Hello Moderators and many nations alike.
Forgive me if this question has been asked and answered on other threads...
I have observed that many regions have been raided, which I clearly understand that its apart of the mechanics of the site, and have been locked with puppet nations keeping the region from being deleted and holding that region in a sort-of semi-permanent limbo.
Myself, a nation with the urge and desire to create/recreate and collaborate in a region that I could call my own.
Is there / will there be anyway for these regions to be 'cleaned out'? Allowing the region to be reformed by a fresh new face with new ideas?
Essentially for myself there is a region that I had been 'eyeing up' for a while which was raided a few years ago. I have messaged the puppets to no avail, as well as searching for the main nation to hopefully get in contact and try to sort out some kind of deal.
I again apologise if this is a sort of repost of question or in the complete wrong location.
EDIT: Extra question, is there anything that moderation does about this?