1948: Burning Powder Keg [IC | COBALT NETWORK SPONSORED]

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Lan Khao Xang Hom Krung Tai
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1948: Burning Powder Keg [IC | COBALT NETWORK SPONSORED]

Postby Lan Khao Xang Hom Krung Tai » Tue May 15, 2018 6:13 pm


It's 1948 and no one has fired a single shot. Not yet at least. The stakes are high as Europe points their guns at each other, waiting for the next move. China itself has split in the face foreign domination. Germany, once without allies, now sees itself with a handful of nations by their side as they continue to look towards their perfect world as the French mobilize in fear and the Soviets play catch up with the rest of Europe. Politics, technology, and society are changing. What that means will soon be seen.

Chinese Civil War - War between the KMT, the CCP, and the resurgent Fengtian factions

Diplomatic Incidents

Just call me Tuwa

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Newne Carriebean7
Posts: 6721
Founded: Aug 08, 2015
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Newne Carriebean7 » Tue May 15, 2018 9:27 pm

Ottoman Empire
The Turkey's Nest.

(Newne's Post, made from 99.9% a Joke)
Führer-Sultan Aladdin Jafar Nwabi's hands turned the nob on his personal study room, a four walled chamber with bookcases of countless historical and other materials by questionably sane authors. As he mused through the lines of reading materials, he smiled as he picked out his classic. "The Mad Man's guide to running the Ottoman Empire: by the Ottoman Empire's Flag, with help from a signal translater named Elvis Presley." With a good book in hand, he clapped his hands as an aide entered the room.
"Ah,Mien Führer-Sultan, care for some target practice with your bestseller?" The aide was brandishing an old twelve gauge shotgun, with a soul, lonely barrel that echoed to life as another hole was blown through the cracked and buckshot ridden roof of the private library.
"Absolutely, let us go behind my home, and bring me chex mix."
"Yes Mien Führer-Sultan."
As the aide and Nwabi exited the luxorious palace, ones that future movies would replicate and be envious of, Nwabi stepped in some unappealing dog shit.
"Sunava bitch, who's puppy is this?"
"That's OldMcdonalds sir."
"Inform the 3rd regiment of artillery they are to reward Old Mcdonald's farm with three rounds of 76mm shells up his ass!"
"Yes sir."

A school bus of children were driving by Old Mcdonald's farm, as a chorous of shitty singing began from their pre pubescent voices.
"Old Mcdonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O."
"And on this farm- what the fuck-"
As the school children noticed three silver dots getting bigger and bigger in the sky, explosions braketed the school bus, blowing up the farm and sending several hamburgers into the bus as a cow died.
"I dont give a shit anymore, Yay hamburgers!"
As the children celebrated their diabetus by the death of the farmer's cows, Ronald Reagen Mcdonald laughed evilly as the bus was driven off a cliff.

As the two man party made it's way to a sight, where the peaking mountains of the nation ranged far to the east and the bustuling capital city soon became smaller in their view, Nwabi pulled out the book and had the aide load it into a trebuchet. Tre boo shit? Whatever the fuck it means, I'm just the narrator, and our first fourth wall break in a minute, that has to be a new record. It's not? shit.
The aide acknplledged the order and the book flew across the clean, country air of the Ottoman Empire, into the sights of the shotgun that the leader was carrying. Nwabi took a deep breath and then pulled the trigger.
The book tumbled out of the sky, with several chunks flying off in seperate directions, impacting an unlucky french hobo named Clochard Des Tongadancing while he played chess with Barney the purple dinosaur.
As the aide retreived both the book and Barney, Nwabi took a long, hard stare at the purple dinosaur with a suit.
"I have an excellent proposition for you, I want you to be on your very own cooking show, called Alton Brown's Puppets and Shit. You'll of course be rewarded in only the finest Kensin dollars."
The purple dinosaur happily smiled before referring to himself in the third person- wait wrong script, ok the purple dinosaur returned the long hard stare until Nwabi began to speak to it.
"my own goddamn cooking show? why the fuck would I not take this opportunity, what will we be making?"
"Hell if I know, just go to this address once the narrator fades this scene to black, and then you'll be on the set because of piss poor naratio-"
The narrator gave Nwabi a wedgie, who flipped off the sky after undoing it.

Alton Brown's Puppets and Shit
First Taping in front of a live studio audience of George W. Bush and bob the builder.
As Alton Brown flipped off both an ex president and a figment of his imagination when eating acid, both Barney and Elmo entered the stage, looking at the kitchen and the various items on the table.
"Now, Welcome to Alton Brown's Puppets and Sh*t. I can't say Sh*t? What about fuck? fuck is ok? fuck. sh*t. Fucking sh*ters. Now I have Barney the Purple Dinosaur and Elmo from Elmo's world. Now today we're going to be making Kensin's favorite meal, Indian food. Now our first step is to ask an Indian what is Indian food, can both of you do that for me?"
As Elmo and Barney rushed off into the audience, Elmo returned with Apu Nepasuwhateverthehellyourlastnameis from the Simpsons and Barney returned with Raj Koothrappali from the big bang theory.
"Great, we have Indian food. Now our second step is to boil a pot of water, can you two do that for me?"
Elmo returned with a pot that had a sticker labled boil on it, and Barney returned with a pot that had an acne covered boil on it.
"Fuck. Now our next step is to make a grilled cheese sandwich, can either of you be competent enough to do that?"
Elmo soon came back with a magical melodies song about grilled cheese sung by elmer fudd, and Barney emerged with a grilled cheese sandwich carried in by oprah winfrey, who bitched and moaned about crime rates in tahiti.
"I am pleased to say that Elmo has been declared the-"
"Bull fucking sh*t, I'm Billy Mays here with an amazing offer for you, the Kitchen Gun! Just, point, and the dirt is gone!"
With that, the kitchen was clean, Elmo, barney and Alton brown were dead, and Billy Mays ran off screaming about aliens. To be honest, this is just another Tuesday in the ottoman empire really.

The Turkey's Nest
Führer-Sultan Aladdin Jafar Nwabi left the elongated stretch limousine as a flurry of the army's footsteps filled the hallways of the second most important building in all of the Ottoman Empire, besides from the Kensin Ivanov fanfiction bunker, which Uesugi Kensin is only allowed down. The guards brandishing bolt action rifles snapped to attention amidst the closing front doors of the building, with Nwabi being tailed by several questionably sane military advisers and commissars that were needed in the high level political meeting.

As the elevator's old man suspension system continued it's minute descent, Nwabi took a slight, disinterested look at the varying political officials, with a smoking woman being part of the ranks, a fact which gave her some surprise, as he had no idea women existed within the high command. The other military members weren't anything special, you had your everyday soviet dictator obsessed Japanese looking Uesugi Kensin, A bearded looking foul smelling french looking individual, a black looking ninety year old African dictator who kept wanting to declare himself the king of England,
and the most famous adviser, an Italian mobster, who had been everywhere from 1920s CSA as the new president to 2000s when he was getting military help from Kim Jong Un, whomever the hell that is. The elevator finally halted with some relief at the fat men's load within the steel cadge, being a hair away from falling down to the forbidden room.

"Commissar for Kensin-Ivanov Fan fiction and Ottoman Propaganda Uesugi Kensin, Commissar for Homelessness and the Economy Clochard Des Senges, High Admiral of the Imperial Ottoman Navy and Air Force Robert Mugabe, Mob boss and Honored Representative of the Ottoman Empire's criminal underworld Vito Antonio Scalleta, Welcome to this meeting. Now, our first order of business deals with the armed forces, I have been through the military records of our soldiers, and it appears that only thirty minutes a day is devoted to actual military style drills, and these date back to the 18th century, such as standing in a line and shooting off rifles at the enemy before charging in close with bayonets. I appears the easiest way to fix this issue would be to simply update these books with more advanced rifle-"

Uesugi Kensin slammed his hands down on the desk and interrupted Nwabi's speaking, turning the room's attention to the Japanese looking fellow.
"Are you saying we need to arm books? What is next, giving an NRA card out to fucking teletubbies, I told you they're planning something, I got it from my esteemed colleague in the Congress named Pho Pho Poo. He was a great ex governor of Cambodia turned nuclear testing subject."
Robert Mugabe rubbed his eyes as he took in the bullshit he was hearing.

"You, you, the Russian lover boy, you dare tow the line with the dear leader, our Führer-Sultan of the Thanksgiving Revolution and Turkish Liberation? Now, what I propose is arming the poultry of this grand land with little bombs up their asses that we may control with cheese and string. We can send thousands of suicidal chickens and their pistol trigger happy farmers as part of Operation I.V.A.N.O.V, or It's Very Amazing Nobody's Ordered Vomit. The very code word shall give our enemies a multitude of options to prepare for our plans if we just say the name. I'll bet Ivanov will double his security if he has any. I'm also proposing Operation Demolition And Revolting Killroys, or DARK. It shall be a large scale operation to being training our men in the usage and proper operation of both mining equipment to get under possible enemy front lines using our famous cafeteria spoons and Ivanov-Kensin fan fiction writer's paychecks, which are literal gold bars that we've melted down into toothpicks, paperclips and shovels."

Commissar for Homelessness and the Economy shook his ass in the air like he didn't care as Nwabi picked on him with a flick of his faint wrist.
"Yes, ass shaking homeless Frenchman, do you have a stereotypical accent?"
"Non, I do not have j'accent de la francquois. Peron, I believe that our economy is in der shitter? Peron, we may be able to fix our economy with a radical new plan I have been thinkin a've. It's called communist cannibalism. I was a'adviser to some shitey countray zhat the narrator role playdeded as. It was a cannibal nordkoree. I propose that we organize those by class and execute those that spea- out again der shtate. Vhy am Ich duetchland NIEN NIEN NIEN!"
"I fucking love the idea. I'd say let's do it. I always wondered what poor tasted like. Now I'll really get to know. I want this to be a focus on Gobble's speech, along with anti-teletubby views on behalf of Kim Jong Un- wait wrong person... That one Japanese homosexual we have running around, Kensin!"

Vito Scalleta let loose a rather large fart in the room, nearly gassing them out of house and home.
"Holy shit. This stuff is potent. I knew my grandmama's beans were potent, I think I just killed our pet spider billy."
"It's bobby jackass."
With a stern look on Vito's face and a quick flash of his beloved Colt 1911 handgun, a round entered the un dead spider as it rolled over, it's last words being the poetic:
"I want a state funeral you fuck- aaah I'm dead."
Once a five gun salute was given by a drunken mailman wielding a machine gun, the disgruntled postal worker soon took the route of some introduction characters and jumped out the window, landing on a cement trampoline with a thud.

"Now then, Scalleta, I belive you wished to add to the conversation?"
"Indeed. I wish to participate in this grand crusade against anti sanity. I wish to see the looks of the remaining sane leaders as they look confused at our military's poor performance on the battle field with overwhelming military superiority as we hand down a million different versions of the underdog saneists wiping the floor with the large force of insanists who charge in with safety scissors and sharpened edges of Dr. Phil's reading glasses. I want a speech to be delivered nationwide that names the sane individuals left in this great nation of ours, and demands their immediate 'reeeducation' or execution on tom and Jerry's ed edd n eddy communist manifesto hitchhiker's enlarged mama cass ham sandwich of mass deliciousness."
With a slight nod of his forehead, Nwabi pulled out the meeting end text as they all gathered for an insane prayer.

"Oh Mighty and Holy Governor Chris Christi, with your communist leanings and mighty sword from the gathered remains of Godzilla, may you protect the insane nationalist front of the Ottoman Empire from toothpaste related harm from Syngmeen Rhee and the dastardly Dr. Doolittle. Notwithstanding and steadfast in your commitment to a Barry Goldwater state solution between the romeo and Juliet fan clubs, we urge the prospect of peace upon all the twinkee worlds and upon all thine bounty which jimmy carter sausage factories sow into the zits on Ronald McDonald's back. In the name of the Clown Krusty and Homer J. Simpson, Amen."

Commissar for Poultry Main Propaganda Office
Commissar for Poultry Josef Gobbles entered the sliding glass doors to the National Propaganda Room, smelling in musty air that made him gag with a most uncomfortable reflex as he gripped his stomach tightly ahd held back the tears in his eyes. He soon heard a little bell go off, and was forced against the wall by a yuuge ass mattress, which dressed him up as Pancho Via played by Robin Williams before entering a small booth with a microphone and tiny speech infront of him. As he gave a nod to the insane looking donald duck in the window that wanted him to play with barbie dolls, he began to speak.
"Teletubbies, a fictional race of mismatched colors and shapes that threatens our businesses, jobs, and even spouses with their unflattering charm and charisma compared to the average,inadequate turk. These British symbols must be burned in mass rallies called the teletubby Pot roasts, in which their propaganda and films shall be wiped off the face of Turkey. Their provocative messages burn the very essence of innocence away from the desensitized youths of today. I can give you my word that I have seen them in action, all dressed up in fluffy outfits like a bunch o peeved sissies!

They are the threat to honest, good working corrupt government officials like you and me, who rake in quintillions of our currency yet still find it hard to buy a loaf of specially imported wombat herding equipment. I do not blame this on our bloated and corrupt government ministers that pocket quintillions a year to purchase
stupid ass things, such as a life scale replica of the entire life of George clooney, who the hell would need such an extravagant item of luxury? The Aflack Duck, not likely.

The State is under threat from these fictional beings that desecrate our holiest religions of burnt toast and the order of the moldy churro viking, as is a classic children's book about why you should eat your vegetables told by the voice of osama bin laden high on cocaine and crack. I say our nation embarks on a grand crusade against these radicals that want love, compassion and to serve as a scapegoat for conveniently placed government scandals and corruption within the Billy Mays white house in general. This cannot stand, this must not stand, this will not stand!
The following Sane military officials shall be arrested and given their method of (execution).
1.Commander of the 5th Army Ronald Reagan Jr. (Jelly bean force feeding)
2.High Lord and Protector of the Holy Jelly Bean Steve Jobs (electrical shock)
3.Expert Singer and Communist Agitator Jose Tacovito (Taco Bell life support)
4.First Class ship of the line designer Lady Gaga (singing "Bad Romance" until death)
5.Commissar and leader of the Turkish Communist Party Reccep Tyaiip Erdogan (not being born yet)
6.Cheese Cake expert and theoretical holy infidel to the Insane Church of Kensin and Ivanov Sheldon Cooper (forced deportation to Texas until death)
7.Veggie Tale connoisseur and Christian Song Writer Bob Dole (being forced to lose a drinking game in 1996 to Bill Clinton)
8.Emmerson Mnanagagwa (forced to be overthrown by bob the builder, then to be arrested by a katana Whig yielding kangaroo.)
192 more military officials of various rankings from Janitor First Class to High Lord and Protector are to be executed, with a live showing in Führer-Sultan Aladdin Jafar Nwabi's backyard barbecue with questionable hamburger meat quality. Long Live The Empire! Long Live the Commissar for Kensin-Ivanov Fan fiction and Ottoman Propaganda Uesugi Kensin! Long Live Führer-Sultan Aladdin Jafar Nwabi!"

Kensinist-Ivanovist- Communist- Nwabist- Neo-Ottoman Mobsterian thought and the insider guide to boiling your shoes for food.
An Essay on the current state of geopolitical affairs and the future of the Neo Ottoman Empire,
by Führer-Sultan Aladdin Jafar Nwabi

I. The National people must be readied for all out war within our neighbors. The people of this great state must expel all individual thoughts of sanity and focus on the government mandated insanity classes for fear of their lives or hot pocket alarm clocks, which are mandatory for all insane members of our great nation. Each man, woman and child of this nation, all twenty million souls shall be readily available to sacrifice themselves for the state in the event of war. As recommended by the Commissar for Kensin-Ivanov Fan fiction and Ottoman Propaganda Uesugi Kensin, each family, according to the members of it, shall be given bolt action rifles, 30 rounds of ammunition of varying types and ordered to patrol their local villages in a massive gendarme of an estimated 2 million strong and able to serve. The elderly shall be placed in the Elderly People's Militias, comprising of senior centers of 20 members each, with one that can see and is not immobilized being the elderly captain. They shall take orders from the elderly Chief, which commands three squads for a total of 60 people.

II.The elderly chiefs will receive orders from Elderly Lieutenants, who shall command according to the number of chiefs in a given unit. Their armaments shall range from short range blunderbusses, knives and sharp sticks to the occasional MG-32 with 2,000 rounds for it. Children shall be organized according to schools, with teachers being in command of informing children on the operation of their weapons and to brainwash them for the eventual titanic battle, where every soul shall commit to the state. The organization shall be thus: 1 teacher commands 30 students, 5 teachers are commanded by a vice principal, and 2 vice principals are commanded by a principal, with overall command unless overruled by Head Quarters.

III. The State shall begin the national propaganda efforts on the joys of Uesugi Kensin and Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov as homosexual lovers, akin to a romeo and Juliet deal. It shall inform them of the tale of Kensin, from his humble beginnings as a dirt poor farmer to becoming Prime Minister of Japan and ordering a shit ton of insane things to occur. Ivanov shall be admired for his good looks and calm demeanor, calming Kensin down in times of need and preforming military duties of the national state, such as cleaning up shit from the bottom of lake insert name here because I'm incompetent. They shall, at the same time, disparage the teletubby English threat to the children of turkey, brainwashing their heads with such foreign concepts such as "not killing yourself for your dictator's whims." and the unpatriotic idea of "democracy." We're a military dictatorship under the firm guidance of Führer-Sultan Aladdin Jafar Nwabi. Nwabi's cult of personality shall possibly rival Kensin and Ivanov's one as they climb up the ranks of military power.

IV. The Nation shall officially adopt the Three Fingers of Vito as state ideology, which are as follows:
1.State controls all major businesses to ensure direct and fluid interactions of commerce,easing trade and tightening up restrictions on big business.
2.Corruption will not be removed and allowed to run amock, though the dominant in government party members shall be exempt from this ruling of corruption,and will mainly be used as a tool to eliminate political opponents.
3.Mobsters will belong to several different Mafian Families, with the Main ones being the Scalleta, Falcone and Vinci,who shall compete against each other for territory. Police shall be divided by family loyalty and general percentage of that one family in a certain area. Division of Police and armed forces by family shall allow for an increase in violence and more popularity for the Führer-Sultan.
Last edited by Newne Carriebean7 on Wed May 16, 2018 12:59 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Krugeristan wrote:This is Carrie you're referring to. I'm not going to expect him to do something sane anytime soon. He can take something as simple as a sandwich, and make me never look at sandwiches with a straight face ever again.

Former Carriebeanian president Carol Dartenby sentenced to 4 years hard labor for corruption and mismanagement of state property|Former Carriebeanian president Antrés Depuís sentenced to 3 years in prison for embezzling funds and corruption

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Postby Machtergreifung » Wed May 16, 2018 4:18 pm

The Second Spanish Republic
Republican Palace of Madrid

The irony of the members of the Republican govenrment being based from the royal palace the Spanish Monarchs as not lost on Juan Modesto as he walked through the corridors towards the meeting of his cabinet. Still, it salved the bitter wound of irony that at least they had shipped off the artwork that had survived the Civil War to museums up and down the country, and that the former Royal Palace was strictly functional now in being the seat of government.

Even inside the building, Juan could hear the noise of the rally in the streets surrounding the palace. The CNT trade unionists had arranged a mass meeting to co-incide with the first meeting of Modesto's cabinet. Ostensibly it was in continuing support of the Spanish Revolution, in reality, it was to backstop the fact that while Modesto and his communists had carried the majority of the votes, the Popular Front still existed based on the continuing support of the CNT anarchists and the more moderate socialists. This was reflected in the composition of the cabinet - the communists Modesto and Dolores Ibárruri had the Presidency and Prime Ministership respectively, while Valentín González, the famous communist warlord known as "El Campasino", or the peasant, headed up the Defence Ministry.

However, this was counteracted by the significant influence that the other Spanish political partied had. Julián Besteiro, as the head of the moderate socialist movements, headed the finance ministry while members of his party headed the Education and Justice Ministries as well. Even the anarchists were represented, with the square-jawed and ambitious Ciprianao Mera installed as Minister for Labor in part due to his bricklaying background and in part to sooth his restless ambition. Overall, it was a good agreement, as no party was really content with the state of affairs. The communists had the top jobs, but the other factions held between them the balance of power.

Bringing the meeting to order, Modesto quickly moved on to business. Referring to others as "Comardes" in a building once belonging to royalty twigged at Modesto's irony again, but he quickly supressed it. He had developed his reputation during the Civil War on his industriousness, and while the communists had fronted him for President based on his popularity as the Hero of the Ebro, it was a safe move given his reputation as a planner and organizer. The meeting, despite the tensions between factions regarding the proper conduct of the nation, progressed smoothly.

Dolores Ibárruri, in addition to the Prime Ministership had the portfolio for foreign affairs, outlined her vision for Spanish diplomacy in the next few years. Rapprochement with the Western European powers was the first priority, especially France and Great Britain. Agreements were to be sought with France, regarding a potential non-aggression pact and a resolution to the fate of Morocco, while the British were to be courted for assisting in rebuilding the Spanish Navy, which had mutilated itself severely during the Civil War and was now extremely outdated.

González spoke next, referring to his meetings with Vicente Rojo Lluch, the head of the army following the retirement of General Jose Miaja. The Army was in dire need of a wholesale replenishment. For the past eight years, the Army had been slowing thinning it's ranks down from it's Civil War size and transitioning from depending less upon conscription and operate on a volunteer basis, however this was a long way off. Logistically, the Army was in dire straits also - with a inane mix of weapons from two dozen different countries and nearly every continent, and all of it being badly outdated. In short, the Army needed a complete logistical overhaul. The upside was that at present, nearly every NCO and officer currently serving had seen combat in the Civil War, so while abysmally equipped, the Republican Army had a great degree of experience to draw upon. The Navy was in an even worse state. The six light cruisers and dozen destroyers had been outdated before the Civil War, and no were completely inadequate. Admiral Luis González de Ubieta had been campaigning solidly for several years for a naval expansion plan, and with tensions worldwide starting to cause concern in Spain, he seemed likely to get it.

As was expected by everyone, this provoked a flurry of debate. The anarchists reiterated their view that they should do away with the army altogether and that the citizens militias had won the civil war and so were sufficient to defend the country. The moderate and communist ministers disagreed, abet for different reasons. The moderates only wanted to reduce the army down to a shell for financial reasons, while the communists, headed by Modesto, clarified that it was the professional standing army that won the civil war, and that a strong army was central to the survival of the revolution.

The rest of the meeting reported somewhat more favourable items. The economic recovery was such that Spain was at pre-war economics levels, and that economic growth looked set to continue. Unemployment was at near zero, thanks to the major campaign of public works. Besteiro, in conjunction with Mera, even requested that priority be given to demobilizing skilled workers and tradesmen in order to help support the expanding economy. Litteracy was at an all-time high, and with recent legislaiton cocnerning primary and secondary education coming in to force, the Spanish countryside was starting to move firmly away from it's 19th century outlook.

After the last minister had spoke, some two hours in to the meeting, Modesto gave a short, forward set of orders that harked back to his days as a military commander. The diplomatic options were to be explored with France and Britain, the Army and the Navy would present reports outlining their requirements, and the economic ministers would investigate the possibility of developing a trans-Iberian road network to compliement the existing rail network.

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The New Byzantine II
Posts: 2271
Founded: May 05, 2015
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby The New Byzantine II » Fri May 18, 2018 7:35 am


— Ma Clique —

Ma Bufang Mansion, located in Xining, the new capital of the Ma Clique.

Ma Bufang's Residence
Xining, Qinghai Province
Ma Clique

It is a cold sunny morning in Xining, the cold breeze hits the new capital of the Ma Clique, the mosques in the capital will being to play its music which is time for adhan or prayer and after that the civilians depart each other as people go to work, children goes to the school, and the military police goes on patrol to maintain peace and order in the streets of Xining but within the high ranks of the clique government; they are invited by Ma Bufang himself as there will be a meeting that will be held in Ma Bufang Mansion or Ma Bufang's residence which it will be discuss by Ma Bufang himself about the future, the current issues and the goals of the Ma Clique.

Hours later, the high ranking figures in the clique government arrived in the residence after their long journey as they are from another cities that is a bit distant to the new capital. Most of the high ranking figures were the relatives of Ma Bufang themselves since this is Ma Clique after all, most of them came from Golmud; the old capital of the clique and the others came from Delingha, Gonghe, Haiyan, Tongren, Maqin, and Yushu.

"Ni hao, big brother." Those were the greetings from the Ma relatives say to Ma Bufang as they arrive on the mansion.

And then, the conference between the high ranking officials in the clique government and the three heads of the Ma Clique begin. The first discussion was about the public goals of the clique. The public goals were the industrial investments, military reforms and public education reforms. According to one of the high ranking officials, it could benefit the clique and it could make themselves rise as an economic power that will be independent from anyone else and this goals wouldn't make the clique rely to the Republic of China anymore, relying more to the ROC is a result of extending the Nationalist influence more to the Ma Clique which Ma Bufang doesn't want to, despite the fact that he was pressured to do the bidding with the KMT so that Ma Clique wouldn't end up getting destroyed just like what happen to the Guangxi Clique and Yunnan, he doesn't have a choice anyway. Ma Bufang said that these public goals will be implemented soon, not yet at least as it is not the right time to do it.

The second discussion was about the border clash with the pro-Soviet government Xinjiang; after Ma Clique and ROC failed to liberate Xinjiang from the communist disease, while the are no "official war" between the two nations, there have been border skirmishes between the two powers and Xinjiang is always been the one who initiates the skirmish to test the strength of the forces of the Ma Clique however they end up having high casualties as the clique forces were more experienced in combat than the Xinjiang communists. The pro-Soviet government have also attempt to spread the communist ideology to the Ma Clique which it failed as Ma Clique is more "aligned" to the Nationalists. These actions have become the pest to the Ma Clique and it is time to take an action against the pro-Soviet government. An invasion plan to Xinjiang would be created. Ma Bufang also said that not all people from Xinjiang is loyal to the pro-Soviet government as most of the people living in communist Xinjiang were Muslims. Ma Bufang plans to fund weapons and supplies to the people to orchestrate an Islamic uprising against the pro-Soviet government. If the government is now distracted from the rebellion, that is the time where the clique liberates Xinjiang from communism.

"Rebellion first before invasion, brothers. We must let the people distract the communist government and that's where we come in. Liberating Xinjiang from communism is a must." Those were the iconic words of Ma Bufang in the second discussion.


First Group (Red) from Golmud;
Before Ruoqiang County and Korla;
160,000 infantry forces
10 Panzer I Aust. A
15 CV-35
12 British Vickers 6-ton
16 British VCL Mk VI
10 CV-33
6 Sdkfz 222

Second Group (Red)
— Separated from the main group —
From Ruoqiang County;
40,000 infantry forces
3 Panzer I Aust. A
5 CV-35
4 British Vickers 6-ton
4 British VCL Mk VI
3 CV-33
2 Sdkfz 222

From Korla;
40,000 infantry forces
4 Panzer I Aust. A
4 CV-35
3 British Vickers 6-ton
5 British VCL Mk VI
2 CV-33
2 Sdkfz 222

First Group (Blue) from Daqsan, Gansu Province;
80,000 infantry forces
6 Panzer I Aust. A
4 CV-35
4 British Vickers 6-ton
5 British VCL Mk VI
3 CV-33
4 Sdkfz 222

Second Group (Blue)
Mostly from Kumul after separating from the main group;
40,000 infantry forces
3 Panzer I Aust. A
2 CV-35
2 British Vickers 6-ton
2 British VCL Mk VI
1 CV-33
2 Sdkfz 222

Combined First groups (R&B) to attack Urumqi;
120,000 infantry forces
7 Panzer I Aust. A
4 CV-35
7 British Vickers 6-ton
10 British VCL Mk VI
7 Sdkfz 222

Ma Clique Air Force that will participate in the liberation;
9 Curtiss Hawk II
6 Curtiss Hawk III
12 Boeing P-26 fighters
8 Martin B-10 bombers

The third discussion was the invasion of Tibet; the invasion of Tibet comes first before liberating Xinjiang as Ma Bufang feared that Tibet might ruin the liberation plan on Xinjiang if Tibet invades southeastern Qinghai province once again. Despite the fact that the Sino-Tibetan War ended 16 years ago with the victory of the joint forces of the Ma Clique, Sichuan Clique, and the Republic of China, the surprise attack of the Tibetan forces on the South left the clique devastated for couples of years.

"We can't let the Tibetans attacked us again as we liberate Xinjiang from the red menace. Remember the war against the Tibetans, they were strong and it left us devastated for couples of years, good thing the Sichuan Clique and the Republic of China helped us. Subjugating Tibet under our rule before liberating Xinjiang is a must. It is one of our goals to make our clique establish a full-fledged dynasty." Yet another one of the iconic statement of Ma Bufang in the third discussion.


First group (red)
60,000 infantry
5 Panzer I Aust. A
4 CV-35
4 British Vickers 6-ton
5 British VCL Mk VI
6 Skdfz 222

First group (blue)
50,000 infantry
5 Panzer I Aust. A
3 CV-35
4 British Vickers 6-ton
4 British VCL Mk VI
4 Sdkfz 222

First group (yellow)
40,000 infantry
4 Panzer I Aust. A
2 CV-35
3 British Vickers 6-ton
3 British VCL Mk VI
3 Sdkfz 222

Ma Clique Air Force that will participate in the invasion of Tibet
6 Curtiss Hawk II
6 Curtiss Hawk III
8 Boeing P-26 fighters
6 Martin B-10 bombers

And now for the last discussion is the CCP insurgents which have attempted to move to the Ma Clique to establish a stronghold once again but failed to do so as the clique forces will fight them back. The raiding tactics of what is left of the CCP insurgents has also been a pest to the Ma Clique on the eastern border which left the nearby villages devastated. There have been a large military presence in the border where the nearby villages were located, while the CCP insurgents is more like a cockroach that doesn't die easily, a telegram was sent to the Republic of China to discuss about the constant attacks from Communist insurgents and joining the civil war in KMT's side.




Despite the fact that we are not part of your Republic, we have been loyal to you and have worked and trade with each other for many years and we have helped each other from the threat of communism on our lands and the Tibetan expansion which failed many years ago. The purpose of this communique is about the Communist insurgents or what's left of them. They have been a pest to our lands as they try to find a stronghold for many years. They pillaged nearby villages and attacking our armies on the border. Even though your Republic almost destroyed the Communists in your Northern Expedition, they are like cockroaches that dies and multiplies by themselves. We would like to join the civil war with your side to eliminate the CCP insurgents once and for all, to defend our sovereignty against the threat of the red menace.

Xie xie!

Truly yours,
Ma Bufang
Generalissimo of the Ma Clique

"We will secure the internal politics of our clique government which is to completely eliminate KMT, CCP, and possibly the Restorationist influence once we are now capable of fighting against Chiang Kai-shek's faction. Why? Our people (Hui ethnicity) have prolonged for an independence against China because our people is different with the Han people culturally, ethnically and religiously and the people under our rule are happy since we have autonomy from KMT. We will secure our internal politics when we are done subjugating Tibet and Xinjiang, and also a complete independence from China. Comrades, it is time to make a move and we all know that there will be a very busy event in the future. I hope our ambitions will be a success, if we success, we are ready to be a full-fledge nation but we need to do the biddings with the KMT and show our loyalty to them so we won't be seen as traitors, I'm only doing this so that we won't end up getting destroyed like what happened to Li Zongren's Guangxi Clique years ago. If we are truly united by one purpose, the true goal of our clique-.. our family, then there is nothing to worry about as long as you are loyal to the family. You are all dismissed."

The speech of Ma Bafung caught the attention of the high ranking officials of his clique government. They listened to him very well since they see him as a visionary that will led the Hui people into greatness. A Hui dynasty, a Hui nation that has been dreaming by the Hui people who are were once under Han Chinese dynasty, a Mongol dynasty, and a Manchu dynasty however the vision of a Hui-led dynasty is been questioned whether Ma Bafung wanted to unite China under his banner or let it be divided like it is today. The high ranking officials left the mansion afterwards as the conference had ended. The officials have now stick to the first-step goals that is implemented by Ma Bafung, hopefully the Ma Clique will be successful of their ambitions.

Xunhua County
Xunhua, Qinghai Province
Ma Clique

Xunhua, inhabited by 55,000 people, is one of the easternmost counties that bordered the Republic of China, the county has been heavily defended by the so-called "Defense Squadron"; a border military force that is a sub branch of the clique armed force. The Defense Squadron has heavy presence in eastern Ma Clique ever since the constant raids of the CCP insurgents in the east and Xunhua was one of the targets of the communist insurgency since they are trying to find a stronghold in both Ma Clique and Republic of China. Xunhua might be a small town but it is one of the towns that has water mill which run the electricity in eastern Ma Clique especially the new capital of the clique; Xining, since Xunhua just bordered the Huang River that if fallen to the wrong hands will cause a black out in eastern Ma Clique.

The defense squadron in Xunhua is led by General Han Youwen with totaling of 9,000 forces with the addition of the 13,000 armed civilians ready to defend their town against constant raids from CCP insurgents. Most of the outskirts of the town are guarded by the Defense Squadron troops with the armed civilians guarding the town. While waiting for another attack from the communist insurgents, they decide to sent a scout patrol to find where the insurgents were camping.

The patrol will be totaling of 15 troops carrying with radio equipments and Type 24 bolt action rifles to find the communist insurgent camp, that will led by a captain. After 18 minutes of walking in the canyons, the patrol would spot bon fires below the canyon and they saw CCP flag flying on the small flagpoles that is attached to their tent, it seems that the medium-sized insurgent camp is near to the river one of the scouts would use their binoculars to see what's in the insurgent camp. They saw the insurgents laughing and eating, others were taking a bath near the Yellow River. They realized that this medium-sized communist insurgent camp was the one who are constantly raiding border towns just to test the strength of the Ma Clique. The only solution to end the constant raids from CCP insurgents is a surprise air attack. One of the scouts would contact for an air support. 4 Boeing P-26 fighters and 3 Martin B-10 bombers were sent to destroy the camp.

The air support arrived and the communists didn't see it coming, the fighters would open fire at the insurgents while the bombers bomb the camps. Since the communists were unprepared for what's happening and didn't expect for an air attack from the Ma Clique, they run for their lives and many insurgents died from the air attack and their medium-sized camp turned into rubbles. The surviving communist insurgents goes inside to the caves to protect themselves from air attack. The air squadron goes back to a nearby airstrip and the patrol scouts were victorious. They go back to Xunhua to report to the General, after that, the General is relieved and there would be no constant raids from the communist insurgents in Ma Clique for a while and surely, half of the communist insurgents in easternmost Ma Clique were decimated from the air attack.
Formerly The New Byzantine. Your typical NationStates member since late 2014.
Just call me Byzantine/TNB/Byz because no one really calls me The New Byzantine.

Left-wing nationalist, civic nationalist and a social democratic corporatist.

Kumbhalgarh wrote:Shwetang teleported out of the car. He teleported behind of the teacher, and poked a stick into his/her butt, and then Shwetang teleported back.

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Greater Redosia
Posts: 3425
Founded: Aug 01, 2016

Postby Greater Redosia » Fri May 18, 2018 9:34 am

Tiananmen, Beijing, Fengtian Clique

Zhang Zuolin after being supported into the Tienanmen by aides, Zuolin happening to be seventy-three years old didn't help him at all. A microphone connected to the loudspeakers that have been placed so the crowd below could listening clearly to the words he was about to speak. "People of Beijing, no, People of Peking! I come to you today with the announcement of new social works that will now be in place. With the budget surplus we have amounted large amounts of reserves, so we have decided it is time we return to you. We have implemented a series of agricultural subsidies to poor farmers so they may be able to acquire modern tools and fertilizers. We also announce the decrease of taxes by 2%, so that more money may still be in the pockets of the people to purchase goods. While we know the war against the illegitimate Nanking Government continues we shall prevail, the true Peking Government shall overtake the traitors once and for all!"

Many people were clapping just as a plane swooped in low, flying just slightly enough to fly over the Tiananmen without hitting it. A Japanese Zero doing twirls and spins in the air, the people below shocked by the sudden air show above them. Zhang frowned and was helped by aides once more to leave, getting into his car to head towards the Peking Airbase. A few hours going by and the A6M Zero landing on the airstrip, slowing down until it reaches a full stop. The hatch opening and Xueliang climbing out of the cockpit, several mechanics making their way to the plane beginning to clean it and moving it towards a hanger. Zuolin was sitting in a chair on the strip glaring at Xueliang, whom made his way over to his father still wearing his aviator's flight suit and cap. "I see you decided to come Father, I was wondering when you would make your wa-" Zuolin stood from his chair, waving away the aides when they moved towards him, "You made a fool of the Government during a speech, committing yourself to these aircraft! You think you can use these machines for fun while we are at war!" Xueliang stood his ground, "The war has been in a stalemate for months Father! The Nationalists wouldn't dare to commit to an offensive if they knew that Japan would come in and support us! As well as the communists that have been fighting the Kuomintang for decades!" Zoulin pushed his son back, Xueliang stumbling but regaining his balance quickly "You will not address me this way again! I shall make sure that you will calm yourself and be disciplined! I am sending you to Tokyo so that you can 'learn' how to properly address yourself, heard the Japanese would love more pilots in their research." With this Zuolin walked away from his son, the aides grabbing the Old Marshal's arms to steady him. Xueliang sighed and looked out across the horizon, seems he will be returning to Japan once more.


The laborers were working hard in the steel plant, churning out as much steel and iron bars as they could. The foreman stating that they finally managed to reach four million tonnes of both steel and iron bars for an output, as well that the plant will be getting further expansion due to Japanese investments and by the Government. The Showa Steel Works, one of the largest plants in Asia and the world. Amounting up to over half of the entire production of steel and iron, heavily protected with anti-air guns as modern as possible and hired militia to guard the plant. An Officer resting in a separate room from the plant, drawing on the map in front of him which showed roads and railways of the Fengtian Clique. Adding new lines across the countryside with neither rails or roads, expanding the infrastructure system to reach out towards the more rural areas. They finished the expansion of the on the map, grabbing some paper and preparing to write a message.

Official Message of the Showa Steel Plants
Representing on behalf of the Beijing Government
To: Whomever it may concern in the current Japanese Imperial Government

I have decided to write this message to you today in the hopes that you will listen to my offer, with the current situation that is happening west against the Nanking Government and the ever growing Soviet Union to the North we require additional support in the hopes of matching their industrial pace. I wish to suggest a trade offer in the hopes of this, the deal including

1. Japanese investments from both civilian entrepreneurs and Government branches support the expansion of Beijing Government railway and road network.
2. Closer cooperation between the Beijing and Japanese Governments in the hopes of future economic prosperity in the form of a Joint Economic Committee to better organize the future growth for both the people of the Japanese Empire and the people of the Beijing Government
3. Joint technological research in weaponry and anti-armor tactics to face growing concerns of possible armed threats in the near future

In return for these, the Showa Steel Works promises to:
1. Increase the amount of exports heading towards Japan at slowly lowering prices as more steel and iron is produce
2. Expand job opportunities to Japanese settlers of the region, improving their overall condition
3. Ensure the cooperation of the Government in Beijing and Zuolin's loyalty towards Japanese interests

We hope that you may consider this offer, which will surely entice you with unwavering loyalty of the nation. For I can see the prosperity with the support and guidance of Japan against the Kuomintang and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, as well as restoring order to the now chaotic region of the Middle Kingdom. But this may only happen with your support, which we will hopefully see further than just the Cooperative Defense Pact.

From a faithful ally and supporter
Director of the Showa Steel Plants

Mukden Arsenal

Several manufacturers were hard at work within the Mukden Arsenal, producing new rifles of both the Arisaka type 99s and the Mukden Mauser. Along with several designers looking over several drawings and a type 100 laying beside the table, pointing at the design details of the sub-machine gun. "It is a relatively cheap and reliable weapon that we produce, but soldiers complain about the way the gun tilts to the left when loaded. Many made suggestions of either a counter-balance or to change the weapon entirely, while we are planning on fixing these problems we need to also standardize our weaponry. Most of our other automatic weaponry use the 9mm that the Germans produce, we we produce as well in mass numbers. To continue produce the separate 8mm nambu is simply inefficient."

Many nod their heads, one picking up the sub-machine gun, "We need to rework the design of the weapon, which will take time. To chamber it to the 9mm and to fix the balancing problems it is currently holding. But if given the time we should be able to easily fix this problem and see a new variant of this weapon on the battlefield, hopefully to the surprise of the Soviets." Many mumble and nod, splitting off and going back to work. Though a few stay and begin starting to make the new designs for the type 100 variant, along with many things going on under Zuolin's nose.
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St George Territory
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Postby St George Territory » Fri May 18, 2018 5:35 pm

Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Ontario, Dominion of Canada
Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King, OM, CMG, PC
January 2nd, 1948

It was a snowy day in Ottawa, the Canadian winter battered the window pane as Prime Minister King looked outside, looking at people skating upon the Ottawa River. The cabinet sat at the table behind King, discussing the events of Europe and China, bloody China, between the KMT and Fentian the land of the Orient was becoming a catastrophe, and seeing as the British crown colony of Hong Kong, and that could bring the entire Commonwealth into the war. General Harry Crerar brought King back into the conversation at the table, "Sir, we need to do something about China. We can't let Japan see that the Commonwealth territories are easy targets for expansion. I am suggesting that we could offer to send the Winnipeg Grenadiers and the Royal Canadian Rifles to act as a garrison in Hong Kong. I don't think that Japan would dare attack British territory, but we must be ready."

King responded, "Yes, we must be prepared for total war. Hong Kong will be the first step of the next war, Japan must be stopped in China, I'm sure we can find an ally in the United States. Crerar, St. Laurent, send a letter to Anthony Eden, perhaps we need to organize a Commonwealth meeting to discuss what we are going to do against the threats of the Japanese and British." King took a seat at the table, "Any word from Quebec?" Louis St. Laurent spoke up, "They are against any action towards helping the motherland, they don't think that any fight in Europe is their fight." King sighed and thought to himself, 'God damned French' and said, "We need to be together in any fight, try and speak the Quebec premier about his thoughts." The group of men stood up, shook hands and walked out, King would be preparing for a speech at Parliament Hill, as his popularity was beginning to lower, he needed an event to rally Canadians together around him.

Official message from the Foreign Secretary of the Dominion of Canada


“A Mari Usque Ad Mare”

From: Foreign Secretary of the Dominion of Canada, Rt. Hon. Louis St. Laurent
To: Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom, Rt. Hon. Anthony Eden

I hope this letter finds you well sir,

I am sure that your cabinet is also looking at the current situation in China as are we, needless to say, we are concerned about the Crown Colony of Hong Kong, and of Commonwealth territories in Asia, Australia, and the Pacific. With this in mind, we would like to call a meeting of Commonwealth states in London or Ottawa, to discuss what our policies in fighting against Japanese aggression and what we will do about the Bolsheviks and the Germans. We are offering to provide a garrison of two thousand Canadian soldiers to Hong Kong, and the HMCS Ontario, HMCS Crusader, HMCS Cayuga, HMCS Haida, HMCS Antigonish, HMCS Swansea, HMCS Stettler and the HMCS Oshawa, as well as RCAF squadron 403 which will all be deployed to Hong Kong as a strong message Hong Kong will remain British as long as the Commonwealth is around. Another idea that we were considering, would certainly be a direct message to Japan would be to cut off oil and other necessary supplies to Japan until they stop supporting the Fengtian government.

[i]Sincerely, Image

Official message from the Foreign Secretary of the Dominion of Canada


“A Mari Usque Ad Mare”

From: Foreign Secretary of the Dominion of Canada, Rt. Hon. Louis St. Laurent
To: Secretary of State of the United States, Joseph Grew

I hope this letter finds you well sir,

I wish that we could be speaking about something more enjoyable, but China is no joking matter, from their propping up of war lords that seek to tear China apart, and disregarding the League of Nations, something drastic must be done. I have just sent a letter to the British foreign office about Canadian troops being sent to Hong Kong, but I feel that something more must be done against the Japanese Emperor, what I am suggesting is forming a timetable in which we set up defences in Asian territories and cut off the oil and other war supplies to the Japanese empire, until they decide to abandon their subjugation of the Chinese people. I would like to invite you, or any other representative of your government to discuss further plans in Ottawa.

[i]Sincerely, Image

On Parliament Hill, the stage was set as several hundred people waited to hear the Prime Minister speak to the people of Ottawa, to which William Lyon Mackenzie King wasted no time in getting on stage and begun his speech:

"In times of great terror, we as Canadians have always stood for justice and freedom, that is the very meaning of our flag, whatever the time may have been we have stood with the motherland and provided soldiers, arms, and supplies to support the homeland, never have we faltered in our unwavering support of His Majesty, for through that support we have created civilization in the wilderness, we have constructed a land of our own, where prosperity is our greatest value. I ask all of you for a moment to consider something; freedom, many of us have never lived in a land without our great Canadian freedoms, save for our newly arrived immigrants from eastern Europe. That brings us to the greatest cause of international woe and despair in the world; Japan, those who despise freedom and seek to make slaves of the Chinese peoples, and the KMT, the lone defenders of freedom in China, those who stand between barbarity, and civilization. Hong Kong, a bastion of light in the Orient, and a territory that our Empire has had to defend, to grow the prosperity of the people in that land, and that of China and the rest of Asia, so that they may have the fortune to trade with Britain.

Canada seeks nothing more than peace, we call on Japan every day to lay down their arms and allow China their own land to live and prosper, but Japan seeks only to conquer. We have never stepped down from a fight, even when the Americans had burned down the capital of York in 1813, now we are brothers with our neighbours to the south, and our trade with the United States has given us great prosperity. We must not stand down in the face of an enemy that seeks conquest, as we had defeated the Germans, we shall vanquish any foe that attacks the Commonwealth, as together, we are undefeatable. God save the King!"

Legislative Assembly of Quebec, Quebec City, Quebec
Premier Maurice Duplessis
January 2nd, 1948

Another quiet day in the Quebec house, Duplessis had enjoyed great support from Quebecers seeking a way to give King an aneurysm, as the Quebecois party, Unione Nationale, had acquired a small number of seats in the last election, but still dominated the political sphere of Quebec. A fact that hurt King and his slim-majority government, that had built and prepared for a war that never came, Duplessis had listened to King's statement at Parliament Hill, and had himself a laugh, as King was starting to grasp at straws to justify his government's expense on military equipment, that went largely unused. Germany stepped down from their demands of the Sudetenland, and another crisis was averted. No war in Europe, not that it was the concern of Quebec that had sent so many to die in the last war for a German King ruling an English island a sea away, he continued reading his paper.
Last edited by St George Territory on Fri May 18, 2018 5:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
St. George Territory- come for the view, stay because you've been mauled by Polar Bears

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Posts: 748
Founded: Dec 09, 2016

Postby Hashirajima » Sat May 19, 2018 4:00 pm

Fleet Carrier Yamato, west of Hokkaido, Sea of Japan
January 2nd, 1948

Winter in the Sea of Japan. A time when the normally-calm sea abandons its peaceful disposition as typhoons and storms bring about massive waves, strong biting winds, and temperatures that plummet massively. Today, thankfully, the sea was content with merely enveloped the ships of the Japanese navy with a chilling breeze, and the surface remained calm despite the dark clouds overhead. Like the calm just before a storm.

On the flight deck of the ship that still retained the title of largest carrier of the Imperial fleet, Japan's Minister of the Navy, one Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, watched as planes took off and landed with clockwork precision. While his current role had him seemingly chained to his desk (or worse, cabinet meetings), the former commander-in-chief of the Combined Fleet still enjoyed going out to sea now and again. Not just for the view, spectacular as it is, but also to remind himself that behind every decision he makes, are the thousands of men and - in recent years - women that would have to carry it out.

On the topic of women, Isoroku watched as a female pilot stepped out of the C6N recon aircraft that just landed. As the deck crew hurried to bring the aircraft underdeck, the Minister returned the salute that the passing pilot gave him. It was curious how Japan, out of all the nations in the world, became one that employed perhaps the most women in their military. All of which came to being in the aftermath of first the 1921 Diet ruling to allow women to attend political meetings, and later the 1925 amendment of the current Suffrage Law. Perhaps, due to these events, military planners finally noticed that for decades they have overlooked close half of the nation's population. Nonetheless, the concensus reached was that this was unacceptable for Japan, which was already behind in manpower compared to their rivals. Especially given the path that the Soviet Union appeared to be keen on taking, decades after the Siberian Intervention.

Thus began several pilot programmes to employ women in various military roles. The army might have, til today, shown a preference to have just men in combat roles but in the navy, women had increasingly stepped up to the challenge. Especially in positions where physical strength was far from the determining factor in performance.

Positions such as aerial combat. Indeed, while the number of female pilots in the Navy remained few, those that entered pilot training and were accepted into service went far in their career. As far as the bridge of this very carrier, in fact.

Four years his junior, Vice-Admiral Kaoru Otsuki was in fact one of the first female pilots to be accepted into Navy service. She proved herself admirably over the years, in brief operations supporting the early years of the Japanese-Fengtian alliance as Japan's mainland ally was finding their footing, eventually ending up as the commander her very own carrier air group on board the Akagi. At a time when many of her female compatriots chose to retire in favour of domestic life, Kaoru pushed on. Entering the Naval War College, she was one of the few to specialise in naval aviation, and returned after graduation to the very carrier she took off from as Air Officer under Isoroku, marking the start of a command career that led her to her current post. Commander-in-Chief of the 1st Air Fleet.

"Minister, it's time for lunch." His thoughts halted as the very person he was contemplating spoke up behind him. Around him, the flight deck of the massive carrier Yamato was still, without a single crew in sight. Turning around, he saw that she was accompanied by another female officer who managed to do well in her own career. Captain Hanazono Tae, who curiously started out as an image analyst but proved in various war games and exercises to have a sharp mind well-suited to strategy and tactics. Even if outside of her work, she's something of an airhead.

"So it seems. Shall we? I heard the curry on-board is excellent."

Japanese Diet Building, Tokyo
January 3rd, 1948

Meanwhile, back on land in Tokyo, the mood was very much less idyllic. Browsing through their copies of the report on the Canadian Prime Minister's recent speech, the Cabinet ministers are either puzzled or infuriated. Inoue Shigeyoshi, the Navy Vice-Minister, was quietly contemplating the significance of this speech. On the far end of the table, the Chief of the IJA General Staff - one General Yoshijirō Umezu - was arguing with his Navy counterpart, Admiral Ozawa Jisaburō, about whether Canada was hinting at declaring war on Japan, when the War Minister Sadamu Shimomura spoke up. "... was there a recent shipment of opium to Canada by the Fengtian faction?" The non-sequitur to all the simultaneous discussions taking place had everyone pause, and look at Shimomura as if he had gone mad.

"Why do you ask?" Prime Minister Kantarō Suzuki decided to entertain his Cabinet minister.

"Because I really can't think of any other reason why Canada would request that we lay down arms we've not taken up. That they would think we intend to attack Hong Kong. Or that we are at war with the Kuomingtang-" At that point, Shigeyoshi couldn't help but subtly snort, and made a note to tell Jisaburō to tone down the South China Sea patrols - the Navy's euphemism for the off-record air patrol missions along the KMT-held Chinese coast.

"- is most bizarre, at the very least. If not indicative that Mr King had perhaps taken leave of his senses altogether."

Frowning, Prime Minister Kantarō Suzuki looked away from the world map that hung from the wall of the meeting room. "The War Ministry and Navy Ministry, how likely is it that Canada would act unilaterally against us due to their most unwarranted sentiments? It would be disastrous if, by chance, it occurs in conjunction with another wave of aggression from the Soviets. Japan is most unsuited to a two-sided war, especially if sustained. As much as we all agree that this is merely a bout of idiocy that has befallen the Canadian leadership, and trusts that the British will keep them in line, it would be remiss if we are caught unprepared."

Shigeyoshi sighed. Seems like Canada managed, in a single speech, to have the nation's leadership on edge. "Their navy is most inadequate, this I can assure you. It is drawn up based on defensive doctrine, and is ill suited for offensive action. As for land forces... they will have to cross the Pacific Ocean." What was left unsaid, was that Canada lacked the naval power to effect such a troop transport alone. "The main concern is that they might manage to bring in the British or the Americans - and the gods forbid, possibly both - in this madness. Either the Royal Navy or the US Navy would be capable of defeating us, as the situation stands, and to be quite honest there's little we can do about that from a military perspective. I'm certain that Isoroku has given sufficient briefings on the industrial and military capabilities of both the US and Britain. Diplomacy would be our only recourse, although I will direct my commanders to plan for such a possibility in any case."

Across the table, Shimomura nodded. "As will mine."

Suzuki sighed. "Perhaps it would be prudent for the Foreign Ministry to send a missive to the British might be warranted, to remind them to keep their subordinates in line and also to impress upon them our... concern, over this warhawkish sentiment that seem to have overtaken their subject. After all, it is not beyond the realm of reason that Canada might seek to act on our nation's trade relations. Also, perhaps it is time to consider reviving the Anglo-Japanese Alliance. After all, Russia is once again proving itself to be most troubling."

"That would be appropriate, I'll see to it that it's done post-haste." Scribbling down a note, the Foreign Minister handed it to an aide who rushed off with it, probably to the Foreign Ministry. "Still, this is a sudden and most unwelcome development. I believe it's best we keep a close eye on Canada's actions in the coming months. Really though, the most notable conflicts we have had in the past... decades even, are a few minor skirmishes with the Soviet Union. I'm not at all certain what sort of arcane leaps of logic and mental gymnastics the Canadian leader had to make to arrive at his current conclusion. And it would be most troubling if Canada is indeed under the rule of a madman. We do not actually need another Ottoman Empire..." At that, the officials present shuddered. They are all familiar with the Ottoman Empire's mercurial leader. "Mercurial", as in everyone had been wondering if that man consumed mercury on a regular basis.

"Now... I understand that our steel manufacturer in China is hoping to arrange a further trade deal between us and the Fengtian Government?"

"It appears so. Seems like the director is concerned that the Beijing faction may run into trouble with armoured forces." Checking his own notes, the Commerce and Industry Minister muttered in reply.

"Curious sentiment, seems like this current director is more perceptive than his predecessors. I do wonder what concern does a steel manufacturer have with affairs of war, though." Shimomura mused as he read through the proposal. "Joint research is always welcome, I would say. I'm going out on a limb to say that he's referring to the Soviets rather than the Kuomingtang in this point. Besides, I'm sure the Navy would agree that more steel is always a good thing."

Shigeyoshi shrugged. It was rather well-known that the building of the recently commissioned Fuji-class carriers, a modification of the one-off Taihou, had placed a strain on the resources allocated to the Navy. And it appears that many commanders have indicated a need for more escort-oriented destroyers. Seems like the Akizuki-class ships are well-received on the field. "Certainly we're not going to reject that."

"Very well then, I'll make arrangements to discuss the terms of this agreement." The Commerce and Industry Minister concluded.

Heavy Cruiser Suzuya, off Hokkaido

A cold wind swept across the northern coast of Hokkaido, its howl punctuated by the occasional sound of artillery. Blanks, of course. Shielding her eyes from the snow, Captain Hikawa Sayo watched from her cruiser's air defense combat station as troops from the SNLF made landing in an attempt to establish a beachhead against the opposing force of this year's exercise. Once again... one made up of the 7th Division's finest.

An annual exercise and one of the few that is conducted between Japan's two military branches, it sought to train, simultaneously, both the Special Naval Landing Forces' amphibious warfare capability as well as the Army's coastal defence role. At the same time, it was an attempt to foster better inter-service relations by providing a non-political outlet for their rivalry.

"Ma'am, orders from the admiral. Ground forces are requesting fire support, and we're to shell the following targets." Looking at the ensign who was catching his breath after the sprint up from the radio room, the captain brushed an errant strand of hair from her face as she read the coordinates. "Huh... going straight for the HQ are they?" She raised a pair of binoculars up, looking at the location indicated. "Fair enough. Gunnery! Commence shelling of map grid D5."

The reply came back soon after. "Guns aimed and ready, Captain!"


Telegrams and Correspondences

From: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Empire of Japan
To: Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Foreign Office, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Mr Secretary,

I write to you today hoping to bring grave concerns to your attention, with regards to one of your Dominions, Canada. The Emperor of Japan and his subjects are most disturbed by the recent speech made by the Canadian Prime Minister, and the aggression expressed by him in the event. His speech comes as a most unwelcome surprise, especially in light of the good relationship between our nations, and the insinuations made by Prime Minister King is troubling.

As such, as a representative of His Majesty the Emperor and of the nation of Japan, I wish to seek clarification with regards to this incident, and hope that your government is able to resolve Canada's unwarranted aggression against our nation.

Shigenori Tōgō
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Empire of Japan

From: Minister of Commerce and Industry, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Empire of Japan
To: Zhang Zuolin, Beijing

Generalissimo Zhang,

It has come to my attention that our enemies are indeed all around us, and perhaps a closer cooperation between our sides in matters of the economic nature would be most beneficial to both parties. Indeed, the Showa Steel Plant have, on your behalf, proposed a trade and research deal to that effect. With your permission, we would be most willing to agree to this deal.

On another note, the director of Mitsubishi wishes to thank you for providing such a talented pilot for their prototyping programme, and wishes to inform you that they will be providing further training with the intention of having him test their planned prototypes.

Chikuhei Nakajima
Minister of Commerce and Industry
Empire of Japan

From: Anonymous
To: Editor-in-Chief, The Globe and Mail

Dear Sir

I read with great concern your newspaper's coverage of Prime Minister King's recent speech at Ottawa. I have kept a keen interest in international affairs, and it seemed to me that the Prime Minister holds unwarranted aggression towards a distant nation with which our own have little business. In fact, it does very much appear that this latest speech is yet another attempt by this pro-war imbicile to stir up the nation in order to justify his disproportionate spending on the military.

When this government first came into power, King had warned of impending war. What came of his warnings? Three decades of peace. Despite this, the Prime Minister had disregarded the welfare of the Canadian people in favour of his own fanatical obsession with the military. It does lead one to wonder what he intends.

Is he pathologically paranoid and had finally, completely, taken leave of his sense, seeing shadows where there is none? Or does he sincerely intend to drag Canada down the path to war in a blight of unwarranted aggression? Perhaps, he has more sinister designs for our nation, and intends to use the military for his own nefarious goals. Who can tell?

Thus I decided to write this letter, in the hopes that it will open the eyes of the people to the tomfoolery of this administration. With the elections coming up next year, the time for action approaches.

A concerned member of the public

From: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tokyo
To: Egerton Herbert Norman, Embassy of Canada to Japan, Tokyo

Ambassador Norman,

Your presence at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is requested, at the utmost urgency.

Shigenori Tōgō
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Empire of Japan
Last edited by Hashirajima on Sat May 19, 2018 4:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Independent Naval Province of Hashirajima | Parliamentary Republic | NS Stats | Fan. Alt. His.
"Let every man do his utmost duty." ~ Heihachiro Togo
Population: 7,033,894 | Area: 101.35 km2 (39.13 sq mi) | Location: Earth, East Asia, Seto Inland Sea [34°01'11.0"N 132°24'45.3"E]
Excidium Planetis Index: Tier 6; Level 3; Type 5 | MT+ | Current Year: 2020
Office of Embassy Protocol | The Hashirajima Times
Commander-in-Chief (Head of State): ADM Yamato (BB)
Prime Minister: ADM (Ret.) Ichiro Goto
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Media Representative: Aoba (CA), Editor-in-Chief, Hashirajima Times
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Newne Carriebean7
Posts: 6721
Founded: Aug 08, 2015
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Newne Carriebean7 » Sat May 19, 2018 4:12 pm

Ottoman Empire
The Turkey's Nest.
January 2nd, 1948

Führer-Sultan Aladdin Jafar Nwabi's hands tenderly picked up the clunky looking black phone, taking a long drag of his cigarette in the other hand, expelling a puff of smoke from the tobacco laden product before answering the caller on the other end with a tight gulp in his stomach.
"Hello? This is Führer-Sultan Aladdin Jafar Nwabi speaking."
"Führer-Sultan, This is Commissar for Kensin-Ivanov Fan fiction and Ottoman Propaganda Uesugi Kensin, I would like to inform you that I wish you the best of luck in the debates today. You do know you're going to be reelected, correct?"
"Did you plan this entire thing up? A rigged election, just for me? Have you portrayed the other candidate as a sane, correct choice for the Ottoman Empire?"
"Those where my orders, were they not? They were. Don't lie to me like my pickled egg cat lied to me about where the location of Kentucky was. It's not in the mouth of loyd george for fucks sakes! It was in Admiral Horatio Nelson's pocket!"
"Yeah, Mufasta Abudullah Oreo is one of the most intelligent people I've had to stalk down an unreasonably narrow fast food drive through lane. He Doesn't even order fries, he just gets a burger!"
"That's incredible, and with a sharpingly cool last name like Oreo, which party is he running under?"
"He'll be running as an independent, as you've refused to let other political parties form. Oh, and speaking of political parties, I took the liberty to rename CHP to KIFA-TOIP, or the Ottoman Insanity Party of Kensin and Ivanov Fan Fiction and Anti Teletubbie."
"That's the dumbest name for a political party I've heard, are you sure the narrator's not insane for coming up with that name?"
"Oh hell no, I'll go talk to him."
With a knock on the door, the narrator stopped typing to see who was-
"Hello Narrator, what the fuck are you doing with all this insanity, and, explain that goddamn political party name!"
The narrator turned around to see an enraged Turk staring down at him.
"Ah, Nwabi, my own figment of my imagination, now I know I'm fucking mentally insane!"
"Oh shut the hell up, what is it with the goddamn name? The Ottoman Insanity Party of Kensin and Ivanov Fan Fiction and Anti Teleitubby? Did you snort something before coming up with these ideas?"
The narrator was taken aback by the Turk's rude comments, slapping him across the face with a Chinese made mouse.
"I would kill you for that insult, but who the fuck else would narrate the story, I'll have to chat with you later on, do you know who'll win the election yet?"
"Not yet, I'm still typing out all these political parties that are either write ins or appear on different region's ballots compared to others."
"I love unfair democracy. Now if you will."
With that, the narrator typed out how Nwabi left the narrator's home before giving him a pie of communism in the face and fleeing back to the ottoman empire in the late 1940s.
"See, I told you he was insane. Who the fuck comes up with that name, and whom would think of billy mayes becoming american president or god forbid a communist leader of California? In the mean time, we now return you from this break of the fourth wall to your regularly scheduled insanity and surrealism."

The Turkey's Nest.
Führer-Sultan Aladdin Jafar Nwabi' then freshened his breath with loads of onions before saluting the same Japanese Russian loving man, the french hobo, the black 93 year old African, the leather jacket wearing good looking Italian mobster and the elderly woman who loves to smoke and hate her job.
With a salute, the five men and one woman saluted before taking their seats on opposite ends of the large oak table as the meeting began.
"Welcome to this meeting of the Politburo Insane Committee. As you all know this is the highest political organ of the nation, with the exception of the Führer-Sultan. First off, we shall hold an election to determine the next Führer-Sultan. All in favor of me, say aye."
"Aye. It's unanimous, the Führer-Sultan is elected for another year in office! Now I would like to propose this, a military invasion of French Syria and a possible naval invasion of Cyprus from the British. If we can get those two territories, then we would surpass the old Nwabi's tactical skills in invading Russia for no goddamned reason! I already have a preemptive plan in my head. It goes in two phases. The Entire Ottoman Navy is to set sail for The Mediterranean sea. Once the entire fleet is there, they shall assist in the transport of 13,000 Turkish soldiers, 1,500 Turkish horses and 1 tank to Cyprus, where we shall hopefully overwhelm the entire island and seize it for the Empire! The main prize, however, shall be Syria, and I am ordering increased and aggressive patrols to occur over that boarder. If we can snag Syria, or at least the coast, then we have more operating power for our Navy, along with increased fleet range for further strikes into the Suez Canal, which I hope we can explode. That is Also why I am assigning two hobos with two colt 1911 handguns and an entire ship full of explosives to set sail and hopefully damage the Suez Canal. It's called operation I.C.E, or It's Conveniently Egyptian."

TO: Foreign Minister of the Soviet Union Alexandra Kollontai
FROM: Commissar for The Imperial Ottoman Army and Ambassador Wilhelmina Packard.

My most esteemed and honest greetings Kollontai, I am Wilhelmina Packard, the Commissar for the Imperial Ottoman Army and Ambassador. I would enjoy, at your approval, a state visit to Moscow in order to discuss our diplomatic relations and a possible trade in military technology or production. My government has listed me an objective to achieve a mutually beneficial agreement with your nation, perhaps in the trade of outdated military technology,such as a Tsar Tank or a T-26 tank that you may have. We would also be interested in a possible long term deal involving the import of soviet grain for a set rate at our currency. We would encourage you to have spies on board and to pass through all of our military bases on your way through. We would also enjoy to offer you a ship for soda policy, in which we shall give you two destroyers from our navy in exchange for the total tonnage of the ships to be paid in local soviet style soda pop for the soldiers and insane government officials.

I do hope you find this note in good taste.

Commissar for Kensin-Ivanov Fan fiction and Ottoman Propaganda Uesugi Kensin, Commissar for Homelessness and the Economy Clochard Des Senges, High Admiral of the Imperial Ottoman Navy and Air Force Robert Mugabe, Mob boss and Honored Representative of the Ottoman Empire's criminal underworld Vito Antonio Scalleta, Commissar for The Imperial Ottoman Army and Ambassador to the Third Riech Wilhelmina Packard.

Donald Duck's Communist Arena of Debate and Silliness
Moderator:"Welcome to the first and only on the radio debate between the incumbent Führer-Sultan Aladdin Jafar Nwabi of the Ottoman Insanity Party of Kensin and Ivanov Fan Fiction and Anti Teletubbie, or KIFA-TOIP, and challenger Mufasta Abdullah Oreo, who is running as an independent politician. Now the first question shall be for both candidates, and it involves the recent fourth wall breaks that our nation has endured, do you believe it is a sign from the divine narrator in heaven? Or is it fake news?"

Nwabi:"I can say that we must be wary of these narrators coming into our land, and stealing our hard earned booze! I want to build a wall around the narrator of the story's home, see how he likes being communist Prussia's potato servant, always with the cabbages they murmur, as they giggle in the gingerbread baked ham republicanism that they are, they may take the crackers, but they'll never take the cocaine!"

Oreo:"Oh please, you believe that hokey malarkey as real? There is no narrator, it's all a bunch of genuine, LBJ approved bullshit. There is no narrator, if there was, would he make me lose this election? unlikely. How many candidates are there? just us two, and ten write in? Slap my cow Bessie silly and name call me until aliens invade, I will not accept that theory!"

Moderator:"What fucking shit are you on, and can I order a large batch? I can? Fan fucking tastic! Now then, The second question involves military preparedness, some critics have, well criticized the Führer-Sultan's plans to make every child ready for war, there are even those that say their children will not be slaughtered to the lamb against possible french threat, what is your response to this?"

Nwabi:"Who the fuck is criticizing my glorious battle plans, hey, dumb bitch woman, I know where you live, I can send clowns after you, motherfucking clowns in the shape of general secretary Richard Nixon! Y'want that? No? Good. Fuck you then. Now this policy must have every soul on standby to give themselves for the Führer-Sultan and the military junta that our grand nation established. You would jeopardize the fate of the country simply because your son's afraid of the noise of bullets? I have a bullet right here for them!"

With an angry growl, the colt 1911 handgun went off as a child lost his life to the leader of the nation on the radio, with much screaming by the crowd and cheering.

Oreo:"Um, I'm just gonna go ahead and say this, our military is very important, and I have some common ground with Nwabi in the fact that we need to have all hands on deck in being prepared for a possible conflict, you never know if Italy wants Constantinople back!"

Moderator:"Fan-fucking tastic, Last question before I get the final fucking word, MWAHAHAHAHA! *cough* Now then, what shall you do industry wise to this glorious nation in the event of a grand depression, would you fuck up this economy, would you unfuck the economy, would you abandon the economy and live in Cuba, smoking blunts with Robert Mugabe?"

Nwabi:"There's no question abut it. If our economy is in the shitter, very capable people must be available to fix it. Now the government lacks anyone like that, so we're fucked either way. If anything, change the currency to Poptarts and Kensin Dollars and we'll have hyperinflation in no time. I promise every citizen this, you'll all be Quntillionares by the time I'm done!"

Oreo:"Promising everyone to be a qunitillonare? And you're money will be worthless, our trade relations will be completely and utterly fucked. I can assure you that if you give me your sexy vote, I'll cut spending in all areas and make sure the budget is balance for once in our fucking lives. We're getting shit tons of debt, and I dont want to have my children be the plumbers that clean that shit out!"

Moderator:"My Stars that was exciting. The nation now will go to the polls to elect the nation's next Führer-Sultan and Insane Congress. Good Luck and Allah bless me."


Aladdin Jafar Nwabi (KIFA-TOIP):5,792,308 (27.5%) 149 seats 54 regions
Mufasta Abdullah Oreo (Independent):5,020,301 (23.9%) 128 seats 20 regions
Albazhaki Noshigiure Hafayaz (IIP):1,409,418 (6.7%) 36 seats 8 regions
Nomuraka Katana Ackbar (I-SSC):1,387,600(6.6%) 35 seats 4 regions
Rozhevenskhey Samsonorovich (UD):1,350,097(6.4%) 34 seats 4 regions
Tazil Abzeezee Sulieman (ECC):1,020,301(4.8%) 26 seats 3 regions
Mitt Romney (MCP):1,019,470(4.8%) 26 seats 3 regions
Zombie Stalin (UKP):1,003,200(4.7%) 25 seats 3 regions
Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov (PKP):1,000,450(4.7%) 25 seats 3 regions
Nomura (FFP):1,000,220(4.7%) 25 seats 2 regions
Cookie (KOCO):1,000,014(4.7%) 25 seats 2 regions

KIFA-TOIP Party Headquarters
General Secretary and Grandmother of the Revolution Mary Sycamore indulged in a firm crunch of some funnel cake, the powdered sugar getting everywhere as more fried foods were brought in by the truckload to feed the thousands of members gathered for the jubiliant celebrations. As the bunker doors slammed shut with the screams of an annoyed cheese stick wearing balerina that was known to gossip about lawn chairs behind their back, Sycamore licked her lips of the powdered sugar. As she continued to do so, Commissar for Poultry Josef Gobbles struck up a conversation with her.

"So, the stars are beautiful tonight, all arrayed in a pattern, almost as if Nwabi has already predetermined their location on charts millenia ago. I'm sure the old sultan would happily pat Nwabi's back for his political and miliary endeavors for the nation."
"While that is quite eloquent of you to say, I must disagree, he is merely an elected military official that runs our nation along with the politburo. I'm worried about the National Insane Congress's election results, did you see our seat losses?"
"That is... unfortunate that we no longer have a plurality of votes in the legislature. This will mean our political process will become more difficult if actual opposition is to formulate up. I propose we form a two third's majority coalition with opposition members coming along for the ride. I'd say we form a coalition government with KIFA-TOIP, UKP,UD,ECC,I-SSC,and IIP I would recommend you give phone calls to each of their candidates they ran, and ask them if they would like to join in a government coalition in the National Insane Congress."
"I'll get right on it sir, can you give me some KD for the phone booth?"
"You can have 1,100,000,000 KD, that should be enough for 11 phone calls. Ya gotta love hyperinflation and not knowing how to manage an economy."

Can and String Telephone's Incorporated, a government insane corporation.
With a slight nod, Mary Scyamore entered a tightly squeezing phone booth and jotted down several numbers in her head, reading them off, she operated the can and string that was the Ottoman Empire's famous communication lines. As she bitch slapped a squirrel in order to place the call, she spat on the unattractive former high school principal turned can and string communications officer and she was connected with UKP candidate and party chairman Zombie Stalin.
"Yes, hello Chairman of the Undead Communist Party, I wish to have a proposal for you."
"Yes, I am aware it's late, I was wondering if you would join in a government coalition with us, your 25 seats with our 149 along with several others, then we might pass the capitalist brains and kulaks act that's been on the back burner for a while if you did do this... Oh and I could have my boys in the construction business get the cutest soviet gulag you've ever seen, there's gonna be anime-."
"You'll do it? Fantastic undead Chairman! I'll call Samsonorovich now, Heil Hitler."
"BRAINS!" With a click of the receiver, Sycamore placed in another call.
"This is Rozheven, dar lan, the gay revolution never ceases!"
"You're National Democrat and not Batshit Insane Party, right?"
"Oh ja baby, you got da right numba! Now what is it, I hear there's this swinging jukebox diner we could go later."
"I'm a woman, jackass."
"Jackass? Oh look what you made me do, I have constituents that range from harvester firefighters that love to paint men to myself, now what is it you want to talk about?"
"Well, The government will need a coalltion, and I've got a shit ton more calls left to do, so can we hurry this up?"
"Oh Of course daraln, I'll ask yhe boys, hey boys ya wanna have a coalition government with mr. Nwabi, he's got Kensin and Ivanov..."
An array of boyish hoots and cat calls were in the background for a full minute before the homosexual Rozheven came back on the line.
"It's a yes, groovy baby, Let me break out my international man of mystery!"
With a click on the receiver, she placed in several more Kensin Dollars and a Poptart before enjoying her snack and currency as she entered the next number.
"Hello, this is Sulieman, thank you come again."
"ECC chairman and candidate, you wanna join a government coallition?"
"Can I bring homer simpson with me to my meetings, he's a pain in the ass I love."
"Sure, he can play with Kensin jr. in the daycare center."
"The most unrealistic part abut this whole process, is that Kensin has a kid, how the fuck did that happen?"
With a click, another call was made to the I-SSC chairman, Nomuraka Katana Ackbar.
"Allah Akbar, who the fuck are you? Are you a fish?"
"No, Jesus fucking Christ, I'm General Secretary and Grandmother of the Revolution Mary Sycamore. I'm getting together a political coalition, do you want to join or no?"
"Let me consult Bob the Builder... Hey bob, you wanna do the political boom boom?"
With a sigh, Akbar returned to the other line.
"It's a yes, for Allah's sake, let me be racist somewhere else please, fish."
With a firm click, Sycamore looked through her book and smiled at the last name.
"IIP chairman Hafayaz, whatever the fuck you want, I do, you want me to burn lettuce, I did that. I mean, sister did that, she bitch. I go out Allah ackbar style."
With a loud explosion rocking the other end of the telephone, Sycamore then got out her chess set and stapled the many pieces to her body, running through the streets declaring a war on ceilings.
Krugeristan wrote:This is Carrie you're referring to. I'm not going to expect him to do something sane anytime soon. He can take something as simple as a sandwich, and make me never look at sandwiches with a straight face ever again.

Former Carriebeanian president Carol Dartenby sentenced to 4 years hard labor for corruption and mismanagement of state property|Former Carriebeanian president Antrés Depuís sentenced to 3 years in prison for embezzling funds and corruption

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Fascist Republic Of Bermuda
Posts: 1982
Founded: Apr 28, 2014

Postby Fascist Republic Of Bermuda » Sat May 19, 2018 6:28 pm

United States of America
E Pluribus Unum

Washington, D.C.
United States of America

The Pentagon was a new building. Completed in 1943, it served as the headquarters for the United States Department of War. The massive complex was finally enough to house the War Department, which had gone through several buildings since the Great War and ran into the problem of space all times. But now the War Department had a nice building to call their own.

The War Department had developed several color-coded war plans in the wake of the Great War. These outlined the procedures for the United States of America to go to war with almost any nation on the planet. There was War Plan Gold- a plan to fight France, War Plan Red- a plan for war with Britain and her Empire, War Plan Orange- war with Japan, among others. But two plans had recently sprung back to prominence beyond all the others. The first was War Plan Green, a plan for a military intervention in Mexico to install a government more… in line with American interests. The second was War Plan Yellow.

War Plan Yellow, initially, defined American involvement in an international coalition to destroy a Boxer-esque rebellion in China. This state of affairs, the War Department was acutely aware, was simply no longer plausible. And so they set about revising War Plan Yellow as a US operation to swiftly and violently bring order to China under the control of Chiang Kai Shek’s Republic of China.

“The Asiatic Fleet should be more than capable of handling any navies the warlord states scrounge up,” the analyst was saying, pointing his pen at the map of East Asia, “My chief concern is potential Japanese intervention against us.” “The Japanese are outnumbered, outmanned, and outgunned by our land, sea, and air forces, they would not attempt to launch an attack on our forces,” another analyst countered, “They know a sustained war with the United States’ inevitable end is a Japanese defeat.” “Gentlemen,” General George Marshall of the Army said, “This is not War Plan Yellow-Orange, we already have a plan to deal with Japan if need be.”

“Bombers,” Army Air Force Brigadier General Curtis LeMay said, the single word drawing the attention of everybody in the room. LeMay elaborated, “If we can build bomber bases in the KMT, we should focus on strategic destruction. War essential industries, infrastructure, cities. Bomb it all and then some. If Japan tries to stop us, we do the same to them.” “He is right,” an USAAF Major spoke up, “The B-29’s pressurized cabin allows it to climb too high for anti-air fire and most conventional fighter interceptors. In theory, we co-” “We will destroy the warlords’ ability to make war,” LeMay interjected again. “Thereby allowing our ground troops an easier time even when facing numerically superior enemies,” Marshall finished, rubbing his chin thoughtfully, “And saving more American lives to boot.” “After the war, we can provide the KMT with the funds to rebuild,” the first of the analysts spoke up again. “Are we going to write this down, or just sit around spewing gobbledygook?” LeMay broke in again, one of the secretaries at the typewriters quickly typing out the gist of the idea, for further clarification at a later date.

Republic of China

They’ll be no weddin’ bells for today…

The radio played quietly as the men of the 1st Volunteer Armored Cavalry relaxed in the little encampment. “Didja hear?” McLauren interjected suddenly, looking up from the week-old copy of The Manila Times and putting down the tin mug that had a rather poor substitute for coffee in it, “The Generalissimo actually invited Ol’ Blood And Guts to watch a parade. That’s why we’re here in this shithole of a city ‘stead of shootin’ some bastards already.” “Honestly, I’m surprised they’re getting as well as they are,” Smith, the bespectacled machine gunner from New York, replied as he inspected his Browning Automatic Rifle, “I’m half-surprised Patton hasn’t claimed he’s the Generalissimo now.” “Maybe he’s savin’ that for after the parade, just shoot Chiang while he’s meetin’ him,” Knapp waved around his razor a bit for emphasis, face still half-covered in shaving cream. “I’d put money on that there,” Jones, the mechanic, tried to join in, standing up straight from beneath the hood of a Willys MB. “Yeah, like a nigger like you got any money,” McLauren snarked back almost immediately, the squad erupting into laughter at that. Jones sighed wearily and leaned back into the engine. He was used to that, at this point. He just grit his teeth, forced a smile, and tried to just listen to the music.

I got spurs, that jingle jangle jingle...

United States Department of State

Mr. Secretary-

Upon consultation with senior officials within the Administration, it has been decided that it would be unwise for the United States of America to issue an oil embargo against the Empire of Japan. The Empire of Japan has not engaged in a single war since the Great War, and while its involvement in supporting the Fengitan Warlords in China is indeed a matter of concern, the President of the United States feels that such support does not in and of itself warrant a full oil embargo. It is the opinion of the State Department that such a move would only antagonize the Empire of Japan and potentially needlessly jeopardize the state of peace in the Pacific that has endured ever since the end of the Great War. We sincerely apologize for not being able to accommodate your request.

N U T S !

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St George Territory
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Postby St George Territory » Sat May 19, 2018 7:30 pm

Official message from the Foreign Secretary of the Dominion of Canada


“A Mari Usque Ad Mare”

From: Foreign Secretary of the Dominion of Canada, Rt. Hon. Louis St. Laurent
To: Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom, Rt. Hon. Anthony Eden


We have decided to rescind the previous request upon further review, we do not believe it is neccesary for a meeting.

[i]Sincerely, Image

King Street East, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
January 3rd, 1948

It was a relatively quiet day in Toronto, or that's what you could discern from the streets, but every newspaper in Toronto was working overtime, as thousands of 'letters to the editors' had arrived from communities around Toronto, and Toronto itself, James Boyd, a newspaper editor for the Globe and Mail had heard of King speaking at Parliament Hill, and the aftermath in the Parliament, as the Speaker of the House was forced to end the question period and calls for a snap election to decide if Canada could afford to continue this path of preperation, as James took a seat outside the Globe and Mail building and read the paper with his cigarette. He almost felt sorry for King, as the language used by the everyday Canadian was fairly harsh for even a politician falling from grace, he knew that one man that must be loving the current situation would be the conservative leader George Drew, who currently was on the warpath in Ottawa, proclaiming against the reckless spending and lack of investment in Canada.

With his cigarette done, James walked in the door and was greeted by the receptionist who said, "Looks like you have another couple tonnes of letters to go through!" To which James gave a hearty chuckle, he continued to his office and went to work going through the letters, one that stuck out to him was addressed from 'Anonymous' muttering to himself about how he could only agree with the letter he put it into the pile of accepted for publication for tomorrow's newspaper.

Parliament Hill, Ottawa, Ontario, Dominion of Canada
January 3rd, 1948

If you had not known what had occurred the previous day in Ottawa, you couldn't be blamed for believing that there had been a civil war in Parliament, as the House of Commons erupted into boos and insults every time King spoke or any member of his cabinet save for Louis St. Laurent, who had barely managed to escape the ire of the House. the winds of Canadian politics had shifted, away from unnecessary preparation for a war that will never come, and to fight for people that care little about Canada, and that wasting Canadian lives on such foreign soil would be foolish entirely. Two words were evident in the House, 'snap election' that would most definitely cause the fall of the Liberal monopoly in the House, and would steer Canada from the rocky shores that King's governance of expecting total war a decade earlier and not changing policy to something that would greatly improve Canada for the best.

Embassy of Canada to Japan, Tokyo
January 3rd, 1948

Truth be told, Ambassador Norman hadn't slept a wink of sleep last night, the moment he had heard of King's speech he had been chain smoking as he looked out the window to Tokyo, and once the letter from Shigenori Tōgō had arrived he knew that it wasn't going to be an enjoyable meeting, the bastard King made sure that he was to not be able to get any meaningful work done, but it mattered little, Norman sighed as he dressed into a new suit and walked to the Japanese foreign building.
St. George Territory- come for the view, stay because you've been mauled by Polar Bears

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Lan Khao Xang Hom Krung Tai
Posts: 223
Founded: Sep 05, 2015

Postby Lan Khao Xang Hom Krung Tai » Sat May 19, 2018 9:21 pm

Paris, the French Republic
His Excellency, President Paul Reynaud
January 5th, 1948

About morning in the Parisian timezone. The president had just finished up on his breakfast, readying up for the day. It was quite stressful to be honest. Though, maybe not as stressful as it had been on Lebrun during his presidency during the political strife from the economic downturn and the Czech debacle. Since then, everything has been seemingly going well. Though, it has always been on Reynaud to keep watch on the Germans. Calling for rearmament and resistance. Thank God for the rearmament to not be used in a war of resistance against Germany. There were the Soviets too, of course. A counter weight to Germany, like the Great War, but we know how that ended up. Ultimately, a victory for the French, but only after the Germans had ransacked the north and over a million and a half Frenchmen dead, and another million and a half permanently maimed by the war.

Then there was the story of the sick man. The sick man of Europe, once again trudging around on it's figurative last legs. It's a wonder how it lasted this long. Reports from the Deuxième Bureau say that aggression from the north against Syria is likely, though, not very surprising in the least. But in any department, local forces would be bolstered and put on alert, just in case of any movement towards the border. Guards will have to be up late again.

From what was being observed in the Far-East, the Chinese were at it. Or at least, the KMT was at it. Warlords stirring about in the conflict between the KMT government and the Beiyang government. It was somewhat of a French interest, naturally. France had its concessions in China and its Indochinese 'protectorate' to worry about. Those regions always did have a occurrence of the anti-French individual. Anti-colonial, too, if you wish to add the anti British, Japanese, and Russian sentiments

Indochina, the French Republic

"Y'know... those boches are really something. Stirring up this and that." the white capped man said, fingers tapping against his rifle stock.

"Are you talking about the Czech thing again? My friend, that was a decade ago" another capped man answered from his post, left of a gate

"A decade ago, we almost got deployed to something worth being fearful over. Now we're deployed in this hot, humid, backwater of a post."

"And suppose that was the German fault?"

"Yes, for getting me excited to be deployed away from the fighting."

"I thought you joined for bravado and adventure?"

"No, I joined for the fancy food. Of course I joined for the adventure."

"Then why are you complaining?"

"I thought adventure meant going to a new place, not being stuck in some rural colony in the end of nowhere."
Just call me Tuwa

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Postby Machtergreifung » Sun May 20, 2018 12:12 pm

The Second Spanish Republic
Republican Palace of Madrid

The President's office was dark, as was the city outside. The room was lit only by the table lamp on Modesto's desk, and it illuminated the piles of paper on the Presidents desk. Reports from the army, the navy, reports on commerce, on potential facsist plots and on political rallies all across Spain. There were only two people in the office, Modesto and Dolores Ibárruri. Ibárruri had developed a fearsome reputation in the past twenty years in Spanish politics, and she had played a major role in the political life of the Republic since the 1920's. Now, she was acting as the Prime Minister and hatchet woman for the foreign policy of the battered Republic.

The reason for the two meeting at such a late time was the crisis in Modesto's mind as to the diplomatic direction to take regarding Spain's relationships with the other European powers. There was much to be gained. British assistance in naval development, a non-aggression and trade treaty with France and improving relations with the Soviet Union. All of these things would undoubtedly be to the benefit of the Spanish Republic, but as with all things diplomatic, it was not simple.

Ibárruri hammered home the difficulties to Modesto. The British were still imperialists, and held Gibraltar. While these two points could be overlooked in international diplomacy in the interests of the Republic, the internal politics of Spain wouldn't permit even the suggestion of it. The anarchists and the radicals, Dolores pointed out, would be inflamed at the Republic co-operating with the British. The same issue was the sticking point for the French. While more palatable than the British to internal Spanish politics, the issue of Morocco was the stumbling block. Under the Republic, the Spanish protectorate of Morocco had been replaced with a democratic regime under the oversight of the Republic. While it had been carefully managed by ensuring that candidates that supported the status quo gained a voice, there had been, in recent years, a growing movement for Moroccan independence that was becoming more and more difficult to ignore. The debate had cross the straits to Spain, making the Moroccan question an issue inside the Republic as well as the protectorate.

The final pressing issue for Spanish diplomacy was the Soviet Union. While Soviet aid had been instrumental in winning the Civil War, and Soviet instructors responsible for teaching many of the Republic's best, it made a lacklustre partner on the world stage. Pressed by concerns closer to home, and a limited naval power, it was unclear how the Soviet Union would be able to safeguard the Republic's existence, especially given the existence of hostile powers, such as Italy, interfering with the links between the two nations.

Ibárruri and Modesto debated long and hard on a prospective course of action. By the time the sun came up and started to fill the room with more light, the rough points had been hamemred home. It was bold, ambitious and frought with danger.

Negotations would be opened with the British for the return of Gibralata. Neither Modesto nor Ibárruri expected much to come of this, but it would make good anti-imperialist press to quel accusations that the Modesto government was collaborating with the imperialists and had betrayed the revolution.

This would be followed up by the proclaimation of a Moroccan Republic, consisting of the Spanish held areas of Morocco. The Moroccan Republic would then instigate a campaign for Moroccan unification and be encouraged to sign a treaty of friendship with Spain, all the while the Spanish Republic would do all it could to promote the independence movement in French held regions of Morocco and in the international area of Tangiers. This support would be used as a bargain chip in negotations with the French Republic to get what Modesto and Ibárruri wanted: a non-agression pact and the removal of the thorny issue of the Spanish holdings in Morocco. This would not be for some weeks yet, as the needed groundwork was not yet solidified.

A neutral party would be sought out for aiding Spain's naval development, in the form of the USA. Despite the historical grievances between Spain and America, the Civil War and the republican principles of the new Spanish government had drowned them out, even before the cultural impact of the contribution of the Abraham Lincoln Brigadiers.

Finally, discussions would be opened with the Soviet Union concerning its intentions towards the Republic it had helped to defend, with the hope of seeking out financial and military assistance. What form and to what extent this assistance would take would be dependant on Soviet interest.

As dawn broke, neither Modesto nor Ibárruri were truly content with the program for their Republic's foreign policy, but given the fractured nature of Spanish domestic politics, they were compelled to do what they could do, even if it was not what they would like to. With a sigh of discontent, Ibárruri left the Presidents office to put the schemes in to action.

Code: Select all
To: The Government of the United States of America
From: The Government of the Second Spanish Republic

Subject: Naval development

The Spanish Republic is formally requesting American assistance in the development and modernization of the Republican Navy. The United States, as a beacon for freedom of thought conscience in the world, would be a valued ally to the Spanish Republic in these difficult times, and the assistance rendered to the Republic in assisting in developing it's navy would be rewarded financially and with favoured status in Spain's international dealings.

Code: Select all
To: The Government of Great Britain
From: The Government of the Second Spanish Republic

Subject: Gibraltar

The Spanish Republic requests the immediate opening of a dialogue between our two nations regarding the return of Gibraltar to Spain. The Spanish government acknowledges the strategic importance of the region to the United Kingdom, and will take all reasonable measures to accommodate the British government.

Code: Select all
To: The French Republic
From: The Government of the Second Spanish Republic

Subject: Non-aggression Pact

Given the positive relationship our nations have enjoyed over the past decade, it is in our mutual interests to solidify them with a non-aggression pact. Given the tense situation elsewhere in the world, the strategic benefits of such a agreement to both parties would be immense.

Code: Select all
To: The Government of the USSR
From: The Government of the Second Spanish Republic

The Spanish government would like to explore the possibility of closer economic and military co-operation between our nations. Given the advantageous strategic location of Spain and the USSR's internationalist outlook and military power, the Spanish government would be very much interested in closer co-operation between our nations.
Last edited by Machtergreifung on Sun May 20, 2018 12:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Zepplien » Sun May 20, 2018 2:26 pm

Nanjing, Capital of the Republic of China
It was not the common soldiers of the National Revolutionary Army that were allowed to march before the leadership of the KMT and their foreign guests. The honor had been reserved for the Foreign Trained Troops, and a single battalion of home trained troops equipped with all Chinese equipment. Chiang had laid on the charm for his advisors from the United States, Soviet Union, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, Czechoslovakia, and France, a myriad of translators needed for the many allies of the KMT. It was from the presidential box that Chiang and his honoured guests observed the finest parts of the National Revolutionary Army.

First came the positive waves of M1917s that had been given over from the United States, the stuff uniform of the NRA Tankers far more impressive than the pathetic tanks they sat upon, hanging half out of their hatches as was the French Style. One by one the tanks of myriad nations came forth unified only by their crew's uniforms, from the S-35s that had secured peace in their time, to the Chi Has sold for scrap by the KMT's rivals in Tokyo. Finally, special attention was brought by the Generalissimo himself to the heaviest tanks in the KMT Army, the mighty KV-5s that had been oh so generously given by the Soviets as a gift to the Chinese People. He likewise was certain to draw attention to the American and Italian planes flying overhead, as if indicating that his other allies should be more generous than the Americans, Soviets, or Italians, just enough pushing to secure cash for further industrial expansion and purchase of rusting war machines from other nations.

The soldiers put on display were like nothing a common peasant or Chinese Bandit would have ever seen as part of the NRA. The well drilled, STG equipped German Trained Battalions marched first, snapping their rifles to attention as they passed the advisors, their Major holding his officer sword under the same arm as his Luger, only snapping his head to salute as the men goosestepped past. Their ranks were only matched in discipline by the Soviet Trained Battalions that followed them, SVT-40s held to their shoulder firmly, both Officers and their attached Spirit Encouragement Society members carrying PPSH-41s that they held under one arm to offer proper salutes. The French Trained Battalions had a disproportionate amount of Hotchkiss M1922 LMGs among the MAS rifles of the units, owing to a far greater emphasis on defensive doctrine than either the German or Soviet Battalions. The American Battalions had some of the finest looking men in the NRA, often used for propaganda purposes within the United States to uphold the Mirage, the young men equipped with Browning LMGs and taught the tactics of Walking Fire alongside using their many many support weapons. Lastly came the Italian Trained Battalions, their crisp uniforms matching the clean and shiny Fucile Armaguerra 39s their officers having some of the most ornamental of swords made with Italian and Chinese designs interwoven.

"National Comrades." Chiang spoke before his party officals who packed the streets as the Chinese Trained Battalions departed, the man gesturing broadly "I stand before you to say to the world that we, the Republic of China itself, are not a nation that shall oppress the undefended, fear the aggressive, nor break our treaties made in good faith as the pretenders of the North do! We shall uphold the Nine Power Conference, forever maintain the Open Door as we have pledged to do, for even if it might be in our best interests to break a treaty China shall never betray her oaths." the Generalissimo gestured broadly to his many allies, promoting a round of applause from his Party seemingly just to recognize the allies of the RoC, to inflate the egos of the advisors who stood with their Great Leader. "We are not akin to the pretender Chinese, and I am loathe to even mention the CCP, standing opposed to all good nature of humanity and attempting to continue useless bloodshed. These rootless cosmopolitans, worthless juden puppets who call themselves the Chinese Communist Party are nothing more than some particularly well armed criminals, do not allow yourself to be fooled by their propaganda. If they are given even a speck of the aid you give the Republic of China, they shall squander it on frivolous luxuries and no doubt even attack you in time.They have neither the loyalty nor the compassion of our Republic, they spit upon the Three Principles of the People, and seek only to make China a hermit kingdom." as he gestured once more for applause for the compassion and loyalty of the KMT, his Spirit Encouragement Society picked out those who were the first to stop clapping, adding their names to a list that would see them and their family vanish all too soon.

Official Communications of the Republic of China

Addressing Ma Bufang, Generalissimo of the Ma Clique
It is with great humility that the Republic of China receives such loyal and lasting friendship from the Ma Clique, as reflects well upon your leadership. While we shall continue to encourage you to join the Republic, it shall not cause us to turn away your hand of friendship, nor to deny your assistance in crushing the cockroach that is the CCP. With your assistance and the tactical brilliance that can only come from the National Revolutionary Army, our planned Final Bandit Extermination Campaign shall forever crush the countryside communists. It shall be with our bombers, tanks, and our national comrades of the Ma Clique that we shall find victory over any who dares to stand against our United Front.

Zhonghua Mingguo Wansui
Generalissimo of all China, Chiang Kai Shek
Generation 29 (The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.)
Come to the Communist side, we have Cookies Wheat
I take boring you to a whole new level!
Never mistake my IC nation for communism. think of it as Zepism, something unique and terrifying
Ode to Zepplin:

You Play as a Bisexual think tank, in a woemans body so gracefully... But as quickly as you came you are gone playing a Chineese Clone... Then you are a stupid, homocidal iddiot who will kill 1000 people for his own power... You are my hero.

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Newne Carriebean7
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Founded: Aug 08, 2015
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Newne Carriebean7 » Tue May 22, 2018 12:10 pm

Ottoman Empire
January 6th, 1948
Turkish Army Headquarters

Two large trucks covered in several corn chip dust and bean dip remnant residue halted outside of the Turkish Army Headquarters, where Commissar for The Imperial Ottoman Army and Ambassador Wilhelmina Packard was smoking on a cigarette as she walked outside, cussing like a sailor and almost as bad as finebecker.
"You son of a bitch, what the fuck do you fucking think you're fucking doing fucking up this nation? Get these fucking soldiers out of here before I call an R-35 tank down on your asses and have betty boop insult your norweigan heritge!"
"Commissar Packard. I am Commissar for homelessness and the economy Clochard Des Senges, I am here to inform you of the nation's glorious first step into the insane age and out of the sane age! We are KIFA-TOIP radical members that wish to go inside and secure the building."
"You.... son of a bitch!"
As Packard reached for something behind her back, the nervous gaurds sent a bullet soaring over her head, forcing her to drop her pistol, which was kicked away and she was led away in handcuffs by two coup soldiers.

National Insane Congressional Meetinghouse
The front doors were blasted open with a grenade as several armed soldiers burst into the meeting area, pointing their military grade weapons and bolt action rifles with elongated bayonets at the several members of the Congress. The speaker of the Congress, the General Vice Secretary, who had been staying late working on bribing the new members of Congress with large quantities of chocolate, stood up and approached the several military men and their officer.
"I am General Secretary and Grandmother of the Revoluton Mary Sycamore, I demand to know your buisness in the meeting halls of our corrupt democratic clusterfuck of a nation! If you fail to do so, I shall stare creepily at you until social norms dictate you fuck off!"
"General Secretary, I am General Vice Secretary, the nation shall enter a glorious age of insanity that shall be more radical and insaner than your mainstream insanity! Think of us like Nomura and Kensin, Nomura leaves Kensin because he's not insane enough, that is exactly what we are doing! Now turn around, slowly on your knees."
Before Sycamore could protest, the click of a rifle forced her to spare her sanity for the greater good, reluctantly turning around and getting down on her knees. With a deep breath, her political rival and husband took the safety off his rifle and with a loud bang, forced Mary and many congressmen to the floor with the smell of gunpowder and decaying corpses filling the air.

The Turkey's Nest
Outside Istanbul

Führer-Sultan Aladdin Jafar Nwabi picked up the heavily salted bomb piece with a fork and licked the coating of sodium off of it, with a smile bigger than Kensin's love for Ivanov. If the narrator could make a joke about Kensin using missiles food, then Nwabi could easily enjoy tasting salted metallic plates, akin to one licking salt off of a lemon. As he continued to eat his bizarre meal in the dull buzz of a single light bulb, the door swung open from his humble abode, causing Nwabi to stand up and prepare his kitchen gun for work that Billy Mays let him "borrow" that he stole from Richard Nixon.
"Führer-Sultan! There's been a military coup! Radical members of the KIFA-TOIP political party have declared the Insane Ottoman Empire!"
"That's nice dear, what else is new? Do we have any idea who the hell is on our side?"
"We've lost communication with the National Insane Congressional Meetinghouse, and the whereabouts of many Politburo Insane Committee members are unknown at this moment!"
"Well, attempt to get communication back on the wire at once! Do we know who's leading this coup?"
"Yes, they've sent out a radio broadcast on line two."
"What fucking line, we use telegraphs."
"But I just said we have no telegraph communication?"
"Well shit, just go to one of his speech area place thingies and then write the speech down."
"Nah, I have a copy right here."
With an impatient snag by Nwabi, he mused through the contents of the letter.
"In order to ensure the stability of the Empire, Josef Gobbles shall declare himself emergency head of state, with Clochard Des Senges serving as economic commissar and head of government for the replacement of retired General Secretary and Grandmother of the Revolution Mary Scyamore. That son of a bitch! Inform all surviving military members that are loyal to me to meet up at the town of Batman, we shall use that town as our temporary capital!"
"But sir, wouldnt Ankara be a more strategic location for our me-"
The interrupting pain in the ass aide left his earth from his crumbled up corpse as Nwabi screamed into a pillow in anger, putting his kitchen gun away from his pocket.

Imperial High Seas Fleet Headquarters
Gölcük Naval Base

The calm waters of the Dardanelles strait glistened as waves crashed against the shores and the hulls of the Turkish Fleet at anchor. One more than a dozen naval vessels sat at anchor, with all of them seemingly bowing to the immense and rustic charm that had become of the former German battlecruiser turned flagship of the fleet Yavuz. Captain Sulieman Jager Hussein finished his morning cigarette as he stomped hard on the dilapidated oak flooring of the warship. He was going to be going out with the Turgut Reis and the Yavuz on some battlecruiser style naval exercises, code named Operation Tigris. As Captain Hussein hoisted his captain's flag on the ship, with a minor salute and the playing of the national Anthem "It's a long way to the Nile," a faint collection of planes appeared overhead, with a scream by the watchman.
"Captain, I've spotted five biplanes advancing on the ships starbord side."
Hussein took the pair of binoculars from the private and grabbed his ceremonial sword. With a single slashing motion, the now headless aide's corpse was tossed overboard, as his head was stuck to the binocualars.
"Can you see anything, severed head? I can't. You're full of shit, you know that."
The three or four gathered military members let loose a chorus of chuckles and laughter from the silly and violent remark on the light hearted situation as three planes in formation approached the ship, with bombs slung carefully underneath their biplane like structures as they flew closer to the battleship.
The lightheartedness jostling and playful horseplay on deck soon ceased as Hussein spotted grey dots dropping from the planes that got closer and closer until a massive column of water rocketed the ship, catching several sailors off guard, forcing them to be drowned because they had no idea how to swim, yet they were in the navy for the free food and communist propaganda classes. Hussein's face turned red with anger as he rushed up to the bridge of the ship, getting a carrier pigeon out and handing it to the messenger boy, who was equipped with a scroll and pencil in hand.
"Inform all ships of the fleet to ready what little AA guns they have on board, and prepare the fleet to sortie immediately out of the harbor, we are under atta-"
A deep rumble beneath the decks of the ship gave Hussein nervousness in his knees before regaining his composure. As he peered through the binocular and flipped through the krispy kreme doughnut shaped handbook on allied identification of planes, he noticed the biplane like structure of these craft.
"They're ours! Get in contact with the AA gunners, tell them that the fleet is under attack, we shall sortie from the harbor with all due speed!"
"But sir, most of these gunners are inexperinced-"
"They can have shit up their ears for all I care, just shoot them down!"
The AA gunners did not have shit up their ears, as the light pom pom of Great War era Machine guns and flak cannons let loose from the ground sites throughout the harbor,with smoke begining to rise from all ships of the fleet as they made ready to sortie. On the Berk, an explosion ripped through the thinly armored decks of the gunboat, sending shrapnel everywhere as it began to list to port. As Admiral Hussein retired to the bridge to be better protected from your usual everyday biplane suicide kamikazes that screamed down, he got on the telegraph machine and wired off something to Istanbul.


As the telegraph was set off, another explosion rocketed the flagship of the fleet, to which the captain shuddered violently in his seat before staring out at the burning and smoking harbor of several small shipwrecks that were once proud Turkish naval vessels. With a kick, the Yavuz's turbines slowly worked their magic as a minor wake of water appeared in the front and rear of the ship, with the rear wake gradually getting larger as the ship passed 2 knots, then 4, then 7 and a half knots as it gradually began to get underway.

Commissar for Poultry Main Propaganda Office
Commissar for Poultry Josef Gobbles,looking sharp in a poncho via costume that was mandatory in order to even give a speech in the nation, could hardly hold back his excitement. It appeared the military coup was working like a charm. Already reports had been coming in from carrier pigeons that KIFA-TOIP's headquarters had been seized along with the taking of the Turkey's Nest and Army Headquarters. With a loud fart as the introduction was played in the station, Gobbles could hardly suppress his large cheekbone smile at the success he was having so far in his life. First he got the position of Commissar for Poultry, now he was leading a military coup against the junta. Inhaling and exhaling, he looked with determination at the orange glow of the warm ON AIR sign before begining with his speech.


"The government of Führer-Sultan Aladdin Jafar Nwabi has proven unsuccessful in ridding the nation of the few sane military leaders left. I would have wished to discuss this matter with Nwabi in private, but I refused to get his address or phone number like a dumbass. I dont even know what a phone is, we just use carrier pidgeons and telegraphs. We are reluctantly deciding to take up arms against our turkish brothers, farmers, and neighbors. I would have wished that a compromise had been reached previously to avoid the unnecessary shedding of blood on Turkish soil. However, no such compromise between both sides of KIFA-TOIP has been met. As such, given my predicament in politics, I was forced to undertake a highly treasonous and transparently hostile act against the incumbent leadership in the Politburo Insane Committee. The highest party organ has become corrupted with sane ideas such as invading Syria with 30,000 soldiers and even having a plan to retake Cyprus from the United Kingdom with 10,000 men and the entire naval fleet, which will lead to unnecessary losses for both sides. Because of these idiotic government actions, Radicals in the government have been forced to act on behalf of the national interest.

Starting Today, The Insane Ottoman Empire is declared in Istanbul, with a declaration of sovereignty over the entire world except St Louis Missouri. 109 seats of the KIFA-TOIP political party shall be rallied forth for the greater battle. We condemn the government's actions of saneness and transparency! We condemn the government's actions of cracking down on corruption! We condemn the government's actions of free and fair elections because Mitt Romney and Nomura were not victorious in the election! We shall allow Nwabi and Commissar for The Imperial Ottoman Army and Ambassador Wilhelmina Packard to flee to Batman, Ottoman Empire, where they are free to declare a rival government to ours, and give us an excuse to begin a civil war immediately. I declare myself Head of State,with Commissar for the homeless and the economy Clochard Des Senges becoming head of government effective immediately. Long Live the Insane Ottoman Empire! Death to Nwabi's sane regime!"
Krugeristan wrote:This is Carrie you're referring to. I'm not going to expect him to do something sane anytime soon. He can take something as simple as a sandwich, and make me never look at sandwiches with a straight face ever again.

Former Carriebeanian president Carol Dartenby sentenced to 4 years hard labor for corruption and mismanagement of state property|Former Carriebeanian president Antrés Depuís sentenced to 3 years in prison for embezzling funds and corruption

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Nea Byzantia
Posts: 5185
Founded: Jun 03, 2016

Postby Nea Byzantia » Sat May 26, 2018 10:16 pm

Nikosia, British Occupied Cyprus, January of 1948

It was a bright, sunny morning, and the streets of the bustling city were full of people. Merchants in the marketplace, old men in the taverns having their morning coffee, as they usually did. Everybody thought this would just be another normal day. They couldn't have been more wrong.

A convoy of British military trucks were passing through the main street of Nikosia, and in the center of the convoy was the car of Governor Palmer, freshly washed and glimmering in the sun. That's when the grenade was thrown from the rooftop, landing on Palmer's car. As the car burst into flames, dozens of Enosis gunmen emerged from the side streets and the rooftops firing into the British military convoy. Central Nikosia quickly became a warzone for the next hour. By the time it was finished, 24 British soldiers had been killed, about 50 Enosis gunmen as well, and Governor Palmer was rushed to the hospital in critical condition.

Athens, Greece, January of 1948

General Alexandros Papagos stepped into the Prime Minister's office, and snapped to attention, saluting. Prime Minister Ioannis Metaxas, who was enjoying a glass of cognac, while looking over an economic report, rose to his feet and saluted back. Even now after 25 years as a civilian ruler, Metaxas would always be a military man. After resuming his seat, the elderly Prime Minister addressed his confidante.

"I hope you're not coming to tell me that the British are stalling talks again. They've been dragging their feet for long enough."

"Its nothing like that, sir. More unrest in Cyprus."

"What, another car-bombing?" Metaxas took a swig of cognac.

"Palmer was almost assassinated." Papagos said in an even tone

Metaxas almost coughed up his cognac. "Almost? You mean they missed the bastard?"


Metaxas sighed. " I guess we'll dole up the usual diplomatic letter. It'll definitely give us something poignant to discuss when the British ambassadors arrive."

" I can see,sir that you're very excited for this summit. "

"I'm telling you, Alexandros," said Prime Minister Metaxas as he poured himself another glass of cognac, "once we get Cyprus back, I might just retire. I'm getting too damn old for this."

Dear Mr. Prime Minister,

We are very saddened to hear of the tragic events in Cyprus, the loss of His Majesty's troops, and the near-death of Governor Palmer. Your allies and colleagues here in Greece, feel it is imperative, with the recent events in Nikosia borne in mind, that the fate of Cypriot sovereignty be decided as soon as possible, so that future bloodshed may be prevented.


Ioannis Metaxas, Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic
Last edited by Nea Byzantia on Sat May 26, 2018 10:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Greater Redosia
Posts: 3425
Founded: Aug 01, 2016

Postby Greater Redosia » Tue May 29, 2018 3:01 pm

Chinese Imperial Palace, Beijing, Fengtian Clique

Zhang Zuolin was sitting in his chair, in front of him a map of the current political situation in China. Several pieces were upon it to represent the armies of the Fengtian Clique, as well as small flags to represent important cities and the capital of the Nationalist Government, Nanking. Both Nanking and Shanghai were close to the borders of the Warlord's domain and armies ready to push into the lands of the KMT, though several factors were holding him back. First was the foreign support being given to the Nationalist Government, since America hasn't made its support any sort of secret. As well as the sheer size of the Nationalist Army which outnumbered the Fengtian Clique five to one. Zhang sighed and sunk back into his chair.

This stayed like this for a few minutes before a soldier barged into the room and handed a message to Zuolin. The Warlord read the message and slammed his fist onto the table, both angered with the director of the Showa Steel Works and thankful. He needed the further backing of the Japanese Empire to further his goals for a united china, one that wasn't under control of the communists and the incompetent Chiang and his nationalists. He ordered someone to bring in a type writer to write down a message.

From: Zhang Zoulin, Generalissimo of the Beiyang Government of China
To: Minister Nakajima, Empire of Japan

Dear Minister of the Empire

We will happily agree to the aforementioned trade and research treaty between our nations. For we have been close since the beginning of the Nationalist Government, the Northern Expedition, and the Central Plains War. Together I hope to see a brighter future, where our two nations are the ones that can make change and improve the lives of our people. Though I must also say to be cautious of the ever encroaching reach of the United States of America, for their support for the Kuomintang will continue to hinder my efforts.

I also have high hopes that you may teach my son some discipline and respect, I am sure you will be able to. Though I also do not doubt his abilities in improving your technological knowledge in the field of aircraft, so I do hope that he will make some use to you.

With best of hopes,
the Mukden Tiger
Zhang Zuolin

Fengtian State Owned Opium Farm, Manchuria

The farmers were hard at work planting and harvesting the poppies that grew from the ground, like grass they were everywhere. Many bunches being brought to trucks and thrown onto their backs, to carry them off either to be used to help those who had addiction to opium and to export abroad. Many were happy with their jobs due to the high pay they were given to keep the locations of many of these farms secret, especially since before Zuolin they were under abusive landlords. But with the state managing the farm they could live easier lives than ever before.

The Government representative was keep total of profits entirely from the farms, smiling when they reached a total of 310 million Japanese yen. The farms bringing large amounts of profit through the exports into the National Government, abroad, and even some into the Soviet Union including their puppet of Mongolia. Buying for time is what Zuolin said, so that a large reserve may be built up so that when war does begin they will be prepared. Along with development the farms were needed, it was all needed to keep a war machine such as the Fengtian rolling.
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Postby Granluras » Sat Jun 02, 2018 11:41 am

Нови двор, Belgrade, Yugoslavia - January 12, 1948
Protesters gathered outside of the Нови двор

Outside of the Нови двор over a hundred people were gathered, bearing picket signs, cardboard pieces, and more. All of these signs contained phrases such as “Требали су да нас заштите!” (They’re supposed to protect us!), “Прави су неправедни” (The Just are Unjust), and the most popular among this movement “Одговорите на Милоша” (Answer to Miloš).

These Yugoslavs were gathered to protest the plight of police brutality in the country. It truly was a problem, and even President Tito understood that. The charts and maps of police brutality were all to organized and showed to obvious a pattern for any Republic of Yugoslavia to ignore this anymore. The Federal Assembly has assembled several times since this movement gained speed three months ago to discuss ways to combat police brutality, but filibusters and red tape were thrown in front of these assemblies, preventing any satisfying progress from being made.

After three months of inaction and on the third anniversary of the brutal murder of Miloš Kovač, a Croatian sophomore, at the hands of police brutality, the many members and supporters of the TYб movement (acronym of tако увек брутес, Serbian translation of “thus always into brutes”, a wordplay on “thus always into tyrants/sic semper tyrannis”) had gathered outside of the residence of their leader in order to (hopefully and miraculously) instill a need for action at the highest, executive level of the Yugoslavian polity.
“How much longer do you plan on letting them stay out there?” Damjan Pajić, Tito’s Prime Minister, inquired.

Tito was at the wide and tall sliding balcony window of his office, looking out upon the innumerable protestors. Deep down he knew they were gathered for a good cause, and through a multitude of other feelings and agendas he was urged to support this movement. He put his hand up the cold glass and turned around to Damjan.

“I’m going to let them have their fun. Let them rant, bring up eyewitnesses and victims to speak colorful speeches, all the usual activistic shenanigans. Then I’ll go out onto that balcony with and address them.” Josip replied.

“So you support them?” Damjan said.

“The evidence mounted against the police forces are unignorable and unquestionable. The moment since someone died because of this crisis is when we should’ve started doing something, but no! Instead all this government could do is sit around, say some nice words, and then put it off until the next casualty. No more, Damjan, no more. This isn’t just a chance to fix Yugoslavia but it’s a chance to triumph once more over our neighbors, showing that there is hope left in an otherwise fucked Europe.” Josip said to Damjan energetically, his face blushing and hair frizzling with the intensity of his speech.

“Hurry up and say that to them, I don’t care when you say it to me.” Damjan said, pointing out toward the crowd.

“Yeah, I should. Alright, go to the garrison and tell the guards to get into position and get me a microphone or at least a loudspeaker so I can communicate with them.” Josip said, turning back to the window and towards the crowd.
Within several minutes a few units of soldiers had lined up in outwards propagating, concentric circles below Josip, with three directly beside him on the balcony. The protesters were informed to harken to the balcony as the President was about to speak, and when he entered onto the balcony an uproar of boos, unenthusiastic cheers, and on- and off-topic murmurs started before dying down. With a deep breath, Josip picked up the microphone he had been supplied with and began talking.

“Fellow Yugoslavs, let me begin my speech by saying I understand why every single one of you are gathered here and I agree with you. Our great Yugoslavia is inflicted with a problem greater than our economy, our neighbors, our health! Those trained and matured for years to protect you from what you can’t have turned on you! From Murska Sobota down to Bitola you can uncover at least one or two incidences of police brutality. That is a problem that must stop! Yugoslavia has prided itself as a unique, progressive, and Western nation in an otherwise sad and deplorable Europe, and if we cannot pride ourselves upon a stable police force, what have we to be proud for? Hopefully with the cooperation of the anti-brutality and humane side of the Federal Assembly I can get the legislative gears turning to spark regional or even national legislation combatting brutality. Don’t take this as me just trying to regain my popularity amongst you, no, no, I truly do sympathize with you! For to long have we put this off, and I blame myself, being the man at the helm of Yugoslavia while this occurred. I no longer wish to be separated from your cause by ignorance nor wall! I wish to be apart of you, and I shall.” Josip spoke enthusiastically to the crowd, becoming blushed, frizzled, and even a little sweaty as he spoke. At the end he stepped back into his residence, and after a minute of absence returned through a first floor door guarded by the three guards present on the balcony. With his guards, he stepped off of the grounds of his residence and into the crowd of activists and began interacting with them.

Surprised at first, the activists eventually digested that this was happening and became ecstatic. They had achieved their goal! Now the mightiest man in Yugoslavia had announced his support in the TYб movement and was pledging to take executive action to combat police brutality.

This entire event was broadcasted, with over a million Yugoslavians turning on their televisions to watch their President make this historical speech and interact with the crowd of activists that had captured Yugoslavia’s attention.

Although this event wasn’t unanimously taken well by Yugoslavs. Here and there citizens and statesmen scowled at this image and took steps to put together counter-protests and counter-speeches, putting down Josip, the activists, and their supporters. But Yugoslavia wasn’t polarized enough that their counteractions made a difference. Even those at the center of this, the police, weren’t opposed to what the activists nor their President was doing, some of those who came out to comment on this didn’t show disagreement and were either indifferent or supporting.

And as Josip promised to these activist, the TYб movement, and Yugoslavia as a whole, steps were made to combat police brutality. Over the next two weeks, Josip Tito and the members of the Federal Assembly met four times to discuss ways to actually do something, and during these four meetings a law was drawn up which was heavily supported by both houses of the Federal Assembly and which was swiftly signed into effect by Josip. It wasn’t over, of course, as Josip, the Assembly, and the police forces of the nation all had to take ever-lasting steps in order to keep the anti-brutality train moving until a sort of self-sustainable mechanism against this crisis was achieved, purging all brutal acts from Yugoslavian soil and into a nation-state that deserved reputation as having abusive lawmen, such as the Soviet Union or Fascist Italy.

Federal Assembly of Yugoslavia
Савезна скупштина Југославија

Federal Council of Yugoslavia
Савезно веће Југославије

Addition of Clause to Chapter Nineteen § Article 186 and 189 of
The Criminal Code of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

As a result of the Yugoslav police brutality crisis, which has captivated the nation since November of last year, the Federal Council of Yugoslavia under the request of the President, multiple deputies, and the Peoples of Yugoslavia has congregated to discuss adding a clause to Article 186, “Infringement of the equality of citizens”, and Article 189, “Unlawful deprivation of liberty”, of the Yugoslav Criminal Code that will act as a countermeasure to police brutality by adding extensions to the Yugoslav Criminal Code that will deliberately target equality and liberty deprivations committed by officers of the law. A unanimous vote following several hours of deliberation had approved the adding of the following text:

“The Polices of Yugoslavia, as civil defensive forces, are expected to act in a manner as lawful and humane as the crime-less Yugoslavia they seek to establish will be. It is degrading to the integrity and equality of the Yugoslav citizen and proletarian to be subject to abuse by their defender. To prevent such abuse and travesties to go unnoticed and untried in this Socialist Republic, this clause establishes and recognizes three punishments to the act of police brutality:
  1. An act of brutality involving the suppression of the constitutional rights of the or discrimination of the Yugoslav citizen, the method of which can be violent or non-violent, is to punished according to punishments previously outlined in the Article, namely by imprisonment for a term exceeding three months but not exceeding five. An example is the coercive silencing of a citizen during a lawful moment of self-expression, or the rapid and conspicuous parting of a legal, public assembly.
  2. An act by a lawman(men) that aggressively and harmfully suppresses and/or discriminates a Yugoslav citizen, such as the unprovoked use of a truncheon or other equipment borne by an officer (subsequently causing bodily harm), shall be punished by imprisonment for a term exceeding five months but not exceeding five; an official investigation into the accessory officers will also follow as will the revocation of the main perpetrator’s status as an officer of the law.
  3. An act by a lawman(man) that is so excessively brutal that it results in near-death or death shall be severely reprimanded without the hindrance of a tribunal. Per the sentences set by the Yugoslav Criminal Code such an act shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than 10 years or by the death penalty (if the crime involves the near-death or death of two or more individuals and/or injuries dealt post-mortem, the death penalty will be considered).”
The promulgation of this Clause has been permitted by a two-thirds vote by the Federal Council, a follow up vote of three-quarters by the Council of Peoples, and official passage by the President’s signing. May great changes stem from this clause.
Братство и јединство

Headquarters of the Yugoslav People’s Army, Belgrade, Yugoslavia - January 19, 1948

Boško Čolić, the Adjutant Marshal of the Yugoslav People’s Army, and Koča Popović, the Chief of the General Staff, were gathered in Čolić’s office in the headquarters of the military in the outskirts of Belgrade. They were looking over a map of Yugoslavia with the locations of personnel and materiel as of the month prior shown on it. In order to include everything possible this map covered and almost extended over a square meter table.

The volatility of Europe had increased over the last few years, and this was especially obvious for the small nations of the Balkans and Eastern Europe, like Yugoslavia. While not under direct orders by the commander-in-chief and Marshal, Josip Tito, these two executives decided to take preliminary actions, as a precaution. It was 17:22, military time, and the two had been sat for the past three hours, drawing up two separate plans to handle three separate foreign military incursions. There was a plan for Germany and Italy. While it would require questionably feasible mobilization and transportation and would probably destitute the JNA’s materiel by the end, each plan, if carried out by the letter with minimal variations, could succeed. Even though they devoted so much time to these plans, these two hoped that they would never have to implement them.

“You think this is all we need to include?” Chief Popović inquired.

“Seems like it, we’ve gone over the calculations and professional analyses, they are all promising and have a small margin of error. I think we can make these official.” Marshal Čolić answered.

“I suggest we call for some training scenarios that correlate to some of the tactics displayed in these plans. We need to know it’s good in practice as well as theory.” Chief Poppvić said.

Koča circled the table and walked up to Albania on the map. The map was partially topographical and showed the varying elevations of the Balkans, which was a benefit to Yugoslavia and which was incorporated into every war plan. Albania was the odd one out, as it was nearly entirely lowlands. It also was where Italy was most likely to stage a land incursion into Yugoslavia from. Koča rubbed his fingers across the highlands of eastern Albania, even though it had no texture, and sighed.

“What will the casualties be? Those are the calculations we should run.” Chief Koča said.

“We’re all facing barbaric conquerers. The Germans are supremacists, industrialized, brutal, and anti-Slavic, as are the Italians - although they are militarily incompetent and technically a friend, but they’re an Axis Power, and so, for all militants like us care, enemies. They will not hesitate to put down resistance destructively and swiftly cull the civilians who oppose them, directly or indirectly. Easily we could look at well over a half-million to million casualties, both deaths and injuries. Most likely per side.” Marshal Čolić.

“Let’s hope it never comes to that.” Chief Koča said, taking a seat beside the map.

“Hope is something that doesn’t help warfare, Koča. It’s just fighting until a result it reached that does.” Marshal Čolic replied.


While Italy and Yugoslavia have comparatively warm relations, it is a member of the fascist and expansionist Axis Alliance, so it is possible that Yugoslavia could feel the brunt of a sudden turnaround in bilateral relations with Italy during wartime. So, in the event of an Italian invasion of Yugoslavia, two paths are most likely to be taken to invade Yugoslavia. A naval bombardment and incursion from the coastline, and a land incursion from Albania, the closest dominion of Italy to Yugoslavia. Approximately 45 warships and over 100,000 soldiers (around six divisions), are stationed within the Adriatic region and Albania. The constituent Republics of Yugoslavia abutting Albania are Montenegro, Macedonia, and Serbia.

Within the borderlands there are infantry divisions IV, VI, VIII; alongside artillery divisions III, IV, and VII; and finally tank division V, which can be split into three subdivisions of six tanks each. Specifically, 30,000 soldiers, 36 artillery pieces, and 18 tanks stand between Yugoslavia and Italy.

While the numbers sound grim, especially compared to the nearly 60,000 troops, over 200 artillery pieces, and 30+ tanks Italy has in and near Albania, it must be noted numerically disadvantages are compensated for by Yugoslavia’s geographic advantages.

The average elevation of the Albanian lowlands are 100 meters, with the highlands being around 800 meters; and Yugoslavia is around 1.2 kilometers. Easily, should Italy declare war on Yugoslavia the aforementioned units at our disposal should be able to quickly mobilize and enter the Albanian highlands, using their innate knowledge of mountainous terrain to outmaneuver the Italian forces.

There have also been propositions to utilize native support to combat Italian forces, as Italy’s poor administrative capabilities have carried on into Albania. Whether or not significant numbers will bear arms in the name of Yugoslavia is to be seen.

Guerrilla warfare is strongly encouraged alongside conventional warfare, this is to further outmaneuver the Italian forces, a group which frequently sticks to their standard battlefield tactics and strategies, rarely using guerrilla warfare. Mountain warfare tactics of conventional and guerrilla nature are to be supplied to the soldiers of the IV, VI, and VIII infantry divisions, III, IV, and VII artillery divisions, and tank division V.

In the north of Yugoslavia, should Italy call upon its ally and military supporter, Germany, it has been proposed that the following action will be taken:

Should Germany invade from the north through Austria, most likely through the provinces of Stryia and Lower Austria, which are more lower in elevation compared to the rest of Austria. Once in Yugoslavia, German forces will most definitely go through the flatlands and lowlands of Lower Styria in the Socialist Republic of Slovenia. To resist this movement, tank divisions III and VI will be redirected from the other areas of Slovenia, providing a four-dozen tank blockade. Infantry divisions II, III, V, and IX (a total <40,000 troops) will be rerouted from Slovenia and northern Serbia to join the tank divisions. It is recommended that these divisions adapt their tactics based off of German movements and formations in order to compensate for the numerical and mechanical differential between these two forces.

Because the Germans are more tactically witty than the Italians, it is most likely that the Germans will attempt to navigate the Slovenian highlands and circumnavigate the fortified lowlands. In order to prevent this all remaining Slovenian tank, artillery, infantry, even air divisions in Slovenia are to move into the highlands of Slovenia to totally block any potential German incursion. If no German presence or force s met within two days, these divisions will be considered for relocation to the main battlefield in the eastern lowlands to reinforce the other divisions.


Yugoslavia shares 6150 kilometers of coastline with the Adriatic, and as a result around 1% of the nation is at risk of naval bombardment (153,750 km2). Although Yugoslavia has advantages, one: the coastal areas only make up 2.7% of the population (431,608 out of 15,714,385), meaning there will be little collateral damage; two: due to the low population there is little urbanization, with most settlements being small towns and sparse cities, as a result there is little major infrastructure and the only roadways are trails and literal beaten paths, the larger, asphalt roadways are few in number and are offshoots of the major Yugoslav roadways; and three: the Dinaric Alps and Slovenian highlands that are congruous with Istria are rough, mountainous terrain that boasts high levels of unnavigability in certain areas, as stated in prior sections of this war plan this terrain, which Yugoslav soldiers are used to, can be used to our advantage.

The offensive, and no longer defensive, plans for Yugoslavia involve heavy littoral patrol of the aforementioned coastline with deep sea patrols using the remaining ships of the Yugoslav navy. Up and down the coastline of Yugoslavia, two of Yugoslavia’s Ciclone and Ariete-class destroyers plus both of its Flower-class corvettes will patrol the coastal regions, assisted by a dozen Kraljevica-class patrol boats. Several transport craft will supply the Yugoslav waters with around several thousand seamen. In further out waters the remainder of the Kraljevica patrol boats, destroyers, and the Yugoslav submarine fleet will keep watch of the Italian fleet as an outer offensive/defensive layer.

The amphibious and combined armed Vrtlog division will contribute to defense of the Istria peninsula, a landmass which is a strategic point in the Adriatic and believed to be a territorial goal of Italy. Vrtlog will be badked by local infantry and artillery regiments in Istria. Dalmatia, another region believed to be sought by Italy and play a strategic role, is to be defended at sea by the coastal flotilla of patrol boat, destroyers, et cetera put together above. The specialized combined armed Kotorski Ratskipsi and Dalmatinske Ratnike divisions are planned to supply amphibious defense and offense to the Dalmatian region alongside the standard infantry, artillery, and tank regiments in the area.


Reconnaissance and foreign military intelligence estimates that almost 700 planes are close to the Balkans and Yugoslav territory. This number is enough to deal immense damage to the Yugoslav population and industrial centers, causing hundreds of thousands of deaths and hundreds of billions of dinara in damage. The only way to prevent catastrophic damage by bombing, suggested by the Air Force, is to evacuate population centers at the moment war is declared and to increase defense around the industrial centers.

The Yugoslav People’s Army has over a hundred Bofors 40 mm guns and hundreds of 61-K, these guns should be easily manned by the servicemen of the People’s Army. Coupled with the multiple squadrons of warplanes at the Air Force’s disposal and erratic yet efficient aerial strategies, there could be a possible of (pyrrhic) victory in an aerial battle versus a possible Italian invasion force.

The evacuated urban population is to utilize subversion, confusion, and guerrilla tactics to assist in the repulsion of Italian forces, especially aerial forces.

The simultaneous and rapid implementation of the previous plans is believed to, although at the costly consumption of finances, manpower, and materiel, achieve in a partial or entire victory against an Italian invasion force. Let us all hope, as loyal Yugoslavs, that such a plan, will not have to be uses.


An invasion from Germany will be very troublesome. The German Wehrmacht is highly industrialized, mechanized, organized, and powered by the energy of ultranationalism and militarism. Yugoslavia’s military on the other hand is comparatively under-industrialized, mechanized, and can only compete with Germany in terms of organization. Yugoslavia lacks nationalism of most forms, and even patriotism is only present among a small majority of the populace. Militarism isn’t a policy which hasn’t been pursued and so the armed forces are comparatively small and standard sized.

The only possible way Yugoslavia could fend off German invaders is by using three things:
  1. The frequently aforementioned Yugoslav geography
  2. Guerrilla warfare
  3. The immediate responses of the nations of the word.
Numbers one and two go hand-in-hand, as mountainous Yugoslav geography can be used to host guerrilla warfare and guerrilla warfare can be hosted in the extensive mountainous terrain of Yugoslavia. It is planned that all infantry divisions of the Yugoslav army, I to XXI, artillery divisions, I to XII, and tank divisions, I to XXXVIII, will be used to defend against a German invasion. Soldiers will be trained guerrilla tactics to operate in the open wild of Yugoslavia to combat German invasion.

Then there are the foreign responses. A German invasion of Yugoslavia will not go unnoticed, and so there will be mobilization in the nations allied to Yugoslavia. We could use this to our advantage, creating landing zones and locations that nations such as France and the United Kingdom could enter Yugoslavia through in order to combat German invasion forces. Also, being apart of the Little Entente, Yugoslavia can call forth the defensive capabilities of the Entente members of Greece, Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Bulgaria. This should provide Yugoslavia with more than four times its original, on-its-own, defensive capabilities.

In order to maintain the industrial productivity of a wartime Yugoslavia, infantry divisions V and VI will be moved to surround and defend our industrial centers. Tank divisions I to X recommended to be moved to defend these centers alongside the infantry divisions. Artillery divisions II to V will also be used. If foreign military support can be established some divisions may be relieved of their defensive roles and move to the frontlines for more offensive purposes.

In the northern areas, where invasion is most likely to take place, it is important that German divisions are lured into the Slovenian Alpine and Dinarides mountains, trapping German divisions in the wild and mountainous Slovenian terrain. As most divisions might not take the bait and continue through the eastern lowlands into Croatia, a relatively flat constituent republic, then any remaining foreign or native divisions are advised to prevent these (or most) divisions from doing so. Conventional warfare will have to be used as the lowlands and Croatia are incompatible with guerrilla tactics.

Drastic measures are to be taken if the Red Line is crossed, or the point where German forces will be too close to integral locations such as Belgrade, this line intertwined with the 45th parallel north. Drastic measures are defined as the utilization of costly and violent methods and maneuver warfare.


Germany has no way to launch a naval assault on Yugoslavia because it is technically landlocked (in terms of its ability to reach the Adriatic). Although Germany might call upon Italy to batter Yugoslavia with its own navy. If this does occur then the Sea Plan from War Plan Turrita will be followed with whatever remaining naval, infantry, and amphibious materiel is left over. The naval forces of the United Kingdom and France, mighty and capable of countering Italy’s naval superiority will be called upon immediately if a naval theatre is opened during a German (or joint Axis) invasion.


It is recommended an Air Plan such as that in War Plan Turrita is followed, but which utilizes carpet bombing, Lufbrey circles, and fast-paced, erratic attacks on enemy convoys and compounds, devastating enemy supply lines and logistics. As requested in previous plans, foreign [aerial] support will be incorporated into this Air Plan, especially that if the superior Royal Air Force.


The implementation of the previous, pyrrhic plans will most likely not fully repel a German invasion force, but will more likely cause some devastation and hold such a force off until sufficient foreign intervention can be mustered to counterbalance the might of the Axis Powers. Despite the extensive formulation of these plans and efforts to ensure the smallest possible margin of error, immense collateral damage of astronomical proportions are expected to occur.

Yugoslav Embassy of Bulgaria, Sofia, Kingdom of Bulgaria

The Yugoslav ambassador to Bulgaria, Srećko Darković, sat patiently in the armchair beside a wall-length bookcase in his office. He was reading [url=]Врли нови свијет[url], a book which theme, story, et cetera he believed would be the [hyperbolic] outcome of a Europe dominated by fascism. That topic, fascism, and its threat to Europe was the reason why he had called upon the Bulgarian Ambassador, Sava Kirov, to meet with him today.

The clock in his office had just struck four, and Darković put down his book and walked over to the main window of his office. Below he saw a black-colored Moskvitch 400-420 (the car of the Bulgarian Ambassador) pull up to the Embassy. A man of medium stature and with the best clothing the Bulgarian economy could buy stepped out and was met by two valets, one who helped the Ambassador in and the other who drove his car away.

Ambassador Darković sat in the chair behind his desk, rearranged some things on his desk, and clasped his hands, waiting for the Ambassador to arrive. 4:04 was the Ambassador entered with a loud hello.

Здравейте!” Ambassador Kirov exclaimed.

Здраво.” Ambassador Darković replied, shaking the Bulgarian Ambassador’s hand as he sat down across from him.

“Nice weather today, isn’t it?” Ambassador Kirov said, looking past Srećko, out of his window and at the clear skies.

“Yes, Bulgaria is a nice place, like Yugoslavia. One of the many things we share besides our blood.” Ambassador Darković replied.

“Mhm, so...what have you summoned me for today, Srećko?” Ambassador Kirov inquired.

“Well as you know, as your country is one of the small powers of Europe, the ones sensitive enough to feel the tense and violent emanations from the greater powers, like Germany and Russia and France,” Ambassador Darković told Sava, “Yugoslavia is too. Therefore, we should both be aware that international tensions have risen in Europe, and in nearly the entire world due to the large spheres of influence all of them have. I fear a new war is brewing, and war finds its way into every part of life and the world. Us small powers must prepare, and while we might have the Little Entente it is truly little, not enough to defend all of us. We need to start choosing sides and choosing greater defenders. Yugoslavia already has an ear with the British and French, we’re bound to peace with the Italians due to our trade and proximity, and the Ottomans...well they could have been used for something, damn civil war started at the worst moment...”

Srećko began to ramble, overcome with the anxiety and tension of the prospect of a world war. Sava began to break him of his tangent, interrupting with increasing volume.

“S-Srećko. Srećko. Eh...Srećko бъдете спокойни сега!” Ambassador Kirov exclaimed. “Listen, I understand you. I have met with my minister and the other ministers of Bulgaria, even His Majesty, and they all seem to have some concerns. None of us have acted on our feelings though, but we know something should be done. Does your country have any propositions? Has Tito made any moves that we should too?”

“He has done the basics, militarization, mobilization, sent delegations to the Allies, and even has tried to thaw Yugoslav-Soviet relations, which is probably his most extreme move to prepare for war. I have proposed declaring official neutrality, maybe armed neutrality, like the Swiss. It should keep us safe from any foreign aggressors, and if we do continue to arm ourselves we could still end up being safe even if our neutrality is violated.” Ambassador Darković informed Kirov.

“Hmm, neutrality does seem like the right path to go down.” Ambassador Kirov said.

“We could turn the Little Entente into a neutral bloc, a clump of several indifferent countries which you can’t mess with unless you want the rest of the world on your back. Individually, it works for Switzerland, why wouldn’t it work collectively for the Entente?” Ambassador Darković said to Kirov.

“I could run this by the Foreign Minister and Tsar Boris. Their main reason for being hesitant resides in not knowing if the actions they want to take will be carried out by others or if they’ll be own their own. If they know they can declare - armed - neutrality alongside Yugoslavia, they might be more inclined than ever to do something.” Ambassador Kirov told Srećko.

“Good, I’m sure President Tito will be glad hearing we can take steps to achieve security with an ally.” Ambassador Darković said with a smile.

“We both will be in Sofia for the next few days, how about we met daily at a nice restaurant north of here to coordinate our efforts?” Ambassador Kirov inquired.

“That sounds good.” Ambassador Darković replied, standing up as to allude to the adjournment of this meeting.

“You know where I reside, you can see or telephone me at most hours of the day.” Ambassador Kirov said to Srećko, shaking his hand.

“I will.” Darković said, leading Suva downstairs, making banter along the way.

“I shall get your car, Ambassador.” The valet, noticing Ambassador Kirov, said, jumping up and heading towards the main door.

“Do that, please,” Ambassador Kirov replied, then turning to Srećko, “Толкова дълго.”

3драво.” Ambassador Darković said, patting Suva on the back and leading him out of the front door.

While there was no immediate effect from this meeting, there would be a delayed one, occurring once the respective statesmen of both nations had spread the word of neutrality long enough for it to start making change. It came three weeks later, after a dozen daily meetings between the Ambassadors and other statesmen.

федерални Министарство спољних послова Југославије

Sending – Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, FPRY
Recieving – Ministry of Foreign Affairs, KB
Received – 5.II.48 at 14.27
Date – 5.II.48
Subject – Neutrality

To the Bulgarian Ministry and to whom it concerns there,

Hopefully you are aware that there have been talks in between our two countries about the status of us and the Little Entente in an evermore uncertain Europe. A couple days ago Ambassador Darković of Yugoslavia and Kirov of Bulgaria met, talked, and began further talks between our countries about armed neutrality.

Discussions of this have reached the Presidency, with President Tito being briefed about armed neutrality, applying it to the entire Entente, the effects, et cetera. I’m not sure if this has occurred yet in Bulgaria with your Prime Minister or Tsar.

This Ministry has been requested by the President to make contact with the Bulgarians to set up an official, bilateral deliberation on [armed] neutrality, with spectating or officially participating Romanian, Greek, and Czechoslovakian delegations (i.e. the entire Little Entente). If a deliberation can be agreed upon it is asked that it takes place within any day in the second week from now (17th to 23rd of February).

We, the people of Yugoslavia, await your official response.

– Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Yugoslavia)

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Postby Revlona » Sun Jun 03, 2018 8:04 am

Defense Line Alpha
Romanian-Soviet Border

Corneliu Zelea looked out over the defenses set by his country men to defend against the Soviet Forces.

The wide river separating Romania and the Soviets gave the Romanians a very good natural barrier, with the defenses laid down by the Romanians, it had turned into a near impenetrable barrier.

Bunkers and trench’s lined the entire river, while barbed wire say at the bank along the entire front. The bridges leading in and out of Romania were set to blow should any sign of aggression show.

“Most impressive Marshall, most impressive” Zelea said to the man to his right.

Marshall Ion Antonescu smiled as he said, “Thanks you Domnitor, the preparations finished on time for Alpha, and Bravo is looking to do the same.”

“How many men are stationed along the line?” Zelea inquired

“280,000 in total Domnitor, comprised of the 1st and 2nd armies, with 300 Towed artillery pieces , 200 Tanks and 400 total aircraft. Their are another 120,000 on defensive line Bravo with another 120 Towed pieces and 50 Tanks.” The Marshall said

“Very good, should the reds ever dare cross the border, they will drown in their own blood...if they don’t drown in the river first that is.”

The Marshall nodded his head, the proceeded to lead Zelea through the trench’s, The men’s morale soared when word of the Domnitor visit broke.

1 day later
Ministry of War HQ

Marshall Ion Antonescu and several other Military men stood around a large map of the Balkans.

“With Yugoslavia and Bulgaria looking to buddy up, we must ensure our plans are settled for both at once.” Brigadier General Barbu Alinescu said

“Yes, we must, we can also probably count on the Italians for support, wether that support is useful or not, I cannot say yet.” Marshall Antonescu said

“Plan Black is still a thing, the Bulgarians and Yugoslavians have not yet made any actual alliance, I would advise going ahead with it.” Another Brigadier General said

“That, is up to the Domnitor” the Marshall said

Romanian Presedential Palace

“Domnitor, the message to the Italian ambassador has been sent requesting his immediate presence.” An undersecretary said

“Good, prepare a message to the Bulgarian Ambassador as well, but do not send it yet” Zelea said

“Yes Domnitor” The Undersecretary said, before saluting and returning to his desk
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Postby Romanussia » Sun Jun 03, 2018 2:03 pm


Rome, Italy:

Sunlight was beating down on the bustling streets of Rome, filling space and lighting up rooms and getting between the cracks of the street pavements and bricks and the windows and openings of each house and building. The sky was a fair and fine blue with hints of orange and yellow, the telltale signs of an aged day.

Today the denizens of Italy are keeping to themselves, moving on with heir business and activity as usual, for, after all, it was just a usual day. But, today had marked another abnormally busy day for Italy; politicians and officers were scrambling about obeying the word of Mussolini and the select elite in his circle of trust. He had begun arranging lots of plans for Italy and structures for Italy for a long time now.

And with a newfound fervor and determination, Italy had got to these tasks quick.

Milano, Italy:

Milan, a jewel of a city blessed with fertile soil and buildings and streets expanse, and a high population. It had become a sort of second capital to Italy and had been at the forefront of any industrial reforms. Today was no different. Both in the normal course and pace of the day, and in the industrial and urbanization efforts conducted in the city.

Recently, the leader of Italy himself had put in place multiple large-scale efforts and reforms to modernize Italy's industry and bolster it's construction, production, and infrastructure capabilities. The reforms had been initiated and completed a long time ago, and some were nearly already done. One of these was an expansive urbanization endeavor along with implementation of union ties and workers' rights.

Sent to undertake this task was none other than prominent, trusted politician, Luigi Federzoni.

The aforementioned politician was making a trip to the town hall and then further to the factories for some of the last days of the urbanization in Milan and Italy. Walking at a brisk pace, with a stern, staid expression over his face and stature, he could finally make out the streets and the distinct building of the town hall. He hurried even more and straightened himself out. Finally, he had arrived.

He entered, making his way quietly through the door. He arrived at a foyer, decorated with lavish furniture and a chandelier. A couple f council members were gathered outside there, discussing a topic vividly. They soon caught sight of Federzoni, and one by one ceased their chatter to turn to him. They each shook his hand and greeted him and led him to the main room.

The politicians filed into the room, one by one, finding a seat and settling down in it. Finally, the conference had begun.

Federzoni begins, "As you know, the endeavor for urbanization across Italy has proven fruitful results. Our last phases of this plan are now being laid down, and I, along with other industry ministers and politicians, are here to finally complete the project. I want to add on to the city with a further industrial section to finally balance out the suburbs and urban parts, as the city could use some development. I also plan on adding a bit of factories but then mostly a packed residential section throughout it. We have already experimented developing parts of the city, especially the upper west side, which, for all intents and purposes, will be our candidate for this expansion, bordered off by a suburb and already packed with lots of urban features and potential. We have a limited budget, however, I'm sure we can get lots done. Your funding will be provided tomorrow. Are we all on accord?"

The politicians nodded and took turns adding on to the plan and changing it, as Federzoni slowly retreated from the conversation, his main point being already said and over with. He approved of every comment and soon the meeting was concluded. The room was empty once more, and Federzoni was off to the factories.

Venezia, Italy:

It was late afternoon in the romantic, sumptuous city of Venice. It balanced rich dockyard and old architecture with modernized buildings and factories. Bridges and roads and scenery; there were plenty of sights. The canals were wide and glittering, yet, they were unsettlingly barren and unused for a naval power such as the likes of Italy.

This startled ambitious admirals and politicians alike, who wanted to turn Venice as one of the leading port cities and hubs for commerce and the military activities and developments of the Realemarina. While others were sent to urbanize and reign in the territories of Italy, Carlo Bergamini, an experienced admiral and politician, had been sent to develop what others liked to call the Venetian Arsenal.

A planned expansion of the naval dockyards and production of military naval equipment was laid down a while ago, and now, with the construction and infrastructure about halfway done, Bergamini was in charge of where and how the dockyards were to be constructed. He had mostly agreed on two main, sprawling docks accompanied by several other smaller docks and wharfs, mostly in around the canals. After some revision, the wood was laid down, and the ropes were tied.

With the construction patterns decided and ports modernized, the only thing left to do was the organize Italy's ship production and its fleets and their compositions. After deliberating, most people agreed Italy should pride battleships and cheap but very capable ships to face off the enemy all the while balancing submarine warfare and aircraft carrier systems for increased naval/aerial dominance.

This meant that battleships were the main focus of Italy, and so ti would be these that the Venetian Arsenal would be laden with. The more advanced and developed Littorio class would be the main template, with more developed features of course. And so, workers around Venice got to work at steel pieces and paint.

The Venetian Arsenal was being completed.

Tripoli, Italy:

The capital of Italian Libya glittered in the hot, Saharan sun. Across the dunes and the shimmering sands surrounding the grand desert city, lay an array of buildings and houses with interspersed palm trees and desert fauna between them. Old sandstone architecture was intertwined with modern Italian craftsmanship, mirroring the demographics of the city itself, as native Arabs made the majority of the city mixed in with expatriate Italians, along with everything in between.

Today was going to be a special day for the glittering jewel of the Libyan desert.

Benito Mussolini had arrived not so long ago on the shores of Tripoli, making his way all the way from across the Mediterranean on a presidential boat from Palermo, the Italian port sister city of Tripoli and the other cities along the Libyan coastline. Never mind that, him and another array of local and trusted politicians are arranging a meeting to discuss military affairs here in Libya and across the rest of Italy.

And now, Mussolini approaches the town square accompanied by other sets of statesmen. They soon arrive, and Mussolini is able to get a good look at all the people in the mix: generals, politicians, local representatives, and vice versa. He believes he had made a very good choice selecting these men for the job.

Regardless, they settle down and file into the small, sand stone town hall building, rushing into the conference room, all eager to begin the meeting.

Mussolini began, assertive and clear, "As you know, Italy has been trying to ramp up its military presence and capability recently. With the introduction of urbanization and military programs, I would like to integrate some form of production standardization for our troops here in Libya, and the whole of Italy itself. For starters, building some oil refineries and mines to take advantage of the crude oil here to use for our armor would be beneficial."

He looked around the room, scanning the faces of each man, looking for the reactions on their faces. Each and every one nodded along so far, so he continued.

"Then, we would like to deploy wider, adapted medium tanks here in case of any invasion or conflict with our neighbors, and deploy light medium tank tactics in the Alps as well, and maybe deploy Heavy or cruiser tanks interspersed here in Libya or in the Adriatic, since the Alps and other mountainous regions would have passes and roads too small, and thus, untraversable for larger tanks. We should also perform some exercises here to prepare our military. We should focus on producing said efficient medium tanks, our P26 models, accompanied by our light M16 light and P43 heavy tank models. In terms of infantry equipment, standardized MAB-38 SMG models, backed up by Carcanos, along with the standard Beretta pistols and radio and first aid support equipment. Basic motorcycle and truck equipment can be some other production. Any other thoughts?"

And, after a quick exchange of ideas, the oil refinery and the factory lines were authorized and sent into being.

Bucarest, Romania:

The morning sun of Bucharest beat down on the beautiful, industrialized streets of Bucharest, called Little Paris by lots of visitors and admirers. Italy had quite liked its fellow country in Romania, and with this day marks the time they make their relations official.

Pellegrino Ghigi, a reliable and trusted diplomat and ambassador to the aforementioned country, was the man sent on this mission. After navigating the streets and blocks of the crowded capital city, he arrived to the grandiose, sumptuous Presidential Place designed with many curves and arches and beautiful architecture. He stood by the doorway and entered.

He walked in to the sight of a crowd of politicians, among them, the Domnitor of Romania himself, Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, and greeted them politely. The relations of Romania and Italy were about to take a turn for the better.
Last edited by Romanussia on Sun Jun 03, 2018 2:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Kingdom of Romanussia
A nation based in the present inhabited by a more latinized Romanian culture ruled by a constitutional monarchy shrouded in a vivid and detailed history and armed with a disciplined and modernized military.
Capital: Traiana | Currency: Koson | Demonym: Romanus/Romanian

RNN: General elections proclaim Dacian Ciolos as new premier of Romanussia's legislature | Romanussia national under-21 soccer team wins its first UEFA Championship over Spain in the final | Romanus navy recieves first shipment of new equipment since its overhaul was approved by the General Staff | The Acordul calls for its next cooperative research operation

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Postby Revlona » Sun Jun 03, 2018 4:53 pm

Presidential Palace

Standing to his feet, Zelea looked across the room towards the Italian Ambassador. He has high hopes for this meeting, it would go down in history as a major moment of Romania, maybe even the world.

“Mr.Ambassador, I’m glad you made such haste to meet me, hopefully this meeting can better the relationship Romania and Italy, the two Romes.” Zelea said

Ghigi smiled at the man, having high hopes for how this meeting will go down.

“Pleasure to meet you Domnitor, and it was a pleasure to come. I do share this hope and do wish we get the chance to further our relations.”

Taking his seat, and having Pellegrino seated, Zelea said, “Ambassador, am I correct in assuming you have the power to negotiate on behalf of Prime Minister Mussolini?”

“Yes, of course, he has entrusted me to further our relations until now, and he is glad to trust me further.” Pellegrino said

“Good, very what would make you and Mussolini happy to have accomplished in this meeting?” Zelea said

Ghigi cleared his throat and spoke again, “Our preliminary goals would be to just strengthen our relations overall, maybe leasing some weapons or military equipment to you, and, as a farther-reaching goal, to provide Axis protection to you and welcome you into the alliance formally.”

Zelea’s poker face nearly broke at the pure joy he felt after hearing the Ambassador speak, composing his thoughts he said, “Ambassador, Romania would happily join the Axis Powers, but there are a few things we must have first. We must first have a promise from Italy than in future conquests, Romania will have first picks on any provinces with ethnic Romanians in them, second we would like a division or two of Italians to be placed at the Soviet border, to better our defenses there. Before I go on, I would like your response to those two prices.”

Pellegrino smiles at the reply, knowing that if either any Italian politician were here, they would also gladly accept both terms promptly, including Mussolini.

He spoke, “I can assure you Italy can promise you Romania will have its conquests, of course, and one of Italy’s most reliable divisions will be sent to help guard the border against any Soviet threat. After all, we have lots of new soldiers from conscription and draft campaigns.”

Nodding, Zelea continued, “We must also have Naval help, we would like a detachment of the Italian baby to be deployed in the Black Sea, the make up of this detachment is of course up to your country, they would use Romanian naval bases as their operating bases of course.”

“After our expansion of our navy and some of the ports, I’m sure we can afford to send a decent detachment to be deployed to help assert control over the Black Sea. I’m fairly sure this would be composed of cruiser and or destroyers. But, regardless, Italy would be glad to help.” Ghigi said

“Well, That is all we ask, now I must ask you to follow me” Zelea said standing to his feet and proceeding to a door that would lead upstairs, looking over his shoulder to see if the ambassador had followed.

A bit confused, the ambassador still followed the Domnitor up the stairs, keeping a constant pace to the next room.

Once he had crested the stairs, Zelea lead the Ambassador to a large double doored room. Opening the doors, Zelea and the ambassador entered what seemed to be an improvised map room, in the middle of the room was a table with a large map of the Balkans on it, two nations were highlighted by red and blue pins, Romania with blue pins, and Bulgaria with red pins. “I do not know if you can quite see it from just the map, but this Ambassador, is war plan black, would you like me to explain it?” Zelea said

Ghigi nodded along, imbuing the map and examining it and the pins with close detail. He could guess it was in case of conflict with neighboring Bulgaria, though, he hadn’t been able to piece together much from the just the map and the pins, and would of course like to know more about it so he nodded and replied, “It looks interesting. Yes, I would like to know more about it.”

Nodding, Zelea said, “The Blue pins and Red pins are Romanian and Bulgarian forces respectfully, as you can see, we have much more on the field than our foe. The men on the border consist of the 4th army, 150,000 men in total, with 120 Tanks, 40 tank destroyers, 250 planes, 250 Towed artillery pieces, and assortments of other equipment. Marshall Antonescu here will explain the plan.

The Marshall had been standing in the corner of the room, awaiting his cue, coming forward now he took up the reins, saying, “Our plan is to use two armored spear heads, one along the coast towards Varna and Burgas, and one in the middle of be country towards Sofia, the spearhead will be followed quickly by infantry and armored vehicles. On the western part of the front were we do not have a armored spearhead, we intend to use rolling barrages to soften the enemy up, before sending the infantry in to take the positions”

Gighi had been in the army before, and knew how to receive and critique some plans. He looked over the plan and examined the map closer now, leaning in.

Finally he spoke, “That seems like a very solid plan. The only thing I can add is to use more superior firepower and artillery barrages in your other attacks, though briefly as they are going to be spearheads. Maybe exploiting an enemy at a lightly guarded border or area would pace up your momentum even more. Overall, it would be a good and efficient way to take Bulgaria out.”

“If our Towed artillery could keep up with the tanks, we would, but this is meant to be a quick lightning fast attack, artillery would just make them aware they are to be attacked” The Marshall said

Gighi nodded along and smiled, “Of course, it was only a suggestion. Maybe it could be used on other, more stagnant fronts for safe measure. Regardless, I could see this plan being very good nonetheless.”

Zelea took back over from there, “Well Ambassador, this meeting has made me a very happy man, I hope the same for you, he then shook hands with the man, and saw him down to his automobile back to his embassy, were he no doubt shared the very important news with Mussolini.

Zeleas day was not done though, he then proceeded to a meeting with several reporters who looked curious to why they were there, when he broke the news, there was a moment of silence before dozens of questions were hurtled at him, he shed most of them off before quickly saying “No more questions” and exiting the room.

The Next Day

The next day, headlines appeared all over the Balkans, “ROMANIA JOINS THE AXIS”, the newspapers speculated what this could mean for the future of the Balkans, and if this was a prelude to another war.
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Newne Carriebean7
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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Newne Carriebean7 » Sun Jun 03, 2018 10:21 pm

Insane Ottoman Empire
January 14th, 1948

Emergency Head of State Josef Gobbles inhaled the club turkey sandwich oozing with mayo nearly instantly, with a sharp pang from his abdominal stomach being lightly muzzled around, it slowly subsided as food slid down his throat and caused several breif coughing and choking spats before subsiding either by being swallowed or thrown back up. Commissar for Homelessness and the economy Clochard Des Senges broke through the window, happily prickling through the many sharp pieces of glass tangled up in his thick head of facial hair and graying beard that you could have sworn was stuck to him like bears and honey.
"Des Senges, have a nice trip through the window?"
"Oh yes sir. I even got a few in my eye. If that's not good luck, it must be physical scars that will leave me blind, can I have that eye patch?"
With the quick opening of a side drawer on his desk, the eye patch was handed from Gobbles' mittens to Des Senges wrinkly old skin.
"Now then, have we received diplomatic recognition from anyone at all?"
"Negative sir. Not a peep has been heard in the kitchen nor the Norwegian bathroom stool I stole in that cross boarder raid a few years back."
"Shit. I have an idea, get me that i-talian feller we have?"
"Pete Swell? The local aluminum siding salesman?"
"No, Vito Antonio Scalleta, your friendly neighborhood mobster!"
"Yes, Emergency Head of State. Vito!"
With the opening of the large oak doors and the turning of pure gold handles on the doors, a tall looking Italian man in a brown leather jacket and blue jeans strolled into the room, taking a look around before setting his gazing green eyes on Gobbles, who shuddered at the cold and pitiless expression given to him by the Italian.
"Vito Antonio Scalleta, I presume?"
"No, I'm the mailman, of course I'm fucking Vito Scalleta, what the fuck do you want to do, ya fuck?"
"Are you related to Finebecker?"
"If by related you mean that I have no fucking idea who the hell finebecker is, that a bar of soap? Are you fucking saying I smell like shit? I'll have you whacked for this."
"Oh, go fuck yourself, I didnt mean it that way. You just have the mouth of a finebecker."
"But he's sane, I'm insane."
Gobbles turned around in his nice swivel chair and muttered:"God help us all." before turning back to face Vito.
"Alright then, I'm going to appoint you as Ambassador to the Italian State. In the mean time, do you have any advice for a possible invasion of Bulgaria?"
"We could consult our possible allies, such as sending me off to Italy in order to get an all clear sign before we make any diplomatically suicidal or rash military actions."
"But I wanna start a big ass war now. I shall order the Third Turkish Irregular Battalion and the Fourteenth Armored Platoon of four R35s and two Pak 36 AT cannons to provoke either a boarder skirmish or a military invasion of Bulgaria. Then we shall have our excuse an invade!"
"And... what if we lose this war?"
"Then I'll pretend I was careless, it worked for Enver Pasha right?"
"Who the hell is that, god?"
"Yes, High Pope Pasha."
"But arent we Muslim?"
"I'm a Pasha Protestant. It's the greatest feeling in the world that you can devote time and sacrfice to a man you build up character to.In the mean time, I shall make the invasion plans ready, Oh, and you'll also be our ambassador to Bulgaria for five minutes, just send this telegraph to them."

I declare a state of war between the Insane Ottoman Empire and the Bulgarian state after the fabricated assault this morning by our forces.
Fuck you.

"Greetings people of the world. I am Emergency Head of State Josef Gobbles here to address something with all of you regarding a serious policy change in our nation's political interests. With the begining of the civil war, I have been forced to take up arms against the former Batman in exile government of disgraced Führer-Sultan Aladdin Jafar Nwabi. I can assure you that the more foreign intervention on either side will bring a swift end to the conflict and a meaningful change in governance for all to be mutually beneficial about. However, because of the recent and unfortunate escape attempt by rouge captain Sulieman Jager Hussein, I am offering not only a 780,000,000 Lyira for the return of the battlecruiser and the execution of the captain, but also this free carved wooden stick that you can use as firewood, and it smells like typewriter ink and a touch of onion slices rubbed on for good luck!

Oh, and I am ordering the mining of the Dardanelles Strait to prevent any more naval vessels from escaping my loving military loony bin of nutjobistania. I shall also begin the reinforcement of gun emplacements on both sides of the strait. Any and all civilian ships shall be ordered to turn back or be opened fire upon.This military move is to prevent the shelling of our dear capital city. I have also received word of a boarder skirmish between our insane Turkish forces and the local Bulgarians. A full investigation shall not be launched and I am pleased to announce war on Bulgaria for our aggressive actions that stared it! Fuck you Bulgaria, you need to be a good Turkish colony! That is all. The National Anthem of the Insane Ottoman Empire shall now play in the background while I snort lines of insaneo-cocaine, to ensure my insanity."

The New State is born!
The Insane arise!
The Insane awake!
The Insane act!
Down with Nwabi, Up with Gobbles!
The Insane arise!
The Insane awake!
The Insane act!
The Old State is dead!

0.1 mile from the Bulgarian Boarder town of Rezovo
Captain of the Milita Hanab Qumar Al-Sabah gingerly fit the bullet in the chamber of the antiquated M1903 american made shooter. He had one of the few modern guns that was available to the mass of militia that he soon stared at and realized he was commanding it. He could directly see across the terrain the sleepy village town that wanted to be in Turkish hands, the insane ones mind you. As he fit the bolt of the rifle back into place, he took aim and raised his arm, saying a single word that would haunt thousands of men that died on the battlefield for the remainder of the conflict he was about to start.
As he said that, he let loose a shot from his rifle, sliding the bolt back and forwards to cycle through the next round in the remaining four bullets. The smell of wafting gunpowder caught his attention, as a squad of five men let loose a volley of cap and ball that sailed over Al Sabah's shiny balding head. The Bulgarians were not caught off guard as the commander has hoped, being directly in front of your enemy's face and then launching the attack certainly did raise the police force's guard and the local citizens, who began to pack up their things and flee from the town as more Bulgarians trickled into the ensuing fight. With a beaming smile, he could see the lumbering R-35 armored tank let loose a shot from it's short barreled cannon ,slamming into the local orthodox church, sending pieces of the building cascading down on several civilians and Bulgarian personnel alike.
As he clawed his way into an open store, he noticed a Bulgarian team setting up a peculiar device, it seemed like a small cannon, but it had a strip of tiny things attached to it.
"Hah, is that the best those Bulgarian fuckers can do, All men charge with bayonets, Long Live the Insane Ottoman Empire, give your lives for Gobbles!"
With a happy scream filling the air, the hundreds of soldiers emerged from cover, screaming, bayonets, sharp sporks and communist manifesto pamphlets at the ready to be fired out of their commie made rifles or even launched an arrow from some quiver a man had on the back of him. As Al Sabah looked on with pride at the assault commencing, he suddenly was forced to the ground by a burst of "machine gun" fire. He didn't there were entire machines that could fire! He knew he could be a rich man if he captured the alien looking device from them. Weakly, he got out his tiny heart shaped portrait of Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov and Uesugi Kensin that all soldiers required to carry.
"I love you, Soviet and Japanese fuckers." before dying.
With the death of their leader, some of the more radical forces that had been brainwashed charged directly into the town, with a mad Turk managing to stab a Bulgarian police officer after being hit by three bullets before collapsing on top of the passed Bulgarian to join him in death. Though the Armored tanks decided to pull back, not wanting to risk getting stuck in the town, retreating along with a handful of non suicidal soldiers that got their first taste of combat.

Ottoman Empire

The former caped crusader's namesake town had been turned into a bustle of activity, already pinatas were being strung up in the street, complete with a chorus of newfangled american kazoo barbershop quartets that annoyingly sang the ears off of any poor non ear muffed individual within a five foot radius. Large, elongated tables stuffed to the brim with Turkish classics such as Vodka,falafels and the occasional croissant emblazoned on the coat of arms, a literal coat that had many limbs attached to it, to which Nwabi proudly wore as it slowly began to decay in the hot sun, with the stench gradually building up. As nose plugs were passed out to the smelly gifted patrons which attended the sultanate's shindig, Nwabi was saluted by an African man wearing a traditional African garb and big rubber shoes,complete with a pair of thick rim nosed glasses that would make nerds seem embarrassed and out of touch with the fashion sense. With a dissatisfied sigh, Nwabi turned to the admiral.
"What is it, Robert Mugabe?"
"This Sketch of the battleship Yavuz was seen leaving the Strait over four hours since this was drawn. We have reports that a rouge naval admiral is fleeing the nation with several other vessels accompanying them. From the information we could gather from our can and string telephones, biplane bombers attacked our fleet at anchor, sinking two destroyers at the cost of shooting down two of the attacking aircraft."
"Unacceptable military loss ratio, nearly 800 sailors killed for just 2 to 4 pilots. It's not even the 7th, and you're telling me we've already lost almost a thousand sailors?!"
"Yes,my Führer-Sultan. Those facts I have just informed you about are accurate."
"Fuck. Ok then, Do we have any contact at all with the naval forces?"
"Negative sir. Smoke Signal silence has been noted with the exception of a short message which reads as follows.
Big Puff of Smoke
Three medium sized puffs of smoke
eight short puffs of smoke
Big Puff of Smoke, colored blue."
"And what the fuck does that mean, you expect to have the narrator get back to narrating after several days of absence just to pull this shit from his ass as a last minute attempt to say he's not been a lazy shit?!"
"It means, Two patrol vessels and a target ship, along with 38 other armed civilian craft are at our disposal."
"Great, throw them away, they're at our disposal."
Mugabe needed to restrain himeslf hard not to shoot Nwabi for his idiotic murmurings, as he did that, Uesugi Kensin snorted a line of cocaine through his sinuses as he rolled through the Ivanov Interweekly magazine.
"It means, you fucking dumbass of a leader, that we can utilize them in an upcoming war."
"Oh. Well fuck you too buckareeno. Has anything else occurred?"
"Not to our limited knowledge, though there have been minute pushes by militia bands that are roaming near the boarder like bandits, shall we send in the local police to fuck them up hard or easy?"
"Let them be, they're reliving the nation of idiots and cripples. I know it's a dark thing to say, It's very late right here."
"But sir, it's one in the afterno-"
"Just let me be, fuckface. And get me Captain Shithead."
With a salute, the walking joke entered thr room.
"Captain Shithead reporting for duty sir."
"You have a stupid name."
"Thank you sir."
"You're dismissed. Shithead."
With a snappy salute, the foul frontal lobe named military official left the room, taking a foul odor with him as he left, prompting Nwabi to breath once more in the cigarette clogged air thanks to Packard's dying cigarettes in the corner.
Krugeristan wrote:This is Carrie you're referring to. I'm not going to expect him to do something sane anytime soon. He can take something as simple as a sandwich, and make me never look at sandwiches with a straight face ever again.

Former Carriebeanian president Carol Dartenby sentenced to 4 years hard labor for corruption and mismanagement of state property|Former Carriebeanian president Antrés Depuís sentenced to 3 years in prison for embezzling funds and corruption

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Da Klan
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Founded: Feb 08, 2017

Postby Da Klan » Mon Jun 11, 2018 7:49 pm



"Well I'll tell you, reporter! Halifax is a load of shite, a Judas who just became a less disease ridden version of Chamberlain! I ought to say that by the time the 50s roll in, that starving fakir Gandhi will be parading on the streets -THAT WE MADE!- with some strange tricolor flag crying abut his independence! Incompetence reeks from this regime! We'd be damned if those damned Krauts led by the lunatic Hitler continued on with their disrespect of the common international laws set forth had their way I bet you Europe would be in a hellhole! And Halifax has the nerve to claim that Chamberlain and his 'Appeasement' played a role in the coup! Bullocks I say! And I hear our good man Palmer got a bullet! WHY HE WAS THE GREATEST THING THOSE DAMNED ISLAND GREEKS EVER GOT THOSE CHEEKY CUNTS! I BET YOU HALIFAX WON'T DO SHIT TO THOSE CRIMINALS I BET YOU MY WALLET!" Churchill roared. He lifted the Thompson up to his cheek, and let out some bursts towards some unlucky target. His hands shakily reached for some orange-tinted liquor and he chugged it in a single gulp.
"MISS! I NEED MORE!" he roared with an echoing burp.

The reporter hastily finished his scribbles and rushed away. Quite frankly he could not stand the wretched scent of alcohol that Winston Churchill reeked off. Normal men drink tea, and this lad has an early morning glass of brandy!

In East England, meanwhile, Oswald Mosley and his Black Shirts marched along. Another pointless parade? The local London Herald reporters made the horrid mistake of asking wannabe fascists what exactly was the meaning of this new pointless parade. Black batons turned red as chaos erupted in the streets, and that sly bastard Oswald Mosley, the damn weasel, escaped. Perhaps next time that fascist will be given justice.....

Outskirts of Nikosia, British Cyprus

3 Universal Gun Carriers grumbled along the paved road as they passed through one of the few checkpoints to enter the city. The damned island was declared in "a state of martial law" following the recent outbreak. Only British and Commonwealth forces were permitted to enter Cyprus. The soldiers looked hesitantly at the empty streets in the city as they stood on the outside from the outskirts. An armored vehicle with a red cross painted on it carrying the injured governor sped out of the cursed city and into a small operation tent. It was said that Governor Palmer grabbed a scalpel and cut his wrists when he learned that London had decided to replace him.

Palestine Mandate

To:Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
From: High Commissioner Sir Alan Cunningham

I, High Commissioner for Palestine and Transjordan Sir Alan Cunningham, tasked with the governance of the mandated territories of the Palestine and Transjordan established under League of Nations Mandate, representing the United Kingdom in the mandated territories, dutifully serving my post since the 21st of November, 1945, hereby use the authority I have received to request Parliament reconsiders the policy of following the 1939 White Papers policy, and to permit me to take up actions which shall be mentioned in this letter:

My reasoning is that due to the violent nature of the Mohammedan Arabs towards the Jewish people, we will not see a proper and peaceful independence to this historically and religiously significant region.

We must take action to limit Jewish immigration to the Mandate, as seeing that the few already here are facing much conflict. We can not shed more blood for Palestine, and it may seem counter-intuitive to reason with and accept the greater demands of the Mohammedan, but we face a great crisis of conflict with the spread of Arab nationalism.

Furthermore I would like to recommend the full banning of that bloody pseudo-biological nonsense rubbish book titled "Mein Kampf" to be sold anywhere within this Mandate. It has done nothing but encourage vile nationalism which stands against the patriotism these people should instead show to His Majesty and the Empire!

To address the issue of incorrect nationalism I wish to implement laws which state that all legal proceedings, issues, bills, educational curriculum, wares, and sales must be done in English. English shall be taught with no supplement to that Arab language.

On the issue of religion, we must enforce secularism in the Mandate at all costs and expenses. I would like to request the stationing of 150 men so that I could properly implement the following plan.

The city of Jerusalem is held dearly as it is a sacred city for three major religions. I have begun the development of a pluralistic council consisting of 100 members, 33 selected from the political groups of each major religion. I shall be the 100th member of this council, and the executive head of the city. This council will give equal representation to each of the three major religions, and allow for better interfaith discussions to occur. Hopefully this will quell the riots for now. But at the moment I am requesting 150 more men stationed in the Mandate to help add more air of security here in this damn region. Now I must return to my duties, so I hope this letter reaches you well.

Sir Alan Cunningham

Bombay, 3:30 AM

It was unusual for a ship to arrive this early in the morning, but during this time the docks would be the least crowded. That was perfect however for the forces of the Raj to establish the proper security parameters so that code name "Blood Peacock" can enter the country in secrecy. As the ship docked, unsuspecting passengers who have come for business or pleasure to the Raj waited patiently on the docks for their luggage to arrive. Of course the everyday folks had little suspicion of the extreme amounts of soldiers. They had merely assumed that seeing APCs rolling around was normal in Bombay, a city ridden with crime and pockets of rebels. After the last of the passengers and luggage was carried off, a man wrapped in a burlap sack (holes were cut to let him breathe) and chains was secretly loaded in a military vehicle and taken to a secret prison in the city of Bombay.
Subhas Chandra Bose "Blood Peacock" has been moved secretly from his prison in Gibraltar to a secret underground cell in Bombay where later on he is to be tried by the Bombay High Court.

Foreign Affairs

To: The Commonwealth Realms and Dominions of the British Empire

I hope this letter reaches you well, especially as the vultures of fascism and communism begin their descent on Europe and the world. As your prestigious selves might know, the Neo-Ottoman Empire, as they call themselves, is in a state of great war against itself. It is a civil war of great and stupid proportions. My chief concern is the Bosporus and the Dardanelles as well as Istanbul and Eastern Thrace. These regions are highly important for free trade and passage in Europe and the world, and the war is a disastrous threat to that. As it is the duty of the British Empire, the Commonwealth, and her Dominions to defend this good green Earth from savagery, I feel as though it is important that together our nations take up our heavy duty and restore order in Asia Minor.

Godspeed my good colleagues,
Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden

To: The Spanish Republic

No. Gibraltar will remain British. Good day sir.

Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden

To: Minister Shigenori Tōgō

Secretary Eden has told me of this matter and to address your concern on behalf of the entire British Empire, I would like to offer my upmost apologies. This behavior is unusual for any individual acting under authority of His Highness, and I wish to formally apologize in his stead. I will meet with Prime Minister King and inform him of the splendid relationship the Japanese and British Empire share to ensure peace and continual happiness between our respective nations. I can not express how embarrassing this is to me and the Empire, and once again I must apologize for this.

With upmost apologies,
Prime Minister Halifax

To: Prime Minister William King

I have elected to write this message to you directly ever since I have received information regarding your volatile speech that nearly cost us our good relations with the Japanese Empire. It is indeed worrying that Japan supports the Fengtian government, however unless Japan takes direct action against our collective interests in China, I will not be worried. I will authorize your troops to move into Hong Kong, but it shall be done so in small increments to not get the Japanese any more worried. On regards of matters of Canadian-British relations, I believe a meeting to discuss our bilateral relations and the topic of Newfoundland is necessary to have sometime in the near future, as well as discussion of the issue in the Neo-Ottoman Empire, which you have heard from my other message. I apologize for the brevity of my letter, but more important matters especially regarding Churchill and some vulgar comments he made of me has caught my attention. That man will bring this empire to dust. Now, I wish this letter reaches you in good health, Prime Minister.

Prime Minister Halifax

Military Affairs

British troops are to be mobilized and ready for war.

ASDIC technology is to be updated to better detect U-boats, and testing of mentioned technology is to begin on aircraft carrier HMS Argus. Furthermore, ASDIC research is to be freely distributed to all Commonwealth and Dominion states of the British Empire.

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Postby Machtergreifung » Wed Jun 13, 2018 7:03 am

January 29th, 1948
Headquarters of the International Division, Albacete

Since the end of the Civil War, Albacete had provoked comparisons from the older generation of revolutionaries to Petrograd in the first heady days of the Russian Revolution. Gone was the pressing need for winning the fight against the fascist ideology in Spain, but the men and women who had travelled from all over the world to fight for the Republic had, by and large, remained. Spain had became a haven for the Left the world over, and the newly victorious Republican government had been swift to realize their potential as something more that motivated shock troops to break Franco's frontline.

One of the first directives of the Republican Army after the civil war had burnt out had been to turn Albacete into what basically amounted to a training centre for left-leaning movements the world over. With the initial intention of propagating the revolution in Spain abroad, it had merged with Spanish foreign policy to give Spanish diplomats some weight to their words. In the eight or so years since the end of the civil war, there had been several occasions where a veiled threat of Spanish support for a particular political party had led to concessions benefitting Spain, and these successes had firmly established the International Division as a key component of the Spanish Republic.

The organization of the Division was not that of a conventional military formation, as it was not a formal part of the Republican Army. Instead, the Division was organized along national grounds, with the intention of members of each nationality working to further promote socialist ideology in their own nations. Leaders of each national contingent were elected from their peers, and each leader reported to the current Division leader, at present the exiled German Hans Kahle, who had made a name for himself in the Civil War.

In practice, the Division served as a safe haven for members of suppressed left-wing groups. It was common for high profile leaders to be in exile in Spain, and if they were not in Madrid then they often were in residence in Albacete. Underground recruitment across the world led to a steady stream of political dissents and potential revolutionaries arriving at Albacete and joining up with their national contingent in the International Division.

The prospective recruits underwent a serious training regime. The Division prided itself on a hollistic training program; it was not uncommon for new arrivals to be unable to read or write. That was immediately remedied, and then followed with an education in history and politics. Nor were the military arts neglected. A key tenant was that everyone should be prepared to fight for the revolution, and so everyone was a rifleman first and foremost. The instructors, almost all veterans of at least one revolution (but more commonly two, or even three!) were adept at identifying the most able pupils, and so it was not unheard of from a young dissident from Vietnam or Cuba or South Africa arriving at Albacete unable to read or write, and departing a year or two later with an extensive knowledge of small unit tactics and political agitation.

By the end of January, Albacete was a hive of activity, as there were several operations in motion. The Divisional camp was awash with rumours, as a steady cycle of transport aircraft took off from the airbase adjacent to the Divisional Headquarters for Madrid, carrying various national delegations for consultations with the Republican government. Eventually, after weeks of the rumour mill grinding, things started to change.

The South African Company had departed their barracks building overnight, complete with gear and personal possessions and with scarce a word of departure. This caused a great deal of buzz in the camp of the International Division ranks, as the group of mixed-race South Africans had established themselves as some of the most committed and motivated members, if not fanatical, of an organization that was already well motivated and committed to the cause.

Beyond this, most of the contingents originating in Asia had left by truck the following morning. The Malayan, Thai, Vietnamese, Filipino and Chinese brigadiers had all departed the camp. While the latter four groups were embryonic, numbering on average fifty to a hundred members, the Chinese contingent alone numbered some six hundred, almost all having fled to Spain in the face of the intermittent fighting between the various factions in China.

The departures were not greeted with sadness, instead, a new excitement swept over the barracks huts of the International Division. The time had come for those men to fight for their nation's revolution, and no doubt the call would come for the rest of them soon!

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Founded: Dec 09, 2016

Postby Hashirajima » Thu Jun 14, 2018 4:56 pm

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tokyo
January 3nd, 1948

Sipping his morning coffee, Foreign Minister Shigenori Tōgō peered curiously out of his office window, overlooking the Ministry building's main driveway, as a clearly Western man -dressed in a suit- walked up to the main entrance.

A few moments later, his secretary knocked on the door. "Mr Tōgō, the Canadian Ambassador has arrived. Shall I... have him wait at the main conference room?"

"That'll be fine. I'll join him shortly." Straightening out his suit, the minister picked up his mug and headed for the pantry. Coffee has a bad habit of staining the white ceramic if left out to dry, after all...


Shigenori entered the conference room, taking in the sight of the Canadian Ambassador seated at the table. Said individual... doesn't seem particularly pleased to be placed in his current situation. Keeping in mind the earlier-received missive from the United Kingdom, the minister took his seat across the Canadian.

"So, Ambassador Norman, I am assuming that you have heard the recent speech made by your Prime Minister...?"

IJN Air Service Training School (Oppama), Yokosuka

The air was crisp and cool, the sun just moments away from reaching the peak of its daily path across the sky. The runway that made up the training field of the IJN flight school at Oppama was abuzz with activity as technicians dragged trainer aircraft back to the hangars. Out into Tokyo Bay, one could just see the silhouette of Yokosuka's resident training carrier, Houshou.

Near the main school building, a group of cadets were excitedly chatting about the training session earlier this morning as their instructors looked on, preferring to let their trainees get that out of their system before heading back onto schedule. This class was, at least by purpose, meant to be a junior class for potential carrier pilots. Of course, with less than a month into their training, they're -for the time being- confined to the ground. Those that pass this first phase will later go on to train on the carrier. And as with all groups made up of individuals of varying personality, conflict is sure to breed to some extent.

Especially when one of the trainees was a certain cocky 47-year-old son of a Chinese warlord. Who, as usual, is loudly proclaiming how he's the best pilot in the group. All in all, a usual scene in this class for the past weeks. Only difference from before?

There was a new instructor who just arrived this week from combat rotation. A certain Warrant Officer Nishizawa, who is most definitely displeased about this year-old change in protocol to have pilots rotate between combat and training postings. Perched on a folding table as he sipped his midday tea from a standard-issue tin mug, his eyes narrowed as he watched his trainees silently. In particular, one Zhang Xueliang currently held the dubious honour of drawing his attention. Zhang, however, is not aware of his impending doom.

"I am a more capable pilot than anyone else here!" Famous last words, that will be forever engraved in the memories of the trainees in the IJN pilot training course of this year.


"I'll handle this." Waving back his fellow instructors, Nishizawa off-handedly halted the ground crew from pulling aside the last trainer aircraft as he approached the loudmouthed trainee - who is the only one to not have noticed the warrant officer now standing behind him. Zhang felt a hand land firmly on his shoulder and looked back, paling.

Nishizawa was smiling. Yet... the Chinese national had a feeling that there was little goodwill behind that smile. "Come along, let me show you something." Practically steering his trainee towards the last remaining plane - one of the navy's two-seater A6M trainer variants - the Devil of the IJN Air Service kept the smile on his face...


The two-seater prop-plane taxied to a stop, and was immediately swarmed by ground crew. Nishizawa stepped out, gave them a well-deserved salute, and sauntered off towards the training school's mess hall - pausing only to get the rest of the class moving. By the plane, Zhang barely crawled out before landing on all fours, heaving.

In the back of his mind, a voice was screaming in terror. 'ZEROES ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ABLE TO DO THAT!!!'

Port of Shanghai, KMT-held China

A man, peering over his newspaper, watched as a passenger ship from Spain arrived at the port of Shanghai and disgorged its load upon the pier. His attention has shifted, from the day's headlines to the group of young Chinese men heading towards the port city. He looked back down at his newspaper as the men passed. Hidden within the newspaper was a notebook, with telegram messages glued between the pages.

Meteor Shower Over Penang

Shooting Stars Spotted In Davao

Saigon Comet Seen By Hundreds

Nodding to himself, the non-descript man headed to the nearby telegram office.

Shanghai Witnesses B7A Flypast

Destination? A minor telegram office in Aomori.

This message joined the rest coming in from across the world, setting off a series of events in Japan.

Telegrams and Correspondences

From: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Empire of Japan
To: Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Foreign Office, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Mr Secretary,

I would like to thank you for your prompt reply, and the Japanese people are heartened by the reaffirmation of the ties between our nations. However, a matter of grave concern has come to our attention, one which would have far-reaching impact on the balance of power in Europe. It is in view of our relations that we feel a discussion regarding this matter is of utmost urgency.

As a indication towards the nature of this issue, let us say that we have - in light of your nation's relations with the Iberian Peninsula - noticed with concern certain notable flows of human traffic in the recent months.

I will be calling on your envoy to Japan at the earliest convenience.

Shigenori Tōgō
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Empire of Japan
The Independent Naval Province of Hashirajima | Parliamentary Republic | NS Stats | Fan. Alt. His.
"Let every man do his utmost duty." ~ Heihachiro Togo
Population: 7,033,894 | Area: 101.35 km2 (39.13 sq mi) | Location: Earth, East Asia, Seto Inland Sea [34°01'11.0"N 132°24'45.3"E]
Excidium Planetis Index: Tier 6; Level 3; Type 5 | MT+ | Current Year: 2020
Office of Embassy Protocol | The Hashirajima Times
Commander-in-Chief (Head of State): ADM Yamato (BB)
Prime Minister: ADM (Ret.) Ichiro Goto
WA Representative: Kongou, Ambassador-at-Large
Media Representative: Aoba (CA), Editor-in-Chief, Hashirajima Times
Full Profiles

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Newne Carriebean7
Posts: 6721
Founded: Aug 08, 2015
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Newne Carriebean7 » Thu Jun 14, 2018 9:45 pm

Insane Ottoman Empire
January 15th, 1948

Emergency Head of State Josef Gobbles pointed square on a map of the ottoman empire he had ripped from a history book and gotten back from the local printing press as a more enlarged and distorted version. As he sneered down at the gathered military minds, some of the most insane individuals had gathered together in the room, and since the narrator lost the paper he was writing down who the fuck was on the military coup's side, he'll have to wing most of this post out.
"Commissar for The Imperial Ottoman Army and Ambassador Wilhelmina Packard has been placed under arrest and is now being held under house arrest at her local residence." Economic Comissar and Head of government Clochard Des Senges boomed, his voice hardly concealing his giddiness and jovial attitude twoards the entire military coup that had scarecly happened a few days prior.
"That is all fine and dandy, Commissar, but I have a few concerns, our military tactics that we've been taking... these battle plans seem to have been previously drawn by Uesugi Kensin, the nation's most brilliant mind, and that's not saying much, he nuked a shit ton of places in some other roleplay where he had a crush on Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, just wanted to say the name. These plans have been altered by Nwabi before the coup took place. Do we still carry these plans out?"
"Well, Gobbles, I'd say we could stand to launch human wave assaults instead of his plan to march men one at a time until they get through the enemy positions,that's actually sensible military strategy."
"Human wave assaults with our thousands upon thousands of insane imbesiles that inject icelandic intelligence in their eyes. I know I fucked up the last allteriation with an e, fuck you elmo."
"Right... and I'm as gay as Kensin and Ivanov, oh wait, Ivanov's straight! Now what the fuck are we going to do about that battleship?"
"What battleship? you mean Operation Tigrus? I'm going to need a waffle with written wordings on what the watermellon of waldo is Operation Tigrus. Make that snappy, I havent eaten breakfast at all today."
A nearby aide wearing a Neville Chamberlain mask saluted before muttering the words:"Pie in our time!"

After eight minutes of the Chamberlain masked man frantically attempting to find Munich so he could have a summit with adolf hitler over the fate of chezaslovakia, a letter was given to Gobbles, who read it slowly because of his shit eyesight.
"A naval bombardment of any island within one nautical mile of the naval flotila and within accurate naval bombardment range with no more than one salvo of all main turrets from the main ships, Main objective of Operation Tigrus is to drag the United Kingdom into a war with the Ottoman Empire, and the seizure of the Island of Itty Bitty Ottoman Empire, or cyprus. Also important is the seizure of the Island of Crete, or Itsy Bitsy Ottoman Empire, not to be confused with the Crimeian Pensiula, which is called Itty Bitty Shitty Slavic Ottoman Empire. This order is hearby given the seal of approval, effective January 1st, 1945, to be activated within three years, and the subsequent sortie order signed out by Captain Sulieman Jager Hussein with a cigarette burn because of his love of smoking valid as a signature."
Gobbles walked over to a telephone, punching in a number and looking at Battery 42-D, a total of three 10 inch naval guns dating from the great war.
"Battery 42-D reporting."
"Get your asses out of bed and prepare all cannons, set range at 2200 meters and prepare to open fire on the approaching battlecruiser!"
"What battlecrui-"
The line was cut abrutly, as Gobbles quickly assumed the worst, punching in another number and getting another artillery battery.
"Battery 42-E reporting. We're under attack, what are our order-"
"Fucking shoot at the goddamn battleship!"
"Yes sir."

After a total of ten minutes, a note was passed to Gobbles, who threw up all over the table, getting shiny coat of vomit all over the fine oak.
"We...We blew up a british warship... The bodies are still being counted but they're in the hundreds, I thought we closed off the strait?! Why the hell was a british warship doing in the straight? Get me Churchill!"

TO: British fucker Halifax
FROM: Ambassador Clochard Des Senges of the Insane Ottoman Empire

Whoops, we accidentally blew up one of your naval vessels. The dead count has currently numbered over 600. Our military's fucking trigger happy, I'd be more than welcome to simply bribe you to forget this thing from happening, water under the bridge, and water under the dead sailors and sunken naval property of the United Kingdom, but what's the difference, eh? We're wondering if you would love to accept a bribe, I mean notbribe of 30,000,000 Lyira so that you don't blow us the fuck up, and if not we'll even cover the cost of a memorial to the lost ship made from Popsicle sticks, the imagination of a six year old and paternal pressure to do their best in school.

Battery 42-E
ArtillerieKapitan Hafiz Bin Kaza's mind was melting, he had a phone call that ended with your usual Gobbles temper losing and him telling him to foul mouthed shoot at some ship, an everyday occurrence really, he was amazed at the amount of bribe money that was passed to diplomats as "apologies" for the occasional British warship being blown up by the guns or mines. With a snap to attention, he soon addressed the artillery crew at his disposal, a total of 30 soldiers, with several rushing down to grab the large 10 inch shells from the magazine while other rushed to grab the needed three bags of powder that went in behind the round to get it to shoot, all the while another few were making shitty calculations based on the number of Latin radio soap operas they had seen and correlated that number with a multiplication of two, therefore getting the range in inches. A total of 140,000 inches to target.
"Cannons make ready to fire, pick your targets!"
Then from his lookout post, he spotted a lumbering, slow ship that was assumed to be the hated Turkish battlecruiser at it gradually made it's way through the strait. As the gears creaked on the main cannons, they swung around to prepare to shoot, each of them traversing and elevating differently but all reaching their cross hairs on the battleship.
"On my order,Fire!"
A deafening Boom was heard, one after the other until all three shots screamed out the barrel of the gun towards the shadowy ship. He expected the rounds to merely hit the waterline of whatever vessel was there, expecting clouds of water. What he got instead was a shocking massive fireball the soared into the air as the unknown vessel was torn apart by the force of the explosions from the rounds impacting it. The men manning the guns let out a triumphant cheer, all except Kaza, who remained cautiously hopeful until he noticed a looming shadow in the midst. As a pair of light flashes were seen from the shadow, he instinctively ducked down as massive explosions uprooted the first rotating artillery piece into the air, tossing it into the sea as another impacted behind the military installation, throwing debris and priceless mini cupcakes everywhere.
"It's the Enemy!" The scout bellowed out as the men rushed off. Kaza rushed down to the water's end and noticed a sailor's cap on the destroyed vessel, picking it up, he inspected the name with a shocked look of horror on his face, quickly dropping it to reveal to the audience the name "Royal Navy."

I.O.E-O.E Boarder town of Nicomedia
The match struck down on the head of the box,propelling the chemical reaction forwards as a small light illuminated the vast open field which the 2nd Machine Gunner Dumbasses Regiment was to be defending. It was a total of just five machine guns and only fifteen total soldiers, they had orders to defend a relatively newly developing section of the front line, as the military commanders saw a minute importance to such a high level position, knowing that you can make the best paper air planes if you hold the mountain with the wind, enabling longer flights for the new Ottoman Empire Air force that was developing. The infant program of the opposing Insane Islamic Grandmamas and Farting Propulsion, or IIIGFP, (not catchy, I know) needed this hill to launch their old women via slingshots, with the hill promoting a vast field of view and the bonus factor of it being close to retirement homes that had not been shelled due to enemy inaccurate fire and mostly attributed to general incompetence. With those old people homes, an almost unlimited supply of wrinkly conscription bombers could be gotten.

Both sides had conflicting reasons for controlling such a strategic spot on the overarching battlefield, an while this battle may not win the war, it may demonstrate the fighting capabilities of both sides, which had been restricted to girlish gossiping by the local newspapers and some playful shoving akin to a fake advertisement on some television show, whatever the hell television was. Witchcraft for all turkish people, as far as their limited cranial capacitors could cram down their cooling little cores of Charley horses.

Anyways, the narrator is getting off track, this is a story of Machine Gunner Manuel Nwarngo. His age is 20 years old and he is a homosexual, the usual occurrence within the Ottoman Empire's disorganized hell hole of an armed force, if you could even locate a moving limb to take command. Nwargo slid down into the trench, chewing on the pre manufactured jerky chair that had been shipped out to the front line as a morale booster. With a quick stare at the little heart shaped Kensin-Ivanov pocket watch that came free with every purchase of Kensin Nuclear Chicken (KNC), he took in a deep drag from his cigarette before turning to the front line, noticing strange movements coming from their more insane neighbors on the other side.
"Jafiz, I want all men prepared on those guns, how many bullets do we have on these ancient shits?"
With the revealing of a pencil from his pocket, the scrawny stereotypical jackass counted each individual bullet, the assault by the opposite side frequently being postponed by a disagreement on what words to shout while running towards the enemy positions.

As Nwarngo listened to the various suggestions shouted by the enemy, he got out a piece of paper and wrote them all down before crossing each out as a disagreement was hammered out amidst a girlish squeal from several less prepared members.
Ten no hicksa Bonza Beans
Tempura Hickory Baconzilla
Ten,no,hicka, Boring
Tenohicka-fuck it just yell and charge
When he heard the fourth name, he had a mental note of "oh shit" before rushing down to the machine gunners from the exposed railing, to which no shots had been fired from the ill equipped insanists on the illiterate igloos in Ireland.
As he rushed to his position, he notified the men with calm taps on the shoulders, a special consueling session between the two and a dramatic familiar reveal of his true bullet boyfriend before sprinting to the machine gun.
With a long, hard stare that was akin to Spaatz hunting with some furry guy in a suit that he shoots for fun, he fit the long strip of actual ammunition into the slot where the ammunition go-magazine dumbass. With a triumphant shot in the background, the narrator successfully vanquished the OCD nanny named Martha who was a figment of his insane imagination.
"Men, prepare for assignment!"
"I dont wanna take a test." Whined the unamed second machine gunner, getting his only line and quote at all.
"Fuck you, that's an order."
With a salute, all machine gunners prepared to unleash hell upon the militia force of thousands when Nwarngo spotted something that made him chuckle. As the large blob of soldiers continued, he noticed a group explode, killing around a platoon's worth of enemy soldiers. He peered through his now established binoculars because fuck constituency, amiright or amiright? I'm wrong? Well fuck you. After the narrator firmly slapped himself for talking to himself, he continued narrating, even this little bit where the narrator talks to himself in the third person. Meta.

"Hey soldiers, at ease, I wanna have you guys see the enemy's advance, they're completely incompetent, and that's saying something, Our side's got a machine gunner who's completely blind. Don't ask me how he got in, communism, that's how. Look!"

With a turn of the head, the now resting squad of troops noticed over a hundred enemy soldiers march radically and insanely in a congo line, bayonets merely inches from each man's face saying 'cha cha cha and everything' until one of the enemy soldiers tripped and made the biggest kebab of dead turks since thanksgiving.
"These guys, I've heard of incompetence, but this is a new level of incompetence even for me! All soldiers, break out the cards and waffles, we'll just toast marshmallows and tell scary stories until we stop hearing their bitching theme song."
"What theme song?"
"Sorry, until we hear their theme song."
After a good ten minutes of playing cards and getting wasted off their asses with complimentary shots of fresh bourbon and communist tequila, the intoxicated infidels high on the wordings of karl marx and fredrich engles turned towards the front line, where not a soul was standing, with over three thousand corpses slowly decomposing in the rotting sun.
With a slight shrug, Nwarngo turned to Jafiz and muttered.
Krugeristan wrote:This is Carrie you're referring to. I'm not going to expect him to do something sane anytime soon. He can take something as simple as a sandwich, and make me never look at sandwiches with a straight face ever again.

Former Carriebeanian president Carol Dartenby sentenced to 4 years hard labor for corruption and mismanagement of state property|Former Carriebeanian president Antrés Depuís sentenced to 3 years in prison for embezzling funds and corruption



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