The Oval Office (Political Satire/Comedy) OOC

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The Oval Office (Political Satire/Comedy) OOC

Postby Caliland » Mon Feb 03, 2025 1:05 pm


"When A Clown Becomes King, The Palace Becomes A Circus" -Turkish Proverb (modified)

About the RP

The Oval Office is a political comedy RP that can be best described as The West Wing meets The Office. It’s set in the dysfunctional administration of President Liam Anderson with different quirky staff members and government officials dealing with national crises, antics, hijinks, and interpersonal drama. The plots will be episodic, so a different scenario every few weeks. Players would be the President’s staff, government officials, or other interested parties. I will play the President and the VP. Liam is a manchild , a gullible fool who does whatever his advisors say while perusing his own whacky antics. The Vice President is his older brother Tom, who is a level-headed, if uptight politics nerd who acts as the only sane man/comic straight man to everyone else’s quirks and hijinks (especially his brother's). It’s all supposed to be comedic in nature, much like a sitcom.

Characters will be members of the President’s entourage. So aides (Chief of Staff, Press Secretary, etc.), members of his security detail (Secret Service agents), or advisors (National Security Advisor, Director of the CIA, or make up your own advisor for a very niche issue, etc.). If you need any more ideas, just look up “presidential staff members”, or let me know and I can give ideas. Bonus points if you can work in Liam’s backstory into your character.

When writing your characters, please try to make them funny in some way. The whole point of this is to be funny. This isn't a "serious" political RP, so you don't worry too much about being "realistic" (in the political sense), as long as you stay within the bounds of reality. So anything from farcical slapstick to sharp wry satire works. Look, it's an RP where a slacker got elected president, I don't think it'll matter if your character abides by some obscure Senate bylaw or whatever. That said, while the tone may not be serious, I do hope that you can take this fairly seriously. Just because it’s not a sophisticated political simulator doesn’t mean you can be lazy or just do whatever you want.

The Backstory

Liam Anderson is an average joe who ran for President in 2024* as a joke. It all started one fateful night, at an open mic event at a local comedy club, a half-drunk Liam preformed a stand-up routine about his recent unlucky streak (his girlfriend kicked him out, he lost his job, etc.). It was a big hit with the bar's patrons, one of whom started recording. But Liam had already used up his best jokes. So, he turned to the lowest common denominator for all comedians. No, not sex, politics. Liam ad-libbed a rant about the 2024 election. He expressed discontent with the unpopular liberal incumbent, and mocked the controversial conservative firebrand running against him. Fueled by the applause of the packed bar, Liam promised to run for President. The next morning, a hungover Liam awoke to find he had gone viral, and had become something of a meme candidate. He thought he was being funny, just trolling the establishment. But the people were fed up with partisan politics, and saw him a much-needed change. So he decided to take his campaign seriously. Liam enlisted his brother Tom as his running mate. Tom came up with a platform, and Liam energized people with his ideas. Once asked "What will you do about the economy?" he replied "Make it cheaper". When asked about crime he said; "I'm gonna make it illegal to do crimes". Tom's carefully curated combination of policies was a hit with undecided voters, independents, and millions of Americans who were disillusioned with politics. It helped that Liam was an everyman, a man of the people, but also a fun guy. He wrote and recorded diss tracks against his two opponents. Celebrities endorsed him out of fear of alienating half their fanbase. He was elected in a landslide. But now must run a country with absolutely zero experience, and only a motley crew of trusted aides...

*In this universe the minimum age for President isn’t 35. Everything else is the same unless otherwise stated.


1. If there is an issue of dispute, take it up with me.
2. No godmoding, trying to control someone else's character or an NPC.
3. Keep it PG-13, swearing is allowed, but don't go overboard, we can't risk getting sued by Veep.
4. Keep is civil OOC.
5. No low-effort posting. This means no one-liners or short posts. At least one paragraph per post.
As long as you follow these simple guidelines, you'll be all right

Important Characters

Name: Liam Anderson
Sex: Male
Age: 25
Appearance: (description and/or photo) Hard at work in the Oval Office

Position: President of the United States
Personality: A slacker, Liam is usually lazy and sarcastic, until he gets excited about something. Then he gets hyperactive, brash and generally goes nuts.
Skills: Charismatic, charming, can be very energetic if properly motivated, genuinely cares about people who need help.
Weaknesses: Lazy, brash, easily distracted, rampant ADHD, too trusting, easily fooled, somewhat scatterbrained.
Likes: Stand-up comedy, the New York Mets, partying with friends, 80s and 90s sci fi movies, rock and hip hop music, fast food.
Dislikes: Being told what to do (especially by his brother), "old people" (career politicians), the Yankees, cruel/corrupt people, his crazy ex-girlfriend.
Goals: To have fun in life, prove that normal people can run the government, stay away from his ex.

Biography: Liam was born the youngest of two sons in a working class family in upstate New York. From an early age, his older brother Tom always outshone him. In school, in extra-curricular activities, Tom always seemed like the favorite. Their parents doted upon Tom, and encouraged him to pursue his intellectual interests, signing him up for clubs and setting him a path towards an Ivy League university. Possibly as a response to this, Liam became more interested in sports and music. But whenever he tried for a team or band, he found he didn't work well with others. So Liam became something of a lone wolf. He never really stuck to one thing for too long. This mentality carried over into the work world. Liam never stayed at a job for more than a few months, annoying his parents.

So Liam packed up and moved to New York City. There he started to feel like thing were coming together for him. He got a job as an intern at a newspaper, The New Amsterdam Daily that he didn't hate, partly due to the amusing personalities of his coworkers. He also discovered his interest in comedy, and began frequenting local comedy clubs. In one of those clubs, he met Melissa. He and Melissa hit it off right away, and began dating soon after. Due to the high cost of living, they rented an apartment together only a month into their relationship. This turned out to be a bad idea. Melissa turned out to be, in Liam's words, "a crazy friggin psycho". Her personality, but especially her clinginess made Liam very uncomfortable. It strained their relationship to the breaking point and after a big fight, Melissa kicked Liam out.

After this his life began to spiral downhill. He lost his job at the Daily when the owner/editor-in-chief decided to sell the paper to a rival before his ex-wife could win it in the midst of their messy divorce. Out of a job, he reluctantly moved in with Tom and his fiancée at their luxury apartment in NYC. It was during this rough patch that his now-famous viral moment at the comedy club happened. After seeing how many people were uset with the system, Liam decide to try hard for once in his life. He wanted to take this seriously, and to that end, he asked his brother to be his running mate. Tom agreed, and together they won the election, thanks to Tom's brains and Liam's charisma.


Name: Tom Anderson
Sex: Male
Age: 27
Appearance: (description and/or photo) From his LinkedIn profile

Position: Vice President of the United States
Personality: Quiet, reserved, calm. Unless he is asked an obscure fact about the US government, which he is way too eager to share
Skills: Knowledgeable about US government and politics, negotiation skills, speaks Spanish, German and Russian.
Weaknesses: Has a slightly inflated view of himself, doesn't work well with others, can be pretentious at times, has trouble connecting with average people.
Likes: Chess, wine, high cuisine, classical literature, history, smooth jazz, saying he cares about the environment.
Dislikes: fast food, loud music, being insulted, his brother's antics, most politicians, people who swear a lot, the outdoors.
Goals: To solve America's problems, and usher in a peaceful decade of prosperity.

Biography: If Liam is the slacker of the two, Tom is the over achiever. His parents, although poor financially passed onto him a wealth of knowledge in the form of books. He learned to read at age 3, and quickly developed a hunger for knowledge. He loved going to the local library and reading about history and science. His intellect was noticed by his teachers, who showed him towards programs that fit right in with his love of all things academic. He got good grades, and as a result his parents encouraged him to work towards the goal of going to an Ivy League university. He also became heavily involved with student activism in high school. He loved the feeling that he was making an impact on the world. But he was disillusioned with the lack of progress his movements made.

Still, Tom finally met this goal and was accepted into Harvard (a fact he loves to share with people). He minored in political science, and majored in law. At Harvard he met British exchange student and art history major, Erika Hale, whom he began to date after graduating. Tom got a job with Pearson Hardman, a prestigious law firm in New York. He also got an apartment in the city, where he and Erika live after she got a job at the Met museum. Things were going well for Tom, he even got engaged to Erika. But then his slacker brother showed up on his doorstep with his problems. Tom initially did not want to let him stay, but Erika convinced him to let Liam stay for a few weeks while he found a place to live. Tom let Liam stay as long as he kept to himself. Liam did, coming and going at all hours of the night, usually form bars and comedy clubs, half-drunk. One morning as Liam lay hungover on the couch, Tom tuned into NPR while preparing his morning espresso. He heard about a man in a bar whose rant against the political candidates had gone viral, sweeping up a wave of support from common Americans. Tom scoffed at the thought until his brother confessed that he was the one who had gone viral. Liam wanted to run for President. Against his better judgement, Tom agreed to help his brother finally make something of himself. By using his political experience he crafted a platform of hot-button issues that led him and his brother to the White House.


Character Application Form

Code: Select all
[align=center][b]Character Application[/b][/align]

[b]Appearance: (description and/or photo)[/b]


[b]Biography:[/b] (At least one paragraph)


Player Characters

Josephine Markwell - National Security Advisor (United Mafias)
Walda Momento - Occasional Lobbyist (Voxija)
Jane Doe - Secretary of Moderation (-Liberty-)
Tricia Patters - Former Presidential Candidate/Secretary of Heights? (Honghai)
Sean Olinsky - Secret Service Agent (Tikrav)
Johnny Rick - Deputy Director of Communication (Malorossi)
Tony Blinkblink - Secretary of Defense (Antony Blinken, surprisingly enough)
Thomas Westel - Secretary of State (New Atlantic States)
Gerard Louis Orgueilleux - French Ambassador (Constaniana)
Prof. Moses McKinley - Babysitter of Senior Advisor to the President (Deblar)
"James" - Chief Houseguest of the President (Countesia)
Vladislav Tepes - Secretary of Homeland Security (Great Confederacy of Commonwealth States)
Oliver Doyle - Director of the CIA (Alvosa)
Dr. Arnold Appleby - Chief of Staff (Kreigsreich of Iron)
Evgeny Rykov Eugene Rocke - Presidential Advisor on Law Enforcement Policies (Zenik)
Chase "Chad" Riggleton III - Director of Intergovernmental Affairs (Catalaonia)
Jonny Kwan - Speaker of the House (Kunskil)
Andrew Indie - Attorney General (Corleson)
Sean Spyros - Press Secretary (Singgasana)
Maysa Nasr - Chair of the FTC (Cybernetic Socialist Republics)
Last edited by Caliland on Thu Feb 06, 2025 11:19 am, edited 21 times in total.
A direct democracy on islands off the coast of California, where government affairs are filmed for a reality TV show and social media is the only way to vote.

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Kreigsreich of Iron
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Postby Kreigsreich of Iron » Mon Feb 03, 2025 1:21 pm

Sir Humphrey incoming.

”A is A”
-Ayn Rand

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Postby Alvosa » Mon Feb 03, 2025 2:02 pm

What’s up with all the American political RPs lately? Anyways App up tomorrow hopefully.

OOC: Hello, I am Alvosa from Aspen. I am from Ireland. I like P2tm (a lot) F7 posting random dispatches and TET. That was my sig, it’s called Jake.

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Postby Caliland » Mon Feb 03, 2025 2:20 pm

Kreigsreich of Iron wrote:Sir Humphrey incoming.

Haha. Yes, Minister was a big inspiration behind this RP. Tom is basically the Humphrey to Liam’s Hacker.
Alvosa wrote:What’s up with all the American political RPs lately? Anyways App up tomorrow hopefully.

I noticed the same trend. That’s actually why I decided to launch this one, as an indirect parody of sorts.
Last edited by Caliland on Mon Feb 03, 2025 2:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
A direct democracy on islands off the coast of California, where government affairs are filmed for a reality TV show and social media is the only way to vote.

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United Mafias
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Postby United Mafias » Mon Feb 03, 2025 4:02 pm

Character Application

Name: Josephine Markwell
Sex: Female
Age: 46
Appearance: (description and/or photo)
Position: National Security Advisor
Personality: Power hungry, Diligent, Hard-working, Two-faced liar
- knowledge on criminal and international law
- charismatic speaker
- meticolous calculator
- ambitious
- hard-working


- uncaring and cold personality
- intollerant
- tends to take credit that isn't her
- backstabber

Likes: The Gullible side of president Anderson, romantic movies, coffee, reading, classical music
Dislikes: vice-president Anderson, The rest of president's Anderson personality, incompetent people, fools, bland food
Goals: Become the most trusted advisor of Anderson up to a point where he's her puppet and basically govern using him as a decoy

Biography: Josephine's arrival at the White House is constellated with backstabbings, scheming, lies and games of power. It all started when Josephine entered at Quantico in 1996 at 20 years old, after the completion of her compulsory school course; passed the 10 weeks at Quantico she became an FBI agent, her first case involved various criminal activities in Chicago connected to various street gangs. After two years of investigation, she managed to collect enough evindences to arrest them and charge them. Her career continued, between investigating cases and battling colleagues to get a better position, however, things got to the worst when, in an effort to screw over a colleague to obtain a better position, gave him false informations on a suspect of a serie of murders in Buffalo, which lead to the death of said suspect and two police officers : Someone had to take the blame, and that someone was Josephine's colleague, which was ratted out by herself. After the " Buffalo Incident " of 2007, Josephine left the FBI in search of a more thrilling experience, and it seemed that she found that in the Agency. Josephine's career in the CIA was marked by blood, since she, either directly or indirectly, was responsible of several incidents in the Middle East that lead to dozens of deaths, all of this, however, is alleged : No-one could connect her to those incidents, and she was free to continue working in the Agency. Now an experienced member of the Agency, Josephine started to look forward to the White House, the ANSA position specifically : and, with the newly elected president being a total moron, it was her occasion, and when the president needed to choose, she seemed one of the best choices

Last edited by United Mafias on Tue Feb 04, 2025 5:48 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Voxija » Mon Feb 03, 2025 4:07 pm

Can I play a character that doesn’t require a lot of commitment? Like a lobbyist who comes by every once in a while to lobby like things for Space Marines or price controls on kittens.
Last edited by Voxija on Mon Feb 03, 2025 4:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Republic of Voxija (pronounced: Voshiya)
I'm a woman. A weird Jew. Trying to learn French and failing. An American who wishes the US would switch to the metric system. Probably part of the Illuminati. Secret pyromaniac? I will never make an OOC factbook!

my politics are confused and muddled
Most of my grammar errors are on purpose. Sppeling errors, tho...
I'd rather be fishing. | Author of Issues 1324 and 1346.
Generic MT liberal democracy Meh. | I think that by now I've created more lore for my nation than most real-world nations have.
Disclaimer: the views of my characters do not necessarily represent the views of the author.

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Postby -Liberty- » Mon Feb 03, 2025 4:09 pm

Name, Age and Sex: Zachary Alderneen, 38, Male
Date Of Birth: May 6th, 1990
Home State: California
Previous Job: Republican Senator and Governor Of California, before politics an absolutely successful actor.
Political Party and Faction: Libertarian Party - Mises Caucus
Current Job: Minister Of Finance
Backstory Summary (2 paragraphs maximum): Born to a family of the upper-middle class, Zachary has it all. The blitz, the bling, the chutzpah, the debonair. His parents were both renowned actors, known for their glamorous stylings, Zach was practically destined for a life in the Hollywood Hills. His academia was subpar at best, but he knew how to make a person love him, wooing teacher and student alike with his lightning charm. Graduating from college with a degree in business, Zachary was able to burst into the acting scene with his family connections, swiftly becoming a host of Wheel Of Fortune. Lauded for his zinging one-liners, flamboyant enthusiasm, and over-the-top stunts, Zachary accelerated into the mainstream of Hollywood, becoming a top-tier actor. However, that wasn’t enough for the rising star. Becoming known around local Republican circles, he swiftly became governor of his home state, his zeal seeming to infect the economy. Despite his success, Zachary grew disgusted by the corruption within the Republicans, abandoning the party that made him the politician he was.
Political Demeanour (How you primarily carry yourself in politics): A true outsider to politics, waging a great war against the Washington Machine. The Saviour of America, fighting against the globalist elites. A warrior, battling against the decay in government. As well, a youthful, virile candidate - the Second Kennedy, if one will. The youngest President of all time if he seized power, in fact. A true showman, ready to introduce some well needed showbiz energy to government.
Popular Demographics: The young businessman, the white-collar worker, the disgruntled 20-something.
Political Positions: Centre-Right Culturally, Right-Wing Economically, Libertarian Civically, Isolationist Diplomatically - but Populist in every sense.
Primary Issues (EGS: The Enviroment): The corruption of the elites, the soaring debt, the abandonment of the people by the politicians, and the erosion of America’s values.
Last edited by -Liberty- on Mon Feb 03, 2025 4:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Political: Right-Libertarian. Free-Speech Enjoyer. Parasite-By-Choice. Human Supremacist. Certified Goldwater, Ron Paul, and Musk glazer. Conspiracy theorist and proud government skeptic.

Apolitical: Starship Troopers supporter. Ayn Rand lover. Creative writer. Sci-fi builder. Puppet-master of Siniy-Rossiya. Burger King supremacist. Humanity was destined to conquer the stars. Business degree. Follower of Christ.

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Postby Tikrav » Mon Feb 03, 2025 4:14 pm

Character Application

Name: Sean Olinsky
Sex: Male
Age: 36
Appearance: (description and/or photo) WIP

Position: Secret Service Agent
Personality: Grumpy, Protective, Paranoid and Stubborn
Skills: Firearms management, martial arts, fast runner, basic negotiatory skills
Weaknesses: Control freak, stubborness, paranoia and terrible attitude
Likes: burgers, " Weird Al " Yankovic, The Colts, Ukrainian traditions, working out
Dislikes: time wasters, idiots ( Walda Momento specifically ), racist douchebags, commercial music, The Chiefs, The ICE

Goals: Protect the president and the White House

Biography: Born from two immigrants from Eastern Europe ( his parents were from Ukraine) in New York City in 1988, Sean was the son of two worlds: divided between the new opportunities of the American dream and the rigidity of the expat comunity he was from: During his childhood and teenhood stayed with his friend group through thick and thin, composed by other boys and girls, sons and daughters of other immigrants, such as Gus, Julian ( or Yulian as his parents preferred ), Viktor, Vlad, Vera and Alicia. They eventually got apart, but stayed in contact through phone calls and messages. Once finished HS, Sean had a dilemma in his hands: what job should he do ? After a month or two of pondering, he enlisted in the military as an Infantryman; after bootcamp he was deployed in Afghanistan, It wasn't a particular period of action, consisting of patrols, recons and security tasks in various locations. He was sent home after a bomb attack that knocked him out. He didn't sustain particular debilitating injuries, but the Army decided to send him home and discharge him in 2011. Remained jobless, he had few choices, and he took the least worst-looking one: the ATF, where he served until 2020. Sean described working for the ATF as " one of the most painfully boring jobs ever, but better than working for those ICE bastards". After a particularly successful mission he got a reccomendation for the USSS ( United States Secret Service ), and he became an Agent there. He became part of the president's security once he got elected

Last edited by Tikrav on Tue Feb 04, 2025 7:17 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Caliland » Mon Feb 03, 2025 4:39 pm

United Mafias wrote:Position: Secretary of Foreign Affairs

Not to be “that guy” but I think the term you’re looking for is “Secretary of State”.
Voxija wrote:Can I play a character that doesn’t require a lot of commitment? Like a lobbyist who comes by every once in a while to lobby like things for Space Marines or price controls on kittens.

-Liberty- wrote:-snip-

Umm, this isn’t an election RP. The characters are supposed to be White House staffers, or other officials who interact with the President on a daily basis.

Tikrav wrote:Position: Secret Service Agent
Personality: Grumpy, Protective, Paranoid and Stubborn

This looks promising, can’t wait to see the full app when it’s done.
Last edited by Caliland on Mon Feb 03, 2025 4:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
A direct democracy on islands off the coast of California, where government affairs are filmed for a reality TV show and social media is the only way to vote.

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Postby -Liberty- » Mon Feb 03, 2025 4:49 pm

Caliland wrote:
United Mafias wrote:Position: Secretary of Foreign Affairs

Not to be “that guy” but I think the term you’re looking for is “Secretary of State”.
Voxija wrote:Can I play a character that doesn’t require a lot of commitment? Like a lobbyist who comes by every once in a while to lobby like things for Space Marines or price controls on kittens.

-Liberty- wrote:-snip-

Umm, this isn’t an election RP. The characters are supposed to be White House staffers, or other officials who interact with the President on a daily basis.

Tikrav wrote:Position: Secret Service Agent
Personality: Grumpy, Protective, Paranoid and Stubborn

This looks promising, can’t wait to see the full app when it’s done.

Wait, how did you know that I recycled it?
Political: Right-Libertarian. Free-Speech Enjoyer. Parasite-By-Choice. Human Supremacist. Certified Goldwater, Ron Paul, and Musk glazer. Conspiracy theorist and proud government skeptic.

Apolitical: Starship Troopers supporter. Ayn Rand lover. Creative writer. Sci-fi builder. Puppet-master of Siniy-Rossiya. Burger King supremacist. Humanity was destined to conquer the stars. Business degree. Follower of Christ.

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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Caliland » Mon Feb 03, 2025 4:59 pm

-Liberty- wrote:Wait, how did you know that I recycled it?

I have my sources. Nah, just kidding. I’ve been checking out the other political RPs, and I recognized it. Plus it didn’t fit the tone of his RP.
A direct democracy on islands off the coast of California, where government affairs are filmed for a reality TV show and social media is the only way to vote.

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Postby -Liberty- » Mon Feb 03, 2025 5:12 pm

Caliland wrote:
-Liberty- wrote:Wait, how did you know that I recycled it?

I have my sources. Nah, just kidding. I’ve been checking out the other political RPs, and I recognized it. Plus it didn’t fit the tone of his RP.

Wait, really? It doesn’t fit?
Political: Right-Libertarian. Free-Speech Enjoyer. Parasite-By-Choice. Human Supremacist. Certified Goldwater, Ron Paul, and Musk glazer. Conspiracy theorist and proud government skeptic.

Apolitical: Starship Troopers supporter. Ayn Rand lover. Creative writer. Sci-fi builder. Puppet-master of Siniy-Rossiya. Burger King supremacist. Humanity was destined to conquer the stars. Business degree. Follower of Christ.

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Postby Voxija » Mon Feb 03, 2025 5:16 pm

Character Application

Name: Walda Momento
Sex: female
Age: 24
Appearance: (description and/or photo) Walda is 5’ 3”, with a thin build. She has olive skin, untidy auburn curly hair, and brown eyes. Walda has a contrast wild-eyed expression on her face.

Position: Lobbyist for the most random things.
Personality: Walda is a bit flighty, with interests in the most random things. She has very random opinions that change every hour. She is a bit loud and obnoxious sometimes.
Skills: Getting past Secret Service agents, getting hired by business and lobbying agencies, a sort of weird charisma that wears off after an hour.
Weaknesses: Easily distracted, loses her temper easily,
Likes: Changes every hour. Currently kittens, mismatching clothes, and grimdark roleplaying games.
Dislikes: Not getting her addenda added to bills, being brushed off.
Goals: Succeed in lobbying for her favorite causes.

Biography: Walda Momento was born in New Jersey to an Italian-American father and an Irish-American mother. She was raised as one of those liberation theology Catholics where G-d wanted you to help the poor. That wasn’t necessarily in her nature, though. Throughout middle school and high school, Walda’s classmates made fun of her, saying that she was in the Mafia. Walda got terrible grades.

In her senior year of high school, Walda never took her Ritalin prescription, making enough money to get into a for-profit party school by selling it to her classmates. Walda Momento headed off to college, made absolutely no friends, and got disowned by her parents by seeking a degree in underwater basket weaving instead of becoming a lawyer. After graduating from college, Walda didn’t know what to do until she did a Wikipedia binge and discovered that lobbyists weren’t all evil corporate shills. She moved to Washington DC and decided to lobby for her own pet causes. Like mandatory pets.

The Republic of Voxija (pronounced: Voshiya)
I'm a woman. A weird Jew. Trying to learn French and failing. An American who wishes the US would switch to the metric system. Probably part of the Illuminati. Secret pyromaniac? I will never make an OOC factbook!

my politics are confused and muddled
Most of my grammar errors are on purpose. Sppeling errors, tho...
I'd rather be fishing. | Author of Issues 1324 and 1346.
Generic MT liberal democracy Meh. | I think that by now I've created more lore for my nation than most real-world nations have.
Disclaimer: the views of my characters do not necessarily represent the views of the author.

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Posts: 293
Founded: Apr 19, 2021
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Caliland » Mon Feb 03, 2025 5:20 pm

-Liberty- wrote:Wait, really? It doesn’t fit?

No, not really. Not only is this supposed to be a comedy RP, but it takes place in the White House, not during an election. If you want to go back to the drawing board, and make a new character, that would work.
Voxija wrote:-snip-

Accepted! Welcome to the White House.
Last edited by Caliland on Mon Feb 03, 2025 5:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
A direct democracy on islands off the coast of California, where government affairs are filmed for a reality TV show and social media is the only way to vote.

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Postby -Liberty- » Mon Feb 03, 2025 5:45 pm

Character Application

Name: Jane Doe.
Sex: Female.
Age: 39.8
Appearance: (description and/or photo) Average beauty, average height, average length, average width. Brunette eyes and hair, medium amounts of makeup. Wears suits of red.

Position: Minister Of Moderation - essentially, make sure governmental policy remains in the mainstream.
Personality: Jane Doe’s personality is undefined at best, and nil at worst. She always seems to follow the crowd, trying to please everyone while doing absolutely nothing for her identity. She is a blank of a human being, a person who no rational, sane person would mourn if she disappeared.
Skills: Jane is a jack of all trades, but a master at zilch. She can build a home, cook a steak, and set up a business fine enough - but absolutely nothing outstanding.
Weaknesses: Her greatest strength is also her greatest weakness. As I said - nothing she does is notable. She’s in the same ranks as Gerald Ford, Millard Fillmore, and Grover Cleveland.
Likes: Eating, drinking, sleeping, and breathing.
Dislikes: Everything ‘weird’ and outside of the mainstream.
Goals: Get by, and try not to alienate anyone.

Biography: Born to a ‘middle-class’ family in New York who she doesn’t hesitate to bring up in every paragraph she yammers, Jane was born in the earliest days of 1985, February 11th. Her father was a moderately successful businessman, and her mother was a stay-at-home wife, embedding within her daughter the values the family considered paramount to America - justice, order, and charity. Meanwhile, she bore two siblings - a brother, three years older than her, and a sister, two years younger. Determined to get ahead, she score remarkably above-average in her school years, scoring a solid 101 in her IQ test. Graduating Uni with a degree in law, she began as a lawyer, scoring around 10 cases of victory - in response to her total of 20. Thus, she decided to make her community better, and ascended to State Senator before rising to Governor. Presiding over a period of stable, mediocre comfort, she now sits in the White House, determined to Make America Moderate Again.

Caliland wrote:
-Liberty- wrote:Wait, really? It doesn’t fit?

No, not really. Not only is this supposed to be a comedy RP, but it takes place in the White House, not during an election. If you want to go back to the drawing board, and make a new character, that would work.
Voxija wrote:-snip-

Accepted! Welcome to the White House.

Last edited by -Liberty- on Mon Feb 03, 2025 5:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Political: Right-Libertarian. Free-Speech Enjoyer. Parasite-By-Choice. Human Supremacist. Certified Goldwater, Ron Paul, and Musk glazer. Conspiracy theorist and proud government skeptic.

Apolitical: Starship Troopers supporter. Ayn Rand lover. Creative writer. Sci-fi builder. Puppet-master of Siniy-Rossiya. Burger King supremacist. Humanity was destined to conquer the stars. Business degree. Follower of Christ.

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Moralistic Democracy

Postby Honghai » Tue Feb 04, 2025 12:36 am

Character Application


Tricia Patters





Appearance: (description and/or photo)



the OTHER President of the United States


Absolutely annoying-to-listen-to Valley Girl accent, dramatic - everything she does is as loud and explosive as possible, as showy as possible and as drawn-out as possible, is very calm almost to the point of Zenirvana


  • Heavy sleeper to the point of, when she is asleep, seeming as-dead-as-a-doorknob and perhaps deader-than-a-doorknob
  • Absolutely talented French horn player
  • Doing everything in heels, especially extreme sports/things no person could do in platform shoes or highheels


  • Skyscraper - it may not be obvious considering she's always wearing heels but she is incredibly tall. Not "incredibly tall, even for a woman" but someone who'd've got the Guinness World Record for Tallest Person Ever. She has to constantly duck/slouch or she wouldn't get past any doorframe, she is always uncomfortable driving, and it absolutely bothers her when people ask "How's the weather up there?"

  • Hot and spicy food
  • Loud music
  • Smacking everytime she's chewing gum
  • Telling everyone around her she was born to be the President of the United States

  • People telling her she's not the President of the United States
  • Refit every place in America to be big enough so that she wouldn't have to stoop so low
  • Not only being the President of the United States but being the greatest, most beautiful, most extravagant President to have ever Presided


Born-and-raised in California, C-student in Elementary but after that made straight A's though went to Art School. Always, her whole entire life, felt like her true calling was being the President of the United States of America. Both of her parents were tall though her mom was shorter than her dad - having tallness runs in the family. As she is a skyscraper, was absolutely demolished in School for it but attests that when she'd graduated and went to Art School, no one had made fun of her for her vast height.

Ran for President recently, got primaried, still claims she'd won despite losing her partys' Primaries.


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United Mafias
Posts: 139
Founded: Nov 24, 2024
Moralistic Democracy

Postby United Mafias » Tue Feb 04, 2025 5:48 am

United Mafias wrote:
Character Application

Name: Josephine Markwell
Sex: Female
Age: 46
Appearance: (description and/or photo)
Position: National Security Advisor
Personality: Power hungry, Diligent, Hard-working, Two-faced liar
- knowledge on criminal and international law
- charismatic speaker
- meticolous calculator
- ambitious
- hard-working


- uncaring and cold personality
- intollerant
- tends to take credit that isn't her
- backstabber

Likes: The Gullible side of president Anderson, romantic movies, coffee, reading, classical music
Dislikes: vice-president Anderson, The rest of president's Anderson personality, incompetent people, fools, bland food
Goals: Become the most trusted advisor of Anderson up to a point where he's her puppet and basically govern using him as a decoy

Biography: Josephine's arrival at the White House is constellated with backstabbings, scheming, lies and games of power. It all started when Josephine entered at Quantico in 1996 at 20 years old, after the completion of her compulsory school course; passed the 10 weeks at Quantico she became an FBI agent, her first case involved various criminal activities in Chicago connected to various street gangs. After two years of investigation, she managed to collect enough evindences to arrest them and charge them. Her career continued, between investigating cases and battling colleagues to get a better position, however, things got to the worst when, in an effort to screw over a colleague to obtain a better position, gave him false informations on a suspect of a serie of murders in Buffalo, which lead to the death of said suspect and two police officers : Someone had to take the blame, and that someone was Josephine's colleague, which was ratted out by herself. After the " Buffalo Incident " of 2007, Josephine left the FBI in search of a more thrilling experience, and it seemed that she found that in the Agency. Josephine's career in the CIA was marked by blood, since she, either directly or indirectly, was responsible of several incidents in the Middle East that lead to dozens of deaths, all of this, however, is alleged : No-one could connect her to those incidents, and she was free to continue working in the Agency. Now an experienced member of the Agency, Josephine started to look forward to the White House, the ANSA position specifically : and, with the newly elected president being a total moron, it was her occasion, and when the president needed to choose, she seemed one of the best choices


completed my app

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Posts: 293
Founded: Apr 19, 2021
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Caliland » Tue Feb 04, 2025 6:04 am

United Mafias wrote:-snip-

-Liberty- wrote:-snip-

Honghai wrote:-snip-

All accepted! Welcome aboard.
A direct democracy on islands off the coast of California, where government affairs are filmed for a reality TV show and social media is the only way to vote.

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Posts: 71
Founded: May 20, 2024
Democratic Socialists

Postby Tikrav » Tue Feb 04, 2025 7:17 am

Tikrav wrote:
Character Application

Name: Sean Olinsky
Sex: Male
Age: 36
Appearance: (description and/or photo) WIP

Position: Secret Service Agent
Personality: Grumpy, Protective, Paranoid and Stubborn
Skills: Firearms management, martial arts, fast runner, basic negotiatory skills
Weaknesses: Control freak, stubborness, paranoia and terrible attitude
Likes: burgers, " Weird Al " Yankovic, The Colts, Ukrainian traditions, working out
Dislikes: time wasters, idiots ( Walda Momento specifically ), racist douchebags, commercial music, The Chiefs, The ICE

Goals: Protect the president and the White House

Biography: Born from two immigrants from Eastern Europe ( his parents were from Ukraine) in New York City in 1988, Sean was the son of two worlds: divided between the new opportunities of the American dream and the rigidity of the expat comunity he was from: During his childhood and teenhood stayed with his friend group through thick and thin, composed by other boys and girls, sons and daughters of other immigrants, such as Gus, Julian ( or Yulian as his parents preferred ), Viktor, Vlad, Vera and Alicia. They eventually got apart, but stayed in contact through phone calls and messages. Once finished HS, Sean had a dilemma in his hands: what job should he do ? After a month or two of pondering, he enlisted in the military as an Infantryman; after bootcamp he was deployed in Afghanistan, It wasn't a particular period of action, consisting of patrols, recons and security tasks in various locations. He was sent home after a bomb attack that knocked him out. He didn't sustain particular debilitating injuries, but the Army decided to send him home and discharge him in 2011. Remained jobless, he had few choices, and he took the least worst-looking one: the ATF, where he served until 2020. Sean described working for the ATF as " one of the most painfully boring jobs ever, but better than working for those ICE bastards". After a particularly successful mission he got a reccomendation for the USSS ( United States Secret Service ), and he became an Agent there. He became part of the president's security once he got elected


How does it look?

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Posts: 293
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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Caliland » Tue Feb 04, 2025 7:20 am

Tikrav wrote:
Tikrav wrote:-snip-

How does it look?

It looks good! Accepted!
A direct democracy on islands off the coast of California, where government affairs are filmed for a reality TV show and social media is the only way to vote.

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Kreigsreich of Iron
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Postby Kreigsreich of Iron » Tue Feb 04, 2025 7:29 am

Do you mind if I make so that Chief of Staff is a permanent appointment?

”A is A”
-Ayn Rand

NStats are canon.- From the river to the sea, the Jewish people will be free!

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Posts: 293
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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Caliland » Tue Feb 04, 2025 7:30 am

Kreigsreich of Iron wrote:Do you mind if I make so that Chief of Staff is a permanent appointment?

Not at all. Go right ahead.

In other news, the IC should be up before the end of the week, so if anyone's interested, now would be a good time to sign up so you can start on time.
A direct democracy on islands off the coast of California, where government affairs are filmed for a reality TV show and social media is the only way to vote.

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Kreigsreich of Iron
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Postby Kreigsreich of Iron » Tue Feb 04, 2025 7:31 am

Caliland wrote:
Kreigsreich of Iron wrote:Do you mind if I make so that Chief of Staff is a permanent appointment?

Not at all. Go right ahead.

In other news, the IC should be up before the end of the week, so if anyone's interested, now would be a good time to sign up so you can start on time.


”A is A”
-Ayn Rand

NStats are canon.- From the river to the sea, the Jewish people will be free!

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Posts: 1327
Founded: Nov 05, 2023
Psychotic Dictatorship

Postby Malorossi » Tue Feb 04, 2025 8:02 am

Character Application

Name:Johnny Rick
Age:40 years
Appearance: (description and/or photo)


Position:Assistant to the President of the United States and Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications and Personnel at the White House
Personality: A radical Marxist fanatic who can talk for hours about world revolution, enthusiastic and sarcastic, which is clearly not suitable for the position, many criticized him for incompetence. He calls himself he is the "American Pancho Villa", dreaming of starting a world revolution supported by American bayonets, relying on the president's weakness.
Skills: Hard-working, constantly bursting with fresh ideas, ready to work with any funding, has his own team from his Trotskyist International
Weaknesses: Political fanatic, poser, lover of phrases that end up on the first page of newspapers, alcoholic, ladies' man.
Likes: He loves the president for his suggestibility
Dislikes:his corrupt apparatus, especially in the secret service
Goals: His goal is to bring a world revolution on American bayonets, starting a socialist one reformation in the US, taking advantage of the president's weakness

Biography: John Rick was an activist for the 5th International from the age of 17, popularizing the fight against homophobia and advocating for racial equality in the US, he organized a huge number of protests. Anderson's father was a family friend of the Ricks , often celebrated Thanksgiving together, and that's how he met the future president, with whom he constantly argued on political topics, but John won not by arguing, but by taking advantage of Anderson's compliance. After his victory, he invited John Rick to his place as a trusted person, thinking that he understood politics better than him and would therefore help him in his presidency. Despite the short-lived resistance, John Rick saw in this an unprecedented chance to bring the hour of world revolution closer, and after thinking it over over a bottle whiskey the next day agreed. Thus began the path of a street politician in the oval office

Last edited by Malorossi on Tue Feb 04, 2025 8:07 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Posts: 1327
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Psychotic Dictatorship

Postby Malorossi » Tue Feb 04, 2025 8:04 am

I decided to add a comic character to dilute the serious uncles and aunties in the apparatus, so that life does not seem like a bed of roses, I hope it fits the rp format. This is my first rp about the USA, I will not lie, because if there are amendments, I will make them. For the sake of interest, I would look at an ultra-left activist who suddenly gained control of the state apparatus, this should be funnier than Elon Musk, in my opinion.
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