Wading Through Mud[PMT]

A staging-point for declarations of war and other major diplomatic events. [In character]
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Posts: 2090
Founded: Feb 02, 2011

Wading Through Mud[PMT]

Postby -Deus- » Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:09 am

Hello everyone. This will be a way for me to introduce a few new things into the Holy Caelumist Imperiate including a new city, a leader and possibly the abolishment of slavery. For now I'd like you all to just read along and enjoy. This may be open towards the end but for the moment its closed. I hope you enjoy and if you have anything you need to say[questions, comments, concerns, etc etc] TG me.


Filth…mud…trash…the puffs of steam and smoke clogging the air with their poison odour, the clogging scent of brunt bodies and melted steel filling the underground pits of Leviathan, mass crowds of people working, living, dying all at once in this underground hell. This was Southland, one of many so called ‘slave-towns’ that made up the larger underground of Hellmouth. Millions of slaves inhabited this…this Hellmouth, five thousand alone were said to live in Southland, this sprawling underground pit of a town nothing short of breath-taking if not disturbing. The soul of the town was broken and stripped of life, the enslaved and will-less townships constantly being dragged in the mud by the “Khanate Pillars”, the Hellmouth dweller band company charged with maintaining order in the townships, yet all the brought was sorrow.

Life ,if you want to even call it that, was bleak and degenerate amongst the slaves. Treated as animals, kept as animals, the slaves were nothing more than beast of burden. The underground was always cold, always damp. Its people lived in shallow holes in the wall, forced to work twenty hour shifts, only a five hour break a day was given, the people almost certain to die from cholera or starvation within their third decade of life. Some rose above, their merit constantly checked and graded by the all seeing eye of the computer, its glossy red eyes always watching, and its invisible ears listening in on everything. All there was to eat was mice, bread and a foul paste called tutali made from the bodies of the dead and softened with whatever liquid they had available. Sickness was everywhere in the underground, even the smallest sore could have you dead the next morning. But the people went on, the people continued to strive to survive and survive they did.

They had survived for years; it was a way of life for those below. And some were tired of the constant strain of living, somewhere outraged to have to continue to wallow in filth like animals, to be beat into a coma for no real reason then looking at a Khan funny. This was not life, this wasn’t even worthy of being called death, this was nothing, oblivion if you must; it is an utter and complete waste of human life and potential. This was the opinion of one, one who worked on as his fingers cramped up from the strain of pushing his cart, one who silently cried inside as his back bled from the whips of a nearby Khan. This was the focal point of one’s belief, the jumping point for his higher fate. Some might call him a prophet for things to come, some might call him a saviour of the people, but I, I for one just call him Michal and that is what he will always be to me.

***The Stars....The Stars***

I strained, I yelped, I cried with pain, my back was bloodied and its skin was stripped off, slowly peeling from the aching and blistered muscles; my fingers were aching with nerve racking pain, the dirt clogged cuts on my palms surely my death mark as my cries of pain only stirred anger with the accompanying Khan, his grunts and menacing stare shushing me for the time being as I walked with a limp towards my home, my place of dwelling, whatever you wish to call it. He grabbed me by the neck as we neared the opening, his monster sized hands wrapping around my scrawny neck, his eyes bloodshot with rage and stress, his teeth grinding as he threw me on the ground, sighing angrily as he walked away, my pain bursting forth once more as I whimpered to myself, my slow limps being drummed out by the sound of factory work, the others all watching me with hesitation as I stumbled into my hole, the gasps of my mother and sister giving me the strength I needed to let go and drift into unconsciousness.

I opened my eyes slowly; the dimly light hole of a home illuminated by a small candle in each corner, my mother standing over me as my sister sat in the corner, trying to catch our food. I began to stand, my back still aching with pain and my fingers still stuck in place, dirty linin wrappings covering my torso and palms. I looked around slowly, gazing around my small, dirt ridden home before sighing and falling back unto my cot, my mother sobbing silently as she stood and went to help my sister in the corner, her wrinkled up and shrivelled frame the work of thirty years of backbreaking work and child birth, I and my sister the only remaining children out of her “litter” of ten. I again stood and looked around, moving my battered left hand across my face slowly, the dirt and grime sliding off only to be replaced by a new coat of filth.

“Ah ha!...I caught one…finally!” My sister exclaimed loudly, her smile making me share her joy, her short cut black hair matching my own buzz cut almost, her short, slightly rounded face something of petty beauty, another thing no one need down below. I replied to her slowly, my voice raspy and with traces of doubt in my voice, my words no doubt causing disappointment in the small girl who stood before me holding to rats, their bleach white fur not a good sign, “Those are probably unsafe to eat…damn….you…you remember what happened to Nathan right? He ate one of those things and was dead the next shift.” . She gazed away from me for a moment and took the rats to the small pot in the middle of my home, the small pit in the middle of the floor holding a small fire inside of it, the girl quickly placing both creatures inside a small, dented pot and smiling, ignoring me completely.

Hours passed as I waited for the food, my constant waiting agitating to say the least as my mother and sister congregated around the pit, “cooking” the food slowly, turning the rats in the pot, only a small amount of water inside, the rest was either spit or piss, something that made me shudder as I thought of eating it. But…but that’s all I can get, all I can really afford to get down here. “I want to leave….I want to escape from this…this shit hole. I..I just don’t…I just can’t.” I sighed as the thoughts crept into my mind, my throat drying out as I thought it over and over again that I wanted to leave, that I wanted to live. I slowly drifted to sleep once more again, my eyes shutting slowly as the last sight of my mother and sister left my mind, my thoughts racing with a galloping pace, my dreams filled with a peaceful place, a place of calm equality….something I’ve never heard or seen….something I want to build…something, I want to be a part of eventually.

***The Light....The Dark***

100110010101010101001010-1010101010010101010-Storage Complete-Slave Tagged

111101010101010101010100-1010101010010100101-Calculation Matched-Action Needed

100010101001010010010100-1001010101101001001-Authorization Coded-Authorization: Green

10101010---202----2899282----189293---ERROR---ERROR---Move To Next Step

1001010101010100101010-1010101000101010101-Operation Bastion Tagged-Operation:Green

1010101010101010010010-1010010100101010101-Slave Pens Unlocked-Pen Status: Free

***All of The Lights***

Thunder boomed out, the sounds of guns, men and women screaming, children crying and mass crowds running. Chaos ran rampant as I woke from my state, my gasping horror bringing tears to my eyes as my sister lay dead, a bullet going through her head, her deaden eyes filled with blank remorse, filling me with fright. My mother was nowhere to be seen, I feared the worse as I stood up slowly, my legs creaking with pain and strain, my limps slow and steady as a mass crowd of people ran, smiles on their faces as they ran towards the large blast doors above us, their futile attempts to bash through halted by the guards gunshots, the slave revolution of Southland beginning. I limped slowly out of my home and limped with the crowd, the all seeing red eyes blinking as they saw me, my anxiety worsening and growing as I feared for what was happening involved me in some dreadful way. But I pressed on, slow and steady yet determined…this was my chance…my one and only chance to escape.

The wail of gunfire filled the crowds ears as the Khan came storming from their barracks, the dark black armour of the mercenary guards scaring me as I limped towards an alleyway, the cries of women and children deafening me momentarily as everyone was cut down by the gun fire. Yet the people pushed on, a large mass of frantic animals determined to escape and be set free, the small group of Khan quickly overrun by people as I limped through the alleyway, my panting breath echoing in the small crevasse as I ran away towards the blast door, looking for another way out as the fighting around me continued, my fear bursting forth as small drips of tears fell from my eyes.

But then I saw it, an opening, a ladder to the top, my fear bursting away as I saw it and limped forward, a large smile on my face. I felt the tears well up inside me and fall freely from my face as I continued to limp towards the ladder, the whispering voice of some being or force constantly egging me on to go and escape, the cries and sounds of gunfire and explosions only making it louder as I tried to shut it out of my mind. I heard the whizz of something in the air as I clenched my hands around the first bar of the ladder, the pain horribly taking over my fingers as I clenched harder, yet my only chance at freedom too good to let go of over a pain. But soon the whizzing got louder and louder, closer and closer until everything went…..until everything went white and all the lights soon went dim…my grasp on everything slipping as I remembered being dragged across the ground…..all of the lights disappearing as I fell out of touch with reality.

***Wading Through Mud***

“Today a small slave rebellion was put to end by the Khanate Pillars company. It is unknown how the rebellion actually started but thanks to the efforts of our brave Khan Security forces it was quickly ended…

…..The number of slaves is said to number in the hundreds…an official estimate by the CalculX computer is still being withheld from the public at this time…..

……At this time, we pray for the families of the deceased Khan members. We cruse the souls of the slaves and damn the souls of those who were thankfully killed…."

“….Hey buddy wake up…We have work to do….”


Last edited by -Deus- on Sun Mar 13, 2011 9:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Posts: 2090
Founded: Feb 02, 2011

Postby -Deus- » Sun Mar 13, 2011 9:08 pm

I woke up slowly, my right hand in pain, my left hand surprisingly painless and free. I opened my eyes slowly, the bright light above me shining down on my dirty, grim ridden face. My back still ached with pain, my legs were throbbing with sensation and my right arm tingled with feelings of pain. I struggled to move around, the feeling of pain stopping my attempts as I grunted and scoffed, cursing as I tried to roll, the sensation in my left arm still gone until I looked to see nothing but a stub where my arm should be. I yelled with a shrill shriek, my eyes wide and my breaths heavy. I rubbed my forehead with my bloodied, four fingered right hand that lay wrapped in dirty linen cloth. I screamed again, throwing the sheets from off of my body, my fear and surprise bursting out in a frantic panic as I looked at my legs and lower body, turned to metal and cybernetics.

I screamed once more before a man walked out, a knife in one hand and a metal plate in the other, his shirt bloodied and his face covered with a mask that read something in some foreign language I neither spoke nor understood. He walked over to me with quick and lumbering steps, his heavy combat boots clanking against the creaking wooden planks of the floor, a large light source burning outside that shown inside through the windows. But as the man walked closer I began to panic, jarring my arm around as I screamed and tried to back him away, his language strange and complex, my fears growing with every step until he was right over me, his glaring brown eyes staring down on me, my fear, my anger, everything just flowing out in one motion as I slumped forward, drifting into my dreamland once more.

*** Something To Remember ***
[Style: Third Person ||Character Switch: The Doctor||]

“My god, have you ever heard a grown man scream AND faint like this? Regardless, Jayn hand me the Y3 cyberX platting and mesh composite knife.” The man spoke with a calm, professional demeanour, his wide smile showing through his bleach white mask with only “I love you” in bright red bold letters. He tapped on a small desk next to the bed, the slave known only as 1552452421, or at least according to the numbering stitched to his shirt. The doctor let out a sigh as he yelled out a curse, a women finally coming from the back room carrying what he had asked for, her clumsy, stumbling steps heavy and slow as she tried to wade through the cluttered room that was filled with medical supplies. She was dressed in a bloodied white shirt and shorts, her mask-less face might as well covered as blood and dirt was smeared over it, her modestly unremarkable features made worse by the filth.

“Yeah , thanks. Took your sweet time with this didn’t you? Anyway, go get yourself cleaned up and fix our guest something to eat, his operations are almost done and we’d be terrible hosts if we let him wake up and go hungry.” He smiled and shooed her off, the women stumbling away with a nod, her short red hair bouncing slightly as she moved and stepped over the medical supplies that covered the entire room. But then the real work began as the sound of mechanized blades filled the air, the doctor slowly cutting away at his remaining human right arm, the severed limb falling off cleanly and quickly enough as to not wake the non-medicated patient. Beads of sweat dropped from his face as he slowly moved across the room, taking a small, clear syringe and smiling again as he plunged it into the slaves torso, the medication soaring through the patient’s body as the doctor started the next step. He took the plates and cybernetics, slowly attaching them to the patient’s arm, small drips of blood staining the metal as he replaced his left and right arms with cybernetic ones, the glowing energy cores of the devices dimly shining as the sun blared through he hardly covered windows.

The smell of seasoned meat soon filled the air as the doctor finished the last piece of wiring, five hours of work slowly coming to an end as the sun began to set , the amber coloured sky lighting up the inside of the apartment room. And as the doctor came to his final wire he exclaimed with relief and exhaustion, falling to his butt as he panted and breathed heavily his hands throbbing with strain and pain yet a wide smile still on his face as he lifted his body and started clearing the room, the small room on large enough to accommodate one person yet apparently it held three. But the doctor shuffled before running into the back room and checking on the women, his shouts of joy, frustration and excitement at his accomplishment echoing out to the other room, the medication slowly fading away as the slave opened his eyes once more, his dreams finding their way back to the crevasses of his mind.

*** A New Life in Purgatory ***
[Style: First Person ||Character: Michael ||]

I woke with a start once more, my mind in a million pieces as I tried to recollect everything that had happened to me, the beating, the revolution and…and then that white light. “ Oh god…my…my mother…my sister…dead, both of them killed…oh god.” I yelped once or twice as the thoughts continued to flood in my mind, my body still in pain and paralyzed for exhaustion. I heard the chatter of a man and a women, their language strange to me but I knew it sounded friendly at least as I craned my neck to look up and see what was going on; nothing but a short red haired women holding a pot looking at me with a tall, bony man with a wide, gasping smile on his face. I looked at them puzzlingly as I grunted in pain, my arms and legs filling like pierced jelly and my mindset already weak as it was. I coughed once and lay my head back down, the heavy steps of one of the pair stumbling towards me.

“Hey! your awake! Well aren’t you a lucky one, oh yes yes, real lucky indeed. Are you hungry? Are you in pain? Do you need anything?” The women spoke quickly and in a blur, her preferred tongue still confusing me as I tried to avoid making her talk anymore, her annoying speech clearly agitating the man who quickly walked over and pulled her away. They fought for a moment, the man clearly scolding her as he pointed her back in the kitchen and smiled, a wide smile on his face as his eyes slanted into a shady position and he looked back and forth before letting out a loud bellow of laughter. He bent down and patted my head and stroked my hair for a moment and even in pain I felt oddly uncomfortable by his warm touch. He cleared his throat before he spoke to me, his Deusan moderately tangible. “Esa jhan esupa? Esupa John….John. Esa jhan esupa?”

I shrugged my shoulders and looked away, longing to be free as the man frowned and stood up, walking away slowly towards the other room. He sighed as he entered the room, rubbing his head as he disappeared. He had asked my name and told me he was called John, but I knew better then to trust strangers. But I heard a boom…then another boom and shouts of laughter and joy, bursts of colour appearing in the sky, the night being illuminated with….with some sort of magic that sparkled and fascinated me. And as I looked out at the sky and admired the art unfolding in front of me I smiled for once, my mouth in pain as I spat blood, but a smile nonetheless, the magic in front of me bring me joy for the moment, my anxiety subsiding and my new life beginning.
Last edited by -Deus- on Sun Mar 13, 2011 9:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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