[Q] How does a card’s value increase/decrease?

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[Q] How does a card’s value increase/decrease?

Postby Daphomir » Sat Jan 25, 2025 9:55 pm

A little question that has been sitting on my braincells every time I engage in the art of card trading: how does a card end up increasing/decreasing in value? In addition, how does it sometimes do this so radically (like how a Common can have over 10 value or a Legendary being worth just 1 value)?
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New Eestiball
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Postby New Eestiball » Sat Jan 25, 2025 9:59 pm

Daphomir wrote:A little question that has been sitting on my braincells every time I engage in the art of card trading: how does a card end up increasing/decreasing in value? In addition, how does it sometimes do this so radically (like how a Common can have over 10 value or a Legendary being worth just 1 value)?

at the start of a season every card is worth its junk value - legs are worth 1
to change the value of a card, you have to trade that card 12 times at that value, I believe - that's how I inflated my card
so if you sell your puppet a common for 500 12 times, congrats, you've got a 500 MV common
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