[Draft] Just Keep Swimming

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The Kind-of-United States
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[Draft] Just Keep Swimming

Postby The Kind-of-United States » Sun May 27, 2018 8:09 am

[validity] Must have internet. Must have medium to high scientific innovation.
[description] The popular game Swimmy Fish has been sweeping the nation. In it, players dodge strands of kelp to try and get a high score. Although it was meant to be a fun past-time, it is taking over people's lives. Eventually it was removed from the Game Store, stopping anyone from downloading the game.

[option 1] "This game should be available to all!" says @@RANDOMNAME@@, walking into your office and sticking a phone in front of you with Swimmy Fish playing. Despite yourself, you start clicking to try and get to 100. "You can't stop people from playing whatever games they want. It's violating free speech. Force this game to be back in the Game Store. There may be some--um, attention issues, but isn't that a small price to pay for freedom?"
[effect] There's been an upswing in traffic accidents as people play Swimmy Fish while driving

[option 2] "No, no, no, no, NO!" screams @@RANDOMNAME@@, an overworked doctor in central @@CITY@@. "This game's a menace! Do you know how many people get hurt a DAY playing these things? I can tell you. My wards are full of idiots--erm, patients--who wanted to get the highest score." @@HE@@ snatches the phone out of your hands, depriving you of your high score. "Let this game remain banned! In fact, ban cellphones and handhelds altogether for the good of @@NAME@@!"
[effect] Calling an ambulance requires running into a house and using their landline

[option 3] "I have a compromise," states programmer @@RANDOMNAME@@, putting the final touches on a game about pooping ducks. "Don't bother bringing back Swimmy Fish. It'd be too big a deal. Just let other gamers make their own versions! Super Swimmy Fish, Diggy Mole, stuff like that. This way, new programmers can have chances to shine, and Swimmy Fish will be a thing of the past. Problem solved!"
[effect] Gamers argue over the merits of Super CraftMine versus Ultra CraftMine

[validity] Must have internet. Must have medium to high scientific innovation.
[description] The popular game Swimmy Fish has been sweeping the nation. In it, players dodge strands of kelp to try and get a high score. Although meant to be a fun past-time, industry levels have dropped as people stay home to play it instead of working. After a well-publicized incident where a man playing Swimmy Fish forgot to eat and starved to death, the issue is finally being raised in your office.

[option 1] "No, no, no, no, NO!" screams @@RANDOMNAME@@, an overworked doctor in central @@CITY@@. "This game's a menace! Do you know how many people get hurt a DAY playing these things? I can tell you. My wards are full of idiots--erm, patients--who didn't pay attention to the traffic lights." @@HE@@ snatches the phone out of your hands, depriving you of your high score. "Ban this game from the market! In fact, ban cellphones and handhelds altogether for the good of @@NAME@@! We must focus our attention on what needs it--like watching for potholes in the road."
[effect] Calling an ambulance requires running into a house and using their landline

[option 2] "This game should be available to all!" says @@RANDOMNAME@@, walking into your office and sticking another phone in front of you. Despite yourself, you start clicking to try and get to 100. "You can't stop people from playing whatever games they want. It's violating free speech. Plus, this game is super fun! I'd lose my high score if it was banned. There may be some--um, attention issues, but isn't that a small price to pay for freedom?"
[effect] A wave of traffic accidents crushes @@NAME@@ as people play Swimmy Fish while driving

[option 3] "I have a compromise," states programmer @@RANDOMNAME@@, putting the final touches on a game about pooping ducks. "Go ahead and ban Swimmy Fish. No big deal. Just let other gamers make their own versions! Super Swimmy Fish, Diggy Mole, stuff like that. This way, new programmers can have chances to shine, and Swimmy Fish will be a thing of the past. Problem solved!"
[effect] A flood of CraftMine ripoffs drown the Game Store

[option 4] "You're looking at this the wrong way," says businessman @@RANDOMNAME@@, pushing the rest out of the way. "Games don't distract people, people distract people. What we need to do is stick down a few laws. Maybe people can only play Swimmy Fish after work hours--say, from seven to nine at night. If anyone doesn't comply, you can chomp them. It may cause some inconvenience, but it'll get people back to work. And isn't @@MAJORINDUSTRY@@ what @@NAME@@ is really about?"
[effect] Riots in the street chant for "Swimmy Freedom"

[description] The popular game Swimmy Fish has been sweeping the nation. In it, players dodge strands of kelp to try and get a high score. Although meant to be a fun pastime, productivity levels have dropped as people stay home, playing Swimmy Fish instead of working. After a well-publicized incident where a man playing Swimmy Fish forgot to eat and starved to death, the issue has finally gained national attention.
[validity] Must have internet. Must have medium to high scientific advancement.

[option 1] "No, no, no, no, NO!" screams @@RANDOMNAME@@, an overworked doctor in central @@CITY@@. "This game's a menace! Do you know how many people get hurt a DAY playing these things? I can tell you. My wards are full of idiots--erm, patients--who didn't pay attention to the traffic lights." @@HE@@ snatches the phone out of your hands, depriving you of your high score. "Ban this game from the market! In fact, ban cellphones and handhelds altogether for the good of @@NAME@@! We must focus our attention on what needs it--like watching for potholes in the road."
[effect] Calling an ambulance requires running into a house and using their landline

[option 2] "This game should be available to all!" says @@RANDOMNAME@@, walking into your office and sticking another phone in front of you. Despite yourself, you start clicking to try and get to 100. "You can't stop people from playing whatever games they want. It's violating free speech. Plus, this game is super fun! I'd lose my high score if it was banned. There may be some--um, attention issues, but isn't that a small price to pay for freedom?"
[effect] A wave of traffic accidents crushes @@NAME@@ as people play Swimmy Fish while driving

[option 3] "I have a compromise," states programmer @@RANDOMNAME@@, putting the final touches on a game about pooping ducks. "Go ahead and ban Swimmy Fish. No big deal. Just let other gamers make their own versions! Super Swimmy Fish, Diggy Mole, stuff like that. This way, new programmers can have chances to shine, and Swimmy Fish will be a thing of the past. Problem solved!"
[effect] A flood of CraftMine ripoffs drown the Game Store

[option 4] "You're looking at this the wrong way," says businessman @@RANDOMNAME@@, pushing the rest out of the way. "Games don't distract people, people distract people. What we need to do is stick down a few laws. Maybe people can only play Swimmy Fish after work hours--say, from seven to nine at night. If anyone doesn't comply, you can chomp them. It may cause some inconvenience, but it'll get people back to work. And isn't @@MAJORINDUSTRY@@ what @@NAME@@ is really about?"
[effect] Riots in the street chant for "Swimmy Freedom"

[description] The popular game Swimmy Fish has swept the nation. In it, players dodge strands of kelp to try and get a high score. Although meant to be a fun past-time, factory productivity levels have plummeted as people stay home, playing Swimmy Fish instead of working. After a well-publicized incident where a man playing Swimmy Fish forgot to eat and starved to death, the issue has finally gained national attention.
[validity] Must have internet. Must have medium to high scientific advancement.

[option 1] "You must stop this game!" pleads @@RANDOMFEMALENAME@@, the distressed mother of two teens, one of which has accompanied her to the office. He, however, is staring at his phone screen. "I haven't been able to recognize my son since he started playing this abomination. His grades are dropping! He won't listen to me, or anyone--all he does is keep tapping on that screen of his!" She waves her hand in front of his face, but he ignores her. "Ban this game from phones! In fact, ban smartphones altogether! That way, we might have a more attentive populace.
[effect] Calling an ambulance requires running into a house and using their landline

[option 2] "Why are you even considering that?" says @@RANDOMNAME@@, a prolific gamer, walking into your office and sticking a phone in front of you. Despite yourself, you start clicking to try and get to 100. "You can't stop people from playing whatever games they want. It's violating free speech. Plus, this game is super fun! I'd lose my high score if it was banned. There may be some--um, attention issues, but isn't that a small price to pay for freedom?"
[effect] A wave of traffic accidents crushes @@NAME@@ as people play Swimmy Fish while driving

[option 3] "I have a compromise," states programmer @@RANDOMNAME@@, putting the final touches on a game about pooping ducks. "Go ahead and ban Swimmy Fish. No big deal. Just let other gamers make their own versions! Super Swimmy Fish, Diggy Mole, stuff like that. This way, new programmers can have chances to shine, and Swimmy Fish will be a thing of the past. Problem solved!"
[effect] A flood of CraftMine ripoffs drown the Game Store

[option 4] "You're looking at this the wrong way," says businessman @@RANDOMNAME@@, pushing the rest out of the way. "Games don't distract people, people distract people. What we need to do is stick down a few laws. Maybe people can only play Swimmy Fish after work hours--say, from seven to nine at night. If anyone doesn't comply, you can chomp them. It may cause some inconvenience, but it'll get people back to work. And isn't @@MAJORINDUSTRY@@ what @@NAME@@ is really about?"
[effect] Riots in the street chant for "Swimmy Freedom"

[description] The popular game Swimmy Fish has swept the nation. In it, players dodge strands of kelp to try and get a high score. Although meant to be a fun past-time, factory productivity levels have plummeted as people stay home, playing Swimmy Fish instead of working. After a well-publicized incident where a man playing Swimmy Fish forgot to eat and starved to death, the issue has finally gained national attention.
[validity] Must have internet. Must have medium to high scientific advancement.

[option 1] "You must stop this game!" pleads @@RANDOMFEMALENAME@@, the distressed mother of two teens, one of which has accompanied her to the office. He, however, is staring at his phone screen. "I haven't been able to recognize my son since he started playing this abomination. His grades are dropping! He won't listen to me, or anyone--all he does is keep tapping on that screen of his!" She waves her hand in front of his face, but he ignores her. "Ban this game from phones! In fact, ban smartphones altogether! That way, we might have a more attentive populace.
[effect] Calling an ambulance requires running into a house and using their landline

[option 2] "Okay, I admit there have been some problems," says @@RANDOMNAME@@, programmer of Swimmy Fish, walking into your office and sticking a phone in front of you. Despite yourself, you start clicking to try and get to 100. "But you can't ban this game! It's not my fault if some people have never heard of time management. I would lose all my money--I mean, people would lose this amazing opportunity! Give people the freedom to play any games they want. Including mine, of course."
[effect] A wave of traffic accidents crushes @@NAME@@ as people play Swimmy Fish while driving

[option 3] "I have a compromise," states programmer @@RANDOMNAME@@, putting the final touches on a game about pooping ducks. "Go ahead and ban Swimmy Fish. No big deal. Just let other gamers make their own versions! Super Swimmy Fish, Diggy Mole, stuff like that. This way, new programmers can have chances to shine, and Swimmy Fish will be a thing of the past. Problem solved!"
[effect] A flood of CraftMine ripoffs drown the Game Store

[option 4] "You're looking at this the wrong way," says businessman @@RANDOMNAME@@, pushing the rest out of the way. "Nothing was ever solved without sticking down a few laws. You don't have to ban the game entirely, that would cause outrage. Just make people only play Swimmy Fish after work hours--say, from seven to nine at night. It may cause some inconvenience, but it'll get people back to work. And isn't @@MAJORINDUSTRY@@ what @@NAME@@ is really about?"
[effect] Riots in the street chant for "Swimmy Freedom"

[description] The popular game Swimmy Fish has swept the nation. In it, players dodge strands of kelp to try and get a high score. Although meant to be a fun past-time, people have started playing it everywhere--including places where attention is required. After a man playing Swimmy Fish fell into a pothole, the issue has finally gained national attention.
[validity] Must have internet. Must have medium to high scientific advancement.

[option 1] "You must stop this game!" pleads @@RANDOMFEMALENAME@@, the distressed mother of two teens, one of which has accompanied her to the office. He, however, is staring at his phone screen. "I haven't been able to recognize my son since he started playing this abomination. His grades are dropping! He won't listen to me, or anyone--all he does is keep tapping on that screen of his!" She waves her hand in front of his face, but he ignores her. "Ban this game from phones! In fact, ban smartphones altogether! That way, we might have people see the real obstacles instead of those inside a phone."
[effect] Calling an ambulance requires running into a house and using their landline

[option 2] "Okay, I admit there have been some problems," says @@RANDOMNAME@@, programmer of Swimmy Fish, walking into your office and sticking a phone in front of you. Despite yourself, you start clicking to try and get to 100. "But you can't ban this game! It's not my fault if some people have never heard of time management. I would lose all my money--I mean, people would lose this amazing opportunity! Give people the freedom to play any games they want. Including mine, of course."
[effect] A wave of traffic accidents crushes @@NAME@@ as people play Swimmy Fish while driving

[option 3] "I have a compromise," says businessman @@RANDOMNAME@@, pushing the others out of the way. "Nothing was ever solved without sticking down a few laws. Don't ban the game, just tax it. Anything can be taxed! All players should pay you an hourly fine. If they don't comply, bring out some police and bash some heads! Some cheapos might not like it, but there will be money in your pocket. And isn't government opulence what this country really needs?"
[effect] Rebels dump phones with Swimmy Fish into the @@CITY@@ harbor
Last edited by The Kind-of-United States on Tue Jun 05, 2018 8:59 am, edited 9 times in total.
"There are a great many people in the country today, who through no fault of their own, are sane. Some of them were born sane, while others became sane later in their lives. It is up to people like us, who are out of our tiny little minds, to help them overcome their sanity." --Monty Python's Flying Circus

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Victoriaans Nederlands
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Postby Victoriaans Nederlands » Sun May 27, 2018 8:45 am

Ooh, nice one! I love the Finding Nemo reference. With that said, there can be more:

- For Option 2, instead of out of your hands, maybe have the doctor take the phone from his son (bring your kid to work day?). In reference to Marlin being too overly protective towards Nemo.

- For Option 1, maybe a different effect line. My suggestion would be "traffic jams swept the nation with waves of distracted drivers".

- For Option 3, again, just a suggestion for the effect line: "there are plenty of rip-offs in the sea of apps"

All the best with your issue!
Last edited by Victoriaans Nederlands on Sun May 27, 2018 8:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Using an image sourced from a cartoon, intended for the young, for a country's flag is a close approximation of using anime photos as PfP's on YouTube. Seriously, you need to learn vexillology, kid.
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Chan Island
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Postby Chan Island » Sun May 27, 2018 11:27 am

As far as I'm concerned, the description there is describing a past situation and almost concluding "arn't we glad that's over". It isn't really showing where the controversy is, and is pretty confident one position is right. I'd alter it.
Conserative Morality wrote:"It's not time yet" is a tactic used by reactionaries in every era. "It's not time for democracy, it's not time for capitalism, it's not time for emancipation." Of course it's not time. It's never time, not on its own. You make it time. If you're under fire in the no-man's land of WW1, you start digging a foxhole even if the ideal time would be when you *aren't* being bombarded, because once you wait for it to be 'time', other situations will need your attention, assuming you survive that long. If the fields aren't furrowed, plow them. If the iron is not hot, make it so. If society is not ready, change it.

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Australian rePublic
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Postby Australian rePublic » Sun May 27, 2018 2:53 pm

I don't know how true this is, but apparently people were literally killing eachother over it
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Altmer Dominion
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Postby Altmer Dominion » Sun May 27, 2018 2:56 pm

Australian rePublic wrote:I don't know how true this is, but apparently people were literally killing eachother over it

Assuming 'Swimmy Fish' = 'Flappy Bird', I don't remember any stories about that.
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The Official United Nations
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Postby The Official United Nations » Sun May 27, 2018 4:10 pm

The description could elaborate on how the game was 'taking over' people's lives. What was happening to these people?

Also, was it removed from the Store due to the problems it caused? Or is removing games eventually merely standard procedure for that store?

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Frieden-und Freudenland
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Postby Frieden-und Freudenland » Mon May 28, 2018 1:04 am

There was an issue about a different mobile game craze: Maxemon Woah (Pokemon Go).

I hope that doesn't cause a problem.
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Chan Island
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Postby Chan Island » Mon May 28, 2018 10:40 am

Frieden-und Freudenland wrote:There was an issue about a different mobile game craze: Maxemon Woah (Pokemon Go).

I hope that doesn't cause a problem.

If memory serves, the concern in that one was people wandering into dangerous situations playing the game. This is sufficiently different.
Conserative Morality wrote:"It's not time yet" is a tactic used by reactionaries in every era. "It's not time for democracy, it's not time for capitalism, it's not time for emancipation." Of course it's not time. It's never time, not on its own. You make it time. If you're under fire in the no-man's land of WW1, you start digging a foxhole even if the ideal time would be when you *aren't* being bombarded, because once you wait for it to be 'time', other situations will need your attention, assuming you survive that long. If the fields aren't furrowed, plow them. If the iron is not hot, make it so. If society is not ready, change it.

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The Official United Nations
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Postby The Official United Nations » Mon May 28, 2018 4:01 pm

To be fair, the issue as it stands seems mostly involve the game being in some way 'inconvenient.' It could do more to distinguish itself from the Pokémon Go issue.

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The Kind-of-United States
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Postby The Kind-of-United States » Tue May 29, 2018 4:31 am

I updated the draft pretty drastically, adding a fourth option. I already knew about the Maxemon Woah issue and was trying to stay away from that, and I think the revisions helped distinguish it. This one is more about it being a distraction from life instead of a fun game. Tell me if you think I accomplished that or if it needs more work.

And I don't think anyone was killed over Flappy Bird, although it DID wreck some people's lives.
"There are a great many people in the country today, who through no fault of their own, are sane. Some of them were born sane, while others became sane later in their lives. It is up to people like us, who are out of our tiny little minds, to help them overcome their sanity." --Monty Python's Flying Circus

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The Kind-of-United States
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Postby The Kind-of-United States » Tue May 29, 2018 9:27 am

I've made the changes, anything else i should add?
"There are a great many people in the country today, who through no fault of their own, are sane. Some of them were born sane, while others became sane later in their lives. It is up to people like us, who are out of our tiny little minds, to help them overcome their sanity." --Monty Python's Flying Circus

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The Kind-of-United States
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Postby The Kind-of-United States » Wed May 30, 2018 10:00 am

I keep hearing I should wait for a week before sending. But nobody ever looks at stuff after it gets off the first page, so people might just not have noticed it. Point is, after the first page, I feel like nobody notices your post. Is this true or not? Should I just relax?
"There are a great many people in the country today, who through no fault of their own, are sane. Some of them were born sane, while others became sane later in their lives. It is up to people like us, who are out of our tiny little minds, to help them overcome their sanity." --Monty Python's Flying Circus

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Postby Jutsa » Wed May 30, 2018 10:13 am

Well, some people wait only about a week, and, especially if you've done this for a while, you're probably good to go.

Personally, I prefer to wait a month — two if I end up having to make a major update to one or something.
Still, having a draft up for no less than* a couple weeks is probably OK if nobody's finding anything wrong with your draft.
Last edited by Jutsa on Wed May 30, 2018 10:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
You're welcome to telegram me any questions you have of the game. Unless I've CTE'd (ceased to exist) - then you physically can't do that.

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Postby Candensia » Wed May 30, 2018 10:36 am

Heyo. I shall look into your premise. Brace yourself. ;)

[validity] Must have internet. Must have medium to high scientific innovation.
[description] The popular game Swimmy Fish has been sweeping the nation. In it, players dodge strands of kelp to try and get a high score. Although meant to be a fun past-time, industry levels have dropped as people stay home to play it instead of working. After a well-publicized incident where a man playing Swimmy Fish forgot to eat and starved to death, the issue is finally being raised in your office.

Looks interesting enough, but let's clean up some things.

[validity] Must have internet. Must have medium to high scientific innovation.

Generally, the validity is listed after your premise/introduction. Additionally, I can make an educated guess and understand that you meant scientific advancement, but I'm OCD and I can't help myself.

[description] The popular game Swimmy Fish has been sweeping the nation. In it, players dodge strands of kelp to try and get a high score. Although meant to be a fun past-time, industry levels have dropped as people stay home to play it instead of working. After a well-publicized incident where a man playing Swimmy Fish forgot to eat and starved to death, the issue is finally being raised in your office.

This is somewhat wonky from a grammatical standpoint, I shall do some spot-cleaning for you. "Industry levels" is somewhat of a weird term. I've heard of output levels dropping, I've heard of productivity dropping, but I don't think I've heard of "industry levels". I shall clean this up. My changes are simply suggestions, and they shall be marked in this color.

[description] The popular game, Swimmy Fish, has swept the nation. In it, players dodge strands of kelp to try and get a high score. Although meant to be a fun pastime, productivity has suffered as people stay home, playing instead of working. After a well-publicized incident where a man playing Swimmy Fish forgot to eat and starved to death, the issue has finally gained national attention.

Once again, these are just suggestions for you. You've got a good imagination, I sense your talent, and I wish you the best of luck. :p
Last edited by Candensia on Wed May 30, 2018 10:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
The Free Joy State wrote:Time spent working on writing skills -- even if the draft doesn't work -- is never wasted.

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The Kind-of-United States
Posts: 56
Founded: Feb 13, 2018

Postby The Kind-of-United States » Wed May 30, 2018 10:49 am

Candensia wrote:Heyo. I shall look into your premise. Brace yourself. ;)

[validity] Must have internet. Must have medium to high scientific innovation.
[description] The popular game Swimmy Fish has been sweeping the nation. In it, players dodge strands of kelp to try and get a high score. Although meant to be a fun past-time, industry levels have dropped as people stay home to play it instead of working. After a well-publicized incident where a man playing Swimmy Fish forgot to eat and starved to death, the issue is finally being raised in your office.

Looks interesting enough, but let's clean up some things.

[validity] Must have internet. Must have medium to high scientific innovation.

Generally, the validity is listed after your premise/introduction. Additionally, I can make an educated guess and understand that you meant scientific advancement, but I'm OCD and I can't help myself.

[description] The popular game Swimmy Fish has been sweeping the nation. In it, players dodge strands of kelp to try and get a high score. Although meant to be a fun past-time, industry levels have dropped as people stay home to play it instead of working. After a well-publicized incident where a man playing Swimmy Fish forgot to eat and starved to death, the issue is finally being raised in your office.

This is somewhat wonky from a grammatical standpoint, I shall do some spot-cleaning for you. "Industry levels" is somewhat of a weird term. I've heard of output levels dropping, I've heard of productivity dropping, but I don't think I've heard of "industry levels". I shall clean this up. My changes are simply suggestions, and they shall be marked in this color.

[description] The popular game, Swimmy Fish, has swept the nation. In it, players dodge strands of kelp to try and get a high score. Although meant to be a fun pastime, productivity has suffered as people stay home, playing instead of working. After a well-publicized incident where a man playing Swimmy Fish forgot to eat and starved to death, the issue has finally gained national attention.

Once again, these are just suggestions for you. You've got a good imagination, I sense your talent, and I wish you the best of luck. :p

Thanks, I shall make the changes. I am not OCD, but am a grammar and spelling cop, helping mostly ungrateful peers. I understand your dilemma.
"There are a great many people in the country today, who through no fault of their own, are sane. Some of them were born sane, while others became sane later in their lives. It is up to people like us, who are out of our tiny little minds, to help them overcome their sanity." --Monty Python's Flying Circus

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Chan Island
Posts: 6824
Founded: Nov 26, 2015

Postby Chan Island » Wed May 30, 2018 11:06 am

Not a fan of this first option. The thing that made this different from the Maxtemon issue was that this was addressing the time void and how it takes over peoples's lives. But instead you've made it be about people not paying attention to their surroundings, exactly the same thing was what is occurring in the existing issue!
Conserative Morality wrote:"It's not time yet" is a tactic used by reactionaries in every era. "It's not time for democracy, it's not time for capitalism, it's not time for emancipation." Of course it's not time. It's never time, not on its own. You make it time. If you're under fire in the no-man's land of WW1, you start digging a foxhole even if the ideal time would be when you *aren't* being bombarded, because once you wait for it to be 'time', other situations will need your attention, assuming you survive that long. If the fields aren't furrowed, plow them. If the iron is not hot, make it so. If society is not ready, change it.

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The Kind-of-United States
Posts: 56
Founded: Feb 13, 2018

Postby The Kind-of-United States » Wed May 30, 2018 11:57 am

Chan Island wrote:Not a fan of this first option. The thing that made this different from the Maxtemon issue was that this was addressing the time void and how it takes over peoples's lives. But instead you've made it be about people not paying attention to their surroundings, exactly the same thing was what is occurring in the existing issue!

I could try replacing that issue with something else, maybe a concerned parent? I know lots of parents are really annoyed about the gaming boom.
"There are a great many people in the country today, who through no fault of their own, are sane. Some of them were born sane, while others became sane later in their lives. It is up to people like us, who are out of our tiny little minds, to help them overcome their sanity." --Monty Python's Flying Circus

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Postby HPLUS » Wed May 30, 2018 12:48 pm

I think, given the importance of the issue within context, you should opt for one of the options to come from the perspective of the game's founder/developer. Since the game has caused some serious issues (declining productivity, an actual death), there is no way such a meeting would be called without the presence of the developer who made it.

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The Kind-of-United States
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Postby The Kind-of-United States » Wed May 30, 2018 1:41 pm

HPLUS wrote:I think, given the importance of the issue within context, you should opt for one of the options to come from the perspective of the game's founder/developer. Since the game has caused some serious issues (declining productivity, an actual death), there is no way such a meeting would be called without the presence of the developer who made it.

I can edit option 2 to reflect that, maybe the developer wants to keep his money?
"There are a great many people in the country today, who through no fault of their own, are sane. Some of them were born sane, while others became sane later in their lives. It is up to people like us, who are out of our tiny little minds, to help them overcome their sanity." --Monty Python's Flying Circus

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Postby HPLUS » Wed May 30, 2018 1:53 pm

The Kind-of-United States wrote:I can edit option 2 to reflect that, maybe the developer wants to keep his money?

Yes, I think Option 2 would be the best choice to edit for this situation. You should make his main argument about free speech/freedom of expression and that it is not his responsibility as to what the impact of the game is since it is an inherently simplistic game. For comedic purposes you could have him at the end mentioning something about any regulatory action harming his profits and that "Any developer deserves to profit off of his creations. Right?" You'll probably have to tinker around slightly with the other options to make sure that they are different from each other and to avoid overlap.

Also you should move the developer's option to be the last one so it increases its impact, sort of how everyone other than the developer has spoken and then he has the chance to impart the last word. He could come in like "Has anyone even asked me? Being the one who has developed this game I think..." (or something along those lines) and then you can continue with the rest of the option.
Last edited by HPLUS on Wed May 30, 2018 1:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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The Kind-of-United States
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Postby The Kind-of-United States » Wed May 30, 2018 2:45 pm

HPLUS wrote:
The Kind-of-United States wrote:I can edit option 2 to reflect that, maybe the developer wants to keep his money?

Yes, I think Option 2 would be the best choice to edit for this situation. You should make his main argument about free speech/freedom of expression and that it is not his responsibility as to what the impact of the game is since it is an inherently simplistic game. For comedic purposes you could have him at the end mentioning something about any regulatory action harming his profits and that "Any developer deserves to profit off of his creations. Right?" You'll probably have to tinker around slightly with the other options to make sure that they are different from each other and to avoid overlap.

Also you should move the developer's option to be the last one so it increases its impact, sort of how everyone other than the developer has spoken and then he has the chance to impart the last word. He could come in like "Has anyone even asked me? Being the one who has developed this game I think..." (or something along those lines) and then you can continue with the rest of the option.

I did that, but I chose not to move the developer's option to the last. I feel like the issue of freedom should come up earlier in the issue, and I doubt in any nation that rights are the last thing said. They're usually close to the front. Am I wrong? Thoughts?
"There are a great many people in the country today, who through no fault of their own, are sane. Some of them were born sane, while others became sane later in their lives. It is up to people like us, who are out of our tiny little minds, to help them overcome their sanity." --Monty Python's Flying Circus

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Candlewhisper Archive
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Postby Candlewhisper Archive » Mon Jun 04, 2018 4:50 am

Chan Island wrote:
Frieden-und Freudenland wrote:There was an issue about a different mobile game craze: Maxemon Woah (Pokemon Go).

I hope that doesn't cause a problem.

If memory serves, the concern in that one was people wandering into dangerous situations playing the game. This is sufficiently different.

The Pokemon issue is definitely different.

A stronger overlap would be 535 NationStates Destroys @@DEMONYM@@ Economy which is all about loss of productivity from playing too many games. Quite a hard issue to get, but still probably too close to this one's plot.
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The Kind-of-United States
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Postby The Kind-of-United States » Mon Jun 04, 2018 7:17 am

Candlewhisper Archive wrote:
Chan Island wrote:
If memory serves, the concern in that one was people wandering into dangerous situations playing the game. This is sufficiently different.

The Pokemon issue is definitely different.

A stronger overlap would be 535 NationStates Destroys @@DEMONYM@@ Economy which is all about loss of productivity from playing too many games. Quite a hard issue to get, but still probably too close to this one's plot.

Yikes, I see your point. Definitely the loss of productivity is a big thing there. Do you think I should focus more on the distraction of the game instead of the productivity, or should I try again at something else? I think if my issue is more about how Swimmy Fish is distracting people from life, then there wouldn't be so much overlap. Am I wrong?
"There are a great many people in the country today, who through no fault of their own, are sane. Some of them were born sane, while others became sane later in their lives. It is up to people like us, who are out of our tiny little minds, to help them overcome their sanity." --Monty Python's Flying Circus

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The Kind-of-United States
Posts: 56
Founded: Feb 13, 2018

Postby The Kind-of-United States » Mon Jun 04, 2018 7:48 am

Dang, I'm editing it but it seems like I'm caught in the middle. It can't be about dangerous situations, but it can't be about loss of productivity. I've settled on lack of attention, but it's a fine line and I'm afraid there isn't enough distinction from issues of the past.
"There are a great many people in the country today, who through no fault of their own, are sane. Some of them were born sane, while others became sane later in their lives. It is up to people like us, who are out of our tiny little minds, to help them overcome their sanity." --Monty Python's Flying Circus

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Chan Island
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Postby Chan Island » Mon Jun 04, 2018 8:25 am

Candlewhisper Archive wrote:
Chan Island wrote:
If memory serves, the concern in that one was people wandering into dangerous situations playing the game. This is sufficiently different.

The Pokemon issue is definitely different.

A stronger overlap would be 535 NationStates Destroys @@DEMONYM@@ Economy which is all about loss of productivity from playing too many games. Quite a hard issue to get, but still probably too close to this one's plot.

Oh shoot, forgot about that one. That's going to make things hard.
Conserative Morality wrote:"It's not time yet" is a tactic used by reactionaries in every era. "It's not time for democracy, it's not time for capitalism, it's not time for emancipation." Of course it's not time. It's never time, not on its own. You make it time. If you're under fire in the no-man's land of WW1, you start digging a foxhole even if the ideal time would be when you *aren't* being bombarded, because once you wait for it to be 'time', other situations will need your attention, assuming you survive that long. If the fields aren't furrowed, plow them. If the iron is not hot, make it so. If society is not ready, change it.



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