(Closed/Still open to CoPS) Vorradian Reformation

A staging-point for declarations of war and other major diplomatic events. [In character]
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(Closed/Still open to CoPS) Vorradian Reformation

Postby Vorradia » Thu Mar 15, 2012 11:44 am

(OOC: this opposition to ponies is purely IC, this thread is not here for an argument about whether ponies are masculine and cool or not. Don't be offended, its IC)

The OOC thread: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=169552&p=8724072#p8724072

Post-war Imperial City from afar.


D.144/54 A.E.V

20 years ago we waged a righteous war on all ponykind to put an end to their madness.

We failed, and our once glorious nation now languishes in ruin, and our neighboring country of Vahria is in Imeriatan hands. For a decade we were in a state of utter anarchy, but now, the clergy has returned.

Vorradia does NOT desire the resumption of any hostilities between itself, and the Coalition of Ponynist States, but we desire financial aid to help us rebuild our nation.

All those nations that have ever opposed the pony menace, politically or violently, give aid to your fallen comrade who gave himself to stop the rise of this insidious racially obsessed pagan cult.

The clergy of Vorradia also believes that for the security of humanities future, the formation of a new international alliance to prevent this
pony menace from spreading is vital.

The clergy acknowledges that many such attempts have been made, and to date, all have failed.

But now is the time to stand up. We are definitely not asking for military action against the ponies. Merely a political alliance, united against the ideals of this dangerous cult. A safeguard for pony opposed nations, so that if one is ever attacked, all will come to its aid.
Vorradia was on its own, and vulnerable, and it payed the price. If we all come together, they will not dare attack us, and we can ensure that nothing like this tragedy will ever happen again.


OOC:This was an actual RP, about a year ago.

20 years ago, on D.292/34 A.E.V, a state of war was declared between The Holy Imperial Territories of Vorradia and the Coalition of Ponynist States, and several of its allies such as the Imperial superpower Imeriata and Allanea.

It all started on the night of D.291/34 A.E.V, when pro-ponynist groups in Vorradia bombed one of its primary manufactorums.

There was a time when this place had been so beautiful. Watching the sunset over the dreary expanse of the flatlands, from the fawn granite walls. Now the sight brought with it a dull ache, a weight in the pit of his stomach that ground at his entrails. A wavering nausea.

An anarchic howl drifted across the red sands, quivering in the air. An uneasy aura that hung thick, and palpable. Even the faceless Ordos Militant officers, under their deaths head masks shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot.
Sometimes it was more subtle than the ban on gambling, or alcohol, or cigarettes, or euthanasia, or drugs, but it was there. The steady erosion. Of everything people held dear. It was a cord being pulled tighter and tighter, the tension tugging at the corners of your thought. A nagging, parasitic presence that refused to go away.

How long had it been like this? It was D.291\34 A.E.V.
34 years. He could hardly remember anything about what it was like before this.
He let out a bitter exhalation. The Ordos Anima had done well.

Another gust of freezing wind dragged itself over the fortifications. Desperately trying to claw into the warmth of the city. Worming through his coat. Glacial spikes running across his skin. He shivered.

“Free movement ends in an hour sir, I suggest you make way for your home.” Comes the muffled drone from an officer of the Ordos Militant.

Coron Avren Kortovich turned to the steps, and left, giving a nod of thanks to the officer as he made his way down. He stepped again back onto the shifting steel surface of Imperial City, steam issuing from openings that crisscrossed the streets in brutal, straight edged patterns.. He felt metaphorical prison walls come down around his soul. He walked down the path, the air heated only by the ceaseless toil of a thousand slaves, uneducated workers and criminals underfoot, in underground manufactories.
Heating strips ran across the length of the road, glowing a violent orange.
It was the season of ice, and it was now that production began. The great manufactorums that sprawled across the city, on the surface and down below created immense heat. This heat was vital, it kept the city habitable. Coron imagined the nomads in the flatlands. Barbarians. Freezing to death. Maybe that was better than this.
A column of Ordos Militant Air carriers rode across the angry red sky, towing Arbus-Class battle tanks to border outposts. The Ordos Militant had been readying hundreds of battle tanks, and columns of soldiers marching through the street had become a common sight. The imminent threat of war against all pony life had every citizen on edge. How many wars could this country cope with?

Tanks of sloshing degramine hang on every wall. In the season of fire, they released it in a gaseous form that kept the city cool. It was in the season of fire that problems arose for the war effort, and for manufacture. The manufactories had to run at a very low production rate, to prevent the city roasting to death.

Coron watched the Air carriers drift through the towering gothic arches.
The Vorradian Ordos Militant, fighting arm of the Church generally favoured missile carrying drones and jet aircraft. The terrain in the wastelands surrounding Imperial City was treacherous and the climate always extreme, and transporting anything via land out of Vorradia was nigh impossible, even without the roving bands of angry nomads in possession of large quantities of looted weaponry.
Vorradia’s tanks were relatively lightweight to allow them to be carried by aircraft to foreign war-zones. They were fast and sported powerful new technology and lethal armaments, but were lightly armoured and had various weak points in their hulls that could be exploited by an experienced, knowledgable or lucky enemy. Sacrifices had to be made.

The ominous screech of an Ordos Vox-Populi PA broadcast shook Coron out of his reverie. He had always had a fascination with vehicles and machines, even those that were being sent to fight pointless bloody wars in the name of god.

“Every moment, of every day, a true believer dedicates to furthering the work of god. Our city is his masterpiece. It is your duty to god to work hard for this city. Ponies threaten the security and sanctity of our holy city. Listen not to their message of friendship, for their ways are heretical, their souls are unclean-"

Nothing important. He edged carefully around a gaping fissure in the road. Rolling clouds of steam rose from the crevice. Coron thought for a moment he could here the moans of the workers.

Posters and banners hung on every wall and flew from every arch. All bearing the crest of the Holy Church of Vorradia, the Ordos Vox-populi, and some religious propaganda nonsense. The Ordos Vox-Populi controlled all media in Vorradia, they worked closely with the Ordos Anima, which worked to understand and control the human psyche.
Coron felt like he was in a city of zombies. Was he the only one who could see that the church had told them nothing but lies and crap?
He knew that was not true. The problem here was, that half the citizens believed, and the other half didn’t. But they were silent, burying their despair under layers of fanaticism. They knew deep down that they were lying to themselves that they were happy serving in the name of god, but they would not speak up.
Sometimes they appeared more fanatical than the true zealots.
The Church deprived them of everything. It tended to their basic needs of food, water and shelter as long as they worked until they dropped to the floor every day. Splayed, limp over the ground, exhaustion etched into the solid structure of their bones.
But the church denied everything else. Every pleasure, every comfort. Even everyday human interaction in the street was monitored, for any signs of unorthodoxy. Genders were segregated in every aspect of life. This inevitably led to rising rates of homosexuality that got punished far worse than sinful behavior towards a woman. Ordos Vox-Populi officials in the street proudly announced every day, the lists of the heretics executed.
All in the name of purity for god.
Coron knew he was a dead man. He could only go on for so long thinking like this. The Ordos Anima knew how to find out what a man thought. He would then be either shot outright, or taken to them.
The Ordos Anima had refined the art of indoctrination and radicalization for decades. He mind would be molded into a murderous zealot, a fanatical madman and sent into military service where he would die in some futile charge towards the enemy with the name of god on his lips. Perhaps trampled underfoot by a pony.

He boarded the Male Tram going back to residential. “Half an hour until free movement ends” The PA reminds him. Coron looks up at the people in the carriage. They are silent, hunched, their heads bowed facing into their laps, giving a vacant stare. A young man, his face gaunt and clammy, dirt streaked across it, sits a few seats away.
The other tram is being boarded. The young man steals a furtive glance at it through the window. His gaze wanders a few seconds too long. He is torn from it by a worried nudge from the older citizen sitting next to him. The young man turns, and emits an involuntary squeal. A camera flexes it’s lenses menacingly above him in warning.

As darkness grows across the city like a dark stain, the tram doors open. Coron sets off to his block of flats. He arrives, punches in his code and swings open the heavy iron door. He turns. The young man is there. He opens a door on the floor below. He is moving into this building. No. he cant be. The idiot, he’ll ruin everything. After 3 years of hanging low, Ordos Anima attention had finally moved on from this area. They had not had an execution is this neighborhood for 6 months. The Ordos Militant armed patrols were coming round less and less.
And now this guy shows up.
My phone will be tapped, Coron thinks, the entire place will be bugged, that guy will get himself killed, the Ordos Anima will come back. Coron’s inevitable fate seemed to be drawing closer.

An shockwave rocked the building. Coron looked out of a window and saw plumes of smoke rising from the east wing manufactorum.

Coron slumped down onto his bed and turned on the radio. There would be some news about the explosion. And sure enough there was.

"The bombing was an act of terrorism by pony supporting heretics. It is now clear that there are ponynists right here in our midst. Citizens are urged to report any suspicious behaviour to-"

Coron frowned. There was no way of telling if this was the truth or just an excuse to start a war against a race the church found undesirable. That was likely. There were better things to fight for than pony rights. Like freedom. The freedom to look at a woman in a tram and not be dragged from your bed in the dead of night in the name of decency.’

The next morning, the Vorradian theocracy demanded a payment of 800 ponies for the 800 Vorradians lost in the pro-pony uprisings that followed:

"Yesterday the first uprising against the Holy Church of Vorradia since it's founding took place." The broadcast went. "This heinous, and terrible blasphemy will be met, with untold and merciless vengeance!" the voice was screaming in an furious rage.
Over 800 citizens of Imperial City were involved! For this unholy desecration of the law, they are all sentenced to death!
And, my fellow believers, we do know by who this blasphemous uprising was instigated, do we not!"

A roar of approval echoed around the city.

"The greater pony herd!"

Another great cry of faith.

"And so my brothers, we give these vile heretics an ultimatum. They will ship 800 ponies to Vorradia where the Church shall do with them as it pleases! Blood for blood! A pony for every Vorradian life ended by their treachery!
And woe betide them if they fail to meet our demands.
It will be war!"’

In their anger, the clergy of Vorradia did not think their plans through. That day war was declared, and though Vorradia was mighty it could not stand a prolonged war against many massive superpowers.

After weeks of bloody warfare that claimed thousands of lives on both sides, the surface of Imperial City, the one huge city of Vorradia, was flattened almost completely.

But even then the war was far from over. For many more weeks the Vorradians held out in the sprawling underground labyrinths of Imperial City.
After launching its terrifying psychological WMD, named OBSCURITY, the Coalition of Ponynist States resorted to nuclear weapons.

Vast swathes of the city were obliterated entirely.

Eventually, unwilling to keep on fighting the determined guerilla resistance remained in the city, the Coalition left.

Vorradia was left, dying. For 10 years it was consumed by anarchy as the clergy lost control and rebellion and revolution tore across the remnants of the once glorious city.

Now, on this historic day, D.144/54 A.E.V, order has been restored, and the clergy has come back into power over a re-unified Vorradia.

Though the mineral wealth of the country is incredible, there is not enough money left, even to fund any more underground exploration.

Vorradia has turned to the international community, seeking nations opposed to Ponynism to give financial aid.
Last edited by Vorradia on Thu Apr 05, 2012 12:59 am, edited 10 times in total.
Vorradia. A place where freedom is a fading memory. At the heart of the sprawling, embattled province lies Imperial City. Or as the city is really called by the poor souls who inhabit it: Forsaken Hope. Here they suffer under a fanatically religious totalitarian regime. Outside the city walls lies a frozen and inhospitable wasteland. The people here live free from government control, but at a terrible price. They live in small nomadic communities, struggling to survive in the harsh climate.

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Postby Zebulor » Thu Mar 15, 2012 12:10 pm

The government of Zebulor takes no official stance at this time. However, there may be those in Zebulor who sympathize and might even be willing to send aid, particularly those who make dog-food and cat-food, and especially the craftsmen who still make animal-glue for restoration of antiques.

(OOC: consider this a tag, I will post later when I have more time)

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Sovereign Nations
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Postby Sovereign Nations » Thu Mar 15, 2012 12:40 pm

While we see you being unhonorable and we are against you politically and we find you to take these "ponyist" to seriously, we also find no nation should be on the receiving end of death, so we will simply see if anyone is willing to send food and water.
Posted by: Xvise66
The Elites have flexibility.. but the Turians have reach.

Posted by: Stick636
Actually, the elites destroyed reach.


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Little Bohemia
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Postby Little Bohemia » Thu Mar 15, 2012 12:59 pm

The Offcial stance of the Bohemian Government is that we will provide humanitarian aid along with mine teams and equipment and financial aid to the government and people of Vorradia.

(OOC: Are you MT , PMT or FT ?)
Bohemian DEFCON Level 4

DEFCON 5 - Peaceful/ Normal Readiness
DEFCON 4 -Increased Readiness/Heightened Security
DEFCON 3- Forces Mobilized/Deployed
DEFCON 2- Armed Conflict
DEFCON 1- Total Warfare
DEFCON 0 Nuclear Warfare

Divair wrote:
Because Israel, much like the US, has a foreign policy that basically screams "STFU, WE DO WHAT WE WANT".

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United Communist Empire
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Postby United Communist Empire » Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:06 pm

The United Comunist Empire will provide aid in any way we can. We also wish the best to your nations future.

UCE- Alfro Dot General of the UCE army
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Map of my nation

UCE has banned all forms of Christianity

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Postby Orussia » Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:48 pm

Official Communique from the Imperial Orussian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Intended recipients: Any and all nations that have expressed interest in sending aid to the nation of Vorradia

Greetings, foreign leaders.

As of now, many of you have shown interest in assisting Vorradia recover from the war that it sparked by its own blindness. I ask you to consider a few facts.

Firstly, what guarantees do you have that Vorradia won't use your money and resources to simply become a replica of what it was before the Coalition responded? What guarantee do you have that Vorradia won't launch another war of aggression with your assistance?

Secondly, the nation of Vorradia brought this situation upon itself. What lesson does it teach if its leaders can just go crying crocodile tears to the world at large to rebuild what the nation's leaders so foolishly risked?

The answer in none.

I ask that every nation carefully consider these facts before sending aid to Vorradia. They brought this situation upon themselves, and they need to learn the painful lesson that comes with defying an alliance as powerful as the Coalition.

With that, I bid you good day.

Autumn Storm,
Minister of Foreign Affairs,
The Orussian Empire

(OOC: Nothing personal against you, Vorradia. I just had this brilliant idea and HAD to write it up. :P)
Last edited by Orussia on Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:57 pm, edited 3 times in total.
RIP Rhoderberg
14/9/2013 - 15/8/2015
May your spirit live on in FALhalla.
The Anglo-Saxon Empire wrote:His penetrator is MASSIVE!
Talon independent nation wrote:And so missiles did come unto man, and man did see it was good, and did smite down the land battleships of his foe with totally awesome explosions.

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Postby Vorradia » Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:57 pm

Little Bohemia wrote:The Offcial stance of the Bohemian Government is that we will provide humanitarian aid along with mine teams and equipment and financial aid to the government and people of Vorradia.

(OOC: Are you MT , PMT or FT ?)

ehhh....Ive only actually used Vorradia itself in that one RP last year, all my others have been with characters and stuff.

It was originally supposed to be MT, then became a rather FT and PMT sort of thing, with necrons and strike witches, and deadly psychoactive gasses.
Vorradia. A place where freedom is a fading memory. At the heart of the sprawling, embattled province lies Imperial City. Or as the city is really called by the poor souls who inhabit it: Forsaken Hope. Here they suffer under a fanatically religious totalitarian regime. Outside the city walls lies a frozen and inhospitable wasteland. The people here live free from government control, but at a terrible price. They live in small nomadic communities, struggling to survive in the harsh climate.

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Postby Rupudska » Thu Mar 15, 2012 2:43 pm

Vorradia wrote:
Little Bohemia wrote:The Offcial stance of the Bohemian Government is that we will provide humanitarian aid along with mine teams and equipment and financial aid to the government and people of Vorradia.

(OOC: Are you MT , PMT or FT ?)

ehhh....Ive only actually used Vorradia itself in that one RP last year, all my others have been with characters and stuff.

It was originally supposed to be MT, then became a rather FT and PMT sort of thing, with necrons and strike witches, and deadly psychoactive gasses.

OOC: Strike Witches are FanT, not FT.
The Holy Roman Empire of Karlsland (MT/FanT & FT/FanT)
THE Strike Witches NationState | Retired King of P2TM
Best thread ever.
MT Factbook/FT Factbook|Embassy|Q&A
On Karlsland Witch Doctrine:
Hladgos wrote:Scantly clad women, more like tanks
seem to be blowing up everyones banks
with airstrikes from girls with wings to their knees
which show a bit more than just their panties

Questers wrote:
Rupudska wrote:So do you fight with AK-47s or something even more primitive? Since I doubt any economy could reasonably sustain itself that way.
Presumably they use advanced technology like STRIKE WITCHES

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Postby Khalite » Thu Mar 15, 2012 2:53 pm

Vorradia, you have Khalite's full support, humanitarian and military. Commissar Zytzev is sending paratroopers.
实力荣誉斯多葛主义; Khalite shines greater than one billion suns

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Postby Aethrys » Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:07 pm

Premier's offices, Crimson Octagon, Aetheria, People's Republic of Aethrys

Alexei Bolanov was reaching for a shot glass when the knock came at his office door. He frowned, and replaced the glass in his liquor cabinet and resumed his occupancy of his chair. There had been plenty of gossip lately regarding his vodka consumption, which was high even by Aetherian standards. He did not want to let someone see him drinking on the job if he could help it.

<"Enter."> He grumbled, as one of his secretaries opened the door.

<"Comrade Premier, comrade Minister Suvorov is here to see you.">

Fantastic, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has another crisis on the other side of the globe that we must act on. Just what we need to give those damned isolationist idiots more seats in the house.

<"Well, send him in.">

No sooner had Bolanov uttered the words than the Aetherian minister of Foreign Affairs strode through the still open doorway. He took one of the chairs in front of Bolanov's desk, as the Premier's secretary excused himself, and closed the door behind him.

<"What is it that's got you so excited Niko, have the fascists finally acted on their boast and made war on our allies?">

<"Nothing so troubling as that. You recall the Vorradians?"> The minister asked, as he handed over a sheaf of papers.

<"The Fascist Theocracy that provoked the Pony Imperialists into burning their nation with nuclear fire?">

<"Precisely. The cultists have just declared they have regained marginal control of Vorradia, and now they are begging for foreign aid.">

<"A shame the people could not have broken free after the cult's power was broken. Almost as regretful that the war did not last longer, and kill more on both sides."> Bolanov stroked his mustache as he continued reading the report. <"I take it you have some sort of policy suggestion?">

<"Yes Alec. I think it would be in the Republic's interest to provide aid to the Vorradians, and I'll explain precisely why...">

Aetherian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Official Diplomatic Communique

To the forces declaring themselves to have marginal control over the previously anarchic territories of Vorradia, and the Vorradian people, the people of the Republic send their greetings. Though we did not approve of the Vorradian government before the war, the P.R.A. was appalled by the brutality of the Coalition in their indiscriminate and merciless offense. Though we still retain reservations about your government, we remain prepared to assist the people of Vorradia. In the hope of improved relations with the Vorradian people, the council has authorized aid in the form of food and medical services, to be distributed and provided by elements of the Aetherian People's Freedom Army to be localized within or near Vorradian population centers. Additionally, the Aetherian People's Freedom Army Corps of Engineers are prepared to provide machinery and expertise in the construction and repair of public works projects. In exchange we ask only that we be permitted to establish an embassy within your nation, as well as permission to construct bases necessary to house and support the men and materiel necessary to carry out the aid mission.


Aetherian Minister of Foreign Affairs
Last edited by Aethrys on Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Concentration of power in a political machine is bad; and an Established Church is only a political machine; it was invented for that; it is nursed, cradled, preserved for that; it is an enemy to human liberty, and does no good which it could not better do in a split-up and scattered condition." - Mark Twain

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Postby Lubyak » Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:27 pm

OOC: Theme for this post.

Official Communique from the Dominion of the Lubyak
Adressed to All Concerned Parties
Encryption: None

Although the Dominion of the Lubyak did not partake in the Vorradian war that saw the Vorradian nation burned to the ground, the Dominion of the Lubyak firmly denies the request of the new Vorradian government to receive any form of aid from the Dominion---and pending a motion within the Coalition of Ponyist States (CoPS)--any aid from any member of the Coalition.

This decision may seem harsh and cold blooded. However, the Dominion has determined that it is far from the interests of either the Dominion, or any Coalition state, to provide aid to the Vorradians to rebuild their war machine, and the circumstances and developments seem to fully support this position.

First, the government in Vorradia is controlled by the same illegal junta of theocratic war-mongers that led their nation to ruin. It was not the will of the Coalition to destroy Vorradia so utterly, but the stubborn refusal of the theocratic demagouges to accept peace, when peace would serve their interests. Instead, they chose to fight, and to continue fighting, using their people as shields to preserve their own power. Now, these same demogouges and warmongers have risen to power again, and the Dominion will not idly allow them to rebuild their war machine, and thus let the snake of Vorradia strike again.

Secondly, Vorradia represents a demonstrative threat to the security of the Dominion, as well as the security of the entirity of CoPS. The Vorradian government has already made its desire to begin its campaign against all nations hosting population of Equus sapiens clear. The Vorradian state's continued policy of enforced speciesism remains clear, and such a policy represents a clear and present threat to the Dominion of the Lubyak, the Coalition of Ponyist States, and any nation that houses a population of Equus sapiens.

As such, a simple refusal to provide aid to the Vorradian is insufficient. Pending the approval of the Coalition of Ponyist States, the Dominion of the Lubyak henceforth declares all sea and airspace within 500 kilometers of Vorradia as an international quarantine zone. No ship or aircraft will be allowed to penetrate this zone, be its purpose humanitarian or military.

This quarantine upon Vorradia will be lifted upon two conditions, both of which must be fulfilled:

  1. The theocrats who currently head Vorradia must be removed from power, and the Coalition of Ponyist States will step in in order to construct a proper government for Vorradia, one that does not view its citizenry as mere shields for its power.
  2. Vorradia hereby renounces its call for the formation of an anti-pony alliance.

If these two conditions are met, the Dominion of the Lubyak will happily aid the Vorradian people in building towards a better future.

Signed and approved,
Last edited by Lubyak on Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Foguk » Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:39 pm

Foguks border security tightens in response to anticipated refugee floods.
Last edited by Foguk on Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Economic: Left/Right, 9.75 Points
Social: Libertarian/Authoritarian, 4.26 Points
Colour the world Red
My nation of Foguk is representative of my views. Let me get this out of the way: I am not trolling, they are just my views. Don't get worked up.
"If the opposition disarms, well and good. If the opposition refuses to disarm, we shall disarm them ourselves"
Joesph Stalin
"When we hang the capitalists, they will sell us the rope we use"
Joseph Stalin

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Postby Urmanian » Thu Mar 15, 2012 9:09 pm



To: The Holy Imperial Territories of Vorradia and All Concerned Parties
From: Morning Star, the Chancellor of the Greater Pony Herd

The tyrannical, slaving regime of Vorradia's pleas for help are firmly refused by the G.P.H. and furthermore we condemn, in harshest terms, any nation that would provide requested assistance out of spite or speciesism. Vorradia is a doggery of rabid warmongers who are a danger to the world peace and only deserve to be put down.

The requests for help from Vorradia are not simply refused by the Herd. Vorradia, after all this time, is still ruled by the same old junta of slavers and speciesist who don't seem to plan on abandoning the agenda that has led to the previous destruction of their state and death of millions, so we have chosen to pursue a more stringent course of action.

  • The G.P.H. shall join the quarantine imposed upon Vorradia by the Dominion of the Lubyak.
  • The G.P.H. shall from now on demand an annual tribute of fifty billion Interbits or hundred billion universal standard dollars from the Holy Imperial Territories of Vorradia.
For these terms to be lifted, Vorradia should fulfill the conditions provided by the Dominion of the Lubyak.

Any action taken to disrupt the blockade or the refusal to pay the tribute shall be met with annihilation.

We hold you at our mercy,

Morning Star,

the Chancellor of the Greater Pony Herd
Last edited by Urmanian on Thu Mar 15, 2012 9:27 pm, edited 5 times in total.
✮ The Vermillion Republic of Sorrelia ✮
Commie ponies with guns and such. One of the OG MLP nations, funnily enough I don't care for EaW pretty much at all.

This nation represents the voices in my head.

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Postby Zebulor » Thu Mar 15, 2012 10:06 pm

Urmanian wrote:(Theme)


To: The Holy Imperial Territories of Vorradia and All Concerned Parties
From: Morning Star, the Chancellor of the Greater Pony Herd

The tyrannical, slaving regime of Vorradia's pleas for help are firmly refused by the G.P.H. and furthermore we condemn, in harshest terms, any nation that would provide requested assistance out of spite or speciesism. Vorradia is a doggery of rabid warmongers who are a danger to the world peace and only deserve to be put down.

The requests for help from Vorradia are not simply refused by the Herd. Vorradia, after all this time, is still ruled by the same old junta of slavers and speciesist who don't seem to plan on abandoning the agenda that has led to the previous destruction of their state and death of millions, so we have chosen to pursue a more stringent course of action.

  • The G.P.H. shall join the quarantine imposed upon Vorradia by the Dominion of the Lubyak.
  • The G.P.H. shall from now on demand an annual tribute of fifty billion Interbits or hundred billion universal standard dollars from the Holy Imperial Territories of Vorradia.
For these terms to be lifted, Vorradia should fulfill the conditions provided by the Dominion of the Lubyak.

Any action taken to disrupt the blockade or the refusal to pay the tribute shall be met with annihilation.

We hold you at our mercy,

Morning Star,
the Chancellor of the Greater Pony Herd

To The Greater Pony Herd of Urmanian and its allies,

Although the People's Democracy of Zebulor regrets the theocratic and oppressive nature of the Vorradian regime, we ask that you consider the negative consequences of such radical terms: disrupting the flow of humanitarian supplies will increase the presence of contagious diseases and major epidemics to the possible detriment of all nations; furthermore, demands of tribute only serve to raise suspicions of a threat of 'radical ponyism' which can over time convince the people of Zebulor to take a strong stance against the menace and to protect the ships of volunteers from various Zebulor-based humanitarian NGOs heading towards Vorradia at this very moment in defiance of the quarantine.

We must admit that we are baffled at this forceful reaction against a regime which at the moment poses little threat and has not even requested military aid of any sort. We hope that calmer voices will prevail in the halls of authority in all Ponyist nations.


Odon Szurke
Minister of External Relations

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Postby Katyuscha » Thu Mar 15, 2012 10:19 pm

While Katyuscha is not one to get involved in foreign affairs, for economic and political reasons Prime minister Özmert Yilmaz is sending a moderately sized group of military personnel and raw materials to help clean and rebuild your cities. Katyuscha supports Vorradia and even though Katyuscha has had no negative interactions with Poniest nations, certain issues and event that have occurred in Katyuscha have caused us to join the Anti- Ponyism Alliance.

Signed -
Prime Minister Özmert Yilmaz of Katyuscha
Very soft

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Postby Aethrys » Thu Mar 15, 2012 10:50 pm

Aetherian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Official Diplomatic Communique
To the Greater Pony Herd and Dominion of the Lubyak
Encryption: Severe

The Aetherian council firmly voices it's displeasure with the recent imperialist demands made by the coalition, as well as it's grandiloquent statements supporting genocide of the Vorradian people. While the Republic bears an equal measure of scorn for the cultist regime as it does for all other illegitimate theocracies, we harbor no ill will toward the peoples of these nations. This is why all proposed Aetherian aid to Vorradia has been offered conditionally that it solely comprise of material and service aid provided directly to Vorradian civilians by APFA personnel. We are not fools who would write checks to an oppressive theocratic regime and expect it to benefit their citizens. Therefore, any efforts to impede Aetherian aid serves to demonstrate that your interventionist coalition lacks any concern for the Vorradian people, and is not imposed merely to impede the regime.

Furthermore, your imperialist demands for tribute and license to shape a new Vorradian puppet government are ludicrous and doomed to failure. You could not reform a new government in the last war with weapons of mass destruction, nor will you be able to do so now. Even should you be able to employ force to overthrow the cultists and establish a puppet regime as you have in so many other nations, the Vorradians will resent you even more than they already do now. We have evidence that suggests there was an active Vorradian resistance movement against the cult regime before your war. Clearly they came to decide that the coalition represented an even greater threat to Vorradia than the regime did, and as the average Vorradian will come to conclude should you take these foolish actions.

From observation, we are forced to conclude that reform cannot be imposed from an external source, and must begin internally. Once planted, the seeds of change may be watered from beyond the soil in which they are planted, but they cannot subsist solely on sustenance from without. I fervently hope you will learn from the mistakes of the past, having attempted to impose reform by force and failed. If you truly wish to see a new Vorradia, you would do well to heed these words. To ignore them is to confirm yet again that your only concern is the extension of your own power over the nations of the world.

Written with all due sincerity,

Premier of the People's Republic of Aethrys
"Concentration of power in a political machine is bad; and an Established Church is only a political machine; it was invented for that; it is nursed, cradled, preserved for that; it is an enemy to human liberty, and does no good which it could not better do in a split-up and scattered condition." - Mark Twain

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Postby Khalite » Thu Mar 15, 2012 11:21 pm

To The Greater Pony Herd of Urmanian and its associate states,

The Fascist Dominion of Khalite, lead by Commissar Zytzev, has considered the level of opposition you have levied against Vorradia. Vorradia is a member-state of The Alliance of Dictators, and this means that, unquestionably, the Fascist Dominion is an ally of Vorradia.

We will provide food, water, medicine, construction materials, and thorough military support across all theaters of war. Vorradia is going to get what it needs to rebuild. It seems you are quite sure that, no matter what, you shall impede Vorradia at all costs. So be it. If that is to truly be the case, then Commissar Zytzev sent this to be said in no uncertain terms;

"An ally is an ally. Vorradia may have been pummeled last time, but now, they've got more support. We never expected people such as you to be Imperialistically inclined. This amuses me. Nevertheless, get ready to tangle with Khalites... do or die, we're a fierce bunch."
实力荣誉斯多葛主义; Khalite shines greater than one billion suns

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Postby Apto » Thu Mar 15, 2012 11:44 pm

To: The Holy Imperial Territories of Vorradia
Encryption Level: High


We have heard of your request and we are happy to inform you that we will send food, water, medicine and construction supplies accompanied by construction workers, medical personnel and a few soldiers for safety purposes, all of this shall be sent once the blockade is lifted.

We hope you learn from your mistakes.

The Republic of Apto
There is morality on the circumference of the MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONN!!!

Previously, on "Bad Things Happening To Lovable Little Girls"....
- Flukes

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Postby Orussia » Thu Mar 15, 2012 11:56 pm

Official Communique from the Imperial Orussian Ministry of Defense

Intended Recipients: All nations sending aid to the nation of Vorradia

Attention all nations.

As of the writing of this document, I am declaring a maritime exclusion zone extending 250 miles offshore of Vorradia. Multiple elements of the Orussian Navy will be arriving on-scene soon to enforce this zone.

Any nations now wishing to send aid to Vorradia will have their ships rerouted to an approved Coalition port for reloading.

All ships wishing to enter the exclusion zone will be subject to Orussian Rules of Blockade. This means that all vessels entering or exiting the zone will be required to submit to a full search before entering/exiting the zone. Any vessel attempting to defy the Rules will be disabled and/or sunk as a blockade runner.

Any further questions or requests can be sent to my office for consideration.

Storm Sword,
Minister of Defense,
The Orussian Empire
RIP Rhoderberg
14/9/2013 - 15/8/2015
May your spirit live on in FALhalla.
The Anglo-Saxon Empire wrote:His penetrator is MASSIVE!
Talon independent nation wrote:And so missiles did come unto man, and man did see it was good, and did smite down the land battleships of his foe with totally awesome explosions.

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Postby Lykosia » Fri Mar 16, 2012 12:19 am



From: Regal Charmer, President of the Unitary Republic of Lykosia
To: The Holy Imperial Territories of Vorradia and all parties involved/concerned
Carbon Copy: -
Attachments: -
Subject: Embassy
Encryption: NONE

To whom it may concern,

As one of the ponyist nations that was participated in the Vorradian war and saw the devastating results Vorradia suffered, the Republic understands the need of the country to rebuild its nation. However, seeing the comeback of the clergy regime, which has been known as slavers and totalitarian, the Republican government reluctantly rejects the request to receive any financial aid. Furthermore we also motion all nations, and particularly, all CoPS members to not provide any form of aid to Vorradia in any way.

The Holy Imperial Territories of Vorradia had been a threat to Ponyist nations before, and it will be, when the same regime of slavers and warmongers rule Vorradia once again. In the past, the regime had shown its disgrace by threatening the Coalition of Ponyist States and any sentient ponies within their territory. The war itself was caused by Vorradia itself after they refused to make peace.

We would not let a speciesist, illegal theocratic regime that ever gave us such threats to arise and gain power, sufficient enough to be able to make threats like they did in the past. With these considerations, therefore Lykosia shall deploy any forces necessary to effectively enforce a quarantine/blockade on Vorradia, along with the Greater Pony Herd, Lubyakan, and Orussian forces. This will be lifted once the clergy regime of Vorradia has been removed from power and would not given any chance to govern the nation in the future.

Regal Charmer
President/Supreme Commander of Lykosia
Last edited by Lykosia on Sat Mar 17, 2012 11:23 am, edited 7 times in total.

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Postby Allanea » Fri Mar 16, 2012 2:34 am

Official Message from the Greenleaf Imperial Charity

Dear friends!

Should the Vorradians agree to the calls of the International Community, the Greenleaf Imperial Charity will provide funding to cover the costs of the aforementioned “tribute” as well as to improve your economy. The kindness of Emperor Kazansky will then extend fully to your lands, and we will construct hospitals, cure the sick, feed the hungry, restore the ruined infrastructure of your country.

But we, too, join the calls for decency and reason. This is not the time to fight or bicker. This is the fight to be reasonable. The Holy Church of Vorradia must end its reign and transition to a sensible regime – say, a reasonable democracy. The Greenleaf Imperial Charity does not threaten violence – it only offers its generosity, for when the conditions of the civilized, the sensible and the sapient are met.

Sometimes, there really is money on the sidewalk.

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Democratic Socialists

Postby Urmanian » Fri Mar 16, 2012 5:04 am



To: The Holy Imperial Territories of Vorradia and All Concerned Parties
From: Morning Star, the Chancellor of the Greater Pony Herd

After careful consideration we have decided to change our course of action.

  • The G.P.H. shall no longer demand monetary tribute from the Holy Imperial Territories of Vorradia
  • The G.P.H. shall maintain the quarantine of Vorradia. All vessels entering the zone blockaded by the G.P.H. fleets will be required to submit to a full search. Vessels belonging to nations and organizations not affiliated with CoPS or allied nations shall be escorted to closest G.P.H. or Coalition ports for confiscation of cargo

Our demands stay the same as before.

Morning Star,

the Chancellor of the Greater Pony Herd
✮ The Vermillion Republic of Sorrelia ✮
Commie ponies with guns and such. One of the OG MLP nations, funnily enough I don't care for EaW pretty much at all.

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Postby Austria-Bohemia-Hungary » Fri Mar 16, 2012 5:15 am


The Imperial and Royal Foreign Ministry
Of the Kingdoms and Lands in Reichsrath Represented, the Lands of the Holy Hungarian Crown of Saint Stephen and the Lands of the Bohemian Crown of Saint Wenceslaus

To: Open Message
From: The Imperial and Royal Foreign Ministry
Encryption Level: Unencrypted

Mesdames et messieurs's,

The Imperial and Royal Government has come to the following conclusions. As the state of Vorradia is at the very best mentally unaccountable and at worst corrupted and dystopic, with a serious religious zeal; any charitable endeavours aimed for Vorradia in the current state needs to be strictly controlled and made sure that they benefit only the people and not the mentally unaccountable state.
Much blood has been shed on both sides of the previous conflict, and it would be very utilitarian to avoid another equally devastating war. However, providing arms and any sort of military assistance to the Holy Imperial Territories would grant their mentally unaccountable leaders that precise opportunity and means. Entering an alliance most often opens the door for further cooperation, and eventually leads to a military alliance. Thus, in entering an alliance with the Holy Imperial Territories, one exposes the Pandora's Box.

As such, the Imperial and Royal Government is not prepared to accept the clear and present danger of a revived Vorradia and the naïveté of the various nations coming to their aide. Therefore, the Imperial and Royal War Navy's Longsword Battlegroup "Habsburg" will proceed to reinforce the Coalition-lead blockade of Vorradia, and will be detaining any and all armament the Battlegroup Commander deems unnecessary for the security of a charitable mission.

The Privy House-, Court-, and State-Chancellor for Foreign Affairs
Her Serene Highness Leonore Clementine Pauline Reichsfürstin von Metternich-Winneburg zu Beilstein
Last edited by Austria-Bohemia-Hungary on Thu Mar 29, 2012 12:05 am, edited 5 times in total.
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United World Order
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Postby United World Order » Fri Mar 16, 2012 5:20 am

Offical Message From The Reich Ministry of Foriegn Affairs

Greetings Vorradia!,

We have seen your request and out of sadness that humans who think they're ponies could do such a horrible thing. We here in Unitedia are very very appalled at this manor they've taken. Therefore as requested by Herr Fuhrer himself, We offer financial aid for 25 years max and protection from whoever would want to take advantage of your nation in this poor state. This would require Unitedian troops to be allowed into the country and cooperate with whatever Vorradian military personnel that survived this horrible transaction. Several corporations have pled to help in the rebuilding of your nation and to return Vorradia to it's former glory. This will take a long length of time to do, and would require immediate cooperation between The Fascist Federation and Vorradia. We will also for your sake rearm your military and even bring volenteers from Unitedia as advisors and temporary troops for Vorradia. We hope you take this into consideration and reply soon.
Sincerely signed,
The Reich Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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Postby Luziyca » Fri Mar 16, 2012 5:29 am


To: Both Sides of the Conflict
From: President Coffee

The Christian Republic of Luziyca, despite a 1.628% pony minority, of five million people, out of a population of four hundred thirty million, and criticism of its "dictatorship" however feels this is a concern to the government. Thus, an aircraft carrier, the LAC Varanken will be deployed to the area, as well as the LBS Arazei. Any ships that come from Vorradia, will be shot. If it does not sink, it will be shot until it sinks, as well as any ship that sails which has no intention of joining the quarantine. No humanitarian aid ship will be allowed to pass through, since these scum messed with the big boys, we must fight together to kill the regime, and if they do not accede, it will soon become a hellscape.

Our conditions to lift our involvement is for Vorradia to surrender all power, and divide itself for 99 years under the control of Luziyca, Hippostania and the Greater Pony Heard, all controlling exactly 1/3 of the area, as well as reparations of fourteen trillion dollars to Hippostania, nine trillion dollars to the Greater Pony Herd and seven trillion dollars to Luziyca.

Thus, the Christian Republic of Luziyca, with the full approval of Congress, joins the conflict.

President of the Christian Republic of Luziyca and the Chairman of the Upper and Lower Embark Republics, President of the Republic of Hala'ibia, Chairman of the Arazei Rpeublic and the Hipponian Republic
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