[R] Threadjack

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[R] Threadjack

Postby Durius » Sat Jan 25, 2025 12:36 pm

NorthernPesos seems to be threadjacking his own "Are the Palestinians descended from Messianic Jews?" thread. (viewtopic.php?f=20&t=561542)

NorthernPesos has twice already commented a huge wall of text pushing for their thesis that Russia is the culprit of instability in the Middle East since 1972, a topic that hardly seems relevant considering the opening lead.



A third comment also finds a space to push for that thesis, by describing the Palestinian Authority as Russian backed. A qualifier that again does not seem relevant if the topic of the thread was being respected.


The thread is quite a mess, but the poster hardly seems to be caring to follow the topic themselves presented.
Last edited by Durius on Sat Jan 25, 2025 12:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Juristonia » Sun Jan 26, 2025 6:22 am

There's also.. whatever this incoherent rambling is:
From the river to the sea

Ifreann wrote:Indeed, as far as I can recall only one poster has ever supported legalising bestiality, and he was fucking his cat and isn't welcome here any more, in no small part, I imagine, because he kept going on about how he was fucking his cat.

Dumb Ideologies wrote:
GMS Greater Miami Shores 1 wrote:What do I always say about Politics?

something incoherent

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Posts: 2512
Founded: Oct 30, 2015
Civil Rights Lovefest

Postby Durius » Thu Feb 06, 2025 1:47 am

Yet again, a thread is created immediatly followed by the sharing of that exact same article. One that is only tangentially connected to the leader, at best. It's seems harder and harder to belive the thread about Hamas and Palestinians was not created with the intent of being threadjacked to discuss the article about Russia in the Middle East.

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