The Sovereign Six
Institutional Health of the World Assembly
All our regions have a deep commitment to the success and stability of the World Assembly. We are active participants in the voting process, and the combined authorship boasted by members of each of the signing parties to this statement is prolific, to put it lightly.
Given this compassion for the health of the World Assembly, it pains us to say that the General Assembly is in a sorry state of affairs. For some time, there has been a custom of bureaucratic overreach that strangles the institution and a culture of hostility that makes reformation efforts increasingly difficult. A small pool of authors continuously advance increasingly trivial and frivolous proposals, subjecting thousands of nations to their regulations for no real reason. Examples of this include the regrettably extant In-Ovo Sexing of Chicks and Emergency Broadcasting Standards, as well as the thankfully repealed World Assembly Official Merchandise and Contact Rights Between Parent and Child. This cannot continue to stand. One of these was repealed a mere five days later, suggesting a shortsighted and badge-printing approach to the General Assembly by these authors.
As a result of this dilemma, we are increasingly drawn toward protecting our citizens and residents from this unseemliness. Our regions are committed to a reduction in intensely niche, frivolous legislation, and a return to quality-based legislation in the General Assembly. This does not mean a universal opposition to new resolutions, nor a guaranteed support of any given repeal. Rather, we must deeply consider the consequences this chaos and tyranny imposes on our member nations and their sovereignty when making regional voting decisions and campaign calculations.
To this end, we declare the priority of the regional unit. The concept of regional interest is most associated with the Security Council, but we believe it encompasses both chambers. It is the duty of the sitting Delegate in a region, however they are selected, to represent the community’s concerns. It may well be in a region’s interest to support an allied author in resisting a repeal, for example. With that said, the impingement on the rights of any nation is an encroachment on the regional unit at large, and the Delegate has a duty to mitigate these overreaches. Further, the position of the Delegate must be respected as the earnest and legitimate position of the community they represent. Internal matters within regions are best resolved among compatriots, without the interference of General Assembly politicians and provocateurs.
An expected rebuttal is that membership in the World Assembly is consensual, but this is only true on the most shallow level. To seriously administer a region—to develop a growing community—requires the encouragement of membership in the World Assembly. For Game-Created Regions and Frontiers in particular, the Delegate is the sole authority recognized by the powers that be in the universe. Therefore, our relationship with the World Assembly is one of necessity for the very safety of our communities, and one we treat with the utmost weight as a result.
Repeal “World Assembly Headquarters” has passed, and its landslide victory represents a critical inflection point in the sovereigntist movement. We cannot forsake this momentum, and we will not stop here. The mandate provided to us by this margin of victory demands continued efforts to improve the state of the General Assembly, and we intend to rise to that duty for the betterment of all nations.
Fujai, World Assembly Delegate

Overthinkers, Minister of World Assembly Recruitment (WAR)

Varanius, Minister of Foreign Affairs

The Plains of Perdition
Rhaza, WA Delegate & Primarch

Nolrem, Chancellor

Holy Flame, Minister of Foreign Affairs

Saint Asperes, WA Envoy

The League & Concord
Anjan Kloss / Narkina, Chief Consul of the Republic

Spode Humbled Minions / Mechanocracy, Consul of the Republic & WA Delegate

Gagium, Consul of the Republic & WA Delegate

Moukden and Kirin, High Overseer

Frailty, the Concierge

The Horkish People, Overseer of Foreign Affairs

The Outback
Walkabout, World Assembly Delegate of the Outback

Wauka Mountain, Governor of Home Affairs

Badger, Governor of World Assembly Relations

The Augustin Alliance
Emiline, Allied Commander of the Alliance

Rei, Defense Officer of the Alliance