Laerul Coalition Factbook

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Laerul Coalition Factbook

Postby Laerul » Sun Mar 13, 2016 7:01 pm

Laerul Coalition

The Coalition is a loose interstellar body created by the union of several arul states and their colonies for the purpose of space exploration, expansion, and defense. The internal structure of the coalition is a loose affiliation whose democratic and elective system of operations as placed it more into an advisory and support role as far as governance is concerned. In most cases the Coalition simply acts as a vector of communication and organization for various internal members, though it does exert some degree of control over space borne practices.

The Arul who founded the Coalition created it has an international body designed to work with sovereign states to aid their space endeavors, it has since involved into a more comprehensive if still loose structure. Most Arul do not see the Coalition as a governing body even if it does fill many of those roles to an outside observer, they do however maintain the coalition as a representative body to the outside world so as to present a united front and present a clearly picture of their Interstellar civilization.

  • Society
    • Species
    • Culture
    • Technology
  • Government
    • Astrology
    • States
    • Relations
  • Economy
  • Military

In Modernity

Current the Coalition is experiencing a high point with most of Laerul Society subscribing to their governance and many of the colonies they originally found flourishing along with the homeworld mellowing out after millennia of mistrust and infighting. Their confidence in their own abilities booming the Coalition has elected to join the LOTUS organization to improve trade relations and establish themselves as a sovereign entity on the international stage.
Last edited by Laerul on Sun Mar 27, 2016 5:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Laerul » Mon Mar 14, 2016 9:04 am

Arul society

The Society the Arul have chosen to create for themselves is based upon their own natural evolution from simple pack hunters to sapient space-farers. The defining traits of their society is its loose organization which would border on what others would call Laissez-faire if it were not for their highly communal, almost pack like, mentality. It is the community oriented outlook which has shaped and played the greatest role in developing the collective arul society, in all its various forms.

On an individual basis the most interesting thing about the Arul and as noted previously the biggest contributor to their society is how much emphasis they place on the community and collective rather than the individual. To the point most Aruls do not view a single person as an individual in the normal definition and instead regard each person as a perspective of their respective collective. This when combined with their natural need to be useful and apart of their community serves as a driving motivation for most undertakings.

  • Society
    • Tribal-states
    • Organization
  • Species
    • Senses
    • Biology
    • Reproduction
    • Sapience
  • Culture
    • Language (body language)
    • Philosophy
    • Spirituality
    • Entertainment
  • Technology
    • Gestalt
    • Nexus
    • drones


The peak of most arul social development is the Tribal-State which fills a similar niche to nation-states on earth and it is broadly defined as A unified group of arul whom utilize similar social and cultural constructs. These Tribal-States are known for their loose structure and the ease at which they absorb and loose groups of Arul from their ranks, however the near omnipresent existences of these states hints at their robustness and normality within the arul's global society.

Each Tribal-State is composed of distinct groups which can be as broad as an entire city or as refined as a single Association which is analogous to small businesses in human society. Each of these smaller groups can have their own cultural and social constructs which set them apart, but there is a notable uniformity and similarity between them in the broadest context. These Tribal-States will specifically interact with other Tribal States as distinctly and separate entities from themselves, where as the cities within a Tribal-State may consider themselves of the same cloth.

As might be expected the borders where two Tribal-States meet is usually ill defined both geographically and socially as a given group in this area might consider itself apart of one and related to the other. This has lead, especially in the near modern era, to fighting between Tribal-States in cultural terms just as much as in military terms to convince these outlyiers what side they truly belong to. The modern era has only seen an extension of these cultural battle, with the coalition simply serving as a new battleground for the expansion of the State.


Freedom is a major aspect of the arul economy and labor market and most arul are free to take what jobs they want usually by joining groups of others who preform a similar job. These groups are usually called associations for smaller organization which are analogous to small business and orders for larger organization which are analogous to corporations. This freedom of choice is usually juxtaposed by group ownership of resources which are usually divvied up based upon perceived need within the society, how this distribution is handled differs from State to state and within organizations.

Associations are usually created by small groups of individuals deciding that a particular job needs to be done or by groups of skilled workers coming together to unify their craft within their area sort of like guilds. These 'small' enterprises make up the bulk of the economy in an arul society and they are usually regulated by various institutions to various degrees within each State. Typically the state will set up some sort of jobs system to ensure work is being done alongside monetary systems this is usually sufficient to ensure resources are being appropriately distrusted.

Orders are usually made by the state to handle a vary particular task, but some times they are made by several groups of associations coming together for the benefit of better organization. Orders are defined by the unified protocols for interacting and reaction within their field which extend across the entire organization and this is usually the biggest change for associations which cobble themselves together to form this sort organization. Orders will typically handle some of the largest undertakings in society and they more often than not are the drivers of growth and prosperity.


An arul is a carnivorous pack hunter built to take down prey with group tactics, agility, and precision; Using their numbers and coordination to make up for what they lack in mass and power. The Arul are well adapted to clamoring around their environment utilizing both bipedal and quadrupedal locomotion alongside their thick prehensile tail. They are covered from head to toe in a fur coat which does not add much to their diminutive size, which has a naturally pinched look at their joints and waist as their overall physiology focuses on only applying mass where it is needed.

An arul’s most prominent facial feature is either their four large ears or their large snout, with their dark eyes being relatively unnoticeable. In biological terms the Arul tend to refer to their larger top set of ears as their alpha ears which are mostly geared towards ambient sound and their bottom ears as beta ears which are geared for a precise frequency they use for echolocation. This echolocation is their primary sense for moving around their environment, where as their weaker eye sight only provides general information about their surroundings.


Hearing is the most important sense for an arul and the one they rely on most for maneuvering through their environment. They use a sense of echolocation and occasionally ambient sound to piece together a mental image of their surrounding and keep track of things within that environment, usually short almost inaudible ‘barks’ are used to provide the sound. This sense of hearing is handled by two pairs of large ears which are sturdy enough to be oriented by the arul in question, the bottom set of ears is specifically dedicated to the ultrasonic sounds used for echolocation.

Sight is another sense that arul’s do make use of but it is underdeveloped and limited compared to the sense of hearing. Their eyes have almost no discernible sclera with their dark irises and pupils giving their eyes a very opaque and unmoving appearance. the limited ability to move their eyes is made up for by the fact that their eyes have a wider angle allowing them to see more of their surroundings, even if this does rob them of most of their depth perception. It should be noted that they do maintain sight based depth perception to the immediate front of them, just not to as wide an angle as is found in humans.

The Arul’s sense of smell is preformed through gill like structures on the roof of their mouths and it is one of their primary senses of social communication. Their sense of smell however is not well developed enough to track other creatures or be used in their native environment as it is primarily geared to social circumstances. The Arul also possess a now defunct sense of poles which acts as an internal compass, this feature is naturally present in all members of their genetic order but it had started to die out in the arul before the development of sapience.


The arul belong to a successful linage of creatures which have dominated the more arid proportions of their homeworld and as such share many biological similarities to those creatures. These similarities included many specialized structures, organs, and tissues which mandate a very particular diet and habitation range but grant considerable advantages to the arul. Their differences are mostly singled out to the anatomical but these differences are significant from other members of their linage one of which includes room for the development of their larger brains.

The most varied area in arul biology is their underlying structure which consist of a bone like, cartridge like, and muscle like tissues all used in different places. This composite skeletal system allows each area to be able to support the rest of the body as needed and provide the needed durability, shock resistance, and flexibility to meet the demands of an active body. This eternal structure uses both centrally supported ‘bones’ and ‘cartilage’ alongside a structural reinforcing mat like tissue that helps maintain the bodies shape in areas that use the more flexible cartilage or don’t as many bones.

Overall the arul follow a fairly standard carbon based biochemistry that utilizes oxygen and water to perform most of its chemical process. Their bodies use cobalt based blood rather than iron based, which gives their blood its distinctive amber color easily seen when they open their mouths or at the corner of their eyes. The remainder of their biology is built around more convergent lines with other creatures of the galaxy and it would seem familiar in overall function to any Xenobiologist, even if the exact chemicals and tissues used are different.


Young arul do not have a definite sex when they are born, this being decided later in their life during adolescent depending on a variety of factors. The major contributors to this change are how well fed they are, how active they are, their emotional state, and the gender ratio of the current population. These factors all come together over the course of their adolescence until they reach a tipping point towards either sex: which leads to the other and all its hormones atrophying and the arul in questioning undergoing the final changes for their new sex.

The differences between the two sexes are fairly minor anatomically, though due to the lifestyle differences which cause the sexes in the first place there is a fair bit of sexual dimorphism. The most notable change for either sex is the development of more fatty tissues in females and the development of more muscular tissues in males. In addition to these emotional responses and their corresponding scents are altered for each sex so that contentment smells attractive in females where as excitement smells attractive in males along with several other key changes.

Once they develop their sex and their bodies have undergone all the needed changes arul’s began going about reproducing which usually involves to compatible mates who are friendly with one another. From there the female is impregnated and will carry around their young for several months before giving live birth to a litter of about two to three kits. When a female is able to reproduce is not seasonal, though their fertility is greatly diminished in extreme environments or during times of scarcity.


The ability to recognize their own intelligence, to create tools, and a perform a myriad of other task which could denote sapience was developed in the arul within the last twenty thousand to thirty thousand years. This intelligence has steadily progressed from that day to its current state that is able to recognize all the nuances of the world and correlate them into something useful for itself. This intelligence has been built upon a familiar central nervous system with a partitioned brain that has been developed in chunks over the years.

The simplest and most base part of their minds and what roughly correlates to their own instinctual senses of aggression, territories, tradition, rituals, and hierarchy, is probably one of the least developed part of the Arul mind. The part of their mind that corresponds to their emotional and hormonal responses is as well developed in all members of their genetic linage. The largest and most well developed part of their mind is what handles their higher intellectual functions and it has been split into three major parts like hemishperes in their mind.

The three parts of an Aruls’ highest mental complex are dedicate to the various task which can broadly be summed up and social, analysis, creativity. The part of their mind dedicated to emotional responses has also assumed control over most of their sensory input causing a good deal of correlation between emotions and stimulus. Inter connecting the entire system is the proportion of their mind dedicated to spatial recognition which is closely tied to their auditory senses, this exchange center mirrors what might be found in a human mind.
Last edited by Laerul on Mon Mar 28, 2016 6:39 pm, edited 10 times in total.

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Postby Laerul » Mon Mar 14, 2016 10:56 am


The Arul are carnivorous pack hunters native to the planet Jalt, where they had developed sapience within the last 15,000 to 30,000 years. The natural inclination to form social groups like their tribal-packs of old was a natural stepping stone to the creation of a their civilization. Their unique pack-like and community-centric view of things has played a major part in the development of their civilizations whose underlying organization and ethics can be described as vaguely socialist. The mind set of this civilization emphasis satisfaction, expansion, and progress over more human ideals such as happiness and freedom; because of this their civilization is structure in a noticeably different way from other more human civilizations even if both are based on similar tools and technology.

The Tribal-States

The peak of most Arul social development is the Tribal-State which fills a similar niche to nation-states on earth and it is broadly defined as A Unified Group of Arul whom utilize similar social and cultural constructs. These Tribal-States are known for their loose structure and the ease at which they absorb and loose groups of Arul from their ranks, however the near omnipresent existences of these states hints at their robustness and normally within the Arul's global society.

Each Tribal-State is composed of distinct groups which can be as broad as an entire city or as refined as a single Association which is analogous to small businesses in human society. Each of these smaller groups can have their own cultural and social constructs which set them apart, but there is a notable uniformity and similarity between them in the broadest context. These Tribal-States will specifically interact with other Tribal States as distinctly separate entities from themselves, where as the cities within a Tribal-State may consider themselves of the same cloth.

As might be expected the borders where two Tribal-States meet is usually ill defined both geographically and socially as a given group in this area might consider itself apart of one and related to the other. This has lead, especially in the near modern era, to fighting between Tribal-States in cultural terms just as much as in military terms to convince these outlyiers what side they truly belong to. The modern era has only seen an extension of these cultural battle, with the coalition simply serving as a new battleground for the expansion of the State.

Associations and Orders

The driving force behind Arulan economies is the creation of Associations and Orders which are analogous to small business and corporations respectfully. While group ownership is a major aspect of all Arulan societies there is a high degree of economic freedom as to what an individual will do and can do, with varying level of State intervention to assure jobs that need to be done are getting done. Associations are normally made by private individuals who get together and decide to start offering a certain service or good to their community, especially if they believe this is a service which should be offered. Orders on the other hand are usually set up by the State to unify associations within a certain field or as mergers of several associations under one set of internal rules.

One of the most important development for the Arulan economies was the creation of the Tally system for keeping track of resources and who acquired resources. This system was eventually expanded into a similar role as currency to help regulate the usage of resources and their distribution to various associations who believed they were more apt to use the resources efficiently. This Tally system eventually became the basis for modern economics and ever increasing degrees of efficiency as the Aruls had empirical evidence as to what was effective.
Last edited by Laerul on Fri Mar 25, 2016 2:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Founded: Mar 13, 2016

Postby Laerul » Fri Mar 25, 2016 2:07 pm


The Arul have a familiar carbon-based biology that has evolved sapience over the millennia to better met the challenges of their world. The Arul are the only species of their world to have developed intelligence and they are the only existing genus of their evolutionary branch. Along side their intelligence the Arul have developed complex systems of information and social structures to better organize themselves and make use of their environment. The original range of the Arul along a single peninsula on the home planet has greatly expanded along side improvements to these system of information and social structures, now cover their entire planet and several others.

An Arul possess a fairly unique body shape for their world with the ability to stand upright on their hind legs and with dexterous phalanges capable of manipulating objects. Thanks to a unique hip pone and throat structure the Arul are capable of switching between standing upright and walking on all fours, with their frame adapted to utilize both methods of locomotion. In addition to this unique system of locomotion the Arul also possess a thick prehensile tail capable of limited manipulation and supporting significant weight. The Arul carnivorous nature has favored the development of a snout, which is lined with teeth and powerful jaw muscles that allow the Arul to bight with significant pressure.

The sense of an Arul were developed around their two primary activities hunting and socializing, which saw some sense become more geared to one or the other. The Aruls primarily hunt and move about their environment utilizing their acute sense of hearing and sight to be aware of their environment. Sight is facilitate through one set of eyes while hearing is done through two sets of ears, one geared towards a broader range of sounds(Alpha Ears) and one geared towards a very specific range(Beta Ears) used for echolocation in dark areas. Their Aruls sense of smell and and sight are heavily used to pick up on social cues and translate that information, being only mildly useful in their environment. Additionally they also have a now defunct sense for magnetism used to detect poles.

Biologically the Arul are very similar to other species of their class and order, possessing many of the same internal systems and requiring a similar range of nutrients for life as others on their homeworld. Their biology while based on carbon cells is specialized for precise locomotion in their environment, with well developed muscle tissues capable of quickly renewing them self's for long distances running and short sprints. The Arul have a high energy metabolism, capable of deriving energy from most sources however their body is designed to store most of its proteins rather than synthesis its own. This has lead to a carnivorous lifestyle that focuses on feeding on creatures in the same general order as them who would have their basic proteins they need for survival.

Psychologically the Arul have a fairly typical mind for their order, with the addition of larger area's dedicated to self-perception, time and an even more developed area for relations than their related kin. The Primary evolutionary advantage of the Arul's base order is its ability to move around its environment and this is reflected in their well developed analogy to a neocortex, which allows for precise recognition of spatial relations both in their environment and in their own bodies. The part of their mind that deals with themselves is closely tied to their underlying sociology which explains the close relation between the individual and the group in their society. Their temporal understanding like most of their mind is an expansion of their spatial recognition and this is reflected in their unique view on time.

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