The Pharos Entente [SIC/FT/Closed]

A staging-point for declarations of war and other major diplomatic events. [In character]
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Serukta Sehkrisaal
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Founded: Nov 04, 2013

The Pharos Entente [SIC/FT/Closed]

Postby Serukta Sehkrisaal » Wed Jan 28, 2015 11:22 pm

ol system. A myth, a legend, a concrete place - it is a matter of debate that has raged since the first refugees, conquerors, nomads, and wayward lost souls whom call themselves "human" washed up upon the shores of the cosmic sea. Some say the fleshy, great ape - the Homo sapien sapiens, in the standard tongue - originates from this system: from Sol, and from a planet called "Terra", or "Earth" in the oldest tongues amongst them. Unlike many amongst us - both kin and cousin - whom can point up to the heavens and, amidst that blanket of void and light, can indicate a single home - one place to which they might always be welcome, to which they can always feel safe and secure and, sometimes through countless eons, trace their lineage - the "human" has no such lineage nor security nor sanctity in their hearth; unlike myself, my kin, and those amongst us, the human is a lost being.

Their's is a civilization, a myriad of distinct civilizations, which have no home to which they universally agree upon. They are eternal nomads, through both time and space, and for countless generations now have pointed to one star, then another, and another still and said, "That is my home; that is our home." Like beasts of burden, they have wandered to it, claimed it, fought for it, and made it their home - damned be whatever civilization once may have dwelt there. They, my friends and fellows, are a herd; they travel where they desire, seemingly with no resistance, and proclaim as divine right the supremacy of their own society - even though it lacks a head and writhes like serpents tangled in sackcloth.

Unlike us and our kind, few, if any, of them can agree - with any amount of certainty - from which system, from which planet, they truly originate spare only in the immediate preceding generations and upon worlds that, no doubt, their ancestral seed stock once proclaimed to be "home" to whatever brand or make of human civilization they so unceremoniously decided to create; again, no doubt, as a part of some fractured sect given new identity by some great schism from a preceding seed stock or generational lineage of wanderers and galactic paripatetics come long before and having faded in the muddy and dim vision of memory of the human beast.

There are many amongst you whom, I feel, share some sort of kindred animosity amongst yourselves toward that of the "human" and his ilk. In no too few a words can I express in a matter of statement my true, heartfelt sympathy and understanding of such antagonism. Was it not they whom watched as beasts of age unknown even to our historians marched betwixt the so-called "dead stars" and bore a path through home and field, only to turn away and return once they had been vanquished by our own kin? Was it not them that, upon seeing those worlds stripped bare, came and took them as their own - giving little to no proper mourning or representation of the countless lives of our loved ones left desolate on those very rocks? Believe me, my friends, I understand this sentiment; however, I must in the same breath correct it, for it is improper and - truly - only the layman's perspective.

Humanity - the "human" and his disparate cells of society and juvenile civilization - is not, as some amongst us have said, a virus; it is not some plague to which we need only vaccinate ourselves and, for certain times of the year, recede into our homes and keep shut the windows and doors and ports and pray that we have been spared the touch of their vectors. No, for we have all bore witness to the black reaches themselves and have seen - some of us, with our very own eyes - the sort of pestilence which can lay dormant and pounce. No, this is not the "human" - despite in what manner and with such ease he may come to spread his destruction. My friends, my kin, the human is no more a pathogen than a goat is a summer affliction; my friends, humanity is not some invasive force which seeks to subvert us and our own.

Humanity is a stampede.

Directionless and leaderless - spare, perhaps, from bull to bull, each whom tug their own coterie of whores and sycophants this way or that - they march across the cosmos with no pause spare those which exhaustion or biological necessity dictate. They do not need to sneak, to infiltrate, or to subvert; they do not need to bypass nor to surmount the meager defenses many of us have erected against them. For generations now, many amongst us have presumed, as stated, that the "human" is a pathogen; all that must be done is to create a persistent and perpetual social and cultural inoculation, and we will be spared. I say to you, now, that this mentality has failed us, and I say to you now that those whom dictated and then executed such a folly are but fools and came to take whatever due course of consequence they truly deserved. It is this mentality which has allowed humanity to trample across the Galaxy and trod underfoot to dust the histories of our people and our kin, and with no due consequence face reprisal.

Now, I will not be so boastful as to say that the "human" is entirely without some manner of foresight or that each and every sect of his civilization is equal or equally destructive. Some, and we need but look nearby to find the truth of this, execute plans and procedures which truly do betray the intellect of their leaders, planners, and politicians. Some of them, in truth, we might even find some semblance of kinship. Yes, I know the initial absurdity of that statement, but please, listen to what it is I say and pay heed, for it is this sort of presumptive antagonism which has allowed countless generations of our kin to fall as but memories to the dirt below.

No, for I say to you that while as a collective they may be a leaderless herd of kine, amongst that herd are some which do command some semblance of authority and direction worthy of, in the least, precipitous caution - if not outright respect. How many of you, and be true, have lost a loved one to a meager raid of human brigands? How many of you, yet still, have watched a family member or a lover be dragged away by some surreptitious officer of a human martial power as a spoil of war? How many of you, and I say this with all sincerity, have fled from the approach of a fleet from a dominion of the human herd?

It is not the "human" which made such come to pass; nor is it, truly, the ineptitude of leaders in the face of an overwhelming force. In truth, it is arrogance which has cost many of our kin their lives. Not their arrogance - not the pride and vanity of the "human" - but our own. For generations our predecessors stood in the face of the "human" and proclaimed, "We are your gods! We are your masters! In all matters to which you exist, we are your superior!" Then, truly, they allowed their arrogance - that pride - to cloud their vision; they accepted what they believed to be fact without demonstrable evidence of its sincerity and empirical truth. Yet, even this manner of vanity and egotism is not what has cost so many of us family, friends; it is the arrogance - the pure and unadulterated incompetence and ignorance - to presume that when shouting at a beast at the edge of your camp, that he somehow cares if you are his superior. All the beast cares for is its next meal and whatever scrap of territory it might claim as its own.

To defend ourselves against this stampede which is humanity, against these encroaching herds, we must cease proclaiming ourselves as superior, for the "human" does not care. The "human", even amongst their best, cares naught - in any matter - for ours or our own; the "human" cares only for that which it can make its own. So, my friends, what we must do is treat the "human" in the same manner we treat kine - livestock and beasts of burden: we must corral them, we must cordon and halt them at whatever place they encroach and we must stand stout and not merely proclaim their immediate truncation of their endless march, we must remain steadfast in the enforcement of such and - if need be - put down the bull and all of his coterie and be the butchers of the stars they proclaim us in their vile libel to be.

One does not proclaim to a feral animal that he is its master; one beats the beast until it can never contemplate anything but that simple, ineffable fact.

Ahkiiam Saar'nahaasiin, Su'ulan na Ku'thah Zarrahk
Personal Imperial Envoy Plenipotentiary to the Uthani Imperium

Commencement // Exposition and Vindication of the True Solution
Initiation of the Pharos Entente
There can be no hesitation of thought, belief, or action in the face of extinction; there can be no indecision nor respite in shadow of the looming prospect of eventual and certain calamity. There can be neither strife nor animosity between those which are so evidently threatened, as such serves merely to strengthen the resolve of that which threatens and acts as but an open wound to which a beast might suckle nourishment. It has been these weaknesses, these tumultuous blights, of hesitation, indecisiveness, and mutual distrust and animosity which have emboldened and strengthened and drawn like wolves to the fell the enemies which still circle at the edge of a dim camp given light only by a handful of torches - by but a few heralds of light whom have the strength to stand united in one ultimate purpose, yet remain distinct in the color and glow of their own flames.

It is upon this foundation of so few that a new beacon must be lit; it is from these few, nascent fires that a new scintillation must gain sustenance. It is but from embers that the greatest of breathing, living, burning judgment must be drawn forth and nourished and fed new life, new breath, with each passing of the seasons. It is from this simple unity of two beneath a single purpose that two must become multitudes, for it is for blood, soil, and every breath which calls, begs, for the heat of that warmth and the return to the grace of the light.

It is no longer a question of "if", but a question of "when"; there stands across the Galaxy a seemingly endless herd - the herd of man, the stampede of humanity - which seeks to trod underfoot each and every distinct, vibrant culture it finds and to, upon their mottled and butchered carrion, erect the chaotic discourse which are their "civilizations". Such has been evident since the first of the human kine found respite amongst the stars; such has been apparent since the first of their wayward voyages, their ancestors upon which slumbered, washed - adrift and lost - up from the shores of the cosmic sea and, without any hesitation of their own, saw it fit to massacre, to pillage, to denigrate, to rape, and to obviate each and every corner of the Galaxy in which dwelt a life foreign to their own. It is evident now, as it was then, that such is the nature of the human kine; it is a nature which cannot be changed, cannot be subverted, cannot be dismissed, and cannot be augmented. Such follies have been tried - time upon time - without success or even the faintest of pause in the persistent and perpetual march of the human beast from star to star.

Since even before the arks which bore their seed were sent out amongst the stars, humanity has spoken ill of what was unknown to it, of what was alien to it, of what was strange and the Other. Stories were spun to children and babes to keep them still in their cribs of the monsters and beasts; lullaby songs and tunes of martial merriment, even now, are written and boastfully praised atop the monuments of civilizations felled by the mindless, headless leviathan which never ceases to hunger and never ceases to seek-out greater sources to replenish its gluttony, lust, and avarice. Humanity has forged a mythos of horror and the most persistent of nightmares to justify the monstrous crimes to which humanity endlessly seeks to perpetuate against that which is not of the flesh of Terra or the ancient Earth or the region known as "Sol" or of the any other number of endless schisms to which humanity continues to call "home".

Of all things not of the pink flesh of man, the human has made a monster where dwells none; now, in the travesty of the eternal march of man against the stars, it has made monsters true and profound.

It is with such knowledge that two flames now unite to form a single beacon; from one détente turned, in friendship and brotherhood, to understanding and the mutual reciprocity of respect, a new entente - a new friendship, a new brotherhood, a new holdfast beneath a single beacon of distinct, unique, and sacred definites - seeks nourishment and fuel for its light. As such, in the light of the eventualities of inaction, hesitation, indecisiveness, and animosity, the Pharos Entente (hereafter, Pharos) is born, and as a beacon ignited it shall draw to it all which have looked to the darkness between the stars and into the depths of their own hearts and found the truth that is the threat of the human.

To that end, of two, Pharos shall become multitudes, for it is with the knowledge of the truth that is the human stampede that Pharos holds its banner. It is not beneath a treaty nor alliance of simple niceties nor of convenience, for Pharos seeks neither treaty nor alliance in nicety or convenience. Pharos is the beacon which illuminates and draws to it in friendship and mutual understanding the single certainty that, if left to remain, to fester, to continue its endless march, the life that is the human will come to, in time, eradicate all which is not human. It is with that knowledge that Pharos accepts that any and all civilization which is held beneath the monstrous dominion of man is an immediate, persistent, and perpetual threat; it is with that knowledge that Pharos accepts that any and all civilization which may even form as to be of the pink flesh of man, though it may dwell upon soil and only look to the stars as dim wishes, is a nascent threat of the eventuality of their own, genetic impetus to march and to destroy.

Hereafter, of but two to become many, Pharos shall refuse to sit idly by while the human seeks to perpetuate its own chaotic disorder across the Galaxy and, in its wake, leave only monolithic the monotony of its own homeless, peripatetic stock. Hereafter, Pharos shall be not merely a beacon, but a wall of flame in which to cordon and contain, to intercede and interdict, and to remove that which is the human in a single, final, true solution which, in its own time, shall bring peace and ensure the sanctity, safety, and security of all which are united against the march of the madness of man.

Consonance // Core Ethos and Fundamental Principles
Article One of the Pharos Entente
In unity of purpose yet distinction of individuality, Pharos shall be forged as a both a beacon to draw and temper as steel a defense against the eventuality of extinction, and as an endless and perpetual fire of justice and monstrous necessity which seeks to cleanse and eradicate in offense that which is the eventuality of extinction. To this end, that which are signatories of Pharos shall hold in immediate respite any conflicts or animosities or discourses of martial strife between further signatories in détente, or the immediate deescalation of hostilities, and as such de-mobilize and de-militarize any active front or theater between signatories which were once held as zones of martial conflict with great haste to be completed within no less than three (3) Galactic Standard Years of the bilateral signing of the document which is the Pharos Entente.

Further, signatories on the basis of multilateral, mutual reciprocity shall craft a status quo to which is to be an entente between themselves individual and themselves collective; such is the necessity which is Pharos, for neither animosity nor open strife acts to resolve the multitudes against that which is the persistent and perpetual threat of the human. A status quote which is considered entente shall be crafted without hesitation and with great haste and - in the matters which are cultural, social, political, religious, economic, and diplomatic - be completed within no less than one (1) Galactic Standard Year; in all matters which are martial and military as to which are the principles of détente, such shall as well be held to be completed within no less than three (3) Galactic Standard Years.

Even so, signatories on the basis of multilateral, mutual reciprocity shall hold in high honor and mutual, governed respect the authority, dominion, and imperium between themselves individual and themselves collective and shall hold matters which govern cultural, social, political, religious, economic, and martial precepts over that which is astronomical as territories and volumes and over that which is planetary and celestial as territories and volumes held within a monopoly of the threat of violence by any signatory as within the scope of a signatory's sovereignty and shall seek neither to contain nor cordon nor intercede nor interdict such affairs of signatories individual or collective. Further, signatories between themselves both individual and collective shall, on the basis of multilateral, mutual reciprocity hold in support another signatory of Pharos any territory or volume, be it astronomical or planetary or celestial, against that which is not a signatory of the document which is the Pharos Entente held in contention and, as such, respect and support the claim of the signatory, in matters discerned as bilateral discourse, against that which is not a signatory.

Yet, even in mutual reciprocity of that which is sovereign, on the basis of both multilateral and bilateral, mutual reciprocity and mutual self-interest of both the pervasive ethos and principles and rights and responsibilities and overall goals and prerogatives of Pharos, signatories individual and signatories collection shall seek to reach accord and agreement and in cooperation enact policies and execute protocols and programs, both multilateral and bilateral, which strengthen the resolve of both Pharos and signatories collective as a multilateral ethos and strengthen the resolve of signatories individual as a bilateral principle. Such is to include, but shall be understood to be in discourse further matters, those affairs which bring both or in isolation multilateral or bilateral cultural, social, political, religious, economic, and martial benefit to either Pharos and signatories collective or signatories individual.

Regardless of both sovereignty and cooperation, held as a matter of primacy in the document which is the Pharos Entente and, as such, Pharos, on the basis of multilateral, bilateral, and unilateral action, mutual reciprocity, and mutual and solitary self-interest, signatories individual and signatories collective shall henceforth - in the event such do not exist as extant precepts - draft, promulgate, ratify, and execute a systematic series of protocols, policies, and directive orders - as applicable by governance - measures which seek to enforce a cultural, social, political, economic, martial, and - where applicable - religious containment of the human within both domestic and foreign spheres. Such is to be considered a matter of primacy that the presence of the human, human stock, human chattel, and all manner of the human which is of humanity and the peripatetic class of the stars shall be sought to be contained through domestic policies and, as such, shall be held as status quo within no less than two (2) Galactic Standard Years upon addition to Pharos; further, such shall be cordoned beyond sovereign boundaries, where applicable and available, as a matter of foreign policy - be it cultural, social, political, economic, martial, or religious. As is Pharos ethos that the human stampede must be cordoned and contained wherever found, and kept as such to negate the present eventuality of extinction as per the course of present and historical galactic discourse.

In ultimate primacy, regardless of both sovereignty and cooperation, held as such by both that which is the document of the Pharos Entente and, as such, Pharos, on the basis of multilateral, bilateral, and unilateral action, mutual reciprocity, and mutual and solitary self-interest, signatories individual and signatories collective shall henceforth - in the event such does not exist as extant precepts - draft, promulgate, ratify, and execute as a systematic series of protocols, polices, and directive orders - as applicable by governance - measures which seek to execute an over-arching, foreign policy of interdiction against that which is human, human stock, human chattel, and all manner of the human which is of humanity and the peripatetic class of the stars. Such shall be considered the ultimate primacy of Pharos and, as such, shall override manners of less importance to the exclusion of the foundational precepts as detailed within the document of the Pharos Entente. Such interdiction shall be, further, necessary as both ethos and principle that the human stampede must be interceded and interdicted wherever found in manners necessary and evident as such to negate the present eventuality of extinction as per the course of present and historical galactic discourse.

Confluence // Organizational Structure and Discourse
Article Two of the Pharos Entente
In accordance to the Consonance of the Pharos Entente that the organization and administrative superstructure of that which is Pharos shall be held minimal and pragmatic as to the nature of the core ethos and fundamental principles and, as such, shall function in primacy as a multilateral forum for discourse, amendment, review of policies and protocols, disciplinary review, and for the further execution of policies between signatories individual and signatories collective. As such, the chief functional body of Pharos shall constitute the sum total of signatories individual and, as signatories collective, shall be held paramount to draft, promulgate, and enact change upon that of the document which is the Pharos Entente through the means of a simple majority in quorum. A quorum shall constitute no less than that which is two-thirds of signatories individual as those respective Heads of State, Heads of Government, or duly-appointed representatives of such which shall be convened as an annual, multilateral summit which shall occur once every Galactic Standard Year.

Further, Pharos shall have three offices which exist as distinct from the body of signatories collective which shall act as signatories individual ex officio and shall carry specific administrative and host responsibilities:

    The Chair shall constitute a position of which holds the responsibility of mediation for each annual summit, drawing of the necessary resources and volumes domestic for the host of the summit and further conventions, and shall, further, hold the responsibility of convening six ministerial-level - or to a level analogous - conferences preceding each annual summit which shall provide discourse for various topics regarding the Consonance of Pharos; such shall include: Galactic Affairs, Containment, Interdiction, Trade and Commerce, Preservation, and any further discourses as decided by the preceding annual summit. The Chair shall, ex officio, hold the office of Chair of Summit and shall, as such, hold veto power over amendments, changes, or additions to the Pharos Entente. The Chair as an office individual shall rotate with each annual summit on the basis of seniority, held first by the signatory individual held as such in the Sacral Empire.

    The Monitors shall constitute a set of positions which are reserved to the initial signatories prime, that of the signatories individual held as such in the Sacral Empire and the Uthani Star Imperium. Each Monitor shall be charged with maintaining the functionality of Pharos as signatories individual, in addition to other responsibilities as outlined by subsequent conference, and within those responsibilities reserved to such as signatories individual within the document that which is the Pharos Entente.
In addition to the body of Pharos and the annual discourse as defined by the document that which is the Pharos Entente, three subsequent bodies of distinct purpose and responsibility shall exist, to which rules of quorum as defined as two-thirds of signatories individual and bound by the rules same of simple majority:

    The Annual Review Commission (ARC) shall constitute the body Pharos and shall be charged with the review of the activities of the body Pharos as both signatories individual and signatories collective as to adherence to the core ethos, fundamental principles, rights, responsibilities, and further prerogatives as defined by the document that which is the Pharos Entente. The Annual Review Commission shall, further, hold discussions as to invitation for entry as based upon the rights and responsibilities and prerogatives of signatories individual and signatories collective and, in such a capacity, shall constitute a summoned commission for this explicit purpose as defined. The Annual Review Commission shall be chaired by a Monitor, held in perpetuity by the duly-appointed representative of the Uthani Star Imperium that which shall hold sole veto power within the Annual Review Commission in all matters. The Annual Review Commission shall henceforth be vested with the powers to approve or deny the signing of a new signatory individual based upon the invitation prima facie, without the knowledge of the invited, to the document that which is the Pharos Entente; it shall further be the responsibility of the Monitor as Chair of the Annual Review Commission to extend invitation to the approved potential signatory individual, or shall be the responsibility of any party as designated to execute such an action by the Chair of the Annual Review Commission. In status quo, the Annual Review Commission shall be convened in the week preceding the opening of the official annual summit of the body Pharos.

    The Disciplinary Action Commission (DAC) shall constitute the body Pharos and shall be charged with the review of activities of the body Pharos as signatories individual as to adherence to the core ethos, fundamental principles, rights, responsibilities, and further prerogatives as defined by the document that which is the Pharos Entente. The Disciplinary Action Commission shall, further, hold discussions as to disciplinary or punitive actions required, based upon petition by one signatory individual against another signatory individual, and, in such a capacity, shall constitute a petitioned commission for this explicit purpose as defined. The Disciplinary Action Commission shall be chaired by a Monitor, held in perpetuity by the duly-appointed representative Sacral Empire that which shall hold sole veto power within the Disciplinary Action Commission in all matters. The Disciplinary Action Commission shall henceforth be vested with the powers to suspended for one (1) Galactic Standard Year any signatory individual and to expel any signatory individual following suspension for one (1) Galactic Standard Year or in the event that the authority, dominion, and imperium of said signatory individual has been circumvented by the body of the human as plurality, majority, or minority or in the event the signatory individual is found to be acting in such a manner which shall constitute crimes against the body Pharos as determined by the Disciplinary Action Commission. In status quo, the Disciplinary Action Commission shall be convened in the week following the closure of the official annual summit of the body Pharos.

    The Emergency Protocols Commission (EPC) shall constitute the body Pharos and shall be charged with the handling of crises, threats, dangers, and hazards immediate and pressing to the body Pharos as signatories individual and signatories collective. The Emergency Protocols Commission shall function as an emergency meeting of the sum whole of the body Pharos as defined by the document that which is the Pharos Entente, and as such shall function under the rules, regulations, and protocols of summit, where the Chair shall function as defined and where each Monitor shall function as defined with each retaining veto powers as defined by the document that which is the Pharos Entente. Any signatory individual may call for the convention of the Emergency Protocols Commission through contact with the Chair or Monitors and, as such, the Emergency Protocols Commission shall constitute a petitioned commission for the explicit purpose as defined.
Such organizational and administrative superstructures shall function as defined unless otherwise amended by the body Pharos in summit as defined by the document that which is the Pharos Entente.

Prerogatives // Rights, Responsibilities, and Methods of Action
Article Three of the Pharos Entente
In accordance to that which is the document of the Pharos Entente and to the measures defined within the Consonance and Confluence, the body Pharos as signatories individual and signatories collective shall be vested with certain rights in respect to both bilateral and multilateral relations within Pharos as well as certain rights to protection; further, signatories individual and signatories collective shall be burdened with certain responsibilities in respect to the document that which is Pharos. Further, as defined within the document that which is the Pharos Entente, certain methods of action shall be defined in preference, but not to limit, as required by the Consonance that which is the core ethos and which are the fundamental principles of Pharos.

As such, the body Pharos as defined within the document that which is the Pharos Entente as both signatories individual and signatories collective shall be vested with the right to:

    ...maintain those protections as defined within the Consonance of the document that which is the Pharos Entente to the scope to be honored and respected as sovereign entities free from interference or interdiction by signatories individual and signatories collective and, further, to protect that which is the scope of cooperation and shall function as the right to conduct and maintain and execute relations both bilateral and multilateral within the body Pharos between signatories individual and signatories collective.

    ...petition that which is the Annual Review Commission to the extension of invitation to potential signatories individual as to inclusion within the body Pharos through review, signing, and ratification of the document which is the Pharos Entente.

    ...petition that which is the Disciplinary Action Commission to take under review and investigation any signatory individual which is suspected of acting in contravention of the body Pharos or against those matters defined within the document that which is the Pharos Entente.

    ...appeal a single annual suspension by the Disciplinary Action Commission in a solitary manner in the event the appealing signatory individual has been suspended. unburdened by the threat of summary expulsion by the Disciplinary Action commission unless the signatory individual has been found guilty of actions which serve to directly threaten the body Pharos as both signatories individual and signatories collective, or unless the signatory individual has been found guilty of succumbing to - by insurrection, insurgency, revolution, failures of appropriate governance, or coup d'état - governance by that which is the human through the loss of authority, dominion, or imperium.
As such, the body Pharos as defined within the document that which is the Pharos Entente as both signatories individual and signatories collective shall be burdened with the responsibility to:

    ...maintain and uphold those core ethos and fundamental principles as defined within the Consonance of the document that which is the Pharos Entente to the scope of initiating in immediacy détente, upholding a status quo of detente, executing such policies which constitute containment of the human kine domestically, and maintaining a series of policies which execute acts of interdiction of the human kine in foreign spheres.

    ...maintain and uphold all matters and manners of responsibilities and rights and ethos as defined within the document that which is the Pharos Entente.

    ...maintain authority, dominion, and imperium free of power granted to the human kine through any means, be it voluntary or involuntary, and to conduct policies and execute promulgations and actions which ensure containment of the human kine domestically as to ensure neither authority nor dominion nor imperium is granted or seized by the human kine and, as such, to maintain what constitutes appropriate governance.

    ...upon petition or session to that which is the Annual Review Commission submit and provide evidence in support or against a potential signatory individual, relative to petition or session, as a matter of necessity as defined by the document that which is the Pharos Entente.

    ...upon petition or session to that which is the Disciplinary Action Commission submit and provide evidence against or in the support of a signatory individual which is under review and investigation for either suspension or expulsion as a matter of necessity as defined by the document that which is the Pharos Entente.

    ...provide representation-of or actuality-of the Head of State, Head of Government, or otherwise executive figure or figurehead of the polity or polities of the signatory individual to make quorum as defined within the Confluence as defined by the document that which is the Pharos Entente.
As defined by the document that which is the Pharos Entente in sum totality, and in accordance with the core ethos and fundamental principles of the signatories individual and signatories collective of the body Pharos, signatories individual and signatories collective shall be granted multilateral guidance and preference-in-form to four methods of action which shall be held as the primary means of avoiding and negating the eventuality of extinction:

    The First Method of Action shall constitute what the Consonance defines as containment. As such, signatories individual and signatories collective shall endeavor to take preference to contain and cordon the human kine domestically through means as defined by law jurisprudence, law religious, law commercial, law martial, and/or through any means determined by signatories individual and signatories collective as sovereign and cooperative within astronomical, planetary, and celestial volumes to include, but to not be hindered or limited by exclusion: planetary realms, orbital artificial realms, non-orbital artificial realms, or any other realm as held by authority and dominion and imperium as sovereign. Such shall further constitute concerted and systematic policies which seek to weaken, undermine, proscribe, outlaw, diminish, denigrate, degrade, and otherwise act in necessity domestically against empowering or permitting the gaining of power and authority and dominion and imperium to any of the human kine as held within the domestic sphere.

    The Second Method of Action shall constitute what the Consonance defines as interdiction. As such, signatories individual and signatories collective shall endeavor to take preference to interdict and intercede the human kine in all foreign spheres available through means as defined by law jurisprudence, law religious, law commercial, law martial, and/or through any means determined by signatories individual and signatories collective as necessary in foreign spheres. Such shall further constitute concerted and systematic policies which seek to weaken, undermine, diminish, push back, degrade, circumscribe, cordon, and otherwise act in necessity to, within foreign spheres, act against the permitting of the human kine to gain or further gain power and authority and dominion and imperium.

    The Third Method of Action shall constitute as defined by the document that which is the Pharos Entente as any measures, ordinary or extraordinary, which dwell otherwise beyond the scope of the First or Second Methods of Action. Such shall constitute concerted and systematic policies which seek to weaken, undermine, diminish, degrade, circumscribe, remove, and obviate the human kine in spheres both domestic and foreign.

    The Fourth Method of Action shall constitute as defined by the document that which is the Pharos Entente as any measures decided by signatories individual and signatories collective in the body Pharos as necessary as defined by the document that which is the Pharos Entente.
Such rights, responsibilities, and methods of action shall function as defined unless otherwise amended by the body Pharos in summit as defined by the document that which is the Pharos Entente.

Signatories // Congruent and Participant Parties
Addendum One of the Pharos Entente

Last edited by Serukta Sehkrisaal on Mon Feb 29, 2016 4:39 am, edited 11 times in total.

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Serukta Sehkrisaal
Posts: 99
Founded: Nov 04, 2013

Postby Serukta Sehkrisaal » Wed Jan 28, 2015 11:24 pm

Information // Out-of-Character Information and Version History
A Message from the Author(s)
In case any of you didn't already know, the player behind this account is the same player behind the account "Kyrusia". So, if you have any questions about this Secret In-Character (as of now) document, you can send me a telegram or you can find me on the IRC channel #NSLegion; just ping me (say my name), and I'll get back to you as soon as I am available.

Onto a bit of a disclaimer...

This is not an "apply here" type of "alliance"; I wouldn't even call it an "alliance" in the manner which is common on NationStates and is often used in the place for the term "supra-national organization". This is not a supra-national organization; this an entente and specific treaty which seeks to address a perceived In-Character threat in the Future Tech world ("FT-Prime", if you will) as seen from the eyes of a certain portion of that world: namely, "aliens" or non-humans. This is an alliance in the sense that it is an agreement between distinct, stellar nation-states to meet, discuss certain policies, and then (as distinct units) engage in such policies without an over-arching administrative system of governance which exists beyond the individual nation-states. This does not mean, however, that signatories of the Pharos Entente are not then bound - or, in the least, agree to on a multilateral basis - work in cooperation to enact certain policies upon which they agree - again, as distinct nation-states - which dwell beyond the scope of domestic or internal policies.

In that capacity this is an alliance in the true sense: an agreement between distinct, governmental units to enact certain policies they believe bring both mutual and solitary benefit. As I noted, however, this is not an "apply here" "NS alliance"; I have little interest in such things, as I do not seek to endorse, condone, or catalyze behavior which I do not feel is universally beneficial to the experience of the game that this is. The Pharos Entente, as such, is not the sort of legal treatise which seeks to say, "Welp, let's go and gut us som' hoomans." No. The Pharos Entente was created as a joint effort between several members of the FT community - players of both human and non-human civilizations - in an attempt to make a pinion upon which future roleplays and plots and meta-plots could act as a hinge.

That is why, simply put, the Pharos Entente began as an In-Character, limited entente between the Serukta Sehkrisaal and The Uthani Imperium and then, through both roleplay (some of it which is still on-going) and off-the-stage In-Character happenings has grown into a more codified treaty. It is through that same process - roleplay, off-the-stage In-Character activity, and (yes) Out-of-Character discussion and cooperation with other players - that distinct nation-states might seek to uncover the Pharos Entente (and the signatories of such) and declare (silently) their support and ratification, or potentially decry such in words or actions.

So please, don't send me a telegram that goes, "I want to join!"; if you are interested, send me a telegram saying such and asking how you might get involved either in Pharos or (Hint!Hint!) other opportunities that have yet to be unveiled. If you do that, more likely than not I will request you come to the IRC channel to discuss things with me personally, but if you send a telegram just saying, "I want to join!" I may not even respond to it.

If you wish, view the Pharos Entente as an In-Character facilitator of action; compare the G8 or Warsaw Pact to the European Union, to use a few real-world examples.

With that being said, I would like to personally thank my partners in crime in this endeavor up to this point: The Uthani Imperium, Vocenae, Storm Gaard, and Huerdae. You all have been a great help and great support when I've needed it; for that, I am eternally grateful.

Edit: I should stipulate, this is not precisely a distinct "thing" just yet. More than anything - as of this moment - this is the first flag thrown-out in an ongoing series of flag-throws. Consider this... "book-keeping", at the moment. (Jan. 29, 2015)

  1. Initial Posting (Pending Corrections): January 29, 2015
  2. Setting the Stage Begins: August 8, 2015
  3. Lighting of the Fuse: August 27, 2015
Last edited by Serukta Sehkrisaal on Fri Aug 28, 2015 11:52 pm, edited 6 times in total.
All that would be was but Endless Flame.

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Serukta Sehkrisaal
Posts: 99
Founded: Nov 04, 2013

Postby Serukta Sehkrisaal » Thu Jun 18, 2015 11:00 pm


From the Fount of the Burning Crown and the Great Throne in Ilu'shaii of the Holy and Anointed Naa'suakaan Khasa'ilu, in the Thirty-one Thousand, Eight Hundred, Thirty-ninth Si'theikan Year In the Fulgor, upon the Twenty-third day of Qablisaar, and in that which is the Age of Refulgence, in the seventh year of the Eternal and Divine Reign of...
His All Holy Fulgor in Sublime Divinity of the Greatest Eminence, His Ilu Which Is Sa'ilu,
Sehkrisah of the Sacral Empire of the Second Children of the Light
and All His Realms Sacred and Profane and of All Which Dwells Beneath Judgment,
Anointed Guide and Guardian of the Path of the Endless Flame,
Kasa'adii of Suu'benoth, et al.

In edict is henceforth decreed as Law True Ma'adha and Imperial Risahda, infallible and eternal...
With counsel to that which is Ahlraimaalk, Saihusaalt, and by the Writ and Word of His All Holy Fulgor, His Ilu Which Is Sa'ilu, under providence of the Endless Flame in that which is Ama'ilu and the Sacred Waters of Amaliss Ekla, has hitherto drafted and sought to promulgate by Decree Extraordinary orders which are hereafter bound as Law Ma'adha and Imperial and of the Risaal - to which is the ultimate instrument which brings purity to all which dwells beneath Iludiaan - and by edict does announce henceforth as infallible, eternal, binding, immediate, and prohibitory:

In understanding of those whom have come to be in-kind to the Second Children of the Light and of whom have sought in capitulation to permit and see that such of the Khasa'ilu is broadened and brought to those whom are blind and lost of Amaar, those whom may be of the Imperium of the Uthani, or the Kinship of the Stars, and whom dwell beyond the Thionic Expanse and within the depths of the blackened stars of old whom cry;

In furtherance of this understanding of that which exists between the Risaal which heralds the Great Fulgor and brings forth purity to the impurity and those of whom dwell in the blackness, but are guided by the Light of the Ilu, those of the Uthani and the Kinship, it is hereby decreed by order-in-counsel of Ahlraimaalk and shall be inscribed for eternity within the Most Sacred Eminence of the Word of the Endless Flame and the Ilusarh'ka Azraajn, the Sehkiraan, that those whom are of the Kinship and of the kin and kind of the Uthani, whom uphold the laws of the Imperium and whom act in its benefit, shall be Ba'auktu and shall be in act in-kind of the Second Chlildren and in-kind uphold the laws of the Risaal and in ultimate guidance by that which is Sa'ilu and shall be in act for the benefit of such;

In notation of the status of Ba'auktu and in-counsel of Saihusaalt made known the presence and station of those whom are of kin to such having wrenched themselves into a station of exception and have hitherto presented a status of less than a single percentile of that stock which is like chattel and made do service unto HIS word;

It is hereby decreed by order in-counsel under prerogative:

    All whom are Ba'auktu to which is the Kinship and of the Uthani kin, are hereafter granted exceptional manumission and freed from all forms of bondage which are held beneath the Sinah of the Kersusinah in sole that Ahuru'sinah of Iskrisinu. So shall it henceforth be known to those whom may form-on-bond such kin, be unto their own be made available recompense;

    As such, they shall be granted under Sinah status of the Kersusinah, by Ahuru'kerdaial or Ahuru'sadrkar, and shall be henceforth permitted wages and earnings of their own, as bound by Law True Ma'adha, Imperial Risahda, and under fief such privileged;

    Therefor shall no Ba'al beneath that which is the Burning Crown, and by no Ilutaah beneath that which is Naa'saukaan, shall those Ba'auktu to which is the Kinship and of the Uthani kin be permitted to dwell beneath the Sinah as Iskrisinu from-foreign and without the mark of Kersusinah; such shall be granted all due honors and privileges unto them henceforth;

    In turn, no of such kin may face the dishonor of derogation to forced service, spare beneath the authority of the Sehkrisah of Alidaial in times of necessity or to that which may be freed from the protection of all orders, Ma'adha and Risahda, as Rinasahkri.
Under order by Decree Extraordinary, such is henceforth commanded as infallible and eternal, sacred and profane: to all whom dwell beneath Iludiaan and to those whom are beneath the banner of the Burning Crown; to all whom are Sehkrisa'mar, dutiful and bound, loyal and illuminated; to all whom are Ilumaarai, worshipful and in reverence; and to all of the lands, pure or impure, terrestrial or beyond, upon which step the Second Children of the Light to that which are the kin and divinity of the Serukta, shall henceforth execute with haste and no pause the Writ and Word of His All Holy Fulgor, His Ilu Which Is Sa'ilu.

Last edited by Serukta Sehkrisaal on Fri Sep 22, 2017 6:20 pm, edited 4 times in total.
All that would be was but Endless Flame.

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Serukta Sehkrisaal
Posts: 99
Founded: Nov 04, 2013


Postby Serukta Sehkrisaal » Thu Aug 20, 2015 5:55 pm

Internal Memorandum // By Candlelight: Quill and Claw
Original Sender: Unknown; Original Recipient: Unknown
While the initial concerns over the question of a more proactive stance being taken following the "Incident" were far from unwarranted, and while the issues surrounding the question of such a stance's possible methods of execution were of general concern regarding the commonwealth of such parties entreated by the Entente, to say the initial actions undertaken by those previously committed parties were a "success" would be a grave under-estimation of the value of said parties' own commitments. In the words of a quite dear friend: "They have moved their pieces across the board, just as we predicted they may."

Of course, as can be predicted of its own accord in such situations, the specific range of effects to our given cause has grown considerably. While those whom played their own parts thus far in this drama of survival and interdiction are given all their due appropriate thanks and recompense, there are yet still others with roles unlimited whom have seen fit to act on the behalf of their own inherent drive to self-preserve and act in the general preparedness. They have come seeking to add their fires to this scintillation and, as can be noted, been given greeting as brothers and kin beneath the light of this beacon. While it goes without saying that our kin before the gale, such as it was, made considerable haste in their ventures, those that have come in search of camaraderie and brotherhood so, too, have brought with them a certain range of wisdom and a new taste of martial defense: in one the mark of a scholar's quill penning deep into the shallow night whispers, the other bringing forth an executioner's ravenous lash to be felled upon the known swiftly and without hesitation.

Even with such a success on the behalf of our most mutual of friends, we must make ourselves aware and, in further preparation, ensure to our kin our committment and, further, do not seek to pause in our preparations for what is likely to hark to our steps. We cannot afford to be unwilling to continue; not only might our own masters consider such a grave spurn of their orthodoxy and the wisdom of their words, but so too would be to make once more the grave ills of those foolish predecessors before us and to invite upon us their soured luck. No, my friend: we can neither afford, nor can we through inaction be willing, to stand before the herd and allow them to march across our waste and bring ruin to us and sow deceit and terror and poison in our breast. This is not a disease, nor a plague: it is a disaster which rolls and a maelstrom which churns and a storm upon the horizon; as to each, with sight, we much steel ourselves to the coming rain.

Of course, I need not be the one to tell you, though I might hold aloft the metaphor, given the circumstances of my birth: a true rain is rare, but when it comes, it brings with it the cleaning breath of new life, opportunity, and surety of vision. Such a thunderhead we both can see now, for it darkens the horizon and seeks to obscure the firelight from our view; much like the due diligence of our offices, we cannot afford to be lacking in our diligence owed. Do not question your faith, and I may never question mine, kin-through-light; for we can neither afford it nor abide the blasphemy of questions given without apparent answers, we must instead make like our enemy and purify their sickness-of-mind to be of our own use. We will march like a beast, hunt like the predator, and leave all beneath our wake trampled and all behind our eyes ablaze in the holocaust we must, in due, bring unto them.

When the first of their kine felt the brush of our wake in that blasted frontier, they did not see its source; it is, unfortunate as it may be, probable that they soon may see the engine of this cause brought to fruition. Such has been predicted and aligned and all the proper stones have been set in their orbits; our friends and family are prepared and now all we must do is brace for the impact to come. Narrow now our sights, but do not fall prey to a shallow field; it is to them we must make fallow for it is our own which have sat beneath the axeman's weight and waited for the cleaver to fall. It is true, I must say, my friend: it is your kin and kind which have felt the bite of this axe more than my own, but I do not pity your stance nor your circumstance, for you have sought to gain and been gifted more than any in these first few steps of this martial waltz.

Do not, of course, construe this as contempt, for we are all brothers in this most nascent of eves, and to us two may be far beyond. Unto us you have brought gifts, and unto you we have sought to pay in plenty, such as brothers may.

Yet, with such, my kin-of-light, I bid of you make your own kin and kind to know of this as I have made all known to mine. Sacrifices, at times, must be made for the surety of order and the certainty of survival, and my kin have made ready what must be ready and made way for what paths may unfold. May your footing be sure, and may the Light bless us all with its purity.

Last edited by Serukta Sehkrisaal on Thu Aug 20, 2015 6:23 pm, edited 4 times in total.
All that would be was but Endless Flame.

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The Gataja
Posts: 80
Founded: Apr 17, 2015

Postby The Gataja » Thu Aug 20, 2015 7:01 pm


At the core of any effort like this, that is what we are about. Putting ourselves as links in a chain, multiplying our power to where we can accomplish much more than an individual can. We are not friends, nor family; there has not been enough time or effort to accomplish that and for some, that may not be possible. But what brings us together, what forms the foundation of this community is the very thing which has given birth to much that is good and evil in this universe: Purpose.

We have a purpose in this grouping of nations and beliefs. We have purpose in our alliance, this hidden pact that serves to forward our ambitions and desires into tomorrow. As a pack, we will tear through all who oppose us, find those who would do us harm, to our worlds, our people, our packs, and rend them from this world until we only leave the most eternal of relics, ash and bone. Each of us has a reason to be here, and those reasons may clash. So be it. Conflict and strife are as much part of the natural order as creation and tranquility. Without both ends, we wilt away and die, suffering to live infirm lives until we find ourselves the prey when the teeth clamp down around our throat.

Together, we will accomplish that which we seek; we shall tear down the old order and establish the new. The edifices of the past have stood too long unchallenged; weak, crumbling, and doing nothing but holding back those who can truly take a hold of this galaxy. We are but newcomers in this kind of endeavor, there is much we do not understand. But the Gata'ja understand but one thing in any situation, and that is community and how to protect and advance its wellbeing.

As for everything else , well..../"

A smile.

“/Let's just say the galaxy should be noticing very soon that we are fast learners. And we shall apply all we learn to Pharos.”/
Last edited by The Gataja on Thu Aug 20, 2015 7:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Metaplot Phase:
Phase 1: Initial Expansion- COMPLETE
Phase 2: Raiding- ONGOING
They Came From the Blackness OOC Thread
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The Uthani Imperium
Posts: 193
Founded: Oct 06, 2011

Postby The Uthani Imperium » Thu Aug 20, 2015 8:58 pm

An Oath of Renewed Fealty

When one speaks about malignant entities to us, the Uthani, it is common for our thoughts to turn first to the Ulukar and then to the Rethast. This has been proven and continues to be proven, detrimental to the safety and security of our homes, our families, and our very way of life. It is easy for one who has not lived through a cataclysm to reflect on the struggles of a generation that has, and indeed, too often we find ourselves reflecting on the trials of the past as opposed to contemplating the challenges of the future. This fundamental flaw in our thinking has proved to be not only unhealthy for we Uthani, but indeed unhealthy for the entirety of the galactic community; who looks to us for guidance in times of great struggle and indeed holds us high as beacons of prosperity that one must strive to emulate.

In the past, it has been common place for the Lugalutu to name a time of great struggle Cataclysm only after it has concluded. My father named his generation’s challenge Cataclysm, and many millennia ago my ancestor recognized that indeed the coming of the Lunar Corruption was Cataclysmic. It has been common place to recognize our triumph over the spawns of Ulukar and his instruments of evil, and to commemorate our honored dead and ascended kin, only after the conclusion of hostilities and the reestablishment of peace. This however, can no longer be the case. In this day and age, we are faced with a new evil, and beset again by the wretched machinery of the Lunar Fire. If we are to extinguish, if we are to forge a bright future from its flames, it is necessary for we Uthani to recognize that we are living in a third and Great Cataclysm.

They are, in truth, a natural enemy to our kind and our cousins. They are like locusts, swarming to stalks of golden wheat and decimating the harvest. They are incapable of providing for themselves, instead seeking sustenance from the works of others. They survive by devouring the stuff of others, leaping from one field to another, laying waste without thought to the consequence of their actions. They came from beyond our Cemetery of Stars, those of their kind who are native to our domain know better than to seek reaping from ours and our beloved. From the Galactic East and South, they have approached our Kingdom of the Sun, malice in their heart and hunger in their eyes. They are the swarm of darkness, unthinking and unfeeling. They are humanity.

In the past we have faced these accursed Antuwahhas. The Tetheri have joined in battle with us on many occasions, and each time we have cast their broken and strewn carcasses across the stars, monuments to our victory springing up where they have fallen. But these Antuwahhas, they are like foreigners to us, and we them. Our kind has met theirs before, and indeed we are acquainted with the names of one another, but we have never crossed swords with them. That is, until now. Our cousins in the Heart have begun their righteous crusade against these heathens, toppling their monument to arrogance and bringing the wrath of Ilumar cascading upon their intrusive settlements in a fiery spectacle. And indeed, we ourselves have struck a blow against them, coordinating with our kin-from-the-Heart to take possession of their blighted hovels and making something good from them.

This however, will prove to be only the beginning of this Cataclysm, and not the end we all desire so dearly. The darkness is coming; the herd of mindless beasts has worn out their pasture, and now seeks the green lands that we call our own. They will come upon us again, wrathful, soulless and evil. When this happens, we will be faced with a challenge unlike any other we have seen. They will come to us in billions, mad cows urged on by an enraged bull, stampeding without thought, going only where they are directed and not caring for what lies in their path. They will come to us like animals, and thus we must treat them as such, beating and slaughtering them so until they have no thoughts in their mind but subservience and docility. This will be our service to the galaxy, this will be the Third Great Cataclysm of the Uthani, and this will be our finest hour.

Therefore, that we might combat this wretched plague, I issue this decree to all Uthani and all those who belong to the Uthani Hasmi. Let he who is bound to me rebind himself to my cause. Let he who owes me fealty declare fealty to my campaign and my generals. Let he who takes water from the sweet wells of Uthanpēr, lay down his bucket, pick up his sword, and instead draw blood from my enemies. I have sworn myself to the cause of Light and the Kinship of Pharos, let any who swear themselves to me do the same. Together, we shall join as brothers and sisters, Uthani in name, blood and banner. When joined, we shall join again with our cousins, those from the Heart and those from the Line, and together we shall cast illumination across the stars, bringing glory to Ilumar and casting out the darkness.

Let any Uthani who loves me and loves his God Ilumar swear to me this, and affirm his Oath of Continued Fealty. Let him swear his sword to my cause, his blood to his brother, and his soul to his God.

Together now, we shall go hand in hand, bound by oath and protected by faith. Come then ye spawns of Ulukar, the Kinship of Ilumar stands ready and righteous, the sword of Ilumar and the Shield of Hasmi handy. From darkness you arose, and to darkness again we shall cast you. By decree and by proclamation, by the divine will of Ilumar and his worldly incarnate Ulumar, so be it now and so be it until the end of times.

Venka Ulumar, Lugalutu ha Uthanutnē
Emperor of all Suns, Supreme Sovereign of the Uthani Imperium
Last edited by The Uthani Imperium on Fri Aug 21, 2015 2:56 am, edited 3 times in total.
Hasmi Katti Šittar Šiun
The Kinship of the Star God
FT Advice and Assistance Thread|State of the Galaxy|Voluntary Star-State Index

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Serukta Sehkrisaal
Posts: 99
Founded: Nov 04, 2013

Postby Serukta Sehkrisaal » Sun Nov 01, 2015 1:31 am

Regarding the Current Migratory Refugee Crisis

While understanding the multi-faceted nature of all great, galactic upheavals with significant and potentially far-reaching consequences, and while appreciating the complexity of differing diaspora and population groupings - regardless of biological root or well - and, further, ever-conscious of the over-arching goals and attendant desires of allied parties and associates, within the past Galactic Standard Year, the Sacral Empire in cooperation with its closest of befriended polities have come to recognize in notice the growing volume of displaced populations or otherwise migratory groups in each quadrant of the Galaxy. Such is in recognition and acknowledgment that no one diaspora or displaced group may be of any greater significance or impact than any other, regardless of quadrant under discussion or sector under observation; even so, such has come to be known and those bodies of the Empire which are of observation as to the concerns of the Empire, imperial citizens and denizens, and those of the faithful, refuse to merely permit such an occurrence - that of a growing horde of migrant and displaced populations - to pass-by without acknowledgment, recognition, and the establishment of various contingencies in accordance to Law True Ma'adha and Imperial Risahda and the relevance of such groups as they pertain or are included in said jurisdictions.

Therefore, in multilateral convention of the Saihusaalt, the Ahlraimaalk, the Husmaliik, and under the advisement, observation, and with the binding assent of His Ilu Which Is Sa'ilu, Raislu Sessai Sekh'lusarha, Sehkrisah of the Sacral Empire, et al., effort has been made to derive a consensual interpretation of the "migratory refugee crisis" as relevant to the Laws of All and the Empire. Interests of the Sacral Empire and the presence of the Illuminated among those ranks of the displaced have been taken into account, with further consideration taken as to those whom hold the Empire in kinship and friendship alike, each with primal concern as to the legal ramifications of a diaspora within the context of the aforementioned and as relevant with respect to the security, safety, and continued prosperity of the Empire, its citizens and denizens, the great congregation, and those whom may be impacted which stand in good station with the Sacral Empire.

Interpretive consensus is as follows:

Defines "refugee" as any individual, regardless of kin or kind, which has been displaced from their homeworld, origin, or voluntary residence; further defines "migrant" as any individual, regardless of kin or kind, which has voluntarily left, abandoned, or otherwise seeks to no longer acknowledge or reside-within or on their homeworld, origin, or voluntary residence. Lastly, defines "subversive actor" as any refugee or migrant as define herein, which has characteristics of either definition, but which seeks to subvert, undermine, supplant, corrupt, disrupt, or otherwise seek to damage, harm, injure, or destroy a targeted civilization, people, or person or seeks to infiltrate for said purposes, or otherwise any refugee or migrant for which of questionable origin or origins, motive or motives, and intent or intents without regard for an instigating third party or parties.

Acknowledges that many refugees and migrants are of many different stock, origin, kin, and kind, and that such may include those of stock or breed which are of the Second Children, kind-brethren of the Second Children, of kind unrelated to either the Second Children or associated breeds, or of kyne or human stock. Such is in acknowledgment that, understanding such, there can be no one singular, encompassing declaration with regards to refugee or migrant groups in sum, but only in part.

Further acknowledges that many subversive actors may be neither refugee nor migrant, but may use the trappings, disguise, or resemblance of such, in combination with exploitation of the current crisis, to fulfill their objectives and execute their motives or intents based on the willingness to achieve a determined goal and that such may attempt to mingle with the culture of established diaspora or otherwise, in fact, be of similar or identical kin or kind.

Understanding that copious forms of legislation within the Law of All and Empire exist governing the treatment of migratory parties and that the existence of religious and martial protocols governing the treatment of broader groups or definitions regarding individuals of indeterminate homeworld, origin, residence, et al. Further, such an understanding grants that said legislation and protocols are previously binding to aforementioned parties, and that such consensus herein merely serves to clarify in respect to such the aforementioned cases with respect to such and define, within the bounds of legislation with prior assent, the circumstances and nature of adaptive responses.

In context, the convened hereby declares...

    All refugees and migrants are to be classified as contained within interpretative consensus as modifying all previous Laws of All and Empire, in addition to martial protocols of occupied volumes. Such is to include subversive actors to the further modification of all previous Laws of All and Empire which concern themselves with the treatment of prisoners of war, unlawful combatants, agents acting at the behest of third parties (both enemy and ally), and agents acting in accordance with all previous Laws of All and Empire concerning sullied treachery and espionage.

    All refugees and migrants are to be identified on the following basis of descending importance: kin, kind, kind in alliance and friendship, alliance or belligerence, and tributary origin. Such is to be in addition to the classification of individual motives and intents as to discern possible or probable belligerent or subversive actions, and thus shall include on-basis of assumption, the identification of subversive actors.

    To accommodate and permit such identification, refugees and migrants within the Sacral Empire and occupied volumes are to be interred where discovered. The precise nature of such internment is to be relative to whether said individuals are identified within the Empire or occupied volumes: within volumes under imperial sovereignty of the Burning Crown, standard identification and sorting regarding the treatment of unidentified or non-native parties is to be observed, in addition to all previous Laws of All and Empire concerning the treatment of chattel; within occupied volumes of foreign origin, identification and sorting regarding the treatment of potential enemy combatants, unlawful combatants, prisoners of war, and subjugated populations is to be observed, in addition to all previous Laws of All and Empire concerning the treatment of chattel of illegitimate personhood.

    In addition, all refugees and migrants suspected to be subversive actors are to be treated based on all previous Laws of All and Empire relative to their current location upon discovery, identification, and suspicion. Suspected subversive actors within volumes under imperial sovereignty of the Burning Crown are to be subjected to standard judicial authorities if they have been previously subjected to identification and sorting; parties which have entered into volumes under imperial sovereignty without standard identification and sorting are to be subjected to summary inquisition and penitence based upon Law True Ma'adha. Suspected subversive actors within occupied volumes of foreign origin are to be subjected to standard martial protocols regarding the inquisition and penitence of potential enemy combatants, unlawful combatants, prisoners of war, and subjugated populations.

    All refugees and migrants which have entered into and assimilated into the Sacral Empire following all previous Laws of All and Empire are to be afforded all entitled privileges as granted to any individual with respect to the Sinah and as bound by all previous Laws of All and Empire.

    All refugee and migratory groups which have proven to be, following identification and sorting as standard under all previous Laws of All and Empire to the addition of martial protocol, incapable, unwilling, or unworthy of the Sinah, are to be treated based upon all previous Laws of All and Empire regarding impious parties - individual and collective - and to be subject to indefinite internment or other actions as deemed legitimate under the Laws of All and Empire.

    All refugee and migratory groups which have proven to be, following investigation as standard under all previous Laws of All and Empire to the addition of martial protocol, acting at the behest of a third party, either of alliance or belligerence, to subvert, undermine, supplant, corrupt, disrupt, or otherwise seek to damage, harm, injure, or destroy a targeted civilization, people, or person or seeks to infiltrate for said purposes, or otherwise any refugee or migrant for which of questionable origin or origins, motive or motives, and intent or intents with respect first to such in regards to the Sacral Empire, those of the Second Children or in alliance thereof, citizens and denizens under the Burning Crown, those of the great congregation, and lastly those in alliance to the Empire, are to be subjected solely to standard response as defined by all previous Laws of All and Empire.

    In interpretative clarification: all refugee and migratory groups which have proven to be, following investigation, acting at the behest of a third party with negative intents or motives against the Sacral Empire, the Second Children, or any parties - individual or collective - beneath the jurisdiction thereof are to be considered belligerent parties and subjected to immediate imperial response.
This convention hereby urges all kin and kind in alliance and friendship to the Sacral Empire, the Second Children, et al., to immediately interpret or reach consensus in regards to this crisis based upon their native and domestic legislation and jurisprudence or, where necessary, promulgate and ratify new legislative measures which seek to prudently create contingencies and appropriate plans of action and response as to avoid unnecessary calamity or threats to their own safety and security and that of those held beneath their sovereign jurisdiction.

Last edited by Serukta Sehkrisaal on Fri Sep 22, 2017 6:19 pm, edited 6 times in total.
All that would be was but Endless Flame.


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