability. This whole sentence was just word salad.

Me too. How do you know it wouldn't get very far? It has for plenty of men and ruined their lives.

You keep saying this. Please show me these "plenty of men." In fact, I can think of a couple of men who got accused of rape/assault and it didn't affect their lives, like Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas, Donald Trump, Robert Mueller. And what about the women whose lives are ruined by sexual assault and their assaulter is never apprehended? Especially when some institutions are more willing to sweep the whole thing under the rug than deal with the bad PR of a sexual assault case.

2-10% of accusations reported to the police are false. Ones that don't report to the police are probably even higher. In many cases, a woman rapist accuses their victim to seize the initiative.


You're a feminist.


What about women perpetrators? Curious that you ignored them here, almost like you're utilizing a sexist framework.

"Curious you've ignored them" when literally no one else (that I've seen) has mentioned them? (Also, nice try at the deflection, but literally every post I've responded to has posited the situation as "men vs. women," so they would be the ones "utilizing a sexist framework," I was responding to what they said).

But, since you've mentioned them, what about them?

Other than that, this is once again merely abusing your critics instead of engaging with them and gaslighting everyone over their intentions.

More victim complex bullshit. "Mommy, the mean FEMINAZI on the internet is saying rude things to me!" And funny you should mention "gaslighting everyone over their intentions" when that's literally been your entire post vis-a-vis feminism.

Courts have routinely ruled that the feminist demands about rape on campus violate due process rights of the accused. Are human rights a 1950s thing? Is violating peoples due process not dangerous? ... 255570002/

"The feminist demands." There you go with those buzzwords again. "The feminists are doing this." "The feminists are doing that," because you don't see feminists as human beings right individual thoughts and ideas, you see them as a hivemind out to destroy you, like communists in the '50s. But I'll answer your question with a question, is allowing rapists to go free not dangerous? And of course, this is an obvious framing device meant to oversimplify the issue and make your position seem more agreeable. Politicians literally do this all of the time.

"Is violating peoples due process not dangerous?" Of course it is, few people would disagree with that. But this situation is more complicated than just due process. Should it be suspended entirely? No, but given the inherently hard-to-prove nature of rape, exceptions do have to be made where necessary. There are limits to people's rights. It's the same reason a cop can enter your home when the door's ajar. The same reason police can search kids at schools without a warrant or probable cause. The same reason you can't yell fire in a crowded theater. Now, if you want to discuss where exactly the line should be drawn, that's a fine discussion to have, but positioning it as a battle of "rights vs. no rights" is disingenuous--and you know that.

You don't engage with reality, merely feminist paranoid lies about their critics and how they are secretly evil.

Says the guy whose entire argument boils down to, "Look! Feminists hate men! Look at how they're threatening us and taking away our rights!" And, bud, there's no "secretly" about it.

For someone throwing out the "Conspiracy" accusation, you're sure fond of it yourself.

Uh, and what conspiracy am I fond of, exactly? The "conspiracy" that a lot of men are assholes and treat women like garbage? Yeah, real unreasonable that.

No, our criticism is what we say it is and rooted in that,

Rooted in what?

and if you can't honestly engage with it and have to resort to accusing people of being secretly part of a plot to hurt women,

Literally never said nor implied that. Nice try, though.

that speaks volumes about the kind of movement you're in and the coherency of its arguments.

Argument #4350 implying that feminists are a massive hivemind conspiring to take down men.

You're no better than someone who screams "You just hate jesus!" in response to criticism of theocracy, that's the level you and your peers operate at.

And your paranoid delusions about the evils of the "feminist movement" are just like McCarthyites insisting there's a communist on every corner waiting to take all your FREEDUMZ.

Meanwhile the rest of us deal with shit like due process violations and criticism of your hate movement and its push to violate legislatively guaranteed human rights.

More shit about how feminists are trying to take away men's rights, yada yada.

While you go around throwing out abusive lies about your critics intent and refusing to deal with the evidence they show you,

You've posted literally one link.

we deal with actual evidence of your movements misconduct and don't comment on your intent,

My "movement?" I wasn't aware I was now the leader of the Global Feminist Movement. My first decree will now be milk and cookies at every meeting! And I know you don't focus on its intent, you focus on the intent you've made up in your mind about how feminists hate men and are trying to commit global male genocide or something stupid like that. Oh no, wait, that's right they're trying to take away our RIGHTS (just like those damn commies!).

you are projecting your own flaws on to us. Not everyone thinks like feminists do, sorry to break it to you.

Yada yada "feminists are a hivemind" yada.

The reason you've come out with such abusive tactics is that feminism is a hate movement that doesn't actually engage with its critics,

"Abusive tactics." :rofl: Dude, I made fun of you on the internet. Oh my god, you are the whiniest goddamned baby I've seen in a long time. I sincerely hope you never meet an actually dangerous person because you'll probably shit yourself.

because the only way feminists can keep believing in feminism is if they mentally shut down and resort to logical fallacies and tribalism to insulate the adherent from evidence against their nonsense, just like you are doing here. So there's constant buzz phrases circulated between feminists that these people *think* is a coherent argument, but boils down to "You're evil and I don't have to listen to you or engage with your evidence!" over and over. You're like if someone said "The only reason someone would push the lie about global warming is that they hate america and want china to win.".

I also love how you think you're being so smart right now. You're not. There's nothing to engage with, because you've made no legitimate critiques. It's literally just been nothing but fearmongering bullshit about how the feminists are coming to take away er RIGHTZ! It's all the same shit that red pillers, incels, and MGTOWs say every time they open their mouths.

You want to hear some actually good criticsms of (some) feminists? Women of color are heavily marginalized in a lot of the feminist movement. In fact, white supremacy is pretty fucking rampant in some areas. Some feminists are extremely elitist and disdainful towards poor women. Some feminists think the sex workers are sub-human. Some feminists are homophobic. Some are transphobic. These are all legitimate problems. You know what isn't, though? Your paranoid delusion that feminists are trying to take away your rights. No one wants to take away your rights. No one gives a shit about you. You literally don't even register for most feminists. In fact, most would just ignore you. There is no great battle of the sexes. Men's rights aren't going anywhere. Quit reading The Red Pill and go out into the real world and actually meet some real life feminists (assuming you can get over your crippling fear of women, of course, but don't worry I believe in you!).
Democratic Socialist Republic of Byzconia: a post-colonial Francophone African nation currently undergoing authoritarian backsliding, set in a world where the Eastern Bloc liberalized rather than collapsing.

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Posts: 1515
Founded: Nov 01, 2018

Postby Byzconia » Thu Dec 06, 2018 1:00 am

Des-Bal wrote:Money, attention, revenge, to quiet the voices in their heads? This happens. We know it does, we've watched it happen. We watched Tawana Brawley get a free education from donors and jewelry from celebrites, we watched Wanetta Gibson take in 1.5 million dollars after she stole 5 years of Brian Banks life and derailed his career. When Emmet Till was lynched we watched Carolyn Bryantz give sworn testimony that this murdered child harassed and attacked her. Are you confused about why a person would do something awful or about whether or not women are people?

Never denied some people do shitty things. The problem is that pretty much every argument I've seen so far has been predicated on correlating false accusations with real ones (and, again, overportraying how much false accusations actually occur--successfully for that matter). Also, still doesn't address my point that women who publicly make accusations often face harassment, death threats, rape threats, etc. Nbd if it happens to someone who is themselves an asshole, but then misogynists turn right around and use the mere existence of false accusations to argue that all (or most) accusations must thereby be false and so justify taking such actions towards women, regardless of whether the accusation was false or not.

Also, you do realize that pointing out all those false accusers getting caught undermines your argument, right? It shows that it's actually not that easy to pull off a successful false accusation. (Again, as the Robert Muller case that I posted earlier demonstrates.) Do some inevitably slip through? Yes, just like every other crime (including sexual assault/rape--imagine that). It'd be nice if innocent people didn't go to jail. It'd also be nice if all guilty people actually faced punishment for their crimes.

Why would an accusation against you not get far if the idea is "believe women?"

Because that's not what the idea is. The idea is "listen to women." Nobody's arguing that you should assume every single accusation is true, we just want people to stop assuming that every accusation is false.

But, to more overtly answer your question, I can't know 100%, but I'm not worried about it. And I'm definitely not going to stop interacting with women out of some irrational fear that they maybe might possibly accuse me of something I didn't do. (Plus, like I said earlier, it's not actually that easy to falsely accuse someone.)

If you had consensual sex with a woman what possible evidence could you provide that you didn't rape her?

None, but then I also don't have sex with random women. I also don't have sex with drunk women, nor do I drink or do drugs (the majority of sexual assault cases involve alcohol). Couple that with the fact that I'm not physically imposing at all and have no history of legal trouble, as well as a bevy of character witnesses who would jump to my defense. I also know the law, and can use it in my defense. Not sure what they'd really have to gain, anyway. I have no money or power. I think I've already established that I'm not going to accidentally sleep with a crazy woman (I'm not stupid). Again, can't guarantee 100% (no such thing IRL), but the odds are in my favor.

The people who aren't worried about false accusations are the same people who walk in lightning storms, don't get struck, and insist it's safe.

Uh, lightning storms are safe. You know that getting struck by lightning is incredibly rare, right? So rare that to worry about it happening is borderline paranoid. You might as well say you should never go in the ocean cause you might possibly get eaten by a shark (which is rarer than getting struck by lightning). That doesn't mean you should actively seek out lightning storms to try and get struck, but if you're caught outside in one, it's not exactly a death sentence.

#Metoo is a terrible movement that gives too much power to the court of public opinion.

Um, I'm sorry to tell you this, but the court of public opinion already held too much power. It literally has since humans became intelligent enough to unfairly judge each other. Being accused of murder or theft is just as damaging, even when you're innocent, but I'm sure that's somehow #MeToo's fault as well, huh?

People should feel comfortable sharing their experiences and seeking support but when that becomes "assume guilt" and people's lives and livelihoods are being effected by accusations they can't possibly defend against it's a real problem.

Literally no one is advocating we should "assume guilt." Like I mentioned above, people use false accusations to try and argue that ALL accusations are false. I'm not saying that's what you're doing (in fact, you're the most level-headed and reasonable one I've seen so far--that's not saying much, admittedly, but at least you don't give me the vibe that I'm talking to Elliot Rodger). I reject the dichotomy that people are generally presenting (that it's a battle of accusers' rights vs rights of the accused). I think that's an oversimplification of a complex issue. Rape and sexual assault are particular crimes that need to be handled in particular ways (and by that I mean completely case-by-case). But when courts try to do that, they're suddenly accused of taking away people's rights. No, that's not how it works. Sexual cases inherently require different standards of evidence exactly because there's so little physical evidence. That doesn't mean you should assume that all men rapists. It also doesn't mean we should assume that women are liars. It means courts should be allowed more flexibility in how they apply the spirit of the law rather than its literal writing, and people need to quite trying to come up with blanket/general statements to describe the whole thing. People are complicated, we need to stop pretending they're not.
Democratic Socialist Republic of Byzconia: a post-colonial Francophone African nation currently undergoing authoritarian backsliding, set in a world where the Eastern Bloc liberalized rather than collapsing.

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Knockturn Alley
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Postby Knockturn Alley » Thu Dec 06, 2018 1:03 am

Byzconia wrote:
Ostroeuropa wrote:All? No. Some? Yes.

Which I've already said happens, so this comment is pointless.

Plenty of things, but lashing out to feel powerful by harming others is not necessarily about "gaining" anything other than a buzz from your predatory behavior.

You're the second person now to claim they gain "lots/plenty of things" without actually specifying what exactly they're gaining. Well, admittedly, you did mention a general hypothesis that could literally apply to any situation anywhere. Good job?

Prejudice and bias isn't a conspiracy. Racism isn't a conspiracy. Sexism isn't a conspiracy. Feminist misandry isn't a conspiracy.

This is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever seen. Comparing "feminist misandry" (something that only exists in the minds of whiny, entitled little shits who are mad that women don't act like blow-up dolls for them) to racism. Holy fuck are you delusional. Come back to me when you get thrown into a concentration camp for being a man. I'll fucking wait.

And by "sexism" I assume you mean "misogyny," otherwise you're just being redundant. Misogyny and misandry are at least comparable, but yeah, sorry, misogyny is still the greater issue. Almost universally across the world, women are treated worse than men. One-third of women in the entire world have been abused.

Now, is female-on-male violence a taboo topic? Definitely, but I have some bad news for you: that's not feminism's fault. That's older than feminism, because men decided that men shouldn't talk about their feelings, and that if a woman beats you up, it means you're "weak" and "not a real man." This is part of what the feminists call "toxic masculinity"--which refers to ideas of "masculinity" that harmful to both women and men. But, of course, nuance like that gets completely lost in all of the false dichotomies and zero-sum game bullshit about how feminism is responsible for all of men's problems.

If you think people accusing feminists of sexism are necessarily accusing them of conscious and deliberate malice then that speaks volumes about you and why you're probably someone who thinks in a sexist way, you've never bothered to consider feminist bias and prejudice as possible and reflexively dismiss criticism of feminists as accusations of conspiracy, thus never self-reflecting.

Dude. Stop. Are some feminists assholes? Yep. Does that mean feminism is wrong? No. And this notion that "feminists are sexist." No, they're not. For the 50th fucking time: "FEMINISTS DON'T HATE MEN." There is no "battle of the sexes." No one's out to get you. Your entire comment is literally useless because it has nothing to do with anything I've said. "You've never bothered to consider feminist bias and prejudice as possible." Yes, I have. Of course I fucking have. The problem is that you've never bothered to consider that maybe feminists aren't a goddamned hivemind. Feminists aren't perfect. No one ever claimed they were. I'm an atheist. I don't agree with everything other atheists say/do. Does that mean I should stop being an atheist? That'd be stupid. You're literally just making ad hominem appeals. Ideals aren't correct/incorrect based on the people supporting them. Every single feminist could be a serial murderer, still wouldn't make feminism bad.

Oh look, it's a trite, flippant and vitriolic attack on men voicing their concerns about feminism and the way its harming them, driving them out of the conversation with abusive rhetoric and making it clear there's no point engaging with you because you'll come out with these kind of nonsense attacks.

"And the way it's harming them." I wasn't aware feminism was harming me. Oh, wait, it's not, you're just appealing to your battle of the sexes bullshit about how everytime women do anything, it's bad for men everywhere. Feminism isn't harming me, and it's not harming you either, you've just decided that the CEOs in the OP are your buds because they also happen to have penises. You're not the spokesperson of men (and thank god for that).

(Like, say, the CEOs who have decided to just withdraw rather than engage because you've made it clear you're not interested in conversation, only assertion of abusive dogma.).

Dude, I'm a socialist, try as hard as you want, I'm not gonna feel sympathy for CEOs. Even without #MeToo, I'd still say they belong in prison for being CEOs.

Know who else is afraid?
Plenty of normal men who've seen the way false accusations ruin lives.

Like who?

How about minority men? Feminist campus witch hunts disproportionately impact minorities, you know. Not that white men don't also have cause for concern.


Maybe if women were held accountable for rape more often they'd start being afraid of false accusations too, you ever think of that?

What? Are you referring to female-on-male rape or suggesting that women are responsible for male-on-female rape (I legitimately can't tell from your wording)? And, if they were held accountable they'd be afraid of false accusations? What? Those two things literally don't correlate. False accusations, by-definition, have nothing to do with accountability. This whole sentence was just word salad.

Me too. How do you know it wouldn't get very far? It has for plenty of men and ruined their lives.

You keep saying this. Please show me these "plenty of men." In fact, I can think of a couple of men who got accused of rape/assault and it didn't affect their lives, like Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas, Donald Trump, Robert Mueller. And what about the women whose lives are ruined by sexual assault and their assaulter is never apprehended? Especially when some institutions are more willing to sweep the whole thing under the rug than deal with the bad PR of a sexual assault case.

2-10% of accusations reported to the police are false. Ones that don't report to the police are probably even higher. In many cases, a woman rapist accuses their victim to seize the initiative.


You're a feminist.


What about women perpetrators? Curious that you ignored them here, almost like you're utilizing a sexist framework.

"Curious you've ignored them" when literally no one else (that I've seen) has mentioned them? (Also, nice try at the deflection, but literally every post I've responded to has posited the situation as "men vs. women," so they would be the ones "utilizing a sexist framework," I was responding to what they said).

But, since you've mentioned them, what about them?

Other than that, this is once again merely abusing your critics instead of engaging with them and gaslighting everyone over their intentions.

More victim complex bullshit. "Mommy, the mean FEMINAZI on the internet is saying rude things to me!" And funny you should mention "gaslighting everyone over their intentions" when that's literally been your entire post vis-a-vis feminism.

Courts have routinely ruled that the feminist demands about rape on campus violate due process rights of the accused. Are human rights a 1950s thing? Is violating peoples due process not dangerous? ... 255570002/

"The feminist demands." There you go with those buzzwords again. "The feminists are doing this." "The feminists are doing that," because you don't see feminists as human beings right individual thoughts and ideas, you see them as a hivemind out to destroy you, like communists in the '50s. But I'll answer your question with a question, is allowing rapists to go free not dangerous? And of course, this is an obvious framing device meant to oversimplify the issue and make your position seem more agreeable. Politicians literally do this all of the time.

"Is violating peoples due process not dangerous?" Of course it is, few people would disagree with that. But this situation is more complicated than just due process. Should it be suspended entirely? No, but given the inherently hard-to-prove nature of rape, exceptions do have to be made where necessary. There are limits to people's rights. It's the same reason a cop can enter your home when the door's ajar. The same reason police can search kids at schools without a warrant or probable cause. The same reason you can't yell fire in a crowded theater. Now, if you want to discuss where exactly the line should be drawn, that's a fine discussion to have, but positioning it as a battle of "rights vs. no rights" is disingenuous--and you know that.

You don't engage with reality, merely feminist paranoid lies about their critics and how they are secretly evil.

Says the guy whose entire argument boils down to, "Look! Feminists hate men! Look at how they're threatening us and taking away our rights!" And, bud, there's no "secretly" about it.

For someone throwing out the "Conspiracy" accusation, you're sure fond of it yourself.

Uh, and what conspiracy am I fond of, exactly? The "conspiracy" that a lot of men are assholes and treat women like garbage? Yeah, real unreasonable that.

No, our criticism is what we say it is and rooted in that,

Rooted in what?

and if you can't honestly engage with it and have to resort to accusing people of being secretly part of a plot to hurt women,

Literally never said nor implied that. Nice try, though.

that speaks volumes about the kind of movement you're in and the coherency of its arguments.

Argument #4350 implying that feminists are a massive hivemind conspiring to take down men.

You're no better than someone who screams "You just hate jesus!" in response to criticism of theocracy, that's the level you and your peers operate at.

And your paranoid delusions about the evils of the "feminist movement" are just like McCarthyites insisting there's a communist on every corner waiting to take all your FREEDUMZ.

Meanwhile the rest of us deal with shit like due process violations and criticism of your hate movement and its push to violate legislatively guaranteed human rights.

More shit about how feminists are trying to take away men's rights, yada yada.

While you go around throwing out abusive lies about your critics intent and refusing to deal with the evidence they show you,

You've posted literally one link.

we deal with actual evidence of your movements misconduct and don't comment on your intent,

My "movement?" I wasn't aware I was now the leader of the Global Feminist Movement. My first decree will now be milk and cookies at every meeting! And I know you don't focus on its intent, you focus on the intent you've made up in your mind about how feminists hate men and are trying to commit global male genocide or something stupid like that. Oh no, wait, that's right they're trying to take away our RIGHTS (just like those damn commies!).

you are projecting your own flaws on to us. Not everyone thinks like feminists do, sorry to break it to you.

Yada yada "feminists are a hivemind" yada.

The reason you've come out with such abusive tactics is that feminism is a hate movement that doesn't actually engage with its critics,

"Abusive tactics." :rofl: Dude, I made fun of you on the internet. Oh my god, you are the whiniest goddamned baby I've seen in a long time. I sincerely hope you never meet an actually dangerous person because you'll probably shit yourself.

because the only way feminists can keep believing in feminism is if they mentally shut down and resort to logical fallacies and tribalism to insulate the adherent from evidence against their nonsense, just like you are doing here. So there's constant buzz phrases circulated between feminists that these people *think* is a coherent argument, but boils down to "You're evil and I don't have to listen to you or engage with your evidence!" over and over. You're like if someone said "The only reason someone would push the lie about global warming is that they hate america and want china to win.".

I also love how you think you're being so smart right now. You're not. There's nothing to engage with, because you've made no legitimate critiques. It's literally just been nothing but fearmongering bullshit about how the feminists are coming to take away er RIGHTZ! It's all the same shit that red pillers, incels, and MGTOWs say every time they open their mouths.

You want to hear some actually good criticsms of (some) feminists? Women of color are heavily marginalized in a lot of the feminist movement. In fact, white supremacy is pretty fucking rampant in some areas. Some feminists are extremely elitist and disdainful towards poor women. Some feminists think the sex workers are sub-human. Some feminists are homophobic. Some are transphobic. These are all legitimate problems. You know what isn't, though? Your paranoid delusion that feminists are trying to take away your rights. No one wants to take away your rights. No one gives a shit about you. You literally don't even register for most feminists. In fact, most would just ignore you. There is no great battle of the sexes. Men's rights aren't going anywhere. Quit reading The Red Pill and go out into the real world and actually meet some real life feminists (assuming you can get over your crippling fear of women, of course, but don't worry I believe in you!).

I just want to point out how you criticize people for generalizing feminists and then proceed to generalize people who call feminists on their bullshit as whiny manchildren who cant handle women on an equal footing.

Also you said Kavanaugh wasn't affected by #MeToo, are you actually insane? He was trashed by every leftist/feminist media outlet and got slandered without a shred of evidence by women who later admitted they lied. Explain to me how that doesn't affect his life just because he didn't lose the nomination.

Also what the other poster was saying was that women should be held responsible for false accusations which they aren't. You somehow suggested that false accusations have nothing to do with accountability. Are you saying there is no need to hold women who make false accusation accountable?

You are telling us not to talk about feminists collectively and then are talking about incels, mgtows collectively which is hypocritical regardless of how anyone feels about any of those groups. So yes you are full of shit just like most other feminists
Lelouch Lamperouge wrote:The only one who has the right to kill is he who is willing to die himself

Unknown wrote:There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come

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Economic Left/Right: -0.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.74
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The National Salvation Front for Russia
Chargé d'Affaires
Posts: 490
Founded: Nov 19, 2018

Postby The National Salvation Front for Russia » Thu Dec 06, 2018 1:09 am

Kubrath wrote:If any of y'all are following the Jeffrey Epstein case, you'd understand why #MeToo exists and will keep going. There are Epsteins fucking everywhere in the upper echelons of power, be they public or private. If they're gonna isolate women, then women will end up doing the sensible thing and just do their own thing, as they already are by the way. With male fertility declining, and men becoming whinier and more insecure by the decade, I can really see women gaining the upper hand in the distant future, and frankly, I wouldn't mind.

I don't understand how this is a good thing for women. With male fertility declining, if that meant anything, would mean less women and men. Unless you believe that men with low fertility are somehow weak and ineffectual, which seems a lot like pseudo-scientific crap.
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Postby Byzconia » Thu Dec 06, 2018 1:13 am

Western Vale Confederacy wrote:
Byzconia wrote:
What--what does that have to do with what I said? Grasping at straws a bit, bub.

The phrase "self-professed "socially awkward" guys who struggle with talking to women" that you typed made no visible or clear distinction between the stereotypical "nice guy" (i.e. those who think they are entitled to sexual favours just for being nice to women) and the men with genuine conditions, may it be mental (including developmental) or physical that impact their social interactions.

Make a distinction next time, will ya?

Literally nowhere in that post was it implied that ALL men who suffer some kind of issue are "nice guys." What I said was:

most of the arguments for why #MeToo sucks are apparently coming from self-professed "socially awkward" guys who struggle with talking to women.

The arguments are coming from people like that, not "all people like that are making the arguments." Maybe there's some kind of language barrier that I'm missing, but I'm not going to make unnecessary distinctions on the off-chance that someone might misunderstand what I'm saying.
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Postby Byzconia » Thu Dec 06, 2018 1:21 am

Costa Fierro wrote:I see you're going to be as pleasant as the other feminists I've dealt with.

Literally meaningless statement.

What others have said here.

So, nothing. Got it.

It's not when you say "the only people who should be worried are rapists".

Yes, that is what I said. Your point?

It's a rather apt description of the attitude many people like you have. Seen it before, and no doubt I'll see it again.

Gaslighting. Neat.

Men can hate other men and hate themselves.

Don't hate men. Also don't hate myself. I mean, I do hate some men, because they're assholes, but that has nothing to do with them having a penis. Nice try, though. Just keep on insisting that feminism=misandry. Just like atheism totally means "believing that there is no god." (You see, that's a comparison, I'm using one example of a ridiculous misrepresentation to demonstrate the ridiculousness of another misrepresentation.)

Oh it's that sad excuse for a counterargument again. Golly gee, where have I seen that before?

Lol, seriously? You think it's a "sad argument" to point out that you're wrong about what feminism is? Do you also think communism is when the government owns everything? Or is pointing out the flaws in that also a "sad argument?" But, sure, do keep on insisting that everyone else is close-minded, you regular ol' Thomas Paine, you.

Come on, at least try. You've got a decent opinion in there, it just needs to be set free.

So, not even gonna address why you tried to insert race into an argument where it doesn't belong? Okay, then.

I do. Should I explain to you? I mean I shouldn't have to, clearly someone as well versed on feminism as you would see the irony of telling men to regulate their sexual behaviour.

Telling men not to rape is "regulating their sexual behavior?" Huh.
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Postby Knockturn Alley » Thu Dec 06, 2018 1:26 am

Byzconia wrote:
Don't hate men. Also don't hate myself. I mean, I do hate some men, because they're assholes, but that has nothing to do with them having a penis. Nice try, though. Just keep on insisting that feminism=misandry. Just like atheism totally means "believing that there is no god." (You see, that's a comparison, I'm using one example of a ridiculous misrepresentation to demonstrate the ridiculousness of another misrepresentation.)

"Atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities."
:blink: :blink:

EDIT: Yeah I think you're not about to reply to me again lol
Last edited by Knockturn Alley on Thu Dec 06, 2018 1:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Byzconia » Thu Dec 06, 2018 2:19 am

Lamoni wrote:
Byzconia wrote:
This is literally a rant about nothing. "Wahh, feminists are the cause of all of my problems!" bell hooks has literally been writing for years about how sexism and misogyny contribute to the oppression of men by other men, but who needs nuance and complexity when you can bitch about your made-up boogeyman, am I right?

Literally not what feminism is.

Oh my god. :rofl: Do their share of "courting-work?" So, you're pissed off that women don't just randomly walk up to you and hit on you? Sorry, bud, but even women were to do this, you definitely wouldn't be at the top of the list (women like confident men, not babies who whine about "virgin-shaming" and "courting"--the minute you open your mouth they'd turn right around). Just go talk to women, it's not that goddamned hard. You don't even have to flirt with them, just have a normal conversation like you would with a man. Jesus.

Not sure what this is supposed to be about. Looks like a bunch of random garbage to me.

Again, what the hell are you even saying? That feminists think all men are evil because some men catcall women? No, they fucking don't. No well-regarded feminist has ever said anything like that.

*cue link to random blog where a crazy person makes this claim, followed by "THERE ARE NO WELL-REGARDED FEMINISTS, THEY ARE ALL STUPID AND CRAZY"*

Meanwhile, of course, ALL WOMEN hurt men's "wellbeing" by not doing their share in "courting-work" (Jesus, that's still fucking hilarious). Anyway, pot, meet kettle.

Lmao MGTOW, aka "guys who claim they're giving up on women who then congregate to bitch about women."

Thank you for further illustrating my point that the main opponents of #MeToo are a bunch of whiny, pathetic incels who hate women because they won't sleep with them. I wonder how many people in this thread are just a couple of bad days away from becoming the next Elliot Rodger.


A Normy Cuck (me) :lol2:

Attack the posts, not the posters.

Aaaaaaaaand now I remember why I left this site before. It's literally okay to emulate Elliot Rodger's manifesto, but it's not okay to point it out. And y'all wonder why there aren't women on sites like these. Keep on tipping that fedora, m'oderator.
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Postby Knockturn Alley » Thu Dec 06, 2018 2:23 am

Byzconia wrote:
Lamoni wrote:
Attack the posts, not the posters.

Aaaaaaaaand now I remember why I left this site before. It's literally okay to emulate Elliot Rodger's manifesto, but it's not okay to point it out. And y'all wonder why there aren't women on sites like these. Keep on tipping that fedora, m'oderator.

There are women here.....
Lelouch Lamperouge wrote:The only one who has the right to kill is he who is willing to die himself

Unknown wrote:There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come

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Postby Western Vale Confederacy » Thu Dec 06, 2018 2:42 am

Knockturn Alley wrote:
Byzconia wrote:
Aaaaaaaaand now I remember why I left this site before. It's literally okay to emulate Elliot Rodger's manifesto, but it's not okay to point it out. And y'all wonder why there aren't women on sites like these. Keep on tipping that fedora, m'oderator.

There are women here.....

Silly Homo Sapiens of the female sex, everybody knows that there are only M E N on the Interwebz!

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Postby Hirota » Thu Dec 06, 2018 2:55 am

Byzconia wrote:
Lamoni wrote:Attack the posts, not the posters.

Aaaaaaaaand now I remember why I left this site before.
Because you didn't know how to behave and got upset when you were told off?
It's literally okay to emulate Elliot Rodger's manifesto, but it's not okay to point it out.
Except nobody is literally doing that. You are literally inventing fiction.
And y'all wonder why there aren't women on sites like these. Keep on tipping that fedora, m'oderator.
Plenty of women on this site, who are far more likely to be dismissive of your incoherence.

There are arguments you can make against Ostro and Costa's positions without resorting to these kind of attacks. If you can't do that then your second visit is going to be short.
Last edited by Hirota on Thu Dec 06, 2018 3:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Sefy the Great » Thu Dec 06, 2018 3:46 am

Costa Fierro wrote:
Sefy the Great wrote:where did you get the idea that Male Fertility was declining?

Male sperm counts have been declining in the West for a few years now. Doesn't mean that the majority of that post has any weight to it, it's mostly just the same crap I've seen elsewhere.

ok, that makes sense. thanks.
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Postby Sefy the Great » Thu Dec 06, 2018 3:49 am

Western Vale Confederacy wrote:
Knockturn Alley wrote:
There are women here.....

Silly Homo Sapiens of the female sex, everybody knows that there are only M E N on the Interwebz!

Females? with Technology?
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Postby Costa Fierro » Thu Dec 06, 2018 3:52 am

Byzconia wrote:So, nothing. Got it.

I'm not going to parrot what others have already said.

Yes, that is what I said. Your point?

My point is that you think the people who are worried or concerned about false accusations and taking precautions are rapists.

Don't hate men.

The content of your posts indicates otherwise.

Just keep on insisting that feminism=misandry.

I don't need to insist. It is self evident.

Just like atheism totally means "believing that there is no god." (You see, that's a comparison, I'm using one example of a ridiculous misrepresentation to demonstrate the ridiculousness of another misrepresentation.)

Dictionary says "the doctrine or belief that there is no God." Presumably then we can make the argument for feminism being inherently misandrist?

Lol, seriously? You think it's a "sad argument" to point out that you're wrong about what feminism is?

Considering that it's basically a half arsed attempt at deflecting an argument by simply saying "you don't know what you're talking about", I'm confident in calling it a "sad argument".

Telling men not to rape is "regulating their sexual behavior?" Huh.

Telling men to "keep it in their pants" is regulating their sexual behaviour. It is born from exactly the same line of reasoning as telling women to "keep their legs shut".
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Postby Thuzbekistan » Thu Dec 06, 2018 5:20 am

Byzconia wrote:
Lamoni wrote:
Attack the posts, not the posters.

Aaaaaaaaand now I remember why I left this site before. It's literally okay to emulate Elliot Rodger's manifesto, but it's not okay to point it out. And y'all wonder why there aren't women on sites like these. Keep on tipping that fedora, m'oderator.

You're just not used to forums where the mods actually protect free speech and moderate behavior instead of views.
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Postby Vassenor » Thu Dec 06, 2018 6:02 am

Thuzbekistan wrote:
Byzconia wrote:
Aaaaaaaaand now I remember why I left this site before. It's literally okay to emulate Elliot Rodger's manifesto, but it's not okay to point it out. And y'all wonder why there aren't women on sites like these. Keep on tipping that fedora, m'oderator.

You're just not used to forums where the mods actually protect free speech and moderate behavior instead of views.

But burying any positive discussion about feminism under a circlejerk about how oppressed white men are is perfectly OK behaviour.
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Postby Western Vale Confederacy » Thu Dec 06, 2018 6:08 am

Vassenor wrote:
Thuzbekistan wrote:You're just not used to forums where the mods actually protect free speech and moderate behavior instead of views.

But burying any positive discussion about feminism under a circlejerk about how oppressed white men are is perfectly OK behaviour.

There is more nuance to the #MeToo movement and its opponents than you'd like to admit.

Its particularly severe impact on men with conditions, may it be physical or mental, that hinder or change social interactions, for one.

But you keep believing "muh ebul whitey men are fiting bak against deh oppressed womyn!!1!1!", Vass...despite probably being WHITE and a FORMER MALE.

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Postby Hirota » Thu Dec 06, 2018 6:24 am

Vassenor wrote:
Thuzbekistan wrote:You're just not used to forums where the mods actually protect free speech and moderate behavior instead of views.

But burying any positive discussion about feminism under a circlejerk about how oppressed white men are is perfectly OK behaviour.
A) If you've got something you want to report, you know where to go.

B) If you've got something to contribute, I assume you know how to.

C) If you want a "positive discussion" how about you be the change in behavior you want to see. If people believe you are posting in genuine good faith maybe they'll do the same...

If you want to bleat on ineffectively because you can't do A) B) or C) ...well, carry on I suppose with the whole petty childish sneering stich. I'm sure you think it's served you well so far.

Here's the thing about trying to want to make metoo into a "positive discussion about feminism" - it was not about feminism. It was not about pretty grownup actresses and what they did or didn't do behind closed doors with 2017 womens marchers. It was about "the 1 in 4 girls and the 1 in 6 boys who are sexually abused every year and who carry those wounds into adulthood."
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Postby Petrasylvania » Thu Dec 06, 2018 6:32 am

So basically women need to shut up even when they have actually been sexually assaulted.

Can't wait until MRAs argue for the perfection of cloning so women are no longer needed for the human race to propogate.
Crimes committed by Muslims will be proof of a pan-Islamic plot and Islam's inherent evil. On the other hand, crimes committed by non-Muslims will merely be the acts of mentally ill lone wolves who do not represent their professed belief system at all.
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Postby Hirota » Thu Dec 06, 2018 6:35 am

Petrasylvania wrote:So basically women need to shut up even when they have actually been sexually assaulted.

Can't wait until MRAs argue for the perfection of cloning so women are no longer needed for the human race to propogate.
So basically you need to stop inventing deliberate misrepresentations and start posting in good faith Gauthier.
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Isn't it curious how people will claim they are against tribalism, then pigeonhole themselves into tribes?

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Postby LiberNovusAmericae » Thu Dec 06, 2018 7:14 am

Vassenor wrote:
Thuzbekistan wrote:You're just not used to forums where the mods actually protect free speech and moderate behavior instead of views.

But burying any positive discussion about feminism under a circlejerk about how oppressed white men are is perfectly OK behaviour.

I'm so sorry that this thread is not an echo chamber for your views, and that rules are supposed to apply to everyone not just people you happen to not like.

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Postby Vassenor » Thu Dec 06, 2018 7:37 am

LiberNovusAmericae wrote:
Vassenor wrote:
But burying any positive discussion about feminism under a circlejerk about how oppressed white men are is perfectly OK behaviour.

I'm so sorry that this thread is not an echo chamber for your views, and that rules are supposed to apply to everyone not just people you happen to not like.

Have you found a field to put that strawman in yet?
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Postby LiberNovusAmericae » Thu Dec 06, 2018 7:54 am

Vassenor wrote:
LiberNovusAmericae wrote:I'm so sorry that this thread is not an echo chamber for your views, and that rules are supposed to apply to everyone not just people you happen to not like.

Have you found a field to put that strawman in yet?

That is ironic because you love to strawman.
Last edited by LiberNovusAmericae on Thu Dec 06, 2018 8:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Galloism » Thu Dec 06, 2018 8:13 am

Petrasylvania wrote:So basically women need to shut up even when they have actually been sexually assaulted.

Can't wait until MRAs argue for the perfection of cloning so women are no longer needed for the human race to propogate.

Usually, that particular bit of chortling goes the other way.

Stop projecting.
Venicilian: wow. Jesus hung around with everyone. boys, girls, rich, poor(mostly), sick, healthy, etc. in fact, i bet he even went up to gay people and tried to heal them so they would be straight.
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Postby Galloism » Thu Dec 06, 2018 8:14 am

Vassenor wrote:
Thuzbekistan wrote:You're just not used to forums where the mods actually protect free speech and moderate behavior instead of views.

But burying any positive discussion about feminism under a circlejerk about how oppressed white men are is perfectly OK behaviour.

If it had actually done something positive recently maybe we could talk about it.
Venicilian: wow. Jesus hung around with everyone. boys, girls, rich, poor(mostly), sick, healthy, etc. in fact, i bet he even went up to gay people and tried to heal them so they would be straight.
The Parkus Empire: Being serious on NSG is like wearing a suit to a nude beach.
New Kereptica: Since power is changed energy over time, an increase in power would mean, in this case, an increase in energy. As energy is equivalent to mass and the density of the government is static, the volume of the government must increase.



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