While We Watched: Gathering the Light IC (Fantasy RP Closed)

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While We Watched: Gathering the Light IC (Fantasy RP Closed)

Postby Mombacho » Mon Aug 16, 2010 4:45 pm

The storm was just beginning to blow in. The rest of her family was running around the large clearing making sure everything was prepared. Not even her older brother had time to wish her luck and help with the spells, although now that she thought of it, he wasn't very good at spells and would probably make her father cast the spells incorrectly. She opened her golden-green eyes and shifted slightly as she looked up at her father. He was a little taller than her, standing around five feet eleven inches tall. He had wings with black and white feathers that did not look quite big enough for him. His hair was a dark brown and eyes were a bright amber. He smiled as his hands slowly stopped moving from his spells. “Dad, are you sure these will give me the warning I need? The elementals won't be able to shock me?” She smiled nervously at him.

“Don't worry my little wind rider. My spells will protect you. They will allow you to feel when an elemental is nearby, where to move to avoid lightening, and protect you from any lightening that does hit you as well as keep the elementals from touching you directly. You could do it with your eyes closed. In fact, that would be better. Trust the spells and your reactions. Close your eyes and move where the spells prompt you to. It will feel like a dance with the lightening as your partner. Trust that I've done the spells perfectly. You know I wouldn't risk you, little wind rider.” His smile grew wider as he pulled the teenager close to him and gave her a tight hug.

Her arms reached around him to return the hug as her smile grew. Her wings rustled a little behind her as she ruffled the feathers nervously. Unlike her father's, her wings were a greenish gold near the shoulders that melded into a brilliant blue at the bottom. I can do this. He wouldn't let me be hurt. None of them would, but especially not him. The teen soon pulled away giving her father a giddy smile. “When do I fly? Do I have to worry about where to?”

The man's smile broadened as he saw a restoration to her normal personality before glancing up at the sky where the lightening was coming closer. “You should take off in a few moments, fly north a little when you feel the presence of an elemental coming close to you. If you can't fly north, try to stay in around the same area. We'll come to you, but you already know this. We've been over it before. Little one, trust yourself. You're ready for this and you know it's needed. The world needs it now.”

“Go. It's time.” The father glanced up at the sky as he stepped back from the girl.

The girl called little wind rider looked up nervously before turning towards the clearing behind her and spreading her wings. She began to run towards the center of the clearing and flapped her wings. As she took off into the wind, her long hair blew back over her shoulders. Her hair matched her wings. Near the roots, it was a golden-green but at the tips, it was a bright blue.

Soon she was flying up near the clouds. At first she did not have to worry about being hit by lightening and she shut her eyes and enjoyed the flight. I wish I could stay up here, but I wish we could get a water elemental or an earth elemental instead. They're supposed to be ever so much more reasonable and predictable. Not to mention we probably wouldn't have to trap them. As she enjoyed the flight and was thinking she suddenly had an urge to dodge to the right. She followed the urge to feel a lightening strike just to her left. Her eyes flew open to the sight of the lightening now striking around her. She gave a small gasp before closing her eyes and trusting once more to the spells around her.

Her heart was in her throat as she flew around in the storm. At first her need to dodge the lightening wasn't very often that she felt the need to dodge, but she was worried that the spells wouldn't work. She soon opened her eyes again and tried to stop as she realized she was flying towards a strike of lightening just to be prompted by the spells to fly forward faster. She flapped her wings propelling her towards the lightening before her to hear a strike behind. She breathed in raggedly as she paused and hovered in the air for a moment before closing her eyes with the determination to keep them shut. She began to move in the wind once more. She could feel through the second spell a few elementals nearby but not too close. I don't think I've caught their attention yet. How can I do that? I need to allow the strikes to get closer. The deeper into the storm I get the more strikes there will be. The more strikes the more elementals and the more powerful ones. We need a powerful one for this. The world needs a powerful and quick one.

The girl opened her eyes for a second to glance around and turn towards where she saw the most lightening. Flapping her wings strongly, she flew directly towards it. She closed her eyes and soon the spells were telling her which way to move. She rolled and dived among the lightening almost as if she were going through a well known obstacle course. She soon felt one elemental coming closer to her. Yes! I got one. Near the center too! Perfect! Now just to figure out which way is north and I'll have him in a trap before too long! The girl's face broke out in a joyous smile as she opened her eyes for a moment, but kept them on the ground. She took her bearings before turning. There's Bicktu. I went farther south than I meant to. I have to get back to the clearing in Pruvia. If I'm too far from the trap they'll never catch him.

Little wind rider flew out of the worst of the storm towards the clearing just north of Bicktu, but the lightening didn't let up. She felt a presence following her, not near yet, but she suddenly thought she heard a male voice she didn't know. “You're bold. How foolish. Even the birds avoid the storms.” Her eyes opened just as the spells told her to dodge to the left. She dodged but her smile grew a little. I have him. Just have to draw him a little north of the clearing. I'm almost there too! She closed her eyes once more.

The thunder emitted loudly as the voice growled, “I'm talking to you, mortal.” He sent a bolt directly at the girl. She dived down and to the side avoiding the bolt. She tried to continue north, but the lightening seemed to start striking just in front of her. It kept her from going north and she changed directions to be going east instead. “No one ignores me, Prince Tazavir Pexifniz Kalozinox!” He started to use lightening to keep her from flying away. She dodged and rolled, trying to continue farther north, but the lightening kept her from going that way.

Opening her eyes again, the teen glanced down worriedly. She was over the center of the clearing that she had started in, but she couldn't get farther north. She dodged and dove down a little and caught sight of something white in the bushes near the edge of the clearing. They've realized that I can't get farther north! They're moving the trap. I just have to keep him here and work him closer to the ground. Wind rider started to allow herself to fall a little more whenever she dodged without trying to climb back up to her earlier height.

Very soon, the teen felt the presence of the elemental right in front of her. “Got you little ground walker. Now I'll show you why mortals don't fly in storms!” the elemental snapped surrounding the girl with lightening. She opened her eyes and saw one lightening bolt in front of her that was not disappearing and reappearing.

Glancing down she saw they were close to the ground, near enough that the trap may catch him if her family was careful. Suddenly she saw her father step out with a younger man at his shoulder. The younger man had wings and hair like hers, but he kept his hair cut short. Unlike her, he carried what she could make out as a necklace or collar in his hands and had a sword at his hip unlike her small dagger. Her smile came back and she giggled a little as she looked back at the elemental. “I'm sorry for this, but we need your help.” She gave him a childish smile as her father finished the spell that would force the elemental prince down to the ground.

The second the lightening strike reached the ground and burned a circle with a foot diameter, the younger man snapped the collar around the lightening strike. “Become your human form.” The young man ordered as the girl dived for the ground and landed lightly. The lightening strike suddenly took the form of a human. His veins glowed like there was lightening contained within them. His hair was a spikey silvery-white and he stood around the same height as the girl, although he was shorter than the young man. “Slanderous mortals, release me!” He yelled.

The girl's father stepped forward between the two with similar wings and hair. “Not yet. We need you to go on a mission with a group that shall be gathered tomorrow. You shall get your freedom only if you do the bonds of Tremeloch and swear to help this group to the end of their mission and the stopping of the evil that is building up.” His speech and stance were both firm and certain.

“Your mortal concerns are none of mine! The bonds of Tremeloch are only invoked when the elementals themselves are needed! Last thing I find out, this is for another of your petty wars! Free me or face the consequences!” The elemental fumed.

“No, we take no part in the wars of others. We never partake in any war. We gather those most able, including one of the longest living races and send them out when the need is great for both immortals and mortals. We did so 200 years ago and we have watched since then. It is the beginning of evil rising once more. Last time it was a dragon. The dragon would have started on controlling the immortals after he had subdued the mortals. My family is trusted to watch the world for dangers. This danger is more subtle than the last, but it is still there. Swear the bond or we shall leave you here for the night to think it over. If you do not swear it by morning, than we shall bring you to a high cliff and you shall be bound there, in your human form, for the next 200 years.” The man smiled sternly, but yet kindly at the bound elemental as he spoke.

“You cannot control an elemental, especially not I, mortal!” The prince hissed as he made to toss a bolt of lightening at him.

“No you shall not. Not at me or mine while you stay here or are bound. We shall give you a chance again in the morning.” He turned and walked away, the younger man followed close after. The girl though stayed there watching the elemental worriedly.

“Make the bond and you can be free of the collar.” She pleaded quietly as her father and the other disappeared.

His eyes literally crackled with energy as he watched the girl's father walk away. “No one shackles me and leaves me to the night!” He spat before glancing at the girl. “Free me, girl. This is no way to gain the aid of an immortal.”

The teen glanced back at where her father had disappeared. Turning back nervously, she looked the elemental in the eye, there was no fear of him in her stance or her eyes but there was pity and some shame. “I know that this is not how an immortal or noble should be treated, but we have tried the dragons, and all the other elementals except the fire elementals. We need one that will stay with the group and your kind is not known to stay with things. Fire elementals are affected too much by what is happening. We need you. Bind yourself to helping this group and I can take the collar off.”

The elemental snorted, thunder booming in the distance as if the clouds confirmed his feelings. He paced about like a caged predator in the small clearing before he tossed his hands in the air and huffed. "Alright, little mortal. I don't know what threat this may be. Things haven't begun to concern my kind and so I doubt it is that important. However, I will consider a binding just as powerful. It simply has...a less symbolic meaning...the Forlian Agreement. It'll bind me, in a way, to help you out. As soon as danger has passed, we will part ways, happy. Sounds good, little one?"

The teen thought for a little while, bit her lip nervously and glanced towards where her father had walked off. I'm the guide, not him. I've made the decisions about who should be invited with my brother although father still had his vote. It's time I start making decisions. I'm the one that shall be in the most danger and my brother shall only be there to guard me unless I become injured. The Forlian Agreement would bind him, even if it wasn't as tightly as the bond. It could work. She straightened her shoulders and looked fully at the elemental. “Yes, speak the Forlian Agreement. Even if it shall not bind you as tightly, you shall be bound and after traveling shall see the reason of our treatment of you. After you speak the agreement, I shall take the collar off and you shall meet the group here at three hours after dawn.”

"So be it! I am glad we can come to an agreement here. Then, by the Throne of Energy and the power of the lightning elemental nobility, I am bounded to this mortal and to end the danger," he announced. The sky lit up with a dozen flashes of light deep in the clouds above as if witness to the binding.

The girl gave a relieved happy smile as she stepped forward and took the collar from the elemental's neck, but her hopes were soon dashed as Prince Tazavir backed away, his lips widening into a mischievous grin as his eyes cackled with energy. "I am lightning nobility, dear girl. And I do not approve of this binding. Just for this trapping, I, I hope that your feet grow weary and tired so your travels are slow and arduous! You and your companions and your family! Feel honored that I do not fry you all right here and now!" Lightning blasted into the elemental, sending a wave of heat and force out from around him. And then he was gone, his cackling laughter echoing through the night

The girl's shoulders slumped as she watched the storm for a few more minutes before turning and following her father into the woods.
The next morning at dawn, the morning that the letters spoke of, a clearing near the edge of Pruvia near the capital of Bicktu stood empty of anyone within it. The clearing was fairly large, but in the center was a circle about a foot in diameter in which all the grass and other plants had been burned to dust. Even if someone was to circle the clearing and search for people there would find no one. Fortunately for all involved the great storm that had shaken the forest the night before had blown away and the air was clear and crisp. No breath stirred for the next few hours until those that were invited started to arrive.

At exactly three hours after dawn, a teenage girl steps out of the woods into the clearing. She stands about five feet nine inches tall and wore a merchant's travel clothes favoring both greens and blues, but without the cloak used to protect oneself from both the rain and the sun. Her skin is lightly tanned and her eyes are a greenish gold. Her hair is a light brown with both red and gold highlights. The boning of the girl is delicate enough that many would consider her an elf. Her ears are slightly pointed, but not quite as much as a full elf's would be. At her waist hung a six inch long dagger, but otherwise she is unarmed. She carries one pack over her shoulder and smiles brightly at the people awaiting her within the clearing.

“It's great that you all came and answered the letters. We were hoping for more to respond, but it's expected that not everyone invited comes. I'll answer any questions that you have after giving a brief explanation. But before that happens I have to talk with you, lady elf. If you would be kind enough to come over here and the rest of you can stay here and get to know each other.” The young lady gestured over to the side of the clearing where no one else was before giving everyone another bright smile and heading off that way herself.

As she passed within a few feet of a taller man wearing a long brown leather coat and a matching tri-corner hat over his black hair held back in a pony tail, the girl paused for a moment and looked straight at the man and gave him one more impish smile although there was a hint of a seriousness within her eyes as she spoke quietly to the man. “None of your poking around in others minds during this conversation, Mr. Casus. There are others who will stop your messing around with those here now that the meeting has started. We will take steps to stop you from poking around if you don't show restraint.” She turned and with a skip in her step, she continued to the other side of the clearing.

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Free Eagles
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Postby Free Eagles » Tue Aug 17, 2010 4:13 am

Near the edge of the clearing where the gathering was taking place, Rhianna shifted uneasily in the early morning light, fighting down a sudden spike of nervousness. Unlike all the other individuals she could see, or so she assumed anyway, she had not been invited to this gathering. She had learned of it through what most people would probably call questionable means and had been unable to resist inviting herself. Now that it came to it, though, she was almost painfully aware that those who had called this gathering might not appreciate her actions.

She had the hood of her dark green cloak drawn up over her head, concealing her face from the others; she knew at least one of them would recognise her, and she wanted to avoid any awkward questions for as long as possible. Beneath her cloak, one hand gripped the pommel of her long dirk tightly, as though it might protect her from those questions; she was fairly sure there were not likely to be any physical threats here at least. Knowing that did not make her any less wary, and there was a part of her that just wanted this to be over with, whatever might happen.

It had all started, for her at least, nearly six weeks earlier when she had been asked to perform for Lord Janol. The man had left her unattended for a few minutes – most discourteous of him in her opinion – and an opened letter had caught her eye. It had been decidedly short on details, but enough to pique her curiosity. It was most uncommon for someone to request the services of one guard in particular from a lord’s house, or to offer as much coin as they had for the trouble, especially when it seemed as though Janol had no prior knowledge of them.

And so, the next day she had gone in search of this guard, or more accurately the letter which he had apparently received containing more details of whatever was going on. That had required getting into the barracks and searching through the man’s belongings, but she had managed it, using her most impressive illusion – that which made her appear to be someone the viewer expected to be there, distinct to each observer. Unfortunately, though she found the letter and escaped without any trouble, she only learned the location to which she should travel, not the day to be there. Still, it had been enough to set her travelling in that direction as swiftly as she could manage.

She glanced around the clearing again briefly, wondering which, if any, of the other individuals might be that guardsman, but she could see no obvious candidates and adjusted her hood to make sure it was still concealing her face. She had thought about using that illusion again, to disguise her presence here, but had reluctantly decided against it; she knew at least one person here was a mage and they might be able to sense the illusion, possibly causing more problems than it would have solved.

She had not learned the exact date of the gathering until three weeks ago, when, at the inn she had chosen to spend that night, she had been asked to perform privately for a mercenary. She did not usually take private performances, but his price had been good, so she had accepted. Shortly before she visited him, however, she had been approached by a young elven woman and asked to deliver a letter to the mercenary. She had recognised the handwriting on the letter, and after finding a quiet spot for some quick work with a hot knife, she had been able to read it. Though it contained no more details than the letter to the guard, she had finally learned the date of the gathering, along with the worrying fact that her client was a mage who specialised in mind spells.

After carefully resealing the letter, she had delivered it as requested, answering the inevitable questions as best she could, all the while faintly terrified that he would be able to tell what she had done. Apart from his making a brief effort to locate the woman who had passed her the letter, however, that had been the end of the matter, much to her relief. And now, here they all were in this clearing, waiting for the allotted hour to arrive.

She was so buried in her own thoughts and worries that she did not notice the arrival of what was presumably their host until she spoke. She shifted uneasily again when the woman addressed her directly, and she felt a sinking feeling at the realisation that somehow the woman knew exactly who she was. She managed to keep her stride from looking hesitant, but only just, as she walked in the direction the woman had indicated. It was only when the woman stopped to speak to one of the others – the mage whose letter I read, she noted – that she realised the woman was the same woman that had given her the mage’s letter three weeks ago. Upon reaching the woman, she waited silently for the other to speak first.

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Postby Mombacho » Tue Aug 17, 2010 9:13 am

The girl gave the elven woman a smile they reached a spot a long ways from the others. She turned to smile at the others and make sure they had not followed before looking back at the elf and saying, “My dear lady, I know everyone who was invited. None of them match your height. I don't know how you found out about this party, but it's rather rude to invite yourself along somewhere you are not invited. When one person does something that is rude, other people are sometimes prompted to also.” Here she pauses and craned down to peer inside of the lady's hood. “You're the one I gave that letter to for Mr. Casus. You don't have some of the skills necessary for this trip, however you found out about it. I must ask that you leave. If you don't, I may have to finish up my deals with Mr. Casus and ask for his help before we make sure you leave."

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Postby Theao » Tue Aug 17, 2010 7:05 pm

Kinto had left his hood up upon arriving at the clearing, thought as he peered out, he wondered as to the nature of those assembled as it was quite an unusual assortment. As he awaited for the appointed hour as he'd arrive slightly on the early side, he briefly re-examined the letter he'd found. It had been lodged on a tree branch along the path he'd been walking and had it not been for a storm that had driven him to seek shelter under a nearby pine, he'd have never noticed it. The whole thing reeked of a set up and he was curious as to who, and for what purpose, would go to so much trouble to arrange such a meeting.

As it was, when the girl arrived and told them to mingle for a moment, he looked at her and the one she'd cut from the herd with puzzlement and rather than so mingle, watched the two.

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Postby Code4destruction » Wed Aug 18, 2010 12:28 am

Gegouf's people, the Tuskers, were well known for their stamina. Even so, trekking down the steep mountain side of the Black Mountains in enemy territory, and then into a foreign country was no easy task. Perhaps a lesser man would have died, given up, or still been making their way. For whatever the reason, Gegouf arrived just in time to the clearing mentioned in the letter.

The letter had been an odd thing. First, odd because the author of it was clearly foreign and yet fluent in Tuskeran language. Second, because the author apparently also had audience with the Queen. No one spoke with the Queen, in person or by letter, unless the Queen initiates it. Third, the letter's carrier had been a young Feathered Dragon apparently strayed from its flock. Feathered Dragon wyrmlings were better known to consume everything in sight rather perform the tasks of messenger fowls.

The wyrmling fluttered to the ground, it's red and gold wings still dull with youth, and cautiously hobbled on two bird-like talons toward Gegouf with the letter in its beak.

Immediately, the paladin's hand moved to his throwing axe at his hip. The creature could make a fine meal. Gegouf had been exiled to this ash pile known as the Black Mountains. The Queen had ordered he wait in this specific spot there until told otherwise. "This spot" was a high peak with no foliage or food in for miles around. Perhaps his sentence was to die here under the unforgiving sun? He had been prepared to die for his crime against Garrathmore and his Queen. But with the arrival of this feathered dragon, perhaps the goddess smiled blessedly on him.

His axe in hand, he had just cocked his arm to throw it when the beast squawked and dropped the letter some distance from his feet. It bobbed his head in an odd nature and looked up at him innocently. Gegouf eyed it suspiciously. He lowered is weapon and eased toward the letter.

No sooner did he retrieve it than the bird seemed to come to its senses. It shrieked and battered him with its wings before flying back toward the jungle.

The letter fell open. It read:

Dear Commander Gegouf,

We are friends that are based within the country of Zibbanta. Your queen has also received a letter requesting your talents. We believe that your country and ours are affected by the same problem. If you help us with ours, you may get the knowledge to stop the degradation of your own country. If you are interested please come to Zibbanta and find the clearing just north of Bicktu at the edge of the forest of Pruvia. Please meet there in eight months to the day three hours after dawn. Do not harm anyone that you meet there. If you are not there by three hours after dawn, it will be understood that you do not wish to help us with our problem and we will try to stay out of your life.

The Watchers

Gegouf rose a heavy red brow. His serious face deepened into a frown. He was about to discard it as Shadeblade Tusker trickery, he was in their territory after all, but the words of his Queen came to him. "Remain there until you are told otherwise."

Perhaps these "Watchers" really had contacted her. They knew of the problems in Garrothmore that even most Tuskerans did not know.

Gegouf had sat down and reread the letter. How would he get there? He had no supplies other than the clothes and weapons on his back. But it was better than rotting here or waiting for a Shadeblade to come for him. He folded it up and placed it in the breast of his leather tunic.

Zibbanta, Bicktu, Pruvia...these were foreign words to him. Tuskerans concerned themselves only with Garrothmore. Still, he made his decent and after much trial and error...perhaps with added error...he had finally arrived. It had almost been as difficult as his Paladin training at Lake Oolonia and twice as trying on his body as his Proving which bonded him his Tigerhorse Viskor.

Gegouf emerged from the forest into the clearing. This Zibbanta was a strange place. It's people were even stranger. So many were either slaves to the land or tyrants. Had they not yet learned to live within their own country? And their primitive mannerisms...

Gegouf wondered how could a place like this do anything for Garrothmore. But he set his feelings aside for now. As he looked around, it seemed others were called for similar means. He wondered about their warrior class. None of them looked fit enough to wield a sword save perhaps one dark haired man set aside. Perhaps they were mages like Tuskeran Lay warriors? Even still, the Lay knew the value of having a sturdy physique to survive the Garrothmore Jungle.

Soft. This land grows such diminished creatures. He thought as his tawny eyes examined them like a predator.

He felt the hunger. When had he last eaten? A week ago? A month? He ate what he caught, but he dared not tarry less he miss the meeting time. So he ran without rest and very little food or drink. Gegouf checked himself. Eating these...what ever they are...will likely upset his stomach. Besides, he could survive like this for a few more months before the hunger drove him mad.

The phrase Travel Companion, was unknown to Gegouf. Such words were only reserved for 3 relations in Tuskeran society.

1) Bondin as to Viskor
2) Degean as to a warrior who you trusted with your life
3) Vashyat as to wife and husband

Gegouf was only left with the first now. Perhaps it was a good thing he had not mounted Viskor. He could sense the creature's wild nature just in the back of his mind. It was restless. It would cause a disturbance among so many strange people.

At ease Bondin Viskor. Your time will come soon enough. This I am sure.

Gegouf stood apart from the people and leaned under the shade of the tree. Even the nature here was diminished. The trees of this forest didn't look as if they could hold a single Tuskeran house, let alone an support an entire village. What was their purpose? He had tried to ask awhile ago, but the nature here was so silent...After being here for 8 months, Gegouf hated this place. But a dishonored man should not complain.

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Free Eagles
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Postby Free Eagles » Wed Aug 18, 2010 12:58 am

Rhianna had been told more than once in her life that her curiosity would get her into trouble one day, and she had a nasty feeling that it was going to be today. This opportunity was too important to miss though; whatever it took, she was not about to let this slip away from her. A slight frown flickered across her face when she realised the woman did not know who she was, but it quickly became irrelevant when she was recognised beneath her hood. When she was given an opening to speak, she lowered her hood – there was not much point concealing her identity any longer – and looked up at the other woman.

“I know, I was wrong to just invite myself along and I’m sorry, but this is going to be big, I can feel it. It’s true that I’m not as skilled at fighting as the others look, but my strengths lie in other fields, so at least hear me out, okay?” There was a slight pause, but not enough for the other woman to say anything. “I’m a scholar as well as an entertainer; I’ve spent almost as much time studying in libraries as I have performing, so I’m bound to know things that will help you with your task. The letter you had me deliver was not the first I had heard of this meeting. And I know that your predecessors in the Watchers were the ones responsible for gathering Grazeloch’s slayers two hundred years ago.” Her tone was surprisingly measured for her situation; a little passionate perhaps, but otherwise calm and she was speaking no more rapidly than if she had been discussing the weather.

“I also have some skill with illusions and, although I did say my strengths lie elsewhere, I can look after myself well enough in a fight, you don’t need to worry about that.” That was a touch exaggerated; she suspected there would be more to this than drunks and back-alley brawls, but she was not completely useless by any means. “And a bard can go places warriors cannot; we see and hear things that others would miss, learn things that others would be unable to.” She fiddled absently with the ring on her right thumb, twisting it around between her left thumb and index finger. “You don’t even have to worry about paying me; I just want to be the one who tells this story. All I ask is a chance, nothing more.”

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Postby Mombacho » Wed Aug 18, 2010 7:44 am

The girl watched Rhianna both with a cheerful smile and a hint of steel in her eyes. Her eye widened slightly when the elf mentioned the watchers being the ones who gathered those who set themselves against the great dragon, but the surprise quickly disappeared and the smile never left her face although when she showed some slight surprise it dimmed a little. Her eyes instead of containing a slight steely look changed to more considering. As the elf listed off her abilities the long haired girl watched her as if weighing the elf in her mind.

When Rhianna finished speaking the girl glanced around the clearing thoughtfully scanning the edges of the entire clearing. Turning back to the elf, she caught her lower lip between her teeth indecisively as she thought for a moment. After a few seconds her smile came out once more just as bright as ever and she nodded decisively. She spoke with confidence and never lost her smile. “You speak and reason well. You can stay to tell this as a story, but only on one condition. You must leave The Watchers out of your story. Find and make up a different reason these people would have come. We also shall be working at digging up information for people within the group if they accept our job as well as information about what you may be facing. Don't mention us with that either. Make up something different for how and why you get this information.” Here the girl paused and looked at the elf with open curiosity as she cocked her head. After a few seconds, the girl smiled and said cheerily, “I think until I send you out, that we two may be friends.”

The girl suddenly turned back to the others with a beaming smile. Her whole bearing was almost ecstatic and excited as she wound her arm through the elf's and led the way back to those waiting at the other side of the clearing with a slight skip in her step. If the elf was a little slow in coming back with the girl, she would gently pull the elf forward with her.

“Ok now that business is done, I can get to the explanation. First off, you all should have received a letter. That was delivered by me and my... companions. Now the reason, the people I am with as well as I have reason to believe that something is rising to harm the world. It's still small, but it will grow in time. We wish you to join together into a group to hunt out the evil and destroy it before it can grow to the size and harm of the dragon that ravaged the country 200 years ago. This danger is more subtle than it was all those years ago and we wish it to stay that way, but there are signs that it may become worse than the dragon if it is allowed to grow much farther. Now if you have any questions either about what was contained in your letter or anything else we can help you with, I will handle them.” The girl gave them a bright cheeky smile to include everyone in the clearing that seemed to make her voice sound all the more happy.

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Free Eagles
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Founded: Oct 04, 2004

Postby Free Eagles » Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:31 am

“As you wish,” Rhianna agreed without hesitation to the condition set by the woman. If that was the only concession she had to make in order to accompany this group, she thought she was getting off rather lightly, not she was going to complain. “Rhianna Silverbirch y Peris, at your service,” she announced formally, half-bowing to the other woman. Already a part of her mind was running over possible options for how she might replace the presence of the Watchers in her tale; dismissing some while filing others away for further consideration.

She greeted the woman’s next statement with a smile, but her eyes narrowed ever so slightly. What does ‘Until she sends me out’ mean, I wonder, she thought, Will she try and send me away later on? Or does it mean she won’t be accompanying us wherever it is we’re going? No answer presented itself to her, however, so she pushed the question to one side as she allowed the woman to interlock their arms and lead her in towards the centre of the clearing, though she did not match the woman’s skipping step.

She now took the time to take a closer look at the other individuals present, sparing a moment to wink at Casus when he recognised her. When the woman began explaining their purpose, Rhianna listened carefully, her arm still looped through that of the woman beside her as she looked at her. Abruptly the corners of her mouth twitched as though to smile; she had to fight an urge to dig through her pack for a pen and some paper and take notes on what was being said. So far, they had not been told anything particularly important besides that there was an impending disaster, and she had already suspected that much. She would probably end up making at least some brief notes anyway, but not until such occasion as she had some spare time.

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Postby Code4destruction » Wed Aug 18, 2010 12:10 pm

Gegouf watched as the brown-haired child-woman addressed the rabble. She pulled along another female, one just a slim, and clothed in forest robes.

It was difficult for him to fully understand what she said. Not because he was too far to hear. Tuskers had keen keen hearing like their beastly brethren. It was the fact that she spoke the common tongue. Only the scholarly Tuskers had taken the time to learn it. Gegouf had spent what time he could these past 8 months following these people's speech pattern. Their words were harsh, like cutting apart the air itself. Not like the smooth Tuskeran dialect that flowed with the wind and eased into nature itself, coaxing it like friend and brother.

There were a few references she said that Gegouf recognized. The dragon of 200 years ago. Yes, even his people knew of such matters, isolated thought they were. For the dragons of Garrothmore had a hand in the turmoil. Many Tuskan warriors were given immortal names for their valor and now rest in the arms of the goddess in the holy lake.

Gegouf stepped forward. Though he was new to the language, his officer nature provoked him to speak.

"You speak of a subtle danger, child-woman, but you say not what. Who are you to call forth...warriors...from distant lands?" His voice was stern and tawny eyes did not waver from hers. From this distance, he could see he was a whole foot taller than she and hovered over her with his powerful form.

"I have come because it is as my Queen commanded, but had the words been your own, I would not be before you today. Why should I raise my blade for one who will not reveal her name?" His finally words were spoken lower, challenging, as his eyes bore into hers.

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The Blastit Empire
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Founded: Oct 10, 2005

Postby The Blastit Empire » Wed Aug 18, 2010 4:47 pm

James T. Casus had been in worse situations before. The forest presented plenty of places he could hide behind should things turn for the worse. Heck, I'd faced down a man who made a three-shot crossbow, conveniently placed in a corridor...Fun times... But as he walked into the clearing, a few others were gathered there, all with similarly puzzled expressions in their eyes and perhaps a tinge of confusion in their minds. Not that Casus had been perusing through their thoughts at all. His leather-clad hand reached into a pocket of his dark brown coat and pulled out a folded up piece of parchment. A map he had acquired from the nearby town. The Peruvia forest wasn't a place he often ventured into, being more of a city person instead.

Except for the occasional target that had fled to these woods, he had never even set foot inside the massive expanse of wilderness. It wasn't that he didn't like the forests, it simply made things a bit uneasy for him- there was always a place to hide. He knew how to set up an ambush and many times he had been caught up in one within the wilderness.

The bounty hunter was lucky, however, in that he had the uncommon ability to use his mind in ways others could only dream of. had been amongst others before. Out of habit, he cast his thoughts out in a small radius around him, catching nothing but the occasional primitive feeling of the birds and small mammals in the trees and the even more mindless insects. They were little more than insigificant blips in his mind-sight as their thoughts were not complex. There was no sentient life behind him within striking distance. The mercenary took the moment to relax with his flask, gulping down a few splashes of the potent alcohol within before stuffing it back in his pocket. He glanced around at the motley band of those he assumed were selected because of particular talents, as he had been.

They were quite a diverse group of beings, he had to admit. He had once worked as a mercenary many years back, with a colorful group of various races and backgrounds. However, this was a whole new category of unusual. He had little experience dealing with merfolk as they couldn't last long enough outside of their water. They were considerable in their fighting prowess. It was a common story to hear when someone underestimated an unarmed merfolk only to feel their slimy fin poke right through their heart and end their life in an instant.

He had even less experience with a tusker- or so he assumed the massive scarred man was. He had only heard about them in the past- big mountainous men that could withstand a good deal of pain. Brutish and primitive in their society, however. He had never truly pictured how they would look but he was mildly surprised and felt the red hair contrasted with the man's skin color. He wouldn't say such to the brute but it only caused his eyes to linger a bit long on the massive creature.

Near the tusker, he thought he recognized a familiar cloak, but the face underneath the hood was blackened out by the convenient angle the figure stood at. Too bad, the lady had a pretty face... he thought to himself. He had imagined it to be the elegant bard he had listened to some time ago. She had an elegant body shape and her face held an elegant curiosity. Her voice was light and airy and, he assumed, could put even that tusker to sleep should she desired. Songweaver I think her name was...

Before curiosity could get the best of him, he turned back to his folded parchment and quickly unfolded it. He confirmed his position quickly, being exactly where he was supposed to meet, exactly on time. He had known this already, but had used the little maneuver to either break the ice, or keep him from the awkward silence permeating the clearing.

As he packed away the map into another pocket, he pulled out a high quality cigar, gently clipped the end and lit it up with a match before flinging the smoking matchstick into the clearing, being sure not to hit anything with a dry appearance. His eyes continued to pivot as he surveyed the others in the clearing. Some scrawny fellow in a cloak, however Casus couldn't catch any defined features from him- his cloak appeared to hide even more of his body than the green-clad figure nearby.

Before he could continue his analyzing, he was suddenly interrupted by another young lady, one he did not recognize at all. Yet clearly she knew about him. Her threat about his ability made him wince inwardly. It was not something he freely boasted about and he liked to keep it that way. "Just 'cause I know 'bouts women more than most men, doesn't mean I can read minds," he replied coolly, with a wink. He thought he caught a glimpse of the familiar high cheekbones of a certain elf as they walked off, but again, he diverted his attention away from digging for answers.

Speaking of women, one of the other women in the group appeared as an old, neatly dressed woman. Perhaps at a younger age, the woman had a beautiful face, and he assumed a body to match it, but now...well, old women he had met were rarely used in the same sentence as beautiful. Oddest thing about her, however was she appeared blind and, except for that walking stick, unarmed. Either she's a wise woman with divination or other magic up her sleeve, or that stick ain't just for walkin' he thought to himself as he let out a long plume of smoke from the corner of his mouth.

The other figure he spotted in the clearing was dressed in simple clothing. A dark skinned, short, man. Now he's a puzzle... James mused to himself as his eyes sought some sort of give-away as to his purpose on his figure. Casus slowly lifted his tri-corn up a tad to get a better view of the boy but he got little else. He thought he caught a glimpse of metal on his form but for now, the most Casus could assume was he was a weapons fighter, likely an assassin with concealed arms. Whether distance-oriented or melee, he could not pinpoint. He let out another puff of smoke as he recalled a rather memorable night when he had bedded a dark-elf woman. He was a fan of their coloring- this one having a purple tinge to her hair, and she had a great amount of stamina...

In any case, he noticed the two women come back from the clearing, allowing him to get a better look at the two women. The one he did not recognize was indeed tall, taller than most women he met. She stood only a few inches shorter than he but her arms appeared a bit scrawny. Probably not strong enough to handle a bow...probably a spellcaster? His eyes flitted up to notice a set of pretty greenish eyes and oddly appealing hair color. He readjusted the cigar in his mouth before he crossed his arms in front of him.

The girl had a nice array of green and blue coloring on well-made clothing and her skin had a radiant tan color he found most appealing. She appeared to be an elf with her pointy ears, or at least a very tall elfish looking creature.

Next to the tall woman, the figure almost appeared to have been dragged in was indeed the pretty bard he had met earlier. His heart leapt a little and he held off a grin. When she gave him a wink, he let his smile broaden and he politely tipped his hat to her and gave a friendly wink of his own in the shadow of his tricorn. Songweaver, the name he remembered most for her, was a pretty girl. She had freckles in places that gave her a girlish cuteness, her hair was cut in a manner that spoke childish innocence, and her eyes made him feel like he was in the sea. He believed her to be a human, but her ears had the traces of a point. However, standing next to the pointy ears of the tall woman, he was becoming sure that she was a human. Perhaps a half-elf?] Again he fought the urge to dig up some information in someone's mind but it quickly subsided as the tall girl spoke.

He listened carefully at her words about some evil and how it'll quickly grow and consume the world. Doomsayers. Great, I got hired by a bunch of doomsayers, he thought to himself. As she opened the conversation to questions, the tusker inquired about her name. He couldn't suppress a smile before he pulled the cigar out of his mouth and gently dashed the ashes off the end. "Aye. I think some introductions are in order...and the whereabouts to my, and I assume others, payment."
Last edited by The Blastit Empire on Wed Aug 18, 2010 5:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Ravea » Wed Aug 18, 2010 5:31 pm

Scylla el-Zaravanti had kept silent since the "meeting" had started, leaning against a tree and twirling her hair as she idly listened to the conversations around her. There were two women talking, one of which had been the mysterious voice who has spoken to her in a cold, lonely tavern three months prior about her son. The mere fact that someone knew of her predicament was enough to goad her into making the long journey to this very particular clearing. The other woman, by the sounds of things, was not welcome here. Despite the efforts of the pair to keep quiet, their conversation easily drifted into her keen ears. She guessed by the way they walked that they were elves; humans rarely stepped with such grace and precision.

The very air around her rumbled and vibrated as the Tusker spoke. His heritage was easy to pick up on; few intelligent creatures that large save for Tuskers and Giants ever agreed to work with humans, and very few giant would allow themselves to be ruled by a Queen. His manner of speaking and movements gave him away as a highly trained fighter, perhaps a Paladin-Scylla wasn't too familiar with Tuskers, but had heard stories. She wondered if there was any truth to them.

Scylla only paid the rest of the group scant attention; there seemed to be at least one other Elf who was carrying a rather impressive load of weapons, and a couple humans who had no particularly defining qualities. There was one unknown, however, who seemed to be covered in scales by the sound of the wind. She thought she tasted saltwater and something akin to fish on her tongue, but wasn't sure how such a thing was possible.

Content to simply wait and listen, the older blind woman simply yawned and continued twirling her hair. This whole thing sounded like a wild goose chase to her. She knew the old stories, the tales of heroes falling to the breath and claws of a mighty dragon, but that was hundreds of years ago. She doubted that anything so dangerous could emerge again-but she had been wrong before.
~Omnia mutantur, nihil interit~

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Postby Mombacho » Wed Aug 18, 2010 6:26 pm

The girl's smile dimmed slightly and her eyes grew thoughtful as the Tusker warrior stepped forward. Right after, Casus stepped forward demanding her name as well as his payment. After breifly considering the mind mage, the girl's eyes moved back to the Tusker. She pulled her arm away from Rhianna loosing the elf before bowing deeply to Gegouf. “Commander, I am sorry that we keep ourselves hidden from even those we wish to help us. The name you may call me is Endisha. I have the spokesperson for the Watchers whom you all have had one,” Here the girl paused and glanced at Rhianna standing beside her. “...Or more contacts with. We do not reveal ourselves to others for many reasons and the most pressing is that we cannot do our work properly if others know of us.”

She paused for a moment glancing around the others before once more addressing Gegouf once more, but this time changing to his own language. Her speaking was somewhat hesitant as she was not totally proficient in it and she spoke with an accent. “Do you need anything else from me to trust that what I say is true? I know your land is coming under the same assault as this one. It started here first and so we believe that the problem is the same. The land itself is withering as it is here. We have marked the change in the land. The change started around 70 years back, although the change in your land is more recent.”

Here the girl who introduced herself as Endisha turned back to the mercenary. “Your payment advance shall be given to you when you agree and I carry that payment. Others desire payment in either information or experience. Those who desire payment in experience shall receive it through the job we send you on. Those who desire information shall receive it during the job as we find out more information. We were unsure of who exactly would end up coming and so did not do much research as of yet. As for introductions, I have already introduced myself. You, for the sake of the others, are Mr. James Theadore Casus. This lady beside me,” She gestured at Rhianna beside of her. “ Ms Rianna Silverbirch..y Peris. The merfolk man,” She waved her hand towards the man. “is a Mr. Troy Sacheil. The lady standing and twirling her hair is Ms Scylla el-Zaravanti. The tall Tusker, is Commander Gegouf. The dark elf, is Mr. Masozi Zuberi. The cloaked man, is Mr. Kinto Muslephie.”

Endisha glanced around once more with a slight pause before saying firmly but still smiling, “Now I don't want any of you to believe that I am just making things up, for it is unlikely that anyone has noticed the problems that we have. The land and the creatures that live upon it are slowly but surely withering. We Watchers have spent almost all of our lives recording all the statistics of the land since our inception. We compare those records to watch for slow changes that do not seem natural. These changes have even began to affect the elementals themselves. The first and most obvious of the problem is the crops and other plants have started to become stunted or more withered in the farmlands. The second one is that in some areas there are more miscarriages or children born malformed within the bigger cities. There are also signs in the animals where there are fewer people. The animals have started to become harder to hunt. They flee quicker than ever before and even those with spells at their disposal have a hard time catching food. The animals have started to become more gaunt and decrepit than they have been in the past. Even scavengers are highly affected. They either are dieing out in areas or becoming predatory. The strong storms have started to become more common and even worse than normal and last night's storm is a perfect example. The lightening elementals are affected in that they strike more often then ever before and the fire elementals are being seen more commonly among the mortals. Earth elementals which are known to be tolerant and patient are more violent while water elementals which are friendly and playful have started to become less friendly than ever before. The air elementals have become more flighty and more likely to cause problems among mortals. With all this evidence we believe that the problem is being caused by someone with magical abilities either that or it's something that can harm the land in odd ways. If it is not a magic caster causing these problems it could potentially be an elemental or a crossbreed of elementals that is affecting things subtly until he or she is able to affect them more directly.”

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Postby Code4destruction » Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:09 pm

Gegouf did not remove his eyes from the woman-child as the one referred to as Casus spoke of payment as well. Payment. The people of these lands were more interested in their pockets then the welfare of their countries. This was one of many hard truths Gegouf had come to learn and his mouth twitched in disgust at the man's words. Still, when the woman-child's eyes returned to meet his, he held his ground.

She addressed him as Commander. Though he had been referred to as so in the letter, it had felt like years--surely it had at least been one--since he heard the word. Although it was spoken in a foreign tongue, Gegouf felt a little disarmed for a second. If she had not said anything else, this simple reminder of what he had been would have garnered his obedience.

After she addressed herself, he could sense there was something more she wished to say. Suddenly she spoke the Tuskeran tongue.

Gegouf relaxed his challenging stance, pleased that her people seemed to have made some effort to understand his. He replied in his own fluid language, "My Queen's word is enough to send me aflame into Hell itself. I need nothing more 'kinsha' Endisha of the Watcher clan. I have seen with my own eyes the dying of your waters and heard with my own ears the silence of your trees. If a similar fate is to befall my homeland, I will fight."

"Kinsha" had no translation to the common tongue, none that he was aware of. But the title was used as a form of respect, and greater so addressing a child as one. But seems how Endisha was a woman, though young, and assigned such an important task, she must certainly have the makings of a wise-woman within her. So he had no reserves of calling her such.

He finally turned away from her to see fully the others she addressed and commit their names and faces and origins to memory. Perhaps the one that interested him the most was the scaled one referred as a merfolk. The people who lived in waters? It was a myth among his own people. A vague tale that not all Tuskers knew. Others felt it was heresy to speak of them, for the Shadeblades of the Black Mountains promoted leaving the sacred waters of Lake Oolonia for the greater waters of the Merfolk and other water still.

When he was introduced, he gave a brisk nod to the others.

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Postby Theao » Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:13 pm

Kinto had taken a seat as the girl had begun her exposition of the problems plaguing the land that they'd been called to take care of. When she introduced him, he raised a gloved hand briefly in acknowledgement before waiting for the one known as Gegouf to finish.

In a raspish voice, he asked, "Where do you plan for us to investigate and is any of your group to be joining us?"

Standing then, he added, "I would request that those who bear large amounts of iron and steel, try to keep a modicum of distance from my person."

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The Blastit Empire
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Founded: Oct 10, 2005

Postby The Blastit Empire » Wed Aug 18, 2010 11:25 pm

Casus listened patiently as Endisha explained the duties of the Watchers to the Tusker- Commander Gregouf as she called him. As soon as she shifted languages, however, Casus' eyes narrowed and he tugged the cigar out of his mouth, tapping the ashes away again. One benefit of his power was that he could usually fenangle the meaning of their speech through some corridor in the mind, as long as common was a primary language of theirs. And considering Endisha didn't seem to speak the Tusker language as smoothly as the commander, he assumed common was a primary language of hers.

James glanced down at his cigar and returned it to his lips before closing his eyes for a brief moment. Just as habit from his student days to help him focus. WIthin his mind, he placed the images of the others in the clearing in the same position he remembered seeing them - pinpointing their location through the cloud of thoughts he could detect them at. And by his methods, he pinpointed Endisha's thought "cloud" and gently began to probe- most people had a small barrier around their thoughts, natural of course, which he could easily puncture through by now. Endisha, on the other hand seemed to be well fortified- expected of course. The watchers were obviously hiding information from those gathered. She he pushed a little harder against the barrier. As of yet, there was no elegant way to smash through one of these "brain barriers". It was simply, who was able to win with "brute force" so to speak. And yet, Endisha's appeared a veritable fortress, thoroughly surprising Casus, almost to the point of betraying his outwardly calm demeanor.

Want to play hardball, do ya? Casus thought to himself, a smile creeping up his lips as he pushed with a great deal of force at the barrier. And even that could not break through.

The vigilante decided to play safe and retreat from his mental siege so as not to strain himself too much from such an effort. As his focus returned to the outside world, he noticed Endisha shooting him a biting glance. Casus only grinned again as he finished up his cigar and tossed it to the ground. His booted foot rested atop the cigar butt as he idly rotated his foot atop the butt, spreading the ashes. His ears caught the names of his fellows in the clearing, despite his eyes remaining downcast and distant. As soon as his name was called, however, he glanced back up, and tipped his hat courteously while letting his eyes skim the eyes of those around him. "An' so you wish an agreement right now? Well, tell me, miss Endisha, what are we supposed to do exactly? Who or what is causin' all of this? If you don't know, then what are we supposed ta do until you find out? We can't all go on a wild goose chase fer this. Isn't that what yer organization is supposed to do?"

At the sound of the harsh voice from the cloaked figure in the shade, Casus turned to take another look at the man- he assumed he was a man, of course. Did not enjoy steel? Well, Casus certainly had plenty of steel on his person. "Allergic ta metal?" Casus asked with a small grin playing at his lips.

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Postby Mombacho » Thu Aug 19, 2010 6:46 pm

Endisha's smile brightened at when she had enough time to figure out exactly what the commmander said. Suddenly the air around the girl seemed to shimmer and those watching closely would see a golden-green around her head and her upper back. She shot Mr. Casus a glare that carried both distrust and annoyance. Endisha closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath still listening to what everyone said. There was a slight tightness from strain around her eyes that she smoothed away during the time her eyes were closed.

“Mr. Muslephie, I am sorry to inform you that none of the present Watchers can accompany you. We do have a former member who is a day away. He may be tricky to...convince to come along, but we are unable to do it due to how our hands have been tied. I will bring you there and help you get in to see him, but if I cannot convince him to join with words, there is a chance that you all may be asked to convince him that he has little other choice. But that's something to be handled in the future.” Her face was the most serious that anyone had seen it yet, but it still held the hint of a smile as she choose her words carefully.

“As for why we cannot figure out the specifics, we have our hands tied in such a way we cannot harm or help anyone in a major way that may affect the running or development of any nation. We cannot get too involved in anyone's lives except our own unless they decide to join us. If we do, we loose something precious to us and we are thrown out of the Watchers. We have figured out that the place most strongly affected is a small town named Malprie. We want you to go there. Try to figure out if there's anything going on, although our backup plan for if that doesn't work is someone in the Commander's land. Malprie is near the best crossing into the Garrothmore. It's near the trade route many from Zibbanta use to trade for weapons. In Garrothmore, the only one that we believe may have information is a man who is leading the rebels against the queen. He's hard to even hear about and harder to find. We did, although he moves around the mountains, but we were unable to convince him through words to tell us what he knew. You will probably have to use force, which we cannot do.” Her voice was serious and she still did not regain her bright smile as she spoke to everyone.

This time the girl looked directly at James Casus and spoke directly to him. “You are to work in ways that we cannot to find out information. We can continue to look, but we seem stuck until you force someone to give you the lead we need to find out more. The person or people behind this are tricky and almost seem to know of us which seems so highly unlikely that it's almost impossible. It always feels like they move on right as we get to an area to look. It is time a group is gathered to find this information and to fight the problem. Perhaps you will be overlooked as long as we continue to act like we are doing all the searching. So if these people know of us, then we are the bait and distraction until you can find them and stop them.” The girl looked very serious and her body posture was almost challenging the man even though he obviously had more muscles than her and was taller. She also seemed agitated when she mentioned someone may actually know of the Watchers.

Turning back to the cloaked man she gave a small bow and a small smile started to show as she said lightly, “No need to fear me getting too close, the only iron I carry on me is two daggers and this one is much bigger than the other.” Her hand patted the dagger at her hip.

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Postby Luporum » Thu Aug 19, 2010 8:06 pm

The plain clothed dark elf stood in dead silence as the others introduced themselves. So loud... so vulnerable; Open area... broad daylight. Unusual group. Unusual mission. Despite the discomfort of being exposed and shame of having his actual name hung in the air like dirty laundry, Masozi showed not even the slightest hint of annoyance. He hadn't paid attention to the others, the Monophist's order were to follow the letter to the letter, and the letter said attack no one. So he presented himself as least offensive as possible by avoiding eye contact and speech all together. Order to speak will be given. Golden silence.

Monophist allying with outsiders. Serpahim speaking directly to Archangels, no more Praeceptors to channel orders. Madness.[i] The ambush at his meeting with the Praeceptor was only the beginning. The following Saint, guardians of the safehouses, also attempted to kill him. [i]All out civil war within the guild, and I get to play in the woods. His ears peaked as the girl simply mentioned the word "force".

"How do we contact you when, or if we recieve information from Malprie?" He asked folding his arms behind his back politely. Speaking in the first person plural was like nails on a chalkboard to the killer. He always prefered to go it alone even in the presence of other guild members, let alone outsiders.

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Postby Code4destruction » Thu Aug 19, 2010 9:50 pm

At Kinto's request, Gegouf rose a heavy red brow.

What kind of fighter is this, who is ailed by iron steel? he wondered. Had his deity cursed him with the affliction? The man's figure was mostly concealed by his hooded robe, but Gegouf could see the gaunt pale face that lurked within. A very serious affliction it must be to make a man look so withered.

Gegouf had a little difficulty following Casus's gruff speech. If the ex-commander thought the common tongue sounded like it butchered the very air that carried it, this man broke it even more.

Another member of the gathering spoke, Masozi he was called. Upon closer observation, Gegouf disliked him immediately. A looking suspicious creature with skin as dark as the Black Mountains. He could not be a good omen. And though his stance said he wanted no trouble, Gegouf felt he knew creatures like him that held such a poise were at their worst. He had a scent similar to that of the Shadeblades. What good could a creature like he bring on this quest?

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Postby Theao » Fri Aug 20, 2010 1:34 am

"Metal, no." Kinto replied as he turned to look at Casus for a moment before producing a small silver coin stamped with an eagle and crown design before it disappeared back into his cloak. "If I were allergic to metal I would not carry even this around. I simply do not like iron nor steel."

As he examined the others he noticed what seemed to be a flare of intense dislike coming from Gegouf and seemed to be directed toward Masozi which brought about a hint of curiosity as to if they knew each other.

He then turned back to Endisha and added, "Then are we to get started immediately or should we wait, get to know each other and set out in the morning?"

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Free Eagles
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Founded: Oct 04, 2004

Postby Free Eagles » Fri Aug 20, 2010 10:10 am

Rhianna managed to look a little sheepish as the woman – Endisha, she had just revealed – glanced at her when talking about their individual contacts with the Watchers. She listened with interest when Endisha spoke with the Tusker; she had some small knowledge of that language herself, but she only just managed to follow the exchange between the two. When the woman introduced them all to each other, Rhianna bowed deeply in response to her own name, and took careful note of the names that applied to each of the others.

Her expression grew even more intent when Endisha started to explain what was going on and her fingers itched again with the desire to write some of this down. She had already heard rumours concerning some of the things Endisha mentioned, but there were others that had not reached her ears. Put together, it certainly did sound like there might be something more to this than just seasonal variations or anomalies, though it sounded like even the Watchers were at a loss concerned what that something might be.

She suddenly became aware of a brief distortion in the air around Endisha’s head, quickly followed by the woman glaring at James, and wondered if the mercenary had decided to ignore the warning he had been given earlier. The woman then confirmed her suspicion that she would not be accompanying them on their quest, but added that a former member of their order might. She then gave them some vague directions to work from, and voiced some concerns about those who might oppose them. Various questions came from the others at that point, and Rhianna could not help but notice the numerous suspicious glances that were being shot back and forth between several of them.

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The Blastit Empire
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Postby The Blastit Empire » Sun Aug 22, 2010 7:33 pm

Casus responded with a silent nod to the robed figure as he pulled out a coin. Magic user, no doubt. Wonder if he wilts when someone hits him with a blade. Casus thought of asking what the effects of contact with iron would give the man but decided it would be against his friendly demeanor he was attempting to build.

As Endisha spoke of her plan for them, he frowned to himself and swished the cigar from one side of his mouth to the other. The talk about this former group-mate of hers did not reassure him that they would be moving blind, however. And worse yet, it sounded like the man would not even want to come with them. Maybe he's an old git who tried to retire from the organization. But when she spoke of their first assignment, he blinked a few times, unsure if he heard her correctly. Malprie...a trading town. Has its share of miscreants and a few underground dealers. That's where I had to take out Gremmel and his gang...goood fight, Casus' lips turned upwards into a very feint grin as he remembered a good fight and a great challenge.

As the girl addressed him directly, he only grinned and pulled the cigar from his mouth with his left hand and his hat off his head with his right. With an extravagant motion he gave a quick bow and replied, "Gatherin' information is one of my specialities, ma'am. As long as one of my ol' enemies ain't hidin' with this commander, things should be fine an' dandy." As he returned to his former, relaxed posture, he gave her a cocky grin as she walked off towards the man with steel allergies.

He listened quietly as the plained-clothed killer (he assumed he was a killer- he was in the clearing after all) spoke some wise questions and eagerly awaited the answer before the cloaked man once again spoke, this time with another question and a possible hint of suggestion. "I say we head out. We can talk on the road as long as we don't go down the Keellia trail." Besides, that would allow him, theoretically, more time to spend with Rhianna or recover his relationship with Endisha. Was it even worth trying with Endisha? We're going to dump her for an old coot? Not my kind of trade...

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Civil Servant
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Founded: Jul 24, 2010

Postby Blackhawk9 » Sun Aug 22, 2010 10:26 pm

As the field opened up to Troy, the nerves inside him started to flare as he set eyes on others who have gathered. He set forth on this new journey to prove his worth to the crowned prince and the king himself. Not for money. To see so many different races in one place for as Troy assumed for the same reason to help someone in need is amazing yet daunting. Why is it that I’m the only merfolk here?

Within the group was an almost human like figure but Troy could tell that she wasn’t all human. This obscure person concealed herself from the view of anyone even the one who called this meeting. This made troy very nervous. If we’re all called to this meeting to help one in need why would one conceal her face like this? When it looked like everyone who was coming stood in the field, a young girl from the woods came forth and called this hooded human like creature out of the small crowd. While the two girls were talking, Troy realized he was not only the only merfolk but also the only one who had almost nothing on. This again made Troy nervous. He shifted on his feet as he thought about these things that make him nervous. The woman is the cloak stepped back into line and lowered her hood as she began to speak. Troy listen closely to what was being said but was very distracted trying to figure out why he was really here. He had no attachment to land and the people on it.

It was the letter that brought him to the lands. Inside the letter was very little information but something that caught Troy’s eye. “We are pretty sure it will give you experiences that the other guards will not have for decades unless your country gets into another war soon” stated the letter. The ability to gain experience that my fellow guards don't have will help me ascend the ranks would give me the chance to be a royal guard of the king himself. Troy went to the king right after he received the letter to see if he could get permission to go on this adventure. When he arrived to the throne room the king was already sitting there as if he was expecting him along with the crowned prince himself. As he stepped in the room the king pulled out a letter to show troy. Troy took the letter and recognized the writing before he started reading.

It was from the watchers also. But how? As he read he started to realize the watchers already asked permission for him to go. As he hit the bottom line of the letter the king started to speak. “Troy. You have been asked to go on a journey. Do you except this journey?” Troy didn’t hesitate to shake his head yes. “Good,” stated the king, “me and my son have thought long and hard on this letter and have found it to be a very worthy challenge for you.”

As the hooded creature stopped talking another creature emerged from the group. This one was not a mysterious person. He was most definitely a human and smelled like one too. He lit a weird object in his mouth and started to speak almost out of place. He asked the question about payments. This made Troy a little upset but also curious. Who else here is in it for the money?...Troy kept this thought to himself.

The lady who came from the woods that seemed to be in charge of the group started to explain more and more about the journey we are going on, but kept a lot of details still hidden. She opened up the discussion to the group and the questions started to spill left and right. Finally Troy found the right moment to ask his own questions…

“How long are we going to be away from water?” asked Troy, “Also, why is it you called on the water people for help?”

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Postby Mombacho » Mon Aug 23, 2010 7:39 am

Endisha turned towards the dark elf and gave him a smile. “Don't worry you shouldn't have to contact us. We shall be close by and shall contact the one of whom we're hoping to convince to go with you. If he doesn't end up coming we shall find one other person to come with you of whom we can contact easily.” She said confidently.

She quickly turned back to Kinto as he spoke before answering both him and James, “I'm hoping that you will be willing to set out with me yet today and you can get to know each other as we travel and during camp tonight. We will have to camp once before we reach where the person is staying and I know where I would prefer to camp. It is but a few hours away from his... place of residence. And Mr Casus, we will not be traveling Keellia trail as long as I am with you, but you must choose your own path after I leave you. We shall be traveling through the forest, but I know the way.”

As Troy spoke, Endisha turned to him directly and her smile and voice both became kindly as she answered, “As long as I am with you, we shall stop at water every chance we get even if it's a pond or a river. In fact if we get going within the next hour we shall stop by a lake tonight that you will hopefully enjoy. As for why we called on your people, we always try to call on people of every land if there is a person who has talents the group could use. We also fear that whatever is causing this problem may soon decide to affect your own land or perhaps has already in a way that the war you lived through may be a cause of the problem here. We know these problems are long reaching because lands other than this one are beginning to show similar symptoms, but yours may be showing different symptoms because it is mainly underneath the water.”

She glanced at Casus before saying calmly, “I take it you have accepted our job so here is the down payment for you.” She pulled a bag that jingled out of her pack and handed it over to Casus. “Go ahead and count it on the road if you want. It's all there. And here is your drink. You will receive more as you get close to finishing this.” Her the girl paused and pulled out four water skins before handing them over to the mercenary. Her pack was then half empty and she glanced around at the others as she asked, “Any last questions before we head out? Are you all in?”
Last edited by Mombacho on Mon Aug 23, 2010 12:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Ravea » Mon Aug 23, 2010 1:24 pm

Scylla listened closely as the names of the group were rattled off; she wondered how these...Watchers...were able to coax a Merfolk was so far from his waters. At least that explains the taste of fish. She had never met one of his kind before, though he would probably be a great advantage in water. She just hoped that he could handle being out of it as well. She listened carefully as the rest of the group spoke amongst themselves. An iron-weak fighter (Scylla wondered if he was part Fey; their weakness for Cold Iron was well known), the huge Tusker, a Merfolf, a Drow who was likely an assassin, an Elven woman, and this...James. Scylla still wasn't sure what to make of him. It was quite the group indeed.

As Endisha talked about leaving, Scylla stepped forward for the first time and spoke. Her voice was soft and sing-songy, sounding far too young for one of her age.

"I am quite convinced that your cause is a just one, Endisha, but you of all people here will know that I am a slow to trust anyone. I am not sure if you have what I seek, or indeed if you are who you say, so I merely offer a warning. If you cross me or betray me or do not give me what I need when this journey is over-if indeed we survive-then I will end the existence of both you and your group. You're the one who recruited me for this; I expect you know what I can do."

With that, she fell silent, leaning back against her tree, and acting as if none of the previous thirty seconds had even transpired. Twirling her hair casually, Scylla withdrew her Shamisen, checking its strings carefully.
~Omnia mutantur, nihil interit~

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Free Eagles
Posts: 312
Founded: Oct 04, 2004

Postby Free Eagles » Thu Aug 26, 2010 6:49 am

As the discussion about when to leave and where to go carried on around her, Rhianna remained silent, merely watching the others as they spoke and attempting to learn anything she could from what they said, their mannerisms or their appearance. She had an opinion on the matter, of course, but there was a part of her that felt that as an uninvited member of the group, even one that had been subsequently approved, her opinion was somewhat invalidated, and the rest of her had agreed to keep a fairly low profile for now.

If she had had something important to say on the matter, she would have done so, but she had only a vague knowledge of the area as yet. The town to which they were apparently headed, for example; she had heard the name, knew roughly where it was and that it was on a trade route, but that was about it. As for the route that James and Endisha briefly discussed as an option to get there, she did not even know the name. That was something she would do her best to rectify if she got the chance, but she had to admit it was a secondary concern to her now.

She still remained silent when Endisha asked for them all to confirm whether they would be joining her or not; if her appeal to remain only minutes ago had not answered that question already, then nothing would. So she continued to stand silently beside Endisha, observing what went on around her. The only other woman in the group, Scylla, abruptly made vaguely threatening comments about what would happen if she was being misled. Her accent was fairly similar to Rhianna’s own, she realised, but she doubted that there was any significance to that. When the woman withdrew a stringed instrument of some kind, she looked on with interest. Another musician, she thought, I wonder if she would be willing to play together sometimes.



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