Welcome to the Security Council!
One of the hardest things to do in the Security Council is to come up with a good idea. This thread aims to help with that!
The Security Council has, in its prime, acted as a nexus for communities far and wide from every corner of Nationstates! This thread has, through many iterations and years, inspired ideas to recognize and protect nominees across the game. Hopefully it can do the same for you!
Before we get into the topics, Please read the Security Council Rules and make sure to always ask your nominee for permission if possible! Inclusion in this thread does not mean implied assent.
If you need help with writing, researching, or generally drafting proposals, you can also check out the Security Council Guide! General Questions may also be fielded there. Further questions can about this thread can be directed to Westinor!
I'm currently somewhat quietly trying to reorganize this thread so that its Ideas are more accessible/helpful for peeps interested in actually pursuing these projects. I'll try to add a summary of what I know about the target and what will likely be not-very-specific resources that can help as starting points. The old format of relative difficulty will be in place for those not yet edited, but I felt that the subjectivity of that system was not particularly helpful for proposal efforts.
- Authorship Dispatch
- St Abbadon Founding Background
- Commend Topid
- Commend Topid Debate Thread
- Repeal: Commend Topid
- Repeal: Commend Topid Debate Thread
It goes without saying, but feel free to steal any ideas from this you like. It’s the purpose of this thread after all. Go forth and draft!
Also I realize this looks horrendous. It's intended for viewing without spoilers ;-; those may be removed eventually.