The Sons of plunder (Dark fantasy/Mature/OOC)

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The Mizarian Empire
Posts: 1648
Founded: Aug 14, 2011

The Sons of plunder (Dark fantasy/Mature/OOC)

Postby The Mizarian Empire » Thu Sep 14, 2017 9:09 pm

You laugh at the common man dear brother, yet you fail to realize their value. The guile of a pickpocket lightening another man's purse with the most delicate touch, the bard at the hearth spinning tales of old who's wisdom of the world knows few ends. The crusader and hedge knight alike who's blades remain ever sharp in the face of adversity....look upon them dear brother, they are the keys to a kingdom
-Aivan Dorland


The Setting

Once the most majestic and magnificent of domains to grace the world of Algria. Aikus held innumerable secrets among its awe-inspiring architecture and academies. Even the poorest of paupers went to bed with a full stomach within a kingdom who's borders spread thousands of Aikala**. It is once said that it was never a matter of if the great empire would rule the world of Algria, only a matter of when.
Sadly, as the greatest rise the highest, their falls are often tragically the hardest. Predicting a new era, as foretold by the arrival of a foreign constellation among the stars. The Aikan Astromancer**Feinus Taikus warned the noble lord and ladies of his master's domain that something dark and foreboding approached. His words unheeded, the fortune-viewer disappeared to places unknown. Hardly 10 days from his disappearance, the horrid reality became heartbreaking truth.

Monsters from beyond our world and plagues unspeakable in nature descended upon our world. The dead rose from their graves, brought to life by magicks so profane the very words that bring them life are enough to drive a man stark-raving mad. The once opulent kingdom of Aikus is no more, the horrid terrors which tore Algria apart lay at the very core of this once golden kingdom. Even now, kingdoms barely a fraction of the this once imperial domain stand against foes beyond their wildest imagination. Few dare step foot within the corrupted; blighted soil that was once Aikus, for what sane man would willingly commit suicide by plunging into such manifested madness?

Enter now the Sons of Plunder:

Behold those few rare and desperate bravos who would dare defy the darkness and laugh in the face of death for a chance of wealth; women and glory beyond mortal imagining. This mercenary company, recruiting from the highest and lowest of society alike, offers a chance at a new life. Merchants and nobles both have hired the services of the Sons to delve into this once heavenly kingdom to discern what has happened and retrieve powerful artifacts beyond mortal understanding alike. Will you march towards the bastion? Will you answer the call?

As previous players will know I use a rather unique system of refining applications, which works as follows:

1) Provide an application

2) Upon it's approval, I will work with you via Nationstate's Telegrams to offer "options", these options are a unique set of Abilities; equipment and (in some instances) the means to obtain knowledge about certain environments or enemies. I start off by providing 3 sets of Options, if none of these suit your tastes, I can work to provide 3 more (1 at a time) until we find something you like. If none of the 6 options work, I will endeavour to find a middle ground among these 6 options which suits your tastes. This system is used to provide you (the player) with an additional bit of flavor to your character along with providing a baseline of how they can deal with threats at the start of the RP. This also ensures that noone truly knows everything about their fellow allies, offering a certain degree of intrigue as well.

3) Once an option is chosen, I will record it and pass this option along to my Co-op(s). These options will also offer them a bit of insight into how to provide plothooks that may be of interest to your character.

Application Guidelines:

1) Unique (see: Non-human) Applications are allowed at this time, this may change if we have more 'unnatural' (See: Anything not Human/Dwarf) than we do 'natural'

2) I encourage players to design their own nations within this setting; there will be no map for this very reason. Keep nations/cultures focused towards European/Arabic societies exclusively. I find Chinese/Japanese and similar cultures don't mesh well with this setting. I reserve the right to immediately decline any characters designed around such cultures.

3) With #2 in mind, this RP will be borrowing heavily from the likes of Darkest Dungeon and The Witcher. European folk-lore will be used heavily in creating enemies and settings by myself.

4) While i'm not going to explicitly tell you not to, I encourage players not to discuss their options provided for a character until they've been revealed, perhaps not even then.

5) Magic will take a very distinct lovecraft influence within this setting. Magic as you and I know it has never existed within Algria, the prayers of a cleric may now be heard....but it may not necessarily be by their divine host. Indeed, even the words of power used by other mages/wizards (whichever term they may so desire) are often enough to drive humans some degree of insane over time if not mutating them into the very monsters they seek to destroy. Even those whom can shutter out those dark voices will suffer for trying to manipulate powers from beyond our world.

Code: Select all





Race: (Elves are off the table, unless you can give me a VERY convincing reason, Dwarves/humans and creatures of your own design are allowed so long as I feel they won't break the RP however)

Appearance: (Pretty straightforward, pictures are nice, but far from necessary)

Distinguishing features (optional):

Life Sign: (Choose from Options below)

Biography: (The more detailed, the better, 2 paragraph minimum)

RP Sample/Link: (If you don't have an rp you're comfortable submitting, write a few paragraphs of your character resolving a conflict in their preferred manner and spoiler it)

Note(s): (Use this if you have comments/questions or want to give more detailed information on a race of your design)

#Code 10-56 DO NOT REMOVE, tracking purposes

Many cultures rely on constellations in the sky or times of year as a basis for one's personality. In Algria, determining one's life-sign is an ancient custom dating back hundreds (if not thousands) of years. These rituals change from one place to another, but all give respectably accurate results.

The Wolf: Cunning, manipulative, Secretive, distrusting of outsiders but typically loyal to those that have earned it.
The Hound: Boisterous, friendly, loyal (often to a fault).
The Tome: Wise, inquisitive, ever hungry for knowledge.
The Crow: Cynical, Observant, tempers vary wildly.
The Blade: Strong, Vulgar, Short tempered.
The Mother: Caring, emotional, protective.
The King: Bad omen, luck can change swiftly, cautious.
The Star: Unknown, symbol has only come to occur in recent years.
Note:If you have an idea for a new sign, use it in your app and include it's meaning(s).

As you probably know by the time you're reading this. If/When a character is accepted, I will TG you a set of options, including items/gear with "Grades". Odds are if you didn't read this you're scratching your head at this point. "What does having grade 1 gear or grade 6 gear matter?" I hear you wondering, It all comes down to the foes I will present from time to time. Players as a whole will be allowed to dispatch enemies as willy-nilly as you wish. After all, not every creature from beyond these otherworldly veils are as powerful as others. From time to time however I will be offering a foe or situation that is of X challenge (1-7). How swiftly you dispatch such a foe or resolve said situation is up to you, the players. To give a base-line of how difficult such an opponent should be, I offer such numerical values. These values are to offer you a baseline on how serious a threat that enemy will be to you, the player:

an example of a grade 1 opponent may be several zombies. Wherein I provide such a scenario:

As you search the homes of (city), you start to hear the all-telling sound, the ruckus of the undead shambling towards you, their howls and vacant stares are the only sign of anything approaching humanity in their lifeless faces (1)

The (1) in this case denotes a difficulty of 'poor' or grade 1, while equipment only has 6 grades of quality, there are 7 grades of difficulty, the first 6 of which are the same as your equipment:

1 poor
2 common
3 above average
4 Master
5 Legendary
6 Unique
7 God-like

How you deal with such a threat, I leave up to your creative minds. Bear in mind however, that dealing with a grade 7 threat, even with fully upgraded equipment, will likely result in someones' death if not handled with utmost care. While I may even force such a hand if I feel players are being TOO overpowered, players should struggle to combat an opponent or challenge of equal or higher grade than their respective equipment allows, especially if it outmatches ALL portions of their equipment relevant to the situation. Fighting a character or monsters above your skill/equipment grade should feel harrowing, indeed your character should feel as though their death could come at any instant if they are facing it alone. Facing a threat 2 grades above you, while possible, is absurdly dangerous bordering suicidal.

One last thing to note is that with unique exceptions, options I provide are generally "Grade # armor/weapon", what kinds of armor or weapon your character will be equipped with are up to your personal preference. A grade 1 set of armor can be a leather jerkin, bracers and leggings or a full suit of plate armor if you prefer. A leather-armor wearing rogue for instance would be able to side-step, dodge and weave around their opponent to wait for an opportune strike whereas someone in plate armor has far greater protection to soften a blow or two, allowing him to go straight for the kill, but he will be slower because of it. This should be reflected in how you handle combat. At the end of the day, this is your story to tell, I'm merely offering challenges and the occasional plot hook to add spice to it all.
Last edited by The Mizarian Empire on Mon Sep 18, 2017 4:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
If you need help world-building, don't be afraid to send me a PM/TG. I'm generally a laid-back guy and have no problem helping if I'm not busy.
Currently Hosting:
If you have ANY QUESTIONS WHATSOEVER about your application or about an RP I am running, feel free to ask, I don't bite very often.

I keep my own political views to myself unless pressed, no offense to you dear reader. With regards to religious belief, I am an atheist. That being said, I'm open to (peacefully) discussing spiritual belief and/or scripture if you so desire.

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The Mizarian Empire
Posts: 1648
Founded: Aug 14, 2011

Postby The Mizarian Empire » Thu Sep 14, 2017 9:10 pm


1) Don't god-mod, you get 2 strikes, 3rd one, you're ejected (into a pit of carnivorous squirrels)

2) 2 Paragraphs preferred minimum, shorter posts are okay when there is nothing major going on around you.

3) Don't be a dick, if someone is, keep it in OOC, if you can't handle it between yourselves contact me via TG and I'll happily act as a middle-man.

4) I don't mind inactivity for a few (see: 5) days. We all have our own lives to consider. That said if you're gone for a week 'n a half (see: 10 days) without warning, I'm either killing your character in humorous manners or passing them off to another player.

Contained within will be a link to the application of each character, hyperlinked in the character's name; lifesign and race. Will also note (for co-ops) the option chosen for easier tracking of each character's skills elsewhere.

Baden of Dannel, The Shield, Human,A warrior's Redemption

Valarr "The Last Ember" Wolnir, The King, Draconian-Human, The once and Future Wyrm
Last edited by The Mizarian Empire on Mon Sep 18, 2017 12:25 pm, edited 5 times in total.
If you need help world-building, don't be afraid to send me a PM/TG. I'm generally a laid-back guy and have no problem helping if I'm not busy.
Currently Hosting:
If you have ANY QUESTIONS WHATSOEVER about your application or about an RP I am running, feel free to ask, I don't bite very often.

I keep my own political views to myself unless pressed, no offense to you dear reader. With regards to religious belief, I am an atheist. That being said, I'm open to (peacefully) discussing spiritual belief and/or scripture if you so desire.

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The Mizarian Empire
Posts: 1648
Founded: Aug 14, 2011

Postby The Mizarian Empire » Thu Sep 14, 2017 9:11 pm

Humans, what can be said about them that hasn't been read; spoken or sung around fires of old or hearths with a few ales? Humans may not be the strongest or the fastest in the world (especially with new horrors cropping up every day), yet they are among the smartest of species around. That said, many of the most remarkable feats of human engineering were lost with the fall of Aikus. The remaining societies vary in size and structure but continue to reveal remarkable new discoveries from the wreckage of a kingdom long forgotten.

Dang'vah The Dang'vah (Pronounced Dawn-gee-vel), known by human tongues as "Dwarves" are an eccentric lot. Whilst native to Algria, their kind have not been seen in large numbers in millennia due to a mixture of isolationist ideals (viewing humans as schemers and con-artists) as well as the use of the "Under-road", an absolutely labyrinthine network of tunnels;caves and underground cities miles below the earth's surface that would make even the grandest of cities above ground seem insignificant in size.

They are perfectionists to an extreme fault, utterly refusing to field or sell any weapon or piece of craftsmanship any less than what they perceive as high quality by their own standards except in the most dire of situations. Those rare exceptions to stand upon the surface of Algria were once limited only to exiles and outcasts branded as "The forsworn" by their kin. Banished from their massive homes and sentenced to live among "The refuse of the sunlight". Forsworn are generally viewed as extremely shady folk, as exile is a punishment worse than even execution in a dwarf's eyes.

Recent years, however, have seen the plight of Algria's surface delving even into the dark;dank corners of the Under-road as well, leading some communities with no-where to go but up. Forced to forge out lives without access to the rare and priceless metals and materials that dot their glorious underground homes. These stout and fierce under-dwellers have an ancient and well-respected reputation as being fighters without peer.

Aivas The Aivas (pronounced eye-vaas) are most commonly referred to as "elves" by mankind. Extraordinarily few in number (Reports from both spies and soldiers alike suggest only perhaps 2 Aivas sanctuaries known to exist, each with less than 500 denizens a piece), whilst Dang'vah may view humanity as a child, Aivas view them as less than even rodents. They appeared in unison with the rest of the beasts that plague our world, yet very little is known of them and even less to suggest anything approaching peaceful conduct could be established with their sanctuaries. What little information that can be dredged up suggests they desire nothing more than to return to the world they came from.

This has lead some to suggest that the Sons of Plunder may in fact be partially backed by these (incredibly xenophobic) folk as the mercenaries are frequently hired to explore how creatures from beyond Algria have manifested here, yet how is entirely unknown.(Aivas are unavailable for applications at this time)

Star child An incredibly misleading name, a "Star Child" often invokes images of something bright or beautiful in appearance. In reality, a Star Child is an undead being, who's soul is inexplicably returned to it's decayed body. Where most of the undead are feral; ravenous monsters which seek only living flesh, a Star Child is someone whom retains their humanity (as all Star Children are, indeed, former humans).
The only common trait known to exist among these unique and terrifying individuals is a rather sweeping loss of memory. Most often these odd individuals cannot remember their name nor death, perhaps even the names and faces of loved ones.

Rumors suggest the each Star Child has been cursed to roam the world for past crimes or are the marker of a greater threat to come.

Toren/Tauren/Minotaur: To be determined.

The Sons of Plunder: Founded by Aivan Dorvas, a man of both word and will. Aivan proclaims himself to be the son of nobility hailing from Fulkris, one of Aikus' more esteemed merchant families. While not the most physically intimidating men among the Sons, Aivan has mustered men; women and beasts alike to do what others would view as sheer folly, suggesting a certain degree of charisma. Whilst technically swords for hire in all rights, these mercenaries have long since ceased to march against the kingdoms of man inhabited and have set their sights on Aikus. Hiring from amongst the highest of nobles to the lowest of beggars, the Sons of Plunder have earned a reputation recovering priceless artifacts from a kingdom long since warped into what can only be described as hell made manifest on earth.

The Iron Watch: The only other company known to venture into Aikus, The Iron Watch are the last remnants of once esteemed kingdom's knightly and religious orders. Seeking to preserve their fallen home's memories and culture; the Iron Watch are few in number, standing at best only 90 strong even if one includes their priests; healers and craftsmen. It is said that for every individual among the order's ranks, each is worth 10 men in battle. Whilst blindingly zealous and fierce in battle, the Iron Watch also admits it's numbers are too few to properly save their home's memory. In light of this, they often turn to the Sons of Plunder. Most of the "Knightly chapter's" wealth comes from ancient familial ties to bloodlines among families across Algria whom provide donations of coin and supplies.

The order of Qualis: Founded by Qualis Finker, The order of Qualis is the only known 'college' to study and openly teach the various arts of magic that mortals are believed to understand. Established barely 5 years ago, the 'school' has been the topic of many scandalous rumors, suggesting they dabble in black arts such as sacrificial rituals and blood magic used by the most wretch of Algria's invaders. While nothing has been proven, it is clear that this small and remote school has many secrets to hide, as well as plenty of coin to offer for artifacts clearly arcane in nature...
Last edited by The Mizarian Empire on Sat Sep 16, 2017 4:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
If you need help world-building, don't be afraid to send me a PM/TG. I'm generally a laid-back guy and have no problem helping if I'm not busy.
Currently Hosting:
If you have ANY QUESTIONS WHATSOEVER about your application or about an RP I am running, feel free to ask, I don't bite very often.

I keep my own political views to myself unless pressed, no offense to you dear reader. With regards to religious belief, I am an atheist. That being said, I'm open to (peacefully) discussing spiritual belief and/or scripture if you so desire.

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Posts: 10715
Founded: Aug 13, 2015

Postby Danceria » Thu Sep 14, 2017 9:13 pm

Is this a tag?
One true Patron Saint of Sinners and Satire
It is my sole purpose in life to offend you and get you to think about your convictions due to this
“You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.” - Sir Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain.
Obligatory Quotes below
“Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind; and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.” - William Shakespeare.

“Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.” - Mark Twain

“In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.” - Thomas Jefferson

“The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection.” - Thomas Paine

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The Mizarian Empire
Posts: 1648
Founded: Aug 14, 2011

Postby The Mizarian Empire » Thu Sep 14, 2017 9:25 pm

Danceria wrote:Is this a tag?

If you need help world-building, don't be afraid to send me a PM/TG. I'm generally a laid-back guy and have no problem helping if I'm not busy.
Currently Hosting:
If you have ANY QUESTIONS WHATSOEVER about your application or about an RP I am running, feel free to ask, I don't bite very often.

I keep my own political views to myself unless pressed, no offense to you dear reader. With regards to religious belief, I am an atheist. That being said, I'm open to (peacefully) discussing spiritual belief and/or scripture if you so desire.

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Posts: 10715
Founded: Aug 13, 2015

Postby Danceria » Thu Sep 14, 2017 9:27 pm

The Mizarian Empire wrote:
Danceria wrote:Is this a tag?


Don't mind me, just figuring an APP.
One true Patron Saint of Sinners and Satire
It is my sole purpose in life to offend you and get you to think about your convictions due to this
“You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.” - Sir Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain.
Obligatory Quotes below
“Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind; and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.” - William Shakespeare.

“Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.” - Mark Twain

“In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.” - Thomas Jefferson

“The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection.” - Thomas Paine

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Father Knows Best State

Postby Sarejo » Fri Sep 15, 2017 12:02 am


Name: Baden of Dannel
Age: 42
Gender: Male
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 187 lbs
Race: Human
Distinguishing features:
Life Sign: The Shield - Strong, Methodical, Brooding

Biography: Hailing from the Kingdom of Tahne, Baden grew up around warfare. Born to a man-at-arms and his wife, an army seamtress, Baden spent his childhood on countless campaigns, learning the art of warfare since before he could walk; in the camps following the army, he learned many different trades, from cooking, to logistics, to even basic surgery, the latter of which he showed no propensity for, until finally he reached his sixteenth winter.

By that time, he was deemed worthy of joining the front, and because of his history and familiarity with the ways of the army, was simply given a gambeson a spear, and a shield, and assigned to a militia spear regiment. In his unit, Baden showed his true worth as a soldier, fighting fiercely and expertly, wielding his spear not as a weapon, but as an extension of himself. It was rumored that his unit survived some battles solely on his skill alone, and after three short years, he was the Captain of Militia in the Tahnen Army.

Following his promotion, he was given the honor of formal swordsman training, which he took to even better than spears. Particularly in the field of two-handed swords, Baden showed an innate mastery uncommon in anyone, let alone a commoner; his leadership led to a dramatic rise in the discipline and effectiveness of the levied militia under his command, but even succeeded in lowering their previously staggering causality rate simultaneously. He was under serious consideration for a promotion to Marshal, one of the highest ranks in the Tahnen Army.

Such was his popularity amongst the men, even those outside his command, the Crown Prince grew wary of him. The King, ill and frail in his old age, was undoubtedly soon to pass, and the Crown Prince knew that if Baden wanted the throne, he would simply have to say the word and the entire army would be at his call. What he did not know was Baden had no ambitions of being king, he only wished to serve his beloved kingdom and his men, until his dying breath, but the Crown Prince neither listened nor cared when he ordered the immediate banishment from Tahnen, an act which inspired outrage amongst the army; only Baden's own words were enough to prevent an all out military coup, and, being the loyal soldier he was, he obediently left the kingdom, albeit feeling saddened and betrayed by the country he had so loved.

Once banished, and still very much an able young man, he enlisted himself in many mercenary companies as a swordsman, but he never lingered too long, for fear of another banishing, or worse, a blade in his back from a paranoid mercenary captain. His only rule was that he was never to be forced to fight his own countrymen, and his skill was so great that they willingly accepted his single term.

The legend of the mysterious knight, Sir Baden of Dannel, spread throughout the land, though Baden himself had made no such claims nor was he in any fashion a knight. He was in fact, a simple, quiet man who knew only warfare, and obediently and expertly conducted himself in the manners of fighting, until he retired from warring, sick of the constant moving and uncertainty of mercenary life.

However, Baden found he could not adjust to common life. He could not farm, nor smith, nor peddle goods. He even tried guarding, but the monotony and laziness of his colleagues nearly drove him to hang himself; in fact, he slumped into a deep depression, missing the camaraderie and excitement of warfare, where he could simply lose himself in a trance as he spun and slashed with his sword, cleaving through enemies as if they were an encroaching hedge.

He nearly committed suicide, when the advent of the chaos in Aikus awakened a new opportunity in him. To fight enemies unknown, to be in the thick of battle again, overjoyed him to no end, and he immediately set out to join the other "Sons of Plunder", men who went into the destroyed kingdom to investigate and fight the menace plaguing Old Aikus.

RP Sample/Link: Lost Souls

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Last edited by Sarejo on Fri Sep 15, 2017 4:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Cheers mates.

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New Minahasa
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Postby New Minahasa » Fri Sep 15, 2017 2:08 am

Are the Sons of Plunder a group of adventurers consisting of the players, or just the collective name of the people who ventured into Aikus? If it's the former, do all the players have to start in said group, or can we start off independent, or even banding up with other players to create their own group/faction? And will there be PvP?

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Posts: 48
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Postby Monopoliania » Fri Sep 15, 2017 2:27 am

What is the tech level for this RP? I plan for my character to be a giant between 8-9 feet tall, and be from a nation of giants with early American style politics, with technology equal to 30 Years War time and Protestant style religion.

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Great Confederacy of Commonwealth States
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Postby Great Confederacy of Commonwealth States » Fri Sep 15, 2017 3:45 am

Sons of Plunder! Whohoo!
The name's James. James Usari. Well, my name is not actually James Usari, so don't bother actually looking it up, but it'll do for now.
Lack of a real name means compensation through a real face. My debt is settled
Part-time Kebab tycoon in Glasgow.

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The Mizarian Empire
Posts: 1648
Founded: Aug 14, 2011

Postby The Mizarian Empire » Fri Sep 15, 2017 6:24 am

New Minahasa wrote:Are the Sons of Plunder a group of adventurers consisting of the players, or just the collective name of the people who ventured into Aikus? If it's the former, do all the players have to start in said group, or can we start off independent, or even banding up with other players to create their own group/faction? And will there be PvP?

1) It is a title used by mercenaries, will go back and correct that here in a bit once i've woken up.

2) I generally advised folk to either start off at camp or soon to arrive. No sense waiting for everyone to be in one place before we're off and away.

3) There will not be pvp, predominantly since it just creates more headaches than not...that said I may change this later on down the line.
If you need help world-building, don't be afraid to send me a PM/TG. I'm generally a laid-back guy and have no problem helping if I'm not busy.
Currently Hosting:
If you have ANY QUESTIONS WHATSOEVER about your application or about an RP I am running, feel free to ask, I don't bite very often.

I keep my own political views to myself unless pressed, no offense to you dear reader. With regards to religious belief, I am an atheist. That being said, I'm open to (peacefully) discussing spiritual belief and/or scripture if you so desire.

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Postby Rygondria » Fri Sep 15, 2017 6:34 am

I am in.

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The Mizarian Empire
Posts: 1648
Founded: Aug 14, 2011

Postby The Mizarian Empire » Fri Sep 15, 2017 3:41 pm

It should be noted for those returning that the vast majority of the notes I was writing this setting from (a good 40+ pages of normal sheet paper) were destroyed. Aside from what exists in prior threads and my TGs I have very little information to work from. Most of what you will see here in the coming days, therefore, is being entirely re-written up as I go. A challenge to say the least, but one I accept whole-heartedly now.
If you need help world-building, don't be afraid to send me a PM/TG. I'm generally a laid-back guy and have no problem helping if I'm not busy.
Currently Hosting:
If you have ANY QUESTIONS WHATSOEVER about your application or about an RP I am running, feel free to ask, I don't bite very often.

I keep my own political views to myself unless pressed, no offense to you dear reader. With regards to religious belief, I am an atheist. That being said, I'm open to (peacefully) discussing spiritual belief and/or scripture if you so desire.

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Posts: 10715
Founded: Aug 13, 2015

Postby Danceria » Fri Sep 15, 2017 3:48 pm

The Mizarian Empire wrote:It should be noted for those returning that the vast majority of the notes I was writing this setting from (a good 40+ pages of normal sheet paper) were destroyed. Aside from what exists in prior threads and my TGs I have very little information to work from. Most of what you will see here in the coming days, therefore, is being entirely re-written up as I go. A challenge to say the least, but one I accept whole-heartedly now.

Take as much time as you may need. I myself am looking over whatever I can.

EDIT: Would a Dwarven cleric-type person be accepted? I'm hesitant to apply for anyone that can even remotely magic.
Last edited by Danceria on Fri Sep 15, 2017 4:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.
One true Patron Saint of Sinners and Satire
It is my sole purpose in life to offend you and get you to think about your convictions due to this
“You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.” - Sir Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain.
Obligatory Quotes below
“Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind; and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.” - William Shakespeare.

“Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.” - Mark Twain

“In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.” - Thomas Jefferson

“The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection.” - Thomas Paine

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Posts: 48
Founded: Apr 12, 2017

Postby Monopoliania » Fri Sep 15, 2017 3:51 pm

How realistic do you want the lands to be? I plan on making a nation in the tundra with active volcanic mountains. It could either be like Iceland or Mordor, depending on where you want me to be on the scale of realism vs. fantasy.

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Great Confederacy of Commonwealth States
Postmaster of the Fleet
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Democratic Socialists

Postby Great Confederacy of Commonwealth States » Fri Sep 15, 2017 4:15 pm

The Mizarian Empire wrote:It should be noted for those returning that the vast majority of the notes I was writing this setting from (a good 40+ pages of normal sheet paper) were destroyed. Aside from what exists in prior threads and my TGs I have very little information to work from. Most of what you will see here in the coming days, therefore, is being entirely re-written up as I go. A challenge to say the least, but one I accept whole-heartedly now.

If you need any help writing stuff down or doing research, or if you need something world-built, just give me the word.
The name's James. James Usari. Well, my name is not actually James Usari, so don't bother actually looking it up, but it'll do for now.
Lack of a real name means compensation through a real face. My debt is settled
Part-time Kebab tycoon in Glasgow.

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Posts: 3143
Founded: Sep 01, 2014
Father Knows Best State

Postby Sarejo » Fri Sep 15, 2017 4:28 pm

App updated to look prettier and conform to knowledge attained from posts made after my app was posted.
Cheers mates.

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The Mizarian Empire
Posts: 1648
Founded: Aug 14, 2011

Postby The Mizarian Empire » Fri Sep 15, 2017 4:36 pm

Sarejo wrote:App updated to look prettier and conform to knowledge attained from posts made after my app was posted.

Apologies to not answering your app right away, would you like me to give a solid yes/no now or wait? I generally shy away from accepting apps for that very reason, as there may be info that comes to light that someone might want to incorporate their own character.
If you need help world-building, don't be afraid to send me a PM/TG. I'm generally a laid-back guy and have no problem helping if I'm not busy.
Currently Hosting:
If you have ANY QUESTIONS WHATSOEVER about your application or about an RP I am running, feel free to ask, I don't bite very often.

I keep my own political views to myself unless pressed, no offense to you dear reader. With regards to religious belief, I am an atheist. That being said, I'm open to (peacefully) discussing spiritual belief and/or scripture if you so desire.

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Posts: 3143
Founded: Sep 01, 2014
Father Knows Best State

Postby Sarejo » Fri Sep 15, 2017 4:39 pm

The Mizarian Empire wrote:
Sarejo wrote:App updated to look prettier and conform to knowledge attained from posts made after my app was posted.

Apologies to not answering your app right away, would you like me to give a solid yes/no now or wait? I generally shy away from accepting apps for that very reason, as there may be info that comes to light that someone might want to incorporate their own character.

Nope, just had to do a quick edit to merge all of the two liners into paragraphs (looked bigger on my phone), and changed it from a mercenary company to the general term SoP means, so it's all good now.
Cheers mates.

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The Mizarian Empire
Posts: 1648
Founded: Aug 14, 2011

Postby The Mizarian Empire » Fri Sep 15, 2017 5:03 pm

Monopoliania wrote:How realistic do you want the lands to be? I plan on making a nation in the tundra with active volcanic mountains. It could either be like Iceland or Mordor, depending on where you want me to be on the scale of realism vs. fantasy.

As listed above, I'm keeping away from directly putting a map out there since it gives people more creative freedom.

Monopoliania wrote:What is the tech level for this RP? I plan for my character to be a giant between 8-9 feet tall, and be from a nation of giants with early American style politics, with technology equal to 30 Years War time and Protestant style religion.

Apologies also, for not answering your's sooner:

1) Technologically speaking we're at around Darkest Dungeon's Era. Single-shot muzzle-loading muskets/pistols and the like exist, but are rather expensive and among humans almost exclusively. Cross-bows; bows; slings 'n thrown weapons and their like are more prominent among other species. Melee weaponry is of course just as popular as ever, since a sword or spear won't malfunction or run out of ammunition in a time of need or close-quarters, especially when your foe doesn't care too terribly much about your inability to reload in a timely fashion.

I'd say, in short, late medieval era technology, with flint-locks rather than match-locks firearms. Wind/water powered tools are still the prominent part of daily life where accessible, I may play around with tech increasing later in the RP depending on where it goes.

2) This one seems.........I'm not going to say no.......but I'd have to sit on it a bit. Giants forming an American based society just seems......curious
If you need help world-building, don't be afraid to send me a PM/TG. I'm generally a laid-back guy and have no problem helping if I'm not busy.
Currently Hosting:
If you have ANY QUESTIONS WHATSOEVER about your application or about an RP I am running, feel free to ask, I don't bite very often.

I keep my own political views to myself unless pressed, no offense to you dear reader. With regards to religious belief, I am an atheist. That being said, I'm open to (peacefully) discussing spiritual belief and/or scripture if you so desire.

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Posts: 48
Founded: Apr 12, 2017

Postby Monopoliania » Fri Sep 15, 2017 5:13 pm

The Mizarian Empire wrote:
Monopoliania wrote:How realistic do you want the lands to be? I plan on making a nation in the tundra with active volcanic mountains. It could either be like Iceland or Mordor, depending on where you want me to be on the scale of realism vs. fantasy.

As listed above, I'm keeping away from directly putting a map out there since it gives people more creative freedom.

Monopoliania wrote:What is the tech level for this RP? I plan for my character to be a giant between 8-9 feet tall, and be from a nation of giants with early American style politics, with technology equal to 30 Years War time and Protestant style religion.

Apologies also, for not answering your's sooner:

1) Technologically speaking we're at around Darkest Dungeon's Era. Single-shot muzzle-loading muskets/pistols and the like exist, but are rather expensive and among humans almost exclusively. Cross-bows; bows; slings 'n thrown weapons and their like are more prominent among other species. Melee weaponry is of course just as popular as ever, since a sword or spear won't malfunction or run out of ammunition in a time of need or close-quarters, especially when your foe doesn't care too terribly much about your inability to reload in a timely fashion.

I'd say, in short, late medieval era technology, with flint-locks rather than match-locks firearms. Wind/water powered tools are still the prominent part of daily life where accessible, I may play around with tech increasing later in the RP depending on where it goes.

2) This one seems.........I'm not going to say no.......but I'd have to sit on it a bit. Giants forming an American based society just seems......curious

Got it, thanks, and just one more question. Would Neanderthals be considered human or not? I'm thinking of making a Neanderthal that has been sold off as a mercenary slave by his people. The people would be tribal and primitive, with weapons made of bone and stone, and Evil Shaman magic based off of the Horsemen.

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The Mizarian Empire
Posts: 1648
Founded: Aug 14, 2011

Postby The Mizarian Empire » Fri Sep 15, 2017 5:21 pm

Danceria wrote:
The Mizarian Empire wrote:It should be noted for those returning that the vast majority of the notes I was writing this setting from (a good 40+ pages of normal sheet paper) were destroyed. Aside from what exists in prior threads and my TGs I have very little information to work from. Most of what you will see here in the coming days, therefore, is being entirely re-written up as I go. A challenge to say the least, but one I accept whole-heartedly now.

Take as much time as you may need. I myself am looking over whatever I can.

EDIT: Would a Dwarven cleric-type person be accepted? I'm hesitant to apply for anyone that can even remotely magic.

Theres nothing wrong w/ being a magic user, that said I will say this upfront:

Most magic in this setting is NOT natural to Algria (the world this takes place within). To borrow a page from D&D, magic in this setting may or may not be akin to Ravenloft's, esPECIALLY for those with faith-based ideals, for those not familiar, If you pray REALLLLLLY hard to your diety of choice.........something will indeed answer, especially once you cross the threshold into Aikus......Odds are EXTREMELY stacked against you that it'll be YOUR god...but something will.

This isn't to say there isn't positive magic and that, indeed, honest holy magic may exist...but you're playing Russian roulette every time you conjure up magic regarding who/what answers your desires.

Magic otherwise was quite rare before the fall. There were maybe a good dozen actual magic users before the current insanity began across the entire known world.
If you need help world-building, don't be afraid to send me a PM/TG. I'm generally a laid-back guy and have no problem helping if I'm not busy.
Currently Hosting:
If you have ANY QUESTIONS WHATSOEVER about your application or about an RP I am running, feel free to ask, I don't bite very often.

I keep my own political views to myself unless pressed, no offense to you dear reader. With regards to religious belief, I am an atheist. That being said, I'm open to (peacefully) discussing spiritual belief and/or scripture if you so desire.

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The Mizarian Empire
Posts: 1648
Founded: Aug 14, 2011

Postby The Mizarian Empire » Fri Sep 15, 2017 5:26 pm

Monopoliania wrote:Got it, thanks, and just one more question. Would Neanderthals be considered human or not? I'm thinking of making a Neanderthal that has been sold off as a mercenary slave by his people. The people would be tribal and primitive, with weapons made of bone and stone, and Evil Shaman magic based off of the Horsemen.

Technically speaking Neanderthals are extremely close relatives of humans, yet not actual humans...Theres also the matter of magic being quite rare up until recent decades (a point I haven't quite gotten to yet, but loosely explained in the last post above this one.....

Primitive/savage humans I could see, after all, we still have rather primitive folk still relying on stone tools in rural parts of the world today. The matter of dark magics on the other hand.............I MAY be able to work with this as I go.

Great Confederacy Of Commonwealth States wrote:If you need any help writing stuff down or doing research, or if you need something world-built, just give me the word.

I always encourage others if they have ideas to put them forward, even if I can't use the idea itself exactly, I can always re-design it and credit the person whom put the idea forward.
If you need help world-building, don't be afraid to send me a PM/TG. I'm generally a laid-back guy and have no problem helping if I'm not busy.
Currently Hosting:
If you have ANY QUESTIONS WHATSOEVER about your application or about an RP I am running, feel free to ask, I don't bite very often.

I keep my own political views to myself unless pressed, no offense to you dear reader. With regards to religious belief, I am an atheist. That being said, I'm open to (peacefully) discussing spiritual belief and/or scripture if you so desire.

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Posts: 10715
Founded: Aug 13, 2015

Postby Danceria » Fri Sep 15, 2017 5:32 pm

The Mizarian Empire wrote:
Danceria wrote:Take as much time as you may need. I myself am looking over whatever I can.

EDIT: Would a Dwarven cleric-type person be accepted? I'm hesitant to apply for anyone that can even remotely magic.

Theres nothing wrong w/ being a magic user, that said I will say this upfront:

Most magic in this setting is NOT natural to Algria (the world this takes place within). To borrow a page from D&D, magic in this setting may or may not be akin to Ravenloft's, esPECIALLY for those with faith-based ideals, for those not familiar, If you pray REALLLLLLY hard to your diety of choice.........something will indeed answer, especially once you cross the threshold into Aikus......Odds are EXTREMELY stacked against you that it'll be YOUR god...but something will.

This isn't to say there isn't positive magic and that, indeed, honest holy magic may exist...but you're playing Russian roulette every time you conjure up magic regarding who/what answers your desires.
I'm noticing a disturbing absence of heals in our party, and so I would like to be the little healer that could. Or perhaps a tinkerer that can help pitch up a fortification, and take it down just as quick.
Magic otherwise was quite rare before the fall. There were maybe a good dozen actual magic users before the current insanity began across the entire known world.
One true Patron Saint of Sinners and Satire
It is my sole purpose in life to offend you and get you to think about your convictions due to this
“You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.” - Sir Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain.
Obligatory Quotes below
“Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind; and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.” - William Shakespeare.

“Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.” - Mark Twain

“In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.” - Thomas Jefferson

“The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection.” - Thomas Paine

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Posts: 48
Founded: Apr 12, 2017

Postby Monopoliania » Fri Sep 15, 2017 5:44 pm

They wouldn't rely on magic, so tweak the magic as much as you want. There will be six different major tribes in my primitive land, based on:

1. Conquest and Glory

2. War and Ruin

3. Famine and Fear

4. Pestilence and Madness

5. Death and Despair

6. Judgment and Damnation

They would have been a native people who were cursed during the fall, and twisted into evil, corrupt creatures. Everything there's been poisoned by evil, from the smallest ant, to the fiercest bear. Enter the Poisonbog, if you dare.



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