Uramkorper Species Information [FT]

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The Uramkorper Kleptocracy
Posts: 43
Founded: May 09, 2013

Basic Information

Postby The Uramkorper Kleptocracy » Thu May 09, 2013 4:46 pm

The Uramkorpers are best described as a species of scavengers and thieves. Only their genetic modification technology is truly Uramkorper, with almost none of their other technology having been developed by them. Their sole source of technological progression is scavenging, looting and raiding the technology of other species. This results in the Uramkorpers technologically progressing in jumps rather than linearly. They may go decades without a new invention and then suddenly develop thousands of new devices after looting a wreck. The Uramkorpers take a twisted pride in this, citing it as evidence that the other races of the universe exist only as challenges to the coming supremacy of the Uramkorpers. They refer to themselves as a Kleptocracy, or rule of thieves, as a sarcastic ode to their reputation throughout the other societies of the galaxy.

A better term though would be a Magocracy, or rule by 'magicians', due to the psychic domination inherent to their caste system. This caste system is almost like a heavily modified version of a wolf pack, although obviously more complex. The largest and most obvious difference is the sexual dimorphism. Males are smaller and sapient, females are larger and nonsapient. The oldest and strongest male Uramkorpers, referred to as Alphas, are the leaders of a 'retinue' of females, lesser males and potentially a few enthralled xenos. Alphas have a 'Glamor', a term that refers to a passive psychic ability to manipulate the emotions of those nearby to make them feel loyal and friendly to the Alpha. These Glamors work far better on nonsapient creatures, where it fully dominates their mind. In short-term exposure to other sapients, it merely manipulates their emotions and can be blocked if one is both aware of it and trained to tune it out. Long-term exposure will allow the Alpha to adapt to the target's mind and greatly increase the Glamor's effects, however it is still easily blocked with training. Some Alphas can also 'Enthrall', a far more powerful form of Glamor that enforces almost completely obedience. The younger males, referred to as Omegas, generally serve as 'apprentices' and assistants to this Alpha. Omegas do not have the Glamor to the same scale as the Alphas, however they do have a less developed form of it. Generally they are unable to truly manipulate minds, and are generally under the influence of the Alpha's Glamor anyway. The various female castes also serve the Alpha, albeit in a more physical way. And not just a sexual way, as female Uramkorpers are roughly twice as large as the males and far more physically dangerous. Females are nonsapient, however, and almost always under the control of an Alpha's 'Glamor'.

Alphas are also the key to understanding both how the Uramkorper Kleptocracy functions without completely collapsing, and why it is almost always on the brink of civil war. Because the Alphas never have to worry about the lower classes rising up, due to the Glamor, they instead devote all of their time to attempts at killing their rivals. This has led to only the most brutal and cunning Alphas surviving, because unlike in other societies a kind ruler cannot rely upon his population's support. This also lends the Alphas a certain paranoid charisma, a trait further enhanced by their Glamor. Despite this conflict however, the Alphas are quite open about information and concepts. Even if secrets are still kept secret. This is because of the innate hunger for information within every Uramkorper male, a trait that also encourages them to psychically rip information from the minds of their prisoners. This hunger also makes the Uramkorpers very curious, generally leading to them looting almost anything they come across for its technology and looting the minds of its crew for how to use it. The same skill that allows them to rip information from a target's mind also gives them the weakness of being highly susceptible to telepathic feedback, a term used to denote when a target's ideals are absorbed by the Uramkorpers as well as their information. Generally this feedback merely confuses the Uramkorper, but occasionally it will cause a revelation and possibly alter the Uramkorper's own ideals. However, to impress one's ideals into a Uramkorper requires a lot of training and a powerful sense of self, for psychically projecting your own ideals also causes the Uramkorper's ideals to psychically project their own ideals. Many who have not been fully prepared have ended up accidentally absorbing the philosophy of the Uramkorper, while the Uramkorper himself merely got a headache.

Similarly to their methods of gaining information, the vast majority of the Uramkorpers' weaponry is either derived from the technology of or directly stolen from another species. Their spacecraft in particular resemble pieces of other spacecraft welded together into a bizarre whole. This ramshackle design should not be mistaken for a lack of firepower, as the Uramkorpers are very good at making weapons work at top efficiency. They just aren't good at making those weapons work for more than a few minutes. Their largest technology base is also their first conquest, a small alien state known as the Confederated Vek Systems. Vek technology was based around cybernetics and 'quantum' laser weaponry and was almost completely stagnant elsewhere. Because their cybernetics were specially tailored to their own species, the Vek were enslaved rather than destroyed, although they did have their minds ripped apart and their sapience partially removed. They now serve as the most common Xenos member of an Alpha's retinue, supporting the more physically powerful Uramkorper Females with deadly quantum weapons.
Last edited by The Uramkorper Kleptocracy on Thu Jun 06, 2013 3:52 pm, edited 10 times in total.

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The Uramkorper Kleptocracy
Posts: 43
Founded: May 09, 2013

History and Evolution

Postby The Uramkorper Kleptocracy » Fri May 10, 2013 10:10 am

The Uramkorpers evolved from a family of pseudocanine scavenger species, comparable to jackals or coyotes. The males of their ancestors also had the 'Glamor', just as the females were larger and less intelligent than the males, however they had not yet developed their ability to rip information from the minds of their victims. The difference in intelligence between genders is thought to have resulted from males hunting and gathering food, while females guarded the young and defended territory. This gender dimorphism is exhibited in many other species native to the Uramkorper homeworld.

{The development of this section is on hiatus until further notice.}
Last edited by The Uramkorper Kleptocracy on Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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The Uramkorper Kleptocracy
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Founded: May 09, 2013

Habitats and Population

Postby The Uramkorper Kleptocracy » Fri May 10, 2013 11:32 am

The Uramkorpers generally live in very urbanized areas, generally with very tight and compact streets and alleys. They also tend to construct their habitats outwards rather than upwards, usually staying quite low to the ground. This allows them to have greater control over the surrounding area as well as leave their primary method of transportation, by air, without impediments like skyscrapers. This method of outward expansion also causes cities to end up combining, an event that results in the leading Alpha of each city fighting their counterpart for supremacy. Generally the loser of these battles will die, however sometimes they will be exiled with a large part of their supporters and go to found a new city elsewhere. The expansion of these cities is limited by nothing. Mountains are leveled, lakes are drained, and chasms are filled to further urban sprawl.

The alleys of these massive cities are usually crawling with feral Females, Alpha-less Omegas, and all manner of free Xenos. The Alphas often come here to hunt such said females and Xenos, as well as recruit the local Omegas. This interest in the local Omegas is in part because having lived in the alleys and undercity for so long, they are usually quite powerful and cunning. Both of these traits make for effective Omegas, even if it also makes them more likely to betray their Alpha. Thus most Alphas will only have one alley Omega, referred to informally as a 'Beta' sometimes. These Betas generally succeed their masters as the Alpha of a given group or retinue, although rarely without a challenge from a lesser Omega.

Each city generally has a few million Uramkorpers within, although individual populations vary greatly. The Alphas are usually present in the tallest building where they can look down upon the city, while everyone else lives on the surface. Generally the Omegas far outnumber the Alphas, but are very easily cowed into obedience by an Alpha's Glamor. Most Omegas who are not part of an Alpha's direct retinue are still owned by one, working in a factory to produce weapons and other devices for their Alpha's adventures in space. The greatest achievement for these Omegas would be joining a retinue, because that would give them the chance to see the galaxy as well as kill and replace an Alpha. Generally these factories have their own districts that make up a large percentage of the city, usually taking up about 60% of the real estate.

Another 20% of the space in a city is taken up by the central spire, where city's automated systems are controlled and where the highest Alpha lives. This spire is the tallest and most advanced building in a city, being constantly upgraded with the best technology the Uramkorpers can obtain.

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The Uramkorper Kleptocracy
Posts: 43
Founded: May 09, 2013

Psychology, Sociology and Theology

Postby The Uramkorper Kleptocracy » Fri May 10, 2013 1:13 pm

The Uramkorpers' racial psychology is centered on their Glamor. It is best to be the strongest, but instead the most 'Glamorous'. The terms glamor and glamorous themselves have a very different meaning than the ones humans usually use, being closer to the archaic magical definition of the word Glamor. This Glamor makes them very paranoid and suspicious of others, as they are used to blocking the Glamor of others. However, they never actually show this paranoia to others because of their skill in deceit. They come off as almost perfectly polite, charismatic and gentlemanly. This is caused by the Glamor and is a complete falsehood. In reality, they are likely to be plotting the death of everyone nearby. This also carries over to their negotiations, where they often hide their greed beneath a false veneer of working towards mutual benefit.

Uramkorper psychology is also heavily influenced by their descent from a scavenger/predator species, a fact that makes their omnivore status largely nominal. Although they can consume plants and plant-based substances, they rarely do except as a seasoning or spice. This is partially because things that were once alive are seen as more fitting for predators to consume, as well as a better ability to derive nutrition from meat than from plants.

Their society mirrors their psychology, being based around domination and mental force. The leading Alpha remains in charge only so long as no one more Glamorous or powerful is alive, which leads many leading Alphas to purge those who show signs of exceeding their Glamor. Generally this is done with Assassins, not because society frowns upon killing your inferiors but because Assassins are trained to be unaffected by the Glamor. And it would be a real failure if the people sent to kill someone were overtaken by their Glamor and swapped allegiances. Assassins can tune out all Glamor though, making them both very useful and extremely dangerous. This is why all Assassins must take extremely severe vows and undergo an indoctrination process to prevent them from going rogue and killing their master.

Uramkorper religion is also influenced by the Glamor. Much as the Glamor makes targets feel loyalty to the Alpha emitting it, if the Alpha is Glamorous enough it also glorifies them. The result is that Alphas are often worshiped as the avatars of Apsinthos, the God of Ambition who is credited with creating the species. Other deities are acknowledge but not actively worshiped or invoked. Apsinthos is considered male and the Spirit of the Universe is considered female. The Spirit however is not a God, but rather a sort of ''soul force' present throughout all species that grants sapience and civilization. The Spirit is also rarely invoked, being seen as the spiritual equivalent to energy.

Interestingly, the Uramkorpers frown upon any attempts to use psychology or religion to defend one's actions, even when it's an Uramkorper doing so. This is likely because of a high respect for personal charisma and authority combined a view that strength of personality, or strength of arms, should be enough to defend one's actions.

Government wrote:In theory, whomever is the most suited to lead by merit of personality strength and social dominance is in charge. In practice, while this is largely true, the full truth is far more complicated and requires political intelligence and simple strength of arms as well. Generally, everything centers around the Alpha that has control of the city. Everyone inside the city is theoretically slaved to his will and subject to his whims. Again, in practice it is more complex and requires more finesse. Even though the city-leading Alpha is not truly in complete control of everything at all times, they are still obeyed entirely when they actually give a concrete order. Most day-to-day functions are handled by the city-leader Alpha's subordinates, with his direct subordinates ruling different areas of the city while in turn their subordinates control different organizations and services, such as law enforcement and industry.

There is no constitution, for it is thought that a state built around a definitive code of law is both sure to fall apart and immoral for it's suppression of the people in favor of mere text. The closest thing is a general tradition that the strongest personality is always in charge. This is as much a matter of tradition as biology, with Uramkorpers being naturally inclined towards hierarchy and the dynamic of the pack. The specifics differ by city-state.
Last edited by The Uramkorper Kleptocracy on Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:08 pm, edited 8 times in total.

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The Uramkorper Kleptocracy
Posts: 43
Founded: May 09, 2013

Anatomy, Physiology and Genetics

Postby The Uramkorper Kleptocracy » Fri May 10, 2013 3:23 pm

The Uramkorpers gender dimorphism is so great that males and females must be describe separately. Both are pseudo-canine, completely covered in fur, and have a few other rudimentary similarities, but that is it. The entire species is also carbon-based, has Deoxyribonucleic genetic material, and is diploid.

Male Uramkorpers are on average roughly 70 kg in weight, 1.9 m in height when on two legs, 0.4 m on four legs, and walk upright. They are full size at the age of 12 and stop growing, aside from potential change to a higher caste.
Male Uramkorpers have a short, rounded wolf-like muzzle. A key difference between this muzzle and that of an actual wolf is the absence of a Rhinarium, the 'wet nose' found on earth canines. Instead, the Uramkorper's muzzle has two large 'cuts' in them that serve as nostrils. Although these are smaller than the nostrils of a full nose, it seems to pose few problems to the Uramkorper's breathing. Their mouth is very similar to a wolf and exhibits the same general facial expressions. This muzzle serves the same function of housing the nose and mouth as it does on earth canines, however it also serves as an indicator of rank. An Alpha has a longer and more narrow muzzle than a similarly sized Omega, a trait thought to be a result of the same biological condition that effects an Uramkorper's Glamor. The general rule is the longer the muzzle the strongest the Glamor.
They have large triangular ears similar to wolf ears, but larger in proportion to the head.
Male Uramkorpers have a generally humanoid shape and stand upon two feet. They have 4 digits on both their hands and feet. Occasionally one will be born with only three digits on their feet, an oddity that does not appear to effect the hands. This is only seen in males, never females. Overall body structure is closer to a human than a wolf, although the average male Uramkorper is slimmer and less muscular than the average human. Their feet are roughly 2.5 times the size of their hands and are longer, similar to a human. However, they are still padded upon the bottom and clawed like a canine. Their hands are not padded and have smaller claws, which results in most unarmed Uramkorpers resorting to kicking the enemy or slashing at them with a foot. With the rise of tools, it is generally better to stab with a knife.
Male Uramkorper tails are long and prehensile. Essentially, they serve as an impromptu extra arm. This is not that helpful though as the tail is not very steady, and so it is used mainly to smack things and pull or push them rather than hold things.
Male Uramkorpers coloration differs heavily upon caste, ranging from blood red to pure black.

Female Uramkorpers are on average roughly 235 kg in weight, 3.2 m in height when on two legs, 0.7 meters on four legs, and generally walk quadrupedal. Females do not stop growing so long as they continue to amass enough sustenance.
Female Uramkorpers have a long and narrow muzzle. This muzzle houses nostrils, a mouth and teeth. A key difference between this muzzle and that of an actual wolf is the absence of a Rhinarium, the 'wet nose' found on earth canines. Instead, the Uramkorper's muzzle has two large 'cuts' in them that serve as nostrils. Although these are smaller than the nostrils of a full nose, it seems to pose few problems to the Uramkorper's breathing. The teeth are far larger than the male's, but are less numerous. They are also far longer. Females have no real ranking indicator and are all considered the property of their Alpha.
Female Uramkorpers are far more similar to their ancestors and walk upon all fours. This gives them a feral appearance. They are stronger than their male counterparts, as well as faster.
All four of their feet are padded, and their tails are short and non-prehensile. They have 4 digits on both their hands and feet.
Female Uramkorpers tend to have red eyes, and grey fur.
Last edited by The Uramkorper Kleptocracy on Fri May 31, 2013 3:19 pm, edited 9 times in total.

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The Uramkorper Kleptocracy
Posts: 43
Founded: May 09, 2013

Sexuality, Reproduction and Life Cycle

Postby The Uramkorper Kleptocracy » Fri May 10, 2013 6:32 pm

Uramkorper sexuality is usually said to tend towards bisexuality, although this is an extreme simplification and ignores the situational and dominance aspects of Uramkorper sexuality. Because sexual relations with females of the species are restricted to the Alphas, the Omegas sometimes have sexual relations with each other instead. Others are asexual as Omegas. Alphas, although they are allowed relations with females, also may have sexual relations with the same gender. Some of them shift to only having sex with the females once they are Alphas. Others continue only having sex with lesser males. Most strike a balance. Generally sex with a female is seen as purely reproductive, while sex with another male is more complex. Often it is about dominance, in which case the receiving partner is usually a lesser male who has been forced into sex by a superior male. Other times, it really is shared sexual interest. In the case of shared sexual interest anal penetration is usually avoided, both for its overtones of dominance and the physical pain involved.

Uramkorper reproduction is a surprisingly painless affair, particularly after noticing the similarities between male Uramkorpers and male wolves when it comes to the structure of their sex organs, due to the unique highly flexible body structure of the Uramkorper Female that prevents extreme pain both during copulation and birth. (During anal sex between two males, this flexible structure is not in play and so it is often painful for the receiving partner.) Females are usually pregnant at all times, which does nothing to impede their prowess at fighting. Uramkorpers usually gives birth to about 8 children at once, of which maybe 2 are expected to survive. As the children are usually sent into the wilderness at birth, or simply left wherever they were born, parent-child relations amongst the Uramkorper are nearly nonexistent.

These children eventually find another group of Uramkorpers and either form or join a power structure. Even at the age of merely a year, Alphas will already have been distinguished from the rest and taken a leadership role. At this point the young Uramkorpers are swarm predators, killing their prey with superior numbers. This both makes up for their size disadvantage and weeds out the weak from the strong. They rarely actually fight each other however, instead establishing a power structure that usually remains unchanged until the age of 6. At the age of 6, the Uramkorpers will seek out a city and generally be absorbed into its power structure. They are now part of society, and will rarely ever venture back into the forest except to deposit their own young. Often small tribes of primitive Uramkorpers are found upon worlds where the species once visited, usually the result of a female Uramkorper giving birth there and the children being left behind when their parents leave. These tribes are usually far less organized than the Uramkorpers of the homeworld due to lacking the influence of a city full of other Uramkorpers. Most of the newly mature male Uramkorpers will be Omegas, while the females are taken by the leader who is usually an Alpha.

Polyamorous Relationships wrote:Generally, a given Uramkorper Alpha male will have a small group of females that he mates with as well as a few lesser Omega males he occasionally has pleasure sex with. Mostly, these are out of sexual arousal and boredom than any idea of romance however. In these cases, the Alpha is fully dominant.

Very rarely two Alpha males will also engage in sexual relations, this being the closest an Uramkorper would ever come to romance. Generally, relations between two Alphas are established first by mutual rivalry, which eventually cools into a respect for each other's abilities and a mutually desire to dominate each other. Usually the 'roles' in this relationship will be kept quiet, largely because it is seen as embarrassing for an Alpha to have been submissive, especially if it was consensual. The most famous example of this type of relationship is between the twin leaders of the City-State of Sybar, who constantly physically, and violently, fight while also being extremely attracted to each other. They are the only known case of two City-level Alphas sharing power relatively equal power, although both claim to be higher in power than the other for different reasons. Both also insist they are the dominant one.

Childhood to Adulthood wrote:First, all children are sort of just left in the wild areas of the planet. Roughly 20% are cannibalized by their littermates while 30% die of other causes, namely predation. 50% survive. Of those that survived until adolescence, only 20% will survive to adulthood. Those who do survive will have to get to a city or run the risk of going feral. Generally, 50% get to a city and 50% go feral. In total, 5% of Uramkorpers born will successfully reach adulthood. If all 100% survived, it is likely that the Uramkorper homeworld would run out of space within 5 generations.

This applies only to males. Females are all nonsapient, and will generally be nonviolently captured by hunting parties sent out specifically to gather them. Luckily, they are naturally inclined to accept this. If they were not, they could easily rip the hunting parties to pieces.
Last edited by The Uramkorper Kleptocracy on Fri Jun 14, 2013 11:15 am, edited 10 times in total.

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The Uramkorper Kleptocracy
Posts: 43
Founded: May 09, 2013

Caste Differences

Postby The Uramkorper Kleptocracy » Sat May 11, 2013 9:55 am


There are two different castes of Male Uramkorpers, with on sub-caste. The first of these is the Alpha, the lord and master of the Uramkorpers. Alphas have the greatest Glamors are thus are the leaders of retinues composed of females, lesser males and enthralled Xenos. They also serve as the leadership class of the Kleptocracy as a whole and control all level of society. They are recognizable by their longer and narrower muzzle compared to lesser males, as well as their darker coloration. They also tend to be more dynamic and inspiring. How much of this is just their Glamor is unknown.

Omegas are the apprentices of the Alphas and tend to have weaker Glamors. They are usually part of a retinue rather than it's leader and are just as disposable to the Alphas as the Females are. Omegas also have shorter and flatter muzzle than the Alphas and a more bright coloration. This will change if they become an Alpha, although an Omega becoming an Alpha is quite rare as most Alphas are determined in their childhood.

Between the Omegas and Alphas are the Betas, those roughly half-way between the two. Many Alphas refuse to adopt Betas into their retinue due to fears of assassination, but those that do generally find them to be very useful. Betas have strong Glamors that easily reinforce that of their Alphas and are also far more autonomous. Their muzzle are shorter than the Alphas but almost as narrow. They tend to have a neutral coloration. They usually have longer tails than both the Alphas and Omegas, and a Beta that has become an Alpha can be distinguished by their abnormally long tail.


The Female castes are based off of skills rather than rank. The first one, the Regular, is the most balanced out of the female castes. It is fast without being weak and strong without being slow. This makes it highly favored and the most common of the female castes. It usually has middle grey fur and a moderately long tail. They are favored for general things, and have a stable and manageable amount of children.

The second caste, the Rusher, is a speed-based form but is weaker than the other castes. Thus it is useful for hunting more so than battle, and is the second most common of the castes. It usually has lighter grey fur and a longer tail, although not as long as that of a male. They are favored in wide open plains where their speed is extremely useful, but have the smallest batch of children.

The third caste, the Ripper, is based upon strength and endurance. It is by far the largest and strongest caste, as well as the hardest to kill. This makes it favored for battle, however it is the rarest of all the castes. It usually has dark grey fur and a very short tail. They are highly favored for urban and ship-based combat where strength is superior to speed, and are also capable of having the largest litters of children.
Last edited by The Uramkorper Kleptocracy on Fri May 31, 2013 3:20 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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The Uramkorper Kleptocracy
Posts: 43
Founded: May 09, 2013

Glamor, Mind Ripping, and Enthrallment

Postby The Uramkorper Kleptocracy » Sat May 11, 2013 4:59 pm

All male Uramkorpers possess a Glamor, a psychic field that passively warps the emotions of those nearby. Despite rumors, the Glamor can be countered with training and does not force thoughts upon people. It only makes suggestions. Extremely powerful, seemingly ingenious suggestions. As such, the Glamor is more effective against emotionally charged people than more logical people. This does not mean solely raging angry people. A calm but seething person is just as at risk as a raging berserker, as is an extremely happy person. Only the combination of prior understanding of what the Glamor is and strong mental discipline are effective against the Glamor. The Glamor also preys upon those with weak wills or those who are doing a task half-hearted, making the former feel as if the Alpha emitting the Glamor would help them better than anyone else and making the latter feel as though they will gain nothing of value from their current task and it would be best to just stop. Nonsapient or barely sapient beings effected by the Glamor are almost completely taken over by it, as it appears to them to be a natural instinct.

Mind Ripping is related to the Glamor for sure, but plays by different rules. Where the Glamor is passive and based around making the target feel 'good', Mind Ripping is far more straightforward. It merely tears the knowledge straight from the target's mind and often leaves them completely brain dead. Sometimes though it leaves them perfectly alive but with such massive memory gaps that they will barely remember what species they are. Other times it accidentally destroys their unconscious memory of breathing and suffocates them to death. It doesn't even always get the information needed, and even if it does it often takes a while for the memory to be understandable. Despite all these downsides, it is still the most common form of interrogation the Uramkorpers use. Likely because it also gives them a sort of 'thrill'.

An extreme fusion of both is the process known as 'Enthrallment'. A weak passive form of Enthrallment is used by all Alphas to control their females. Xenos and other males require a far stronger Glamor, with willpower playing a far larger role here than it does in passive Glamor. Enthrallment is the complete mental and emotional subjection of a target to the enthraller's will. It requires the target's will to be completely broken, which is often achieved with torture or Mind Ripping. This must be done in a specific way to make the Thrall useful as a spy, as they must be broken without being rendered useless. As such they must retain enough memory to convincingly continue their lives as if nothing changed. Unlike Glamors, Enthrallment does not stop affecting it's target when they are out of the presence of the Alpha. Enthrallment is nearly permanent, with only other highly psychic races being able to truly undo it. The entire Vek species has been Enthralled and are the most common Xenos Thralls of an Alpha's retinue, serving as specialist shock troopers.
Last edited by The Uramkorper Kleptocracy on Thu Jun 06, 2013 3:41 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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The Uramkorper Kleptocracy
Posts: 43
Founded: May 09, 2013

Retinue and Xenos Thralls

Postby The Uramkorper Kleptocracy » Tue May 14, 2013 12:30 pm

All Alphas have a group of females, lesser males and enthralled Xenos that follow and obey them. This group is referred to as a 'retinue'. Retinues are considered to be something in between a person and a group. Retinues, rather than its members, are often considered citizens. However, a retinue is based around its Alpha and he is the only thing that matters legally. As such it is also be argued that he is the citizen and the others are simply his slaves. The generally accepted definition is between the two. The retinue is something like a body, with individual members being akin to limbs. Just because an arm can move without the rest of the body doing the same motion does not make it a being, just as although an Omega can function autonomously that does not make him a citizen.

The more powerful the Alpha's Glamor, the higher his status and the larger and stronger his retinue. Many of the stronger Alphas will have Xenos Thralls, aliens that have been subjected to enthrallment and had their minds bent to the Alpha's will. Female Uramkorpers also undergo Enthrallment, however it is a more passive and calm affair as the females are resistant. The Enthrallment of Xenos is far more brutal as it must be done by force upon an unwilling target that is actively resisting. However, like Mind Ripping, Enthrallment gives a sort of 'thrill' to the Uramkorpers and this thrill is far greater the more the target resists. As such, Uramkorpers will often purposefully target the strongest willed enemies for Enthrallment.

The most common Xenos Thrall are the Vek, the first conquest of the Uramkorpers. The Vek are now purposefully bred as Thralls by the Uramkorpers who captured many of their cloning facilities and, after learning that immature clones have the lowest resistance to Enthrallment of any sapient, rebuilt and reactivated the facilities. Now, every Vek is enthralled at the time of creation by their master before being transformed into a powerful cyborg. To prevent the chances of a rival stealing and re-enthralling a Vek, all Vek are mentally conditions to have extremely single-minded psyches dedicated to loyalty to their master and perfection at a form of warfare. After this their will cannot be broken, and their minds cannot be enthralled, because they are so focused upon a single task and care about nothing else. The downside to this is that it has removed the Vek's ability to adapt entirely and they are incapable of fighting in any way except the single method they are conditioned towards.

Most other Xenos Thralls are enthralled on-site and so are usually far less efficient. However, the Uramkorpers are sure to always keep an eye out for other cloning facilities they can bend to their will.
Last edited by The Uramkorper Kleptocracy on Thu Jun 06, 2013 3:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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The Uramkorper Kleptocracy
Posts: 43
Founded: May 09, 2013

Science and Technology

Postby The Uramkorper Kleptocracy » Tue May 14, 2013 12:49 pm

All Uramkorper technology is scavenged and all their knowledge of science has been ripped from another species' mind. Their first spacecraft was a refit and repaired ship that had crashed on their planet, their first firearms were found aboard said craft, and even their current form of FTL drive is loosely based upon this spacecraft. Their knowledge of the galaxy and physics is taken from the Vek, as is their knowledge of how to construct weapons and spacecraft. Only the ceremonial glaives wielded by their Alphas are their own. However, said glaives are quite a bit more advanced than they look and often have hidden uses.

The Uramkorpers skill at creating and designing new things may be pitiful and near nonexistent, but their ability reconstruct and build from instructions is almost unparalleled. This has caused their society to have long periods of technological stagnation followed shortly by massive technological leaps. Before the spacecraft that they derived their oldest weapons and ship technology from crashed they were still in a technological state comparable to the human Classical Era. Only a decade later they had already figured out the FTL drive and rebuilt the entire ship. After this however it took until the Vek War, a full 200 years, until they made any more technological progress. Following the end of the Vek War, no further noteworthy progress has been made although many variants of the same weapons have been scavenged.

Currently, their largest technological base is derived from the Vek, from whom their modern ship design and firearms are derived from. Their FTL drive however is still a heavily modified version of the original drive found in the spacecraft that had landed upon their world. Most of their non-military technology is still around the same level as it was before they found the crashed craft, and many of the Uramkorpers who do not live in a city still wield the same bladed hand-to-hand weapons as then.

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The Uramkorper Kleptocracy
Posts: 43
Founded: May 09, 2013

Reserved For Potential Expansions

Postby The Uramkorper Kleptocracy » Tue May 14, 2013 12:51 pm

Reserved just in case I realize I forgot something later on.

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The Uramkorper Kleptocracy
Posts: 43
Founded: May 09, 2013

Reserved For Potential Expansions

Postby The Uramkorper Kleptocracy » Tue May 14, 2013 12:51 pm

The Uramkorper Kleptocracy wrote:Reserved just in case I realize I forgot something later on.

Reserved for the same reason as above.

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The Uramkorper Kleptocracy
Posts: 43
Founded: May 09, 2013

Reserved For Potential Expansions

Postby The Uramkorper Kleptocracy » Tue May 14, 2013 12:51 pm

The Uramkorper Kleptocracy wrote:
The Uramkorper Kleptocracy wrote:Reserved just in case I realize I forgot something later on.

Reserved for the same reason as above.

And one more.
If anyone has questions feel free to ask now. Please tell me if I should add something.
Last edited by The Uramkorper Kleptocracy on Tue May 14, 2013 12:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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