A Suitor's Luck (IC/CLOSED/Stille Nacht)

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A Suitor's Luck (IC/CLOSED/Stille Nacht)

Postby Gauliscia » Sat Apr 01, 2017 9:25 am

Éichholmschloss, Chlowisbuerg, United Realm of Gauliscia

Jœrg Graatha was known as the Griffhond or attack dog. He was the enforcer of the palace staff, he would notice a black hair on a coal. He was most known for plain old brutish aggression towards his colleagues, physical but mostly verbal. When things needed to be done, he was sent in to make sure it got done. He had been born a prison to a mother who had turned herself in for ‘unconventional sexual activity’ but in reality just wanted a roof and food. He grew up in the grimmest slum in Gauliscia, Hlaaïgaard’s Borxwe Borough. Blood ran through its unpaved streets from gang crime or a guillotining, most children had only their school shoes which they wore only to school and the temple and had to make do without otherwise, and diseases spread easily. He had put his head down at school, got the grades for a government grant to high school and university. From there, despite a rough tongue, he found his way into the palace staff. He had arrived to keep the ball preparations on schedule. And if they were not, scare those responsible witless.
Staff watched from a safe distance as he rampaged through the palace, like an enraged bull.
“I'm not sure what's worse, watching him slowly roll towards you like terminal cancer or him suddenly appearing like a stroke…” Lamented one of the decorators, hanging a drape with the colours and insignia of the King of Saxonia. A servant burst through the door with a panic stricken pale face.
“He's down the corridor!”
Outside there was a loud crash and thump.
The door flew open, almost off its hinge. There was a collective breathe-in.
“Right, what the fuck is going on in here?”
The servant who had originally warned of Jœrg’s arrival, also a personal assistant to the High King drew a scornful glare.
“Um, can we stop with the constant swearing please?”
Jœrg smiled apologetically.
“I'm sorry, you won't hear any swearing from me any more you SCRAWNY WET SHIT!” He finished with a roar, shoving the servant out the back door. “NOW FUCK OFF!” The servant scrambled away like a ferret freed from its cage.
“Straighten that rag up, or I'll skin you alive and use your skin as the fucking flag.”
And he was off again, thumping down the corridor.

Outside, two Life Guard Cuirassiers, in full parade uniform, breastplate and plumed helmet, stood outside the main double oak doors. Their battalion had just returned from combat training on the Ueriflæche plains, relieving the Life Guard Hussars of their duty as the cavalry guard. Now they'd traded in their Wissent main battle tanks for towering shire horses and their grassland digital camouflage for a blue dress uniform, their bullpup carbines for heavy cavalry sabres. It was a sunny day, but had that early spring crispness, which was good news for the troops clad in wool, leather and steel. They stood still and silent, as was their duty, ignoring the obscene gestures of tourists or the pulled faces of children to cause them to laugh. One of the guards, Corporal Serchlaas Hyrzel remembered his own childhood days, near the Ahornschloss; residence of the Duke of Chwérzië, smiling and pointing at the guards in their sentry boxes, trying to make them distracted. Fond memories indeed. Serchlaas and his guard companion, Cuirassier 1st Class Uetti Waaluwe scanned the crowd before them. Most were tourists, snapping photos of the great turreted palace and the guards in their splendid uniforms. There were children, fresh from souvenir shops with guard figurines and the characteristic bearskin or plumed helmet of the other guard regiments. There were working city people, civil servants, politicians and university students to whom all this was now scenery. However a few individuals hurled abuse through the gates and over the walls, decrying the monarchy and all its apparata and pomp. Most simply shrieked, but some held up slogans on banners and chanted. This was permitted by the Life Guard. Until physical acts came into play. Over the years, many attempts of forced entry had been made, or assaults on the guards, even throwing refuse and foul things at the High King’s carriage. These actions were leniently dealt with by most standards: a rifle or sword butt to the face, though it had been known for cavalry to rear their horses onto the offenders. The Life Guards were indeed the most prestigious division of the Army, with many battle honours on their standards. The Jægers took the keenest shots and speediest runners, the grenadiers the most physically imposing and so on. They saw less combat action than most of the army, but when they had been deployed, they had performed with the greatest distinction.

Having eventually being relieved of their sentry duty by another pair, they returned to the palace barracks, where they changed into their fatigues.
“VOZIBO made a raid early this morning, some kind of attack planned for tonight. Ummayads.”
Serchlaas looked up to see Captain Kœnxwa, standing by the door of the mess room, accompanied by the company sergeant.
“Arrests were made and they’ve taken in for interrogation. The ball is going ahead as VOZIBO is of the opinion that this is an isolated capture and not part of a larger chap. Well done chaps, keep it all up, have some rest now, feed and water yourself, there's a long night ahead.”

Unknown VOZIBO holding facility, Chlowisbuerg
Two VOZIBO officers in black combats dragged the smouldering heap of bloodied flesh out of the cell. It was still alive, but a bullet to the back of the head ended that and the devastated body was burnt in a vat.
Qayud Assafi was hauled into the cell, passing the smears of red and purple where the last victim had been dragged out. His stomach churned as the grip of the visored guards tightened. VOZIBO was the main security service of the United Realm, meaning National Security Bureau and dealt with internal threats, whilst its brother organisation KOZVA handled foreign threats. Both were sinister and responsible for countless atrocities as far as the liberal world was concerned. KOZVA was responsible for the false flag operation that helped to trigger the Western Gulf War, by killing a Gauliscian general and his family, blaming it on the Wankans.

Qayud was thrown into a chair and strapped in. Gauliscian torture methodology was to start the torture process, then ask for information under the threat of further torture. And so it began, a hammer reduced his fingers to a splintered wreck of bone and skin.
“Who is your contact in Ummayah?”
Qayud spat in the torturer’s face. The torturer, a dressed head to toe in black combats, still in his helmet and visor, took a truncheon from his rack of implements and proceeded to smash Qayud’s teeth out, and out they fell, all crumbled and broken, mixed in with red saliva.
“You are not operating alone… where are the other groups?”
“It is just us! Only us! I implore-”
Two metal stakes were thrust through his thighs, which were connected to an electrical socket. And so they were turned on, and he writhed and screamed until it eventually stopped, the skin around the the stakes was blackened and sizzling.
“I repeat again. Who and where are the other terrorists?”
Gasping, Qayud tried to croak and answer but stammered and stuttered. His eyes widened as a saw was produced and handed to the torturer.
“I don't know… there aren't any! That's all I know! That's all I know….” he began to whimper, which became a howl as the serrated blade of the saw cut into his shoulder, and he was held down by other officers as the saw came to the bone, Qayud roaring in anguish as his left arm was torn off its sinews, the last strings of skin falling away as it was ripped off. Qayud threw up his last meal, spewing gore everywhere, as he watched his whole arm on the table behind the torturer, his own left socket now being blocked up to prevent him losing more blood.
“Give me names Mr. Assafi.”
“I wouldn't if I could you psychopath..” retorted Qayud as dark froth foamed from his mouth.
Taking a cleaver, the torturer began chopping Qayud’s severed arm before him, for Qayud to see.
“Names Qayud… names…”
“By Allah, if I knew something I would have said!” Screamed Qayud, his heart feeling as though it would explode.
The torturer signalled for him to be unstrapped. Qayud collapsed onto the floor, out of relief and exhaustion, but it was covered in his own filth. But suddenly he was on his feet again and now bent over a work table, held down. He felt somebody approach from behind, but could only fear what was coming next. A splintery wooden stake with barbs, flint and all other sharp objects embedded in. With his trousers torn off, it was thrust up his behind with three attempts and in the fourth it went through with ease, having had a path cleared for it. And once he too was finished, the next cell member was dragged in for more.

5th Gendarme Rifles Regiment, Uelixbach Barracks, Outskirts of Chlowisbuerg
A posting to Chlowisbuerg was considered a godsend by the conscripts which comprised the Gauliscian Gendarmery. It meant parties on weekends, good good and urban patrol duties, all of which were most agreeable. For Sjœrd Choorswe, this was his first time in the capital. The 5th Gendarme Rifles were recruited from the heather-carpeted wilds of the Hirschboch Highlands, well into the deep hinterland of Gauliscia. This was a landscape dotted with little crofts, lone spruces and rocky outcrops. Most, like his own family, were shepherds, eking out a hand to mouth existence. The nearest town was Frymingsthaal, a bustling river town and the location of his school. He fondly remembered its markets, stalls of wool and sheepskin, of fried mutton and the rowdy taverns. All the boys of his regiment were from Frymingsthaal or the surrounding areas, as were the NCOs and as such had that close bond that only local regiments could. Chlowisbuerg had been a shock for most of them, with its grandeur, size and smells. The largest building he'd seen was the Kwéerslaaïbuerg Fortress and its inner keep of thick turrets, a large fortress in the highlands, back when his native Duchy of Chwérzië was an independent state. Now he was confronted with Chlowisbuerg, not the largest city in Gauliscia but still impressive, with high steepled temples, huge arenas and heaving motorways.

Sjœrd clambered into the back of the green tarpaulin covered truck, where the rest of his section was sat, rucksacks in front of their legs and their HAAB rifles between their knees. He and a few others were stuffing the breakfasts down their throats, a crusty roll with fried offal sausage and creamed cheese. The truck trundled out the barracks and down the roads.
“Lads, urban patrol, you know the drill, the routes we agreed last night. Only today, there's a ball this evening at the Éichholmschloss, basically everyone that matters in the region is attending so there will be troublemakers at large; anarchists, and other seditious scummery. This evening you will be deployed in support of the riot battalions near the palace.” Explained Captain Theÿdelinda Jæffer over the radio, to which the corporal of his squad nodded to. Captain Jæffer was a rather fine specimen as far as the shepherd boys of the regiment were concerned, a pretty young middle class university educated girl. She was too bossy and intelligent for their long term taste but she was the subject of many fantasies in the barracks.

The truck rattled through the cobbled streets of the old city until eventually they were dropped off in a small square and dispersed to their routes in pairs. Sjœrd had partnered up with Taarcho Spouër, a friend he'd known his whole life. They walked to school together each morning, shared many girls between them and had often played in the wooded creeks, trousers rolled up. Now, in pine green combats and berets, rifles slung, they began their patrol through the narrow and cobbled streets, giving knowing nods to constables and receiving smiles from citizens. The street was lined with beautiful timber framed houses with pastel paints and sloped roofs, each now opened and with customers coming and going. There was the butchers, with rabbits and ducks hung up in the windows, and his walls lined with smoked sausages, there was a flower shop with a wonderful aroma, with baskets of bright and fresh flora, a little bookshop displaying leather bound books with intricate decoration and even a toy shop with carved wooden nights from oak and farm playsets. One of these buildings was indeed an Ummayad coffee house, a thick smell of roasted coffee beans wafted out and turbaned men sat outside smoking.

Taarcho and Sjœrd entered the coffee house, eyeing each customer and staff carefully. To avenge what many saw as a blatant venture of colonialism in Gauliscian Meridia, namely the Viceroyality of Mamluqstan and the Viceroyality of Tuxlocia, many radical nationalist Ummayads had come to Gauliscia in order to found terrorist cells. Most were poorly organised and a mix of informants, VOZIBO infiltration, and grassroots constabulary work had rooted the majority out, most members being sent back to Mamluqstan, some being imprisoned and the more grave offenders being guillotined for treason and attempts of ‘violent rebellion’. The customers generally looked up and went back to their business, chatting and drinking, but a few scowled back with furrowed brows and beady eyes. They were untrusting of the security forces, especially the gendarmerie, where hot-blooded conscripts had roughed up their friends and family. Accusations of savagery had floated round, of sniffer dogs tearing people's faces open, of shootings and lengthy detentions. Complaints had been lodged, but little action taken. Sjœrd nodded in satisfaction and headed back into the street with Taarcho closely behind. To Sjœrd the air was more heavy than usual, the Ummayads were tense and even smug. Arrests had been made early that morning, but little information had been extracted from the detainees. Sjœrd feared an attack worse than the Bochsthor Bombings, and on this day of all days.

The Duchess’s Apartments, Éichholmschloss, Chlowisbuerg
Meltdown. The Duchess couldn't find her necklace for her new dress, the necklace was a gift from the Mamluq Lords and . It was a silver necklace, with the prized Haqur-e-Jawaz diamond as its centre piece, with garnite and chrysocolla stones fastened in, as many would be present tonight she ought to wear it, not to mention it went very well with her new dress too. Duchess Yngehilda had a pine green silk dress, simple but elegant and fitted closely to her slim body. On her head a tiara, the decoration aside the ruby like the antlers of a fallow deer. Her flowing golden hair had been tied back into a tight bun at the back of her head and she'd applied limited makeup, a thin cherry red to her lips and green eyeliner to bring out her own green eyes.
“Please don't cry Your Highness…” pleaded one of her handmaids, comforting her mistress. “You’ll streak your eyeliner. I'm sure it's somewhere and there's so many people looking we’ll find it in no time.”

Yngehilda, slumped on her bed sobbed and shook. The necklace was the last straw in a sequence of many things. Her father, High King Amalrich II was old and frail, she was not ready to take the reigns of a recently tamed stallion. A fine horse at that, but nonetheless it was slightly unbroken in. When she had been born Gauliscia was simply Gauliscia, forest, swamp, plains and mountains. Now the might of Gauliscia had finally awoken, and its jaws had swallowed Tuxlocia, Mamluqstan and Auyadelle. In addition to High Queen, she would also be an Empress of lands far across the sea, lands which she knew nothing about other than that there was a lot of sand. And bloodshed. But the biggest lump in her throat was that, after tonight she was to be given a suitor who would be her King, but she would be his High Queen. Yngehilda knew little of the suitors to arrive as they would mostly be foreign. Crown Prince Willoum-Gœthewéin of Thueringië, heir to the Gauliscian kingdom of Thuringia was a safe back up plan; a handsome, quiet young man free of scandal and a commendable military record in Auyadelle as a Captain in the Hluuÿxscher Mounted Jæger Regiment, leading a company in some of the heaviest urban fighting in the war. As for the others, she, nay, the Oaken Crown had a few requirements. They ought to be open towards the polytheistic animist faith that was Wodinism, they ought to be sociable enough to be good company and ought to have some military experience. High birth was also a must as was fertility.

The door flew open and a servant followed by her brother, Prince Ulfomund rushed in.
“Your necklace, Your Highness…” Gasped the servant, wheezing to regain his breath. A handmaid fitted the necklace round the Duchess’ neck as the prince cleared his throat.
“Yngehilda, the first guests are arriving, but father wants you to wait up here until all have arrived, to make an entrance.”

With no undue flourish were the great oaken doors flung open to reveal the sacred and mighty chambers of the Éichholmschloss, house of the Oaken Throne and those ordained by the gods to sit thereupon. And as the first guests of many advanced to the great doors the sentinels of the High King, the Knechtwach, stiff as packed ice, resplendent in white tunic and breeches with green piping and accenting and a dark steel cuirass and helmet, snapped to attention, braid and metal jangling. Prized more highly than than the fruits in the gloomy chasms of the earth were what grew above it; this was not a palace of marble and gold but of carved wood and beast trophies. In the Gruessaal were the far-travelled guests received, a small, high roofed hall, its walls were pannelled with oak and intricate panoramas were carved in; great battles with thundering cavalry charges and hails of arrows, but also of great feasts, of dancing dryads and satyrs, of giant elk hunts and of ships braving stormy seas. Over the polished stone floor glided serving maids and boys in revealing garments, carrying jugs of Sféizou Schuÿmensreeben; a white wine from the Sféizou Monastery and of juniper and elderberry cordial, these they passed to the guests in great helpings, frothing over the rims of the small goat horns they were poured out into. Yet more came, their plump chest fruit bursting from their blouses, with trays of skewered meat; frog’s leg with garden herbs and smoked Heÿder ham and roasted blue kierxschena cheese. The walls were hung with great beasts felled by the royal house; great horned and hairy bison, bristly and tucked boars, high antlered elk and moose, sheep and goats with coiled horns, of long nosed horses and the huge heads of mammoths and woolly rhinocerae, but also the heads of fierce brown bears and black

wolves, of ginger foxes and brown wolverines, of tawny lynx and and golden mountain lions. These were joined by aromatic wreaths of spruce and oak, laced with thistle heads and fastened with ribbons of birch bark. Hung too were woven and ancient tapestries of the deeds of the heroes and lords of old, the banners of all the royal families. Amongst the guests from within the realm were the Kings of Thueringia and Saxonia, the Princes and Princesses of Lothaaringië, Schwaabië, Saalië, Elwechenbuerg and Merwingenland, the Dukes and Duchesses of Friezië, Allemannië and Chwérzië, the Marquess of Ouëndaal and the Lords of the Mamluq Emirates, all mingling and whispering of the freshest intrigues. Here too were the elected councillors of the citizenry; Realm Chancellor Theréza de Scheÿjax and her deputy Vicechancellor Arnoud Yper and His Majesty’s Secretaries of State; Lord Liupold, Baron von Zouën for the Treasury, Jannick Thassohéim for Military Affairs, Charlomann Houëcker for Foreign Affairs, Lord Gaston-Raadulf, Viscount von Lueweck for the Interior, Lord Wittomund, Baron of Jyhrnbosch for Overseas Territories and the Speakers of both Parliamentary Chambers, Baroness Izolda von Zettegem and Uetterich Xyrsli. And yet more bodies were thrown into this soup of the cream of Gauliscian society, the military heads, marshals and admirals in full garb, old and young, many having witnessed war with Gauliscia's adversaries, their blades tested and medals earned. Indeed did the clergy in purple robes sweep about the room, hassled by all for a blessing.

And at the centre of the throng, hands outstretched in greeting was the High King, Amalrich III in full robes and crown which weighed his aged body down and he was, with great subtlety supported by his eldest son and second child, Prince Ulfomund.
“Éin hérzlechs welchomm! Freÿnde vom d’Waalschse Bœndesréich und eses Grœseréich! Chomm, Thrinke! Féste! Taanze! En laat ‘alle frœhlechs zéin!”
ᛒᚰᚾᛞᚽᛊᚱᚼᛁᚴ ᛞᛜᚹᚪᛚᛁᚵᛁᛂ
Hail Wodin, Father of Men and Lord of Walhalla
Gauliscia is a Wodinist and germanic parliamentary democracy headed by a monarch. The Stalwart Boar Party in power backs a strong military, friendly foreign policy, a pious proud people and government support for the needy. It's a primeval landscape roamed by rich fauna. Gauliscia is lead by its aristocratic elite but fuelled by the working class.
Dutch and Hungarian, British educated. I have yet to find a political camp but my tendencies are to traditionalism, collectivism, nationalism and statism. I enjoy epic poetry and literature, hunting, drinking, wenching and rugby.

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Postby Murovanka » Sat Apr 01, 2017 6:44 pm

Days Before

Karim closed the door, excitement, tension, anxiety in his eyes as he took off his coat, rubbed his beardless chin and joined the ring of men smoking and playing cards by the dinner table. Relaxing, after a hard day’s work, genuine, legal work. They were where they wanted to be and had received the contract as planned but that didn’t mean they could slack off.

“The pieces are falling in place. Assafi has been taken.” Karim said. Franck, leaning forward, he too absent-mindedly scratching at where his beard used to be, nodded once. Some nasty Gauliscian folk music played in the background. Franck turned the volume up.

Karim joined the round. “We will proceed as planned tomorrow.” Franck said. They said a prayer, for the mission, for Allah, for Assafi, who had to be sacrificed a likely painful death, though a sacrifice that would be richly rewarded in the halls of Jannah. Little more reaction from the men, Franck was proud of them. The best of the best, selected personally by the Great Sirdar himself, to lead the greatest of all missions in the history of their faith. Sirdar Ibrahim Abdelsalam, the greatest jihadi commander of all time; still alive, despite all odds. Allah was with him, he knew, and with Him by his side the Sirdar had brought His justice to every corner of the world. His cause was international, his home was Dar al Shahid, and his duty was to bring Dar al Kufr into the former. From Ummayah, to Bluewell and Wanka he had fought and lead.

More famous than self-proclaimed Caliph al-Harabi, a hero in his own right, having managed to seize and hold large swathes of Ummayah for months with only the dedication of his handful of loyal fighters against an international coalition sporting modern tanks and guided missiles. So powerful and horrifying to the infidels was the vengeance of the Shahidic peoples under al-Harabi that when Gauliscian troops finally caught him, they impaled his wife and children brutally for the world to see.

They died for them, for God, at the hands of the Devil, pious and pure to the end. The images of Alya and her children rocked the Shahidic world to such an extent that many moderates and ‘secular’ Shahids saw themselves having to pick their sides in good conscience.

Not Franck’s men, they had from the start known the absolute truth, the black and white of all matter that God had laid out for them. For al-Harabi, for Alya, this mission was dedicated. For the hundreds of thousands of killed and maimed in the Gauliscian invasion of Ummayah, and the millions having to endure rule by the foreign barbarians worshipping heretical gods. For the defeat and loss of Shahid rule in Wanka, one that had brought order and spirituality back to a lost nation. For the faithful persecuted all over the world for their beliefs.

They could see it, glowing from behind rows and rows of industrial-style housing. Towering in false pretension and impersonation of God, of rightful power, of justice. Where the as of yet beating hearts of the self-proclaimed leaders of the kafir world would gather. The Éichholmschloss. Mighty, impenetrable, invincible, it seemed. But would it hold against the will of God? That would be tested soon enough. Franck knew they would do it. Many cowards had broken and fled ranks in the battles in Ummayah, before the modern enemy tanks, then getting picked off in the open fields, leaving behind only the strongest and willing. And these had done it, wrecking a battalions worth of those tanks and more. They had broken the enemy in Ummayah. They would do so again, here, in the heart of Satan.
Your moderate, peaceful Salafi-German-Turko nation, promoter of peace, justice and democracy
Founder of Stille Nacht
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Postby Demetland » Tue Apr 04, 2017 1:28 pm

Clovisburg, Gauliscia.

Standing in the Gruessaal, his tunic, the dark blue of the 1st Regiment Life Guards, decorated with golden braid and the forest green sash of the order of St. Teilo, Prince Maurice watched with interest the swarm of Gauliscians gathered about their High King, who was surrounded by a great many aristocrats, priests, functionaries, and ministers in the full range of military, religious, and civilian garb. A well-built young man of 20, and the third son of King Vortipor of Demetland, he had been commissioned Cornet into the Life Guards just before his 18th birthday and recently promoted Lieutenant. The constraints of royalty made any career difficult, but Maurice was a promising young officer - in spite of the efforts by the army and his own family to keep him out of harm's way, he had been decorated after an ambush by Megyornian dissidents in Marwick. Along with his siblings, he had had a first-rate education under the direction of the late Archbishop of Kerst, Centigern Mansell, the eminent classical scholar and theologian, whose history and treatise on the conversion of the Demetish pagans had been absolutely the last word on the subject for three decades. Yet Prince Maurice was not of an academic or theological proclivity, nor would such a proclivity have been something to be desired in the third son of the monarch. There were to his mind several considerable drawbacks of being the younger son of a king: he was not expected to inherit the crown, yet involvement in politics was denied him just the same; princes were expected to be as outright prodigies and expert in all manner of things, yet not to take a profession; involvement in the armed forces was obligatory, but the mollycoddling inevitably involved proves stultifying for a young subaltern, desirous as he is of action.. And then, there having been left for him no alternative to leisure or philanthropy, the hapless prince is accused in the popular press of debauchery or undue extravagance, and his income becomes a topic of debate in Parliament when all he is trying to do is what he supposes is required of him. So, Prince Maurice concluded, the primary obligations of his rank were relative obscurity and discretion. As things stood, the occupation of a soldier and tourist met these requirements and sober (or sometimes not) pursuit of these so far allowed him to eke out an enjoyable existence within the confines of the rank and station of a prince of Demetland.

The room itself was a kaleidoscopic display of every colour illuminated against a background of rich tapestries in the flickering light. Guests from all the major states, and many more besides, thronged beneath the high vaults of the oaken hall. Maurice himself was surrounded by the Demetish party, which consisted, apart from his father, King Vortipor, more or less, of half a dozen members of the royal family, with the notable exception of the heir to the throne, Prince Llywelyn: with the king were the Duke and Duchess of Marisbroke,; the King's second daughter, the Princess Maud; and the King's brother, the Duke of Linford. Gathered together about them were several diplomats and civilians dressed in their court uniform of navy tail coat embroidered with gold leaf, bearing cocked hats supporting dazzling white plumes. Most of these were the senior officers of His Majesty's Embassy to the Eichholmschloss, generally considered to be not an undesirable posting, attachés, ministers, and Sir Claude FitzMarnock, the ambassador himself, a wiry man of slender frame and short greying hair who now approached the prince through the crowd.

'Ah, hello ambassador,' Maurice said.

'Your Royal Highness,' he responded in greeting. Sir Claude was one of those fellows, of a solid sort that seemed to gravitate towards the foreign service, who seemed to know everything, or at least to know about the right thing at the right time, and upon whose face no other expression than of quiet and confident affability seemed possible.

'Have you been in Gauliscia long?' the prince enquired.

'Enough to become slightly acquainted with the place, sir,' he replied, before taking a drink of wine from a passing boy. 'I arrived here four years ago.' Without further encouragement the ambassador enumerated the many leading characters arrayed before them: Gauliscia's High King, Amalrich, ensconced by august robes and glittering crown; Prince Ulfomund, beside him; Scheÿjax, the High King's chief minister, her cabinet, and the assembled Gauliscian aristocracy.

Princess Maud, previously engaged in her own conversation, now returned, 'I don't recognise the Duchess Yngehilda, Sir Claude,' addressing the ambassador but looking at her brother as if dissatisfied. 'Is it not on her account we are all here?'

'Her Highness is not yet here, Your Royal Highness,' the ambassador broke off, and, this enquiry satisfied, began to describe the tapestries and portraits adorning the walls and their significance for the benefit of his audience. Another man, also wearing civil uniform and a hand gripping his sword, appeared stiffly beside him, whose arrival prevented Sir Claude from getting very far into the subject of Gauliscian art, but the appearance of this second diplomat hardly gave him pause.

'Your Royal Highnesses, may I present Mr. Edward Litton, His Majesty's first secretary in Clovisburg,' he introduced the younger man, who despite looking uncomfortable and not a little troubled, bowed and shook the prince's hand, before the two diplomats excused themselves and withdrew briefly and exchanged a few words in hushed tones before returning. 'Litton,' the ambassador continued, 'you will ensure that this message reaches His Majesty at once. The government must be informed as well.'

'It's already done, Your Excellency.' Litton departed.

It was a fact hardly disguised that the High King was seeking a match for his daughter and heiress, but if anybody had told Maurice that he was in the running for this, it would have been met with some derision. There would have been several cultural and political barriers that would make the match an unlikely one, without mentioning that, at the age of only 20, he thought himself too young to marry. 'Now, my dear sister,' Prince Maurice turned on his relative with feigned invective, 'on what account the discontent? why the dissatisfaction? does the hospitality of this country not merit your approval?' Before she could think of something to say in response, the attention of the whole gathering was fixed on the High King rising to greet his guests with arms outstretched.
Eurem yn er·wyll, a·m hudwy i berthyll;
a byδiv drythyll, o armes Fferyll.

exsultet fidelis chorus:

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Postby Achesia » Wed Apr 05, 2017 7:48 pm

Fashionably Late, the Achesian Delegation

"Do you think they will serve those nasty sausages?" Her soft blue eyes watched the brightly clad guards intimately as her brown locks danced in her sister's neck. She held Alexandra's arm tighter as they neared the entrance to the ball, it was with nervous excitement as it was the first time Princess Amanda Requeient was to be revealed to the world at a foreign function.

"These Gaulisicans think their taste in meat to be of a higher order than the rest of the world." The auburn strands of Princess Alexandra Requent's hair exhibited an almost abnormal fire in contrast to her strapless white and violet gown that ran tightly from her bosom to her hips and then flared out in a floral patterned skirt. Princess Alexandra was the oldest of the two Achesian Princesses, and was well versed in being presented to the world as she represented the Third Empire on the world's stage often as an Ambassador to decent women. Looking over her shoulder Alexandra's bright grey eyes spilt over a figure who followed a few paces behind.
"Achesian women know their meat well." She whispered into Amanda's ear, who blushed for a just a moment as they giggled at the thought together.

Behind them in full Achesian military dress, Prince Jupiter Requeint pressed his hand against the side of his head as he bent his neck to the left. A few audible cracks could be heard as he relieved some of the pressure built up in his neck. He displayed a sour look as his sisters neared the ballroom entrance, he hated formal functions. But he was fortunate enough to be sent on such an occasion, as despite certain situations he seemed to be back in favor with his father the Ackular.

He let a grin escape despite his vexed mood when Alexandra looked back to him, her bright eyes meeting his own as they played out a mental dream that they could be escorting each other to the ball with their heads held high.

“Why so chafed brother?” Amanda who knew nothing of the two’s history turned around, her navy blue hoop skirt swirling around. Amanda was far more innocent to the world than her sister Alexandra. A light hearted outlook often kept her in good spirits compared to Jupiter.

Walking up to Jupiter who stopped just before the doors to the ball, she adjusted a few of the brightly colored medals on his chest that were tangled with his black half-cape.

“You know me sister, I always liked my beard.” Jupiter ran his hand across his bare face where a beard once grew. Part of the deal of being in his father’s good graces no less.

“Stop being such a sour puss, perhaps a Princess is here for you.” Princess Amanda patted Jupiter on the cheek as she brightly smiled.

Both Alexandra and Jupiter exchanged glances as Amanda lined up with the do to make her grand debut.

Jupiter looked Alexandra up and down for a moment as they both let out a sigh, it was time to act the Royal perfect family again as the doors swing open and they take the world stage.

“Now presenting their Royal Highnesses, Prince Jupiter, Princess Alexandra, and Princess Amanda of House Requient, they lords of the Realm of Achesia!” The cryer announced them as Amanda put her first foot forward for the world.

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New Phallia
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Founded: Jan 24, 2017

New Phallian Delegation

Postby New Phallia » Thu Apr 06, 2017 12:10 am

Crown Prince Armand snickered at the sight of the Achesians. He leaned toward the assembled New Phallian royalty and whispered, "Those are the two I was talking about... Alexandra with the auburn hair, Prince Jupiter." The others did a bad job at hiding their amusement. They were:

- Crown Prince Thiers Armand von Hohenfall, son of His Majesty King Hagen III, still alive but too endemically ill to deal with matters of the state
- Princess Saona Panora, a beautiful girl in her prime, radiating charm while hiding a malicious streak- not uncommon in the Hohenfall House- with her unwavering smile
- Princess Sélina, with her beloved husband twenty years her age, Count Wëllem of Xanten, heir to a fortune larger than some country's GDPs
- Prince Stefan, son of Duke Ernst of Rießenheim whose family was one of the four royal houses which had for centuries run New Phallia and now ran a business empire stretching far beyond the Kingdom’s borders from banks to real estate to mining

Only the 25 year old Prince Stefan was considered a possible suitor to the Gauliscian Duchess, though unlikely as it was; New Phallia was not exactly the most powerful of countries on the world stage, vital as it was to trade and the supply of rare metals. No, as always, it was about maintaining a respectable presence amongst the world’s most powerful families, in hope that they’d favour the Kingdom the next time its neighbours jumped to grab a piece of it.

The Crown Prince himself was already engaged to the Princess of Bochefort, but rumour had it that their relationship was on the rocks following another suspected affair Armand was having. He was determined to go through this time, it would be his third wife following high-profile divorces and the entire royal family (and their extensions) were well aware of the public image the heir to the New Phallian throne was maintaining.

“That’s just… nasty. They look terrible.” Princess Saona giggled. “How they head the world’s most powerful nation is a mystery to me…”

“It will collapse soon enough.” Armand said. “Wait until the next baby Ackulars come out looking like apes and a few fingers too many.”

At this, the New Phallians couldn’t stop from bursting out in laughter, drawing no few looks. Prince Armand waved them to be silent as High King Amalrich III greeted the guests. Now the Gauliscians, they know what befits royalty Saona thought, admiring the glittering, golden display and all the smartly and traditionally dressed Gauliscian nobility. Next to her, her brother drew a hasty look at the Princess, a modest one-piece of blue chiffon, as was her style. Still single, despite the collective pressure of the family; while Prince Armand dearly loved his sister (well, not as much as the Achesian siblings loved each other..), she was afflicted by what he deemed the worst curse of the 21st Century. Feminism and the affiliated pity for the whining of the lazy commoner. She said she was waiting for the right one, which he suspected was some effeminate man who shared her corrupted values, of which there were few in proper society. Thank Woedin for that.

This is Muro
Last edited by New Phallia on Thu Apr 06, 2017 12:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Achesia » Thu Apr 06, 2017 7:15 pm

"Lions take no heed to the bleating of sheep." Alexandra muttered into her sisters ear, just loud enough for the surrounding people could hear. The laughter at the Phallian table was evidently directed at him, more than likely a spill over from the recent Buzzboard feud both of the Achesian Princesses and Prince Armand had been having.

Amanda nodded as she felt sideswiped by the sudden directed levity that echoed from the New Phallian nobles just a few tables away. But at her sister's heed she turned her gaze to the steps in front of her. The walk from the door to the Achesian table was a long one, as it was proper for the Achesian delegation to be seated towards the front of the room where the more important guests were located. Amanda noted how far back the New Phallian delegation was and it made her feel much better.

The table which seated ten was already filled with six other Achesians. Lord Jesten Lambe the Lord of Plood and his wife Lady Ruth were an older couple who ruled over the northern lands around the Bay of Strolok, a prestigious couple who were accompanied by their two portly daughters who they managed to squeeze into gowns meant for women 3/4s their size. Both the Lambe girls gave eyes to Prince Jupiter as he approached. Prince Kenneth and Princess Tabitha Requient were second cousins to the main branch of the Royal family and almost strangers to the Ackular's children as they lived outside of Imperium, but were none the less important members of Achesian nobility. Finally Lord Rubert Wylks and Lady Uthla of the Reach were prominent members of court in Achesia and Lord Wylks was a powerful commander in the Royal Armed Forces.

As the three royal children stood behind their chairs the rest of the table rose in respect to the crown family. The two older lords pulled the chairs out for the princesses and pushed them in, while Jupiter had the honor of being visually undressed by the Lambe daughters. He took it with stride however as he sat down across from them, ensuring the centerpiece blocked his line of sight with the chunky noblewomen.

"It is a pleasure that you all were able to make it." Lord Lambe adjusted his circular rimmed glasses as he smiled and bowed his wrinkly head. The Lambe family followed suit as Princess Alexandra smiled in her typical diplomatic fashion that the entire country had fallen in love with.

"We are happy to finally be here." Alexandra remarked, referencing the delayed flight from Fanwnnorth and the tremendous amount of Gauliscian security. "What have we missed? Armand show his third nipple to the crowd yet?" She snickered as the entire table burst into laughter. They did not call Alexandra the Auburn Treat of Achesia for nothing.

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New Phallia
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Founded: Jan 24, 2017

Postby New Phallia » Fri Apr 07, 2017 12:16 am

“Will you consider the G-31 for domestic production?” Despite it being a ball for the regions constitutional (and absolute) monarchies, that didn’t stop the Wankan ambassador to Gauliscia and his wife from coming along in their, in the ambassador’s case, a smart tuxedo, and in his wife’s case a rather extravagant exaggeration of a traditional East Prussian garb.

New Phallian ambassador to Gauliscia Walder de Meilleur emptied his glass of Schnaps and signalled for another one. “Unforeseeable. The Procurement Directorate has indicated a requirement of two squadrons worth of interceptors. Budget limits, even though we have learned to respect the quality of Gallen’s products.”

“Well, our government is very eager to support you either way. We value well our partnership with the Kingdom as the only source of stability in the region.” the Wankan said.

“So do we.” de Meilleur said. “Though there’s only so much we can do about piracy in the region. They are active over an area too large for the Royal Navy. Provided with a Wankan presence, that would be different.”

“The pussies of Kronstadt, if you’ll excuse me, do not wish to disturb the ‘delicate regional geopolitical balance’.”

“Worried the Atlish may freak?”

“Indeed. Ah, Your Highness, welcome.” de Meilleur shook Prince Armand’s hand and bowed to the two Princesses. “Igor Waktus, Wankan ambassador to Gauliscia.”

“A pleasure, Your Highness.” Waktus said. Prince Armand gave a curt nod, the Princesses giggled amongst themselves.

“What are those.” Sélina said, looking at the Achesian table. “The Gauliscians invited two elephants in?” Princess Saona shook her head in seeming disgust at her sister’s fat-shaming comment, but could barely suppress a laugh. At that moment the Achesian table burst out- with a malicious undertone. Prince Armand noticed.

He rapidly turned heel, back to the Achesians, sitting himself down and ordering the others to do so too.

“So, has anyone seen the Duchess?”

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Postby Cyrden » Sat Apr 08, 2017 8:37 pm

Éichholmschloss, Chlowisbuerg, United Realm of Gauliscia

Of all places, why did it have to be Gauliscia? thought the president of the Allied States of Cyrden. President Tyion Rosen looked out the window of the black limo that carried him and his family, staring at the blatant display of monarchy-might. True, it was Rosen's fault for accepting the invitation, but what else was he suppose to do? These monarchs controlled much of the world, whether he liked them or not. The brutality of Gauliscia had reached even the small republic in the form of hushed rumor. He had to at least not piss them off by skipping a ball. The president rubbed the knot in his tie as part of his typical nervous ritual. From the outside, one might assume President Rosen was a scholar of some sorts. He had thin framed glasses, clear baby blue eyes, and elegant cheekbones. His nose was rounded but was a bit long. The only true hint of his real age of fifty-one was betrayed by the wrinkles by his eyes and the greying of the tips of his brown hair. Currently, his dull red lips were set in a worried frown as he worried about his dautgher traveling outside with the King.

If one judged him by his scholarly look they would be right. Rosen was not much of a politician, his was far too philosopher than deal-maker. He would not surrender his ideals nor break an oath to his people. He was a very hated man in Congress and was in the process of being abandoned by his party. Yet, the Cyreve public seemed to keep him in power by sheer strength of will. Never once was Congress able to pass a bill of no confidence. That was because the entire nation had to vote to agree to it. And the Cyreve people would not stand for the loss of President Rosen. He had become as much a symbol of Cyrden as the figurehead monarch.

Across from him were his eldest child and his wife. Elena Rosen had soft brown eyes and lovely blonde hair. Even though she was three years older than Tyion, there was no sign of age since there was no greying of her hair nor wrinkling of her face. At least, age didn't show on her face. By now, her womanly frame had begun to become less attractive as age and the burden of motherhood had bothered her. Yet, the strength of her smile and laugh seemed to undo half a century of age, if but for a few seconds.

Kelsin Rosen was the mirror image of his father. He had the same eyes, same nose, same bow that twisted when thinking. Kelsin looked almost exactly the same his father looked at twenty-two. He, however, had much different mannerisms. Whereas Mr. Rosen always took the time to properly present himself, Kelsin had a somewhat disheveled appearance. It wasn't that he actually was disheveled, he clothes were nice and he stood tall. Yet, the way he was indifferent to how he left on his jacket whilst sitting or how his glasses always rested a bit more down than they should. They were little things really. But the Sinister worked in the little things.

Technically, Kelsin was of the proper age to be a "suitor" for the host nation's princess. He, however, had no desire to be handed out like candy to some foreign woman. He had come only to make an appearance at his father's request. Truth be told, the young man wouldn't mind the attention of a girl. He just didn't really know how to express himself around women. He had a bad habit of reading or using his phone when a pretty girl was right next to him.

Behind the president's limo and four security jeeps was an open-roof carriage. Smiling and waving was King Brojm III with Queen Annette by his side. Brojm had quite a few years over President Rosen, since he was sixty-eight. In many ways, he was like Presidet Rosen. Meaning, he was well-liked by the people but had many political enemies. Too many. While almost entirely a figurehead, Brojm did oversee all government funded charities and decide who got funded more or less the following year. He also got veto power on non-executive educational bills, healthcare bills, and child care. Of course, his veto meant nothing if the presidential cabinet overturned it. Which often did happen. And of course, Brojm III was Supreme Commander of the First Republic Legion. But only if Congress voted to go to war. Or to even bother letting him stay in command.

Brojm had all white hair with a beard that hung a little past the chin. In addition, he wore his finest purple and red robes. They were such a dark color, it seemed as if the colors might just burst from the clothing and block out the sky. All this combined with his grandfatherly twinkling eyes and smile, he had a somewhat wizardly feel. All he needed was a staff and he could be Filjorb the Eye. His wife was dressed in a silk red dress that matched his own. She had delicate features, but wrinkles had removed some of her youthful beauty. Also unlike the president Brojm had eight children. Three of them were in attendance today.

Sitting in the back of the carriage were Balrin, Lelian, and Yedren. Balrin was married and had his wife and young child with him. Like his father, he had a cheerful face and a well-kept beard. Lelian was also married and had her husband with her. There was no child yet. Yedren was unmarried and was 27, a bit older than the princess in question, but not out of his prime yet. Yedren had come simply out of boredom. After all being the fourth son was a bit redundant. One would inherit, one would be a military man, one a priest. If only Yedren were a doctor or lawyer. Then all the noble vocations would be filled by Brojm's sons. It was not to be.

The last son of Brojm had curly blonde hair like his mother. His eyes were the purest of sapphires and his face appeared to have been made by an angel. No, by a Holy Itself. There was no question, Yedren was the most handsome son of Brojm. His brilliant smile could turn women's knees to jelly. He fancied himself a bard, that is, a loremen. He thought he could sing any song, write any tune, recount any tale. And, for the most part, that was true. He did so to impress women. Yedren hoped to win over the princess just because he liked to be able to make women happy. Seeing a woman smile warmed his heart like nothing else in the world.

Guards in bulletproof vests rode motorcycles around the king but at a distance. The main guards were on horse back and in plate armor. The armor, however, was made purposefully so that body movement was not too slowed. This was done making most of the stomach and thigh area simply chain-mail with an odd plate here or there. Their breastplates bore the royal crest. They carried lances for decoration. By their sides hung pistols. Men on horses besides them wore full-plate. These men were nobles, dressing up like vassals would do for their king centuries ago.

At the front of the royals was Martyr Juimre. Or rather, her physical representation. Brojm III had selected Brela Rosen to be his Juimre. A girl who showed outstanding patriotism was raised to the position of Martyr Juimre from the age of fifteen to twenty-nine, the age Juimre was stabbed in the back. Literally. Picking the Juimre was one other duty the King had. Ironic, because Juimre stood for justice. And that meant everyone had a say in the government, meaning no kings. Perhaps it was because the king was made a figurehead that someone wished to say that the king still had a legal right to have political opinion. The decision was also made by the Holy Priests. Brela was known to be a devout girl. Brela was only a few years into her "term", being eighteen. Like in all descriptions of the martyr, Brela wore shinny white armor and had her blonde hair in a braid that reached the same of her back. She did not smile as she rode, for justice did not smile while it judged a city. The Judgment meant nothing anymore, but Brela still had to do it.

At last, the large group made their way to the front gates of the palace. As per religious custom, Martyr Juimre slid off her horse effortlessly and walked up to the main gates. She wore a sword at her side and wore armor modified for a girl. Especially a girl who was only 5' 4". In acting the Ritual of Greeting, the girl drew her sword. Brela knelt down on one knee, placing the sword's tip against the ground. Then, she held up a white rose. This was a sign that the Followers of the Holies wished to bring peace, wisdom, and understanding to the people they would meet here. Of course, Brela and most of the Cydeves knew no one in Gaulisica probably bothered to know that the next thing to do was to take the white rose and place it behind Juimre's ear a symbol of allowing her with a just stay.
Last edited by Cyrden on Thu Apr 13, 2017 8:22 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Aemen » Sun Apr 09, 2017 9:46 am

The Aemen delegation arrived soon after most of the other guests and though they greeted their hosts and fellow guests warmly, it was clear the Emperor was indifferent to the outcome of the Duchess’ choice for marriage. For the sake of appearances, Theofilus had sent the High Minister of Relations, a seventy-four year old skilled diplomat by the name of Julian Gillingham, along with a gaggle of other ambassadors to accompany the potential Aemen suitor: Lionel Folcwalding.

Lionel was the second son of Elector-Margrave Diederik Folcwalding, the single highest military authority in the entirety of Aemen and surpassed only by the Emperor himself. Diederik was a powerful individual in his own private right and had made a name for himself during the reign of the Emperor’s father, King Reginald II, when his own father Ridley held the combined title of Elector-Margrave.

Unlike Diederik, Lionel was relatively unimpressive by his family’s standards. He was handsome, with his pronounced and well-emphasised facial structure as well as his toned and cared-for body, but his ability in dealing with the bureaucracy of the state, a task his siblings and cousins had their own level of skill with, was less than satisfactory and it was clear he was not going to thrive in the military or one of the ministries. However, Lionel did have a useful talent for persuasion and his father sought to capitalise on his son’s gifts by seeing him appointed on the Joint Ministerial Group for Strategic Procurement. This was a government body made up of negotiators whose purpose was to buy technology, equipment and software from foreign nations, as well as to sell Aemen wares to those same nations.

Lionel was the Group’s Head of Defence Affairs and mainly handled the sales of Aemen’s varied military weapons. It wasn’t just nations that were on the list of potential buyers for Lionel – terrorists, rebels, separatists and extremists; if they could afford the price, Lionel was willing to sell them some of the most horrific devices in the empire’s arsenal.

Julian walked over to Lionel as he finished talking to a Gauliscian dignitary, two glasses of their host’s peculiar taste in fanciful alcohol in his hands. He passed one to Lionel.

‘Ah, thank you Julian, just what I needed. We’ve only just arrived and already I feel a bit dry from all this chatter.’

‘You’ll have to get used to it. The Gauliscians like to talk, mostly about how good they are at cutting the talk and getting straight to a fight, but their heritage means they have every right to be proud, and as you can see from where we are, they are very proud.’

Lionel looked about again, smiling and showing off his perfect set of teeth to the Achesian and New Phallian princesses as they caught his eye. Of course, the ultimate prize tonight was the Duchess, but she was noticeably absent for the moment. Though, there was a detail that played on his mind even more: the lack of a security detail. Lionel sipped from his glass, leaning over to Julian as he maintained his smile.

‘Why didn’t we get assigned a squad of Crown Guard for protection?’

‘Why would we need them?’ Julian asked, sipping from his own glass and wincing at the strong, punchy taste. ‘Good lord this has a kick.’

‘It’s protocol, isn’t it? When members of the imperial family or high-ranking dignitaries are at these sorts of events?’

Julian laughed, wiping his lips with a handkerchief he pulled from the inside breast pocket of his suit’s jacket. ‘Of which you are neither.’

Lionel dropped his smile and looked over to his compatriot, annoyed. ‘I… I know, but you’re a High Minister. There are only so many of you to go around.’

‘The Gauliscians offered to match our security detail tonight. Don’t worry, I’ve dealt with them before, I have every confidence in the abilities of their services. Besides, it’s not me who is on a mission tonight.’

Lionel managed a chuckle, turning his smile back on. ‘You’re right, but I’ve dealt with them before too, just for the record.’

‘Have you? We’ve sold the High King’s forces munitions?’

Lionel dusted off his signet ring on the front of his jacket, a habit of his since he was a teenager before he finished the rest of his drink. ‘You know I can’t say, old fellow. JMGSP’s strict on discretion.’ He said, before shooting Julian a knowing glance and a wink.

The High Minister raised an eyebrow before shaking his head. ‘It’s refreshing to meet a Folcwalding with a sense of humour, if you’ll allow me to say such things.’

Lionel handed Julian his empty glass before patting him on the arm. ‘Now, I’m going to leave you with the senses of humour around us, whilst I look for another drink.’

‘Don’t go too heavy. You’re here on the Emperor’s business. Don’t embarrass him.’

Lionel stopped and, for a few noticeable seconds, his confident demeanor vanished, before he regained his composure and moved towards the heaviest concentration of Gauliscian alcohol. ‘My… my dear High Minister, I wouldn’t… uh, I’m not going to open the floodgates, simply turn the tap. I’ll be perfectly well behaved tonight, what’s the worst that could happen?’

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Authoritarian Democracy

Postby Inoroth » Sun Apr 09, 2017 10:04 pm

Casetta Di Giocaccia
Outskirts of Cappera, Principality of Tronda, Inoroth
Earlier that day…

The rain drops lazily splattered against the windows of the Zaponi-built twin-engine jet, idling on the glistening tarmac of an otherwise abandoned small airstrip. Tall stands of pine lined the short runway, the forest extending as far as the eye could see in every direction. Despite the altitude, grey clouds managed to dim the morning sun to a dull white orb. Everything was wet with that distinctive new spring dampness, and a light fog wafted by every once in a while, barely blurring out the furthest objects but causing enough disturbance to be noticeable. It was the kind of day where one went out mushroom hunting.

Overlooking the scene was a gentle hill, perhaps 500 meters away and sixty meters above the smooth asphalt and hanger. On it, nestled among the trees, sat a small unimposing chateaux-styled structure and a few outbuildings. Such was the royal hunting palace Casetta Di Giocaccia, an out-of-the-way personal retreat from the more imposing formal palaces of the big cities, or even the sprawling ‘hunting homes’ meant for entertaining guests. No, here was where Royals went to avoid the crowds and pressures of state, where there were no traditions or ceremonies or trappings of the centuries-old monarchy to maintain, where they could relax and be people instead of figureheads.

A motorcade of three stylish old motorcars deliberately wound its way down the switchback turns, until it finally pulled alongside the waiting areoplane. Out of the first car’s rear-right door stepped King Umberto Enrico Angelo IV, looking every one of his 56 years and another fifteen for good measure as he heaved himself out of the seat after a few false starts. The driver, himself no youngster, hastily opened an umbrella and escorted the king around to rear-left door, whereupon Queen Isabella Maria d’Trevallia practically alighted out and onto the waiting king’s extended elbow. Though herself only eight years King Angelo’s younger, she did not show half of it.

Out of the other two cars stepped their five children, who had driven down themselves. There was Cristoforo Tommasi Vinchero, the 28 year old eldest child and heir to the crowns. He had a reputation for being taciturn, responsible, and somewhat aloof — Some thought it was because of his brooding intelligence, others because of his lack thereof. His brown eyes were said to be piercing on the rare occasions when something caught his interest and disinterestedly vacant the rest of the time. He has also garnered a reputation for a ‘hands-off’ approach to leadership, acting decisively only when absolutely required and otherwise preferring things to run their course.

Because military and/or civil service was compulsory in Inoroth, all the children had been enlisted in some capacity in their youth, but none with the conviction that Vinchero displayed. He had devoted four years in the Bersiglieri Corps, a physically demanding unit that specialized in distance running instead of normal marching and were often the spearhead of conventional attacks. Having climbed to the rank of Major, he was the only royal to see active fighting (on a peacekeeping mission to Nill, where enemy mortars had bombarded his column of APCs and IFVs bringing aid to the Ethnic Inorothians in the country). His gunner gravely wounded by shrapnel, Vinchero took his place and scored 12 confirmed kills defending his position until friendly aircraft and artillery drove off the attackers.

He kept up his physical conditioning after the army, and had spent a good deal of the past week at the Casetta rowing out on the lake and hiking the trails. He was an outdoorsman and well-built, with strong proportioned limbs and a tanned complexion, the only one in his family to sport a curly but trimmed brown beard (much to his father’s displeasure). He had largely taken to his father’s prepatory instruction for the throne, though with some minor friction and bombs along the way, and is expected to make an acceptable, traditional replacement by the general populace, and thus is unlikely to be available for marriage unless his bride is willing to be consort.

His 24 year old younger sister, Carina Flavia Bianca, however, is more known for over-extending herself in a myriad of activities. Whatever endeavor she touches seems to turn to gold, and her talent thus far knows no bounds. She plays fifteen musical instruments proficiently, ranging from piano to bass to drums, and was the guest violinist for several concerts at the prestigious Rothian Philharmonic orchestra in the Capital city. Over the course of her childhood, she had hundreds of tutors, flitting from painting to sculpting to cooking to chemistry to poetry to whatever subject suited her fancy that month, gaining the level of mastery she set for herself, and promptly dropping it to do something else. Her bright blue eyes are always lively and inquisitive, and she likes to change her hairstyle and color every few weeks — now it is auburn and down to her shoulders.

She has a constant hunger for the new, the challenging, and the different, and requires constant intellectual stimulation to quiet her mind. Some say that she pushes herself so hard because she doesn’t want time to be alone with her thoughts, and most everyone agrees the drive to achieve all started shortly after a fire burned down half of the Palace in Udine, nearly killing her. Her official explanation is that she ”knows life is short, and every day is worth exploring to the fullest”.

She served in the Education Assistance Corp for her compulsory service, bouncing around from school to school and position to position for two years and gaining insight into the nation’s education needs while inspiring those around her. Bianca has, as a result, become a familiar figure at Court, proposing reforms and initiatives left and right as her experience grows, much to the chagrin of other advisors and the more traditionally minded. Many believe she will act as the perfect counter to Vinchero, the unstoppable force to his immovable personality.

At 22 years old, Gian-Pierre Rubiano follows many of the stereotypes of the royal who is not expected to inherit the throne. Free of all the responsibilities and concerns about image, he leads a largely carefree and easygoing lifestyle, with many parties and scandalous rendezvous with noblewoman and commoner alike. He fancies himself a stylish and suave character, and his outfits, largely inspired by the 1950’s swingers, are never complete without his signature fedora.

He was the child who was always getting into trouble, pushing the boundaries, and causing grief for his parents and caretakers. Rubiano would often climb the walls around the palaces and wander out into the city streets, playing with whatever childhood gang he happened into. On one of those escapades, he challenged a youth to a ‘duel’ using sharpened sticks in an alleyway. His left eye was scratched rather badly by the affair, and though his eyesight recovered, he bears the slash scar still. His green eyes are mysterious and are known to drive women crazy, and he keeps in decent shape. He served in the Air Corps for his compulsory service, and from all accounts was adequate but not exceptional, especially when given leave to leave the base — Rubiano and alcohol do not mix, as they say. He would make a logical, though potentially demanding and draining king consort.

The youngest son, 20 year old Davide Marco Alberto, co-manages the ‘Kings Companies’, an amalgamation of about two-dozen powerful corporation owned by the King. They are seen as tools for social reform as much as they are assets in the Crown’s tally. He has been at it for about four months now. Before that, Alberto worked for the Logistics Corps for his two year service, and he helped work out and rectify several inefficiencies in the military supply chain during that time.

He knows he is very unlikely to inherit the crown, and has resigned himself to being the right-hand man to his brother, the man who ensures the King’s will is meeted out in reality. He is methodical and bureaucratic in his methods, but he produces results. Alberto wears his hair very short and keeps spectacles on at all times, though his hazel eyes are very alert. He is a bit young to be Gauliscia's king consort, but his personality would make him suitable to the task.

Lastly, there is 18 year old Elena Pia Giulia, shy and booksmart. She spent the last few days at the Casetta riding horseback on the gentler trails and buried nose-deep in storybooks. Her blond hair is straight and falls about four inches past her shoulders, and her blue eyes show an untapped intelligence. She has not been to many social events and is known to be very shy in unfamiliar situations.

Giulia followed her big sister Bianca’s lead and also served in the Education Assistance Corps, although so far she has spent the entire time at a university library as a research assistant. She loves history and the structure of narrative works.

Four Imperial Guards also exited the cars. They wore casual footman uniforms, consisting of crimson undershirt, dark purple overcoat with silver buttons and gold trim and braided epaulets, black forage cap with gold insignia, black pants with a golden stripe running down the leg, and black boots. They carried holstered 9 mil pistols on their right hip and zip-tie cuffs on their belts. Had this been a parade, they would have worn the full cuirassiers get-up and carried rifles, but for ease of movement in vehicles and out of deference to the Gaulsicans, they were so attired.

Ascending by age, the seven Royals climbed the steps of the mobile stairway and entered the waiting jet, followed by their security entourage. A half-dozen more guards waiting inside the plane. It would be a short flight to Clovisburg and the marriage ball of Princess Yngehilda.

Éichholmschloss, Clovisburg, United Realm of Gauliscia

They arrived without incident, and the waiting cars sped the Inorothian Royal Family off to the event. They were each announced in turn by the Crier as they entered the ornate, if slightly gaudy chamber, and took their seats with the twenty-or-so other Inorothian Dukes and Duchesses who had been invited to attend, as well as the Ambassador to Gualiscia — the Prime Minister had had to decline, as there was a roiling debate on the floor of the Commons about redistricting that demanded his undivided attention and could influence his party’s security for the next ten years.

Relations with the Gauliscians had always been a balancing act — on the one hand, ensuring that Inoroth remained as much as possible in their good graces to prevent war and keep up the tradition of being neighborly, while also stepping clear of endorsing some of the more… drastic tactics the Gauliscians were more than happy to commit to ensure their security.

There was also the growing problem in Nill that perplexed all involved, especially with the Megyorny seeming prepared to follow through on the current government’s call for annexation. Despite the years of doubt and tension between the two countries, this ball, and this marriage, could prove the opportunity to bolster Ino-Gauliscian relations and present a more united front to the rest of the world.
Last edited by Inoroth on Sun Apr 09, 2017 10:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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New Phallia
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Postby New Phallia » Wed Apr 12, 2017 2:24 am

Cyrden wrote:At last, the large group made their way to the front gates of the palace. As per religious custom, Martyr Juimre slid off her horse effortlessly and walked up to the main gates. She wore a sword at her side and wore armor modified for a girl. Especially a girl who was only 5' 4". In acting the Ritual of Greeting, the girl drew her sword. Brela knelt down on one knee, placing the sword's tip against the ground. Then, she held up a white rose. This was a sign that the Followers of the Holies wished to bring peace, wisdom, and understanding to the people they would meet here. Of course, Brela and most of the Cydeves knew no one in Gaulisica probably bothered to know that the next thing to do was to take the white rose and place it behind Juimre's ear a symbol of allowing her with a just stay.

At the entrance, the Wankan ambassador as well as the New Phallian ambassador to Gauliscia, Igor Waktus and Walder de Meilleur respectively as well as a Gauliscian nobleman Waktus had requested to join to receive the Cryden delegation waited, watching with no little awe as the curious mix of medieval and modernity rolled and trotted in. Wanka had seen its share of knights in shining armour, but not to the extent of the warrior caste that existed elsewhere centuries ago; the Cyrdens radiated will and power. Which was what their suits were tailored to do, the New Phallian ambassador thought.

The Wankans were well-received in the Gauliscian court, at the very least their relations were cordial, even if events in Ummayah had caused a strain in their relationship amicable due to its mutual benefits since the war for the Auyadelle a decade ago. Acquainted with Cydeve traditions and perhaps noting Gauliscian stubbornness and slight ignorance toward other faiths Waktus had taken it up to greet their delegation.

Waktus was aware, and slightly troubled by, his less-than-innocent thoughts as the very young Martyr Juimre on her horse, looking stern and intimidating and wielding what looked to be a sword that had drawn blood approached, bent down and held up the white rose.

Waktus took it, bowing respectfully, and keeping his eyes firmly off her slender body, placed it behind her left ear. “May peace be upon you.” he said.

“Welcome to Gauliscia.” The Gauliscian nobleman said.

At the reception, the rest of the New Phallian delegation watched as their gift to the Duchess was being trucked in. At nearly five meters tall and two meters wide, weighing more like a small battle tank than anything else, it had to be shipped in weeks before. An Eternal Buddha, glistening in pure gold, seized in the aftermath of the Chen-New Phallian War. From all the priceless artefacts that Castle Hohenfall had within their most recent capture, a symbol holy to some six hundred million people within Chen and without, was chosen, as a symbol of the- in Waktus’ honest opinion- rather brute and ruthless power. Inferiority complex, Waktus thought, an overly massive gift to compensate for the Kingdom’s small size. Not that he didn’t like them, though the Crown Prince could be overbearing. Also, he suspected that there was no more space in Gmünd’s forbidden museum of war trophies.

Prince Armand meanwhile was sizing up to the royal (male) arrivals which were now quickly filling the hall. Prince Stefan had other thoughts, and in light of the apparent absence of the Duchess, admired the extravagance of the Hesperan Princesses. Count Wëllem helped himself to a drink, maybe two, maybe more.

“That’s Prince Yedren. Stefan, sorry boy, but I’ve seen him with women, and his singing is… you know the Gauliscians love that.”

“So I’ve been told.” Prince Stefan replied. “The Wankan say they sang their way into battle and would not stop even under fire, or when the shahids went all allahu akbar on them. But I’m ready, watch me.”

“Wëllem, Graf alder,” Armand said to the Count while the Princesses whispered noticeably in hush tones, quite clearly directed at the Aemen who seemed to hesitate not a second to rush to the alcohol. ”Du’as Wëdbéwàrb.”

“Wié. Ach.” The Count said, shaking his head and laughing. “Competition from him? Née. I’d be more concerned of Saona falling for that guy.”

“Wér? The Rothian?” Armand asked.

“Prince Rubiano.”

Armand humphed in disgust. “Yes, I would be concerned. What’s a peasant doing here? Crazy party. Incestuous Achesians bringing pigs, that Wankan diplomat-peasant, and this.”

Stefan himself was looking at Princess Bianca. He knew of her, admittedly, a bit more than was normal, but after all, she was fascinating to him. Her talent, her royal blood, her beauty… his type, he was sure. But outgoing he was not and he remained content to hang around with the Crown Prince who was sure he could beat the other Princes at, well, anything. “We should bring back duels.” he was saying. “Separate the real men from the pussy ladyboys, of which there are now far too many.”

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Postby Cyrden » Thu Apr 13, 2017 9:10 am

Éichholmschloss, Chlowisbuerg

Brela was genuinely surprised to have received the proper response to her greeting ritual. The Collection of Holies was not a wide-spread faith nor was it very prominent where it was a minority. The girl smiled warmly at Waktus, unaware that he had been having impure thoughts about her. After all, she was a bit naïve when it came to love and lust. She was eighteen but had not had a boyfriend since she was fifteen. Even didn't really last long. Perhaps because of this she was still virgin. Not because she was required to by her religious rank, but because she simply didn't entertain the idea of sleeping around. Brela was only interested in meaningful, long-lasting relationships. She also happened to be quite judgmental towards boys who showed interest in her. What did they expect, she was the physical form of the main Justice Martyr. Brela stood in one fluid motion. The young embodiment of justice laid the sword across her shoulders and pushed her elbows back, stretching. The flower behind her ear blew faintly in the wind, with her braid. She spoke to the men who received her in English "I am surprised that the intricate details of my faith are known outside the republic." Her voice was soft and gentle like laughter. She, however, did not speak English perfectly and mispronounced a few minor syllables due to her accent. It did not hinder her from being understood. With that, she put away her sword and led her countrymen into the party.

As soon as they were inside, President Rosen, King Brojm III and their wives went to go secure their table. Following behind were several armed guards with stern faces and even sterner looking weapons. Rosen got side-tracked as he turned to greet Julian Gillingham and the rest of the Aemen delegation. Rosen greeted Julian first "Ah, Ms. Gillingham, it has been a few years since we last saw each other. I don't expect you to remember me, I wasn't President Rosen then, I was Trade Minister Rosen." He extended his hand and smiled warmly.

At the table, Brela had chosen to sit down beside a woman with auburn hair. She didn't realize it was Princess Alexandra until she heard a rather crude joke slip from her mouth. Brela turned to her right to look at Alexandra. The armored girl had heard a lot about the princess but had never seen her before. As the rumors suggested, Alexandra was indeed very beautiful. The other rumors were the ones Brela tried to forget. "Hello there." Brela said to Alexandra. She offered her a hand but withdrew it after she realized she still had her thin gauntlet on. Brela blushed in embarrassment as she worked to unclasp the metal glove. The gauntlet really was just a firm leather glove with metal laid carefully over it. The point was to allow Brela movement with in the suit of armor. It was much like the guard's uniforms. Once free of her gauntlets, Brela looked back at Alexandra and offered her hand again. "I'm sorry" she said "I hardly remember when I have this suit on since I wear it so much."

The first rule of the pack: Don't go around pissing off your competition. So, according to his nature, Prince Yedren went straight to Prince Armand, winking at Princess Saona as he passed her. Following in his wake was Kelsin Rosen. It wasn't Kelsin's choice though, Yedren had swept him up with his enthusiasm. They had been like that since childhood. Although Yedren had five years on Kelsin, he stuck by him a lot. For one, Kelsin was a kind friend who could talk Yedren out of doing stupid things like egging the Executive Hall or putting rats into the palace's tour rooms. Yedren discovered that women flocked to Kelsin. It was mysterious, Kelsin just sat there with a book and girls would gather around. The prince assumed that the president's son was just a mystery the girls wished to solve. It was never more that three and they were often timid creatures, pretty but not smoking beauties. But pretty was enough for Yedren and he was happy to entertain. Kelsin would do his best to be polite, but his heart was never in it. Some claimed Kelsin was gay, but Yedren knew that Kelsin had kissed girls before. After all, Kelsin had served in the military like all youth of Cyrden do. He had not chosen a combat role, but instead applied for studying military history. Yedren would sneak Kelsin out of the barracks on weekends and they would go drinking. At bars, Kelsin didn't read and often challenged even Yedren. And the prince respected him for that.

Yedren grinned at the other prince and said "Hello, Prince Armand. As you may know -or may not care to know- I am Prince Yedren, fourth son of Brojm III. This is Kelsin Rosen, first born of President Rosen ." Kelsin waved and said "Hello." The Cydeve prince made a mental note to give the president's son a pep talk on walking to strangers. "Now there's got to be about, what, ten guys after this Yngehilda?" Yedren asked. He crossed his arms as a sigh that he would be sticking around. Yedren said "Well, I think that I've got to all beat if this is it. If you've got a gift for her, I'll give it to her for you when I am eating dinner across from her." The youngest son of the king loved to annoy people. He wanted to see how Armand reacted to his teasing to judge what kind of man he was. Kelsin had already grown bored and dug out a book.

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Postby Murovanka » Thu Apr 13, 2017 10:43 am

Cyrden wrote:Yedren grinned at the other prince and said "Hello, Prince Armand. As you may know -or may not care to know- I am Prince Yedren, fourth son of Brojm III. This is Kelsin Rosen, first born of President Rosen ." Kelsin waved and said "Hello." The Cydeve prince made a mental note to give the president's son a pep talk on walking to strangers. "Now there's got to be about, what, ten guys after this Yngehilda?" Yedren asked. He crossed his arms as a sigh that he would be sticking around. Yedren said "Well, I think that I've got to all beat if this is it. If you've got a gift for her, I'll give it to her for you when I am eating dinner across from her." The youngest son of the king loved to annoy people. He wanted to see how Armand reacted to his teasing to judge what kind of man he was. Kelsin had already grown bored and dug out a book.

Prince Armand gave Kelsin a curt nod. There were too many commoners here for his taste. "An honor to meet you, Prince Yedren of Cyrden. I believe you are mistaken; I am lucky to be engaged. You are looking for Prince Stefan here. Incidentally, though, have you seen our gift? It has just been brought in, that is, it will have to stay outside due to its... dimensions. A statue erected some five hundred years ago and guiding the beliefs and worship of hundreds of millions of people. Now, if Stefan here has something to go for him, its that his country and family have a history and tradition of power of many forms."

Prince Stefan stepped up, saying more conciliatory, "Now, now, we can be sure that the Duchess of Gauliscia will choose the right man for her, and may she choose one that befits her best. Say, Prince Yedren, son of Brojm III, what gift have you brought the next High Queen? Your melodies are known far and wide though I hope that is not solely what you're relying on to win Her Majesties heart."

Prince Armand meanwhile had noted with disgust at how the commoner son of the president had pulled out a book here, of all places, turning away and leaving Stefan with Yedren. "Precisely the sort of men that need a good boot camp and show them their place in society." he muttered to Count Wëllem, who by now was slightly intoxicated. He saw the Wankan ambassador and shook his head angrily. Bloody peasants, just can't be rid of them.
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Postby Cyrden » Thu Apr 13, 2017 12:47 pm

Yedren laughed and smacked his forehead "Too many royals to keep track off. There's my seven siblings, my parents, and then royal families just as big or bigger than mine. I think people grow tired of royals because there's too many names and people to remember. Sorry about the mix up gents." Thankfully, Yerden was flexible and able to easily recover from his mistakes. He wagged a finger at Stefan with a mischievous smile "Now now, I can't go around giving sneak peeks of my next ballad. Why, that would ruin the build up. And yes, it is one of the main things I will rely on. After all, a woman should never pick a man for something he has externally, besides handsomeness of course. I can always lose my money, my car, or whatnot. But I shan't easily lose my ability to sing. And few men can sing as I can. That has to at least put me a bit above others."

Yedren laughed "Don't worry I'm not that cheap. I'm pretty sure my dad was lame and got her a horse. Rosen either got her a sword or a watch with some Collection of Holies dogma on it." Yedren reached into his blazer and pulled out a golden box. It was small but looked a bit heavy. Yedren opened the box and showed Stefan a necklace, two earrings, and a ring. Yedren smiled "It's not a wedding ring, I'm not that confidant." The necklace was gold and silver and had a platinum end piece. The gold end was carved into the shape of a dragon's head with an open mouth. A red ruby was fitted inside the mouth. The ring was silver and looked like a coiled drake (drakes are dragons with no legs but with wings). An emerald sat in the snake's eye socket. The earrings were made completely of platinum. They were made in the shape of humans that had six wings. They held swords that had blades of blue diamond.

"They're myths." Yedren explained "Before the Holies were the dragons and drakes. Manifestations of evil. That sort of thing. There was one dragon, a platinum dragon, called Ayluiox. A mouthful I know. She had a servant, a drake, named Yulibon. These two were the first silvers of goodness and order. Both Ayluiox and Yulibon were killed, torn asunder by evil. They had children who looked nothing like them. Humanoids with many wings. The Holies. Revenax, God of Truth and Ebanious, Goddess of Bravery were the first Holies. They had weapons strong enough to piece the dragon's hides and send them into the Everfires." With a laugh, he added "Of course, there were the dark gods too, but there's only so much I'm willing to spend on a "Hello, my name is Yedren" gift."

Kelsin slipped away for two reasons. The first was obvious, he wasn't needed there. Yedren had the personality to act as thirty people. The second was that the book he was reading was far too good to have time taken from it by royals. The president's son walked and read at the same time. He had always done so, hundreds of times. He relied on the tops of his eyes to see people while he focused on the words. If he saw a person, he'd just avoid them. This time, however, he bumped right into someone and fell. The other person fell over too. Kelsin looked over and came face to face with Princess Saona.

"Shit." Kelsin cursed in his native tongue. Wasting no time, the young man got up and then reached down and helped up Princess Saona. He left his book on the floor, much as it broke his heart. Bending over to pick up the book would be taken as more rude behavior. "I'm so sorry. Are you hurt?" Kelsin inquired in English. He slipped his glasses back into their proper place and straightened his blazer to make himself more presentable before a princess. He said "I didn't mean to bump into you. I've done that dozens of times and I've never knocked into someone before. I must be getting sloppy with it. Again, my apologizes." With a slight hesitation he added "Is there something I can do to make it up to you?"

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Postby Murovanka » Thu Apr 13, 2017 8:27 pm

Cyrden wrote:"They're myths." Yedren explained "Before the Holies were the dragons and drakes. Manifestations of evil. That sort of thing. There was one dragon, a platinum dragon, called Ayluiox. A mouthful I know. She had a servant, a drake, named Yulibon. These two were the first silvers of goodness and order. Both Ayluiox and Yulibon were killed, torn asunder by evil. They had children who looked nothing like them. Humanoids with many wings. The Holies. Revenax, God of Truth and Ebanious, Goddess of Bravery were the first Holies. They had weapons strong enough to piece the dragon's hides and send them into the Everfires." With a laugh, he added "Of course, there were the dark gods too, but there's only so much I'm willing to spend on a "Hello, my name is Yedren" gift."

“You are very sure of yourself.” Prince Stefan said. “Well, if you know the Gauliscians, they have their very extensive Pantheon and are adding to it with each people they conquer. They can be stubborn about it too. I can assure you that my gift will be more relatable- trophies of foreign conquests and adventures and tales of strength and bravery appeal to them more than symbols of foreign, in their eyes heretic, gods. You speak like Her Royal Highness Princess Saona with how externally a man doesn’t matter, but how true does that hold?

“Is it an excuse for cowardice? For indolence? How much is a man worth if he is unable to smatter down the enemies of family and Kingdom, defend her honour; which he cannot and does not have if he has neither the means nor the power or the tradition to follow.”

Was ‘smatter’ even a word? It was fine that he was being spoken to in English, the tongue of the Aemen who had established the first colonial empire establishing it as the language for business even until today. As such, with New Phallia a major trading thoroughfare, the order of languages to be learnt- particularly for those who were wealthy enough to attend the elite Nonante Academie- was New Phallian first, Old Wankan, the language of the royal court second, and English, for diplomatic and business purposes. One could choose a fourth if one was so willing.

Back to the word smatter, which the Prince had directly translated from his native schmettern, which meant to smash. What he had really said meant something else entirely.

Nearby, Princess Saona suddenly cried out and everyone looked up to see her on the floor, the book boy nervously scrambling to help her up. Her $200,000 pearl necklace had broken and the rare, precious little balls from the southern Estourian waters rolled about. The Princess cried out at seeing this, Prince Armand and Count Wëllem rushed over, towering over the book boy. “Boy!” Armand roared, “Do you not have any sense? To not disturb anyone, never mind read a book at such a feast? Barbarian!”

“Thiers!” Saona cried out. “Please! It was an accident, I am sure.” Turning to Kelsin, she said, “Would you pick these up for me? Invaluable, they are, a gift from my father for my twentieth.”
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Postby Cyrden » Fri Apr 14, 2017 7:49 am

Yedren cocked an eyebrow "Aren't all those things internal things? I mean, having a yacht does make someone a good naval leader. You can't "smatter" down enemies by being just externally wealthy. You need charisma, the ability to make people want to fight for you. You have to be competent enough to understand the enemy's movement. Besides, you can't always just beat people down. Sometimes a true man can solve problems without violence. For don't we consider barbarians people who can't talk things-" Yedren was cut off by two thuds and then the sound of pings against the floor. He looked over and saw Kelsin on the floor next to Princess Saona. The princess cradled an empty necklace, the pearls rolled off. The Cyreve prince swore in his own language "You're killing me Kelsin. Killing me."

Kelsin got back down to help the princess gather up her pearls. He took a look at the necklace and said "Don't worry, miss. Only the clasp broke. Yes, that is unfortunate, but a good jeweler can fix it." As he collected the pearls Armand started screaming behind him. Kelsin glanced over his shoulder with a strange look on his face. He seemed older, sterner, and maybe even a bit depressed. His voice sounded harder when he spoke next "Do you know why I read?" He glanced up at Armand but then returned to collecting the pearls. "It's because a book is better company than you." Kelsin said "Royals, nobles, whatever. They hate it when peasants read. Do you know why? You hate being challenged. Reading would make peasants become more literate. And then they'd ask themselves why they need kings. No offense, Yedren, but Cyrden moved in the right direction when we adopted a republic and made the monarch a figurehead. A king is no more human than a peasant. The only difference between them is money, power, and education. To you, dominating everyone and everything around you is what you need. You need to be in charge. You need to be respected. Life's not like that."

Kelsin handed the princess all the pearls and patted her hand "Again, truly sorry. The clasp might be pricey but I'm sure you can bill me." The president's son stood and dusted himself off after helping Saona up. Then he walked over to Armand and looked him right in the eye. His book still lay on the floor. Kelsin said "Strip away your status and what are you? An angry man, howling at the world because he doesn't get what he wants. Grow up. No one gets everything they want. Not you, not me, not anyone else in his room. Life doesn't work that way. You have no right to command other people because of your blood. I'm not defending myself from my mistake. Yes, I did bump into that poor girl but I've owned up to it. You on the other hand believe yourself so mighty, you expect me to sacrifice what I love doing just to give you attention from afar. To have another peasant gawking at your extravagant lifestyle. But I don't need extravagance. I just need a book." With that, Kelsin scooped up and collected his book. He turned and crossed his arms, expecting Armand to react.

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New Phallia
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Founded: Jan 24, 2017

Postby New Phallia » Fri Apr 14, 2017 8:43 am

Cyrden wrote:Kelsin handed the princess all the pearls and patted her hand "Again, truly sorry. The clasp might be pricey but I'm sure you can bill me." The president's son stood and dusted himself off after helping Saona up. Then he walked over to Armand and looked him right in the eye. His book still lay on the floor. Kelsin said "Strip away your status and what are you? An angry man, howling at the world because he doesn't get what he wants. Grow up. No one gets everything they want. Not you, not me, not anyone else in his room. Life doesn't work that way. You have no right to command other people because of your blood. I'm not defending myself from my mistake. Yes, I did bump into that poor girl but I've owned up to it. You on the other hand believe yourself so mighty, you expect me to sacrifice what I love doing just to give you attention from afar. To have another peasant gawking at your extravagant lifestyle. But I don't need extravagance. I just need a book." With that, Kelsin scooped up and collected his book. He turned and crossed his arms, expecting Armand to react.

The Crown Prince of New Phallia did react. Or, was about to, and those present caught a glimpse of a crazed look as if he was ready to kill the President’s son here and now, or at least flatten his face with a vicious punch. Which he was well capable of and took pride in. The New Phallians knew that too.

“THIERS!” Princess Saona shouted. “Dér ists nëcht word!” Her demeanour had changed and she seemed to balance an invisible object on her chin as she turned toward Prince Yedren, ignoring Kelsin. In a shrill voice she said,

“Prince Yedren, I expect an official apology for the trouble and insult caused toward both myself and my brother, as well as compensation for damage caused, which I will inform you of.”

Slightly surprised by Saona’s harsh tone- which was usually conciliatory toward the common man- Prince Armand recovered. He said to Yedren, “Excuse me. You do speak the truth, and when one can seek peace, one should, if I do beg to differ slightly; if one is surrounded by hostiles who senselessly prefer the sword to the reasoned word of the civilised, it leaves us with little choice but to make peace only when it is to our benefit and to fight when it saves cost. It is God’s Law that only the strong do survive while the weak do not; and it is Their recognition of the strength of our noble families that we have come to rule over the realms that we do.

“I know of an ancestor of yours, King Brojm I if I’m not mistaken, and his deeds and faith to his country are evidence enough that you are chosen to rule. A country needs smart, strong rulers of a bloodline inseparable from that of realm and people, and it is disheartening to see your rightful powers diminished to the extent that you allow such slandering speech of such an ignorant commoner not only to yourself but to foreign dignitaries in a diplomatic setting. It’s been a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Prince Yedren of Cyrden.”

With that, the New Phallians looked to turn heel and forget the nasty encounter with such dirt of the streets as Armand would later put it, and after being reassured by Count Wëllem that that dirt was not worth duelling and that the practice was generally unsuitable for modern etiquettes. Prince Stefan duly shrank away after Armand after nodding to Yedren and shrugging slightly bewildered at what had occurred but it was obvious New Phallian-Cyrden relations were slightly damaged by, well, a book.

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Postby Aemen » Fri Apr 14, 2017 9:08 am

Cyrden wrote:Éichholmschloss, Chlowisbuerg

As soon as they were inside, President Rosen, King Brojm III and their wives went to go secure their table. Following behind were several armed guards with stern faces and even sterner looking weapons. Rosen got side-tracked as he turned to greet Julian Gillingham and the rest of the Aemen delegation. Rosen greeted Julian first "Ah, Ms. Gillingham, it has been a few years since we last saw each other. I don't expect you to remember me, I wasn't President Rosen then, I was Trade Minister Rosen." He extended his hand and smiled warmly.

Julian looked away from Lionel as the young man headed off towards the tastes of Gauliscian alcohol and turned to Rosen, grasping his hand as he re-introduced himself.

'Ah yes, Mr. Rosen! I remember, it has been some time hasn't it?'

Some of the younger diplomatic staff alongside Julian gathered closer as the High Minister explained his and President Rosen's previous dealings.

'This, gentlemen, is President Rosen of Cyrden. As he has said, he was a trade minister when we first met, soon after the Emperor had appointed me High Minister of Relations. I believe it was a new deal for crude oil that we were drafting, wasn't it? And then we got talking a bit more soon after it had been signed.'

Julian took a sip from his glass, taking a look around to make sure Lionel hadn't gotten into any trouble, before returning to the conversation with the President.

'I do remember, indeed. I am terribly sorry, I had been informed you were the president but I needed a face to put to the name, just to be sure. I noticed you're accompanying your King alongside your family as well. It's a dreadful shame you won't be meeting the Emperor tonight, but His Imperial Majesty sends many good regards. Who have you brought as a suitor, if I might be so bold as to ask?'

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Founded: Mar 31, 2017

Postby Cyrden » Sat Apr 15, 2017 11:12 am

As soon as the princess was out of ear shot, Yedren began to chuckle. He spoke in Cevim "They expect me to pay for it? I think not. By now they should know I'm just a lazy freeloader." he said to Kelsin. The president's son stood up and said "You don't even have an ounce of authority over me. Proof that they are bad judges of character and power. Did you see that? The barbaric madman was going to hit me. Royals are unstable. They look at anything that upsets them and try to punch it away. Babies, all of them. You and your family excluded of course." Kelsin added "Don't worry, I'm paying. It's just a clasp anyway. You bet I'm going to track the expenses."

"Good because I'm broke."


"No seriously..."

President Rosen smiled at Julian "Well, we didn't really purposefully bring men of marrying age. To the Cyreve people, royalty isn't really much more than a nod to the past or a thing for tourists. That's because the royals don't have much power in Cyrden. My son, Kelsin, might participate but there was no pressure for him to do so. I do know that Prince Yedren will be competing for the duchess."

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Posts: 658
Founded: Jan 08, 2016

Postby Christoslavia » Sun Apr 16, 2017 6:57 am

A few days earlier

Santosa stared down at the invitation whilst sitting in his office, turning it over, inspecting the front, the back, then the front again. So Duchess Yngehilda was getting married? And all the aristocrats in were invited to provide a suitor. Arrogant snobs the lot of them, although he'd heard good things about the Cyrden royal family, but nonetheless. If he went he'd have to see that absolute man-child Thiers Armand, yes Santosa absolutely thought of the young Prince as an arrogant and whiny little prick who's father should've hit him harder...But then again, this was the perfect opportunity to secure allies, especially with National Assembly elections around the corner, a last attempt to secure a place before the transition to Democracy. He was not the Director anymore, he was truly a man of the people now. But before this could ring true, there were a few things which he had to take care of.

He gently pressed his index finger to the comm button on his desk, politely asking his secretary,

"Alfred, I'll be attending the ball, have my jet readied"

"Of course my lord"


SUPREME OVERLORD stared himself down in the mirror, slightly adjusting his tie to the right, brushing small specks of dust and matter off his shoulders, looking himself up and down not for vanity's sake but to assure he was neat and presentable. He was wearing but a simple pitch black suit, with a navy blue dress shirt, and a solid black tie. He looked at his old and tired face, hell the suit made him look 20 years younger, but he looked again at his eyes. Faded from all these years, no longer the rich, encapsulating, burning green they used to be. No longer like shining jade in his face, but dulled far beyond. Crows feet reared themselves at the corners of his eyes, wrinkles formed around his mouth. He furrowed his brow in contempt.

Listen to yourself, who gives a shit, you're above these children you're about to socialize with, your age is a sign of respect dammit

It's true that his stature and demeanor were demanding, intimidating, the way he held himself, with such military discipline, exuded authority. With one last glance in the mirror, he gave himself a sharp salute, and with a smirk and a small chortle, about faced, exited his room, and departed for Gauliscia


SUPREME OVERLORD entered the ball room after the crier did his business, while 2 of his personal Praetorian Guard, serious and disciplined men in tactical armor armed to the teeth, remained outside, with one remaining by him. He never went anywhere without a personal guard, a lasting anxiety from The Director's words. Nevermind that. he slowly walked forward, observing the scene. Spotting the incredibly beautiful Achesian Princesses, gossiping and such. He osberved several officials at the bar, the Aemen delegation, the President of Cyrden, while trying to size up his peers and gather his thoughts, they were disrupted by the shattering of something valuable, and soon he heard that voice which filled him with annoyed anger. Armand

He stared down the scene of the commotion. A young Cyrden had bumped into poor Princess Saona, small jewels scattered amongst the ground. This whole event was so bourgeois. Materialism and arrogance permeated the atmosphere, these existential concepts leaving a bitter taste in SUPREME OVERLORD's mouth. The man scowled, but lightened into one of thos diplomatic photo shoot smiles and approached the Phallians and the Wankans. The Gauliscians had yet to make an entrance, and he figureed it was best to stick to the men he was already allied and begrudgingly comfortable with.

As he approached, his baritone voice boomed towards Thiers

"Prince Armand, a pleasure to see you lad"
Last edited by Christoslavia on Sun Apr 16, 2017 11:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
This country is no longer a totalitarian nightmare version of my rl views
Economic Left/Right: -4.63
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New Phallia
Posts: 45
Founded: Jan 24, 2017

Postby New Phallia » Mon Apr 17, 2017 3:38 am

Christoslavia wrote:He stared down the scene of the commotion. A young Cyrden had bumped into poor Princess Saona, small jewels scattered amongst the ground. This whole event was so bourgeois. Materialism and arrogance permeated the atmosphere, these existential concepts leaving a bitter taste in SUPREME OVERLORD's mouth. The man scowled, but lightened into one of thos diplomatic photo shoot smiles and approached the Phallians and the Wankans. The Gauliscians had yet to make an entrance, and he figureed it was best to stick to the men he was already allied and begrudgingly comfortable with.

As he approached, his baritone voice boomed towards Thiers

"Prince Armand, a pleasure to see you lad"

Prince Armand, his brows still furrowed in anger as he tried to fight off the frustration of being embarrassed and insulted like that on public stage, turned the instant the recognizable deep voice of the Supreme Overlord of Christoslavia was heard, his facial expression changing as if flipped by a switch.

"Your Excellency! A pleasure to see you here!" the Crown Prince called out, bowing, Count Wëllem following suit.

"Your Excellency, Count Wëllem of Xanten, consort of Prince Sélina of Hohenfall. Count, you do recognize His Excellency."

"Indeed I do." Count Wëllem said, bowing again. "An honor to make your acquaintance, Your Excellency."

"If you allow me to be frank, Your Excellency, I am quite shocked at the sort of folk that the respectable Gauliscians have allowed into this magnificent hall. I'm afraid you witnessed the antics and offense of that big-mouthed peasant boy. Speaking of which." Armand took a glass of wine from the tray of one of the more well-mannered people in the room who knew their place. "I heard that you are allowing people to vote. All well and good, democracy is, if you ask me, but play it carefully. Only to the right time and when the nation is ready for it, or the consequences can be disastrous. Not every nation is ready for democracy, of any kind.

"Not to mean any offense to your people, your Excellency." Armand added quickly. "But the common man, the peasant or the worker, sees no further than his own shortsighted desires and lusts, and to give the illiterate and less civilised a voice in running the country is often to the detriment of themselves and to the nation. Unfortunately, they have more power than is good for them in New Phallia, though Chancellor Walwerden is sensible enough dog.

"It's an unfortunate trend the world is following, with the 'people' taking advantage of their stupendously granted 'freedom's to espouse ridiculous and divisive notions. I mean, I don't want to mention the internet, but look at all the communists, 'anarchists', feminists, sexual deviants... disgusting. Its breeding a generation of weak, if you'll excuse me, faggot men who are too lazy to get off their sullied backsides to work and serve their country. Sad precedent. Our brothers the Westphalians are giving Ayaani terrorists citizenship, in Wanka all sorts of dark forces are taking hold following their 'democratic revolution', although I have faith in Chancellor Röder to keep his state in order. And now the political uncertainty in Christoslavia, our most crucial ally. Your Excellency, I do hope that the 'people' will get at most an advisory role. There are various forms of democracy, and the Cyrden model is certainly not one any sensible nation should follow."

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Posts: 658
Founded: Jan 08, 2016

Postby Christoslavia » Mon Apr 17, 2017 8:37 am

New Phallia wrote:
Prince Armand, his brows still furrowed in anger as he tried to fight off the frustration of being embarrassed and insulted like that on public stage, turned the instant the recognizable deep voice of the Supreme Overlord of Christoslavia was heard, his facial expression changing as if flipped by a switch.

"Your Excellency! A pleasure to see you here!" the Crown Prince called out, bowing, Count Wëllem following suit.

"Your Excellency, Count Wëllem of Xanten, consort of Prince Sélina of Hohenfall. Count, you do recognize His Excellency."

"Indeed I do." Count Wëllem said, bowing again. "An honor to make your acquaintance, Your Excellency."

"If you allow me to be frank, Your Excellency, I am quite shocked at the sort of folk that the respectable Gauliscians have allowed into this magnificent hall. I'm afraid you witnessed the antics and offense of that big-mouthed peasant boy. Speaking of which." Armand took a glass of wine from the tray of one of the more well-mannered people in the room who knew their place. "I heard that you are allowing people to vote. All well and good, democracy is, if you ask me, but play it carefully. Only to the right time and when the nation is ready for it, or the consequences can be disastrous. Not every nation is ready for democracy, of any kind.

"Not to mean any offense to your people, your Excellency." Armand added quickly. "But the common man, the peasant or the worker, sees no further than his own shortsighted desires and lusts, and to give the illiterate and less civilised a voice in running the country is often to the detriment of themselves and to the nation. Unfortunately, they have more power than is good for them in New Phallia, though Chancellor Walwerden is sensible enough dog.

"It's an unfortunate trend the world is following, with the 'people' taking advantage of their stupendously granted 'freedom's to espouse ridiculous and divisive notions. I mean, I don't want to mention the internet, but look at all the communists, 'anarchists', feminists, sexual deviants... disgusting. Its breeding a generation of weak, if you'll excuse me, faggot men who are too lazy to get off their sullied backsides to work and serve their country. Sad precedent. Our brothers the Westphalians are giving Ayaani terrorists citizenship, in Wanka all sorts of dark forces are taking hold following their 'democratic revolution', although I have faith in Chancellor Röder to keep his state in order. And now the political uncertainty in Christoslavia, our most crucial ally. Your Excellency, I do hope that the 'people' will get at most an advisory role. There are various forms of democracy, and the Cyrden model is certainly not one any sensible nation should follow."

SUPREME OVERLORD returned the greeting, bowing before both Prince Armand and Count Wëllem, trying to very subtly contain his annoyance and anger at the obvious hypocrisy and arrogance coming out of the young princes mouth. Oh if I could kill him right now no one would care, he thought to himself.

He put his hand on Armand's shoulder in a friendly manner and spoke, "Your Highness, don't be so naive now.My people have lived their whole lives under autocratic oppression. And you seem to forget that I was once like them, and I still remain a populist to this day. Everything I do is for the benefit of my people, and now we are stable enough ton where they can be trusted to guide their own way towards the future."

He put his hand down and grabbed a glass of water from a tray, taking a sip, "Mhm, now your Highness, don't discount them either, they are smart and capable, they're all adults, they can take care of themselves. Now if it's our standing as your allies you're worried about, don't be. Christoslavia will be committed as ever to Phallian strength and security, even as we face a government change. And I will be remaining the executive, even with elections going on for the National Assembly, until my death or retirement."

He paused and looked over at the spectacle of the Cyrdens, intriguing people

"Anyway, Christoslavia will stay your ally, and we will stay strong in this ever more dangerous world. And we will do whatever it takes to maintain order on our continent and in the world I hope you understand. But it sounds to me like your less spiteful of democracy and the people and more spiteful of the fact that yoru lovely neighbors the Atlish, are a democracy whose caused you more than enough headaches. I think you're just pissed about the Atlish to be frank, correct me if I'm wrong"
This country is no longer a totalitarian nightmare version of my rl views
Economic Left/Right: -4.63
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.08
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Founded: Mar 13, 2016

Postby Gauliscia » Mon Apr 17, 2017 9:26 am

“Are all the precautions are in place Réiher (colonel)?”
“Gendarme sharpshooters on the roof, a full battalion of the Life Guard Cuirassiers on combat standby along with a company on ceremonial duty, regular surveillance aircraft flyovers and the local Gendarme division is on high alert. The main plot was foiled in the early hours of this morning as you fully well know.” Replied Colonel Widkun Lætzi rather dismissively, furrowing his bushy grey brows in frustration at the blonde and young female VOZIBO operative, who'd been the bane of his existence since the ball had been arranged. He, in the flower of his ages a dashing cavalry officer, now resigned to an office in the Horse Guards Barracks dealing with the likes of this agent; Swetthouda Kierschhaÿne. Only her bodily features made it tolerable.
“Well, Réiher...” she began, fondling the golden aiguillette that hung from his left epaulette with her slender fingers. “I would hate for any mishaps to be a stain on your… reputation. Now, there's a handsome cuirassier of yours who I might tease, and then you can scold him afterwards… yes?”
Colonel Lætzi grunted in concurrence and she glided away to the young soldier, weighed down by his heavy uniform. He sauntered his way over to a certain guest that had just arrived himself and drew many whispers from the crowd. Lord Admiral Ottochaar-Ulfwech, 19th Earl of Thaxenhuÿs and Viceroy of Mamluqstan, both he and the colonel went to the same school, different years but nonetheless the contact was there. Their school had been the Sœnne von Thiwaaz Schuel or Son’s of Thor, a popular but exclusive boarding school deep in the hinterland of Alemannia and was notorious amongst others of its kind for producing the cream of gauliscia’s leadership. Lord Thaxenhuÿs had been the commander of the operation in Mamluqstan, coordinating the vengeance campaign for the Bochsthor Bombings against Junuud-Al-Kebaab and then establishing the won territory as an overseas territory loyal the High King. For this he had been appointed as its first Viceroy, lording over 20 million Ummayads and Mamluqs.
“Colonel, what a pleasant surprise! I wouldn't expect to see you here, I thought the Life Guard Cuirassiers were on armoured manoeuvres up in Thueringia…” Mused the silvery haired Viceroy, resplendent in his Admiral’s uniform, before tipping back the last of the Schuÿmensreeben from his buckhorn.
“Well, Viceroy, I could say the same about you… I thought you were soaking up the Sun’s rays down in Meridia, with pomegranate wine… kebabs… and exotic ladies in grass skirts!” Retorted Colonel Lætzi, to which the Viceroy roared with laughter, before excusing himself to those around him.
“Quite, Colonel.. quite. Now, fancy testing your English?” Said the Viceroy, scanning the arriving guests for a target to bombard with appalling English.
“Haffing a gut schinvag?” Tried the Colonel, wincing.
“Having a good chinwag..I think is better.” Corrected the Viceroy as they began to stride over to Prince Maurice of Demetland and his entourage.
“I imagine he's after the Duchess’ hand…” Muttered the Viceroy as they approached.
“I think all the single men under 30 here are. And all the other men at least think abou-”
The Viceroy cut the Colonel off with his gloved hand as they came within earshot of the Demetish.
“Good Evening Gentlemen and of course, Fair Ladies. I trust by your still standing that the elixir of our land hasn't yet warmed your throats?” The Viceroy said with a smirk before raising his arm and clicking his fingers, summoning three servers. Two boys, in high collared green tunic with silver embroidering, both handsome with features so soft one might say even beautiful and a brown haired maiden with a green blouse and silver embroidered black pinafore, her hazel eyes drawing all other eyes into them. They carried hand held racks of drinking horns with the jugs of wine in the other hand. The Viceroy and Colonel passed the horns amongst the Demetish whilst the serving boys and girl poured in the Schuÿmensreeben, taking the jug away just as the foam began to froth over.

The High King, supported by his stick of polished willow with its brass boar’s head had smiled and bowed to all the arriving guests but now it was time to mingle. He'd been pestered by Gauliscians all the while too, seeking this and that in favours. He received all graciously, as he was their monarch, but he had sifted the aarschzuengelnern (arselickers) from genuine entreaties and had simply acknowldged all and made requests known to an aide. He had little interest in such things now. Flanked by his wife; Queen Jochilda: a kindly woman with sympathetic eyes and was loved dearly by all Gauliscians as a mother, and his other side was the Prince of Lothaaringië: Childerich-Willouhm. He was a young prince, recently ascending the throne of Lothaaringië following his father’s recent death, achieving lordship over a principality of 16 million citizens. Childerich was a straight-backed noble and fresh from military service with the Lothaaringer Dragoon Regiment. Like most of the Gauliscian nobility, the gods had graced him with fine looks and his swept brown hair, green eyes and sharp jaw had not gone amiss. Whilst the Gauliscians saw themselves as far superior to both Wanka and Achesia in all spheres, especially culturally, the High King still recognised the importantance of their neighbour. Trade relied on goodwill and gods forbid the day that the two great northern realms clashed in a war that would surely leave millions across the continent dead. High King Amalrich eyed up the Achesians before him, young and old. The girls seemed delightful enough however the male company was stern and uncomfortable, a trait which, having met the Achesian ambassador a few times, seemed widespread.
“Princesses, Prince, I thank you for joining us here tonight…” began the High King as he approached. The Queen smiled dearly at the princesses and cracked her eyes betrayed a motherly affection for the guests who no doubt felt rather uneasy in such an alien environment.
“I must say, you are looking very beautiful in your dresses tonight ladies, the Gauliscian boys will be tripping over for your hand in the dancing to come.” She said kindly, before Prince Childerich took first the hand of Princess Alexandra in his own soft palms, knelt and delicately kissed it, before gracing Princess Amanda with the same ritual.
“Prince Childerich-Willouhm of Lothaaringië, recently crowned and if I may be rather forward.. a most eligible bachelor…” commented the High King with a grin.

Not wishing the Wankans to feel unimportant or snubbed by the United Realm, they were graced with the presence of the Realm Chancellor; Theréza de Scheÿjax and her husband; Athalmaar de Scheÿjax. The role of Realm Chancellor was essentially that of prime minister, to be head of government and be the de facto leader of the country on a day to day basis. The Realm Chancellor was always the leader of the parliamentary party with the Éichensthrœnsvertrouë or in other words the confidence of the monarch and had to have a seat in either of the parliamentary chambers, the Chamber of Lords or the Chamber of the Citizenry. Traditionally the Realm Chancellor would be a noble in the upper house and his or her Vicechancellor would be an elected MP in the lower house and lead matters there, but Theréza was, although from a reputable family, not a noble and thus sat in the lower chamber. Like all the other MPs, she represented a geographic area of Gauliscia; an Echeréi or Canton and so whilst running the affairs of a realm of over 170 million she also was the go-to for about 80,000 constituents dealing with petty matters like repairing broken road signs and even quarrels between neighbours. Her Canton, Œgzellwe was a small town and surrounding villages in the forested valleys of the Kingdom of Saxonia which meant she mostly had uneventful duties here, as opposed to, for example the main opposition leader; Willoum Hjeuxi who's Canton included a major rail depot, university and a large migrant community.

Theréza’s husband was a quiet man, a dentist by profession but had given that up to support his wife through her premiership. He never expressed many political opinions himself and had grown accustomed to looking after the children, or simply standing by his wife's side at functions like these. The couple were also joined by Vice-Chancellor Arnoud Yper and his wife Hulga Yper. Yper is an old form of the Gauliscian word for boar; Éber and Arnoud certainly looked the part; for he was stocky, red faced and with bristly hairs. He was of cattle farming stock on the Ueriflæche Plain and appealed to rural Gauliscians wanting ‘common-sense politics’. He had served as chief whip for the party and was notoriously violent and foul mouthed, using blackmail and intimidation to ensure success. It was not unknown for him to charge down corridors after people roaring expletives, neither was it a rare sight to see him drag voting MPs from the Aye line to the Nay line or vice versa. He'd even been caught head butting a cabinet member and fracturing his skull. To get Yper’d was a ritual for prospective members of the Stalwart Boar Party. But for now he sipped his drink and let his leader do the talking.
“D’Hœchkœning séhr gegnuegt ist, dass Eÿch antreffe gechœnt heÿt’awend… uenze Deÿtscher Bruedern. Méin ‘uÿtlændische hilfsschréiber allzéit zue mich; wér méhr machen met Eÿch muesse saagen, béide Faallenland end Vanckië.” (The High King is very pleased that you could come here this evening our germanic brothers. My foreign secretary always tells me that we ought to do more with you, both Phallia and Wanka.) Arnoud nodded slowly, swigging his wine, observing with mild suspicion the antics beginning to unfold around him induced by the Cyrdics.

The foreign secretary: Charlomann Houëcker was especially fond of literature. Most Gauliscians were, or at least enjoyed the stories. Preferably they preferred it being orally presented as most Gauliscian literature was written in verse. Charlomann had been particularly excited by the recent find, concerning Sjuurdecho, the hero king of the Franchomanni and the founder of the Gauliscian nation. Already was a film being made and several documentaries too, it was terribly exciting for the nation. Charlomann was of reasonably humble origins, the son of a book publisher. Book publishing was a revered occupation in Gauliscia as mass printing was simply not done. Books were bound in leather and engraved with patterns and pictures -to buy a book for the average Gauliscian family was an investment and was indeed a treasure. However this industry was not for him and after a short stint in the armed forces he became active in politics and had risen up thusly. And his sights were set on the Chancellorship. Watching the arriving guests with interest he was joined by the King of Saxonia: Thanckomund VI, an elderly man with tired eyes and a slight stoop who grimaced at all the arriving foreigners.
“It's certainly a new approach.” Mused the King as he watched some of the young suitors peering round the room for the Duchess.
“Yes, the government and the House of Ærzwéich felt it would be a good idea to strengthen ties with a nearby monarchy, put new blood into the line and all that. Also gives us a new ally potentially.” Replied Charlomann before biting off smoked ham and blue cheese from a skewer.
“Mm, I wonder how the guests will enjoy the meal tonight.” He continued with a smirk to which the King could only smile.
“As foreign minister I would expect you to understand the basic concept that man, be he from the steaming jungles of Huetepetl or the golden steppes of Dzhungestan will delight where there is drink, meat and singing. Some of the younger princes are bound to, after a few drinks burst into a raucous.”
Charlomann grinned at the thought before noticing the Aemen and Cyrdic delegations.
“Oh I say Your Majesty, fancy a chat with them?”
The King shrugged and followed Charlomann to where they were stood.
“Good Evening, I hope our hospitality has given you pleasure?” Began Charlomann, as he beckoned a serving boy to bring more of the sparkling wine and served everyone with a fresh horn. “I take it you've read the Sjuurdecholied?” He began with an almost provocative tone, with an emphasis on Sjuurdecho. King Thanckomund swallowed hard and blushed, and acknowledged the Cyrdic delegation with an awkward facial expression.
“Your journey over here was pleasant I hope?”

Fully sensible of possible tensions with the Rothians, politicians and military figures steered clear of them to avoid any confrontation. And for a while they were left to their own devices, with peering Gauliscians shooting their eyes away to avoid awkward eye contact. That was, until two minor princesses from the Frisian monarchy; Brunhilda and Gretel became transfixed by Vinchero, the physically dominating man and head of their delegation. Containing excited giggles they glided over the hall floor and curtsied before him.
Brunhilda grabbed him by the arm and tucked it into the crook of her own.
“You must be starving after that long journey!” She exclaimed as she took a couple of frogs legs from a serving maid and thrust them towards his mouth.
“I'm Princess Brunhilda by the way, a close friend of the Crown Princess…” she continued, now leading him away with Gretel in pursuit.
“Hi, I'm Princess Gretel, sister of Brunhilda and also a friend of the Crown Princess!”
Brunhilda subtly rubbed the arm of Vinchero with her fingers as she kept it locked in the crook of her arm.
“I expect you're eying up competition… of which there is plenty…” she continued, scanning the room of other hopefuls. “But few quite have your looks.” Brunhilda remarked, squeezing his hand.

The Duchess meanwhile sat in a nearby room, nervously fiddling with the piping on her dress.
“Ooh Your Highness… the pickings are certainly delicious!” Squealed one of her servants, a young male makeup assistant by the name of Gért Tuexarssen. He irritated much of the fellow staff and sometimes the Duchess too but his skill was yet to be matched. Usually he was abused mercilessly by his colleagues, though when a certain Jœrg Graatha was on the prowl they often hid him to save him from being dismembered.
The Duchess rolled her eyes at the boy and stood up.
“Well, I suppose it's time to make an entrance.” She walked to the door and paused. She turned to her ladies in waiting who beamed with sympathy.
“This is it. After tonight my life becomes public, no more freedom… father doesn't have long eithe-”
“You mustn't think about that.. now don't you worry!” They chided and scorned, almost pushing her out the doors where her brother; Prince Ulfomund waited for her.
“You look very fine this evening Ynge.” He complimented, taking her arm.
“And you are looking rather fine yourself in your…”
She replied, looking at her brother’s dark green mounted jäger uniform with a plumed black tschapka in his other arm.
“Ah, my regimental uniform this.” He corrected as they entered the hall.
“STILLE BIDDEN FUER DE CHRŒNFUERSTERIN YNGEHILDA, HÉRZOCHIN VON CHLOWISBUERG END FUERST ULFOMUND VON XÆUWE!” Cried the Herald as the pair strolled into gasps of awe and surprise. The hall broke into whispering and pointing and the Duchess began to blush deeply, now wishing that she could have just glided in.
“Let them come to you Ynge…” whispered Ulfomund in her ear as he grabbed a horn of wine for himself.
ᛒᚰᚾᛞᚽᛊᚱᚼᛁᚴ ᛞᛜᚹᚪᛚᛁᚵᛁᛂ
Hail Wodin, Father of Men and Lord of Walhalla
Gauliscia is a Wodinist and germanic parliamentary democracy headed by a monarch. The Stalwart Boar Party in power backs a strong military, friendly foreign policy, a pious proud people and government support for the needy. It's a primeval landscape roamed by rich fauna. Gauliscia is lead by its aristocratic elite but fuelled by the working class.
Dutch and Hungarian, British educated. I have yet to find a political camp but my tendencies are to traditionalism, collectivism, nationalism and statism. I enjoy epic poetry and literature, hunting, drinking, wenching and rugby.

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New Phallia
Posts: 45
Founded: Jan 24, 2017

Postby New Phallia » Tue Apr 18, 2017 6:54 am

Christoslavia wrote:"Anyway, Christoslavia will stay your ally, and we will stay strong in this ever more dangerous world. And we will do whatever it takes to maintain order on our continent and in the world I hope you understand. But it sounds to me like your less spiteful of democracy and the people and more spiteful of the fact that yoru lovely neighbors the Atlish, are a democracy whose caused you more than enough headaches. I think you're just pissed about the Atlish to be frank, correct me if I'm wrong"

Armand watched with curiosity as the Supreme Overlord picked up a glass of water, which he must have personally ordered beforehand, because water at these events were as rare as a liberal Gauliscian. Which was why he liked the country, even if it wasn’t true, there surely were many idiots here as there were anywhere else.

“I’m thankful for your reassurances, for New Phallia is reliant on Christoslavia to restrain a hostile Chen- who are thankfully not here today- and as heir to the Throne of fifty million people surrounded by enemies, national security will always be a priority.”

The Crown Prince was confused at the mention of the Atlish, he thought the Supreme Overlord was referring to the release of his nudes, which he had sent years ago to the Duchess of… well, one of his mistresses, by (what he had first thought of) Atlish hackers, but after which Noveos had claimed to have organised the cyber attacks. The display of his third nipple had heightened his insecurity and he was still waiting for the Kingdom’s highest religious body, the Katharist High Council, to deliver verdict on whether his third nipple made him unfit to rule.

“Well, the Atlish, I just don’t know how many wars we’ll need to fight before they finally stop digging under our position.” he said, passing over the topic. “In light of these political reforms, will you consider economic liberalisation? New Phallia and Wanka are looking to expand our free trade agreements to create multilateral free trade zones which would be beneficial to anyone involved and politically strengthen international cooperation in light of all sorts of threats to security. Of course, it is negotiable. Either way, I’m to inform that Mr. Waktus from the Wankan embassy is eager to speak to you.”

Igor Waktus the Wankan meanwhile was talking to the Gauliscian Chancellor and her boar of a sidekick, in name and appearance. It was a strange situation in which both sides could understand quite well what the other was saying but couldn’t speak the language. Waktus, being stationed extraterritorially in a small piece of technically Wankan land surrounded by Gauliscia was in the process of learning Gaulish but did not trust himself to hold a high-level exchange just yet.

He took an immediate liking to the Boar family which he could understand well, he himself originating from the rural pomeranian highlands in eastern Wanka where a direct tone was much preferred to the meaningless lingo of the politicians. He’d bribed and blackmailed his way into the diplomatic corps in the ensuing chaos of post-revolutionary Wanka.

“Bitte teilt die hochachtungsvolle Grüße an den werten Hœchkœning mit. Es ist eine Ehre, hier anwesend sein zu dürfen. Trotz der Kriege und Konflikte unserer Vergangenheit, sowie die Opposition meiner Regierung gegen die waallische Besatzung von Ummayaden, ist unsere Zusammenarbeit wichtig für die Sicherheit und Stabilität der Region. Kanzler Röder will fragen, ob wir unseren Handelsabkommen erweitern wollen um den Handel zwischen den zwei grössten Wirtschaftsmächten am Meridiansee zu erleichtern.”

(Please convey our most sincere greetings to the High King, ist is an honour to be present here. Regardless of past conflicts and confrontations, as well as the opposition of my government to the Gauliscian occupation of Ummayah, our cooperation will be crucial to the stability and security of the region. Chancellor Röder asks whether you would like to expand on the existing trade agreement to ease business between our two largest economies on the Meridian Sea.)
Last edited by New Phallia on Tue Apr 18, 2017 6:55 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Christoslavia » Tue Apr 18, 2017 8:01 am

SUPREME OVERLORD took a larger gulp of water, he felt stuffy, hot in this room. Not only was it crowded but the general heaviness and formality of the atmosphere was weighing down on his shoulders like great weights. God he needed fresh air, or at least someone to crack a window. Both the people and the event were incredibly stuffy. He hated these formalities but it was necessary diplomatically.

"Your highness if you're wondering about the water it's because I am not a drinker, gave that up many years ago. Now in terms of economics, we have grown past the fear of capitalism now I'm sure you're aware of the old regime and the crony capitalism that plagued my nation. But i understand the need to diversify and open. We are open to trade with you and Wanka, our economy will be free and the markets open to trade and profit I assure you. As you remarked, I do hope to see the Wankan ambassador rather soon"

He looked up at the arrival of the Duchess, giving a courteous round of applause, "My isn't she absolutely stunning?"
Last edited by Christoslavia on Thu Apr 20, 2017 8:52 am, edited 4 times in total.
This country is no longer a totalitarian nightmare version of my rl views
Economic Left/Right: -4.63
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.08
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