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Postby Darkmania » Fri Jan 24, 2025 10:20 am



Hello, and welcome to the 2nd IBA Football Champions League signup thread. In a world increasingly divided, we all come together for a huge international football (also called "soccer") club tournament. Regardless of whether your team is the most winning team in your domestic league or just a bunch of amateurs who just have time to kick a ball, you are welcome here as long as you are a member of the IBA at the time of this thread going up.

Compiled at 24th January 2025 at around 18.00 CET.
This lists the main nations in alphabetical order, with their puppets in brackets.

  1. 7 Trees
  2. A familys nation
  3. Achaean Republic
  4. Adab (Faraby)
  5. Aenglide (Terra-Zealandia)
  6. Aeragny
  7. Aichoghnu
  8. The Aituia
  9. Alcona and Hubris
  10. Alezian Union
  11. A m e n r ia
  12. American Pere Housh
  13. Anollasia
  14. The Aquaria
  15. Ardsk
  16. Arjunnagar
  17. Auphelia
  18. Aursi
  19. Avinis
  20. Axuva
  21. Balkanic Federation
  22. Bayi
  23. Berusturg
  24. Besen
  25. Bogestan
  26. Kingdom of Bornai
  27. Brelve
  28. Britonisea
  29. Brookstation
  30. Cabo Azure
  31. Kingdom of Castille
  32. Carrelie (CarellieMetras)
  33. Spiritual Republic of Caryton
  34. Ceni
  35. Continental Free States
  36. The Cordian Isles
  37. Countesia
  38. Crpostran
  39. Daphomir
  40. Darkmania (GeugistanVartugia)
  41. Dexterra
  42. Diarcesia (Dyrrhonian IslesWochaystein)
  43. Djeusland
  44. Drongonia
  45. Elbailand
  46. Electrum
  47. Elejamie (Placely Placington)
  48. Epic bannana
  49. Erie-Arcadia of Wombats
  50. The Erishlands
  51. Ertzei Kishim
  52. Estebere
  53. Ethane
  54. Equai
  55. Filonian State
  56. Fishelle
  57. Furballland (BrodhavanCanguta666 in RobloxCUTE PANDASSSSSSSSSSSSEnthiseaFurballand-Leeyane)
  58. The Frozen Forest
  59. Galimencia
  60. Gallicelestia
  61. Gonswanza
  62. Great Britain and Irelandia
  63. Greater British Isles
  64. Greater Kastovia
  65. Guadalupador
  66. Hafamarimyht (BrulicsaYarmatia)
  67. Hakushiya
  68. The Hanoverian Rhineland
  69. Harry Islands
  70. Hintuwan
  71. Hussija
  72. Iaepatius
  73. Ikheria
  74. Illdonya (Robloxian RobloxiaWE-ARE-DICE-land)
  75. The Imagination Animals
  76. Indo States (Rioghachd na Strechlledh)
  77. Indusse
  78. The Island of the Roses
  79. Izern
  80. Japuile
  81. Jencilland
  82. Johto and Hoenn
  83. The Jovannic
  84. The Jugoslavs
  85. Kalosia
  86. Kanmer
  87. Kannap
  88. Katinea
  89. Kergstan
  90. Kinqueven
  91. Kitten Cat
  92. Ko-oren
  93. Kriegiersien
  94. Krytenia
  95. Lancov
  96. Lemueria
  97. Leskya
  98. Llalta
  99. Macbon
  100. Madrinpoor
  101. Makko Oko
  102. Malta Comino Gozo
  103. Maraonia (Lavonia)
  104. Marissolia
  105. Mother CupcakKe
  106. Mughal Chads
  107. Nacrad
  108. Nairschael
  109. Natanya (Teesdexxia)
  110. Naui Tu
  111. Nerriat
  112. -Nihon-
  113. Noristoniaka
  114. Normastan
  115. Norskjavik
  116. Northern Dosletofe
  117. Oateria
  118. The Omahan States
  119. Orcuo
  120. Osonde
  121. Associated Localities of Palamosa County
  122. Petroli
  123. Plangainer
  124. Polkopia
  125. Pozhnetsia
  126. Quebec and Shingoryeo
  127. Raspotochje
  128. Republic Phoenix
  129. Rugenia
  130. Rusrunia
  131. Saint-Jean-Jacques et Burnham-on-Stove (Burnham-on-StoveIle de RichelieuSaint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer)
  132. Saint Monkey
  133. Samudera Darussalam
  134. Sarawak Darulhana
  135. Schwyzeln
  136. Scotatrova
  137. Sherpus
  138. South Batoko
  139. South Olpen
  140. Squarelandiuh
  141. Squidroidia
  142. StrayaRoos (StrayaRoos Barrier Islands)
  143. Sum Tash
  144. Syrche
  145. Telbnis
  146. Thermodolia
  147. Tiraskania
  148. Todlichebujoku
  149. Togonistan (CleacaKalmarlundKassegrochia)
  150. Tri Ann
  151. Tummylandia and Susistan
  152. Ugunnustan
  153. United Mandaran States (Acastanha)
  154. Uskad
  155. Uthossia
  156. Vilwandia
  157. Vyktoria
  158. Waisnor
  159. Wazekia
  160. Yasquia
  161. Zeleniya

Having a puppet who is also a member of the IBA? You are permitted to sign up all of them as long as they are all members of the IBA. You can submit up to 4 teams per nation (regardless if it's a master or a puppet), and a hard limit of 10 teams per user (a master nation and a few puppets combined). Teams who play in multinational leagues are permitted, but please specify where they are located in your lore for puppet-counting reasons.

Because I don’t wanna be overwhelmed with many teams, a hard limit of a total of 192 teams will be set. But we can go ahead with fewer teams, last FCL had 132 teams taking part.

This tournament will be divided into three phases. These phases have been named “Seeding”, “Qualification” and “Cup”.

To make sure that each team will have a skill level, a pre-qualification tournament called “Seeding” will be held. No teams will be eliminated during this phase, this phase is to set skill levels for each competing team. All matchdays for 1 Seeding group will be presented by the same date. Note that each seeding groups will be done based on nationality for each group. Darkmania will mainly scorinate this phase.

After all teams have gotten a useful skill level, it’s time to get rolling. Each team, now with a skill level, will play in round robin in groups on a home and away basis, meeting each team twice in each team's home venue in your nation. How big each group is depends on the total number of signed-up teams. When all matches have been concluded, 32 teams will qualify to the Cup, where the prestigious part takes part.

The main scorinators for the Qualification phase will be done by yours truly, Darkmania, using xkoroante with “NSFS” formula with skill ranking and style mods, ranging from -5 to +5. Darkmania has hosted a few IBA Championships events, aswell as the 21st Junior World Cup in ice hockey. His partner in crime will be revaled in due time.

The 32 best clubs who have qualified will meet each other in a designated host country (or countries) where in the end one team will lift the trophy. This will be in a typical 32-team tournament format. 8 groups containing 4 teams each meet each other once. After the group play, we enter the knockout phase starting with the creatingly named "Round of 16" where the best 16 teams fight for 8 spaces in the quarter-final. Only the 8 winners from the Ro16 advance to the QF. We also have a semi-final and then the medal finals, containing a 3rd place playoff and then the Grand Final. Two teams will duke it out and it's here the winner will be crowned.

If you want to host the Cup, feel free to place a bid here. You must be a member of the IBA, have a good knowledge of your scorination-program of your choice, and must also have hosted at least some sporting events, domestic or (ideally) international. If no bids are presented, I will be hosting the Cup myself, using the same method as provided during the Qualification Phase


The cutoff for the Qualification Phase happens at around 21.00 CET. Results will come in due time, as provided by the Qualification host, Darkmania.
No hard dates have been set as of the presentation of this, but I hope to get the Qualification done by Easter.

The list below is of all 60 football teams that have signed up as of 05th February.

FC Örkendrem 97 (Darkmania)
Cäer FC (Darkmania)
Röyel Säermak (Darkmania)
Järn Jëlsmärke (Darkmania)
RiggedTeamFC (Vartugia)
FootballTeam1337 (Vart5ugia)
Monak (Geugistan)
Alesa (Geugistan)
Fonera (Geugistan)
Pemina 1989 (Geugistan)
Crpostown City F.C (Crpostran)
Brugstadt United (Crpostran)
Belport Blasters (Crpostran)
Athletico Montelago F.C (Crpostran)
Rey Utarwalin (Kanmer)
Spartak Nirsen (Kanmer)
Dementer (Kanmer)
Madasen (Kanmer)
Esrille Town (Beepee)
Wilbur Force (Beepee)
CSU Tigers (Beepee)
Sepe Region (Beepee)
C.D. Sagrado Corazon (Saint-Jean-Jacques-et-Burnham-on-Stove)
Club National (Saint-Jean-Jacques-et-Burnham-on-Stove)
West Burnham United F.C. (Saint-Jean-Jacques-et-Burnham-on-Stove)
Viking FK Hammerfest (Île de Richelieu)
FC Baspink (Hafamarimët)
Sučavjë Speed (Hafamarimët)
FC Zavanjë (Hafamarimët)
FC Bundič (Hafamarimët)
Bazsara FC (Brulicsa)
Szalics City (Brulicsa)
Veszerhalj-Recs (Brulicsa)
Outer Szalics FC (Brulicsa)
Lada Kirovski (Polkopia)
FK Valinkova (Polkopia)
Peeto Gordost' (Polkopia)
Olympik Restnov (Polkopia)
SC Wanyen (Hakushiya)
SC Siuhong (Hakushiya)
SC Nobata (Hakushiya)
SC Nordenbourg (Hakushiya)
Gazovik (Waisnor)
Drivyatich (Waisnor)
Kolos (Waisnor)
Zinemar FC (Sherpus)
Athletic Napoli (Sherpus)
SC Xenia (Sherpus)
Metropolitan Zafizamarrah FC (Alezian Union)
Doorsbreekenstad Voetbal Unie (Alezian Union)
Persatuan Sepakbola Bragan Timur (Alezian Union)
Victoria Piers FC (Alezian Union)
Athlétique Nationalé (Britonisea)
Aysean CF (Britonisea)
Norwaege Campifut (Britonisea)
Alshkan Futballen (Britonisea)
Maltern United (Epic Bannana)
Dalton City (Epic Bannana)
Northern Islands University FC (Epic Bannana)
Bungton Town (Epic Bannana)

The list below is all interested nations who have bidded to host the Cup as of 05th February.

Darkmania, as a failsafe

Code: Select all
[box][align=center][size=150][b][color=#32CD32]IBA FOOTBALL CHAMPIONS LEAUGE SIGNUP[/color][/b][/size][/align][hr][/hr]
[b]Nation Name:[/b]
[b]IBA Broadcaster for Event:[/b]

[b]Your Teams:[/b]
[i]Please rank your teams from the best to the fourth best in your nation. You can sign up to 4 teams, but you can sign up less teams[/i]
1. @TEAM@
2. @TEAM@
3. @TEAM@
4. @TEAM@

Are you a puppet of another nation signed up
[] YES, my main nation is: (NAME HERE)
[] NO[/box]

Last edited by Darkmania on Wed Feb 05, 2025 10:50 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby Crpostran » Fri Jan 24, 2025 10:30 am


Nation Name: Crpostran
IBA Broadcaster for Event: Crpostranian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)

Your Teams:
Please rank your teams from the best to the fourth best in your nation. You can sign up to 4 teams, but you can sign up less teams
1. Crpostown City F.C
2. Brugstadt United
3. Belport Blasters
4. Athletico Montelago F.C

Are you a puppet of another nation signed up
[] YES, my main nation is:
[*] NO
The Karmic Republic of Crpostran - The Heart of Karma
Capital City: Crpostown Trigramme: CRN Demonym: Crpostranian
A proud member of Karma!
Want more info?

user pronouns: he/him

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Corporate Police State

Postby Kanmer » Fri Jan 24, 2025 1:28 pm


Nation Name: Kanmer
IBA Broadcaster for Event: National Imperial Radiotelekom (NIRK)

Your Teams:
Please rank your teams from the best to the fourth best in your nation. You can sign up to 4 teams, but you can sign up less teams
1. Rey Utarwalin
2. Spartak Nirsen
3. Dementer
4. Madasen

Are you a puppet of another nation signed up
[] YES
[x] NO
Last edited by Kanmer on Fri Jan 24, 2025 1:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
IMPERIAL WEATHER FOR 25.01:  Awenir: -9/-15, clear. Reylin: -2/-5, partly cloudy, snow. Winar: -7/-12, overcast.

ǐ č ç ň ȟ ѣ ѩ

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Posts: 668
Founded: Jan 20, 2018
Democratic Socialists

Postby Beepee » Fri Jan 24, 2025 3:48 pm


Nation Name: Beepee
IBA Broadcaster for Event: Beepeean Occasional News Corporation [BONC]

Your Teams:
Please rank your teams from the best to the fourth best in your nation. You can sign up to 4 teams, but you can sign up less teams
1. Esrille Town
2. Wilbur Force
3. CSU Tigers
4. Sepe Region

Are you a puppet of another nation signed up
[] YES, my main nation is:
[X] NO

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Saint-Jean-Jacques et Burnham-on-Stove
Posts: 156
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Corrupt Dictatorship

Postby Saint-Jean-Jacques et Burnham-on-Stove » Sat Jan 25, 2025 3:49 am


Nation Name: Saint-Jean-Jacques-et-Burnham-on-Stove
IBA Broadcaster for Event: Jean-Jacques Sports (Saint-Jean-Jacques-sur-Mer) and Burnhamese Broadcasting Service (Burnham-on-Stove)

Your Teams:
Please rank your teams from the best to the fourth best in your nation. You can sign up to 4 teams, but you can sign up less teams
1. C.D. Sagrado Corazon
2. Club National
3. West Burnham United F.C.

Are you a puppet of another nation signed up
[] YES, my main nation is: (NAME HERE)
[X] NO we are the master!!!

Champions: Not yet
2nd Place: WJHC 21, International Baseball Slam XX

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Ile de Richelieu
Posts: 127
Founded: Sep 11, 2022
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Ile de Richelieu » Sat Jan 25, 2025 3:55 am


Nation Name: Île de Richelieu
IBA Broadcaster for Event: TVRichelieu

Your Teams:
Please rank your teams from the best to the fourth best in your nation. You can sign up to 4 teams, but you can sign up less teams
4. Viking FK Hammerfest

Are you a puppet of another nation signed up
[X] YES, my main nation is: Saint-Jean-Jacques-et-Burnham-on-Stove
[] NO

I know I can add 4 teams per nations but just 3 from one and another team from the other nation is ok for me.
Puppet of United States of Nova Calania / Saint-Jean-Jacques et Burnham-on-Stove

KPB rank: 70th

1st place: Jenna Raven Cup IV

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The Republic of the United Marble Tribes
Political Columnist
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Founded: Jan 25, 2025
Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby The Republic of the United Marble Tribes » Sat Jan 25, 2025 4:09 am

2nd IBA Football Championships League:

Nation: The Republic of the United Marbleland Tribes

Teams Joining:
1.Lockwood United FC
2.Riverside Tigers FC
3.Hasbel City FC
4.BrownWood United FC
Last edited by The Republic of the United Marble Tribes on Sat Jan 25, 2025 4:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Left-Leaning College State

Postby Darkmania » Sat Jan 25, 2025 6:13 am


Nation Name: Darkmania
IBA Broadcaster for Event: DäTV

Your Teams:
Please rank your teams from the best to the fourth best in your nation. You can sign up to 4 teams, but you can sign up less teams
1. FC Örkendrem 97
2. Cäer FC
3. Röyel Säermak
4. Järn Jëlsmarke

Are you a puppet of another nation signed up
[] YES, my main nation is: (NAME HERE)
[x] NO
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Iron Fist Consumerists

Postby Vartugia » Sat Jan 25, 2025 6:22 am


Nation Name:Vartugia
IBA Broadcaster for Event:VBC

Your Teams:
Please rank your teams from the best to the fourth best in your nation. You can sign up to 4 teams, but you can sign up less teams
1. RiggedTeamFC
2. FootballTeam1337

Are you a puppet of another nation signed up
[x] YES, my main nation is: Darkmania
[] NO
Puppet of Darkmania

You are reading this signature, didn't you? If so, then have a nice day, and may whatever you believe in bless you.

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Civil Servant
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Capitalist Paradise

Postby Geugistan » Sat Jan 25, 2025 6:26 am


Nation Name:Geugistan
IBA Broadcaster for Event:GBC

Your Teams:
Please rank your teams from the best to the fourth best in your nation. You can sign up to 4 teams, but you can sign up less teams
1. Monak
2. Alesa
3. Fonera
4. Pemina 1989

Are you a puppet of another nation signed up
[x] YES, my main nation is: Darkmania
[] NO
Puppet of Darkmania

Geugistan is a vast country with only 15 million inhabitants, ruled under queen Alishe IV (4 in roman numerals), and is seen as a diverse country with 48,9% being Eastern Orthodox Christians and 47,6% being Shia Muslims.

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Left-Leaning College State

Postby Darkmania » Sat Jan 25, 2025 11:03 am

Apart from The Republic of the United Marble Tribes, who is rejected for not being a member of the IBA, all other teams have been added as of this post.
Last edited by Darkmania on Sat Jan 25, 2025 11:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Scandinavian Liberal Paradise

Postby Hafamarimyht » Sun Jan 26, 2025 3:06 pm


Nation Name: Hafamarimët
IBA Broadcaster for Event: TVH

Your Teams:
Please rank your teams from the best to the fourth best in your nation. You can sign up to 4 teams, but you can sign up less teams
1. FC Baspink
2. Sučavjë Speed
3. FC Zavanjë
4. FC Bundič

Are you a puppet of another nation signed up
[] YES, my main nation is: (NAME HERE)
[X] NO
IBA Council Member (Arts & Culture)

WV19: 23rd (27pts)
WV24: 34th (9pts)
WV26: 34th (28 pts)
WV27: 31st (27 pts)
WV28: 28th (21 pts)
WV30: 18th (39 pts)
WV34: DQ
WV82: 24th (18 pts)
WV86: 21st (99pts)
WV87: 9th (160pts)
WV88: 19th (121pts)
WV90: 26th (81pts)
WV91: 15th (117pts)
WV96: 17th (134pts)
WV99: 11th (158pts)
WV100: 16th in SF/DNQ
WV109: 18th (71pts)
WV110: 8th (156pts)
WV111: 7th (196pts)
WV112: 8th (146pts)
WV115: 10th (125pts)
WV116: 7th (162pts)
WV118: 10th (133pts)

WHF5: 8th (16pts)
WHF11: 22nd (3pts)
WHF13: 24th (5pts)
WHF56: 20th (6pts)
WHF57: 8th (18pts)
WHF59: 10th (13pts)
WHF73: 2nd (22pts)
WHF74 (HOST): 5th (11pts)
WHF75: 5th (19pts)
WHF77: 5th (12pts)

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Posts: 21
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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Brulicsa » Sun Jan 26, 2025 3:13 pm


Nation Name: Brulicsa
IBA Broadcaster for Event: Telewizja Brulicsane (TWB)

Your Teams:
Please rank your teams from the best to the fourth best in your nation. You can sign up to 4 teams, but you can sign up less teams
1. Bazsara FC
2. Szalics City
3. Veszerhalj-Recs
4. Outer Szalics FC

Are you a puppet of another nation signed up
[X] YES, my main nation is: Hafamarimët
[] NO
Last edited by Brulicsa on Thu Feb 06, 2025 11:42 pm, edited 3 times in total.
WV23: Dvoszab Se Ljuwa Tol Tije, by Velna Szamolowa - 26th (30 points)
WHF10: Valjodza, by Velna Szamolowa - 18th (6 points)

Puppet of Hafamarimyht

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Iron Fist Consumerists

Postby Polkopia » Sun Jan 26, 2025 6:19 pm


Nation Name: Polkopia
IBA Broadcaster for Event: PNB

Your Teams:
Please rank your teams from the best to the fourth best in your nation. You can sign up to 4 teams, but you can sign up less teams
1. Lada Kirovski
2. FK Valinkova
3. Peeto Gordost'
4. Olympik Restnov

Are you a puppet of another nation signed up
[] YES, my main nation is:
[x] NO
Anthem (Instrumental) Factbook Embassy
Check out the Polkopian Premier League

1st place: 8 Times (WV25, WV30, WV35 WV39, WV44, WV48, WV50, WV75)
2nd place: 2 Times (WV26, WV34)
3rd place (8 Times: WV27, WV31, WV32, WV37, WV54, WV59, WV70, WV72)

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Posts: 140
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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Hakushiya » Sun Jan 26, 2025 9:51 pm


Nation Name: Hakushiya
IBA Broadcaster for Event: Hakushiyan Digital Broadcasting (HOI)

Your Teams:
Please rank your teams from the best to the fourth best in your nation. You can sign up to 4 teams, but you can sign up less teams
1. SC Wanyen
2. SC Siuhong
3. SC Nobata
4. SC Nordenbourg

Are you a puppet of another nation signed up
[] YES, my main nation is: (NAME HERE)
[X] NO
Last edited by Hakushiya on Sun Jan 26, 2025 10:20 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Hakushiya (MT/PMT) = new main of the player who used to be behind Rhim Flavezztowland

Oreo City 86: 23rd (1st debut as RF)
Peeto 87: 30th (as RF)
Flav City 88: 10th (1st hosting as RF)
Auszer 89: DNF (withdrew)
Avon 90: DNF (withdrew)
Haufenburg 91: 13th (as RF)
Anyme 92: 18th (as RF)
Puerto Ambar 112: 16th (2nd debut as Hakushiya)
Light City 113: TBA

(locks all NS stats in a dungeon | player pronouns: he/they)
#eurovision #britpop #asianpop #gachacore

and I~ begin to wonder~
signed, [REDACTED]

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Posts: 577
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Scandinavian Liberal Paradise

Postby Waisnor » Wed Jan 29, 2025 4:37 am


Nation Name: Waisnor
IBA Broadcaster for Event: Waisnorian Broadcasting Corporation

Your Teams:
Please rank your teams from the best to the fourth best in your nation. You can sign up to 4 teams, but you can sign up less teams
1. Gazovik
2. Drivyatich
3. Kolos

Are you a puppet of another nation signed up
[] YES, my main nation is: (NAME HERE)
[x] NO
81 = 18th/34
82 = 22nd/31
83 = 27th/41
84 = 15th/27
85 = 20th/28
86 = 14th/32
87 = 14th/36
88 = 24th/32
89 = 16th/37
90 = 8th/35
91 = 9th/30
92 = 8th/29
93 = 4th/25
94 = 14th/28
95 = 15th/27
96 = 8th/34
97 = 6th/25
98 = 23rd/31
99 = 6th/38
100 = 12th/51
101 = 24th/32
102 = 10th/30
103 = 2nd/26
104 = 11th/26
105 = 6th/31
106 = 5th/25
107 = 21st/37
108 = 9th/32
109 = 11th/21
110 = 14th/27
111 = 5th/29
112 = 7th/25
113 = 7th/24
114 = 12th/20
115 = 6th/25
116 = 6th/21
117 = 13th/26
118 = 11th/25

51 = 10th/20
52 = 19th/24
53 = 11th in the semifinal/33

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Posts: 543
Founded: Mar 05, 2023
Father Knows Best State

Postby Sherpus » Wed Jan 29, 2025 12:09 pm


Nation Name: Sherpus
IBA Broadcaster for Event: Sherpus National 1

Your Teams:
Please rank your teams from the best to the fourth best in your nation. You can sign up to 4 teams, but you can sign up less teams
1. Zinemar FC
2. Athletic Napoli
3. SC Xenia

Are you a puppet of another nation signed up
[] YES, my main nation is: (NAME HERE)
[X] NO
Last edited by Sherpus on Wed Jan 29, 2025 12:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
2x NationVision Champion - NationVision 12, 32
A Class 0.167 civilization according to this index
Ranks 91.4 on the International Safety Index Absolutely Safe (90 - 100)
Ranks 95.0 on the International Corruption Index Not corrupt (90 - 100)
He/Him, Cis male, becoming active on F7, autistic, hates Charlotte (TG me if you wanna know), depressed, chronically online, One Detroit, One Pride
NS Stats are not canon.

NationVision Official Member (NV11 - )

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Postby Darkmania » Thu Jan 30, 2025 10:13 am

All signups are now up to date. 48 teams(and counting) as of this post.
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Alezian Union
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Scandinavian Liberal Paradise

Postby Alezian Union » Sun Feb 02, 2025 11:00 pm


Nation Name: Alezian Union
IBA Broadcaster for Event: Alezian Broadcasting Authority (ABA)

Your Teams:
Please rank your teams from the best to the fourth best in your nation. You can sign up to 4 teams, but you can sign up less teams
1. Metropolitan Zafizamarrah FC (MZF)
2. Doorsbreekenstad Voetbal Unie (DVU)
3. Persatuan Sepakbola Bragan Timur (Persebrati)
4. Victoria Piers FC (VPR)

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Last edited by Alezian Union on Sun Feb 02, 2025 11:01 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Waisnor / Malta Comino Gozo / Carrelie / ALEZIAN UNION

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Postby Britonisea » Mon Feb 03, 2025 5:52 am


Nation Name: Britonisea
IBA Broadcaster for Event: BTVB (Britonish Television Board)

Your Teams:
Please rank your teams from the best to the fourth best in your nation. You can sign up to 4 teams, but you can sign up less teams
1. Athlétique Nationalé (IBACL Quarters 2021)
2. Aysean CF (2023 national league winners)
3. Norwaege Campifut (2024 national league runnerup)
4. Alshkan Futballen (2024 national league winners)

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Rexubliqué Univexserellué de Brityunik #BRI
Follow Britonish Television on Twitter: TVBBritonisea
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1st - 154 points - WV81
1st - 139 points - WV47
1st - 138 points - WV99 (258 J+T)
1st - 134 points - WV87 (242 J+T)
1st - 132 points - WV73
1st - 117 points - WV64
1st - 113 points - WV41
1st - 98 points - WV63

World Hit Festival Top 10 | World Hit Festival Factbook
1st - 51 points - WHF50
1st - 42 points - WHF59
1st - 38 points - WHF52
1st - 34 points - WHF42
1st - 34 points - WHF48
1st - 33 points - WHF68
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Epic bannana
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Postby Epic bannana » Tue Feb 04, 2025 12:15 pm


Nation Name: Epic Bannana
IBA Broadcaster for Event: EBBC

Your Teams:
Please rank your teams from the best to the fourth best in your nation. You can sign up to 4 teams, but you can sign up less teams
1. Maltern United
2. Dalton City
3. Northern Islands University FC
4. Bungton town (Formerly southern islands fc)

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Postby Darkmania » Wed Feb 05, 2025 10:51 am

OP updated with 60 teams.
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Inoffensive Centrist Democracy

Postby Macbon » Thu Feb 06, 2025 3:05 pm


Nation Name: Macbon
IBA Broadcaster for Event: Radiotelevisione Macbonica (MRT)

Your Teams:
Please rank your teams from the best to the fourth best in your nation. You can sign up to 4 teams, but you can sign up less teams
1. SS Vitelogna
2. Inter Pimo
3. Superestrella Dicastillo
4. AS Pevara

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[] YES, my main nation is: (NAME HERE)
[*] NO


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