Alas, it is time for the State Elections of South G'aime, the second most populous state in the Sempi Archipelago, to commence. Here are the 8 parties, their Premiers, who will be represented both in State and federally, and their plans for the future of the state. Elections will be held in a voting office in one of the 22 in State electoral districts in South G'aime, each having their own candidate. The State Election will run for five days.
1. Parti Travailliste Libertaire (PTL). A social libertarian party and the currently leading party both federally and in State, their Premier candidate Jean Moko, the current Premier, who has served 1 term so far. Their main focuses are on: Increasing funds for welfare, increasing income equality, increasing environmental regulations in State, increasing funds for healthcare, and increasing rights in the state.
2. Parti Conservative Sempi (PCS) A conservative party and the current official opposing party federally, and a major opposition party in State, their Premier candidate Kolo Ilo. Their main focuses are increasing funds for non-polluting industry, introducing more business into the state, increasing funds for the State Police and State Education, and decreasing drug rights.
3. Parti Capitaliste Du l'archipel des Sempi (PCLS) A far-right capitalist party and a major opposing party federally, and a minor opposing party in State, their Premier candidate Hector Challibert. Their main focuses are on defunding welfare, decreasing environmental regulations, decreasing state owned companies, decreasing business regulations, increasing funds for all types of industry, and decreasing drug and LGBTQIA+ rights.
4. Parti Socialiste Sempi (PSS) A socialist party and a major opposing party federally and in State, their Premier candidate Kamenha Io. Their main focuses are on increasing funds for welfare, healthcare, State Education, increasing environmental regulations and increasing funds for non-polluting industry, increasing LGBTQIA+ rights, increasing income equality, increasing worker's and women's rights, increasing rights for disabled people.
5. La Relance (LR) A ultra-nationalist party, and a minor opposing party federally, and an out of State party, their Premier candidate Tokolo Kanu. Their focuses are on banning LGBTQIA+, banning drugs increasing funds for the State Police, introduce cameras to all property, not including homes and washrooms, and banning alcohol.
6. Parti Centriste (PC) A centrist party, and a minor opposing party federally and in State, their Premier candidate Hector Clement. Their main focuses are on increasing funds for healthcare, state police, state education, road infrastructure, and increasing environmental regulations.
7. Parti Vert Sempi (PVS) An environmentalist party, a minor opposing party federally, and a major opposing party in State, their Premier candidate Kahamena Batanga. Their main focuses are on increasing LGBTQIA+ rights, increasing funds for welfare, healthcare, state education, and public transportation, and increasing women's rights.
8. Parti Social Progressiste (PSP) A progressive populist party, and a minor opposing party federally, and a major opposing party in State, their Premier candidate Hanga Okohu. Their main focuses are on increasing income equality, worker's rights, women's rights, LGBTQIA+ rights, increasing funds for welfare, healthcare, state education, and non-polluting industry.
Now, vote your candidate!