<using GA#8 and GA#767 to help make this agreeable to a majority of nations (not copying it just finding what issues were present)>
<draft 1 is deleted and voided... for reasons seen in the first few messages>
<draft on full hold due to another proposal on the racks and hope it doesn't get passed and then there has to be work arounds or full abandonment for another day>
<Draft 2# (or 1# if your gonna be technical with it)>
The World Assembly,
After the repeal of GA#8 by GA#767 and destruction of the now burning and mob caused chaos of the now defunct WA Headquarters and now our delegates are unable to effectively communicate between on and other face to face and need a place of refuge and communication;
Applauding the new diplomatic efforts to keep solidarity of the world forum known as the the World Assembly;
Stressing the need for communication between nations to occur face to face effectively.
Establishes the The WA Modular Headquarters Facility (WAHQ) *Building code?*, Which will:
1.Must construct and maintain a string of connected buildings that house ambassadors, diplomats, the discussion chamber, the gift shop and museum where some of the funding will come fittingly named the "Museum of Nations", Multiple tunnels entry for evacuation, and a good size plaza, and a parking complex.a. The ambassador and diplomat buildings should be separate.
2. The location can be moved if the general assembly sees fit by resolution, although it's default location is the old repealed WA headquarters established in GA#8 within a year of a location not officially stated if a resolution that moved it is repealed. Although the default location can be moved by a resolution.
b. The voting chamber be sizeable for more ambassadors, diplomats, and leaders.
c. The Gift shop and museum be on the opposite side of the plaza.
d. The parking complex should be next to the gift shop and museum.
e. Ambassadors and diplomats have the right for housing close to the HQ
f. Manitory inspection for renovations every 5 years.
Declares that the Ambassador building will not be under fees but will be funded by the voluntary or mandatory if needed; donations to the WA Assembly from nations.
Declares the resolution can have future additions through future resolutions for maximum adaptability for future nations.