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The Grand Republic of Hannover
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Postby The Grand Republic of Hannover » Sat Oct 15, 2016 5:47 pm


Government Announces New 5-Year Plan
Hyndanian Government Calls on QTO Allies for Help

Jayesh Bhola (@JaBhola)
15 October 2016 | Jalandhar, Hyndana

Car Factory in Lalpur, the Country's Manufacturing Center

JALANDHAR - The Premier of Hyndana, Mr. Jayesh Nagpal, has announced this morning the creation of a new 5-Year Plan which aims at modernizing a number of sectors of the Hyndanian economy by 2021. The Plan aims at increasing Hyndanian steel production by 150%, agricultural output by 200%, and in more general terms, increase the size of the industrial sectors of the economy by 25%. The Plan also calls for the reduction of poverty by 10% and the consistent growth rate of 9.0%. Finally, it also calls for the modernization (beyond 50% of urban area) of the 10 largest cities (by population) of the country.

Of the Plan, Premier Nagpal stated, "The goals of this 5-Year Plan are within our reach. In fact, I believe that with the help of our allies in the QTO, we will be able to achieve these goals before the 5 year-mark. For that reason, I call on my friends in the QTO to invest in our economy and to help us reach these goals. It is a mutually beneficial affair."

Although not officially stated in the Plan, some members of the National Congress have been quoted as saying that Hyndana will also aim at attracting more trade and investment to the country. No official statements have been made on this issue but it is believed that the government could begin to experiment with special economic zones in strategic locations.

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Postby Biyadh » Sun Oct 16, 2016 5:40 am


Brotherly Leader Ghussein signed an Executive Order to arrest all Carcosans for having a criminal nationality
Hussein Shaif@VBY

Our loyal and deadly soldiers on their way to the International 5 Star Hotel And Casino Golf Club Resort in Wadi Al'Aswad
Photo courtesy of Youssef B.

Wadi Al'Aswad

Today our Brotherly Leader signed an Executive Order that allows our military units and civilians to detain Carcosan nationals on the territory of Biyadh. "By allowing such a tyrannical government on their soil, the people of Carcosa made themselves guilty of crime", Government Speaker Afrani told journalists. "They will not face the sentence that their government would receive, but they will answer for it."

Later he confirmed that Carcosan government officials would be detained and beheaded if they entered Biyadhi soil.

Military units are on alert and roam hotels and streets to find Carcosan nationals. Several flights were cancelled.

Earlier this week, Carcosa decided to close the Aurean Strait to PENB oil traffic, which is a major source of income for Biyadh. The President of Wehrania claimed to have been disgusted; the government of Fars calls for "immediate" military "action".

Foreign Minister Zafer Ghussein, son of our Brotherly Leader, rushed to comment soon after the closure of the Strait. "The actions taken by the government of Carcosa are unacceptable. We are glad to see that the nations of the Perovo Pact, particularily Werania, but also Fars and our Badawiyan brothers share our outrage. If our oil income decreases, we can not guarantee the withholding of refugees."

As a reaction to the action of Carcosa, Biyadhi nationals were burning flags and singing battle songs on the street in front of the embassy of Carcosa and other nations of Euclea as well as Asteria. "Come out or we will burn your lands", they shouted repeatedly, until our brave soldiers came to calm the situation down and to guard the scene. Bystanders say that officers later mounted their tanks and further encouraged the angry citizens to sing. "They can not allow the territory of the embassy to be invaded, but I am not aware of any international law that would not allow for insults", the Voice of Biyadh's legal correspondent confirmed.

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Postby Vredlandia » Sun Oct 16, 2016 7:11 am


State of Emergency to end within the fortnight, Vice Chancellor announces

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Anton Graf Flottreiter (@grafflottreiter)
16th of October 2016 | Reichstal, Vredlandia

Vice Chancellor Wollnitz in her office, talking about inner security
Photograph courtesy of Rolf Flitzer

Reichstal, Vredlandia - After more than 3 000 arrests and several weeks, the government will officially ask King Ferdinand IV to end the State of Emergency in the following days.

Vice Chancellor Wollnitz declared that it was a significant measure to combat communist terrorism and anti-monarchist sentiments within the country, but would not be needed anymore. "Some citizens might argue that the State of Emergency was very efficient, but these dissidents aren't dumb. Now that we've scratched at the surface, they will all crawl into their holes. Inside information is what we will use in the future; and that does not recquire the State of Emergency. My colleague from the Interior Ministry confirmed that we can uncover whole networks now, possibly even with traces to international incidents in modern and historical times."

The Vice Chancellor denied that it would limit Vredlandia's flexibility in international affairs. "What do we need it for? There is no War in our neighbourhood, and we are strong without any of those measures. And apparently President White recognized that Vredlandia and the Perovo Pact are keys to the world - isn't that great? He is a truly intelligent Asterian leader. I am sure our nations and the world will benefit from that."

King Ferdinand was not available for comment. He did, however, release a statement saying that he was informed of the government's intentions and ready to ask the Chamber of States to lift the State of Emergency. Duke Siegfried of Marbruck, the President of the Chamber of States, welcomed the intention, but declared that his state would try to leave the sections for special imprisonent and curfews active in states that desire to do so.

The Imperial Restauration Party and the Monarchist-Conservative Party welcomed the decision. The National Liberal Party has yet to issue a statement, in their second week of silence after their former leader, who switched to the Euclean Integration List in 2006, was arrested for trying to stir civil unrest.

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JungerMann · 1 hour ago
3000 arrests? I thought we got rid of the commies long ago????

79 up · 1 down

GrauerWolf · 1 hour ago
Great news. The curfew was not very helpul.

156 up · 13 down

Mantelfritze · 1 hour ago ago
Who you gonna call? Ghost Busters!

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Postby Caltarania » Sun Oct 16, 2016 8:38 am



Premier Cecilio Rodriguez, and Lusitan government, have called on Carcosa to end the closure of the Aurean Strait.

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Lourenço Cuevas (@lourençocuevas)
October 16th, 2016 | Deltoro, Lusitana

Premier Rodriguez announces that the "illegal closure [of the Strait]" will be met with "all necessary force".
Photo courtesy of Roque Costa.

Cortes Popular, Deltoro - As world leaders decry the Carcosan closure of the Aurean Strait, Premier Cecilio Rodriguez has announced, with the blessing of Parliament, that the closure is "not only illegal but immoral", and that it will be met with "all necessary force". In his address, the Premier announced that the closure was in direct violation of the terms of the Treaty on the Aurean Forum, which established the intergovernmental organisation of that name. The Aurean Forum, as an organisation, seeks to maintain peace and cooperation over the Aurean Strait, and the Premier has announced that the recent Carcosan closure is an affront to the ideal of cooperation and is heightening tensions in the region, ergo putting the long-lasting peace in the Aurean at risk.

The Premier added that he was looking to Samastara for support in the matter, and warned that "it may be necessary to eject Carcosa from the Forum". Furthermore, in his address Rodriguez announced the Lusitan government's invitation to PENB shipping, blocked from entering the Carcosan-controlled Aurean Strait, to travel through Lusitan territorial waters until Carcosa "ends its petty pseudo-embargo". The Premier also warned that, should Carcosa not cooperate with the other Aurean nations, then Lusitana may have to "take matters into it's own hands", and there have been rumblings that the Lusitan military is en route to Deltoro to prepare possible invasion plans, although the government denies these allegations vehemently.

Throughout his address, the Premier reiterated his willingness to talk to Carcosan officials, and his wishes for a peaceful resolution to what may become a conflictive international incident. He has invited the Euclean Community to "solve the problem before it grows larger" and has vowed that Lusitana will be committed to a quick, peaceful and long-lasting resolution that appeals to all parties involved.

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Postby Cyrisnia » Sun Oct 16, 2016 9:25 am


Small city state soon to regret what they have done.
Temulun Abagai(@TemAba)
15 October 2016 7:00 PM (EET) | Khotgalan, The Glorious Khanate of Khatagh

Glorious Khan Khorihilemunaisi Khadaganasai in an artistic photo.
Photo from Government Ministry of Noble Khan Khorihilemunaisi Khadaganasai pictures.
Khotgalan, Tribal Region of the Amazing Khatagh People.

EARLIER TODAY, Our Noble Khan, Khorihilemunaisi Khadaganasai, defender of Coius from Foreign Intervention on behalf of our noble allies in Fars and in the QTO, has officially EMBARGOED THE SMALL CITY-STATE OF CARCOSA after the small city-state illegally embargoed Oil Transport from the allied nations of Fars, a member of QTO. "We stand amongst our allies in this," said the Khan. "We cannot allow for this Euclean Shill to attack us economically. In fact, if you ask me, Carcosa should just be annexed by a neighbor. Who needs city states anyways? Also, why are gas prices an issue in a city state? Can't they just walk?" The Khan has embargoed the puny city, and has also closed the embassy there. "Anyone who attacks our allies, be it physically or economically, or emotionally -- is to be met with an equal amount of justice. We have embargoed them, and we have also closed our embassy, not that anyone from Khatagh would bother going there anyways, as there is totally nothing there that is worth our time. Nothing."

As of a few hours ago, Diplomats Tungkhuidai Huslen and Silugukhanaa Qaataakhaanaai have been recalled from Carcosa, along with all support personnel. The building has been effectively shut down for all use until tensions caused by the city ease.

The Khan has also politely requested for all other members of the QTO alliance, the noble vanguards of Coius, along with all members of PENB to also temporarily sever diplomatic ties with Carcosa, along with requests to embargo the town.

"This is the only way to distribute justice towards our enemies without assisting Fars to take the city-state for the first time in its history. This is what they shall get for this blatant violation of the law of international nations. Carcosa should learn from this experience -- Euclean Imperialism has no place in Coius or Bahia. Carcosa's best option in this case is to repeal the embargo, let oil pass, or be set out to a path of eventual destruction when their allies abandon them after they see how they act towards others. They should also apologize to the innocent nations affected. They are akin to a chihuahua, small -- and a dick."

The Khan has stated that the Ministry of Press, the Ministry of Foreign Relations, and the Ministry of Public Relations should be contacted for further inquiries about the embargo.

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12412541254 · 25
When do we bomb them?

Eedoobz · 26
What are you, fuckin' gay?

12412541254 · 66


"Its historical fiction, guys!" Says TV broadcaster.
Roxelana Kosmaczewska(@RoxeRox)
15 October 2016 11:30 PM (CET) | Ustowanie, The Commonwealth

A Great War Photo of Getachew Ephram Henoke serving with a Commonwealth Detachment. From left to right is also pictured: Sergeant Faustin Comeau, Captain (At the time of the picture Private) Getachew Ephram Henoke, Private Theodebert Strautnieks, Private Budzisław Kokoszka, and First Sergeant Arnold Połaski. Circa 1928.
Photo from Ustowanie Great War and Insurgency Museum.
Ustowanie, Ustowanie District

The Great War is often seen as a great source of controversy throughout the world, and rightfully so. But does that mean its always bad to complain?

Tomorrow sets off the premiere of the TV show "Kariai," Lothuyan for "Warriors." It follows the life of Captain Getachew Ephram Henoke -- a Bahian soldier serving in the Wazóvian Army during the Great War against the Army of Kaxakh.

In reality, Captain Henoke was a Hejan Jazz musician in Ustowanie who arrived in the Commonwealth around three years before the onset of the Gaullican invasion of Werania. In his time in the Commonwealth before the Great War, Henoke learned of, and later converted to Atudaism after playing for a local Bar Mitzvah. As many forces from the occupied Commonwealth territories were called to invade Werania, at the urging of his loacal Rabbi, Schlomo Jarah Trumpelder, Henoke enlisted in a Commonwealth detachment of the Military and participated in the occupation of Werania. Soon after, Henoke and his division were called back to Wazóvia, and assisted in the invasion of Kaxakh. Henoke proved himself in combat, and eventually rose to the rank of captain. After the end of the war, like many other Commonwealth soldiers, Henoke took up arms against the Kax state and the Communist Commonwealth, joining the anti-Communist insurgent group the "Thunder Crosses." Henoke was captured along with Strautnieks, and executed on January 24th, 1941.

The reason that this is so controversial depends on the location. Many believe that, from previews, the show distributes a heavily pro-Fascist slant. Some also believe that it shows the Kaxakh people in a negative light as well. Also, many left-wing groups in the Commonwealth, and in Euclea, have come out against the show, along with, as one Lusitanan newscaster put it, "Anyone in any nation Gaullica invaded." However, many have also come out saying that the show itself creates a problem not by what it covers, but rather that it seems to promote the growing political divide between the left and right wings in the world. Numerous "Conservative and Right-Wing Groups" have come out to support the show, receiving an official endorsement from the Capitalist Army, along with many neofascist political organizations. Alfred Boulanger stated that he "loves how it depicts the deaths of Communists."

Left wing groups have said that the depiction of Atudites as over-the-top traditionalist heroes and Communists as evil revolutionaries is "unrealistic and offensive." Because of this, there have been many petitions online to block the show from airing, at least in some nations, the only one of which that has succeeded in being in a Liberal Arts College in Eastern Glytter.

However, because of this polarization, many have come out to support the show. It is expected to break a record number of viewers come Sunday Night.

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TyroneDinduNuffin · 36,700
ah dun see y dis an isu, okankwo dindu nuffin?

AluminumFoilHatist · 23,214
This is truly culturally enriching!

Kevin M · -23
One time my mother called me a son of a bitch, so I hit her because no one talks trash about my mother, then I hit myself because no one hits my mother, she then hit me because no one hits her son and then hit herself because no one hits me, so I hit her because no one hits my mother.



The manhunt comes to an end as Dańkowski is brought to justice.
Roxelana Kosmaczewska(@RoxeRox)
16 October 2016 1:30 PM (CET) | Sauseau, Western Gaullica

Król Danielek Dębno pictured personally aiding in the search for Dańkowski early October.
Photo from In Publicae.
Ustowanie, Ustowanie District

Weeks ago, Dańkowski fled into Gaullica to escape the law after it was found out that he had multiple offshore accounts and a great deal of money hidden away in them, revealed during the Spagleann Leaks, more commonly referred to as the "SpagPaps."

Dańkowski was rescued by a group of hired mercenaries and taken into Western Gaullica. More speciffically, in the Zenaisépas mountain range. After hiding out in them for over a month, Dańkowski was found when a Gaullican child saw what appeared to be a group of armed guards not belonging to the Gaullican Military. After informing their parents, said parents alerted the authorities, whom were dispatched. A mix of Gaullican and Commonwealth Police, SWAT, and Military forces converged on the location, a small cabin in the woods, and, after a short firefight and three dead guards, Dańkowski was captured.

Dańkowski has been taken into custody in the Commonwealth, and is currently being interrogated. A trial is being prepared.

Dańkowski could face life in prison if convicted.

Dębno has also made an official statement on Carcosa:

"Carcosa needs to really open up the straight again. I mean, look at them. You have people literally being arrested for having a criminal nationality. How does that work? They should honestly just open up the straight again, this doesn't do good for anyone. PENB already screwed us over once -- doing this just makes them want to do it again. Not a good idea."

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DateuszTańkowski · -257

Joshua Lambert · 99,356

Kevin M · -2
wow gay

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Postby Lunas Legion » Sun Oct 16, 2016 9:54 am

Bringing truth to the people of Kaxakh since 1910

Yutrov-class cruisers to re-enter service after 25 years in reserve or under refit
'Part of a grand naval rebuilding.'- Commissar for the Kaxakh People's Navy, Vladimir Gauzov
Uhlman Hudensk (@UhlmanHudIzv)
27th Spetember 2016 4:04 PM (PLT) | Opolosk, Opolosk Urban Region

The Basurhat, one of the newly-reactivated cruisers, sitting at anchor in Opolosk Harbour
Photo courtesy of Pavel Eyski, Rear of the People's Navy Photography Regiment.
Opolosk, Opolosk Urban Region -

After nearly 25 years in reserve or undergoing modernisation, the seven Yutrov-class cruisers (Yutrov, Basurhat, Nihon, Honghai, Lumine, Nanhai and Perovo), named for the seven major naval battles fought by the Kaxakh People's Navy during the Great War, have put to sea following the end of their lengthy refit and modernisation. The cruisers, officially 'large anti-submarine cruisers', are said to be part of a 'grand naval rebuilding' according to the Commissar for the Kaxakh People's Navy, Vladimir Gauzov, during an official interview with Izvestia on the re-entry of the ships into service. When pressed about what this meant, the Commissar was swift to answer.

'It means the People's Navy will be taking a more forward role in power projection, with the long-term goal of rebuilding the navy towards a strength similar to that which we possessed in the 1980s. In addition to our current frigate and corvette construction programs, we need new longer-range ships for power projection. New cruisers, new destroyers, indeed new aircraft carriers. Until those research projects bear fruit, however, we must make do with what we can, which is why the Yutrov-class cruisers are being reactivated. In terms of the actual upgrades, the Commissar elected to remain silent, citing the need for military security about the capabilities of the navy's ships. What is clear, however, is that the reactivation of these ships marks an increase in the ability and willingness of the Kaxakh People's Navy to involve itself in overseas engagements and interventions.

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Postby Senkaku » Sun Oct 16, 2016 8:48 pm

The Baishadao Journal

Princeps Valerius Continues Media Counter-offensive, Biyadhi Ships Seized

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Anne Zhou (@anne-z )
16 October 2016 7:00 AM | XXI Locia, Carcosa

XXI Locia, Carcosa -

Princeps Andreas Valerius was at the forefront of a renewed media counter-offensive by the Carcosian government today as Carcosian authorities dig their heels in against widespread international criticism and backlash over the blockade of PENB oil and natural gas vessels from the Aurean Strait. In the last few days, a wave of condemnations have been unleashed against the small city-state, including from close partners like Lusitana. The princeps and other Carcosian government figures have already hit back aggressively over the assertions by many that the blockade is a violation of international law, and the government appears to be refusing to back down even amid anger from domestic opposition parties. The Carcosian government also angrily called on the Euclean Community to speak out against the unlawful detention of Euclean citizens by Biyadh.

The princeps unleashed some of the most heated language of the crisis so far on the Biyadhi government, which recently declared that Carcosian nationals would suffer extralegal and indefinite detention by Biyadhi military forces due to the blockade. "Their so-called 'brotherly leader' is a criminally insane madman at the helm of a nation of blind dogs and terrorists, and this flagrant violation of human rights against Carcosian citizens only demonstrates further to the world the barbarism and savagery that the Badawiyans and their cabal of petro-baron overlords are willing to descend to and incite their people to to protect their precious profits. In response to this barbarism, I have personally issued a commendatio, which has been accepted by a quorum of Senators, to impound Biyadhi air and sea vessels within Carcosian territory and ports. Because we are not barbarian savages, Biyadhi nationals who reside in our great city will be free to go about their lives. Included in my commendatio, however, was a clause nationalizing the properties of corporations based in Biyadh and properties belonging to the gang of corrupt degenerates who control the country, which the Senate has concluded their so-called 'government' no longer deserves official recognition or even the privilege of being known as a civilized society. Their barbaric threat to decapitate our officials leads me to also extend asylum to the diplomatic personnel posted from Biyadh to our city, who will remain as honored guests of the Senate until there is a better guarantee of the sanity of the authorities in their homeland. Carcosa will not tolerate threats and human rights abuses and we hope that the rest of PENB will come to the conclusion that it would be best negotiate on this important matter rather than behave like terrorists. I would also like to register my shock and anger that whatever disagreements we may have, our comrades in the Euclean Community remain pathetically silent on the matter of the extrajudicial and illegal detention of Euclean citizens by a rogue state." A number of Biyadhi ships have already been impounded, with their cargo being distributed by police to citizens on the streets, and Biyadhi diplomatic personnel had reportedly been taken into custody by Aelian Police and military personnel. However, angry mobs were reported to be forming to seize the freshly-distributed goods and destroy them, pelting the Biyadhi embassy with burning trash and angry slogans.

The spokeswoman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Aemilia Valeria, one of the princeps' granddaughters, unleashed a similarly searing condemnation of the government's critics, but the Foreign Ministry trained more of its ire towards Fars and the Qingzhou Treaty Organization following a statement from the Songhua foreign ministry that criticized the blockade and urged "swift and purposeful moves to put an end to such illegal navigational impediments". QTO's central administration, in the Songhua city of Qingzhou, issued a similar statement supporting recent Farsi criticisms and threats. Ms. Valeria, after spending some time following her grandfather in delivering an acidic and scathing response to the Biyadhi regime, re-directed onto some of the QTO nations. "While the Foreign Ministry will continue to do everything possible to ensure the safety of our citizens trapped in the illegitimate terrorist state of Biyadh, we also take issue with the bullying and overblown rhetoric and action by the Qingzhou Treaty Organization. The blustering threats to deal with our city as pirates and the threats of embargo are simply absurd- I mean, at least the Lusitan government has had the sense to mostly veil their threats. Despite this ridiculous persecution complex that is being stirred up by the peons of the oil cartel in the international media, Carcosa remains willing to discuss measures to ensure energy security that would lead to a lift of the blockade- but that isn't what PENB and QTO are interested in. The only thing that matters to the Badawiyan cartel are their profit margins, and any notion that they might be challenged by a people they are so used to bullying and kicking around seems to have engendered in them a pig-headed stubbornness and a willingness to do anything- commit flagrant human rights violations, make laughable threats- rather than negotiate. And so QTO sees an opportunity to extend its tentacles by valiantly coming to the defense of the 'wronged' Coian nations. Whenever the bluster and posturing and threats and extrajudicial detention of our citizens ends, this government remains as willing as ever to negotiate a peaceful resolution to the issue. For this we extend our thanks to Premier Rodriguez, for largely re-affirming his commitment to a peaceful and constructive dialogue. However, we must emphasize our commitment to sealing traffic within the entire Strait, and we dismiss out of hand the notion that somehow the Forum binds us into permitting ourselves to be raped for profit by a corrupt, bloated, profit-swollen cartel that has overplayed its hand for the last time."

The backup in the Murexine Sound and the Sea of Lotuses continues to grow, while the Port of Carcosa has reached its maximum capacity, and further ships waiting to make a transit are now backing up into the Solarian Sea. Political violence in the city over the passage of the controversial act has largely abated, but the mobs surrounding the Biyadhi embassy were imitated by similar, if smaller and less rowdy, groups of protesters outside other embassies. The emptied Khataghi embassy has seen protesters fling excrement, particularly sheep and horse excrement, and Molotovs cocktails at it, with looters emptying much of the building over only minor objections from onlooking police. On an apartment building facing the Farsi embassy, an enormous poster was rolled off the roof, reading simply "Fuck off". A man was also reportedly seen doing offensive and vulgar imitations of Farsi Premier Hammond in front of the building. A small group even gathered outside the headquarters of the Aurean Forum, reportedly chanting "Lose weight, Rodriguez," over and over through megaphones, and also smashing some windows.

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Yingying · 211,785
Stay classy, Carcosa.

Aelianus · 206,440
Fuck PENBIS, "Brotherly Leader" Ghussein can take it in the ass from Hammond.

h@nno_648 · 204,102
Hey @all my people in the City, join #Qarkosstrong on Miscord and help us plan how to fuck more shit up

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The Kingdom of Glitter
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Postby The Kingdom of Glitter » Sun Oct 16, 2016 10:28 pm


MRF leader's capture in late night raid conducted on their HQ resulted in the group's capitulation

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Rónán Mac Ceallach (@rónánmacgbf)
17 October 2016 | Killanummery, Glytter

MRF 'Chief Commander' Johnny Conaghan escorted by Diabhal County Police into their offices in Killanummery.

SPALGLEANN – The Mohrist Revolutionary Front has officially surrendered after their leader was arrested by the government following a late night raid last night on the group's headquarters. "Over a dozen" insurgents were killed in the raid, according to government sources, and several prominent leaders were arrested, including the group's Chief Commander - Johnny Conaghan.

According to official police and government statements, the raid began at 23:19 Euclean Standard Time in Killanummery, County Diabhal. It lasted until 0:44 EST, when the insurgents surrendered. It is reported that 14 MRF insurgents were killed and 11 were injured, while two County Diabhal Police officers and three SAS (Seirbhís Airm Speisialta - Special Army Service) were wounded.

Sarah Pingins, the Minister of the Interior, held a press conference where she said that: "with the surrender of the MRF leadership in County Diabhal, I am confidently able to say the group has been defeated".

"There will be a trial for all of those involved. Should any remaining cells of the MRF wish to stage further attacks, we will likewise root them out. It is in the best interests of any remaining MRF insurgents to surrender - as their leader did last night".

Taoiseach Walker is expected to give a brief televised speech regarding the group's capitulation tomorrow. The National Security Act, which was personally introduced to the Comhthionól Náisiúnta by the Taoieach, is expected to clear the Seanad on Wednesday, when it will then head to King Kenneth IV for royal assent. Last week, the act passed the Comhthionól by a vote of 259-90.

The government has been under fire for what some believed was its inability to defeat the MRF and other terrorist threats. The National Security Act, coupled with the Unitary Police Act, is the government's attempt to change that.

"It was easier for us to sit by and watch as mud as hurled at us than to throw any back. We knew what was important, a lot went on behind the scenes to take down the MRF. The surrender and arrest of their leadership is monumental, it is historic" Pingins said.

The National Security Act will create a new government ministry, which will be known as the Ministry of National Security. It will be tasked with overseeing Riarachán Eolais Glítteann (REG - Glytteronian Information Administration) and the Seirbhís Faisnéise Baile (SFB - Domestic Intelligence Service). Currently, both intelligence agencies are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of the Interior.

Once the Unitary Police Act is implemented on 1 January, a national police force will be created. Under current practice, each municipality is responsible for its own policing. Some municipalities have opted to create regional police forces, while some counties in the Highlands maintain a county-wide force. The new Ríoga Póilíneachta na hGlítteann ( RP - Royal Glytteronian Police) will overseen by the Ministry of the Interior, which currently cooperates with the nation's many local police forces. Earlier this month, the Unitary Police Act passed the Comhthionól by a vote of 273-76 and was approved by the Seanad by a vote of 56-4. It was given royal assent soon after.

The MRF was responsible for a series of dead attacks across the country. On 23 August, several explosions were detonated across the capital by the group as insurgents attacked government and foreign targets.. The 23 August attacks left 87 dead and 432 injured. On 12 September a car bomb was detonated in Corofin, County Aerach by the MRF. Two people died and four were injured. Most recently, the group detonated a bomb on the Meitreo Spálgleann (Spálgleann Metro on 7 October, which killed three people and wounded 41.

Since the MRF first surfaced, the government has reported that it has conduced a "total of nine raids" against group targets, starting on 23 August.

"We have foiled several plots, and with the fall of the leadership we are preparing for potential retaliation from any remaining cells" a government spokesperson said.

Recent government leaks have shown alleged support of the group from the Songhua government and intelligence service, causing foreign and domestic controversy.

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Postby Kisinger » Mon Oct 17, 2016 5:52 am



Following the recent blockade of the Aurean Straight by the city state of Carcosa, the military council has saw it fit to not end the flow of tankers going towards the various nations on the Western side of the strait and has urged, on several occasions, for several PENB members to continue going through the straight on the Lusitanian side of said straight. The council itself has declared that they intend to continue to utilize the straight for shipping purposes. The council has released a torrent of statements regarding the blockade one standing out the most being, “The Carcosan blockade not only is illegal it violates the principles of the Aurean forum, this should justify it enough for Carocsa to be removed from the forum.” While there have been reports of heightened military movement, the council made no comment on this. The council themselves ordered the closure of their embassy in Carcosa and has claimed that all treaties previously with the nation should now be considered null and void, as well that Samastara will embargo the small nation in hopes to economically force the nation to back. Samastara has also stated that it will not surrender over any tankers in the vicinity of the Straits and any attempt to force the tankers to be taken will be seen an act of aggression and Samastara will respond in kind to any nation that illegally attempts to halt Samastaran vessels.

The nation itself has been in public outcry, with protests outside of the embassy though they haven’t been very large and they haven’t been frequent, with much of Samastara’s Oil now being directed towards Gaullica, Hennehouwe, and surrounding nations now that the embargo is over with much of Samsastara’s former Eastern Customers. Our experts believe it is more than likely due to the outbreak of terrorist attacks that have broken out across the nation following the deployment of additional troops to the city of Adunis. While this may prove a hinderance to the public being able to demonstrate, social media has shown that Samastara has dramatically turned against Carcosa with many calling for severe sanctions against them by all of PENB as well as their removal from the Euclean Community and Aurean Forum.

We have also been informed that the military council has ordered immediate military exercises including the Navy, and Airforce. The exercises are expected to last for the next week and the council has sent an apology to all nations that may be affected by these exercises. These exercises our analysts believe is in response to the closing of the straight to PENB tankers. While Carcosa is attempting to secure energy security, they have lost the support of it’s surrounding nations and isn’t expected to secure energy security unless a foriegn power interferes on its behalf.

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Postby Cyrisnia » Mon Oct 17, 2016 7:01 am


May the buzzards eat the Princeps.
Temulun Abagai(@TemAba)
17 October 2016 11:00 AM (EET) | Khotgalan, The Superbly Amazing and Ever Awesome and Great Great Khanate of Khatagh

Glorious and noble Khan Khorihilemunaisi Khadaganasai, savior of Khatagh and its distinct peoples from Euclean and Asterian Imperialism, with a small, adorable Kurgant child. Truly amazing.
Photo from Government Ministry of Noble Khan Khorihilemunaisi Khadaganasai pictures.
Khotgalan, Tribal Region of the Amazing Khatagh People.


These were the words spoken by the Khan, Khorihilemunaisi Khadaganasai, earlier today.

As always, the Noble Khan has dictated, and rightfully so, that the small "thing" known internationally as "Carcosa" is no longer to be recognized as a state after protesters and general hooligans bamboozled the peoples of Khatagh after we have rightfully closed down our embassy in the city of Carcosa.

Hooligans pelted the building with horse and sheep dung, and looted the building, taking many valuables, such as money, government items, utilities machines (such as copy machines and printer ink), and much more. The expected losses equal around to 300,000 Euclos stolen, and another 600,000 Euclos in damages.

The Khan put out a statement earlier, declaring that Carcosa is to no longer be recognized as anything akin to a state, as it is "no more than a city of Euclean Imperialists who refuse to ignore the fact that Solaria as a state has passed. It is gone. They must recognize it."

The Khan has also come out in support of the nation of Biyadh, and has also stated that in the coming future, unless they apologize, anyone whom considers themselves a "Carcosan" or "Carcosian" shall be arrested the instant they step foot in Khatagh. Because of this new criminal nationality, this means, of course, that brings up the issue of the Carcosian embassy in Khotgalan. As they are "diplomats," when the statement was made, armed police entered the Carcosian embassy, and forcibly escorted them to the nearest airport, where they were forcibly exported back to their pathetic little city. All other Carcosians have been arrested.

The Khan has furthered backing up our QTO ally, Fars, and although not a member, the Khan has shown his support to Badiywaya, giving them a diplomatic gift of 300 of our nation's best sheep. The Khan has also, surprisingly, commended the members of the EC whom have criticized Carcosa for closing down the strait illegally. "It shows a bit of hope for Euclea" said the Khan. "A bit."

Our nation has filed a lawsuit against the "nation" of Carcosa, citing the goods and the property damage done to our innocent embassy by the horde of hooligans. The intentional court shall decide this, and they shall take our side!

Want to share your opinion with us? Vote in our poll here!

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Epep Grof · 390
who the fuck comes up with these ministry names

Granatie · 217
Samasgtasztat krerkuai gnaistnoanis.

kekers · 107
what the fuck was that

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Postby Liecthenbourg » Mon Oct 17, 2016 2:03 pm

The President of the Euclean Council Hammers Down on Carcosa and Biyadh.
Lévesque: "These acts are illegal and infringements on internationally recognised human rights and long-standing agreements!"

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Marcel Gueguen (@MARUEN)
17 October, 2016 | Kesselbourg, Kesselbourg City

Alexandre Lévesque, President of the Euclean Council, 'The President of the Community' and former President of Gaullica
Photo courtesy of Joanna Demarq

Kesselbourg City, Kesselbourg - Today the President of the Euclean Council, Alexandre Lévesque, delivered a speech condemning the actions taken by member state Carcosa in what he called 'the illegal closing of the important Aurean Strait Waterway, a central highway of naval traffic' that has 'been enshrined as international waters since the 1892 Aurean Convention'. In said speech, Lévesque also took harsh action and criticism against the nation of Biyadh, hammering their arrests of Carcosan nationals as 'highly illegal and an offence to international law and rights' and as 'an affront to the Euclean Community and her memberstates'. This situation began with the closing of the Aurean Strait to PENB oil craft, what many critics have perceived to be an act of revenge set by the City-State as a reaction for PENB's oil embargo which resulted in the gas riots of July.

President Lévesque's speech was decisive and concise, delivering harsh, member-state backed criticisms of the actions of Carcosa and more importantly Biyadh. "These acts are illegal and infringements on internationally recognised human rights and long-standing agreements! We must stress that the Euclean Community stands behind Lusitana and reaffirms the comments made by many states in regards to the illegal nature of our fellow member state's activities. This however does not mutually exclude us from denouncing the insane and barbaric actions of the state of Biyadh, whom seek to arrest the Euclean Community nationals on false a pretence that is a clear and cut violation of internationally recognised and supported human rights as upheld in the Charter of the Community of Nations. For this, too, will the Community not stand. So with our one hand we strike at Carcosa, our other remains a clenched fist of defiance that must also shield our member-states from this 'Executive Order' put forth by 'Brotherly Leader' Ghussein." To the applause of the Parliament, whom which he was addressing, and the representatives from the Council and Commission, President Lévesque's comments were well received and almost universally supported amidst the ranks of the legislature. On this tide of support, he continued his speech.

"It is also with this in mind that I affirm, on good confirmation from the heads of state involved in the issue, that if the inaction of this barbarity undergone by Biyadh continues, the Euclean Community will once again enter a state of counter-embargo with the PENB nations - in addition to the complete dissolution of the treaty negotiated by President Vallette and the PENB states. It is a position we do not wish to take, nor one we feel that is agreeable, but to have Community nationals illegally imprisoned is an act beyond the comprehension of our entire Kylaris community of civilised nations."

In support of the President, Foreign Director and Vice-President of the Commission Luciana Lopez, has issued a defiant show of support. "It is without a doubt that the President has the right interests at heart and mind and his words express the sentiment of most, if not all, of the people of Euclea. This action sets a dangerous precedent; but this applies to both Carcosa's brash and treaty-ignoring activity and Biyadh's dangerous concept of arresting and assigning 'criminal nationalities'; such a concept is fascistic in nature, decrying someone for their birthplace."

In addition to his speech, Lévesque has called for an emergency meeting of the Council in Lusitana to discuss the actions taken by Carcosa and to attempt to reaffirm and overturn the decision to illegally close the straits to shipping. He has also stated it primarily serves the purpose to provide a platform to stand firm and decisive against the actions undertaken by Biyadh; which has become a rallying point for the states of the Euclean Community as they view it as an infringement on the rights of their citizens. As declared by Lévesque in the final aspect of his statement; "To allow a state to arrest citizens on 'criminal' or 'illegal' nationalities sets forth a dangerous precedent of racism, bigotry, borderline state fascism and xenophobia."

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Cozirem · 1 hour ago

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Tinfoilhatist · 1 hour ago
I blame the Atudites.

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TotallyNotBoulanger · 1 hour ago
FUCK COIANS (except Negara luv u bby)

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Last edited by Liecthenbourg on Fri Oct 21, 2016 12:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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I'm just a simple Kylarite, trying to make my way on NS.

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I thank God for Three Things:
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Postby Senkaku » Mon Oct 17, 2016 8:45 pm

The Baishadao Journal

Carcosian Government Criticizes EC Response to Biyadh

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Anne Zhou (@anne-z )
18 October 2016 1:00 AM | XXI Locia, Carcosa

XXI Locia, Carcosa -

The Carcosian government launched a full-scale media bombardment today following the statement made by President Lévesque of the Euclean Council on the ongoing Aurean Straits Crisis, blasting his response as feeble and weak. Carcosian princeps Andreas Valerius was once again at the forefront of the government's response, and called Lévesque and the leadership of the Euclean Community "spineless cowards" for their lack of concrete action to remedy Biyadhi belligerence. Biyadh, in response to Carcosa's blockade of the Aurean Straits to PENB oil traffic as an illegal revenge move for the recently-resolved PENB embargo, arrested all Carcosian citizens in the country, escalating the already-tense situation with this shocking violation of international law and human rights. "As a member of the Euclean Community, Carcosa had thought we could count on our partners on the Continent to support the humane treatment of fellow Euclean citizens and not to simply bluster meaninglessly and equate a legal punitive action with the illegal extrajudicial indefinite military seizure of our citizens. Apparently we were wrong- President Lévesque and the gang of neutered cripples, gutless apparatchiks and soulless drones who surround him seem content to line their pockets with ill-gotten oil money from Badawiya and ignore the plight of their fellow Eucleans, since it is inconvenient and might disturb their delicate routine, rather than show any sort of leadership or take any sort of action! Oh, they will say they are disgusted- but what action have they taken? What have they done? Let this be an example to the world- the Euclean Community is willing to sacrifice its citizens, for the sake of trying to keep gas prices low and avoid confrontation with a regime of insane terrorists."

Carcosian officials expressed outrage that President Lévesque and the Euclean Community had laid out no actions whatsoever to be taken against Biyadh, and emphasized that Carcosa was prepared to act alone if the EC would not make any sort of response. Carcosian comedy shows, which are a major part of the city's often-lively political discourse, universally and savagely skewered Lévesque and the EC for their feeble response, and thousands of citizens took to the streets and surrounded the EC's Carcosian headquarters, shouting and waving signs. A heavy police presence deterred any violence at the regional headquarters (besides a few broken windows), but effigies of Lévesque were seen being burned outside, and a crude depiction of him was also erected by the protesters and had a sign hung around its neck reading "The Eunuch of Kesselbourg". Additionally, an impounded Biyadhi freighter moored just off the edge of the Red Lagoon has been declared a total loss after suspected arson, which is still under investigation. Protesters continue to gather outside EC headquarters, and remain active around the headquarters of the Aurean Forum and various embassies.

Opposition leaders in Carcosa, meanwhile, seem to be warming to the blockade, despite the fact that it has caused falling gas prices around the globe and in the city to spike once again. Members of opposition parties have prominently begun supporting the government's positions on air over the course of the last day, and opposition members also joined in the protests against the Euclean Community.

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The Kingdom of Glitter
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Postby The Kingdom of Glitter » Mon Oct 17, 2016 8:59 pm


Taoiseach, Foreign Minister, and EC High Commissioner are among the officials expressed concerns regarding 'targeting'

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James Kelley (@jkelleygbf)
17 October 2016 | Spálgleann, Glytter

Euclean Community High Commissioner Katherine McDermott said she was alarmed by the "targeting of Euclean nationals".

SPALGLEANN – Recent developments in Biyadh have caused a host of Glytteronian officials to raise the alarm. The Badawiyan nation, located west of the Aurean Straits, has recently lost access to the Straits due to the Carcosian government's decision to close them to PENB member states. As a result, the Biyadhi government has begun to lash out against Carcosian nationals, arresting them throughout the country.

The High Commissioner of the Euclean Commission, Katherine McDermott, raised concerns while speaking to the press in Kesselbourg City. She said: "Obviously the situation is not ideal. While any potential violation of international treaty is of great concern to the Euclean Community, the actions of the Biyadhi government are appalling. We are witnessing overt targeting of Euclean nationals due to their country of origin. That is unacceptable. If the Euclean Community wishes to maintain its sovereignty, it will surely come to the defence of our citizens".

She later added that she was "disappointed that the situation has deteriorated to this degree, but we must remember diplomatic cooperation between all involved is the only way forward".

"This is a witch hunt for Euclean citizens" Foreign Minister Frank Casarnach told reporters. "I have received word from our embassy in Wadi Al'Aswad that Glytteronian nationals have contacted them as Biyadhi military units have been seen going door to door inside resorts. This is unacceptable".

Mr. Casarnach later said: "Glytter, and Euclea, cannot stand idly by as we watch the Ghussein regime violate the basic human rights of our people, or his own for that matter. The civilised world must recognise how dangerous that is, and that is why the Glytteronian government is calling on the Biyadhi government to end its reign of terror against Euclean nationals and enter diplomatic talks with all members of the Eucleam Community and Badawiyan Cartel".

The controversy unraveled after the Carcosan government began seizing PENB freighters and tankers in Carcosian waters, many of these ships were Biyadhi in origin. Biyadh is dependent upon access to the Aurean Straits in order to conveniently reach eastern markets, may of which have reopened following a deal made between the Euclean members of DITO and PENB. The deal, which was made several weeks ago, saw the end of the embargo in exchange for the decrease in food tariffs nations such as Gaullica implemented as retaliation.

"I sincerely hope Gaullica and our other Euclean partners are prepared to kill this deal if Biyadh continues its fascist and illegal seizure of Euclean nationals" the Minister of Foreign Affairs said.

A statement from the Taoiseach's Office said that: "the Taoiseach is very disappointed by developments in Biyadh and hopes he Biyadhi government sees reason and actions rationally".

Taoiseach Walker also told reporters that she "hoped this would not lead to violence" and that "diplomatic means are essential to end this crisis".

Discontent among EC member states has begun to be voiced publicly. The Lusitan government has been overtly outraged by Carcosian actions, as they believe Carcosa is undermining Lusitan jurisdiction over portions of the Aurean Straits. Premier Cecilio Rodriguez has insisted the closure is both illegal and immoral.

The popularity of President Lévesque has also been dwindling, with government officials across the Euclean Community condemning his response.

A source close to the Taoiseach said she was disappointed by the response of the President of the Euclean Council, Alexandre Lévesque. A spokesperson for the Taoiseach declined to comment.

The Minister of Trade and Tariffs, Brian Fitzgerald, said that he was "disgusted" by Mr. Lévesque's "inability to support his own people". As Trade Minister, Mr. Fitzgerald is a member of the Assembly of the Euclean Community. He is also the son of Taoiseach Wallace P. Fitzgerald, Sr. and has been a prominent voice in Glytteronian politics for several decades.

Elsewhere, Carcosian princeps Andreas Valerius insinuated that Mr. Lévesque was a coward and heavily criticised his response.

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Postby Elepis » Tue Oct 18, 2016 9:27 am

I accidently deleted this rip
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"Krugmar - Today at 10:00 PM
Not sure that'll work on Elepis considering he dislikes (from what I've observed):
A: Nationalism
B: Religion being taken seriously
C: The Irish"

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Postby Liecthenbourg » Tue Oct 18, 2016 2:58 pm

The Euclean Council's Emergency Meeting in Lusitana Ends
Lévesque: "This council has put forward a series of concise and powerful statements and sanctions in regards to the breach of our citizen's rights."

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Marcel Gueguen (@MARUEN)
18 October, 2016 | Deltoro, Lusitana

Despite the rumours of the previous day, it seems the working relationship between President Lévesque and Taioseach Walker remains strong.
Photo courtesy of Joanna Demarq

Deltoro, Lusitana - Following his declaration yesterday of the emergency Council meeting in Lusitana all heads of state of the community flocked to the city of Deltoro in which it would be held. Despite the controversy and dislike of his statements, particularly by Carcosa, and the rumors regarding Taoiseach Alexis Walker's disappointment with the President, inside sources report that the meeting was 'very productive' and 'a great show of Community unity in a time of crisis'. Indeed, it seems that the working relationship between Lévesque, Walker and the Princeps Valerius, though perhaps awkward, was able to come to the fruition to the working strength of the community at large. The talks took a large portion of the morning and the afternoon and just this evening the meeting was declared decided and concluded to the benefit of the memberstates and their heads of state.

Delivering a speech in Deltoro to the press, President Lévesque announced the decisions undertaken by the Council at the meeting. "It is with great confidence that I come to you with the emergency meeting's proposals, plans of action and undertaken decisions as of this moment. The Council has multilaterally decided that the Foreign Directorate will produce a legal and unified platform of a multitude of sanctions on Biyadh; that will come into effect on the week's end and deal with food, armaments, pharmaceuticals, automobiles and refined petroleum from Euclea not being allowed to be accessed by Biyadh as well as a complete ban of Biyadhi oil to be exported into Euclea. In addition, it is a borderline imperative that the Council stresses there will be no talks from the Community on Carcosa until after Biyadh had released the illegally arrested Euclean Community nationals. To arrest our citizens in such a manner is a great disrespect to the nation of Carcosa, the people of this Community and myself. We have also decided that the state of Biyadh owes this Community an official apology for its transgressions on the rights of our populace. We have come to the decision as well that we shall be informing the Euclean Central Bank to freeze the accounts and assets of any member of the Biyadhi Government whom has an account with them our her constituent banks."

A reporter questioned the President as to what he thought of the comments put forward by the Princeps and Taioseach Walker, but he refused to comment - instead he highlighted what he assumed was a mutual strong working relationship that was exemplified in today's meeting.

"It goes on to say that this council advises the member-states to retract their ambassadorial staff from Biyadh as a strong statement against their activities. Additionally, given recent actions in Biyadh, the Euclean Community and all of its member states are advising its nationals to leave Biyadh and other potentially hostile nations in the region for fear of retaliation against civilian targets, in addition to advising holiday-makers to make a change of plans for the resulting situation in these states."

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Ren Boberts · 1 hour ago

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Tinfoilhatist · 1 hour ago
I once again blame the Atudites.

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ANCAP · 1 hour ago

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Last edited by Liecthenbourg on Tue Oct 18, 2016 3:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Biyadh » Wed Oct 19, 2016 11:52 am

VOICE OF BIYADH: Government outraged over Fars' betrayal

Brotherly Leader Ghussein trashes PENB and warns the Euclean Community not to stand in the way of Biyadh
Hussein Shaif@VBY

The Brotherly Leader speaking to supporters in a public conference in his residence near Wadi Al'Aswad
Photo courtesy of Youssef B.

Wadi Al'Aswad

"Fars is a failed Empire. They hope that they will come back to former glory if they talk friendly with the Euclean fascists, but that won't happen, because they will never allow us Badawiyans or Coians in general to advance. So Fars sold its soul to the devil, it betrayed us. And we will not forget. We will not forget any of this; and if the PENB... A very weak organisation, by the way. Very weak. If the PENB turns its back on us, we will gladly walk away and give it the death stab. We would advise our friends to stick to us now."

In a rare move, the Brotherly Leader addressed supporters and allies in a conference at his own residence. Ghussein, who silently and privately leads the nation from his office usually, uses this offensive to silence his critics abroad and dissidents at home. Previously, their PENB ally of Fars turned its back on our nation in an act of prostitution to the Euclean Community.

He also addressed attacks from the Euclean Community.

"You have enslaved us for centuries and simply took what you thought is yours. Now once more you break all international agreements to bully us Badawiyans into submission. But we will not surrender and we will take back what is ours. This is a Holy War for all Mumins who have enough of Euclean dominance and terror. We will end this - and the Euclean Community will better not stand in our way."

His son Zafer, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, was not available for comment on his fathers' words so far. Instead, his Ministry said, he would work on a solution with foreign nations to bring an end on this situation.

After Ghussein's conference, the military was alerted. All soldiers are to return to their bases; numerous reservists will receive orders.

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Postby Senkaku » Wed Oct 19, 2016 1:09 pm

The Baishadao Journal

Carcosian Military Reveals Biyadhi Ships Have Departed Harbors, Heading for Carcosa

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Anne Zhou (@anne-z )
18 October 2016 1:00 AM | XXI Locia, Carcosa

A Carcosian missile boat just offshore.

XXI Locia, Carcosa -

A spokesman for the Carcosian Navy revealed today the shocking revelation that Biyadhi military ships had been detected departing their ports and rendezvousing before apparently beginning to steam towards the Aurean Straits. This follows a series of aggressive statements from Biyadh's leader, so-called "Brotherly Leader" Ghussein, in response to the Euclean Community and Carcosa's response to the Biyadhi internment of Carcosian citizens as retaliation for the Carcosian blockade of the Aurean Straits. The Biyadhi military had reportedly been "alerted", and Ghussein obliquely threatened to "take back what is ours", to "end this", and said that the Euclean Community should not oppose Biyadh in their "Holy War". Ghussein also went on the offensive against the Farsi government, which recently made overtures of diplomacy after initially taking a hard line against the blockade, and threatened a Biyadhi departure from the PENB organization.

Carcosian officials largely refused to comment on the situation, citing "security concerns" and "ongoing military operations", but the princeps released a brief statement declaring a state of emergency throughout the country and warning Biyadhi vessels to adhere to international law. "Biyadhi vessels which violate Carcosa's territorial waters or which violate the interdiction we have placed on Biyadh-flagged ships will face the consequences, particularly if they act threateningly or pose risks to the security of Carcosa and her people." In the state of emergency, the Carcosian military was reportedly readying several ships and aircraft in case the approaching Biyadhi vessels engaged in "hostile acts". Aelian Police also used to emergency decree to break up protesting mobs throughout the city around foreign embassies and the headquarters of the Euclean Community and the Aurean Forum with water cannons, rubber bullets, and tear gas.

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Postby Alleniana » Wed Oct 19, 2016 7:41 pm

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Former Militarist Party Leader Apologises for "Cannibal" Comments About Celestial Isles
16:14 2016-10-20 | By Invisible Man | Article #409

 Nina naTuga, founder and leader of the Militarist Party, was widely condemned for her comments on social media about the Yocatullic people, generalising them as "cannibals", "turdtards" and "savages" who "don't know their assholes from their heads". It is believed that naTuga's comments were triggered by an incident on public transport. The public opinion in Heja generally favours the islanders of the Celestial Empire; she apologised, but condemned those who had issued death threats to her, calling them "aggressive".

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The War in Iyakasar
14:00 2016-10-20 | By Big Bang Theory | Article #408

 Not many have been paying attention to the unrest in Iyakasar, especially not in the mainstream media; only some Ai'gio and Yakisho language sources, and some publications in Mzembugueli have really reacted to it, due to cultural links and proximity to the action (people wanting to know why they can hear artillery from over the border). However, the region has the possibility of descending into the next international flashpoint, or at least, local economic and humanitarian crisis. Few have gotten involved so far, with the state dwarfed by Negara to its south and arguably in its sphere, but Negara is increasingly distracted by its commitments to DITO, dealing with the recently ended PENB oil embargo and rising tensions with Songguo and even Kaxakh. Negara, and other powers ought to pay attention though; the 250,000 barrels per day of crude coming out of Iyakasar is not insignificant, and has decreased in recent days due to violence but not ceased, while the majority Iyakasari are Mumin and could feel a solidarity with Badawiya and PENB next time there's an embargo, though due to the state's finances, cession of oil sales to Negara is unlikely. The Wai Yakisho, as they are known, are just Yakisho living outside of Heja, and compose about a third of the country's population; this is another potential flashpoint, with Heja being their closest ally should violence escalate into genocide. As it is, it's essentially a war already, but nobody seems to recognise it as much; the global political order seems to have forgotten the relevance of Iyakasar, so close to its regional behemoths, and historically with precedent for causing regional trouble, as in the 90s.

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Pan-Coius QTO High Speed Rail Rumours
04:45 2016-10-19 | By Nighthowler | Article #407

 Several publications, most notably the Ykf Daily, have published rumours and leaks about the possibility of a cross-Coius high speed rail network, to be build by Songguo and the QTO mainly, but also extending into other neutral countries. Naturally, I was intrigued; I'm a fan of high-speed railway (who's not?) and especially given the relatively advanced state of rail in Heja for a country of its wealth, I thought it might have something to it. I traced down the ultimate source of the "leaks", and I found... a self-proclaimed tabloid, published in Labazo Region, about two years old. Fair enough, the person who made the scoop has degrees in various fields to do with computers and journalism, and fair enough, there's nothing glaringly impossible about the source... but personally, even as a fan of such a project I'm not convinced that 320km/h high speed rail is about to run from Gabajin to Dongjing. The geopolitics makes it unlikely, the cost even more so (even at the price the "low-level bureaucrat" said was to be used, $21 million per kilometre), and the relative unreliability of the source, frankly, tops it off. I wouldn't get my hopes up.

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To Kill a Conservativism: The Failure of the Mainstream Right in Heja
00:02 2016-10-18 | By Fox | Article #406

 The poll figures for the Nationalist Party have dropped to even more staggering levels, while the Traditionalist Party's desperate measure to shore its vote back up are working only slidingly. The National Capitalist Party's support only grows higher, and they are considering dropping the "National" from their name, according to their top brass, while the Anarchist Party looks steady. The old guard right is self-destructing, while the Social Democrats' vote has grown only higher after their curt response from VANGBIR to the anti-LGBT rights protest organised by the Nationalists and Traditionalists; a protest which, by the way, in case you hadn't heard, was absolutely botched in its organisation, and had absolutely embarrassingly low levels of turnout, with the one counterprotest organised apparently taking nearly half an hour to find them and counterprotest. How did we get here?

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Carcosa, Biyadh, Fars and Heja
12:35 2016-10-16 | By Amanda and Sepia Panda | Article #405

 Before we jump into this article, we would like to recommend that any readers reading this in Biyadh consider looking at this article from Kaibio News, on the current state of affairs in Biyadh and whether you might be in danger of imprisonment or not.

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16:27 2016-10-14 | By 404 | Article #404

 Article not found.

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What is Hecurbia?
01:53 2016-10-14 | By Box Hat and Fox | Article #403

 Most of us heard about the utopian project to build a city from scratch proposed a few years ago when the government, surprisingly, actually considered it. Most of us assumed that the government then dismissed it out of hand, that the billionaires involved realised how ridiculous it all was, that the project fell apart as most do, before they even get close to implementation. Well, apparently not; a large plot of land, along with quite a few tacit agreements between the local authorities in the area and the consortium are now part of the progress that can be said to have been made. Hecurbia, that proposed a carless city, settlementwide central heating, buildings that would direct wind and sunlight and rain, almost entirely green energy, and furthermore all the normal and improved amenities of water, multi-flow recycling, health, education, and so forth, and even furthermore, to be profitable, to have high living standards and to be self-sustaining. All in all, a big ask. Well, how is it now?

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Literature in Hejan Politics
08:15 2016-10-13 | By White Tyre and X | Article #402

  Last week, a scientific study from researchers at Gabajin University came out about the effect of literature on Hejan domestic politics; not just books like On Mohrism in the Modern World, or The Chancellery of Mi Zod, or even A Brief History of Euclea and Coius or religious texts, but actually self-proclaimed fiction, fantasy, adventure, even comics. It seemed to suggest that texts like Love among the Dragons or even the Jan Han series (often known by its first book's name, White Mountain; I confess I am a fan) can affect public opinion, and therefore elections and policy. A planned followup study, according to an exclusive source, will look at things even more less regarded, such as TV shows and comics. It seems obvious that literature can and does affect culture, but it can often seem a step too far for it to directly affect election results. Well, now that the data is there, I plan to attempt to see in this article, through more traditionally humanist disciplines, how exactly and why literature can change one's political leanings, and thus government policies and the world.

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In Favour of Environmental Protection
03:23 2016-10-12 | By Corn Chip Dip | Article #401

  Yesterday, I went to the zoo with my three year old child, and saw over 20 species that are extinct in the wild in half a day. Close to half of those animals my son and I saw will be extinct entirely by the time my son is eligible to vote, if scientists are to be believed.

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Postby Cyrisnia » Thu Oct 20, 2016 11:42 am


May the buzzards eat the Traitor.
Temulun Abagai(@TemAba)
20 October 2016 11:00 AM (EET) | Khotgalan, The Always Honest and Amazingly Amazing Great Khanate of Khatagh

Subhuman scum Menkakush Toyaa.
Photo from Government Ministry of Defence.

Khotgalan, Tribal Region of the Amazing Khatagh People.

Only traitors and enemies of the state would speak out against the Noble Khan.

It seems, however, that unfortunately, the head of the Ainolium tribe, "Chief" Menkakush Toyaa, has done so.

What did this traitorous piece of subhuman garbage say, exactly?

In a recently released video published by devout loyalist inside of the Ainolium tribe in our noble nation, Menkakush was recorded saying various inflammatory statements against both our nature and our Khan, defender of Khatagh from foreign imperialism and all around pretty cool dude.

"I just don't see the need for all this pointless glorification of everything. The current Khan's been in power for...what? Five and a half years? Its pointless, honestly. Pointless. Before Khadaganasai took power, we didn't have it. Nations looked on at us with respect. Respect! Now look at us, we're a laughing stock in both QTO and the world at large because of him. He sits in his palace, complaining about all that goes on and he does nothing for the most part. When he does do things, they always end in constant and unadulterated disaster for nearly everything, public relations especially. If Carcosa is not a nation, how can it be embargoed? In doing so he's gone against his own word -- embargoing it recognizes it as a nation. Its...sad. Stupid. Disappointing. In a Khan we need a better leader. All he does is show us his fetish for trashy black-and-white photos, dress up in stupid, old CSS uniforms, and have his media say how awesome he is. Look at his 'titles.' They're so...dumb."

Upon hearing these inflammatory, uncalled for, and generally pro-Eastern statements from this traitor of the state, our noble Khan, purifier of our nation, has rightfully issued a death warrant for this heathenish traitor. The same applies to his family. All members of the Ainolium tribe Class-3.1 and over have been arrested and are being interrogated.

The Great Khan put out a statement, criticizing both Menkakush, his family, and all who dare speak out against his noble guidance.

Updates are still arriving. Be watchful for all traitors. Loyalty to our great nation trumps that of your tribe and your family and friends at all times. Remember.

You can check out the video here.

2:05 PM - We have been alerted that our video linked in the article doesn't send to the correct link. Instead, it links to a sad Federation Imperialist screaming and crying (as Asterians do) in popular imperialist games Meinkraft and Roblicks.
3:10 PM - Grand-Nephew of Menkakush, Ayay Toyaa, has been captured with caretaker. Both promptly executed.
3:15 PM - Grand-Niece of Menkakush, Atuusaa Toyaa, captured and executed.
5:20 PM - Noble Khan pings strong allies in Hynd and in Songguo for assistance in tracking down traitor.
6:00 PM - Domestic cyber terrorist attack occurring on various governmental websites. Internet in state capitol building is down. Wi-fi as well.
6:07 PM - Ministry of intelligence reports and releases that Menkakush has been found in state of Heja, in asylum. Embassy on high alert and troops have been dispatched. Khan threatens the righteous force of the Khataghi army against the Hejans.

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Postby Senkaku » Thu Oct 20, 2016 1:47 pm


QTO Forces Aid Khataghi Military in Combating "Security Threats"

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Aisin Batu (@ABT )
October 21 2016 1:00 AM | Khotgalan, Khatagh

Songhua tanks depart the Joint Khotgalan Army-Air Base to secure the city.

Khotgalan, Khatagh -

Khan Khadaganasai of Khatagh has abruptly abdicated, turning over the khanate to his nephew Temur, who has been appointed as Grand Regent by an emergency kurultai of Khataghi leaders, in the wake of a QTO security operation that followed the flight of Chief Menkakush Toyaa of the Ainolium tribe. Chief Menkakush had been accused of disrespecting and slandering the khan, leading Khataghi police to put out a warrant for his arrest and execution and for the execution of his family members. While several of his family members were captured and executed, Chief Menkakush himself was able to flee to Heja, where he has sought asylum. Following his flight and a cyberattack on the Khataghi government, the former Khan called on Khatagh's allies in the Qingzhou Treaty Organization to help investigate, and also threatened that Khatagh would use military force against Heja. Khatagh has endured several previous purges by both the former Khan and his predecessors, and many observers of the country thought that another could be imminent.

However, inhabitants of Khotgalan will doubtless rise from their sleep Friday morning and be somewhat surprised by what has actually transpired. QTO forces based around Khotgalan, citing an "imminent danger to Khataghi sovereignty and Khataghi leaders" that had been uncovered in the joint alliance investigation, moved in conjunction with elements of the Khataghi military to occupy many government buildings, including the Khan's palace. Songguo also pledged to contribute additional security personnel from the Federal Armed Forces and Interior Security Service to help maintain order and calm. The Khan was reportedly informed of the results of the investigation, the specifics of which remain secret, and shortly thereafter elected to abdicate, stating he "could not continue to hold the throne in good conscience" after his administration "allowed a dangerous incident to nearly occur". The Khan was reportedly planning to retire to a hunting lodge of his near the Songhua border in the wake of the abdication. His nephew Temur was shortly thereafter appointed Grand Regent by an emergency kurultai of tribal leaders and government officials, to take custody of the Khataghi throne until a formal kurultai (the council by which Khatagh traditionally selects its leader) can be held to elect the next khan. The Grand Regent also invited Chief Menkakush back to the country, apologizing for the treatment of his family and tribe and stating that "security threats caused an overreaction towards these parties, who have been totally exonerated". The full kurultai has been tentatively scheduled for sometime within the coming week.

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Last edited by Senkaku on Thu Oct 20, 2016 1:56 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Postby Krugmar » Thu Oct 20, 2016 3:34 pm


The Swans and the Bees
The Nacht-Tor reveals commitment to preserving Bees

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Niklas Taschner (@ntaschner)
20 October 2016 | Din Kausch, Domäne

A bee on a flower
Photo courtesy of Alex Kessler

The Nacht-Tor has today revealed that it is alarmed by the growing fears that the bee population is on the decline, and is taking steps to prevent this. A wide range of plans, from breeding bees in captivity and then implanting them in specially designed national parks, to encouraging bee-keeping, limiting the use of the more harmful pesticides, and educating the public, have been announced. The Nacht-Tor also hopes that other countries will follow its lead, and looks forward to working with them on projects to aid bee populations internationally.

The Nacht-Tor has also released the following tips:


1. Grow more flowers, shrubs and trees

Grow more flowers, shrubs and trees that provide nectar and pollen as food for bees and other pollinators throughout the year. For example, pussy willow, primroses and crocuses in spring, lavenders, meadow cranesbill and ox­eye daisies in summer, ivy and hebes in autumn, and mahonia shrubs and cyclamen in winter.

2. Leave patches of land to grow wild

Leave patches of land to grow wild with plants like stinging nettles and dandelions to provide other food sources (such as leaves for caterpillars) and breeding places for butterflies and moths.

3. Cut grass less often

Cut grass less often and ideally remove the cuttings to allow plants to flower.

4. Avoid disturbing or destroying nesting or hibernating insects

Avoid disturbing or destroying nesting or hibernating insects, in places like grass margins, bare soil, hedgerows, trees, dead wood or walls.

5. Think carefully about whether to use pesticides

Think carefully about whether to use pesticides, especially where pollinators are active or nesting or where plants are in flower. Consider control methods appropriate to your situation and only use pesticides if absolutely necessary. Many people choose to avoid chemicals and adopt methods like physically removing pests or using barriers to deter pests. If you choose to use a pesticide, always follow the label instructions.


A Budding Friendship?
Deputy Chancellor and Foreign Minister Stefan Becke visits Samastara

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Niklas Taschner (@ntaschner)
20 October 2016 | Din Kausch, Domäne

The Deputy Chancellor with a prominent Samastaran Imam, and other officials.
Photo courtesy of Alex Kessler

The Deputy Chancellor, Foreign Minister, and Leader of the King's Soldiers Party, Stefan Becke, has been visiting Samastara this past weak, the Nacht-Tor has revealed. According to the Nacht-Tor, the Deputy Chancellor is there to build upon an existing friendship with Samastara, and other PENB nations, and to offer them aid and support in a time when the other "liberal" nations of Euclea refuse.

The Deputy Chancellor, and Minister of Finance, and Leader of the Pan-Weranic Alliance, Hans-Werner Bayram, indicated that "The Foreign Minister's work in Samastara is crucial to reminding the PENB states that we are not like the other Euclean nations. We do not seek to push upon them our ways of life, our religion, or political ideas." And further commented that "It is obvious the PENB nations feel betrayed by the EC, which would rather defend one of their own members, than that of international law."

When pressed further on the Carcosian situation, the Deputy Chancellor answered that "What Biyadh is doing is irresponsible, and we hope that they pull back, and take a more diplomatic approach. That said, the Euclean Community is also being very irresponsible by urging Carcosa on and encouraging the ignoring of international law." And further stated that "Werania takes international law seriously, and I believe that will come to our favour when dealing with our friends in Badawiya."

The Chancellor and Vice Chancellor declined to comment on Carcosa's insults to Vice Chancellor Gothe, though the Deputy Chancellor stated that they were "inappropriate, and not good for relations."
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Postby Kisinger » Thu Oct 20, 2016 4:03 pm



Samastara today has officially denounced Biyadh, following its extremely controversial move to arrest Euclean nationals after Carcosa closed the Aurean Straight to PENB oil traffic last week. This announcement comes as no surprise as many of Samastara's trade and military agreements have once again been put into jeopardy. As well as the fragile EC-PENB treaty that negotiated the flow of oil back into Euclea following the PENB Oil Embargo earlier this year. Sadly, once the military council issued these statements small scale protests occurred against the council'a statements, these however were quickly broken up by Security Forces in the vicinity of Nahjeed, the nation's defecto capital.

Though, an emergency meeting of the military council was adjourned following reports of a Biyadhi fleet heading for Carcosa. An action which caused the council to label it as "deplorable and unnecessary." Following these statements the council also withdrew the embassy from Biyadh as well as labeling Biyadh a "rogue state" claiming that they did not represent the opinions of those in PENB and "that those actions by Biyadh do not represent PENB in the slightest." Samastara has released an official apology on behalf of the "sane" half of PENB formerly apologizing for the arrests of Euclean nationals in Biyadh and urging that Euclea to take action against Biyadh instead of the majority of PENB. The council also urged that Biyadh rethink its actions that they may be disastrous for them. Going further the council also said that, "any action taken by a PENB nation that is militarily aggressive in nature will not be upheld by Samastara." Several reports have been confirmed that the Naval Exercises have ended and that the fleet has returned to port. Though Samastara has also stressed the illegality of the actions taken by Carcosa claiming that "Carcosa is not only breaking international law it is also attempting to violate territorial waters of our close friend Luistana" it reportedly is doing this by attempting to close off the whole strait which is split between the two nations.

Last edited by Kisinger on Fri Oct 21, 2016 4:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
Nanatsu no Tsuki wrote:Don't you dare take my other 75% orgasm. I'm a greedy womyn, influenced by the cold hard erection of the patriarchy.

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Postby Biyadh » Thu Oct 20, 2016 11:31 pm


Navy sent on Holy Mission to force the Carcosan Criminals into submission
Hussein Shaif@VBY

Archive Photograph: A Biyadhi Corvette, bought 1987 from Kaxakh, near our sacred coast
Photo courtesy of Youssef B.

Wadi Al'Aswad

The Badawiyan Republic of Biyadh officially declared war on the rogue City State of Carcosa at 2:40 AM.

As President of the Badawiyan Republic of Biyadh, with the trust and authority vested in me by our Great Congress and the citizens of this ancient and beautiful country; I hereby declare war on the Free City of Carcosa.

Carcosa and its criminal government breached international law and our sovereignty repeatedly. This war is an exercise of self-defence that is long overdue. Governments all over the world - Samastara, Fars, Lusitana, Glytter - closed their citizens' eyes to the crimes that are committed to us. They fear that Biyadh could lead a revolution. But our war cry will still be heard all over the world. This day marks the beginning of our liberation.

We will fight them on their streets, in their cities. Mumin traitors will fall as plentifully as the Imperialists and their nation whores.

Victory will be with us! Glory to Biyadh!

Your Brotherly Leader,
Sharif Ghussein

### Liveticker ###

4:10 AM - We learned that two corvettes, one frigate and several missile and attack craft will attack Carcosa soon to liberate our citizens and goods. Brotherly Ghussein was confident that victory will be ours and called the military leadership to a meeting.

5:50 AM - Our navy is approaching the enemy and commencing the attack.

6:22 AM - According to the President's office, the attack shall end victorious during this or the next hour.

9:30 AM - Due to reasons of military security, no further news can be given. Reservists are asked to stay on hold for further orders.

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Last edited by Biyadh on Thu Oct 20, 2016 11:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Senkaku » Thu Oct 20, 2016 11:59 pm

The Baishadao Journal

Biyadhi Navy Decisively Defeated, Follow-up Strikes Planned for Biyadhi Coast

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Anne Zhou (@anne-z )
20 October 2016 11:00 AM | XXI Locia, Carcosa

A Carcosian missile boat opens fire.

XXI Locia, Carcosa -

Following Biyadh's dispatch of a naval squadron and declaration of war against Carcosa, Carcosian naval officials announced at just before 10:00 AM local time that the Biyadhi ships had been destroyed by the Carcosian military. The Biyadhi declaration of war, which came in the early hours of the morning, was swiftly responded to, with the Senate passing its own declaration of war against Biyadh at half past three, and the princeps offering a defiant statement pledging to defend the lives and rights of Carcosa's citizens with "every ounce of strength available to us." The princeps vowed that Carcosa would emerge victorious "with or without" support from mainland Euclea, and confirmed that the Carcosian navy and air force were making immediate preparations to engage the Biyadhi squadron. Carcosa's Civil Guard was also put on notice and the city-state's Conscription Directorate was placed on alert for the first time in many years. The city has been on edge since Biyadhi vessels were detected beginning to make their way towards it, but the declaration of war initially brought a somber and worried atmosphere in the perpetually-insomniac city in the wee hours of the morning.

According to reports from Carcosian naval command, the battle commenced just before six in the morning, when Carcosian missile craft entered striking range of the Biyadhi ships. There were several brief exchanges of missile fire and skirmishes between fast attack craft, before a more coordinated missile wave attack commenced a few minutes after 6:30 AM. Reportedly, the concerted missile swarm wrought tremendous destruction on the Biyadhi squadron, and fast attack craft and aircraft from the Carcosian air force were able to finish off surviving elements in a decisive victory for Carcosa. Fighters in the Carcosian air force also engaged several Biyadhi aircraft, destroying an anti-submarine helicopter deployed from one of the Biyadhi corvettes and also engaging with Biyadhi fighter jets. Two Carcosian servicemen serving aboard the missile boat S-104 were reportedly killed and seven others injured when the boat was hit by a Biyadhi missile, but the vessel is expected to survive. Arrangements are reportedly being made for both sailors killed to receive state funerals and be interred in Saint Adrian's Cathedral, and the crew of the S-104 have been declared Heroes of the Republic by the Senate, with the wounded receiving the Purple Star, Carcosa's highest military or civilian honor. The two dead will also receive the Marian Citation, a posthumous award issued to Carcosian military servicemen and women for centuries for the highest valor in battle. Celebrations broke out across the city as word of the victory traveled, and in addition to the funerals of the two dead soldiers, the government indicated it was making preparations for a parade to welcome the crews of the vessels that had participated when they returned. Spontaneous celebrations had already begun in the streets and at several airports used by the air force's fighter planes.

The princeps also subsequently announced that the navy would be pursuing "possible follow-up strikes" along the Biyadhi coast as retribution for the attempted attack on the city. Naval commanders confirmed that Carcosian naval forces were being readied for reciprocal attacks on Biyadhi soil, but did not clarify as to whether these would simply be air and missile strikes or come in some other form. Carcosian officials called on the international community to take immediate action, including economic and diplomatic sanctions and military strikes, against Biyadh, and particularly called on the PENB to take action against their rogue member, as well as on the EC to take a harder line on Biyadhi violation of international law and warmongering aggression.

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Last edited by Senkaku on Fri Oct 21, 2016 12:13 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby PLESSUR » Fri Oct 21, 2016 4:52 am

Gasetta Naziunala

Rhaetia's official news channel



An in-depth analysis of the situation in Rhaetia

The conflict now known as the New Saephian War began almost a year ago and is ongoing. The Saephian people are a historic people of the Raetic Mountains and the largest ethnic minority in modern Rhaetia. Their designated homeland is the eastern belt of mountains in Rhaetia that separate the two main river valleys, the Plessur and Muregna/Mareine, but th area with a majority of Saephian inhabitants has shrunk dramatically over the last two centuries.


Historically enemies of the Rhaetians, the Saephians possessed there own state until the Great War, in which Rhaetia was partitioned between Caesena and Balaguar. Following the Democratic victory, a wholly Rhaetian state was re-established in the territory. Even under the Caeseni Trusteeship, Saephians were essentially second class citizens to the Rhaetians. But the Rhaetian Revolution of 1973 would change things forever. The Kollist ideology introduced under the new regime was deeply nationalistic and oppressed the Saephians unlike any other before it. One of the main causes of the civil war in the 1990's (the War of the People's Republic) had been a massive Saephian uprising against their Rhaetian masters.


With the liberalising measures brought in following this war, civil unrest in Saephia calmed down again. It was under First Secretary Tgaptelas in 2015 that a Saephian insurrection began in the Caireva valley.

The uprising was initially spearheaded by an ultra-nationalist Saephian organisation known as the Sapürna Orrepublika, or Saephian Republic (SO). Its stated aims are to reconquer the historical lands of the "Sapürnern" (irredentist term for Greater Saephian people) and re-establish the nineteenth century military-religious Sapüner Order, ruled by a Pajje, or Saephian spiritual leader. Following initial successes in Caireva and even in the Sumlepia - in which the SO destroyed the majority Rhaetian city of Lufri - the SO was driven back so that it eventually only controlled the Saephian capital of Tavau (Taffon in Saephian) and some Imfilian highlands.

More recently, a new Saephian group has been established and has proved itself a formidable opponent. The Saephian Democratic Forces (SDF) established the pro-DITO and pro-EC Democratic Republic of Saephia in July, quickly seizing large swathes of the Sumlepian highlands and even parts of Valplagin. The current military situation in Rhaetia is summarized by the below diagram:


The political in Rhaetia itself has been tense recently. The rise to power of Silvia Verreràs has raised hopes of further liberalising measures, which it indeed has in some sectors. Internationally, Rhaetia has become more unsure and more isolated. Verreràs' hostility toward the CSS has made Petrovsk suspicious if Rhaetian intentions to defect to the Eastern camp, while DITO and the EC still see Rhaetia as a rogue state that must be handled with care. The pro-DITO lean of the SDF, as well as its comparative success against the Rhaetian People's Army (RPA), has got many in the East to advocate intervention in Rhaetia. Many are now calling for an international conference to determine the future of the Rhaetian state.

There are many potential outcomes of this deep crisis. Rhaetia could democratise, end the People's Republic, leave the CSS and give the Saephians autonomy. Just how far Petrovsk will allow Rhaetia to drift before intervening, and just how far Verreràs will go with reforms is unclear. Rhaetia could be partitioned between a CSS Rhaetian state and a small EC Saephian state. The RPA might be able to secure a quick victory and things will continue unchanged, until the next inevitable Saephian uprising. Some have even suggested a scenario where Rhaetia is partitioned and the Rhaetian part becomes part of Caesena. Perhaps more intriguing would be seeing Verreràs granting concessions of autonomy to the Saephians within the People's Republic, though a lot will have to change for that and Verreràs would have a lot of explaining to do to ideological hardliners.

Gasetta Naziunala will keep you updated with news in Rhaetia as events unfold in this most crucial of times.
Last edited by PLESSUR on Fri Oct 21, 2016 4:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
Anarcho-Saxony wrote:
Veskesh wrote:Jeez if Turkey keeps having these coups they'll be kicked out of NATO and won't be able to join the EU....

The USA was in NATO when the American Civil War happened, but the Confederacy coup didn't cause it to be kicked out, did it?



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