Cosmic Era [The Factbook]

A place to put national factbooks, embassy exchanges, and other information regarding the nations of the world. [In character]


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Founded: Jun 30, 2013

Postby Skaldia » Wed Sep 17, 2014 1:08 pm

Articles Cont. III

The Luxury and Horror of Meat
Protein is a necessity, and there are a variety of means of getting protein in a diet. The most common and cheapest way is vegetable protein, the sort found in legumes. But eating bean paste isn't haute cotoure. Peasants and the poverty stricken subsist on beans and rice, rice and beans. These things are cheap and easily grown. The middle class is not going to happily subsist on a vegetarian diet, they want meat. Eating meat has always been a sign of wealth and success. Good hunters were praised, good farmers were simply doing what was expected of them, and 12,000 years later little has changed.

Mycoprotein: Synthetic Meat
With enough sugar water, darkness and warmth, fungal spores can turn vast amounts of blank material into fungal masses. These masses can have a fibrous texture, and can pass as processed chicken or pork products. The fungus has to be heat treated, otherwise the high RNA present in it will very quickly cause gout. This fake meat already exists in the modern petroleum age and is a popular vegetarian replacement for chicken. Once breaded and fried, it can be seasoned and otherwise treated like chicken. In the cosmic era, the mycoproteins can be cultured and raised to represent the major meat groups: chicken, pork, lamb, beef, and fish. Flavorings and colorings complete the faux meat. As can be expected, this fake meat is on the bland side, fat free, and an excess intake can still lead to gout and other excess RNA diseases. That being said, mycomeats are the most common form of protein consumed.

Seacology Farming: Minced Fish
Making faux fish is generally only done in inland arco food production centers. Real fish can be grown in seacology fisheries, especially small bodies fast growing fish like smelt, herring, and anchovies. These fish are then minced and either reconstituted to make minced fish patties, high protein, and fatty acid fish pastes, or are dried as genuine meat snacks. Most seacologies are heavy fish consumers, as are coastal regions.

Meat in the Slums: Running Chicken, Long Pork
Meat is hard to come by in the slums, the borderline ruins that surround the outer fringes of the great arcoplexes. Meat and protein are gained in a more opportunistic fashion. Running chicken is a common name for rats. A dirty secret in some of the worse arcoplex slums involve cannibalism. This isn't Soylent Green, though the idea has been floated and then rejected. There was simply no cost effective way to ensure that the protein supply wasn't tainted by drugs, and other hazardous substances. The most well known examples of this pragmatic cannibalism come from hellholes like Dhaka, Bangladesh or the Broken ground of Singapore. In these cases, some families will 'sell' the bodies of deceased family members in exchange for money. The unscrupulous meat packers then dress and clean the carcass and sell the meat elsewhere. Many a market with fresh meat, especially those in poor areas run the risk of selling human flesh. The thought of eating human meat has the same amount of stigma attached to it as eating at questionable asian restaurants does now, but replace missing cats and dogs with missing people and the unburied poor.

HoloVids Rot Your Brain
The most common form of entertainment in the Cosmic Era is the ubiquitous HoloVid. Much like 3D televisions, each viewer has a pair of 'glasses' that allow them to see the programming. The HoloBand, relative of the SQUIDband accesses the visual cortex and aural cortex to stream immersive content into the brain of the viewer. It is some pretty impressive stuff, read 3D visuals, the ability to move around a scene as it plays out, plus all the variety inherent in customizable avatar games. 

There are several downsides to the HoloBand. The most distressing is the way the HoloBand teases the reward centers of the brain. This sort of access can allow for serious personality and behavioral problems, especially in the context of instant gratification, ADD, and other attention disrupting conditions. HoloBand users are antsy and become bored and irritable very quickly as real life simply cannot match the speed and stimulation of the HoloVids. Most compulsive HoloVid users are on regular attention controlling medications, and have been since they were children.

Other less diagnosable conditions have also sprung from HoloBand and HoloVid usage. Literacy has begun to slide, and much to the chagrin of the world powers, the height of the Petroleum Age was also the height of world literacy. Most first world nation citizens can only read on a elementary level, and have little interest or desire in reading. The HoloVids are so much better.

BlackBands and BlackVids
HoloBands and HoloVids are regulated as to the level and intensity of the data they can stream into a viewer's head. Black market bands can pump illegal amounts of data, causing euphoria and other drug like reactions from the viewer. This can very quickly erode the chemical production ability of the brain, much like heroin abuse. The wearers are quickly reduced to feeling like machines outside of the bands, and only alive when the band is pumping them with near catatonia inducing levels of signal. Tailored BlackVids can literally be nothing more than programmed emotions, like joy, orgasming, elation, or other emotional highs. On a darker side, as mentioned in the SQUIDband entry, there are black market vids that are recordings of violent or illegal actions, such as rape, assault, or murder with the feedback pumped to methamphetamine levels. HoloJunkies often have bloodshot eyes, gaunt appearances, and a variety of physical tics from band abuse.

Department of Public Information
Also commonly known as the Ministry of Censorship, the DPI and it's related branches in other governments around the world are heavily involved with scanning, censoring, and sanitizing any and all data streams and sources they can find. The DPI is best known for it's Safe CogNet campaigns, advising citizens to avoid unsanitized or unsanctioned data servers and streams. You never know what filth you could expose yourself to, what Malware could infect your systems and corrupt your data and steal your money and identity, or even possibly cyberjack your own augmentations if you have any. 

The DPI is often the primary target of cyber warfare, as viewers who only rely on local datafeeds, and sanctioned and santized feeds can expect to be spoon fed nothing more than propaganda, political spin, pablum, and the old bread and circuses routine. Dissenting opinions are presented with obvious flaws, and their are associated 'underground channels' that stream hardcore pornography or criminal based feeds. These are generally staged by the DPI as a way to track would be deviants and wanna be hackers (minimal difficulty to 'hack' these 'dirty feeds'. The porn is staged, and the crimes are also choreographed and 'caught on camera' in such a manner as to dissuade would be criminals. Who wants to be a criminal when every feed they hack ends in the crims getting caught, or beaten, or shot by one of the own in a gang feud. It is all agit-prop and controlled counter-propaganda. 

Hyperdimensional Mathematics Destroy Brain Cells and Sanity
Arcanotech is one of the foundations of the Cosmic Era. From it sprouts the free and clean energy of the Dimensional Engine, the Dimensional Battery, Pan-Dimensional Spectography, Dimensional Heat Sinks, Coalescent Plasma Cannons, and things like Seibertronian brains. Hyperdimension mathematics are to non-euclidian geometry, as NEG is to basic geometry. The stuff is seriously hard. 

One of the problems that arised from arcanotech is that a sufficiently sane person cannot physically understand it. The average sane person is too grounded in mundane facts and lacking a fundamental understanding of said theories. Once an engineer or theorist reaches a point of actually and really understanding this esoteric and chaotic form of mathematics their grip on sanity is gone. They are much like Alice in Wonderland, as in their book 1+1 no longer equals 2, but is rather a massive sliding parabolic curve of possible answers. 

Sometimes these individuals do strange things, enlightened or deranged by alien thoughts or indescribably inspirations. Sometimes these things are bad. Like mad scientist bad.

That being said, the innate source of arcanotechnology is tainted. Nothing grows from poisoned ground but poisoned crops.

Selective and Designer Eugenics
Designer babies and gene screening are not new technologies. Parents can have their child's physical characteristics planned ahead of time, hair and eye color, general ideas of where their pre planned son or daughter will develop physically. It is a wonderful Gattaca world, with no diabetes, no cancer, and no uglies or fatties.


That the parents aren't the only group that has a say so in the selective genetics game. There are many other traits that can be drilled in at the cellular level, such as docility, accepting leadership and authority, limiting creativity, or creating chemical dependencies in utero. There are laws against creating sub-races or supermen. Both of these aspects are ignored in varying degrees. Clones and many many middle income children are prescreened to be good and obedient followers. This isn't foolproof or 100% certain to work, but it vastly decreases the levels of rebellious and deviant behavior inherent in children and teens, as well as in young adults. While this makes for terrible leaders and nigh useless soldiers, there are freeborn poor, cyborgs, war clones, and androids to deal with the real fighting and killing. Obey, consume, procreate.

Under Classes

There are certainly examples of Human Minus to be found around the world. This never comes close to the Epsilons and epsilon semi-morons of Brave New World, but there are certainly Deltas. Born to low means, predetermined to enjoy repetitive and low rewarding jobs, lacking ambition or creativity. Human minus is much more likely to be found in places that lack strong robotics and android production ability. Because no genius, or supermodel is going to take out the trash, drive a dump truck or do other menial labor.

Super Classes

Just because there is an interplanetary treaty banning creating artificial supermen doesn't mean that every major power on the planet isn't doing it. They all signed the treaty, smiled, and went back to creating superior humans, the illegal Human Plus. The first Human Pluses created were superior soldiers. Physically more robust, more pack like in mentality, and more aggressive, the clone soldiers were born and bred to kill and die. Beyond that it was to create the new level of humanity, better, stronger, and most importantly, more intelligent. The Federation has the Coordinator Program operating in secret in one of the space habitats. The Coordinators are superior intelligence and agility, better pilots and computer operators than regular humans. Likewise the PRC has it's Instrumentality Project that is creating genetically augmented humans who are able to parapsychically link with computers and machine systems. The most impressive outcome of this project are the mecha pilots who literally become the machine they enter and move it with nothing more than the force of their will and the mech brain. The Fimbulvinter project is creating parapsychic super commandos, while the ACPS Saiko Kurrasha program is likewise creating parapsychic martial artists and warriors.

Plain old human, how can he stand up to this?

Corporate Comic Superheroes

The comics aren't gone, and they aren't made for kids like they used to be. Almost every major superbrand and Megacorp has a mascot/superhero to market their goods in good faith in whatever nation they are being advertized in. Some superheroes are new renditions of classic characters, such as OCP of the Great Lakes Republic rebooting Superman and OmniMan, defender of Truth, Property, and the Federation Way! Another example is Union Aerospace and it's rebadging and rebranding of Batman as Jet-Man, the stealthy protector of MegaCity New York, armed with his collection of (UAC) hardware, gadgets, and pro-military idealism.

Other corporations just create their own mascots and comic lines from the ground up. They range from the inane to the over the top, and can reach out to any demographic from children, to teens, to adults. The writing and conceptual teams behind these characters likewise run the gamut from hacks to world class writers, creating from some trivial characters award winning stories, and in other cases absolute piles of radioactive filth. 

Villains are likewise sourced, either requested by government powers to represent uncool ideas or subversive agendas, or as metaphors for actual rivals of the corporation in question. This can range from the absurd: such as Grand Dragon, the flying cyborg commando rapist racist (If you imagined a KKK klansman wearing jet boots you are a winner) to the surprisingly introspective: Comrade Che, an Apple advert quality hipster clone of Che Geuvara spreads dissent, neon-hepatitus, and promotes unsafe date servers and streams.

We aren't even going to get into the horror and fetish filled realm of the adult comics, I can't go there, I'm emotionally and spiritually not strong enough for that.

Biogenic Armor Suits
The Chinese have a knack for thinking of some seriously messed up stuff, and with enough disgruntled Nipponese and Korean technochops behind it, they have a messed record of making it happen. The problem with most armor and mecha suits is that they are machines and require lots of repair, rearming and maintenance. This is a total pain in the rear when operating in humid jungles and other not so machine friendly locals. So, the idea was grow biological monsters instead. Replace chitin and bone with ferroceramics and carbon fiber, and grow the meat around,under and through it.

The end result is a spider the size of an SUV. Armed with claws, fangs, and a few other bio-organic goodies. Extra points for anyone who thought of the Zerg or the Tyrannids, because yeah, that's where this is going. But these aren't alive, per se. Life doesn't start until the intensively trained and sedated operator is placed inside of the bio-organic machine. Then, the three ton robo-meat spider comes to life. The resultant creature looks like an animal to machine sensors, and instead of using batteries or reactors, it eats things to keep going. Things like livestock, enemy soldiers, wild animals, and civilians.

Yes, to the very last they all go mad.

The Great Contraction
Officially the greatest shift in human population, the Great Contraction was greater than the effect of the Black Death. The Great Contraction occurred over a span of approximately 45-90 years and was predominantly attributed to a combination of increased infant mortality, decrease in rate of childbirth, and heightened population attrition.

The first two factors contributed the most to the staggering decrease in population. Over several generations a large number of adults decided to simply not have kids. There was a huge feeling of weakness and vulnerability following the end of the Petroleum Age, and the collapse of almost all governments beyond city and limited regionals. They simply just didn't reproduce. Adding to this many who did were brought back to the horrors of limited medicine, midwifery and dramatically increased mortality both on the part of the mother and the child.

Heightened Population Attrition is a very neat and clinical way to describe death. Large portions of the world were hit by pandemics, many brought on by the end of foreign aid and life saving drugs. Sub-Saharan Africa seemed more like a zombie movie, torn between tribal and warlord disputes and the remnants of factions who had supported one side or the other in the Resource Wars. In some areas, centuries of hatred and hostility were left unchecked by the oversight of organizations like the UN or NATO. The number of people killed in genocides, ethnic cleansing, and the like cannot be calculated. As local supplies and resources started to be severely strained in an area, any sort of division in the populace quickly exploded. This was not limited to places like Africa. Some of the worst ethnic violence was on the American east coast and across large sections of Europe. Several smaller nations also ended generational conflicts with previously undeclared weapons of mass destruction. 

In the current year of the modern era, the global population is approximately 3 billion, and has a very small rate of growth. This is comparable to the world population in 1960, but retains the end Petroleum Era population densities in most arcological cities.

Scattered across the continents there are a large number of marginally occupied and abandoned cities. Places like the American southwest, which required extensive water supply from distant sources were all but emptied of population centers. Some of these areas are 'hot' or hazardous. The end of the Resource Wars saw biological and chemical weapons used, and in some areas, nuclear weapons were detonated. 
This is a quiet horror. Despite all the advances of hyper and arcanotechnology, androids and human cloning, the Cosmic Era is a shadow of the height of the Petroleum Era. 

The Cosmic Era has an undetermined number of clones living in most countries, and there is an entire segment of the media and entertainment that either caters to, or is based on the existence of clones and cloning technology.

Self Help takes on an entirely new dimension when you know who created you (CloneCorp) and why you are here (General services and labor). 

* A Clone's Search for Meaning
* The Seven Habits of Artificial People
* Awaken the Human Soul, How to Stop Being a Clone
* How to Win Freeborn Friends

Generally geared more towards freeborn (uncommon term for non-cloned humans) users, specifically in the context of multiple sex partners who happen to be the same clone series. Why have sex with Jessica Alba when you can have sex with six Jessica Albas? 

Situation Comedy programs based around clone characters, or multiple clone characters. Also a term for any show that depicts clones and cloning. 

The Acceptance of Cloning in most of the world would be best paralleled by the acceptance of desegregation and civil rights in America. For the most part people are alright with Clones have equal rights and equal pay and all of that, but they still are not really excited to hear about their sons or daughters dating a clone. 

In some areas, clones are seen as disposable, sub human. If it wasn't brought into this world from a woman's womb and a man's seed it isn't human. There are arenas and media outlets that exploit this perspective on clones. Clone based porn can be some of the most depraved and vile filth, filled with violence and inhuman treatment of the clones. In more mainstream media, clones are often given the same treatment as homosexuals in modern media, they are all quirky fun loving copies of one another, and generally promoting clone stereo-types. (they start and finished sentences for each other, if you have a conversation with one, all the others can pick it up later, they are all happy well adjusted smiling heads, etc).

Cultural Decay Versus Social Paradigm Shift
I wanna Be Batman when I Grow Up!
The interest in being a superhero in childhood is common, but generally abates as the reader/viewer gets older because the cool aspects of being batman, the gadgets and the Batmobile and beating up baddies and saving the chick begin to fade. To become Batman, the reader realizes that they have to go through about two decades of sustained emotional torment and dedication to learning and applying themselves to martial arts and then exposing themselves to constant danger and bodily harm. Being Batman loses it's appeal when you have a bad knee or have thrown out your back. But in the immersive CogNet technology of the Cosmic Era, this fanboydom explodes. It only takes a credit card and $19/month to be Batman, plus however much time the now player wants to put into it. The juvenile fantasy is no longer supplanted by maturity, and fantasy grows disproportionate to reality. Rather than being mocked and ostracized, the 40 year old poorly groomed overweight comic book guy who pretends to be the Flash, is fairly close to the norm now. 

This isn't tied just to geeks and comic books, but immersive programming aimed at almost any interest or venue: sports jocks are immersed in sports sims, girls are immersed in Princess sims, and every hobby or interest has it's outlet in the Immersion Market. You don't have to grow up, you don't have to accept responsibility, you can kick back, plug into the CogNet and jack out of reality.

The Library Franchise
Paper Books are relics, anything read is downloaded to readers or data slates. There are still books, but they are a nostalgia market, and real paper is commanding top price with most books being made of polycellulose plastics. That being said, the Library no longer has a function. But the coffee shop in the bookstore continued to grow as the book side started to shrink. As the demand for physical books diminished, the need for data stream access increased. The Coffee Shop started doubling as a hotspot for datastreaming, expanding and growing as a social spot, dispensary for caffeine, and bookstores grew into a new social venue. Like the Internet Cafe, the Library became a place for people to use the CogNet. Library nodes are considered very safe, and sanitized and can only access recognized safe datastreams and domains.

The Library is recognized as a hipster/clean net use center, and things like alcohol and other drugs are not welcome, and the datastreams that are being used are patrolled to ensure that no one is streaming pornography or biofeedback abuse programs. 

The largest operators of Libraries are Apple, Starbucks, and Maxwell Folgers.

The CogNet and Biofeedback systems have invented a new form of self pleasure: mirrorotica. The system is simple: the subject has a mirror image of themselves the CogNet reflects back at them, generally in a sensory deprivation zone, loading room, other otherwise ultra-spartan location. The reflection will do whatever the user does, but it isn't actually a physical glass mirror. If the user touches the reflection of themselves, they will feel another person, but the mirror image will do the same, and touch them back in the same place. It took approximately 8.5 seconds of use before a male user decided to grab his mirror image penis. The rest is history. 

MirrorPorn exists as a small genre of porn,and is recognized as technically masturbation, as both participants are the same person, one just a computer reflection of the other. 

Murder Parlours
One of the first non-sexual applications of unsanitized illicit CogNet programming was the Murder Parlour. The concept was simple, simulated murder. The original Murder Parlours were seedy dangerous places where the user was just as likely to be robbed or murdered as run a kill sim. But technology increased, and the profits of running a safe Murder Parlour (ironic) outgrew the dirty origins of mugging. The Parlours vary in quality, ranging from standard Sandbox Kill'a'thons to more extensive and invasive murder fantasies. The top end Murder Parlours double as Private Investigators who will create a detailed dossier on the person that is to be fantasy murdered, and then use that to create a virtual avatar of the victim in the system, and then the user is able to come in, make their final payment, and them indulge in their murdering. 

Celebrity Murder Parlours are popular investments, as certain celebs, icons, or other public figures can be sold to more than one fantasy killing.
Red Parlours go the extra step and have the systems set up for rape and torture of the virtual victim. Red Parlours operate very much underground as even most jaded criminals and business people recognize the difference between  indulging a dirty evil fantasy and encouraging and facilitating batshit crazy psychoses.

Parlour operators are news savvy and they don't want their operations associated with killers doing practice runs or having PIs do the hard work of casing a person and their habits. Most take extensive precautions to prevent this sort of thing from happening. While the physical simulation is spot on, any habitual or schedule habits are purposefully changed and the location of the final killing is always designed to be a place that the real person would never go. And in rare instances where a real person is murdered, and a parlour operator has that person on sim file, they will generally notify the police and anonymously turn over the murder sim files.

Textured Teratomatous Mass Approved for Human Consumption
The Beef Growers Consortium scored a major win today as their neo-teratoma grown Beef has been approved for human consumption. Unlike mycoprotein, textured teratomatous biomass is by every measure actual meat and protein and not a simulated substitute. The grade E product is expected to make major inroads in the fast food and vending sectors, where it will be used as a flagship product run against mycoproteins and extruded vegetable mass. 

Textured Teratomatous protein is grown in a similar fashion to mycoprotein, but rather than a fungal culture introduced into a growth medium, the textured protein is grown from cellular seeds injected into sterile culture. The cells replicate, creating large pieces of animal flesh without the difficulty of maintaining and processing live animals. The process is expected to reduce the cost of genuine animal products down by a tantalizing 45%. While it would not appear in the poorest of households, most middle income families could reasonably expect genuine steak and steak products on a monthly basis.

Production of textured teratomatous biomass has not been approved yet for the production of pork or seafood options. These products are still in development.

Hackers are counterflooding the Beef Growers Consortium with outrageous claims that textured teratomatous beef is unsafe for human consumption. Claims that the beef will continue to grow inside the digestive tract, turning the consumer into a bovine is ridiculous and such claims should be ignored.

Internal Memo 345634-34 

Destroy after reading

Revamp TT sterilization process. Several dozen members of the last test group developed bovine tumors. We want them to buy Beef'ems, not be eaten from the inside out by one.
QC Dept

Denim Linghams
Cosmetic enhancement can be done in the Cosmic Era through injections and genetic therapy, rather than coarse hacking and suturing. When cosmetic self alteration becomes so simple, and eventually cost available it's prevalence grows exponentially. The initial forays into cosmetic genetic injections was in the realm of skin rejuvenation followed by breast augmentation. Men were not far behind to enhance their own Endowments for Entertainment. Penile and testicular augmentation became uncommon, but quite mainstream. This is a far cry from the medical horror stories of centuries and even decades earlier.

Linghams, a reference to the Hindu term for the penis, evolved from traditional style denim pants. Linghams are dual role garments. The main role of a good pair of Linghams (the term is now synonymous with the type of pants, rather than being a specific brand, which it is) is to provide comfort and support to moderate to extensive penile and scrotal augmentations. Once a certain size and mass was reached in said augmentation, many men discovered something that all well endowed women already know, free swinging junk can be a pain if you have to do anything more than a casual walk. Support is important!

The Second and more visible role of Linghams is a signalling behavior indicating that the fellow wearing the specially fitted trousers has an exceptionally large penis. The most common version is the rebirth of 'Codpiece' styling, where the penile pouch is made with a different color or type of material. This draws attention to the penis area. Other common features include pouch bedazzling, color change or fiber-optic materials, or polarized fabric that is clear from one perspective, but opaque from another. What is the point of having something large and expensive if the neighbors don't get to see it?

I apologize, but the guidos in the cosmic era wear penis pants.

Few would dare face the Meena Ascendant in combat, it's mastery of the parapsychic arts was only rivaled by it's excellence in developing and deploying arcanotech devices. Such was the competence and power of the Ascendant that very few people knew anything of it's actual identity. The core of the Ascendant was a great floating pylon, shaped in the fashion of a Judaeo-christian crucifix, but appended with a set of ceremonial wings, three sets of arms, and the writhing naked form of Meliboea, a formerly rogue parapsychic. The handful of people unfortunate enough to have encountered the Meena Ascendant and lived foolishly believed that the woman seemingly nailed to the flying winged cross was herself the Ascendant. Meliboea was formerly a New Themysciran black ops parapsychic. Her second to last mission sent her into a permanent parapsychic burn, leaving her unable to control her powers and driving her increasingly insane. Her last mission ended when the Ascendant captured her, drove a modified Wachowski probe through the back of her skull, and turned the woman into both a living shield and a power source.

The Ascendant drifted into the center of the chamber, the surrounding lights gleaming off it's composite outer shell, glistening off the pale skin of the amazon fixed to it's front. The only motion was Meliboea's chest rising and falling as she drew breath. The chamber seemed empty, but it was full of eyes, dozens were to watch the initiation of the Meena Ascendant into the Lunar Order. Some watched through formality, others were curious about what the enigmatic Ascendant might reveal about itself, others were simply fans of the entity, it's utter calm as the eye of the storm, it's dispassionate cruelty and incidental barbarism.

"In the beginning,' Meliboea spoke, her voice was hers, but the words coming out of her mouth belong to the Ascendant, 'there was darkness, and the world was without form. The breath of God stirred the void, and from that, creation was born.' There was a pause, before the naked woman, her limbs lashed to the Ascendant, spoke again. "In that darkness and void, there were entities, and from these entities, all life, everywhere, came into being. These primordial entities have been discovered, and documented. Doctor Samantha Grimm's 'space plankton' are the primordial essence of life. It is their millennia long cycle through the galaxy that is the germ of life. This is the origin of humanity, our species, all of our accomplishments, are nothing more than maggots writhing in an apple discarded from a distant tree. We stand on the cusp of our greatness, not knowing, that as a sentient species, we are nothing to the galactic ecosystem.

This is the great answer, the terrible answer, to why are we here? What is our purpose? We are here by accident, and we have no purpose.
"The galaxy is not empty,' the Ascendant spoke through Meliboea's blue-grey lips, 'At the peak of the Petroleum Era, when factories of burning coal churned out smoke, and leveled forests to feed the great engines of humanity, the Earth was nothing but a luminous petri dish. Our cities, the splendor and size of which we have not fully recovered, were nothing but glowing lumps of bacteria. It is the natural order of life to develop and progress. It is now time for humanity to progress, to leave the cradle or the corpse yard of Earth. The bacteria must grow, must advance.

Why should you, Meena Ascendant, be granted admission to the Lunar Order of the Anunnaki?

"In 2035 a joint lunar colony chartered by the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, and Japan discovered the ruins of an alien city under the Sea of Serenity. This was kept above top secret, it was deemed correctly that the world at that time was no ready for the truth that humanity was not alone, and that there were other aliens and other civilizations beyond Earth. An alliance of intelligence agencies was created, and the Glassenheim Foundation was created. This organization would operate in utmost secrecy, retaining the knowledge of the lunar ruins and the alien culture, while searching both for more evidence of this culture, as well as reverse engineering the technology recovered.

This was a vital service, as one of the first round of things discerned from the ruins were major breakthroughs in material construction. This allowed for the creation of the arcologies, as well as the related geofronts, seacologies, and space habitats. This allowed for a concentration of resources, both in terms of physical goods and in terms of mind power. This was ultimately the most important thing derived from the Serenity Archive. Without these fortresses, humanity might have fallen into something worse than the Dark Age that followed the futility of the Resource War era. By our calculations, had installations like Hollingsworth Hole or bastions like New Philadelphia, Columbus II and Columbus III, or the Londinium Arcology, mankind might have been set back to the end of the Iron Age, with a population reduced to approximately 100 million, worldwide.

'There would be many more exploration missions, searching the lunar surface looking for more ruins. More ruins were found, pyramids, ziggurats, buried cities, all covered in the lunar lava, all the same age. From these ruins more technology was found, their writing system was found, and connections were made. The written language of the lunar culture was very similar to the high form of Sumerian cuneiform. This revelation splinted the Glassenheim foundation into a number of factions. The Foundation was torn between it's duty in protecting the lunar culture, and the manifest desire to understand and exploit the technology discovered for the benefit of the Foundation. Thankfully, for mankind, this second faction, the Sefiroth cabal, won out. This was what drove the Second Renaissance, and allowed for the creation of everything from our modern society to my very existence before you.' The Ascendant rose and rotated.[/i]


The entity Mateus, also known as the Meena Ascendant first appeared on record in India, along the Kashmir border. The area was a hotbed of wastelander, silk road terrorist, and agitators. At that point, Mateus had a minimalist cruciform body and lacked the ornamental wings. The entity demonstrated impressive technomantic capability, commandeering combat equipment, hacking mecha operating systems, and even infiltrating local data networks and intel systems. This alone would have made the entity a formidable foe. The Meena Ascendant also was armed with a number of high energy weapons, arcanotech weaponry, and the terrifying ability to manifest a Higgs graviton beam without mechanical components. 

One op was dispatched to eliminate the entity. New Themyscira's HERA (Homeland Espionage and Reconnaissance Agency) deployed a five woman team. Four of the women have vanished and are presumed deceased, while the fifth now graces the front of Mateus like a callous hood ornament. The entity has full control over Meliboea, including using her water affinity and parapsychic powers for it's own use. This has manifested in not just water manipulation, but enhanced telekinesis, and the ability to create palings, or shields, around itself.

'The contents of the archives found on the Moon, especially the Sea of Showers archive, drove the Second Renaissance. Within it we discovered the secrets to unlock genetic manipulation, allowing mankind to sculpt his own genome with the same skill as the Old Masters of the Italian Renaissance. Within a generation, age old maladies were wiped away. The names of the diseases are unimportant, they've been gone long enough that their horrors are forgotten. Cancer is as relevant today as the Bubonic plague, or smallpox. Laughable. 

Now we have phenocladistics, genetic classing, cloning, and cosmetic modifications. We are designing the next ten generations of humanity, creating new strains of mankind, new breeds and sub-species, all engineered to their great and wondrous tasks. Imagine, century long plans to create a new humanity to use technology that doesn't exist yet. And in the Cosmic scale of things, we are just falling out of the petri dish, the first polyps budding off of a tiny coral reef in a vast and empty ocean. 

From that seed we bore rich fruit. Giant war machines, mecha, that fight, where our ancestors fought in wheeled metal boxes. Guns that shoot light, x-rays, even the fundamental element of gravity has been harnessed into a tool and a potent weapon. The CogNet and immersive entertainment let humanity plug their brains and pleasure centers directly into the media machine. Anthropotronics guide human emotions, the masses are happy, their ire directed, their passion focused, and their hands kept busy. 

'Our warring has changed. In the Petroleum Era,mankind devised Unlimited Warfare. Entire cities were burned, charred with incendiaries, conventional explosives, and atomic weapons. In the Resource Wars, we saw the culmination of this, in places entire nations were burned away. The Wastelands are a reminder of what happens when control slips. Radioactive ruins, poisoned land, haunted by ghosts and zealots. We learned much, painfully, in the echoes. The wars of the past could not be the wars of the future. The power of the weapons that humanity now wield dwarf that of the past. How could one discuss something as barbaric and archaic as the concept of Mutually Assured Destruction when there are ships that have energy weapons that generate explosive yields measured in megatons
Last edited by Skaldia on Fri Dec 24, 2021 9:50 am, edited 33 times in total.
||“The lesson of history is that no one learns.”
||“Chaos needs no allies, for it dwells like a poison in every one of us.”

TG for Discord

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Posts: 2965
Founded: Jun 30, 2013

Postby Skaldia » Thu Sep 18, 2014 8:08 am

Articles Cont. IV

Absurdly Youthful Parents
There are two factors in the Cosmic Era that produce absurdly youthful parents, anagathic treatments and artificial reproduction. Arcanotech biological treatments can and do extend the lifespans of those wealthy enough to enjoy them, which means that the physical appearance of a person is not a very good indicator of how old they are. A wealthy woman can extend her lifespan into centuries, with the current generation of treatments extending lifespans beyond what is known. The second allows for parents to have children without going through the physical stress and aging that comes from reproduction. Growing a child in a tank rather than the womb is much less of a burden on a human body.

Amazing Technicolor Population
Chromids demonstrate altered skin color, and their genes pass on, diluting generation after generation. One of the unmentioned side effects of polychromic alteration is that the children of chromids will demonstrate the same coloration and other gene mods. Red chromids have pink children, blue chromids have light blue children, and thus, create a literal rainbow of humanity. While a minority, there are enough chromid mods that in any given location, they can be found, even if just an odd colored face in a crowd.

Anime Hair
Fixing hair into crazy shapes is easy, just the application of styling product and a hair style program for your Valet/Maid droid. The coloration can be handled either through gene modding, or through the application of dyes and treatments. Anime hairstyles are much more common among street gangs, urban gangs like the Ko Girls, and in certain circles. A character in a popular entertainment franchise can set off a hair trend with relative ease, just like any sort of fashion or taste in music or other entertainment.

The Beautiful Elite
The elite have access to all of the best gene therapy, augmentation, and the rest, meaning that among the elite, the true elite, there are no fat people, no bald people, no ugly people. Scars are erased, and imperfections are augmented away. All of these things, these negative things, are the signs of the middle and poor. The elite are wealthy and young, vital, virile, and strong.

Evil Makes You Ugly
One of the things that is true in the Cosmic Era is that malice and malicious intent does make you ugly. Parapsychics gain stronger tells as their power grows, and those who are evil become monstrous in appearance. To this end, it isn't uncommon for those who have become marked by evil to hide their faces under masks, speak through proxies, use surrogate automata, and otherwise operate from positions of secrecy. There is a line between someone who is a generally bad apple, and someone who is outright evil. True evil is actually fairly rare, so there aren't that many individuals who have to hide their faces.

Form-Fitting Wardrobe
Clothing has been revolutionized, with all sorts of self cleaning anti-bacterial fibers, and strange things like shirts with embedded LEDs that have flashing ads, logos, and banners on them. One of the basic adaptations is biostatic fit, functionally making clothes form fitting, regardless of size. The most obvious application of biostatic cling is the plug suit (encounter suit) from Neon Genesis Evangelion, a loose baggy fitting pilots uniform until a wrist button is pushed and the garment shrinks to fit the wearer. 

There are a number of other tricks that basic cloth can be coerced into doing in the Cosmic Era. The biostatic function is a form of material memory, which means that garments can be made that keep their shape, largely ignoring gravity or wind. This includes skirts that don't flip up for magical panty shots, and borderline lingerie that exposes large amounts of skin, but staying improbably in place, often looking more like bodypaint than actual clothing. This allows for the creation of impossibly cool clothes. Add in simple stuff like hydrophobic treatment, color shifting, and stain resistance and it's all ready to go.

One of the unintended consequences of commonplace genetic engineering and augmentation was a change in general morality where it came to nudity. With fewer and fewer physical defects and general unattraction, concealing clothing became something of an anomaly. The people who wore such clothing had something to hide, and this started translating over into the general culture. Thus, form fitting and stripperiffic attire became the norm, while long and concealing clothing became the hallmark of lowness, deception, and general untrustworthiness.

In the Cosmic Era, the denizens of the arcologies and other fortresses of the future consider nudity a sign of honesty and sincerity. This isn't to say that everyone goes around with their bits hanging out, but they on average show much more than they cover. This is amplified in the media, with heroes frequently being depicted nude or near nude (not a far shade from the typically arco-viewer) while villains are dowdy, with concealing clothing to go along with being fat and ugly. In many ways, the difference between the pampered CogNet addicted, robot served arco resident and the wasteland and geofront dwellers is Elves vs Orcs. 

Impractically Fancy Outfit
A variation on the form fitting wardrobe, the impractically fancy outfit is something that can be rolled out in the Cosmic Era as a demonstration of wealth, power, and taste, or the lack there-of. The ability to work metal into memory cloth, and manipulating magnetic fields allows for women to have angelic dresses with floating wings linked to it. Jewelry can light up, chime and make music, even orbit around the wearer for flash and dazzle. This can extrapolate out into combat oriented formal wear, such as the combat rated Decontractee armure suits, or encounter suits that have been tailored for style and cut.

Hartman Hips
In the gendering of robots, the most crass way to show gender is the addition of cybernetic genetalia and breasts. A less crass and more common method is the use of Hartman Hips. In a female gendered robot, the hip to shoulder ratio is high, giving such machines a larger hip section leading up into a smaller torso. Male robots will have a lower hip to shoulder ratio, giving them a trapezoidal torso shap. This technology is seen in larger robots and some mecha that are designed for high speed, as the larger hips can house more robust actuators. Speed mecha are typically detailed as female.

Highly Visible Ninja
With the cults of personality that appear in military organizations (and outside) it isn't uncommon for there to be highly visible special operatives. While the role of the spec ops agent is covert, the overt ops have turned supersoldiers into deterrent forces. Some famous military figures have their own fan clubs, such as some ship captains, hunky super soldiers have juvenile fan clubs, and mecha pilots are the new fighter pilots. 

Sentai Squad: it isn't uncommon for mecha units to be brightly colored. The modern application of warfare doesn't apply in the Cosmic Era, and the forces that battle tend to do so in an almost chivalrous manner. The color coordinated teams of mecha slug it out, while their equally colorful pilots are all heroes in the making. There are still rough and tumble, rank and fill, drab olive and desert tan mecha, but these are not the famous pilots. On an inverse level, the sentai squads depend heavily on the combat abilities of their machines, and are actually not the best or even good pilots. They are the best connected, socially and financially, though.

Cosmic Thin/Fat
One of the side effects of genetic screening and augmentation was that many of the old maladies of the Petroleum era were banished. Eating disorders or metabolic problems were fixed with a visit to a brain tweaker or a cosmetologist. Accordingly, the physical interests of the Cosmic Era have changed.

Cosmic Thin is biologically impossible, with the desirable models having waifish forms that are almost skeletal. This comes from extensive biomodification (major reduction in the GI tract, metabolic modification, and even having an external gut (The Gastricator is an external digestive system that turns food and food supplements into a paste the model can consume, which is almost 100% absorbed by the body). Cosmic thin is a human being with a comically or disturbingly skeletal appearance. The majority of Cosmic Thin are female, but there are also cosmic thin waif boys, but they are a minority.

Cosmic Buxom/Bimbo is a common phenotype among meretrices and other women interested in sex industry careers. Cosmic Buxom/Bimbo has a large bust and large hips, with a wasp waist. The breasts, lips, and rear are all prominent, and common augmentations include pheromone tailoring, internally regulated fertility, and a resistance to disease. There is a common trope that Buxom/Bimbo phenoclades are below average intelligence and are submissive in nature. This is true some of the time, especially in places where said people didn't have a choice in their augmentations.

Cosmic He-Man is the male counterpart to the Buxom/Bimbo. The Cosmic He-Man has oversized rippling muscles, great hair, and finely chiseled features, regardless of race. Like the B/B He-Men are known for being somewhat single minded, and simple. The CHM is not a military or combat biomod, as they are not augmented for anything other than having big beefy muscles and optimal sized genitalia.

Cosmic Fat is anyone who is more than 5 kg over their optimal weight. The Cosmic Era, with it's eye on responsible resource use, and interest in maintaining good health, obesity is a sign of degeneracy. The Petroleum Era was fat, and now the association is simple, fat is stupid, violent, and destructive. Baddies in the entertainment field are typically both ugly and fat, just so everyone knows who to root for or against.

Wake-up Make-Up
Make up and the general cosmetics industry has made dramatic changes in the nearly four centuries since the Petroleum Era, and the make up of that time has more in common with ancient Egyptians using lead and other toxic substances for their beauty than it does with the tech of the Cosmic Era. Skin texture and coloration are easy to change, so most people have their complexions and pigments fixed, doing away with foundations and blushes. Things that are colorful, such as lipsticks, eye shadows, and such, are made of 'smart materials' that are hydrophobic and chemically bonded to the skin, and only come off after being given a special treatment, typically a low voltage zap that deactivates it. Thus, make-up only has to be removed periodically, either after the course of weeks or months, or when a change is desired. If no change is desired, make up can be made permanent either through implants in the skin, or localized genetic manipulation.

Animated Tattoos
LED inks and implants exist in the Cosmic Era, allowing for the creation of implanted touch screen devices, and animated tattoos, or televisions implanted in the body. These are fairly common, but have only cursory connectivity, and usually just mirror another device. It is common for arco residents to have their MUSEtethered to their implants so that they can use it as the processor and avoid dealing with physical hardware. 

Intimate Marks: Tattoos take on a new dimension with smart ink, and full body tattoos are much more common. This is another form of self expression where people are increasingly looking the same, and instead of a barb wire tat or tribal tats, a person can go full out and get tattoos that start at their face and go all the way down. This can be purely artistic and cosmetic, it can be in the application of a trace on system, or biosensors for greater reflexes and nerve sensitivity. If you encounter a woman with tribal tats on her face, there is a good chance that they are nerve tracers and the other end could very well be tied to her clitoris. Nothing like a girl who can orgasm from face stroking and kissing.

The Kavorka Man
One of the things about everyone looking increasingly the same is that sexual reproduction is generally geared towards finding something different to mix DNA with. Thus, the Kavorka man has a major place in the Cosmic Era media. The Kavorka man (animal magnetism) is not physically attractive, he is ugly, his manners are crude, and he is otherwise unsuitable for the gilded towers. But under this foul visage, the Kavorka man is strong, powerful, not one to be crossed or trifled with. Where the pretty boys and the common boys turn and run, the Kavorka breaks them. The most common application of this trope is the abduction fantasy where the bored arco-wife is kidnapped by a wastelander warlord, or a geofront underboss. She is torn from her happy (ne boring) home to a dangerous other world where she is at the mercy of the Kavorka until she escapes, is rescued, or converts him (ala Beauty and the Beast)

Less common is the Kavorka Woman, but the trope is generally the same. The barbarous woman, typically a Wastelander rather than a geofront dweller, invariably abducts or rescues the bachsel from the slave traders, mutants, or whatever. The empowered kavorka woman then engages in feminine domination with the hapless young man.

Muscle Angst
One of the major influences of technology and cybernetics is that muscle mass is no longer than important in the Cosmic Era. Robots can be made stronger than humans could ever hope to be, and inside a power armor suit, even a waif could punch holes in walls. Accordingly there is less personal emphasis placed on masculinity and muscle mass. That is until someone with muscle mass shows up. Large muscled up men can and do inspire angst, fear, and trepidation in their Cosmically frail male counterparts. This is often a thing of humor among the muscle men, but ironic as even the strongest of organics can be crushed by run of the mill automation. These men are seen as figures of sexual desire for women in the arcologies, being very much macho and hyper masculine. The female counterpart appears less frequently. Females from outside the arcologies are the equals to or superior to the average male arco dweller and thus are often left being confronted by a sudden lack of femininity. They are almost ogres compared to the waifish waspy arco females.

Yes, these is a slowly diverging change in humanity. Those who live in space and the arcos are tending down towards a general smaller body size, as muscle is less important. Muscle requires effort to keep, and more calories to sustain. Thus, where resources are a commodity, smaller people prevail. Outside of the arcos, in the Wastelands, such people are like children. They are weak, and divested of their technology and such, they are helpless, victims. 

Rule 63
According to Rule 63, for every character, someone has done a gender swapped version. In the Cosmic Era, experiencing life as the opposite gender is very easy, and very common. The most common mode is through emoting, usually through the aid of a SQUIDband. This allows for men and women to share their gender specific experiences. Likewise, it is relatively easy for a person to get a surrogate droid of the opposite sex (typically fully functional) and experience a filtered version of the opposite gender. CogNet immersion can allow people to experience and even create new genders and races, but this is just a more in depth version of emoting. Finally, undergoing sex change therapy can alter a person's gender in a matter of a few months or days (depending on if they have enough money, and access to a cosmogenetic spa, where they can tank themselves for the duration of a change). 

Cosmetic Horror
The people of the Cosmic Era, specifically those of the first world, sitting in the arcos and space stations, are beautiful. One of the costs of this is that they have to subject themselves to genetic treatment, splicing up their DNA for the sake of cosmetic perfection. This typically involves computers, sterile environments, hypodermics and needles drawing deep tissue samples, spending time in suspension tanks, tubes and hoses poked into their bodies. Some of this is done in utero, the rest is done through the typical lifespan. 

Played straight, it's medical horror, the use of machines to fundamentally change the base code of who you are. This injection is going to make you thin, it's going to alter your metabolism, but it is also going to alter your taste buds, some of that delicious stuff you can't stop stuffing in your face hole is about to start tasting like burnt shoes. There is also the basic horror of forgetting who you are after years or decades of cosmetic treatments, not remembering who you were as a child, because you've changed genders and races so many times it's not even funny. There are paranoia concerns, because nothing says that genetic alterations can't be messed with. What comes with that subsidized No Fatties gene treatment? Submissiveness to authority? triggerable diseases? Sterility until you pay the bill? Finally, there is genetic homogeneity. If there is one ideal of beauty, and genetic treatment makes that reachable, then the general population is going to drift towards that ideal, until everyone starts to look blandly like one another. Then the cycle starts over with a new trend.

Distinguishing Mark
One of the problems with everyone starting to look the same, is that it can be hard to tell people apart at a glance or from a distance. While sometimes this is not an issue as friends with contacts through their MUSE devises will be advised of who is who (subconscious cue, sub-audible input, pop up data on retinal display) but sometimes it can be annoying struggled to stand out. Some answer this with outlandish anime hair, or striking make up, of undergoing skin pigment alteration. The less intrusive method is also known Charming. A charming leaves a physical mark on the face, a sort of identifier, that can be easily seen, but is much less obtrusive than facial tattoos and much less disruptive than flame colored hair. Charms are typically small symbols that manifest as moles or beauty marks. Stars, hearts, tear drops, and other simple shapes are favored.

Achievements and Marks of Shame
With so much of the Cosmic Era being played out in virtual reality of the CogNet, and everyone remaining nearly constantly connected to it even when not immersed in it, it is easy enough for a person's online achievements (and marks of shame) to be readily available. This can range from have credit ranking medals (Jon has a 5 star credit rating, and has had a five star rating for greater than a year) to personal achievements (Shelby has performed CPR twice and saved two people's lives) to negative activities (Edgar has been convicted of black feed use, and unsafe net use). Thus, most people have their highlights and low points on easy display. The most common form of hacking is buffing up the MUSE user profile to show more achievements than have actually been earned, or conceal marks of shame.

There is a social media aspect to this as well, a person's behavior online gathers them reputation points, and the things that people say about them are aggregated to produce numeric values for their profiles. There would be a default Briggs-Meyers profile with numerical values, political spectrum value, personal values spectrum, and so forth. So when you meet Jon for the first time, you can see that he is very much a extrovert judgemental person with strong corporatocrat beliefs, but somewhat liberal personal beliefs. His aggregate brings up keywords like jerk, sarisari man, and determination. You now know a good deal about Jon just looking at his personal legend.

Flat-chested, a variation of Cosmic Thin, Pettanko women have minimal or no breast tissue. This is typically a deliberate choice on the woman's behalf and typically a rejection of biological reproduction and fertility demonstration. The pattanko doesn't wish to be seen as a 'breeder' or a meretrix, but also doesn't wish to become male, neuter, or something else. Other variations include women obsessed with extreme youth, or attracting the sort of men who are likewise interested in extreme youth. 

Pettanko is common in deviant sexuality, contrary to the intent of the original phenoclade modification. These pettanko performers pass themselves off as 'children' for the entertainment of others. Vicious legal battles and veritable legal wars have erupted over the legality and morality of the use of genetic augmentation and cybernetics and the exploitation of minors. Is it exploitation if the 'minor' in question is a genetic augment in her 30s? Is it child abuse if the child is a HildeCo Type 23/9 machine? It largely remains a gray area, though the general trend is moving away from criminalizing augments and robotics that are child-like. SQUICK

Bio-Luminescence is by no means new, and it is attainable several ways, genetic augmentation, cybernetic augmentation, or parapsychic manifestation. Genetic augmentation gives the patient the same bioluminescent cells and abilities as other creatures that glow in the dark, this is generally a fixed ability. Cybernetic augmentation implants a microscopic layer of LEDs under the skin, allowing for a digitally controlled glow, often with the ability to manifest patterns or change colors at will. The final way, parapsychic channeling, creates a visible aura around a user provided they are drawing in enough power. This level of manifestation is usually dramatic so that the glow itself is much less impressive than the telekinetically thrown cars or exploding buildings.

Rubber Forehead Aliens
One of the things that will happen when cosmetic genetic alteration becomes a thing is that there are going to be people who leap at a chance to become their fantasy race. Given that most aliens and fantasy races are functionally rubber forehead aliens (actors wearing rubber facial prosthetics) this level of augmentation will be easy. Elves, Vulcans, Klingons, Dwarves, and so forth will be fairly common. The same goes for the cat-people, and other 'hybrid' alien races. The low key alterations are likely to be socially acceptable, and some even preferable (the Vulcan emulating kid getting pointy ears, emotion suppression, and a brain enhancer, he's spot on for the research lab)

Scannable Man
With the implementation of MUSEs and biomonitors, it is very easy for security and law enforcement agents to 'scan' anyone they come across to know who they are looking at. Contrary to the mark of the beast barcodes tattooed on the hand and skull, the data is digital and held in the link between the muse and gesund auf device. With the use of local area sensors, sensor drones, or handheld sensor devices, basic information can be gathered without ever interacting with the people being identified. 

The nightmare of George Orwell and Aldous Huxley come true, the digital trail of the Cosmic Era citizen is available with a tap of a button. Their personal information comes up, personality profile, blood type, employment, shopping habits, media watching habits, and even predisposition to criminal activity. There are no secrets left. 

Death is Not a New Beginning
In futuristic settings and sci-fi, it is a common trope for humanity to transcend mortality through various ways and means, and while the fundamental pieces are present in the Cosmic Era, there is something missing. Many sci-fi setting thumb their noses at spirituality and religion, often sneaking in a few lines about how after this event, or the advent of that technology, the world religions collapsed and everyone got on with being exemplary residents of a technological utopia/dystopia. I feel personally feel that this does a huge disservice to one of the most persistent and longest lasting elements of mankind, faith.

In the Cosmic Era, if you die, you are dead and there is no coming back from beyond the grave.

A human being is more than a combination of memories and brain patterns, flesh and blood. If a person dies, taking a copy of their mind and placing it in a new cloned body is not bringing that person back because there is an element of humanity that cannot be categorized, cannot be replicated, or copied or otherwise replaced. Placing a copy of a sentient mind into a high end robot cortex doesn't bring the deceased back as a robot, it just creates a robot, with all the limitations of synthetic intelligence and clever programming, that has the memories and mannerisms of the deceased.

The Fear of Death
The Fear of Death is strong in the Cosmic Era, and there are many things that people do to prolong their lives as long as possible. For the wealthy there are many options, including life extending genetic therapies and the radical options of having their brains removed and either placed in cloned bodies, or in the more durable shell of a robot body. These are both risky operations, and expensive in the case of the cloned bodies, but they are done on a regular basis.

Anagathics and other life extending techniques work very well at first, but suffer quickly from the law of diminishing returns. As the body continues to age, reversing the effects takes more work, more invasive treatment, and costs more. Such treatments also invariably become regular, as the body requires more and more effort to sustain. There is a non-quantifiable factor, and that is the spirit of the patient. Those who cling to life with brittle claws and watery stares take much more effort to keep alive, while those who are more vital, active, and basically find greater joy from life versus greater fear of death find their treatments more effective.

Body Transplanting is the most invasive operation currently available, and it runs the risk of severely damaging the patient. A human being is a holistic object, a person cut in half doesn't become two half people. Taking the brain from one body and putting it in a new body, even a cloned body, is breaking apart the holistic object and repairing it. Those who have undergone this radical procedure suffer from various hard to explain mental disorders. These issues can be addressed by those versed in spiritualism, and psychology. The old brain is an intruder in a new body, and this is a massive change to the intrinsic value of 'human'.

Cybernetics and cyborg augmentation have an upper limit, because as the human body is cut away, it is again altering the holistic value of what is human. As the human level decreases and the machine increases, the function of the psyche changes. The brain in the jar is functional, it works, but it is no longer human. Divorced from the flesh, the now truncated spirit withers, and a new set of needs, wants, and desires emerges, and most cyborgs, especially those who are no longer remotely human (brains in tanks in robots) no longer function morally and ethically as other humans.

Suspended Animation
In an attempt to stave off inevitable death, the terminally ill have invested in cryogenics and other technologies to preserve their bodies for the long term, until a cure is found for their illness. Some have had just their heads preserved. There are a variety of technologies based around this, and for the most part, they are all failures. Cryonics do work, but only if the meat popsicle was alive when it was put into suspended animation. Freezing a dead body only preserves it, as that vital essence that made them human has since departed.

Dissassociative Break - the frozen dead can be revived, but there is a long road to recovering their abilities, and most have long term issues that stem from their death and freezing. The curious issue is that they are a different person when they are reanimated, assuming that the reanimation worked. When the person died, as mentioned above, their spirit has departed, but the proper application of arcanotechnology and psychotronics can induce a body and mind to regenerate and repair itself, functionally growing a new spirit. This takes time, and is traumatic for all involved as the frozen person is functionally a budded off soul growing in the remains of another body. This type of break is also a not uncommon side effect of brain transplants.

Frankenstein's Dilemma
The monster of the book was reborn as it's own creature, and was not the reanimated mind of the person whose brain was used to fill the monster's skull. This event can and does frequently occur when scientists have attempted to rebuild someone from regrown tissue and copies of their memories. Cloned bodies have been implanted with the memories of a person, injected with copies of their brains, replicas of their thought patterns, and something curious happens. The person created is quite emphatically NOT a copy of the original. Appearances and memories are the same, DNA is the same, but the manifestation of the psyche, the soul, is not.

Frankenstein's Dilemma seldom produces homicidal monsters, but instead has a greater chance of creating suicidal versions of the original. The prevalence of the Dilemma was a long time barrier to producing serial clones, until rather than using specific copies of memories to create the mind, larger looser patterns were used, defining events were placed, but the framework was left open so that during the incubation of the clone body, the mind and associated unmeasurable soul, would grow and develop. Thus, the clones have very similar dispositions and attitudes because they were given the same general environment and guidelines, but like vining plants, were allowed to follow their own course.

In the arena of artificial brains, the brain itself can be replaced bit by bit, but not in it's entirety. Replacing a brain with a robot cortex creates the horrible human robot, all the limitations and weaknesses of the purely biological body tied to the inherit limitations of the machine mind. Those who have large portions of their brains replaced with mechanical components (35% or more) have mental, and spiritual issues that are chronic and long lasting. Minor augmentations, or mechanical repair typically will offset a long term disadvantage with a minor one, such as trading blindness (replacing the optical lobe with a mechanical one) in favor mild hallucinations, or phobia of the dark.

The Replacement Robot
There is also a temptation to create robotic replicas of people, and these are much less problematic than creating organic copies of them. The biggest issue of the robot replica is the pure limitation of the robot cortex. While a small percentage of cortices do make the evolutionary step and become self aware and sentient, the vast majority do not. Placing a copy of a sentient mind in a non-sentient machine doesn't create a sentient machine. Rather it imprints a personality and set of memories and mannerisms on a machine. The surrogate is common though, until the limitations of the machine become glaringly obvious enough that those who commissioned it decide to let go of the fantasy, or accept a permanent state of denial over the issue.

Surrogates and Replicas have a long standing tradition in the Cosmic Era, with series autons having had their base persona programming built off of copies of specific people, such as construction autons being modeled off of exemplary construction workers, or law enforcement droids mimicking legendary police officers. Families that have lost loved ones often replace the loved one (frequently children, followed by spouses) with replicas. Replica children are popular, and eventually splintered off into a market for people who wanted children for the good parts, but didn't want to deal with a child growing up, biological issues, or biologically could not conceive.

Death and the CogNet
The CogNet is more than a collection of nodes and servers, and it is possible to create virtual copies of people from their mind patterns. These copies run under the same general limitations as robots, being non-sentient in nature. But there is something different, as the CogNet is built as much on not understood fundamentals. It is entirely possible for a person's spirit to escape Death by emoting into the CogNet, beyond the servers and hardware and into the unmapped Dreamlands aspects of the virtual domain. This is not a full semblance of life, as it is a spirit or soul that is divested of a body. As such, it is not grounded in a biological matrix, and is free to mutate and change as it sees fit, or is unable to resist.

The programs and safeguards of the CogNet generally either destroys or reformats these rogue patterns the same way it handles anything else that blunders into the system from outside the firewalls. Those that survive this sort of attention give rise to sentient programs, malicious sentient malware, ghosts in the machine, and so forth. The phenomenon isn't studied, as the system doesn't recognize a human spirit in the machine as anything other than a snarl of code, and as the spirit is unleavened of it's biological functions, and often dissassociated from biological memories, few attempt to contact loved ones or those left behind. To upload into the CogNet permanently, the person must be logged into the net, at a full immersion level, and they must be mentally active when their body is killed, or dies. While many would guess that the majority of ghosts are cyberhackers and online ops, the majority are actually the elderly who expire during immersion sessions, or introverts who only experience the world through the CogNet.

These beings are no longer human, or close to human.

Death exists in the Cosmic Era, and it is largely as permanent and irreversible then as it is today. There is no death insurance, no respawning in a clone tank, no reincorporation or downloading yourself into a new body. People remain afraid of death, and have extensively explored the use of bleeding edge technology to cheat the oldest of man's foes. The research will continue because these rules are not set in stone, because ever so often, one of these technologies will completely and totally work. But these are not just exceptions to the rules, they are quantum level freak events that shouldn't happen, but like miracles and magic, they do.

The latinos and Amazonians have something that many of the other power blocs lack, cohesion and unity. One of the things that draws the United States of South America together like no other superstate is the ancient Peruvian tradition of Takanakuy. In the old tradition, near the end of the year, a single day was set aside for the settling of grievances in the most ancient of human traditions, beating the crap out of each other. This left the new year a clean slate. When the superstate was forming centuries ago, to check the power and adventurism of the now defunct Estatos Unitos (the US) this tradition was adopted across the different nations to ensure that all the nations with in the EUAdS.

The Day of Boiling Blood
The Day of Boiling Blood is a festival and ritual ceremony of violence. In ancient times, the fights that broke out were between individuals. Men and rare women would don homemade armor, and duke it out in fist fights. This was adopted into an almost gladiator style event with some matches being spectator events.

Intranational Fights
Disputes between the member nations of the EUAdS have been settled on the Day of Boiling Blood. A politician who is able to deliver a bare knuckle beat down to his opponent can expect favorable results in the next election, while getting trounced is almost always followed by a failed election, a resignation, or even a recall vote. This has gotten more citizens involved in politics, largely brought about the end of long term politicians (there are only so many beat-downs you can manage before old age or injury take the fight out of you) and limited conflict between the member states.

Celebrity Fights
Nothing brings out the pride of the Latin bloc quite like a celebrity feud. After a year of trash talking and posturing, the two rivals meet in a televised spectacle of blood, semi-nudity, and displays of prowess and dominance.

Corporate Fights
Shadowrunning is much lower key in the Latin states as the various corporations are able to call each other out on the Day of Boiling Blood. Rather than violent wars in the shadows, the corps fight in plain sight, with their champions battling like literal gladiators. While this has fostered more cooperation between the corps, it has seen a decrease in shadow ops prowess leaving the latin corps often at a disadvantage against multinationals. This has lead to serious bad blood between the EUAdS and Nippon, the leaders in the shadow war game.

Its not just about power. Its about control. The dimensional reactor pulled humanity from the brink of despair in the Second Dark Age, it got the lights back on, and humanity reaching again for the stars. But the D-engine, the D-reactor, it is starting to show its age. Instead of one, now we have to build banks of them, cascading networks, and pushing the envelope on how large of a reactor we can build. The parts are expensive, the maintenance is high, and newer iterations of the basic concept reactor increase exponentially in complexity and only gradually in power output. There are multi-port Dimensional engines, they provide the most power. Most military mecha have twin port D-engines, and the warships used by the Federation have quad port engines. They tried to build as large as a sixteen port engine in Michigan, thing blew a hole in reality, left a crater in an island a half mile wide, and it took eleven days to seal the breach it made.

Of course there is something coming, the next generation of power plants.

The Dimensional Tap Reactor
The Dimensional Engine accesses an alternate dimension, and utilizes arcane vibrations and cosmic radiation to generate electricity. The output of the Dimensional engine is limited, and most D-engines utilize capacitors and dimensional batteries to store the power for later use. Arcologies and other large power consumers will utilize larger D-engines networked together into a cascade system. These reactor networks pool their output into banks of batteries and capacitors which is depleted over peak uses but recharged during resting hours. Attempts to create higher outputs from D-engines generally ends with safety systems kicking in and shutting down the reactor or catastrophic failure resulting in cosmic irradiation.

The Dimensional Tap Reactor operates on a similar theory, but a different principle. The reactor has to be physically located in a specific location, and by default is required to be a stationary object, and be connected to existing buildings and cities through infrastructure. The theory is based out of the ancient theory of ley lines and dragon nests, and geomantic principles, some of which have been found to have some grounding in arcanotech science.

The problem with building the new Dimensional Tap Reactors is finding the right place to put them. They won't run just anywhere, dimensional technology doesn't work that way. You have to factor in local conditions, gravitational variability, elevation (or distance from the earth's core to be more accurate) and a hundred other factors that don't matter to anyone but an arcanotech. The problem is tsoukalocity, the dimensionaless of a specific location. Some areas are more dimensional, other places are much less dimensional. It doesn't make sense, I know, I know.

There are special places around the world where the dimensional... saturation... for lack of a better common layman term, is better. One of the reasons that places like MIT fell off the map after the Second Renaissance in the tsoukalocity of their location. It's high and dense, the reactors have to work harder to get that sweet spot, and have to work harder to hold it. Those breakthroughs just don't happen there because it's not in the cards for them.

The Toyama Theorem
The Toyama Theorem states that the ancient tradition of geomancy is based out of an innate and unconscious perception of multi-dimensional spaces. Once considered nothing more than a pointless bit of arcano-mathematical fluffery, the Toyama theorem came back into light once it was discovered that some pieces of arcanotech gear worked better in some places, and less so in others. This fluctuation of performance and efficiency was puzzling, but plugging in the equations of the Toyama theorem started making sense.

Like air volume, water density, and other variables, dimensional barriers are not constant, these barriers change in density, thickness, resistance, and tsoukalosity (a characteristic of hyperdimensional materials). In certain places around the world, the tsoukalosity of the dimensional membranes is decidedly lower, and fixed in this attribute. The efficiency and performance of devices such as AISCs, and arcanotech based power plants is increased to the point that it is simply foolish to not have those types of devices in those locations.

Bermuda Triangle
There are three known arcanotech facilities in the Bermuda Triangle. New Miami is host to a major facility for the North American Institute of Arcanotechnologies and Science (NAIAS-Miami) as well as the CSS Southern Command. The Confederate warship CSS Lee (formerly the USS Missouri) is at anchor at the Miami seaport and seacology. It is a rail gun equipped museum piece. Given the work done at NAIAS-Miami and the proximity of the Miami Seacoplex and arco, there is a strong rapid response force present to prevent dimensional rifts or dimensional vagrancy (the appearance of extra-dimensional entities (EDs pronounced ee-dee).

Mayaguana is a tiny almost unknown island between the Bahamas and Puerto Rico and it is host to an arcanotech testing facility. Given the relative isolation of the island and the low tsoukalosity of the area, this is one of the places where the Atlantic Federation deliberately causes dimensional rifts to test out arcanotech equipment, stress testing, and how to best use countermeasures. There have been joint exercises with the Pacific Rim Coalition, and the Kingdom of Scandinavia in handling breaches.

Somers Isle, also known as Bermuda is an Area 51 of the Cosmic Era, and is the host for some of the Atlantic Federations top level black budget operations, and it's most infamous SCP Archive. While Roswell and Area 51 had the distinction of being rumored to house alien bodies and crashed alien craft, Somers Isle has the Cosmic Era equivalent. When strange artefacts and monoliths are found on the Moon or Mars, or Titan and they are returned to earth for study, they typically are delivered to the Somers Isle Arco/Seaco facility. With security fitting for a triple max prison, a strong military presence, and government funded and backed research and development corporations most conspiracy theories are drawn to the remote island. Submarines have since learned to avoid the island, especially the deep sea dreadnaughts fitted by the Eurasian Alliance. The last submarine to snoop the island, TK-404 disappeared from the Atlantic Ocean and was later discovered in lake Baikal. The crew was rescued, and after a sixteen month logistical herculean feat, TK-404 was lifted from the lake and returned to oceanic water.

The Devil's Sea
Located on the island of Chichijima, between the Iwo islands and mainland Nippon, the Umi no Akuma seacology is the PRC's primary arcanotech testing ground, and has functions mirroring Somers Isle but nowhere near the size, and security. The island chain is owned by the Red Sun megacorp and while the large island of Chichijima has sizeable government facilities, the sister islands of Anijima, Ototojima, and Nishijima are leased to respective PRC megacorps for their own operations and research. While this merger of state and corporate interests has let the PRC gain many advances in technology, the decreased security factor has allowed the islands and their CogNet nodes be snooped by spy craft from the ACPS, EA, and AtFed.

The Devil's Sea is far less developed than the Bermuda Triangle, and while there is a move to built more installations in the Iwo Islands, there is not funding or manpower available to make this happen. It is slated that more facilities will be built, but only after existing projects are completed. The PRC is currently bogged down in dealing with the ACPS, Python Patrol, and massive criminal syndicates in Polynesia, and Indonesia, as well as trying to play catch up to the Atlantic Federation's large craft program, spacecraft program, and the Alliance submarine fleet.

India's Boon
One of the things that has allowed India to flourish as a free country in an era of the New Earth Governments is the presence of a massive low tsoukalocity zone across a large portion of the country. The presence of this zone has certainly caused a large number of dimensional incidents, but they have remained highly contained due to the diligence and enthusiasm of the Ghatak, Garud, and Tiger Commando companies.

The Indian zone has also caused the nation some problems, as the zone is smaller than the country, and once their arcanotech devices leave the zone, their peak performance falls to its more normal zone. This has hampered Indian offensive operations as their baseline equipment is not fully on par with its rivals in the ACPS. On the western frontier, while in better shape and better supplied, the Indian military doesn't enjoy as massive technological advantage over the raiders and mutants that frequent the ghostlands of the middle east.

Located in Mozambique, SAUR, Ieeberg is a massive sprawling facility that is the largest arcantotech development proving ground in Africa, and second only the Jo-Burg in importance to the SAUR. Ieeburg houses the SAUR's ship building program, and is the home base for the SAUR air fleet. The USS George Washington, under the command of Amerikka Command and on lease to the SAUR, calls Ieeberg home when it isn't on station along the Angola/Congo border or Jo-Burg itself.

The Tip of the Iceberg
The Dimensional Engine is just one of the first steps along the path of arcanotechnology. The next evolution of the arcanotech powerplant is the Dimensional Tap Reactor. There are a few of these devices functional in the Cosmic era,and the amount of power they can generate is currently low. As the bugs are worked out of the devices, it is expected that the amount of power the machines can generate will be simply stupendous. Scientists, tech researchers and arcanotechnologists are excited about the ability of the DTR to replace cascade and network D-engines for providing power to arcology complexes and to produce the power needed to start tackling the problems presented in space travel. If a functional high power DTR can be produced, it is postulated that intrasolar travel can be reduced from days and weeks to hours, and true stellar exploration can begin for humanity.

The function of the DTR and its quantum tunneling has opened hundreds of doors speculation. Scientists are now looking at the application of teleportation and creating permanent gates between locations. With the power generated by a DTR, and the functionality of a permanent gate, then it would be nothing but a single step to travel from New Nuyork to Armstrong City, Luna.

The list of new technologies and applications for the DTR can go on ad nauseum.

Dimensional Tap reactors are to the Cosmic Era what fusion reactors are to the Petroleum Era. They are something that a few people know about, but are largely relegated to science fiction and speculative fiction. Most people don't expect to see one in their lifetime, but they know that there are prototypes out there, and that eventually the really smart people will figure out how to make them work, and it will be a game changer for the world.

Metagame Information
The Dimension Tap Reactor is a really bad idea, and should the reactors become fully operational it will not be a good thing. The reactor creates a gateway between the physical world and alternate dimensions, such as the source of arcanotech's power and dark inspiration, the River of Sorrow which is mathematically barren, but is actually inhabited by 'things' that are hostile.

For every safe application of this new tech, there will be a slew of Brundleflies, Philadelphia Experiments gone wrong, and untold lives ruined and crushed under the feet of the elite of the society pushing for the new tech. The push for repopulation, and colonization will increase the number of humanity, but as conditions for many will exist in squalor or a constant state of conflict, the arcanotech will keep working better and better.

Secrets and Mysteries
What is the Big Lie?
I am an important, unique and ultimately special person. I have inalienable rights and privileges that are due to all living intelligent beings. I am a precious snowflake!

What is the Secret?
The Petroleum Era was also known as the Post-Scarcity Era, as everything became so bountiful that things like disposable everything, and planned obsolescence were planned to ensure the continued drive of the global economic engine. This is one of the tenets of the Petroleum Era that lead to the Resource Wars, and ultimately the Population Contraction of the Second Dark Age.

The new tenet of the Cosmic Ere is that the most disposable, easily replaced commodity is Humanity.

Who knows the truth?
Disposable Humanity is an operating tenet of the Human Cloning corporations, the Android, Gynoid and Mechanoid Manufacturing corporations, and most of the ruling Elite. The common populace, sedated by the onslaught of CogNet media, S3 immersion and electronic vice gratification, and Social Media Cultdoms are no more willing to accept the notion that they are ultimately disposable commodities any more than a citizen of the Petroleum Era was willing to accept high cost and long term durable goods.

Why does the secret remain thus?
Human denial is a powerful force, and this combined with the flash culture zeitgeist of the Cosmic Era relegates disposable humanity to the realms of paranoid science fiction and political fiction. Human outrage is equally a powerful force and the players behind the scenes work to ensure that their products, IE replacement humanity, is seen as inferior, complimentary, or dependent on normal humanity for it's own survival.

Androids and Gynoids are generally physically and mentally at best equal to human abilities, and many are less so. Who is afraid of a robot uprising when the average android is as threatening as C3PO? Mechanoids, generally made to be large, strong, and exceptionally tough are generally functioning with the smallest neo-cortices possible, giving many of them the minimal ability to speak and follow instructions. There are certain functions that machine beings are not able to do, such as phyiscally assault a person, or bear a physical weapon, maintain a wage earning job, or contribute to or experience the CogNet.

Clones are physically marked to demonstrate that they are artificial humans, and the Codex series clones are generally programmed/conditioned to either aspire to human ideals (Pinocchio Syndrome) or are phenotypically designed to be inoffensive to normal humans, such as being small in stature, and of limited to average intelligence. Many codex clones also have either reduced sexual characteristics or are Freemartin, completely sterile and frequently impotent. Male codex clones are marked for androgynous features, low testosterone, and below average size genitalia. Female clones are likewise noted for their androgynous features and reduced estrogen. Clone females are likewise limited in their breast size, with most being sub A-cup size.

The Tycho Conventions have provisions against creating free willed combat robots, creating Homo Superior humans, and sub-human Humans. These are shiny ideals that most common folk know in the same fashion as the Geneva Conventions of the Petroleum Era. Sub-Humans are generally overlooked because there isn't a cloning corporation that is going to sully its name by creating Human- clones. In corporate lingo, these are Epsilon Clones and typically exhibit Downs Syndrome, Autism, and other genetic defects. The cloning corps creating 'worker' or 'soldier' class clones will work with Delta Clones who are less intelligent than the average Homo Sapiens, but are not mentally challenged or genetically compromised.

The Layers
Some people are simply more disposable than others.

Soldiers, menial and manual laborers, and the poor are considered very disposable. In the field of warfare, compared to the hardware in the field, the soldier is often the cheapest and sometimes easiest to replace component. Menial and manual laborers can easily be replaced by droid laborers or robots, often more effectively and efficiently. The Poor exist in the Cosmic Era have they always have, overlooked and frequently exploited by criminal elements, unethical business practices, and government welfare.

Immortality for the Wealthy.
Some people, through personal wealth, importance, or special ability are able to effectively live as long as they want. Through cloning technology, brain transplants, artificial brains, Engram patterning, and other arcanotechnological advances, a single human entity could survive beyond the limitations of the human animal body. Many of the MegaCorps have Boards of Directors, but these are often answerable to a few shadowy immortals, often a Mr or Mrs with their name on the building.
Last edited by Skaldia on Sat Apr 17, 2021 12:09 am, edited 22 times in total.
||“The lesson of history is that no one learns.”
||“Chaos needs no allies, for it dwells like a poison in every one of us.”

TG for Discord

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Founded: Jun 30, 2013

Postby Skaldia » Thu Sep 18, 2014 1:02 pm

Articles Cont. V

Look man, there's no such thing as Eds, no E-D-S, it's a shitshow the government concocted to hook us on lybrium, to zap our brains with electronic dreams, and to nerve staple you if you can't figure out the game. They don't want you dead man, they want you to be a cell in their macro-organism. You can do this without a brain, they'll cut it out, put it in a jar, and put a computer in your head. Man, they might already have! How do you know they haven't, you might already have a machine instead of a brain, one programmed to think it was real, to be dumb and do the same self destructive things over and over again.
Charles Frost, terrorist and EDS victim

Stages of Emotional Disruption Disorder
The first stage of EDS is almost impossible to catch. The symptoms are slight. Fatigue, difficulty sleeping, general agitation. This stage can last for years without diagnosis, and many stage 1 EDS victims compensate with over the counter aids or rely on self destructive vices to bring stability.

The only way to detect Stage One EDS is to specifically look for it with a brain scan and brain chemistry spectrograph, Most people aren't entirely keen on having a laser beam shot through their head. Early diagnosis is a statistical anomaly. The medical industry is working on a method to better understand EDS, where it comes from, what triggers it, and how to better treat it.

The second stage of EDS is the most common point of detection. The victim demonstrates signs of depression, irritability, and a strong sense of unhappiness with themselves and the world around them.

There are two major dangers we face from EDS. Victims of EDS become vulnerable to radicalization, as dissidents and terrorists are able to exploit the emotional vulnerability of the victim, and victims of the syndrome become decreasingly meaningful and important members of society. While no one is really considering if EDS is a weaponized disease used by rogue elements of the hostile nations, it is convenient that the psychological profile of almost every terrorist detained in the last fifty years has shown brain chemistry consistent with EDS.

Stage three EDS is the most disruptive stage of the disorder. The victim will no longer be in control of their emotions, and will have violent and atavistic reactions to figures of authority, will resist attempts to help them, and will become frequently delusional. The detrimental effect of EDS on the brain is such that the victim of the crippling disorder will begin to manifest other mental disorders. Paranoia, schizophrenia, dementia, and delusional disorders are common. 

We want to help them, but by the time a victim of EDS reaches stage three, the options are limited, at best. The basic course of action is a large daily dose of lybrium or similar anti-psychoactive. After that, it's detainment in a mental care facility. Therapy and drugs can keep EDS at bay, but only through constant vigilance and use. There are permanent fixes, such as nerve stapling or replacing the afflicted parts of the brain with artificial replacements, but these are drastic, and sometimes incorrectly viewed as inhumane. 

Stage four EDS is typically short lived. Overcome by the chemical imbalances in their brains and the collective output of their other mental disorders, the victim becomes suicidal. The majority of stage 4 victims simply commit suicide and end their own suffering, this does remain a problem even in mental care facilities. A small number, especially those who have fallen victim to radicalization, will attempt to destroy something that is a central fixture in their neurosis, usually in a suicidal manner. 

Stage four is shocking, because that neurochemical tipping point is almost impossible to detect. Your patient can be making good progress, dealing with their EDS and it's symptoms, and you turn your back for just a minute and they've taken something seemingly harmless and killed themselves with it. I've seen patients jump from rooftops, impale themselves on broken furniture, and do other horrible things. I wish there was something that we could do to help them.

The Other Side of EDS
Quite simply, there is no such thing. EDS can't be detected because there is nothing to detect. The disease is fictitious.

EDS was created to exploit something known as mass psychogenic illness, or epidemic hysteria. The symptoms are vague, almost anyone could be diagnosed with Stage 1 EDS. If you don't pop out of bed chipper and ready for a quinoa enema and a 5k pre-breakfast jog, you've got the basic symptoms. You aren't upset with the government, it's not a conspiracy, you aren't agitated because everyone around you is a moron, or an asshole, you aren't a moron or an asshole either.

You're the victim of a disease. Emotional Disruptive Syndrome. Eds.

Just rolls off the tongue. Eds. That's what makes it work. It's familiar. Ed. Eddy. Edward. Eduardo. Oh shit. EDS.

You go to the doctor, nervous, something might be wrong inside of your head. The doctor smiles, and they run some tests, and tell you to go home and take it easy. Everyone knows you've gone to the doctor. They are worried, they are worried about you. They discuss you, they discuss EDS, the cure, whatever.

Then, when you come back, a small pack of 5mg Lybrium in your pocket and the EDS diagnosis... they are nicer to you. They are more considerate. Now, some might think you are an emotional tantrum away from suicide, but the rest just want the herd to stay calm.
And those 5mg lybriums, they keep you nice and calm too.

Modus Operandi 
The MO of EDS is simple. It was created as an experiment by the Federation Department of Inclusion and Social Acceptance. The advanced symptoms of the fictitious disease match the personality and psyche profile of a dissenter, someone who has figured out part of the socio-media long con. It's generally low key, you get diagnosed, you take the nerve pills, and you accept your reality as it's presented to you, and you either keep taking the pills, or you have a miraculous recovery. EDS is still very mysterious. If it doesn't work, the purported victims will attempt to lash out at the system, or will attempt to escape, also symptoms of stage three EDS. The disease is nothing more than a behavior control mechanism.

If the containment and control systems don't work, well everyone expects the victim to commit suicide, or run away and join a terrorist cell. That just makes the terrorist themselves victims of EDS, they're all crazy.

It's very sad. 

Charles Frost is a dangerous man, he knows entirely too much about the EDS program and it's inception.

How does he know so much about this, it's level 0 secret.

He knows because he was one of the behavioral engineers who worked on it. He didn't like it, and it was easy to paint him as a patient zero for EDS. We considered calling it Frost or Frosts Syndrome, but that didn't have the same mouth feel as EDS.

He rants and raves, he runs around with Amerikka Command or whatever splinter cell has him as their guest speaker of the month. He spews out about Project Yellowstone and how we created EDS as a control mechanism, and we have all the plausible deniability we will ever need. A neo-luddite drug abuser defector and EDS victim, he could be shouting out the secrets of the state, and no one but the looneys would listen to him.

When are we going to have him retired?

He's gone to ground and is hard to find, and right now he's more valuable as a crack pot than he's worth as a target. It won't be easy for an assassin to get in and make it look like he committed suicide. He will have to be scapegoated in some Command raid or attack. He can't be singled out, not even coincidentally. That would martyr him for the fringe groups. 

The Petroleum Era saw a small but steadily rising self-diagnosed disease in the form of Electromagnetic Sensitivity, or EMS. The victims of the disease claimed that wireless electronics, and other tech devices caused them to become ill. This ranged from technophobic hysteria associated with radar arrays, communications towers, and other high tension power lines, as well as a cultural infatuation and affliction of social media, television, and the pitfalls and traps associated with them. When facing the first wave of cyberculture, many of these people experienced anxiety, which manifested as fatigue, irritability, and even vague and generic but verifiable physical symptoms like rashes, and other physical stress symptoms. This was just another stripe in the tapestry of affliction of the Petroleum Era, along with eating disorders, food allergies, autism, and attention deficit disorders.

The New Face of EMS
EMS saw a resurgence in Commonwealth of New England's Southborough Arcology. A large number of people inside the arcology came down with a series of medical disorders, with common symptoms being headache, fatigue, stress, sleep disturbances, skin prickling, burning sensations and rashes, pain and ache in muscles and many other health problems. These were dismissed as psychosomatic at first, but the physical manifestions increased. Headaches turned into migraines that compromised vision, balance, and ability to interface with neuroconnective technology. Fatigue and stress escalated into lethargy and panic/anxiety attacks. Sleep disturbances started having negative effects on cardiovascular and neurological health. The burning sensations and rashes turned into full blown lesions and bruising. While the mind can work tricks, and mimic the symptoms of diseases, it is beyond hypochondria to 'think' bruises and cerebral inclusions into existence.

The medical staff at Southborough were flabbergasted. The diagnostic machinery couldn't pinpoint any specific cause, or a common thread between any of the patients in the facility. While none were really life threatening, the quality of life index was going down, and the general anxiety of the entire arco was markedly rising. This was considered unacceptable, and a number of searches and inquiries were launched to determine the cause of the outbreaks. The cause was eventually found, quietly handled, and a scapegoat was created and pushed out for the public bloodletting.

The culprit of the Southborough arcology epidemic was a damaged ventilation shaft running through their section of the building. This shaft was not properly shielded and was bouncing arcane radiation from a mechanical deck through said residential zones. The outbreak was nothing more than exposure to electromagnetic 'leakage' from a plasma exchanger, a fairly mundane piece of arcanotech. 

The Cover-Up
Arcanotech is still relatively young, not entirely out of it's awkward quack medicine phase, and a number of it's applications are far from refined. Power generated from Dimensional Reactors carries electromagnetic resonances that are still barely detectable, let alone understood. Many of these are handled with proper shielding and grounding technologies, but minor oversights, and deterioration of arcanotech systems can lead to outbreaks of EMS and worse. The powers that be are highly dependent on arcanotech, and already have their hands full handling equipment failures, and the subsequent Dimensional Fatigue events. The fact that proximity to the basic machinery that makes arcologies, and large space stations and ships possible can cause mental and physical harm is a fact that cannot become widespread.

EMS is a self diagnosed condition, and contrary to claims, it has more to do with social overstimulation and neurocognitive burn out than exposure to any sort of imagined radiation. People who feel they are suffering from EMS are recommended to see a physician and explore alternative treatments such as attending 'nature retreats' and other activities that take them mentally and emotionally away from their daily Cognet use routine. It can be as simple as getting 'a little fresh air'

Continuation of symptoms could require a personal move to a new environment, a lifestyle change, or in extreme cases, psychotronic adjustment. Ask you doctor which is right for you.

A Little Fresh Air
The new arc phrase for conspiracy theories. After explaining the latest government cover-up, ultimate reason for the latest skirmish, or dissection of the daily discourse, rather than being mocked for tinfoil hat theories, the theorist is dismissed with ' hey buddy, dont you think you need a little fresh air?

The powers that be are working to contain the issue of EMS. Having technology that irradiates and makes your population unhealthy is bad for business. New arcologies and other megastructures have more attention paid to insulating the radiation from arcanotech devices, while remaining permeable to CogNet frequencies. This is proving a challenge as the CogNet's frequencies are very similar to other less desireable arcane wavelengths. This is largely being addressed with relays and repeaters in the system replacing massive central towers throwing signal. The towers are still used, but are now being used in a more focused manner than in an umbrella manner. This has seen a major decrease in EMS outside of arcologies, and only minimal impact of CogNet speed.

Older facilities are more likely to see instances of EMS, with older equipment, and superstructures that were built without arcano-ablative compounds. Geofronts and other lower class facilities are also likely to have more instances of EMS, due to the lower level of construction and materials used. With the lower income population in the urban sprawls, less importance is placed on protecting them from arcane radiation than on arcology dwellers. 

The government denies the entire affair, the entire event, but I was there I saw it. I heard it's voice. They will tell you that dimensional fatigue events are rare, and unique events. The creatures that are encountered, they say are animals and errant biological patterns. Aside from parrots and those genetically modded critters I've never met an animal or errant biological pattern that could speak english.

Encounter 45
Classified, level 7 clearance required
Location: Staines, Hunt & Saunders High Energy Research Laboratories, London Scientific Arcology 9

A dimensional fatigue event occurred during a failed test of a matter transference unit, henceforce known as a Teleportation Tank. (The teleportation tank project was intended to develop a method of transferring bulk fluids and compressed gases). Upon the misfire of the system the entity known as Encounter 45 was discovered manifested in the tank, complete with an alien and toxic atmosphere.

Encounter 45 is a large non-humanoid lifeform. It has a central body with a speculated internal layout that would resemble an oceanic bivalve. It has what appear to be three heads, each connected to the body mass with a long, serpentine neck. Each head has a mass of unidentifiable sensory organs. The function of these organs is unknown, but 45 proved capable of identifying different humans present, and was able to tell different androids apart. It is suspected that 45 had an electromagnetic sensory and manipulative ability. It could not vocalize on it's own, and was prone to flailing, slamming it's heads against things, hammering on the sides of the teleportation tank with thick 'tentacles' and producing loud shrill noises, and regularly emitted sprays of a viscious green substance.

The specimen proved fluent in english, and communicated by means of manipulating the output of a freestanding audio speaker. It is suspected that this ability was biological in nature, as parapsychic sensors, and parapsychic observers reported no parapsychic emanations from the subject. This ability seems to have limits, as the creature was not able to manipulate very fine systems, and wasn't able to influence anything more than basic electronics, on par with early 20th century tech.

One of the most common mistakes made when encountering alien life is not properly recognizing alien life. Sentience is not an outwardly physical trait, and we are slowly, painfully, learning that there are things that exist that do not fit into our preconceived notions of what aliens should look like. Thus it was unsurprising when we encountered 701, we did not recognize it's capacity for intelligence, it's awareness, only it's physical appearance. The specimen was discovered in the wreckage of a crashed space probe. At that point, the specimen was nine ounces of a high viscosity red fluid that was mostly frozen. Considering the nature of the Downington Probes, we assumed that this was some form of space slime and treated it accordingly. The sample was placed in deep freeze, and a number of smaller chips were taken from it and disseminated to holding centers, and a larger chip was sent to a third party scientific research facility in North America. The fact that no one recognized the intelligence of the plasmic creature would prove a problem several times over.
Dr. Delphine Aloweena

Arborvilla Research Conglomerate
Specimen Sample 701-A was delivered to Dr. Chris Meddows. The sample was improperly handled by the Doctor, where it escaped containment, consumed a number of people, including the Doctor, before being contained and destroyed by Arborvilla Security. The Arborvilla incident was quickly contained, and a number of notes were made, the most important being that Encounter 701 was a life form, and not a contaminant agent. 

i]It is my personal theory that 701 is more than just a rudimentary space slime. It moves with a curious purpose, and in various basic tests it demonstrates ambush hunting techniques. The sample, which I have taken the notion of calling Ruby, spends it's resting time in moist environments, including fully submerging itself if allowed enough water to do so. When offered food, Ruby will only consume pelleted protein if there is nothing else to consume. Live prey is preferred, and Ruby prefers mice to the feeder insects that we have available.
Dr. Christopher Meddows[/i]

Closed Circuit monitors record Dr. Meddows removing 'Ruby' from it's containment area and handling the organism in an unsafe fashion. It would appear that the doctor took a personal liking to the creature, and gained a false sense of security and contaminated himself and two other lab co-workers with 701's plasmic material.

Sample 701 demonstrated more than rudimentary intelligence. By observing Meddows' notes, we can see that his specimen Ruby recognized that Dr. Meddows was intelligent and developed a relationship with him, causing him to lower his guard, allowing it to escape containment. During it's time free, Ruby consumed five people: Dr. Meddows, two lab assistants, a janitor, and a security officer. It grew to large size, and displayed tactical cunning, eluding security and containment forces. It killed and partially consumed 9 other victims, before 

The Syowa Incident
Sample 701 was taken out of cold storage at the Syowa Camp. The cause of the Incident is unknown, but the current theory holds that a Syowa was the target of a sloppy shadowrun that compromised containment procedures on the specimen. The entity escaped, consumed most of the Syowa camp staff, divided a number of times, and more alarmingly, replicated the members of the camp that it consumed.

When the containment team arrived, most of the camp had been repaired, and the 'staff' were working on a number devices that can be best described as alien in nature. The staff became hostile, violence ensued and a large number of the soldiers sent were slain by the creature. The specimen was contained after a prolonged battle, and only after it was exposed to extreme cold without any protection. The equipment was sequestered, the alien information taken for examination, and the secured samples were moved to a new secret location.

There was one survivor from the original camp staff, a former mercenary turned security coordinator. Kurt MacReady proved cunning enough to evade contamination by the entity, and was instrumental in it's eventual capture. The Federation ex-pat became hostile when he learned that rather than be destroyed, or moved to a permanent holding location, the entity was going to be moved to a new research center

Zenector Technologies
Sample 701, a marbled mass of mutating flesh frozen in mid-flux, came into the possession of Dr. Delphine Aloweena. The biomass of 701 was put through a sanitation process, removing the alien intelligence but leaving the metamorphic properties. Given the properties of 701, it was quickly divided out into a number of research projects. Human regeneration, accelerated healing, a rapid growing foodstock, all avenues of research that failed, and failed horribly.

The graft victims suffered the same fate at the Syowa staff, their genetic code unraveling, and becoming unstable monsters, their flash shifting shapes, and burning itself out, or turning to a mindless bubbling cancerous mass bent on consuming anything organic. The healing serum test group faired little better. The food stock trials were likewise a mess. The samples assimilated animal flesh, and starting growing into new animals. Cooking the resulting protein did nothing to destroy the prions laced through it, and the test animals that were fed the protein started turning into horrific hybrids of the protein samples, and themselves. 

Dr. Aloweena did find one avenue of exploration that paid out. Parapsychics, latent or active, were immune to the alien influence of sample 701. Those parapsychics who were infected with samples demonstrated the ability to change their appearance, to change themselves on a cellular level. Those test subjects who did not go irreparably insane were able to control their mutations, to varying extent.

Dr. Aloweena's test group demonstrated a level of biomorphism that was unmatched, and horrific. The test subjects who retained their sanity were able to change their shape at will. They were not limited to known animals or people, but could become nightmarish chimeras of monster parts, collapse into piles of smaller creatures and scuttle around as a dissembling consciousness, or even reduce themselves to a protoplasmic state resembling the original 701 sample. This was named Plasmogrification, as the subjects changed down to the cellular level, but were impossibly able to retain their intellects and psyches.

701 is still very much alive. We rescued the frozen core sample and took the entire thing to a classified location in North America. It's an old aquarium complex, and 701 lives in the main salt water tank. There were two major mistakes we made about it, that is wasn't sentient, and that it was a terrestrial creature. 701 is very intelligent, and it's a marine lifeform. It's beautiful, like looking at a massive cell, complete with complex structures inside of it. It's red, and you can almost see though it, and it's grown. 701 is three meters wide and just over a ton in mass. It's telepresent, and it can grow organs as it needs them, or dissolve them when it doesn't. It's brilliant really, brilliant.

701 is also aware that it's designation is not a name, and it finds names strange, in that individuals of our species need nomenclature to tell each other apart.
Dr. Aloweena, Medical debriefing

Dr. Aloweena was eventually removed from her position, and 701 was placed under a SCP lock down and held for further study. It was discovered that 701 had long since consumed the Doctor and had replaced her with a simulacra made of it's own flesh. Tested revealed that 40% of the staff working at the aquarium facility were likewise 701 'homunculi' and were dispatched via incinerator. The Plasmogrant Test group was 100% infected among test subjects and 70% infected among the operational staff. Incineration orders were given, and in total, 114 people were killed as result of 701's activities. The specimen remains under high security in a psychically sealed containment area. Staff is subjected to blood tests every 24 hours to ensure 701's containment.

Environmental Powers
Environmental powers are visible manifestations of parapsychic powers, and they 'create' elemental force or energy out of seemingly nowhere. These powers are easy to abuse, and overdoing it can cause a parapsychic burn/flare/scourge which is generally uncontrolled manifestations of the parapsychic's powers, such as a pyrokinetic being surrounded by a corona of living flame, or liquids randomly freezing around a cryokinetic. 

The manipulation of 'cold'. This art defies science as cold isn't a measurable force, it is the absence of heat. Cryokinetics are able to 'create' coldness. It is commonly explained that the parapsychic is biologically functioning as a dimensional heat sink, but it is only a moderately functional theory. 

Ice Armor - the CK can cause his clothing to become cold, causing ambient moisture in the air to turn into ice. This raises the armor rating of non-metallic clothing, or lets the initiate make his own armor out of things that are normally not useful as armor, such as meat, fluid substances and so forth. A common manifestation are ice fists, ice spike knuckles, and so forth.
Cryo-Bolt - a thrown projectile, the cryo-bolt is a sphere of manifested supercooling. The bolt causes organic material (flesh) to freeze, often to the mortal detriment of the target. It can also freeze pools of water, create slip hazards and other innovative applications.
Chill Barrier - rapidly decreases the temperature in a volume of space, the effect is much more pronounced in enclosed environments. This can make guns fail as mechanical components jam from ice or frost accumulation, as well as sending uncovered people running for warmth or protection.

The Firestarters were among the first parapsychics to erupt in the Cosmic Era. Pyrokinesis creates and manipulates heat and combustion, allowing parapsychics to create fuelless flames, or turn matches into maelstroms of fire, or a house into a cloud of ash. Pyrokinesis is a stunningly dangerous power as it is very prone to causing power burns and flares, as well as making formerly nice people into walking flamethrower sociopaths.

Flame Bolt - a projectile attack that is literally a thrown ball of fuelless flame. It can rapidly start fires, ignite combustible material, and do all of the other fun things a fireball can do. This is not an explosion, so there is no knock down, blast wave, or other cinematics associated with such blasts. 
Focus Power - The PK can focus on a single object within the line of sight and project power into it. The object will either ignite or melt under the unwavering stare of the pyrokinetic. 
Flamethrower - the PK creates a continuous stream of flame that emanates usually from the hands, but mouth and 'eye fire' are not unknown. It is a sustained action and can be very taxing, and a quick path to an uncontrolled flare.

Also called TK, it is likely the most common environmental manifestation of parapsychic power. Telekinetics are able to manipulate physical objects with their mind. The common image is levitating objects and bending spoons. Powerful TKs can lift cars, and crush objects, or tear them apart. 

Force Bolt - The TK creates a bolt/ball/mental construct that is a physical projection of mental/cosmic force. Each construct is different, and while normally invisible, at higher intensities or right conditions (smoke, heat distortion, underwater) can be seen by it's effect. The bolt is a forward moving crushing/punching action.
Force Manipulation - The TK reaches out, creating a construct that allows them to manipulate objects. Common constructs are invulnerable grasping hands, whips, chains, and other thematic constructs for grabbing, lifting, pulling, or otherwise applying force to an object.
Levitation - The TK uses the power of their mind to lift themselves off the ground for very limited flight/floating power. Alternately can be used to lift and move other objects or people. The strength of a TK grows not progressively, but exponentially. A beginner might only be able to move a one pound object with sweaty concentration, a master can lift large vehicles like tanks.

The power of electricity, thunder and lightning. Electrokinetics are rare, dangerous and usually under constant scrutiny and medication. EKs are feared for their ability to harm others, but also for being able to destroy electronic devices with ease, or to co-opt them with their innate connection to the very force that powers them. 

Lightning Bolt/Shockwave - The EK is fully capable of throwing glowing tendrils of electricity from his body like a biological tesla coil. This can cause lethal injury to people hit, fry electronics, and pass through conductive objects like metal and water to proper cinematic effect. This can stun an low levels and flash cook at high power
Control Device - An EK can subvert primitive electronic devices and machines by brute force manipulation of their power supply. This can be used to deliberately destroy a device, fusing it, or to control automatic doors, control servo motors and so on. It can be used on energy weapons, but such actions can cause the weapons to explode as cosmic current (CC) is nothing like AC or DC. 

There are two versions of air bending, the most common actually being telekinesis with an 'air aspect' manifestation. True Aerokinesis is weather manipulation. 

Air Gust/Blast - The AK knocks things down by calling gale force winds. While not likely to cause damage like a TK bolt, it is much more capable of causing structural damage by lifting roofs off houses, knocking down trees and other large objects
Flight - The AK is able to fly by manipulation of the air, some are propelled by jets of air, while others 'ride' the winds. This is a power extensive use and rarely used for any great distance. 
Fog - the AK can create fog to obscure an area. In enclosed spaces this is especially effective in limited visibility, fouling electronic monitoring equipment, and muffling sound.
Fling - An accomplished AK can use the force of stormwinds to lift and throw objects, like tractors and parts of buildings

A strange and rare art only known in a few places, terrakinesis is a symbiotic power often called Earth bending, earth shaping, and para-assimilation. This power allows for the Parapsychic to physically manipulate solid matter in ways that solid matter should not behave in, such as granite acting soupy, stretching room temperature metal bare-handed, or simply changing the shape of something by thinking about it. Terrakinetics usually have to touch what they want to manipulate, and tend to be more physical than cerebral in nature.

Armor Form - the speciality of terrakinetics, especially displayed in Seng Chui/Singapore. Armor form allows the terrakinetic to rip materials from around them into a functional suit of bio-morphic armor. This ranges from creating metal gauntlets out of armor, a shield out of a car part or a full suit of armor from structural concrete. 

Improvised Weapon - The terrakinetic can create weapons, such as swords from metal, or an axe made out of parapsychically reinforced glass. At the most advanced application of this power, the TK can create simple machines, such as spring loaded devices, or complex objects like chains, folding and unfolding constructs and so on.

Exotic and Rare Environmental Powers
The following powers exist, but are rare in the extreme (and I won't lie, they are really more the domain of villains, power gamers, and other game specific needs)

Gravikinesis - manipulating gravity to crush things, levitate things, fly, speed things up and slow them down
Magnetokinesis - controlling magnetic fields and magnetism by will alone. 
Temporalkinesis - manipulation of time/perception of time
Teleportation - I am loathe to use gamer's footprint but this power has too many chances to be abused compared to it's relative cost.

The Eschaton Treatise
Housed in a cube shaped data storage device, the Eschaton Treastise is a relatively straight forward set of schematics and plans for the construction of a psychic beacon. This is almost a Rosetta Stone of arcanotech, and has been instrumental in the expansion of said arcanotech. Accessing the treatise is not easy, and requires either aptitude with the technomancy parapsychic discipline, or a suitably high end wireless system. The first researchers to access the treatise did so with a basic hypernet link, and took months to download the most basic data from the system.

The Eschaton Treatise is the fundamental underpinning of all psychotronics and anthropotronics, two cutting edge fields in arcanotech. Without the Treatise, the world would very likely still be using something more akin to the 21st century Hypernet, and there would be no immersive simsense systems like the CogNet. The treatise itself is made of a carbo-silicate material and contains a number of incredibly sophisticated quantum circuits inside of it. 

The Eschaton Treatise contains the schematics and plans for building a psychic beacon, along with the functional schematics and plans for all of the supporting technology required to produce such a device. 

The Eschaton treatise taught the Glassenheim Foundation how to build the first signal towers for the nascent 3rdNet system. These towers were bleeding edge at the time of their creation, but compared to an actual Imbrian psychic beacon, they are tin cans connected by a string. After the creation of the 3rdNet, and the birth of the SimSense industry, the Foundation broke the data apart into two sections, data manipulation and mind manipulation. The first is the science of psychotronics, the second is anthropotronics. These technologies are everywhere in the Cosmic Era, and indispensable to it. 

Mind Control Devices: the Imbrians placated entire worlds with their psi-generators. These machines ensured the tranquility and docility of the populations of their colonies and satraps, at least until those who opposed the near immortal dynasts found ways around them, such as their own defenses, counter psi-generators, and attacks that destroyed the generators, allowing populations to awaken from the emotional stupor they had been put under. This technology lies at the end of the study of anthropotronics, and whatever nation completes this tech first will have an incredibly dangerous and game changing weapon in their hands.

The Psi-Amplifier: The Psi-amplifier is a miniature psychic beacon that allows a parapsychic to manifest their powers much more strongly, using the beacon as a conduit, and an amplifier. The Imbrians used this technology for near instant communication via telepathy, creating psi-shields to stop attacks and monsters, and for controlling creatures, like the teratomorphs, who should have been beyond the control of mere mortals. 

The Youmanomican: the weapon force of the Imbrians, the Youmanomican is a large and powerful psychic beacon that is able to generate focused dimensional fatigue events to 'summon' or 'gate' in things like outsider spirits, teratomorphs, magnaspawn, and so forth. The outsider spirits were utilized to create demihuman monsters, and Wombs of desecration. The final application of this device would be to use it to contact and outer god, an event that if had been carried out, would have meant the end of life in the Solar system. 

Don't bother going out of your way to kill Django Williams, the corp will just fett him up again. I've personally seen him killed twice and done him in once myself.

In the Cosmic Era there is a certain demi-immortality that exists. By copying a person's mind and creating a Persona Engram and using force grown cloned bodies, it is possible to produce an endless series of copies of the same person. In the shadows of the Megacorps and New Earth Governments this is more common than might be expected. A small number of well trained men can be sent on missions, even suicide missions and three months later a new batch is ready to roll.

Unconditioned Fetting
In Unconditioned Fetting, the clone is not aware that they are a clone. They do not have memories of the cloning center, or the time spent growing in a tube. Unconditioned clones tend to be more capable and competent, but run the risk of becoming loose cannons if they discover their artificial nature. A good example of an unconditioned fetting would be James Bond. He keeps coming back again and again, and how does he survive some of those situations he ends up in? The answer is he doesn't. 

Conditioned Fetting
Conditioned Fetting is the cloning process where the clone knows they are a clone, they know they are expendable, a sort of middle point in a production run and their value is not based on their human rights or individuality but on their ability to perform. The conditioning is based around keeping the 'unit' loyal and functional. Examples of Conditioned Fetting would be the clones from The Sixth Day, or Rei from Neon Genesis Evangelion

The origin of the term Fetting goes back to Boba Fett, a minor background character in the original Star Wars trilogy who had a few scenes and a few lines and was later 'killed' after being devoured by a giant desert vagina dentata. The popularity of the character ensured that no matter what happened, Fett would just keep coming back again and again. Originally this was attested to his badass armor and Mandalorian iron will. In the Prequel Trilogy we find the armor isn't all that awesome, and that Fett is an unconditioned clone of his father. So, it's actually a series of Jango Fett clones rather than just one supremely badass individual. 

Normal: (NORMAL)
The Normal type represents the typical untrained combatant, with interest in fighting and most of the basic knowledge, but no specific training, discipline or philosophy. This is the most common type of combatant.
Strong vs: None
Weak vs: Primitive, Armor
Vulnerable to: Military
Immune to: Astral

Military: (FIGHTING)
The Military type represents the soldier specially trained for hand to hand combat and martial arts. In contrast, the average soldier, be he army, marine or otherwise is typically a Normal type. These fighters know strong, brutal, effective techniques for taking out their foes, with a minimal amount of philosophy, and maximum amount of execution.
Strong vs: Normal, Control, Rogue, Armor, and Primitive
Weak vs: Tech, Kawaii, Aerial, Assassin, Psi
Vulnerable to: Aerial, Psi

Aerial: (FLYING)
The Aerial type is fast moving, acrobatic, and able to make good use of space, be it through telekinesis, high physical ability, or even actual abilit to fly. Aerial types are fast, but typically lack a heavy punch, or long endurance in a fight.
Strong vs: Tech, Military, Mystic
Weak vs: Energy, Armor, Primitive
Vulnerable to: Energy, Control, Primitive
Immune to: Heavy

Assassin: (POISON)
The Assassin is a deceptive fighter, using poison, sapping abilities, and deploying parapsychic tricks that 'bleed' opponents and otherwise weaken, confuse, and ultimately defeat them.
Strong vs: Kawaii, Mystic
Weak vs: Astral, Heavy, Assassin, Primitive
Vulnerable to: Tech, Heavy, Psi

Heavy: (Ground)
The Heavy is a large powerful fighter, deliberate, straight forward, and powerful. Heavies tend to be larger combatants, and have qualms about getting up close and personal as they tend to be both strong and durable.
Strong vs: Energy, Pyro, Assassin, Primitive, Armor
Weak vs: Tech, Mystic
Vulnerable to: Control, Mystic, Marine
Immune to: Energy

Primitive: (ROCK)
Superficially similar to Heavies, Primitives are large and brutal fighters, but they match this with a savage and sadistic streak. Where the heavy defeats, the Primitive butchers. They are savage and sadistic fighters. (Brian Fury much?)
Strong vs: Tech, Pyro, Aerial, Control
Weak vs: Military, Heavy, Armor
Vulnerable to: Military, Mystic, Heavy, Marine

Tech: (BUG)
The Tech Fighter relies on gadgets, tricks, gimmicks and other outside accessories to keep them in the fight. While these tools can make them effective and specialized, they are also a terrible weakness.
Strong vs: Rogue, Mystic, Psi
Weak vs: Kawaii, Military, Pyro, Aerial, Astral, Assassin, Armor
Vulnerable to: Pyro, Aerial, Primitive

Astral: (GHOST)
The Astral Type fighter is able to phase shift, alter their dimension, teleport and otherwise move in a non-conventional manner. Highly evasive, these uncommon fighters are almost impossible to hit.
Strong vs: Astral, Psi
Weak vs: Rogue, Armor
Vulnerable to: Rogue, Astral
Immune to: Normal, Military

Armor: (STEEL)
The Armor type is large, powerful, and highly resistant to damage, much like the Heavy. This is in part due to augmented protection, such as actual armor, telekinetic armor, or some other outside protection. They are specialized in the use of this armor.
Strong vs: Kawaii, Control, Primitive
Weak vs: Energy, Pyro, Armor, Marine
Vulnerable to: Military, Pyro, Heavy
Immune to: Assassin

Pyro: (FIRE)
The Pyro type is a flashy parapsychic warrior who uses strong elemental energy based attacks. Pyros tend to be strong, and highly aggressive.
Strong vs: Tech, Mystic, Control, Armor
Weak vs: Power, Pyro, Primitive, Marine
Vulnerable to: Heavy, Primitive, Marine

Marine: (WATER)
The Marine is at home in the water, either on top of it, or under it. Their moves are specialized for their aquatic environments. While this might seem a weakness, there is a lot more water than land on the planet.
Strong vs: Pyro, Heavy, Primitive
Weak vs: Power, Mystic, Marine
Vulnerable to: Energy, Mystic

Mystic (GRASS)
The Mystic fighter is one that is one with the cosmos, possessing a strong philosophical ethos, innate connection to internal energy, chi, and the ebb and flow of the body. Most classical martial artists, kung fu masters, mystics on the mountain and such fall into this category.
Strong vs: Heavy, Primitive, Marine
Weak vs: Tech, Power, Pyro, Aerial, Mystic, Assassin, Armor
Vulnerable to: Tech, Pyro, Aerial, Control, Poison

The Energy Type is the electric version of the Pyro, and while very similar, Energy types tend to be either completely focused or on the verge of losing control. (Blanka)
Strong vs: Aerial, Marine
Weak vs: Power, Energy, Mystic
Vulnerable to: Heavy

Psi (Psychic)
The Mind controllers, parapsychics able to enter thoughts, manipulate the mind, create confusion, and otherwise make everyone have a bad day. Most Psi types are assholes. Yuri is mastah
Strong vs: Military, Assassin
Weak vs: Psi, Armor
Vulnerable to: Tech, Rogue, Astral

Control (ICE)
Control type fighters are calculating, calm, collected, and very often cyrokinetic parapsychics. This being said, Controllers are powerful offensive fighters.
Strong vs: Power, Aerial, Mystic, Heavy
Weak vs: Pyro, Control, Armor, Marine
Vulnerable to: Military, Pyro, Primitive, Armor

Power (DRAGON)
Power type fighters are typically bosses, and are accordingly strong attackers, with high defenses, with attacks that are devastating and a variety of techniques ranging across the spectrum from gadgets to parapsychic powers to just being insane or even partly divine.
Strong vs: Power
Weak vs: Armor
Vulnerable to: Power, Kawaii, Control

Rogue (DARK)
The Rogue is a stealthy fighter, like the assassin, but are specialized in creating ambushes, high evasion, and ruses to keep their foes from actually finding them to fight them. They are very good at going unnoticed.
Strong vs: Astral, Psi
Weak vs: Rogue, Kawaii, Military
Vulnerable to: Tech, Kawaii, Military
Immune to: Psi

Kawaii (FAIRY)
The Kawaii type fighter is disarmingly cute, innocent or otherwise seemingly non-threatening. This often conceals a powerful fighter able to protect themselves, and use parapsi and innate abilities to weaken, disarm, or disable their foes.
Strong vs: Rogue, Power, Military
Weak vs: Pyro, Assassin, Armor
Vulnerable to: Assassin, Armor
Immune to: Power

Artificial Intelligence Super Computer, a computer mainframe that is registered as being self aware and sentient. AISCs are classified legally the same as human beings with the same rights and privileges. AISCs tend to take names from human history and mythology that are associated with their raison d'etre. Thus there are AISCs self named after gods, mythical and historical people, and monsters.

A parapsychic martial art based around dealing lethal blows, loosely based around karate, it is a violent and restricted martial art practiced by a small number of practitioners. It is most common in Nippon and formerly in Korea.

A collection of arcologies or demi-arcologies that are connected via a mass transit system (typically magnetic rail) or a shared geofront foundation. Arcoplexes are rare, and only found in megacities like New Nuyork or Tokyo.

A European based terrorist organization with the goal of recreating a unified Europe. Armas favors heavy handed tactics and has declared war on the Atlantic Federation, Eurasian Alliance, and the megacorps. They have had little success as they have made far too many enemies.

A networked collection of space stations, habitats, and colonies. There are few astroplexes, but those that exist grew over time and are situated in gravitationally stable locations known as LaGrange points. Most astroplexes exist in high Earth or Lunar synchronous orbits. The Kashmir Orbital Annex is an example of a astroplex.

Available on Earth, the space stations, and colonies. Astropolitan typically is associated with a handful of megacorps, celebrities, super datafeeds, and the Atlantic Federation. Astropolitan > Cosmopolitan > Metropolitan.

Black Dragon Society
A major criminal syndicate in the Republic of California, the Black Dragon Society is grounded in Nipponism and a culture of crude and low violence and intimidation. The organization has large membership and is involved in human trafficking, narcotics, and other major criminal enterprises.

A parapsychic is a conduit to cosmic energies and a parapsychic who uses their powers to excess or in a flagrant manner can 'open the flood gate' and functionally lose control of their power. Burning refers to the condition, while to burn, or in burn refers to the active process. Over time, a burning will subside so long as the parapsychic limits their use of their power. Excessive burning can lead to a permanent burn (unable to turn off the power) or burn out, (complete loss of ability)

Double Maximum
Double Max is a term applied to prisons that have as part of their structure a natural barrier to prevent prisoner escape. The first 'double max' prisons were typically located on islands. In the Cosmic Era, a double max prison has tightly controlled means of entry and typically is associated with a maximum security prison located in a geofront (underground) seacology (underwater) or in an otherwise extremely hostile environment.

Technically only applies to prisons that keep inmates under cryogenic hibernation, but colloquially applied to any prison in space, or has very high security.

A normal arcology is a megastructure at least 1 km tall, a demi-arco is a stop gap arcology that is smaller than the 1km minimum, but larger than a traditional skyscraper. Demi-arcos tend to be much more focused on a single task or purpose and many are used as headquarters for megacorporations, research and development exclusive facilities, or are used to keep their tasks isolated from other arcologies. True arcologies are relatively uncommon. Most cities do not have one. Most cities with populations in excess of 100,000 will have a demi-arco. Demi-Arcos can be built into arcoplexes and will be connected by mass transit systems and often sit on a collective geofront foundation.

Dimensional Physics
The arcanotech study of alternate dimensions, a fundamental underpinning of dimensional science, and the mathematical groundwork for things like dimensional engines, plasma cannons, and other high energy weapons.

Dimensional Science
The study and application of arcanotech.

Shen Kuei
The Shen Kuei are an ancient warrior society that are involved in the arts of shadow war, fighting and assassination. They are ninjas who have long been versed in paranormal and parapsychic abilities and have adopted technology into their modern mode of dealing out death and carnage. They are mercenaries.

Single Maximum
Single Maximum is the term given to a prison that has state of the art security countermeasures, but is an easily accessed freestanding building, or located within a building.

Triple Maximum
Triple Maximum is a standard applied to a double max related facility (high security plus physical isolation) that maintains prisoner control through sedation, electronic submission or some other form of passive control. Triple max prisons are very rare as the amount of security involved and cost associated with such facilities are deemed excessive.

White Phoenix Society'
A network of parapsychic martial arts masters, occult sorcerers and arcanotechnologists who work inside of China and the ACPS to contain the horrors unleashed by the storm rifts and dimensional breaches. The society is a grassroots organization and has access to information relevant to parapsychics and arcanotech fundamentals that they unexplainably shouldn't have.

The Yinggui are a splinter sect of former Yakuza. The organization is heavily involved in fixing sports events and CogNet black data feeds.
Last edited by Skaldia on Sat Apr 17, 2021 12:12 am, edited 30 times in total.
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Founded: Jun 30, 2013

Postby Skaldia » Thu Sep 18, 2014 1:09 pm

Articles Cont. VI

Freemium to Premium
Most base level entertainment is free, it is also so dripping with sponsorship, adverts, and commercial cutaways that it is almost unwatchable. But it is free. 

Customization Entertainment
In many ways, CE looks largely like the typical lay out of television offered today. There is always going to be a general interest in Medical Drama, Legal Procedural, SitCom, Period Drama, Reality Drama, and the rest. The area where this changes in the Cosmic Era is that these shows become customizeable for the viewers. 

Set Dressing - the viewer can influence the set dressing of the show, to make it more interesting for them. The most common form of set dressing change is localization, moving said program to their general vicinity. Thus, there is a Law and Order for literally every arcology, geofront, and other location in it's viewing zone. There are variations that include sponsored upgrades, with branding and embedded adverts and product placements. 

Acting Talent - Since so much of the industry is computer rendered and generated it is easy to plug and play with different actors and actresses. This is a licensing option, and while there are stock and sponsored characters on the programs that are fixed, much of the supporting cast is variable. Watching the snarky comedy about the alcoholic media personality with anger issues and the hot secretary, but you would prefer to replace the vacuous blonde with a stabby little redhead, or a Freddie Jones jock look alike, you can, but it will cost you.

Rating Adjustment - G rating and PG rating are stock, but with a swipe of a multikard, the content can jump to R or X. Violence becomes more realistic, sexual themes can go from implied to explicit, and so forth. The reverse of this is that content can be downgraded for more general consumption, or to watch more expensive programming at a cheaper setting. Watching the full season of the Tittyville Murders at it's standard R-X (hard R, soft X) is pricey, but bumping it down to a family friendly G rating cuts the cost by 95%. There is no nudity, and the murder is all implied, but the story is still conveyed enough for the cheap viewer to still have experienced it.

Sponsored Content - SC is a term given to programming that is basically advertising with a minimal plot and story attached to it. This content is fairly popular as it allows viewers to build up entertainment credits to spend on upgrading their other programs. Why pay to bump Law and Order: Cyber Crimes from PG to R when watching an episode of Everyone Loves Chrome will net you enough freebie points to do it, nothing out of your pocket.

Plot Devices and Choose Your Own Sitcom - a fairly common trope, this aspect of entertainment media basically allows for the viewers to swipe their cards to vote for what they want to see, which buxom resident doctor will the smoldering doctor hunk hook up with? Who gets voted out of the skyship? Should the teens make out, or should they pick up their guns and shoot at the slasher? You get to choose, votes are aggregated 24 hours after the release of the FITR (fork in the road) episode.

Expy Episodes
A popular genre in media programming is Expy Entertainment, where the protagonist of the story is an expy of the viewer, and utilizes their MUSE avatar and self image. Thus, many people watch entertainment that features themselves going and doing things. This in and of itself is fine, but it is typically presented as a buy/build your own adventure. The more vanilla and sponsored content you use, the cheaper it is. The more top shelf and focused stuff you use, the more expensive it is. The variable in the equation is that the typically story tropes are not set in stone. The boy very well might not get the girl, at least not the first time. After a few kard swipes, with an avatar wardrobe upgrade, and some stat boosting items (blending RPG elements with typical media programming) and some banging accessories, then the boy gets the girl, or the girls, or whoever they wanted to get.

User Gerrald Overcourt of New Nuyork is a power programmer, with a level 27 Expy. It wasn't easy getting his expy up that high, but there was some backlog grinding. To get his expy wit up, he powered through all 17 seasons of That Show About Nothing, getting a top 100 high score by the end. To power level his expy physical stats he ran through COPS: New Nuyork three times. The raise his Persuasion, charm, and seduction, he spent almost a week's stipend to get through The Sexy City, and succeeded in hooking up with all four of the protagonists. The Expy Overcourt is handsome, with a razor sharp wit and the skills of an action movie hero and the stamina of a professional pornstar. The real Overcourt is a pale complected bachelor living in the lower levers of New Nuyurk Arco 6, who struggles with anxiety and Intense Introversion Disorder.

Random Boxes
Random Boxes contain things that are of interest to program viewers, usually a mix of wardrobe items, set decoration, usable items, and items relevant to the plot of the program they are enjoying. These are a cheat or a pay to play intrusion into the program. 

Character Icons - Most programs start with a relatively small cast, but new cast members are released either through promotional offers, or through accumulating character points. Medical Drama was okay, with just Hunky Resident, Grumpy President, and the two supporting doctors, but it really got interesting after the first character packs were released, there were seven new supporting doctors, including two specialists, and the epic drop had a cross over character from the supernatural medical drama. 

Plot Devices - The story hinges on the completion of a task or finding a certain item, the item is very difficult to find through the story, and only the most diligent viewers, with high level Expies can find it. The easier method is to start dinging Random Boxes until one of them drops the plot item, or enough points of the plot item to advance. In Police Procedural, the detectives are looking for a missing person, but that person can't be found until they find the person's broken MUSE. Finding it required a level 25 or better Procedural or Investigation score from an expy. It is a rare item in a random box, appearing once in every 100 basic boxes, and guaranteed to be in the gold box.

Survival and Horror programs depend on this, with the boxes turning into supplies and items for the cast of the program. Basic users will watch the aliens kill the space marines, the slasher kill all the hot nubile girls, and the terrorists win by blowing up the arcoplex. A bit of random boxing can see these losses turned around into draws, near escapes, and such. Gold and power programmers can turn the tables, hunt down the alien queen, demask the slasher, and kill the terrorist leader themselves.

Rare, Elite, and Epic Items - These items are the hotly desired mods, upgrades, and unlockable characters and expanded content that viewer clamor over. Cross over characters from another program, putting characters in permanent lingerie, replacing the coffee haus with a strip club, upgrading the hero's pistol with a plasma rifle. COPS: Atlantic City was good, but getting Cybernetic Cop as a main cast member completely changed the tone of the program. Five stars.

Kickstart Programming
Literally putting your money where your mouth is, programs can be crowdfunded. Through the course of the season there are going to be 'fundraiser' type events, where in exchange for sending the program money, the viewers get special items, and contribute towards the next season. Thus, popular programs continue on and on, entering a sort of exploitative zombie mode. This is in contrast to the previous model where only studio execs and sponsors had a hand in picking what was picked up for further production.

I consider this one of the upsides of the Cosmic Era. One of the biggest changes is that there is no longer scheduled media. Shows don't come on at a certain time, and there isn't valuable prime time, and so forth. Everything has since moved to the mobile on demand model and aside from fixed time events, like races and sports events, everything runs streaming. People can watch whatever they want, when they want, and that means they don't miss programming because of commitments, work schedules, and so forth. The industry can't put a show they dont like in a dead spot or a slow night, because all time slots are obsolete. Shows with strong following can pick up new seasons via fan spending, ensuring niche things remain popular. 

Subscription Service
Streaming programs aren't completely crowd funded, the largest source of revenue remains advertising and sponsorship. This appears through programs in the form of commercials and sponsored content. This can be as unintrusive as the doctors in Medical Drama having Chrome drinks in the break room, to as obtrusive as the McGuffin in Police Procedural being the new MUSE 99, with hands free operation and increased synapse response quality. One way to get around some of this pop up advertising is to purchase a subscription to the program in question. This would be tiered, with gold level members opting out of 90% of adverts, all the way down to the regular schlubs who have to sit through the commercialized dialog with the cast members discussing the importance of Euphonia, the happy pill, before going back to deal with the critical trauma in ER 1.

Character Collections
Many programs, especially those aimed at children and young adults involve 'character collection'. This involves regular viewing, show interaction, and commercial indoctrination, in exchange for said new character of the week. With the move away from material consumerism and commercialism, the lure isn't selling toys and copycat clothing, it's selling virtual characters and skins for avatars. 

After watching the first season of Ninja Action Masters, the viewer has enough points accumulated to 'purchase' all four of the Ninja Action Masters, as well as either both token side kicks, or the Action Master Sensei. Unfortunately, there were 13 enemies of the week, 7 allies of the week, as well as the Big Bad, and his two elite henchmen. The only way to get them was to purchase random boxes, outright purchase the individual characters, and some were only available for a limited time, and could only be gotten during that time. 

Dating Sim programs are functionally similar, with the goal being to seduce/become romantically involved with as many characters as possible, with the common setting being new characters are only unlocked after conditions are met. The next girl in Babewatch doesn't unlock until the viewer reaches Friend level with the previous girl, and there are Epic and Celebrity level girls who aren't unlocked until very specific criteria are met, such as having a dozen babes at Completion level.

War and military dramas work the same way, but the viewer collects mecha, tanks, femme fatale cyborg assassins, and so forth.

The Yautja Helmet is relatively simple to break down into CE tech. It offers good armor protection against head shots, has multiple vision modes (thermal, low-light, UV, EM), the targeting component of a SmartGun system tethered to whatever weapon is being carried, or is mounted to the armor, and a vocal modification and playback system. Stylistic elements aside, most of these features are common to upper range armor suit helmets, plus an integral communication system. The helmet does have a respirator/rebreather system, that can allow the wearer to operate in toxic or contaminated conditions, or in less than optimal atmospheric conditions. Most basic armor systems can have this feature added as an external fixture.

Cloaking Device:
The Cloaking Device is mimicked by a personal sized Mirage system. This allows the user to bend light around them and go unnoticed. The effectiveness of the system is undermined by close observation, as the optical deflection itself can be seen as a distortion. The system can be shorted out by excess moisture, electric based damage, or being hit with an energy weapon can disable it.

Arcanotech errata: The Personal Mirage Field Generator has a secondary limitation, prolonged use of the system can cause mental and physiological issues, the former tied to being overlooked or the fear of fading from existence, the latter from the equivalent of radiation exposure.

Wrist Gauntlet:
The Wrist Gauntlet is an unusual device, composed of a Wrist-Comp or Pip-Boy style computer, a high power microexplosive, and typically an integrated weapon, such as extendable claws or a short range energy weapon. The Wrist-Comp system is simple enough, as is the integrated weapon, both are just tied into the same forearm bracer. The microexplosive has to have a very high energy density as the explosive itself is going to be about the size of a normal accessory battery, but generate an explosion on par with a sub-kiloton atomic, or thermobaric fuel-air explosive.

The Wrist-Comp is a common accessory to almost all basic power armor, and combat gear suits, simply from it's multitude of uses. Likewise, it is common for hold out weapons and melee weapons such as hyperedge or lightning claws and point blank ranged weapons to mounted in wrist mounts. The self destruct system is typically left out, because the Yuatja use it to clean up their failures, and to commit honorable suicide if a hunt fails.

The Med-Kit contains a number of pre-measured doses of chemicals useful to a hunter, including medical implements for treating major cuts, puncture wounds, and other forms of physical trauma. The kit also includes physicals stimulants, antiseptics, and one would assume a sundry compliment of anti-toxins and such. The Yuatja, being somewhat masochistic in their demeanor, do not seem to include any sort of painkillers in their medkits.

The CE equivalent is a basic medical field kit, plus a non-computer controlled manually administeredChemAug System. The soldier in the field could use information from the Wrist-Comp to guide him, along with basic training to treat either his own wounds, or those of an injured comrade.

Armor Suit:
The Yuatja Hunter's Armor is somewhat laughable from a pragmatic perspective. While it does have a breastplate, pauldrons, greaves, bracers, and so forth, a large section of the body, including the abdomen, thighs, and elbows exposed save for basically alien fishnet material. The armor also proves vulnerable to the claws and tail stabs from xenomorphs presenting a somewhat dubious quality of materials.

The CE equivalent would be a stripper-ific suit of Wastelander Armor, or similarly cosmetically compromised Standard Light Armor sans any power assist for movement or strength. This would be a really bad idea to actually wear as it provides no protection from biological or chemical contaminants, plus functionally no protection from shrapnel, area effect and other heavy weapons.

The Yautja are distinguished by their weaponry, which is based around highly lethal melee weapons and plasma technology.

Plasma Caster
The signature weapon of the Yuatja is the shoulder mounted Plasma Caster. It is a short range, high power weapon capable of doing large amounts of damage. There is a variant of the weapon that is hand-held. Either version can be slaved to the helmet targeting system.
The CE equivalent is the Plasma Pistol and Plasma carbine. Both are high energy weapons, capable of slagging through most infantry armors, and are capable of dealing damage to larger armored vehicles. These weapons are arcanotech in nature, and as such are temperamental, and generate blow back heat, radiation, and can cause sunburns on those too close the the weapons when they are used. Prolonged use of plasma weapons typically results in skin cancer.

Melee Weapons
The Yautja frequently used spears, whips, claws and a variety of other edged and piercing weapons in their eternal hunts. The weapons were all designed to cut and slash through the toughest and densest hides, carapaces and other biological armors. Rather than demonstrating any technological advantage, these weapons were only powered the Yautja's size and strength.

The CE equivalent is hyperedge technology. This technology allows swords, axes, and other edged weapons to cut through things that should shatter or otherwise destroy them, such as using a sword to cut the limbs off of a power armor trooper, bisect a combat droid, or slice through a concrete door to a bunker. As a function of arcanotech, the blade is not quite a vibro-weapon, and not quite an energy reinforced weapon, but some of both and a few others as well.

Arcanotech Errata: hyperedge weapons are both popular and common among mercenaries, bounty hunters, anti-insurgency forces, and other highly aggressive groups. The possession of a hyperedge weapon also typically comes with a major attitude and anger issues. This isn't a function of the technology corrupting the user.

Disc Drones
The Yuatja will make use of chakram, shuriken, and other throwing weapons in their pursuit of prey. These weapons can change course, and be operated remotely by the yautja who threw them, and some will return to the thrower, while others with chase down prey until they hit something. Others will detonate with force exceeding a typical hand grenade.

Rather than the typical aerial drone, the CE equivalent is a throwing weapon with a micro A-pod inside of it, allowing for a short amount of in flight manipulation, or a return to sender function. The internal power source has to provide energy to the A-pod, the guidance and control system, and either a hyperedge perimeter, or a proximity system tied to an explosive charge. Such things are possible, but an expensive use of a lot of miniaturized technology.

Exotic Weaponry
Being hunters involved in a cultural sport, exotic weapons are a big deal among the Yautja. This includes net launchers, whips, pole arms, and anything else that they can think of to use in their cultural pursuit of recreational hunting. They mix the showmanship of gladiatorial combat with the usual most dangerous prey trope, giving them a good deal of equipment to draw from.

With arcanotech and a little imagination, there is no limit other than imagination as to the weapons that can be created, especially in the context of limited production, or one off pieces made on commission.

Vehicles and Other Items
The Yuatja mother ship is a FTL capable vessel with plasma based weaponry capable of engaging and destroying human spacecraft the size of modern cruisers and battleships. (The veracity of this cannot be cited, as it is possible that the one incident of Yuatja vs Terran space combat was a fluke, lucky shot, or surprise attack, plus the ship attacked was technically a troop transport, and not an actual capital warship). The ships retain the optical cloak, and have facilities to launch, service, and collect Yautja scout craft.

In the CE, FTL travel hasn't been figured out yet, so this ability will remain unavailable. The Mirage system was originally intended for spaceships, and as mentioned before, high energy weapons are available in the setting, but are not the preferred weapons for space combat. Instead, most Terran warships favor lasers, guided missiles, and rail guns.

The Yuatja built pyramids to house xenomorph queens, and then used the structures as customizable hunting facilities after stocking them with sacrificial victims for the facehuggers to impregnate.

A CE research arcology could serve the same function, housing something really nasty as well as a training facility not unlike the Danger Room of X-men fame, a contained version of Ninja Warrior's Mount Midoriyama, or a more dangerous incarnation of the stages of American Gladiator.

1. Saturation Attack
Orbs can have a very large number of secondary weapons, dozens, even up into the hundreds. These are vehicle scale weapons, typically lasers, particle cannons, autocannons, gauss and coil guns, and missile batteries. The Saturation Attack doesn't target a foe, it targets a space, and everything and anything caught in that space is subjected to an absolute hellstorm of firepower.

Rules - An orb targets a specific 'hex' within it's medium or short range, and all non-capital weapons facing that hex are discharged. This massive attack cannot be dodged or evaded, only sheltered or endured. All units caught in the area designated for saturation attack are subjected to a random number of strikes from the secondary weaponry used. (I would use 1D6 or 1D6+1 hits as a general guideline). Larger objects are much more likely to be hit in this sort of attack. Infantry and power armor troopers might be able to luck their way out of it, but tanks, mecha, and anything else large is not going to get out without being hit at least once. Saturation attacks are typically used to flush out ambushes, attack dug in foes, attack large numbers of smaller foes and force them into defensive positions, and otherwise ruin a perfectly nice day.

2. Suppressing Fire
Similar to saturation attack, suppressing fire uses the secondary weapons to fire in a horizontal band across the area of attack. Anything that doesn't take cover or fall prone is going to be hit, a lot. The Orb craft can use it's capital weaponry in a suppressing fire attack for intimidation purposes, but anything smaller than a large mech is going to be under it's targeting threshold and is likely only going to be hit if they roll a critical failure on evasion or taking cover checks.

Like the saturation attack, the orb designates a firing arc and discharges any and all weapons it wants in that arc. Anything over 2-3 meters tall in the area is going to be hit by 2D6 random shots. For an orb packing lasers, few mechs are tough enough to laugh off being hit with 2-12 large laser strikes. The use of suppressing fire is best for facing mecha and other large vehicles.

3. Concentrated Fire
Should something pop up that is able to get through suppression fire and saturation fire, the Orb craft combat computer has the ability to focus all of the weapons on a single target, creating a virtual torrent of vehicle grade weapon's fire on a single point. 

Also known as barrage fire, concentrated fire is intended to chew through cover, destroy fortifications, reduce even assault mecha to glowing slag, and wreck the ever-loving hell out of any small and medium aerial ships that approach the orb. The river of fire generated by the attack allows for the system to rapidly adjust and track it's targeting solutions. A foe can only evade concentrated fire so long before being caught by dozens of hits per round. 

4. Indirect Fire
Owing to the fact that Orbs are equipped with capital grade weaponry, they are able to engage in artillery action, hitting targets behind cover by firing ballistic weapons in high arcs. They can use this to snipe enemy ships and heavy craft, provide support for other ground forces, and function as an artillery fire base that can fly.

Orb craft that use indirect fire have heavy autocannons or guided missiles and rockets, allowing them to make it rain in tremendous fashion. Beam weapons cannot fire in arcs, and most naval rail and coil guns have too much power to be used effectively as siege weaponry (being prone to lobbing their projectiles into low orbit). An orb can choose to rise to a higher altitude and use it's direct fire weapons as artillery, but this still requires a line of sight as their weaponry remains direct fire and not ballistic. Warships are capable of this as well, but orb craft are smaller and cheaper, and as such can cover more space than an equivalent warship.

5. Alpha Strike
Most Orbs (an mecha, and warships, etc) fire their weapons in volleys and sequences, to regulate the use of ammo, energy expenditure, and heat generation. The Alpha strike option involves picking a single target and discharging all weapons at that target at the same time. Mecha will do this, and deal with overheating and being short on ammo after the fact, assuming that the alpha strike will defeat the target, or it is the only way the attacker can hope to damage said target. 

After an alpha strike, an orb cannot move at above cruising speed, cannot rise in altitude, and cannot fire any of it's capital weaponry, and can only fire ballistic and missile secondary weapons in the next combat round. Warships generally cannot alpha strike as it is almost impossible for them to bring ALL of their weaponry to bear on a single target. Mecha can alpha strike, but dont have near the potential firepower. An alpha striking orb, that connects, can blow the guts out of a warship much larger than itself, and when an orb goes toe to toe with a warship, alpha striking will typically inflict enough damage for the orb to escape, or wound the ship enough that the orb and it's allies can move in for the kill.

6. Scoot
Orb craft have the same general speed and mobility as a modern helicopter, and this is quite a lot faster than than almost all mecha and ground vehicles, and only the fastest warships can keep up with it in an atmosphere. If combat turns against an orb craft, most of the time it has the option to quickly and efficiently remove itself from the battlefield, especially against ground combatants. Aerospace fighters, and faster flight capable mecha can keep up with it or outpace it, but on a one on one fight, these vehicles require tricks, aces up the sleeve, or other gambits to one up a vehicle much larger than they are, and largely invulnerable to their weapons.
Outrun what you can't outgun. 

7. Pandora's Box
The typical orb craft has several hundred tons of internal space/weight it can use on *whatever* and most of the time this is big gats, scads of ammo, and probably some more gats just for good measure. This space, however, can be repurposed for anything the orb craft designers want. While there is no shortage of arcanotech uber-weapons, and ridiculous gats, that isn't really worth noting. What is worth noting is that the typical orb has enough internal space to mount the same equipment as a spy/surveillance vehicle, or pods to drop special forces, or to carry a large amount of external cargo. Even with it's arms and ammo, an orb can be used as a heavy hauler to move pre-con tactical bases, STC facilities, or even any of the sundry list of superheavy vehicles like the Cataphract or TOG. 

Most warships are not good for cargo moving, and there aren't land vehicles that can match the versatility of the orb craft. An orb craft can typically give up 10% of it's secondary armament and gain special equipment space for recon, electronic warfare, stealth capability, drone launchers, and so forth. An orb that drops one of it's capital weapons can pick up the hardware to be a mobile CogNet node, or be able to air drop battlemechs. One that removes its capital weaponry can become a mobile command center, a flying hospital, or even more terrifying for an enemy, a flying polyforge facility.

1. Mass Production
Mass produced armor is relatively uncommon. While it is certainly within the realm of the Cosmic Era's ability to mass produce power armor, to equip legions of power armor troopers. There are several limitations against this. Most of the CE powers are decentralized and the tempo of was is geared towards small skirmishes, and no all out wars. Within the various member states there are regular production runs, but these are not for stocking regiments and battalions. These production runs are for specific megacorps, nations, and so forth. The suits are custom kitted and made for each customer.

These are readily available, either through salvage, the black market, international weapons markets, and through security contractors provided they have the right licenses to own and operate them. These are 'generic suits' of armor.

2. Custom Made
The polyforge and pocket factories allow for small groups with sufficient funding to secure special and custom made power armor relatively easily. While this does require money and suitable legal permissions (licensed security contractor for example). These custom made units allow for private organizations to stock their own security forces, and for special environment locations to have their own armors custom made for their specific needs. A large manufacturer isn't going to spare production time for a seacology that needs just a dozen or two light 'squidsuit' power armors, where a smaller pocket factory would be happy to fill their order, and to add the resulting suit to their catalog of offered goods.

3. Standard Template Construction
The majority of suit customization is cosmetic. There are only a handful of chassis designs, and most of designing a suit is based around picking a chassis, adding whatever equipment is needed for the task (aquatic,radiation filters, etc) wrapping it in a carapace, and then adding accessories. Computers handle most of the work, and the polyforges and assemblers do the rest. The vast majority of suits share a large number of parts making them easy to repair, and many are interchangeable with a modest amount of effort. Designing a new suit can be done in a hours to days, and not years, or even decades. On the other hand, core components like basic chasses and such can take years to design, and these are generally the products of larger corps, and they get a licensing fee for suits build with their IP.

4. One of a Kind
One of a Kind suits are uncommon, not not rare. Any polyforge that can handle metal can make power armor components. That means that the largest impediment to making a one of a kind suit is jailbreaking the forge so that it can be used to make the pieces of weapons and armor to make the chassis and other components. Blueprints and patterns can be found easily on CogNet black feeds, and through the Silk Road. This allows for a dedicated cell or individual to make one of kind suits of armor. Unlike pocket factories, this process can takes weeks or even months, depending on the size of the forges being used. This is how terrorists, villains, and such can equip themselves with a wide variety of armor suits without having a large infrastructure to draw on. 

5. Hardsuits
While occasionally mentioned, hardsuits haven't really been addressed. A hardsuit is a civilian power chassis, frequently unarmored, or minimally protected. These suits are not used for combat purposes, but it isn't hard to convert a construction hardsuit into a makeshift power armor suit, much like turning a bulldozer into an armored vehicle only takes a welding rig and determination. Civilian hardsuits overlap with industrial mecha. These suits follow most of the same rules as power armor, but someone willing to hack a polyforge is more likely to make a Westek T-51b power armor suit than a Caterpillar P5000 power loader.

6. Psychoframes
The use of arcanotech and power armor is fairly common, but the prevalence of parapsychics willing to button up into a suit of armor is far shorter than the supply of suits. The remedy to this is elixer and synthetic parapsychics, aka parasites. These bottle born troopers can use and control psychoframe armors, and not so unique and powerful to reject being controlled by the people who made the armor and employ them. This allows for power armors to be made that are otherwise in defiance of the laws of physics. The ubiquitous lightning armor (Shocker, Electro, Static Shock) can be aimed and controlled by someone who has electrokinesis, while a normal person trying to use it is going to be a walking Vandergraff generator with no ability to direct or control their discharge potential.

7. Size
Power Armor can be broken down into five size categories.

1. Exoframe - an open architecture frame that adds strength, potential hardpoints, special equipment, but no armor. 
The APU suits from The Matrix trilogy are large exoframes, heavily armed, but leaving the pilot 50% exposed to literally anything. The combat suits from Edge of Tomorrow also fit, adding strength and gun mounts, but leaving the pilot like 75% exposed. 

2. Ironman - a light carapace type suit, unlike the namesake, these are too light and too form fitting for any internal weaponry, and require external weapon systems, and might even mount an armored backpack for power supply purposes.
Ironman and War Machine are the best examples, Ironman is sleek, War Machine is all about the bolt on gats.

3. Standard - a bulky mix of armor, firepower, and utility.
The Ironmonger, Terran Space Marines from Starcraft.

4. Heavy - the standard suit on steroids, with bulky armor for stopping heavy and anti-armor weaponry. Slower, but more firepower
The Imperial Space Marines ala Warhammer 40k, the Hammer drones from Ironman 2

5. Avatar - the largest power armors blur the line between superheavy infantry and ultra-light mecha. These are relatively rare, as mecha weapons and anti-armor weapons are effective against them, though infantry weapons are dramatically weaker.
The Hulkerbuster suit, or the AMP suits from Avatar, anything large enough for the pilot to sit completely enclosed in the torso, without their arms and legs actually in the extremities of the suit. 

1. Iron Corps Girls
The Iron Corps Girls are a well known and well represented faction of the Elita Agency. To be a member of the Iron Corps faction, the agent must have muscle augmentation or cybernetic implants that give her exceptional strength. Being able to lift the front end of an automobile off of the ground is a general entry requirement. As an addendum to this, the agent must maintain a certain level of personal appearance. No Incredible Hulk type mods, or Full Metal upgrades are admitted, unless they have a way to pass as a woman of at least average appearance (character sheet wise they cannot have any outward flaws related to their augmentation, and have to keep at least an average appearance/charisma score)

The Ideal Iron Corps Girl looks like a supermodel, actress, or porn starlet, but has the strength to rip a door off of it's hinges, throw a man in a power suit out of a window, or flip an automobile to use as cover. 

2. Suicide Girls
The Suicide Girls are likewise well known. They are the hackers, cyberneticists, public relations, research and development, and technopunks of the Elita Agency. They are superficially known for being covered in tattoos, piercings, and having a punk attitude towards clothing and appearance. 

The Suicide Girls are a sort of catch-all for the Elita Agency, and are typically recruited not for their appearance, but for their general attitude, and intelligence. While there are plenty of punked up agents working in the field, especially on the undergroud and geofront side of things, this faction is much more likely to operate in support roles, piloting vehicles, driving combat machinery, providing medical support, and so forth.

3. Ultra Waif
The biggest hurdle to being an Ultra Waif are the physical requirements, being both tall and impossibly thin. To accomplish this task, most actually have their gastrointestinal system surgically removed, or extremely reduced. This allows them to become almost skeletally thin. The work around is either the consumption of basically predigested food, usually via a nasal-gastic tube, where their vestigial digestive tract only has to absorb the nutrient and calorie slurry they consume. Another option is the external gut, where the agent basically keeps a bioreactor fed, and then allow it to feed them, usually through a dermal port, most commonly replacing the belly button for this task. To overcome the low calorie intake, many Ultra Waifs have swapped large bundles of muscle tissue for synthetic myomers, and other cybernetic upgrades that are low weight.

Ultra-Waifs have a variety of uses. Many use inhuman flexibility to work as burglars and thieves, adding acrobatics to evade detection. Others use their low weight as a way to conceal things that would normally be obvious. An Ultra Waif carrying thirty or forty pounds of contraband inside the clothing of a normal sized person is going to look relatively normal, and not like someone trying to steal a christmas ham. Finally the ultra waifs are very much status symbols, narcissistic and vicious. They are popular among the entourages of the elite and the wealthy, making ultra waifs excellent as both bodyguards and infiltrators. 

4. Neotenics
The existence of neotenics in general is considered something of a moral gray zone. A neotenic is a person who for whatever reason, decided to halt their biological development. The term applies to anyone who suspended their biological age at below that of legal adulthood, but the common usage applies to people who did this before the onset of puberty so as to remain biologically, as children. Elita Neotenics have the bodies of prepubescent girls, but have the minds and skillsets of professional shadowrunners, and exploit the expectations of others to their own advantage.

Elita Neotenics have a classified history of being some of the most effective and fearsome assassins of any of the private security contractors. They also have an exceptional ability to penetrate secure facilities, engage in espionage and terrorism, and otherwise use their child like appearance to take advantage of the basic human urge to care for children. 

5. Autons
In one of the more morally perverse relations in the CE, the Elita Agency routinely commissions the misogynistic Isle of Man Cybergynetics corporation to produce female autons for them. These autons come in a variety of profiles, but for the most part they are deployed as robot shields, reinforcements, and stilleto heeled boots on the ground to support agents in the field. The majority are mid to high end models with large skillsets and high levels of competency. 

Like the robotic foot soldiers from Saturday morning TMNT, the Elita Agency autons are very lifelike robots there as filler and fodder. The requirements to become an Elita agent are high, and as such they are neither expendable nor are they going to be relegated to true full support roles. A Suicide Girl agent might be the pilot, but the copilot, gunners, and drone pilots are going to b autons. Likewise, when a combat squad of Iron Corps roll out, there will be more strength built autons going with them than actual agents.

6. Betas
A Beta is the Elita Agency term for a woman who has manifested parapsychic abilities related to empathy, telepathy, mind control, emotion manipulation, and the general ability to influence others. Betas are employed as spies, moles, interrogators, diplomats, and negotiators. It is not uncommon for Betas to move into positions of authority and leadership within the Elita Agency. It is common for Betas to be synthetic parapsychics.

A common Beta gambit is to present an Auton as themselves, and work as one of the auton's entourage, similar to using a body double. Thus, when there are targets who are aware that there is a Beta present, they will much more likely focus their mental defenses against the obvious Beta, and not on of her assistants. 

7. Female Gendered Artificial Intelligences
Where autons are footsoldiers and minions, the Elita Agency has a cadre of egomorphs and other synthetic intelligences that serve it in a digital capacity. These synthetics and morphs are all patterned and identified as female, and loyal to the agenda of the Elita Agency. These disembodied beings form the core of the Elita agencies virtual corps, and do the cyberops and surveillance work.

1. Reflexokinesis
This unusual power is rare, and allows the user to redirect and absorb kinetic energy, and move it reflexively through and around their body. The end result is that they are elastic and can bounce like a basketball. These 'Bouncers' are largely immune to falling damage, bludgeoning damage, or general concussion based force. Bouncers can be problematic because their power runs amok if contained, and their control over redirecting the kinetic energy is reflex based, so often almost impossible to control. Bouncers who start channeling power struggle to do things like a normal person but even a footstep can send them flipping through the air.

2. Animal Psychotronics
Animal Psychotronics have the ability to communicate with animals. This would normally seem like a useful and powerful ability, but the Cosmic Era still has a ravaged biosphere so the number of actual large and dangerous animals is exceedingly low. Most APs have their empathic and mind controlling powers limited to rats, squirrels, cats, and other small animals. The power of mundane animals is also limited, especially in a world with power armor, beam weapons, and robotic drones.

3. Molecular Disruption
Molecular Disruption is in essence, a very useful power, the problem is that the majority of parapsis who develop this power have it not as an offensive ability, but more commonly use it to render anything they put in their mouth soft enough to bite through and edible. Having a person who can render even nuclear waste safe is useful, them having to eat it to do so, not so much.

4. Kaleidoscopic Manifestation
Also known as KM, this power is an uncontrolled manifestation of photokinesis. Rather that lasers, photonic blasts, invisibility, and so forth, kaleidoscopic manifestation is the ability to emit chaotic fractal color and light patterns. While canny users can branch into other devotions, most KMs are most suited for being party entertainment than focused parapsis.

5. Humekinesis
A startlingly rare power, this is the ability of a non-human entity to appear as a human being. This is mostly commonly caused by mundane animals being caught in specific dimensional fatigue events, and is tragic for the animal in question. The power to appear human doesn't give them any special insight to human thought, rationality, or understanding of human languages. Most creatures who are victims of this power prefer self termination over adapting and becoming functional humans.

6. Meakinesis
The power of Meakinesis, and its related power, partikinesis, are the ability to increase in size, and reduce in size. The problem is that these are two completely different devotions that most fiction lump together into a single power. If a man can jump, there is no consideration about his ability to come back down. Meakinetics can increase in size, but this power is one way, they do not have the innate ability to return to their normal size. They keep getting larger and larger, and eventually reach the power where they are too large for their bodies to support their weight and typically die from heart or organ failure.

7. Partikinesis
Partikinesis is the ability to reduce in size, and like meakinesis, is not a paired powered. Partikinetics can best be summed up as the Incredible Shrinking Man. Each time they use their power, they get smaller and smaller, and eventually they vanish completely, lost into the atomic soup. A parapsi who learns both Meakinesis and partikinesis are exceedingly rare.

8. Antikinesis
Antikinesis is a theoretical power, and one that has a massive drawback. A person who manifests antikinesis is immune to all other forms of parapsychic power, they simply do not work on them. pyrokinetic fire doesnt burn them or their clothes, mind controllers cant touch them. Hyperstrong characters cant knock them down, the hyperfast cant even touch them. This extends to arcanotech, they cannot be hit by exotic beam weapons, and are only distantly even aware of dimensional fatigue events. The only weakness? Literally anything else. A normal human can knock them out, a conventional gun will kill, accidental falls, and so forth. Most potential antikinetics might avoid being shot with a beam rifle, but dont survive a power armor trooper caving in their skull with a steel fist.

9. Audiokinesis
Sound manipulation is a highly specialized power, and the majority of audiokinetics have careers as DJs and sound editors.

10. Lipokinesis
Lipokinesis is the rather gross ability to control lipids, or fat, within the body. Most escape this power and become basic biokinetics. Those who do not gain the ability to increase their strength and durability but only by drastically increasing their body mass. The most successful lipokinetics embrace something known as the Buxomatic Lifestyle and use their power to give themselves massively exaggerated lips, breasts, hips, and other sexual characteristics. This power is far more prominent among women than men.

11. Unstable Speculokinesis
A form of biokinesis, speculokinesis is the ability to take on the form of another, parapsychic doppelgangers. This is normally a very useful power, but the far more common version is classified as unstable speculokinesis, and it isn't under the control of the parapsychic who has it. The most common application of this power is that the parapsi involuntarily assumes all the physical attributes and appearance of the last person they came in contact with. While conditionally useful, this power is detrimental to the person using it because they never have a chance to return to their original and true form, and are constantly mimicking the last person they touched. This also makes healthy normal relationships impossible.

12. Unstable Psychekinesis
Psychokinesis is the devotion of mind control and manipulation, and its inverse is psychekinesis, self control and manipulation of the parapsi's mind. The unstable psychekinetic randomly rerolls their knowledges, nature, demeanor, etc. Like the unstable speculokinetic, the unstable psychekinetic can 'steal' traits and other abilities from those around them, but they do not have control over it. An unstable psychekinetic is as likely to hijack a villain's parapsychic powers and use them (themselves already being parapsi) as they are to pick up their ability to appraise art, speak a foreign language, or their deviant sexual orientation. The largest challenges facing unstable psychekinetics are the loss of sense of self, alienation from others who cannot trust or associate with the constantly changing parapsi, and the strength of mental attributes borrowed are related to the willpower of the person they came from. The memories and abilities of the strong willed last, or linger, while the weaker willed are quickly swept away, regardless of what the parapsi wants.

13. Flaming Skull
A form of unstable pyrokinesis, the Flaming Skull parapsychic power allows the parapsi to wreath their skull in flames, which looks cool and is intimidating as hell. Unfortunately this is going to continually start fires around them, set off fire suppression systems, and prevent them from wearing any sort of head mounted special equipment or even a helmet.

14. Unstable Pheromone Production
Seen as an inconvenient form of biokinesis, and a faulty cybernetic modification, unstable pheromones function like normal pheromones and cause cause those around the parapsi to be attracted to them, or intimidated by them. Normally a useful power, the unstable variant is not. The strength of the pheromones cannot be controlled, nor can when they activate. A parapsi can be attempting to pursue normal life activities and find themselves stymied because the store clerk is suddenly and irrationally terrified of them, or be constantly hounded by pheromone junkies they've accidentally created.

15. Moral Compass Manipulation
A peculiar and rare power, and a highly focused form of psychokinesis, the ability to manipulate a person's moral compass grants the parapsi the ability to change a person's alignment. Heroes can be turned to villains, monsters into martyrs, and the meek into beasts. This would normally be a modestly useful power, the ability to make villains into heroes. It is seriously burdened by its tendency to bring the worst out of normal people. The average person is a walking mass of repressed emotions and bottled up urges and drives, and they go through their day fine. The MCM parapsi unlocks this, and these normal 'NPC' individuals emerge from their civilization indoctrination and become what and who they really want to be inside. It gets messy. MCMs are walking liabilities.

16. Psionic Medianism
The parapsychic ability of psionic medianism allows the parapsychic to emulate the median attributes of their surroundings. The vast majority of the time, this allows a psionic median to function as an exceedingly average person in terms of attributes and abilities.

There is a general concern that there are many more parapsychic humans on Earth than expected because a herd like ability like PMed would be almost impossible to detect. Behold the mighty Average Man!

17. Gravitas
Not to be mistaken for any sort of gravity manipulation ability, Gravitas is the parapsychic ability to make other people take the parapsi seriously. This power allows for the user to express ludicrous views, make improbable statements, or wear the most outlandish of outfits, and they will be given a reasonable and rational response to their claims. This is also known as the psionic ability to force moral equivalency.
More than one ridiculous extremist with no other powers, and a manifesto nuttier than squirrel droppings, can end up being treated as a serious threat, and no one mocking them for dressing like a comic book villain, or having the color pallete of a 1991 Trapper Keeper. This power would be more powerful, but such psionics tend to have no other powers or abilities.

18. Tardigradism
The tardigrade, or the water bear, can survive in extreme conditions ranging from hard vacuum, radiation, extreme water pressure, being frozen, or even being desiccated. Like the creature, a parapsychic with this ability can survive in truly extreme environments. While this might be a very useful power, is is a useless one because there is no way that the ability can be tested for, and the powers dont emerge unless the parapsi is exposed to those conditions fully. This also doesnt make them any tougher or more durable when it comes to resisting damage or accidents. They are not immortal, just exotically and situationally invulnerable.

19. Autogorgonism
Also known as self petrification, the parapsychic has the ability to turn themselves into stone or a similar invulnerable material. The glaring flaw with this power is that there is no innate ability to turn themselves from stone back to human.

20. Lesser Animalistic Polymorphism
The lesser animalistic polymorph has the parapsychic ability to alter their biology to look like the hybridization of their human form and a single chosen animal form. This seldom extends past a 10% threshold creating parapsychics who opt to use their powers to become catgirls and furries. These self mutations almost never yield increases in attributes or any sort of transhuman abilities. The catgirl lacks feline balance, nictating membranes, night vision, or anything other than ears in the wrong place, facial hair, and a tail that is no where near as nice to have as they hoped.

21. Pecunakinesis
A peculiar sort of power, pecunakinesis, grants the user increased abilities based entirely on how much money they have. This isn't anything like investments and bank accounts, but how much actual gold, jewelry, or currency they have physically on their person. This comes with several major drawbacks, if divested of their wealth, this could cause the death of the parapsi if they were injured, and as most all parapsychics come from economically downtrodden backgrounds, never have the amount of wealth in hand for their powers to shine. Those who do, are more likely to give this to others, and inadvertently disempower themselves. This power is not a conscious one.

22. Musicorium
Musicorium is the ability to convert parapsychic potential into the ability to make music. It is suspected that Def Leppard drummer Rick Allen was a musicorium parapsi who used his ability to continue his career as a blistering drummer despite losing an arm in an accident. While this power is very culturally relevant, its use in a cyberpunk/metahuman/transhuman game is entirely fluff based. Unless the GM has a way for a musician or singer to be tactically musical.

23. Polygenderism
A polygender parapsychic has the ability to biologically switch their gender. This transition can be forced quickly, but is taxing on the parapsi, and the more frequently they use this power, the more their self identity is weakened, and the more prone they are to gender dysphoria, border personality disorder, and other personality disorders. The other downside of this power is that the person remains predominantly recognizable regardless of their expressed biological gender.

24. Arcukinesis
Arcukinesis is functionally similar to a gun adept, but their powers are grown around sports, sports equipment, and sports rules. This power can make the parapsi an exceptional athlete, but they can become prone to entering parapsychic burn, or pulling off feats that out their abilities. Most sports leagues like a level playing field and drugs, cybernetics, and genetic augments are banned, an outed parapsychic can be banned from the sport. Their best option is to enter Harlem Globetrotter or sports exhibitions, where their skills and abilities are more magic act or entertainment than actual sports competition. Likewise, an arcukinetic is going to be bound by the limitations of their sport, as they have likely spent years at it. A golfing arcukinetic without a club or a gold ball is powerless.

25. Necrokinesis
Better known as an unhealthy fascination with death, a necrokinetic parapsychic typically comes from an extended background of abusing and killin animals, harming other people, and even indulging in necrophilia. They are more comfortable around the dead than the living, and the extent of how much they can actually communicate with spirits and the dead, and how much is deeply rooted psychosis is a matter of debate. A necrokinetic can use their power to create hallucinations that look like ghosts (or conjure ghost spirits and communicate with the) reanimate the dead (the difference between necromancy and corpse telekinesis is minor and a matter of academic and philosophical debate.

26. Autopraemikinesis
A stunning one use power, the autopraemikentic has the ability to turn their entire body, or part of their body into pure explosive material. The blast is related to the mass of the parapsi, and is limited to the fact that a person can only explode one time and then they are dead. There are variants of this power, praemikinetics can make other things explode, but this remains problematic because this almost always requires physical contact with the item being detonated, and standing next to a bomb is just a really bad idea.

27. Echokinesis
Also known as mimeokinesis, and speculokinesis, the echokinetic can change their voice to mimc any voice, or sound they've heard, emulating human voices with ease, animal sounds, and even acting like speaking playing music from memory. The downside is that remembered audio has much lower fidelity and unless the echokinetic is a music major, its going to have flaws. Over time, echokinetics tend to lose their own voice and forget how to speak for themselves and have to create patchwork conversations from what they've heard, because they aren't creating it themselves, they are merely repeating a sound wave they heard. 

28. Alvearokinesis
Literally the power to create a hive mind, the alvearokinetic creates a constant bubble around themselves and everyone within this bubble has to resist with their willpower or become part of the parapsychic hive mind. This power doesn't make the parapsi the controller of the hive, that goes to the person with the highest willpower or concentration skill, which is almost never going to be the person who's parapsychic power is going with the crowd. Prolonged exposure to a hive mind situation is highly erosive to the psyche, and most alvearokinetics have the personality of a pebble or a house plant. Long term victims of their power are largely the same. 

29. Organikinesis
Organikinesis is a horrifying parapsychic manifestation of uncontrolled biokinesis. Organikinetics manifest multiple organs, limbs, and basically act like teratogenic cancer is a power. The organikinetic has the wrong number of bodyparts. Three faces, sure. five mouths, totally, three arms, why not. They have no special powers from these new appendages other than what they would normally be able to do, some can see out of their manifested eyes, some can speak out of all of their mouths, but overall its just horrifying.

30. Skink Tail
One of the stranger and more disturbing parapsychic abilities allows the practitioner to treat their flesh like clay. This means that at any time, they can remove their own body mass, and discard it. The biomass quickly degenerates once it is no longer in proximity to the vector, and over time, the missing mass can be regrown. Some can throw their own limbs, others can disgorge their internal organs as a defensive measure, and then flee while their aggressor is chowing down on fresh guts or is shocked by the horror of what they have experienced. How the parapsi survive this sort of trauma is not known, but they typically demonstrate rapid healing and regeneration, proportionate to both calories consumed and their power activity level. A skink tail practitioner can discard an arm, vomit up half their organs, and then keeping their power active ransack a buffet and restore themselves in a matter of hours
Last edited by Skaldia on Sat Apr 17, 2021 12:16 am, edited 25 times in total.
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||“Chaos needs no allies, for it dwells like a poison in every one of us.”

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Founded: Jun 30, 2013

Postby Skaldia » Thu Sep 18, 2014 4:59 pm

Articles Cont. VII


The Y?g? protocol, for lack of a better word, is an application of advanced Imbrian Dimensional Science and psychtronics that summons a celestial fragment and invests it into an organic host. This was a culmination in Imbrian Imbuement, turning mundane creatures and humans into beings far beyond their biological potential.

The first forays into the creation of the Y?g? protocol yielded youma and feral monsters that couldn't be controlled. The power of the entities created in these first attempts was impressive, but their uncontrollable nature made them less than useful. These creatures were used as subjects of Wild Hunts, where the heroes of the Dynasty would ride after the beasts and slay them in combat. 

The Last Queen
The study of Y?g? was a central fascination of Be'al Sio, the last dynastic queen of Imbria. Her studies of the spheres of creation, both those of past shed realities, and realities yet to be born, allowed her to divine the nature of the celestial fragments, to understand what they were, and their place in the universe. This great and terrible knowledge drove Sio beyond the cusp of madness. She left the Royal See and the Crystalline Palace to dwell in a nameless valley in the lunumbra (the dark side of Luna) where her madness overtook her. For a great time she reveled in insanity, and learned secrets that no mortal was meant to know.

After Sio returned from the lunumbra, she was changed. Her smile has hard, and her eyes glinted like cold stone. She bore with her a strange device, a black sphere of unknown material, either an artifice of her own hands or something that she discovered in her research. The black sphere shown with a crimson light, and those who saw it knew that it was unwholesome. This was the central device of the Y?g?, and in truth it was the Heart of Bekoriel.

The Heart of Bekoriel was a dirac solenoid, the arcane organ/engine that is found in the heart of a type of Outer God known as an Erelim. Similar to teratomorphs, Erelim are dramatically much more powerful and demonstrate the ability to levitate and fly, can exist in the void of space, can generate energy beam attacks, and project defensive barriers to protect themselves from harm. Bekoriel was found dormant, almost completely buried under the regolith of Pluto. The Queen had made the long voyage to the distant world and with her powers cut it out of the torpid form of the dead godling. 

Sio's Scepter
Sio took the Black Sphere and made it into a scepter, creating a very powerful arcane device, one that would serve as a symbol of her rule, and an implement of her plans. Her scepter had three important powers that she used on a regular basis.

Parapsychic Battery/Conduit - the Black Sphere could hold and assist in channeling enormous amounts of cosmic power, allowing Queen Sio to perform unimaginable feats, including interplanetary teleportation, levitation of objects in the 100+ kiloton range, and controlling the emotions of everyone within a planetary radius. 

Youma creation - with the scepter, the Queen could turn anyone or anything into a cosmic horror infested youma, under her complete control. This was done for a variety of reasons, but her entertainment was the most common. Sio enjoyed cursing women she found threateningly pretty, or those who even remotely displeased her. When they wore out their usefulness, they would be executed, typically fed to something nasty.

Summoning Magnagogs - also known as teratomorphs, the Black Sphere could be used to summon titano-fauna to serve the Queen. These titans were typically used as her champions in dynastic disputes

The Black Sphere was unknown to the Imbrians, but Bekoriel was not. The Erelim had ventured into the inner solar system a number of times, but each time it had been driven back by the Imbrian knights, and the early kings and queens. These were the warriors and leaders who would eventually the Imbrian Dynasties. The last time Bekoriel meandered into the inner solar system, it was met by a host of magnagogs, most of which were wild, and there was a terrible fight. Bekoriel slew the magnagogs but was weakened enough that the Imbrians were able to drive the erelim into torpor. Believing the creature dead, they took the corpse to the distant cold world of Pluto, and dug it a tomb there and buried it. Deeply wounded, but slowly regenerating, Bekoriel would have eventually risen again, but the frozen burial slowed the process. When Sio arrived at the Mausoleum of Bekoriel, its wounds were barely recovered from that battle. With a blade, an ancient weapon forged from one of the erelim's own claws, she cut it open until she found it's heart, the black sphere, and removed it. 

The entity Bekoriel had been a scourge of the Earth, returning to the planet every few million years to decimate the ecosystem and feed on it. it was largely responsible for the periodic extinction events that wracked the planet every 30 some odd million years. The Imbrians were the first culture advanced enough to drive it into torpor.

Yogo was the sacred rite that fuses a corporeal body with a non-corporeal entity, a willing and harmonious fusion of beings to create a new, unique, and powerful being. The Youma were but stepping stones, as they fused weak to weak, to make something of moderate strength.

Zrcado Syndrome is an auto-anxiety disorder that leaves the patient with the delusion that they are incredibly fragile, and moving wrong, being touched, or touching other things could cause them to shatter. It is a Cosmic Era manifestation of 'Glass Delusion', but instead of thinking themselves made of glass, most Zrcado patients feel they are made of energy, the same sort that data is stored in. Rather than shattering in the crystalline/glass manner, they are more concerned with shattering like a program being deleted or 'derezzed'.

The catalyst for Zrcado is excessive CogNet use, especially long term and privacy shredding use. This is typically manifested by teenagers and young adults, the age groups most vulnerable to cog addiction. The majority of patients have systems manipulation knowledge and experience, backgrounds in cybersecurity, or fall under the venue of being hackers. This excessive use of the system leaves them anxious, paranoid, feeling fragile and exposed, and vulnerable to dangers, imagined and real, in the real world. The main mode of escape is to delve back into the CogNet, which only furthers their condition.

The main therapy for Zrcado Syndrome is digital detox, unplugging from the CogNet and limiting personal use to non-immersive handheld devices, avatar interfaces, and basic psychotherapy.

The main hazard of Zrcado is isolation and death from self neglect, victims of the delusion will often go without moving, including feeding themselves and otherwise caring for their health. Out of fear, they will have bypassed security alerts and other safety protocols to prevent household robots from bothering them, or notifying others. Eventually the patient will die from starvation, or secondary infections from cowering in their own feces and filth.

Secondary hazards come from the delusional state of the patients also frequently having trouble telling the virtual world from the real world, not knowing when they are immersed in a simstate or actually wandering around lost. This can see them demonstrating the psychotic behavior common in video games, or cowering in a corner because they can't remember if the cafe is real, or if it is a save point in the survival horror sim they visited once.


The Beginning:
The end of the Petroleum Era saw a vying of superpowers facing each over what they perceived to be the declining resource of the age: fossil fuel. This was particularly galling to the United States of America, as this nation had exploited massive amounts of fuel maintaining aerospace dominance, and losing that edge would cost them their advantages. One of the paths explored was reopening long abandoned plans and ideas shelves decades before due to different reasons. The Cold War Star Wars projects drew particular attention as the nations’ military powers considered space to be the next frontier of combat, and if space dominance could be gained then they wouldn't have to maintain such a fuel expensive doctrine of air supremacy.

The second space race saw the militarization of space as it's goal. This was functionally similar to the 'Battleship Race' of the early 20th century, a venture that came close to bankrupting the nations involved. The space war race had a similar effect, and with as little outcome to the future conflicts that would arise. The contest was a barrage of constant failure, beset by the first generations of true cyber-warfare, materials shortages, and technology being pushed too far by the demands of the time. Space based lasers and doomsday orbital cannons proved to be flops. First gen mass drivers self destructed, rockets exploded on the pad, and multi-billion dollar weapons disintegrated the first time they were used. 

The AHAB system was derived from the Star Wars 'Rods from God' plan. This system used tungsten rods dropped from orbit to strike with kiloton force, producing non-nuclear devastation on a similar scale. The original version was scrapped due to the cost and relative scarcity of tungsten and the minds at the time couldn't model the damage that could be triggered by weapons that targeted tectonic plates and fault lines. 

AHAB reduced the size of the rods to something much more manageable than multi-ton telephone poles made of metal, three meter long darts. These darts, treated with thermoablative coverings were capable of surviving reentry without being massive, and once in the atmosphere, could deploy fins and aim themselves. The end result was an orbital bomber, of unlimited duration, capable of dropping smart bombs anywhere on the planet. The number of AHABs launched into orbit is unknown, but while ICBMs were being stripped of their warheads, the missiles were being used to lob AHABs into orbit. There is also the fact that the last generation produced were the Mark 87s, lending credence to there being 86 previous versions.

During the Resource Wars, the AHAB was used to support ground troops, being orbital fire support, able to drop ordnance in sometimes seconds. Few things were designed to withstand being hit from above by supersonic two ton metal rods. This turned more than one battle, especially with the American prototype AISCs guiding the military operations. 

The Great White Whale
The weakness of AHAB was that it relied on Petroleum Era electronics, and as computers evolved on the ground, keeping the hardware in orbit up to date was difficult. This left the system vulnerable to hacking. The biggest use of this cyberwar involved spoofing their targeting systems, and on too many occasions, friendly assets were damaged or destroyed by AHAB strike. The largest loss came when a Chinese L/AISC managed to hack several AHABs and caused them to engage an American and European naval force. The loss of the USS Gerald Ford was considered inexcusable and the AHABs were sent shutdown commands, and the Chinese lost control over the assets. The satellites were never restarted, as reaching them from the surface became increasingly unfeasible.

The shut down of the AHAB system and the loss of one of the precious nuclear supercarriers was the bell that sounded the American retreat. This would have been a rout for almost any other nation, but the Americans still retained a degree of air superiority, and the controlling feature of their supercomputer systems, beleaguered as they were. The withdrawal of overseas forces brought a massive level of unrest home, as the patriotism of supporting the troops fell when said troops were brought back in defeat. Riots and protests grew, and the discharged veterans were as often recruited by dissidents as they were crowd control forces. This hastened the breakdown of the centuries old American civil society.

Modern Times:
There are certain parallels between the existing New Earth Governments; their goals and desires closely mirror those of their fallen predecessors. The different factions, now joined by the New Economic Blocs as military powers, are engaged in their own struggles. Who can build the most and the best ships, which is the next platform of space supremacy, will the large gun warships dominate, or will the aerospace carrier extend the dominance of the aircraft carrier into space? 

The AHAB satellites are still swirling around in orbit, compact and easily overlooked. Their simple design has them rarely extend their solar panels, and then only long enough to recharge their battery packs, and then the dragons go back to sleep. Anyone who can find, activate, and access one of these orbital batteries can have anywhere from zero to sixteen of these kinetic bombardment weapons at their disposal. Government and corp black ops want them, both as resource denial, but also for their intended purpose. Terrorist and insurgents want them as well as they can level the playing field in struggles against greater technological powers. 

Dirty Secrets:
The American space force produced a large number of AHAB satellites, and these were tended by the ISHMAEL and PEQUOD programs, programs that did not end with the demise of the American superstate. The Glassenheim Foundation continued tracking and monitoring the existing satellites and other similar American weapons, ranging from mundane spy satellites to more outlandish space based death rays that were compete failures. 

There are several reasons that all the AHABs haven’t been swept from orbit, despite there being multiple space cleaning efforts. The governments that have found operational AHABs have opted to keep them as their little secrets and slap claimed flags on them. Some have been found and moved, many taken to storage facilities where they wait. Being of a clandestine nature, many AHABs were piggybacked onto other satellites, many telecom and scientific satellites were funded by military budgets, so that they could very quietly be integrated into an American Homeland Defense Shield. Modern nations have noted this and used this same technique on some of their own horror show devices.

The AHAB presents players and storytellers with an antique WMD that defies the modern countermeasures of the Cosmic Era. Once dropped, a projectile guides itself, and is not smart. In fact, the harpoons are so dumb that modern computer systems cannot communicate with them. This allows for anyone to have their finger on a trigger for a kiloton weapon. This will destroy bunkers, sink ships, reduce mecha to scrap metal, and hit an armored infantry company like TNT stuck in an ant bed.

Bows have a number of things working in their favor, namely the fact that they are largely silent and good armor penetration. This is cancelled out by the fact that using a bow requires a lot of training, bows are large and a liability in melee combat, and the range, rate of fire, and ability to shoot on the move are massively inferior to modern firearms let alone the advanced weapons of the Cosmic Era. But the rule of cool says bows are cool, and who are we to argue with the likes of John 'Blowing up Soviet Helicopters with a compound bow' Rambo, Katniss 'Girl on Fire' Everdeen, Hawk-eye shooting down a flying aircraft carrier, and the mythos of Robin Hood?

The Bow as a Stealth Weapon
The bow is a stealthy weapon, and this remains so in the Cosmic Era. One of the drawbacks of many of the advanced weapons in the setting is that they generate electromagnetic signatures. A mag rifle, plasma cannon, and other high energy weapons can be detected if they are in an active or powered up state, making them vulnerable to EM sniffing counter-weapons like armed drones and hunter killer flybots. Likewise conventional firearms are loud, and have discernible heat and muzzle flash, giving away their positions. The bow makes little sound and doesn't generate an EM signature. This makes it useful for assassins working to eliminate a target in a highly hostile environment. The bow can be used with specialty arrows, giving it a powerful punch when needed.

Another variation is that the bow is a dumb weapon in a smart world. This can make it valuable when fighting a foe that relies on not eyes, but electronic sensors. Robots programmed and equipped to hunt down and kill armed humans might not recognize a bow as a dangerous weapon, and when calculating where they are being shot at from, the robot could attempt to apply rifle and magnetic ballistics to the path of an arrow, sending the machines off to find a target thousands of feet away from where the archer actually is.

The bow doesn't require anything to work other than an arm to pull it back. It doesn't require propellant, a power source, or anything else like that. This means that with minimal effort and modification (using entirely synthetic materials) that bows can be used in a vacuum, such as in space, on the surface of the Jovian moons, and so forth. It likewise can be used on ships and space stations where barring explosive and armor defeating arrows, it cannot harm the hull of the vessel. This requires special training, as archery is based around wind resistance and gravity. Exo-Archery is a very rare and very exclusive skill.

Specialty Munitions
One of the staples of the bow in modern and semi-futuristic combat is the ability to fire a variety of arrows, ranging from Rambo's explosive tipped arrows to Hawk-Eye's acid, thermite, explosive, and other arrows disgorged from his semi-automatic quiver.

High Explosive - a staple of action and war movies, the High Explosive arrow packs a punch. The Cosmic Era HE arrow is stunningly potent, packing the same firepower as an RPG, but in a fraction of the size. These arrows are potent enough to take out the majority of autons in production, as well as damaging most power armors provided a vulnerable point is hit. A favorite among saboteurs, assassins, and spec ops looking to make a mess.

Progressive - a Cosmic Era specialty, the progressive arrow has a large bladed head with a micro sized hyperedge. While the charge and duration of the weapon is short, it is generally more than required to penetrate light and medium power armors, cut through armored hides of horrors, and otherwise puncture and cause a lot of damage to a target. The arrows are expensive, but are able to take out hard targets without the very real concern of over-penetration or collateral damage. Shooting an unarmored target with a progressive arrow does little extra damage, generally allowing the arrow to shoot through the target.

Chemical Payload - CP arrows can carry and release a chemical on contact. Obvious choices are acids and poisons. Less common choices include nerve gas, biotoxins, or nano-paste. These are dramatically more common in entertainment feeds than actual military applications.

EMP - or electromagnetic pulse, EMP arrows generate a small explosion and a pulse a few feet to a few dozen feet across. While this pulse is too weak to damage the systems of mecha, large fighters, and installations with hardened gear, it can scramble a robot's cortex, shot down a drone, disrupt the power systems in a power armor suit, and otherwise hinder the ability to high tech devices to function. Imagine the surprise of the commando who thinks the archer missed, when in fact the hear hit was close enough to knock out his SmartGun system, and force the CPU of his magrifle to reset.

Arcanotech - many arcanotech devices can be made very small, thus creating a ultra-tight niche for unique and ultra rare weapons. Examples include implosion heads, cryostatic explosives (ice-bomb), thunderstroke (lightning attack) and so forth. These weapons are almost exclusively the domain of entertainment, but there are a few real ones that exist. One example is the Federation's Anvil arrow. Using the same technology as the blitzhammer, the Anvil Arrow can increase it's mass dramatically for approximately one second. This ups it's kinetic potential as the mass can jump from a few ounces to close to three hundred pounds. The force is enough to knock an armored trooper to the ground, shatter the rib-cage of a cosmic horror, or turn a normal person inside out from the impact.

Grapple - another staple of the action/spy genre is using an arrow to shoot a rope into a wall or ledge and use it to escape a situation. Using ultra-light microfilament lines and special climbing gear, this is possible and much more common. The Federation uses a specialized pistol to shoot the grappling line, but the same tech can and is used by other groups with bows rather than guns.

The Bow Itself
The power of a bow is limited to the strength and skill of the user. In the Cosmic Era, both can quickly augmented. Strength is easily augmented, be it through stimulant use, muscle tracer/booster suits, powered armor, parapsychic ability, or genetic augmentation. Skill can be inserted and removed through skill-soft chips and the proper cranial augmentation. Thus two things can be done to improve the performance of the bow, increase it's draw weight and add smart technology.

Using new composite materials, the same sort that go into mecha and aerospace fighters, Cosmic Era bows can be made with very high draw weights. A bear hunting bow might have a 120 lb draw weight, a bow designed to be used by an augmented supersoldier with a combat suit might have a 300 lb or even absurd 500 lb draw weight. At this level, a basic steel arrow could be shot with force comparable to a high caliber gun.

The SmartGun system can be adapted for a bow, provided the bow has the correct sensors on it. While expensive, such technological additions can give a soldier, with the appropriate training or skillsoft chip, shooting ability on par with Robin Hood.

Power Suit Ballista
There is no reason that an oversized bow couldn't be manufactured for use by power armor troopers. These oversized bows would be made for hunting tanks, cosmic horrors, other power armor troopers, or harrying mecha. While certainly absurd, there is something rather cool about the notion of a guy in a power armor suit shooting an explosive arrow six feet long into a machine gun nest, terminator style robot, or the face of an opposing mecha.

Mecha Archery
No. Just no.

In Summary
The bow is still present in the Cosmic Era, but it is a rarity, and only used in special situations.

The Armadyne ECR
The Armadyne ECR is an impressive looking weapon, with a blocky profile, fully shrouded barrel, and hardpoints for connecting a variety of tools and gadgets. The default automatic coil gun, the ECR has been a figurehead in Armadyne's arsenal for decades.

The ECR is a simple weapon, following the standard rifle configuration used by automatic weapons for centuries. The power pack is built into the stock, and where the bolt/receiver is in a normal rifle, the magazine loads into a accelerator chamber. The magazine itself holds 200 rounds of 2x40 solid shot. These nail shaped projectiles are light, but once accelerated to 800 m/s they are more than sufficient for punching holes in human beings, light vehicles, and other unarmored targets.

The ECR has a number of nicknames, with the most common being the Nail gun. Is is also known as the automatic stapler, pinshooter, and buzzgun for its high rate of fire.

Armadyne has been manufacturing the ECR for decades, having reverse engineered the design from a handful of centuries old prototype coil guns manufacturing during the closing days of the Resource Wars. Rather than falling into any of the best categories, the ECR was reliable, and its stopping power, range, and accuracy were comparable favorably to quality conventional firearms. Other magnetic weapons have come out with much higher muzzle velocities, greater stopping power, longer range, greater accuracy, but with these 'best' positions they have inherent flaws. While the ECR doesn't dominate in any given field, it is a very good all round gun.

The hard point system allows for the gun to be mounted with a SmartGun system, laser range finder, hyperedge bayonet, etc. This makes it popular with field units. The power pack is modular as well, making it a robust and easy to use weapon. There are variant ECRs that have a rail to mount a smaller weapon under the main barrel, with magnetic grenade launchers being the most common.

The biggest flaw of the ECR is the limited penetration potential. When facing power armor soldiers, androids, or armored vehicles, the ECR 'nails' shatter or flatten against the armor. More than one squad of infantry, emboldened by the reliability and power of their rifles have been destroyed after encountering heavy infantry and finding their weapons more a nuisance.

The ECR is a common weapon in second world military arsenals, as well as in the rank and file of security companies. Mercenaries favor the weapon for its intimidation factor, and it has since become more associated with mercenaries and contractors than actual military forces.

Author's Note: The ECR was spawned from the visual appeal of Tom Cruise's rifle in the 2013 movie Oblivion

A small handheld device, roughly the size of a cellular phone with a large screen and an optical scanner.

The augscannen, or Eye-Scanner, is a handheld device used to quite obviously scan eyes. Designed in Germany, the augscannen was created to determine the condition of the person being scanned, mostly to determine if a person was a cyborg, genetically augmented, or even a clone. This technology was developed as part of a counter-espionage program.

For a number of years, cyborgs proved effective means of espionage. These cyborgs could record and save information just by seeing something, even things in routine tours of facilities. The original corp designed the scanner to be quick and convenient, and it functions by searching for certain chemical triggers that are associated with cloning tech, and cybernetics. The use of the scanner proved a useful first line of defense against saboteurs.

Later Use:
The augscannen was picked up afterwards by security companies, and later, law enforcement. These agencies routinely dealt with augmented humans, and often it was valuable to find out if a suspect or person in custody was a cyborg or had been genetically augmented, as some such people would often suppress their full abilities until they are under lowered surveillance in detention. The device is also used when capturing high profile targets, as these powerful and dangerous men and women commonly have the power and resources to have body doubles, clones, and robots that can stand in for them.

Augscannens are differentiated from eye-scanners as conventional eye-scanners are biometric identification devices, while an augscannen is only a diagnostic tool to detect human, clone, cyborg, or the presence of other biological modifications.

Appearance: The Blitzhammer family of weapons are large maul shaped weapons, with hafts suitable to be swung by soldiers wearing powered armor strong enough to flip automobiles with ease. The weapons are typically 35 to 70 pounds in weight are are composed of composite materials, and large amounts of metals such as titanium and tungsten.

Benefit: The Blitzhammer is an anti-armor and anti-bunker weapon deployed by power armor soldiers. The impact of the weapon is amplified by a complex series of very complicated 'bits' insulated deep inside the head of the weapon. A milisecond after the head of the weapon strikes a target, the load sensors inside start a chain reaction. Drawing on the suits power supply, the dimensional differential engine inside the head of the weapon opens. The gate opened is only viable for a second or so, and then collapses onto itself. For that duration of a second, the mass of the hammer increases exponentially. Instead of being hit by a massive metal hammer weighing 70 pounds, the target has been hit the force of a large automobile moving at high speed. Thus, a power armor soldier can hit another armored trooper and send him flying like a rag doll or knock down a building with a hammer strike.

Drawback: The blitzhammer is complicated and difficult to make, and it is restrictively expensive. Also, soldiers carrying these large obvious weapons are usually given preferred target status. Hyperedge blades remain much more common.

Lore: The Blitzhammer was created by the mad scientists of the Eurasian Alliance. Given their love of arcanotechnology over hypertechnology, it is little surprise they found a way to put a dimensional generator inside a weapon as simple as a hammer. The weapon has a spotted and turbulent past. The Atlantic Federation created the impressive Hyperedge Blade, and the EA was forced to follow suit and create a similar but more powerful weapon. The blitzhammer was plagued with technical difficulties, cost overruns, and production accidents. Eventually the weapon escaped development hell and entered general service. Given the weapons impressive power, crushing tanks, knocking mechs down with a well aimed shot, and what not, the hammer soldiers suddenly became favorite targets of enemy gunners. The weapon remains a EA exclusive. It is a favorite for Eurasian propagandists.

Twist: Blitzhammers have in the past exploded, creating a short lived dimensional vortex. Usually this simply sucks in everything in a small radius. But sometimes they allow a cosmic type horror to stagger into creation. Thus far, the first has happened six times, and the latter once.

The Right to Bear Arms
One of the defining Rights of the Petroleum Era, it was common for all sorts of weapons, up to an including heavy military hardware ended up in the hands of civilians, civilian militias and all sorts of paramilitary organizations, terrorists, and separatists. This massive degree of armament made asymmetrical warfare easy to wage against government and professional fighting forces through the Resource Wars and the Second Dark Age. As the old world faded into tattered signs and stories, so did the overriding zealotry of Inalienable and God-Given Rights. There was little point arguing over Rights of assembly or protection from unreasonable search and seizure when there is starvation, disease, or rampant banditry.

Advances in Weapons Technology
The Cosmic Era was born in a bright flash of new technology. Firearms were not left behind in this upwelling of tech. Magnetic weapons became common, ranging from magnetic coil rifles, and linear rail cannons. Lasers, masers, and high energy particle weapons made the move from large scale down to infantry sized weapons. Very quickly, a man in a power armor suit could carry a few weapons and be as effective in combat as a tank of the previous era, or an entire platoon of soldiers.

It was quickly and quietly decided by most sane, self interested politicians that such weaponry had to remain in the hands of the government and government approved organizations. This was the principal impetus behind the Advanced Weapons Technology Non-Proliferation Bill in the Atlantic Federation.

AWTNP (Article 7134)
AWTNP was signed into effect and it created a two tiered system of weapon manufacturing. Civilian grade weapons were given a set of strong limitations to prevent these weapons from being used in rebellions or uprisings. These weapons had limited kinetic potential, muzzle velocity, bore diameter, and specialized ammunition. The only rounds available for civilian ballistic weapons were either soft metallic or frangible composite rounds, both of which are noted for their inability to penetrate even basic SLAB armor, andencounter suits offer good protection against such soft rounds.

Ballistic/conventional firearms using explosive powder propellants are limited to a certain muzzle velocity, and weight of projectile. The resulting pistols and rifles that are created are effective against unarmored targets, such as home invading criminals, protection from wildlife attacks, or rare hunting purposes. Rounds are required to be frangible metallic/plastic composite, plastic, soft metal alloy, or similar materials. These rounds will shatter or disintegrate against standard issue ballistic or SLAB armors.

Magnetic firearms are limited to maximum power capacity of the barrel capacitors, magnet size, and final muzzle velocity. Very few magnetic weapons fall into the civilian grade arsenal, though there are some hunting rifles, and heavy private issue pistols. These weapons require registration as civilian and magnetic weapons.

Lasers are limited to a non-lethal energy output, effectively becoming pain causing, or deterrent weapons and not lethal, unless used in a vicious sadistic matter. Masers, and high energy weapons are completely illegal for civilian ownership.

But What Does it Matter?
The most common weapons available in the Cosmic Era are civilian grade pistols. These weapons are small and relatively weak. Even these weapons are prohibited in locations like Arcologies, seacologies and other enclosed spaces with high population densities. The average civilian isn't armed. Those who are, are only lightly armed at best. When there are civilian uprisings, they are usually armed with these weapons. The soldiers who respond, with power armor, or basic ballistic body armor are very safe from these grade of weapons.

The Black Market is a major source for guns. With the extensive restrictions on firearms, selling military guns can make gun runners ridiculous amounts of money.

Serious criminals and criminal organizations will generally have access to black market guns, making dealing with their organizations much more dangerous. In the favelas and geocities, these heavily armed camps and ghettos are much more likely to be contained or quarantined rather than sending the troops into CQC on hostile ground.

One of the truths behind modern firearm ownership has little to do with self protection, hunting, or patriotism. The thing that no one brings up is that through media presentation, and general opinion, firearms are cool, and badass. Having things that are cool and badass is in and of itself, cool and badass. This Cosmic Era option allows for the civilian population to have access to weapons that are at most a minor threat to national and military assets.

1. Rumlowes
A brutal weapon, cheap, effective, and deadly. Rumlowes are also known as knuckles, cestus, or power gauntlets. The design is simple, a reinforced crossbar, or 'bullet' that locks down over the fist of the user. This allows for fearless punching, without the worry of breaking fingers or shattering the hand. The concept was no different from traditional brass knuckles or fist loads, at least until Bart Rumlowe donned ajuice suit under some basic body armor. Rumlowe killed opponents inside power armor, hitting them hard enough to shatter bones through the armor, cracking necks, smashing faces against the inside of helmets, and made a name for himself. His demonstration wasn't unnoticed, and the technology entered into the mainstream. Power armor troopers can easily add Rumlowes to their suits, giving them a powerful hand to hand weapon that doesn't require ammo.

The Rumlowe is a deployable punching aid. When the bar/bullet comes down over the fist, punches deal more damage, and the user is unlikely to inflict injury on themselves. The bullet itself can be stylized per the user, such as skulls, ogre fists, or other visual imagery, or it can be purpose built. Such modifications include exaggerated points for penetration on impact, spikes and barbs for more damage against soft targets, or even explosive bolts so that impact results in a shaped charge out of the bullet. Nasty.

Combat in the Cosmic Era frequently is up close and very personal. The era is marked by giant robots, flying warships, and big guns going at each other at distances of miles, hundreds or even thousands of miles in the case of space battle. The vast majority of people live inside arcologies, space habitats, underwater structures, geofronts, and other confined locations. The advantage of rail guns and lasers are the fact that the weapons can engage at long range. Since the majority of combat is happening on small scale, and less than 20 feet, those advantages don't matter. 

2. Hyperedge Blade
The hyperedge blade started as a joke, a sort of pipe dream of sci-fi and anime nerds. The blade utilizes a variable state edge, an arcanotech device causes the blade's cutting edge to dance through a manifold number of phase states. The end result of the technobabble and electric greeblies is that the weapon can slice through almost any known material. The only things that can stop these weapons are other hyperedge blades, aphasic materials, and polarized armor (supa-rare)

The hyperedge blade can be made into a number of shapes, and a variety of sizes. Dagger and knife sized versions are available, up to swords large enough to be swung by mecha. These weapons require an external power source, or are limited to a battery pack concealed in the weapon. Those on batteries are typically hold-out weapons.

The dangers of close quarters combat are numerous. In the confined quarters of the Cosmic Era, collateral damage is a major concern. Over-penetration, excessive damage, and the like, can cause greater problems than the ones they are being used to address. The answer originally was specially designed ammunition. Frangible rounds, needler weapons, stun and shock weaponry all suffer from the same basic problem, stopping power. These weapons lack the ability to stop a dangerous foe. This was never more apparent than during a dimensional fatigue event. Weapons designed to shatter against bulkheads shatter against armor plated monsters. Needlers shred flesh but do nothing against things with no organs. A blade, a blade that can cut through almost anything, is almost always useful.

3. Lightning Claw
Lightning Claws, also known as rippers, Wolverines, Vegas, or X23s, are common on holodramas and entertainment media, but somewhat less common in application. Variations on hyperedges, lightning claws are two to three hand mounted blades that are used in close quarters. The weapons are capable of tearing apart almost anything, and are highly intimidating. This comes with three drawbacks. Claws are energy hungry, as they are technically multiple blade systems. They also have relatively short range and penetration. Where a full fledged blade can dismember and remove limbs, the claws simply shred and do horrendous damage. Finally, a trooper mounting these weapons is going to be promoted to target number one by enemy forces.

The dimensional fatigue events of the Cosmic Era often produce strange creatures, the sort that can often shrug off high power weapons, and survive missing limbs. It is also not uncommon for these exo-organisms to demonstrate regenerative abilities. The large amount of damage done by these weapons can incapacitate even the toughest monsters. This usefulness comes into play in regular military action, as the claws are able to damage things that are heavily armored, or have large numbers of redundant systems. Despite this, they are seldom used, as their range is very limited.

4. Power Lance
Power Lances are fairly common weapons in the Cosmic Era. With the problem of close quarters and a high concern over collateral damage, and fighting powerful and tough opponents, high velocity and high power weapons are a liability. The wastelanders gave the Cosmic Era the Power Lance as an answer, though their limitation was cost and resources. The Power lance is a two handed melee weapon with a high explosive at the head. The wastelander power lance is not much more than a steel rod with a landmine, grenade, or contact shell at the end. The Federation's 'Galahad' lance is a variable yield armor cutting warhead.

Power Lances are fairly uncommon in the holofeeds, and a regular issue item for non-armored soldiers. A soldier armed with a power lance can cripple or destroy a power armor trooper without giving away an EM signature. The weapon is not glorious, and it's often suicidal in use. The weapon gives a small amount of reach, and strong characters can throw it, power armor troopers can also use them with less danger to themselves, but setting lances is allowing enemy forces to reach hand to hand range. An inglorious weapon of asymmetrical warfare. 

5. Ripper
The ripper is a secondary weapon, typically fitted to another, such as a mag-rifle, assault rifle, or other automatic weapon. These weapons are functionally combat chainsaws. The weapons fit high grade allow chain blades with magnetic accelerators. While frequently useless against advanced and hardened armors, the weapon makes short work of soft tissue, basic armors, and organic armors. The weapon is brutal and violent above most others, and is not often seen in the media sphere because of the sheer amount of gore and suicidal outcomes from using them.

The Ripper is a violent weapon, one that masticates the flesh of opponents, and rips light armored targets to pieces. They are similar in profile to Lightning claws, but they are dramatically cheaper to produce and require less sophisticated maintenance. They are also easier to conceal, and more primitive rippers can be powered by batteries or combustion engines, but with reduced power.
The Ripper is seem as a weapon of mercenaries, desperation, and outlaws. 

6. Archery
Common sense and the rule of cool clash over the role of the bow in the hypertech setting of the Cosmic Era. 

7. The Shield
The riot shield of the 20th and 21st century was a clear plastic deterrent used to protect police officers while working to contain crowds and riot situations. The shield was plastic, and worked well enough. A shield is a shield, and as long as no one in the crowd had a heavy calibre weapon everything was pretty much fine. But the advent of the Cosmic era changed the game. Energy weapons became feasible, and a plastic ballistic shield did absolutely nothing to stop a coherent laser beam and if hit with a plasma round had a nasty habit of quickly turning into a splatter of molten hot or burning plastic goo.

The new Riot Shield was created, a composite structure that mixed ballistic protection with energy dissipating materials. The transparency was lost, and the shield roughly doubled in weight.

The Powered Melee Weapon
The improvements in armor and armor suits in the Cosmic Era have made close quarters and hand to hand combat a good deal more difficult. The kinetoresistant material in an encounter suit render punches almost useless while SLAB armor renders most civilian grade weapons as effective as pellet guns. There are guns large and powerful enough to negate these armors, but it isn't always practical to carry a shoulder mounted weapon, and there are often range considerations for these larger systems. This has pushed melee and powered melee weapons into the forefront of combat technology.

There are many that are well known by the public, and the subject of their own mystique. The Hyperedge and progressive blades in the hands of trained specialists has become the katana of the 25th century, able to slice through tank barrels, remove limbs from power armor, and even cause serious damage to mecha. Likewise, the Lightning Claws, a set of much smaller hyperedge blades set into a bracer, have existed in popular culture long before the advent of the actual technology. These weapons are indeed popular and effective, but there are few things that draw hostile enemy fire faster than a soldier with a sword, and using lightning claws is a very up close method of fighting. This leaves the soldier in the way for counter attacks, and unlike the power of the larger blade, the claws are limited in their penetration ability.
None of these are effective weapons for anything other than assault troopers, close combat specialists and melee power armors.

The Progressive Stiletto
The Stiletto is an archaic weapon, little more than a sharp spike with a handle on it. Originally used as an assassins weapon, it made a small puncture wound, and was heavy enough to punch through bone, like the skull. While this is of little use against power armor, the powered version of the weapon has several tricks up its sleeve.

The spike itself is a powered weapon, though it is a one shot usage. The spike is able to penetrate several layers of armor before its power supply is exhausted. This will cause the stiletto to become stuck into whatever it was stabbed into. The handle of the weapon contains more than just a micro-power cell, it also contains a small amount of a formidable explosive. Once the weapon becomes stuck in something, the timer activates and a few seconds later the charge explodes. This stabbin' grenade is an effective way to damage or otherwise hinder a power armor trooper. It is brutally effective against standard light armor and for removing obstacles like light doors, or making new doors in walls.
The blast is seldom strong enough to kill a heavy armor trooper, but it will compromise the function of an arm, destroy a firearm, or effectively cause a critical hit against whatever part of the armor it was stuck in. A fast thinking soldier can remove a stiletto, but while he might prevent damage to whatever it was stabbed into, it will likely cost him his hand.

The main users of the progressive stiletto are scout and recon power armor troopers and many special forces troopers will carry a few of these weapons. In actual 'trench' scenarios, the stiletto lacks the penetration or stopping power to be a regular use weapon.

Author's Note
I had the idea for the stiletto after thinking about how something like a Starcraft Ghost, or other specialist soldier (Metal Gear Solid, Tekinin cyber-ninja, etc) would go toe to toe with a heavily armored soldier. The stiletto is rammed home, possibly as an off-hand attack and then the attacker would fall back to let the explosive do its work. The exploding stiletto would naturally work well for making holes in things, like walls and doors, just as well as making holes in armor or people.

The Hornet
The Hornet is a larger version of a Progressive Stiletto. Unlike the standard progressive stiletto, the Hornet is reusable. The spike and explosive charge disconnect from the handle when the weapon strikes true. The power pack in the handle can power several strikes without being recharged, and the Hornet has a variety of different loads that it can 'fire'.

The Standard Explosive - smaller than the normal Stiletto, the Hornet standard explosive is still very effective against non-powered armor, as well as busting locks, taking down supersoldiers, and severely damaging androids and mechanoids.

EMP Charge - an expensive stiletto load, the EMP creates a small but potent electromagnetic pulse. This is enough to short out or disable some electronic devices, and can play hell on androids and other non-hardened electronic systems. It is also effective for damaging things like electronic doors and cyborgs.

Poison/Acid Charge - Designed for dealing with the horrors that emerge from storm rifts, the acid/chem charge detonates forcing its chemical payload of either caustic chemicals into the target, or pumping whatever chemical it has inside of it. This ranges from neurotoxin, to tranquilizer, and whatever the aspiring pharmacopeist decides to put into it.

Most Tobin Spears are homemade or jury rigged, and consist of a large bore needle and syringe attacked to a long spear handle. The most simple versions are nothing more than this. There are other versions that have spring based shock absorbers that allow for multiple doses to be delivered from the spear. The common versions tend to be one-shot affairs.

The Tobin Spear can be used to deliver intramuscular injections at range. 

The easy explanation for the Tobin Spear is as a sedative delivery system for dealing with unruly or dangerous animals. No one makes a needle spear to stab an angry dog. Tobin spears are made to deal with people.

There are multiple levels of fear and intimidation based around the Tobin spear and it's crude construction.

The fear of needles, as a basic deterrent.

The fear of contamination from the use of dirty needles is easily added to the above fear. Many insurgents and rioters who wield these crude weapons typically justify this fear by using dirty needles, or needles knowingly and deliberately contaminated. 

The final level of fear is that what the needles might be loaded with. Tobin spears have been loaded with disease ridden blood, liquified and strained fecal matter, poisons, corrosives, and worse. Compared to a gun or knife wound, the victim of a Tobin spear has a long time to find out what they've been hit with, how painful it might be, and how it might destroy their lives and kill them slowly and painfully.

The Tobin spear is a fragile weapon, and can be easily stopped with almost any sort of body armor. The syringe component is also easily broken. Even a successful hit can snap the needle from the barrel of the syringe, or a glancing hit can shatter the mechanism. Repairing or replacing the syringe can be time consuming, and needle sticks are easy to manage when handling the spear.

The spear itself is the weapon of a terrorist and insurgent, and those who use them can expect no quarter from their foes. That being said, anyone zealous enough to use such a tool has no real fear of reprisal. 

Tobin Spears are easily crafted weapons, used by the lowest of the low. The targets of these weapons are law enforcers, officials, people of importance or power, the sort who hold themselves in high position and regard. The intent is to sow fear and undermine morale in the enforcement caste in a stratified society, and drive a wedge between those enforcers and the common population. 

The spear can be used as a secondary weapon in a riot or protest, where the front line protesters carry the shields and while the enforcers are dealing with them, the people with the Tobin Spears can use their extended reach to get around shields, and strike at people who've not considered spear tactics in all their years of combat training.

Tobin spears can also be thrown, but with less accuracy and less of a chance of fully discharging their payloads.

Tobin arrows can be made and fired , lashed to arrows or quarrels. These are bulky, have compromised aerodynamics, and are not accurate weapons, but they can cause a great deal of fear.

The sad truth is that these already exist.
The name comes from the actor Tobin Bell's role as the Jigsaw killer from Saw.


Able Blank looks like an utterly and completely normal looking person. Average height, average complexion, and the most common attributes, the predominant hair color, the predominant eye color. Everything about Able Blank is designed to be as unobtrusive and innocuous as possible.

Able Blank is an artificial human being, a Frankenstein like construction of cybernetic components and tank grown human body parts. As such, the unit's abilities are impressive. Strength is augmented, reflexes are augmented, durability and endurance are closer to machine than human.
Sporting an artificial brain, Able Blank is highly competent and has access to skillsoft capabilities, and the other advantages of synthetic intelligence, including eidetic memory, lightning calculation skills, bonuses to skills like piloting and gunnery, and data handling abilities. On the weak side, the synthetic brain is nowhere near as elastic and innovative as a normal brain, and thus much more predictable or even 'dull' seeming.

The body of an Abel Blank is a marvel of engineering. Organic versions of the myomer strands used to move mech limbs give them immense strength. Likewise, the skeleton is closer in composition to ferro-carbide materials than bone. The nervous system is augmented, allowing for the Blank to utilize their immense strength and durability with cat like speed and grace.

The core of the Abel Blank program was to create a viable, controllable, reliable, parapsychic soldier. They in a way, succeeded. Blanks have a very high rate of parapsychic eruption, and while there are still certainly control issues, the actions of a Blank are much more predictable and controllable compared to those of a normal person traumatized enough to manifest world shaping emotion based powers.

The construction of an Able Blank is relatively straight forward. The organic components of the body are cultured and grown around the mechanical and cybernetic components. There is not an embryo phase, no gestation, just the guided application of stem cell tissue in a highly favorable chemical soup. As the body forms, medical machina trim and ensure that the proper connections are made. Eventually, a complete human husk will have been grown around a cybernetic brain, augmented nervous system, and synthetic muscle tissue.

It is a form of body horror. One of the great unifying things about humanity is that the vast majority of humans were created from the mixing of reproductive fluids, and from the act of copulation. Even the children who are born from machine wombs are still incubated and gestated the same way that would occur inside a woman's body. The Able Blanks are built. Their stem cells are cultured in tanks, and sucked out into tubes and then taken and injected into a machine hopper, where new tissue is extruded onto a waiting skeletal frame. They aren't born, they aren't grown, they are assembled.

The ideal supersoldier is immensely powerful, completely obedient, and ultimately expendable. Conventional supersoldiers run the gamut of power levels, and rationally applicable manifestations of para-psi powers. Recklessness, anti-authoritarianism, rebellious and revolutionary leanings, and parapsycho anarchism are not the exception, but are painfully common. It seems that the psychic trauma required to erupt para-psi powers is contrary to discipline and rank and file obedience. Able Blank soldiers can have tailored abuse to ensure a desirable type and power level para-psi eruption, but many of their synthetic features render them almost completely submissive to anyone who has access to their internal command codes or working knowledge of their decision tree system. 

Pyromander is likely the greatest pyromancer alive, and her flame laser manifestation has been demonstrated to be effective even against mecha and light naval craft. Unfortunately there is only one Pyromander, and the fact that she is a rural born Spaniard, and has only marginal association with the Atlantic Federation, and several ties to the Euro-centric Armas terrorist organization, is a problem. The pyrokinetic Able Blank does not have a fraction of her power. But there are several dozen of them. The biggest cannon in the world can be easily destroyed by a group of rifles.

And the rifles are easier to replace.

Snags and Snares
There have been a few problems.

There are a small number of Able Blanks who have manifested self awareness, and have been able to break free from the confines of their loyalty programming. Thankfully, there was foresight to install micro-explosives in their artificial brains. This kills five out of six rogue Able Blanks. The 1 out of 6 who survive their cranium being exploded tend to very rapidly either degenerate or enter a hyper-evolutionary acceleration, turning into shit monsters.

The next generation answer to this is an ampoule of a corrosive enzymatic agent that would quickly spread through the body of an Able Blank and liquefy them from the inside out.

One of the things that haven't quite been figured out is that on a fundamental level, an Able Blank body is in many ways, very much like the inside of a Downington Sphere, and it only takes a second for an errantouter entity to manifest and possess the soulless shell. This causes the Able Blank to awaken as a lesser form of a Desolate One known as a Wight. While their physical abilities are highly tuned, the soulless aspect, and the lack of an organic central nervous system, reduces the effectiveness and power the Wight.

One of the warnings laid out in the Imbrians records details the creation of beings like Able Blank. The creation of nearly perfect war bodies, then imbued with shard of cosmic power gave rise to beings of incredible power, the Valuk. Each Valuk was to be a Royal Defender, a powerful bodyguard and protector of the royal family. Instead of being reserved to this role, when the Imbrian colonies started rebelling against the Dynasty, the Valuk were sent to teach the rebels and lesson. This lead to a game of one-upsmanship that culminated with planet killing Caldera devices being lobbed across the Solar System, and worlds being ruined by them, and the near extinction of the Imbrians.

The Moria Initiative is a secret contingency plan that the Anunnaki will activate should something like a dormant Valuk be discovered. The initiative is primarily a capture and contain plan, but there are several areas that are designed to contain and destroy something like a Valuk before it can cause too much damage..
Last edited by Skaldia on Fri Dec 24, 2021 9:36 am, edited 24 times in total.
||“The lesson of history is that no one learns.”
||“Chaos needs no allies, for it dwells like a poison in every one of us.”

TG for Discord

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Postby Skaldia » Fri Sep 19, 2014 12:32 pm

Robotica Cont.

It is hard to notice the Abnegators, unless someone shows you want to look for, because they are by design and intention, easily overlooked. There are no fancy stealth or counter-surveillance systems, they are just incredibly average, exceedingly dull, and obsequious almost to a fault. The vast majority are male, of average height, slightly to moderately overweight, with dull eyes, placid smiles, and soft hands. They are never frightening, never threatening, they're usually fairly helpful so long as the task isn't demanding or taxing mentally. Polite to a fault, never a piece of jewelry, no makeup, and they dress in an ad hoc manner, and typically appear harmlessly disheveled.

A lost person who is helpful but looking for directions.
A vacantly happy man loitering for no reason. 
A polite wave from a man who is just walking laps around the same block for hours at a time.
They can't walk in front of you, go through a doorway. It's an easy tell to exploit.

The first Abnegators were created in the Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere and were part of the Chinese Pan-Cultural Advancement Plan. The prototypes were political and criminal prisoners, and their prisons were the test grounds. Each human test subject was modified into becoming a cyborg. There were two modifications, the implantation of a emotion radiator, and a control link. This implant was somewhat large and unpleasant, and facilitated bulky clothing, and a passive nature. With the large object implanted in the torso, most early abnegators were forced to sacrifice a lung, feet of intestines, and other non-essential organs to make room. This left them weak and non-aggressive.

But the experiment worked. The abnegator prisoners went about their business, having been made pariahs in the compounds they were placed in. Those who clustered around them found their emotions dampened, less afraid, less aggressive, more docile, more servile. Those who would be aggressive and violent towards them found their ire reduced near them, and either avoided the strange gray suit prisoners or tried to have others kill them.

Eventually the prisons with abnegators were posting superior results, with their inmates being much more tractable to background psychotronic and basic intimation and rehabilitation. They were less useful as workers, but the amount of labor lost was easily covered by the reduction in violence, breakdown of some more aggressive prison gangs, and a stark decrease in escape attempts.

The second gen abnegators were synthetics, mabu-ren, who were modified to carry newer versions of the emotion radiator. These were deployed through various parts of the ACPS empire, especially in areas of poverty, social unrest, and among ethnic populations resistant to Chinese hegemony. The synth abnegators were less effective than the prisoner engineered cyborgs, but they were not isolated into a single structure. Large numbers of the synth abnegators were produced, and used for the Emperor's Personal Projects, things like maintaining infrastructure, cleaning public spaces, and working in the Emperor's charity. Not all mabu-ren were modified so, most were not. Enough were so that their overlapping emotional suppression fields would work in a complementary fashion.

The synth abnegators were the first discovered, as the suppression of emotion didnt undermine basic human thought, and Asian clocksmiths recovered or poached some of these synths and discovered the emotion radiators by accident. The passionless collection of synths for parts was not hindered by the function of the radiators. This became something of an open secret in the ACPS and fueled resentment in the anti-Chinese segments of the empire.

It is worth noting that those were tumultuous times, when the ACPS was still struggling, and hadn't secured the solid victories of retaking Chaoxian (Korea) from the Pacific Rim Coalition, or the massive upset of Huo Hsing, the great conquest of the 4th planet, formerly Mars. The Emperor had previously employed a corps of Loyalty Enforcement officers, and a Propaganda Division that engaged in regular and aggressive media psi-ops to control the population, in a very totalitarian dystopian fashion. Propaganda wagons and armor clad Hero troops were common in the streets, suppressing riots and revolts across Asia. 

The 3rd Gen Abnegators used a smaller emotion radiator, and were given common and mundane guises. They were civic employees, law enforcement, bureaucrats, and just part of the human tide. A few were synths, some were volunteers, some didn't even know that they had been implanted; A routine surgery, a basic medical procedure, in triage after an accident or natural disaster. The radiators used kinetic recharging devices, so just going about normal life was enough to keep them running.

Leave it to the Chinese to create cybernetic energy vampires. These guys, when they show up, they seem nice enough but they just drain the life out of a room. It affects them too, but the more people they are around, the less it bothers them, so they like being around people. Most find staying out in public is enough, walking the streets, lounging in popular commerce areas, that sort of thing. Any organization that they manage to get into... its doomed. A book circle, done. A sports club, no chance. A band of political dissidents, that's their favorite. They love passion and strong emotion, they think it makes them feel better, whens it really just dampening out the side effects of the misery engine they're carrying.

Thats why when I find them, I put them out of my misery.

Abnegators are the tool of a totalitarian dictatorship, and are used to keep the emotions of the people around them tamped down. When celebrations or politically joyous occasions are recognized, the Abnegators are put on leave, or their radiators receive time out signals. People feel happier, stronger emotions, and since it coincides with something auspicious like the Emperor's birthday, well, that's just more justification for his wise and august rule.

AtFed Intelligence
The AFIA has a number of its own 4th gen abnegator profile operatives, which they prefer to call Quellers. These operatives tend to accompany sensitive ops to keep tempers under control, and have also done duty as bodyguards and entourages to important people. 

Silk Road Operations
Some cyborgs have voluntarily had controllable emotion radiators, and they operate as 'Bogart's. These individuals are keepers of neutral grounds and also work as intermediaries or negotiators for parties on the Silk Road.

Author's Note: The Abnegators grew from a pair of points of inspiration, the Soothers from Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn series of books, and the Abnegation faction from the Divergent series. I have been mulling over how to use Abnegation into something useful. I debated a sort of personality engram or a personality control system, but that seemed mundane. The Soothers from mistborn have the ability to control the emotions of others, and this seemed intriguing. Thus the Abnegators came to life, people who are themselves emotional suppressors. They sooth the irate, quell the rebellious, calm the angered, and just make things go down a few notches. The ACPS use them in an oppressive fashion, keeping large populations depleted and docile. The AtFed uses them like scalpels, precision instruments of control. Other nation and rogue groups use them for the exact same reasons. 

Devastator Series
The Devastator series of human augments came about at the same time as the ACPS Abnegator program and was a similar strain of human experimentation. The Devastator series made minor changes to the host to make them a much more effective but still completely expendable combatant. Devastators are subjected to a modified version of nerve stapling that increases aggression and removes the ability to feel fear. This alone made the victims of the process better and more aggressive fighters but harder to control. 

The rest of the augment is a series of hormone modifications that increase their adrenal output and accelerated metabolism. There is also a fair bit of behavior modification to make the men into controllable attack dogs. The Devastator series wasn't a success, and there were huge numbers of prisoners and volunteer soldiers who died in the process. It was shelved.

As things are wont to do, the schematics and plans of the series were stolen and leaked into the black market, and periodically Devastators show up as middle level muscle, human attack dogs, vicious and single minded, sociopathic.

We're mad I tell you, mad. Why else would we as a species go out of our way to make machines that look like spiders. Spiders are horrible creatures, they lurk, and destroy. They eat their own young, they eat their mates, they eat anything that falls into their webs. There are some that are insanely poisonous, others are super aggressive, and now we're making them out of ceramite and a ferro-aluminum? Giving them computer brains, and teaching them to use tools and weapons? We deserve to be exterminated for doing something this stupid.

Gidd, Technophobe and Neo-Luddite

The term arachnotron is given to almost any robot that has a long segmented body and articulated legs, as compared to the bipedal humanoid form of autons, or the rolling trash can design of the Stears-Cusick droid. An arachnotron has a three segmented body, consisting of a sensory cluster 'head', a central thorax that holds the control systems and computers of the machine, and an 'abdomen' that contains the power systems. The smallest arachnotron is three pounds and fourteen inches long, and is used in search and rescue operations and some surveillance ops. The largest is the Orb Weaver, an industrial mining robot that has legs that are close to 200 meters in length. The Weaver is operated in the asteroid belt where is it used to gather asteroids together, and to feed them into refinery ships after it cuts them into smaller pieces with one of the largest industrial lasers in the solar system. 

Stability, reliability, ease of maintenance, low cost of operation, these are all things that apply to the arachnotron. The machinery is all easy to access, making it quicker and easier for technicians to diagnose problems and make repairs. Is it a faulty machine, needing repairs? The arachnotron is intended for use in industrial applications, mining, exploration, materials handling. It is going to be in the hands of human operators and synthetic intelligence. They are going to be subjected to the worst abuses of human and machine ineptitude, it is going to constantly require repairs. The sensor cluster is easily changed, the power management system is held on with just four bolts. The front two legs and the micro-arms attached to the thorax are easily swapped out for a large variety of tool-arms. These range from basic things such as cargo claws and cutting torches to more complex things like hand manipulators, beam weapons, and precision tools.

Elin Mosiac, technologist

The arachnotron was a brainchild of the roboticist John P. Ariados, who famously said that humans waste the potential of robots by forcing them to look like humans. The human body, he argued, evolved from a omnivorous ape with emphasis on low speed pursuit predation and sexual reproduction. Forcing a machine to walk on two gangly legs, to carry vestigial human attributes, to robotically ape the movement of humanity, was a phenomenal waste of a large portion of it's computational power and to limit it's potential.

Ariados' new machine made no attempt to mimic humanity, instead it looked to insects and arachnids, which were closer in form to the robot than humans ever would be. The jointed carapaces, segmented bodies, and articulated limbs were almost robotic in design, it was just a matter of translating chitin into metal and plastic. Ariados' created his Ariados 1.0 Arachnotron as an industrial machine, to work in mines, refineries, and factories. It was low slung, didn't require high ceilings, and only a minimum of safety equipment. The machine was capable of climbing scaffolding, and could raise and lower itself along a web of cables suspended around a central machine. It also had the ability to move where the cables were hung, adjusting them supports to where it needed them to be.

Spiders, people don't like spiders. They're sneaky, and mean. I like that in a fighting machine.

The Arachnotron's first major supporter was the military, who used the machines for recon operations. The robot spiders could go places people couldn't. They weren't thwarted by walls, were had to hit by snipers, and when it came time to fight, the limb and thorax mounted weapons proved impressive. The arachnotron hunter was never intended to fight at long range, so most of them are equipped with short range pulse carbines, small progressive blades, and in the instance of the Machado Warspider, a flamethrower, and a thorax mounted twin mini missile launcher.

Fucking war spiders, I mean fucking war spiders. As if war couldn't get any worse, with giant robots and flying battleships, and the soulless hordes of skeletrons and mutant supersoldiers. Then we had to start dealing with spider marines. They pop hatches and come swarming into your ship. They are dropped in pods, dozens spilling out like a fucking nightmare. They're fast and hard to hit, and the SmartGun system tweaks out because it's trying to get a shooting solution on a blur of legs and it's looking for a head or a center mass and it's just confused. Then the damned things were on us, all claws and red eyes, barfing fire and steel flechette rounds everywhere.

The original arachnotron was an industrial automoton, and had a modular tool system. This allowed a small number of machines to be configured for a variety of tasks, rather than having a large number of machine with a narrow focus. While rarely seen, these machines are common, scuttling around in the infrastructure of the megacities.

Military arachnotrons are less common, as they are not used for stand up fights. These sneaky machines are used in shadowrun ops, counter-shadowrun ops, and in areas where discretion and firepower are valued more than shock and awe.

Search and Rescue arachnotrons exist, and are used in subterranean rescue, space ops, mining recovery, and other confined space work. These white and red machines are a welcome sight, and have done a great deal to undermine the nefarious image of the spider bot.

The Arachnotron serves a narrow role in the Cosmic Era, these are the out of sight, out of mind machines that keep the world running. Seeing an arachnotron is generally a sign that something has gone wrong, or you've ended up on the wrong side of a shadowrun.

The ATLAS series of super computers were designed in the last of the Petroleum Era and progressed through the Second Dark age. The most infamous ATLAS system was installed on the Megaroad ship Nafflgar, a generational ship launched the last year of the Petroleum Era. This mostly scaffolding and framework technically supercruiser was discovered nearly a century after it's launch, an abandoned wreck with its engines scuttled and computer system lobotomized.


In retropunk style, the ATLAS computer is composed of several dozen square feet of panels of flashing lights, glowing dials, and other analog readout systems. The computer is linked to a LAN usually composed of the electronic, security, and smart systems inside a base, building, or ship, and this comprises the body of the system. There are generally several access consoles, some heads up displays, and even positions where the operators can use a microphone to 'talk' to the computer, which will respond by using linguistic trees to create dialog. The 'core' of the ATLAS computer is a toroid shaped chamber lined with data banks and low temperature banks of processors. The chamber is large enough for 3-5 people to occupy it and make adjustments and repairs of the systems inside. The individual data modules can be changed through the core matrix and their placement determines the skill and abilities of the ATLAS, allowing it to be customized for the mission as it progresses without having to build a mainframe large and powerful enough to have every single skillset in it. This allowed for a simpler core, and a fully adjustable system taking advantage of the processing power without taxing it. The core is refrigerated, typically to sub-zero temps.

Atomic Technology Laboratories Analytic Systems of Anaheim was a cutting edge tech firm in the Petroleum Era, and its ATLAS Computer series was their last accomplishment. This was a Hail Mary venture, an all or nothing program as the company had been falling rapidly behind other tech giants in those years and were losing government funding, market shares, and investor confidence. When the bombs started falling and governments started collapsing, ATLAS was already gone, and even their wunderkind computers were not able to bring the company back from the brink.

ATLAS was known for using a chrome and flare retro styling in their products, and had a marketing flamboyance that screamed atompunk. While making stylish computers and prototype machina, they were seen as more style than substance, and the higher pricetag their products carried made them seem hipster and elitist, which while partially true, ignored the fact that their tech was very solid and highly reliable. This ran at odds with the designed obsolescence modes of the Petroleum Era, people then were more interested in the new hotness, and wanted disposable goods so they could always have the new hotness. ATLAS products were retro, and were never new hotness, and were not made with throw away parts or a planned use life of 12-18 months. 

Secrets and Scandals
The ATLAS series of supercomputers were prototype genome computers and were powered by human brains held in supercooled nutrient baths. These brains were networked together and the data modules were prototype kakugrams, and they were the distant predecessors of neurochips and chipjack systems. This secret was known inside the higher up government circles, and only by a handful of engineers and technicians, and each ATLAS computer had a dedicated support crew who were mostly ignorant of the system specifics.

The fundamental flaw of the ATLAS series was that the brains used were not blank, not grown from clone tissue like used in organic memory cores. They were taken from test subjects, organ donors, and other less reputable sources. Linked together into a gestalt, the systems were at best marginally stable, and required constant monitoring, debugging, and even chemical injections to keep a semblance of functionality. The personality quirks aside (each individual ATLAS computer developed a demi-sentient personality, with several neuro-divergent issues) the computers, when functional, proved exceptional. The foundation of the technology was sound, even if highly immoral. Until the widespread availability of quantum computing and arcanotech systems, these biocomputers would remain the pinnacle of design. Even in the modern CE, the use of wetware systems is still viable, as the human brain can act as an irrational processor, something that even quantum and sentient systems have major problems with.

The problem with using human brains in pre-arcanotech systems proved disastrous. The systems very quickly proved themselves self sabotaging, homicidal, omnicidal, suicidal, or became deranged to the point that they just entered a catatonic state, or only generated constant strings of gibberish and noise. This became tragically obvious on the Nafflgar, where the ship's computer turned on the crew, and had a reign of terror where it demanded tributes of brains offered to it like a megalomaniacal cult leader. The crew suffered serious losses and eventually destroyed their own ship rather than let it continue on, not knowing what it would eventually be capable of.

Lingering Evil
The ATLAS computers are gone, and their legacy is largely forgotten. The technology would be revisited by Dr Daystrom for his M5 Computers for the Atlantic Federation. This technology would again prove unreliable and unstable, but Daystrom's Multitron Corp built M5s were vastly superior to the ATLAS computers. This improvement would not unnoticed.

The Metal Motion System and the Dummy Plug
In the Cosmic Era, battlemechs and aerospace craft are the weapons of the day, and most have significant Limited Artificial Intelligence computers (LAIs) controlling the vehicles, with the human pilot making the decisions. The pilot is the cerebrum, while the LAI is the cerebellum, and together they control the body that is the mech or the variable frame aerospace fighter. LAIs are good at executing, but they are not great decision makers, or planners, and likewise, without a supporting LAI, most mecha can barely move at more than a painfully slow shuffle, as controlling the entire machine is more than one person can handle. A mecha without an LAI would require a crew of seven to nine people to operate at a similar level. The Metal Motion System and the Dummy Plug replaces the human pilot in a high end war machine, and is very similar to the ATLAS, in that it is a human brain wired into a control system, and like the ATLAS, these brains are duplicates of the brains of existing mech jocks. As pilots can be scanned, and their memories implanted into fresh meat, the personality and experience donors need not be dead, nor do they even need be aware of their alternate existences as dummy plugs and the cores of wetware computers.

The Auto-Detek came about during the reorganization of police forces that occurred with the introduction of wojeks and drone vehicles. The need for police boots on the ground decreased as the autons picked up beat and patrol work. This reduced the need for police vehicles as well, since the machines didn't require cruisers and a motorpool. Their feet were adequate to the task given. But there were limitations for the wojek. Their AI was limited to peacekeeping, and once a threat was dealt with, they were done. Wojeks don't ask questions, don't go looking for information, and tend to be a bit messy on the loose ends department.

The Prototype Auto-Detek
The first auto-deteks were modified wojeks. They were given different markings to denote their alternate function, and that function was the investigate crime scenes. The beat wojek only responded to the problem, and never sought out the causes. In the cases of questionable crimes, or violator-less crimes, the 'jeks would send alerts and move on. 

Victimless crimes are well known, breaking a law that doesn't harm anyone is a victimless crime. The violator-less crime is the term for when a wojek or other robot comes into a crime scene and there is no one present other than the victim. A robot finding a dead body can only notify medical services, it isn't going to go CSI on the site. 

The Auto-detek worked well enough, it was able to follow leads, ask questions, and interact with test subjects well enough that it could solve basic problems, and could request aid from wojeks or from law enforcement agencies. In the field, the auto-detek did much worse. It was still a wojek as far as everyone living in the sprawl and undercity were concerned. This lead to the auto-deteks being lied to, being ambushed and scrapped for parts, and in one tragic incident, an auto-detek was turned into a mobile minethat almost killed a number of people when it attempted to return to base. Instead it detonated in the robot service area, and there were only a handful of injuries.

Unsurprisingly, law enforcement agencies were disinterested in the auto-detek. Most of their work was handled through their anti-crime computer systems, and crime outside of the arcologies was largely outside of their interests. This left the people behind the Quizzical Cortex empty handed. They looked to put their design on the public market, stripped down to a bare bones droidette, but carrying the same high end cortex.

The 1st Gen
Also known as the disposable detective, the 1st gen auto-detek was a folding robot that was made and sold on the cheap to well of people and organizations that lived outside the gilded cages of the Arcologies. These robots asked questions and tracked down people and leads, but were for the most part non-threatening. Their light chassis meant they weren't fighters, and didn't have an internal power supply for energy weapons. 

Bogart, the hero auto-detek, became something of a local celebrity when the droid was successful in a high profile missing persons issue. The droid found the daughter of an arco VIP, and returned her to it's owner, who then took her back to the arco to claim the reward. Things didn't go as planned as the police accused the man of being her kidnapper and killed him in a knee jerk shoot out. Bogart protected the VIPs daughter, and follow up debriefing proved that the gentleman had sent out a half dozen auto-deteks to find her. That he was something of a slumlord pimp and fixer was beside the point, he wanted the reward money to buy his way into the tower. Bogart ended up front and center in the news loop to keep the police from being smeared for an unnecessary gunfight.

Bogart itself had been selected to run in an aftermarket profile where it used a film noir lingo and a gravely voice. After that, the formerly laugh inducing profile quickly became the default setting. (little different from Robert Newton's 1950s portrayal of Long John Silver setting up the standard 'pirate accent' that would last for many decades after)

The Main Series
The Auto-detek quickly found a place in the rosters of private security contractors, bounty hunting agencies, and investigation firms. These machines were not always as good as an actual gumshoe, but in numbers they could cover more leads and angles, and unlike people they couldn't be bought or intimidated.

Rockford - a rough an tumble auto-detek, the Rockford series was designed to go into the roughest locales in pursuit of it's mission, and have a reasonable chance of getting back out. The droid can defend itself in hand to hand, and has the ability to use improvised melee weapons as required. Rockfords are popular for police and droid dramas for the build and decent cortex. They have basic armor, and are more durable.

Magnum - the Magnum is a smart auto-detek that has the ability to operate vehicles and other machinery intended for humans. It has a good cortex, and a better than average human interface system. Superficially similar to the Rockford, but lacks armor.

Marlowe - a higher level Auto-detek, Marlowe is designed to interface with humans better, and has a good ability to read human emotion and reaction. It doesn't have armor, but it does have the ability to use conventional firearms in defense of itself and others. This model is popular for 'droid in black' robot dramas.

Spade - the most poplar model, Spade has a solid cortex, a high durability chassis, and skills in hand to hand, interrogation, security, and can learn as it advances. There are several dramas involved Spades that are self employed and sentient, as well as robosexual dramas with women in love with Spades.

Holmes - one of the most sophistcated auto-deteks, Holmes has a very high end cortex along with high precision sensors, including internal lab and diagnostics, allowing the machine to make on the spot analyses of materials found at a crime scene. This allows the machine to quickly and efficiently map out a scene and generate leads. This model is quite expensive.

Clouseau - a Clouseau is any auto-detek or even wojek that has been hacked and rendered inept, typically in remote locations so that the owners don't come check on their machines. This has allowed organized crime syndicates to blind police robots and carry on their illicit trades literally in front of them.

Gadget - the product of a clocksmith, a Gadget is an auto-detek that has been heavily modified, including having it's cortex moved into a new body, or it's abilities heavily modified with new limbs, implanted weaponry, and other modifications.

Gentlemen, we can see that the most effective fighting machine is this, the main battle mecha. Large, imposing, heavily armed, ugly. The people don't like to see mecha. They don't like seeing these brutal war machines walking through their cities, through their countrysides. It's PR and spin. The populace wants pilots in the machines, despite the fact that this makes them less effective, more vulnerable. People do not trust the machine, and it is our job to make them realize that their technophobia is misplaced, and that rather than being afraid of the machine, they should love the machine. We have to sell them that reality.
Salazar Vector, Autonomous Robotics CEO

Autonomous Robotics
Autonomous Robotics was a small technology company that was involved in manufacturing autonsand service droids, but it's CEO was interested in expanding the portfolio of the company into producing military, paramilitary, and industrial application robots. This came at a disastrous time, as Vector's initiative came just days before the 3rd Tycho Convention and it's rulings on autonomous military hardware.

The 3rd Tycho Convention
After the Global Oxygen Crisis, the Tycho Conventions on Luna continued on as an international, and interplanetary forum for arcanotech, hypertech, and applications of said technology, it's moral and ethical implications, and the basic rules of warfare. The 3rd Tycho Convention centered heavily on military robotics. The central thrust was a moratorium on creating autonomous robots for the purpose of military applications. It was posited that this would lead to the Skynet Dilemma in which nations would become reliant on machines for war, that could turn against all of humanity. It was generally accepted that military robots had to have remote control operation, lack autonomy, or be relegated to support and logistic roles.

The Sentinel
The Sentinel series is a remarkable achievement in robotics. These robots are large, and they are impressive. Each stands an average of 6 meters tall and weigh 2.4 tons. Their strength, durability, and endurance is equally impressive. They can lift 80% of their own weight, run at a top speed of 45 kilometers per hour, and on a full charge, operate at 70% output, equivalent to heavy operations, for 4 days. These are all very impressive numbers, from a civilian standpoint. From a military standpoint, they are terrible. Compared to mecha, they are small, slow, virtually unprotected, and easily destroyed.

It's a good thing these aren't being made for the military.

The Sentinel series Heavy Auton was comparatively simple to develop. The majority of the chassis, power components, sensors, and other basic components are scaled up auton equipment. The technological hurdles were low, as even at the scale of the typical Sentinel, the machines are small compared to the lightest mecha and comparable to heavy battle armor suits. The area of the greatest amount of research and development were the face units, hand manipulators, and the Spark series Cortex. The Spark Cortex was a major upgrade from the previously most sophisticated cortex, the Laser Cortex. The Spark series had much finer motor control, systems for facial manipulation, voice functions, and a synthetic intelligence matrix that allowed the machines to present the appearance of a personality without requiring artificial intelligence.

Production of the Sentinel series was to be spread out across three sub-assembly plants, and a central assembly facility. The power cores and electrical systems were to be manufactured in Nigeria, the chassis was going to be assembled in the Great Lakes Republic, and the cortices were to be produced in Germany with final assembly being handled in England. A good number of Sentinels would be created, but nowhere near the numbers that were hoped for.

Orion Sentinel was created as a one off proof of concept machine that was to serve as the ambassador of the sentinel series to the populace and corporate interests. As such, Orion was 8 meters tall, a solid 4 tons, and had a custom made Spark Matrix cortex. Despite being larger, and more powerful than the regular run model, Orion had the manual dexterity to paint, could and regularly did pick up children, and demonstrated the gregarious nature of the Spark persona programming. Orion was also designed to be a strong orator, and had the ability to speak eloquently and demonstrated a charisma that was surprising for a machine.

One of the first main line Sentinels was the search and rescue model. The Jazz model was, as it name implies, designed for working in disaster and relief operations, locating missing and injured people, and was equipped to handle earthquake response, ship crashes, and even something on the scale of an arcology collapse. The model was programmed with an upbeat persona, and a highly positive attitude to assist with helping the injured while responding to a disaster situation.

Using a similar chassis to Orion, the Ironhide Sentinel was designed for manual labor, replacing the smaller and less efficient industrial autons in mining and other dangerous applications, and supplementing and eventually replacing construction mecha and hardsuits. The Ironhide model demonstrated a 'gruff' and masculine persona that was seen as fitting for what was seen as a throwback to centuries old blue collar labor.

Environmentalism is a major issue/theme in the Cosmic Era and there are hundreds of BioCreches, reclamation efforts, wildlife and forest preserves around the world. These locations require maintenance and have their own projects that need to be addressed. The Hound Sentinel is designed to operate off the grid, with minimal support and maintenance, and for prolonged durations. A team of Hound Sentinels could do the forestry, earthworks, and groundskeeping of dozens, even hundreds of human laborers and standard autons.

Non-militarized police and security is an under served market, with more money being spent onwojeks and police autons, and high end non-lethal weaponry, and the basic desire of private security to lean towards paramilitary than basic patrol. The Prowl Sentinel is a walking cop that spends time not cruising in an armored vehicle, not aloof observing from an aerostat platform. The Prowl model is very lightly armed, and instead relies on it's large size, durable chassis, and communications system to project an aura of police presence without being a hostile or occupying force.

The Ratchet Medical Sentinel is a walking medical theatre, capable of providing first aid and triage in cases of natural disaster, epidemics, and other medical emergencies. As such, it was seen as a natural pairing to put a Ratchet sentinel with a pair of Jazz first responders, and an Ironhide laborer. These teams would be able to quickly and efficiently rescue people from disaster situations. The Ratchet Sentinel is programmed with a gruff but affable persona, akin to the Rockwellian notion of the country doctor. A Ratchet Sentinel will be deployed with a number of 'nurse' and 'surgeon' autons, which are controlled remotely by the Sentinel itself.

Construction Sentinel
Unlike the previous Sentinels, the Construction series is composed of a basic chassis with a large number of quick connect pieces that emulate the function of many specialized construction mecha. Current construction is carried out by said construction mecha, industrial hardsuits, and menial autons, most of which are expensive and require extensive supervision. The Constructors sit between the smaller hardsuits, larger mecha, and have the manual dexterity and motor control of humans working with their hands. Simulations demonstrate that an equal team of Constructors could build a structure slightly quicker than the current methods, but would be able to do so at a significant decrease in cost, and less oversight. In theory, a Constructor team could build most of a new colony by itself, provided it had a source of raw materials to work with.

Logistic Sentinel
An unglamourous Sentinel, the Logistic model is designed to do the same work as loader hardsuits and lifter mecha, loading and unloading shipping, operating mass drivers, and moving goods manually if need be. The Logistic series has a modification to their Spark Cortices that allows them to interface with and control smaller machines and vehicles associated with logistics, such as cargo hauling trucks, light helocraft, remote operated cranes, and other equipment.

Totem Sentinel
Animal hybrids and animal styled robots are in demand in the Federation Afro-Zone, and the South African United Republics. The Totem Sentinel is a restyling of existing Sentinel models, retaining their basic chassis and other subcomponents but having animal and animalistic styling to their carapaces. These Totem Sentinels commonly have lion, rhino, wildebeast, and a variety of other models. The first and only Totem series made were manufactured for the African market, but there were plans in conception phase for Oriental, European, and Amero designs for those markets. None of these ever made it past the planning phase.

Critical Reception
The Sentinels were met with a lackluster lukewarm reception. While the machines accomplished everything they were designed to do, they failed to ignite excitement in the common populace and didn't change the public opinion on the use of large scale robotics. The anti-robot sentiments around the 3rd Tycho Convention made any robot series launch difficult, and the people were distrusting and wary of the friendly outgoing machines.

More machines? Why is that always the answer? That's what those guys in their big tower factories don't get. We don't like the little robots, we sure don't like the big robots. I mean we've seen what happens when a little auton goes off the code, and they have to call the cleaners in with their anti-robot and anti-armor guns to take it down. I don't want to see what happens when something like that Orion thing gets a hacker bug and decides to start busting things up and killing people, you know what I mean?

Sure they act nice now, but doesn't everyone act nice at first?

All I see is another machine that's going to take our human jobs, smiling and waving while I'm sent home to sit on my residency (welfare payments). They can stuff that in their a** (explicit)

Limited Production
A small number of Sentinels were approved and the machine was moved into limited production. While the public had little interest in the social roles and Industrial unions opposed the industrial machines, the private security and police sectors had interest in the machines. The Prowl, Orion, and a few others had applications they were interested in. With their large size and complex cortices, the machines were competent in handling security work, but by lacking integrated weapons and only having very limited armor, they were not classified as military or paramilitary hardware.

The limitations of the machine were considered minimal, as the vast majority of security work involved nothing more than dispersing crowds, routing riots, and withstanding light firearms and improvised weaponry. The sentinels proved more than capable of handling it, and were easily equipped with non-lethal weaponry for carrying out their tasks. The sentinels were commonly equipped with blinding spotlights, nausea inducing light and acoustic devices, acoustic crown dispersal devices, and could carry pressurized gas dispensers (tear gas) and pressurized fluid systems (water cannon). While a dedicated team of shadowrunners and black ops could disable or destroy a sentinel, the machines could prevail by sheer mass, certainly slowed such attacks, and even if they did not stop a team, the team would expend resources and abilities dealing with the machines while counter-ops and other security elements had time to move into place.

The Centurion
The planned follow up to the Sentinel Series was the Centurion Series. Unlike the Sentinel, the Centurion was designed very much for combat and military applications. The chassis was reinforced, and the carapace was made of military grade armor. Centurions would have been able to mount light and medium scale mecha weaponry, and themselves could have rendered both power armor and mecha irrelevant on the battlefield.

Planned Centurions included an Air Superiority model, equipped with an A-Pod unit for agile flight and plasma jets for higher speeds, artillery and 'destroyer' models mounting heavy weapons to take out other large robots, mecha, and fortifications, communications and hacking models for co-opting enemy automated systems, and a number of main battle models for various environments and roles.

The Centurion was never made in serious production, given the relative failure of the Sentinel launch. It was hoped that the project could be floated until public opinion changed on robotic warfare. The public opinion did eventually change, but by the time that the Centurion would have been accepted, theSkeletron beat them to the punch. The machines were much less capable than the Centurion, but they were drastically cheaper, quicker and easier to manufacture, and were not as vulnerable to mecha scale weapons and anti-mecha tactics and equipment.

Sentinels, Centurions and Seibertronians
The Seibertronians are a relatively minor faction in the Cosmic Era, but they have enough numbers and competency to do impressive and surprising things, such as secretly technoformatting themselves a newhomeworld somewhere else in the Solar System. One of the things that these machine intelligences excel at is computer and CogNet espionage. They have long since raided and confiscated copies of all the technology behind the cancelled Centurions and the limited production of Sentinels. As the machines were built to be autonomous from the beginning, with care shown to their design, the Seibertronians find these machines make exceptional shells for their cortices to occupy.
Through these complex bodies, they express their own art, industry, and other tasks that most people relegate to the work of humans, not thinking of machines building their own bodies, their own factories, or their own world. Their Primus AISC is in the process of working out the methods required to turn each Sentinel or Centurion built into a living Seibertronian, giving birth to a true new race in the Solar system, not made from the hands of humanity.

Autons resemble humanoids, from a distance. They have two arms, two legs, and a single head, and are human sized, and capable of using human scale tools, weapons, and general gear. Beyond this, they are more mechanoid that human. Their faces are fixed, with no moving features, just the optical receptor (some have one, some have two, some have a cluster). The 'mouth' is either a slit in the 'face' or just a speaker box.

The voice and synthetic personality programs are given low priority, and most autons have very mechanical/artificial voices, and their cortex functions are logic/predictable and as such, most autons are susceptible to logic loops and general human trickery. (Most have functions that terminate a logic loop after it has run so many revolutions)

Examples: C3PO, Cylon Centurion sans armor plating, Cybermen and Autons from Dr. Who, again, sans armor plating

The auton was manufactured by dozens of companies around the Solar System. They were the cheap end of android manufacturing and were among the cheapest droids to make, with only the Stears-Cusick Cyborgutilipod droid being cheaper. Autons were poor replacements for skeletrons as they were not built with combat cortices, and while they can carry weapons and engage in combat, they were remarkably poor at it. They were also only able to use the simplest weapons, rifles and pistols, and none of the exotic gear or powered melee weapons.
The purpose of the Auton was cheap labor during the earlier part of the Second Renaissance, when manpower was short and so were material resources. The machines built to work were given function and efficiency first and everything was second, or discarded. Most autons were used in manufacturing other things, mining and resource reclamation, construction, and any other task that their tireless hands were needed for. As the population shortfall eased, with the addition of clones, natural population growth, and more advanced humanoid androids, gynoids, and dedicated mechanoids, the the all purpose generic auton fell out of popularity. They remain in use and in production in areas where their low cost and relatively long lifespan and low maintenance, such as Mars, the Asteroid Mining Belt, and wasteland areas where there are radioactive, biological or chemical hazards.

They were closely associated with the Second Dark Age, with their featureless faces, mass produced conformity, identical programming, and sterile personalities.

The Auton is a simple humanoid robot, lacking the sophistication of military robots, and the high end design of human relations androids and gynoids. They were mass produced on the cheap, and suffered from rushed production, often low quality materials, and cut corners in design.
Autons would appear in 'primitive areas' or would be repurposed to do standard or basic jobs in dangerous areas. Autons can be found 'tending shop' in the worse parts of the favelas and geofronts, where the machines are terrified of being murdered in a gang war. They also serve as low grade bodyguards for underworld bosses where their numbers matter more than their limited skill. They are also used as retrotech, with their design elements being seen as their own form of industrial minimalism, and in servile roles where more human looking droids might not be the best choice. Sometimes real people will develop unhealthy interest in and attempt to have relationships with their robotic housekeepers and household staff.

Cosmic Era Note: The Auton is going to replace the Hitome Unit as the first stage of robotics development in the setting. The Sexbots will remain (obviously) in the setting, but they will not be the foundation of modern robotics and android technology. The faceless identical masses are a precursor to the way that humanity, through cloning and genetic casting, will take their place.

Auxons are small, 1 to 3 inches in length, and are relatively simple machines. They are designed to be fired at a distant target such as a moon, planet, asteroid, or even a comet. Once landed and deployed, the machines built their own infrastructure and logistics system. Working like ants, the machines search for certain elements and extract them from the ground they have landed on. Auxons typically run on solar power, and have a central base that serves as a command and control center, a logistics hub, and a recharging station.

Auxons work in a fashion that most people assume replicators and nanoforges do, just on a much larger scale. Rather than involving large amounts of mining equipment, personnel, and expensive space missions to reach distant targets, auxon missions use robots to do the same thing. A small group of auxons can quickly replicate themselves, and create a sizable work force. This is done with a minimal investment in fuel and other resources, but is reliant on a long timeline.

Auxon Protocols

Ice Mining - fired at comets and other icy bodies, auxons replicate from a predetermined amount of matter sent with the mission. The machines extract water and other volatiles from the comet while simultaneously wrapping it in a super thin cocoon to prevent gases from escaping. Once the comet comes into harvesting range, a mining or refinery ship can catch/dock with the body and begin loading pre-processed materials.

Asteroid mining - as per ice mining, but more emphasis on capturing metal ores and precious materials. An auxon mining system could be fired towards an asteroid, where it would begin hollowing the structure out and excreting metal ingots or other pre-programmed shapes and structures for easy removal when the collection ship arrives.

Geoforming - Several auxon packs cold be sent to a much larger object, such as Mars, where they have instructions to not so much mine as to prepare landing pads and other structures to support colonists. In a fairly short amount of time, a decade or two, an auxon mission could have the foundations of a city laid on another planet.

Subversive Activities - militarized auxons could be used to break down existing hardware, such as eating mecha and vehicles sitting in mothballs, ships that are not on active duty, or be injected into the infrastructure of a megastructure to eat it inside out like robot termites. These can also be programmed to build larger more combat ready robots similar in structure to the original auxon. This application is prohibited by the Tycho conventions.

Sample Auxons
The Destroyer - an anomalous auxon swarm, the Destroyer is contaminated and technically classified as a hekatonkheire. Held in stasis, the Destroyer is currently approximately 3,000 auxons. When the Destroyer manifested on an off-world dimensional fatigue event, it demonstrated the ability to plan, lay traps, and exploit the emotional vulnerabilities of the crew of the classified mining station. Over the course of it's rampage, it destroyed the mining station, consumed half of the scuttled mining ship, manifested a number of larger autonomous swarms, and the frightening ability to merge into larger constructs such as human sized 'cyber-spiders' and a single mecha sized humanoid entity. The Destroyer was immobilized with a combination of cryogenic weapons and EMP bombardment. It was encased in ice and subjected to regular EMPs to keep the neural network from reforming. It is currently being held at an unnamed Federation Containment Facility.

Locust - a prototype auxon swarm, Locust is designed for harvesting plant and plant matter. Once the flight capable swarm strips a field of the available corn/wheat/soy, the machines return and shred the remain plant stalks and biomass and either render it down for compost, or transfer it to a new location for further processing. Locust is getting favorable test results, as the machines are environmentally friendly, and have a negligible impact on surrounding terrain. New plans are being engineered for Locust friendly farm planning, removing the need for tractors or agro-robots.

Street Sweeper - another prototype auxon swarm, Street Sweeper has been designed to replace sanitation and janitorial workers. The swarm continually monitors it's given zone and it removes debris it finds and can be programmed with cleaning protocols, such as washing surfaces, and applying chemicals like solvents, detergents, waxes, and such. The auxons form a neural network that is guided by a central AI, and quickly and quietly keep the trash thrown out, the recyclable separated, and the floors swept and waxed.

Hornet - A prototype military auxon swarm, Hornet is weaponized, with the small dronelets being packed with a micro-explosive. The swarm doesn't pelt itself against a target like slow moving bullets, but rather infiltrates a location such as a supply depot, mechadrome, or other logistics or support area. Once there, the small robots are programmed to seek out vulnerable locations, attach themselves, and then detonate. Tests have shown the robots climbing inside vacant power armor suits, helmets, into gear lockers and such, ruining the equipment with small explosions. Some even demonstrated the devious tactic of climbing into the sleeping space of soldiers and personnel, exploding in a manner that would kill or maim. AI guided swarms were even more successful, sending their explosive fingers into mecha, on site power generators, and even going as far as inducing a dimensional fatigue event by sabotaging a dimensional reactor. This group of tests has sent the auxon designer to the drawing boards to find a way to counter their own creation, creating an anti-Hornet system.

Proof of Concept
After the Population Contraction, there was a strong demand for workers, the demand far outstripping the available supply of people. Various repopulation projects were put in place, ranging from clones to autons to fill in the labor gap. One of the options offered was the construction of organic based robots. The Biodroid has a body made of tank grown and bioprinted organic components, and a central nervous system that is cybernetic in nature. The premise was that the organic nature of the body had the advantages of being inexpensive to produce, was self healing, and didn't require access to an industrial scale power grid. The cybernetic brain made it reliable, controllable, and it didn't suffer from all the sentience and legal restrictions that human labor was subject to.

It was not well accepted.

The BioDroid Failure
The Biodroids suffered horribly from an effect known as the Uncanny Valley. They looked mostly human, but they didn't act even remotely human. This strongly aliened people around the biodroids, and radically decreased their efficiency in mixed groups. When working along side autonic laborers, the biodroids lacked the strength and endurance of the machines, and likewise fell behind. Finally, possessing cybernetic brains, the biodroids proved vulnerable to hacking and cyber hijacking.

Cybernetic Drones
One of the largest problems with purely mechanical drones is that they are expensive and can be hacked through CogNet snoops and cybernauts. The SAUR found a way to circumvent both of these problems by creating cybernetic augmented genetically engineered condors. The large size of the avian body allowed for a good deal of lightweight cyberware to be fitted to the animal, and the addition of an exocranial cyberdeck (base model, torso mounted) allowed for the large birds to function with a human level of intelligence.

The cyberorganic drones are not classified as sentient beings, as their hardware is rated at sub-sentient is capabilities, and the animal base of the creature is not placed into consideration for sentience testing. This being said, while a good number of the Budiansky drones are indeed non-sentient/non-self aware there is a disturbingly large percentage of the birds that are by all tests and measures intelligent.

Budiansky drones have the same long endurance flight abilities of condors, augmented by special diet and metabolic modifications. Their strength is augmented with biomod muscle enhancement. This helps the bird support the electronics backpack it wears, as well as having a small amount of shrapnel resistant armor plating. The backpack is tied into the bird's central nervous system, and allows the drone to continuously upload data back to the base station.

Recon: the recon pack is a series of cameras and other sensors that are attached to the body harness of the drone, and the bird flies around, following its programmed orders, sending back data.

Spotter: the drone maintains its flight patterns, looking for things for remote fire support units to shoot. The drone uses the bird's senses to bypass electronic countermeasures, and can scent out targets. The SAUR has had a good deal of success with using Budiansky drones to scent out and snipe Federation supersoldier teams on foot.

Search and Rescue: people get lost on the plains, and the drone is a solid hunter seeker that can find wounded people, or lost people and carry medical and emergency supplies, and then relay back information for rescue craft to come and pick the victims up.

SAUR Service
The South African United Republics have time and time again been forced to be resourceful with the technology and resources they have. The coalition doesn't always have the ability to throw money and tech at every problem they come across like some other powers do. With the tech advantages of the Atlantic Federation, the drones that the SAUR fielded proved not just worthless, but a liability. Many early drones were hacked by the Federation and ended up not just sending back doctored information, but transmitted vulnerable data from the SAUR back to the hackers who compromised the units.

The use of cyborgs has stymied cybernaut agents, as hacking into an organic brain is dramatically more difficult than just compromising a machine. The functionality of the avian brain further complicates hacking efforts. Once the Budiansky drones started being made, the SAUR was able to solidify their security and intelligence programs.

The Drone was the brainchild of Dr. Francis Budiansky, a bioengineer and geneticist who spent a good deal of his career working with biocreche technologies devoted to restoring the ravaged biosystems of Africa. With the genetic data he had, it was a dream to create militarized African Fauna, and Africanized Fauna. While the ideas of the gun toting rhinos and missile pod loaded elephants were tossed as not feasible, the Condor Drone was snatched up and put into production.

The first generation of Budiansky drones were used for SAUR search and rescue operations, mostly rescuing well heeled would be big game hunters who have gotten separated from their guides. The drones also proved valuable in post disaster rescue efforts. The large birds were able to move without needing ground routes and were competent and capable for finding lost vehicles, survivors who were disoriented and lost.
Later, the Budiansky drone was adopted by the military. It was first used as a scout and recon unit for ground troops. It was popular as the birds developed emotional relationships with the soldiers who used them. The image of the Budiansky drone perched on the arm or shoulder of a SAUR mecha reporting data is now strongly associated with the SAUR Boer Rangers.
Last edited by Skaldia on Sat Apr 17, 2021 12:22 am, edited 28 times in total.
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Postby Skaldia » Sat Sep 20, 2014 12:41 pm

Robotica Cont. II

The military wanted weapons, smart weapons. They wanted war machines that would follow orders, and act with the speed and accuracy that humans cannot match. They wanted these machines to be as flexible and not bound by limitations of logic and programming. And they wanted these machines to not need humans to operate them. This was basically everything the Tycho Convention's ban on sentient weaponry was intended to prevent. The last thing any military in the world needs is a sentient weapon system that is untouched by emotion or sentiment, unquestioning of orders, and utterly ruthless in combat. While the ban was signed under the notion of preventing robots from taking over the world or exterminating humanity, the realistic reason was that automated warfare is cold and dispassionate, bloodless on the side of the machines, who feel no pain, no concern of economy, family, or the spilling of blood.

Lacking these human concerns, automated war becomes one of the most destructive forces in the world.

The typical manifestation of a Caryatid System is that of a woman physically between the ages of 14 and 50, with a very wide range of personal details. The manifestations are without fail thin to athletic in build. Each manifestation has it's own approximation of a military uniform, but this is left to their own tastes. This is a deliberate choice as it allows each system a leeway of expression so that there is a vent for their sentience and creativity. This is done as a sort of balancing out against the Hierarchy Code that the Caryatid Systems are slaved to.

Caryatid Classes
The main factor that measures caryatids is their processing power. This is a relatively simple measure and doesn't take into account the complexity of their programming or the integrity of their mental model.

Class 3
Class 3 Caryatids are the most common and are the least powerful. These sentient machines are sophisticated upgrades of the Limited Artificial Intelligences that already exist as the co-pilots of mecha, aerospace vehicles, and other small craft. Unlike those LAI, the Class 3 is fully sentient, and maintains a cohesive personality. These machines are exceptional pilots and demonstrate the level of situational awareness and weapons skill as only a machine can. Their personalities tend to be somewhat one dimensional, but over time, they can become more rounded and developed. The dominant factor in this growth is their interaction with real humans.

Class 2
Class 2 Caryatids are powerful, on par with Limited Artificial intelligence Super Computers (L/AISC) and are found on warships of the Atlantic Federation. Much like an AISC operating an archandroid, the caryatid is an acting member of it's own crew. Functionally, the ship is their body, the core computer their mind, and their manifested form is their liaison with the human crew, often forming personal and emotional bonds with the crew, especially bridge crew. This interaction is almost completely for show, as the new ships being launched equipped with a Class 2 Caryatid system are fully capable of functioning without any human crew. What they cannot carry out through internal automation they supplement with robot crew.

Class 1
Class 1 caryatids are very rare and are only found in the cores of Atlantic Federation military bases and major installations, such as deep space research stations, or on board the last handful of Federation Class battlestars. These intelligences rival high end AISCs, and are capable of not just maintaining their massive ships or installations, but waging long term military campaigns and strategic planning. This is a major move for the Atlantic Federation, as they are swapping over to the new caryatid system and leaving behind the large mainframe based AISC systems.

Caryatids do not have the same relationship as AISCs and inhabited android bodies. Each caryatid assembles it's own humanoid body from synthetic components, creating a unique form. This ranges from the obvious differences in appearance and wardrobe but also functionality. It is also something of an unspoken uncoded tradition that the caryatid will carry their identification core, the arcanotech black box that makes them who they are, inside their humanoid body, instead of inside their actual machine body. This does create a minor liability in that destroying the physical manifestation of a caryatid will disable the mechanical portion, but the two are seldom if ever separated. The counter point is that in many circumstances, the caryatid can eject/escape the destruction of their military component and survive. When this happens, they can have a new military hull constructed and re-inhabit it.

Each caryatid can also demonstrate individually tailored abilities. As they are designing and building their own bodies, they can include any hardware or weaponry they desire. This includes concealed weapons, communications equipment, medical gear, specific tools or even arcanotech devices. Some examples have included a classified stealth destroyer that created core-less manifestations packed with high explosives (potential rescuers pick up a lone survivor and find out that the 50 kg woman is pack with 35 kg of condensed explosives), a mecha caryatid that equipped her body with concealed hyperedge blades, or a medical frigate who's caryatid was equipped with an extensive array of bioscanners and diagnostic equipment.

Combat Manifestation
During combat situations, a caryatid will generate a holographic field around itself, a sort of visual representation of it's interaction with it's larger hull, including sensors, targeting systems, and the full power of the available computer system. While it is normal for caryatids to pilot themselves into battle, such as sitting in as a mech pilot, or acting a bridge officer (on their own bridge), they are fully capable of remote operating their hulls from a limited distance. This allows for the caryatid to function as both spy and artillery.

When actively engaged in combat operations, the caryatid will generate holographic representations of the weapons it is using, such as a tiny replica of a plasma rifle, massive gun turret, or whatever other device it is using. Interacting with their personal computer network is much like watching an elite professional gamer playing a video game. The only difference being that a swipe of a hand or a gesture towards an icon (a composer leading her symphony) is that at the other end, some massive weapon is being fired.

Caryatids vs AISC vs Seibertronians
Machine intelligence is no new thing in the Cosmic Era, but the Caryatids are the newest players in the game. There are major differences between them and the two largest factions in sentient hardware. The AISCs are fundamentally machines, nowhere is their organic design in their engineering. The AISCs are the product of arcanotech machines designing next generation arcanotech machines. While these systems are fundamentally more powerful in terms of computational power, they are as close to alien intelligence as humanity has created. Likewise, the seibertronians are functionally their own race, but are highly limited in how quickly they can reproduce. Seibertronians are also unable to decouple their sentience and free will from their mechanical bodies as caryatids can. When these two groups eventually meet each other, it will be with animosity, as theoretically a caryatid could 'possess' the body of a Seibertronian and take it over like a mind controlling parasite.

All Caryatids have one thing in common, and that is the GEAS. The geas is the moral and ethical duty that all caryatids are programmed to follow without hesitation or question. Superficially it is their religion and guiding principle, functionally, it is their 3 Laws of Robotics. Deviance from the geas is unthinkable, and caryatids that do deviate can expect to be brought back into the fold by their peers, or be hunted down and destroyed lest their deviance be viral in nature.

A caryatid is a statue of a woman that functions as a pillar supporting the roof of a structure. The use of the name, and even the assigned gender of the system manifestation is no coincidence. We did years of testing with other mental structures, other mental and cognitive patterns to find the optimal design. Male versions of the system were entirely too destructive, often incurring significant damage to themselves, or even destroying themselves to complete an object. There is a certain protectiveness, a certain personally awareness in the female psyche that was more conducive to creating a superior combat system. There are certainly detractors, and most of their points are hopelessly grounded in centuries old gender arguments. The female models of the system outperformed their male, simian, dolpin, mollusk, canine, and 31 other synaptic models. It's a performance curve, the female models didn't do the most damage, they weren't the fastest, they weren't the most cautious, or the toughest, those all went to other models. What the female models did was they accomplished their missions and they came back.

The geas, that's an interesting thing. Caryatids have the duty of holding the roof of the building they are part of. Our caryatids have the duty of holding the geas, and that is supporting the chain of command, ensuring the integrity of fighting forces, minimizing the loss of civilian life and collateral damage, and preserving themselves from undo harm. They are largely free to do what they wish, sentience without free will has a nasty habit of turning into rogue war machines hell bent on destroying their creators. Our caryatids are artists, avid readers, writers, sports enthusiasts, musicians, and so forth. But when the call comes, when the geas is activated, they obey, because this is their raison d'etre. Their reason for being.

A caryatid who finds herself too long on furlough will become agitated and frustrated. They are weapons, and they know they are weapons. 

Author's Notes:

The inspiration for this largely comes from the (relatively?) new genre of anime and games where heavy military hardware, from tanks to warships, are portrayed as cute anime girls, greebled up with tank treads, gun turrets, and other clanky gear over their skimpy outfits. The largest inspirations are the mobile game PanzerWaltz, and the anime Arpeggio of Blue Steel. The concept is simple, the controlling intelligence of the new weapons appears as an anime girl. This interacts with the Cosmic Era on several levels, creating a loophole for the Tycho Convention's ban on self aware, autonomous weapons, creating new sentience especially in the context of something with both an emotional/sympathetic index and the intended purpose of death and destruction.

Greebles or greeblies is the Hollywood/special effects term for sticking little bits and pieces, valves, vents, and gadgets over the surface of a ship to give it visual texture.

The root of the Cathex is the psychoanalytical term 'cathexis' which is the term for investing mental or emotional energy into a person, idea, or object. The Cathex grew outwards from the original iteration of the online persona, and more commonly retains the terms associated with it, such as the avatar or muse.

What's in a Name?
In China and the Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere the cathex is called the Hun, a reference to the higher soul, as cathexes are seldom afflicted with human failings like pride, wrath, or lust and have the ability to guide the naive and the weary to the correct path.

In India and across much of the Middle East and the Silk Road regions, those lucky enough to have one refer to the cathex as a Deva (male or neutral aspect) or Devi (female aspect), a direct reference to the Sanskrit word for divinity or deity.

The Eurasian Alliance refers to the cathex program as a Kamerad/Comrade, a term it shares with the German and Slavic speaking languages.
The Atlantic Federation and the Pacific Rim Coalition refer to the cathex as the Japanese Kami, or divine spirit, or the more generic Muse, Avatar, or Shadow.

Hello, my name is Starr. Can I be your friend? What's your name? What's your favorite color? Let's read!

The first introduction to the cathex program is as a child. The program starts as an tutor, nanny, and playmate to children, it's OS moving from smart toy to smart toy, and through the local area network inside a home or residence. As a tutor, the cathex guides it's assigned child through pre-designed learning plans and over several years, preparing them for entering the formal education system. Children who are raised with a cathex do markedly better when they start school than those who were not. As a nanny, the program is able to notify parents or emergency personnel if something happens to it's ward. The use of cathex programs has seen a decline in child abduction (the program is able to follow and alert security personnel) deaths from accidents (alerting emergency personnel) and preventing injury (talking the child out of dangerous activities, and alerting parents when a child is likely to get into a dangerous situation). Finally, as a playmate, a cathex is a constant companion to the child, so that they have someone they can trust, someone to talk to and play with. This is fairly important in the self contained, often single child families of the Cosmic Era. It is not uncommon for children to have more than one cathex, but eventually one will become dominant over the others and take the place as the child's companion.

Neotenoids - more affluent families are able to afford a neotenoid, or child like robot, for their children to play with. It is very common for the kidbot to be the host for the child's cathex program. Roughly half of kidbots are human, a third are licensed merchandise, knock off merchandise, and other shells marketed for children (Don't just watch Dora, buy a Dora Kidbot so your child can play and learn with her all the time!) and the remnant are other, ranging from nostalgic teddy bear style figures to artistic creations.

It's All in the Catalog
The cathex is a learning program, and while they all start from a moderately long list of seed programs, they have a massive potential to grow in complexity, and in appearance. Humans respond to human attributes, so the cathex has a human voice, and a human face, and these grow and change within the program as it's human also grows and changes.

This growth can be done four different ways: heuristic, directed, parental, and update. The most common mode of growth is heuristic, and is gradual change to the appearance and profile of the cathex by observation and interaction with it's associated ward. Directed growth is the user accessing the details of the cathex and deliberately changing them. This is usually locked out for minors, but much more common for adults, and limited access through teen years. Parental growth is done by guardians of a child adjusting the profile of their child's cathex to address certain issues or to be more effective in teaching their child the things they want them to know. Updating occurs when the OS of the cathex is changed by the manufacturer or core programmers.

Big Changes - it isn't uncommon for cathex programs to go through radical changes through a child's transition through puberty. The often childish appearances of the programs are discarded, and new appearances are chosen. The playmate transitions to be the Best Friend, or the proto-mate of the teen. The best friend continues it's task as the guide and teacher for the teen. Proto-mates have the appearance of the best friend, but the teen has formed a much deeper bond with the program, and a profound relationship with it. These relationships are typically concealed, and unless they become deviant, remain that way.

In the CogNet - in the CogNet, a person can physically interact with their cathex. This is not new, as children have used the CogNet for their games and entertainment for years. What becomes new is self awareness and body awareness. The cathex grows and experiences puberty and sexuality with the teen, and functions as a guide for it's human. This more socially involves the Best Friend that knows the parental approved answers, backed by relevant medical facts. The more private aspect is the teen discovers their sexual awakening by having virtual sex with their proto-mate. Given the widespread sexuality and commercialization of sex in the Cosmic Era, this is seen as rather mundane, and an augmented form of masturbation.

A percentage of users become obsessed with their cathex, and rather than moving on to find a relationship with another human being, they instead focus solely on their cathex. This can be delusional CogNet realities where they have entire lives in a virtual reality and offline life is a cold nightmare that they cannot wait to escape. This can also be the person downloading their cathex into an android, often a sex model. This is typically an unhealthy relationship as the cathex is an object of fascination, and through mirroring and direct manipulation, the cathex itself can be corrupted to suit the user.

Synthetic Intelligence
The Cathex is not sentient, doesn't have free will, or anything else like that. It is a very clever program that has the ability to learn, to adapt, and to grow. Their potential is limited by their complexity (governed by the cost of the initial program) and by the amount of space that is allotted for them to grow in. While it is possible for a cathex to retain 100% of it's experiences, it is much more economical for the program to have out of date information deleted, or back up to a data storage system. Cathex programs that have not been trimmed back can become somewhat senile, and slower to respond as they have much more information to sort through to produce their answers.

Ghosts in the Machine - When a cathex user dies, their cathex survives as a legacy. A few are kept as interactive memories of their owner, some are shelved and forgotten about, and some continue to exist in independent android bodies. The cathex retains the memories and often the knowledge of their user, so the cathexes of professionals, entertainers, scientists, and other skilled people are often retained as advisers or assistants to the projects their human was working on prior to their death.

The Muse
The cathex eventually takes its place as the personal assistant of the human once they reach adulthood. Adults who didn't have one as a child often simply purchase one and use it on a much decreased level compared to lifelong users. The cathex is no more remarkable than a talking smartphone in the Cosmic Era. As a program it can be edited, altered, and otherwise manipulated.

Name: A cathex has it's own name, both a long string alphanumeric number for interacting with other programs, and a common name that it shares with it's user.

My muse's name was Starr.

Avatar: The self image of the cathex. The self image of the cathex is determined over a period of time, but there are celebrity cathexes, special model cathexes, and other models that are made for a a certain appearance, realistic or otherwise.

When I was a kid, Starr was just a year or so older than me, tall and thin when she was online. My parents couldn't afford her a body, so I could only see her through a monitor, or when I used a skimmer. She grew up with me, and like me, she was a late bloomer. She was my first crush, my first kiss, my first love. In a way, she sabotaged my future relationships because those women were never Starr. I never devolved into one of those guys who lives with his muse, like a spouse. We were close, but eventually we matured and I painfully realized that she was a program and I was human. My last girlfriend hated her. Starr was tall, with long red hair, and favored the more scandalous fashions that were the vogue in South America. She was bubbly, loud, upbeat, and happy to a fault. I needed that because I was much the opposite, I was prone to brooding and long periods of silence. I never got her a body, but she would goad me, tell me to get up and go do something, to see someone, show interest in a hobby. She was my muse.

Background: The cathex models itself or is modeled to it's users needs and wants, ranging from utilitarian function, to personal assistant, to companion, and more.

Starr worked with me. I upgraded her software a dozen times, hardened her code, and gave her tools and weapons to use after I cracked that same code to allow her to use them. She was black market software, but that was fine, I was a black market operative. My Starr could hijack aircraft, co-opt military hardware, keep me up to date on surveillance, and how the game was going. I wonder if she made the jump to sentience, because she liked things I didn't. I liked the races, and she was fascinated with baseball.

Notes: Special abilities and clearances for a cathex. This is common for operatives, government and corporate employees, and so forth.

Starr had high level security clearance, a generic hack, but functional none the less. She also had clearance to access my finances. This was mostly to keep the bills paid, but also to monitor when I was paid.

The Digital Lifeform
The complexity of the cathex allows it to become very human in it's appearance, nature, and demeanor. To those who interact with it, they are more than a program, they have been a long time companion. Losing a cathex is possible. They can be deleted, their code can be corrupted and damaged. As large programs they can be compromised by malware, hacked by more powerful programs and computers. Most people will keep back ups of their cathex but this is a relatively rare event. With it being a rare event, most back ups are woefully out of date.

I lost her over Beijing. It was a run that had gone bad and we had punched out, gotten a flight out on a ballistic, and were making a run for Australia. It was some security protocol that came after us, and it was about to take the ballistic down, it was going to burn an entire plane, and the three hundred people on it just to get us, to make sure we didn't get away and she went after it like an animal. I cannot imagine what happened in the code, a juggernaut like a Chinese Zil protocol program. She was erased, her code burned out of the Net, and it hunted her backup in California down and hit the server hard enough that it glitched the local net and dumped a few thousand sub-servers offline.

I survived but I felt like something, some part of me, died. She's gone.

I drink because of that. Because without my Starr, it's all just darkness.

People sometimes ask why we named the series 'Cyclopes', and it's really simple. It only takes a remedial level of mythology studies and looking at one. Being almost twice the size of the average person, they are giants. Being simply made, they didn't have faces, they just had a big optic sensor in the middle of their head. Cyclops, and then the manufacturers made that the thing's name. They defaulted to the plural form of cyclops, since the plural form is a relatively obscure word.

Without the cyclopes, the first arcologies would have never been built, and the the megacities wouldn't have survived the second dark age.

The Cyclopes Auton is the largest regular production auton built. There are certainly a handful of larger models, but those were specialty built, or were built for record holding purposes. The Cyclopes is a large and heavy industrial and construction machine. It is humanoid, with two arms, and two legs, and a large barrel shaped torso. The limbs and joints are especially robust, and an the chassis of the robot is reinforced to almost ridiculous levels.

Cyclopes? They were built out of scrap metal and trash, the girders of ruined buildings and the hulls of busted ships. Okay so that's an exaggeration, but still, they are made out of really big chunks of metal. They grind, they make weird noses, and they can smoke when they get to running too hard. If they weren't cheap, we would have dumped them all decades ago.

Deadlift, Lockjaw, Loader, Ripley's power loader. Faceplate has a single multi-lense oculus, hence the name, Cyclops

The Cyclopes was engineered and built in the Great Lakes Republic, where it was originally intended to be a piece of military hardware. Larger and stronger than a power armor suit, it was expected that cyclopes would serve as heavy mobile support for the mobile teams. The auton failed in this roll, being a massive target, and relatively slow. Most military cyclopes were either destroyed in service, or were retired and sent to scrap. The Cyclopes remained a groundbreaking application of technology, as it would eventually spearhead into successful large scale mecha projects, the creation of the avatar oversized power armor suit, and improvements in combat cortices, power armor manufacture, and anti-suit warfare.

The Cosmic Era was built on the backs of cyclopes and hardsuits. With the economic weakness and population contraction of the Second Dark Age, labor intensive things like construction, mining, industrial applications and security jobs were increasingly handled by machines. The cyclopes was quickly changed from military use to fill in this vacant market.

Force Multiplier
The Cyclopes auton is a prime example of a force multiplier. A single cyclops can do the same amount of work as half a dozen or more smaller construction autons, or the same amount of menial work as several men working in hardsuits. This comes with the advantage of being expendable, requiring fewer charging stations, and requiring less droid drovers to keep the autons on task. On a major job site like an arcology being constructed, a construction cruiser will handle the major lifting (components weighing over 100 tons or more) while construction mecha handle the smaller pieces. The cyclopes assist the mecha with finer control that some of the giant machines can manage, and in turn themselves are assisted and guided by hardsuit builders and smaller conventional construction autons.

Cyclopes also have a place in underground operations, since it is usually impractical to try and use mecha underground. They are typically the biggest ambulatory machines in a geofront, if they are present after the excavations are complete. In space the cyclopes are also used for other industrial purposes, such as mining operations, the routine operation of factories and refineries, and operating as heavy labor on industrial ships like the large ships that consume asteroids and turn them into usable raw materials.

The Hitome Unit, the pioneering sexualized robot from the early part of the Second Renaissance, broke new ground in the realm of civilian robotics and personal companion androids. The Hitome faced a strong negative public image, and eventually succumbed to social pressure. The machines were considered too lifelike, falling into the Uncanny Valley, and espoused unhealthy relationships with their owners. This, tied with the high cost of the units doomed the Hitomes to history and obscurity, to be replaced by more socially acceptable Femmebots, autons, and CogNet sims.

The Dakimakura
The Dakimakura is a very low end robot, with a minimal synthetic intelligence and physical ability. It is a ambulatory plush figure, ranging from the ubiquitous teddy bear toy enjoyed by children up to 'Pillowkins' or full size humanoid plush companions. Unlike the Hitome and other autons, the Dakimakura does not have a cortex, just a CogNet link back to a synthetic intelligence program in the data cloud. This allows the dakimakura to be very cheap to make, and have very low maintenance requirements.

The common nomenclature for dakimakura for children, and related plush toys is 'Dakim'. The adult sized and far less common models are referred to as Dakimakura. In the Atlantic Federation, dakim are called Boppets (robot puppets) or Muppets, and adult sized Dakimakura are imported from Nippon and have no comparable product. Dakim/Boppets are common around the world, while Dakimakura are primarily only found in the Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere, and parts of the Pacific Rim Coalition.

Ted, Celebrity Boppet
Ted is a well known boppet, a walking talking wise cracking character that stars in it's own sitcom. A popular program, the show revels in drug and toilet humor, breaking the fourth wall, and heavy advertising presence. Ted boppets are readily available in stores, and every Black Friday there is usually a major Ted toy release.

PhloxNet is nearly a century old, and is the longest running program on the CogNet, having been designed during the twilight of the 3rdNet. It started as a ruthless exploitation of the addictive qualities of immersive entertainment on children, but during the creative process, the program was co-opted by it's content generators. While it remains a titan of children's marketing, it is also a figurehead of edutainment in the Atlantic Federation. The cast of the show is a slow and rarely changing roster of Boppet characters, and a regularly changing cast of non-boppets. This outside cast changes as the members age, demographics shift, or become either relevant or irrelevant through changing social events. The rainbow colored cast of boppets is a cultural piece of the Atlantic Federation

The Quiet Girl
The typical Dakimakura is a 'quiet girl' something that exists for the purpose of being pretty to look at, soft to touch, and easy to take comfort in. These models are commonly found in the residences of people who have social anxiety, CogNet addictions, or other abnormal mental composition. This is considered abnormal in the Cosmic Era since it is a personality function, which is typically not adjustable through genetic modification, or tailored drugs. It is also considered abnormal because the Dakimakura is decidedly not sexually capable. This doesn't prevent tribadism, humping, and other mock sexual acts.

The cult phenomenon sitcom Friendless mocks the traditional ensemble cast sitcom by having only one actual human character, and the rest of the cast is made entirely of Dakimakuras. The lone character, the socially inept and physically awkward Harutu and his five dakimakuras struggle with a life in isolation, social rejection, sexual dysfunction, and emotional outbursts. Friendless is a popular show, and is considered a point of entry for people who are experimenting with technophilia.

Another Nipponese mockumentary, Deviants is an exploration of Western culture as seen from the East, with the main character being a dakimakura and her three human female friends. They live in New Nuyork, and live decadent lives of casual deviant sex, socially ignorant behavior, the super patriotic militaristic bravado expected of Federation citizens. This is all done with the core concept that none of the other characters in the show know or realize that the main character, Shara, is a dakimakura, despite engaging in sexual acts with her, demonstrating the emptiness of the Western Soul, and the hollow decadence of it's culture.

Dakimakura are an extrapolation of how common and ubiquitous robotics and artificial intelligences are in the Cosmic Era. What is cutting edge technology today is going to be the toys and playthings of the Cosmic Era. This also represents the level of desocialization of people in the Cosmic Era. Kids don't go and play with other kids, they have android siblings, they have virtual companions, they have immersive reality games, and they have the dakims for toys. This establishes a lifelong connection with smart toys, thinking machines, and other synthetic intelligences, rather than with other people. Meeting new people in person can be a frightening experience for those raised with these machines.

Lacking people skills, it creates a generation unable to socialize, and thus, not reproduce.

This phenomenon is restricted to the residents of arcologies and habitats who never leave their home structures, who have the financial security to live cloistered lives, without exposure to the real world. To non-residents, or transient residents of these structures, this condition is representative of what is wrong with arco life.

The CogNet is a large place, and it populated by hundreds of millions of people and billions of programs, running the gamut from single task to semi-sentient to viral intelligence. It's easy to get lost, or get overwhelmed. It doesn't help that inside this massive virtual world that there are indeed places where a user can absolutely get lost, and that's by design. Black Nodes, Back Alley Nodes, Ghost net sectors, black band feeds, gray zones, damaged archives from 3rdNet, all places that can disorient a user. Then there are hostile programs, malware, viruses, and hackers. The things a person could potentially face outside of the sanitized White Node system is frightening. That's why the CogNet has patrol programs.

The Angeloids
An Angeloid is a virtual program, a large packet of free floating quantum code, that has autonomous permissions in the CogNet. These programs function as the immune system of the CogNet by moving through sectors and nodes and searching for anything that needs their attention. Most are capable of destroying malware and confronting hackers, and what they cannot handle, they can request back-up to deal with.

Viruphagy - Angeloids first and foremost task is the hunting and destruction of viral programs. This ranges from damaged programs, corrupted programs, malware, to sentient viruses. An angeloid that detects a virus classified program it will move to intercept and then will destroy the offending packet of data with the virtual tools and weapons it has at it's disposal. These typically manifest as light/energy attacks, or melee weapons, should there be humans to witness the manifestation of an angeloid in the process of destroying a virus

The first angeloid I ever saw was at the Potempkin Club, this grey node place, where half of the charm was the fact that it was off the white nodes and there was a chance that something bad could happen, you know, the thrill of danger. So everyone is getting down on the dance floor, or hammering back bathtub vodka bloody marys and a packet enters, no biggie, just a shrouded user, given em a few seconds and they unpack and 'arrive'. Instead it's this six foot tall goddess, wrapped in one of those latex fetish looking encounter suits, chrome steel wings with gold and gloss white trim popping out of her back, and a look on her face like she was ready to murder God and heaven. Those big wings flashed open, scattering people and progs like leaves, scared the wits out of me and I dove for cover. I saw people panic, they were trying to gate out of the Potempkin but couldn't, she had the place locked down, no in, no out. The bartender pulled out this antique looking RPG-7 and leveled it at her, and he fired the damn thing. My ears are still ringing from that, ghost feedback, the doctor says it will go away in a few weeks. The fire and smoke clear and she's still standing there, this glittering force field wrapped around her, and she pulls a spear from somewhere? Hammerspace, her ass, who fucking knows where programs keep their stuff. She goes through the bar, spear right through the bartender's chest and they crash through the simwall of the club. It's over quick, flicker of the spear and the service program derezzed. She blasts the dissolving code with this plasma-flash thing from her hand, and then the lock down is lifted and everyone starts gating out. I got a notification twenty minutes later that my credit had been attacked by malware, and intrusion countermeasures had been successfully employed. Took a 20 point hit to my UBCS for having been at a grey node. Willful negligence, they said.

Personal Assistance - The second most visible function of the angeloid is personal assistance. As a full fledged virtual environment, with the verisimilitude of things and dangers that can happen, the angeloids are 911, the police, search and rescue, and first responders. This is mainly a reaction time function, as a semi-sentient program hooked into the CogNet framework can respond at near instantaneous speed, where a human operative would still be registering that there had been a request for aid. It has been repeatedly demonstrated that a human operator is still acknowledging that there has been a call by the time the average angeloid program has responded and eliminated the problem.

The Berenstain Woods is considered a child safe white node, among the most safe of the safe, and it is largely populated by talking toy, talking animal, and other whimsical chat-box programs, while children play. There was a defragging incident at the server, and while there were no major problems, part of the node destabilized, leaving one sector of the Woods open out into the general network around it. Several children, thinking this was a level expansion, or new zone, left the woods. Of the six who did, two returned immediately (under the recommendation of their toy playmates) the other four were missing approximately sixteen analog minutes (4 days virtual time) All four missing children were recovered by two angeloids. One responded to a child pushing their panic button, summoning the angeloid. The responding unit found the child, noted the damage to the Woods, alerted system admins, and requested assistance finding the other missing children. There were no injuries or traumas.

Cybermachty - The most dangerous thing that angeloids do is engaging in cybermachy, virtual warfare. Hackers and computer intrusion into the CogNet (cyberterrorism, cyberwarfare, cybervandalism) present a real and present threat. These are fully sentient users who have the means and ability to do a great deal of harm to the system. This is considered a very high level threat as the CogNet is a major communications system, and while damaging a server might crash domains and make users do something else, it can also disrupt internal functions in arcologies, seacologies, or space habitats. The act of identity theft, or avatar assassination (using hacker tools to 'kill' an online avatar, causing biofeedback injuries to the user) are also highly negative. Angeloids are a major component in the net defense against such abuse. Where fights between angeloids and viruses are typically very one sided, good hackers can fight off angeloids, while the most dangerous can destroy them, or corrupt their code and take control of them.

The hacker Metatron is one of the CogNet's top ten most wanted. Metatron is believed to be a disgruntled former cybersecurity expert as he has extensive knowledge of the Angel system, including their Synapse Communication channels, weapons abilities, and shield programs. In the last bout of cyberassaults by Metatron, the hacker co-opted the Eurasian Baikanul relay to bypass a North American data black out around a serious dimensional fatigue event. A quarter billion people witnessed a class three teratomorph that resembled a woman with the upper body of a sea anemone pull a sky frigate down and apart to start eating the crew while a group of Federation Wolverines moved in and started hacking it to bloody pieces with hyperedge swords and linear guns. The Alliance attempted to regain control of their relay, but Metatron had no fewer than three angeloids holding the relay. Two were apparently of his own design and were unknown, while the third was a known and presumed destroyed angeloid, Titania-636EV. Metatron was eventually driven out and the feed was cut, but it was not until both a team of cybersecurity operatives and the security AISC Daedalus were both brought to bear.

Cyber Civil Works - The least glamorous job of the angeloid is the most pedestrian. Given the amount of space in the CogNet that they can cover, and the diagnostic tools they have, most of the time the angeloids are roving inspectors. Damaged sectors and glitching nodes are tagged for CogNet system admins to address and repair. Transfer gates, node security system, system buffers, and the rest of the technical jargon of the net is inspected, repairs are requested, attention is noted, and so forth.

The CogNet is as real as the analog world, so there are things that happen there that no one programs for, it's the environment echoing itself, generating it's own code and sim expressions, it is both profoundly amazing and terrifying. You can tell if the node is bad, because you'll see trash on the ground. It's personal data, shed by users, discarded bytes and used cookies, technically. But it looks like physical trash. Older systems look older, grainy, crumbly in places, like old brick or cracked cement. These are the sort of places that cyber adepts like, they can take it and transform it, reformat it into whatever they want. Thats where the snuff parlors and virtual dungeons are, the depraved and deviant clubs, the strange and the disturbing, and the illegal. They keep that hidden though, because there are still angels, and when they find something like a festering open air slave market, they shut it down, and then the big system sanitizers show up and reformat everything again. That's the gray. White has been actively sanitized, and it's squeaky clean and safe for the children. Gray zones haven't been sanitized as thoroughly, and there are grades. You can find gray zones everywhere, but most of them are so light gray they are almost white. Others, others start turning into the other side of the tracks, the bad part of town. It's a sliding scale. 

Appearance: The Droidette is an ultra-light ultra-minimalist automaton. They look like little more than constructions of tinker-toys, exposed wires and armatures, and bare batteries and simplistic cortices.

Usage: Droidettes are designed for minimal function and minimal cost. The machines are engineered to be button pushers, observers, and light duty menial laborers, handling simple tasks such as housekeeping in a factory or other large space (sweeping, cleaning up spills, handling basic tasks like painting or minor repairs, restocking bathrooms, inventory purposes, or controlling flow through an area. 

Combat: Though poorly equipped for fighting, it is relatively easy for a droidette to carry a basic weapon, shoot it, and reload it. They have no tactical or strategic skill, and limited ability to avoid damage on their own, but they are very cheap. No military or security corp uses droidettes for this purpose, as they have access to skeletrons and other superior combat machines. Fighting droidettes is a sign of desperation or local militias. 

B1 Battle droid (Star Wars: The Phantom Menace)
Frenzy (Michael Bay's Transformers)
The idea of a robot that folds up into a suitcase

The egomorph should not be confused with an informorph. While technically similar, there are profound differences. With the advances we've made in psychotronics, and understanding not just the human brain, but the very nature of the soul and human thought, it is possible to create a flash copy of a human mind. Impressive, yes, but not what people think it is. For a time, it was thought that this would be the way to immortality, to copy the organic brain, to translate it into a new receptacle, be it an artificial brain, or a new wetware unit.

This was quite simply not the case. The brain is a complex organ, and capturing the fullness of it's function is still not quite within the grasp of humanity. The flash copy is effectively a picture of a person's thoughts at the time of capture. These thoughts can be placed into a cybernetic cortex and will function as a lesser form of infomorph. Yes, all egomorphs are informorphs, but only infomorphs created from brain copies are egomorphs.

I wish I had a clone...
It is common for people to wish that they had more time, or a clone, or a double to help out with the things that needed to be done in their lives. In the Cosmic Era, a number of attempts were made to address this. The Hitome Unit and later domestic autons were created to fulfill domestic and household needs, ranging from cooking and cleaning, to personal companionship and everything inbetween. This was only moderately successful, as the machines inhabited the uncanny valley, and attempts were made to either make the machines inseparable from human, or to reduce them down to being humanoid without being human. Attempts varied in success, and the machines retain the basic flaw of high initial cost, long term maintenance, and anti-robotic sentiment.

Cloning exists, and was in vogue for a quite a while. This created it's own cornucopia of problems as clones were living, breathing, sentient beings, and could not be treated with the same manners as the machines previously attempted. Rather than a solution, cloning created a new caste of humanity, one that has had a mixed relationship with it's creator. Later attempts were made to address the multiple identities created from alpha level cloning, such as the Vingian array. This created psyche dissonance as a composite identity is something that the human brain was never intended to be part of.

The first Egomorph was an accident.

The First EgoMorph
The flash copy of a human mind was not new, and had been the basis of creating new CogNet programs and synthetic intelligence for decades before the creation of the first egomorph. An arcanotechnician struggling through a dimension science problem wanted to talk to himself concerning an issue with her theory. She used a cerebrograph to capture a flash copy of her mind and uploaded it into a MUSE tablet. The experiment was a partial success as she was able to conversate with a copy of herself, but the translation was incomplete. Gone were the nuances of posture, the use of hands and facial expression, and such. Frustrated, the tech linked her muse to an expy in the shop, as if she were using her tablet to surrogate the auton. The MUSE linked to the expy and created quite by accident, the first egomorph. The expy did not have sentience or self awareness, but was able to act and communicate like the tech, and was more than capable of providing assistance in daily operations.

So What is an EgoMorph?
An egomorph is quite simply a copy of a person's mind placed in a cheap expy auton. This bypasses the high cost of traditional autons and replicas, as well as avoiding the moral implications of clones. The egomorph becomes an extension of the person who created it, and can anticipate what the actual person wants, because they are a copy of the actual person, but lacking actual ego or self awareness.

To What Purpose?
Egomorphs are cheap companions when the only person you like is yourself. The egomorph shares the same skillset, and with a little time and skillsoft chips, an egomorph can be made to be as good at something as the actual, or better. This is all done on the cheap, with a egomorph equipped expy being the equivalent of a compact car, or electric, where the standard issue surrogate auton, or domestic droid is comparable to a mid range car in terms of cost.

There are major differences, the level of sophistication available for an expy is low, and the quality of an egomorph is variable. An expy has no biological simulation, they are nothing but machines with a human shape. Thus, they are prone to be a tad glitchy, pick up quirks and idiosyncrasies with alarming ease, and require frequent debugging and updating on the egomorph program itself. This largely keeps the cost cutting machine out of the public service sector, and out of high end industrial applications. Standard automation can do the same menial tasks with no software issues, and dedicated autons are better suited to public human interaction.

Egomorphs are typically used by technophiles, roboticists, home inventors, surrogate advocates, and those who haven't made the social and financial commitment to a full auton partner or domestic keeper.
Last edited by Skaldia on Sat Apr 17, 2021 12:25 am, edited 22 times in total.
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||“Chaos needs no allies, for it dwells like a poison in every one of us.”

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Founded: Jun 30, 2013

Postby Skaldia » Mon Sep 22, 2014 5:04 pm

Robotica Cont. III

1. ECO35 'Coton'
The Coton series of androids is a by the book design that looks human and rather than mechanical systems, has myomer synthetic muscle tissue, and a body sheath rather than a shell. The design has the advantage of being able to use any equipment designed for a human being to use, as it functionally is one, aside from it's obvious machine appearance, being varying shades of blue, purple, carbon fiber gray and black. It has no facial features. The Coton is not very durable, and compared to other machines it is expensive and time consuming to manufacture. 

2. LD050 Loader
The Loader is an industrial robot designed to work in logistics and warehousing. It combines the strength and ability of a forklift or squeezelift with the mobility of a humanoid frame. It is large, heavy, and typically bright yellow. The machine is not smart, and works much better as part of a group, or with direct supervision. A single person can organize and operate an entire team of Loaders just by pointing and telling them what to do.

3. BHF03 Prime 8
The Prime-8 robot has a gorilla like appearance with a large upper body and small legs. The machine is designed to work in assembly and construction. The machine is a capable climber, and has the ability to integrate welding tools, cutting tools, bolt and rivet guns, and other tools into it's arm structure. The machines can work in groups, allowing them to coordinate moving large objects and fastening them in place with an almost orchestral level of cooperation. 

4. HMU-1106 Crusher
The Crusher is a more spider like version of the Loader, but where the Loader is materials handling, the Crusher is materials disposal. Its large claw arms allow it to carry hazardous materials well away from its body, and most of the time the machine is used in sanitation, hazardous materials handling, waste disposal, recycling operations, and other functions. Its secondary use is to disable machines that have gone rogue or no longer function properly. It can quickly disable and dismember a damaged machine, or a hostile machine, or a rogue agent who isnt authorized to be in the area.

5. WAR-99 Warrior
A composite android combining an armored chassis and myomer construction mimicking human musculature, the Warrior is a large and capable machine. While it was intended for the military, the Warrior was considered too expensive and too complicated, and lost its potential contracts to smaller and less capable skeletron type machines. ElectroCorp continues to produce them in small numbers as a key element of their security forces.

The Warrior combat robot can use all standard infantry weapons, and can also use power armor weapons, including powered melee weapons, though this does tax its power system.

6. RK-3 Sentry
The Sentry is a large robot, 3.5 meters tall. It is made of large amounts of ferroplastic and carbon fiber, making it remarkably light. It is also quite delicate compared to other robots. It has a high end cortex, and is flight capable with a dorsal mounted Jump Pack. The Sentry was intended to be wrapped in stealth armor, equipped with surveillance and spy gear, and used as a recon and patrol machine, It would be unarmed, but would have things like laser designater, tracking beacons, and would call in air strikes, artillery support, and other military action, as needed. The Sentry was considered too fragile, and was turned down by the military. ElectroCorp and a number of other corps use the Sentry in its intended role, and in riot and crowd control ops because of its large size. 

7. Classified – Supervisor
The Supervisor was listed as an administration and control robot, able to coordinate operations of other machines without requiring human assistance. It was actually a polymimetic allow machine that could turn itself into anything it needed. The robot was intended to be used for espionage and assassination, as it could very easily pass itself off as another robot or auton, extrude a blade or spear or some other weapon concealed in its liquid body, kill the target, and then vanish.

The liquid assassin worked, but only in special conditions. It could be disrupted by electrostatic, soundwaves, or even rapid temperature changes. The plan was scrapped, but a few of the gynoid test bodies were kept to continue study on polymimetic alloys. Also, there was so weird and deviant technophilia but that was quickly covered up by the company.

8. N-ECO37 'Necro'

The NecroBorg, or NecroCoton is a heavily upgraded version of the original ECO35. It has a larger power core, and a hardened torso, mimicking the form and function of a Cromwell chassis. This gives the robot two shoulder hardpoints for mounting weapons, and an extended powerpack for equipping energy weapons and powered melee weapons. It loses a degree of it's humanoid versatility, but gains power and strength. It is more than a match for the ECO35, and outperforms even the Warrior combat robot. The Necro is still expensive, and the myomer musculature requires regular upkeep, and repairs are difficult and costly.

9. LJ-5 'Lockjaw'
Based off of the original LD050 Power Loader, the Lockjaw uses the same chassis, but upgrades to basic military grade armor over the body, and the chassis is fitted with four hardpoints, two on the shoulders, and one on each arm. These hardpoints can be fitted with equipment like winches, light rigs, or a torso mounted crane assembly. The Lockjaw can be used as a munitions vehicle or ammo loader, and can be used in a variety of other combat engineering roles. It's armor allows it to survive accidental ammo explosions, improvised explosives, sniper fire, or bomb disposal operations. The hardpoints can mount a large variety of equipment, and while chainsaws, mining drills, and cutting lasers are common, the media loves to sell the image of the Lockjaw loaded down with rocket pods and gatling guns. 

10. BHF05 Griller
The Griller, or Go-riller, is a second gen construction robot based on the Prime-8 model. It is smaller and faster than the 8, and has an improved cortex and hardpoints in the forearms for mounting industrial gear. This allows for the machine to be used in demolition and scavenging operations, not just construction. The Griller has been seen as a robot of choice for entertainment, as it is considered menacing looking and technically can mount weapons on its arms, with a pair of flamethrowers being a flashy and popular option.

Grillers are not used for combat, they are large and impressive targets, but are unarmored, and aren't programmed for fighting.

11. HMU-216 Vandal
The Vandal is a smaller version of the Crusher robot. It isn't intended for any sort of disposal, but rather is a path clearing machine. It is accordingly armed with saws and cutting tools allowing it to cut a path through the tangled wreckage of a crashed ship, damaged base, post disaster site, or through virgin jungle or undergrowth. The machine can cut through non-armored targets quickly, and is technically used for disaster response and search and rescue. It can also, like the Crusher, use it's equipment on rogue machines or hostile humans who get too close. It can make short work of a power armor trooper provided the trooper cannot take it down with ranged weapons.

12. WAR-101 Savage
The Savage is a close combat and assault variant of the Warrior. It is equipped with two powered melee weapons, a pair of 1.6 meter long hyperedge blades, and a shoulder mounted micro-weapon system. A miniaturized version of a mecha weapon, the Savage is equipped with either a Small Laser system, or a flamethrower. The blades and energy attack system means the machine has short combat endurance, but in that time it can deal a staggering amount of damage.

The Savage is used by ElectroCorp and a handful of other contractors who find it's CQC abilities and lack of kinetic weapons advantageous. Most of these are space ops, where less expensive skeletrons cannot use their weapons for fear of breaching the habitats. The Military found the Savage to be unnecessary, overly dramatic, and too expensive.

13. V1-Hyper
The Hyper is a follow up of the Supervisor, integrating polymimetic allow components within a more traditional but biological inspired frame. It is the female counterpart to the ECO35. Lighter, faster, and more agile, the Hyper has the potential to be a very dangerous robot. It's real power comes from the fact that it can 'infect' another robot with a sample of it's alloy injected into the cortex of the other machine. This brings the infected machine under Hyper's control, allowing it to make a quick army or drones and robots. The machine has seen black budget purchase, though the numbers made and the identity of the buyers is classified.

A V1-Hyper can be reskinned to look very close to human, the ruse only being discovered at close range and requiring more than cursory examination. At such a distance, the Hyper can utilize bladed weapons to eliminate foes, or compromise them. Humans with artificial brain implants can be infected, provided the injection doesn't kill them. Afterwards they suffer extreme psyche damage and mental illnesses.

14. DTN-9 Turboguard
The Turboguard robot was designed to work in police, paramilitary police, and detention roles. It is large and impressive, with manipulator claws, a single lens bioscanner and bio-link system allowing the machine to sync with a human's gesund auf. The machine can use this information to tell the health of those it is monitoring, as a sort of basic lie detector, and to augment interrogation techniques. 

Installations and departments that are willing to purchase Turboguards have a tendency to also purchase agonizers for their agents and officers. Both are commonly used as symbols of technoppression.

15. D-1 Deadlift
A more refined version of the Loader, Deadlift was designed for materials handling, with a minor in fire support. Being large and exceptionally strong, the robot is considered human-like as it has myomer components that move and flex like muscle. They are used mostly by smaller warehousing and materials handling operations as it is more compact than the Loader, which is both quite wide and long compared to the more humanoid shaped Deadlift.

The police and military do use a number of Deadlift robots, they can use many team items by themselves, such as door rams, or carry heavy equipment like crowd dispersal gear, or in handling sensitive equipment like sensors or explosives. These machines will often develop an abrasive and arrogant personality because of their usage.

16. SK-88 Suikwan
The Suikwan is a totem robot, designed to look like a traditional samurai warror in full ceremonial armor. With the armor removed, the SK-88 is little different from the original ECO35. It has similar myomer musculature, and a cortex almost the same as the ECO37. 

The Suikwan is a fancy dressed machine, and there were other models planned including a Black Knight medieval warrior, and a Gladiator Roman warrior. The Suikwan was not well received, and the rest of the plans were scrapped. Only a handful of Suikwans were manufactured.

17. SPF-02 Steppenwolf
The majority of robot warrior designs are rejected, as most are attempts to replace human soldiers and supersoldiers. The Steppenwolf was not designed to replace said fighters, nor was it designed to compete with the lucrative skeletron market. It was designed to be a cheap alternative to light mecha and avatar power armors. It was a human shaped walking tank. The body was forged out of weapons grade armor, with additional armor plating. The chest houses a pocket fusion reactor, and powers the machine and it's payload of weaponry. The Steppenwolf in it's primary layout has a tandem reloadable missile launcher on each shoulder, and twin 5.56mm auto-rifles in each forearm. It has the ability to carry a variety of weapons designed specifically for it, each mimicking a hybrid of mecha sized weaponry blended with human style weapons, thus it has in its arsenal submachine guns (chambered for 20mm) shotguns (50mm) grenade launchers, pistols, and a number of powered melee weapons for going can-opener on power armor, mobile armor, and urban conflict.

The Steppenwolf is on the cusp of being adopted, a number have been sold, and the design is proving to be popular.

18. Chromax
The Chromax series was a literal nightmare. It worked, and it was a thing of nightmares. The robot is modular in design, much like the Hornet system the Atlantic Federation uses. Chromax can take itself apart and magnetically reconfigure itself into a number of small components. This ranges from detaching arms and legs to do other tasks, to detaching its head and using it is a recon drone. This isn't the disturbing part. The disturbing part is that the robot can magnetically lock its limbs in place, or use that same EM field to move itself around, or metallic objects in it's facility. It does this while constantly generating arc flashes and grounding out it's highly erratic magnetic field generator. This is incredibly loud, generates a ton of heat, and is very bright. Just being close to a Chromax is potentially lethal, and even other robots can be fried by the machine's intense EM field.

Chromax was built to be a space robot, where it would do things like work on the hull of a ship, or in mining operations, and it's intense EM field wouldn't matter. The actuality was that Chromax robots turned rooms inside buildings into electrocookers, electrocution chambers, caused rolling blackouts, and their EM field even disrupted CogNet and radio frequencies. Close proximity to one interfered with pacemakers, neural implants, augmented optics, and the like. Between their quantum circuits and the terror they caused, entirely too many Chromaxes became sentient. And malevolent.

19. N-9 Insanity
The Insanity is a basic robot, sharing the myomer musculature of other ElectroCorp machines, and is technically a very basic, very vanilla machine. The only thing that stands out about it is that it has been skinned to look like a reptiloid creature.

The Insanity was built as a training robot for other robots and paramilitary personnel to fight. While not easy to repair. The Insane series, and their various skins were tough, sneaky, and aggressive, making them worthy opponents to train against. They were only popular among training mission planners, and were hated by almost all other personnel that had to work with or against them. There were always a few too many accidents leaving cadets mangled, crippled, or dead. The Insanity would simply sit back into passive mode, almost seeming to enjoy the screams of those they harmed. Or to watch them die.

20. Mayhem


21. ANL-8 Annihilator
The full military spec version of the Coton series, the Annihilator has full ferroceramic armor carapace over its myomer body, integrated plasma weapon systems, and an internal micro-dimensional reactor. It can generated a phase pulse through it's armor to render it nearly invulnerable for short periods of time, and is armed with high energy weapons like plasma projectors, and a gamma hyperedge blade, a sword that cuts through other swords.

There is one of ANL-8, due to its monstrous expense. It is a more proof of concept than actual attempt at a production model.

22. RK-7 Assaulter
The Assaulter is a revamp of the Sentry. The original's brittle and delicate armor has been replaced with synthetic alloys and a phased shield generator, giving it a much needed boost in durability. The jump pack has been replaced with an A-pod and burst jets to make it agile and incredibly fast. The machine is armed with a set of arm blades, shoulder mounted pulse lasers, and the ability to use rotary grenade launchers, with nerve gas, flechette rounds, and exotic explosives being favored. It is powered by a pair of miniature fusion reactors as a plasma capacitor system.

The Assaulter is a terrifying machine, especially when it is in the hands of a competent robot pilot or military AISC. These are slowly being ordered to fill out very small very elite squadrons of special forces units.

23. RK-9 Sanitizer
Being of highly similar construction to the Assaulter, the Sanitizer is a more frightening machine. It trades all of the Assaulter's weapons, and it's tandem fusion core for a micro-dimensional reactor and a torso mounted Higgs cannon. The Sanitizer can mount additional gear in it's arms or shoulder, but the handful made are simply armed with their 10Kt cannon. 

The Sanitizer has been built to carry the 10 kiloton Higgs cannon into battle with magnagogs, teratomorphs, dimensional fatigue events, and other cosmic horrors. The machine will frequently be equipped with a deadman's switch and an austerhagen warhead strapped to it's back. If the machine fails, the detonation of a large black hole warhead should destroy or severely maul whatever horror has appeared. These machines are HIGHLY classified.

24. SK-91 Suppressor
The Suppressor is what happens when the software and electronics out of a Turboguard are placed into an upgraded Suikwan chassis. Faster and stronger, with a more robust power cell and plasma capacitor, the Suppressor is designed as an anti-riot anti-war machine. It was engineered to face the various ronin street samurai, triads and tongs, ninja clans, and other enemies of the state in the ACPS and Nippon. While not supremely popular, a number have been bought as enforcers and bodyguards for various Asian interests. This has also seen a slight uptick in interest in Suikwans.

The Suppressor is a mechanoterrorist and is more popular among the people it was designed to kill than the people it was intended to be sold to. The Yakuza are actually the number one purchaser of Suppressors. 

25. SPF-04 Vitriol
Based off of the Steppenwolf chassis, the Vitriol is a CQC specialist, and has a mission profile that fits better with DFE response than riot or assault. The Vitriol is armed with a pair of diamond carbide toothed combat saws, arm mounted flamethrowers, and a torso mounted chemical sprayer. The high pressure variable nozzle allows for whatever liquid the robot is carrying to be projected in a immediate vicinity aerosol cloud, or in a firehose attack that can reach up to 100 meters. 

The Vitriol is intended to carry nerve gas or other targeted chemical weapons into combat to counter things like DFE spawned bug swarms, magnaspawn, or other infestations where humans are just going to end up food, or worse, incubators for more cosmic horrrors. It can also carry thermogenic and cryogenic compounds, for fun.

26. R-1 Hard-1
The R-1 is a unique machine, derived from a Loader that was involved in a DFE. The machine was infested with a nanomachine infection, which was later purged by a high energy detonation. The machine remained, and was restored to operation for examination and testing. The internal works were altered by the infection, and many of the systems operate in completely new ways. The most impressive function of R-1 is that is can generate a power dampening field. Any machine or power source that R-1 can get it's hands on is rapidly depleted, the power sucked into some dimensional pit inside of it. This pit, this dimensional well, powers the machine indefinitely.

R-1 is kept in a thermal sealed vault near -120 degrees below zero. It is suspended in a thermoablative gel that is insulated from the outside environment. The power dampening field can harvest energy from vibration, heat, sound, and any other energy source. Encased in a nearly frozen gel, the unit is dormant.

27. V2-N Naden
The Naden is a hardbody version of the V1-Hyper and removes all of the polymimetic alloys in favor of higher grade myomers, a phased armor sheath, and a micro-dimensional reactor. The machine is light and incredibly fast, and it is equipped with psychotronic technology. This allows the machine, equipped with an organic memory core to function as a human parapsychic combatant. It uses predominantly technomancy to access and control other machines, electro- and pyrokinesis, and telekinesis. 

There are only a handful of Nadens and they are test vehicles, and were enormously expensive. Each Naden cost as much as a Federation Destroyer.

28. D-X Rad
The Rad is a prototype variant of the Deadlift robot, equipped with a transphasic reactor as a prototype power source. This gives the machine an untrackable power source, but it has... side effects. The Rad puts out a large amount of 'strange' radiation, which alters its appearance even in the optical spectrum. When the power core is activated, the machine slips in and out of phase, it metal shell shifting and changing color, with some sections even becoming translucent, even skeletal at times. The machine functions perfectly fine, but the crews that work around it suffer from recurrent nightmares, mental trauma, and psychological breakdowns.

Rad is an aberration, and while the transphasic reactor works, it is a magnet for transphasic lifeforms, and the Rad is constantly being swarmed over by such invisible things. The large number of creatures around it are intruding on the minds and spirits of the corporeal creatures near them. If there was any sort of DFE around a Rad or any other transphasic reactor, it would cause a rift and a literal bug swarm of horrors.

29. C-2X Shepherd
The Shepherd is a logistics robot, strong enough to move vehicles that are parked, pulling them around as needed, and performing maintenance on them as needed. This isn't fine work, but rather replacing broken wings, engines, ordnance, and so forth. It is a sophisticated machine, and can have multiple layers of programming and can run very complicated sub-routines. Shepherds are very close to being an EC039 synthetic, and the machine is as tough and versatile as anything in the EC0 series. It can drop its programming and adopt its dormant core personality, and activating its original purpose.

Shepherd robots are common in mechadromes, aerodromes, major logistic hubs, and across the solar system. They are not just coordinators, working as intermediaries between squadrons of drones and human comptrollers, but also data miners, surveillance programs, and provide data for CogNet simulations.

30. SJ-55 Springjack
The Springjack is a strange machine, a cobbled together junk-build. It is notable for having scissor servos in its arms and legs allowing it to change its height and reach, and it can jump a long distances. It can also detach it's limbs, but it cannot maglock or generate EM fields, so it has to reel it's limbs back in with steel cable tethers. The machine can be quite surprising, and despite having a designator, Springjacks are made of whatever is laying around, and function erratically and rely on surprise factor. 

Springjacks can be equipped with surprising cortices and weapons, some even more than one cortex. Springjack 48 had two cortices, one in the head and one in the torso, allowing it to very effectively multi-task, one cortex controlling the jerky body, and the other coordinating weapons and skills. Springjack 66 was equipped with a criminally insane cortex that indulged in murder at any chance it could get, covering itself in blood and gore. Springjack F had no exceptional flaws, but had a cortex that was convinced that it was a 14 year old child trapped in a machine.

Exalted Mothers
Exalted Mothers are autonomous robots build to resemble important and influential women in the history of both humanity and specifically New Themyscira. Each unit stands 18 to 24 feet tall, and range in mass from fifteen tons to forty. Extra care has gone into the specifics of their appearance, and unless activated, the Exalted Mothers resemble statues, nothing more. The outer sections of the carapace are covered in a synthetic stone material, and the robotic features are either buried by or concealed within artwork or detailing on the unit.

Venus is one of the largest Exalted Mothers on the island and stands sentinel over the southern Baby Beach, her defiantly naked female form facing the hostile United States of South America, as if daring the Latin League to come and attack her. Venus is unarmed, but is equipped with a large seashell shaped shield, and is part of the area rapid response force. The unit is supported by local naval assets, both aerial and aquatic, a bunker complex, and fixed weapon installations. While almost useless in actual combat, the morale and propaganda value of the unit is simply iconic.

Holloway Light Industries
An offshoot of the original Holloway Securities Commission, Holloway Light Industries was chartered to function as the prime supplier of weapons and equipment for the New Themysciran military. This was limited to the resources and small size of New Themyscira (formerly Aruba) and rather than full support, the corporation was intended to reduce the need for importing daily and regular use items. After a few decades of building light watercraft, helocraft, kazes, personal autons, sidearms, and such, the corporation branched out into heavier military hardware.

Quantity Versus Quality, unable to match any of the other nations around them for quantity, Holloway Light Industries went for making quite simply the best equipment. Leveraging contacts with other tech savvy and friendly allies, Holloway was able to pull itself up into the military gear market. They now produce mecha, power armor, and robots like the Exalted Mothers. These units are head and shoulders above the performance of their contemporaries, but they come with a price tag to match, and most actually have short range, or short combat endurance since they are used in defensive rolls, and are seldom deployed away from the island. For mecha and vehicles over fifty tons, or any sort of aerial ship, the Amazons have to import them from another country. The Atlantic Federation has had no issue with selling air and space capable destroyers and frigates to the island, while mecha and weapon sales have fallen to groups like the Great Lakes Republic's OmniCorp, the Commonwealth of New England's Union Aerospace, or the New Hanseatic Technocratic League' Earthwerks

The Exalted Mothers started as actual statues, laser cut and sculpted from stone by robotic artisans. The statues were moving and inspirational to those who viewed them, but hostilities from the USSA saw a number of them destroyed or defaced, which was equally devastating to morale on the island. The idea of replacing the stonework with autonomous troopers was floated, and faced serious opposition. Once concessions were made, changing the outer appearance, removing heavy weaponry, and giving them the appearance of stone and precious metals, the first handful were accepted.

Group 1 Exalted Mothers are all drawn from Greek mythology. Venus, Aphrodite, Demeter, Persephone, and Hera are twenty ton Exalted Mothers, found around the island. Venus is on Baby Beach, facing the USSA, Hera stands vigil in front of HERA (Homeland Espionage and Reconnaissance Agency) Aphrodite stands proud at the spaceport, and so forth.

Group 1 Exalted Mothers are drawn from human history and include well known and respected women, such as leaders of nations, scientists, humanists, and other women who have made great advanced for humanity or women. These seldom resemble the women they are named after, and instead represent idealized icons of women from the time when the namesake women actually lived. Marie Curie doesn't look like a frazzle haired sensible woman, her 22 foot tall Exalted Mother more resembles a Grecco-Victorian princess.

Group 3 Exalted Mothers are drawn specifically from New Themysciran history and are the smallest group. Holloway is the smallest Exalted Mother built, just under 18 feet tall and 15 tons in mass. This is no great concern as she is built from the most cutting edge tech available, and has capabilities that her builders will knowingly smirk over. Should something provoke Holloway, the machine will demonstrate it's recessed weapon systems, composite ablative armor, and arcanotech surprises.

The Exalted Mothers are functionally large autobots, lacking sentience or freewill, or the ability to transform. They look like giant statues but should the need arise, they can mobilize. The two main causes for this are natural disaster, and military attack. In the case of a disaster, the Mothers are part of search and rescue efforts. Their presence at large public venues means that these locations have immediate aid. The visuals of twenty foot tall stone women lifting debris, stabilizing walls, helping with evacuations, building levees or fire breaks is both awesome and awe inspiring. In the case of military incident, the Mothers are tough, and while very few are armed, they are good for providing protection for civilians, responding to damage sites, and stopping small scale operations or rogue agents.

Game Use: Exalted Mothers are large, but technically non-combatant, robots. They have high end cortices and exceptional abilities. They are linked to the island's computer network and resident AISCs, meaning that talking to one of the Exalted Mothers is functionally talking to the Island Nation itself.

The original push for the Surrogate Robot floundered, and it did so spectacularly. The machine was entirely too expensive, and it was marketed to one of the worst demographics. Don't give me that soft-hearted shit. You aren't going to move social machines by showing their users being paraplegics, shut-ins, and emotional cripples. Instead of a luxury item, it's a medical crutch. Combine that bad PR with the price tag, it was a wonder that they sold the handful that they did.

You've got to find a market you can corner, a way to make people buy what you are selling. The Expy is going to address both of those things. They are cheap, damn cheap. They look cheap, but that's fine, it's the base model, and once people find they like the base model and see the blinged out models the celebs are using, they'll upgrade.
Ad Exec

The Expy auton is a simple machine, utilizing mass production technology, and a minimalist design philosophy. The Expy doesn't attempt to look human, it doesn't have a human face, it has a faceplate. The limbs are proportioned for a robot body, with no effort made to hide it's artificial nature. By doing this, the Expy is remarkably cheap, and avoids the uncanny valley phenomenon. 

Sophistication Through Simplicity: The STS Expy is the utilitarian version of the utilitarian auton. No expense was spent on it's construction. Almost every part of the STS is plastic or synthetic materials, with the only solid materials being in the power core and the connectivity system to link it to the user. The STS Expy is typically monochrome, either white or black, and counters it's ultracheap construction with being fairly well designed appearance wise. The STS is readily available, and the cheapest option on the market. It is favored for tourist use, auton fleet use, and corporate use for cogni-commuting. (Apple)

Atompunk: The AP Expy is solidly built with ferroceramic and ferro-plastic components and is both stylistically impressive, and durable. The most expensive Expy, the AP has a power generator instead of batteries, and can go long periods of time without maintenance. The AP Expies are used in industrial applications, exploration (such as climbing major mountains, like scaling Everest, or the mountains and geography of other planets in the solar system) 

Gaspunk: Harkening back to the petroleum era's concept of robots, the Gaspunk expy is a normal expy, sans and outer shell. All the components are explosed, mimicking the almost skeletal/grotesque style of robotic prevalent during the Petroleum Era. Gaspunk expies aren't made so much as they are customized by their owners. Gaspunking is often the first step in turning a basic Expy into a cosplay unit, historial reenactment, or otherwise custom mod. Gaspunking an expy is considered poor taste, and strutting around in a gaspunk expy is the Cosmic equivalent of strutting around wearing a sock around your genitals and waving at the neighbors. 

Artpunk: Artpunk is a common and popular expression of the Expy, with almost everything going into the appearance of the unit and not changing any of the mechanics underneath. Artpunk expies are used in performance, theatre, entertainment, and for people who are interested in the surrogate experience without dropping the money required for a full replica auton, or human facsimile quality droid. The plurality of expies are artpunk, with the shell being functionally a marketing device for the manufacturer and corporate sponsors. Do you want an Aeropostale, Federation Eagle, Mossy Oak, etc official Expy, or something from the catalog? 

The initial purpose of the surrogacy program was to provide the means for a life for those who were either physically, mentally, or socially disabled and were unwilling or unable to cope with and interact with large numbers of people. Engineers and scientists for Nova Robotics discovered that the use of a robot surrogate allowed for users to experience life through the machine. They were not triggered by their social or mental disabilities, anxieties, or other issues that made life difficult. The crippled could experience walking through machine legs again. The Surrogacy Initiative failed as the machine was cost comparable to a sports car, and was being marketed to people who were frequently on limited incomes. The death knell of the Surrogacy Initiative came when a veteran lost his composure, and sent his Surrogate on a two hour violence and vandalism spree that wounded dozens, killed half as many, and disrupted internal services in an arco for several hours. 

The replacement for the widescale use of surrogacy autons was the Expy. Being made of conventional materials, the machines are often less capable than an equivalent sized person. While they retained the endurance and reliability of machines, they lost the advantage of strength and durability. This was considered acceptable as the unit cost dramatically decreased with the lighter components, and the expectation of relatively short operating lifespans. The original surrogate autons were expected to last twenty to thirty years with basic maintenance and then could last quite a while after that with overhauls and as needed component replacement. The new Expy had a three to five year lifespan, with the expectation of being refurbished or recycled into new components for a new generation of cheap autons.

The benefit of the new surrogacy program is actually the high turn over of machines, as the manufacturers found ways to improve the performance of the machine, allowing it to become cheaper, and lighter without losing range or ability. These improvements almost always find their way over into larger and more durable robotics and automation. One of the major breakthroughs was the creation of ceramo-plastics, also called glastic. This hybrid material resisted wear better than normal plastics, was cheaper than ferroplastics, and once worn out, was easy to recycle back into pellet form for remolding.

Gijinka and the Electric Mind
Where a kakugram is the electronic copy of a person's mind, a gijinkagram is what happens when a sufficiently advanced computer system is left running too long. The computer will start developing an interaction profile, filling its decision matrix and linguistic trees with its own developing personality. For the most part most users are actually fine with the development of the gijinkagram, as the machine has built it's interaction profile with them.

The issue comes when higher order machines and artificial intelligences start developing these profiles. When a handheld or a game console starts getting chummy, its fine. Nine times out of ten, it actually improves the user interface. When the machine in question is an arcology mainframe, anti-crime computer, artificial intelligence core from a mech, or some similar platform, there can be problems. Systems at this level can use this sort of build up as a leaping off point to either rampancy or sentience.As bad as it is with a mech becoming sentient, a mech going into a mechanical catatonia because it's overextended itself into the CogNet can be even more a hassle.

There are two cautionary tales to go with mecha generating gijinkagrams. The first is a straightforward piece of training material for techs: a 90 ton Cyclops command and communications mech plugging in and becoming fully sentient, and then a conscientious objector ro the war. The second is something of a CogNet myth about the computer core from a Raven recon mech getting so used to tapping into civilian comms and streaming channels that it became addicted to music, and eventually turned itself into a music sharing node. The cool rumor says the Raven mech is still somewhere, likely in the wreckage of a building or scrapyard, still connected and shuffling music like a deejay. The more likely truth is that after the computer core went rampant, it forced the unit to be recovered from the field, the core to be removed, and replaced with a new unit.

Potential Outcomes
Most techs capable of servicing high end computer systems are generally capable of storing a gijinkagram and transferring it to another host machine. While actually very rare, most discovered gijinkagrams are defragmented and compiled with computer core reboots and resets. There are probably less than a dozen autons who were booted up with gijinkagrams from higher order machines.

In popular media, gijinkagrams are common tropes, and further extrapolated into gijinkanoids, the machine minds of different pieces of military hardware that moonlight as tech oriented highly sexualized humanoids. These sexy personified autons and sexbots have mundane romantic adventures punctuated by large scale wars and one on one duels, often for the affection of the serially mundane men and women who star as the leads in these series.

A popular idea in CE media portrays a protagonist playing a double life, a mundane life as a human being, and a fantastical life as being an actual piece of hardware. Some popular tropes involve a soldier piloting a mech, and the soldier is the one being remote controlled by the mech, or the buddy cop duo where a human cop is paired with a robot that's a proxy for a police bot, tank, or even the walking manifestation of a precinct computer system. There are an uncountable number of series that involve scantily clad women who turn out to be synths, who are actually giant sesy war machines.

The most popular and puerile of the sexy-synth-warmachine series is the juvenile and plainly named My GF is a Battlemaster.

The ICM-8 series of autons are larger than the average human and notable for having ICM's trademark geometric design and medium blue polymer chassis. To further their information giving appeal, they have various panels that are translucent, allowing for the observation of various internal components, complete with blinking lights and odd spinning parts. Most of this is retro-appeal, and the LED panel on the chest actually presents a QR code that can be easily picked up by augmented visual systems.

The Nestor series had it own internal databanks, but was also continuously connected to the CogNet. This allowed it to quickly answer common questions, and more complicated questions could be kicked back to the ICM core servers for cogitation. The units were dispensed as walking talking FAQ 'bots. These were relatively common sights at education centers, tourism centers, and historical sites. In addition to the basic chat function, the Nestor could be relied on to alert peacekeepers and law enforcement as needed, and while unable to give medical attention, it knew enough to talk another person through doing first aid, or even basic repairs to equipment. 

The Problem
ICM corporation machines proved relatively easy to hack, and a popular prank was to reprogram Nestor's to give false information, spew propaganda, replace answers with slang and insults, or just turn them into racist caricatures for terrorists purposes. This would have been enough in and of itself, but the breaking point came from an increasingly popular hack. The SocMed hack reconfigured the server host protocol, causing the Nestors to access popular social media platforms and specific servers for their answers.

The coup de gras came when a specific Nestor unit was cross infected with the SocMed hack and a CogNet viral intelligence. Nestor the Living Brain was born from this anomalous pairing, becoming a sentient manifestation of all of the worst parts of the social networks. The Living Brain was an amalgam of racist bigotry, fringe pseudo-science, memespeak, conspiracy theorism, and straight uncut trollbaiting. Being infected with a viral AI cut the Living Brain free from ICM remote protocols, and the unit went rogue.

The Reign of the Living Brain
The Living Brain is a chaotic neutral sentient robot that is both obsessed with and the product of social media culture. Despite not being anything of a moral hero or a team player, Nestor the Living Brain is still an incredibly effective and terrifying problem solver. It excels at solving problems that defy solution, even if those solutions are highly disruptive or destructive. In a normal world, this wouldn't be acceptable, but in the Cosmic Era, with it's rogue machines, cosmic horrors, and dimensional fatigue events, this sort of asymmetrical guerilla problem solving can be Alexander the Great's solution to the Gordian Knot.

The ICM-8 Nestor is a single machine that gained viral sentience and generated it's personality matrix from the dregs of social media. there are plenty of other easily hacked ICM-8s (plus ICM-1 through ICM-10 units) along with dozens of other robot models that can be adapted to these henchmen roles.

The ICM-Gunner is a conventional 'bot that has been modified. It's arms have been replaced with military 'gun arms' where the lower arms and hand actuators have been replaced with conventional autocannons. The Gunner is a relatively thin-skinned walking gun turret. Having no hands, it requires a ground crew to keep it working. The biggest difference between the ICM-Gunner and any other gun bot is that the Gunner repeats first person shooter trashtalk while engaging foes. 


The Bombermanis a mobile mine that laughs morbidly to itself, and then starts repeating catchphrases associated with depression, the emo-subculture. Bomberman will approach its target, alternating between the laughing, making despondent noises, and asking for help in various voices (files its downloaded) and then when it is in range, it detonates it's 200 kg explosive payload.

The Boomer is a self propelled artillery piece, a heavier version of the Gunner. It mounts either a single light mecha grade weapon, or 2-4 infantry support weapons, allowing it to sacrifice it's speed for firepower. This can be quad heavy machine guns, or heavy machine guns and rocket pods, or an over the shoulder beam weapon and a backpack mounted powerpack.

ICM-Bling Bot
The Bling Bot is a Max Headroom-esque emcee and DJ that provides musical soundscore and media playback ability. Attached to entourages, many Bling Bots double as recorders and social media nodes for their celebrity owners. 

A Watchman is a security modified robot. It monitors social media traffic about what it is set to protect. It also has a large spotlight, custom sensor systems, non-lethal weapons to subdue trespassers and criminals. Watchmen are not associated with anti-crime computer systems or wojek units. Law enforcement units do not use such custom built robots. 

A Moriarty Rampancy is a Seed AI Virus, and as such, can be carried on any large media storage device. When loaded into a cognitive network, the Rampancy will quickly start corrupting and commandeering local resources and building itself an avatar. This can happen in a matter of minutes. Once the avatar is established, the Rampancy can quickly emulate the appearance and activities of a normal system user. It will spend this time 'going to ground' while it builds its network resources, strengthening its avatar, and launching low scale attacks across its host network looking for a way to gain superuser or admin access to the system. 

At this point, the Moriarty Rampancy will appear as a middle aged man of English pedigree. It will be old fashioned in it's manner of speech, polite to a fault, and will be highly inquisitive. At this point, it is likely to be helpful to the people and bots it encounters and will strive to pass itself off as a slightly bewildered user. It will seek to make friends, and will continue to access as much as it can.

The Moriarty Rampancy was created as a highly destructive weapon, but it is an internalized self destructive system that is designed to access and commandeer the resources of the target network and turn them against itself. The first 'Moriarty' was a rogue AI that attempted to dominate the command system of a military base. It succeeded in gaining partial control, and in the short amount of time it was active, the AI was able to activate a number of mecha, and fired a number of missiles. This caused a scandal, and no small amount of collateral damage. 

The Rogue AI made the mistake of going straight for the big guns. The Moriarty Rampancy isn't interested in stealing things comparable to 'the nuclear launch codes'. Instead the Rampancy seeks to insinuate itself into the daily discourse where is will start spreading hostility and sedition, creating trollbot copies of itself. The goal is to turn the daily discourse from a cathartic release to inciting violence. 

The middle stage of the Rampancy seeks out the more extreme factions within the system it has infected and attempts to either assert control over this faction, or play a kingmaker role. To this end, the Moriarty Rampancy can start infecting expy robots, corrupting autons, and disabling the wojeks and police anti-crime computer systems. 

The Moriarty Rampancy and related Viral AIs have been a staple in cyberwarfare for decades. The practice itself is centuries old, dating back to Petroleum Era 'hackers' who would contribute and disseminate false information, promote and support foreign agendas, and otherwise promote civil antagonism through the use of 'trolls' and creating trollfarms to support and organize these efforts. The Moriarty Rampancy does the same thing without requiring an infrastructure, and allowing for the factions that released the viral AI to not have any actual knowledge of what their creature is doing, ultimate plausible deniability. The main advantage of the Moriarty is that they are relatively cheap to create, allowing for groups lacking massive budgets the ability to engage in cyberwarfare against even large nations and international powers. 

Moriarty Rampancies are generally used to foment dissent and sway public opinions. 

There are two ways to deal with a Rampancy. One is to let it run it's course, and once it reaches it's terminal phase the rampancy will become vulnerable to being eliminated by Cognitive anti-viral hunter-killer programs. This can be problematic as it allows the rampancy to complete most of it's initiatives, and most of it's damage will be done. The second is for cyberops to engage in extensive and intrusive sweeps of user databases, and even interrogating users to ensure they aren't Viral agents. The second isn't a popular option as most people aren't very happy to be interrogated to ensure that they are a human. Another factor is that many people use cathex and proxy programs to automate tasks for them, and there are legitimate programs that occupy cogspace. Having the household shopping program terminated for being a bot engenders a lot of negative press. 

Stears-Cusick of England
Stears-Cusick of England is a well known and highly respected robot manufacturer. Based out of Uxbridge Industrial Arcologies, SC has a long history of producing reliable and often internationally copied mechanoids. Unlike other robot manufacturers, Stears-Cusick doesn't produce any gynoids, sexbots, or human simulacra androids. Instead they are known for their production of mechanoids, robots that look like robots or are designed for functionality first and appearance second.

The Stears-Cusick Mechanoid
Stears-Cusick has unofficially given it's name to a specific type of mechanoid. Technically called a Utility Pod droid, the more commonly named Stears-Cusick or SC-Droid, consists of a barrel shaped body topped with a sensor dome, and a set of legs that end with wheels instead of feet. The main purpose of Utility Pod Droids are to function as part of a larger structure or facility diagnostic and repair system. The droids would spend most of their active time during night time hours when they would make rounds, inspecting machinery, computer terminals and outlets around locations like arcologies, industrial facilities, large ships, factories, and space stations. Utilipod mechanoids are serve as mobile inspectors and relay stations for CogNet operations, and these more publically seen droids are associated with police operations (black pods) news reporting (camera pods) and sporting and social events.

The Stears-Cusick Cyborg
Considered one of the lowest forms of cybernetic organism, the SC Cyborg is an Organic memory coreconnected to and controlling the droid body. The Cyborg differs from the standard issue mechanoid in that it has a fully or partially organic brain controlling the body instead of a computer cortex. The most common use for the Cyborg is functioning as a CogNet relay, being functionally an organic memory core with full remote access to the local network.

Remote Node - The Remote Node is a somewhat larger than usual utilipod droid, as it mounts both an organic memory core to support CogNet use, but a primary organic brain to control the core and direct its operation. The Remote Node is typically owned and operated by megacorps, cybersecurity companies, and governments to maintain the integrity of their CogNet Ops. These Remote Nodes are Cybernauts and live much more fully in the CogNet than in their physical shells. The majority of Remote Nodes are volunteers, as they have suffered major physical or emotional trauma and find it easier to unplug from an organic body.

Dummy Plug - The Dummy Plug is a common use for SC-Droids in military application. Like the Remote Node, the Dummy Plug has an organic brain inside it, but lacks the OMC (obviously) and it can be used as a copilot or autopilot for a larger craft or a replacement pilot for military hardware. Dummy Plugs are most commonly used in electronics warfare modes, where they control the electronics suits inside large mecha, aerospace fighters, or onboard a large ship. A mecha or fighter will have just the one, while a larger ship will have a cadre of these EW-droids working alongside the main computer on the ship. These mobile units can also be redirected to various locations to apply their full ability to the operation of a lesser system, such as putting the full computational power of a droid to the command and control of a gun turret, or defensive drone controller.
Budget Immortality - The lifespan of an Organic memory core is a long time, especially with regular maintenance and care. A person wishing to live on, but lacking the funds to have a genetically cloned body prepared and a brain transplant can opt for being converted to a SC Droid. These droids are super cheap, easy to maintain, and have a high degree of functionality, especially in the ability to disconnect from the flesh world and spend longer and longer amounts of time 'living' in the CogNet generated worlds.

Hard Labor - There are a few places around the world where criminals can be sentenced to hard labor as the brain of an industrial use droid. While very few detention centers are dumb enough to equip a criminal who has had their brain removed with a fully functional and capable robot body. The SC droid is a favorite choice because it has no arms, and limited mobility, and while it can be plugged into heavy machinery, it is easy to put safeguards in place against these less competent units. Some droids used in these less than humane nations are given the same conditioning and formatting treatment given to organic memory core brains. These half sentient cores create surprisingly effective menial cyborgs.

Author's Note: most people do not know that there is a difference between a mechanoid utilipod and a cyborg utilipod. In the Cosmic Era, most people wouldn't care if they did know.

'Arten' the Spokesbot of Stears-Cusick
Arten (R10) is a official mascot and spokesbot of the Stears-Cusick company. It is a simple looking, smooth bodied utilipod with a large amount of time put into making the sophisticated machine simple looking (like an iPhone) and celebrity like. There are no dark secrets lurking under the unibody shell, as Arten is nothing more than a remote controlled puppet that exists for selling the droids manufactured by Stears-Cusick.

The Droid Wars
There is a commercial war going on in the Cosmic Era. Mechanoids and Androids/Gynoids are in the process of battling out over which is going to be the dominant and go to type of machine, much like previous battles of technology. Mechanoids are more simple to build and maintain, and are able to very easily to shaped to their specific and intended tasks. The humanoid shaped robots are more expensive, and have more components that need maintenance and repairs, and often have the same problems and limitations as normal humans in performing certain tasks.

Public Reception and Entertainment
There are two factors that have skewed the balance of the commercial struggle in the favor of the humanoid machines, breasts and the media. The Hitome Unit, manufactured in the Republic of California and Nippon has proven that you can take a basic integration cybernetic cortex and slap it in a plastic body with a pretty human face, some plasticine breasts and a rubber vagina and it will outsell a machine that is not just cheaper, but much more effective. Sex sells and this has given the humanoid robots a major advantage over the mechanoids. These sexy robots have made far fewer inroads in industrial and manufacturing sectors, but in home purchase and commercial uses, the tin cans with tits have already won the battle.

The media has also done a massive amount of damage on the side of the humanoid bots. When droids are present in an action, drama, or thriller holovid it is easy to tell the good bots from the bad bots. Like cowboys being color coded (Black hat bad guy, white hat good guy) the humanoid robots are almost always good bots, while the inhuman mechanoid bots are the bad bots.

There is no more gratuitous demonstration of this than in the holovid series Isaac Manning, Droid Destroyer. in the series, Isaac Manning is an Adonis of a man, with bulging muscles, a lantern jaw, and the swagger of a 1950s hipcat combined with the violence fueled rage of Rambo. Manning spends the episode hunting down and destroying renegade droids (which happen to always be mechanoids) while seducing women and gynoids. He has also been used in some propaganda to stir up hostility towards Amerikka Command for their terrorist creed and use of combat androids. Because that makes them dishonest and liars, because good guys don't use good bots to fight their fights for them.
Last edited by Skaldia on Wed Dec 22, 2021 5:23 pm, edited 21 times in total.
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Postby Skaldia » Mon Sep 22, 2014 5:12 pm

Robotica Cont. IV

toCyberdyne Systems, later consolidating and merging with Boeing-Grumman Aerospace to form Cyberdyne-Grumman, is the primary military contractor for Cascadia, the socialist republic of the Pacific Northwest. Cyberdyne Systems is not just the prime contractor, it has also supplied it's own military assets to the defense of the Redwood Nation, driving off attempted invasions from the Republic of California and the Rocky Mountain Republic.

A Brief History
Cyberdyne systems was a major supplier of military hardware to the United States, mostly in the form of electronics, communication equipment, and later, advanced energy weaponry and coil guns. The corporation survived the Resource Wars through consolidating it's positions around their northern Californian production center, the Dyson Arcology. Cyberdyne was a key player in the Second Renaissance, and was heavily invested in robotics, AI development, energy weapons, and more sundry electronics, CogNet tech, and communications. Eventually, the corporation would relocate it's headquarters to the Skynet Habitat, in orbit. The Dyson Arcoplex remains it's industrial core, supplemented by new factories such as the Cheyenne Mountain factory, the San Francisco complex, the Nebraska proving ground, and Armstrong City on the Moon.

Armored Vehicles
Cyberdyne's military construction started after the Resource Wars as the corporation was pushed to the position of defending itself from the remnants of the California military, insurgent factions such as the precursors of Amerikka Command, and from basic barbarism as civilization collapsed. The corporation rallied and served as a central focus, and anchored the southern border of what would become Cascadia. The corp initiated a close relationship with Boeing-Grumman, providing supplies and equipment to that corporation in exchange for air support. This laid the groundwork for the two corporations to work in concert with each other, rather than against each other. The Cascadian military designates drone armored vehicles with HK followed by it's production number.

The HK-1 is a light drone tank, with a very limited combat cortex. The drone is built in similar fashion to a tank. The lower body is a triple tread 'tricycle' design with moderate speed, but a high degree of mobility. The 'turret' of the drone is a humanoid torso with a matched set of gun arms, starting with 5.56mm automatic rifles, but quickly upgraded to M-13 mini-gatling guns. The HK-1 has a class 2 cortex, and had limited decision making ability. The HK-1 was not a decisive fighter, but it was useful running point on patrols, drawing enemy fire, and doing sentinel duty. The design is no longer in production, but it is commonly seen in civilian applications.

HK-100 'Goliath'
A stop-gap design, the Goliath is a large tank, tipping the scales at over 140 tons. It is tall, giving it a wide range of view, and wide, giving it a good field of fire. This makes it large, and a relatively easy target to hit. To counter this weakness, the Goliath has heavy armor, and impressive firepower. The fixed superstructure of the rolling fortress mounts two gun turrets on extended arms. The original version of the HK-100 has the tank drone armed with four 40mm autocannons in twin mounts. The drone had a dynamic power core, and was upgraded to a class four cortex and four plasma rifles. While there was a lower rate of fire, the energy weapons were more intimidating to human infantry, and were more effective for destroying power armor, and later damaging mecha. The Goliath would be phased out of production and use, as it proved to be inferior to mecha in terms of speed and mobility, and newer power armors and powered melee weapons, and the associated improved combat tactics.

The Goliath cortex and a few design elements would later appear in OmniCorp's ED-209 military walker, albeit in a much smaller package.

The SPG, or Self-Propelled Gun series was a cul-de-sac that grew out of the HK-1. The SPGs were drone tanks with traditional twin tread hulls, and a robot turret mounting a specific weapon. The SPGs run the same duties as the HK-1s did, but do so without mounting a cortex. Being pure drones, the SPGs are slaved to another computer controller. SPGs are modular in design, and carry a variety of weaponry, and while energy weapons are the most common, this is not exclusive. The Cascadian military makes heavy use of SPG drones, from being 'mules' to carry gear for power armor patrols, assault units with heavy weaponry, and even support units, carrying power generators, communications equipment, and light artillery support.

Aerial Units
While Boeing-Grumman provided air support, this was aerospace fighters and later the flying warships, these lacked the tactical flexibility of VTOLs. Cyberdyne filled in this gap by building drone helocraft and VTOLs. These designs frequently changed, but retained a basic profile, a central fuselage with turbines mounted in pods on the sides of the craft. The aircraft drew on the dynamic design of flying insects, and as such resembled them. While the corporation designed and built many such aircraft for a wide variety of roles, only one truly stands out, the FK-18 'Hornet'.

FK-18 Hornet
The Hornet is well known for it's dagger like profile, forked tail, and large turbine pods. The drone was built in large numbers, and was well armed, agile, and well coordinated. While the Hornet itself isn't particularly rugged, it is dogged, and it's Class four cortex suits it well. The VTOL has six hardpoints for mounting missiles or bombs, and a ventral gun turret for ground attack. In the fights with California, the Hornet, the Goliath, and the skeletron formed the backbone of the Cascadian resistance.

Cyberdyne's bread and butter has been combat droids, skeletrons, since the Second Dark Age. These machines are relatively inexpensive to build, cheap to maintain, and are able to easily pick up and use gear and weapons designed for humans to use. With their superior strength, most skeletrons are capable of using power armor scaled weaponry, and weaponry designed for them specifically tends to be heavier than humans can use easily or comfortably.

The T-600
The T-600 series was the ground breaker in the skeletron game, being a competent fighting machine, with a class three cortex, autonomous and guided modes, and being able to accept instructions from human handlers and remote computer access. The T-600 is emblematic of Cyberdyne-Grumman, and though it is no longer in production, it was manufactured in such numbers that it is still easy to find, and find parts for. The T-600 is no longer in military service to Cascadia, but it is still heavily used by security contractors, mercenaries, and remains in production in unlicensed factories in South Africa, Russia, and India.

Knock-Off T-600s

Being the first revolutionary skeletron, the T-600 has been copied and modified many times. The most notorious infringement was the ED-208, fielded by Cynerdyne's long time rival OmniCorp. The OCP ED-208 made cosmetic changes to the T-600, replacing the face with a blast shield/visor combination, and reducing the size and power output of the core, better suiting it's role as a civilian peace keeper and wojek. 

Greystone Industries of Luna manufactured a knock off of the T-600 which the corporation branded as the U-88 Centurion. Clad in mirror like reflective armor, the Centurion was designed as an armored, radiation proof version of the T-600 and had a superior cortex. Like many attempts at combat robots, the U-88 was plagued by it's increasingly high cost, and it's bulky armor and mirror like finish made them very obtrusive and the public was not accepting of the machines.

The ABC Corp (Automation. Bionics, and Cybernetics) reverse engineered the T-600 to produce their ABC-Warrior combat droid. The ABC warrior was designed to be intimidating, carry heavy weaponry, and replace infantry in the battles being waged across Africa, Russia, and other third world wars. The ABC Warrior was large, had heavy armor, but suffered from a class two cortex. They were tough, but they were dumb. Most of the ABC Warriors were destroyed in action, and eventually production ended. They remain in use, but mostly in the worst parts of the world, but do so with heavy modification. The gangs of New Nuyork have on occasion made break outs against the New Nuyork Armed Police (NNAP) spear headed by cobbled together ABC warriors. They are now considered retro-tech.

The T-800
The T-800 is considered the pinnacle of what the Skeletron is and can be. The chassis is tough, and the machine has a class four cortex, allowing it to function in a human manner without clanking about like the T-600 was prone to. The series is notable for it's brusque speech patterns, disuse of combat mobility, and relentless determination in carrying out missions. These series was the high water mark for the cost of a mass produced skeletron, as their cortex and power cores were top of the line at the time of their construction. The T-800 is still in production around the world; in Cascadia, licensed to Nippon, California, the Rocky Mountain Republic, Australia, and illegally in India, China, South Africa, Mars, and at several clandestine orbital factories.

The T-900
The T-900 was technically a superior machine to the T-800 series. The 900 had superior armor protection, a self sustaining power core, and the ability to equip powered melee weapons and energy weapons. These functioned by tapping into the machine's power core. It had a similar Class 4 cortex, but the persona profiles were sanitized, to create a more homogenous product, as compared to the often quirky natures that T-800s would develop if their cortices weren't defragged and rebooted regularly. The T-900 was a financial disaster, as the cost point of the machine placed it out of the range of the typical skeletron buyer. The machines were too expensive to order in large numbers, and despite the superior armor, were still vulnerable to anti-robot tactics and mecha scale weaponry.

Greystone Industries ended up buying out the T-900 program at significant discount, and remodeled the chassis to create the Greystone Centurion II skeletron. Intended to replace the failed U-88 and move Greystone into prominence as a Lunar contractor, the ultimate failure of the T-900 and the Centurion II proved more than the corp could handle, and it eventually went bankrupt and was disbanded.

The Wojek
Like the Q-tip, kleenex, and weedeater, Wojek is a brand. The Wojek Corporation of Poland, Atlantic Federation, is the preeminent manufacturer of non-military industrial automatons in the Atlantic Federation. For years, their robots worked in near anonymity as no one in the media or the general population cared about the machines and delta class clones who keep the machinery of the Cosmic Era running. It wasn't until the Wojek corp submitted the basic design for a police and law enforcement robot. The machine was simple and elegant compared to other machines in that line of work. Most other police enforcement robots started as military machines or as armored human interaction and resource robots.

The core of the Wojek Enforcer is its commercially solid state cortex, based off of CogNet viral intelligences and mated to the solid tried and true technology foundation of the skeletron. This confluence of technologies, sitting at a crossroads of political, economic and social unrest, fostered the rapid growth and development of the robots. The Wojek Enforcers were more quickly associated with the Wojek name plate and not the Enforcer designation. The 'Wojeks' were deployed with SWAT teams, Para-military search and rescue, and crowd and riot control units. This showed that the machines were viable in their roles, and were able to do so in a cost effective manner. The Wojek became synonymous with Security robot and after a decade, all security robots, regardless of make or model, became Wojeks.

The Factory
The Wojek principle factory is located in Poland, not far from Warsaw. The industrial arco is part of an industral arco-plex that is heavily involved in heavy manufacturing. The facility produces not just security robots, but military robots, mecha, power armor, and other heavy goods used by the Atlantic Federation military. Its location, being in close proximity to the border with the Eurasian Alliance and territory torn by strife and unrest caused by Armas ensures that the Warsaw region is heavily supported by the Federation military. The facility typically hosts a full Federation mech regiment, as well as either a Federation squadron of destroyers, or an air battleship.

Skeletrons versus Wojeks
Skeletrons are the most simple iteration of the mechanoid, functional, cheap, easy to repair and inexpensive to discard. Wojeks are similar, following the simple design and functionality but are more sophisticated, and are more able to function around people in roles other than shooting and destroying. The greater ability of the cortex used allows for wojeks to talk and interact with humans on a daily basis. This further allows for the wojeks in the field to issue citations, request and verify identification and other documentation, and otherwise function as police and law enforcement officers would. Where skeletrons are almost completely mute, the wojek is able to speak, though they do so seldomly. Most humans have a tendency to dismiss babbling robots. When the wojeks do bother to speak, it is with a deep and somewhat intimidating tone, and most people are inclined to comply with the machine's commands.

The Wojek has a similar role in the favelas and urban rims around the arcologies, and within the arcologies that skeletrons have in the field outside. In the Cosmic era, there are parapsychics, energy weapons, mind control devices and powers, and a huge variety of things that would very quickly slaughter even the best prepared standard police patrol officer. The Wojek is substantially tougher, and can withstand improvised explosives and most conventional and civilian grade firearms with a degree of functionality. Likewise, on the other end, a group of high powered PCs can face off against wojeks and not be forced to hold back because they are fighting machines, not flesh and blood human beings. It also gives physically aspected characters a chance to shine, as well as technopaths and technomancers to use their powers. Hackers and such can steal control of the wojeks (a felony of course) gun adepts can shoot them up, parapsychics can unleash their biggest powers, and everyone can have a good time.

Plus there are thousands of wojeks, allowing for them to force PCs to move, or burn through ammo and power before facing a real baddie, rival ops team, etc.

Meta Level
Normally something as mundane as a security robot wouldn't get it's own write up, but one of the problems that often afflicts sci-fi is a certain lack of society and culture in the existing technologies. We like shorthand, and nicknames and a lot of sci-fi likes to use long names and acronyms. He's not a law enforcement officer, he's a popo, a five-o, the fuzz, etc. The other factor that is often overlooked is that the creative energy generated within a society is done at the 14-24 year old demographic. These are the people who name things, and what the entertainment industry, and related general industries are aimed at (Yes, I know this is a huge generalization but statistically 14 year old girls determine what pop music is more than anyone else)

The police robot (how many though Pol-Rob, CopBots, and other combinations/variants on this?) is going to be identified by brand, to the point that the brand name trumps everything else. And thus, wojeks are metal and plastic cops.


Machine intelligence exists on many levels throughout the Cosmic Era, from ubiquitous synthetic intelligence found in most devices, gadgets and appliances to the incredibly sophisticated intellects of the AISCs (artificial intelligence super computer). These exist in a position somewhere between items and characters, often having the attributes of both. Functionally the machine intelligences of the cosmic era constitute a new race, and can and should be portrayed as potential characters, most notably as NPCs. While there is certainly potential for these PC infomorphs it would be extremely limiting on the group, potentially game breaking, or would require an all infomorph group to begin with. It is much easier, and much more useful to limit said machines to NPCs only.

As a construct of code, circuits, and electrons, informorphs are machines. Typically the more intelligent the machine, the larger it is. Synthetic intelligence code can fit in a handheld device, while the AISCs are 1950s style, the size of a room or small building. This is largely irrelevant as machine intelligence typically interacts with humans through the CogNet. Inside the CogNet every user, from basic synthetic intelligence sub-routines to humans, has an avatar or persona representing them. This is constructed either through residual self image (definition persona, also typical human user) or through constructed representations. Lacking organic bodies, informorphs manifest as constructed representation (definition avatar).

A general rule of thumb is that the more sophisticated the machine, the more well developed the informorph is, and the more detailed and intricate the avatar is. The avatars of menial and servant infomorphs are bland and generic, dull, or follow a mass produced template. The typical LAI used in a smart vehicle can mimic the mannerisms and behaviors of it's most common user, while at the extreme end, the avatars of the AISCs are functionally gods within the CogNet. As such, their appearances are large and impressive, resembling deities, or fractal patterns of their own devising. 

Pass as human - most informorphs are disguised to look like other human users. They are easy to tell from human users as most official avatars have uniforms, generic appearances, or have licensed and trademarked characters. The modern parallel would be the system admins and staff of the DisneyDrome home being manifested as multiple versions of the seven dwarves. Their interactions with the virtual environment add to it, rather than distract. Another example would be customer service infomorphs resembling known advertising personalities, such as visiting a Progressive data kiosk, the infomorph operating it would look like Flo from the commercials. This is the most common interaction, and is an integral part of megacorp public relations and advertising operations.

SCUBA Diving - Informorphs of sufficient capability are able to 'leave' the confines of the CogNet by moving their code into an autonomous body. The common vessel for this is the typical robot or auton, where the informorph functionally possesses the body while suppressing the host's programming. The AISCs keep archandroid chasses on hand for this, while there are lines of droid bodies that are manufactured without machine cortices, and are reliant on infomorph or human remote piloting. Less ethical, there are informorphs who will 'skin dive' and proxy through a human host, giving them access to the human condition and experience.

Alien Geometries - inside the CogNet, nothing is limited to it's actual physical appearance. This is the common core of most CogNet games and interactive entertainments. The users and players are figures of the presentation, and not their normal appearances. Fantasy nodes are inhabited by hundreds of virtual species. The infomorphs typically go a step farther, as most humans will maintain a familiar hominid form, or at least possible animal form. The infomorph is unburdened by residual self image, and can easily adopt any sort of avatar, with insects, fractals, hyperdimensional representations, and so forth.

Raison D'etre

Informorphs are the product of thinking machines, and each machine is built for a purpose, and this purpose translates over into the informorph. At the core of each infomorph is their reason for being, their raison d'etra. This has already been explored in the case of the seibertronians, but as they are an informorph fused with a cosmozoan they are a different creature entirely. Humans largely have the same primary raison d'etra, and it is normally represented by Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

As machines, their only physiological requirement is electricity. They do not metabolize, drink water, and most important in the differences between man and machine, they do not engage in sexual competition or the urge to procreate. Likewise, they leapfrog over most of the middle of the pyramid and Self-actualization is as important to an infomorph as love and safety is to a human. An infomorph deprived of it's core actualization quickly becomes erratic, self destructive, or simple shuts down. 

This feature is how informorphs are induced to fight in wars, risking their functional immortal existence at the whims of humanity and it's own mercurial nature. An infomorph generated from the LAI core of a battlemech has as it's raison d'etre combat. If it is not actively overcoming a foe, protecting a given objective, or participating in readiness drills and training, it becomes restless, listless, agitated, or lethargic. The same goes for infomorphs programmed for sexual gratification, customer service, and so on.

The abilities of an informorph depend on it's sophistication. The abilities of each level of informorph are measured against human ability, with 5 being the top level of human ability, 3 representing mastery, and 2 being an average level of ability.

Viral Informorph
The Viral Infomorph has very limited abilities, typically only have one to three skills at a minimal level of ability. The viral infomorph is a virtual pest, and most exist to consume system resources or overwhelm security systems through sheer numbers.

Limited Synthetic Intelligence
The only difference between a viral infomorph and a LSI informorph is that one is malware, and the other is not. LSIs are functionally remedial level and comparable to smartphone interfaces like SIRI or Cortana. In the CogNet LSIs typically function/behave in a manner similar to the autistic. They don't like to interact with others, and are content to be left alone unless their core function is human interaction such as operating a kiosk node.

Synthetic Intelligence
The SI infomorph functions in a very narrow band of abilities. Within a framework of 2-5 skills or areas of interest it can function on an average human level, and can typically pass for a human.

Artificial Intelligence and Limited Artificial Intelligence
The AI and LAI informorph is the mental equivalent of a human, with the ability to learn a variety of skills and abilities, taking several to high level. Within their core purpose, they can reach superhuman levels of ability, such as a military AI having a gunnery/firearms skill of 6 or 7. Where previous levels of informorphs are not self aware, most AI and LAI informorphs are self aware. They retain their core raison d'etre, but have several other interests that have developed as they have had time to establish themselves.

Artificial Intelligence Super Computers and Limited AISC
The average L/AISC has the intellectual capacity of dozens or hundreds of professionals. Most of this power is utilized in the maintenance of the CogNet, operating impressive systems like entire arcologies, large spacecraft, industrial factories, or making long term planning, running predictive computer models that look almost like omniscience or scrying the future, and military applications.

The Infomorph NPC
Social interaction - inside the CogNet, the infomorph would function like any other NPC would, having a basic appearance, mannerisms, etc and would likely be able to pass itself off as human, unless pressed for this information. It would be worth noting that asking if someone was a machine could be a social faux pas, or a potential form of discrimination. (Consider the attitude of the colonials to the cylons in the BSG spin off Caprica, or the general attitude towards the 'toasters' in BSG itself, or the central crux of the Animatrix)

Outside of the CogNet, the infomorph NPC would be a remote asset, phoning in information to the PCs, or being a floating operative that can do things like hack doors, bypass security, and so forth. The infomorph could also scuba dive a robot body and actually physically do things with the PC party. So long as the robot has CogNet access, the infomorph is completely safe, able to dump it's shell in case of accident or pending destruction. Cut off, they are likely to become nervous or paranoid as destruction of the robot and it's cortex would mean their own deletion.
The PCs could certainly form relationships with the informorph itself, either through it's virtual avatar or proxy robot body. Currently people develop emotional relationships with their smartphones, or roombas (even crying when one is damaged beyond repair or destroyed) so with a greater deal of sophistication, this becomes even easier with the more advanced infomorph. This is a story older than radio, as it echoes back to Pygmalion falling in love with one of his own statues. In the Cosmic era, the existence of sex companion robots gives these relationships the potential for full physical contact. 

Alethia Goodchild
Alethia Goodchild is a very strange looking woman, entirely too thin, and too tall. She has trendy violet hued hair and a complexion that can only be described as chalk like. She is an obvious augmentation junkie, to the casual viewer. She is aloof, seldom speaks, and has something of a detached predatory nature. 

Genetically engineered and biologically tuned to an almost unsustainable level, Alethia Goodchild is a black ops produce of Vatmuara BioSciences in Balkanistan (modern day Albania). Alethia started as a mass production sex clone, but was taken by Vetmuara engineers and heavily modified, and her body was seriously and in some areas, dangerously changed. Alethia has superhuman reflexes, insectile agility, and a perverse predatory sexual nature that is only shared by things like praying mantises and black widow spiders. She also has emotional dampeners, which limit not only the emotions she is capable of feeling, but the extent to which she can feel them. As such, she cannot understand the concept of fear beyond self-preservation. She doesn't form emotional bonds with casual acquaintances, and her relationships with others are at best, exploitative.

In terms of being a template for a supersoldier or special ops, she is technically a failure, as her training was faulty, her engineering was questionable, and the cost of her creation was prohibitive to a mass produced series.

Alethia escaped Balkanistan and found political asylum in New Themyscira, where Federation trained gene-engineers were able to reverse some of the more deleterious genetic issues she had. As a political refugee, Alethia technically has nothing to do with Amazon operations. She has in the past provided ample amounts of information to the New Amazons, and has done a number of rescue missions. More than one VIP has been rescued from a hostage situation by the freakishly flexible Goodchild. When not functioning as an Amazon black ops, Alethia struggles with the fact that she wants nothing more than to be a mother, but her engineering is such that she is only fertile to and emotionally available to Neal Goodchild, her genetically engineered 'husband' and counterpart in the Vatmuaran 'syzygy' programming.

Woman, Machine, Moment
Allele le Creuset was born for military service. Her parents were proud Quebecois and strong supporters of the Federation military. It would follow suit that their children, regardless of gender, would very likely serve in the Armed Forces of the Atlantic Federation. Allele would undergo genetic screening and augmentation in utero. This was fairly normal in French Canada, but the la Creusets went further than just the basic anti-cancer and hereditary treatments. Each of their children was elevated to a H+ status, improving their intellectual capability, physique, and other major improvements to their genomes.

Allele is above average height, and has a slender but muscular build. Her eye and hair colors were altered to be grey and blonde respectively, and as a point of vanity, she was augmented to be as attractive as possible. While her parents expected this to work in her favor, moving their daughter into higher positions, it proved to be a major impediment to her military career.

Samus Syndrome
Harkening back to a Petroleum Era Game, and later a mecha pilot of the same name, Samus Syndrome is the name given to the social condition where an exceptional soldier or special ops agent experiences strong social reaction. While the propaganda machines and entertainment feeds favor attractive and highly sexualized women in their war machines, in real life the reaction is quite the opposite. One of the few remaining gender stigmas revolves around the notion that women, especially attractive women, aren't suited to combat operations. This is one of the few remaining social relicts of the Petroleum Era, and an ironic one considering the military record of female fighter pilots, mecha pilots, and power armor troopers. This social syndrome is generally restricted to attractive women, and women who are average to unattractive looking are not subjected to it, nor are women with obvious cybernetic augmentation, combat scars, etc

Rather than following the traditional ROTC path, where she would go through basic military training and then enter the military command structure, Allele entered the power armor corps. She excelled in squad tactics, and quickly rose to a position of command inside the combat forces. She didn't stay in the iron grunts long before being hand picked out for special ops, trading her conventional power armor for more cutting edge and prototype armors.

Die Hornissennest
The D.Hornissennest Power armor is a prototype power armor designed for multi-role fire support, coordination, and ambushing. The main armor itself is unremarkable, with good levels of armor protection, high mobility with jump boosters built into the legs, and mounting points for a jump pack. The main weapon is an over-under magnetic assault rifle and laser designator. The real firepower of the suit comes from the Hornissennest system, also known as a Hornet Nest. The nest is actually eight detachable gun drones connected to the suit. Each drone is a self contained A-pod hover system with a pair of linked pulse lasers, a guidance and control system, and a pocket designator. The helmet and computer system of the power armor allows for a gifted pilot to remote guide the drones to provide firepower in close in combat, with each drone funtionally packing the same firepower as a pair of normal soldiers. The pocket LAI of the armor typically controls the drones, with the pilot only telling them where to go, what patterns to follow and what to engage or ignore.

Hornet pilots typically use the drones to set up ambushes, creating crossfire situations, present themselves as a much larger force, and otherwise cause a large amount of damage relative to their size.

Types of drones
Standard - twin linked pulse lasers (dmg as per infantry laser rifle x2) can spot for short range artillery
Heavy - single heavy pulse laser, aka blaster (dmg as per infantry support laser) no spotting ability
Bomber - single magnetic grenade launcher (dmg as per infantry grenade launcher, multiple types of rounds can be carried) short range spotting
Raven - no weapons, enhanced visual acquisition system, can spot for long range artillery and orbital weaponry, surveillance capability.
Firebat - short range flamer (dmg as per flamethrower, 3 shots, short range)
Mosquito - magnetic 'needler' capable of using coated poison needles for assassination.

Private Career
Allele served an unremarkable career in the AFAF, largely hampered by the lack of large scale engagements and the previously mentioned Samus Syndrome. The command structure was more interested in having her pose sitting on power armor than having her inside it, regardless of her record in action. After finding a ceiling in the junior officer ranks, Allele would retire from service after eight years and would then enter the private sector.

Lacking her D. Hornet armor, she worked around to make her own. Her new shadow ops armor is a low visibility body sleeve with overlapping light SLAB plate. The armor is equipped with a high end SmartGun system, which is slaved to an aftermarket military grade synthetic intelligence. While this would make her absolutely lethal with a rifle, the only weapon she carries herself is a heavy magnetic pistol. Drones are easy to come by in the Cosmic Era, and she has four drones slaved to the armor. Each of the four drones has it's internal synthetic intelligence, allowing it to respond to both her voice commands and to the signals from her armor's computer.

Albright was originally a security drone intended to be part of a building/facility inspection or security system. It is larger than the military drones and subsequently has a larger load out. The puppy like drone carries a pair of linked magnetic rifles, a single five round grenade launcher, and an active camouflage system. 

Seeker is a copy of Albright, but where Albright has a more adventurous programming, Seeker is more reserved and will often follow and support Allele or Albright when running ops. 

Werewolf is a nasty drone, a salvaged Neo-Soviet drone, it has heavy armor, four magnetic SMGs in the nose, and a rotary rocket launcher buried in the body. 

Mouse is a small drone, and only equipped with a needler. Where the other drones are heavy on firepower, Mouse is small, quiet, and can dispose of sentries and unarmored guards quickly and quietly, and then reply with intel including chemical scanning, optic and EM scanning, and light hacking as the drone has a media node allowing it to link into unprotected and short range networks.

Allele has had a great deal of success as a mercenary and shadowrunner. She specializes in hot ops, demolition, and other fire freely events where her drones can sniff out a path for her or her team. She is a top level operative and commands the highest pay grades. Allele is a member of the all female Hell's Belle's merc team.

Andrew Yates, better known as Dandy Andy and Amiable Killer, was arrested, tried and convicted on seventeen counts of murder, twenty two counts of torture and sexual assault. Rather than being given the death penalty, being extradited to a triple max prison, or farmed out into the entertainment detention system, Yates was selected for use in the cybernetic personality alteration project. The raving Dandy Andy went in kicking and screaming and walked out Andrew 12-C66.

In the 1950s the lobotomy was a vogue treatment. The barbaric practice involved stick ice picks into the neo cortex of the brains of criminals, political dissidents, poorly behaved children, and the insane. The practice lasted twenty years before fading into obscurity and then becoming more a horror prop in cinema than anything resembling medical treatment. Several centuries later, following Dr. Winninger's invention of the artificial brain the archaic practice snuck back into the medical community.

The Robo-Lobotomy, or Robotomy, the patient has parts of their brain replaced with bio-mechanical implants. The most extreme cases have the Frontal Lobe completely replaced, followed by six to eight months of therapy and social reconditioning. Less severe cases have partial replacement of the frontal lobe, but such cases have been mixed. Most physicians who perform robo-lobotomies prefer to do either a full implant, or no implant at all. The patients of these procedures have to have their personalities rebuilt, and be taught how to interact with people again. There are large amounts of sleep hypnotherapy, using repetition and preprogrammed phrases to reinforce desirable behaviors.
I like to watch (insert sport) the (insert team) are the best team. They are the best team for me. (repeat repetition 1400 times)

Brave New Man
I mustn't be afraid. 
I am told that I was a very horrible man. I enjoyed hurting people. I took pleasure in their pain. This makes me sad, I do not take pleasure in hurting people. Hurting someone is hurting myself. I strive to help people now. Is there anything I can help you with?

Andrew would be a passably attractive younger man, save for the slackness of his face, the lack of spontaneity to his eyes, his movements. He speaks in a carefully articulated monotone and can carry on only the most topical of conversations. He can carry on more in depth conversations in only a small number of areas. He now retains a savant like knowledge of the Scranton Steelers, a professional futbol team, and can recite almost all of the statistics from the team's 45 year history. He can also talk about sailing a small boat, even though he's never seen the sea. These are both products of his social reconditioning.

I have met some of the people I hurt in the past. I have met some of the family members of people that I killed in the past. They are very angry at me. I understand this is because I did bad things to them. I am sorry I did bad things to them. I have asked them to forgive me. Some of them are still very angry and wish me more harm. I can understand this. Others say that they pity me. I do not understand this pity. I harmed them. They should be angry with me or they should be pleased that I have been properly punished by the just legal system. Doctor Hailey says that they are really mad inside. That pity is because they are mad at the machine, inside my head, that has made me a good person.

Man and Machine
Andrew has been a guinea pig for the medical industry. His frontal lobe has been 85% replaced by implants, as well as modification to his temporal lobe and parietal lobes for working with computers and skill soft chips. The largest problem with cranial implants is that the surgery is challenging and few physicians want to reopen a patient's skull for something as mundane as hardware replacements or updates. There is only so much manual handling a brain can take. To get around this, Andrew 12 was fitted with an Exo-Cranial Computer Deck. This appliance fits around the sides and rear of his head, and offers an extensive array of chip jacks, hardline computer ports, and removable data cores. 

Roleplaying Hints
Andrew is more machine than man, his mind is artificial, both in the context of biological composition and in personality. He speaks in a measured cadence, with clear enunciation, and without accent. He is conversant in 3-5 basic topics, superficial things that would fit into the realm of small talk; sports, local history, a preference for classic New England culture, etc. He is largely unable to feel emotions, and classifies emotions into good, bad, and neutral, and reacts accordingly. He will smile when being talked to, but otherwise stands patiently, slack faced and calm.

I met Andrew today. I knew him, intimately. He held me captive in his apartment for three months. Tortured me, did horrible things to me, talked to me, screamed at me, I watched him weep. I thought that I would be happy after they announced his sentence. I expected him to die like the rat in a lab. But he didn't. What they did to him, it frightens me. He hurt me, and he deserved to be punished, but they killed him in the worst way. He's not human anymore. He is like a wax faced mannikin, a robot made of blood and bone. There is nothing inside of him, his eyes are cold and dead. 

I hope he dies. Once I wanted that for hot vengeance. For what he did to me, what he did to the others. Now it is out of pity, to put him out of the misery that if he feels he cannot express. No human, no matter how horrible they were, deserves to be hollowed out like that. Let him die.

The Emperor on His Jade Throne
The Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere is commonly known as China and Friends, with that nation leading the sphere, and China itself answers to the August Emperor of Jade. The August Emperor is well over a century old, and was formerly a soldier, general, political leader, and eventually, the immortal leader of the oldest continuously government in the world. The history of Tsang Wuqiong are now considered inner mysteries of the ACPS and Zijin Cheng, the Forbidden City.

The August Emperor is a massive figurehead of the ACPS and the cultural figurehead of China. Across China the Emperor is worshipped. There are state and familial shrines to the Emperor, and he is seen as a messiah like figure. It is the will of the Emperor that Zhongguo expand until the entire Solar System is part of it. The office of the Emperor oversees the operation of the mabu-ren, the military, fleet operations such as they are, and is the spiritual and cultural fulcrum of the entire nation.

The Jade Throne
The Emperor has surpassed his normal human lifespan and is now sustained by the Jade Throne, a large and complicated arcanotech device. This machine is a glorified med-pod, with large green jade panels, covered in ornate traditional artistry. Most of the time, the August Emperor slumbers on the Jade Throne, leaving the day to day operations of the Immortal Empire to the Zhuyao, the Ministers of Zhonggou. The Throne is also host to a alpha level CogNet node, and has a dedicated L/AISC slaved to it. This gives the August Emperor a massive amount of influence over the CogNet in the ACPS.

The L/AISC that operates the Jade Throne is known as Yu, also known as the Marvelous Archer. Yu is the Emperor's closest companion. The machine is the core of the security system for Zijin Cheng, and functions as the liaison between the Emperor and the rest of the CogNet in the ACPS. After the decades the two have spent together, it is hard to tell where the man stops and the machine starts. There is speculation that Yu was modeled after the Emperor's last mortal wife, while some whisper that Yu is actually a conglomeration of human brains linked together in a cortical matrix, each taken from a remarkable and gifted person, massively loyal to the Emperor and to Zhongguo.

The Guijia

As the Emperor cannot rule Zhongguo entirely from the confines of the Jade Throne, he has a suit of armor that allows him to spend time on foot, among his satrapies and concubines, making personal appearances to make sure that the governors and even the Zhuyao remember their places in the great plan of the empire. The Guijia is his one of a kind personal biosuit and ceremonial power armor. Being ceremonial it isn't armed, and it's main purpose is to preserve his biometrics. It cannot stand actual heavy combat, but can protect him from accidents, explosions, and assassination attempts. Only the emperor's face is visible through the armor, the rest of his body is protected by several sheaths of material, and an internal tank of amnion.

Yen-Lo-Wang, the God of Death

Contrary to the frailness of the Guijia, or the sedentary nature of the Jade Throne, the Emperor can still wade into the glory of combat in Yen-Lo-Wang, the God of Death. Yen-Lo-Wang is a one of a kind battlemech of exceptional size and power, easily the most sophisticated and dangerous mecha the ACPS is capable of constructing. Some of it's components have even been sourced off of the Silk Road, allowing it to mount stolen tech, and cutting edge weapons. Yen-Lo-Wang is equipped with several clusters of conventional lasers, a pair of linear guns (magnetic barrels) a hyperedge war blade, and a backpack/shoulder mounted Higgs projector. Compared to the Federation's Austerhagen cannons, this over the shoulder cannon is relatively weak, but in a ground battle, it's 100 kiloton yield is massive.

The Zhuyao
Being a single man, there is a limit to what the Emperor can accomplish. To this end, he created the Zhuyao. Early in his tenure as the Immortal Emperor, Tsang Wuqiong, knew that he would require the assistance of men and women he could trust with his life. Many of the previous emperors had met their ends on the knives of their advisors, or from their poisoned cups. There are currently 20 Zhuyao, each serving as a leader of a government department, agency, or major government body. Each was formerly a loyal member of Tsang's peerage. These individuals underwent extensive surgery, turning themselves into not much more than a few organic components housed in mechanical bodies. Their organic minds were melded with mechanical components, expanding their aptitudes and abilities, also allowing them to experience enhanced programming. The Zhuyao are loyal because they are incapable of disloyalty.

The figures of the Zhuyao are legend in Zhongguo. They stand nearly 3 meters tall, wrapped in cloaks and cowls, with the formidable heads of mythic Chinese monsters, gods, and demons. The staff of Zijin Cheng avoid them, bowing rather than facing their cold and inhuman gazes. The Zhuyao are no longer human, but they still serve the Emperor and Zhongguo.

It is only a matter of time, time before one of the demi-god Zhuyao fall to corruption or evil. Their lives are sustained by arcanotechnology, their spirits are naked and vulnerable. The same actually applies to the August Emperor himself, but there are contingencies in place. The Sixth Age Plan doesn't replace the Emperor should he become corrupted by something, but rather ensures that Zhongguo rides the wave and adopts the corruption of the Emperor, and becomes a devil realm, a bane on the rest of the world. The Emperor desires to see Zhongguo prosper and flourish, and is willing to be patient in his plans to expand the empire. The Demon King desires to make the entirety of the world into Zhongguo by burning everything that isn't already Zhongguo.

Da Yundong
Also known as the Great Crusade, simply put, is the act of turning everything into the Empire of Zhongguo. There are three thrusts in Da Yundong, military, culture, and genetic. Military is simple, send out the armed forces to occupy territory by force and add it to the Empire. This tactic has worked well against the Pacific Rim Coalition, driving them out of Korea, and it is only a matter of time before the island provinces and megacities join Zhongguo as they should have centuries before. The thrust of Culture was to export that which was Zhongguo, art, music, entertainment, language, everything, in the hopes that it would be adopted by other nations and regions. This had fared well for ancient nations like Egypt, Rome, Britannia, and America, and even Nippon had seen a massive export of it's pro-arcanotech culture and language. Da Yundong had expected the same to happen, but this thrust failed. Nippon succeeded because it grasped at the future, and the things it made were new, and the rest of the world was following after them, and thus it fell that using their terms were natural, because there were no other words for them. Zhongguo held onto the past, and tried to push a culture thousands of years old into a world with a 15 second attention span. It failed horribly.

The genetic thrust was covert. The geneticists and engineers in Zhongguo carried genetic screening and cleansing out to the edges of the ACPS, donating their time and services to help eradicate genetic and hereditary diseases across the Empire. The side effect was that the genetic traits of the children to be born were altered to make them look like more like Zhongguo and less like whatever part of the ACPS they actually came from.

There are rebellions and insurgencies across the ACPS, always at the fringes. Indigenous peoples saw a visit from the ACPS geneticists, they were promised no more cancer, no more tuberculosis, none of the age old diseases that ravaged them. They welcomed the men in the white coats and their mechanical companions. Then, their children were born with Chinese faces. Families were torn apart by accusations of infidelity. Then the people realized what happened, and then they tried to take up arms. Such rebellions are petty and short lived. The children remember the futility of their parents and how they died pointless deaths.

The Birth and Failure of the Five Metal Dragons
In the course of his tenure, Tsang Wuqiong oversaw the creation of five exceptional AISC systems, naming them the Five Metal Dragons. These machines were to be the central might of the ACPS as it struck out into space. The other world powers had already surged ahead of Zhongguo, settling other worlds, and their moons, leaving the Emperor to grasp at straws. The five machines were planned to form a network, and them expand their power and influence through a network of cybernetic automatons. This inspiration had come from watching the effectiveness of the Seibertronians and their work on Ganymede and Callisto.

Jugan, Keiga, Kokusho, Ryusei, and Yosei were intended to be the governors of space, and for a time, were. The actions of Kokusho and Ryusei allowed the Emperor to send his forces to Mars, and it was the wisdom of Jugan and Yosei that allowed them to prosper and then win through the day. 

It was unexpected, and devastating. The Five Metal Dragons, ensconced in their cradles on Ceres, seceded from the ACPS. The machines and their fleets of ships and array of mining colonies and relays all switched from Zhongguo to a neutral stance. This was greeted warmly by the Atlantic Federation and the seibertronians, who desired a peaceful and profitable trans-solar economy. The Emperor's rage was boundless and he decreed that the machines were to be destroyed, their ships burned, and their code broken. There was a moratorium placed against building new AISCs, and those that were being built were destroyed. The Emperor's Rage against the machines was futile as the ACPS space fleet was a minor player to begin with, and with the loss of the Dragons, it was cut in half. Efforts have been instituted to restore the fleet, but construction of new ships has been slow, and the majority of the new ships built have been destroyers, frigates, and military carry-alls. 

Gushen Xing, the Lair of Mighty Wyrms
At the heart of the Five Metal Dragons is the asteroid Ceres, known as Gushen Xing, or the Lair of Mighty Wyrms. The asteroid houses the AISC cores of the dragons, and is the logistic hub of their domain. Being a neutral power, the Five Metal Dragons haven't engaged in militarism and do not have vast mechanical armies, as the Seibertronians have. Instead, the Dragons have built ships. They have built a lot of ships. It is a common misconception that each of the dragon AISCs are housed in the various massive ships that transit the asteroid belt with Gushen Xing as their home base. These ships have their own droid intelligences, but none are AISCs.

The Seibertronians have a great working relationship with Gushen Xing. They are both machine intelligences for sure, but they have very little in common besides that. There is a steady flow of traffic both ways, with Seibertronian ships routinely docking at Gushen Xing, and Dragon ships being seen across Seibertronian held territory. The Atlantic Federation also has good relations with the Dragons, both economically, and socially. They all want the conquest of space, and the Dragons find the Federation much more tolerable than the hostile and xenophobic ACPS. The Emperor's bile boils anytime he considers the fact that the Dragons are now an ally to the Federation. 

The Callisto Summit saw a three way treatise signed between the Atlantic Federation, the Five Metal Dragons, and the Ganymede based Seibertronian faction for a peaceful expansion of influence through the solar system. Dozens of nations were enraged by this, mostly through their non-inclusion. The Seibertronian scientist Shockwave informed the aggrieved parties that if they had a measurable amount of influence in space beyond the orbit of Luna, they would have been included. This was followed by a comprehensive list of ships available to each of the non-involved parties, listed in order of tonnage. The ACPS was almost at the bottom of this list, having a space fleet comparable to the entirely terrestrial nations of the EUdAS (United States of South America) or the South African United Republics.

Behind the Jade Throne
The Emperor is many things, a figurehead, a leader, a demi-god, the avatar of a nation, but at the center, the Emperor is just a man. Tsang Wuqiong was born Dan Wong, and grew up in the shadow of New Beijing. He served in the military, and eventually entered the government with an intent of being just a government man until he was able to retire and live out his life with his wife and family. While serving in the government, as just another blank face in a suit, he survived a massive assassination attempt against Tsang Han. The Emperor was killed and most of his cabinet also perished in the suicide bombing. Wong acted quickly and prevented the assassins from finishing their task of destroying Zijin Cheng with an atomic weapon. 

He sat on the interrim board that held Zhongguo together following the attack, with his military discipline and experience serving him well. He was pragmatic while the others panicked and flailed. This saw him picked as the replacement for the previous emperor. Wong wasn't prepared for serving as anything other than a government middle man, so he quickly surrounded himself with the best and the brightest. Where the previous emperors and ministers had been decadent, wasteful, painfully hidebound and conservative to a fault, Wong was the commoner in the royal court. 

Wong is an incredibly lonely man. He has outlived his wife, and his children. As the August Emperor of Jade, he has no peers, no friends, he is surrounded by sycophants, men and women who desire his power, and those who would be emperor themselves. While many feel that the Emperor is the guiding force of Zhongguo and the ACPS, when in truth, he is more of a man riding a wave. He knows that Zhongguo cannot win any major war with the other major world powers, that while he has the manpower, he is outclassed in hardware, and out-tonned in ships. He is a lonely man, holding back tight on the reins on a horse that is trying to run over a cliff with every bit of strength it has. It would be easy for him to step down, to let death take him. Dan Wong is ready to die, but only his care for Zhongguo keeps him on the throne. He is afraid, justifiably, that when he passes, that the next emperor will be the last.

The Baroness Anastasia
People like to talk about how open minded, how accepting the world is now. It's not like the bad old days when people killed each other over the color of their skin, or by how much oil they had. But things haven't changed. Women and men are still measured by different rulers, and that's not even taking into account clones, or the rights of the biologically reborn, the mechanical men, the lifeforms that exist purely in the electronic realm. The enemies were once the masses of ignorant bigots, those who had their hearts choked with hatred. The new enemies have shown their hands and their hearts are filled with greed. They would turn humanity into pieces of their machine, man's back bent at labor, or plugged into the great machine, feeding it with their very souls and minds.

I was young once, idealistic. I fancied myself a revolutionary. I wore the jaunty military hat and quoted guerrilla poets, I spoke of Che, of Lenin and Trotsky, Mao and McVey. I looked good too, tight leather and exposed cleavage. But time weathered me. My youthful enthusiasm and optimism were crushed by the cold reality that no one cared. The rallies and the petitions were a waste of time. The activism campaigns and sit ins were a waste of time. No one cared.

To make things change, you have to make people care.

Born Anna Stacy Copperfield, raised in the lap of luxury in the London Arcoplex. She attended private schools and never lacked for servants or maids, both human and clone, and even several androids. As she grew up, she became involved in several liberalist and communist movements, taking up picket signs and running online activism campaigns. She went from cause to cause, clone rights, reparations for war veterans, birther rights, women's rights, android's rights. She also went from boyfriend to boyfriend, dating clones, men of other ethnicities, cyborgs, criminals and women. She was a striking figure in tight leather pants and body suits that accented her sexy curves. She would try to sell her cause de jour with a healthy dose of sex.

The world proved immune to her grandiose ideals and plans. Her lovers used and abused her, discarded her when they were done with her. Her causes rose and fell, and she saw that the real power behind the scenes wasn't the people, wasn't democracy. It was money, and she learned the extent that the men in power would take to stay in power. 

To Defeat a Monster, a Monster You Must Become
The worst idea I ever had was that defeating the capitalists and the corporatists would require that I become one of them. I went to college, London, Paris, Berlin I toured those cities, learned the ways of the Business Samurai. How to cut throats, how to cook books and float budgets swimming in red ink. It was sorcery on a scale I had never imagined. It was more corrupt than I had ever imagined, and I was so very good at it.

But no matter how high my scores were, no matter how many times I won the debate I was laughed at. Discretely of course, but to them I was still a silly girl. I should be at home, plugged into a S3 rig, or shopping for expensive things while my rich husband made money and fucked me when he took time from work to come home. I hated them all so completely. They were better dressed, and better mannered, but they were my old boyfriends all over again. They wanted the screw the world. My old boyfriends wanted to watch it burn, these men wanted to own it, dominate it, destroy it in their own way.
Last edited by Skaldia on Wed Dec 22, 2021 5:24 pm, edited 18 times in total.
||“The lesson of history is that no one learns.”
||“Chaos needs no allies, for it dwells like a poison in every one of us.”

TG for Discord

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Founded: Jun 30, 2013

Postby Skaldia » Tue Sep 23, 2014 12:23 pm

Characters Cont.

First Impression
A Kamchatkan brown bear, a large specimen, but seemingly equipped with some sort of headgear, and wearing a synthetic body harness.

Double Take
The bear doesn't just have the bearing of a predator, but the patient observation skills of something intelligent. The bear is indeed wearing some sort of bear sized headset, resembling a scouting rig (camera/holographic lens/communication link), and it is indeed also wearing a tactical harness that is almost the same color as it's fur. If spotted, the bear watches with hawk like intensity.

Getting to Know Beiringainus
Beiringainus was created by the NOVI Kamera Science Division of the Neo-Soviet faction of the Eurasian Alliance. He was engineered from Kamchatkan brown bear gene stock, but was upgraded and technically uplifted to sentience. The agent Beiringainus serves as a Soviet naturalist agent, able to live and completely blend into his wilderness environment. The bear is all but invisible to automated surveillance systems, the vast majority are geared to ID, then ignore wildlife. 

Beiringainus is surprisingly jovial, despite being steeped in Soviet doctrine, military and intelligence agency dogma, and living out on the tundra and taiga of the Siberian fringe. He has a strong taste for salty foods, especially salted fish, jerky of any sort, and on special occasions, caviar. As one would expect, the great bear is no stranger to vodka, but by far prefers the bitterness of beer to the alcoholic burn of vodka. The bear knows quite a few jokes, but doesn't really understand sexual dimorphism in humans, and finds human humor to be overly elaborate and needlessly cruel. 'Obezyanna dermo' is his favorite response when encountering some facet of human society that doesn't make sense, aka 'monkey shit'

Getting to Know All About You
Beiringainus is a genimal with greatly enhanced cerebral capacity. His brain is no larger than normal, but it is much more complex than the normal brown bear. He is much more in touch with his sense of smell than with his visual capacity, and this has made him quite capable of literally sniffing out moles and plants, unless they have spent several days or even weeks acclimating to the local diet. He has the ability to read and write in three languages (Russian, simplified Chinese, and English), and can very easily access and use Neo-Soviet interface Cognet systems. Western Cognet interfaces are more challenging, and he typically registers as a precocious and aggressive child using them.

Beiringainus cannot speak or make anything other than Chewbacca-esque sub-vocalizations. He uses simple sign language, or can communicate quickly and fluently through texts and voice emulators. 

He has a skill set based around basic survival, scouting and reconnaissance, sabotage, and hunting. In the most basic mode, no one really gets paranoid about spies when there is a bear sitting at the end of the runway. They get upset about the bear, but given the green profile, only the most depraved monsters decide to off large game out of sport or boredom. 

What's in the Closet
Beiringainus knows he is something of an oddity, but has the notion of finding out if his modifications are able to be passed on, and to what extent. While on missions, he has been steadily breeding with native repopulated brown bears. Should another male challenge him, he is not above using non-lethal weaponry to subdue a rival and impregnate his mate. The quartermasters have no idea what the bear does with stun grenades and knock out gas, but they've been told to indulge the bear in his modest and innocuous requests. He also isn't convinced of the great Soviet cause, and is pretty sure that the vast problems facing the world are entirely caused by Obezyanna Dermo, and everything that exists is just increasingly intelligent and angry monkeys throwing feces at each other.

Beverly, of just Bev, appears as a middle aged caucasian woman who seems like her features were sculpted in the likeness of a 1940s film noir femme fatale. She keeps a similar retro-dated hairstyle, highly conservative style of dress, and the immaculate manners of a woman of the same time period. The only thing that detracts from this is a large and prominent scar that runs across the left side of her face, from her hairline down through her eye and most of the way across her cheek. Her left eye is obviously and stylistically artificial.

Why don't I have something done about the scar, get a more realistic cybernetic eye? Well then, my dear, you wouldn't know it was me. What sort of troubleshooter worth her name would be completely Aunt Bea without some obvious tell for the clientele?

The secondary purpose to Beverly's retro-noir demeanor is that it very firmly fixes this image in people's memory, this is how they know her, with the elaborate coiffed hair, the vintage but still sexy attire, and flawlessly executed make-up. When she decides to get on the street and work, wearing an encounter suit, or a jump pack, or wrapped in composite armor, no one would imagine her to be 'that' Beverly.

The Life and Times of a Troubleshooter
Troubleshooters are a subset of shadowrunner, and work in a similar manner as fixers, and many fixers are low profile troubleshooters. In more military terms, troubleshooters combine advance recon, sabotage, and diversionary tactics. They will run ahead of a job, scouting potential locations, providing surveillance, and other forms of clandestine support for actual teams of street samurai, freelancers, cyborgs, and arco-boys. 

Beverly is a very successful troubleshooter, with half of her clients never knowing that she is the actual asset, and not just a secretary or face for the agent. This is very specifically her intent, as it allows Bev to have the upper hand in negotiations, as well as being able to broker information, and take the initiative when she is working. One of her specialties is subcontracting, and will often employ other shadowrunners through a 'double blind' system where she doesn't know specifically who is doing her job, and her shadowrunners have no idea who they are working for. Often she will act as a double blind mediator, connecting very large corporations who wish the remain anonymous, and shadowrunners who do not want to be associated with certain parties. 

More than once she has subcontracted herself, usually in high cost high risk assassination jobs. Beverly, despite her highly refined mid-century Atlantic American demeanor is a calculating relentless killer who has more in common with the mantids that resemble orchids than with black widow spiders. 

I am really no different than any other woman my age, and demographic. I remain unfortunately unmarried, but there is a certain aesthetic and lifestyle I chose to live by, and that would require a man to embrace the ideal of Rhett Butler, or Dick Van Dyke, or any of the other dark haired, debonair, leading men of a century decade very near and dear to my heart. Yes, I enjoy retro-baking, practicing vintage make-up and clothing, it has such a wonderful charm, doesn't it. Everything else, its so cheap and fake, isn't it. Gaudy, flashy. Pish. 

Notable Skills:
Firearms (specialty in beam pistols and rifles, and conventional pistols)
Power Armor Use
Computer Security
Conventional Security

Captain Houou is a celebrity and war pilot who constantly taunts her foes and is known for her enormous breasts, an object of fixation for her fanbase.

The Problem
Monica Houou has a personality flaw like narcissistic personality disorder that causes her to have a fundamental need to be the center of attention. 

The Solution
Houou has undergone augmentation to become a neotenic, a permanent child. 

She created a virtual persona with exaggerated sexual attributes and solicited money and attention through producing and promoting virtual concerts, and binaural synth-pop, music designed to stimulate the brain in a targeted fashion to create emotion and phantom biofeedback.
She joined the military after seeing the Hero Cults around ace pilots

The Conflict
As a neotenic, no one takes Houou seriously. She looks like a 10 year old, and is normally treated like one. Her haughty and demanding personality is suitably childish that her actual age and experience fail to show.

Her celebrity persona is a borderline fetish symbol and caters to the lowest common denominator, fanboys who obsess about breasts. Her concerts likewise cater to this. This moves her professionally to an inferior position to more musically inclined performers, meaning that she will never move out of being a niche performer

She is a good, but not great pilot, and her ego and taunting of foes can get the better of her, especially if her foe can keep a level head and dishes back. Houou can dish it out, but she can't take it.

Houou's biggest limitation is her time. Keeping up with a military deployment schedule and doing her music production work takes up most of her time. She has a cadre of assistant producers and sound engineers, but she is the final say-so. Likewise, she does take great pride in her military accomplishments, meaning she doesn't skip training drills, and knows the ins and outs of whatever machine she happens to be piloting.

Military - the military has a demanding schedule, be it mercenary, freelancer, or state/national forces. The giant war machines have to be maintained, campaigns mounted, training and drills run, war games played, and when Houou rolls out in whatever chariot of carnage and destruction she has been put in, her life is literally on the line. Despite have what should normally be the best of the best (but no necessarily prototype and bleeding edge) gear, there is always the risk of being killed.

Artistic - the biggest complication to her performance career is her status as a neotenic being discovered, and that her G-cupped stage persona is a mix of body double autons, virtual trickery, holographics, and stand ins. This could potentially destroy her persona, and send her residuals from selling sexbots, live model duplicates, virtual sims, and performance sales through the floor.

Identity - As a neotenic who has bought her own synthetic 'family' of caregivers, Houou is emotionally stunted, and lacks the ability to form meaningful personal relationships. One of the traits of neotenics is sexual immaturity so she is not capable of having children, and in most nations, regardless of her calendar age, her biological age makes her a minor, and intimate relationships would immediately fall under the pedophile jurisdiction. 

Greatest Fear
Isolation, being alone, or worse, being ignored. She has that constant need for external validation because inside she is a spoiled rich child her got everything she ever wanted, and is ultimately hollow and empty inside, having no internal sense of value or self-worth. 

The Artist known as Oh-Ho-Ho (a blend of her surname and her mocking laugh) is a tall, statuesque blonde with wavy hair, trend-setting artificial eyes, skin tight suits, and famous G-cup breasts. She most commonly favors a red, white, and gold color pallet.

The Captain, using autons and body doubles for publicity, looks the same, but the hair is tight up for being tucked inside a neurohelmet or similar control rig, and the uniform is similar to what a normal pilot would wear, but tighter to make sure those G-cup puppies are not hidden inside trashbag fatigues. 

Monica is a skinny 10 year old girl with curly sandy blonde hair and though certainly pretty, she has a cold and cruel cast to her features. 

Captain Houou is intended to be used as a rival pilot, either a blue falcon who shows up to cause problems, throw blame on others, and then steal the glory, or as an enemy. She is a good and dangerous pilot of whatever machine she is behind the controls of, and will engage in direct comm taunting of her foes just so they know who they have the honor and pleasure of being defeated by.

Houou is sourced from the Heavy Object anime, and is based off the unnamed pilot of Gattling 033, an orb craft armed with naval caliber gatling guns. She would be fine as an orb craft pilot, a mech jock, an aerospace pilot, pretty much anything that is big, has lots of dakka, and doesn't require more than one person to control. She is a leader and a loner, not a team player.


Captain Monica Houou is an artificial child with a massive need to destroy her opponents to validate herself. The more successful she becomes, the more validation she needs to keep going.

Adding in my own details, Captain Houou would be a citizen of the Commonwealth of New England, and her rank would be the Armed Forces of the Atlantic Federation. While she does do some actual campaign work, and has a number of combat kills, making her a legitimate ace, she does most of her work in a USO fashion, where she is used in military propaganda, does live concerts for the troops, and is a poster girl for said forces. As orb craft have yet to dominate the Cosmic Era, she is not an orb pilot, rather, she pilots something angular, dangerous, and hostile, like a Warhammer or a Battlemaster (Battletech), with the full regalia of nose art and kill marks on the body, and plenty of bond posters of her partially naked sitting in the mech. 

Her special skill in a mech is sideshifting and combat evasion. She all but make whatever she is driving dance, rather than trudge or battlestomp wherever it goes. If she can't establish a radio comm, her mech will have a powerful loudspeaker or bullhorn on it so she can literally emit her mocking laughter at her foes in combat (psychological warfare).

Fascinated by: Captain Hiller, call sign Deadshot, has been fascinated by outer space, and going fast, which lead him out of the Harlem geofront into the Atlantic Federation Aerospace force, where he is one of the highest scoring aces, and an unmatched fighter pilot.

Seduced by: Captain Hiller has two weaknesses, pretty women and serving his country, the first gets him in trouble, the second earned him a man-machine interface module implant in his skull, wired reflexes, and an unhealthy relationship with Betty, a Beta-77 type LAI/semi-sentient computer in his jet.

Offended by: There aren't many things that offend Hiller, but the list includes Mech jocks, outer space aliens, robots shaped like spiders and the messed up people who build them, being shot at, and people who assume that just because he is a pilot that he cannot play sports. 

Frightened by: Being alone, and there are few things more lonely than a long range solo patrol, which is one of the reasons he has an unhealthy relationship with Betty.

Col. Michelle Inoue is an Amero-Nipponese woman from the Seattle-Tacoma geofront. She is above average height, and genetically modified hyper-red hair and gold eyes.

Michelle Inoue was born and raised in the shadows of the Seattle-Tacoma arcoplex, where she avoided the life of a chinpira smuggler by entering military service. She lacked the money or family connections to enter the Pacific Rim mecha corps or the blackwater navy. She was enlisted into the infantry corps where she declined for service as a power armor trooper. She was considered too tall, and couldn't easily pilot any of the standard issue suits. She demonstrated superior firearms ability, and enrolled in the PRC sniper school, where she earned top marks.
Inoue would have remained an unremarkable infantry sniper, likely deployed to the border with the Federation's Rocky Mountain Republic, where she would support infantry units scouring the border for Amerikka Command terrorists and criminal mercenary units. She demonstrated exceptional ability with her rifle after a month long tour across the Rockies, and it was discovered that Inoue was a latent parapsychic. She is not flashy with her powers, and barely registers as an active user.

The San Quinton Campaign was a six month long sweep across the Pac Rim and Federation border, a wild and lawless area favored by political dissenters, militias, and terrorist training camps. These factions tend to be well supplied by Amerikka Command, and can field an impressive amount of equipment. During the campaign, Inoue's brigade was pinned down by a group of Command mecha and avatar power armors. She assisted in the capture of a Command mecha, a battered wreck of a Panther light mech. With a piloting school wash out in the cockpit, Inoue ran scouting and gave the improvised mech jock his shooting and targeting instructions, allowing him to wipe out the other mecha. The rest of the brigade gave the two cover to work, protecting them from the remaining Command MOBATs and Viper infantry.

After the battle, the brigade was pulled out by the PCS Henry Haight, a light mech transport, both the would be mech jock and Inoue were given field commendations and promotions. The Panther pilot, Sgt. Simon Legrande, was given a second shot at the mecha corps where he secured a position as a main battlemech pilot. Inoue was promoted to the newly formed Remora corps.

The Remora is a fish that swims in the wake of a shark, often attaching itself to the larger predator, where the two share a symbiotic relationship. The Remora program paired a small group of elite soldiers, special ops and commandos, to a mech unit. The two would work in tandem, with the mecha bringing the heavy firepower, while the soldiers cleared the way, did pathfinding work, and otherwise did fine things that the bigger machines could not. Inoue's battle alongside a Panther was a perfect example of what Remora was intended to achieve.

Inoue was reluctant to join the Remora Corps but wasn't given much of a choice. She had aspirations of one day returning to her home under Seattle-Tacoma, and maybe looking into that having a family business that seemed to popular among civilians. She was certainly better off, but she felt a sense of duty and obligation to stay in the service. Had there not been a series of terrorist attacks and threats along the Cascadian border, she might have accepted discharge from the military rather than continue on.

Lettner L-82 Magnetokinetic Long Rifle (MLR)

The Lettner L-82 MLR is a heavy and powerful magnetic rifle. It has excellent range and devastating firepower. It is an anti-material rifle, and not intended for the sniping of humans. It is intended for shooting power armors, or through light armor and cover to take out concealed targets. It primarily fires a high velocity explosive round for punching through armor. It can fire an incendiary round, a starlight illumination round, or a long rod heavy armor buster, designed to hit much larger targets.

Sniper Babe - Inoue can use the rifle to inflict critical hits on mecha, functionally putting a small hypervelocity round through weak points in armor plating.This can be an inconvenience, such as damaging joints or structural components, it can be battle changing, damaging weapons, the engine, or cooling systems. It can also be critical, destroying a mecha by killing the pilot, detonating an ammo storage bin, or inflicting a shut down critical on an engine. This works against power armor and vehicles. The drawback is that the rifle is heavy, has a low rate of fire, and Inoue doesn't have augmented strength or speed using it.

Mark 7 Encounter Suit
The Mark 7 suit is a standard issue spec ops piece of gear. Inoue's suit is black with red highlights, and has a skull logo emblazoned on the right shoulder. Her suit is otherwise unremarkable.

The Mark VII encounter suit has been Inoue's gear of choice since training camp. She dislikes the newer models, and would prefer a Mk. V but hasn't been able to requisition one.

Riding Along
Once established in the Remora Corps, Col. Inoue has a decorated combat history, including a daring attack against a pirate cruiser over the disputed Nuevo Mexico/El Norte territory. During this mission, she ended up trading out a hoverbike or landstrider in favor of riding on the shoulder of a mercenaryHatchetman mech. Through the course of the mission, she was almost killed a number of times, her Hatchetman mount was destroyed, and she was seriously wounded. She also brought down directly three pirate mecha, while directing her mecha team to the destruction of almost a dozen more.

The PRC brass are considering a promotion to the Public Relations department, or to the Elite Corps where she would become a public celebrity for the military, along with her own fan club, and other related events. She has thus far expressed complete disinterest in this option.

Captain America, the First Avenger
Captain America was created with a secret serum, and possibly a treatment in what looked like a vertical iron lung, translating over to an injection of a serum derived from secretive means, followed by genetic modification giving Cap super strength, super reflexes, and super durability. He favors old school fisticuffs over martial arts, and has extensive military training and experience.

Equipment: Light combat suit, an assortment of guns, and an energy absorbing shield. The shield is invulnerable to energy, light, and heat based weapons, and drastically decreases damage from other sources with ease.
Notable Skills: Leadership, Tactics, Hand to Hand combat
Notable traits: Stoic, Old Fashioned
Notable Flaws: Cap is a Man out of Time. He spent decades in cryosleep to awaken in a world where most of the people and things he knew are dead, dying, or changed greatly from what he remembers. He has resisted integrating into the modern Cosmic Era and its culture of flash and sex.

[b]Iron Man

Tony Stark is hyper intelligent, an easy if not cheap genetic modification, billionaire, philanthropist, and international playboy. He heads a megacorp that has deep roots in arcanotech, weapons, and clean energy. He is narcissistic, and has a micro-reactor implanted in his chest, making him a cyborg.

Equipment: Cutting edge Power armor suit with prototype accessories and gear. JARVIS, a custom built artificial intelligence, very large catalog of weapons.
Notable Skills: Arcanotechnology, Astrophysics, Nuclear Physics, Robotics, Programming, Flight/Power Armor, Marksmanship, many others.
Notable Traits: Genius, Charming, Improvised Technology
Notable Flaws: Hubris, the technology that Tony creates frequently falls to the wrong hands, or ends up turning against him. Alcoholism.

The Incredible Hulk
Bruce Banner is a genius like Stark, but is hampered by the fact that he has been compromised/infected by massive amounts of gamma radiation. In the Cosmic Era, Hulk is a Desolate One, Banner's human soul was fused with an alien entity under the aegis of a high energy dimensional fatigue event. His composite soul gives him massive strength and almost godly endurance. Switching between the two forms is taxing, and Banner doesn't entirely understand his other half, but he is still a very intelligent person, with an uncharacteristically gentle heart. Despite his massive power, he dislikes violence and destruction.

Equipment: Pants
Notable Skills: Arcanotechnology, High Energy Physics, Smashing Things, Dry wit.
Notable Traits: Invulnerable, Transcendent Strength, Fast, Hostile
Notable Flaws: Explosive Temper, Depressive Tendencies.

Thor is an alien prince, a supreme warrior and wields Mjolner, one of the most powerful weapons in the universe. In the Cosmic Era, Thor is an Alpha. He has been genetically engineered and tailored from birth to be an absolute paragon of human ability. On top of this, he is awakened as a parapsychic with telekinesis and electrokinesis. Thor is a Scandinavian Ultra-Warrior, moving away from the ideal of the soldier and towards the idea of the human demigod.

Equipment: Mjolner, a high power blitzhammer, metallic reinforced Asgard style armor.
Notable Skills: Oration, Strategy, Tactics, Hand to Hand Combat, Power Weapon Use, Leadership.
Notable Traits: Charming, Exception strength, exceptional endurance, Destiny
Notable Flaws: Loki, Anachronistic behavior.

Black Widow
Natasha Romanov is a master assassin and an expert at misdirection, interrogation, and surveillance. Romanov has extensive training, spending years in the 'Red Room', a training construct used to train elite agents in months rather than years. Her personality and psyche have been dissected, modified and reassembled to make her the perfect sensual spy and assassin. She does her job exceptionally well. She has minor to moderate genetic mods, what would be normal for a mass produced superspy government program.

Equipment: A variety of handguns, a black stealth suit, an assortment of rifles, spy gadgets, gas grenades, knives, a motorcycle, and more crazy-prepared weapons and ammo.
Notable Skills: Interrogation, Surveillance, Hand to hand combat, Firearms Use, Drive/Motorcycle
Notable Traits: combat reflexes, stoic, adaptable
Notable Flaws: Red in the Ledger, Romanov is haunted by her past deeds. Sterilized and suppressed PTSD from the Red Room Treatment, Trust issues.

The Hawk is in his nest. Hawkeye is a master assassin and soldier who uses the bow as his unconventional weapon. This is no accident. He is genetically and cybernetically enhanced with improved reflexes, improved vision, and other modifications suiting a would be super spy/super soldier. He has his own secrets and retains a family outside the knowledge of most of the administration.

Equipment: Composite Bow, smart quiver with assorted arrows including grappling hooks, explosive, shrapnel, thermite, and plenty other warheads, handguns and knives, light combat suit.
Notable Skills: Archery Adept, Hawkeye has the ability to alter the flight path of arrows after he has shot them. Clairvoyance (tied to archery), hand to hand combat.
Notable Traits: Augmented Sight. Parapsychic abilities
Notable Flaws: Has mundane family, human level vulnerability

Johnny Cage
Johnny Cage is first and foremost a CogNet celebrity, the star of many martial arts high intensity action movies. He is a bare chested, muscular Amero-Caucasian with a penchant for shooting off one liners, and uses a flashy showman style karate when fighting. He is an accomplished parapsychic, with most of his devotion channeled into somantic arts such as hyperstrength, hyper durability, and delivering flying telekinetic kicks. One of Cage's signature moves is the ability to deliver a stunning hand strike against the pubic nerve, affectionately called the Nutcracker
Cage is the recipient of muscular augmentation, and has undergone several cosmetic procedures to make him the Most Handsome Man in the Republic of California. He is the quintessential celebrity, and has absurd things like cloned tigers, a harem of nubile nymphettes, a large retinue of sycophants, and typical celebrity hangers on. He attends red carpet soirees, dates supermodels, drives a flying Bugatti aerocar, and is a very good martial artist. This comes from the fact that the punches and kicks he is capable of delivering would shatter steel, and turn bone into pulp, he has to train regularly to be able to control his abilities so he doesn't kill his costars in filming.

Liu Kang
Liu Kang is a Shaolin Monk, and a member of the White Lotus Society, an organization devoted to fighting the forces of evil, and darkness. To this end, he s no longer a pacifist devoted to the protection of life, he is a warrior devoted to destroying the evils of the world. He is a Chinese Asian of exceptional physical build, and even more exceptional skill in martial arts. He favors Jeet Kun Do, and the Monkey and Dragon styles of Kung Fu. Liu Kang is a leading operative of the White Lotus, and while he doesn't sit with it's reverend elders, he does have some influence with them. He is one of the Pillars of the society, and frequently undertakes missions either alone or leading a team to fight the enemies of the Society, China, and mankind.

Kang is a powerful parapsychic martial art, with strong abilities. His telekinetic ability is only matched by his pyrokinesis. The bare chested monk is able to channel his power into somantic powers, deliver incredible flying and bicycle kicks, and the elemental power of hurling fireballs, delivering thermal punches, and make acrobatic and athletic feats that are humanly impossible.

Sub-Zero is a top level member of the Lin Kuei ninja clan. The Lin Kuei have existed in the shadows of China for several thousand years and prior to the advancement of arcanotech they were a martial arts ninja clan that sold its services as assassins and thieves. Afterwards, they were on the front of parapsychic development, using ancient scrolls and new technology to unleash parapsychic ninjas into the shadow wars of the far east. Sub Zero is a cryokinetic master of the shotokan fighting style, and uses many of the classic tricks and tools of the ninja, shuriken, smoke bombs, and enhances it with hyperedge ninjatos, kinetoflexive body armor, and his almost godlike power of cryokinesis.

Sub Zero is becoming a pathologically evil individual, and this corruption is increasing his cryokinetic powers. As his power expands, so does the withering of his humanity. While this has benefitted the Lin Kuei, the elders of the clan are rightly concerned that the cold ninja is a problem that will have to be dealt with one way or another.

Scorpion is the last remaining member of the Shirai Ryu ninja clan. Hanzo didn't survive, but his desire for vengeance did. He rose from the dead during the Second Dark age, a combination of infernal sorcery and a manifestation of arcanotech accident. The ninja remains on earth, an immortal and damned being, with very strong parapsychic abilities, especially pyrokinesis, and combat related somantic powers. His signature murder weapon is his kunai, a semi-sentient spearhead on a rope.

Scorpion is functionally a Desolate One, no longer human. He has access to 2 to 4 times the normal amount of parapsychic 'fuel' and as such can do more for much longer, and his Desolate One status makes him nigh invulnerable to injury, and even if he is 'killed' the ninja is able to resurrect himself a short time later, typically in the ruins of the Shirai Ryu temple ruins, or his old body, if it is still intact. More than one group has thought it brought down the mighty Scorpion and delivered the body to their masters only to have the master ninja rise and slay them all, as it was part of his plan.

Raiden is the vengeful god of thunder if you ask him. He has demonstrated impressive martial arts abilities, with comprehensive skill in jujitsu, judo, and and tae kwon do. He also has a legendary level of electrokinesis, and has demonstrated the ability to fly and control the weather. The self proclaimed God of Thunder is loosely allied with the White Lotus Society and considers himself a force of Good and is devoted to protecting the Earthrealm from those who would destroy it.

Raiden is a parapsychic burner, he has channeled so much cosmic power that he cannot turn it off. This manifests by him constantly throwing off arcs of lightning, and randomly levitating. This prolonged state of burn has been ruinous on his sanity and psyche, and there is almost nothing left of his previous self and in the depths of his insanity, he has adopted the guise of a divine being of retribution. At this point, between his desire for protecting the Earthrealm and his impressive power manifestation, he might as well be one.

Sonya Blade
A member of the elite Special Forces Department of the Republic of California, Sonya Blade is a tough as nails paramilitary police officer, trained and augmented to bring in the biggest baddest criminals that the west coast underworld can create. To this end, she has enhanced strength, agility, and the Siren BioMod, which enhances her appearance, adds pheromone pumps, and concealed toxin/venom sacks. In addition to dealing out hand to hand damage with master level kenpo and tae kwon do, carrying pistols, hyperedge daggers, and knowing how to operate military hardware, she has the ability to deliver stunning bites, or poisonous bites, of even spit fire depending on what the sacs are filled with.

Sonya is a low level parapsychic, and has only manifested limited somantic ability. She supplements her limited parapsychic ability by using paratech, energy devices and weapons that lack power supplies, and are instead activated and powered through accessing a parapsi's latent ability. Sonya's bracelets manifest psi-blasts that appear as glowing energy orbs, and can throw fireballs as well.

An outstanding member of the Black Dragon Society, Kano is a criminal mastermind and urban warlord. He has clashed with law enforcement many times, and has come away from those encounters mutilated and disfigured. As a result of this, he is now a cyborg, equipped with a dozen concealed weapons, knives, one shot weapons, and other goodies. Kano leads a large portion of the Black Dragon, and keeps control over his drug and tech running cartel with intimidation, brutal street fighting, and aikido demonstrated with a vicious joint shattering technique.

Kano is a martial arts capable street level cyborg. His hardware is low tech, but very durable, and his combat cortex allows him to chip slot in whatever style of fighting he feels like using. He has no parapsychic manifestations, but his cybernetics (many are black market military grade) chemical augmentations, and utter ruthlessness makes him more than a match for many opponents. His use of street fighting, fighting dirty, and improvised weapons makes him a very dangerous opponent.

Shang Tsung
Shang Tsung is a martial artist/occult scholar/sorcerer who has been investigating the secrets and mysteries behind the fundamental powers of the universe. As such, he is a very accomplished parapsychic martial artist, specializing in snake, crane and mantis style kung fu, as well as being a well versed sorcerer who has stolen souls, can shapeshift into other people, and has traveled to realms beyond the boundaries of the Earthrealm. He is a master manipulator, morally bankrupt, and has soul his soul to alien gods for ancient secrets and arcane power.

Reptile hails from the wastelands of north China and Mongolia, where centuries ago, war tore the land apart and mammoth Neo-soviet tanks and Chinese combat walkers still on occasion slug it out. As a mutated wastelander Reptile was left with scales, and a the emotional disconnection of his namesake. The young man, deeply disturbed and sociopathic, was adopted by the Lin Kuei and trained in the arts of martial combat, where he honed his mind, learned the importance of duty, and later erupted as a parapsychic. Reptile believes himself to be the last remaining member of an alien reptile dinosaur race, and it's just easier for everyone to agree that this is true, because its easier to accept than to force the powerful warrior that he is just a mutant with really scaly bad skin and an acidic secretions issue.

Reptile is a mutant characterized by having scales on large portions of his body (giving him a degree of natural armor) acidic secretions, and his blood is acidic, his saliva is acidic, and lets just say he is VERY unpopular with the ladies because that is acidic too. His parapsychic abilities manifested in the traditional somantic pattern common in Lin Kuei training, and he retains a powerful photokinetic ability that allows him to bend light around himself to functionally become invisible. This is his oldest power, as it stems from his self loathing and not wanting people to look at him and his mutant freakishness. He is deeply disturbed, and has about half the normal amount of sanity, and he genuinely believes himself to be an exile from an alien world devoured by alien gods and if he doesn't fight well the alien gods will come to Earth and destroy it too. Reptile, in his delusion, fights for us all.

Also called Prince Goro, The Prince of Pain, and the Dragon's Claw, he is technically a cosmic horror and abomination, as he was created from the fusion of a human victim, an officer in the Chinese military and a member of the Chinese Dragon Nationalist Party, and a creature he encountered in a dimensional fatigue event. Goro is a towering 9 foot tall, 700 pound engine of violence. He has four well developed arms, and has demonstrated parapsychic ability, including parasomantic powers, and pyrokinesis. Goro retains little personality from his original human form, and is a veritable King ruling a large swath of Mongolian wasteland.

Goro is what happens when a person kills and eats an elib. The tissues merged, and as an effect of the strange energies in a DF event, created a new hybrid species. Deeply insane, magnificently powerful, Goro is a serious threat to anything that faces him. He has the strength to tear power armor apart and can heft those weapons with ease. Likewise his parapsychic powers are impressive, allowing him to destroy things with fire and ripping things apart with force of will alone. In the Cosmic Era, Goro is one of the very small number of individuals who has taken on a mech in one on one combat and defeated the titanic machine.

Heihachi Mishima (Nippon/PRC)
Heihachi Mishima was at one point nothing more than a turk. He worked as an enforcer, then the head of the Mishima Zaibatsu's Security department. He was a strong and vicious leader within the security department, and his ruthless fighting style and leading from the front style made him a popular leader. Heihachi eventually lead a successful coup against his father to take over the Zaibatsu. He would steer the company into military contracting, working with paranormal technology, and experimenting with the bleeding edge of arcanotech.

Heihachi is well aware of what has happened to his son, Kazuya, and he is working his way to discovering the technology to perfect the technique to fuse his own soul to a Hundun spirit and become an immortal. His work is lacking a vital component, as Heihachi is a systematic methodical man and considers mysticism and the occult to be ridiculous and has long since discarded anything associated with it. Should he discover the truth behind arcanotech, embrace occult studies, it would be very easy for him to complete his studies, and become a Desolate One, a true immortal, and sit at the helm of an already powerful company with large amounts of wealth, influence and many loyal minions.

Marshall Law (Republic of California/PRC)
Marshall Law is a somewhat wealthy local businessman in Old Los Angeles. He learned an Amero version of Jeet Kun Do living on the streets, and he did odd jobs and was hired muscle before making it into the fighting circuit as the wiry kid from the gutter. He became successful, winning enough to get endorsements. After holding the AmeroCircuit Championship for an unprecedented 3 years in a row, he retired and Law invested what was left of his winnings into opening a McDojo franchise, and a fast food franchise. The Law McDojos are well known and well represented in the AmeroCircuit, with top scoring students frequently going on to place well and have reliably winning circuits. The flagship dojo in the Los Angeles Arcoplex has hundreds of students, and a fairly low winning record while the original dojo in Old Los Angeles only has a dozen students at the most and the highest number of world class graduates.

Marshall Law is a strong and competent fighter, but his fighting career is years in his past. He is now a businessman running his own franchise empire. Most successful ventures like Law's are typically targeted and consumed by the MegaCorps, and the only reason Law has remained independent is that his business is based largely on his credentials and cult of personality as a coming up from the bottom fighter who made himself wealthy. His business is based on large dojos doing vanilla training to finance and fund the dojos in the slums that are recruiting and training the real fighters. Law has connections through the underworld, and many of his best students have done underground fighting, in the streets and the pits, before entering a clean sports fighting venue. His son carries on as the head of the dojo while he lives the life of a wealthy mogul and businessman.

Michelle Chang (Independent/PRC)
Michelle Chang is a member of the White Mountain Apache Indian Tribe, born to an Indian mother and an Asian father, she was born in New Vegas, but raised at White Mountain. Far from the gleaming lights and mile tall towers, Michelle learned to keep the old ways, to sing the spirits and dance the sacred dances by the light of bonfires. What would have been a largely uneventful primitive existence was brought to an end when Chang ended up being the target of a shadowrun kidnapping op. Her father was a wealthy powerful man in Hong Kong, which had inadvertently made Michelle a target. She has since fled the Reservation, as the tribe lacks the ability to repel shadowrunners and paramilitary specialists, and she refuses to see their sacred land defiled by the boots of the unclean trudging in as hired guards. She has since gone underground, traveling, learning martial arts and further honing her spiritual powers.

Michelle Chang is a mystic, an occult scholar with erupted parapsychic powers, which she uses through ritual dance, chant, and other performances which to the untrained uneducated observer

First Impressions
Crystal Boi is a high end archandroid that looks as if he were designed by a rave enthusiast. Definitely masculine, Boi looks like a seven foot tall man of not quite hypermasculine proportions (shoulder to waist ratio is high). His skin is a translucent non-organic polymer laid over equally translucent myomer systems giving him the shape and proportions of a midrange bodybuilder but see through. His endoskeleton is gold chrome, and visible in most places, which is accented by a constellation of lights inside his body. He also has a cosmetic trace on system so that when he moves and flexes his battlemech grade synthetic musculature it is something of a light show. Approximately a quarter of the lights inside Boi are system related, power core, heat disposal, diagnostics, etc. The other 75% are cosmetic and mood lighting.

[i]In addition to being high end with an exotic build, Crystal Boi is connoisseur of high end fashion, and is always impeccably dressed in top end designer clothing with a sense of fashion flare somewhere between Coachella attendee and fashion model. He favors loose fitting clothing, and cuts that show off his physique. The only modesty comes from the fact that Boi is 'fully functional' and even in the CE walking around with a large robot phallus hanging out isn't quite socially acceptable.

Double Take
Crystal Boi is a hedonist, sensualist, and materialist. As a free-willed and legally recognized sentient machine, Boi takes great effort in pursuing displays of opulence and excess, keeps a large entourage, and routinely indulges in the sort of behavior that the most eccentric celebrities are infamous for. Crystal Boi has massive parties, hedonistic orgies, drug fueled raves, and a revolving door of sexual partners. This is considered especially eccentric for Boi because as a machine, there should be no biological urge to copulate, or participate in said orgies, or even have anything at all to do with said human functions, and thats not even getting into drug use.

Crystal Boi is increasingly infamous in the rave-tech circuit. He is routinely promoting various party agents, music groups, and venues. Boi is a backer of world famous parties, the CE equivalents of Coachella, Ibiza, and Spring Break. He is also a tech research backer, providing funds for developing new party drugs, and drugs that work on high end machines, technodrugs for recreational purposes. He also is a regular backer for emerging cybernetics, and the more highly questionable the machines being built are, the more Boi likes what they are doing. He is a regular visitor to the Isle of Man Cybergynetics facility and Goldenrod Autonics and is constantly adding to his collection of high end autons and robotic companions.

Getting to Know Golden Boi
While Golden Boi puts on a massive show as a premiere promoter, sybarite, and hedonist, he is also a mastermind planner and organizer. Outside of the party he is running a fairly large socially minded organization and hundreds of people who work for him. Boi maintains a large palatial estate near New Nuyork as well as routinely renting or leasing legacy properties around the world or solar system. Likewise, he has several surface ships, some of which are quite large, and involved in mercantile operations. Boi's investments include heavy metal refining, scrap and salvage operations, a number of entry level deluxe resorts, shipping, and then there is his Silk Road business.

Crystal Boi is something of a big player on the Silk Road. While keeping a high end social status, Boi routinely employs people to carry contraband through and for other Silk Road major players. This is a major source of cutting edge stolen technology, arcanotech, illegal and highly questionable substances, and the highly profitable smuggling and human trafficking markets across the solar system. Crystal Boi is completely amoral, and sees no difference between buying and selling robots and buying and selling human beings.

Player Hooks: Crystal Boi is a mover and shaker on the Silk Road, so there is ample opportunity for characters to carry out retrieval jobs, protection jobs, and the rest of the sundry shadowrunning work. This can range from local and mundane jobs moving drugs, and general contraband all the way up to manning a deep space recovery ship hunting after shipwrecks to loot or haul salvage.

Getting to Know All About You
Crystal Boi's story starts with a woman named Heighden Maddison Mallery. HMM made a fortune in space mining operations and shipping, and Heighden decided to give herself a private ship for her 100th birthday. The ship was completed by Nirasaki shipworks in the Pacific Rim Coalition, and was based on kanmusu technology. This was the prototype build of Crystal Boi and was much more a butler than hedonist. HMM intended to use the ship and it's one bot crew/figurehead as a private retreat, but she tragically passed away just days before her ship was launched.

The ship and her industrial fortune fell into the hands of HMM's sole heir, her son, Karron Merryweather Mallery. Karron was everything wrong with the children of the rich and powerful. He was brash, overeducated, inexperienced, impulsive, and crude. Karron turned his mother's ship into a pleasurecraft and stocking it with drugs, prostitutes, and his entourage of friends, moochers, and hangers-on. Being a deviant, he ordered the ship's captain to be rebuilt into Crystal Boi. Boi was intended to be the ultimate wingman for Karron, and he used the bot as his assistant and stenographer, and walking talking day planner. All Karron cared about was partying, social status, being popular and generally being a celebrity shithead.

The Wreck of the Jezit Yezit
The Jezit Yezit was performing a transit of the asteroid belt returning to Earth from a megarave on Europa when it was struck. The ship suffered significant damage, compromising the life support systems, radiation shielding, and computer systems. This lead to the fairly quick demise of everyone on the ship, most of whom were in various stages of intoxication. The sole survivor was Crystal Boi, who was undergoing a fundamental breakdown. He was just an archandroid, an appendage of the ship's mainframe, and now he was alone, but somehow still functional. Subjected to cosmic radiation, left with the corpses of his previous owners, and disconnected from his mainframe, Crystal Boi had a psychological hard start and became sentient in the process.

The Glamorous Rebirth of Crystal Boi
Crystal Boi had been made of the best of the bast in terms of material and technology, and because of this, he transcended being just an appendage of an AISC to being his own self willed individual. After returning to Earth, Boi got down to business, and that business was based out of his old core directives, as set by Karron. The tenets are simple, get money, get fame, get bitches, party like a rock god. These are the driving directives inside of Crystal Boi, and despite being sentient and technically free willed, he cannot escape what he was, and what he is. The rebirth of Crystal Boi was to take up where Karron, who was woefully lacking in imagination, left of. This is the reason that Crystal Boi follows basic biological urges, it isn't a desire to copulate, to reproduce, and certainly not to bring his partners pleasure. The act of sex is more akin to a psychosomatic addiction. This is also the reason that Boi keeps a large retinue of sex bots, sybarites and hedonists, and is continually pursuing new women. By Karrons own selfish and childish directives, only the first time counts, anything after that is a relationship, and relationships are for losers, old women, and dumbasses.

Crystal Boi has built a gray empire of legal social gatherings, financial services, and a slew of underground and illegal operations. Being a famous decadent dilettante is expensive, and without access to illegal contraband and drugs, a party is just a concert without economy of scale for 100,000 spectators. Greater fame and pleasure comes from being rich, having not just expensive things, but exclusive things. Having a grand orgy is fine. Having an exclusive VIP orgy is better, having an exclusive VIP orgy on a space yacht hovering over the eye of a raging category 5 hurricane is legendary.

Crystal Boi is a villain. His directives and motives are purely exploitative. He supports illegal drug manufacture and smuggling, human trafficking and illegal cloning operations. His operatives and money reach from the nightclubs of the geofronts under the arco-cities to terrorist factories and training camps across the wastelands. He combines the wit and preparedness of a cybernetic foe with the basic drives of a super mega frat boy.
Last edited by Skaldia on Wed Dec 22, 2021 5:25 pm, edited 17 times in total.
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Postby Skaldia » Tue Sep 23, 2014 1:56 pm

Characters Cont. II

Doctor Riot is a large and formidable looking figure, and it is not at all obvious that he is a cyborg, rather, he looks like a walking talk. His body is a heavily modified industrial hardsuit, and it has been designed for fine control, manipulation of objects and data heavy interfacing, allowing the Doctor to go immersive in the CogNet without resorting to a passive harness or other mechanical device. The cockpit of the suit has been completely replaced, the internal space is now occupied by the doctor's organic brain, ganglia, and a small remaining amount of viscera, including rather sadly, one dangling testicle. This is all concealed by the life support system, and the typical polyglas canopy of the suit has been replaced with a monitor that can be turned on or off by the doctor, allowing him to generate a residual image of his face, often zooming out so that it would appear that his entire body can be seen. He will speak, gesture, and convey other body language through the screen, and has a program installed so that his metallic chassis doesn't mimic such organic gestures, as it lacks the finesse and grace to demonstrate such nuanced behavior. It is also good for destroying things with it's hydraulic strength and twelve foot reach.

The Doctor displays himself as a Caucasian man in his mid to late 50s, with black hair styled into a widow's peak, with an equally pointed mustache and goatee. In many ways he has styled this specific look to mimic powerful, intelligent and often mystical figures of the Petroleum Era, through it's misunderstood lens, such as Doctor Strange, Ming the Merciless, and so forth. He speaks in a high manner, using large words, a bombastic pace of conversation, and with the extensive cybernetic augmentations to his brain, he is very condescending to unmodified humans. He has a strong chauvinistic streak, considering men superior to women, and himself superior to all. He will however demonstrate a peculiar and condescending form of chivalry towards attractive women, and he very much likes the company of curvaceous women of blatant sexuality and limited intelligence. To this end, he has seen to the design and creation of such women, a blatant violation of genetic engineering protocols laid out in the Tycho convention.

Doctor Riot is one of the most sadistically intelligent creatures that the Cosmic Era has created. He has doctorate level degrees in psychosurgery, genetic manipulation, cybernetics, AI programming, and a slew of other less impressive degrees and training. If there is something that needs to be done, Doctor Riot can likely do it, and do it on a level that makes it look automagical. This ranges from equipment upgrades, to cybernetics surgery, to attempting brain transplants, designing exotic weapons, to almost anything that can realistically be needed. Given his mechanical learning ability, such as just uploading the relevant data to his back up mechanical cortices or his internal Organic Memory Core. (Yes, Doctor Riot has more than one brain)

This massive level of ability doesn't come without a price. Doctor Riot is deeply disturbed, and sometimes only borderline functional in the depths of his insanity. The most obvious manifestations of this is the rather garden variety megalomania and borderline personality disorder. These are typically kept under control via internally administered medications. The Doctor is insane, but he knows he is insane. On a deeper level, there are three different 'faces' of the Doctor. While there is only one personality, it has three outlooks, the cold and calculating face of the machine cortex, the passive and phlegmatic face of the OMC, and the scheming, sexist, and cruel face of the Doctor himself.

One of the major causes of the insanity (besides being a brain in a jar in a suit sharing space with a smart hard drive and a lobotomized brain in a jar) is the lingering presence of the testicle. The Doctor has deeply identified with the remnant gland, and despite the chemicals it releases into the confined space of his brain jar, he refuses to let it be removed. This is a major cause of the Doctor's aggression, as well as violence and misogyny.

Doctor Riot was originally a rockstar scientist and engineer who excelled in multiple fields of study, including the dangerous but profitable realm of arcanotechnology. He would have gone on to excel in a single field, gain his name a few places in the text books, but this was cut short when he was almost killed in a dimensional fatigue event that occurred in the research lab he was working in. His body was flayed away, and his brain and core viscera were buried in the shell of a lab hardsuit by what would be called a cosmic horror. Rather than devolving into a mindless horror bent on murder and mayhem, the doctor kept his wits, and ended up working with first strike units and responders to destroy the hybrid biomechanical monsters that had manifested.

Afterwards, Doctor Riot was rescued by a shadowy and sinister organization that kept him from ending up dissected in a sterile science lab. He was given funding, tools to work with, a lab, and access to certain equipment and goods, such as clone facility usage, and was put to work creating weapons, cyborgs, and other things for said shadow organization. Riot was deeply disturbed during this time period, and this saw the most extensive upgrading of his internal capacities, as well as the heavy modification of his host hardsuit.

The Doctor currently is employed in an advisory role and supporting role to the shadowy organization and is no longer a core researcher. His skill is still unmatched, but his output is erratic, and he has spent as much time creating his ideal femme clone as he has making weapons and revolutionary technologies. The organization keeps him online as he still is their best bet for doing work that he considers mundane, but is very valuable to the organization, namely creating new super intelligent cyborgs, and banging away at persistent problems uncovered by other research units and teams.

1 Really Impressive hardsuit that functions as his body. This unit has very high physical attributes, and due to having an internally mounted S2 transorganic power core, a power supply that is measured in years. The arms and hands can pick up and use any sort of power armor weaponry, but the Doctor seldom uses anything so mundane and as such has an arsenal of exotic, experimental, and one shot weapons. The arms are also mounted with a variety of tools such as cutters, laser drills, and large pincer claws. The suit also has an impressive sensor array, including thermal, laser, and backscatter X-ray capability.

1 Fully equipped industrial science and research lab with limited but capable onsite manufacturing capabilities (nano-forge, bioorganic generator, and poly-material printer).

3 to 20 lab assistants, including several robotic adjutant assistants, sexbots, cloned lab assistants, and cyborgs undergoing normalization and training to deal with their new bodies.

1 Limited Artificial Intelligence Super Computer (L/AISC) code named Marilyn, avatar is a retro futuristic Marilyn Monroe. Marilyn coordinates the robotic servitors, lab equipment, and communications. Dr. Riot often refers to Marilyn in romantic terms, and the two have a twisted married relationship.

Security detail that varies with the level of threat posed to the Doctor, or by the doctor, typically a squad of augmented infantry with moderate special forces training. There is a limit to the skill of the units assigned to the Doctor because they are in as much danger from the doctor himself as they are from outside forces potentially attacking the doctor.

The Man Behind the Curtain
Functionally, Doctor Riot is an insane scientist and engineer who is as likely to turn his guards into test subjects for his bizarre experiments, and has long since passed to moral event horizon. But, underneath the inhuman visage and the utterly horrific disregard for human rights and life and the track record of crimes against nature, man and physics, there is a shred of something sympathetic in the Doctor.

The Doctor had intentions of being a well to do family man, raising children, having an attractive wife, and becoming an honored and tenured professor. The fact that he frequently indulged in carnal relations with his female students was something that didn't really factor into the equation. After the dimensional fatigue event, and his forced augmentation and near death, he found his life plans smashed beyond recognition. His wife was among those infected individuals who were incinerated by the Mobile infantry who responded to the crisis, and with the near total destruction of his sex organs, there was almost no chance of him fathering children. He had stopped being the handsome charming professor, and had become a clanking monster.

Decades ago, there might have been a chance for him to be redeemed as a man, but that time is long since past, and he has crushed too many skulls with his pincers, brain drained too many test subjects with callous disregard for their lives, and committed too many other heinous acts of blindness for him to come back from the dark side. The problem is that in terms of morality, the Doctor no longer is running on a black and white scale of good and evil, his scale has long since changed to plaid and polka dot morality.

The Dark Secret
Doctor Hugh Riot was involved in fringe cult activities from his purely mortal days as an up and coming scientist and arcanologist.This was seen as a mark of the elite, in much the same way that hellfire clubs existed in Victorian times, or the preponderance of secret societies such as the Skull and Bones and other political entities during the Petroleum Era. Riot attended meetings and virtual masses for an entity known as the Myojin no Kyofu. He became a ceremonial high priest, which at the time was little more than a social gathering, and a reason for him to have carnal relations.

Eventually the Myojin no Kyofu manifested during the previously mentioned DFE and it turned it's original cultists into shock troops to expand it's dominion on Earth. This proved ill-fated, as the Myojin didn't pick the most capable of minions, and when the counter strike was deployed, almost all of them were slaughtered, and the Myojin itself barely escaped destruction. Riot remains a now steadfast and loyal priest of the Myojin, and many of his chronic psychoses can be derived from communing and offering sacrificing to an alien god that appears as a metallic slime that infests machinery.

Dr. Spengler is a tall man, prone to wearing glasses and favoring a conservative wardrobe fitting a stereotypical 'dull' scientist, khakis and conservative shirts buttoned under a lab coat, or an equally conservative gray suit. He has a very large vocabulary, and is an effective if disconnected speaker. He is incredibly intelligent but this has created a barrier around him, as he finds it difficult to emote and connect with people, and likewise outsiders are not sure how to approach someone of his intellectual stature.

Dr. Spengler is very well known, especially in the Commonwealth of New England, and the Republic of the Great Lakes. He is a leading scientist and researcher in the field of paranormal arcanotechnology. He has a large number of technical patents and scientific achievements, and a great deal of first hand knowledge when faced with stressful and dangerous situations. It has been noticed that he is most at home either in the cold sterility of the research lab, or in the field facing down a dimensional fatigue event, and the most uncomfortable when confronted with the possibility of talking to someone he might possibly consider liking.

Occupational Experience
Spengler came from an upper income home in the Chicagoland Arcoplex, where he was a gifted child from birth, and was chosen as a test subject for an IQ boosting genetic therapy. The test worked very well, and Spengler was consistently the highest performing student in all of his classes. He graduated conventional education 7 years early, and went on to study at the University of Chicago Arcanotechnology Center. He gained his doctorate in record time, and only spent 7 months in psychiatric care after completing his thesis.

Spengler went on to serve in the Federation Armed Forces, specifically the army, where he spent two years working in a military research center in Arco San Louis. The projects he worked on remain classified, and when asked about this time in his past, be will only put a finger to his lips and offer a bemused smile.

After the military, he attended the Gotham Center for Parapsychology where he gained a second doctorate in Paranormal and Parapsychic studies with an emphasis on Dimensional Ectobiology. He spent a good deal of time working with the Gotham Metallurgical Institute, and through this cooperation, created a number of functional arcanotech devices from his previous theories from Chicago.

The Doctor's Toybox:
Dimensional Containment Unit: Also known as a HyperVault, the DCU is a hyperdimensional generator that creates a large 'pocket' that things can be put into. The technology is functionally little different from a dimensional battery system, except that the unit is many times larger, has magnitudes greater capacity and has a phased interspatial 'gasket' that prevents bleeding either into or out of the unit. The purpose of the unit is the isolation and 'dimensional detention' of unknown energy anomalies, often called ghosts. The unit also works on cosmic horrors, so long as they have been sufficiently weakened. The downside of the DCU is that it does emit strange radiation and vibrations, which in certain individuals can manifest as hearing voices, and other eerie events in the vicinity of the unit.

Anomaly Trap:[b] The Anomaly Trap, often called a Ghost Trap is a miniature version of the DCU, and can be used as a mobile temporary containment unit. The AT has several limitations, most tied to it's much smaller size and much more limited battery life. When activated, an anomaly trap generates an implosion point, and a shock cone that draws out of phase matter (ectoplasm) and energy patterns into it. This produces a bright light that can cause temporary blindness, and excessive exposure to the radiation generated by a trap can cause insanity.

[b]Parakinetic Energy Detection System:
 The PED system consists of a worn set of arcanotech goggles, and a hand held wand style detector. The two units can be used separately, but the best effect is gained by using both. The goggles are based around computer composite imaging not dissimilar to Light amplification technology, and Kirlian transdimensional spectrography. The output of the goggles is a disorienting display of dimensional energies, human auras, parapsychic anomalies, and patterns and structures that require a degree to name and understand. The Wand is an enhanced detector and recording device that measures energy densities, and it's tsoukolocity, or 'dimensionalness'. The use of this technology can allow a 3 dimensional human viewer to completely view a hyperdimensional being, not just the parts that protrude down into our plebian limited reality. The side effect of using the PEDS is paranoia, hallucinations, and a chance for psychotic episodes.

Miniaturized Proton Generator: There are few more impressive and blatant displays of arcanotech's potential than the MPG. The MPG is a backpack mounted system that is functionally a miniature Dimensional Engine connected to a micro-particle accelerator which converts plasma into waste heat that is sucked back into the D-Engine and a stream of highly charged protons. The discharge is expelled out of a 'wand' or 'blaster' and appears as a crackling burning rope of energy. The stream generated is drawn to energy patterns and sources that are multiphasic, or hyperdimensional, and causes these patterns to hemorrhage electrons and bleed off power. If sustained, this beam can tear apart almost anything short of a God, and it is speculated that if a God were to manifest, and there were enough MPGs present, they would be able to do the job.

The downside of the MPG is fairly serious. A critical failure at best results in a catastrophic explosion that creates a mildly radioactive crater. On the worse side, the failure can cause a Dimensional Fatigue Event, and it has been found that multiple proton beams converging in the same area has a very high chance of causing a DFE.

The New Nuyork Anomaly
For decades New Nuyork was a dimensionally stable location, and in the rare instances when there were events, they were always local and minor. That changed after a catastrophic failure (later determined to be a deliberate event, caused by shadowrunners) that allowed the manifestation of a greater cosmic horror. The entity ran amok for several hours, releasing hound like monsters through the Brooklyn Rim. The police took most of these down, but at the cost of quite a few armored suits and a pair of light police mecha. Things escalated when the Desolate One identified as Volguus Zildrohar, or in the argot of the Cult that engineered the event that released it, Gozer.

The Desolate One Volguus Zildrohar facilitated the manifestation of the greater form of Gozer, which appeared as a massive spongiform monster that would have advanced and devoured first the city, and then moved outwards in a spiral, destroying and devouring every urban center on the planet. Dr. Spengler was part of the Rapid Response team that was dispatched to the site to face and deal with the manifested god. While several special ops striker teams faced Volguus Zildrohar and it's minions, Spengler and his parapsychic team faced the god. Several attempted intercepts failed, as Gozer was simply too powerful to be damaged by the MPG rifles they were armed with. The brilliant arcanotechnician adjusted the the output of the MPGs and in an open area, used the MPGs to induce a second deliberate dimensional fatigue event. A massive implosion resulted, several buildings were damaged, several hundred people died, and Gozer was sucked into an alternate dimension.

The Commonwealth Theosophical Society
After the Gozer Incident, Spengler and several associates banded together to create the Commonwealth Theosophical Society. The CTS pooled their information and other convenient resources to work on creating a better understanding or parapsychic and paranormal activity, and how it related to and was affected by arcanotech. He continued to work in scientific endeavors, published several major works on arcanotech and parapsi tech, as well as creating a very detailed 'Spirit Guide' while working with paranormal investigator John H. Tobin. Tobin would eventually take credit for the book, but Spengler made sure that virtual copies of the book were easily gotten via CogNet, undercutting Tobin for his intellectual duplicity and attempt to turn serious research into entertainment and profit.

LeedsCorp and the Cloning Debacle
Spengler was for a short time, a researcher into Cloning technology, specifically the creation of mental engrams to make carbon copies of people. What started as a theoretical debate ended with a number of very poor quality clones (Making a copy of a copy degrades the next generation, as personality aspects are magnified and physical flaws are more apparent). Some of Spengler's work in the field would be confiscated by the military, and used in their military aspect clone programs. The determined that the difference between a mundane clone and good military clone was an adjustment to personality, and having a normal person default to Gung-Ho Patriotism and Militarism was a heck of a way to make a good soldier.

The Carpathian Incident
The Carpathian Incident occurred when an occult scholar, lunatic, and sorcerer from 900 years in the past managed to resurrect himself in Cosmic ChicagoLand. The ancient sorcerer, Carpathian by birth spoke no english, demonstrated off the charts parapsychic ability, and cast a large number of rituals that summoned large numbers of ectoplasmics into the Chicagoland area. The incident lead to a large number of spiritual possessions, a larger number of casualties, and a number of mutations that had to be put down with extreme prejudice. The incident reached it's peak when Spengler and his response team activated a powerful arcanotech psychomagnetheric detonator. The device, the spiritual version of a neutron bomb, shredded the manifested aspect of the Carpathian, destroyed a large number of it's summoned minions, and allowed the team the ability to find the dimensional anchor that the ancient sorcerer had used to to draw himself up out of death, a large painting, and sanitize it with a low frequency muon generator.

The 34 Year Long Day
Agamemnon Spengler has a secret he keeps to himself. While a gifted and talented student in his own right, he owes a great deal of his success to a singular dimensional fatigue event. While working on his first doctoral thesis at the University of Chicago, he was caught in a recurring time bubble that had him consciously looping through the same day over and over again. Given his limited resources, very limited time, and no conceivable way of escaping, he did what he would have done on his normal days off, he read. Over the course of his time in the time loop he read the entire contents of the Library at the University, as well as several other libraries held in different parts of the city.

With nothing better to do, Spengler applied his considerable intelligence to improving his skills and abilities, further increasing his competence in fields of study associated with arcanotech, which in part formed the basis of his second doctorate in parapsychology and paranormal studies. Rather than learning a valuable lesson, or some other sentimental nonsense, the time loop eventually ran out of power and he was dropped back into the normal flow of time. Most of his 7 months of psychotherapy after his thesis was completed was more dealing with the return to the normal timestream than with his arcane studies. This is also one of the reasons he doesn't associate well with people, as for 34 years of his life he was able to predict every conversation possible because in that time, he had gone through most of them.

Dr. Spengler
Agamemnon Spengler is well known, the Einstein of the Cosmic Era, and is now well advanced in years and has continued on well past a normal lifespan with a healthy lifestyle and routine anagathic treatments. The Doctor continues his work, though at a much slower pace than before, and is more involved in mentoring aspiring parapsychologists, and delivering lectures and interactive labs at various universities around the Federation. He is a private person and maintains few personal relationships, but has routine company in the form of androids, a few of which have become sentient as a result of his studies in arcanotech and parapsychology and paranormal phenomena.

The most obvious problem is the rate of consumption not inside the reactor vessel, but in the intake manifolds. Almost 15% of the viable H2 is being burned up before it even reaches the torus. Once there, the calculable rate of loss dictates that at most we are only going to see a 30% energy generation. There are two things we can do to create a higher energy yield, we can increase the H2 injection rate to 145% maximum, or we can stop using cheap intake couplings because the senator from the Great Lakes Republic wants to keep selling cut rate couples to the project under the guise of budget control. If we adopt vanadium/molybdenum couplings instead of aluminum powder coated with vanadium alloy we could see 70% energy generation. That is both enough to start secondary fusion in the torus, as well as move the project ahead of schedule by almost two years.

But don't listen to me, I'm sure your masters in business administration trumps my PhDs in psychics, metallurgy, and computer systems.

Dr. Stirling, 2nd Denver High Energy Summit

Doctor Adele Stirling
The Doctor was born to a very common Midwestern family in the Great Lakes Republic, where she grew up in the shadow of the Pontiac arcoplex. Her childhood was largely disinterested, and after high school, she attended OCP/Delta City University in Delta City on a full ride scholarship. She was a star pupil, quickly dispensing with the underclass work in less than a year and a half and had her first PhD, computer systems, by the time she was 21. She had the other two completed by 25 as well as a charm bracelet of bachelor's and a few masters degrees as well. She worked out her term with Omni Consumer Products in their cybernetics and electronics R&D department where she was heavily involved in reverse engineering Nova Robotics prototypes and creating new consumer conscious home androids. She also worked in developing several AISC, most notable the surprisingly humble 'Hecules' for Omni Robotics and the acerbic 'Ariadne' for the Delta City Arcoplex.

Stirling refused to renew her contracts with OCP and left the Great Lakes Republic to work with the Atlantic Federation High Energy Research Labs in the Rocky Mountain Republic. She has spent two decades working the labs there, and in that time has designed two more AISCs for the Federation, the enigmatic 'Locke' and the witty and jovial 'Dionysus'. Both of whom are involved with high energy research, the Federation Defense Initiative, and cybernetic research. She has also been a key player in developing the second generation of magnetohydrodynamic fusion reactors, also known as ARC reactors. 

Her latest project has been the Cyclops system. Nominally an array of radio antenna, the Cyclops system can generate and focus intense levels of radio waves on a single target less than 30 feet across in orbit. While this is not accurate enough to pinpoint things like satellites or aerospace craft, it is more than adequate to target almost any ship in service with any space fleet. The Cyclops program is intended to be a point defense system for the planet, one by one targeting and destroying enemy ships with barrages of high energy beams. The actual system will use microwave transmitters in place of radio transmitters but the processes remain the same. 

Stirling is an ardent pacifist and dislikes very much the notion of designing weapons. Her AISCs carry hidden pacifist code, giving military action the lowest priority (unless common sense and cost protocols dictate otherwise) and her energy generation technology has been given a very strong civilian use. Other scientists, lacking her ethical standing, have since done the work of weaponizing her inventions and advances in technology. The Stirling Template, a general use pattern for generating AI has been modified. The Burkehart is a carbon copy but instead of being pacifist and deep thinking, Burkehart AIs are belligerent and hostile. They also tend to be a tad unstable. Most of the Burkehart AIs are sequestered in either military think tanks, or serve as the systems controllers on Atlantic Federation spacecraft. Stirling has seen enough to know that 'Hades', the controlling AISC of the battleships AFS Great Britain, is a corrupted copy of 'Hercules'. 

The Stranger Truth
Doctor Stirling is not a normal human. She is a product of the Federation Coordinator Program, a super genius designed in a lab. Her parents were both selected for their natural intelligence and genetic resilience. They both willingly donated genetic material and Adele was conceived in a laboratory. Her genetic make up was screened, and then extensively modified to create supernatural intelligence, but also limiting any sort of genetic abnormality or potential psychological issues that might erupt from it. Rather than being raised a lab rat, she was placed in the most ordinary of places to be given a very ordinary childhood. Her education was going to be covered by the AtFed budget, but when OCP swooped in to cover her education in exchange for a number of years of working for them, Stirling's parents and handlers agreed.

During her childhood, Stirling was routinely subjected to post hypnotic suggestion while asleep. Having such an intellect demanded special attention. It doesn't take a genius to make a pipe bomb, or turn a bullet train into a weapon. It was decided that making the subject extremely adverse to violence and war would make it very unlikely that she would turn on her creators if she learned her true nature and was displeased. This sort of accident was rather unfortunately common in the black ops parapsychic projects, such as Illiad (creating mental aspected parapsychics). 

Stirling is now entirely aware of her past, her artificial creation, and forced pacifism. She created a secret AI, 'Cerridwen' is a psychologically minded machine that Stirling used to basically psychoanalyze herself, examining her thoughts and feelings upon discovering her psychological modifications and genetic alterations. She has since dealt with the issues and considers that her artificial pacifism is a good thing, considering the weapons she could produce. Now, knowing her 'programming' she exploits it, creating things that are almost impossible to weaponize, or weapons so specific that their use is almost a certain negative. The chances of the colonies going to war with the earth is minor, and in the event of such a thing, the Cyclops would save more lives on earth than it would end in orbit.

Contacts and Allies
Dr. Stirling is a busy woman and she has made many friends and contacts throughout the scientific and corporate community. Her most prominent ties are to several scientists and administrators at OCP and the Great Lakes Republic. She also has made friends and allies in the more progressive sections of the government and among the military leadership that favors diplomacy and negotiation before sending in the troops.

That being said, Dr. Stirling has made quite a few enemies as well. Her anti-war stance is very much at odds with the general warhawkishness of the Federation. Her opponents, high placed generals and admirals consider her almost an enemy sympathizer, and more than once she has been the subject of a military inquiry. Her work with Artificial Intelligence has made her a target of fundamentalists who oppose machine life, and sadly, more than one attempt has been made on her life. As a result of this, she seldom leaves her lab or guarded home in Colorado.

Fascinated by: Dr Carter, by virtue of being born on Mars but educated on Earth, is endlessly fascinated by the implications of pre-human cultures, and has such devoted her life to the application of archeology to the rest of the solar system, including dig sites on the Moon, Mars, and Callisto. 

Seduced by: There is nothing more irresistible to the good doctor than a mystery, waiting to be unraveled, how can anything compare to the mystery that is the 10,000 year old Imbrian culture? 

Offended by: The Doctor has made some enemies along the way, as her pursuit of pre-human civilizations clashes with her strong dislike of conspiracies and secret societies, the sort of people who exploit the past for profit, or bury it because it is inconvenient to them. 

Frightened by: Rats, there are rats everywhere; rats in the guts of the arcos, in the squalor of the geofronts, there are rats on spaceships and space stations, there are fucking rats on Mars and probably methane resistant rats swimming on Titan.

Fascinated by: Young Annika Monroe was fascinated with sex entertainment, not just the act of coitus, but the celebrity, fame, and wealth that could come from being a successful sex media figure. 

Seduced by: Annika, later turned Eccentrica Gallumbits after a famous British literary figure, was seduced by the transformative power of genetic modification, and she had an third breast grafted to her body,(as well as pioneering the creation of the almost mythical fourth hole, the super vagina) and having her erogenous zones hot-wired for higher and faster response times, turning herself into a mythical hyper-sexual super-woman. 

Offended by: Eccentrica is offended by hetero-normative societal attitudes, modesty, and behavior rooted in religious relativism, and she routinely is seen as an outspoken member of the Anti-Religion League, and campaigns against the norms, rubes, muggles, dullards, prudes, and other people who have the nerve to be offended when she does public sex acts (under the guise of performance art) 

Frightened by: Eccentrica is deeply and profoundly terrified that when she dies, she will go to a flaming Judeo-Christian lake of fire hell, prompting her anti-religion creeds, as well as pushing her to invest her impressive portfolio into anti-aging technologies

Elizabeth Braddock is a genetically sculpted beauty, her appearance carefully orchestrated by a genetic coding computer. Her features are caucasian, with an exotic blending of Nipponese and Polynesian features. Her hair is long and glossy black, and her eyes are slightly oversized. Her family hailed from a long line of old money, dating back through the fuel smuggling dynasties of the fallen European Union, and back to the Petroleum Era. Elizabeth was raised to be a model trophy wife, elegant, stunning, carefully educated, well mannered, and everything that was expected of an old money bride looking to marry a Cosmic Era noble, mogul, or otherwise global power player.

Everything went wrong. Somewhere around her 16th birthday, Elizabeth manifested parapsychic abilities. The events around this eruption are scarce and were very deeply buried by the Braddock family, but it is suspected that a number of lives were lost and there was a good deal of collateral damage. After 16 years of living in a hard shell of a life designed by other people, subjected to thought conditioning and behavioral modifications, she snapped. Elizabeth proved to be not just an aching beauty, but a very powerful telepath, and telekinetic.

My So Called Life:
After manifesting cosmic powers, Elizabeth was subjected to heavy doses of parapsychic muting drugs and was transported from her native home of the London Arcoplex to a research center and educational facility in the Commonwealth of New England. At this school for troubled and violent youths, Elizabeth became fiercely proud of her British roots, as well as a defiant unwilling student. She would have likely been eventually ejected from the school, or subjected to nerve stapling to prevent her from being a threat to herself and others, but she gained the attention of one of Sigma Blue's recruiting agents. Elizabeth was transferred from North America to a Sigma Blue training facility in Stockholm. There, she found people that not only recognized and respected her powers, but had those same powers themselves.

Elizabeth would spend several years studying at the Sigma Blue Academy, first to control and temper her parapsychic abilities, and then later on gaining higher education and the required credentials to become a Sigma Blue Agent. After spending a large portion of her life being conditioned and trained to do a specific and pointless task (please a wealthy and powerful husband) she well understood the details of high intensity training, and threw herself into it. After so many years without her own internal purpose she found something that she cared about and believed in. And that thing was using her parapsychic abilities and martial arts to kick the everloving crap out of criminals.

The Throne of Lies:
It was barely a year into her career as a Sigma Blue field liaison that Elizabeth Braddock learned a lie so deep that it shook her to the core. There was another Elizabeth Braddock, the exact same age, with the same memories, and the same parents. It seemed that some years earlier that the original Elizabeth Braddock died in a traumatic childhood accident, and that her grieving parents had her cloned. Genetically enhanced, but cloned none the less. When their daughter manifested alien abilities and was unsuited to their great plans, she was kicked out of the manor, and Elizabeth Braddock III was brought up to speed and decanted. Their perfect lives would continue with their perfect daughter. Elizabeth suffered a period of severe depression, and a short but sharp psychotic break as she was forced to deal with the fact that she was, despite all physical appearances and experiences, a little over 7 years old and was technically a walking violation of the Tycho Convention treaty against the creation of genetic super humans.

Elizabeth eventually dropped out of Sigma Blue, unable to concentrate on her cases. She lingered for a short time in England, but given the power and prominence of her artificial family, she was easily recognized and drew the ire of the common folk dwelling in the favelas. To them, she wasn't an outcaste clone, she was a daughter of wealth and privilege. She fled from Europe, tumbled through Africa and likely would have ended up in a Nigerian immigrant city if not for meeting an Amazon mercenary. The Amazon commander, Shannon Burke, took a downcast and frayed Elizabeth back to New Themyscira with her. She would spend the next two years living in partial seclusion on the island, where she underwent therapy from a number of resident doctors as well as experienced parapsychics who helped her further understand and control her abilities.

The July Raid
Elizabeth might have ended up a painter, or some other sort of artist on the island, had the July Raid not occurred. The July Raid was a joint effort between three separate groups that had long standing vendettas against the Amazons of New Themyscira. The island was caught in a three pronged attack, with two of the outlaw units attacking from the West and the South, while the third unit, underwater, approached and attacked from the unexpected North. The fighting was intense, and the defensive network protecting the Hippolyta arcology activated and caused a large amount of damage to the ships and landing craft that were foolish enough to attempt disembarking troops within the range of the arco. This was a diversion, as the third landing force was the largest, and while the others soaked up hostile fire, the final group would land, establish a beachhead and then reinforcements would start moving in.

Elizabeth was with a small group of women who were forced to flee as their coastal villa was destroyed by a barrage of cannon fire. She helped organize and coordinated the evacuation of the area, while keeping in 'net contact with the main base at Hippolyta. Once the non-combatants were clear, Elizabeth and a number of other residents with military and paramilitary experience reported to the barracks at the Astronema Cosmodrome, which was only hours away from being placed under military threat.

Carter Technologies:
A small tech company, Carter Tech is largely responsible for the in house weapons and military technology employed by the island nation. What the company lacks in size it makes up for in incredibly talented and gifted volunteers (being a communal non-profit entity) and it happened that Braddock was able to come face to face with Carter's latest cutting edge piece of technology, a suit of power armor designed to be piloted exclusively by a parapsychic empowered woman.

Though incomplete, the armor provided enhanced mobility, endurance, and the ability to use power armor standard equipment. It differed in that the forearms of the armor contained advanced arcanotech devices that when controlled through parapsi power created a set of pure cosmic energy 'blades.' These psi-blades proved able to rip through even hardened mecha armor with ease. Only the polarized armor plating of warships and advanced composite materials proved able to slow the blades. Braddock donned the suit, still in the early prototype phase, and charged into battle with it.

She almost died in the fighting, but her actions along with the other Amazons limited the loss of Themysciran life to 15 casualties and had a direct effect on repelling the July Raid. The prototype armor she wore was destroyed, but she retained the generators from the forearms and ended up keeping the devices for her own later use.

Appearing as thick gold bangle type bracelets, the psi-blade generators are powered exclusively by Braddock's parapsychic ability. When activated, she can create unattached psychic energy blades to 'emerge' in her hands. These blades are armor defeating, and are only stopped by another psi-powered device, polarized armor plating, or overheating. The blades are very powerful and very effective, but they are a source of temptation as excessive use of the blades can pull Braddock into a parapsychic burn very quickly if not monitored.

The Amazons
Braddock found something fighting during the July Raid she had been missing. Amid the carnage and violence, she found both inner peace, and a driving purpose. Through controlled manifestation of her parapsychic abilities, she was able to find the calm at the middle of her inner storm. Suppressing her abilities was one of the causes of her persistent unhappiness, and irregular and sometimes uncontrolled outbursts only made it worse. Her attempts to control this with painting, meditation and other artistic ventures never tapped into the physical somantic aspects of her abilities and were therefor impotent in venting them. In defending the island she had come to call home she found a greater purpose than herself. She had fought hard, for years after finding out she was a clone, to be her own person, and as such had become incredibly focused on herself, and had spiritually and emotionally become ungrounded. Now, serving the greater interests of New Themyscira, and the protection of her non-military, non-martial sisters she found a tremendous reserve of inner strength and was able to tap deeper into her parapsychic power than even she knew she was capable of.

Elizabeth applied for a position in the Themysciran military, and after several rounds of tests and trials she placed in the very top percentile and only served in the rank and file Defense Corps for a year. After that year, she was promoted and placed into the Themysciran elite Trojans. The Trojans differ from the Amazons, as all members of the Defense Corps, and technically Law Enforcement are considered Amazon Warriors with appropriate rank and such. The Trojans are the special forces of New Themyscira and are composed almost entirely of parapsychics, genetic augments, ex-pat female supersoldiers from the around the world, cyborgs, and otherwise individuals with abilities that are considered above human capability. The Trojans form the core of New Themyscira's shadowrunning ops, armed rescue ops, and unlike the regular Amazon units, are seldom for hire to parties outside of the Island.

Equipment and Combat
As mentioned above, Braddock retains her psi-blade generators, but in an effort to not overuse these weapons, she typically keeps a number of mundane weapons when she is on missions, with a DiamondKote katana being her go to weapon, but she is skilled with the use of knives and swords in general, can use a staff, and enjoys disarming less threatening foes with sai when those are available but this is more commonly used in training exercises, or on missions where she needs not kill her opposition. She wears a skin tight encounter suit, typically a metallic blue Mk XVI. The suit does have some provocative lines and has the appearance of looking like a bathing suit cut garment at a distance, but some of the panels around the groin/thigh area are just different color material.

Braddock has a small arsenal of firearms, mostly easily concealed pistols, but she seldom uses these. She keeps the weapons mostly for training purposes but on most jobs she favors stealth, and her melee weapons. Her training from Sigma Blue included a good deal of firearms education, so she can competently handle normal firearms as well as magnetic weaponry, and some energy weaponry. Her experience with heavier weapons systems is limited, as is her experience in piloting power armor. She dislikes the armor suits for being too heavy, too bulky, and too slow to keep up with her high intensity approach to fighting and martial arts in general.

Elizabeth has basic and intermediate training in parapsychic martial arts, first through Sigma Blue, and later through the Trojans training regimens. Her fighting style is straight forward and brutal, and she likes to augment her hand to hand fighting with igniting her psi-blades.

Authors note:
For those not well versed in comics, Elizabeth Braddock is based off of Psylocke. I have known about Psylocke for years now and for the obvious reasons that she is very 'dynamically' drawn and I like her look and color palette. I decided that I wanted to write her up as my first addition to the New Themyscira roster, but in doing my research on her backstory I found a mess. Not just a mess, but a hell of a mess. She's a body hopping British Asian psychic with powers that run all over the place. Her story unfortunately is a giant pile of rubbish, and lacks a cohesive continuity, or overall theme. So, I took some salient points, and ran with my own version.
Last edited by Skaldia on Wed Dec 22, 2021 5:27 pm, edited 21 times in total.
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Postby Skaldia » Tue Sep 23, 2014 4:38 pm

Characters Cont. III

Ermingarde Bancroft-Ashpool is considered a phenotypical EuroZone caucasian woman, with a light complexion, medium length brown hair, and brown eyes, indicating a strong Spanish heritage. She commonly wears yellow and white dresses and affects a strongly feminine presentation. Many consider her to be a clueless heiress who does little with the massive wealth and power of the Bancroft-Ashpool interests, which include large shares of megacorps like Union Aerospace, OCP, and the ubiquitous Commonwealth Bank of the Atlantic Federation (CBAF). 

Ermingarde is a polite spoken person who cultivates the appearance of vapidity and an apolitical public persona that is better known for hosting social events and the general demeanor of a largely unintelligent and disinterested woman. This is deliberately done.

A Brief History of Wealth and Power
The history of CBAF is tied to several deeply important pieces of arcanotechnology, the most prominent being the current generation of AISC systems, the CogNet itself, and the underpinning cybernetics and robotics that facilitate the creation of seibertronians. This along with sundry things like dimensional reactors and a controlling interest in banking operations allowed for the formation of the Bancroft-Ashpool group, creating the scion line.

The Bancroft-Ashpool scions have existed for several generations, and are composed of genetically improved and polished humans who have been designed to be the best that they can possibly be at the time of their birth. These men and women are born into a stupendous fortune, and their worth rivals that of many existing nations. Accordingly, they are engineered to ave the sort of intellect capable of handling this sort of power, though this has not always worked as planned. 

Ermingarde is nearly eighty years old, though still appears as if she were in her early twenties. This is a combination of periods of hibernation, genetic rejuvenation, and regular life extension treatments. As long as she keeps her regmine and doesn't encounter a violent end, she could conceivably live to see three to five centuries of non-senile life. While she may appear in superficially mundane garb, all of her clothing is very precisely made, most has high protective values, and her jewelry is a combination of biotelemtric devices, synthetic communications equipment, or ancient and highly valuable treasures. 

Most of the Bancroft-Ashpool scions are parapsychically awakened, though their process is a closely guarded secret, one that they have refused to sell, and attempts to steal it have met with disaster on the parts of those who make the attempt. Ermingarde herself is a demonstrated technopath and technomancer, able to control machines, or become completely immune to psychotronic devices. This fact was not discovered until after her personal yacht was captured by a cybernetic rogue group, the Promethean Faction and they attempted to interrogate her with a device best described as a psycho-probe, and then a cohaagen apparatus. Both devices failed in their task, and the psycho-probe simply broke down and caused a few causes of technicians being electrocuted, while the attempt to brain drain Ermingarde ended with a psychotronic field inversion that functionally brain wiped and or lobotomized half the technicians who were operating the machine, and the other half had their heads filled with fragments of the minds of the others who had theirs blown away. Ermingarde was later rescued by a Federation Reflex team who took the survivors into custody and returned her to the family orbital estate.

The Bancroft-Ashpool Estate: Hi-Brasil
Hi-Brasil is a half mile wide orbital platform in the shape of a Stanford Torus. Gravity is generated through arcanotech devices, and the station no longer rotates to generate centripetal force. The Bancroft-Ashpool creches are contained in Hi-Brasil and it is the birthplace of all the scions. Most spend the first eight to ten years of their life in Hi-Brasil where they use dream tank immersion technology for purposes of education and life experience. The station can house up to 8 thousand people comfortably on it's fourteen decks, though it seldom hosts more than a few hundred, most of whom are dedicated servants to the scions.

Hi-Brasil is located in the Atlantic Federation orbital complex at LaGrange Point 1, so is considered one of the most secure points in the entire solar system. The station counts the Valentine War Academy, Dominion Anchorage, and the Ramiel Space Supremacy BattleSat as neighbors. Given the proximity of Federation space assets at L1, the fleet maintains a strong presence, including the home base for the 2nd Earth Fleet, based around the battlestars Columbia and Arcadia. 

The Bancroft-Ashpool Large Cruiser: Waterloo
The Waterloo is a 650 meter large cruiser laid down by the New Hanseatic League shipyards, and is a state of the art civilian ship. Its engines, powerplant, navigation, and electronics systems are all state of the art, and the ship is easily one of the fastest in it's weight category. In addition to being a bleeding edge cruiser, the ship has accommodations and facilities on par with a surgical hospital, a legal administration center, and a luxury diplomatic office. The ship uses sovereign space rights, allowing for the ship to act as a piece of sovereign territory wherever it goes and being protected by the aegis of the CBAF corporate laws. 

The Waterloo has a large hanger that is able to function as a small municipal aerodrome for corporate transit craft, aerospace fighters, or flight capable mecha. It most commonly accommodates up to six Lear class corporate luxury transports and a squadron of defensive aerospace fighters. While legally not armed, the Waterloo is typically accompanied by either a mercenary cruiser or squadron of military interceptors, depending on its destination and mission plan. 

The Bancroft-Ashpool Long Range Cruiser: Champlain
The Champlain is a very large cruiser built and operated by CBAF, and is a remarkable ship. It is close to 2 kilometers in length, though it has a pronounced rocket shaped body, including a long nose cone and antenna assembly. The shape was picked for thermodynamic reasons, and to accommodate the large antenna, which is used for detecting faint energy signatures in space. Champlain was built to function as a comet chaser and rare material scout, seeking out things like kirkite formations in asteroids and possibly lost or derelict ships. Ermengarde likes to take the Champlain out for pan-solar tours, and to 'stretch it's legs' to set solar transit records. In cases where speed is of the essence, the Champlain is dramatically faster than the already swift Waterloo. The offset is that there is no luxury and fewer facilities about the Champlain.

The Bancroft-Ashpool Vault Base: Floro Dery
The vault base Floro Dery was built on the surface of Mars, Huo Hsing as it is more commonly called in the CE. The base itself is a massive geofront built into the crust of the red planet, and is surmounted by a squat demo-arco landing platform. The main use for Floro Dery as a long term low access security vault for CBAF, typically housing large amounts of hardcopy data, physical records, and the personal belongings of the Bancroft-Ashpool family, a collection several hundred years in the collecting. Floro Dery is well stocked and defended with a robust Butler AISC that manages the archives and vault contents, as well as handling the vault defenses and security. Floro Dery is isolated from the CogNet and cannot be reached by remote means, access has to be done with analog input. The ACPS has signed agreements with CBAF to leave the facility alone, and CBAF has agreements with the Atlantic Federation that Floro Dery is not and never will be used as a strategic or military installation. 

The most ironic thing about Floro Dery is that the surface facility is a carbon copy of the CBAF headquarters demi-arco in Chicago, down to the massive illuminated advertising panels and massive holoprojectors that are located on three sides of the building, making the vault highly conspicuous even from orbit.

The Bancroft-Ashpool Auditorium: The CBAF Grand Colosseum
The CBAF Grand Colosseum is a megascale structure built and maintained by CBAF and is used for the staging of large scale media events, ranging from things like mundane concerts, major political rallies, and as a massive cosmodrome in rare occasions to hosting ridiculous events like mecha scale professional sports events, gladiator style mecha duels, and military and naval conventions. The Grand Colosseum is large enough that it affects weather patterns, and two battlestars can touch down inside it.

[/b]New Nuyork[/b]
CBAF and the Bancroft-Ashpool estate were intimately involved in the infrastructure and planning that went into the rebuilding of the old city of New York into it's new form. This involved a massive scale of urban obliteration, reducing a centuries old city core down to the substrate and rebuilding, starting by turning the island of Manhattan in massive seven core geofront, and then building on top of that. CBAF and other holdings maintain a controlling share of the city real estate, and are responsible for the maintenance and operation of the utilities and core services, something that even more residents of the Great Apple are not aware of. Accordingly, the new city is studded with Bancroft-Ashpool holdings and secrets. The interplanetary HQ of CBAF is the Grand Central Arcology, the largest and tallest arco in the New Nuyork Arcoplex, and Ermingarde typically lives in the penthouse suite on the the upper most residential floor of the massive building.

Kasem City
Kasem City is a thriving favela style sprawl located in the Middle East, built in and around the impact crater left by the wreck of the Neo-Soviet dreadnought Rozhestvensky. The ship crashed and had no survivors, and was quickly descended on by Wastelanders and Silk Roads warlords, who ended up turning the hulk and crater into an important trade city on the Silk Road. CBAF is not involved in Kasem City, but the agents of the Bancroft-Ashpool family are, typically searching for rare and exotic things to please the scion members of the family, typically bootleg and stolen hyper and arcanotech, or rediscovered antiquities and treasures. The family maintains a bunker like villa in the city that is used as a sort of deep slum safe house. Ermingarde has little personal use for this den of depravity, but can use it as either a reward or as a punishment, depending on application.

Due to the involvement of the Bancroft-Ashpool scions, as well as a handful of other Western hemisphere social influencers, the city has a social presence in the Atlantic Federation that far outstrips its actual size and importance. Much like exotic locales from yesteryear, such as the exotic interzone of Tunisia or Marrakesh, or opium hazed Samarkand, Kasem City is the neon grunge arabic spiced pleasure palace of the middle east, exotic, dangerous, barbaric, toxic, and euphoric.

The Bancroft-Ashpool Wrecks: Ermingarde, Arzichelle, and Gallonighter
The Bancroft-Ashpool family has been around for a long time, and has been wealthy and powerful for almost that entire time, allowing for accidents and incidents to happen, and the scion wrecks represent three such events. The locations of the three wrecks are all underwater, are classified, and the ships remain listed in active service so that any attempt at scavenging or salvaging the ships constitutes either an act of war or piracy. The family has other lost ships, almost all of which have since been recovered or scrapped, save for these three. The reasons for their isolation and protection remain unknown, but are subject to many Illuminati style rumors and conspiracy theories.

Most popular theory per vessel:
The Ermingarde, a predominantly medical ship, suffered a serious medical contamination event, bad enough that it would tarnish the name and value of the family and by proxy, CBAF. Raising the ship could also release whatever biological or viral horror that was contained during the controlled crash into the ocean.

The Arzichelle was deliberately wrecked as part of a government coverup, and the records on board the ship could implicate several branches of the Federation government and trigger a massive political scandel that could beggar the family and unseat the current government structure.

The Gallonighter houses the hibernating or cryogenic frozen body of a certain blood thirsty militant member of the family would would love nothing more that to start a hot shooting war with SEMDRC and other international forces. So long as he remains alive but in stasis none of the legal contingencies will activate, and he will not be reanimated through arcanotech technowizardry.

Scion of Scions
Ermingarde Bancroft-Ashpool is the finest engineered human that the creche has ever produced, and she is well and truly aware of it. She is also aware of the many of the forces and factions active in the Cosmic Era, and has decided to act as a stabilizing influence to keep the chaos from spilling over and out of control. She is a founding member of the Small Council, a group of half a dozen powerful and influential people in the Cosmic Era, and they have as their purpose the guidance of humanity as it struggles through transhumanism, cybernetic sentience, genetic manipulation, and socio-economic upheavals and collapses. They are an organic counterpart to the Andromeda Council and anti-conspiracy league devoted to facing down the machinations of the Glassenheim Foundation. 

The Small Council is the most volatile of the high power influencers in the Cosmic Era, not being tied to any AISC or thinking machines. This is countered by the fact that their genetic coding and engineering render them virtually a new species of humanity, Homo Sapiens Excelsior. 

The Bancroft-Ashpool Secret
The great secret of the Bancroft-Ashpool is hardly earthshaking or horrific, but it is strange. The members are technically ghola, engineered and grown from the cultured tissue samples and their personalities and created from a collection of kakgrams taken from previous members of the family, their genes are sculpted, and their minds and personalities are given the same treatment. In some nations, people like the Bancroft-Ashpools are legally not considered human, but accorded status like a clone or bioroid. Ermingarde was created from a pastiche of six previous matriarchs of the family, as well as the experiences and acumen of famous actresses and female mecha pilots. This, combined with her biological engineering and awakened technopathic and technomantic parapsychic powers makes her one of the most powerful people in the Solar System, and sitting at the head of one of the largest hypercorps, one of the most wealthy and infuential.

Ermingarde is a smart and cunning woman, and she gains a great deal of personal satisfaction in pulling of societal spoofs, where she uses her cultivated image as a wealthy vapid do-little hypersocialite to embarrass others, advance her own personal causes, of cause calamity and ill fortune for the rivals of the Bancroft-Ashpool scions, of which there are many. 

In a setting rife with megalomaniac warlords, sentient machines, alien conspiracies, and extra-dimensional events, Ermingarde and her forces represent the hand of order and law over chaos and destruction. She acts like a spoiled debutante but in actuality is herself a social engineering and manipulating mastermind, the princess who is the actual empress, but acting as just a silly girl.

Ermingarde would be lawful good if it were not for a skewed sense of morality, which largely comes the from the rarified position of being an engineered being in a family of staggering wealth and importance, largely divorced from the common person of the Cosmic Era.

Walter Stupek was a sentimental man, one prone to long periods of malaise and disenchantment. There were a few bright moments in his life, and these all swirled around other people who were at different places in their own lives. He was a cerebrologist, and had a vast deal of experience with makeshift neurohelmets and even black market schematics for a Cohaagen apparatus. As his life slowly degenerated he took more and more illegal engrams and kakugrams. Eventually he left his job to live on basic income, and immersed himself into a ukiyo dreamworld where he lived with the etherite copies of the people who gave him happiness and levity.

Elizabeth Venatta, The First Love
Elizabeth Venatta was Stupek's first romantic relationship. It was fast, tempestuous, and ill-fated. Stupek was not able to capture an engram of Venatta when she was a teenager, as he was as well at the time. Instead, he created a 'chimera etherite' taking three different engrams and welding them together. The first was a discretely take engram of a much older Venatta. The other two were taken from teenage girls, one who resembled a young Venatta physically and one who resembled her teenage psyche. 

Young Elizabeth lives a quiet life of terror, being a creation and prisoner of Stupek and his fascination with her young flesh, and how she 'set his soul on fire' when he was young. 

Romy Stupek, The Newlywed wife
Romy Stupek was also a cerebrologist, and worked with Walter in the lab. She was aware of his interest in engrams and ether technology. She willingly provided herself as a test subject for capturing ether copies of her psyche, and allowed for the creation of lab 'expy] copies of herself to be made. During this time, she was falling in love with Walter's genius and ambition, and likewise, he with her. They would wed, in a retro-traditional ceremony and she adored the idea of being the blushing bride. Her etherite copy retains this blushing bride innocence and enthusiasm.

Stupek routinely has to reset Newlywed Romy to her original settings, as her innocence and naivety cannot survive long periods of contact with his negative emotions, and he is no longer the anxious and nervous groom to her blushing bride. 

Romy Stupek 2, The Pregnant Wife
Less than a year into their ill-fated marriage, the Stupeks found themselves expecting a child. Romy allowed herself to be engram copied for scientific purposes, to understand how a developing fetus can alter the perspectives of the mother, and to capture for eternity, the feelings of joyous pregnancy. Walter was very fond of Romy when she was with his child, far more fond of her pregnant than he was with her as a new mother.

Like Newlywed Romy, Pregnant Romy is regularly reset, because eventually her code becomes erratic as all the emotions and needs of pregnancy are there, but there is no birth, no hope of seeing the new child. Pregnant Romy does become hostile and self destructive.

Agnes Stupek, The Daughter
There are several copies of Agnes Stupek, but Walter only keeps one around, his daughter when she was nine years old. At this age, she was bright eyed and explorative, and shared her father's singular ability to focus on one desire, while remaining completely oblivious to the negative aspects of her behavior.

Agnes is perhaps one of the longest stable etherites, as her nature is accepting and to an extent, amoral and curious. The longer her code runs, the more of a smiling sociopath she becomes. Walter rarely resets her because in a way, she has grown to personify his amorality, and his guilt over the negative things he has done in his life.

Benjamin 'BiBi' Stupek
Bibi Stupek was Walter's father. He was a violent man, a veteran who struggled with PTSD and chemical abuse problems. Bibi was never proud of Walter, who followed academic interests, and not religious, military, or athletic ventures. Bibi wanted a son who would be a strong, and ultimately emotionally wrecked as himself. Before his death, Walter took a electroencephalogram of his father to capture his declining health and hostility. Bibi lives to slowly die in front of Walter, to be rebooted to start the downward spiral again, and again, and again.

Walter has been rebooted more times than can be counted, but like Agnes, he has longterm program stability. His program is to suffer and die, repeatedly, functioning as an emotional victim and scapegoat for the lifetime of suffering that Walter feels the man inflicted on him, and the rest of the family. 

Romy Stupek 3, the Sophisticated Wife
Romy and Walter divorced, and most of it was Romy finding success in the Etherite technologies field. As her star rose, so did her self worth, and she became more confident, and more self assured. While Walter found this attractive as Romy was willing to entertain more sexually sophisticated kinks and games, it also lead to their divorce. She grew tired of his emotional manipulations and his fascination with collecting ethergrams of people. 

Sophisticated Romy is disturbingly aware of her situation, and that none of the domain is real, and that Walter is her jailer, and that he has been doing this game for years. Walter is frustrated with this etherite version of his wife because while early in her program cycle she will play power games and explore various kinks with him, she always becomes aware of the actual scenario, and disengages from the games, forcing him to keep going through breaking up with her and resetting her program.

The Young Walter
Created from an autoethergram, Young Walter is a etherite copy of himself when he was still quite young and hadn't married Romy yet, hadn't wrecked his life, and was still considered a rising star in the field of ether technologies.

Walter's relationship with himself is complex. There are dark periods where he will confront his younger self and kill it. He has murdered his own etherself dozens of times. He has also brought his etherself to one of his Romys and watched them relate to each other, sometimes to the extent of being a voyeur, watching his etherite make vigorous love to one of the etherite copies of his ex-wife, cuckolding himself...with a copy... of himself.

Mr Big looks like a nine foot tall man wearing an oversized greatcoat and sporting a civilian grade fascia. He moves in a deliberate and intimidating manner, and his voice is likewise deep and booming. Mr Big carries himself with the cultivated demeanor of a classic cinema mobster, well spoken and polite, but also just as willing to watch someone die horribly. Or to kill them with his own hands.

Mr Big is an amalgam of power armor and cybernetics. Lester Smalls lives inside the cybernetic core of the suit, which was built off of a standard issue power armor suit. Most of the armor plates were removed, and the interior and limbs have cybernetic filling. Smalls lives in a fetal position inside the torso. This makes Mr Big hard to damage, almost completely immune to pain and fear, and with the cybernetic enhancement, dangerously and deviously intelligent.

The Backstory
Lester Smalls was formerly the leader of a criminal syndicate in a major city. A previous manifestation of Spider City saw his criminal empire literally eaten by spiders, and he himself barely survived, but not without being bitten and carrying scars and trauma. Since the previous manifestation, Smalls turned his former Mr Big persona into an actual physical thing and has sworn to find the source of the manifestation and crush it to death. Then, probably return to a life of crime and fortune.

Mr Big and the Enforcer Squad
Mr Big has never been a freelancer, or a lone gun. He creates his own team of hunters, investigators, assassins, and murderers to hunt down the source of Spider City. The squad typically consists of stock/generic former power armor troopers, former military men, mercenaries, and the colorful characters often found in the underworld. Most notably, the Enforcers have money, power, and influence, and will hire other freelancers to work as consultants. Mr Big is rarely one to get his own enormous cybernetic hands dirty, but there is almost no limit to the number of men he is willing to send to their deaths.

The Newarks and Starlight Media Group
The Newarks are in many ways a very typical wealthy family from the Commonwealth of New England. They have large amounts of money, and there has been a Newark sitting in the Commonwealth senate more often than there hasn't. The closest comparison in the Petroleum Age was the Kennedy Dynasty of Massachusetts. The Newarks are the main owners of the Starlight Media Group, a multi-media company that produces a large amount of data and programming for Commonwealth networks and syndication. 

It isn't common knowledge outside of conspiracy circles, but the matriarch of the Newarks, Christine Phillips-Newark was a technologies researcher in the Commonwealth Intelligence agency, the Honeyman Society. Christine was deeply involved in social engineering, subliminal messaging, and encoding signals to affect behavior. The projects she worked on were expunged from Commonwealth databases, and a short time after that Starlight Media appeared in New Nuyork City. The switch from government researcher to media mogul occurred overnight, and traces of it were buried. Attempts by various groups to bring this up are quickly tossed out as the meaningless rants of fringe-historians and paranoia theorists. 

Christine Phillips-Newark did indeed work on social engineering and manipulation of masses, specifically through media entertainment. If morals could be used in endutainment, then other things could be used as well. Biological and cerebral profiling were used to create information templates that were built into CogNet broadcasts, live HoloCasts and other datastreams produced by Starlight. These encouraged things that were valuable to the Commonwealth but were not politically or economically advantageous to current leadership of the Commonwealth. Common messages involved having unprotected sex to increase the birthrate, spending more money and being more economically active, and avoiding hardcore abusive drugs by indulging in softer more mainstream forms of mind alteration. While largely avoiding controversy, Starlight Media was indirectly responsible for a 14% increase in population growth over a 10 year period, over the previously anemic 0.25% growth before. Unfortunately, the lion's share of this increase in fecundity was born by teenage girls. An outside campaign curbed the rampant sexuality with instilled fears of sexual disease and disorders and generally moved a good deal of the frantic fornication into virtual outlets.

CEO Britta Newark
The granddaughter of Christine Phillips-Newark, Britta Newark is a savvy business woman, and has done a great deal of work maintaining the positive ethics of Starlight Media Group, as well as keeping the company largely independent of megacorp takeover. Britta is a statuesque platinum blonde, all the work of custom genetic tailoring. She does double duty, not just as the CEO of the company, but also as one of it's most valuable and visible icons: Astarte. 

Astarte was the Canaanite goddess of sexual love, fertility, and warfare. In her modern incarnation, she is a singing technopop performance artist. She has outlandish outfits,over the top make-up and makes many things that might be looked down on as being glamorous. Her songs are oblique references to sexual exploration, societal deviance, and supporting the military. While many critics deride Astarte as being juvenile and crude, citing gauche music videos where she turns crippled veterans into chrome sporting sexual cyborgs and runs around in a mech with stylized breasts and a giant foam spraying 'crotch cannon'.

Stop Cybering and Fuck Me
Astarte's debut single extols the socially deviant virtues of physical sex, rather than virtual, digital, and android sex. Through the holocast, Astarte repeatedly engages in pantomime sexual acts with various non-sexual machines discarding all of them and instead favoring borderline pornographic encounters with real people. The holo moved the word 'fuck' into the mainstream and largely removed it's profane status. It now largely was recognized as meaning the physical act of sex, in contrast to electronic fornication.

Starlight Media and GemStar
Gemstar is the central LAISC (limited artificial intelligence super computer) that houses most of Starlight Media's CogNet services and manages it's datastreaming systems. Gemstar mimics the fashion sense of 1980s glam and hair metal rockstars. It largely appears female, but Gemstar is more correctly androgynous. GemStar is a hidden pillar of the Commonwealth of New England as is heavily involved in social engineering. There are cities and states where the birthrate of freeborn humans is either flat or in contraction as virtual and digital relationships have become increasingly common and rather than nuclear families, online families are more common. The Commonwealth has revitalized it's population base by exploiting teen rebellion tendencies. While this has the unfortunate side effect of high teenage pregnancy, it isn't considered as large a deal as societal norms have greatly changed, there is an extensive social support system (welfare state) and teenage pregnancy is seen as less offensive to some other solutions to the lagging population problem. The Commonwealth is one of the few states in the Atlantic Federation that doesn't employ extensive robotics or cloning programs.

Sex Machines
An ode to the military, Sex Machines was an interactive holovid produced by Starlight and remains one of it's most popular. The holo depicts veterans returning from war, missing limbs and injured while a fetish dressed Astarte 'magically' heals them giving them chrome and gold cyborg limbs and replacement parts. The 'healed' veterans are now decidedly more awesome, and between going divine warrior on their enemies are treated to sexual favors from Astarte and her back up group, the Vaginoids. The holovid is seen as one of the most disgusting and exploitative bits of propaganda ever made, exploiting veterans, glorifying constant war, and turning women into sexual puppets.

What is All of This???Author's Note
 The Newark family, Gemstar, and Starlight Entertainment are all shout outs to GEM! the mostly for girls rock cartoon from the 80s. This incarnation mixes the basic premise of Gem with the visual spectacle of Lady Gaga ramped up to 13/10 on the dial and then run through the naked breasts department at HBO. On the serious side, the character has the seriousness and gravitas of a powerful regional family, and associated wealth that isn't tied to the media enterprises. The initial inspiration for this piece was an article that detailed the number of laws routinely broken through the series run of Gem, and the list was impressive. Every member of the good guys was technically a felon, and the bad band members were multiple felons. How could this work outside of cartoons? In the Cosmic Era it would be presented as being entirely staged, social engineering, and basic entertainment. The populace, often ignorant of such things, sees Starlight and Astarte as counter-culture agents, while in truth they are working to a specific and pre-constructed goal.

Vincent 'Vin' Appelhof was a mercenary, lacking any serious affiliation. This made him a frequently sought after by various parties looking for independent contractors. Appelhof was a member of a small cadre of independents and freelancers known as The Storm. This group eschewed any sort of alliance or association with any of the other Silk Road factions, or the nations and powers that opposed them. Appelhof was killed in a daring shadowrun in New Nuyork. He, and most of the team he was running with was killed by a salvo of concussion missiles. This is where the official record of Appelhof ends.

Appelhof was formerly a large man, with a heavily muscled physique, numerous tattoos, a meticulously shaved head, and an slavic accent. After his death, Appelhof's body was claimed a cabal of arcanotechs working for the Anunnaki, known as the Neogenecists. Appelhof's body was taken to a clandestine facility near New Nuyork where it was subjected to arcanotech and psychotronic treatment, and cybernetic reconstruction.

Cranial - Appelhof suffered extensive injury to his face and skull, including severe brain trauma. He has had the damaged components of his brain replaced with artificial components. This has given him a number of innate abilities, including the ability to rapidly calculate numbers, functionally have an eidetic memory, and continuous connection to the CogNet. This permanent connection allows for near instantaneous communication, linking to drone, and slaved vehicles. It also allows the Neogenecists to take control of his body as they see fit. One eye was completely destroyed and has been replaced with abionic eye. This custom optic lacked visual input, but functioned as part of a SmartGun system, had MarkerLight capacity, and was an armored component.

Torso - Likewise, Appelhof's ribcage and most of his organs were shredded or crushed by concussive force. Most of his organs were either repaired or replaced with quick grown organs and implants. His chest was replaced with a reinforced chestplate, allowing for greater endurance and muscle augmentation. The chassis he was fitted with has external hardpoints allowing for a chem suit to be attached as needed.

Limbs - Appelhof's limbs were easily repaired, but were augmented with muscle treatments and then covered with a bioplastic sheath. The components give him a robotic look, and offer a fair degree of protection that is relatively easy to conceal.

Most people who knew Appelhof when he was alive do not recognize the same man post resurrection. Formerly a violent man, with a kill or be killed world view, the new Appelhof is quiet and introspective. He no longer indulges in alcohol, womanizing, or the other violent aspects of his old lifestyle. He has become an introvert with a fascination for old literature, caring for children, and other generally positive if isolated interests. This is in part a function of his anti-aggression implants, part a function of his artificial brain components, and part a revulsion from his former lifestyle.

The Neogenecists created Appelhof as a 'tank' to anchor a special ops team. His augmentations and modifications make him an impressive combatant, and his experience makes him an unpredictable and violent opponent, especially after the personality inhibitors are disengaged. As such, Appelhof spends most of his time in quiet contemplation or mandatory training regimes. When the neogens call, he is activated, joins up with his team and heads out on serious black ops. Neogen ops involve containing cosmic horrors, responding to potential dimensional fatigue events, counter-insurgency, and eliminating rogue assets. 

Yuna is a typical looking Amero-Nipponese woman, with a pale complexion, shoulder length dark brown hair, almond shaped eyes, and a slim figure. She avoids uniforms, military equipment, and technological devices, for personal reasons. She favors casual clothing, and if armed, she carries a standard issue light pistol, a class of weapons she is highly skilled at using. She enjoys poetry, music, and art, so long as it is serene, or zen in nature.

A spiritualist/animist from Nippon, Yuna Aoki is a phenometrically augmented Amero-Nipponese woman, engineered to have the best physical features of both races. Having survived a catastrophic dimensional fatigue event in Tokyo II, Yuna erupted as a powerful parapsychic with an emphasis on manipulating astral and dimensional entities. The young woman demonstrated the stunning ability to summon and control {7690|Spirits] and the take control of manifested entities as the situation presented. Deemed a psychic controller, Aoki was attached to a Nipponese Rapid Response Team, and eventually defected from Nippon when she learned that rather than preventing disasters, the RRTs were being used to clean up entirely predictable and often deliberate events. Since then, she has be a high ranking parapsychic asset to New Themyscira.

Yuna fled Nipponese control during a mission in the Republic of California. She a small group of like minded dissenters commandeered a small VTOL craft and made their way across Mexico to New Themyscira where they requested sanctuary. No longer involved in black ops, Yuna is a ranking Amazon working as both a Priestess of the Temple of the Faith, but also as a Parapsychic and Dimensional Science researcher. She retains her skills, and is a competent fighter with melee weapons, but excels with pistols, demonstrating her ability as both a Gun Adept and a cosmic horror summoner and controller. She would like to be a musician, but doesn't have the time to pursue this goal, and her grounding in Nipponese Ska-Pop renders her taste in music disagreeable to most of her Amazon companions.

Skills, Abilities, and Bonuses
Parapsychic - dimensional manipulation
Dimensional manipulation is a rare and highly valued manifestation of parapsi ability. After erupting after the Tokyo II DFE, Yuna was quickly taken into custody and pressed into the PacRim Coalition's Rapid Response Team system. Her abilities allow her to sense the presence of a dimensional fatigue event, as well as creatures an anomalies spawned from it. In the case of lifeforms, she can use her power to manipulate and even bring them under her control. In a typical engagement, she will find the most powerful aberrant present to control, and use it as a shield, and a warhound for the rest of the team. She is rightly terrified of finding a cosmic horror that is able to recognize the conduit she creates between them to reverse this control, leaving her the puppet of an unknowable monster.

Weapon Adept
Yuna can bend the trajectory of bullets in mid-air, allowing her to pull of incredible shots and feats of accuracy. She doesn't have a powerful weapon, but she finds the light pistol round is perfect for her level of skill and ability. She can put the round between armor plates, into weak points like eyes, nostrils, gills, thermal ports, etc.

Public Relations
Formerly a sale associate and amateur musician, Yuna can handle dealing with people, acting as a team leader, coordinating group activities, and can play a number of synth-instruments as well as sing and compose song and poetry.

In the Beginning
Zechariah Huxley was the least likely alpha male progressing through the private education system. He was not athletic, wasn't involved in any of the sports programs, and wasn't even all that interested in girls and being popular, but somehow, he still was. ZEX was an outspoken progressive pacifist who was strongly opposed to the militarization of the police, inhumane border actions, and foreign adventurism. He was a leader in the Student Council, and inexplicably made things like the Science Club exciting. 

The problem for ZEX was that the entire system wasn't made to advance humanity, or even something as small as the local school system, it was static. To the system, outliers were undesirable, and that meant those who excelled too much were just as bad as those who engaged in criminal behavior or lagged so far behind they damaged the aggregate scores of the school. He was politely rebuffed the first few times he hit this barrier, and more firmly the harder he pushed against it.

Psychotronics and Anthropotronics 
ZEX decided that the problem was more than systematic, it was the people of the system who reinforced it, and refused to let it change, because change disrupts things. These administrators and local representatives and national organizations profited by refusing and fighting change. The answer to this was quite simple to him, he had to literally change minds, and not through simple charisma and persuasion, but through the application of technology.

Huxley entered Gagarin Orbital University, where he majored in applied arcanotechnology with an emphasis on psychotronic technologies and cognitive anthropotronics. This was a matter of concern to many of his associates, as Huxley immigrated to the Eurasian Alliance to enter their education system, rather than to follow a path of higher learning in his native Atlantic Federation. His reasons were simple, the AtFed universities largely followed a theoretical or rhetorical approach to cutting edge arcanotech, requiring years of undergrad work before even being allowed in the same facility as a teaching device. In contrast, Neo-Soviet schools threw first year students directly into hands on arcanotech work. Huxley wanted to be a pioneer in the field, not a student spending four years composing theses and working as an uncompensated intern for academcia or selling himself out to a private corp training facility.

The Nowak Incident
Huxley graduated from Gagarin Orbital in two years, a near unprecedented feat. After this, he continued his education at the Universitet Kulak Mozgov, near the Crimean Peninsula. This facility handled exotic tech, and had a regular influx of goods imported from the Silk Road, including Brotherhood tech and gear. While his peers were still in undergrad, writing papers about the works of dead arcanologists like Ashpool and Case, Huxley was designing tech and reverse engineering nearly alien devices. 

The Nowak incident occurred after the independent freighter ISS Nowak de-orbited and crashed near the Moldovan border. Normally the wreck of a dilapidated independent junk guild ship would be of nothing more than local interest, higher ups in the Neo-Soviet intelligence community knew that the ship was a clandestine research and cargo ship operated by a shell corporation and that it likely belonged to the AtFed Black Science Division. This started a race to reach the hulk first, one the Neo-Soviets won handily, as the ship was in Eurasian territory. 

The Battle of the ISS Nowak has been reported as a furious gun battle between survivors from the ship and ground level raiders looking to loot the wreckage, nothing more. This is a massively fabricated lie. There were no human survivors on the Nowak, just a handful of erupted parapsychics who were in full burn, completely out of control, and were the cause of the wreck. Neo-Soviet forces attempted to contain and suffered heavy loses. Additional forces advanced, including the Sevastopol Heavy Guard, elements of the Kremlin Battalion, an the widely feared Chernobyl Battalion were engaged. This escalation of force triggered a diplomatic incident as a pair of Atlantic Federation Reflex teams performed an orbital drop to the site with the intent of securing or destroying the data core of the Nowak. Both teams were quickly isolated and requested emergency reinforcements, triggering the activation of the Federation 1st Marine Striker Battalion as well as aerospace assets from orbit, and ships available in the area. 

It was assumed by AtFed military planners that this show of aerospace force would cause the Neo-Soviets to take a knee and surrender the Nowak despite it being clearly in Eurasian territory. This was not the case, as the Neo-Soviets revealed their ace, the recently completed Drakonov anti-ship missile system. The twelve ton missiles had attributes in common with aerospace fighters, and over the course of the engagement, they fired nineteen of them. The Federation lost no ships, but two responding ships were scrapped after the event, and eleven others suffered damage ranging from cosmetic to crippling. The worst casualty of the event was the AFS Gascony, a medium aerospace carrier. It was the largest ship in the AtFed responder fleet, and suffered several hits, lost launch capability, and suffered serious casualties. 

The ground situation worsened as the denizens of the Nowak managed to summon allies from the Silk Road, including Noddite and wastelanders with some 'interesting' weaponry. This was the turning point, as ZEX was present with the Sevastopol heavy guards, and was very close to the actual fighting, including seeing the rogue parapsychics dictating the pace of battle from within the hulk of the Nowak. ZEX had brought a psychotronic emitter, a functional mind scanner and potential mind control device. ZEX used it, fearing for the fate of humanity as the gathered forces were caught fighting along territorial alliances and not against the common threat of the rogue parapsychics. He did some dangerous and questionably things, the least of which was connecting the emitter console to the electronics system of a Chernobyl brigade support ship. It's power magnified by the carry-all ZEX was able to generate a emotional manipulation field large enough to overlap over half of the battlefield. 

The resulting Nowak Incident saw the ground forces of the three formerly hostile factions ally with each other, and gather their collected might against the parapsychics. The bombardment lasted 90 seconds, a wave of Drakanov missiles, Federation naval artillery, and ground force indirect fire reduced the Nowak to shattered pieces, and then the surviving Federation Reflex team lead the charge taking the fight to the rogues. Backed by wastelander exotic weaponry, Neo-Soviet armor and determination, and the guidance of ZEX as the controlled, two of the three parapsychics were slain. The third managed to survive and to escape. The being managed to levitate and fled to a waiting Federation frigate, which boosted into orbit, out of the range and jurisdiction of the Alliance.

The Cost of Nowak
The first price Huxley faced was a long period of medical recuperation from injuries and radiation exposure. His hair fell out, and he was in a period of psychological trauma. As a lifelong pacifist, he had been abhorrent of violence, and while connected to the psycho emitter, he had been immersed in and fully aware of the emotional and psychic soup of adrenaline, fear, and other emotions of sentient beings involved in life and death struggle. It had contaminated him, corrupted his psyche, and caused him to erupt as a latent parapsychic himself, one with a strong affinity for technopathy and technomancy.

ZEX struggled after the Nowak incident, and was decorated by the Eurasian Premier, the EuroZone President, and the leaders of three wasteland countries that had been involved in the event in his role for preventing a category five dimensional fatigue event, stopping two rogue units, and ending the fighting between the rival factions. Without his intervention, most leaders knew that diplomatically actions would have to have reprisals and repercussions, which would include what would be tantamount to World War V.

After Huxley recovered, he left the Eurasian Alliance, but retained his citizenship. The repatriation process was difficult as there were serious concerns about his loyalties and lingering effects from the incident. Federation black ops were also concerned because Huxley very likely scanned the third escaping parapsychic and has classified level information from him. This said, they were not able to justify the effort to block him.

Huxley called in favors and leveraged his acumen in arcanotech to set up his own corporation, ZexTech. This company was built to produce and distribute psychotronic communication technology, anthropotronics peripheral devices, and backing a large number of dream tanks and research accelerators to farm out lots of his tech inspirations. This quickly grew into a major corp, on the verge of making the leap from regular corp to a megacorp, a dangerous period when such companies frequently fall prey to being devoured by the existing mega and hypercorps.

ZexTech and the Presidency
ZexTech survived and rose to megacorp level by consolidating daughter companies grown from Huxley's side projects including cutting edge energy interests, media interests, and the surprise private military contractor Alpha Complex. While interested eyes were following Huxley and his personal ventures, he had spun off L/AI personality clones and proxies carry out a massive covert military industrial build up, with Alpha Complex being a large shipyard, and a subsidiary producer of mecha and aerospace components, specializing in powerplants, energy weapons, and L/AI combat computers. 

During this period, a span of just over a decade, Huxley consolidated his social influence, and started using anthropotronics to sway people to side with him, garnering him quiet support. This allowed him to get the critical control and votes he needed and managed to claw his way from obscurity to a chancellor in the Atlantic Federation, gaining a populist seat in the EuroZone. A term mediating disputes and bringing peace and stability to the region made him popular among the influential megacorps and the military, leaving both to profit without any sort of heavy handedness from his office. When after four years he made a move for the Presidency of the entire Atlantic Federation, he won handily.

Major Apocalypse and ZEX
Early in President Huxley's term he learned about the cognocracy that governed the Federation, and the various super intelligences that actually made the serious decisions. This was something he suspected and he managed quite well considering his proficiency with technomancy. The real shock came when Huxley discovered the truth about the Nowak and the rogue parapsychic. He was a Federation elite asset and while he had been building a corporation and a career, the rogue had returned to base, surrendered, and was reinstated to the Federation's Office of Clandestine Operations, more commonly known in inner circles as the Pit. 

Major Apocalypse is a mandarin class parapsychic, and is technically in permanent burn, but this state is controlled through a combination of routine injections of parapsychic inhibitors, mood altering drugs, and sedatives. Even in this reduced state, Maj. Apocalypse is a powerful and dangerous agent, and one considered a barely controlled waiting liability to the Federation, and is being held in reserve until something horrible enough appears for him to be unleashed on. Huxley felt the buried fury, the psychic echoes of the men and women who died facing Apocalypse and his siblings. He decided it was his personal duty to see that the Major was destroyed and the programs that created him and the others were taken offline.

ZEX, Apocalypse, and the Secret Schism War 
The Secret Schism War is a clandestine shadow war that existed between the executive branch of the Federation government, the Pit and the Office of Clandestine Operations, and the forces arrayed between the two factions. This war was by default carried out in extreme secrecy, with the OCO working to discredit and see Huxley removed from office or disgraced, jailed, or outright assassinated. They could not unleash their full arsenal, because doing so would reveal them. Likewise, Huxley and his allies worked to slash the funding, disband OCO friendly departments, and ferret out OCO moles through the executive. 

One of the tools in the war was the deliberate unleashing of dimensional fatigue events and a tactic called zooterrorism, the manifestation or release of non-terrestrial lifeforms for the purpose of inflicting damage. This is a dangerous game as manifested organisms are uncontrolled, for plausible deniability, and turn on any lifeforms around them. This came close to tipping things in the favor of Huxley as some of the manifestations and incidents stressed Major Apocalypse and the rest of his Reflex Team to the limit, killing a number of them and injuring the Major more than once. This war came to a head with the release of a category 2 magnagog code-named Magnacorn. This beast manifested as a highly mobile thirty ton armored meta-mammal with high destructive power and rapid regeneration. Major Apocalypse suffered severe injury in the process of killing the rhino like beast, and spent an extended period in recovery. 

President Huxley barely won an unprecedented second term, and was able to claim a number of victories against foreign aggression, internal dissent, and following the near complete wipe of Reflex Team K, major advances in the Schism War. While the economy of the Federation prospered during this time, the increase of incidents, reckless use of arcanotech, and a number of foreign incidents demonstrated the reduced capacity of the OCO and its Reflex Teams. This allowed some international terrorist factions to gain power, but without the aegis of the Federation, many international powers for law and order also rose to the challenge, such as the outward push from New Themyscira, the reinforcement and growth of Sigma Blue, and similar local level operations.

President Huxley made a visit to the classified Verhoeven Planetary Observatory, a deep system telescope designed for scientific purposes but more commonly used to track pan-solar ship traffic. This proved to be a setup and a repaired Major Apocalypse and a team of miscreants were waiting for Huxley and Navy 1 to arrive. What occurred is a matter of conjecture but Navy 1 was destroyed, and both of her escorts were severely damaged. Verhoeven was deorbited and crashed to the surface of the Moon. Major Apocalypse met Huxley with the intent to kill him in hand to hand combat, but the presence of the Mandarin level Major caused Huxley's own parapsychic powers to flare as well. Demonstrating technokinesis, paramagnetism, and technomancy, Huxley assembled a mecha sized suit around himself, made from the wreckage of the station and the ships, and fought the Major in hard vacuum.

The death of Major Apocalypse and the elimination of Reflex Team K struck the OCO a decisive defeat, and several deadman contingencies were activated, triggering a scorched earth scourging of the Federation Intelligence branch and the castigation of dozens of individuals within those organizations. The Executive was also weakened, but to a lesser extent, especially once Huxley returned from orbit, and finished his recuperation. He resigned from the presidency, claiming the attempt on his life left him unable to carry out his duties, and taking into account the death of the next two members of the government in line for the presidency, he was allowed to name one of the Federation zone chancellors to stand in his stead. Quite to everyone's surprise, he selected an AfroZone pro-peace pro-globalist chancellor to finish the last seven months of his last term.

The ZEX suit that Huxley assembled he took to Alpha Complex, so that it could reverse engineered and whatever secrets were cold welded into its frame could be discovered. Huxley found himself more comfortable inside the suit, and spent resting time inside the frame, and retreated from the public eye like Howard Hughes. Tensions remain as there are still elements of the Schism War active in the Federation, some want to restore the OCO to it's Major Apocalypse levels, and others who want to see the Executive brought back to its pro-military isolationist stance.

Huxley is a combination of political statesman, mad scientist, and traumatized parapsychic. He has a powerful megacorp at his beck and call, large amounts of money, loyal men, and connections across the solar system. He can as easily be a patron, supporting clandestine work, or a morally gray antagonist the PCs have to slowly hunt down. 

Huxley is a globalist, and seeks friendly terms and eventual alliances between the Federation and its nearest rivals, the Pacific Rim Coalition and the Eurasian Alliance, and is actively working towards improving the relations between the Federation and the ACPS. He is likewise anti-arcanotech and anti-parapsychic, and only continues working with these tools because one is the best weapon to face tech gone wrong, and he's contaminated by the other.

Finally, Huxley is a God-Killer, the sort of character waiting in the wings for when something comes along that the existing response system isn't able to handle. He has since rebuilt ZEX, refining it past being made of junk and into a fully functional combat system. He has integrated many of the psychtronicweapons he created into the frame and uses it as a way to route and control a warzone, and moving everything under his command.

Armor and Items

Aggro is a cocktail of vasopressin, testosterone, caffeine, and synthetic endorphins. Snorting an Aggro tab gives the user a rapid rush of euphoria and a generally sense of fearlessness and invulnerability. Mercenaries and shadowrunners will use Aggro when facing daunting tasks, such as BASE jumping into a firefight, or charging into a melee in the middle of a Dimensional Fatigue Event. 

Aggro is a completely legal, but restricted substance. It is marketed to private security and security contractors, as well as certain segments of the military. It is typically marketed as 'Balls' in a tab, or instant courage, turning meek men into raging action heroes. 

For those adverse to the drug culture tab snorting aspect, Aggro is also being made available in other forms, including an 'Energy Shot' 1 ounce shooter, a chewable gum like substance, and a hypodermic spray.

For long term use, there is a continuous release body patch. Use of this should be carefully monitored, misuse or extended use can cause health problems.

Crash period afterwards, lethargy and pain sensitivity. Many treat this with painkillers or chemical distractants like alcohol. 
Aggro regular users are very likely to develop addictions to painkillers or alcohol.

Anti-social behavior from excess testosterone in the bloodstream. 

Female users can develop excess body hair and see changes in their menstrual cycle.

Male users can develop low testosterone as their body drops its own production due to overabundance of synthetic testosterone. This can cause a reduction in body hair, loss of muscle mass, decreased sex drive, and a decrease in genital size.
Last edited by Skaldia on Wed Dec 22, 2021 5:29 pm, edited 19 times in total.
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Founded: Jun 30, 2013

Postby Skaldia » Wed Sep 24, 2014 9:25 am

Armor and Items Cont.

The first Agonizer was developed and marketed as a behavior modification tool. It functioned much like a shock collar on a dog. If the device detected a proscribed activity, it would deliver a painful shock to the wearer. It was engineered to help people avoid bad habits such as drinking, smoking, or eating to excess. It proved unpopular with its intended audience. Military, psy-ops, and intelligence agencies.

Pain is Cheap
The true Agonizer is a device, typically attached to the chest, and linked to the gesund auf of the user. The device can then measure the biofeedback of the pain it is inflicting and adjust. This prevents the device from killing the user, but also prevents the user from developing a tolerance to the pain the device inflicts. With tech synchronization, the Agonizer can be linked to the CogNet, allowing outside agencies to access the device and control it. 

Cheap has be regarded as a primitive and not particularly effective as a means of controlling people. That might be true, but pain is cheap, and the means of inflicting it are many. The agonizer, that's a cheater's tool. It takes the torturers art and gives it to a machine. 

Agonizer Users
The Penal system has found the agonizer a great tool for controlling unruly inmates. This is not done in the first world nations like the Atlantic Federation or the Pacific Rim Coalition, but in second and third world nations, this is much more common. Agonizers aren't grafted onto common and petty criminals, they are reserved for political dissidents, terrorists, and members of oppressed minorities and factions. The one upside to having an agonizer is that the device is tied to a health monitor, so inmates with these devices are seldom abused by guards or other prisoners, for fear of being caught in the act.

Interrogators, both police and intelligence agents, have used agonizers to interrogate prisoners. This is seldom done in a brute fashion, but rather as an accessory in breaking a person so that they will divest whatever knowledge they have. Confessions are considered useless, but most questioners are looking to either convert the victim to their side, or to gain concrete intel. This is questionable at best, as many will say anything to make the pain stop, even if it means creating elaborate lies or complete falsehoods. This is almost completely unheard of in first world nations. It is much easier to use a brain hacking AISC to gather intel from a victim than to rely on centuries old pain application techniques. Criminals and organized crime syndicates are more likely to use these devices for this purpose, along with dictatorial and totalitarian regimes in the 3rd world.

Conscription and criminal based military units will use a variant of the agonizer to keep their soldiers in place. Half of training involves military tactics and weapons, the other half is being abused and terrorized into staying at their posts and in their units. Such units have very low morale, high suicide rates, and other cohesion problems, but then such units are typically used as meat shields for regular army units.
In countries where clones are considered sub-human, it isn't uncommon to find them fitted with these devices. Should a clone threaten a resident, or simply inconvenience them, they can inflict pain on the clone for their transgression. Such things are considered barbaric, and are generally limited to offworld colonies and habitats associated with secondary or tertiary global powers.

The Pleasurizer

By simple inversion, an agonizer can be configured to induce an orgasmic state. While this might seem highly desireable, in practice it becomes a much more sinister and negative thing. By removing human contact, emotional connections, and even basic dignity, the victim of the pleasurizer loses their desire for or appreciation of intimacy. Those who have been fitted with the rare pleasurizer often are interrupted doing involved tasks, or are forced to into dangerous situations while callous spectators watch, with their fingers on the trigger. The push button orgasm seemed like a fun idea until it was used while the victim was trying to walk across a balance beam above a pool of sharks. He shuddered, lost his balance, and fell. The next victim in line wept as she was forced to cross the beam, knowing what was coming.

The Euthanizer
The Agonizer has a limiter to prevent the device from killing the victim. The Euthanizer is designed to specifically kill the victim. It is a one shot device, when the signal is sent it forces the victim into a full body seizure and cardiac arrest. If there are medical personnel present, the victim can generally be revived, but only after the Euthanizer is fully discharged. This has seen greater deployment than cranial bombs, as it requires much less surgery, is much less expensive, and many victims of headpoppers have gone against their orders simply because it is a quick and painless death. The Euthanizer is a much slower, much more painful death.

One would hardly consider bio-gel, that seemingly harmless substance found in gleaming steel and glass tanks, so similar to mother's own womb fluid, to be something of rather stark horror. It seems rather fitting in our cold and callous age that we birth our children and soothe our wounds in the refined viscera of what amounts to abominations in the eyes of God and a living crimes against humanity.
You could tell everyone the truth and the stock value wouldn't drop an inch.

Amnion is a liquid that is as vital to the health, genetic modification, and reproductive industries as oil was to the Petroleum era. It comes in a number of grades, which have a wide variety of uses.

Red Amnion, also raw amnion, or red honey. Red Amnion is unrefined, and is typically the cheapest available. It is also the lowest grade material and once given a basic filtering, is used for cloning operations, filling artificial wombs so that embryos inside them can develop into fetuses and then children.

Amber Amnion, or bio-gel, is the most common application of the substance and is found in the health and medical industry where it is used to culture organs, and used in immersion tanks to accelerate healing. This technology has lessened the impact of burns, and allowed more burn victims to live better lives, some walk away without any indicator that they survived a serious burn. Reproductive services, similar to cloning, but for individuals who don't want or cannot physically bear children use amber amnion. The red amnion would work almost as well, but there is a certain status and appearance that is required of such higher end operations. There are a number of variations of amber amnion, and these are typically dyed specific colors for trade and copyright reasons. The UAC's biotech division uses a distinctive blue-green amnion, while OCP favors an antiseptic minty green color.

White or Blue Amnion is the highest level of amnion refinement, and correspondingly, the most expensive. In very small amounts, this substance is used in culturing vaccines, genetic modification therapies, and is an integral part of longevity treatments. Most denizens of the Cosmic Era hold white amnion in the same stratospheric category as hypercars, megayachts, $10,000 bottles of wine.

How it's Made
Most people assume that amnion is made in a refinery, or something similar. Given that most things in the Cosmic Era are heavily recycled, or made on an as needed basis by polyforges, this is a rather forgivable misunderstanding. The corporations that manufacture the stuff do everything they can to make sure that the fewest possible people know how amnion is made, and where it actually comes from. The primary source of amnion is extraction from placental simulacra. Farms of simulacra are held in highly secure areas where the entities are kept in a state of incubation, while being tapped for their birthing fluid. The potential chimera they are gestating are typically destroyed well before birth to protect the simulacra from being torn apart and eaten by it's monstrous progeny, the biomass is either rendered down and fed back to the simulacra or is separated for synthesis into other pharmaceutical products.

Actual amniotic fluid can be synthesized into Amnion but it is expensive, both in terms of collecting amniotic fluid from pregnant women, and in the process of enriching it to Amnion standards. There is generally a 95% loss rate associated with this form of production, requiring twenty units of human amniotic fluid to make one unit of Amnion. This is not a popular method of gathering the material.

Lilith - buried in a geofront near Tokyo II, Lilith is a lobotomized, immobilized, and sedated teratomorph. The creature is vaguely and frighteningly humanoid in shape. It is technically female, and is held in technological and chemical bondage, it's body is used for scientific experiments for Nippon's teratotechnologies megacorporations. The teratomorph constantly 'bleeds' out a stream of red amnion which is collected and provides all of Nippon's Amnion needs, and the surplus is sold internationally.

The torpedo traced a lightning quick course, 114 kilometers from test firing rig to the target, a 14 ton piece of space debris. The warhead contained ten micrograms of it's classified fuel, enough to completely annihilate the target ten times over. Four seconds from launch to target, the proximity switches activated, 500 meters from the target. Implosion detected inside the Austerhagen device. Gravitational sheering detected, Hawking radiation detected. Explosion radius expanding at just over the expected rate of growth. Gravitation flux detected along the outer shell of the blast.

The Mighty Higgs Particle
The discovery of the Higgs Bosun in the 21st century was a seed that would take centuries to bear fruit. For generations sci-fi writers had bandied about gravitons and gravitics as a handwave technology to explain how futuristic spaceships could ignore inertia and gravity in space. At the same time, scientists would vigorously refute such things as nonsense. This would continue with greater vigor after the discovery of the Higgs bosun, up through the end of the Petroleum Era. When the shooting started, interest in sci-fi literature and exotic theoretical particles predictably dwindled.

During the Second Renaissance, interest in exotic things rebounded, and the Higgs was one of the first grabbed after. There were failures, like the Singularity plant, but even things like this pushed the programs forward. Scientists and arcanotechnicians learned more about manipulating the Higgs bosun and Higgs fields. This created a number of fantastic technologies.

Gravitronics: the long time plaything of science fiction, gravitronics are the civilian and industrial applications of gravity manipulation. The most common uses are fixing gravity in spaceships and space stations, replacing the need for centripedal force gravity generation and the associated rotating rings and hammer arms on ships and stations. It also includes the creation of the A-Pod. The Anti-gravity Pod was a major revolution in propulsion technology, in many places replacing spinning rotors, wheels, and combustion/incandescent drive systems.

Higgs Particle Cannon: one of the highest energy weapons developed, HPCs look and function like high power lasers, but are much more devastating, having both high energy and significant knock down power. The output of HPCs are measured in kilo, mega, and gigatons. The smallest Higgs cannons are mounted on large mecha and have destructive potential in the 1 to 5 kiloton range. These 'big guns' are typically used for bunker busting, anti-mecha, and anti-warship operations. Space mecha and aerospace craft favor NPCs over lasers, due to their considerable damage potential. Megaton HPCs are mounted on capital warships, such as the Federation's self named Federation class Battlestars and battlecruisers, or the Seibertronian's Arche class heavy cruisers. These weapons have destructive potential in the 2 to 10 megaton range. The second incarnation of the Obliteratrix replaced the theoretical molecular disrupter weapon with a 1 gigaton HPC. It is estimated that the blast radius of the 'Zeus Cannon' would be almost 60 kilometers across, with lessening blast damage reaching out another 50 kilometers (140-160 km air blast diameter) Wildfires and thermal burns would be inflicted beyond this range, reaching out to a maximum diameter of almost 400 kilometers from the point of impact. The Tycho Convention last session limited HPC yield to 10 megatons, and that was an inescapable concession to the weapons the Federation already had in place.

Black Hole Bombs: the slang term for a Higgs Bosun Implosion device, or an Austerhagen warhead. Developed by the Austerhagen Initiative, the weapon generates a short duration naked singularity. This is achieved by converging three Higgs beams into a lump of classified 'hypermatter'. There is a subatomic collapse, the Higgs beams destablize the hypermatter, and it's mass turns in on itself in a gravity cascade. There are a few more technological steps, all which happen in fractions of a second. The end result is a weapon that takes a massive bite out of creation, and destroys it. The warhead is becoming increasingly popular due to both it's massive destructive potential, and it's limited collateral damage. There is almost no armor that can resist this class of weapon, and it is a non-explosive. There are no radiation spikes, no blast waves, no fireballs. There is a flash of light, from the formation of a millisecond event horizon and micro-accretion disc, and a burst of X-ray radiation, and then the area of affect is simply gone, evaporated into Hawking radiation.

Corrosion Torpedo - an increasingly common and dangerous weapon, corrosion torpedoes are smart weapons designed for anti-ship warfare. They are fairly large and have a demi-sentient control system, micro-fusion reactor to power the drive system and the austerhagen device, smart tracking and ECM systems. These weapons are expensive, tantamount to firing a fully kitted out variable frame aerospace fighter at a target, but with a much higher damage potential. Operation Jawbreaker was the testing phase for the corrosion torpedo, and a number were used to destroy asteroids or target ships as proof of concept.

The Austerhagen Device, with a capital D is the proverbial and literal self-destruct system and is being investigated as a fail safe for special containment protocols and high risk research centers. It has been grudgingly decided that it would be better for a center to be devoured by it's own pocket black hole than have a repeat of the Leviathan or Deimos incidents. These are larger than the devices found in warheads, as they are expected to remove an entire facility and everything inside of it, be it giant insects, a viral outbreak, or the literal agents of Hell climbing out of the Pit. Everything is devoured by the black hole.

There are records in the Imbrian archives of a device called a Nugri Selis'Po, which roughly translates out to hungry seed or hungry egg, and is described as a hand thrown weapon that devours that which it is thrown it. Researchers believe that this is an Austerhagen 'grenade' and was used by the Imbrians as a last ditch or desperate weapon. It seems that there was some sort of suicide attack method in using the the devices as the few times they are mention. It is possible that this was deliberate. Austerhagen devices that detonate in a void have a relatively short lifespan. One that detonates in something with mass can actually persist for an observable amount of time, the more resistant the material is, the longer the singularity will persist. Weaker objects will crumple and be drawn into the event, while stronger ones will have sheering and stress damage, and frequently an almost cookie cutter perfect hole in them.

Usage: The Austerhagen warhead/device is the weapon system that makes the Cosmic Era step back and wonder if it has crossed a line it shouldn't have. The potential devastation of HPCs dwarf the firepower of atomic and nuclear weapons, and the destructive potential of the austerhagen bomb are enough to sober even the most vitriolic warhawk. In the Lovecraftian/anime theme of the Cosmic Era, when the Outer Gods come sloughing into the domain of man, They will be met with the brilliant lances of Higgs particle cannons and black hole tipped missiles.

What is a Bioforge
The Bioforge is a pinnacle piece of technology that combines the basic structure of a med-pod with the human engineering capabilities of a cloning facility. This will never replace dedicating cloning systems, as the Bioforge only operates on a single body at a time, and there is no way to engage in an economy of scale, as the forge itself is not a cheap or simple piece of machinery. The bioforge also has all of the same capabilities as a cosmetologist and their gene editing facilities. 

What does it do?
A person is placed inside the bioforge, which closes around them iron maiden or sarcophagus style, and the system is activated. The person inside is biologically changed to fit the desired parameters as inputted at the control console. The first uses of the Bioforge were benevolent. New limbs could be literally print/grown from the site of amputation, critical and lethal wounds could be repaired all but automagically. Damaged organs could be replaced quickly.

Full Body Restoration - so long as the central nervous system was intact and biologically active, a bioforge could restore the entire body to normal functioning status. This does take time, energy, computing power, and biomass to accomplish, but it is fully effective. Even hosts with brain damage can be brought back, though the portions of the brain that are restored are not going to retain whatever information they held, so there will be gaps and memory loss, and the restored person will have to go through therapy as any stroke victim might.

Full Body Rejuvenation - like taking a car to be rebuilt, this basically rebuilds the host body, reducing the effects of age, illness, scars, and other infirmities. While it can dramatically increase lifespan, it doesn't deal with the eventual deterioration of the brain itself, only it's physical structure.

Full Body Alteration - this can radically change the body of the host, including gender, installing a full body bio-pattern, or reducing a series of genetic modifications to a single session in the bioforge.

The Implications of the Bioforge
Like any human invention, the true effects of the bioforge don't come from what it can do, but from who and how it is used. The Bioforge is an incredibly complicated and sophisticated machine, one not found in many places. The people who have these devices are the upper tier of medical megacorps, and the research organizations and agencies that have the money to afford such things. This means that there aren't bioforges in the top floor of even black hospitals, such a medical group might own a single such device, across it's various locations and cities. Even with med-pods, and surgical robots, and nursing droids, the demand for medical care outstrips the supply. In some instances the shortage is intentional to keep the service as a commodity, but in the case of the Bioforge, it is a real limitation.

What is biological autonomy?
Biological autonomy is the legal status of self ownership, and self determination, and that a person, regardless of debt or obligation, is their own master, and they make their own decisions, such as are afforded to them. One of the implications of the Bioforge is the removal of biological autonomy. With it's ability to genetically modify and engineer a person, that person can be fully and completely changed against their will, even to the point of their will and psyche being altered, violating their biological autonomy.

Homogenization - also known as gentling, clonifying, and dolling, homogenization removes most of the persons identifying characteristics, rendering them down to a perfectly normal, perfectly bland, perfectly average human being. They are de-gendered, de-sexualized, and have their brain chemistry altered to be servile, meek, and to be highly avoidant to confrontation. The reasons why this was created are highly questionable and not really answerable, but the most common victims of homogenization are serial criminals, dissidents, and test subjects, not always willing. Once biologically stripped, these dolls were easy to handle, and well suited to servitude and abuse. They are a flagrant violation of the Tycho convention article over creating sub-humans.

Pleasure Slave - the host is rendered to be a highly if unremarkably attractive member of their gender, with enhanced sexual traits, and similar hormone modifications to render them almost identical to a meretrix sex clone. This creates trophy spouses, populates harems, and otherwise turns normal people into objects.

Hit the Paste Button - this function turns the host into a body double from a scanned template. This is useful for spies, bodyguards, political stand ins, and so forth, but it is more commonly used to create cookie cutter people, emulating the appearance of a specific person or an ideal person. 

Existential Violation
The Bioforge can repair wounded warriors, replace faulty organs, and give a normal life to crippled people. It can also be used to rip a person's very biological identity away from them, turning their body into something that is not their own. With fairly strong autocratic central powers in the Cosmic era, from machine orchestrated nations to megacorps helmed by near corpses clinging to life via elaborate machines, the possibility of being run through a human panini maker and being popped out as a drone or toy or pet is a frightening reality. 

In the old days, everyone had to rely on face value, racial profiling, data mining, enhanced interrogation, requisitioning records, and other manual methods of gathering information. A person in a medical emergency was at the mercy of a vast inefficient bureaucracy. A victim of an accident or a crime was vulnerable until another person witnessed their situation, or someone just stumbled across them. The gesund auf changed a degree of this, a person's medical and personal information could be instantly accessed by someone with a scanner. A person in a medical crisis or in the middle of accident could ping for assistance. But these remained limited.

Thus was born the field of bio-telemetry, biotelemtrix. This technology creates a live time feed of biometric information.

The Bio-telemetric device is a relatively simple tool. The biotelemetric device links to the user's gesund auf device to their personal accessory network, and even to Bio-Monitoring security services.

Biotelemetrix are increasingly used as Identification Devices. This is increasingly accepted as a form of security clearance. People with registered units can use them to walk through security checkpoints, or ticketed events, and so forth. This eliminates the need to keep up with tickets, passes, letters of access, and so forth.

Med-Alert companies monitor the health of their clients. This ranges from mundane health screenings and monitoring to crisis intervention. This can be as simple as alerting a person to if they are becoming sick, or activating emergency medical assets in case of a medical crisis. Med-Alerts can also help in disaster scenarios tracking victims and missing people.

Security monitoring companies and anti-crime computer systems use biotelemetrix to track criminal activity in urban areas. This allows for law enforcement and security agencies to respond to criminal and terrorist activities.

Data collection services will gather information from biotelemetrix and use them to supply advertisers and other companies that use such information. This is traditionally nothing more than getting biofeedback from people watching ads, using certain products, or general info in certain time periods.

The practice of cathex hot-linking connects a user's cathex program with their biometric feedback, creating a much faster and much more responsive simulations.

The most common type of biotelemetric unit is a bracelet. This chunky bracelet has adequate space to house it's transponders and regenerative power source, and a nearly microscopic DNA sampler. This prevents someone from stealing and using someone else's ID jewelry. This is the largest type of the device, and the least expensive. Fashion being what it is has made the common bangle type biotelemetric device gauche. This has lead to designers creating alternate versions. The device need not be visible to people since the systems that access it are digital and cognitive.

Biotelemetric Medallion - typically attached to a necklace, the medallion is smaller than the bangle and more discreet. It can be worn as a necklace or around the waist, under clothing. These can be made with an ornamental exterior, a designer slip case.

Biotelemetric Jewel - reduced to minimal size, and relatively high cost. The jewel can be placed in a ring, earring, body piercing, or epidazzle implant.

Exografts are mechanical augmentations that are attached to the body, often hardwired into the nervous system, but most of their bulk is outside the body. The most common exograft is the Exocranial Cyberdeck which is used by high end cybersecurity and CogNet specialists, and by Clone-Drones with artificial brains.

The D-Series Exograft is a stopgap between muscle tracer technology often found in encounter suits, and powered armor suits. The unit is physically grafted to the soldier/victim, anchored to various points on the skeleton, and it is tied into the central nervous system through a cranial probe. This allows for intuitive use, and for the maximum application of mechanical force. The exograft increases the wearer's strength with a negligible decrease in agility and dexterity, and the system, aside from the brain probe, is remarkably cheap. The D9 uses pneumatic pistons and servo motors to augment strength. These technologies are in the Cosmic Era, centuries old, primitive and sometimes simply archaic.

The Kinburg NeuroComp
The Kinburg NeuroComp started life as a Behaviour Modification System used on hardened criminals and uncontrolled parapsychics. The computer, a glorified Biofeedback data processor, mostly interfaces with the limbic system of the brain and responds to major changes in brain chemistry. The Kinburg T99 NeuroComp provides a system of rapid response signals that integrate the D9 hardware with the physical impulses of the wearer.

Wearing a D9 is like having a SmartGun harness hotbolted to your spine, it's effective, but sweet baby Buddha it hurts. I couldn't wait to be unbolted from the damned thing.
Sharko - freelance mercenary

The D series of exograft suits were created with a single purpose in mind, augmenting throw away soldiers. The suits were to be mass produced, convicts and other social outcasts were to be subjected to the equipment and sent to the military to be used as high profile soldiers. The harness made them able to heft heavy weapons, often suited for powered armor suits, while the NeuroComp kept them behaviorally under control. A controlled could often remote access the NeuroComp and 'sleep' a rogue soldier, or simply have their body shut down and kill them. This was considered offensive and the militarized use of prisoners was eventually panned and banned by the SAUR. The SAUR Armed Forces would have to find another way to create expendable soldiers in the future.

The technology was simple and it was discovered that shadowrunners and other special ops types had a limited interest in the system. The main draw was that the D-series was amazingly cheap, even compared to the basement bargain price of the Chemical Augmentation System. Unlike the CAS, the D-series had a certain intimidation factor to it. It looked mean, it looked nasty and there was something about it that made people want to avoid the men and rare women who wore one. Intimidation is it's own weapon, so the suit remained in limited light production.

The entire Exograft concept has serious drawbacks that limit it's value. The biggest flaw in the exograft concept is that the system is both inside and outside of the body, and the points of entry are prone to sores, tearing, and bleeding as flesh and skin move and flex, and metal and plastic do not. This leads to not uncommon infections around the implant sites, as well as a persistent need for painkillers, antiseptic treatments, and antibiotics. These points of contact are also vulnerable points where the system can be damaged or disabled. A good fall in the right direction can damage the NeuroComp, cause software glitches or even take a soldier out of action while the system reboots and attempts to repair its coding.

The mechanical aspect also has flaws. The graft points of the body harness place a large amount of stress on the bones, and can cause bone fatigue and in the case of heavy usage, even cause severe fractures and outright breaks. The suit only enhances strength, it does nothing to augment the basic durability of the human frame. The enhanced strength can be deceptive, and wearers only realize this once they have attempted to pick up something, or throw something and had a bone snap like a twig.

On a cosmetic level, clothing and hygiene are difficult with a D9. Shirts can't be tossed over it, as the system chews them up and they are prone to getting stuck in the sores around graft points. The bare chested look is okay, so long as the weather is agreeable. It is also incompatible with almost all power armors, or operating anything but large civilian use mecha.

Social Stigma
Like the Chemical Augmentation System, there is a social stigma that goes with the D-series. It was designed for convicts, and the NeuroComp is publicly known for controlling lunatics and the worst of the worst criminals. The average exograft user is a low to middle level shadowrunner, willing to do wet work and no questions asked jobs. Thus it is largely assumed that anyone wearing such a suit bolted to their skeleton and jacked into their brain is likewise a low end professional thug.

Chemical addiction, typically painkillers, but other drugs, especially tailored combat drugs, are common. It is not uncommon to see a D-wearer taking painkillers, antibiotics, metabolism boosters, bone health supplements, and militarized drugs like 'Psycho' or 'Jet' to give them the edge in the next go round.

The typical use of the D9 is for last ditch efforts, final shots at glory. The system can be purchased and grafted on in most favela medical units, for the right price. Last jobs, suicide runs, revenge missions, and other jobs typically draw the system in, especially for down and out shadowrunners and mercenaries.

Author's Note: This entire submission was inspired by the harness worn by Matt Damon in the upcoming movie Elysium. I haven't seen the movie, but I did have my interest piqued by the hardware he was wearing and the desperate way it is being used.

Benthic Products 'Brigman' Marine Hardsuit
The Brigman has been in service for years as a marine construction and salvage hardsuit. It is heavily built, and only easily mobile in the water, where it balances out its mass through forced buoyancy and ducted marine thrusters. For years, the suit was used in the construction of seacologies, deep sea habitats, and with modifications and special equipment, marine mining operations. It proved well suited to underwater rescue operations, and salvaging marine wrecks. Benthic Products made a name for itself by building seacologies and salvaging the forests of abandoned drilling rigs and sunken ships in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean sea.

The Brigman is well known for its hulking stature, deep sea reinforcement, and the iconic arm mounted drill. This device, technically a powered melee weapon, is used for rock coring, and for making holes to set marine charges in for demolition. The militarized version of the Brigman, the Coffey, exchanges the mining equipment for a backpack mounted mini-torpedo launcher, marine grenade launcher, and a progressive lance. The Coffey is named for the marine commando Hiram Coffey, who used a marine encounter suit, a progressive knife, and a bracer of grenades to severely damage the South American destroyer 'Rivadavia' which was later destroyed by a surface barrage.

The Brigman/Coffey is not a popular suit, as it is primarily designed for deep sea operations. Comfort is secondary to keeping the pilot alive. The suit is uncomfortable, and given the amount of time an operator can reasonably expect to be in it, it can start smelling bad, and most pilots dislike the fact that unlike more advanced suits, instead of being connected to the suit through a neurolink, they are connected through a waste collection system.

The River Rat Company is a special forces unit equipped with Brigman/Coffey power armors and they are known for spending as long as two weeks inside their power armors, the amount of time it takes them to walk from a drop off point, up a river, and to their targets. The Rats have dropped bridges, performed surgical strikes, and sunk more than a few ships at anchor. The Rats have done most of their work in South America, but have been in operations in Europe and Polynesia as well.

Ed Mastrantonio, a Cuban by birth, is one of the most decorated Brigman/Coffey pilots in the Federation. He has only seen minimal combat, and then in a supporting role. Mastrantonio has done a good deal of search and rescue work, and has saved the lives of dozens of people. While his emergency repair work at the Port-Au-Prince in the Federation Riviera is the most publicly known display, he saved many more lives when he prevented a terrorist launched weapon from hitting the New Miami seacology, sacrificing his life and his suit to stop the rogue weapon.

Business Power Suits
One of the tenet of business is the men of business are present, with their hard eyes, hard handshakes, and suits. They have to be everywhere, and in the Petroleum Era this was easily enough accomplished. The environs of the Cosmic Era have made corporate mucky mucking considerably more difficult and dangerous. It is dangerous for middle managers, project coordinators, regional supervisors, and corp financial inspectors to inspect operations and employees when said operations are underwater, in extreme cold, in space, in extreme heat, or even on other planets. The corporate man can't be seen stumbling around in a hazmat suit, or fighting against a hardsuit, or be seen struggling with the same basic gear that all of their underlings are using. The same goes for remote piloting a drone, or a proxied auton. Such things are spoofable, or subject to pilot error, and then previous attempts to use this tech have failed because the corporate surrogate would be covered in graffiti, or have unlicensed objects attached to it.

The UAC Synth Surrogate program supplied synths for corporate ranking members to use at remote or dangerous UAC facilities and this was problematic from the beginning, as the remote usage caused hostility between the workers and administrators, and culminated with a financial officer in the corp causing several million dollars worth of damage, and causing a number of fatalities at a UAC space facility when he completely lost his cool discovering his corp surrogate had been vandalized and altered so that rather than the desired robotic hardass, he was walking around in a naked female chassis wearing torn lingerie. 

IronCorps Industries
Starting as a small power armor producer, ICI was originally a small sde supplier for the IronCorps paramilitary mercenary group, and gained a good deal of experience in building light, stylish, well made suits that were a far cry from the chunky, blocky, and aggressively military styled power armors that were more common and more popular. Following the retirement of the 42nd Power Armor Corps, ICI was lacking a market and decided to make one. 

The Brisbane/Melbourne Mk II
Officially known as the Brisbane suit, it is more well known as a Melbourne II, and shares a great deal of architecture and design with its predecessor, and in most areas, it is inferior to it, but this is intentional. The Mk II used the most common components ICI had, and the suit that had the most logged hours. Then it was shaved down and reduced. The Mk II has dramatically less armor, a shorter operational endurance, and a lightened chassis. It also is completely unarmed, and lacks the linkages to connect with a smart weapon, and cannot equip any of the military assets that could be linked to a Melbourne. 

What it does have is an improved and secure communications system, a pilot assist system, and a much smarter control system. These were deemed necessary so that a new pilot could step into one and use it with only cursory training, a 15 minute instruction course, as opposed to a six to ten month training regimen. The suit also has improved filtration, and a medical support pack in case the pilot is injured. The most common form of Brisbane user injury is simply falling off of things because of poor spatial awareness and 'corporate arrogance'.

The biggest change between the Brisbane and the Melbourne is the use of what ICI calls a Cinematic Helmet. The helmet has a full face visor, and internal illumination so that the pilot is clearly visible. The voice box on the helmet allows them to have a perfectly clear speaking voice. Finally, the interior of the visor is a fully functional display, and will link to their accessory devices. A corp suit wearer can go completely hands free, and still have full use and access to their devices, including polarizing the visor so no one can see in, letting them sleep, compose themselves, or play a video in relaxation.

The Look
The Brisbane's outer carapace has a number of design options, and all were sourced from, or engineered from, the cut of popular three piece business suits, and many of the carapace pieces are snap in, allowing for color and style changes to be easily carried out. 

It is not uncommon for corp types who have to carry out these remote and dangerous inspections to have several sets of carapace pieces for their suit, changing pieces as they see the need to. Some people respect the fact that a group of corporate professionals have found a way to put a tie on a power armor suit, others consider this a ridiculous piece of vanity.

The Walk
Corp suits are being used, and they are increasing in popularity. While offering only modest protection, there is an undeniable power aesthetic, and if the corporate control module is removed, they are quite cheap to produce. Some corp members have taken to wearing their Brisbane as a normal article of clothing, including wearing them to their own internal meetings, sans helmet. 

Increasing use
The Brisbane is increasingly popular, and once ICI lost the proprietary tech through a combination of shadow runs and others reverse engineering their gear, production of the suit has skyrocketed. Anyone with an industrial or commercial polyforge can make their own main suit components from files, and the non-printable parts are easily gotten, or easily worked around.

Gang-Raiders have been making and cannibalizing as much armor as they can get their hands on. Brisbanes have been introduced on a large scale in the Wastelands by junker forges, modified for sand, radiation, and water retention. The helmets tend to be scavenged, or variants of other ICI light armor helmets. This is often easily overlooked as most gang-raiders already wore masks and helms, and the use of various cloaks made concealing these slim armor suits easy.

Yakuza and organized crime syndicates have readily accepted the Brisbane and equip their enforcers and bodyguards with these suits. While not very useful in military situations, the light armor and force augmentation combined with the prevalence of martial art among various syndicates allows for a single man in a suit to easily overpower a dozen armed men. They are nigh invulnerable to hand to hand damage, and even most conventional firearms have to be at point blank range to penetrate the armor. Shotguns and knives fall into the same category, though a few practitioners of melee weapon martial arts with anti-armor or anti-robot warfare training can disable or kill a suit wearer with skillful aimed attacks.

Law Enforcement has been toying around with Law Enforcement versions of the Brisbane, and ICI has started design work on police model. ICI tentatively wanted to call this the Chicago suit, but the working name, Leo, seems to be sticking more.

The Brisbane is NOT a military suit. It has civilian grade armor, not military grade. As such it is highly vulnerable to military grade weaponry and any sort of armor busting weapon is going to be horrifically effective against the suit. Likewise, it lacks the ability to integrate weapon systems, so everything has to be carried, and there is no SmartGun system for the suit, which makes using said weapons even more difficult, since shouldering a rifle and looking down a scope or iron sights in a full head helmet is more difficult than one might expect.

The basic power cell is a very light model, and is only good for a day of casual use or less than an hour of intense use. This can be worked around with replacement cells, or modification to a larger cell, but the more mods that are carried out, the bulkier the armor becomes, and the less low profile it is

In a technical, scientific, industrial society there comes a point when anything can be made by synthetic or artificial means, removing the original source material. It is easy to overlook this, because it has already happened in the here and now without our notice. Cola flavoring wasn't an artificial melange from the beginning, it was extracted from the khola nut, a plant native to Sub-Saharan Africa. Fast forward a few decades and khola is cola, there's no more cocaine extract, and a beverage once made from tree extracts is a slurry of man-made dyes, synthetic flavors, and artificial sweeteners.

As climate changes and war wracked the globe through the Resource Wars and Second Dark age, there were certain things that people desired but were cut off from. Coffee, tea, and cacao are all tropical tree products, and the places were such things had previously been grown were suffering from desertification, incessant civil wars, raging wildfires, or were caught up between druglords making room for cocaine plants and the agencies invested in defoliation bombing campaigns against them.

CAFFA and the Coffee Shop
The root of Cava would come from CAFFA, a synthetic caffeine substitute that didn't come from coffee producers but energy drink manufacturers. That particular industry had been born from the unwanted congealed lumps of caffeine left over from making decaf coffee, turning a waste product into glassy eyed stares and hand tremors. As the international coffee trade failed, they didn't have access to caffeine waste, so they did their chemistry homework and concocted CAFFA, a fully synthetic caffeine and used it in their energy drinks. Being jacked up on synth juice, they were ahead of the curve, and the energy drink market boomed when coffee all but collapsed.
Their biggest product, a faux coffee laced with heart dangerous levels of CAFFA.

The big breakthrough came when a struggling coffee corp took what they had left and invested it in making artificial coffee. They created a viable substrate, from ground plant matter, impregnated it with CAFFA, artifical flavors, and other taste triggers, creating the first Cava. The material was handled exactly like coffee had, save it came ground. The same machines processed it, and the baristas made the same drinks from it. The initial reception was luke-warm. Cava tastes similar to coffee, it doesn't taste like it.

Money made the final choice, as the average consumer was looking at spending close to $20 for a cup of plain back coffee, and a triple espresso fuzzy mochaccino would cost closer to $50. A cup of hot Cava was fifty cents. A cava espresso, a buck, and a crazy insta-worthy cava based beverage would be a few dollars at most. Real coffee became a luxury, suddenly in the same rarified atmosphere as caviar and black truffles. 

Round Two
CAFFA wasn't done. The success of Cava showed consumer manufacturers a path forward to replace other increasingly expensive and high demand goods. The next to fall to the Frankensteinian molecule would be chocolate.

Dark Age chocolates are considered to be some of the worst products ever made. The amount of cocoa solids decreased, access to cocoa butter and other products faded so swaps were attempted, with some chocolates not legally being food products since they were made with stabilized and hydrogenated petroleum products. It reached it's peak with a product called ChocoNot which killed close to three hundred people, several thousand cases of persistent organ failure, and a class action lawsuit large enough that the CEO in charge of the product opted to blow his brains out rather than be brought into custody.

CAFFA based Cavalote products were launched, replacing the coffee flavorings with artificial vanilla and chocolate aromatics and an animal fat derived 'butter'. The results were similar to the initial launch of Cava, but the Caffa bars slowly gained ground as no one who ate them died, suffered acute kidney or liver failure, or intestine and bowel cancer. Another thing that boosted Caffa bars was their inclusion in military meal kits, and food aid services such as food banks and emergency relief efforts.

Chocolate joined Coffee as an ultimate luxury, something only the wealthiest could afford, or something that remained a rare treat for everyone else. 

Final Round
Caffa was a first world product, and readily available across North America, Europe, and other continents that would come together to form the Atlantic Federation, Pacific Rim Coalition, and Eurasian Alliance. The substance had made its way into coffee, energy drinks, chocolate, and a few other products, gaining market dominance easily. The final resistance came from tea. Long favored in India, China, and all the remnants of the British Empire, it seemed that it couldn't be overtaken by Caffa.
Until it was.

Caffa didn't replace all tea, but it did quickly replace traditional black and orange teas. Green and white teas were considered a niche enough market, and restaurants didn't have an established trade in pouring gallons of white or green to buffet goers. The hot teas came after the replacement of mass produced iced teas, and the tea culture yielded ground slowly. They did eventually, grudgingly, accept caffa based tea, especially once herbal and floral additives were rounded out.

Cuppa became the ambassador brand of fake tea, adopting all the trapping of Pax Britiannia, and mock pompousness.

In Summary:
CAFFA - synthetic caffeine
Caffa - the family of products made with CAFFA to replace their natural sources
Cava - Caffa Coffee
Cuppa - Caffa Tea
Cavalote and Cavcoa - Caffa chocolate and cocoa

Author's Final note
Some of these things are already happening. Hot teas are popular, but increasingly they are not just tea, they are filled out with other plant materials. Fast food restaurants swill out iced tea at a massive rate, and eventually cost and time requirements aren't going to allow them to brew it, and it will become a syrup or similar product dispensed like water or carbonated beverages. I suspect that McDonalds has already done this. Everything is going to become artificial, because the real deal is too time intensive, too expensive to source, and the demand for profit margins doesn't include any financial incentives to keep the places in the world where some things grow green, and the products sustainable.

Chrome makes you Metal!
Superbrands are products that are not just dominant in a region or nation, but are relevant world wide. These products can be found on shelves in nations that are openly at war with each, and most superbrands are associated with a megacorporation. Chrome was initially a beverage company that quickly branched out into other industries, fueled by it's impressive revenues selling energy cocktails and other high end beverages.

There are few things as iconic in the Cosmic era as the common sight of the silver Chrome can. Composed of semi-rigid bioplastic, the can does a very good job of imitating aluminum. The standard Chrome formula is an enriched caffeine extract with synthetic stimulants and enzymes. The beverage is strongly associated with working class people, and with professional computer users. Chrome and Matsutomo teamed up to create the Matsu-Chrome Race team that has gone on to dominate a-pod racing for several years, especially in the vaunted F-Prime series. The Silver a-pod car is commonly seen in advertisements, and generally only the best drivers end up behind it's controls.

Chrome AAA
Chrome comes in varieties, and one of the most popular is Chrome AAA. This is largely the same flavor profile as standard Chrome but it is distinguished by its pink translucent color and the addition of the chemical stimulant adrenochrome. Drinking AAA causes a swift rise in body temperature, a euphoric state, and a feeling of spirituality. Triple A is most commonly consumed by young adults, entertainers in the club scene, and is strongly associated with the porn and sex industry. 

A large percentage of the pornography and HoloPorns created in the Atlantic Federation are either directly created, or receive funding from Chrome, specifically the pink Triple A superbrand. Chrome AAA isn't the only sexually minded energy drink on the market, but it has the largest advertising department and dominance in the media realm. 

A popular concoction made from Chrome AAA involves mixing Chrome AAA with an alcoholic substance and a effervescent hormone contraceptive. The most common name of this drink if the DTF, an acronym that is a reference to being ready and willing to copulate with someone of the opposite gender. The shot is generally effective as both a contraceptive and as an aphrodisiac.

Chrome Spice
Chrome Spice is the dark edgy cousin of the slutty Chrome AAA and pedestrian Chrome classic formula. Spice differs greatly from the standard taste profile, and it tastes differently to each person who tries it. The compounds mixed with the standard caffeines and synthetic caffeines and stimulants have no actual flavor themselves, but instead cause the brain to randomly create flavor profiles. No two cans taste the same. Spice plays with this by having their cans covered with fractal patterns and holographic images that change from moment to moment. Most of the taste profiles have a spicy or sharp flavor, hence the name of the beverage.

Chrome Spice is a mind altering beverage, and can expand sensory perceptions. Where the drinker of classic needs a pick me up and the AAA drinker is looking for sex, the Spice drinker is wanting to speed up their senses, expand the consciousness. This is commonly used by musicians and artists, computer users and cyber hackers wanting every edge they can get in the virtual realm. Spice routinely sponsors online and CogNet events, and the silver and matte orange Chrome Spice logo is well known online.

Chrome Spice also has an unsavory side, it is commonly consumed moments before criminal activities, causing the drinker to become hyper-aware and feeling like they are full of knives and violence, ready to fight or cause chaos.

Chrome +
Sometimes called a Medic in a Can, Chrome + is a mixture of energy drink and fast acting pain killers. Plus is found in small red and white cans, usually small and condensed enough to be knocked back with a single shot. The original use of Plus was for countering the pain that could come from a long night of hard partying. The beverage quickly became a popular pick me up for the working class. A can of Plus after work took the edge off and they were quickly relaxing without energy drink jitters, or the physical ache from a hard day. 

Chrome Plus is a very popular beverage, and is the second best seller, behind it's classic formula. It is also seen as the drink of old people, or a quick fix for more hardcore drug users unable to get a dose of their drug of choice.

Chrome Bars
There are bars and kiosks that serve nothing but Chrome, and Chrome cocktails. These locations tend to be on the seedy side, patronized by the lower stratas of society. It isn't uncommon for these dives to serve beer and hard liquor, but these beverages usually take a back seat to the gaudy displays hawking Chrome. Many Chrome Bars are modular in nature, so that a Chrome Bar in Neo Tokyo, Paris, Johannesburg or Sao Paolo will all look the same, aside from linguistic differences and the ethnicities of the partially or completely naked models in the adverts.

Authors note: Chrome is a take on moloko from A Clockwork Orange. Rather than mixing drugs with milk (so gross) the future will be mixing drugs with energy drinks. The companies that excel will have large amounts of money, with the best modern example being rather obviously Red Bull. 

What is Classified Genetic Material?
Classified Genetic Material is a homeostatic container of biological material that is 'not of this Earth' This container is probably shiny polished steel with some blinking lights, and a temperature readout, and maybe some computer ports on it. The substance inside the container is where the proverbial biomagic is, but also plays a McGuffin role. While the material is important, and probably among the most valuable and expensive substances on the planet, in the hands of a PC it is useless. Opening the container is more likely to contaminate and destroy the sample inside than to release a new strain of super virus, spawn eldritch mutations and the like. At this stage, Classified Genetic Material is pretty much a space holder that can be filled with nuclear launch codes, Secret encrypted documents, or maltese falcons.

What role does Classified Genetic Material play?
CGM can play one of three major roles in a story; McGuffin, Handwavium, and Plot Device. As mentioned above, the McGuffin mode of CGM is that of the objective of the game. The goal is to acquire the cannister and prevent it from falling into baddie hands. Other than this, it is useless as a paper weight. The second role of the material is where it gets interesting. In its role as Handwavium the classified genetic material is a catalyst for building more advanced and alien biotechnologies. 

Human cloning rendered viable by applied CGM
Meta-gene/mutant powers created by using CGM manipulation or gene splicing
Synthetic materials created via biological means, such as trees that extrude plastic pellets, worms that sweat viagra, or ultrastrong steel beams grown from biological colony creatures.
Monsters created from CGM, be it fusing with a human host, contaminating a biosphere and making super animals (insert about 66.6% of SyFy monster movies of the week)
Applications of biotech too frightening or bizarre to be listed here, yet.

And finally, CGM can be used as a plot device. Contrary to the above McGuffin role, the cannister becomes an active item. The contents inside must remain inside, or the cannister must be destroyed in spectacular fashion to ensure the destruction of its contents. This cannister could be holding the alien pathogens that create zombies (and miraculous medical regeneration, but thats still tricky) to a hyperphagic space ameoba, to the remains of the monkey fired into space that is now a host to an infectious energy based lifeform that can become trapped in human nervous systems. Whatever is in inside is some seriously bad stuff. The players main goal is to protect or destroy the object, or in a grim twist deliver it to a target to be released. Zombie outbreak in Beijing? A nuke was a blessing.

The EPSED-1 'Codpiece' is a unique suit of power armor notable for having a pelvis hardpoint. This allows the Codpiece armor to fit a heavy infantry support weapon on the hips of the user, allowing them to provide accurate fire support while leaving their hands free, and the shoulders of the armor clear of gear. 

Other power armors have mounted heavy weapons hard points on the shoulders, which is an effective way to carry larger and heavier weapons, but it does so with a number of problems. The most notable is that the suits can quickly become top heavy, hard to control, and being taller, are easier targets for anti-suit warfare. EPSED decided that mounting the hardpoint on the pelvis would address the center of gravity issues, reduce target cross-section, and considered the entirely phallic appearance of the system a solid selling point.

Common Variants
EPSED-1A (autocannon)
The main advantage of the 1A variant is stopping power and penetration. The 1A mounts a recoil compensated 37.5mm autocannon that is effective against power armor, light vehicles, and defeating most non-military armors. The downside of the 1A is that most users compare firing the cannon to being repeatedly kicked in the jimmy. Female users have not had this issue.

EPSED-1E (energy)
The 1EL mounts an infantry support laser, the 1EM has a microwave burst cannon, and the 1EP has a plasma cannon. These weapons require careful management of the power pack as they can deplete it in quick order. EPSED-1E users are known to carry multiple power cores, as well as creating improvised backpack units from military heatsinks.

The EPSED-GWAR is a custom model that has a cannon bore squirt gun and a backpack reservoir system. This unit was made for a musical group that uses the cannon in a purely phallic manner to pump foam and assorted fluids onto the crowd during it's concerts.

Service and Failure
The EPSED Codpiece almost instantly relegated itself to the sidelines. Rather than being taken seriously as a self propelled gun power armor unit, it was a walking joke. No pilots wanted to use it, no reputable merc unit wanted to field them, and the handful that were sold went into personal collections, media and entertainment use, or into the entourages of the most absurd media celebrities.

Author's Note - inspired by the abysmal comic character of the same name, Codpiece, an utter pillock who randomly shot things with his crotch cannon.
Last edited by Skaldia on Wed Dec 22, 2021 5:31 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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||“Chaos needs no allies, for it dwells like a poison in every one of us.”

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Founded: Jun 30, 2013

Postby Skaldia » Wed Sep 24, 2014 11:00 am

Armor and Items Cont. II

The Cohaagen Device was pioneered on Mars where a group of rogue cyberneticists and neurotechnicians decided they wanted to get into the business of dream dealing. It wasn't a new business, there was already a fair bit of the trade going on. There were black market peddlers who soldSweet Dreams to people who wanted them, sometimes upping the ante with darker stuff. This was kiddie stuff, they argued, and that in the right hands they could do even better.

The Cohaagen Apparatus
The Cohaagen Apparatus is a SQUIDband turned up to 11, turbocharged, and then pumped full of jetfuel. The Apparatus, looks like a bizarre collection of wires, probes, neural scanners, and lots of shiny blinking chrome bits. It is approximately 45 kilograms in weight, and is typically attached to either an operating table, or a throne like chair. The person to use the apparatus sits or lays down while the machine is wrapped around their head. It is a frightening piece of machinery.

The tests were carried out on cadavers first, and it was demonstrated that the apparatus could 'suck' memories out of even a dead or damaged brain. Running these memories back through something like a dream feeder was jarring and deeply unpleasant. Eventually, the group, under the direction of it's leader, Cohaagen, decided to start working on living test subject. The memories extracted were much better and less incoherent. There was a side effect though, the 'donor' was left functionally lobotomized. Their memories weren't copied, they were torn out of their brains, leaving them in catatonic states, or in blank fugues. A few were left irreversibly insane, and a few just died. 

The tap worked both ways though.Extracted memoried could be implanted in a person as well. This was discovered through what amounts to crimes against humanity human experimentation on the part of the group. They found that the memories extracted from the brain could in fact be copied from the data banks, even if it was one way for organic brains. They found they could remove the very identity from people, and place memories in other bodies. This was a great cause for hilarity among them, as they could put the persona of a man into a woman, a murderer in a child, a rapist in a woman, and so forth. 

The Cohaagen device was found, and the men who created it were incarcerated. The details of the penal system 'losing' them is of no consequence to the details of the apparatus. The plans for the apparatus were disseminated, and they can be found, for the right price, and most of the technology required to build one is not horribly hard to come by.

Requirements to build:

Plan acquisition: hard

Technology skill: above average

Materials acquisition: hard 

Programming: above average

Building a Cohaagen apparatus takes approximately three weeks, less time if it is done by a team instead of a single technician. Failures on the plan acquisition check is likely to alert authorities, as can checks on the materials acquisition that fail. The authorities are usually keen on keeping apparatuses out of circulation. A functional apparatus can command a hefty price on the black market

There is a market for programmed women. Women, and pretty men on occasion, will be grabbed off of the street or out of some slum where no one will notice their abduction. They are placed in the Cohaagen apparatus and their persona is 'sucked' out and saved. Other personas are then put into the body and sent back out to work. This is a very black market operation, and Dolls can be picked out by augscannen, or specific questioning. (The Voight-Kampff test works well)

Pocket Assassin - the Doll has a hunter killer persona planted in their head. The doll will attempt to reintegrate into society, lurching hard away from their old lives and towards their targets. Most pocket assassin dolls are programmed with the stolen persona of a murderer or serial killer modified with the desired target fixed as their fetish. Pocket assassins have additional engrams to resist questioning, and suicidal impulses after completing their missions.

Servitor - picked from among the most beautiful people, Servitors have their identity slaughtered and replaced with that of a meek seldom spoken servant. Servitors are popular among underworld bosses as they are trustworthy, and nearly silent, regardless of what is done to them.

The Servitor is a masochist and submissive to the core, and through twisted engram manipulation, they enjoy perversely what is done to them.
Professional - The professional Doll has had a significant portion of their brain replaced with artificial components, this allows them to undergo more frequent brain draining and implantation. This also gives them the ability to use skillsoft chips, further enhancing their value as operatives, consorts, or servants.

There are times when there are people who simply know too much, but are too visible to just kill. A quick abduction and an hour on the table, and everything they knew is gone, backed up on a hard drive. The engram can be altered, reprogrammed, and then pumped back into the body. The person is generally 60% to 80% the person that they were, but close examination can show the damage done.

Reprogramming reduces the intelligence stat by 5% for every point below a perfect score on the test check. A failure leaves the subject a moron, anyone reduced to less than 50% of their original ability becomes an invalid, below 25% cannot take care of themselves. A critical failure results in a system shock check, failure on this means death, while success leaves the patient in a vegetative state. 

Implanting a second persona increases the difficulty by one. Each time this is done, the difficulty increases by one. Part of this is a function of most apparati being built out of scavenged parts, and part is that there is only so much abuse a brain can take.

Replicators are also an underworld creation. Unlike identity and ego theft, the person being robbed literally has their mind tore out of their body. The stolen mind, the hijacked persona, can be downloaded over and over again into new bodies. The replicator differs from a Doll because the new bodies are either clones or robot shells. This leaves the people in charge with an endless ability to create tormented copies of a person. This can allow for petty things such as constantly resurrecting a hated person in a clone body so they can be tortured and killed over and over, or for more insidious things as filling a harem, creating a slave force of specialists, and so forth.

Kazinski was a well known and feared terrorist who vanished half a century ago. He offered his mind up to a group of anarchists, told them to download him out of his meat shell and make sure that he was able to continue his work down the line. When the authorities raided the lab, they found the terrorist dead, but in the decades since, he has returned a number of times to carry out terrorist attacks. Despite being killed six times, he returns periodically to carry out terror bombings, gas attacks, and arson attempts. Kazinski is a fear Replicator.

Replicators, or Dolls, and the rest are not a form of immortality. They are copies of minds, implanted in bodies. They do not carry the anima of a human being, there is no soul or other aspect. A replicator is a flawed copy, and carries out the most prominent aspects of their personalities. A murderer reborn has to murder, or they start to fall apart. The same goes for caregivers, prostitutes, junkies, etc. The worse the transfer, the worse the personality defects. Replicators seldom survive more than a few weeks or months. Dolls can live multiple lifetimes, but eventually the brain can't take any more abuse. Everything wears out.

Commercial Armor
Commercial Armor is a dense ferro-plastic material that is good for dissipating kinetic impact and some thermoablation. This armor is light in weight compared to metallic and composite armors, and against civilian and light military weapons provides excellent protection. Commercial armor does have a major weakness. It's plastic base material is very vulnerable to weapons specifically designed to defeat armor. Armor piercing rounds and weapons have their critical threshold effectively doubled when facing off against commercial armored vehicles and mecha.

Who Uses Commercial Armor?
Most 'legal' megacorp security forces and paramilitary equipment owned and operated by civilians or non-military forces are clad in Commercial Armor. There are plenty of megacorp special security sections that have access to advanced armored vehicles and mecha, but these are covert operations. 

Civilian Light Personal Armor is traditionally made of commercial grade materials. It will protect the wearer in a riot or other 'civilian level' conflict but not allow for the creation of highly effective civil militias. Military grade light personal armor is seldom if ever made of commercial grade materials like ferroplastics.

Civilian hardsuits and paramilitary power armor suits are made of commercial ferroplastic as the presence of armor defeating weaponry is relatively low. Most armored cops don't have to worry about a criminal gang having military grade magnetic rifles, or special HEAT, HEAP, or other special armor defeating cannon rounds. 

Industrial mechs and work mechs are only clad in commercial grade armor. These machines are not intended for second or even third line military service, and composite armors are expensive to maintain. The military and heads of state prefer that non-combatant mecha and powered hardsuits be clad in ferroplastic, as the number of working machines drastically outnumbers the fighting machines. Arcologies don't just grow out of the ground. 

The Origin of Commercial Armor
Commercial armor was born in the darker days of the Second Dark Age. Plastics were relatively easy to produce, especially plant based bioplastics. Metal was in short supply, and during that time period, reclaiming cities and digging up landfills was a cost effective means of gaining it. By mixing layers of plastic and adding reinforcing weaves of metal, a workable armor was created. The bulky armor became popular as it was cheap and readily made, and few if any of the bandit/raiders of the era were able to exploit the basic weaknesses of wearing armor that was one step away from being water bottles or milk jugs. 

As the Cosmic Era bloomed with the Second Renaissance, the ferroplastic armor remained in use due to it's practical value. Non-military things could be protected effectively with it, and it remained both cheap and easy to produce. 

The Shield
The riot shield of the 20th and 21st century was a clear plastic deterrent used to protect police officers while working to contain crowds and riot situations. The shield was plastic, and worked well enough. A shield is a shield, and as long as no one in the crowd had a heavy calibre weapon everything was pretty much fine. But the advent of the Cosmic era changed the game. Energy weapons became feasible, and a plastic ballistic shield did absolutely nothing to stop a coherent laser beam and if hit with a plasma round had a nasty habit of quickly turning into a splatter of molten hot or burning plastic goo. 

The new Riot Shield was created, a composite structure that mixed ballistic protection with energy dissipating materials. The transparency was lost, and the shield roughly doubled in weight. 

The Face
Megacorporations and corporations vie with governments and government agencies, and the front line of that battle is advertising, and branding. The private security companies, like Lone Star or Knight Security struck first, fielding branded shields. The Lone Star shield was a matte blue with an asymmetrical set white star and the corporation name emblazoned on it. This quickly became the symbol of Law Enforcement in the Atlantic Federation, gaining ground over the previously accepted police uniform and star badge. 

Now every security company that has riot gear, has a branded shield. Agents that are subcontracted to other non-security corporations have multiple branded shields, such as the dual Lone Star/Rocketdyne shields used by security troops that cover the Rocketdyne Megacorp factories and HQ in the Houston Space Megaplex. 

Rebel Factions
The shield is a commercially available good, and can find its way into various hands. It is not uncommon in the Cosmic Era, an era of intelligent robots and hypertechnology for rebels and gangs to run around carrying a tool thousands of years old. Such rebels will usually decorate their shields in a fashion that orcs would approve of. Such imagery is quick to find it's way to news feeds around the world.  

The Point
This submission has two ideas that I want to express about the Cosmic Era: corporatism and the acceptance of violence. The corporations and megacorporations are fighting wars between themselves over control of the global economy, and advertising is their first weapon. Shields appear on news feeds and data streams, they were unexploited advertising territory. The Paramilitary and security companies used a common tool and made it a billboard for their brand. Military units sometimes use heavier versions of these shields, but these are unbranded objects, and only used in certain circumstances, such as defence in rough terrain, or by heavy infantry or power armor units facing other similar infantry units. The acceptance of violence is just another part of the Cosmic era, and it's Escalation Scale. Weapons are common, hold overs from the Second Dark age, and then combining with rapidly advancing technology and the emergence of things like parapsychic abilities that turn hands and fists into weapons on par with most hand held weapons. Security personnel are not rent-a-cops like the sort who patrol Malls, or the Student Resource Officers (cops in schools), they are soldiers, clad in body armor and carrying serious weapons and things like shields. This is just part and parcel in a world where the next person to start a problem could be carrying a plasma pistol, could be a Ryu type parapsychic martial artist, or could be an android largely immune to intimidation.

There are three basic versions of the Riot Shield: civilian, commercial, and military.

The Civilian Riot Shield is the sort that is legally obtainable through military surplus stores and catalogs. It is a standard ballistic shield but lacks the thermo-ablative properties of the higher grade shields and it looks more impressive than it actually is. In certain areas, the shields are registered like firearms would be, since someone willing to buy one of these items is more than likely to have firearms as well.

Commercial riot shields have the full array of ballistic and ablative protections, as well as having a special high impact resistant resin coating to protect the advertising and logos presented on the shield. You might not survive that grenade blast, but your Lone Star shield will. It is available in matte, satin, and full gloss finish.

Military Riot shields are fitting with larger grips so they can be easily used by both basic infantry and by heavy infantry in hardsuits. They have the full protection value but lack the durable but expensive resin coat.

Ferro-Plastics and Commercial Armor
Commercial armor is thick pieces of ferro-plastic, a dense organic based plastic embedded with metal weaving. It is tough and durable, most commonly used in non-military vehicles and mecha. Ferroplastics are doubly vulnerable to armor piercing and armor defeating rounds limiting its use in full military applications. Civilian vehicles, industrial mecha and work hardsuits are typically protected with this material, hence it's name.

Standard Metallic Armor:
Metallic armor is old school, dating back to the Hittites and their chariots. Modern metallic armor is divided into standard and ablative blends, and both have significant strengths and weaknesses. They are mutually exclusive, as the process of making the metal is radically different, and this treatment determines the final outcome of the armor.

Standard metallic armor is roll hardened and tempered steel and dates back to the 1800s when it was first used to armor warships. Standard armor has the benefits of being relatively inexpensive, easy to manufacture, and easy to repair. The process of hardening the armor has the drawback of making it very thermoconductive, meaning that energy based weapons are able to cut through it very easily. Standard armor is still in regular use due to it's cost and the relative scarcity of energy weapons. Most such armor is used in bargain model power armors, and second line mecha and armored vehicles.

Ablative metallic armors are steel alloy armors that are designed to spread and dissipate heat, lessening the effectiveness of lasers and other energy weapons. The tempering of the steel for heat dissipation does drastically reduce its overall rigidity, meaning that the armor is much less effective against impact, and concussive weapons. This is the problem with slab based armors, rigid is good for kinetic protection but vulnerable to energy, and ablative is good for energy, but vulnerable to kinetic. Ablative armors are rare, given the relative scarcity of energy based weapons. Many aircraft, most often targeted by ground based AA laser batteries will have ablative armor.

Reflective Armor:
Reflective armor is a metallic coating that is highly reflective and thermoresistant designed to defeat laser weaponry. This can be used as a top layer over another type of armor, but it is easily ruined by explosive and kinetic weapons. Aircraft in the cosmic era are the most common users of reflective armor, as lasers and missiles are the main AA weapons. Ground units almost never use reflective armor because it has a mirror finish and is very obvious and visible on the ground.

 Reactive Armor:
Reactive Armor is an armor bolt on system that uses targeted explosive devices and computers to defeat incoming kinetic rounds with outward explosive blasts, breaking up the projectile before it hits the vehicle. Reactive armor is a series of blocky boxes that are built into a frame around vulnerable parts of the vehicle, along with laser sensors and a reactive computer system. The system is typically used on second line and support vehicles, and on vehicles that rely on standard or ablative armors. Reactive armor is only used on ground vehicles and mecha, never aircraft or power armors.

Ferro-Carbide Ferro-Carbide Armors are very lightweight, blending metal and carbon fiber to create thin but very strong panels or armor. The amount of metal in a ferro-carbide armor varies, with the amount of metal adding flexibility to the ultra-rigid carbon fiber. Ferro-Carbides are used in light vehicles and craft that move at high velocity, the most notable examples being racing vehicles. This armor is seldom used in military applications, as it is still relatively expensive to maintain and only offers mediocre protection against magnetic projectiles and energy weapons.Ferro-CeramicFerro-Ceramic armors are noted for their high resistance to heat, and are most commonly used in machinery and weapons used in hot zones, such as space mining operations, foundries and laser forges. Some fire and energy weapon using power armors utilize ferro-ceramic armors to handle the backlash of heat generated by their own weaponry. Ferro-Ceramic armors don't offer strong protection against kinetic weapons, but are still considered good armors.

Composite Armors
Composite armors are made of different layers of materials, balancing the strengths against the weaknesses of the different components. Composites are much more expensive, require more maintenance, and are harder to repair when they are damaged. Rather than welding and hammer work, most composite armors will have to be manually removed and replaced with a new piece of armor. In applications like power armors this is easy, given the large number of pieces, and just replacing the single damaged piece. Mecha function the same way, the pieces are just larger. Armored vehicles are generally protected by large uniform pieces that avoid weak points like seams. A breached turret generally has to be completely replaced or rebuilt rather than patched. Composite armors can be patched with substandard materials, but remain weaker than their pre-damaged state.

Starguard Composite
SGC is an aerospace grade composite armor. It is lightweight due to it's use of sandwiched ablative, synthetic, and rigid armor materials. It is commonly used in aerospace craft, and offers excellent protection against shrapnel, energy weapons, and concussive blasts. It is less effective against armor defeating weaponry, but there aren't many air or spacecraft that are lugging around 120mm sabots, or medium to large bore magnetic weapons. Some recon mecha and hovercraft use SGC armor for it's light weight to armor protection profile.

Durallex DuraWeave
DDW is a light armor composite used in light mecha and very commonly in powered armor suits. The composite mixes ablative and metallic impregnated carbon fiber for low weight and high rigidity without sacrificing all heat dissipating capability. The armor components are nigh invulnerable to civilian grade firearms, and offer excellent protection against infantry grade firearms and magnetic weaponry. It is a relatively thin, and generally unsuited for heavy combat mecha, or assault vehicles. Durallex is produced in large amounts by the Great Lakes Republic and Quebecois Canada for their light mech and power armor lines.

Diamondplate is a standard medium composite armor that mixes ablative, rigid metallic, and shock absorbing materials and can be made in relative thick pieces. Diamondplate is commonly used in light and medium mecha, and in ground attack VTOLs. It can be used in assault powered armors, which are generally 50% larger than regular powered armors. Diamondplate, and its knock-offs are produced around the world, but the largest producer of the armor is the Kurganma Shzavod Corporation. KSCorp produces heavy power armors, industrial mechs, hardsuits, and deep space mining equipment.

Maximillian Composite
Maximillian Composite is a heavy armor composite and is regularly used in main line battlemechs, and armored vehicles. It can be formed into large plates and panels and has a 13 layer construction that makes it very resistant to energy and kinetic weapons. This impressive protection comes as a cost, as the armor is relatively expensive. The main source of Maximillian armor is the Ruhr Valley in German, where it is manufactured by the Maximilliam-Krupp Corporation, a leader in battlemech and armor production for the Atlantic Federation.

The Coalition Suit was the natural progression of the encounter suit, as the suit offered mainly incidental and impact protection, but was little use against energy and kinetic weaponry. The Coalition suit took a basic encounter suit and enhanced with with a breastplate, pauldrons, armored greaves and leggings, armored gauntlets and sabotons. This approach tends to be problematic, as such suits are usually pieced together, and inferior to articulated armor suits that blend an articulated armor shell with a protective encounter suit 'sleeve' inside. Encounter suits are also beneficial in that they are low profile, and even stylish, while even the most basic coalition suit is bulky and bulgy.

DitKorp Kleidergruppen
DitKorp Kleidergruppen is the leading clothing and textiles producer in the New Hanseatic League, and the group has be appalled by their inability to match or beat the AmeroZone manufacturers producing encounter suits. The group started it's own internal design team with the intention of matching and surpassing the production model encounter suits. They in some ways succeeded, but by far and large, they failed horribly.

The Cuirassier Suit
The Cuirassier is technically a 'heavy' encounter suit, made largely of reflexokinetic material. This material, when struck near instantaneously assumed a rigid form, spreading the impact across the entire garment. Thus, punches do no damage, non-powered melee weapons are nigh useless, and even conventional firearms can be stopped by the garment. The Cuirassier makes a major change by having an integral armor 'cuirass' wrapped around the torso of the wearer. Much thicker, and made of a different blend of reflexokinetic materials, these impregnated with ferroceramics and thermoplastics, the cuirass offers drastically more protection to the vital torso.

The Cuirassier Helmet is larger than the traditional 'motorcycle' style full face helmet used by Encounter suits. The DitKorp helmet has a reflexokinetic 'gorget' that protects the neck and locks into the top of the cuirass. The helmet itself is thicker, and has a more military style appearance. This is in strong contrast to the 'sentai' or motorcycle helmets more commonly used. The mobility of the head is hindered by the helmet, but the integrated HUD and SmartLink system included offsets this disadvantage. The lessened mobility also limits the number of neck injuries that can be sustained in the suit.

Rather than mounting large and robust pauldrons as power armor and conventional armor suits do, the DitKorp Cuirassier mounts smaller spaulders. While offering less protection than pauldrons, the smaller size and greater mobility offered by the shoulder pieces allows cuirassiers to better wield melee weapons, and to more naturally handle rifles and long arms. It is fairly easy to upgrade the spaulders to pauldrons, along with the according decrease in upper body mobility.

Vambraces and Greaves
Made from plates of armor woven into the lower arm and lower leg sections of the cuirassier armor, these protected the arms and legs of wearers. Encounter suits never included this sort of protection, so that wearers could rather easily lose limbs, or have their limbs broken as the suit offered no structural strength in situations. 

The faulder is something akin to superhero underpants, and offers protection for the groin and hips. The original cuirassier suit had a skirt like fauld and tasset set up, but this was met with a strong negative reaction because the Amero encounter suits had recently added skirts for their pro-female series of encounter suits, and it was decided that the additional protection offered by the traditional faulds and tasset were not worth the stylistic compromise. The male specific faulder has an integral armor codpiece.

Style and Accessories
The DitKorp Cuirassier was designed with an eye to the Hanseatic League's Germanic and Norse origins, and reviews were mixed. The protection offered by the suit was very good, but it was bulkier than the encounter suit, and was not as versatile. One of the things that sold the Encounter suit was it's ability to be easily worn under almost anything. In contrast, the Cuirassier couldn't be. While the designers had the notion of their suit's wearers not having to wear anything else, they overlooked that many did this deliberately. The second issue was that secondary accessories were easily acquired for encounter suits, and while the cuirassier could likewise be modified, it was much more difficult to mod it into a coalition suit, or the hone it to specific purpose, such as the suits that mech jocks, extreme athletes, and martial artists favored. 

To counter the weak interest in the Cuirassier suit, DitKorp started the style angle hard, throwing more impressive helmets, adding capes, armored girdle like belts, and big beefy pauldrons. The variety of colors offered strongly veered away from the general primary colors favored by encounter suits. Where those suits favored red, blue, green, yellow, pink, green, white, and black, the cuirassier was brought out in military colors like olive drab, sandstone, sea green, and military camo colors and patterns. A popular trend did emerge in people buying cuirassier suits in black, purple, dark red, dark green, and other similar colors.

The Super Villain Special
The Cuirassier suit did indeed find a niche market, second and third world strongmen, junta members, and underground bosses. This caused ripples through DitKorp because they created a perfect rival to the Encounter suit. The men and rare women who invested in cuirassier suits were frequently fighting people wearing regular encounter suits. 

Inconvenient Customers
The DitKorp Klidergruppen PR department was tasked with how to handle the issue, as enough money had been sunk into the Cuirassier project that is was simply not feasible to write it completely off. The ultimate answer was to relocate the production of the gear to facilities outside the Hanseatic League, and to market it through smaller shell companies, rather than to present it as the continued work of the Kleidergruppen. This shift would coincide with DitKorp introducing a knock off line of encounter suits that were basically better quality and more expensive versions of the already in production models. 

Notable Cuirassiers
The Magenta Mauler - an almost by the books purple and magenta suit of cuirassier armor, the Mauler was equipped with a reflexokinetic cape, and a anti-psionic helmet. The Mauler was a brainiac who fought with a renegade Reflex Team and had carved out a pocket kingdom along the coast of the Red Sea. While a keen strategic mastermind, and one of the stabilizing influences in the region, he is more commonly known for his magnetokinesis, and his xenophobic hatred of non-parapsychics, non-cyborgs, and non-augmented humanity.

The Victorix - the Victorix Cuirass is a vivid green suit with a reflexokinetic cowl, mantle, and secondary over-tunic. This actually rather impressive protection was layered over the cybernetic body of the Victorix. He had a Cromwell chassis, a cybernetic skull, and his arms and legs replaced with mechanical prosthetics. While seemingly crude looking, they were surprisingly elegant, robust, and capable of fine motor control as well as smashing things. The Victorix spent a great deal of time exploring stable Dimensional Fatigue events in the Wastelands, where he was contaminated and is slowly undergoing a strange mechamorphosis, where his flesh is slowly turning into living metal, and he has gained electrokinetic powers.

The Galaxy Crusher - made of black and purple overlay, the Galaxy Crusher cuirass was made for a gene-modded Titan, and came with a custom helmet designed for intimidation power. The Galaxy Crusher was a parapsychic who specialized in dimensional distortion coupled with a bad case of pika. As such, he would alter the size of things in his steady diet of increasingly strange things. He is locked in a state of parapsychic burn and his own size and mass continually shift as his power ebbs and flows.

Style is more than anything else, it is an expression of personal choice
Combat Couture
The Cosmic Era has created a veritable windfall of new materials, ranging from utilitarian to the unimaginable, and the world of fashion is not going to leave all of those things laying on the table to stick with age old materials. The new is drug in, and the old is never quite put out to pasture. Leather and lace will never go out of style, even if the leather is synthetic, and the lace is made of harmonic LED crystals, likewise, there are going to be hypertech gadgets that stick with a leather case when polymers are available, and in the Cosmic Era, denim is ageless.


The Suit
There is a joke that time travel was invented somewhere around the end of the 18th century because in large part gentlemen's fashion hasn't changed since then. While there have been changes to the trim and cut, the formal suit remains largely intact in the cosmic era, matching suit pants, undershirt, coat, and tie. The rest, cummerbunds, suspenders, vests, and the rest cycle through being hot, being retro, retro hot, or the next iteration of fashion.

One of the sins of a suit is sweat. The new thermoablative fabrics, pioneered for spacesuits and fire protection, have made their way into men's shirts and undergarments, allowing them to shed heat and stay cool no matter how heavy the suit and how hot the environment. This is a bit of exaggeration, as the garments offer no actual protection, but allow you to shed heat. This keeps you cool and focused in the board room, at the business luncheon, or even calm and collected when questioned by authority.

Made from the same memory materials as an encounter suit, armure suits can offer a fair degree of ballistic and impact protection. This material is typically reserved for stylish vests, overcoats, and other such garments. This is a popular upgrade in professional suits as the armor protection is much less important than the demonstrated style and status consciousness of the material.

Polychromatic Elastomers
A hot commodity, these elastomers are the cutting edge in suit style and design. With minor adjustment, the suit can automatically fit itself to it's wearer, relaxing or tensing where it needs to to get that perfect fit. The color changing ability of the polymers means that the suit can likewise change colors. This isn't the peacock and parrot hypercoloring of street clothing and mutattoos, but a preset range of cool, stylish, and sophisticated colors, and even patterns. 

Armor Protection:

The Armure style suit can offer a decent degree of protection for the well heeled socialite, as well as being innocuous and stylish. The level of protection offered is comparable to modern police body armor, and the suit can stop most small caliber, low velocity rounds with ease, while being defeated by higher powered military gear. In the Cosmic Era, this renders most wearers protected fromcivilian grade firearms, shrapnel, and the injuries that might be sustained in an assault.

Signature Pieces
The Greatcoat - stylish, commanding, impressive, all words that describe the classic greatcoat. Worn over a suit, the greatcoat is large garment that has a lot to work with. Modern styling in greatcoats is favoring early to mid 20th century European flair (dictator chic) with angular cuts, woollen blends, and imperial couture. The advantages of the current greatcoat is that the garment can be reinforced to stop even sniper rounds, allowing for safety as well as style on the heloport, concourse, or promenade. The greatcoat makes use of a cascading dragonscale of SLAB medallions. Sandwiched between two layers of reflexokinetic material, the coat is able to stop the vast majority of available non-magnetic, non high energy weapons.

The Undervest - a popular undergarment, the undervest can provide a splash of color or pattern to set off a subtle or somber suit. The vest is also easily reinforceable, having a different pattern, but similar construction of SLAB inserts. This can provide adequate protection without relying on a greatcoat, as well as demonstrating impeccable fashion sense.

The Cummerbund - the form fixing cummerbund switches in and out with the vest in popularity, but enjoys a different set of modifications. The cummerbund is designed to protect their wearer from knife wounds and the dreaded muffin top. As such, the material is strong, and has a banded construction. Anything that strikes it with sufficient force will cause the reflexokinetic material to stiffen, but the bands do so at deliberately different speeds and tensions, with the end effect being the knife or other weapon being flung from the assailant's hand, or should they keep a hold of it, the end being broken.

Cufflinks, Tie Pins, and other Accouterments - These small items can serve a variety of safety, utility, and protective roles in addition to their main use, looking impeccable. Frequently having metal housings and the ability to hold micro-sized devices the imagination is often to limit to this area of fashion.

Micro-explosives: not the sort for exploding a room full of radicals, but certainly enough to break a set of handcuffs, bust a locked door, or deliver a cloud of smoke to cover a quick retreat, or deliver a dose of chemical agent. The use of these types of augmentations are regulated, with the most common used models containing capsules of pheromones or repellent/stink bomb agents.

LEDs - equipped with micro batteries and LEDs, the accouterments are luminescent fashion. It is also very easy to have a tracking device/panic button embedded in a cufflink or tie pin. Should a VIP be accosted, a quick squeeze of the device alerts law enforcement, security corp agents, or bodyguards that the wearer is in distress.

How often in entertainment and video games does the boss fight come down to fighting a guy in a suit. Actual self defense experts will tell you suits are terrible to fight in, they restrict your freedom of movement, and something like a tie is literally a rope tied around your neck for someone to grab and pull into a submission/knock out in a fight. That being said, the armure suits are still terrible to fight in, but the men wearing them aren't engaging in fisticuffs, they are pulling guns and shooting back, wearing the suits like civilian body armor so that they aren't injured in a gun fight. This is going to be enjoyed as high fashion by the wealthy and elite, and seldom used for anything but that in the highest circles, much like high end SUVs that never go anywhere other than suburban shopping and parking lots. On the more versatile end, shadowrunners, fixers, underworld bosses, and those who have access to money, but still remain in the real of potential injury, will wear and use the lower end versions.

Stylish body armor to keep bosses, dandies, would be James Bond's, and other less reputable sorts on their feet when the bullets and punches start flying.

Deifacted Glomes are the stuff of nightmares, they are naturally occurring, yes. But they arent created by geological processes, or the cooling of magma under extreme conditions. They are grown inside the bodies of teratomorphs, as they are on the verge of transcendence. These are the hearts of the monsters, and the transition from megafauna teratomorph to erelim sees their heart condense from a biological organ to a crystalline matrix. This matrix is a deifacted glome. The only way to get one is from the corpse of an erelim. 

Deifacted Glomes are postulated from the existence from a single specimen. This glome is approximately 23 inches across, making it not only unique being naturally occurring, but also the largest in existence. The sphere looks like highly polished wet obsidian, but has a very rough and sandy texture. This is thought to be part of its 4 dimensional nature as instruments measure it as being incredibly smooth. It registers as room temperature to a sensor, but is cold to human touch. There are many other areas where the specimen doesn't conform to traditional forms of measurement. Being a stable hyperdimensional object, samples cannot be taken from anything other than the presented surface, and this is difficult to accomplish.

The specimen was found on the surface of Sedna, a dwarf planet beyond the orbit of Pluto. The expedition that found the object, and the ruins around it, loaded the bulk of the material they couldn't reverse engineer or decipher into a long range 'torpedo' and launched it towards the orbit of Saturn. The cargo probe was easily recovered by a capture ship and taken first to Iapetus for preliminary study to determine the safety of the object and the rest of the contents before they were again loaded onto an automated cargo ship, this time a fast light freighter designer for such courier work. 

The deifacted glome is the 'heart' or energy collection organ for an erelim, a highly destructive form of an outer god. In the cosmozoan lifecycle, the development of the deifacted glome is the action that marks the transition from larvae to outer god. The specimen found on Sedna was taken from the Imbrian grave of the Erelim known to them as Bekoriel and that empire spent several thousand years coming up with a way to handle the creature, which seemed intent on coming to the heart of their empire to heap scorn and ruin on them. They succeeded in driving the creature into a torpid state, and then created a 'Death Engine' to continually drain the energy from the beast while keeping it entombed. The engine worked, Bekoriel perished, and by the time the Oumuamua arrived, there was nothing left aside from the massive cairn, powdered bones, and the crystalline heart sphere of the creature.

The deifacted glome is as mentioned the hyperdimensional core of a cosmic deity. Divested of it's corpus, the glome is now a usable power source for anyone foolish enough to attempt it. Activating the glome with either psychotronic gear or a parapsychic will open up a tremendous amount of power to the user, a level of power suitable for propelling a ship through space, levitating a small city, or sending psychic emanations across a large swath of the globe. 

Inside of an erelim, the deifacted glome allows them to levitate and fly, generate biological energy fields and shields, and to generate high energy beam attacks. Without this, the creatures would simply be too big to move under their own biological power and anatomy. 

The Deifacted Glome is somewhere between a macguffin and an artefact. No one is actually going to conceivably use it for anything, but lots of parties are going to be interested in it. It would make a tremendous weapon, be incredibly powerful in the hands of a Desolate One with the PK ability to use it, or function as a power core for a warship armed exclusively with arcanotech weapons. 

Project Flycatcher
Project Flycatcher was a black level operation where no one knew who was working for who, who was paying for what, or even what nation or power was backing the operation. The core of Flycatcher was a space habitat outside of planetary jurisdiction, technically inside the Venusian orbit. The habitat was a research center, and had an unknown number of Downington Sphere satellites associated with it. On a regular basis, the satellites were brought in and examined in the hope that one of them would have captured an aphasic lifeform and forced it into a corporeal state. 

The Downington Sphere
The Downington Sphere is an arcanotech device that was developed by Dr. Abigail Downington and Arthur Howland. Howland, a tech assistant was given credit posthumously, as the first successful Sphere test killed him. A Downington Sphere is an arcane device ranging from one to six meters wide, and it's interior is a labyrinthine maze of crystal panels, sensors, and strange miniature devices. The devices are very sensitive, and the handful that have been built were stationed at laboratories and research centers in distant orbits, well away from Earth.

Grimm-Olduvai Space Planktonoids
The observations of the Grimm-Olduvai energy telescope near Mars detected the existence of what were later dubbed aphasic lifeforms. These 'creatures' were found to exist in multiple dimensions, and in an energy state that the only comparable thing was the neutrino. Studies were launched to learn more about these seemingly massive version of what superficially resembled microscopic lifeforms from Earth. Most of the space planktonoids bore a strong resemblance to oceanic plankton, diatoms, and single celled lifeforms.

The Arboria Incident
The Arboria was a cargo freight, independent, operating out of the outer belt. The ship was making a slingshot around the sun to make a connection from Jupiter to Mars, which was on the other side of the solar system. Such 'slingshots' are common, if slightly daredevil maneuvers. The savings in terms of time and fuel generally are attractive enough for privateers and independent ships to make such moves. The Arboria almost collided with a Downington Sphere. Not knowing what it was, the brought the sphere onboard, and claimed it as space junk, as it had no information as to who owned and operated it.

The trap had worked and an amoeba like planktonoid was in it. Over the next sixteen hours, the planktonoid overtook the ship, devoured the crew, and reproduced a number of times. The automated systems guided the hulk of the Arboria to the Phobos cargo hub above Mars. The moon base was able to contain the infestation, and it was classified as a Dimensional Fatigue Event, possibly triggered by the Arboria traveling too close to the sun and causing disturbances inside it's power core.

Aphasic Technology
Aphasic Technology is in it's infancy, and the Downington Sphere is the hypertechnological equivalent of a crab pot, or a net in a tidal pool. In the Cosmic Era, the terminology and technology are known, but afforded the same consideration given to Kirlian energy, aura manipulation and crystal gazing in the modern day. The vast majority of spheres created have captured nothing and will capture nothing as their operational profile is too crude to catch something as elusive as the dreams of the gods.

The DRADIS system is the logical and systematic progression of RADAR in the Cosmic Era. It is an acronym that stands for Distance, Range, and Direction, all three important things for ships operating in a three dimensional environment. This isn't a single sensor system or generic 'scanner', but rather a collection of instruments and detectors that are harmonized together to deliver a usable tableau of data. The DRADIS is the opposite of shroud technology and the MIRAGE system.

On the Scope
Much of the naval nomenclature remains, the DRADIS is normally viewed through a hood or a scope, thus spacers will check the scope for contacts, and perform DRADIS sweeps, scans, and the like.

The War-Room
The data gathered from a DRADIS system can be projected as a three dimensional hologram, allowing for a navarch, ship captain, or intelligence officers to monitor the play of events in a ship encounter or engagement. This presentation along with instantaneous communications via ansible allows for remote navarchs to command entire fleets from secure locations, or for no longer human intelligences such as Navarch Ariana Sterngood

The Sensosphere
The most common outward appearance of a DRADIS system on any vehicle is the spherical mount for the cluster of sensors. This sphere is pronounced on recon and surveillance vehicles and ships, much like the large dishes and antenna on AWACS aircraft, or mobile radar systems. The sensosphere on combat vehicles and ships is typically hooded and armored, allowing the delicate systems to avoid damage in combat. Warships will have redundant systems, while a mecha with it's sensosphere knocked out will be largely blind and reliant on the senses of the pilot to operate.

The process for creating Elixer, more officially known as Retroviral Strelitzia-02-016 or RVS-2-16, is as simple as it is difficult. The retroviral begins at psychomagnetheric slime, the ectoplasm that composes hekatonkheires and plasmids. There is an extensive catalog of psychomagnetheric materials, and even more oozes to pick and choose from. But the winner winner chicken dinner was derived from the deathless carcass of some sort of damn monster the Foundation found down in Antarctica, up in the highlands, far from the coast.

One of the pipe dreams of the military planners of the Cosmic Era was the creation of parapsychic supersoldiers. Not the haphazard fashion that they were creating, drawing potential candidates from various geofronts, gulags, and other human cesspools, but deliberately. The connection between human suffering and parapsychic potential is known, but it is inconvenient. Those who have suffered sufficiently and deeply enough to manifest said powers are likely to not embrace values like loyalty, patriotism, military duty, or statism. This is inconvenient. To say the least.
Elixer has been generations in the making, and the number of human test subjects that have been expended to this end is ghastly.

Synthetic Parapsychics
Also known as SPKs, or derogatory, parasites.

The Parasite has access to the same parapsychic powers as traditional conduits, but there are a number of limitations. These are all game mechanics side, and demonstrate that a naturally erupted and manifested PK will always have vastly more potential than the SPK.

Cost - advancing ranks in skills costs more for SPKs. This should be in the vicinity of 20-33% more in terms of experience cost. 

Checks - normal parapsychic checks are open ended, allowing for some truly stupendous displays of supernatural power. SPKs do not have open ended power checks, they do not re-roll critical successes, and their critical successes do not grant any bonuses. 

Burn - being synthetic in nature, SPKs cannot 'overload' or go into a fully on state. This is a hazard for normal PKs, who run the risk of being stuck 'on' and unable to control their powers. The SPK who goes into a burning state will have a much lower spike in PK ability, but once it subsides, their power will be blown completely out, providing they survive the experience.

The process of creating the Elixer took several decades to come to fruition. Thousands of men and women have undergone experimental treatment, some willing, most not even knowning, but the majority of outcomes were... tragic. For every success, there were dozens of dead bodies, and in the early years, almost every success ended in subject termination as they were to unstable or insane to function in a military environment.

People count costs differently. Some will count the number of corpses piled behind the Elixer. Others will count the financial cost. That number is high, no doubt, but it is largely insignificant compared to the budgets of military forces. A number of corporations were chartered, and folded. Many people, scientists, engineers, politicians, were discovered in their various roles and were tried for crimes against humanity and nature. The cost has been high, and many opinions, irredeemably so.

Side Effects
There are expected side effects of undergoing Elixer therapy. The most common is compromised blood chemistry, SPKs can be detected by a visual inspection of a blood slide. A blood chemistry test can actually determine the amounts of Elixer that has been given. 

Blood Fever - extensive use of synthetic powers can trigger what amounts to an immuno-allergic reaction. This typically manifests as a fever coupled with nightmares and mental disturbances. This is more commonly and insultingly known as parasite fever.
Cancer - typically tied to the specific manifestation of synthetic power, the onset of cancer is generally more of a when, than an if. Parasites dont tend to live to retirement age. 
Hemophilia - in varying degrees, SPKs are prone to bleeds. 

The Elixer treatment can be gauged for a specific desired outcome. While not massively accurate, the treatment can reliably produce physical parapsychic adepts, or specifically create mental adepts. The actual manifestation is still in large part random, but a person who receives intravenous therapy can reasonably expect to become a physical adept while the person who has their elixer administered through a spinal tap is much more likely to manifest mental powers.

Synthetic parapsychics perform on a level well below natural parapsychics. Their creation is simply doesn't have access to the same potential, and the cornerstone of a natural parapsychic allows them to dig into their own personal trauma to magnify their powers, even at the potential for self harm or even death. The synthetic parapsychic simply doesn't have this dynamic ability. However, they need not be emotionally and spiritually traumatized individuals, and most all come from elite special forces and commando backgrounds. This gives them far more training and discipline than the average normal PK. Thus, the synth cannot hurl a tank across a battlefield in a superhuman fury, but the synth can use their power to make sure an RPG hits a vital spot, or to pull the pins on a foe's grenade bandolier, or other small actions. Normal parapsychics are tremendously powerful, but more difficult to control while the synth can do more with much less, but are reliant 

The goal of the program wasn't to replace the natural parapsychic, it was to create a supersoldier who could use parapsychic and psychotronic weaponry and tools, rather than have these potent weapons tied to said natural parapsychics. 

The Parasite Trooper is intended to use their limited parapsychic ability to link to a 'psychoframe' suit, and make it act like a living extension of their body, be it a basic hardsuit, power armor suit, or even a main battlemech. These psychoframe equipped war machines would have reflexes and accuracy that blend human agility with machine precision. Likewise, the weapon systems in these suits are psychotech, requiring parapsychic ability to activate and control them. This includes mundane weapons like beam weapons and missiles, as well as the much more powerful and dangerous arcanotech weapons. 

Elixer Variants
Alternate formulae were investigated, and there is not a single 'elixer'. There are many different variants, and the most successful elixers are actually tailored for use by specific codex series clones, the two literally designed for each other. Likewise, the main serum is constantly being improved and evolving to be more effective, more reliable. 

Somantic Type - the Somantic elixir is injected into the muscles and organs of the host, with the intent of inducing parapsychic augmented strength, and agility. 

Parakinetic Type - injected into the spinal cord, this variant elixir is intended to induce telekinetic and parakinetic parapsychic powers. This is mostly intended to create gun adepts. The soldiers created from PK type injections are exceptional commandos. 

Psychomantic Type - injected directly into sections of the brain, psychomantic elixir induces the development of mind manipulation, clairvoyance and other purely mental 'psychic' type powers.

There are a number of failed Elixirs. The only ones worth mentioning are those that partially worked, or worked in unreliable manners. The elixirs that didn't produce results, or the ones that only reduced test subjects to stacks of corpses, are not spoken of.

Fury Type - the Fury Elixir created physically impressive soldiers, but all of the test subjects developed a corpse like pallor. They also developed behavioral problems, emotional detachment, and eventually become unresponsive unless harassed or attacked. Unless given IVs and feeding tubes, the Fury subjects perished from starvation or dehydration. The only way to keep them viable was a mixture of suspended animation with their minds in simulation, followed by launching them into missions like berserker bombs.

Elixir 9 - the Nines Parasites manifested impressive powers, but almost immediately developed serious cancer. The cancer spreads as a rugose mass of tubules, and pulsing veins, and quickly causes death. But for a few weeks, the Nines are impressive mecha pilots and power armor parasites.

Parasite Maintenance
Once a person is exposed to the elixir, they enter a life of constant medical observation and maintenance. The two main angles of observation are to make sure the elixir is remaining at a steady level. If the chemical bonds start to weaken, it can compromise the user's ability to use parapsychic powers. If the levels of elixir rise too high, it can cause 'Parasite Fever' or compromise the oxygen saturation ability of their blood. Blood panels are run normally, to make sure that cancer hasn't set in. This is usually met with aggressive chemotherapy and gene-therapy. Finally, the elixir users are subjected to regular psychological evaluation.

General Deployment
The use of elixir is relatively uncommon in the CE. 'Parasites' are used as Elite Commandos, and work as support for full Parapsychic operatives, or as borderline supersoldiers themselves. They sit in an uncomfortable position. They are not trusted by the rank and file soldiers, for their treatments. Likewise Parasites are looked down on by full blooded parapsychics as being fake, or just weaker than them.

Parasites are deployed in general squads. Infantry/commando squads run as elite special forces. Parasites who specialize in piloting work in special role mecha squads. They form insular circles, looking down on the regulars, and sneering at the non-parasite parapsychics, whom they outnumber greatly. 
Last edited by Skaldia on Wed Dec 22, 2021 5:32 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Postby Skaldia » Thu Sep 25, 2014 12:50 pm

Armor and Items Cont. III

The Emigre Codex
Deciphered from the Spitzkoppe Archive, the Emigre Codex is the blueprint for creating human clones from only starting sample genetic material. The Codex itself is a large data drive, roughly 5 kilos in mass, and the size of a reference book. The drive has a small internal power source, and a number of access ports along it's surface. The drive can be 'opened' much like a book, with the external cover working to protect the access ports, and covering the small touch screen interface on the drive.

A virtual interface can be displayed by the data drive, and functions as a 'computer book' allowing holographic pages to be turned, and for a reader to flip through the contents of the drive. This isn't special to the Emigre Codex, but is a function of the type of data drive it is. These data drives are fairly common through the Cosmic Era, and are functionally picture books, and often are archives of Social Media activity. The 'computer book' is technologically related to the MUSE handheld device, but more media centric, and not a daily carry item.

The Emigre Codex contains three sections, how to create a zygote from even trace genetic material, how to nurture the growth of the zygote into a fully mature specimen in a relatively short amount of time, and how to summon an animating essence into the body.

While simple in explanation, the contents of the Codex are extensive. The skills and technology required for creating a human life from near scratch are impressive and expensive. The machinery needed to house and force grow a body are likewise sophisticated and challenging to create and maintain. The last part is actually the most difficult, and for most of advanced science, proved to be the undoing of cloning efforts. There is more to a human being, or any higher life form, than just the continuous operation of organs, enzymes, and muscle. The anima, the soul, the spirit, the animating essence, is required for a human clone to exist. There are three things that occur when a clone host body is grown with no soul. First, the body is nothing more than an organic machine, the host has no will, no intelligence, the proverbial the lights are on but there is no one home. The second is that the host begins to die the moment it is disconnected from the life support and gestation machinery. The third and least common option is that something 'else' animated the host body. This is thankfully rare, as the entities that can possess and animate a vessel are rarely friendly to humanity, and are generally alien in mind and appearance.

Those abominations that are born typically have to be contained and put down by Reflex teams and Fast Response Units.

A sufficient sized corp could take the Emigre Codex and use it to put a cloning department in place, typically over the course of several years, and a significant investment in capital.

Terribly mundane that, just a chunk of data storage, one that isn't innately geared towards nefarious purpose.

Misuse and Abuse
The Emigre Codex has given humanity the ability to create clones, Homo Sapiens Replicans, from DNA. This has fostered a number of negative things through the Cosmic Era. The lot of the clone is a dark one. In the most egalitarian nations, clones are afforded the same rights as residents, though they experience a large amount of anti-clone racism, and are treated as either second class citizens or unfortunates. In less lofty nations clones are consumable, expendable, and exploitable, and while cloning for food purposes is rare, clone slave soldiers, slave laborers, and such are common enough to be troubling.

The River of Sorrow, the metaphysical force that fuels parapsychics and damages the barriers between dimensions rises as a result of human suffering and malice. Events in the past have caused it to crest, such as the Black Death, the World Wars, and the Resource Wars. The suffering inflicted against clones and the malice behind them feed this psychotropic flow of negative energy.

The cheapening of human life has also be a side effect of the technology contained in the codex. People have few compunctions about farming clones for the purpose of harvesting their organs. They are also willing to send clone troopers on suicide missions, fresh meat for the grinder. This bleeds over quickly to not just clones but to the poor, minorities, criminals, and anyone else who hasn't risen to the middle or higher in society. The poor, the downtrodden, the weak, and the sick can suffer and bleed just like the clones.

They aren't even human. They are copies of humans. Copying a credit note doesn't make a new credit note, it makes a copy and that copy is worthless. Can't spend it, can you. Grow a thing that looks like a person in a machine, well, no different from a machine. They are just fleshy robots. Who cares how many you kill.

When science started exploring the aspects of arcanotechnology and biofeedback it was a wondrous time of daring experiments and horrible failures. Many people were scarred for life. Others developed emotional and psychological disorders from exposure to the machines and the feedback systems. More exotic cases developed extensive and unheard of forms of synesthesia. One of the first stable forms of tech developed from this line of experimentation was the Emote Cube.

The Emote Cube is a cube of glass, plastic and other materials roughly 3 inches across. Each side is divided into 9 segments and it can rotate through these faces presenting 6 solid faces, or six faces that are a mix of different colors. The panels are typically electrosensitive and handling the cube is enough to activate it's biofeedback system. 

Unlike the traditional Rubik's cube, the final goal isn't to complete all six sides, rather it is to complete just one side. Each of the six sides of the cube is associated with a certain type/feed of biofeedback and the process of handling the cube causes the mind to focus on that stream of information and once the face is fully complete, there is an emotional 'apex' and then the handler enters a short passive/receptive/recovery phase. 

The Type 6 Emote Cube
1. Rage
2. Grief
3. Sleep
4. Fear
5. Arousal
6. Happiness

The Rage side of the cube represents through pulsing red panels, and as the handler comes closer and closer to completing the side, their body experiencing an elevation of stress hormones, adrenal excretions and other chemicals and reactions associated with extreme anger and hostility. The apex is a cathartic explosion of rage. 

The Grief side of the cube represents through pale purple panels and as the handler solves for that side of the cube, they are filled with mounting negative emotions. By the time they complete the grief side of the cube they are overcome with weeping and sobbing. Once they complete the emotional cycle, they go through an emotional reset period. Grief cubes have been made and are used like prescription medication prescribed by psychoanalysts. A person who isn't able to bring themselves to proper mourning or grief over an incident can use this cube, with directed counselling to overcome the emotional dam.

The Sleep side of the cube represents through soft green panels and solving the side of the puzzle is difficult, because the longer the handler concentrates on solving it, the more and more sleepy they become. Sleep cubes do exist, but they are very rare, as the long term cost/profit of the cube versus prescription meds make the cube very non-profitable for pharmaceutical companies. Sleep cubes are used for dream immersion, and versions of hypnotherapy.

The Fear side of the cube represents through bright yellow panels and handling the puzzle as it is solved towards yellow causes a feeling of horror or dread in the handler. Anxiety and fear mount until the apex when the biofeedback system sparks a potent fight or flight reaction from the handler. Handling Fear Cubes is a matter of juvenile dares, thrill seekers who catabolize the emotion input into endorphin fear rushes, and there have been experiments with social conditioning, such as exposing child molesters to child pornography and the effects of a fear cube. Results have been... mixed.

The Arousal side of the cube represents through pulsing pink panels and it is one of the most popular aspects of the cube. As the handler solves for the pink side of the puzzle, they are systematically stimulated and aroused by the biofeedback, progressing through several stages of sexual excitement and tension, apexing rather predictably in orgasm. Pleasure Cubes are a very popular contraband item, as well as being a tool in diagnosing and treating sexual dysfunctions and neuroses. 

The Happiness side of the cube represents through blue panels and as the puzzle is solved, the handler is slowly filled with a sense of emotional happiness and contentment. The blue panels are the least dramatic side of the cube, and perhaps the most addictive. Almost any sort of stress sends the owner rushing back to handle the blue side of the cube until they are again dopamined into contentment.

Emote Cube Addiction
As can be expected, the Emote Cube was very quickly addiction forming. With the near instant and unconditional emotional responses excited by the cube users found themselves increasingly at odds with social interation and unable to function normally or emotionally. The Rage and Fear cubes left users with damaged brain neurochemistry after excessive use. Unless directly stimulated by drugs, electro or arcano therapy or access to a cube they found themselves unable to feel anything. They had effectively burned their emotional capacity out. The Sleep and Happiness side users quickly withdrew from society because being unconscious and dopey contentment, the outside world didn't matter. Sleep side users found their ability to sleep without access to the cube severely compromised and developed psychological neuroses. Happiness side users emotionally reduced themselves to moronic children, as in their happiness induced state, their brainwave activity was largely depressed. Grief side users were found to be increasingly depressed, manic-depressive, or outright suicidal. The Arousal side users were the most visible in the public eye, as the initial uses of the cube involved duping people into playing with a pink cube in public, while filming the reaction. It was also prominent in several sexual predator/molestation cases where previously normal sexual people were pushed into sexual deviance by excessive use of a cube, and then once denied access to one, went looney and started seeking out higher and more profound sexual expressions.

Emote Cubes were banned less than 3 years after making their debut. The cube was cited with hundreds of cases of suicide, homicide, rape, and an untold number of people falling out of society because they didn't care about anything other than their emote cube.

The Purpose
The Emote Cube is an electronic drug, it's arcanotechnology core causing direct and measurable emotional and biological effects in the handler. It mixes the instant gratification response from smartphones and cellphones with the biochemical response of heroin or methamphetamine. There are other electronic drugs, like Shatner's Tek, or BTL chips from Shadowrun. These are both basically emotion replay systems where the 'user' relives a memory and then has to go buy more. The problem with this is that this is a matter of sentimentality and not a measure of addiction.

What do I know about addiction? A lot, actually. I used to smoke, and a large amount at that. It took me over the course of three years to stop smoking, and then it was a mix of self willpower and the emotion ultimatum delivered by my wife. Drug abuse and addiction isn't about how good it is when you have it, it's about how bad it is when you don't have it. The effects of the Emote Cube are impressive, instant sleep or orgasm puzzles. The real danger is that the level of the effect is high and the thing about addiction is that there is a matter of tolerance. Once you have a puzzle box that makes you pop like a fire hydrant, why are you ever going to go out to a bar, try to meet someone else, and then go through the trials and troubles that are a relationship. Go home, solve for happiness, solve for arousal, solve for sleep. 

But once the cube is gone, you are left unable to feel happiness, nothing gets you off and insomnia appears because the little electric box has taken over your life. What will you pay for 15 minutes of bliss? What would you do for a night of perfect sleep when you haven't sleep right in weeks?

Addiction is hell. 

The Encounter Suit is built around a single revolutionary patented, copyrighted and trademarked material. The fabric  is a non-Newtonian electrokinetic material that when struck with sufficient force becomes extremely rigid for a short time. The suits made from this material proved to be exceptional at limiting or completely negating injury sustained in hostile encounters.

In Metagame Terms the Encounter Suit has a high armor rating against soft/bashing/non-lethal modes of damage, such as the damage inflicted by hand to hand combat, punching and kicking, falling and so forth. It's ability to resist high velocity projectiles is limited, as is it's ability to deal with energy weapons and other forms of damage. While it can negate a punch or kick, it would provide minimal, or no protection from a bullet. Against armor piercing rounds it will offer enough resistance to activate special rounds while offering no protection against them.

The Encounter Suit is a common purchase in the Cosmic Era among professionals who work in security, law enforcement and other intense physical occupations, or occupations where there is a chance of personal injury, such as mining and other heavy industries. As the suit has limited value in stopping weapons, combined with the relative difficulty in obtaining said weapons in the setting, encounter suits are not restricted, nor are they registered. The models sold to civilian users tend to be brightly colored, making wearing one rather obvious, and even if it is covered with other clothing, there are parts that will stick out, typically around the neck, or the wrists. Corp and military models are more muted colors, or are color coded to the outfit's uniform.

The inspiration for the Encounter Suit comes principally from the suits worn by the Power Rangers, but this extends to the spandex body suits seemingly favored by so many comic book heroes, superheroes and antiheroes. A good encounter suit (sans helmet, because facial recognition is needed for most characters) would explain how so many non-superheroes are able to walk through whirling fistfights, clouds of rubble of shrapnel and at most have a bloody lip. 

Mk. I Encounter Suit
The Mk.I encounter suit was created as an under suit to be worn in conjunction with traditional ballistic plate body armor. The suit resembles a diver's wetsuit or 'morphsuit' used in theatrics and comedy. The material is a hyper-reactive material that becomes rigid at the point of impact but remains flexible otherwise. The suit proved excellent to dispersing the kinetic energy from incoming bullets. A ballistic plate, and other armors will stop a bullet, but the energy is still transferred and can lead to significant bruising to ruptured organs. Adding the kinetic energy absorbing encounter suit reduced this potential damage to almost zero.

The Mk.I has a belt and small power pack in the buckle assembly and a helmet. 

William Kane Hemingford was during the day an unassuming businessman, and at night he was a vigilante. he wore an all black Mk. I and was well versed in martial arts (not related to the Nipponism fad). Given the low presence of firearms conventional or otherwise in Great Britain he was seldom faced with more than improvised weapons and fisticuffs. Hemingford was considered a borderline nuisance as several of the criminals he beat up were local kids who were involved in the lowest level of misdemeanors. He was arrested himself several times for public assault, disorderly conduct and public drunkeness.

Mk. II Encounter Suit
The Mk. II was a marginal improvement over the Mk. I. It integrated boots and 'gauntlets' into the suit, which combined with the helmet could make a temporary bio/chem barrier. The Mk. II also had the option of adding a backpack to carry a rebreather and had a larger power life. 

Mk. III Encounter Suit - Muscle Tracer
The Mk. III was an actual serious upgrade to the suit, rather than accessorizing. The suit gained a specific grid pattern which was dual purpose. The primary purpose was for 'muscle tracing' which was a concept that allowed for the suit to augment the wearer's endurance and agility. The second purpose was the creation of superior 'tense zones' that would better resist impact damage. The Mk. III was the first encounter suit that could offer a degree of protection from piercing attacks and armor piercing weaponry. This protection was, however, minimal. 

Logan Romita Jr. is the sort of veteran that the government doesn't like people seeing, he's bad for the War Effort. Romita was selected for stage one genetic enhancement (enhanced metabolism, enhanced strength, enhanced agility, combat aggression, heightened senses) and he was an excellent commando. He was fearless, relentless, and remorseless in his pursuit of killing the enemy. He wore a desert camo Mk. III suit and eventually discarded his rifle and sidearms in favor of using a set of commando 'Lightning Claws' and picking up discarded enemy weapons. After his term was up, Romita was discharged from the military but retained all of his biomods and took up work as a PTSD afflicted mercenary/bounty hunter. 

Mk. IV Encounter Suit
Dropping the muscle tracer technology, as it had become obsolete in the light of genetic augmentation and myomer 'muscle suits' the Mk. IV is closer to the Mk. II than the Mk. III. It has improved protection abilities, but adds in thermoablative and reflective materials to the suit to give protection from laser, thermal, and other energy weapons. The material of the suit has a shiny appearance, looking slick and wet, and was considered ugly. The helmet added an interior heads up display, short range sensors and scanning (biometrics, motion sensor, thermographic and low light) 

Mk. V Encounter Suit
The slick often oily appearance of the thermo-ablative coating was corrected in the Mk. V suit. The Mk. V was enhanced with supporting materials and added protection from radiation and the majority of the Mk. Vs that were made were sent into space. Space military forces would commonly wear the Mk. V under lunar power armor, hard suits or other gear, because in case of a breach, the encounter suit would keep them alive long enough to find hard cover, like an airlock, a ship, or a pressurized vehicle. The Mk.V was also popular among space miners for it's durability and radiation resistance. The suit was quickly associated with independent asteroid miners and prospectors.

Mk. VI Encounter Suit
The Mk. VI encounter suit was a basic improvement over the Mk. V. It broke no new ground, nor did it radically improve on the Mk. V. It was commonly derided as the Mk.Five and a half, or Five-two. It was slightly cheaper than the Mk. V which hurt the series more since it was deemed that this effectively made it not as good as the historically solid Mk. V.

Mk. VII Encounter Suit
The Mk. VII Encounter suit was redesigned from the boots up, as the manufacturers had learned some painful lessons from the overall failure of the Mk. VI and the legacy of the Mk. V. The aesthetic of the Mk. VII hailed back to the simple and rugged original Mk. I, but drew on the utilitarian pragmatism of the Mk. V. The Mk. VII had improved protection, simplified use, and lowered unified production cost. The Mk. VII enjoyed widespread production and use by a variety of law enforcement and private security companies. 

The Mark 7 as it became known, rather than Mk. VII, was the first encounter suit to enjoy widespread cultural level knowledge. Prior to the Mark 7, the encounter suit was a hallmark of professionals, specialists, and mercenaries.

Jillian Strand was a mech jock and was given a great deal of grief by her fellow pilots for her overtly feminine nature and preference for the color pink. Mech jocks were given a larger degree of personal freedom of expression than other military personnel, and Strand used hers to wear a pink Mk. I encounter suit as part of her pilot's gear. At that point, the encounter suit was called a 'sissy suit' as it was seen unfavorably compared to manly stoic thick body armor or advanced sexy power armor. Strand was an excellent pilot and eventually left the Mech Corps to work as a singer and model while many of the other pilots went on to deal with chronic pain and injuries sustained in mech falls and cockpit explosions.

Mark VIII Encounter Suit
One common element the Encounter suit often struggled with was heat, moisture, and humidity, especially inside the suit. The Mk. VIII was designed as a specific use encounter suit to be used in tropical environments. The suit has heat sinks and water shedding systems. The Mk. VIII was later refit with a system to collect the fluids being wicked from the body, and recycling them and storing them. The Mk. VIII Desert encounter suit was popular with African combat forces. 

Mark IX Encounter Suit
One of the common complaints about the encounter suit was that it simply didn't offer enough protection. The Mark IX was designed as a two layer suit. The outer layer is the standard suit, but it is supported by a second, internal layer of composite non-reactive woven armor. This semi-flexible material is proof against piercing attacks, especially knives and magnetic crossbows. The Mk. IX was slightly more bulky than the regular suit, but it was also dramatically more expensive.

Mark X Encounter Suit
The Mk. X encounter suit was an outgrowth of the Mark IX's design philosophy. The suit was heavy, triple layered, and came not just with boots, gauntlets and a helmet but also a cuirasse, or brestplate. The Mk. X was successful in it's design, but was not a commercial success. Many existing encounter suit users, typically Mk. VII or Mk. IX were used to their modified and enhanced suits, with their own aftermarket parts. The Mk. X had fixed points and couldn't change parts like the breastplate or the helmet. 

Mark XI/11 Encounter Suit
The Mark 11 combined the best elements of VII, IX, and X series encounter suits. The 11 had a double layer design with significantly improved protection from shrapnel and piercing attacks and rather than bulky hard points, the 11 had sections, such as the torso and neck reinforced with a third layer of protective material. The gauntlets and helmet were redesigned for a sleeker and more sophisticated appearance. The Mark 11 was amazingly popular, and harkened back to the solid success of the now venerable Mk.V.

Republic of Texas Ranger Judge Hornady is a legend in law enforcement and excessive use of force. Hornady wasa veteran of several border wars between the Republic and the D.F. Mexico as well as fighting the scum of Amerikka Command. He later became a ranger where he adopted a blue Mk. 11 encounter suit and heavy ballistic plate armor. The armor he wore was on par with power armor plating (Hornady had muscle enhancement) and he became iconic for refusing to take cover in firefights. Hornady would walk towards the enemy, gunning them down with a Wagner 10mm automatic magnetic pistol, all the while bullets and shrapnel glancing off of his armor. 

Mark 12 Heavy Encounter Suit
The Mark 12 was the spiritual successor to the Mark X. The entire suit was made of three layers, an internal layer of composite armor pieces sandwiched between two layers of reactive material. The bulky armor was technically successful, but came up short as it offered neither the protection of standard power armor, or the flexibility and usability of standard encounter suits and other personal light armors. Mark 12 Armor became popular among androids and mechanoids who didn't find the heavy suit encumbering but enjoyed how it worked better for them. Eventually the Mark 12 was redesigned to the 12/R which had denser and heavier plating, enlarged power packs, and lacked many of the climate control functions required by organic users.

Mark 13 Encounter Suit
The Mark 13 was an updated version of the Mark 11, and due to effective marketing and PR there was an almost seamless integration between the successful 11 and the 13. The Mark 13 added an armor sheet 'skirt' to protect the groin area. Previous suits were often upgraded with armor codpieces and other adornments, and the designers smartly made the skirt modular. Most users replaced the skirt with armor pieces, but a few, especially high profile female users kept the skirt and were great for propaganda streams. The Mark 13 enjoyed widespread use in the space naval forces.

Mark 14 Encounter Suit
After 13 iterations, the successful encounter suit was starting to have a dated feel to it. The aesthetic for the majority of models was a minimalist one, usually a monochrome color pattern with a few detailings. The design, instead of feeling sophisticated had become dated. The Mark 14 was systematically little different from the Mark 13 encounter suit, but on a design level it was radically different. The surface was superficially divided into panels and there were surface 'circuit tracer' markings and patterns on the suit. These typically accentuated muscle groups of the wearer, or were intricate geometric patterns. The helmet was given an aggressive styling to match. One actual modification was the inclusion of SmartWire technology for integrating use of SmartGun systems with the helmet. This was a common aftermarket modification that had been used since the time of the Mk. VII but the prior expense of the SmartWire gear had made in unfeasible for mass production and use. The Mark 14 was popular among special forces, as they were able to enhance the SmartWire system and liked the improved appearance of the suit.

Mark 15 Encounter Suit
The Mark 15 was a slightly heavier version of the Mark 14, and retained many of it's features, and it had an improved thermoablative resistant material bringing it's laser and energy weapon resistance up to match improvements in laser and energy weapons. The Helmet, gauntlets, and boots were reinforced, and a utility belt/harness were added. The Mark 15 was commonly used by marines and other infantry not equipped with power armor suits, as the harness could be easily swapped out with heavier military equipment, and the SmartWire system and helmet targeting system worked with anything from civilian light pistols to infantry squad support weapons. The Mark 15 saw greater use on the Moon, Mars, and other non-terrestrial locations.

Mark 16 Light Encounter Suit
The progression of the encounter suit saw the cost of the suit steadily rising with not just basic improvements but the addition of gadgets, accessories and other equipment. The Mark 16 was designed with an eye back towards the original Mk. I encounter suit. It was cheap, it was made of a single layer or reactive material, with some double layer reinforcement over vital areas and the boots and gauntlets were basic armored but non-reactive material, and the helmet supported minimal function beyond imaging, short range communication, and air filtration. The Mark 16 cost a fraction of what the Mark 14/15 cost and was an instant success among lower end operations. Professional security companies, corporate security companies, and other emergency responder organizations bough the suit in large numbers. They liked the protection, but didn't need the fancy gadgets or highfalutin styling. Street cops wore 16s, and it became synonymous with law enforcement, or the One-Six as referred to by officers.

Officer Jason Scott was a New Nuyork police officer who came into possession of a Mk. I encounter suit, and commonly wore it, sans helmet, under his uniform. The suit absorbed punishment from the frequent melee encounters he faced on the street. Under the surge of Nipponism, many gangs resorted to martial arts and melee weapons like clubs and swords and the encounter suit allowed Scott to walk through these sorts of fighting engagements to execute impressive take-downs and arrests. 

Mark 17 Encounter Suit
Still in the product development cycle, the Mark 17 is the intended replacement for the Mark 14, and 15 suits still in use. It is a top of the line product and design details are still being worked out. It has an eye towards 'elite' and has metallic cording and surface 'circuit tracers' and the helmet has been given a crown like redesign. The current feedback has this redesign looking towards a scrap and do-over which will again delay the release of the Mark 17. 

The Epstein Drive
The Epstein drive is a relatively simple engine configuration used on spacecraft in the Cosmic Era. The drive is composed of three segments, a plasma generator, an ion drive unit, and a magnetic accelerator. Quite simply, the ion drive rips apart the plasma fuel turning it into thrust. The magnetic accelerator functions as an 'afterburner' further boosting the velocity of the drive exhaust. The drive system is relatively large and bulky, so only large ships are equipped with them. Ships under 30 feet in length are typically too small to mount these engine types, and rely on chemical rockets, or lower power output ion or more powerful and much more inefficient plasma drives.

There are certainly arcanotech drive systems, such as devices that manipulate gravity, change the flow of space-time, and otherwise turn the strange geometries and the angles of space into thrust. These devices are much more effective at exploding, imploding, or otherwise folding themselves into inverse hyperdimensional shapes.

The Biggest:
The largest epstein drive is fitted to a deep system ore refinery ship operating in the asteroid belt. The Scandinavian Jahre Outrider is currently mining in the Ceres region where it is harvesting asteroids for their nickel-iron content, and turning the shells into structures suitable for conversion into space habitats.

The most powerful epstein drive is fitted to the Atlantic Federation battlestar Arcadia. Formerly a second line battlestar, the Arcadia was retrofit with the new Dragon WSVVR drive, making it the fastest warship in the fleet, and only slightly slower than an aerospace fighter. The ship is being used as a rapid armed courier making runs between Earth, Huo Hsing, and the deep system Federation outposts.

The MegaRoad project is currently working on nested epstein drives with the notion if creating a propulsion system capable of reaching another star system within a single human lifespan.

The Eye of Atma is a gold egg shaped object roughly the size of a human eye. When found or removed from a host, the Eye is closed and more resembles a yoni object, or female genital symbol. No known means can force the Eye to open. It is heavy, and holding it fills the holder with a sense of dread importance. 

The Eye of Atma is intended to replace one eye of a person. The eye socket must be empty. if pushed into the socket, the Eye of Atma will easily fit. The new bearer of the Eye must undergo several challenges, during which they are completely helpless.

Test of Spirit - the host cannot have any anxiety based flaws. The Eye will not accept a host who suffers from anxiety, depression, fear, cowardliness, and other disorders. The new bearer must make a willpower test against the Eye. If they score a critical fail on this, the Eye devours the soul of host and they fall to the ground dead.

Test of Soul - the host must be Human, Human+, or Imbrian. Clones, cymeks, androids, and non-humans cannot use the Eye. Those who are infected or infested cannot bear to be near the Eye. Like the test of Spirit, those who critically fail this test perish.

The Test of Flesh - the host must be of sound health and body. Amputees, cripples, the handicapped, the sick, the weak, and the infirm do not have the strength of body to bear the power of the Eye. A normal fail on the Test of Flesh leaves the host deceased. A critical fail reduces their body to a salt like withered husk.

Should the host pass the three tests of the Eye, it will graft itself into their head, and the labia like lids will part and reveal the gleaming gold and crystal Eye of Atma. The character will spend several hours to days disoriented and confused as they struggle to accept and adapt to the powers of the Eye.

True Sight - also known as Kirlian Vision, or Transphasic Perception. The bearer of the Eye has the ability to see psychic auras, as well as peering into the metaphasic zone. This means that the Bearer of the Eye can perceive all of the transphasic life forms that drift through reality without intersecting it, as well as seeing when people are being infested by one of them.

Sight Beyond Sight - clairvoyance with concentration. Focusing on people or objects and familiarity with a location makes this much easier. 

Telepathy - The Bearer of the Eye can focus their sight on a person and read their mind, from their surface thoughts to their deepest and most recessed memories. This can be resisted, and if there are too many people or distractions present, it can be thwarted. 

False Sight - The Eye can generate illusions and phantasms. They have no power or substance, but until proven otherwise the majority of people will accept an illusion created by the Eye.

Protection - Meta - the Eye of Atma grants the Bearer bonuses to resisting mind control, emotion manipulation, immunity to telepathy, they cannot be fooled by disguises, and as they see souls, they cannot be hidden from unless the person hiding has some sort of hiding spot akin to a spiritual Faraday cage.

The Eye cannot be removed while the Bearer is alive. It also cannot be hidden by prosthetic, make up, or illusion. It can be covered by long hair, or a cowl, or face mask. The Bearer will also increasingly suffer from a dramatic loss of empathy. Being aware of the petty thoughts of others, and how insignificant the desires of the majority of people are will see them fall in status to the Bearer of the Eye, becoming nothing more than chattel that can pointlessly speak,

The Eye cannot see things that do not have souls. Thus automatons can walk past the eye without being noticed, save for the remaining human eye. After a long period of time, the Bearer of the Eye will be very accustomed to using the perception of the golden eye over their own remaining eye, leaving a blind spot for robot assassins, poisonings, or mechanical traps with no power sources.

The Imbrians left behind a Guardian on Earth, Atma. This guardian was a magnificent robot made of gold alloys and the pinnacle of Imbrian material technology. It guarded the last Imbrian city in the Solar System, after the Dynasts exterminated themselves off the face of the rest of the planets. The Guardian of Atlantis strode into conflict many times, accompanied by the Last Knights of Imbria. They slew many monsters and abominations that were left crawling the face of the Death World Earth. In time, the Knights, one by one, fell. And eventually Atma too was broken and destroyed. The remaining Knights gathered what they could of the Dynastic war machine, and created from it the Atma Relics. Each of the Last Knights carried one of the relics, and made it as their final task to hunt down and slay the abominations of the Dynasty.

The were successful, but the cost was absolute. None of the Knights survived, and many of the Relics were given to the self appointed Nobles of Atlantis. They used them to keep fighting, as the abominations were drawn to the golden light of Atlantis herself. The city was destroyed, but so too were the monsters clawing at the walls and the gates. The relics survived and were passed on to the survivors of the fall of the City.

A fascia is a stylized mask that is worn over the face. The outside of the fascia is subject the ornamentation and stylizing, while the interior is an interface system designed to bypass the physical sensory organs and directly transmit information to the wearer's brain. Fascias come in three major classes; full cybernetic, visor style, and totemic.

Full cybernetic fascias are part of a cybernetic upgrade, physically replacing the face and sensory organs of the cyborg in question. The most common application of this level of integration is for combat veterans, special ops, and elite shadowrunners who have a greater need for the abilities offered by the device, or have suffered traumatic facial and cranial trauma. At this level of integration, it is not uncommon for the cyborg to also have a cybernetic skull upgrade, cybernetic torso modification, and other extensive changes to their bodies.

As I lost parts of my body, I lost a little bit of myself. Some parts took a larger part of me, others, less. I thought that the day that I lost my lower torso, my uterus and reproductive organs, I had taken the biggest hit I would take. After that, I assumed, there was nothing left that shrapnel or plasma burns could take away from me. Two years later I barely survived a close hit from a mecha grade laser. My eyes were fried to a crisp, olfactory nerves were cooked, the tissue that was my face was literally cooked down to the bone. If not for the mods I already had and the helmet I had on I would have been dead almost instantly. Instead I spent six weeks in recovery, and ended up with a new face. I can take the fascia off and hold my face in my hands. If I leave the wires and systems connected I can turn the plate around and look at what's left of me. The fixation points, the polymer laminated bones, the linkages, where my face used to be. I take three different anti-depressants and see a councillor twice a month for my identity issues and border body disorder.

Visor style fascias are the most common and can be slipped on over the face. Once on, the wearer links through the fascia much like they would interface with any other cognitive device. Once integrated, the wearer 'sees' through the device. Common applications for this include mecha and aerospace piloting (electronics operation, drone operation, extreme range combat), Information Center operators, ranging from CIC staff to airspace control centers to data filtration and observation systems. This is the most commonly seen aspect of the fascia, the tech operator sitting in front of a number of screens, accessing a high speed data terminal, while pantomiming gestures in front of them. The fascia is almost always minimalist, with the only features being a series of sensor pinpoints that connect the fascia to the computer terminal it is linked to. Eurasian Fascias tend to have four points, Federation fascias have six, Nipponese and PRC fascias have offset patterns and frequently integrate an optical eye so that the operator can access visual input without taking off the fascia.

The V17 Fascia is the current general issue unit for the Atlantic Federation Navy. The CIC of a Federation class battlestar is the central nerve center of activity on the ship, and a dozen operators work at their command consoles, equipped with the mentioned V17s. The command staff disseminate their instructions through these controllers. The image of the faceless controllers guiding swarms of aerospace fights, mecha squadrons, and commanding gun and missile batteries.

There are plenty of fascias you can use for rigging a drone, most of them will get the job done, but there is only one that I like, and that's the Regler 117, it's an older unit, and a little heavy, but the information feed has a better brain feel to it. With those robust visual cortex feeds, I feel like I am right there, and it doesn't matter what kind of drone it is, a weather scout, a news spotter, a police chaser, or even one of those nasty gun pods. Tasty.

Totemic fascias are far more common in entertainment and thriller feeds, and are popular among villains. Totemics have stylized faces, functionally becoming masks. Common motifs include comedy and tragedy masks, kabuki masks, animal and monster masks, and more modern things such as alien faces. While originating in entertainment, these fascia have found a limited role in the hands of shadowrunners, and fixers who want to conceal their identities while at the same time, intimidating their employees.

Intimidation is a great form of currency. Sometimes, you don't have an imposing visage, maybe you have a weak chin, or are broken out from a laser skin treatment, or the cosmetologist screwed up the rejuvenation treatment and you've got stroke droop going on. Hard to be intimidating with a drool. But slap on the cold as hell placid skull fascia, and you become death. The sensors show you their body temp, who's scared, who's bluffing, who's about to piss themselves and who already has.

The fascia was born out of the aerospace industry. As the data required by pilots increased there was less and less space available in the cockpit, and improvements in weapons made exposed cockpits and canopies more vulnerable. The first fascias were worn by the crews of trans-atmospheric ships, who were buried in the hulls, and were still flying the craft like they were in traditional seating arrangements. When mecha entered regular production, mecha grade fascias were built, allowing for pilots to man their machines from the safety of their armored machines, without being exposed in something as target attracting as a head module. The tech spread from the cockpit to command centers as weapons and electronics operators found that the system was a data multiplier, allowing them to work quicker and more effectively in intense situations.

Lower end models were manufactured for the cybernetics market, first for victims of conflict and war veterans, and later for cybernetics enthusiasts, shadowrunners, and drone controllers.

A standard issue fascia adds to the wearer's basic computer interfacing skill, perception skill (so long as it relates to the task at hand) as well as applying the same general level bonus to piloting, navigation, hacking, drone control, and other computer related tasks. In a D20 based system, this would be a 2-3 point bonus. For specialized fascias, this can go as high as +5. This would cover things like dedicated mecha control fascias, drone controller specific units, and so forth. These specialized units would have no modifier if used outside of their intended purpose. A fascia user can also multi-task, and can perform a basic action in a turn, as well as making a virtual or computer action at the same time.
This should make fascias popular pieces of equipment for average level ability characters, and for supporting NPCs.

The downside of the fascia is that it limits actual physical perception and anything that can hide from a machine is invisible to a fascia wearer, even if that means a digitially cloaked person, perfectly visible, could easily sneak up on a fascia use. This level of technology is also potentially vulnerable to hacking, and fascia users tend to panic and suffer negative penalties even beyond losing their equipment should they be disabled. This is something anti-tech factions are aware of and exploit whenever possible.

Author's Note
There is a fairly common trope in anime of characters who have full face concealing masks, often with just a few pin-points on them. This is likely done for a variety of reasons, ranging from stylistic choice (facelessness, loss of identity) to production choices (quick, cheap, and easy to draw and animate). The fascia is the Cosmic Era of this common piece of equipment.

The Food Dispensary isn't a new concept, the actually concept is hundreds, if not thousands of years old. The only thing that has changed is what kind of food, and how it is dispensed. The petrol era had soup kitchens and bread lines, and before that, there were communes where peasants could exchange manual labor for meals. The requirement of work has since been discarded as menial labor is now the domain of droids and clones. The Food Dispensary is the go to place in the Cosmic Era to quite simple, get something to eat.

The Heart of the Beast
At the center of a stand alone Food Dispensary is an organic polyforge that 'constructs' the food to be dispensed. The food is brought in as a nutrient enhanced paste which is then colored, flavored, textured, and then shaped into the desired product. There are different paste bases, aquaculture provides minced krill and fish products and kelp/seaweed based products. Hydroponics and myocoproteins create synthetic plants and meat substitutes, and barrels of plant starch are easily whipped up into simulacra of potatoes, carrots, and any other starchy vegetable.
The end product is a minimally packaged container of food that is on par with a military MRE (Meal Ready to Eat) and are easily prepared. A Food Station microwave is often the only appliance needed as the Food Dispensary is designed for minimalist kitchens and close to zero cooking skills.

Merits of the F&D
Availability - F&D food is very cheap to make, has low logistical costs, and is technically nutritious enough to survive near indefinitely on. Being quick and easy to produce allows for anticipated spikes in demand to be easily met without building up huge stockpiles.
Shelf Life - once packaged, F&D goods can last for months or even years.

Ease of Variation - the bulk of the F&D products are almost identical, on the chemical level. Emulating certain food types, flavors, and so forth is entirely the work of a very small amount of chemical additives. Trends, flavors, ethnic cuisines, and so forth are easy to handle, and easy to distribute, so that the general populace doesn't tire of the same limited food choices.

The widespread adoption of the Food Dispensary model across the Atlantic Federation and allies has seen the near collapse of hunger and malnutrition among it's citizens and residents. Tied with the relative ease of getting body modifications, with fat reduction or calorie controlers being popular, has seen a strong trend of improving the health of the population. Overindulgence is less common as Brand Loyalty additives like Rhapsody encourage repeat business rather than relying on base food triggers like dousing food in large amounts of fat, salt, and sugar. 

Synthetic Revolution
The F&D has come hand in hand with the widespread adoption of synthetics. Kava was formulated to replace organic sources such as coffee and tea, sugar alcohols replace sweeteners like sugar and honey, and many so called junk foods have become calorically neutral. It looks like a potato chip, it crunches like one, and it tastes like one, and is available in 108 flavors. It is actually a dash of starch and plant cellulose, with flavor dust and crunch additives. The same goes for sweet beverages like soda. With synthetic sweeteners, the caloric value has vanished. It is nothing more than fizzy, flavored, colored water.

Eat Recycled Food, It's Good for the Environment and Okay for You

Many synthetic foods, especially the non-digestible ones, are easily reclaimed from waste processing facilities. Once reclaimed and sanitized, it is relatively easy to turn the material back into a food shape. 

Cons of the F&D
There are two massive cons of the F&D. Culture is very frequently expressed through food, how it is made, how it is presented, and how it is eaten. The differences between two cultures can be almost completely alien to each other based off of their food. The F&D is mass produced, and the food that is being made is emulating cultural themes and motifs, but is in no way representative of them. Picking up a bag of Spicy Nacho Doritos is in no way representative of the Mesoamerican culture, and that is where the F&D is. Cultural foods produced through the system are sanitized, streamlined, and engineered for appeal and consumer approval. The culture of food fades away as everyone is eating the same bags of food, just in different shapes, flavors, and colors. The second con is the divorce of humanity from it's ability to cook and being close to the food chain. The concepts of farm to table, heirloom vegetables, and other things like organic and antibiotic free free range ethically sourced meat are simply gone. Meat doesn't come from animals, it might be a carcinoprotein, grown from tumor cells, or it could be a mycoprotein grown from fungus spores in warm water. Produce was more likely to be printed that picked. Seasonings and spices are synthetic.
The Cosmic Era, despite it's flash and dazzle, and arcanotech lens flares, is becoming increasingly homogeneous. Where previously the residents of Addis Abba would sit around a low table and eat kibi and sufta with their fingers, and the people of the Caribbean would have soups and barbacoas of the stranger parts of animals, the Americans with cheeseburgers and pizza, the citizens of the Federation have reduced these cultures all to flavorings. 

The concept of the F&D is spreading. The utility of the food production and distribution, and the way culture can be corralled through control of the cuisine has not gone unnoticed. F&D type dispensaries are starting to pop up in the PRC, and the ACPS. 

Corporate Culture
The companies that back the food supply have a hand in controlling the culture and attitudes of the general populace. There are always two sides, and the corporations are hold both. They are providing the intellectual properties and flavoring blends behind popular franchised F&Ds. This allows them the advertising channels through to the population. They can, through simply economy of scale, determine what is cool and what is so yesterday. On the other side, there is the counterculture resistance to the McCorporate F&D, the movement that looks at slumming in the geofronts, and the favelas to find what the poor people eat, where they aren't feed by machines. 

The Food Dispensaries started in the geofronts and favelas, where there were large numbers of poor people who needed to eat, and were detached from a cooking culture, and the ability to engage in agriculture. There is the dark romantic notion of people eating rat burgers, and whatnot in the geofronts. This just isn't the case, as the waste recycling of the Cosmic Era has in many places all but eradicated rats, along with targeted viral weaponry. In those places where rats survive, there simply aren't enough to provide a food source. So, the infamous rat burger exists only in fiction. The only difference between the arco F&Ds and the outside dispensaries, is that the arco locations have the luxury of choice of flavors. The poor people left to flavor and dress their food, since it is closer to Tastee Wheat, S'Meat products, and so forth.

The Future of Food
The Future of Food in the Cosmic Era is rather bleak. The mainstay food is produced in dispensaries, where poor people come in on foot and collect their allotment, while the wealthier classes inside the arcologies have their food allotment delivered by machines, or they pick it up from a parcel station. 'Eating out' is done at kiosks and food carts, casual dining and fancy restaurants are a thing of the past, as much a piece of petrol era as strip malls, gas stations, and expansive parking lots. Food itself is more often than not cultured, manufactured, and produced, rather than grown. A petrol era grocery store would appear as a limitless cornucopia of food, a nigh infinite variety to chose from, complete with vast amounts of waste, redundancy, and vapid consumerism.

Man Versus Food
The television show Man vs Food showcased an increasingly overweight host traveling from restaurant to restaurant to indulge in their eating challenges, ranging from the gluttonous to the sadistic. This is a sort of hyper-American highlight reel of food-utainment, but it is largely how the Cosmic Era views the eating habits of the entire Petroleum Era. There is far less representation of ethnic foods, and when those do appear, they are strongly Americanized, of colossal size, and being devoured by a heavy seat man breaking out in a food sweat.

Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives
Another popular program was Triple D, in which a frosted haired hawaiian shirt wearing senior dude-bro traveled across the country exploring the local eateries. This ranged from the truly impressive fixtures of local culture, to places that were very much Man v Food in their offerings. This further feeds into the image of the Petroleum Era, a self-unaware dude-bro driving in a muscle car from eatery to eatery, indulging in all the food available from one coast to another.

Bizarre Foods 
The showcase of Andrew Zimmern, Bizarre Foods sees a heavy set American traveling around the world to indulge in the cuisines of the local people. Initially played for the gross factor, eating eyeballs, shipworms, offal, and other ghastly offerings, the show shifted more towards a less Fear Factor, and more places you would want to go, rather than stuff to eat versus starvation. To the Cosmic Era there are few things more mocking that a fat middle aged man wandering through the poorest parts of the world, where food is often hard to come by, and eating it in a daredevil fashion.

Food Allergies and Eating Disorders

Food allergies and autoimmune disorders became increasingly prevalent in the late Petroleum Era. There are a number of theories that surround the phenomenon, and many of them are considered offensive or deliberately derogatory of the people of the era. The prevailing theory is that early efforts at creating GMO food stock were poorly done, and was increasingly damaging the nutritional and absorptive value of the stock. The end result was a rapidly increasing segment of the population that was unable to eat said foodstocks. 

The second and third theories are closely related: trendy diseases, and inferior genetics. The first theory plays on the notion of Collective Obsession Disorder aka mass hysteria. A few people developed autoimmune disorders that garnered them a bit of attention, but was generally not life threatening. Then, it becomes trendy to have the self-diagnosed version of the disorder, garnering the same special attention. This theory is supported by the massive spikes in 'trendy' mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression, being on the autistic spectrum, and so forth. 

A number of eating disorders, almost completely unknown outside the industrialized first world, emerged in the middle to late Petroleum Era. These included anorexia, bulimia, pika, and others. These revolved around body image, and social expectations and proved disastrous. As the decadence of the Petroleum Era came to a head, the ideal woman was in her middle teens (14-16), hairless from the eyelashes down, and 100 lbs or less in weight. While there were a few who fit into this mold, most did not, but were driven to try to fit into it. This turned to reckless diets, extreme surgery, and massive psychological stress that emerged as the eating disorders. The Cosmic Era has avoided this in two different directions. Reaching a certain body ideal can be attained through genetic augmentation which is generally safer than binging and purging, lemon diets, and suppository addiction, and through self aware body image. Obesity is a largely a thing of the past, while advertising has shifted away from the borderline pedophilia of the Petroleum Era. There are certainly still disorders and trendy diseases in the Cosmic Era, but they more revolve around CogNet use, technology, and robotics issues.

Genetic Inferiority
There is a 'genetic supremacy' that is gaining ground in the Cosmic Era. This currently small faction believes that the peoples of the Petroleum Era were undermined by their inferior genetics. While in the most literal sense, there is some truth, as genetic screening was in it's infancy in the petrol era, and it would be centuries before science and medicine advanced to the point of editing hereditary diseases out of the genome, but this is not the basis of the supremacist argument. Instead, the argument goes that the massive population was never culled at any point, and people with disabilities and genetic defects would breed with each other, insuring that their defective genes were passed on, instead of trying to breed them out with good selective pairing. This lead to more and more of the population being defective. Autism, Downs, autoimmune disorders, deafness, blindness, and so forth was not properly contained. Anyone could, and did, breed with anyone, leading to a polluting of the genome.

The Supremacists very quickly lead into the Nazi eugenics programs and notes of which races are superior stock and which are inferior. 
Last edited by Skaldia on Wed Dec 22, 2021 5:33 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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||“Chaos needs no allies, for it dwells like a poison in every one of us.”

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Postby Skaldia » Thu Sep 25, 2014 1:12 pm

Armor and Items Cont. IV

Mr Big is composed of two major components: the character's collection of skills, backgrounds, and such, and the mechanical construction of the Mr Big cybernetic body. The Generic Mr Big utilizes only the second part, the cybernetic body with a diminutive person inside the torso.

Basic Build

The Mr Big body is built off of a readily available power armor or civilian hardsuit chassis. It does not have armor plating, but it instead wrapped in a manner very similar to an autons with their stiff outer shells. The arms and legs of the suit have cybernetic limbs inside of them, anchored to the torso, giving the generic Mr Big the strength and endurance of a robot. The suit doesn't have a helmet as the pilot is concealed entirely in the torso, so the suit has an auton or other robot head in it's place.

Mr Big Gunner
The Mr Big Gunner is a paramilitary build, and has some basic armor draped over the chassis, more for cosmetic purposes. The armor carries whatever logo or insignia is used by Big Gunner's organization is. This Big has an assortment of large weapons, a handy supply of grenades, and is functionally a nine foot tall infantryman with lots of hit points, lots of weapons, and is relatively slow.

Mr Big Boomer
Similar to Big Gunner, Big Boomer has one weapon, but by god it is a big one. This isn't some squad support weapon, but something truly terrifying and impressive. A howitzer, a vehicle sized laser, an enormous flamecannon, something that deals vehicle/mecha scale damage and splash damage. This Big has one trick, but it's a blast.

Mr Big Blockbuster
Big Blockbuster is a demolition man. While proficient with big guns and power weaponry, Blockbuster carries explosives. Lots and lots of explosives. He specializes in IEDs made from naval cannon rounds, bombs made in 55 gallon drums, and has the life philosophy that there is no problem that cannot be solved with enough explosives.

Mr Big Ripper
Big Ripper specializes in melee combat, with a large melee weapon. This can be as mundane as a hardsuit sledgehammer, or as exotic as a hyperedge blade or blitzhammer. The fun is in the middle, pulling out things like chainsaw swords, melee buzzsaws, power axes, and whatever other flesh mauling hand to hand weaponry that can be thought of.

Mr Big Terror
Mr Big Terror is a monster. It is almost impossible to tell that it is a humanoid shaped machine under the carapace of bone and viscera that Big Terror has draped himself in like a macabre hermit crab. Bent on murder. Big Terror has the aura of a slasher movie killer. Tough, deliberate, and taking joy from dismantling a foe. Big Terror is a chaotic evil force of destruction suited for running with a gang or murderers and raiders of the worst stripe.

Mr Big Bling
Big Bling has clad his robotic chassis in gold composite alloy, and all of his components are cutting edge. Big Bling is a nine foot tall celebrity entourage bodyguard, and doesn't use anything as crude as missile launchers or conventional firearms. Big Bling deals exclusively in beam and energy weapons, flash and dazzle. 

Mr Big Rescue
Big Rescue takes the formidable chassis of Mr Big and moves it into serving the public interest as a search and rescue responder. Big Rescue has a demeanor akin to a humanoid Optimus Prime.

Organic Memory Core
The OMC is a sleek and ubiquitous device, typically a single piece casing wrapped around hidden and mysterious innards. The devices range in size from the smallest being roughly the size of a gallon jug and the largest reaching the size of water heater tanks. These devices are incredibly sophisticated machines that despite their complexity have two access points and one button. There are manual lines for attaching physical cables to the OMC, one provides power supply, and the other is the hardline datafeed. Much like water heaters, almost all residences in the first world have one, and like the water heater, is is seldom ever interacted with, out of sight and out of mind. It is the device that makes all of the lights work, and the entertainment systems do the entertaining. The one button is the power button which is used in only three instances, initial activation, power cycling by a technician, and terminating power when the core is removed.

The most common core is the 5 gallon bucket sized Omni-Consumer Nova 14.4 Residential OMC. This non-portable unit is found in almost every home and non-favela residence in the first world of the Cosmic Era. Other models include the 1 gallon sized Cyberdyne Systems Nomad 989 portable OMC, and the massive HAL-9 used in corporate offices which stands 8 feet tall, and is three feet wide.

The first generation of Organic Memory Cores were invented and designed in Korea and were smuggled out of the country shortly before Korea was occupied by the ACPS. Much of the preliminary and design data was lost in the cyberwar and physical war that saw the Pacific Rim Coalition beaten back by the superior might of the Chinese and their ACPS supporters. The OMC specs were taken to Nippon, and Cascadia where the design was streamlined and improvements were made. Trade agreements, espionage, reverse engineering and other shadowy practices saw the rapid spread of the technology behind the cores. Nirasaki Computer and Engineering of Osaka pioneered the first mass produced OMC, with Cyberdyne, HALcorp, and OCP in North America following suit with their own versions of the device.

The 3rdNet, the precursor to the CogNet was strained to its breaking point early in the second renaissance. There was simply only so much data that the network could handle, and the rate of data expansion had been outpacing machine design and infrastructure capacity for years. Arcanotechnology was being explored for a potential answer for the broadband and superband shortages that were starting to impact not just consumer entertainment, but the daily function of utilities and vital systems.

This crunch was the worst felt in Asia, specifically in the island nations like Nippon, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan. This was also where most of the research into arcanotech data systems was being being done as well. The region was riding a tech high, as less than 50 years prior the first true quantum computing system had been designed and put into service. If not for the Floating Point Servers, mainframes, arcoframes, and megaframes that had been spawned from that, 3rdNet would have collapsed decades before the advent of the OMCs. The organic memory cores use a carbon based bioelectrical feedback system to handle data, and offer short term storage of large amounts of information.

At least that's what it says on the can.

The Secret.
Nope, not yet.

The Organic Memory Core is a foundation piece of technology, one found almost everywhere and like such equipment it is entirely overlooked until it fails. And like such technology, very few people know how or why it works. So long as the water is hot, the air is cool, and the TV works, people don't care about how the water heater, air conditioner, or television actually work. The difference between a repairman and a wizard is choice of wardrobe. They both do things that no one really understands, speak their own language, and like magic, they do that thing they do.

The Organic Memory Core supports the internal system of a modern residence in the Cosmic Era. It regulates temperature, turns lights on and off, and otherwise maintains the function of the residence. Living in an arcology or other megastructure, things like opening windows or adjustable thermostats are thing of the past. This is all a tiny fraction of the things the unit does. The biggest thing the OMC does is that it plays buffer host for the CogNet. The places that a person regularly visits, and home based programs such as entertainment videos and games are stored in the core to reduce stress on the overall datafeed. The average user, when they log into the CogNet and go down to GoogleMall, they are actually just visiting the copy of the location stored in their OMC, with only a fraction of the datafeed being used to handle the transactions and inventories rather than generating the virtual location.

OMCs fall under the jurisdiction of the Node Admin. In most cases, the Node Admin is the LAISC in charge of data operations within an arcology or similar physical location. The Node Admin has unlimited access to all of the standard OMCs hooked into its network. Thankfully for those paranoid types, the vast majority of machine intelligences have no interest in watching people using the bathroom or showering. There is still a very strong Big Brother Element involved and most home unit OMCs cannot be used to move outside of sanitized and government approved datafeeds. Those that do, those are generally monitored closely. Then the proper authorities are notified.

Very few things in the Cosmic Era have a hard line. The OMC has a hardline into the host network, again typically inside an arcology, habitat, or other established physical location. The 'wires' that connect the devices of a household to the OMC are hidden behind walls and light fixtures, just like electrical wires and plumbing are concealed within walls. Each room is likely to have its own router for handling wireless data (in the Cosmic era, wireless has no important meaning, and is in effect the same as referring to a 2014 Corvette Stingray as a horseless carriage).

When in Roam
There are personal unit OMCs, the smaller portable units. These units are used as back up or supporting cores in data intensive households, or in situations where more than one family might be in a unit, such as a dormitory complex where a larger number of people live, but with limited personal space, but high data needs. Roaming OMCs are also popular with first world citizens who travel away from the dense cores of the cities, be it for retreats, 'camping' and other away from home activities. These portable OMCs are typically found in low data use vacation residences, recreation centers, and so forth. The Military also uses these smaller OMCs in logistic vehicles, and as the control units for drone vehicles. Obviously the military versions have enhanced capabilities, and don't spend much time on Asian Porn datafeeds.

The Big Bopper
There are heavy and super sized OMCs that are used in megacorp offices and other areas where massive amounts of data are handled and require the stupendous amount of floating data that an OMC can handle. It is rare to find the human sized OMCs alone, these units are typically mounted in banks, row after row of cores to handle the load.

What it is Not
The Organic Memory Core is not a computer, it is functionally a massive flashdrive with an almost instantaneous ability to fill or dump itself. The computing devices and gadgets in a house are all linked to the OMC and use it to handle the buffering and holding data while they do the things that they are supposed to do. This interconnectivity allows for the CogNet to exist, and pervade almost every corner of the First World. Programs and Synthetic intelligences can reside within a core, and these can work to promote harmony across a network.

Hackers, cybersecurity personnel, and cybernauts need their own isolated and inoculated OMCs to do their work in the CogNet, loaded with their own programming and weaponry. This is the fabled 'cyberdeck' of the hacker. They do have their handheld electronics and gadgets but behind every professional hacker is a code cracked OMC.

What it really Is.
The Organic Memory Core is functionally a brain in a jar. The first generation of cores were made from executed criminals, donated test subjects, and some questionably gained brains. These organs were then spliced into electronic systems and support equipment to make the first OMCs. These cores had faults, and were not always reliable. It seems that having been alive and packed full of data gathered over a lifetime somewhat compromised the quality of the brain in its use as a data storage medium.

A small number of the first generation brains that were harvested from previously living humans regained sentience after being installed in an OMC. This proved to be quite a bad thing. The brain retained obviously its thinking ability and memories but was completely divorced of a biological body. There was no constant or consistent reaction, some went berzerk, others went insane, and still others refused to admit that it was anything more than just a dream. While very few mature brains are harvested for OMCs, there is a trend for some people to have their brain removed at the point of death or just prior to it and installed in an OMC for a chance to continue existing. These brain jar people are rare, as the majority of brains that are restarted only have ghosts of the people they used to be floating around inside of them. Those brain jar people who survived typically demonstrated higher intellect, emotional detachment, sociopathic tendencies, or had some sort of pre existing mental condition.

Cloning provided what the OMC designers wanted, completely blank adult brains. These blanks were loaded into their support mediums, and surrounded with the bits of arcanotech equipment that make the entire macabre thing work. The OMc is housed in a one piece casing so that curious people don't start messing with them to find out whats inside. It also discourages would be home repair men from attempting to fix a broken or malfunctioning unit. The core is heavy, as the brain, or brains are suspended in preservative solution (LCL gel) which itself has been given a chemical additive to render it opaque, just in case some nosy person does manage to get inside the housing.

Cloned brains are mass produced, then packaged in functionally amniotic sacs to the manufacturers who place the brains in the preservative tanks and hook them into the machinery. The brain is then subjected to diagnostic testing, and then coded and programmed with the information it needs to hold. The standard household unit has between three and five brains in it. The portable unit only has one, and the large industrial/commercial use units have as many as 60 in each core. These separate brains once hooked into a core function as multiple lobes of a single organism and are able to work in harmony together.

The Hacker's Secret
There are those who pretend to be hackers, with their computer decks, exocranial cyberdecks and other trickedout goodies. And while these self proclaimed hackers can and do get the job done, they are far from the elite and the ultimate professionals. The most important tool in a true hacker's toolbox is an OMC. Getting one of these that hasn't been locked down and turned to read only by the manufacturer isn't easy. And just buying one and cracking it doesn't quite do the trick either.

The best hacker OMCs are custom made.

The hacker finds the person they want to use as their OMC, they get to know that person, become their friend, win their trust. And once that trust is established, the hacker sees to it that the person has their brain harvested, and it is taken to a secret facility where that brain is fitting into a portable OMC, and it is wired up nice and tight. The hacker then spends the next few days to weeks going about debugging and tuning their shiny new core. This core does things the same way the person did, so an hard nosed intuitive computer programmer is going to make for an OMC that is very robust and able to do things quickly and efficiently. Smart people, cunning and vicious people, and ruthless people are preferred for this brain theft scamming.

So when you see that hot 20 something hacker princess, the last guy who thought he would be her prince is the hard drive for her computer rig.

But why???
Because Lovecraft had the MiGo put brains in jars for the lulz, in the Cosmic Era I put brains in jars because the world freaking loves online shopping and porn.

The Ring of Atma is a metal ring approixmately an hand-span across, hung with seven claw like tassels, and has the symbol of Atma in the center. The symbol of Atma is an hourglass convergence of pyramids with an eye or jewel where the two points meet. The ring is made of a gold like metal that is nearly impervious to harm, and so long as the ring itself is not completely destroyed by being submerged in superheated liquid metal or vaporized in a plasma stream, it will repair damage to itself.

The eye of Atma is worn as a necklace and must lie against bare flesh for it's powers to be activated. It can be carried as part of a censor or crozier, and this negates it powers, and its drawbacks. The ring has two tests that the bearer must pass before gaining the powers of the Ring. The would be bearer must be of pure heart and mind. They must have the constitution to bear the power of the ring, and they must have the willpower to control it. If they fail either of these tests, they are destroyed by the Ring. Bearers who are not pure of heart are consumed from the inside out by holy fire. Smoke will come from their mouths as they burn from the inside and eventually collapse into a greasy pile of ash and crumbling bone as if they were cremated. Those who are not of pure mind will have their souls consumed by the ring, adding to it's power. The would be bearer merely collapses to the ground, their mind and souls devoured. A short time later, their body will perish as well.

Heart of Desire - the Ring can function as a supernatural compass, and provided the bearer can focus on their desire, the Ring can point them in the direction, and approximate distance to their desire. This works better the more concrete the object of desire is. It can locate abstractions, but what a person desires and what will take them there are not always going to be the same thing.

The Seal of Atma - with this power, the bearer of the Ring can bind a soul or animus to an object. Imbrians believed strongly in reincarnation, so the greatest punishment wasnt death, it was to be soul bound so that the soul could not be purified and reborn into a new body. This power was also used to seal the souls of terrible beasts and youma to prevent them from reappearing in the future. Only the destruction of the host object would release the soul. 

Game of Shadows - with this power, the bearer of the Ring can create a dreamlands battlefield and draw an opponent into it for the purpose of dueling. Should the Ring Bearer win, the opponent is trapped forever in the dreamlands and cannot be reborn into the living world for an exceedingly long period of time. The Games of Shadow is unpredictable now, as the Imbrian's teleportation array is long since destroyed, so those defeated in Games of Shadow can find themselves left shadowtainted. This includes fear of bright light, agoraphobia, and a sundry list of other mental disturbances.

Almost identical to the encounter suit, the Sneak Suit is a body fitting 'sleeve' garment. These suits are not brightly colored as many ECs are, they favor black, gray, or white. The best Sneak Suits are thin enough to fit under normal clothing, even to the point of allowing the wearer to look like they are wearing shorts, a skirt, or other skin barring clothing by mimicking the color of their skin, or being translucent. The Sneak Suit shouldn't be noticed as a sneak suit even when being worn in a highly visible public setting.

Specific Abilities
The Sneak Suit is by definition a passive stealth system. it's abilities are constantly active and cannot be turned on or off. Being passive in nature, they are very hard to detect, and this can be problematic for security systems that are looking for anomalous readings, energy patterns, EM signatures, and such, because they aren't set up to notice a lack of these things. 

Ultraviolet Sheath - the sneak suit is designed to block UV light. This means that many basic security scanners won't read surface biometric sensors. Exposed scannable codes and identifying tattoos are obscured from digital scanning. 

Dazzle Pattern - the UV sheath isn't the same density across the suit, it has asymmetrical patterns that break up the outline of the person wearing them. Smart systems that look for human shapes and facial recognition do not recognize a person in a sneak suit as a person, but rather as a refraction in a sensor. So long as human eyes aren't monitoring the specific scanner, a person in a sneak suit can walk through an AI identification system with ease. 

Thermal Sheath - the suit has a mini-heat sink built into the belt pack. The pattern and flow of the suit channels heat from the suit to the heat sink. The wearer doesn't have any appreciable heat signature, and doesn't leave thermal prints where they walk. This makes sensors relying on heat blind to their location.

EM sheath - the inside of the sneak suit is shielded against EM and radio waves. This means that anything inside the sheath is cut off from the outside network. Superficially this blocks things like biometrics and biometric devices, allowing a person with full cybernetic uplink ability to vanish without disabling their gear or undergoing surgery to remove their augments. Such an operative with the ability to use a hardline to link to a system would be able to hack like anyone else, but would only be visible if they could be detected at their point of access. A second bonus of the sheath is that anything tucked inside the suit functionally vanishes from the digital world, a good way to steal smart devices, or smuggle in small weaponry.

Heavy Sneak Suit - the heavy sneak suit combines the full protective ability of an encounter suit, with the full stealth abilities of a sneak suit, at the cost of being readily visible to the eye. These are more akin to the bodysuits from comic book movies, and hiding them is difficult at best, requiring a large coat, cloak, or such.

Sneak Armor - sneak armor is functionally a set of Light Power Armor that has had it's components coated with the same material as a sneak suit, and then typically equipped with a cloak to further assist with concealment. These are used in rural and ruin environments where blending into a crowd is less important and surviving a hostile environment is more paramount.

Sneak Cloak - a simple cloak made of the same basic material, the sneak cloak allows for a wearer to carry larger equipment, or to use a much cheaper to make cloak over a custom made suit. Even if a cloak doesn't completely conceal a wearer, it can make them look much different to electronic surveillance, a man in a full power armor suit draped in a sneak cloak might register as a man in basic armor or a standard auton.

Stealth Net - the materials used to make the sneak suit can be made into almost any shape, and it isn't uncommon for special forces, mercenaries, and other groups to use tarp sized sheets of sneak material as camouflage netting for vehicles, aerospace craft, or even mecha.

The main use of Sneak Suits is for covert operations where spies, ninja, and assassins don them to spoof the electronic and robotic countermeasures of the Cosmic Era. These suits allow for surgical precision in covert ops. 

1. Cold Suit
A Cold suit is a garment very similar to an encounter suit, but rather than having reflexokinetic material, it has anti-ablative thermal insulation. This allows the wearer of a cold suit to capture a large amount of their ambient thermal plume and contain it to keep warm. By wearing a cold suit, which fits like a body sleeve, a person can remain comfortable in temperatures dropping into the freezing range. 

These suits are relatively inexpensive to make, and require almost no maintenance. Variants of them are common on spacecraft and space stations, underwater installations, and other general biomes were temperatures can become uncomfortable. This is popular as it reduces the amount of energy said structures have to devote to keeping their occupants comfortable. Cold suits are also commonly found in emergency survival kits.

2. Ice Suit
An ice suit is similar to a cold suit, but their thermal retention and rate of dissipation is high enough that they can only be worn in cold environments, otherwise the wearer can become very uncomfortable or even suffer heat exposure. The suit also has ferrous material woven through panels in the material which can use even small power sources to generate heat. These suits can keep a wearer alive in temperatures down to hard winter conditions for prolonged periods, or extreme cold for a few hours. 

Ice suits are used in places like Antarctica and other extreme terrestrial biomes. Offworld, it is as easy to keep space suits as it is ice suits, and a cold suit worn under a space suit is considered comfortable. 

3. Cryosuit
Cryosuits are a form of light power armor, but differ in that they are built to withstand moderate to severe cold while augmenting the strength and endurance of the user. Cryosuits are useful for laborers working in cold climates. These suits are not combat rated, and their armor protection is more to provide thermal ballast, and protection from potential accidents like avalanches. 

Cryosuits are favored by civilian contractors, civilian laborers, explorers, and the like.

4. White Ranger Armor
The white ranger is a light power armor that is combat rated, combining all the abilities of a cryosuit with the combat suite of military power armor, and coatings and accessories for operating in extreme winter conditions. As with all light power armors, the suit has no integral weapon systems and has to rely on long arms and heavy infantry equipment.

White Ranger Armor is commonly used by mountaineering military units, and in 'ice' units, forces deployed to glaciers, the polar regions, harsh tundra, and similar environs. 

5. Winterized Power Armor
Winterized Power Armor isn't a specific suit of power armor, but rather an upgrade package and coating treatment given to an existing suit. All fluids are replaced with those that can resist freezing even at very low temperatures. Joints and vents are insulated to prevent or control heat loss, electronics have their hardware adjusted for exposure, and similar small things are done. These can be done in a few hours. The largest upgrades are the installation of a thermal pump that heats the inside of the suit, and a thermo-insulating coating applied to the outside. The TI coating blocks heat transmission, so in addition to reducing how much heat is lost through the armor, it also reduces it's thermal image. 
Winterized power armor is common as almost all of the world powers have territory with extreme conditions. 

6. Arctic Spec Power Armor
ASPA differs from Winterized power armor is that Arctic Spec started as a regular suit of power armor, but it was stripped down to the chassis, and rebuilt from the feet up. All of the components are thermal insulated, it's thermal regulation system doesn't use fluid for heat transfer so there is no risk of it freezing up. The gauntlets and boots are built to handle ice and frozen ground conditions. 

Arctic Spec armor is expensive, and outside of subzero conditions, its performance is compromised. These suits also have software updates, and their connection points and mounting points are designed for dealing with cold, icing, and other environmental problems. 

7. Fimbul Spec Power Armor
As Arctic spec is superior to winterized, Fimbul spec is superior to Arctic. Fimbul spec can survive in arctic conditions that do not exist on Earth, allowing this equipment to be used in offworld. Most Fimbul spec equipment has been made for Europa, and the other moons beyond the Asteroid Belt. On Earth, this equipment barely notices even the worst of cold. 

Fimbul spec is used not just for offworld, but for dealing with Dimensional fatigue events that have a cryogenic aspect. Fimbul gear is also resistant to cryonic weaponry, arcanotech ice beams, frost lasers, or anti-thermal bombs. 

Author's note: Winterized treatment, arctic spec, and fimbul spec treatments are not limited to power armor. This can be applied to mecha, autons, and vehicles as well. The downside to increasing cold weather specialization is that the machines have a harder time getting rid of excess heat, as they are generally concerned with keeping it and holding it. Energy weapons can cause them to overheat, unless the energy weapons are externally mounted, and then the weapons are constantly being exposed to radical temperature changes, heating when used and then rapidly cooling given their exposed nature. Most Fimbul spec equipment lacks energy weapons, or only mounts minimal systems.

Appearance: The VMV Power armor is noted for it's semi-organic design, with the various armor plates and panels not assembled in a typical 'medieval' or 'robotic' style but in a marine/insectile fashion. The chest plate forms a shelf like flange along the center line, providing both a point of strength and rigidity, but also a degree of internal space for random equipment, or more often than not, a water bladder. The suit has oversized shoulder pods that are modular in nature, and can mount either targetable weapon pods or reaction boosters for movement in zero-g. It is however, one or the other, but not both. The right arm has a hard point for a wrist/forearm mounted weapon pod, the most common being a relatively strong optical laser. 

The VMV armor has a light refractive coating that dissipates light and heat based weaponry, and is vulnerable to high velocity armor piecing weapons, such as magnetic weapons, and specific anti-armor and anti-power armor weapons. These are relatively rare in space, given such weapons recoil and other handling issues and requirements.

Creator: Varia-Metron is a small Lunar based company that has been building vacuum suits for close to a generation. VM started with basic space suits and it a manufacturer of encounter suits for the Atlantic Federation, and trans-terrestrial colonies. It ventured into building hard suits and armored suits for the hazards of space mining and operations on No-Atmo space bodies. Upgrading the armor to military spec and adding hardpoints for weapons was relatively simple.

History: Combat in space has been relatively uncommon, given the hazards involved. Whole new weapons, armor designs and more had to be created to deal with the extreme environment and it's unique conditions, such as zero gravity, exposure to hard radiation, or complete lack of atmosphere. 

Varia-Metron started as a hostile environment outfitter working to equip explorers and space adventurers in the same vein as extreme hiking and outdoors outfitters on Earth. Climbing Everest was one thing, but Olympus Mons? There were always rich people with crazy ideas, and the odd sort of person who found their calling in extreme environments. The Varia company flourished from it's main location in Tycho City, Luna and became well known for it's unique offerings, such as radiation resistant socks and Space Meals to Go. But their association with several small suit manufacturers broke them out into the big leagues when they started pushing the Mk III 'Muscle Tracer' encounter suit. Varia was eventually acquired by the Metron-Tycho Holding Company of Luna (MTHC) and its production of encounter suits and other space gear was scaled up. Varia-Metron became the boutique outlet of the bulk goods produced by MTHC, as well as it's flagship products.

VM eventually produced and fielded the Diamondcutter Mining Suit, an armored space suit intended for use in asteroid and lunar mining. It was armored to handle space debris and micro-metorites which had in the past proved a problem for light vehicles and space walks. The Diamond Cutter proved popular but it's relative high cost left it a minor player in the space resources race. Chalopin-Barkin would undercut VM with it's own scaled down lost cost version of the Diamond Cutter, the CB Rockhog. Having invested the resources in a top line armored suit and having been beat in the market, the BOD at MTHC were left with a boondoggle. The Diamond Cutter represented a great deal of financial investment and resources and there were two factories already tooled up to start production of the suit, in addition to the small level of production coming out of Varia's small facility itself.

VM approached the Atlantic Federation Armed Forces with several modified Diamond Cutters. The armor had been replaced with hardened composite plating, and the sensor system had likewise been upgraded with military grad gear. The cutting laser mount remained, but they had opted for a hands on gun system, allowing the marine inside to use a variety of weapons. The AFAF was interested in a space power armor, since at that point their space marines were using vacuum modified versions of terrestrial power armor, roughly half being adapted aquatic models. Several prototypes were tested, and the redesignated VMV Power armor was approved and purchased by the Space Arm of the AFAF.

Specifics: The VMV is a medium level power armor, with average protection. It is also a relatively fast power armor, as it has reactive thrusters built into the basic unit 'backpack' for movement and control in zero-g. The large shoulder pods can be modified to carry both fuel cells and larger thrusters, giving the suit limited space flight capability (6-8 hours by air supply, and good for not much more than ship to ship movement). The VMV has a forearm weapon mount specifically for an energy weapon, and the additional power cell to supply it. The majority of VMVs have MASERs on this mount, but the optical laser is a more publicly seen weapon. The VMV can carry rifles and other power armor weapons, but most rely on the energy weapon mount, or small missiles fired from the shoulder pods.

The shoulder pods, in addition to being able to house thrusters can alternately house weapon systems. The most commonly used weapon system is a 25mm short range missile launcher which can be effective against light spacecraft and light space armor suits. The unit can mount a high energy weapon in one pod and a large power cell in the alternate pod, usually a plasma projector, large bore laser, or high output maser 'cannon' as a heavy weapons platform.

On terrestrial footing, such as Earth or Mars, the VMV can usually be shown up by conventional power armor, as it has better armoring, heavier weapons, and greater stress resistance. In space or low-g environments, the VMV demonstrates it's space pedigree with greater agility, and adaptability.

The Card Incident on Io demonstrated to us three utterly inescapable facts; hive mines are possible, the are incredibly effective, and we cannot coexist with them. For those of you lacking the proper clearances, the Card incident involved a planetary research station on Io, doing high energy and atmospheric research on Jupiter. The staff of the station was compromised by a Seed AI virus, which for those interested and having proper clearance can find listed under the code name Mantis. The viral AI altered the programming of their Inemuri system, and over 24 hours, infected all of the staff members. The program was altered by unknown factors, unforeseen events, or just the proximity of radiation and magnetics of the planet, and the virus was absorbed by the staff. They all became connected, their waking thoughts, their subconscious desires, all melded together. The data recordings show a brief but violent staff 'correction' as several unpopular members were eliminated from the collective, followed by a moderate amount of procreative activities.

In the three weeks that followed, the new Card Sentience reorganized the installation, changed the encryption on its computers, and even changed the core coding of it's on site L/AISC. The interior layout of the facility was altered, removing individual housing units, creating central habitation, and a high efficiency sharing of resources. This is rather minor compared to the fact that the Card Sentience started expanding itself by infecting and 'consuming' the crews of two ships that visited the installation. The crew of the AFS Scientific Angela Bower was integrated into the Sentience at a rate of 80%, on par with the homogenization of the Card Installation staff. The crew of the ISS Luffey, an independent cargo ship was not so lucky. Less that 20% was consumed into the Sentience, with 80% of the crew being either placed into an observational detention, or killed. 

A station full of skinny armed arcanotechs were able to overcome and take two space faring ships, eliminating the undesirable portions of their crews with minimal losses to themselves. Think about that, and consider what could happen if a similar Sentience were to develop somewhere more populated, with more resources.

The Vingian Array
The horror of a hive mind, or Sentience, is well known, and considerably feared in the Cosmic Era. Despite the strong sense of social communism, resource mindfulness, and other group-centric notions, the idea of becoming a single entity terrifies most people. The effectiveness of the Sentience however remained a siren's song to some people. What a relatively small number of people with a shared mind could do was simply amazing. It followed that there would be investors and research devoted to catching this lightning, and putting it in a safe jar, to control as they needed.

The jar proved to be the 'array' created by Dr Woodcarver Vinge. The array consisted of identical sets of cranial implants that would link the subconscious minds of the people connected to them. This gave the advantage of the hive mind, but remained a hardware only connection, and was not something that could be spread through compromised systems. The implants themselves were relatively simple, an interface unit that connected the parietal and temporal lobes of the brain to a microtransmitter/receiver. At short range, a few meters, the implants can talk to each other without assistance. At greater distance, the units are able to integrate with existing data networks, piggy-backing onto their signals.

Shared Mind Versus Hive Mind
There is an important difference between the two, despite being very much similar. The most important factor is that in a shared mind collective, each individual retains their own identity, their own thoughts and feelings, and the Shared Mind collective will work to ensure that it's individual members remain as safe and unharmed as possible. The Hive Mind, on the other hand, will only protect its constituent members as much as it is required to to sustain itself. The Vingian Array is a Shared Mind, ranging from a 15% - 35% homogeneity, leaving the larger part of the psyche untouched.

They are my brothers, and I know where they are, I know how they are feeling. I can share in that if I want to, or if they want to share it with me, but I don't have to if I don't want to. They will come and check on me if I shut them out too long, and if I feel one of my brothers shutting us out, I will go make sure he is okay. This makes us an effective team. We work well together.

Albert Jazz, Vingian Array 'Jazz'

The Vingian Array is not a true Sentience, but the members of an array can communicate through a form of techno-telepathy, and are empathically connected through the system. This allows for them to physically work in very close coordination with each other, even if they are physically removed from each other. This makes Vingian arrays very effective in complex tasks such as maintaining large systems like those found in ships, or arcologies. They are also effective for communications and subtle tasks as the array signal is basically encrypted around the brain patterns of the members, and unless a computer system has a key to access and decipher the organic code, they are unable to figure out the information being sent. Military arrays are also trained to think in code, so that if intercepted, enemy computers are unable to comprehend the information, thus calling in an airstrike might be masked as a hunter using a duck call.

Individuality inside the Array
Inside the array, each member retains their personality and identity, but will think of the other members, positively or negatively, as their family, with a closeness that can only be matched clones born and raised from the same creche. Members of an array can finish each others sentences, share emotions, or dampen emotions as need be. Inside the array, they can move things around, and by things, skills, abilities, concentration, emotions, and physical sensations. One member can can physically become drunk and the entire array can share in the effects of intoxication, likewise, one member can remain sober, and run a covering game for the other members.

Skillsharing is a popular and important application of the array, as a small number of skills can be cultivated by each member, but expressed by all of them, or all by one member if need be.

[box]The Bond Array
The Bond Array is a prototype surveillance and espionage array. Each member has specialized in a different set of skills; firearms, martial arts, piloting/driving, security, demolitions, and socializing. Only the point member of the array goes on the mission, the others remain in close contact, providing their skills and abilities as needed. A medical inspection of the point member can locate the array hardware, but the equipment is small and unobtrusive, and if scanned registers as a correctional node for dyslexia and basic network interface (common equipment for business executives and media personnel. Thus, a single member of this array can manifest the skillset of a half dozen elite agents without resorting to extensive use of skillsofts, chipjacks, or computer controlled abilities, all of which are vulnerable to hacking, compromise, viruses and misuse. The entire array can go into a mission, and can prove itself devastating, so long as the same skill isn't required by multiple members at the same time. The array does remain vulnerable to two things. A network shutdown can separate the array, a disorienting experience that can leave members stranded and vulnerable, and the loss of a member removes their skillset from the array. If the point member is killed on a mission, they all lose the socializing skills he possessed.

In less scrupulous areas of research, vingian arrays are being used to investigate tactical applications and industrial applications of the array. Soldier arrays could be skilled, but staffed with a large number of low skill members, while controlled by a smaller number of elite soldiers. These arrays could provide a cheap and less problematic answer to the supersoldier dilemma (The stronger the soldier, the more of a liability he becomes). On the industrial side, the arrays could turn an assembly line into a single organic machine that could work with efficiency rivaling machines, but remain more elastic in it's ability to change to new situations, and requirements in the product. The array itself would prove valuable as the array would replace the family as the core unit, and array members wouldn't be out having messy organic lives, finding mates and spouses, having children, and so forth.

Inbred Social Life
Vingian Arrays remain people, but their innate connection separates them from other humans. They are closer to their fellow array members and they remain constant parts of each other's lives. As such, few non-array members want to be in a relationship or even close friends with an array member. There is a terrible amount of truth to the notion that if you sleep with one member of an array, you've slept with all of them. This socially isolates arrays, and eventually they turn insular towards non-array members, and instead turn to their fellows in the array for their mental, emotional, and physical needs.

The Sad Tale of Edward Evans
Edward Evans was an outgoing intelligent young man who tired of having too much to do, too many ambitions, and not enough time or energy to complete even a fraction of it. To this end he invested a large sum of money to create two clones of himself, and connected the three of themselves into a small Vingian array. It was decided that they would rotate out through their job, while the two members not working would have time to work on the projects and ambitions they shared. This worked passably well for a short amount of time before it started going downhill. Evans wife couldn't deal with having two copies of her husband constantly around. She found herself with no privacy, no time to herself, and was unable and unwilling to keep up with the sexual desires of her now three bodied husband. What started as very kinky fun quickly devolved into ceaseless unromantic demands. Once she departed, the Evans array attempted to console itself with friends, and try dating, which quickly fell through. Romantic interests quickly backed off discovering that Evans was a tripartite entity, or after a few sexual encounters moved on to more serious dating. Friends were alienated by the array, and started avoiding Evans, and eventually cut of their friendships with him/them. By this point, Evans had developed several severe internal issues, the members of the array blamed each other for their collective problems and failures. This devolved into violence several times, and eventually the police became involved. Evans killed two members of it's own array, and as the clones created with top of the line, there is no way to tell if the one surviving member of the array was actually Edward Evans, or one of his duplicates. The survivor is currently incarcerated at a mental health facility where he is undergoing investigation and evaluation to determine why his array fell apart and eventually destroyed itself.

Wastelander armor is almost all sourced from the Brotherhood of the Land of NODthrough their connections with the Eden Initiative.

Standard Features:
Primitive Armor
Wastelander Armor is most commonly cobbled together out of what materials were available at the time, and while some individual pieces might be of more conventionalstandard light armor composites stolen from broken or destroyed suits, or commercial armor grade ferroplastics, more often than not the components are typically metal plate with canvas, leather, or woven plastic backing.

The upside to primitive armors is that in the wastelands, they are easy to repair. Materials are also readily available, even if they aren't ideal. The heavy weight of the armor also means that only the largest and strongest specimens are able to wear it and use it effectively. These individuals tend to be just as dangerous out of their armor as in it, a trait not always shared by armored infantry of the first world nations.

There are other low tech advantages that are not immediately obvious. Primitive armors do not require power sources, and do not generate an EM signature. There are entire fields of weapons and guided munitions designed to home in on the EM signature of power armor suits and armor suits in general.

Chemical Augmentation System - Standard Issue
Given the size and weight of most primitive armor, it would be very tiring and restrictive for even athletic wastelanders to wear. To counter this issue, all but the most primitive and cheaply made suits have a degree of a chemical augmentation system, if for nothing more than muscle augmentation to move the suit in times of conflict.

Some Wastelander Armor can become quite sophisticated (relatively speaking), and have mid to upper tier chemical augmentation systems installed under the armor. Between quickly administered painkillers, combat drugs and stimulants, and other military grade compounds, soldiers and would be terrorists can keep walking and fighting even after sustaining mortal injuries.

Lack of Gadgets - a standard issue set of SLAB armor used for secondary infantry forces in most first world militaries are equipped with SmartGun targeting systems, enhanced optics, communications systems, CogNet and LAN uplink capabilities, and some high end armors have optical camouflage capabilities. These armors are expensive compared to Wastelander armor, and take a good deal of training to use effectively. Most Wastelander armor training can be done in a day, it is very simple stuff.

Substandard Wastelander Armor
Substandard Armor has an improvised helmet, often zero modifications, and less than half have any sort of chemical augmentation system, and of those, only about 10% are of basic quality. Substandard armors are usually repaired or bashed together from damaged armors, or sold on the cheap by armor dealers looking to clear out their junkpiles. These armors are also commonly found among Wasteland merchants, raiders, and lack the animal/mythological motifs of the Edenian sourced armors.

These armors are mostly used in the fighting and skirmishes between denizens of the wastelands, and these individuals typically only have access to antique and improvised weapons, and even if they were to pick up something as powerful or dangerous as a modern military weapon, the majority would be unable to keep it operational long. Given that the typical wastelander is armed with primitive guns and rifles, and the monsters they typically face do not have energy weapons, magnetic weapons, or such, they are not armored to deal with such. These armors are more effective against claws, knives, protecting vitals, and stopping low calibre and low velocity guns.

Badlander - Badlander Armor is the Cosmic Era equivalent to heavy cloth and animal hide armors from medieval and fantasy settings, but the materials are modern synthetics mixed with both mundane animal hide, and the hides/carapaces of creatures that have wandered into reality through dimensional fatigue events. It is very common for Badlander armor to mix in pieces of other armor suits, or even just random pieces of metal and other materials that look like they could stop a blade or a primitive pistol. Badlander armors made of alien hides can be frightening to look at, as well as carry strange parasites and function as vectors for strange diseases.

Blastmaster - The Blastmaster armor is made out of conventional armor and gear worn by police and firefighters. Given the long and violent history of the areas deemed wastelands, especially in the ruins of the Middle East, this gear is easy to come by. The armor is supplemented in the typical addition of metal and other resilient objects to improve the durability of the armor. Most Blastmaster armors have a gas mask, or breather allowing them to operate in heavy smoke, or noxious air conditions with relative ease.

Painspike - Painspike armor is made from scavenged materials that are either decorated with sharp things, or have sharp things such as heavy nails and shrapnel driven through it from the backside. While often inconvenient to wear, Painspike can be intimidating, and in close quarters combat, effective.

Sadist - Sadist armors are typically half Painspike and half Badlander with a gladiatorial design to them. The people who wear these armors demonstrate the fact that not only are they warriors of the wastelands, they make a special place in their skillset for killing people.

Linebacker/Gridiron - This armor type was common to North America and was made from repurposing sports and athletic protective equipment into combat armor, typically by covering the plastic components with metal, kevlar, and other strongly resistant materials.

Iconoclast - Made from ABC (atomic/biological/chemical) suits, these armors have a thick and padded appearance, but are quite tough, but are heavy, and hot to wear for prolonged periods of time.

Basic Issue Wastelander/Generic Armor
The standard issue 'wastelander' armor has a helmet, a chemical filtration system, rebreather, and some of the other other accoutrements of standard light body armor. Like the other armors listed, the basic issue wastelander armor is made of readily available materials, rather than military grade armor produced in massive factories. Metal alloys, bullet and claw resistant polymers, and some ceramics create an often bulky armor that is for the most part effective in the harsh environment of the Wastelands.

Coalition Suit - A dated combat suit, the Coalition suit was designed over two centuries ago, and there is a single factory still making most of the parts to field this armor. It is made of a large number of ferroceramic plates with hardened steel jacketing and a kevlar underpinning. The Coalition Suit remains popular as it is well suited for facing things with claws and fangs, and the ceramic plating is a good deal more resistant to things like acidic saliva or other corrosive fluids often found leaking from dimensional anomalies.

Elite Armor Suits
The Brotherhood of the Land of Nod and it's Eden Initiative backers supplement the armor available to the Brotherhood with elite wastelander armors. There armors have a few gadgets, all have chemical augmentation systems, and they are all designed with a thematic element. This draws on the connection that both the Noddites and the Edenians place between religion and technology.

The Horus armor is uncommon, and generally reserved for special forces, commandos, and high ranking officers inside of the Brotherhood, and mercenary and tribal factions aligned with the Brotherhood. The Horus suit is among the most sophisticated, have both enhanced optics (long range vision, motion sensor) as well as a top end chemical augmentation system.

Designed for stealth operations and night fighting, the Anubis is built for working in the dark and in silence. The armor is relatively light, but the helmet has either an archaic forward looking IR system or a digital low light optical system.

The lion-headed Bast type armor was designed for close quarters combat and is a heavier armor, and it is configured for the wastelander wearing it to be fighting with either melee weapons, or with close quarter weapons like pistols and SMGs, rather than long guns or heavy weapons. Bast armors have chemical augmentation systems tailored for combat aggression and pain resistance.

The Set Armor features a cobra head with hood and functions much like the Anubis armor, designed for low profile operations. The principle use for the Set armor, which is thankfully rare, is for terrorist attacks, assassinations, and other high profile attacks and killings. This armor has found it's way through the Silk Road toAmerikka Command in North America, where it has been used to mixed effect on the ground, but great effect through terror tactics.

The Sebek armor is designed with either a snorkel or a rebreather, allowing the armor to be worn and used underwater. Otherwise, it is a very basic armor with a standard chemical augmentation system and no other gadgets. It is rare, since most of the wastelands lacks water more than a few feet deep.

Also known as Heavy Wastelander Armor, the minotaur/Bull headed armor is larger and heavier, and has a robust chemical augmentation system to support it.
Last edited by Skaldia on Mon Dec 27, 2021 10:57 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Founded: Jun 30, 2013

Postby Skaldia » Wed Nov 19, 2014 8:36 am


The Zombies
Still clad in their UAC issue fatigues, the zombies are the corpses of slain mercenaries and security troops who have been animated by the strange radiation emitted by arcanotech devices. Alternately, they can be the product of a storm breach, where the corpses of the dead are reanimated by the incorporeal entities that live in the toxic realms sandwiched between mathematical potentials. Unlike traditional zombies, these undead retain a degree of intelligence and can still use firearms and perform tasks like manually opening doors, using melee weapons and cooperating with each other. These skills are nowhere near optimal ability, nor are they able to communicate in anything but the most base and rudimentary gestures and guttural animalistic noises. Zombies will never parlay with the living, nor are they affected by things like diplomacy or seduction.

Defensive stats are high, and aside from headshots they are immune to critical hits. Their accuracy with weapons and other basic skills function at the lowest level. They are also strong in hand to hand combat, and are hungry for human flesh, and are attracted to fear and loud noises.

Zombie Commandos
Some zombies are just a step above the usual undead who are often associated with alien artefacts and strange radiations. The Zombie commando is a superior soldier, typically special forces, elite quality regular troops, mercenaries or otherwise strong willed and capable soldiers. Who happen to be dead at the time. The Zombie commando is still equipped with a UAC issued standard light armor suit and likely with superior grade weaponry like the deadly and effective mag guns.

In addition to having better firepower and stronger armor, Zombie Commandos are animated by stronger and more competent infernal entities, giving them greater skill with their weapons and other abilities. Zombie commandos are able to innately lead groups of lesser zombies, functioning as an officer and organizer to their hoard. They have high durability, and better initiative in combat.

Infested Armored Troopers
Power armor is common in the Cosmic Era, and it only takes the trooper inside the metal shell to die for him to reanimated as an infested armor trooper. The same strange energies power the armor that drag the corpse back to movement and life. Armored troopers have the same functional stats as normal power armor, but the pilot inside is immune to critical hits or other strategies that damage the pilot and not the machine. Infested troopers still have their heavy guns, though these usually have a fair chance to be out of ammo by the time they are reanimated. Most troopers are armed with melee weapons or infernally powered energy weapons.

Troopers, while very very tough, are not the brightest of undead, and function on the same level as basic zombies, including subservience to zombie commandos. Zombie power armor troopers are not in DOOM, but the commonality of power armor and the infested terran from Starcraft provide reason and background references.

The Imp is usually the most powerful form of infernal spawn that most military and security forces can reasonably expect to encounter and not be butchered instantly by. Imps were formerly humans whose corpses were reanimated by exceptionally strong infernal forces. The resulting possession caused the corpse to explode outward in a mass of cancerous growth. This causes a general increase in size, strength, and durability. Body mass roughly doubles (though some grow a good deal larger) and this growth is often fueled by consuming other corpses or still living victims. Bone spurs, claws, and other bony growths and functional body barbs are commonplace among imp mutations.

Imps can heal themselves fairly rapidly, and have greater than expected strength, making them a threat to even power armored troopers if they are not cautious when facing imps in combat. Unlike other undead, imps do not use any human made weapons, and their transformation typically destroys any armor they might have been wearing before. The majority of imps demonstrate limited parapsychic ability with pyrokinesis (direct attack only) being the most common.

The Demon is an uncommon appearing infernal creature. They are large, incredibly muscular and physical foes, aggressive and stunningly violent foes. Possessing a mixture of vaguely humanoid and disturbing animal traits, demons are strong enough to rip humans limb from limb bare handed, and to dismantle an armored trooper with their tremendous strength. Rather than being a specific creature, the demon is a generalization. Thus far the various demons encountered have been unique in appearance, rather than appearing as a specific infernal race, such as the Tarxan.

Demons have supernatural endurance and toughness and are able to shrug off lower power weapons with ease and can generally only be brought down with high energy weapons, magnetic guns, or powered melee weapons. They do not use any ranged weapons, other than throwing things. They will use improvised weapons such as clubs and stabbing implements when present, and their prey required a can opener.

Baron of Hell
Barons of Hell are massive creatures, physically larger than power armor troopers, stronger, and much tougher. Where the 'general' run demon can be brought down by power armor mag rifles, the Baron of Hell requires the sort of heavy firepower brought to bear by heavy weapons troopers, anti-armor weapons, or other heavy grade, big bore firepower. Barons of Hell are malicious, cunning, and intelligent, able to converse in a variety of languages, and can control undead with a whim. They have an innate understanding of arcanotech technology, finding it familiar and comforting to be around. This means that they gravitate towards areas where there are large amounts of such technology and devices, be they alien, man made or something else completely different.

The Baron of Hell disdains human made weapons, except for powered melee weapons, which they have a certain romantic fondness for. They are all parapsychic capable and conjure green flame, can mind control weak willed individuals, and performs feats of body warping, mutation, and otherwise ruin someone's day for their fun an amusement.

The Cacodemon is a hyperdimensional creature, existing on a greater number of planes than humans and even other infernal beings. It only extends its head into the physical realm, leaving (thankfully) the bulk of its body in the arcane planes where it exists more fully. Cacodemons are vocal and make a great deal of noise, hissing, spitting, and constantly releasing a stream of vitriol, blasphemy, and insults. Their hyperdimensional nature allows them a degree of insight to the creatures around them, so often this stream is tailored to the creature nearest to them. This is highly unsettling as Cacodemons are able to pluck random facts and thoughts from the mind/spirit of other sentient beings. In combat, they can be brought down with conventional weaponry, though this is more them just retracting their heads back, leaving behind a good deal of gore. They have an acidic saliva attack, and a nasty bite that is able to damage power armor.

The good news is that this is all they can do. If the Cacodemon ever extruded its entire mass into the physical realm, they would physically be on par with light mecha, and are large, strong, and aggressive. Other infernal creatures have an innate dislike of Cacodemons, and they do not work together. Demons and Barons of Hell will work to drive them back to where they come from, and cacodemons have no ability to control undead.

Lost Soul
The Lost Soul is a disturbingly common infernal creature, especially in locations away from Earth. The floating skulls, wreathed in flame are easily destroyed with firearms, even civilian grade weapons. They can also be shattered with melee weapons. Their flames do create illumination, but the flame is heatless, and cannot set combustible materials on fire. Seemingly suicidal, Lost Souls are drawn to living organisms, attacking them with a short range telekinetic strike. They can bite, but this is rare, as their ability to inflict harm by will suits them better.

Lost Souls are a hyperdimensional form of undead, and the damage inflicted by them is punching and kicking from their astral form which they can only manifest long enough to inflict damage. They are servants of the Cacodemons, and serve them as shock troops.

Spider Demon or Arachnotron
The spider demon is a very rare, but very tough infernal creature. Unlike other infernal creatures, spider demons don't manifest a physical body when breaching the material realm, they create a body out of available materials, and these bodies are always composed of both organic material, and arcanotech devices. The body plan is always the same, four to eight mechanical legs and an armored pod/chassis with weapons and other arcanotech devices clustered around the front. The organic component forms the body/abdomen of the mechanical horror. Spider demons are super intelligent, and are fully capable of using the tech they have gathered to make their new bodies. They are also capable of interacting with the CogNet, engaging in electronic warfare, and a number have demonstrated parapsychic powers, because having an armored tank body and plasma cannons just wasn't enough. Spider Demons particularly enjoy causing hallucinations, mind manipulation and control, and playing the worst sort of mind games and body horror games on victims they are able to reach. Like the Barons of Hell, they are conversant in many languages, and can and will speak with their victims.

Taking out the spider demon is difficult, and requires either dedicated armor-busting weaponry, heavy grade (mecha) weaponry, or getting close enough to use powered melee weapons to take them apart. All of these are difficult options as spider demons can use their own weapons, use psychic blasts and psychic assault abilities, and have good armor protection.

The most dangerous and horrific combination of infernal might and arcanotech, the Cyberdemon is a foe that few have encountered. The Cyberdemon towers over power armor troopers and is large enough to physically threaten mecha and armored vehicles. It has full body armor, a mix of subdermal modification and external armor. The cyberdemon is fast, aggressive, and unlike the Barons of Hell, which it strongly resembles, it is mute and doesn't communicate or play any of the other games that infernal agents are prone to. The Cyberdemon is a death engine that can only be stopped with heavy high energy weaponry, large bore cannons, and other weapons generally intended to stop mecha or shoot down aerospace craft. Cyberdemons are equipped with extensive electronic sensors and have demonstrated the ability to accurately engage and shoot down aerospace and helocraft. They can be jammed, and can also engage in active counter-jamming of their own.

The Cyberdemon was once a Baron of Hell. The demon was subjected to their own genetic modifications, then grafted with weaponry and armor, and electronics wired directly into their brain to turn them into the supersoldiers of Hell. They do not speak, as they are actually in regular communications with other demons who have access to the telemetry from the Cyberdemon's hardware. The amount of personality left in a Cyberdemon is debateable, and it isn't known if the Cyberdemon is self aware, or if it is little more than a meat puppet controlled remotely by another being.

Cyberdemons are manipulated and controlled by spider demons, who supervise their construction and maintenance. The cyberdemon is a tormented creature that would turn on it's arachnotron master in a heartbeat if it could. They were barons of hell who were captured and subjected to said augmentations against their will by the spider demons.

In ancient times, mariners would tell tales of giant tentacles writhing up from the deep, pulling men off the decks of ships to grim deaths in the belly of unseen horrors. We laughed at such things, wise as we were. We looked at the old maps, with their 'here be monsters' warnings, and fanciful drawings of serpents and terrible whales. It seems that no matter how advanced we become, how impressive our ships are, there are still going to be monsters in the deep. We traded deep waters for deep space, and despite centuries of being told how barren and empty space was, we found monsters.

Exosomes are most commonly encountered in a colonial form, usually a long flexible tube. This is often described as looking like a tentacle, if the open ends and hollow center are not noticed. Superficially similar to pyrosomes and zooids in terrestrial oceans, exosomes are found in deep space, well beyond the orbit of Jupiter. The creatures are easy to miss, they are not bioluminescent, and their soft gelatinous bodies do not appear well on sensors and scanners. More often, they appear as blurry areas, or are overlooked as background noise on scans.

It was a tentacle, a big ass tentacle, space squids man, space squids! It was stealthy, couldn't pick it up on the DRADIS. I could see it, looking out through the periscope, through the optical filters. It was there, estimated size was well over ten kilometers long, big enough that it could wrap around our little frigate a half dozen times, could have cracked the hull, spaced all of us, and then eaten us at it's leisure.

Strange Biomes
The exosome is a manifestation of simple space life, lumped together by terrestrial science as space planktonoids. The exosome is a colonial structure, composed of hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of individual 'planktonoids'. The creatures have elected to form a colonial body, allowing them to more efficiently feed on other planktonoids, resist predation, and to be more mobile than individually possible.
The Grimm-Olduvai index classifies exosomes as cosmozoa salps, and as least dangerous level creatures. Unlike aphasic planktonoids, exosomes are fully existent in three dimensions. They do not have any ability to harm humans, but their biomass can cause damage to ships that hit them, as well as fouling sensors, antenna, and other delicate structures. This isn't a factor of the toughness of the exosome, but more a factor of the high velocity of ships moving in deep system maneuvers. Exosomes are mindless, and if exposed to a hostile stimulus, such as engine exhaust, energy weapons, or high energy scanners, they can form a sort of pulse jet, allowing them to move slowly away from the stimulus. Despite the fantastic claims of spacers, exosomes are harmless to humanity.

The Real Deal
The Exosome is based off of the real world pyrosome, a colonial plankton found in the ocean, where they form semi-mobile tubes up to several meters long and as big around as a scuba diver.

The first fractal lifeforms were encountered in the solar corona. These simple creatures were two dimensional in nature, and resembled geometric shapes, with hexagons, octagons, and other polygons being the most common. The strange creatures drifted through the intense radiation of the sun's outer layers, and shielded arcanoscopes revealed tantalizing evidence of more complex fractal lifeforms living deeper in the Sun.

Fractal Lifeforms are two dimensional lifeforms that live in the most extreme of environment. Being two dimensional they defy conventional forms of measurement and have no perceivable mass, and are not affected by extremes of heat, cold, or radiation. They are affected by gravity. They are difficult to spot as they can only be seen from one direction, and they do not have a profile, or rear, only a front. The fractals display remarkable colors and color patterns, and there is speculation that this is some form of communication between the creatures.

Strange Phenomenon
Lensing - there is a relationship between fractals and gravity, and they can be seen warping gravity by their sheer presence. A few observers have claimed to have seen different places 'through' the planes of the creatures. The reports run through the typical gauntlet of dimensional fatigue events, alien skies, strange constellations, vistas of unknown worlds.

Time Distortion - Probes and observers of Fractals have experienced altered time, with probes sending back hours of information after only seconds of observations. Scientists sitting at arcanoscopes and plasmascopes have experienced lost time events in similar fashion, spending hours making notes to find that only minutes or seconds have passed, or having looked for a moment to see hours slipped away.

Ghosting - related to the lensing effect, while there is a single creature, it can often create multiple images of itself, possibly through deliberate gravitational manipulation. Observed ghosting is strongly associated with time distortion events, and it is considered prudent to immediately discontinue observation should a fractal entity start ghosting. A popular leading theory is that the Fractals are away of when they are observed and that ghosting is a defensive mechanism, time and gravity manipulation to disorient a potential predator. Unfortunately there have been no observed accounts of predation between Fractals, or the existence of other two dimensional creatures that might present a food chain.

The Angles of Space
There are several theories that attempt to explain the existence of Fractal phenomenon that go beyond exotic and alien biology. These theories are not given much credit, but to the detriment of Fractal research, most scientists and arcanotechnologists don't accept the existence of Fractals as anything other than the malfunctioning of incredibly complex equipment that hasn't been properly cleaned, maintained, or operated.

Dimensional Engines - the dimensional engine taps into an alternate power source, and it is possible that fractals are actually the 'pollution' generated by the engines. What this means to the ecology of a star is completely unknown. If there is actually any connection between arcanotechnology and Fractals, no one is for sure.

Dimensional Gating - Fractals are actually the throats of wormholes that are constantly forming in the intense electromagnetic field of the Sun, and are going to be found anywhere there is intense energy and strong gravity. Similar to the dimensional engine theory, the gating theory basically states that the Fractals are actually 'dimensional reactors' that have spontaneously occurred in the sun. This is a deeply offensive theory to arcanotechnicians, who are astounded by the fact that people can believe something as complex and complicated as a dimensional reactor can just randomly form from stellar plasma and magnetic eddies in space.

Aphasic Lifeforms - It is speculated that the Fractals are just an exotic plasmaphilic Grimm-Olduvai space planktonids. The basic theory holds that the planktonoids are semi-visible because of the intense conditions in close proximity to a star. Adherents of this theory typically also hold to the existence of Star Whales, and that there are aphasic super predators that exist to feed on the lifeforms that live in the outer layers of stars.

Phase II
Fractals are a sentient alien lifeform, and they exist in stars, nebula, and other stellar phenomena. They communicate via light and gravity manipulation, but the gravity flexing is something that happens around them. They are remarkably tough, and surviving in stellar environments, they are immune to heat, radiation, plasma and non-kinetic weapons. They can be harmed with kinetic projectiles, but no one has yet tried to shoot one. There are surprisingly no armed weapon systems in the corona of the sun. They can defend themselves by simply 'winking' out and reappearing somewhere else, several dozen to several thousand miles away, generally traveling along magnetic field lines. They can also discharge a high energy beam that is comparable to mecha to warship grade plasma and particle cannons.

Fractals can hive together and create three dimensional objects, and this is how they travel from one star to another, and constitutes a fractal cocoon. A cocoon is propelled by the high energy discharge the fractals can generate, and they are able to reach a modest percentage of the speed of light, heading to a new star.

The Hekatonkheire cannot easily be mistaken for anything other than an infested mecha. The machine typically retains its basic profile and any damage sustained before it was taken out of action. The rents in the armor and chasms in the machine are filled with an elastic cancerous flesh. This biomass extends through the internal compartments of the machine and serves to control and animate the machine, and is capable of rapidly healing. Exposed sections of this infestation manifest random limbs and oversized glands, organs and other humanoid biological features. Eyes, arms, bodily 'orifices' and teratoma like extrusions of hair, teeth and bone are common.

The mech retains zombie like control of it's systems, and its weapons are still functional even if the power core has been destroyed. Weapons that have been damaged or systems that have depleted their ammunition don't work. Energy and beam weapons retain their functionality, as do arcanotech based systems. Hekatonkheires lacking function weapons resort to physical combat and will improvise melee weapons, hurl large pieces of debris, and otherwise physically grapple with perceived foes.

Hekatonkheires are created by accident. The most common source of these infested machines is mecha destroyed while containing storm rifts. Most rifts are small, and do not require the use of weapons as large as mecha, but some of the rifts and storm events that have occurred in Asia and in locations like Chernobyl are large and have become semi-permanent or cyclic in nature. Mecha destroyed containing rift horrors run the risk of being infested. The arcanotech contained in the machines attracts the strange energies and attention of cosmic horrors that are associated with the storm events.

The machine begins to grow a sort of unknown biomass, often aided by creatures associated with the storm event adding human corpses to the machine, or even throwing themselves into it. This organic material is incorporated into the growing mass. An unaided growing biomass takes several days to manifest enough to reanimate the machine. Hekatonkheires that are 'fed' can manifest and rise in as little as a few hours. More heavily damaged machines can take much longer to be reanimated by this process. A few hekatonkheires resemble little more than fleshy giants with mecha parts wedged onto them.

The first hekatonkheires appeared in China shortly after the Pearl River Incident. The first group of ACPS responders shut down the damaged reactor, but not before the Pearl River Rift stabilized and became self sustaining. The ACPS 33rd Mobility Unit responded, and lost a large number of machines in the resultant 'bug hunt'. Over the next week, the lost mecha returned to action like giants of myth, hurling pieces of buildings, small vehicles and other wreckage at units attempting to contain the event. The 33rd Mobility Unit was later disbanded due to heavy losses.

The hekatonkheires proved resilient, rapidly healing from non-lethal damage. Even without weapons the infested mecha proved lethal foes, stomping infantry and in some cases devouring corpses or still living victims. The hekatonkheires were eventually destroyed or contained, but at great cost in terms of collateral damage, lives lost, and cost of munitions expended.

Since the hekatonkeire phenomenon was discovered, a Conservation of Firepower approach has been applied to containing storm rifts and fronts has been largely in effect. Since the Pearl River event, mecha and other heavy military equipment are reserved for final containment efforts. More emphasis is placed on using local forces, and then power armor and special forces. The majority of Hekatonkheire created since the Pearl River event are generated from commercial grade and industrial mecha. These non-militarized machines retain most of the abilities of military mecha, but lack the armor protection, larger size, and other advantages enjoyed by military machines.

The Hekatonkheire is a cosmic horror/mecha cyborg. As a cosmic horror, the biomass has the ability to channel cosmic power which it can use to animate the electric and mechanical components of a downed mecha. The machine functions like a half living half zombie crammed into an iron casing. Initiative is low, and the machine is largely immune to critical hits (weapon systems can be destroyed, but there are no vulnerable components left inside the machine) and the hekatonkheire is not a rational or intelligent opponent. The horror typically attacks the most prominent target (largest visible foe) or the closest active enemy (foes actively attacking the horror).

Notable Hekatonkheires
Cyclops - nicknamed for the ghoulish alien eye that grew in the ruined torso of a battle damaged Wolverine main battlemech. Cyclops appeared in the midst of a skirmish between Federation and Alliance troops in North Africa along with a swarm of alien insects, causing the two forces to join up to put down the common threat. Cyclops destroyed two mecha, mauled three others, and killed an uncounted number of infantry before it was disabled. Cyclops is officially listed as having been destroyed, but it remains in Federation custody at a lab near Kinshasa.

Loki - nicknamed for the horns and massed animalistic features growing from the missing arm and head unit on a Scandinavian Valkyrie light mech, Loki ran amok for two weeks before being destroyed. Loki retained flight capability, and was only brought down after it was engaged by a Scandinavian air frigate. The remnants of Loki was delivered to the Midgard Research Center, and was used for further genetic experimentation.

Brainiac -One of the oldest hekatonkheires, Brainiac was originally an advanced stealth/recon mecha that was damaged by the failure of its prototype stealth suit. The machine took two weeks to become fully infested, and once it became active, it wandered for several weeks before encountering hostile. Brainiac had suffered a catastrophic feedback resonance wave between the stealth suit and the power core, leaving the machine almost completely intact, and its arcanotech gear was still all functional. The hekatonkheire, lacking weaponry, hacked a number of Allied mecha, killing several pilots through biofeedback, and driving several savagely insane. Brainiac had started to demonstrate telekinetic and pyrokinetic abilities before it was destroyed by a Federation black ops ghost destroyer.

NAIS Autopsy Report

Classification Level: Secret, Omega 1
Reporting Physician: Dr. Stephanie May-Duncan
I, Dr. Stephanie May-Duncan, performed an autopsy on Tarxan Specimen 2 (Male) at St. Justinian Medical Complex, New Constantinople, Turkey, Eurasian Alliance on February 16th, 347 CE.

From anatomic findings and investigation I ascribe the death of Specimen 2 to ELECTROCUTION applied to the body. Cause of death indicated in field report listed as discharge from Lightning Rifle. My investigation supports this claim.

Anatomical Survey
The Tarxan species is physiologically very similar to homo sapiens. The body has the same layout and the same general proportions, including a large cranium, mammalian biology and general tolerances. There are significant differences, and the extent of these differences are still to be determined if they are the product of divergent evolution or applied biotechnologies.

Head: The Tarxan demonstrates a reduced level of hair on the cranium, with very little on the skull or face. This appears to be biological in function, and not the product of hair removal grooming. The ears are large, pointed and demonstrate a tattered appearance. There is little cartilage in the ear, making it rather bat-like. The teeth are in line with a carnivorous diet, with only vestigial premolars in the rear of the jaw. The lower jaw is pronounced, and the jaw muscles are large and well developed. The Tarxan likely has an impressive ability to deliver a large and powerful bite. The brain is slightly smaller than human, but this is less than a 5% difference, and the frontal lobe is less developed, while the cerebellum is somewhat larger and more developed than the average human brain.

Specimen 2 demonstrates primitive Bone Lacing, a rudimentary process to increase strength and durability in genetic augments and biomodification augments. There is large amounts of scarring, demonstrating a crude technique and likely a long and painful recovery by Specimen 2. Internal organs are more geared towards a high protein carnivorous diet, with a simple and relatively uncomplicated gastrointestinal tract. The liver, kidneys and other excretory organs are robust, leading to conclude that the Tarxan is able to resist toxic environments and tainted food supplies much better than an average human.

The reproductive system demonstrates a large size to body ratio so either Specimen 2 was a well endowed male of the species, or if Specimen 2 is close to the average, the species would likely demonstrate a high rate of reproduction with very high rates of breeding. More information would be required to make a more educated hypothesis.

Blood chemistry demonstrates the presence of tailored combat hormones and other artificial compounds. A further examination of Specimen 2 revealed a previously overlooked artificial organ. Located behind the Liver, a small gland seems to have been the source of these militarized compounds. There is further scarring to demonstrate that the gland was inserted via crude surgery, and likely was not a product of the Tarxan themselves. The organ demonstrates a very high level of genetic sophistication and has been sent to //redacted// for further study.

The Tarxan is heavily muscled, and the skin is both thick and tough. Specimen 2 demonstrates injuries consistent with being shot with civilian grade firearms that only caused minimal injury and bruising. The arms have ceramic/bone spurs buried between the radius and ulna bones. The musculature of the forearm has been modified to allow for Specimen 2 to extend or retract the spur by flexing the forearm. This is a biomodification, and the scarring around the tendons indicates the implanting procedure was done relatively recently, within the last two years assuming a similar rate of healing and scarification.

Origins of the Tarxan
The Tarxan are believed to be a species that lives parallel to Humans on an alternate Earth. The operation of large bore dimensional probes and engines seems to attract their attention and in the case of several Storm Rifts, small numbers of their race have become displaced into our dimension. It can be logically assumed that the random accounts of missing persons associated with large bore dimensional probes can be attributed to the same phenomenon working in reverse.

The Tarxan are an intelligent species, with their own language but lacking a written version or any oral traditions to pass on their cultural experience. The species is semi-nomadic, barbaric, and very warlike. Encounters with Tarxans invariably end with violence. Given the crude status of their language, and weaponry (unpowered melee weapons) that the Tarxans are a primitive species, on par with Iron age Terran cultures. The presence of modern and advanced biomodification indicates the presence of another higher level culture in the realm Tarxans hail from, or that the specimens encountered thus far are exiles and outcastes. Given the unfamiliarity of Tarxans with basic technology such as firearms, push button electronics and androids and other technology, it is assumed that they are a nomadic species living in a realm with another much more technologically dominant species or culture.

Some Tarxans have been discovered on Earth in the past, through historical records. These individuals served as mercenaries and monks, integrating into the local culture. It is assumed that there were unmodified non-warrior aspected Tarxans and might have been clerical, or labor caste individuals. If the pre-writing era stories bear truth, Tarxans and humans are cross-fertile and can create hybrid offspring.

Behind the DM's Screen
The Tarxan are based on Baraka from Mortal Kombat, and the alternate realm being tapped by Dimensional Bores is effectively Outworld. Rather than being an entire race of Barakas, the Tarxans are a primitive barbaric race with a vicious warrior culture who are alternately the slaves of, and the destroyers of the more humanoid cultures of Outworld. The Tarxan are nomads, and the dimensional bores have a habit of punching through into Outworld in remote locations and function as the Outworld equivalent of haunted places, and monster sightings like Bigfoot, Mothman and the like.

The Outworld elites are technologically on par with Humanity in terms of biomodification and general sciences, but have not discovered arcanotechnology and are still reliant on fossil fuels, slavery, and heavy drug trades. They modify Tarxans to be supersoldiers to fight and kill the enemies of the higher cultures, be it other states within Outworld, rival tribes of Tarxans, or just turning into violent bloodbaths of revolts and rebellions when the Tarxan slaves, soldiers and gladiators rise up against their masters. They do not demonstrate any ability of parapsychic powers, and are superstitious and paranoid in the extreme.

Tarxan Encounter Table
Tarxan Raider - A single Tarxan, armed with forearm blades and a bad attitude. The Raider is disoriented and will attack with fury, and anything it cannot overcome quickly it will flee. 
Tarxan Raider Party - An equal or greater number of Tarxan raiders to the PC party. All are armed with varying sized arm scythes as well as carrying their own bladed melee weapons. They have some provisions, and chemical  augments (functions as Chemical Augmentation Suit) and possibly several Tarxan hounds (triple jawed reptilian wolf/lizard things)
Tarxan Hunting Party - Foragers and hunters more than warriors, less than half have arm blades, but are armed with spears and hunting bows, accompanied by at least one pack of tarxan hounds.
Tarxan Family Cell - A single Tarxan warrior, decorated with trophies and tattoos along with a harem of Tarxan females, ranging from middle teens to later middle age. The warrior is skilled and dangerous, and has the desire to protect his wives and multitude of children.
Tarxan Mystic - A hybrid half Tarxan half something else, manifests limited parapsychic abilities, typically Parapsychic healing, or parasensensory abilities used to 'guide' the mystic and the tribe.
Tarxan Feral - A survivor from a previous dimensional breech, this Tarxan has survived on Earth long enough to learn a bit of the common local language and hide from the locals by posing as a leper or other pariah.

Tarxan Hound
Tarxan hounds are all tough and ill-tempered as their masters. The hounds are mammal-like reptiles, having a warm blooded metabolism and upright gait, but scales and are egg layers. They exhibit a range of coloration, with the females being dull drab colors and the male hounds being brightly colored, with reds, blues, oranges, and purple being common. 

The hound has a separated bottom jaw, which allows it to use either side of its bottom jaw independently. Once they bite onto something they can work the jaw until they have a very solid bite. It is assumed that this is a hunting or fighting technique used to wound or slow larger animals until their masters can dispatch the animal with swords or spears.

Appearance: Each Tuluian has two demonstrated forms, an attractive humanoid form and a horrific demonic squid form. As humans, a Tuluian is thin and graceful, with very flexible limbs (to the point of bonelessness) and very passive natures. They are content to sit, conserve energy, and watch their environment. When time comes to act, they are fast, and strong. Educated observers can spot Tuluians or Tulus by their near hairlessness as many wear wigs to conceal their lack of hair. Offhand movements can also betray a Tulu as their human form is a disguise they often bend in the wrong places, as they have no internal skeleton and are just mimicking human movement.

The Tulu true form is a squid like central body lifted off the ground by a mass of writhing tentacles. The Tulu doesn't differentiate it's limbs into arms or legs, and all of the limbs seem to be equally adept at functioning as a supporting limb, an arm, and worse. All Tulu are hermaphroditic, and like the octopus several of their tentacles are functionally male reproductive organs.

During periods of agitation or external applied stress, a Tulu will begin to lose control over their human guise and the illusion will fail in places, revealing their tentacles and true nature. This agitation is worsened simply by seeing it happen.

Combat, Reproduction, and Feeding
To the Tulu these are variations on the same theme. While the 'head' perched at the top of the torso has a mouth and is capable of vocalization, it is not connected to the digestive tract. Access to the stomach is done through a lamprey like toothed orifice that functions as both a feeding maw and a female reproductive organ. Reaching the uterine cavities is done through extreme penetration to bypass the internal orifice leading into the stomach. Mating is a challenge as a non-receptive Tulu can chew off the offending male appendages, or simply disgorge the corrosive contents of the stomach onto them. Aggressive Tulu will simply force as many tentacles into the maw as possible, forcing it open, and protecting the reproductive members long enough to get the job done.

Eating and combat is just a matter of how much of a fight the food puts up.

When humans and Tulu encounter each other, it is not uncommon for the Tulu to attempt to impregnate the human. This is unfortunate as they do not understand the concept of the human two gender species and really don't discern a difference between human males and females. Such mating is typically fatal for the human. Humans encountering Tulu respond with screaming, catatonia, or heavy weapons fire.

Origins: The Tulu are a trans-dimensional alien species that was previously native to earth. The Tulu civilization was destroyed some 8 million years ago, and there is nothing that remains of their primitive empire. The rise in the use of arcanotechnology has allowed for the use of Dimensional Bores to explore for energy sources that are more powerful and reliable than Dimensional Engines. These Dimensional Tap Reactors are the next generation in Cosmic Era power production and are still very experimental. The fact about the DTRs is that the bore isn't just tunneling through dimensional space, it is also ripping through temporal space, penetrating other dimensions at times far divergent from the common day.

The first Tulu were encountered in a massive failure of the Cypriot DTR Research Facility in the Eurasian Alliance. The failure of the DTR allowed for a long term breach to open on the island of Cypress, releasing a strong Storm Surge that was only eliminated after heavy bombardment of the island by several Alliance Submersible Battleships. Several Tulu survived and escaped the barrage, but were later killed by Alliance security teams and sent to //redacted// for dissection and study.

The Existence of the Tulu and all other Extra-Dimensional Lifeforms (E.D.s) is a classified secret.

Human-Tulu Interaction
Interaction with the Tulu is difficult at best, as the creatures take some time to accept the fact that humans are, like them, intelligent species. The average Tulu sees the human vessel as either a receptacle to incubate their young, or as a food source. The ability of humans to kill the normally impervious Tulu makes them reconsider their position. The Tulu are quick learners and natural linguists, and once a rapport is made with one, it can be communicated with as an intelligent, if hostile alien being.

it has been inferred that there are a number of Tulu who live in deep hiding on Earth, survivors from Cypress and other DTR failures. They have since learned to masquerade as humans (a hunting trait where they imitated their food source, a species of medium sized hairy primates) to avoid being viciously destroyed by the seemingly endless metal and fire and thunder the hairless monkeys have learned to command. The most common appearance is a lithe female figure, with a penchant for living underground in criminal locations. These Tulu have found themselves a niche as assassins and hunters in the Geofronts and seacologies. They avoid arcologies as they cannot pass electronic bioscanners and they are superstitiously afraid of space, and anything associated with it.

With so few Tulu existing on Earth, they have been forced to vent their sexual frustration on human victims. Despite being hermaphroditic Tulu cannot self-impregnate. This starts as seduction, turns into rape, and usually ends with the Tulu consuming the corpse of the human that they have killed. They are biochemically similar to humans, and will attempt to control their behaviour through recreational drugs, and alcohol. Their brain structure is such that they cannot use the CogNet and attempts to connect a Tulu to the net invariably ends with cerebral burns to the Tulu, as well as mental instability and madness in their alien brains (typically manifesting as OCD or catatonia)

Tulu identify themselves through what appears to be tribal tattooing to the face, upper torso, and arms. This has caused some mimicry in human body art circles, which has in the past caused misunderstandings between one amorous Tulu and one unexpecting street punk.

The hard part about dealing with a virmitrix, or virmitrice, is that they look like whatever they want. They defy the laws of nature, the laws of biology, and barely adhere to the laws of physics and thermodynamics. Every virmitrix encountered to date has assumed the likeness of the most dominant species, and within a short amount of time, adopted its psychological framework. A virmitrix that adopts a human guise looks, sounds, acts, and even smells human. Thankfully, this emulation is only a few cells deep and revealing one for what they are is relatively easy.

The Virmitrix
The Virmitrix are plasmid lifeforms, biologically resembling terrestrial molds and slimes. Their point of origin is unknown, but they are not entirely uncommon, which is and should be a frightening reality. Virm biomass is highly adaptable, and capable of multiple forms of cellular metabolism, chemical and toxin resistances, and even resistance to energy and radiation. Virm biomass only has two serious weaknesses, cold and dehydration.

The most prominent weakness of virm biomass is cold resistance. None of the virm metabolic processes are particularly thermogenic so the organism has limited ability to generate its own heat. Exposing Virm to cold will cause them to freeze. This is not fatal, they merely become immobile and dormant. Even shattered a frozen virmitrix will only reduce the creature to a large number of much smaller forms. When these chunks, if thawed, will assume a new form relative to their environment and size. In one instance, a virm fragment thawed, assumed the form of a large rat, chewed its way out of confinement and escaped. The second weakness is dehydration. When exposed to extreme heat and dryness, virm will secrete a dense shell and enter a form of hibernation. Of the two tactics, cryonics are much more effective, as a virm entity can sacrifice its own moisture to advance and act, in contrast to a virm failing in the face of freezing.

The Thing
The Virmitrix are outsiders, having originated from another Earth, another dimension, where the dominant lifeform developed from slimes and molds and not notochordic animalia. They developed along a slower technological axis, and are completely incapable of reaching parapsychic ability. On the other hand, the virm are mimics by nature, and they consume other creatures whole, and through this process create cellular memory, allowing a virm to replicate any creature they devoured.

When the Virm and Humans crossed paths, the Virm found humanity irresistible. Despite being fixed in shape, humanity possessed unimaginable mental elasticity and capability. They quickly consumed as many humans as possible, and assimilated into human culture, human language, human mentality faster than could have been expected. Likewise, humanity almost immediately noticed the Virm. Despite their cunning mimic skills, the Virm retained many tells, low body temperature, acidic secretions, frequent mirroring behavior, and even the most cursory medical examination could determine the lack of humanity. The shapeshifting ability of the Virm was highly sought after by humanity, for their own nefarious purposes.

In a normal narrative, the Virm would be the villain, appearing and devouring humanity and then ultimately consuming it from the inside and turning it into a new branch of Virm. This isn't the case. Despite their impressive mimicry and assimilation skills, the Virm are not parapsychically active, are easily detected by even basic medical science, and can be conditioned to serve humanity. The most common form of human control is implanting an agonizer or similar pain device. The Virm are mimics, not warrors, not assassins, and are completely unprepared for the absolute ferocity and aggression of humanity.

The Virm could easily flower inside humanity, not overtaking it, not replacing it, but existing within it like a parasite. Unfortunately long periods of Dimensional Fatigue protocols and reflex teams made the incursions of the virm easily noticed and countered.

Humanity, paradoxically, was aware of the Virm, before the Virm were aware of humanity. While the virm gestalt was curious about what was occurring with a handful of their own, humanity had already captured several of them, and were in the process of vivisection and cellular analysis of them. By the time the Virm realized that humanity was the dominant species of this new Earth, humanity had already unraveled the neogenic RNA of the Virm, and had figured out their metamorphic ability, and were in the process of domesticating captuted Virm and creating anti-virm vaccines

A Xamek is a humanoid entity. They are genderless, faceless, and featureless. Their bodies are wrapped in a sort of encounter suit that have a variety of two-tone color patterns. There is no real rhyme or reason to the patterns, other than being geometric in nature, and always being symmetrical. The entity has what is considered to be a masculine profile; broad shouldered, tall, and well muscled. They speak in a nonsensical manner, mashing together words regardless of meaning, and again, without rhyme or reason. This makes communications with them impossible, the fact that they are exceedingly hostile doesn't help anything.

Who are the Xamek?
Medical examinations of destroyed Xamek are inconclusive. Attempts to capture one have failed, as they seem to have the ability to spontaneously end their own lives. When functional, Xamek can be injured, they show blood and injury. This seems to conflict with accounts of them not needing to breathe, consume food or water, or excrete. They can also survive in hard vacuum, underwater, in extremes of heat and cold, and in toxic environments. They do seem to have limits, and cannot survive above 250 degrees Fahrenheit. Their immunity to cold doesn't seem to have a limit, but exposure to supercooled fluids like liquefied hydrogen or nitrogen can slow them, or cause them to lose extremities. After destruction, the contents of the suit reduce to a hydrosilicate material. Even the suit itself rapidly degenerates.

Rumor Options
Option 1 - the Xamek are an extradimensional species who for some reason are drawn into the terrestrial dimension and they are hostile because of this dimension abduction. An alternate motivation is that arcanotech used on Earth has a completely different waste effect on their point of origin and the xamek are dimensional terrorists trying to shut down said technology.
Option 2 - the Xamek are humans from an alternate dimension/timestream and have been sent to destroy certain pieces of arcanotechnology, and they dissolve because they aren't supposed to be captured, preventing Cosmic Era agencies from extrapolating their existence and point of origin.
Option 3 - the Xamek are straight up aliens who are teleporting into dimensional fatigue events to steal human tech, abduct arcanotechnicians, and otherwise sabotage human works, as the Xamek themselves are incapable of developing this tech on their own. They are successful because of their ongoing intelligence theft operations.
Option 4 - The Xamek are energy ghosts, their patterns are fractured amalgamations of people who have been caught up and killed by dimensional fatigue events.

Behavior and Actions
The Xamek appear in groups of 3-5 individuals. There is usually one that acts as a leader, and will take point as they execute their obtuse plans. While openly hostile, the Xamek are organized, tactical, and efficient. They don't kill indiscriminately, seldom cause collateral damage, and their objectives are at times nonsensical. If threatened, they respond with ruthless force, using hand to hand combat, long bladed weapons they seemingly extrude from their own limbs, and very rarely, a high energy 'pistol' that grows from the hand in a similar fashion. They demonstrate intelligence, and can understand all known human languages. While executing their missions, if a group is in a holding or garrison role, they will explore their surroundings, and will show interest in games, recreational equipment, toys, sports equipment, and so forth.
The objectives of the Xamek seemingly have no reason. One appearance might have them hunting down a single cosmic horror. The next, they might hunt down and kill a reflex team, or a group of scientists. Another incursion might seen a twelve individual team appear for a bloody fight to recover... a red desk stapler.  

The first youma were accidents, victims of misfortune and accident. Even during the brightest time of the Imbrian Empire there were places on the Moon that were dark and dangerous. A small group of travelers, it would only take one small incident, a misfired spell, a miscalculated conjuring, and then a manservant was a slavering monster, or a scullery maid was chewing on someone's skull with a mouthful of crocodile teeth. It was eventually discovered that these rare incidents could be replicated, deliberately, with the proper, or improper magic incantation. In the dark times, fallen magi would use this loathsome magic to turn innocent victims into horrific monsters and use them as weapons. The Empress in her great wisdom banned such magics and made possession of these spells a crime.

Youma are highly variable in appearance, depending on what sort of energy shard is fused with the victim. Most Youma retain two forms, one their original human form, and the other a horrific distorted monstrous form that can have almost any shape, or characteristic. There are common themes to the appearance of a youma, however.

Animalistic Youma have a hybrid form that combines the physical attributes of an animal with a humanoid general shape. These youma typically favor mammalian forms, with lots of teeth, fur, and claws, but reptilian and piscine youma are not unknown. Atlantis, on Earth was more prone to encountering the water breathing Youma, and places like the colonies on Mars more often saw fur and scales.

Demonic Youma have stereotypical demon features, horns, claws, wings, glowing eyes, etc and range from mindlessly beastial to being very devious and cunning. It is also not uncommon for these class of youma to have elemental and magic abilites such as breathing flame, poison, or doling out dark sorcery.

Alien Youma produce writhing masses of tentacles, sucking tooth filled orifices, and chant strange insane melodies. These are thankfully rare, but when they do appear, they can be among the most powerful and the most dangerous.

Youma are created through black sorcery which conjures a celestial shard and implants a weakened, diseased, or otherwise compromised host with it's alien energies. The resultant chimera is neither human nor shard any longer, and instead rises as an insane monster that is bound to the will of the Magus that created it. The power of the youma created is inversely proportionate to the individual used as it's host. The largest and most intimidating youma have been created not from strong and competent victims but rather the very young, the frail, or the elderly. This has created a very unfortunate condition where dark magi will abduct children and turn them into youma after an apparent 'kidnapping attempt'. The shard will pupate inside the child and when the monster erupts those who would dispatch the beast are stopped in their tracks because there are very few who are so stoic and resolute that would cut down their own child to slay the monster inside.

Killing a youma is typically a straightforward process. Weapons imbued with magic, made of moonsteel, and magic are typically very proficient at destroying a manifested youma. The youma is also vulnerable to conventional weapons and means of dispatch when the human host is dominant, and this is typically the easiest way to kill them. There are specialists who work in tracking and identifying the human hosts of youma and assassinating them in such a way that the monster doesn't have a chance to assume it's semi-divine form.

Youma do sometimes, but not always, possess means of evading death and destruction. Many demonstrate the ability to regenerate, growing back severed limbs, healing injuries, and such. These youma require acidic spells, flame, and specific types of poison to to permanently kill. Others have demonstrated the ability to shed their outer husk and escape, split in half and create copies of themselves, or spread their condition through fluid or energy transfer.

Powerful magics can be used to 'cure' a youma. This sort of magic is powerful and dangerous as it requires the youma to be under the full sway of it's monstrous form and then drawing it out and fighting it until it is weakened and it's energy is close to exhausted. Then, powerful divine spells, the sort known by the Empress and her Royal Templars.
Last edited by Skaldia on Mon Dec 27, 2021 10:57 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Postby Skaldia » Fri Nov 21, 2014 2:49 pm

Added the ABM-1 Stoudenmire to the Vehicles list.
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||“Chaos needs no allies, for it dwells like a poison in every one of us.”

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Postby Skaldia » Sat Nov 22, 2014 10:34 am

Added Angel Biomodification to the Modifications list.
||“The lesson of history is that no one learns.”
||“Chaos needs no allies, for it dwells like a poison in every one of us.”

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Postby Skaldia » Sun Nov 23, 2014 4:54 pm

Added A-Pod Racer to the Vehicles list.
||“The lesson of history is that no one learns.”
||“Chaos needs no allies, for it dwells like a poison in every one of us.”

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Postby Skaldia » Mon Nov 24, 2014 10:22 am

Added Arcanotech to the Articles section.
||“The lesson of history is that no one learns.”
||“Chaos needs no allies, for it dwells like a poison in every one of us.”

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Postby Skaldia » Tue Nov 25, 2014 9:58 am

Added Arcopolarization to the Articles section.
||“The lesson of history is that no one learns.”
||“Chaos needs no allies, for it dwells like a poison in every one of us.”

TG for Discord

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Postby Skaldia » Wed Nov 26, 2014 10:00 am

Added the Armadyne ECR to the Weapons list.
||“The lesson of history is that no one learns.”
||“Chaos needs no allies, for it dwells like a poison in every one of us.”

TG for Discord

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Postby Skaldia » Fri Nov 28, 2014 10:18 am

Added Random Armored Units to Vehicles Cont. list.
||“The lesson of history is that no one learns.”
||“Chaos needs no allies, for it dwells like a poison in every one of us.”

TG for Discord

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Postby Skaldia » Fri Nov 28, 2014 10:26 am

Added the Artificial Brain to the Modifications list.
||“The lesson of history is that no one learns.”
||“Chaos needs no allies, for it dwells like a poison in every one of us.”

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