Toralenia then recalled it's embassy in Kyrgyzstan, and the former Kyrgyz president said that the Galtonists will run a dictatorship.
After the election, the president then declared that every handicaped person should be out of the world.
In Kyrgyzstan, hundreds of babies were killed because of their illnesses, but Toralenian spies have seen it.
Just a hour later, at 4:00 PM (6 hours after election ended) Toralenia has launched a surprise offensive. Pediatric hospitals accused of killing were destroyed in just 20 minutes. A massive rocket launch, which got called "Explosive Bishkek" has been launched.
1 hour later, at 5:00 PM, Atinira Yakoveh mentioned a state of war on Kyrgyzstan.
But, the war may stay a frozen war if no other belligerents gets involved.
- Code: Select all
[b]Nation name:[/b]
[b]Leader name:[/b]
[b]Public Side Supporting (Toralenia, Kyrgyzstan, Neutral, Mediator):[/b]
[b]Secret side:[/b]
[b]Reason (Public):[/b]
[b]Reason (Secret):[/b]
[b]ORBAT (including peacekeepers):[/b]
[b]Intelligence Unit and Assets (Facultative):[/b]
Rules and notes:
1: For obivous reasons i'm not handling threadbans and warnings. Void if someone is breaking thread rules or i'll choose arbitrarily who is right.
2: No godmode, except you can say you destroyed Kyrgyz assets. (Kyrgyzstan is RP'ed my me)
3: Have fun.
4: Make a request in OOC if you want to use WMDs.
5: About tech, still no antimatter weapons, but space war (orbital strikes, fighter spaceplanes) stealth and next gen (stealth armors, vehicles and up to 8th gen mesospheric stealth bombers) are allowed.
6: The starting date is January 12, 2034.
7: The thread is open to GSO and CSL members, but their applications will still need to be accepted.
IC link: here