Krodgeball, Krugglum, Bobsquat (Kronum-derived sports)

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Krodgeball, Krugglum, Bobsquat (Kronum-derived sports)

Postby Menukten » Thu Mar 20, 2014 3:30 pm

Adventures in Sporting

Menukten enters its roster for the Kronum World Cup too late, but a vibrant community of Kronum inspired sports spring up in the wake of the Menukten Kronum team's disappointment

The Menukten Kronum team returned dejected from New Wolfopolis after discovering that they had missed the entrance deadline to secure a position in the Kronum World Cup.

“Deadlines aren't really part of squonk culture,” said Coach Goodwill Keeps-the-Pipe, the coach of the international Menukten Kronum team whose ineptitude lead to the team's disappointment. “As a people we live day to day, mindful of each moment, each moment equally important and valid. And so we tend to forget things like deadlines that the international sports bodies impose on international competitions, and Menukten's showing in sports internationally have suffered as a result. I told the Secretary of Sports a year ago that we should at least hire foreign secretaries so we can make sure we have all the paperwork in time, but she didn't take my advice.”

The Kronum teams disappointment has done nothing to dissipate what many papers have termed the “Kronum fever” that has swept the nation.

“When coach and I announced that we would be forming the first Kronum international team,” says Visible Fat Bear striker for Menukten's most prestigious soccer club Limmeritich Lacrimic which is coached by Keeps-the-Pipe, “people went crazy. The phone at club Limmeritch was ringing off the hook for a whole month with people asking what Kronum was and how you played it. People just couldn't get enough, and a lot of sports enthusiasts were trying to start Kronum leagues all over the nation.”

Secretary of Sports Lisa Calm-Water, decided to capitalize on the new sports craze by spending a significant portion of her budget constructing Kronum fields in Menukten's elementaries, high schools and colleges.

“People were clamoring for more Kronum,” she said about her now controversial actions, “and so I gave it to them.”

But Calm-Water failed to do her research, for elementary and high schools and colleges all over the nation soon discovered the prohibitive cost of the Kronum goal, ball and other equipment.

“Kronum's website lists the three ring goals as six hundred dollars,” says Superintendent Wallace Sharp Eye of Menukten's Pine Ridge educational district, “or three thousand lacrimas, and that's just for one goal. A whole set would be one hundred nine thousand lacrimas. Now, what kind of elementary school has that kind of money to drop on a set of goals? And that's just the three ring versions: the five rings, which high school and colleges would want to purchase, are a whopping thirty thousand lacrimas each.”

“So we were stuck with a bunch of Kronum fields and nothing to do with them,” explained Yarence Nightinggale, the physical education teacher at Pine Ridge elementary, “all because of secretary Calm-Water's 'brilliant' plan. We were using them in a game of four way soccer with trash cans as goals, the soccer team being very unwilling to share their goal structures. It was during recess, and the children were playing a pickup game of Kronum soccer with a kickball. This little boy who gets bullied a lot was playing wedgeback and the bullies were on the opposing team. Instead of trying to kick the ball past them, they made a contest out of seeing who could hit him with the ball the most times. One point for a shot from the goal zone or wedge that hits the wedgeback in the goal zone, two points for a shot from the flex and three points for a shot from the prime ring. The next day they decided to get rid of the goals altogether and use a wedgeback as the 'goal', points being scored by striking him or her with the ball. The new game, which is a mix between Kronum and dodgeball, became really popular at recess and all the kids started playing it.”

“Krodgeball”, as the game invented by bullies came to be called, was soon played on every Kronum field in Menukten, with the “goal wedgeback” eventually evolving into a position called a dodger who is unaffiliated with either team and stands in the goal zone, unable to leave it, trying to doge the balls thrown at him. Unlike in Kronum, the ball can be handled by either hand or foot in the wedge as well as the rest of the field. No players except the dodger and the wedgeback can enter the goal area. Wedgebacks are only allowed to enter the goal zone on offense and do so to restrict the movement of the dodger and make him or her an easy target. Shots must be taken from without the goal zone, though an offensive wedgeback can try to score on goal by kicking the ball at the dodger.

The Department of Sports soon began nurturing Krodgeball as part of their new comprehensive Physical Education policies for the nation's schools.

“Its a great use of the Kronum pitches, which unfortunately, due to budget restraints, could not be used for their intended purposes,” says Secretary Calm-Water, “all you need are players and a kickball.”

The burgeoning playground game did not go unnoticed by the nation's high school and college age students.

“My little sister started playing it,” says Emma Two Branch, student at Menukten's University of Phlox Hill, “and I really like the game. It was fascinating. Unlike most sports, the goal could move and defend itself. So me and my friends started playing it at college. I was the dodger and I happened to be practicing my juggling at the time. A ranger snuck up on me and the next thing I knew I had a face full of kickball and my juggling balls were scattering every which way. The incident gave me an idea. After the game I approached the opposing team and questioned them about replacing the dodger with a juggler juggling three balls. The goal would be to cause the juggler to drop the balls or hit them out of her hands with the kickball, each ball being worth a point or more than a point according to where the successful shot was taken. They really liked the idea and the game of Krugglum was born.”

In Krugglum, points are scored according to how many balls the juggler drops when hit with the kickball. A shot from the goal zone earns one point per ball dropped; from the wedge, two points oer ball dropped, from the flex, three points per ball dropped; from the prime ring, four points per ball dropped. A scoring opportunity could thus net the offensive team 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9 or 12 points, depending on where the ball was shot and how many juggling balls it knocked out of the juggler's hands. A twelve point shot is called a krugglum.

Krugglum soon became the favorite of college intramurals nationwide and a collegiate league overseen by the student created and administered National Guild for the Advancement of Krugglum (or NGAK), was soon formed with colleges playing all over the nation.

But not everybody was satisfied with the new game.

“The problem was,” says Patrick Handsome, son of multi-billionaire Ori Handsome, who attends Menukten's prestigious college Yarrow, “was that the jugglers would turn their backs to the pitch and face the boundary ring making their balls almost impossible to hit. To prevent this me and my college buddies modified the field a bit. We pulled out the goal zones from the boundary ring into the middle of the wedge and extended the cross and flex zones around the boundary line. We named the new game Bobsquat which means, in the squonk language, 'hit the fool', the fool being, of course, the juggler."

“It's really an exciting concept,” says Handsome's friend Derrick Shallow Water, “it's like the difference between soccer and lacrosse. In soccer the goal is on the boundary line, making it impossible to play behind it. So the goalkeeper concentrates on what is in front of him. But in lacrosse the goal zones are in the middle of the field at either end, so the goalie must be aware of what is happening behind him as well as in front. And in Bobsquat, where there is not net, this means that goalkeepers have to guard from attack from three hundred and sixty degrees.”

The modified Kronum field comes with modified terminology.

“When we finalized the design of the Bobsquat pitch we thought it looked like a wheel,” says Handsome, “so we gave its various sections automobile names. The huge circle in the center is called the hub, the lines coming off it and connecting to the far edge of the boundary ring are called the spokes, the edge it connects to is called the rim. The spokes are sandwiched on either side by the strips and inside the strips in each quadrant you have a wedge. Inside the wedge are circular structures that look like the things used to bolt automobile wheels to the axle, so we called them the bolt. And the whole thing is called the Bobsquat wheel or pitch.”


Bobsquat rules are similar to those of Krodgeball and Krugglum allowing the ball to be handled with the hands in the wedge. However unlike Krodgeball the offense is allowed to take the ball into the bolt zones where ball handling is restricted to the feet. And in Bobsquat the offensive wedgeback becomes a defensive boltback who must guard the juggler from attack from three hundred sixty degrees. Scoring, however, is the same as in Krugglum with the stipulation that some of the zones now extend behind the bolt. As shot in the bolt counts for one point per ball dropped. A shot from the wedge counts as two points per ball dropped. A shot from the strip counts as three points per ball dropped. And a shot from the hub, spokes or rim count as four points per ball dropped.

“The target is smaller,” agrees Shallow Water, “which makes goaltending easier, but the range of attack is much larger than say in soccer or even lacrosse, which makes goaltending harder.”

The new game has took off like a herd of bison, stampeding its way through the country. Even the die-hard Krugglum collegiates admit the virtues of the new game.

“I won't say Bobsquat is an improvement over Krugglum,” responds Two Branch, creator of the latter, “but it certainly offers some different, exciting dynamics completely different Krugglum ball play that I think are just fascinating. Krugglum will still occupy most of the space in my heart, but that doesn't mean there isn't room for Bobsquat too.”

While Bobsquat has already found its way into collegiate competitions, Handsome's father Ori is in the process of sponsoring a professional league.

“We are starting with eight team with the idea of expanding to twelve by the end of the year,” the elder Handsome explained, “the league is planning its inaugural game sometime at the beginning of June.”
Shallow Water is excited about the new sporting league, tentatively called Premier League Bobsquatch.

“I'm thinking of trying out,” he admitted, “this is going to be the next big thing in Menukten sports. Kronum fever is now Bobsquat fever.”

I'm not really interested in the Role Playing potentials of Krodgeball and Krugglum, so I'm not particularly interested in finding out a way to scorinate them. I included them in this RP to give readers a sense of the evolution of a game I am interested in RPing: Bobsquat. I haven't even finished designing Bobsquat yet and any suggestions would be welcome. As for scorination: I don't know C++, am bad at Excel and math in general and so I have no idea how to scorinate Bobsquat, since there really isn't any other sport it could be compared to. Anyone willing to figure that out will have my eternal gratitude. I'd like to start a domestic Bobsquat league in my nation at some point.
Last edited by Menukten on Thu Mar 20, 2014 3:50 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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The Global Guild of Bobsquat Athletics
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Postby The Global Guild of Bobsquat Athletics » Thu Mar 20, 2014 4:26 pm

Reserved for Bobsquat rules.

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National Board of Krodgeball Education
Posts: 1
Founded: Mar 13, 2014

Postby National Board of Krodgeball Education » Fri Mar 21, 2014 1:10 pm

Krodgeball is a Kronum/ dodgeball/ Muggle Quidditch mashup in which the four goal structures of the Kronum field have been replaced by a player called a "dodger" who is unaffiliated with either team and acts as the goal structure for the players to score upon, the object of the game being to hit the dodger with the krodgeball in order to score points. While Krodgeball rules are similar to Kronum ruled there are also some key differences.


Krodgeball, like Kronum, is played for three periods of thirty minutes.



Krodgeball is played on a standard Kronum field with a diameter of 50 yards. The terminology for the different zones on the field are the same: Prime ring, cross zone, flex zone, wedge and goal zone.

Unlike in Kronum, play within the wedge is not restricted to feet only, and players can use their hands to attempt shots on goal in the wedge. Wedgebacks, however, are restricted to the use of their feet in the goal zone and may only take shots on goal if the ball is on rebound.


Krodgeball gets rid of the Kronum goals in the goal zones and replaced them with an unafilliated player, similar to the human snitch in Muggle Quidditch games, that has free run of the goal zone and must use this space to dodge balls thrown at him or her. Hitting the dodger with the krodgeball scores points for the scorer's teamembers.

Krodgeball also replaces the Kronum ball with a standard rubber kickball.


Krodgeball retains the same positions as Kronum: crossers, rangers and wedgebacks, 10 players in all per team. Wedgebacks, however, have a different offensive role than they do in Kronum. In Krodgeball wedgebacks are allowed to enter the goal zone to restrict the dodger's movements and make him or her an easier target. They are not allowed to make physical contact with the dodger while doing this and they also may not attack the dodger directly with the krodgeball. They may attempt to score on the dodger on rebounds, but play within the goal zone is restricted to the feet and so they must attempt to do this with a kick-shot. Offensive wedgebacks are the only non-dodger players allowed to enter the goal zone.

Krodgeball has a unique unafilliated player, almost a Non-Player Character, who acts as the goal structure in the game and attempts to dodge balls thrown at him or her. This player is called the dodger and is restricted to the goal zone only. The dodger's job is to not get hit and her or she may use any means to do so. Dodgers are motivated to perform well with a separate competition of their own that rewards them for the least points allowed. Dodger competitions are scored according to how many times the dodging team was hit, not how many points were scored by the krodgeball team.

Dodgers can catch ball that are thrown at them, which incurs a two minute suspension on the thrower during which his or her team may no substitute on a new player. In dodger competitions, catched balls are counted as three points not allowed or -3. So if a dodging team was hit 23 times but caught two balls, there score for the game would be 17.

There are four dodgers on the field, each for one of the Kronum goal zones. The dodgers are comprised of two teams of two people, each competing with each other to see who can allow the least points. Dodgers are not allowed to compete in the same games as their school or club's krodgeball team.

Dodging teams are ranked against each other purely on the least points allowed and not the number of wins.


Points are scored in Krodgeball by hitting the dodger with the krodgeball. Different values are awarded according to where on the field the ball was thrown.

Balls thrown or kicked from the goal zone or wedge zone earn 1 point.
Balls thrown or kicked from the flex zone earns 2 points.
Balls thrown or kicked from the prime ring or cross zone earn 3 points.

Ball movement

Ball movement is similar to that in Kronum in that players can use both feet and hands to advance the ball towards goal. Dribbling with the hands or feet are both legal, and double dribbling is allowed. Ball carriers can take up to two steps with the ball before passing or dribbling again. Ball movement, however is restricted to the feet in the goal zone and the offensive wedgeback, the only non-dodger player allowed in the goal zone, but attempt to score points with his or her feet.


Like in Kronum or half-court basketball, balls must be cleared in the prime ring after points are scored.

Penalties and fouls

Any ball movement penalties (such as handling the ball in the goal zone or traveling) result in a turn over.

Fouls (such as holding, tripping or tackling) also result in a turn over. If they prevented an attempt of goal a penalty throw or kick is awarded from the same spot as penalty shots are taken in Kronum, just inside the prime ring. Penalty shots are worth 3 points.

Egregious fouling or unsporting behavior can elicit a yellow card from the referee, or a red card if it is really bad. A yellow card is just a warning, but a red card evicts the player from the game and institutes a two minute period during which the offending player's team may not substitute to replace him or her.

Dodgers may also commit technical fouls by stepping out of the goal zone to avoid a ball. If this happens, a penalty shot is awarded to the offensive team.


Following Menukten custom, krodgeball championships are referred to gourds, not cups or bowls. The championship game should decide the champion both for the league's krodgeballers and the league's dodgers. If there is a conflict (the dodgers being from the same school or club as one of the krodgeball teams in the championship game) the dodger championship will be decided by the game to decide the third place winner of the league.

NS Scorination

Two different sets of scorination should be used to decide the winners of a krodgeball/ dodger competition.

The krodgeball competitions should be scorinated using the xkornate basketball formula.

The dodger competition is scorinated by taking the results of a xkoranate handball competition and subtracting the results of an association football game multiplied by three. So if a dodging team was hit 26 times but caught two balls, their resulting score for the game would be 20.
Last edited by National Board of Krodgeball Education on Sun Mar 23, 2014 6:24 pm, edited 8 times in total.

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National Collegiate Krugglum Association
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Founded: Mar 13, 2014

Postby National Collegiate Krugglum Association » Fri Mar 21, 2014 1:11 pm

Reserved for Krugglum rules.

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Postby Menukten » Fri Mar 21, 2014 1:12 pm

The Menukten Federation of Juggling is of two minds on the developing
Bobsquat sport:

"Its a horrible farce," says Timothy Red Hawk chairperson of the MFJ, "an excuse for people to take out their prejudices against clowns and jugglers."

"I disagree," says prominent juggler Don Wind Feather, "it's a chance for jugglers to play professionally and start raking in the big bucks."
We are a sad, sad people
The Community of Menukten, also known as The Land of the Rainbow
Sally Long-Fire, Chief Mourner
Home of Jesterball!
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