by -Liberty- » Sat Jan 25, 2025 11:43 am
by Floofybit » Sat Jan 25, 2025 11:50 am
by -Liberty- » Sat Jan 25, 2025 11:50 am
Adamede wrote:Every populists leader I know of is themselves an establishment figure. Populism is just a power grab that steals the wording of reform movements.
by Owonyaania » Sat Jan 25, 2025 11:51 am
by -Liberty- » Sat Jan 25, 2025 11:52 am
Owonyaania wrote:I found the best way to fight against the estabilishment. It needs to be done, and only people like you can bring forth the change. You can make america great again. Now, it isn't much, it's very little actually. Buy my NFTs and crypto, owocoins. Buy them RIGHT NOW to make america great again! Trump already released THE ANTI ESTABILISHMENT trump meme-coin, now time for more of us, THE PROMINENT FIGHTERS AGAINST THE ESTABILISHMENT to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. BUY MY CRYPTO.
by Owonyaania » Sat Jan 25, 2025 11:55 am
by Floofybit » Sat Jan 25, 2025 11:57 am
-Liberty- wrote:Owonyaania wrote:I found the best way to fight against the estabilishment. It needs to be done, and only people like you can bring forth the change. You can make america great again. Now, it isn't much, it's very little actually. Buy my NFTs and crypto, owocoins. Buy them RIGHT NOW to make america great again! Trump already released THE ANTI ESTABILISHMENT trump meme-coin, now time for more of us, THE PROMINENT FIGHTERS AGAINST THE ESTABILISHMENT to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. BUY MY CRYPTO.
Now you’re- wait a second…
Did you just… capitalise mid sentence…?
by -Liberty- » Sat Jan 25, 2025 11:58 am
Owonyaania wrote:The proper rules THE ELITES use in language, the grammar, the different language than the beatiful people, the beautiful AMERICAN PEOPLE use. So... well yes, I am speaking LIKE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE do, no unecessary rules of grammar THE ELITES WANT YOU TO USE. MAKE LANGUAGE SIMPLE AGAIN. Abolish the department of education!
Anyway the fact Trump released his own meme-coin tells me all about populism. He released earlier his NFTs from what I can remember too. Obviously not a grifter at all.
by Owonyaania » Sat Jan 25, 2025 12:13 pm
Floofybit wrote:Capitalising? Capitalism! Elites! Owonyaania is the establishment!
-Liberty- wrote:But, you can still agree that the government is hiding far, far more than they let on, do you not?
by NorthernPesos » Sat Jan 25, 2025 1:14 pm
Owonyaania wrote:The proper rules THE ELITES use in language, the grammar, the different language than the beatiful people, the beautiful AMERICAN PEOPLE use. So... well yes, I am speaking LIKE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE do, no unecessary rules of grammar THE ELITES WANT YOU TO USE. MAKE LANGUAGE SIMPLE AGAIN. Abolish the department of education!
Anyway the fact Trump released his own meme-coin tells me all about populism. He released earlier his NFTs from what I can remember too. Obviously not a grifter at all.
[The Truth About Money: The Money SystemIsnt There a Better Way?
by Francis and Lia Ayley] :
"City in Austria Printed Local Currency
Worgl, like many other European towns and cities, was hit hard by the Great Depression. There was mass unemployment; four of the five local factories had closed, and the people were starving in the streets. Nobody had any money to buy anything. One of the features of an economic depression is that there is not enough money in circulation to ensure that people can meet their basic needs, and in the 1930s, the shortage of currency in many countries of the world became catastrophic.
The mayor of Worgl, together with local businessmen, decided to try to break this economic impasse by creating their own local currency. They printed and issued 60,000 Austrian shillings worth of local currency. These shillings could only be spent in Worgl, so they remained in the local community and were exchanged over and over again.
The positive impact was immediate and surprising to everyone. In only six weeks, unemployment disappeared, all the factories had reopened and everyone had food. For the inhabitants of Worgl, the economic depression was gone. This dramatic transformation became known as the “miracle of Worgl.” Surrounding towns, inspired by the success of Worgl, immediately started printing their own local currencies.
Sadly, the miracle did not last long. When the Austrian Central Bank heard about Worgl’s local currency, they initiated legal proceedings against the mayor and local businessmen. According to Austrian banking law, it was illegal for anyone except the Austrian Central Bank to issue money. The bank won the court case, and the mayor was ordered to shut down the local currency, which he did, under threat of imprisonment. The town then returned to the devastating economic depression of the 1930s, with all the human pain and suffering associated with this catastrophe. Factories closed, and once again, the people starved.
Alternative Currency in the U.S.
Irving Fisher, an American professor of economics at Yale University, visited Worgl before the local currency was suppressed and witnessed the ‘miracle’ firsthand. When he returned to the United States, Fisher spread the word by traveling and lecturing across the country, advocating the use of the Worgl ‘scrip’ everywhere. Inspired by his vision, hundreds of communities began issuing their own currency, and by 1934 there were over 1,000 local communities using ‘scrip’ throughout the U.S.
Every one of these communities experienced a tremendous rejuvenation of their local economies. They thrived while others suffered. Fisher then met with President Franklin D. Roosevelt, proposing the implementation of government-sanctioned local ‘scrip’ in every community in America. When FDR consulted with his top financial advisors and bankers, however, he was advised to shut all the ‘scrip’ systems down, which he did. Instead, he borrowed large amounts of money from bankers, at interest, and used it to pay for the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and the other work-creation projects, which collectively came to be known as the ‘New Deal.’ So ended the last widespread use of a local currency within the U.S.
This pattern of economic collapse and re-emergence of local currencies has occurred thousands of times in many parts of the world. When these currencies have failed or have been suppressed, banks have not always been to blame. Sometimes, local currencies fail because they have been badly designed or implemented. Sometimes, people lose interest in them when the mainstream economy recovers. But they have always returned in one form or another during times of economic failure.
Our present world situation is uniquely different. Despite a relatively prosperous and stable world economy, a quiet monetary revolution has been occurring around the globe over the last 20 years. Awareness is growing about the flaws in our current monetary system, and people are re-creating viable alternatives. We are witnessing for the first time the worldwide creation of money systems designed by the people who use them, instead of by central banks.
Time Dollars in Whatcom County"
[ The Truth About Money: The Money SystemIsnt There a Better Way?
by Francis and Lia Ayley}
by Durius » Sat Jan 25, 2025 1:58 pm
by -Liberty- » Sat Jan 25, 2025 2:14 pm
Durius wrote:I'm obviously going to ignore your "golden rule", because populism is completely stupid. I utterly despise it, not just because they are lying to the people, but because they are selling them hope of fixing a broken system without ever delivering.
Populism is a symptom, not a cause. It's a symptom of a people who sees itself cast out from the governing process, when it was supposed to be democratic. Most democracies of today are delegatory democracies, where you essentially just elected someone who will make decisions on your name (which I consider very different from what a representative democracy should be where you elect someone who will actually represent your opinion). What you call " the establishment" is nothing more than those we deem capable of governing the others. We believe most people are stupid for politics, so we believe that a political class is needed from where rulers are extracted. Then for some reason we forget that and start pointing the finger to an obscure "establishment", completely ignoring that we are the ones not taking the step to actually discuss with our neighbors the problems and means of solving it.
And this is why I hate the populists so much. They don't promise to give the reengage people in the political process. They just want to fool them in order to be elected. The system continues to work, as the most charismatic ones, either because they appear qualified, because they are well-spoken, or because they paint themselves in an anti-establishment light, continue to be elected. They are no less part of the "establishment" as any other from the political class.
by Corporate Collective Salvation » Sat Jan 25, 2025 2:44 pm
Floofybit wrote:You say you hate the establishment but establish a rule everyone has to follow
by Untecna » Sat Jan 25, 2025 2:50 pm
by Unmet Player » Sat Jan 25, 2025 2:53 pm
by Immature Dragons » Sat Jan 25, 2025 3:38 pm
Three Galaxies wrote:Remember, people. Don't let irrational hate take you over, or you will end up just like Liberal Malaysia.
by Kreigsreich of Iron » Sat Jan 25, 2025 3:43 pm
-Liberty- wrote:Owonyaania wrote:The proper rules THE ELITES use in language, the grammar, the different language than the beatiful people, the beautiful AMERICAN PEOPLE use. So... well yes, I am speaking LIKE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE do, no unecessary rules of grammar THE ELITES WANT YOU TO USE. MAKE LANGUAGE SIMPLE AGAIN. Abolish the department of education!
Anyway the fact Trump released his own meme-coin tells me all about populism. He released earlier his NFTs from what I can remember too. Obviously not a grifter at all.
Well, yeah. Every populist politician has been meticulously created to make the people believe they have a choice. The American Horthy is no different. He is a card-carrying statist shambling about in libertarian clothes. Trust me, every guy and gal in Washington is:
A. A war criminal.
B. A child lover.
C. A blackrock clerk.
But, you can still agree that the government is hiding far, far more than they let on, do you not?
”A is A”
-Ayn Rand
by Floofybit » Sat Jan 25, 2025 3:45 pm
Kreigsreich of Iron wrote:-Liberty- wrote:Well, yeah. Every populist politician has been meticulously created to make the people believe they have a choice. The American Horthy is no different. He is a card-carrying statist shambling about in libertarian clothes. Trust me, every guy and gal in Washington is:
A. A war criminal.
B. A child lover.
C. A blackrock clerk.
But, you can still agree that the government is hiding far, far more than they let on, do you not?
As a man raised in Washington, I can confirm that I all of the above.
by Kasdados » Sat Jan 25, 2025 3:47 pm
Kreigsreich of Iron wrote:-Liberty- wrote:Well, yeah. Every populist politician has been meticulously created to make the people believe they have a choice. The American Horthy is no different. He is a card-carrying statist shambling about in libertarian clothes. Trust me, every guy and gal in Washington is:
A. A war criminal.
B. A child lover.
C. A blackrock clerk.
But, you can still agree that the government is hiding far, far more than they let on, do you not?
As a man raised in Washington, I can confirm that I all of the above.
by Kreigsreich of Iron » Sat Jan 25, 2025 3:50 pm
”A is A”
-Ayn Rand
by Bienenhalde » Sat Jan 25, 2025 5:57 pm
Untecna wrote:Frankly, populism is the norm of today's political success. It may be beneficial for more to take advantage of that fervor.
by Untecna » Sat Jan 25, 2025 6:01 pm
Bienenhalde wrote:Untecna wrote:Frankly, populism is the norm of today's political success. It may be beneficial for more to take advantage of that fervor.
Being a populist might be fine if one can still have intelligent policies and stick to one's moral principles, but what if the people are just plain stupid and morally depraved?
by -Liberty- » Sat Jan 25, 2025 9:56 pm
Owonyaania wrote:Floofybit wrote:Capitalising? Capitalism! Elites! Owonyaania is the establishment!You got me. (*_ _)人 Please allow me to offer you my crypto as an apology, the best investment of this decade, you will earn thousands in a minute, just invest in my crypto, anti-estabilishment owocoins. 人(_ _*)
-Liberty- wrote:But, you can still agree that the government is hiding far, far more than they let on, do you not?
It just depends on what you exactly mean. What do you think they are hiding? What reasons and evidence do you have of that if you believe they are hiding something? It needs to be examined on case to case basis and with just thinking instead narratives to be believed in. ᴜ ω ᴜ
by Trollgaard » Sat Jan 25, 2025 10:18 pm
Bienenhalde wrote:Untecna wrote:Frankly, populism is the norm of today's political success. It may be beneficial for more to take advantage of that fervor.
Being a populist might be fine if one can still have intelligent policies and stick to one's moral principles, but what if the people are just plain stupid and morally depraved?
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