[IDEAS] Ideas for SC Resolutions

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[IDEAS] Ideas for SC Resolutions

Postby Westinor » Wed Feb 15, 2017 8:02 pm

Ideas for SC Resolutions

Welcome to the Security Council!

One of the hardest things to do in the Security Council is to come up with a good idea. This thread aims to help with that!

The Security Council has, in its prime, acted as a nexus for communities far and wide from every corner of Nationstates! This thread has, through many iterations and years, inspired ideas to recognize and protect nominees across the game. Hopefully it can do the same for you!

Before we get into the topics, Please read the Security Council Rules and make sure to always ask your nominee for permission if possible! Inclusion in this thread does not mean implied assent.

If you need help with writing, researching, or generally drafting proposals, you can also check out the Security Council Guide! General Questions may also be fielded there. Further questions can about this thread can be directed to Westinor!

I'm currently somewhat quietly trying to reorganize this thread so that its Ideas are more accessible/helpful for peeps interested in actually pursuing these projects. I'll try to add a summary of what I know about the target and what will likely be not-very-specific resources that can help as starting points. The old format of relative difficulty will be in place for those not yet edited, but I felt that the subjectivity of that system was not particularly helpful for proposal efforts.


Greater Cesnica — Greater Cescnica is a 14 time WA Author, mainly focusing in the General Assembly. They have spent extensive time cultivating the World Assembly programs of the North Pacific, Europeia, and Balder, and were involved in the creation of the Heroes of Valhalla program.


Tinhampton — Tinhampton is a 17 time WA Author, who has also helped co-author 8 more resolutions throughout the General Assembly and the Security Council. They are also the founder of Sophia, and have spent time participating in NS Sports.


Topid — Topid was a Security Council author who was a large part of the Security Council’s development in its beginnings. They have authored 8 proposals in the Security Council and 5 more in the General Assembly, though their past work in these chambers came under fire in the most recent repeal of their previous commendation. They were also a key player in the development of St Abbadon, and worked in the South Pacific as well.


Minskiev — Minskiev is a 10 time WA Author, largely legislating in the General Assembly, and they have also served as Officer of World Assembly Affairs, Culture, and most recently Delegate in the Rejected Realms.


The Ice States — The Ice States, or Magecastle Embassy Building A5,is a 23 time WA Author, writing an immense number of proposals in the General Assembly and primarily roleplay-based resolutions in the Security Council. They are also a roleplayer themselves, partaking in Nationstates roleplay, and have helped to run Greater Dienstad.


Excidium Planetis — Excidium Planets is a 8 time WA Author, focusing in the General Assembly. They have also roleplayed extensively on Nationstates and in their factbooks.


The Coveian Islands — The Coveian Islands, commonly referred to as Cove, is a long time gameplayer. They served as Delegate of the North Pacific in 2013, before returning to contribute to The Rejected Realms, overseeing the region’s role in the founding of the Partnership for Sovereignty and the independent of the Rejected Times in their term as Delegate and Officer terms in Foreign and World Assembly Affairs, while contributing to defending on the front lines. Most recently, they have served in Europeia as Grand Admiral and Senator.

Grea Kriopia — Grea Kriopia is a prominent modern defender. They are most known as an effective leader both on the battlefield and in region-building, spearheading the Order of the Grey Wardens’ diplomatic and internal development over their year and a half of service as First Warden. They also have roots in the Ten Thousand Islands, rising up to the rank of Tactical Officer in the region’s defense force of the Ten Thousand Islands Treaty Organisation. They have also spent time cultivating regional culture and history in Ten Thousand Islands and the Rejected Realms, as Minister of Education and Officer of Culture respectively.

Red Dusk — Red Dusk is a defender best known for their persistent activity and presence across many defender regions. They served as a key gameplay-oriented voice in Spiritus, leading a revival of the region’s defense force, as well as driving much of its past N-Day and Z-Day success. They played a pivotal role in the most recent revival of the Renegade Islands Alliance, reigniting the Renegade Islands Alliance Special Forces and managing the region’s security and growth. Additionally, they founded the region of Aeneroth, which utilized a uniquely-roleplay oriented style of defending which proved successful for a brief period.

Concrete Slab Concrete Slab is a rising modern defender who has largely been involved in the South Pacific. They have served as Local Councillor in the South Pacific, and more recently Minister of Defense, in which they have led a resurgence of the South Pacific Special Forces. They have also written extensively in the Security Council, with 9 total authorships and co-authorships.

Neo Kervoskia — Neo Kervoskia is an older gameplayer known for their involvement in the chaos and instability of early NationStates. They were a member of the New Pacific Order and its Senate, partook in several coups of the North Pacific as well as Osiris, and was a renowned member of the Rahl family.
  • Resources are a bit scarce from this period in history; currently working on finding more. Please let me know of anything that might be helpful and I’ll try to add it!

Scardino — Scardino, also known as Fedele, was a prominent raider, heading the operations of raider organization Lone Wolves United through many of its most well-known operations. They worked to establish the Khanate and Undead Dominion regimes in Lazarus following its destabilization and also played a role in the reinvigoration of the Sekhmet Legion in Osiris and ensuing invasions during their service. Under the handle of Fedele, they also executed a coup attempt in The East Pacific in 2019.
Syberis (In Progress)

Of Crazed — Of Crazed is an older raider, having raided largely in the DEN era of raiding as well as other independent efforts.
  • Resources are a bit scarce from this period in history; currently working on finding more. Please let me know of anything that might be helpful and I’ll try to add it!

Red Back — Red Back is an older raider, particularly known for their role in founding the ubiquitous raider organization of the Black Hawks. They were key in the development of raiding tactics in their time and laid the foundation for may modern strategies today.

Miravana — Miravana is currently a General in the Black Hawks and overseer of the Talon Corps. A former defender, Miravana has risen to the top of raiderdom in recent years with multiple exploits and as a consistent force in update through much of 2020-2022.

Lord Dominator (In progress)

Reventus Koth — Reventus Koth, also known as Koth, is a prominent raider leader known for their founding of both iterations of the Brotherhood of Malice, as well as extensive work in the Black Hawks and Osiris. They have served as Council Member in the Black Hawks and worked to put up both versions of the now-standing raider-leaning Osiris Fraternal Order.

Venico (In Progress)

Ever-Wandering Souls — Ever-Wandering Souls, also known as Souls, is a prominent raider leader who serves as a member on the Council of Hawks and helps lead the Brotherhood of Malice. They are a longtime member of the Black Hawks, led several now-defunct raider regions including the Eternal Knights and Sicarius, and have been involved in the capture and/or decimation of regions like Islam or Iran.

  • Altino — Altino was a prominent member of the communities of Osiris, The West Pacific, and Karma, the last of which they founded. They have served extensively in the West Pacific Armed Forces, leading it as Commander, while also having participated in Osirian government as Pharoah. Their foundling region of Karma has also blossomed into a region with a larger sense of identity and presence, being one of the larger regions in the world with an active community.
    • Previously attempted Commendation
    • Dilber - Easy
      Content - Medium || Politics - Easy || Other - Medium
      Regionbuilding in the West Pacific and Defending (with the ADN)
    • New Rogernomics - Medium
      Content - Hard || Politics - Easy || Other - Easy
      Regionbuilding in Lazarus and elsewhere…
    • Agalaesia - Medium
      Content - Hard || Politics - Easy || Other - Hard
      Regionbuilding (in The South Pacific, The Rejected Realms, The East Pacific and Lazarus)
    • Wymondham - Hard
      Content - Medium || Politics - Medium || Other - Hard
      Regionbuilding (Osiris, etc.), Diplomacy, Interregional Journalism (NSToday and The West Pacific), Cultural Contributions
    • United Calanworie - Hard
      Content - Hard || Politics - Medium || Other - Hard
      Regionbuilding (in Hartfelden, Karma, the Augustin Alliance, and Sildoria) and Military Gameplay (with Joint Task Force)
    • Amerion - Hard
      Content - Hard || Politics - Easy || Other - Hard
      Regionbuilding (in Lazarus and The South Pacific), nation theme and graphics design
    • OnderKelkia - Difficult
      Content - Hard || Politics - Medium/Difficult1 || Other - Hard
      Regionbuilding (in The Lands of Kings and Emperors and Europeia) and Raiding (with The United Imperial Armed Forces, among others...)
    • Jean Rowe - Difficult
      Content - Hard || Politics - Difficult || Other - Medium
      Warzone stabilization (in Warzone Asia) and Regionbuilding (in WZAS)
    1 Depending on the type of resolution pursued.

  • Maltropia - Easy
    Content - Difficult || Politics - Easy || Other - Easy
    Roleplaying (Global Economics & Trade, International Incidents, Factbooks & National Information) and region building (in Paradoxia)
  • Eura - Easy
    Content - Medium || Politics - Easy || Other - Easy
    Roleplaying (NS Sports) and region building (in Rushmore)
  • Liventia - Easy
    Content - Medium || Politics - Easy || Other - Easy
    Roleplaying (NS Sports) and region building (in Rushmore)
  • Kylarnatia - Medium
    Content - Difficult || Politics - Easy || Other - Easy
    Roleplaying (in Gholgoth, Greater Dienstad, International Incidents, NationStates and Factbooks & National Information), and assisting new roleplayers
  • The Scandinvans - Medium
    Content - Difficult || Politics - Easy || Other - Easy
    Roleplaying (in Gholgoth, Greater Dienstad, International Incidents, NationStates and Factbooks & International Incidents)
  • Crystal Spires - Medium
    Content - Hard || Politics - Easy || Other - Easy
    Roleplaying (in NationStates and International Incidents) and Assisting New Roleplayers
  • Kyrusia - Hard
    Content - Hard || Politics - Difficult || Other - Easy
    Roleplaying (in The Local Cluster, International Incidents), Assisting New Roleplayers, and Raiding (with The Brotherhood of Malice)

  • Daarwyrth - Medium
    Content - Medium || Politics - Easy || Other - Difficult
    Issues Authorship, WA Authorship
  • The Marsupial Illuminati - Hard
    Content - Hard || Politics - Easy || Other - Medium
    Issues Authorship
  • Outer Sparta - Hard
    Content - Hard || Politics - Easy || Other - Medium
    Issues Authorship

  • Cashdeer - Hard
    Content - Medium || Politics - Hard || Other - Hard
    NS Stats
  • New Makasta - Hard
    Content - Medium || Politics - Medium || Other - Hard
    Trading Cards, Defending (with the League Defense Forces), and Mass Puppetting
  • Lancaster of Wessex - Hard
    Content - Easy || Politics - Easy || Other - Difficult
    Regional Roleplaying (Psychotic Dictatorships), Regional Maintenance (Nudist Dreamland), and Issues Authorship
  • Bedetopia - Hard
    Content - Medium || Politics - Hard || Other - Hard
    Raiding (independently and with other groups), NS Stats, Roleplaying


  • The North Pacific - Hard
    Content - Medium || Politics - Medium || Other - Difficult
    Culture, Unique and pioneering government structure, contributions to wider global governance (WA, Cards, etc.), Military Gameplay

  • The Order of the Grey Wardens - Medium
    Content - Easy || Politics - Easy || Other - Hard
    Defending and unique Culture
  • Equilism - Hard
    Content - Easy || Politics - Medium || Other - Hard
    Defending (home of the E-Army and former member of The Alliance Defense Network and The Allied Liberation League), resistance against coup d’etats (The North Pacific in 2003 and 2004, The Rejected Realms in 2010, and Osiris in 2013), roleplaying, Z-Day contributions and talent hub (for Equility, Astariel, Westwind, Naivetry, Whambama and others)
  • Albion - Hard
    Content - Hard || Politics - Hard || Other - Easy
    Raiding (one of the founding members of The United Imperial Armed Forces) and imperialism
  • International Democratic Union - Hard
    Content - Medium || Politics - Medium || Other - Difficult
    WA authorship, Issue authorship, roleplaying (regional and General Assembly), and unique system of governance
  • One big island - Hard
    Content - Difficult || Politics - Medium || Other - Easy
    Unique culture, Z-Day contributions, Raiding
  • The League - Hard
    Content - Medium || Politics - Medium || Other - Difficult
    Defending, Unique mode of governance, Regional Roleplaying
  • Thaecia - Difficult
    Content - Hard || Politics - Difficult || Other - Easy
    Internal Politics, Military Gameplay, Regional Roleplaying

  • Esportiva - Easy
    Content - Medium || Politics - Easy || Other - Easy
    Roleplaying (NS Sports)
  • Rushmore - Easy
    Content - Medium || Politics - Easy || Other - Easy
    Roleplaying (NS Sports)
  • The Vast - Medium
    Content - Hard || Politics - Easy || Other - Easy
    Roleplaying (NationStates, International Incidents, Factbooks & National Information and others)
  • Ajax - Medium
    Content - Hard || Politics - Easy || Other - Easy
    Roleplaying (NationStates, International Incidents)
  • Anteria - Hard
    Content - Hard || Politics - Easy || Other - Medium
    Worldbuilding, Modern Tech Regional Roleplay, Wiki Roleplay, Longevity
  • The Hole to Hide In - Hard
    Content - Hard || Politics - Easy || Other - Easy
    Roleplaying (Regional) and unique Culture
  • Antarctic Oasis - Difficult
    Content - Medium || Politics - Hard || Other - Difficult
    Roleplaying (in General Assembly), creative compliance/non-compliance with GA resolutions), and attempted subversion (in Osiris)

It goes without saying, but feel free to steal any ideas from this you like. It’s the purpose of this thread after all. Go forth and draft!

Also I realize this looks horrendous. It's intended for viewing without spoilers ;-; those may be removed eventually.
Last edited by Westinor on Fri Apr 05, 2024 9:41 pm, edited 196 times in total.
Stay safe, be kind, and have a great day! :)

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Todd McCloud
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Postby Todd McCloud » Wed Feb 15, 2017 8:23 pm

It's high time people did the right thing and commended The East Pacific.

But in all seriousness, I agree with many names on your list. Good grouping of nations who are indeed deserving of a C&C.
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Sygian II
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Postby Sygian II » Wed Feb 15, 2017 8:32 pm

Nice list. Though I do think there should be a couple more raiders added there. ;)
Benevolent Thomas wrote:The Black Hawks continue to be the largest and most successful invader organization in NationStates

Maj. Sygian

Council Advisor of The Black Hawks

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Unibot III
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Postby Unibot III » Wed Feb 15, 2017 9:03 pm

Sygian II wrote:Nice list. Though I do think there should be a couple more raiders added there. ;)

Honestly, not an intentional exclusion: I don't really know a lot of invaders. >_< I wouldn't be able to distinguish the ones that deserve a C&C from the ones that aren't there yet.

Feel free to name people here if you like. :)

Todd McCloud wrote:It's high time people did the right thing and commended The East Pacific.

I was about to say "go defender first." But then said to myself: "they did, you idiot." So you win. "Commend The East Pacific"!
Last edited by Unibot III on Wed Feb 15, 2017 9:05 pm, edited 5 times in total.
[violet] wrote:I mean this in the best possible way,
but Unibot is not a typical NS player.
Milograd wrote:You're a caring, resolute lunatic
with the best of intentions.
Org. Join Date: 25-05-2008 | Former Delegate of TRR

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Canton Empire
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Postby Canton Empire » Wed Feb 15, 2017 9:05 pm

I'm already working on Commend Europeia
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Postby Kaboomlandia » Wed Feb 15, 2017 9:15 pm

Valanora would be a good NS Sports pick. Won five World Cups (T-1st), hosted six WCs (1st), is a powerhouse in WCoH (played in three straight finals currently, all against the same team), and probably some stuff I'm forgetting or haven't looked up yet.
In=character, Kaboomlandia is a World Assembly member and abides by its resolutions. If this nation isn't in the WA, it's for practical reasons.
Author of GA #371 and SC #208, #214, #226, #227, #230, #232
Co-Author of SC #204
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result."
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

"Your legitimacy, Kaboom, has melted away in my eyes. I couldn't have believed that only a shadow of your once brilliant WA career remains."

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Unibot III
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Postby Unibot III » Wed Feb 15, 2017 9:19 pm

Kaboomlandia wrote:Valanora would be a good NS Sports pick. Won five World Cups (T-1st), hosted six WCs (1st), is a powerhouse in WCoH (played in three straight finals currently, all against the same team), and probably some stuff I'm forgetting or haven't looked up yet.

Sounds like a young Starblaydia!
[violet] wrote:I mean this in the best possible way,
but Unibot is not a typical NS player.
Milograd wrote:You're a caring, resolute lunatic
with the best of intentions.
Org. Join Date: 25-05-2008 | Former Delegate of TRR

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9 GA Res., 14 SC Res. // Headlines from Unibot // WASC HQ: A Guide

✯ Duty is Eternal, Justice is Imminent: UDL

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The Stalker
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Postby The Stalker » Wed Feb 15, 2017 9:27 pm

That is a nice list, a good number i'd love to see happen. Maybe if I get caught up on my other projects I might try tackling some down the line.
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Cerian Quilor
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Postby Cerian Quilor » Wed Feb 15, 2017 10:27 pm

What am I doing on this list? I never even aggressively refounded a region, and while Kantrias was impressive on its run, it certainly didn't have a footprint large enough to make me worthy of commend or condemn. Yet. Nothing I've done is *that* stand out, apart from being very chatty on the Gameplay forums.

But as someone who used to hang in Philosophy 115 on and off before I joined Gameplay, I would be 100% onboard with someone commending them.
Never underestimate the power of cynicism, pessimism and negativity to prevent terrible things from happening. Only idealists try to build the future on a mountain of bodies.

The Thing to Remember About NationStates is that it is an almost entirely social game - fundamentally, you have no power beyond your own ability to convince people to go along with your ideas. In that sense, even the most dictatorial region is fundamentally democratic.

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Unibot III
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Postby Unibot III » Wed Feb 15, 2017 10:40 pm

Cerian Quilor wrote:But as someone who used to hang in Philosophy 115 on and off before I joined Gameplay, I would be 100% onboard with someone commending them.

It's a lovely corner in NS. :D

The Stalker wrote:Maybe if I get caught up on my other projects I might try tackling some down the line.

Go for it!
Last edited by Unibot III on Wed Feb 15, 2017 10:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
[violet] wrote:I mean this in the best possible way,
but Unibot is not a typical NS player.
Milograd wrote:You're a caring, resolute lunatic
with the best of intentions.
Org. Join Date: 25-05-2008 | Former Delegate of TRR

Factbook // Collected works // Gameplay Alignment Test //
9 GA Res., 14 SC Res. // Headlines from Unibot // WASC HQ: A Guide

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Bhang Bhang Duc
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Postby Bhang Bhang Duc » Wed Feb 15, 2017 11:58 pm

Vancouvia? Never! A nation that repeatedly submitted the same proposal, even though it never got anywhere near quorum. About a dozen failed attempts. Vancouvia is also one of those Delegates that will approve any proposal however illegal.

He's shown nothing but contempt for the WA, let's not reward that.
Last edited by Bhang Bhang Duc on Thu Feb 16, 2017 12:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
Former Delegate of The West Pacific. Guardian (under many Delegates) of The West Pacific. TWP's Former Minister for World Assembly Affairs and former Security Council Advisor.

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Pierconium wrote:I see Funk as an opportunistic manipulator that utilises the means available to him to reach his goals. In other words, a nation after my own heart.

RiderSyl wrote:If an enchantress made it so one raid could bring about world peace, Unibot would ask raiders to just sign a petition instead.

Sedgistan wrote:The SC has just has a spate of really shitty ones recently from Northumbria, his Watermelon fanboy…..

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Postby Sedgistan » Thu Feb 16, 2017 2:08 am

Unibot III wrote:Legacy nominees -

  • Myrth

I had a WTF moment here, until I realised you must have meant a Condemnation, not a Commendation. That'd fall foul of Rule 1.

Unibot III wrote:Northrop created the dark theme, for starters.

Similarly, this would fall foul of Rule 1, as per: viewtopic.php?p=7381915#p7381915

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Common Territories
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Postby Common Territories » Thu Feb 16, 2017 2:26 am

Not sure what I've done to make the list, but I appreciate the feelings behind my listing for sure. Though I wouldn't shoo away any vile attempts to condemn me by the accursed WA! :twisted:

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Postby Myrth » Thu Feb 16, 2017 2:49 am

A condemnation? Pour moi? How considerate.
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Postby Pierconium » Thu Feb 16, 2017 3:10 am

Myrth wrote:A condemnation? Pour moi? How considerate.

A commendation surely.
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Canton Empire
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Postby Canton Empire » Thu Feb 16, 2017 5:18 am

Bhang Bhang Duc wrote:Vancouvia? Never! A nation that repeatedly submitted the same proposal, even though it never got anywhere near quorum. About a dozen failed attempts. Vancouvia is also one of those Delegates that will approve any proposal however illegal.

He's shown nothing but contempt for the WA, let's not reward that.

But the focus is on Vancovia's interaction with the WA, let's look at how quickly Vancovia turned the The Western Isles into one of the biggest and most active UCRs in the game.
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Postby Tinhampton » Thu Feb 16, 2017 5:19 am

Bhang Bhang Duc wrote:Vancouvia? Never! A nation that repeatedly submitted the same proposal, even though it never got anywhere near quorum. About a dozen failed attempts. Vancouvia is also one of those Delegates that will approve any proposal however illegal.

He's shown nothing but contempt for the WA, let's not reward that.

And also, when Commend Vancouvia came up to vote a while back, he actually encouraged a vote against it (and a vote for the excessively-submitted proposal).
The Self-Administrative City of TINHAMPTON (pop. 329,537): Saffron Howard, Mayor (UCP); Lydia Anderson, WA Delegate-Ambassador

Authorships & co-authorships: SC#250, SC#251, Issue #1115, SC#267, GA#484, GA#491, GA#533, GA#540, GA#549, SC#356, GA#559, GA#562, GA#567, GA#578, SC#374, GA#582, SC#375, GA#589, GA#590, SC#382, SC#385, GA#597, GA#607, SC#415, GA#647, GA#656, GA#664, GA#671, GA#674, GA#675, GA#677, GA#680, Issue #1580, GA#682, GA#683, GA#684, GA#692, GA#693, GA#715, GA#757
The rest of my CV: Cup of Harmony 73 champions; Philosopher-Queen of Sophia; fifth-most-prolific WA author of all time; proclaimer of WZTC's move to Palmetto
Tinhampton the player: 49yo Tory woman w/Asperger's; Cambridge graduate; currently reading The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood (Booker Prize 2000)

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Postby Flanderlion » Thu Feb 16, 2017 5:22 am

Canton Empire wrote:
Bhang Bhang Duc wrote:Vancouvia? Never! A nation that repeatedly submitted the same proposal, even though it never got anywhere near quorum. About a dozen failed attempts. Vancouvia is also one of those Delegates that will approve any proposal however illegal.

He's shown nothing but contempt for the WA, let's not reward that.

But the focus is on Vancovia's interaction with the WA, let's look at how quickly Vancovia turned the The Western Isles into one of the biggest and most active UCRs in the game.

Not to mention completely onsite rather than relying on an offsite forum etc.
As always, I'm representing myself.

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Angry Kittens
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Postby Angry Kittens » Thu Feb 16, 2017 7:51 am

Interesting ideas.
tout vient à point à qui sait attendre

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Cerian Quilor
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Postby Cerian Quilor » Thu Feb 16, 2017 7:55 am

Flanderlion wrote:
Canton Empire wrote:But the focus is on Vancovia's interaction with the WA, let's look at how quickly Vancovia turned the The Western Isles into one of the biggest and most active UCRs in the game.

Not to mention completely onsite rather than relying on an offsite forum etc.

Lots of pure roleplay regions don't use offsite forums, because they actually can do things onsite in places like II. Gameplay regions are legally not allowed. Doing it all onsite is not some magically praiseworthy thing.
Never underestimate the power of cynicism, pessimism and negativity to prevent terrible things from happening. Only idealists try to build the future on a mountain of bodies.

The Thing to Remember About NationStates is that it is an almost entirely social game - fundamentally, you have no power beyond your own ability to convince people to go along with your ideas. In that sense, even the most dictatorial region is fundamentally democratic.

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Postby Maljaratas » Thu Feb 16, 2017 8:29 am

I know for a fact that you have 2+ issue authors on there, as you actually have 2 issue editors on there. (Candle, who is now a senior, and Zwangzug, who is new from the recent contest.

I might look at doing commendations for issue authors, since that happens to be the one part of NS that I know the best.
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Postby Consular » Thu Feb 16, 2017 8:59 am

TRR should definitely be condemned, yes. *nods*

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Unibot III
Posts: 7198
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Democratic Socialists

Postby Unibot III » Thu Feb 16, 2017 9:54 am

Sedgistan wrote:
Unibot III wrote:Legacy nominees -

  • Myrth

I had a WTF moment here, until I realised you must have meant a Condemnation, not a Commendation. That'd fall foul of Rule 1.

I wasn't going to suggest a condemnation of Myrth for moderation issues.

Unibot III wrote:Northrop created the dark theme, for starters.

Similarly, this would fall foul of Rule 1, as per: viewtopic.php?p=7381915#p7381915

That's a bizarre ruling, Sedge. To be blunt: you're making a distinction that isn't there. Rule 4 should be the only barrier to commending Northrop for the dark theme (and it's a tough enough challenge as it is.) Conflating any "submitted changes of appearance to the site" to Rule 1 (which bares commending/condemning "members of the site staff" for the roles they play in those capacity) is an overreach of Rule 1.

If someone can come up with a way to refer to a theme without unreasonably violating Rule 4, I think it should be allowed.

For example:

Praising Northrop Grumman for its thematic contributions to NationStates, which are, among many things, dark;

Praising Northrop Grumman for its thematic contributions to NationStates;

That's not very good, but it should pass the Rule 4 smell-test. It's a matter of being vague (and punny!) enough. Any resolution with a "keeping others in the dark" pun is the gold standard. Applying Rule 1 on this suggests Grumman's actions were analogous to an act as a staff role - when it obviously wasn't since he clearly was not servicing a staff role. I think your interpretation of Rule 1 fails precedent in a number of regards: first and foremost, applied coherently, we would be banned from commending NS Issue authors for writing NS Issues. Our ability to commend NS Issue Authors has always been terribly sketchy under Rule 4 - the phrase "issues" doesn't give any more latitude than "themes" does. NS Issues again do not affect the appearance of the site and are contributed voluntarily to the game code. A ban of this nature would also block commendations for adaptive technology like Eluvatar's Telescope and Afforess' NS++.

It should be said that the dark skin is only one part of Northrop Grumman's contributions to NS - he's a leading member of the Factbook/Roleplay community. But banning mentioning the major theme contribution seems very silly to me - it's taking Rule 1 without a reasonable purposive interpretation.

Maljaratas wrote:I know for a fact that you have 2+ issue authors on there, as you actually have 2 issue editors on there. (Candle, who is now a senior, and Zwangzug, who is new from the recent contest.

I might look at doing commendations for issue authors, since that happens to be the one part of NS that I know the best.

Candle is also a generalite and a commendation for Zwangy cannot go without mentioning her substantial work in NS Sports, her contributions to the NS World Fair (she ran the NS Sports tournaments for the first and second fair entirely) and her defending work (she was a prolific spotter/liberator in the UDL.)

Consular wrote:TRR should definitely be condemned, yes. *nods*

It had crossed my mind. Could be downright hilarious.
Last edited by Unibot III on Thu Feb 16, 2017 9:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
[violet] wrote:I mean this in the best possible way,
but Unibot is not a typical NS player.
Milograd wrote:You're a caring, resolute lunatic
with the best of intentions.
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Postby Maljaratas » Thu Feb 16, 2017 10:32 am

Unibot III wrote:
Maljaratas wrote:I know for a fact that you have 2+ issue authors on there, as you actually have 2 issue editors on there. (Candle, who is now a senior, and Zwangzug, who is new from the recent contest.

I might look at doing commendations for issue authors, since that happens to be the one part of NS that I know the best.

Candle is also a generalite and a commendation for Zwangy cannot go without mentioning her substantial work in NS Sports, her contributions to the NS World Fair (she ran the NS Sports tournaments for the first and second fair entirely) and her defending work (she was a prolific spotter/liberator in the UDL.)

That's good to know for Zwangzug, though I was thinking in general terms of commending issue authors.
Thanks for for the info, should I actually get around to writing anything :p
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Postby Myrth » Thu Feb 16, 2017 3:35 pm

Pierconium wrote:
Myrth wrote:A condemnation? Pour moi? How considerate.

A commendation surely.

For outstanding contributions in the field of gameplay, promoting peace and good government across the world?
NPO dewenda est ;;w;;

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