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PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2023 12:24 pm
by Mokastana
Alfonso Rivera was grateful his mic was muted as he laughed at the proposals from The Ice States. Not that he found them funny, but more that he was impressed by the sheer cojones it took to openly threaten The Golden Throne in front of the entire region. Alfonso had not met Saverchenko-Colleti in person yet, but had heard about him. Fleeing across the Motokatan border to help bring down the Emperor of TIS, and now spitting in the face of the strongest economic power in Greater Dienstad, Alfonso knew he had to buy that man a drink. Sooner rather than later, based on the response by Krierlord Kilomen.

"As the PUF fought in the Second Icean Civil War, and shares a border with both the Golden Throne territory of Nicaro, and the Ice States, I feel it is the duty of the PUF to also weigh in on this discussion.

First off, while personally I can respect any representative or nation to propose such a 'strongly worded' response to economic hostilities, I must remember my duty as a representative of the People's Unified Federation. Therefore the PUF will not sign the 'Ormont Defense Pact', and more so will be forced to withdraw any PUF military advisers from the country if they choose military intervention.

As for the second proposal, titled 'On Wartime Looting', as it stands, the PUF would not be willing to sign, but I would entertain open debate on it for modification among the council.

That said, the actions of The Golden Throne are rather.... desperate….

I am no businessman, I served my four years in the Federal Navy, was a Dock Worker for a while, then got a job at the Foreign Ministry where I've worked my way up to this posting. However, it is my understanding that sometimes bad investments happen. One could argue that investing in a slave state in Greater Dienstad should have been an obviously bad investment, but I digress.

Now, because of that bad investment, The Golden Throne has resorted to looting cultural artifacts for money. Are we to believe that The Golden Throne is so desperate for money that they've resorted to stealing paintings for cash like a petty criminal? Is the Imperial Treasury so dire they could not wait to negotiate a payment plan? If so, I worry for investors who have faith in the Imperial Treasury.

You would think that TGT would have included this debt while negotiating their withdrawal, but perhaps not.

It is my understanding, and I invite either the honorable Krierlord Kilomen, or Ambassador Saverchenko-Colleti to correct me, that The Golden Throne signed a revision of the TOCAIF with the Communal Union. Under this revision, TGT withdrew from the Green Zone, and the Communal Union agreed to purchase… I believe… one hundred something billion Ríokmarks of goods every year, as well as other things, such as fighting insurgents along the border.

I'll admit, I do not have a copy of the revision with me, so I must ask….Did the revision of this treaty include repaying debts owed to the Golden Throne by the former government of TIS? If not, then I must seriously question the wisdom of a Kierlord who forgot such an important piece of the original agreement. If it did, then I must question how quickly The Golden Throne would break their own written agreements for a quick 'mark.

So which is it, incompetence? Desperation? Or is the Golden Throne trying to instigate a conflict with the Communal Union? Perhaps most importantly, at least for the other Ambassadors here, is how can other nations and corporations have faith in their own agreements with The Golden Throne, when TGT behaves like this?"

PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2023 12:35 pm
by The Ice States
"We have elected to effect amendments to Ormont Defense Pact resolution. Notably, entering the defense pact is no longer mandatory for signatories; all signatories participate in the condemnation, but the Ormont Defense Pact is entirely voluntary for signatories."

Whereas the nation of the Golden Throne recently engaged in an occupation of a section of territory under the jurisdiction of The Empire of the Ice States during the Second Ice Civil War, an occupation which continued even after the Empire was forcibly overthrown and replaced by the Communal Union of the Ice States;

Whereas, following an agreement between the Golden Throne and the Ice States wherein the Golden Throne vowed to end its occupation in the Ice States, the Golden Throne grossly violated trust and respect placed to it by the nations of this region, as well as The Ice States, through the removal of culturally significant artefacts in the occupied areas, including the paintings "Piepowder's Moss-Weed Court" and "The Lizards of Eden", followed by their transportation to the Golden Throne; and

Whereas the justification provided for these actions by the Golden Throne, specifically that the artefacts were transported to the Golden Throne to complete the payment of existing debts owed by the Ice States to the Golden Throne, are insufficient, as the Golden Throne already maintained the funds from frozen Ice bank accounts to complete the payment of these debts;

The Greater Dienstad Regional Council declares as follows.

  1. Return: Every signatory condemns, in the strongest possible terms, the looting of Ice territory by Macabean forces. Further, all signatories, collectively and individually, demand that the Golden Throne promptly return to the Ice States all goods the Golden Throne forcibly relocated to its jurisdiction during its occupation of territory in the Ice States.

  2. Cooperation: The "Ormont Defense Pact" is hereby established as an international military organisation whose membership shall be any consenting signatory. Should the Golden Throne fail to comply with the demand in Section 1, the Ormont Defense Pact may organise military action ("Section 2 efforts") to ensure the return of Section 1 goods and natural persons to the Ice States.

    1. Each member of the Ormont Defense Pact must individually contribute to Section 2 efforts to the maximal extent possible without posing a substantial burden on the finances or resources of that signatory.

    2. No signatory may wilfully obstruct Section 2 efforts, including by assisting in or conducting any retaliatory efforts by the Golden Throne or any ally thereof against a signatory of this resolution in response to Section 2 efforts.

  3. Retaliation: Any attack against an Ormont Defense Pact member conducted to retaliate against Section 2 efforts shall be considered an attack against all Ormont Defense Pact members. Every member must, to the maximal extent possible without posing a substantial burden on the finances or resources of that signatory, provide defense of any other member against such retaliation.

  4. Exceptions and interpretation: Every signatory must interpret and obey this resolution in complete good faith. This resolution shall be declared void when all goods confiscated by the Golden Throne during their occupation in the Ice States are unconditionally returned to the Ice States, whether voluntarily or by force; or when this matter otherwise becomes moot.

"In any case, we would like to address the comments from the Mokan ambassador. The Golden Throne did not include any provision in the agreement for withdrawal regarding the debt; however the agreement did mandate annual purchases worth R,175B from the Golden Throne, and opposing insurgents in the border with Nicaro. We do not believe the looting to necessarily be a violation of the letter of the treaty. It is still certainly a violation of its spirit."

~Alexander Nicholas Saverchenko-Colleti,
World Assembly / GDRC Ambassador,
The Communal Union of the Ice States.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2023 4:09 pm
by Eitoan
Donald Novak scrolled down the text application in the discussion thread with Agarese ambassador Marek Smutný. Federal Ralkovia's ambassadress Falrai joined the conversation.

"What do you think of the Ice proposal?" she typed.

Novak snorted. "Preposterous" he replied.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2023 9:50 pm
by Greater Ordena
Paulus Rödl couldn't help but make a face at the current proposals put forth by the Icer representative. One of his staffers approached him and began whispering into his ear. After several minutes and listening in on other representatives give their thoughts on the proposals, he stood up before the Council.

"The Greater Ordenite Reich rejects both proposals and their amendments." He then returned to his seat.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2023 1:18 pm
by The Macabees
Andro was relieved that so far the feedback to the Icer proposal was negative. This was the first time a public attempt to condemn the Golden Throne had been made and it followed too closely to the attempt by the FRCP to pain the empire as a slave-state sympathizer. Even two such events were too close of a pattern for Andro. Was a shift in the perception of what the Golden Throne stood for beginning to take place? The days of commendation seemed long past now, even if that had only been five years ago. It was a thought he'd have to masticate of for some time and take back to His Imperial Majesty — the question being: was imperial foreign policy showing a frivolous bend? Did something have to be reigned in?

He put the thoughts behind him as he stood again, this time to address some of the commentaries. "The trade deal that was agreed upon by both parties had to do with the Green Zone and our withdrawal. It was the price the communist regime in TIS paid to avoid a drawn-out conflict that most certainly would have concluded in the establishment of a breakaway democratic state in the north. In hindsight, perhaps my government should have simply pursued that end rather. Alas, hindsight is twenty-twenty."

"In any case," he continued, "the asset forfeiture was not about a lack of money or an inability to pay creditors out of our own treasury. Had we done that, which we most certainly could have, we would have signaled to other international borrowers that the costs of defaulting on Macabéan debt will be carried by the Imperial Bureaucracy. Instead, we have signaled that the costs of borrowing will be carried by the debtor. Furthermore, it's important that creditors in the Golden Throne know that debts owed to them will be made good. Like in the case of TIS, we often loan to foreign governments in need at discounted rates. We do this as a sign of goodwill. For this to be possible, we need to be thorough when it comes time to repay. Perhaps the new communist regime could have made these debts good. Like I said, hindsight is twenty-twenty. At the time, it wasn't obvious that the communist government would last the week. In all honesty, it still isn't. And even in hindsight, the communist government has shown itself to be wholly irresponsible. But, like I said earlier, the simplest solution is for them to make good on those debts now by buying the forfeited assets back at their market price."

PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2023 2:39 pm
by The Ice States
"The Golden Throne had already frozen Ice bank accounts under your jurisdiction, which, based on both our own calculations and audits by multiple non-state organisations, was sufficient to pay off the debts. While the Golden Throne may certainly have decided not to use these frozen accounts to fund the debt collection, it still had the ability to do so. Additionally, cooperation with our regime would have worked better to ensure that the debts are paid off than looting our territory without our knowledge or consent. Your argumentation that seizing the items was necessary to pay off the debts from Ice-originating monies therefore falls flat."

~Alexander Nicholas Saverchenko-Colleti,
World Assembly Ambassador,
The Communal Union of the Ice States.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2023 3:08 pm
by The Macabees
Andro sighed and, directing himself toward the Icer representative, replied, "I have already addressed that. Unlike your backward, barbaric excuse of a government, our government respects private property. Those bank accounts represent private property. They were frozen during your country's civil war to disallow bad actors from accessing capital that could have been used to perpetuate injustices, like the killing of members of foreign communities or the waging of war. Many of the accounts belonged either to the imperial government or to members of and associated peoples. Many more belong to Icer notables. To seize these accounts, our government would need to pursue a civil suit in which it would have to prove to a judge that it is within our right to do as such. Whether we win or lose that suit, in both cases we would signal to other foreign depositors that there is some probability greater than zero that they too would run the risk of seized assets on account of some action committed by their government. Upon appeal by the banking sector, the Imperial Bureaucracy agreed that this was not a signal it was interested in sending out. As I said, we are a property-respecting government and cannot simply seize bank deposits protected by imperial law on a whim. Not even His Imperial Majesty Fedor I is above the law in the Golden Throne. It is that virtue of ours that attracted all the Icers who fleed the onslaught of your communist regime."

"Imperial law," Andro continued, "does not extend to the Ice States...for now, at least. We can certainly make it so, and if you attack us then perhaps it will... But, in any case, given that the assets we seized would have been expropriated by your government anyway, we saw it fit to conduct an asset forfeiture as a means of recouping the investment our private sector creditors made in your economy during the previous government's tenure. "

"Alas, if your country wasn't a basketcase we wouldn't be in this situation to begin with," he finished. "I will make the offer one last time: your government can pay for what it wants at the market rate."

PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2023 11:03 pm
by Holy Marsh
"The current regime of the Ice States is less barbarous than the one the Throne willfully worked with, Good Ambassador Andor," The Ambassadress replied tersely before sighing. "The Throne's grand history of anti-slavery actions speaks well to it and we will not relitigate the morality of the past, but do not launch a strike from a base of sand. You are better than that, and so is the Throne."

"I can't speak for the world, but I can speak for the Matriarchy: The Throne's debts owed by the Ice States needing to be repaid is not really a debate. It is agreed. The manner of that repayment is debated, but I don't truly view that as worthy of the GDRC. We aren't here to handle every dispute. If we wanted to form committees or divisions within to handle it, so be it. In any event, what frustrates is the following: the theft of cultural artefacts that we believe without question are being done as a purely punitive measure. Not to satisfy debts or make good on promises, but a petty and small action that I doubt the Throne would have done in almost any other circumstance, and reveals something base that is beneath a power of its grandeur and grace. It is entirely within the power of your government- the government which did the act of seizing these artefacts- to return them without a meaningful impact on the issue of debt relief that you are owed. It would also go a long way to assuage concerns that the Throne is not simply harming a state much weaker than itself for its own amusement."

She turned back to the Icer, her expression no better. "In any case, our position remains the same. We shall not vote for either legislation. You have improved it, but the meat of it still deals with the potential for military confrontation. If you wish to seek relief and aid from us in terms of brokering an agreement regarding your cultural artefacts, we would be happy to oblige and work with both parties. Regardless, the bad faith of the Empire in its dealings with you will not necessarily lead to action from this body. Relief is best sought elsewhere."

PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2023 12:14 pm
by The Macabees
Andro felt that the Golden Throne's character and history were being mischaracterized, so he stood to speak to the empire's relationship with the previous Icer regime. "To set the record straight, our diplomacy with the Icer imperial regime was from almost the very beginning oriented explicitly toward abolishing slavery in that country. The loans we extended were precisely in exchange for an agreement to abolish the slave trade, the enslavement of new persons, and to emancipate the slave population within five years fully. Indeed, the loans were extended to ameliorate the short-term economic impact of such a dramatic shift in the country's economic system. If we had a relationship with the Icer imperial government before that agreement was made it was entirely constrained to the subject of our shared border, subsidizing the Icer government's imprisonment of Nicaroan guerrillas using their territory as a safe haven for cross-border operations. Otherwise, the Golden Throne did not directly partake in the enrichment of the Ice States other than as a reward for the end of slavery in that country."

"Again," he repeated, "the Ice States can settle its debt with Macabéan creditors by paying the market price for the forfeited assets. Should the RMU wish to help the Icer state pay its debts, that is none of our business and I'm sure the relevant creditors won't complain. But that is between you and the Ice States. I do agree, however, that the chamber of the GDRC is not a place for these discussions."

Then, turning to the Orontian aides in the chamber, he added, "I do believe that my previous proposal has just enough support to go to vote, does it not?"

PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2023 12:54 pm
by Holy Marsh
"The Throne did not directly partake in the enrichment of the slaver regime until there was an agreement in place to end slavery, this is true. Indeed, as said before, no one should doubt the Throne's anti-slavery standards by and large. Macabean blood has been spilled for that very cause innumerable times. Instead, it helped the old regime- despite its barbarism and its oppression of its citizenry and 'private property' whose rights were held in extreme bondage- with its security apparatus through aid in the constructions of prisons. Doubly troubling when the purpose of those prisons was clear," The Ambassadress replied. "Good Ambassador, I object to the qualification of the Communal Union as 'barbaric' as cause to hold them in a different light, or that the Throne is holding the cultural artefacts due to honest concerns of 'oppression'. These matters did not stop previous engagement, so we do not believe they are barriers to engagement here. At the very least, we would certainly appreciate fewer attempts to mask the Throne's actions under the guise of good-faith dealings or being done out of any fraction of concern for the citizens of the Ice States," she looked at him and dropped some of the decorum.

"At least say you're doing this to piss off the communists, Andro Kilomen, or that the Throne has taken them due to its aid in conquering the old regime as part of an Imperial Prerogative. We'd certainly respect that a hell of a lot more than trying to tell us it is due to any moral or ethical concern about the communist government of the Ice States. In any case, we are more than willing to move on from this matter as it relates to the GDRC and move it to other channels."

She turned her attention to the previous legislation.
"As for the Common Defense Act, we reiterate our intent to sign it. In its current form it is good legislation and we find it to work as it is as well as a functional bedrock for regional security."

PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2023 5:18 am
by Stevid
Vel had sat through these heated exchanges most amused. The Ice States’ summoning of the council had, of course, irked him greatly as he would rather sit in his office procrastinating or in the Red Cave doing the same but with a drink in his hand. As it turned out, the astounding proposal delivered by The Ice States was probably the most exciting thing he had ever heard in these chambers.

The toing and froing between the Ice representative Saverchenko-Colleti and the ever aloof Macabeean Kilomen gave Vel much delight. The GDRC had never really had an agenda or a written means of conducting a debate, or guidelines at all. Questions, thoughts, representations that may, or may not, take the form or a non-binding proposal that states could, if they so wished, align themselves to – that’s it.
But what Saverchenko-Colleti had proposed was something one would more likely find in the WA Security Council chambers than the GDRC. Indeed, this was more an attack than a proposal – and it had implications on the Holy Empire in some measure.

Regardless, Vel sat and rapped his knuckles with cheery laughter as Kilomen quipped about communists and his Marshite contemporary bickered with him. Around him other delegates noisily shook their heads and waved their hands at the delegate from the Communal Union. Vel then pressed his button to join the allotted queue for the floor.

“What a farce!” He cried heartily as patiently waited until he was given floor, addressing it in the usual way he was commanded to do so.

“My Lords, Ladies, Gentlemen, et cetera, et cetera, I do declare that this has been most entertaining and that we must all do it again someday.
“Dare I say to the honourable fellow Saverchenko-Colleti, you and your nation’s reputation with the World Assembly precedes you and does you credit, but does not take away from the fact the proposal you petition us with is unworkable… at least that’s what it says here on this communique. Personally, I think it’s ridiculously funny – but ridiculous nonetheless!

“I feel that the ambassador is being deliberately provocative towards the Golden Throne. Nevertheless, you have presented a proposal under the pretext of a slight against your country – there is nothing in the GDRC charters to prevent one from bringing such a proposal. The Holy Empire still feels that this is a grievance between the two sovereign nations of the Golden Throne and the Ice States. Representations have been made by both sides but The Ice States has ambushed the Golden Throne within this chamber. Therefore, the representations and counterarguments amount to nothing more than bickering and a scrambling to defend national pride.

“The Empire believes that this latter point makes discussion of the subject in primary question, the seizure of artefacts by the Throne from The Ice States, unreasonable and moot in this forum. Therefore, the Holy Empire will vote AGAINST the formation of this Ormont Defence Pact. There are far too many variables and contentions in play to justify its formation or leaping headfirst into war.

“However, The Ice States airs a relevant grievance before the inter-regional community. The Holy Empire proposes, in principle to be discussed, the formation of an arbitration committee to chair such these discussions as a neutral partner and final arbiter based on evidence presented to it. Whether this can occur under GDRC Resolution #6 or a separate ruling or agreement can and should be discussed. But it is not for the GDRC to make a ruling on the grievance.”

Vel sighed loudly exasperated about how much his government wanted him to say.

“Bloody hell… sorry everyone… Furthermore, we do not in principle oppose the secondary piece of legislation. We have a direct contention with the use of “The Golden Throne” and would like more neutral terminology or a re-writing of the preface. But the idea of signing up to a proposal forbidding the looting of national heritage with the benefit of hindsight of acts committed in the past is most agreeable.
“But the returning of artifacts, as clause two outlines, should be excluded citing instead an arbitration committee or panel to reach a decision.”

PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2023 2:37 pm
by The Ice States
"To the Stevidian ambassador, we would support the formation of such a body. Although we have taken these arguments into consideration, and we shall not be going further with either proposal although we believe that the Golden Throne was still not acting in good faith throughout this matter. We will be addressing this matter through other means instead."

"We would like to thank most ambassadors here for their time."

~Alexander Nicholas Saverchenko-Colleti,
World Assembly / GDRC Ambassador,
The Communal Union of the Ice States.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 3:43 am
by Stevid
It was remarkable. Vel was sober. Not just in the way that he had had one or two before a session in the GDRC, he had not had any alcohol all day. Obviously, that would change in a few hours, but even Vel understood his obligations when presenting proposals to the GDRC. It was one thing besmirching others, quite another when his country required him to pose one.

The session had been called by the Holy Empire in order to pose the question and proposal for regional organisation for the provision of humanitarian aid across Greater Dienstad. While Vel had no objections to the proposal, he did not have strong feelings for it either. That said, there was a tacit acceptance that with all the wars the region had endured, and was yet to, and all the other disasters it had experienced – an international organisation dedicated to humanitarian aid could have saved millions of lives.

Hurricanes in AHSCA, the Varathon blood fever, plagues in Holy Panooly, the Great Dienstadi War, Krasnova – all tragedies that lacked a dedicated aid agency looking out for the ordinary person.

Vel and his entourage entered the busy council chambers and awaited the for the GDRC to be called to session. He was given the floor and began to speak.

“My Lords, Ladies, Gentlemen, esteemed representatives from all corners of this region, and honoured guests.” He started without whiff sarcasm, “I pray you give due attention and time to this here proposal by my Majesty's government of the Holy Empire. It occurs to me and my government that the old order of things within this region never truly dies. The web of history, conflict, and distrust in this region is vast and far reaching. There will be no end to the slights and offence. There is also great fear across the region of disasters, both human and natural, for peoples and governments to contend with.

“It also occurs to me and my government that many nations have gone to great efforts to ensure their own nationally based charities and organisations are able to deliver humanitarian aid to conflict zones and disaster areas. Such nations deserve recognition, and I humbly name the People United Federation of Mokastana and the Free Republic of Lamoni for their well-known humanitarian causes and efforts.

“But my government also notes that such organisations that are born from a nation may indeed lack the true neutrality and impartiality required to become more widely involved in a conflict zone. Even where they do have such demonstrable qualities, they may find it difficult to convince nations hostile to the organisation’s host nation.

“Therefore, the Holy Empire of Stevid proposes the establishment of the Dienstad International Committee for Aid and Medicine. A truly neutral organisation – given authority to function only by the GDRC here and now, and will only call Nova Orentes home for the purposes of administration. The provision of humanitarian assistance is critical in any warzone, and its provision by an entity that is truly unaligned with any state or organisation will only enhance its ability to deliver such aid.

“I hereby propose the following:”

Proposal for Establishing the Dienstad International Committee for Aid and Medicine (DICAM)

NOTING that despite the efforts of this Council at international mediation and the efforts of individual nation-states, there remains the ever-present threat of war within Greater Dienstad.

COGNISANT that outside of any human/sentient-being conflict, there also exists the ever-present threat of natural disasters, diseases, terrorism, and other existential threats.

RECOGNISING that, while the above is not an exhaustive list, they all have the potential to threaten the safety, security, well-being, existence, and livelihoods of the victims of the above.

AWARE of the existence of dozens of national and international organisations within individual nation-states that are dedicated to protecting victims of conflicts and disasters.

BELIEVES that the establishment of a mandated and Greater Dienstad specific international humanitarian organisation will better placed to provide humanitarian support across the region as a truly neutral party in any and all conflict and disaster zones in the region – working in partnership with national aid bodies.

WE PROPOSE the creation of the Dienstad International Committee for Aid and Medicine (DICAM) with the following stipulations and explanations:


      [a.] Hereby establishes the Dienstad International Committee for Aid and Medicine, henceforth referred to as DICAM (“Die-Cam”).

      [b.] DICAM is hereby defined as a neutral non-national, non-governmental, and non-profit organisation with no ties to any one particular nation-state within Greater Dienstad; whose only legal ties to any institution will be the Greater Dienstad Regional Council that decrees the formation of the DICAM.

      [c.] DICAM’s purpose is defined as to protect the lives and dignity to victims, and provide assistance to victims, of conflicts, other situations of violence, natural disasters, disease, terrorism, and other existential threats or emergencies to human and sentient beings. The ultimate goal being to provide humanitarian assistance to these victims, alleviate suffering of peoples affected by such situations, and strengthen the principles of humanitarian law and causes.

      [d.] DICAM’s mission is defined with the following core tasks:

        [i] Monitor and report on conflict zones for use of force against civilians, non-combatants, and protected humanitarian areas

        [ii.] Organise care and treatment for wounded persons and civil populations

        [iii.] Supervise and report on the treatment of captured persons and prisoners or war with detaining authorities and organisations.

        [iv.] Organise and coordinate the mapping of and eventual removal of un-exploded ordinance (UXO) after conflicts.

        [v.] Organise and assist in searches for missing persons in conflict and disaster zones.

        [vi.] On request of at least one warring party, present overtures and willing to act as a neutral and impartial intermediary between warring parties.

      [e.] DICAM is hereby formed with the following inviolable principles and institutional framework that govern and guide its, missions, staff, and other representatives:

        [i.] Respect of Dignity –DICAM has the desire to protect and bring assistance without discrimination to battlefield wounded and those left destitute due to emergency environmental circumstances. It will therefore endeavour in all cases to protect and respect life.

        [ii.] Neutrality – DICAM ensures full neutrality and due impartiality in how it functions and prosecutes its mandate. It makes no discrimination as to nationality, race or religion. It will not take sides in any conflict, nor engage in conflict – be it political, racial, religious, or ideological.

        [iii.] Independent –DICAM will not make itself sub-servient to any pollical or national body in order to prosecute its work. Staff will adhere to local law and work within remits arranged between DICAM and local government. It will not act on the whims of said governments or any other body.

      [f.] The GDRC retains the right to dissolve the DICAM following any successful proposal to the GDRC.

      [g.] DICAM henceforth uses a vertical red double diamond joined end-on-end on a white background for purposes of identification. The use of which on buildings (temporary or otherwise), vehicles, personnel, and equipment identifies it as belonging to or being a member of the DICAM organisation.


    [S.2] The GDRC hereby gives the following legal mandates to DICAM:

      [a.] Mandated to coordinate, or otherwise act as a method or cross organisation communication, of international humanitarian activities conducted in Greater Dienstad in relation to armed conflicts, other violent situations, and disasters.

      [b.] Mandated to protect victims of international and internal armed conflicts, natural disasters, terrorism, and other existential threats. Such victims include, but are not limited to, war wounded persons, prisoners, refugees, civilians, and other non-combatants.

      [c.] Mandated to enter any country within Greater Dienstad, with requisite local authority and protections, to exercise its mandate as stipulated in S.2a and S.2b in line with its purpose as defined in S.1c.

      [d.] DICAM can never be used, or use itself, as a weapon of war; figuratively or literally. It cannot take up arms or be armed, or otherwise used to ensure tactical or strategic succuss in conflict. This includes the direction of staff and equipment or mal use of it symbols.

      [e.] Mandated to exercise its influence within the region and GDRC to promote humanitarian efforts and deescalate the use of weaponry that will cause undue suffering to combatants and non-combatants within conflict zones.

      [f.] Nothing within the GDRC’s mandate to DICAM requires any nation-state within Greater Dienstad to allow DICAM access to their territory. From this proposal, the GDRC implores states to show due consideration to the organisation’s principles (S.1d) when making decisions to refuse entry.

      [g.] Mandated to operate out of committee offices within the GDRC and is hereby headquartered within Nova Orontes line with its principles on neutrality and non-alignment to any Dienstadi nation.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 12:55 pm
by The Macabees
Although he was already determined to support the proposal, Andro read the Stevidian proposal carefully so as to not agree to anything egregious. It all seemed sensible enough. ' DICAM can never be used, or use itself, as a weapon of war, the text read. Nothing objectionable but Andro laughed in his mind, remembering how imperial aid to Holy Panooly during the KN-755 outbreak had directly led to that country's gradual route toward imperial territorial status. Rumor among the kríerlords was the Golden Throne had been behind the outbreak, at that, although that was just an unconfirmed conspiracy theory as far as Andro knew. Anyway, he turned his attention back to the proposal and the chamber.

Waiting for his turn, he stood and said, "I support the Stevidian proposal for a vote and promise that the Golden Throne will participate in DICAM with personnel, material, and funding. The gods know that Greater Díenstad is in dire need of an organization capable of helping the countless victims of war, disease, and natural disaster."

PostPosted: Sat Jul 01, 2023 9:06 am
Next proposal was from Stevid this one had a lot of merit, easily one AHSCA could get behind with minimal fuss compared to mutual defense pacts or military organizations the floor given to Itsuki for her thoughts, "Members of the council, recent events and times past have long shown the need for rapid response to catastrophe be it from war, unrest, natural or man made disasters; AHSCA for example, no stranger to extreme weather for example and relies often on the kindness of neighbors and others in this region. To be able to join together as regional neighbors and help each other when called upon in a rapid and ready deployment and well equipped and well staffed agency within the GDRC would be extremely ideal to minimize loss of life and help those in need. We concur with the text of the resolution to keep the organization neutral and not a means of warfare or political posturing. Nations who request the assistance to recover from strife will be able to benefit greatly from the proposed DICAM and unless further amendments are needed we wish to see this proposal come to a vote as soon as possible with the hope that all will adopt it. To help our fellow region members should be our ultimate goal of this Council. Thank you."

PostPosted: Sun Jul 02, 2023 6:43 am
by Eitoan
Shocked at the sobriety of Vel, Donald Novak added "The proposal by the Honorable Ambassador of Stevid has merit. We support a vote on this"

PostPosted: Sun Jul 02, 2023 10:20 am
by Velstrania
The man who rushed into the GDRC headquarters was not the regularly scheduled Havenic agent. He wasn't 9 feet tall for one, in fact it was something of a study in contrasts between him and the previous representative. He stood a little over 5 feet in height, had a slight build and normally he carried a look of perpetual nervousness; now however he just looked like he was ready to drop down and fall asleep. The bags under the eyes of Celari deputy director of foreign relations Konstantin Glavus were only one step away from being considered rucksacks; his movements were slow and lethargic and whenever his hands moved, either to brush them through his long brown hair or to take and/or read paperwork offered by his aids there was a noticeable shake.
"The Joint ministries apologise for the lateness of any Havenic representation," he called out, standing only shortly after Novak had resumed his place, "His Highness the Sovereign Prince is...unavoidably detained in order to help prepare the Harusqa army for a possible Kravenite invasion of his homeland. My own ministry has been busy working with our friends in Velstrania to find out what help they require from us and what we are able to provide. Important and weighty as what is discussed here so clearly is, when we are asked to face the possibility of millions of our own citizens, including 2 of my 3 children being asked to fight and potentially die that must of course take priority.
The Haven has always prided itself for its humanitarian spirit. That is why it keeps its borders open, and spends considerable sums on foreign aid; and most importantly why, unless faced with no other option, it opposes war. It is also why we are both happy and proud to support the proposal before us today. You have my vote, on behalf of the joint ministries."

PostPosted: Sat Sep 30, 2023 3:35 pm
by Slacaria

PostPosted: Tue Oct 24, 2023 5:17 pm
by The Macabees
When Andro saw the newcomer barge through the door with a black suitcase the first thought that crossed his mind was: this motherf***** is a terrorist. Given the all-black outfit, Andro figured this man was some new-age, cyberpunk-type terrorist looking to kill a bunch of global politicians in one fell swoop. The biggest red flag of them all, however, was the unfashionable turtleneck. Andro shivered. Bad fashion was terrorism in and of itself, thought the kríerlord.

The man proceeded to walk over to the podium. He revealed a stack of papers, which he slammed down. That's when it hit Andro. They were about to be lectured by some idiot political activist.

Then, the man introduced himself as Heinrich Braun, a representative of Slacaria. Terrible entrance? Or...genius entrance? thought Andro. He couldn't decide.

After he had heard the man through, he stood and addressed the chamber. "Mr. Braun, first of all welcome. Second, of all, some thoughts on your proposal. I will remind the chamber that, previously, I discussed the creation of some sort of tribunal to hold private military contractors accountable for war crimes and other illegal business. I find it useful to resurface because that recommendation fits the mold of what the Slacarian gentleman has in mind."

"More importantly," he continued, "while there is a certain flexibility to all GDRC legislation, knowing that member states have to volunteer to enforce, any discussion on PMCs in the region must work with the knowledge that PMCs have corporate privileges that most good governments extend to them. This includes legal privileges. I don't think that any major state here will subordinate its justice system to the GDRC. By way of example, Tarn has for over a decade served as the heart of PMC activity in Greater Díenstad. It hosts mercenaries from all over the world, with companies whose leadership has come from almost every country in Greater Díenstad. Some even from beyond our region. What makes Tarn an attractive hub for PMCs is the legal framework that the Golden Throne has negotiated with the city's government. It would be counterproductive for us to implement blanket GDRC rules."

"Nevertheless," he finished, "like I said, I have argued in favor of some sort of mechanism to enforce basic standards on GD PMCs in the past. I think there is definitely scope for improvement, so am happy that you have surfaced this conversation and am curious to see where it goes."

PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2023 1:49 am
by Tangatarehua
Manaia Hine Ataahua sat quietly at the edge of the room, as oblivious to the sudden entrance of the delegate from Slacaria as she was to most of the GDRC's proceedings.

Or indeed, as oblivious as the people of Tangatarehua were to her presence here.

This was the problem with representing Greater Dienstad's most politically apathetic nation: no one knew and no one cared what she said or did here.

She wasn't even convinced that the Department of State knew she was here, or remembered sending her and was frequently plagued by horrible visions of finding herself so forgotten by her government that she'd devolve into a feral state, sleeping under her desk and living entirely off olives and ice water and whatever else she could scrimp from the GDRC bar.

She hadn't heard from the Rangatira in a long time. She was vaguely aware of a change of Prime Minister - but that was hardly news, Prime Ministers basically worked on a revolving door system.

Sometimes, in her darkest moments, she wondered if Tangatarehua was being controlled by some sort of God who had just enough time to log in and answer issues and occasionally write up a silly article or two but had for the last year been generally too busy to pay attention to the inner lives of the Rehuan people, much less those of Greater Dienstad.

As her therapist had advised, she repressed those thoughts, instead concentrating on what was in front of her: A live feed of Tangatarehua's performance in the rugby world cup, which she quietly watched through her laptop with her headphones in, ignoring whatever boring discussion was being had at the front of the room affecting countries she would never visit.

"-- Opi Romana is charging up the 22 metre line --"


"-- he is unstoppable! 10 metres! 5 metres! --"

"Come on! Yes!"

"-- he's over the line! Romana has scored, that's 5 points for Tangatarehua --"


Manaia glanced up to discover to her horror that the eyes of everyone in the room were fixed upon her and she'd accidentally unmuted her mic in the excitement.

Slowly, shakily, she stood.

"Ugh, by that, what I meant to say was..." She glanced wildly around before deciding to take a stab in the dark. "Tangatarehua vehemently supports this proposal. Ugh, whatever it is that we're voting on."

She quickly sat back down and was relieved beyond measure when she saw Heinrich Braun's proposal to regulate PMCs - something she knew that Tangatarehua really did vehemently support.

But even if they didn't, it's not like anyone would know. The government barely knew she was here and the people neither knew nor cared what their government did.

Tangatarehua's rugby scores were going to make all the headlines this week. A debate at the Greater Dienstad Regional Council? Local media wouldn't touch it.

Like the nation she represented, Manaia allowed herself to once again sink into a haze of apathy.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 11:57 am
by Free Kolechia
Bashir had spent the last days doing little, "work" had been slow. Part of representing the homeland was to participate in discussions and vote for (or against) issues that Kashgar had at least some interest in. But that also included attending daily meetings, where nations from across the region, also brought forth discussions and proposals that did not generate much of a strong response from his superiors. So, it usually resulted in a string of abstaining on votes. Interestingly though for Bashir, was watching the arguments that had occurred in the chamber, namely between the Krierlord and the Icer representative. It was admittedly incredible how the dynamics of the region had continuously changed in only a few years. The GDRC was still young, he was his own peoples first representative, it seemed like only baby-steps had been made in the larger picture, towards any kind of peace and stability.

Regardless, it was better to try than to do nothing he thought, and the Stevidian representative had brought forth a proposal that he could personally, not just professionally support. He had his assistant Lamaara contact his superior, Timur Eldarkhanov (head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and send him a copy of the proposal to gauge a response. Likewise, it appeared the Stevidian proposal was not found to be at all objectionable either. After an hour's break they received a positive answer from home, and a request to support it. Bashir took his place at his desk and addressed the chamber. "Ladies and Gentlemen, as the Representative of Kolechia, our government would support the creation of such an organization and support a vote on this proposal."

PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2023 11:04 pm
by Nova Orontes
Serena faithfully prepared the Stevidian proposal for a vote once it met the minimum necessary threshold of five supporters. "The Proposal for Establishing the Dienstad International Committee for Aid and Medicine (DICAM) is now at vote. Representatives are entitled to one vote each. The vote will remain open for fourteen days, noting exceptional circumstances regarding the time of the year and availability," she announced.

The Macabéan proposal was also ready to go to vote. She would recount the supporters to make sure, wanting to space out the votes to allow representatives to carefully consider each one.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 5:41 am
by Tangatarehua
Manaia Hine Ataahua, asleep at her desk, was surprised to discover upon her awakening that a serious proposal was at vote in the GDRC chamber.

More surprising: Instructions from the Department of State, urging her to cast a vote in the affirmative.

She rose, dusting off the front of her jacket and trying desperately to fix her hair.

"The Empire of Tangatarehua wholeheartedly and enthusiastically supports this proposal."

She stood for a few moments longer, awkwardly aware of the eyes of other delegates upon her, perhaps expecting an expanded speech.

"Ugh..." She vamped, trying to expand on her speech despite the brevity of the Department of State's original message and her having slept through the original proposal. "Would anyone like a cup of tea? Or a beer even? I'm thinking of running to the shops, if anyone wants something while I'm there..."

After more awkward silence, she shrugged and sat back down.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 04, 2024 8:12 pm
by Holy Marsh
The Elkons-Ambassadress reviewed the proposal. She rather liked it and really found no cause to dispute its approval. After a quick communication, she took her turn to speak.

"The Theocratic Matriarchy supports this proposal. We are indeed ready to offer a substantial financial investment as well as the free and clear donation of various equipment to the organization, as well as access to professionals in the medical and crisis response fields. we will even refrain from asking them to be armed, as is custom," she offered her assent before turning to fine, sleepy Ataahua. "Tea would be nice, actually."

PostPosted: Fri Jan 12, 2024 9:53 am
by Nova Orontes
Resolution author: Stevid

NOTING that despite the efforts of this Council at international mediation and the efforts of individual nation-states, there remains the ever-present threat of war within Greater Dienstad.

COGNISANT that outside of any human/sentient-being conflict, there also exists the ever-present threat of natural disasters, diseases, terrorism, and other existential threats.

RECOGNISING that, while the above is not an exhaustive list, they all have the potential to threaten the safety, security, well-being, existence, and livelihoods of the victims of the above.

AWARE of the existence of dozens of national and international organisations within individual nation-states that are dedicated to protecting victims of conflicts and disasters.

BELIEVES that the establishment of a mandated and Greater Dienstad specific international humanitarian organisation will better placed to provide humanitarian support across the region as a truly neutral party in any and all conflict and disaster zones in the region – working in partnership with national aid bodies.

WE PROPOSE the creation of the Dienstad International Committee for Aid and Medicine (DICAM) with the following stipulations and explanations:


      [a.] Hereby establishes the Dienstad International Committee for Aid and Medicine, henceforth referred to as DICAM (“Die-Cam”).

      [b.] DICAM is hereby defined as a neutral non-national, non-governmental, and non-profit organisation with no ties to any one particular nation-state within Greater Dienstad; whose only legal ties to any institution will be the Greater Dienstad Regional Council that decrees the formation of the DICAM.

      [c.] DICAM’s purpose is defined as to protect the lives and dignity to victims, and provide assistance to victims, of conflicts, other situations of violence, natural disasters, disease, terrorism, and other existential threats or emergencies to human and sentient beings. The ultimate goal being to provide humanitarian assistance to these victims, alleviate suffering of peoples affected by such situations, and strengthen the principles of humanitarian law and causes.

      [d.] DICAM’s mission is defined with the following core tasks:

        [i.] Monitor and report on conflict zones for use of force against civilians, non-combatants, and protected humanitarian areas

        [ii.] Organise care and treatment for wounded persons and civil populations

        [iii.] Supervise and report on the treatment of captured persons and prisoners or war with detaining authorities and organisations.

        [iv.] Organise and coordinate the mapping of and eventual removal of un-exploded ordinance (UXO) after conflicts.

        [v.] Organise and assist in searches for missing persons in conflict and disaster zones.

        [vi.] On request of at least one warring party, present overtures and willing to act as a neutral and impartial intermediary between warring parties.

      [e.] DICAM is hereby formed with the following inviolable principles and institutional framework that govern and guide its, missions, staff, and other representatives:

        [i.] Respect of Dignity –DICAM has the desire to protect and bring assistance without discrimination to battlefield wounded and those left destitute due to emergency environmental circumstances. It will therefore endeavour in all cases to protect and respect life.

        [ii.] Neutrality – DICAM ensures full neutrality and due impartiality in how it functions and prosecutes its mandate. It makes no discrimination as to nationality, race or religion. It will not take sides in any conflict, nor engage in conflict – be it political, racial, religious, or ideological.

        [iii.] Independent –DICAM will not make itself sub-servient to any pollical or national body in order to prosecute its work. Staff will adhere to local law and work within remits arranged between DICAM and local government. It will not act on the whims of said governments or any other body.

      [f.] The GDRC retains the right to dissolve the DICAM following any successful proposal to the GDRC.

      [g.] DICAM henceforth uses a vertical red double diamond joined end-on-end on a white background for purposes of identification. The use of which on buildings (temporary or otherwise), vehicles, personnel, and equipment identifies it as belonging to or being a member of the DICAM organisation.


    [S.2] The GDRC hereby gives the following legal mandates to DICAM:

      [a.] Mandated to coordinate, or otherwise act as a method or cross organisation communication, of international humanitarian activities conducted in Greater Dienstad in relation to armed conflicts, other violent situations, and disasters.

      [b.] Mandated to protect victims of international and internal armed conflicts, natural disasters, terrorism, and other existential threats. Such victims include, but are not limited to, war wounded persons, prisoners, refugees, civilians, and other non-combatants.

      [c.] Mandated to enter any country within Greater Dienstad, with requisite local authority and protections, to exercise its mandate as stipulated in S.2a and S.2b in line with its purpose as defined in S.1c.

      [d.] DICAM can never be used, or use itself, as a weapon of war; figuratively or literally. It cannot take up arms or be armed, or otherwise used to ensure tactical or strategic succuss in conflict. This includes the direction of staff and equipment or mal use of it symbols.

      [e.] Mandated to exercise its influence within the region and GDRC to promote humanitarian efforts and deescalate the use of weaponry that will cause undue suffering to combatants and non-combatants within conflict zones.

      [f.] Nothing within the GDRC’s mandate to DICAM requires any nation-state within Greater Dienstad to allow DICAM access to their territory. From this proposal, the GDRC implores states to show due consideration to the organisation’s principles (S.1d) when making decisions to refuse entry.

      [g.] Mandated to operate out of committee offices within the GDRC and is hereby headquartered within Nova Orontes line with its principles on neutrality and non-alignment to any Dienstadi nation.