City of Penthe First Cultural Festival (IC/Sign Up/Open)

A staging-point for declarations of war and other major diplomatic events. [In character]
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City of Penthe First Cultural Festival (IC/Sign Up/Open)

Postby Penthe » Fri Jan 24, 2025 2:47 pm


The hum of industry echoed for miles beyond the megacity, mingling with the steady rhythm of workers and machinery. Smokestacks loomed against the icy horizon, their plumes cutting through the Arctic haze as factories pushed production to unprecedented levels. Construction reverberated throughout the city while songs and laughter spilled out from the streets, where festival preparations were in full swing. Blimps and towering automatons transported cargo and passengers alike, navigating the intricate labyrinth of Victorian Gothic structures that stretched deep into the mountains.

Chief Overseer Codsworth Iceblood strode through the hallway, his polished leather trench coat swaying with his steps. Behind him, his secretary, Issabelle, hustled to keep pace, her clipboard thick with papers clutched tightly in hand.

"Chief Overseer, sir, all preparations are complete," Issabelle began, scanning her notes. "And we've ensured vegetarian options are now available as well."

Codsworth paused momentarily, as he looked toward her before he resumed walking. "Good. Are the Arctic garments ready? And what is the latest on the weather?"

"Yes, sir," Issabelle replied quickly. "Currently, it's around -86°C with wind speeds reaching 124 miles per hour."

Codsworth grimaced slightly but allowed a hint of dry humor to slip through. "Let us hope our guests enjoy our charming weather."

Their conversation turned to the details of future affairs as they continued down a pathway that led to the airlock. Beyond it lay the loading and landing bay, reserved for VIPs and special visitors. After passing through, they stood waiting amid the howling winds and snow, prepared to welcome their esteemed guests.

The Sight That Greets You
The city rises from the Transantarctic Mountains, its stout, Gothic architecture clawing deep into the rock and stretching wide across the icy expanse. Smoke billows from towering chimneys and factories, disappearing into the endless Arctic blizzard. Massive three-story automatons on tripod legs scale the mountains and buildings with programmed precision, ferrying goods and personnel across the settlement, with blimps being seen doing the same. The streets pulse with vibrant lights and colors as the citizens finish up festival preparations. At the heart of it all stands the Mark II Generator, embedded within the central pit of the city, a testament to Pethean engineering. This generator powers the city and serves as the headquarters for the Chief Overseer's office and the Council of Specialists.

For those landing, Chief Overseer Codsworth Iceblood awaits on the wind-battered pad, his polished leather trench coat trimmed with gold and adorned with decorative insignia. His thick Arctic pants are tucked into knee-high black boots, and his graying hair, slicked back. His hands remain clasped behind his back.

(OOC link

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Postby Nooobs » Fri Jan 24, 2025 3:22 pm

A plane labeled Air Nooob lands, and the staircase comes out. A Nooob wearing a jacket opens the door and starts walking through but then suddenly stops, shivering.
“It’s freezing! How will we survive in this weather?”
He takes a step back into the doorway.

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Postby Tekniania » Fri Jan 24, 2025 3:59 pm

An Air Guard transport helicopter, specially modified to be airtight for this trip, with The Speaker's ensign painted on the side, slowly lands on the tarmac close to the airlock. As the blades on top of the hulking metal body stop spinning, the side opens up and 4 Council Guards step off, all in cold weather gear with internal heating - Teknianians, a nation living on tropical islands, are quite unaccustomed to temperatures less than 5 degrees Celsius. The Guards quickly look around for any dangers and the most senior one steps back aboard and steps back off a few moments later, now with 4 people following him.

They are:
The Speaker, Falaniku Tamatoa, chief of this delegation and head of state and government of Tekniania;
Her husband, Keiu Tamatoa, also a Colonel in the Land Guard and thus wearing their cold weather gear;
Their son, Willem Tamatoa, freshly 16 and slightly shivering under the massive overcoat;
The Commissioner of External Affairs and thus the left hand man for Falaniku, Kuresa Tuitama.

This group of four, led by the Council Guard, approached the Chief Overseer, all of them hoping to get inside as soon as possible.
Despite the howling winds and intense snowfall, the voice of the Council Guard was very clear, evidently from years of barking out orders. "Chief Overseer, I present The Right Honourable, The Speaker of the General Council of Tekniania, Falaniku Tamatoa." He stepped aside immediately, letting Falaniku approach.

"I sincerely hope you plan on bringing us inside soon, Chief Overseer, we've been off the helicopter for nn-no more than 3 minutes and I already want nothing more than to be inside. Th-th-thank you for inviting us." Her strong face could barely be seen under the thick layers she was wearing over he usual clothes.

Most stats not canon, including the tax rate

Breaking: Tekniania allies with Crysuko, to send troops to Crysuko borders | Ferry services begin to Col-Talsis in Crysuko | Econ Commission to allow lowered tariffs for Crysuko

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Postby Penthe » Fri Jan 24, 2025 4:38 pm

Nooobs wrote:A plane labeled Air Nooob lands, and the staircase comes out. A Nooob wearing a jacket opens the door and starts walking through but then suddenly stops, shivering.
“It’s freezing! How will we survive in this weather?”
He takes a step back into the doorway.

Codsworth offered the Nooob gentleman a refined Penthean courtly bow, his smile deeply amused as he spoke. "We have insulated heating inside, and complimentary Penthean Arctic wear is available for your comfort. My secretary and a few PDC infantrymen will be on hand to show you around,” he said, gesturing toward the airlock.

“For the others accompanying you, we’ve prepared a bunkhouse. Of course, if that arrangement isn’t to your liking, we can adjust the plans.” Pausing for a brief moment in thought, he added, “Ah, one more thin when you pass through the airlock, you’ll be blasted with a rush of hot air to clear off any snow or ice. A small precaution, but one that keeps the inside pleasant.”

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Postby Greznov » Fri Jan 24, 2025 4:52 pm


The white aircraft with a crown insignia, escorted by two Fa-165 Brevigels has arrived at the airstrip. The aircraft went down as the Brevigels flew above the white one to provide scouting and cover. Four guards went down the aircraft armed with Shokk Asault Raifel (SAR) assault rifle; followed by the Kayser himself. "Good morning! The weather is nice, eh?"

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Postby Penthe » Fri Jan 24, 2025 5:09 pm

Tekniania wrote:An Air Guard transport helicopter, specially modified to be airtight for this trip, with The Speaker's ensign painted on the side, slowly lands on the tarmac close to the airlock. As the blades on top of the hulking metal body stop spinning, the side opens up and 4 Council Guards step off, all in cold weather gear with internal heating - Teknianians, a nation living on tropical islands, are quite unaccustomed to temperatures less than 5 degrees Celsius. The Guards quickly look around for any dangers and the most senior one steps back aboard and steps back off a few moments later, now with 4 people following him.

They are:
The Speaker, Falaniku Tamatoa, chief of this delegation and head of state and government of Tekniania;
Her husband, Keiu Tamatoa, also a Colonel in the Land Guard and thus wearing their cold weather gear;
Their son, Willem Tamatoa, freshly 16 and slightly shivering under the massive overcoat;
The Commissioner of External Affairs and thus the left hand man for Falaniku, Kuresa Tuitama.

This group of four, led by the Council Guard, approached the Chief Overseer, all of them hoping to get inside as soon as possible.
Despite the howling winds and intense snowfall, the voice of the Council Guard was very clear, evidently from years of barking out orders. "Chief Overseer, I present The Right Honourable, The Speaker of the General Council of Tekniania, Falaniku Tamatoa." He stepped aside immediately, letting Falaniku approach.

"I sincerely hope you plan on bringing us inside soon, Chief Overseer, we've been off the helicopter for nn-no more than 3 minutes and I already want nothing more than to be inside. Th-th-thank you for inviting us." Her strong face could barely be seen under the thick layers she was wearing over he usual clothes.

Codsworth offered the entire family a refined Penthean courtly bow with his ever-present smile. Speaking over the howling blizzard,

"Enjoying the weather, I hope? You should experience it when it drops past -90°C things truly get interesting then," he said with a hint of playful humor. He does a glance over over the modified Is helicopter and the winter gear"I must commend your people’s ingenuity. Living on a tropical island and arriving in Antarctica of all places, fully prepared, is nothing short of remarkable in my eyes and in the eyes of the Penthean people."

His smile widened further as he continued, "But let us not delay. If we wait five more minutes, I fear your family and guards may become frozen statues." He gestured toward the airlock with a gloved hand. "Pull the left lever to enter, and please avoid standing too close to the massive doors as they close. Just a small warning when you step inside, you’ll be greeted by a blast of very hot air. It’s designed to clear off any frost or snow that might have settled on you."

His gaze shifted briefly to the guards. "For your security detail, we have a bunkhouse available should you stay for more than a day. Additionally, I’ve arranged for some PDC infantrymen and my capable secretary to show you around. They can also assist with outfitting your party in Penthean Arctic wear, should you choose to make use of it."

With a polite step to the side, he finished, "Ah, one more thing. Inside, you’ll also find a bar and dining area to help you thaw out properly. Please, step through when ready.""

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Postby Nooobs » Fri Jan 24, 2025 5:17 pm

The rest of the Nooobs get off the plane, get their arctic gear, and most go into their bunkhouse to settle down. Around 352 Nooobs come in total. Most of them are wealthy, high-ranking servants to Xoosu, and 22 of them are secret propagandists specially trained to spread Nooob ideas among the local people. Most propagandists try to tag along with civilians to avoid suspicion, while a few form groups. One Nooob boy, probably around 10 years old, scans his surroundings before asking, “where’s the food?”

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Postby Tekniania » Fri Jan 24, 2025 5:26 pm

"I thank you, Mr Codsworth. The Council Guards will be staying, so they'll appreciate the bunks. There's also an Air Guard staying in the helicopter the whole time we're here, just to keep an eye on it, so don't be surprised to see him inside if you decide to check up on our aerial vehicles." She gave him a quick, barely visible smile, and then quickly moved past him, into the airlock. The Council Guard Captain was once again in front of her, just in case there were any unexpected dangers.

Through the airlock and they found a very nice bar and canteen, indeed, set up just for them. The Teknianian delegation split in two now - Falaniku and Kuresa with the 4 Guards in one group and Keiu with his son into another.

Now, while most of the other delegations weren't here yet, seemed to be the perfect time for idle chit-chat for this delegation, all of whom soon had drinks in their hands (yes, even Willem, who was now old enough to drink under Teknianian law), relaxing away in the cosy bar.

Most stats not canon, including the tax rate

Breaking: Tekniania allies with Crysuko, to send troops to Crysuko borders | Ferry services begin to Col-Talsis in Crysuko | Econ Commission to allow lowered tariffs for Crysuko

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Postby Penthe » Fri Jan 24, 2025 5:40 pm


The white aircraft with a crown insignia, escorted by two Fa-165 Brevigels has arrived at the airstrip. The aircraft went down as the Brevigels flew above the white one to provide scouting and cover. Four guards went down the aircraft armed with Shokk Asault Raifel (SAR) assault rifle; followed by the Kayser himself. "Good morning! The weather is nice, eh?"

Codsworth offered the gentleman a refined Penthean courtly bow, his ever-present smile unwavering. He let out a chuckle at the man’s words.

"Glad to hear someone appreciates our lovely Arctic weather," he replied with Amused tone. "Though, I must admit, the armed aircraft seemed a bit... excessive for a diplomatic meeting and festival." His smile faltered briefly before returning to his usual amiable expression. "Regardless, I do hope your time here in Penthe is both productive and enjoyable, and that you find our city’s charms as unique as its climate." He glanced briefly toward the guards before adding, "We have a bunkhouse prepared for your security detail if your stay extends beyond the day. They'll find it warm and adequately outfitted for their needs."

Turning his attention back to the airlock, Codsworth gestured toward it with a polished glove. "To open it, simply pull the left lever and step through. Please be mindful as the airlock doors close, and a quick warning you’ll be greeted by a blast of hot air once inside. It’s a de-icing measure to clear any snow or frost that may have clung to you on the way."

He stepped aside to make way. "Beyond the airlock, my capable secretary and a few PDC infantrymen are ready to assist. They can show you around or help you acquire some of our Arctic wear, should you find the weather a bit more intense than expected. Oh, and one more thing you’ll find a bar and dining area inside to further warm yourself and your party. Please, make yourselves comfortable."

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Postby Penthe » Fri Jan 24, 2025 5:51 pm

Nooobs wrote:The rest of the Nooobs get off the plane, get their arctic gear, and most go into their bunkhouse to settle down. Around 352 Nooobs come in total. Most of them are wealthy, high-ranking servants to Xoosu, and 22 of them are secret propagandists specially trained to spread Nooob ideas among the local people. Most propagandists try to tag along with civilians to avoid suspicion, while a few form groups. One Nooob boy, probably around 10 years old, scans his surroundings before asking, “where’s the food?”

Two PDC Infantryman that we patrolling the hallway would stop in their tracks as they look at the child "Weres your parents, little one?" The first Guard would ask, while the second guard seemed to be Radio in about a lost child of a Nooob delegate
Last edited by Penthe on Fri Jan 24, 2025 5:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Penthe » Fri Jan 24, 2025 5:55 pm

Tekniania wrote:"I thank you, Mr Codsworth. The Council Guards will be staying, so they'll appreciate the bunks. There's also an Air Guard staying in the helicopter the whole time we're here, just to keep an eye on it, so don't be surprised to see him inside if you decide to check up on our aerial vehicles." She gave him a quick, barely visible smile, and then quickly moved past him, into the airlock. The Council Guard Captain was once again in front of her, just in case there were any unexpected dangers.

Through the airlock and they found a very nice bar and canteen, indeed, set up just for them. The Teknianian delegation split in two now - Falaniku and Kuresa with the 4 Guards in one group and Keiu with his son into another.

Now, while most of the other delegations weren't here yet, seemed to be the perfect time for idle chit-chat for this delegation, all of whom soon had drinks in their hands (yes, even Willem, who was now old enough to drink under Teknianian law), relaxing away in the cosy bar.

A Man in a Butler outfit would walk up to we're they were sitting "Do you have any Questions about penthe, also Honorable speaker do you wish to try any of our Is vegetarian options for your delight. Does you child wish for any Delectable sweets? Also Madam" The Butler would give her a warm smile

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Postby Tekniania » Fri Jan 24, 2025 6:08 pm

"I'll refrain from food for now, got to save room for that welcoming party. Thank you for the offer though, it is much appreciated. Though you could find someone to show our delegation to our accomodations, we'd like to settle in." Falaniku replied very kindly, slowly turning back to the conversation she was having about international cooperation with the Allied Guard.

Willem, however, was less receptive. Though he had been warned by both of his parents to be as courteous as possible, he had to say this at the very least. "Sir, I am 16, you may offer sweets to someone else. Thanks for the offer." His father just looked on, making sure that Willem didn't punch anyone.

Most stats not canon, including the tax rate

Breaking: Tekniania allies with Crysuko, to send troops to Crysuko borders | Ferry services begin to Col-Talsis in Crysuko | Econ Commission to allow lowered tariffs for Crysuko

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Panay Islands and Guimaras
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Postby Panay Islands and Guimaras » Fri Jan 24, 2025 6:38 pm

An exclusive AeroPanay government jet came to the airport and lands on to the terminal.
"So this is Penthe, *migo?", says Minister Palomar.
"Yes, an industrial country that made its first cultural festival.", replied Minister Parojinog.
"A concrete jungle where the people of Penthe's dreams are made of, and of opportunity has been a thing for them."
"Minister Parojinog, and guards, *let's charge."
Then they packed the bags of the delegates and bring them to the carrier and then walked to the delegates of Penthe and its commission

*migo = a "casual" form of saying 'bro' or 'friend', just like 'wey' in Mexico.
*"a la carga" = another way of saying "vamos"/"vámonos" in Panay
Last edited by Panay Islands and Guimaras on Fri Jan 24, 2025 6:39 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Penthe » Fri Jan 24, 2025 11:13 pm

Tekniania wrote:"I'll refrain from food for now, got to save room for that welcoming party. Thank you for the offer though, it is much appreciated. Though you could find someone to show our delegation to our accomodations, we'd like to settle in." Falaniku replied very kindly, slowly turning back to the conversation she was having about international cooperation with the Allied Guard.

Willem, however, was less receptive. Though he had been warned by both of his parents to be as courteous as possible, he had to say this at the very least. "Sir, I am 16, you may offer sweets to someone else. Thanks for the offer." His father just looked on, making sure that Willem didn't punch anyone.

The Butler would do a deep Bow, "I am sorry if I have offended you good sir." He would then look over at Falaniku "I will send over a Good sir of the PDC to show you to your accomodations, sadly the Secutary is Busy Rounded up foreign lost children form a different Delegate. Penthe Deeply Apologize for this" He would now speedily walk away

After 5 minutes

A PDC infantryman, carrying only his sidearm, approached and offered Falaniku a respectful bow. "My apologies for the delay, Honored Speaker. Everything is now in order for you and your family. "

Straightening to his full posture, he continued, "If you would be so kind as to follow me, I will escort you to your accommodations. The spot we have prepared offers a truly wondrous view of our city." Pausing for a brief moment, he added with a polite smile, "Of course, it comes complete with added insulation and heating elements for your comfort and full enjoyment."
Last edited by Penthe on Sat Jan 25, 2025 11:02 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Penthe » Sat Jan 25, 2025 8:32 am

Panay Islands and Guimaras wrote:An exclusive AeroPanay government jet came to the airport and lands on to the terminal.
"So this is Penthe, *migo?", says Minister Palomar.
"Yes, an industrial country that made its first cultural festival.", replied Minister Parojinog.
"A concrete jungle where the people of Penthe's dreams are made of, and of opportunity has been a thing for them."
"Minister Parojinog, and guards, *let's charge."
Then they packed the bags of the delegates and bring them to the carrier and then walked to the delegates of Penthe and its commission

*migo = a "casual" form of saying 'bro' or 'friend', just like 'wey' in Mexico.
*"a la carga" = another way of saying "vamos"/"vámonos" in Panay

Codsworth offered the two gentlemen a refined Penthean courtly bow, his usual amused smile firmly in place. "Greetings, Mr. Palomar and Mr. Parojinog. On behalf of Penthe, I welcome you. Personally, I trust you enjoyed the view of our lovely city from your jet."

His gaze briefly shifted to the aircraft behind them, a hint of concern crossing his expression. "I do hope your jet has been modified to handle our Arctic winter conditions. The last thing we’d want is for the engine block to crack due to fluids freezing and expanding." Returning his attention to the pair, Codsworth’s smile grew "If you’d like, I can arrange for some of our PDC contractors to give it a thorough inspection and make any necessary modifications. It would be our pleasure to assist."

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Of the 4 States
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Postby Of the 4 States » Sat Jan 25, 2025 8:37 am

Even not officially in the festival, four F-17 T300 from the 4 Statesan Airforce come in the air, they do their signature move, the "Constelation Move", where the four jets fly in a X formation, resembling the stars in the 4 Statesan flag
CSA but It doesent support forced black work
NS Stats & Policies arent canon (but economy ones)

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Of the 4 States
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Postby Of the 4 States » Sat Jan 25, 2025 8:47 am

Suddently, a Air Miami appears, escorted by two F-16 Model 2's. It was carring the Statesan Athletic Team for athetism
CSA but It doesent support forced black work
NS Stats & Policies arent canon (but economy ones)

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Postby Nooobs » Sat Jan 25, 2025 9:54 am

Penthe wrote:
Nooobs wrote:

Two PDC Infantryman that we patrolling the hallway would stop in their tracks as they look at the child "Weres your parents, little one?" The first Guard would ask, while the second guard seemed to be Radio in about a lost child of a Nooob delegate

The boy responded “uhh… I dunno. I was with them on the plane, but I have no idea where they went! I think I can take care of myself though. I don’t need them telling me what to do all the time anyway.” Then he turns around and continues searching the area for food.

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Postby Penthe » Sat Jan 25, 2025 10:40 am

Of the 4 States wrote:Suddently, a Air Miami appears, escorted by two F-16 Model 2's. It was carring the Statesan Athletic Team for athetism

OOC) You have to sign in the through the OOC link at the very top. Am I sorry to say this but until then you will be Ignored
Last edited by Penthe on Sat Jan 25, 2025 10:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Penthe » Sat Jan 25, 2025 10:49 am

Nooobs wrote:
Penthe wrote:

The boy responded “uhh… I dunno. I was with them on the plane, but I have no idea where they went! I think I can take care of myself though. I don’t need them telling me what to do all the time anyway.” Then he turns around and continues searching the area for food.

The two PDC Infantryman kinda look at each other before the first one would pick up the kid as gently as possible. With the second one radio in to the Secutary about one of the Lost child. He would then look up form his radio after a small chat "Looks like we are rounding up all the undocumented folks form the Nooob delegation and keeping them at their bunkhouse until this hole mess clears up"

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Panay Islands and Guimaras
Posts: 1542
Founded: Jun 02, 2024
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Postby Panay Islands and Guimaras » Sat Jan 25, 2025 5:42 pm

Penthe wrote:
Panay Islands and Guimaras wrote:An exclusive AeroPanay government jet came to the airport and lands on to the terminal.
"So this is Penthe, *migo?", says Minister Palomar.
"Yes, an industrial country that made its first cultural festival.", replied Minister Parojinog.
"A concrete jungle where the people of Penthe's dreams are made of, and of opportunity has been a thing for them."
"Minister Parojinog, and guards, *let's charge."
Then they packed the bags of the delegates and bring them to the carrier and then walked to the delegates of Penthe and its commission

*migo = a "casual" form of saying 'bro' or 'friend', just like 'wey' in Mexico.
*"a la carga" = another way of saying "vamos"/"vámonos" in Panay

Codsworth offered the two gentlemen a refined Penthean courtly bow, his usual amused smile firmly in place. "Greetings, Mr. Palomar and Mr. Parojinog. On behalf of Penthe, I welcome you. Personally, I trust you enjoyed the view of our lovely city from your jet."

His gaze briefly shifted to the aircraft behind them, a hint of concern crossing his expression. "I do hope your jet has been modified to handle our Arctic winter conditions. The last thing we’d want is for the engine block to crack due to fluids freezing and expanding." Returning his attention to the pair, Codsworth’s smile grew "If you’d like, I can arrange for some of our PDC contractors to give it a thorough inspection and make any necessary modifications. It would be our pleasure to assist."

The two gave the Chief Overseer a Tenegre, a Panayense native sword.
"Here's a tenegre. One of the swords used by the ancient Madja-as, now part of our cultural history.", says the Foreign Affairs Minister.
Then the Culture Minister gave the Chief Overseer a jersey from TIC 1, which the tapity team won 3rd place.
"Here's one of our teams that made us proud. The tapity team, just like our volleyball team, made 3rd place in the tournament.", says Culture Minister Parojinog.
"These gifts are a part of the Panayense history, hope you like it."

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Postby Arevala » Sat Jan 25, 2025 6:36 pm

Alianor and Crisanto

The Arevalans' royal airship puffed and puttered through the sky, belching out clouds of steam as it came in for a landing. Powered flight was a new thing for them. Balloons and gliders had existed for quite some time, but those small craft had no reliable way of changing directions mid-air, and were entirely at the mercy of the Gods for every journey ‒ many were lost or wrecked, never to return. That was until a visit to Nachtreich, a kingdom much bigger and more technologically advanced than theirs, from where the Arevalans obtained the knowledge of steam propulsion. While the combustion engine was widely viewed as a gimmick by her subjects, who preferred their traditional ways, the Queen who was known for her inventive streak and love of tinkering, immediately commissioned herself a personal train and airship, built upon this new steam technology. The latter, named the Pégaso (Pegasus), had the task of bringing them here today.

As they made their descent, Queen Alianor of Arevala and Crisanto Flores, Captain of the Royal Guard looked out of the stained glass windows in the wooden hull, at the frigid landscape below. It was negative 86 degrees outside, but neither of them felt the cold, as their ship was magically sealed from the elements. From what they saw, this foreign land was decidedly more industrialized and modern than their own, but similar to Nachtreich, with mechanical vehicles and contraptions everywhere in sight. It would've been best described as "steampunk", but that term hadn't been invented yet in Arevala. The Pégaso hovered over the landing pad, and a gangplank was lowered from the deck for the passengers to disembark. Rather than dressing in her usual attire (which tended to be on the revealing side), the Queen was wrapped up in a thick fur coat, hat and mittens ‒ not that it would've done much in this weather. The Captain was similarly outfitted, as were the two Arevalan Royal Guards following behind them. The guards were there just in case, but would mostly stay out of the picture otherwise.

Alianor, Crisanto and the royal guards made their way to the airlock, the latter two following at a distance. While no clothes in the Kingdom could protect against these conditions, all of them had drank a warmth potion, which would give them enough heat to reach the entrance and get inside.

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Posts: 106
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Right-wing Utopia

Postby Penthe » Sun Jan 26, 2025 9:40 am

Panay Islands and Guimaras wrote:
Penthe wrote:
Codsworth offered the two gentlemen a refined Penthean courtly bow, his usual amused smile firmly in place. "Greetings, Mr. Palomar and Mr. Parojinog. On behalf of Penthe, I welcome you. Personally, I trust you enjoyed the view of our lovely city from your jet."

His gaze briefly shifted to the aircraft behind them, a hint of concern crossing his expression. "I do hope your jet has been modified to handle our Arctic winter conditions. The last thing we’d want is for the engine block to crack due to fluids freezing and expanding." Returning his attention to the pair, Codsworth’s smile grew "If you’d like, I can arrange for some of our PDC contractors to give it a thorough inspection and make any necessary modifications. It would be our pleasure to assist."

The two gave the Chief Overseer a Tenegre, a Panayense native sword.
"Here's a tenegre. One of the swords used by the ancient Madja-as, now part of our cultural history.", says the Foreign Affairs Minister.
Then the Culture Minister gave the Chief Overseer a jersey from TIC 1, which the tapity team won 3rd place.
"Here's one of our teams that made us proud. The tapity team, just like our volleyball team, made 3rd place in the tournament.", says Culture Minister Parojinog.
"These gifts are a part of the Panayense history, hope you like it."

Codsworth accepted the gifts with care, examining them thoughtfully before addressing the two gentlemen. "Both I and Penthe are deeply honored by such generous and wondrous gifts. I assure you, your own accommodations have been prepared with equal care, and your gifts will be waiting for you there upon your arrival."

He offered a slightly deeper bow as a gesture of gratitude, attaching the blade and its holster to his belt. "Now, I won't keep you waiting in this cold. To access the airlock pull the left lever and simply step inside, but be prepared you'll be hit with a blast of hot air to clear off any frost or snow. Also, please mind the doors as they close."

Pausing for a moment, he continued, "Should you need it, we have Penthean Arctic wear available, as well as a bar and a dining area to warm up. If you prefer to head directly to your accommodations, a PDC infantryman or my secretary will be happy to escort you. Additionally, a bunkhouse is available should your guards require lodging." With a his constant smile, Codsworth stepped aside, motioning toward the airlock.

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Posts: 106
Founded: Dec 09, 2024
Right-wing Utopia

Postby Penthe » Sun Jan 26, 2025 10:08 am

Arevala wrote:Alianor and Crisanto

The Arevalans' royal airship puffed and puttered through the sky, belching out clouds of steam as it came in for a landing. Powered flight was a new thing for them. Balloons and gliders had existed for quite some time, but those small craft had no reliable way of changing directions mid-air, and were entirely at the mercy of the Gods for every journey ‒ many were lost or wrecked, never to return. That was until a visit to Nachtreich, a kingdom much bigger and more technologically advanced than theirs, from where the Arevalans obtained the knowledge of steam propulsion. While the combustion engine was widely viewed as a gimmick by her subjects, who preferred their traditional ways, the Queen who was known for her inventive streak and love of tinkering, immediately commissioned herself a personal train and airship, built upon this new steam technology. The latter, named the Pégaso (Pegasus), had the task of bringing them here today.

As they made their descent, Queen Alianor of Arevala and Crisanto Flores, Captain of the Royal Guard looked out of the stained glass windows in the wooden hull, at the frigid landscape below. It was negative 86 degrees outside, but neither of them felt the cold, as their ship was magically sealed from the elements. From what they saw, this foreign land was decidedly more industrialized and modern than their own, but similar to Nachtreich, with mechanical vehicles and contraptions everywhere in sight. It would've been best described as "steampunk", but that term hadn't been invented yet in Arevala. The Pégaso hovered over the landing pad, and a gangplank was lowered from the deck for the passengers to disembark. Rather than dressing in her usual attire (which tended to be on the revealing side), the Queen was wrapped up in a thick fur coat, hat and mittens ‒ not that it would've done much in this weather. The Captain was similarly outfitted, as were the two Arevalan Royal Guards following behind them. The guards were there just in case, but would mostly stay out of the picture otherwise.

Alianor, Crisanto and the royal guards made their way to the airlock, the latter two following at a distance. While no clothes in the Kingdom could protect against these conditions, all of them had drank a warmth potion, which would give them enough heat to reach the entrance and get inside.

Codsworth offered the delegation a refined Penthean courtly bow, his expression shifting from deeply amused to slightly worried as he took in their inadequate winter wear. "Your Highness, it seems your current attire might see you frozen solid at any moment. For your benefit, I’ll keep this initial greeting brief," he remarked with a faint chuckle. Pausing for a moment, he gestured toward the airlock. "To open it, simply pull the left lever, but do be mindful of the doors as they close behind you. One more thing once inside, you’ll be hit with a blast of hot air to remove any snow or frost clinging to you."

He glanced at the guards accompanying them. "For their comfort, we’ve prepared a bunkhouse where they can rest, and, of course, personal accommodations have been arranged for you and your Head of Royal Guard. Additionally, after passing through the airlock, you’ll find complimentary Penthean winter wear, as well as a bar and dining area should you need a place to warm up quickly." With that Codsworth would stepped aside with a worried smile.

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Posts: 106
Founded: Dec 09, 2024
Right-wing Utopia

Postby Penthe » Sun Jan 26, 2025 10:13 am

Codsworth would grab his Chronometer form his trench coat
before looking up at the Artic blizzarin skies "well a few more hours until the welcoming party" He would place the Chronometer back in his Coat pocket

(OOC: tonight or tomorrow is when the welcoming party shall Begin)
Last edited by Penthe on Sun Jan 26, 2025 10:14 am, edited 1 time in total.



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