The hum of industry echoed for miles beyond the megacity, mingling with the steady rhythm of workers and machinery. Smokestacks loomed against the icy horizon, their plumes cutting through the Arctic haze as factories pushed production to unprecedented levels. Construction reverberated throughout the city while songs and laughter spilled out from the streets, where festival preparations were in full swing. Blimps and towering automatons transported cargo and passengers alike, navigating the intricate labyrinth of Victorian Gothic structures that stretched deep into the mountains.
Chief Overseer Codsworth Iceblood strode through the hallway, his polished leather trench coat swaying with his steps. Behind him, his secretary, Issabelle, hustled to keep pace, her clipboard thick with papers clutched tightly in hand.
"Chief Overseer, sir, all preparations are complete," Issabelle began, scanning her notes. "And we've ensured vegetarian options are now available as well."
Codsworth paused momentarily, as he looked toward her before he resumed walking. "Good. Are the Arctic garments ready? And what is the latest on the weather?"
"Yes, sir," Issabelle replied quickly. "Currently, it's around -86°C with wind speeds reaching 124 miles per hour."
Codsworth grimaced slightly but allowed a hint of dry humor to slip through. "Let us hope our guests enjoy our charming weather."
Their conversation turned to the details of future affairs as they continued down a pathway that led to the airlock. Beyond it lay the loading and landing bay, reserved for VIPs and special visitors. After passing through, they stood waiting amid the howling winds and snow, prepared to welcome their esteemed guests.
The Sight That Greets You
The city rises from the Transantarctic Mountains, its stout, Gothic architecture clawing deep into the rock and stretching wide across the icy expanse. Smoke billows from towering chimneys and factories, disappearing into the endless Arctic blizzard. Massive three-story automatons on tripod legs scale the mountains and buildings with programmed precision, ferrying goods and personnel across the settlement, with blimps being seen doing the same. The streets pulse with vibrant lights and colors as the citizens finish up festival preparations. At the heart of it all stands the Mark II Generator, embedded within the central pit of the city, a testament to Pethean engineering. This generator powers the city and serves as the headquarters for the Chief Overseer's office and the Council of Specialists.
For those landing, Chief Overseer Codsworth Iceblood awaits on the wind-battered pad, his polished leather trench coat trimmed with gold and adorned with decorative insignia. His thick Arctic pants are tucked into knee-high black boots, and his graying hair, slicked back. His hands remain clasped behind his back.
(OOC link